#oc: erin james
koifly · 2 months
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Toby visiting James for absolutely no reason other than bothering him.
They're such losers wtf.
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shinobi-illuminator · 4 months
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Cursed Child redo
Just started over from scratch since our new bad guys are from the Lovecraftian school Miskatonic in the US. Plus, give us some Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff rep!
James Sirius Potter: Eldest son of Harry and Ginny. A braggart who is proud of the legacy he holds and wants to be the best-- especially in Quidditch! As a result he assumes the other houses are not the best and he picks on others like Albus and Scorpius. As a result of this bullying, Albus lashed out and cursed off his eye. Harry was furious, but Albus narrowly escaped getting expelled and was punished through alternative means. James was beside himself, he wasn't always like this. A combination of pressure to be perfect and his closeted homosexuality were something that was weighing heavily on him. Then his father went on a mission to the US to uncover the secrets to a strange school called Miskatonic University where allegedly students of a wizard or muggle background were enlisted together. But something wasn't right, students and aurors alike were going missing.... and Harry Potter hasn't returned either. James enlisted himself under Ilvermorny's exchange program in hopes of finding his father. However the cocky Gryiffindor was going to be in for something much bigger than mere kidnappings.
Albus Severus Potter: Middle child of the Potter family. Albus was worried about what house he'd be sorted into. Gryffindor or Slytherin. But the hat noticed how much the young boy would over think about everything and spat him out in Ravenclaw. Albus was stunned and felt unsure, nothing was going to plan and he worried if something was wrong. Feeling lost too he befriended Scorpius Malfoy. Despite their families complicated history he found Scorpius to be a good emotional rock in his life while they both related to things not going to plan. Eventually they embraced their house despite the earfuls they got from their families. One day Albus had heard about a portrait that was left empty. That portrait was of Severus Snape, dubbed hero of Hogwarts much like Dumbledore and immortalized. His painting was supposed to be a sign of good luck now that the curse on Defense Against the Dark Arts class was lifted. Feeling the need to meet one of his namesakes he tested fate and introduced himself to the painting hoping Snape would appear. At first he was disappointed and was about to leave when suddenly a voice told him to stay put. Snape finally came into his frame. He was amused that Harry had named one of his sons after him, even with a middle name. Albus would confide in Snape's portrait and share his thoughts and troubles to him. In time he saw Snape more like a father than Harry. He was easier to talk to and relate to. He battled with worries that he wasn't living up to his father's expectations. Snape softened up around him and would give him words of encouragement, especially after he accidentally cursed off Jame's eye. As soon as his father went missing-- followed by his brother, Albus felt the need to rescue them both to prove himself. But he would not be going alone.
Lily Luna Potter (Lily-lu for short): The youngest of the Potter family. Taking after her granny, Lily loves to make friends and saw the good in just about everyone she meets. Her best friend being the demi-giant Hibiscus Hagrid. At home she acts as the peacemaker to try and sooth the heavy arguments James and Ablus get into. The results are mixed, given that she's the youngest and seldom anyone listens to the youngest of the family. That is until she plays her wizard lute. She quickly found she had a talent for music and this would make everyone in the room feel better. She can't stand conflict and feels music helps a lot. With her brothers going abroad to find their father she and her friends are now faced with the equally scary task of uncovering students from the US trying to body snatch hogwarts students.
Teddy Lupin: So of the late Remus Lupin and Tonks. Godson to the potters. In his youth he'd frequent between his grandma's domain and the Potters. Until his grandma's untimely death, Harry and Ginny took Teddy as their own. He became a sort of foster big brother to James, Albus, and Lily. He was chill and liked making others laugh, but he knew how to settle conflicts over a nice batch of chocolate. He graduated from Hogwarts and is now the head of Hufflepuff house acting as a TA for the new Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Trocar the vampire. During his time at Hogwarts he fell in love with Victoire and upon graduation they're now engaged to be married soon.
Hibiscus Hagrid: Daughter of Rubeus Hagrid and Olympe Maxine. The two half giants were on and off again until after the conflict of the wizarding war blew over and they got married. Hibiscus was one of the only half giant students going to Hogwarts. Her mother would fly back to France for her school and Hagrid would still tend to the beasts on the castle grounds. Hibiscus like her papa loved animals. When trying to find a familiar she couldn't pick one and ended up with 5. 2 cats, 2 owls and a toad. Seeing as Hagrid's house is close by she'd always trade out her critter between classes. That way no one feels left out. She'd always make time to have tea with her papa and soon Lily-- or Lily-lu she'd nickname her would come along. One day she discovered a dragon's egg in a poacher's camp and it hatched. Unsure of what to do she kept the little dragon in her pocket, seeing as it was the size of a salamander at the time. She'd feed it marshmallows to help keep her belly full for classes. She named the dragon Willow.... and Willow was getting bigger. She dreaded the day she'd have to turn the little orphan dragon loose.
Rose Weasley: Daughter of Hermione and Ron. Being the daughter of the minister of magic, she expected nothing else than to be in the exact house her parents were in. To her horror she ended up in Slytherin. She about had a fit, but the hat dubbed her worthy as one and she was ushered into her house. Rose thought this was the worst thing ever and worried how her parents would react that their witty girl didn't get into Gryffinfdor. But as it turned out she found some of her cousins there too. She became friends with Erin who helped her adjust and see things from a different point of view. Slytherin house was very different from what is was in the past. Where as she heard stories about pure blood extremists she found very clever and insightful people. Perhaps not all Slytherins were bad.... But her prejudice flared up when she saw her cousin befriending a Malfoy. She'd shout and tell Scorpius to back off thinking he was going to send Albus down a dark path, but slowly found that wasn't the case. Once again Rose began to contemplate that in her fears of finding bullies she ended up being one. She eased up on her temper and found a healthy spot to be in over time. But as soon as her uncle Harry went missing she turned to her father. Ron was once the Watson to Harry's Sherlock, they were a great team until Ron got into an accident and a dark wizard got away. He stepped down to recover and would work with his brother at Zonko's Joke shop. Once his leg healed Ron felt like he had the fight taken out of him. Was he just slowing everyone down? Should he just be a stay at home dad and watch the kids? The man was in a state of doubt and it sparked some tension in his and Hermione's marriage. Rose worried if she screwed up it would make her parents get divorced. It wasn't true, but it worried her to death. Something her little brother didn't seem to catch. Still she got word about Harry going missing and told her father she, James, Albus, and Scorpius had to go and find him. Ron was hesitant to get his daughter and nephews involved, but he vowed he'd watch over them and bring back Harry Potter. He could finally prove himself he wasn't an old fart who lost his spark.
Hugo Weasley: Son of Hermione and Ron. The scruffy joker of a boy became fast friends with his cousin James. He'd act as his hype man at every turn. But when he wasn't in James's shadow he was tending to his house elf friend, Yo-yo. After his mother freed the house elves from bondage, there had been a new generation of house elves who were born free and wore clothes like the wizards and goblins. Yo-yo couldn't get a wand-- didn't need one really, but he wanted to go to Hogwarts like all the other wizards. So Hugo had him hide in his book bag so he could see what wizard life was like. Hugo despite being a touch naive himself felt the need to protect Yo-yo. This would get them into danger sometimes.
Scorpius Malfoy: Son of Draco and Astoria. Scorpius was the first Malfoy in generations to end up anyway else but Slytherin. Given his family's reputation Scporius is used to having people assume the worst in him. But seeing as he got sorted into Ravenclaw he was hoping to prove everyone wrong. And to kick it all off he befriended Albus. The two got into Astronomy and would spend hours at night trying to spot the constellations in their dorm. Scorpius was cool headed and clever and as soon as Harry went missing he jumped at the chance to help his best friend. He has a crush on Rose, but it's gonna take some time before she'll like him back.
Griselda Trelawney: Daughter of Sybill Trelawney and Omar Amid. Her father died when she was little and her mother supposedly saw visions of something dreadful befalling Griselda. From her two colored eyes, the star birthmarks on her back, even her beauty mark. All of these were supposed to be signs for different outcomes. As a result it left her with a lot of depression. No one could tell if her mom was telling the truth or was just old and senile. She confided in her partner Dominique who could somehow pull her out of her funk and be happy for once.
Hilda Longbottom: Daughter of Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbot. Being the daughter of the current Herbology teacher and the Land lady of the Leaky Cauldron, Hilda became a feisty Gryffindor. She was aware of folks poking fun at her softy of a dad-- despite him slaying Nagini-- and would sick her cane toad familiar at students she felt needed to be taught a lesson. She didn't care if she got detention, she had 0 tolerance for bullying. Hugo has a huge crush on her.
Lysander and Lorcan Scamander: Sons of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander. Arguably the new Weasley twins in spirit. Despite being sorted in different houses the twins act in sync almost like stoners. Being related to the famous Newt Scamander they both gravitate to the care for magical beasts. They want to be wizard vets when they graduate.
Molly and Lucy Weasley: Daughters of Percy and Audrey. Also fellow Weasley's who got sorted into Slytherin. Molly is their current prefect and head girl, she sets strict rules and expects everyone to follow them. Her twin Lucy, being a fellow prefect is more lax about the rules and even encourages them to be broken. This results in massive heated debates between the two sisters.
Erin Chang Campbell: Daughter of Cho Chang and a Muggle, Mr. Campbell. Erin was a quiet girl who was gifted with potions. She helped befriend Rose while she got situated at Slytherin and showed her Slytherin wasn't so bad to be in.
Victoire, Dominique, and Louis Weasley: Victoire is a Ravenclaw graduate and fiance to Teddy Lupin. She acts as an assistant for Minerva McGonagall. She's an animagus who can turn into a swan. Her siblings and cousins would joke she's the swan princess from Swan Lake. Dominique is a Gryffindor senior and is transitioning from girl to boy. Currently dating Griselda. And Louis is a werewolf. He accidentally got bitten by his father but tries to not let that hold him back. Best friends with Jahnu.
Freddie and Roxanne Weasley: Son and Daughter of George and Angelina. Two cunning pranksters who are trying to bring some fun back into Gryffindor. They befriended Peeves and are on the lookout for their uncle's ghost who apparently haunts around the clock tower. They hope to find him so their father can have some closer.
Harbeth and Apus Finnegan: Sons of Seamus Finnegan and Lily Moon. Both are of Irish and Korean decent. Apus loves food and wants to work at Honeydukes when he graduates. Biggest of all he wants to add more flavors from Korea to his confections to make brand new wizard candy. However his confections still have a lot of progress to go. When they're food, they're really good-- when they're bad things tend to go BOOM. Harbeth is his designated taste tester, often accident prone but willing to try-try again. Both are on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Both have a tendency to raid the Hogwarts kitchens while no on is looking.
Freya Onai Wood: Daughter of Oliver Wood and best keeper in Ravenclaw's Quidditch team.
Jahnu Thomas: Son of Dean Thomas and Parvati Patel, best quiddich player for Slytherin house and rival to James.
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jiminysjournal · 2 months
Vampire Rat Pack as Derry Girls:
Joey is Erin.
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Sammy is Orla.
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Rickles is James.
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Peter is Claire.
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Frank is Michelle (minus her heart of gold).
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And, of course, Dean is Bethany.
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nikatyler · 1 year
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Sometimes a friendgroup is a teen drama about a girl who came from middle of nowhere, two disaster lesbians crushing on her, a quiet bi poet and a token straight friend
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lgwifey · 6 months
(Because I don’t have the mental energy to transfere this fanfic across to tumblr yet xx)
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squishidoodles · 8 months
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Hello, I'm back I guess cksnsjs with some doodles
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jaytoons7 · 1 year
Some of my THSC OCs but it put them in alignment memes
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areseebee · 2 years
I know a lot of it might be a spoiler but I’m very curious can you share something about James and Erin’s partners since you’ve mentioned some of them?
as you've surmised, lot of it is spoiler material so i won’t get too in depth, but i’ll share some about the partners i’ve already mentioned in someday and in this one little ficlet!
so far i’ve mentioned two partners for james (faye and miles) and one partner for erin (liam). 
-faye is james’s first gf after the end of smoke break. he’s not looking to meet anyone, his head’s still pretty wrapped up in what went down in smoke break, but they are in the same class together and after being assigned to work together on a project, they start to spend time together. and faye is cool. faye is like, really cool. she drums. she’s from northwest england (think blackpool area) and is a fashion student – wants to be a costume designer – and james is in the film program. they’re both in comms/media studies which is why their paths cross. faye comes around at the right time for james – she’s validating and chill and unthreatened which makes it easy for him to open up about where his head’s at and what went down to put his head there. by the time christmas comes around, they’re basically together. they date through university, at which time it mostly just makes the most sense for their lives to break up – they’ll both be immersed in their careers and living very far away from each other the whole time. they remain lifelong friends, which works out great – james gets to be happy for two of his friends when clare and faye start dating, a few years on. i won’t get in to it too much here, but erin does not like faye, which is why she is sort of baffled when everyone else loves her. faye is english, too, erin will remind michelle. “yeah, but she’s not the prick kind of english, so.”
-miles: is james’s hot australian ex-bf. they date for around a year and meet on a shoot. miles sort of looks like patrick swayze – one of james’s favorite films is ghost and he figured out sometime in young adulthood that it’s not only because it’s a classic film, but he’s sort of into both demi moore and patrick swayze – which kind of makes for an instant crush. miles is delighted by james’s irish childhood friends – they’re hilarious and really commit to their bits. specifically michelle and erin’s bit about finding miles swoon-worthy (spoiler: it’s not really a bit). no one’s really sure how james pulled miles? that will forever remain a mystery, but they sure are happy to have miles around when they can.
it’s james’s thing to remain friends with his exes at this point. part of it is industry networking, but most of it is because he just really loves the people that become important parts of his life. he travels a lot, working in documentary film, and these relationships (friendship and otherwise) are grounding. he doesn’t let go of them easily even if he is moving on romantically. and it serves him extra well when he needs a couch to crash on.
-liam: that brings us to liam, erin’s ex and mostly her only real ex bf. erin also meets liam shortly after the events of smoke break. they’re in a creative writing class together at uni – liam is a poet. liam is just, simply put, nice. he’s an incredibly talented writer, he’s irish, he’s from belfast, he’s cute, he’s thoughtful. it’s everything that erin would have wanted in a partner, really. it all makes sense on paper. liam sort of pursues erin at first, and she appreciates the attention, but she’s sort of counting down until christmas when she knows she’s going to see her friends again (all of them) in derry and doesn’t take liam seriously. she goes back to belfast earlier than she had originally intended – things didn’t go how she hoped they would over christmas – and kisses liam at midnight on NYE. it’s like a story, all of this. and she falls pretty hard once she lets herself get all in. but she never quite feels right, the longer they’re together. the first time liam brings up marriage, about two years in, erin wants to change the subject. she likes the idea of it, but when she really starts to think about logistics…well, she’d just rather not think about it. they date for four years – all through uni and then a year beyond. they break up shortly after erin’s first big break: she writes a play that gets staged, professionally. there was just something about seeing a story inspired by her life play out night after night that made her reconsider her priorities. long story short: liam and erin do not remain friends.
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Resident Evil OC Masterlist
Hey, hey! Welcome to my Resident Evil OC Masterlist!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist and My Navigation
I don't really accept requests for my OC's, however if you ever have any thoughts or opinions on them, I would definently enjoy to hear them!
Last Updated On: 06|14|24
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Charlotte James Redfield
Basic Information Expected by the week of 06|17
The Charlie Diaries Masterlist Expected unknown as of 06|14
Evelyn Dorothea Allen
Basic Information Expected by the week of 06|17
Hayley Elizabeth Bridger
Basic Information Expected by the week of 06|17
Tiffany Erin Miller
Basic Information Expected by the week of 06|17
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dontlookheswatching · 6 months
Im bored and also working on a big post with some head canons about several characters with ref sheets, so im gonna make a birthday list real quick. I tried to keep a lot of this as canon as possible, but I have changed some ages and some birthdays aren't accurate because for some of these characters nothing would show up. Itll be going in order from January to December, 1st to the last day of the month.
-Rogue(Heather Sam Marshall) - January 7th. She's currently 24, and her zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Hoodie(Brian Hiatt Thomas) - February 5th. He's 24, and his zodiac is a Aquarius.
-Eyeless Jack(Jack Zin Nyras) - March 15th. He's 24, and his zodiac sign is a Pieces.
-Judge Angels(Dina Angela Clark) - April 2nd. She's 26, and her zodiac sign is a Aries.
-Alex Kralie - April 4th. He's 27, and his zodiac is a Aries.
-Sally Mae Williams - April 5th. She's physically and mentally 8. Her zodiac is a Aries.
-Ben Drowned(Benjamin Scott Lawman) - April 23rd. He's 22, and his zodiac sign is a Taurus.
-Ticci Toby(Toby Erin Rogers) - April 28th. Hes 22, and his zodiac sign is a Taurus.
-Seedeater - May 27th. His zodiac sign is a Gemini. He is a creature that does not age, just exists.
-Jeff the Killer(Jeffery Alan Woods) - June 2nd. He's 23, and his zodiac sign is a Gemini.
-Lost Silver(Jae-Ing) - June 6th. Hes 22, and his zodiac sign is a Gemini.
-Skitles(OC) - June 24th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Cancer
Kate the Chaser(Kate Miller Hayes) - June 25th. She's 25, and her zodiac sign is a Cancer.
-Nina the Killer(Nina Rose Hopkins) - July 24th. She's 20, and her zodiac sign is a Leo.
-The Puppeteer(Blake Simon Smith) - July 25th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Leo.
-Candypop - August 1st. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Leo.
-Hobo Heart - August 3rd. He’s 23, and his zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Eyeless Lulu(Lulu Mary Millers) - August 6th. She’s 15, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Occisus(OC/Samantha Lin Locke) - August 11th. She’s 24, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Jane the Killer(Jane Eve Richardson) - September 1st. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-HeartFixer(OC/Jamie Noel Martinez) - September 3rd. She’s 25, and her zodiac sign is a Virgo.
-Bloody Painter(Helen James Otis) - October 1st. He’s 24, and his zodiac is a Libra.
-Suicide Sadie(Sadie Dawn Myers) - October 21st. She’s 20, and her zodiac sign is a Libra.
-Zero - October 25th. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-NightOwl(My boyfriends OC/Lin Felix Gaspar) - October 29th. He’s 25, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
Nurse Ann(Michelle Ann Quesnberry) - October 31st. She’s 28, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Clockwork(Natalie Gwen Oulette) - November 6th. She’s 23, and her zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Sonic.exe - November 7th. He’s 15, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Tails Doll - November 7th. He’s 15, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Jason the Toymaker - November 15th. He doesn’t have a age. His zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Lure(OC) - November 17th. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
-Dark Link(Shadow) - November 21st. Hes 21, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Jay Merrick - November 23rd. Hes 26, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Smile Dog - November 27th. He has no known age, as a hellhound. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
-X-Vrius(Cody Swann Diller) - December 9th. He’s 21, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Homicidal Liu(Liu Vicki Woods) - December 21st. He’s 24, and his zodiac sign is a Sagittarius.
-Laughing Jack - December 25th. He has no age. His zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Lazarus(Lazarus Dae Swann) - December 25th. He’s 12, and only ages every two years due to being part Zalgoid. His zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Masky(Timothy Que Wright) - December 26th. He’s 25, and his zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
-Kagekao - December 29th. He’s 27, and his zodiac sign is a Capricorn.
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koifly · 3 months
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Recent doodle/art dump woooo
1. James new design WIP
2. Two of my ocs, Aurelio & James
3. Toby being a fucking nerd
4. Me
5. Again me but with a friend
(Why the fuck does James' pose in the second pic BARELY differ from me in the fifth one. I didn't even use that as a ref wtf.)
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theirmadness · 4 months
muse update list!
below the cut you will find: deleted muses i think aren't going anywhere. if we have any interactions with these muses, please consider them null. thanks!
all fantastic beast muses.
all cursed child era muses.
tom riddle.
severus snape.
sirius black.
remus lupin.
bucky barnes.
steve rogers.
hope van dyne.
thor odinson.
tony stark.
matt murdock.
bruce wayne.
arthur curry.
clark kent.
dr. fate.
lois lane.
anakin skywalker.
kylo ren.
10th-12th doctor.
dean winchester.
nicholas scratch.
daemon targaryen.
jon snow.
belle french.
hannibal lecter.
charlie swan.
carlisle cullen.
edward cullen.
damon salvatore.
niklaus mikaelson.
stefan salvatore.
van helsing.
alice cooper.
hermione lodge.
hiram lodge.
alcide herveaux.
bill compton.
eric northman.
john watson.
mycroft holmes.
atticus lincoln.
amelia shepherd.
greg house.
aaron hotchner.
joe goldberg.
emily prentiss.
eve polastri.
joe goldberg.
ellie settler.
jeanine matthews.
lorraine warren.
ed warren.
jim preston.
ian malcolm.
oc muses:
agna blake.
bambi elsher.
bess cromwell.
bianca delaveaux.
camilla souza.
dahlia ledger.
elia sandstone.
emily reacher.
grace stevens.
george star.
harriet stark.
jane williams.
kitty green.
margot peach.
nymeria sand.
ophelia dragos.
pearl james.
roxy blue.
ruby andrews.
summer hayes.
suzanne preacher.
jean taylor.
gertrud northman.
jack smithman.
juliana marques.
madame erin.
margaret greene.
edward charles.
elias karlson.
jack wallace.
max everwell.
philip windsor.
tiresias iamus thebeus.
brandon strage.
christopher smith.
daniel williams.
dante smith.
harry williams.
ian caroll.
jeffrey cole.
patrick wright.
paul smith.
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marbletheunworthy · 1 year
omg please explain ur 10 things i herm about you au!!!! i have not seen the og movie
Thank you so much for giving me a chance to explain this. First I’m gonna put the movie equivalents of the teens, then I’m gonna explain a bit about each character!
Katarina Stratford- Normally Oak-Swallows-Garcia-Li-Wilson
Bianca Stratford- Lincoln Li-Wilson
Patrick Verona- Herman Unworthy
Cameron James- Taylor swift
Micheal Eckman- Erica Drippins
Joey Donner- (OC) Ramona Donner
Mandella- Scary Marlowe
Chastity- Shmegan Jr.
Walter Stratford- Marco/Grant Li-Wilson
Mr.Morgan- Terry Stampler
Ms.Perky- Erin O Niel
Normal is the weird kid at the school, and he is the adopted brother of link.
Link is the “Boy next door” type perfect, lots of admirers.
Hermie is a different brand of weird kid, he does have friends but she is standoffish and rude to everyone, including his nephew.
Taylor is new at the school, and already head over heels for one Lincoln Li-Wilson. He’s devising a plan to ask him out.
Erica is a popular girl that likes to befriend losers, like Taylor. So far she’s Taylor’s only friend and is attempting to help him get the attention of his crush. Does she have a crush?
Ramona is the head cheerleader and is super rich, she only wants to date link because of a bet with one of her friends but she will do anything to win that bet.
Scary is Normals only friend, she’s slightly less weird then him according to the students of the school but she chooses to stick with normal. The only other person she would consider getting close with is her crush.
Shmegan is slightly less popular then link and silently detests that fact. She wants to be the one that Ramona is tripping over. She’s links best friend though.
Marco and Grant are overprotective parents, going to far as to implement a rule that Link can’t date until Normal does, knowing that normal is super unpopular. They just want to keep their kids safe from heartbreak, though they have unconventional ways of doing that.
Terry jr. Is the kind of teacher that students like to confide in, be also curses in his class so some people automatically like him better. He’s normals favorite teacher though normal would never tell him that. He’s also scarys stepdad.
Erin is the beloved school counselor for her abrasiveness and her charm. She loved plants and has so many that they are overwhelming her office.
Okay now here’s a summary I wrote
Normal moves in with link, grant and Marco. Taylor is a transfer student from chapperal high as he went to live with his uncle, when he arrives at Saint deemus he meets Erica Drippens and she becomes his best friend. When showing him around the school she introduces him to link, the shy jv soccer player. Taylor falls head over heels. We learn later that there’s one obstacle, links adopted brother, Normally Oak Swallows Garcia Li Wilson. Their dads have a rule that Link can’t date until Normal does. So Taylor’s quest is to find someone willing to date the weirdest kid in the school. Maybe his uncle will be up to task, or maybe he’ll just have to live without the boy of his dreams.
And that’s the end, I hope you enjoyed my rant anon!
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sundove88 · 9 months
The Princess and The Frog Pokemon (The Princess and The Frog Parody) Casting
Hardworking and ambitious, Nessa dreams of one day opening the finest restaurant in New Orleans. Her dream takes a slight detour when she meets Prince Raihan, who has been turned into a Frogadier by evil Dimentio. Mistaking her for a princess and hoping to break the spell, Raihan plants a kiss on poor Nessa -- thereby turning her into a Politoed as well. The pair hop along on an adventure through the bayou to seek the help of Zecora, a powerful zebra voodoo priestess.
Nessa as Tiana (Pokemon)
Politoed as Frog!Tiana (Pokemon)
Raihan as Naveen (Pokemon)
Frogadier as Frog!Naveen (Pokemon)
Kaguya Houraisan as Charlotte LaBouff (TouHou)
AZ as James/Tiana’s Dad (Pokemon)
Jotaro Kujo as Eli LaBouff/Big Daddy (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Jolyne Kujo as Herself/Charlotte’s Sister (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Erin Yagokoro as Herself/Charlotte’s Caretaker (TouHou)
Ryme as Eudora/Tiana’s Mom (Pokemon)
Dimentio as Dr. Facilier (Super Paper Mario)
Affogato Cookie as Himself/Dr. Facilier’s Assistant (Cookie Run)
Chairman Rose as Lawrence (Pokemon)
Zecora as Mama Odie (My Little Pony)
Volbeat as Ray (Pokemon)
Feraligatr as Louis (Pokemon)
Serperior as Juju (Pokemon)
ChocoPearl Cookie (OC) as The Queen of Maldonia (Cookie Run)
Dark Cacao Cookie as The King of Maldonia (Cookie Run)
Chess Choco Cookies as Prince Ralphie (Cookie Run)
Dark Choco Cookie as Himself/Naveen’s Older Brother (Cookie Run)
King Hippo as Buford (Punch Out)
Various Pokémon as the Bayou Residents
Various Characters as The Citizens of New Orleans
Here’s your hint to the next casting (It’s Blue Sky):
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lgwifey · 5 months
New Chapter up of TEENAGE KICKS ⭐️
Its nearly at the end of Season One ahhhhh
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squishidoodles · 6 months
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Not sure how it would affect the story, but I think Luria's grandparents are still alive
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