#oc: harmony valentine
divnydoodles · 7 months
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@cherrychan-0110’s Valentine’s Day present from me and @oddballinonyamama 💗💗💗! He did the left half and the lovely background! Love ya fellaaaaas
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cherrychan-0110 · 7 months
JerLiz Valentine’s art for @oddballinonyamama!! 💕💕💕💕
I drew Jermey, @divnydoodles drew Liz + did the bg n shading 💜💜💜
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mockhoundart · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day -Harmony
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izumeno · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Here's some official valentine artwork from the Danganronpa Plasmaverse! Featuring Miu x John, Manae x Kijo, Myadera x Plasma and Ryoma x Himiko! The former artwork was part of an instagram collab and I loved it so much. Expect more in the future!
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gasstationclown · 2 years
i dont have anything new for valentines day unfortunately, but i have theses silly things
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underlove-official · 1 month
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What is UnderLove?
"UnderLove" is an AU created by Radicalrainbow, based on the renowned role-playing game Undertale. In the universe of UnderLove, the struggle between love and hate shapes its story. It introduces a unique twist with love-centric magic and the contrasting power of hate. Characters’ appearances are heart-themed, adorned in shades of pinks, reds, and whites, with frilly trims, fluffy details, and prominent heart motifs embracing a Valentine's/Lovecore theme. Yet, this AU can show more than just one side of the coin.
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Underlove's history
History of the Underground: Long ago, humans and monsters lived separately and in disarray upon the surface. Humans were known for their ruthlessness, hostility, and HATE, which led them to push the kind and loving monsters away.
Tragedy struck one night when the king’s life was brutally taken, leading Asgore to ascend to the throne. Blinded by his own growing anger, Asgore sought to avenge his father, and the once kind and loving monsters turned hostile as war was declared against the humans.
The war raged on, with magic clashing and bodies falling. Eventually, humans emerged victorious, and with the help of a powerful mage, they sealed the monsters underground. The Underground was filled with despair and darkness, but the magic of LOVE gradually began to bloom again, restoring harmony among the monsters.
The royal family made certain that their people remained full of LOVE, fearing the resurgence of HATE that had swept the surface. Royal guards were tasked with protecting the Underground by preserving love and happiness, removing those who began to corrupt with hatred, and dealing with any humans who entered their realm.
Chara’s Arrival: After many years after banishment, their peace was interrupted when a human named Chara fell into their midst, seeking refuge from human cruelty. The Dreemurr family adopted Chara despite their initial wariness, it came to be the best decision of their lives as the two kids grew up together.
Tragically, Chara fell terminally ill from consuming red rose seeds, causing them to cough up petals and roses. Before the illness could fully silence them, Chara expressed a dying wish to see the surface sky one last time.
Asriel, their adoptive brother, absorbed Chara's soul and carried them through the barrier that separated their world from the humans. However, upon reaching the surface, they were met with misunderstanding and rage, resulting in the tragic demise of both Asriel and Chara.
The Dreemurr family, torn apart by the loss of their beloved children, decreed that any human who fell into their realm would be imprisoned in the depths of their castle dungeon.
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Official Character Illustrations
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FAQs [to be updated]
Question 1: What inspired "UnderLove"? Answer 1: [I've always favored the theme of Lovecore and the holiday of Valentine's Day!]
Question 2: How is "UnderLove" different? Answer 2: [UnderLove started off as a simple theme overhaul, with the characters and locations falling into its theme. Yet I wanted it to be unique, so the story follows a different path from Undertale and other AUs]
Question 3: Can I create fanart for "UnderLove"? Answer 3: [Yes! Absolutely! I'd love to see artwork done of these characters! Just make sure to tag me or use the hashtag #UnderLovefanwork so I can see it!]
Question 4: Can I draw my OC depicted in "UnderLove"? Answer 4: [Of course! I'd love to see what their designs turn out to be and how they'd interact with the cast of characters.]
Question 5: Does "UnderLove" have a wiki page? Answer 5: [Yes it does! I created it a while back and I intend to keep it as updated as possible for UnderLove]
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Ask Guidelines
Respect: Be kind and respectful in your questions. Any asks that reflect HATE or are disrespectful will be ignored. No NSFW Content: Please refrain from submitting any NSFW content or questions as this blog and AU are intended for all audiences to enjoy.
Topic: Try to keep asks relevant to the blog and UnderLove in general. Any asks that are off-topic may be passed over to my main blog @radicalrainbow
Repetition: Before submitting your ask, check if it has already been answered via the hashtag on the blog #AsksofLove
No Roleplay Asks: While I love the enthusiasm for the characters and its story, this blog is not set up for roleplaying.
Patience: I try to respond to asks as quickly as possible, but response times may vary depending on the volume of questions and the progress of the story. If your ask doesn’t receive an immediate response, please be patient!
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UnderLove's story
The official story of "UnderLove" will be told as a written narrative across multiple chapters. Each chapter will feature illustrated titles, and the written story will be accompanied by drawings that bring key scenes to life. These illustrations will help you better visualize the scenes that are being told. Artist Collaboration While I will be the main artist creating these illustrations, I’m excited to announce that other artists can collaborate on this project! If you’re an artist and would like to contribute: Contact Me! Reach out via my Discord handle or send an ask to the blog (please note that anonymous asks won’t be considered). We can discuss how you can get involved and the specific scenes you might illustrate.
All contributing artists will be fully credited, and I’ll link back to your social media profiles so the community can see the amazing work you’ve contributed!
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Written Story chapters
Chapter 1: The Journey Begins
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
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There's alot more to come to Underlove, so stay determined and keep an eye on this blog for the upcoming story, official artwork, fanart, and updates! Your support and love fuels this story's creation!!
In this world it's Love or be Loved!
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Requesting Advice For My AU!
Hello, everyone! I'm looking for someone who can offer me advice/critiques for Unikitty: Big Bright World, my AU fanfiction based on the show Unikitty.
Unikitty: Big Bright World follows Unikitty and her friends as they discover that their world is bigger than they know. There are other lands beyond the Unikingdom and Frowntown, but the people there aren’t like them or Frowntown’s citizens. Due to disagreements, dissonance, and people’s intolerance with how others were living, the lands went their separate ways, and have been living in isolation ever since. So, in the series, the lands learn to work together and get along while also being mindful of their differences.
The stories introduce six other lands beyond the Unikingdom and Frowntown:
Swan Lake, a land across the sea known for its dancing, fashion, art, traveling and athletics.
Ice Cream Land, a frosty land up north that, as its name suggests, is full of ice cream and dairy treats.
Elegancia, a kingdom created by my friend @/ButterflyRage410 from Wattpad; she let me use it in this series. It is known for its gemstone theming and elegance.
Charm Valley, a land in a deep, wide valley with a taiga climate. It is known for its citizens' specialties in magic.
Botania, a lush land that spans a forest, a tropical rainforest, an open grassland, a desert and a tundra. The people live in harmony with their world and the nature within it.
Marevi, a land under the sea that spans a bed of seagrass, a kelp forest, a coral reef, a golden yellow sand bed, and a rocky volcanic ridge. The people deeply respect the life and nature within their ocean.
None of these lands are meant to be based on any real life cultures. I wanted to use made-up places to reflect how different people from different places interact.
However, I've been having doubts.
Unikitty is set in a world populated by 2D-animated Lego beings. Some are animals, some are more humanoid creatures made of shapes, and some are anthropomorphic objects. There are non-anthropomorphic animals as well. There are no Lego minifigures or any actual humans in the show. There are two main locations: the Unikingdom and Frowntown, neither of which are meant to be based on any real countries or cultures.
However, there are still some connections to the real world in the show. In one episode, the characters order from a Thai food restaurant. Hawkodile practices martial arts and frequently mentions karate; in one episode, he acts as a sensei to a bunch of baby chipmunks. In some episodes, the characters are shown celebrating Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine’s Day. Languages other than English are confirmed to exist; the Unikingdom and Frowntown are treated as different countries from each other, but everyone speaks English in both places.
There are some connections to the real world in this AU as well. In Botania, there’s a J-rock band that was inspired by BABYMETAL, who performed the theme song for the show.
My mind keeps telling me that I need to include elements from real-world cultures in my AU and code my characters as real-world races; otherwise, my message about people from different places working together won’t go through right.
Writing this AU means the world to me, and I want to have fun writing it, but I also don't want to offend anyone.
I’ve been told that, as long as I’m being respectful about it, I’ll be fine. But sometimes, you don’t even know when you’re not being respectful.
Maybe I'm just overthinking this. Maybe it's all coming from rejection sensitivity. I get frustrated, stressed out and offended very easily, and mean-spirited criticism hurts my feelings. But, I would feel a lot better if someone gave me their two cents on my AU.
Here is a video documenting the history of Big Bright World:
Here is a post documenting the history of my characters:
Here are some differences this AU has from the show:
Several episodes from the show itself didn’t happen in this AU, including its finale, The Birthday to End All Birthdays.
This AU is set in the future of the show; to be more precise, it takes place about 3 years after the show.
It is much less episodic and over-the-top silly than the original show.
Unikitty and Puppycorn’s parents are introduced, but they’re usually away because they work for a cruise liner. They also don’t live in the castle with the gang. Unikitty and Puppycorn are still being cared for by Richard, and Unikitty is still ruling the Unikingdom in her own right. Their parents are still around, but they’re not often seen.
Legendary figures like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman appear in the canon show, but in this AU, none of them exist.
And here are things I’d like you to look at:
The first story in the series, Broken and Frozen.
Fanmade citizens of the Unikingdom in this AU.
Fanmade citizens of Frowntown in this AU.
Citizens of Ice Cream Land that appear.
Citizens of Swan Lake that appear.
Citizens of Marevi that appear.
Citizens of Botania that appear.
Citizens of Elegancia that appear.
Citizens of Charm Valley that appear.
Schools that I made up for the Unikingdom and Frowntown.
The Seagang in their Land Forms.
How far space exploration has gone in each land.
A plant that is symbolic in Marevi.
How fashion has influenced weapons and armor in Ice Cream Land.
How the climate has influenced fashion in Ice Cream Land.
A fact about Botania’s performing arts.
How performing arts are taught in each land.
The Unikingdom and Frowntown’s Wizard Scouts system in this AU.
A headcanon about Legos’ lifespans.
Shelltop and Waterlily’s hair.
What kinds of beings live in each land.
Me explaining how I want there to be things that the Unigang and the other lands can find common ground on.
References I made for a Poe-themed musical that Spike was in.
What it means to be wealthy in each land.
Dr. Fox’s family tree in this AU.
The characters’ relationships with one another.
The characters’ confirmed sexualities and gender identities.
The characters’ confirmed disabilities.
A comparison I made with this AU’s lore.
The difference between adoptive and biological children in this AU.
A disclaimer about my characters and their headcanon voices.
What my characters’ rooms look like.
Birthdays that hold a special significance to the people in this AU.
A historical event that changed traditions in Swan Lake.
My characters’ backstories.
How isolated the different parts of the world are.
Ten facts about Marcella and Germafrost.
Maps depicting the regions of Marevi and Botania.
More facts about the lands’ performing arts.
A fact about having black spiky hair in the Unikingdom vs. Marevi.
A fact about table etiquette in the Unikingdom vs. Ice Cream Land.
The characters in formal wear.
More in Ice Cream Land’s history.
The Unikingdom’s equivalent of Broadway/West End.
Which generation of Imogen’s family moved to Frowntown?
More about Piano’s life.
More about Germafrost’s brother Neapolitan.
I’m considering bringing back Deepa, a yak who lived in Ice Cream Land.
More about Swan Lakers and their dancing customs.
How the lands as they are now came to be.
An idea for Waterlily’s moon jelly bell.
More on Needle.
I’m considering changing characters’ names so they match where their animal species is from in real life.
Fake wiki pages for my characters:
Swanna and Lee
Sgt. Wolf
Master Cupid
Thank you for your consideration!
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gojicorps · 5 months
Ok I don't know much about your OCs, so it's time to learn!! Watermelon - what are your ocs biggest pet peeves? Grapes - what is your favorite trope you've used in your WIPs
Apple - Which of your ocs do you think you can take in a fight
Orange - what is your ocs ultimate goal in life? What do they do to get there and how does this contribute to the story?
Ohhhh shit prepare yourself cz this will take a while! I'll make just about the 5 protagonists of my main story.
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Ettore: Despises everyone who has bad manners, he had a pretty strict mother who made him a really gentleman. He like to keep the tables clean.
Sadako: She can't stand nosey people. Arrogant one's are even worse
Helis: He vibes with anyone! But please be clean, no one can handle smelly people.
Steffany: She doesn't like when people start to shake their legs, chew loudly or people who wears gold pieces. FOR REAL SHE FINDS THEM SO WEIRD AND UGLY.
Valentine: Everyone who he finds odd, like not the good type of odd. The one's who are an absolute menace and are WEIRD, he hates loud noises too, specially if they aren't harmonious and people who tries to outshine him.
Hmmmm, probably Man vs God, since GOD I LOVE THIS TROPE, a bunch of my villain's are "gods" who're jerks and need to be beaten by a bunch of misfits. And mad scientist, all my stories have at least one.
Annie: "Don't you dare answering that."
Stefany: "You can't beat any of us"
Valentine: "Please don't embarrass yourself"
Sadako: "Hold' on let him cook, I'm curious"
Ettore: "I definitely can train him, just give me the time and I'm sure he can beat at least one of us."
Helis: "God I wish I had your self confidence, wait why is Annie here?"
Annie: "I just wanted to say hi, bye!"
All of them: Ohhhh, Bye!
Well, since they all shattered my hopes, dreams and stuff like that I'm pretty sure I can at least beat... Any of them? Like all my characters are superhuman in some degree, yeah I can ride over them with my car but they definitely can survive that. But if I'm becoming my versions on the universe (Merle or Lazarus) I still can't do much shit against the main cast, I definitely can fight some early villain's as Merle and some really strong folks as Lazarus but fighting against my main cast specially if they are all together? Impossible, I'll be beaten easily.
Shit that's really complicated, I want to tell about everyone but it's already getting too big, well my story is called Live this Way, and well... Sometimes we can't live this way forever, it's about changing, choosing who you want to be after everything you have lived. That's the moving force of Sadako and Valentine, they both wear mask as heroes but for different reasons. We all wear masks, but one day we'll have to choose which better suits you, and if You're ready to live this way
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Weeks 135-136
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Welcome to Week 135-136
Set another goal for myself and read 50 fics over the last two weeks. I hope you enjoy them all.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
My Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ & header by me
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Made for Me - Part 2 - (Bucky x Reader) - @/saiyanprincessswanie​
Moments of Love - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan​
The Reluctant Omega - (Bucky/Steve/Reader) - @ladyfallonavenger​
Harmonious - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817​
Reality - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan​
Can't Stand The Heat - (Steve x Reader) - @cockslutpadalecki
Bedazzled - Chp 1 - (Bucky x Reader) - @caffiend-queen
Bedazzled - Chp 2 - (Bucky x Reader) - @caffiend-queen
The Mixer - (Steve x OC) - @hollybee8917
A special Valentine's - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Forever, you will be mines - @princessofdarkwinter
The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre - @gigglingtigger
The Unexpected Valentine - (Steve x Reader) - @cockslutpadalecki
America's hope (6) - @ironlady1993
Birthday camp - @nekoannie-chan
Think You Craved Me Once Before - (Mr Freezy x Reader) - @the-iceni-bitch
At First Blush - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Secret Sierra - Chp 2 - @lloydsbitch
His Hands - @spectre-posts
Rawhide - Chp 14 - (Steve x Reader) - @wiypt-writes
Sadness memories of a summer part Il - @nekoannie-chan
Step Into My Ride, Part 1 - (Ransom x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Bedazzled - Chp 3 - (Bucky x OC) - @caffiend-queen
Bedazzled - Chp 4 - (Bucky x OC) - @caffiend-queen
Bound - @ladyfallonavenger
Only you - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Love, Lust and a Man on the Run - @hollybee8917
Bedazzled - Chp 5 - (Bucky x OC) - @caffiend-queen
Love Thy Neighbor - (Steve x Reader) - @cockslutpadalecki
Giving up - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Monkey See, Monkey Do - Chp 10 - @spectre-posts & @wiypt-writes
Collared part 4 - @spnexploration
His Inheritance - Part 11 - (Steve x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
Into the Dark - Part 2 - (Bucky x Reader) - @lokislastlove
Into the Dark - Part 3 - (Bucky x Reader) - @lokislastlove
Loop - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
New Rules - Part 10 - (Steve x Reader) - @syntheticavenger
Riding On - Chp 30 - (Frank x OFC) - @wiypt-writes
Saved - Part 2 - (Steve x Reader) - @kellyn1604
Secrets chapter 1: The Day We Met part 1 - (Steve x OFC, Brock x OFC) - @nekoannie-chan
Bedazzled - Chp 6 - (Bucky x OC) - @caffiend-queen
Song of the Moon - Chp 8 - @hollybee8917
Heal - (Steve x Reader, Brock x Reader) - @/nekoannie-chan
America's hope - Part 7 - @ironlady1993
Bedazzled - Chp 7 - (Bucky x OC) - @caffiend-queen
Deception - @ironlady1993
Shut up and drive - (Stucky x Reader) - @late-to-the-party-81
Promises - (Steve x Reader) - @/nekoannie-chan
You and Me and Us - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Soiled - (Curtis x Reader) - @navybrat817
Home is a heavy heart - (Nick x Reader) - @sunshinebuckybarnes
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Ikemen Vampire Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Suitor x MC/Reader/OC
I'm yours Tonight - Arthur x OC (Amy) - Smut
New Spring Tradition - Arthur x Reader - Smut
Sharing a Taste - Arthur x Reader - Fluff
New Companion - Arthur x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
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More Time with You - Charles x Reader - Fluff
We Belong Together - Charles x Reader - Smut
A Little Escape - Charles x Pureblood Reader - Smut
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Love like a Fairytale - Comte x OC (Hikari), Soulmates AU - Fluff - Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Yours Forever - Comte x Reader - Smuty Fluff
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The gift of your Touch - Isaac x OC (Amy) - Smut
Hope - Isaac x Reader, Coffee Shop AU - Fluff
Isaac x Reader, Reincarnation AU - Angst with a Happy ending - Lost Stars, Found Treasure
Change of Plans - Isaac x Reader - Smut
A Taste of Domesticity - Isaac x Reader - Fluff
Weird Feelings - Isaac x Reader - Fluff
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Bonds of Fate, Bonds of Love - Jean x OC (Amy), Soulmates AU - Fluff
Walking into our Future - Jean x OC (Amy), Soulmates AU - Fluff
The Beginning with You - Jean x Reader - Fluff
How Far We've Come - Jean x Reader, Family fic - Fluff
First Birthday - Jean x Reader - Fluff
Chasing Hope - Jean x OC (Amy) - Bittersweet Fluff
Perfect for You - Jean x OC (Amy) - Smut
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Shower of Love - Leonardo x MC, Family fic - Bittersweet
Fake Promises, True Dreams - Leonardo x MC, Magic and Arranged Marriage AUs - Fluff
Under the Spell of your Passion - Leonardo x Reader - Smut
A Break to Warm Up - Leonardo x Reader - Smut
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Tune of Love - Mozart x OC (Amy) - Fluff
Calm in the Storm - Mozart x OC (Amy) - A Song in the Storm, Harmonious Lullaby - Comfort/Fluff
Safer with You - Mozart x OC (Amy) - Fluff
Back to You - Mozart x OC (Amy), Mermaid AU - Fluff
Schätze - Mozart x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
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Love and Care - Napoleon x Reader - Comfort/Fluff
Bloom - Napoleon x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
Sunshine - Napoleon x Reader, Family Fic - Fluff
Love Worth Protecting Series: Worth Protecting, The Me in You - Napoleon x OC (Amy), Bodyguard AU - Warning for blood and injury
Napoleon Pre-Birthday Musings Collection: Adaptation, No Longer Alone - Napoleon x Reader - Fluff
Summer Storm - Napoleon x Reader - AU - Smut
Power Trade - Napoleon x Reader - Smut
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Shadow of the Past, Light of the Future - Sebastian x OC (Amy) - Chapter 1, chapter 2
Irresistible Urges - Sebastian x Reader - Smut
Adjusting to a New Life - Sebastian x Reader, Family fic - Fluff
Masks Off - Sebastian x Pureblood! Reader - Fluff
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Deciphering Secrets - Theo x Reader - Fluff (Request)
Always in my Mind - Theo x Reader - Fluff (Request)
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Family Outing - Vincent x Reader, Family fic - Fluff
Intoxicating Heat - Vincent x Reader - Smut
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Sweet Meetings - Vlad x Reader, Coffee/Flower shops AUs - Fluff
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A Promise of Tomorrow - MC x Unspecified Suitor - Angst with a Happy Ending
A Third Chance to Live - Robert Hooke - (Background Isaac x MC) - Slight Magic AU
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Nostra Unica Famiglia - Leonardo & Reader - Fluff
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The case of the Fox - Arthur x Vincent x OC (Reina) - Fluff
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Surprise Valentines' - Arthur x Isaac x OC (Reina) - Fluff
Flowers for You - Arthur x Isaac x OC (Reina) - Fluff
First Celebration Plans - Arthur x Isaac x OC (Reina) - Fluff
Revelations - Arthur x Isaac x Reader - Fluff
Written with Love - Arthur x Isaac x Reader - Fluff
Connected Stars - Arthur x Isaac x Reader, Family Fic, Triadverse AU - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Dawn of a New Destiny - Jean x OC (Amy) x Isaac, V Relationship, Soulmates AU
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Changing Hearts - Jean x Mozart x OC (Amy), Polyamorous World AU - Fluff - Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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The Call of Light - Jean x Vincent x Reader - Angst and Fluff - Chapter 1
True Happiness - Jean x Vincent x Reader
Eternally Yours - Jean x Vincent x Reader - Fluff
Dream Come True - Jean x Vincent x Reader - Fluff
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Dual Temptation - Comte x Reader x Leonardo - Smut
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Inspiration - Leonardo x MC x Theo - Fluff
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Joy - Jean x Napoleon x MC, Family fic - Fluff
Exploring new Desires - Jean x Napoleon x Reader - Smut
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Celebrity Boyfriend - Napoleon x Sebastian x MC - Fluff
Break Day - Napoleon x Sebastian x OC (Amy) - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Love Returned - Shakespeare x Vincent x Reader, Magic AU - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Finding my Way with You - Theo x Fem! Arthur x OC (Amy) - Comfort
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Cultural Differences - Arthur x Female OC (Gale), more ships to be added - Polyamorous World AU - Fluff - Chapter 1
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Suitor x Suitor
Time with You - Shakespeare x Vincent, Angels and Forbidden Love AUs - Fluff
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pathologictwo · 3 months
tagged to do a little Greek mythos oc game by @raresbaby and decided to do it for Valentine since my new copy of 2077 with the dlc (finally !!!) is in the mail. this one was fun!!
bold = applicable, italicized = kind of applicable, strikethrough = not applicable at all
EROS: • scornful jealousy • pink • presents a certain decorum • heavy air in a nightclub • has a tattoo they regret • sex & love therapist for their friends • juvenescent • uses enchantments • aloof • wears rose-coloured glasses • velvet, latex, & lingerie• milk baths with champagne bubbles • impetuous in love • intense eye contact is a sport • kinky • soft lips • wears stacked rings • sets fashion trends • graceful movements • marble floors • heavy perfume or cologne • deeply emotional • born glamorous •
HECATE: • prefers canine companions • wears symbolic jewelry • can see spirits • melting wax • uses hexes • feels most comfortable at night • smell of cinnamon • moonlight • red wine • understands poisons & herbs • collects bones or feathers • partakes in rituals • black • fog at night • is aware of their shadow self • embraces the unknown • enjoys collecting secrets • approves of necromancy • meditates • has prophetic dreams • lace • knowing too many secrets • fishnet stockings •
PAN: • enjoys poetry & prose • wool • smell of decaying leaves in autumn • prefers to be barefoot • tends to overindulge • easily excitable • thriving in social circles • loves being around campfire • antlers • dirt paths • the sound of wind chimes • penchant for sticky fingers • pine trees • stamina for days • falls in lust • vagabond • physically stronger than given credit for • foxglove • welcomes luxury • non-confrontational • charming words • talking to animals • nature for jewelry •
NEMESIS: • angry • protective of their values • balance & harmony • looks like an angel but isn’t • more perceptive than people realize • snow capped mountains • grey • wears leather • silver jewelry • likes snakes • can’t stand ignorance • believes in retribution • analytical of own emotions • well read • marble columns • has very rigid morals • bruised knuckles • humorous under the sarcasm • clean workspace • everything in moderation • cold morning air • resting glare face • fluent in curse words •
HYPNOS: • very calm demeanor • easily overwhelmed• relaxing is their vice • transactional friendships • has a soft voice • head in the clouds • has a sibling they’re close with • drawn to winged animals • lavender • has plush furniture/blankets • starry eyed • horrible money management • gives amazing hugs • dreaming big as a full time job • wears comfy or loose clothes • existential questions • not good at memory based skills • fairy lights • can’t sleep somewhere unfamiliar • crystalline chandeliers • dislikes bright sun • fluttering eyelashes •
IRIS: • life’s a technicolor spectrum • has a lot to say • beaming smiles • always has candy with them • flirting by accident • walking to the beat of their own drum • gossamer curtains • has a surprising amount of connections • blushes very easily • confident laughter • uses a staff • fresh fruit slices • decorated handwritten letters • a social chameleon • blood made of honey • treating people with kindness • sentimental heart • vases full of wildflowers •feels fulfilled when helping others • has a healing aura • always traveling • stained glass windows • just trying to be a good person •
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year
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The massive Sailor Moon pack is DONE!!!!!!
I partnered up with @candysweetposts to make this MASSIVE Sailor Moon pack for My Candy Love. 
She edited every last talisman, wand and staff for the Solar System scouts, helped me turn Nathaniel into Tuxedo Mask and Prince Endymion, made the Sailor Harmony conversion that I used to make this, made the base and hair to her scout, made the Princess Serenity pack that I used for some of Sailor Moon’s stuff, and made the sword that I edited for @idolcandy‘s scout.
The scouts in the second pic are my Discord Mods. Belodie, Daisy, Aloy, Soul and idol.
The scouts in the third pic are my OCs. Ariadne, Severina, Aurora, Alana, Sam and Willow.
The scouts in my third pic are Aoife, Alice and Drachea Rannak’s OC (Sailor Vanity).
You can download the pack here: https://www.deviantart.com/melanieratford/art/Sailor-Moon-Cosplay-Pack-957057449
If you’d like to download the pack that Alice made with the Princess Serenity cosplay, you can get it here:
@sammyjomcl I’m tagging you because I know you like Sailor Moon... And Nathaniel is Tuxedo mask here, so have fun!
@chinomiko It has been an absolute pleasure doing this project! And it all started by the fact that I celebrated 10 years of playing My Candy Love back in January!
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mari | 23 | she/her | mx-am | christian (but i don't judge) | cat mom | taurus | deancoded deangirl
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COMFORT CHARACTERS : dean winchester. sam winchester. soldier boy.
COMFORT SHOWS : supernatural. the boys. friends. the office. selling sunset.
OTHER SHOWS I ENJOY : modern family. american horror story. criminal minds. grey's anatomy. brooklyn nine-nine. only murders in the building. riverdale. stranger things. sex and the city. and just like that. selling the oc. bob's burgers. that 70's show. sabrina the teenage witch. the bear. gilmore girls. pretty little liars. gen v. big sky. adventure time (don't judge.) fallout. smallville. yellowstone. + more…
COMFORT MOVIES : twilight saga. 10 things i hate about you. fifty shades of grey saga (not for the sex.)
OTHER MOVIES I ENJOY : devour. my bloody valentine. pitch perfect. 10 inch hero (only bcuz of boaz.) bridget jones saga. kingsman saga. 50 first dates. wedding singer. the devil wears prada. sweet home alabama. legally blonde saga. x-men saga. most marvel movies. harry potter saga. pride and prejudice. + many more…
COMFORT ARTISTS : jonas brothers. zayn. harry styles. niall horan. kehlani. morgan wallen. peso pluma. sabrina claudio. radio company. miley cyrus. one direction.
OTHER ARTISTS I ENJOY : cardi b. jhene aiko. summer walker. sza. flo. ella mai. nick jonas. dnce. doja cat (before her recent album.) ty dolla $ign. lauren jauregui. john legend. melanie martinez. amy winehouse. fifth harmony. selena gomez. liam payne. louis tomlinson. no doubt. daughtry. creed. led zeppelin. pearl jam. nirvana. lauren daigle. aventura. romeo santos. prince royce. calibre 50. groupo firme. groupo frontera. + so many more...
COMFORT BOOKS : to all the boys i've loved before saga (the movies suck—the books are so much better) by jenny han. on the edge by allison van diepen. isla and the happily ever after by stephanie perkins. the boy most likely to by huntley fitzpatrick. a million miles away by lara avery. how to love by katie cotungo. + more....
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if you are a fan of any of the mentioned above and would like a friend to fangirl to or just to have a nice convo, feel free to message me. {i will not tolerate close-minded individuals that can’t handle different opinions so if that's you, respectfully, don't engage}
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: do not steal, plagiarize, translate, and/or republish any of my works* on here or another platform
*beside my writing, my works include : all banners, headers, dividers, and gifs that i use (which were made by me,) unless otherwise stated.
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mockhoundart · 11 months
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Harmony Master post! (Last Update: 12/14/23) Harmony has a Travel Blog! You can find it HERE This is Harmony, You will see a lot of them so I thought I'd add some info and fun facts!
Harmony is a comfort oc for me, it was never intentional but they mean a ton to me and I love drawing them. They are part of the reason I have embraced my love for flowers and drawing them!
Harmonys full name is Harmony Blossom. Harmony is 4’ 5” Harmony is Nonbinary and Saphic. Harmony loves plants. Harmony is scared of large crowds of people. Harmony like flowers and the outdoors. They are very mellow and kind. It's hard to make her angry or upset. Calm and/or smiling is their default but every so often they show other emotions too. They also an odd fascination with poisonous plants. Here are Harmonys Main references. The Latest Ref, The Original (Still canon, worn often), Dressing Nice
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and Harmonys extra outfits (Will be re-done when I have time)
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Winter Outfit Harmonys Outfits In order Left to Right: Original, Night gown, Traveling (non canon/scrapped), Party/dancing dress Raining, The Cold (scrapped), Halloween, and Valentines Day(Pending scrap/redesign)
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Harmony Voice Cannon is Low, Monotone and Raspy So I Chose Twyla Boogeyman from Monster High G1
Harmony has two companions that go with her everywhere. A sweet horse named Sunflower and a flower named Amity. Amity was originally a flower but over time they grew into a horse like Sunflower to Help Harmony to carry more during travel.
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Harmony is in a loving relationship with Iris Lenora.
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I hope you like Harmony as much as I do.
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ultragabby64 · 1 year
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I think I drew this way back in February, for Valentine's Day, taking a page out of CLAMP's book by dressing up the characters in cute outfits while they do things.
I didn't plan the drawing out properly, and never intended to color it, but I was in a bit of a CLAMP mood recently and wanted to practice some of the things I've been learning in art class, so I went for it.
I had a few issues making lines straight despite using a ruler, but I think it looks okay?
Challenges aside, I really like how this came out! I think I did good with the shading and making all the colors work together, feel harmonious, and guide the eye to where I want it to go, I'm pretty proud!
In my headcanon, my OC Allie loves baking, so she convinced the girls to bake a cake and cookies to share with their SO's, and while the cake's practically done, Helga's having a bit of trouble trying to figure out which of the weird little jars is salt and which one's the sugar.
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All things Cylas
writing, moodboards, random facts, asks, etc.
and yes, I do think I'm funny
The Ambrose Saga (even though there isn't much Ambrose in it)
Darrell and Cylas: The First Contact(s) (1 2)
as in, half ask, half rp with Blue about text/insta messages exchanged between Cylas and Darrell
Oh, Honey, Do You Want Me Now?
Cylas meets a not-so-nice guy, happens the night after her first message to Darrell, kind of simultaneously to Blue's Hogs of Hell
Call Me Maybe (ft. Darrell)
Cylas and Darrell meet at a diner
Road Trip (Gone Wrong)
Cylas and Ambrose I, in which a car breaks down (duh)
Lose Control
Cylas and Ambrose II, first impressions are important, Cylas' probably wasn't that great
Loose Ends (mention of Darrell)
Cylas and Ambrose III, Cylas wins over the twins (kinda) by being her nice and charming self - and Darrell coming by just as the right time
The Road So Far (ft. Lee)
On their way back home, they encounter a stranger
I See The Danger In Being Unprepared (ft. Lee)
Lee and Cylas get to the gas station and meet a group of guys, what could go wrong?
I've Got A Secret, I'm Telling Everyone (ft. Lee)
Are they being followed? And, if so, by whom? Will the situation escalate?
Lost Within Musings about the past
Delirium Takes Over Me, You're Just Another Casualty Their coping mechanisms aren't always the best, but at least no innocents get hurt
Kissing blurb (ft. Darrell) to be continued...? writing murder and torture is easier
When I'm Gone After waking up feeling weird Cylas goes out to clear their head
Cylas and Clay, or: How I Met My Murder Bestie
Take A Chance On Me Clay and Cylas first meeting when they just so happen to go after the same victim (technically, Cylas had him first)
Little Talks Opening up about the past can be difficult, and sometimes you grow unaware of how horrible an experience really was until you get an outsider's perspective
Some Days I Don't Know If I Am Wrong Or Right
I Can't Decide Whether You Should Live Or Die Clay gets to finally meet Cylas' former tormentor - after learning a little more about the past
Oh I Could Bury You Alive Sharing the workload of the disposal of a body
Alt Timeline, or: Somehow I Made Her Worse...?
ramblings/introduction/first thoughts
Nothing Compares To The Promise I Have In You When I say that this version of Cylas has a kind of unhealthy relationship with Father Darrell Todd and idolises him, I am not lying.
Art and Moodboards:
Cylas and Odile: Aren't you tired of being nice? by solmints-messyocdiary
Cylas and Odile by solmints-messyocdiary
Alt Cylas and Father Darrell
Cylas, murder bean edition
Aesthetic/Fashion moodboard made by myers-meadow
Diner meeting
Death is Mercy by rottent33th
The Last Time Always Hurts The Most
A World Of Peace And Harmony
Some General Info
Incorrect Quotes (1 2)
Music edit by angxlslasher
Iceberg meme
Valentine's Day card from Cylas to Darrel
Meanwhile In Ambrose... A very serious sketch
Shirts my OCs would wear
Blorbo Bingo
OC Questions (1 2 3 4 5)
Cylas and The Patron by solmints-messyocdiary He said no pickles
(Rough) Scar Placement Ref
Cylas made in Hero Forge
random scribbles
Say "Hi" to the camera Blue's response to an ask I sent that includes art of Cylas
Cylas by solmints-messyocdiary
random pencil sketch I suppose
Picrew I
Picrew II (includes alt timeline Cylas and Ghost)
Picrew III
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