#oc; Fria
multisfabulis · 1 year
Only Through Acceptance Will Love Find Us
Changes on the Horizon (Chapter 4)
Word Count: 4179
It's been over 7 months since I last updated this fic and it had to be a chapter that has given me the most trouble to write thus far!
I genuinely don't know why writing this had to be so much of a struggle. The rough draft was fine, for the most part! When it came time for the rewrite portion, I just couldn't be satisfied with anything I'd written for it, even after 3 or 4 rewrites. It got so bad that I ended up asking my beta reader/friend for help because I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong and I wanted their input on this to see if they had any suggestions. Then something akin to a miracle happened; I managed to find inspiration from an unlikely source (which I shan't divulge because it is NOT something I want to discuss on a public forum) and I was finally able to write to a degree I was both content with and found quality in. I still struggled with other parts later on but they weren't nearly to the severity the beginning was.
I don't know when the next chapter will be or whether I'll have just as much trouble with it as I did this but it'll be sometime next year! At least I can say I updated this fic more this year than I did last and that's good enough for me.
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     Several hours passed before Ven felt brave enough to open the front door. Her eyes scanned the area for any signs of Renard, hoping she wouldn’t catch a glimpse of blond hair or white clothing. He was sure to be angry with her, enraged even. People like him never took rejection well, especially after being humiliated in such a degrading fashion like he’d been. There was no telling what he might do to her upon seeing her again, which scared the utter shit out of her.
     It was only a kiss. A kiss, something she considered to be far better than whatever else he had planned for her. Yet knowing that did nothing to help calm the anxiety roiling in her stomach. The scene kept replaying over and over again in her head, forcing her to recall each and every disgusting detail. The way his body felt atop hers, how his eyes looked when they met her gaze, the warmth of his breath as their lips were about to touch, it…it made her sick.
     What was she supposed to have done? Should she have tried to fight him off or let him have his way with her? Was living in fear of retaliation better than living with the shame and guilt of allowing him to do that to her? Could she have done something differently to avoid either outcome? What was the right answer here? Was…was there even a right answer?
     She wanted to bash her head against the nearest wall. What was the point in asking herself all these questions? No amount of what-ifs, could haves, and should haves would change what happened. The only thing she could do now was learn from it. Ready herself so she wouldn’t be caught off-guard again. That meant keeping her dagger on her at all times just in case.
     Her mother wouldn’t be home for another few days yet so Ven was determined in holding the fort down until then. Once Mother made a safe return, they would pool their money together and leave Belleurseul at first light. She didn’t know where they would go but anywhere was better than staying here.
     For now, however, she had pets to feed. She walked out to the stable with tentative strides, peeking over her shoulder every so often to see if Renard was waiting for her when she looked back. Thankfully, she reached her destination with little to no issue and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief.
     The animals brayed and clucked at her arrival. She gave them all a smile as she filled one of the troughs with hay for the cows and sheep to munch on before turning around to scatter seed for the chickens. They dug in straight away, acting as if they’d never been fed a day in their life while Ven took the liberty of refilling their water. Then she sat on the stool Mother often used when she’d milk the cows and watched them eat. At least they were happy.
     It wasn’t long before her mind began to wander. What was she going to do about Renard? Dealing with him herself was out of the question since he could easily overpower her if she made any attempts to fight back. That left asking someone for help but who would want to help her in bringing the golden boy of Belleurseul down? That wasn’t even taking into account whether or not anyone would believe her in the first place. She’d be inviting hell to come to her doorstep if she came out about this. Was this what they called being stuck between a rock and a hard place?
     Maybe a walk was in order. A dusky stroll around the woods might do her some good, help clear her mind of things. So she quietly stepped out from the stable and made her way towards the forest that surrounded her house. It may have been stupid to go traipsing through the place so close to nighttime but she knew nothing dangerous lurked in there. She would be all right.
     The sky was streaked with shades of red, orange, and violet as the setting sun cast its golden rays across the land. She walked through the woods with leaves of similar color crunching beneath her feet and a chill beginning to seep into her bones. Some of the trees had already lost their dressings with the coming of winter, which meant the others were sure to follow not long after. She and Mother would need to start stockpiling food soon if they were to survive while on the road.
     Memories of the time she spent here flooded her mind. She remembered how she’d crawl into bushes or climb up trees to hide from imaginary monsters and how she’d dig into the mud after it rained to find and catch worms to bring home. Then there were the days where Mother played with her when she felt well enough to do so and hadn’t had work to do. Those Ven looked back on fondly. She was really going to miss this forest when she and Mother left.
     There was one spot in particular she’d hate to leave behind. Other people would regard it as nothing special but not her. To her, it was her safe space, her home away from home. It was a place she could go to for some peace and quiet when life became too much for her to handle sometimes. She wasn’t sure if there’d be anything like it again outside of Belleurseul. Knowing her luck, the universe would take it away from her just as she found it so she wasn’t feeling optimistic.
     Her heart stirred upon arriving at a familiar clearing. What greeted her first was the hill with its tall grass that stopped at her knees as she passed through. Then it was the climb up to the top of the hill. Awaiting her there was the rolling countryside bathed in light and the multicolored expanse looming above it. Seeing that in all its glory always brought about a sense of wanderlust, a desire to go and explore everything the view had to offer. This was why she loved coming to this place.
     She sat down amid the grass, basking in the fading sunlight. The wind ruffled her hair and clothes as she drew her knees up to her chest to keep herself from shivering in the cold. The sight was as beautiful as always to behold. Yet looking far off into the distance did little to quell her mind.
     What laid beyond Belleurseul’s walls? What was the world like outside the confines of her cage? It all seemed so grand and vast to her that she wondered if she’d ever see only a fraction of what there was. She longed for the call of adventure, yearned for it with every fiber of her being. However, there was one thing she wanted more than anything else, something she coveted with her very soul. When would they finally come into her life to rid her of her loneliness? When?
     Her gaze wandered over to a lone dandelion standing beside her. She thought it strange to find one blooming out of season here, especially with it being so close to winter and all. It was then she remembered an old superstition she heard about them way back when she was a child. If one were to blow the seeds off it, it would make their dreams and wishes come true. It never worked for her in the past but she had the urge to try it again, if only for nostalgia’s sake.
     Plucking it out from the ground, she held it up to her face. Was she really going to do this? Was she really going to rely on an old fairy tale to help bring her happiness? God, it sounded so stupid, so childish, so embarrassing to trust in something like this but it was the only thing she had left at this point. So, with reddened cheeks, she closed her eyes and made her wish.
     ‘I wish to meet my prince.’
     Thus the seeds were scattered to the wind, carried off in the direction of wherever it blew to. She watched them vanish from sight, hoping someone out there in the great beyond heard her and granted her wish. Maybe, just maybe, this was the way to go about it. Only time would tell if it worked or not.
     Then there was what sounded like clattering behind her. She hastily rose to her feet, her hand going straight to where she had her dagger sheathed on her thigh. Her heart pounded in her ears at the thought of facing Renard again but she wasn’t planning on going down without a fight. She would scar the bastard right where it hurt the most so everyone knew of what he had done. She waited in anticipation for his arrival, her eyes trained on the opening she walked out of not too long ago.
     However, her would-be intruder wasn’t Renard. It was Dahlia, trotting out of the forest with Mother’s cart still attached to her. There was still cause for concern, though, when her rider appeared to not be in the driver’s seat controlling her. That sent alarm bells ringing throughout Ven’s head.
     “Dahlia?” She stepped forward to hold Dahlia’s face in her hands. “Dollie, what happened? Where’s Mother?”
     The horse only pushed her muzzle closer to her. It was times like these Ven really wished animals had the ability to talk. Quick glances over at the cart revealed mud caked on the wheels and marks resembling scratches along the sides of the wood. Were they attacked by a pack of wild animals on the road? Whatever the case may be, she needed to get to the bottom of it.
     Detaching the cart from Dahlia, Ven climbed up on her saddle and ordered, “All right, girl, take me to where Mother is! Quick!”
     With that, Dahlia galloped back in the direction she came from. Ven’s mind raced a thousand miles a minute as they hurried to wherever Mother was, wondering just what happened to her yesterday. It couldn’t have been anything good, judging by the marks left on the cart. Still, now wasn’t the time to be thinking of the worst-case scenario. She needed to remain calm and focused on finding Mother. She was going to bring her home safe and sound, despite her intrusive thoughts saying otherwise.
     Night descended upon them right when they reached yet another forest shrouded in darkness. Dahlia slowed to a walk as she sniffed along the ground in an attempt to find and track Mother’s scent. Wolves howled in the distance, scaring Ven more than she had been previously. So they were the ones responsible for attacking the cart, she thought with a grimace as her grip on the reins tightened ever so slightly. Suddenly, the horse let out a whinny and broke off into a trot.
     It was a short time later they stumbled across it. A large castle with a moonlit veil stood before her, everything except its shape obscured in shadow. She could just barely make out its arched windows set in the walls above and the chiseled stonework that gave this building its form. She would’ve doubted Mother being here if it weren’t for the odd lack of sentries keeping watch at the front gate. A noble wouldn’t leave their home unguarded for no reason, right? Was it possible then Mother took shelter here, believing it to be empty?
     Slowly but surely, they walked through the gate. Shivers ran up her spine at the idea of entering this creepy place alone but she wouldn’t be deterred. She came here with a goal in mind and nothing was going to stop her from returning home with Mother in one piece. Climbing off of Dahlia, she approached the set of heavy-looking doors that laid up ahead of her. When a couple knocks earned her no response, she decided ‘to hell with it’ and headed inside by herself.
     She stepped into what she presumed to be a foyer. The door slammed shut behind her with a loud thud and she nearly jumped out of her skin in fright. She waited for servants to accost her, question her on who she was and what she was doing here in the middle of the night. Yet no one came, leaving her to wonder if the castle truly was abandoned or if she had just caught a lucky break. Either way, it certainly made it easier for her to try finding her mother in this place. Steeling her nerves, she ascended up the grand staircase.
     “Mother?” she called out, her voice bouncing off the walls and high ceiling. “Mother, are you here?”
     No answer. Whether that was good or bad, wasting time around here wasn’t going to prove anything. She stopped upon reaching the landing and looked up at the darkened hallways on the second floor. She didn’t want to be here longer than was necessary so picking the right way to go was key. Deliberating on it for a few moments, she chose to search the east wing. Her footsteps echoed all throughout the room as she climbed the stairs and entered the left corridor.
     She was terrified. She wasn’t one to believe in ghosts and such but the creaking of wood underfoot, noises she could swear were whispers, and the feeling of eyes drilling into her were making her think otherwise. The suits of armor she’d occasionally pass by didn’t help matters, either. Still, she continued onward, determined to be brave in the face of potential danger.
     “Mother? Mother, are you here?” She turned round a corner and found herself in another dark hallway. “Mother, if you’re here, please answer me. I…I need you to say something.”
     “Oh, are you with miss Ravavyre?” a voice replied to her left.
     She stopped dead in her tracks. There weren’t any doors she recalled walking past so who did that voice belong to? She looked in the direction of where it came from, spotting a lone candelabra sitting atop a nearby table. Nothing seemed to suggest the presence of another person but she was sure she didn’t hallucinate that.
     Retracing her steps, she answered, “…Ye-yes but who are you? I ask that you show yourself.”
     “I’m over here, miss!” They sounded closer but she still couldn’t see them.
     She decided to approach the small end table. There wasn’t anything on it to indicate someone was talking to her through it, like a loudspeaker or a similar device, yet she was sure this was where she heard it from. Then it hit her. Was the candelabra itself speaking to her?
     “H-hello?” she quietly called. She waited for an answer, something to prove to her she wasn’t crazy. Nothing happened. “Of course, what was I thinking? Random inanimate objects don’t speak, Ven, what were you---”
     The candelabra sprung to life and excitedly replied, “Hello, miss!”
     She screamed as she jumped backward and fell to the floor. Okay, scratch what she was thinking earlier, she had to be going mad because there was no way in hell a candelabra just talked to her. It hopped down from the table and started making its way toward her with its wicks brightly lit. She needed to run, hightail it outta there, but she was frozen. Crap, crap, crap!
     “Calm down, miss, you’ve nothing to be afraid of!” it said, waving its arms in a motion that was meant to be nonthreatening. “It’s all right, I won’t---”
     Remembering her dagger, she whipped it out from its holster and pointed it in the candelabra’s direction, ordering, “Stay right there! Don’t come any closer!”
     “All right, all right!” It did as it was told, keeping its arms up. “Listen, miss, my name is Fria, okay? You’re looking for your mother, who happens to be miss Nithenoel Ravavyre, correct?”
     She eyed him suspiciously. He knew who her mother was and he didn’t seem to be harboring some hidden agenda or ulterior motive. After having her dagger trained on him for a few moments, she breathed out a sigh and dropped her hand. He had information she needed so she had to play ball with him. The second he tried anything, though, she wouldn’t hesitate to punt him across the room.
     “Yes, that’s her,” she answered, sheathing her dagger. “I apologize for my rudely behavior, I’m not used to talking candles and---”
     “It is quite all right, miss,” he assured her with a smile. He hopped up to her and took her hand between his to kiss it. At least he was a gentleman, if nothing else. “Would you like me to take you to her? I’m sure she’d be quite happy to see you.”
     Forgoing any pretense of subtlety, she said, “Yes, please, I…I was so worried when our horse came back home without her and I just wanna know if she’s okay.”
     “Aside from some minor injuries, she is all right, I promise.” Fria turned away to face the darkness up ahead. “Come, follow me. I’ll take you to where her room is.”
     “R-right!” She rose to her feet and fell in line behind him. “Thank you, Fria, you have no idea how much this means to me.”
     “It is all well and good. By the way, might I ask you for your name?”
     “It’s…Venlithea but I prefer to be called Ven.”
     “Ah, pretty name for a pretty girl.”
     The corners of her mouth curled up into a tight smile. He only said it to be nice, not because he actually meant it. Besides, even if he did, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to take it as a compliment after the day she’d had today. Renard thought she was and that turned out so well, didn’t it? So she decided to just brush it off as she followed after Fria down the long corridor.
     The glow from the candlelight made venturing through this a little easier, which she was grateful for. She could see windows that were as tall as the ceiling with their curtains drawn to her left and large portraits hanging on the wall to her right. The people shown in them were from a family she didn’t recognize and their name didn’t ring any bells in her memory. What were they like? They had to be interesting folks if they had someone like Fria as one of their servants.
     “So, tell me, miss Ven--” Fria started, breaking Ven out of her reverie-- “how did you find your way here? I’m curious to know if you happened upon us by accident or if you knew of us beforehand.”
     “Oh, no, I didn’t know anything about this place. When Dahlia, the horse I mentioned earlier, came home without Mother, I simply asked her to take me to where she was and I guess she tracked her scent and led me here. This is actually my first time ever leaving home so this is all new to me.”
     “Ah, I see. I must say, you’re very brave for going through that dark forest all by yourself. At your age, no less!”
     She resisted the urge to trickle some bite into her words as she corrected him with, “You appear to be mistaken, Fria. I only just turned 18 a few months ago so I’m not as young as you believe me to be.”
     “Ah, I apologize, miss. Regardless, I commend you for your effort. It must not have been easy for you.”
     They fell silent shortly before arriving at their destination. The anticipation was killing her as Fria knocked on the door several times to see if the person they were here for was behind them. A voice that sounded similar to Mother’s answered and he announced he had a visitor with him. It was at this point Ven couldn’t wait any longer. She took hold of the handle and swung it open.
     The first thing she saw was her mother, who was in the process of getting out of a king-sized bed. Then her eyes laid on the bandages wrapped around her arms and the parts of her legs that were left bare. Her clothes were different from the ones she was wearing yesterday and her hair was tied back into a singular ponytail as opposed to the usual four braids. Finally, there was the simple cane she grabbed on to help her stand as her eyes widened in surprise at Ven.
     “Thea, when did you---”
     “Mother!” She all but tackled her into a tight hug, burying her face in her chest. “God, I was so worried about you! When Dahlia came back home alone, I thought you had---”
     “It’s all right, sweetheart, I’m okay.” She felt Mother return the hug with just as much strength as a hand stroked her back. “It’ll take a lot more than that to knock out this old woman.”
     Tears sprung to Ven’s eyes as Mother let out a hearty laugh. Having her in her arms again like this after worrying over whether she was dead or not caused the dam she’d been building since Renard’s assault earlier to burst. Sobs wracked through her body as she cried like a child in her embrace, much to her mother’s bemusement. She needed this, especially with everything that happened today.
     Pulling away to dry her tears, Mother asked, “Did you really miss me that much, Thea? I said I’d be back!”
     “...Yeah, I did,” Ven replied, hoping she didn’t hear the hesitation in her voice.
     “Well--” she wiped away another tear as she chuckled-- “I know I shouldn’t say this but it does warm my heart to see how much you love me.”
     Ven choked back a laugh. She hated lying to her mother but she couldn’t bear having her know the truth. She’d feel so guilty for leaving her there alone to be taken advantage of and that was the last thing Ven wanted. They just had to pool their money together, then they’d be gone from Belleurseul sooner rather than later. They wouldn’t have to put up with Renard ever again.
     Their happy reunion was briefly interrupted by Fria telling them Ven was free to stay the night and dinner would be served shortly. There was just the matter of letting the Master know about the new guest but Fria was able to ease their fears with assurances of him being fine with it. The Master, known as Ferreth, seemed like a decent enough person if he allowed her mother to stay here free of charge. Ven wanted to thank him for taking care of her before the day was over.
     Still, today was…a lot. The pain of losing her dear friend still lingered but having her mother there to comfort her made it easier to handle. They were planning to return home tomorrow so as to not be a burden on the people living here. They were the kind to not overstay their welcome. As much as she dreaded the possibility of facing Renard again, she’d be brave and prove she wasn’t scared of him. She would just need to act the hell out of it.
     Tonight, she would rest. Reality could wait.
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antlerqueer · 2 years
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“No mames...”
The Resort (2022). s01e02.
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offsidekineticist · 7 months
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The Derenge clan made with this picrew.
In order we have Theoven (bleachling gnome), Giliys (halfling), Fria (fleshwarp), Costin Perivald (changeling), Qweck Varnaj (gnome), Mayhew (halfling duskwalker), Harper (halfling beastbrood tiefling), and Wirrel (strix).
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kathea · 1 year
Night Intruders in the Kitchen
I wrote this story in 2022. It's still one of my favourite things I have ever written. And it features my favourite character! :D (Haga :)))
Summary: Young noble daughter wants to take revenge on her father.
TW: mentions of domestic violence, mentions of poisoning
When the night had fallen, Lord Deneran’s young daughter snuck out of her room. She tiptoed down the staircase, barefoot, careful not to make any noise. She managed to get all the way down to the castle kitchen without meeting a single soul. The large room was softly illuminated by the moonlight. She didn’t use a lantern to avoid drawing any attention.
She slowly walked through the kitchen, looking around. The tables were piled high with various ingredients and dishes in preparation for tomorrow’s big celebration. Her gaze landed on a large pot on a tall table. The edge of the pot was too high for her to peek into it, so instead she sniffed. It smelled like stew, a highly seasoned one. This was perfect.
She looked around and found a wooden stool that she put next to the table to help her reach into the pot.
She reached for a pouch that was fastened at her waist. She untied it and opened it. Inside was a pile of orange berries which she took out and crushed in her palms above the pot. She wiped her hands on a towel that was lying on the table. She picked up a large cooking spoon that was lying next to the pot and started stirring the–
“What are you doing?”
She screamed and jumped off the stool when she heard a curious voice coming from a dark corner of the kitchen. After she calmed down her breathing, she slowly peeked beyond a corner of the table. She was quite puzzled to find Uncle Haga sitting on the dirty kitchen floor with his back resting against a sack of flour, and a large bowl of dough lying on the ground next to him. He must have been sitting here this whole time, and she just hadn’t noticed him.
She frowned. “What are you doing here?”
He grinned playfully. “I asked first.”
“Hmph.” She slowly returned to her table. “I don’t need to ask what you’re doing. You’re stealing food again. Now I’m sure Pa would love to hear about it. Or rather… hate?” She peeked around the table to assess his reaction.
Haga laughed, his voice showing nothing but genuine amusement as always. “Haha! You’re threatening me?”
“I simply want to present you a deal. You didn’t see me, I didn’t see you.”
He folded his arms. “Now I’m even more curious about what you’re doing here.”
“Nothing anymore. I’m leaving.” She picked up the stool and went to put it back in the original place.
“Then what have you done?” He started to sound rather urgent. With a grunt, he pulled himself to his feet. “Hey! Come back, you squirt, you hear me!”
She walked back towards him. “You wanna know what I did? It doesn’t matter anymore, now that you have seen me, I have to cancel the plan.” She tried to make sure he doesn’t hear her voice trembling.
Haga put his hands on his hips. “Yes, I want to know. Tomorrow is an important banquet so I want to know what you are secretly doing in the kitchen in the middle of the night.”
Her chin began to tremble, but she raised it high and looked defiantly into his eyes.. “H-he hit my mother so I’ll ruin his banquet!” she yelled, throwing her arms around. A tear that she couldn’t stop ran down her cheek.
Uncle Haga’s expression softened, showing worry and surprise. He let his arms fall to his side and leaned down to her. He put a hand on her shoulder and looked her directly in her eyes. “Tell me, little one…” he said quietly. “What did you put in that stew?”
She sobbed and wiped her nose by her hand in a completely unladylike manner. “You know, I read this book in the library…”
“Yeah?” he prompted her to go on.
“I took the book with me for a stroll in the forest and I found this plant…”
He frowned slightly.
“It wasn’t going to kill anyone.”
Uncle Haga sighed and straightened up. “Well I can’t let you do that. Sorry. Even though I might be curious about the chaos that would ensue…” He apparently pondered about it for a moment. “Nah,” he said eventually. “You know, this wouldn’t just hurt Deneran. This would hurt everyone.”
She sobbed. “I knoooow…”
“And you still wanted to do that?” He frowned in disbelief. “Even I wouldn’t do that. Well, maybe when I was your age, I would.” He thought about it for a second. “Yeah, I would. But now I’m… I’m more mature, I guess. I don’t know what went wrong with me.”
She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “You won’t tell Dad, will you?”
He shook his head. “Nah. Don’t worry. You see, I understand what you’re trying to do here. But there’s a better way to go about it.”
He knelt down in front of her, looked into her eyes and whispered, “I’ll let you in on a secret.” He winked.
She sniffed. “What secret?”
“You know, I… I know a trick…”
She stared at him in anticipation.
“You know about the intense headaches your father seems to suffer from?”
She nodded. Her father tends to stay in bed for a few days when that happens.
Uncle Haga continued. “I may know a trick to… cause him to get a headache.”
She frowned. As much as she wanted to take revenge, this seemed… cruel. “What trick is that?” she still asked.
Haga shook his head. “I won’t tell you what it is. But I can use it…” He put a hand on her arm. “I’ll use it to protect you and your mom. If I have the chance.”
She sniffed and folded her arms on her chest. “Why should I believe you? You’re just pulling my leg. You won’t even tell me the trick.”
Haga shrugged. “You don’t have to believe me. Whatever. I’ll still do it.”
He got up with difficulty, using the edge of the table to help himself up.
“Now we gotta decide what to do about this~” He tapped the pot with his knuckles.
She looked down in shame and didn’t answer.
“Well, we need to get rid of it,” he said. “Will you help me carry it to a privy?”
She looked up. “But… won’t they notice it’s gone?”
Haga grinned. “I’ll say I ate it – he’ll believe it, really. I mean, I may have… actually done that before…”
She sniffed. “But he’ll– he’ll–!” She remembered seeing the dark bruise, imperfectly hidden by makeup, that appears around Uncle’s eye when he makes Father angry.
“Don’t worry, I can deal with him,” Haga smiled nonchalantly.
“No! You haven’t done anything!” She had known she would be hurting innocent people by what she was going to do, but now she didn’t like that anymore. Uncle was trying to help her, she didn’t want him to suffer for something she had done!
“Don’t worry, I told you I have a trick. But you mustn’t tell anyone that I told you this. Especially not Deneran.” For the first time tonight, he looked genuinely scared. “I… I’m not sure how he’d react…”
She shook her head. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. I still think you are pulling my leg though.” Haga nodded towards the large pot. “Now… We need to clean the mess you’ve made.” He took a sad look into the pot. “Too bad. It tasted so good before.”
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aceironwood · 2 years
OCIN: Beacons of Hope Volume 1 - Chapter 11
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Chapter 11: Chance Collisions is available now!
As the first semester at Beacon comes to an end, Chae-Yeong accidentally lets James in on a potentially relationship altering secret. Meanwhile, Ozpin and Amber spend the afternoon in Vale as students begin to arrive from Atlas for the Vytal Festival
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sullustangin · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Generator: SWTOR edition
tagged by @a-muirehen ; tagging @vexa-legacy , @swtorpadawan, @rinskiroo, @grandninjamasterren, @storyknitter @queen-scribbles, @shabre-legacy AND anyone else who wants to join in on the chaos. 
On top of my own toons, I threw in Theron and Lana for giggles.
...strangely, this game loves Gronn and Fria and is really good at describing them.
Group Efforts
Theron: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Eva: Marry me.
This one is canon, actually. xD
Lana: Gronn is restricted to decaf for the rest of this adventure.
...also canon.
Norwan: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Lana: Theft. Padneema: Disturbing the peace. Fria: Aggravated assault. Gronn: Arson. Theron: All of the above. In that order, probably.
~~ Fria: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Padneema: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Padneema: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
Lana: Christmas lights? Fria: Check. Eva: Thermos of hot cocoa? Fria: Check. Theron: Santa suits? Fria: Check. Gronn: Shovel? Fria: Check. Padneema: Alibi and bail money? Fria: Check- wait, WHAT?!
Fria, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! Theron, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Padneema: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Theron’*
Eva: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Individual Hilarity
Gronn:  I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul
Theron: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
Padneema: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Fria: I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Fria: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate
Eva: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down
Eva: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
 (I might have to use this one)
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dionis-kaos · 2 years
People, con ustedes... Mis protagonistas!
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starsluver · 5 months
La Vida es Fria- JJ Maybank Masterlist
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JJ Maybank x OC! Anya Narváez
Summary/Backstory: Anya Narváez is a kook. Both her parents weren't. Her father was born in Oaxaca, Mexico, and her mother was born in Carolina, Puerto Rico with successful jobs such as being a lawyer and fashion designer. Anya is a sweet and genuine person who cares about making her parents proud after all their hard work even though her parents aren't exactly happy about the fact that Anya is dating a trouble-making pogue. Unlike her closest best friend, Kiera who hates everything about being a kook. Anya enjoys being a kook and being able to live comfortably but not having the rich asshole personality. As well as being able to go out with her friends and boyfriend who she loves with her entire soul. Until Midsummers happened....
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Anya Narváez
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"JJ, I swear to God if you make one more 'your mom' joke I will slap you"
Kiera Carrera
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"I swear to god if JJ doesn't stop being a pussy, I'll be your boyfriend"
JJ Maybank
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" At least now I know how kook pussy tastes like. Money and Mommy issues"
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Song inspo:
Alsoooo this fic is heavily inspired by @xveenusx fic called Guilty that y'all definitely need to check out cause it had me SOBBING
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1.) Promise
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rilakkosmos · 2 months
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Check out my Lost Ark OC voice claim playlist! I have a Band AU with Red, Jin, Nhinoe, Steelwalker, Ezra, and Kaspar. I might make a post more on that later.
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hakkaitsm · 3 months
Ryomen Sukuna (Heian/Original form) x oc blind male
Aviso: angústia, talvez um Sukuna um pouco ooc dependendo do ponto de vista, possível necrofilia "leve"
Não revisado
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Mil anos atrás,uma era antiga e muito mais amaldiçoada que qualquer outra época atrás. Uma era destruída e dominada pelas maldições, especificamente com o reinado e tirania de Ryomen Sukuna,um homem enorme com quatro olhos vermelhos, tatuagens pretas pelo corpo inteiro,duas caras e duas bocas,uma verdadeira aberração cruel temida em todos os cantos do Japão.
Ele matava tudo que o desafiasse de alguma forma,sejam crianças, idosos, mulheres ou homens. Ele era extremamente brutal, sempre matando suas vítimas da maneira mais cruel e insensível possível, rasgando suas carnes e pele com força com as mãos e suas armas divinas.
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A luz do sol se fez presente no pequeno vilarejo acordando todos os ambientes, menos um em específico. Um garoto novo e jovem de 20 anos,seus olhos são esbranquiçados e seu corpo é fraco como uma porcelana pela doença que tomou seu corpo inteiro,sendo totalmente desconhecida para qualquer médico que tivesse o averiguado. Ele se levantou fracamente escutando os passarinhos cantando e sorriu apesar da infelicidade de não ser capaz de ver as cores do mundo como todos ao seu redor. Saindo de sua casa com cuidado, ele sentiu a brisa do vento da manhã tocando seu rosto carinhosamente,as conversas das pessoas ao redor do vilarejo o orientando enquanto ele andava para frente procurando um lugar mais silencioso para passar o tempo.
Ele parou quando sentiu que estava em um pequeno morro ao qual nunca havia encontrado em suas caminhadas, sentando-se na grama verde que ele não podia ver apenas sentir, ele se sentiu livre sentindo seus cabelos curtos e castanhos escuros balançarem. Infelizmente o mesmo não fazia ideia de que estava tão perto do perigo que espreitava na floresta ao lado de sua pessoa doente.
" o que você pensa que está fazendo aqui?"
A voz grave e rígida se fez presente atrás do jovem que se assustou com isso,como ele poderia não ter sentido a presença daquele homem? Ele sempre sentia quando alguém estava perto, era seu mecanismo de defesa diante da cegueira total. Seu rosto se virou por impulso já que tudo que ele via era absolutamente nada independentemente do que fizesse.
"apenas.... aproveitando o vento"
Ele respondeu um pouco relutante por não saber a intenção do homem ou de como ele era. A carranca do homem amenizou um pouco ao ver a cegueira do garoto, mas ele ainda se manteve frio e rude.
"trate de tomar cuidado para não entrar na floresta ao lado"
Ele disse simplesmente,sua voz fria como sempre foi. A presença do cego não o incomodava, mas também não o agradava. Ele gostava de ter paz em seu próprio templo, que era perto da onde o cego estava agora e os humanos não respeitavam sua paz constantemente invadindo seu lar numa tentativa de matá-lo e isso sempre acabava em os humanos simplesmente não voltando nunca mais.
O garoto não havia entendido o motivo de não poder ir para a floresta, mas decidiu apenas concordar com a cabeça e então a presença pesada e desconfortável daquele homem começou a sumir lentamente deixando-o sozinho com seus próprios pensamentos confusos
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Foi mais um dia comum e simples em sua vida de completa escuridão agoniante,ele caminhou novamente sem rumo tentando encontrar um caminho novo para explorar e não percebeu quando começou a andar em um lugar com mato, ouvindo os balançar sutil das folhas e só então ele percebeu estar na floresta mas já era um pouco tarde demais para voltar atrás
"qual parte do 'não entre na floresta' você não entendeu? É surdo além de cego?"
A insensibilidade na voz do homem atrás do garoto o machucou,seu peito doendo um pouco com a frase sobre sua cegueira de nascença que tanto o incomoda.
"eu....eu não consegui perceber para onde eu estava indo"
Ele não parece realmente se ressentir com o homem e sorriu suavemente com a cabeça abaixada, o que surpreendeu o tirano um pouco. Ele deveria matar aquele humano miserável, mas ele por si só já estava vivendo uma existência lamentável e então simplesmente bufou de irritação revirando seu dobro de olhos. Sukuna se virou decidindo ir embora para seu templo, largando o cego à sua própria sorte na floresta escura rodeada de um perigo imprevisível
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Conforme o tempo passava, algumas coincidências faziam com que ambos se encontrassem regularmente. No começo era irritante para o amaldiçoado ter de ver constantemente aquele rosto inocente e estúpido caracterizado pelo branco das pupilas mas então ele acostumou com a presença do cego e estranhamente.... Ele gostou de ter a presença de alguém como esse simples aldeão rodeando-o.
" esqueci de me perguntar,qual é o seu nome, pirralho?"
A pergunta pegou o jovem desprevenido diante do silêncio que estava ali,ele estava ao lado do cruel homem ao seu lado porque de alguma forma o homem o deixava tranquilo e mais solto
" eu me chamo Karumi, eu não me lembrei de falar meu nome durante esse tempo"
Ele respondeu sorrindo e rindo baixinho e isso fez o estômago de Sukuna borbulhar, mas não era fome ou algo assim era algo mais como.... borboletas? Não, ele não havia comido nenhum borboleta até onde se lembrava,mas então a ficha pareceu cair e ele balançou a cabeça soltando um grunhido fundo para esses malditos sentimentos que começou a fluir. Talvez fosse o momento de enfim acabar com a vida desse empecilho em sua vida e ele foi rápido em estender a mão para envolver no pescoço do humano fraco mas o olhar esbranquiçado se virando para ele o paralisou no processo
"aconteceu algo de errado, senhor?"
A pergunta do jovem e o jeito inocente em seu rosto puro de alguma maldade fez o tirano rapidamente se conter, retraindo a mão e braço,rangendo os dentes e franzindo a testa diante dessa demonstração de fraqueza e vulnerabilidade dele mesmo.
" nada demais"
Foi frio e seco, bem mais do que normalmente ele soava deixando o cego um pouco relutante, largando o assunto de lado bem na hora. O monstro começou a repensar um pouco olhando para a pureza do céu refletindo a beleza dos olhos da criatura fraca ao seu lado, porque ele havia se apegado a esse ser insignificante? O que era tão diferente das outras pessoas por quem se interessou minimamente no passado? Era sua situação lamentável? Sua pureza? Sua inocência? Sua presença tranquila?
Não importava o quanto ele refletisse,nada funcionava para responder suas incontáveis dúvidas. Suspirando pesadamente ele se e virou para o jovem ao seu lado sentindo-se ligeiramente ruim de ter sido rude com Karumi,o aldeão não merecia isso.
"garoto,como você me imagina? É uma dúvida persistente"
Talvez ele estivesse se arriscando demais ao pronunciar tal pergunta, até porque ele não era uma boa vista a se olhar, imagina se for imaginado na mente de alguém incapaz de enxergar a verdade, provavelmente tornaria sua aparência ainda mais horrenda e distorcida. E então ele congelou no lugar ao sentir a mão gentil e suave tocando seu segundo rosto totalmente deformado e incompressível,a dureza e aspereza de seu segundo rosto parecia não incomodar o cego que estava de lábios entreabertos de uma admiração inesperada parecendo realmente gostar de tocar-lo. Sua mão coçou para não se impulsionar para atravessar o aldeão por causa de suas tendências assassinas enraizadas em seus ossos
"eu não sei dizer... é um pouco exótico...mas não me desagrada exatamente. Desculpe-me, é muito difícil de dizer com clareza"
A resposta o surpreendeu, ele imaginaria um comentário de nojo ou algo assim,mas recebeu um elogio sutil,sua aparência não era desagradável? Talvez fosse porque ele era cego e não podia ter certeza do que sentia, mas ainda sim o elogio fez efeito no Rei deixando-o agitado e confuso sobre seus próprios sentimentos novamente. Quando Karumi afastou sua mão, Sukuna se segurou imensamente para não puxar de volta,abraçar e ter o jovem só para si,ele teria de se controlar se realmente planejasse conquistar a confiança e amor do cego gentil
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Com o tempo tudo parece tão mais natural e espontâneo entre eles, Sukuna parou de renegar todo aquele sentimento estranho de amor que tanto o incomodava, agora isso era o que preenchia seu ser antes vazio de qualquer fonte de calor. Mas dizer que tudo estava perfeito seria uma hipérbole,a doença de Karumi piorava a cada dia que se passava e mesmo que tentasse esconder atrás daqueles olhos puros e sorriso gentil no fundo ele sabia que o tirano tinha percebido sua decaída. Sukuna se preocupou o suficiente com aquele mero humano ao ponto de enviar seus servos em missões perigosas em busca de uma cura para sua doença desconhecida para a medicina assim como fez com seu jeito assassino, escondendo do parceiro todas as mortes e dores que ainda causava enquanto prometeu para si mesmo proteger o lar de Karumi,bom ele só não sabia que o jovem tinha noção de tudo isso mas pareceu preferir olhar para o lado mais "humano" que Sukuna demonstrava para seu eu doente.
Todo o dia parecia que a dor aumentava drasticamente, deixando-o de cama em um futon confortável dentro de um quarto somente para ele no templo sagrado do Rei que constantemente o visitava, segurando sua mão e ficando em silêncio confortando-o com sua presença surpreendentemente leve e com o toque suave de sua mão grande e calejada para demonstrar um apoio silencioso. E não importava o quanto ele mentisse para si mesmo, ele havia se apaixonado pelo tirano a muito tempo, mas não queria que o homem ficasse preso ao seu ser condenado e por isso não disse nada sobre isso.
O tempo passava rápido e Sukuna ficou cada vez mais frustado com o fracasso constante em achar uma cura para o aldeão e ele descontava isso tudo nos seus servos e em pessoas inocentes de outras aldeias próximas,uma chacina sem fim diante de cada frustração rotineira. Inesperadamente Karumi teve uma melhoria repentina que criou uma leve esperança no Rei, alguém tão cruel como ele não deveria ser tão ingênuo, mas o amor o deixou fraco emocionalmente e mentalmente a esse ponto.
"Senhor! Algo está errado, Karumi começou a tossir muito sangue!"
Ele não lembra de correr tanto assim como agora, mesmo seu peso parecendo um empecilho junto de seu tamanho descomunal ele ainda foi ágil e rápido o suficiente para chegar no quarto em segundos vendo Uraume e outros servos tentando ajudar um garoto doente encharcado do próprio sangue escorrendo pelos lábios finos,sua cara contorcida em dor pelo sangue expelido de seu corpo tão fortemente.
O Rei foi rápido em envolvê-lo em seus braços usando toda a energia amaldiçoada reversa que conseguia numa tentativa desesperada de que aquilo funcionasse. A tosse imparável de Karumi sujando seu corpo o agoniava, ele nunca havia sentido agonia de sangue,pelo contrário, ele adorava ver o sangue de suas vítimas jorrando e manchando tudo que podiam mas ver aquele sangue o assombrou tanto quanto qualquer outra coisa. Os olhos do menino pareciam lentamente se fechar e isso foi um gatilho de desespero para o amaldiçoado
"Ei! Ei! O que diabos está fazendo?! Não ouse fechar seus olhos! Isso é uma ordem,me obedeça ou eu juro....eu juro..."
Ele travou no meio da frase sentindo o martelar forte em seu coração,seus olhos tremendo e suas mãos agarrando firmemente os ombros de Karumi como se ele fosse escapar a qualquer momento de suas mãos como areia.
O pobre menino não podia se mexer direito,a dor insuportável lentamente estava desaparecendo e para sua surpresa as cores se tornaram uma última visão para seus olhos, é lindo,mas do que ele poderia imaginar desde que nasceu. Ele estendeu sua mão enfraquecida e tremida para o segundo rosto deformado de Sukuna, achando lindo como ele se parecia tão único e diferente em meio a todos que ele conseguia enxergar agora pelo canto do olho,um sorriso surgiu em seu rosto diante tal visão que aos seus olhos que foram tão calejados era bela.
"você é mais bonito do que eu poderia imaginar...."
Isso congelou o tirano,ele não estava esperando isso, claro que não estava. Ninguém em toda sua vida como um monstro cruel, criança indesejada, aberração, desastre natural e anjo caído havia olhado para ele como algo belo de se olhar. Sua respiração engatou quando ele sentiu o calor da mão de Karumi sumindo de seu rosto e ao perceber com os ouvidos a ausência de um coração batendo.
Tudo que ele poderia fazer é ficar em choque,seu polegar acariciando suavemente a bochecha do jovem enquanto a ficha parecia ainda cair para ele. E então ele sentiu o líquido quente descendo de repente de seus olhos,o que diabos era isso? Porque havia água saindo de seus olhos? Porque seu peito doía tanto assim?
O silêncio se fez presente na sala,seus servos foram embora deixando-o a sós com o cadáver mole do garoto porcelana. Ele se sentia um estúpido por não se preocupar com sua melhoria repentina e por não ter se esforçado para fazer tudo dá certo,eles nem sequer haviam se beijado ou coisa assim porque ele estava realmente respeitando o espaço de Karumi presumindo que o menino não o achava minimamente interessante para um relacionamento.
Ele sabia que era errado o que estava fazendo, mas desde quando sua moral era correta? Ele abraçou o corpo vazio do garoto e o beijou mesmo que soubesse que ele nunca sentiria o amor que estava transmitindo através daquele simples beijo cercado de uma dor incurável marcando sua alma para todo o sempre,seus braços firmemente se recusaram a largar o cadáver enquanto ele se separava dos lábios do mesmo, enterrando sua cabeça na curvatura do pescoço de Karumi querendo sentir seu toque de novo porque por mais que ele ainda estivesse quente em breve se tornaria algo frio refletindo a ausência de uma alma alí.
Ele não pronunciou uma única palavra,nem sequer no enterro da única pessoa ao qual ele verdadeiramente se importou. Ele só ficou parado sob a chuva pesada enquanto olhava para a terra, tampando seu corpo enterrado no buraco juntamente de uma lápide com o kimono que o garoto usava acima. Foram horas e horas de um puro silêncio preenchido somente pela pancada de chuva e pelos seus pensamentos conflitantes se perguntando se havia mais algo que ele pudesse ter feito pelo aldeão cego.
E os dias passaram ainda mais lentamente agora, ele voltou a sua chacina como uma atitude desamparada de esquecer tudo quando havia acontecido por mais que seu coração doesse todos os dias profundamente e demorou para que ele finalmente tivesse coragem de verificar sua vila para ver como todos estavam com a ausência do jovem visto que a maioria sabia da relação dos dois. Ele não só não esperava o que acabaria por ouvir:
"você viu que aquele menino cego perdeu pra doença?"
"Sim, me disseram isso... Não era inesperado porque ele realmente estava muito doente, mas ele tinha mais 3 anos de vida segundo os médicos, é estranho"
"ei vocês não souberam? Os Feiticeiros pareciam incomodados com a relação deles e decidiram por matar o garoto com uma maçã envenenada por causa de sua inocência e cegueira"
A cara dele imediatamente franziu e seus dentes rangeram com força,suas mãos se fecharam em punhos fortes e firmes de pura raiva. Que merda foi essa que ele ouviu? Esses malditos feiticeiros ainda continuam importunando e foram longe demais como os hipócritas que sempre foram. Esse tempo todo na verdade Karumi foi assassinado e deveria viver por mais tempo do que viveu,sua respiração se tornou pesada e ele perdeu o próprio controle de seu corpo tomado pelo mais puro ódio começando a destroçar cada um da aldeia sem piedade, o som de gritos e carne rasgando era o que rodeava a paisagem queimando e banhada de sangue inocente
A dor em seu peito era como se a dilaceração e queimação de seu coração estivesse ocorrendo e ele banhou-se durante anos de sangue em meio a sua ira que todo o Japão pode sentir,ele se sentiu amargurado,culpado, irritado, confuso e mais um turbilhão de emoções que o encheu. Ele não era capaz de entender naquele tempo o porque que ele se sentia fraco por mais que derrotasse os inúmeros feiticeiros que o desafiavam,ele se sentia insuficiente e incapaz diante de toda a situação e condenou o amor pela sua fraqueza.
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"depois de entender"
"eu posso dizer"
"coisas como o amor são inúteis..."
Seu eu de agora se cansou de toda a dor ao qual era obrigado a suportar de novo por ter sido renascido na era moderna graças a aquele pirralho estúpido que engoliu seu dedo em meio ao desespero de uma quase morte. E ele amaldiçoou Yuji, amaldiçoou como foi amaldiçoado pelo amor daquela alma pura que ele nunca esqueceria e que ilhe deu o sabor da mais pura fraqueza que ele poderia experimentar.
Talvez Yuji não entendesse o porque Sukuna o odiava mas era algo óbvio ao qual o tirano jamais admitiria em voz alta,o jeito que o rosado era otimista no passado o fazia se lembra daqueles olhos esbranquiçados que viram algum resquício de beleza e gentileza em seu ser distorcido e ele odiava como a lembrança era amarga. E por isso ele fez questão de quebrar Yuji até o extremo para destruir seu otimismo e brilho gentil, o adolescente feiticeiro não merecia ter tal traços, não merecia ser feliz em sua visão distorcida,ele faria cada um sentir o dobro de sua dor.
E finalmente ele entendeu que foi justo,o corpo enfraquecido e puro como a água mais cristalina do mundo do menino não pertencia a esse mundo e os Deuses só fizeram o favor de buscar aquela alma mais cedo. Ele ainda os odiava como odiava os Feiticeiros, mas no fim ele se viu obrigado a ter esse castigo, aquele garoto não passava de um castigo e sua maldição.
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butleroftoast · 7 months
Following a conversation with @esraeh: TES OCs meet BG3.
Hjolrin is a ranger. Trond is a fighter. Haaki might start off as a vengeance paladin... but probably changes class multiple times.
Out of the three of them, it would be Haaki who ends up with a tadpole - because of course it would - but I am toying with the idea of it being Amelie, who is largely unconcerned by this development and enjoys the chance for a big adventure with her family, even if she thinks their panic and insistence on guarding her is an overreaction at first. She could definitely explore on her own. She's ten years old! That's two whole numbers!
Fria is a bard. Isn't she? Bards have eldritch blast, right? Yeah, that's normal.
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She comes from a family of wizards, but was much less interested in her studies than she was goofing off to learn about puppetry and performance. Her parents gave up on trying to force her, or on paying her much attention at all, after her younger sister turned out to be a sorcerer.
Frithjofr is a rogue who doesn't understand his class at all and usually rolls awfully... yet has an uncanny ability to roll nat20s when it really, really matters. He's convinced his pet chicken is a polymorphed dragon.
Morinah is a wizard specialising in magical artefacts, which she collects and preserves. She and Gale DO NOT GET ALONG.
The pirates are mostly rogues, of course, with a few wizards, fighters, and barbarians mixed in, plus Ethysil the cleric. Rumour has it there's also a bard among them. Anyone who accuses Vilayn of being this bard ends up mysteriously strangled to death by a spare violin string.
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labon27 · 6 months
Mis OC de Hellsing
Aqui estan mis personajes de los cuales uno tengo un fanfic de nombre "Union de Mundos" y otros son persoanjes con un Lore distinto
Ōkami Martin
Protagonista de mi Fanfic "Union de mundos: Hellsing" una kitsune de 9 colas, es "Gran maestro" ella posee gran conocimiento de combate, de la historia de los kitsunes y es una mujer que puede ser muy fria, pero posee un humor caracterizado por el sarcasmo
como imaginaran es la amda de Alucard, es una mujer bella, de cuerpo musculado y lleno de cicatries, posee un gran sentido de la lealtada y es muy reservada con sus emociones, porque sabe la influencia que tiene en todos
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Sofia Dracule / Bon Preda (OC representativo)
Esto lo dividiremos en dos, por un lado, esta Sofia, ella es una cría de hombre lobo que fue adoptada por Alucard durante su época como Dracula (1875)
Al trascurrir los hechos de la novela de Bram Stocker, la derrota del Conde, Sofia tenía unos 10 a 12 años, es una lobezna muy inocente e ingenua con un corazón de oro, desafortunadamente para ella los hombres lobo en aquella época eran tratados como esclavos para los vampiros, pero en el caso de Sofia, ella era la sirvienta más importante del castillo, tenía derechos que nadie más tenía y prácticamente era la consentida del castillo.
Luego esta Bon, quien una descendiente de Sofia, osee facciones iguales que con su antepasado, pero s vida fue un poco más tranquila, la diferencia es que Bon conoció a Alucard con 5 años, fue rescata por el vampiro y regresada a su país natal (Paraguay).
Bon a los 11 años volvió a encontrase con el vampiro, esta vez ambos se conocieron más y el vampiro fue incapaz de dejar de sentirse protector con ella, la ve como su niña, su segunda oportunidad de vivir lo que no puo con Sofia.
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Arkos Caballero
Cree a Arkos hace poco tiempo, (nació del chat.IA XD) Arkos es un Paraguayo muy guapo y de cuerpo muy hermoso, como no tengo un lore fijo les diré los diferentes trasfondos que le eh dado
-Wendigo: Arkos es un Wendigo que fue víctima de secuestro para un experimento o es de herencia
-Prostituto: Arkos es un conocido bailarín exótico en un club muy respectado en Londres, es el más cotizado, más deseado y solicitado, sin embargo, su corazón es robado por el Nosfratu, desafortunadamente su vida se pone en su camino a la felicidad
 -Soldado: Arkos es un soldado muy respetado en el continente americano y en el SAS, hasta que fue enviado a la organización Hellsing y se enamoró de nuestro vampiro
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warmakin · 1 year
Oii! Você pode falar mais sobre o seu oc Daniel de Boku no Hero? Tipo, os pros e contras da individualidade dele, a história por trás, e as vezes até como ele teve a mirabolante ideia de ir estudar do outro lado do mundo no Japão.
Se você não se incomodar, eu estou fazendo uma fanfic sobre uma escola de heróis no Brasil e queria saber se você se interessaria de incluir o menino Daniel, se não quiser de boas! Mas minhas perguntas são de curiosidade mesmo.
Olá! Os prós e contras dele são o próprio sol. Em dias quentes ele pode ser um indivíduo muito forte, aumentando sua força, resistência e controlar sua aura para ataques ou defesas. Porém, nas épocas frias ele fica mais fraco, já que ele depende do contato com o sol e dos raios solares. Seu poder não chega a ser zerado, mas ele fica bem limitado. E isso também acontece durante a noite. Por isso ele usa células solares no traje que funciona como reservatório de energia, entre outros equipamentos para reverter essa condição.
Sobre o motivo dele ir para o Japão, o Brasil possui uma política que restringe atuação de heróis ou de pessoas que com quirks. Portanto, não existem escolas de heróis por lá. Para o Daniel, isso foi um problema, pois a individualidade dele despertou tardiamente e intensamente, de forma que ele não podia controlar. Ainda mais no Brasil, que é um país bastante quente. Além disso, as vagas para escolas em outros países na América do Sul são difíceis de conseguir. Nisso, uma amiga da família de Daniel mora no Japão e ofereceu moradia para ele, enquanto ele busca uma vaga nas diversas escolas de heróis que existem por lá e aprende a dominar seus poderes.
Espero que eu tenha conseguido responder suas perguntas. Esse background ainda está em desenvolvimento, então pode ter mudanças conforme eu tenha alguma nova ideia. Se tiver mais perguntas é só mandar. Abraços!!! 😊
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ablankmask · 8 months
Since I've been playing Titanfall again, my Apex Legends OC has invaded my brain once more.
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Ya see, she decided to join the Apex Games to prove to her mother that she was capable of becoming a Pilot like her father was.
Long story short, it didnt go well LMAO
But with Titanfall lore fresh in my mind once more, Im tempted to write for her some more. She's one of the OCs ive bullied the most, and likely the only OC ive bullied physically (and more than once, at that!)
Here's all the babbles Ive written for her back in 2021, as well as some longer pages using the little blabs as guideposts
A lot of them are weirdly written, cringe, and have weird spelling.
3am does that lmao
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yangnaseon · 11 months
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”? 💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep? 🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food? 🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why? 🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? 📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim? 🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song? 🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it? 🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel? 💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
(sou mesmo muito curiosa, sorry)
😨 nem fugir e nem lutar, naseon raramente fica com medo - ao menos não de coisas como insetos - e em situações de perigo real - na maioria das vezes - ele sabe lidar bem por conta do treinamento no exercito.
💤 geralmente ele precisa tomar remédio pra lidar com a insônia - algo que acabou adquirindo após o acidente - e assim conseguir dormir bem mas ele tem diminuído o consumo - com aprovação do psiquiatra - e não se medicando quando acaba dormindo abraçado com alguém que ele gosta, isso porque ele fica mais relaxado e confortável - o que não acontece quando está sozinho.
🍟 naseon é um desastre na cozinha, ele só faz algo se tiver como ajudante e se a pessoa tiver paciência com ele - porque pode acabar demorando mais do que deveria - então ele geralmente pede comida delivery ou - quando com sorte - come algo que preparam pra ele.
🍁 verão. não tem uma razão especifica, naseon só gosta do clima, de como ele fica mais disposto pelo calor e de como as cores ficavam mais vibrantes por conta do sol mas até que ele tem gostado mais do inverno depois de usar o frio como desculpa pra ficar agarrado em certas pessoas.
🕷️ irracional não e ele não tem medo em si mas as vezes coisas referente a água - em grande quantidade ou que traga a sensação de afogamento - o dá gatilhos.
📣 a voz de naseon é geralmente calma e baixa, dependo da pessoa pode soar fria e conter um ar de desinteresse palpável e isso também é o que deixa evidente quando ele gosta de alguém porque de alguma forme ele é mais doce entre as palavras e o tom usado ser mais suave.
🎤 ele diria que é razoável, não é profissional mas não é alguém que incomodaria os outros com sua cantoria - ao menos ninguém nunca reclamou até hoje - e ele costuma gosta de karokes com um repertorio de musicas mais antigas ou que soem como se fosse antigas de alguma forma, sua favorita sendo: 담다디 (damdadi) - lee sang eun.
🎷 não, apesar de ter crescido uma vontade de aprender a tocar violão - depois das incansáveis vezes vendo daniel tocar.
🎡 eu acho que ele é mais do tipo que beijaria em qualquer lugar se tiver oportunidade e permissão pra isso.
💚 ver as pessoas que ele gosta feliz, seja por algo que ele fez ou ajudou de alguma forma - já que a linguagem de amor de naseon é atos de serviço - ou por qualquer outro motivo, esse é o tipo de coisa que faz ele ganhar o dia e sentir o coração quente.
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aceironwood · 1 year
OCIN: Beacons of Hope Volume 2 - Chapter 7
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Chapter 19: Volume 2, Chapter 7 is now available!
The Beacon dance is here, and Amber’s more than ready for a night of fun after everything else that’s happened this school year. Turn out for the dance is great and there’s plenty of opportunities for students to get some time alone with their crushes
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