#of brainy's mom mostly
spacedkey · 6 months
tought abt the funny little doctor too much and now my brain gurt
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toxinoire · 6 months
Because of boredom, here's some Superfriends(+Supercorp, Brainia and Dansen if you squint) headcannons (Miraculous season 6 please just release I'm begging, Heathers The Musical please come back)
• Kara is actually scared shitless of the dark, but due to xray vision she doesn't mind it. So when she solar flares she tries to sleep with the lights on. Lena found out about it and made her a nightlight.
• Brainy, Nia and Esme definitely watch Miraculous.
• Lena refers to them all as greatest friends, however she refers to Nia as her favorite nuisance and Alex as her least favorite nuisance (she loves them tho)
• Nia and Esme made Kara and Lena binge watch Miraculous all the from season 1 with them once and now they're attached to the plot. (Kara and Lena had to pause and breathe soooo many times during that night they watched it for the first time because holy shit why is everything similar to them)
• Kara actually really loves listening to cover artists like Annapantsu, Lydia The Bard, Chloe Breez, Reinaeiry, Caleb Hayles, Will Stetson, etc. (Yes, Will Stetson mostly does English covers but have you heard that man's voice?)
• Kelly made Lena listen to the singer Malinda Kathleen Reese's songs because of the fact that she uses Irish style music and oh no, Lena's playlist is overflowing now.
• Lena's bi, but she's into women more (specifically Kara)
• Kelly is the mom friend
• Brainy and Nia went on a date to the cinema to watch the Miraculous awakening movie and they have been annoying ever since they watched it. "Guys, stop singing those damn songs (Stronger Together and Now I See specifically) you're making Kara and Lena cry" -Alex and Kelly
• Someone Kara accidentally introduced Esme to Heathers The Musical. And while Alex and Kelly love the musical Esme is too yOUNG FOR THAT-
• J'onn: These are my dysfunctionial Earth- Brainy: Some of aren't from Earth- J'onn: Earth children.
• Lena never wanted to admit that she's in love with Kara out loud in fear that the universe might take it all away from her.
• Kara's always been in love with Lena, she just never realized until Alex and Kelly's wedding.
• Esme: Auntie Kara and Auntie Lena are just like Marinette and Adrien! :) Kelly: Aaaaand there's the cry of outrage. Alex: The question is, who's it from? Kara or Lena?
• Once a Valentine's Day, Brainy made Nia a little funko pop of herself as Nia, not Dreamer. And whenever she taps on it's head it makes a "boop" noise. Nia loves it so much.
• Kelly once baked Alex a blueberry cheesecake because she remembered that Alex said she loved those once during a game night long ago. Esme has never seen her mom cry so hard.
• Nia found the book "Vertigo Peaks" in Lena's stuff once and decided to read it. Lena was horrified, and Nia teased her endlessly about it.
• Kelly and Lena once got into a debate of whether or not escapism is a good coping mechanism, and both of them had valid arguments PLUS cited their sources of information. Color Alex and Kara scared, but they're also attracted to this.
• Esme's favorite aunt is Lena and aspires to be like her. When they found out, everyone was like "awwww" but Lena was like "...Bad idea. Esme, honey, bad idea-" then everyone else was like "Don't listen to her."
• Alex, Kelly, Nia and Brainy once tried to convince Lena to be in the battlefield with them but Lena was like "Yeah no, someone needs to stay and be the brains of the operation." Kara then said "YEAH" because she doesn't want to see Lena get hurt and she knows she's abandoning the villain the second she sees Lena get hurt so no distractions allowed. Then Esme delivered the final blow by saying "Someone needs to stay and make whatchamacallits so you all don't die :)"
• Kara is extremely self sacrificial, but Esme unintentionally gave her a reality check by saying "But Auntie Kara, everyone won't sleep if you're in danger! Health is important!" and it sounds so innocent but deep down Kara is like "Oh right they will actually bend over backwards to save me and neglect themselves ah I need to stop"
• Lena releases all her pent up rage by walking onto the roof or balcony, taking a deep breath and scream.
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Being Supercorp’s Child Would Include
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Warnings: n/a
anonymous said: Hey!! Can i request a story where the reader is supercorp child??
I hope you guys are ok with all these Would Includes! If not, feel free to resend anything you would like to see as an imagine - Admin Cam
Also, I definitely could go on for days about this, but I had to cut the post off somewhere
Being Supercorp’s Child Would Include
Kara and Lena are protective of you
Not necessarily over protective, but your safety always comes first
They give you a necklace with a button to summon Supergirl if you’re ever in danger
Being the child of Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers means that some people may have it out for you, so they always want to be careful
One Halloween you beg to dress up as Supergirl
Of course they give in
For quite a few years, you all have a group costume and it’s absolutely adorable
Kara flies past your school at least once a day
They attend parent teacher conferences every time, even if it means they have to rush there 
Or Kara has to randomly leave early for a Supergirl emergency
The same goes for your school events, no matter what type, and they always sit in the front row, so you can see them
Lena may hate sports but for you she is your number one fan
Kara and Lena are honored whenever you come to them for advice or tips on personal issues or school related things
They definitely hang all of your accomplishments on the walls and fridge
They each have a family photo on their desk at work
Family movie nights
You and Kara “argue” about what movie to watch
Lena has to be the mediator and insist that Kara picked last time so it’s your turn
They take turns dropping you off at school
Kara is usually the one who picks you up or if she’s busy Lena will send her assistant
They try their best to have a family dinner every night
Sometimes this means you and Kara bringing dinner to Lena’s office and eating with her there
Kara makes breakfast in the morning for you and Lena
Makes sure her loves have a good start to their day every morning
Even if it means making you and Lena take your breakfast with you
Little notes packed in your lunch
Kara and Lena take turns writing them
You like figuring out who wrote it by looking at their handwriting
You house is the “cool” house for sleepovers
Lena gets a little overwhelmed the first few times because she’s not used to being around this many kids at once and especially for an extended period of time
Kara loves it though so she is more than willing to take over for the night while Lena retires to their room
Kara will join in on pillow fights, making snacks, crafts, etc.
As you grow up, Lena joins in slowly as she becomes more comfortable
She definitely feels more comfortable around tweens and teens
Of course, she’ll do anything for you and your friends though
She always makes sure the house is stocked with all of you and your friends favorite snacks, games, etc.
Conspiring with Alex and Kelly to get your moms a mothers day present
Or conspiring with Nia and Brainy (mostly Nia)
While also conspiring with Kara and Lena to get Alex and Kelly a mothers day present
For birthday you and Kara always go all out for Lena
And you and Lena always go all out for Kara
Holidays are a big deal
Your family goes all out because they want to make it special for you
Kara and Lena like establishing family traditions because Lena never really had any, so they want to provide that for you
You all take a family vacation once a year
And it’s very well planned out because Lena has to insure she has no distractions and Kara has insure that someone is covering Metropolis for her
They do their best to always make time for you in their busy schedules because you always come first
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Back To Krypton - Chapter 24
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Read Back To Krypton on Ao3 here!
If they thought the heat was bad before, they were severely mistaken. It wasn’t anything even close to where they are at now and they still have a little while left to go before they will be able to see The Fire Falls.
The only upside to it is that the heat is preventing the growth of any of the plants from The Scarlett Jungle, making their trip a lot easier since they’ve left the ravine.
In some ways, they miss it, the simplicity of it, the mostly-even ground and the fact that they didn’t need to duck under branches every five minutes when they were walking. Still, being back out between the trees, feeling the drops of moisture that have gathered on the leaves brush off onto their skin, cooling them down as they walk and listen to the chirping of birds and creaking of bugs, both of which are eerily similar to those they would be likely to see on Earth from what little glances they’ve had at them, not at all like the monstrosities they came across before.
“Kara, please tell me we’re not going to be walking in this heat for much longer,” Nia complains to the blonde, oblivious to the sweat that is dripping down Kara’s forehead, the same amount that’s dripping down her own.
“I hate to say it, but that’s not all that soon, we have a couple of weeks before we even reach the falls properly and we have to go the long way around so we don’t run into any tourists and get asked questions we don’t have the answers to.” Kara answers, panting while they walk up a gentle incline, one that they have been making their way up for the past twenty minutes and hating every second of it.
Nia groans animatedly and it’s contagious because she gets a litany of groans in response, the conductor of the planet’s most annoyed orchestra.
Lena wants to groan too but holds back since she’s the only one in the group that has any restraint at this point in time. She isn’t enjoying the heated trek they’re on and absolutely despises the fact that she can’t even hold her girlfriend’s hand because the pool of sweat that sits between their palms makes her want to gag.
She isn’t complaining though, this is what she signed up for and complaining about it isn’t going to make her feel any better about where they are or what’s going on. Their path is clear and they just have to suck it up and follow it, put everything else aside and just deal with it.
“There is some good news, you know?” Kara turns to speak to the group behind her, walking up the back backwards and surprisingly, she’s actually finding it easier.
Lena perks up at that, whatever Kara is about to say, it might just get the others to stop moaning. “What is it?”
“The falls have been here for so long that the wildlife and the environment around them has adapted over time so there are awesome plants around that we can eat to have a bit more variety in our diets and there is also something else, something every last one of you is going to appreciate.”
“Kara, I couldn’t give a damn about your foraging right about now.” Alex huffs, moody from not only being hot and tired but also from carrying Esme, the little princess having been struggling to keep up on the uphill until she got picked up and then she promptly fell right asleep on her mom’s shoulder.
Holding her hands up in surrender, Kara keeps talking. “Ok, I’m sorry, I should have started with the good bit, I see that now.”
“What’s the good bit, Kara.”
“Natural hot springs.” Kara grins. “We just have to find them, there is a whole bunch of them about though, pretty much all of the bodies of water around will be warm though and the closer you get to the falls, the hotter they are, just another reason for us to stay away from getting to close though, we won’t get scalded by the water.”
Nia’s jaw drops. “Kara, I’m about to ruin your relationship because I want to kiss you right now.”
“Forget mine and Kara’s relationship, you would be ruining your own relationship because Brainy would be informed of what you did… when I tell him the reasoning behind why I murdered you.” Lena glares, at the younger woman, her frustration at their heinous walk coming out in the form of overprotective jealousy.
To everyone’s amusement, Nia looks genuinely concerned. “Lena, I appreciate the threat but we all know that I’m not interested in The Girl of Steel, she’s all yours. Please contain your jealousy, you’re making it weird.”
“You made it weird when you started talking about kissing my girlfriend,” Lena argues, eyebrows flinching like crazy in time with the words she’s spitting.
Kara rushes to intervene, standing between the arguing women. “Please stop, this is hard enough without any fighting, besides, if you guys get any louder, you’ll wake Esme up, contain yourselves.”
Reasonably admonished, they fall silent, and not just Nia and Lena but all of them. Kara doesn’t care though, she can handle a tough mission and a bad day, but she can’t handle her team taking cheap shots at each other and making their suffering worse needlessly.
“We’ll reach the crest of the hill soon, we’ll take a couple of hours to have a break instead of the usual hour, we have enough time that it won’t make much of a difference and I think we all need some time to unwind before we carry on. It’s coming up to midday and the sun isn’t helping with the heat, if we wait it out then it won’t be as bad of a walk.” Alex decides for them, keeping her tone hushed.
The offer of a break and some space from the others kicks them all into gear and they end up heading off up the hill at what is probably twice the pace they were going at before.
Their feet connect with the ground with light steps, their toes hitting the curve of the slope before their heels. It’s their intuition and their hypersensitivity to the heavier footsteps that they can suddenly hear that halts their progress, the deviation from the background noise they’ve gotten used to.  Then, all of them stop so they can be certain that the steps aren’t their own, and that they belong to someone that isn’t in the group.
It takes them back to before when the people from The Rebellion were after them and took them back to the accommodation with them, except it can’t be them this time, it just wouldn’t make sense, surely they would have been out here long ago to come and fetch them, weeks ago in fact, not when they are getting closer to being able to get them what they’ve asked for.
They just have to make it past the fire falls and then they can stop by The Scarlett Jungle to get the samples for Astra. They can’t show up without them because then Astra will face consequences that could change the timeline and they can’t let that happen.
“Quick, go, into the bushes.” Lena hisses at the group, trying her best to get them to go as quickly and as quietly as possible.
They rush off to where the bushes are thicker, diving into them and dropping low to the ground, eyes peeled and ears desperately clamouring to hear any signs of other people, hoping that they will see them before they see the group.
Alex holds onto Esme tight, resting her daughter on the ground and hovering over her, protecting her from whatever might happen now. Looking down at the little girl, she can see her eyes opening groggily but she doesn’t make a noise when she sees her mom above her with a finger to her lips, a signal to stay quiet.
Kelly is squished between Nia and Kara but her eyes keep flickering away from the track they were just walking on and the space where Alex, Esme and Lena are lying down.
They keep themselves hunched down as much as they are physically able to and they barely dare to breathe, terrified that they are giving themselves away every time a branch or a leaf moves because of the tiny puffs of air coming out of their mouths.
Their wait isn’t long, barely a couple of minutes, and they see exactly what they feared. There’s a small group of Kryptonians wandering through the forest, the only difference is that they are going downhill where they were going uphill.
There are four of them but that’s not the scariest part. Behind them, they have two creatures, two dragon-like animals that leave the Superfriends breathless in the beauty of them.
Lena’s mouth drops open at the sight of the H’Raka. She hadn’t fully believed Kara when she told them the story of how her uncle had one of these back in their first couple of weeks of the mission but here it is, one in the flesh, a dark forest green that is illuminated by its four burgundy wings and underbelly, great white claws attached to its feet that match the teeth that glitter in the sunlight when it opens its mouth to pant, not unlike the way a dog would.
They don’t move from their spots, watching from where they are as the group passes by talking in rapid Kryptonese.
In fact, they don’t move until they can no longer hear the group and they have long gone out of sight, moving slowly out from their hiding spots and keeping the voices low when they do talk.
“Kara, what were they saying?” Kelly questions.
Kara walks back to where they were originally and looks down the slope in the direction the people went in. “They are environmentalists, it’s perfectly normal for them to be out and about around random places like this, they often use H’Rakas to get around and spend their time researching the animal populations and the plants around certain areas, it’s their job to figure out what parts of Krypton’s nature needs supplementing to get it back to good health and then doing just that. They weren’t talking about anything in particular, just a couple of books they’re reading at the minute, boring stuff.”
“Really? They get paid to go out into the middle of nowhere on the backs of dragons without someone micromanaging their every movement? Sounds like heaven.” Alex adds in, lifting Esme up over the top of the bushes and handing her over to Kelly.
“Pretty much, they can’t do anything too drastic without approval from higher level people within their guild, but essentially, yes. They are actually well known for making a mess of ecosystems by accidentally losing their H’Rakas and them then hunting endangered species. It’s always been a whole thing.”
Nia stumbles out from her own spot, standing on uneasy legs for a second before righting herself. “That’s cool, but can we keep going, I want that break.”
Lena sighs, ready to be the bearer of bad news. “We can’t take a break now.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because now we know there are people around that could accidentally stumble upon us at any moment. We don’t know if there are more of them and we can’t risk staying in one spot for long, especially not for two hours. Let’s keep walking and just try and stay on track, ok?”
Nia’s head drops and Kara wants to do the same, only one more piece of bad news away from becoming a moody gremlin for the rest of the day.
 Clicking her tongue, Kelly weighs in. “I want that break just as much as the rest of you but Lena’s right, we have to keep going.”
“We keep going then,” Alex says decidedly, marching off up the hill.
Rather than stand there and debate against carrying on, something that they all know is going to happen whether they like it or not, they keep going. The further away from the group they get, the faster they can take an actual break once they’re sure that they aren’t going to be running into any trouble.
And so they continue, stomping their way up the hill and then across the flat surface of the ground that comes after that. It does get easier the further along they get, their legs not as tired and since the path is less strenuous, they don’t feel quite as hot but it’s still not great.
Lena watches Kara out of the corner of her eye the whole time, worried because Kara has that look on her face that she gets whenever she’s thinking about something too hard and it’s worrying her.
Once they are far enough behind the others that they can talk in a hushed whisper that stops them from being able to overhear what they are saying to each other, Lena acknowledges her. “Hey, are you alright, darling? You’ve got that look about you.”
“I’m ok,” Kara replies. “Just caught up in my head thinking.”
Sighing out a half-laugh, Kara smiles at her. “I can’t keep any secrets from you, can I?”
Lena shakes her head. “You can’t, even when you’re doing what you’re doing now and trying to avoid my questions.”
Kara rolls her eyes. “I know. There’s a couple of things on my mind and I’m not sure as though they are good things.”
Lena wipes off her sweaty palm on the leg of her pants before wrapping it around Kara’s elbow. “Well, in that case, you should try me.”
“The first thing isn’t bad. I was thinking about the book the other Kryptonians were talking about. It was one that was part of a series my father used to read, it just brought up some old memories, fond ones.” Kara begins, focusing on the good thing she was thinking of, shying away from telling Lena the other thing she was thinking about.
Lena rests her head on Kara’s shoulder for a brief moment, taking it away not long after because she realizes how uncomfortable it is to walk in that position but is grateful she could show her support to Kara in the movement anyway. “That sounds like a good memory.”
“It is.”
“And the other thought?” Lena presses gently, the same way one would tentatively press a single finger to a bruise just to see what results arise at the pressure.
Kara doesn’t want to share, too afraid that the idea she has is either so stupid that she’s judged for it or has it picked apart, or that it is outlandish enough that they try it and end up in deeper trouble than they have already found except this time they won’t have Astra there to dig them out of the pit they trap themselves in.
“Lena, it’s just an idea and it’s a bad one, not worth looking into.”
Lena isn’t buying that, if it’s just an idea and Kara isn’t genuinely considering it in some capacity then she would have no problem sharing, they often share fantasies of terrible plans and ideas in their tent at night to pass the time when they aren’t ready to sleep, Kara thinks this plan could work but doesn’t want to say, doesn’t want to take responsibility if it doesn’t work out. She’s just afraid.
She considers pressing it and she considers leaving it. She settles for a middle ground. “I won’t ask you to tell me. I just want you to know that I’m here and if you want to look into it, we can do that, and if you want to keep it to yourself and stay on the path we have, that’s alright too.”
“Thanks.” Kara hums, wrapping her own sweaty hand around Lena’s fingers on her arm, not caring about the heat anymore, just trapped in her own head while she weighs in her options.
The trek after that is quiet, Kara not really sharing anything and just staring off into space while she thinks and Lena giving her the space to do so. Alex and Nia are just talking about some movie they want to watch when they get back to Earth and Kelly is keeping Esme occupied, carrying her on her shoulders and letting her listen to an audiobook of The BFG.
It stays quiet until they are forced to stop for the night with the setting sun and their grumbling stomachs and it stays quiet when they go to sleep in their tents that they have camouflaged by setting up between some trees and covering them in branches.
It isn’t quiet when Lena is gently shaken awake in the middle of the night by Kara and has a few words whispered to her, the plan the blonde isn’t sure about but has finally decided to share because there’s a chance it could work, a chance that they could get the mission finished long before their expected date and get home to their normal lives, to being back in the city they love so much.
“Lena, wake up. Lena? It’s just me.”
“What’s happening?” Lena sits up in a panic.
Kara presses a gentle hand over her mouth, keeping her quiet so she doesn’t wake the others up. “The H’Rakas, we can take them. They will think they got loose. We can take them and get the samples and be in Kandor by the end of the week. We can get Esme out of this damned place and back to where she can be safe. We just have to be the ones to go and steal them, we have to do that part alone because if we get caught, it’s all over.”
Lena ‘s eyes have barely adjusted to being open and she’s registering everything Kara’s saying at an extremely slow pace but it does make sense and if Kara’s plan works, they are going to be home soon. It’s risky but not as risky as their current plan. They can pull it off.
“Say no more, I’m in.”
Read more chapters early on Patreon here!
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Lyle working himself too hard and getting sick
A couple stories up, Lyle staggers like he's been punched, a hand coming up to catch himself against the metallic pillar he’s working at, his knees wobbling. From the ground floor, Rokk sees him absently raise his other hand to eventually rest his fingertips gently at his hairline.
“You okay up there?” The silence in response is long, but as his concern starts to build the quiet is broken by Lyle blowing a dismissive hiss of breath through his teeth.
“I thought you had a new years resolution to avoid being the ‘mom friend,’ Cos.” Lyle teases, turning on his heel and making his lean against the pillar look more casual; practiced poised instead of hunched. He oozes cool on command in a way that is almost comedic and has Rokk actively resisting rolling his eyes. The Earthling has been punching in a precise algorithm for the past hour, line by line with the dedication of a surgeon, and the slight sour edge to his tone betrays some actual frustration. And as Rokk observes him, at least as well as he can from the harsh angle and distance between them, his movements are smooth and purposeful once again. Clearly feeling the other’s stare, Lyle waves a dismissive hand in the direction of the Legion Founder before refocusing on his task once again. “I’ll be fine.” He insists over the beeping keypad. “Especially once this sprocking update is finally implemented and working.” 
The platform Lyle stands on is only a few feet wide and equal parts long, arched around the large main pillar that hosts the guiding mechanics of the room. There were easier computing hubs to code at throughout the room, but for some reason one of the smartest and most acrophobic members of their team insisted he had to be at the highest one for this specific adjustment. 
“I’m sure it’ll go exactly as planned” Rokk calls, flexing his fingers where he’s gently holding parts of the maintenance hub and technical core, one of many throughout Legion World, in temporary magnetic stasis while Lyle works.
“Tell that to Brainy. You should have heard about how much grief he was giving me about it.” He can practically hear Lyle frowning as his input pattern continues, and can’t help but smile to himself—the exact expression is too easy to imagine. “But I’d rather we lock it into place now and not wish we’d done it later.” 
 What, Brainy didn’t think the project was worthwhile? Imra’s question echoes, unobtrusively, through both of their heads as she observes the room’s multiple status levels from the main control panel located near the room’s entrance.
“Not for the time I put into it,” Lyle mutters, distracted. “Can’t tell you how often he’d come into the lab and complain that I was still digging through the same data. He only finally gave me some space after we go back from the T1045 comet mission. But at this point even I’m sick of it.”
Rokk frowns. “You told me you were going to pass on the T1045 mission.” They’d argued about it, actually. Right in one of the main hallways. Many Legionnaires had stopped to watch the show. The new recruits were still talking about it. “You know, since you volunteered for the Durla one right before it.”  
“...I was.” 
“But.” Lyle makes the word sound like a full sentence, clearly trying to end the conversation. After a long, expectant silence his acquiescing scoff echoes around the metallic room and he clears his throat before he continues. “But, part of the instruments being used were based on my research from a few years ago. If something went wrong I wanted to be available. It’s really not a big deal, Cos, I was mostly observing.” 
“It’s a big deal, Lyle, if you’re over hours and over working.” 
The steady beeping of the lines of code stalls, and when it doesn’t resume he glances up and is greeted with Lyle’s bemused face peeking over the edge of the upper deck platform. “’Over hours’, Rokk?” Lyle wipes the back of his hand across his brow a couple times, grinning cheekily. “What, are you going to report me to the Legion Union?” The grin transforms into a wicked smirk. “You gunna ground me?”
Rokk works his jaw, then looks away. He’s not embarrassed, he’s not blushing, but there’s something about Lyle’s attitude that has always put him somewhere between ease and edge. “I’m just saying you have a bad habit of overdoing it.”
Lyle hums loud enough to make sure Rokk can hear it, accepting the observation easily. The rhythmic beeping of his inputting begins again. “Don’t we all?”
That, Rokk can’t deny.
From there, they fall into a content silence. The minutes stretch, punctuated by Lyle’s work and the slight creak of the metal machines weighing against Rokk’s abilities. Even Imra’s presence in their shared cerebral space becomes a gentle hum, quiet and comfortable. He lets out a long breath, pressing out the air from deep at the bottom of his lungs, and feels every muscle in his shoulders loosen, settling against the minute strain. 
“Lyle!” Imra’s cry is a knife, so harsh he can’t even tell if she screamed telekinetically or not. Rokk looks up in time to see the Earthling lilt at a harsh angle away from the maintenance board. Lyle’s hand reaches out in an attempt to stop the inevitable, but his grasping fingers are slow and disconnected, only wrapping around air. His staggering, weaving feet take him back, back away from safety and... and... eventually, horrifically, Lyle stumbles right off the edge of the platform. 
It’s really not that high. Even with Lyle’s fear of heights Rokk has seen him conquer leaps far taller without the use of his flight ring. The stealth focused Legionnaire was rather cat-like that way; twisting before he hit the ground and landing with far more grace than any one person should possess. 
But something in Rokk’s gut tells him no graceful save will come. No last minute twist and breathtaking recovery. And he’s right. Lyle falls. And falls. And falls.
So Rokk crosses the room in seconds flat, using his Legion ring to propel his strides, extending his arms and managing to catch the other Legionnaire just before he hits the ground. The momentum makes him stumble, but the Braalian quickly rights himself, hauling the Lyle's deadweight up at the knees and shoulders. The machines around them, no longer held stagnant, buzz to life in speedy rotation. In his arms, Lyle disappears and reappears in a jittering wave, like a bioluminescent tide is crashing over him again and again. Rokk feels the fluxing ability vibrate against every place where their bodies press.
"Lyle? Lyle!" There’s no response. Lyle’s head remains listed back, still but tense. Expression pinched. His skin has taken on an ashy hue, grey at the edges except across the high line of his cheekbones where he’s flushed an alarming red. Sweat is matting his bangs to his forehead. His breath comes in short, desperate pants that end in a horrific wheeze. But before Rokk can really, truly assess how his friend looks, he disappears again in invisible, patchy waves. Even his ability looks stitched together at the seams, bare-thread and worn. Like a injured animal desperately flailing in one last feeble attempt to defend itself. Panic sets in before Rokk can even recognize it, sour in his cheeks and jaw. He only has to look up at Imra and catch her gaze before she's off, flying out the door to get help. 
Sinking to his knees, he tries to lay out the prone Earthling. Freeing one hand, Rokk tugs off Lyle's headband so he can press the full expanse of his palm against his friend’s forehead. It sears. The iconic piece of fabric falls to the floor, sopping with sweat. "Come on, come on..." He moves his hand from Lyle's forehead to his unnaturally warm cheek, patting it. Lyle's eyelids flutter. "That's it, wake up Kid." Brown eyes open halfway, pupils blown wide in the artificial light. They list over in Rokk’s direction then roll back as Lyle goes limp once again. “No, no, no don’t—“
There's movement at the doorway and Rokk turns as best he can with the burden in his arms, hoping it's Imra already returned with the medical team, a healer, anyone.
Instead, Brainiac 5 walks in, eyebrows locked in a cynical arch poised for debate. He’s lazily brandishing a hovering holopanel with one hand like a baton. “Norg if you’re quite through with this diversion I need you to assist with my—“
But then. But then his gaze, sweeping across the room with abject boredom drags down to Rokk's arms. To who is in Rokk's arms. To who is in Rokk's arms sprawled out and silent and unmoving and disappearing unsteadily like a sparking, dying electronic. And the Coluan stops. He stares long, hard and unrelenting and it's like the whole room takes a collective short, panicked breath: once, twice, thrice.
Brainy's free hand tenses and flexes sharply. The lock of Brainy's teeth as his jaw snaps shut is audible, defining, even from so far away. Then he's crossing the room in sharp, long strides.
Rokk swallows. "He passed out." Brainy comes to crouch across from him, a green hand going to Lyle's neck. But as he watches those green fingers gently press against Lyle’s pulse, the other boy again disappears — only this time he stays invisible for a few seconds. Rokk tries to not think about what might have happened if his powers started malfunctioning mid-fall. And then they both watch as the invisibility starts to crawl up Brainy’s arm, freezing only as it reaches his upper arm like a computer virus hitting a firewall. They stare at the phenomenon, silent. Shocked. 
“What should we—“
“Don’t move.” The holopanel Brainy had been carrying multiplies, taking on the purple hue of the Coluan’s personal programming, and each shift to hover over their prone friend. He uses his free, visible hand starts typing into the one closest to him rapidly. That bright green gaze darts, but never strays far from where they know Lyle lays.
Slowly, finally, Brainy’s arm fades back into view and it’s only when it’s fully revealed once more that Lyle appears again. During his disappearance his nose has begun bleeding in thick, dark clots that run down his chin and collect at the collar of his uniform. Brainy clicks his tongue, frown lines deepening in his brow. But he continues to press against Lyle’s pulse, fluttering like a hovering hummingbird -- Rokk can feel the soft yet frantic magnetic pulses of it against his skin. Can feel the unnatural heat radiating off of him in oppressive waves.
The Braalian remembers waking up in a cold hospital in the wake of the outpost wreckage. He remembers looking, desperately, seeking the shape of Garth and Imra at his bedside and finding only Lyle. Lyle sitting and looking so very small in the vast space of the room around them. Lyle with a busted lip, a bruised face and hollow eyes. Lyle who didn't say a word yet so perfectly, tragically, explained everything he needed to know. Lyle who met his grasping, gripping hand with such equal sorrow that their fingers bruised and shook together. Rokk adjusts his hold on the other Legionnaire. Tighter. “He was inputting the data on Level 3, then he just... fell.″ Brainy eyes him, then looks up, assessing the small platform above them. The maintenance pad blinks innocently. 
"I'm going to kill him." Brainy states, cold, intentional. Together they watch the temperature reading on his nearby med screen climb and climb and climb. None of them are from Earth, but by now they both know the readings start bad and only get worse: 102, 102.5, 103, onwards. A small, tinny alarm starts buzzing from the assessment tech; Warning, Danger, Emergency. The Coluan’s mouth becomes a thin, tight line. "We need to get him to the medbay immediately."
"Are we really okay to move him?”
“I’d prefer to wait for a transporter, but it appears that the longer you hold him the more he’s injuring himself so no, we will not wait.” Brainy gestures down Lyle’s prone form between them, and together they watch him flicker out of view once again. They watch the invisibility make it’s way up, up, now to the curve of the Coluan’s shoulder. Then their gaze mutually shifts to Rokk’s own arms: each of point where Lyle’s body presses against him fades from view in a staggering, jittering, patchy crawl. He tastes ozone on his tongue. It is only then that Brainy removes his fingers from Lyle’s pulse, gesturing the once again visible arm between them pointedly. “For some reason that I cannot gather it seems that during this abnormality his body is trying to make anyone touching him invisible as well. And since that’s not how his powers are supposed to work, even in a healthy state, his body can’t physically handle it.”
Lyle coming back into view gives Rokk an excuse to turn his gaze down. He can feel Brainy’s calculating eyes on him but he refuses to look, although that action in and of itself might have sealed his guilt. After all, he was the one that Lyle pitched the idea of training his abilities to. It was at the beginning of that long, empty, yawning year that followed after the Outpost disaster. When they’d both been desperate for any form of achievable evolution they could find against the massive mountain of their mutual grief. He’d supported Lyle. Encouraged him. And now here he is, holding Lyle’s head up so yet another nosebleed can run it’s course under Brainy’s gaze that feels more accusatory by the minute.
Relief is like a rope being snipped. He sags slightly, and Brainy’s hand snaps up to clutch at his shoulder and keep him upright. "Yeah— Yeah, Kid, it's me. You with us?"
Lyle doesn’t open his eyes but turns towards Rokk’s voice, a distant frown twitching across his features like each muscle had to reconnect with his brain. Under long lashes, the dark circles are now apparent against the harsh pallor of his face. Grife, how long have those been there? How had he not seen them the minute that his friend had walked in the door to start this upgrade?
"Cos, I was...” Lyle swallows a few times, then tries again: “I must’ve… Did you see what line of code I was on?"
"Lyle Norg," Brainy snaps, leaning into the space between them and digging his fingers into where he holds onto Rokk. "Shut up or so help me--"
"Oh," the corner of Lyle's mouth lists up instantly, features relaxing. "Hi Brainy."
Rokk has a front row seat to watching Brainy go through several stages of grief; his jaw works, grinding his teeth, clearly debating if he should just throttle their prone friend to save himself the stress.
"Don't 'hi' me, Norg." The Coluan finally lets go of him to take Lyle’s bloody chin in his hand, directing it back towards himself, teeth bared in what should be a sneer if it were any other situation. If it were anyone other than Lyle. “You’ve deliberately harmed yourself.”
Lyle peeks his eyes open, the brown hazy and distant behind long lashes but he still clearly tries to get his gaze to focus on Brainy’s features hovering inches into his space. Rokk watches his pupils contract and expand several times to no avail. After a long, contemplative pause, he swallows then croaks miserably: “Had a deadline.”
Brainy abandons his data fully to grasp Lyle’s face between his palms, using his thumbs to smear some of the blood away. “Your own, it appears! You fell over 20 feet!” When the other boy only hums in response, Brainy visibly bristles, leaning in again with fury. “If Cosmic Boy hadn’t saved your nass your head could be smashed across the floor. You would have died the most anticlimactic death and for what! To prove a point?”
Lyle closes his eyes against the scolding, whining in the back of his throat. But then he sighs with a sad rattle at the end of it. “…Hands feel nice.”
Brainy immediately snatches the appendages away as if scalded, shocked. A soft, disappointed sound calls out from Lyle’s parted lips, and Rokk responds almost instinctively in the Coluan’s place, cupping Lyle’s cheek in his hand and feeling the searing feverish heat against his own skin through his uniform. He uses that hand to gently draw Lyle’s head back in to tuck against his chest, adjusting him into an easier hold before he slowly, carefully, stands. 
When he looks back at Brainy, the Coluan is staring at his hands, at where the other Legionnaire's blood now stains his fingers in various patches. 
“Shall we?” Rokk grunts, and Brainy flinches as if out of a dream. Then stiffly, he nods, standing and briskly setting the pace out the door towards the medical wing.
"Let’s be quick about it. Our Earthling is very fragile by nature." Brainy states over his shoulder, tone all business as he marches ahead of them. His dirty hands are clenched into fists. They tremble ever so slightly between the gentle swing of his hurried stride. Rokk thinks about them all charging into battle as a unit: The Legion of Superheroes. All their variety of might and powers combined against the threats of the universe. And how this one kid from Earth whose only ability is disappearing is somehow always right alongside them. Charging head on. Rokk thinks about the battlefield and about Brainiac 5, casting his forcefield wide, covering Lyle as best he can.
"Don't remind me." Lyle mutters, sourly. His eyes open, briefly, before he groans and hides his face against Rokk’s collarbone. "Oh no. Are you princess carrying me down the main hallway right now? Grife, I'm never living this down."
"You have more important retributions from this than your ego to worry about.” Brainy doesn’t look back at them, shoulders stiff. “I am locking you out of the lab for a month. A month, Norg. I'm cybercoding it down to your DNA so you can't even come 10 feet from the door."
Lyle smiles against Rokk's collar. Rokk can feel it, just like he feels the other slip into unconsciousness again, his sweaty scalding brow resting where Rokk's uniform ends on his neck. 
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Couple things I want to share about my Strangerville townies for those who might be interested:
I literally struggled to pick which look I wanted to highlight for Meredith Roswell. I went with the one that most closely resembled her original design... but she is what I would call "Country mom fabulous." I'm considering doing a lookbook just for her lmao.
I've said a few times that George doesn't have the villainy aspiration in my save: this is because I have never thought that made much sense to be honest. So that there's no confusion, in my story a lot of people in town think he is weird/has bad motives because of rumors (and people like Ted Roswell) painting him in a very negative light. In all fairness, that's not necessarily hard to do when he basically keeps to himself (except for his involvement in the community center), lives in a bunker on the outskirts of town, has a daughter who is notorious for getting into fights (and being overall mysterious), has one close friend who is a conspiracy theorist, and he talks to his plane which is named after his dead wife. But he's actually a good guy lmao! He's just quiet and cranky!
Ted, however, is still an overall bad guy in general. He's old money. His family is among the "founding families" of Strangerville (which is a big deal in this particular small town). He's also still the mayor.
Marc Eggleston and Leslie Holland are occult sims - Marc is a pretty old vampire, Leslie is a fairly new werewolf (by genetics, not by being turned), but Alice is a human. The three of them are in a poly relationship (although Leslie and Marc go through bouts of being more platonic/loving each other simply for their shared love of Alice). Alice is a little ball of sunshine and all things good in the world, and most people in town actually think she lives alone because of how little they see her "roommates."
The house they live in actually belongs to Leslie's pack - but it has been abandoned for years, so they allowed her to have it. (That's all I can say for now lol because *spoilers*)
Marc's full first name is "Marquise" in my story, that's why I changed his name to "Marc" instead of "Mark" because that just makes more sense to me. It's a minor detail, but it would have driven me nuts to keep the "K" lmao.
The Sigworths are new in town; Jess got reassigned to the Strangerville base and although Christie and Dylan aren't crazy about the new environment quite yet, they're being pretty good sports about the move. Dylan is a brainy tech genius and was born with relatively severe deafness and a congenital limb defect (his leg). He works from home to stay with their homeschooled daughter while Jess is the "working parent" who leaves the house. I see them as a quirky but overall happy family who has been thrusted into a very weird situation lol.
That's everything I can think of that I wanted to clarify right now. This is mostly for me to keep my thoughts in one tag for later, but it's also a good opportunity to share some details that might not be explored deeply throughout my story. Please always feel free to ask me about my OCs if you want more details or clarification!
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lollytea · 2 years
I wonder who anyone else would be in addendum to Hunter & Willow. Luz & Amity line up pretty well with Jesper & Wylan, and a younger Eda & Raine could work as Kaz & Nina. Odalia would obviously be Van Eck and Brum would be Belos. I just wonder about characters such as Nikolai and Haskall.
I feel like the subject matters in Six of Crows are overall a little too heavy for the toh characters so I wouldn't do like. An outright copy-and-paste AU where the story and the universe and background are all exactly the same. If I were to do anything it'd be an AU inspired by Six of Crows, with the characters having similar arcs to their counterparts. So we just cherry pick what aspects of the book we want to keep.
It wouldn't exist in the Grishaverse. It's still the Demon Realm. They are still witches.
I could absolutely see Eda fulfilling the role of Haskall in this case but also she has entirely different reasons for doing the things she does. Haskall had different motivations for running the dregs, most of which being business motivated. Eda is simply chaotic and would absolutely just adopt a whole bunch of fucked up kids and form a criminal gang found family.
I feel like Eda and Raine absolutely could have had a story that resembled Kaz and Inej when they were younger. The tension between them being Eda's Owl Beast form rather than Kaz's trauma induced emotional barriers. It was just as passionate, just as full of longing, but it still ended tragically. Like Kaz staying in the Barrell and Inej becoming a captain of her own ship, Raine also left Bonesborough to work towards the rebellion. Now its just a matter of the two meeting again 👀
Luz and Amity as Jesper and Wylan??? Hello???? HELLO?????? These respective stories and characters align so perfectly I am literally about to combust. Amity being a rich girl who's just never been good enough and Odalia's solution to that is to fucking KILL HER?? Her becoming a run away and eventually being a key role to tearing her Mom's whole fucking world apart. Brainy and blushy and feral. Yes fantastic.
It's actually one parallel between Luz and Jesper that's killing me. The generational trauma mostly. Also both kids leaving home with the promise to "improve" themselves, only to end up in an entirely different "world" and lying to their parent about it. The parent loving their kid so much but also being so flawed, very much effected by the death of their spouse. Oh I'm gonna lose it.
And yeah okay Hunlow as Nina and Matthias obviously.
Okay okay okay okay so stay with me here. I miss Gus...where is Gus....I would like Gus. So here me out.
While Eda and Raine probably had the spirit of Kaz and Inej's story, once Eda grows older and becomes the Haskall, Matt and Gus become the placeholders for the roles in this new generation of delinquents.
Because like....Mattholomule Lastnameomule: The Bastard of Bonesborough. Tell me that's not the funniest shit ever? Tell me you don't want to see this tiny ugly little man literally terrorizing the whole fucking town. He is 3ft tall and he killed a man this morning. That's hilarious.
Meanwhile Gus is the Inej in the sense that he's tiny, speedy and slippery. While Inej was considered lethal with her knives, you don't want to fuck around with Gus, the kid who summons images so horrific he melts your brain. Inej was called the Wraith and Gus is called the Phantom.
Matty is the one "in charge" of the six of them (somehow?? Idk who voted for him?? Maybe Eda just picked up cuz he bites the hardest.) and Gus is definitely the one he's closest to. He and Gus be having all that marriage squabbling and mutual understanding that Kaz and Inej had.
The whole gang calls themselves the Owls <3
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elfyourmother · 2 years
i don’t know nearly as much about Arthurian stuff as Dandy (for whom it is very firmly Special Interest territory) and what I do know is mostly osmosis from her but to let you know how much those tropes have always appealed to me:
when I was in sixth grade I had a group project for english studies about mythology and would have done Greek but another group was assigned it instead so we had King Arthur stuff and being the brainy fantasy nerd stuck w a bunch of slacker popular kids they basically had me do the whole thing myself. so I went on my SNES and fired up Mario Paint and told the whole story thru carefully handmade sprites with Zelda and Final Fantasy music also painstakingly recreated thru Mario Paint’s little midi maker (iirc I recreated Cecil’s FF4 sprite to be Arthur bc ofc I did). I showed up to school with like 6 VHS tapes (i jerryrigged my VCR to record the SNES) and got A+
I am heartbroken my mom got rid of the tapes at some point but. this is just to say I’ve always been Like This and I can’t help it lmao
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autistic + adhd things i do cause why not
dimp orange lights i cannot stand any bright white lights i would go insane
would intentionally do embarrassing things as a kid cause i thought other kids did it
jean hater
my mom would constantly style my hair or put it in a ponytail in like kindergarten but i would always take it out by the end of the day cause i hated it
mimic other peoples expressions even on text if i see like a frown emoji i'll frown at my screen ]:
cannot pay attention to tv if i dont have subtitles, i just thought my attention span was short (which it can be) but i just cant pay attention to yt videos without subtitles unless i focus to
im not entirely sure if i have a special interest but i do get hyperfixations a lot, pinterest and spotify are my best friendssince i can just indulge with my fixations for a moment of peace
usually im pretty good when remembering to eat, drink etc but sometimes if i get too hyperfocused in something i'll sit and not move until im done which can take like hours lol
picky eater, not in the way where i wont eat veggies or "healthy food" but i just wont eat stuff that cross my boundaries (sensory wise) also dont force me to eat new food, 90% of the time i know that i wont like it
idk if this is an autism thing but one time i got rlly upset (almost a meltdown?) but yknow when your parents force you to hug or kiss your family members once you say hi or bye yeah well that day i decided i did not want to do that and refused to hug my grandpa bye. i lowkey feel bad now but it wasn't my moms job to force me. i also didnt talk to my mom the rest of the car ride cause im petty.
i'd force myself to cry at sad scenes in movies, like im very emotional but i dont cry often at the actual sad parts but i know im sad and that this is a sad scene then i'd make myself cry PFFT
but i'll start sobbing at how to train your dragon because the music was too much
feel mostly invalidated by autistics in media cause they only show one part of the spectrum. smart, very literal, brainy, likes science and math, struggles in love, unintentionally funny, did i say smart?
some characters (who i hc to be autistic) that i relate to more include rapunzel(omg im literally her), giselle from enchanted, luz (canon adhd), harley quinn, oswald cobblepot (gotham version)
i still cant ride a bike and i dont like swimming that much :/
anyways thats it i dont feel like adding tags
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lunarcovehq · 26 days
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Francesca "Frankie" Sullivan is a human that currently resides in Shadow Lake and has been a Lunar Cove resident for her entire life, feeling 'thankful' for the memories. 
DATE OF BIRTH: August 30, 1994
OCCUPATION: Emergency room physician
FACECLAIM: Adelaide Kane
Trigger Warnings: Parent Death
Frankie was born into the close-knit Sullivan clan, never realizing people weren’t always close with their siblings and beloved by their parents. She wasn’t exactly a little princess, but a perfectionist at whatever she tried.  Mostly, she tried sports in spite of her petite stature - skating, gymnastics, soccer, wrestling, track and field.  Whatever she could hone to her own vision for herself, she would try, imagining the ideal outcome in her mind and continuing until she reached whatever the goal was before she moved onto the next.  She was never really a kid who could sit still, but she wasn’t particularly willing to be content just chasing her siblings.  She wanted to make her own way and be the best at whatever way she chose, a quiet and internal competition on a team of one she’s never been able to explain to anyone else. 
It was expected her witching abilities were already coursing through her blood and, experienced as they were in the Sullivan family with identifying them, there were lowkey bets placed on what would happen with Frankie as a teenager.  Would she have an eidetic memory? Even as a child, this seemed likely.  She was tiny as she entered the grade above her chronological age in school, but even that didn’t challenge her intellect as much as her parents hoped. Would she be able to bend elements at her will or speak in tongues? Communicate with animals or plants? For the brainy little girl, anything seemed possible. 
Instead, nothing happened.  Her teenage years passed and revealed she was just smart - for a human.  She wasn’t a witch.  Somehow the Sullivan genes, the human ones, prevailed. In spite of her never uttering a word of insecurity about it, those doubts have persisted and have somehow made her internal competitiveness even worse as she’s grown older.
She was halfway through college when her mom, her favorite person, was diagnosed with cancer.  Though the odds of survival were pretty solid, a few things happened in the Sullivan home - they pulled together, they relied on one another, and Frankie decided medical school was the best use of her time and talents.  If it made her more useful during her mom’s health scare, even as a long game, then she thought that was wonderful.  Even better, before she started, she had her pick of programs to attend. As she eyed the opportunity to explore the world beyond Lunar Cove, her (human) dad told her a powerful lie to keep her close.  Rather than believing she’d forget magic, Frankie was led to believe she would forget everyone and everything she was leaving behind.  No matter how good her human memory was here, her father claimed, it would fail her if she got too close to the town’s edge. If she crossed that line, she wouldn’t remember home or the people she loved. There would be no returning.  She had no way of knowing he was exaggerating the truth.  She had no reason to investigate or press for more information.  Maybe it was fear, maybe it was willful ignorance, maybe blind trust - but she accepted the local offer and promised her dad she had everything she needed in town. 
Her mother’s slow, painful death was, oddly, the thing that created the most common ground between Frankie and her siblings. As her focus split and grief ruled her days, she found herself struggling through the last days of medical school and able to really relate to her brother and sisters for the first time - because no one could change the course of fate.  Her knowledge helped ease pain, navigate information on the body and the healthcare system and, in a way, it was the first time she felt like she had any kind of power.  The relief and guilt warred within her and she withdrew from life, and even considered leaving, flirted with the additional relief of forgetting.  
Now, though, her brother is back. She has a nibling on the way. The real question is if she’ll let herself fall back into her life and if she’ll feel like enough.  Or maybe, this time, she’ll leave like Jamie did.  The difference, of course, is if she leaves she’ll forget, unlike him, because she’s always been a little bit of an outsider.
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Dimósia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Brainy Blonde by Zeus
Mom by her daughter
Age- 32 (immortal)
Location- Little Athens, New Olympus
Personality- She embodies the qualities of sex appeal and intelligence. She's highly aware & sure of her confidence and sexuality as well as taking pride on how articulate she is. She feels as though there's no trade off or risk in sacrificing brains or beauty while still being ultra feminine. She's currently single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. Being the goddess of debate her other powers/abilities include cosmetic manipulation, speech manipulation (is able to change what a person says, make them say nonsensical things, gibberish, speak in other languages or render them unable to speak), and dispute inducement.
Dimósia lives in a penthouse apartment in the Little Athens neighborhood of New Olympus. The interior design is stylish & girly with the main color scheme being hot pink! There are also interior colors of cream, baby pink, gold, and pastel pink. Her closet & bookshelves are immaculately organized and there's suede, leather, & velvet furniture pieces. She has a single pet- a bichon frise named Lady. She mostly gets around in her custom made baby pink colored sports car!
Dimósia has one child, a daughter Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality). She had her daughter on her own by using the services of Gaia's fertility clinic. They were extremely close when her daughter was young, but lately their relationship has been experiencing "growing pains." Other factors contribute to this like Peitho leaning on Dione more & more and the fact that Dimósia has expressed more than once that her daughter can do better than "pining over that flaky messenger god." She also has an older brother Neicus (god of debate & appeal). The two of them are always getting into strongly worded and passionate debates!
Her favorite go-to drink is the cosmopolitan! She also likes watermelon martinis, pink lady cocktails, champagne, cupid's cocktails, white wine, classic martinis, & grapefruit mojitos. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean include a large strawberry lemonade, a large strawberry dragonfruit splash, and a medium strawberry creme frappuccino.
Dimósia always starts of her mornings with a massage session & acupuncture.
Her favorite thing to eat for breakfast are belgian waffles topped with sliced strawberries, whipped cream, strawberry syrup, and powdered sugar. She'll eat them along with scrambled egg whites, buttered croissants, turkey bacon, & hash browns.
She's the latest goddess to have an official glamour doll collectible! She considers this one of her greatest achievements in her godly career.
Dimósia has an extensive collection of pink shades of Olmorfia's lipsticks and nail polish. Her favorite lipstick is "Rose Buttercreme", a creamy blush color and her favorite polish is "Think Pink!", a bold shimmery hot pink.
Her favorite dessert are the strawberry white chocolate chip cookies from Hollyhock's Bakery.
She's the latest deity to be a public & vocal supporter of the MGM movement, founded and started by Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation).
Her favorite frozen treat is strawberry sorbet!
The latest guilty pleasures of hers are fried shrimp, spicy tuna rolls, and crispy chicken egg rolls!
In the pantheon Dimósia is friends with Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride) as well as her son Momus (god of mockery, satire, & ridicule), Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest), Pistis (goddess of trust, reliability, & good faith), Sophia (goddess of thought), Kéfi (goddess of mirth); the two often go shoe shopping together, Peitharchia (goddess of obedience & discipline), Mnemosyne (Titaness of memory & language), Rhapso (goddess of sewing), Amphictyonis (Amy) (goddess of diplomacy), Soteria (goddess of safety), Charis (goddess of charm), Palaestra (goddess of wrestling), Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), and Praxidike (goddess of judicial punishment). She has a flirtatious rapport with Favian (god of philosophy).
Her main source of income comes from teaching the public speaking-debate class at New Olympus University. She also sometimes narrates audiobooks. For other sources of income Dimósia is a writer for The Agnostic Network (Momus' late night show) where she even has her own segment! She also writes for The Oracle, Modern Olympus, Diaireménoi Stekómaste, & O Dianooumenos. She's also a pro-wrestler, performing under the stage name "Duchess." Some of her signature moves include the leaping clothesline, snap suplex, & tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. Dimósia also models for/endorses Persuasions (her daughter's clothing line), Megaleio, Swimsilk, Heavenly Spark, Paloma, and Ouránio Théama. With her own personal business ventures, Dimósia is currently in talks with copyrighting the word "smexy" (combo of smart & sexy) to be part of her brand. She has her own podcast called Talk Smexy To Me, is currenly writing a self help book, and has released her own signature parfum aptly called Smexy. The perfume has notes of vanilla, warm chestnut, spicy citrus, & clove oil. A 3.4 oz bottle goes for 109 drachmas!
Her usual from The Bread Box is the croque madame sandwich with a mediterraean salmon salad (drizzled in sweet raspberry vinaigrette dressing).
She loves the magenta snake skin leather leash that Charis got for Lady!
The latest splurge for Dimósia is the bright fuschia croc leather Megaleio handbag, which comes with a 95,000 drachma price tag!
Her favorite dish is moussaka.
In her free time she enjoys surfing, yoga, reading, sunbathing, writing, dancing, shopping, watching documentaries & films, tennis, going to museums, and working out.
"If you go through the day without asking a single question, you're doing something wrong."
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cyclone-rachel · 6 years
@peskyshortcake @fire-night-sky
the Brainy and Alexis partners in crime AU playlist
Alone Together- Fall Out Boy
I don't know where you're going But do you got room for one more troubled soul? I don't know where I'm going But I don't think I'm coming home and I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead This is the road to ruin And we're starting at the end Say yeah (yeah!) Let's be alone together (yeah)
Dance, Dance- Fall Out Boy
She says she's no good with words but I'm worse Barely stuttered out a joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue Weighed down with words too over-dramatic Tonight it's "It can't get much worse" Vs. "No one should ever feel like..."
Dance, dance We're falling apart to half time Dance, dance And these are the lives you love to lead Dance, this is the way they'd love If they knew how misery loved me
Dangerous- Before You Exit
She's got a first time kiss that'll lock you in She's gonna break your heart but you can't resist I know that I just met her, I know I should know better Oooo she's so dangerous I thought she was just so innocent And from the start I was giving in She's such a wreck and I can't forget That ooo she's so dangerous
Dirty Work- Halestorm
Get on your knees and let the games begin Bow to your queen and I will crown your head 'Cause I can make you every inch a king Before I do tell me, tell me what's in it for me? I need someone young, willing and able You need someone old enough to know better
EVOL- Marina and the Diamonds
It only takes two lonely people To fuck love up and make it evil It only takes a drop of evil To fuck up two beautiful people L.O.V.E. L.O.V.E. L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L. L.O.V.E., do you love me? L.O.V.E., love is evil Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker Every kiss you give me makes me sicker A day in the dark, a day in a cloud of gloom, yeah
For Reasons Unknown- The Killers
With one deep breath, and one big step, I move a little bit closer. I move a little bit closer. For reasons unknown. I caught my stride. I flew and flied. I know if destiny’s kind, I’ve got the rest of my mind. But my heart, it don’t beat, it don’t beat the way it used to. And my eyes, they don’t see you no more. And my lips, they don’t kiss, they don’t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes don’t recognize you no more. For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.
Heroes- All Time Low
Yeah this is moving in the same direction But I'm a little too spent to care Cause it's a battlefield till it blows over Keep your friends close and your enemies closer We're throwing stones though we live in glass houses We talk shit like it's a cross to bear You're only relevant until you get older Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, enemies closer
I Don’t Love You- My Chemical Romance
Well, when you go So never think, I'll make you try to stay And maybe when you get back I'll be off to find another way When you go Would you even turn to say, "I don't love you Like I did Yesterday."
I Forgive You- Every Avenue
From you, I could throw my cares away now I know how freedom taste and I thank you for the pain cause now I can deal with anything You, you had a way of keeping me on my toes I forgive you for the truth I liked you better when you lied, and I forgive you being you cause you were better when you faked every smile
I Miss the Misery- Halestorm
I've been a mess since you stayed I've been a wreck since you changed Don't let me get in your way I miss the lies and the pain The fights that keep us awake-ake-ake I'm tellin you! I miss the bad things The way you hate me I miss the screaming The way that you blame me! Miss the phone calls When it's your fault I miss the late nights Don't miss you at all! I like the kick in the face And the things you do to me! I love the way that it hurts! I don't miss you, I miss the misery!
Just The Way I’m Not- All Time Low
I'm a waste of chances, Full of bad romances, Your favorite enemy, And your most hated friend. When it hurts it hurts, You wonder if it's worth it. But when it works it works, When it's broke it's perfect. Woah oh! Never seem to please you, no, Don't you ever let me go, I know your heart is shut, shut, shut. And don't you know, Nothing's gonna change us.
Kiss With a Fist- Florence + The Machine
My black eye casts no shadow Your red eye sees no blame Your slaps don't stick Your kicks don't hit So we remain the same Blood sticks, sweat drips Break the lock if it don't fit A kick in the teeth is good for some A kiss with a fist is better than none Whoa a kiss with a fist is better than none
Love is a Suicide- Natalia Kills
You like the smell of blood When it's pumpin' like a factory Ooh, you like your words to cut You like to choose the best artillery I wonder who you're thinkin' of Who am I Am I the epitome Of everything you hate And you desire You love me like an enemy
It feels so surgical How you dissect every mistake I make
Love Me Dead- Ludo
She moves through moonbeams slowly She knows just how to hold me And when her edges soften, her body is my coffin I know she drains me slowly She wears me down to bones in bed... Must be the sign on my head, it says "Oh, love me dead!" You're a faith-healer on tv You're an office park without any trees Corporate and cold, gushing for gold, leave me alone
Love me cancerously Brrrot-dot-da-d-da-da! Brrrot-dot-da-d-da-da! How's your new boy? Does he know about me? You've got the mark of the beast You're born of a jackal! You're beautiful!
Lovefool- The Cardigans
Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know And maybe there is nothing That I can do to make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother That I ought to stick to another man A man that surely deserves me But I think you do! So I cry, and I pray, and I beg Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Go on and fool me Love me, love me Pretend that you love me Leave me, leave me Just say that you need me
The Luthors- Blake Neely
Mama- My Chemical Romance
And when we go don't blame us, yeah. We'll let the fire just bathe us, yeah. You made us, oh, so famous. We'll never let you go. And when you go don't return to me my love. Mama, we're all full of lies. Mama, we're meant for the flies. And right now they're building a coffin your size, Mama, we're all full of lies.
Miss Murder- AFI 
With just a look they shook And heavens bowed before him. Simply a look can break your heart. The stars that pierce the sky; He left them all behind. We’re left to wonder why He left us all behind. 
Dreams of his crash won’t pass Oh, how they all adored him Beauty will last when spiraled down.
Mz. Hyde- Halestorm
Good girl gone bad, my poison is your remedy Better be scared, better be afraid Now that the beast is out of her cage And I know you Wanna risk it You know you Are so addicted Boy, you better run for your life
Never Surrender- Skillet
Do you know what it's like when You're scared to see yourself? Do you know what it's like when You wish you were someone else Who didn't need your help to get by? Do you know what it's like To wanna surrender? I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow I don't wanna live like this today Make me feel better I wanna feel better Stay with me here now And never surrender
Please Don’t Leave Me- Pink
I can be so mean when I wanna be, I am capable of really anything, I can cut you into pieces, When my heart is broken. Da da da da da Please, don't leave me [2x] I always say how I don't need you But it's always gonna come right back to this Please, don't leave me
Sometimes- Skillet
Sometimes I don't wanna be better Sometimes I can't be put back together Sometimes I find it hard to believe There's someone else who could be Just as messed up as me Sometimes don't deny That everything is wrong Sometimes rather die Than to admit it's my fault Sometimes when you cry I just don't care at all I don't know why I do the things I do to you but...
Starring Role- Marina and the Diamonds
It almost feels like a joke to play out a part When you are not the starring role in someone else's heart You know I'd rather walk alone than play a supporting role If I can't get the starring role Sometimes I ignore you, so I feel in control 'Cause really, I adore you, and I can't leave you alone Fed up with the fantasies that cover what is wrong Come on, baby, let's just get drunk, forget we don't get on
Stop Me- Natalia Kills
Darling, darling You know I never meant to drag you down Standing at the bar with your scars and your lonely heart So let's leave this dead-end town If I, if I run away with you tonight, tonight We could make the wrongs feel right, so right We could do some damage
Tell Me I’m a Wreck- Every Avenue
I could have been easier on you I could have been all you held onto I know I wasn't fair, I tried my best to care about you I know I could have been a better man But I always had to have the upper hand I'm struggling to see the better side of me But I can't take all your jabs and taunts You're pointing out my every fault And you wonder why I walked away
Toxic- Britney Spears
Baby, can’t you see I’m calling A guy like you Should wear a warning It’s dangerous I’m fallin’ There’s no escape I can’t wait I need a hit Baby, give me it You’re dangerous I’m lovin’ it
Villain- Hedley
I'm so cold and far away from home You're so tired and so damn alone It's darker and much harder to be me So far away from my reality I hate the way you look, I'm looking back I hate the way I look, you're looking too I think maybe I'm just falling, falling, falling And you kiss me like you know inside of me (let me lead you, let me follow) And you watch me fight my own insanity (let me lead you, let me follow)
You Can Do Better Than Me- Death Cab for Cutie
I'm starting to feel We stayed together out of fear of dying alone
I have to face the truth That no one could ever look at me like you do Like I'm something worth holding on to There's times I think of leaving But it's something I'll never do 'Cause you can do better than me But I can't do better than you
Young God- Halsey
He says, "Oh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends I'm the king and you're the queen and we will stumble through heaven If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes”
But do you feel like a young god? You know the two of us are just young gods And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath And they're running, running, running 
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Some trivia facts on how the GGs interact with each other in the Gilded AU? I adore this au you have created and I would love to hear more as long as that's cool!
Yeah! I love talking about my AUs!!!!
Jason is the baby of the family, no surprise. However, like any baby brother, some of his siblings find him very annoying, lol. Most of them are just [head pats] yes dear. He internalizes that. A lot.
Most of the Grimwalkers unconsciously avoid Mole (with the exception of Jason). Mole has a lot of internalized guilt over stuff, and while he's not ACTUALLY in any trouble over it, the other grimwalkers, due to their upbringing can kind of sense the guilt and ergo, avoid the "troublemaker" without realizing it as a survival instinct.
Prior to Hunter (27), Cherry was the "Older Brother" figure. He still is, mostly. He wasn't the oldest, but he's got the combo of being an older one and being one of the ones there the longest
The Angry Ones (Venari, Meleager, Horus, and Hamlet) generally keep to their little group, and the other grimwalkers are a bit wary of them. These four are firmly in the "Of course we love our baby brother, but Jason is annoying" camp.
Steven's actually a lot of fun to be around, and gets along with almost everyone.
Some of them are considered by their siblings to be "the smart ones." Meleager, despite knowing a lot about glyphs and having studied wild magic a lot, is considered more of a jock. Sam is the resident family genius who does a lot of combo work and likes to do research, so if the grimwalkers have a question about something brainy, they'll usually bug Sam. He'd be happy to hold a class for anyone who wants to attend.
Lake and Locke mostly hang out with each other, but are chill with pretty much anyone. They're the same age, and they look even more similar to each other than the rest of the grimwalkers, so they act like twins. Locke is missing both of his arms, though, so it's not exactly hard to figure out which is which. They're the Grimwalkers who were there when Hunter (27) woke up in chapter 2, they're ragingly curious, and the most likely to take Sam up on his offers of a lesson and/or bug Sam, Wittebro, or Wittewife with unending questions
U know the Magic School Bus bit where Carlos would make a bad joke, and everyone would groan "CARlooooos!"? That's how most of the grimwalkers react to Silver, they're a bit of a clown, and they DO make people smile and laugh, despite the groaning
All of the grimwalkers, even the angry ones, are exceedingly gentle whenever someone has nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, all of that. It doesn't matter who it is, someone's running to get Dad or Mom, and someone else is helping coach you through breathing and grounding techniques until they get here. Or they'll give you space if you need space.
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spookierdeer · 3 years
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to keep track of which of the next gens see as related, i made three groups for the "mane" characters. each page has the next gens and who they see as related in some way, either as half siblings or cousins. bonus: they all have names now! thank you ponycord <3
examples below the cut!
i avoided drawing lines to who's related to who just because i didn't want it to get cluttered, this is mostly for my use anyway and i already know who's parents are who's.
example as to who sees who as related, using party favor
party favor is the child of rainbow dash and pinkie pie, they didn't intend to have her, but still love them. they live with pinkie pie and fluttershy, but still see rainbow as their other mom and twilight as a sort of mother figure.
as to who party favor sees as related, they see petunia pop, flicker draft, rigel wisp, moonberry, and darling dusk all as half siblings. diamond darling, beloved brew, brainy brightmoon, and marbled quartz confetti cake pie are all half siblings of their half siblings, so they see them as "family" but not "related," similar to a family friend.
examples of who party favor IS related to:
-rigel wisp
-petunia pop
-flicker gust
-darling dusk
examples of who party favor ISN'T related to:
-opal gold
-apple rosette
-brainy brightmoon
-beloved brew
-darling diamond
-marbled quartz confetti cake pie
characters that aren't really related to anyone (aka the zephyr/discord crew):
-decora dawn
-sky skimmer
-dinky doodle
-ditzy dreamer
-avey airy
they aren't quite adopted, it's more like they travel around with those two clowns until they find somewhere they'd rather be. these are the ones who've stuck around the longest, and might end up staying with and/or working with others of the "mane" group.
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
About Ireland... and other locations [6x08]
First of all,
Everybody keep calm! 
We’ve seen bts-pics where Lena is clearly around for some action and there’s a lot of talk about Lena and Kara’s evolving / developing ‘relationship’ by the actresses... Lena’s not going to be away from Kara for long!
We’ve still got 12 episodes ahead of us at this point. Keep in mind, what a movie can do in 90 minutes. We’ve got 5 to 6 times as much runtime left. (Yes, we are all nervous, I get it. But Lena needs this. Her unresolved feelings about her mother have been built up by the show since season 3. Here’s to hoping for at least somewhat capable hands and decent pay-offs.)
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All Lena said is, she's going "home" and "to where I was born".
Yet, somehow we all KNOW she means Ireland...
The most canon said - by my recollection - was in 4x11 when Lena recognized Nia's hometown having an Irish name (and translating it) and in 4x15, when Lex told Lena about her mother, who sang an Irish song to him (to calm him while his dog was put down). Then there's 6x07, with Lena referring (again) to her mother's folklore book, and having grown up with the knowledge / fear of Kelpies (which is a Scottish myth, but close enough?).
And, yeah, her middle name is Irish, too. ...And it's male, btw, and means "little dark one". The female version of Kieran would be either Keira or Kiera. Which tickles me, because Cat.
I guess, there's also Katie's accent. But considering Lena was raised by the Luthors since the age of 4, why would she have an Irish accent? If she only now decides to dig into her origins? Would she have self-taught / learned Irish? To annoy Lillian? For funzies? (I can actually imagine both, but mostly Lena learning a couple of languages just as a hobby or to be able to read fancy books in the authors' languages.)
So... huh.  Will the show throw us a curve-ball and send Lena to a completely unexpected different location instead?
Please feel free to inform me of any other and/or more specific mentions of Lena and/or her mother being of Irish origin that I may have missed.
On another note, the fandom hypes out on "Kara leaned in" and here I sit and keep staring at Lena's in this episode once again very prominent, neatly short-clipped fingernails... To each their own, I guess?
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..and of cos, there’s me head-cannoning how Lena kept tabs on Kara’s locations during the episode... 
Brainy: “Okay, I have prepared for the venture of delivering Zor-El to Argo.”
Nia: “Aww, will it take long? I’ll miss you!”  
Brainy: “No, not long at all. As soon as I can locate Zor-El and we depart--”
Lena: “He’s with Kara.”
Brainy: “Excellent! ...wait, and where are they? I shall immediately--” 
Lena: “Oh, no. I’ll go to her. Him. Fetch him for you, I mean.” 
Nia: “...Lena. My sweet, over-compensating mom--  Lena. Did you secretly put a tracker on Kara?”
Lena: “............no?”
Nia: “Lena! We’ve talked about this! Impulse contr--”
Brainy: “...an ingenious idea. Why have I not thought of this..” *eyes Nia*
Nia: “Brainy! No.”
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thebrisingamen · 3 years
Something frustrating I've noticed, especially in the early aughts shows I liked, exceptions of course existed but I'm talking as a broader whole.
-Dr. Holiday; The 'motherly' figure, who's super smart and figures things out but like...she doesn't DO much of anything to advance the story or plot and she's often not doing much
-Circe; An extremely satellite love interest who disappears? idk wtf happens to her, tbh. she has 0 personality
-Black Knight; The villain lady, Ice Queen Archetype. Boring
And that's all I can think of that are NAMED, APPEAR FOR MORE THAN ONE EPISODE female characters....
-Drew Saturday; Mostly a good character, but falls into the Mom trope. She's the mother/relative of our main character and so is often more supporting than active. At least she is active and complex.
-Wadi; Love Interest, bratty child one because they're 10-11 but she gets very little screen time and we don't know much about her beyond the fact that she likes to steal items & likes Zak.
-Rani Nagi; A Naga, who is evil and wants to revive Kur and is a villain with no more depth than that...
-Dr. Miranda Grey & Abbey Grey; The Grey Sisters are supporting cast and not very interesting--they just fulfill story purpose but at least they're women. Secret Saturdays is the least bad about this, but 5 named female characters appearing for more than one episode is...bad...
BEN 10;
-Main Female Lead is Cousin, who is supposedly pretty powerful in the following series though we only ever see her do support, we never see much of a focus on her as a character and she is rather static.
She remains bossy good girl cousin, the brainy one of the trio dating emotionally unavailable Kevin who needs to deal with his trauma, despite Kevin and Ben having more connection and scenes in the entire series.
Her entire character revolves around who she is related to (Ben, Their Grandfather, Her Grandmother, etc.) or who she is romantically attracted to (Kevin, Morning/Dark Star, etc.)
We never talk about Gwen's interests, what Gwen likes, who Gwen is outside of her family. Apparently she likes school but WHAT ELSE GUYS?
-Kai Green; There's a lot to unpack here; Her first name is at least Native American, but the whole introduction episode has not aged well and, just. Wow. Also she's boring and evil, I guess? Like what the hell? Oh also a love interest who is introduced in one ep and returns in the third series
-Julie Yamamoto; Another LOVE INTEREST and she does actually seem pretty cool, but then they broke her and Ben up because reasons???? Reasons.
Reasons Being That A Strong Female Character With Actual Screen Time Was Too Hard
ESPECIALLY since they had them break up OFF. SCREEN. in between series.
That is totally not suspicious at all.
-Other Female Characters; forgettable, one-shot, etc.
This is pretty much an epidemic for early 2000s cartoons & is also well exemplified in the Nolanverse Batman Trilogy
Female Characters Have A Very Limited Range To Be
They Are
1. The Mom/Sister/Cousin etc Relative Character who has some moments but is mostly support for the main cast and rarely, if ever, showcases her abilities unless everyone else is out of it. This character is only comic relief and rarely presented as pretty and is relegated to side-kick.
2. The Good Girl. Pure of Heart, Usually The Love Interest Satellite Character Who Acts As The Morality Pet/Compass to Main Male Character. 9/10 times she's also a virgin or too innocent to be overtly sexual....
3. The Traitor/Villain/Bad Girl. Almost Always Sultry and/or Sexy (bc owning your sexuality is "bad") and clearly represents temptation for our hero. Can't be evil just to be evil, must have a reason.
And that's it. I think its why I always disliked Ben 10 in many ways, the same for Generator Rex; I wanted to like these shows, but there was either too much going on to follow a coherent story (Rex) or the ongoing issues with a series made in the 2000s
Alien Force WAS SO GOOD and that is WHERE the show should've ended its run, but then Omniverse happened.
-So yeah, stop doing these three female characters please, PLEASE give us varied people in shows. It is happening, slowly but surely.
Also we were robbed
-Ben 10 (alien series)
-Gen Rex (AU alien earth)
-Secret Saturdays (Cryptids)
-Magic? MAGIC? it's been mentioned several times in original BEN 10 series that magic exists & is real, same with Secret Saturdays and its been established they share the same universe so...
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