#of course donnie thinks robots are cute
felsicveins · 1 year
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Y'all ever see nichijou
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
As I said, I read a fic with 2012 boys having died and reincarnated into the Rise universe and adopted by the Rise boys and it gave me IDEAS so anyway
So I want Max Angst when the 2012 boys remember their past lives. I don't know exactly when they died, but I'm having Monster Arc and Heart of Evil and stuff be canon, but not Mutant Apocalypse. Again, not sure how/when they died to make this possible. But it WAS before they turned 20.
They're reincarnated as lil' babies, just tiny lil' guys. They're born to a normal turtle but uh, they aren't normal turtles, so the owner of their turtle freaks out and puts them in a box in a random alleyway. And then, as luck would have it, Señor Hueso opens Run of the Mill one day to find a box of small mutant baby turtles. With a deep sigh, he takes the box inside, feeds them some veggies, and calls up Leo.
"Ah, Pepino, none of you or your brothers have had any... flings lately, have you? No? Well, I ask because a box of baby turtles were in front of the door today-"
He's not even finished with the sentence before a portal opens up and all four Rise boys (probably early to mid twenties in ages) and Splints tumble out. Splints grabs the box, looks inside, and says "We'll take them!"
"That was easier than I thought."
They order some pizzas while there, of course, and get to know these tiny babies while they wait. They all seem to be the same species of turtle, and all the same age.
Now in the fic I read each Rise Boy raised their counterpart, which is great, but it could also be cool for them to be raised by their non-counterparts too? Like I could see 2012 Raph having been raised by Rise Mikey and 2012 Leo being raised by Rise Donnie? I think for this we'll have their own counterparts raise them but food for thought, let me know what other Father-Son pairings you'd do personally.
Anyway for the rest of this I'll be referring to Rise as Raphie, Leon, Angelo, and Donald, and 2012 as their usual nicknames.
Raphie holds the second smallest baby and coos at him, wiggling a finger over his face and watching the way the baby tracks it with beady little eyes. None of them seem to have irises or sclera at first, but Donald says it could just look like that because they're so young, the same thing happens with kittens who've just opened their eyes. As Raphie coos over the baby and waves his finger around, the baby scrunches up his face and starts to cry! Raphie panics for a second, but Splints shows him how to properly cradle the baby and soon lil' Raph is asleep.
Yes, they name their sons after themselves, Because They Would Do That, but also because Splints kept accidentally calling the babies those names anyway and they didn't want to confuse the little guys too much.
Donald holds baby Donnie up like he's examining a peculiar invention for a bit, and baby Donnie just smiles at him and makes baby sounds. After a bit of examining Donald cradles Donnie in one of the battle shell's robot arms and begins softly singing a little Dewey Decimal System rap he made up and baby Donnie slowly falls asleep as well.
Angelo is just gushing over this cute little baby and making all the silly faces, and baby Mikey is giggling and babbling non-stop, reaching up and lightly slapping Angelo's face with his lil' baby hands and it is The Cutest Ever! Angelo's heart is stolen and it sets the path for Mikey to be So Spoiled in the future.
Leon holds the last baby, a quiet and calm little guy who's just staring at him. He's a little creeped out, to be honest, and nothing he's doing to make the baby laugh is working. Then Hueso brings over the pizzas, and Leon grins and says "We'll need 'em, raising these guys is going to leave us, uh bone tired." And maybe it's the voice he uses or the cocky grin but that finally makes baby Leo laugh! And Leon's heart melts because the baby likes puns this is perfect.
So they take them home and bam! Four sons now! April is hanging out with Casey and Casey Jr when she gets the text "YOU'RE AN AUNT NOW!" and of course this makes her very concerned so all three of them head right for the lair and they enter to find Draxum on the couch with a book on child development, Splints playing peek-a-boo with a single bassinet full of four baby turtles, and the four brothers all eating as Draxum tosses out little snippets of advice from book and they all nod.
"Where'd you get those?" April says, pointing at the bassinet.
"Someone left them outside of Run of the Mill? Can you believe it? Four perfect little angels and someone didn't want them!" Angelo coos. At that moment baby Raph starts crying again, frustrated by the peek-a-boo game (and a little scared that Splints keeps disappearing).
Anyway, the four are raised as brothers and not cousins because non-nuclear family structures for the win, and it's great! They're all a little more well-adjusted than their past selves were. Raph's anger issues are taken more seriously and Angelo and Raphie talk with him a lot about it and help him find ways to manage it. Donnie feels way less insecure/resentful of being a mutant because he grows up around humans and mutants alike this time and goes out to the surface way sooner, and as we all know it's a lot easier to pass as humans with very little effort in the Rise world. Mikey's ADHD is like, taken seriously and everyone knows he's not dumb, just impulsive and has trouble paying attention (sometimes though he just chooses to be a little shit and they still get mad at him for those times).
I actually think Leo will end up the most The Same, just because his drive to be perfect/severity/endless pressure on himself doesn't really start until after he's made Leader in 2012, before that he seems mostly normal (for a teenage mutant ninja turtle anyway).
Wow this was meant to be an angst AU but Baby Cuteness got to me. Well I'll put the angst under a Read More I guess so y'all who don't want it can just have this happiness.
So when they're about 15, they start feeling more restless. They have a lot of fun with their family, but they haven't done much of the hero stuff. Their dads have tried to keep it to a minimum (it can never be Zero for them, but they have a strict "Let us get our kids home or at least ignore them while they hide" policy with the villains and most of them, like Warren and Hypno, don't mind and totally oblige and yes this is partly because The Rise Boys are intimidating parents and partly because why would they beat up an eight-year-old?)
So they've been minorly involved in some fights, but gosh, they're just kids. Their dads remember how fun it was to fight bad guys at their age, but also how damaging it was in the long run. And for the most part, their sons have been fine with it. They've gone a few minor fights here and there, even have a nemesis of their own (Hypno and Warren adopted a yokai girl, some kind of bird I think, and she's the most pompous person alive, their fights are never intense though because her dads are also protective) and it's been fine.
But it's like a switch flips, and suddenly they're constantly itching to go out. Suddenly Raph's having trouble remembering his anger management methods. Suddenly Mikey's acting up more than usual. Suddenly Donnie's patience is paper-thin. Suddenly Leo's being bossy and demanding of his brothers.
Well, "suddenly" isn't quite right. It's slow, but it definitely starts on their 15th birthday. And it just keeps getting worse.
And they're having nightmares. Lots of them. Donald rushes into Donnie's room one night after hearing screaming to find Donnie clutching his arm to his chest and sobbing incoherently about needing to find Mikey and Raph because he's after them, but come morning when Donald asks all Donnie can remember is "Something big hit me, and I knew they weren't safe either."
One night Leon hears a crash and runs into Leo's room to find his son crying, having fallen out of bed and landed on his knee funny and he's holding his throat begging to see his brothers. Again, come morning all he remembers is that he'd been in a bad fight and They Weren't Safe.
Angelo wakes up to Mikey crawling into his bed, shaking and quietly crying, and mumbling about squirrels and evil moms and all kinds of terrible things, and Angelo hugs him and calms him down. In the morning Mikey just says he might need to stop reading horror comics.
Raphie can't even comfort his son because Raph screams when he sees him through sheep-glazed eyes and backs away and begs and begs to leave him and his brothers alone, and he calls out for Leo over and over until his brother and uncle in blue both come in and Leo hugs Raph and the two fall asleep in each other's arms. In the morning Raph just says he thinks Donnie's nightmare from before got to him, and that something else got Leo and got him bad.
And they become so tired. They can barely sleep anymore. Leo's leg should be fine by now, it was just bruised, but he keeps limping. Donnie keeps staring at nothing, lost in thought, and all he can say when someone asks what's wrong is he feels like they're missing something, someone, and he's taking minor failures so hard now. Raph keeps looking around the lair like he's expecting something to jump out at them, keeps gripping his sai like he'll need to use them at a moment's notice. Mikey keeps acting desperate to be heard whenever he suggests something, and he keeps checking the freezer and tearing up when whatever he's looking for that he doesn't even know isn't there.
There's some nights where they don't scream or go to their dads. There's some nights, that only them and their grandpa know about, where they sneak into Splints's room and ask if they can just stay there for a little while. Sometimes all of them end up in there at once, and Splints wakes up to them gathered around his bed, leaning up against it as they sleep with weapons in hand. He never tells anyone, just shakes Raph and Leo awake so they can carry their brothers back to bed, and he goes with to tuck them all in. And sometimes on those nights, when the boys are half-asleep and mumbling, he thinks he hears them call him 'Sensei'.
And then there's the way they fight.
Their dads are all deeply concerned the first time they do some sparring after their 15th birthday. Because they seem to forget to pull back.
Leo flips Mikey with full strength and Mikey swings his nunchucks without bothering to aim away from Leo's limbs. Raph slams his shoulder into Donnie's chest hard enough to completely knock the breath out of him and then Donnie jabs the end of his bo into Raph's chest right back so hard that it cracks the wood. Draxum and Splints break them up, always on the sidelines watching with pride in their grandsons, and The Rise Dads scold them all for being so brutal to their own brothers.
It's during a fight with Meatsweats and some new cooking assistant of his that they learn Donnie and Mikey added some blades to their own weapons. And all four go for a kill blow when they get the chance. Meatsweats is out of there faster than you can say "Cowabunga", bruised and bloodied, and the dads have another talk with their sons. Something along the lines of "You can't be 15 year old murderers!"
And then there's the anger. All four of them are suddenly so very, very angry. And not in the short-tempered way Raph's been his whole life, or the easily irritable way Donnie's always been. They're all deeply, painfully, angry. And none of them can really explain why. Just that it feels like they lost something.
And then, one day, Donald is wearing his mystic-seeing goggles when Donnie enters the lab. And what he sees chills him to the core.
He sees this overlay. It's Donnie, but not. The overlay is a little taller, a little older, and horrifically scarred on every inch of his body. His shell and plastron are littered with scratches and chips. He's got small scars and nicks all over his body. He's got a big one on the arm Donald remembers him clutching after his first nightmare. He's got horrific burn scars on his head and face, like someone electrocuted him over and over and over without mercy, and there's burn scars everywhere else too but those look circumstantial and the ones on his face looks purposeful. There's so much visible pain, all over this overlay of his son, his son. And it doesn't even look much older, maybe four years older at most, and-
And it's so angry.
It's a transparent purple, a sort of lavender color the same as Donnie's mask, but it's eyes are a solid and stark white. They're narrowed, and his mouth is set in a deep scowl. Tears drip down his face non-stop, but it's like the overlay isn't even aware he's crying from the way he just radiates anger.
And Donald grab Donnie's arm, panicking, and lifts his goggles.
His son is looking at him in confusion and concern, and he's fine. He's got one scar, and it's just from a skateboarding accident he had when they were around 10 and his elbow pad slipped up when he skid across the ramp. He's not scowling, he's not crying, and he's trying to get his dad's attention.
"Could you get your brothers and uncle?" Donald asks, and Donnie nods and runs off.
When they get back Donald has set up a large x-ray like machine. He asks the boys to stand behind it, and explains to his own brothers that he put his mystic crystal into this machine to check something. He explains, quietly, that he saw something that half-explains what's been going on with their sons.
And he turns it on.
And oh, god.
Raph's overlay has a large chip taken out of the right corner of his plastron, and just like his brothers, is littered in scars on every inch of him. His overlay is scowling and crying and white-eyed, and it's body language is so much more tense. Raph himself is just sitting there, arms crossed, a little annoyed but not too upset, until he looks up and sees his dad and uncles crying.
Mikey such a strange one to see, scowling like that, just so full of anger and pain. Like Raph he doesn't seem to have any huge scars, until he bends over for a second because he dropped something and all over the back of his shell there are these discolored spots, like something broke it open from the inside and it had to heal back over. The thought makes Angelo's heart and stomach drop and makes him need to lean again Raphie.
And Leo. None of the overlays are free of scars, hundreds of scars, but Leo... he has the most small ones small but deep, like shards of glass stuck into his skin and had to be pulled out. He's got a jagged, messy scar on his throat that wraps almost all the way around to the back, and they can see another all-encompassing scar around his newly-bum knee. There's so many scars that follow such a specific pattern, two blades spaced apart in such a precise manner slashed across him without mercy and-
Draxum and Splints had followed, and they're both silent, horrified, and Draxum quietly says, "I think... those overlays are their souls."
And suddenly the whole family has a new mission: find out why their boys have such wounded souls. Find out who did this to them. Find out how to fix it.
They don't tell the boys what they saw, and it's for the best, because the nightmares keep getting worse and now they have scars they can place some of the half-remembered stories to. And they start to piece together that the boys are remembering some other life, some other world, and is this some kind of curse or something else? Is it another world bleeding through and affecting their boys, or is it possible they came from that world?
And then, as they're struggling to figure this out and to help their boys through sudden new PTSD episodes and triggers that their boys don't understand the cause of, then...
A portal opens somewhere in New York.
A pink, triangular portal.
And they find somewhere to point all the anger they have for their boys.
(I also have another version of this where they don't discover what's happening until The Rise Dads are captured by the 2012 Kraang and the 2012 boys, who fully remember their past lives, charge in to save them, and their Ninpo manifests as they can reach into the other world and pull things through like The Shellraizer and such, but it comes with the cost of their new bodies becoming more and more like their old ones, so their dads watch them fight incredibly viciously and pull all this stuff out of some other dimension and have to just watch as all these scars appear on them and they get older but suddenly they stop getting older very soon and that hurts just as much as seeing the scars and they're both horrified and in awe of how their sons are fighting.)
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vdragon-creations · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day
Each of the versions of Sashatello would like to wish you a Happy (late) Valentine’s Day! And the only reason it is so late, is that they spent their days with each other. Let’s take a peek at what they were up to, shall we? 👀
First up~ 🐆💜🐢
87 Sashatello: Cat Kisses
Little pecks on the cheek are nothing strange to this couple!
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2003 Sashatello: Flowers
This is kinda a spoiler for something in the next part of my Fic, Spring Stars. Regardless, I love drawing these two just being cutesy together. Especially when they both get all blushy and Shy while interacting!
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2007 Sashatello: Proposition
07 Sasha is a bit blunt with her way of thinking, and especially when she wants something. So when asking if Donnie would “Be her mate.”, it was quite a lot for the turtle to take in all at once. He was down, of course, but it didn’t erase the intense embarrassment he felt from her wording.
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IDW Sashatello: You’re so cute
Get you a lady that looks at you the way Sasha does Donnie. To her, he is the cutest thing she’s ever encountered. and this is coming from a God! Someone who has met many souls, seen countless lovers, and traveled the world many times over! So…who is Donnie to argue with her when she calls him Cute?
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2012 Sashatello: Be My Valentine
Ah yes, these two. Honestly, a romance between these two is so hard to write, it’s painful! But, I’ll keep trying damn it! 2012 Sasha is just so smitten with this moron that it’s almost a meme in my head at this point that canonically, I don’t see them becoming an item until the Mutagen Bomb ending where Donnie becomes a robot! (I’ll draw that one day…) For now, I’ll just keep trying till it makes sense to me!
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Bayverse Sashatello: Hold Me
You know, if it weren’t for how detailed their designs are, I’d draw them way more than I do now. I mean, LOOK AT THEM! Cute af, and the part of me that has a size kink can’t help but drool at just how TALL Bayverse Donnie is! I really need to do more art of these two, but for now, here we are! And I’m not complaining.
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Batman VS TMNT Sashatello: Kiss Me, Sugershell
Not gunna lie to you folks on this one, I was very tame compared to what I originally wanted to draw for them. But I still thought that what I came up with was still pretty hot! The whole Bad girl & Good boy dynamic they have is just….so DAMN good! I love it! (And I adore the Pet Name Sasha calls Donnie in this version so much!) I can’t wait to draw more of them together. I have a rather cute/humorous idea in the works for them in the future.
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Mutant Mayhem Sashatello: Young Love
Ah, young love! MM Donnie has got that Rizz going, but I could still see him sweating a bit when talking about having a crush on Sasha. (Especially since he was a fan of her’s to begin with before they met!) And MM Sasha is a shy mess to begin with, but would try her hardest to toughen up, if it meant she could somehow impress Donnie. I could see them making gifts for one another on Valentine’s Day, becoming two blushing messes trying to come up with things to say.
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And that’s a wrap! Hope you all had a good Valentine’s Day! 💜
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dgknightblue · 2 years
The turtles crossover <3 and they have a simulator that will recreate one of their enemies. They all have to fight their version of that enemy, so it has to be one they all have.
The first they try out is Stockman/ Stockboy because he’s easy. God they all laughed at that.
It was difficult to find an enemy that all of them each have. They were all in the simulator and so they decided to fight their shredders (rise and either 2007 or 2012 tried to reject this).
Right off the bat, a few were slammed into walls by Rise shredder. God Rise Shredder and 2012 Mutated Shredder were horrible.
“Grandpa! That is no way to treat your family. Now come here for a hug <3”, rise Mikey teased.
They then teamed up with 19(89??/ 87???) to wail on him.
They take a break from the exercise to eat.
“That was crazy! And what was that about calling Shredder grandpa?”
“He was our great x8 grandfather! He was tricked into wearing demonic armor and became the shredder who was sealed a way 500+ years ago.”
“His soul is free now and living it up with our gram gram, who was his daughter. She created the Hamato clan.”
“Wow…I’m glad to hear. He was a tough cookie.”
They talked about some of their villains.
“Okay so do you guys have a bebop and rocksteady?”
“Nope! But we do have a Todd. He’s not a villain but they were his friends. Like Meatsweats, who tried to eat us. I’m his biggest fan.”
“He use to be a famous chef that would destroy the dreams of every chef that entered his kitchen.”
“Now he just tries to cook and eat any mutant he thinks would taste good. He has some good recipes for turtles.”
They go quiet for a moment as they eat their pizza. A Mikey leans towards a Raph.
“Remind me not to look particularly tasty.”
“Duty noted.”
They go back to the simulator. They decided to try Karai. After all, in most versions she was on the other side most of the time. Rise said nothing because they wanted to see her again.
Since it was a simulator, Karai would only act based on the turtles memory of her. 2012 Karai wouldn’t go for the kill.
Rise Karai… she stood there. She smiled and held her arms out. The rise boys ran to her. They hugged her and cried.
“Gram gram…. I’m sorry… we failed you…. You shouldn’t have died!”, they still felt guilty.
“Anata wa hitori janai.”
Rise smiled at her and they all let go. She fought with them. 2012 Leo was going through a crisis when he he saw them.
Rise Karai gets 2012 Karai on their side.
Eventually, they stopped for a moment so that the rise boys had time to clear the tears. 2007 talked to them for a moment. Once they gave the go a head, they decided to fight a simulation of foot soldiers.
They all laughed at the paper foot. Buddy was among the crowd and hugged all the Raph’s he could.
“This is Raph’s best friend and sparring partner! Buddy!”
“Awe he’s so cute!”
The robot foot were something. The other feet were notable too in some way.
Of course there was the foot leaders too.
“Why are their heads on fire?”
“I don’t know.”
“Whose the girl being Mikey and Donnie with a metal stick?”
“That’s Casey jones??? Why is she with the foot?”
“She grew up that way. Pretty sure the foot leaders were her dads before…they died.”
“Is she still?”
“Well someone has to lead the newly changed sister clan. Since she was part of the main branch, she tasked Jr with assimilating the secondary branch members all over the globe. Of course there are splinter cells that don’t agree with the change but…”
“Well there is no more shredder after all.”
“Whose Jr?”
“Ah we have two Casey’s. Cassandra Jones or Casey Sr and Casey Jones Jr.”
“We just call him Jr.”
“She looks a round your age…”
“He’s from the future.”
“Guys please, she isn’t slowing down at all!”
They forgot she was still beating them with a metal stick while they were talking.
“We should do something about that huh?”
They watch a little longer. Okay so a Mikey started crying so they finally walked over to pick her up.
“Cass! That’s enough, they yield!”
“I crave violence cousin!” (I would have said brother but she is so their cousin)
Simulation change once more. This one gave a noticeable tone shift for the Rise crew. Like this is life or death.
The Kraang… rise Kraang made someone wet themself (or they say as a joke).
This is the most serious they have ever seen the rise crew and they don’t like it. Rise forgets it’s a simulation.
“I will stop you!”, Leo grits his teeth and glares.
The Kraang mocks him and it circles him.
“What ever it takes, EVEN IF THAT MEANS I HAVE TO DIE!”, he snarls before launching himself with teleportation.
They don’t crack a joke and fight with everything they have. They get the floor wiped with them.
They get back up. They get beat again. They get back up. The Utrom get knocked out and the other Kraang squished.
The other turtles are trying to fight sister Kraang but nearly die. (I like thinking brother Kraang is confirmed dead.)
Everyone but Leo managed to get knocked out. He gets back up again.
“Your persistence is futile. I will beat you will an inch of your life and have you barely cling to life just to make you watch your pathetic world crumble under the rule of the Kraang.”
He punches Leo a few times. The others try to help- but they can’t do anything.
“Yield to the Kraang!”
Leo coughs up blood. He escapes. The Kraang follow. They fight more. Leo was much better than he was when he fought the Kraang.
Leo had a plan for the debris. He will have the Kraang fall onto two spike shaped debris. Leo following after him.
“Little Leo no!”
The simulation stops before anyone sees him make contact with the protruding metal. Leo falls onto the ground.
His family looks him over before he gets slapped in the face by a slipper.
“What did we talk about when it comes to devaluing your life?”
“Not to…”
“That’s right. No more simulations for you.”
On a lighter note:
“Hey… you guys want to see Leo’s best friend?”
They see Usagi. Rise Leo looks at them and giggle.
“Wow, your boyfriend is cute!”
“What? No no! He- he’s just a friend I promise!”
“Really? Aw… I was hoping I had a chance with mine…”
“Well just because he is in complete denial doesn’t mean you’d fail.”
“I don’t know…”
Leo goes on to explain how Usagi isn’t interested in him (also casually saying Usagi kissed him- which the others pick up on) and that he will never go out with him and he accepts that.
The turtles that were with rise Leo thinks he’s been lead on. That is not the case.
“Oh! Man I remember that one time I was invited to a new friends wedding. I caught the bouquet. Dream come true. Until the other guests wanted the bouquet. Usagi helped me run a way.”
“Uh have you told him that you-?”
“Oh several times, but he keeps ignoring it. For a while I thought that him kissing me meant that he liked me but now I am not sure.”
There was a pause.
“However I am not going to say no to any kind of affection from him <3”
“That doesn’t sound healthy….”
“What can you do? When your me? Haha”
Two weeks later and someone walks in to see Leo sitting on Usagi’s lap. Oh wow, Usagi can run.
“I don’t know what happened. One second Usagi was talking about his day and the next second a weapon was sent his way.”
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frogonamelon · 7 months
Practically All of the Non Hamato and Non Villian characters
(also known as I have brainrot about my turtles’ world and wanted to share the human (or ‘human’) squad with you!)
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The closest manhole to the turtles’ lair is in the center of the courtyard of Arcadia Apartments, a small 2 story building with three apartments on each story, the owner’s apartment (although it's functionally abandoned), and a communal laundry/ other uses space. The residents of these apartments are the characters I want to share with you today!
April [Top Left]: A human woman in her early 20s just getting on her feet  while going for her degree in Anthropology at the local community college. She is an amateur journalist who runs a blog about local cryptids and legends that people think are fun but no one really believes. April finds out the truth about these cryptids on one fateful rainy night on her way home from a late night class.
Casey [Bottom Left]: A 20 something year old mechanic by day and vigilante by night under the name The Penalizer. Due to issues with his mom and his dad out of the picture, he lives with and has not so legally recognized custody of his younger sister (although he has a hard time being there for her with everything going on.) He has played every sport known to man but his true love is ice hockey. Despite all logic, he is a morning person. 
Angel [Not Depicted]: Casey’s 15 year old sister who has been mixed up with the Purple Dragons for some time. Due to Casey not being around to check her, she is able to go out with them without intervention.
Frankie and Sydney [Top Right]: A couple in their early 30s who live in the human world with their two young children: Sunita (age 5) and Timothy (age 2) [Not Depicted]. Frankie is an entertainer for rent at various establishments and events while Sydney works as a bartender at Run of the Mill. Sydney is a cool mom type with Frankie being a goofy doting husband. That one couple who give really good advice and are destined to be a cute old couple one day. 
Irma [Middle Left]: A type A very structured and successful hardass (affectionate) woman in her late 20s maybe early 30s. Irma works at Stockman Enterprises in one of their engineering labs. At least… as a cover. She is a robotic human suit being piloted by a smaller yokai being that resembles a gray alien.
Keno [Small in the Center]: A mid to late 20s man who's just living life and working as a delivery man. He games in his free time and is honestly living the most chill life of all of them. Can and absolutely will cook for everyone, as long as they pitch in financially of course. Is the first and only person April told about the turtles after that fateful night. When he inevitably joins forces with the turtles, he is backup tech support, hacking, manning drones, machines, and cameras from their lair (or his own apartment setup) whenever Donnie’s unable to in the field. 
Mei [Center Leftish]: I’m going to keep this brief as I’ve explained her backstory and role here. This is her in her younger days, back when she was more aggressive and inexperienced in the ways of the world outside the arena but after her defeat at the hands of Splinter/ Shen. Despite being a source of wisdom for her neighbors, I could see her becoming an antagonist with the right motivation.
This character doesn’t live with the others but I drew him here:
Yukichi [Bottom Right]: The cousin and mentee of Miyamoto Usagi. After an event in his past, he was shot through the multiverse, unable to find his way back. He travels around the multiverse as a ronin helping/ protecting people and exploring the various universes. He has a sword with the mystic power to control the wind (a la the mythology around Grasscutter and Yuichi having a mystic weapon). 
It's likely I’ll do a separate post about him someday and why I made this decision in depth, but it felt too strange to change Miyamoto this much, but this version of Leo doesn’t match Yuichi’s personality. I thought the premise of taking a naiver and more optimistic character and having him become more like his mentor through experience would be interesting.
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l-pandamatic-l · 2 years
Hello!! I read your rules, Do you accept teacher! Donnie x fem! Student! Reader? (Somewhat romantic and no it's not high school AU)
Reader goes with she/her, female & half smart tho she's in Donnie's age, she's a bit insecure about her " devices " because they tend to fail.
She's smart but not " genius " level like Donnie so she asks or beg him to teach her his ways of making robots, devices. The only downside to her; is her failing in almost every device she makes which threat her to dropout from begin Donnie's student thinking she's embarrassing him. Donnie prove her wrong by showing that not all of her devices are useless and use them or force the family to use it, most of them needs a little tinkering & those devices to support the human lifes like cleaning or cooking. Reader in the end feels happy & confident thanks to her teacher's care
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haywire-cebus · 1 year
Anyways here are my rottmnt pokemon team headcanons bc i love making these so much
Leo: Torterra, Riolu, Ninjask, Zangoose, Gibble, Kedabra
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Donnie: Blastoise, Rotom, Porygon, Beldum, Golek, Cacturne
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Raph: Drednaw, Clefairy, Machoke, Snorlax, Makuhita, Ludicolo
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Mikey: Torkal, Smeargle, Bellossom, Baltoy, Cranidos
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April: Crustle, Zorua, Solosis, Fletchinder, Skitty, Noivern
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Casey: Tirtouga, Mimikyu, Porygon-Z, Trubbish, Amaura, Applin
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My reasonings on why for each are below the cut :):
Torterr:- big and strong but so cute and full of love and life. He kinda just. Holds the fam together. his first pokemon (all the turtle pokemon are the brothers starters)
Riolu: Blue pokemon and physical fighting with some Magic, and i just love riolu and i feel like it compliments Leader Leo very well (he evolved when leo steps up and accepts his role as leader. leader of what? idk i havent thought that far into this au)
Ninjask: greatest ninja ever needs a ninja pokemon :)
Zangoose: his eye. His eye marking. Is like leo’s. Im a simple man i see red eye mark i go ‘oh thats leo’ 
Gible: blue and chompy. I like the idea of leo being Tormented by this lil chompy guy and then he evolves into this real powerful pokemon. And then he still torments him for him
Kedabra: teleports. leo teleports.
Blasoise: gun turtle. Idk what else to say (i was gonna give him torterra bc ‘but my real passion is biology’ but. Gun turtle.) I think he helps leo take care of his torterra tho
Rotom: this feels a lil self-explanatory lol. but with his rotom, he builds more than the “standard’ rotom body options for him, including one of those toy punching robots (fighting), a jetpack form (flying, but cooler than the fan form), a robot dragon (dragon), a fertilizer spreader thing (poison), and of course his favorite: Gun (steel)
Porygon: again, self explanatory i think. It evolves in a really Climatic Moment too and like Saves The Day (but more of a one-off episode Climatic Moment)
Beldum: another lil robot guy. donnie thought it was cool, and then he learned its evolution is super strong and went “heh knew it all along” but he is clearly lying to look cool
Golek: a lil robot (kinda) guy
Cacturne: he likes botany. And also hes smart enough to kno he needs some type differences in his team (the cacturne was a gift from his bros when they saw how much he liked their grass types)
Drednaw: i mean LOOK at that guy. He’d have a shiny version bc the shiny version is a greener shade AND has red on it. Big spiky. 
Clefairy: cuddly boy for a cuddly boy
Machoke: he saw one pokemon fight as a kid and fell in love. And then he saw the contests and started entering those, and people think he aims for the “cool” ones but he keeps winning the “cute” ones with his machoke
Snorlax: raph uses him all the time to make his brothers (mostly donnie and leo) sleep, bc he has snorlax (SAFELY) lay on them and fall asleep
Makuhita: cute lil punchy boy :) also reminds me of the paper friend
Ludicolo: i mean come on look at the lil guy of course hes raphs pokemon
Torkoal: fiery turtle. Hot and fun. I think he likes to leap into the air using his back steam (i imagine him yelling “FULL STEAM AHEAD” and then torkoal moves so slow)
Smeargle: self explanatory. Little bouncy art guy. this is his main pokemon, always hanging around him outside the pokeball.
Bellossom: this one just looks like mikey to me. i think him getting it was like a “he saw it abandoned and wanted to return it to its trainer, but it lost a contest so the trainer abandoned it. it now doesnt wanna do contests, but wants BLOOD” type thing. (ok it doesnt want blood but it likes fighting more)
Baltoy: mikey saw this lil clay guy and they bonded immediately. Also some psychic bc mystic magic feels psychic to me. his smeargly likes to paint on it like ceramics
Cranidos: looks like the robot dino from the cut episode, so of course i picked it
Chingling: im not 100% sold on this as one of his pokemon, but its bright and cute and psychic, so i picked it. im open to other ideas tho
Crustle: when they were little and first met april, they wanted her to be apart of their Turtle Squad, so donnie played distraction while they went to catch her one. They saw crustle and went “legs and shell? Fuck yeah turtle pokemon.” when they brought it donnie immediately was like “thats a crab.” but april was so touched she refused to let them try again and she cherishes it so much
Zoura: its mayhem. little chaos fox/animal. always on her shoulders/in her arms/pranking the bros
Solosis: she thinks its cute (raph agrees) but she has to keep it in its ball when shes around donnie bc the texture makes him very upset
Fletchinder: she gives me bird vibes idk and shes passionate (firey). 
Skitty: april deserves a cute lil kitty i think. it pretends to be nice but is also means to the boys behind aprils back (aprils pretends not to notice and plays innoncent when the bros confront her but when they leave she gives the skitty a poffin)
Noivern: one donnie actually caught for her (as a noibat) bc it was purple (and he obvs likes purple) and it flies so she could travel far easily and safely. april and donnie are besties and they are the only two the noivern let ride on its back, everyone else it will only carry them in its claws
Tirtouga: future donnie made/revived him, and gave him to casey. Casey is a Part of their Turtle Family. Also hes from 100 million years ago, casey is from future. Theyre both lost in time. Idk its cute
Mimiku: it gives me future vibes. It now uses the pikachu disguise to be more intimidating than its form beneath the disguise (due to the electricity). I think also the future has a poison variation that makes it dangerous to touch if it doesnt trust you
Porygon-Z: i really dont wanna say why he has the evolved form of donnies pokemon. But i think yall kno. yes its sad. and yes its weird when they go back in time and see each other. but i think the circumstances that made it evolve to porygon-z are Apocolypse-Only so donnies wont go past porygon2 and make it Extra Weird
Trubbish: a trash pokemon from his apocalyptic future. theyre everywhere. casey loves him and is very defensive of him when he first gets to the past/present, bc new york looks so clean in comparison to the future (when he finally sees all the trubbish there bc its a city hes happy bc his trubbish isnt an outlier)
Amaura: future leo gave him the egg, and he was carrying it around for a while. It only hatched in the past (bc it felt safe enough to do it). yes casey cried. yes he named it after leo (subtly) (it isnt that subtle. probably nicknamed it like Ardo or something).
Applin: the first pokemon he caught in the past/present. He was so surprised to see such a vibrant grass type and he got so excited (grass type are very very rare in the future)
Mikey did the classic Pokemon Magic (thats esp common in the movies) and summoned dialga to send casey back in time. Leo helped by summoning palkia to send him to the right Space. Giratina is there for idk the kraang prison dimension. I havent formulated a lot of it this is just for funsies.
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Hi, just wanna say that i really like Baki and her design so much, and i’d love to know more about her if you’re willing to share lol (but if you don’t want to then i don’t mind tho, hope you have a good day btw)
aw i'm glad you like her! she makes me very happy lol
i imagine baki as a little bot the boys stumble upon during a mission to some abandoned laboratory or facility - my original concept for her was that she was created to explore the ocean floor in place of a submersible and work for (human) marine researchers. i always thought of her having been mainly created by one person, but thinking more i feel a small team of engineers and scientists were responsible for making her. i think she would have felt very close to the team who made her since they were the ones teaching her and developing her AI. but they never got the chance to finish developing baki, which is why she acts like/is more like a child instead of what is probably supposed to be a very independent, self-sufficient AI (also they probably just messed up along the way too, and unfortunately grew attached to her as a child/growing person than as a tool)
but back to the boys - i think baki spots them first, breaking and entering into what is essentially her home (so, not a great first impression). when the boys find her, i think something happens at the facility and she gets injured/damaged and shuts down - they see that she's probably an AI and not just a machine, and ultimately decide to take her back to the lair to fix her up (they don't know if she's evil or not, but they're hoping she won't kill them). donnie's the one who goes to fix her of course, decides he'll call his bros if he needs anything - probably gets attacked when baki wakes up strapped to a table and sees she's being operated on. after understanding that neither party meant to hurt the other, things calm down and that's basically the meet-cute!
after that...it's kind of up in the air lol. i see her living with them for now, and they're all figuring out what to do with this kid, noting that she seems very young and the idea of leaving her alone or sending her back to an empty research facility doesn't feel right for them. for baki, she eventually warms up to the brothers and considers them her friends - but she sure misses her old family.
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oh, and while i think she'd love all of the brothers and april, i see her becoming closest with donnie - just a matter of spending the most time with him for repairs and regular checkups (and uh donnie subsequently taking another robot child under his care (shelldon i'm sorry i dont draw you))
-BOY this turned out long, uh TLDR baki's a bot and a kid and she got 'adopted' by the turtles (and got even more adopted by donnie)
idk if this was coherent - a lot of it felt like it wasn't - but i'm up to answer any more questions about her if ppl were interested :)
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alastorswifee · 2 years
Hello! May I request a (2012 and Bayverse) Donatello headcanons on him slowly falling in love with reader. Like it takes a while for him to realize but it's the little things, right?
Omg that’s so cute! Ofc I can write it!<3
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• you two first met when he saved you during a mission
• you were just trying to take a late night walk until you accidentally stumbled upon the kraang fighting the turtles
• you didn’t expect to run into a fight…especially one between giant turtles armed with ninja weapons and robots with brains(?) in their stomach
• you were about to back out and leave and forget about tonight but you accidentally kicked an empty soda can, drawing attention to yourself
• the robots would turn their attention to you causing the turtles to do the same
• you widened you eyes but what made you wanna die right then and there was the fact that the robots were aiming their guns at you
• you closed your eyes as you hear the gun fire, covering your head
• suddenly you felt huge arms grab you and move quickly, the sound of more guns firing
• you slowly uncovered your head and opened your eyes, looking up at your savior to see the purple masked turtle
• he quickly stopped his running when he was sure he got a bit far from the commotion
• “are you okay?” You would hear him ask but you would simply nod, not knowing what to say in this situation
• he would put you down and smile down at you, not realizing he was staring at you
• you finally got the courage to speak again “thank you..”
• he didn’t realize it but your voice was so sweet and comforting
• “anytime” he smiled softly at you “I’m not gonna hurt you, please don’t tell anyone about this” he gave you a slight begging look
• you simply nod “of course, thank you…” you would drag on the last word as you didn’t know his name
• “oh Donatello! I’m Donatello..” he laughed nervously
• you would tell him your name and wave to him as he turned to leave, jumping onto the rooftop and then jumping away
• the next time you’d meet him was during one of his patrols
• you’d be standing on your bedroom balcony, reading a book as you leaned against the railing
• as you glanced up you would lock eyes with Donnie who was about a rooftop or two away
• you would smile softly and wave at him to which he would make his way to you
• from that day forward you two talked and even exchanged numbers to talk more
• the brothers would often tease Donnie about you from time to time, calling you his girlfriend but he would brush them off as idiots
• eventually he got permission from Master Splinter to bring you down to the lair and you were honestly impressed, they really made the place feel cozy
• overtime Donnie won’t realize how much he loved your presence, he did enjoy it but it slowly felt more and more comforting to him if that makes sense
• it got to the point where he started missing you whenever you leave the lair or he leaves after having a nightly talk with you on your balcony
• he loved rambling to you about his inventions or theories he has
• you always listen and sometimes if you could you help him to which he adores
• he helps you with school, instead of doing your homework he sits you down and goes through it with you so you learn it
• there would be times you two end up cuddling while studying or watching a movie
• his heart would beat quickly whenever you cuddle with him or fall asleep on him
• he’s always smiling around you, there’s never a time he’s anything other than ecstatic when with you
• as time goes on he started caring more about what you would think about him and things he does
• he gets really embarrassed if he says or does anything embarrassing around you, he was never like this, why this suddenly happening?
• he looked at you one day while you were looking up at the stars
• did you always look this amazing?
• he knew you were attractive but you seemed more attractive lately
• he would shake it off as admiration for you
• whenever you were coming to the lair sometimes you’d bring him coffee or a little snack(you’d bring for the others too but mostly Donnie)
• he would really appreciate this, you took time out of your day and money out of your wallet to get him little things such as that?
• you also give him reminders to take breaks cause he tends to overwork himself
• there are also times where he would fall asleep working on something so you’d drape a blanket over him
• slowly overtime he’d realize how much these little things affected him
• he would stay up late at night thinking about these things and you
• speaking of thinking of you
• Donnie didn’t realize how much he’s been thinking about you until he started noticing his special attention he’s been giving to you
• you were so nice to him he didn’t deserve you or your kindness yet he got it
• he came to terms with the fact that he had feelings for you but didn’t know how to act on it
• he doesn’t know how you feel
• the fear of rejection is huge..what is he gonna do
• well, I guess it’s time to strategize
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• you two met on a rooftop, it was a normal night in NYC when you two met
• Donnie needed some fresh air and time to himself, away from his brothers for a bit
• you were up there to look at the city lights and just be alone in your thoughts
• that was until you turned your attention to a figure that was jumping from rooftop to rooftop not too far away from you
• not knowing what you were looking at ,you quickly grabbed your phone and opened the camera
• you quickly snapped a photo, the flash on the camera making the figure pause before he could jump away
• ‘shit’ was all that you could think in that moment
• before you could think what to do next, the figure started heading towards you
• as you turned around and started making your way to the staircase that leads inside the building, an arm quickly grabbed you
• you were yanked back and as you were about to squirm and put up a fight you looked down and saw the arm was…green?
• you would turn your head and suddenly be frozen in shock upon seeing a giant green…what is that-
• the turtle would assure you that he won’t hurt you and to calm down
• you would still be baffled at the sight of him but slowly nod and eventually your breathing would get calmer
• he would let you go and explain to you that he needed you to delete that photo you got of him
• you would question him a little about his existence, I mean who wouldn’t
• what is he?
• how did this happen?
• is he the only one?
• you think of a question, you’ve asked it
• you eventually do follow through and delete the photo for his safety’s sake
• after your encounter with him you did see him again on a rooftop while you were having another nightly time to yourself
• you waved him over to which he would go to you
• you two would have a late night talk and get to know each other
• it became a thing you two would do
• sometimes you two would bring food and snacks to share while you two enjoy each other’s company
• Donnie loves your voice and how you listen to every word that sprouts out of his mouth
• then when a topic would get heavy one of you could joke your way out of it and make light
• you explained your struggles to each other, exchanged funny memories and stories
• you learnt so much about each other and you even found out he had a family
• he would show you his inventions and offer to make you something one day to which you would look at him baffled
• whenever you would compliment on his work or something he says he would really appreciate it
• lately his heart would beat quickly whenever you lean against him as you two look out at the city
• or if you fall asleep cause you two tend to stay up late at night talking
• what? You two enjoy each other’s company and get carried away
• from time to time you would hear him ramble about not having the right equipment or tools to make certain things
• this would run through your mind as you felt bad he couldn’t have certain things due to his position
• you decided to provide him with such things(if you can get your hands on it that is)
• one day for another rooftop meeting you would present the tools and such to him only to see his eyes widen in shock
• “you got this..for me?” “Of course!”
• he couldn’t stop thanking you, starting to ramble of the things he could use the item(s) for
• you love seeing him happy, it made you happy
• he suddenly pulled you into a hug and you hugged back
• he realized how much he loved that embrace you two shared
• it wasn’t intimate but it gave him a feeling that resembles love and comfort
• you would catch him staring at you while you would talk or just stare at the city
• there would also be times where while he’s talking he’d tune everything out and just stare at you or stop mid sentence cause he zoned out while staring at you
• you would snap him back to reality by waving a hand in front his face or just nudging him a little
• he would be a flustered mess right after and would apologize a lot
• just like 2012 Donnie, if you go to school and you have trouble with your homework or something you don’t know, Donnie will gladly help you and teach it to you
• sometimes when you fall asleep on him or lay your head on his lap, his hand tends to find it’s way to your hair
• he doesn’t have hair so yours fascinates him
• nothing weird, your hair is just so soft and beautiful, he can’t stop playing with it or run his fingers through it
• this does relax you from time to time so he does it often
• Donnie’s no idiot he notices when his behavior changes around you but he was in a bit of denial when the thought of having feelings for you came into the picture
• he made a human friend, what if his confession ruins this amazing friendship he’s built with you
• he doesn’t want to scare you away
• he doesn’t want to risk it
• one day you’ll find out, just..not today
@donniesdove hey babes I think you’ll like this<3
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raphael-simp · 3 years
Two Years Ago - Raph x Reader
You never liked talking much.
Never really knew why, you just didn't. Of course, you would still carry a conversation to be polite, but the answers were short and spoken barely above a whisper. There were many times where you tried to change this about yourself, but the attempt didn't last for more than five minutes before you shrunk back into yourself again.
Then how the hell were you friends with four, loud and rowdy mutant teenage boys?
You didn't even know the answer to that one.
And to be honest, the memory of how you met the four of them was still slightly hazy. Of course, Donnie told you what had happened to you, but you personally didn't believe it. Why would robot alien beings want to kidnap a random girl walking home from her night shift? It still didn't make sense to you, nearly two whole years after it happened.
You were fourteen going on fifteen when you first met the four.
You worked at the convenience store not even two blocks from your apartment building, and you had switched shifts with your co-worker Abbigail so she could attend a funeral, which meant you now had the night shift.
It wasn't that big of a deal to you; she asked, you agreed, nothing more was said on the matter.
You texted your parents to inform them of the shift change and told them not to wait up for you, which they obviously denied much to your annoyance.
The shift ended at ten o'clock, but you still needed to do till and make sure the money count on the register matched with what you'd counted. That process alone took you about half an hour, so you really didn't leave until ten thirty. You made sure you switched off all the lights and locked all the entrances before you put the store keys in your jacket pocket and began your short walk home.
It was nearing winter, so the weather was beginning to turn cold, and you weren't exactly the best at dealing with temperature drops. You stood tensed as you speed walked towards your apartment building, wanting to get out of the darkness as fast as you could. There was one building near the end of the street that you almost always completely ran past; a run down looking, white parking garage with the paint peeling and chipping everywhere. It creeped you the hell out, mostly because there were always these two guys that stood at the old entrance, their stare boring into your back as you'd run past. Every day you expected them to run after you or shoot at you, but they never did anything.
Until tonight.
When you looked you didn't see them anywhere, and although you thought it would soothe you, it just made you more anxious.
'Where are they...?' You thought to yourself, nervously glancing around, trying to find the two.
Let's just say you didn't have too look far.
A large white van came screeching around the corner, running over the curb and nearly into you before it lurched to a halt. The back doors flew open and three identical looking men filed out and made their way towards you. In fact, they looked like the men that would always watch you at the entrance to the parking garage...
You literally froze. You didn't scream, move or look away until one picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. After that, you screamed absolute bloody murder, praying you'd get the attention of someone- anyone -that could do something to help you. Thankfully, help came rather quickly, just not in the way you thought.
You fought as hard as you could to at least get the man to slightly falter his grip around you; you punched, kicked, pounded- you even bit him, but it hurt you more than him.
You flailed like a fish out of water and kept screaming, even louder if possible as you got carried closer and closer to the back of the van.
Your voice was cut off when you landed harshly on the ground, trying to use your hands to catch yourself but only hurting yourself even more. You were a shaking mess, trying so hard not to cry but suspectingly failing, bursting into tears and sitting down properly, hugging your knees tightly to your chest as you cried into them. You were absolutely terrified out of your skull.
When someone tried to touch you, you screamed again, though it came out more as a strangled cry than anything else. You'd hurt your throat badly from all of your screaming and had no doubt lost your voice because of so.
"Well we can't just leave her crying in the streets, dudes. We gotta do something!"
You heard hushed voices talking a bit in front of you, but didn't bother to look up or fight. You wouldn't do that unless they actually did something, and that was what you were waiting for.
You cried to yourself, waiting to either calm down or for whoever was in front of you to do... whatever.
But they never did anything, they were quiet for the forty five minutes you were crying and calming yourself down.
"You're gonna be okay, alright?"
You slightly looked up from your knees, and honestly at this point, four giant turtles standing in front of you didn't phase you right now.
One of them was kneeling in front of you, it was wearing a tattered red mask and looking directly at you, with electrifying green eyes.
It looked up at one of the others, but you didn't bother to follow his gaze, your eyes were too tired.
"Don, do you need t' look at 'er?"
"I don't see anything major wrong with her, I think it's just shock right now... to be safe I wanna take a look at her, if she'll let us of course."
It looked back at you, the one with the red mask, and you did your best to keep your eyes open and listen to what he had to say. You were just so tired...
"My brother wants t' take a look at 'cha t' make sure ya weren't hurt too bad durin' that whole thing, okay? You alright with that?"
You barely nodded your head and lied it on your knees, involuntarily passing out.
When you woke up after that, you started freaking out and tried to scream, but found you barely had a voice. You were achy and sore all over and you could barely remember why.
Of course, you properly freaked out when you saw the four turtle figures again, but the ones in red and purple- who were the only ones in the room with you at the time- explained everything that had happened.
Donnie had picked up radio chatter that the Kraang were going to abduct another test patient that night, and the turtles rushed to the location that was shared, and ended up there just in time to help you and destroy the Kraang bots.
You hadn't been too badly hurt; bruised arms and shins from pounding on the metal robots, scraped hands, scraped knees, and a possible emotional blackout, to explain why you didn't remember what had happened to you.
You merely nodded along, trying not to stare too much at the two creatures in front of you, who introduced themselves as Raphael and Donatello.
"(Y-Y/N)...." you stuttered out, thinking that they at least deserved to know your name, after all they've done. Your voice was barely above a whisper, so the boys had to listen carefully to hear your name.
Raph and Donnie smiled, glad to hear that you at least trusted them to that extent.
You asked what time it was, and nearly flipped shit when Donatello told you it was almost 1:30 in the morning. Your parents were going to absolutely lose their minds on you! You scrambled to stand up and nearly fell over, thankful that Raphael had caught you.
"I-I need to get h-home." You breathed out, avoiding eye contact and trying to hide your face behind your (H/C) hair, to hide the fact you were red. Why you were red-faced?
You had no clue.
"I'll take ya. There ain't no way in hell you're goin' alone after this." Raphael stated, standing you back up on your own two feet. You would've fought him on it, had you not have agreed with him. If those Kraang guys still wanted you...
you didn't want to be left alone again. So you just nodded and let him walk you out. You didn't see the other two brothers while you walked out, so you assumed they were somewhere else.
Raphael led you around the systems of the sewer and helped you out of the manhole cover, and once out you took a deep breath of fresh air and closed your eyes in an attempt to clear your thoughts.
"I know you've had a rough night doll face, but we should probably get going."
Your eyes snapped open and you felt your face go warm, and instinct brought you to hide your face with your hair and jacket sleeve. You avoided his gaze and just nodded, speed walking to the sidewalk until you realized:
You had no idea where you were.
"Wh-where are we...?" You wheezed out, slightly turning to face Raphael.
"Just a couple blocks from where we found ya. We gotta take the roofs though... can't really walk out in th' street lookin' like I do."
You nearly asked why until it hit you like a brick. Again, you just nodded and climbed up the fire escape after him. You took notice how some of the roofs were pretty far apart, and hoped to God he didn't expect you to jump over them. Thankfully he didn't, and tried to stick to a route that involved just taking a step across. But for those that involved jumping, he just lifted you onto his shell and jumped across before setting you back down again.
Each time he did so he'd ask if you were okay, and you nodded in response hiding your face. And each time, he'd smile and mutter a small "cute," under his breath, which he didn't know you heard.
Once he brought you to where he and his brothers had found you, he told you to lead the way to your apartment, and you pointed him in the right direction. "So," he started, "Kinda wish we coulda met under better circumstances, (Y/N)."
You nodded in response, keeping your gaze down and stepping over a wooden plank. How the hell'd that get there?
"...You're shy, aren't cha?" Raphael asked, and again you nodded. Not only that, it hurt to talk, but he assumed correctly. He chuckled and lightly nudged your shoulder with his.
"Ya don't gotta be 'round me, I don't bite... much."
You looked up at him with both confusion and shock written all over your face, and it just made him laugh.
"Relax (Y/N), I'm kidding... just a little though."
You rolled your eyes, and yet you couldn't help the small smile that danced across your face.
The both of you walked Ina comfortable silence until you saw your apartment building across the street and elbowed Raphael's arm, pointing to it.
"This is my stop." You whispered, not daring to bring your voice above that. He nodded and hoisted you onto his shell, having to go around the roof tops to avoid going down to the streets. He set you down on your apartment roof, once again asking if you were okay.
"I'm fine, Raphael." You responded, pushing your hair behind your ear. He smiled at you and slightly tilted his head.
"Call me Raph, doll face."
You bit the inside of your lip and looked down, nodding your head. You didn't want him to see your warm and red face, it was extremely embarrassing for you.
"Hey," Raph's voice made you slightly look up, since he wanted your attention. He handed you a folded piece of paper with a number scribbled on it- wait, was this his phone number? Was a guy giving you his phone number? To your face?
"You don't gotta, but if ya don't wanna walk home alone again I'm available if ya need it."
You completely lifted your head to look Raph directly in the face, and he took pride in one thing; making you smile like that. You have him a single nod and held the paper with both hands.
"Trust me, I will.. Raph."
Now it was his turn to smile.
The two of you just stood on the roof for a couple minutes, staring and smiling at each other before something on his belt beeped. He jumped a bit in surprise and glanced at it.
"That's my brothers- I gotta go. You'll be okay?" He asked, taking a small step back.
You nodded, putting the paper in your pocket. "I'm home now. Go."
His smile grew and he backed up towards the edge of the roof.
"Try not t' get into trouble doll face! Just save a little to give me an excuse t' save ya again!" He shouted, just before jumping to the roof next to yours and taking off, eventually disappearing.
"I think I like that. Doll face..." you thought to yourself, still smiling like an idiot. You stood on your roof for God knows how long more before you came to your senses and carefully climbed down your fire escape and slid through your window.
"Was that really two years ago...?" You thought to yourself, flipping a pen between your fingers.
Yup. It was.
Two years ago these four boys saved your life, and two years ago you met the boy that kinda saved you, in a way.
It took him time, but he got you to slowly expand your comfort zone. You didn't stutter every time you spoke anymore, and you didn't respond with simple gestures anymore and used actual words that really carried a conversation. And at the same time, you helped him.
You kinda found out about his anger the hard way, having him lash out at you when he was beyond pissed off, and though it did hurt, you didn't blame him. In fact, you made it your goal to try and help him with it.
He'd expressed to you before how he'd never liked his short temper, and so you helped him. You showed him ways that he could release stress and repressed emotions, like actually using his drum kit and playing when he got pissed, or just sitting with you and either talking, or just sitting in silence.
Coming up in December would actually be a year since Raph had asked you out, too.
It didn't really come as a surprise to most, since the both of you were pretty open about affection with each other even before you two decided to make it official, just because.
The two of you would always sit close together, hold each other's hand, cuddle each other and he'd even kiss your cheek every now and again. Every movie night, you bet that the two of you would sit or lie with each other, and Raph would play with your hair or lightly trace an invisible pattern on your arm.
All in all, it wasn't really a surprise to Raph's brothers, April or Casey when he'd asked you out. The only person it surprised was you, but even then you'd accepted in a heartbeat.
And to this day, he still calls you doll face.
Two years later, the boy's nearly eighteen and you the same, you've found a new family.
And a new love.
"(Y/N), doll face, cmon we're headin' out with or without ya!" You rolled your eyes and smiled, shoving the pen in your jean pocket and getting up, grabbing your jacket.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming Raph!" You called, walking out of his room and slipping your arms through your jacket sleeves as you jogged out to the entrance to meet the boys.
About a year ago, after you'd actually learned how to properly, they let you join along on some of their patrols. Raph made you carry a small dagger though. Just in case you got separated and something happened to you.
Speak of the devil, he heard you coming up behind him and turned around smiling. He extended his arm to you, waiting for you to end up at his side before putting his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his side, kissing the top of your head.
"All ready and fashionably late, doll face?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, shoving him while failing to hide a smile of your own.
"Shaddup Raph, I was doing important things." You said, zipping your jacket up.
He just chuckled and raised his arms in mock defence.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry baby." He said, lightly pressing his lips to the side of your head and cheek in chaste kisses. You turned your head at the last second to catch his lips in a quick kiss. While he smiled and put an arm around your shoulders, Mikey mock gaged.
"Yup, think I'm gonna hurl-" he said, making a queasy face. Raph reached out with his free hand and punched his baby brother in the shoulder.
"Oh shut it Mike, not like ya don't see it regularly." Mikey hit Raph's arm back, which quickly escalated into an arm punching war. You tried not to laugh too much, looking over to Leo and Donnie, who were trying to do the same thing.
"Alright alright alright guys, that's enough!" Leo called, laughing a bit to himself.
"We gotta get going before it gets too late, we gotta take (Y/N) home by midnight. Let's move out!"
With those words, the five of you took off running towards your normal exit to the top world.
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elveny · 2 years
Movie recs of movies that are... slightly weird or special
Love and Monsters (2020) - monster adventure movie, cute and funny
Annihilation (2018) - psychological scifi thriller, haunting and beautiful
Arrival (2016) - scifi movie, challenging and brilliant
Agora (2009) - historical portrait, heartbreaking and moving
Brotherhood of the Wolves (2001) - period action horror, atmospheric and dark
Moon (2009) - scific movie, quiet and suprising
9 (2009) - animated movie, heartwarming and haunting
Donnie Darko (2001) - psychological scifi thriller, weird and... weird
The Fountain (2006) - magical realism drama, gripping and beautiful
More details under the cut.
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Love and Monsters (2020) - a monster adventure movie. Stuff(TM) happens that made insects and amphibia HUGE AND MONSTROUS and also eat people, and seven years after people either died or went underground, Joel (Dylan O'Brian) goes to find his then-girlfriend. It is a really cute and funny movie, with the right mix of humor and excitement and a bit of sadness.
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Annihilation (2018) - scifi and psychological thriller with an ever-amazing Natalie Portman. Something landed on earth and starts to change its surrounding. Lena goes in to find her husband. The whole movie has this atmosphere of strange and disturbing beauty, and definitely no clear finale.
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Arrival (2016) - based on a short story, that movie challenges your perception of linearity and language. Aliens land on earth, and Louise Banks (Amy Adams) comes to decipher their language. Absolutely brilliant.
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Agora (2009) - tells the story of philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and generally brilliant Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) back in the 5th century. That movie shook me. Not only is the cast amazing (Oscar Isaacs is also there), it is so moving and heartbreaking. Watch if you need a good cry.
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Brotherhood of the Wolves (2001) - a period action horror film set in France. Chevalier de Fronsac (Samuel de Bihan) is sent to investigate the horrible murder of various people by what seems to be a werewolf... and is anything but. Amazing acting, super intense atmosphere and Mark Dacascos and Monica Bellucci.
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Moon (2009) - Considering that we have one (1) actor starring basically the whole movie, namely Sam Rockwell, this movie shouldn't be as great as it is. Humanity has started to harvest the moon, and Sam is one a 3-year solitary mining mission. His only companion is a robot, GERTY. Of course, strange things happens, and the resolution is not what you'd think it'd be.
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9 (2009) - an animated movie about a small ragdoll-like robot who awakens shortly after the end of mankind, and must find eight other robots to figure out the mystery behind humanity's destruction while tangling with the vicious creations of a massive soul-stealing machine. Heartwarming and lovely and beautiful.
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Donnie Darko (2001) - a movie that makes you go "dafuq did I just watch". Officially a psychological scifi thriller, it's strange and then some more strange. Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal) survives a bizarre accident by sleepwalking and has visions of Frank, a guy in a horror bunny costume. Frank tells him that the world will end in 28 days. The movie is weird in the best sense, and nobody I know who watched it can tell if they actually like it - but it definitely leaves an impression.
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The Fountain (2006) - a magical realism drama. With emphasis on drama and magical. Three storylines that revolve around immortality and love, with amazing acting and extremely beautiful pictures. Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz and honestly, what do you want more?
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the Bay chapter 17: What’s the word?
Tags: @brightlotusmoon @selfindulgenz @ilo-artistry
Summary: Donatello and Mikey bond and spy on their brothers
Content warning: swears
Once again, Mikey was excluded while his brothers talked about something he wasn’t allowed to hear. His heart wasn’t racing as much anymore and his entire body wasn’t tight and painful; if anything, he was just tired. Tired, but awake, because what he wanted more than anything was to know what they were keeping from him. At least he wasn't alone this time, even if the one keeping him company wasn’t exactly talkative.
Donatello hadn’t said a word the entire time he and Mikey were together, sitting on the edge of the bed with his nose shoved in his phone; occasionally his eyes glanced over to check on Mikey, but they held no emotion. Only simple, calm calculation before turning back to his phone. It was starting to become unnerving.
“I wish we could hear what they were talking about.” Mikey muttered bitterly, mostly just to fill the silent void that had swallowed the room. His eyes found the door, imagining what his brothers were discussing just beyond. He should be there too! 
It was almost as if Donatello had been waiting for those very words, for the second they left Mikey’s mouth, Donatello snapped his phone down on his lap and turned his full attention to the box turtle. A grin spread to shatter what had once been a tepid expression, chasing it into one of pure, devilish delight. A true Donatello expression.
“Perhaps we can, dear Angelo…” He tented his fingers, lips pulling even further back to flash his teeth. “Perhaps… we… can…”
“Were you just waiting on me to say that—?” Mikey’s eyes followed Donatello as the softshell stood to attention, tapping away eagerly on one of the many screens littering his body.
He didn't answer Mikey’s question, but seconds later a bang came from the vent shaft and made Mikey jump near out of his skin. He pulled back against the bed frame with eyes like saucers, looking at Donatello and expecting him to do something about it. Donatello only sat back down, crossing his hands over his lap and smiling as the banging continued, and then came whirling, and finally the vent cover popped off and out crawled what Mikey could have mistaken for a giant, metal spider. It was all he could do to stare as the spider beeped, scanning the room with red, flashing sensors before climbing down the wall with all the dexterity and cling of a real spider.
The spider gave a small, almost cute bounce as if declaring ‘look at me, i’m here, I exist!’. It then proceeded to climb up Donatello just as it had climbed down the wall, perching itself on Donatello’s shoulders. It held up its two front legs like an ant might, giving a series of excited beeps that earned it head scratched from Donatello.
“Oh my god…” Mikey drew his knees to his chest and his hands to his mouth as he stared at the marvelously adorable robot.
Donatello, with that same smile on his face that just screamed ‘evil scientist’, plucked the tiny android from his shoulder. A few button clicks and the legs of the spider curled and formed a cone, which Donatello promptly aimed at the door as he positioned himself closer to Mikey.
Mikey leaned his head so close it was practically pressed against Donatello’s. The machine that had taken form with Donatello’s guidance started to speak, and the voice belonged to Leonardo, like he was speaking through a megaphone!
“You weren’t there!” Leonardo’s voice said through the machines, and he sounded almost like an accused pleading his case, “You didn't see how Mikey reacted!”
“I was there!” Donnie sounded like a lawyer, though Mikey would have much preferred to hear an ‘OBJECTION!’ at the start. “And so was your Raph, and we both saw how unstable Mikey was!”
“He was freaking out, saying that there was someone needing help—” Leonardo was almost breathless.
“Whatever Mikey said was the result of some freaky fever dream.” Leo sounded like a prosecutor, “Donnie, you said he was running, what, a 90 degree fever?”
“91.2.” Donnie said, and before another could speak, he continued, “But we’re mesothermic reptiles— it’s possible Mikey was just cold and his body naturally warmed itself. 91 is just barely beyond our normal range of 80 to 90, it barely classified as a fever!”
“Who’s side are you on?” Leo’s voice came a low rumble.
“I’m not picking sides, I’m stating facts!”
“Then you should stick to the fact that just because Mikey saw, or thinks he saw, that dinosaur doesn’t mean he gets to go with us!”
“Well…” Donnie’s voice was sheepish, “He never said it who it was…”
“Oh no Don noooo.” Mikey groaned and pinched his beak.
“And that is just another reason he shouldn’t go.” Leo stated, “Even if this was some trauma-induced omnipotence, Mikey is in no state to even leave his bed, let alone come with us to hunt a dangerous creature!”
“Maybe if we don't shout, we can all find some common ground?” Raphael’s voice was hopeful and like a member of a jury.
“Fuck that!” Raph, also, was like a jury member, only on the opposite side of the spectrum. “That’s my baby brother, man!”
“You think I don’t know that?” It didn't take much to get Raphael angry; he seemed to feed off of Raph’s agitation and reflect it in turn.
“If it’s any consolation,” Now Donnie’s voice was more like a mediator, “I think Mikey coming with us could actually be beneficial…”
“Are you fucking serious?” Raph’s voice carried venom, but not as much as had been directed at Raphael. “He just had a seizure, Don!”
“Let him talk!” Leo’s misplaced anger came with a slam of his hands, the impact reverberating through the megaphone.
“You guys never listen to me talk!” Raph’s venom had returned to full potency against Leo’s words.
“Of course we listen to you!”
“Oh really? We’re lying now? Or is it still compartmentalization?”
“We don’t need to bring that up—” Donnie was once more trying to be the voice of reason.
“No, let’s talk about that!” Leo insisted.
“Oh here we go.” Mikey didn't realize how much of his weight he was leaning into Donatello, but the softshell worked dutifully to support him.
“Haven’t I done better since then?” Leo asked.
“Doing better doesn’t make your mistakes go away.”
“Then what will?” Leo’s voice almost broke.
“Nothing.” Raph’s answer was short and sharp.
Raphael had enough and he made it known with no hesitation. Even without the megaphone, Mikey could feel Raphael’s growl vibrated through the air, penetrating through the walls and soaking through his shell and into his core. Even at this distance it made all of Mikey’s thoughts take a sharp turn to hide, and he found himself clinging to Donatello while the rest of him shrank into his shell. Donatello didn't have a similar reaction, but he did lower his head and give a low, almost inaudible hiss. The lapse of thought lasted Mikey almost a moment, but it felt like an eternity he was trapped in that frozen state.
“If you keep fighting, I’m going to knock both of you out.” Raphael’s voice carried the same deep threat as his growl, “Donnie, say your piece.”
“I…” Donnie started, then had to clear his voice to shake the tremble still clinging to it. “I think it would be beneficial for everyone if we bring Michelangelo along. Otherwise he’ll just try to sneak after us anyway.”
Mikey considered, and then nodded. “He’s not wrong.”
“It’s better for him to be out there with us then sneak out on his own and us not know where he is. That way we can watch him.”
“Mikey?” Raphael’s voice was still loud and in charge off the situation. “What do you think?”
“He’s clearly biased…” Raph muttered bitterly and offhand, like he didn't intend for anyone to actually hear the passive-aggressive remark.
“Actually, I don’t think it’s a good idea…” Michelangelo said.
Mikey felt as if he had been doused in ice water. “Little Mike…?”
“Wait, for real?” Raph’s voice came with a layer of disbelief.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea!” Hearing the statement again made Mikey sick to his stomach, but he couldn’t stop listening. “He’s— he’s sick! He should be resting!”
“Mikey!” Leonardo’s voice carried the same breathless disbelief as Raph, “How could you want to leave him behind?”
“I don’t want to!” Michelangelo insisted, “But it might be for the best with everything he’s gone through! Please don’t be mad, Raphie!”
“Alright.” Raphael’s voice was far from mad. “Me, Leo, and Donnie think that Mikey should be allowed to go.”
That was met with a murmur of agreement from Leonardo and Donnie.
“Mikey, Leo, and… and Raph think he shouldn’t be allowed to go.”
Another mutter of confirmation.
“Right. Then we need a tie breaker. I’ll get Donatello.”
In the seconds it took Raphael to reach the room, five by Mikey’s count, Donatello had folded his machine away, tossed it back into the vent, and resealed the cover before sitting down innocently, back on his phone like nothing had happened. Mikey didn't have enough time to react, so Raphael entered he was met with a wide-eyed, mouth-open Mikey and a calm, texting Donatello. He stared at the box turtle for just a moment before whistling.
“Donald, need you out here a sec.”
Donatello out his phone away in his pocket. As he stood and left, Mikey could have sworn Donatello gave him a passing glance and smirk. Raphael waited until Donatello was out of the room before looking back to Mikey and giving a polite smile.
“Donnie has that effect on people.” Raphael closed the door.
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A Million Dreams ~ TMNT 2012 Human AU Fanfic
April O'Neil was running, running from robotic droids that were after her, and her younger sister Iris. The Droids were gaining on them. April was carrying her younger sister, who was wrapped in a cloak so the droids didn't get her. April's red hair that was usually in a ponytail, was partly out as she was running. Her usual outfit that she usually wore was ripped in several places due to several sharp things. " April? "Iris asked. April held her sister close. "Don't worry Iris, I'll keep you safe." She promised, kissing the top of her cloak where her head was.
The droids were getting closer, the robotic footsteps could be heard behind them. "Give us what we want. "One of the droids said, extracting a laser from its hand, proceeding to shoot April and Iris.
April ducked her head, clutching Iris close. The droids kept shooting them, but luckily April kept them both safe. She finally made it to a alleyway, luckily the droids didn't go inside so She had just enough time to set her sister down and explain to her in the best way she could what was about to happen. Iris looked at her sister, her blue eyes staring at her in concern. Her hair colour matched her sister, only her hair was a lot shorter than hers, it framed her face quite nicely. She was wearing a lilac dungaree dress, with a white T-shirt underneath, her shoes, a old pair of sneakers that April found in the dump that were just about fitting her. She fiddled with one of her dungaree straps nervously waiting for whatever her older sister had to tell her.
" Iris, I need to take you somewhere. Somewhere where the droids won't get you. I know it's a place where I can take you."
"But what about you April? Won't the droids get you?" Iris asked worriedly. April takes her hand, squeezing it tightly. "Don't worry I'll be safe. But we can't be together anymore, we have to be apart so that the droids will only search for one of us. They've already captured dad, I don't want them capturing you too. So, that's why, I'm going to take you somewhere where the droids won't bother looking. I'm going to keep you safe I promise. So come with me, I know where to take you."
Iris quietly obeyed her sister, as she picked her up and put the cloak over her. She ran out of the alleyway, looking left and right to make sure the droids hadn't followed, luckily they hadn't. April kept running, until she finally made it to the old rundown building a couple of streets over. She set Iris down, putting her hand on her shoulders, forcing the girl to look up at her. "April, I don't wanna lose you. "Iris sobs, April pulled Iris into a hug, proceeding to sing to her.
"Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make...." April sang softly, hugging her sister tight.
Sirens could be heard in the distance. The police. April quickly pushed her sister to the door, giving her her plush doll, which was actually hers when she was little. She knocked on the door, quickly a kind woman answered the door. “Please. “April begged. The woman smiled concerningly, guiding the young girl Close to her. “What about you, dear? “The woman asked. April shook her head adamantly. “I can’t. I’m being hunted, my dad has already been captured, and it looks like I’m next. I needed to keep my little sister Iris safe, so please! Look after her. “ The woman nodded as though this was a complete and utter normal circumstance for her. “Of course. I’ll keep her as safe as I can.” The woman promised. April looked at her gratefully, giving Iris another hug, probably her last.
“Iris, sweetie, I have to go okay? I have to go and hide, I love you. Be a good girl for me, okay? Do everything the nice lady says.”
Iris nodded. Trying to suppress tears. “Okay sissy, I’ll be a good girl… I love you too. “ Iris hugs her Big Sister, hugging her tight, squeezing every last hug that she could. “She’s over here! “One of the droids shout. April quickly pulled away, taking off her necklace and giving it to Iris. April quickly ran off, leaving Iris and the orphanage owner. The orphanage owner turned to her, bending down, helping her put the necklace on. “I’m Miss Lily, and like I said to your sister, I’ll take care of you, okay? “Iris nodded.
Lily guided Iris in to the orphanage, The orphanage had long corridors, lots of different rooms presumably filled with other children and teenagers. She guided Iris to a room the furthest down the hallway, Lily knocked on it, causing someone with brown hair and blue eyes to answer it. “Miss Lily? “The boy asked, tilting his head in confusion.
“ sorry to wake you, Leo,” Lily apologised. “But, someone brought their sister to me, it appears they are being hunted and they didn’t want the same outcome for their younger sister.” She gestures to Iris. “Will you get her settled with your brothers? “Lily asked politely. “Of course Miss Lily.” The boy named Leo said, gesturing Iris inside of his shared room with his siblings. “I’ll be back with some pyjamas for Iris in a moment.” She said to Leo who nodded. “Would you like anything to eat?” Lily offers, Iris nodded her head slowly. “Alright sweetie, I’ll go get you some pyjamas and some food, okay? Go ahead and settle with Leo and his brothers and make yourself comfortable, I’ll be back shortly.” Iris and Leo both nodded, as the other gestured her in, shutting the door behind him.
“Woah, Who’s the new girl?” A angry voice asked.
Iris was shaking, hiding behind Leo.” Raphael, don’t scare her like that! Miss Lily said we had to take care of her, her sister is being hunted, and she doesn’t want her younger sister to be hunted also.”
Raphael folded his arms. “Okay… So what does this have to do with us exactly?” Leo facepalmed. “What part of ‘her sister is being hunted, and she doesn’t want her younger sister to be hunted also’ don’t you understand?”
Raphael rolled his eyes. “I perfectly understood it Leonardo, I’m not stupid. “
A boy wearing purple pyjamas and working on a laptop on the other side of the room, snorted. “That is the biggest lie ever, Raph, you know that. “He said, continuing to type something, before shutting his laptop down and putting it away. He walked over, bending down in front of Iris
“ sorry about my big brothers, they can be mean. I’m Donatello, but you can just call me Donnie.” He responded in a calm and gentle voice
Iris stepped out from behind Leo, walking in front of Donnie. “I-I’m I-Iris.” Iris replied on the verge of tears. Donatello hugged her. “Shhh, it’s okay Iris… It’s okay...” Donnie comforted. “ this is a big change for you, isn’t it? But don’t worry. Miss Lily is really really nice, she and us will take care of you, okay?” Iris nodded her head, hugging into him more.
“ how old are you Iris?”
“4.” She responded, as Donnie was holding her on his lap, rubbing her back.
“Ah, so your two years younger than Mikey then! “Leonardo said excitedly. The boy named Mikey lept out of bed at the mention of his name, racing over and cannonballing himself into Iris in a hug. Iris quickly pulled away, starting to get upset and overwhelmed. Donnie cradled her in his arms, kissing the top of her forehead. “It’s okay, Mikey just got a bit excited, that’s all. He didn’t mean to. “He comforted and Iris nodded.
Lily soon knocked on the door. Leo opened the door.
“ I brought you some pyjamas sweetie, I’m not sure which colour you would like but I brought some options for you. I have some food cooking for you in the microwave, so I’ll bring it as soon as it’s finished, Leo will show you to the bathroom so you can get changed and freshen up, okay?” Iris nodded. Lily nodded, leaving the room to check on Iris’s meal.
Leonardo gestured her to the room. “ would you like Donnie to help you? These pyjamas can be quite difficult.” Iris nodded, as Donnie followed her. As he picked up the several pairs of pyjamas that Lily had offered, taking them into the bathroom. Iris following closely behind.
Once in the bathroom and the light turned on. Iris could see the bathroom was a very bright white colour with cute cartoon character decals, most of them ranging from the hit TV show Space Heroes. Iris looked around the room examining every inch of the room, from the toiletries, to the four toothbrushes Soon to be fine sitting in a cupholder all in their presumably favourite colours. Hearing Donatello sit down placing several pairs of pyjamas on the floor, Iris was brought out of her trance, looking over all of them.
“ which one?” Donatello whispered. Iris stared at all of them.
“ The periwinkle one please.” She whispered quietly, The boy opposite her nodded. Helping her slowly take off her dungaree dress, he gently and carefully unbuttoned as she was shaking.
She missed April.
She missed her so much.
By the time she had even five minutes to process any of this, Donatello, the sweet boy that he was, had already helped her into her pyjamas. But she didn’t remember that, all she remembered was her putting her legs up, to get the dress off, and then putting her legs up again to put the pyjama pants on.
“You okay there, dove?” He asked. Dove? She’s never been called that, ever. Her breathing was getting very difficult right now, her eyes started to dart around the room, looking anywhere but the boy in front of her.
“Iris.” Donatello said sternly yet gently. “Can you look at me? Look at me, right at me. We’re going to focus on something together, okay?” She nodded, her vocal chords deciding to shut down. She stared at one of the details on the wall Donatello’s gaze following her,
“Atta girl.” Donnie Said softly. “Try and match my breathing, okay? “
Several breathing exercises later, Iris was a lot more calm, in that time, the boy opposite her head and managed to check her vitals, to make sure it was nothing other than a panic attack from everything she experienced. Iris still wasn’t talking, Donatello still crouched on the floor gripping her hands, rubbing them in slow calming motions.
Iris tried to speak, her mouth moving, but no sound emanated. It looked like she was lip syncing, her head was all static, all she could just about see was Donatello staring up at her an mixture of worry and concern on his features, as he gently, ever so gently rubbed her hands in calming motions to ease her breathing.
“ April… “She whispered.
“Who?” Donnie asked.
“A-April, my sister. “Iris said.
Oh. Oh. That’s why she was managing? Her sister.
“You miss her, huh?” Donnie presumed.
“Yeah.” Iris replies, scouring her clothes for the necklace. Donatello found it, kindly putting it on for her “is this to remember her?” He presumed again. She nodded, taking his offering hand as he led them out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Glaring at Raphael, as his lips were about to make a not so nice remark. “Don’t even try, Raphael. “ Donnie said, guiding little Iris to his bed where a tray of not long cooked super noodles was waiting for her, with a tiny packet of chips, some cookies, and some fruit. He gestured her to sit down, handing her the tray as she sat down, as he sat next to her.
Once finished, Mikey quickly took the plate to the kitchen, coming back and not even a minute later to tell everyone that she did it. “Great job Mikey, thanks for helping. Now, I really think it’s time for bed. We’ve had a lovely day, well, not a long day, but a long night. As for Iris, she certainly has had a long day.” Leo said, sad girl was nearly asleep. Donnie smiled, pulling the almost asleep girl onto his lap, kissing her forehead lightly. He shuffled onto the bed, with Iris still in his lap.
He quickly got out his headphones, gently slipping them on Iris’s tiny little ears, playing calming Music to keep her relaxed.
Donnie lay down, pulling Iris close to him. I was mild, looking at Donnie as she slept peacefully. Yeah. Things would be okay, she would be safe, they would protect her. April would be safe. Just as she promised.
Hi! I hope you enjoyed my first TMNT 2012 fanfic! This is the first chapter! I apologise if I get them OOC, I just like them as a younger version of themselves. Because let’s be honest, they are so cute. I know the chapter kind of sucks. But I tried.
Now I’m going to tell you how old they are
April is 16 (the same age as in the show)
Iris is 4
Leo is 10
Donnie is 9
Raph is 8
Mikey is 6
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agentofship · 5 years
My rewatch AoS 1x11 to 1X15
I am very late for the rewatch so I thought I’d keep doing my rewatch review in blocks of five episodes (or whatever seems relevant). So here we go. With TAHITI, we're starting to get a glimpse of what the rest show is going to be since from that moment on. Except for Yes Men (who still gives an important moment information about May at the end) who really should have been in the first part of the season, every episode will be connected in a more or less big way to the main plot of the season. Like Yes Men who's completely independent or Seeds whose main plot doesn't seem linked until the end when we learn that Iain Quinn was linked to it, this first part of 1B makes the transition between the happy Bus days and the darker tone of the last seven episodes that will continue on in season two. So here's a few thoughts about separate episode: The Magical Place I absolutely love that first scene with the team working together perfectly, each using their own talent, it was perfect. Still love it when people call Fitz "sir" in season one, it's just so funny since he's so tiny 😄 May is really smart in that episode. Everyone did exactly as she had planned without even having to tell them (because she knew FitzSimmons and Ward would help Skye escape) and thus also remaining in Hand's good graces. Agent Skye mini May is adorable! But she really is as smart and ressourceful as May, she just needs to be trained in combat and badassness now! I know it's a very unpopular opinion but Raina annoys the crap out of me with her too sweet smiles and exaggeratedly sexy voice. I mean she's obviously really at getting in men's heads, including Coulson but I just find her… annoying. She gets more interesting after she turns, too bad she didn't last longer after that. Love the Coulson rescue mission, again that was some very good team work. And love the reunion scene, although I know at least Skye wanted a group hug. Love May's side smile and "Nice Jacket". "Bet there's no flower dresses where she's going!" "Amen to that, sister." Love that :D "Disengage bracelet" Coulson's dorkiness really is one of his most endearing traits. Seeds First of all, a big thank you for giving us enough FitzSimmons content for hundreds of FitzSimmons Academy Era fics. Love that FitzSimmons scene where they present each other's work mirroring the scene in the Pilot when they introduce each other, it's adorable. Also love the way their speech is so well rehearsed, it's perfectly flawing between them and I bet even that joke Fitz does was written on paper. "Potential can sometimes be dangerous…" Oh Fitz, you're going to remember that one quite bitterly in a few years. FitzSimmons are so proud of their Academy and being such stars there. I love their competition with Ward and Simmons' "Did you have one of these in ops? Did not think so." Yep, cannot imagine Ops having something so fun! SciTech would have definitely been more my kind of place (except for the fact that I didn't study science at all :p) "My room was just like that." We know it's a lie but it's cute, it's Fitz's slightly awkward way of trying to connect. We know he has trouble making first contact and it looks like he's also kind of thrilled of being someone's hero or even a father figure of sorts. Coulson saying "You're talking, it's weird" is the best. That's some pretty dangerous info we're getting on Skye. They really took their time giving us bits of information all through the first season to focus on it in season two. Love the little robot on the bar at the boiler room, never noticed that before, need to include it in a future fic, it's adorable! Too bad Donnie ended up as he did, he really wasn't a bad person and deserved a redemption arc. Again, May is such a freaking badass. And all this without a single superpower! T.R.A.C.K.S Although there will be some criticizing, keep in mind that this episode still remains one of my favorite episodes of the season and the show as a whole. Love the plot, the humor, the action, the different POVs and that's also some top notch drama at the end. So, first of all, the accents. Even I, a person who only some distant italian relatives, can tell that Ward's one is awful. But at least, he's not supposed to be Italian so that's understandable. But that conductor sounds like a mix between Mario and Jen speaking pretend Italian in IT Crowd (hilarious episode by the way, you should look it up if you haven't :D) Then, that train. You should read @valentinaonthemoon‘s post here about it if you haven't because she points out all that is wrong with the train and its route. But seriously, it's so weird. It's all too big and pretty. I have never seen a restaurant carriage with actual cute little wooden tables and chairs and actual room to walk between the table. And what the hell about the actual bed? I've taken a night train to Venice once, even first class wasn't close to looking like that! Anyway, now moving on to all the good parts. May is the definition of badass in this episode. First casually walking on a moving train and then taking of all the bad guys with the knife they stabbed her in the shoulder with. And I also love the little Philinda moment where she lets him help her but didn't let Ward. Love Fitz summing up every cliche Europeans have about Americans "They have some good shows. Lots of nice teeth." and "Someplace affordable with big portions." His pretend relationship and real friendship with Skye is very very sweet in this. I love all the teasing but also the way he insists she takes the gun and tells her to be careful. Jemma is, once again, very heroic in this. Once more, she takes the conscious decision to sacrifice herself for his friends and Fitz in particular. Of course, that grenade wouldn't have killed them but she didn't know that. So really, during the pod scene, when Fitz is faced with the reality that only one can hope to make it to the surface, his decision is easy. And I think it's not only because he loves her and couldn't bear to live without her anyway, but also because she did twice already and he thinks that's it's his turn now. He's just less lucky about the consequences it has on him. (And ironically, Ward provoked it instead of being here to save the day… but I digress). I love Fitz's reaction after Jemma falls. He doesn't run to her because he's stunned and frozen at the idea that she might be dead. His sigh of relief when Skye tells him she's alive is everything. And also the line about her little face is adorable, especially since I only learned recently that it was ad libed by Iain! I didn't remember how heartbreaking Skye was when she tries to call for help and has no voice left at all. For a moment, she must have thought she was going to die all alone in that scary dark room. I mean, I never was really worried because they weren't going to kill her off but still, that's gut wrenching :s But Jemma for the win though! She's not even a medical doctor and so many people are alive thanks to her! And well, of course, THAT HUG! I mean all of FitzSimmons hugs are wonderful but this one is just… I love how it parallels the one from 4x21 where they don't talk and he just has to reach for her shoulder for her to finally let go and cry in his arms. At first, she doesn't fully hug him because she's afraid of putting blood on him (which is very Jemma-like of her) but then she lets go and he doesn't need to say a thing because it's his presence that comforts her the most. Also, FZZT was the moment he realized his feelings had changed for the first time but this feels important too. This is the first of many hugs and the moment their relationship becomes more physical (not in the sexual sense of the word, just physical). As much as I like to imagine they spent their Academy days falling asleep in the same bed every week, I feel like until now, their friendship was very intellectual with only quick very tame physical displays of affection like the touch of a hand or shoulder. Even that kiss on the cheek seemed something wild in the way he reacted and she hesitated before doing it. After that, we'll see more hugs and more daring touches, culminating into the pod scene. (and then regressing and slowly progressing again in season two B and and three) Because being on the field had taught them how hard things could be and they're like each other comfort blanket for a time, thus the need to be physically closer. T.A.H.I.T.I I love how FitzSimmons are sitting so close together on that couch. I think they both need the comfort of each other's presence because they are the only constant in their ever changing world. They really should have let Ward blame himself here. The way May beat the crap out of Iain Quinn was very satisfying. Love Coulson's progression about Tahiti. "Turned out not so magical" and in the next episode it'll be "It sucked". Well, at least he got to see the real, beautiful Tahiti 😞 Awww Trip. I didn't like him all that much the first time. I mean I found him okay and all but only on the second rewatch that I grew to like him. Other than the fact that he could actually get "Witches weekly's most charming award", he really is just a genuine nice, easy going, good guy. Too bad it made him the perfect candidate for shock value death 😞 Love, love, love that scene with FitzSimmons looking through the files. It's stunning and blue light definitely suits Fitz. I also love him during the mission. We know he's kind of scared and he still doesn't like being on the field but he's brave and funny and adorable. "Not afraid, not yet…" "To certain horrible death? Absolutely" Classical sassy Fitz! One thing that had always bothered me during this mission: Couldn't they use non lethal weaponry to "attack" the base. I mean they're protecting a shady secret but they're still (mostly) agents of SHIELD. And they'd been left to die and be buried under all that rock. I get that Coulson wanted the truth and to save Skye but still … I absolutely love the way they decided to handle the Kree reveal. Make Coulson look terrified and let us imagine all the most horrible things and then only in the end the horrible mutilated corpse. Feels a lot like what Hydra did to Skye's mother by the way and very, very evil :s Yes Men I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would despite it not being the strongest episode and it has a lot to do with Sif being a badass. So, first of all, with all the super advanced technology they have, would an Asgardian really be impressed by a bike?!! Skye saying: "I must look awful". Honestly, makeup department guys? They did a really good job when she was close to death but now she doesn't even look a little pale. She doesn't a little circle under eyes and doesn't even look tired at all. And look at her hair! That's not the hair of someone who had been forbidden to leave her bed for days! Fury is already missing, it's getting serious! Sif is so freaking badass and really aces the super hero landing! Also, she's so extra, like she casually throws a car to provide cover. I love her connection with May and I would totally watch a spin off of them kicking ass together. I like the phrase about people being dangerous when they are controlled and how it's another hint at May's backstory. Okay, so I love Sif throwing a car during the fight scene and I love Coulson calling Sif "your ladyship" but seriously, didn't SHIELD have enough women fighters? Honestly! Jemma is totally right about being mad at Coulson about wanting to know more about GH325. Coulson has a good reason for keeping it in house but he should just tell them for god's sake! At this point, we can see that he's still struggling between the whole following the rules and doing things his way because he no longer trusts SHIELD completely. "Ward is not the man you knew. He will not hesitate to kill you." "He might try but he wont." Yep, yep, yep, you don't know how right you were, May! "Because yes, I am that good!" Fitz was cocky and cute there but really not that wasn't a smart move telling Coulson about Lorelei without knowing if he'd been swayed as well. Libido does take a bit of his genius away :p "He's always getting knocked out, isn't he?" Mmmhhh … okay but how freakishly strong is Coulson if he can knock him out with only one punch? "You were saying?" Honestly, they should have copied that collar to use for all the villains and their long boring speeches. And finally dun, dun, dun! They really did a good job making us paranoid and making us think May could be the villain.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - BONUS CHAPTER
((Just consider this a bonus chapter that could pretty much take place at any day during the story, since it's more drabble-like than the other chapters.
As much as I LOVE writing cute Baron Jitsu stuff, the other main part of this story is Draxum also bonding with the boys and learning to become a worthy stepdad. (or, second dad? Since Lou was never married before? Whatever) And I really didn't want that part of the story to sorta fall by the wayside in favor of romance so, here's a whole chapter focusing on Draxum and the boys. Enjoy! ^v^))
Draxum had never really had much experience with kids in his adult life. No brothers or sisters meant no nieces or nephews, cousins or other distant relatives weren’t really much of an option either, and the lab he worked at wasn’t exactly the type to get field trips.
Still, dating a man with four young boys allowed him to learn quickly and pick up on little things. One of the things he had noticed right away was that once a child thought of you as a good person - or at the very least, considered them someone they trusted enough and didn’t mind being around - they wanted that person to know every single detail about them.
Whether that be their favorite food (pizza, though each of them had vastly different favorite side dishes, snacks, desserts and juice. Draxum honestly wasn’t sure how Lou could keep it all straight), their favorite colors (that one was as obvious as, well, as the colored shirts they were wearing) or, the most ‘important’ of all, their favorite toys…
“-And this is The Annihilation, an’ this is Liberty Bill - he’s part of the Liberty League.”
“Naturally,” Draxum said dryly, adjusting his position slightly on the boy’s floor so that his legs didn’t fall asleep.
“Yeah, they’re okay. My brothers really like them though. But my favorite is-” Raph grinned, holding up an action figure in an orange leotard with a white cape and bear ears on his mask. “GHOST BEARRRR!”
“Ghost Bear, hm?” The scientist could hardly keep himself from rolling his eyes. How on Earth did these wrestlers come up with such ridiculous names and costume themes? Then again, they probably had to do something to help keep the audience’s attention, along with all the manufactured drama between the so-called ‘athletes’. It was no wonder so many children were fans of it.
“-and he’s always won every fight, and he’s super strong and just SO COOL!” Raph continued as he shook the figure around, “An’ sometimes, when I’m playing wrestling with him, I have him tag team up with other bears!”
The boy in red raised back over to his closet and began to pull out not more action figures, but instead plushies. First a small black bear Beanie Baby - “This is Capt’n Snuggles-” then a much bigger, much more plush bear with a small lab coat- “and this is Dr. Huggenstein, you’d probably like him ‘cause he’s a doctor like you-” and finally, a slightly smaller and very well-loved brown bear plushie covered in stitches and patches- “And THIS is Cheech! He was my first teddy!”
Raph’s smile softened a bit as he hugged the toy. He and Cheech had been friends for a long time… Since before he met Lou, since before he met his brothers! And as far as Raph was concerned, they were going to be friends forever.
“...It- er, He definitely seems special then,” Draxum commented.
Raph nodded. “Yeah, he’s great…” He then scowled slightly. “Some of the older kids back at my old home didn’t think so though. They said havin’ teddy bears makes you a baby, but I didn’t believe them…” Even when their words hurt. “Teddies are cool, and so are real bears.”
“Indeed,” the scientist agreed, “After all, they’re resourceful, resilient, protective of their young-”
“Yeah!” Raph smiled, hugging Cheech again, “And strong too! Really strong, like me! But they’re not jerks or anything, they’re just bein’ bears! That’s why I like them!”
Draxum smiled a bit, watching as Raph began to make Cheech wrestle Liberty Bill. “A good choice for a favorite animal, then...”
“I can’t believe you’ve never heard of Jupiter Jim!” Leo shook his head. What, did grown ups just miss out on ALL the fun stuff in life? “My brothers and I have seen all his movies!”
“Oh? All of them?”
“...Weeeell, maybe not all of them-” Sixty movies was a lot, even for a young fan, and some of them hadn’t been re-released on dvd yet- “But we’ve still seen a lot of them, and that’s more than you!”
“Hmph, fine, fine, I’ll give one of them a watch sometime,” Draxum half-promised. He enjoyed the sci-fi genre well enough but, much like the Lou Jitsu movies, Jupiter Jim always just seemed too cheesy for him. At least with the Lou Jitsu movies, he could still count on well done and realistic fight choreography as well as a performance by who he considered was a much more charming lead. ...Not that he had any biases or anything.
“You gotta watch ‘em,” Leo insisted as he dragged out yet another plastic vehicle, this one being a moon buggy (or at least, the Sci-fi Hollywood version of one) with a miniature version of the titular character himself in the driver’s seat. “Especially the ones where he’s gotta make an escape in his buggy, they’re SO cool! And he explores planets, and fights the bad aliens and monsters while saving the good ones!”
With a hop and a determined smirk, Leo activated his light-up space sword. Draxum made sure to take a couple steps back as the boy began swinging it around, but thankfully Leo had practiced enough (and seen the movies enough) that he knew the moves well enough. “Jim’s just the best!” Leo continued, “He’s cool, he’s good at sword fighting, and he can always think of a plan to win and get away and save the day! And he gets to do this all while in space! On the moon! In SPACE!”
Draxum smirked. “I take it you like space?”
“Don’t you?”
“Point taken.”
“It just makes everything cooler and awesomer,” Leo shrugged, “And I’m gonna try to go to the Moon sometime too. You know, in the future. But until then, I’m just gonna keep watching Jim go there.” Suddenly, the boy went quiet, glancing around for any eavesdroppers before bringing his voice to a loud whisper. “And don’t tell Dad but… Sometimes I think Jupiter Jim is even better than the Lou Jitsu in the movies!”
Draxum nearly snorted at that, managing to just barely hold back his chuckles as he promised, “I won’t say a word…”
“Leon might’ve said that Jupiter Jim was the best, but he’s wrong ‘cause he just can’t see who the REAL best character in those movies is!” With a bit of a dramatic flair, Donnie spun around to reveal the doll he had taken off his bookshelf. “Ta-daaaa~!”
Draxum raised his eyebrow, trying to figure out what exactly he was looking at. The doll had spiky bright-green hair, pink skin, eyes that as far as he concerned were much too big for it, and a blue and purple outfit with an atom symbol on it’s belt. The doll also had a giant plastic hammer in it’s hand. “Oh. Well, it’s-”
“Her name is Atomic Lass!” Donnie stated, smiling as he went into the explanation, “She’s a friend of Jupiter Jim’s! She comes from this town on a far away planet called Uraniumville, where she fights crime using her metal hammer and these really neat radiation beams that come from her hands!”
“Ah, I see,” Draxum nodded. That sounded about right, totally in-line with the style of those movies. “Is that why you like her then? Because she’s powerful?”
“Well, yeah,” Donnie replied, looking at the doll, “But she’s also super cool, and super pretty, and tough and, of course, smart.” He smiled at that. “Really, REALLY smart. That was how she got her powers, ‘cause she was also a scientist on her home planet before she became a crime fighter!”
Draxum nodded again, completely understanding now. When most heroes only seemed to rely on muscles and power boost, he could understand rooting for one who also had a brain. Donnie then sighed, fiddling with the doll’s hair a bit. “I know radiation makes humans sick, but I still wish I could just get some uranium and be a hero too instead of just dying from it. And it’ll take me forever to be strong enough to use a giant metal hammer!”
“...” A bit concerning but nonetheless all part of the childhood fantasy, Draxum assumed. “Why don’t you just focus on the things you can do now that make you feel smart and strong, and then figure out the ‘hero’ parts later?” he suggested.
Donnie thought it over. “...I’m trying to get Pop to let me do another science experiment at home, but now I wanna do something else, like… Like making my own robot! They’ve got books on how to make ‘em, you know! I just gotta find the right library… There’s robots you can buy at the toy store too but, I really wanna make my own - and I KNOW I could!”
With how smart and talented the young boy in purple seemed to be, Draxum had no problem believing that Donnie very well could make his own simple robot. Making a mental note to look up robotic projects for children later on, Draxum just smiled back at him. “Sounds like the perfect project to me.”
Donnie was full-on grinning now, eyes determined and mind already whirling with ideas. “Yeah! First robots, and THEN figuring out a way to get superpowers!”
“Well, I’d still maybe put that idea away for now…”
If Mikey wasn’t holding a crayon or marker or paintbrush, then he was usually holding one of his brother’s toys. One of their many action figures, or one of Raph’s plushies or Leo’s toy cars or Donnie’s puzzle toys. All of these toys were happily borrowed, and as long as they were taken care of and eventually put back, the other Jitsu boys didn’t mind whatsoever.
Of course Mikey had his own toys - including a play kitchen where he could ‘practice’ until he was tall enough to safely reach the stove - but more often than not his brothers’ toys were just more interesting to him. ...Still, what he did have that was all his own and that he played with happily was all the more unique, as well as all the more fitting for the young artist.
“Here!” Mikey proudly beamed, shoving the large shoe box into Draxum’s hands, “Look!”
“Wow…” Slowly, Draxum picked up each item one by one. Dolls made out of clothespins and spoons covered in paint, string and googly eyes. Birds and nimals made with paper and sticks and glue (loooots of glue, much to the doctor’s slight annoyance). Creatures that Draxum had no idea what they could be, created with puff balls and chunks of styrofoam and pipe cleaners, but still obviously made with lots of love.
And finally, folded carefully at the bottom of the box, a crane made out of a single sheet of bright orange paper. “Origami, right?” Draxum asked.
“Uh huh,” Mikey nodded, gently taking it from him, “But I didn’t make this one, Papa did! He made it for me the first night we came here to live with him, when I was too excited to fall asleep.” He pulled at the tail a bit, making the crane’s wings flap. “He said that paper cranes caused good luck, and that some people try to make a thousand so they can get a wish! But I don’t need a wish, so I just make ‘em whenever I feel like it.”
“That’s fair,” Draxum smiled, “I’m not sure if you could fit a thousand cranes in this house, even if you wanted to.”
“Heh, yeah, it’d be wayyyy too crowded!” Mikey giggled. He looked at Draxum, and then back at his crane. “...Stay right there!” Mikey told him as he ran over to his small desk, pulling out a sheet of paper. Not having much of a choice, Draxum leaned back slightly on the child’s bed and watched him work.
Mikey was surprisingly meticulous for his age, his tongue poking out in concentration as he carefully did each fold, though not once stopping or making a mistake. It was as if this sort of craft just came naturally to him, or perhaps he’d just done it enough times to know the steps by heart. Either way, it was pretty impressive, Draxum had to admit. Once the actual crane was done, it was onto adding markings and designs with markers and crayon along with the finishing touch of a bit of glitter before finally being given to Draxum.
“Here!” Mikey said, holding the teal crane up as far as he could, “Now you can have a good luck crane too, and it’ll make sure you’ll find a neat science thing at your work, or that you have good dates with my papa!”
Draxum chuckled, taking the crane. “I don’t think I need good luck to have a good time with your father, but thank you very much, Mikey.”
The boy beamed, and quickly climbed back up onto the bed to give Draxum a hug. “You’re welcome!”
The colorful crane never did find its way to Draxum’s lab, whether that was on purpose or on accident. But, it did however find a nice home on his nightstand, silently greeting him each night at bedtime and each morning when he woke up.
So, good luck or no, at least there was the small smile that it always seemed to put on his face whenever he noticed it - which only made sense, considering the place (and the family) it came from...
((It's been several episodes since Raph's mentioned his teddy bear collection in 'Mascot Melee', just SHOW US THE TEDDIES ALREADY! His collection sounded so cute, and I absolutely loved the names he had for them, lol. Also Leo being a huge space/scifi nerd in any incarnation is just amusing to me, heh. But yeah, hope you guys liked this! Next time, more Baron Jitsu with a bit of drama thrown in! See you then!))
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OB Rewatch: The Stigmata of Progress
Don’t forget - These reviews always contain spoilers for the entire series!
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“We are definitely related!”
I loved
“You don't get to decide what bothers you or not. That's why it bothers you.” THANK YOU! I’ve been saying that for years.
“My sister has a robot maggot in her face...” Alison's come a long way from telling Sarah to hide her ugly face on the way out.
Adele. Oh. My. God. The accent, the mannerisms, the whole question-answer with Felix (Who hasn't had sex for material gain, HA!) the assumptions, the way Lauren Hammersley chews on the scenery in every scene she's in...
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Sarah: “How high are you?”   Felix, thinking: “Quite, if I had to put a number on it.”
Poor, sweet Helena - “I don't want them to grow up like me...”
Rachel bonding with Charlotte. Even though Rachel's partially using Charlotte as a door to the outside world, she cares about her. When Charlotte coughs up blood, Rachel calls her “darling,” and is immediately concerned.
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The entire exchange of the Hendrix's telling Cosima that they (A) killed Leekie and buried him in the garage, and (B) have a worm thing that might help Sarah. Plus, I love the warm-yet-shadowy lighting and colors for both of them. 
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How quickly Sarah slipped into Beth's accent once the dental assistant said Beth's name, but it's not as good as it used to be. You can still hear Sarah peaking through. 
I liked
Oh, hi, Rachel. I'm glad we're spending more time with you in a sympathetic way. I kind of forgot about you for a while with the whole Beth Childs, robot worm thing.
“You're a pale shade of Castor, aren't you?”
Charlotte, being a cute little know-it-all.
That Rachel told Susan Duncan to go to hell. Susan’s up there with Coady as Shit Mother of the Year.
The eye contact between Alison and Donnie as Alison asks Cosima if she needs a Neolution worm bot.
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Kira being a brat. I mean, really, this poor kid has been through so much, with little to no explanation, at a young age. She doesn't understand who Neolution is, or who Castor are, or why they had to leave Iceland, or why people don't just tell her the truth about what's happening. Her mom comes and goes with no predictability, and sometimes when she comes home she yanks on Kira’s cheek until it hurts. PLUS, as we find out later, she has all of the clones' feelings bouncing around inside her 8-year-old head. Of course she's acting out.
Felix telling Sarah No, still. He's earned it.
Donnie joking with Helena. “Sometimes your kinda help is the kind that's needed, you know what I mean?”
Oh, hey, Oscar! You're still around. Too bad all they let you do is watch TV these days.
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God, everything Helena says. “Doorbellings, I have to go.” “Hello, husband Donald.”
The trademarked Helena scree-scraw as she let the detectives in the house.
“Christ on a crabcake!”
“She's a scientist and a lesbian. She's not gonna let it slide!”
I disliked
Fucking Susan Duncan, man. I know, I'm supposed to dislike her, but she's such a bitch, and she's written as the kind of abusive, neglectful parent who's actually real in the world, unlike, say, a baddie like Westmoreland. Susan says shit like “I should think you'd be grateful” and “I have given you everything” after ALL the shit she's done to Rachel, and everything she's taken from and denied her. And then casually dropping all that information about Charlotte being cloned from Rachel, and how there were 400 attempts, and then goes and whines about “I never knew how to connect with you...”
Other notes
There's a theme this season of scenes opening from the inside of the fridge as Tatiana opens the door.
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I am, however, a little surprised that the Hendrixes have hot sauce. They don't seem to be that, um, spicey.
Stocking the food for Helena's kitchen scene must've been fun, though. Apparently the blue jello was a fan suggestion.
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Detective Collier, I think, is also seen interacting with Art in some scenes, but here he's out in Scarborough, which I would think is a totally different jurisdiction than Art's. Except, oh, right, Neolution sent him.
“All the aunties were there. You set mom on fire.” - Like all visions, this one doesn't exactly match with reality, but I do think it refers to Kendall's ultimate demise and cremation. Kendall = all the aunties, after all. 
It really does say a lot about Helena's state of constant vigilance and the strength of her memory that she learned and remembered the names of everyone who helped with Alison's campaign (except, oddly, Felix, but maybe she just didn't want to say his name to the police).
I have questions
Why isn't Charlotte wearing all white like everyone else in her household?
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Sarah and Felix consistently refer to Siobhan as their “foster mother,” although it seems Siobhan legally adopted them both before puberty. It's fine that they don't call her “Mum” more often – that's an emotionally loaded word, but why don't they call her their “adopted” mother, since there’s a definite legal distinction? Also, they were so young when she took them in, it's pretty odd that they themselves distance her that way, when all signs point to her being supportive and present. It just leaves me with SO MANY questions about their childhoods and teen / early adult years.
This isn't specific to this episode, but are the Castor boys younger than the Leda girls? If Rachel was around 6 - 8 (I think) when she left the Duncans, and Ira was 4 when Susan took him in (more on that later), I assume Castor was done later. 
I would’ve liked to have seen
More Rachel and Charlotte interactions. 
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