#of course i can't compile everything but i'll do what i can
raviosprovidence · 1 year
Ao3 may be important to fandom history but it goes over its donation requirement (50k every few months) in SPADES (They just finished donations and made over 250k). Ao3 defends its hosting of unchecked glorified racism, pedophilia, and incest. it's also unfinished and its filter system is broken and amasses hundreds of thousands of dollars that it is most definitely not using all of.
So here's a small list of suggestions of who you could be donating to instead. Ao3 bootlickers and people who reblog just to spite donate to a03 will be blocked.
The internet archive which is fighting a losing battle against greedy corporations who want to control the internet even more than they already are
Help out WGA strikers (This Link can tell you where you can donate): If you care about the people who actually make the shows you write fanfic about, or about the screenwriting industry at all, please help out. This is a fight against screwing over writers financially and the fight against AI replacing them.
The Quileute tribe (you know, the one in Twilight) needs to move to higher ground and is still seeking donations
Buying anything from the Ioway Bee Farm helps support a Native American tribe in need AND gets you high quality and sustainable products made from bees.
RIP medical debt is a charity that buys up people's medical debt on the cheap and forgives it. 1$ donated can erase 100$ of debt. Genuinely life changing
Literally other people on tumblr! There are so many gofundme's and people who are genuinely sick or homeless and need help and money. And most of the time they aren't scams! And sometimes you can get art or fic requests as well! But just do a good deed
I hesitate saying Wikipedia because although it is 10x more useful than a03 The site has way more funds than it needs so donate cautiously.
And because I am fortunate enough to do so, i'm putting my money where my mouth is. I don't expect praise for doing so. It's the bare minimum.
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syn0vial · 8 months
Astarion Voicelines: Healing/Helping/Buffing (Now updated for Patch 1.3)
A compilation of Astarion's voicelines when he's healing a character with a spell, using the "help" action to free them from an immobilized position, or casting a buffing spell.
Voice lines added between patches 1.1 and 1.3 have been marked with bold text.
Healing (Negative Approval)
Of course you need help.
Waste of a spell.
There's always something.
A poor investment.
Don't bleed on me.
If I must.
Just don't bleed on me.
I should let it fester.
Do I have to touch them?
You're bleeding. Again.
Oh for Gods' sake.
I won't always save you.
Healing (Neutral Approval)
Stop bleeding - it's distracting.
We'll fix what we can.
Try not to die.
You're leaking.
Let's not die yet.
You owe me.
That's enough wasted blood.
There's life in you yet.
Let's fix what we can.
Healing. How novel.
Stop bleeding!
Fine, I'll save you.
Healing (Positive Approval)
A helping hand.
No more wasted blood.
We need you strong.
Let's play doctor.
We'll patch you up.
Let's not die yet.
You're wasting blood.
We need you strong.
It's not your time.
Let's fix that.
You're not dying.
Healing (Romantic Interest)
Let's fix you up.
Let's not waste any blood.
Let's lay on hands.
Let's play doctor.
No, no - that won't do.
The kiss of life.
Stay strong, darling.
You're not going down.
A little pick-me-up.
Healing touch.
Shhh, it's all right.
Helping (Negative Approval)
Of course you're stuck.
Of course they're trapped.
Let's get you loose.
Help the idiot.
Worse than useless.
Some don't deserve saving.
I should just leave you.
Oh no, is someone stuck?
You're a danger to yourself.
How have you survived this long?
I could just leave them...
I'll help. This time.
Can't they wriggle free?
So helpless...
Damned fool.
Give me patience.
Give me strength.
Oh no, they're stuck.
Helping (Neutral Approval)
Why am I not surprised?
Someone needs help.
What have you done now?
Yes yes, I'll save you.
Not that I'll get any thanks...
Must I?
Yes, fine.
All right, I'm coming.
Yes, I'll free you.
Let's go already.
Your hero is here.
Do I have to do everything?
Yes, yes, I'm coming.
All right, I'm coming!
Fine, I'll free you.
Let's get you loose.
Oh for goodness' sake.
Because I've nothing better to do.
Get back in the fight.
I swear...
Helping (Positive Approval)
Ha! Oh I shouldn't laugh.
Help is here.
Relax, I've got you.
Come on, let's move.
I'll free you.
Your hero is coming.
All right, all right.
Let's get you up.
I'll get you loose.
Come on, move.
Easy, I'm here.
Hold on, I'm coming.
Helping (Romantic Interest)
A sticky situation.
Let's get you free.
I'm coming.
Really, darling?
Don't worry, I'm here.
Let's get you moving.
You look good helpless.
Maybe they like being restrained?
Don't worry, I'm here.
Let's get you moving.
You'll be free soon.
Oh I shouldn't laugh.
In a spot of bother, hmm?
Buffing (Negative Approval)
Try not to waste it.
Let's waste a spell - why not?
Do I have to do everything?
Of course you need help.
Just try not to die.
What a waste.
Yes, fine.
If I must.
Do I have to?
Buffing (Neutral Approval)
How did you last so long without me?
Do not waste this.
Don't worry, I'm here.
Someone needs help, I see.
Yes, all right.
A little help.
All right, here.
Don't waste this.
You clearly need some help.
Let's try to survive, hmm?
Stay strong!
Do not let me down.
Try not to die.
I swear, if you just die...
Fine, here!
Just try to survive, will you?
Buffing (Positive Approval)
Lucky I'm here.
Where would you be without me?
Here you go.
This should help.
Better safe than stiff.
A little boost.
A friend in need.
Someone needs a little help.
Just a moment.
Buffing (Romantic Interest)
I've got you.
Let's keep you safe.
Let's keep you cute.
Help is here.
Don't worry, I'm here.
For you, darling.
Just in case
Let's be safe.
Here, darling.
This should help.
No need to thank me.
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inklore · 11 months
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since the spooky season is fast approaching, and as a little kinktober appetizer, @psychedelic-ink and i have decided to do a little writing challenge to get us all excited and in the mood to be gripping the sheets from the spooky thrills of course.
and to keep this fun we have given you many many options! we have compiled a twelve day prompts list you can go by, or if that's not your thing we have listed twenty three different pick and choose options to create whatever kind of fic you want, even if you want to do half the days daily prompts but switch out this prompt dialogue for that au or trope or kink, you can literally do whatever your heart desires!
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the challenge will go on from the 19th - 30th of this month. you can do as many or as little amount of days as you choose.
any fandoms are welcome, literally any characters, ships, but please no rpf.
no minors should be interacting with let alone posting for this challenge.
dark content, light content, dubcon/noncon, is all welcomed but please tag everything accordingly. grooming, underage, and incest however are not allowed.
there are no word limits but please use that readmore.
tag #hauntedhoedown so we can read and reblog your work!
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DAY ONE: taboo au + "i'll be your dirty little secret, if that's what you're into."
DAY TWO: murder plot au (lets kill this person together) + "crawl to me"
DAY THREE: inspired by your favorite lana del rey song (if not a lana fan then any fav song of yours) + stalker / yandere au or love triangle gone wrong
DAY FOUR: artificial intelligence au + "here, you are. you tiny thing."
DAY FIVE: gothic au + “worship me. until i tell you to stop.” + a masquerade au or a good ol' priest au
DAY SIX: animal shapeshifter au + "he's a monster" + "he's perfect"
DAY SEVEN: stranded au or slasher / summer camp au + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
DAY EIGHT: cosmic horror au + "you're a fucking nightmare. kiss me."
DAY NINE: “do you like it when i bleed for you?” + the toxic exes trope or cult au
DAY TEN: zombie apocalypse au + "every moment might be our last, let's make the most of it."
DAY ELEVEN: black swan au or inspired by your fav psychological thriller + “they die for love, you kill for it.”
DAY TWELVE: vampire court au + "forever isn't long enough for me to forgive you."
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if following the above isn't your thing and you want to pick and choose yourself that's great! we also highly rec this random generator if you wanna live life by the edge, each category has 23 options to pick and choose from so customize the generator accordingly!
steampunk / cyber punk
fairytale retelling
mythology / monster
virtual reality
taboo (see great options here)
game gone wrong
addams family
bonnie and clyde
spy / secret agent
circus / carnival
hitch hiking
basement wife
time travel
urban legend(s)
american horror story inspired
vampire / supernatural
pirate / mermaid
"do you like when i touch you like this? i can keep going if you want me to."
"i can see how badly you want this, so i'm going to make sure you get it." 
“this fear you feel? it won't last.”
“you are mine, whether you agree or not.”
“why do you keep following me?”
"i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together."
"you're not actually scared are you? of me?"
"i'm so close, can you feel it?"
"tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it, no matter the cost."
"you're like a sickness, a disease, and the only way for me to be cured of you is to let you completely consume me until my body has no fight left."
"i want to see you bleed."
"they're dead...because of you."
“i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you.”
“everything i've done.. every horrible atrocity, it's been for you.”
"it's just a little blood."
“don't you know how sick with love i am for you?”
“i would burn the world for you.”
"this is so fucked up." "you like it."
"finders keepers."
"what's your favorite scary movie?"
"tell me you want me back. tell me i'm forgiven."
"you're a monster." "that's never stopped you before."
"i've killed for you, who else can say that?"
mob / mafia
dubcon / noncon
soulmate / fated mates
mind control / telepathy
final girl
once is not enough
haunted manor
dark academia
enemies to lovers
haunted object
vengeful ghost
ritual / sacrifice / blood magic
unrequited love
creation / creator vs monster
'i'll find you in every universe / century'
reverse harem
cursed / fuck or die
curiosity killed the cat
theatre phantom
fate worse than death
corruption / authoritarian
breath play
knife play / blood play
jealousy / sharing / possessive
hunter / prey
humiliation / degradation
mirror sex
deprivation / immobilized / bondage
orgasm denial / overstimulation / edging
body worship
shotgunning / swallowing / facial
torture / surrender
hate sex / make up sex / phone sex
magical healing [redacted]
soft!dom / pleasure!dom
a summer fling gone horrible wrong, or right
1970s porno filming (turned into a blood bath)
touch her and die except who the hell are you and why are you obsessed with me?
a trip to the circus (or carnival) ends with you stuck there...forever
you just inherited this creepy mansion where people where murdered what could go wrong?
a ritual gone wrong and now i'm bound to a demon
if 'this person' ever found out about this they would kill both of us (literally)
oh no i'm dating the town serial killer
passionate professor tells me to prove my devotion to the craft / class by doing something insane
we're the last people on the planet and you will be mine
daydreaming about being with you is better than actually being with you because i missed all the red flags and now it's too late
i got casted out of my world and ended up wounded and bloodied in your backyard, convince me why i shouldn't destroy your world out of anger
vampire has a taste for specific blood and looks like you have it
the creepy neighbor is too hot to be insane, right?
i keep seeing them in my dreams and i wake up with bruises and marks on my skin, it's definitely just wild dreams, right?
loving you is easier than hating you
got stranded in some little town that seems so cute, until night hits
'this person' ordered me to kill you but i actually think i'm in love with you
my lover is wearing the same costume as you and i can't tell the difference but i'm pretty sure it's them i'm fucking in this closet...pretty sure
confessing to a murder via a silly little ghost story around a campfire (but someone reads through the lies)
how far would you go for love? for the one you love?
in a past life you were the cause of my death so i'm here to exact revenge now that i've found you
we're at a fun little horror movie reenactment except people are really dying
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we tried to make this writing challenge as fun and very 'choose your own adventure-like' as much as possible because we know how hard it is to stay motivated when doing these things.
so please feel free to use any and all of the prompts, tropes, kinks, etc as you wish. we're just super excited to see what ya'll come up with!!
so good luck and stay slutty spooky <3
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vioartemis · 1 year
All yours
(Emma Myers x fem! reader)
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Summary: Emma overhears you singing and begs for you to sing her something. Warnings: none Request is here (and the additional stuff as the music if you want to listen to it while reading (especially the last part)) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
As far as you could remember, you always loved singing. But never in front of anyone. You were a little scared of what people would say, especially people you didn't know for too long.
Even your best-friend never heard you sing, despite being one of the people you trusted and loved the most. Maybe you loved her a little too much, by the way.
You may or may not had a crush on her for years but had always been too scared to tell her. You didn't want to risk ruining everything between you two.
The moments you shared were what you cherished the most, even though they got rarer since she started acting professionally. You were happy for her of course, but you missed her too.
So, when she told you she had some time to rest, you immediately invited her to your appartement. She too was more than happy to see you again, and moved in for the time she would stay.
Living with her made you realize how hard it would be not to show how in love you were. It also made you realize that this is what you wanted. Live with her. See her every morning, every night. Hear her mumbling a 'good morning' with her raspy morning voice.
You were head over heels in love with her.
Right now, you were having a shower, while Emma was watching tv in the living room. You put on your 'shower playlist', a compilation of your favorite songs at the moment, and started showering.
After a little while, your all-time favorite song started playing, and you couldn't help but thing along while washing your hair.
What you didn't know was that Emma could hear you sing from the living room. At first she didn't realize it was you, she thought it was just you listening to music, but then she recognized your voice.
She sat up and got closer to the bathroom's door, but the water still running prevented her from hearing properly.
So, when you got out of the room, wet hair falling on your shoulders, she didn't hesitate to ask you if you could sing for her.
"I heard you when you were in the shower... but because of the water I couldn't hear properly... Please Y/n!"
"Emma, you know you're my best friend, right? But I'm not singing for you, or anyone. Sorry"
"Come on!"
You went to your bedroom to grab a sweater that you put on your oversize shirt.
"I'll do every chore for you"
"Tempting, but still no"
"Please please pleaseee"
She looked at you with puppy eyes, her secret weapon to get you to do anything. She really had you wrapped around her finger.
"Okay, fine! You know I can't resist when you do this" you sighed, defeated "Any particular request?"
"As long as I can hear you sing again, I'm happy"
"I'll take that as a 'no' then"
You took a moment to think about what song you could pick. There was way to many songs you'd love to sing, but you had to choose wisely. If you could give her a hint on your feelings for her in the process, that would be an absolute win.
After a minute, you looked up for the instrumental version of the song on YouTube. Singing acapella wasn't your favorite thing.
"Okay" you took a deep breath "Let's do this"
You pressed play and waited for the right moment to start.
"Maybe, it's the way you say my name Maybe, it's the way you play your game But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you"
The 'funny' thing with this song was that it fit perfectly your feelings towards her. She had nothing to do with the other people you met, she had something special that got you drawn to her so quickly.
Dandelions was one of her favorite songs. Now hearing you sing it was a whole other thing. Your voice truly was amazing.
"Wishing on dandelions all of the time Praying to God that one day you'll be mine Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time"
This part was by far your favorite. You had wished your feelings were shared so much, you couldn't count how many times.
Oh, how she wished you meant what you were singing. The simple thought of you praying that she'd be yours made butterflies grow in her stomach.
"Dandelion, into the wind you go Won't you let my darling know? Dandelion, into the wind you go Won't you let my darling know that?"
She was impressed how you held the high note of this part, by at this point not surprised anymore. She could hear you sing for hours and never get bored.
A little part of herself thought you might be singing to her. Maybe it was just her being delusional. After all, she was far from being the most interesting person you knew, so why would you have any kind of romantic feelings for her?
"I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine..."
The music started to fade out as the song was finished, but you continued singing anyways, improvising a last part that couldn't be anything else than you confessing to her.
For the first time since you started singing, you looked directly into her blue eyes.
"'Cause I'm sick and tired of dandelions Wishing on every one is a waste of time, time
I got all our moments memorized I'm gonna say it now, you make me smile, smile
Giving up dandelions wasting my time Thankful to God I have you in my life Giving up dandelions wasting my time, wasting my time..."
Her eyes widened slightly as she realized this wasn't part of the original song. You improvised that part. For her.
How many times did you say all those things to her? Enough for her to understand what you were doing. She never paid too much attention to it before, thinking it was just you being hyper affectionate, but in a 'friends' way.
All your moments together flashed before her eyes. All the times you told her you were thankful to have her by your side. All the times you remembered little things she told you, little habits she had, little things that happened when you spent time together that even she didn't think about at first.
That day at the lake when you couldn't stop smiling looking at her. She thought she looked ridiculous trying to go in the cold water while you were already swimming, and that it was the reason why you smiled, holding in your laughter.
Now that she thought of it, you always had a smile on your face when you were together. A beautiful smile she loved so much and hoped would never fade away.
The way you looked at her right now was different than before, as if you stopped hiding what you truly felt. You had that look you had in her daydreams, in her fantasies.
Except this time, it was real. You were really in front of her, giving her heart eyes.
She imagined that scene thousands of times, and yet she didn't know how to react. But she had to do something, or you would get the wrong signals!
Her body moved faster than her brain.
She found herself kissing you without even realizing it before you kissed her back, a wave of relief washing over both of you.
Your hands were behind her neck, while hers found their place on your waist, never breaking the kiss. You both had waited so long for that moment to happen; you weren't going to let it end so soon.
But you had to pull away, eventually.
"So... whishing on dandelions worked?" you asked playfully
"Yes" Emma whispered before kissing you again "I'm yours. All yours"
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lordeemailarchive · 3 months
A note from Lorde
(27/03/2024) ("Take Me to the River" cover release)
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Hey you, it's me
Today my version of "take Me To The River" from the Stop Making Sense compilation comes out. Do you remember the first time you ever heard Talking Heads? I'll tell you my story.
Ok, it's 2008. I'm twelve years old, eyes painted black, jaw blasted with acne. My bedroom is a nest of posters, broken toys, street signs. I've kissed with tongue.
Something's happening to me: i am beginning to ooze out in every direction. I feel a constant burning urge to express myself, to draw a map that leads to who l am. I can't get it right; there's deep discomfort in this, and I have no choice but to keep trying.
At the same time, I'm realising that if I look at a picture or listen to a song sometimes a surge of feeling will take over my whole body. In this way, I can remove my strange-feeling insides and replace them with whatever I want. I can't predict what exactly will do this to me, so I have to try everything. Things are either corny, or they're cool. Occasionally, the thing that replaces my insides is a total mystery to me, not corny or cool but somehow both, and through this feeling I have my first experiences with the divine.
My mother, an artist herself, sees the ooze. She brings her laptop into my room one night and puts on a Youtube video. It's grainy, 240p at best. In the video I see a band from another time performing on a TV show. The lead singer wears a suit, has high cheekbones and slicked-back dark hair. To his left a blonde girl plays bass. They stand in pools of light. The dark haired man is singing a song about wanting someone, not being sure why. He is a preacher, a controlled fire, a wild animal. He's moving like ive never seen anyone move, and his eyes are rolling back in his head. He knows how it feels to kiss with tongue. The wifi signal drops in and out from downstairs.
I feel a portal open between me and the screen. Humour, lust, rhythm and ritual course through me. I don't understand what I'm feeling, but I do understand that the band in the grainy video live with the same strangeness that I do. My palms tingle. My insides are replaced.
This version of the first Talking Heads song I ever heard was done in a few days in Echo Park, L.A. with my friend Jimmy. It's my interpretation of that pixellated spiritual experience. We did it fast, I didn't let myself tidy it up too much, it had to feel young and imperfect, the peeling posters, the jaw of acne. It's beyond a great honour to be part of this compilation. In doing so, I am reaching back through time and pinning something to that kid's wall.
Hope you like it
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PS* Immediately after that Top of the Pops clip finished, I had my first of many, many viewings of Stop Making Sense. I am truly changed as I know you were too by that group of people on the Pantages stage moving together with warmth, strangeness and pure cool. It was so great to go to the theatre and feel that again on a big screen. Love to DB, Tina, Jerry and Chris, and to Lynn, Edna, Alex, Steve, and Bernie Worrell.
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(source: A24 newsletter)
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lunanoc · 29 days
Hey I'm doing some fanlore edits (https://fanlore.org/wiki/Daomu_Biji) and do you have any sources for popular ships in Chinese fandom? I basically just cut it down to pingxie and heihua because those were the ones showing up in 2021 lofter data (https://hardwareabstractionlayer.tumblr.com/post/649989752761810944/the-top-100-ships-in-chinese-fandom-according-to) and like basically ONLY pingxie is on ao3 in any numbers but I'm pretty sure HuaXie was a whole big thing I just can't find a source for it... Thanks in advance!
hi! i don't know if i'm necessarily the best person to answer this question because my incursions into the chinese DMBJ fandom are very curated and basically mostly limited to pingxie spaces, so my knowledge of other ships and their hubs is pretty sparse
that being said, finding centralized hubs to get full numbers and stats from for dmbj ships historically in the chinese fandom is complicated for a number of reasons, one of them being that DMBJ is an older fandom, which means a number of fics were hosted on websites and forums that no longer exist. another is that due to the state of chinese internet, fans also host fics and fan art of ships in closed access forums that are sometimes more or less difficult to gain entry to so as to create safe spaces. that being said, there are still ways to somewhat measure the current popularity of a ship. since this is an ask, i figured i'd turn this into a small informative post if anyone is interested in a surface level overview of what's popular in the chinese fandom by comparison to the english-speaking one. just keep in mind that because of all the above reasons, this is only ever going to be an overview of what's currently popular in general and not everything that exists, because arguably probably everything exists in some capacity, and of course this is all very surface level, so i'm sure someone else could do a more in-depth deep dive, especially if they get around more
disclaimer: because i know some might take this the wrong way, to be clear this is NOT meant to spark any kind of discourse surrounding ships, nor is it here to say that some ships are "better" than others. it's purely numbers i've tried to present as objectively as possible, mostly to provide comparison between two different sides of the fandom that behave differently and have sometimes vastly differing preferences
Chinese DMBJ Fandom Ship Popularity
to start off, i think it's relevant to point out that ao3 isn't the best way to measure a ship's popularity in chinese fandoms even if it can give you a rough idea. it can get you rankings to some extent (and even then it really depends), but the numbers aren't going to be at all accurate considering ao3 isn't the platform of choice for chinese fan fiction for several reasons i won't get into here, but that i'm sure people who've been in cdrama/novel fandoms are probably aware of
so your best bet to get any sort of idea of what ships are most popular is by looking at how they rank on big public platforms, namely lofter and weibo
lofter has yearly rankings like the one OP mentioned that people talk about, and it's a fairly good way to get an idea since it's a pretty popular blogging website for fan fics and fan art. lofter isn't cooperating with me right now, but i'll be using the data compiled for end of 2023 (or as of february 2024) by this bilibili video for the 200 most popular ships on lofter. among those 200 most popular ships, 3 of them are DMBJ ships, and are ranked as follows:
XiePing (not to be confused with PingXie, because yes, chinese fandom differentiates ships by top/bottom dynamic) at #120
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HeiHua at #25
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PingXie at #2
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no other DMBJ ships make an appearance on this list, and if nothing else, it tells you not only that both PingXie and HeiHua are by far the most popular DMBJ ships in general, but also gives you an idea of just how insanely popular DMBJ is in china overall to have three ships in the top of a general fandoms ranking
next we have weibo where getting an idea of a ship's popularity is a bit different, and there are multiple ways to do it, but one of the easiest ones to get an idea is by looking at how high a ship's super topic ranks on both the real time and weekly popularity rankings. super topics function similarly to how communities work on X and aren't tags, so not everything tagged with a ship is necessarily going to reflect what's posted in the super topic and vice-versa, but it still gives something of an idea of overall popularity. looking at the today's super topic ranking in the fictional characters category, again the same two ships show up in the rankings:
HeiHua at #23
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PingXie at #5
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for the sake of comparison, because it's easier to actually see figures with weibo super topics, i also looked up both other ships that do get some traction in the chinese fandom despite being less popular, as well as ships that the english-speaking fandom tends to talk more actively about (in tumblr spaces anyway)
HuaXie at #174, which has an audience, but the numbers are already very different and speak to the fact it's generally speaking a smaller ship as of now (for reference, 万 that you see on these pictures is a unit for ten thousand, so here 1.1 万= 11,000)
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HeiPing (unranked), which is in somewhat of a similar situation as HuaXie, but considering HuaXie is ranked, it's safe to say that's probably the only other ship that's even remotely popular by comparison to the two giants that are PingXie and HeiHua
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allXie at #160, which is less a ship and more of a bottom!wu xie enjoyers cocktail that has a little bit of everything under the sun, though is mostly a mix of wu xie being shipped with some of the main male characters (i.e. xiaoge, hei xiazi, xiao hua) as well as other more minor characters such as zhang haike notably. it's not really a thing in the english-speaking fandom, but it's worth mentioning because it does exist enough to be represented
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PangXie (unranked), which is quite honestly one of the bigger contrasts between the chinese fandom and the english-speaking one in that this ship is pretty much non-existant, or at least i've never seen fan fiction for it. again, my view of things is biased because my experience is deliberately curated so it's entirely possible there are things i just don't see, but the numbers don't seem to contradict that impression
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PangYun (unranked), which i'm providing here mostly because pangzi is most often shipped with yuncai (and usually as a sideship that i can tell), though these numbers aren't necessarily representative of what content exists for this ship, since most things tagged as PangYun are posted to the general DMBJ super topic. if anything this mostly gives the impression the ship doesn't have much of a dedicated following, especially given it's part of the other category rather than the fictional characters category
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PingSang (unranked), which is one of the only two ships that have any kind of following that involve liu sang, is also in the other category, and along with PangXie and his other most notable ship, is most definitely a rarepair, which is another notable difference with part of the english-speaking fandom where liu sang ships tend to be both fairly popular and have active communities
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CanSang (unranked), which is in yet another category (CP as in couple as in ship), though this one's rarepair status might be explained by the fact that, if you couldn't already tell, the chinese fandom has little to zero interest in secondary or minor characters, and beyond that, the core of the chinese DMBJ fandom doesn't care much for the dramas/live action adaptations and is largely centered around the books, so given the premise of this ship is based in the adaptations, it's not surprising
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Iron Triangle at #65 is getting a special mention, not only because it is ranked, but also because it's not necessarily what you think. the 角色 or fictional characters category for super topics isn't limited to ships, so you also have super topics for characters on their own in it. what chinese fandom considers to be the six main DMBJ characters, aka wu xie, xiaoge, pangzi, xiao hua, hei xiazi, and huo xiuxiu, each have their own super topics that are in the top 200. the iron triangle topic is ranked, but it's more in the same vein as those, that is to say it's a gen super topic, not a ship super topic. the chinese fandom doesn't seem to be into polyships in general, so that might explain it
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i'm not sure how informative this post is, since i get the feeling some of this information is either obvious or things that people already know more or less, and i'm also not sure it really answers OP's question about finding reliable sources for numbers, but it's a surface level attempt. if anyone has more in-dept knowledge or would like to add onto this with different sources or data feel free to!
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faterpresources · 11 months
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Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Mᴀɴ : Aᴄʀᴏss ᴛʜᴇ Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ (2023) - Pᴀʀᴛ 2
A collection of random lines compiled from the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved.
❝ Kid's an anarchist. ❞
❝ Oh, what the heck? ❞
❝ Wanna see pictures? ❞
❝ "Chai" means tea, bro! ❞
❝ You're saying "tea tea!" ❞
❝ Would I ask you for a "coffee coffee"? ❞
❝ Yeah, actually, stop talking. ❞
❝ I don't see anything, boss. ❞
❝ This guy/girl is killing me. ❞
❝ You're welcome. Shut up. ❞
❝ You never made a mistake? ❞
❝ Why don't you have 8 arms? ❞
❝ I don't believe in consistency. ❞
❝ Neither was I! I'm in the zone! ❞
❝ It's a metaphor for capitalism. ❞
❝ You disrupted a canon event. ❞
❝ Do you wanna hold my baby? ❞
❝ Oh, I thought you hated labels. ❞
❝ I told you he/she was a liability! ❞
❝ This is what I love about heists! ❞
❝ Can you not talk for a second? ❞
❝ Did you go see your little friend? ❞
❝ Wanna go easy on the penguin? ❞
❝ You're not supposed to be here! ❞
❝ Baby... you're really not helping. ❞
❝ I was gonna try and ignore you. ❞
❝ Yeah, and how did that work out? ❞
❝ Look, I know I messed up, okay?! ❞
❝ How many sweaters do you have? ❞
❝ Why does the horse need a mask? ❞
❝ I don't always like what I have to do. ❞
❝ Of course I'm right. I'm always right. ❞
❝ I've given up too much to stop now. ❞
❝ No, no, no! I did not mean it like that! ❞
❝ Oh, I'm very good at reading people. ❞
❝ That's a sports metaphor, by the way. ❞
❝ This romantic tension is so palpable! ❞
❝ You can't ask me not to save my ___. ❞
❝ Could this day get any damn weirder?! ❞
❝ How can you guys even concentrate? ❞
❝ Do you know how bad this is for you? ❞
❝ I'm coming up to get you! Here I come! ❞
❝ You weren't expecting that, were you? ❞
❝ I promise I will not let you down again. ❞
❝ I always taught you to do it by the book. ❞
❝ I'll do it, but not because you told me to. ❞
❝ I didn't know they made those for adults. ❞
❝ We are supposed to be the good guys. ❞
❝ Cuz I think it's gonna change our vibe. ❞
❝ Running is the least crazy thing going on! ❞
❝ What are you talking about? I'm helping- ❞
❝ He/She just wants to be taken seriously. ❞
❝ I have never seen him/her so emotional! ❞
❝ You blew another hole in the multiverse! ❞
❝ I know you know I've been lying to you.  ❞
❝ I had a nightmare about that once. But no! ❞
❝ Why do you wanna be a part of this stuff? ❞
❝ I don't follow orders. Neither does he/she. ❞
❝ I think maybe we got off on the wrong foot. ❞
❝ We all want to live the life we wish we had. ❞
❝ You gotta promise nothing's gonna change. ❞
❝ Look, he/she's just some villain of the week! ❞
❝ I'm not following what's happening right now. ❞
❝ Man, what does it look like I'm trying to do?! ❞
❝ You got an hour to fix this, or I can't help you. ❞
❝ Wait! You don't know what you're doing, man! ❞
❝ Actually, we need you here, for some reason. ❞
❝ Stop pretending you know what you're doing! ❞
❝ How much trouble could he/she get in tonight? ❞
❝ You realize how messed up that sounds, right? ❞
❝ And this is where the British stole all of our stuff! ❞
❝ Are you talking to him/her, or me? Or... him/her? ❞
❝ Bit of advice: use the palm, not just your fingers. ❞
❝ How many missions have you been on together? ❞
❝ What am I supposed to do? Just let him/her die?! ❞
❝ Taking a crap on the establishment. I salute you. ❞
❝ You're both equally terrible. Does that settle it? ❞
❝ I don't even know what the right thing is, anymore. ❞
❝ I'm not a role model. I was briefly a runway model. ❞
❝ Oooh, you weren't invited, and you came anyway? ❞
❝ I'm trying to hold a serious adult conversation, here. ❞
❝ Do I, uhh... have web on my face? What's the deal? ❞
❝ You and me are finally gonna live up to our potential. ❞
❝ You let him/her leave, he/she'll only do more damage. ❞
❝ I'm about to be so much more than a villain of the week. ❞
❝ You made me feel empty, like I had a hole inside of me! ❞
❝ I'll make you pay for everything you took away from me. ❞
❝ I wouldn't call it a mess. More like a... success in progress. ❞
❝ Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. ❞
❝ If I hadn't said it before, by the way, you're a terrible mentor. ❞
❝ Come on, go easy on the kid. He/She had a terrible teacher! ❞
❝ Please, hold your questions until I'm done breaking this thing! ❞
❝ Is this where... like, you dress up like your favorite character? ❞
❝ Where's the... the bad/girl guy you were supposed to monitor? ❞
❝ I just saw where you went, and went there without you knowing. ❞
❝ Ha! I knew I was gonna regret making him/her that web shooter. ❞
❝ It's because I thought if you knew you wouldn't love me the same. ❞
❝ This should work! Or vaporize me and everything in this building. ❞
❝ Do... do you want us to do something, or do we just stand here? ❞
❝ You don't get to have a heartfelt conversation with me right now! ❞
❝ I just need enough to get me somewhere with a full-sized collider. ❞
❝ Since I leveled up my game, I'm on a journey of self-improvement! ❞
❝ I can do all these things, but I can't help the people I love the most. ❞
❝ The hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody. ❞
❝ Hey, you! Could you please deactivate this wonderfully strong barrier? ❞
❝ You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world. ❞
❝ Don't be afraid of my friend ___,he/she just looks scary. He/She's got no bite. ❞
❝ Look bad things are gonna happen. It makes us who we are.But good things happen too, you know? ❞
❝ I hate labels, I'm not a hero, 'cuz calling yourself a "hero" makes you a self-mythologizing, narcissistic autocrat. ❞
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
prompts list
a/n: my new and improved prompts list! everything is now compiled into one to make life easier for everyone teehee. please feel free to use any of these prompts &lt;3
fluff prompts
"any time without you is far too long."
"let me kiss it better."
"i'm not moving. you're too comfortable."
"it's nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today."
"you look really cute in that jumper."
"you're a big inspiration for this, really."
"um... could i hold your hand?"
"star-gazing was a good idea."
"you both were practically made for each other."
"don't let this one go. they're perfect for you."
"just pretend to be my date."
"it's always been you."
"i want you. only you."
"i've been waiting all my life for you."
"stop being dramatic. it's only a tiny cut."
"why are you smiling at me like that?"
"please get home safely."
"you make me forget."
"here - take my hand."
"i know i need to go - but one more kiss."
"is that my shirt?"
"i don't want to just be your friend."
"I'll walk you home."
"of course i noticed. i notice everything about you."
"how do i look?"
"if i do it, you have to promise to kiss me."
"it's pointless to count stars." "it's also pointless to count your freckles, but i know you have 13 on the back of your hand."
"rules are meant to be broken. now, can i get that kiss i came here for?"
"i remember practicing how i was going to ask you out in the mirror. it hasn't really gone as planned."
"why would i want someone other than you?"
"i won't give up on you."
"my lipgloss is all over your lips."
"when i saw you, everyone else disappeared."
"i've been hopelessly in love with you since the day we met."
"it's okay. i couldn't sleep anyways."
"this is my home. you."
"did you slip that note under my door this morning?"
"i came here for you."
"you're not an inconvenience to me."
"this feels right."
"whatever the outcome may be, know you have my heart."
"let me hold you. you look cold."
"you're not alone, and you never were."
"are we... flirting?"
"you can hold me while you read."
"you're the best thing that's ever been mine."
"tell me you love me."
"you're what makes all of those worthwhile."
"i'd wait for you."
"don't forget my goodbye kiss."
angst prompts
"wait... something doesn't feel right."
"i wish i'd never met you." "no... you don't mean that."
"i've tried not to, but i'm always going to love you. and i need you to know that."
"is that really all i am to you?
"friends don't talk about each other that way."
"please. i don't know what i'd do without you."
"what's all this blood?"
"no, don't you dare touch me."
"i don't know who to trust anymore."
"what if i love you?"
"i think we need some time apart."
"if you leave now, you better not come back."
"no. no, you can't go. you can't."
"you left. you left, and now you have the gall to come back like nothing happened."
"i never should've expected anything different from you."
"you're trembling."
"who the hell did this to you?"
"do you ever mean the things you say?
"i'm supposed to hate you for what you did."
"how many times am i supposed to forgive you?"
"don't go on that date. "why not?" "you know why."
"would it kill you to be careful so i don't need to worry that you're safe all the goddamn time?"
"just be honest for once in your life."
"i just need to know if i've already lost the chance i had with you."
"i wish i'd been in your life sooner."
"you hurt me, and i still trusted you."
"i deserve more this."
"why can't you just stay?"
"i'm not like any of you."
"just play along. please."
" i told you not to get too close to me."
"i guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, huh?"
"i hurt people. it's all i'm good at."
"stop pushing me away!"
"i just... i thought you would've called."
"it's not that simple."
"you couldn't care less about how this all turned out."
"i don't know who i am without you."
"you couldn't even look me in the eye when you told me you were leaving."
"i don't know why i'm like this."
"i'm not going to take the fault for something you did."
"i almost believed you when you said 'forever'."
"we're not talking, remember?"
"i still love you. i promise."
"i just want to go home."
"you don't just get to turn around and walk away from this."
"maybe someday you'll find yourself, just not with me."
"we weren't right for each other."
"i'm - i'm happy for you. truly."
"you never called."
fandoms i write for:
-lockwood and co -percy jackson and the olympians -heroes of olympus -avatar: the last airbender -star wars -marvel -how to train your dragon -shadow and bone -six of crows -king of scars
i would write for others too, but fics usually aren't in high demand for them lol - but feel free to ask me and I'll let you know! my asks are open <3
here is my complete masterlist!
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agentravensong · 1 year
Ros & Guil Being Victims of the Narrative Compilation
propaganda for @doomed-bythe-narrative's poll tournament
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If you've never heard of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, it's a play from 1966 that follows two side characters from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Any other context I'll provide as we go. This post will spoil the whole play, so keep that in mind before reading further. TL;DR these guys are arguably the progenitors of being doomed by the narrative in our postmodern understanding of the concept, and, as much as it sounds like those orv guys deserve the title too, I want my boys to win. Please vote for them.
If you need more than that to be convinced... I'll oblige.
Ros and Guil don't have any solid memories from before the start of the play, at best impressions of memories, because they only exist within the context of the present narrative. They don't get to have pasts because it's irrelevant. They don't even get to know which of them is which (and every other character treats them as interchangeable).
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The reason for Ros and Guil's presence in Hamlet is that they're supposed to figure out what's wrong with Hamlet on behalf of the king (because they apparently used to be his friends), but their efforts are unsuccessful. In this play, it's framed as an impossible request -- they get as close as they can get, despite not really understanding a word he says, but get tripped up at the thought there must be more to it than that -- because they were written to fail.
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After Hamlet does a murder, their function in the narrative switches to being the ones to bring him to the king, and then to accompany the prince to England where (currently unknown to the two of them) he will be executed. Roles that, as Guil points out, could have been fulfilled by anyone:
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The answer to that last question, is, of course, no. The reason it has to be them is because of how this sequence of events ends: with their deaths.
In short, Hamlet changes the letter with the King's declaration when the pair is sleeping so that they will be killed instead. In the context of Hamlet, this is a key moment for his character (it's his first use of the state violence that's his birthright, and it's a situation he could have gotten out of in plenty of other ways) and for how his bestie Horatio sees him.
But in the context of this show? For as far as Ros and Guil get to know? It is simply what has to happen.
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Ros and Guil have no agency over the events of the narrative. When they're not "on stage", they're left in limbo, at the mercy of the other characters' comings and goings.
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They try to summon the other characters, because they don't know what to do with themselves otherwise, but nobody comes. Eventually, Ros gets frustrated with this, and then this happens:
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When they're "on stage", everything sticks to the script. Even in this example, where Ros and Guil have failed to detain Hamlet and bring him before the King, the world adapts just enough to keep things on track:
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They are at the whims of the narrative.
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There's even a dig at how they can't get the ever-passive audience to meaningfully react to them:
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They can't escape the bounds of the narrative, even if both of them wanted to.
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Any chances they might have had to actually change the course of events come too late, when they're already convinced (arguably more as a coping method than anything else) that their choices don't matter in the shadow of what they've been caught up in.
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That last snippet is the conclusion of a bit about how Ros doesn't believe in England because he can't conceptualize it as a place, can't conceptualize his and Guil's arrival there -- which is because it doesn't happen, because England is out of the scope of the narrative and thereby doesn't exist. They can't even imagine a different future for themselves.
There's one other major character in the play: the leader of the traveling players (aka tragedians). He basically exists to prod at Ros and (especially) Guil and explain, in a manner that they can't quite grasp (or refuse to), how they're trapped in a tragedy -- and the cost the two of them will therefore have to pay. As he puts it, in this genre of narrative, "blood is compulsory".
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Rosencrantz has this whole monologue in parallel to Hamlet's "to be or not to be" soliloquy about being trapped in a box, which imo is a pretty clear metaphor for being a doomed character in a narrative and whether it'd be preferable to live that existence or to not be part of the narrative at all -- that is, to not exist, to have never been alive.
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Lastly, the ending. Ros and Guil are sent off with Hamlet on the boat to England. Pirates attack (yes, really, it's what happens in Hamlet too), and the prince escapes with them. Our pair discovers that the letter they were sent with now inexplicably calls for their heads (not knowing that Hamlet switched it).
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Guil, at his wit's end, desperate to prove he has some influence, some agency, stabs the Player. But the man gets right back up.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern face their deaths.
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And the worst part of it all?
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The promise of "next time". They're in a time loop. Because that's how theater works. Every performance, following from the previous, is them living through these events again. The same exact events, as dictated by the narrative.
They don't remember, loop to loop. Not enough to make different choices. Not enough to say "no".
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They won't learn. They won't improve. They won't save themselves/each other. They will do this forever.
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And since that gets me basically to the image limit, that's where I'll stop. These bitches (affectionate) are the definition of doomed by the narrative, and it would make very happy if they could at least get past round 1 of the tournament, as stiff as the competition is.
As a closing bonus, take the ending of Act 2 (of 3) of the play, which just. Kills me every time.
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rinsuniverse · 11 months
Can I request woozi with a reader who loves loves loves music? I’m autistic and music is just one of those things that make me so so so happy! And I really vibe with svt songs it’s crazy…
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woozi with a s/o who loves music ✧˖°.
i feel like it's necessary for woozi's s/o to LOVE music
i think he said in an interview one time that his ideal type is someone who loves music as much as he does!
but anyway, if he knows you love music, he'd be so overjoyed!
he'd feel even more motivated to keep producing music
he'd send you lots of song recommendations and playlists
and he'd sing your favorite songs to you on very lucky days
one day, when you were attending one of seventeen's concerts when you guys just started dating
he memorized where you were supposed to be seated
and whenever he'd look over at you and saw you bopping your head to the music and listening happily as you get lost in the wonderful sounds he put together
he can't help but smile at you and fall in love with you
the way you can get so lost in music just like he does
it just makes his heart so happy
he wishes he could've taken a photo or video of that moment, but he treasures that memory and makes sure to remember it vividly
during the time he has to go on tour and leave you home alone for a long weekend, he compiles a playlist of music he loves, music he thinks you would love, and music he KNOWS you love for you to play on a speaker for when the house feels too quiet
when you're in the car together, he insists he always has the aux, but of course, he'd play specific songs especially for you
since this drabble is kind of short...
here's an imagine for you!
imagine it's been a terribly long day, and you're feeling so exhausted on your way home
when you get home, you aren't surprised jihoon's not there
i mean, he stays up pretty late working
but you decide you're gonna beg for him to come home at a reasonable time so he can come chill with you at home
so you shoot him a text like
you: ji
you: pls come home
and he responds
jihoon: right now?
you: just earlier than usual
jihoon: why? what's wrong?
you: i've had such a long day
jihoon: you can't come to the studio and hang out with me here?
you: ...
jihoon: fine i'll come home in a bit
and you lay there on the couch with your work clothes still on
you don't even have the energy to clean yourself up or make yourself something to eat
when he comes home, he tsks at you
"wow. have you just been laying here since you called me?"
he chuckles, plopping himself on top of you
"want to call it an early night tonight?" he mumbles into your shoulder
"yes, please."
he gets up and helps you up, leading both of you to your room
he takes off your jacket for you before laying it over your desk chair
you go to the bathroom to actually change into some pjs
and he changes into some shorts that he left over at your house
and then you both lay next to each other in bed
"i'm so tired," you say, sighing
you lay your head on his chest and listen to the rhythm of his heart
"why? did you not have a good day?"
"it was an okay day, just felt like it was too long."
"oh, makes sense," he says.
he doesn't ask if you want to talk about it
because, to be honest, he doesn't know how to comfort you with words
and if you really wanted to talk about it, you would go on ahead and do it
you lay there in silence until he starts singing "hug" to you
you listen to his voice and the meaningful lyrics
and it feels so wholesome and so pure
you want moments like these to last forever because you love music and you love him
so if he's singing to you, it's just everything you love at once
you quickly fall asleep in his loose grasp
his arm wrapped around your shoulders with his fingers drumming a soft beat on your chest
and when he finishes singing, he quickly notices your soft snores, and he feels so accomplished and happy
he feels so warm in these music sharing moments with you
he plays some of your favorite songs on his phone at a low volume
and you both sleep well together 🫶
thank you so much for the request! i hope you enjoyed it <3 feel free to request many, many more things ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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desertfangs · 11 months
I was trying to find the scene anon mentioned (and I did!) but I got too caught up and decided to to a little "Daniel being a little shit on the plane" compilation:
"You're dying", Armand said softly.
"And though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, etcetera."
2. There is almost nothing left the word that you enjoy.
"Except talking to you now and then. It's so easy to hear everything you say."
3. If you were never to see me again, that would only make things worse. If you go on as you are, you won't live another five days.
Unbearable thought, actually. But if that's so, then why have I been running away?
4. "I'm dying. They're dying. They got to be immortal before it happened; I am merely alive. See? I remember. I would like to have the bourbon now."
There is nothing I can do to make you want to live, isn't that so?
"Not that again. I will jump out of the plane if you go on".
5. "How can I help it? I can't get away from your voice when you want me to listen. It's like a tiny microphone inside my head. What is this? Tears? You're going to weep over me?"
6. "I work with limited equipment. The cells in my body are subject to deterioration, to a process called aging and--"
7. "For all that's happened, Lestat is to blame".
"A real devil among devils", Daniel laughed softly.
With a subtle nod, Armand acknowledged the little jest. He even smiled.
Daniel really said "I'll die tonight but not before one last stand up banger" 💣 And it just hit me how much they laugh during that whole scene. Even as they "get" to the Villa, and as weary and uncertain as Armand feels, they're both laughing so much. They never stop being playful and sweet with each other, even during Daniel's death/rebirth. I love them your honor 😭
Anon, thank you for doing the lord's work! (Speaking very metaphorically of course!) I need to save this post to look at when I get sad.
That's the thing with Devil's Minion though - Armand is described as being playful and laughing a lot in there. Daniel describes him as curious and whimsical and captivated by mundane things, but also as someone who laughs easily and whose laughter he adores.
They have philosophical conversations but it's Armand's laughter that really gets Daniel in the scene at the Copley: "Armand had been so delighted, laughing and laughing like a schoolboy as he sat watching, with folded arms. It was the first time Daniel had ever heard that soft, silky laughter. So seductive. He got drunk as fast as he could."
I think that right there was the moment when Daniel realized he was in deep and I believe from that moment on, making Armand laugh becomes one of Daniel's favorite things in the world. Even when he's dying. Honestly, I think Daniel would have been okay knowing the last sound he would ever hear would be Armand's laughter. (Luckily it did not come to that!)
I also love them so much 😭😭 Thank you for the list, anon! This is so great!
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yeniel · 8 months
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Emperor Auguste
Just noticed, I never really did a faq. So, I'm not really a "communicant" (does that word exist?!) but I'll try the exercise with the questions people asked me.
Present yourself I'm an artist from France, always was and always will. I'm catholics, no proselytism everyone is my brother, but if you're from a sect, you can take the back door to hell.
How do you work? I do all my drawings by hand, then I chose the ones I like the most -not especially the best ones- and I clean them. Then scan it and put digital colors on it, I only publish online a very small amount of my drawings though. I do the same with my paintings, but I rarely put them online. I usually compile all the drawings I did into books for professional printing to keep a trace of everything I did for my "old" days and my after death heirs. I'm drawing a lot of comics too, but the amount of it is too big to scan it -_-.
Do you use a tablet? No. I never was at ease with it, maybe it's because I'm an Asperger, but I need to feel the paper under my hands and have "full-control" of what I'm doing. Plus, because of the disease, I have a paresthesis on the right side of my body. It's ok now, but there are many stuff I can't do with the right hand, including the work with a graphic tablet, and usually you need dexterity with your both hands for this thing. So, mouse!
What program do you use? My old Photoshop cs2!!! No really I tried the x9 and never got use to it, and some other softwares but NO. I have my habits. I really think it doesn't matter which software you're using as long as you feel good with it.
Do you use android apps? Nope, I know I'm not fun, but the reasons are the same.
What are your inspiration? Before drawing into this "style", I was looking for one that could fit me, and as I was a huge fan of the Escaflowne anime, I started with that. Then I don't know, I didn't read a lot of mangas in my life when I think of it, but I enjoyed Kaori Yuki and Shiori Teshirogi's books. Now I rarely read it anymore. It happened a lot of times for people to send me the list of all the mangas they like, but I didn't know a huge part of the titles xd. For the colors, I just like it that way -u-.
Did you think of stopping to draw? I won't explain too much my disease, but I nearly died. So drawing as a pro was my last thought you know. Drawing is a passion for me, I just don't care if I'm popular or not, I just enjoy to draw. Of course when people are buying my books I'm happy, but I'm happy as well to have done it and maybe will do others in the future. It's a revenge on all that this disease stole from me.
You're drawing since long, how old are you? Young one you're impolite, in France, you don't ask a lady about her age!! But I'm probably older enough to be your mom ahahah!
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seidenbros · 2 years
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Hello you lovely people. 💚 I can't believe that there's really 1.5 k of you following me and I feel so honoured and blessed because I got to meet so many wonderful people. Of course, something like that calls for a celebration. The celebration will run until February 5th 2023 because that's my birthday, and I think that's a good date to stop that. Instead of writing myself, I'm going to give you a list of prompts (SFW, NSFW and scenarios). Just send me an ask telling my which prompt you want to do (you can combine them AND they can be done by multiple people) and which pairing you want to write it for (The Witcher and Stranger Things, any pairing you want). I'll read all of them, reblog them, and compile a list at the end to get them all together. When you post it, please tag me and tag it with #staffis 1.5 k celebration Among all those who reblog this post and who help spread the word, I will give away five sets (maybe more, we'll see) of stickers, and among those who write for this, I will give away 3 handpainted bags with the Hellfire Club Logo and little Eddie on the other side.
Gonna put the prompts below the cut, because otherwise, it wil probably be way too long. If you have any questions, my askbox is open. This is a way to celebrate, as well as spreading some love for other writers 💚💚
Lyric Prompts
“Every time that we meet I skip a heartbeat.” (Heartbeat - Scouting for Girls)
“I will always be right here to hold your hand.” (The Little Things - Keywest)
“Cause I need you so much, I can’t lose you.” (Hole in My Heart - Luke Friend)
“I’m not perfect, but I keep trying!” (Perfect - Hedley)
“Sometimes you make me a better person, sometimes you bring out the worst.” (Little Too Much - Natasha Beddingfield)
“If you wanna fight, I’ll stand right beside you!” (The Heart Never Lies - McFly)
“You have stolen my heart.” (Stolen - Dashboard Confessional)
“Let’s compare scars, I’ll tell you whose is worse.” (Swing Life Away - Rise Against)
“If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear.” (Patience- Guns n’  Roses)
“I love you till the end of time. Come what may!” (Come What May - Moulin Rouge OST)
“For the person 15-year-old me would be proud to have known.” (Battle Cries - The Amazing Devil)
“Baby, you’re all that I need.” (Bed of Roses - Bon Jovi)
“I know there’s someone out there feeling just like I feel.” (Handwritten - The Gaslight Anthem)
“You’re the only one I see, love, and that’s the one thing that won’t change.” (Never Stop - SafetySuit)
“I love her because she moves in her own way.” (She Moves in Her Own Way - The Kooks)
“Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer.” (Thunder - Boys Like Girls)
“I know it’s late, but I had to get out and… somehow I ended up at your door.”
SFW Prompts
“Of course I came for you. I will always be there for you, no matter what!”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t want you to see me like that.”
“Where does all the blood come from? Are you hurt? Wait… This isn’t your blood!”
“Oh God, what on earth have you done now?”
“I am so in love with you and it hurts like hell that you don’t even notice!”
“I hate to ask this of you, but can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?”
“You have no idea how much I want to choke you right now!” “Ohh kinky.” “Not like that!”
“You know, a hug can be like medicine and make some of the pain go away. Wanna try?”
“Will you please, please just kiss me now?”
“I’ll kick his ass, if you want me to. No problem at all!”
“Is it okay, if we just lie down and watch a movie? I’m not feeling so good.”
“The frosting goes on the cupcakes! You’re not supposed to eat it just like that!”
“I just want to be alone, is that so hard to understand?”
“It breaks my heart to see you like this!”
“Even after everything we’ve been through, I’d still choose you. I will always choose you!”
“Scoot over, I’m gonna get in bed with you. You need some cuddles.”
“It’s alright! It was just a dream, you’re safe here. Tell me all about it so I can fix it, hm?”
“I know it’s not the best, but-” “I love it!”
“I really wish I was enough for you, but that’s never gonna happen.”
“Well then, who do you like?” “Oh, maybe the person I talk to all the time, the person I talk to every fucking day!” “You talk to me every day.” “Yeah…” “Oh!”
NSFW Prompts
“How about you put these lips to work instead of just talking all the time?”
“Will you stop talking, or do I have to make you shut up?”
“Don’t hide from me. Let me see you!”
“I need to feel you… Now!”
“I had a dream about you last night. Woke up hard/wet. Wanna hear about it?”
“Are you gonna be a good girl/boy for me?”
“Care to elaborate why you are going through my drawer and what you’re planning to do with that vibrator?”
“Now, now, don’t play shy now. Let me hear you!”
“You taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough.”
“Stop wiggling around, I’m trying to sleep! Wait… what’s tha… oh!”
“Fuck… just… right there! That feels so good!”
“Feel what you’re doing to me? That’s all because of you!”
“Take off your clothes. Slowly. I want to watch you.”
“I know you said no marks… But what if I put them where nobody except for me will see them?”
“You act all innocent and look so sweet, but I know what a dirty mind you really have.”
“We have to be quiet. If you make a sound, I’ll have to stop!”
“You tell me to stop teasing you, yet you moan all the time.”
“When I tell you to sit on my face, I want you to sit, is that clear?”
“Oh no, don’t stop on my account. I’m really enjoying the view.”
“I don’t like being told what to do, unless I’m naked. So can we move that to the bedroom?”
“Can I watch you?”
A is talking on the phone to someone, while B comes up behind A and successfully distracts A with kisses to the neck, making A end the call early.
Baking together for the first time, which ends with flour and other ingredients where they don’t belong, and lots of laughter.
Lying in each others arms after having sex, while A finally confesses their feelings, and B falls asleep before they can even hear it.
Tracing your fingers over your lover’s freckles or even connecting them with a pen while they are asleep.
Sitting in silence watching the stars, hands inching closer, until they finally interlace their fingers, smiling to themselves.
Giving your crush your scarf and your gloves in cold weather, because you want to keep them warm.
Waking up to your lover pressed against your back, already awake, but they don’t want to get up just yet.
Coming home to find your lover made a pillow fort, ordered pizza and already got a movie set up for you to watch in that fort.
Going to a family wedding with your best friend, who you introduced as you boy-/girlfriend so that your family doesn’t try to set you up with someone - that means you’ll also share a bed for the night.
Coming home to smoke in the kitchen, because your lover wanted to make a cake for you, but is an absolute disaster in the kitchen.
Teaching your crush how to dance, because they want to know the basics for an event, which ends in lots of body contact, beating hearts, and an invitation to be their date for said event.
Being on the phone with your lover and they tell you “I love you” for the first time before hanging up, which makes for a very interesting next meeting.
Being at a loss for words, not able to express how you feel, so you just pull the other one close and kiss them instead. Actions speak louder than words.
Making it through a family dinner or some other event to come home and help each other out of these clothes. Unzipping a dress, unbuttoning a shirt with lots of soft touches and kisses that turn carnal at one point.
You come home drunk from a party, and your partner takes care of you, makes sure you get to bed safe, have enough water, and you tell them that you appreciate it, but there’s this wonderful person, who already has your heart, so you have to behave.
Going for a drive in the middle of the night, because you both can’t sleep, listening to your favourite songs and singing along, trying to be louder than the other one.
Surprising your loved one with recreating your first date, asking them if they remember all of that.
Scars tell the story of where we’ve been, they are a part of us, and you show that to your loved one with kissing all of their scars.
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Gonna tag some mutuals who might enjoy this 💚 @thefreakandthehair @indouloureux @magnoliabutters @jadeylovesmarvelxo @sweetpeapod @ethereal27cereal @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @latenitewolves @amzngdevil @luteandsword @tellhound @jesskier @writingmysanity @dancingwiththefae @wren-of-the-woods @flowercrown-bard @kodiakwhiskey @open--till--midnight
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
abnormal day
| ✾ | golden plated chopsticks [prologue]
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⬙⤠ masterlist ⤝⬙
◇ a/n ◇ just fyi i feel like this series will probably have a lot of zhongli x reader chapters + found family trope. i'm so sorry i just can't stop simping this man slkfsdjl
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you can see the funeral consultant visibly tensing up. his motions are practiced and elegant as ever as he sets down his tea and turns to face you, but if you look closely you can see that he's concerned at the steely tone in your voice.
"yes, [name]? how may i assist you?"
a loud slam. zhongli blinks and catches your hand. two pairs of eyes stare at the paper you had shoved onto his chest.
fuck, your knuckles hurt.
and yet he doesn't even look winded.
"this is….?" the ex-archon blinks and fumbles with the glasses hanging on the elegant strap around his neck. squinting at the small prints of the document, zhongli gives you a clueless look, "i apologize, it seems to be a financial report of some kind? while i am familiar with doing such work back in the parlor, i'm afraid this world's customs are still-"
"that," you inhale deeply, "is my bank statement. a compiled financial report, you could say. i don't need help with that."
"then what does-"
"explain to me why i have to pay a whole three hundred dollars for a damn gold plated chopsticks, rex lapis."
he blinks and tilts his head, "well, the item has yet to arrive seeing as they had to 'ship it' from far out the land, but i assure you that the intricacies of the patterns and the craftsmanship that i have seen on the sample product was truly astounding. you would not have been able to find anything like it in all of teyvat, and not for such a low price. even the lovely chopsticks i bought for childe costed 426 times more than that. i believe it is - if i may use a word i have learned recently - 'a steal'."
he looks so satisfied with his explanation.
zhongli is anything but a himbo but at this moment you think the title fits him so well.
"zhongli. darling. i have chopsticks at home. they cost like, three dollars," you groan, "i told you how we have different currency systems here and how one mora does not equate to one dollar. do you understand how ridiculous your logic sounds now?"
he blinks and places his chin on his fist.
god fucking damn it his thinking pose is even hotter in real life.
"it… seems like the common sense of this world has escaped me again. my apologies, the moment i saw the product i thought it would make a good present for you, seeing as you have been looking extremely stressed these past few days."
"you… were about to gift it to me?"
"yes. it was meant to be a surprise, of course, but i failed to consider that you would be notified by the purchase before the item could even reach your hand," zhongli hums, "truly, this world of yours is a complex one. i wonder if the future liyue will be able to grow into such an advanced civilization. before coming here, i would have never imagined that such a world exists where one could pay for everything by simply handing over a small card and receiving it back just seconds later."
you almost can't process the next few words that leaves his mouth after his affirmation.
zhongli is trying to give you a gift.
zhongli is trying to give you a gift.
after so many gifts you've spoiled him, so many primogems wasted, and so many overtimes you pull to pay for his kit. he's trying to give you a gift.
nevermind the fact that he's trying to buy you a present with your own money.
you think you're going to cry.
"[name]. i truly apologize. i can see that this is very distressing for you and i'd like to discuss how we can resolve this. is there perhaps a way so that we can cancel the-"
to zhongli's astonishment, you sniffle and shake your head.
"i'll pay the three hundred dollars…… it's nowhere close to what i spent for you anyway."
you shudder when you remember the monthly bank statement whenever zhongli's banners roll around. he seems to have taken this gesture as your resolution wavering, and so being the considerate man that he is, his voice softens as he addresses you again.
"[name], are you certain? please know that it is never my intention to make things harder for you. i am very grateful for your hospitality thus far. if there's anything i could do to reduce your burden, please, by all means, let me know."
"you could, uh, start working, i guess?" as much as you want to take over childe's spot as zhongli's sugar daddy in this world spoil him, you're a little worried about your slowly diminishing savings.
zhongli nods resolutely, "very well. i suppose i will have to look for a different profession, seeing as my knowledge of the past will not be of use here. what do you suggest i should do? is an equivalent of a job advertisement board in the city that might help me in this endeavour?"
you sigh.
"alright, time to teach you about computers, i guess."
oh boy.
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ah, yes, how nostalgic. you never thought you'd miss the main menu music, but here you are, humming along as the game downloads its latest patches and updates.
it's been so long since you've played, mainly because you were busy with work and your roommate from another world, but today you're intent to do some de-stressing and to enjoy yourself fully! even zhongli seemed like he knew you didn't want to be disturbed somehow! he has yet to leave his storage-room-turned-bedroom since morning, and-
….. what the- where the hell are all your teams?
"[name], i believe we have a problem."
oh please not now.
"well, i have a problem too, i had a bad day at work and now genshin is glitching on me and-" you freeze on your seat right after you swivel to turn towards the entrance of your work-slash-play room.
because in addition to zhongli, there are even more familiar faces.
well, at least now you know where your main teams have gone.
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© genshrineimpact | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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fakemon-archive · 1 year
ASTRA DEX, created by DarkNe0s (2009)
Did you ever make your own pokemon when you were younger? Maybe drew them, sprited them, and then shared them on some long-gone corner of the internet?
What kind of pokemon did you make?
Today, we have plenty of guides to making fakemon that more closely match the design style and philosophy of official pokemon designs, and MANY creative and incredibly talented artists bringing these fan-made dexes to life. But even still, it's hard to say what exactly makes something a pokemon design- especially when it's something that varies so much between generations.
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Good Lird. The similarities between these seems to start and end at "IT IS GREEN".
Ultimately, what a pokemon should look like is entirely subjective- but that's obvious enough, isn't it? That's just the base line of fakemon design itself. Everyone and their mother knows it.
Let's have some fun. What should your pokemon look like? Do they need to be as close to official design styles as they can be? Or can they be frightening, cool monsters? Maybe something more cartoonish? What's the weirdest you can get with them? Who's to say you can't get any weirder? What should limit you?
You can answer that on your own time. Let's look at the ASTRA dex!
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The Astra region begins with a TERRIFICALLY creative grass starter- a samara, or "helicopter seed", which becomes an actual helicopter before its final stage- a powerful grass/flying-type jet! It's a very fun and well-designed line.
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There's also the more... "up-to-date" version on deviantart, or at least as up-to-date 2009 can be considered. The most noticable difference lies in the middle stage, given a much 'beakier' face. It and its first stage have also been given a lighter shade of brown, as well as dark pupils that match with the final stage.
Meanwhile, Jetrang is the perfect animal- the only change it recieved was being made just slightly more aerodynamic.
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How cute! It's a magma gopher with a gradually cooling shell of rock forming over it- AND it's a landmine! If this thing ends up in your golf course, you best just give up. Once again, other than slightly lighter colors, only one stage has received particularly noticeable changes- this time the final, being given clearer markings and removing the lava pit on its back to be a more solid shell.
One of my favorite bits of this line is how the middle stage is given the typical angry Sugimori eyes, while the final has those dark sweet-looking cute eyes you see on things like eeveelutions and vulpix. A very darling creature- I think I'll take it to the local golf course!
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Oh. Oh
As you can tell by the complete lack of difference between the video version and the deviantart version, this is THE perfect beast. There's very little to say on it- it's a poor little shrimp that grows tough armor, and becomes practically untouchable! ... Except for its antennae, which are quite vulnerable.
Actually, it reminds me quite a bit of a certain videogame extraterrestrial... though, it's hard to say whether that's by design or pure coincidence.
Ah, this got pretty long already! As such, the rest of the post is simply going to be an image and link compilation of the rest of the dex that exists. The purpose of this is both to showcase the dex, but also to preserve its existence.
How much digital information is lost in a day? A youtube video from 2005 could be taken down for using copyright music, and nobody might even notice. An old, forgotten forum could finally shut down, throwing years of shared comments and ideas to the wind. It's insignificant to most, you don't need to cling to everything really.
My main interests lie in creature design. Both in original creations and fan-made. Not as a professional, but in general- I love seeing what fantastical things people create, and what you can learn about their own thought process through them. What they imagine makes a good design, or a cool concept, or an awesome creature- in these cases, what they imagine a POKEMON to be on their own terms.
This blog is meant to archive old and unique fakemon projects wherever I can find them as best I can, in case they should otherwise be lost to time. If you have any projects of your own that you'd forgotten, or if you know of anyone else's, please feel free to share! I have a lot of love for these things, and I'm hoping to spread that love to others.
Anyway, most images should have links to their original playlist / video / deviantart upload. Now, do note that unless explicitly stated by the original creator, these designs and sprites are not for free use in other projects.
And of course, if you are the original creator of these and have your own comments / would like the post to be removed, please feel free to speak! No need to be shy on these webpage
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DarkNe0s deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkne0s
DarkNe0s youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DarkNe0s/videos
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egg-emperor · 9 months
Any Canon!Eggdad headcanons you got?
I have a headcanon that when (or if, for that matter) Eggman dies, Sage will take over the empire but keep keep his logo and general aesthetic intact out of honor.
I have this funny post where I say I think Eggman would be highly against passing the empire on to anyone, not even to Sage. He wants to have the world to himself and I think that he feels that if he can't have it, no one can. I think he'd rather take the world with him in death and blow it up before even entertaining the idea of passing it down it for a second lol. He called it the Eggman Empire and Eggmanland and has his visage plastered on everything for a reason. He wants to be the center of attention and for it to be all for him and about him and nothing more or less. His ego and greed would never allow it.
I like how you say "if", because I also imagine that if he has the choice and ability, he'll want to extend his lifespan or immortalize himself in any way because he needs all the time in the world to build and rule his empire, especially as an older man already. With all the crazy shit he's survived, age is the only thing currently that could kill him. But he needs the time to build it all and enjoy it, he didn't build a throne to pass it down to someone else in matter of a few decades or so! And that can tie into his refusal to let anyone else take his place when he's not around, it can't happen if he never dies in the first place.
But if he did die then of course someone would have to take it over whether he wants it or not. But he certainly wouldn't leave anything in a will, he gives nothing to nobody, not even in death! Sage would be the most appropriate of his existing creations to take the reigns with her loyalty, devotion, and respect for him until the end. But I think she'd be hesitant to do anything without his authorization and struggle with it, while Orbot and Cubot would just be like "hey he's gone and we're free now, it doesn't matter what he wanted" but she'd feel like she's betraying his wishes so it'll always feel wrong. Pretty sad thought.
But yeah, I think she'd be very careful and strictly compliant to his orders and wishes as if he never left because her honoring of him and his wishes will remain strong forever. She'd maintain it the exact way he left it with its design, aesthetics, and all, and run it only exactly how he did. It'd make you forget you're in a world with Eggman no longer in it, when you're still surrounded by him and his ideas and rules, with his image plastered everywhere just like he wanted. It would look like he never left and is going to come back any moment and take his seat on his throne but he's never going to come back again.
While everyone gets to remember him and it feels like his spirit is still alive and they're never able to forget him, it would only constantly remind Sage of the truth after being much closer to him but she'd willingly live with never being able to move on and escape the pain, just for him to get what he wants like always. She wants to think those efforts would make him proud, even if her taking over wasn't what he wanted, but she remembers how mad he'd get when she did anything differently so she'd always feel a little bad for that. But she never stops having his best interests in mind, no matter what she does.
I'm feeling emo about this lol. If I was in the Sonic Universe and he was real and really had existed in my world, a world without Eggman in it after he died would be so fucked and not one worth living in ahakgbskgjskg
Anyway yeah! I've been thinking of further developing some more of my canon accurate Eggdad headcanons for some more posts but I still need to get started on that properly and I haven't had the time but stay tuned because I definitely want to contribute to the small amount of canon accurate Eggman and Sage Eggdad fan stuff.
But aside from this, I also have some others that I've already shared that I'll compile here:
This funny one about how Eggman would talk about Sage to other parents based on the things that specifically made him value her
Eggman brags about Sage being better and superior to Maria based on his thoughts on her in the memos
A father's day concept with Eggman, Sage, Metal, and Orbot and Cubot
Eggman shows a warning to Sage so she knows why it's important to stay loyal and efficient in subtle but eerie and unsettling way
Two posts of me talking about the chaotic villainous antics that I really want to see with them hehe
Eggman making people into robots for Sage to play with so she'll view them as toys and play things like he does
That's all of them so far I'm pretty sure, aside from my most controversial problematic fucked up short concept I shared that people got really mad at lol
More to come!
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