#of course muffy is manager
kitkat-the-muffin · 1 month
Here I am, once again~ Playing Cloutchase with my friend~
Anyway hi! Welcome back to Muffy-Posts-Cloutchase-Spoilers!!! Here are the other two installments: [1][2]
I had SO MUCH fun playing Vol. 3 with my friend! She is amazing at doing impressions and gave YouTube and Twitch the perfect voices, I couldn't ask for anything more. But enough about her since she prefers to remain anonymous, today I am here to present my favorite screenshots from the latest release of Cloutchase!
Without further ado, here are the spoiler-free teases:
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And there's the cut!
Aight let's do this
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First thing I absolutely loved was that Twitch is so expressive! The facial expressions were all so delightful. ALSO. CLUB PENGUIN. AND WIZ101. And of course Webkinz, Animal Jam, and Neopets are in the background as well hahah, love that too!
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This minigame was SO AMAZING omg I am OBSESSED with these character costumes and the fight animation too. Love all the cameos but this Strife content was so awesome!!!! The buttons were a little non-responsive at times but I managed to beat Twitch first try heheh
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This is a pretty awesome frame and I'd like to shoutout AJ who I'm pretty sure drew it but I don't have the time or computer charge to reopen the game credits to check. If I'm wrong lemmie know but AJ deserves a shotuout anyway
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I love how the subs are sub-sandwiches and I love the design of the camera and chat
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I love how complex Twitch's route was. It was very compelling and definitely something I think most streamers need to hear. Swell job Team Timesync! Swell job indeed
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I could shout about filmscore and the ghostie crew but instead I'm gonna scream about the google floor lmbo look at it I love it
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Oh this. This is beautiful. I read the bonus room content and it's so neat that the timelines lined up coincidentally
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Love the dramatic over-the-topness of this fake apology. He's so fake I love it. The voice my friend gave him was kinda like if a greaser was born in Alabama but raised in New York if that makes any sense
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Peak good end, now I know how to tie a tie. I actually really liked YouTube's route as it was cleverly designed and I love all the many different endings. It was kinda like wading through YouTube's recommended section where you'd save each different possibility of choices in your Watch Later and visit them all when you have the time (which is usually never). So many options but what to pick? I picked them all!
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So when I got to this point I started laughing because my friend does all the voices and I only play User and Miss Blog Runner so she was carrying this entire section of the playthrough... AND THEN-
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AND THEN THERE WERE FOUR! SHE HAD TO VOICE ALL FOUR OF THEM HAHAH! AND SHE DID AMAZINGLY! I kinda wish she wasn't anonymous cause I wanna give her a shoutout, but maybe when all the routes are released I can convince her to voice them all in a fandub (well not them ALL but definitely Kik and YouTube)
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SWEET SWEET REVENGE HAHAHAHAH!!!! Totally deserved as long as they're done here hahahah. I do hope they can all tolerate each other again tho but I love this ending
This volume was long but a lot of fun! I love the Strife minigame and kinda hope it comes back in the future with more mechanics. Maybe an entire spinoff game like Smash Bros idk. Everything was so well written and I love how complex the characters are
Another fantastic entry for a fantastic game! Remember to recommend this game to various streamers to give it the attention it deserves (but not too many, don't wanna overwhelm our fav indie creators!)
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ageofpiracyrp · 8 months
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After an enjoyable excursion on Pryft, Prosperity docks on the planet Sturn outside of the town of Ustust. The landing pad is a half mile from an extremely large dormant volcano- almost 3/4 of a mile high! This volcano is Ustust. Almost as soon as Kjeuk steps foot on the planet, he starts talking much more than he has the entire journey. He explains that the "locals" say that the volcano hasn't erupted in thousands of years and it is perfectly safe- and that's where the group will be going. A lengthy afternoon is spent unloading a large portion of the cargo bay's contents into a rented amphibious vehicle- think a longer and taller DUKW with a one way viewing window enclosing the top. The pilot (Beck) and new navigator (Stella) are asked to take on driving/navigation duties. In the cozy bench seats back of the vehicle, Kjeuk chatters excitedly to whoever on the rest of the crew will listen about volcano facts the whole way to the clubhouse the Sturn branch of the Tarrk Theme Park Club.
Kjeuk's native planet is indeed Sturn, but Kjeuk only moved out to Ustust eight years ago when the area started to become more attractive. Sturn is a large planet- one and a half times the size of Earth with a proportionately greater population. Overall, Sturn is also a rather warm planet with a variety of climates. Ustust is surrounded by lush rainforests. While the volcano itself is not particularly green, the people that have lived on it over the course of many years have terraced the rich soil to provide them with what they need. Objectively, this is a beautiful area, and the drive through the rainforest border up the mountain is enjoyable if you like that sort of thing. The truck took a very winding path- avoiding the more convenient elevator/lift and slide systems that most of the "locals" (as Kjeuk calls them without malice but somewhat carelessly) use.
Three very excited and socially awkward carreki greet the crew upon arrival at the clubhouse... which is halfway up the mountain. The clubhouse and some other local businesses on this part of the volcano seem to be newer and more polished than on much of the rest of the mountain.
The three new carreki (Junyi, club president Oplo, and club secretary Qjun) gravitate immediately to the hybrids on the crew, and explain that they have never met any before. They become distracted from hybrids after Kjeuk reminds them how they managed to get so many great things from the club's wishlist! The carreki that it would be great to see some of those things. Also Junyi says offhandedly that the air conditioning is broken. She seems unbothered and unconcerned about how this will affect the guests' experience.
Anyway, the wishlist items that were explicitly for Junyi, Oplo, and Qjun are located and distributed. Qjun heard about "tips" when researching certain Earth customs, and tips the crewmembers twice as much as what he thinks the goods are worth because he is so happy to have real Legoland legos.
Oplo, while wearing the large souvenir sunglasses someone purchased at an obscure park, explains to the crew that there are beds for Prosperity to stay in Ustust for the distribution of goods. However, Oplo says, flipping the sunglasses upside down to see if they are more comfortable to wear that way, not everyone wanted to come all the way to the clubhouse to get their goods. Qjun insists that he will make everyone promise to tip well, but Prosperity is going to have to make deliveries directly to the club members on Sturn... and also the rest of the planetary system.
Daphne sighs, and says that this will at least give her, Robin, and Muffy time to interview the two local Communications position candidates before leaving Tarrk.
Kjeuk persuades Junyi to order takeout from the new Sour Jehk-style restaurant that opened up a year ago in the local "cool" part of Ustust, and shows Prosperity the dormitories. The lofted, full-size bunk beds feature bedding that is completely white because that is what research says theme park hotels like to use. There is a large, non-chlorinated pool intended for leisurely soaks (unfortunately for some of the crew, the water is quite warm) and an elegant communal restroom connected to the dorms. There are also some random rooms in the clubhouse that do not have a specific purpose which can be used for meetings or hanging out. The clubhouse is set up for many members to be able to visit comfortably if needed. It would all be quite lovely if the air conditioning wasn't broken. The crew of Prosperity is encouraged to use the facilities, and is welcome to take as long as they need to deliver the goods. Kjeuk does not seem sorry about the delay, but states that this mission means a lot to his club.
For at least the next month, the crew will take missions around Sturn in large or small groups to deliver goods to some potentially obscure places. The group will be fed, and is free to come and go as they please. Oplo pops out of nowhere at some point to explain that the members won't be upset if things take a while or if Prosperity needs to take a detour for a few months for any reason because many of them don't even remember ordering or asking for anything and will only be excited to have new toys delivered.
It will certainly be an interesting excursion in the Tarrk system.
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buggyisland · 2 years
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oh yeah forgot to mention i transformed my cutesy pink boutique Sugarbelle's on my happy home paradise island into a fucking hot topic
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bulkyphrase · 3 years
Everybody & the Avengers Team
I've got a new fic rec list for you!
The stories in the "X & the Avengers Team" tags focus on one person's relationship to the Avengers team as a whole. Courtesy of AO3's tag browse and Excel, here's a ranked list of the top 20 most popular pairings:
Tony Stark | 2470 total, 240 OTP
Peter Parker | 2255 total, 85 OTP
Steve Rogers | 602 total, 56 OTP
Loki | 387 total, 26 OTP
Natasha Romanov | 308 total, 35 OTP
Clint Barton | 268 total, 46 OTP
Bruce Banner | 244 total, 15 OTP
Thor | 209 total, 7 OTP
Avengers Team | 174 total, 24 OTP
James "Bucky" Barnes | 156 total, 7 OTP
Wanda Maximoff | 143 total, 4 OTP
Phil Coulson | 105 total, 9 OTP
Darcy Lewis | 91 total, 6 OTP
Matt Murdock | 60 total, 8 OTP
Sam Wilson | 53 total, 5 OTP
Nick Fury | 41 total, 5 OTP
Harry Potter | 40 total, 0 OTP
Pepper Potts | 31 total, 1 OTP
Vision | 29 total, 2 OTP
Stiles Stilinski | 25 total, 0 OTP
In chart form, if you like charts:
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The numbers after the names are the number of stories tagged with that ship. OTP means the number of stories where that is the only relationship tagged on the story. Numbers are accurate as of July 2021.
Story Recommendations
For your reading pleasure, included below is at least one fic rec for each pairing except the crossovers from non-Marvel fandoms (apologies to Mr. Potter & Mr. Stilinski). Most are gen fic, and even in the ones with a romantic pairing, romance is not the focus.
Tony Stark
As Subtle As Cognitive Recalibration by petroltogo (Teen, 8949) tumblr: @tonystarktogo
Standing inside his penthouse, listening to Rogers, Barton and Banner explain to Fury how they just happened to stumble over the Tesseract on a routine security check of Stark Tower’s roof and wouldn’t you know, they’ve managed to fight off the looming alien invasion before it could really start and secure the missing overpowered nightlight is one of the most surreal situations Tony has ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Peter Parker
the worst field trip ever by shrill_fangirl_screaming (Teen, 3420) tumblr: @i-am-having-an-emotion
"We're on a field trip," Peter said. "To here. And Tony decided to be our tour guide and absolutely embarrass me, so can you please help get him under control?"
Which is how Peter Parker, architect of his own destruction, ended up with not one but two superhero pseudo-dads being annoying on his school field trip.
Steve Rogers
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't) by GalaxyThreads (Teen, 11022) tumblr: @galaxythreads
That seems about right. He doesn't know how he knows that, though. He does have vague memories of an annoyed fondness at finding peanut butter in some sort of jam. Thor's doing, because he doesn't see the point of using two knives when one works just as fine. He knows that. How does he know that? He knows all those little details, though, almost innately. How can he know these strangers so deeply?
Everyone else below the cut!
Proprietary by TheThirdMarauder (Teen, 7639)
No, Loki simply wants the Avengers conquered. The details of whom, how, and when matter not. Unless, of course, said details interfere with Loki's plans. Then, well, then none can fault him for protecting his own interests.
Loki has always been exceptionally good at lying to himself.
Natasha Romanov
What Girls Are Made Of by enigma731 (Teen, 4613) tumblr: @enigma731
She rolls her eyes but does as he’s indicated, using his shoulders to leverage herself up onto his back, her arms around his neck and her legs hugging his waist.
“You know,” he says blithely, “this isn’t really what I tend to picture when I think of a hot girl riding me.”
Natasha groans, deciding that if his sense of humor gets them arrested, she’ll kill him herself. “Just go.”
Clint Barton
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7) by pollyrepeat (Teen, 4221)
With a normal person, this might count as blackmail material, but a) this is a case of mutually assured destruction if ever there was one, and b) Fury is immune to embarrassment. Not just in the regular, Tony Stark way, either, oh no. Things that could possibly end up being embarrassing to Fury get somehow warped and changed until they go from mortifying all the way over into useful and/or good for his image. It’s like a superpower.
Carrying Clint’s small child self around on his shoulders more than once has probably already hit the interagency rumour mill as an example of Fury’s innate awesomeness: good with rocket launchers and small children.
Also available as a podfic!
Bruce Banner
They're Not Wrong by Trumpeteer34 (Teen, 10163)
As Tony began to pace around the hole in the road to keep himself from shooting repulsors at the nearby buildings in a fit of rage, Thor began to study the nearby area. There was no sign of either the Hulk or Bruce Banner beyond the crater. The surrounding area, aside from the rubble of the fight, held no clue as to their friend’s location.
“Guys, he’s gone,” Tony growled into the communicator on their private line, drawing Thor out of his darkening thoughts. “Someone tranqed him and took him. He’s gone.”
Honorary mention goes to the Responsible Science series by @letteredlettered - the stories don’t have the "Avengers Team & Bruce Banner" tag, but they could, and they are amazing. The best Bruce Banner writing I've ever come across.
Fortunately, I Am Mighty by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 3062)
Steve was the first one to speak. “Are you okay?”
Thor nodded. Which was a bad idea, as it turned out, because now there were little gray lights flashing in front of his eyes. “I’m fine.” Absolutely everyone narrowed their eyes, and he added, “But, uh. Could we possibly not get back in the car just yet?”
Avengers Team
Civil Wasn't by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 7123)
"We're having an ideological conflict here," Tony stated with disbelief. "Are you telling me you still want to go out to dinner?"
"It's a standing engagement, Tony," Rhodey reminded him.
"Not you too—"
"We already had to reschedule from Friday when Natasha was..." Rhodey frowned. "What were you doing?"
The question was directed toward Natasha, who shrugged and said, "Spy stuff."
James "Bucky" Barnes
You Know How I Feel, aka, The Adventures of Bucky and Muffy the Dinosaur by ifeelbetter (Not Rated, 4511) tumblr: @ifeelbetterer
“As you may have heard, Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, recently rescued a tiny part-robot dinosaur during the Avengers’ battle with Dr. Doom in Antarctica,” the other newscaster explained. “Pictures of Barnes and the dinosaur were posted on twitter by fellow Avenger, Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, and immediately made Barnes’s new pet America’s sweetheart.”
“Her name’s Muffy,” said Steve."
Wanda Maximoff
and the woman was young again by Mira_Jade (General, 3669)
Tony Stark called them the Cap's Kooky Quintet, and sometimes the term amused her – causing her to lift a sardonic brow where someday a smile would truly smile. She enjoyed the presence of comrades – true comrades – and she enjoyed the way their minds wove and bound together about each other to fluctuate against her senses as one. There was something soothing about being in their midst, and even when their loud and brash ways – their painful Americaness - rubbed her raw and drained on her, it was ever the knitting of their minds that soothed those moments over, and made them inconsequential.
Phil Coulson
Coulson's First Day of School by storiesfortravellers (Teen, 3055)
Coulson looked up at him. “I like drawing pictures with Mr. Rogers. I like having tea parties with Ms. Potts. I like it when Dr. Banner reads me books, and I like it when Natasha teaches me things. And I like when you play with me. You do really good voices when we play action figures. And you’re the only one who lets me do stuff like jump off the high diving board at the pool or eat three cupcakes or play tackle with kids at the park.”
Clint didn’t realize that. He was pretty sure that meant that he was doing something wrong.
Darcy Lewis
Beginner Yoga for Dummies (Darcys) and Sad Hobos by chailover (Teen, 3434)
Darcy had a theory: crazy attracted crazy, working kind of like gravity. It was pretty much her explanation for her life after Thor. And if she had thought the type of crazy Thor attracted was bad, be it Loki or the Warrior Three and Sif, or the dark elves and the Convergence, it was still nothing against what the Avengers manage en masse.
Matt Murdock
Double Blind by smilebackwards (Teen, 2381) tumblr: @smilebackwards
Stark snaps his fingers. “You can’t see half of my inventions. This explains so much about you and why you’ve never been properly impressed by me.”
“Does it?” Matt says, ambiguously.
Sam Wilson
Bystander by scribblemetimbers (Teen, 52029)
“I just want you to know,” Sam says loudly, cautiously raising his hands, “That I’m very poor and very sleep-deprived and literally the only thing you can kill me for right now are my notes.” He pauses. Wait. On second thought: “Please don’t steal my notes.”
“I’m not—I’m not a mugger,” Not Mugger rasps out, and for all that he looks about to keel over and die, the man actually manages to sound offended.
Nick Fury
Bedtime Story by dixiehellcat (Teen, 2532) tumblr: @deehellcat
Fury snorted. “I have to check in with the duty officer. I’ll be back in, let’s say twenty minutes. I expect all of you to have whatever your pre-bedtime routines are completed, and be in here pajama’ed and ready to be read to.”
He tapped the book under his arm, then left with the usual dramatic swish of his long coat. Bruce scratched his head. “Did…he just say be ready to be read to?”
Pepper Potts
Pepper and the Avengers (Which She Knows Nothing About) by rebelmeg (General, 6696) tumblr: @rebelmeg
The Avengers, that mismatched group of hurt and heroism, was one of the most important things in Tony Stark’s life. So, naturally, Pepper had made them an important part of her life too.
039. Intoxicated by aimmyarrowshigh (Teen, 100) tumblr: @aimmyarrowshigh
It might be nice to fit in, just this once. To lose a bit of composure.
Vision floated over to the refrigerator and, with some timidity, pulled off a magnet. He stuck it to his forehead.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Vector Prime, have you ever met a robot named Muffy?
Dear Muffy Maniac,
I am indeed familiar with the robot you know as “Muffy”—this particular individual hails from a very distant corner of the Cymond cluster, which perpetually wobbles on the transitional boundary between the edge of the multiverse and the wider Megaverse. But, if I extend my sensors to their maximum capacity, I should be able to… ah! I can just make out blurry, half-formed images, as though viewed through a dream; keep in mind that in a universe as distant and unstable as this, I can only view possible futures—flashes of what could have been. I see brief glimpses of Muffy and her human friends enjoying one another’s company, playing with an Earth canine… and even outwitting a legion of evil mechanoids who bear an odd resemblance to the heroic Autobots. How curious the multiverse can be!
Strangely enough, this “Muffy” reminds me of another story about an Autobot I once viewed in a Primax reality—but, alas, not all stories I tell have happy endings. In this universe, Muffler was one of Optimus Prime’s first recruits when he took up arms against Megatron and the Decepticons. Her natural optimism and good spirits made her popular with her fellow Autobots, and before long she climbed the ranks to become Prime’s top scout, spy, and confidant. However, during one long-range reconnaissance mission, the Decepticons captured Muffler and imprisoned her in the Darkmount fortress—but the war waited for no ‘bot, and although Optimus felt her loss dearly, he was forced to commit his troops and resources to the impending evacuation of Cybertron, and appointed the young Autobot Bumblebee as his new scout. By the time that Muffler managed to break free of her prison, many stellar cycles had passed: the Autobots had long vanished, the Decepticons with them, and Cybertron had become a dead, lifeless husk.
Muffler waited for still more stellar cycles, hoping that one day Prime would return—but with the Ark crash-landed on distant Earth, no such reprieve came. Bereft of a means to get off-world, the young Autobot settled into a lonely, miserable life of scavenging for whatever energon she could find, fending off feral Insecticons, and maintaining a jury-rigged distress beacon in the hopes of attracting an Autobot vessel. Four million years passed this way, until—during a battle on Earth—a space bridge explosion accidentally teleported Bumblebee to Cybertron. When Muffler found him, she immediately realized what had happened—in her mind, Optimus had “replaced” her with this new Autobot, and the two almost came to blows before Bumblebee was able to convince her to stand down. Spark-broken and embittered, her cheery demeanor long-gone, Muffler explained what had happened to her; over the course of her long exile she had convinced herself that Optimus had never truly cared for her in the first place. Still, Bumblebee managed to lift her spirits long enough for her to agree to a truce, and he pledged that the two of them would find a way back to Earth together.
The trek they undertook was a dangerous one—made all the more so by Muffler’s natural recalcitrance towards helping Bumblebee—but after braving one peril after the next, the two eventually came to count on one another, and together they scavenged enough parts to cobble together a makeshift space bridge transceiver. However, the activation of the space bridge attracted a monstrous Insecticon swarm. Having grown to trust Bumblebee, Muffler was initially prepared to sacrifice herself so that he could get back to Earth. Bumblebee refused to let his new friend perish so recklessly, and instead preemptively activated the space bridge to overload, enveloping them both in transwarp energy. While Bumblebee was fortunate enough to find himself returned to Earth, Muffler was not so lucky. She vanished to places and times unknown—but wherever she is, I feel as though that she is at peace with herself, assured that Bumblebee is the ‘bot capable of carrying on her legacy.
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luthied · 4 years
Here she is!!!
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Fantasy Norse Fluffy!!!
She has her black dress/chemise cause we are going Fantasy and no one wears try undies in Fantasy. And it is Black. The most Fantasy Color for Dresses. It is a vaguely ‘rough linen’ material feel but definitely all manmade material burn pattern. (Its plastic baby). I have had this fabric for several years and actually attempted to make a costume for myself out of this fabric. I think I made a shirt? It was for Ren Fest. It was awful looking lol
The apron skirt has the maroon brocade esque fabric on top and a silky polyester orange on the bottom. I nearly melted the maroon trying to adhere old fusible interfacing to it, so that is definitely not silk. I actually got that fabric as part of a ‘quarter square bundle’ of brocade fabric from Joanns. When I was in middle school. That fabric was old enough to drive is what I am saying.
The gold braid edge was bought in college when I was making dresses for Muffy, Fluffy’s younger and smaller sister. So that is probably over 5 years old?
The fastenings and the beads were from when I was very much into ribbon work and making accents using findings. The shiny red beads are actually bought on one of my digs. We drove through the dakotas and had stopped at a city for the day. I managed to find a little Native American crafts shop and found some glass seed beads. So of course I bought some. The gold beads were gifted to me by my Gran, since she tends to encourage my creative side. The copper metal bits with the red stones are actually from a pack of clasps for like clocks or necklaces. Probably found at Michaels. Or Joanns. And the ribbon? Only the gods can tell you where that came from and when.
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multimetaverse · 5 years
Andi Mack 3x14 & 3x15 Reviews
Hammer Time and Unloading Zone were two good eps that were somewhat marred by filler. Let’s dig in!
It’s good to teach kids early that there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. 
I’ll give them credit for not bearding TJ and for having him explicitly say that that he and Kira are not together. Also really drove home how petty and manipulative Kira is. 
The Tyrus scenes were brief but not as angsty as I thought. It’s very clear they’re pushing the bounds of subtext and showing that Cyrus has a crush on TJ and wants to make that known but of course we can’t start moving into text until after the cut episode. I think this is the ep that probably clues in the casual audience that Cyrus does in fact like TJ as more than a friend though knowledge that they’re being set up to be a couple won’t come until Something to Talk A-Boot (unless they happen to see the promo with the Bench scene).
They’ve clearly set up Buffy as Cyrus’ crush confidante, making sure all talk of TJ is kept away from Andi and Jonah which is sad but unsurprising. It wouldn’t shock me if Andi and Jonah don’t explicitly know about Cyrus’ crush until after the bench scene itself. Great to see Buffy being so encouraging although she can’t explicitly say anything yet. 
I wonder if that whole ‘’brings out his eyes’’ bit will come back during or after the bench scene. TJ is wearing a green shirt at the party that would bring out his eyes. Maybe that will be a Disney approved gay version of the typical straight guy calling his love interest pretty.
Those were some great Muffy scenes. I know there were some worries on tumblr about their chemistry after 3x13 but those should be put to rest now I think.
Extremely easy to see the Muffy arc ending in a kiss in the finale. 
Bringing Garren back was a very wise decision on the writers part. That ‘’ I want to cross the finish line’’ with you line was a great little nod to them being endgame. And that piggyback ride Marty gave Buffy was sweet. 
Really good subtle message sent by the camp out that it should be totally normal for a straight guy to have sleepovers with his gay friend. 
Andi’s line about Jonah maybe not being capable of more emotional connection than his usual 6 emojis is damning but I also wonder if it’s set up for him to subvert that when he sings You Girl.
A sad reminder about Amber’s awful home life. It’s clear she’s seeking the love and attention she’s not getting at home from her parents but Jonah is really not the solution. 
In 3x15 we get some foreshadowing for Buffy’s later foot injury
Nice to see Jonah participating in the protest and I always enjoy when they lean into Jonah being kind of dumb.
We still managed to get an Alpaca cameo after all. Also confirms that the original 3x18 at Snuck Farm was indeed planned as the original wedding. 
The don’t hurt yourself lines Cyrus and Jonah had were very funny. 
Cyrus referenced the Tunguska event most likely
Lauren Tom knocked it out of the park with her emotional scenes in both eps. i wish we had seen more of this Celia in S3 instead of wacky grandma 
Liked Officer Penn’s Clint Eastwood impression. And interesting that they used a white male cop as a bad guy. 
Celia’s snow globe was a lovely gift. According to Disney PR, it was inspired by Terri’s snow globe collection and Lilan and Trent didn’t know what was inside the box until they opened it. 
Liked the Game of Thrones reference (at least the Andi Mack finale can’t be worse than that show’s) 
Loved the music in the cold open, it was the same they used for scene transitions in 3x07. 
I try not to pass judgment on the show because the whole Ham situation is so awful and unprecedented but that convo about him going to India really skated close to dark humour especially when Celia said ‘’don’t worry you’ll see him again’’.
Notice how they kept Kira making TJ feel bad about his crush out of the previously on and instead focused on her disliking Cyrus because he’s Buffy’s friend. I do think Kira gets called out for that by TJ during the finale but it’s clear for now that they’re trying to pass this off as her hating Buffy and liking TJ and wanting him for herself. 
They had Luke and Raquel for a day but filmed quite a bit less than their typical maximum. TJ himself only got 2:45 minutes of screentime, including being in the background, which is a little less than his usual 3 minutes. 
Which isn’t a surprise, TJ’s screen time operates by a different math than other recurring characters. It’s the same pattern in both S2 and S3, he can be in 9 aired eps max and only 3 eps after the 13th ep of the season. Luckily in S3 Disney only ordered 21 eps so instead of only 3 TJ eps spread out over 12 eps we got 3 spread out over 8 until the FBI knocked that down to 7. 
It’s not a question of budget, they had a much higher per ep budget in S3, nor was it scheduling since Luke had no other projects and they were able to work around Garren’s GH filming schedule right through the finale and re-shoots nor was there a 9 ep limit on recurring characters as Emily was in 11 of the original 21 this season. 
Not to mention they’ve been drastically cutting TJ’s screentime with Cyrus. Luckily they do probably have to give him a bit more than 3 minutes in Something to Talk A-Boot and hopefully gets more than 3 in the finale. 
The Cyrus and Jonah plot was sweet but pure filler. I never expected Cyrus to talk to Jonah about his feelings or anything related to his sexuality but was there nothing else they could even briefly touch on? Jonah’s anxiety? Cyrus’ anxiety? Jonah’s family problems? It’s not like Terri didn’t know the show was going to end just 7 eps later in otl so why waste this time? It’s most likely the last significant solo time those two have and they should have used it more wisely.
Vivian turned out to be completely useless. Seems like they cut some of her lines but I really don’t get her purpose. 
The clothing protest was rushed and the ending was very unsatisfying. It hurt the plot that we never actually saw anyone connected to the company.
Celia and Bex didn’t really patch up either and I’m guessing things weren’t truly fixed until Bex agreed to put the wedding back on in 3x17 in otl. 
Amber is in love with Jonah? This is what they’re dedicating so much screen time to in these final eps? 
They really ruined the swings for nothing. At least we get nice scenes in Something to Talk A-Boot and the finale
Kira really is something. She’s trying to get a a guy she knows is gay to date her which is insane
I was expecting there to be very little in this final TJ ep before the original wedding in part because of Terri’s instagram post back in November right after Josh revealed the endgame had changed and right before they shot the original 3x18 where she screenshotted a tweet that said Andi Mack fans should stop accusing the show of queer baiting or blaming Disney censorship in regards to Cyrus’ story line. Writers let their work speak for them and that Terri posted that was a sign that the criticism hit to close to home. 
The show is not queer baiting and 3x11 was an all time great but to pretend there hasn’t been long running censorship from Disney is a straight up lie and excluding 3x11 there’s really been very little. I’m sure she had planned for the bench scene for a while but she couldn’t have known that she’d get it approved until it was time to write the finale. Disney seemed committed to some sort of Tyrus endgame but it very easily could have been just them standing together smiling at the end in which case this whole mess of a plot would have been for nothing. She was reckless but got very lucky that Disney didn’t screw her over. I hope whoever ends up making the next Disney show with a gay story line will know not to bite off more than they can chew. 
Looking Ahead:
Things are in some ways simpler and in some ways messier for Tyrus. TJ seems to have accepted Kira as a friend but is refusing to use her as a beard and still wants to hang with Cyrus. Cyrus thinks TJ is straight but has seemingly forgiven him for costume day so that conflict is swept under the rug. Either Kira does a complete 180 off screen and apologizes in her 45 seconds of speaking time in the finale or she’s just there so Cyrus can be sad and TJ tells her off and then goes to speak to Cyrus without her getting any real development or redemption. Either way it’s going to be wild going from closeted TJ to TJ having a boyfriend and being out to at least several people all in like 3-4 minutes of screentime.  
She really is only looking at something like 30-45 seconds of speaking time in the finale and not all that much more of background time if she’s lucky as Raquel was only on set for one day and it was the same day all the other main and recurring kids were also filming and she was only 14 at the time which means she can be on set a little less than most of the other kids. And her insta story shows that it was just her and Luke in the school room and after she finished class she was just hanging on set until they wrapped for the day. 
If she’s not getting a redemption arc than most likely they’ll follow up with what Buffy said and she’ll say something mean about Cyrus that will cause TJ to drop his willful blindness and tell her off or she gets tired of waiting and tries to demand that TJ dates her and he tells her off. Either way Cyrus would likely see them and mistake it for them having a moment. 
 This does mean that TJ doesn’t need to redeem himself so much in Something to Talk A-Boot at the theatre or the game. That TJ is even at those events and hanging with Cyrus over at least two days in universe means he’s either not hanging with Kira or he still is but is less vulnerable to her manipulation.
So the prop garbage was for community service after all. Wild
They really went there with the stereotypes about Asian people. I think great things can come of this plot and I’m excited to see Andi’s art plot line take off. 
Now we know why Jonah says ‘’why can’t it just be fun? Why does it have to be love?’’ There’s almost no chance this Amber in love with Jonah story won’t be a trainwreck but hopefully it’s an entertaining one. I really don’t know if there’s anything they can do for Amber’s home life. Her parents divorcing would probably help in the long term but it would be a very depressing ending to her arc. 
Really does seem to be no set up for Jandi but we’ll see how long they can keep their lead girl completely romance free. Lilan and Asher have both talked about Jonah and Andi being settled and Disney has been hyping up Jandi moments and of course Jonah sings You Girl so something is going to happen. With the new promos suggesting Andi might be moving away in the finale, probably for her art, I wonder if they have an ending where they’re not officially together but they know they like each other and that the universe will always guide them back to one another or some hippy crap like that. 
Presumably Bowie still wants to get married. Wonder how they’ll get the wedding back on track without Ham’s help. 
Mack chat kids hate Kira but no mention of Tyrus which is no surprise. On the plus side this means we get Luke guest starring for either Something to Talk A-Boot or the finale and it seems that Josh was a finale guest so they will have to talk about Tyrus even if only briefly. 
I’ll talk more about the new promos tomorrow but I’m so glad that they’re teasing the bench scene.
Only 5 more weeks left!
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iamdatfilmbitch · 5 years
Dear White People, Season 3
I have a terrible memory, so of course I don’t remember much about the first two seasons of Dear White People. I just I know I enjoyed them enough to be excited about Season 3. But as I watched the first few episodes, my excitement quickly turned into confusion, and eventually boredom. By the end of the season, I felt like I wasted my time. I was actually glad when it ended. I did think it was cute in the beginning though how the characters were sort of self-aware. They said things like “if people didn’t change, life would be tedious and predictable like the third season of a Netflix show.” I laughed, assuming the writers purposely added such lines because they knew Season 3 of Dear White People would be different. And it definitely is different from its prior seasons, but it just wasn’t interesting in my opinion. 
One of the main differences was the absence of Sam’s radio show, which the Netflix series is named after! It’s like when Jane the Virgin lost her virginity; I questioned why the show continued to exist. Sam decided she was done with Dear White People because she didn’t want to become a sellout, like Candance Owens or Kanye West. Sure Sam’s best friend Joelle took over the show, but she only hosted it for like two episodes. Joelle came to the realization that show was a shoe that didn’t fit for her. So instead, we spent this season watching Sam try to discover the point of her junior thesis film project, and honestly, I was as lost as she was. 
We’re also missing the narrator this season since he revealed himself to be Dr. Edward Ruskins, a former professor at Winchester, and a member of a secret black society known as the Order of X. Sam and Lionel immediately abandon Dr. Ruskins after he tried to provide them with more riddles regarding the Order. They already jumped through enough hoops to find him in Season 2. So I get it, avoid the redundancy of a typical season 3 Netflix show by eliminating elements like the radio show, the narrator, and even the Order of X. But I liked the way Sam would angrily say “Dear White People” on her radio show, and the way she called the whites out on their shit. The season felt disorganized without a narrator to guide us through each episode. And most importantly, I was looking forward to learning more about the significance of the Order of X. I eventually got the last of the three things I wanted, but I was a bit annoyed that I had to wait all the way until the last episode. 
In this season’s finale, we discover that a division of the Order of X has the power to cover up its members’ unethical behavior, sort of like Olivia Pope & Associates in Scandal. For instance, Professor Moses Brown has sexually assaulted a student named Muffy, but Muffy refuses to talk. A black man managed to silence a white girl who’s the daughter of a state senator?! You know something fishy’s going on. And apparently, this isn’t the first time one of Moses’ sexual assault cases was covered up. With the help of Troy, Sam and Lionel plan to take down the Order. At least that’s what I read. I fell asleep on the ending twice and after the third time when I actually paid attention, I was still confused. So I’ll just take others’ word for it. Dr. Ruskins told Sam and Lionel that the Order is dead though and he needed them to revive it, which is also confusing. Maybe Ruskins meant revive as in get the Order back to what it used to be? Idk, but since this seemed to be the main plot point of the season, I felt like everything else was unnecessary.
When I think of Dear White People, I think of conversations surrounding racial injustice, and what it means to be Black. I guess this season, they were looking to branch out more and discuss more inclusive issues, such as the Me Too movement and homosexuality. That’s all well and good, but I just don’t see how all these stories tied together. What did Rashid’s crush on Joelle, or Brooke’s lesbian expierence with Kelsey, or Gabe’s poor white male struggles have to do with the Order and Muffy’s sexual assault? I get having side stories as most shows do, but these didn’t blend well to me and were not very entertaining. If Netflix gives the show another chance, I just hope Season 4 will be better.
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tyrus prompt: museum field trip where cyrus gets on the bus to find that the only empty seat is next to tj. also whoever they sit next to is their partner/buddy for the day. you can make this as angsty (post 313, both hurting and not knowing how to deal but forced to by the situation, so close yet so far etc) or fluffy (closer to a date, maybe an au where this is the first time they get to know each other) as you want! either way, love the concept of field trip setting tyrus
“oh and muffy are also sitting together/partners, if you wanted both ships in the same prompt! those two as partners could be fun. competing to see who's faster to fill in the worksheet or whatever first, but ending up enjoying themselves at the different museum exhibits. how carefree they are could either contrast with angsty tyrus for more angst (wishing they could enjoy themselves like that too, like they used to) or make a fluff fic even fluffier, idk, good with either”
thank u for the prompt, enjoy!!
(word count: 1951)
“What do you mean you’re not gonna sit with me?” Cyrus whined as he and Buffy walked to the bus that would be taking them and the rest of their history class to the Shadyside Museum of History.
Buffy chuckled, knocking into his shoulder, “I mean, I’m not gonna sit with you. Marty already asked me to sit with him, and it’s been long enough ago now since he broke up with his girlfriend. I’m not screwing things up this time.”
Cyrus deadpanned, “Well, you have always been known for your determination, didn’t know why I expected this to be any different.”
Buffy rolled her eyes and stopped walking for a moment as she exclaimed, “Cyrus!”
“I’m sorry! You know I’m team Muffy and all, but I have no one else to sit with since Andi and Jonah aren’t in our class,” Cyrus complained, stopping with her.
“What about TJ?” Buffy questioned.
Cyrus squinted, “Well...”
Buffy smacked him on the shoulder. “You still haven’t talked to him? Why? You’re, like, the king of communication. Andi and I had to physically constrain you from talking to him during the whole gun thing.”
“Why do you want me to talk to him? You’ve never exactly been his biggest fan,” Cyrus asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
Buffy sighed, “Because, Cyrus, I’ve seen how important you are to each other. There’s gotta be a reason he ditched you for the literal devil.”
Cyrus raised one eyebrow, deadpanning yet again, “You mean Kira?”
“I said what I said. Now, come on, we’re gonna miss the bus,” Buffy said, grabbing Cyrus’ wrist and dragging him to the bus.
They made their way on the bus as the teacher was giving them instructions, droning on about, “...Whoever you sit next to will be your study buddy for the trip, and you are to stay with them at all times so we can keep track of you all easier...”
Buffy sat down almost immediately as Marty was in the front, which left Cyrus to look down the aisle on the bus to see the only spot left open. He walked down towards almost the back of the bus and sat down, and he turned his head to spot the one person he did not want to see, the one person he would have to be around the entire day.
Of course, Cyrus thought, of course the universe wants to play me again. Thanks a lot.
“Hey, Cyrus,” TJ mumbled, looking down, almost scared to talk to him, which surprised the smaller boy.
“Hey,” Cyrus breathed out. It was all he could manage, really.
“Looks like we’re partners for the day,” TJ added, now looking anywhere but Cyrus.
Cyrus just nodded slowly, not knowing what to say. He looked across the aisle just in time to notice Buffy taking a glance at the two of them, who quickly turned around as to not draw attention to herself. Yeah, that didn’t work. He pulled out his phone and texted her.
cy-guy: what are you doing?!
slayer: TALK TO HIM!!
slayer: it’ll be worse if you guys are just in silence the entire day, if you at least talk then it won’t be as awkward
cy-guy: i hate it when you’re right
slayer: you must hate it all the time then ;)
He turned off his phone and faced the other boy, who was looking out the window as the bus started to move. He swallowed his pride, if there was any there to begin with, and said, “So, what’ve you been up to lately?”
TJ’s head snapped to look at him as practically the speed of light. “Oh, uh, nothing really... basketball, you know.”
Before Cyrus could register what he was saying, he blurted out, “You been hanging out with Kira a lot?”
TJ blushed—figures, Cyrus thought—before he responded, “No, not really. ‘S not like I want to anyw— I mean, you know what, I should just stop talking.” He tried to laugh off what he said, but Cyrus had caught it.
Maybe not figures.
“Why wouldn’t you want to?” Cyrus questioned, trying to tread as lightly as he could. He wouldn’t push, but he couldn’t stop himself from adding, “You kinda did a costume together.”
TJ looked scared then. He tried to joke, “Asking a lot of questions today, aren’t we, Und—Cyrus?”
Cyrus just raised a patient eyebrow, waiting for him to answer.
TJ sighed, leaning his head back on the chair. “It’s just a lot to explain.”
Cyrus turned to face him entirely. “I’ve got the whole day to listen. If you want me to.”
Meanwhile, Marty and Buffy had quickly reassumed their usual bantering ways, as Marty had been reading her texts with Cyrus over her shoulder. “What’s going on with him, anyway?”
Buffy replied, “He’s just being unusually... quiet.”
Marty snorted. “‘S something you could never do,” he teased.
“Please, Mr. ‘I Ate a Live Frog’, you never know when to shut up,” Buffy teased back, nudging him on the shoulder.
“Only around cute girls, which you would know if you were around when I started talking to Rachel,” Marty joked.
Buffy made a pitiful face, “I am sorry about you guys— wait.”
Buffy had a look of incredulity now, as she continued, “You thought I was cute?”
Marty blushed and chuckled, “I thought that was kinda clear when I asked you out on the bridge. And you turned me down.”
Buffy’s mouth went into a straight line at that. “Right.”
They arrived at the museum soon after, splitting up to roam around and look at different exhibits. Marty and Buffy dashed ahead of the rest of the groups, obviously caught in some competition, again. TJ and Cyrus hung back from mostly everyone else, riddled with awkward silence. They took their time throughout the museum, and TJ would stare intently at every exhibit as Cyrus took the notes they required.
Eventually, though, Cyrus got sick of the quiet game and said, “Okay, I know you’re a history buff and all, but the history of oil in Shadyside cannot be that interesting.”
TJ continued reading the wall, dismissing him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“TJ,” Cyrus said calmly, placing his hand on TJ’s shoulder, and it was only then that he looked towards Cyrus. “You can talk to me.”
TJ sighed, looking up at the ceiling, “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just... don’t know how.”
“Then I’ll try my best to listen.”
TJ looked around the room then, noticing it was next to empty aside from two other pairs of students, and he dragged Cyrus to a bench next to the exit for the next exhibit. They sat down, a beat of silence following them.
“Kira and I had never talked before. She introduced herself right before you had come over to me that one time. The next day, she came up to me again while I was practicing alone and asked me if I wanted to do a costume with her,” TJ began explaining.
“And you said yes because she’s a pretty girl and you’d rather to a costume with your crush than your friend. I get it,” Cyrus said, trying to make sense of it all.
“Actually,” TJ took a moment, “I said no, because I was already doing a costume with you. I didn’t want to do a costume with her at all. She kept persisting, and I kept turning her down. Finally, she said, ‘You’d rather do a costume with Cyrus than with me? Have fun with that.’ It felt like she was implying that it was bad I’d rather do a costume with a boy than a girl, like it was a threat.”
Cyrus gulped. “Oh.”
TJ continued, “I was so ready to do the costume with you, I had the board shorts on and everything, but I couldn’t help thinking she was going to do something if I didn’t match with her, so I... took the coward’s way out.”
Cyrus furrowed his eyebrows, trying to comprehend what the taller boy was telling him. “Because you didn’t want it to look... gay.”
TJ crinkled his nose. “If that’s how you wanna look at it, yeah.”
Cyrus immediately grew defensive then. “What’s so bad with looking gay? Do you have a problem with gay people? Because if so, I’m just gonna lea—“
“I’d be a hypocrite if I did, Cyrus.”
Cyrus’ eyes widened. “What?”
TJ leaned forward, analyzing the floor as he rested his elbows on his knees. “I am... gay. I just didn’t want people to know yet,” he mumbled.
“Oh.” Cyrus put a comforting hand on TJ’s shoulder. “I’m glad that you trust me enough to tell me,” he said, giving him the warmest smile possible. “And, I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions about things.”
TJ looked up at him with soft eyes. He nearly whispered, “You have nothing to apologize for, Cyrus. This is all my fault, I should be the one apologizing.” He took Cyrus’ free hand in his. “I am so sorry, Cy. You have no idea.”
Cyrus dropped the hand that rested on TJ’s shoulder. “It’s okay, I get it, you got manipulated, which isn’t fair at all. You have nothing to worry about.” He paused, then added, “If it makes you feel any better, I know exactly how you feel.”
TJ’s eyes almost popped out of his head as he began stuttering, “I– you’re– wh– a-are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Cyrus smiled confidently, “I’m gay, too.” He’d come a long way, and he was proud of the fact that he could actually say that with confidence now. (As he should be.)
TJ just gave him one of his signature grins, a blush painting his cheeks. “Cool.”
Cyrus chuckled, “I’m getting a little deja vu.”
TJ furrowed his brows. “What?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“I told you I could answer all the questions first!” Buffy boasted to Marty, who simply laughed in defeat as they exited the museum.
“You always were the smart one, weren’t you?” Marty teased. “Just means I’m the more athletic one.”
Buffy elbowed his side. “Oh, you wish.”
They both walked in a comfortable silence for a few beats, blushes painting both of their faces.
That is, until Buffy mumbled, “You know, if you asked me out again, I wouldn’t turn you down this time.”
Marty turned to look at her overdramatically and shouted, “Oh, really?”
Buffy grinned, blushing even more. “Please don’t make a big deal out of this.”
Marty simply smirked, stopped, and took both of her hands, exclaiming, “The one and only, Buffy ‘The Slayer’ Driscoll, will you do me the honor of being my non-virtual girlfriend?”
Honestly, Buffy was just surprised no one was paying attention at that point, but she rolled her eyes and nodded in response.
Marty dropped her hands as they made their way back to the bus, muttering, “Took you long enough.”
Buffy scoffed, “Oh, don’t be so entitled.”
“You love me.”
Yeah, Cyrus and TJ has seen that whole thing as they were walking out of the museum, and they couldn’t help but laugh at the spectacle Marty had made. But, Buffy deserved it, she deserved to be happy, so Cyrus was happy for them. TJ was just grateful they wouldn’t have to watch the endless pining and banter anymore.
They plopped back down in their spots on the bus as TJ blurted out, “I’m really glad we made up. That was probably one of the worst weeks of my life.”
Cyrus took his hand, replying, “Me too.”
Cyrus didn’t care if Buffy was looking that time. TJ didn’t care if anyone was looking that time.
slayer: so, tj?
cy-guy: so, marty?
slayer: oh shut up
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thirteen-beaxhes · 5 years
Delayed - Chapter 4: Since We’ve Been Gone
Summary:  “All felt like they knew the others were far away, living ideal lives. They kept to their windows and phones for the ride, thinking about the others. They reminisced separately but prayed for the night to go by fast, to get to the places they needed to go. But the night hadn’t even begun yet.” High school ended 6 years ago, and with it, so did the friendship between Andi, Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah, TJ and Amber. But now their flight is delayed and they are stuck in a hotel together for the night. Not much can change in one night, though. Can it?
Three beers later, TJ had moved from the table where Cyrus had left him to the bar, balancing on the stool and he gulped down the drink. He had texted Amber, asking her where she was, and he had just gotten a waffly response about how she was going back to her room, one she was sharing with another passenger. Great. Even she had company. Super.
As he set down the now empty bottle, TJ called for another beer, not caring about how it would feel in the morning. He knew it would suck, and that his head would feel like utter shit. But he didn’t really care. The bartender flashed him a worried look, but slid another bottle his way. TJ looked around, spotting another person at the bar. A girl, with shoulder length hair and a leather jacket, a whiskey on the rocks in her hand.  Picking up his drink, he turned to face her.
“You also drinking the night away? I get that,” he said, taking a swig. The girl turned to him, eyes narrowed, but she cracked a small smile.
“Well, nothing else to do, huh?” she said, and TJ couldn’t help but feel like that voice was familiar. He furrowed his eyebrows and lifted his head slightly.
“You sound familiar,” he said, moving to the bar stool closer to her. She inched away, but narrowed her eyes further.
“Yeah, you too,” she muttered, peering up at him. Suddenly, realisation flooded her face and shoved him in the shoulder.
“Fuck! TJ, is that you?” she exclaimed, smiling.
TJ took a minute to place her, the hair making it harder, but as soon as he did, he laughed in shock, pulling her in for a hug.
“Oh my god, Andi Mack in the flesh,” he said, pulling away, still laughing. “Shit, how are you?”
Andi shrugged. “As good as you’d expect from a person sat at the bar drinking after everyone has gone.”
TJ nodded, holding up his beer slightly. “I feel you. Take it the flight delay was not ideal?”
“Anything but. Not just that, I had some, interesting reunions with people,” she said, taking a long swig of her drink as she stared forward.
“Me too,” TJ said, nodding. “Who did you meet?”
“Buffy and Cyrus. Did not go well. Started good, ended bad. My fault mostly,” she said softly, looking own.
“Fuck, Buffy’s here too?” TJ asked, looking up in surprise as Andi nodded.
Andi narrowed her eyes at him. “Who did you meet? Cuz it seemed like you didn’t know Buffy was here, but you didn’t say anything about…” Andi trailed off, realisation hitting her as TJ looked away and took a big gulp of beer, wincing slightly.
“Cyrus?” TJ said quietly, and Andi sighed.
“Was it the first time since..?”
“Yup. This time though, I actually got a goodbye so, now we know its permanent.”
Silence fell between them as both continued to take sips of their drinks, unsure of what else to say. But, unlike with Buffy and Cyrus, Andi just didn’t care about having to find things to say with TJ. Something in her just told her that TJ too just wanted to be left alone in the silence.
Finally, after a couple minutes, Andi spoke up. “So, how’s Amber doing?”
TJ looked up. “She’s okay. She’s here too, you know?”
At that, Andi perked up, much to her own annoyance because she thought she was done with that. “Oh?” is all she managed, the word coming out high-pitched.
TJ laughed a bit, narrowing his eyes. “I’m surprised you didn’t see her. I thought you were her roommate.”
“She has a roommate?”
“Apparently they didn’t have any free rooms left for this one person, so Amber offered her room.”
“Well, that’s unusual for her,” Andi said, furrowing her eyebrows. “Especially if it’s some random person.”
“I know,” TJ said. “Which is why I assumed it was you when I saw you here. She’s always had a soft spot for you.”
For some reason, that comment made Andi’s cheeks grow warm, a fact she did not appreciate, and she kept her eyes focused on the table as she finished her whiskey. She was beginning to internally debate how to end the conversation because as much as she enjoyed it, she just really wanted to be alone. And reminders of high school were the last thing she needed. Given everything that made up her life. But thankfully, TJ finished his beer and placed his bottle on the table, taking his coat as he stood up.
“Well, I gotta go to my room now,” he said with a tired smile. “It was nice meeting you Andi. God, it’s like Shadyside reunion time, huh?”
Andi just smiled, tipping her glass at him as he walked away. She dropped her smile as soon as he left, gulping down the rest of her drink as she pushed herself away from the table, the room swaying slightly as she dragged herself away from the bar. To the room, and there she would stay.
“So, have you guys decided a date?” Amber said, as she flopped onto the bed. Buffy, who was just pulling her suitcase in, narrowed her eyes in amusement at Amber.
“Date for what?”
Amber groaned, pushing herself up. “For your wedding, you idiot!”
Buffy laughed, sitting on the foot of the extra bed, looking at Amber who was now lying on her stomach, resting her head on her hands as she looked at Buffy with a giddy smile. “Not really, but we’re aiming for late next year.”
“And theme?”
“Hmm, minimalistic.”
“Classic Muffy.”
“What did you say?” Buffy said, narrowing her eyebrows as Amber laughed at her expression.
“You know? Marty and Buffy, Muffy?” Amber said, but Buffy just continued to shake her head in confusion.
“I don’t even wanna know,” she said, laughing.
Amber laughed, feeling her phone buzz with a notification. She picked it up, and as soon as she saw the name, her smile dropped.
She quickly put down the phone, and looked up at Buffy, nervously pushing her a strand of hair back. “So, what’s new with work?”
“Are you okay?” Buffy asked quietly, her eyes narrow in worry.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” Amber said, looking down, but Buffy grabbed her hand, making her look at her.
“You know that doesn’t work on me,” she said, and Amber gave her a small smile, letting out a long sigh.
“Why are you so good at reading people?”
Buffy shrugged, smiling. “I just am. You’re an open book when something’s bothering you.” She moved over to Amber’s bed, sitting down next to her. Amber kept her eyes trained to the ground, taking a deep breath in.
“A year ago, I met this girl who I worked with at a coffee shop during college. She was a Fine Arts major, and an aspiring painter. She would always turn up to work late because she would be working on something, her jeans and shoes always had huge paint stains. She was kind and smart and funny, and for some reason, she decided that I was someone worth spending time with. Her name’s Emily.” As she finished, Amber’s voice cracked, a fact she disguised by coughing. But Buffy didn’t buy it.
“I take it, all wasn’t perfect eventually?” Buffy asked softly, and Amber nodded quietly.
“I kept feeling like she wanted to be anywhere except with me when we went out. I just thought I was being paranoid. I was blind, and I thought everything would be okay, because I loved her,” Amber said, her voice breaking as she reached up to hastily wipe away her tears. Buffy came close to her side and hugged her, resting her head on Amber’s shoulder.
Amber looked up at the ceiling, releasing a shaky breath before continuing. “Then, a month ago, I get this text from her as I was going back from work.” She pulled her phone to her and opened it, scrolling up to the message and showing Buffy the phone. Buffy pulled it to her, her eyes running over the words, immediately looking up at Amber when she was done.
“Well, that’s lame,” Buffy said, thankfully eliciting a small laugh from Amber. “Over text too?”
Amber nodded sadly, scoffing. “It’s bullshit. Obviously it’s me, it’s always me. Every single relationship I’ve been in, I think it’ll last, but then it doesn’t. Maybe I just don’t deserve it.”
“That’s not true, Amber,” Buffy said, squeezing Amber’s hand, but she pulled away.
“Of course it is, think about it,” she said, her eyes desperate. “From back in high school to now, every single one has just been the same thing. I go too fast, or I get jealous, or I’m just not enough.”
“Okay you listen to me, Kippen,” Buffy said, lifting up Amber’s chin so that she was looking at her. “The Amber we met in high school took no shit from anyone. You were, and still are, an annoying and stubborn pain in the butt. But guess what? That’s you. You are confident in yourself, and you are a strong presence. And if people can’t handle it, it’s their problem!”
Amber looked up at Buffy nervously. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Buffy said softly, resting her head back on Amber’s shoulder.
Amber smiled and leaned her head on Buffy’s, sighing. But soon, she looked up again. “She did text me saying maybe we made a mistake.”
“No she did not!” Buffy yelled, and Amber laughed, nodding her head.
“See for yourself,” she said, handing Buffy the phone.
Buffy just shook her head with a laugh, looking at Amber. “Just block her, she’s not worth the trouble.”
Amber laughed, looking down at her phone. It took a while, but after some encouraging from Buffy, she ended up clicking ‘Block’ on Emily’s contact before tossing her phone onto the bed.
“That felt good,” she sighed, putting her arm around Buffy’s shoulder and leaning her head against hers.
“I know,” Buffy said softly, smiling at Amber.
And for that moment, Amber’s heart was just a tinier bit lighter.
Slumping onto the bed, Cyrus opened his phone to find texts from a guy he had gone out with a couple nights ago. He was nice enough, kind, sweet, charming. But, Cyrus couldn’t imagine having anything more serious that what they were, something the other was clearly not up for. Cyrus sighed, shutting off his phone, pinching the bridge of his nose. That encounter with TJ (because ‘encounter’ was the only word he could use to even try and describe it) had been unexpectedly emotionally tense. Although, why was he surprised? Given their story…
Cyrus rolled over to one side, playing over the conversation in his head. The surprise and shock, the brief hit of nostalgia, the bitter annoyance on TJ’s face as he first began to walk away, and finally, the tired defeat. After everything, after 6 years of silence, there it was.
And now here he was, in his hotel room, alone, running away from people who wanted to get closer to him because the ghost of his first real relationship still haunted him, even though he refused to admit it. He had to face it now. He probably never really got over TJ Kippen.
And that terrified him.
Cyrus smiled wistfully to himself, remembering high school. Dates at the Spoon, holding hands under the lunch table, stealing hidden moments in empty hallways, short handwritten notes pressed into palms while running down the hall to class. He had been in love, there was no doubt about it. That was the first time, but not the last time. But it had been the last time he had acted on his feelings.
Funny, he thought to himself. All the time in school, when Cyrus saw Jonah have issues with commitment to relationships, he never imagined himself ever having that problem. But there he was, desperately starting the getaway car every time someone wanted more.
Cyrus lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He had to let go of the past, of TJ. That was the only way he would ever truly move on. But he shook his head, pulling the cover over himself as he rested his head on the pillow, squeezing his eyes shut.
He didn’t need to think about it just then. He just needed to sleep, and then get on the flight, and never see him again.
Sorry this chapter is so short, I was out last week so I didn’t have time to work on it. Hope you like it!
@pixieangelprincess @luzawithoutu @terri-does-gods-work @sxshx-sxshx @tozbier @alittletooliteralleah
HMU if you wanna be tagged in future updates!
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Muffy first kiss?? I know I'm asking for a lot of headcannons I'm sorry
Author Note: I talked to the person who requested this, it is actually for their second kiss (just a typo) and I requested that I write it as a one shot instead to make my idea flow a little easier, so that’s what I’ll be writing.
Muffy Second Kiss One Shot
It had been three days since the party. Three days since the best night of Buffy’s life. Three day since the hardest night of Buffy’s life. Three days since she kissed Marty from the Party. 
She was sitting on her bed, tying her boot laces up as she thought about the first time she met Marty. They were standing at a food table at one of Andi’s other big parties, throwing lines back and forth at each other. Their banter was unmatchable. She thought about how easily she connected with Marty. How did one small, funny interaction about eating a live frog turn into this? Turn into her being head over heels for the boy with the cute dimples, the boy who got jokes twenty seconds too late, the boy who never pushed her past her limits. He reminded her of what was good for her, but knew when to back down to her stubborn mind.
While everything was still crazy to her, she knew one thing for certain: she wanted more of Marty. After they kissed, he put his arm around her as they walked back into the party. He held her close and it felt right being there. As if his arm was meant for her. They danced, threw bants, and laughed with friends for the rest of the night until Andi said she was leaving.
Buffy shuddered. It was too hard to think about. The night took a turn for the worse after she hugged Marty good bye. As much as Buffy wanted to be happy for Andi, she knew she couldn’t handle the idea of Andi being at a different school from her and Cyrus. She could barely handle it when she almost moved last year- how could Andi leave now? She probably won’t come back right after she leaves...
Buffy could feel tears forming in her eyes and so she shook herself again, grabbed her backpack and caught the bus to school.
At school, Buffy wasn’t sure if she should talk to Marty... avoid him... they did really well talking at the party and had texted through the weekend, but the idea of seeing him again scared her for some reason. How do you face each other again after such an intimate reaction? She tried to avoid the thought as she went about her school day.
Buffy managed to not see him at all that day. Her thoughts kept going back and forth between him and Andi and it made school incredibly difficult to focus on. She struggled taking notes, had no idea what a teacher asked her while she was spacing, and even failed to be sympathetic to Cyrus when he was sad he didn’t get a chocolate-chocolate-chip-muffin.
TJ and Cyrus acted really cool that day. They joked around, held hands, and seemed really normal after getting together at the party. So why was it so scary for her to see Marty?
Buffy went home and began to work on her homework. She fumbled through it as her brain couldn’t focus and she found herself standing up to do something else or checking her phone every five minutes. She was also surprised that Marty hadn’t texted her at all that day. Did she do something wrong? Did she say something to make him angry? The texts from yesterday were fine. What is going on?
Buffy jumped at the opportunity to get the door and away from her thoughts. She swung the door open.
Her first thought was to panic, but it felt impossible to now seeing him. She didn’t know why seeing him again had freaked her out so much. It felt so natural to see his face; so easy being in his presence.
“Hey,” Buffy said with a small smile.
“Hey, Buffy. How are you?” Marty was grinning ear-to-ear. Everything was fine between them.
“I’m good. Why are you here?”
“I can’t just stop by to see you?”
“Well, of course you can! I was just working on some homework and didn’t expect to see you since I hadn’t seen you at school at all today, not this morning or-” Buffy caught herself. She realized that might come off as if she had been waiting around for him. Well- she had been- but he didn’t need to know that. “-I just thought you might have been sick or something. That’s all”. It wasn’t a great recover, but it would do.
“Nah,” Marty chuckled. “I’m doing just fine. Must have just missed crossing paths. Say, can we talk outside for a minute?”
Oh no, Buffy thought, he really does want to end things. How could I have been so delusional from that grin? He smiles at everything. He’s Marty. 
Buffy continued to work herself up in her head as she calmly, but slightly confused said, “ok?...”
Marty grabbed her hand and led her to the doorstep. They sat down. He looked at her again, but this time the gaze was different. Longing? Maybe. Deep? Definitely.
“Buffy?” He asked as he put a hand on her knee. “How are you really?”
Buffy started to feel defensive. She didn’t do anything wrong! Why is he trying to end things?
“I’m fine, Marty. I’ve been fine and I am fine. I just told you that,” Buffy said, with a slight edge to her voice. She moved her leg away in an attempt to withdraw from Marty emotionally.
Marty sensed her discontent, but somehow knew it was just her shielding. He knew her boundaries and respected them. That’s why Buffy liked him so much. Or at least she thought she did until he came to hurt her. She could feel the tears start to form in her eyes out of anger. Hadn’t she been through enough? She didn’t need this today.
“Buffy,” Marty said, gently, “do you know why I came here?”
Yes, Buffy thought. Physically, however, she just hovered away from Marty and shrugged her shoulders.
“Cyrus sent me.”
This caused Buffy’s head to snap up back at him, eyes wide. Maybe she didn’t know what was going on. “Cyrus sent you? Why?” 
Marty gave Buffy a little half smile. “He wanted me to make sure you were ok. He said you had been acting off all day and seemed distant with him during lunch. He felt like something was off but didn’t want to push you. He thought maybe I could come check on you instead”.
Buffy’s whole body relaxed. She panicked for absolutely no reason. Marty wasn’t mad at her at all, in fact, he wanted to make sure she was ok. Cyrus was so sweet for thinking of her and not trying to push her to talk. She was so lucky... well... except for Andi.
She looked at Marty and gazed into his eyes for a few seconds with a soft smile on her face. She wanted to say she was sorry for being so short with him, but couldn’t find the words. So instead she just decided to talk about what was on her mind.
Marty placed his hand back on her knee. She placed her hand on his, lightly grabbing it. As she rested it there, she lightly rubbed his hand back and forth with her thumb. She watched this small movement as she talked.
“Andi is leaving. She told Cyrus, Jonah, and I after the party. She got accepted into this really fancy art school- SAVA- and I just feel like... it might... break.. us up....” Buffy’s voice began to trail as she started to get choked up. She hated crying and couldn’t handle the idea of Marty seeing that emotion in her. She needed to be strong.
She swallowed in an attempt to compose her self (which slightly worked considering it caused the feeling of her needing to cry to stop), blinked hard to reset her eyes from the tears, and continued to speak.
“I just don’t know what I’m going to do. I am happy for her- I really am- but she’s my best friend, Marty. Cyrus has TJ. Jonah is busy with Bowie. Heck if I ever see Amber around after this. I just feel like my friends and I are all going to fall apart because of this move and I just can’t take the idea of us leaving and me being alone”.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Marty interrupted to get her to stop talking for a second. She didn’t notice but her voice had began to speed up drastically as she talked. He put his free hand up to her face and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “Buffy, you already know, I won’t leave you. You are not alone”.
It’s true, Buffy thought. Even after their awkward fight last year, he still never truly left. He kept tabs with her while he waited for her to come back and when she was ready to see him again, he was ready to see her. Even after she broke his heart.
Buffy stared at him and bit her lip contemplating. She pulled the hand down he had on her face and kissed him. This kiss was a little longer, a little more intimate than their first. It was a way to thank Marty. It was a way to show she trusted him. It was a way to show that she knew that even if the Good Hair Crew didn’t last, she would make sure she and Marty would. He mattered to her as much as they did and it felt good to know she had a partner to go through these tough times with. He really was that guy.
When the kiss broke, Buffy leaned back and said, without wavering, “I know”. 
Request by: @muffy-thatsit-thatsall
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thecompostpile · 4 years
I try to write about every movie I watched in 2020- Desperate Living
Desperate Living 
Today was my birthday and I had nothing really planned. So I decided to watch a movie and not just any movie because there is plenty of time to watch just any movie on streaming. I decided I was worth the 2.99 and was going to rent a John Waters movie. My plan was Pink Flamingo but it wasn’t streaming. John Waters is an interesting director to me for lots of reasons but he doesn’t have anything easily available on streaming. Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu never had anything, John Waters. 
Everything I know about him fascinates my thought and it is a shame I have not seen more of John Waters movies. I guess I have always known him as a person who commented on pop culture. I’ve seen him on old VH1 shows and his episode of The Simpsons. The first movie I ever saw by him was Hairspray when weirdly my entire 8th grade English class took a trip to go see Hairspray on Broadway and in doing so studied it for a long period of time. We watched the movie as well but I had no idea who John Waters was, they skipped those lessons. Imagine, if you will, one day we are teaching John Waters material like it is Shakespeare and forcing children in their teens to read and watch it. A beautiful dystopia
I ended up watching Desperate Living mostly because it was one of the few movies that were on streaming. The artwork for it is also pretty great so I was interested. I did do some research over them to see which one I might enjoy the most but I tried to read the lease about the plot to not ruin anything. It was 11 O’clock and I was caffeinated up and ready to go when I turned it on. 
Let’s start with the opening. Boys are playing baseball on a foliage covered yard in front of a beautiful house. We find out a man’s wife is just returning from the psych ward from a conversation between a doctor and her husband. A baseball goes through the window and Mink Stole proceeds to lose her mind for the rest of the movie. This is her best part though as she screams so many funny lines out at the top of her lungs overacting the shit out of every bit of it. 
This is what I have wanted every single John Waters movie to be it was out of this world. It was colorful and weird. It was creepy it was hilarious it just had a little bit of everything. I see where John Waters is coming from he is mocking these super serious melodramas and turning them to an extreme. If these characters are going to complain we are going to give them something to complain about.
I never thought I would say this I thought I would be too cool but it really is a gross movie. I thought I could withstand anything but this was awful. Which most of the time I found funny and it did get a reaction out of me but it seems like a cheap reaction. Sure, you are making the person watching feel some way but there is almost no work in it. Of course, they are going to react to barf or eating bugs. When I really enjoy it more is when he reaches farther for the gross joke like the princess with her nudist garbage man who has died but she keeps dragging around his dead body is something to get a feeling about. 
The way he works with color is also extremely interesting. Everything in this movie is so colorful. It grabs the eye. Everyone is wearing kooky colors and outfits. Mortville is a gross but weirdly colorful raddled town. Everyone in the town is going through tough times. Yet it manages to be interesting to look at. Especially the house of Mole McHenry and Muffy St Jacques. Which is better decorated than any of the college houses I have ever lived in, despite the people living in it eating rats the cat dragged in. 
What I find most interesting about John Waters is not how weird or gay he is but how he was able to make these cheap little movies that are very good. As I turned 27 today I set a goal to make a full-length movie by my 28th birthday or maybe making movies just isn’t my thing. One of the things that always stops me is not having the money or materials to make it. If John Waters could then hell I should be able too. I can write a script. I have a better camera on my phone then John Waters ever did. I need to put myself in his shoes and just try to make something for the sake of making them. Who cares about the outcome as long as you create something interesting.
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raging-violets · 5 years
Bc you sent me that Muffy prompt here's me returning the favor: “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” for our iconic ship Kiley
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The steady hum of the bus engine was the only thing to break the silence of the ‘post show after glow’ that rendered the members of Big Time Rush and the DarkElements silent. The only time of day wehre the bus wasn’t filled with screaming, laughing, and constant chattering that only those who had each other for attention could do. And, most of the time with the two bands, they only had each other for attention anyway.
But, after concerts, when things were winding down, it was when they got the chance to reflect and wind down. Typically, it was a time Riley would use to get as much sleep as possible. Her sleep schedule already sucked; she didn’t get much as it was, but being on a tour bus seemed to make it worse. The changing in tempo of the humming engine as it sped up and slowed—or maybe it was, in the back of her head, the fear of getting into a crash—kept her from falling asleep entirely.
Riley sat in the lounge area of the bus, knees drawn up to rest her sketchbook against them. Absentmindedly rubbed her right arm with her left hand, tracing the pattern of the tattoo on her arm as it stuck out from the sleeve of her basketball jersey. Across from her, Kendall sat doing the homework he’d procrastinated on doing before. She could tell from the way he’d grumble and tap his pen against his forehead every few seconds before sighing heavily. It was like clockwork, she’d noticed him doing the first time she and her siblings had gone to the Palm Woods School.
It still drove her nuts.
But what occupied her mind was much more important. So much so that it managed to ease any of her frustrations of knowing what—or more specifically who—was probably waiting for Kendall back at the Palm Woods with an arched eyebrow, a wink, and a taunting comment that’d probably spurn him to write yet another song. She gritted her teeth, working to push back the tiny, wiggling point of insecurity and hurt (like she’d ever admit it) that struggled to make its way forward.
“Hey, Hockey-Head?” She asked slowly, as if still thinking whether she wanted to know.
“Yeah?” Kendall sighed, lifting his gaze from his textbook, almost in relief. No, Riley realized, it probably was relief. Taken away from his torture.
“Those things you said yesterday…” She kept her gaze on her sketch of the interior of the bus, a replication of what was sitting directly in front of her. Hereyebrows furrowed, tension held firmly in her face. “Did you mean them?”
Kendall’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He didn’t ask her to clarify what she meant. Didn’t have to. Knew she was talking about the radio interview he and the rest of the boys had done with JoJo Wright from KIIS FM. No, he wasn’t surprised of the topic, surprised she had to ask.
“Of course, I meant it,” he said. “I don’t lie during interviews.”
Riley snorted.
Kendall conceded, holding up his hands. “Except that one time.” He dropped his hands to his lap and looked at her seriously. “Yes, Riles, I meant it.”
“Okay, Kendall, I’m going to put you on the spot a little bit. So, I hope these guys here don’t kill you,” JoJosaid with a grin, eyes bouncing from James, Logan, and Carlos, back to Kendall. “Who’s your best friend?”
For a second, Kendall panicked, seeing all the eyes of his best friends turn his way. Then he relaxed, knowinghe already knew the answer. “The person I’d consider my best friend would have to be, like, family.”
“So, which of these three is it, then?” JoJo asked. He chuckled to himself, seeing them—especially James—practically look at Kendall like a lion after a gazelle. “And be careful of your answer, it may start something.”
“That’s the thing, though,” Kendall said. “These guys aren’t my best friends, they’re my brothers. I couldn’t choose between them.”
“So, what does that mean? Who’s your best friend?”
Kendall shrugged and simply said, “Riley is.”
“Riley Jackson, form the DarkElements?”
“Yeah. I don’t know how it happened. In many ways we’re so different. But in many ways…we’re the same person. She sticks by me, no matter what, and has this strange way of always knowing what to say to help me out while also getting me into even more trouble than I already was. There aren’t many people out there that’d do that.”
“So you’re saying these guys won’t do that for you?” JoJo asked.
Kendall grinned. “Did we ever tell you what happened when we got hit by Hollywood Fever?”
“Why?” Kendall asked.
“No reason, mate,” Riley replied. The nagging feeling in the back of her head immediately dispersed. She felt calmer than she had since leaving from LA. She nodded toward the homework he was working on. “Help?”
“Please!” He said gratefully.
Riley moved her sketchbook aside and moved to sit on the couch next to him. He pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt, shoving his hands into the front pocket and leaned closer to her so he could see how she worked out the math problem he was struggling with, as she found out by quickly looking over the chicken scratch on the page.
“Ah, maths,” she remarked. “Your worst subject.”
“Don’t remind me,” Kendall mumbled.
“What would you do without me, Hockey-Head?”
“I don’t want to find out.”
Riley smiled.
She didn’t have to look to know he was smiling, too.  
[ Random Sentence Starters | Ask Box ]
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A Surprise Birthday Gift
When Sherlock asked Rosie what she would like for her second birthday, she surprised him by saying, quite clearly, “A baby sister!”
“Sorry, love,” John said, laughing. “I don’t think even Papa can manage that.”
Then, glancing at Sherlock to make sure they were on the same page, he suggested “How about a puppy?”
“Puppy?” Rosie asked.
“Yes!” Sherlock said. “We should get you a puppy — so long as Nana Hudson doesn’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind,” Mrs. Hudson said. “I always thought you needed a dog.”
“Puppy!” Rosie squealed, the idea of a baby sister seemingly  forgotten.
For her third birthday, though, the only thing Rosie asked for was a baby sister.
“What about a baby sister for Cupcake?” Sherlock suggested. “Would you like another puppy?”
When her fourth birthday rolled around, Rosie once again requested a baby sister.
Sherlock opened his mouth to reply, but John slapped a hand over it, hissing in his ear, “We are NOT getting any more puppies!”
Sherlock pulled away, affronted. “I was going to tell you that I’ve been in touch with a surrogate, and if you’re on board with the idea, I’m ready to make my genetic contribution.”
A year later, Sherlock and John presented their daughter with a surprise gift.
“Rosie, meet your new baby sister, Patricia. Happy birthday!”
A Surprise Birthday Gift is also on AO3 as one of my 221B Ficlets as well as being part of my Ring Around the Rosie - Parentlock Fluff series. 
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bumper-boi · 5 years
My Favorite Color Is You Part 2
Author’s Note: I got an ask saying they wanted a sequel, so sequel I wrote! Word Count: 1865 Pairing(s): Tyrus, background Ambi, Muffy, Wonah Genre(s): Fluff Trigger Warning(s): N/A You can find the last part here: https://cxrus-kippen.tumblr.com/post/182716221615/my-favorite-color-is-you-part-1 ——— Tj opened the box, staring at the ring that sat inside, sparkling brightly. The silver band with the engraving, ‘To My Muffin’ holds a deep blue gem, bigger than Tj’s bank account would prefer. He heard walking down the stairs to the living room he shared with his boyfriend, hopefully soon-to-be-fiancé Cyrus. He snapped the small black box shut, shoving it in his pocket quickly. “What’cha doing there?” Cyrus asked, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing!” Tj said quickly. “Okay… Should I make dinner tonight? Or do you want to?” Cyrus said, flopping onto the couch next to Tj. “I actually wanted to take you out to dinner tonight! I set up a reservation at Cheź Gote.” “Oh really? What time?” “7:30 pm,” Tj said with a smile, thinking back to all the meticulous planning of this night. “I’ll be ready by 7:00.” ——— Tj’s heart raced as he sat with Cyrus at dinner, laughing lightly at some remark Cyrus made. “So Teej, how has work been lately?” Cyrus asked, staring into Tj’s eyes fondly. “Same old, same old. The students still want to meet you. They desperately want to know the guy who makes me this happy.” “Aww Teej! I would love to meet your students! What about on Wednesday? I don’t have any appointments lined up so I can totally come in,” Cyrus said with a smile. “Great! I’ll tell them you are going to be there!” The two started sitting in comfortable silence, waiting for their food to arrive. Once it did, they continued to eat in silence, only making small comments about how good the food was. They got to dessert, Tj eating ice cream, Cyrus eating lava cake. They let each other take bites of their dessert. Eventually, they paid the check and left. “Want to go somewhere? I already have a place I would love to take you. It will be quick, I promise,” Tj said, thinking of the perfect place to propose. “Sure, where?” Cyrus asked, smiling. “You’ll find out,” Tj said smugly. He drove them to Jefferson Middle School. The school Tj and Cyrus had gone to many years ago. The school where they first met. The school where they fell in love. “Why are we here?” Cyrus said, staring at the familiar sign proudly displaying the school’s name. “I wanted to see what they did to our swingset.” “Oh,then let’s park and head to the park where it is!” They made their way to the swingset that had long since been replaced with a newer version, and they sat down, swinging slowly. ‘Now or never, Tj,’ Tj thought, standing up. “Teej?” “Cyrus, I need to do this before I lose the confidence. I have planned this for months, and Andi and Buffy may have helped a tad. I love you, and you can probably see where I’m going with this, but anyway,” he lowered onto his knee, taking the ring out, “I want to marry you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?” Cyrus pressed a hand to his mouth, tears falling quickly. He nodded, standing up quickly to hug Tj, “Yes! I would love to marry you Tj!” He said as they hugged. When they separated, Tj kissed Cyrus passionately. He grabbed Cyrus’ hand, slowly sliding the beautiful ring onto his finger. Cyrus stared at the ring, noticing the engraving on the band. “To My Muffin,” He said, smiling wide, “Tj. I love you.” “I love you, too.” ——— Wedding planning was in full swing. They had picked a venue, a cake, even their tuxes! Cyrus was very efficient, and managed to keep their plans on track, which Tj was very thankful for. It took him forty minutes to decide on a color for tablecloths(eventually going with blue, Cyrus’ favorite color), and another twenty for the theme of the centerpiece(simple white roses). He had finally managed to pick a best man, though he had a lot if trouble doing it. Now it was just time to tell Cyrus who he picked. “Babe! I picked a best man!” Tj yelled to his fiancé. “Finally!” Cyrus yelled back as he ran down the stairs, arms full with a stack of papers, “Who did you pick?” “I want your approval on this, but I wanted to ask Buffy to be my best man.” Cyrus squealed, dropping the papers he was holding, “Tj that is the best idea ever! We need to call Buffy and get her over here so we can tell her!” “You really think she would want to?” “Definitely. And if she doesn’t I’ll make her.” ——— Buffy arrived twenty minutes after their brief phone call. She had just come from work, still in her pantsuit that she had worn to the firm that day. “Hey what’s up?” She asked as she stepped inside, fixing the top-knot bun she was sporting. “I have an important question to ask you,” Tj said, standing up to face her. “Yes?” “Will you be my best man?” “But I’m not a man?” “That never stopped you.” Buffy smiled at the sentiment, looking to Cyrus, who was nodding frantically. She looked back to Tj, shrugged, and said, “What the hell? Sure, I’ll be your best man.” Tj hugged Buffy, who groaned, though quickly returned the hug. “Thank you,” Tj said, letting go of Buffy. “No problem. What are fiancé’s best friends for?” She said with a laugh, “Do you guys need me for anything else? Marty said he had a surprise planned for me.” “No, that was all. Go be with your boyfriend!” Cyrus said, hugging Buffy before she left. ——— Tj stood at the altar, wearing a traditional black tux, waiting for the wedding procession to walk down the aisle. Andi made her way down, arm linked with Amber. They parted once they got to the end, Andi moving to Cyrus’ side, Amber to Tj’s. Next, Jonah and Buffy walked down the aisle, copying what Andi and Amber did. Finally, Cyrus stepped out, arms linked with both his parents, wearing a deep blue tux, one much like the one he wore to his bar mitzvah. Tj gasped, then smiled wide. Cyrus smiled back, as “Here Comes The Bride” played over the speakers. He walked slowly with his parents, eyes wet with tears. He made it to the altar, eyes locked with Tj, who was also close to tears. Cyrus’ father shook Tj’s hand, just before handing Cyrus off to him. Tj smiled at Cyrus, then mouthed, “I love you.” Cyrus mouthed, “I love you, too.” ——— Tj pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolding it nervously. He looked up at Cyrus, starting to speak shakily, “Cyrus, from the moment we met, I knew there was something about you. I saw you, a boy who couldn’t even get a muffin, and I was in love. On the swings, when I told you about ‘my stuff’ I fell harder. Everytime I would talk to you I would fall harder. I had been planning my proposal since basically the day we got together. I had my first kiss on that bench all those years ago with you. I knew I loved you from day one. Underdog, I love you so much. I promise to give you all the love you deserve, though you deserve way better than me. I should probably finish soon, so all I’m saying is I love you, and I hope you feel the same.” “Tj,” Cyrus said slowly, crying, “I love you so much. Anyway, my turn! Tj, I love you. I constantly wonder how I managed to be this lucky, how I got with you. For a long time, I wasn’t even comfortable saying that I was gay. I now know that being around you has made me so much more comfortable being myself, and I thank you so much. I love you so, so much. My vows could never compare to yours, so I guess I vow to never stop loving you and helping you to become a better person, just like you have done to me.” ——— “Do you, Tyronius Jackson Kippen, take Cyrus Goodman to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.” “Do you, Cyrus Goodman, take Tyronius Jackson Kippen to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.” “You may now kiss the groom.” Tj quickly pulled Cyrus into a kiss. The crowd cheered loudly, applauding quickly. ——— Cyrus held Tj’s hand, stepping on the cloth bag, hearing the sound of the glass inside breaking. Everyone cheered again, some people standing to congratulate to couple. “You better not fuck this up, Kippen,” Buffy said from behind Tj, making him jump. “Oh wow thanks,” He said jokingly, turning to face her. “Just, please don’t hurt him? Please?” Buffy said seriously, clapping him on the shoulder. “I promise not to hurt him. I really love him.” “I know.” ——— The reception went by quickly, everything blurring together due to all the congratulations and things they received. Cyrus walked up behind Tj, turning him around to kiss him lightly, “Hey,” He said as they parted. “Hey.” “Congrats to the happy couple!” Buffy said casually as she hugged Cyrus. “Thank you Buffy!” “Speaking of happy couples,” Buffy said, looking to the ground as she grabbed Marty’s hand, “Marty and I got engaged!” She shoved her hand into Cyrus’ face, which was sporting three blood red diamonds on an intricate, dark grey band. “Wait really? Buffy I’m so happy for you!” Cyrus said as he pulled Buffy into a hug. “Did you tell him the news?” Andi asked, walking up in the middle of their hug. “Yeah! I’m so happy for them!” Cyrus said. “Me too!” Andi responded. “Andi and Cyrus, I want you two to be my maid of honor and my man of honor! Would you do me the honor?” “Of course!” Andi and Cyrus said in unison. “Hey Tj?” Marty said from next to Buffy. “Yeah?” Tj asked while putting his arm around Cyrus. “This may seem like a random thing to ask, since we barely talk, but I really don’t know who else I would ask, so will you be my best man?” “Sure, I’ll be your best man. It can be a ‘You’re Welcome’ for Buffy being mine!” “Thanks dude!” “No problem!” ——— Cyrus danced with Tj to some pop song that no one knew the words to, but was singing anyway, as his friends all danced at his side. The music changed into a slow song, people starting to move from the dance floor, or pair up with their significant others. Tj grabbed Cyrus, who looked to his sides to see his friends all pairing up. Andi giggling as Amber peppered kisses around her face while they swayed to the song, Buffy taking the lead over Marty, who was blushing and laughing at her taking charge, and Jonah setting his head on Walker’s shoulder, closing his eyes, smiling while they slowly danced. Cyrus looked back up into Tj’s eyes, who was looking back at him. He smiled, leaning up quickly to kiss his husband. When they pulled away, Tj grinned, “So, when’s the honeymoon?” “Tj!”
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Zed Word-10: Love. Actually.
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Zed Word Masterlist
Author’s Note: Originally posted to ao3. This was inspired by a series of tweets between Jeffery Dean Morgan and Jensen Ackles…. Sam and Dean never found John, but everything went the same way anyway until Season 5. Adam never said ‘yes’ to Michael. The fight at Stull Cemetery never happened but Lucifer (jumping from vessel to vessel ‘cause Sam wouldn’t say ‘yes’) and Pestilence managed to infect everyone with Croatoan, turning everyone into zombies when they die. The boys have traveled the apocalyptic landscape killing zombies and saving people ever since. JOHN IS NEGAN!!!
Summary: Reader has been living in Alexandria since Daryl saved her life. When she ventures out of town for the first time in months, Sam and Dean save her life and she takes them back to Alexandria, a town on edge since Negan showed up. Dean takes an instant interest in the woman, and when Negan shows up again, he does, too.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Negan (John Winchester) x Reader
Story Warnings: Kidnapping, torture, Non-con/dub-con, unprotected sex of a forced nature, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, PTSD, *THIS IS A DARK FIC*
Chapter Warnings: manipulation, pregnancy stuff, tainted food, oral (fem and male rec), unprotected sex, noncon/dubcon,  18+ HERE BE SEX, DO NOT READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!
You stood awkwardly behind the men as Sam opened the box, sliding the pieces of wood to reveal a large, old key. Exactly how you'd dreamed it. Every matching image from your dream made your stomach feel a little sicker. The house, the key, the door on the river... there would be a spiral staircase on the other side, leading into a room with a light-up table with a map on it. Computer banks would line the walls of the first room, but they'd give way to an open library full of lore and magic books. Dean would find the power switch and everyone would go exploring.
Sam swung the door open and took a cautious step over the threshold, pistol in one hand, machete in the other. John followed, then Dean. Chuck shot an apologetic look at you before stepping over the threshold and you felt like you were glued to the ground. Panic rising in your chest, you considered running again. If you ran, the dream couldn't be real. If you ran, though, Lucifer might get his hands on both babies and you couldn't risk that. It needed to be done. God chose you to... God chose your children to get this over with.
You took a deep breath and forced your legs to move, carrying you into the bunker as Dean found the power switch and the lights came on. John quickly came up and closed the door behind you as your eyes fell on the exact images from your dream. "Oh, God." fell from your lips.
"All right. Sam, Dean, spread out, check for zombies. Prophet, keep an eye on our girl." John ordered. He said it like it was your safety on his mind, but you read it for what it meant. 'Don't let her run.'
The Winchesters descended the staircase and disappeared. They wouldn't find anything. You sat on the top stair and hung your head. Chuck sat next to you and folded his hands in his lap. "I'm sorry."
"The dream... it's all real. It's all real, isn't it?" You didn't look at him as tears started to gather at the corners of your eyes.
"Probably. Yeah." He answered, softly.
"Why would I do that? Why would I let him... why would I put that ring on? I have to be missing something."
"The visions are like that, sometimes. Sometimes there's big chunks of important information missing. Like, one time, I saw Sam in bed with this demon, Lilith, but I didn't see that he had the demon-killer knife under the pillow. And I didn't see that Sam killing Lilith would let Lucifer out of his Cage. I didn't see the twins." He finished, softly.
You looked over at him, finding comfort in his blue eyes. "Why me?" You whispered. You weren't sure why, but you honestly felt he had that answer.
He put his hand on your back, running his thumb across your coat. "Because John picked you." He sighed. "He's got Sherry and he's got that group back at the Sanctuary, but... once he... after he had you... y/n, you know how obsessed with Mary he is. He's replaced her in his heart, after 30 years, with you."
"But I don't want that."
"Mary didn't, either. Not at first. The angels interfered." Chuck's face showed volumes of pity. "The Cupids are gone, so you couldn't be forced to fall in love with him, so you just..."
"Had to be forced. Right." You leaned your head against his shoulder. "So, God must hate me, right?"
"Nah. I don't think so. I think... he probably admires your strength and intelligence. I think he's probably happy John picked a woman who sees the big picture, who's strong enough to put her stuff away and do what needs to be done. What Sam and Dean couldn't do."
"Place is clean." John's voice made you tense, but Chuck slipped his arm around you, comfortingly, before helping you stand. John's eyes narrowed at the contact between you and the prophet, but he turned and headed for the hallway you knew led to the bedrooms. "This one's yours." He opened the door with a '12' on it. "You get one of the ones in the cross hall." He spat at Chuck.
Chuck patted your arm and you slipped into room 12, slamming the door behind you. You looked in the mirror over the sink next to the door and sighed. You looked like shit. Your eyes were sunken and you were obviously dehydrated. Your face was sunburned, your skin was dry and your hair was stringy and oily. You needed a shower and a meal and... the apocalypse to be over. You needed the Winchesters to go the fuck away. All of them. Sam seemed okay, but you were certain that was only because he wasn't trying to or failing to fuck you.
You collected all of your clothes from your bag and headed down the hall to the shower room. You locked the door behind you and took a nice hot shower with the best water pressure you'd ever experienced. You wrapped yourself in an thick, old robe and tied the sash in a double knot, before picking up all of your clothes and heading to the laundry room. You put your clothes into the old Bendix washing machine and poured some detergent powder in on top of them. You started the machine and ran for your bedroom, locking the door behind you. The woman in the mirror looked like you again, but you were definitely in need of some water, so you filled a cup that was sitting on the sink and sat on the bed to drink your water in your comfy robe.
Your stomach was starting to growl when a knock came to your door. "Go away."
"Thought you might be hungry. It's been a while since you ate. You want some chicken noodle?" John's voice was barely muffled by the hard wood door.
Your stomach spoke for you, rumbling at the thought of food. You stood, double-checking yourself in the mirror to make sure the robe was completely covering you before opening the door. His eyes roamed over your body, like he was imagining what's under that robe. He smiled and offered you the bowl. You took it in both hands and sat on the bed, pushing the robe down your legs and putting the bowl in your lap. You took a bite of the soup and smiled. It was warm. Actual real warm soup was something you hadn't experienced in a long while. "Thanks, John."
John shut the door behind him and looked down at you, a soft smile on his face. "No problem. Thanks for accepting it. After how I acted the other night, I was afraid you'd throw it in my face."
"Too hungry to waste good food like that." You responded, pulling another spoonful of soup to your lips.
"I wanted to apologize for that. You know, I knew I went too far as soon as I walked away. I don't want you scared of me, Y/n." He said, sitting down on the edge of your bed. You chose to ignore his proximity by shoveling more soup into your mouth. "I want you to love me. I want you to be mine and no one else's, y/n, and I know that's a stupid thought now and I wish I hadn't treated the way I did. I was so afraid I'd ruined any chance I had of making you my wife, all because I called you 'Muffy' and made you get a little too intimate with Lucille." You shivered at the memory and swallowed another mouthful of soup. "But then, Chuck gave me an idea. See, my beautiful Mary, she had to be persuaded to love me. A Cupid got her, shot her with some Enochian spell to make her fall head over heels for me."
You looked up, your eyebrows coming together in confusion. His smirk was enough to make you nauseated. "You really shouldn't accept food from a crazy, controlling sociopath. He might have dosed it with love potion." You threw the bowl off of your lap and it crashed to the floor, splashing the bed frame with pieces of chicken and veggies. "These Men of Letters, they had so many books, so many spells. It took me half an hour to find the components for that spell. Can you imagine? It took me years just to find the proper sigils to protect the Sanctuary. I not only found the spell, but the pieces I needed to put it together in this bunker, in less than an hour. This really is a dream come true."
"You poisoned me?!"
"Shh." He ran his hand down your arm and it sent a confused fog to your brain. "In a couple minutes, it won't matter. You'll be in love."
You squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head. "No." You said, weakly, trying to get off of your bed. He grabbed your arms and pulled you back onto the bed. You grabbed onto his white tee and tried to not look at him, but after a moment you blinked up at him. Your fingers relaxed and your hands came to rub across his chest. "John." You breathed out.
"Yeah, sweetheart?" He asked, his smirk making his eyes sparkle.
"I'm so sorry I ever doubted your love. I can feel it, now." You stared into his eyes, completely sure of the mutual love in your hearts. "I love you, too, John."
"Of course, you do. How about you show me just how much you love me, baby girl?" He suggested, pushing your hands down to the button of his jeans.
"Anything for you, John." You responded, wistfully, leaning forward to catch his lips while you popped the button and pulled his zipper down. "I wanna make up for all the horrible things I said about you, the terrible way I treated you." You mumbled against his lips as he leaned back to lie on the bed, taking you with him to lie on top of him. "I want to make you feel so good to make up for how bad you must've felt hearing me say all those-"
"Sweetheart, shut up and suck my cock." He whispered, amused. He shimmied his jeans down his legs.
"Of course." You grabbed his dick, almost immediately hard in your hand and ran your hand up and down it in exactly the way he'd taught you. You leaned forward and swiped your tongue across the head. He grunted and his hand buried in your hair, but you didn't let him push your head down. You brought your lips to his cockhead, placing kisses down his length until you got to the nest of hair at the base before twisting to place those kisses on his balls. You licked from the base to his head and dipped your tongue into the divot where precum was already starting to gather. "Have I ever told you how much I love your cock, John? It's so perfect, so nice, so big." You praised, before taking him in your mouth until he hit the back of your throat. You pumped the base of his dick as you bobbed your head up and down, nipping slightly at his frenulum every time you came up to the head.
"Oh, sweetheart, you are gorgeous. Swallowing my cock so pretty. I'm gonna fuck you 'til you can't move." He grunted. You moaned as he pushed you backward onto the mattress and easily pulled the knot out of the sash on your robe. He pulled your robe open and stared down at your body. "Oh, y/n. I fuckin' love your body." He ran his hand across your belly, the bump already becoming prominent with the twin boys inside your womb. "I want you to scream for me. Can you do that, sweetheart? I want you to scream my name. I want them to know who you love."
"Okay." You breathed out as his head dropped between your legs. He didn't go slow, no licking and nibbling his way to the place you needed him most. He rammed his tongue into your entrance, his nose rubbing against your clit as his hand came up under your ass to push your groin into his face. "Oh, fuck! Oh, John. More." John smirked as he pulled back enough to look up into your face, before sucking your clit between his lips and sucking on it, hard. "Ah!"
He crawled up your body and looked down into your eyes, his cock pulsing against your lips. "I love you, y/n." He whispered, cupping your face in his right hand before kissing you deeply. You grabbed at his shoulders and wrapped your legs around him. He reached between you and lined his cock up, sinking into you with ease. His head dropped to the crook of your neck and he groaned, licking at your skin. "God, I missed you. Those beautiful tits, your amazing strong tight pussy... do that thing I like." He ordered, nibbling at your shoulder.
You clenched your vaginal muscles, making him groan. He held tight to you as he pulled almost all of the way out and then began to push back into you, pushing an inch or two in, then pulling out and pushing in even further. You threw your head back as he bottomed out. It'd been months since he was inside you and you felt a little breathless at finally having the man you loved where he belonged again. "Remember, sweetheart. Loud as you can, let my sons and the prophet know exactly who you love."
You nodded and he grabbed your shoulder as he began to thrust into you. "Oh, my god! John! God, yes! Oh, god!" You screamed. Normally, you weren't so vocal, but that's what your love wanted from you, so you screamed and moaned like a porn star as he picked up his speed and fucked you hard. He moved his left hand between you and used his thumb to rub your clit to orgasm as he came deep inside of you. You fell over the ledge right after him, screaming as loud as you could.
He pulled out and kissed you, softly, before jumping up off of the bed. "Let me go check on your clothes, okay, babe? Why don't you clean yourself up? And, uh, that soup you dropped."
"Yeah." You said, sitting up and pulling the robe back around yourself.
"Hey, y/n?" He stopped at the door. You looked over at him. "I love you."
"I love you, too, John." You smiled, happily as he slipped out the door, quickly closing it behind him.
John shut the door and turned around to see Dean leaning against the wall across from the door. His arms were crossed over his chest and there was a deep scowl on his face. He straightened when he saw his father. "What the fuck?!"
"What?" John started, innocently, before throwing a look at the bedroom. "Oh. We made up."
Dean pushed away from the wall. "You made up? From you kidnapping and raping her? You made up from treating her like a fucking dog?"
Dean moved to open the door, but John put his hand up to stop him. "I told you, Dean. It's all about how you treat her and... you didn't treat her right. Didn't treat her like the strong, beautiful woman she is."
"Move out of the way. Let me talk to her."
"Of course, Dean. I was just trying to save you from some disappointment." John feigned an earnest expression as he moved out of the way and Dean moved to knock on door number 12. He walked down the hall toward the laundry room with a smirk on his face.
Dean glared at his father's back as he walked down the hallway. He didn't knock on the door, just opened it and walked in. "Y/n?"
She was on the floor, cleaning up a spilled bowl of soup with the sash of her robe. She looked up. "Oh, Dean. I thought... thought you were John."
Dean's eyebrows came together as she smiled up at him, holding her robe closed with her left hand. "Are-are you okay? I mean, you-"
"I know what you're gonna say." She stood, looking a bit embarrassed. "I'm usually not that loud, you know, but John wanted me to vocalize. I think it's a dominance thing."
"A..." Dean shook his head. "What... what's goin' on?"
"I think he just wanted to make sure everyone knew that we were... together, you know?"
"But why are you together? I'm sorry. I'm just so... confused, here."
She sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at him, pity in her eyes as she gave a tight smile. "Dean... your father loves me."
"He tortured you."
"He had to. His men are terrible, okay? They would have seen how he feels about me and they would have done so much worse to me. He saved me. Because he loves me. We're in love, Dean."
"But you weren't this morning." Dean growled.
She nodded in understanding. "I get what this is about. You're jealous."
"What?! No, I'm not jea-"
"You had your chance, Dean. You're the one who said 'pineapple'."
"This isn't about that! He's horrible! What the hell has he done to you?"
She shook her head. "He hasn't done anything to me. I just... realized, you know?"
"You just realized?" Dean scoffed, shaking his head. "Right. Yesterday you hated him, but today you realized you love him? That doesn't seem wonky to you?"
She shrugged. "No. Not really." She dropped back down to clean up the soup. "Oh! So, I was thinking that maybe you and Sam could go to Alexandria and pick up everybody, bring them back here where it's safe."
Dean leaned against the sink. "That's not gonna happen."
"Well, I know it's not ideal. I mean, maybe you don't bring the whole town, but definitely Daryl and Michonne and Maggie. I mean, she's gonna want somewhere safe for baby Rhee and I guess Rick would have to come if Judith and Carl were gonna come. Rosita would be nice for Sam to have some fun with, but..."
"That's not the problem. Negan killed their people. They're not just gonna get over that and live with him in harmony." Dean looked down at her as she scooped soup in her hands and dropped it into the bowl.
"Well, they'll have to get over that. He's the father of my children and I love him. If they care about me, they'll get over it." She looked up at him from the floor and gave a pointed look. "Everyone who cares about me should get over this."
"If they care about you, they won't want you being controlled by a psycho like him." Dean shook his head, stepping away from the sink. "I'm gonna find out what he did to you."
Y/n sighed, wiping up the rest of the soup with the edge of her robe, before standing and dropping the bowl in the sink. "He didn't do anything, Dean."
"Yes, he did. Whatever it is, you can't see it, but I know-"
"She said I didn't do anything, son. You callin' her a liar, or just stupid?" John opened the door and walked in. "Your clothes are in the dryer, baby. You're gonna be stuck in that robe for another hour, or so." He moved to stand in front of her, grasping the edges of her robe. "Wonder how we could kill an hour."
"John!" She squealed and giggled as he pushed her into the wall and attacked her neck with his mouth. "John, Dean's right there!"
"He can watch, if he wants." John whispered as he reached down to grab her legs and hitch them around his waist. "Long as he keeps his distance."
The bedroom door slammed as Dean fled the room in a rage. He stomped down the hallway to Chuck's room, which was open. "Explain that!" He demanded, pointing in the direction of y/n's room.
Chuck shook his head. "I don't have all the answers, man! I don't know how to explain that."
"Okay." Dean closed the door behind him. "Then, tell me what she was so upset about yesterday. What about the dream was she freakin' out about?"
Chuck sighed and looked down. "This... and the ring."
"The what?"
"He's gonna ask her to marry him. She's gonna say 'yes' and she's gonna... John's been carrying around Mary's wedding ring for thirty years."
"No." Dean's face fell. "He's not gonna give her my mother's ring. She wouldn't accept that." He began to pace the small room. "Especially if she was so worried about it yesterday. He had to have done something to her. Blackmail? Cursed item? Love spell?"
"I don't know, but I mean, John's not a witch."
"But you agree that isn't natural?" Dean turned to him.
"I... agree it's weird. But, you know, maybe she just had a change of heart. Women are prone to change their minds, right?"
"Chuck... don't be an idjit. Women don't change their minds like that." He pointed toward her room again. "They don't fall in love with a guy who raped them and treated them like a dog for almost a month."
"Stockholm Syndrome?"
"No." Dean shot down that idea immediately. "She's been out of his influence for-"
"Yeah, but... John can protect her."
"I can protect her." Dean argued.
"But you can't make her feel whole." Chuck answered, bending down to pull a notebook out of his bag. "Okay, I have an answer on this one." He flipped the book open and flipped to the back.
"Chuck, I don't wanna read your stupid-"
"Pick up the book and read, Dean."
Dean sighed, loudly, and picked up the notebook.
She remembered watching the zombie as it tried to crawl away. It was a perfect metaphor for her. No longer human. No longer whole. Just there, plugging forward, responding to outside stimulus but nothing else. Dean said he loved her and he dearly wanted to, she could tell, but he couldn't love her. The only one who wanted her, as is (pregnant, broken, conditioned to be the way John wanted her) was John. He swore he was in love with her, too, and somehow it was more believable from him. Of course, he only loved her the way he made her, but he was probably the only one who would ever love her. Dean couldn't love her. Dean had said 'pineapple', he'd never be able to look past her conditioning, her training. So, her options were wait and then run where she would be alone, (which she hated), stay with Dean and be content never knowing his touch, or let John have her again. Bow to what he made of her and how he made her body feel.
"What the hell is this, Chuck? Are you tryin' to tell me it's my fault she's in bed with him?"
"I'm tryin' to tell you that she's... I don't know, Dean, that she... has needs? I mean, you know... You fucked up. You knew you fucked up as soon as it happened. Maybe she just... chose the option that was easiest. All of her needs can be met this way, and the babies' needs."
Dean shook his head. He refused to believe that. "No. No, he did something. This isn't..." He threw the notebook on Chuck's bed. "I'm gonna figure it out." He pulled the door open and stomped down the hall toward his own room.
Hunters- @letsby, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @adoptdontshoppets, @spnskinnyballs
Zed Word Tags- @mannls
Everything Tags- @heyitscam99
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