#of how to push back against what junko wants
aparticularbandit · 1 month
I should replay Stanley Parable just to have Junko quote it in the third fic at some point, huh
Because that relationship of "every road you travel, every choice you make or can make had been written in advance, and they all end with your death" is. that's Junko's theme in the trilogy.
It does not matter what you do or how you do it. The story ends with Junko's death. She will die. She is going to die.
Makoto's sacrifice doesn't save her. Mukuro and Matsuda following her doesn't save her. Kyoko's love will not save her, and neither will Mikan's.
It's all scripted, and it has been from the beginning, and every route ends with Junko's death because she wrote it that way.
She gave you the book, Kyoko. You read how it ends. But up against the Ultimate Analyst who knows you so well that she can predict your actions in advance, even choosing to go against what she wrote - she already knows how you will act.
And she is determined to die.
How do you fight that?
You can't.
Junko's going to die and that's the way the story ends and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.
How do you wrestle with that? How does Kyoko wrestle with that? That inevitability while other people keep sacrificing themselves to stop something that cannot - will not - stop?
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theamityelf · 5 months
(Takes place in this Yandere AU.)
Ideally, the moment when Makoto remembered everything would have come at a time when he was alone, so he could process the information and collect himself. Instead, the pieces all came together in his mind in the middle of dinner. He was sitting right across from Izuru, who was watching him to see his always-rapturous reaction to the food.
And he remembered. The little recollections he'd had of a stoic girl, of a room that seemed to be his, of laughing with friends, clicked together. He remembered dating Kyoko, going to school at Hope's Peak, befriending Izuru, gently rejecting Izuru, hearing about the Tragedy, living in the school for a year, and then...
He dropped his fork.
"What's wrong?" Izuru asked.
"N-Nothing." His heart was racing, and he tried to keep the revelation, the horror, from his expression. He remembered Mukuro knocking all of them out, Junko...Junko and Mukuro were the Ultimate Despair, and Izuru had-! He quickly averted his eyes, shoveling food in his mouth to hide his reaction.
Izuru lied. He lied he lied he lied he lied he lied-
He could feel Izuru's gaze still locked on him. "How is it?"
"It tastes great!" It did. Izuru's cooking always tasted so good, it made his eyes water. But he didn't want his eyes to be watering right now. And he didn't want his voice to be shaking.
He needed to leave. He needed to...get to the school? To his friends? Just to get away from Izuru and the threat posed by his willingness to do something like this?
Makoto forced himself to meet Izuru's eyes and smile. "It's really good. Maybe even better than yesterday."
Izuru's expression was normal. Makoto hoped that meant he was convinced by the act. "I'm glad you like it."
Makoto let himself break eye contact, lowering his head to keep eating.
The Tragedy. There had been rumors going around that Izuru had caused it. That he'd killed the Student Council. Izuru himself had vanished after it happened. Makoto...he'd insisted that it must be a misunderstanding. Izuru wouldn't do that. He was their friend.
But now...too much started to make sense- horrible sense -if it was true. But what did he want with Makoto? Junko and Mukuro had seemed to have plans for them all, when they'd knocked them out. Why was Makoto alone with Izuru? Was there something that came next?
He needed to not think about this. If it came to a physical struggle or race, he could not hold his own against Izuru at all, so he had to make sure his reaction wasn't obvious. Just get through dinner, and once he was alone, he'd sneak into the garage. That must be where Izuru was keeping everything useful; it would explain why he told Makoto not to go in there.
"I, uh..." Lighter. His tone needed to be a lot lighter. "I don't think I can eat another bite." He forced a laugh. "It was really good, though! I'm just full. I think maybe I'll take a shower and get some rest. My headache is back." Please work, please...
"Your headache?" The words seemed to have the desired effect, based on the furrow in Izuru's brow. He got up from his chair. "I'll get your bed ready. If your headache is back, you should have a bath instead of a shower. I'll take care of that, too. Wait here."
He could feel his heartbeat in his throat, as Izuru left the room. He waited until the footsteps had made it all the way up the stairs before he got out of his chair as silently as he could.
Okay. No big deal. He just needed to sneak out on the Ultimate Ultimate, figure out where he was, find his family? Find the school? As if he could get inside, after everything they'd done to secure the place.
What could he do? What could he do? He had to do something.
He reached the door to the garage. Deep breath. He had to open the door silently; if Izuru heard him opening it, he could be back downstairs in two seconds. He turned the doorknob. Silently. Silently. Please, silently...
He pushed the door open. There was a faint creak at the hinge, and he winced, but he didn't hear any footsteps. He entered the garage and turned on the light.
His heart skipped a beat.
The contents of the garage...First of all, the wall where there should have been a large door to let cars in and out was replaced by a sheet of solid metal, making his prospects of escaping this way dubious. In the corner of the room was a desk with a computer and other devices whose names Makoto didn't know. A sleek black moped leaned against the far wall.
But most of the room was taken up by some kind of machine. It looked a little like an MRI scanner, but what it most resembled was a more compact version of the device he'd seen after being knocked out by Mukuro...and before losing his memory.
The door suddenly closed behind him, and he whipped around and saw that Izuru was here. He didn't look angry. His expression was calm. But he'd closed the door, cornering Makoto in a room with no other exits, and one of his hands was hidden behind his back.
"You are a bad liar," he said mildly.
"Izuru! I was, uh...I just...Sorry, I was curious."
"You remembered something." Izuru took a few steps closer. Makoto managed not to back away. It wouldn't make a difference if he did, anyway, save indicating to Izuru that they were no longer on the same side. "Or dreamed something. If you tell me what it was, I can tell you if it was a memory or a dream."
Those words, and the casual way they invoked the trust Makoto had placed in Izuru for the past few weeks, teased at the outrage he hadn't consciously felt building inside him. "I remembered the girl's name," he said heatedly. "Kyoko Kirigiri."
Izuru's expression remained very still. After a few seconds- enough for Makoto's anger to settle back into dread -he replied, "Yes, that was her name. She was the Ultimate Detective."
Makoto's heart faltered. "Was?"
A head tilt. "Are you worried about her?" Izuru took another few steps closer, and this time Makoto couldn't stop himself from backing away. He didn't have time to think past the reflex. "Is that why you snuck in here? Because you're worried about her?"
He couldn't focus on any pretense of ignorance he might have kept. Not with that critical "was" demanding his attention. And not with Izuru's gaze holding his so coolly, the memory of their past friendship, an awkward rejection, and their recent closeness looping through his mind. Why was he here? Why had Izuru taken him here?
"You're shaking," Izuru said. "You don't have to be afraid. I'm not angry at you for remembering; you had no control over it. Matsuda's procedure was flawed in the first place. I've been working to improve on it for a while now."
Makoto glanced over at the weird machine. No...
When he looked back at Izuru, he was closer. And the hand that had been behind his back was now visible. He was holding a syringe.
"W-Wait!" Makoto said, though Izuru had already stopped moving. "Please, what happened to everyone? My class? Kyoko? Are they okay?"
Izuru flicked at the needle. "I almost wish I could tell you she's already dead, but I haven't been keeping up with Enoshima's game. You are a much higher priority."
Those words. So callous. How could he say something like that so casually? "What game? I don't understand!"
"And you needn't. Don't worry. Next time, you won't regain the memories at all. The improved process is much more precise. You will forget only what I want you to forget, and there will be no more dreams. You'll be happier once she's been burned from your mind. And the process won't hurt. I've made sure of it."
"No!" Makoto ran, and Izuru didn't stop him; there was nowhere to go. He already stood in the way of the one door. All Makoto could do was scurry aimlessly, just focused on putting enough distance between them that it felt like Izuru ceased to be a danger. "You can't take my memories! They're my friends; I can't just forget them again!"
"You won't miss them." Izuru was approaching slowly. "They don't miss you. She has forgotten you exist. You just need to reciprocate. This way, everyone will be happy."
"Weren't we happy before? Today, yesterday? You were happy."
"Izuru, I promise, I won't try to leave-!"
"I promise you," he said, backing Makoto into the wall. "Only happiness." He covered Makoto's mouth with his hand before more begging could come out. "I promise. Do you understand? You brought me from a state of despondence and disinterest, I will cure your excessive loyalty to undeserving people, and everyone will be happy. Now, I don't want you to go in upset. Can you relax for me, please?"
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Some Serious BS: Part 2.
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Ahhh...Home sweet home...
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*After splitting off from the rest of Zetsubou and getting a long train back to the main city, Matta and Tsutsuji finally return to their old trailer. Tsutsuji is quick to flop on the sofa lazily.
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Well, mission accomplished. Zetsubou have been set back, and introductions went pretty well.
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Are you sure it was wise for you to introduce yourself to them this early in the game? Now Enoshima and the others know that I'm collaborating with someone.
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They might use you against me, in the right circumstance.
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Gonna have to catch me first. Besides, it's best to put our cards on the table for now so that they continue to trust you. And it's not like they could kill you, even if they get all their assets back.
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...Kuripa Kurafto is still alive I take it?
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As you requested.
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Good. Did my gambit work?
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That remains to be seen. Now that he's had a chance to kill me once, perhaps he can finally focus on the people who have died up until now, and question what he will do for his future. Though I can't guarantee he won't regress when he sees me again.
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Best to lie low for a while until we start seeing more developments.
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Good idea. In the meantime, I think I'll go over some more of those case files you leant me. The one's you brought up after the lab incident.
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Haven't you already read that several times now?
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Yeah, but I want to make sure I understand everything. You don't always give me all the information I need Matta, so I need to memorize it when I can and piece things together.
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You know I do it for a reason. Everything happens at its own time, and moves at its own pace.
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I took a bit of a risk with that gambit of yours. But I think its working out.
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Trust me...I know Kuripa Kurafto better than you ever could. I have his entire history documented in this little library I call a brain.
*Tsutsuji strides past him.
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Speaking of which, I should probably go clean the chamber. You left quite a mess when you woke up earlier.
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Oh, I'll help you.
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Really? Thanks.
*Matta follows Tsutsuji inside their trailers cramped bathroom...
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*As Matta nods, Tsutsuji takes the handle of the toilet and pushes it up instead of down. When she does, the floor beneath them starts to descend on a hidden elevator, deep into the ground...
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Did I ever mention that you guys from the future are so extra?
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What do you mean?
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When I was a kid, there were spy movies I watched that did stuff like this. I always thought to myself "this can't ever be real," but you guys made stuff like this happen. Secret tunnels and bases under bathroom stalls.
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And why? For any reason other than it looks cool? That its well hidden and practical? You could have just had a hidden stairwell at the back of a wall, but no, whole ass elevator system.
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All that's telling me is that you were a rather pessimistic child, Tsutsuji.
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Heh...Suppose I was. But I didn't really have a lot to be happy about.
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I've told you this before, but when I was really young, I got exposed too early to how full of Despair this world is. Take Junko out of the picture, and there's still a lot to be miserable about.
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Part of me still thinks this world is irredeemable, but if I hadn't met a certain someone, I wouldn't be fighting for a better future here with you.
*The elevator comes to a stop.
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vergilsama922 · 1 year
Hope Universe: The Laughing Man Murders - The Heartbeat of Hope
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Makoto: Gently takes Junko's hand, his eyes reflecting a gentle sorrow Junko, we need to talk about this. I'm…I'm worried about you.
Junko: Raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips Oh, my brave little Hope boy~ Worried about me? I'm not the one getting into scraps with big sis y'know~
Makoto: Lets out a small sigh I know, Junko. But this… this support you're giving to the Laughing Man, it's not like you.
Junko: Laughs Oh, sweetie, I think you've got me all wrong. It's exactly like me. I've always been about hope, just like you. This is simply a different flavor of it.
Makoto: Shakes his head No, Junko. This isn't hope. This is…despair. It's just dressed up differently.
Junko: Crosses her arms, her grin never fading Despair? That's a pretty big word, Makoto. You sure you're not just overthinking this?
Makoto: Nods, looking at her earnestly I'm sure, Junko. Because hope…hope isn't about ending lives, it's about preserving them. It's about believing in the potential for good in every person, no matter their past mistakes.
Junko: Leaning back, she chuckles Oh, Makoto. Your hope is so…cute. But sometimes, people just need a little push in the right direction. That's what the Laughing Man is doing, giving them a push towards hope.
Makoto: Gently squeezes her hand again But Junko, hope isn't something that can be forced. It's something that has to be chosen. And the Laughing Man… he's taking that choice away from people.
Junko: Rolls her eyes Oh, Makoto. You and your idealistic notions. Sometimes, people just need to be shown the right path.
Makoto: Nods solemnly Yes, they do. But that path should be shown with kindness, with understanding. Not with violence. Not with fear.
Junko: Laughs again, but there's a hint of uncertainty in her eyes Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree then, won't we?
Makoto: Looks at her with a gentle smile Junko let me ask you something. What does hope mean to you?
Junko: Thinks for a moment, then grins Hope… Hope is about the future. It's about progress. It's about making things better. It's about… it's about pushing forward, no matter what.
Makoto: Nods, then looks at her seriously And do you think that the Laughing Man's actions are pushing us forward?
Junko: Pauses, considering Well…I suppose in a way, they are. They're making a statement. They're forcing people to confront the corruption in our society.
Makoto: Gently shakes his head Junko…Hope isn't about forcing people to do anything. It's about inspiring them to want to be better. It's about showing them that there's a brighter future waiting for them if they choose to reach for it. It's about…believing in the power of change. And I believe in you, Junko. I always have.
Junko: Laughs heartily, but there’s an intensity in her eyes…swirls in fact Oh, Makoto, you really don’t get it, do you? Hope isn’t just about sitting back and waiting for people to change. It’s about taking action. It’s about cleaning up the mess that despair leaves behind.
She waves her hand in the air dramatically, her voice rising.
Junko: And let’s face it, darling, the world is full of despair. There are people out there who are so steeped in their own corruption, they don’t even realize how much they’re hurting others. They’re spreading despair without even knowing it. And it’s up to us, the hopeful ones, to stop them.
She leans forward, her spiral eyes gleaming.
Junko: That’s why I support the Laughing Man. He’s doing what needs to be done. He’s ridding the world of those who only spread despair. He’s a beacon of hope in a world that’s drowning in despair. And I think it’s about time we had someone like him, don’t you?
She falls back in her chair, a triumphant smile on her face.
Junko: So, there you have it, Makoto. That’s what hope means to me. It’s about taking action. It’s about fighting against despair in any way we can. And if that means supporting the Laughing Man, then so be it.
Makoto: Sighs softly, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before he speaks. His voice, when he finally does speak, is soft but firm, filled with the conviction that has always defined him Junko, my love, I understand your perspective. I really do. But hope… true hope… isn't about eliminating despair. It's not about eradicating the negative, the corrupt, or those who do wrong.
He leans forward now, his eyes meeting hers with a gentle intensity.
Makoto: Hope is about believing in the potential for change. It's about trusting in the capacity for goodness in every person, no matter how far they might have fallen. It's about offering a hand to those lost in despair, not condemning them. The Laughing Man, he's not offering hope. He's propagating fear. He's saying that there's no redemption, no chance for change. But that… that's not what hope is.
His voice grows stronger, more passionate.
Makoto: Hope is a guiding light in the darkness. It's a beacon that says, 'Yes, you've made mistakes. Yes, you've done wrong. But it's not too late. You can change. You can grow. You can become better.' It's about forgiveness, about understanding. It's about offering a second chance, even when it seems impossible.
He reaches out, taking Junko's hands in his, his gaze unwavering.
Makoto: And that's why I can't support the Laughing Man. Because true hope doesn't extinguish despair, it transforms it. It takes the raw, painful experiences of our lives and uses them to forge us into stronger, kinder, better people. And I believe, Junko… I believe that everyone deserves that chance. Everyone deserves to experience true hope.
He falls silent, his eyes still locked on Junko's, his words hanging heavy in the air between them.
Junko: Blinks, visibly taken aback by Makoto's passionate speech. She pulls her hands free, running them through her hair with a frustrated sigh But Makoto… some people… some people are just… just so full of despair. They… they're beyond saving, aren't they? Shouldn't… shouldn't they be removed, for the sake of hope?
Makoto: Shakes his head, a soft, sad smile on his face Junko, do you remember when we first met? You were… you were so lost in your own despair. You caused so much pain, so much suffering… by your logic, you should have been… removed.
Junko: Her face pales, her voice barely above a whisper Makoto…
Makoto: Reaches out, gently cupping her face in his hands. His voice is tender, full of love and understanding But YOU weren't beyond saving, Junko. You… you changed. You embraced hope, you fought against your own despair. You became someone better. You became my wife, the mother of our children.
Junko: Her eyes well up with tears, her voice wavering as she struggles to keep her composure But… but I…
Makoto: Pulls her into a warm, comforting hug, his voice soft in her ear. Junko, you're proof that no one is beyond saving. That's why I believe in hope. That's why I believe in people. And that's why I believe that, together, we can guide those lost in despair back towards the light.
He pulls back, looking deeply into her eyes.
Makoto: So, Junko… will you trust in hope with me? Will you believe in people with me? Will you stand against this killer… with me?
His words hang in the air between them, a heartfelt plea that echoes with the sincerity and conviction that has always defined Makoto Naegi.
Junko: Barely a whisper I…..I'll….try…
Makoto: Smiles softly, brushing a stray tear from her cheek That's all I can hope for.
Junko: Finally manages a small, teary smile, her hand coming up to rest over his on her cheek You're such a… such a…
Makoto: Tilts his head, a questioning look in his eyes A what?
Junko: Suddenly smirks, a spark of her usual mischievousness returning A deliciously hopeful egg, Makoto Naegi.
Makoto: Blinks, then chuckles, shaking his head in exasperation Only you, Junko. Only you would say something like that.
Junko: Laughs softly, her fingers tracing a teasing path down his arm Well, you married me, didn't you? You're stuck with me and my…unique compliments. Pushes her chest towards his
Makoto: Swallows hard, his face turning a shade redder Junko…
Junko: Leans in, her breath fanning against his ear And maybe…you like being stuck with me, don't you…? Filling me with so much….hope…~
Makoto: Blushes furiously, stammering out a response I…I mean, that's…
Junko: Cuts him off, her laughter subsiding, a more serious, seductive look taking over Shh… She places a finger over his lips, her eyes locked onto his Enough talking, Hope Boy…
Slowly, she leans in, her gaze never leaving his. There's a raw, captivating intensity in her eyes - an intensity that has always been uniquely Junko's. But in this moment, it's softened, just a touch. A show of her vulnerability, her trust…her love.
Junko: Whispers, her breath ghosting over his lips Now it's time for you to show me…how much hope you really have.
Despite the teasing (?) there's a sense of comfort and warmth that fills the room. Their shared bond, their shared hope, shines brightly in the face of the despair they face. And in this moment, they are simply Makoto Naegi and Junko Naegi, husband and wife, united in their love and hope for the future. Although….don't ask what happens next, I'm sure everyone's imaginations know what happens. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
Yo! I was wondering if I could perhaps request a Yandere Nagito x Reader who happens to be Junko's little sister or smth.
This. This is the ultimate pairing
I got writer’s block in the middle so this turned out kinda weird, sorry.
Title: Almost
Pairings: Nagito Komaeda x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, spoilers, self-mutilation, self-deprecation
Summary: Nagito finds love in a very unexpected place.
“I wouldn't know where to start
Sweet music playing in the dark
Be still, my foolish heart
Don't ruin this on me”
-from “Almost” by Hozier
Nagito’s heard of you, of course. Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba’s little sister. Even the Future Foundation doesn’t know if you’re a third Ultimate Despair or a victim of your sister’s cruelty as well.
He just didn’t expect to see you here.
He had planned, ever since watching Junko’s death on TV, that he would take a part of the Ultimate Despair and attach it to him. By taking a part of Junko, he would absorb a part of her power, he hoped. He would become one with despair so he could overcome it with hope over and over again.
To be honest, even he wasn’t sure entirely why he wanted to do such a thing. Maybe he was just as obsessed with her as his former classmates. He hoped not. After all, Junko was against everything he stood for.
Nagito pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his goal. He’d have all the time in the world to consider why he so badly wanted to become one with the person he hated most later. For now, he had to go see what was even left of her body.
Hope’s Peak Academy stood proud and tall against the wrecked city- easily the tallest building that remained. The round once-deadlocked entrance was just a hole in the front of the school now, open for Nagito to walk inside.
He obliged the silent invitation, soon finding himself walking the halls of his old school. Maybe it would be nostalgic, if he could feel that sort of thing anymore. Instead, it’s a dull ache in his chest that he easily ignores.
He traversed through the school, looking for the scene he saw on his TV- the execution room where Junko had met her end. He doubted anyone had tried to move her body after the show had ended.
Sure enough, he soon spotted the machine that had crushed the mastermind. To his surprise, it was reset in the “up” position instead of down, smashing Junko’s body, like it had been left. He hurried over, worried that someone else had gotten to her before him, only to stop and stare at the girl crouching at Junko’s side.
It was you, (Y/n) Enoshima. Sister of the twin Despairs. The last living Enoshima child.
Nagito watched as you scurried away from Junko’s body, giving him a worried look. He couldn’t blame you. After all, you seemed much too sweet and pure to be an Ultimate Despair. He could tell that from just looking at you.
He sat down next to the body and pulled out a knife. It was time to get to work, to combine the Ultimate Despair with himself, a servant of hope.
Nagito began to saw through his arm, biting his lip as the pain washed over him. He tried to hold back the screams of agony, but they still escaped his mouth. Finally, the severed hand fell to the ground with a sick thud.
He grimaced as he looked down at the stump. It was sick of him to do this, but he needed to. To his surprise, a white cloth was wrapped around it immediately. He looked up and found you dutifully wrapping it around his wrist.
It must have been disgusting, as his blood soaked through the thin white handkerchief, but you still did your best with it. Nagito stared at you, heart pumping in his chest.
Oh, you were so full of hope, weren’t you? How precious, how beautiful you were! To lower yourself to care for trash like him was simply incredible!
Nagito forgot about Junko’s arm and, maybe even for a moment, he forgot about despair. 
He grasped your arm with his remaining hand and grinned from ear to ear, hyperventilating from the excitement he felt. “To think, an Ultimate Hope born from the same womb as the Ultimate Despairs!”
You looked at him, confused, but he frightened any potential words from your mouth. Nagito was crazed, creepily staring at you as though you were the answer to everything he had been searching for.
“I don’t need to combine myself with a Despair. No, no, I need to subject you, a being filled with such unimaginable hope, to my despair and watch you win, over and over again!”
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A part 3 of dating a reader who's the opposite of them and when asked why there dating Saud girl they blush and say they're too cute~ with Hiyoko saionji, Kirumi tojo and Mukuro ikusaba
I’m trying to a request a day FYI everyone, so yeah lol-Mod Junko
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Hiyoko, Kirumi and Mukuro with a S/O who’s the opposite of them
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Hiyoko Saionji
• the fact Hiyoko was even in a relationship surprised everyone, she was so nasty usually most people thought that nobody would want to deal with that in a relationship, not you though
• Hiyoko is pretty nasty to Mikan but you work with her to try and make her stop bullying her and be nicer to the rest of her class, she begrudgingly goes along with it
• she only lets you see her soft side, anyone else gets dirty glares from her. It’s very soft between you two, you get her gummies and candy, she’ll cuddle and be very lovey for the night
• mahiru was asking how Hiyoko was since they’re best friends and you mentioned how Hiyoko was so cute when she wasn’t being so hostile
• Hiyoko nearly spat out her gummies “I’m not cute! You’re just saying that cause I’m small!”
• all you could do was stifle a laugh before Hiyoko tossed her bag of gummies at your face, it didn’t hurt but it sure was funny
• she reluctantly said sorry later and offered cuddles to make up for it, she sure is soft when she wants to be
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Kirumi Tojo
• Kirumi is very loving to you, as much as kokichi calls her mom, she really does act like one, but you respect she doesn’t like to be called that
• honestly no one even knows you two are together since Kirumi is so quiet and you’re so energetic, as ditzy as you are, she does love you
• whenever she’s serving the other students you’re right there helping her, folding laundry or cooking food, she tries to tell you that she can do it on her own and she doesn’t want to drag you into her work but you help her anyway
• “why is it that you’re so forward with helping me, Y/N? It is my job to serve others but you do it with me anyway”
• “you’re my girlfriend, of course I want to help.” You responded. “Plus I like watching you work, you’re so cute”
• kirumi’s face went a slight tint of red, and she simply smiled to herself
• “whatever you say my dear, but I believe you’re the cute one here”
• you two continued to clean the dining hall, enjoying the quiet moment of being in each other’s company
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Mukuro ikusaba
• Mukuro never really thought she’d be with someone since the state of herself and how she’s affiliated with Junko, but you proved her dead wrong
• She may be stone cold normally but she’s very gentle on you, she loves watching you be so energetic, it’s adorable to her
• Mukuro was working out in her room while you were reading on the bed, her doing push ups to keep herself in shape
• you were watching her do her workout and had a lovestruck look on your face before Mukuro caught your eyes looking at her
• “what are you looking so giddy for, my love?”
• you shook your head with a smirk and looked back at your book, “nothing, you just look so cute”
• Mukuro’s face went red and she sat up on her knees, rubbing her arm, “I wouldn’t call me cute, but you definitely are”
• you smiled at Mukuro as she joined you on the bed and layed against you, softly stroking your hair
• “maybe I should make you join my work outs if you’re going to sit and watch me like that.”
• you chuckled and put an arm around Mukuro’s waist, letting her rest against you
•”that would be nice, dear”
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The First Night
Upon discovering what Mukuro's done to her abusers, Junko decides a reward is in order.
Junko had been suspicious when Yoshida Mako had been found mutilated in his own home three days ago. He was her first manager, the first man who'd ever taken advantage of her. Then yesterday Morimoto Daichi, the photographer who'd photographed her rape at Yoshida's hands, had been discovered at his studio, strung up by his entrails. That had been the confirmation she needed.
Her sister had returned home four days ago and already two of Junko's abusers were dead. It didn't exactly take a genius to figure out who was responsible, and Junko was far more than a genius.
The fashionista had been waiting impatiently the whole day for their parents to go to bed, and then another thirty minutes after that to ensure the sleeping pills she'd slipped them had put them both out for the night. While she'd waited she'd put on a sheer blue nightie with a matching pair of lacey panties. And at 11pm exactly she carefully stepped out of her bedroom.
Quietly, she made her way down the hall to her sister's room, pausing outside the door to listen for a moment. There was a soft rustling of fabric and footsteps coming from inside. Grinning to herself, Junko opened the door and slipped inside.
As the door clicked shut, Mukuro stiffened, whirling around to face her with a knife in her hand. Her eyes widened upon seeing her little sister, the knife getting tossed into a backpack that lay open on the bed. "Junko-chan! What, uh... what are you doing here?"
Junko smirked, eyeing her twin up and down. The soldier was dressed in combat boots, dark jeans, and a black hoodie. She could see various weapons poking out of the backpack. "Going somewhere Muku-nee?" She asked teasingly, leaning back against the door. She arched her back, drawing Mukuro's attention to her chest, her tits on full display through the sheer gown.
Gasping, Mukuro immediately shifted her gaze toward the ceiling. "Why are you wearing that?" She asked nervously, hands fidgeting at her sides.
"Oh this?" The fashionista asked, bringing her hands up to her chest, slowly sliding them down over her breasts, down the length of her stomach, watching how her sister's eyes seemed to unconsciously follow the movement, pupils blowing wide before she averted her gaze again. "Just a nightgown. It's sexy, right?"
Swallowing, the soldier's hands clenched. "Y-yes, very... very sexy."
Letting out a soft sigh, Junko shook her head in amusement. Her ridiculously chivalrous soldier, trying so hard to be good and respectful. Fingers toying with the hem of her gown, she hummed curiously. "Were you going after Shirai tonight?"
That brought Mukuro's attention back to Junko, just as she'd hoped. The soldier's mouth opened and closed a few times, as if she couldn't decide how to respond. After a long moment of silence, her face hardened, back straightening as she met Junko's gaze resolutely. "I won't apologize for killing them. And I won't stop until they're all dead. The filthy fucking vermin deserve to suffer for what they did to you!" She hissed, body trembling with barely suppressed rage.
Junko blinked, unconsciously clenching her thighs together. It had been so long since she'd gotten to see that protective fury, that rage that her beloved sister once had so much trouble controlling. She'd only just begun to understand what that rage awakened in herself before Mukuro had left to join Fenrir. The arousal it brought out of her was far more potent now than it'd been when she was thirteen.
"I don't want an apology," she replied, locking the door before pushing off of it. Slowly, she sauntered her way forward, enjoying the way Mukuro's eyes dropped to her swaying hips. Moving fully into the soldier's space until their fronts were pressed flush together, Junko draped her arms around her sister's neck.
"What are you doing?" Mukuro muttered, her breathing growing shallow at the feeling of her little sister's breasts pressed firmly against her own.
Pouting playfully, Junko hummed thoughtfully. "I think my strong, protective wolf should get a reward for killing my enemies, don't you?"
The older twin's brow furrowed in confusion. She wasn't sure exactly what she'd expected from this conversation, but it certainly wasn't this. "I don't... you're not upset?"
Rolling her eyes, Junko leaned closer until their noses touched. "Dumbass. Why would I be upset? Like you said, they deserve it." Sliding her hands down to Mukuro's chest, she pushed forward, taking advantage of her wolf's distraction to shove her onto the bed.
Mukuro fell onto her back, staring up at her sister with wide eyes as Junko climbed atop her, straddling her waist with all the grace of a tigress. The fashionista grinned down at her, hands coming to the zipper of her hoodie and tugging it slowly down. "Junko, wait," Mukuro gasped, moving to stop her.
"Hands down soldier!" Junko barked.
"Yes ma'am!" Immediately, Mukuro's arms dropped to the bed at her sides, her body tensing as her eyes snapped to attention, meeting amused sky blues.
Giggling, Junko pulled the soldier's hoodie open. "Oh, that's useful!" Slipping her hands beneath Mukuro's tank top, she lightly dragged her fingernails over the hard muscles of her sister's abdomen. "You're even more obedient than you were when you left."
Shuddering at the feeling of those sharp nails dragging along her stomach, Mukuro kept her hands completely still. "Ma'am, I..."
"You're staying right here tonight, soldier," Junko interrupted. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to her sister's neck, drawing a shiver from her. "You can hunt again tomorrow night." Her lips brushed along the skin of Mukuro's neck with each word, kissing her way upwards toward her ear.
"Ma'am!?" the soldier gasped, hands curling into fists, but still not moving from her sides.
Giggling once again, Junko nipped at her sister's ear. "You're gonna be a good soldier and let me reward you oh so thoroughly for your service," she purred before taking Mukuro's earlobe between her teeth and tugging on it.
"Ma'am, please!" Mukuro whined, her hands jerking up, stopping just before they could land on Junko's hips.
Releasing her hold on her sister's ear, she sat up, meeting her gaze once more. Slowly, she began rolling her hips back and forth, holding Mukuro's gaze the whole time. "Are you gonna be a good soldier and follow orders?"
"Yes ma'am!" The soldier replied without hesitation, drawing a smile to Junko's lip.
"You may touch me," the fashionista allowed. Immediately, Mukuro's hands were grasping at her hips, guiding her movements. She could feel the damp fabric of her little sister's panties press against her abdominal muscles, drawing a shuddering breath from both of them.
"Hope you're ready for a long night soldier," Junko groaned out, curling a hand around Mukuro's neck as she leaned down. "I've been waiting for this for three years." And she caught her wolf's lips in a hungry kiss.
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(Apparently y'all liked when I posted about Danganronpa and I got this hc I want out there so here comes the food guys)
Is it likely we'll ever get another Danganronpa game? Nah
Do I want this nonexistent game to be about Rantaro's killing game and do I know exactly how it must end anyway? Hell yeah
Of course it's entirely possible that the Ultimate Survivor thing isn't a unique case in the in-universe DR franchise and it's just a way of bringing back a fan-favourite candidate like they probably do on reality shows.
But wouldn't it be MUCH more fun if Rantaro alone got that title bc he really was the sole survivor of his game, in what could have been a first in the series?
The thing with a series being as formulaic as DR is that the same structure becomes expected. NDRV3 Trial 1 worked so well bc according to The Formula, everyone can die EXCEPT the protagonist, so throwing that out the window is an instant shocker so long as it's decently executed. And while I have my issues with Kaede's plan and her just jumping to killing the mastermind like that (idk it just felt ooc for her to resort to killing so soon), I can't deny the twist was very well prepared and all that stealth foreshadowing HURTS on second watch.
So when all the shit in NDRV3 Chapter 5 happened, no one, not a single mf believed that could be it, because according to The Formula, all the actually important lore shows up on Trial 6 alongside the Mastermind, and the game can't end before that reveal. No one believed in the unsolvable case, because The Formula says there is always one culprit and there can never be a wrong answer. This, even when actually having more than one culprit would actually make a more interesting story as previously stated.
But with Rantaro's game? The fact that he survives isn't too bad a foregone conclusion when we still have to discover HOW he survived, who else was with him and how they died. But what of Trial 6, when everything about the Mastermind (Tsumugi/Junko) and the meta aspects is foregone conclusion?
So... How about we just skip Chapter 6 entirely? What if we overthrew The Formula by stopping at Trial 5, if there is nothing more shocking a Trial 6 could possibly do?
So if Rantaro really is the sole survivor of his game. Okay, the idea of the protagonist soloing a trial against the Mastermind is actually pretty awesome, but isn't there a more plausible explanation as to why only one person would walk out of a killing game alive?
Imagine going through an intense trial, but finally coming close to the truth and uncovering the killer's plot, and getting to the vote... Only, for the first time in the franchise, to see the result be WRONG. To realize the game pulled a little unreliable narrator on us and the "truth" was just the narrative the very character we play as wanted us to follow. To witness what a mass execution is like at last and for it to unveil Rantaro as the first blackened to have successfully gotten away with it.
And for the game to just. End there, without the expected Trial 6.
Now imagine replaying through that chapter knowing the end and picking up on all the subtle hints of what Rantaro was doing behind everyone's back, even ours. Worse, replaying the game and following the Ultimate Adventurer's character development along the whole game now knowing it all culminates with him finding the resolve to betray all the other students.
Oh how cruel and utterly beautiful that would be </3
(Bonus headcanon I got while reviewing this before posting: What if that game introduced red herring truth bullets, as in clues you collect that are never meant to be used at all in the trial and just here to misguide the player, so an added difficulty is now picking out the right clues that will lead to the truth. But in hindsight, the final trial turns out to have been about picking your clues to derail the trial and push YOUR narrative when some of the "red herrings" were clues that could've exposed you)
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modstarfell · 1 year
A fathers betrayal
Juu had spent countless hours and nights staying awake. He had to find his son. He knew he might not have dealt with things in the best of ways but his son was the only family he had. There were countless search troops all over the place and even he had left his place a multitude of times to try and find Tsurugi. It's been a long month...  He felt like he was losing hope at this point. Juu was siting at the police station's office muttering nonsense to himself just trying to get his brain and his body kicking again.
How can the chief of police not even find his own son?!
That was one of Tsurugi's upperclassmen walked into the building with a girl trailing behind her. "Hiii! You're Kinjo right? I'm Enoshima, Enoshima Junko." She gave the other her typical bear-grinning smile with her hands on her hips. She truly looked like a queen and he was completely unaware just what she was about to deliver.
"Yes, you two are from class 78. I know the school has gone on lock down since the tragedy started... I'm impressed you're standing in front of me. What do you need?" It must've taken her a lot to get out of the academy and going unnoticed... Especially if there's another person with her.
"Ah... Boo-hoo... trying to cut our time here short... But, I just wanted to tell you... None of class 79 actually made it to the lock down. I was walking around though... and we found this." Junko signaled to Mukuro to give the man the bag Mukuro was holding.
Mukuro placed the bag on the desk and it let out a disgusting squish noise as things moved around liquid seeped through the bag onto the table. It wasn't just any liquid either... Was... Was that blood?!
Juu slammed his fist down on the desk, looking up at Enoshima. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Don't be mad at me Mister Chief of police! I had nothing to do with this! I was walking through the school when I saw the carnage... Next to this was a police badge was found with Tsurugi's name on it. T-This is all that's left of your son! Waaah!" She let out her fake tears to try and push her point.
What. All that.... was left...? He's been searching all this time... Only for his son to have died...? Hesitantly, Juu opened the bag and was greeted with a pile of mush that was once a person. It was definitely pretty aged by now and there were bugs crawling around whatever was left. He almost threw up at the mere smell it had hitting his nose for the first time.
"You know what I think Tsurugi would've liked more then anything? To be close with his father... Even after his death. He did love you dearly after all, what kind of father would deny him that wish? Try and eat it." Junko stared at the males face, she could already tell he was contemplating many things. "What hope is there left anymore? You won't be able to find him with search teams, and now he's landed right back on your desk... in a pile of mush caused by some random criminal probably filled with despair in his final moment. Only despair can tell what a true criminal looks like after all."
Eat... Eat his son...? The thought of it was insane to him! Inhumane! Yet he began crying. Despair... despair can judge true evil...? He felt his mind beginning to slip, everything was a haze before he knew it he was tearing into the bag with his bare hands and he felt the mush enter his mouth. His mind was shouting at him to stop and to throw it up. Tsurugi wouldn't have wanted this! Yet, his body was working against his will. "Haahh..." When he finished his mind was nearly completely numb. "Tsurugi... I'll protect you from hear on out... You're a part of me now..." Tsurugi... His son's name... Everything from his blue hair to the shoes he wore plagued his thoughts.
He'll do whatever he needs to, to keep the world safe for his son.
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yurironin · 1 year
junko attends a lavish new years eve party, and brings mukuro along after her older sister insisted she be there to protect her from any... unsavory guests. mukuro quickly discovered that flashing anyone who shows interest in junko with a deadly gaze isn't enough to stop them from flirting with her.
mukuro pulls her sister into the bathroom; locking the door behind them before anyone has time to notice. junko begins to protest, but mukuro forces her fingers into her sister's mouth. this shuts the blonde up, to mukuro's great satisfaction. junko can't resist sucking on and tasting mukuro's calloused hands, her agile tongue slipping in-between the scars and valleys and coating it in saliva. from her position behind junko, mukuro savored every little sound and move that came out of her sister, groaning with pleasure as junko grinded against her; squirming in an attempt to escape her grasp.
"not so talkative now, are you?" mukuro whispers in her ear with a deep and gravelly voice. it is almost a growl, representative of how much the wolf girl was truly holding herself back. her grip on junko's waist was firm and unwavering, shaking with a barely contained animalistic lust. holding her sister helplessly in her arms like this was addicting. once mukuro had a taste of it, she could no longer stop herself. she needed more.
junko can do nothing but moan and murmur as mukuro pulls down her sister's top and starts groping her tits. the thought of being violated, by her own sister no less, in the middle of a wild party where no one could hear her made her legs quiver; the despair of it all nearly giving her an orgasm right on the spot. the way mukuro's strong hands moved across her body, addicted to the touch of junko's skin... it was a kind of passion no other was able to offer her.
"you thought you could get away with teasing me." mukuro continued, angrily pawing at her sister's perfect bust. she's not even trying to please junko. it's a violent display of dominance, of ownership. junko was beautiful. she was angelic, she was perfect, she was... a goddess. the idea of anyone else trying to please her simply angered mukuro. as her older sister, and most devoted follower, she felt it was her duty to make sure that junko was worshipped properly. she believed she knew what was best for junko, and what she had decided was best was, well... herself.
"you thought that i would just sit there and watch as you gave your perfect body away to some... some..." mukuro couldn't even finish her thought. merely thinking about it disgusted her.
"haven't you learned your lesson yet?" mukuro scolded her younger sister. "only i am allowed to touch you. only i can satisfy you. nobody else deserves to touch, to admire, to please your body but me."
junko bit mukuro's fingers furiously, blood dripping down across mukuro's fingers and dribbling off of junko's chin. mukuro doesn't react. she doesn't even wince. she sees junko's face in the mirror, covered in blood, slowly dripping off of her chin and onto her exposed chest. it gave mukuro a renewed sense of violent lust; pushing her sister's head down against the mirror and bending her over the sink. the soldier stopped to admire her sister's perfect ass, hiking her skirt up and spanking it with all the force she had.
junko cried out, moaning with both pain and pleasure. mukuro spanked her, pushing junko's face against the mirror much harder, keeping her trapped over the sink, presenting her ass to her big sis like a good girl, even if it took some 'convincing'. mukuro slid her fingers understand junko, pushing them into her soaking wet pussy; just to hear the gasps junko makes as she forces her way in. the soldier smiled. she was going to have a lot of fun at this party after all.
"when we're done here, i want you to go out there and show everyone what i've done to you. the ruined makeup, red marks on your ass, the bruises, the scratches, the blood... all of it. i want everyone to know that you're MY sister. i want everything to see who you really belong to." mukuro commands, her confidence at an all time high.
junko can only nod and moan as her wolf of a sister had her way with her. it was going to be a long night.
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landofsamurai · 4 days
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@whitexreflection asked:
"Looks like I've been summoned~" Junko strutted toward Sougo and then pushed him against the wall, using one of her legs to pin him in before she leaned in close. "Such a shame, though, you're still pretty cute..." A sad, yet cutesy tone accompanied her voice while she gazed up at him for a moment before her expression contorted to that of a sadistic grin. "Puhuhu~ It's so despair inducing to have to punish you," Her body further pressed against him as she snuck her hands along his wrists and she leaned in to kiss his cheek. In the midst of that, her hands deftly handcuffed his hands to the pole.
Junko snickered and stepped back, that smile still curved along her lips and her eyes were strictly focused on him. "What, did you think I was gonna feel you up?" She paused before feigning embarrassment, "Pervert! This isn't a late night hentai, Okita!" It was then she fished some darts from her person, fixing her gaze on each one while she frowned for a moment. "Hmmm... I wonder what I should do with ya? Simple dart throwing seems kinda boring, y'know?" With that, she tilted her head.
"You're so much cuter hand cuffed like that. Maybe we should put duct tape on that mouth of yours, though... You tend to be pretty mean y'know." That last part was spoken with a high pitched voice.
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Oh joy. The crazy bitch herself has arrived. Judging by the annoyed look on Okita's face, he was thrilled.
He didn't look all that phased when she'd push him against the wall, merely look back at her with any lack of amusement within his features. Arms crossed over his chest. Her voice was grating to the ears, ripping out her vocal chords so she'd never be open to curse the world by speaking ever again.
Okita had been curious on what she was planning, hence his lack of effort to do anything against her. Her touch wasn't very comforting, and for some reason judging by looks alone, he can tell how much blood was on her hands.
''Woooooah, handcuffs. How original.'' Like that hasn't happened to him from various women before. Typical thing to do to someone you wanted to torture.
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''If anyone needs duct tape on their mouth here, it's you. Listening to you talk makes me want to bang my head on the wall up until I reach unconsciousness.'' Despite being restrained, he spoke his thoughts anyway not having anything to fear.
''I'm guessing you're using me as your toy since no other man is crazy enough to put up with you. Am I right?''
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
Of An Endless Infinity: Day ??? (III)
Summary: What does it mean to be the Ultimate Hope?
Is it only hope on the big scale?  That the world is not so dark and depressing and destructive as the villain in front of you says it is?  That you can win, even when everything else says that you can’t?  That maybe it is better to live your life, even afraid, than it is to keep yourself sequestered away, alone?
Does it not also mean hope on the small scale?
Or: Makoto sacrifices himself in the hope that the other survivors might be able to help Junko. It remains to be seen whether this will actually succeed.
Chapter Rating: T. Fic Rating: M for Danganronpa reasons.
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Day ??? (of an Endless Infinity).
“What did you hear?”
That’s the most important thing, far more important than asking what she’d said.  Kyoko could have said a lot of things while dreaming, and none of that would matter if Junko didn’t hear it.  (Of course, it crosses her mind that Junko could lie to her.  There’s no reason to believe that she won’t, especially since she still retains her knowledge of the years Kyoko has forgotten and can create a whole other story with hints and allusions to what actually happened just to play another sickening game with her.
And yet, something deep in Kyoko’s chest hopes for something else.  Hopes that Junko will speak the truth, even if she uses it as a weapon.
(A third part of her is terrified that she will.))
“Nothing much.”  Junko shrugs.  She stretches her arms over her head, grabs her wrist with one hand, and pulls until her elbow pops.  “What did you dream about?” she asks around a mouthful of a yawn.
“Nothing much,” Kyoko lies.  Her gaze drifts away from Junko to the sheets at the foot of her bed, all crumpled, wrinkled, near to tangled.  She can’t talk about that dream with Junko anyway.  Doesn’t want to talk about her.  (Refuses to accept that she’s afraid to talk about it with her.)  And yet, the dream looms large in her mind, like a memory unlocked.  “Did you have good dreams?”
Junko snorts as she fluffs her pillow, as she sets it behind her back, as she sits up and leans against it.  “Define good.”
Before Kyoko can respond, a knock comes, sharp, at her door, followed by the equally sharp bark of Byakuya.  “Open up, Enoshima.  Food’s here.”
Kyoko shoots her a look.
Junko just rolls her eyes.  “Oh, they think they’re safer if I’m locked in here with you.  You know.  Prisoner stuff.”  She sighs.  “Like that could do anything to me.”  Her gaze drifts to Kyoko.  “Want me to—”
“No.  I’ll take care of it.”  Kyoko pushes herself out of bed and sets her bare feet on the cold blue tiled floor.  She doesn’t particularly want Byakuya to see her like this – who knows how long without a shower, in nothing more than her nightgown and gloves – but unless she wants Junko to confront him herself….
(Junko could have confronted him before now.  She didn’t.  Instead, she chose to stay here, in this room, with her.  That has to mean something.)
((It’s Junko.  That doesn’t mean anything.))
Kyoko opens her door to a Byakuya who isn’t even paying attention to her, whose gaze is elsewhere, as turned away from her at this point as he can be.  Her eyes narrow.
“Here,” Byakuya says as soon as the door opens, shoving a tray of disgusting looking food at her.  “Breakfast.  Enjoy.”
“I think not.”
Byakuya’s brows shoot up, and he turns to Kyoko with a quickly stifled look of astonishment.  “So you aren’t dead,” he murmurs.  Then he smirks.  “Of course, she wouldn’t let her most loyal knight die.”
Kyoko’s eyes narrow.  “I am no one’s knight.”  Not that she particularly cares what he thinks.  “And you shouldn’t treat Junko like a—”
“A murderer?” Byakuya completes, looking down on her with contempt.  “The mastermind?  The reason we’re all trapped in here?”
“Makoto is the reason we’re still trapped in here, not Junko,” Kyoko counters because it’s the truth.  She knows it’s the truth; even if there’s no way to see how any of them voted, Makoto communicated that much to her just by expression and look alone.  That anyone might think differently boggles her mind.  “He believed we could help her—”
“Funny words, coming from you,” Byakuya sneers.
Kyoko’s eyes narrow.  “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Byakuya looks away from her again.  “If you can’t figure it out, then you aren’t half the detective you make yourself out to be.”  He crosses his arms and glares down on her.  “You shouldn’t treat her like she’s just one of us,” he continues before making a tsking sound.  “Most loyal knight, indeed.”
“I told you, I am not—”
It isn’t, strictly speaking, the worst possible thing for Junko to place her chin on Kyoko’s shoulder at this precise moment, but it’s certainly not a good thing, and so when this is, in fact, exactly what she does, Kyoko freezes up.
Not that it matters.
“You’re not fighting over little old me, are you?” Junko asks cheerily.  She carefully – gently – snakes one arm around Kyoko’s waist.  “I’ll have you know—”
“Junko,” Kyoko hisses.  She grabs Junko’s wrist and pulls her arm away from her.  “Not now.”
Byakuya scoffs.  “No, no.  Let your little girlfriend—”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Kyoko snaps.  She tugs herself out of Junko’s grasp, glares at her, pretends that she doesn’t see the flash of pain in Junko’s eyes hidden behind the grin that she still hasn’t dropped, and then turns back to Byakuya.  “I could say the same about you and Toko.”
“But you won’t,” Junko comments without a hint of pain in her voice, without losing any of her cheer at all.
A breath hisses through Kyoko’s teeth.  “No,” she says, “I won’t.”  She stares down at the bundle of food on Byakuya’s tray.  “And we won’t be needing that.”
Byakuya’s teeth grit together.  “You think we’ll just let you—”  He cuts himself off, corrects himself.  “Let her—”  He stops himself again.  “Fine.”
Before either of them can say anything else, Byakuya stalks off, dropping the tray to the floor with a splatter.  Junko jumps back before any of the food splashes on her, but Kyoko stays precisely where she is.  In fact, she steps out of the dorm just enough to glance down the hallway; there’s no one else there, and Byakuya quickly disappears into his room.  Her eyes narrow.  Then she steps back into her dorm and shuts the door behind her, placing her hand flat against it, wincing slightly when she does.  “Junko,” she says, voice as firm as she can make it, “how long was I out?”
“Out?” Junko echoes.
Kyoko crosses her arms.  As she turns back to her, she finds that Junko has moved back to her own mattress.  “Out,” she repeats, a little more insistent this time.  Then she considers and rephrases her question before asking, “How long have they been keeping you in here?”
“Oh.”  Junko pushes a hand through her hair, winces when her fingers run into tangles, and then plops back flat on her mattress, arms spread out on either side of her.  “A couple days?  I didn’t keep track.”  She stares up at the ceiling.  “I was making sure you didn’t die.”
“I wouldn’t have died.”  Kyoko sits on the edge of her bed.  “But thank you.  For keeping an eye on me.”
“No problem.”  Junko sports a grin.  “This girl I liked once – she taught me everything about being a nurse.  Everything.  So it was fun to play with you.  Test everything out, you know?”  She sighs, and the grin disappears.  “Also, you’ve got 560 of those print things in your wallpaper.  And 1,575,241 popcorn divots in your ceiling.”  She continues to look up.  “You’d think it’d be a round number.  You’d think there would be an even number in each of those grids.”  One hand raises just enough to point at the ceiling.  “You’d be wrong.”
Kyoko smiles, a soft, small thing.  “You must have been pretty bored.”
“I was so bored!”  Junko springs up, hands on her ankles.  “You were asleep and no one was here and I didn’t even have the video feeds anymore.  There was nothing to do.”  She scowls.  “Toko wouldn’t even give me my story back.  Something something not finished.”  Her eyes narrow.  “I didn’t think there was that much wrong with it.”
On an instinct she doesn’t understand, Kyoko reaches over and ruffles Junko’s hair.  Something in her recoils the moment she does it, and she covers up the action by grimacing at the tangles she sees.  “Would you like me to brush out your hair?”
Junko leans into her touch the way a cat butts its head against the hand it wants to pet it.  Then she looks up with big blue-grey eyes and nearly purrs, “Yes, please.”
That same something that responds to Junko with fondness causes a sharp, aching pain in Kyoko’s chest that she doesn’t quite understand and, instinctively, hates for that sole reason.  She averts her gaze, even though she can still feel Junko’s eyes on her, and says, “Braid your hair.  Before you sleep.  I can’t do this every morning.”
“But I like when you do this,” Junko murmurs as she climbs onto Kyoko’s bed and sits, cross-legged, in front of her.  “You’re very gentle.  It’s nice.”
          “No one has ever been this gentle with me before.”
Kyoko flinches.
Junko didn’t say it, but she heard it, clearly, in her voice, as though brought forth unbidden by…by something.  Something she can’t remember.  Something buried, hidden in the depths of her mind.  Something that fills her with….
Her brow furrows.  “Not every morning,” she repeats, as though that will soothe her.
Junko just nods.  “Not every morning,” she echoes.
It doesn’t make her feel any better.
Kyoko’s stomach rumbles far too many times while she brushes the tangles from Junko’s hair – loud enough for Junko to comment on them (“Ugh, what is that sound?”) – and she finds herself idly looking around the room for any spare trays that might still be left from Junko’s other meals.  Somehow, she doesn’t think that Byakuya – or any of the others – would quite enjoy cleaning up after Junko.  Besides, it isn’t as though Byakuya asked for a used dinner tray.
And yet, no trays.
Perhaps she’s wrong.  But intuition tells her she isn’t.
Which means—
“Hm?”  Junko tilts her head back and looks up at Kyoko with wide eyes.
“Your secret tunnels…they do everywhere in the school, don’t they?”  Kyoko meets her eyes with a blank expression.  “You even have one here, to my room.”
“Well, duh.”  Junko scoots to the edge of the mattress.  “You said it yourself – Monokuma Escape Routes, or whatever.  How else do you think he popped up everywhere all the time?”  One hand brushes through her long pink hair, and she giggles.  “This is so much better.”  Then she turns back to Kyoko with a grin.  “Now.  I want to take that raincheck.”
Kyoko’s eyes widen the slightest bit.  “You want to cook something?  Right now?”
“Oh, so that’s what you meant!”  Junko snaps her fingers.  “I wonder.”  She taps her chin.  “When did you come up with that idea?”
Ah.  So that was another hallucination.  One that she hadn’t caught.
Kyoko’s face flushes a dark red as she pushes herself out of bed.  “Fine.  No raincheck.  No cooking together.”
“No, no!”  Junko grabs her arm and holds her in place.  “I would love to cook with you!”  Her lips burst into a giddily bright grin.  “I’m actually a great cook, if you can believe that!”
Kyoko opens her mouth to say something, but her stomach rumbles so loud it cuts herself off before she can even begin.  She crosses her arms and turns away, despite the fact that she can hear Junko giggling behind her.  “Not breakfast,” she says, finally.  “But maybe—”
“Eat and then cook,” Junko completes for her, prancing off to the door.  “Got it.”  Then she glances over her shoulder.  “Are you coming?”
“Not in my nightgown.”  Kyoko gives Junko a once-over then hesitates before saying, “Not in that either.”
Junko glances down.  “Nah.  This is fine.”  She winks.  “I’m gonna break hearts!”
Kyoko gives her another once-over and then meets her eyes, both brows lifting.  Junko’s outfit’s the same cutaway that Kyoko—
Kyoko’s brow furrows.
“Kyokyo?” Junko asks, raising one brow.  “Something wrong?”  She gestures to her outfit.  “Other than whatever you think is wrong with this?”
“No,” Kyoko murmurs.
Except she remembers Junko wearing a top quite similar to this one – a silken top that ties together just over her chest – but she remembers it in all black instead of as it is now, black on one side and white on the other.  She remembers Junko wearing it with her Sweetie Pants, not with the long silken black one with scattered red dots that she currently wears with their ends rolled up (this has to be a stylistic choice; the Ultimate Fashionista would never have clothes that didn’t fit just the exact way she wanted).  She remembers, and her head itches with the memory of it all, not the way her hands itched when they first began to heal, but the way they itch sometimes even now.
Her head tilts.  “Do you….”
There’s no need to ask.
After two days, Junko will want other clothes.  Eventually.  And Kyoko can examine the racks for the one she remembers then.
“Do I what?” Junko asks, propping her hands on her hips and leaning forward.  “You know, you shouldn’t start questions if you’re not going to finish them!”  She wags a finger at her.
“Do you not have anything else?” Kyoko asks instead.
Junko’s brow furrows, and her face grows a bright strawberry red.  “Not here!”  She gestures to the door.  “Everything’s dirty or in my dorm, and they wouldn’t let me leave!”
Kyoko resists the urge to ask why Junko didn’t just use her secret tunnels to get more clothes.  Then, on second consideration, she realizes that she hasn’t seen Junko in this particular outfit since the end of the Game (and not before it, either, as far as she can remember), realizes that it wasn’t part of the bunch Junko brought with her when they moved the mattress, and then understands that Junko absolutely has used her tunnels to get more clothes.  Just as she needs – or wants – them.
Or she’s lying again, but why would she need to lie about something like this?
“We can get more—”
Kyoko’s stomach rumbles again, even louder this time.
“After food.”  Junko pokes Kyoko’s stomach – or tries to.  When Kyoko deftly moves to the side, though, her other finger is waiting for a much better poke, right in the space between her ribs, eliciting an unintended (and unwanted!) squeak.  She grins, all teeth and thin lips.  “Good to know that still works.  You’re so—”
Junko’s head tilts to one side.  “No.”  That smile again, like some sort of horror movie villain.  “Cute.”
Even after she’s changed, even after they’ve made it to the kitchen, even after she’s had a cup of coffee (“You think I’m crazy, but you’re the one who likes drinking shit!  Literal shit!”), even after she’s eaten something light to help ease her rumbling stomach, the idea of Junko calling her cute still makes Kyoko’s flesh crawl.  It’s something about that, about Junko knowing just how to get around her dodge, how to just—
          “That still works.”
          “Because you love me.”
Kyoko shoves the thoughts out of her mind and sits atop one of the silver chairs she’s pulled in from the dining room.  No one was out there waiting for them; why would they be?  Even if they hadn’t arrived late, she feels as though there’s an entire other conversation taking place, one she isn’t privy to.  Why else would Toko have brought Jack forth the exact moment Kyoko was compromised (if that was even real)?  Why else would they have left her completely alone with Junko with no one else to make sure she would be safe?  Why else would—
“What are you cooking?”
“What are we cooking,” Junko corrects, as she passes Kyoko a bowl with a mixture of powders and eggs.  “Stir this, please.”
Kyoko raises a brow and stares at Junko’s bowl, which looks identical to hers.  “What are we making,” she corrects herself, “that requires two bowls of the exact same thing?”
“Not the same.”  Junko points to her bowl.  “Mine has yeast.  Yours doesn’t.”  Then she points to a third bowl.  “That one’s got pumpkin spice.”  Points to a fourth bowl.  “Cocoa.”  Points to a fifth.  “Also yeast, also cocoa.”  Points to an empty space.  Grimaces.  Shrugs.  “For the first bowl we have empty.”
“But what are we making?” Kyoko repeats, a little more insistently this time.  “And why do we need so many bowls?”
Junko’s head tilts to one side.  “Don’t you know, Kyokyo?  There’s nothing better for easy cooking than donuts.”
The first tray has barely been in the oven five minutes before Hina enters the kitchen, nose in the air, sniffing like a kitten when a fresh can of tuna has just opened.  Her eyes close, and she takes a deep breath in, relaxing as she lets it out in a contented sigh.  “Donuts.”  She opens her eyes with a happy smile.  “Fresh donuts!”  Only for her expression to freeze when she sees Junko setting another tray in the oven.
“It’s okay, Hina.”  Kyoko reaches over with her free hand and pats Hina’s shoulder gently, ignoring the sharp twinge of pain at its center as she does so.  “They’re safe.”
Hina turns to her, eyes wide.  “Are they?”  Her gaze drops, and her hands fidget in front of her.  “You didn’t….”  She stumbles over the words, stops herself.  “You wouldn’t have….”  Her gaze flicks over to Junko, who seems not to be paying them any attention as she mixes chocolate frosting, which is just as well.  Then she sighs.  “I…I can’t.”  She turns and starts to leave.
Confused, Kyoko reaches out for her again, but before she can do anything, Junko shouts out, “Hey!  Hina!”
Despite her apparent fear, Hina pauses.  Her shoulders tense, and she doesn’t look back.  “Yeah?”
“My favorite donut,” Junko says, leaning back against the counter, flow half-covering her clothes.  “Do you remember what it is?”
“Of course, I don’t remember what it is,” Hina snaps, hands tightening into fists.  “You never told me.”
Junko licks chocolate frosting from her thumb.  “Say that again?”
Hina turns to her, glares at her.  “I said you never told me.”  Then she realizes what she’s said, and her eyes widen.  She gasps.
Junko doesn’t miss a beat.  “The last one I took,” she says, looking up and meeting Hina’s eyes.  “That was my favorite.  The chocolate bear claw.”  She gives her a wink.
Hina runs.
Kyoko grits her teeth together.  She caught it.  One side glance to Junko shows that the other girl is keeping an eye on her, searching her expression, eager to see if she’s caught it, too.  With Hina’s reaction, how could she not?  So that can’t be why Junko is staring at her.
And yet.  Junko is definitely searching her for something.
“Is that why you wanted to make donuts?” Kyoko asks, finally, as Junko pulls the first tray out of the oven.  “You wanted to see if Hina’s memories were returning?”
Junko shrugs.  “Maybe.  Maybe I just felt like making donuts.  Maybe both.”  She picks one up, still piping hot, and takes a bite out of it without wincing.  As she chews, she hums.  “Pretty good.  Not my best, but pretty good.”  She holds the donut out to Kyoko.  “Want a bite?  I know you hate when the powdered sugar and glaze gets all over your gloves.”  A grin curls her lips.  “I’ll even feed it to you.”
“When they’ve cooled.”
Kyoko doesn’t have the heart to remind Junko that she doesn’t like donuts.
Kyoko doesn’t have the heart to remember why Junko knows.
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theamityelf · 2 months
I’m not sure if your still writing stuff abt you danganronpa zombies au but if you are can we get more on junko??? I’m just wondering how her personality and plans translate to her zombie self
Im also wondering about Mukuro??? I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned her yet but her being a zombie interacting w her strange obsessive behavior w junko would be interesting
Sorry if this is incoherent but I’ve been thinking abt it for the last couple days lol
First of all, I am open to asks for every AU always! Lol.
For Junko, I'd say that her ability to plot things out is largely intact. Her ability to reason through the consequences of different actions in advance is not as sophisticated as it was before, but it's still really impressive for being undead. She's a lot more lucid than the others, but that said, I don't currently think she has an overarching ambition in this AU.
For one thing, just being undead is such an acute taste of entropy that she no longer feels so bored and dissatisfied all the time. So much about her body and mind are new, she subsists on murdering people, and just so much is wrong that, like Nagito, I think this might lowkey be kind of the best timeline for her.
Hope's Peak created this virus. Hope's Peak created this despair. Her point about despair is pretty much already vindicated, and she knows this won't stay contained. Her need to self-aggrandize is subsumed (at least for now) by her fascination with her new self; her need to spread despair is satiated by just the absolutely miserable situation of the Reserve Course and the pretty much guaranteed upcoming escalation when the undead breach containment; any urge she feels to be destructive and contrarian can easily be expressed by leaving the classroom and trying to eat someone before Makoto finds her; and all the while, she's experiencing the friendship and comradery with her classmates that she enjoys.
Makoto is taking care of her, and she genuinely likes that a lot. She loves getting her hair brushed, and the strained look on his face when he wipes blood from her mouth, and the quick reflexes he's developed to avoid her attempts to bite him. Between that and the occasional video calls from Yasuke, she's feeling pretty great.
I'm not saying Junko will never act mastermind-y in this AU; just that, for some length of time, she is satiated by the status quo. I think, if she does manifest a deeper goal than just enjoying herself, the first new goal she might pursue is that of making Makoto realize how Hope's Peak is using him and what Nagito has been up to. She would want Makoto to know what the Reserve Course's real role here is, and that it's not really accidental.
Now, Mukuro! I mentioned her briefly in this post and some others, but you're right that she hasn't really had focus. Mukuro's dexterity and fine motor skills are among the highest, of the undead, in that she can still hold and wield weapons.
She's still fiercely protective whenever Junko is under threat, but other than that she operates as a normal social presence in the class, just because my own headcanons (anime notwithstanding, lol) have her and Junko act like their relationship is normal, at school. Unlike Junko, Mukuro's grasp of consequences and general human behavior is greatly decreased. Her combat intelligence, as in fighting and battle strategy, remains, but her human intelligence is severely impacted.
Like in the hyperlinked post, she complies when Makoto takes her weapons away, but she doesn't understand that he doesn't want her to have weapons. When he tries to tell her, she just stares uncomprehendingly. She likes his face and his smell and how gently he handles them.
I'm picturing Mukuro curling up with Junko to sleep and Junko continually pushing or kicking her away, with groggy little movements, and Mukuro just casually crawls back, until they both fall asleep about a yard away from each other with Junko's foot against Mukuro's stomach.
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Closed starter for @quickdeaths!
She'd just about finished drying off by the time she reached the steps to her cabin. As her foot healed (and presumably other parts of her as well), Sonia had taken to swimming in the hotel pool at night. Without the oppressive heat and sunlight and most of her friends retiring for the evening, she was often left undisturbed in the water. Once they were able to trust her not to drown herself there, anyway.
She swam laps, remembering the strokes from before Junko had sunk her claws into her. She sat on the edge, swishing her legs in the water. And sometimes she simply let herself float, laying on her back and looking up at a starry, often cloudless sky. Something she wanted to commit to memory: where she would eventually be going, Sonia supposed the lights of the capitol would drown out all of the constellations that sparkled over Novoselic Castle. She wanted to remember them like this instead, surrounded by friends, than what the rest of her life would surely entail: seclusion, judgement, hatred, loneliness. And she'd brought it all on herself.
A thought that elicited a deep sigh from her when she'd dipped beneath the water's surface for the last time that night, swimming to the edge of the pool before climbing out. A thought that remained at the forefront of her mind as she toweled off, as she tied her long wrap skirt around her one piece suit, as she slipped on sandals and carried her towel, a book, and a flashlight back through the walking paths to the cabins. She was coasting and, for the first time, she was able to admit it. But if it kept her alive and without rummaging through every place she could think of for even a sip of alcohol, was it not worth it?
Sonia pushed the door to her cabin open, hoping she'd remembered to keep enough non-alcoholic drinks in the small refrigerator she was allowed in her room, and froze. She'd left the lights on in her cabin, to keep herself from fumbling in the dark, and the windows open, to help keep her living space cool at night.
What she hadn't expected was a cat, curled up in the center of her bed right in front of the pillows. "Kitty?" She called out, only to receive a small 'mew!' in return. Sonia exhaled, smiling softly as she dropped her tote bag and towel on the floor, proceeding to the edge of the bed. "How did you get in here? Through the window, I expect?" Sonia asked, sitting on the edge of her bed beside her. "You are quite a long way from the farm, Miss Kitty." She'd recognized the animal quickly: before Gundham had awakened, it had been her responsibility to look after the barn animals, including those who made a living keeping the mice and rats out of the feed bags. There had been at least half a dozen cats in various colors and patterns, and she'd called them all 'Kitty' to avoid getting too attached to them. This 'Miss Kitty' was the tuxedo cat of the bunch: sleek black fur everywhere except for her belly, chest, chin, and paws, which were all a soft, fuzzy white. She'd always walked with her tail and chin both held high, her slim body and legs always giving a small sashay with every step.
Well, she used to, anyway. Sonia sighed, scratching the cat's head and behind the ears before moving to pet her belly. "You have gotten a bit chubby since we last met, if you do not find it rude for me to tell you as such," She said, nearly reaching the white fur that bulged out and away from the cat's full, round belly. "I wonder if you might have gotten Hanamura-san to feed you too, and-"
Sonia's hand stopped, for several reasons: the cat had yowled upon Sonia's gentle touch upon her stomach and had began to pant in displeasure, Sonia's fingers had grazed several protruding nipples, and beneath the cat's skin...a small paw, or head, butted against her hand. Oh. OH.
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"Miss Kitty, you are expecting!" Sonia cried, right alongside the cat's next yowl. It was impossible to ignore the look of pain and stress in her yellow eyes, stretched out on her side as she continued to pant. "And soon, you wish to birth your kittens here, of all places?"
Another pitiful cry, and some sort of reddish-brown discharge began to stain the comforter. Sonia's eyes widened: she didn't want to panic, but it wasn't as if she was an expert in delivering kittens. And with Hajime likely asleep and her unwillingness to approach Gundham about it, it would be up to her to ensure the mother and her babies were kept comfortable. "Let me think, let me think..." Sonia spoke aloud to herself, reaching into the drawer beneath the nightstand to produce a notebook and pen. "Please stay here, Miss Kitty: I will try to remember everything you need!"
Not wanting to crowd the cat's space (despite it being her cabin), Sonia took a seat on the cabin's steps leading up to the open door. Her towel, her bag, and her shower forgotten, she sat there, in a still-damp swimsuit and her wrap skirt, one bare leg sticking out from beneath it, scribbling as fast as she could in the notebook. She was making a list, frantic and focused: blankets, hot water bottle, clean towels, clean water, bowls, maybe some leftover grilled fish if the kitchen had any.
She hadn't even noticed the sound of footsteps approaching. Not until a slight shadow had been cast over her beneath the outdoor lights of the cabin. "Yaguchi-san!" She exclaimed, once she'd finally taken notice and looked up. "I am so sorry, I am still rather a mess from the pool earlier. But I am afraid we cannot engage in our film night tonight. There are extenuating circumstances-"
Another yowl from inside the cabin: the extenuating circumstances.
"I apologize, but I will need to visit the Hotel Mirai immediately for supplies," Sonia explained, getting to her feet. With minimal pain this time, anyway. "I have recalled the best I can about what will be needed for a feline birth, but as I am not permitted access to the internet and it would take too long to search the library, it will have to do. We can watch movies another time, but I thank you for bringing them all this way."
0 notes
I don’t blame Ibu- I mean Jet Radio for joining Junko, even if she took many innocent lives.
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Then Jet Radio? I do apologize what the school did to you along with everyone else that join Junko's side, as say Future Foundation is investigating Hope's Peak as we speak and I'll say this but as a member of Future Foundation I can see why you did all this even if I don't agree.
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Well yeah, as say back then I was the Ultimate Journalist and saw things that one shouldn't have.
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Including the vices, the school care more about it's reputation and image then solving the actual problems; they even ignore things like bullying and hid death on school grounds that it makes me question if it was always corrupted or Junko Enoshima made it corrupt but I'm starting to realize that it might be the former.
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But if we want to get that message across, I need to figure how to get into Tokyo Tower, so can you tell me?
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...Well if you do say that. There is a way, you see I left 5 switches all across Japan and Jet Radio wants you to find them.
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5 switches? Alright then tell me where you place them... *presses a button*
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Right then, here are the 5 locations you need to go to...
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'Tokyo Symphony'
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'Little Texas'
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'Jazzbar Salt Peanuts'
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'Tokyo Dome and finally...'
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'GODZ bar'
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Those are the places that Jet Radio wants you to go to and push the switches, once you do; the Tokyo Tower will stop producing the music.
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I see so that's all we gotta do, then thank you; will be sure to turn off the switches.
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I think I got everything I came for, thank you Jet Radio...
*Masa turns away as about to leave*
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...Hey, so since you promise Jet Radio to do all this; will you make sure that school doesn't re-open?
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Well... as say, I can't decide soley - it's a majority rule thing.
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But seeing all this, I am highly against Hope's Peak being re-open.
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...Right, of course - I suppose you all need to agree, but I really hope you guys don't re-open it; a lot of people died and it be spitting on their graves, we all join mistress Junko due to what that school did to us so make sure that you don't re-open it.
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...I'll try.
*Masa puts on the headphones and then mask which she goes back outside*
0 notes
gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Can you do Monaca!mc, an unwanted child from wedlock, neglected and abused by their own brother and father, always has a smile on their face but deep down their are hurting, admired junko who saved them from doing suicide and help her plunging the world into despair, inspired to be just like her even if it means using her "friends" as a stepping, the plan failed, now their a NEET in space that don't want anything to do with hope and despair due to someone else obsession (nagito)
Dorm leaders with a Monaca!MC
warning(s): probably ass writing, sorry
notes: i genuinely do not know how do i write for her so uh forgive me JSBAJBSJS but looking at this kind of mc, they would probably fit in ignihyde or octavinelle honestly
Seemingly very amiable and caring, you appear very cheerful and have a childish way of talking, sometimes meowing and almost exclusively referring to yourself in the third person.
However, underneath that facade, you're manipulative and cunning. When things are not going your way, you'll manipulate the situation by any means necessary. You ultimately have very little regard for others' well-being, knowingly using their traumatic pasts against them and not feeling any sympathy nor sorrow for them nor anyone else.
But as time went on, you turned more cynical, lazy and apathetic, not really caring about anything.
he really doesn't like how lazy you are
looking at ur grades and ur knowledge about machines, u can surely do smth bigger if u just tried
so now u have riddle going
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he's giving u a speech
a really really long speech
u probably don't care lmfao
well at least riddle tries‼️he gave u the same speech over and over again
other than that, he loves that you're "cheerful" and "caring"!
yes, he doesn't know
he would probably push ur wheelchair to heartslabyul's garden to show u just how beautiful that place is
if u asked, he would push ur wheelchair around to show u beautiful spots around school too‼️
lots of potential, lazy + lots of potential, lazy
probably kins each other
well in a way
i don't think y'all interacted much tbh
like yes, you're both lazy but have lots of potential and then what
he doesn't really care about u honestly
and honestly? he probably saw through your facade
he's not stupid, he has seen people like u back in the afterglow savannah
how ppl are cheerful in front of him and then talked bad behind him after
he is the unwanted prince in his own kingdom after all
bonds over yalls trauma of being unwanted?
now leona is slightly more protective of u once he knows just how similar y'all are
if someone is making fun of ur wheelchair? well they better prepare one for themselves right now
someone is giving u a hard time? leona is right at their throat
he'd rather die than admit it tho LMAO
probably saw through ur facade?
amused out of all honesty
i mean like
cunning vs cunning
there's probably that unspoken rivalry between the two of u even after his whole overblot insident
tho, u are probably too lazy to as much as to lift a finger to fight with him
so it became just that, unspoken rivalry
he probably have to keep u away from floyd multiple times tho
knowing floyd, he'll make ur wheelchair into a car and run around school with it
so azul just gotta make sure he's away from u
would happily push ur wheelchair around school
he might be going a little too fast so u might have to warn him about it
actually nvm. jamil is alr chasing after u two and telling kalim to calm down a little
you're probably a little bit skeptical of his friendliness but let it slide after seeing how genuine he is
he is now the one who always pushes ur wheelchair around school for u
he got distracted easily tho so uh
"lets go to the cafeteria" "ok!"
*ended up in the library or smth*
while u don't care about it that much, u still think it was kind of annoying, occasionally shooting him annoyed glances
(😡i will come for u)
oh god we have another lazy potato around
he just wants to roll his eyes at you
he's an actor so he may or may not seen through ur facade
well u dont seem like u care too much to do what u did back in ur world so
he just leaves it alone honestly
if u two were to ever got close tho ,he would surely put small decorations on ur wheelchair
who says u can't be beautiful even if u can't walk? vil will most certainly try to let u shine more
i mean you're skeptical of him but u just let it slide again
since even if he does have ulterior motives, how can he even use u in this magic world amirite
to be clear, vil 100% does not hold any ulterior motives against you!!
idk how did yall interact but it must've had smth to do with robots and machines
so now you guys are bonding over it
idia would sometimes invite u to his dorm to discuss about this
like ah! he's making a new project
how about he calls u in to help him?
considering how u have experience making robots and even going as far as to go to space, u must've known a thing or two
so now you're bonding
ortho is making happy noises at the back bcs yes‼️his big brother just got a friend‼️
may or may not be thinking of giving u some robotic legs😁oh dw he's not thinking about it, he was /j dw!
now I'm kind of stuck with him
like ik he's not stupid and he can most definitely see through ur facade too but
at the same time he probably won't notice it?
but let's go with the first option just to play safe
he's probably too amused to even not hang with u
plus, its not like you're planning to do anything since u don't seem to have any interest in anything so he's not all that worried
other than that, ur way of talking quite amused him
he's not good with machines
and by that i mean hes probably boomer level
and you're good with machines
u probably don't care much but u will tell him abt certain machines if he asked KSNSMSM
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