#off to a rocky start!
cicadaknight · 8 months
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Durge Timeloop: Hadrin
Half-Elf Drow | Monk (Four Elements)
Honor Mode Attempt #1 | 5h 26min
Cause of Death: Angry Gnolls
Dark Urge Influence: Powerful
Companions Lost: Gale, Karlach
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khaotunq · 11 months
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i'm your hell, i'm your dream; i'm nothing in between
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Babe in the wood (dp x dc)
“Are you lost?” The voice suddenly said from beside him and Jason flinched with his whole body. In half a second, he was faced towards the sound with his two arms raised defensively. Only for his gaze to drop several paces lower to meet the big blue eyes of a little girl.
“Where did you come from,” Jason muttered to himself as he looked at the long stretch of deserted road at his front and at his back.
“Are you?” The kid insisted, her gaze weirdly intense.
“No, I’m not lost,” he answered, still trying to figure out where she could’ve come from. “Do you live close by?”
“Why?” She asked.
“My bike broke down and my phone’s dead. I need to call a friend,” Jason said looking back down at her.
The girl squinted up at him, her gaze assessing and sharp, enough that it reminded him a little of the Old Man’s. Then, as if she’d reached a decision, she nodded to herself and turned a beaming smile towards Jason.
“Follow me!” She chirped before she turned her back on him and started walking decidedly.
If this was a horror movie he’d probably be the first victim from the opening scene. Jason shrugged before following.
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yellow-artz · 26 days
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Updated reference sheets
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kojitheopossum · 2 months
LMAOOO SO FAR ETHO IS NOT IMPRESSED BY THE NEW GUY. I wonder how quickly that'll change for the both of them
heheheheh Yep !! The next chapter will have the two meet face to face, but it'll take a bit longer than that for etho to actually start warming up to bdubs--despite bdubs' best efforts :3c
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rockybloo · 5 months
Watering down Sweetheart's family a smidge since I know I once said heroics run in the family but like...I want to still have Glitter and Guilt be a story about a black magical girl and sort of the wonder of her life going from mundane to magical and how that's affected her and it's hard to go from that mundane to wonderous thing when it's sort of established that her normal was having supers in the family.
OBVIOUSLY there wasn't a ton of super heroes in her family initially, I honestly only have like....1 that is truly a super hero in the states while everyone else tends to have jobs people view as the more mundane type of hero like firefighters and doctors (and janitors because I don't care what people say, the world would be a mess without them). Even her parents weren't heroes initially planned (they have faint ties with 'em but nothing super life altering).
It's also more impactful having her being a normal girl once who gets thrown into this world of magical and heroics and the pressure to be perfect because obviously, this is a gift she has been given. Someone out there saw her as worthy enough to have powers.
So it makes Bitterbat's relationship with her even more of a guilty pleasure of hers because it's a big no-no but it also feels really nice to be loved entirely both as her hero self and her normal self.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Meanwhile Act 3 rolls around in my canon and Durge is wandering around town with their new lover, holding hands and cuddling and sappy normal-romance shit and Gortash is watching through whatever spy network he has with absolute confusion because that is just so alien: how much damage did Orin do to them?? It's unnatural!
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VR-LA for fucks sake how do you keep ending up your knees
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jimmyspades · 9 months
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magicaldragons · 6 months
Still wanting to know what happens next in Distance. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Give us a hint of what we can expect, please!!
it took me a while to get to this one, sorry love x.x
but hello! yes! thing is, there's a priority list i had for my major fics, based on my inspiration and how quickly they were getting written, and the order was something like this:
1. the assassin!deva & prince!varadha au 2. sandalwood & ozone (which might get renamed) 3. this fic 4. the twins! deva & devaratha au (which i tried to shift up in the list, but i realized the hard way that i should listen to my brain) 5. distance
it might take a while to get around to it, especially because i feel like i left it in a pretty good place, and it doesn't need my immediate attention, even though i have most of it's plot fleshed out
what i can tell you about it though is:
in distance, deva and varadha have known each other since childhood, but haven't gotten the chance to get as close as they are in canon, seeing as to how they're from different kingdoms entirely deva is betrothed to radha rama in this one (shocking, i know) and there's suddenly a change of plans, leading to his marriage with varadha – a last resort to fix an unexpected situation we know that there's this tension between them, especially from varadha's perspective, but we don't know what went wrong and when it happened, so we'll hear a lot about their pasts, and get to see a lot of complex dynamics between two people who have yet to learn the 'language' the other speaks, while navigating the complexity of a marriage that involves not only them, but two kingdoms. and, it's omegaverse. :D
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wildskissed · 6 months
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Eve: *proceeds to get him killed in the ruins by accident*
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lilidawnonthemoon · 3 months
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💫 𝓒𝓸𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓬 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 🌌
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elitehoe · 3 months
The fact there isn't forbidden door boys in that ladder match yet is getting me heated as fuck
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thevoidcannotbefilled · 8 months
Alice Dyer is starting to push into the same space Jon sat with me at the beginning of the show: kinda mean and causing drama just by existing and in a way that makes me love them
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
The Arcana OC & You Get to Vote for What Love Interest They End Up With (and self-insert, cringe is dead let me be happy)
Link to picrew~
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Before the plague
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After the plague
Name; Dove (they're just me, but like +10 years)
Occupation; Magician, fortune teller, apothecary (present), plague doctor (past)
Favourite Meal; Pumpkin bread
Favourite Drink; Strawberry and maple water
Favourite Flower; Goldenrod
Birthday; June 30th
Age; 32 (because everyone in this game is between like their late twenties to late thirties/early forties, so this is a compromise)
Zodiac Sign; Cancer
MBTI; ENFJ (pre-plague) INFP (post-plague)
Gender; Non-binary (they/them)
Sexuality; AroAce (pre-plague), questioning and confused (post-plague)
Height; 166 cm (5'5")
Eye Colour; Grey (picrew didn't have it so I went with blue)
Hair Colour; Brown
Current personality; aloof yet polite when getting to know people, introverted and gets drained quite quickly when in public, quiet and doesn't speak much unless prompted to do so. When you get to know them better they are more warm, but still quiet. Will scold people for pushing themselves too hard, but only does so because they care. Once they are extremely comfortable with someone, the old them shines through; loud, a chatterbox, goofy, warm, and full of life and love. To others this is endearing, but to Asra? He loves seeing it but it is also a reminder of the person he lost.
Appearance; of average height, but their build is quite stocky with both body fat and muscle. Their eyes are dark grey, but appear dark blue at a distance, they are also near-sighted (eyesight worsened post-plague). Their hair is brown, curly, and when down it reaches their collarbone (both pre and post-plague). It is less textured than it was pre-plague, and they also wear it in a bun at the nape of their neck. They have an assortment of beauty marks on their face, as well as a scar on their lip that they got in their childhood (had the same mishap when they came back, hence why they still have it). They typically wear a short-sleeved white button up, brown trousers, dark brown sandals, and a black apron. They wear a purple crystal necklace and it acts as a ward to keep memories from flooding back, as well to ward off spirits of the plague.
Other Info/Background
After being brought back, Asra tried his best to reteach them what he knew about them. He knew about the non-binary aspect of their identity, but not the aroace aspect. They were quiet about this part of their identity in the past, and now they are navigating trying to differentiate romantic and platonic feelings all over again. (would be open to a queer-platonic relationship or several)
Grew up on the coast of the Strait of Seals, close the the Southern Spines (tundra/saiga).
Eldest of three, and left home to bring in more income for their community. They don't do well in the heat, but they do not miss the winters of their homeland, or what they can remember of it; they sometimes get a flashback when they smell certain smells, or a cold breeze.
Crochets and knits items for the children who live at the docks, and that's how they met Asra and Muriel; they were teens when they met, but they still gifted both Asra and Muriel blankets so they could keep warm during the night. They had to relearn this skill after being brought back, and can't crochet or knit with as much skill as they once had.
Their familiar is a Danish landrace goose named Gunnr, she makes a great guard goose and chases off anybody that she decides that she doesn't like. "Why is your goose named Gunnr?" "It means war, and she seems to like to declare it. Isn't that right baby?" "HONK!"
Might add more info to this later, but here, pick a LI for them to be in a QPR;
And if there is a tie, polyam qpr cuz I got two hands.
Finally was inspired to revisit my self-insert thanks to @azulashengrottospiano
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constantvariations · 1 year
My scavenge for screenshots that I might use in an upcoming video essay led me to Lilith Fairen’s blog where, lo and behold, she apparently saw this post of mine and decided she had to talk about it
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That’s an interesting way to say “the blog has me blocked, so I can’t reblog the OG post.” Fairen, you know what a block means, right? It means I don’t consent to you being on my damn blog. So either you don’t understand what boundaries are or you think it’s okay to ignore them so long as it’s the right kind of person you’re invading. Neither of which reflect well on you
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