#official fuck Freud club
goggles-mcgee · 9 months
Me reading dc crossover fics and spying an Official Fuck Freud Club reference warms my freaking heart so much.
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valkerymillenia · 3 months
Hello! I'm looking for a fic and I was wondering if you could help me? I honestly don't know if it was a fic or just like an incorrect quotes meme that I saw but it was about like Harley Quinn and Bruce Wayne in medical school together? Have you ever read a fic like that or am I just going crazy lol
Oooooh I know this one!
It was a post here on Tumblr that people kept adding to!
Bruce and Harley were in med school together before Bruce dropped out (Johnathan Crane was they're too if I'm not mistaken), they even formed a "fuck Freud" club.
Unfortunately I can't find the post anywhere but if/when I do find it I'll put it here. Unless anyone reading this has the link?
EDIT: I believe it's @goggles-mcgee's "official fuck Freud club" AU.
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voltronseatbelts · 6 years
this essay doesn’t have a proper intro bc it’s actually just a bunch of brainstorming while writing on 750words dot com but it’s basically about how voltron treats romance and relationships in the show and how certain fans are treated outside of the show, specifically the teenage demographic. just voltron fan culture in general. 
can't believe that voltron ended after six seasons! this is so sad. alexa play the form voltron sequence.
i don't know what to type since i should write like an actual 750 words but i only have like thirty minutes to do so and uuuh i'm not sure what to write. i'm not sure if i want to write prose after watching voltron season seven lmao. wow can't believe i finally watched voltron season seven and keith is straight.
actually that's definitely not the only thing i took from season seven, but it's the one i'm thinking about right now because uh i fucking predicted keith an axca?? uh paralelles???? that's not how u spell that. it's comedic. what i'm saying is i predicted keith and axca and even so they have barely any chemistry and season 7 episode whatever the fuck is like the first time they even had a conversation. what i'm saying is that i'm kind of floored that the romance truly is kind of half-assed in this show.
and i get it! i get it! this is definitely a show about war and it's impact. it's less about individual characters and their romantic relationships (especially that) and more about whatever the fuck atlas and their thick thighs are. u know? i understand that constructing meaningful relationships is kind of thrown to the wayside and not as important as like everything else. and to some extent i agree like romantic relationships aren't everything, and they're definitely not the first thing i think of when i'm constructing my own stories. from an original creator point of view, i understand it. in clearer waters, it's not about the romance as much as it is about power structures, pollution, and whatever else is important. but from a fan point of view (and like also kind of an original creator point of view?) the romantic relationships leave me unfulfilled. i'm wanting. and that's not necessarily a good thing, bc i'm NOT wanting lance and allura and axca and keith, because neither of them are... how do u say.... that well written.
what was i talking about today? in a show about war, about mecha, about something that feels so disconnected from my life (because space u know), romantic relationships in a western culture are a point of connection for the audience, especially an audience composed of teenagers. maybe the creators of VLD didn't expect teenagers (specifically teenage girls, a lot of them part of the LGBT+ community, but i can't be sure without official statistics. my perspective as one of them probably skews the demographic in my eyes). a story about romance isn't one they wanted to tell -- i can see it clearly by how they handle the romances. u know, throwing them in in the last few seasons as just a little bit of an afterthought. with an audience like teenage girls, who are definitely a touch stone for the values of western culture (being the dominant target for a western show like VLD), romantic relationships and general relationships are going to be an important point of interest. space and war is cool and interesting, but the different types of relationships -- familial, romantic, platonic -- are the real stars of the show in my eyes, and in the eyes of a demographic like teenage girls, for whom romance and relationships dominate. it's in high school culture, pop culture, and media and entertainment. whether that's nature or nurture is not the argument right now (altho if i may, i think it's nurture); the point is that that's the CULTURE. and that's why fans of VLD are in such an uproar over relationships and friendships that in many ways aren't satisfying or in character. because while the show is about war, ultimately what's important to a very vocal part of the fan base is the relationships between characters.
another point i can make about that is that in the beginning of the show, seasons 1-3, that WAS important to the show, too. the enormous cast wasn't built up yet, so there was plenty of time to fill, and that time was filled by constructing those meaningful relationships. when the cast grew, the bigger purpose of the show was emphasized -- whether because war was what the show was about all along or whether the cast became too big to focus on individual characters for longer than 1.5 seconds, i don't know. what i mean is that as the show progresses, relationships become less meaningful and the war message more meaningful, and the shift is jarring enough to be noticed. so, uh, i noticed. a lot.
another thing to touch on... is the response of the crew, cast, and others to the uproar over characters and relationships. lol. obviously, again, teenagers (again mostly girls and a lot of the time LGBT+) are an extremely vocal part of the fan base because of our easy use of the internet and its online communities and our social natures. and we've already established that for this demographic characters and relationships are important --  because they're a reflection of the tumultuous time in a teenager's romantic and social life, because they're touchstones of connection in a show that discusses pretty alien subjects. when the crew and cast and others respond in kind with dismay and defense, i think they kind of lose that connection to the fan base. it's a little ridiculous, and i've seen it all before. time and time again, teenage girls are dismissed as a demographic; wanted for their revenue, but ignored in the true nature of their complexity and ability to i dunno function in society.
the writer's room of voltron is all men, all a little older. lauren montgomery is the only woman. it's safe to say that the crew of voltron are a little out of touch with the demographic of teenage girls. actually, fucking everyone is. i've written a goddamn expos about this in my speech and debate club! here, let me find a part of it. i'm gonna quote myself from senior year of high school, bc this is a subject i've thought about a LOT. this expos as a whole is about the psychology and impacts of fans -- this section comparing football fans and one direction fans.
"Well, despite the stark similarities, fan groups are given intense stereotypes and tend to be treated disparately, mostly based on two factors, gender and age. Let’s not beat around the bush here: the factor is sexism.  Jackie Stacey, the author of Star Gazing: Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship, analyzes the beginnings of movie fan culture in the 1910’s, depicting fans as an archetype of a “hysterical, starstruck teenage girl”, an image that has actually been around since Ancient Egypt all the way to Freud. Since then, the stereotype has perpetrated through all of pop culture. Think about it, when I began this speech, my mention of One Direction and Harry Styles’ hair style created an immediate emotion of disdain. Football fans have stereotypes too: supportive, confident, and loyal, according to the many NFL fan websites and their commentators. As teen girls, a marginalized group and stereotype, the things we often love - boy bands, pop stars, reality TV - are perceived as less important, and we are looked at as more crazy and obsessive than our equally obsessive football loving men counterparts. It’s the teen girl epidemic: though we are a cornerstone of modern media and economics, our fanaticism is more consistently deprecated than others. But who are we kidding? We both love watching cute men run around in tight pants."
sorry that's a long quote, but i think it's important! and i think it applies here! our interests are perceived as less important, and when our interests coincide with the interests of OTHER more important demographics -- 5-8 y.o. children, 30 y.o. men who watched DOTU – our perspectives are viewed as less important. Hysterical. And our means of communication, e.g. social media like tumblr, and methods of communication, e.g. scream-typing and general teenage culture, don’t do anything to legitimize the teenage girl perspective in the eyes of the creators.
it's probably maybe kind of not this deep. JDS and LM and crew wanted to write a story about war and mecha; they didn't know that their story would resonate so much with the teenage girl demographic, and they didn't know how to deal with that when it came time for their show to turn to it's true purpose and the teenage girls were like "hey wait a minute what about the magic of friendship?" and because we all know how teenage girls are treated, we all know the outcome of this... we can see it in the negative responses to season seven and fucking kacxa, which sounds like my cat barfing in the next room. i kid, but i don't.
anyway, i don't know how to conclude this and i'm so tired because i watched season seven 1.5 times today as well as the pilot, the conjuring, and 28 minutes of boss baby. what i'm saying is that relationships aren't the point of the show and that's cool, but keith and axca literally had like one conversation and now she's in love with his flippy hair, and my first reaction was "not this straight shit again". ah, max, u never learn. it's always the straight shit.
i'm negating my own points by not drawing them into a proper conclusion but i think u can extrapolate what i'm saying. also, when atlas's legs split into two i cried for five minutes. why doesn't atlas have feet. why are mecha so ugly. why doesn't anyone hug lance. He’s been sad since season 4 and it hasn’t been resolved yet. Someone should hug lance.
Oh my fucking god I HAVEN’T EVEN TALKED ABOUT ADAM AND SHIRO. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? I can’t even think about that right now i’m so mad and everyone else has already talked about that so just trust me adam and shiro are a part of this conversation too. Bc guess what LGBT+ fans are another marginalized demographic wanted for revenue and not perspective! Lol.
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Some other rogue about to kidnap Bruce Wayne: "You're coming with me Wayne!"
Harley Quinn busting in out of nowhere: "Put him down! That's my emotional support billionaire!"
Scarecrow following Harley at a more lax speed: "I would do what the lady says."
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
An Anniversary
Harley who broke into Wayne Manor and is lounging on Bruce's couch in his study: "Hey B."
Bruce who walked in to try and get some work done, not even batting an eye as he makes his way to his desk: "Harley. To what, do I owe this pleasure? As far as I'm concerned, it's Crane's turn to plan the next meeting."
Harley, sitting up now: "Nah, no meeting. By the way you gotta up security. I got in here way to easily."
Bruce, slipping on his reading glasses as he looks over a stack of papers: "Oh my security is topnotch, its just programmed not to react to you or Jonathan."
Harley, placing a hand over her heart: "Awww, Bruce."
Bruce: "Yes. Well. I doubt you came here to tell me about my "lax" security. Are the boys alright?"
Harley: "Oh Bud and Lou are great, I came to ask if I can be Robin in two days."
Bruce, who stopped reading and slipped off his glasses so he could now stare at Harley: "You, what?"
Harley, absolutely not kidding: "I wanna be your Robin on the third."
Bruce, blinking, thinking: "The third. March third. That's when-"
Harley, not missing a beat: "When Jokes and I met. Yeah. That's why. He treats it like some kinda messed up anniversary, he likes to remind me that I'm "nothin' without him." That he "made me." Which is ridiculous, as we all know. But well, Pammy usually helps me get through the day but she's outta town buying somethin' for home sweet home."
Bruce coming over to sit with Harley: "Harley, why didn't you ever tell Jon, or I about this before?"
Harley, shrugging: "It's not that bigga deal...I get through it fine. It's just. It's harder when Pam-a-lamb's not here. Usually he just sends a bouquet of dynamite or something stupid like that if he knows where I'm stayin. If he doesn't well...then he plans some kinda evenin' and I just don't have the energy to deal with all that alone."
Bruce placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a soft squeeze: "So you came to the conclusion that being Robin for the night would help?"
Harley, smirking: "Well, if anything, him seeing me as Robin will surely be a slap in tha grease-paint face. And it would feel so good to stop whatever he's planning for the day with ya. So whadda ya say B?"
Bruce, smirking too: "I say, Damian is probably not going to be happy sharing his title but he'll get over it."
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
New Member
Bruce wakes up to find himself tied to a chair at a restaurant he used to frequent quite often, he takes it in and finds Two-Face sitting across the table from him: "Harvey."
Two-Face, who had obviously been waiting for Bruce to wake up: "Bruce."
Bruce, honestly just curious as to why he was kidnapped this time and by Harvey no less: "So...any particular reason why you kidnapped me? I mean if you wanted ransom you would have taken one of my kids, you're smart Harv. You don't need to make a name for yourself like some low entry crook, you're well known "Two-Face." So, why?"
Two-Face suddenly looking away and crossing his arms before turning to look at Bruce abruptly: "You've been spending a lot of time with Quinn and Crow. Word is You've become...chums."
Bruce blinking slowly before looking around before looking back at Two-Face: "Are you....Harvey are you jealous?"
Two-Face, huffing: "Is that so hard to believe?"
"We used to be friends Wayne! Why are you spending so much time with those small time rogues!"
Bruce, taken aback by the other side of Harvey piping up, but also by the admitted jealousy: "Harvey...we are friends. Or were my visits in Arkham nothing?"
Two-Face now blushing (on one side of his face mind you): "No. I mean, yes! I always enjoy your visits, but..."
"But you don't spend time with us outside of Arkham! Nooooo, that time is spent with the Jester and Corndoll!"
"So WE decided to have dinner like we used to!"
Bruce, jaw dropped, before he composes himself and looks down at the food that has been brought out to them by one terrified server: "Harv, why do I have two entrees?"
Two-Face: "I remembered you were fond of a good steak."
"And I thought you would appreciate something exciting! New! I had the chefs make you a catfish po' boy."
Bruce after trying both dishes to appease both sides of his friend sets aside his silver ware: "Not that I don't appreciate this Harvey, but you didn't have to kidnap me for us to go out for dinner."
Two-Face, petulantly: "Quinn and Crow kidnap you and you don't seem to mind."
Bruce, shocked once more: "I...well, it's kind of more in name than anything. For our club. It started with them "kidnapping" me and it's just turned into a tradition for our meetings."
Two-Face: "... You...are in a club with those two? With them? What...what kind of club?"
Harley: "Sooooo Two-ey wants to join the club?"
Bruce: "He really does. So can you order another custom shirt?"
Scarecrow, arms crossed: "He has to write an essay on Freud and why he dislikes him before we admit him into the club!"
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Bruce calling Harley in a panic: "Harley! Look there's not much time to explain but I know that you know who I am, and I know that you know that I know. I appreciate you not mentioning it, but, the Justice League wants to go bowling and every time we go Supes or Wonder Woman always manage to break something and they always want me to pay for the damages. Therefore I spend the whole time on edge just waiting for them to break something and them to ask me to pay. I'm not in the mood for that. Can you and Crane kidnap me today?"
Harley who planned on binge watching cartoons all day but is already getting into her club shirt: "I got no plans so sure! But B, we are gonna talk about this ya know? You can say no and you are more than a walking wallet."
Bruce knowing she is right but also knowing the League is on its way to pick him up: "Yeah, yeah, all that good stuff. Harley, I promise I'll let you give me a therapy session if you guys hurry and I'll buy Bud and Lou those diamond and ruby studded collars you have had your eye on for the past month."
Harley already in her car and texting Crane with her other phone: "Say no more! Throw in that leather binder Professa wanted for his papers and turn a blind eye to all the traffic laws I'm about to break and we're golden pony boy."
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
FUCK FREUD CLUB SHENANIGANS because I didn't think people would enjoy my little idea so much and I have more to share!
• Harley who may have been drinking a bit: "I gotta admit Brucie babe, I, like many of our classmates, had a little crush on you!"
Jonathan who was getting more comfortable without wearing his Scarecrow hood, also who has been drinking too: "Confession, I also had a crush on you Wayne."
Bruce, now blushing and wondering if he made the Sangria too strong for this week's club meeting: "Well I'm flattered. If we're being honest here, I did have a crush on you Crane after you went off on Professor Kingsley when he said Freud was a genius."
Jonathan, now also slightly blushing: "Stop Mister Wayne or the media will somehow get wind of that and it'll be the new scandal."
Harley: "Speaking of scandal! Have you guys heard about the latest fight Pengy and Riddler had? I heard they legit got into a fight in front of the Bat!"
Sometimes their club meetings turns into gossip sharing.
• Harley bursting into Bruce's Study with Jonathan right behind her: "You're being played by George Clooney!?"
Jonathan: "You agreed to be the secret identity of Batman!?"
Bruce who was plotting Jason's second funeral and Tim's first: "My son's forged my signature on those papers. Then the other's heard about it and got so excited and I couldn't back out! Especially after Cass made me a card! She made me a card!"
Harley: "Pushover."
Jonathan: "People pleaser."
Bruce with his head in his hands: "Arnold Schwarzenegger is Mr. Freeze....Uma Thurman is Poison Ivy....Should I be worried that they'll attack me more after the movie?"
Harley now super excited: "They're in the movie!?"
• Jonathan standing next to a white board as he hosts this week's club meeting: "Today's club meeting will start off with our absolute favorite thing we hate about Freud. After that Harley has designed a Family Feud style game where Bruce, you and I will go against each other and guess Freud's stupidest idea's and studies based off Harley's questions. Winner takes home the homemade Fuck Freud Trophy which is a golden hand giving off the middle finger."
Bruce and Harley lifting up their hands in unison and solemnly flipping off a picture of Freud: "Fuck Freud."
• Bruce being held "hostage" by Two-Face before looking at the clock: "Oh shit. Harv? Can we like, reschedule this? I have a club meeting and I'm in charge of snacks this week."
Two-Face: "You...want to reschedule a hostage situation? For a club?"
Bruce, completely serious: "Yes."
• Harley got them Letterman jackets for the club, of course personalized. Jon even got them mugs for the club. Bruce caved and got them pens and pins made for the club.
His kids do not understand why he goes along with the club but they have also never seen their dad so normal and happy.
Clark gets jealous.
• Bruce walking in late to a club meeting with Starbucks for everybody: "You would not believe the nightmare I had last night."
Jonathan already pulling out a clipboard and pen: "Tell us all about it."
Harley coughing to hide her chuckles: "Yes tell the dream psychologist that has a nightmare kink all about your scary dream."
Jonathan who is blushing now, is it in anger? Is it in embarrassment? Who knows: "One class! One dream psychology class! And I do not have a fear kink!"
Bruce finally taking his seat: "Denial. Interesting. Now let's acknowledge the fact that Harley said you had a nightmare kink not fear kink. Do you want to discuss that further Mr. Crane?"
Jonathan throwing a pen at Bruce: "We were talking about you not me Rich Boy!"
Bruce and Harley cackling.
• Jonathan and Harley are still villains but they kind of start to edge into the anti-hero stage of things. Nobody knows why expect Bruce and he's so proud.
• They actually call each other on their bad days. Harley yelled at Bruce about being more open with his kids and he actually really took it to heart. Jon got collectively yelled at about his self esteem issues and taking better care of himself because no Jon, a human can't just survive off corn and sweet tea. Harley had a tough love session when Bruce and Jon had to tell her just how bad Joker was to her and yeah she realized that but she shouldn't be afraid to get into a relationship with someone just because of that past toxic relationship.
• Bruce's kids actually start to get comfortable with Harley and Jonathan being around the house from time to time. It's still weird to them but they see first hand the changes that all three are going through.
• Bruce babysits Lou and Bud for Harley whenever she needs him too or if she gets in trouble and is sent to Arkham. Damian loves helping out with them.
• Batman may or may not have taken the long way to the university when he heard Scarecrow took over the Psych 101 class because the teacher was obviously incompetent Bats. He was teaching young impressionable minds!
• Bruce admits to them that he hates the whole 'Playboy Billionaire' role he used to play and can't seem to escape from. Especially because he's a dad now, it's not like he can really afford to be a playboy.
• Harley insists on teaching Bruce how to fight because she can't believe how often he gets himself into bad situations.
Jonathan agrees about this and even gives Bruce some of his Fear Toxin in case he ever has to use it in defense to get away from anyone. He even put it in a pepper spray-like bottle so it would go unnoticed.
I have so much more headcanons but here are a few XD
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Canonical Things in my Batman Universe
The Lego Batman Movie, the Keaton Batman, and Clooney Batman movies all exist in this universe purely because Jason and Tim forged Bruce's signature on the documents to allow studios to use him as Batman's secret identity because they wanted to fuck with Bruce and they thought it would be hilarious.
The Justice League has a movie night dedicated to said movies and Bruce loathes it because they all dress up.
Bruce has gone on live TV and said the reason why him and Batman are never seen together is because Bruce is scared of Batman because, holy shit the dude dresses up like a giant ass bat and he is "very scared of bats after that traumatizing experience in the cave I fell down as a boy."
This also applies to Manbat.
Damian volunteers at Gotham Zoo even though he has tried to smuggle put many of the animals.
Damian will also completely ignore the fact that Harley Quinn is just laying in the middle of the hyena exhibit because animal lover solidarity.
The Official Fuck Freud Club would absolutely be a thing in my comic universe. Harley would be seen more like a wine aunt to the boys and she is seen multiple times to be helping out the Batfam if they need it.
Gotham does not celebrate April Fool's because of the Joker.
Joker claims April Fool's is his birthday and has a city wide celebration and that's why people do their best to stay home.
Two-Face has tried multiple times to represent himself in court when he is taken in again after being arrested by the bat. But due to him arguing with himself too many times he has resigned to hiring one of Penguins lawyers.
Joker once robbed a toy store and was absolutely in one of his homicidal moods but when a kid handed him an Uno reverse card instead of any valuables he might have had, Joker laughed so hard he nearly passed out and just gave the kid his bag of money and walked away. But he did throw a molotov cocktail just for some fun.
Gas mask accessories are a thing.
So are customized gas masks.
Bringing clayface to a pottery class is no longer allowed (looking at you Harley)
Riddler, after he actually gets some help and everything and decided he doesn't want to try being a private detective again, opens an escape room company. He loves it. Bruce and the kids are frequent players.
Gothamites have some of the weirdest humor and they have absolutely named every gargoyle in the city.
During a fight a gargoyle gets destroyed. "Y'all they killed our boy Biscuit. May he rest in pieces 🙏"
Bruce Wayne has paid rogues to leave him alone
Buzzfeed: Gotham's 10 Hottest Tragic Orphans and Rehomed Orphans
Buzzfeed is absolutely a fucking thing so y'know the Unsolved channel is there too. What I'm saying is....conspiracy theories. So many conspiracy theories. Especially about Jason's death.
Yes both Harley and Scarecrow know that Bruce is Batman but neither knows the other knows so they think they are alone in dealing with this rich boy riddled with issues who is too brave and stupid for his own good.
Bruce sometimes is just too fucking tired to be intimidating Mr. Batman and just goes full tired dad and somehow that makes the rogues feel worse.
Examples: "Edward Nashton. Sit down and shut the fuck up you will not rob the museum for the fourth time this month." (This was before his whole escape room and it should be noted the speed at which Riddler sat down hearing that.)
King Tut up to his usual brand of bullshit. (I combine the two versions, William Ohama McElroy and Victor Goodman) "I'm not mad William. Just disappointed."
Just one of Joker's goons "Matty you were doing so good. You were back in school. What happened?"
One time Bruce was being held hostage at one of Gotham's charity galas and he asked any of his kids available for some help discreetly. Long story short Batman came to save the day while Bruce managed to get himself free of his restraints, he felt a hand on his shoulder and immediately punched who it was. It was Batman (Dick). This furthered the belief that Bruce is scared of Batman.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
"“I say, Damian is probably not going to be happy sharing his title but he’ll get over it.”" Damien doesn't like it but the idea of spiting Joker is too tempting for him to not be willing to go along with it. Still threatens Harley and makes it clear he's Robin, she's just borrowing the title
Damian doesn't like to share his title but he will make exceptions. Harley’s and Joker's twisted anniversary is one of them. He is mad that she supposedly had a uniform already at the ready to use but he let's it pass because he absolutely sees this as a wonderful opportunity to spite Joker.
Plus Harley is like his aunt at this point and he's a little protective of her.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Tumblr media
This wouldn't leave my brain so y'all have this XD the Official Fuck Freud Club in all their glory.
(I am aware my Bruce looks like David Mazouz but to be fair he is my favorite Bruce Wayne so yeah)
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
What happens when the Fuck Freud club finds a Freud fan? For instance, Hugo Strange?
Curb stomp.
Jk XD but they are tempted. Harley just kind of yells that Strange wants to fuck his parents. Bruce eggs this on...a lot. They give Strange a lot of new nicknames. Motherf*cker TM, Oedipus, Freud Fan Boy, etc.
The Fuck Freud Club may or may not have put flyers up all around Gotham with Strange's face on it saying, 'What do Sigmund Freud and I have in common? Mommy issues." He uh, he wasn't pleased.
They continuously get into heated debates about Freud, which can and do get physical if Harley has anything to say about it.
Once when Strange kidnapped both Harley and Scarecrow to try and "talk some sense into them" about the "greatness" of Freud (he couldn't find Bruce), Batman showed up to save them and Strange threw a fit and started acting his usual 'I'm superior' way with the bat.
Harley, not even trying to be quiet said to Crane rather loudly, "I think Strange has pen*s envy toward the Bat. Look at how he's acting!"
Crane, absolutely delighted to shit talk Strange and Freud at the same time egged this on. "Oh definitely. Look at the way he stands taller and tries to puff out his chest! Total pen*s envy."
Strange was furious and went on a rant about Freud's beliefs and why he did not in fact have pen*s envy for the Bat. Literally threw a tantrum, it was an easy fight for the Bat. When Strange was ranting about how much he hated Batman, Harley and Crane lost it when Bman asked in a completely serious voice, "Is it because of the pen*s envy?"
Strange went absolutely ballistic.
In short they just annoy the hell out of him. They respect people's opinion that Freud had some substantial theories, and it's usually the same people who can admit that Freud had less than desirable theories as well and that the man was not the best to say the least. But they have no respect for those who believe Freud is a genius and the best founding father of psychology and who won't admit the man had biases on biases, manipulated results, and so many more horrible things.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Very important question. Is the Fuck Freud Club a thing in the Wish Me Away au?
My dear anon, it begins in Wish Me Away 😌
One day I will write a fic for thr FFC on it's own, completely separate from the Mldc crossover world but I will be expanding and introducing the club in Wish Me Away!
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Harley Quinn who recently kidnapped Bruce Wayne and texted Scarecrow to meet her: "Alright Brucie Boy, you're probably wondering why I kidnapped you, and don't worry! It's not for anything "villainous" or the like. You might not remember it but I remember me and you being in med school together along with Crane and I thought we could form a club since we never got to start one in school since you dipped in the middle of the year!"
Scarecrow who just walked in: "That's seriously why we're here? I thought you needed my help. You said it was urgent."
Harley holding up a tote bag: "It is urgent! I made t-shirts and I need to know if they fit!"
Bruce who honestly just wanted a nap: "Let's just see the shirts Quinzel."
Scarecrow: You're actually going along with this!?"
Bruce raising a brow and looking down at the ropes that are binding him to a chair: "I don't have much of a choice..."
Scarecrow: "...Fair point. Okay Harley show us the shirts."
Harley pulls out a crop top shirt proudly, it's half red, half black that has 'OFFICIAL FUCK FREUD CLUB' on the chest: "I got em personalized! Bruce gets a black turtleneck because he was the soft goth boy in med school and he's still a little goth baby. John you get a flannel that has the sayin' on the back! Aren't they cute?"
Bruce remembering how much he hated Freud and having to listen to his methods and ideas in school, and how he, Harley, and John would shit talk him in their study group: "Okay I actually love this idea and the shirts."
Scarecrow trying to hide how touched he is: "You got me flannel?"
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