#auntie Harley
the-witchhunter · 7 months
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batbitch3s · 2 years
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bluedabadeedabadie · 2 years
I am bored, tired as all hell and my body won't let me take a nap. I also can't get the spoons, fucks nor bones to do any of the things I wanted to get done so you get- whatever this is.
So I do an rp. And sometime ago me and my partner had the Riddler kidnap Bernie because he thought that he knew who Red Robin is, because he's the civilian Red had been seen interacting with the most. Bernie didn't, in fact, know Red Robin's identity. Until the riddles started ringing a bell on two and my favourite theorist connected some dots and was like "Oh, shit, that's my handsome idiot". My guy thought he was going to die and yet continued bullshitting Riddler and denying everything until Tim showed up.
So, yeah, sometimes I think of funny little scenarios like:
Red Robin is backed up against the wall. Then the rogue is just- hit with a heavy backpack. And some teenager is screaming at them. Then get knocked down by some other Batfamily member that took advantage of the distraction.
Bernie would later on get lectured by Tim on NOT angering Gotham's rogues and how Tim could dEfINitelY hAnDle hImSelF.
Or him getting kidnapped all the time. Because yeah. At some point he just looks at the camera like he's in the office, absolutely done with life. I wonder if at one point he'd start bullshitting the villains like:
"Let me guess, you want Red Robin's identity, right? It's me, I am Red Robin"
"This doesn't-"
*staring them down* "Try me bitch"
"You want to know who the bats are? Fine, they're bats"
"An army of well-trained bats. Disguised as humans"
One time Bernie gets kidnapped by Harley for shits and giggles because she actually knows their identities but she wants to see if the kid will bulge. She leaves some complicated riddles for Tim to find since she knows he loves solving puzzles and doing detective work.
Bernie just sighs when waking up, figuring he'd get tortured again and continues with his quips and stuff. And because my version of Bernie spills self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism, mostly about the cult, well, that happens.
So Harley is satisfied the kid of her bestie from med school has someone loyal next to him and then when he starts with the jokes she just- goes all therapist mode on him.
So Tim is hyperventilating, running to solve all the riddles, thinking the Riddler is at it again and he'd probably kill his boyfriend this time, especially if he doesn't hurry tf up.
And he gets there to see Bernie having a therapy session with his crazy aunt and meanwhile Ivy is making them tea.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Ok so I saw a head cannon somewhere where Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, and Harleen Quinzel all went to collage together before Bruce dipped to train and become Batman.
Dc x dp concept where Harley knows Bruce has an adoption problem and it isn’t the most healthy, yet it is the least destructive out of his habits so she enables him. So when she finds a seemingly homeless kid on the street that fits The Profile trademark she kidnaps him off the street and busts down Bruce’s door like “Brucie! Look what I found for ya!”
Alternatively, Harley adopts Danny and busts down Bruce’s door while holding Danny above her head because this boy is a TWIG and is like “Look Brucie! Pam and I have a kid now!”
But for real tho! The idea that Bruce Harley and Harvey are friends or at least more friendly that acquaintances gives me LIFE!!!!
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z0ned0utish · 1 year
You can't tell me that Harley and Ivy aren't the 'fun aunts' when they visit the bat boys.
Like Harley brings the boys sweet all the time and Ivy shows the boys how to look after their plants.
Harley would sneak the bat brothers sweets when they were Robin without Batman knowing.
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crybabylulu · 10 months
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Aunty Harley saving her baby! 🥺 LOOK AT THEM! THEY ARE PRECIOUS 😭😭
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aquaredhomestuckau · 7 months
i was gonna add a drawing alongside this but i realized there arent any good ones in my sketchbook and that one mockup sprite i made sucks i need to fix it so ill just drop a fun fact jacks new kernelsprite is grandpa harley + halley do with this information what you must
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fanonimus · 9 days
Hello. It's time I chime into the nonexistent Harley Quinn convo regarding her rebrand.
After she broke up with the wallmart Clown, she got a redesign, which supposedly broke her apart from the Joker.
Except she kept the name. And the colours. And the mannerism. And the themes.
She just got a sexier outfit in red and black, and I do not appreciate that. I know I am probably late for the party, but I recently joined the fandom, so it's better late than never.
I had gotten out of an abusive relationship before, so I might be projecting, but I wanted to get away from that part of my past, the moment I realized what was going on. I think that Harley would know that the best way of dealing with the trauma of the relationship is to move on, but the crazy in her would want revenge. But not the "you gave me this, and I will make it mine" kind of revenge. I just personally think that is not the healtiest way of looking at it.
Keep in mind that I myself am not a therapist, I'm just a human with a not so stellar life, projecting my problems onto nonexistent characters.
Let me introduce you to my take on a post wallmart clown, Harleen Quinzel!
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I think she would be around to cause chaos, spraypaint buildings, and just being a nuisance to everyone. She doesn't get up to murder, except when it comes to the Joker.
I wanted to keep the pink and blue hair, because I actually love that, and also chose that as the main colours. I gave her a torn black leather jacket to give her more of a punk vibe.
I let her keep the bat, bc it's kind of logical for her in my AU.
I decided to give her her roller skates as a permanent part of her outfit, and also pached jeans from the number of times she fell, or tore them on fences and things like that.
The roller skates are yellow because they are meant to kind of stand out, feel a bit alien compared to the rest of the outfit, because she got them before she got herself a rebrand.
They were actually a gift from Poison Ivy, and at the time, she just wanted Harleen to have something that wasn't black or red.
I think Harleen would keep Harley as a nickname, but would get really angry when someone would call her Quinn, because she left that life behind, and started with a clean slate. She's Harley Quinzel, a mix of her two former life, that create something new. Like chemicals.
I think that's it. If you have any questions, I do have the question box open.
(Don't mind my Harley Quinn design, I just needed her to have a bunch of bells on her.)
The name is a play on the Charlatan word, which in my language is really similar "sarlatán." I just mixed them, because why not.
Harley calls herself that because her main form of villainy shifted to grafity and vandalism. Except she can not draw for the life of her. She is not a creative person, being more analitical and such, but she claims to be the best of the best, and she wants that to be her new image. A charlatan, just like every rouge. Except she embraces that fact.
(It's also because she didn't notice the abuse. She thinks she failed as a psychiatrist because she fell for Jokers manipulation.)
It might be a bit out of character, but that is not a me problem, I am not trying to appeal to canon when there is no defined characterisation in canon. Thank you.
Excuse any linguistics mistake, I am not an english speaker.
You wanna see Poison Ivy in my AU? Here you go.
My DCAU collection
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little-buggy-beetle · 2 years
Auntie Harley and aunt ivy!
Yes 🥺 they’re so good oh gosh! I gotta save this so I remember to do headcannons later 🥰
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supraxstcllas · 2 years
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@lilmelvin​ liked for a starter!
❖ --- Harley had been doing her regular thing, walking Gotham’s streets looking for trouble, when she spotted something that didn’t quite belong. bright pink among the gloom and doom of the city? she’d think it was her in this place, but she was over here and wearing her classic red and black. obviously she had to go investigate, and what she found was a little girl that looked much too lost to be a local, 
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“ Hey there, sweetie. Are ya lost? “
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starlooove · 1 month
And it’s like enjoy fandom how u want if I can’t change the racism I can’t change this but it’s so funny when ppl will be like Jason is right and ignore that those ideals would also apply to their faves. Like ok jason kills penguin who cares - he’d def kill Harley if they were in their primes at the same time. He might kill Ivy now.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
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stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
"-so i said we would babysit for a few hours." kyra shrugged, dropping two bags onto your bed as you raised an eyebrow. "you mean i'll babysit. when the kids are around you are not the responsible adult in the situation ky." you raised an eyebrow as your girlfriend pulled a face and kissed your cheek.
"don't act like you wouldn't have said yes in a heartbeat. everyone knows you're harleys favorite anyway!" kyra cheesed hitting you where she knew would work, your ego. "can't argue with the facts. what's in the bags?" you sighed and questioned with narrowed eyes as kyra clapped happily.
"i know its not december yet but i thought since we're as close as we'll ever get to being in the snow for christmas and its the last camp for the year we could-" the girl jumped onto the bed and rifled through the bags. "-build gingerbread houses and make ornaments!" she pulled out the boxes with a gleeful grin and you melted at her obvious delight.
"where did you even get these?" you laughed, picking up one of the diy bauble kits and reading through. "kyra! this very clearly says ages 10 and up, harper and harley are not 10!" you warned, eyebrows furrowing at the toxic warning for the glue.
"it's fine babe! we'll be supervising and doing it with them the entire time." kyra waved off your worries, moving onto her knees and knocking the box from your grip, hands pawing at your hoodie.
"baby!" you laughed as she yanked you down onto the bed and hovered over you with a grin, attacking your face with kisses. "now say; thank you kyra. you are so smart kyra, what a great idea kyra!" she demanded cheekily between kisses.
"like the sound of your own name do you cooney cross?" you teased, grabbing the back of her neck and guiding her lips to meet your own, smiling happily at the waves of pleasure which washed over you at the feeling of her soft lips moving against yours.
but the moment was cut short as rapid knocks sounded, all too familiar voices crying out for the door to open as you gently pushed your girlfriend off of you, pecking her pouty lips a few times and watching her face light up as you promised to resume what you started later on.
you'd not even opened the door more than a few centimeters before two tiny bodies barreled inside, darting through your legs with gleeful cheers as kyra dropped down to the floor to grab both young girls in a bear hug.
"thank you for this." katrina sighed gratefully pulling you into a hug, having been called into an unexpected zoom meeting with some perspective new clubs for the afternoon.
"neither of them have napped so they should hopefully crash within the hour." tameka added on, down for press conference duty with tony this afternoon. "please, like ky will let them sleep." you chuckled, the midfielder calling out hello's to both older women who smiled seeing her spinning around both harley and harper in her arms.
"call us if anything happens yeah?" katrina warned as you nodded, promising you would and taking the girls backpacks from tameka as you waved them off, both their daughters yelling out goodbye before the door closed and they were gone.
"and where's my hug?" you gasped, crossing your arms feigning annoyance as both girls tried to scramble for you, kyra trapping harper in her arms as harley leapt her small body off the bed causing you to scramble to catch her.
"i'm like a superhero!" the three year old grinned as you twirled her round, blowing a raspberry to her cheek. "let her go!" you laughed at your girlfriend as harper wiggled and whined in her grip.
"what are we doing today?" harley asked eagerly, jumping up and down on the bed once you placed her back down, scooping up harper and flinging her up and into the air, catching her as the girl giggled.
"well. aunty ky has some cool activities for us to do, but only if you're on your best behavior." you warned with a smile, both girls yelling that they were good over and over as kyra moved to grab the bags. "okay okay! we get it, you're good girls." you laughed, taking harleys outstretched hands and swinging her around like you knew she wanted.
"okay!" kyra clapped for everyones attention as you took a seat on the bed, harley scrambling to sit on your lap as harper tucked herself into your side, making you grin as her little head wedged its way under your arm.
"we're gonna make...." kyra trailed off, drumming her hands on the nightstand as the suspense built. "gingerbread houses!" she yelled happily, causing you to wince as the two girls beside you screeched in delight.
"ky, i really don't think its a good idea to let them eat so much." you warned, harley sat on your lap as harper sat on hers, both of you tucked up against the desk in the corner building your respective gingerbread houses.
you'd watched with a sigh as kyra would every now and then allow both girls to consume a lolly, which eventually escalated into her giving them permission to eat whatever they wanted so long as they left some to decorate with.
"why? it's fine!" your girlfriend waved it off, moving to help harper glue a few candy canes to the roof of their house. polar opposite to theirs, harley had wanted a much more organised look, taking her time to make sure it was neat and tidy which made you smile.
"because kyra, what goes in must come out!" you warned, already starting to see harper perk up a little more. "what? they won't throw up they're little but they're not babies." kyra scoffed with a roll of her eyes, whining as you reached over to sharply pinch her thigh.
"hey! mummy says no pinching." harper piped out with a scowl in your direction as kyra stuck her tongue out at you, dismissing your worries and returning to helping harper as harley bounced in your lap demanding your attention.
turns out, you were of course correct.
"woah woah! where did you get these?" your eyes widened as you scooped up harley and grabbed a pair of craft scissors out of her hand. "found em." the girl beamed, wiggling to be put down as you tucked her under your arm.
"kyra that is a terrible idea." you warned sternly as the midfielder pulled out the ornament making kit.
"no its not it'll give them something to do with their energy." the brunette huffed, practically pinning harper down who was doing her best impression of a lion, teeth nashing and trying to bite the older girl.
"harps no biting!" you groaned, adjusting harley under your arm who was furiously trying to get away. "see what you did!" you scowled at your girlfriend in annoyance, putting harley down and grabbing harper.
"three minutes for biting." you warned, sitting her down in a chair facing the wall. "harper." you repeated in a serious tone as she tried to get up, the toddler sitting back down and crossing her arms frowning adorably.
"kyra!" you whined seeing her setting harley up with a bauble and a glue gun. "you got any better ideas babe?" the girl raised an eyebrow challengingly. "nap time?" you sighed, wincing as two very loud protests were yelled back at you.
"not on the bed." you grabbed harley under her arms and swung her into a chair as kyra moved beside her. "done now?" harper peeked over the top of her own chair as you sighed again. "done biting?" you questioned with crossed arms as harper nodded.
"go on." you gestured for her to get up as she ran over to kyra, climbing up into her lap as you stepped out to go to the bathroom and clear your head, the christmas music kyra insisted on blasting from her phone not helping the chaos.
"see babe? piece of cake!" kyra chirped quietly, nudging her shoulder into yours as the two of you stared down at the pair of sleeping girls in bed. "they're covered in glitter." you sighed running a hand through your hair with a shake of your head.
"occupational hazard, it washes off." kyra dismissed your concerns with a wave. "come on baby. we did good! no one got hurt, nothing got broken, they're safe and fast asleep." kyra pressed a kiss to your cheek as you rolled your eyes.
"high five for top babysitters!" kyra murmured happily, holding up her hand and wiggling her eyebrows. "you are such a child sometimes." you sighed but smacked your hand into hers none the less.
but when you tried to pull away, alarm bells sounded.
"kyra. why is your hand stuck to mine?" you asked calmly, your girlfriend shrinking a little at the question.
"please tell me you washed the glue off." you spoke again, the brunette avoiding your eyes as you pinched the bridge of your nose with your free hand.
before you could say another word there was gentle knocks at the door, your girlfriend hissing a little in pain as you yanked her toward it by your conjoined hands. "hope they weren't any trouble?" katrina smiled, her and tameka moving inside as you and kyra backed off.
"no trouble! never trouble." kyra replied nervously, katrina instantly picking up on the shift in tone, shooting the younger girl a weird look over her shoulder as she picked up a still sleeping harper.
"do some arts and crafts did we?" tameka laughed at the glitter all over harley who stirred. "we'll drop the baubles off once they dry." you smiled nodding to the desk where they sat among a pile of glitter. "they're so cute." tameka grinned, kyra having done her best to help them both write their names.
"really cute." katrina echoed, though her tone conveyed suspicion as you and kyra did your best to hide your conjoined hands. "well we have to shower and get ready for dinner!" you smiled nodding toward the door, tameka thanking you both and promising she owed you one before leaving.
"you right min?" kyra smiled nervously as the shorter woman stared you both down. "fine. what are you two hiding?" she adjusted harper in her arms, eyes narrowing again as you both rambled out nothing. "its my fault." kyra blurted out as you glared and rammed your elbow into her side.
"ky shut up!" "what is your fault?"
"babe!" you groaned as kyra held up your stuck together hands. "i don't get it." katrina frowned on confusion. "they're stuck together. i had glue on my hands and i didn't wash it off and then we high fived and-" her nervous ramblings were cut off by the laughter from the woman in front of you.
"oh my you two are unbelievable. good luck! see you at dinner." with that she quickly left the room, ignoring the two of you calling after her for help.
your girlfriend withered at the glare you fixed her with, the two of you taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "where did you get the kits from?" you asked firmly, your girlfriend stuttering out an answer as you grabbed her phone and did a quick google, which proved to be incredibly challenging with one hand.
punching in the number you dialed the store kyra snuck out to you quickly explained what happened to the manager who assured there was a dissolvent they could order in to arrive tomorrow morning, the canadian clearly unable to hold back his amusement as you thanked him and hung up.
thankfully the game was not until the weekend as you explained the situation to kyra, the blunt tone of your voice meaning she knew exactly how pissed off with her you were.
"baby." you turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "what?"
"there's no one i'd rather be stuck with than you?"
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 5 months
Poll 12, Round 1.
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About Stellar: (by @emthimofnight) The product of Project Stellar—a secret government operation aiming to perfect Project Shadow—Stellar is a genetic experiment combining the DNA of the Ultimate Life Form and the fastest thing alive. Designed to be a living weapon, Stellar was born in a hidden facility where she would have been raised to be an unstoppable weapon for the military. Thankfully, Shadow the Hedgehog (with help from Rouge the Bat) discovered her existence, destroyed the lab, and rescued her as an infant. Shadow then went on to begrudgingly inform his long-time rival, Sonic the Hedgehog, of their newfound child, seeing as she was technically just as much Sonic's problem as she was Shadow's. From there, the duo (along with help from their friends) raised Stellar as their daughter, sheltering her from the knowledge she was created to be a force of destruction for her masters. Along the way, Sonic and Shadow found themselves truly falling for one another, dissolving the barriers they had placed between one another as rivals, finding new appreciation for each other in their new parental roles. Stellar herself is a bright, warm-hearted person. She has a strong sense of justice and never shies away from standing up for what is right. She takes after Sonic in personality, always cracking jokes and finding it hard to sit still. Despite this, she inherited Shadow's finesse and ability to plan out her choices, not to mention his abilities to utilize chaos energy. She has a love for figure skating, ballet, and make up (thanks to Auntie Rouge!), but don't let her feminine side fool you, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty! She would love nothing more than to spend her day smashing badniks into the ground with her skates if her dads would let her! Stellar loves both of her parents dearly, but sometimes wishes that they wouldn't be so protective of her. After all, what could they possibly have to be worried about?
About Rapidfire-Harley Davidson: (by @confused-bagel) Just a regular hedgehog that was found as a hoglet in the woods by Sonic and Shadow. They took him in after being reminded of their own pasts of being lost and forgotten. They went back and forth on names for hours until they agreed that Rapidfire-Harley Davidson was the coolest name. He doesn’t have any special powers but he can still melt your heart!
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istannuggies · 2 years
Danny, Jazz with Aunty Harley
So Harley met them before she went crazy and hot, and afterwards they visited her in jail sometimes.
Then one day Danny comes to visit her cuz " i haven't seen her so long and it's been boring here since i got crowned"
Harley was mid fight with the Bats and Ivy after a date night gone right duh.
In comes Danny waving
everything just stops...
the bats are confused af cuz who tf is that and where did he come from
Ivy just smiles and waves back while dogging one of the bats attacks
Harley just looks done (like the face my siblings make when i did smth stupid again)
"DANNY! You again you fucking Chaos Gremlin, i haven't seen you in ages! (while trying to bash robins head in) how's Jazz? Did she not come with you? ( u know normal small talk )
Danny answering her etc while absolutely not bothered by the bats tho he be eyeing the Hoods ass more than socially acceptable.
All the while the Bats are trying to understand who is this, why is he not bothered being mid fight between them and two villains?????
I do see Jason not even fighting just watching them and noticing Danny watching his good looking peaches 🍑
So he goes to him and questions him a bit but mainly just talking with danny about some random shit and them ending up talking about weird billionaires and why they suck while harley and ivy escape.
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
Batclan and Catband (part 2)
> previous part
> next part
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Dinner ended up a relatively calm affair, or as calm as it can be with the batclan and the cat catband in one place.
"Where is elle actually?" Selina asks, leaning on the table with a grin.
"With her aunty harley and pam," he answers, phone in hand. "They're bringing her over soon, tho."
Dick, sitting opposite of Danny, perks up at that. "Your daughter, right? How old is she?"
The teen practically glows at the question, proud and not far from showing it.
"Become 2 recently! A gremlin in sheep clothes, truly. She knows how to get what she wants, a habit learned from her glam glam." At the last words, he gives catwoman the stink eye, huffing when she laughs at him.
"I have been wondering, how old are you, danny? If you don't mind." Bruce has an easygoing smile on, but Danny knows that glint in his eyes.
"Also freshly turned 18."
Both Selina and Danny watch the other man carefully, one hiding her sharp stare, the other openly showing it.
"Isn't that a bit young to become a single parent?" The man asks in concern, no matter he should be with emotions, mother and son recognise the tone of worry and relax slightly.
"Her circumstances of appearing in our life is not much to be desired. However, we are very happy with her joining our little family at that time."
Danny speaks fondly, smiling as he recalls the moments. "Selina helped immensely when needed and didn't shy from showering the little gremlin in love"
While the batclan would have loved to continue the conversation, Alfred appeared with a gentle smile.
"Master Danny, there is a guest waiting patiently at the front door for you, I'm afraid she might just run off with no one watching." He gives a very amused look at the members of the table.
He shoots out of his chair, letting the butler lead him out and about.
Once the teen is gone, does Bruce straighten his form and look at selina.
"What about the mother? Is there anything—"
"I'll stop you right there, bat dear." She holds up her hand, giving a sharp smile.
"While I'd rather not talk behind Danny's back like this," she gives the table a look, noting that every member seems to be in their vigilante persona.
"Elle doesn't have a mother, I won't explain any details without Danny's consent, but this is more of a Kon-El situation."
(Bruce, in particular, doesn't like how that info makes everything else snap into place, and the final picture isn't much better.)
"Kon-El situation– isn't she a toddler??"
"Why would anyone go for danny??"
"Was it Lex Luthor–?!"
Their questions were silenced by the sound of tiny footsteps running to the door and swinging it open with no grace.
The tiny being runs around the table, peeks over it to see where a certain woman is located at and sprint to her lap.
The father of said being isn't far from her, making sure she doesn't trip nor fall. Alfred closes the doors and flawlessly slips next to Bruce, the amused smile very much still present.
"Glam glam!" The tiny girl squeals excited, getting pulled up and seated, just in sight of everyone else.
She is like a carbon copy of her father, minus the gender, but at the stares she becomes quite shy, very endearing.
Danny sits next to them, grin on his face and gesturing to the batclan.
"Wanna meet your uncles and aunts, elle darling?"
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batsythoughts · 6 months
we want more giggles
Because you all have asked so nicely, here the continued adventures of Giggles and the rest of the Wayne family. Meeting Mama Harley and Auntie Ivy addition
It had been a couple weeks since little Giggles had come to live in Wayne Manor
Everyone enjoyed the new surge of life that came with having a four year old around. They even set up a schedule for who would stay behind at night to help Alfred with potential issues that would sudden appear
Bruce had set up a couple of appointments to make sure Giggles was on the right level of education for a child of that age
During the day, Jason would help with teaching letters since that was an easier thing for a toddler to process
For one hour each day, he would say one letter at a time and Giggles would have to write it on a whiteboard
It was near the end of one of those sessions when a knock sounded from the front door
Alfred went to get it, expecting one of the boys to have a delivery of some kind showing up
On the porch stood a very excited Harley Quinn and slightly calmer Poison Ivy
Harley clutches a brand new blanket as she eagerly asks if her baby was really alive and now living with the Wayne family
Alfred had a soft smile on his face as he encouraged both the women in. Telling them that Giggles had been settling in quite well with the whole family
Harley expresses her gratitude as she explains that she hadn't know that her child was alive for all this time because the Joker said they died immediately after the birth. She would never have allowed that kind of treatment to her 'sweetums' otherwise
Alfred listens intently as he lets her vent all the emotions she was feeling. Leading the women to the living room as Jason gave Giggles a pat on the head
Harley let out a sudden noise of excitement as she rushed over and scooped the toddler into her arms with a big smile. Placing kisses all over their face while rambling about how excited she was to see her baby
Jason watched as Harley put Giggles back down before unfolding the blanket on the couch for the kid to get a look at it
Harley encourages Giggles to feel it to make sure she picked one that was soft enough for her baby to enjoy using
Giggles looked confused at what Harley was saying as they wiped their cheeks where she had kissed them
It took a few more words of encouragement, but Giggles cautiously does feel the blanket before mumbling that it felt okay before going over to Jason
Harley's smile falls as she watched her baby go and seek comfort from someone else while she was right there
Ivy came over and sat beside Harley on the floor and asking if Giggles remember her and if they knew who Harley was to them
They got a small nod in response as Jason's neck became the hiding spot of Giggles' face
He asked what was the matter was since they knew Harley was their mom and he thought it would probably be a happier occasion to the little one
Tiny hands grabbed his shirt as he hears a small whisper that breaks his hear:
"He said mama didn't want me."
Jason gently shifts Giggles onto his laptop be able to look at Harley while stilll having the option to look away
He quickly assured Giggles that the Joker lied about Harley not wanting her child and that she was here because she wanted to be apart of their life now
Harley's shoulders slumped at what Jason said, quickly explaining that she had been told Giggles was sick and died after having given birth and she thought it was true
Ivy joined in by saying Harley was so happy hearing the news of Giggles being alive, she had already been making plans to potentially spend time together
It goes silent for a moment as Giggles continues to hold onto Jason with a quiet whine
Harley looks around the room for a second before noticing the Batman toy. She grinned as she grabbed it while saying that she was kinda sorta friends with Batman
Giggles perks up slightly while looking over at Harley with skeptical eyes at the news
Ivy noticing a shift in demeanor, eagerly adds that the two of them had many interactions with Batman over the years
Harley handed the toy over while saying that the Bat would be really honored to know such a unique child looked up to him
Giggles had a miniature grin while taking the toy back with a quiet 'no way'
Jason quickly joins in by saying he had seen all of them on the news together talking to one another
The child laughed while looking between all of them and saying they were just making it up
The three of them shared a smile while saying that they knew what they knew
Harley leaned a little closer while asking if there was anything that Giggles liked to do for fun
Soon they were all at the dining table with crayons and different pieces of paper as they each colored
Alfred came in with drinks for them all before asking what everyone would want for lunch
Harley quickly stands up while exclaiming that she could make everyone some mac and cheese (she might not have much experience with kids or cooking, but everyone loves mac and cheese)
Alfred tries to assure Harley that he can take care of making the food, but she was adamant with making it herself
After getting everything ready, Harley began making lunch with Alfred close by, just in case
In the dining room, Ivy smiles over at the child as they put the finishing touches on a butterfly drawing
She asked what Giggles thought of Harley so far. Giggles said that she was definitely nicer than the Joker had said
Ivy smiled while discreetly typing a quick message Joker, threatening to feed him to her plants for everything he said and did to this little ray of sunshine
After some time had passed, Harley and Alfred had come in with plates for everyone to eat (even one for Alfred, Harley insisted)
Giggles helped Jason move all the papers and crayons away before everyone started to eat
Giggles gave Harley a happy 'thank you' after eating a couple of spoonfuls
Harley felt proud of herself for making a good meal for her little one as she gently takes Ivy's hand
It goes quiet for a minute before Jason quietly suggests that maybe they could stay for dinner tonight
Harley begins to say she doesn't want to intrude and only wanted to check up on Giggles for the day
Alfred is the one to say that he would not allow the ladies to leave before that got to know how Giggles got along with the rest of the family
Ivy says that they would love to stay as they did have something they wanted to talk to Bruce about anyways
Alfred says that they would all appreciate having them for dinner and he would make sure to have enough food for everyone
Giggles gives a happy clap at the news before asking what they would want to do
Once everyone was finished with lunch, they went back to the living room
Jason picked up the book he was currently reading as he just sat close by while give Harley and Ivy the ability to bond with Giggles
Harley, trying to get a small of understanding of what all her child liked, asked if they wanted to watch a movie or if there was a favorite show that was on
Jason quickly said that Scooby-Doo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Bluey were a couple of favorites (there's just something about talking dogs)
Ivy quickly switched on Courage because it was the first one that she found when searching
The show plays on as Giggles sat beside Harley, who was gently running her fingers through her child's hair
Ivy was on the other side of Giggles as her arm rested on the back of the couch as she smiled at the two of them
The show continues to play on as Giggles starts to lean into Harley's side with a small yawn
Ivy lowers the volume on the TV a little as Harley began to move to lay down with Giggles in her arms
Harley gets the blanket that she brought and places it over the both of them
It doesn't take long for Giggles to fall asleep for a nap as the show continues to play in the background
Jason begins to flip the page of his book as he says they can change the show if they wanted. He did it all the time with some crime show that you also seemed interested in when it was on
While Courage was not the worse show for a kid to like, they didn't have to be told twice before changing to a different show
Harley placed a soft kiss to Giggles head as she continued laying down on the cushions
Ivy ran her fingers through Harley's hair with a smile at the whole situation they were in
It didn't take long for Tim and Damian to come home from school as they took off their shoes
Tim went to get a snack from the kitchen before going to the living room to work on a couple of assignments that he had
He started working on his papers before lifting his head in confusion as he looked over at the couch. He barely even registered the two villains as he walked over to the coffee table
Damian walked in as he looked at all of them. Shaking his head as he went to go check on his animals while muttering about Alfred getting his own collection
Tim, still mildly confused, went back to doing his homework. If Jason wasn't concerned about them being here, it probably wasn't a big deal
Giggles begins to slowly stir in Harley's arms as they slowly wake up. When their eyes open, a huff escapes them while still laying down
Harley reluctantly sits up and stretched her back. When she was done, she rests her head on Ivy's shoulder while brushing back Giggles hair
The child soon sat up and looked around the room. After seeing Tim sitting on the ground, quickly looking around again
"Where's Dami?"
"He's out in the barn, kiddo. He'll come back in soon."
Giggles gave a small whine at that, but didn't push the subject. None of the family allowed them out in the barn, saying it would be best when Giggles was older
Ivy was about to change the channel, but stopped when she noticed Giggles paying extreme attention to the screen. Even more than when the cartoon was on earlier
The show continues to play on with no interruptions when Damian comes walking back in from the barn
He sits down on the far end of the couch as he looks over at the group with a critical eye. Wondering if there was potentially a trap that would come with them being there
(He barely admits caring, but that kid doesn't need to go through anything else they didn't deserve)
When a commercial break had come along, Giggles looked over at Damian with a grin
Going over to his side of the couch, the toddler just stared at him while waiting for something
Damian didn't even look as he reachs a hand out and rests it on Giggles' forehead. Shaking his hand around gently before pushing the toddler backwards on the cushions with a smirk
Harley almost gets upset until the sound of laughter fills the room as Giggles gets back up to face Damian again
He softly says no as his focused on the screen. But the drawn out 'please' caused him to repeat the actions one more time before saying it was the last time
Tim snorts at that as he puts away the homework he had. Carefully putting them away in his bag before standing up with a quiet groan as he begins walking towards the kitchen
"Alfred's currently in there. He won't let you walk out with any form of caffeine this late in the day."
Tim stops short as Jason closes his book. The smirk on his face irritating Tim further as he sits on the couch near Ivy
Giggles quickly got off and went to the kitchen. Coming back with an armful of juice boxes
Going over to Tim first, Giggles hands out the juice boxes to everyone before settling in beside Harley again
Tim grins over at Jason with a raised brow before starting to drink from his box
Everyone watched the show in peaceful some time until the front door opened. Both Dick and Bruce arriving back to the manor at the same time that day
Harley and Ivy perk up at the sound of the men coming into the manor. The two sharing a glance before looking back at Giggles with concern
With the routine that the family formed after Giggles came to them, Dick immediately went to the living room to do his self appointed oldest brother duties (surprise uppies, cuddle times, and sibling gossip)
Dick stops in his tracks for a moment when he sees the two women sitting on the couch. They look back and make eye contact with him
It lasts a few seconds before he gives them a smile before reaching over the couch and lifting Giggles up
The child laughs as Dick lightly spins around before moving to sit down himself
Bruce comes walking in a little after Dick with a deep breath. Not completely surprised by the fact Harley was there. He was most shocked it took her this long to finally come over
When she noticed Bruce come into the area, Harley held Ivy's hand as the two stood up. Both of them going over to him as they expressed their gratitude for him taking in the little one
Ivy quietly said that their was something that they did want to talk about in private if he was willing to hear them out
He gave a quick nod as he guided the two to his study so all the children wouldn't overhear whatever was going to be said
When he closed the door, he fully expected to have to argue that he wasn't going to just hand Giggles over to Harley entirely
She might be the mother, but he couldn't fully deny that the situation could end up bad with everyone no matter how hard anyone tired
"Could we have Giggles stay over a couple of weekends every month?"
The confusion was clear on his face as Harley's words sink in. He blinks at the women for a moment before asking them to explain
Harley calmly says that while she does love the fact her child was alive, she knew she might not be able to provide the best life for said child
Instead, she wanted to be apart of their life and also help out with giving the family a few breaks during the month while getting to spend time with Giggles
Bruce thought about it for a moment, realizing that it wasn't that extreme of a request given the circumstances
He agreed that he was alright with it, but it would ultimately be up to Giggles to decide if they wanted to go over
Harley and Ivy quickly agree that it was okay with them to do it that way. And even if Giggles didn't want to stay the night, they would be willing to do day visits if that was the limit
They all left the study before going back to the living room
Giggles wiggled out of Dick's hold when Bruce came walking into the room again. Going up to him and giving him a hug while looking up at him with a smile
Bruce gently returns the hug as Harley kneel to the ground while asking if Giggles would want to maybe spend a couple of days every now and then with her and Ivy
Giggles thinks for a moment before giving a small nod and saying that it sounds like fun
Harley let out a laugh in relief while tightly holding Ivy's hand
The boys all stare for a moment as they watch the scene in front of them
Alfred came walking in while saying that dinner was about to be ready so everyone could go and get themselves settled at the table
The whole group goes into the dining room and take a moment to figure out the seating arrangement with the two extras joining them
Once everyone was settled, Alfred came in and set down plates in front of everyone
Conversation was light as the meal progressed. Mostly consisting of how the day went and of any upcoming events that would be occuring at school
The meal seemed to pass by too soon as Harley and Ivy said that they would need to leave soon
Giggles gave a small pout, but gave a small nod in understanding
Bruce began to see them off while exchanging information so they could all get in contact for custody swaps
As Harley and Ivy were about to leave, Giggles came running up with the butterfly drawing in hand
Giving it to Harley with a smile while saying she could keep it
Harley gratefully took it while leaning down to place one last kiss to Giggles head before saying a last goodbye for the night
"Bye bye, Aunt Ivy! Bye bye, mama!"
Harley has to turn away as she holds back tear because she was just called 'mama' for the first time. Ivy holds her close as they begin to go back to their apartment
Bruce closes the door while picking Giggles up, smiling at the child while walking back into the manor
"Mama's nice. She did want me."
Bruce has to keep his expression neutral as the child continues rambling. Dear God, he was going to beat that clown within an inch of his life
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