hellishtodorokifamily · 6 months
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Episode 105 sketch by Jason Yao
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eyes-of-nine · 4 months
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do I ship them? not really???maybe idk but 1) I needed someone for this to work 2) I do enjoy making LQQ suffer 3) it would be kinda funny ngl
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You know how we joke about the array being like a group chat or social media? Well imagine if prayers went into a sort of heavenly email inbox. And when Xie Lian ascends for the third time, he expects his to be empty aside from the occasional spam from someone trying to schmooze up to every god they can think of, or the sadder chain emails from people desperate for help from anywhere.
Instead, he opens it and finds thousands upon thousands of prayers dating back throughout the entirety of his banishment, all from the same untraceable source. He opens random ones. Some are sweet little things, "Your Highness, wherever you are tonight, I hope you sleep well."
Others are more complex, "Your Highness, I find myself in a position where I must either seize power myself or risk it falling into other, more wicked hands. My own hands will inevitably be dirtied by wielding that power, but would they not be just as tainted if I did nothing, and let worse things happen? I know what I will choose, but I still wonder what you would do in my place."
Others still make him blush tomato red up to the tops of his ears, trailing babble still imbued with frantic eroticism and clearly never meant to actually reach him, cutting in and out like a poorly tuned radio as the devotee tries to keep thoughts from becoming prayers, panted strings of "Your Highness, Your Highness, please please please..."
The prayers date back to a few years after his second banishment, which makes sense because his inbox had been wiped when he was banished. He's surprised it's been allowed to gather all of this since: he supposes it's just that no one has even thought to notice. The centuries the prayers span makes it clear they do not come from a human, which is confusing and intriguing in equal measure.
And then, early on, he finds one that makes his heart stop and then take off again at a gallop.
"None of them are quite right, Your Highness. If I carve a thousand, ten thousand, will I eventually get it right? Will I ever be able to capture the kindness and the ferocity you radiate in something as base and cold as stone? I'll keep trying forever, or until I can see you again in the flesh. Your Highness has a believer here who still offers worship."
And that is how Xie Lian realizes that Wu Ming still exists.
(Insert long canon-divergent AU I'm too lazy to write here. I think there needs to be some kooky misunderstandings. Xie Lian is now aware that Wu Ming is out there and loves him and is looking for him and is so distracted by his determination to find him that it takes him 600k words of stubbornly denying his growing affection for Hua Cheng before he finally realizes Hua Cheng IS Wu Ming and has been desperately trying to court him for several volumes.)
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potato-lord-but-not · 6 months
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and it’s ALSO available as a sticker !! (thank u will)
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almightyshadowchan · 4 months
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Maybe one of these days I will actually do a nice polished background 🤔
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satoumafuyuss · 2 months
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Still getting used to drawing them but I'm happy with how this turned out so I will post it :)
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lazycranberrydoodles · 5 months
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i am waiting for you / even if it takes a lifetime
all of the stills for the curious and hua cheng obsessed:
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mios-art · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Your Highness 🥹
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razerathane · 4 months
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Hwoarang by Wooh Nayoung
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thewandererh · 27 days
🩺✨TW // medical concepts (tubes, ivs, veins), noose mention (cj storm and a spring lyrics)
(personally icky and squeamish on the medical concepts myself due to my health history, but im trying to conquer my fear by drawing them!! baby’s first IV drawing <33)
@calamarispiderart @calamarispider
I drew some fanart of calamarispiderart’s very cool hms guys in my sketchbook 👀. ive been dubbing them the ‘crazy concept calamari crew’ or something of the like. been having a hyperfixation ever since i found their tumblr last week :]. so earhm,, hope you enjoy!!!
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‘’ spoiler image!! this is what stuff will be centered around ,,
ok art time
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slowly listening to the full cccc album my myself :]. im very much in the fandom, just might not get all the references. mind is my favorite guy (everyone else is awesome too) so that might reflect here haha. calamari’s mind neck was so interesting to draw, i had the idea it can retract-ish and hide away in his weird fluffy coat. they all look so cool 😭😭
oH and a little extra whiteboardfox doodle wouldn’t hurt anyone. i wondered why the tubes on his neck were there, and came to the conclusion maybe theyre to substitute bloodflow because his neck is broken and blocked :0!
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kind of funny because i first discovered calamari’s art amidst the aftermath of some twilight sedation i had (related to my ✨gut issues✨). discovered both calamari’s (i think) and spook on twitter’s (definitely) art after that whole procedure when i was home and watching turning red, love that movie,,, makes me cry. kinda funny i’m returning to calamari and spook’s arties at the same time after discovering them both at also the same time a while ago. was it october? wow.
anyways uhm…sending virtual hugs calamari!! i know this crew might be a bit old-ish (i had to scroll to find them) but i hope you enjoy it. time to do laundry ok bye
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selfshipsnail · 2 days
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You’d have to be SICK to go crazy over Kinito coughs ccoughs sneezes coughs harder coughs
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ftm-radio · 10 months
do any other trans masculine folks have this odd... not quite gender envy, but it's like 'oh if I was younger I would be having some envy for this person' where the person in question is a girl (or girl-adjacent) and you can recognize that back when you thought you were a girl and/or thought that was your only option, you'd have wanted to be this specific sort of girl? if that makes sense???
like before I gained any real, conscious gender awareness I would always admire the girls who were more boyish and less feminine (gee, i wonder why it'd be those girls, specifically... how peculiar, what a mystery, we will probably never solve it... 😐🏳️‍⚧️) and would think that I wanted to be like them. so now, as an adult guy who knows a lot more about themself and their identity, I still find myself fostering a certain fondness for those same sorts of girls and the kid who looked up to them before he finally woke up and found himself.
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I’m so happy with this gradient it’s soooooo smooth. This shawl is a real challenge to knit both because of the structure of this yarn and the actual pattern itself is written in a way that’s really frustrating, but at least it’s beautiful enough to only be slightly extremely annoying.
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gertritude-art · 7 months
Does Lillie have bangs or is that her hair being pulled into her headband?
It's her hair being pulled back! I found this slightly uncomfortable edit of her sprite I did a while back that I think emphasizes this better:
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musubiki · 7 months
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potential clarinette design?
(the girl lime dated for a short time during the timeskip to try and get over mochi. shes currently trying to get him to go out with her again)
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bananonbinary · 11 months
ELIAS So… these are the worms he and Martin have been going on about? SASHA The ones terrorising us for months? Yeah! ELIAS To be honest I always thought they were just… overreacting. Other staff have seen them around, but no-one’s reported any aggressive behaviour or anything like that. You know how those two are… John puts on a good show, but sometimes I swear he’s worse than Martin. SASHA Look, Elias. I don’t know what you think is going on, but I have just seen thousands of… fleshworms pouring out of the wall! God knows how long they’ve been hiding! Tim might be dead, and the others…
i give sasha a bit of a hard time but genuinely kudos to her for not allowing elias' bullshit here. he's a manipulative fuck and is clearly trying to play on her arrogance to set her against the others, but she's having none of it. she might have privately(ish) thought they were overreacting before too, but she absolutely won't stand for it from their shitty boss!
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