#often we're looking at like. biweekly.
thedreadvampy · 1 year
Kinda pissy bc in my return to work interview (my line manager is on leave so my senior manager did it) she said oooh you've had 7 absences this year that's kind of a lot
but I just looked back through my calendar and I would say actually it's 5 1/2. Cause one I had a PTSD episode at lunchtime and called my boss in tears from my kitchen floor and I was gonna take the remaining 2.5 hours of my day off and work them back later and she was like nah man shut up you're off sick you don't owe anyone that time back. so that was not even a whole day it was like. A longish meeting's worth of time.
but also one illness is recorded as two absences because. and this'll teach me. I had flu but we had a tight deadline so I was off for a day, then came on to work for a day to meet that deadline, then I was off the next day, still with flu. so that's two separate absences. because I came into work when I should have been resting.
so like. Fuck me for trying I guess.
(it's not super relevant cause there's no real unifying condition that needs action. MH episode, migraine, flu, food poisoning, migraine, COVID. and we know about the migraines and have stuff in place to minimise them. It just seems fucked up to me that it counts more against me that I came in in the middle of 2 days of sick leave than that I've been off for a solid week.)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
One of the things that I really appreciate about this blog is that now, every now and then, when I hear about some new awful thing in the world, it will be in the context of "and this is what people are doing to fight it". That's so much less paralyzing.
(If you have any sources to recommend for experiencing more of that, me and my mental health would be further indebted.)
Ahhh, I forgot about this message, sorry! Been a hectic couple of months.
I absolutely have more sources!
One of the biggest is the media collaboration The Solutions Journalism Network, which focuses on just that: closing the massive gap between people reporting on problems and people reporting solutions.
I have a giant bookmark list of sources for this blog, for good news stories and hope, so here's a bunch of links! Roughly in order of how good I think they are (in terms of size of stories, previously uncovered stories, good editorial standards, accuracy, detail, number of stories, etc. etc.)
We're gonna start with the ones that do good news ONLY, because sometimes you fucking need that, and then below I'll link some excellent sources that have a higher than average number of quality pieces on good news, even though they also publish other stuff too.
Good and hopeful news sources:
Future Crunch - If you only read one of these sites, read this one!!! It's a MASSIVE biweekly roundup of international good news stories with really high quality reporting--a lot of UN and WHO and major NGO reports as their sources. I cry from hope at LEAST 30% of the times I read this, and tbh it used to be like 100%, about a year ago when I started realizing that hope for the planet and for humanity was something that was REASONABLE TO HAVE.
Reasons to Be Cheerful - Fewer stories, but FANTASTIC quality of reporting, especially on fantastic local stories, many of them in international communities, that you've definitely never heard of before
Positive.News - Good coverage and especially roundups, mostly Europe-focused.
Good News Network - This one is awesome for the high number and approachability of its stories, but unfortunately also includes more "That's not news that's just a heartwarming anecdote" and "That's not good news it's actually dystopian" pieces than I'd like.
Jane Goodall's Good For All News - Really awesome focus on international issues, a lot of news from Africa, a lot of news about youth organizers and youth-led projects, and a lot of focus on how helping the environment and helping communities are inextricably connected. Yall Jane Goodall is doing SO MUCH amazing work out there even at her age, and most people also have no idea.
Good Black News - Mostly posts on music and entertainment, and doesn't post all that often, but they're great.
Good Good Good
The Good News Hub
Only Good News Daily
( ) for Tomorrow - Directory of grassroots solutions to all types of issues and "proof that no solution is too small to have an impact"
A Plus - Dedicated to uplifting stories in video form. I'm sure they're awesome, I just don't rly use them bc videos can set off my sensory issues
The Happy Broadcast - Illustrated good news tidbits! I haven't been using them much but it looks like they've (recently?) added more text and sources to each image, so I might change that. Illustrations are pretty cute tbh
Sources that publish a lot of good news, but also other not good stuff:
Euronews.Green - Environmental section of European news org
Yes! Magazine - Excellent solutions-focused journalism, excellent focus on BIPOC content and underrepresented communities
TheMayor.EU - EU-focused, discusses a lot of good projects and cool local developments/programs
Grist - Solutions journalism, fantastic corage especially on environmental issues
Mongabay - Billed as "News & Inspiration from Nature's Frontline," they are amazing and have some of the best goddamn reporting I've ever seen. They mean "frontline" very literally: there's a TON of pieces about and by and interviewing communities on the front lines of environmental conflict, especially developing nations and Indigenous communities world wide. That said there's also a lot of bad news on nature's frontline still, while they report a lot of amazing and powerful good news, make sure you're in a resilient mood when you visit this site, because some of the stories are also pretty upsetting.
Indian Country Today and Native News Online - two of the leading news orgs for Indigenous communities in the United States. Kind of like Mongabay in that they have a lot of good news stories from Indigenous communities that often no one else is reporting on, but also plenty of coverage of things that are definitely not good, so better to read when you're in a resilient mood.
If you have any good news sites/sources you'd like to add, please drop them in the replies or comments! I'm always looking for new good news sources (though I def don't always have time to use all of them, rip!). Plus, let's support these sites by giving them some traffic!
We could all use more ways to get some more good news.
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starlemonbunki · 9 months
Nothing on my mind except Chuuya with depression who gets some help from an expert in that field (dazai🙄)
It starts simple. Dazai and Chuuya often meet at an underground bar to have a drink together. It's the one time they can talk to each other peacefully, no need for their constant bickering and attacks, here they can actually be civilized.
Chuuya doesn't notice it at first. All he knows is that as of late, he hasn't really been in the mood. Jobs that he would finish in a heartbeat suddenly become such a burden. Things he used to love like music and wine are all but fuzzy memories, he doesn't feel anything for them now. He's always tired, and he's never tired. Chuuya would never admit when he wants to hit the hay. As long as the boss needed him, he was there.
He comes in late for his and Dazai's biweekly meetings. Dazai can already tell the other is in distress. His once so strong appearance that he accomplished with so much effort seemed improvised, shirt undone by three top buttons, jacket hanging by his arm, no vest, hair in disarray, it was barely like Chuuya anymore.
"What's wrong, Slug? You win a hobo costume contest or something?" Dazai tried to tease, to lighten the mood.
"Shut up, fish for brains, m' not in the mood." Chuuya says begrudgingly as he takes a seat one stool away from Dazai, like he always did.
"Oh? Do tell," Dazai slid a glass of shiny brown liquid and three floating ice cubes to his ex partner, who took it without a word.
"None of your goddamn business, Mackerel." Chuuya was grumpy, cranky even, at Dazai's poor attempt at comforting him.
"Aw, c'mon, Chuu! This is Lupin we're in! What's the point of this place still standing if we don't share anything and everything in it?"
Chuuya sighed a short "fine" and opened up.
"I've just been so tired lately." He said.
"Oh? Mori giving you trouble?"
"Nah, the workload's just as much as before, I checked. It just...feels like more than I can carry, y'know?"
"Well, maybe you should take a break," Dazai said in a cheerful tone. "I know a couple of islands you could visit for a vacation. They've got wine and music and probably some tacky hats if you feel like i-"
"That's the thing, I'm not in the mood to take a break. Or do the things I want. They just....don't seem that appealing anymore. And even if I do take some time off, what if the boss needs me? I can't just let go of that responsibility."
By now Chuuya has had one too many drinks than he can handle in this state, and by that I mean he's only had one, the one Dazai gave him. Already he was looking even worse. Dazai figured it was time for him to go home.
Usually when Chuuya was drunk and Dazai was the poor soul who had to take him home to safety, he would be met with countless insults and "I'm not drunk"s or "one last drink"s. But this time, Chuuya didn't resist a bit. He groggily got off the stool, greeted the bartender, took his coat and walked out silently with Dazai. It's a feeling the latter definitely wasn't used to.
They got to Chuuya's apartment, a luxurious suite at the top of a 30+ story condo that had a bigger bedroom than Dazai's entire home, and the brunette laid his friend down on the couch. Once he knew he was comfortable he slid down to sit on the floor with his back leaning on the couch, staying close to watch his friend. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it won't be the last.
"You get feelings like this too, right?"
"All the time, buddy. Why?"
"I was worried about that. Do you...have any tips on...how to deal with it?"
Dazai paused for a second.
"Have you thought about just...not dealing with it?"
"Can't afford to do that."
"Why not?"
"Well, unlike you, some of us are actually competent assets to our jobs. If I go down the entire Port Mafia will go down too."
"That's not your responsibility."
"It was when you left."
Another long pause. Chuuya was a little out of it, but even he could tell it was too quiet in there.
The silence was so long Chuuya's eyes started to get heavier. His long lashes would flutter up and down as he tried to remain awake. He didn't know why, there was no reason for him to stay away that night...right?
Dazai felt the change in Chuuya's atmosphere even while looking away. As he turned around he saw Chuuya's cute little eyelids flutter like butterflies and his bright blue pupils softening towards slumber.
"Are you going to sleep? Because I can leave if you want." Dazai was quick to get back up on his feet and make his way to the door. However he wasn't quick enough for something to not catch him by the tail of his coat.
"Wait," came a voice. Dazai looked behind him. Chuuya had pulled himself out of the couch just to reach him. His hand gripped on lightly to his coat yet it was probably all the strength he could muster.
"Could you...stay here for a little while?" He asked bashfully. They weren't little kids anymore, asking a guy to stay the night means something now.
Dazai's face went from confused to soft and reassuring. "Sure, Shrimp." He said as he made his way back to the couch. "Since Chuuya needs me so much, I guess I can stay."
"All I need you for is to repel any mice or rats that come in here. Your fishy scent will drive them away."
"Oh my! How hurtful! You've really done it now, Chuuya, I'm devastated!"
"Shut up..."
Neither of them know how it happened, but soon enough the two were asleep. Chuuya on the couch, stomach down and face to the side in case he needed to vomit (he didn't) with a hand reaching out. And Dazai leaning against the arm rest of the couch, also slightly on his side, hand almost touching Chuuya's.
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Mystery chickens arrive Wednesday and I'm so fucking hyyyyyyyype. I'm also nearly done with my week (especially since I have a short day tomorrow) and while I do have some paperwork and cleaning and henhouse set up this weekend (plus birthday shenanigans) I am hoping to relax a little and maybe get myself in order.
I pruned the seed lists down a bit as well so that the initial purchases are more affordable, and hopefully that means I will be able to buy a round with each of the next two pay periods. That should let me sow just in time for the end of the month and the beginning of summer (perfect timing for veggies given our long growing season here). That means we'll be able to have the hens and the garden up and running by the end of the summer, and I can finally start to relax about groceries. I do still need to find a good place to buy our bulk shelf stable goods, but once I do we can buy those monthly, gather our produce and eggs daily with a little biweekly supplement from the farmer's market, and have a weekly butcher trip, and we should be back to an affordable grocery budget again.
The bills are back to being manageable, and are all paid off except for the insurance which I called about today and nearly had a heart attack about but should be able to get paid off next month. I need to find about $400 for it that I'm not totally sure about right now, but I will make that happen.
I want to be able to keep up with my work as best I can, and I also want to start trying to be more proactive about my non-work time so I'm not feeling so overwhelmed and burnt out. We're mostly settled into the house now, and while we're behind schedule (understandably lol) of where I'd hoped to be by now, I think I can make our life plans keep working on a reasonable timeline if I just keep chipping away. For one, I want to get a clothesline so I can start handwashing our and line drying our clothes rather than continuing to spend our money and time at the laundromat. I did pick up septic safe laundry powder I can use in the upstairs bathtub. All I have to do now is buy and run a clothesline. Pretty sure I know where I want to run it too, as wifey and I have discussed that previously. Might look into a vintage washing board too if I can find one, as I HATE having to scrub and spin in the tub by hand. That should keep us until we can save up for our combo unit, or at least a washing machine.
I know wifey wants to look for a couch and a dining table with chairs for us. And I'd like to snag a buikt in sewing table for my office, maybe a small loom if I can find an affordable one. I might even set up a lace making station in my lil alcove I think, it has great lighting for the fine motor work.
The yard still needs trees and bushes planted, but honestly that may just be a next year project. I may have to accept that. That's okay though. Gives me time to better clear out the invasive jasmine and see how the rhizomatics alter the soil composition. Maybe this year we focus on the soil, the chickens, and the basic functions like the couch and sewing machine and clothesline. And then next year we can focus more on trees and bushes, washing machine, and creek rehab. Things that are likely to be more expensive or time consuming/complex.
I am really looking forward to digging into creek rehabilitation when we get to that point. The creek has visibly slowed it's momentum as time passes, and I can see the debris crowding out the water flow, but as we shore up the creek walls, add native water plants to filter and aerate the water, and reinvigorate the ecosystem, I'm hoping that we'll start seeing amphibians and salamanders more often. Right now we get large animals and some wild birds, so I think there must be at least some insect populations, but I know the dynamics of the creek are pretty limited at the moment. With luck that'll change quickly once the right natives are in place. There's an existing creek restoration project in the city I'm hoping to volunteer with and get some tips from on how to implement ours.
Anyway, I'm just really feeling optimistic, even if I know that there's still a lot of work ahead of us. It feels like the work is actually happening. Fingers crossed we're able to keep making headway.
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lexsang · 1 year
i was wondering what a consistent feeding schedule usually looks like?? i just got my donor (and partner) in my area for the first time ever and we're figuring things out. how often should feeding occur?
It could be anything from weekly, to biweekly, to even being monthly. Everyone has different needs, and it may take a little while to figure out how often you need to feed. I know I sometimes go a little longer than I need to even though I have a donor, and my cravings aren't always consistent enough to require a consistent schedule. I'd start by trying biweekly, and if you feel like you really need to feed more often, go to every week, if not, no worries. Your body should tell you through cravings and any other symptoms unique to you, and if you can learn to feed before those symptoms start to get uncomfortable, that's ideal
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I'm trying to get comfortable here, in this new house.
I wasn't planning on staying here long, though. I want to live in a different part of the city. I want a few things to change! I thought it would be good to journal out my personal goals.
A single story house that feels like home. With a big garden out back. A porch where I can sit outside with my music and a puzzle book and watch a rainstorm blow through and see my flowers blooming. With enough room for my kids to stay comfortably, and maybe even guests.
2. A social network. I have friends, and I appreciate everyone I've seen lately. They're busy, and they don't live nearby, so I don't see them often. I miss maybe a decade ago, where I always had plans with someone. Weekly game nights again? That might be a long way off. Maybe starting with weekly/biweekly coffee, lunch, or a meal?
3. A routine with my job. With Disney, with Universal, I went into work every day ready to start my day, interested, engaged. Expectations were met: I knew what every day at work would look like. I'm not looking for -boring-. I'm looking for work to feel normal again. I want my days to feel comfortable, and changes to be under my control.
4. My mouth to stop hurting! Goodness I haven't been happy with my teeth in weeks. This is supposed to be a six month process of improving my teeth. We're getting somewhere. I'd sure like it to stop hurting, though. Something ALWAYS hurts.
5. Therapy and progress for my back. There has got to be more improvement, right? I'm anxious to actually have treatment! The past three months have been doctors looking at me and going, "Yup, it's bad." When will anyone actually DO anything? Maybe this week. Maybe things will move faster after my August 22 appointment.
Everything is progressing in baby steps. Three months ago, I had nothing but two suitcases and work felt scary. I had only seen a doctor once about my back. No bed of my own. I recognize that progress is real, it's happening. I'm celebrating the small wins, and I have a clear focus on what success looks like.
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booasaur · 3 years
Hi, music anon here, the problem is he's like the liaison of fanclub, We're doing different girls performing with different songs, on a regular basis biweekly, which is huge and be nice if they're published so I explained to him but he said if published, people like me will make sexy stuff of it and the company will be known for just gay things, I kept saying it's not sexy that we're consuming and he kept pointing out viral gay things, I wanted to tear my hair out everytime he said sexy,sexy Fanclub also doesn't like people coming because of gay things,often using harsh language like "don't enter because you see gay things", I fear this might alienate wlw who need this, I was a suicidal teen and I know how important having lgbt media is, I told some bisexuals just now about publishing and general atmosphere here, but they're fine because they also don't want the company to be known just for gay things, I feel alone and exasperated, am I wrong here?
Okay, first of all, you're absolutely not in the wrong here, of course, my gosh. Second, maybe this might be easier off anon? You can message me on chat! And lastly...I still don't know if this fight is worth it?
Like, this guy's straight up homophobic, right? Equating two girls with sexiness immediately, acting like, what, 1% of the output being f/f-centric means the whole thing will be tainted by gayness, and lastly, labeling gayness as a bad thing. And maybe not just the guy but the fanclub as well? Are you sure you want other young wlw to be in that environment? I definitely understand the value of rep and a community, but there's other stuff out there. And maybe even form your own club?
You are absolutely in the right here, and I get wanting to defend that and feeling like if you could just find the right argument, the right words, you could get through somehow, but...it's a tough battle. Whatever you choose, I hope you find that path fulfilling, but trying to convince outright homophobes who openly don't care if they're being homophobic... I would honestly, if you feel that passionately about it, look at other avenues to try to bring awareness and rep for young wlw as you were trying to do.
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