#og reylos
nightsofreylo · 3 months
Sometimes as an og Reylo you just have to peacefully drink your morning earl grey as you scroll tiktok obsessively rewatching the scene of the new Star Wars villain played by Manny Jacinto where he has weird sexual tension with Amandla Stenberg’s character and remember how in 2015 the rest of the fandom told you that you deserved to die because you were a racist incest shipper who wouldn’t ship Reylo if they weren’t played by two white people
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scooterpengie · 5 months
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Redraw of this 2019 Reylo!
One of my biggest criticisms of my art is that I don't think it's colourful enough but looking at old art makes me realise how much less colourful it used to be 😂 also the anatomy improvement 😭
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agir1ukn0w · 5 months
Oh but polins are allowed to say that Simone is manly with a large jaw and that she’s the ugliest actor on set. Or how Because jonny is gay that means he shouldn’t have been promoted. A polin said, and I quote “Jonny should have stayed in the closet if you wanted your faves to get promotion”
Odd how you see the “hate” against polins, which the legitimate hate does get called out, but you like everyone else don’t see the vulgar bigoted hate against Kanthony.
On every social media platform, there are a group of polins making over 50 accounts (yes, we counted) to body shame and defame Simone. They’re everywhere, calling her a whore and that she “flaunts her body”, that she’s a diva who abuses her crew on set (this one was even featured on deuxmoi)
As for characters; polins have been attacking kate and anthony since the start and to this day. My favourite is when they said that kate sharma is a grooming and manipulative abuser.
Educate yourself on contexts of situations before you end up throwing the ship you like, your fellow fans, and the actors under the bus. You’re victimising a fandom full of racists and homophobes
First of all, I NEVER said anything about the kanthony fandom/Simone and Jonny NOT having to deal with plenty of bs bigotry, racism, colorism, sexism, and homophobia!! That’s not what my post was about and if you’d actually read closely you’d notice that I said, MULTIPLE TIMES, I wasn’t accusing ALL kanthony shippers of being rude towards polin shippers/Nicola and Luke. I was very careful to differentiate there.
As far as I can see at this point, it seems very clear to me that BOTH polin shippers AND kanthony shippers have a history of attacking and being attacked by each other. I can’t speak to how much one is more than the other because I haven’t been part of this fandom for very long and I don’t look deep into metrics like that. I was simply responding to another person’s post where they called out a few kanthony shippers, and BECAUSE I LOVE KANTHONY I wanted to send a message to my community because I know that we as a whole are better than that. Perhaps I could have worded it better (I was going for humor, sorry if that fell flat), but I wasn’t trying to throw the whole group “under the bus”. I think the entire Bridgerton fandom is due for a wake up call and needs to stop fighting each other over things that are supposed to make us all feel happy and seen.
Lastly, you don’t know anything about what I do or don’t “see” in this fandom, aside from what I’ve just told you. Of course I’m aware of the racism and homophobia and sexism and all of that!! Maybe you shouldn’t assume you know everything about a person either before you accuse me of being deliberately ignorant.
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t4tails · 2 years
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hes just not my fucking jam
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schoolhater · 7 months
angsting over whether its ethical to like baldurs gate meanwhile im eating chocolate, doing homework on a mac computer, going to an american state college, and wearing puma socks. i got bigger problems
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chromatic-mediant · 2 months
Okay, I know they filmed a kiss, but I actually agree that it wouldn't have worked in the final scene, because what we really need is build up. We need the full on Dirty Dancing style leads-her-to-the-bed experience, and yeah, I know they're gonna have to fade to black because it's PG, but dammit we deserve to be treated. As an OG Reylo, I have waited so long for this.
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suburbananarch · 6 months
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griffin89novelist · 5 months
I’ve noticed in the last 10-15 years that content seems to run along a similar narrative. I’m specifically referring to movies and tv shows here, but I’ve seen the same trope over and over: kill off the love interest/father for the sake of “proving” how strong women are. And I hate it. Here are some examples (spoilers)
1. Reylo (Star Wars). I understand that this pairing is highly controversial, but it’s the story that bothers me. Rey and Ben are set up as a Force Dyad. Essentially, they’re soulmates. And they won’t find anyone else like them for the rest of their lives. So what is the natural path for soulmates in love to take? Well, of course, one of them must die. In this case, Ben dies. Rey spoke endlessly about wanting a family and by the end of the movie, she’s alone, with exactly zero family, and her soulmate is dead. But look how strong she is! Barf.
2. James Bond. The ending of the last Daniel Craig movie drove me nuts. After years of being a womanizer, he finally finds someone who he can love. And they have a daughter together. Anyone with a brain and a heart would assume the ending would be him retiring to be with his family and happy. But no. Instead, he’s injected with a virus that will KILL HIS DAUGHTER if he touches her and instead sacrifices his life. But look! His girlfriend and their daughter are so strong.
3. Hawkeye. In the comics, Kate Bishop’s mom dies. In the TV show, they kill off her dad. Why? No idea. I assume it’s to show how strong her mom is and how two women overcame the hardship of losing a husband and father. Boring.
4. Lucifer. Not only does Chloe have two daughters, but both dads are out of their lives. Dan is killed and Lucifer is forced back to Hell. This leaves Chloe to raise her children on her own for the rest of her life (look how strong she is) and her “reward” for this is to die an old woman, completely alone at her deathbed except for one daughter, and end up in Hell to help Lucifer. Wtf is this nonsense.
5. Tony Stark. Heroic death, to be sure. But again, a husband and father on the OG team dies. But Pepper and Morgan are so strong. Look at them. They don’t need no man.
My point? Killing off Gambit isn’t good writing. It’s unoriginal. It’s lazy. And again, it’s trying to show how strong a woman is and how she doesn’t need love. The memory of love is good enough. I’m sorry, but fuck that. I’m not even a sucker for happy endings but at this point, any happy ending would be a welcome change. For the showrunners to go on and on about how Rogue and Gambit are the one true pairing and then kill off Gambit as if the tragedy of that is good enough to make the show great is both an insult to the emotional intelligence of the audience and crappy writing.
It’s not a homage to the strength of women to kill off their partners and imply that for the rest of their lives, they’ll never feel true love again. It’s actually some weird misogynistic, virgin obsessed bullshit.
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reylogirlie · 1 year
Y’all. Today’s my birthday and my friend got me a Star Wars shirt 🥹🥹🥹🥹
It was the OG squad, Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Obi-Wan, etc
Ik this is a Reylo blog bc I said so but I do love the other trilogies, I just don’t post abt them 😂(Return Of The Jedi is iconic tbh, I also enjoy Attack Of The Clones)
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I’m also watching TLJ tonight bc them-
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skiplo-wave · 1 month
Acolyte was terrible in my opinion. I do feeling sorry for the actors that worked hard to make it though. Disney did put it on themselves. They should had done between with the OG trio at least instead of killing them all off. How I would had dealt with reylo is sending Kylo off to the island where Luke was for all those years. Rey and him could still be together.
Why do we need focus in OG trio? What did it have do with reylo?
As big as Star Wars universe is do we really have to keep going back to legacy characters to keep people’s attention? Wasn’t the point of acolyte suppose bring in new lore. But all people could focus on is bitch about black and Asian characters.
Idk why all of sudden ( I know why) people just can’t stand thought someone not white or alien skin color just “ too woke”
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leprosycock · 2 months
pls tell me you’re a reylo……..
LMAOOOOO YEAH.. DOES IT SHOW……. i was an og reylo omfg i saw the force awakens a week after it came out and i IMMEDIATELY hopped on the train while i was in the theater like i was OBSESSEDDDDD with them. i was fucking CRAZY about kylo. the next two movies were fucking god awful but i at least felt vindicated that i was right from the start. there’s a lot of good brosis and noncon fic of them it’s very based it’s very awesome
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agir1ukn0w · 6 months
Thats how we know you are not kanthony, never posted before and suddenly you are the fandom police. Crawl back in that polin hole and leave kanthonies alone
I don’t have to explain myself to you. And who tf made you fandom police nurse ratchet?
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basiatlu · 1 year
Getting To Know You Tag Game
Three Ships: I'm going to not include the obvious constant in my life (that being Drarry and other minor/bg Harry Potter ships) because where's the fun in that??? I've enjoyed Drarry since I was 13 so let's just get to the side dishes. You wanna get to know the full Bosh.
Steve / Billy from Stranger Things
Reylo from Star Wars (called it after watching Force Awakens the 1st time i watched it opening night I was starstruck- i was gripped. The dark romance tropes were too potent, sos)
Soriku from Kingdom Hearts (ride or diiiiie)
First Ship: I'm going to also pick 3 of my First Ships because I had so many growing up *shudders*
SasuSaku & SasuNaru - I loved watching Naruto on Toonami at 2 am, practically muted to not wake up my family
Jack Frost / Pitch Black from The Guardians (I loved it an unhealthy amount)
Robin / Slade from the Teen Titans animated series (not the reboot)
..... I'm noticing a pattern.
Last Song: "Rock the House" by Gorillaz but like I hate this question? I listen to music all day long and my taste is alllllll over the damn map. I did listen to "Curicó" by Kiltro on repeat x5 today. A banger.
Last Movie: The Mummy
Currently Reading: I'm reading "Men Who Love Dragons Too Much" by fencer_x and also working through the Mistborn series by Brian Sanderson (only on book 2 and have taken a long break, distracted by HP)
Currently Watching: attempting to finish the og Trigun anime - love it so much, Vash is such a critter.
Last Thing I Wrote: my BFA dissertation? Pfffft-! But besides that, creative writing-wise i used to write a lot of drabbles based on my OC's and the world I built for them. I have like 4 spiral-bound notebooks on worldbuilding, magic systems, and characters for it that I haven't done anything with.
Currently Writing: planning a steadily evolving project that is TBA and is for sure HP related *wink-wonk*. Not really writing beyond notes and adlibs as it's a collab.
Phew that was a lot I am so wordy gosh!
Well thank you so much to @lilbeanz @starquestingfordrarry @goblinmatriarch and @thecouchsofa for tagging me in this lil game! I had a long day and couldn't get to drawing, I'm so saaaaad! But this was fun to type out while layin around, buried under cats.
I tag @mono-chromia and @moon-ambassador and any of my other mutuals who would like to, but I won't be as obnoxious to youuuu
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thenandorlorian · 1 year
My Ships
(in chronological order)
Mulder x Scully (MSR): The OG Ship
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Sherlolly: The Little Ship That Could
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Caryl: The HOW is this STILL.NOT.CANON Ship
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Reylo: Shattered My Heart Ship
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Ineffable Husbands: My Wholesome Beyond Words Ship
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Nandermo: The Stupider Together Ship
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frumfrumfroo · 1 year
So it appears that Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on Rey being Luke 2.0 space nun addition. And I've heard that no one else from the past films will even be in the Rey movie concluding that DLF has learned absolutely nothing. Now that A Reylo fic turned OG novel is getting it's own TV series and another well known Reylo fic turned OG novel is anticipated to be the next LOTR series. It sounds like they've either surrendered Ben Solo and the concept of Reylo to its community or couldn't care less due to their warped code of ethics until maybe their filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. And that's a BIG maybe for me. Any thoughts?
I mean, this is exactly what I said they would do barring some massive shake up. Except rather than no appearance at all, I'm sure there will be horrible CGI thrawls of past characters if they actually make this slop. They're not going to stop trying to legitimise this.
They clearly already decided they do not want our filthy reylo money and it's a question for the philosophers if that's because they're so staggeringly headass that they genuinely can't see the fortune being left on the table or if it's because they think we'll taint the franchise with our terrible girl cooties and drive off all the mouth-breathing manchildren who are apparently their desired audience.
The new disney entertainment monopoly seems terrified of romance, probably because a) aforementioned cooties and b) it requires sincerity and vulnerability, and God forbid we have any of that without quashing it instantly with a fart joke.
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tag game: (star wars)
tagged by the wonderful @dragonflylady77 <33
1.ride or die ship (your otp): me/rex. i'm kidding it's codywan
2. most annoying ship: reylo
3. second favourite ship: dinluke
4. favourite platonic relationship: anakin and ahsoka
5. underrated ship: obirex
6. overrated ship: lmao reylo
7. one thing i would change in canon: the ending of the prequels. anakin killed palpatine and rasied the twins with padme. IT HAPPENED IN MY HEART OKAY?
8. something canon did right: how they showed order 66 in the s7 finale.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: i pretty much just make incorrect quotes. but i do have two fics up.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): captain rex.
11. the character i relate to the most and why: fox. also a coffee addict and done with everyones shit.
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: palpatine. for fucking everyone over and breathing.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: that people are so small minded that have to hate on everything they don't even need an opinion on.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: I don't really look at tags other than character or pairing. So I'm gonna pass on this one. (on the og and i so agree)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: if only by dave mathews band. for rex.
tagging: @starrrgazingbunny @ohsugarsnaps @thestarwarslesbian @501st-rexster @echos-girlfriend @derangeddroid @hugmekenobi @crosshairs-husband @crosshairs-wife
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