#oh and he has a yellow lightsaber
persimminwrites · 1 year
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made a togruta oc finally. his name is cyrus <3
some face details below the cut bc i like how he turned out :)
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orange-twilek-guy · 9 months
Just started playing Jedi: fallen order and dear lord Cal is so pretty
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granolawriting · 8 months
hi can you do sith anakin x reader (reader has healing powers but no one knows it she is both fascinated and scared of anakin and watches him secretly (he senses it) everytime he walks in front of her etc) reader is maid and she is amazed by story of kybers and lightsaber. So one time her duty is hanging his robes so she goes to his room scaredly but after getting her job done she realizes his lightsaber is there so she cant help but examine, touch his lightsaber but he senses it and suddenly behind her after that idk yandere stuff happens and when he touches her he senses her healing powers so chooses her as his personal maid and makes her massage his temples everynight for headache, a bond starts to form between them
A/N: This is usually the kind of specificity I like to keep commissions for, but regardless I enjoyed trying out the scene building based on your suggestion! I appreciate your request :) I hope you enjoy <3
pairing: Sith!Anakin x reader
content warning: brief choking, power dynamic
word count: 3.2k
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Your eyes watched him go by. Black enveloped by more black, a wave of terror rushes over you at the sight of his path. His robes define evermore the intimidation wishing to be imbued within his subjects as his path is blazed with red. Though with careful luck, you found yourself his maid. Or well, one of many. There was a great deal of women tasked with the upkeep of the empire, and so very often his own dwelling. But that was incredibly rare. No one was allowed so close to him, and especially to you all he was was but a mystery. 
You trace his body as it walks past you, watching as yellow eyes and the brood of a Greek tragedy coat his face peppered with strands of brown hair that fell to his lower neck. Though your eyes linger upon his waist, a specific item that never fails to catch your whimsy is the handle to the blade no one but him ever held anymore. 
Order 66. 
You remember watching that transpire. Though you were quite young, you remember the Jedi. You remember their blades, how they were formed, the kybers harvested from far-off planets and infused into specialized sheaths that harbored great power divinely intertwined with its wielder. When you were young you envied the force, yearned for it to grace you with it's presence though as you grew older and more practical, you settled for an infatuation with the lightsaber's story. And with your master, boss if you will, being the only one left with such a sight, it oftentimes shed from your mind that insurmountable fear of him, to one of fascination and wonder. What was his story? 
That's a question no one knew, and no one ever would know.
Fear washes over you. Immanent, impending doom. You slowly gaze up from where you allowed your eyes to wander for many moments too long, to find the eyes of Anakin staring back at you. FUCK. 
The silence is more petrifying than the words he could say. The fear of not knowing overtook the fear of what he was going to do and he knew that. However, after a moment longer, he left without a word. A clacking of heel against freshly cleaned tile slowly drifting off into another corridor as you are left with a heart rate that could kill. Your breath levels after a few more moments of silence enveloping you, an empty room, and a myriad of assumptions to be made. But regardless, your mind still sits on the sway of the saber along his belt. Its complexity still entices you as much as it ever has. 
“You wish me to, drop these in his room?” 
Held within your hands are the robes that which Anakin wears on his daily excursions, often needing to be washed and repaired due to stains and wear; though the stench of blood could never quite leave it’s woven threads. 
“Is there a problem with that?” 
“Oh no uh, not at all. I just didn't know that was within my realm of ability” 
“Well, it is now. So do your job. And don't think we won't be making sure you don't do anything you’d regret.”
Stern eyes meet yours, for a droid that is. Your manager in a way, is a droid. A bit odd, but takes out the reasonability of a human to be compelled to go against code. This thing is more apt to kill you than anything else.
Though with little more convincing needed, you take the robes down the infamous corridor that seldom ever walked. You could feel the aura of his common passage seep from the metal beneath you as the hallway never seemed to end. Anxiety wells up in you as you approach its entrance. 
This is where Anakin lives. Lord, Anakin. 
A loud beep of a properly put-in keypad was what proceeded to a large hissing of the doors opening. You slowly enter within its realm, one slow foot over the other, scouring every area for possible life that you should undoubtedly be in fear of. Despite having a reason to be there, the intimidation lingers within every surface he’s touched, every glass held that lay on the coffee table, and undoubtedly the bed at which he sleeps that you stare at with eyes of awe. You saw Anakin for a moment, within this room. Not the Sith, but the man. You saw the empty glass of water next to his bed, the disheveled sheets that indicate a bed slept in, you see things left half open- the living of a person within these walls. Though one of the things you notice left open is his closet. Your destination is to be swiftly met and your activity finished. Before people start to question. You make your way into his closet, swiftly put his things where they belong, and exit his room. 
However, something stops you. It catches your eye, the glint of it's metal reflects off the sun that shines through his windows and you stop where you are immediately. 
His lightsaber. 
Why it wasn't with him, is a mystery you hold with much contemplation but all sense is overriden being in such close proximity to the single weapon you’ve been infatuated with since you first laid eyes on it. It’s almost as though it calls to you, sings to you. 
A head moving left and right, surveying its surroundings as you stand alone in this room does the desire grow too strong. Your hand outstretched, slow feet step closer to it. Until it's finally touched your fingers. The meer power exuding from it is never something you could have accounted for, but probably should have. A touch of fingers grows into a grip of fingers, and a grip upon it grows into both hands holding this item yearned for your entire life. You felt euphoric, this isn't something you thought you’d ever be able to feel, or experience. Eyes look down into its core and see the kybercrystal staring back at you, and with simple means, you find the blade ignited in a red beam of flame that relayed noise with every motion of it as you softly swung it in the open air. A smile coated on your face in a way you've never felt, joy so strong your face hurts from pure happiness.
This was very short-lived. 
“And what do you think you’re doing?” 
your stomach drops as you hear a horrifyingly familiar voice sound behind you.
It's, you, didn't even hear him come in. It's as if he appeared. The blade drops from your hand, sheathing itself in the process so all that follows its loss of grip is the hard clank of metal greeting the hard tile of the floor where you stood.
Hurried, petrified voice that only sounded a means for survival as your mind stayed blank with terror; 
“Oh please, god oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. Please sir don't hurt me plea-” 
Without another word you are thrown against a wall, feeling the choke of his hands from feet away as he holds his arm out to signify the force used to harm you. 
“Did you really not think I’d feel something like that? Do you know nothing, young girl? The moment you laid eyes on that thing it is as though you laid eyes upon me. Which I promise you I’ve noticed as well. Do you work for the rebels perhaps? Or are you just nosy?” 
your hand grasps at an invisible hand across your throat, restricted air desperately escapes your body as you gasp for breath within his grasp. All you can muster is a “No” 
“No what?” 
Furrowed brows and rancor coating his yellow eyes, a scowl across his mouth as he tightens his grip upon your neck as a sadistic means to give you a thought that you may have a chance to actually explain yourself. 
Though as your hands follow the lines of your neck, you feel the bruise forming around you heal. The strained vocal cords of a woman choked begin to grow well as you grace yourself with the one thing that’s made your world livable as of late. An attunement with life and death that has made you well-equipped to heal. You couldn't bring people back from the dead, but you could heal them from the brink of it. That included yourself, and though it's never been as useful as it is at this moment, it has saved you many times in the past. Especially others. 
His eyes begin to show sight of confusion at the lack of intense struggle; a sterner look upon your face as you try to heal yourself with hands softly drawn across your neck, he quickly notices the wounds on you disappear as he creates them. He stops his tournament for but a moment, taken aback at the sight of such a thing. A thing he's never seen before, the ability to heal what was once broken with powers within only yourself. 
“What do you think you're doing?”
You collapse to the ground, gasping for air but not nearly as much as you’d need to if it hadn't been for your healing. His voice is deep, laced with anger as his lesson on you didn't seem to reach it’s desired outcome, but regardless curiosity got the better of him as he truly desired an explanation for your ability. 
“Sir please I-, I don't want to die. There's so much unfinished for me to do and I just-”
“That's not what I asked. How are you healed.” 
You pause for a moment. Realizing that he noticed yet again what you try so hard to hide. Touching your neck ever so slightly you shift the direction of what you explain to him;
“This is, I can heal. That’s all that I can do sir. I don't do it too often, I don't know what it does. Or how I can do it, really.” 
“Can it heal others?” 
An opening. Your salvation. 
“Yes! Yes. Yes, I can. Please, I'll heal whoever you need me to. Please just spare me.” 
“Get out.” 
You pray thanks and run as quickly as you can. As your feet hit the tile that separated the entrance of his dwelling and the corridor you were in just moments ago, it felt as if an eternity was spent within the confines of that room. Confronting him as he stood there ready to kill you. You have never felt so grateful in your whole life, that you were able to make your way free after all you did. After touching, even playing with his saber. 
You touched his saber. 
It hit you then. That you finally actualized something that you allowed overtake you in obsession-- something that meant an unfathomable amount to you, something you’d dreamed of your whole life. And you got away with it. 
Desire overtook you, replaying those brief moments of freedom in your head over and over as you yearn for just another moment with it in your hands. Just a second more, the sound gracing your ears for just one more turn. But you couldn't. You barely saved yourself from his grasp the first time, there's no means to say he wouldn't do away with you if you ever tried something like that again. Like you could even get close again. You wouldn't be surprised if he just allowed a delay of the inevitable, that tomorrow morning there would be inquisitors at your door ready to whisk you away like they did any other rebel spy. 
You needed to sleep. There's nothing productive out of the fear you held within yourself, and as you slowly lulled yourself into a slumber that coming night, all that filled your dreams were action and power wielded within the saber. The feeling of it in your hand, the way it weighed on you, the power you felt exude from the weapon's very core only allowed more vivid actualization of what had been the dreams you kept for years upon years. You were enamored with Anakin even more after this point, and despite the fear that lingered deep in your heart, there's something to be said about feeling his essence for but a moment. It was something inexplicable, something fascinatingly complex. 
“Lord Anakin wishes to speak with you.” 
A knock upon your door as morning broke followed by this request from a member of Anakin's innumerable messengers across the empire. He hands you a bit of paper requesting, or moreso demanding your audience in his dwellings at 5 in the evening that day. 
Looking at a clock shining a bright 7 a.m., all that welled within your heart was fear and anticipation. your door closed once the messenger had provided you with the information he was tasked with, and alone you stood for a moment at your entryway trying to gather what he could have wanted from you. You were insignificant at best, all that caught his eye was your increasingly daring behavior that hinged on means for execution. Though for some reason you lived, and for that very reason you held a modicum of faith that there was somehow a positive means to be in his private audience. 
As your day drew to a close, every minute feeling like hours against the impending clock that determined at 5 pm, may you live to see the next day, or might you not be so lucky. Quickly changing out of your working clothes, you make your way to Anakin's room with an intense grasp on the time, so as to not be a moment too late. Or early for that matter. 
Stood outside the arched doorway of his room you sit there with a quickened heart. Anticipation and petrification consume you respectively as the only door that divided you from him was little effect in withholding the feeling of him right on the other side, the aura of a man who had little remorse. Sympathy. Consideration or especially means for compromise. It was what he wanted, or death. You reminded yourself, steeling yourself for whatever he may demand of you as you enter. 
“You may come in already.” 
His voice booms from the inside of the room. He could tell you were there. He could sense your fear no doubt, tell your presence from behind a steel door. You enter with haste.
There you find him sitting on a chair, waiting for you to approach him. With cautious steps you obliged, taking in all you could of your surroundings-- surveying for anything that may cue you in a second before he does. 
You stand a few feets' distance from him. 
“No, come here.” 
He motions his hand towards you, as you observe a face of indifference at the sight of you. It was better than anger. Much, better than anger. 
You arrive at around a half-foot distance from him, and with that he commands; 
“Give me your hands.” 
As he opens up with both his arms outstretched as you slowly move them into his, feeling a cold and calloused hand grab yours the moment they were in reach, and moving them slowly to his temple. You stood there in silence as he closed his eyes at the touch of your fingers upon his face, a furrowed brow that implied that you weren't providing for him what he had expected of you. 
And then it dawned on you. He wants you to heal him. 
“Would you, like me to heal you, sir?” 
A polite tone coated your voice to hide any semblance of anxiety or embarrassment. 
“Well, I can't quite do that without knowing the source. Can you tell me what you want to heal?” 
“Headaches. Migraines. Must I say more.” 
“No, no not at all. Thank you, sir.” 
And so with gentle hands along his temples, you feed within him the power that he has grown privy to. Though as you watch along his face an unforeseen tension seems to be released from his face as it grows softer under your touch. A scowl turns into a resting face, and a furrow of brows evens out for a feeling of tranquility you can only assume overtook the body of a man relieved of an incessant headache. 
And a tear, runs from his face. 
After a few more minutes you feel as though you’ve done all you can, and let up from his face. 
He looks at you for a moment, and you see someone you oddly recognize. For but a moment the gruff exterior of a man dealing with war looks upon you like, just a man. No amount of intimidation could negate the fact that he was just that, and as you healed his mind, you felt as though a bit of his heart was able to shine through in its place. 
“Very well. I expect you to report here instead of your usual station tomorrow from now on. Is that clear?” 
“Oh uh, yes sir. May I ask what you will be expecting of me from now on? What shall I do for you?” 
“You will be my personal assistant. Do you object to my order?” 
“No, no sir. Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.” 
And as you turn away to walk back to your room, he calls upon you once more. 
“Thank you.” 
That is all he says, and proceeds to turn into his bedroom through a separate door. As you depart from his home, you feel within yourself a well-developed liking for Anakin that overshadows the fear you held for him. To understand him is what you desire most, and although to heal the mind isn't to be able to read it, you realize that much can be learned through what parts of a person hurt most. 
As time went on, to report to his door every day and follow his list of commands, cleaning his place, placing his robes, and most importantly healing his mind most every night, you began to learn intimate details of him that made him quite human to you. He was very slow to speak, only when it was absolutely necessary. But he was kind to you, and as time grew on he seemed to enjoy you as well. You gathered that no one visited him, no one really felt comfortable in his presence and that was something that drastically changed within your own feelings toward him.
 And as the bond grew even stronger, he had a room built for you close to that of his own, as a means to keep you closer for when he needed it. He was very hard of emotion, and in those moments of healing is really the only time you felt as though you could truly see Anakin. And there's cause to believe he thinks so as well. To heal his mind is to heal his heart in a way, and with every night spent together for a few minutes softened him up to you immensely. 
He felt vulnerable around you, and that made him feel human, even for just a moment. 
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brigittttoo · 5 months
Codywan 6
LORE <3 <3 <3 thank you for your patience! I let this one get away from me a little but I think it turned out pretty well :)
6 - This Is A Life by Son Lux, Mitski, David Byrne (EEAAO soundtrack)
The rubble is piling up, and isn't getting any better with the way both sides are shooting up the landscape. Obi-Wan grips calmly onto Boga's reins as she slides to a stop in the dust by Cody and his men. "Commander!" he says. "Contact your troops. Tell them to get to the higher levels."
Obi-Wan falls defensively into Golden Plover stance, arms up and legs wide. He'd dropped his sword further back in the forest and the grey-clad fighter in front of him holds it out against him now, the metal glinting in the streak of sunlight through the bamboo. "You might want to re-think this," Obi-Wan says, breath steady.
Cody nods. "Very good, sir." He half-turns to leave, and then smirks back at Obi-Wan. "Oh, by the way, I think you'll be needing this." He holds Obi-Wan's lightsaber up to him, and Obi-Wan gratefully takes it.
Cody sighs and slouches even further against the wheel of the tractor. "I don't know what I was thinking," he says, and Ben's hand comes up slowly to touch his knee. Cicadas hum relentlessly in the trees but here in the middle of the field it's just them and the evening wind brushing through the grasses.
"You were thinking of helping," he says. "You were thinking about doing the right thing."
"I was thinking of being selfish," Cody frowns, mulishly.
"Thank you, Cody. Now let's get a move on, we've got a battle to win here!" With a snap of the reins Boga takes off, limbs everywhere, Cody's 'yessir' drifting into the background.
Camera bulbs flash them into near-blindness but Obi-Wan just smiles through it, turning slightly to give a couple different angles. He's wearing an old suit jacket but he's got a new stylist, one that let him haul out the kilt and his father's sporran from his closet, and can practically hear the fashion bloggers leaping onto their keyboards with fervour. Just before he takes his next step down the carpet he sees Cody standing further up the queue, hands clasped professionally in front of him.
Cody's holocomm chirps, and he extracts it from his belt. "Commander Cody," the Chancellor says. "The time has come. Execute Order 66."
"I thought--" Obi-Wan gulps, hair dripping into her eyes with the rain sluicing down on them. The street lamp douses her in burnt yellow light. "I thought it might have just all been a stupid mistake."
Cody's words catch in her throat; she thinks she might be crying now, too.
CC-2224 nods. "Yes, my lord." He snaps off the call at the same time that the traitor's varactyl lets out a whooping call. "Attack them!" he orders, and one of the men makes the shot. The traitor and the animal go tumbling off the side of the cliff.
A wind rustles through the oak tree's leaves. The willow next to it receives the same.
Something in Cody's head short-circuits. He hears a sharp ringing noise, and after he's taken off his helmet and shaken the vertigo he sees the brothers around him do the same. "Obi-Wan," he gasps, lunging in the direction of the cliffs. "Someone--Furrow!" Cody shouts, the name plucked from his mind and sliced across his tongue. "Give me that speeder!"
Cody, almost floating out of the bamboo, jumps wholly onto the grey-clad fighter, sending Obi-Wan's sword toppling to the ground. He whirls around with sure hands clamped to either side of the fighter's head, and Obi-Wan dashes forward to re-arm himself.
"Sometimes," Ben says, "you gotta care for yourself, first," and when his hand clenches on Cody's knee, Cody looks over at him. Ben's eyelashes almost glow in the golden light of early evening, and Cody is helplessly drawn in.
In the dark of the theatre, a hand lays overtop of a hand on the armrest between them. Cody leans over slightly towards Obi-Wan, and whispers, "We made something so beautiful together."
"It wasn't a mistake," Cody says, barely audible over the rain but so completely sure of herself. "It just took me a little time to get my shit together. Here," and she holds out her umbrella, making room for Obi-Wan underneath it.
As the breeze dies down, one of the willow's long branches drifts over, brushing against the rough bark of the oak's trunk.
The freezing water cuts through all the gaps in Cody's armour as he dives down into the rock pool, but luckily the HOD in his bucket is unaffected in its scanning as he swims. There he is, 3 metres ahead and floating limply, so Cody strokes over like they were taught in training, drags Obi-Wan onto his back and hooks an arm around him. Obi-Wan splutters and heaves once he's on the hard sandstone but it's Cody who loses his breath saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Obi-Wan, forgive me," over and over again.
"Cody," Obi-Wan says after his first full breaths. He appears to swallow back something pithy, and hooks a finger absentmindedly around Cody's glove. "Always."
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
Funny things overheard on Gear Station PA: Pt. 2
Ingo: Attention Passengers, I can't believe I have to repeat this! But, Please, PLEASE. Don't stick out you arm out and wave at the trains to make them stop! You will break or lose your arm! It has happened! We were almost sued! Keep your appendages behind the yellow line at all times!
Emmet: Emergency, EMERGENCY!! Pregnant woman in labor! Pregnant woman in labor on the south-bound line!!! And she's breaking my throwing hand! -- --OH ARC! I SEE THE HEAD!?
Ingo: I didn't think this was possible, but, No skateboarding up the down escalators!  
Emmet: Attent-...Y'know what? Screw it, who the hell brings a portable grill onto the Subway, uses it to grill fish; stinkin' up the cars! Then ditches the damn thing for us to clean up?! When I find you, you better have a bike, cos you ain't riding my on trains no more! 
Ingo:  *ahem* Attention: would the couple who challenge the Double-battle line, please return platform 4? You forgot your baby! (baby babbles) Oh no, don't chew on my tie. (radio turns off.)
Emmet: A reminder to passengers, our depot agents are not babysitters, They are paid to help run the train station, not watch your kids so you can go shopping! They have every right to report your child as abandoned after four hours... So curb the hissy-fit, and go get your kid at the police station!
Ingo: *singing* Heart arches by the number, troubles by the score, everyday you love me less, Each day I lov- *panic*...IS THIS THING ON?! (radio turns off, passengers groan in disappointment.)
Emmet: *singing* Country roads, take me home to the place I belong!~ West Nimbassss, What?-...*someone tells Emmet his mics on.* Yes I know it's on, why do you thin- {radio turns off) 
Emmet: Attention! the entry stairs are not a carpark! the entry stairs are not a carpark!
Ingo: Please don't cut your hair on the train, it's a safety hazard!
Emmet: Please, use the bathroom before stepping on the train! Don't defecate on the train! It's gross and a biohazard! We don't want to clean your crap! That goes garbage too! toss it in a bin, you animals!
Ingo:  Attention passengers there'll be slight delay in-... Who are you? *a random lady requests a song* No, I won't sing Sinatra's My Way! This is a train not a karaoke bar! Go back to your seat ma'am! (He ends up singing it after the lady sends their child up to ask.)
Emmet: *singing* Spinarak-man, Spinarak-man does whatever a Spinarak can!~
Ingo: Attention passengers! I apologize for the the repulsive odor emanating from the battle car. *gags* Subway boss Emmet suffers from a form lactose intolerance. And he accidentally used the wrong milk for his cereal this morning. Ple *Urg*... Please vacate the train in calm manner, and come back in about two hours... Again, I apologize!
Ingo: To the tough-guy who threw his glass soda bottle at my pregnant wife's head, because and I quote "She's an ugly bitch who wouldn't give me her number." Please come meet me outside...Now. 
{Someone left in a ambulance that day...And it wasn't Ingo.}
Ingo: No lightsaber battles in the aisles. Yes! Emmet and Elesa, I'm talking about you!
Emmet: Don't try to pet or pick up the purple Sneasels! Yes they look cute, but you'll regret it! I know I did.
Ingo: Please don't touch or capture any of the 420 Joltiks you see wandering around the station! Emmet will know he keeps count!
Emmet: Please! stop getting frisky on the subway people! I understand the thrill of it all, but Arc sake! We're the ones who have to clean up after you! Erk! Seriously find a hotel or something, Nimbasa's a verrry big and accommodating city! 
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tarisilmarwen · 8 months
Ahsoka "Shadow Warrior" Liveblog
*biting nails*
Okay first off, really? That's the title we're going with? Lol Filoni. Okay.
Open on Seatos, okay.
You know it just occurred to me? The long lingering shots we're so fond of, and the deliberately relaxed pacing are very animesque.
Theatrical serious anime, I mean.
In particular I'm thinking of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, which liked to diverge from the plot to just kind of wander through shots of the environment, for atmosphere purposes I guess.
Wonder if that or something similar was an influence on Filoni's directing style.
The woods also look very ethereal.
Hi Hera!
Frick Jacen is still so precious. I love him. So much.
Oh! Oh this music cue right here reminds me a lot of a specific part of "Sabine Sees Ezra".
God, how much death has Huyang already seen? How many Jedi has Huyang had to say goodbye to?
He misses the Order so much. *sobs*
Friiiiiiiiiiiiick the World Between Worlds looks so GOOD in live action.
Rosario finally channeling a bit of Rebels!Ahsoka here.
"Tell me what's going on." Well Ahsoka I think the Force is personally whacking you over the head with the Vision Stick to make you get over yourself.
Oooh Ahsoka flinched when Anakin ignited his saber.
Leia mention! Eeee!
Jacen is totally Force Sensitive, of course. Can hear the lightsabers, either the lingering echos from the fight, OR, he can hear into Ahsoka's vision.
Anakin being super extra of course.
Yeah, so with this transition this is definitely a Force Vision, not the actual World Between Worlds. This is almost exactly like the transitions in Ezra's visions in the Jedi Temple on Lothal.
Is this one long TCW reference?
I feel like it's gotta be.
"We lost so many." Yeeeeeah, that'll happen in a war. It sucks.
Ohhhhhhhh I am going to have to reblog ALL THE META about these scenes, aren't I?
I just know TCW fans have got a million thoughts centerfuging in their brains right now about Anakin, about his relationship with Ahsoka, about the long shadow he cast over her formative development.
Outside the vision and the X-wings are sweeping, looking for...? Ahsoka I guess. Because that's what they're going to find, eventually.
Also Hera, come on, you saw Ezra phase through a solid rock wall, people can absolutely disappear into thin air.
Chopper being a grouchy sassmaster as per usual lol.
"Within you will be everything I am." THAT IS NOT REASSURING ANAKIN.
Oh yeah, yep, I'm not going to be capable of being normal about this, I need ALLLLLLLL the meta from dedicated Anakin girlies on this one.
Frick, his eyes went yellow.
Hayden is making this look effortless, amazing.
Ohhhhhhh and the pathways are dissolving, something Force Weird be about to happen.
We're exiting the vision lol.
Jacen: *smiles*
Oh yeah no, this episode was VERY heavily styled after some theatrical anime director, I will bet money on it.
Frick, Jacen playing with Chopper is the cutest shit ever.
Yeah no, the height discrepancy between Rosario and Mary still bugs me.
Hello Rosario can emote, lol.
~We're gonna follow the purrgil, we're gonna follow the purrgil.~
Teva is carrying this scene lolol.
"Okay. But you're not gonna believe me."
"How the whales took Ezra and the bad guys far far away." SOBBING, BLUBBERING, NO NOTES, CAN'T TALK.
Well this part is definitely Miyezakian.
Ahsoka looks so much happier and more content. *sobs*
Lol the "HO BOY" look on that Rebel commander's face.
Aw man, this is the kind of wonder and disbelief and awe that Lothal must have had in the finale.
Living legends. Like magic. Come to save them.
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
I am FORGING ONWARDS, given I'm down to 3 more Holiday Specials to go, then getting back to this year's Santa story.
Next up is 'Tis the Season to be Freezin' (2021)
Window Shopping - Robin and Mr Freeze. I finally get a new Tim story in a Holiday Special and it has to be BTAS!Tim. Anyway Tim goes to buy Bruce's christmas present from a not-at-all suspicious shopkeeper who mysteriously has gifts nobody else does:
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Interesting beard, sir, as is that Spock in command yellow holding a lightsaber.
Only to be interrupted by Mr Freeze freezing Old Gotham Square during an oncoming blizzard so he could reminisce about something good from his childhood. Tim talks Victor down and gets him back to Arkham, then we get to see the Christmas presents he's giving.
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The Syphoning - Vixen and the Super-Pets. Fun Mari story! Penguin's captured the Super-Pets and is trying to steal their powers and mind control them to do his bidding.
I hate to say it, but this feels really fanficcy, down to Mari giving a speech to Cobblepot to go get some therapy.
Bizarro v Seasonal Depression: Dawn of Climate Change! - Bizarro.
Bizarro text gives me a headache, I'm sorry, particularly reading a story written wholly in it. In any case, this story is about a bunch of villains melting the 6 polar icecaps of Bizarro World and Bizarro getting the water vapour refrozen into a single icecap.
Stay Frosty - Firestorm and Killer Frost.
I liked this one! Killer Frost has reformed, but Firestorm is on monitor duty with her and doesn't quite trust that she has turned over a new leaf. Eventually he trusts her, after they take down the Royal Flush Gang together.
Snow Date - Polar Boy.
Firstly, Andrew Dalhouse deserves some praise here for the colouring job, which I really enjoyed.
Polar Boy and Comet Queen have a date while enjoying the ice sculptures of winter festival characters on different planets that Polar Boy made. Also they defeat Captain Freeze who wanted to steal Captain Cold's cold gun.
A Change of Heart - Harley Quinn and Blue Snowman. It's interesting when occasionally the pandemic gets a form of reference in comics. Here's it's a new lethal virus that causes pustules, which has infected Ivy. Harley tries to cure Ivy, first by getting the virus frozen (which freezes Ivy into a block of ice) then stealing an ancient healing rod to heal her.
Only this theft interrrupts a sting operation run by Hawkman and after some confusion, Harley and Blue Snowman team up with him.
Hawkman gets the rod, they heal Ivy with the power of friendship (okay 'heart, community, belief') and all is well.
Christmas: Cold and Fast - Flash and Captain Cold. This is essentially a sequel/rewrite of a A Flash Christmas Carol from 2016 - it hits all the same beats.
Captain Cold has dressed up as a donations Santa and is collecting to get toys to all the children of Central City. Barry suspects Snart's just doing it for Crimez reasons but gets talked into helping: Snart creates snow and an ice rink for the city, while Barry delivers all the presents while dressed up as Santa.
We also get a surprise last minute appearance of You Know Who.
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Break the Ice - JLQ.
Solstice party for the Justice League Queer.
Oh hey, Ray Terrill! I haven't read any of your recent stuff.
This is...fine? The crew have to calm down Sigrid Nansen, Ice Maiden, who is having a breakdown about identity (and now wants to be Glacier). The themes. They are obvious.
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mrs-dr-reid · 1 year
My Personal Bucky Barnes Headcanons
Part 1/?
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He’s stupidly good at hide and seek. So much so that you have to buy a metal detector, because he can literally go unfound for a week and a half because of his “ghost of HYDRA” training
He was genuinely terrified of microwaves when he first came back. Because “why is it beeping at me, Y/N? What do you mean the food is ready?! It’s only been two minutes, I don’t understand!!!”
He hoards Girl Scout cookies and stashes them in the weirdest places. You move the couch to dust behind it and find 6 boxes of Tag-Alongs, you’re restocking the linen closet and find 4 boxes of Do-Si-Dos behind the good towels, and you almost have a heart attack when you open the hatch to your attic to grab the Christmas decorations and 14 boxes of Thin Mints fall out
He takes you out dancing every Friday night when he can, especially if he can find Throwback Sockhop Nights near you guys and you can get all decked out in 40s fashion and make an evening of it
For a while he was really self conscious about his metal arm and only ever wore long sleeves and gloves, but the longer he’s with you the more his confidence goes up, and eventually he’s confident enough to go topless at the beach (which is a good thing for the both of you *wink wonk*)
He loves karaoke. If you guys are out with the team at a bar and there’s a karaoke machine, you bet your ass he’s going over there and absolutely KILLING whatever Frank Sinatra song he can find. One time he even got you to perform “Somethin’ Stupid” with him
He either drives like a maniac or a grandpa. There’s no in between. You’re either massaging your temples because he’s driving fifteen under the speed limit, or you’re white-knuckling the “Oh Shit Handle” because “JESUS CHRIST, JAMES, WE ARE NOT IN A CAR CHASE, WHY ARE YOU GOING SO FAST?!!?!?”
His table manners were ATROCIOUS when he first met you. Since he had limited social interaction for 70+ years, he would eat everything with his fingers and a frickin tactical knife and chew like a goddamn llama. After months of work, he eats with actual utensils and chews like a normal person now
He taught himself how to crochet when he was bored out of his mind on a stakeout once, and now y’all’s house is littered with little animals he made and pattern books. Your favorite is the little turtle he made that’s wearing the Cap uniform and has a shell that looks like the shield while he’s partial to the pigeon he purposely added Sam’s headgear to
Peter gets him hooked on Star Wars, and now they have lightsaber duels around the compound all the time (because of COURSE Tony helped them make functioning lightsabers. Peter’s is blue and Bucky’s yellow)
Much like his best buddy Steve Rogers, he’s a gentleman to a fault. Always gives you his arm when you’re walking anywhere, opens doors for you, pulls chairs out for you when you go out to eat, and is constantly kissing the back of your hand
He’s very wary of trains when he first comes back because of the accident, but after some time and “exposure therapy” (aka making him take the train with you to various places) he gets over it
You buy him a box set of all the “Lord of the Rings” books for his birthday, and he cruises through all of them in about a month, then he makes you marathon the movies with him
He’s a gigantic cuddle monster. If he had a say, he’d just become a blanket burrito for the rest of his life, and cocoon you in his pile of blankets for the rest of yours. If he can hold you as close as he can while watching cheesy romcoms, he’s happy
He gets really into laser tag and paintball, because why wouldn’t he use his assassin training for something fun and harmless as a final “fuck you” to HYDRA? The only problem is that he gets too good at it and nobody wants to play with him, so now he just goes to random arenas where no one knows who he is and destroys a bunch of teenagers for shits and giggles
He accidentally stumbles upon bullet journaling, and it becomes his entire personality for a month and a half. He’s a lot more casual about it now, mainly because he was just so excited to find something that would help him get all of his thoughts no matter the subject material out of his head and onto paper. He used to go all out with very specific themes for his journals, but now he just says “this month my journal is green, next month, perhaps it will be blue”
He overreacts to jump scares. He can’t handle them. Horror games, scary movies, spooky tv shows, you name it. He can’t do them. So obviously Sam exploits the hell out of that and scares the shit out of him whenever he can
He gets really into Animal Crossing. Like… REALLY into Animal Crossing. He makes his little character look exactly like him minus the metal arm, curates the cutest little outfits once he gets his mits on a wand, cycles through all of the villagers until he gets a collection of them that remind him of all of his friends and you, makes his island look like if the Compound was a college campus, and completes the whole musuem in the shortest amount of time possible
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zhakyria · 7 months
Tried to clean up this section of the fic where Kahl and Zahkiel first meet. It has kinda been a struggle. My brain isn't all with it right now, but I wanted to get something worked on for Arclight beyond just worldbuilding.
Kahl’ryn left Megasecurity Ward 23 with few answers and many more questions than when he entered, but at least he knew the name of their enemy now, the Star Cabal, and he now had a lead on more information. The Shining Man had hidden a repository of knowledge somewhere on Voss. He only hoped the Voss would prove more amenable to his investigation than they were to the overtures of the Empire or Dominion. 
The stifling heat of the caldera burned his lungs and distorted the air outside the ward. Through the smoke and steam, a Chiss waited for them on the other side of the rocky bridge, their red eyes glowing in the dim light. They wore combat gear, not unlike that of Sith Apprentices he’d seen on Dromund Kaas. 
Kahl tapped his fingers against his blaster. Chiss were rarely seen outside of the Unknown Regions. Nearly all of them had returned to the Ascendancy nearly 500 hundred years previous, shortly after the last Great Galactic War. Even those that lived or worked at the edges of the Unknown Regions considered them to be a myth and most could go their whole life without meeting one. He’d only ever met one other, his oldest sister, who had been found wandering a backwater town by their father when she was 7.  
He and Vector walked across the bridge, stopping just before the Chiss. There were three faded scars around the Chiss’s left eye, and his near black hair was pulled back in a short tail. He carried a helmet under his right arm. 
“Killing you will be a shame. You have such pretty eyes.” 
Kahl mentally sighed. “Thanks, but dying isn’t on my schedule.”
“Then this should be fun.” The Chiss smirked. “I’d very much like to dance with you alone. How about you send your Joiner friend away. He can pick up the pieces once I’m finished with you.” 
“You shouldn’t get your hopes up; I’m not easy to kill,” Kahl replied.
“Oh, I don’t expect someone like you to be an easy kill. You destroyed SCORPIO, after all. But where are my manners? I am Mahz’ahki’elhn, though you may call me Zahkiel. I greet you on behalf of the Star Cabal.” They bowed, never breaking eye contact. Their smile didn’t reach their eyes. 
Kahl pulled out his blaster pistol and checked the power pack. “Let’s get this over with. Vector, head back to the ship and await my call.”
Vector nodded and looked over at the Chiss. “Beware of this one, Agent. Their aura is…strange.” He left Kahl with the assassin and headed back to the speeders.
Zahkiel’s smile widened. “Now with him out of the way, I would very much like to know, whose life am I ending today?” 
Kahl shrugged and fired his blaster, aiming for the assassin’s upper chest. Zahkiel lifted their left hand and motioned to the right. The blaster bolt went wide. 
“Tsk tsk, Agent, no need to be rude.” They slid their helmet on; it sealed into place with a soft hiss. “However, since you seem quite impatient to die….” They pulled out a double bladed lightsaber from where they had it sheathed at the small of their back and ignited the pale red and yellow blades, “...let's see just how well you dance.”
@swtorpadawan here is more progress.
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x-authorship-x · 9 months
Im always so surprised by how quickly you shoot out these ask aus?? how long do you take to answer because when the anon get going youre just as fast?
This in mind... if you wrote a fic right now what would it be?👀
Ironically I sat on this one Anon lmao
If I'm really in the mood, like when the Shisui anons are in a "feeding frenzy" (😂), then it's as fast as I can type haha but generally these days I sit at least 24hrs on an ask because of timezones, my IRL, and I also like to brood on an idea especially if it's a question I haven't considered before!
Right this moment? Well, it's my current brainrot idea tbh I'm planning on making an actual fic out of it but my hand is stayed by the fact I'm feeling a little... Shisui-predictable again 😅
It's a Shisui crossover, fml
So I've read some genuinely incredible Star Wars fics recently (I will rec some if people ask) and those are some definite inspirations.
(This is the brainchild born from reading Blackkat's fic:
And smilebackwards' series:
-which are beautiful works!)
So.... If Shisui was a Jedi (Master, probably, maybe newly advanced) then he'd 1000% be a Seeker, locating and saving Force-sensitive kids and bringing them back to the Temple. He's either woken up after dying in Narutoverse or he's been reborn, haven't decided yet, but he's got all that military prowess shoved in the back of his head and he's very happily clutching to the Light and the Jedi's teachings on peacefulness, mindfulness, and negotiation. He absolutely knows how to use the Force to Shunshin and stimulate a Genjutsu effect. He also has absolutely created his own Lightsaber Form based on his past life and that's how he became Master.
Then the war starts up.
The Grand Army of the Republic, GAR, is filled with Clone 'meat droid' soldiers who need Jedi to lead them... Shisui is not buying it, he's gonna flip his tits and save these guys. The Jedi council decide that, as they're not the experts here in warfare and it's a kindness of what choices the clones can have, the CC Commanders can pick their own Jedi Generals. The Jedi are called back to the Temple, Shisui rocks up almost late with like five war-torn orphans in his arms, and proceeds (alongside Mace, Obi-wan, Anakin) to be a total fucking BAMF lmao.
(Anakin is on probation after he almost massacred a clan of Sandpeople btw. Master Sharad Hett was in the area and felt the rising Darkness and intervened just in time. Anakin is seriously on thin ice for almost Falling so he's stuck under Obi-wan's direct leadership for the war)
Basically Shisui is picked by Rex (Cody immediately calls dibs on Obi-wan (who speaks Mando'a and has all that diplomacy under his belt) for High General and then the meeting completely goes off the rails as everyone (except Bly lmao) goes ballistic becausethere is a LOT of competition for who gets General Uchiha, holy shit that guy is a fighter) and heads the 501st Battalion! Bonus points if Shisui was the second-to-last Padawan of Dooku so Obi-wan is, like, his lineage-nephew despite being older lmao
(oh maybe shisui is presumed dead, a la Jon Antilles, after a Searcher mission goes tits up so Dooku thinks hes literally lost everyone... And Shisui comes back to find his master has fucked off 🙃)
Now I'm like what colour should his saber be... Like red would be the choice but that's a bleeding Kyber, it can't even be a one off difference like Mace's purple... Maybe gold, I always imagine Shunshin as yellow... Maybe white? Hm... oh it could be just off red, like flame orange, so it scares the shit out of everyone lmao....
Basically I'm shoving Shisui into this situation so that he can 1) be a total fucking BADASS 2) be the designated crush of 90% of the GAR and 3) fix canon without realising it 🤌✨
So, really, just the usual then 😂
Edit: in light of your first question, this answer took me 20 mins lol
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accidental-spice · 7 months
I hope this doesn't sound TOO weird lol but I spent a decent half hour going through the Dark O'Reilly tag on your blog and I'm definitely invested in him now. Can I ask you for some fun facts about him? :D
Oh my gosh, that is literally SO sweet. Not weird at all, I'm honored!!! You absolutely can!!!
Okay, forgive me if you already know any of these, I forget what I have and haven't posted lol
Dark's not that skilled a cook, but what he can do is make a KILLER grilled cheese!! He's very proud
As you may know, he's a former assassin. His weapon of choice was a pair of vibroswords, until he learned he was Force sensitive, then he switched to a pair of lightsabers: one blue, and one yellow
He's a bit of an insomniac. When he can't sleep, he tends to roam the surrounding area, and a good 75% of the time, he'll end up falling asleep somewhere odd mid-prowl
Dark has two siblings, an older brother, Jamie, and a younger sister, Amaani. His relationship with them is somewhat troubled for a lot of his life, mostly during his stint working with the Empire, but they eventually grow closer
He's a kriffing nerd. Like. Such a nerd. He, Jamie, and Amaani had a phase as kids where they were obsessed with all things Lothal (inspired by me, who had a similar phase, but focused on Hawaii). Jamie even made each of them a little wooden figurine of their favorite Loth creature. Dark's was a Loth-wolf, and he carrys it with him always, even when he's in the Empire, even when he's determined to hate his family
His lightsabers have those Wiimote straps on them. His kids made them for him
As is clear, he has kids later in his life!! He meets a beautiful snarky librarian named Kaiya by crashing his ship into her backyard, and through some trial and error, they end up married! He adopts her adopted son, Ookami, and then later in life, they have a daughter, Claire
He's a pretty skilled artist
He kinda has Nick from New Girl vibes, but his face claim is Grant Ward from Agents of SHIELD
His backstory is also VERY Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, not gonna lie. Dark came first, though
I have not actually written anything about him, cause I'm not technically a writer, but I've often thought it could be fun to draw a webcomic of sorts about him
Hope you like them, and thanks again for being interested, I really appreciate it!!
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infinitelyelvish · 7 months
I found a Notes file from my descent into emotional turmoil as I watched the last four episodes of The Clone Wars. Enjoy
But why is the logo red. It's supposed to be yellow 😰
Ashoka's talking to Anakin for the first time since walking away 😭
Anakin's having a whole mental break down over seeing her again.
The graphics this season and episode are amazing. The best visuals for the worst to come.
They're all back together 😭😭
R2 is so excited to see her, poor little guy.
Not Bo Katan pulling the Satine card on Obi-Wan.
The whole 501st standing to attention for Ashoka with her colors and markings on their helmets. Is this the last time they're all not affected by the chips?!
HER LIGHTSABERS?! Is Anakin about to give her her lightsabers?!?!
Commander Rex. He deserved that being more than an on the flu decision.
He did give her her lightsabers back 😭
"I took care of them, they're good as new. Maybe a little better" 😭
"Anakin. Good luck." Is that the last time? I'm so nauseous with the impending last time he'll be Anakin and his first time he'll become Vader to her.
I cannot get over how good the animation is. This is so unfair. They need to go back and redo the entire series.
Rex and Ashoka having moments before battle together. I'm unwell. 
Badass landing!!! Let's go!
"Beat you." I swear if Rex dies or becomes a soulless drone😭
the lack of music during the opening sequence and credits is foreboding.
I wonder if the moment may be upon us.
I’m going to be sick
Dooku is dead. It’s coming.
Tell Anakin. Did he? Did he??? 
I keep having tears well up. I’m unprepared. 18 years and I’m unprepared.
They have Jesse. 
At this point is it a mercy of the clone dies before order 66? That way they still have their own faculties?
If anyone had asked me during season one if I thought I’d become attached to the clones the answer was a resounding no. But now I just want to gather them all to me and hide them like they’re all little ducklings who need protecting. 
Why did Maul want Obi-Wan /and/ Anakin?
What was the dream?!
Maul trying to team up with Ahsoka was extremely unexpected!
She’s going to help him?!
He is the key to everything. To destroy.
She knows. She knows. She knows.
I know Anakin. 😭
It’s looks so real it’s feels like live action
She’s become so strong.
We’re all going to die. You don’t know what they’re doing.
Why is it that the site are telling the truth and no one was ever listening to hear it?
2nd to last episode. This is it. I’m already crying.
I wish I was good at something other than war.
Mace Windu over here pissing me off. Ahsoka knows more!!! Get off your high horse and listen to her!!! 
I’ll tell him myself when I see him. 
Rex is a real one  for not sharing what Ahsoka didn’t with the council.
Saying deserved to see her planet be free.
What ever happened to Korkie??? Did he die and I don’t remember it happening?
Is this box actually force user proof?
Rex and Ahsoka traveling through space, one last time.
She’s saluting him.
Is that the last time? Did I just lose Rex as I’ve known him?
It’s happening. 
He’s trying to fight it
He’s gone. He’s sending them to find her.
The droids are so upset, their people aren’t acting right.
Fives!!! She’s looking up what Fives found, FINALLY!!! 
Stupid Kaminoans. Rex told Padme 🥲
Is it now that the troopers have lost their ability to aim?
Tazing Rex, gotta love droids.
Is she going to be able to save him? Can she save him after the order has been given?
It’s not there 😭
“I am one with the force and the force is with me.”
They found jt!!!
He’s back!
Oh my god he’s back.
He’s the only one. How many can she save? Can she save more?
Last episode.
Not the monk singing 
Victory and death.
What victory 😭
They’re only stunning. I love my 501st commanders.
The clones are starting to appear in their white uniforms.
Why is Maul destroying the hyper drive? Now they’re just sitting ducks.
If they weren’t trying to kill us I’d be proud. 
What moon are they by? 
There’s no way. There’s no way they’re getting to a shuttle.
There are too many. Besides I don’t want to hurt them.
Loyal Ahsoka.
Rex is crying!!! I can’t. Please. I can’t. 
I love her so much.
They may be willing to die,  but I’m not willing to kill them.
I love these droids so much.
Mail was an interesting villain but if he’s going to steal this shuttle without Ahsoka and Rex on it then I hope he gets forced choked out.
That was a cool move with the force and double lightsabers.
Not the droids popcorning the clones.the droids!!!!
They’re all gone. The entire 501st. 
It’s just Rex now.
They buried them all of them. Their helmets 😭😭😭
She left her lightsaber. I guess they’re not the same since Anakin was the one to return them.
Who are these droids? Why are they in their Hoth gear? 
He found the wreck.
When is this?
He found her lightsaber. Oh my god he knows she’s alive.
Does she know Obi-wan and yoga are still alive??? Does she know that Padme died? Does she know about the twins? I have questions!
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sovonight · 2 years
gray | atton/exile, kotor 2
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Cela first meets Atton’s eyes on Peragus. Not through the force cage that holds him—the field is too bright, and with her head swimming from sedatives, battle, and the Force, she has to look away—but later, when she falls to her knees from the pain of Kreia's loss, and Atton rushes to her, pulling her back to her feet. She looks at him, then—but through the tears spilling down her cheeks, she sees nothing of his eyes but a blur.
Then comes Nar Shaddaa. Like Telos, she watches Atton keep his head down, slouching to avoid unwanted attention. But unlike Telos, he begins to meet her eyes on his own. Always, though, through some cruel slant of light, his irises themselves remain cast ambiguously in shadow. It's only when he runs up to her to press antidote packs into her hands, moments from the docks, that she sees them in the light. In that brief moment, she can only process the thought that under the neon lights, Atton's dark eyes bear shards of bright, impossible purple.
She remembers that purple, as she stands silently in G0-T0's prison. She remembers it so vividly that when Atton arrives—breathless, scratched-up, smelling of scorched cast-plast and a cold metallic tang—she’s surprised to look again and find his eyes a shade of amber. A reflection of the ship's yellow lights, she catches herself thinking, but warmer. Later, she remembers the color to be as warm as his hand had been, when he had nearly caressed her cheek in relief before he had come back to himself, letting his hand fall to her shoulder instead.
(When he tells her about his past, she does not meet his eyes. At first it is a choice, but it soon becomes a necessity. By the time his tale ends, he begs—without words, without awareness, but the plea reaches her nonetheless—for her to look at him. She can't.)
On Dxun, in the dreary half-light of dusk, she returns to the ship tired. Atton is near the entrance when she steps in, and their eyes meet, though he soon looks away. She thinks, in that moment, that Atton's eyes appear hazel, a matching pair to the moss, the mud, and the pooling rainwater outside.
(When she forgives him, she doesn't tell him, for his sake. But she does tell him that she will train him as he wishes. He leans in—earnest, determined to prove himself—and in his eyes she thinks she catches a glimpse of faint, but full, green. She blinks, and his irises are cast into shadow once more, ambiguous and unidentifiable in the dim light. The afterimage of her lightsaber blade, perhaps—printed upon the insides of her eyelids.)
By Dantooine, she knows what to expect. She doesn't wonder so much as idly predicts that Atton's eyes will appear blue like the vivid sky above. Her prediction is confirmed—and Atton gives her a suspicious, curious look as she peers at him, yet he doesn't say anything, used to her habits by now—but she’s unprepared for the shade after all. Next to Mical's rings of innocent blue, Atton's eyes are muted and dark, like the blue one would find in the shadows of dry stones along a river bank, where the color of the sky has been reflected once, then once again.
Now, on the ship, Atton's eyes again borrow colors from the winking lights of the control panels scattered around him: blue, red, and green. After traveling with him through so many hues, though, she has long seen them for what they are, and a mere heartbeat after the word slips absentmindedly from her lips, Atton's hand shoots up to his hair, self-conscious.
"Wher—I mean, what are you talking about?" Atton forces his hand back down to his side, casual. "What gray?"
"Your eyes," Cela says. "They're gray."
"Oh," Atton says. He relaxes back in his seat with a chuckle. "Yeah. I hear it all—green, hazel, whatever—but they're just gray. To be fair, I don't stick around long enough for people to get it right."
Her comment resolved as a false alarm, he angles his head idly back towards the diagnostics screen, but Cela lingers on the subject.
"What was that about?" Cela asks, and when Atton feigns ignorance, she hazards a guess. "Are you worried about graying?"
Atton gives a slight grimace, but shrugs, noncommittal.
"Well—you know. With all the Sith we've run into, something could've rubbed off on me," he says.
"And the passage of time?"
"Maybe that too," Atton admits. "It doesn't matter, I know. But…."
"For what it's worth, I think you'll age well," Cela says, leaning forward to brush through his dark hair, following the curve of his ear. "Gray running through your hair would only make you look... hmm... distinguished."
"You think so?" Atton asks, amused but now flattered. He leans indulgently into her touch, meeting her questioning gaze with an easy, lopsided smile. "I guess I have to take your word for it. After all, with all the hours you've spent staring at me, you're practically the expert."
"Staring?" Her cheeks warm against her will. "I don't stare."
"Says the Jedi who bothered to figure out what color my eyes are."
"It was—training," Cela says, though she's already aware she's backed herself into a corner. "Ob… Observation training. It's important on the battlefield."
"The battlefield of my eyes, you mean?"
Atton's smile grows smug as her cheeks burn hotter, and Cela is tempted to turn her hand to push his face away, but Atton, sensing it, merely tugs her wrist aside.
"Come on, Cela," Atton says, lower, now closer than before. "Admit it: you like looking at me.”
By now, something would have interrupted them—an alert, perhaps, or a member of the crew, careening in with questions or complaints. Even Atton seems to have that thought, as her stuck voice sends the look in his eyes leaning into uncertainty. He's about to back away when, at last, she makes the admission that’s fresh in their hearts, still new since their matching confessions only mere nights ago.
“I do,” Cela whispers. “I love you.”
Atton freezes, and then he’s away from her in an instant, his hand covering his face.
"Wait—You can’t—That’s unfair," he says. She can just barely make out the color of his eyes through the gaps between his fingers, no longer ambiguous, but as gray as the ship’s metal around them. "What am I supposed to do against that? I’m...."
“Dee-deet deet!”
They both startle; T3 trundles in. Though she can feel Atton’s disappointment next to her own, she reads relief from him as well. She takes the opportunity to stand; Atton lets her go.
As she walks away, though, she hears the last of his voice from the open doorway:
“I’m guessing you’re here to tell me about the dip in engine efficiency I already know about,” Atton says gruffly, hiding his break in composure. T3 deets in response, and she can practically feel Atton bristle as he answers, “An anomaly in your thermal readin—? No, I’m not red!"
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A Clash of Kings - 10 DAVOS I (pages 132-148)
Davos watches gods burn on the beach, then has an ale and gets a lore drop from Salladhor Saan before Stannis calls Davos to show off his attempt at a (100% true) smear campaign.
"Lord of Light, we offer you these false gods, these seven who are one, and him the enemy. Take them and cast your light upon us, for the night is dark and full of terrors." ... "For the night is dark and full of terrors,"Selyse and her queen's men replied. Should I speak the words as well? Davos wondered. Do I owe Stannis that much? Is this fiery god truly his own?
TNiDaFoT = 🥛🥛
... There's a heat wave here okay? I need all the hydration I can get. Water is just so quenchy. The quenchiest.
The burning gods cast a pretty light, wreathed in their robes of shifting flames, red and orange and yellow. Septon Barre had once told Davos how they'd been carved from the masts of the ships that had carried the first Targaryens from Valyria. Over the centuries they'd been painted and repainted, gilded, silvered, jeweled.
Why does this feel like some kind of ominous hint towards Dany and the followers of R'hllor? (And not in a "you like fire, I like fire, did we just become best friends?" kind of way. Even though there's the theory she's Azor Ahai, "beloved of R'hllor")
The Maiden lay athwart the Warrior, her arms widespread as if to embrace him. The Mother seemed almost to shudder as the flames came licking up her face. A longsword had been thrust through her heart, and its leather grip was alive with flame. The Father was on the bottom, the first to fall. Davos watched the hand of the Stranger writhe and curl as the fingers blackened and fell away one by one, reduced to so much glowing charcoal.
*Knowing Ned died first, Catelyn's fate, and that Jon's hand was burned pretty badly, combined with remembering once seeing a video essay on the Stark fam representing the Seven in some capacity:* I'm sure it's fiiiine. Not at all foreshadowing. *laughs nervously*
"Under the sea, smoke rises in bubbles, and flames burn green and blue and black," Patchface sang somewhere.
Still kinda sounds like an underwater volcanic region...
"As to that father," Dale said, "I mislike these water casks they've given me for Wraith. Green pine. The water will spoil on a voyage of any length." "I got the same for Lady Marya," said Allard. "The queen's men have laid claim to all the seasoned wood."
You'd think folks living on an island, would take better care of their sailors, but no. Classist snobs everywhere.
"Pirate," said Davos. "You have no wives, only concubines, and you have been well paid for every day and every ship." "Only in promises," said Salladhor Saan mournfully. "Good ser, it is gold I crave, not words on papers." He popped a grape into his mouth. "You'll have your gold when we take the treasury in King's Landing. No man in the Seven Kingdom's is more honorable than Stannis Baratheon. He will keep his word."
... so who wants to tell them about the 6 million gold debt the Crown (Littlefinger and Bobby B) accrued?
Also: it's not quite how i pronounce the name, but as I was reading, I just called Salladhor Saan 'Salad Whore' by accident.
... all this talk of Azor Ahai has given me the crackspiracies. At first I was like Burning blade + sword of light > Obi-wan Kenobi's lightsaber > Obi is Azor Ah... waaaait. AA killed his wife for power OH MY GOSH > Anakin Skywalker is Azor Ahai Confirmed!
🔍I've solved it, everyone else go home. (Joking)
When he thought of Nissa Nissa, it was his own Marya he pictured, a good-natured plump woman with sagging breasts and a kindly smile, the best woman in the world. He tried to picture himself driving a sword through her, and shuddered. I am not made of the stuff of heroes, he decided. If that was the price of a magic sword, it was more than he cared to pay.
Davos is just, such a good bloke. Good Husband, good father, good friend. At this point, I think he's got the best chance for Westeros' Best Father Ever award.
"- It seemed to me as I watched the fire this morning that I was looking at a dozen beautiful dancers, maidens garbed in yellow silk spinning and swirling before a great king. -"
*thinking of the tv show* Gasp! The Sandsnakes? That'd be a fun twist, it was a real vision, but an assassination and not a homage, or just not Stannis.
"When I was a lad I found an injured goshawk an nursed her back to health. Proudwing, I named her. (...) Time and again I would take her hawking, but she never flew higher than the treetops. -"
Awww, Proudwing has separation anxiety and a trauma induced fear of heights. Look at Stannis having a humanising moment... and then ruining it with his plotting.
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engagemythrusters · 8 months
Okay ahsoka time
I know there’s Kanan mention (I will not be okay) and Rex is here (I will not be okay) so we will see what happings :)
My ice cream is oddly shaped
Jacen baby 😭
Oh my god
Heras going to think
She lost
“I’m here to finish your training” :(
“I won’t fight you”
“I’ve heard that before”
Is Jacen gonna be like Exra? In tune w the living force?
Ohhh she’s. She can’t hear what he does but she listens with him. She loves him and she knows how important it is to listen and guide young Jedi. Even if she’s not—
He made her hear it?!!!
Just!?? Gonna leave him there?
I’m not okay
She’s so little…
She’s…. She’s so small…
She’s so small she’s ducking blasts she’s trying to catch up
I can’t…
“This is your training” and so it was. She knew only war.
… we’re not going to see Rex’s face are we
Oh all those clones…
They… they move their arms. So thehre at peace…
Dkdkdks wrapped face so nobody sees them
That’s so dumb
Anyway. Whose boy is that…. Mine now.
“I got them killed” she has so much weight in her. She’s 14. She’s…
this episode. Ahsoka’s and anakins fight in The Twilight of the Apprentice. Obiwans fight with darth vader in the last ep of obi wan kenobi. Making me sick in the head.
Im so fucked up about this.
first it was seeing the ahsoka helmets.
Then it was HEARING REX
her best friend
She’s still so young here and TCW didn’t show that well enough. She’s so little.
She’s so young.
“Is that all?”
This young actor is good at replicating the other live action one
She’s so cute and sweet faced and I’m so hurt for young ahsoka because she’s just. She’s SO LITtl
No his eyes oh my god this is fucjing me up
I’m so fucked
I’m fucked up beyond belief
I’m so fucked up.
Jesus. I can’t. I’m.
I’m going to watch all those three fights one day and I’m going to let them consume me whole.
God. Anyway.
Again this world between worlds is cool but yknow rebels did it better. This is pretty but the other was… ominous. Stark.
Oof that makeup…
“Get her inside” leaves her on the fucking ramp
He’s so cute look at him. I love you Jacen. I hope you know nothing but love in your future. I hope your brother and sister return. I hope—
Oh that’s not the ghost. Thank god
That’s all we’re going to see if rex though isn’t it.
We’re not going to see old rex
We’re not…
I want Temuera Morrison on screen. Like. Physically. I don’t just want his voice.
Why is this so hard to ask?!
Awww Jacen playing w chopper 😭
Jacen: I know ur fuckin pawning me off…. It’s working tho.
Since when is ahsoka fucking psychometric tho like. God I hate that random jedi just gain random powers that aren’t theirs
Like psychometry isn’t a common power
HERA DOESNT HAVE TO LOSE ANOTHER CHILD TODAY you can see and hear her relief Ughhh I’m feeling things
are they gonna arrest hera or smthn SKFJSK I’d like to see them try. Hera did more for the rebellion than anyone fucking else.
I’d kill them myself if they touched her
O H?!
Guess it’s killing time.
Hera defense squad: population of one. Me. But I’m a big one.
Hera and the purrgil again. Hera and the purrgil. She has much to feel about them. They took her son. They’ve killed her friends in the past. Now her daughter went down their trail.
And now… she follows the purrgil.
Why are they GREY >:((((
Where’s my pretty blues and yellows and purples
Hooray white ahsoka robes tho. Forgot to say that but. A little too late with the robes. a little too late with my comment. It fits
This Carson guy is doing his best
Where’s Wedge
Where’s old rex :(
“You’re not gonna believe me” wow why do we need that line. Disney Writing fr. Good god.
Jonah and the Whale vibes. Wait no. NEMO VIBES?!
I wish… I wish that hera got to go with. To reunite with her son.
I know why she didn’t though. I get it. But still. Would’ve been… something.
Powering up…
“May the force be with you” hera 😭
And… they’re gone.
I do have to say, I'm REALLY peeved they only gave Temuera Morrison ONE LINE of dialogue for this. like THATS the best they could do? No. NOt enough. Bring in Old Rex. Bring him in. Now. I'm not okay with just this. I'm happy we saw him, but that's not enough. Disney fucking owes Temuera Morrison and they fucking owe Boba fans. the LE A S T they could do is this. Fuck you disney.
BUT on a positive note.
OH MY GOD THE ANAKIN AHSOKA FIGHT IS GOING TO FUCK ME UP FOREVER. that fight, the TotA fight, and the OWK fight... yeah. I'm screwed up for life.
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sniperct · 2 years
3, 18, 21, 22
3) What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Oh now this is a hard one lol Not that they don't exist but braining it rn is hard.
Plus a lot of those kind of scenes are parts of WIPs!
I can say the scene where sylvanas tells jaina she loves her in HoD is like, 75% of the reason that fic exists.
There's a scene in my very first sylvaina fic, the one I started before LR, that I will one day get to write. But I'm not sharing it ;)
There's a scene where Lara Croft has nightmares related to her guilt over how many people she's killed, and Mercy rescuing Widowmaker in the Tolkien AU.
Oh! Okay yeah this may never see the light of day. Star Wars, sabepadme, Padme Lives AU.
context: She becomes the face of the rebellion, but no one knows what she looks like because Sabe crafted her a mask. "The galaxy believes amidala has died." "Who shall I be?" "Liberty."
Anyway it's the inevitable Vader/Liberty meeting. Something something floor collapses and they're trapped together. I'll just share my notes where I often sketch out a scene:
padme keeping her distance, can feel the hatred seething off of vader, can feel the hatred of him in herself, has her pistol trained on him, neither moves though padme suspects she's a dead woman anyway and vader is likely biding his time
vader talks about how much of an annoyance she is, she gets snippy with him, argue, padme reveals something that only she and anakin could have known and…
vader's lightsaber clatters to the ground and he fell to his knees before her. 'Padme…?' and she stared, a sick feeling in her heart, before she reached out and removed vader's helmet, and stared into Anakin's eyes. They were yellow and hateful and yet they were anakin's and padme stifled a sob before removing her own mask. vader's eyes flickered, and for the most brief of moments he was anakin 'he told me I killed you' padme just kneels in front of him, cupping vader's face, and yes, yes her love for him was real, but that was a long time ago and this man was not her anakin but she'd been right, there was still GOOD in him she feels him press his lightsaber into her hands and he says 'I once told you that my lightsaber was my life'. and now, now while that goodness was there, now, before darkness could prevail again, padme did not hesitate in activating the lightsaber. She had loved him a long time ago and yet it was like cutting her own heart out
18) Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Not really! At least nothing I've ever really written down. I might have considered some ideas, and I suppose TECHNICALLY Handfuls of Dust was originally going to be an AU before I decided to make it an actual sequel. But it wouldn't have been written otherwise.
Like I'm pretty sure Jaina going undead was something I considered for LR originally
21) What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Depends on which stories. When I visualize a scene I typically imagine it as an animated or live action scene. Most of my larger fics would be best in a mini-series type format. I prefer animation in 75% of all cases, though I'd love for Starlight to be live action.
22) Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
I do sometimes. I can't think of any that I hate and I enjoy rereading most of them. Sometimes it's like 'wow I really wrote this? amazing!'
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