#oh and he let me brush him a little too! such a good doggo
mellaithwen · 9 months
Hii I have followed for a while and I know you love dogs so it makes me particularly happy to see you finally have one , welcome to club of dog owner ! You life has forever change for the better (I say this is a fellow dog owner after years of wanting one )
Anon this was the sweetest message <33 thank you ☺️🥰❤️ my wriggle monster is currently ignoring his bed and blankets in favour of snoozing on top of my wellies heheh 🥹
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
now that kakashi (and rin) have defected from konoha, do pakkun and the rest of the pack have those lines drawn through their headbands? does pakkun let rin touch his pawpads?!
Uchiha Obito hummed, scratching Shiba’s ruff. The dog was sprawled on his lap in full ecstatic bonelessness, and far more of Tobi’s attention was focused on the happily panting dog than the pug in front of him. The pug had the unmistakable energy of an exhausted pack-a-day smoker who had seen too much. 
“They both made it safely home,” Pakkun finished. “So what’s the call, boss?”
“Oh, you’re a good puppy, you’re such a good puppy, a little wittle puppykins -”
A question already answered in something I wrote ages ago and never posted. Excerpt from a short Sakura POV story under the cut:
Uchiha Obito hummed, scratching Shiba’s ruff. The dog was sprawled on his lap in full ecstatic bonelessness, and far more of Tobi’s attention was focused on the happily panting dog than the pug in front of him. The pug had the unmistakable energy of an exhausted pack-a-day smoker who had seen too much. 
“They both made it safely home,” Pakkun finished. “So what’s the call, boss?”
“Oh, you’re a good puppy, you’re such a good puppy, a little wittle puppykins -”
Tobi looked up, pulling a dramatically tragic face. “Why are we talking about work? Tobi’s tiredddd. Sensei’s little genin puppies are so exhausting for Sensei. Tobi just wants to play with his nice doggos.”
“This is kind of important.”
“No it’s not.”
“Saying something’s not true does not, technically, make it untrue.”
Tobi huffed, puffing out his cheeks. “Didn’t ChaCha just have puppers? Little itty bitty ones? Tobi wants to meet them!”
Shiba barked in sleepy assent. At least she was having fun. Obito had long since overcame any ability to feel embarrassment or shame, but the word ‘pupper’ really did put him against the edge.
Pakkun shifted his shoulders a little, readjusting his bandana. “If I take you to meet ChaCha’s puppies in the Summoning realm, will you actually sit down and pay attention to our report?”
“Yeah yeah sure whatever!”
“Alright.” Pakkun sighed, nosing around the floor a little. Shiba scrambled off Tobi’s lap, and in a smooth and fluid motion Tobi eagerly leapt to his feet. “You ready?”
Tobi started hopping up and down. “Yes yes yes yes yessssss -”
“Get ready. And — here we go!”
Pakkun reverse summoned all three of them, and Tobi tightly screwed his eyes shut. His Mangyeko sensed the flip and swirl of dimensions, and it always made his stomach swoop and fall. It always made bile rise up in his throat too, and when Tobi felt the universe settle around them he coughed out his gagged throat and opened his eyes. 
He was standing in front of a little cave, tucked in the edge of a craggy mountain. Around him was a beautiful meadow, covered in long grass and tasty flowers, gently warmed by a soft sun. Packs of dogs slept in bundles or chased each other merrily through the brush. 
“Ugh!” Tobi coughed again, spitting onto the ground. “Tobi always hates that.” 
Pakkun batted at his foot, and for the first time his exhausted puggy little face creased in worry. “You’re good, Obito. You’re the only human here.”
“Tobi knows, Tobi knows - give me a little second.”
Switching was difficult. Maybe it would be easier if he actually did it more than once a month at absolute best. The Uchiha Compound was on ANBU 24/7 monitor - for little Sasuke and idiot Tobi’s safety, clearly! - and there were peeping eyes in every public space in a hidden village. 
Tobi wouldn’t switch even if he could. Tobi wasn’t a lie - he was a state of mind. Tobi was a second brain in Uchiha Obito’s head, fitting nicely into the hole Obito clawed into his mind with his fingernails. After so long pretending that he couldn’t, Tobi actually was incapable of using the Sharingan. Tobi had an absolute mental block. Those in the village who suspected that trauma had done more work to create Tobi than brain damage had decided years ago that his incapability to use the Sharingan was somatic, and somehow fiction had eaten its own tail and become the truth. 
That was how a ninja lied. They made a lie their reality, and they made their reality the world’s. Experienced shinobi knew that long-term undercover missions could ruin even the most professional shinobi’s sanity - that some shinobi returned from an undercover mission of years incapable of reconnecting with who they really were. SOP for long-term undercover missions incorporated structured time with a person’s real identity, and missions almost never lasted more than five years. 
Tobi had been Tobi for fifteen. He would say it was a miracle he wasn’t actually insane, but Obito was definitely insane too. You had to be pretty insane to pretend to be a brain-damaged, trauma-broken moron for fifteen years. 
Tobi had a process for reconnecting with Obito. He closed his eyes and slowed his heart rate, bringing his body back down to absolute relaxation. Tobi tended to Tobi when he got panicked or scared. A Uchiha had vivid imagination, and the absolute recall of the Sharingan helped Tobi imagine himself in a little world. 
It was a memory. Kakashi and Rin stood before him, standing on a bridge and waiting for Sensei to remember that he had someplace to be. This was how a man who could teleport was always late. If he was with Kushina-neechan he’d forget anything and everything. 
The sun dappled orange and yellow on the slowly churning water beneath them, and Obito was hungry. He had skipped lunch to train again. Obito could hear his stomach growl, feel the pain in his muscles.
“We might as well make the most of this,” Rin told him. She smiled broadly, clapping her hands. “Why don’t we all train together? Maybe we can surprise Sensei with some new jutsu?”
“Maa, count me out.” Kakashi laced his hands behind his head, staring absently up at the clouds. “I wanna take a nap.”
“Lazybones.” Rin sighed and turned to Obito, her smile turning hopeful. “What about you, Obito-kun? I bet you could teach me a really cool jutsu…and maybe I could teach you something too!”
Obito had snorted, crossing his arms. “What’s the point of that? What could a chuunin learn from two genin? Hard pass.”
They didn’t look frustrated. How could they never look frustrated? How did they take him in with a smile, why did they search so hard for his heart? Obito hadn’t had a heart. He hadn’t stolen it yet. 
“Rin-chan has a combat med-nin certification you don’t have. But what could a med-nin teach a combat specialist, eh?” At some point Kakashi had pulled out one of his idiot mystery novels, flipping it open to a random point and reading it avidly. Obito never understood it. What was the point in rereading a mystery novel? You knew the ending already. But Kakashi always said that the ending of the book changed every time he caught another little clue. Stupid. A book didn’t change just because you’re rereading it. “And of course there’s my wisdom.”
“Yeah?” Obito snorted. “Then teach me your wisdom, oh almighty Bakashi. Does that cloud up there look like a bunny? Did the butler do it?”
“Obito-kun, calling him Bakashi isn’t nice -”
“The butler was a red herring.” Kakashi eye-smiled at him above his book. In Obito’s memory, his smile looked a little mischievous. “A true mystery reader always looks underneath the underneath.”
“That’s useless,” Obito said flatly. “Do you have any wisdom that’s useful for a real ninja?”
“What? Oh, no, not at all. Shush, I’m almost at the ending.”
With the Sharingan, the memory may as well be real. It was a memory that only Obito had ever lived. Tobi didn’t have any memories like that. Tobi didn’t think about these things. Tobi didn’t think about anything, honestly. 
Obito opened his eyes. He winced at the sunlight, kneading the bridge of his nose. He groaned, clearing his throat. When he spoke, his voice was in his natural register - low and even. “That gets harder every time.”
Shiba licked Obito’s hand, and Obito scratched her on the ears. “You back, Boss?”
“So much as I ever am,” Obito said wryly. “Mind repeating the report? I was a little distracted.”
“You should come here more frequently,” Pakkun intoned. Shiba nudged at Obito’s leg, and he slowly sat down in front of the mouth of the cave. The grass was cool and soft underneath his fingers, and the tension caused by the memory finally eased. “Staying away for a long time is bad for you.”
“I’ve been a little busy. Report, please.”
Of course Kakashi had given Obito the best gift of his life. Kakashi had given him someplace safe, someplace that wouldn’t arouse suspicion. He could stalk around the village as a ghost for a little while, but spending too much time invisible invited uncomfortable questions. But Tobi reverse summoning himself to doggy paradise to frolic with puppies? The ANBU occasionally tailing him would be suspicious if it took less than two hours to return.
Obito liked to take three or four. Knowing Kakashi, that was the real gift: a little paradise just for them. Kakashi always said fun was the most important thing in the world. A life without fun, Kakashi would say, was a life where you just ran around killing things. And who would want to live a life like that?
The report made a different sort of sense the second time. Obito had dismissed Shiba so she could go play, and he rested his elbows on his knees and steepled his fingers in thought. “I knew this genin team would be more trouble than they’re worth.”
“I want to meet them.” Pakkun thumped his tail on the ground, belying his eagerness. “I never thought you’d get to have puppies. We were excited when we heard.”
Obito made a face. “Get to? The last thing I wanted was more warm bodies in my orbit. That’s just more people to get killed.” 
“Don’t give up on them so easily. That Jinchuuriki is probably almost unkillable.” That was a bit of a relief. Obito would have to work hard to accidentally murder Minato’s child. Still, never say never and all that. “And you deserved students. You were so proud to be part of the Shodaime’s legacy. All three of you wanted to keep that legacy going. You’re the only survivor of your training lineage. You deserved the opportunity to pass that on.”
“Why the fuck does a dog care about these things?”
“Kakashi cared,” Pakkun said simply. Obito looked away. “You should ask about him more. If you regret never seeing underneath his underneath so badly, then you can just -”
“The fact that the head of T&I is interested enough in me to recruit my own genin student to investigate me is a major problem.” Obviously Tobi had no chance of ever winning the man’s trust - a Yamanaka who couldn’t read your mind hated you on principle - but Obito hadn’t known that Tobi bothered the man so much. “We’ll be on guard, but I’m not too worried. Tobi doesn’t have a single crack. There’s nothing to find.” Obito smiled a little, broken and crooked. “I’m not worried at all, actually. There’s a force in this world far, far greater than a spy’s little games.”
“Even Inochi Yamanaka’s?” Pakkun asked, unimpressed. Judgy little dog. Obito knew for a fact he thought Obito was just as stupid as Tobi sometimes. “Like what?”
Obito’s smile grew. He wondered what it looked like. No human had ever seen that smile. It would have to stay his very own. “The power of a teen girl’s crush on a beautiful girl. I know Sakura by now. She wouldn’t break to torture. I think she has a thing for Sasuke too, so it’s practically a done deal. And if Ino’s anything like her mother, she’s twice as stubborn as Sakura. They won’t fold.”
Pakkun barked, amused. He didn’t argue with Obito at all, which was a bit of a surprise. What would a dog know about the all-powerful might of a teenage crush?
Well. Obito knew. But he didn’t like to think about that. So he didn’t.
“If anybody in Konoha is going to find out, it’s her.” Pakkun’s lips peeled back in a doggy grin. “She’s observant, determined, and well-placed. The cover might be in danger.”
“She’s twelve,” Obito said flatly. “I think even Tobi can outwit a twelve year old. Besides, as I said - no matter what she says, she won’t snitch. She’s Tobi’s cute little genin. She won’t sell Sasuke’s cousin out. He’d never forgive her.”
“The others want you to summon us and let us play with Sasuke again,” Pakkun said gravely. “They’re ready to unionize about it.”
“I fold to the union’s demands.” Obito straightened, cracking his neck. “It’s decided, then. We’ll tighten up. And if anything slips through the cracks, we have the power of teenage love on our side. Report over. Nice job, Obito.”
“You should stay a while. Actually meet the puppies. They’re awfully cute.”
“No, I should head back.” Obito stood up, shaking himself like one of his dogs. All ninja believed that summoners grew to become a little like their summons. It was probably just a folk tale, but Obito had heard many times that Tobi was just as puppy-ish as his own puppies. “Let me code switch here. I don’t want Obito in my apartment.”
“It’s always Obito in your apartment,” Pakkun said. “You know that, right?”
Obito ignored him, as he often did, and closed his eyes.
There was a process of returning to Tobi too. It was a lot like his Obito process, but in many ways it was the exact opposite. Obito still closed his eyes, still used the Sharingan to draw up a memory so detailed and complete that he could step back in time within his own mind. Obito placed himself within his usual memory. He had a rotation, but sometimes he did all of them. The kids were really straining the Tobi identity - most people just couldn’t stand to be around him as long as these kids were around him, Obito had no idea how load-bearing that part of the personality was - and he ought to sink as deeply into the mindset as possible. 
Obito opened his eyes of memory.
Obito walked himself through the halls of the Uchiha Compound. Itachi had fled only seconds ago, and he had chosen to look for survivors instead of chasing him down. He checked every room in every house, pressed two fingers to every pulse. Uselessly, often - their hearts were punctured as surely as Rin’s. In others he had to check their wrist - the babies’ throats were neatly slit. All thirty houses, all one hundred and eighty seven clan members. All but one. The winding halls of memory stretched on before him, and Obito lost himself in the darkness.
No. Not enough.
Blood ran in thick rivulets down his arm. It dripped off his elbow and formed a shallow puddle on the ground - that drip, drip, drip that echoed in every nightmare. The grip on his tanto blade was slick with blood, and its edge protruded out of the other side of the body. Blood ran from Rin’s mouth. A scream echoed in the air, and Obito realized far too late that it was his own. She was shirtless, breasts limply hanging in the air, and the seal on her stomach was painted in thick black that dripped as sluggishly as the blood. Rin’s mouth formed a name. It wasn’t Obito’s own.
Obito. No. More. The last one. This one always worked.
Kakashi’s face. There was nothing more to look at, nothing else to see. Rin was at the edges of his vision, working frantically to close the arteries in his legs, but Obito could barely see her. Rin was never the one who Obito looked at. Rin had never filled his vision. 
“Sorry I forgot to get you a present. Ah…always forgetful, me.” With the last of his strength, Kakashi reached up to pull down his mask himself. “You’ll take my tanto, won’t you? You called the crow contract a prison…so would the dog contract be okay? Even an Uchiha would enjoy presents like that.”
“I don’t understand,” Obito had sobbed. Blubbered, really. Like Tobi did. Tobi cried and sobbed like that. Obito never had. “You can’t run like that, you can’t hit like that, you can’t use Chidori, you never - Kakashi, why, why -”
Kakashi’s eyes closed, and for an insane second Obito thought that was it. He shook Kakashi’s shoulder, as if Tobi could bring a boy back to life just by shaking him hard enough. But he opened his mouth again, and Obito saw that his teeth were perfectly straight and pearly white. He had no idea. Didn’t really fit. “Oh. That. Meant - meant to tell you. Had some bad experiences as a kid. Danzo…” Kakashi coughed again, leaving Obito’s mind to spin in confusion. Danzo? What the hell did Danzo have to do with Kakashi lying? “Figured it was safer to chill out. Nobody nice likes a genius, you know.”
“Then why did you like me?” Tobi asked. “You shouldn’t have saved me.”
Kakashi shouldn’t have done a lot of things. He shouldn’t have killed twenty of those Iwa nin in one blow, rescuing Obito from that dark cave by himself. He shouldn’t have pulled out those A-rank jutsu when he could barely use a B-rank. Kakashi shouldn’t have been anywhere near those rocks at all. 
“I’ll kill you if you die!” Rin screeched. Thick trails of tears were trailing down her face, but her hands never stopped working. “Don’t talk like you’re already dead, you idiot! Stay awake!”
“You two are so dumb.” Kakashi said. It was the last he said. It was the last he ever said. Outside of the halls of memory, outside of the neurons of a spinning eye, Kakashi never said anything again. “I saved Obito because he’s Obito. Life isn’t all that complicated, you know.”
“Kakashi! Please!”
Rocks fell, and everyone died. 
Was that what had happened? Oh, Tobi could never remember right - was the mole on the left side of his mouth or the right side? It was one or the other, maybe, one or the other…
Tobi opened his eye. And he was surrounded by puppies!
“Tobi’s good to go now,” Tobi said. “Let’s all work hard and do our very best to avoid detection and execution by T&!”
“I don’t know what Kakashi saw in you.”
It didn’t matter. Kakashi wasn’t about to ever see it again.
What a relief.
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Part 3
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1,7K
Warnings: angst, typos, everything sad besides doggo
Tag list:@gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @belovedadam @mascaracoffee @serebrum @myworldgoesboomz
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Loki felt miserable. If only he knew what would he start with that lie. Why couldn't he tell her Y/N is his cousin or something? She and her golden-fish-like IQ would've believed him. Damn him! Damn him and Tony for making him do this! Why couldn't Stark do it himself! It was his idea afterall!
Loki was lying on a rug in his bedroom. He didn't feel like he deserved the luxury of a warm soft bed. He was looking through photos and selfies of Y/N in his phone. Her happy smile, her arms wrapped around him in a hug in his favourite selfie of you (his wallpaper), her two fingers giving him horns from behind his back and him doing it back to her. He counted, he had only 7 pictures of her in total. 'I should've taken pictures of her more often,' he thought to himself and wiped his eyes to get clearer view. He should've took a picture of her doing the most mundane things. Reading a book, drawing on a windowsill, chatting with someone. She always had this spark in her eyes whenever she talked about some of her interests. He wanted to see that spark again.
Loki caught himself dreaming of you again. 'Let her go,' he told himself. 'It will be better for her and you.'
But he didn't want to get better. Not without her. But he fucked up big time. He apologized. He showed her a proof of his innocense. She chose to put space between you two. And that was okay, right? He's already used to it, right?
His eyes were staring outside the window the whole night, but he wasn't watching anything. He needed them open, for whenever he closed them he saw you. Either crying and screaming like you did few day ago, or sad smile you gave him few hours ago, or your happy grin you have worn what seemed like ages ago.
Sky changed its shades of blue from dark to light. The morning sun made him realize that no, he isn't used to it.
The need to walk to your room was big. But he couldn't. He promised to leave you alone if you wanted. And you did.
So instead he hid in one of the old rooms everyone forgot about and never really used. He needed to be alone.
No one came looking for him yet. The only sign of someone remembering his existence was one message from Tony. Something about the info Loki got from that woman being useless and agents are taking the lead from the Avengers. Good to know he unknowingly destroyed his whole relationship with Y/N for nothing.
When he read those words the first time he wanted to smash the phone on nearest wall, but that meant losing all the pictures with you and he simply couldn't do that.
Loki wandered where where you. If you were safe. Maybe you took your dog out. Or made someone do it, so you didn't have to risk meeting him in the halls. Thought of you still avoiding him sickened him.
His lower back started to ache from sitting in pragraph position for too long. He decided to stretch and walk a little, clear his head. The plan was to go to kitchen, steal something small to eat (not because he was hungry, he needed a distraction) and go back to his secret room. Or the roof. What will came first.
With a glass of water and pockets filled with chocolate he started walking towards the exit.
Suddenly he heard small clawed paws hitting the floor making soft clicking noises. He followed the distand sound to find your little pup, Rex, walking around as if he owned the place. If he was here then you'll be nearby. Loki looked around the room, but besides the small dog and him it was empty.
When the little guy got his sent into his nose, he turned and sprinted towards Loki. He expected the pup to bite him, just like you promise you will train him, and mentally prepared himself for attack of small dull needles on his ankles.
To his surprise Rex started jumping on his leg, trying to reach his hand. When Loki lowered it to his level he started to lick it, his tail wagging wildly. Good to know at least he doesn't hate him.
"Did you escape her and went on an adventure, little guy?" he asked scratching behind his ears. Rex rolled on his belly and silently asked for scratches. Loki was more than happy to provide.
"Well, we can't leave it like that now, can we? She'll be worried sick if she doesn't find you in her room. Like this one time when she couldn't find her favourite plushie from childhood. We turned her whole room upside down just to find it. Later that day she realized she accidentally left it in my bedroom," he smiled sadly at the fond memory. "We laughed a lot afterwards. I fear she'll never laugh in my presence again," he stopped scratching.
Rex sat up and tilted his head at him.
"I know, I know, it's basically my fault. And I understand why she feels like that. Who wouldn't after their best... ex best friend said those things about them. I just wish I could turn back time and change everything."
"And why would you do that?" loki turned around to be met with face of none other than Tony Stark.
"You would never understand," he looked away.
"I'm capable of undertanding a lot of things, don't underestimate me."
Rex found new sent in the room and ran up to Tony. "Aaaw, is he yours? I never thought you'll be a dog person," Tony picked him up and got a good look on him, while Rex was trying to reach his face with his tongue.
"No, he's Y/N's. He must've escaped from her bedroom. Please, take him to her," he started walking away.
"No way, your friend, your problem. I'm already a very busy man even without pets," he put Rex on the floor and gently nudged him towards Loki.
"Here's the thing, I can't. I can't face her. And I am more than sure she doesn't want to face me."
"What happened? Don't tell me it's some petty reason like 'you picked the wrong movie' or 'those flowers don't go with ma vase'."
Loki rolled his eyes and took Rex to his hands. "No. She heard me telling lies to that woman we needed for those informations and now she doesn't trust me. I doubt she ever will."
"Just tell her how it was. How hard can that be?"
"Don't you think I already thought of that? I showed her the video from security cameras yesterday and she still doesn't want to go back to being my friend. And I understand why," he stared deeply into Rex's puppy eyes. As if the little dog felt his sadnes he tried to cuddle up to his chest.
"Then pray tell, cuz I could never understand women's logic."
Loki played with Rex's soft fur. "She knows I'm a great liar. She might think if that was a lie and she couldn't tell, then might be wondering how much of other things I told her were lies," Rex started chewing on Loki's thumb. "The truth is I never told her a single lie. Only that one time when she asked me if I'm smiling because I saw Thor fall down the stairs," he chuckled.
"Then tell her you never lied to her," Tony suggested.
"I can't. She won't believe me. Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"I did. But listen, life is complicated enough already, why making it more miserable by not talking each other's issues out? Just go to her, return her dog and ask to talk to her."
"What if she slams the door in my face just like the last time? Then what genious?"
Tony shrugged. "I don't know. Write her a letter and slide it down her door?"
Loki rolled eyes and started walking in the direction of your bedroom. "Your advices suck," he called behind his back.
Here he was. Standing in front of your door, which was slightly ajar. Explaining how Rex got out. Behind those doors he laughed with you, played games with you, watched movies while cuddling with you. So many pleasant memories. Scarred by the freshest one.
He remembered the fear and panic he felt when you started shouting at him. He remembered every last word you told him. Those kinds of words only left your mouth in his worst nightmares. He never thought he'll hear them in real life.
Tiny bites along his wrist brought him back to present. He didn't know what to do. Should he stand there and wait until you come out? Or should he knock? Call out for you?
His questions got answered sooner than he thought. "What are you doing here?" he heard her voice coming from the opposite end of the hallway.
He quickly looked down at Rex in his arms, the opened doorand realized how it must look to you. "I'm not stealing him, I swear. I found him wandering around the Tower," he held him out to you.
You took him, your fingers brushed his for a moment. You coughed. "Ehm, thank you. For bringing him back, I mean."
"No problem," he stood there awkwardly, hamd behind his back.
He figured you didn't want to say anything more and he took a step to walk around you.
"Hey," you called out.
"Yes?" he asked hopefully, waiting for your next words.
"I...... uhm," you bit your lip nervously.
He saw her wilingness to talk as his chance. "Can I speak with you? About all of what happened? Please?"
You looked up at him, a small relief in your eyes. "Actually, that's what I wanted to ask you."
"Oh, okay," he felt like an awkward teen rather than over century old man.
Both of you stood in the hallway. Until you broke the silence. "Well, do you want to come in?" you pointed at your door.
"Yeah, okay. Why not? Your bedroom is nice for talking," Loki mentally slaped himself across the face for saying such stupidity.
"Yes. I suppose it is," you gave him a small smile and closed the door behind the two of you.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
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*sad fanta noises* Dad betrayed me for another Daschund..
(Now it is up to you to cheer fanta up!)
Characters: Sakurada Dori, Fanta
Genre: Fluff. Just a bit of Fanta.
1k words
Oh no! A betrayal! Well then, I guess it’s time for….. well, a short bit of pure nonsense! :D
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Fanta was happily trotting along with a brand new squeaky toy in mouth, wandering around for a nice spot to sit down to squeak his day away. The sun was nice and bright, a great day for a walk, but his mind wasn’t on a good walk right now. Fanta just wanted a nice, relaxing time, filled with pleasant squeaks and maybe a good patting from his favourite human, Dori.
In fact, he felt like a good petting right now! Fanta kept his toy in his mouth as he looked around for his owner, sniffing for his scent. He wasn’t in the bedroom, nor was he in the bathroom. Fanta continued onwards undeterred, knowing Dori couldn’t have gone that far today. Maybe he was in the living room, relaxing and maybe reading a book. Fanta squeaks his toy, tail wagging as he continued on his little search.
Fanta’s little body pops up from the hall as he finally smells his owner nearby, tail wagging in happiness that he found Dori. Even if he didn’t see him just yet, with a few more trots he’d be-
Wait, what is that other smell? Fanta tilts his head in curiosity at the new scent, an unfamiliar scent. That smelled like a new scent, definitely, and it wasn’t a treat kind of scent, or the scent Fanta sometimes got when Dori spoiled him with new toys to play with. It didn’t smell like a new person to greet either, it was like it was….. a new dog? Fanta was a little confused, he didn’t know there was a new dog. He was a good and very friendly dog though, so he still trots over to see where this new dog smell was coming from so he could say hi.
On arrival though, Fanta almost wished he didn’t come closer. There was his owner, sitting besides the nice and comfy couch, holding a dog so much like the doggy he sometimes saw in the mirror that would move at the same time as he did, except this one clearly had a different colour scheme. Did Dori replace him? Was he nőt the goodest of boys like Dori always told him? The terror, the anguish! Fanta sets down his newest toy, not feeling up to carrying it around and squeaking it. Maybe Dori’s new doggy friend would like it much better. Fanta was still going to be nice to this new dog, even if he felt utterly betrayed and heartbroken.
He trots away with tail drooping down, not bothering to look back at how jovial Dori was holding that just as excited little doggy. Now he really wanted a little pet from Dori, to cheer him up.
Fanta plops down on his bed, just staring and thinking. Why would Dori get a new doggy when he already had one? Where did it even come from, the super duper secret dog machine? Who knows, Fanta certainly didn’t. All he knows is that Dori was occupied with playing with this new dog and that Fanta had to be a good doggy and wait. But waiting was boring, and Fanta wanted a pet.
What could a little dog like him even do though. Fanta whines, continuing to stare. His gaze brushes over a little photo on the wall, and Fanta perks up. That was it! If Dori was busy, then he could go look for another source of pets! Fanta runs out, all the way to the front door and squirming himself through the doggy door that Dori had there for when Fanta needed to go potty outside. The dog heads to the sidewalk, and dashes across to the house across the streets, which he’s been to a few times for what Fanta understood as Dori’s friend.
He barks twice once he reaches the front door, sitting down and staring up at the formidable barrier, tail twitching in a restrainted wag as he waited. Fanta didn’t have to wait long of course, as a few moments later the door opens, and the young man blinks as Fanta finally lets his little tail wag in glee.
“ Fanta? What are you doing here, where’s Sakurada?” Kento asks, Fanta just raising a paw in the air and waving it, tongue sticking out as Fanta cooled himself down the sudden dash he had over here. Kento smiles and bends down, Fanta barking happily as he received a little scratch in the good spot by Kento. Kento simply smiled in what Fanta hoped was happiness at being graced by his cute and very sudden appearance, and when Kento had sat down besides him, Fanta hopped up onto his lap to continue the attention he wanted to get. Kento was happy enough to give it at least, and Fanta ignored any other parts of life as he settled.
It must’ve been ages before activity picked up, as he dozed off somewhere in the midst of being pet, before he heard the all too familiar chuckle of Dori. Fanta perked up immediately to look at the sound, tail wagging as Dori came up to the pair, Fanta hopping off from Kento’s lap to seek the attention he desired even more from his favourite human person. His reward was even greater, Dori scooping up him and letting Fanta happily lick at his cheek in gratitude, Dori laughing and wiping off the trail he left.
“ There you are you nugget! I thought you were just in the yard, when did you get here? Were you all lonely without me Fanta?” Sakurada asked him, but Fanta was more concerned about giving his daily bundle of love. He even made sure to go twice as lovable, just to make sure Dori knew he loved him! Dori simply laughed more, Fanta getting even more excited and happy that Dori was happy. “ I’m sorry I ignored you Fanta! I’ll make it up to you, okay? Maybe you can try on the bee costume too, you’ll be cute!” He chirps, and after bidding Kento a thanks and a farewell, they head back. Fanta could still smell the scent of that new dog, but that didn’t matter right now! Right now he had Dori’s attention and all the pats he could ask for, and that made him the happiest little dashchund in the world.
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
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warnings; none
genre; fluff
pairing; kim jungeun x gender neutral reader
word count; 1.5k
summary; you meet a squad of surfers while eating your lunch and one of them, the woman, the myth, the legend, kim jungeun, ends up teaching you her craft.
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“jo serim, eat my fries one more time and i will squirt ketchup all over your precious hair.”
“i’m hungry, sihyeon~”
“you ate about fifteen slices of bacon this morning. there is no way you’re hungry.”
your two best friends have already commenced their arguing and it’s only 12 o’clock in the afternoon. you sigh loudly, stealing one of sihyeon’s fries while she’s busy berating serim for her love of savory food. 
serim, of course, sees you and alerts sihyeon, but siheyon, of course, thinks serim is lying and gets her tomato paste weapon ready.
you heckle at them and grab sihyeon’s arm, making her set the ketchup back on the table. she reluctantly lets you, warning that you could be next. 
your take a bite out of your burger. your eyes wander around the restaurant’s patio. it’s small, with the average sets of tables and chairs seated on it. the ordering area is right in your line of vision and you see a pack of girls walk up to it.
it’s a bunch of surfers. looks like they’ve come straight of the beach. one of them appears about ready to snarl at her hair- the sand just does not want to be dusted off.
one of the girls in the front catches your eye. she looks to be the quietest one in the group, standing off the side, the epitome of a tsundere girl crush. you catch her eye as she zones back in to her friends’ conversation and then orders her food.
you smile at her. she looks a little surprised and awkwardly grimaces back.
“the people here are so nice,” serim gushes next to you, “everyone i’ve seen so far has either waved, smiled, or made eye contact with me! i feel so appreciated!”
“yeah,” sihyeon agrees, “must be the food. anyone who gets to eat this good of a burger every day should be excruciatingly happy.”
the irony of the situation almost makes you laugh. you smile despite your slight embarrassment at the girl’s reaction to your normal, humane greeting. your friends take it as a sign that you agree with their observations.
the flock of surfers sit down at the table next to you. the girl you smiled at seems to tense up as she sits down. probably because of the close proximity of strangers. that always seems to be the case of nerves in detached types.
you continue eating your burger, finishing up the last few bites. sihyeon’s ready to go back up for more ice cream. serim’s complaining that she didn’t even have enough time to drink all of her lemonade and it won’t taste good with dairy!
sihyeon’s about to grab serim’s arm and manhandle her up to the counter, but before she can, one of the surfers next to you interrupts, saying, “hey, do you guys want to come down to the beach with us?”
“sure!” onda says happily without hesitation, looking ready to jump up and down.
“yeah,” you and sihyeon chorus at the same time, a little after serim.
“good, it’s getting boring. no one our age ever hangs out here, they’re all at muri beach.”
“why don’t you go down there then?” sihyeon asks curiously.
“it’s a bay, so there’s no waves. too calm for surfing.” the girl responds, tying her hair up in a ponytail and stretching. “anyways, the name’s heejin. i’m the swaggy one in this group.”
“never say the word ‘swaggy’ again,” another one responds, “i’m yves, by the way,” she adds as an afterthought before stuffing a fry into her mouth.
“i’m hyunjin.”
“my name’s jinsoul.”
you and your flock of friends introduce yourselves as well, and everyone slowly gets up, grabs their stuff and shuffles down to the water.
everyone talks comfortably, the easy vibes from the surfers seem to have osmosis-ed over to you. 
“wait, i need to grab my dog. my mom dropped him off,” yves says before turning around and running back up the restaurant.
“her mom just left the dog unattended?” you ask.
“yeah,” jungeun responds, “it’s a nice dog.”
“understandable. that makes complete sense.”
jungeun senses your sarcasm at her dry response and rolls her eyes. she opens her mouth to retort, but the sound of crashing waves drowns out the noise. you hadn’t realized how loud the ocean was until you were standing right in front of it.
“that’s loud!” serim shouts.
“yeah,” jinsoul yells back, “let’s move further back so we don’t have to yell!”
the group turns around and moves away from the water to set up camp. 
everyone rolls out their towels. serim is very happy with her hello kitty one and shows jinsoul excitedly. jinsoul is endeared by this.
yves comes flailing down the beach, fluffy puppy struggling to keep up with its speedy bird of an owner. 
“doggy!” serim screams. sihyeon is close behind, audibly keyboard smashing. you jump up too, trying not to hide your smile but failing miserably. there goes your cold, sarcastic first impression.
the three of you collapse onto the dog, who is thoroughly enjoying the attention and is about to wag its tail off.
“what’s its name?” sihyeon says, looking at yves who is doting on the puppy as well.
“IT”S SO CUTE!” serim screams, frightening the dog.
“you scared it!” you scold playfully, picking up stealing haru and running back to the group.
“give him back!” serim sounds appalled as she chases after you.
“nope!” you say, and continue running, falling down onto a towel, canine in hand. serim falls on top of you, almost squishing the doggo but he manages to wriggle out of your grips before anything detrimental happens.
you giggle at serim’s attempts to fight you and tickle her sides. she shrieks in your ear and you shove her off, revealing a figure standing in your line of vision. 
“uh, hi?” you say, a little embarrassed because why in the world is she staring at you with such a weird look on her face?
“hello. that’s my towel.”
“oh, i’m so sorry, i was just uhm, trying to outrun serim here, and ended up collapsing on it.” you stand up quickly, brushing some sand off.
“no, i mean you can still use it, i’m about to head over and start surfing, so i won’t need it just yet, i was just a little surprised.”
there’s an awkward silence. you open your mouth to say something, but jungeun asks, “do you want to come with me?”
“surfing?” you say.
“yeah. i could teach you.”
“sure,” you agree, shrugging your shoulders. surfing can’t be that hard.
“good luck,” jinsoul tells you, “surfing’s tough. especially with jungeun teaching you.”
“i thought you were an expert?!” you exclaim at your newfound surfing mentor.
“i am, jinsoul just doesn’t know true talent when she sees it.”
“it’s okay jinsoul, i’ll be there to make sure she doesn’t kill y/n or something,” heejin sighs.
“have fun!” serim encourages before going back to intensely focusing on digging her toes into the sand.
*      *      *
“are you 100% sure about this? my life’s feeling a little threatened.”
“you’ll be fine, y/n. i’m here to protect you,” jungeun comforts you with a wink. 
heejin rolls her eyes at the two of you, “i’m going to surf over there and leave you two by yourselves. holler if y/n dies. i don’t care what happens to jungeun, as long as i’m not going to be blamed for it.”
you and jungeun snort as heejin swims away.
“so, first you’re going to jump on the board and sit on it. you need to learn how to balance before you do anything.”
you groan as you haul yourself up on the board. everybody say yay for public embarrassment!
luckily, you’re still in shallow water and jungeun is holding your board so you don’t get obliterated by the waves just yet.
you sit on the board. “what now?” you ask, conflicted between looking digruntled and attentive.
“now, you’re going to stand up,” jungeun is trying not to grin maniacally. you’re resentful but still listening so well and it’s the most endearing thing she’s ever seen.
“quit smiling like that. i know you’re trying not to laugh at me,” you whine.
jungeun just shakes her head. you have no idea.
with wobbly legs, you squat on your board and slowly stand up. however, your limbs decide to mutiny against you and you lose your balance, falling into the water.
“let’s try that again,” jungeun says, helping you up.
this time, she grabs hold of your hand as you try to stand up again. you’re still for a few seconds before your legs get wild once again. however, jungeun rests her hand on your waist in order to center you. 
this gesture causes you to lose focus even more. normally you’re chill about people being touchy with you or even flirting, but for some reason jungeun is making you internally combust. must be the way her eyebrows quirk up whenever she speaks to you, or the subtle touches, or her natural commanding persona, or how she tries really hard to look cold but you just know she’s a big softie, or-
“hey, you good? you look murderous.”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you pause for a second, recalling where you are.
“wait, i’m standing up!” you exclaim.
jungeun chuckles at your realization, “good observation.”
“can we try actually surfing now?”
“sure, you might fall again, but you seem to learn fast.”
“it’s okay, the water will catch me.”
“i guess it will,” jungeun shrugs, and the two of you swim into the open ocean together.
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@catgirlkimlip​ put many thots in my head
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viking-raider · 4 years
Scaredy Cat! *fluff*
Summary: You’ve been dating Henry for a short while, but things are serious. After being away filming Nomis, Henry’s impatient to see you again, and goes straight over to see you after landing, but he ends up having a problem with your roommate. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 1,546
Rating: G - Fluff, Ailurophobia (Fear of Cats), Cotton Candy Goodness, Scaredy Cat!Henry, Puppy!Henry, Childhood Trauma, Hurt/Comfort
Inspiration: This Anon ask (x) The Cat in this story is based off my cat, Midnight.
Author’s Note: Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans, @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @the-freak-cassie-131, @heelsamizayn, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog, @badassbaker, @mrsaugustwalker, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe, @severuined, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @bellastellaluna, @wondersofdreaming, @thisisntmyrightera, @michelle-1185, @winchwm, @royallylazy, @sofiebstar, @worldicreate, @agniavateira, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @witches-of-discovery-a, @xuxszx, @ayamenimthiriel, @keiva1000, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @itsreigns, @constip8merm8, @scorpionchild81, @mylifefallingupthestairs, @onlyhenrys, @luclittlepond, @ellixthea, @lebguardians, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier, @cherrybloomn, @p3nny4urth0ught5, @iloveyouyen, @hollydaisy23, @mcuimagination, @psychosupernatural, @sweetlybigdragonn, @whitewolfandthefox, @moviemonzy, @the-soot-sprite, @hell1129-blog, @trippedmetaldetector, @captaingothgirl1996, @dont8mind8me8eue, @peaky-marvel, @desperate-and-broken21​, @monstersnmoney​, @dancingwendigo​, @redhot-mystacism​, @thereisa8ella​, @black-ninja-blade​, @oddduckthatgirl​, @rosewinx​, @henrythickcavill​
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You let out an excited squeal at the knock at your flat door, knowing it was your new boyfriend, coming over to spend some quality time with you, after being gone filming Nomis, in Canada, for several weeks. “Henry.” You beamed, so super excited to see that scruffy face and those wild curls of his, that you bounced into his thick arms, melting into his warm body and burying your nose into his thermal sweater, taking in his amazing and masculine scent.
“I've missed you so much, y/n.” He whispered into your hair, easily picking you up.
The pair of you had met through mutual friends several months before, and really hit it off. You spent a lot of time either at his place or outings, like hiking or music concerts or restaurants. But, Henry was too impatient to see you, and came straight over to your place, after his plane landed, he'd only been inside your flat, once, and that was only for a second.
“I missed you too.” You replied, kissing him. “How was your flight?” You asked, as he set you back down on your feet and came inside, closing the door behind him.
“It was really good.” He smiled, toeing his shoes off. “It's even better to be back home,” he told you, taking a seat on the couch. “getting to see you.” He added, smirking, a wild glint in his blue-brown eyes, and making you blush.
“It's good to see you too, Puppy.” You chuckled, your cheeks warming up and turning bright pink. “Would you like some wine?” You asked, trying to pull yourself together again.
“I'd love some.” Henry nodded, licking his lips and watching you, knowing the effect he always had on you.
“Okay.” You giggled, turning on your bare heels and going into the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of white wine and two glasses. You had just gotten the cork out of the bottle, when you heard the most unmasculine sound, between a squeak of surprise and a yelp of terror. You put the cork down, “Henry?” You called out his name, padding back into the living room and finding him standing on your couch, one leg slung over the back of it, like he was ready to run and looking down at something sitting between the couch and coffee table, a look of pure terror and fear on his surprised face. The object of his fear? Your domestic short-hair, 4kg, tuxedo, cat, Midnight. “Are you okay?” You asked him, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent the amused grin making your lips twitch, and a giggle.
“You,” Henry gulped, eyes glued to the black and white cat. “have a cat.”
You blinked at him, something dawning on you. “Are you allergic to them?” You asked, worried that he would be, you felt dumb for not making sure first.
“No.” Henry replied, his tone short and eyes wide as Midnight moved, to lick his paw. “I was attacked by my Gram's cat, when I was a little kid, and I haven't liked them, since.” He explained, setting his foot down on the floor, at the back side of the couch, and swung his other leg over, putting the couch between him and Midnight.
“Oh.” You answered, still trying not to laugh, but the need to laugh at him melted away, watching a horrified flare in his face and eyes, and the way his massive body jerked, like he'd been hit, seeing Midnight jump up onto his vacated spot on the couch. It made your heart hurt and feel horrid, seeing this big, strong and gentle man, shrink in size, before you, because of the feline. “It's all right, Henry.” You told him, your voice soft and gentle, like you were trying to soothe and frightened child; in a sense you were, you were trying to pacify that little child in Henry, that had been hurt all those years ago. “He won't hurt you, he's a good kitty.” You promised him, using your body as a buffer between the gentle giant and the ferocious cat; you rested your hand on his wrist. “He probably just wanted to meet you, and get a belly rub.”
“Then, gnaw off my hand.” Henry huffed, eyeballing Midnight with a look of concern and accusation, of his implied maiming.
“No.” That you did chuckle at, squeezing his hand. “He's the cat version of Kal.” You laughed.
“Don't insult my dog, like that.” Henry said, looking down at you, clearly offended by the comparison.
You laughed again, shaking your head at him, this man with arms as thick as your body and towered over you, like a mountain. “Here, sit.” You tugged on his arm and pointed to the floor. “Trust me.” You said, softly, when he looked down at you, dubious.
“If he bites me, I'm biting you.” Henry commented, sitting down.
“Don't threaten me with a good time, Henry Cavill.” You giggled, sitting down between his long legs and made a hissing noise, getting Midnight's attention. You patted Henry's thick thighs as he jerked, hearing Midnight's inquisitive meows and as he jumped up on the back of the couch, perching there for a moment, before smoothly landing on his paws between your and Henry's legs. “Who's my good fur baby?” You cooed at Midnight, making him meow again and rub up against your legs and body.
You scratched Midnight's head, moving your fingers down his neck, over his arching back to scratch his butt. “See? Good Kitty.” You smiled back at Henry, still using your body as a sort of shield for Henry's nerves.
“Your kitty, that's why. He likes you.” Henry said, his hands gripping your hips and pulling you closer to him, trying to hide himself behind you, peeking at Midnight from around your head.
“That's a good point.” You nodded, crossing your legs, knowing Midnight would climb into your lap and lay down, which he did; purring, like a jet engine. “But, I know, something else about him, that you don't.”
“He's secretly on that top five, most wanted list, for cat related murders.” Henry deadpanned, his face blank with seriousness.
“No.” You laughed, shaking your head at him. “He's got nickname in my flat building, T.C, Totally Cool, because he's super chill.” You reached back, wrapping your hand around Henry's wrist and pried his hand off your hip, chuckling has his long fingers twisted in the waistband of your sweats. You untangled his fingers from the fabric and carefully rested his big hand on Midnight's back, feeling his arm strain and tense, twitching against your palm as his rested on Midnight's soft black fur. “See, he's only purring louder. That's a good thing, they only purr, when they're happy.” You smiled back at him, still seeing his very horrified face, but his eyes were slowly losing that life-long fear. “and, you still have your hand, too!” You chuckled, resting back against his chest as he, very, slowly pet Midnight.
“Yeah.” Henry smiled, relaxing and finding he liked your cat. “So, how long have you had him?” He asked, looking at you.
“He turned eleven, in January.” You told him, turning your head and kissing his scruffy jawline. “I got him from a shelter, when he was three.” You explained to him.
“That's a long time.” Henry remarked, smiling at you, then gasp, his body and hand jerking away. “What the fuck.” He snapped, looking at his hand, for a bite mark, and you giggled at him, patting his cheek and kissing the other one.
“He licked you, you silly Puppy.” You informed him, gently taking his licked hand in yours and rubbing your thumb over the teeny bit of saliva, on the top of his hand. “He likes you. He only licks the people he likes, and approves of.” You explained, patting Midnight on the head.
“Oh, so, he'd have bitten me, if he didn't like, and approve, of me?” Henry frowned, staring at his licked hand.
“No, Hen. He would have just ignored you.” You snorted, shaking your head at him. “But, he licked you, so, you passed the Midnight Test.”
“It felt so weird.” He replied, relaxing again. “Like, sand paper.”
“Cat tongues are rough, like that.” You told him, making a kissy face at your cat. “Their tongues are like, built-in, brushes, for when they clean themselves.” You elaborated, letting Midnight lick your hand, in example. “It doesn't hurt, it just feels really strange. Especially, if you're only use to licks from a doggo, like Kal.” You grinned, nuzzling Henry's neck.
“That's not so bad.” He smiled, resting his cheek against your hair, and holding his hand close to Midnight's face; which made you smile and get butterflies in your stomach, and let him lick the top of his hand, chuckling at the feel of it.
“So, you cool with cats now?” You asked, looking up at him.
“I'm cool with your cat.” Henry replied, scratching Midnight between the ears. “I'm still a scaredy cat with other ones.” He chuckled, kissing you on the lips.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude: Hey pals! Sorry for not posting, usual excuse of “I saw pictures of myself and got very depressed lolololol”  I have some spicy HC ideas for some of my requests, so I will be getting to those! Thank you for being so patient y’all, love u and if you have a doggo pet them for me.
Pairing: Kiribaku X Reader
Prompt:  I was watching “Mission Impossible: Fallout” and there’s that one fighting scene where Hunt and Walker are beating up that dude in the bathroom and inspiration STRUCK. Cause like oof, how hot would it be for the darling to be fighting against the two of them and they just tag-team beating you up??? Bruh. 
Warnings: Needles, mentions of an aphrodisiac. Fighting, blood, gunshot wounds. Mention of a headshot and brief sentence about what that might entail. Stalking. Alludes to NSFW but there is no actual smut.
Music: https://youtu.be/wyUaurKZEN4
Your mission was clear. Pick up the hard-drive from your contact, lay low for a few months until the Syndicate stopped looking for it, then transport it out of the country. 
The first step was easy - picking it up from your contact. Well, easy enough. Something had gone wrong, either someone had talked or the Syndicate was more watchful than you thought, and your contact had been killed right as he was handing over the drive. You had to flee, his blood and brain matter still dripping off your face. Whoever had shot him had gotten a bullet in you too, in your left shoulder. It had made moving excruciating, but you were built for running and hiding, hired for how good you were at sneaking yourself out of tough situations.
You had spent the next few weeks double-checking everything. You couldn’t afford any mistakes,  looking over your shoulder whenever you left the dingy safehouse-apartment to get groceries, paying for everything with cash to leave no digital trail.  You took a walk across town with the intent of chucking your phone in a dumpster, paranoid that somehow the syndicate had somehow tracked you, that you were responsible for the death of your contact. Every night your blinds were taped shut, your door locked and a chair placed under the handle. It was hard for you to relax, to sleep instead of watching the door, knife ready.
How you wished you had a gun, but you were barely more than a street rat. A woman had simply come up to you one day, promising you plentiful payment if you just followed a few simple, easy instructions. They would even supply a safehouse, and how you wished they would’ve also supplied a gun.
Gradually you allowed yourself to ease up, to sleep at night. There were more walks, you went out to eat, you even joined a local gym to keep yourself in shape while you waited out the next few months. Instead of ignoring your friendly neighbors, you allowed yourself to return their friendly greetings. By doing so, you learned that the pair of men living to your left went to the same gym. Sometimes you saw them there, familiar shocks of blonde and red hair catching your attention.
At first you had been suspicious, suddenly fearful that the two men were watching you, maybe they were part of the Syndicate? But you quickly brushed that aside, reasoning to yourself that too much time had passed since you grabbed the drive - plus, you had seen the pair kissing in the hallway right outside their door when you had come back from a walk the other day. They didn’t notice you until you were turning your key in the lock, and the noise made the blonde shove the redhead back, scowling and muttering as he did so. The redhead just chuckled and shrugged at you apologetically. If they were part of the Syndicate, they would have noticed your presence the moment you stepped off the elevator.
Plus, you had similar suspicions about a worker at the grocery store who always seemed to be working whenever you went, even though you tried to choose odd hours. And you were wary of the gym attendant, how he always seemed to be eyeing you whenever you were there. You had to be careful, had to watch everyone. Every time your shoulder twinged you were reminded that no matter how safe you seemed, you could always be wrong.
A knock at the door had you scrambling for the remote, pausing the show you were barely paying attention to. Another knock sounded as you dragged your body off the couch, tired and half-asleep. Whoever was knocking better have a good reason for bothering you, eyes finding the clock to confirm that it was as late as you thought.
Not bothering to check through the peep-hole, you swung open the door to find your two neighbors, the redhead’s fist raised to knock again.
“Oh, hey guys. Need something?”
The two men were both dressed in casual clothes - basketball shorts and t-shirts. They probably just wanted to ask if you could turn down your show or something, you hadn’t been paying attention to the volume.
The redhead lowered his hand, a sheepish smile coming across his face.
“Heyyyy, (Y/N), right? Do you have any uhm, oats?”
You blinked at him, then at his scowling partner.
The redhead nodded, before he realized how it must sound, and he rushed to explain. “It’s just! Bakugou here-“ he gestured to the blonde at his side, “He was making some cookies, and apparently we don’t have any oats. Could we maybe… borrow some?”
You laughed, before holding the door open, motioning for the pair to come in. “Yeah, no problem!” You shut the door after they stepped instead, then led them to the kitchen. “Honestly though, you don’t really seem like the baking type.”
You glanced at the blonde, only to find him already staring at you. Odd. He shook his head with a “tsk”.
“Yeah, well I am. Got a problem with that?”
You held up your hands innocently before reaching into a cupboard to find the container of oats. “No, of course not! It’s like in that movie with the rat, yanno? “Everyone can cook!””
Both men turned to look at you, and you mentally facepalmed. God, why were you so awkward? Sure, you were capable of stealing and hiding an important hard-drive, but you couldn’t hold a normal conversation with your two (attractive) neighbors. You tried to laugh it off, hoping the men weren’t writing you off as a socially-awkward loser. The blonde man, Bakugou, turned to scan your apartment, so you held the container of oats towards the redhead.
“Here…. There isn’t much left but you guys can have it.” The redhead smiled at you gratefully. “By the way, what’s your name? I’m assuming he’s Bakugou?”
You nodded at the blonde, who moved towards your living room. Was he going to go sit down? Maybe he was curious about what you were watching?
“Oh, I’m Kirishima! And yeah, he’s Bakugou. Thanks (Y/N).”
You don’t remember giving them your name, but it wouldn’t be that hard to figure out. Kirishima made no move to take the container from your hand, and you noticed him tensing up? You could see Bakugou from the corner of your eye, seemingly looking for something in your living room, inspecting the packed bookshelf by the couch. This seemed….. off.
“Hey uh, Kirishima?” You turned back to the redhead (who still hadn’t taken the oats, geez) “You didn’t both have to ask, I would’ve given either one of you the oats.”
“Oh! Yeah, Bakugou’s a little harsh and sometimes he needs help being civil so-“
A crash interrupted the redhead, and you whipped around, only to see all of your books on the ground, Bakugou shaking out the bookcase.
Before you could react, an arm wrapped around your waist, a hand coming into your vision, a long ziptie clenched in the fingers as they moved towards your hands. 
This wasn’t good.
You threw your head back, simultaneously kicking behind you, both movements making contact with Kirishima’s body, dislodging his hold on you. You turned as he let go, the container of oats flying out of your hand, straight into the man’s face. It burst open, contents flying everywhere as you used the distraction to throw a quick jab to Kirishima’s throat. He choked, stumbling backwards before you kicked him squarely in the stomach, sending him to the ground. 
You were still focused on him, advancing on his form as he tried to stagger up when a large hand gripped the side of your head. In a flurry of movement, you were pitching sideways, the hand forcing your head to bounce off your kitchen counter.
Fuck, you had forgotten about Bakugou.
A sharp, throbbing pain followed you as you collapsed to the ground, dark spots dancing in your vision. This wasn’t good. You were dazed, disoriented as Bakugou stepped over you, moving to check on his partner. You were proficient in hand-to-hand, but your skills were more suited in running and hiding, evading. There was no way you could take on two athletic men. 
You should’ve listened to your gut, followed the instinct that the two men were somehow bad news. Bakugou helped Kirishima to his feet, and you saw their lips moving. Your head ached. You struggled to get your feet underneath you, hands gripping the counter as you tried to haul yourself up. 
You had to run.
If they found the hard-drive, bad things would happen. You needed to run, to get away.
The two men turned towards you, Bakugou taking something out of his pocket, Kirishima rubbing at his throat. You weren’t even on your feet yet, still scrabbling against the counter for support when you saw what Bakugou had.
A syringe.
You collapsed onto the ground again, kicking your legs as you tried to drag yourself backwards, black dots still dancing around your vision. They were going to kill you.
Kirishima stepped behind you, an arm wrapping around your chest to pull you to a sitting position. You tried to push him off, bite his hand, anything, but you were too woozy.
Bakugou stepped over you, crouching down with syringe in hand. He flashed his teeth at you, eyebrows drawn as he leaned in. 
“No, no no no no-“
There was nothing you could do as he jabbed it in your neck.
Waking up was confusing. There was no pain, just a sense of calm as you groggily opened your eyes, consciousness returning to you.
The room you were in was relatively bare. Nothing surrounded you but grey walls, and the only furniture was the table you were chained to, and the chair you were seated on. 
You sat there, blinking down at the chain trapping you to the desk, slowly filtering through what you remembered last, trying to piece together where you were, what had happened. You didn’t like what you were able to recall.
Head buried between your hands, you wanted to hit something. You had failed at keeping the hard-drive safe, failed at your mission. You had slipped up, gotten too relaxed. Fuck.
You could only hope that you had hidden the drive well enough.
The door in the room slammed open, making you jump, chain rattling. Bakugou smirked at you from the doorway, before sauntering in, Kirishima following.  The two looked totally different, both in pressed suits, Kirishima’s red hair spiked up. They both had dark, satisfied looks on their faces. You wanted to punch them. There were apparently chairs on the other side of the table, the pair sitting down across from you, Bakugou crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’ll kill you.” 
Voice quiet, you could barely contain your rage. You wanted the both of them gone, wanted to hit until your knuckles were bloody, until their bodies stopped moving. And you weren’t even that type of agent. 
Bakugou snorted, before leaning forward. “Yeah? And how’d that go for you back in that shitty little apartment? You’re so fucking weak.”
You fumed, jaw clenching as you glared at the man. If you could, you would bite into his neck, tear out his jugular and make him bleed.  What he was saying was true, but you were willing to try and prove yourself. 
“Hey, lets all get along here.” Your focus snapped to Kirishima, who seemed… different. When you had seen him before, he was all smiles, goofy and floppy, like a big puppy. Now he was calm, held an air of dangerous confidence. Somehow he scared you more than his feral companion.  “(Y/N), you’re going to cooperate with us. If you don’t, we have methods that would be more than enjoyable for Bakugou and I, but you would find far less than pleasant. Now-“
“I’m not telling you anything.” You snapped, causing Kirishima to raise an eyebrow.
“I don’t need you to tell us anything. We already found the hard-drive. Where was it, Bakugou? In the bathroom, right?”
Your blood ran cold.
“It was in the fucking floor. Under the tile and packed into a brick. A goddamn hollowed-out brick.”  Bakugou clarified, confirming your fears.
They had found it.
“H-How??” You spluttered, face turning red. You almost felt like crying. You had failed, horribly.
“It’s not that hard to figure out where tile’s been replaced, (Y/N). Pro tip; never become a home renovator.” 
Kirishima chuckled at his jab, watching your face twist further. You could tell they were enjoying this. If they already had the hard drive, what were you still doing alive? 
“What do you want then? I don’t have anything other than that drive. You want information? I don’t even know who hired me to safeguard it. You’re out of luck, you stupid fucks.”
Bakugou leaned forward suddenly, slamming his hands down on the table and making you flinch back.
“Do you even know how fucking /worthless/ you are to the Syndicate? They could get more use out of a flat tire than they could get out of you. Sure, you’re good at hiding and running and all that shit, but obviously not that good. Kiri and I found you a week after you got the drive.”
Oh god. You wanted to cry. Bakugou noticed, a sick smile spreading across his face.
“Yeah, you were a fuckin’ mess. Found you cause you got shot, left a bunch of blood at the scene. Then we get word of some idiot running through town flickin’ blood everywhere. Wasn’t that hard to put two-and-two together. I bet you’re a goddamn newbie, aren’t you?” 
You glared at him. How could he tell? You were just trying to make money, this your first ‘real’ job after spending almost your entire life living on the streets. Kirishima nudged Bakugou as you started sniffing, trying your hardest not to cry in front of the two men.
“What Bakugou’s trying to say, is that the Syndicate doesn’t need anything from you. Bakugou and I however, do. You could say we got sort of…. attached, after watching you for so long.”
“I’m surprised you never even noticed that we bugged your shitty apartment. Seriously, how did you miss all the fucking cameras? Not that I’m complaining; just cements the fact that you’re so fuckin’ inexperienced.”
You were desperately trying to rationalize this to yourself, eyes darting back and forth between the two men. You were ready for them to yell “surprise!!” And bring out the torture tools. They couldn’t be serious. They had been watching you? They had you on camera??  Kirishima cleared his throat, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“We were gonna wait until you pulled the drive out of it’s hiding place. You never did, the higher-ups got antsy and ordered us to move. That’s why we came looking for it the other night….. sorry about that.”
“Wish we would’ve gotten more time on the cameras.” Bakugou scoffed quietly, looking up as you trembled under the onslaught of information. “You put on quite a few shows, fucking enjoyed those.”
Would it be possible for you to somehow disappear? Yes, you had masturbated a few times, but you were a young, healthy individual, with needs! As far as you had known, you were in the safety of your apartment, away from prying eyes. You didn’t know you were being watched!!
You blushed in embarrassment, beginning to shake harder. You didn’t like where this was going, what the two men seemed to be implying. Kirishima laid a syringe on the table, letting it clack gently against the metal as he met your eyes.
“(Y/N), you can either do what we say, or I’ll have to inject you with this. I want you to-“
“What’s in there?” You nodded towards the syringe, noting Kirishima’s big, meaty hands wrapped around it, ready to rush over the table and shove it in your neck.
Bakugou barked out a laugh before Kirishima could respond, leveling you with a dark look. “It’s an aphrodisiac. It’ll turn you into a little horny mess, and the only hard part of getting you home will be making sure you don’t try to jump Kiri or I before we can get you in the car.” He sniggered, much to your horror.
Kirishima sighed, even though you could tell he wanted that to happen. His fingers were tapping against the syringe impatiently, his body shifting subtly; he almost looked like he was holding back from jumping you himself. You gulped. You felt so cold, goosebumps rising along your flesh as you shivered. Was it because the room was cold, or because of fear? You couldn’t tell. Kiri stood up, producing a key from his pocket as he stepped towards you. He leaned down to unlock the chain strapping your hands to the table, before straightening, looking down at you threateningly.
“You be nice and good while we walk you out, otherwise Bakugou and I get to have our fun right here in the halls, where everyone can see.”
You felt trapped. There was nothing for you to do but nod.
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
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For me
fandom: yuri on ice!!!
pairing: viktor x yuuri
word count: 6.4k
genres: established relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff
description: our favourite couple for the first time since s1 makes it both to the tournament, both as ice skaters this time. yuuri is sent to rostelekom cup, whereas viktor was selected to skate on the china cup. how will they sort out their separation and what will happen on the grand prix? will they finally debut as lovers-opponents on ice?
“What?!” Yuri exclaimed, his eyes flushing open even more violently than they were before, his gaze shooting from Viktor and back at the tv in the living room.
“Well, you heard it, I got selected to participate in China Cup and you in Rostelekom Cup, Yuuri,” his husband shrugged with a light smile, leaning in for another kiss as they were laying both on the sofa, cuddling under the same blanket.
“Nononono, how can you be so calm about this?!” Yuuri pulled away from him, intensely continuing in watching ice-skating news.
“We still have Grand Prix to attend together, I doubt either of us won’t make it there, dumpling,” he mused, at least brushing his lover’s cheek with his fingers.
“Are you going away from each other for at least a week then?!” yelled Yuuri’s ballet teacher from the armchair behind them, quickly hopping to their side.
“I don’t know! Apparently!” yelped dark haired guy, now being violently shaken by Minako.
If you didn’t know, currently the worldwide famous couple Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov were on a short holiday from all the training and skating, residing at Katsuki family house, just enjoying their time together.
Because both of them were often abroad, they left Makkachin here, since Yuuri’s family takes an excellent care of him and a happy doggo has a lot of space to run around the place.
So now he was loved by these two over the moon, being kissed and patted all the time.
Ever since they returned they were always surrounded by Katsuki family, the only time when they were truly alone was when they got out of the house and went for a walk in nature or at night in their shared room.
It might seem like a lot, but they were doing just fine, everything was perfect.
Viktor was talking about “debuting” together both as ice-skaters at the tournament for the first time and Yuuri got fired up by the idea as well.
They foolishly believed that they would be able to do it even before Grand Prix.
But destiny has its own way and now they’ll have to wait.
So that’s why the younger man was so emotional about the news, while Viktor was just sure that their “debut” together will happen a bit later than they anticipated.
He was calm, when Yuuri was worried, he was angry when his partner was reassuring. They were really the perfect couple.
Soon enough it was time to part as they arrived at the airport.
“Babe, why did you go with me this early?” Viktor smiled tenderly at his partner, placing a light peck on his cheek, “Are you forgetting that I’m the one who’s accustomed to flights and not you?” he kept smiling sweetly, looking at his husband, eyes filled with love and affection.
Yuuri was hardly listening to any of the things that were being said to him, his eyelids basically glued together, blue-ish bags under them - clearly all this rolling around in bed wasn’t because he was dreaming about something, he simply wasn’t sleeping.
Viktor’s flight was at 4am, yet he looked like he was just freshly out of the spa salon, hair on fleek, light make-up made, outfit styled.
Yuuri’s flight was, on the contrary, at 9am, so he could easily still be sleeping in their cosy bed, but he really wanted to be with his love as long as he could.
“You’re adorable,” Nikiforov said, chuckling to himself and then hugged him tightly, only then letting his guard down and actually biting his lower lip, eyes filling with sadness, “I’m going to miss you, Yuuri,” he sighed near his ear.
The man in his arms got a bit more wide awake by that, clutching his coat and trying to get closer to him, even though their bodies were already pressed firmly together.
“Viktor.. best of luck. I love you so much,” he said quietly, breathing his familiar scent while being snuggled in the crook of his neck, eyes closed.
“I love you too, baby,” he answered and pulled away, encouraging smile already plastered on his face.
He wants to give all the strength to his husband so he doesn’t have to worry about him.
“You need to go already, come on..” Yuuri nodded at him, shooing him away, trying to fight tears.
It’s just a week, come on!.. he thought to himself, wobbly smile threatening to fall any second.
“Okay, okay. See you very soon,” he leaned in for the quick kiss and then pulled away, dragging his silver coloured luggage by the handle, waving and sending air-kisses, not letting their eye-contact fall until the very end.
Yuuri felt tears rolling down his cheeks and he let himself have this little cry in the middle of the airport at 4am, after a while just waddling towards the closest chair and collapsing there, falling asleep.
Both of the parties made it safely to their destinations, settling into hotels and making themselves comfortable.
As soon as Viktor was free, Yuuri felt his phone ring and immediately jumped to it from his bed, hitting answer with a camera.
“My love, how did Saint Petersburg welcome you?” Viktor asked excitedly, for some reason with a glass of champagne in his skinny hands.
The man on the other end was instantly reminded of the memory of numerous insisting taxi drivers offering him a ride to wherever he needed for a cheap price, then some older women bickering in the public transport, but most importantly one little girl that recognised him as a “famous ice skater who married our Vitya Nikiforov” and wanted to take a picture with him. To which he obliged happily, even though he was tired from the road.
“Wonderfully,” he answered with a warm smile, looking at his phone screen, wishing the man he’s seeing was right next to him right now.
“Amazing to hear that,” he sipped on the bubbly liquid and smiled, even though his eyes were clearly indicating how much he’s battling sadness.
“Viktor?..” Yuuri started, kinda nervous. He wasn’t the confrontational type, really.
But he felt like his other half was trying to put on a brave face just so he doesn’t have to worry, but Katsuki did feel all his sadness even miles away.
At that, Viktor’s blue eyes shifted to look at him directly.
“Look.. I’m sad that we can’t be together right now, especially during the tournament time,” Japanese said, rubbing his hands in front of himself, “but I feel like you’re trying to act that it doesn’t bother you that much, maybe.. for me not to worry about you?”
Nikiforov’s thin brows knitted together, glass being slowly put aside.
“But you don’t have to do that. We can be.. I don’t know, sad together? I still see your longing in the eyes, you can’t really hide that,” he concluded softly, smiling almost apologetically, that he had to make this into such a big deal.
It looked as if some weight was literally lifted from Viktor’s shoulders, as he just plumped himself onto the couch he’s been sitting on, phone firmly in hand, placed above his face.
Suddenly his brows started to go up and Yuuri saw first tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I just miss you,” he said quietly, wiping them off with the free hand.
“I miss you too,” Yuuri said, his own eyes watering as he laughed a bit at how ridiculous they were being.
It was less than a day without each other.
“You know what, Yuuri Katsuki,” said Viktor, laughing already as well, but not being able to stop crying just yet, “being in a relationship with you is the most wild thing that ever happened to me,” he finished, shaking his head with a wide smile on his face.
“I know right?” his partner answered, filling the audio with laughter.
When Yuuri’s phone rang, the whole room was still dark, the sun didn’t even think of getting up, so why the hell should he?..
It kept ringing, sending a lovely melody through the space.
Caller was a stubborn one, that’s for sure. And ice-skater was almost entirely sure of who that might be.
“Good morning, my not so early bird!” literally sang into the device Viktor, mood thousand times better than what Yuuri was experiencing in the current moment.
“Not so early?.. Did you forget about the timezones, because here it’s 6am!” Katsuki sighed in disbelief, making himself sit on the bed, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Oh.. that’s true! I completely forgot,” Viktor laughed, which made Yuuri involuntarily melt into the warm smile, despite his half-awake state.
“I was just wondering, Yuurochka, do you want me to guide you through St. Petersburg? Because our choreographies are well learned and I believe you can sometimes go into that lovely city!” Viktor smiled at the camera, blue eyes flicking from one side to another.
What was he looking at?..
“Uhh.. yeah, sure! Sad that we can’t be here together, but even through the phone it’ll be nice, I think,” Yuuri smiled sleepily, putting his phone on the stand on the bedside table and opened his luggage where he packed just some clothes, charger, earphones, costumes for the performance and figure skates.
They often did this with his husband, just video call together and each of them doing their own thing, kind of a simulation of their normal life when they’re next to each other in flesh.
“Darling?” black haired boy looked up at the camera, in hands with his picked outfit for the day - grey sweater and dark denim jeans.
When Viktor saw that he has his lover’s attention, he smiled sweetly, “I noticed you have two zits on your face, so apply some cream on it, will you?”
Yuuri blinked a few times comically and then yelped, running to the bathroom to see for himself. And he was right.
No, wait. He wasn’t.
Japanese skater had three zits, it’s just that Viktor probably couldn’t see the other one due to the camera quality.
“Thank god,” Katsuki sighed and then returned in front of his phone.
“I will,” he said and started doing it right away, pushing out some white cream out of the tube that his husband specifically bought him. Probably something expensive, as most things from him were.
Then he didn’t really give this any thought, but he started undressing right in front of his phone as well, putting glasses aside, stripping off the white tee and then pulling over his head some black shirt and then grey sweater.
Once he was also done with the bottom half of his body he heard a whistle from the other end of the line.
His hazel eyes immediately shot up to the screen where Viktor was watching him intensely, smug grin on his face.
“I was glad to witness your dressing up session, babe, such a shame I can’t be next to you right now,” he sighed theatrically loudly, putting slender hand to his forehead, making it seem as if he’s fainting from the longing.
Yuuri, on the other hand, was more and more turning violent crimson, mumbling something indecipherable and putting on his glasses, taking the phone in his hand so now ice skater Nikiforov could only see his husband’s flustered face.
“Shut up, Viktor, let’s head out,” he said, furrowing and making the man on the other end laugh heartily.
Then it was time for the handsome man with platinum hair to be surprised and blink comically.
“Uh... head out?” he asked, not really getting it.
“Well, it’s not gonna be fair if I’m the only one who’s going out to see your city when you’re sitting comfortably inside, is it?” now Yuuri was the owner of the mischievous smirk, looking at his partner with pleased face expression.
“Ah, you’re so smart sometimes, baby,” Viktor teased and then went to change his clothes as well, but as it turned out he didn’t have any clothes under his robe, so Yuuri had to quickly avert his gaze to prevent any undesired “excitement”.
After all, Viktor’s body was always such a treat, even thousand miles away.
“Aw, you weren’t looking?” said Russian in a pouty manner, when he turned back to face the camera.
“W-what?! Of course not, let’s go,” Yuuri mumbled, putting a scarf a bit higher to cover even bigger portion of his face.
He didn’t really experience winter in Russia yet, but he was prepared.
When Katsuki was out and about St. Petersburg’s streets, Viktor had absolutely no problem guiding him through all of the corners that he knew and that normal tourists don’t get to see, all of that while he himself was striding through completely unfamiliar Chinese neighbourhood, every once in a while being called by fans and had to stop to take a picture and give autographs.
Nobody noticed Yuuri outside, maybe it was because he wasn’t that popular yet, despite being Viktor’s husband, but most probably it was because his face was a literal mess.
His brownish scarf was covering half the face and his glasses were foggy most of the time because he kept breathing into the cloth and thus all the air was brought back onto the surface of his lenses.
Viktor made Yuuri go all the way to his most memorable café of all times and he also recommended him to order his favourite dessert there, leaving the beverage choice up to him.
Younger man of course trusted Viktor’s tastebuds and got himself a relatively small cupcake, decorated astonishingly with cream in form of leaves and a rose on top of that.
He bit right into it, tasting all the magical flavour of the dessert, making Viktor melt into a warm smile while watching him munch on it.
Nikiforov himself had to go into some Chinese café as well, to make it seem as a date, as if they’re really together. And it kinda worked, he was full of love for his partner, rarely thinking about how much he’d want to see him in real life instead of the phone screen.
As the days went on, both of them spend a lot of time training, sometimes even on the call when practicing, looking at each other’s progress and cheering one another.
Every once in a while their schedules met and they could go on a “virtual date” of sorts, Yuuri being navigated by his lover’s voice through the streets of St. Petersburg and Viktor finding himself some spot in the Chinese corners as well.
And on one of those walks Viktor led his husband to one of the prettiest parks, covered in snow, making Yuuri speechless from the beauty all around him.
“Hey, you!” he suddenly heard a voice that wasn’t coming from the phone, but rather somewhere behind him.
Japanese skater turned around and his eyes widened in light surprise as he saw a familiar figure in front of him.
“Baby? What’s up?” said Viktor from the device, being able to see now only Yuuri’s lower part of the face, because he put his phone instinctively closer to his body.
“Why aren’t you training, huh?” said younger lad, blonde hair covering half of his face.
There wasn’t a usual scowl planted on his features, rather just an arched brow in the question.
“I’m just.. taking a break! That’s healthy too,” Yuuri answered, smiling at his friend.
Ever since Nikiforov and Katsuki got officially married, Yurio lay off of his aggressive behaviour towards the latter one, accepting him as a part of his close friends circle now.
It was a nice change and Yuuri finally got the opportunity to get to know the teenager better, talking to him without bickering.
“Yurioooo, I can hear you all the way from China!” suddenly a loud statement was heard in a singing manner from the phone that Yuuri was holding near to his stomach and then he flipped the device in his hands so that both of the Russians could see each other through the camera.
Viktor was waving at his younger friend enthusiastically, apparently walking through some Chinese park as well.
“Yo,” blondie said, way less enthusiastically, just nodding into his direction, “kinda sucks that we didn’t meet on Rostelekom cup,” he added, adjusting his scarf so it’s less in his face.
Harsh Russian climate will make even Plisetsky wear something warm, huh.
“It’s okay, we’ll meet on the Grand Prix~” Viktor answered, not even for a second doubting any of their victories.
“That’s true,” Yurio smirked.
“Well, since you two met like this, why don’t you guys go and have lunch together? Would be a nice bonding time,” Nikiforov mused, his smile wide and pleased.
Yuuri was ready to start protesting, since he knew that the guy standing in front of him wasn’t a fan of companies, when his companion surprised him.
“Yeah, why not,” Yurio shrugged and then turned around, probably ready to guide him towards some restaurant.
“How splendid!” Viktor clapped his hands and when Yuuri finally turned the cellphone back to his face, he looked at his husband, “Have fun with Yurio, alright?” then he sent an air kiss to the camera and their hours-long call ended.
The week of the tournament was already at close, bringing the day of performances to light.
Both Yuuri and Yurio landed all their jumps, flips and quads, gaining best results, younger skater getting a bit more points for the artistic lifts of his hands, making the choreography difficulty higher.
Katsuki was trying to dial Viktor’s phone right away but the number was unavailable, so he sat in front of the tv in the changing rooms, watching intensely to see the results of the China Cup.
“And we can see here the winners,” said moderator’s enthusiastic voice as the camera zoomed in on the pedestal with three people standing on it, Viktor with a smile waving from the highest level, then taking his gold medal in hand, kissing it.
Yuuri melted into the warm smile, his eyes filling with tears.
Of course they’ll meet on Grand Prix. Of course. It’s Viktor Nikiforov we’re talking about, after all.
“Viktor Nikiforov standing proudly with a golden medal,” was the only thing Japanese skater registered from the tv before his phone rang.
“Darling,” he heard his lover’s voice, full of contentment, “I will see you on the Grand Prix, right?”
“Of course, Viktor..” he answered, smiling almost shyly, getting up from the bench and only then realising that he can still see him on the screen, “wait! how are you talking to me when—“
“You see me on the tv? Magic, my sticky bun, it’s not live, if you noticed,” Yuuri’s eyes immediately drifted to the corner of the screen, which indeed said ‘prerecorded’, “the ceremony was held like an hour ago and after that I was literally bombarded with interviews of all kinds. As soon as I got the chance I called you,” he concluded, Katsuki could practically feel his husband smiling into the device on the other end, all the way in China, “What’s your score, baby?” he asked in the end.
“I.. you’ll see it soon, we’re going for the broadcast in about ten minutes,” he said nervously, clutching the phone closer to his ear.
“Hey..” almost whispered Viktor gently, “even if it’s not gold, I’m so proud of you,” he then hung up, leaving Yuuri shaking from the tears he was trying to surpass.
I love you so much, Viktor... I want to show you so much more of what I can do...
And with these thoughts he wiped his watering eyes, making his way towards the ice ring, to the pedestal where he stood next to Yurio, on the second level, receiving a silver medal.
Next reunion of the loving husbands set place in Vancouver, Canada.
They welcomed each other with a warm hug and passionate embrace, Yuuri rushing towards Viktor from his flight that was slightly delayed, so the older one had to wait for him way longer than they first anticipated.
“I really missed you,” said Nikiforov, gently kissing the golden ring on his partner’s finger, making his other half blush.
“I m-missed you too,” he whispered back, kind of anxiously looking at the front seat of a car they were riding in, at a taxi driver who was just minding his own business.
The younger man still had quite a hard time in expressing their romantic affection in public, feeling almost ashamed for some reason and Viktor had countless talks with him about it, assuring him that everything is okay and that in comparison to him, Katsuki family supports him.
But he never got angry at him because of it and just didn’t push any actions further once he noticed that Yuuri was nervous in public again for any reason.
“Hey, babe, it’s okay,” Viktor just gently took his hand in his, squeezing reassuringly in a silent ‘i love you’ in his ocean eyes that Yuuri knew so well.
He replied with a wide grin, feeling the warmth of their connected palms.
The whole world seems complete when they’re together.
And in a few days the miracle couple started relentlessly training on the ice ring, alongside their friends and rivals like Yurio, JJ, Otabek, Chris and many others.
It was filled with a lot of different emotions, frustrations and happy moments, all mashing together in a big pile.
“Are you sure you want to do this flip?” said Viktor, gracefully doing a round slide on the ice, leaning towards the left side, making it look like what he was doing didn’t acquire any effort.
When these two were practising, all eyes were on Nikiforov. He was just brilliant on trainings and very rarely fell or did some kind of mistake, even in the absolutely new choreographies.
“Yes, I really do,” Yuuri confirmed, his gaze not shifting from his partner’s blue eyes, his own hazel ones filled with determination.
“Alright,” Viktor stopped practicing his own routine and skated closer towards his lover, once again showing him all the moves required for the action he wanted to try.
“Okay, I got it,” said Katsuki and then did the steps just like Viktor, after a moment spinning in the air like nobody dared before and when the landing came, he didn’t count with the speed and fell hard on the ice, feeling an instant crack somewhere in the leg.
“Yuuri!” Nikiforov slid towards him immediately, helping him to get up, but his husband only yelped in pain, “I told you it was too difficult for you yet!”
His tone was stern and soaked with worry as he helped him get up, Yuuri hissing in discomfort and putting his hand around Viktor’s shoulder, being dragged out of the ring.
One week later was the Grand Prix that they all trained so hard for.
Every corner was buzzing in the training wing. Figure skaters were talking together, some were watching tv that showed the judges that were discussing the whole event, having usual speeches, some people were listening to music and doing their regular stretches on the yoga mats, coaches were trying to hype their skaters as much as they could... It was lively.
It was everything that Viktor loved so dearly, his heart was beating for this atmosphere. He knew every participant and everyone in turn was awaiting his show. Everything was perfect.
Except next to him sat silent Yurio, angrily drinking from the water bottle, lion shirt on top of his beautiful costume.
“Don’t be so fucking sad,” he growled at him, finishing his drink and putting it on the floor with force, his green eyes piercing at the tv in front of them.
“Whatever,” Viktor answered quietly, standing up and slowly making his way towards the available yoga mat, stretching his muscles. His whole body hurt, he didn’t sleep well last night.
Of course, sleeping without Yuuri by his side was a new thing to get used to. Even Makkachin was all the way in Japan, not being able to keep him company.
It wasn’t unusual for Viktor that his emotional state went to the pits of hell, it was quite normal for him to experience burnout since he was present on the ice skating stage ever since he was 14 - just like Plisetsky, by the way, no wonder he’s so angry all the time - and the thing that kept him going was that burning passion for skating no matter what.
But ever since he took that break for one season to train Yuuri, his main motivation has become his partner, funnily enough. Even now, when they were supposed to be opponents, he still found himself demotivated by the fact that he is not participating due to suffering an injury and is now currently in the hospital.
“This was supposed to be our debut as opponents and lovers!” he clutched his fist and hit the wall, making everyone stare at him, room getting silent.
“What are you looking at?!” yelled Yurio at everyone, putting the attention on himself, stripping from the lion shirt, revealing his breathtaking costume for the show, “You all better look at me now, I’m going to skate first,” he said, making his way towards the ice.
Viktor mentally thanked his younger friend for drawing the attention away from him as he lost his control for a second, now retrieving to the staircase of the building, not wanting to be seen like this.
When you’re in love you really take all the good and the bad from the attachment to the person.
Katsuki just finished watching Yurio’s routine from the tv that was by request put into his hospital room where he was alone. Viktor paid for the more expensive service even though Yuuri said that it wouldn’t really matter to him where he was spending time if it’s not with him on the ice.
He felt incredibly sad, guilty and angry at himself for trying that reckless jump on the training, resulting in him injuring his left leg.
It wasn’t actually anything serious, but he needed to rest the muscle. So that meant no Grand Prix. No skating with Viktor for the first time.
He could only imagine what his husband was feeling. Trainings always got more intense right before the competition so the last time when they heard each other was about a week ago when he shortly called to simply ask about his well-being.
Just as he thought about it, though, his phone rang and Yuuri visibly flinched, not being used to receiving any calls lately.
He didn’t even look at the caller ID, automatically going with, “Viktor?!”
“You dumbass, it’s Yurio,” the agitated voice on the other end said, clearly still partially out of breath from the show that he just skated.
It was incredible.
“Oh!” he blinked a few times and then regained his composure, quickly saying, “I just saw your routine, it was amazing! Good job!”
“Yeah-yeah, whatever,” he said, gritting his teeth, continuing, “I’m calling because of Viktor. He’s.. in bad shape,” his voice grew quieter, “so you better cheer him the fuck up. Understood? I don’t know how, but do it quickly,” he was speaking seriously, probably clutching the phone in his hand with all his strength.
Then, before the Japanese had any time to reply, he hung up, leaving Yuuri to listen to the beeping on the other end.
Bad shape?..
His thoughts, everything in his mind speeding up and racing back and forth.
I need to fix that!..
During his time while he was in a relationship with Viktor, Yuuri has learned a lot of things. One of the more fundamental ones were.. being creative.
Sometimes they would have fights and he had to come up with a way to surprise him to both make him speechless and want to talk to him again, not being angry anymore.
So he really did master this skill of being creative and now he’s going to put this to use.
A plan came up to his mind almost immediately and he instantly pushed a red button for calling the nurse into the room.
A few skaters already had their go, Viktor was supposed to show himself right in the middle of the tournament but he felt like in this state he won’t reach even his usual score.
Is this it? Has love ruined Viktor Nikiforov’s incredible talent and years of grind with hard work?..
His eyes were wide open as he was watching young Otabek finishing up his routine flawlessly, getting a second place right after Yurio, who was currently sitting on the top.
He felt how someone patted him on the shoulder and looked behind himself, spotting Chris with a warm smile, extending a hand towards his friend with a phone.
“It’s your husband, Viktor,” he winked at him flirtatiously and Russian took it hesitantly, all thoughts mixed up together.
“Viktor!! I couldn’t reach you on your phone, so please turn on the tv on the channel two right now!” he almost yelled in the device, making his partner furrow his brows together.
“What?..” Nikiforov said, confusion written all over his expression.
“Please, I’m so sorry that I ended up with an injury but it should’ve never affected you, любимый*!” at the last Russian word Viktor just bit his lower lip, tears threatening to fall down his face.
“Don’t hang up, Yuuri, whatever you came up with, I want to be with you at least like this,” said the older man, putting Chris’ phone closer to his ear, as if shortening the distance between the two of them.
As the reply he just heard a hum in affirmation from his husband.
He quickly took the remote of the tv and changed the station from the official tournament broadcast, making the majority of the people in the room questioningly turntheir head towards the genius skater again, but he didn’t care.
On the tv he saw Yuuri in normal clothes, not a hospital robe, standing behind some white wall, clearly nervous and with a microphone in his hand.
Once Viktor saw this, he couldn’t control his emotions and just ran around the whole wing, turning every single screen to show channel two, now Yuuri looking at him from every corner.
“At first I would like to apologise for disturbing your preparations for the tournament, competitors, but as you all know I badly landed one of the jumps at practise and ended up with a moderate injury, resulting in me being unable to participate,” he took a deep breath before continuing, still looking somewhere at his feet, “and I suspect that Viktor Nikiforov, who once used to be my coach and who is now another one of my opponents in the competition.. I think he’s not doing well, because we promised each other that we would skate together on the Grand Prix no matter what,” he now lifted his hazel eyes, wobbly smile on his face, “Who knew, huh? Well.. I am here to lift your spirits, Viktor. Even if I’m not there,” he smiled broadly, cheeks heating up, becoming slightly pink.
Japanese cleared his throat and proceeded.
“Whatever I wouldn’t do, my life is always bringing me back. Back to you,” his eyes were now filled with determination and love, “Before I met you, I didn’t know what love was, I didn’t know what it meant when you couldn’t breathe in your normal tempo without the other person anymore. I didn’t know that this could ever mean so much to anyone,” he slowly lifted his engagement ring on his finger, fighting the stinging sensation in his eyes, “before you, I was just a lost boy, lost person, lost life. You made me find myself professionally and as a person. You made me whole. I know, I don’t say there things often and especially in public when we see each other, so hearing it like this is probably even more frustrating to you, but.. I want you to win. Don’t you let my absence discourage you,” he furrowed his brows together, not stopping “You were so open about me and your feelings, I think it’s time for me to finally pay you back. Viktor, you once captured my heart and it stays perfectly still in your hands, forever,” Yuuri put his hand with the golden ring on his chest, on his beating heart,
“Please, win. For me.”
The broadcast ended after this, everyone turning the screen back to the original channel as Viktor stayed in place, wide-eyed.
“Viktor?..” he heard Yuuri close to his ear now, gently bringing him back to reality.
He sighed deeply, a smile slowly appearing on his face, “Babe... Watch me,” he said, voice full of so well known hazard for skating the routine well.
From all his excitement he didn’t even notice all the commotion on the other end of Yuuri’s side as they exchanged a few more phrases and then hung up.
“That was a long ass call,” said with a pleased grin Chris as he got his phone back, “You guys are my favourite couple. I hate to encourage my opponent, but go get that win, Viktor!” he yelled at Nikiforov’s back already, as the Russian skater made his way towards the ring, ready to capture gold.
Metro at this hour was full with people and Yuuri did his best to spectate Viktor’s performance on live tv and to watch where he’s going.
Despite the recommendations of doctors at the hospital he said he needs to be there with him, so he was now rushing towards the skating ring, his stamina now being able to withstand longer distances, ever since he started training with his partner.
He’d have to push through the endless crowds of people, someone recognising him and immediately wanting an autograph or to talk, sometimes his leg would send a pang if pain right through his whole body, making him grunt on his journey.
But he was determined. Yuuri wanted to see his husband on ice as he’s winning a medal. Because he just knew, Viktor is winning one. There was not a single doubt about it in his heart that beat so much faster and more passionate for this particular Russian skater.
Finally, when he made it to the arena, he sprinted through the training area, making multiple coaches and participants look up at him in awe, fully realising what the fool came to do.
He was here for Viktor only, and everyone knew that. Their love towards each other was unstoppable.
As the skinny, incredibly beautiful and elegant skater gathered up strength and lifted his body off the ground like a feather in his signature flip, the whole world was watching. Everyone caught their breath, not daring to move, awaiting the landing and therefore the result.
Not a lot of people knew this, but the only thing that Viktor was thinking about at that moment was his husband, Yuuri. How he clutched his hand to his chest, where the heart is, golden ring shining into the camera.
So much emotion and genuine agitation over the fact that they can’t yet make their debut as partners on ice... all mixed up in a beautiful whirl of tears slowly falling down Yuuri’s face, and when Nikiforov landed, he did it perfectly.
The execution of his last move in the astonishingly difficult choreography was nailed perfectly, without a single error, his body bending in a curve for the last burst of the ending posture, before the music stopped.
When the top skater let himself breathe again, his cheeks and nose was red, throat and nostrils almost not catching up to the speed of his breathing.
“Viktor!!” suddenly he heard the desired voice so clear as if they were the only ones present for miles and whipped his head towards the source, ocean eyes wide, threatening to start getting filled with tears.
“Yuuri!” he yelled right back at him, forgetting all the gifts on ice behind him, with an incredible speed closing in to his husband.
And when their bodies touched in the sudden hug, chests tightly pressing to each other, Viktor let himself lose it. He started sobbing, clutching the back of his partner’s coat, trying to get even closer than they already were.
“You... how did you make it here?” the pair pulled away from each other only to look into their faces, eyes meeting and creating an entirely different reality between them, it seemed like.
“I’m so proud of you, Vitya.. Я люблю тебя,**” he said with a blush on his cheeks and a terrible accent, but the Russian skater’s eyes just watered even more at that, him jumping into his arms once again.
“Господи, а я тебя как люблю! Напугал меня со своим ушибом, а сам знаешь-ли пришёл всё-таки на муженька посмотреть!***” the word vomit from his husband in foreign language made absolutely no sense to Yuuri as he just confusedly nodded, caught off guard.
“Baby, I’m so glad you’re here..” Viktor finally said in the language that he could understand, with far less volume than everything that’s been said before.
“I just needed to see you live, not on the screen..” murmured Yuuri into his shoulder, “Doctors were against it, but.. here I am,” he laughed nervously, just snuggling in closer into the cloth with his nose.
“But I think if I remain resting at home and I’ll have someone taking care of me, then I wouldn’t need to stay at the hospital during the recovery,” he continued, pulling away to just smile at Viktor.
“Of course, jesus. You’re not staying there but since I’m pretty sure I just won another Grand Prix in my career, we can go anywhere to relax together for a bit,” he answered, getting quieter towards the end of his sentence, his fingers instinctively reaching up for Yuuri’s lower lip and opening his mouth a little, squeezing on the skin.
“Only you and me, honey.. You have to pay me off for not showing up to the competition, “ suddenly Yuuri felt a hand on his back, firm on his ass.
He started blushing, nervously chuckling and just nodding, accepting defeat. After all, he wouldn’t really mind anything that Viktor has probably planned for them to do.
And just like this, Viktor Nikiforov skated back to the ring, towards the pedestal with the winners, stepping onto the first place, soon enough already pressing his lips gently to the gold metal, then meeting brown eyes of his husband, looking at him with his azurites full of love.
*my love
**i love you
***jesus, and how much do i love you! you made me worry with your injury, but of course you came to see your lovely husband perform, right?
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jadewritings · 4 years
Rocky Road
Pairing: Sam and Dean Winchester x reader (ish)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Angst, blood, injuries, language
Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoy this one shot loool we love protective doggos
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The night was quiet, save for the crickets hiding about the grass and trees. People lay sound in their beds, maybe dreaming of things that make them happy. Everything seemed to right with the world. But not everyone believed that, not everyone had seen what you’d seen, what you’d fought.
You knew what waited in the shadows, waiting for that perfect moment to snatch their prey. And you couldn’t stand by and not help. Your parents brought you up into this world. The world no one knew. Monsters, every nightmare someone dreamed about, read about, were actually real.
But you couldn’t do it alone, you had a companion. When your parents died, it was just you and Rocky, your best friend you’d grown up with. Your first hunt together was the catalyst to everything y’all do now. Rocky was hurt that first hunt but a trip to the vet got him better. Now he was well trained and knew to listen to commands.
You whistled a bird call that signaled to Rocky to sniff out the area. His snout was the ‘super sniffer’ as you liked to call it. The two of you were steaking out a vamp nest. Not that big but there has been enough murders to do something about it.
You stepped out of your truck, machete in hand and gun in your waist band with deadman’s blood infused wooden bullets. You weren’t stupid, you knew a regular gun wouldn’t put a dent in them, so you had altered it. You walked around the abandoned building and saw Rocky sat next to a poorly chained door.
“Good boy, Rocks.” You whispered, while handing him a small treat. “Now stay here for a second okay?” You looked behind yourself at Rocky as you started to squeeze under the chains. His tongue hung out of his mouth and his lips pulled back like he was smiling. It caused you to smile, “I love you, boy.”
When you got through, you could hardly see. The room was dark but there was no missing the metallic stench. This place was a blood bath.
You stepped carefully before pulling out your pocket flashlight to see where you were going. Each room was empty and you started to get a chill down your spine. You tried to ease your racing heart, knowing if you were to panic even for a second you could die.
“Boss is thinking about turning people instead of just keeping them for food.” You hid quickly in the nearest doorway and clicked your flashlight off. A bald guy and a woman stopped at the corner you were about to round.
“Why, we’ve been doing just fine with us 7?” The girl asked.
“Rach, you know hunters are bound to find us. We need the numbers.”
The girl sighed and you could hear them start to walk away. You poked your head out and continued on when the coast was clear.
You stopped at a set of double doors, very medieval styled. You took a deep breath and shrugged your shoulders, “If shits gonna happen, shits gonna happen.” You repeated your mantra before busting through the door with your foot.
You readied your gun in anticipation but was left with a quiet room save for the noise you made busting in.
“What the hell?” You didn’t lower your gun but were definitely taken off guard. You walked forward to a long table in the center of the room, pools of blood dripping off the sides. You looked around, cautious, but still nothing.
“So much for a dramatic entrance.” You huffed a laugh to yourself. Before you could react, you were tossed over the table and into the wall behind it, your gun flung from your hand.
You groaned and rubbed your back before getting up and taking your machete out to look at your attackers.
You recognized them, “Oh well hello again. You two lovebirds done with your quarrel I take it?” You smiled and raised your eyebrows at the two vampires you’d saw walking in the hall. They hissed and bared their fangs.
You grimaced, “Have you ever brushed those things? They’re lookin pretty gnarly.” They jumped over the table and raced at you. You dodged the girl to your left, a clean slice through her neck took care of her. The guy looked angry and ran at you, knocking the machete to the ground and pinned you to the ground. With your arms held firmly to the ground you couldn’t move. The vampire leaned down to take a bite out of your neck.
You turned to the door just as Rocky barked at you, “Rocks!” You yelled. He rushed at the guy and was effective in distracting him. Rocky jumped and bit the vampires neck. You took the opportunity to shove him off of you but the vamp flung Rocky into the wall and his attention was instantly back on you.
“No!” You cried out when you heard him whimper. The vamp rushed at you again and slammed your head into the concrete wall. As hard as you struggled, you couldn’t keep your focus on anything other than your dog.
The pressure of being held loosened and the head fell from the vamps shoulders. You slid down the wall and crawled the rest of the way to Rocky without paying attention to your savior.
You sniffled, “Rocky, Rocks? It’s okay,” you stroked his fur as he whimpered, “you’re gonna be okay, alright? We’ll get you to a vet and you’ll be all fixed up again okay?”
You heard a voice clear their throat behind you and for once you turned to your savior, or, saviors.
Two tall and handsome strangers. One was blonde and shorter than the other brunette one which held the machete that saved your ass. You stood and raised your weapon to them, “Stay back or I swear to god I’ll behead you too.” 
The blonde raised his hands in surrender but your vision went sideways and your head throbbed. You groaned as you put your hand to your forehead. The next thing you heard was the clink of the machete on the ground and your body feeling like it was falling forward before you blacked out.
Before you knew it, you were waking up in a bed of a motel that definitely didn’t look like yours. You sprung up, holding a hand to your throbbing head. Groaning, your eyes scanned the room looking for Rocky.
He was on the bed next to yours, bandages wrapped tightly around his abdomen. You swung your legs over the bed just as the motel door opened.
The brunette you had a vague memory of stepped inside, shutting the door behind him, giving you a tight lipped smile.
“How are you feeling?”
You were cautious, slowly moving over to your dogs side. You remembered they had saved you but still, a lot of people didn’t always have good intentions.
“I’m fine.” Your only response before the shower you didn’t notice was on till now had turned off.
“My name is Sam. My brother in there is Dean. You have no obligation to trust us but we’re truly only helping you.” He must have noticed the way your eyes narrowed and your body tensed when he got closer.
He held out a brown paper bag, full of medical supplies for both human and animal, once you took a look inside. Dean stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a blue t-shirt and plaid pajama pants.
He looked up and between the two of you, before reaching into the mini fridge and handed you a water.
“Thanks.” You mumbled. You gulped some down before letting yourself relax on the bed. You curled onto your left side, slowly stroking Rocky’s fur as he slept.
The room filled with silence, making it unbearable to hold in the tears. You sniffled. It was a simple job. Rocky didn’t have to get hurt yet you still allowed it to happen. He was supposed to stay outside until you were done and had handled the job. But here he was, injured, because of you.
“You know,” Sam started, breaking the silence, “He came to us.”
That made you look at them. You rubbed your eyes of the tears, “What?”
That prompted Dean to speak, “We heard him barking. He ran at us and we followed. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have made it to you in time.” Dean gave you a small smile before looking to Rocky.
That made you feel a little better.
“Thank you. You know, for saving me- and Rocky.”
“It was our pleasure, sweetheart.” Dean’s soft smile made your heart beat just a little faster. Who knew? Maybe you’d get over hunting alone.
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seotellite · 4 years
5:00 P.M.
Warnings: curse words
1.6k words
“Hide it there!”
You and your best friend Haechan are both out of breath from trying to chase the little pup around his and your brother’s dorm room.
“Why is he so fast at running?!”
“it bit me!”
“Stop overreacting Haechan, it barely has teeth!”
Your head was starting to pound and you knew the two of you are screwed, because no one really planned this. It’s hard to ignore a puppy okay!
The two of you were out and about in the sunny streets of Seoul and there you see a sign at a whimsy café’s glass door that said “Puppies for Adoption” written with a pink marker with small drawings around it. The café itself looked cozy at the same time adorable, it didn’t look sketchy at all. You’re itching to get in there and play with the puppies. You were immersed at the simple thought of getting to pet the little doggos. Haechan tugged on your jacket’s sleeve while inching closer to the café’s door.
“Y/n, let’s play with the puppies before we go home, please?”
The boy did his best aegyo, it was unnecessary since you were up for his plan anyway. You were sure that he had his ways and has everyone wrapped around his finger. That adorable fucker.
“We will only play with them. We can’t adopt one, my complex doesn’t allow pets and I’m not sure with your dorms.”
“but Wayv hyungs have 3 pets.”
It came out of his mouth as more of a mumble but you were sure that he was responsible enough not to get carried away you weren’t so sure about yourself though. When you entered the café, you were greeted by a high-pitched bark coming from a tiny little dog. It had caught your attention since it was all alone, and went to play with it in the pen while the both of you were waiting for you drinks but you suddenly got curious as to why it was alone, you thought there were more? You stood up from the play mat to go to the owner of the café to ask about the other puppies, she looked few years older than you and looked really kind.
“Miss, is that dog the only one?”
“He’s the tiniest one, because of that, no one really considered to adopt him. If you are willing to adopt him, I hope you do since we really want to give him a home, we have 5 dogs at home and couldn’t take care of more and your boyfriend seems to be enjoying the little one’s company.”
“Oh no, we’re not together.”
“I’m sorry dear, you two would look great none the less.”
You were shocked at what the owner told you but the feeling of sympathy for the little pup washed over you. Your heart broke, and clearly Haechan’s as well. He looked like he was about to cry and went to pick up the tiny dog from the pen since they allowed customers to play with the pups they have for adoption and took him to your seats, he gave the pup belly rubs while it was laying down his lap. He heard everything due to the small space but brushed of his feelings instead and continued on playing with the puppy.
At last your drinks arrived. As you expected, it looked really pretty, too pretty for a drink. It was unexceptionally amazing, it was sweet but not that it would turn you off after a few sips the fresh berry flavours are dancing their way around your tongue, which you loved. On the other hand, Haechan looks like he’s enjoying the puppy’s company over the drink but you didn’t mind. All of a sudden, he looked at you with big eyes. Oh no.
He lifted the puppy up to your face and it licked your nose, and in that exact moment, you were sure you couldn’t leave the poor thing. It was like magic, like the dog had a spell on its saliva. You were overreacting but you swore no one would resist it! The both of you fell in love with the small dog and it would break the both of your hearts to not give it a permanent home.
You went to the register again to sign athe papers for adoption while Haechan was waiting for you with the puppy peacefully resting in his arms, you took a quick glance at the boy and he had apparent heart eyes for his newfound friend. He held it like it was an actual newborn baby, you found it really cute. Haechan looked so soft with the puppy, if only he couldn’t hear you, you would have squealed, the sight was that adorable it made you feel all fuzzy, not to mention he matched the café’s interior design so well, he was wearing a light brown fuzzy sweater paired with jeans. It looked like Christmas, it was so cute.
As the two of you were walking down the street to their dorms with you holding the small dog with a blanket wrapped around it like a baby, he nudged your side with his free hand, he had two paper bags of pet supplies filled with every single toy you could find, clothes and of course the essentials. Some of the plush toys you bought together were bigger than the puppy, for future use of course.
“You do realize that we’re coming back with a puppy right.”
You flashed him your most awkward looking smile hoping that he’ll get your point, you were scared since you were older than him for a few days, but he insists on calling you “noona” anyways. You had to be the much responsible one, but there’s no turning back.
So here you are, trying your best to now hide the puppy somewhere inside their dorm room, beads of sweat are forming against your forehead and you just received a text from your brother that him and Doyoung are on their way home from their schedule.
“what the hell do we do now?”
Haechan sounded fazed, why did the two of you adopted a dog when you were planning to hide it anyway? And as if you can even hide a pet. Now, you’re starting to feel bricks in your head, you didn’t ask to be in this situation but you had to take responsibility due to you and your friend’s decision.
“You were the one who looked at me!”
“What does that even mean?! You signed the papers!”
Your voices were rising as the argument went on, thank God no one was in the dorm unit besides you two or else the others would have locked you both in separate rooms knowing hoe none of you liked losing an argument.
“So it’s now my fault?!”
“That’s not wh-“
Suddenly you heard a beep from the door meaning someone just came in, as soon as the door opened the puppy who finally came out under the bed, ran to the door and started jumping around the person. Johnny looked at it as if he saw a ghost, he looked at it for a moment before switching his gaze between you and Haechan who just stood there looking at the ground.
“Johnny oppa…”
What the actual-? You didn’t expect Lee Haechan would call your own brother “oppa”, oh God. A knot was forming in your throat since you found his way of consolation disturbing but hilarious.
The boy glared at you while you were still trying your best not to burst out laughing. This isn’t a good time for laughs since your big brother was standing by the door frame with the dog just staring at his slippers, but his was still standing there like a statue waiting for the one of you to explain. If Haechan calling Johnny “oppa” is funny, then Johnny looking that intimidating from the head almost down to toe took it for you, he was wearing his Totoro slippers for Pete’s sake.
“So we saw a sign…”
Now you were about to shit your pants, he wasn’t even answering his roommate.
“There were puppies up for adoption, it said. But that puppy was left alo-“
“And you two decided to adopt it without telling us?”
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole, pissed off Johnny wasn’t good Johnny, you didn’t want to be in the same room as him whenever he was all riled up. He doesn’t do anything but that’s scary, him doing nothing, like he got struck by medusa he was goddamn intimidating, good thing Doyoung came into the room to check in.
“The two of you need to take responsibility for this though.”
He pointed at the puppy still sitting there doing a staring contest between him and your brother’s totoro slippers. Doyoung started laughing, is he okay? They’re so odd.
“John, looks he’s staring at your slippers.”
Your brother shifted his gaze towards the dog and let out a defeated sigh. Finally, he did something, but you and Haechan are still afraid to make a move. Still testing out the waters?
The four of you discussed it to Taeyong and he was fine with keeping the puppy, just as long as you would agree to watch it when no one was home. Who were you to not agree?
“See, told you they would love Jwi.”
“You didn’t tell me that?!”
Jisung begged Haechan to name the puppy “Jwi” for some reason. Jaemin and Jeno spoiled the pup with treats and a bed. Jwi, was living the life.
1601 words
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closer-stars · 4 years
It Just Takes A Little Pull - Yunho
Member: Yunho (with mentions of Mingi and Yeosang) Genre: Fluff Requested: Yes @atinyxtopia AU: High school (Prom) Word Count: 3k Content: It’s High school. Prom things. Kind of a slow start. Female reader. Boys being fun boys.  Note: I have not thought of prom since I left high school so this was an interesting thing to write. I tried my best and I hope it reaches your standards.
A part of you wished your school accepted both girls and boys, it might have saved you from spending double on events such as school fairs, fundraising events, prom. Unfortunately, you went to a school that was exclusively for girls. Yunho was also at an exclusive boys school. Truth be told, a part of you also wished that your school accepted both girls and boys just so you could see him more. Alas, you could only see him after class hours or on weekends-- at least you had something to look forward to. 
You were part of the varsity, while he was on the dance team. Both of you were a world or two apart for a good majority of your school years. You’ve heard of your fellow schoolmates fawn over his skills and face more than one. Deep down, you actually considered him your school’s representative heartthrob. The same could be said for you on his side. Boys have come to respect your skill and often talk about you in their hallways. In the end, you both knew each other by face and reputation but that’s all. 
Some of your friends have wondered just exactly how you became friends with him. It was always the same story. Yeosang’s sister was your senior captain, you crashed at her place one time, from there you met Yeosang and then you met Yunho. 
“Crap, I’m so sorry!”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry!”
Yunho and you ended up crashing into each other. Only thanking each other’s fast reflexes for being able to avoid falling over. A quick glance at each other’s face then either of you bolted in the other direction, too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Unnie, who’s the other guy? I thought you only had one younger brother?” You asked, as you towel dried your hair. 
The older female looked up at you after a moment or two, she was always a sucker for these dramas. “Hm? Oh! That’s Yunho. I think he’s sleeping over tonight since he and Yeosang has a project or something. Dunno with that kid.” She said with a shrug. 
Play it cool. “So that’s Yunho..” You mumble. You knew who he was but it was always from a distance. 
“Sang. You didn’t tell me you have a twin sister.”
The boy looked at the human embodiment of a golden retriever in surprise, a bit of annoyance on his features as he had to pause his video game. “Yunho, what are you even talking about?” 
“I saw another girl earlier??” He explained, gesturing at the direction of where he saw you.
“Dude, that’s my sister’s teammate.” Yeosang explained, mentioning your name. That’s when it clicked in Yunho’s mind. That was you. 
“She looks cool.” 
“I’m more concerned for your head if you think we look alike.” 
“Think you can introduce me to her?” 
A yell from Yeosang and Yunho looked up at him in concern. Yeosang dropped the gaming console in disappointment before turning to the male.“I’m blaming you for making me die.”
Yeosang did follow through with Yunho’s wish, after plotting with his sister that is. How else do you get insanely active people to bond? Food. Their mother had left them money for the night while she had to go on a business trip. What were the chances that the both of you would sleep over at their place on the same day? 
From that day on, the rest was history. You and Yunho were now pretty inseparable (as inseparable as you guys could be that is). The both of you would talk to each other whenever possible, much to the teasings of your friends because hey, what’s so funny? Why are you smiling while messaging something? Do you have a crush? 
You were finally one of his admirers, eventually catching feelings for him. It was hard not to and you could see why he had a fanclub or two in other schools. Did he return those feelings? You weren’t sure but you were happy with how the both of you were now. 
Fast forward a year later and the friendship has become one of the strongest friendships you have in your high school life. Both of you are now at the fated year level where the main topic of discussion would be prom. 
“Hey, do you have a prom date already?” Your best friend asks you as you ate your lunch thoughtfully. You look at her with suspicion. “What?”
“You have plans of setting me up with someone?”
“Why would I have plans? Also does that mean you haven’t asked Yunho yet?”
Your bottom lip juts out and you continue to eat, thus causing your best friend to groan. 
“My godd, you’ve known Yunho this long and you haven’t asked him?! Hey, did you even know he doesn’t entertain any of those love confessions anymore?” She complains to you. 
Confused eyes look at her for saying such things. “What does that even have to do with me?”
She shakes her head. “I’m just saying, ask him. If he’s not available then I can ask my brother, Hansol to go with you.” 
You flash an ‘okay’ sign at her, mouth full with noodles. Your free hand then reaches for your phone. 
[KKT: Dancing Doggo] Hey are you free on February 21 5PM to 10PM? It’s my prom, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?
Your best friend watches as you compose the message and before you could even stop her, she had already pressed send for you. “Hey!” A tone of mild annoyance was clear in your voice as you try to bring your phone away from her. 
“Believe me, you’ll thank me later.” She says with such a grin, you might as well have called her the devil incarnate. Your phone buzzes almost immediately making you jump. Without another word, both of you huddle around your phone. 
[KKT: Sonic] Yeah! Of course I’m willing! Are you free also on March 6, same time? Same reasons. Hehe. 
That was when your best friend suddenly tackled you into an almost bone crushing hug. “I told you!” A hand is then placed over her loud mouth as you try to hush her. 
[KKT: Dancing Doggo] I’d be honored! It’s a deal then! :)
Maybe having to pay double for two proms wasn’t that bad then. 
The fateful day of your own prom arrives and you were actually pretty nervous about it. You’ve worn your own share of skirts and dresses but it was never this extravagant or feminine as your prom dress. A high-low skirt that starts below your knees down and ends just brushing above the floor when you’re in heels. The color matched your skin tone well, making you practically glow under the lighting. Your hair and face was all made up and to be honest, you were surprised that you could look like that under that much makeup and hair spray. A small part of you worried that the color you chose wouldn’t go well with Yunho but even before you could say your worry, he reassures you it was no problem. “Besides, if it doesn’t. I can pick the color for my prom.” He joked to you a few weeks back. Your mother takes a few photos of you before letting you go. 
You head towards the lobby that’s sprinkled with your own classmates in dresses that are just as beautiful if not more, along with a few familiar faces from Yunho’s school and others in suits that fit them nicely. You sent Yunho a message wondering where he is and just as you did so, you immediately spot him by the elevator, with Yeosang. 
“Yunho!” You call out, speeding towards the two boys and they look up at you both in shock. Your eyes lingered on Yeosang’s amusing reaction, it was rare to get a big reaction from him so having him look at you with eyes wider than him being caught eating his own sister’s food was fun. While on the other hand, Yunho was gazing at you, clearly dazed. He’s had his share of harbouring romantic feelings for you but to see you in such a dress that gracefully brought you out of your comfort zone had him at a loss for words. 
You squish Yeosang’s cheeks together much to his annoyance then shift your attention to your partner for the night. You look at his suit properly and find yourself breathing a sigh of relief. “At least I picked a color that suits you well too.” You say as you pin the boutonniere on his suit carefully. 
“Hey, I told you I’m lucky boy.” He points out as he slightly bends lower to not give you a hard time. His statement makes you hit his chest lightly. 
“Whatever, Yunho.” You return with a roll of your eyes. Yeosang excuses himself as he finally spots his prom date, who was surprisingly your best friend. “Yeosang! Tell her she owes me an explanation.” He looks at you, confused at the vague wording but knows better than to pry. He nods before making his way to her, leaving the both of you alone. 
Some of your peers slowly start to enter the venue. “Should we follow them or do you want to stay outside a little longer?” asks Yunho, turning to you. 
A small hum of thought slips through your red lips. “Let’s go! I want to see how they made the place.” You reply with an excited grin. Your partner for the night then offers his elbow for you to hook your hand to. 
“M’lady.” he jokes and for a moment he swears your giggle actually sounded cute. Your hand shyly holds on to the crook of his arm. 
“How cheesy of you.” 
“It’s prom. Might as well make the most out of it.”
He was right. For the entire night, the two of you exchange laughter and sassy remarks, ultimately becoming the life of your table (much to the embarrassment of your best friend and Yeosang. Athletes and dancers in one table might have been too much for her heart to take). He made you join the games that were sprinkled throughout the event (you guys won and Yunho wasn’t going to let you forget that). His presence was enough to make your stomach hurt from laughter. There was something in how he interacted with those around him that made them feel at ease. A small voice in your head thought of how you were perfectly fine keeping these feelings to yourself as long as you don’t lose him. The only time both of you mellowed down was during the meal proper. It wasn’t anything over the top but it was fancy enough to let you know the organizers put enough thought. 
The much awaited slow dance had come-- as if it weren’t obvious by the cheesy lightings and song choices by the DJ. Some couples have made their way to the dance floor, excited to have some sort of “moment” with their partner. You didn’t say much, being fine in your seat as you watched the others dance. This wasn’t going to pass with your partner though. In fact, he stands up first and offers his hand. You look at the hand that comes up to your view towards the owner of the outstretched hand.
“Let’s dance. We’re not leaving this place until we get to dance.” Yunho says firmly. 
“Fair warning, I don’t have feet like you do.” You return as you take his hand and stand up. 
“I got you. Don’t worry.” He reassures, flashing you that charming smile that has managed to get the girls to squeal earlier in the games. He leads you to the dance floor, guiding one hand to rest on his shoulder (thank god for heels), the other hand laced with his. His free hand then rests on your waist and for the first time that night, you felt conscious of how you looked in front of him. You had to admit, the dress, makeup and hair you had on tonight was lovely but to be under his gaze at such close distance for who knows how long has made a pink hue dust your cheeks, and you were sure that wasn’t blush. 
“Just follow my lead okay?” He says softly. His feet then slowly step to one side, letting you follow him. Just below his breath, soft enough for no one to hear but loud enough for your ears only, he counts to the tempo of the song, helping your ears tune in to what he hears. He’s done this in the past with you, with songs that he covers: all of which were fast paced. A slower paced song such as the one playing on the speakers was new to you. You have songs that you’ve shared in the past where you can pay attention to it as a whole then pay attention to what beats he catches underneath all the layers. This time though, you had nowhere else to distract yourself with. After getting the hang of the motions, you look up at him and find him gazing at you softly. “Got the hang of it?” 
You nod, trying your best not to look at his lips. He smiles again, proud of you for having done so. “We can stay like this for another song or two if you want. I know you’re tired of being in heels for the past few hours.” He reassures. 
“I’m fine. I promise. Maybe another song wouldn’t hurt.” You return. One song was enough for you to feel light headed from how close the both of you were, much more when you get a whiff of his cologne. The cloud nine feeling ends soon, with the MC letting the rest of the night be upbeat songs. You breathe a sigh of relief, wanting to give your feet a break from having to almost be on your tiptoes for the entire night. Yunho leads you out of the dance floor, and out into the lobby where the cool air helps you breathe easy. 
Some familiar faces were already outside too. From the looks of it, you could tell that Yunho also recognized them, judging from how jumpy he started to be. “Oh, Mingi’s here too huh?” He muses. Uh-oh. That meant one thing. The group was about to only have one brain cell for the remainder of the night. 
Both of you make your way to their table, the girls having the couch and the heels off their feet-- which you quickly followed once you sat down. The boys on the other hand sat opposite their side. Both having either iced tea or iced coffee with some snacks. Yunho then introduces you to the rest of his friends. You knew the girls too from another class. The rest of the night was once again filled with laughter. As some of the boys decided to try to fit their feet into the heels, some using the heels as a phone. Hell, Mingi tossed a heel at Yunho and they quickly hit the whoa. The girls, including you, found entertainment and embarrassment at their antics, even going as far as teaching them how it feels to be a girl at the worst times. 
One by one, the people in your table leave. Either to be picked up by their parents, or up into their rooms in the hotel. It was only you and him left once more. Your coffee was watered down and half empty. Yunho’s bottle of water wasn’t any different from yours. A comfortable, yet slightly awkward silence goes over the both of you. 
“Thanks for--”
“You first-”
“You fi-”
Pause again. 
Then Yunho gestures for you to speak first. “Thank you for coming with me. I had a lot of fun tonight.” Your heart races as you speak. You hope this isn’t from the coffee and rather from the nerves of being just alone with him like this. “I’m sorry also for having you to bring me out of the venue when it was your type of music playing… I know you like to dance to those songs too..”
“I should be the one thanking you for inviting me. Even if you didn’t, I would’ve invited you to my prom.” He confesses, ears bright red as he does so. He rubs the back of his neck as he finds the next words. “Don’t worry about the music part. I can always play those songs in my free time and there’s still my prom. More chances to embarrass you too.” 
“Jung Yunho.”
“What?” He laughs at the sight of your stern face. “You know your strict face isn’t scary to me. You love me too much for that.” You hate how right he is, you also hate how he doesn’t know just how right he is. 
He looks at the clock then helps you into your heels. “Let’s get you back to your parents. They’re probably wondering where their little princess is.” He teases again which causes him to receive another whack on his arm. “What? You do look like one tonight!” You slowly push yourself to stand up. The pain of being on your tiptoes rushing back. He holds you gently, making sure you don’t wobble. 
“Easy there. I know you’re strong but even you got your limits.” He accompanies you to the elevator. 
“How about you?” 
“What about me?”
“How are you getting home?” 
He glances at you, somehow catching himself off guard with the change in distance. Why was it only now that he gets surprised by how close your face was to his. Heels really are something. 
“Oh, Yeosang and I got a room too. Are you worried about me?” He teases, batting his eyelashes at you. 
“Yunho, I swear--”
Before you could finish your words, the doors of the elevator slide open and both of you immediately enter. 
The ride up was a slow one. Both of you didn’t know that your rooms were on the same floor too, only on different sides of the building. 
Somehow, a part of you was hoping for something. You didn’t know what it was but you wanted something to happen. The same goes for Yunho. His hand immediately then holds you back gently. 
“I need to tell you something.” He says softly, his eyes downcast. Your stomach drops at his body language. Did he like someone else? Was he leading you on this whole time? 
“I actually wanted to tell you this earlier but there wasn’t really a good time for me to say it.” The words were flying a mile a minute. He could’ve beaten Mingi when it came to fastest speaker at this point. “I just really wanted to tell you that I have feelings for you. Not.. as friends but as something more.” He explains. His eyes steady on you, with no sign of his signature mischievous glint in his eyes. 
It catches you off guard, a little too lost for words because, Jung Yunho? He has a crush on you? Are the feelings mutual? He takes your silence as something else and drops his hand. “If you don’t feel the same way, that’s totally fine. We can stay as friends. I just.. Felt--”
“Jung Yunho, I like you too.” You immediately blurt out. 
His face brightens up at your words and he wraps his arms around you in relief. “We don’t have to be officially together if you want. We can just take it slow or just--” 
His lips feel nice against your own. The taste of the chocolate he ate earlier is still apparent. “You talk too much.” You say simply when you pull away and for the first time that night, he was speechless.
“I’d love to be your official girlfriend, you dumb butt.” 
“Your lucky dumb butt.”
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
asdfghjkl. Tysm for letting me send a request, Leia! You are so sweet! ❤ Hmm so about me, I'm an introvert and prefer to stay at home all the time. Apart from watching anime and reading a lot of stuff, I also like to listen to music mostly Japanese songs these days and playing gacha games 😅. Lastly, I have a 5 year old pug who is as lazy as its owner. Idk if this is enough but thank you again ❤
Hello, Ate Nich! And you're very much welcome! I love our convos they make me feel so old (in a good way. Like matured-) HEHEHEHEH I Hope I don't disappoint you with this!
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I match you with...
Lev Haiba!
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Kuroo's face is an everyday face
Chose Lev mainly because you seem so grounded? And matured? And Lev is SOOOO childish. The possibilities of this dynamics is insane!
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We all know how Lev is to everyone, right?
He's soooo extroverted I actually feel Kenma's pain :((
N e ways! I feel like the first time you both see each other is at uni. But don't get me wrong, you're not friends with Lev. You're friends w/ Kuroo. And you're a year younger than the two.
And like, the first time Lev saw you is probably when you greeted Kuroo at the hallways.
Kuroo: Oh. This is Nich. A friend.
The extroverted that he is, he immediately bombarded you with his questions and random stories that you surprisingly listened to.
Lev when he noticed how you're actually listening to him because he got so used with Nekoma team laughing or disregarding him (ehem-Kenma-ehem-Yaku): 🥺🥺🥺
And I feel like the moment you speak your mind? Lev is blown away!
'Cause you seem so wise and Lev is in awe.
It's like he's younger than you thinking-wise.
Lev: Are you...a goddess?
You: No, Lev-san. I'm Nich.
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Lev falling for you is like how a child is if in love.
He loves to boast around you, to impress you, and he does 'things' to make him seem 'cool'.
Lev: Nich! I aced the quiz at my last subject this morning!
You: That's great, Lev-san!
Lev: 🥺
Lev: Nich, let me uncap that for you! *Uncaps your water*
You: ᴵ ʷᵃˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵖˡᵃⁿⁿᶦⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᵈʳᶦⁿᵏᶦⁿᵍ
He wants to be with you all the time, which is almost impossible because you're both v busy.
Lev: Nich, where are you going?
You: Oh, to the Lib with my friends.
Lev: L-Let me come with you!
You: ???? But you have classes, right?
Lev: 👁️👄👁️
He also loves it when you're so kind to him? The genuine gentleness? What is that???
You: Lev-san, it's already lunch time. Have you eaten?
You: Lev-san, that's so funny!
You: Oh, what you said actually makes sense, Lev-san.
You: Thank you, Lev-san.
Lev: ᵂᶦˡˡ ᵘ ᵐᵃʳʳʸ ᵐᵉ
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Truth to be told, Lev was oblivious of his affection for you.
All he knows is that he loves talking to you because he loves your mind and he loves how your words lift him up.
Well, that's what he thought.
When Kuroo asked if something is going on between you two, Lev was completely off guard.
Lev: Kuroo-san! I-we-nich-were uh...
You: That's crazy, Kuroo-san. Lev-san is like a brother to me.
Lev: 😳
He hated that.
And that's where it starts. He loves how you ruffle his hair but he hates the words that come along with it.
You: You're so cool, Lev-san.
If it's possible to feel uwu and mad at the same time, then that's what Lev is feeling.
The stupid honorific (san) makes him remember how you only think of him as a brother!!!
At first, he kind of brushed it off. But he's had enough it actually drove him to confessing out of the blue.
You: Oh, Lev-
Lev who just appeared in front of you at the library: Don't call me Lev-san! I'm not your brother. I like you, Nich.
Alexa, play RADWIMPS' Sparkle!
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Dating is so chaotic.
Most of the days, you're lazy. But Lev is so extroverted he wants to go out with you ALMOST ALL THE TIME.
Lev at your door: Hello, Nich!
You w/ your bed hair: Lev, it's 7 AM.
Lev: I just taught it'd be nice to go to the theme park with you now...
You: 👁️👄👁️ Lev, it's still 7 AM-
Lev learned it in a hard way that it is, most of the time, impossible to pull you out of your house so he settles with domestic dates.
Nothing fancy, really. Prolly just you two chilling at the room. Like, you reading on the end of the couch while Lev curls himself up at the other end, scanning his phone while his legs playfully push yours and stuff.
You: Lev, stop it.
Lev: c: *kicks you still anyway*
And I can imagine the two of you blasting Japanese songs. Just loud enough for you to hear and low enough that you wouldn't be disturbing the neighbors.
When you watch anime, just imagine the giant laying on the bed and you literally hugging him like a tree.
Like, your head fitting at his chest while you both watch at the screen??? HSJSJSJJS (excuse me i rlly love it i can picture it happening)
And like, he's so LOUUUUUD! He always has something to say in every scene!
He screamed even though the MCs are literally just hugging each other
But when you speak though, he goes silent. Mainly because he loves your voice and also because he lovesyour thoughts.
You: But for me though...
Lev: *seals lips*
The closest to cuddling is just hugging...
Because the moment you go beyond that, your cutie doggo butts in!
Doggo: i see u i dun approve
Your pug is so cute btw 🥺
Your pug was so intimidated by Lev when they first met, your pug actually tried to protect you even though ur doggo is so lazy!
But Lev was able to get your doggo's approval though when he brought you two to a dog's park.
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When you have dates outside, I see you two visiting bookshops? Because you love to read.
And Lev is a simp so he gives in to everything you want.
Like, the look on his face when he sees you light up when you two pass by at a bookstore? He loves it.
Or like, you two are just walking then you kind of pause and stare at a shop, he's like:
Lev: Do you want to go in?
You: Uh, no, I was just-
Lev: Let's go!
You: Wait-
Cinemas and fancy restaurants are a thing. Coffee shops/milk tea shops, too. But I think you two fight when it comes to paying.
Lev insists he pays for you two but you're like.
Nich: Lev, let's split the bill.
Lev: No, Nich. It's okay.
Nich: Lev *glare*
Lev: 😳
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Lev can just be...too much sometimes.
Like, he insists you two go out somewhere, he insist he does this for you and stuff.
"Nich, lemme do that!" "Nich, I'll do it instead." "Nich, it's on me."
And it just not feels good when he tries to be the only one balancing the relationship?
Nich: Lev, I'm here too!
And he thinks that it's offensive and like you don't trust him? Which is not the case!
You're the more patient one in the relationship so you try to explain it to him?
But with how hardheaded Lev is? Nah. It doesn't reach his ears :((((
But give it a couple of days, or hours. Just let Lev sink the situation in, and he'd eventually understand that he did wrong and all
After his realization, expect him to suddenly pop wherever you are, with this cute look on his face while he brings with him a gift.
Dog food? A book? A cute notebook? Anything.
Lev: Nich, I'm sorry 🥺
And that just melts your heart? You happily accept him and his gift. You just hug him like, for a couple of minutes before you two settle down as you try to explain what he did wrong and THIS TIME, he listens.
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HELLO, ATE NICH!!!! I Hope you like this!!! *Fingers crossed* I hope this is close to accuracy 🥺
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Cú Chulainn(s) + Dogs Headcannons
All Cús would pet and care for any type of dog
Alter likes labs the best. The first time he met some, they would roll on their stomachs and look at him with the biggest eyes they could muster
He always gives in
Jeanne and Diarmuid often report seeing Alter go off into a Singularity, not knowing what he was doing and making theories behind it
"Maybe he's a gourmet chef and doesn't want anyone to know about it!"
"...Even I don't think that's the case, Jeanne..."
Fsn Cú is a fan of bloodhounds and golden retrievers and has the most dogs out of all of the Cús
Actually, place any big floofy doggo in front of him and he'll paw-sitively melt at the sight of them
Emiya thinks it's cute
Fsn Cú often brings frisbees, squeaky toys, and dog bones to them and watches them go at it. When they want him to join, he play-wrestles with them and cannot stop grinning for the rest of the day
The bloodhounds help him hunt some boars and even wyverns and he always rewards them with treats
The treats also go to the other dogs when they give him The Look
Proto Cú loves wolves and, like Alter, has a soft spot for labs
A black lab named Bucky is his partner-in-crime and will stick up for Proto without fail
Proto likes to sunbathe with Bucky and happened to stumble across Cascú's wolves one day while doing so
The wolves immediately took a liking to them and are often seen playing with Bucky
Cascú stumbles upon the four of them napping in an open field under the gentle rays of the sun
Cascú's dogs are - you guessed it - wolves. Although, a Pomeranian happens to stick to his side like glue and only deviates to receive pats from Proto Cú
Cascú makes sure that they never run out of food to eat. He also makes sure that they get outside at least thrice a day, supervising the trio to make sure none wander off
Imagine his surprise when he finds his younger counterpart with this wolves, a black lab napping by his side
The Pomeranian - named Aimilios by Asterios - trots up to them and curls by Proto's free side
"You're here, too?"
"...Yeah. Didn't know that you had a lab."
"Didn't know that you had wolves and this little guy. Even though hunting dogs are the way to go...I wouldn't trade Bucky for the world."
Cascú peers at Proto. "...Winter Soldier?"
Proto's face taking on a pink hue is the only answer he needs.
"Ooh, look at these beautiful lads!"
To be honest, Fsn Cú's sudden voice made both of them jump.
Alter sits down next to Aimilios, face scrunching as one of Cú's bloodhounds cheerfully licked his cheek. "Is this all of them?"
Cascú grins. It seemed like Alter already knew that they all had a dog or two. "Should be."
"Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve." Fsn Cú counts, chuckling as the last dog headbutts his hand. "Yep, all here!"
"Oi," Proto Cú complains without any real heat in his voice, Bucky perking up next to him at the smell of unfamiliar dogs. "I'm trying to nap here!"
"Then nap." Alter responded bluntly, Aimilios hopping into his lap as a chocolate lab (named Maple, although he'd never admit that it was his idea to name her that) curls up next to him. Cascú and Fsn Cú laugh as Proto pouts, the youngest of the group turning on his side so that his cheek brushed against the fur of one of Cascú's wolves.
Fsn Cú plops down and lets his dogs smother him. "Aren't you gonna sit down?"
Cascú knows he should. He knows that he needs a break, knows that there are bags under his eyes, knows that he's gone over 56 hours without rest, and knows that he's been working nonstop on his rune craft, but if he stops then he'll fall behind firepower-wise compared to the other Cús -
"Caster!" Proto Cú calls out. Cascú's head whips up, seeing that the other three are actively watching him now. He can feel the exhaustion sapping his strength to even properly stand; to cover it up, he lets his wolves divide him from the others as he rests his back against their fur.
He hears Fsn Cú huff in exasperation. "Over here, dumbass!"
Cascú can't even stand up. "Nah; I'm good here. Don't gotta see your faces - "
In a flash, Alter lands in front of him with Aimilios in hand. Cascú is shocked into near-silence; he doesn't even react when Fsn Cú and Proto Cú quickly follow Alter, Fsn Cú's expression holding an uncharacteristic amount of seriousness in it.
"Stand up."
This time, Cascú is quick to respond. "Pass."
Fsn Cú gives one look at Proto, and the next thing Cascú knows is that the two Lancers are pulling him to his feet.
"W-Wait - "
Cascú would've fell flat on his face if it wasn't for Fsn Cú's foresight and Proto Cú's reflexes. Fsn Cú hoisted the Caster over his shoulder, ignoring his protests as he kept walking. Proto Cú was about to follow when Alter's hand on his head stopped him. The Berserker nodded his head towards the literal dog pile and Proto Cú let out a sigh.
Cascú is silent for the majority of their trek towards...well, he didn't know. "I am very close to hitting you with my staff."
Fsn Cú is unfazed, eyes forward despite feeling the glare from his Caster counterpart. "We're almost there. It should be right around here...a-ha!"
Caster could only see the road behind them. "What is it?" He grumbles, only for his eyes to widen when he's set down on hard wood and a fishing rod is thrust into his face.
Fsn Cú finally grins. "We're going fishing."
An hour passes with no bites. Cascú sighs, and wishes that at least his wolves were there to keep him company. Even though his Lancer counterparts were able to strike up amicable conversation with just about anyone, he preferred non-human companionship. Animals don't talk your ear off; they understand when you need space, and also make it clear when they themselves need it.
"So," Fsn Cú says as birds soar overhead, "mind telling me what the hell all that was about back there?"
"I wanted to rest, and yet you brought me here to fish." Caster replies, deflecting a direct answer. "Not that I'm complaining, though. I would've brought my own rod and my bucket if I knew beforehand."
Fsn Cú frowns disapprovingly, and Cascú vaguely feels like a scolded child. "You're always on our younger counterpart's case about getting enough rest. Why aren't you doing the same?"
Cascú's smile is tired. "I can't. You of all people should know why."
The Lancer sighs. "That doesn't make it any less right."
Cascú takes in a breath, and hesitates. How was he going to tell the Lancer that the issue that plagues Proto Cú is the same one as his own? The problem should be resolved, and yet he can't get over it -
Something nudged his arm. Cascú looks down to see Aimilios staring up at him, a certain black lab not too far behind as his wolves encircle him before settling down.
"You guys are fishing without us?!" Proto Cú's voice reaches them, the youngest Chulainn waving from his spot on Alter's shoulders as the Berserker carries two rods in his free hand. It amazes Cascú sometimes that the two are as thick as thieves; at first glance, their personalities wouldn't match up.
"Figured that we'd try our Luck before the bad luck charms showed up." Fsn jokes, and Alter growls in disdain as he set up their stations.
"Dogs and wolves got restless." He instead explains, and Cascú nods.
Thus, the four accumulate 14 fish between them in the span of 3 hours. Cascú feels a yawn coming, but the feeling of three gazes on him has the druid looking up.
"Why don't you get enough rest?" Proto tries, and Cascú feels like laughing because for as long as he's been summoned this was his system so he's used to it. Why was he burning out now, of all times?
Oops, that one slipped through. Cascú watches as Proto Cú's face falls, and internally kicks himself. Fsn Cú and Alter both look exasperated, and he briefly wonders if that's what he looked like to them whenever they did something stupid.
A push. The rod falls out of Cascú's hands as the druid was forced to lay against one of his wolves, another hand placing itself over his eyes and obscuring his vision.
"You're always watching out for the younger Servants in Chaldea." Fsn Cú says in a gentler tone than normal. Cascú feels a weight lean on both sides of him, Proto Cú's surprisingly fluffy hair tickling his cheek as Alter shifts so that his spikes aren't in danger of piercing both him and his wolves.
Fsn Cú's voice draws his attention again. "It's time someone looked after you for a change, after all. Leave it to us!"
...Oh. Cascú pulls his hood over his face to hide his warm and now wet cheeks, a slight smile on his face. Maybe...I can let myself rest, for a change.
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Yesterday I watched the beginnings of The Purge happening in real time and wondered where, exactly, I was, both physically and ecumenically. And since this season of The News is starting off even more ridiculous than the last year’s season, I’m not just gonna bury my feelings, I’m gonna salt and burn them. It’s Supernatural
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Alright, previously on SPN, I thought we were finally ramping up on the Main Arc for season 2 and boy was I WRONG. The next few episodes clearly put the Main Quest on the back burner. Which, actually is pretty standard for Supernatural - you get a good run of quest episodes and then a switch to self-contained episodes that just sort of brush up against the season arc.
Next up is “Nightshifter” - a pretty solid stand alone episode about a guy who is definitely not robbing a bank. 
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I love Chris Gauthier, our Extra of the Week. Sam really does him dirty by refusing to give him the Truth is Out There deal. I think my biggest question coming out of that whole scene is why??? I mean, cool, Sam’s worried about Ronald Reznik getting killed, I get it, but how is Ronald’s story any different from any number of hunters that they’ve met in their lives? Ronnie even has his own John Winchester Patented Murder Board™. He did do a lot of the leg work for the Winchesters, even if he wasn’t 100% right. In Sam’s defense, Ronald does die almost immediately, but he had a great run. 
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You did good, kid. You did good.
More questions that I had about this episode? Special Agent Henriksen. Now don’t get me wrong, I do actually like Henriksen as an antagonist. I appreciate that the show is acknowledging just how shady hunters are. I mean, sure, they’re saving lives and killing evil sonsofbitches, blah blah blah, but also, they are regularly breaking and entering, finding dead bodies, leaving prints at crime scenes, impersonating officials, desecrating graves, not to mention that they are the last person seen with people who end up dead or missing. Like, it was only a matter of time before that came back to bite them. 
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Some A+ work from Charles Malik Whitfield
But here's the thing - season 2 already has SO much going on. Like, they gotta avenge their dad and kill the yellow-eyed-demon. On top of that, they gotta keep Sammy from turning evil. Oh and also, they’ve gotta keep Sam safe from other Hunters who might think he’s turning evil, specifically Gordon. Now on top of all that we have to worry about the cops? Now it feels like you’re just throwing obstacles in their path to be a dick. Listing it out like this, it feels like season 2 is turning into a bit of a hot mess? Ok, Because I know that Henricksen comes back as a recurring antagonist, I’m maybe reading too much into it, but the next episode he recurrs in is episode 19 of this same season, so...maybe not? 
As a side note, I’m just gonna reiterate that I like Henriksen. I like him specifically because he is an Antagonist, not a Villain. Same goes for Gordon, in this season at least. They are not Villains in the traditional way this show presents Villains = Monsters. Both Gordon and Henriksen think what they are doing is for the greater good and they’re both going about it within the boundaries of their own moral codes. It’s just that those moral codes are in the way of our Protagonists, the Winchesters, and that’s actually some neat writing, so good job Season 2 Writing Team. 
Next up is “Houses of the Holy”, the first ever SPN episode about angels, and if you know anything about SPN but haven’t seen this episode (or seen this episode in a while), you will laugh out loud at this line: 
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I will briefly point out that after this line I gave myself a sad by responding to my TV: “Do you need proof Dean? Or do you not believe in angels because that’s easier than thinking they don’t believe in you?” So you know, that’s where I’m at these days. 
And that’s basically it for this episode? I mean, there is a brief mention of the Main (???) Quest (???) when Sam talks about wanting/needing the angel to be real, as it gives him hope that he’s not all evil yet. It’s a nice piece character that comes out in a season that feels very Dean heavy in the emotions department so far. And so it does feel like a real hard let down when Sam finds out it’s not an angel, just spirit and he loses all that validation. 
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Oof. That’s rough buddy.
Next up is “Born Under a Bad Sign”. On the surface, it looks like a return to the Main (???) Quest (???) but it brings me back to the question, what IS the Main Quest on this season?? IS it Sam Goes Evil? Like...shouldn’t the Main Quest still be Hunting the Yellow-Eyed-Demon? But I guess technically, Sam Goes Evil is part of the yellow-eyed-demon’s plan so stopping that from happening is stopping the yellow-eyed-demon and so technically that’s still...the Main….Quest?????????
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It’s a little murky. In the same way that I think it’s smart that the Winchesters don’t defeat the yellow-eyed-demon at the end of season one, I also think it’s smart that they differentiate the through-line on season 2 from season 1, but when you pair the two seasons together it does feel like they’ve abandoned the part about defeating the Villain - the actual Villain, evil plans and twirling mustache and everything.
But then we find out that, no, no this has nothing to do with the yellow-eyed-demon, this is just Meg Being Meg. She’s not here for some grand purpose, she’s just here to dick around with the Winchesters. That bitch is powered by Murder and Spite and I love it. And I’m not gonna lie, Jared Padalecki is hecking CRUSHING Being Meg Being Sam Being Meg again. Just like, CRUSHING it.
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Of course, the bigger issue at stake is, unsurprisingly, the relationship between Sam and Dean. Sam wants Dean to make good on his promise to kill Evil!Sam, and Dean just loopholes his way out of it, even when he’s shot and drowned and beat to shit. 
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WHY is Dean driving in this scene? Between the head trauma and blood loss and the alcohol and whatever pills Jo gave him at the bar, he should NOT be operating heaving machinery. 
He says he’ll save Sam if it’s the last thing he does and like...he’s probably just gonna die trying? Which like...ok, sure, but also you’d end up with Evil!Sam probably taking over the world or some nonsense, so it’s not a great strategy.
On the other hand, based on Jo’s general vibe this episode, I believe that she would not hesitate to take a shot at killing an Evil!Sam and I kind of love her for it. 
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That bitch is gonna do what it takes. Or you know probably just think up a better solution, she’s not so close to the situation and also she’s defs way smarter than all the Winchesters put together. 
So this episode is not about the Main Quest, not really, although it ties into the major emotional arc of the Main Quest so maybe??? It is??? Anyone???
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And then to round out this disc, we have “Tall Tales”. What would Supernatural be without the one two punch of Highly Emotional Episode followed by That Funny Episode??
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And “Tall Tales” is great. Jared Padalecki is, again, CRUSHING it and Jensen Ackles is so committed to that eating gag, just *chefs kissy fingers* c’est magnifique! 
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I legitimately love this episode - the format is screwy, the narrators are both unreliable, DadBobby comes back. I want to complain that putting this episode in the same season as “The Usual Suspects” - another episode that breaks format - feels too soon, but you know what? You do you, guys. I love this episode and I love that the Trickster is a recurring...uhh, let’s call him another antagonist who thinks what he’s doing is for the greater good and he goes about it within the boundaries of his own moral code. Bless him he’s a delight and also he has a doggo so he can’t be all bad, right??
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Also, yes, I know he turns out to be the angel Gabriel and you know what? I’m fine with that. 
I gotta say, for a quartet of standalone episodes (ok yeah, I’m officially calling “Born Under a Bad Sign” a Side Quest), these were hella solid. These are not just filler episodes, these are interesting and emotionally complex and very enjoyable. I’d argue these standalones are more interesting and enjoyable than quite a few of the standalones in season 1, so it really feels like the show is in its stride. 
This is why 20+ episode seasons are still relevant. Yeah, the throughline for the season does feel a little muddled and messy, but on an 8 or even a 12-13 episode season, you don’t get this kind of room to play and experiment and make fun of yourselves the way that SPN does. There’s all this breathing room to try new things. There’s space to introduce new characters and play with dynamics and surprise your viewers. 
A 20+ ep season is a daunting (and expensive) task, but there’s gotta be a certain amount of freedom that comes with it too. Freedom to just have fun with these characters and this world that you’ve created. I don’t mind shorter seasons - honestly, it saves me, personally, a lot of time and the writing gets sharper and tighter and better at telling the one story the show is here to tell. But I hope that, if television continues to shorten seasons, that they also allow at least a little time for standalone episodes like these. 
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viking-raider · 5 years
Wing-Dog *Fic Request*
Summary: You’ve heard of a Wing-Man? Well, Kal Cavill is a Wing-Dog! You’re hired to watch Kal, while Henry films the second season of The Witcher, and in true Wing-Dog fashion, Kal has plans for you and Henry.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,443
Rating: G for Fluff, Kal Fluff, Doggo cuteness 
Inspiration: Request by @romyr4​
Author’s Note: Romyr messaged me this request and it’s been on my mind ever since! Kal is such a special part in Henry’s life, that if Kal took to someone so much, Henry probably would too.
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4​, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog​
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“Henry, this is y/n.” The producer introduced the pair of you on the set of the new season of the Witcher. “She's the one your agent asked us to hire, to watch Kal while you're filming.” She explained, smiling between the pair of you. “Y/n, this is Henry.”
“Obviously.” You chuckled, extending your hand to the actor. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well.” Henry nodded, shaking your hand. “Do you have experience with large breed dogs, like Kal?” He asked, sounding like the protective dog dad he came off as.
“I know a lot about them.” You assured him, nodding back. “I've had large breed dogs all my life, and I am the one that takes care of them at the veterinary and doggy daycare business, I work for.”
“So, you're a Vet as well?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Vet tech,” You corrected him, carefully. “I'm still going to school to become a full blown Vet.” You explained to him. “I have another year of school.” You added, knowing that was probably going to be the next question out of his mouth.
“You are a little dinky, for Kal.” Henry replied, crossing his arms over his chest, but the smile and spark in his eyes told you he was teasing you, making you blush.
“If I can throw down with a fully grown, two hundred pound, male Great Dane, I'm sure I can survive Kal's buck thirty.” You countered, giving Henry a mischievous smirk.
Henry nodded his head, impressed. “We'll see.” He told you, turning. “I'll go get him.”
“How did you throw down with a Great Dane?” the Producer asked, looking at you, surprised.
“I rode it like a horse.” You joked, making them laugh. “No, it's just about knowing how to stop them.” You told her, pulling a treat out of you pocket. “Works, every time.”
“We'll see, cause here comes the Bear.” The producer said, seeing Kal running at the pair of you, full sprint.
“Aww, he's beautiful.” You commented, changing your stance and then held up the treat in your hand, making Kal slide to a halt and sit inches in front of you. “You're an incredibly good sitter too.” You added to him, giving him the treat and a pat on the head. “Good enough for you?” You asked, looking up at Henry, who stood several feet away, shock on his face.
“That's all I need to know.” Henry nodded, closing his mouth. “I do have conditions,” He told you, coming to stand behind Kal. “I want a photo of him every couple of hours, just to make sure he's all right, and a text, if you take him anywhere off the lot.”
“That's fair and very doable.” You nodded, meeting his eyes.
“Great.” Henry felt good leaving Kal with you, while he worked. “This is my phone number.” He swapped numbers with you, and handed you Kal's leash. “I'll text you, when I'm finished working.”
“Aye aye, Witcher.” You giggled as Henry walked away to hair and make-up. “So, Kal, what do you wanna do?” You asked, smiling down at the black and white Bear.
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“Kal!” Henry yelled as the Akita took off around his trailer.
“Bear!” You yelled back, as Kal jumped up on you, excitedly.
“I swear, sometimes it seems he's more excited to see you, than he is to see me.” Henry commented, coming around the trailer to greet you.
“He knows who has all the treats.” You laughed, as Kal sniffed at the zipped up treat pouch on your hip. “Good morning, Henry.” You said, finally greeting the Brit.
“Good morning, y/n.” He greeted you back, smiling softly. “I'll let you two do whatever it is, the two of you do all day.” He said, patting Kal on the head and walking off.
“I got something for you.” You said to Kal, after Henry had gone.
You lead Kal over to your trailer, disappearing inside for a moment and came back out with a ball. You'd been taking care of Kal for just over two months, and in that time, he'd destroyed nearly every ball he'd gotten his jaws on. But, after talking to one of the other Vet Techs, you'd found this ball, that was meant to be indestructible. But, you'd find out if it really was, in the next couple of days that Kal had it.
“You ready?” You asked him, grinning to see his eye glued to the solid, red rubber ball, and bark. “See what you got?” You said, and took off running, making him chase after you.
You laid down in the grass panting as your two hour alarm went off. It was you, that was supposed to be getting Kal exercise and tired out, but it was completely the other way around. He nudged at your head with his cold wet nose, drooling on you as his tongue hung out the side of his gaping mouth. You patted the ground next to you, and Kal obediently laid down beside you, rolling onto his back for dramatic affect.
“You're just mocking me now.” You teased him, digging into your pocket for your phone and turning the camera on. “Say Treats for Daddy!” You said, tilting your head towards Kal's and snapped the photo Henry wanted every two hours.
Henry's phone vibrated on his set chair, and he picked it up between takes. Opening his messages, he grinned at the photo you'd just sent him, you looking totally beat, and Kal looking like he was have a blast, and could go a few miles more.
“Who's babysitting who?” Henry texted you back.
“If I'm still alive, when you get off work, then you'll know.” You texted back, and made Henry laugh even more.
Henry had finished filming for the day, and made his way to your trailer, which is normally where he'd find you and Kal at the end of the day.
“I'm sorry, I won't do it again!” Henry heard you yell, from the over side of your trailer, as he raised his hand to knock, then heard you yelp and the thump of you falling down. “Y/n?” He called, moving around to the other side.
“I promised not to do it again!” You laughed, hands holding on to the thick fur of Kal's neck.
Henry stood by the side of your trailer, seeing Kal standing over you and licking at your face as you melted into hysterical laughter. You grunted as Kal dropped his heavy body on top of you, but kept laughing and playfully struggling against the big Bear.
“Mercy!” You howled in laughter. “Just tell me what the ransom is!” You told Kal, letting your arms fall to the sides as he kept licking at your face and drooling all over you. “I'll give you all the treats!” You tried bargaining with him. “I swear! All the treats and no more fake throws!”
Biting into his lip to keep from laughing himself, Henry looked around and saw the small treat bag you usually carried around sitting on the ground, and stooped to pick it up. “Kal.” He called, chuckling as you continued to beg for mercy.
“Oh, thank god, a Witcher!” You laughed even harder, turning your face towards Henry, who was still in costume and wig. “Please, Witcher! Pay this beast, it's ransom!”
“What do I get out of it?” Henry asked, turning on his Geralt voice. “I doubt there's any treats in here, I'd like.” He bounced the bag in his hand. “There's definitely no coin.”
“I'll be at your mercy!” You giggled, moving your head out of the way of another attack by Kal. “Name your price, Witcher!” You stopped struggling with Kal and laid limp beneath him, out of breath from running with Kal, and laughing.
“You let me repay you, for taking care of Kal so well.” Henry told you, using his normal voice again. “Come to dinner with me, tonight.”
“Well,” You panted and motioned to Kal, who just laid on top of you now. “I don't have much of an option, do I?” You said, looking over him over.
“No, you don't.” Henry grinned, taking out his phone and snapping a pic of the two of you.
“You're just living for this, now.” You laughed, smiling at him.
“I really am.” Henry nodded, opening the treat pouch. “Kal, treat?” He called to him, holding out a palm full of them.
Kal perked up at the word treat and his head swung around to him, his nose sniffing at the air between him and Henry. Henry made a noise and Kal shot up and ran for him, colliding into Henry's legs and devoured the treats he had for him. You gasped, filling your burning and deflated lungs with the cool afternoon air, and took the hand Henry extended to you, letting him pull you up onto your feet. You dusted yourself off and looked up at Henry, seeing the smirk still lingering on his lips as he looked down at you.
“Pick you up in an hour?” He asked, lifting a brow at you.
“I'll be ready.” You blushed.
The three of you parted ways and you took a quick shower and pulled on some decent clothing for a dinner. You opened your trailer door at Henry's knock and smiled at him, relieved he was just as decently dressed as you were, his hair still wet from the shower he'd apparently also took. You followed him to his car and buckled your seat belt as he slid into the driver's seat beside you.
“What was that ball you got Kal?” He asked, looking at you as he started the car. “He's had that thing for a while now, and it's still, more or less, in one piece.”
“One of my fellow Vet Techs suggested it to me, after she asked me why I kept picking up new ones.” You chuckled, brushing your still wet hair behind your ear.
“I'll have to grab some more from you, before filming is done.” Henry smiled, glancing at you. “But, we've got several more months of that.” He added.
“We got the time.” You agreed, looking back at him.
You and Henry had dinner that night, and several more times in the following weeks. Being that you were dog-sitting Kal, and Kal nearly always went with Henry, you got to follow Henry around to the various filming locations for the Witcher; London, Budapest, Austria and the Canary Islands in Spain. It was fun to travel, even better to spend that traveling with Kal and Henry. You and Henry had become close, very close thanks to Kal, he was like the Wing-dog equivalent to a Wing-man. But, you were still paid to take care of Kal, and give Henry updates on the Akita while he was on set working. Henry hadn't heard from you in several hours, and he was an hour's drive from where you and Kal were, at your flat in London. You weren't answering his texts or his phone calls, which made Henry's already cranky day, even crankier. So, when he got off work, he rushed as quickly back to you two as the law would allow.
“Y/n?” He called, opening the door with the key you'd given him, but he received no answer, not from you or Kal. Huffing, he mounted the stairs, taking them two at a time and pushed open your bedroom door, his shoulders relaxed as Kal's head came up and quietly woofed at him.
Kal was on the bed with you, partially covered up with your blankets, you were worried he'd get cold while you took a nap, and with your arm slung over his his body, head resting on his big paw as you slept, curled up against him. Henry's heart melted, all the stress and crankiness he had throughout the day, going with it as he watched you sleep. Kal woofed at Henry a bit louder this time, making you stir, rubbing you cheek against his paw and patting his side to calm him.
“Sorry.” You heard Henry whisper to Kal, getting the hint that he didn't want Henry bothering you, and opened your eyes.
“Henry?” You whispered, sleepily rolling onto your back, as Henry moved out of your room. “What time is it?” You asked his back.
“Just past seven, at night.” Henry replied, turning back towards you.
“Fuck!” You snapped, sitting up. “I never heard my alarm go off, I only wanted to take an nap for an hour.” You said, swiping your phone off the bed stand and seeing the endless string of texts, phone calls and voicemails Henry had left you throughout the afternoon. “I'm so sorry, Henry.” You told him, looking at him, shocked and worried.
“It's all right, y/n.” He assured you, smiling softly. “Both Kal and I have been running you rabid the last several months, and I trust you enough with him.” He told you, looking between you and Kal, tilting his head to the side. “I just got a little anxious is all, it's been one of those days.”
“Well,” You shifted over in bed, and patted the open space beside you. “We can fix that.” You smiled at him, and Kal barked in agreement with you.
“I thought you were my dog?” Henry commented, sitting on bed beside you. Kal woofed, walking over you to lay down on your and Henry's legs.
“He's your Wing-dog.” You chuckled, leaning in to kiss Henry on the cheek.
“Best Wing-dog a man could have.” Henry agreed, turning his head to capture your lips with his. “and you're the best woman, I could have. You take such great care of Kal and me, while still managing to go to school.”
“Well, someone has to take care of you two silly boys.” You teased, grinning at him.
“I've got to take you on vacation after you graduate, and I've finished filming the Witcher.” Henry told you, brushing his knuckles against your cheek. “You've more than earned it.” He said, laying down with you, Kal curling up at your feet.
“All three of us have earned a vacation.” You answered, humming as Henry wrapped his arms around you, burrowing you both into the blankets and mattress.
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theguineapig3 · 5 years
“Pet Parents” Colloyd Week Day 7: Free Day Genre: humor Words: 1153 Characters/Pairings: Lloyd/Colette, Raine, many good doggos
It had barely been a month since Lloyd and Colette had moved in together, so when Raine got a suspicious invitation, she had to go give Lloyd a piece of her mind. Luckily for Lloyd, he didn’t have a clue what was going on. If he did, he would probably be insulted.
((I was inspired by [THIS POST], which is hilarious in its own right, but also just conceptually- Colette and Lloyd would absolutely be the ones to send out invitations to what looks to be a dog-themed baby shower but is actually a baby shower for a dog. Let the fanfiction-style misunderstandings ensue.))
It had been a quiet day up to that point, warm and sunny with just a slight breeze that made it perfect for sitting out on the porch while Lloyd worked on some of his metalworking projects. Colette had taken the dogs out for a walk, so he was by himself at the moment.
By himself, that was, until Raine showed up with a voice like a loudspeaker.
“Huh? Oh, hey Professor.” Lloyd looked up with a frown, setting aside the pliers he was holding. “Did I… do something? Because I genuinely don’t know what I’m in trouble for.”
Raine stormed up the porch, her footsteps slamming onto the stairs. She reached into her pocket, pulling out a slightly crumpled piece of paper and shoving it in Lloyd’s face.
“What. The hell. Is this.”
Lloyd jumped to his feet. “Oh geez, did your invitation get damaged? Don’t worry, we have some extras! I’ll get one for you-”
Raine grabbed his arm and held him back. “I don’t need another invitation. I need answers.”
Lloyd’s worried expression dropped, replaced with one of concern. He turned back so that he could face her, and she used the chance to grab his suspenders and pull him down so that he was on eye level with her.
“Is this why Colette moved in with you?”
“What…? Why would it be? I mean, it’s better that she has more space for the dogs now, but Dad and I have been working on this addition to the house for months-”
“How many months?” Raine pressed, shoving the invitation back in his face. “This invitation doesn’t exactly say.”
“...why would it…?” Lloyd tilted his head, looking an awful lot like a confused dog himself. “Raine, are you okay? I feel like I’m missing some major part of this conversation.”
Raine sighed and let go, taking a step back. “Lloyd, I trusted you. You’ve always been a good kid. But you… you’re still a kid. You and Colette are too young for this kind of responsibility, and I thought you’d be smart enough to… y’know, think ahead.”
The statement gave Lloyd a chuckle. “Aw, you worry too much. Colette has taken care of lots of dogs before.”
“This isn’t the same thing!”
“It’s exactly the same thing… just smaller…”
Raine stepped away, placing a hand against her forehead. “Lloyd, Lloyd… please understand, this is because I care about Colette and you. I want to know that you’ll do the honorable thing, that you’re equipped to take responsibility.”
There was a moment of silence and Lloyd let out a sigh. “Heh, I guess you’ll always be our teacher, even now that we've graduated.”
“It’s not because I was your teacher. It’s because I’m your friend.”
“Well, whatever you are, you don’t have to worry.” Lloyd stood up straighter and tapped his chest. “We might ask some of our friends if they want to take one of the puppies when they’re old enough, but Colette and I are totally prepared to keep all of them!”
The porch went silent again and Raine stared.
“The… puppies…”
“I mean, Bella’s a small dog, so she probably won’t have that many. Presea already said she wants one, and Genis said he’d ask you about it when he gets home from his field trip later this week. Considering we still haven't heard from Zelos and Sheena and Regal… we’re not gonna have enough puppies at this rate.”
Raine was still frozen on the porch.
At that point Colette had rounded the corner on the forest path, straining to keep five different leashes in order while Noishe trotted obediently behind her. She had a big smile on her face, and her eyes lit up as she noticed Raine on the porch.
“Raine! Hey! Did you come to RSVP for the puppy shower?”
Raine stepped back over to the edge of the porch, and Lloyd ran around her to meet Colette and the dogs.
“Yeah, she just showed up and was really worried about Bella. Isn’t that sweet?” Lloyd scooped up one of the dogs, a particularly pudgy little black and white mutt. “Here’s the lucky little mom-to-be! She’s a dog with more dogs inside of her- like a matryoshka doll of dogs! Isn’t that amazing?”
The rest of the dogs were pulling at their leashes, panting and pawing at Lloyd, while Noishe whined and brushed against his back. Raine took a step back, leaning against the porch railing.
“I’m, uh, really happy for the two of you… and this may be the teacher in me coming back out… but can I offer some revisions to this invitation you’ve drawn up?”
Lloyd stiffened and jerked back up after setting the dog back on the ground. “Oh no! Did I misspell ‘shower’ again? I thought I fixed that on the third draft!”
“No, it’s-” Raine stopped. “-how do you…? Never mind. I’m more concerned with the fact that there’s nothing on this invitation that indicates the party is for a dog.”
“Sure there is!” Colette chimed. “That’s what the dog stationery is for. See all the little bones and collars? There’s even a picture of a dog there in the corner- doesn’t it look like Bella?”
Raine let out a long, slow sigh.
“Colette… you write all your letters on dog stationery.”
Raine choked back the urge to pull her hair out.
“The problem is, someone who didn’t know you better might think you were throwing a dog-themed shower rather than a shower for a dog.”
Lloyd frowned. “A dog-themed baby shower? For, like, a human baby? Then why would it…?” He was genuinely puzzled, but Colette caught on right away.
“You can do that?” Her eyes sparkled as she imagined what must have surely been a fantastical scenario. “Lloyd, someday when we have kids, can we have dog-themed baby showers?”
Lloyd flinched, his face turning red. “H-hey, now! I mean, we can, but Isn’t it a little early to be talking about that sort of thing?”
Raine sighed. At least they were all on the same page.
“I’ll offer my congratulations to you two now, but you can expect me at the party as well.” Raine folded the invitation and tucked it back safely into her pocket. “In the future, though, try to be a little more… descriptive with your correspondences.”
“Glad to hear you can make it!” Colette chimed. “But, uh, what exactly do you mean by descriptive-?”
Another voice joined in from the forest path, sending the dogs into an excited frenzy as they ran to greet the newcomer. Lloyd smiled and waved. “Oh, Sheena! Great to see you! Are you here to RSVP?”
“Yeah, to RSVP for YOUR FUNERAL-”
Raine stepped back, resigning herself to let the chaos play out.
Some students, she found, just needed to learn things the hard way.
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