#oh and weekend counts today and tomorrow <3
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 7 months
goodbye for the weekend <333
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scholarhect · 1 year
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jenny holzer inflammatory essays <3 i stood on the stairs and read every single one (there aren’t as many as it looks. each one is on here on about two columns, i think. still a long time to stand there) and i was in the way and people had to walk around me but i was like psssh this is an art gallery if they’re gonna display art here then i’m gonna look at it here. and then afterward i went up and stood by the barrier above the stairs and actually i could read the text reasonably well. so. maybe i did not in fact have to stand in everybody’s way. but whatever
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superhaught · 6 months
Gym Class Heroes (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: homophobia
Word Count: ~2300, Part 2/?
Part 1
Regina pursues her interest in protecting reader as she recovers from the basketball to the head.
Turns out, you did indeed have a mild concussion from the basketball incident, so you took the weekend and the following Monday off of school to rest and recuperate.
You were napping when your mom knocked lightly on your bedroom door and then came in. You woke up and saw that she had an armful of things.
“One of your school friends stopped by and brought your homework from today plus a card and some snacks, how sweet!”
You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, “one of my friends? Do you know who?”
“Oh I don’t know, sweetheart. She was blonde and tall and pretty.”
You couldn’t help your face from lighting up, “gimme the card!”
Your mom handed you everything and you tore open the envelope. It was a simple “get well soon” card but what you were most interested in was the handwritten note. The writer’s penmanship was exquisite, not that you were particularly surprised by that fact. The card smelled like her perfume, as if she had spritzed some on. She’s unreal, you thought. Fragrant notes of orange blossom and rose filled your nostrils and it was addictive. 
The note read: Hey you, I hope you’re doing okay and aren’t too worried about getting behind on schoolwork. If you need help getting your homework done, I know a guy. Anyways, Shane got three days of suspension, which isn’t enough, imo. Text me if ur bored <3 R
She wrote her phone number at the end. You giggled and reread it in full, going as far as kicking your feet excitedly under your blankets. 
“She seems like a sweet girl,” your mom pointed out.
Her voice brought you back to reality. You cleared your throat, “mom, my head is kind of hurting, can I go back to sleep?”
“Oh yeah, of course honey! Get some rest.”
“Thank you,” you set the card down next to you and laid back down as your mom left and once she closed the door behind her, you grabbed your phone and began typing a message to Regina’s number. 
“Hey, ‘R’” you wrote. 
The message delivered and the little typing-indicator dots showed up right away, then her message back came through, “I’m glad you didn’t keep me waiting ;)” then she sent a second message, “how are you feeling?”
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[Text Message Transcript: Reader: I’m feeling okay. I got a concussion like you thought, but I should be back tomorrow. Thank you for the snacks, btw. How did you know cheez-its are my fav? | Regina: My lips are sealed | Reader: You must have gone to a lot of effort to discover my favorite snacks and my home address… | Regina: It’s nothing someone with my social power can’t handle. | Reader: Well, I owe you. For this and for taking care of me yesterday. | Regina: You don’t owe a thing | Reader: Come on, you’ve gotta let me repay you somehow. | Regina: I won’t allow it | Reader: -_- | Regina: :P | seriously. don’t worry about it. | Reader: But why are you being so nice to me? | Regina: because | Reader: That isn’t an answer | Regina: must I have a reason?? | Reader: People usually do | Regina: cynical of you | I guess I feel bad. MY idiot ex gave you a concussion and was an asshole | also | I think ur cute | Reader: It’s not like you own him. | Regina: are you just gonna ignore that last part | Reader: I was getting there! how do you type so fast when you have acrylics?? | Regina: ... | i blame your concussed brain | Reader: You thought about making a dirty joke, didn't you? | Regina: no | maybe | Reader: So... you think I'm cute? | Regina: Not anymore. I take it back because you embarrassed me. | Reader: No take backsies | Regina: Well now I really take it back because that was dumb | Reader: I don't believe you! | Regina: good | you're going to have to see through my bitch act if we keep going along this path | Reader: "if we keep going along this path" meaning...? | Regina: meaning... if you let me take you out on a date | when you're all recovered of course | Reader: Like... a date date? | Regina: yeah dumbass | what other kind is there?| Reader: Sorry!! I've just... never been asked out before | Regina: okay well... I am asking you out | End of transcript]
Being stunned, you didn’t respond to Regina’s text right away. Your heart was pounding. You couldn’t believe that Regina, the queen bee of the school, the most popular girl, the previously-believed-to-be-completely-and-totally-straight-girl, was asking you out. 
Another text from her popped up, “well don’t leave me hanging”
You decided that you wanted to call her. Maybe you felt like you needed to in order to confirm that this was actually real. You called and it rang twice and then you heard her voice through the phone.
She chuckled as she spoke, “hi…”
“Hi…” you said back, suddenly forgetting what words were. 
“What did you want to say that couldn’t have been sent over text?”
“I just… you really want to date me?”
“Yes. I do. Is that really so shocking?”
“A little, yeah.”
“Well listen, I’ve had my eye on you for a while now. And, as I’m sure you are aware, I’m used to getting what I want.”
You shuddered and then replied, “Regina… I’d love to go out with you.”
The two of you continued to talk on the phone well into the night. It was Regina who insisted that you hang up and go to bed to get some good sleep before coming to school tomorrow. The blonde also offered to pick you up in the morning and drive you to school herself. You, of course, accepted. 
You went to sleep feeling lighter than air. 
In the morning, you got ready for school with more zeal than you ever had in your life. Your mother wondered out loud whether you had been replaced overnight by an entirely different person. You just smiled and said that you were happy and feeling better. 
There was a car horn honk from your driveway and your mom kissed your cheek goodbye as you left your home. 
Regina was sitting in her black Jeep, using her mirror to fix her hair. She smiled at you as you came out of your house and approached the passenger side of her car. She leaned and reached over, cracking the door open for you and then offering you her hand to hold as you stepped up into the car.
You sat down and tossed your backpack into the backseat. 
She smiled again, looking you over, “you look so cute!” Regina then gently caressed her thumb over the bruise on your forehead from the basketball, “and this is looking much better.”
You looked her up and down as well and smiled, “you look incredible…”
“Thanks, baby.” 
She had called you ‘baby’ on the phone the night before as well. The affection made your heart flutter.
She continued, “get buckled, let’s go.”
Regina drove you both to school and parked in her spot in the student lot. It wasn’t an assigned parking spot or anything, it was just the closest spot to her preferred entrance and it was hers by way of having scolded anyone who had ever dared to park there.
When you got out of the car, Regina walked over to you and took your hand in hers. 
Surprised, you said, “you know, we haven’t actually gone out yet…”
“I know that. Do you mind if I hold your hand anyway? Do I have to wait before I can show you off?”
“I don’t mind,” you smiled. 
Regina walked you into the school and immediately, all eyes were on the two of you. You half expected Regina to drop your hand but she didn’t. You glanced over at her and she was proud. Beaming even. 
She squeezed your hand a little tighter and looked at you, “you okay?”
You nodded your head, “I am.”
Regina went with you to your locker and leaned against the adjacent locker while you put your backpack away. Then Regina noticed that you had a small magnetic mirror in your locker and she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around you from behind and looked into the mirror.
“We look good together, don’t we?”
You looked at the image in the mirror and thought she was right. With her bright blonde locks draped over your shoulders, her manicured fingers touching your neck, her cheek pressed against yours, it was a dream come true. 
“It’s way too easy for me to get lost in you…”
“I feel the same way, baby.”
At that point, Gretchen and Karen approached, locating Regina as if they had a homing beacon to her. Gretchen flashed you a polite smile and said, “you look mostly recovered!”
Karen stared at you with wide eyes and said, “don’t worry, I’ve been knocked out by a basketball too! It happens to everyone.”
You thought about objecting to her statement in some way but then you just nodded. 
Regina grabbed your hand again and touched your cheek, turning you to face her, “you’ll sit with us at lunch, right?”
“Oh sure! If you want me to…”
“Of course, silly! Well, you know where to find me, then. I’ll see you later.” Regina pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly against her chest. And for the first time in your life, you felt genuinely wanted.
The next two days went by fast. Regina took over driving you to and from school and your mom thanked her profusely for giving her a break. You joined Regina, Gretchen and Karen for lunch, sometimes you were also joined by Cady, Janis and Damien, now that things had gotten less tense between those two trios in the aftermath of the junior year dramatics. 
Regina was extremely attentive to you. You naturally fell into habits of taking care of each other, Regina looking out for you as you continued to recover from your concussion, and you paying attention to her chronic pain flare ups and making sure she was monitoring her POTS symptoms. 
You and Regina agreed to go on your first official date together that weekend, but she certainly was not hesitating to claim you as hers in the meantime. In those 48 hours, there was already an instagram and twitter account dedicated to shipping the two of you and you overheard a lot of talk about your sudden closeness and Regina’s obvious protection over you. 
It all came to a head the day that Shane Oman was back at school.
At lunch, Regina showed up to the table a few minutes later than what was typical for her, and she was dragging Shane by his shirtsleeve until she shoved him right in front of you. 
You set your lunch down and looked at him, then Regina, who shoved him again and said, “well, go ahead.”
Shane rolled his eyes, “fine… I’m sorry…”
Regina’s arms were crossed but she smirked a little, clearly proud of herself. 
“Sorry that you’re a disgusting fucking carpetmuncher!” Shane finished, yelling loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear and immediately cease their conversations, turning all of their attention to your table. 
Gretchen covered her own mouth in shock. Janis and Damien's jaws both dropped open. Karen was staring at something on the ceiling. Cady whispered “oh my gosh” under her breath. 
You just froze and stared. 
Regina lurched forward and gripped the back of Shane’s shirt collar, pulling him backwards by it in a swift motion and basically choking him with the fabric, “what the fuck did you just say?” she growled.
Shane coughed, “I… I… said… carpetmuncher… and I’m not sorry… and I don’t believe for one second… that you’re falling for this… this… dyke!”
“Oh? You don’t?” Regina pushed Shane down to the ground and he collapsed to his knees and rubbed his neck as Regina let him go. Regina walked over to you and took your face in her hands. One second, her face was red with fury, but when she looked down at you, she immediately softened. She pulled you close to her and then pressed her lips to yours.
It wasn’t how you imagined how your first kiss with Regina would have gone, but you wouldn’t have changed anything about it. 
She kissed you so tenderly. Your senses were completely overwhelmed by the softness of her lips, the taste of her lip gloss, the smell of her hair, the feel of her tongue just teasing your bottom lip. Regina held the kiss for a long time and you held her waist. 
You knew everyone’s eyes (and cameras) were on you, but you couldn’t have cared less. You had Regina, and that’s all that mattered. 
When Regina pulled away, she kept eye contact with you for a moment and smiled, assuring you that she kissed you because she wanted to, not just to prove a point. She came back to give you one more quick and gentle kiss before returning her attention to the pathetic man on the ground. 
“Next time you want to say anything derogatory to my baby here, you better be fucking prepared to say it to me, too, Shane. And I don’t think I need to spell out the absolute shithole you will find yourself in if you do that.” 
Shane stared at her with wide, terrified, eyes.
“Now get the fuck out of my sight.” Regina added. 
Shane scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of the cafeteria as Regina took her seat next to you with closed eyes and exhaled a breath through her nose to calm herself.
You leaned your head on her shoulder and whispered, “thank you, Gina.”
She turned her head and kissed your temple, “of course, baby.”
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/31/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Nathan Foad; Con O Neill; Vico Ortiz; Courtney Andersen/Rigging BTS; Adopt Our Crew - Shareholders Meeting Guide; Adopt Our Crew - Pride Month Prizes; Save OFMD Crew Pride Month Poll Results; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
No Fan Spotlight tonight dearies, sorry I ran out of picture space as there's a lot going on, will pick back up tomorrow.
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys out with Theo playing pickleball!
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Source: Rosie's Instagram Stories
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika's out here being a supportive husband <3 The video is available on his Instagram Stories,
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Source: Taika Waititi's Instagram Stories
== Nathan Foad ==
Oh no, Nathan 😭
Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== Con O Neill ==
Just a short video from Con about Mad Max: Furiosa
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico pics from Phoenix Fan Fusion with EnbyBruje <3
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And a short Video: Vico dancing with EnbyBruje at Phoenix Fan Fusion
Source: Enby Bruje's Instagram
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And finally--Vico Will be at the Dynasty Typewriter on June 25: 7:30! For tickets, visit www.dynastytypewriter.com
== Courtney Andersen ==
One of the lovely folks behind the scenes on OFMD was Courtney Andersen and his team that put together the fantastic rigging for The Revenge that made everything so authentic! Below are some BTS pictures of the rigging!
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Source: @ Saphena69's Instagram
== Adopt Our Crew Fuckery Cont'd ==
Our dear friends at @adoptourcrew have put together a guide for the upcoming Shareholder Meeting! Check it out below.
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Instagram
== AOC: Our Flag Mans Pride ==
Starting off Pride Month strong our friends at @adoptourcrew have shared the price catalogue for #OurFlagMeansPride. More details will be added soon, but you can check out the prize list here.
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Save OFMD Crew Pride Month Poll Results ==
The SaveOFMD Crew had a poll earlier this month asking for suggestions on how to celebrate pride month! Those poll results are available now on the REPO under the Save OFMD Crew Folder. There will be more information regarding plans coming soon!
Poll Results
Please note: Write-In Answers were not included in the public file due to data privacy reasons.
== Articles ==
== Big Bang Reminder ==
Reminder! The OFMD Big Bang Starts sign ups tomorrow!
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For all of you who're seasoned OFMD tumblr folks, you probably have heard of OFMD Big Bang before! For our newer members of the fandom check out the description below by OFMD Big Bang Tumblr.
What is the Our Flag Means Death Big Bang? A big bang is a writing and art challenge pairing authors and artists to complete a long work of fiction. The OFMD Big Bang is centered around stories which take place in the Our Flag Means Death universe with a minimum word count requirement of 10,000. 
Interested in joining? Author and Artist sign-ups open on June 1! Here's the upcoming Schedule. Visit the @ofmdbigbang tumblr for more information!
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Tomorrow is the start of Pride Month! Happy Pride to everyone :)
I apologize, I know I have a lot of messages I need to catch up on, I've just been so swamped I haven't had the time. I promise I'll get to them and the rest of the things I've been behind on, this weekend sometime. In the mean time, I just want to say I hope you're being kind to yourself today. I know it's really hard to do some days. Outside influences, people's opinions, the state of the world, everyday stressors, brain chemistry, sometimes just about anything can make it hard for you to love yourself the way you deserve. Just remember that you are wonderful. Not everyone is going to see just how amazing you are. They aren't going to see the spark in you that makes such a huge impact on the world tiny minute waves at a time. But you know who can see that spark if you let them? You.
You light up the world with every movement, every gesture, every word. You truly are a marvel. Sure, we all make mistakes, we all struggle, but every day you keep going and even though you can't see it, you are blooming little by little in your own light-- and your light is helping others to bloom too. You are brilliant lovelies, remember to bask in that light a bit for your own sake. Rest well, drink some water, take your meds if you have them, and get some sleep if you can. Tomorrow is another day.
Take care <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Not sure about tonight's theme, mostly just the two of them chatting it up with each other. Gifs Courtesy of the wonderful @mulder-isms and @ofmd-ann
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austinshotbutlers · 2 years
The Wedding Date - Part Five
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner × Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Your sister's wedding is approaching fast and the thought of showing your boyfriend off to you family and your ex-boyfriend seems like a very appealing idea. The only problem is... you don't have a boyfriend. Luckily your stony faced, serious, sexy boss has agreed to be your fake boyfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.3K
TW: Mentions of cheating, swear words, mentions of sex.
A/N: I’M BACK BABIES!!!! Thank you so much for waiting and being patient with me🫶🏻 So… here is party five. I’m planning on there being six parts, once part six is posted I’m going to make another social media edit to accompany the fic. Also considering writing a prologue/prequel and an epilogue… would you guys like that??
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“Today is the day.” You sighed into Aaron’s chest as you nuzzled closer into his warm embrace. It was early and you could already hear the chaos of the day echoing up the stairs to you room. The shrill voices of your mom and Sarah sent shivers through your body as memories of last night’s drama glazed through your head. Aaron wrapped his arms tighter around you and rubbed light, comforting circles on your arm with his thumb.
“We get through today and then we fly home tomorrow night.” Aaron murmured against the top of your head.
“Am I crazy if I say I’ve actually missed the BAU?” You asked and Aaron laughed lightly.
Suddenly, a loud knock echoed from your bedroom door, closely followed by your mom’s voice.
“I hope you two are up and getting ready. There’s breakfast set up in the kitchen!” She called cheerily followed by the sound of her feet descending down the stairs.
“I’ll get in the shower quickly and then should we go downstairs for breakfast?” Aaron suggested.
“Sounds like a plan.” You smiled and tilted your head up so you could place a light peck on his jaw. Aaron smiled and swiftly climbed out of bed, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips before making his way to the bathroom.
You got out of bed yourself and pulled on one of Aaron’s jumpers before the buzz of your phone caught your attention. You quickly picked it up and glanced at the screen. 3 missed calls and 8 texts from Emily. How on earth did you miss them? As soon as you heard the running water coming from Aaron’s shower, you immediately called her. She answered almost instantly.
“Hello?” You said.
“Oh my god! Where have you been? It’s been 2 days and I’ve heard nothing from you!” Emily shouted exasperatedly down the phone.
“I know! I’m so sorry! The last few days have been… a lot to say the least.” You replied.
“What’s been going on? Have you and Hotch been having insane, crazy-hot, lust-filled sex for two days straight? Is that why you haven’t been replying to my texts or answering my calls?” Emily asked.
“Emily!” You hissed.
“That wasn’t a no… oh my god you slept together!” She exclaimed matter-of-factly. “Was it good? Wait, I don’t know if I want to know that… oh what the hell, what was it like?” The questions came flooding out of her life a waterfall.
“Ok! We had sex but that’s all I’m telling you!” You replied frustratedly.
“I knew it! I knew you two would do it! Please just describe it in three words.” Emily pleaded down the phone.
“Fine! Best. Sex. Ever.” You said and Emily squealed excitedly in response.
“So are you and Hotch officially a couple now or?…” Emily asked and it caused you to stop and think. With the trip coming to an end, were you two now a couple? Both of you had declared your love for one another so surely that counted as some sort of idea where your relationship status sat?
“We haven’t put any labels on it yet but we have been very open with our feelings.” You explained.
“Well, tell Hotch that if he doesn’t make it official with you by the time you’re back in DC, I’ll be having words with him.” She said. “I’m putting money on the two of you being married by next year.”
“Oh my god Emily!” You laughed. “Slow down! We haven’t even really discussed telling the team about this.”
You were then suddenly aware of the absent sound of running water, realising Aaron was no longer in the shower.
“Look Em, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow?” You said.
“Will you actually answer my calls this…” you hung up before Emily could finish her sentence just as Hotch stepped out the bathroom, his towel wrapped around his hips and water trickling down his chest. You took your lip between your teeth, taking in Aaron’s torso as though it was the first time seeing it.
“Enjoying yourself?” Aaron’s chuckle drew you from your thoughts.
“Sorry!” You blurted out, turning around and throwing your phone on the cabinet. “You’re just hard not to admire.”
“Same could be said about you.” He smiled boyishly. “You look beautiful.”
“Stop talking shit Hotchner!” You laughed, throwing a pillow at him which he managed to catch with one hand, the other keeping the towel wrapped firmly around his hips.
“You look cute in my jumper.” He laughed. “I’m actually finding it hard not to come over and rip it off you.”
“Aaron! As much as I would like us to, we do not have time for sex right now!” You scolded him lightheartedly and he chuckled. “Get dressed and we’ll go get some breakfast.
As soon as Aaron was dressed, you both headed downstairs and were met by what looked like the entire bridal party.
“Jesus Christ.” You mumbled to Aaron as the two of you looked at the several bridesmaids all fussing around Sarah as she sat on a chair having her hair done, occasionally taking a bite of fruit.
“Good! You’re both here. Help yourself to breakfast!” Your mom ushered you in and handed you plates. You scooped up some fruit and pastries. You looked around for somewhere to sit and decided to settle on a stool at the kitchen island next to Liv who was already in her bridesmaid dress and sipping on a large mimosa.
“A little early don’t you think?” You joked.
“Of course not! There’s a wedding to celebrate.” She said in an attempt to mimic your mom before pouring you your own glass of champagne. “Drink!”
You clinked you glass with hers and took a large sip just as Aaron came and sat next to you.
“Would you like a mimosa Aaron? Or would you like something stronger?” Liv asked him.
“No, I’m fine thank you Liv.” He smiled.
“I never got a chance to thank you last night for punching Luke.” She continued and you smiled into your champagne flute. “It truly brought me so much joy.”
Aaron laughed nervously. “While it did feel right, it probably wasn’t one of my smarter ideas.”
“Oh no trust me honey,” you smiled. “It was one of the smartest ideas you’ve ever had.” And Liv nodded her head in agreement.
Aaron opened his mouth to reply but a stern voice caught all three of your attention.
“Y/N.” Sarah said, her hair and makeup all finished now. “Can we please talk?”
You nodded and the two of you walked into the study down the hall.
“What did you want to talk about?” You asked as soon as Sarah shut the door behind her.
“I want to accept your apology for last night.” Sarah said and you had to stop yourself from laughing.
“Are you serious? I have nothing to apologise for. Luke got what was coming to him. He’s a fucking ass.” You reply trying to keep your frustrations at bay.
“You two have been over for nearly two years now. Just get over it and move on.” Sarah replied angrily. “Luke is actually trying to make an effort to be nice and civil with you and you’re just so rude to him.”
You laughed loudly at her preposterous suggestion. “Funnily enough, calling me a slut doesn’t exactly scream being nice and civil.”
“You’re going to ruin my wedding.” She replied, tears threatening to spill from Sarah’s eyes. “Just be a good maid of honour and behave yourself.
“Behave myself? What am I? A disobedient dog?” You were angry now. “Fine! I’ll play all happy for now but if one thing happens with Luke, I don’t care anymore, I’ll punch him again myself and hope this time his nose does actually break!” And with that, you threw the study door open and strode out down the hall, back to the kitchen.
As soon as you appeared back in the kitchen, Aaron knew something was wrong. He excused himself from where he was stuck in a conversation with Liv and some other bridesmaids and made his way over to you.
“Are you ok?” Aaron asked as he placed a hand on your hip.
“Let’s just go upstairs and get ready.” You said, the feeling of Aaron’s hand on your hip helping you relax ever so slightly.
“Ok, how do I look?” You asked Aaron, stepping out of the bathroom to show him your bridesmaid dress. It was a gorgeous lilac satin that hugged your figure perfectly. “Sarah may be psychotic but I commend her for her choice of dress.”
Aaron looked up from where he was sitting on the bed. He had been ready for a while now but had no complaints after he saw you. He was utterly speechless. He thought nothing could top the green dress you wore last night but god, was he wrong.
“Do I look ok? Your silence is worrying me.” You laughed nervously.
“You look…” Aaron stood up and walked over to you, completely in awe of your appearance. “You look incredible.” A kiss on your lips. “Ethereal.” A kiss on your jaw. “Fucking beautiful.” A kiss down your neck.
Heat rose to your cheeks at Aaron’s words and you giggled as he continued to kiss and nibble at your neck.
“I need you.” Aaron groaned against your skin. “This dress is… hypnotic. You have me completely under your spell.”
You moaned quietly as he nipped some skin at the base of your neck. “Aaron…”
“Y/N?…” He imitated.
“We… need to go.” You gasped as Aaron raked his hand over your ass and up your back.
“I know…” he mumbled before pulling away and looking at you, his dark, lust-filled eyes locking onto yours. You leaned up and kissed him once more before walking to fetch your heels. “Such a tease.” Aaron chuckled as he watched you go and straightened his tie.
You smirked to yourself, you had no idea the bridesmaid’s dress was going to have such an effect on him. You were going to have fun with him at the wedding.
When you walked downstairs, Aaron’s hand placed at the small of your back to keep you balanced, gasps erupted and you looked up to see your mom, dad and Liv.
“No sorry! You have to take that dress of right now.” Liv said with a pout. “Because you look way hotter than me in it!” She laughed and you jokingly rolled your eyes.
“Let me get a picture of you two!” Your mom said excitedly, reaching for her camera and snapping you and Liv stood together in the hallway.
“Is bridezilla ready yet?” You asked which made Liv laugh and your mom throw you an annoyed look.
“Your sister is just having some photos taken by the photographer in the garden. You two will be needed soon for the bridesmaid’s shots.” Your mom explained.
“Have you seen Sarah yet dad?” You asked.
“Yes I have. She looks beautiful. Can’t believe my youngest girl is getting married.” He chuckled and you laughed along falsely and reached for one of the many champagne flutes scattered around the house, knocking it back.
“Y/N! Liv! We need you for photos.” One of the other bridesmaids, Lucy, called.
You walked outside and that was when you saw Sarah in her wedding dress. It was gorgeous with the most beautiful train and veil.
“Quick guys! We need to leave very soon.” Sarah called.
“Where’s the maid of honour?” The photographer asked and you awkwardly raised your hand. “Perfect, can you stand on the right side of the bride please?” And you took your place.
Sarah smiled at you. “You look beautiful sissy.”
You smiled at the nickname the two of you used when you were younger. “Thank you. You look gorgeous. Thomas is going to cry when he sees you.”
“You really think?” She asked with tears in her own eyes and you nodded.
The photographer quickly snapped some pictures of just the two of you together before taking several shots of the whole bridal party and some of Sarah with your parents. As soon as all photographs had been taken, it was time to head to the wedding venue.
Chaos. An hour until Sarah was to walk down the aisle and the rings had been misplaced. Sarah was on the verge of tears while your mom comforted her and everyone frantically searched for where the rings could have disappeared to. You had looked everywhere with absolutely no luck.
“What if they were left at home?” You asked.
“No! I definitely had them packed up in one of the boxes ready to come here.” Sarah said frustratedly. “Can you go and check with Luke? He might know where they are.
“Can’t someone else?’ You asked which in turn resulted in harsh glares from Sarah and your mom. “Fine! I’ll go and find him.” You said exasperatedly, rolling your eyes.
You left the room, closing the door behind you and saw Aaron down the hall on the phone to someone. As soon as he saw you, he said bye to whoever he was talking to and came over to you.
“Sorry, that was Dave. Just filling me in on the case the team are taking. You ok?” He asked.
“No… the wedding rings have gone missing so as my role as maid of honour, I am being forced to find them.” You sighed. “I just want the ground to swallow me up because now I have to go and find Luke to ask him if he knows where they are.”
“I’ll come with you?” He offered.
“No, it’s fine. I think I’ll survive.” You smiled and leaned up to place a peck on his lips. “I will see you in a minute.” And you headed to the other side of the building to where Luke would be.
“Sorry Matthew,” you tapped Thomas’ dad on the shoulder. “Have you seen Luke? I need to speak with him.”
“He should be just down the hall.” He slurred and you could smell the whiskey on his breath. “Just as long as you don’t punch him again!” He joked and you awkwardly laughed.
You rushed down the hall and saw Luke standing outside, taking a drag on a cigarette.
“Luke!” You called and he turned to you, quickly throwing his cigarette on the floor and stepping on it.
“What?” He asked abruptly and you took in his appearance. A cut across his nose and a slightly bruised eye. “That asshole boyfriend with you?”
“Aaron is here but he doesn’t feel the need to accompany me everywhere.” You rolled your eyes. “The rings are missing. Sarah wants to know if you knew where they were?”
“Yeah. They’re here.” And he fished into his suit pocket, pulling out two silver bands.
You snatched them from his fingers, frustration brewing. “For god’s sake! We have been looking everywhere for them. Why did you think it was a good idea to have them in your pocket?”
“Jesus Christ, chill!” Luke said defensively. “I didn’t know what was happening with them.”
“Well then you should have left them alone! You’re not the one who had to deal with a crying Sarah.” You replied. “Lucy’s daughter is bringing them down the aisle. I thought being the best man, you would have known that.”
“Fucking hell, do you always have to be so uptight about everything? You wonder why I dumped you!” He exclaimed and you sighed turning around to walk away. “At least with your sister knows how to have a good time. She was better in bed anyway.” And almost instantly, he realised what he had said and fear filled his eyes.
Your steps faltered at his words. You couldn’t move. Did Luke really just admit to sleeping with your sister? You turned slowly back around to face him and saw the worry in his eyes. All body function froze as you struggled to find the words to say.
“You… you slept with my sister?” You finally managed to ask. “When?… Why?…”
“It was… it was a month before we broke up.” Luke mumbled. “God, I didn’t want you to find out like this… I thought Sarah was going to tell you.”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, tears began to cloud your vision as you took the information in.
“I mean, we knew it was wrong but we just couldn’t stay away from each other,” Luke continued. “And then after a month of sleeping together, I knew I had to end it with you. We carried on together well after you left but then she started dating Tom and she ended it.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Luke cheated on you with your sister… who the fuck does that?
“I… I have to go.” You muttered and quickly bolted down the hallway. So many thoughts flooded your head and you tried your best to stop the tears from spilling from your eyes. As you turned the corner you walked straight into someone who immediately grabbed you to keep you steady in your ridiculously high heels. You looked up and were met with the familiar face of Aaron. He immediately noticed the tears in your eyes and his eyes filled with concern. You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his neck, breathing in his cologne.
“Honey?… What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly. “Did something happen?”
“I’m trying so hard not to cry.” You croaked out. “It’s just… I don’t even know what to say.”
Aaron pulled away from your embrace and looked at your flushed face. “You’re worrying me Y/N,” he said with a frown. “What happened?”
You collected your thoughts and took a deep breath in before looking into Aaron’s eyes.
“Just hold me.” You muttered and Aaron pulled you close to his chest again, holding you in a tight hug and stroking your hair in an attempt to comfort you. You stayed like that for a few minutes and soon the shock of Luke’s revelation had worn off. Aaron pulled back and looked down at you, hoping you were going to tell him what had happened.
“What happened Y/N?” Aaron asked again.
You looked up at him and took a deep breath. “I found the rings, Luke did have them.”
“Ok… that’s good.” Aaron replied nonchalantly but was desperate to find out what head caused you to become so upset.
“I also found out that…” you took a deep breath. “Sarah and Luke had also been sleeping together… while we were still together.”
Aaron was left speechless. He thought he couldn’t despise Luke anymore but god he was wrong. He looked in your eyes and noticed that you were no longer upset but were now… actually, he had no idea how you were feeling.
“Y/N?” Aaron asked in an attempt to understand your emotions.
You looked up at Aaron and then back at the room Sarah was currently getting ready in before the built up anger of the weekend spilled out of you.
“Sarah had given my nothing but shit the whole time we’ve been here.” You began and Aaron took ahold of your hand to try and calm you down but he knew you had every right to be annoyed. “I have worked my ass off to try and appease her and get on with Luke and now it all makes sense. She didn’t want me to find out that she had been fucking him right under my nose!”
Before Aaron could even open his mouth to reply, you had pulled away from him and was walking towards where Sarah was. You threw the door open and Sarah immediately looked up with a hopeful smile.
“Did you find the rings?” She asked.
“Yeah I did.” You smiled falsely and began to walk into the room. “You know what I also found?”
Sarah shook her head while excitedly talking the wedding rings from your hand. “What?”
“I also found out that you and Luke were sleeping together behind my back.” And Sarah’s head quickly snapped up to look at you, panic completely filling her face.
“Y/N… it’s not what you th…” she paused as she realised there was no saving herself. “I’m sorry! I wanted to tell you, I really did! I just could never find the right time and then I started dating Tom and I thought it was best to just pretend it never happened.”
“Does Tom know?” You asked.
“I was going to tell him after the wedding.” Sarah mumbled.
“That’s a great idea.” You laughed. “Tell him you repeatedly fucked his best friend right after you married him.”
“Please Y/N… can we just leave this until after the wedding?” Sarah begged.
“You are unbelievable!” You exclaimed. “Tom deserves to know.”
“I deserve to know what?” Tom asked as Luke guided him into the room. His eyes were covered with a silk eye mask.
“Wait, what is happening?” You ask confused.
“Sorry baby, are you not ready yet for our first look?” Tom asked waving his arms in front of him in an attempt to grab Sarah’s arms.
“No I am ready, Y/N was just leaving.” Sarah huffed.
“Nope, I’m staying right here.” You said, taking a seat on the cushioned chair. Sarah glared at you while Luke attempted to leave the room. “Sarah actually has something to tell you Tom, don’t you sissy?” You condescendingly used the childhood nickname, the same nickname that had you wanting to be the perfect big sister and mid of honour mere hours ago,
“Oh my god… honey, are you pregnant?” Tom asked excitedly.
“No I…” Sarah’s breath hitched and for a split second, you regret making her do this. She lifted her hands up and gently removed the eye mask from his face and Tom’s face lit up when he saw Sarah in her wedding dress.
“Oh Sarah baby, you look gorgeous.” He beamed but his face dropped when he saw Sarah’s glum face. “Wh… what’s wrong?”
“I was sleeping with Luke.” Sarah said bluntly. “Just before we started dating but I ended it when we made it official.”
Tom froze, he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.
“Please say something Tom. I’m sorry I never told you sooner.” Sarah said, tears filling her eyes.
“So… you were sleeping with Luke while he was dating your sister?” Tom asked. “How long has Y/N known?”
“Since 10 minutes ago.” You muttered and looked back at where Luke was standing at the doorway, a panicked look on his face.
“Tom I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before now,” Sarah repeated. “We can move on from this, be stronger as a couple.”
“Sarah I just need… a minute.” Tom sighed and quickly exited the room, Luke following him trying to offer apologies.
You turned to look at Sarah, her eyes filled with tears as she threw herself down on a chair.
“He’s not going to marry me.” She muttered. “Why did you force me to tell him?”
“Sarah… he had a right to know. Would you rather he found out from you or a drunken slip from Luke?” You asked.
“Just leave me alone! You really are the worst maid of honour and the worst sister.” Sarah shouted.
You stood up and quickly left Sarah to be by herself. Upon exiting the room, you saw Aaron and quickly walked up to him. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your head into his chest.
“Ok so… I’m the worst sister ever apparently.” You spoke into his chest.
“No you’re not,” Aaron mumbled into your hair. “She’s just angry you found out this way, you had every right to react the way you did.”
“But what if Tom calls off the wedding?” You asked, pulling back to look at Aaron. “Then Sarah really will hate me for the rest of my life.”
“Don’t worry about it, let’s go get some air, you need it.” Aaron said, intertwining your fingers together and guiding you towards the door. Once outside, you took in a deep breath and was thankful for the fresh air – the stuffiness and tension inside was suffocating. After a few minutes off a comfortable silence between the two of you, Aaron placed his arm around your shoulders and leaned down to place a kiss at his temple.
“Everything is going to be ok you know?” He said.
“How can you be so sure?” You questioned with a sigh.
“Because I’m a profiler.” He said and your rolled your eyes. “And I can see Tom coming back.” You suddenly snapped your head in the direction Aaron was looking and sure enough, Tom was striding towards you and Aaron, a determined look on his face.
“Is Sarah still inside?” He asked once he reached you.
You nodded.
“Thanks…” Tom said and then walked towards the entrance.
“I told you everything was going to be ok … I’m an excellent profiler.” Aaron turned to you with a smile.
You tried your best to fight the smile and jokingly punched him lightly on the arm. “Don’t jinx it, we don’t know what he’s saying to Sarah yet!”
“Stop being such a pessimist!” Aaron scolded jokingly, trying to lift your mood. “Come on, lets go inside and see if we can find out whats going on.” And the two of you walked back inside, hand in hand, ready to face whatever was coming… together.
The Wedding Date Taglist 1/2: @wanniiieeee @notsopersonalcharlie @blackeyedangel9805 @preciousbabypeter @stxlemate @twilightlover2007 @justarandommom @impala1967dwinchester @spencermiromantiko @julyhoney @thecubanator2 @xphantomphanphanaticx @lawlesshedgehog @louderfortheback @ssamorganhotchner @essenceproxima @lespendy @stiles-argent24 @rousethemouse @tvdstelenaforever @wandererseye @bibella8swan @yourfavunsub @bibimangines @lou-the-confused-bisexual @realm8626 @sophiaj650 @bylones @howabouticallyou @madz-19 @hotchnerxo @supercriminalbean @jayxox @sweetpeterparker @mina2000alex @xoxokiwi @rayofeffingsunshine @helmihotchner @pedrohoe04 @blackqueenie-18 @crocodilefeet2707 @mynotesapptbh @cryingraccoonn @victoriaholland @1d-obssesed @jemssafespace @red-red-rogue @fandomalert31 @valentinaromanoff @smad809 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @tim-thefrog @mojo366 @jazzymariexoxoc @dankfarrick29 @gffesegjoiegi @fuckthealarm @users09 @8crazy-freak8 @jazzerbelle14 @vsophb
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Damage Control
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Summary: You get into an argument with your parents and it brings up some tough emotions. Melissa helps you work through those feelings and thinks of a unique way to help you cope.
Word Count: 8k
A/N - Hi! I want to start off by saying that this fic is purely self-indulgent. I wanted to write something for those that don’t have the support of their loved ones in regard to their sexuality. If you’re currently going through this situation, I hope you can find a piece of comfort in this fic. My main goal with this one is to make you feel less alone. I hope you all enjoy <3
TW - Contains themes of homophobia and depicts interactions with unaccepting parents
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It was a Saturday evening, and you found yourself at Melissa’s house. Over the past couple months, it became a ritual for you to spend the weekends with her. You found this was the only time you could enjoy her company due to the demands of the week. Things had been rough for her at school, but she was finally getting used to teaching two grades. She had more free time now, and you jumped at the opportunity to spend it with her.
You were currently sitting on the couch in the comfort of her arms. She was lying with her back against the arm of the couch, and you were sitting in her lap in the same position. Your back was against her front, and her arms were wrapped around your waist. Your head was settled on the left side of her chest, and you could hear the faint sound of her heartbeat.
It was a gloomy day and you didn’t plan on doing much. You originally wanted to spend the day out and about, but due to the weather, you changed your mind. You mutually decided that you would much rather have a lazy day in. You finished eating dinner not too long ago and you were now watching TV.
You recommended Melissa to start Killing Eve a while ago, but she never got around to it. You were glad about that because now you were able to watch it together. You were only on the first season, which you’d seen multiple times, so your attention was being pulled in another direction.
You turned slightly in her arms so that you were facing her. Her hair was up and her face was rid of makeup, so every feature was on display. She was absolutely stunning and you wished you could see her like this more. Your eyes roved over her face until they landed on the slope of her neck. You leaned in and placed a few kisses at the junction of her neck and shoulder. You watched her cheeks become pink from your actions. Her lips twitched as she tried to fight a smile and you couldn’t help but let your lips curve into a grin at the sight. You realized you were staring and tried to look away before she noticed, but you knew you’d been caught when she spoke.
“The TV is over there, you know.” She nodded her head in the direction of the entertainment.
“I know that, Melissa,” you laughed. “I just enjoy looking at you more.”
“Someone’s being very charming today,” she said before turning her head towards you.
You locked eyes momentarily and the twinkle in her green orbs was almost too much for you to handle. You couldn’t think when she looked at you like that. You shied away from her gaze before letting out a chuckle. 
“Do you like the show so far?” You asked after gathering your thoughts. 
“Yeah, it’s good. I thought there would be a little more action though.”
“Oh, trust me, it’s coming. I think the next episode is the one where Villanelle shows up at Eve’s house.” You said while reaching for your phone that was resting on the coffee table.
You heard Melissa groan and you realized that your movement shifted her out of her comfy spot. You gave her an apologetic look before turning your phone on. As you looked through your notifications, you saw that you had a missed call from your dad. The two of you usually called each other every weekend, mainly in the mornings. He didn’t call you this morning, so you thought he’d get to it tomorrow. It was strange for him to call you at this time, but you just assumed he missed you extra and didn’t want the call to wait.
“You can call him back if you need to,” Melissa said, knowing how much you looked forward to catching up with him.
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna,” you sat up and swung your legs over the edge of the couch. “It must be important if he’s calling this late.”
“Go ahead. I need to get up and stretch anyways.” She patted the side of your leg, signaling you to stand.
“Be right back,” you said before leaning over to kiss her lips.
✦ ✦ ✦
You made your way into the kitchen and sat at the table in a seat near the entryway. You pressed the missed call notification and held the phone up to your ear. You listened to three sequences of ringing before someone picked up.
You brought your phone down and looked at the screen in confusion. It wasn’t uncommon for her to answer your dad’s calls if he wasn’t in immediate reach of his phone. It still caught you off guard.
“Hey, mom. I was just calling Dad back.” You said in hopes that she would pass him the phone as quickly as possible.
You loved your mother, but you didn’t have the energy to deal with her right now. You were in a good mood, and you knew she was bound to change that if you continued to speak with her.
“Now, don’t sound too eager to talk to me,” she said. 
You knew she was being sarcastic, but she did have a point. Even though you weren’t in the mood, you were still curious about her well-being. 
“How are you?” You asked.
“I’m just trying to enjoy the day, but the weather has been acting crazy.”
Are we seriously talking about the weather right now? You thought to yourself.
“Yeah, I know,” you nodded to yourself. “I was gonna go out today, but those plans got squashed.”
“Oh, honey, I’m glad you realized you need to get out more,” she said. “All you do is go to work, then go home. You need to have a little fun here and there.”
While her comment sounded like she meant well, you knew there was an air of judgment in what she was trying to say.
“I know, mom. You tell me all the time.” You let out a sigh.
“Yeah, well, every time I call you’re always at home.”
“You just happen to call me when I’m at home.” You rolled your eyes.
“You just happen to be at home every time I call you? I find that hard to belie–”
“Mom, where’s Dad?” You asked, trying not to sound too fed up.
“He’s upstairs. He’ll be down soon,” she said. “Why are you in such a hurry?” 
You could almost hear the cogs turning in her head as she thought of the reasons why you wanted to get off the phone with her. You pulled your phone away to see that you’d only been on the phone with her for a little over a minute. Why did it feel like the two of you had been talking for ages? You could feel yourself getting a headache already.
“You can change the subject all you want, but I’m just saying it wouldn’t hurt you to get out more.” She said in a tone that you couldn’t quite place, but you knew that it rubbed you the wrong way.
Before you could speak, you heard her say, “Here’s your father.”
You had never been so thankful to talk to your dad in your life.
“Hey, kiddo.” Your dad said. “What’s up?”
“Hey, I was just calling you back. Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine. Why?”
“I dunno.” You shrugged even though he couldn’t see. “You usually call me earlier in the day.”
“Is it a crime for me to be spontaneous?” He asked. “Haven’t you heard the phrase, “Expect the unexpected?”
You could hear the smile in his voice and you couldn’t help but chuckle at him.
“It is a crime, considering you’re the most calculated man I know.”
Your parents were very type A, and they always followed some sort of schedule. They liked things to be a certain way, and they were always organized. Despite what it seemed like, they knew how to have fun – especially your dad. However, there were times when they could be stuck in their ways, and that’s why you often butt heads.
“Okay, maybe that’s true.” He laughed. “I just missed you, is all.”
“I miss you too.” You smiled to yourself.
Your heart warmed at his words. Your conversations were so much different than the ones between you and your mom. 
“What are you up to?” Your dad asked, bringing the conversation back to you.
“Nothing much. I was watching TV when you called.”
You could hear your mom in the background making a remark about you not getting out of the house. For some reason, she couldn’t let it go today. 
“Dad, can you put me on speaker?”
“Okay, you’re on speaker.” He confirmed.
You laughed at him before addressing your mom. “Mom, you know I can hear you in the back, right?”
“All I’m trying to say is that the men aren’t gonna meet themselves.” She said bluntly.
You let out a dry laugh. Of course, that’s what this is about. She’d wanted to say it all along, but she liked to bet around the bush for some reason.
“Mom, men aren’t the key to life. I’m fully capable of doing everything a man could do for me by myself.”
She laughed, and you could almost see the shake of her head that came with the action. “Of course, you would say that.” 
“Honey.” You could hear your dad say to your mom in a warning tone.
“No, it’s okay.” Clearly, there was a deeper meaning to her words. “What’s that supposed to mean, Mom?”
It was silent on the other end of the line as you waited for an answer. 
“I think your mother is just trying to say–”
“Dad, I wanna hear it from her. What’s that supposed to mean, Mom?” You repeated. 
You could feel yourself becoming more defensive as the seconds went on.
“I’m not surprised you would say something like that. With you being the way you… are and whatnot.” She couldn’t even bring herself to say the words.
“The way I am? Wh–What are you trying to say?” You asked, but you knew exactly what she was alluding to.
You weren’t solely attracted to men, and that dissatisfied your mother more than anything. You knew it bothered your dad too; the only difference was that he wasn’t so brash about it. You had hope that he might come to terms with it in the future. Your mother, on the other hand, was a different story.
✦ ✦ ✦
Melissa was sitting on the couch as she waited for you to finish your conversation. For the past ten minutes, she had busied herself with looking at the pictures hanging on her walls. She couldn’t remember the last time she really looked at them. She had been so busy at work trying to keep up with two classes that she didn’t notice how long it had been since she took a proper pause. This was the first time in about three weeks that she was able to keep her head above the water.
It was also the first weekend that she had been able to fully enjoy in a while. When she realized she would have some free time, her first thought was that she wanted to spend it with you. It was very unlike her to want to spend her spare time with anyone, but there was something special about you. You made her feel at peace, and she craved having you around at all times. 
She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard your voice coming from the kitchen. The sound was muffled from where she was standing, so she couldn’t make out what you were saying. Nonetheless, you sounded like you were in distress. She debated whether or not to go check on you. She knew you were capable of handling your own problems, but she still wanted to make sure that you were okay. She reasoned with herself and made her way over to the entrance of her kitchen.
She didn’t walk in yet out of fear that she might be interrupting something. Your relationship was still kind of new, and she didn’t want to seem like she was butting into your business. From outside the doorway, she could hear another woman’s voice. She assumed this was your mom.
She heard the tail end of the conversation, and she was a little stunned, to say the least. She knew about your weekly catch-ups with your dad, and she had been there to overhear some of them. To her, your parents didn’t seem like the type of people to participate in an argument with you. In her opinion, that was more her family’s style. However, she knew that it was presumptuous of her to assume such a thing without much context. She continued to listen to the conversation, curious to hear what would be said next.
✦ ✦ ✦
“You know what I’m saying, Y/N!” Your mother said, raising her voice. 
You knew you’d struck a nerve. She wasn’t at her yelling point, but she was getting close. If she wanted to play that game though, you would play. If there was one thing the two of you were good at, it was yelling at each other.
“I like women, Mom! So what?” You raised your voice back.
“So what?” She said in disbelief, as if she couldn’t fathom what you were saying. “It’s wrong, Y/N. That’s what!”
“Says who? You?” You yelled at her. You didn’t mean to, but you couldn’t help it. You weren’t gonna sit there and listen to her talk about right and wrong as if she was a saint.
“Do not raise your voice at me.” Your mom said sternly.
You knew you were in the wrong at the moment, but you weren’t going to apologize. She was still your mom, but if she wasn’t going to respect you, you weren’t going to respect her.
“A little support would be nice every now and then, you know.” You said.
“I support you plenty. Or do you not remember me and your father loaning you money a couple of weeks ago?” She pointed out. “Did that slip your mind somehow?” She said in a condescending tone.
“That’s not what I mean!” You said in frustration. 
Your mother thought that monetary support was equal to emotional support. In her mind, if you had all of your needs met, emotions didn’t have to be part of the picture.
“You did it to yourself, Y/N. If you didn’t make the choice–”
At those words, you lost it.
“It’s not a choice, Mom! I didn’t choose anything! It’s just who I am!” You shouted through the phone. Tears began to prick your eyes. You tried to blink them away, but they fell anyway.
You stood from your seat and walked around the table. You could feel yourself getting angry, and you didn’t know how that would end, so you tried to calm down before your emotions got out of hand. 
“That’s not who you are!” She yelled back. “I didn’t raise you to be like that. Your father–”
“No, Mom, it's not who you are!” You interrupted her. You reigned your tears in and gained control of your voice. You wanted her to hear your next statements loud and clear.  “Not everything is about you! And Dad can speak for himself.”
Since you came out to your parents, your mom had a hard time separating her identity from yours. She couldn’t bear the fact that you weren’t straight. To her, you were flawed, and she felt like she had done something wrong raising you. What she failed to see was that your identity had nothing to do with her. It was only about you.
“I’m not talking about this with you anymore,” she said.
You saw that one coming. Once you began talking about her image, she shut down. When it came to slander, she could dish it, but she couldn’t take it.
“Fine.” You said, and that was the end of that.
You plopped down in the chair and took a few deep breaths before speaking again.
“Dad,” you said, “are you still on the phone?”
Your dad had been silent the whole time. Not because he didn’t care, but because he knew better than to get in the middle of your and your mom's spats. He meant well, but sometimes you wish he would give his input. Confrontation wasn’t his strong suit though, so you knew it might be a while before you ever heard his side of things.
“Yeah, I’m here, kiddo.” He sounded dejected. “I’m sorry.”
He hadn’t meant for the phone call to go south.
“You don’t have to apologize for her.”
“Yeah, but I know she’ll probably never say it,” he said, sounding defeated for you.
“Yeah, you’re probably right about that.”
You talked with him for a few minutes longer before saying goodnight and ending the call. This was not the direction you expected the night to go in, but like your dad said, you should learn to expect the unexpected.
✦ ✦ ✦
Moments later, you found yourself still sitting at the kitchen table. Your mother’s words rang in your head as you tried to process everything. As you continued to think about the things she said, you felt your frustration resurface. The feeling had only intensified since then, and you began to feel red-hot anger creeping its way up your chest. It settled at the base of your neck and as a result, you felt suffocated. You couldn’t help but let out a scream at the sensation.
“Fuck!” You shouted before slamming your phone down onto the wooden surface of the table.
The sound must have startled Melissa because she appeared before you.
“You okay?” Melissa asked as she kneeled in front of you. She had a frown on her face as she tried to decipher the expression on yours.
You were embarrassed at your sudden outburst and the fact that she’d heard the conversation with your parents. You were also feeling a little helpless because your emotions were manifesting themselves and you had virtually no idea how to handle them. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but all that came out was a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. You could feel Melissa running her hand along your back and that brought you down enough to muster out a reply.
“Yeah,” you said in a flat tone. You meant to be more convincing, but it didn’t quite work.
“You know, you can tell me if you’re not okay.” She said, continuing to rub your back.
You cleared your throat and shook your head as if you were trying to reset your brain to 30 minutes ago: when you were peacefully lying in your girlfriend’s arms and not having thoughts of taking your mother’s neck in your hands and–
“Hon,” Melissa said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Hmm,” you hummed before looking at her again. 
You soon came to realize that was a big mistake. Suddenly everything was too much. Too real. How close she was to you, the look in her eyes, the hand on your back. You needed her to move, but you couldn’t vocalize that. 
“What can I do?” She asked.
“Um, I don’t, I–,” You stumbled over your words.
You reached around to your back so you could grab her hand. She mistook the gesture as you seeking more comfort. She clasped her hand around yours and that gave you the push you needed to speak up.
“I don’t know, but you need to move.” You snatched your hand away as if her touch burned you.
She looked a little shocked, but she moved away as fast as her body allowed her to. Once she was gone, you realized how harsh you’d sounded and you instantly felt bad. She was just trying to help, and here you were snapping at her.
“I’m sorry. I just– I’m really hot and I can’t–” You stood up and started to frantically fan yourself.
Melissa continued to look at you. She was trying to figure out what her next move would be. She’d never seen you like this, and she wanted to handle this situation correctly. As soon as she realized that staring at you wasn’t going to help, she jumped into action.
“That’s okay. How about we start by taking this off.” She stepped closer to you before realizing she should probably warn you. She wanted to avoid your previous reaction at all costs. “I’m just gonna come closer, but I’m not gonna touch you.”
You couldn’t even focus on what she was saying because you were about two seconds away from freaking out again. You could only make out every other word, but it was enough for you to piece her sentences together. You nodded your head to show that it was okay for her to come closer.
Why the fuck am I so hot? You thought to yourself.
“I just wanna get your jacket off.” She said.
Jacket? What jacket?
As you watched her reach toward you, you looked down to see that you were wearing the hoodie Melissa let you borrow earlier. You were so scatterbrained that you didn’t realize you still had it on.
She grasped the zipper on the garment before pulling it down, causing the sleeves to fall off your shoulders. Once the item was off, you felt so much better and your thoughts started to become more clear. You sat back down and let out a sigh of relief as you leaned forward, resting your palms on your knees. You looked down at the ground in an attempt to focus your attention on something other than the anger and shame you were feeling.
“That feel any better?” Melissa inquired.
You thought about her question for a second. You felt better because you weren’t burning up anymore. However, you could still feel the remnants of ire in the pit of your chest. 
“A little, but I feel like,” you paused. “Like I,” you trailed off before giving up.
Melissa reached out to gently grasp your jaw. She tilted your face upward so you could look at her. Her palm felt cool against your warm skin. 
“Like what?” She looked at you intently.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged before removing your face from her hold.
It wasn’t a secret that you experienced emotions deeply. You felt more than the average person, and you were very in tune with other people. You were the definition of an empath, and it was a gift as well as a curse. You cared for others, but the weight of harboring their emotions in addition to your own was too much to handle at times.
You were also prone to burying your feelings. That’s where your difficulties with communication stemmed from. When you were hurting you kept it to yourself, and that made it harder for you to navigate situations like this. When you had a chance to express your feelings, you weren’t always sure how to convey them to others.
Melissa pulled up a chair and set it directly in front of you. To be honest, you were taken aback by the action. You fully expected her to leave you alone until you could figure out an answer to her question. As you looked at her, you saw through all the concern and found there was determination in her eyes. She wanted to figure out what was going on inside your head, and she wasn’t going to give up until she got an explanation.
“Can you tell me what you’re feeling physically?” She reached out to grab your hand, finding it hard not to show her affection. “Just one thing.”
“Um, kinda like I might… explode.” You looked toward her in hopes of receiving some form of validation, and without fail she gave it to you.
“Okay.” She nodded her head and began to stroke the back of your hand with her thumb. “Anything else?”
“My heart is beating really fast and I feel tense. Like, all over.” You took your free hand and motioned it in a circle around you.
“That doesn’t sound like a nice feeling,” she spoke softly. 
To you, her tone seemed uncharacteristically gentle. It was unlike anything you’d ever heard from the redhead.
“What do you usually do when you feel like this?” Her eyes never strayed from yours.
“Nothing really.” You looked at her sheepishly. “I usually just push it away or try to focus on something else.”
The lost look in your eyes pulled at Melissa’s heartstrings. She could see the trouble you were having processing your emotions, and all she wanted to do was help you. She had an idea, but she wasn’t sure how you’d receive it. However, she knew it wouldn’t hurt to ask.
“Are you willing to try somethin’ for me, hon?” She bit her lip as she anticipated your response.
“Sure.” You were willing to try just about anything if it would make you feel better.
“Okay, give me just a sec.” She held up her index finger, then proceeded to walk out of the kitchen.
Melissa soon returned with something interesting in her hands: a baseball bat. You looked at her with curiosity as she came to stand before you.
“Come on.” She nodded her head toward the back door. “Let’s go outside for a minute.”
You followed her into the yard, where she walked you to a secluded corner. As she moved a few items around to create some space, you noticed her backyard was very homey. There was a couch decorated with pillows and blankets and it was placed near a fire pit. There was also a garden located on the opposite end.
Above you, there were string lights that were activated by the two of you stepping outside. They lit up the yard with a warm glow and you began to find comfort in the cozy atmosphere. She had a fence built well above your height that surrounded the area, and it made you feel completely safe.
When she was finished rearranging, Melissa came to stand across from you. “When I get upset, I take this and use it to do as much damage as I can.” She presented the bat to you.
You tried not to think too much into her statement, but you couldn’t help raising your eyebrows.
“I promise everything I’ve done was legal,” she said after seeing your reaction. “Well, mostly.”
“Melissa!” Your eyes widened at the thought of her committing crimes with the object.
“I’m kidding, hon,” she assuaged your fears. “I don’t have anything for you to hit, but I think the ground will do just fine.” She tapped with her foot, illustrating its firm nature.
You still felt unsure of what to do.
“You don’t have to try it if you don’t want to,” she assured you. She didn’t want to talk you into doing anything that made you feel uncomfortable. “We can always figure something else out, but I think this might help you release some of those emotions.”
If she thought it would help, what was the harm in testing out her theory? 
“Okay, I’ll try.”
You reached your hands out to accept the bat from her. She handed it over, then stepped closer to the house to give you some space. You stood there for a second, those feelings of uncertainty coming back to you. You felt out of your element as you twisted the bat around.
You took a couple breaths before holding it up by the handle. Your arms lifted above you before swiftly coming down to slam the head of the bat against the ground.
Sightly alarmed by the loud crack that echoed around the space, you looked toward Melissa and let out a gasp. She was standing against the fence with arms folded across her chest.
“How’d that feel?” She looked at you expectantly.
“Good.” You nodded. “I wonder what your neighbors are gonna think.”
“Don’t worry about that.” She began to walk toward you. “If they have a problem I’ll handle it.”
You must have still looked suspicious because she spoke again.
“You just focus on letting those feelings go.” She squeezed your shoulder affectionately before taking a seat on the couch. “I’ll be right here if you need me.”
You stood there for a moment gathering your thoughts. The only thing Melissa cared about was making you feel better. She could care less about anyone else at the moment. With that in mind, you felt completely safe to express yourself however you needed to. She just wanted to be there to make sure you were safe. Your heart warmed at the thought, and your anger nearly dissipated.
Now all you could focus on was how much she cared about you and your emotional well-being. She looked after you so intently. No one had ever taken the time to truly listen to you and help you combat your insufferable burdens. That thought settled deep within you causing a twinge to flutter through your chest. The ache was so profound you felt it in every fiber of your being.
You closed your eyes and took another deep breath before smashing the bat into the grass for the second time. You repeated the action until you began to lose count of how many times you’d struck the ground.
All you could think about were the feelings your mom had brought up and the pain associated with them. When you couldn’t think about that anymore, you thought about every time you wanted to express an emotion, but couldn’t. When you’d exhausted that thought, you just focused on how free you felt at the moment. With each hit, you could feel yourself letting go of the pain you’d held onto for so long.
Then, something broke within you. You slammed the ground one last time, your body sagging forward from the force. You felt your chest heave as a guttural sound escaped your throat, and you let out a final breath in its wake. 
The metallic bat dropped to the ground with a clang and you used every last bit of your strength to stand up straight. You filled your lungs with air and on the exhale, you felt a sob bubble in your throat. Your hands flew to your mouth to muffle the sound, but it was too late. You had already released an echoing wail into the open. Surrendering every part of the anguish, you let the sobs wrack your body. It was getting harder to breathe, but you didn’t care, really.
“Y/N.” She was gentle as not to startle you.
Upon opening your eyes, you were met with a worried look. She was maintaining her distance just in case you were feeling overwhelmed, but by the look in her eyes, you could see that she just wanted to comfort you. You pulled her closer and once the gap was closed, she brought her hands up to wipe your eyes. She gently held your face in her palms as you continued to weep. 
“You didn’t mention that I would cry my eyes out,” you joked. It was an attempt to lighten the mood, but your delivery was pathetic. You were all choked up, trying your best to talk through broken sobs. “A warning would have been nice.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Melissa said in a hushed tone. It almost sounded like she was fighting back her own tears. But you knew she hadn’t gone that soft on you— yet. 
You were pulled into a hug, her arms wrapping firmly around your torso. You hugged back, arms hanging loosely around her neck, then brought your head down to rest on her shoulder. She pulled you closer before placing a kiss on your forehead. The action was so delicate that it caused a surge of fresh tears to fill your eyes.
Melissa could feel your chest quavering with each breath you took, so she gave you some encouragement. “Let it out, hon.” 
You shook your head and released a whimper instead. You’d cried enough and there was no need to do it all over her. However, you should have known that wasn’t going to satisfy her. Your pain didn’t serve you any purpose, and she refused to let it weigh you down.
“Come on, love.” She murmured into your ear, voice so velvety you couldn’t help but give in. “There you go,” she praised as your cries got heavier.
You collapsed into her arms and let your body go slack against hers. She staggered backward, not expecting you to fall into her like that, but regained her footing and held you steady. 
“I’m here, okay? I’ve got you.”
For a moment, all you could focus on was her. She rubbed large circles across your back and you nestled closer into the curve of her neck. Her scent invaded your senses; something spicy, sweet, and clothed in warmth. You could feel yourself calming down with each breath you took.
“That’s it. Just breathe.” She instructed.
She began to sway your body from side to side. The motion was so soothing that you felt your eyelids getting heavy. If she kept it up, you were sure you’d fall asleep. You willed yourself to stay awake so you could relish in the safety she was providing.
“You doing okay?” She asked after she was sure your sobs had ceased.
“Mhmm,” you hummed.
It wasn’t the best response, but Melissa took your even breaths and lack of tears as a sign that you had settled down.
She began to unwrap her arms from around you, but you weren’t ready. You held on tighter, which was physically impossible considering you were already as close as you could get.
She held you a little longer before deciding to ask for permission this time. “Is it okay if I let go?”
She hadn’t given you any indication that she was leaving, but a piece of you was afraid that you might not find that level of comfort again.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she said, sensing your hesitation. “I just wanna get you back inside.”
You obliged and she maintained her proximity by holding you by the waist. The gesture was tender and affectionate, and she kept her word leaving no room for doubts in your mind.
✦ ✦ ✦
“You gonna be okay by yourself for a second?” Melissa asked as you sat in the living room.
“I’ll be okay,” you rasped.
“Okay, sit tight,” Melissa said before venturing off.
You were grateful for her tenderness, and it was the first time you were seeing this side of her. Of course, she was always gentle with you, but something was different tonight. She was being so patient and loving—it made your heart feel so full.
She returned with a glass of water and took a seat next to you. You gladly accepted the beverage and found yourself nearly downing it in one gulp. The cool liquid felt nice on your sore throat. You set the cup down on the coffee table and let out a deep sigh. A familiar sting pricked your eyes, but you refused to do any more of that right now.
You could see Melissa watching you out of the corner of your eye. She was trying to be discreet, but even if you couldn’t see her, you’d be able to feel the intensity of her stare. You weren’t sure what she was trying to communicate to you, so you redirected your gaze.
She smiled at you, her lips gently curling, as she brought a hand over to rest on your thigh. You placed your hand over hers and began to play with her fingers. She had a singular ring on the middle one and you twisted it around to distract yourself.
She pulled you out of your head by locking your fingers together. You looked back up at her and she opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. Her eyebrows were knit together and she had a pensive look on her face. She looked like she was going through a mental tug-of-war.
You watched as she dropped your hand and changed her position so she was leaning against the arm rest. She waved her hand, motioning for you to come join her. You took your place in her arms and laid on top of her, tucking your head under her chin and settling in. You took a hand and rested it on her stomach, feeling it move up and down with each breath she took.
You closed your eyes as she placed a kiss to the crown of your head. She repeated the action before moving her lips lower and doing the same near your hairline. She slipped her hand underneath the fabric of your shirt and began to lightly trace her nails against your back. That had to be one of your favorite sensations, and you could feel yourself melting deeper into her touch. She was almost lulling you into a trance.
“Your mom seemed pretty upset earlier, hm?” She asked, switching the pattern she was making on your back.
Melissa knew what she was doing. She wanted to get you as relaxed as possible so that you could talk about the events that led to this moment. She knew it would be hard for you to get worked up if she was holding you close, giving you kisses, and rubbing your back. It was the gentlest form of persuasion.
“Yeah.” Your voice cracked as your thoughts wandered back to the conversation. You cleared your throat before continuing, “I guess you could say so.”
Not missing the hitch in your voice, she encouraged you to take a deep breath. Once she was pleased with your effort, she formulated her next response.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” She didn’t want to upset you again.
“No, it’s okay.” You assured her. “I just don’t understand.”
Melissa waited for you to elaborate, but when you didn’t, she prompted you. “You don’t understand what, babe?” She asked, moving back a couple of inches so she could look at you properly.
“I’ve spent the majority of my life–” A lump made its way up your throat. You swallowed it down, determined not to let your emotions get the better of you. “I’ve spent the majority of my life trying to be perfect for her. I’ve done absolutely everything I could to please her.”
Melissa nodded her head in understanding as you peered up at her.
“I made good grades in school and I did all the extracurriculars. I went to college, navigated everything the way she advised me to. I sacrificed so much of my happiness to make sure she was content. It worked for a long time, you know? She was happy.” 
“And because of that you were happy,” Melissa stated.
She knew how you were. People pleasing was part of your character. It was hard for you to grasp the idea that you wouldn’t be able to satisfy everyone. No matter what, there would always be someone who didn’t agree with you.
You nodded, taking a breath before continuing, “That all changed when I came out to her though. I mean, I knew what her reaction would be, but I wanted to take some of my power back from her. I had quite literally burnt myself out trying to do right by her.” You took a beat before saying, “I just felt like I wasn’t my own person anymore and that kind of scared me.”
Melissa moved a hand up to your cheek, as she continued to look at you. Her thumb smoothed across the side of your face and your eyes fell closed at the feeling. You hadn’t even noticed the lone tear escaping your eye until she swiped it away.
“So, I told her.” You laughed wryly. “I wasn’t even sure what my labels were at the time. I’m honestly still not, but I just knew that I wasn’t straight. I just felt so compelled to let her know that she didn’t have a say in every aspect of my life.”
“I’m proud of you for making that decision. That must have been really hard.” Melissa empathized with you.
Her sage eyes were glassy as she listened to you tell your story. Hearing about your relationship with your mother allowed her to gain a deeper understanding of your habits. She’d wondered why you were such a perfectionist, why you cared so much about what people thought of you, why it was hard for you to say no sometimes.
“Oh, it was a nightmare.” You looked off to the side as you recounted the day. “I told her right before I went off to college. I told my dad too. She didn’t speak to me for months. I think that’s part of the reason why me and my dad got so close.”
“How did your dad take it?” Melissa asked.
“Better than her. He wasn’t jumping for joy, but he was respectful of me. He understands that it’s not up to him to pick my life partner.” You looked back at her before saying, “That’s all I asked of them. To respect me. He just happened to be the one who could comply with my wishes.”
“There’s always that one person,” Melissa sighs. She didn’t know your mom personally, so she wouldn’t bash her. Not to your face at least. Instead, she opted to give you a piece of wisdom. “You can’t please everyone, hon.”
“I know.” You sighed, matching her tone. “It just doesn’t make sense to me. My dad can do it, so why can’t she?”
You looked at Melissa with sorrowful eyes. You could feel your resolve starting to crumble and that ache in your chest returned. “Why can’t she just love me how I am?”
You were directing the question at her but unfortunately, she didn’t have an explanation. She tried to compose an answer, but her words wouldn’t come. The way you looked at her made her brain lapse. She tried to think of something quickly because she couldn’t take the site of that sullen look. However, she didn’t have anything to say, and that was rare. Her lack of words generated a response from you, and it wasn’t one she was expecting.
“No matter how hard I try, nothing I do will ever be enough for her.” Your lips crumpled as the words left your mouth. “Maybe there’s something wrong with me.”
“Oh, honey. Come here.” She closed the small space between you by pulling you into her chest. 
You cried, but it was mild in comparison to your previous round of tears. “I just don’t get it.”
“I don’t get it either,” she said, resuming her gentle back scratches, “but let me tell you something.” She pulled your chin up so you were level with her eyes. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.”
“There must be. Why else would she–”
“You are passionate, hardworking, and so damn smart. You always make me smile, and you are a joy to be around.” Melissa said with conviction.
“You are perfect just the way you are. Do you hear me? When you began to shy away from her words, she pulled your attention back to her. “I’m not sure what your mother sees when she looks at you, but I see a wonderful person who is kind and caring. You have a beautiful personality and a heart that is too pure for this world.”
“You mean it?”
“Yes, hon. Why would I say that if I didn’t mean it?”
You could only shrug at her question.  
“No, don’t give me that. Talk to me,” she urged.
You could tell she genuinely wanted to hear your thoughts because she had that determined look on her face again. How could you possibly say no to that?
“I know you mean it. It’s not that.”
“What is it, then?”
“I don’t get to feel validated very often,” you disclosed. “So it’s just nice to hear those words.”
“I meant every single thing.” She punctuated her words with a nod.
“I know, Lissa. Thank you.” You smiled at her. “For everything you’ve done for me tonight.”
You leaned forward to wrap her in a hug one last time. You hoped you could convey every ounce of thanks into the embrace. She’d done more for you in a few hours than you could have ever asked.
“You’re welcome. But you don’t need to thank me. It’s what I’m here for.” She hugged you back with just as much enthusiasm, if not more. “I’ll always be here to listen to you and validate you anytime you need it.”
You pulled back from the hug just enough to see her face, and you leaned in to kiss her lips. It was delicate and sweet, but full of passion. You tangled your hand into auburn locks so you could keep her near as you exchanged a few more pecks. She pulled away and pressed a final kiss to your temple.
You ended the day the same way you started it: wrapped up on the couch enjoying each other’s presence. In that moment, you realized you’d found something special with her. In the midst of chaos, she had the ability to bring you back to center. She put things into perspective, and helped you see the bigger picture.
Sure, you wanted your mom to come around, but you couldn’t make her. That was something she would have to do on her own timing—you couldn’t force it upon her. Whether or not she would come to accept you was a mystery. However, what you did know was that Melissa would always be in your corner and that was more than enough for you.
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Do you think that we’ll get any Sonic 3 toy leaks at this expo tomorrow?
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Oh! This is very interesting! And thank you for reminding me, I completely forgot about this over the weekend.
For those of you who don’t know, Las Vegas is hosting a licensing expo where SEGA is revealing up coming merchandise to celebrate its 65th anniversary. This event goes from today to Thursday (23rd). Some of the merch that they’ve listed for the event have to do with the third movie. This being apparel, collectibles, toys, books, and more. It’s possible that action figures and/or play-sets for Sonic 3 will be revealed, but I wouldn’t count on it 100%. I have a feeling that this event will be heavily monitored.
However, if anything is accidentally revealed, please tag your spoilers.
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nevermore-baby · 2 years
can you something angsty with ajax x reader where the reader somehow thinks he cheated on her with enid (her best friend) and it’s angsty and then very fluffy pls<3 sorry if it’s a lot:)
heyyyy, i tried my best. Not sure I'm fully happy with it, and it's pretty much a first draft (read the ask this morning and finished it by midnight), but I hope it's something to your liking!
pairing: ajax petropolus x afab!reader
warnings: light angst, hurt/comfort, allusions to cheating (nothing actually happens), fluff in the end
word count: 1.6k
The sound of the clock ticking was getting annoying. You were waiting for Ajax - he was supposed to meet you 15 minutes ago for your weekly movie night, but he didn’t. He did send a message that he’s being held up by some important-but-boring business and that he’ll come as soon as he’s out. It wasn’t uncommon for Ajax to be late, but he’s rarely late to meet you.
You were bored to death. You typed a message out, asking Ajax to tell you where he was and that you wanted to go meet him on his way. Mentally thanking yourself for not changing into your pyjamas, you quickly threw a coat on to go looking for Ajax. 
You didn’t make it far before hearing some muffled voices. Not many people were out of their dorms right now, so you just followed the sound that led you to the library.
“See you tomorrow then!”, you heard someone chirp - Enid, your best friend, you guessed seconds later, and the next second the door of an empty classroom next to the library swung open, making you almost bump into Ajax. 
“Oh, hey there!”, he said overly enthusiastically. “I didn’t know you’d come, just so your message. Let’s go!” Ajax grabbed your hand, basically dragging you in the direction of your dorm. 
“Was that… was that Enid?”, you said, breaths breaking up your speech - Ajax was walking way too fast for your comfort.
“Oh, yeah. It was. We were, um, doing a project together”, Ajax said, not sounding very sure. 
“A project?” You didn’t remember anything being due. “What kind of project?” you wondered, getting confused.
“It’s a- it’s a literature project! Remember, me and Enid, we take literature together. Anyways, why are we talking about school? It’s the weekend!” Ajax said as you reached the door, opening it and pulling you in for a kiss right away. You didn’t have time to respond, or any desire to talk about school actually, so you went along with his plan. 
Ajax came to the dorm late the next day. And the day after that. It was weird, but projects tend to be time-consuming, you thought to yourself, trying to calm the growing anxiety inside you. You were sitting at the dinner table with Enid, Ajax about to join you in a minute. 
“Are you guys gonna work on your project tonight too?”, you asked, nudging the pasta on your plate. 
Enid looked up, brows furrowed in confusion. “What… what project?”
“The literature one. The one you’re working on with Ajax?” You tried to help, worry about building up inside. You really needed this project to exist and not be a cover up for something… something bad. 
“Oh yeah!”, exclaimed Enid. “No, we’re actually, um, taking a break today. Been working a lot on it and it’s a while before it’s due. Right, Ajax? No project today?” Ajax has just reached your table, sitting down. 
“Right, I'm all yours today, baby”, he said, smiling widely, and you couldn’t help but smile in response, but something about this conversation didn’t sit right with you.
The so-called “project” was on the backburner of your mind at pretty much all times. Enid was your best friend, and Ajax was your boyfriend, and neither of them ever gave you a reason to think the worst, but the anxious thoughts were getting the best of you. When another evening was passing by in the misery of loneliness, you decided to go seek entertainment with your best friend. Ajax has been sensing your worry, so he assured you that today he was just hanging out with Xavier, so Enid should be free. 
You grabbed your phone and room key, quickly making your way to Ophelia Hall, before you could freeze to death outside. Entering the common room, you heard the loud sound of a typewriter, which could mean only one thing. 
“Wednesday? What are you doing here?” you wondered, approaching the secluded corner of the room, where Wednesday was sitting. 
“Writing, obviously.” Wednesday turned to you, staring blankly.
“Why aren’t you, I don't know, in your dorm?” 
“Enid asked for privacy. Ajax is there and apparently the matters of their discussions should remain confidential.” You could feel your heart drop and turn in your stomach. You stepped back shakily, anxiety pinging inside. 
“Thanks for the information”, you said breathlessly, turning around to go up the stairs. Your legs felt like jelly, and your mind was going crazy with thoughts. “Privacy? Confidential? What the fuck is going on?”
You reached the door of Enid’s dorm, not bothering to knock, swinging the door open. There was Ajax, on the bed, his sweatshirt off, Enid jumping up quickly - too quickly, when she saw you enter. 
You froze at the entrance, heart sinking down, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten. Trying to fix your composure, you looked around once more, before turning away swiftly on your heels to leave, only hearing Ajax’s “y/n, wait” and Enid’s “we can explain everything” coming from somewhere that seemed far, far away.
You knew you should have stayed. You knew you should have listened to them. But you trusted a person once like that, and you got hurt, and you had no desire for history to repeat itself. You knew you were running, delaying the confrontation, but you couldn’t bring yourself back there. The farther you got from the dorm, the faster you walked, switching to running in the end. You ran straight to your bathroom, turning on the sink, before dropping on the floor, knees hitting the hard tile. You felt the skin sting, but you didn’t feel the pain. You breathed shakily a couple more times, before something finally snapped inside, tears streaming down your face. 
“It’s Ajax. It’s Enid. They wouldn’t do that to you”, a little voice inside you repeated that over and over. But what if they would? It always comes when you don’t expect it, from people you don’t expect. Your chest burned, heart beating so hard and fast that you had to hold onto your ribcage. You heard the crack of the opening door, and heavy panting, and seconds later Ajax was getting on his knees next to you. 
“Go away”, you mewled, trying to move away, hating yourself for the lack of composure and cold head. You tried to breathe and “get it together”, tears slowing down a bit.
“I’m just going to sit near, okay? Can you please just listen to me?”, Ajax asked, moving a bit to the side to give you space. 
“I don’t want to listen. I understand everything. A literature project, huh?”, you huffed sourly, still sniffling and wiping the tears of your cheeks.
“I’ll explain if you let me, please, just listen first, okay?”, Ajax almost pleaded, and you couldn't refuse him - you knew it was the right thing to do, too.
“So, um, it’s our 6 month anniversary next week, right? I know you said we didn’t have to do anything but I still wanted to - just so, you know, it’s not just you who plans our night outs, it’s me as well.”
You gasped audibly, bringing your hand to your mouth. The anniversary. You completely forgot it, with the finals and everything, it just slipped your mind. 
Ajax was looking at you, gaze not having its usual spark to it. 
“I thought you’d forgotten, I mean, you’d remember eventually, I know you, but I just didn’t want to remind you so I could plan everything myself.” He shook his head, continuing. “I just, I wanted everything to be good, but I didn’t know how, so I- I asked Enid for help. That’s why we have been hanging out more lately. And the room, I swear, I was just… I was trying out a new suit she ordered for me for the restaurant we chose, nothing happened-”
“I’m so sorry”, you sobbed, tears welling up again, hands flying to cover your face. It was embarrassing. 
“No, you don’t have to be sorry about anything. It’s just… our planning wasn’t great, okay? I figured you would find it suspicious but it was too late, so… I’m sorry for hurting you. I can give you some space now.” Ajax said, voice full of regret and sorrow, getting up on his feet. Before he could, he felt your hands dragging him back down by the t-shirt, you trying to pull him into a hug as much as the space allowed.
“I’m sorry I even thought like that of you. And Enid.”, your voice was quavering, tears rolling onto his shoulder. Ajax brought his hands to your back, thumb circling around in a comforting manner. “I just- I tried to tell myself you wouldn’t do that, but then the thoughts just became so much”
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I understand.”, Ajax whispered against the top of your head, placing a gentle kiss. You sat there for some time, just the two of you, and you could swear you felt a tear wall down on your hair. 
“Ready to get up?”, Ajax said, wiping his face - you could still see the little wet paths on his cheeks though. You nodded, accepting Ajax’s hand, getting on your feet, pulling him into a proper hug right after, looking up at him, brows furrowed in concern.
“I’m okay, sweetheart. Don’t worry about me”, he murmured. 
“Next time, let’s just call it a surprise - but promise me you won’t ask any clarifying questions, okay?”, Ajax offered you a small smile, getting you to smile softly back. 
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somberjoon · 6 months
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✩ pairing: wolf hybrid nj x cheetah hybrid reader (f) - eventual ot7 x reader
✩ genre: soul-searching , romance🔞 , found-family , healing , angst , happy ending
✩ word count: 15.2k sorry,,,
✩ chapter warnings: uncertainty in behavior and emotions , anxiety , detailed description of male and female anatomy- not in an awkward setting but professional , new meetings and lots of anxious feelings at the end of the ch. please lmk if i missed anything.
✩ summary: She doesn't know. There is so much about her and her cheetah that she hasn't had the privilege to understand. Unknown backgrounds and unknown emotions clash with feelings of want- hopes of being herself unapologetically. Namjoon seems to be someone that can help her- but can the rest of his pack truly be what she has wanted and needed?
✩ cover: me
ch.1 , ch.2 , ch.3 , ch.4 , ch.5 , ch.6 , ch.7 , ch.8
After an evening of working out time for Y/N to visit Taehyung and his studio, Namjoon looks forward to his Friday meet up with her. It’s not that the members were feeling a particular way, especially after the overheard discussion between Seokjin and himself. Seokjin was the only one that had any qualms, and it was only to prepare for an extra space at dinner if she happens to still be there at dinner. Namjoon is only excited to work out the plans, especially in times when Taehyung is so excited. 
The cheetah decided to stay home today to work in his studio, getting it ready for her, hopefully soon, visit this weekend. All the guys were excited, especially the big cats. Namjoon was pleased to see that, if anyone had any worries such as Seokjin’s, they were able to put them aside to welcome Y/N into a nice environment. They’ve known each other long enough that they would definitely voice their discomfort, but if anything, they were all quite excited about the idea- even when Namjoon specified his uncertainty in her wanting to meet so many hybrids and men at once. 
The usual preparations at the organization are quick, and before he knows it, Namjoon is pulling into the Caddel driveway. 
The door is opening before he can even knock, Y/N entering his space and giving him an over the shoulder hug. It seems the hug was only for her own motives, before she pulls aways, she’s whispering into his ear. 
“Let’s leave.” 
Y/N immediately tries to turn and push Namjoon out of the house entrance. 
“Oh, Namjoon! Hold on, I have a question for you.” 
Y/N deflates next to him as Maria rushes up to them in her apron with a fabric bag of packed goodies. 
“How are you, Maria?” He gives her his usual smile. 
“I’m great, I just wanted to give you guys these,” she hands him the fabric bag. “And I was gonna see if there was a chance you were free tomorrow morning?” 
“Depends, what’s tomorrow morning?” He asks genuinely. 
“Y/N has a chance to attend a class she’d like to go to, but I’m out of town on the weekends and Richard will be working at that time. I’d let her walk as she wishes, but it’s up at the hospital. I was going to see if you or someone you know of has the time to take her and pick her up?” 
He looks down to Y/N, her demeanor shy and guarded. She’s obviously not comfortable with the suggestion- he’d guess it’s about taking up his time on a weekend when she’s not on his list of “duties” as she’d say. He really doesn’t mind, especially if this is something she wants to do. 
“I can definitely fit it in.”
The silence in the car as Namjoon tries to figure out where Y/N wants to go with no direction or audible gesture is quite daunting. Did he say the wrong thing when Maria asked? Is she just not in a good mood today? Does she not actually want to go to the class?
“So…I didn’t know you were starting any classes. That should be fun.” He tries to get her to open up some. 
“Yeah.” she vaguely gives him. 
“What kind of class is it?” He tries to press more.
“Just- like, mental health stuff. It’s just one class, a free one I was recommended.” 
“Oh, that sounds like it’ll be good, maybe I should sit in-”
“No.” Y/N turns to give him a baffled expression, her tone matching perfectly. 
“Oh, well if you don’t want me there that’s fine. Is that why you don’t want me to take you?” 
“Why wouldn’t I want you to take me?” 
“Well that’s what it seems like. I won’t be offended, I just want to make sure you’re comfortable going. I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to.”
Y/N lets a sigh out, her posture becoming more relaxed.
“It’s just…embarrassing- having to have someone watch over me and take me places. Especially someone that’s not responsible for me.” 
Namjoon continues to drive with no specific destination, content on having her so open with him about her feelings after they knocked down a barrier between them. 
“Just because I’m not a guardian of yours doesn’t mean I don’t want to care for you. The two don’t always go together. I care for you as a friend, thus I don’t mind doing things for you. We talked about this.” 
“I know. This just feels different- it’s during the time you aren’t going out of your way to see me. It’s taking up the time you spend with your pack.I know that’s important, no matter what you say.” 
“It’s all important to me, being your friend without the organization between us and my pack.” 
“It just seems- invasive.” 
“The only way it would be is if she assumed I could take you, or if she just wanted me to because she didn't want to. She’d be putting her responsibilities on me- but she asked and she makes good food. I don’t mind.” 
Y/N seems to relax all the more with Namjoon’s words, uncrossing her arms to lay them in her lap and let her tail unwind from her waist to sit between her hands. Her fingers brush along her tail, holding it with care and light touches. Despite her demeanor, her next words are unexpected. 
“Wow, my company isn’t good enough of a reason?” 
Namjoon’s shocked expression goes unnoticed, his eyes leave the road in one second increments to decipher exactly what her goal is. A small smirk gives way without her wanting- luckily he spots it- but she speaks up before he can. 
“I’m thankful.”
“I know-”
“I want to say it all the time, though. I want to tell you how I feel all the time, I want to let you know how much you mean to me.” 
Namjoon almost accelerates in a dangerous manner when he hears what feels like the most meaningful confession he’s gotten from her. He just about giggled when she wished he was there at the breakfast with Taehyung- this is proving to be the hardest week to keep his cool. Their relationship isn’t normal in his terms of previous relationships, but it’s also not an odd, sexual thing when he thinks of his fondness for her. It’s a yearning that’s slowly building- one that is starting to become more and more consuming. 
“As friends- as Kim Namjoon, the comforting companion-” Y/N gives a ‘pfft’ of laughter she tries to stifle. “I want to know how you feel all the time. Even if it seems unnecessary or odd. I’d like to know everything you want to give me, even if you’re embarrassed.” Y/N gives an abnormally loud sigh before responding. 
“I guess I should be honest with you then.” She gives a lengthy pause that worries Namjoon. 
“Should I be parked for this information?” 
“No…it’s just- it’s embarrassing.”
“In what way?” 
“A personal way.”
“You don’t have to tell me everything, especially if it’s personal and sacred to you in some way.” 
“Ugh, I just don’t know how to say it. It’s about the class…” 
“Are you embarrassed about taking it? If anything I think it would be an amazing chance to learn more about-”
“It’s a sexual development class, Namjoon.” 
He doesn’t want to be stunned into silence. This is a very very normal thing to do. This is especially an important thing for her to learn about herself- a very crucial part about being a hybrid as well- since it’s so different from what Maria could tell her. And hybrids are quite open about these things, heats and rut depending on sex are taken into account by your employers. So, really, this is completely normal to talk about and have a mature conversation about. 
“God, you’re thinking too much about it, can you just say it?” Y/N cuts his thoughts off. 
“Well…I wasn’t expecting you to say that-”
“Oh, god.” Y/N groans, dropping her head into her hands to hide herself. 
“Only because you lied. It’s normal information to seek out and- honestly- hybrids are open about their heats and ruts, so I don’t mind you bringing it up. I don’t want you to be embarrassed about it at all.” 
“Wait. Heats and ruts? What are you talking about?” 
Namjoon definitely has to park now. He doesn’t speak until he’s turning into the first parking lot he sees, parking and unbuckling, and turning to Y/N to gauge how absolutely serious she is. 
“You’re serious? You’re not messing with me as payback for overthinking just a minute ago?” Y/N looks around in confusion because of his serious expression and questions.
“I’m serious- why? Did I say something wrong?” 
“No, no no you didn’t, but? You’ve been going to the doctor right?”
“Are they a hybrid?”
“Can I be honest?”
The ping-pong conversation ends with that last question. Namjoon has to stop and think about exactly how to say this. Y/N is truly someone that hasn’t even gotten basic education or a parental / guardian figure to teach her the basics of being a hybrid. He’ll go over the extreme basics and let the crucial class do the rest. 
“Female hybrids aren’t the same as female humans. Your body is literally part animal- and animals don’t have normal hormonal cycles like humans do. You aren’t going to have monthly periods like most humans with the same anatomy will, you’re going to have heats like female cheetahs. Male hybrids have ruts just as their male animal does. There’s more instances based on gender identity and sex but- that’s the basics.”
Y/N seems to be thinking about something specific. Namjoon lets her, knowing that somehow this is new information to her. 
“I’ll never have my period?” 
“Unless it’s some extremely rare case, but, because you literally are part cheetah, there’s really no reason for a human menstrual cycle to manifest.” 
“Why would my doctor not tell me this?” 
“That’s- really hard to say. It could be because they aren’t as well-educated on the difference between the anatomy. Sadly, it’s quite common for doctors to not be well-fit for any one person. I think finding a hybrid doctor would be your best bet to get the information you need.” 
Namjoon watches as Y/N deflates some because of the thoughts she has.  
“That sucks.” Is all she says after a couple minutes. 
“I’m sorry that you didn’t get this information from a professional that would be able to give you more answers.”
“No, it’s okay. I trust you. I mean- I trust the doctor either way just because she was nice and respectful each time. It’s just confusing and- I think it’s unfair that you had to tell me. I wish I just knew more. I feel dumb.”
“Y/N I respect you too much to just feel like I have to do things with and for you. I told you I do them because I want to. It’s always genuine.” 
“Thank you for telling me. I guess I’ll get more answers tomorrow, and hopefully I can find a new doctor soon. Anyways! I’m starving.” Her switch in demeanor worries him but she obviously wants the change in conversation. 
Namjoon knows this can be a lot, but Y/N seems to be in the process of trying to think about it and accept it with ease. He easily follows through with her wishes and starts the car to head to their usual park- but he’ll definitely check in on her later. Maybe after this class she’ll have more information and thus some type of closure with the unknown. 
“You’re joking.” Y/N looks out at the front of the shops from the passenger car seat. 
“You’re the one that said you felt under-dressed.” 
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to- your eyes show it.”
 Namjoon picked her up with time to spare. Honestly, she was extremely thankful for it- the chances of being late are very low. But, her only issue upon his arrival to pick her up was their difference in clothes. Y/N is used to wearing her usually comfortable outfits- sweats and a tee with simple shoes and a plain gray sweater. Besides that one black outfit, Y/N is also used to Namjoon wearing a tee and jeans as well. But on his days off, it seems his style is much different. 
Namjoon’s baggy, black slacks that hang over mainly black shoes caught her attention first as he stood at the door. Then his matching black hoodie with lettering layered under a baggy leather jacket led her to his sunglass-pushed-back hair. He was truly dressed for something far more important than dropping her off at a class. 
Even as he led her to the car, Namjoon instead followed her to her side of the car and opened the door for her. Her confused looks and weirdly shy-demeanor around him was definitely new, but she couldn’t just bring attention to it. Even as she watched him from the passenger seat, she tried her best to be discreet in her staring. He was truly good-looking. Day by day, he seems to show her more and more- and the more personal it is, the more she finds she can’t stop looking at him. 
“My outfit isn’t bad.” She pouts, pulling her t-shirt out by the hem to look down at it. 
“I didn’t say it was bad. You just looked like a kicked puppy at the sight of mine ever since we left the house. We have an extra 45 minutes before check-in starts- we can just…try something if that’s what you wanna do. If I read it wrong you can punch me, make me beg on my knees for forgiveness, and we can leave for the class immediately.” 
His earnest expression mixes with her curiosity of going into a clothing shop. It’s almost irritating how right he is all the time. Why is he so honed in on her and how she reacts to everything? 
“I kind of hate how right you are all the time.” She murmurs, unbuckling and clawing at the door handle. She’s out of the car while Namjoon is scrambling to follow her. 
(She misses a crucial pout on his lips at her rush to get out, instead of waiting for him to open the door. To be fair, he’s never done it before and she’s pouting as well.)
As Namjoon rushes up to her, Y/N keeps her gaze on the shops, trying to figure out how different they all are. She hates that she has to search out Namjoon’s help so soon after showing her irritation. 
“Which one?” She asks and clarifies, “something cheap- something comfy.”
Instead of answering, he presses a warm hand into her back as he did so long ago. She forgot about the feeling, but somehow she now releases how much she missed it. She’d truly let him guide her anywhere with a warm hand on her back. 
She’s caught off guard by the sudden change in her feelings- turning to glare at him but instead being greeted by him opening the door to the shop for her. The ding rings loud above them, indicating a customer’s arrival. His warm hand directs her to go in front of him- a rush of warm air greeting her with a fresh scent. Her irritation dissipates with the sights before her. 
She was always too afraid to go into crowded areas. She learned quickly that people like her- hybrids, homeless- weren’t welcome around people that were well-off. Even those that had some money were well-off. Now, she can see what these places are. She can see racks of new, colorful clothes line along the store. All seem to be so new and soft. All seem to be too much money. 
“Welcome in! Let me know if you need help finding anything.” Y/N looks over at a woman with a bright voice. She gives her a pointed smile that doesn’t last long but lingers on Namjoon. She immediately becomes uncomfortable. The only thing keeping her from fleeing out of the store from that look alone is Namjoon’s comforting voice. 
“Hmm, how about jeans?” 
Despite her hatred for the fabric, Y/N looks down at the rack of jeans that Namjoon is swiping through. She chances the fabric, rubbing a few pairs between her thumb and index. No matter the amount of times she tries, she hates it. 
“Mmm, is there another type of pants they have?” 
Namjoon works hard to find something she likes despite her dislike for most fabrics. Honestly, she’s willing to try lots, but some of the fabric is just far too scratchy despite it being brand-new clothing. 
Because of the time limit, it’s not long before Y/N is in a dressing room on her own. She feels as though she needs to go quickly, but changing in such an unknown place feels weird. She pushes through to prove to herself that this is normal, this is something that she now has the privilege of doing. 
Namjoon helped her pick a pair of pants that were pretty similar to his baggy, soft slacks. The fabric cinches at her waist without being uncomfortable and flows out to give her a comfortable fit around the legs. She instantly likes them, feeling the fabric under her fingers as a smooth, soft texture. Her tail even perfectly fits into the little space made specifically for them to come out of- showcasing the soft fur with no forgiveness. The shirt is the tricky part. He had told her this type of shirt would look nice, but honestly, she can’t understand the want to wear a shirt that fits the exact shape of your body. Isn’t that the point of clothes?  To cover you.
The shirt fabric is, again, a nice feel under her hands- the only reason she takes it off the hanger and slips it on. Upon adjusting it and seeing herself, she can admit her wrongs. The shirt is plain just how she likes it, white with no showy frills or awkward pieces. It perfectly forms to her shoulders, chest, and stomach, sitting just above the pair of pants. She knows she can’t take long, but seeing herself in this feels- amazing. To put something on that feels good and looks good was something she didn’t know was possible. She becomes a little shy at the thought of Namjoon- or anyone, but especially him- seeing her in this. But, she has no time and maybe that’s for the best. She can’t overthink right now. 
Slipping on her shoes to complete the look, she moves the thick curtain to the side and steps out into the open. Namjoon isn’t far at all, looking at another rack, presumably to find something else if she doesn’t like this. He instantly finds her eyes, giving her a smile and meeting her where she is. She watches as he examines her with open gestures, nervous about what he thinks. His gaze shifts to one she hasn’t seen before, one that she sadly can’t place.
“It looks like it fits perfectly. Does it feel good?” His voice seems to get lower in the small space they take up. His hand comes up to the pocket of her slacks, fixing a mistake she couldn’t see. Then he reaches for her shoulder, fixing another thing she’s sure didn’t need it. 
“Yeah. It feels good.” She answers, a ringing in her ears causing her to focus on the way his features scrunch and release in his own thinking. “I’ll get this.” She says, hoping to put an end to whatever this is. That seems to do the trick, as Namjoon gives a tight-smiled nod and goes into the changing room to grab her clothes she forgot about. 
Luckily, she was able to just wear the clothes out of the shop after Namjoon helped her find the tags to cut off with scissors the cashier helped to provide. She didn’t pay attention to the price but quickly grabbed the receipt as Namjoon was cutting off the tag of her pants. She slips it into her pocket unnoticed as Namjoon slips the cashier the scissors back. The change in her demeanor was unnoticed by Y/N as Namjoon was so close to her so casually- she doesn’t care after this anyways. Namjoon’s here for Y/N, not the cashier.
With her gray sweater still keeping her with some semblance of her ‘normal’, Y/N enters the class on her own despite debating the whole ride over if she should invite Namjoon to actually sit in this class with her. It really took too much control to not ask- she’s getting far too comfortable with the man she met only a few weeks ago. To be fair, he asked her a few times if she was still alright to go on her own- probably from some horrified look on her face she still has no idea how to control. But, she declined again and again only to have Namjoon still make sure she knew that he’ll be a call away. 
Now, the line of hybrids she stands in seems to be an imaginary thing as she thinks about how odd she may look. She’ll never be a normal person in normal clothes- not when she knows she still sees someone homeless in disguise. The line moves and she blindly follows, getting to the front to be greeted by another two hybrids. She can’t focus on exactly what type they are while she’s staring at the paper below her. She has to write her name. Something she’s only done in grade school, and barely done since. 
“Hi! Just verifying you’re here for the hybrid version of the development class?” The young man at the table asks. 
“Perfect! We just need your name and date of birth for survey purposes.” 
Date of birth. An unexpected question in this circumstance. She freezes in thought. They estimated that her birth year is 1998, making her about 25 years old. She can just lie. She can do that- it should be easy. She writes her name with unpracticed, scratchy letters, hoping they aren’t judging her. Then she thinks only a moment before writing 1/1/1998. The easiest date she could think of as fast as possible. 
If the two that greeted her are weirded out by it, they don’t show it, instead they hand her a tag with her first name on it, written with such perfect writing she awes at it, and points to the class-type room that other hybrids are sitting in. 
She peeks around the doorframe to see if the packed room allows for a spot where she doesn’t have to be directly next to someone. Instead, more hybrids line the back wall than they do up front. To be honest, there aren’t that many people here, it’s only because the room is so small. A spot catches her eye, sadly up front, but it’s an open spot next to a girl. A girl is better than a guy- even if she’s squished in. Silver lining. 
She squeezes through conversations until she’s just next to the girl. 
“Is anyone sitting here?” She can now see that she is about her age- a pretty girl with long, straight black hair that almost reaches her waist. Her skin isn’t tan like Y/N’s, but a naturally beautiful brown that compliments her features well. 
“No, not at all! Go ahead.” The girl gives her a smile that seems far too excited for the situation they’re in, moving slightly to give Y/N a little more space in the crowded room. 
“Thank you.” Y/N says as she tries her best to get comfortable. 
“You’re very pretty, I love your curls! I wish my hair was naturally curly, but I can’t get it to hold a curl to save my life.” The girl seems to talk away despite Y/N not giving her any response back. “Sorry, my name is Lena. What’s yours?”
“Y/N.” Lena’s smile seems to brighten upon getting her answer. 
“Such a pretty name.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N slinks a little under the praise, hoping she doesn’t look as meek as she feels. “Yours is pretty as well. You’re pretty.” She responds with honesty, hoping it’s not weird to say it back. 
“Ah! Thank you! You’re so sweet. I was scared it was just gonna be a bunch of weird guys taking this class. But I’m glad it’s a nice mix and that I have you.” Lena looks around the class and at the clock on the wall, giving Y/N a chance to guess her animal. She doesn’t have enough time before Lena is looking back at her and examining her own features. 
“Oh my goddess, you’re a cheetah aren’t you?” She gestures to the tail wrapped around her waist and the ears sticking from her loose curls. Y/N gives her an awkward smile and a nod, hoping she won’t say something weird like Richard's friend did. 
“That is so cool!” She says with a hush that doesn’t make everyone look over at them, she’s thankful for that. “I’m just an ol’ regular black lab.” 
Y/N looks over her black, floppy ears, finding it obvious now that she knows it’s a dog that has those ears. She wonders if all dogs and wolves are this friendly. 
“Regular isn’t bad.” Y/N says the only thing she can think of with honesty.
“No, but how exciting that you can say you’re rare. Plus, it’s easy getting people’s attention- look.” 
Y/N looks around the room as Lena gestures for her to do, seeing not-so-discreet looks her way, some even full-on staring. 
“That’s not very comforting.” 
“They’re just curious. It’s really not common seeing, even meeting, a cheetah. I’m honored.” 
“You’re a lot nicer than they seem to be.” They’re stares are more like looks of greed and slimy feelings. While Lena feels like a friend she has known for some time. 
“I’m glad you think so. Not everyone likes someone so loud and talkative- it’s just my lab, it makes me love people and I become loyal far too fast.”
Before Y/N has the time to answer, a tall woman with too many bags enters the room with a loud greeting. 
“Hello, everyone! If there isn’t a seat for you, please just be mindful of walkways. We weren’t expecting this large of a class but one of my peers was free for the hour so we can split all of us into two rooms.” Everyone immediately quiets down, probably hoping to quickly get into a seat and get started. Before continuing, she sets her things down and takes a count of everyone faster than Y/N can process. 
“Perfect! Exactly 30. There are exactly 15 seats in here, so those standing please go to the room right across from here, a gentleman will be standing right outside.” 
With everyone settled and the doors shut, Y/N feels a weight off her chest now that the room isn’t so packed. 
“Alrightie, my name is Aspen and I’m a cape fox hybrid. My main job is a teaching assistant at the university but I’m a volunteer here at the hospital for various hybrid specific classes- mostly for experience- but I really love being here for those wanting to learn. Today’s class is especially important and more intimate so I won’t be asking for introductions as I usually do, but I will ask or read your name if any questions or add-ons come up. We have a range of ages, so I do ask that everyone be polite and to not blurt any comments or remarks. Any questions?” 
Everyone seems to look around at each other, but no one speaks up at the moment. 
“Perfect! Let’s get started.”
Y/N thought this class would be a lot more awkward, but because she’s sitting up front, she really is only focused on the different, detailed anatomy pictures in concentration. She didn’t realize how much she already knew, but also how much she didn’t know. 
“To put it simply, because of the nerve placement, stimulation will be pronounced here, at the head of the penis, and here, at the clitorus just above the urethra.” Aspen circles the specific parts of the diagram with her finger. “Okay, now that we know the basics, let’s look at hybrid specific anatomy.” Aspen takes down the diagram to flip the page and show a very similar diagram. 
“When we look at different male hybrids, we have to take into consideration their species. The largest difference will be the knotting aspect of intercourse for the wolf family- including dogs.” Y/N watches on in awe. “As for females, the main difference is sex-drive and how common heats are. Which leads me to one of the final points- ruts and heats.” Y/N sits up a little straighter, hoping to take as much in as possible. “Excuse me while I use the most conservative way to explain this- but please understand, no matter gender identity, your anatomy is all that matters in this situation.”
“Depending on species, animals and male hybrids will go into ruts- the timing and how often depends on each hybrid as well as the type of animal. During these ruts, males will want to breed with females, their primal and animalistic needs will want to expand their pack. Sex-drives will be heightened, animals that have knots will produce more semen, and overall the need to care and be with their pack is most important. For females, an equivalent would be a heat. Heats prepare the female’s body for pregnancy, and vice-versa, the female will have a need to be bred- thus, it’s much easier for females to become pregnant. If you’re unsure exactly when you and your species or breed has their rut or heat cycle, I would suggest getting blood work done at a hybrid-friendly facility. Any questions?” Without thinking of anyone around her, Y/N raises her hand. 
“Yes, I was wondering how one knows when they’re going to start their heat or rut- like, are there more symptoms?” 
“Very good question! A good base list of symptoms before starting are increase in body heat, need for physical contact and scenting, the need to shift into your animal form, the need to obsessively care for others and keep them close, and food or drink related cravings. Those with a vagina will experience bleeding as well. Not as a human does, but just the first couple days of the hormonal cycle. Not all will always be present, and overtime you will learn how yours is specifically- but I just always suggest you be open about your worries or symptoms to your doctors or those you will be sharing your heat or rut with- this is a sensitive time for us hybrids, and it really is important to have someone we can trust to be with us and take care of us.” Aspen gives Y/N a firm nod and smile to make sure her question was answered. 
Y/N can’t help but think about how miserable this time would be- especially when she has no one to help her. Having all those random bodily changes that are incurable and having to be managed on her own…hell.
The class is over before she even realizes it’s been an hour. Everyone seems to have the same idea upon standing, stretching with different pitches of groans. 
“Well, that was fun.” Lena gives with a sarcastic undertone. 
“It was!” Y/N responds with all seriousness. She didn’t think to realize that learning would be something she found to be so fun, especially when nothing went wrong and she didn’t have anything to worry about. Lena gives her a warm smile before leading them to the exit behind others. 
“So, what brought you to this class?” Lena asks with curiosity quiet enough to keep the conversation between them. Y/N tries to think of a quick response, instead going for a half-truth. 
“I wasn’t given the opportunity to take one before. What about you?” 
“My professor recommended it to our class. I’m studying to become a therapist- this was just an opportunity to see how exactly a class like this would be taught and how I can specify my information to give to future patients. It was more of a study of the presentation elements. Does that make sense?” 
“I think so.” Y/N says, honestly a little confused but fascinated. The two share a few giggles at her response- finally getting out of the room. They seem to be going the same way to leave- walking side-by-side to the main hospital entrance hall. As she gets closer to the automatic sliding doors another person walks in, allowing a gust of cool air to meet them. A familiar scent hits her- the musky vanilla she can never get enough of. Upon exiting, she looks for the owner of the scent, finding Namjoon sitting at one of the benches outside of the hospital. 
“Thank you for keeping me company.” Lena suddenly says, turning to a distracted Y/N. “Ehh, this is kind of embarrassing but- it’s my first year at this school despite it being my third year in a uni- and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to keep in touch? I’m still adjusting to the city and would love some company once in a while.” Y/N’s attention is back on Lena- shocked that her impression was good enough for- a friend?
“Yes, of course! I-” She checks her pockets, looking for her phone in the usual spot. It’s not there. “Oh, I forgot my phone-” A hand she finds is connected to a smiling Namjoon holds out her missing phone. “Where?”
“You left it in your other clothes, you got a text so I found it and decided to just wait up here by the door in case you needed anything.” 
“Thank you so much.” With relief, she quickly swipes through to open her contacts and hand the phone to Lena. She’s quick to putting in her number, handing the phone back with a mischievous smile that Y/N catches. “Oh, sorry Lena, this is my friend Namjoon.” Y/N gestures to him as he stretches a hand out to shake Lena’s in greeting. 
“Nice to meet you. I’ll let you guys go though since I have another class soon. it was nice to meet you as well, Y/N.” She can’t read the glances that she gives when looking between her and Namjoon, but she is too content with making a friend to care. 
“It was nice meeting you, too.” Both Y/N and Namjoon say at the same time- they both whip their heads towards each other with pointed looks. 
“Jinx.” Namjoon quickly says.
“What the hell does that mean?” 
“You owe me a soda.” 
“A soda?”
“Yeah, but I’ll just take a hug instead.” Namjoon stretches out his arms in waiting. 
The odd gestures make her look around to see if anyone else is seeing what he is doing as well. She can’t spot any stares, but Namjoon’s confidence is definitely higher than her’s. 
“You’re embarrassing.” She can never decline a hug from him- even with her remark, she mumbles her feelings and leans in for a quick hug. A ringing from Namjoon’s own phone pulls them away from each other. 
“Hey.” He answers simply. 
“I am.” He glances down at her when he answers the person on the phone. 
“Hyung, if today's too soon-” There’s a pause when he must get cut-off by the other person- he waits with a patience she’s seen before when he’s listening with intent. 
“If you and everyone is sure, I’ll ask.” 
“Okay, I love you- bye.” He ends the call with a tight smile. He turns to Y/N with the same expression. 
“Well, I’m sorry this is so last minute- but if you’d like- the pack says today would be a good day for a visit. We can just keep the visit to seeing Taehyung in his studio, but the pack would love to keep you for dinner.” 
Dinner with a pack- with Namjoon’s pack of all things sounds intimidating. Intimidating, because she would definitely need to be making a good impression when she doesn’t even know what proper etiquette in a pack’s home would be. Of course she also thinks about Taehyung- she wants to see him again and she can’t help but admit to herself that she truly misses the unpredictable cheetah. 
“I would like to see Taehyung and his studio- but meeting your pack seems a bit…”
“Daunting? Invasive? I’ve never been in that position before and it feels like I'm out of my place if I eat dinner in your home.”  Y/N finds a soft, curious expression on Namjoon’s face, worrying her as she waits for his response. 
“If any of us were uncomfortable with you visiting- I mean even one of us- then we would wait and definitely wouldn’t bring it up. They just can’t let a guest be in the house without feeding them and getting to know them- and to be honest, you’re special. You’re someone that everyone in the pack has been curious about, especially with Taehyung being so progressive in the friendship. As for the visit being daunting, I wouldn’t say any of the guys are scary. Honestly, they’re all a bunch of mushy nerds.”
Y/N can’t stifle a ‘pfft’ of laughter at his description. She really can consider this- she really has a reason to go and information on why she should go. But-
“How do I act in someone else’s pack home.” 
“Like yourself.”
“Do I need to change? I don’t really have anything better to wear- Does my hair look bad? It’s hard to manage any different if I've already let it dry for the day- How do I know when I’ve been there too long?” Her questions come out in rambles and thoughts to herself. 
“Y/N,” the assured voice pulls her gaze to his- Namjoon’s hands place themselves on her shoulders, emphasizing their eye-contact. “Be yourself, dress in what’s comfortable for you in a new setting, you and your hair always look beautiful, and a host will always be vocal about their intentions. As one of the hosts- it is a casual visit with little-to-no preparation on a weekend, meaning there is no overstaying your welcome in this case.” 
“Of course you have all the answers.” Y/n says sarcastically, actually considering it now that she has answers and Namjoon seems overly confident in them. 
“I have lots of answers. Not all.” Namjoon points out. 
“Well, I have one answer.” 
“Hmmm, I’d love to hear it.” He hums and pushes with a voice too deep and too wanting for her to think about for a second longer. 
“I’ll go.” 
Taehyung - earlier that day
Namjoon left in a flurry of quick assurances this morning because of his habit of sleeping in on the weekend. Taehyung knows why he left but he also knows that Namjoon said it was just a quick meeting that Y/N was anxious for- so Taehyung stayed to work in his studio some more. 
He loves the weekends knowing that different members of the pack will be in and out of the house, thus allowing him to go inside at any time he wishes to find a warm body to wrap around. 
Despite the content he finds on the weekends, Taehyung can’t help but miss Y/N. His hopes that the pack members would be more open about her visiting have dwindled into unspoken wishes. He usually is so open, but after just two meetings- the pull he feels towards her is more than he was prepared for. He’ll wait for now.
He’ll wait until the members are comfortable, he’ll wait until he knows exactly what to say, he’ll wait until Namjoon can admit to himself that she feels like something more than a friend to them. 
It isn’t more than an hour after Namjoon has left when he hears a familiar knock at his studio door. He didn’t even know anyone was approaching with his focus so set on his current piece. Each piece is nothing intricate, but because of the precise shapes and movements, it takes him a while to put pieces together- especially because he likes the quieting of his thoughts so much. 
From the knock alone he knows the member that decided to risk a ‘shoo-ing’ was Seokjin. Taehyung opens the door with just a crack allowing the two to see each other. 
“Can we talk? About Y/N.” The name immediately gives way to show a perk in his features, making Seokjin smile in a knowing way that Taehyung knows too well.
Giving himself a well-deserved break, Taehyung has the conversation take place on the back porch. The comfortable couch is covered by the veranda that allows the cushions to stay plump and soil-free. Taehyung takes his place there next to a sighing Seokjin. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t talk about this with you before- I had to do a lot of self-reflecting before I felt like I could face you with this.” Taehyung’s schooled expressions are always perfect. But, around his pack- around those he cares for deeply- he knows they can see the slips in his features. 
“When we found out there was another cheetah, I was extremely happy for you. Taehyung, I want nothing but the best for you, and I want you to be able to have Y/N in any way you find fit- but I struggled to find a place for her upon the first time even hearing about her. I was already trying to fit her into our house and figure out how to have Jungkook around another stranger when he’s still in therapy. I was in over my head.”
“Those are valid reasons, hyung. You are about the pack.” 
“Yes, but, just as Namjoon has seemed to perfect this certain skill- I still have yet to get it right- I wasn’t putting you first in a situation that quite literally revolved around you. I’m so sorry that I didn’t make this seem as important as it truly is.” Seokjin is always so raw with everyone. As the oldest, he’s been through certain experiences that we haven’t, and with him being the youngest in his blood family he is able to understand what all of us need. With so much to think about, he always comes around. 
“I don’t blame you, hyung. It was new to all of us- it was scary and I even needed some type of restraint to be able to let myself process everything properly. The wait on being able to have her come here, the small wait between visits- it helps me not go in over my head. I want this to be genuine and well-thought.” Taehyung responds with a truth that aches in his chest. His cheetah has wanted her beside him all day and all night, but this is not something he can just do in a pack. He needs to think of himself, of Y/N, and of everyone he loves so dearly. 
“I want all of us to be open about it. And after talking to everyone except you and Namjoon- it seems like I’m the only one that was panicking- so, I will follow your lead, and I will be there for you whenever you feel you want something more or less. We can figure it out, okay? I’d love to have her over today, if you’d like to see her this soon.” 
Taehyung’s cheetah wants to immediately pounce on Seokjin for the offer- wanting to leave the fox breathless and not being able to speak another word for hours- but Taehyung lets the feeling fizzle into excitement. 
“Yes, please.”
“My sweet cheetah.” Seokjin coos with a quiet tone and subtle voice inflections. Taehyung leans forward, leading with his forehead to meet Seokjin in a head bump that lingers. “If I mess up, please know I will always make my way back to clean it up.” Seokjin says with certainty. 
“I trust you.” Is all Taehyung gives him. Trust is the most important to him, it’s the one piece of himself he gives with finality and certainty. Only six people on this planet have it. 
While the Caddel house is a one-story, perfectly two-bedroom, home-y house that isn’t intimidating- Namjoon’s pack home is a two story, large property-ed, nightmare. 
Which is exactly who Y/N still has yet to get out of the parked car. 
“This seems more formal than you made it sound.”
“It’s only large because of the size of the pack.” Namjoon assures, giving her shoulder a couple squeezes that lower to her elbow. She welcomes the touch despite her nerves being on fire. 
“How big is your pack?”
“Seven guys including me.” Seven men in one house versus a measly, frail woman that has no idea how to defend herself. Though she somehow has no reason at all to believe that Namjoon would harm her or put her in a position that could possibly cause her harm- Y/N still struggles greatly with men. The only way Namjoon will know is if she tells him. It’s the only way she can guarantee that she won’t break down mid-visit.
“Namjoon, can I be honest?” She swallows the thick feeling of panic that always fights its way up when she tries to tell him something about herself. She can do this. 
“Of course, Y/N.”
“I struggle being around men. I struggled being around you, and only once I was comfortable was I presented with the ability to meet Taehyung. And I went out of my comfort zone to find that- because I trust you, I trusted Taehyung enough to meet him so suddenly and alone that next day. I trust you in a way that I’ve literally never known before- in a way that scares me more and more everyday.” She has to take a soothing breath that stops tears from falling. “I need to know something before I go into that house.” She points towards the front door that she can see from her passenger side window. 
“Okay.” Namjoon says in a way that shows he’s trying not to break the bubble she’s created for herself. 
“When I go into this house, I need to know that I won’t be put into a position that hinders me in any way. I need you to honestly tell me what you know will be the case. Because I can’t just think it- I need to hear it from someone I trust.”
She watches as he searches her for more answers, trying to uncover the little bit she was able to give him. But, he doesn’t find it, and Y/N doesn’t give anymore to him. He takes it, processes it, and remembers- thoughts that she seems to see written on him so earnestly. 
“As the leader of this pack, I can guarantee that everyone in this house puts others' needs before their own, especially a guest’s needs. Not all seven will be present right now, I think three are home including Taehyung- and I know for a fact that when Dinner comes and we are all together- they will be nothing but respectful.”
Y/N takes a few deep breaths that allow her to calm herself and allow Namjoon’s words to sink in. This is Namjoon- this is the one that always felt oddly familiar. Like he was a missing piece. 
“Thank you.” She says with genuinity that couldn’t possibly be replicated. “Let’s fuckin’ do this.” She gives herself as she unbuckles and makes sure her phone is tucked tightly into her back pocket. Somehow Namjoon is at her door in that time, opening it for her and grabbing her jacket from her arm without a question. 
The front of the house provides a look into their lives. This is the type of home she thought she’d never even get a peek into, let alone being invited into with certainty. The grass is perfectly cut and too green. Despite the boring lawn, the surrounding plants and vegetation allow a diverse array of pretty things to look at. The plants lining the pathway to the door catch her eye. They’re perfectly taken care of. 
“Seokjin prides himself in the health of our pretty plants. He loves it, loves taking care of us and feeding us. It’s very cute really.” Namjoon’s warm laugh says all she needs to know. They all love each other. She’s going to witness that with her own eyes instead of imagining what it would be like to have a pack. All she can do is nod. 
“He’s the eldest, but not the first of our pack, he’ll probably greet you first before Taehyung even knows you’re here.” 
Step-by-step, she gets closer to an impending end. The dark, woody front door complements the house so well. Without a knock, Namjoon is twisting the knob, only to look back at Y/N with questioning eyes. 
“Let’s fuckin’ do this.” She whispers next to the open door, giving Namjoon a little pump of her fist in the air despite her eyes begging to release emotions that feel all too much. He gives her a few more long seconds before swinging the door open all the way and stretching his arm out for her to go first. 
“Shoes are fine to stay here, and the top row of slippers are for guests.” Namjoon is quiet with his pointed instructions, allowing her some last moments of calm silence. Despite his words, he sets her shoes aside for her and sets a pair of slippers in front of her socked feet. His and her jacket already hung on a rack of many outer layers.
The front entrance doesn’t hide anything in terms of layout. There is no wall or hallway blocking off the large living room. It’s all clean, yet lived-in. Y/N can see it in the conveniently placed blankets that are folded onto one large, cushioned rocking chair- all varying in colors and patterns. She can see it in the shoes that scatter the entrance, and the movie cases that sit randomly along the entertainment center. She can smell it even, some type of baked good scent permeates into the air and welcomes her with open arms. Thankfully, the only thing that doesn’t welcome her, is the pack members. It’s strangely quiet.
“I apologize if anything is a mess, I can’t always predict what these animals will do.” Y/N smiles at the double meaning, shaking her head with a soft ‘it’s okay.’ 
“This is the living room, of course, and then up the stairs are the bedrooms. It’s originally six bedrooms but we really only use the three on the top floor for their intended purpose. The ones on this floor are now a workout room, supply room, and an extra closet.” He leads her with that warm, comforting hand she loves so much, gesturing in directions where hallways lead and doors are shut. 
“We have two bathrooms down here,” he points to the closest one for her to remember. “And three upstairs. And this-” he leads her into a curved door frame that opens in a large kitchen. “Is the kitchen. Exactly where I knew Seokjin would be.” The amusement in his voice gives her the boost to eye the broad back of the man she now knows is Seokjin, the oldest in the pack. He seems to be doing something at the counter she can’t see, his large, tall frame hiding it from her. 
“I’m sorry, let me just stretch this dough and then I’ll be a gentleman.” His voice doesn’t seem to match his body- higher than Namjoon’s but effortlessly smooth. It takes him only a few seconds longer before turning to the sink that sits in a counter that is in the middle of the kitchen. It’s an odd placement, she thinks, but she’s soon distracted by Seokjin. 
He’s…stunning. To put it very simply. His hair is a fluffy, unnatural orange that somehow doesn’t look weird on him. His pointed ears match his hair perfectly and end with white tips. His features add to the overall awe-feel that he seems to give off in wafts. She’s had just enough time to look at him as he washes his hands with white sweater sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He walks around the counter to show the full apron he’s wearing covered in flour and other smudges. 
“Hi, I’m Kim Seokjin, eldest, red fox.” He sticks his hand out for her to shake, a gesture that she’s only done a few times. She takes the opportunity, only to conform, as she really doesn’t see the need for them. 
“Hyung, this is Y/N.” Namjoon speaks up for her, as she seemingly doesn’t have a word to say. 
“Sorry, Y/N L/N, cheetah.” She shrugs as she states it, not used to stating her animal. The addition, for some reason, causes the pretty Seokjin to laugh unapologetically. 
“Yes, you are quite infamous. It’s an honor to meet another cheetah- it’s an honor to meet you.” He specifies, leaning the slightest bit closer as he gives her a warm smile. Wow, he’s unreal. “I apologize for the distraction I had. I wasn’t sure what you liked, specifically.” He heads towards the counter next to the stove, Namjoon gives her the smallest nudge in his direction. She doesn’t even need a glance at his face to make sure it’s okay, the smell alone begs her to move forward. 
“I decided on two sweet loaves and two savory. So, the sweet almond is done.” He gestures towards a pretty loaf of uncut bread still in the pan. The top is decorated with sliced almonds and a white drizzle she can’t name. “And the sweet yet tart blueberry lemon is done.” Another loaf with white drizzle, but this time she can see the blueberries and lemon swirls from the top of the bread. “Then, if you don’t want sweet, I made a jalapeño cheddar that’s still in the oven and am just about done prepping a simple sourdough.” He ends with a content smile, pleased with his array and abilities it seems. 
“It all smells amazing.” Is all she manages to say. “I’m excited to try them.” She must sound as meek as she feels in his presence, because his once assured smile turns into one of soft things. 
“We’ll make sure you get to try them all and take as much as you’d like with you.” He says with an assured nod. “Is there anything you prefer for dinner?” 
“No, I’ll eat anything.” She says honestly. 
“Mmm, what’s your favorite then?” 
“Meat.” It’s always the same answer, always the one thing she craves above all else. 
“That is the perfect answer.” He says just as a loud voice calls out from down one of the halls. 
“Namjoon hyung!” The voice is accompanied by quick stomping that has Y/N slink back behind Namjoon and placing a hand onto his wrist to still be able to see around his tall frame. 
Very quickly, a short-haired young man with ears that match Namjoon’s rushes around the corner. His sweaty face and shirt tell Y/N that he was probably in the gym that Namjoon mentioned before arriving. 
“Jimin, please no yelling for the evening.” The instruction has the man- Jimin- trying to peek at Y/N who’s now embarrassed by her own instincts. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I totally forgot.” He steps forward with confidence. Y/N quickly rights herself, stepping out and giving him a small wave. 
“I’m Jimin, Park Jimin, brown wolf.” He says with a matching small wave. She is thankful for the lack of a handshake. Two wolves, she realizes. Two wolves, one fox, a cheetah…and some others she doesn’t know yet. Already it’s an odd bunch to her. 
“I’ll be busy until dinner, but it was nice to meet you.” He gives her a genuine smile despite his rush. “Hyung, I can’t get this audio file to work, could you help me?” 
“Yeah, give me a minute, I’ll be right there.” Namjoon assures, turning to Y/N. 
“Jungkook is going to be more shy than the others, so I think for now it’d be best if Taehyung finally got to spend some time with you.” He says, giving her upper arms a quick rub just as Taehyung did that one time- a soothing motion that has her melting. 
The back yard is no competition for the pretty front yard, but it still has its charm that Y/N prefers over the front. Its purpose is comfort, and that is of the utmost importance to her. The small shed-type building is what Namjoon leads her towards, taking confident strides as she tries to take in the detail of their home. 
He gives a light knock that contrasts his features, making Y/N smile at the charms he so obviously has. The door almost immediately cracks open, then a couple seconds later it’s opening all the way to show a comfortably dressed Taehyung. 
“Hi.” No matter their last meeting, Y/N is shy around the other cheetah. 
“You alright?” Namjoon asks with another squeeze to her arm. 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” 
“Okay. Call me if you need anything, or just go on ahead inside if you need anything, Seokjin would be happy to help you. Taehyung.” Namjoon gives him a pointed look that she can’t quite understand. But, the younger seems to understand as he gives a nod back. 
Taehyung is pulling Y/N into the studio quickly, shutting the door with a soft click despite his movements. 
“It’s bigger than it looks outside.” Y/N observes, finding the shelves and cupboards to be full of supplies and paintings large and small leaning against the walls in unbreakable lines. She tries to focus on the paintings and what they display, but Taehyung is suddenly stepping closer. 
“I missed you.” He says unapologetically. She studies his face as he does her’s, trying to find a lie or a manipulating twitch. He’s certain and shows it with a crease in his forehead that gives a painful undertone. 
“I missed you, too. I was wondering how you were after the trip we took.” She says honestly. 
“Tired, but- you didn’t text me that.” 
“Ah, I’m not one to text, I’m sorry.” She tries not to wither under his intense gaze. It’s different than it was before, like he’s holding something back and she just can’t place what it is. “Are you okay?” 
“I missed you.” He says again. The more she observes him, the more she can see the small notes of something she’s missing. His fists clench and unclench at his sides, wanting. His ears twitch in odd intervals, his tail not as swift as usual, but more of a snake ready to strike. 
“Do you need something from me? You have to tell me, Taehyung, I’m not sure about these things yet.” She says honestly, earnestly, as she can feel a smoke of anxiety coming from him. 
Despite his jerky movements, he reaches for Y/N’s right hand with a slow question. She brings it to his hand in answer, allowing what he wants. He’s still slow to moving even with her allowance- placing her hand on his left cheek to cup his warm skin. A sigh leaves him without restraint. She can do that- she can touch and soothe because she too wants that. That’s okay. 
She brings her other hand up to cup his right cheek on her own, watching as Taehyung becomes less and less tense. She stays there until Taehyund drops his hand from her wrist. She moves as she wishes then, down to his neck, then his shoulders. She’s pulling him in before she can overthink it. 
On her tippy-toes she wraps her arms around Taehyung’s shoulders, giving them both the chance to have this. Giving herself the chance to experience this- a whole feeling whenever they are apart and come back together. Taehyung doesn’t waste any time reciprocating, bringing Y/N in by her torse. The tight squeeze of his hug isn’t uncomfortable, but shows her just how much he did miss her and how much he did need this contact. It’s comforting to hear reassurances and have actions to back them up- Taehyung has been open with her, and he is showing his want to include her in his life. 
She could almost purr at the warmth he gives off- somehow it’s more than Namjoon. She loves it- basks in it. 
“You seem anxious.” Taehyung breaks the silence suddenly. His face turns to give the top of her head a soothing rub. “Are you okay?” 
“Meeting new people is hard for me. I was just worried about what to expect when meeting everyone and how to act here.” 
“You should be yourself. You’ll like them.” 
“It’s more about hoping they’ll like me- that usually determines how someone treats you.” 
Taehyung pulls away only to give Y/N a faint expression she has yet to see on his face. 
“What’s not to like?” 
She tries not to dwell on how much he doesn’t know. Snippets of her past and what she’s done flash in and out of her mind. This is a new her, though. She’s always been genuine- Taehyung still knows the present Y/N and he somehow likes her. She’ll focus on keeping that intact. 
Taehyung takes the time to answer all her questions as he shows her all of his supplies. The difference in mediums is quite fascinating to her- there’s so many ways to make something, so much one could think up. Taehyung seems to think a lot with how many pieces he has done. It feels like hundreds are stacked and leaning on top of each other. It’s hard to focus on just one, but she makes a small round and ends up dwelling on the piece that seems to be in progress. A wooden stand holds up the painting perfectly- a made-for item that she finds extremely well-thought out. A small table and chair are perfectly placed for convenience, obviously allowing Taehyung to sit comfortably and reach his plate of paint. The painting is far more interesting though. 
Muted colors are perfectly placed and beautifully crafted to create a lake surrounded by trees. Some spots are left blank or obviously unfinished, but it’s still the most gorgeous thing she’s ever seen. 
“This is what you do every time? This style of art?” 
“Yes, it’s all I like to do. I paint things I like.” 
“Taehyung, it’s gorgeous- I don't know anything about what art needs to be, but this seems like it was made with so much thought and care. It feels like you.” 
“It’s fauvism. That’s the style, but it’s just something that helps everything be quiet.” Taehyung points a finger up to his head, “in here.” 
“That sounds great.” She quips to herself more than anything. 
“You can try.” 
“Oh, no, that would be too difficult. It’d come out looking awful.” 
“It’s not about how it looks in the end. It’s about how you feel.” Y/N really needs to know if these wise words that Taehyung is always spewing is a normal occurrence. 
She dwells on the idea, really more curious about how it would be to use the supplies than making art itself will turn out. 
“What can I use?”
Taehyung was absolutely right in stating that making art in this way truly quiets the brain. She has no idea how long it has been with her painting not resembling anything specific, but only streaks of colors that feel ‘right’. Taehyung told her to do that- ‘just do what you want, what feels right’. It’s really nice to try something new that she actually enjoys. This is something she could definitely do often, especially with so much to explore and learn about. 
The time passes without her noticing, and Taehyung slinks up behind her with no notice as well. 
“Break time.” Is all he says, producing a yawn that has Y/N looking up at him with a coo daring to break past her lips. She stops the thought, instead standing and cleaning her brush just as Taehyung taught her. 
“Are you done for the day?”
“No, just want to nap.” Taehyung points a thumb to the large, dark-gray couch lining one wall of the studio. 
“Oh, I can give you some privacy.” Y/N goes to undo her ‘smock’ that the older cheetah let her borrow for the day with her white shirt. 
“No,” he stops her as she gets it loose and off of her. “I want you to nap with me. It’ll be warmer, better.” Taehyung states without a sight of embarrassment. Y/N on the other hand is far too worried about how two people would nap on that couch comfortably. 
“How would we nap together?” 
“Are you tired?” He suddenly asks. 
“Easily, then.” 
That is all he provides her before he’s stretching out onto the couch cushions, pushing his back up to the back of the couch as he lies on his side. He gives a couple taps to the space in front of him once he’s settled with his head on an extra pillow. 
He can’t be serious. Surely this is too invasive. But, sure enough he is waiting with tired, pouty lips and another couple taps when she hesitates. The one thing that pushes her forward is that call she can’t seem to understand yet. Her cheetah yearns for this- a palpable thing that seems to push her forward to stand right in front of the couch. Her movements are light, calculated as she maneuvers into a lying position in front of Taehyung. There’s only an inch or so of space between them when Taehyung wraps his available arm around her and pulls her in that last bit, his hand resting just below the nape of her neck. 
The closeness from the gesture causes her to stiffen- until Taehyung’s hand is finally at her nape, massaging those circles into the muscle just as Namjoon did to her. The gesture causes her the same feelings, relaxing just about every muscle in her body to mush. 
This is where Namjoon said he’d learned it, and Taehyung just knew that it’d help her. He’d like it too then, right? With jelly arms, she wraps her arm around him the same way he did to her. She finds that spot with no-so-calculated movements, but easily starts a low-pressure massage as well. Taehyung is instantly purring into her neck- the spot his head happened to settle as she basically lies her head on his. She feels the deep rumblings from her stomach to her toes. 
She doesn’t even realize that her own purrs start up without worry, until Taehyung is mumbling something that sounds a whole lot like ‘pretty’. She can’t focus at all, she can’t tell if he’s talking or if it’s just his rumbling vibrations. She doesn’t last long and soon falls asleep without a second thought. 
Warm, comfortable, and purring. 
“Did she decide to stay for dinner, hyung?” 
Namjoon made sure to check on the anxious bunny before dinner and his first meeting of Y/N. Jungkook isn’t one that grows comfortable quickly, and he definitely isn’t one that enjoys a large change in his routine. In this case, it’s not the biggest change for him, but definitely a scary one. 
“Yes, and she’s just as nervous as you are, so our attention for the evening will be as it is normally, just with another person that will join in on the conversation. I promise it will be okay, bun.” 
“I know. I definitely want to meet her. I’m just still working on the trust thing. ‘Just because I don’t trust her immediately doesn’t mean she’s bad’. That’s what I’ve been telling myself.”
���That’s great reassurance. I’ll do you one better, though. The leader you trust trusts Y/N enough to bring her into your home. I would never bring someone here that would put you in harm’s way.” 
“I know, hyung.”
“I’m proud of you no matter what, though. Just let me or any of the others know if you need a break, okay?”
“Of course.”
Just as Namjoon gives Jungkook an assured peck to the base of his bunny ear, their bedroom door opens to an amazing smelling Jin. 
“Could you get the cheetahs, please? Dinner is ready. Could you help me place the table, bun?” The eager-to-help bunny is already up and following his eldest hyung before Namjoon is able to exit. 
A few knocks to the studio door produce no answer. Namjoon can immediately guess that Taehyung has convinced Y/N to take a nap in his wish to take a break. Perfect. He cracks the door open just to be nice.
“Can I come in?” Namjoon makes sure to ask just like every other time. 
“N-” He can hear a groggy start to Taehyung’s disapproval before he’s cut off. Another few seconds pass before he- surprisingly- gets a different answer. 
“Come in.” Taehyung calls.
Namjoon takes care to make sure he’s quiet, but really is curious about the situation Y/N has Taehyung in that would allow her to convince him to let someone into his studio. He’s not too surprised to find the two cheetahs in a cuddling embrace. He would think that the two fell back asleep in the few seconds it took him to enter, if it were not for Y/N’s sleepy face turning to peek at Namjoon smiling down at her. 
So pretty and so soft. He can get used to seeing her so content and safe. 
“‘mjoon.” She says with a dopey smile he knows all too well. She had a great nap.
“Y/N.” Namjoon says in the same manner she did. 
“Missed you.” She seems to slip her arm out of a place he can’t figure out, stretching her body in whatever way she can and reaching out for a- patiently waiting- expectant Namjoon. He grabs her hand that looks like it’s too heavy for her to keep up. 
“I missed you too. Are you hungry? Dinner is ready and the others would love to meet you.” 
Those words seem to get her pushing away from a groaning Taehyung with a burst of very unexpected energy. Namjoon helps her still-tired limbs up to a standing position. 
“Did you have a nice nap?” 
“Are you hungry?” 
“Are you okay to meet the others right now?” 
She stops to think this time before responding- seemingly taking a mental list of actions such as fixing her hair and rubbing at her tired eyes. 
“I think so. If I look okay- God, I shouldn’t have slept right before this.” She groans in a voice that shows she’s still slightly tired. 
“You seem less worried than you were before, I think the nap was a good idea.” Namjoon takes extra care to fix a few pieces of her hair that seem out of place. Taehyung finally takes his time to stretch properly and stand from the couch that Namjoon just knows is too warm for him to be comfortable sitting on. 
“Can I just use the restroom first?” Y/N asks with pleading eyes. 
“Of course. Taehyung, can you go see if Jin-hyung needs help with anything else please.” 
With a head bump, he’s out of the studio before him and Y/N are, following in his footsteps to get into the house and lead her to the bathroom. 
The bathroom Namjoon leads her to is similar to the one she knows in the Caddel house. It’s not as extravagant as she imagined it would be, but honestly, she’s thankful for that in the moment. In this simple bathroom, she’s able to focus on how presentable she is. Luckily it takes no time, realizing she doesn’t have much to worry about. Even if she did, she’d be quick in front of the mirror. She’s always fast to finish looking into them. 
Namjoon is happily waiting outside of the bathroom to lead her back to the dining room with company. Again, she’s lucky to have only Seokjin and Taehyung in the room when she gets there. But, it’s not long before a new pack member is coming out of the kitchen with a few sets of silverware in hand. 
“Jungkook,” Namjoon seems to encourage the shy-looking man with a hand. “This is Y/N, Y/N this is Jungkook.” The man she now knows as Jungkook is soft and subtle with his gestures towards her. He gives her a smile that probably mirrors her terrified smile. 
“Black bunny,” Is all he says, before continuing his rounds to put out silverware. Once he’s done and out of the room Namjoon is closing in and whispering in her ear. 
“He’s shy, but not unkind. He’s just very nervous.” Y/N didn’t get any unkind feelings with him, but she’s happy to know that it isn’t exactly her fault in a way that is uncommon.
“I’m gonna go see if they need any more help, go ahead and sit down here.” Namjoon directs her to a seat that sits in the middle of two other seats. She’s only hoping that the two she’s comfortable with will be sitting on either side of her. 
“Can I help in some way?” She asks before he leaves her alone. 
“Don’t worry, it’s just to bring out the food now that the plates and silverware is set.” 
She sits in her anxious skin as she’s left alone. When footsteps lead back into the dining room she’s expecting Namjoon or someone she met already but- she isn’t always lucky. 
“Oh, I’m sorry I thought Joon was with you.” A bright-voiced man looks back into the kitchen where she can’t see, but he ultimately decides to just introduce himself. “I’m Hoseok, but Hobi is fine, I’m a white tiger.” Y/N really can’t seem to take her eyes off of his hair. The perfectly cut style is platinum white with absolutely no imperfections. It suits him perfectly and matches his white and black tinged ears. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” 
“Very nice to meet you, is it okay if I sit before Namjoon gets back?”
“Of course.” Y/N automatically likes the way the white tiger carries himself. She’s even excited to meet another type of cat. 
“So, is everyone being normal?” Hoseok suddenly asks as he sits in a chair across from her and to her left- three chairs line on each side of the table and one on each end, a perfect eight. 
“Everyone has been really nice? If that’s normal.” Y/N tries to answer in the same manner he asks. At her response, he gives her a bright laugh that instantly makes her feel like smiling. 
“That’s good and yes it’s normal. Unless one of the younger ones can’t find anything better to do than argue.” He tells her, making her smile grow at the implied personalities of some of the members. 
“Okay, everything’s pretty hot still, so let’s please wait until everyone’s sat.” Seokjin’s voice pulls the two’s attention away from each other and onto the line of four hybrids that come in carrying various plates of food. Y/N is immediately in awe with the amount and variety. Namjoon seems to taunt her even more by placing the dish of sliced, perfectly pink meat in front of her. 
With the call out from Seokjin, the others that were nowhere in sight seem to manifest. Jimin hurries around the corner with damp hair and a new set of clothes, sitting down just in front of Y/N. Namjoon is able to sit next to her on the right and, thankfully, Taehyung on her left. Seokjin finally sets down the pitchers of chilled water before taking one of the head chairs. Jungkook sits next to Jimin who immediately gives the bunny a scrunched-nose head bump. And finally, a new face finishes the picture as he takes the other end chair, opposite to Seokjin. 
“Before we start- Y/N this is Yoongi.” Namjoon gives her the information.
“Black panther.” Is all he says as he pours and takes a few gulps of water. 
“He’s a man of few words, don’t worry.” Namjoon leans in and whispers. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” She still gives him despite his short greeting, feeling as though that is what’s most respectful. 
“Perfect, let’s eat.” Seokjin says unceremoniously. The sudden movements take her off guard, watching as the routine of giving and taking happens quickly yet precisely. Before she even knows it there is a scoop or a few pieces from each dish that was passed around. Everyone eats with ease that shows their comfortability with each other, dipping in and out of conversation. It’s nothing like what she’s used to. Eating with Maria and Richard happens in front of the TV. The two are old enough that they don’t mind their nights being spent like so, but Y/N can see how much more enjoyable this way of ending your day is. 
“So, Y/N, where are you originally from?” The question from Seokjin throws her so off-guard that she doesn’t even second guess the look she gives to the eldest as she opens and closes her mouth in thought. 
“I’m not sure, actually.” She finally says, expecting to kill the mood with her first attempt at conversation. But it’s true. She doesn’t know the place or how she got there. 
“That’s okay, some of us don’t know either.” Namjoon answers, causing Y/N to be taken aback only because of the normality that is in the home. She wouldn’t guess that some of these hybrids don’t know where they’re from like she does. She does catch a few pointed smiles that are there to comfort her, and a few that are all too eager to look away from her in their own thoughts.
The lull in conversation that includes her provides a great opportunity for her to finally try the food. With her fork, she goes for whatever catches her eye the most. The meat. She can now see that the sliced pieces were sitting on a layer of a dark sauce she’s never seen before lining the plate. She wastes no time being subtle, sticking the whole slice of beef into her mouth. 
Warm, soft, and perfectly cooked to her liking. The savory sauce even has a bit of sourness that adds to the overall goodness. Everything about it is perfect.  She goes for the pillow  of whites that she can only assume is mashed potatoes just like Maria makes sometimes. Upon scooping them into her mouth, she realizes that they’re honestly better than Maria’s. They’re creamy and light in her mouth- almost like a whipped cream would be. The flavors in the potatoes compliment it well and add to the beef well. 
She didn’t realize food could taste like this and compliment each other so well. With her usual meals, she’s focused on eating foods that she knows were picked only based on what her doctor recommended. And she’s now realizing how different everyone makes some of the same things. She doesn’t want to admit that Seokjin has definitely changed a part of her with this meal- that seems embarrassingly excessive- but it’s very true. 
“Good?” Namjoon asks beside her, a person she forgot was there completely. 
“So good. Perfect.” She states without missing a beat. 
In her effort to clean off her plate, she misses how Namjoon watches her as she eats in his home. She misses the content look Seokjin gives after he put so much effort into making the steak as he knows Taehyung likes it. She misses the look that Yoongi gives Namjoon through his lashes upon seeing the wolf’s expression towards her. 
Overall, she misses the text she gets from Richard, the message sitting unread at the top of her notification as the night slowly comes to an end. 
Her food is polished off and the conversation made towards her is more easy-going than the first question Seokjin asked. The whole pack must have gotten the point without it even being stated. Instead, she’s asked about her hobbies or favorite things to do, what she wants to try, and what her favorite foods are- pushed solely by Seokjin to answer. They all put in their own effort to include her. She doesn’t mind when Jungkook and Yoongi are included with just a hum of an answer instead of words. She’s just happy to be there now that she knows it’s safe.
She's more surprised about how young everyone is. Yes, she's the youngest at the table, but Jungkook is only a year older than her and Seokjin is only 6 years older than her. She's fascinated by their compatibility with them all being so young- as well as the success they seem to have in numbers of their pack and where they all live.
Namjoon never misses a beat when she’s unsure, giving her polite direction or ideas so she can think instead of letting her anxieties rid her brain of what to say. She could never thank him properly for the effort he puts into her. 
“Are you getting tired?” Namjoon asks her as she stands next to him and a smiling ‘Hobi’ that insisted on helping the wolf clean the dishes after dinner. 
“Only a little, the nap wasn’t long enough.” She quips. Her efforts today have made her tired, but she’s just really happy to see Namjoon in his own comforting place. She didn’t realize the small changes that would take place when he’s somewhere he knows as home. He makes more effort to give her calming touches and lingering looks that give her the confidence to be there and talk comfortably. 
“Let me just finish these and then we can wrap up and get you home, yeah?”
Why would the first answer in her head be ‘no’? 
“Take your time.” She says instead, taken aback by her own thoughts. “Could I…maybe thank everyone before leaving. I don’t want to just leave without making sure everyone knows I appreciate that they let me into their home.” 
Instead of a direct answer, she gets an unexpected squeal of a noise from Hoseok. 
“Oh my god, she’s the cutest, Joon.” 
“I know, it pains me.” 
She can only stare at the two as Namjoon finishes washing the dishes while Hoseok stays to dry the dishes. ‘What was that?’ Namjoon leads her into the living room- with no mention of this previous comment- where four of the pack members are sitting in different ways to watch a movie. 
Taehyung’s focus is immediately on her upon entering the room, while Jimin, Seokjin, and Jungkook all take a few beats before looking over to a waiting Namjoon. 
“Y/N is getting tired, so I’ll go ahead and take her home before it’s too late.” Namjoon gives her a little head bop to indicate that he’s done. 
“Uh, thank you for letting me into your pack home, and thank you for allowing me to eat with you. I appreciate everyone being so kind.” She gives with a smile that’s more awkward than anything, but she’s proud of herself for mentioning it without slipping up. 
“We’d be happy to have you over whenever one of the guys wants to see you.” Seokjin specifies with words that are specially picked. “Also, Yoongi turned in early because of his early schedule tomorrow, but we’ll let him know your feelings.” He also says with a care that Y/N appreciates greatly as well. 
“Thank you.” She finally says with a look to each member. With her final look being towards Jungkook, she finds his eyes on her tail wrapped around her waist. She instinctively wraps it tighter at the realization, hoping it doesn’t look as odd as she thinks it would be to hybrids that actually have the muscle to keep their long tails up and prettily sitting. 
She finally remembers to check her phone in the car on the way home. She finds that Richard sends her a message. One that she never gets. 
‘Hey, I’m sorry, but I’ll be working late tonight. I picked up an extra meal from my lunch and set it aside in the fridge for your dinner.’
‘Hey, my coworker is going to have to stop by the house to grab something out of the garage for an out-of-town job tomorrow. The back garage door is unlocked, so he’ll just be in and out. Please look out for a black truck if you’re at the house when he comes.’
He’d just let someone in and out of his house with her possibly being there? He’s okay with him in his house while he’s not there? 
The questions take over to cause panic to bubble up into her throat. He sent that second text only five minutes ago. She could still run into his coworker. That realization makes her feel a dread so instant- could it be the same man from last time? The one that Namjoon unknowingly told her to be aware of in her mention of cheetahs being ‘exotic’. 
Richard wouldn’t let someone like him be around her alone after that encounter. Would he? No, he’s a good man. He’s a good man. Richard wouldn’t do that. 
Her convincing takes up the whole ride, only realizing she’s home once Namjoon is at her door, opening it and letting the breeze remind her where she is. Her unbuckling is done with numb fingers. Her anxious movements to get out have her struggling to seem normal. 
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asks just as she climbs out and heads for the door. She feels sick as she responds, hoping it all sounds normal. 
“Yeah, just tired.” 
At the door, she fumbles with the key in her back pocket, taking a quiet deep breath before finally getting the key into the lock. Namjoon walked her up to the door behind her and waits for her to get inside safely.
 “It was nice having your company. If you ever need a place to get away from ‘volunteer Namjoon’ just let me know, okay?” 
“Okay.” She forces out and turns to switch on the lights in the living room with quick, shaky hands. 
“Hey,” Namjoon’s warm hand is on her shoulder to get her attention, “are you sure you’re okay?” 
No, ask him to stay. Ask him, please. Don’t lie to him. He won’t know how you feel if you lie. Just have him wait until that guy comes and goes. 
‘What if he has to stay for long? What if that guy just shows up and leaves with no other hindrance? She can’t just ask him to stay when she took up his whole day.’
Her thoughts contradict each other and fight as if they are two separate people.
“I’m just really tired, suddenly. But, I enjoyed seeing you today, like this.” She points out, hoping he doesn’t see the screaming in her eyes. Hoping he doesn’t keep asking. She’ll definitely give in if he asks again. 
“I enjoyed seeing you as well. Get some rest, okay? And let me know if you need anything.” He finds her eyes when they stray away from his. “Anything.” He repeats. 
“Okay. Goodnight.” She finalizes with a tight smile. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” 
She shuts the door and turns to the living room to find an empty, quiet house. One that seems all too unsafe. More unsafe than the house full of seven men. To be honest, being in that house was the safest she’s felt in a long time. Maybe it’s because Richard wasn’t in it. Maybe it’s because they actually considered how she felt. 
Maybe she just needs rest. 
Leaving her like that was hard for Namjoon. Something about her change in demeanor and how she responded to him was unsettling. She’s never been that short with him, never had the need to stare at anything but him- only when she’s shy is she that way, but, this was entirely different. Something in himself was screaming to keep pushing. He stays sat in his car in the Caddel driveway for another 15 minutes before he realizes she won’t change her mind. 
Maybe he should’ve asked once more. Maybe he should’ve asked to make sure she wasn’t alone for the night. Maybe he should’ve just asked her to stay at the house in the guest room where she’d be safe and in his vicinity. 
Maybe he just needs rest. 
Sleep finds him in a series of thoughts that he can’t get out of his head. Something feels wrong no matter how he tries to think about it. He looks around to his pack members fast asleep. All were excited to end the night once he was back home, all shared their thoughts about Y/N and were happy to have finally met the other cheetah. Nothing in the house was giving him the feeling he got when dropping Y/N off at home. 
Still, he sleeps- and wakes at an ungodly hour with no reason. 
Except, there is a reason. A series of loud, sure knocks is beat into their front door. This time, Seokjin just about shoots up to immediately look over at the anxious wolf. The two share a silent conversation as the others somehow haven’t woken up yet- thankfully. 
The two hurry to throw on shirts and shorts, making their way to the front door. Passing the living room clock, Namjoon can see it’s only a few minutes past 5am. 
He’s the first one to the door, and the first to see who stands on the other side through the peephole. He opens the door immediately. 
“Is this the residence of Kim Namjoon?” Two officers, one human and one hybrid stand at the door. 
“Yes, I’m Namjoon.” He says with no tiredness in his voice as Seokjin catches up to him. 
“What’s going on?” Seokjin asks, his voice showing he just obviously woke up. 
“We were given some information about you upon bringing in a Y/N L/N last night. We have reason to believe that you were a witness in where Y/N was before she made it back home? We were wondering if you’d come in for some questioning regarding her location and the lead up to her going home.” 
That sick feeling was this. This is his fault.
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jungwonie-bae · 1 year
*ੈ✩.a love story between us . ♪。·
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Sunghoon x fem!reader , reader is working in high school, reader is referred as she
genre- fluff, love at first sight trope, strangers to lovers
word count- 4.1k 【4,113 words】
warnings- (this is not really a warning, but the season is winter) I’m so sorry, but more grammatical errors 😭 mentions of le sserafim’s yunjin , kissing, bold sunghoon, jealousy? , a little blood, cuddling? And not proofread‼️ And this is just a random ass fic sorry… and it doesn’t relate a lot to the first part, it’s just how they fall in love. Lots of grammar errors, I didn’t care to check over sorry。this was so rushed 😣
a/n- this is finally done!!! I’ve been so busy since school has started 😢 and sorry for the short chapters.. you can imagine the rest yourselves 😘
oh- and the title used to be “my coffee boy” but it’s not related to coffee in any way so I changed it.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
7:02 am.
Today was the weekend, and the cafe was quiet. You’ve already cleaned and wiped all the tables, and started the coffee machines. Today was going to be another busy day. The cafe always opens at 7:30 sharp, so you had enough time to grab the new stack of cups, and get the register ready.
your only coworker, beomgyu, always came a bit late, but got to work right away. The bell rings as he walks in, and the two of you greet one another.
As you put on your apron, you scroll on your phone to play a calming playlist on Spotify. Beomgyu puts his apron on, and opens the window for the early morning breeze to flow through.
As the bell chimes, your boss walks in. He greets the both of you, and walks into his office. You run to the door, and turn the sign, the red ink “closed” written, was now turned into “open.”
You then go back into your place as the cashier. A few minutes later, your regular customers come in.
they are quick to go, ordering and paying quickly as well.
A bit later, a group of 3 guys walk in, chatting with one another happily. While they are ordering drinks, you feel someone’s gaze as you get their orders down. You look up, and- you feel like you’ve just seen the prettiest person in your life. Time seems to slow down.
you stare at him for a few seconds, before snapping out of it to tell beomgyu their orders. Turning back to them, (the person who is ordering for the group,) you almost forgot their name.
“and what’s your name?” You ask politely.
“sunghoon, s-u-n-g-h-o-o-n,” he says, the last part of the sentence a bit mumbled. You nod, and type his name down to print onto the sticker on the cup.
you smile at him, “your order is going to be ready in a few minutes. Is this a to go, or are you staying in?”
he looks over at his friends, and they all say their staying. You nod, and they go sit down. You smile to yourself, and hurriedly make their drinks. You put a little extra love into sunghoon’s, and cap it.
beomgyu finishes the other half of the drinks. “Order for sunghoon!” You shout. He comes up to you, and grabs the drinks quickly. While he brings it over to his table, his friends tease him about something. He smiles at their antics.
Heeseung whispers, “someone has a little crush. Let’s come back here tomorrow~” Jake nods at him, and grins. Sunghoon doesn’t notice the two.
meanwhile, you were busy hoping he will come back.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The next day, you see the familiar face once again. But today, he was alone. The name you learned from him yesterday, sunghoon, was pretty awkward trying to order his drink.
you can see he is shy, because he’s hiding his face into his scarf. Cute, you think. His order is a to-go, much to your disappointment. You make his drink as you and beomgyu switch places, now beomgyu being the cashier.
you call out sunghoons name, but this time, you write your number onto his cup. You draw a little smiley face next to your digits, and smile to yourself. I hope he texts me, you smile.
as sunghoon grabs his cup, he smiles at you, but stops in his tracks on his way out. She wrote her number. Wait.. she wrote her number!?! He stops himself from squealing since he was already grinning like an idiot. He was definitely going to text you later.
He hurried home to his dorm, and immediately told his friends. “See, I knew she was into you!” Jake playfully punched sunghoons arm, while wrapping his other around his shoulders.
sunghoon grins, but his smile drops soon after. “But.. how do I start the conversation..? I don’t have any experience in this..”
Jake slowly turns his head and looks at the sulking male beside him. “Are you for real..?” Sunghoon nods. “Dude! You’re an absolute loser for this! How have you not had any girlfriends with that face of yours?!?”
Sunghoon doesn’t know what to do. Will jake help him?
Sunghoon paces as jakes eyes follow him around. “I want to talk to her so bad, but I don’t know how to start a conversation. This might even be my first relationship!”
Jake rolls his eyes at sunghoon’s statement. He takes sunghoon’s cellphone and typed out your number. Sunghoon looks over at the bright screen.
Jake was texting you for him. “Are you sure about this..?” Sunghoon questions. Jake nods, eyes still glued to the little screen. “I’ve done this multiple times anyway. It works on every chick I’ve gotten.” Jake smirks.
Sunghoon decides to trust his best friend on this one, and hoping for the best. He thought you were really cute, and wanted to have something more with you. He wondered if you would ever feel the same.
Later, Jake shows sunghoon the texts. Jake started the conversation lightly, and you responded maybe 3-5 minutes later. He had asked when your shift was over, so you and sunghoon could meet up.
sunghoon was more than excited when you made a plan on his free day and a suitable time. He stressed on what to wear. It was a dinner date- not just a dinner- but a dinner in a fancy restaurant.
What if he underdressed? What if he made a wrong impression on you? What if he would scare you away? He’s only seen you about 8-10 times, yet he’s so worried.
you on the other hand, is just as worried as him. You had been to the restaurant and you had made the reservation, but you still didn’t know what to wear.
The hang out- date- was in 2 days. You video call your best friend, yunjin.
“I’m going on a date in 2 days with this really pretty boy and I don’t know what to wea-”
“okay, okay, slow down. I just picked up!” Yunjin exclaims. You sigh.
“In 2 days, im going on a date with a guy I really like. I have no idea what to wear.”
Yunjin nods. “I’ll be coming over in just a minute. Hold on.” She then hangs up on you. You were so nervous.
a few minutes later, knocking is heard from your front door. You run towards the sound and open the door. Yunjin lets herself in, and goes straight to your room. She rummages through your closet a little before huffing, and turning to you. You didn’t notice the big bag she had brung with her.
“We’ll have to try on a few different things.” Yunjin sighs. She unzips her bag, and pulls out a few pieces of clothing. She then lays them out on your bed for you to see, but one had already caught your eye.
It was a black long- sleeved square neck dress, and it was perfect for the occasion. “Can I try this one on?” You asked yunjin, while pointing your index finger to your desired article of clothing. She nods, “of course! Take your time. No rush girl.” She smiles supportingly. “Call me in if you need help.” She says.
you nod, and walk to the bathroom in your room. After you put the dress on, you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. The dress hugs your body perfectly, at the right parts. You feel amazing, and pretty.
as you walk out of the bathroom, Yunjin cheers you on. “Oh my gosh. You look absolutely stunning. You’re definitely wearing this.” You blush at her compliments, and thank her.
“this is my first date… I don’t know how to make a good impression…” you sulk at your sudden realization, with your head down, almost like when a puppy is wronged.
“ don’t worry girl, I’ve got your back. Let’s practice being confident, okay?” She reassures you. You look up at her and nod. Yunjin was always trusted in these type of things. That’s why she had so many friends.
you and sunghoon have been texting non stop since you had given him your number. Sunghoon told you that his friend Jake had started the conversation because he was scared, and you laughed at that.
Every day, day through night, you both texted each other. You were both around the same ages, and had very common interests with each other. Almost like soulmates.
tomorrow was the date, and you both had planned everything out. You hoped it went exactly like planned, or else you would be doomed. It would’ve been really awkward if you had nothing to talk about.
you hung the dress up by your closet, and went to sleep- not before texting sunghoon goodnight, and a see you tomorrow! 🤍
you close your eyes and drifts off the dreamland. The exciting day awaits before you.
—date day—
You woke up to your loud alarm ringing. You quickly turn it off and slowly open you eyes, your surroundings filling you. You get out of bed and stretch, and then go get ready. You smile giddily, remembering the events that would happen today.
As you put moisturizer on, you receive a notification. You grab your phone quickly, opening the app the notification came from. It was a text from sunghoon.
sunghoon: I’m excited for today ;)
sunghoon: I can’t wait to see you
you: 😊😊😊
you: me tooo
you blush at his texts and squeal. You get butterflies in your stomach.
The date is toward nighttime, so you have a lot of time to get ready. You put on your outfit, and do your makeup.
He was the one who had insisted on meeting up, so you grab your things and head out the door.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
once you make it to the restaurant, he hasn’t arrived yet. So you wait at the front.
soon, a sleek black car pulls into the parking lot, and out comes the infamous sunghoon. You inaudibly gasp. He was dress in all black and his hair was done. Heat crawls up your face.
you pretend to be busy on your phone, so it wouldn’t seem as if you’ve been staring at him this whole time. His eyes search for you, and once they find you, he smiles. His eyes crinkle up and his dimple shows. He barely knows you, yet he’s smiling so big every time he sees you.
He walks over to you slowly. You look up from your phone, and smile at him. He stares at you intently. You rip your gaze away from him first.
you are so pretty today that he really couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“hi,” he starts awkwardly. You nod your head and reciprocate his words.
“should we head inside now?” You ask. He snaps out of his daze, and goes in after you.
at the table, you start the conversation. It’s a bit awkward at first, but the two of you warm up to one another quickly. He talks about his hobbies, you talk about yours. But what you found most interesting, was that he was a ice skater. People had called him “the ice prince.”
it matched him so well, based on his personality and face. You listen to every word he said, because his voice was so addicting. You could listen to it forever.
time went by so fast, that’s it was already nighttime. You both had finished eating, and sunghoon paid for the bill. You insisted on paying or maybe splitting the bill, but he denied all of your requests.
The two you you decide to go on a late night walk together to spend more quality time. He held your hand, and even gave you his jacket to wear. He didn’t know where this boldness came from, but he just went along with it. You were so flustered with his actions.
he talked about literally everything to keep the conversation going. You talked about how life is stressful, to exciting, to all sorts of emotions.
when you arrived at a park, he sat you down. He crouched down in front you and took off your heels, then took off his shoes. “It must hurt, right?” He said softly. He looked up at you so enchantingly, that you almost got lost in his eyes.
You nod. Your lips fail to hide the smile that was trying to burst through. Sunghoon smiles too. “thanks hoon.” He blushes at the nickname, and picks up your shoes. He hold your hand again. A comfortable silence fills the air.
“I’ll walk you home.” The male next to you says. You smile at him and nod your head. The night passes so fast, you were pretty much disappointed.
he stands in front of you at your porch and holds both your hands in his. “Today was fun for me.” He confesses.
“ me too.” You agree. “Can we do this again?” He asks. He swings your arms side by side. Another date?
“of course! Just tell me when.” You smile politely at him. Silence fills the air once again. You make eye contact with him. Very slowly, you see him leaning in.
once he’s at a nose to nose length, he mumbles a small, may I? You nod almost immediately, and his lips crash onto yours. your lips mold so perfectly with his that he feels like he’s dreaming. You wrap your arms around his neck, and his automatically go around your waist. The two of you make out for a few seconds before pulling away for a breath of air.
“you’re my first kiss.” He shyly says. You’re shocked. “what? No way that possible. Me too!” You exclaim.
he smiles at you and kisses you once more. You kiss back quickly. When you pull away again, he pulls you into his embrace. “Thank you for this night.” He mumbles into your neck.
he kisses you one more time before you go into your home; not before returning your shoes. Then he shouts, “ Call me! And I’ll see you tomorrow!”
you blow a kiss at him, and walk inside your home. Tomorrow? What’s happening tomorrow? You’ll just wait and see.
Sunghoon is a blushing mess. He walks himself back to his car giddily. He’s still smiling on the way home too. He can’t wait to tell his friends.
when he enters his apartment, he shouts for his friends to come over. “So, how did it goo..?” Jake asks. Sunghoon looks over at him slowly. “It was amazing.”
Jake and heeseung high five Sunghoon. “Nice man!” The night is soon filled with laughter and loud talking.
“and then we kissed.” Sunghoon squeals. Heeseung gasps and hit sunghoon. “Dude when did you get the confidence?!?” sunghoon rubs his arm where heeseung had hit him.
“maybe it just comes up when I’m with her.” Sunghoon shrugs. The trio squeals together. “I’m gonna sleep so good tonight.” Sunghoon sighs.
You on the other hand, is calling and telling Yunjin about everything that happened.
“he kissed me! Can you believe that?!?” You exclaim happily. Yunjin gasps. “Girl, you are so lucky.” You nod.
“he said he was gonna see me tomorrow though.”
“he probably has something planned then!” Yunjin exclaims. “That’s so exciting. I’ll help you pick out your outfit. I’ll see you tomorrow too then?”
“yes of course!” You nod. The both of you, you and sunghoon, both ramble about everything that had happened today to your friends.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The next day, you wake up from an incoming call. You pick up tiredly.
“hello..?” You groggily say. “Oh I’m sorry did I wake you?” A familiar voice speaks.
you sit up immediately and look at the caller id. It was sunghoon. You clear your throat, “oh of course not! I was just doing something.” You lie. You cringe at yourself for waking up so late.
“oh, then can I pick you up later?” He asks out of the blue. You freeze. Is this what he meant by “see you tomorrow?” Oh gosh. You do want to see him again though. “Oh- oh yeah of course. I’ll go get ready then.” You try to sound as neutral as possible, but inside you were screaming.
sunghoon hums, then ends the call first. You hurriedly pick an outfit, brush your teeth, and fix your hair. You pick a pair of baggy jeans, and a cute brown puffer. You run to the kitchen the make toast.
A few minutes later, a knock is heard from your front door. You wipe the excess crumbs off of your mouth and walk slowly to the door. You look through the peep hole- and it’s sunghoon. You smile as you swing the door open.
he pulls you into his embrace and you immediately hug him back. “Hey pretty.” He smirks. You blush and look down. A hand comes to your chin and lifts your head back up.
“aren’t you gonna greet your handsome boyfriend?” He teases. Boyfriend!? Your flustered at the nickname he gave himself. “h-hi sunghoon.” You stutter. Your face is red and you are so so so embarrassed. “Come on, let’s go.” Sunghoon says. He knows that you were flustered by him, and he smiles to himself.
“Where are we going today?” You ask. Sunghoon smiles. “You’ll see when we get there. It’s a surprise.”
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
“an ice rink?!?” You exclaim. You look at sunghoon excitedly. “Yeah, you seemed most interested in the topic of ice skating when we were talking yesterday.” You nod.
“you sure are an observant person.” You mumble. Sunghoon leads you the the skates after paying to go in. You choose your sizes, and sit down on the benches.
“here, let me help you.” Sunghoon crouches down in front of you, and ties your laces. Heat crawls up your face once again. Sunghoon looks up at you and steals a quick peck.
“hey! I wasn’t ready for that!” You whine, slapping his arm playfully. He smirks down at you.
you both walk into the rink and then you suddenly confess, “I’m not good at ice skating.” Sunghoon smiles at you, “good. Then I’ll teach you.”
he hold your hands and starts off slowly, while you wobble about trying to keep your balance. You apologize for gripping his arms so tight.
later on, you had gotten the hang of gliding around. But when you were trying to catch up to sunghoon, someone had bumped into you. You fall of your butt, and you hiss in pain. You look up at the person who had bumped into you.
“oh my gosh, are you okay? I’m so sorry, I wasnt controlling my speed.” A rather handsome man says. “Im fine, don’t worry about it.” You smile.
sunghoon grit his teeth and skates over to you. He helps you up and asks worriedly, “ are you hurt anywhere?!?” And you just respond with “I’m okay”s and “I’m fine”s. Sunghoon glares at the male that had bumped into you. He was still standing there, feeling guilty of his mistake. Once he saw sunghoons glare, he quickly skated away.
Sunghoon turns back to you and looks you up and down for any cuts or bruises. until he looks at your hand. There’s a cut there with a drop of blood streaming down. His eye widen, and he quickly pulls you out of the rink.
he grabs his bag and grabs his first aid kit. You find him so cute that he was worried over a small cut that you didn’t even notice at all. You giggle to yourself at his actions. He looks up from your now bandaged finger with furrowed eyebrows, confused.
“why are you laughing?” He mumbles. “Your just so cute.” You giggle once again. Sunghoon smiles at that, and kisses your injured finger. “Now it’s all better.” He smiles.
“thank you hoon.” He blushed at the nickname you gave him once again. You peck his cheek in thanks. Now the both of you are blushing messes.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
you invite sunghoon over to your house for dinner. He gives you little kisses every now and then while you cook, and back hugs you. You’re very grateful to finally have a boyfriend.
Once the food is ready, sunghoon helps set up the table. He pulls out your chair for you, and you sit down. He smiles at you from across the table.
after your dinner, he insists on washing the dishes. The two of you decide to watch a movie after, to spend more time together.
The night is filled with small talks and giggles from one another.
the next morning, you wake up with sunghoon next to you. His arms are tightly wrapped around your waist, his legs tangled with yours, and you are face to face with him. You inaudibly gasp, remembering the events prior.
he had taken a shower at your place, and slept over. He had borrowed a few of your oversized things that you didn’t wear at all. You think, nothing sexual had happened. You turn your head back to sunghoons, and take this chance to admire his sleeping features.
His eyes suddenly flutter open, and once he takes notes of his surroundings, he smiles. He stares back at you. “What are you looking at?” He groggily says. You giggle and hide your face into his neck.
“I gotta head to the grocery shop soon.” You mumble into his ear. He hums. “Then I’ll come with you.” you nod at his answer and then try to pry his arms off of your waist. He only hugs you tighter. “Just 5 more minutes?” He asks. You can’t say no to his cute doe eyes and his little pout.
5 minutes turns into 10, then turns into 25. You groan, and finally push his warm body off of you. Cool air hits your body, and you shiver. You run to the bathroom to get ready. While putting on an outfit, you process everything that has happened. You giggle to yourself.
you walk back into your room, and kiss sunghoons forehead. “I’ll make breakfast.” You whisper.
Sunghoon smiles to himself, and snuggles into your pillow, whiffing in your soft scent.
A bit later, sunghoon rises out of your bed. He walks to the kitchen to find you, but you weren’t there. Worried thoughts filled his head, until he heard your voice behind him. “Why are you just standing there? Go brush your teeth.” You slightly scold. He turns around at your voice, and runs up to you.
“I thought something happened to you.” He mumbles, while giving you a big bear hug. You smile to yourself. “Go get changed too, we’re gonna go shopping later.” You pat his back. He lifts his head from your shoulder, gives you a peck. and goes to the bathroom. you grimace at the morning breath, and head into your room to pick some clothes out for him.
Once you both finish eating, you grab your car keys. “Let’s go.” You say. Sunghoon takes hyoid keys from you. “I’m the one driving. You’re my passenger princess.” He winks.
You smile at him, and go out the door.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
At the grocery store, sunghoon follows you around like a lost puppy. The cart screeches to a stop. You turn to face him. “You should go buy something.” You say. He stops in his tracks in front of you. He grumbles, and then falls into your embrace.
you wrap your arms around him to catch him. Was he tired? You pat his back a few times. “Let’s go home soon hmm?” you whisper. You feel him nod in your shoulder. You smile and pull away from him.
“I’ll just need a few things more and we’ll go home.” You hurry to get your items, and check out. Sunghoon chooses a few of his favorite snacks, and you both drive back to your place.
once you come home, you sit onto the couch. Sunghoon folllows your actions, and lies onto your lap. You play with his hair, and he sighs in contentment at your touch.
He soon falls asleep on your lap. You smile, and grab your phone to take a picture. After a few snaps, you go to sleep right after him, laying on the couch arm. He slightly wakes up at your movements, and crawls on top of you to lie on your chest. Your hand goes back up to his hair unconciously.
the two of you float into dreamland. You could not want anything more than this.
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aliypop · 7 months
Anyway You Want Me: Chapter 4
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Word Count: 2,171
Writers Note: I abandoned this fic, but I'm rewriting it now that I've expanded on Cecelia and Elvis, This is an au idea as stated last time! Well let us try this again
Warning: None so far except for language and historic language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: In 1953, in Memphis Tennessee, Cecelia and her mother Denise Valmos move to Shelby County as Her mother Calpurnia's Nashville home is going through renovations, but when asked to keep a low profile by her mother, Cecelia makes friends with the quirkiest, shy, yet charming kid in class, at least Friends is what she'd call them.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 (coming soon)
Memphis, Tennessee, Tuesday, May 1953
"Say good night to your friend," Denise said as she opened the door. Cecelia blushed as Elvis coughed a little in an awkward silence, "Night...Mr. Presley," Denise said as he smiled,
 "Good Night Mrs, Denise,"
"Ms. Cecelia." He kissed her hand, and Cecelia blushed. She felt like a princess, "See you tomorrow, Mr. Presley." She swooned again, watching him walk away. Denise watched as her daughter waltzed in like a Disney princess, twirling and singing, 
"So the drive in..."
"What about it," She asked, a pink rose behind her ear as she sniffed it, 
"Did he try anything?"
"Oh no, he would never. We shared a burger, fries, and a soda. And We watched Dracula in the back of his car. Nothin' fishy!" Cecelia giggle. She had those stars in her eyes, she was in love with this boy, and Denise was worried, 
"Your grandmother called. She said next month we'll be movin in and-"
We'll be moving three hours away..." Cecelia sighed, "I finally made friends who like me for me ... I didn't even tell Elvis I'm fallin' in love with him..." A tear rolled down her face. It broke her mother's heart.
"I think you should tell him everything."
Memphis, Tennessee, Wednesday, May 1953
"Elvis!" Cecelia leaned over the counter at his job as he raced to her, "You ready to go prom shopping?" She asked in a whisper as he nodded. Today was a teacher work day, and Elvis spent it at work while Cecelia spent it repacking. She would miss Memphis. It felt like home and a sense of belonging, and when she looked at Elvis, she felt like she could do anything. Elvis could tell something was wrong. Her eyes were diming with a light, but he didn't want to press his luck with pushing her. 
"Alright, I'm ready," Getting his keys, she followed him into his car. Elvis could hear her sniffling as she pressed her face against the window, 
"Honey, are you okay..." 
"I'm movin next month... And I don't wanna leave you 'cause I-" Cecelia cried as Elvis felt his heart shattered. Not from the news but from her tears, 
"Where you movin to."
"That's only three hours away." He parked the car, "We can see each other on the weekends," 
"I don't want you cryin'.'" He said as she hugged him, sobbing one more time on his shoulder. Drying her tears, he bumped his nose against hers as he made a funny face at her. Cecelia's laughter made his heart sing as his thumb touched her cheek, 
"Feelin better?"
"Yeah." She took his hand as they walked into the dress shop,
 "May we help you..."
"Oh, I-I- uh, it's for her," Elvis said as Cecelia waved at the saleswoman, 
"I see...So, relation to the gentleman?"
"He's my prom date." She said,
 "Ms. Valmos, does your mother know he's white."
"Of course,"
"He's a cutie..." She smiled, picking dresses for her as Elvis sat waiting. Cecelia was in a tight mermaid gown. It was pretty, but she couldn't dance in it, 
"So, sir, what do you think?" Elvis looked up as he saw Cecelia. The dress was beautiful, his heart stopped, and he was hypnotized.
 "It's u-uh..."  
"You don't like it ..."
"No, I do, it's just..." He was lost for words. Her curves, her grace, her poise, he wanted to kiss her, 
"I'll change..." she huffed as the saleswoman laughed. She knew the young man was flustered, but perhaps it was too much. Changing again, she was wearing a yellow dress with tule ruffles on it. She felt stupid in it already. Walking out, all she heard was Elvis in tears, laughing as he began to snort,
"I look like a sponge cake..." she groaned,
"But if you were a cake, I'd eat'cha!" Elvis then paused, "Wait, that don't sound right..." 
"ELVIS!" Cecelia swatted at him playfully. He swatted back, laughing at her as she flopped on the floor, looking like a pineapple. As they finished up in the dress shop, the two continued walking down Beale Street as he held her hand,
"Say, Elvis, can I ask you something?" Cecelia asked as he was lost in thought. 
"So... Say hypothetically you have a friend who may be hypothetically related to a hypo-"
"I know..." Elvis smirked,
"You know what?"
"That you're famous." He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"How'd you..."
"You sing, you play guitar, your last name is Valmos, your mama has Grammys in her livin room, and I own some of your mama's records," He smiled at her as she blushed, hard embarrassed that he was so calm about it. 
"So why didn't you treat me like everyone else?"
"Cause you're like everyone else, needin' a good friend and a great time," He twirled her as she laughed,
 "Well, thank you."
"For what."
"Treating me like I'm not famous," 
"Of course," He chuckled, picking her up bridal style and running, 
"ELVIS!" She shouted, laughing. Maybe some things weren't hard when you found your soulmate. 
Memphis, Tennessee, Saturday, May 1953
"Mama! Have you seen my bowtie!" Elvis asked as Gladys laughed, "It's right here." Vernon held it. It was a light pink bowtie that Gladys sewed. "We're gonna be late!" Gladys said as Elvis slicked his now fully jet-black hair back. He looked good. He smelled good, and he was ready to go. Walking out, Gladys and Vernon couldn't help but feel proud. He was going to prom, and next month, he'd graduate, 
"Alright, everyone in the car!"
"I don't see why you're here..." Denise rolled her eyes as Alfonso looked at his ex-wife. Calpurnia sighed, shaking her head. This would be a long night, and there weren't enough old fashions to drink to keep her from wanting to hit them. 
"I'm her father..."
"More like sperm donor," 
"Either knock it off or go upstairs and resolve that tension!" Calpurnia sighed, fixing her pearls, "It's your daughter's prom. She only gets this night once, and then God help us. She'll miraculously get married."
"And now look..." Midge moved as Cecelia looked into the vanity. She was a princess wearing a diamond necklace around her neck, and then there was her gown, a light pink with roses on the right side of her hip, 
"Do you think he'll like it?" 
"Sweetie, he'll love it. Oh, don't forget your shawl!" wrapping it around her as she smiled, 
"Thanks, Midge," 
"Mrs. Denise, it's nice to see you. These are my parents!" Gladys and Vernon introduced themselves as they took notice of who they were, Alfonso was confused as to why there was a pimply white kid at the door, but Calpurnia found him cute.
 "You must have the wrong hou-"
"Elvis, I'm-" Cecelia was stunned, his hair slicked back and his suit on with his bowtie the same color as her dress. He looked like a movie star, and her heart was beating out of her chest, 
"Do you hear wedding bells..." Calpurnia asked,
"Planning it right now," Minnie said as she laughed.
"You look beautiful," taking her gloved hand in his.
"You two get together and take pictures!" Denise and Gladys said. As they laughed, Elvis and Cecelia had posed together, and they were miraculously photogenic, "Oh wait, I forgot the flower wrist thing!" Elvis ran to the car to get it as Cecelia ran to the fridge to get hers, pink roses for each, 
"So... How long have they uh been dating?" Alfonso asked as Vernon shook his head, 
"I don't think they've started." 
After the pictures, the two drove to the Peabody Hotel. Elvis taken by its beauty, and Cecelia taken by his, "WOAH CECE!" Red smirked, waving her and Elvis over. 
"You all look amazing!" Cecelia gushed as she held onto Elvis, who felt like the king of the world next to her, 
"So, should we all head in?" Elvis asked. Getting the tickets out, he handed them to the student council, one of the girls looking Cecelia up and down, 
"You all can go inside except her..."
"Elvis, I got this," Cecelia smirked. "Do you not know who I am..."
"A colored girl wearing fake diamonds." the girl said.
"Well, no, sweetheart, I'm Cecelia Shanel Valmos, Daughter of Alfonso Reed and Denise Valmos... Granddaughter to Calpurnia Valmos." The young girl was speechless, "And as for these diamonds, they were a gift from Frank Sinatra." Elvis's friends looked at him in shock. They knew she looked familiar. 
"Sorry, apology accepted," Cecelia autographed the ticket stub for her, "Keep it. It'll be worth something someday." She smirked, taking Elvis by the arm. He was so going to ask her out tonight, 
"Do you know who you told off..." Darla asked,
"No, but tell me?"
"The richest girl in the school!" Red said, "Well, second, 'cause you're the daughter of two music greats!? " He looked at Elvis, "DID YOU KNOW THAT!" Elvis nodded as he laughed,
"Knew it when I first saw her," Elvis smiled,
"So, are we friends with a famous person?" Betty asked,
"I put my petticoat on one leg at a time like you."
"Yeah, except it's like Dior or somethin."
"This ones, Lanksys." Cecelia shrugged as Elvis laughed, "If you excuse us!" taking Elvis by the hand as she smiled, 
"You wanna dance?"
"Nah, I wanna stand by the wall. 'Course, I wanna dance!" He took her by the hand and began to swing her around the ballroom. The two were laughing and giggling like that night on Beale Street, and slowly, the knowledge knowing she'd be leaving this behind three hours away in Nashville was fading. Holding her close, Elvis couldn't help but take in her beauty. This was like a movie to him. He was an underdog who was wooing the girl he liked, his friends supporting him, and she was moving soon, which meant tonight had to be perfect. Elvis dipped her as she laughed, his eyes focusing on hers as he leaned in. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder as she looked up,
"Hi, sorry to bother you, Cecelia, but could you sing for us please!" Annette, the girl from the counter, said, Cecelia looked at Elvis as she shrugged, 
"Why not."
"Uhm, hi! This is Annette Lynn, your student body President, and I have a treat for you!" She smiled as Cecelia watched her,
 "So, A little chickadee told me. That we have a celebrity here... And she's going to sing for us." The students gasped, trying to see who it was, "So please give it up for my friend Cecelia Valmos!"
"Some friend?"
"Tell me about it, El..." She went to the stage as the students gasped, looking at the band,
 "You cats know Money Honey?" the band nodded as she grabbed the guitar and sang. Elvis was by the stage watching as she sang. He was enchanted by her as she danced and looked at him, to think seeing a girl play guitar in a prom dress would change half of these students' lives, 
Later that night, Elvis drove Cecelia home, both wanting to say something to the other. "Did you have a great prom?" Elvis asked. His hands had been shaking, and his knees were weak, "I did. I don't think I'll forget this. I mean, voted as the cutest couple, and losing prom Queen and King was funny." She laughed as Elvis agreed,  
"I enjoyed dancing with you tonight, and your singin, and I'll miss you when you leave. Memphis won't be the same without cha..." he held her hand. There was a silent pause between them as she sighed,
"We still got the summer," She smiled, 
"I" ll write ya." Elvis grinned,
"And I'll call ya!" Walking her to her door, she felt that this was the moment to tell him the last thing on her mind. "And we can see each other!" He smiled as he pulled her close. She was at the doorstep, as she blushed, 
"Well, I guess I'll see you around..." he let go of her hand as she watched him walk away. Her heart sank until she opened her mouth and said,
"Elvis...I'm in love with you!"
Elvis stopped in his tracks, his stomach in knots and his heart fluttering. He couldn't speak, but he could show her how he felt. Running towards her, he grabbed her face and kissed her. It felt like warm honey on a biscuit, like sunshine, like her days of wonder were gone. Cecelia kissed him back, and to Elvis, it felt like the spring sun melting away a harsh winter. Pulling away from her, he rested his forehead on hers as she laughed, 
"Can I tell you somethin..." 
"Anything Elvis..."
"I'm in love with you too..." 
"So... those outtings..." She mentioned as Elvis nodded, 
"They were dates." He laughed as she grinned, 
"I knew it!"
"So, are you two together or what!" Calpurnia said from th door frame as they blushed.
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neteyampoundcake · 2 years
Hi can I request a cute swim day with neteyam where he spends time with his female mate just swimming around for hours playing games, tickling each other etc before hugging in the water just enjoying each others company with some kisses and maybe more cuddles on dry land afterwards? Thanks 😊
Quality time W/ Neteyam❤️
Neteyam x Navi! F Reader Fluff
summary: y/n and Neteyam have a fun day at the water together with some friendly competition
authors note:sorry for the wait but i hope you enjoy! this was so fun to write btw ty for the request:)
“Neteyam!!!” y/n laughs as her lover keeps splashing her with water. He wanted to take his girlfriend out to the sea after a long week of duties. His father gave him the weekend off so he decided to unwind with his baby.
“What my love? You are the one who thought you would beat me at this game of tag. We’ve been going at it for 5 rounds and I beat you every time!” he laughs.
“I don’t care Teyam. Let’s go one more time I’ll catch you I swear” y/n rolls her eyes playfully.
“Whatever you say y/‘n. Like I’m going to let you catch me this time around”.
You and Neteyam reset as you both back away to a fair distance to properly start the game. You both count down from 3 as you rush to Neteyam in the cool but comforting water. He smiles before he moves away from you quickly in the water, dodging your attempts to tag him
“Why do you move so fast Teyam!”
“You’re just slow baby. What happen to you winning?” he laughs as he continues to swim away from you
You continue to swim as fast as you could toward him but suddenly you didn’t see him in front of you anymore. You took this moment to catch your breath as you stood still and looked for Neteyam in the water
“Neteyam? Where did yo-“ y/n stopped her words as she felt two arms picking her up throwing her over his shoulder
“Oh my- Teyam! This is not fair at all I can’t let you win like this!!”y/n says through a series of laughs as her lover holds her securely over his shoulder walking towards the sand.
“Princess you were taking too long” he chuckles “besides we’ve been in the water all day I just want to relax on the sand with you”
He finally reached the sand and gently puts your down on the sand. You playfully hit his chest before you both sat down against a rock looking at the beautiful view. He pulls you into his lap chest to chest softly grabbing your hips
“It’s okay pretty girl you know you can’t keep up with me” Neteyam smiles softly “but I’ll let you make it a tie under one circumstance”
“And what that might be?”
“A kiss from my lovely girlfriend of course” he states matter of factly
You lean into the kiss Neteyam as he tightens the grip on your hips. He pulls you closer to him as you deepen the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck. Neteyam lays you on your back gently against the sand continuing the kiss and rests one palm on your stomach
Just when you thought you were in the clear, Neteyam starts tickling you harshly as you break away from the kiss and laugh uncontrollably.
“N- N-N N- Neteyam p-p-please I thought we were done with this!” you try to escape his strong hold but he continues the assault on your stomach.
“No way you thought it would be over that easily my love” he continues tickling you like there’s no tomorrow.
“Okay okay fine! You win just please stop so we can go get some fruit. I’m starving” you say through laughs.
Neteyam’s hand stop tickling you as he uses one hand to cup your face gently kisses you before pulling you up to your feet.
“Okay y/n. Let’s go get some fruit and wrap up our day. Thank you so much for spending time with me baby. I had so much fun just relaxing with you in the water today. I love you” your boyfriend smiles down at you reaching to hold your hand.
“I love you too ma Teyam. I had such a great time with you even though I didn’t win”
Neteyam pecks your lips and right before he could start to walk you take off
“Last one to the fruit tree has give the other a massage!” y/n screams as she takes off right ahead of him
Neteyam smiles and shakes his head at his adorable lover and her competitive nature towards him. He takes his time to catch up to you admiring the soft moment right in front of him
The end!! Thank you for making it this far!
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Saying Sorry Part 3 (Steve X You)
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A/N: Look at that utterly adorable sleeping boy <3 Ok, this took me awhile but alas my brain give you this.
Warning: Smut, a dash of angst, and all the fluff, friends to lovers
Word Count: 3378
Steve’s eyes kept glancing over to your empty chair in class as the teacher droned on about things he could care less about. Since that night after the game, he found himself being more lethargic than usual. It had been a couple of months since he talked to you but he did pass you in the hall a few times and, of course, still saw you during P.E. Every time you caught him looking, you would give him a soft smile before focusing on whatever else you were doing. 
He hated that you were being so kind to him. Part of him wished you would go back to glaring at him with disdain filled eyes so he could continue acting like he didn’t care. 
Steve had started seeing a girl he barely liked hoping it would take his mind off you. Jessie was nice enough and definitely pretty. She had this slightly vapid personality though that drove him up a wall but she was what the popular kids considered “acceptable.” 
This was the second day you hadn’t show up and he was starting to get worried. As the bell rang signaling the end of the period, he bolted to the lunchroom searching for your friend.
“Hey. You’re Y/N friend, right?”
Carrie looked up at him in utter confusion. “Yes? Why? Are you and Tommy missing her since you have no one else around here to make feel bad?”
He flinched at her comment and she caught it, scrunching her nose even further. “I, um, she just hasn’t been in class and I know…I mean…I just want to know if she’s ok, Carrie.”
Your friend sighs, feeling sympathy for his broken tone. “She’s fine, just sick. She caught a cold so she’s been at home. Y/N said she’ll be back after the weekend.”
Steve thanked her before running down the hall, out the door, and towards the parking lot.
“Steve? What-what are you doing here?”
Loud knocking had startled you awake from your cocoon you had made on the couch. You thought it might be Carrie to bring you your homework from class but were totally throw off guard when you saw your old best friend standing at your front door.
“I talked to your friend and she said you were sick. You haven’t been at school…”
“Yeah, no, come in.”, you quickly usher him in as you close the door. “I just got a bit of a bug but I’m okay. My parents are visiting my aunt this weekend so I thought I could just rest here.”
His worried eyes scanned over your face as he reached out to touch your forehead. “See? No fever.”
“Can I keep you company?”
“Oh, Steve. I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Pfft. You underestimate me and my immune system.” He smiles cockily making you giggle. “What are you watching?”, he glances at the screen. 
“An Affair to Remember. We can watch something else—”
“No, no. I think it’s cute you still like these black and white movies.” He grins as he comes around to sit on the sofa and you follow him bundling back up in your blankets. “What’s it about?”
“It’s about two people who meet on a cruise who lead very different lives on land. They fall in love and give themselves 6 months to get their affairs in order and meet again at the Empire State Building.”
His smile grows as he watches you speak. Movies like this were always a weakness for you especially when you were feeling low. When he was younger, he would always sit with you and watch your eyes light up as you watched the cheesy romances or film noir style dramas unfold. 
Twelve-year-old Steve throws on his father’s suit jacket and hat causing you to chuckle at the sight; everything on him two sizes too big.
“What are you doing?!”, you laugh.
“If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life!” He tugs at your hand, twirling you into his arms as he tilts the hat up so you can see his face. “We'll always have Paris. We didn't have, we, we lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.”
“I said I would never leave you!”
“And you never will…”
Steve had always loved doing little things like that to make you laugh. Truth be told he had only ever put in that kind of effort with you. None of the girls he dated ever got to see that side of him. 
Without thinking, his hand reaches out to brush some of your hair behind your ear. Your eyes didn’t leave the screen as you scooted your body closer to his and curled up into his side.
A pleasant sigh leaves your chest as his cheek rests on top of your head and his arm pulls you closer to his body. He had told you before he couldn’t be what you needed to him to be but right now all you needed was this. 
You woke up a few hours later, placed flat on the couch with the covers tucked up over your chin. 
“Yeah. Hey, I’m right here.” He came from the kitchen holding a tray in his hands before placing it on the coffee table in front of you. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. I can breathe through my nose so…”, you laugh as he smiles. “What’s this?”
“Oh.” He sits on the floor and you slide off the couch to sit near him. “I have here grilled cheese and some tomato soup with some juice and a bottle of water. Your mom used to make this for me when I wasn’t feeling so hot. I still make it at home when I’m sick.”
You reach out and gently caress his cheek. “Steve, baby, why are you here?”
He exhales heavily as his hand comes up to take yours. “I don’t know…You weren’t at school and I just kept thinking…what if something happened to you? What if you were hurt or… I needed to know you were alright.”
“Does Jessica Sampson know you’re here? Or Tommy? Carol?”
“To be fair, I don’t think Jessie even realizes I’m not there. She’s so absorbed with her fucking hair; I swear one day it’s going to absorb HER and she’ll turn into that thing in The Addam’s Family.” You couldn’t help but cackle at his comment and he couldn’t enough. “I’m serious! She already talks in that high pitch voice.”
“I’m not here to make things difficult.”, he continued. “I’m so fucking confused, Y/N. To them I’m somebody. To my parents, I’m a nobody. I hate both options. I hate the somebody I am around them but I hate feeling nothing at home. I feel like I can’t win.”
“How do you feel around me?”
Steve flashes you a playful smile. “Before or after freshman year?”
“Surprise me.”
“You’ve always made me feel seen, like I matter. And how did I repay you? Forgetting your birthday and ditching you. Letting people like Tommy hurt you.” He pauses as he looks down at the floor. “Fucking you…the way I did.”
“What do you mean?”, you asked in a delicate tone. 
“You deserve to have someone make love to you. Y/N, we have yet to even do any kind of foreplay. I feel like I’m…using you.”
His eyes flutter shut when he feels your fingers run through his hair. “Steve, I’m not going to push you. I get it. I really do especially with how things are at your house. I just wish I could make you understand how much it hurt me when I lost you. You made me feel seen to and I loved the way you looked at me. I loved…you.”
You crawl into his lap with your back to his chest and he promptly encases you in his arms. 
“You understand how I feel. How long was it we had, honey?”
You smile softly as he quotes from the only movie he can seem to remember the lines to. Turning your forehead against his cheek you respond as Ilsa did in the film.
“I didn’t count the days.”
“Well, I did. Every one of 'em…”
For the rest of the afternoon, you leaned against him watching tv or sleeping. As nighttime rolled around you felt one hundred times better. 
“Ok, I’m going to go take a shower because I imagine I smell like disease.”
“What does that even mean?”, Steve chuckles.
Grinning at him, you start to climb to stairs, pausing to turn your head in his direction. “Are you coming?”
The boy stumbles as he quickly rises, heading for the stairs and follows you to your bathroom. After turning on the hot water, you two disrobe and he holds your hand as you enter the shower. Steve is incredibly stiff at first, unsure of how proceed or if he even should as his fingers tenderly caress your cheek.
“You said we hadn’t done any kind of foreplay and I thought…since you’ve been making me such delicious meals…maybe I can offer you one of my own.”
“Fuck me.”, he stuttered.
Steve fell forward, kissing your lips before trailing them down you neck to your breasts. His mouth wrapped around your nipple, tongue playing with your erect nub as you gently moan. Descending to his knees, you reached behind his head to tangle your fingers through his damp hair as he kissed along your tummy. 
“I-I feel like I should tell you…no one has ever gone down on me before.”
His eyes squinted up at you playfully. “Are you joking?”
“No!”, you giggle. “You remember, the other guys we double dated with at most fingered me and then the one other guy I was with said he didn’t want eat me out because…because he thought it was gross.” You cringe as you say your last sentence and Steve’s forehead leans against your body as he laughs. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? Like this dude had no problem sticking his dick in something he thought was ‘gross’ but couldn’t fucking…oh my god…what an idiot.” The man lifted your leg and placed your foot on the edge of the tub. “I mean look at this beautiful pussy that belongs to this beautiful woman.”
A small moan falls from your lips as he leans his head between your legs and his nose grazes your clit. “Y/N, you smell so fucking good.” Your palms shoot out to balance on his shoulders as his tongue licks a long stripe through your folds. “Jesus… and you taste so fucking sweet, honey.”
“Please…”, you beg. 
He obliges, enveloping your clit in his mouth as he flicked it with his tongue. You had never felt anything like this before as he devoured you feeling overwhelmed by him with just his tongue alone. As you continued to whimper, he hummed in approval, the vibration hitting your core as your eyes rolled back. 
“Y-yes, Steve, please. It feels so…mmm.”
“Cum for me, honey. I want to feel your cum on my lips.” Two of his fingers breached your entrance, thrusting rapidly into you as he pressed his head as deep between your sex as he could, shaking it from side to side as he sucked on your nub. 
Your fingers clung to his hair as your hips grinded against him, stuttering slightly as you mewled his name and came harder than you ever had before. He quickly removed his digits, replacing them with his tongue as he drank you in. Your thighs trembled around him as you gradually came back down. 
“Steve…Steve, please. I can’t…”
As soon as he rose to his feet, you promptly wrapped your arms around his waist and panted into his chest. 
“Are you okay?”, he whispered.
“Yeah. That was…amazing. I’m just… I’m so tired.”
Steve couldn’t help but giggle. “Too much too soon? Come on. Let’s get you clean and into bed. 
You woke up a little after midnight to the darkness of your room, Steve fast asleep beside you as your head rested on his chest. Before you both had crashed, you suggested he take off his jeans to get more comfortable as a friendly gesture but right now when you looked down you couldn’t ignore the massive bulge outlining his boxers. 
The first time he got a boner in front of you he was so embarrassed.
“Steve…Steve…STEVE!”, you whispered trying to gently shake him awake. 
“Mm, what?”
“You, um, are you having a good dream?”
“What?” He looked down, immediately jumping up from your floor and covering his lower half with his backpack. “Shit. Y/N, I’m so…so fucking sorry!”
“Steve, it’s ok! My parents kind of explained how…some mornings... for boys…” He groaned as he blushed. “It’s ok. I’m not offended or anything. Do you want to use my shower to…cool down?”
“Yes, please.”
“Ok and when you come out, I promise I will never mention this again!”
He flashes you another embarrassed but thankful smile as he runs to your bathroom. 
You grin as you look up at his sleeping face, your palm rubbing his stomach over his shirt. He still had some features of the boy you met all those years ago especially as he slept. He seemed so calm as his face relaxed. Right now, he wasn’t thinking about the kids at school or his parents. Steve wasn’t thinking about how he had hurt you or how much he fucking missed you every day. Right now, it was just you and him. Two best friends that found each other amid all the chaos in this word.  
You watched his face as your hand glided under the fabric and gently caressed his skin. He didn’t move as the pads of your fingers grazed over his happy trail to the hair along his chest. Carefully, you lifted yourself to a seated position as you continued to rub him. The cock in his boxers had gradually began to harden and was threatening to poke out of its confinement. 
Steve heavily sighed, turning his head in the other direction as your hand reached into his underwear to pull out his dick. You had obviously felt him inside of you so you knew he was big but seeing him in your tiny hands had you wondering how he fit himself into your body. No wonder he left you sore afterwards; not that you minded. 
As you slowly pumped him with your hand, you heard a tiny moan emit for his lips. Bending over his waist, you ran your tongue along his length from the bottom of his shaft up to his slit, leaving a tiny kiss before you repeated your actions. 
A small whimper left you as a long line of spit fell from your lips and you twisted your palm around him feeling him throb in your hands. A hand rested on your back and your turned to see Steve’s lust filled eyes meeting yours. 
“Does it feel good?”, you whisper.
“Baby, you have no idea.” Focusing back on your task, you wrap your lips around him and steadily bob your head. “F-fuck. Let-let me help you…” You lean out of his way as he lifts his hip to slide off his boxers and removes his shirt, tossing it to the floor. Grabbing your cheeks, he pulls you to him for a sloppy kiss as his tongue invades your mouth.
“Wait, Y/N.”, he pants as you continue to pump him with your hand. “I-I-I don’t want you to think this why—mmm—I came over. I really was worried.”
“I know, Steve. I know.”
“These past two years, I always thought about you. I—”
“Steve, it’s okay. It’s okay. Please… just fuck me. I need to feel you inside of me.”
He scooped you into his arms, placing your back against the mattress. After you tossed your clothes on the floor next to his, Steve’s hand gripped your thighs, encasing himself between your legs. 
“This is how I should have done it the first time, honey. I should have made love to you instead of fucking you.” His palm reached between your bodies, guiding himself into your entrance as your arms fly up to grip his shoulders. “Fuck, baby. You feel so good.”
Steve’s head fell beside yours, switching between kissing your neck and whispering in your ear as he pumped into you with long, deep strokes that had your eyes rolling.
“You should have been allowed to feel every inch of me, slow and hard. I know I can feel every part of you. Jesus, you’re so fucking tight.”
“Mmm, Steve.”
“Fuck, I love the way you moan my name. Say it again, Y/N.”
Your fingers wind in his hair as you wrap your other arm around his neck, whimpering his name as he thrusts into you a bit faster. He tenderly kisses up your jawline, lifting his head as he looks into your half-lidded eyes. 
“I should have told you how…beautiful you are. How I’m…mmm… never going to be that asshole again.” His own eyes close as his forehead falls on yours. “I’m never going to hurt you like that again, honey. I screwed up, I know. No one has ever cared about…mmm…me the way you did. I…I love you, Y/N…so fucking much. God damn. Can I cum inside you?”
You nod as you bring his head back down to the nook between your neck and shoulder. You couldn’t let him see you cry. He told you he loved you and that he would never hurt you again but you knew the truth. It was all a fantasy. Tomorrow he would wake up and go back to his girlfriend with his popular friends. He would say hello to you but that would be it. He couldn’t give up that life… He had promised you up until freshman year he would always be there for you…then he wasn’t…
Holding him tightly to you, your body shook underneath him as you came. A few moments later, his rhythm faltered and he grunted into your neck as he thrust his seed inside of you. 
You wiped your eyes before he could lift his head, delicately kissing your lips before pulling out of you. 
“Did you want to take a shower or?”
“No, Steve, I’m ok.”
He reached over to your nightstand, grabbing a tissue before cleaning between your legs. Steve laid back down beside you and to his surprise, you didn’t curl up on his chest again. 
“Are you alright, Y/N?” When you didn’t answer he sighed. “It’s because I said I love you, isn’t it? I wasn’t lying about that.”
“Hm. You love me but yet you’re with someone else.”
“Y/N, I haven’t even talked to her in three days. I’m not even really into her—”
“Wow. I’m sure she feels special.”
“God damnit, Y/N. I…”, he cuts himself off as he tries to gather his thoughts. “I don’t want to be this guy anymore. I don’t want to be someone I’m not. I don’t… I don’t want to hurt you.” His eyes emphatically meet yours. “I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll tell Tommy and Carol to fuck off. I’ll set every fucking kid in that school straight about you. I’ll go to school on Monday and remain on my knees all day because that’s where I belong. Forever on my knee, Y/N, begging for your forgiveness.”
You can’t help but chuckle making him smile. “Do you understand why it’s hard for me to trust you?”
“Yeah, I do. I’d like to prove it to you. Prove that I can be a better person than King Steve.”
You lean back on your pillows and roll to your side to face him as he does the same; just like you two used to do when he spent the night those many years ago. His palm brushes some of your hair out of your face before gliding down to the small of your back. You bring your body closer to his, resting your hand on his hip. 
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sariahsue · 1 year
Let Me Count the Ways
Chapter Ten - Movie Date
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [Ch 8] [Ch 9]
Adrien was in a foul mood by the time patrol rolled around.
He hadn't slept well, which made his early morning photo shoot and the punishing akuma that followed all the more grueling. That didn't even count the math test he was sure he'd bombed, plus the ton of homework he needed to do over the weekend. Who knew if he would even finish it all? Another long shoot was scheduled for tomorrow, and Hawk Moth would probably send extra akumas just to spite him. His mood was so bad that he wasn't even excited about patrol, but he hauled his sorry self out his window and trudged across the rooftops anyway.
When he was just two blocks away from their meeting place, Ladybug sent him a text on his baton. He checked it more for the excuse to stop than the desire to see what she said.
The message read simply: Bring the blanket.
He shoved the baton roughly back to its spot and turned around, bristling at the terse order. With his luck today, she wanted him to return it.
Stomping all the way back to his house, he yanked back the duvet and revealed the blanket, which he wadded up in his arms, leaving the bed unmade. He didn't feel like putting in the effort to make it look nice for no one.
It only took a few minutes until he was close enough to see their meeting location. A flat section of roof sheltered on one side by a taller portion of the building. Ladybug was kneeling there, in the middle of a pink blanket and taking something out of a bag. A few jumps closer, and he could smell the chocolate and sugar.
"Cookies?" he asked when he landed next to her.
"Sorry for making you turn around." She stood, holding the overflowing plate out to him. "I needed more time to set up and panicked."
He stared at the plate, hands still full of crumpled blanket. Ladyfingers and lemon cookies and macarons and lots of ganache drizzled over everything.
"Oh," she said. "Here." She shifted the plate to one hand and grabbed the blanket from him so they could switch. Then she turned back to her setup. At the head of her pink blanket, leaning against the brick wall, was a giant black pillow. It was shaped like a cat's head, with large ears and a hand-stitched face made with green thread.
Ladybug shook out his black blanket, folded it in half and sat with it across her lap. "Well, if you're not going to eat them, can you bring them over here?" She patted the spot next to her.
Did she make the pillow like she had his blanket? It matched the color scheme. The cloth looked like the same type. He put the cookies between them and sat down, only to have her immediately pick up the plate and slide in close to him.
He really loved the blanket she'd given him, and how cuddly she was whenever she and it were both near him. He barely managed to stop himself from leaning into her warmth. To distract himself he asked, "Did you make the pillow, too?"
"Yup, finished it last night. It's for you. Isn't it cute?"
His voice felt suddenly too heavy to use, so he just nodded.
Balancing the plate of cookies on her knees, she pulled out her phone. "You seemed upset this morning, and I wanted to cheer you up. So, movie night?"
Huh. Some time between his arrival and now, she'd managed to clear his bad feelings without trying, and he hadn't even noticed. "Sounds good," he said.
"You want to talk about it?" Her hand hovered over the screen.
His mouth twitched. He did want to. "Can't. It's mostly what I've been doing all day."
Ladybug chewed the inside of her cheek, like she was actually… considering? But she shrugged, and the moment passed, and the faint sound of opening music spread out over the silence between them.
After thirty minutes, Chat Noir wasn't sure what movie they were watching, even though he'd been staring at the screen for all he was worth.
Because Ladybug was touching his hand.
It had started out so slowly that he'd thought it was accidental, just a light brush of her fingers against his wrist, so he dutifully moved his hand out of the way (but still close enough for it to happen again - just in case).
And it did happen again. After just a few minutes, the edge of her hand slid right up against his.
He frowned at the screen, unseeing. She'd been doing a lot of touching like this lately. He'd thought it was unconscious at first, but there had just been too much - it had to be on purpose.
He just couldn't figure out why. His Lady was many things, and indecisive was not one of them. If she wanted to hold his hand (or do anything else), they would be doing it already. And she wasn't coy either. She wouldn't be playing with him. So what was she doing?
Ladybug's hand started to move again. An explosion on the tiny phone screen was nothing compared to the explosions that were happening in Chat Noir's brain as she started mindlessly playing with the tips of his fingers and stroking his knuckles.
Every muscle in his arm clenched with the effort of holding still. He shouldn't react. She might pull away if he did. So he chanted don't, don't, don't as he imagined grabbing her hand and kissing it, the back of it, the palm, every fingertip and knuckle, dragging his lips around her wrist, and up to the soft hollow of her elbow, and higher and higher until he reached her mouth.
But he kept himself very still, not even a twitch, until his arm ached with the effort, and she finally pulled her hand away.
Author’s note: The next chapter will probably be the longest one. :)
Tag list: @clawsout83 @trippingovermyfeet @tbehartoo @yoonjae20 @random-cartoon-fangirl
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slothmeters · 1 year
hii!! i was wondering if you would write a adley rutschman imagine?? maybe they confess their feelings towards one another? (best friends to lovers??) if so - thank you!!!
Do best friends do what we do? - Adley Rutschman
w/c- 2066
warnings- cursing (literally like one word), implied smut towards the end, self-deprecating talks
while I was writing this I got a little carried away and decided to put things that were important to me. Being able to love yourself and see yourself as you do other people is something that I will forever want everyone to experience. I struggle with self-hate, and I have recently started to not compare myself to others because you never know what they have done to look the way that they do. They could also be hating themselves. What I'm trying to say is basically, always love yourself no matter what. You are strong and beautiful always and forever. <3
Thank you for the request!!
Being a star baseball player with a hot best friend was difficult.
Especially difficult when you’ve been in love with her for years.
Today was like any other off-day for me. I was hanging out with my best friend y/n, rewatching Peaky Blinders, and eating Chinese takeout. She had her eyes fixated on John Shelby, who she thought was so hot. Having her look at someone else made me jealous.
“Hey y/n, would you wanna go to dinner with me tomorrow? My parents are coming to town and I want you to come with me.”
The words didn’t completely fall out of my mouth before she agreed.
“Oh my gosh yes! You don’t even have to ask! I love your parents! How long are they gonna be here for?”
God, she’s perfect. I love her.
“They’re just going to be here for the weekend. My dad has a conference in the city, so they wanted to stop in and catch up with me”
The rays of the golden hour came through the curtains to cast a brightening light on y/n’s beautiful face. Her prominent cheekbones, long, brown hair, and her juniper eyes. 
I could really be lost in the world of y/n l/n forever. 
“Adleyyyy! Adley Stan Rutschman I swearrr! I’ve been talking to you for the past 2 minutes what sort of daydream are you in?!”
Whoops, my bad. I didn’t mean to be gone in la la land for so long, but how could I not? She’s everything.
“What did you say y/n/n?” I replied to her, blushing mildly. 
“Is Josie coming? I miss my favorite Rutschman child.”
I slap my hand over my heart in fake hurt, “How rude ma’am. You’re not coming anymore.”
I stand up on the couch pointing my finger in the air and saying in a really bad British accent, “Madam y/n y/m/n y/l/n, you have here-on been banished from any Rutschman family gatherings on the count of the fact that yo-”
y/n also stands up and slowly starts creeping towards me.
“You will never forget this moment Mister Stinky Poopy Butt!” You will never banish me! I am the ruler of the Rutschman Kingdom Muahaha!” 
Then an idea hits me. I know what I have to do.
I tackle her onto the couch and begin tickling her.
“Nooo, I surrender Ad, I surrender!” 
Her continuous laugh is music to my ears; the most infectious thing on the planet. 
As our laughing dies down, we’re left staring at each other in a not-awkward silence. Me, kneeling in between her thighs our hands holding me from falling on top of her, just staring into each other. 
“I guess I better tell you, Josie isn’t coming, She has work. So now I guess I’m your favorite Rutschman sibling.” I said sticking out my tongue.
“You’ve always been my favorite Ads. My best friend forever.”
As the last sunlight went below the horizon, y/n laid her head on my lap, and I played with her hair, as we turned the tv to watch our comfort movie, Puss in Boots.
To be honest, I haven’t even been watching the movie. I’ve been focusing on the girl below my eyesight. 
We say that we’re best friends, but I know that best friends don’t cuddle on the couch and watch a movie that they’ve been watching together for 12 years.
 As kids, we had to take y/ns younger siblings to go see this movie, as the movie theater was just across the street from our houses. 
We ended up liking this movie just as much as the little kids. 
After that, we started having movie nights every single weekend.
She’s come to me crying over boyfriends that have mistreated her, and every single time I’ve been the one to pick up the pieces. 
She’s the one that followed me to Oregon State, and all the way out here to fucking Maryland because she didn’t want me to be alone while I was living my dream. 
There’s no way that best friends do that.
I notice the jealousy in her eyes when a girl comes up to me at the bar when we’re out with the team, but I always brush them off. She doesn’t know that it’s because of her. 
She was the first person I embraced when I found out I had been drafted first overall, she was my first phone call the night that I got too wasted with the team after my first mlb start, she’s always been a first.
The end credits of the movie started rolling when I finally came back to reality.
I felt the steady breathing of y/n under my arm, and I knew that she had fallen asleep.
When I looked at the time I realized that it was nearing 11 o’clock. 
It was too late to wake the sleeping girl up, so I brought her upstairs with me to go to bed.
She stirred a little bit as I lifted her up, “Adley?”
“Yea, I’m just bringing you up to go to bed, it’s late, and I’m not letting you drive back home.”
She just put her head back into my chest and fell right back asleep. 
Instead of turning to the guest room like I normally would, I brought her straight to my bedroom. The bed was five times comfier and the blankets fluffier. 
I knew we had some serious talking to do tomorrow.
As I tried to rest, I couldn’t stop thinking about the gorgeous girl next to me.
The nightlight that I put on that side of the room specifically for when she stayed over brought enough light to her face so I could see how peaceful she looked as she slept.
Tossing and turning, the hours felt like minutes until I finally fell asleep around four.
Waking up to the bright sunlight coming through the shade, I looked to the left of me to see if y/n was still there, and there she was, cuddled into me like a koala. 
Brushing her hair out of her face, her eyes fluttered open.
“I don’t even remember going to sleep last night.” she chuckled
She laid her head back down for a few seconds before seemingly getting the courage to get up and head to the bathroom.
As she got up, my eyes followed her. The way she stumbled in the mornings, and the way her sweatpants rolled to look like pantaloons. She was still the most beautiful thing to me.
I didn’t hear anything for a few minutes, nor did she send me anything on tik tok, and I was starting to get worried. She’s normally always a pretty loud person.
Walking towards the door, I heard soft sniffles, something that wasn’t normal.
“y/n? You ok in there?” I softly knocked on the door. 
No answer followed. 
I hesitantly opened the door with my hand covering my eyes.
“No, don’t come in, I don’t want you seeing me like this!” She sobbed loudly.
I quickly uncovered my hands to see her, on the floor with her knees up to her chest. 
She had nothing on but her sports bra and underwear, but I didn’t care because something was making her upset. 
Her phone was face up on the tile next to her and I see that her Instagram comments pulled up. 
She had posted her Pittsburgh Eras Tour Night 1 pictures feeling that she had edited them enough. 
She had sent me the pictures so many times so I could “see which ones were social media worthy”, though I thought that all of them were.
She had spent months coordinating her outfit, just to make sure it was perfect.
Her sobs haven’t ceased, but only grew as I reached for her phone to read the comments displayed on the screen. 
‘Should you really be wearing a shirt like that?’
‘Nobody wants to see all that’
‘Everyone is definitely lying when they her pretty’
She looked up at me as I finished reading what she once had. Her green eyes were now bloodshot, once full of life, now filled with sadness that would make Eeyore flinch.
I scooped her into the tightest hug that I could muster, all while stroking her hair and telling her that it was ok over and over again.
She pulled away from the hug, picking up her phone to look at the pictures once more.
“Am I ugly Adley? I mean I know I’m not a Victoria’s Secret model, but I don’t think I’m ugly.”
“No honey, you’re not ugly. You’re the most beautiful person I know.”
“I mean I know I could lose a couple of pounds, but I’m healthy, and I do take care of myself.”
“I know, and hey, so what if you’re not a size 2? You’re beautiful, and not everyone’s body works in the same way. Those people have no idea what they’re talking about. They don’t know the real you, the you who lights up when she sees echidna puggles online, or when you see your family, or even the way your nose crinkles when you smell a pickle.”
I was close to tears now. I never knew that she was hurting. I would’ve done everything in my power to reassure her that my world revolves around her and that she is everything to me.
She smiled through her tears as she wiped the tears from my eyes.
“I love you Ad, I’m sorry that I kept this from you for so long. I promise I’ve been going to therapy to help better myself and my self-image. You never make me feel anything less than beautiful.”
Her hand flew over her mouth as she gasped.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. You can ask me to leave if you want. Just tell your parents that I got sick. You don’t have to talk to me again. I don’t know how you feel towards me but I’ve been in love with you since 2nd grade.”
I just sat there, my mouth agape as I took in everything that she said. I had spent all last night wondering how I was going to ask her out, but every single idea failed as my mind immediately turned to her rejecting me.
“Y/n, I love you too. Yesterday, when you were asking me about Josie, I didn’t hear you because I was too busy focusing on you. The way your eyes glistened in the sun, bringing out every shade of green and yellow that live in them, and the way that your hair so freaking effortlessly shines in any light. How could you not have noticed me staring at you like it was you who hung the moon and the stars?”
Our hands found their way together as we never broke eye contact. 
I forgot that we were in the middle of my bathroom floor, we could’ve been anywhere in the world and she would still be my sole focus. 
“Just kiss me Ad, I’ve waited way too long to do this.”
I pulled her into a kiss and the second our lips touched everything felt right. It felt like all of the stars aligned, as fireworks went off in my head and butterflies in my stomach. 
Our lips connecting was like the final piece in our complicated puzzle finally coming together. 
Every time we were out, we were told how cute a couple we were, I always reluctantly told them that we were just friends. Now I didn’t have to do that.
As we pulled away, our lips were red and puffy.
She let out a small giggle as she said, “Maybe I should put on clothes now unless you don't want me to and we can move this into another room?”
She slowly stood up, grabbing my hand as we both walked back through the door and into my bedroom. Making up for all of the missed time that we missed together.
I never thought that I would say that I was happy to see the love of my life, half-naked, crying on my bathroom floor, but now I can sense that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together. 
Man the things that this woman does to me.
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lovelyleclercs · 2 years
Chapter One: Weeks Prior
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Carlos Sainz x Rosa Romero
-> what happened weeks prior to the news that would change everything in Rosa's life.
word count: 2060
warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, alcohol, bars, clubbing, Mick's Monaco crash, not proof read, good translated spanish
a/n: I am super excited for you all to discover the world of Rosa and Carlos<3
Four weeks ago
Rosa Romero looked up at the dark sky as the thunder cracked through, followed by a heavy downfall of rain, soaking her once dry body as she began running through the paddock. 
It was currently 2 pm in Monaco, meaning there was an hour left until lights out- if the start of the race wasn’t delayed due to the harsh weather conditions that had creeped upon them with such short notice. 
When Rosa finally reached the garage, shivering from the cold rain that had covered her from head to toe, she made her way towards Carlos, hoping that he had a spare hoodie or something of the sort in his driver room. “Carlos” she said, gently tapping on the Spaniard's shoulder. 
“Hm?” he asked as he turned around, his jaw immediately falling open when he saw just how soaked she had managed to get while going to the bathroom. “Rosie, what happened to you”
Rosa rolled her eyes, clearly irritated and wanting nothing more than to get out of her soaking clothes before the start of the race. “It decided to start pouring down rain on my way back from the bathroom.. Do you have a spare hoodie or something in your room? I’m freezing…” 
Carlos couldn’t help but laugh a little before giving her a quick nod. “Always. It should be on my bench in there but if it’s not, text me and i’ll come help you find it” 
“Thank you” she muttered to her friend before walking off to his driver room.
Charles laughed a little and looked over at his teammate. “You know I still don’t believe it when you tell me that you two aren't a couple” 
Carlos raised an eyebrow at his teammate, curious as to why he was saying such things. “What do you mean?” 
“Well you two act like a married couple, hell you two even live together, mate. You can’t tell me after sharing a house for almost ten years that the two of you don’t have some sort of feelings for each other”
Carlos rolled his eyes “how many times do I have to tell you, Rosie and I are just friends. Best friends. That’s all we have ever been”
“Whatever mate, but if you posted an engagement announcement tomorrow, I wouldn’t be surprised. That is all i’m saying” Charles said before walking off, heading over to his car to get ready for the race. 
When Rosa came back into the garage looking much more relaxed than before, Carlos smiled a little and walked over to her, giving her a hug. “Sorry about your outfit, cariño. I know you put a lot of effort into it this morning”
Rosa shrugged, wrapping her arms around him as she looked up at him, her chin resting on his chest. “It’s alright. It’ll dry. I’m more worried about you driving around Monaco in the rain than I am my clothes… have they delayed the start of the race yet?” 
Carlos shook his head, pulling from the embrace as he pulled up the rest of his race suit and zipped it up. “No, they said that track conditions aren’t as bad as they appear to be so we are racing today”
Rosa nodded a little, clearly hesitant at the idea but knowing her opinions wouldn’t stop Carlos from getting into the car. 
“Ok, well just promise me you’ll be safe out there… I’d like to have you come back here in one piece, please. I can’t bring you back home to your parents all broken and bruised, what kind of babysitter would I be?” she said with a smirk, knowing Carlos hated when she claimed to be babysitting him weekend after weekend. 
“Oh shut up and give me my helmet” he said as he jokingly rolled his eyes, a small smirk appearing on his face, too. 
Rosa handed Carlos his helmet and balaclava before stepping back, giving him some space to finish getting race ready. 
When Carlos was finally ready to get in the car, he held his arms out for Rosa, getting one last hug from her before he would be racing around a track for almost two hours. “All jokes aside, I promise I'll drive safely out there. I’d like to go celebrate at Jimmyz later, not be stuck up in some hospital bed. I’ll see you after, ok?”
Rosa nodded and hugged him tightly before heading over to her chair that was tucked in the corner of the garage- out of the way of mechanics, engineers, and any other team member who might be walking through- where she always watched the race. 
Carlos climbed into his Ferrari before driving out to the grid, swerving on his way in efforts to get his tires warmed up.
Normally, the national anthem would occur at this point, but due to the storm, they had decided to skip pre- race ceremonies and cut straight to the race.
The formation lap had started once all of the cars had made it onto the grid. By then, Rosa had put her headphones on so she could hear everything being communicated by Carlos and his race engineer, Riccardo. 
“This track is super wet, mate. I have the advantage with being on pole, but anyone behind me isn’t going to be able to see a thing”
“Copy, Carlos. Understood. The stewards still want to proceed with the race start, we will just have to wait and see what they say after lap one. Try not to think about everyone behind you, focus on your driving, ok?”
“Copy” Carlos stated before going silent on the radio as he waited for the lights to go out. 
Rosa anxiously picked at the skin around her nails- a bad habit she always seemed to resort to whenever she was nervous. Races typically didn’t scare her -after all these were 20 of the best drivers in the world, they knew how to race and they typically did it properly. On top of that, these cars had never been safer- Something about a wet Monaco Grand Prix just didn’t sit right with her for some reason. 
As she watched all of the lights go out, Carlos immediately accelerated off of his line, zooming into turn one before anyone behind him could even come close to catching him. Carlos was right- the spray was horrible. The camera’s followed Carlos as he was about to enter the tunnel, though you couldn’t see a single car behind him. 
The first couple of laps were a bit of a disaster with cars slipping and sliding everywhere, a few of which did end up touching the barrier, though the chaos did seem to calm down a bit after that. 
Things had been going smoothly for Carlos until lap 23 when he almost crashed into Checo, but thankfully Carlos was quick enough to react and avoided colliding with the redbull.
Lap 26 had the whole paddock silent for a brief moment as they watched Mick Schumacher collide into the barrier, his car splitting in two which ended up bringing out the red flag. 
Despite all of the madness that had happened throughout the race, Carlos never lost focus. After the session had resumed, he was able to overtake Checo into turn one, taking the lead from him with just a few laps to go. 
Rosa had never been so happy for Carlos. Carlos had always wanted to win at Monaco, then again which F1 driver didn’t want to win Monaco. This particular race track was such a historic place in the sport, all of the greats one here and Carlos had always wanted to be on that list beside all of his heroes. Now, he could proudly say he was a Monaco Grand Prix winner. 
“Oh my god!! Thank you guys! We did it! We won in Monaco!!!” Carlos said, on the verge of tears as he did one slow lap around the track. 
Mattia came onto the radio and congratulated him, his engineer told him how proud he was of him, and finally, Rosa asked if she could say something to Carlos.
Mattia nodded and handed her his headset before pressing the button to connect her to Carlos. 
“Mi vida!!! lo hiciste, estoy muy orgullosa de ti” Rosa said with a huge smile on her face. (you did it, i’m so proud of you)
“gracias, gracias por estar aquí, gracias por apoyarme, gracias por todo. No puedo esperar para abrazarte cuando salga de aquí" Carlos said, his voice breaking as he finally let his tears of joy fall down his face. (thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for supporting me, thank you for everything. I can’t wait to hug you when I get out of here)
Rosa smiled and took off the headset before running over to where the cars were parked. She watched as Carlos climbed out of his car, standing on top of it as he threw his fists in the air before jumping down and running into the arms of his team. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched their interactions, knowing that out of all of the teams Carlos has been with since joining Formula 1, Ferrari had felt the most like home to him. 
Carlos then ran over to Rosa and engulfed her in a big hug. “I did it, cariño. I did it” he whispered, still holding onto her tightly.
Rosa smiled and patted his helmet gently. “You did it. I’m so proud of you!”
“Hope you’re ready to celebrate at Jimmyz in an hour's time. A win means tequila shots, I hope you’re ready”
Rosa laughed and nodded. “I’m always up for a good party. Now go get that trophy so we can go get ready!” 
Carlos laughed and ran up the steps that led him to the back of the podium, anxiously awaiting for them to call his name. When they finally did so, Carlos ran onto the podium, the biggest smile on his face as he took his place on the top step. The drivers were given their trophies, the national anthems of Spain and Italy played through the speakers, and the champagne was sprayed in celebration of a tough, yet successful race. 
Rosa had put on her red loose fitting dress, one that she typically always wore to the bar or the club just because she felt most confident in it and it wasn’t anything too fancy nor too casual. She didn’t put on any makeup or do her hair- what was the point in looking presentable when in two hours time she would look like a mess from all the alcohol she consumed anyways?
As Rosa and Carlos approached Jimmyz, arms locked together, they could hear the roar of the music that was blaring through the speakers inside. “I know this is a big win, but we can’t get too drunk, alright? We have a plane to catch at 5am and we both need to be sober enough to make it onto the plane, ok?”
Carlos laughed and nodded. “Whatever you say, Rosie. But you are doing a couple shots with me- it's our race winning tradition”
Rosa gave his arm a gentle squeeze and nodded. “Of course I will, I never turn down tequila shots” she said with a smirk before walking inside with him, following him to the area he had reserved for everyone who planned on attending. 
Within the first hour the two of you had arrived, you had already done six tequila shots together- far too many, but he just won Monaco, so who cared, right?
By hour two, everything was pretty much a haze to Rosa- 3 margaritas and 6 tequila shots in and she was starting to even forget her own name. 
By hour three, Rosa had met some random mystery man whom she didn’t recognize, though when he offered her a drink, she didn’t say no. 
By hour four, Rosa had found herself in the bathroom with said mystery man, having the sex of her life.
By hour five, Rosa and Carlos had left the bar together, needing to head to their hotel to sober up a bit before their flight left in 2 hours time. 
Little did Rosa know, that night in particular had changed her life forever.
tag list: @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @polyjuiceslytherin @Lizziebitch33 @viktorie16 @Johannalindau @Southernprincess1997 @Myescapefromthislife @F1andbookslover @my-fangirling-outlet
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