#oh boy is there shadowpeach
shatteredstarsart · 4 months
CW: Partial Nudity… IG and kissy, post coitus conversation (is that a content warning? Idk) don’t worry they’re covered with a blanket
Late Valentine’s Day special with brotherhood era shadowpeach (what that’s crazy)
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Happy late Valentine’s Day you heathens
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tealzartz · 2 years
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Finished mini comic Mac and SWK dealing with their physical reminders of LBD. Thought it’d be silly if Mac finally stops giving a fuck about his glamours, catching SWK off guard as he struggles with newfound? Resurfacing?? Feelings!?!?!!?
2nd panels my fav :)))
Trying to experiment with effects and ✨sparkles✨ more AND COLORS (also minor style change)
Like and Reblogs are appreciated!
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soapcan18 · 1 year
Can more people PLEASE use the idea that Macaque knew everything between him and Wukong and the Brotherhood was going to happen before it did? Like it just gives me the most diabolical ideas I NEED more people to utilize this theory.
So we all know he’s the Six-Eared Macaque, right? I’m not the most knowledgeable on Chinese mythology, but from what I’ve heard, the whole “six-eared part” refers to his six ears that allow him to hear the past, present, and future, making him omniscient. What this means is that he has the ability to see the future.
Now, LMK doesn’t refer to his six ears much. Heck, they aren’t even part of his design— he has two ears like Wukong (although I do know about the whole “glamor” theory). The only times I can recall LMK explicitly mentioning them is when Macaque is first introduced, when the loud singing sets him off in Benched, and that one lego figurine of him (plus his mech’s design). However, they never say anything to contradict the original ability of his ears in the show, so this won’t stop me from theorizing.
We see Macaque in the Season 4 flashbacks repeatedly warning Wukong and the Brotherhood that “crossing the Jade Emperor is gonna have consequences” and they should “reconsider our options” before they act. However, no one listens to him, and he’s the only one that escapes ruin when the attack on heaven fails. Wukong surrenders, the Camel Ridge Trio is imprisoned, and DBK splits off with Princess Iron Fan.
So, why was Macaque so hesitant towards their plans? Why was he constantly referred to as the most cowardly of the group? Because he KNEW what was going to happen. He was trying everything he could to prevent it, but he couldn’t stop the inevitable. And THIS is where all the beautiful angst ideas comes from.
Everything Wukong said to reassure him in New Adventures? Macaque knew none of it was true, but he so badly WANTED it to be. Tried so hard to believe that things would be different. All those years being friends with Wukong and the Brotherhood? Would end in disaster, yet he still stuck with them until the end. Imagine knowing that everyone you loved would suffer, die, abandon you, KILL you, and no matter what you did that future would never change.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, my friends. Feel free to utilize this concept in whatever way you want, I just needed to organize these thoughts and get them OUT because I’m losing my mind.
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"Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story."
(gotten from this post)
but like, shadowpeach
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py-dreamer · 2 months
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Link to part1
Let. Wukong. Be. A. Good. Dad.
I know he tries his best for MK. He tries even if he's f*cked up a lot but he does care for the boy and his subjects.
But I mean like more content of him having fluffy moments with Mk in fandom PLEASE.
I love me some sunburst duo!!! I would eat it up
And praise the lord for artists and writers who do use sunburst duo!
Listen, I love my spicynoodles, shadowpeaches and freenoodles as much as the next person
But coming from an SBI fan who used to consume so much found family daily I kinda got hungover-
I kinda wish there was more platonic or gen stuff here...
Freenoodles + Mk fam and jackfruit duo are a godsend but do tend to get overshadowed a lot.
So I decided to yeet some to the pile with this adorable duo (hopefully you can actually see them through the dark, I swear it wasn't this dim when I drew it...)
Oh and yes this was inspired by that other sunburst duo comic I will try to link if I can but give that artist some love and I hope you can enjoy this too!
Man I did not intend to shade this much but gosh golly jeebas!
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ohmytitan · 3 months
oh boy do i have some news for you
*clears throat*
The phrase Bitten Peach/Shared Peach is a byword for homosexuality and is a symbol of love between men in China. This phrase originates from a story that happened during the Zhou Dynasty. Duke Ling (a married man) was madly in love with his courtesan, Mizi Xia and the two were in an extramartial relationship but the Duke was very open about his love for the other man. The event that this phrase comes from was when the two of them were walking through a garden together. Mizi Xia picked a peach and took a single bite. It tasted really sweet, and decided to give it to Duke Ling. The Duke praised him, saying:
"How sincere is your love for me! You forgot your appetite and thought only of giving me good things to eat!”
Since then, the phrase Bitten Peach has been used to signify love between gay men in China.
hm i wonder who else gave a peach to someone after taking a single bite
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somewhat-insane · 23 days
Okay, so, I know a lot of people were discouraged after the LMK S5 trailer. The art is different, yes, but remember there are still people working behind the screen; passionate about this story they're trying to tell. To rebuild faith and re-spark hope, I'm going through the trailer frame by frame and sharing anything cool I find. (There is some (what I hope is) constructive criticism in here, but I would like to reiterate something other fans have said. DO. NOT. HARRASS. ANYONE. WORKING. ON. THE. SHOW. They're doing their best with what they have available to them. We're lucky Wildbrain decided to pick the show back up because if they hadn't, we may not have gotten the rest of the story.)
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They've been brought in front of the council to discuss their car's extended warranty. ALSO WHERE IS MK'S JACKET AND BANDANA? THEY WHOLE ASS PROBABLY SNATCHED THIS POOR BOY OUT OF HIS BED WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING
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Don't worry, babygirl, I still think you're pretty ^3^
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Okay, they gave him his clothes back, phew.
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Hehe, tiny monkies.
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At least our child is still adorable.
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Synchronized heart attack.
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He is so traumatized, lol. Someone brought up how this design for the circlet wasn't the previously established design in the show, but it COULD be based on the design used on the cover of the Journey to the West novel (as seen below)
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It's not exactly the same but the shape is similar.
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I'm realizing while doing this that Wildbrain doesn't use as many smear frames as Flying Bark did. As funny as it is to pause and see something like this in season 1-4:
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It makes the animation look a LOT smoother and more energetic. Flying Bark also seems to use more frame-by-frame while Wildbrain probably uses more tweening. I suppose it makes sense though because Wildbrain is more used to 3D animation and the 2D animation they have done in the past is more paper-doll-like and doesn't need as much bounce and action.
Back to the trailer, no need to dwell.........
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Oooh, wait, this frame actually kinda goes hard. I'm kinda hyped... I should draw this.
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You know what this makes me think of...? Did any of you guys ever play that game called "Journey"?
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It's a beautiful game with beautiful music. Y'all should play it if you haven't. Oh, and sometimes if you're playing at the same time as someone else in the world, your games will merge and you get a little play buddy :3
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Genuinely love how distressed he is here.
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Looks like we're still gonna get cool backgrounds and background character designs!!!!
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This looks like it may be some kind of storybook or memory sequence like when Chang'e was talking about how she found the ring in S3 or when LBD was talking about Macaque's death... what memory do you think we're going to be exploring this time?
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This goes pretty hard. I would paint this on a wall or something.
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Mk is flabbergasted.
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Yay!! Mk has the support he needs. ALSO MORE SANDY
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They're mortified. Probably because they just watched a giant dragon and white tiger fucking evaporate.
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Hehe bord
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I can't wait to see fanart of him. I'm so excited!
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He's thinking about kissing him, honest.
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I think he's purty
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I've run out of room for pictures, but I hope this helped get y'all all hyped again for the new season! Have hope, stay strong!
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docwritesshit · 1 month
HELLO so this is the person that asked for a shadowpeach x mischivious reader! And just I gotta say it was AMIZINGG!! like it was so PERFECT!! Anyways I hope u don't mind if I'd ask: whould the boys get a revange? Like would Macaque scare the reader some how off (ifcourse not by their phobia but maybe with idk a jump-scare?? (Dunno)) or that Wukong suddenly tickles the reader, like basically the fact these 2 decide to avenge themselves from the readers mischivious pranks! If you don't want to do that that's alright! Im already REALLLY great full for the first one. Your hc's are amizing!! If you don't decide to do this that's alright! Have a great day/night!
Oh I touched on this with my clones request for the two of them!
Less informal format cause I only have a few ideas for this!
Macaque would definitely do the jump scares, relying on his shadows for this and he just poofs away before you can do anything about it.
Wukong would definitely use tickle attacks for revenge. Both team up at one point to jump scare you and then tickle you.
However they have learned a lesson about scaring you when you are in a more affectionate mood. Because you are petty and no cuddles will be given until they wear you down with puppy eyes lol
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
After luzhen, even Wukogn and Macaque are literally begging the dieties to stop. They did it! They saved the species! PLEASE LET US GO ONE DAY WITHOUT BEING PREGNANT!!
Odds are they didnt even *make* Luzhen in the au XD
Wukong was fixing up FFM after the Brotherhood incident and was bust reshaping the earth when...
Wukong, gold-vision acting up: "What the??" *digs up a "geode" surrounded by oddly-shaped shatttered rock* Wukong: *sees a flicker of life deep within* Wukong: "Uh oh." The "Geode": *starts shaking* Wukong: "UH OH!!!"
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Macaque walks over asking whats the big deal, when the "geode" decides "New troop! New parents!!" and bam! Luzhen busts out the stray stone egg about the size of a toddler. He's super giggly, muddy, and looks scarily like Wukong. The second he reaches out to Shadowpeach for uppsies, Wukong scoops the baby up like he would any of his own infants.
The Monkie Kid gang all gasp in surprise when they next see the monkey couple. Someone asks if Luzhen was an "express delivery" Wukong spawned in while him and Macaque were working on the island.
Yuebei and the two sets of twins (the Lunar node boys and the Eclipse duo) are all super delighted, chirping at Luzhen like he's a new brother. And he pretty much is, given that Macaque and Wukong have already mentally agreed to adopt/pretend Luzhen's theirs.
The only big questions on Wukong's mind is; Who was the parent that gave their life for Luzhen? Was it a fellow Stone Monkey who buried themselves long before the King's time? Was the body buried there by unknowing monkey demons? Why does Luzhen look so much like him!?
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rebeltigera · 1 month
Sorry, I meant: YOU HAVE A POSSESSED MACAQUE AU ? And little Mk end up in a little prison ? Bio my boy! How ?
Shadowpeach is a virus alright?
It happened by pure accident , I was just like *I can't do SL Mac bad in the way I want, what if he was a villain instead *
And a very angry monkey with issues emerged , I decided to dress it well and here u go
About the plot-
It started similar to SL au/lmk , Mac and Wukong were happy, Wukong went searching for immortalities, brotherhood happened, havoc in heaven happened , all of the punishments happened
And Wukong went on the journey
Mac wanted to rescue that fool like the most fan adaptations say , but unluckily he got caught by Lbd and he got possesed
Fully aware under possession he went to fight with Wukong .
Wukong didn't kill him , mainly because Tripitaka intervened. Tripitaka sealed Mac away , together with LBD inside, still possessing him
Mac spent 1000 years sealed away , hoping that his king will come to his rescue one day.
Because Wukong knew. Wukong knew he was possessed.
But it didn't happen. Oh how the betrayal hurt.
So he took a deal which LBD proposed - revenge. She couldn't hold herself alone and Mac couldn't do that too. It was too long and they practically merged together - will of Lbd , and Mac's in unison, creating that monstrosity of a monkey he was now
He got free from the tomb by thrall's hand and some poor demon that got wronged , the demon died shortly after
----And that's the part I have fully fleshed out, the rest is still cooking----
Mac now needs power more than anything so there's few options
He can either steal it, kill demons for it , scheme with spider queen-
But the most probable one - he will play Mk's friend for the time being. Who would not want to meet another monkey-like creature? Especially that this one is smarter, knows stories about the king , and other beings alike?
The kid is like a beam of light in the city - perfect battery
So he will passively recharge himself . It won't be difficult if Wukong isn't around now, is it?
Until the moment they'll notice- it will be too late when they do.
And he will start his grand scheming, kidnapping MK , you know, some soy sauce duo time
Mac's mind is purely on revenge
And maybe wiping out whole world
But that's just a maybe
Either way, Mac dies at the end of it all , and Wukong suffers
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peachshadows · 1 year
In normal sundown mk watching peng and azure gung for the monkeys, and mk is tired. When all is over and mk gets back home from sundown, and when the camel ridge trio get introduced and that situation gets resolved, i could see mk suffering when the love square starts again in his world. Except worse cause shadowpeach arent together and both are in denial of feeling jealous or possesive
MK: oh boy I sure am glad to be back home and-
c!Peng and c!Azure: I am in love with your mentor/s
MK, at his limit:
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
Shadowpeach's reaction to believing the other is dating again
ANON I AM SO SORRY T^T i meant to reply to this the moment I read it then got distracted and now it’s almost 1am (edit: it is now 1:30 lmao)
you have come to ask me, a girlie who is a sucker for unhealthy shadowpeach and long time lover of the jealousy & possessive tropes, about shadowpeach’s hypothetical reactions of the two monkeys believing the other is back in the dating scene?
well, obviously, they would be completely fine. absolutely no negative reactions or breakdowns or obsessive thoughts hindering their ability to function and be mentally healthy. of course.
however, i feel like swk would be more subtle about it. like maybe he hears something out of context said by MK or Mei or Tang or Red Son or Sandy (who might have also jumped to the same conclusion) and is like “oh……” and then is oddly quiet for maybe a month, freaking out MK
also, SWK would have his own internal battle of wanting to see Macky to confirm but also not wanting to see Macackle because the confirmation would break him. but he would make so many excuses to see Macaroon by visiting Pigsy’s noodle shop then chicken out when the time does come (the funny part of me says that Pigsy is the only one aware of SWK’s true intentions and is very annoyed about it)
the anger doesn’t really come until SWK feels fed up with Macaroni’s “mixed signals,” meaning Macky’s very bad attempts at being civil/flirting. because “if Macky thinks he can just use my feelings while being in a relationship he can think again!” (despite Macky never being in a relationship but Wukong never confirmed this so is mad for the sake of this hypothetical SO and himself while struggling with his own very messy feelings. because he likes it when Mac has his attention on him, he likes it when Mac tries to woo him the same way he had tried when they were younger and ignorant, he likes it when Mac cannot help but look at Wukong, he likes it when he makes Mac forget all about that stupid significant other because Wukong and Mac used to be something and could still be that something if Mac just gave Wukong a chance or if they had never ended their old relationship like the way they did. if only, if only, if only, if only, if only—
with Macky, ahahahaaaaaaa hoo boy.
not subtle. very unsubtle. like, yes, even Wukong can see and notice Macky’s very unsubtle and unstable self but unlike everybody else who is aware of the reason, Wukong would just be confused on why Macky is always weirdly snappy and grabby and always feel the need to mention Wukong’s love life????
anyway, Macky would not react well. 1) because it feeds into his angry theory that Wukong found their relationship to be superficial and temporary 2) he has been revived for, uh, *checks watch* not very long, so imagine going through a severe break up and dying them being resurrected and trying to enact revenge on your ex (of whom the feelings are still too raw) but you’ve been out of time for so long that you cannot process shit 3) it is my belief that Macky had nobody else as close to him as Wukong was
so, Macky hearing through the very botched grapevine that Wukong is back in the dating scene? man’s is not handling it well. house/apartment/whatever establishment he was staying in is trashed. he replans his revenge against Wukong. he stalks Wukong obsessively bc he has to see that bastard in the act because maybe then he’ll be free. he would sabotage any and all attempts of demons, humans, whoever that whispers about pursuing Wukong because….reasons
(obviously the reasons are not the fact that Wukong moving on terrifies him, the fact that he can be so easily replaced hurts, the fact that he cannot let go despite everything, the fact that Wukong still smiles the same, that Wukong still laughs the same but it’s so much lighter, that he understood what it was like to be loved and cared about by Wukong. to have all of his attention on Macky, to hold him so gently even though these same hands could break him (and have), to be treasured and desired by someone so powerful. how could Mackarell give up something so precious? he is still selfish and has been deprived for f that love for too long. why on earth would he ever wish for someone else to have a piece of what he once had?)
so yeah i’d say they would be coping sO well :)
#this is a side tangent but shadowpeach deserves some more fics with both or either of the two idiots being jealous#please#for me#ley them simmer or wallow in their personally inflicted angst/pining soup while i giggle and read with delight#and when i say i’m a lover of this trope i also mean i’m a connoisseur of this trope#i have tastes and am picky about it#bc there are some…….not great works that try this trope (to put it politely) and it hurts bc i KNOW it could be written sO good#also funny note: this reply was supposed to end after I shout ‘they would be so horrible lmao’#but then I thought nah lemme share my elaborated thoughts#another side note: I am sure y’all notice I call Wukong and macky’s thing a relationship instead of friendship or situationship mostly bc#a relationship can mean many things and my view of shadowpeach is both romantic and qpr#like the vibes fit for both of them and I’ll just roll with either#but i struggle to call their thing a friendship because to me that takes away some of the aspects of swk and macky#do i think they even dated in the past? no but i DO think the two were so attached to the hip that to outsiders they saw 2 boyfriends even#if nothing was technically official of their relationship being romantic or platonic but it blurred the lines so well nobody could be 100%#& even in the current plot their relationship is STILL blurred to me so i can’t pick and like both options (both are severely unhealthy ofc#lmk#shadowpeach#asks#anonymous
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
So I have a different requests it a groups one
He so cam I request a yandere JTTW x toddler sesshormu half Demon daughter reader
Where the whole group are like uncles but Shadow peach is the mom and dad to the reader
The reader it's just like her uncle and nausea as a demon she has dog ears but has her papa powers but also has a little bit of spiritual powers like her mom could kagome ( I shipped them so hard don't blame me)
The reader fell into the the middle of a fight
Between Shadowpeach and other demon's
And everon just see a cute little puppy half Demon reader and is like baby must be protected. And they find out that she also has a jewel like her mama in side her.
But honestly they don't care about the jewel they care about the reader. ( Also the jewel is like stuck to her heart so it cannot be removed like a kagome unless one the boys knows about surgery)
I don’t ship kagome x sesshomaru but I hope I can do a good job on this anyway.
Warnings: noob author, female reader, yandere charcters, and others.
Characters: Tripitaka, sandy, pigsy, sun, and macaque.
The group plus macaque; who decided to join his mate after finding out that sun didn’t betray him like he originally thought,was against another demon that wanted to get tripitaka’s powers when they met you, a cute young half demon dog pup that randomly appear in front of the group and demon.
Unlike the group the demon didn’t care if you lived or died so they attacked not worrying if they hit you or not which didn’t sit well with the group and macaque quickly went in to save you while sun went after the demon.
Tripitaka shockingly didn’t punish sun but that’s because he was distracted with you and making sure you weren’t hurt before you came between the fight, macaque also made sure you’re alright and reassured that you’re safe now.
Sun noticed a faint pink glow around you with more of that glow focused to your heart but decided to let it go with you being blessed by a god or something in exchange to smother you with affection with how cute you are plus his mate sewed to already treat you like his cub now an so should he as well as he always wanted a family with macaque besides his subjects.
Pigsy is the uncle that needs to be supervised when around you as he has habits that shouldn’t be taught to you at al but he still cares and make sure you’re safe, because you’re both adorable and cause his life depends on as it’s either macaque or sun that will end his life he he gets you even a hair or paper cut on your body then he’s a roasted pig personally cooked by the demon monkey’s.
Now sandy is both uncle and god father as he’s the most responsible and mature of the group besides macaque so the two know he won’t let you get hurt, he will protect you, and raised you if anything happens too them which won’t happen for a long time.
Tripitaka is the older brother that you know to always gets kidnapped by demons until the other demons noticed the glow you seem to have that is only seen by strong demons which then is where both of you gets kidnapped, here’s a twist though since you’re now his little sister he will do things that’s against Buddhism just to protect you even try to practice martial arts just to be least inconveniencing the others and you but also to protect you from all the other threats that may come in the future.
(A/n: groped you like it!! I couldn’t do more than 7 paragraphs for this one as i didn’t know what else to put so hope you’re ok with that! Anyway hope ya’ll have a wonderful day/evening/night!! Oh! Also after i get done with the last of my draft (which is a lmk request) I’ll be putting the lmk masterlist on hold so please no more until i get out of my burned out state, you can still request for x lmk!reader (y’all can still request for jttw x reader, don’t worry) just use a different fandom if you want a crossover so please be mindful that I’m getting burned out of lmk at the moment, I’ll be sure to let y’all know when y’all can request for lmk again when I recover from this lmk burn out.)
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criolla-star · 2 months
A Fiery Lovestory (Red Son x Mk part 4)
(I suggest you check out part 1-3 if you haven't already, just a reminder Macaque and Red Son are just friends they aren't like a father son duo cause that would be weird since i have Shadowpeach in this comic and since Macaque and Wukong are practically MKs' parent annnnd Red Son has bull ears, and horns that are small i'm sure you have seen fanart of it before, i'll shut up now)
Red Son woke up the next day it took him a moment to process where he was, but when he did he checked the time, it was 6:23am. Red Son always woke up early to prevent the scolding from his parents for being up late, but then he just realised, "Oh fuck...my parents don't know where I am..." Red Son thought to himself he hadn't thought about this yesterday when he agreed to follow he was just exhausted. "Hopefully Macaque can lie for me..." Red mumbled, sure he didn't know where he was but Macaque knew better than to out him. Red let out a sigh before getting up and stretching. He was still wearing MKs' clothes and it was really comfy this made him blush slightly. Suddenly he remembered his fire and then carefully attempted to ignite a fire it took a minute but he let out a sigh of relief when he finally managed to do it rain honestly really fucked him up but that won't be the only thing fucking him.....
He had a pretty peaceful sleep and looked and went to the bathroom he was honestly surprised with how furnished MK's home was, but his thought went back to MKs' sculpted body from when he was shirtless last night, "So hot..." Red Son whispered out, "Why the fuck am I thinking about him, he's an idiot...a handsome idiot" Red Son added, "That's it I'm just gonna find something to eat in this place" Red Son scolded himself before going into the kitchen. He looked around and saw discarder cereal boxes on the counter and table, there were dirty dishes in the sink, "It's such a mess in here" Red Son mumbled, the fire demon wasn't a fan of messy places the closest he's ever had a place this dirty was his workshop.
"I can't with this..." Red Son mumbled as he went and turned on the tap before tying up his hair, taking off MKs' jacket from yesterday, finding some gloves and beginning to do the dishes. Red Son didn't find cleaning a pain and actually enjoyed it (can ya believe someone likes cleaning) He continued to do the dishes and eventually finished that, the fire demon also enjoyed singing and talking to himself while he did things such as cleaning, working or cooking, and yes he can cook like really good also really enjoys it. Eventually Red finished cleaning the whole kitchen, it was now 7:30am he's been cleaning for an hour and was honestly surprised the noodle boy hasn't awoken from his slumber by now. "Hm...hungry..." Red Son said quietly to himself. The fire demon went through cupboards and the found ingredients to make pancakes, "Well he has something else other than cereal" Red Son mumbled before taking off the jacket and he surprisingly found an apron which wasn't dirty and put it one I mean of course it wouldn't be dirty by the looks of it Mk probably only ate cereal and noodles which was kinda sad for Red Son to think about but he shrugged it off.
Red Son grabbed a bowl and made the pancake mixture, I don't know how to bake/cook so don't expect a good description. Once the mixture was complete the fire demon poured it onto a pan, used his fire to ignite the stove and made pancake after pancake. It honestly smelt amazing and Red Son was singing whatever song you want with the most angelic voice very ironic for a demon.
Mk woke up to an amazing smell unaware of the stunning fire demon cooking in his apartment and the beautiful act of cleaning he did. Mk yawned out loudly then checked the time, it was 8am and honestly that surprised him he usually up later than this, "Wow I'm up early, must be the smell..." Mk thought, "Haha...Red Sons' here...OH SHIT RED SONS HERE!" Mk panicked realising that the fire demon was probably up and in the kitchen. He grabbed a shirt and rushed out while putting it on. Only to hear Red Son singing as well as him cooking, the fire demon didn't notice him and continued singing unaware that he was being watched Mk looked around and noticed how clean everything was, "Did he do this..?" The monkey thought. Mk leaned on the door frame and continued to listen until the demon noticed. He was honestly lost in his thoughts Red Sons' voice sounded so sweet and soft. He was watching for 2 minutes until Red Son did a twirl and realisation hit him, "AHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE!!!??" Red Son panicked almost falling down. "Long enough...did you clean this place up?" Mk chuckled out walking towards Red Son, "I-I in fact did, this place was filthy!" Red Son nervously said out before talking in his bratty tone.
"Well thank you, was gonna eventually clean it but never had the motivation to" Mk responded before looking Red Son up and down, he was still wearing his sweatpants but the apron looked really cute on him. "I don't know how you could let your place get like this, but I made pancakes you barely had anything in those cupboards of yours other than cereal, eat it or not I couldn't care less" Red Son said before putting another pancake on a stack, "Hey I'll eat anything at this point I think I've had noodles and cereal a bit too much" Mk said as he sat at the table because Red Son signalled him to sit down. "As if that part wasn't obvious..." The fire demon mumbled before plating some pancakes and giving it to Mk. Before grabbing a tub of ice cream, and strawberries and placing it next to Mk. "Did you go through everything?" Mk chuckled out, "So what if I did? If you have a problem go back to eating cereal noodle boy" Red Son hissed slightly annoyed, "Haha...no..." Mk replied before beginning to eat. MKs' eyes lit up, "Holy shit this is like the best thing I've ever eaten, you are an amazing cook I never thought you would be able to cook" Mk said praising Red Son. Hearing this made the fire demon blush, "I-I tend to do cooking and baking as a hobby it relaxes me" Red Son replied before sitting down and beginning to eat.
Mk stared at him before smirking, "Does singing also relax you~?" the monkey teased, the fire demons' face lit up with blush, "D-Don't you mention that!!" Hr stuttered out embarrassingly. "Hey I'm not making fun of you, you're voice is really nice...I wouldn't mind listening to it forever..." Mk said his voice becoming softer as he lost himself while staring at Red Son. The fire demon blushed hearing that, "J-Just shut up you peasant and eat!" Red said nervously Mk chuckled before continuing to eat.
"I have work at 9:30, I don't mind if you stay here" Mk said breaking a silence as they ate, "Mhm...I suppose I could stay..." Red Son spoke, he was hoping Macaque managed to convince his parents that he didn't run away and somehow Mk must've read his mind, "Does Macaque know you're here...?" Mk added his voice going from his dumb tone to a more serious tone, "No...but, he won't be bothering you till he knows where I am..." Red Son replied.
After a while they finished eating Mk had to go to work and told Red Son rules he had to follow. "Morning kid, you're here early" Pigsy said surprisingly when Mk came in, "Yep" Mk replied happily while waiting for order but he couldn't quite get Red Son off his mind.
(The amount of times i lost motivation for this is unspeakable like i clicked off it and started reading other fanfic or watching youtube, ALSO the true power of the samadhi fire is blue which alters based on the power used if it's a little amount it will stay as red too much it'll be blue saying that i already mentioned this before that Meis' fire is a way downgraded version of the actual fire due to the colour)
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astronnova · 11 months
response to @imminent-danger-came from this post!!!! thank you for replying mwehehehehehehehehehehe
#DAMN#IT'S TRUE#people need to accept that shadowpeach is a fucked up an' unhealthy ship (that maybe can get better) and that's okay! that's why I like 'em
yes this is SO true so true so true. their dynamic is so warped and bonkers and thats why i loooove it. its about the obsession. its about the guilt. the tragedy. its about the unstoppable force vs immovable object and how they cant stop coming back to eachother. im normal, i swear
#''azure and lbd were kinda the same just different execution'' YEAH. HMMM PARALLELS.
i love parallels i love it when writing does this i love feeling the overarching theme tie into every part of the story i love storytelling
#macaque and azure are also the same with their Wukong abandonment arcs. Foil MK that way. It fucking rules
this too. im a big fan of how bonkers azure and macaque are for wukong and also how mk is so open to subconsciously absorbing others ways of thinking that he just internalizes that too. these guys......... its okay that wukong has other things going on u guys......... its okay.......
#I will say. On one hand yeah oh my fucking god the fandomization of Macaque is so fucking terrible. This post is so right#On the other: I think Wukong very much did abandon macaque first lol#But they abandoned each other (It's why MK and Mei not doing so is 👌👌👌👌👌)
hard agree about the fandomization of macaque, it reeeeeeks. let him be an awful bastard
ok this has me curious! id love to know when wukong abandons macaque first, cause i personally can't think of the time he does that. (i know tone is hard to come across via text so i want to make it clear im being 100% genuine here).
based on all the time we know wukong left macaque, he always came back to him and his intentions for leaving were to protect macaque and the monkeys on flower fruit mountain. when he left to train with subodhi, he came back after his training. we also never see macaque show any disdain for this or claim that was wukong abandoning him with the action.
then, wukong goes to the celestial realm and works as the stable boy before he gets super drunk and petty and then goes back to flower fruit mountain. macaque never shows any anger over this either, so i don't think that's abandonment.
after, wukong and the brotherhood attack the celestial realm and wukong is captured and put into the furnace and then forced under the mountain. i don't think wukong's capture counts as abandonment, especially since wukong makes it super clear that he does not want to be under that rock.
originally i thought macaque didn't know about wukong's capture like azure and the others, which could be a reasonable conclusion for him to come to; that wukong abandoned him for the celestials, but we know that macaque knows wukong was captured. macaque even visits him under the mountain. that's when macaque severs their ties and leaves wukong trapped.
also yes........ yes..!!! mk & mei are the wukong & macaque narrative parallels.... i love storytelling
#And I think like. Why should Macaque have to bail Wukong out and put himself in danger with all of heaven because of what Wukong chose to do
its less about "macaque having to bail wukong out and indanger himself over wukong's problems" but more of like, wukong and macaque did the exact same thing, which was attacking the celestial realm. that's why wukong got caught. it's not just macaque, azure, peng, bull king and yellowtusk have some sort of moral responsibility in a way to at least try to help wukong, because all of their combined actions led to wukong taking the punishment for all of them.
i mean, sure, macaque has no reason or responsibility to bail wukong out if you look at it from that scene alone, with the "you dont owe anyone anything" mindset. but considering the other things we know, like how macaque was apart of the attack and supported wukong and fought along side him, there's a bit of a moral obligation to help wukong out since macaque's apart of the reason why wukong was captured.
#This post almost has the opposite problem of ''Wukong is villainzied while Macaque is a baby boy'' like#Wukong wasn't a good person either (they both suck(ed))#But he changed
HAHA lol sorry, that wasnt my intent. i want to make it clear that yeah, wukong wasnt a good person either! but i think the major distinction is that he wasnt a good person, past tense. in the show currently, wukong's a pretty alright guy, and the journey to the west helped him grow into a better person. i jsut feel it isn't necessary to mention wukong's terrible traits from the past because they arent... relevant to him in the current tense. that, along with the fact that the fandom keeps bringing it up, im focused more on mentioning macaque's terrible actions instead of wukong's because macaque is still acting that way while wukong grew as a person hundreds of years before canon. no reason to mention the terrible past of someone who's already made up for it, that kind of thing.
and your right! he changed, and thats good! my main point is that macaque didnt, but the fandom loves to act like he did.
#''We can't change who we were yesterday or in a past life or a hundred lifetimes ago! We live with the choices we've made for what-#-matters is the choices we make right now!''#Like yeah obviously Macaque was biased. (He says so himself: ''Everyone is the hero of their own story'')
yep ^
#But Macaque also steps in in s2 because Wukong LITERALLY abandoned MK chasing after another source of power.
i feel like thats a misinterpretation of season 2 and wukong's actions, because the reason wukong "abandons" mk is to keep mk out of danger. wukong's objective is to find a way to defeat the lady bone demon without having to drag mk into it, because he feels mk isn't ready for that kind of large battle yet. he isn't leaving mk behind to go look for more power for himself, he's leaving mk in a safe place while he goes to deal with the main threat to keep mk from getting involved. he isn't quick enough, but the point still stands.
macaque steps in and even admits in the shadow play episode that he only came by to torture mk for fun ("i was gonna do the whole watch the hero be tormented by their own mistakes thing..." is what he says, which is funny because that's really relevant to wukong's character too haha).
#SWK is making the same mistake he always has. And then MK in s2 is ALSO making that same mistake#And Macaque had to be a loser about it but it is very interesting to see it from his pov.#He steps in when MK is acting that little bit too much like Wukong in all the wrong ways. (2x07 4x09)
and you've got a point! wukong has a habit of shouldering everything himself and believing he has to be the one to fix everything, since he has the most abilities and powers out of everyone... *gestures vaguely* alive, lol. that's why he keeps secrets throughout s2-3, because the way he deals with large scale threats is by keeping his cards close to his chest. given his past, i don't blame him
so true, too, cause mk's going down that path of self isolation like wukong has already done. mk's trying to spare his friends from his "burdens" (his trauma with lbd in s2 and his trauma from azure lion and the scroll in s4) and by doing so he shuts down and keeps to himself. macaque interprets this as him "abandoning his friends", but that's because macaque's a projector LOL. we already know he does that constantly. i find it interesting too, cause macaque is somehow the most empathetic person in the cast but uses that as a way to drag people down to his level, its rlly fun. i like macaque a lot
i'll be real, i don't think macaque steps in because he genuinely wants to help mk, it's more like he sees mk (season 2 specifically here) as a smaller, weaker wukong that he can actually punch around. he knows if he tried to mess with the real wukong he'd get his ass handed to him, so he goes for the easier target. in season 4, his perspective is different but it still isn't 100% in mk's favor. and also imma be real his advice was butt booty dog water bHKBHADBHKAHAH
side note that im not able to articulate that well because its late but it moderately fits this topic: macaque uses shadow play as partially a way to continue placing doubt in mk's mind about wukong. macaque has a vendetta, and so he thinks everyone else should hate wukong too, no matter how wukong acts now. macaque practically refuses to accept wukong's changed because that would mean macaque would have to self reflect and realize that he isnt all that like he acts like he is. he's very self righteous and tries to put down mk while also placing doubt and manipulating mk into disliking and not trusting wukong. he does this like every chance he gets in season 3, also
#But maybe I think in general that ''antagonist'' is a better word to describe macaque rather than villain
sure! i can agree, mostly s4 and up, but in s1-3 he fits the bill for villain too, imo
#Anyways me on team ''Wukong and Macaque both hurt each other in equally fucked up ways'': my totally unbiased imp opinion#''Wukong was on a path of self-destruction. We all were.''#MY PERSONAL INTERPRETATION: MK is to Macaque what the Monk was to Wukong.
oh yeah i agree, wukong and macaque are such a tragic duo because of all those centuries of baggage, and they've hurt eachother so much intentionally and unintentionally. its great, i love it
"wukong was on a path of self-destruction. we all were" that phrase caught my attention big time because up until those point macaque had like no remorse for anything he'd done, so it was super interesting having him say that to mk. i was like. what da hell, macaque redemption arc REAL!?!??!?!?! im interested to see where they take macaque! he's the most likely to get that redemption tbh he's got all the flags
also i think that's a pretty cool way to look at it, and i def see what you mean. mk's good nature and desire to help rubbing off on macaque when wukong's couldn't is a very cool way to look at things, and also it slots into canon very nicely. macaque won't listen to wukong, mainly because they're so connected and all those centuries of baggage (six eared "i want the old wukong back and i also blame him for everything that goes wrong" macaque), but having someone new who also has some stake in their lives (wukongs successor) be the one to tell him Stop Being Weird and having it work, its very interesting.
#LMK is very much a show about everyone dealing with the world in their own way.#Some open noodle shops. Some try to create a clean slate. Others want to leave the world better than they found it#And Macaque was very much just in survival mode trying not to die while also trying to get back at Wukong#''Look out for number one'' like that's how he coped with the world/how he saw it.#And MK kind of up-ended that point of view. 3x10 was THE time to abandon Mei yet MK refused to
so true! lego monkie kid's s1-3 message of the world being fine just the way it is because there's good people in it is what made me fall in love with the series at first. and also how it shows how people live their lives and keep moving despite the hardships of the world is very nice. me like. and yeah! macaque's "look out for number one" mentality is very nice and i like how that fits into his and wukongs characters. its very night and day (HA get it). wukong tries to look out for everyone else while macaque is only interested in looking out for himself. its cool , i like that. especially because it relates back to their original versions in the original story, where macaque represents the dark desires of the mind like his selfishness and spitefulness and wukong kills him as a sign of overcoming those desires and instead choosing the path towards enlightenment and doing good for others and the world.
macaque has a habit of forming full opinions and thoughts on people without properly knowing them and then sticking to those thoughts for the rest of time, not considering their ability to grow and change. mk constantly makes him have to come to terms with the fact that he is wrong and its so awesome. especially because we all know daaamn well that he saw himself in the "mei is my best friend, im not going to leave her when she needs me!" moment. its really good
#So strange to me people think they can't like villains. I'm assuming it's more than just the kids/teens in the fandom
yeah its super wild. a lot of ppl (esp in this fandom, i havent seen it this bad since like voltron i think and i wasnt even apart of that fandom) believe that to like a villain there has to be some reason why the character is secretly "the good guy" or something, because if they like a straight up bad guy then it means theyre a bad person, when in reality its just relating to the conflicts that those "bad guys" represent and stuff. idk its wild out here i have never seen people jump through so many hoops to justify why they like a villain. they dont have to be secret good people, they can be bad and you can like them because of that. like, one of my fav characters from modern cartoons is emperor belos from the owl house and that guy is like basically pure evil LOL
i'll answer your other tags tomorrow! i am very tired and it is past midnight for me. snoozing at my desk, almost
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Unhinged Anon back with something thankfully shorter then last ask, but also incredibly stupid and driving me far crazier then it has any right to.
So, we’ve all been so busy theorizing about the blue flower, Shadowpeach lore, EAMK theory, general ‘wtf is going on with MK’ theories, etc., right? But in our theorizing and analyzing and whatnot, we’ve been ignoring the REAL mystery here: Why tf does Tang’s Vitruvian MK from S4E5 say that friendship is ‘stored in the shoulder’?! Not even ‘his shoulders’, it’s just ‘The Shoulder’.
…What does that even mean???
And, yes, I acknowledge that this could just be a throwaway visual gag. But also, this is a show with a habit of tossing jokes at us and revealing later down the line that, 'Oh, that 'becoming a master of focus' bit from S1E7? Yeah, that wasn't just a gag. It's a set up for multiple call backs, one of which is coming later this season. And those 'Big Brain Boy' moments? Yeah, that's building up to MK eventually becoming the designated Plan Man'.
So... what if this is more than a background joke?
It is an indisputable MK fact!
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But yeah, lmk has a habit of going "teehee look at this joke~ SIKE IT WAS JUST MEAN FORESHADOWING" with pretty much everything *stares at "Monkey Man" so hard my eyes explode*.
So at this point it's like, friendship is stored in the right shoulder? Sure! Maybe that will come back in some way! Why not.
Here let me think too hard with you:
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MK, after destroying his own friendship armor activating Monkey Form, specifically destroys his sleeve from the right shoulder down.
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