#oh god i need to make an oc tag don't i... uh...
cactusdying · 1 year
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did i mention that i have children btw. did i
extra doodles under the cut
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ft. fan roids flavor npc and mimkin by tairbaz and dummy by thegreendiji
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ft. sasha by marmo
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Well I guess the oneshot did the trick, because I finished a chapter.
Still not exactly doing great, but this helps a little.
And this overdramatic SOB just makes me swoon a completely normal amount.
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don't stare at the nipple don't stare at the nipple don't stare at the oh dear gods honestly how dare he
Hearing Problems
LA!Mihawk x OC
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Chapter 3: Solidarity
Trigger Warnings: Mild Suicidal Ideation
Wordcount: 2.4k
Tags: Slow-burn, Enemies to Lovers, eventually NSFW, uh, if I think of more I'll add them or something
People Tags: @mihawksdemoness also thank you for asking to be tagged like I am in awe thank you so much???
After having her sloop sunk by the Buggy Pirates and losing most of her worldly possessions in the process, the normally solitary mercenary Karimi Lionne finds herself teaming up with the rag-tag little crew that is the Strawhat Pirates to defeat them. She bonds with them far more quickly than she bargained for, and that quickly turns into a problem for the Kiku Kiku no Mi devil fruit user when she learns of Nami's plans to leave them high and dry, and Zoro issues a challenge at Baratie that he very likely won't live long enough to regret.
The stars were beautiful tonight, if nothing else.
Karimi did her best to focus her mind in on that, despite how they seemed to swim and swirl a bit in her vision, how her thoughts swam and swirled in her head.
How the image of his eyes seemed to have burned straight into her eyelids, to the point that she didn't want to do so much as blink.
How his words had burned into her ears, and she could still hear the threat behind them echoing around in her skull, hear his voice as clearly as if she were listening in on his thoughts at that very moment. Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, after the duel.
A heartbeat or a bloodied corpse.
Her own heartbeat raced into an absolute frenzy.
Part of her screamed loudly, so loudly that she could just slip herself right over the edge of the dock, to just slip into the chill of the ocean and sink down and never come up again.
She pulled her feet out of the water immediately, sitting straight up and wrapping her arms around her bended knees, shuddering the slightest bit.
His words. Not only his words, but his anger rang clear as day through her while she stared out at the night sky, out toward the horizon, wishing she could very far closer to it than to where she was right now.
There was every chance that she had just lessened Zoro's chances of survival rather than improve them.
She lowered her forehead to her knees. As the saltwater dripped away and her skin dried, the chatter of every person within a fifty food radius slowly began to raise in volume in her head. Closing her eyes a bit tighter, pulling her legs in closer to her chest, she bit her lip and focused.
Focused every ounce of her energy to making it stop.
Her own thoughts were too much right now, much less everyone else's.
And slowly—so slowly, but oh, so welcome, the silence came again. An audible sigh trembled its way through her lips.
Busoshoku haki. It wasn't fool-proof, but it worked when she needed it to. For the ten years she had spent with her grandmother, the older woman had employed it constantly to suppress Karimi's devil fruit abilities, but Karimi herself wasn't as proficient. She had less than two years of training in the art, from her time traveling with the Red Hair Pirates six years ago, and she couldn't do much with it except dampen her own abilities.
If she focused it in just behind her ears, focused it down to a pair of small points of energy and connected them together through her skull, then she had the sweet, sweet silence she so craved, that she could manage on her own on a day to day basis.
"So what did he have to say?"
The sound of Nami's voice, nearly monotone but with an edge of accusation to it, startled Karimi so badly that she nearly did slip off the dock.
"God dammit—"
Dear gods why couldn't everyone just leave her alone?
"Hey—!" Karimi grew instantly tense when she felt Nami's hand on her shoulder, steadying her before she could topple over. "Shit. Was it that bad?"
The accusatory note in her voice dropped away almost in an instant, and Karimi could only scoff, shaking her head. Her eyes briefly cut toward Nami when the younger girl took a seat beside her on the docks, looking at her in a mix of alarm and caution. "It wasn't great, no," she said shortly. Karimi shook her head, staring down at the gentle waves that rocked against the floating dock. She sighed, pressing her palm into one of her eyes against the sharp pain of a headache forming behind them. "You ever just want to...say the hell with it all and toss yourself in the ocean and be done?"
"Ah...yeah...." She noticed Nami reach around her and subtly pull the wine bottle away from her side. "Maybe we should just get back to Merry and—"
"I know what you're planning."
Nami froze in an instant at that, her eyes glued to Karimi's for a moment when she turned her head and looked over.
"I don't know what you're—"
"Don't bother," said Karimi, waving a dismissive hand, her voice still slurred. "You're leaving. And I get it. I would too in your shoes. If I could...." She swallowed. Exhaled a slow sigh that puffed out her cheeks slightly, looking at Nami, at how her brows furrowed. "I lost...everything ten years ago. My village. My friends. My...family." She shook her head. "I'd trade anything to have that back. So I get it. You'd trade everything too. But, look."
Nami froze when Karimi turned, reached out and put her hands on her shoulders, leveling her gaze with with hers.
"That—scrawny little shit back there in his silly little hat," she went on, nodding back toward the Merry, "I guarantee, if you go, he's going to chase you down, and he's going to do everything in his power to help whether you want him to or not, because that's what he does. So you need to think carefully about how you're going to proceed with this."
Nami stared at her for several long seconds, her eyes wide as saucers, her mouth hanging slightly open in shock.
And then she shoved Karimi's hands off of her shoulders, shifting away several inches. "How—how the hell do you—no." She shook her head, reaching down to her bag at her side. "No, why—" Karimi's eyes shifted down as Nami pulled an old, yellowed wanted poster out of her bag. "Why are you lying to everyone? Two billion berries?"
Karimi's gaze became glued to the wanted poster, and when she reached out to grab it, Nami pulled it back, holding it over her head.
"You think you can just, what, dye your hair a little darker, and no one's going to notice?" she said, raising her eyebrows. "Maybe the guys won't, but I'm not an idiot."
Karimi barely even heard her, her eyes glued to the paper flapping in the light breeze over their heads. She had kept that poster for the better part of eight years, kept it tucked away with her belongings, tucked under her pillow wherever she slept. She lowered her gaze, leveling her eyes with Nami's as she spoke through her teeth.
"Give. It. Back."
Nami's resolve faltered a little for a moment—but just long enough of a moment. Karimi was able to lash out her hand and grab the poster, pulling it to her chest and sighing slowly, her eyes slipping shut.
"Th...that's...not you?" she said slowly, and Karimi shook her head.
"It's my grandmother." She carefully folded the poster without looking at it again, slipping it into her pocket. "And it's the only picture I have of her." She glanced at Nami, trying hard, incredibly hard not to be mad at the girl as her gaze softened. "She was murdered right in front of me ten years ago."
"I..." She swallowed. "I'm...so sorry, I..." She shook her head. "You look...you could be her *twin*, I thought—" Once more, Nami shook her head, looking Karimi up and down quickly. "How do you know about my village?" she asked finally.
"I know a little about a lot of things." Karimi set to tugging her socks back on. "I...have a devil fruit ability. I can hear thoughts. I keep it suppressed the majority of the time because it would frankly drive me insane if I didn't, but..." She glanced at Nami, frowning apologetically. "When we fought with Kuro, I had to release it. I can't control what I hear. And your thoughts were a lot louder than anyone else's."
Nami swallowed, blinking several times. "You...can hear thoughts," she repeated quietly. Karimi shrugged a shoulder and gave a quick nod, pulling one if her boots back on now. "Th...that's..."
"Something that would have made you all a lot less likely to have me along had you known it off the rip," Karimi finished for her, sighing. Maybe not Luffy—it was incredibly likely he would have been in awe. "And for the record, I'm not using it right now. Shanks was able to help me learn to control it to some extent."
Nami nodded, standing with Karimi as she finished tugging her other boot on. "You...said your village was destroyed." She cut her eyes at Nami, taking her bottle of wine back when the orange-haired girl offered it to her. "Was it pirates?"
"Marines." She took a swig from the bottle, slinging an arm around Nami's shoulders. "There's good eggs and bad eggs in every batch. I don't like Marines on the whole, but there are a few exceptions. You don't like pirates," she went on as they crossed dock, "but I think you've seen enough to know that there are a few exceptions."
Karimi offered her the bottle of wine with a wry smile, and Nami took it, taking a drink from it. "Yeah," she agreed, staring up at the Merry as they stopped in front of it. "I guess there are."
Nami had to help her back onto the ship—she had definitely gone way too heavy on the drink tonight, something she rarely did and was sure she would be embarrassed about in the morning, but right now she didn't care. Right now, falling back into an empty hammock and tucking her hands behind her neck, all Karimi cared to give her time and attention to was the sweet release of sleep.
Hopefully a dreamless sleep, devoid of the annoyances and terrors of the waking world.
Hopefully devoid of her harebrained promise to serve a surly pirate warlord if he would leave an acquaintance she had met literal days ago alive.
Devoid of the heartbroken look on Luffy's face when he realized Nami was leaving—when he realized she was leaving.
Empty, dreamless, not a single thought of the face on the wanted poster she carried with her everywhere, the face she had watched break into desperate tears ten years ago, beg to let her granddaughter live, just let her live, she would give anything, she didn't care if they killed her—
Karimi's eyes snapped open.
And then they shut in an instant against the persistent and painful rays of the morning sun pouring throughtthe rounded window across from her.
As she did every morning, she started to focus, to employ her haki and drown out the mindless chatter in her head...and then she stopped.
She stooped as she heard the desperation, the horror outside the ship.
And she scrambled to her feet, stumbling out of the cabin to lean against the railing around the deck if the ship.
Just in time to watch Mihawk draw his sword from his back.
To watch him pull it down in a clean slash.
Watch Zoro fall to his knees and onto his back.
She sank down onto her own knees, exhaling a slow sigh, eyes wide and hands gripping at the railing around the deck. There, then, was her answer. There, in the form of one if her newest friends bleeding out in front of Baratie, clinging to the edge of life, certain to slip away at any moment.
"I hope you've already packed your things."
And she froze.
Karimi lifted her head slowly, meeting his yellow eyes as he stood over her, his arms crossed. Her brow furrowed as she glanced out toward the deck of Baratie, watching as the others surrounded Zoro, trying to keep him awake. She looked back at Mihawk, gritting her teeth.
"He's almost dead, you—"
"Almost, yes." He leaned his elbow against the railing if the ship. "And if he can't survive that, then he wasn't worth my time to begin with."
Oh, the complete bastard.
He had left Zoro clinging to the edge of life, and he still expected her to keep up her end of the deal.
And yet...she had set the terms herself.
"F...fine," she said, pulling herself to her feet. She cast a glance down toward the docks, her heart clenching in her chest at the sight of Luffy kneeling over his first mate. "Just...let me say goodbye."
"Are you that close with them?" he asked, and the amusement in his tone was enough to boil her blood. She cast a glare over her shoulder in his direction, and he simply shrugged a shoulder. "Fine. You have an hour." He took a step closer, seizing her by her chin, his eyes searching hers for any sign of defiance. "Gather your belongings..." He leaned in closer, his forehead barely touching hers, the wide brim of his hat shadowing both of their faces. "...and your wits, and we'll be off."
His amusement was clear to her in more than just his gaze or his tone—Karimi could hear it in his head, hear just how pleased he was with himself as he left the ship.
And she didn't want to hear it for another second.
Karimi quickly employed her haki, shoved her walls up as high they could go, and watched him head down the docks, lowering herself back down to her knees to watch him through the railing. Her heart pounding, her bottom lip trembling, she knew she had no choice.
She had made her her bed amd now she had no choice to lie in it.
She had told him she would be his...and now she was.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter thirteen
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.6k
my masterlist
series masterlist
~Rafe's POV~
"Rafe, bro, I am so god damn serious right now if that wasn't my sister I would've thrown one your way, man." Kegs says to me, lighting up a j as we stand in the parking lot of the theatre, leaning against my bike and watching the screen burn and smoke and ash fly into the sky.
"Yeah, I get that." I respond, holding my hand out for him to pass it to me.
"What's up with her now, anyways?" He asks, taking a hit before passing the joint over. I take a drag as well before answering.
"She's staying at John B's." I answer, blowing the smoke out of my lungs.
"I figured that much." Kegs chuckles. "I meant more what's happening between you guys."
"Oh, yeah, uh.." I take another hit and hand it back. "Not fully sure, man, to be honest." I lie, avoiding eye contact as I hand him his weed back. It's not completely a lie. I mean, I know in my gut that I want to be with her. She's all I've been able to think about for a while now, even before I offered her a ride home on the night of the storm, but Snowy had never looked twice at me before then, I just don't know what she wants. Or how she feels. I just know that it took everything in me to leave her standing behind the burning screen as she cried over what we did to her friends. Fuck- it makes me sick remembering how she watched me walk away, the way her long, red hair hung down in front of her, and her cute little shorts. I need to stop. I just need this high to kick in so I don't think about it anymore.
"Really? 'Cause that's not what that video of you guys making out at Kelce's made it seem like." Fuck.. Someone filmed that? I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "I don't think I need to mention what I'll do to you if you hurt her."
"Yeah, man, of course. I wouldn't do that." I mumble.
"Dude, I'm serious. You haven't had a serious girlfriend the whole time I've known you." Kegs laughs and I shrug.
"I've just never had a nice girl." I chuckle.
"Snowy is nice." Kegs says, nudging me. "Listen, I'm not trying to scare you. You know that. I just don't want her to be another chick you hit and quit. She deserves better." I know that. She deserves better than me at my best, honestly.
"I agree." I tell him. "I don't know what she's doing hanging out with those pogues anyways." I say, in attempt to change the subject.
"Yeah, I mean, she thinks they make her happy." He shrugs. "She doesn't get that in the long run, like, she won't want to live on the cut forever. She'll marry that JJ kid and stay at her three jobs until the day she dies, funding his drug addiction." I feel my teeth grinding just at the thought of that. She deserves everything. I want to give her everything. I'm being crazy- I hardly know her, yet.
"Listen, I better dip. I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask, grabbing my helmet and straddling my bike.
"Yeah, of course man." Kegs nods, handing me the j for one last hit before I leave. I take it, then pull my helmet down and start my bike. Snowy wouldn't want me to drive high. I find myself pushing those kind of thoughts out of my head more and more.
I get home, and my dad has this great idea, more like demand, that I invite Snowy to Midsummers this weekend as my date, obviously to keep up appearances. I love that idea, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it, but I didn't want to put her out of her way, and I couldn't imagine she would want to come. Especially after she just hardly forgave me for what we didI don't have much of a choice now anyways.
I'm on my way home from the gym, and I see her old, beat up car parked outside the coffee shop she works at. Now is a better time than ever, I suppose. I park outside and sit on my bike for a minute after I take off my helmet, looking inside through the window. I don't see her, but I don't see anyone else either. It's perfect.
I take a deep breath before I get off, putting my helmet on the back and approaching the door. My hands already feel sweaty. Gross. I wipe them on my shorts and then look at my reflection in the glass, quickly making sure my hair looks okay before I open the door and walk in.
"Good morning, what can I get for you?" Snowy asks as she walks out from the back, customer service voice in full swing. She has her hair up in a ponytail that looks like it could fall out at any minute, and wearing these leggings that hug her curves perfectly. She is so pretty. She wipes her hands on her apron, since they're dripping wet. She was probably doing dishes- I feel guilty for interrupting.
"Iced Caramel Macchiato please." I say, trying to mimic her from when she ordered those for us the other day. She looks up, her face relaxing into a more genuine smile. It is so contagious.
"Oh, hey." She says, reaching down and clicking a few buttons on the register. "Just get back from the gym?"
I laugh slightly, gesturing down to my clothes. "How could you tell?"
"Just a guess." She shrugs, walking over to the espresso machine.
"So, uh, I needed to talk to you about something." I say, and she hums back in hesitant acknowledgment as I rub the back of my neck. I'm sweating like crazy- it's hot in here for it being before 8 am. "There's this thing this weekend, kind of a big deal apparently, and I was wondering if you would be okay with going with me?" I internally cringe at the way I said that. God- that probably made no sense.
"Midsummers?" She asks, pausing making the drink to look up at me. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach, just looking at her brown eyes.
"Yeah, that. My dad is getting some sort of award or something." I explain. "So? What do you think?"
"Uhm.." She pauses, clearly thinking. Great. I screwed this up with her already. Of course, I saw this coming- she should still be mad at me. "I would love to, I really would, but I don't think I'd be welcome there. Besides, I don't own anything even remotely appropriate to wear." She replies, with a nervous-sounding laugh.
"If you're my date, you'll be welcomed. Besides, my dad wants you there." I tell her, smiling despite how anxious I'm feeling.
"Ward? He specifically requested that I come?" Snowy raises her eyebrow at me, getting back to working.
"As a matter of fact he did- I can tell you don't believe me, but he loves Kegs, and he wanted me to bring someone to keep up appearances, since he's the guest of honour or whatever." I say, immediately hearing how bad that sounded. "Not like- fuck, that sounded bad. Not like I don't want you there." I laugh nervously. "I do want you there, and so does my dad. There. That's what I meant to say." This is humiliating. I'm waiting for her to laugh in my face- even though I know she would never do that. She's too kind.
"Okay.." She nods, placing my drink up on the counter in front of me. "I still don't have anything I could wear. I just don't want to embarrass you. I'm sorry. Maybe ask one of Sarah's friends? I'm sure they would be all over you." She jokes.
"That's the easiest problem to solve." I dismiss her comment. "I've got it. Here.." I say, pulling out my wallet and digging around for the bills I'm looking for.
"Oh my god, Rafe, no. I seriously can't let you give me any money. I can borrow something from Kie, maybe. I'll sort it out. I'd love to go." Snowy says quickly, shaking her head at me. She is so cute.
"Okay fine, then this for my drink." I say, placing eight hundred's on the counter. She just looks at me, as if to say 'come on, seriously?' and that makes me laugh.
"Your drink is free." She replies, crossing her arms. "On me."
"Oh, thank you. How sweet. Then that's a tip." I grin, pointing at the cash and she rolls her eyes.
"I'll pay you back, Rafe." She sighs, picking up the money and folding it before putting it in her pocket. "Thank you." Snowy says honestly, looking back up at me.
"Don't worry about it. I really want you to come." I say as I pick up my drink. "Can I pick you up from John B's at 3 and you can get ready with Sarah? That's a thing girls do, right?" I laugh, totally unsure. I've just seen that in movies.
"Yeah, totally." Snowy laughs, leaning her elbows on the counter. "I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too." I smile, taking a sip of my drink. "This is good, I need to come while you're working more often, Juliette." I tease her, reaching down and flick her name tag.
"Oh my god, ew. If you keep calling me that I'll get you banned!" Snowy laughs, swatting my hand away.
"I gotta run, but I'll talk to you later?" I suggest and she nods.
"Of course. Thanks again, Rafe." She says as I wave and start to head for the door.
"Oh, and one condition on me paying for your dress," I say, turning as I walk back toward the door. "Send me pictures of everything you try on." I wink, seeing her roll her eyes.
"Bye, Rafe." She giggles, waving me off. I don't know when I stopped feeling nervous, but I leave feeling much better than I did when I walked in.
A/N; Bet y'all didn't see his POV coming lol I hope you liked it though! I tried my best but as always feedback is appreciated :) -R
taglist: @boo22sstuff @madelynie (you mentioned you liked this series so i added you but lmk if you want to be removed!!)
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mtreebeardiles · 5 months
Things I'd like to know about my fellow writers
Tagged by @illusivesoul -- many thanks!
Tagging uh... um. All of you. Any writer who sees this and wants to participate
Last book I read: oh god I read a lot of books at the same time uhhh hmm I did recently finish Claudia Gray's The Fallen Star (book three in the High Republic books) and am emotionally compromised about it
Greatest literary inspiration: Ooh, gotta be Tamora Pierce. Amazing world building, great characters, a wonderfully down-to-earth writing style you don't often see in the high fantasy genre. Good stuff all around.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: luckily for me someone IS writing WWII crossover fics ( <3 @theoriginalladya ). Otherwise it's less an issue of not wanting to write something and more an issue of not feeling like I can pull it off as well or else not having the energy to do so
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: Guardian Angel x Songbird in a borderlands/cyberpunk crossover/au. The entire concept of the second part of my ME:A long fic because I go even more off-script -- talking Kett characters from beyond the heleus cluster, AI fuckery, poking at the jaardan, and yeah. Stuff. Probably why I'm struggling so hard to finish the first part, eh?
You can recognize my writing by: excessive love of commas and semicolons; third person with a stream of consciousness touch. a rousing game of "is this a run-on sentence or does the comma negate that" (it DOES, i swear).
My most controversial take (current fandom): Hoo boy okay uhhh
For Mass Effect: ... I don't ship shakarian and I don't ship Talibrations. If I were to write anything with Garrus it'd probably be an OC or someone with less established interactions in canon, because i feel Garrus's canonical depictions are all over the fucking place. And I just really like Tali with Traynor /shrug
ME:A is a good game. Cry about it. (as in im crying about it because chances are high they won't let us go back)
Top three favourite tropes: idk if this is a trope per se or if it is idk what it's called but I'm such a sucker for people being super dorky in their relationships. Absolute nerds. Hmm I also like "saved" by the narrative -- characters who have to face the consequences of making it out alive and figuring out what that means. Found family is another goodie.
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): 0.5 -- i wrote like! Some sentences recently! Ayyy!
Share a random frustration: I think I need a different dedicated writing space. My current office is just too "this is the place you work" and it just adds to the already pervasive sense of burnout.
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lifesver · 10 months
NAME :  kels
PRONOUNS :  she/they/he
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : ims on here are fine, im kind of bad at discord until i know people better, but i prefer to talk to my pals on discord obvi
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : leland mckinney, tommy jarvis, jake park are most recent. but we were also out here for a long while w richie tozier and five hargreeves.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : oh god uh........... it really goes back to something like 2013? like i started in oc rp groups on and off mostly, i think i didn't get into actual tumblr rpc until maybe 2018? and w leland well we have been out here since last may agjsdk
BEST  EXPERIENCE : honestly like... as much as i sometimes still get embarrassed trying to explain [scare chord] Tumblr Roleplay to people outside of this particular circle, it's been such a large part of my enjoyment online for years and years. i've met some really close friends here, i've done some of my best writing here. and a lot of it is just the ability to bounce off my friends and their huge brain ideas. collaborative writing, to me, is just so much more fun than doing it alone. i really like taking one character and getting just way too deep into who they are, i like learning and picking things up from the variety of other writers on here. improving my writing from reading what my super talented friends do... and in particular this last year has been probably??? one of my most positive rpc experiences in a long while. having people jump into the tcsm rpc, making new friends, and putting together just completely off the shits wild aus and whatever. idk! my creative brain loves to go stupid mode in the paint. and besties we have written some good fucking horror narrative on this stupid website.
and also i'm cringe and i'm free (:
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  i'm kind of just chilling like i really am very much non-confrontational in this space because it's... for fun. it's just imaginary internet collaborative writing hobby. mainly i just don't need passive aggression of any kind. i believe that you kind of get back what you put in on this kind of space, so make it comfortable for yourself, be kind to others, and understanding as often as you can be. if people aren't hurting anyone, let them vibe in their own space. not everyone has endless time anymore for rp, so don't make it weird or take it personally when people take time to get back to you about plots, or if they never get time. soft and hardblock as you need to to make your space chill for You it's just never that deep
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : we like a bit of everything in this house (except anything remotely usfw goes to usfw shadow realm blog). like be serious i am always in the horror rpc for the angst and suffering and exploration of trauma but that needs to be balanced out by fluff and gentle vibes. [loudly into the megaphone] its about LOVE and HORROR-
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :  i like both! i think it's easiest to get things rolling with just whatever memes thrown my way and vice versa. i love plotting stuff out, but sometimes that takes a bit of existing in each others rpc space for a while. so i can be sort of slow w building dynamics, but i do like to!
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : i don't mind either, it's kind of refreshing to switch between the two, more rapid fire stuff is nice esp to start with, though i am known to be insane in the reply lengths for some prompts once stuff is plotted out.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  i'm a morning person it's very cringe
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : idk if much really? but i do bring a sort of idiot jock(joth) energy to the function at times. i def project on him on the emotions side i think. and truly whoever i write at a given time reflects a bit on me bc hyperfixation go brrr
TAGGED  BY  :   did steal this from tsari thank u legend TAGGING  :  hands u it
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slasher-jax · 22 days
For all your OC
Who are you and Why you think you exist?
Sorry this took so long, I have over 30 ocs
Cole Jane Rhue
"Uh, I'm Cole Rhue, AKA C-4. I don't know why I exist, but I think it might be because my parents didn't know how to use protection."
Cindy Clare Collins
"Uhm- I'm Cindy, and I don't exist, I'm dead."
Genie Uzu Xyno
"Ooh! I'm Genie, but you can call me Gene, or Z. I exist to help people of course, being a herb witch and all."
Vincent Zeno Clark
"Uh- I'm Vincent Clark. I don't know why I exist, probably because my mom's a whore."
Jordy Clark Stevens
"Uhm- Hi, I-I'm Jordy, and I exist solely for Zara."
Zara Trudy Freeman
"Get- GET AWAY FROM ME-" *several minutes later* "I'm Zara, please save me- AGHH-" *fifteen minutes later* "I'm Zara and I exist for Jordy."
"I'm Jaxon, please call me Jax. And I exist to write and draw!"
Jared Ford Thompson
"Fuck off." *one ass beat later* "I'm Jared and I exist to fuck your mom."
Bones the Skeleton Clown
"I'm Bones, and I exist to make you laugh!"
Winifred Iris Afton
"I'm Winnie, and I exist because my sister needed someone to be better than."
Rosabelle Krista Stuarts
"Oh- HI!! I'm Rosabelle, and I exist because Jax tends to get baby fever despite only being 15 I'm adorable!"
Test Subject 1593
"*cries* I don't have a name."
Gina Clark Lewis
"I'm Gina, I exist for population control."
Francine James Graham
"Just a question, you do realize that I'm about to kill you, yeah?"
Vesper Hugo Daniels
"I'm Vesper, and I exist to fight for this country."
Vivian Hill Daniels
"What kinda quesion is that? I'm Vivian, and I exist because Vesper chose not to eat me in the womb."
Caecilius Alastar Mori
"I'm Caecilius, I know it's a mouthful, just call me Cae, and I exist to protect the royal family."
Bowie Daniel Remington
Celyn Hira Pekkanen
"Celyn, I exist to fuck with Christina."
Christina Babirye Nolan
"I'm Christina, I guess I exist to clean Celyn's messes for them."
Courtney Imani Paige
"Hi, Courtney -CARAMEL APPLE MOCHA FOR JOSH- and I exist to fill the gap that was made for people's coffee in the mornings."
Porphyrios Hadriana Hepburn
"Are-Are you joking right now? My name is Porphyrios, child of Hades and Persephone, the god of death. I exist to ensure Percy Jackson makes it to and from missions mostly unharmed, which is pretty funny considering I'm the god of death."
Chrissy Carolina Mollown
"Oh! Hi! I'm Chrissy. I'm exist to make everyone's day a little brighter!"
Valeria Nikhila Janda
"The fuck d'you want? Yah, yah, whatever. I'm Valeria Nikhila Janda, I exist because my mom decided to fuck Satan."
Caroline Zitkala Merkel
"Oh! Hi! Hehe. I'm Caroline, and I exist because Jax decided he didn't have enough assassin ocs, hehe."
Isabelle Erna Nicholson
"Hmm? You can call me Ms.Nicholson, I exist because Jax was going through a I wanna be a teacher phase."
Florian Herminia Cano
"Huh? O-oh, I'm F-Florian. I-I don't know why I exist."
Jace Verian Taylor
"... *stabs you*"
Tags: @zeroisreallygood @puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @im-a-simp898 @th3-r4t-48 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tags @corinneglass and @cowboybrunch!
OC Questionaire
My questions:
1) What is your defining trait?
2) What toxic thoughts do you struggle with?
3) What is your purpose in life?
4) What's your retirement plan?
5) Do you have a favorite memory?
6) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three objects would you take with you?
By the power of random number generator, I choose Mashal!
What is your defining trait?
"Oh, uh, I guess you'd have to ask someone else. It can be kinda hard to know how you come off to other people, you know? I'd like to think my defining trait is my honor. I've always had a sense for right and wrong, and even though I make mistakes sometimes, I always try my best to be a moral person."
What toxic thoughts do you struggle with?
"I get this... itch around magic. Like a little voice telling me to run or hide or fight to survive. It makes me want to hurt people, because deep in my heart, I think it's the only way to stay alive. It frightens me."
What is your purpose in life?
"To protect. I might've been a different man when I swore my oath of knighthood, but I still hold the vow I took dear to my heart. I exist for many reasons, and I have many purposes, but the biggest one will always be to protect people from harm."
What's your retirement plan?
"My.... Oh, ok, well this is going to sound silly, but after I have my body back and all this nonsense with Vermir is over, I'd- I'd like to settle down with Astra. Ok, not settle down exactly. She'd lose her mind staying in one place for too long. But traveling sounds nice! We could see the world, meet new people. May- maybe I'd propose someday. I've always wanted kids, you know? Oh gods, this has got me all flustered..."
Do you have a favorite memory?
"I have a lot of good memories for a guy who only has two month's worth of memories. Favorite is a lofty title, though. Getting my new face was wonderful, so was meeting a true robot for the first time, even if I have some conflicted feelings about that. I also hold a special place in my heart for ramming a sword into Vermir's guts. It didn't work out how I hoped, but it was still damn satisfying."
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three objects would you take with you?
"Well, I would say food, water, and matches, but I don't need to eat, drink, or stay warm anymore. In that case, I'd say my sketchbook, a flare, and one of those floaty buoy things. That way, I won't get too bored, I'll have a way to signal ships, and I'll be able to float if the water ever gets too high. Islands are not a good place for someone who can't swim."
I'll tag @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @pluto-murphy-writes @just-emis-blog @honeybewrites and anyone else who wants in :)
Your questions:
1) How would you describe your fashion sense?
2) What is your level of education?
3) Do you collect anything? If not, what would you collect hypothetically?
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firecoloredwater · 1 year
Fic authors self rec!
Oh boy I've been tagged twice now, by @planeoftheeclectic and @denialcity. Thank you both!
(And uh, since I somehow didn't actually get notifications for either of those and just noticed while scrolling, if anyone else has tagged me in... anything, really, and I didn't respond, sorry about that! Tumblr is being tumblr apparently.)
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Going to tag uhhhh @domoz @asukaskerian and uhhh what's a people I've never met a people in my life. what's a tag. I'll go shake discord a bit and come back with more tags in a reblog probably.
These are... not in any particular order of preference, I will just make question marks for a year if I try to sort them that way, so this is just the order I grabbed the links in. Which means newest to oldest.
1: Roots Grow Up - Naruto (Founders)
I still don't like the title, but I like basically everything else in this fic (including one detail I've decided on but not posted yet so... can't say). I am planning to add more, but the first chapter (which is all that's posted now) stands alone pretty well, since I wasn't sure whether I'd continue it at all when I first posted it.
The premise is that Kawarama didn't die, but instead lost his memory and has been living as a civilian farmer when Hashirama and Tobirama find him, a few years after founding Konoha. 0 people were prepared for this discovery.
It's been fifteen years since Isamu was found, badly injured and unconscious in the forest. He woke up with amnesia, but his origin was pretty obvious, so he doesn't even miss the memories. It's been fifteen years. He's grown up, earned a place in the town that took him in, and even gotten married. His not-so-mysterious past doesn't matter. Not until shinobi wander into town, anyway.
2: Blessed Sacrifice AU - Naruto (Founders)
Cowritten with @codedredalert aka @denialcity, on hiatus while we both deal with Life, but there's a large and excellent chunk up already and so many cool things planned. So many!!!
Also, turns out I REALLY LIKE cowriting. Which is kind of old news because I've been doing forum RP for a decade+, but I wasn't sure if that would translate to fic. Turns out the answer is definitely yes.
BSAU is basically taking the "red eyes blessed" trope and digging into the like... worldbuilding repercussions of that, as shown through Izuna. And also crows.
Also comes with LOTS of fantastic art from Red!
Mythology-religion freeform AU where Tobirama is considered blessed by the gods by the Uchiha, but they still need to deal with him as an enemy, so Izuna is ritually disowned from the Uchiha and given a special role responsible for protecting/fighting him.
3: Somebody Else's Dream - Girl Genius
Written as a gift for khilari! I can't remember what the exact prompt was, but I ended up writing an elaboration on the canon detail that Mechanicsburg was founded when a Heterodyne decided he wanted a town, so he just had his people build one.
The main character is an OC who was kidnapped to become a non-military member of the town, and the story is about how he ends up settling in. It's a very weird balance of a "finding your place in the world" story and "this is still kidnapping actually," and I don't think it would work in most fandoms, but since Girl Genius canon is a perpetual balance of heartwarming and "wow that is somehow worse than a war crime" already, I think it worked out really well, and I'm still very proud of it.
Also I suffered over the accents in this. But it worked!
Faustus Heterodyne wants civilians for his newly built town. What the civilians want is generally different.
4: Jager Search - Girl Genius
Also written as a gift, this time for sparkagatha. It's the future, *vague handwave* everything is resolved, the OT3 are together and Klaus has accepted that he can leave Agatha alone and the revenants are being cured, happily ever after.
...except that some of the "wild" jagers are still missing. So Agatha sets out to find them.
Not much to say really; I can see spots where I'd write it differently if I wrote it now, but that's mostly things like "would have slightly changed the characterization," not big issues, and overall it still holds up very well for being... close to eight years old.
Most of the detached jägers heard of the Heterodyne's return and came home, but a few are still missing. Agatha learns this, and decides to fix it.
5: Didn't Dream This - Death Note
Oh if I wrote this now tumblr would annihilate me. ~Problematic~ yay!
I'm not sure I'd say this is a good fic--if I was writing it now I'd write it so differently that it just would be a different fic--but I was clearly working out something about sexuality and relationships and the stuff (not) in my head that I've ended up labeling "being aro."
Basically: Mello and Matt are straight, and they decide to be together anyway. I'm glad I wrote it, partly because I know I wouldn't think or dare to write it now.
Mello doesn't want to die alone. Solutions can exist without working out the way anyone wants. (Psychologically intimate interaction is really a better description than romance.)
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faithinhome · 2 years
Neighbor Next Door- Stephen Strange x Female OC
18+ | Minors DNI
Summary: anna had always thought the doctor next door was attractive. and one interaction left her itching to get more of him.
Tags: age gap (25F & 40M), cheating (but not in the way you’d think), strong language, smut.
Chapter 2: Trashy
Tumblr media
it was a party for a group of tech specialists, scientists and doctors. and since wanda was the only friend in the group that actually had a career (she worked in tech), she'd been invited and decided to take sam and anna along.
"this is so cool" anna squealed as she blended her blush into her cheeks. "i've never been to such a professional party before. i hope i don't screw it up"
"don't worry about it" wanda chuckled. "everyone knows each other. and they're gonna get pretty shit faced too. it's a once in a year party and no one expects you to be professional. as long as you don't take your pants off"
"is that something that's happened before?" sam asked with a raised brow as he walked into anna’s room.
"oh yeah" wanda laughed. "i'll tell you all about it in the cab."
anna was dressed in a strawberry coloured dress that hugged her waist. it had a deep neckline, exposing her cleavage and it went down to about 2 inches above her knees.
wanda wore a beautiful silk dress that draped below her knees and sam wore a caramel suit, paired with a white shirt and a black tie. anna had left her hair loose, as she did most of the time.
once at the party, wanda had left them briefly to interact with some colleagues.
"this is a lot better than the after parties i get invited to after your band performs" anna teased sam.
sam rolled his eyes and shook his head. "liar. all the groupies literally end up with you the entire night. and you love it"
anna laughed and nodded. "true. they're hot. i love it when hot women pay me attention. what's there not to love?"
sams eyes flickered over to the crowd and he spotted a certain man in a black suit who'd stepped in alone, dressed in a black suit with grey steaks in his hair. "well, i guess you got something of an equivalent of groupies right here at this party"
anna followed sam's gaze, her heart leaping as she saw stephen strange. "oh, my god!"
"remember how wanda said everyone's gonna get shit faced?" she suggested with a wide smile. "oh man, i'd love to see stephen strange get shit faced"
sam chuckled and shrugged. "just don't go bothering him. remember-"
"he's married" anna finished the sentence for him. “i know, sammy. i know"
"just making sure you're reminded once in a while" he winked.
anna had remembered, she truly had. but once sam had left to go to the bathroom because the vodka made him want to shit for some reason and wanda needed to go meet some more colleagues, she made her way to where stephen was standing alone by the bar.
maybe sam should have known better to leave a drunk (and horny) anna alone. she'd just blame him later. because right now, she just yearned to have a conversation with the pretty neighbour that intrigued her everyday since he’d moved in next to her.
"hi, doc!" anna cheered as she took a seat on a stool next to him, remembering beck to when she saw him the last time... and he was shirtless.
that hunk of a body was still under that shirt. and that was the only thing she could think about right now.
"oh hey, neighbor" strange nodded, before thanking the bartender for his drink.
"you do know my name right?" anna chuckled and strange immediately knew she was tipsy.
"uh" strange was stumped for words and her eyes widened.
"anna” she said, not feeling as cheerful anymore. he’s a doctor so he probably had perfect memory. but he didn't even remember her name.
"right, anna. i'm sorry" he said. "i'm afraid we never really were properly introduced"
she nodded thoughtfully. that was true. she'd never even told the man her name. so there was nothing to remember, right?
strange liked the way her name slipped off his tongue and she looked absolutely stunning. it was a little hard to look away.
"so, how are you liking the party so far?" anna asked, scanning the hall.
"it's alright" strange shrugged. "had to come in to keep up appearances."
anna nodded, her face lighting up. "look, they got ice cream! do you wanna go get some?"
strange hesitated for a few moments but shrugged. "i mean, why not?"
stephen strange didn't really have a lot of friends. he didn't get along with the people he worked with, or people that were a part of his social circle through his profession. and since christine was sick and had to stay home, he might as well try to have a bit of a good time with the one person he knew here.
he didn't mind being around anna because she didn't have an air of superiority around her, like everyone else he knew did. himself included. you can't put two arrogant people together and expect them to get along.
anna ordered a vanilla ice cream while he got a scoop of the butterscotch.
"i like vanilla" she piped up. "just vanilla alone. i know people think it's bland. but like, it's perfect"
stepgen smiled softly as he looked over at her. "i get it. thanks for the cupcakes, by the way. they were great"
"wanna know a secret? i didn't even make them. my bestfriend did"
"oh?" strange raised a brow.
"yeah, just wanted to impress my neighbours"
"why so?" strange asked with a raised brow, a soft smile growing on his face.
anna caught a whiff of strange's scent and she bit on her lip, looking up at him.
he was the reason.
his eyes, his nose, his high cheekbones and his lips. yeah, anna really shouldn't be doing this while she was drunk.
"just wanted to be friendly" she shrugged as she ate at her ice cream.
she wondered if strange felt the way she did, as well. even just a little bit?
he seemed pretty normal, he was talking to her like he would to a normal person he didn't find attractive.
but then again, so was she. or could strange tell? was there any tension?
she had no idea.
all she knew was the more she paid attention to his arms and the way they flexed, she felt heat flush down there and her thoughts were turning dirty.
god, why did men have such attractive arms?
and it almost ached to know she couldn't just throw herself at him.
"so, what do you do, anna?” strange asked. "anything you're passionate about?"
i’m passionate about you.
"um yeah it's lame" she started with a shrug. "believe it or not, i'm actually a ghostwriter"
"oh?" strange was definitely interested. "interesting. how did you get about doing that?"
"started doing a bit of it when i was in school" anna shrugged. "just to make some money and well, i always loved music. and writing music. actually kinda like it"
strange liked credit. he wondered why people ever chose to do something like that. but he didn't ask her that.
"and then kind of started getting more gigs" she said. "and now there's a couple artists i work for. still not exactly the most secure job. but i enjoy it. pays well too"
"that's quite interesting" strange nodded. "didn't know you had a talent for music. i'm not exactly the most musically inclined person but i love music. so important what artists do"
a wide smile formed on anna’s face as she looked up at strange with an increased admiration. "you know, doctors or like other scientifically inclined people never really say that. i mostly get looked down upon. especially since i ghostwrite."
strange smiled at her words and nodded. it did feel good to be humble sometimes. especially seeing how happy that comment seemed to have made her. and he just felt naturally inclined to be.. good to her.
but then again, that's how infatuation worked
humans were selfish and convenient that way.
"i'm sorry you've had that experience"
“thank you.” anna smiled.
so not was he extremely hot, he was also nice to her. and sam expected her to not want to fuck him.
sam finally came out of the bathroom and spotted strange and anna together, shaking his head, hoping she wasn't doing anything stupid or out of line.
"is there anything else you... are passionate about?" anna spoke in a low seductive voice. the man treating her so well was turning her on even more and she couldn't control the way she felt herself shift. she brought the spoon up to her mouth and ice cream dropped right on her chest, and on her exposed cleavage.
strange watched as anna gasped and looked down, biting her lip. and for some reason, he couldn't look away as she used her finger to scoop it up before sucking on her finger.
she glanced momentarily at strange, blinking through her lashes.
time seemed to work slowly for both of them, especially anna. she was nothing but a bundle of hormones right now.
strange felt his mouth go dry as he watched her, letting out a soft breath.
"i uh," he looked away, realizing he'd been staring too much. "i like to read."
this was sam's cue. he popped up, interlacing his arm with anna’s. "hi guys!"
strange looked over at him, momentarily glancing at their interlaced arms.
"i'm so sorry to break up the conversation" he said with a smile. "but uh, someone's in the bathroom throwing up." he looked up at strange. "don't wanna name names. kind of our friend. and uh, we should probably go help them out."
anna raised her brows. "oh, okay?"
he took the ice cream and threw it in the trash before dragging her away and waving at strange.
"dude, what the fuck?"
"what the hell do you think you were doing?" sam hissed. "you've crossed the line, anna. this is fucking pathetic and you need to stop."
anna was taken aback by sam's tone. she looked up at him in frustration and shook her head. "what the hell are you so mad about?"
"you're being a fucking awful person right now."
anna shook her head, feeling anger bubble up. he was probably right but she felt so embarassed, she couldn't think of anything else but acting in a defensive manner.
"the fuck?" she shook her head and pulled away. "just, fuck off."
she left and glanced over at strange, who was looking at her in a confused manner. she felt so embarassed, she felt the need to leave. she paced toward the door, letting out a soft huff.
wanda grabbed her, making her jump. "where do you think you're going?"
"home" anna spoke through gritted teeth. "sam's being an ass."
"yeah but you're drunk" she said, her eyes glassy. she was clearly also a little drunk.
also she had witnessed the situation that sam had dragged anna away from. and honestly, she was a little turned on. she had no idea what it was.
maybe it was the alocohol. but right now, if stephen didn't fall for that, she definitely was inclined to take anna right now.
anna and wanda wound up on the bathroom floor, and anna had spilled the beans.
anna sighed. "well, so are you. so now what?"
"talk to me" wanda smiled. "tell me what's going on with you and the doc. no judgement, promise."
" i don't get it" wanda started. "so you don't want to go out with him but you want his attention. you don't want to come in between him and christine but you want him to pay attention to you, in more... intimate ways?"
anna sighed and gazed up at the ceiling. "okay, i can see now why sam's so annoyed with me"
wanda chuckled softly and shook her head. "so are you looking for advice or just some emotional one on one?"
"i don't know" anna sighed and gazed over at wanda, watching as a strand of hair fell from behind her ear. she looked gorgeous under the bathroom light, her skin was glowing. "i guess i just don't wanna think about it right now. what about you? anyone hit on you?"
wanda chuckled and gazed over at her best friend,her heart picking up slightly. "no. i don't think they can. not here."
"well it must have been pretty hard for them to hold back" anna chuckled softly, studying over wanda's features. "i mean you look stunning today. like a fucking goddess"
wanda laughed, heat rushing to her cheeks. "no, i think that's you. i saw your ice cream incident back with the doc there. pretty sexy".
"he didn't seem to think so. i mean, he is married and loyal so."
"well, i do" wanda spoke softly, gazing intently at her, a small smile on her face. "and bonus, i'm not married."
anna could only blush and laugh in response. she didn’t know what to say. if her and stephen didn’t have any tension, they sure did, right this very moment.
"i... have an idea for what might make you feel better" wanda spoke softly, shifting closely.
anna could definitely feel the tension. and she was totally intoxicated by it.
"yeah?" she barely whispered in response.
wanda hummed in response as she leaned in, lifting anna’s chin and gazing into her eyes.
anna looked up at wanda, feeling her stomach coil as she gazed into wanda's eyes. she leaned in closer, as if giving permission and wanda went in, locking anna's lips with her.
soon the two were stumbling into a stall, anna locking the door.
anna threw her head back and moaned softly as wanda nibbled at the soft skin of her neck, dress pooling by her ankles and bra on the floor, her fingers coiled in wanda's soft red hair. "gosh, wanda."
"are you sure?" wanda asked as she now had her bestfriend pressed against the door. anna faced the door, her cheek pressed against it as she stood naked in front of wanda, who had her dress on. but anna didn't care. she liked being on display for someone like that, it was thrilling.
"fuck yeah" anna huffed softly, whining as wanda pushed a finger inside of her.
anna spread her legs further. soon, the feeling of wanda's fingers inside of her, the thumb circling her clit and her other hand pawing at her breast caused a hot flush through her lower abdomen and she was coming hard and fast, trying her hardest to not be super loud. "fuck, wanda."
wanda straddled anna, now naked as well. anna took longer, kissing along wanda's skin, behind her ear, down her neck. she ran her thumb over wanda's nipple, watching as wanda bit her lip, whimpering softly and eyes fluttering shut.
a while passed and wanda was coming, her legs shaking as her back arched into anna's fingers. the two sat there, panting softly before they got dressed and decided to leave the bathroom one at a time.
wanda walked out first and anna followed. she scanned the hall and spotted stephen, who had also spotted her. he seemed intrigued and confused at her state. it seemed as if that he could figure out what had happened.
it’s as if he knew she was fucking her long term best friend in the bathroom literally an hour after she'd flirted with him, a married man.
and anna felt immensely embarassed at how trashy she was coming across. this definitely called for more alcohol.
a/n: what. the. fuck. bet you did not see that coming. i kept the smut short because as hot as they were, this fic is NOT about them. sorry, wanda. but it was fun to bring in a little twist. thank you so much to everyone who’s still reading and engaging w this fic !! i’m going to try and start uploading once a week! and thank you sm to everyone who asked to be on the reading taglist. it’s so exciting to see everyone’s response to something i’m having such a fun time writing! let me know what you thought about the chapter. does anna need to pump the brakes or do you give her a pass because i mean, it’s THE stephen strange we’re talking about?
also i’m SO sorry if their outfits are horrible lmao i’m NOT good with styling. but in my head, sam looks AMAZING in that caramel suit.
see you angels next week! stay blessed 🫶🏼
link to the fic index : Neighbor Next Door
@kentucky-criedfricken @sherlux @evelynrosestuff @thewinterpoet2 @lokislov3 @loolani @0p444ls
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sovvannight · 3 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @mac-lilly! Thanks - this was fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms, Teen Wolf, and Arrow
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Yes is Being My Answer (Arrow)
God Answers Every Question, But Sometimes the Answer is No (JatP)
The Total Agony of Being in Love (Arrow)
The Review (JatP)
The Loophole (JatP)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I usually don't, but that's something I really want to start doing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Momentary Distraction, a Stydia fic for Teen Wolf - I was trying to figure out how to work Stydia sex into the timeline around the season 3 finale without it causing canon to diverge, so I needed Stiles to still end up dating Malia. That meant Lydia had to pull away at the end.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Let's go with The Thief and the Dude of Honor, featuring Willie reuniting with his family and being 24 hours away from getting engaged! (The season 3/series finale will top that, but I haven't finished that yet so I can't count it.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I know of, although I was actually too afraid to read comments when I first started writing, so there could be hate in there and I just don't know.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes - 17 out of 73, about a quarter of my fics. I've written M/F, F/F, M/M, threesomes, and one orgy 😳. I tend to write relatively vanilla smut - no BDSM, nothing too kinky.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope. I know I had an idea for a Teen Wolf/Arrow crossover but I don't think I actually wrote anything for it, and it's certainly not finished and posted.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose between my children! Uh, let's say Juke since they're my current OTP.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
There's a Stydia WIP in my "Trunked" folder called "You Can't Spell Family without I-L(ove)-Y(ou)" that I really love - it's a teen parent, marriage-of-convenience-for-financial-aid fic. I was 78k in, but it probably would ended up being around 200k. And even now, I think about it, and it's like, you love that story, but do you really want to spend 6 months of your life writing something that will get like 4 kudos? But baby Allie is my all-time favorite OC, so... maybe someday.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization, maybe? And I'm good at pantsing, if that makes sense--for example, a thing happens at the end of season 2, leading into season 3. And all along part of me has been like, "But it makes no sense. Why would this happen?" but the rest of me was like, "I don't care, it's happening." And then I got to the point of actually writing the scene and it was like, oh, obviously, that's why this is happening, and it actually makes complete sense. Like, I make what feels like an off-the-cuff decision but it ends out playing out perfectly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description, the bane of all fanfic writers. I'm writing some ofic, and it's like, what do you mean, I have to describe this guy's apartment? (Also, what do you mean, I have to come up with a personality for my heroine? It's a struggle.) Too many compound sentences, too. Someone should take away the em-dash from me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I want to avoid it unless it's necessary. JatP Season 3 is probably going to need some Spanish, so that'll be a combo of class from 30 years ago and google translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
The Thief and the Dude of Honor.
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
Mixed Signals
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Chapter 2: Fallout
A family emergency forces Raph to confront his feelings.
Universe: TMNT (2007)
Relationship/s: Raphael/OC Vall Scott
Tag/s: Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, Awkward Flirting, Banter, Babysitting.
A/N: This story takes place prior to the events of Chapter 9 of my main story, To Build a Home.
TW! Blood and Gore (TV depiction).
Chapter 1
"Oh, God..." Val grimaced at the partially-devoured dead body lying in the centre of the screen.
Raph's smirk lingered over her as he slowly nibbled away at his popcorn. "Mmm, delicious!"
"Urgh! You're disgusting..."
The pair occupied either end of the three-seater couch; separated by a large bowl of overly salted popcorn, her bottle of water and his coke.
"Remind me again why ya watch these things?" The terrapin enquired, gesturing to the screen. They were following a disoriented Rick Grimes as he wandered through the abandoned hospital; bodies (soldier and civilian) and medical supplies strewn everywhere. "Gore is like, a given, in zombie media; and you can't stand it. Why torture yourself?"
Val covered her flushed cheeks with her palms. "I usually just skip the worst parts..."
"You're a weirdo," Raph chuckled, rolling his eyes as he returned his attention to the show.
A sudden commotion drew Rick's attention down an unexplored corridor; specifically, to a pair of swing doors at the end. As he warily approached, he found they had been chained shut. Several pairs of dirty hands reached through the tiny gap, accompanied by a collection of subdued moans. Lifting his gaze, he read the large, painted notice.
"Don't dead..." Val narrowed her eyes at the screen, confusion clear on her face. "Open... inside? What??"
Raph gawked at her. "You're joking... Val, please tell me you're joking..."
"It literally says: Don't Open, Dead Inside," he exclaimed, struggling to contain his laughter. "Not: Don't Dead, Open Inside!" The terrapin's hands flew to his face as he threw his head back; heaving a long, muffled groan. "Ohhh, my God..."
"Oh, c'mon!" Val shoved him playfully, causing a few popcorn pieces to spill out of the bowl. "You can't possibly sit there and tell me it doesn't read like that!"
"No, it doesn't; cos, unlike you, apparently - I can read! How the heck did ya manage to get that from that??"
"Any normal person would go left to right - not down."
"Well, any normal person would look at that and go: Hmm, what makes more sense: the nonsense you just spewed, or the right way?"
"But that's not the right way, though!" Val laughed.
"You're forgettin' the cultures that read vertically," Raph countered smugly. "Like the Japanese-"
"Yeah, but this isn't Japan-" she snapped a finger at the screen. "They're in freakin'... what's it called? Georgia! Atlanta, Georgia!"
The terrapin shrugged, smirk deepening. "There could be Japanese in Georgia; you shouldn't just assume these things, Val-"
"Oh, my God, you're so annoying- stop!" Val buried her face in her hands; he'd made her blush - again.
Raph chuckled as he relaxed into his seat, revelling in her embarrassment. "You're never gonna live this down. Y'know that, right?"
"Yes, I'm well aware of your assholery..." The brunette groaned softly as she lifted her gaze. She couldn't resist - she needed that last laugh. "I'm still right, though-"
"No, ya ain't-"
"Yeah, I am-"
Raph gave her a look. "Val..."
"Raph..." She teased.
The terrapin's stomach somersaulted when Val unexpectedly scooted over, brushing her knee against his once she finally relaxed. With a shit-eating grin, she proceeded nudging his plastron, over and over. "I'm right, Raph; you know I am. Say it... Say it, Raph... Say it, Raphie boy-"
"Alright, alright - yes!" He laughed, lunging forward to pin her arm to her side. She attacked with her other hand. "Ah-ah! No, ya don't!" He snatched that wrist, tugging it against him. "I've yielded; that means you stop! Have I taught you nothin'?"
Val scoffed as she yanked herself from his grip. "Don't you remember pawning me off to April, slackass?"
The brunette winced the moment those words left her mouth. Why the fuck would you say that?!
She caught a flicker of hurt in Raph's eyes, before a strained smirk promptly took its place. "Aw, come now, don't be like that... The last time I had ya on the mat, you heel-palmed my jaw so hard, I chipped a tooth. I'm just lookin' out for the rest of my teeth."
"Again, I'm sorry..." Val wracked her brain for a way to tactfully inject her thoughts. "I think there may be something else at play here... It's been weeks since I've seen you smile; like, actually smile, and laugh... Things haven't felt the same between us, since-"
"I'm fine, Val." Raph shook his head. "Despite my bruised ego, I'm perfectly fine; you're fine - we're fine."
"...I'm not."
At that, the terrapin averted his gaze. Please, don't say it. Please, please, please, don't say it...
"I miss you..."
He squeezed his eyes shut, exhaling shakily through clenched teeth.
"Ever since that day, you've been distant with me..." As Val counted each example on her fingers, she attempted catching his gaze. He avoided hers. "No more dinners or movies at mine... No more shit-talk... No more late-night calls or texts - just generic shit... No more GIFs-"
Raph snapped toward her. "GIFs??" He snorted derisively. "That's what you're upset about??"
Val jerked back, as though he'd struck her. The terrapin froze, breath escaping him as they stared at one another. Once the shock finally wore off, he caught tears brimming those big, beautiful eyes.
He'd made her cry.
"I'm pouring my heart out to you, and that's what you take from it?!" She scoffed tearfully, shaking her head. "...You're an asshole."
With that, Val rose from her seat; a panicked Raph reached for her.
"Don't." He'll never forget her face as she wrenched her hand away. She looked ready to explode; he hoped she would - he deserved it.
"I want my friend back..." Her lips trembled as tears finally spilled down her cheeks.
His heart screamed for him to move; to take her into his arms and tell her precisely how much she meant to him, then finally taste the lips he's dreamt of kissing for months...
His body, unfortunately, refused to budge.
The front door lock abruptly clicked, causing the pair to flinch. Whipping toward it, they found April quietly creeping inside, with a bloodied Casey following close behind.
"What the hell happened to you??" Raph grimaced at Casey's battered mouth, then the plastic bag of soiled tissues he gripped.
His best friend gave a cotton-ball filled grin as he attempted to speak. "I... urgh, fu-"
"He skated head first into the glass..." April answered for him; catching Val wiping her cheeks as the latter approached the table to retrieve her belongings.
"You okay?" The redhead mouthed to her; Raph, struggling to focus on his own conversation, found himself eavesdropping.
He couldn't hear, or see (Val's back was toward him) what was being said, but there was a lot of nodding and face touching on the brunette's part.
Then, she turned for the door.
"I'll see you next time," Val nodded to Casey, clearly avoiding Raph's gaze.
Casey's eyes darted between the pair, quirking a disconcerted brow. "Wha tha heck's goin' on??"
"Nothing." Val side-eyed the terrapin as she continued forward. "It's okay. Enjoy the rest of your night."
Raph stepped toward her. "Val-"
April held up a hand, halting him. He pleaded her with his eyes, but she shook her head apologetically.
He watched helplessly as Val left.
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
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l-lend · 2 years
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Warning(s): swearing
Pairing: Wrecker x OC
Tagging: @kelpiesummer @ghostlythunderbird
Monday mornings are typically slow in the Mythic Beauties garage. Nessie was tucked away in the back unboxing a new shipment of parts. T-Bird and Pegasus were looking over footage from the last show. Lastly with Siren in her office negotiating the next show, this left Kelpie manning the phones and the front desk. Kelpie was never put out with this task since she could always bring her tablet and sketch pad up front with her, so she could continue working on her designs.
The phone rang as Kelpie was adjusting a pin stripe on a wrap design. Still focused on the tablet, she answered.
“Mythic Beauties Garage, where your hunt is over. This is Kelpie.” She greeted in her customer service voice.
“Hi, uh...I was wondering if Nessie was working today?”
Kelpie's eyebrows almost escaped into her hairline. The person on the phone was unmistakably a guy with his low tone of voice. But asking for Nessie? The mechanic who shies away from food delivery so she does not have to speak to anyone?
“Nessie is busy at the moment,”
It was not an outright lie. Nessie had been jonesing for those new mufflers that just came in.
“Can I take a message?”
“Yeah, can you let her know that Wrecker called? I thought about her offer about taking a look at my Tahoe.”
“I'll be sure to let her know.”
After hanging up, Kelpie leaped up from her chair making a b-line for the break room. Her squealing sneakers on the tile jerking T-Bird and Pegasus from their video playback.
“Easy Kel, where's the fire?”
“Bird, we got tea.”
T-Bird quirked a dark brow, “Earl Grey, chai, what?”
“Oh, it's spicy!”
Pegasus sighed wrapping her headphones around her neck before disappearing with her laptop.
T-Bird gestured to an open seat, “Spill.”
“So this guy called,”
“and you told him we weren't hiring.”
“No, I mean he wasn't asking about a job. He was asking is Nessie..was here.”
“Get the fuck out, no one asks for Nessie.”
“Yeah, mentioned she offered to look at his Tahoe.”
“Oh,” T-Bird chuffed a laugh, “Oh, Nessie's got explaining to do.”
T-Bird got up from her stool leaning halfway out of the break room.
“Nessie!” The stunt driver hollered towards the break room.
“I'm a bit busy. Can it wait?”
“Nope.” T-Bird locked eyes with Kelpie and jerked her head towards the back room for the ambush.
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The stunt driver and bike designer cornered the mechanic as she was double checking a serial number. Nessie eventually looking up from her clipboard.
“What's up? The next show have a CC restriction or something?”
“Nah, a guy called asking about getting his Tahoe looked at.”
Nessie's fingers began playing with a corner of paper on her clipboard.
“Might have us confused. The shop down the street does cars.”
“He was asking for you.”
The clipboard clattered to the floor.
T-Bird smirked, “So how'd you meet him?”
The mechanic sighed, “Well, I got pulled over the other ni-”
“Hold up,” Kelpie cut in, “You got pulled over?” Her gaze shifted to T-Bird, “isn't that your job?”
“So if you got pulled over...”
Kelpie's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. A gasp leaving her.
“Oh my god, he's a cop!”
The blood rushing to Nessie's cheeks was all the answer they needed.
“Never knew you to have a thing for uniforms.” T-Bird teased.
“I-I don't. He was just nice, okay? I blew through a stop sign and he let me off with a warning since it was late.”
“Mhmm, and you offered to look at his car?”
“I was just being nice. Besides the engine didn't sound so good, so I mentioned what might be wrong and offered to look at it.”
“When do we meet him?” Kelpie pressed.
“You don't.”
“Is he cute?”
Somehow Nessie's cheeks gained more color.
“Kelpie, that has no bearing. I'm just looking at his car, that's it.”
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Whatever higher power was out there, it took mercy on Nessie. T-Bird and Siren had stepped out for a meeting while Kelpie was in her creative zen in her space. Nessie quickly grabbed the number from the caller ID, and locked herself in her office with the number dialed into her cell.
Her nerves balling up in her chest as it rang. The line connected on the second ring.
“Wrecker.” He answered.
Nessie gulped before attempting to speak.
“H-Hi, it's Nessie, um...the mechanic?”
“Hey Nessie,” His tone gained more warmth now he had the name of the caller, “tried calling earlier, but they said you were busy.”
“Uh, yeah...that was probably Kelpie. She knows how I get when a new shipment comes in.”
His chuckle worked magic easing the tangled mass of nerves in her.
“I can understand that. I wanted to take you up on your offer. How much would a service check run me?”
“Oh no, no. I offered so it's on me.”
She could hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, when would you like to look at it? I have the next couple of days off. I could cover food for your time.”
“Y...you don't have to.”
“I want to. You have any places you like and I'll bring it over?”
“I'm not picky.”
“Alright, so when is best for you?”
“Tomorrow night?”
“Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it.”
“Oh, um, this number is my cell...you know um, in case anything changes with schedules.”
“Great, so I can call you after hours..you know..about the car.”
Nessie caught the slight trip of his words, but filed that away for later.
“Of course.”
She hung up after plans were set and after checking to make sure her office door was locked, Nessie saved the officer's number in her contacts.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter ten
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 4.4k
my masterlist
series masterlist
When I wake up, I have a rather foggy recollection of the night before, which is pretty standard after I get home from a party. I quickly realize though, when I try and open my eyes, that I'm not back at the chateau at all. I blink a few times as I process my surroundings. The Fast posters, trophies, the body under the covers next to me. Rafe, right. He's sitting up against the headboard, looking at his phone in his lap. He's not wearing a shirt, and my cheeks burn red. I don't think we slept together, but I don't put it past the girl I was last night.
I rub my eyes a little and pull the covers up over my shoulder, looking under the covers to make sure I'm dressed. I have a shirt on, so check, and some boxers that obviously aren't mine. I'll take that as a win.
"Hey, are you awake?" He whispers, his voice still raspy from sleep.
I hum a little in response, still mostly trying to wake up, but I don't think I've ever slept in a bed this comfortable. I never want to leave.
"Not yet?" Rafe laughs slightly, and I hear his phone click off as he places it on top of the blanket.
"How are you alive?" I grumble, pulling the blanket tight under my chin.
"I could ask you the same thing." I can hear the smile on his voice. I open my eyes slightly, squinting from the sunlight coming into his room from the big window. He's reaching out towards me, and hesitates for a second before he settles his hand in my hair, pushing a few strands out of my face.
"Please, please don't tell me I puked in your bathtub." I say, feeling a smile pull at my cheeks and he shakes his head, laughing slightly.
"No, no you're good. You can handle your liquor better than any other girl I've brought back here."
"Wow, thank you." I laugh softly. I can already feel my hangover kicking in. "I'm also probably the only one who only asked to have a bath."
Rafe nods a little, his hand still in my hair. "Yeah, it's refreshing, honestly. Did, uh, did you at least have fun? Like at the party, I mean." He asks, nervousness evident in his tone.
"Mhm." I hum, nodding slightly. "Pretty sure Kie is gonna kick my ass but it was worth it."
"So like.. you remember everything, right?"
"Yep." I reply, closing my eyes again. I don't want look at him, I just know he's about to bring up how we kissed. Not because I regret it, I truly don't, I'm just more embarrassed because he's probably about to kick me out and now that's just another person I have a weird history with.
"So like.. maybe, would you still want to go out sometime?" That question catches me off guard. Apparently I did forget something, but now the conversation we had while I was in the bath comes rushing back to me.
"If you still want to, then of course." I reply, opening my eyes again and smiling up at him.
"Of course I still want to, why wouldn't I?" Rafe looks confused as he slightly laughs. He seemed so nervous a minute ago, but every ounce of that seems to be gone now.
"Guilt, embarrassment, regret, maybe, I don't know." I shrug.
"No, no way. Oh my god, I meant all that stuff I said." He shakes his head. "I'd love to hangout more. At least until your friends rip my head off, anyways. But like, I thought we just got along so well so like, why not, right?"
I smile at that, and I know my face is so red but he doesn't comment on it. "I meant it too." I reply.
"Sweet." He grins, then it's quiet for a second. "Uh, I'm gonna hop in the shower, just shout if you need anything." Rafe says, getting up from the bed and making sure I'm still covered by the blanket.
"Sounds good." I say, giving him a thumbs up as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I sit up and grab my head as the hangover headache instantly begins. I groan and throw the blanket off, pulling my legs up and crossing them as I look at his bedside table. I'm so thirsty I feel like I'll faint at any second, but luckily he has painkillers and a water bottle already there.
I lay back down after taking a few, and I think I fall back asleep because I don't hear him turning off the shower or coming back into the room.
"Hey, Snowy?" His arm is on my shoulder and when I open my eyes, he's got sweats on and his hair is still damp.
"I'm up." I respond groggily, sitting up again.
"Nice hair." Rafe chuckles and I reach up to try and smooth it down.
"Thank you, you should see it when I brush it." I say, climbing out of bed carefully so I don't fall. "Give me like five and I'll be ready to go."
"Are you hungry? What do you want for breakfast?" Rafe asks. "I'll go make something if you're hungry."
I didn't realize I was starving until he said that, but now that I'm thinking of it I realize I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday.
"Oh my god, I am starving. Can I have like, some toast maybe?" I ask and he nods. "Can I be picky and ask for cream cheese and jam on it?"
"Cream cheese and jam?" He asks, looking at me confused and a little grossed out.
"Okay- don't knock it until you try it. It's so good." I laugh.
"No way- I'm knocking it now. But of course, I'll make it. Just come down when you're ready." He smiles, pulling on a shirt off the floor and closing the door behind him as he leaves.
I stand there in a state of shock for a moment. He's so nice. I really wouldn't have expected this from him, but I guess I just didn't know him before.
I go into the bathroom and quickly change back into my shorts from yesterday, deciding to leave the t-shirt he leant me on. I brush my teeth with the brush he grabbed for me the night before, and find a hairbrush in the drawer. As usual, my hair is so big after I brush it through that I look like an eighties yearbook photo, I can't ever unsee that after I saw my mothers grad photos a few years ago. I look just like her.
After washing my face, I grab my backpack and force myself to leave his room. I quietly close the door, and tiptoe down the hall towards the stairs. It's almost ten, but I don't know if anyone is still sleeping.
Just my luck, right then a door opens in the hall in front of me and I freeze.
"Snowy?" Sarah yawns, still in her pyjamas. "What are you- oh." She says as she looks at me and realizes where I came from.
"Hi Sarah." I say, trying not to sound awkward about it.
"Have a good night?" She chuckles.
"Yeah. Not in the way you think, though." I quickly clarify and she nods, but looks at me skeptically.
"Rafe is just making breakfast, if you want to join us?" I suggest, not sure what to say.
"Ugh, pass." She laughs. "Enjoy though, I'll see you when I see you." Sarah says, going back into her room and closing the door.
I cringe a little internally as I walk past her closed door and down two sets of stairs, then find my way to the kitchen.
"Woah, shit you were not kidding." Rafe laughs, sitting at the kitchen island.
"Oh, this?" I giggle, gesturing to my hair. "Yeah it's pretty bad."
"Nah, it looks fine." He grins as I put my backpack on the floor. "Come sit." He pats the stool next to him.
"Thanks for making breakfast." I say as I sit down, instantly grabbing a piece of the toast he made and taking a bite.
"Of course." He nods, resuming eating his as well.
"So, what do you want to do?" I ask after we sit in silence for a few moments.
"Like, today?"
"No, no. I mean like, later this week. Should we do lunch or coffee or maybe go for a walk or something?" I suggest, smiling at him.
"Oh, yeah. Uh, up to you. I don't mind." He shrugs.
I think for a second. "Okay, well I'll think on it and send a postcard once I decide." I joke.
He looks at me confused. "Oh shit, right. You don't have a phone." He laughs once he gets it.
"I'll give you one of mine." Rafe says casually.
"You have more than one phone?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Well, yeah, I just got a new one in the fall so you can take my old one." He says, covering his mouth while he talks since he's still chewing.
"You don't have to do that." I shake my head. "I'll borrow JJ's or something."
"That's stupid, I've got one sitting in a drawer that I don't use. I want you to take it." He insists.
"Kook life goes crazy." I tease and he laughs, shrugging a little.
About an hour later, I find myself still incredibly hungover, wearing Rafe's t-shirt, and with a new(ish) phone in my pocket as I walk back into the chateau after Rafe drops me off.
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"Wow, morning sunshine." John B greets me as I enter, and I throw my bag on the ground and instantly flip face down the couch as he's in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Morning," I mumble, feeling the pounding in my head subside a little as I have my eyes covered.
"Hangover smoothie?" He asks and I give him a thumbs up without removing my head from the cushion.
I hear John B laugh and pull the blender out of a cupboard. "So, Snowy, we made a group chat without you since the twins have your phone."
"Rafe gave me a new one, I can add the new number," I reply, assuming that would be relevant.
"He got you a new phone?" He asks, shocked. "Wow. Anyways," he continues. "We got an interesting update from Kie last night.." He says, pausing to give me time to plead my case.
I sit up with a groan, holding my head. "Listen, John B, don't even worry about it. It's... yeah, don't worry." I don't really want to unload the whole story on him, especially about how we have a date set for a few days from now when I recover from this hangover.
John B laughs. "I'm not worried, I just want to know what happened." He asks. "And by the way, JJ wasn't in it. She just texted me and Pope."
"I, yeah. We, uhm.. don't worry about it." I say again, with a slight chuckle. Laughing makes my head hurt more.
"You didn't, Snowy-" John B asks, sounding more shocked than he was about the phone.
"No! no, no we didn't. Not, yeah, not that." I'm quick to clarify this time. "We just made out, and then I crashed at his place. That's all."
"That's not nothing." John B says, "Blender warning-" He adds, giving me a chance to cover my ears before he turns it on.
Once my hangover smoothie is done, he brings it to the couch for me and sits beside me. "Was it like, just a hookup situation? Or are their feelings involved?" He asks and I take the glass from him, taking a sip. It's so gross, but it almost instantly helps.
"Uh.. feelings," I mumble. "We have a date this week." I blush, hiding it in another drink from my smoothie.
"Shit, man.." John B says, leaning back and putting his arms across the back of the couch.
"Yep.." I nod. Neither of us says anything for a minute.
"Well, once JJ gets out of bed, we have an idea what Redfield is." John B tells me and I turn to look at him, surprised.
"No way!" I smile. "I'll get some painkillers in me and we'll do this."
"So, where are we off to?" I ask John B, as we all climb into the Twinkie. JJ hasn't said a word to me today- not directly, anyway.
"Redfield Lighthouse. My dad's favorite place." He answers, a smile pulling at his lips as he starts the Twinkie.
We pull up near the lighthouse, and all pile out of the vehicle. "Right, JJ, you're gonna post up and keep an eye out for Bogeys, alright?"
"What? Why me?" JJ responds.
"Because you're not coming," Pope says.
"Because there are independent and dependant variables," He explains. "You, are an independent variable, we don't know what you'll do."
"You're a tad unpredictable, JJ," I respond, sitting half inside and half outside the Twinkie.
"You both shut up!" JJ says, and I roll my eyes.
"Listen. Pope, Snowy, you stay here with JJ. See? You've got company." John B suggests and I nod a little. This will be interesting. "If we get split up, we meet back at JJ's house."
"Sounds good." I agree, giving them a thumbs up, and John B and Kie say their goodbyes, starting to head toward the entrance of the lighthouse.
I stay in my spot, grabbing my vape from my pocket as JJ starts playing hacky sack with a rock. I can tell he starts to get frustrated, and then he kicks it up into the air, hard.
"You know what, Snowy? I can't take this. Let's talk, alright?" He turns to me. I raise my hands in surrender and nod.
"Yeah, I'll be, uh, over here if you guys need me.." Pope says, wandering off. He doesn't want to get involved and I wouldn't either.
"JJ, come sit," I say, exhaling the smoke from my lungs and patting the spot next to me as I move over a little.
He sighs and sits next to me.
"I really, really don't want to fight.." I tell him quietly, looking at the ground in front of us.
"Let's just talk then."
"Okay." I smile a little and decide to look up at him.
"JJ, I feel like you don't care about me sometimes when you do things like hold a gun to my brother's head." I giggle a little, trying to set this up like we're in couples therapy or something.
JJ nods. "Yeah, okay, that's fair. However, that had nothing to do with you. I would have done the same thing if it was anybody else." He explains
"I would expect nothing less. But you didn't let me finish," I smile, poking his chest. "Then you immediately went and slept with some random girl, while I was throwing up on the side of the road, walking home alone. After witnessing my brother, and best friend almost die. I was alone." I started with a sort of laugh, but by the time I finished talking, I was almost in tears. I look back up at JJ and he nods, running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, Snowy, I'm sorry." He apologizes, rubbing my back. "I was drunk, I was reckless, I was an independent variable, or whatever Pope said. "But, you can't be mad at me for sleeping with 'some random girl' when you went to mack on Rafe Cameron last night."
I bite my lip. "I wasn't mad about that," I lie. "I felt like you didn't care that I was hurting, and that made me sad."
"You told me you weren't mackin' on him," JJ said, smiling a little and nudging me with his elbow. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
I roll my eyes playfully. "Okay well, when I told you that, it wasn't the plan. Ask Kie, she'd never seen me that drunk. Maybe she has a couple times, actually. But it's going in the highlights reel for sure." I laugh.
JJ nods. "Regardless, I do care about you. And that's why I was mad about you hanging out with that Kook. He's bad news. And that's coming from me."
"I see that now." I agree. "Just... don't take it out on him. I had a great time. He was so... kind, to me..." I trail off. Something doesn't feel right about raving to JJ the way I did to Kie.
"That's great, and all, but for how long, you know, Snowy? How long is he nice to you before he sees that we will always hold you back and he ditches you?"
"Don't say that. You guys don't hold me back from shit. Also, he won't do that. But, if he does, I know I have my crew." I smile, nudging him back.
JJ goes to respond just as we hear Pope's feet hitting the ground coming towards us.
"Cops- guys, cops!" He says, jumping in the driver's seat and turning on the engine.
"Are we just gonna leave them?" I ask as Pope peels us out and I close the sliding door. "I can't see them."
"They'll be fine- we planned for this," Pope says as JJ climbs into the passenger seat.
We make it back to JJ's house, and I decide to lie down on the dock while JJ and Pope work on a bike in the garage just behind the house.
I take off my shirt and lay it down as a cushion, so my back doesn't hit the warm and broken wood. I pull out my new phone and decide now is a good time to reach out to the twins. I text them, tell them I've got a hold of a new phone, and they are happy to hear from me. Then, I open my text from Rafe.
R: hey, new phone treating you alright?
S: yeah, i love it! thanks again :)
He texts back almost immediately.
R: what are you up to?
S: i'm at jj's with him and pope. what about you? golfing with kegs?
R: pretty much, yeah
S: sounds like fun. kegs took me once, i blacked out and did donuts in the golf cart. they banned me :(
R: lol
R: i'm sure they'll make an exception when i take you, my dad practically owns the club
S: what doesn't he own? lol
R: true
It's been so long since I laid down, that I fall asleep, phone in hand, and don't notice I did until I am woken up. "Hey, Snowy." It's Pope. "Snowy, hey, we got John B. They got pulled to the sheriff's office, we've got to go get Kie."
I open my eyes and sit up, stretching as I stand up. I put my phone and my vape back in my pocket and pull my shirt, which is actually rafe's shirt back on, getting up and following Pope up to where the Twinkie was parked in front of the house. I climb in the back, and JJ is in the passenger seat with John B behind the wheel.
"What happened" I ask him? leaning up between the two seats.
"I kinda broke the guys arm and he said we were tweaked, called the cops."
"Ah, yes. Of course." I chuckle, sitting back down. "So what's the move now?"
"I have another idea."
We get Kie, and head into the old graveyard. It's pitch black by the time we get there, so we break out the flashlights as we trudge into the woods. "Does anyone know how to use the flashlight on an iphone?" I ask, following closely behind Pope.
"Here." Kie laughs and I hand her my phone. I watch her as she turns it on, then hands it back.
"Ah, I got it. Thanks." I laugh with her, lifting it up so I can see where I'm going.
"Olivia Redfield. My great, great, great grandmother." John B says, stopping in front of a enclosed grave.
"Woah.." I say, stealing closer and wiping off the front where the inscription is.
"Let's get this door open." JJ says, and I step out of the way so the boys can try and get it open. I know I wouldn't be much help, especially since JJ and I smoked up a bit on the drive there.
Kie and are are watching them push, when suddenly we hear a hissing sound, looking at each other, and then around on the ground. "Whoa!" Pope says when he spots it, a snake on the ground. I let out a small scream and step back.
"A snake?!" JJ says, "That's a moccasin alright- ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in the tall grass."
"Oh my god-" I say, grabbing Kie's arm as JJ promptly starts to bark at it, taking all seriousness out of the situation and I giggle.
"JJ, shut up! Shut up!" Kie shouts.
"You're gonna wake the dead, man." Pope says, tapping his shoulder and giving him a light shove.
"Dude, everyone knows they're afraid of dogs." He says, continuing to bark at it.
"Look, John B, listen, we're not gonna get in there. It's not budging. Let's just get out of here." Pope says, keeping an eye on the snake.
"What if someone goes through?" Kie asks. I think Snowy and I could fit." She explains.
"What?" JJ turns to face us. "Snowy, no, no way. Y'all are not going in there."
"You think you'll fit in there?" John B asks.
"Look, this is about your dad." Kie says.
"You deserve to know the truth, John B." I say, looking at Kie and nodding.
We walk over to the spot where we see a hole up where we can climb in, and JJ holds he hands together so he can boost us up.
We both climb in, and begin looking around.
"Y'all okay?" One of the boys calls into us.
"Yeah, still alive." Kie replies. "Woah, Snowy, look at this." She picks up a dusty orange envelope.
"Guys, we got something!" I say, picking up the envelope that clearly was thrown in the same way we entered, some months ago.
My phone starts ringing, right as I hear the boys asking what it is. I hand the envelope off to Kie, and picking it up.
"Hello?" I ask, hearing a distinct "Is she on the phone right now?" On the outside of the tomb.
"Hey, Snowy."
"Oh, hi Rafe."
"There it is." I hear from outside.
"Guys, here." Kie throws it out the hole we climbed in as I cover my other ear so I can hear over my friends talking.
"Where are you right now?" He asks.
"Uh, the graveyard?" I answer and hear him laugh.
"Yeah, just for funzies." I shrug.
"Uh, alright, I always wondered what you pogues did with your free time."
"Now you know." I giggle, shaking my head as I pace inside the tomb.
"I just wanted to check up on you, also see if you maybe wanted to do lunch or coffee tomorrow?" Rafe asks and I smile, looking at Kie, who's busy talking to the boys through the hole in the wall.
"Yeah, I'd love that. Making Waves?" I ask.
"Would you really want to go to your place of work on a day off?" I put the phone between my ear and tilt my head to hold it on my shoulder while I climb out behind Kie.
"It'll be a nice change of scenery, being there as a customer." I say, hopping down.
"Shit, square groupers!" JJ says suddenly, and I look back as I grab the phone before being pulled behind the tomb to hide.
"Turn off the flashlights!" Kie whispers.
"Okay, I've got to go." I whisper into the phone. "Coffee sounds great. Bye."
"Wait, wait, Snowy what's happening?" I can hear him ask, just before I hang up and a shot rings out.
"Shit!" I say, hanging up the phone just before we take off running towards the fence out of the graveyard. I can feel my phone buzzing in my hand as we sprint to the fence, and JJ helps push me up as the gunshots continue.
We hop over and keep running for our lives towards the Twinkie, stopping when we hear Pope calling for help. I turn and see his shorts are caught on the fence. "Shit.." John B says, and we all start running back.
JJ stops and pushes me back towards the van. "Go to the Twinkie. Snowy- run!" He says, pushing me again gently. I turn back and keep running, grabbing Kie's hand and pulling her with me. We get to the Twinkie and hide inside, peeking out the window and opening the door when we see the boys running towards us, Pope now missing his shorts. Kie and I can't help but laugh, despite having just been shot at.
"Don't you say a fucking word." He says, covering his crotch and adjusting his boxers as he sits down and John B starts the car and we take off.
We're all talking over each other as we drive, trying to comprehend what just happened. I glance out the window as we see an approaching light, and then as a red dirt bike flies past us heading towards the cemetery.
"Guys, guys! John B, stop! Stop the car!" I shout over everyone, and John be slams on the breaks.
"Guys that was Rafe, hold on-" I say, jumping out of the van before it's fully stopped and running back towards the way that Rafe went, waving my arms in the air hoping he sees me in his rear view mirror.
I keep waving until I see him slow to a stop and turn around. When he gets closer, I wave for him to follow us and I jump in the van.
"Drive." I tell John B, as everyone is asking me what I'm doing. "Just drive!" I shout. "The groupers are probably following us we have to get out of here."
"Where am I supposed to go?" John B says as he starts driving.
"Anywhere, hide us! Something!" I say frantically.
I watch Rafe following behind us, hoping the groupers don'r catch up to us, until we turn off on a side street and into some bushes, turning off the lights.
I jump out of the car as soon as we stop, and run up to the road where Rafe is getting off his bike.
"Snowy, what the fuck is going on? I heard gunshots are the phone are you okay?" Rafe asks, rushing over to me.
"I'm fine- we're fine." I explain and he nods, running his hand through his hair and turning around, pacing before turning back to me and giving me a hug, placing his hand on the back of my head.
"You scared the shit out of me. Who was shooting at you?" He asked, moving his head back and holding the sides of my head to look at me.
"They- uhm... it's complicated." I sigh. "Don't worry. We're fine."
He sighs and pulls me closer, hugging me again and stroking my hair.
"Thank you.. for coming to help." I say quietly. I feel him nod, and then rest his chin on my head.
"Any time."
A/N; Long ass chapter today- sorry lol -R
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limetimo · 2 years
👀ask you for a rosekiller rant you say?
(also did you mean to rec my own fic to me? lol)
AlRIGHT take two on RoseKiller rant, this time at 1AM. also tagging @leogichidaa
The popularisation of the pairing is great. I love that there's more fics with them. But sometimes it feels like just an additional pairing. Like the writer says "Everybody needs to be paired up" so they go with Jegulus, Wolfstar, Marily, Dorlene and RoseKiller. (Peter gets an OC if he's lucky but did you notice? Did you notice how he never has an in-group partner?) Like they don't write them because they like them but because it's something that's done now There's 639 Barty Crouch Jr. / Evan Rosier fanfics on Ao3 rn. Do you want to take a wild guess how many of those are RoseKiller-centric? I know there was an Ao3 search hack for this but I'm not above finding out manually.
Ace Evan is top notch good shit good shit uh-huh I love that for him. Also impeccable pecs.
I need more Ravenclaw Barty, or Barty who's a year younger than them or Evan who's a year older. They don't have the friends-because-forced-proximity vibes at all! These two assholes CHOSE to be stuck together! One of them BULLIED a dormmate out of the bedroom so that the other could move in!
speaking of Ace Evan, pairing him up with Horndog Barty and them making it work is *100 twice underlined emoji*
they're both canonically capable of murder and I think that as a fandom we should do more with it. Even in modern AUs. Especially in modern AUs. RoseKiller being killers Week or something
internalised homophobia is a good look on them imo. Pile the angst
Neither is into anal sex it's just too much work, instant gratification is where it's at for them
asdfghjkl I didn't check the author
The ship asks
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eunchancorner · 2 years
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I posted 2,497 times in 2022
That's 2,413 more posts than 2021!
586 posts created (23%)
1,911 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,474 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#eun reblogs - 1,888 posts
#eun rants - 491 posts
#oc asks - 185 posts
#battle of the lees - 86 posts
#battle of the lees mini episode - 74 posts
#eun writes - 72 posts
#mha - 65 posts
#bnha - 64 posts
#battle of the lees episode - 62 posts
#mha tickles - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#me when someone reblogs one of my fics with an entire essay on why they likes my fic:
My Top Posts in 2022:
....when was that...again...? He'll save us...we need to..call him...maybe one of our phones...survived...
Yayy less laggy)
I don't think our phones survived... at least, I know mine didn't... iPhones don't survive falls.
122 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Heya! I have a request for you, a kiribakudeku fic with like hide and seek/anticipation for a prompt (lee!deku or kiri if you can). Your fics are so cute!
Thanks for the request! I’m glad you like my fics! Also, lee!Deku or Kiri? Why not both! ALSO also, for a little context, Bakugou stole some beer from Aizawa one night, got drunk and bought a maid dress online, and since then it’s been sitting unused under his bed, even though he kinda wants to see how his boyfriends would look in a maid dress.
Ler Bakugou, Lee Kirishima and Izuku
Warning: this is bakugou. Take a guess.
Word count: 1316
Shit shit shit
Oh god oh god oh god
Kirishima and Izuku were hiding in the latter’s closet, both having their own silent panics. They had decided to pull a prank that they thought would be funny on their blonde boyfriend, Bakugou, swapping the salt with the sugar when Bakugou went to make breakfast, a classic.
And they had forgotten that Bakugou doesn’t like anyone messing with his food.
So they had to spend the better part of 20 minutes running and hiding from the angry blonde, which is how they found themselves in their position.
Truthfully, they knew Bakugou would never actually hurt them. Well, not severely. Anymore.
It was the fear of the unknown that had them so scared as they heard Bakugou stomping into the greenette’s room, the two in the closet now holding their breath.
“I know you idiots are in here…” he growled out. “Come out!”
Izuku had to bite back a gasp as Bakugou got dangerously close to the hiding spot, warranting a hand over his mouth from Kiri. The greenette pressed closer to the redhead as he heard a hand land on his closet door knob… and then he was gone. No noise, no shadow, not even the sound of his breathing.
Izuku looked up at Kiri with a questioning gaze, who stood and peeked out, turning back and nodding to the standing One-For-All user, before slowly exiting, followed by Deku.
Thinking Bakugou would have left the room after only a minute of searching was probably their second mistake.
The blonde (who had been hiding under Izuku’s bed) leapt out and pinned them both under his weight, moving to pin one of each of their legs beneath him. Both boys were still catching their breath from the initial mini heart attack their blonde boyfriend had given them, before looking up at him.
“Uh, g-good job, Kacchan..” Izuku praised shakily.
“Heh, y-yeah, y-you caught us… m-maybe let us go now…?” Kirishima tried.
Bakugou pretended to consider it for a moment, before smirking and leaning over his opposite-haired boyfriends.
“Better idea. How about I give you two a proper punishment for fucking with my food?” he growled, the smirk never leaving his face, even growing wider as Izuku stammered out, “P-p-punishment?!”
“You didn’t think I was just going to scare you and let you go, did you, Deku? Oh no, you two are going to fucking pay… but you’re lucky you’re my boyfriends, otherwise I would have already beat your asses into the ground. Instead…” he placed one hand on each tummy, “I have a much better way of punishing you two.”
Both Kirishima and Izuku felt small, wobbly smiles form on their faces, Izuku’s admittedly much more suppressed.
“W-wait, B-Bakubabe, w-we can talk about this, r-right?” Kiri pleaded, earning only a shake of the head from Bakugou.
“M-m-maybe I could c-clean your r-room for a week?” Izu tried. Another head shake. “I-in a m-maid dress…?” he tried, embarrassing himself at the thought.
That had Bakugou thinking for a moment, but he just smirked again at the pair, flexing his fingers slightly and earning a yelp from the two. “I might make you do that anyway, nerd~”
Oh god what did I get myself into?
He flexed his fingers again, twice, earning a barely kept back giggle from Izu and a “Nohoho-” from Kirishima.
“Look at you two. Can’t even stop smiling, and I haven’t even started yet. Hm… but where should I start? I could spider allll over your sides, maybe check to make sure you two didn’t lose a rib or two… Maybe, I could start at the hips, I know you’d just love that, Deku.. or maybe, these poor, bouncy bellies need some love?”
See the full post
124 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Heya twin! I have finally made it home and is ready for the next episode/but of BotL! (Well, it could be considered a new episode, since we sorta concluded the Saving TomLee Arc, but if Tumblr ate my post, let's just say that I left the episode on a cliffhanger hehehe)
Don't worry, Tumblr was nice enough not to eat your post. I'm ready whenever you and Tomlee are)
128 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
(Let's get this party started!)
I walk into the main area, looking visibly upset and not saying a word as I storm to my office and slam the door behind me
*I flinched hearing the door slam, glancing up from my video and looking towards the office door, silently debating whether or not I should help, or if she'd be annoyed*
128 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Octopus and The Monkey
Guess what, I’m bored! So let’s write a fic!! This one is based off of the Shoji x Ojiro rp me and my friend are doing on discord, and I think that this would be a cute scenario! (This is also maybe sorta slightly based off of this fanart by @ticklishfanart​)
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Ler Shoji, Lee Ojiro
Warning: Lol nuffin. Unless you hate this ship with a burning passion, if so, why are you still reading? Go do a star war.
Word count: 868
“Hey, Shoji?” Ojiro looked up at the many-armed student, his head laying in Shoji’s lap as they relaxed on the couch in the common room.
“Yeah, monkey?” he asked, smirking a little under the mask, knowing how well that nickname got to him.
“I- You lil- I- R-right… How are you so tall?” he finally stuttered out. Ojiro honestly found his boyfriend a little unsettling in the sense that he was taller than most of the teachers.
“I’m not sure. It’s as much of a mystery as how soft your tail is,” he remarked, looking over at a Denki happily playing with Ojiro’s tail fluff on the floor. Shoji loved how they felt like fathers to a sweet little kid when they were with him. 
Ojiro shrugged, gently pulling his tail away, laughing a little when Kaminari looked disappointed and muttering out a little “Aww, poor guy..” before giving him access to the fluff again, smiling at him when his expression quickly went to surprised and then to happy as he began to play with the fluff again.
“Dohon’t tease the poor guy,” Shoji chuckled quietly, looking back at his boyfriend, who was still watching the electric blonde.
“He’s fine. As long as he gets it back, I don’t think his boyfriends will come after me,” Ojiro noted, looking back up at his own boyfriend.
Shoji rolled his eyes and put a hand on Ojiro’s belly, gently tapping his fingers and accidentally making his boyfriend squirm under the touch.
“Sh-Shoji, quit that!” the tailed teen stuttered out, smiling at the ticklish touches.
“Quit what?” he asked, genuinely a little confused.
“The t-tapping, ihit tickles!”
“Wait, it does?” Shoji asked, his amusement plain in his voice. “So not just your tail is ticklish, then?” “Ohof course not!” he said, still squirming.
“Hmm, I wonder, where else are you ticklish?” he mused, grabbing Ojiro’s wrists in one hand and pulling him upright in his lap.
“Uh, Sh-Shoji, are you d-doing what I think you’re d-doing?” Ojiro asked, a nervous smile coming to his face.
“I don’t know, what do you think I’m doing?” he asked, pulling Oijrio’s shirt up just enough to expose his belly, another hand becoming a mouth with that grin that he knew Ojiro found hilarious for some reason.
Sure enough, said tail boi looked away from the hand with a giddy smile, suppressing bubbly laughter. Denki noticed their behavior from the floor and let Ojiro’s tail go, smiling when he saw him struggling to keep it from wagging.
Ojiro jolted as he felt Shoji pulling his tail up and holding it near the base, two more hands positioned near his armpits and the mouthed hand near his belly.
“Any last words?” Shoji asked playfully, and Ojiro knew he was doomed.
“Take care of Kaminari for me,” he answered, the anticipating smile on his face growing wider.
“You got it,” he said, before he started tickling him, digging his fingers into his armpits and tail, the mouthed hand blowing raspberries on his belly, pulling squeals and loud laughter from the tailed hero-in-training.
“SH-SHOJIHIHIHIHIHI! NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHA!” he protested, the part of his tail that wasn’t being held wagging violently. Denki silently thanked himself for letting go when he did, knowing that he would have probably gotten hit in the face if he didn’t.
“You’re so ticklish, look at you!” Shoji smiled behind the mask, relishing the adorable (and loud) sounds his boyfriend was making.
Ojiro kicked and squirmed, Kaminari having to dodge the flying legs as he watched a hysterical Ojiro losing his mind as his boyfriend dug into his two worst spots and raspberried the third, his nerves alight with the ticklish shocks, making his entire body feel ticklish.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE! NAHAHAHA IHIHAHAHA! IHIT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!!” Ojiro nearly screeched, pulling at his trapped hands.
See the full post
244 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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astrxealis · 2 years
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actually i'll change them to look like this
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#okay just random rambles now :>#he goes by apollo !! unless i change it. bcs i have now associated myself w that name even more ORHEODHSK anyways they r uhm#okay so. he/she/they ?? he/they/he. i don't want to do they first bcs rhat's a bit too similar to me KDHSKDNS#i love that vieras can canonically be trans!! it is part of their lore!! i wna make this guy uhm. idk. ftm or mtf or nb masc or fem leaning#maybe i'll just make him like. bigender. OKAY THAT WORKS. idk what assigned at birth tho ... anyways i love them#he/she/they i think. prefers they as default from others but she defaults to he for himself <3#his hair originally was like . really light. like the one for my actual wol rn uhh rlly light purple#i didn't mean for it to be purple but it fits perfectly and i dont want to change it >< i changed it for this guy just now tho bcs he wld#be too similar LFHSKDJS they have little white freckles!!! theyre like stars :] hehe#idk if name apollo still sobs. thats the name of my other vv important ffxiv oc and that is also my other name#polaris wld probably be nice !! oh shit wait hyacinth for his counterpart. perfect. oh god#and then to my wols yeah that is apollo HOLY FUCK IM SO BIG BRAINWD. okay but his name uhhhh polaris mayhaps#i'll check my pronouny for other names i like :O#anyways this is my male viera alt!! he is min height ofc :> but still sm taller than me SOBS#he's kind of mischievous but also quiet . he's uh. i'm in love with my oc yes T_T#tag later#his hair reminds me of milk chocolate ... mixed w vanilla!! thsw was the hair color i used for fun actually back on my wol b4 i canonically#changed her hair to the vv light white-purple it is now :> uh. i still need to work on lore LMAO#my goal is to properly work and write on lore of my ocs b4 7.0 !! a few years :] <3#this also includes my fandomless ocs hehe ... maybe ill talk abt them more one day
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