#oh look she's showing affection by slapping the crap out of him ><
dimepdf · 2 years
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synopsis. you were a sucker for jealousy sex, man.
pairing. toji fushiguro x reader
genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, established relationship, domestic fluff, dilf!toji, milf!reader, tattoos, jealousy sex, exhibitionish, Toji being childish, cowgirl position, hints of subby Toji | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍 800+ w.c.
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Dilf!Toji who comes home from picking up Megumi and your daughter Nya from their kindergarten after-school activities. 
Toji scolds the two for running down the hallway as soon as the front door opens, their little pitters from their feet slapping against the wooden floor as they rush into the living room where you were lying snuggly just to tackle you into a hug. 
The two are all smiles and giggles as they kick off their sneakers and snuggle up next to you.
They were practically glowing with excitement, as if they hadn't seen you just hours before, on the same day you had taken them to school. "Mommy! Mommy! Can I show you what I made in art today?"
Despite posing the question, the girl had already started unzipping her bag and shuffling through the strange, cryptic amount of things she had packed inside of her small Hello Kitty backpack.
If you hadn't had quick enough reflexes, you'd have thought she was trying to take your eye out by shoving the bendy wire figure right into your face.
"Oh wow, honey, it looks so creative; I can tell you worked really hard on it." You honestly couldn't tell what it was—fuzzy purple, red, and green covered wires all bent into some sort of shape that you could only assume to be a figure, but you put on your best motherly smile for your child.
"It's you, mommy! Can you tell, I even gave it a big butt." When Toji came into the living room, slouching his shoulders on the back of the couch and leaning forward.
Looming over the exchange, you decided to change the direction of the conversation before he could get remotely lewd about his favorite body part of yours.
"Did you make anything, Megumi?" Despite not being your biological son, the coal-haired boy still showed the same amount of admiration for you as your own daughter did. 
But it was still very clear that Megumi had all of Toji’s attitude, with the boy showing no interest in his sister's show-in-tell and not even bothering to cover up his glare at her art project. "That looks like crap," Megumi states bluntly, earning a dramatic gasp from Nya. 
The girl held the figure to her chest as if she were protecting it from him.
"You look like crap." Toji teases, no better than the children. As the three start bickering back and forth with each other, you reach for the TV remote and pause the Netflix show that you were trying to binge.
It was like you were raising three kids, as the argument only became pettier by the second.
"Why don't you tell mommy about how Itaduri’s mom liked your tattoos?" Megumi shrugged, your brow furrowed in surprise as the two children abruptly switched teams to go against their father.
"Is that why she was touching your arm?" Nya asked naively, unaware that she had just unpinned a grenade.
Your palm pushed away Toji’s face as he tried to distract you with a kiss, curving him as you dug for more information between the two. "And what was daddy saying while she was touching his arm?"
“He said thank you.”
Now that you understood the cost of having a super hot husband, you weren't blind to Toji’s charm, but over the years of being in love with him, it was pretty easy to say that he was just blessed with his attractiveness.
Having women throw themselves at him was nothing new,it was just another daily problem added to the things that Toji had to go through. 
It's not like he entertained any of the women that came up to him because he truly only loves you, but that didn't mean that you weren't allowed to be a little needier sometimes.
Plus, he wasn't complaining much while lavishing you with affection. His hands lingered on your body long after the kids had fallen asleep for their naps. 
It was daring, having to straddle his lap on the couch in the family living room knowing that the kids could wake up at any moment, but for Toji.
It was just another goal he was willing to complete, seeing how fast he could make you cum in that circumstance.
Handing his hand down to your thighs, he gives them a squeeze as he catches his breath, watching you ride him with an admiring glint in his eye. "You're so fucking beautiful, you know that?"
"Really? more beautiful than that other bitch?" You knew Itadori’s mother wasn’t a bitch.
If anything, she was a kind lady who knew how to make really good brownies.
You’d probably scalp her if you ever saw her skirting with Toji again.
No hard feelings, but she should know better than to touch what was yours.
"So much—ah, you’re the most beautiful woman I know." Toji whimpered, reaching his tattooed hand in between and sharing some attention to your clit. 
You were a sucker for jealousy sex, man. 
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not me making another milf!reader man,,
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Fairly odd dolly (FOP)
It was a school day like any other: abuse on the bus, dealing with Crocker, the popular kids snubbing him etc etc but little did Timmy turner know as he made his way home that he would come to miss days like this, where being able to go to school and have simple freedoms could be taken for granted. Soon all of that would change, and he'd find himself behind bars so to speak, a prisoner in his own body and a object of ridicule.. and it would all happen because of a simple kind hearted wish.
Tootie had been pestering him like always, asking him to come over and hang out, and maybe play house. He had almost humored the offer till she let her intentions semi show when she was selling the idea. "You'll get to escape from my sister, she can just watch TV at your place without you around so she'll love it. And I'll use my easy bake oven and make you lots of treats and stuff!" She gushed, with Timmy thinking it all sounded good. cue the bomb drop as Tootie bite her bottom lip and wiggled, almost like she had to use the potty. "O-Or heh.. you could even come over and be my little baby! I have towels we can use as diapers and I'll cuddle you and rock you an-" at that point Tootie was talking a smoke outline of Timmy, who had dashed inside and ran up to his room, locking the door and panting slightly. "That.. was a close one. " Timmy grumbled as Cosmo and Fairy poofed into sight. "Aww come on Timmy, she just wanted to play!" Wanda said and went over to the window, pointing at the bawling Tootie on the street corner. "Nggghh Yeah but, she wanted me to be a baby. and frankly, I spend enough time as it is pooping my pants." Timmy huffed, crossing his arms and trying to maintain a stiff upper lip. But as he watched Tootie sob and cry he signed. "I'm not gonna be her baby.. but I wish for her to find a Timmy doll to do whatever she wants with." Timmy said, slapping a hand over his eyes. "Awww your a good kid Timmy!" Wanda said. "Wait, does that mean we have to grant the dolls wishes too?" Cosmo asked. "..Just shut up and look proud dear." Wanda sighed. "Can do!"
Tootie was sounding more like a foghorn as she blew her nose, but as she wiped her eyes she suddenly spotted a stuffed version of Timmy, baby sized and -squeal- even wearing a pink bonnet  instead of his hat, not to mention a t-shirt that showed off the dollies tummy tummy and a puffy diaper! "Oh wow! my own baby Timmy! I must be getting rewarded for having Vicky as a sister!" She coo'ed as she hugged the dolly tight. "What's THAT suppose to mean!?" Snarl Vicky, her shadow falling over her little sister on her way to babysit Timmy. "Uh..Uh.." Tootie gulped, almost piddling herself in fear as she turned around to face her sister. "That your mean and evil and the fates are balancing out your torture of me with a stuffie?" She said, and instantly regretted it. Vicky frowned, leaned down, then smirked. "Good, thought you were gonna spew some crap about what a nice person I am. I do have a reputation to keep you know!" Vicky said, then flicked a finger at her little sisters forehead, knocking Tootie to the ground and walked off laughing.
"Jeez and I thought I got it rough.." Timmy said, wincing then turning to Wanda. "Also, couldn't help but notice a few things about that stuffed doll.." he added with a icy tone. "I actually was just going for a doll.." Wanda said. "Oh, I did the diapers and everything! I just think little Timmy is soooo cute!" Cosmo said and grinned. "..whatever. better a stuffie then me." Timmy said and then went to work on his homework. recently him and Vicky more or less had a agreement in place that as along as he stayed in his room, she'd ignore him. if he left even to use the bathroom however well, the hunt was on and with her new Nerf gun she had shopped up.. Timmy had been moping up more then a few puddles as of late.
Wishes were a funny thing, 99.99 percent of the time they went off flawless, but whenever some sort of cosmic mess up was bound to happen, affecting at least once wish, chances were it would always be Timmy's. his latest wish proved the rule as a hiccup in the magic fabric of the universe (Or  Jorgen Von Strangle just being a dick) warped Timmy's wish in a way that would be very humiliating to him, and would be the start of his downfall.
"oh baby Timmy, I just love you so so so so so so" Tootie was saying, pausing to breath before going on, adding anther 12 so's. "Much!" she gushed, hugging the dolly close in a almost crushing embrace as the corrupted wish started to kick in. "I'm going to hug you and kiss you and keep you close to me at ALL times!" She coo'ed, and planted a HUGE wet smooch to the doll's cheek.
In his bedroom and laying on his bed, trying to do his reading assignment while Wanda and Cosmo were out doing important work (Aka Wanda had dragged Cosmo away so he'd stop distracting Timmy) when suddenly he felt like he was being giving a bear hug from a professional wrestler. the wind was knocked out of him and he could only wiggle in place, trying to figure out what was going on when the hug FINALLY stopped.. only for a gross wet smooch to happen on his cheek even though there wasn't anyone else in the room, or at least he thought so. Wiping his cheek and looking around, Timmy rolled off his bed and under it to snag his S.O.S. anti magic creature kit, something that he'd found useful when Wanda and Cosmo proved to be less then helpful. As he snagged the case and scooted back from under the bed, taking out a flashlight that would detect invisible people, Timmy didn't notice that his pants had poofed away leaving only his cartoon print undies on display. a print that was fading as the undies started to puff out.
Tootie was bouncing with joy as she got to her room and found a mini crib for her new baby, along with outfits to put him in (the shirt and the bonnet could come of, the bonnet held on by velco) and a supply of baby food and can's of formula powder and even clean diapers..implying her widdle Timmy baby doll could wet and mess! Eager to try out all the functions on her little Timmy, she sat him down on her bed gently and then went to work mixing up a ba-ba, using a gag sized baby bottle she had in case she ever talked Timmy into playing baby, so it would hold a good litire or so. the can's warned not to feed the baby too much at once, but promised faster present making' the more powder was used at once. With that logic, Tootie ignored the fact it was suppose to be 1/4 of a can per bottle, and used all of one in one go, mixing it with the warm water and shaking it till she was red in the face to get it to pass though the nipple. "who's thirsty?" she asked, giggling with delight and swooping up the dolly with one arm, then popping the bottle between the lips with the other. "Bottoms up!" She coo'ed as the mixture started to flood into the dolly.
Timmy had just finished checking all of his room when he finally looked down and noticed that A: his pants were gone and  B: his undies had gone from Crimson chin to white, and were puffing out. Pushing a finger against the front of his undies, he felt slick plastic and a growing puff that was crinkling, which could only mean one thing. "My undies are turning into a a diaper!" he yelped out. He'd figure out the WAY in this later, but for now he knew WHAT he had to do as he reached down to remove the rapidly transforming undies before they fully turned. Somehow in his little mind he wouldn't be in diapers again if he got them off before the change was done. His efforts were for not as not only did the undies finish their change, now bulky white diapers with animal print tapes, but as he pried and tugged on the diaper, then the tapes, then both, he found he couldn't remove it! It was on;y AFTER he accepted this that he noticed that during his struggle his t-shirt had shrunk, and in fact his outfit looked like like.. "The doll's! I have to get over to Tooties and stop her before she does an-" Timmy started to say to himself, but found himself scooped up and hovering in the air, and then his mouth was forced open. Something rubbery filled his mouth, though having been turned into a baby once or twice (Ok way more then that) Timmy knew what the nipple of a bottle felt like and mentally groaned, it was not use trying to bat the bottle away as it wasn't in the room per say, so he'd just be battle at the air. 'please at least let this stuff taste good.' he mentally groaned. As the formula started to flood into his mouth and down his throat, it wasn't half bad, in fact it was kinda good at least at first, then the taste started to get more and more foul and he groaned. 'of course, why would I get lucky..though this is a lot.. i hope the bottle runs out soon!' whimpering as his belly was stuffed, Timmy could feel his belly getting bigger and didn't like the implications that meant as all that formula had only one place to come out. 'great. anther day..anther poopie diaper..'
Tootie was giggling like crazy as she watched the dollies tummy grow as she fed it, the bottle was only half emptied and already the poor thing looked like it was gonna burst. "Better stop and burp the baby!" She coo'ed and pulled the baba out, then put the doll over her shoulder and started to pat it's back and then it's bottom, alternating till she was rewarded with a loud belch that almost sounded like it was happening in stereo, then a muffled poot from the seat of the diaper. "Oh wow, this Dollie goes all out! make mommy a present!" She coo'ed and kept patting the butt. as if on verbal command, the doll let out three more poots and then the back of the diaper started to expand with warm mush. "Such a good baby! glad it doesn't stink though!" She giggled.
Timmy signed in relief as the bottle was pulled out of his mouth, his tummy and chest were starting to hurt from the combination of being so full and getting a air bubble. his glee was short lived as he found himself still floating in the hair, but moved to a burping position and felt gentle pats on his back and -blush- pampered bottom. "Oh this is NOT going to end we- URRRRRRRRRPPPPP!" Timmy started to say, but was cut off as a massive belch came out of him. "Nice one twerp!" Cackled Vicky from downstairs then a massive poot erupted from his backside, Timmy BARLEY holding back from making boom boom. "T-This would be a VERY good time for Cosmo and Wanda to come back." Timmy mewed, however he wasn't holding out hope as more poots came out and then the gates were opened so to speak. As the sludge poured out of Timmy he cried out in pain, the hot muck just didn't feel nice and it smelled even worse as it didn't take long for his room to fill with his stink. the diaper itself was expanding as fast as possible to hold all of the mess, poofing out to frankly cartoonish sizes though at least that meant Timmy didn't have to worry about a -ick- over flow. by the time he was don, the diaper had ballooned out so it was halfway down his lower legs, helped by gravity as he was still in the air. "If there's a merciful higher power out there.. She'll change the diaper without setting me down." Timmy mewed.
Tootie was holding the doll with both hands under each armpit and was pretending it was taking to her. "Whats that baby Timmy? you love your big poopie diaper? Awww I knew you would!" Tootie coo'ed and planted a kiss on on the doll, then paused, holding it up to her ear. "Oh, you wanna go for a poopie horise ride on mommy's knee instead of getting a diapie change? Oh you silly baby! But ok. if THAT'S what my stinky widdle Timmy Tim wants~" Tootie giggled and took a seat. setting the Timmy doll up nice and high, she brought it down with a hard SQUISH, and was happy that the dollies diaper held up as she went to town bouncing the baby on her knee.
Timmy got his answer has he covered in the arm, feeling his weight supported under his arms and then then felt himself being brought in close. having again been a baby more then once he knew what was coming, and whimpered as his cute little hat turned into a baby bonnet.. before coming down on what he assumed was Tootie's knee, making the mess shift around in his diaper in a MOST unpleasant way and making the smell in the room somehow even worse! What followed was a good five minutes, give or take a eternity from Timmy's POV, leaving the twerp green faced and whimpering but FINALLY the bouncing was stopped and he was just at on his butt, trying to recover and praying Tootie was finally ready to change the dollie..or at the very least leave Timmy the fuck alone as he gagged and mewed in his fume filled room.
The stink was filling more then Timmy's room due to the vents, and downstairs Vicky was finally noticing the funk. of course at first she thought it was just her gym clothes till she recalled she had left her gym bag in her parents room under their bed so they'd have to struggle to find the source of the funk. Raising a arm she sniffed her own pits but nope, nothing worse then usual which left the twerp. "I swear to god Twerp, if your making stink bombs up there I'm gonna make you eat them!" She yelled as she stomped up the stairs. As Vicky slammed the door open, the smell got at least 10 times worse and even her eyes were watering and a hand came up clamping over her nose and she wiped at her eyes. "God damn Twerp what are you.." Vicky trailed off as her blurred vision cleared, her jaw dropping. whatever she had been expecting to see when she came into the room, it wasn't Timmy dressed like a baby and in a massively stinky diaper. "Damn, no wonder your so small!" she snorted and then whined as she realized she shouldn't of. "But if you think I'm changing that, I don't get paid nearly enough." "I..I.." Timmy mewed and tried to speak in his defense, but then Vicky was over there and popping his thumb into his mouth. "If that thumb comes out, I drop you out the window and we'll see if that stinky butt of yours makes a good crash pillow." She said. Timmy wisely sucked on his thumb and Vicky turned away, wondering just WHAT was she gonna do with this, she couldn't leave the twerp like this if for no other reason then her nose was burning out..then a evil Grinch like smile crept over her face as she took out her phone and dialed her dorky little sister. "hey Dork, you've got a sweet spot for twerp right? well I got a job for you.."
Tootie's jaw dropped as Vicky told her what she needed her for.. her darling Timmy WAS a big stinky baby! of course, that's why he had been so rude and taken off on her earlier, she had stuck a nerve! Well that could be forgiven, and it wasn't like she wasn't ready to baby the real Timmy, as much fun as the doll had been. setting the doll to the side, she went and gathered up a diaper bag full of supplies and then rushed out the door, missing the faint glow that left the Timmy doll showing that it's voodoo effect was gone, even though Timmy's hell was far from over.
Timmy sometimes wondered if life wouldn't of been easier if he never had fairy god parents. Don't get him wrong, he loved Cosmo and Wanda with all his heart and they had made life exciting.. but then there were days like this. If it wasn't dealing with anti faeries it was the Pixies, Crocker or any number of other old foes. and then you had the just weird days where he was destined for non ending humiliation like this. As bad as being seen in all his baby glory was, as bad having Tootie coming over to change his stinky diapers was gonna be, it seemed like the higher powers just hadn't had enough of dicking Timmy around. "So I was gonna let her take care of your smelly pamps in the house, but then I got to thinking, if you stink that bad NOW.." Vicky was said, a smirk on her face as she was holding him away from her with her hands under his arms, a clothes pin on her nose. "well no way I want that unleashed in the house. side, if I put you out by the flower garden it'll likely go crazy with all the fertilizer." Laughing at her own joke, she missed Timmy's eye roll and then he was too busy scanning the street, praying, hoping it would be a nice slow day and no one would be around to see him as drool trailed down his chin, he was still sucking his thumb like he'd been told to. he might not of been on the second story anymore but Vicky was nothing if not creative with how she could make you regret your actions.   "heh, Looking to see if any of your widdle friends are around twerp?" Vicky asked, and then dropped him butt first on the grass by the garden and damn it if it wasn't looking greener and more flush in seconds. Looking up though he groaned as she had a cell phone out snapping picture after picture..then paled  as he realized it was HIS cell phone. Thumb slipping out of his mouth he went to get up but the massive weight of his diaper meant he was barely up, then plopping back down. "Bwhahaha that's it twerp, make these even cuter! I'm sending them to all your contracts..oh and that Trixie girl you like." Vicky laughed. "NOOOOOOO!" Timmy wailed, tears following even as he knew it wouldn't help with the pictures. in for a penny, in for a pound and since it had been sorta soothing.. Timmy popped his thumb back into his mouth and whimpered.
By the time Tootie got over there, Timmy's eyes were semi glazed over and he was sobbing softly, reaching out with one hand as the other sucked on his thumb as she came close. "Whoa mama! somebodies ripe!" Tootie said, but just grinned showing off her braces. if you wanted to be a good mommy to big babies you had to be able to withstand smelly things after all, and besides, this was nothing compared to the time she'd been locked in a closet with 5 pissed off skunks thanks to her big sister. "Awww it's Ok Timmy, Mommy Tootie is here to make it allll better." She coo'ed, coming in close and popping Timmy's thumb out of his mouth and replacing it with a pacifier, which he eagerly took too, then looked over her shoulder to her sister. "why's he outside?" "oh, Practically begged me to show him off, once he knew you were coming over and he was gonna get to baby out as much as he wanted, he wanted to be loud and proud." Vicky lied, "You handle this and whatever big baby stuff he wants, I'm going back inside and opening all the windows and using all the air fresher the turners have." Vicky said, turning and walking away. Tootie rolled her eyes at that, but at least she had her big baby all to herself..at least until everyone showed up. hoping to avoid getting arrested for public indecency, she went to work on the diaper change, noting it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it would be.
Timmy's brain was on auto mode, and for the most part his big boy mind just retreated inside and thought of all the cool stuff he had done. sure it would be brought out to the surface once in a while but always blissfully retreated back before the weight of what was happening to him for real was to much and just erased itself. -flash- Chester and AJ staring with drop jaws and then all fumbling over words, trying to baby talk to Timmy as Tootie made it clear Timmy would be too busy being her big baby to play with them anymore, at least unless they promised no rough and tough games -flash- Trixie and her friends showing up, Laughing and teasing him and asking if baby made boom boom when Timmy had loudly farted. -flash- His own parents coming home and buying the story from Tootie and Vicky, and promising to give Timmy the full on big baby experience he wanted. Timmy trying to argue but he was in the middle of being fed a bottle and his whines were just seen as him needing to be burped. It wasn't until he was tucked in for the night at 6:30 pm sharp in his old crib, curtains shut and a mobile playing over his head that he was able to get a maintained big boy mode going on, and that was when Wanda and Cosmo had finally come back. Wanda had taken one look at him and went to say something but Timmy got a mittened hand to his lips, in a full body with mitts and feeties light pink sleeper that he'd gotten for his birthday last year, and he pointed at the baby monitor. even as the light dawned on Wanda's face, she reached over and grabbed Cosmo's lips since he was still about to loudly ask what was going on, using the hand with the wand in it to cover up their talk..all anyone listening would hear would be 'goo goo gaga's and other baby babble. "ok sport, whats going on here?" Wanda asked. "duh, he's playing big baby! I used to do that sometimes with momma Cosmo!" Cosmo said and smiled fondly. "..Can't say that's a shock." Timmy  said dryly, then proceeded to spill the beans as fast as he could. As he finished up, squirming and huffing in his wet diaper he looked at Wanda and Cosmo. "So..I think it goes without saying I wish to undo everything that happened today?" "the two faeries nodded, raised their wands and there was a loud farting noise. "Uh..Yeah..about that timmy.." Wanda said, gulping and rubbing the back of her head as a copy of Da rulez appeared. "Oh no. Ohhhh no no no no no.." Timmy mewed, grabbing a stuffie and putting it to his face. "Do NOT tell me.." "Oh yeah, trues out enough people love you like this that it can't be undo. normally a massive cock up like this could of been.. but looks like Tootie, Your parents and Trixe and Veronica all love this version of you, you won the girls over when playing patty cake with them." Wanda said and gave a nervous laugh., holding up the book and showing Timmy the reply from when his baby brain had been in control. "Awww so cute!" Cosmo coo'ed. "And since at least five people had to love this for Da rule to kick in.." Wanda trailed off. "I-I'm trapped like this!?!" Timmy whimpered, his bottom lip trembling. "But..but..that's not..it's not.." And as the water works started a purge of sorts followed, big baby Timmy on his hands and knees switching between bawling and pushing as his big boy mind screamed and fussed over what was happening, his baby mind got comfortable. technically Wanda and Cosmo could of stepped up, but with Timmy going back to permanent babyhood they were going to be reassigned anyways and this would just make it easier for him to endure the permanent babyhood that was going to be his new life. With a series of massive and stinky farts, the back of Timmy's sleeper and diaper puffed out, his big boy mind in it and a fully baby brained Timmy coo'ed softly and gurgled, waving at the faeries then nuzzled into a teddy and went sleepies. The faeries waved bye bye back, and turn off the effect around the baby monitor and left.
the end
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sukirichi · 4 years
— just the two of us
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request: I almost read all of your jujutsu kaisen writings and I love it. Your writing is really good! I do not know if a request about a fics🥞 about satoru gojo who is really in love and not very possessive with an oblivious reader. It will be fun to see Satoru try to flirt with her and she doesn't get it🤣
pairings: gojo x oblivious! reader
notes: THIS IDEA IS SO CUTEEE I absolutely loved every second of writing it! thank you for the request and I hope you like this! 🥞 breakfast has been served!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: none, other than this is unedited and written humorously rather than seriously~
masterlist !
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Gojo doesn’t know whether he’s lucky – or completely cursed – over the fact you’ve got no idea he’s so in love with you.
It’s a bright sunny morning, perfect for outdoor training, and he walks with you all the way to school with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. You stretch your arms out in the sky to bask in the morning glow and warmth of the sun, sleeves pushed up to your forearms to “get that vitamin D.”
Satoru snickers at your statement, because you’d totally be getting a different kind of Vitamin D if only you’d notice him. Sometimes he wonders, if maybe you’d inherited the Six Eyes instead of him, would you finally be able to see him – or would you still remain unaware?
He doesn’t even know where it began. A year ago, Yaga introduced you as the newest staff member. You’d been so fidgety and nervous then, unsure of what to do and worried if maybe the kids wouldn’t love. They did, of course, how could they not. Not only were you extremely fun to be with, you’re also caring, fretting and even crying whenever one of the students got injured over a mission.
Shoko reminds you all the time that this should be normal for you by now, but you always cry every time, sobbing that they’re still only kids and should be out having fun.
Yeah, maybe that’s where it began. Your kindness struck a chord in Satoru’s heart, and before he knew it, he was falling for you. Hard. Next thing you know, he shows up five minutes before you leave for work, mock-saluting you before inviting you to breakfast. He does this every damn day, and you still don’t get a single thing.
“That café was really good,” you muse, fingers stretching outwards and giggling as the sun peeks through the spaces. Satoru sighs beside you, wanting nothing more than to slip his fingers through those softer ones. “We should go back there sometime. Maybe even take the kids with us this weekend so we can all have breakfast together!”
Satoru masks a snicker with a cough. It reminds him of the time Megumi called you mom and dad by accident, to which you happily responded with before tackling the boy in hugs, while the strongest jujutsu sorcerer only flushed in embarrassment.
Him being him though, Satoru played it off cool, flipping his hair before striking a pose. “Huh, a dad?” he smirks, “The only person who gets to call me daddy would be no one else but Y/N.”
The raven haired first year student immediately recoils in disgust. Meanwhile, the innuendo flies straight through you, and you peer up at him innocently with your head tilted to the side. “Daddy? Why would I call you my dad? My father is still alive and well, and I don’t see you marrying my mom or anything,” Just as Megumi nearly howls in laughter – another evidence that you’re really something else to get the usually stoic boy to lose his composure like that – you snap your fingers, the light bulb above your head practically shining. “Oh, I get it! You prefer younger women and you want them to call you that! Kind of like the hype for onii-chan nowadays.”
Hopeless, Satoru wants to say, you’re absolutely, utterly hopeless.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs nonchalantly, sending a smirk your way. It usually drives everyone crazy, but you only smile back up at him in the same way you smile with everyone, and he tries his best to not show his shoulders are deflating. Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up. “How about you and I go out somewhere this weekend? The movies, perhaps?”
Say yes, say yes – please say yes.
Really though, he’s waiting for that ‘no’ already. Satoru knows you always go out of town during the weekends to visit your family in the countryside, only coming back on Monday the next week with a basket of fruits and traditional goods that isn’t so easy to find in the city.
But then you clasp your hands together in excitement, lashes fluttering delicately as you beam up at him. “Really? You’d like to go to the movies with me?”
“Of course I would,” Satoru tries not to stutter, hiding the fact that he’s completely taken aback. He’s the Gojo Satoru for heaven’s sake, he shouldn’t be this affected by anyone’s presence. “What makes you think I wouldn’t want to?”
“Oh, nothing, I just thought you were busy. This Saturday, then?”
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, it’s actually happening – his mind was barely functioning at this point, and he even slapped his cheeks to snap him back to life. “I thought there was a fly,” he lied with a chuckle, “But yeah, Saturday. I’ll pick you up?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Satoru wouldn’t stop smiling the whole way to the school. Even when Yuuji had face planted into the ground and Megumi sprained his ankle from training, he wasn’t able to get rid of the ridiculously big smile that stretched across his lips. He’s floating in cloud nine, flowers erupting from his ears and heart-shaped emojis bursting in his background.
“Well, you look creepy,” Shoko commented in the faculty room the moment you excused yourself, “Did you land a date with her or something?”
“That I did,” he stated proudly, even banging his fist on his chest like a deranged form of King Kong.
“I can only hope Y/N makes it out alive,” Nanami announces from behind the newspaper he’s reading, legs crossed over another before he peeks above the paper, narrowed eyes dead set on the blindfolded man. “Don’t be too wild with her, Satoru. She’s a gentle soul despite being a sorcerer – I humbly suggest you don’t mess with her feelings.”
“Are you kidding me? She’s the one messing with my feelings by being so fucking cute all the time!”
“Who’s cute?”
Shoko nearly spits out her coffee the moment you enter, glancing around the room and sitting down next to a shock-still Satoru. Nanami only huffs in his seat with a shake of his head. It doesn’t take long before Satoru regains his confidence and recovers from his shock – he’s turned to you with his torso completely facing your way.
You bask in the attention, mimicking the gesture until your faces are mere inches from one another. The fact you’re so responsive and attentive to him yet still painfully naïve strikes a mental war of himself debating whether he wants to kiss you or knock your head upside down. Satoru chooses neither options as he leans closer, his smile growing wider when you don’t pull away, and he doesn’t stop moving until his lips are right beside the shell of your ear.
“You’re cute.”
Shoko shudders at the same time Nanami just gives up on everything, folding his paper and lying that he’s got someplace to go with Ichiji. Satoru patiently waits for your reaction; for you to crumble this time around.
You’re silent for a moment, brows almost right across each other when you register his words. Satoru ends up holding his breath for your next words, wondering: is this it? will she finally understand what I feel for her now?
Even Shoko ends up sitting at the edge of her seat, silently watching the exchange with interest barely hidden in her sparkling eyes. Satoru watches as your lips open, his eyes transfixed on the way the soft flesh moves. They tilt upwards, revealing a set of a wide smile – the smile he can never get enough of. “Thank you!” you giggle at his compliment, “You and Shoko are very cute too! And the kids too, especially Toge! Not that I’m saying he’s my favourite—”
“He’s definitely your favourite student,” snorts Shoko who is ignoring the way Satoru turns completely gray beside you.
It turns out you still haven’t figured it out after all.
“The kids this – the kids that,” the tall, lanky man whines, his head falling back on the back of the leather couch. He looks so utterly defeated you can’t help but lean over him to check if he’s okay, but Satoru pouts and hides his face under his uniform instead. “Why can it never be just the two of us?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
This time, you’ve kneeled on the couch to hover him. You even pluck one side of his blindfold off to see how he’s doing, and suddenly thankful you can’t see the way his cheeks are absolutely flaming right now. 
“Nothing,” he assures, his smile hidden behind his shirt. You look absolutely adorable hovering over him like that – eyes wide and lips pouty – what he wouldn’t give to kiss those lips right now, but it isn’t the right time, and Satoru just needs to find a better way to tell you how he feels. “It’s nothing.”
It’s absolutely not nothing.
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Saturday couldn’t come faster.
Satoru finds himself willing time to go faster. Once the awaited day finally comes, he wastes no time in choosing his best outfit; an oversized black shirt tucked into black skinny jeans before styling his hair up the way he likes.
He winks at his reflection in the mirror, going ooh and aah at how hot he looks. It’s another reason why he can’t comprehend why you don’t like him yet, when, uhm, he knows he looks damn good? He’s pretty funny too – and his strength and power is already a no-brainer. Satoru can’t wrap his head around any possible reason why you wouldn’t like him; it’s basically a life or death mission at this point.
With that end goal in his mind and a spritz of perfume later, Satoru sashays out his apartment. Even though it’s already dark outside and he spent the whole day walking back and forth in his room trying to come up with ways to confess to you, he acts coolly all the way to your apartment.
This time around, he’s more than confident. He’s going to have you wrapped around his pretty little finger, “Wow,” is the first thing he says, pulling his blindfold down just to look at you.
Satoru feels blessed in that exact moment to witness how the heavens took their time with you, creating only the best out of the best and birthing the most magnificent person ever. Suddenly, he grows an urge to run to the countryside and thank your parents for going funky one night and creating you, because you’re an absolutely magnificent gift and it really baffles him how you’re real.
“Wow,” he repeats again, and you chuckle when he shakes his head. “You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you look him up and down, smiling in satisfaction. “You look very handsome yourself.”
Satoru’s been called handsome a million times before that it’s gotten too much in his head already, but hearing it come from your lips hits different. If he was excited before, it’s nothing compared to what he feels now when you loop your arm through his, dangling off his arm like you were a lover.
He knows it’s not real and this is probably just a friendly date for you – something he intends to clear up later – but it doesn’t stop him from puffing his chest up a bit, almost as if bragging to everyone around you that he was the one you’re with, and that he was the one you’re going to the movies with.
All your babbles about everything goes straight into one ear and out the other. He wants to listen to you, he really does, but he’s so intoxicated with your voice that he just ends up nodding at everything you say; his attention mostly on how sweet you sound and smell.
His feelings only intensify a hundred times more when you finally make it to the theatre. Not only is it dark, but you’re sitting right next to him, arms and thighs brushing against each other. He takes note of every little movement you make, smiling to himself when you don’t pull away from his thigh flush against yours.
In this close proximity, your perfume overwhelms his senses. He finds himself leaning closer just to get a little more taste of it, his arm resting on the armrest beside him and placing his cheek on his open palm.
He doesn’t even know what the movie is about. All he can see, hear, feel and recognize is you – nothing and no one but you. Just as he wanted, it’s just the two of you.
Satoru reaches out to the bowl of popcorn in his lap to distract himself from the need of kissing you already. He was so smug that he’s on this date with you; now he feels like the world is laughing and mocking at him because you’re so close yet so far away. The last thing he wants is to say something weird and have you running for the hills. It’s clear you don’t like him, after all.
You end up reaching for it the same time he does, making your fingers brush. It sends a jolt of electricity down his spine and he immediately retracts it.
Looking up at him with an apologetic smile, Satoru knows he’s messed up. “I’m sorry,” you blurt out, raising your hands in surrender with a nervous chuckle. “I should’ve gotten my own bowl instead.”
Satoru stares at you through his blindfold. You’re close enough that he can count your lashes – both top and bottom row – and he’s so stupefied at this point that he just says the first thing that comes to his mind; absolutely anything just to get your attention. “Cold,” he shows you his hand, “I’m cold.”
“Oh,” you nod and slip your fingers through his. Satoru nearly gasps at how electrifying the sensation is from having your smaller, softer fingers collide with his, your hands fitting perfectly in his bigger, calloused ones. Then, you close your intertwined hands and smush your cheek with it to transfer your heat – completely unaware that Satoru feels like he’s floating in his own Infinite Void right now. “Feel warmer now?”
“Yes,” he replies. “Extremely.”
Something beast-like wakes within him after that. Now that he knows you don’t mind touching him at all, Satoru can’t help but want to take out all his playing cards and just go fuck it. So he does – and he might regret, he might not – who cares? It’s just the two of you, and you’re the only one he ever cares about this much that he’d pretty much let you do anything at this point.
“You know,” Satoru begins, shifting until your joined hands are resting on top of his chest. His heart is just about ready to burst through its confines at this moment, but he holds back. It’s now or never. “Shoko and Nanami are annoyed that I talk about you all the time.”
Your eyes widen at his statement. “Really? Do you talk badly about me or something?”
“No,” he nearly groans in frustration, “You’re really pretty and cool. You’re amazing during missions, too, when you fight, it’s like I’m witnessing a warrior princess. So cool.”
This makes you laugh until the person sitting behind you rudely shushes you. You bow your head in apology, turning to Satoru with a softer smile this time; one that looks reserved and private compared to your big grins. “Oh, no,” he closes his eyes even behind his blindfold, “Don’t smile at me like that. I don’t think I’ll still be cool if I end up stuttering over my words.”
“Satoru!” you whisper-hiss, although your chest is filled with so much giddiness too that you’ve both forgotten about the movie; unaware that the entire theatre was crying over the main character’s friend’s death. “What are you going on about?”
He wants to laugh so damn hard. He thought confessing his feelings for you would end up in a pitiful heartbreak that you’d be weirded out and push him away. For a moment, he forgets it’s you, and that nothing is ever difficult or painful with you – other than, of course, you being oblivious, but that isn’t something he can’t fix. He’ll get you on the train one way or another.
“I have a confession.”
“I was practicing how to ask you out for a whole hour in the mirror,” Satoru whispers, careful to not ruin the melancholic mood of theatre. It doesn’t even surprise him that his world is filled with nothing but sunshine even if the world around you has descended into grief and loneliness. “I also called Nanami on first date tips.”
“Nanami?” you echo with a gasp, “Why Nanami?”
“Because he’s married, that’s why. Mans know some tips for sure.”
“Wait, so,” you chuckle nervously, and Satoru waits, waits for you to pull away or push him back – anything that would indicate discomfort. He’s patient the whole time, watching carefully as you only squeeze his hand and gesture to the both of you with your free one. “This is a date? Our first date?”
“Only if you want to be,” Satoru shrugs, grimacing afterwards at how sappy he sounds. “Well, I actually consider this our first date and I’ve been waiting for this for like forever now, so I sure as hell hope you want this too. I didn’t dress myself up today only to come back home crying.”
Satoru’s heart – if possible – only beats crazier and sings the syllables of your name when you start laughing harder to the point you have to muffle it by burying yourself in his bicep. He feels like his muscles and nerves could erupt at any moment. It’s crazy – absolutely insane – how you have him wrapped around your finger like this. He doesn’t complain though; he never will.
“I’m glad,” you mumble through his shirt, your erratic heartbeat matching kiss when you take the first tentative step of kissing his jaw.
Satoru stiffens underneath you, a low growl ripping from his throat. He’s feral, wild, drunk at the sight and scent of you. You make him feel like he’s fluctuating between dimensions, all the planets just crashing on one another until the stardust is left in your eyes because what else could be an explanation for what he’s feeling other than a supernova collision of hearts?
“You always make me feel so happy when you’re around that I still can’t believe you feel the same way. I was so worried that maybe you wouldn’t get my hints.”
Satoru groans, “What the hell? How long have you liked me?”
“I guess when you started bringing flowers to Megumi randomly just to piss him off.”
Satoru wants to rip his hair out. That was just a few weeks after you’ve started working with him, meaning you both have liked each other this whole time and he’s been suffering and feeling stupid just for nothing?
“God, Y/N,” he mutters to himself, “You really do know how to make a man go crazy, huh?”
That innocent smile on your face lets him know that as usual, you’re oblivious of everything. Satoru is right; he still can’t decide whether he wants to whack you in the head upside down. With a sigh, he ends up choosing the latter, nearly falling over his seat when you let out a surprised yelp at the feeling of his lips on yours.
It doesn’t take long before you grab onto his shirt and cling to dear life, laughter bubbling through your lips as you kiss. The sound is so precious he wants to bottle it up and keep it treasure for the rest of his life, but Satoru doesn’t rush anything.
With you and only with you is he ever capable of feeling like it’s just the two of you in a world filled with chaos and destruction.
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seijorhi · 4 years
No Strings Attached
A commission for the lovely @hearteyes-candyskies, hope you like it bby! 💕
Bokuto Koutarou x female reader
TW Age gap, power imbalance, manipulation, toxic behaviour, nsfw(ish)
Three months ago, you would have laughed at the very idea of having a sugar daddy. 
Then again, three months ago you were still living with your boyfriend and had a steady paycheck coming in every week. You can blame losing the latter on bad luck and an asshole boss, but the former-
You knew your relationship with your ex was far from perfect, but coming home from losing said job to find him buried balls deep in your next door neighbour was a bit of a slap in the face. 
Needless to say, in the space of a few days you were out a job, a boyfriend and an apartment. Which, somewhat inevitably, led to you being six wines deep, slumped over your best friend’s bed, sobbing over the wreckage of the life you’d built, suddenly ripped out from beneath you.
You can’t really remember whose idea it was, only giggling drunkenly between yourselves as Misuzu set up your ‘sugar baby’ profile. “Shh, no this is gonna be great,” she’d said, hitting at the hands that tried to grab back your phone. “Meet some hot rich old dude, ride a little dick, let him shower you in cash; all your problems? Poof, sorted!”
And even with the heady, rose tinted haze of your wine fuelled inebriation, you knew that it was just a joke, a bit of stupid fun born more out of an attempt to cheer you up than a viable plan to get the tattered remains of your life back on track. Calling some old creepy dude ‘daddy’ and pretending to love him (not to mention the whole letting him fuck you thing) just for a little money wasn’t exactly your idea of a good time.
Plus, you were fairly sure that you weren’t what most people had in mind when they thought ‘sugar baby’. It wasn’t ever meant to be anything serious, just dumb, drunken fun with your friend.
So when you woke the next day a little after mid morning with a head full of regrets and a pounding headache, the last thing you expected was to find a message from BigDaddyKou82 waiting for you, better sense told you to ignore it.
Honestly, you didn’t really want a sugar daddy, your love life was enough of a mess without throwing in a power imbalance like that.
You should have ignored the message, deleted it or shot him a quick reply politely explaining that you weren’t interested so you could put it out of your mind, and you would have-
If Misuzu hadn’t caught sight of the message first, snatching the phone out of your hand with a gleeful shriek. 
If you’ve learned anything in these past months, it’s that Bokuto Koutarou doesn’t do anything by half measures. So when he tells you he’s booked dinner for the two of you at an upscale restaurant in the city, you should have expected the package that’s hand delivered right to the door of your shitty little apartment. The dress is beautiful, expensive - though you could tell that just from the elegant matte black box wrapped in golden ribbon it arrives in. It’s exactly his style; short, revealing and just dancing along the edge of impropriety, not that that’ll bother him in the slightest. 
But it is gorgeous, and loathe as you are to admit it, it flatters you well.
It’s not the first time that he’s bought you clothes, your tiny closet’s almost overflowing with pieces he’s gifted you. He likes seeing you in the things he’s bought, sometimes a little too much, you think. But you’ve learned it’s better just to go along with it - he gets this wide eyed, beaming grin whenever he sees you dressed in the pretty things he’s bought you, and the sight of it never fails to make your cheeks heat, warmth curling in your stomach. 
The dress was not unexpected. The soft, lacy lingerie that comes in the accompanying box, on the other hand - that was new.
And of course, you barely have time to unwrap your gift when your phone flashes to life, an incoming call from the man himself.
“D’ya like it?”
The giddy excitement in his voice is unmistakable, and if you close your eyes you can picture the look on his face - golden eyes all hooded and hungry, that glittering, eager grin he wears when the two of you are out in public but his mind’s occupied with all the filthy, wonderful things he wants to do to you the moment you’re alone. 
Not that he’s ever that patient. 
“Um, it’s…” Fingers tentatively reach into the tissue paper, pulling the sheer, lacy bra out, warmth blossoming in your cheeks. The matching panties - a tiny scrap of lace held together with bows and thin black straps - really aren’t much better. Like the dress, the lingerie is clearly well made, probably cost more than your weekly rent, and the delicate set is arguably gorgeous (you can’t even argue his taste), but–
“You’re gonna wear it for me tonight, right, baby?” 
It’s not really a question; of course you will, because you always do. You would have thought by now that you’d be used to the gifts he showers you in. 
“Yeah, but Kou, you really didn’t have to spend all this money on me. Dinner’s enough,” you tell him, setting the lingerie back down. 
Dinner, and everything else for that matter. 
A chuckle echoes down the line. “But I like spoiling my girl. Like buying you pretty things,” his voice dips, “like tearing ‘em off you afterwards, too.” 
And despite all the apprehension curled up inside of you, a shiver of excitement runs down your spine. 
“So…” Misuzu pushes, leaning across the countertop with her chin resting on her palm and looking entirely too pleased at your discomfort.
“He… asked me to meet him.”
Her eyes widen, sparkling in delight as she gasps, “For dinner?”
“For a drink - one drink,” you clarify. You elect not to tell her that he’d initially tried to sway you into dinner, and it was you who’d talked him down to a drink. Truthfully, you’d probably feel more comfortable getting coffee, but meeting at a bar was fine.
One drink, and if things got awkward or he turned out to be a creep you’d be out of there in a heartbeat. 
“Oh my god!! My baby Y/N, all grown up and manipulating old, lonely men for money. I’m so proud,” she wipes a fake tear from her eye and bursts into a fit of giggles.
A crinkle appears between your brow as you frown at her, “He’s not even that old,” you grumble, “and it’s not like that. You know it’s not.”
“No?” she asks, her lips curling into a teasing smirk. “You know, for somebody who was so against me messaging your soon to be sugar daddy, you sure move quickly.”
She laughs at the glare you shoot her way. “You were the one who started this.”
“Mhm, and you were the one who didn’t stop it. Funny that, don’t you think?”
She looks like the cat that ate the canary; smug, glittering amusement written all across her face. And you hate, more than anything, that she’s right.
Because you’d meant to put a stop to it the moment you managed to wrestle your phone back from her. Afterwards, you’d blame the lingering hurt of having your heart broken, the insecurities and bitter humiliation that plagued you, the feeling that you weren’t good enough to stop your boyfriend from straying for making you so pathetically vulnerable and desperate for approval - but when you opened the chat instead of the sleazy come on’s you expected, his first message makes something inside of you flutter, warm and pleasant.
Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Not exactly a sonnet from Shakespeare, but you can’t remember the last time any guy, much less your ex, called you beautiful. 
It didn’t exactly hurt that instead of the aging, creepy looking letch you were half expecting, the profile picture showed a rather fit, attractive man in a crisp, black suit with silvery grey streaked hair and an easy grin. Of course, it was a fifty-fifty chance that the pic wasn’t even him, or if it was then it was outdated or heavily edited, but it was enough to make you pause.
Enough to make you… curious, if nothing else.
But ridiculously attractive or not, you weren’t going to lead him on. If he wanted some pretty, simpering thing to fuck and throw money at, to call him daddy and be his sweet, obedient little girl - that wasn’t you. You’d explained that you weren’t really sure if this was your thing, that you probably weren’t what he had in mind, but surprisingly he hadn’t been put off by that.
Well what’s the harm in finding out for yourself? Maybe you’ll like it more than you think ;)
There were rules, when you started - lines you both agreed wouldn’t be crossed.
First and foremost, while it wasn’t exactly a conventional relationship - at least, not the kind you were used to - it was still a relationship of sorts, and there was an expectation of honesty in lieu of absolute exclusivity. You’d tell him if you were seeing anybody else, and Bokuto would tell you the same. Considering sex was on the table, it made sense.
You swore right from the beginning that you wouldn’t allow yourself to become financially dependent on him - you knew all too well that relationships were fickle things to begin with. That kind of dependency was half the reason you were in this position in the first place, and you wouldn’t - couldn’t - let that happen again. That didn’t mean that the arrangement wasn’t transactional. After a few initial meetings that went better than you expected, the two of you came to an agreement; a nice little sum of money he’d deposit weekly in your account in exchange for you being there when he wanted you. Dinner dates, skype calls when he’s travelling, spur of the moment weekends away in expensive hotels - whatever he wanted... within reason.
The thing is, despite his flaws - the little funks he gets into, his immaturity despite the age gap between you, the way he clings to you, mopes if you don’t pay him the attention he wants - you genuinely like Bo, he’s oddly endearing. Loveable, even. He reminds you a little of a puppy; eager for affection, bright and boisterous with boundless energy (and enviable stamina). He’s sweet and adoring and funny and he has this uncanny ability to make everything else fade away when you’re with him, to make you feel like you’re the only woman in the room, beautiful and perfect and entirely his-
But that didn’t make him your boyfriend. 
You weren’t lovers, and whether it was in two weeks or two years, you both knew this arrangement had an expiration date. And because of that, there were no strings attached. At any point, either one of you could end it without an explanation - no questions asked, no feelings hurt. 
Truthfully, you don’t know an awful lot about Bokuto’s line of work, only that his position within the company is senior enough that he can move around his schedule pretty much as he wants, leaving him free to see you whenever he likes. 
Which wasn’t a problem when that was once or twice a week. 
“Sorry, Koutarou, you know I can’t. Maybe tomorrow?”
The petulant whine that echoes down the phone fills you with an odd sort of  guilt. “Why not? You said no on Friday, too,” he pouts. “I miss you, baby. Wanna see you again.”
You shove down the faint, flickering unease that nudges at your gut. You’re not his girlfriend, and you find yourself wondering whether or not he sometimes deliberately lets himself forget that.
Nibbling at your bottom lip, you frown, “I told you I have work today. It’s too late for me to try and find someone to cover my shift, and if I call in again-”
You can kiss your job goodbye. You’re already on thin ice with your boss, and it’s not like new waitresses are hard to find these days. 
“Well… what time do you finish?” he asks, his voice thick with dejection, as if he already knows what your answer’s going to be.
You bite back a sigh, “Late. I’m on close again.”
The short silence on the other end of the phone is deafening. “… I’ll come pick you up afterwards.”
This time you can’t stop the soft sigh that escapes, “Kou, I’m gonna be exhausted, I won’t be any fun to be around.”
“Still wanna see you. You’re always working,” he grumbles. “Feels like you don’t have time for me anymore, baby.”
Slowly your eyes flutter shut, and you take a deep breath. It always comes back to this. “I need this job, baby. We’ve talked about this… I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? I have the whole day off, I’m entirely yours.”
“All mine, hm?”
You smile, “All yours, promise.”
He hums in acknowledgement, not entirely happy, but temporarily placated. “Fiiiine. But I’m holding you to it.”
As if you expected any less. “I have to go get ready for work. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“I’ll see you later,” he promises, and you hang up a moment later. 
When he said that, you assumed that both of you were on the same page as to what ‘later’ meant.
Three hours into your shift, you hadn’t expected to return from the kitchen to find a grinning Bokuto lounging in one of your booths.
“He asked for you specifically when he came in,” one of your coworkers tells you, shooting you a playful wink. “Didn’t know you were into silver foxes, Y/N. But I can’t say I blame you, he’s hot!”
“Yeah, thanks,” you mutter distractedly, glancing over your shoulder to check your manager wasn’t watching before making your way over.
The smile on your face is tight as golden eyes flicker towards you. “Bokuto,” you begin quietly, “what- what are you doing here?”
An odd look passes across his face at the use of his family name, but the smug grin remains. “You said you had to work tonight,” he says with a cavalier shrug, as if that explained everything. 
“Yes, because I’m working! Kou, I need this job, I can’t-” you break off with a huff, darting another glance over your shoulder. Thankfully, your manager’s busy berating your co-worker for a screwed up order and hasn’t noticed your absence yet.  
Taking advantage of your distracted state, Bokuto reaches across the table to take your hand in his, his thumb stroking back and forth along the back of your palm. “Hey, hey, relax. You’re here to work, I get it, baby. I’m just here for some food, cross my heart,” he swears, drawing an imaginary X over his chest with his finger.
Gently tugging your hand back, you ignore the hurt little pout he gives you. “So you decided to drive twenty minutes across town just to eat here?” you ask, trying to keep the exasperation from colouring your tone. 
He shifts a little in his seat, cheeks flushing a dusty pink under your narrowed stare. “… Well, maybe I wanted to see my pretty girl, too,” he admits, “But I swear I’ll be on my best behaviour!”
Somehow, his words don’t fill you with confidence, but what are you supposed to do? Kick him out? Snap at him for coming despite the fact you told him not to? Taking a deep, steadying breath through your nose, you force yourself to relax. Bokuto’s not hurting anybody by being there, and so long as he keeps his hands to himself, so long as he behaves, it won’t be an issue.
He’s a paying customer, and you’ll treat him just like you would anyone else who walked through the restaurant’s doors.
Yet despite trying to reassure yourself of that, you can’t escape the niggling sense of unease sitting in the pit of your stomach. Even if he’s the perfect gentleman tonight, the perfect stranger, you’ve worked hard to keep your boring day to day life and the one you’ve created with him in nice, neat, separate boxes. Bokuto hasn’t met your friends or your family and outside of Misuzu they don’t have a clue about your arrangement with your attractive if somewhat clingy benefactor.
You don’t want them to know.
Him being here threatens that - it makes you nervous.
But you’ve been with Bokuto long enough to know that you can’t tell him that without hurting his feelings, and you definitely don’t have the energy to deal with that tonight. It’s a conversation for another day.
Instead, you allow a small smile to tug at the corners of your lips, “You know the food’s pretty average here, you might be disappointed.”
Bokuto grins again, mischief sparkling in those golden eyes, and your traitorous heart skips a beat. “Yeah, don’t think that’ll be a problem,” he leans in closer, “I’m far more interested in what’s for dessert.”
Warmth floods your cheeks as he snickers. 
For the most part he keeps his hands to himself, but you can’t quite bring yourself to relax when you can feel those golden, hungry eyes burning a hole into your back as you move around the restaurant serving other customers.
You pretend you don’t see the scowling glower he sends to the harmless office-worker who spends a good forty five minutes flirting with you every time you go over to check on his table.
Bokuto orders enough food to feed a small army and stays until close, leaving a more than generous tip on his way out. 
It goes without saying that he waits for you to finish up. The moment you slip out the door, calling out one last goodnight to your coworker, he’s on you, pushing you up against the brick alleyway wall, hiking your legs up over his hips as his mouth attacks yours, greedy and eager, swallowing up any and all protests you might’ve had.
He doesn’t take you home like you ask, but back to his penthouse suite, and neither of you get much sleep that night.
You’re halfway through washing your hair a few days later when your shower head splutters once… twice… and stops completely. 
A blockage in the plumbing, your landlord informs you rather apathetically. It’s affecting the whole floor and it’ll take at least a day or two to get somebody out to fix it properly, leaving you without running water for the entirety of that time.
In hindsight, there were at least three other people you could have (and probably should have) called first, but he’s already answering the phone before the thought even occurs to you. 
And then it’s too late to backpedal. You find yourself grateful that he can’t physically see the way you flush and fidget, pacing around your living room as you awkwardly try to explain the reason you’re calling at ten in the morning. 
“Would, I mean, i-is it okay if I come over to use your shower? Just for this one time, mine kind of got interrupted this morning.” 
God, from the way you stutter, stumbling over your own tongue, you’d think you were asking him to marry you. You’ve spent the night at his countless times before, but asking for a favour, even a small one like this - maybe you’re toeing an unwritten line in the sand? Bokuto isn’t with you because he loves you, he’s with you because it’s mutually beneficial for both of you, because of an agreement. 
He wants fun, easy, not you saddling him with minor inconveniences. Calling to ask him to come save you, albeit from something as mundane as a lack of access to a functioning shower, feels like something you’d ask your boyfriend to do. 
Not your sugar daddy.
But just as you’re about to backtrack and apologise for interrupting his morning, he speaks. “What d’you mean? Just come stay with me till it’s fixed.”
He says it with such certainty, as if it’s the most obvious solution and for a moment you’re stunned into silence. “A-are you sure? I don’t want-'' Don't want what? To be an inconvenience? A problem? “I don’t want to be in the way,” you finish lamely.
Bokuto just laughs, “Don’t be stupid, baby, of course you won’t be in the way. Just swing by the office and I can give you the keys. Or I can just get you another set made? I don’t know, we can figure it out later. I’ll see you soon, ‘kay?” 
And you have to admit, as apprehensive as you were stepping into his penthouse alone for the first time, showering in Bokuto’s fancy ensuite bathroom (which you’re fairly sure is bigger than your actual bedroom) is a hell of a lot nicer than doing it at home. The lotions he has are all expensive brands with french names you’ve never even heard of before, but they smell amazing and they leave your skin feeling all soft and silky. Even the shampoo he’s bought for you to use is far nicer than the one you have at home, though you’re secretly pleased that its scent’s similar - your favourite, actually. 
Did he buy them knowing that or was it just a coincidence, you wonder. You never thought to ask. 
Without work, or Bo for that matter, to occupy your time, you decide to take advantage of his gigantic TV, opening up Netflix and settling into his ridiculously comfortable couch… 
… And wake, a few hours later to the feeling of fingers carding through your hair and a pair of lips pressing against your cheek. 
Bokuto’s home, you realise with a start, and there’s drool on your chin. Face burning with embarrassment, you hastily wipe it away with the back of your palm and try to sit up, only for Bokuto’s hand to wrap around your wrist, halting you in your tracks.
“No, don’t get up, baby,” he says, easing down onto the couch beside you and shifting your head onto his lap so he can continue threading his fingers through your hair. “I like coming home to this.”
Still half asleep, curling up and nuzzling further into those warm, thick thighs of his, you miss the intensity of the adoration burning in golden depths as he coaxes you back to sleep.
The two of you are in bed, your cheek resting on his chest, his arm slung over your waist and knuckles brushing idly along your side, when Bokuto breaks the comfortable silence. 
“Move in with me.”
You tense in his arms, heart skipping a beat. For a split second, you’re almost positive that you misheard him. “I-I’m sorry?” You push yourself up onto your elbow, turning your head so that you can look at him properly.
But Bokuto doesn’t miss a beat. “Move in with me,” he repeats, golden eyes bearing down on you.
The expression on your face is frozen halfway between disbelief and hysteria, and you’re staring at him, waiting for that stupid grin to break across his face, for him to laugh and tell you how ridiculous you look, because of course he’s joking.
He’s joking, right?
“Koutarou,” you begin slowly, “Wha- I don’t… Why would you want me to move in with you? We barely- I mean, we’re not…” 
He shrugs his shoulders, “Why wouldn’t I? It makes sense. My place is bigger and nicer, and I like having you here with me. Feels right.”
It feels right??
“I-I can’t just move out of my apartment, Kou.”
His eyebrows knit together, and he huffs, “Why not? It’s a shitty apartment.”
“That’s not the point!” Knocking away the hand that reaches for you, you push yourself all the way up until you’re sitting properly. “I don’t want to move.” 
Owlish eyes narrow, a flash of irritation sparking. “Why not? It makes perfect sense for you to move in here with me. You wouldn’t have to work at that stupid job anymore for one,” he huffs. 
“Bokuto, I’m not going to quit my job,” you mutter. “We’ve talked about this.”
“Why, though?!” he explodes. “You don’t need the money, I’ve told you I can take care of you, whatever you want, baby, name it and it’s fucking yours. You don’t need to work and you don’t need that shitty little apartment!”
Like a crystal glass slipping from numb fingers, the fantasy you’ve convinced yourself you’ve been living shatters into a thousand jagged shards in the space of a single breath.
Oh, how naive you’ve been. How fucking stupid.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you inhale deeply, “Kou, that’s not-”
Strong fingers grip your jaw, and your eyes shoot open as he tugs your face back towards him. Your breath catches in your throat, heart hammering painfully against your ribs. His eyes are wide, pupils blown out, but it’s the intensity in his gaze as he stares at you, the blank expression-
“I love you.”
39 missed calls. 72 unread messages. 
Flowers, bouquets of roses, peonies and chrysanthemums piled up by your door between boxes of chocolates and other gifts you won’t bring yourself to open. 
Wide eyed, Misuzu gingerly steps over them, holding two steaming mugs in hand. “Holy fuck,” she murmurs, and for the first time since this stupid, awful mistake began, there’s not a trace of mirth to be found. “Y/N, I…”
But she doesn’t have the words, and you can’t blame her. 
“He told me he loves me,” you sigh. “He asked me to move in with him and told me he loved me, and I grabbed my clothes and all but ran.” You still can’t get the image of Bokuto’s face out of your head, the raw, aching hurt swimming in his eyes as you all but stumbled over excuses in your haste to get out of there. But he didn’t lift a finger to stop you, didn’t say another word.
He just watched numbly, hunched over against the headboard as you fled.
There’s a short beat of silence between the two of you as she sets down the drinks and collapses into the chair beside you. “And… do you love him back?” 
Exhaling loudly, you drop your face into your palms. “I-”
You like how he makes you feel beautiful, the filthy, wonderful praise he lavishes you in when the two of you sleep together, the way he touches you, fingers and mouth so eager to please as his cock fills you, inch by delicious inch.
You like being adored, treasured, and you liked Bo, but… you don’t love him.
That was never on the cards, that wasn’t what your relationship was.
Every line he ever crossed, every boundary he toed, you keep replaying them again and again over and over in your head like a never ending loop. You hadn’t even wanted this whole stupid sugar baby relationship to begin with, and every step of the way he was the one to coax you forward.
And you let him, swallowing down your doubts and your insecurities each and every time. You let him think that this was something else entirely… 
How had you not seen this coming?
“No,” you admit.
The hand that takes yours is soft, and when you glance over with eyes beginning to burn with unshed tears, Misuzu squeezes it gently. “Then end it. Walk away.”
And with your head on her shoulder, her arms wrapped loosely around you, you type out a short message to Bokuto. No strings attached and no questions asked, you’d promised each other that much when you’d started this mess. You wonder if it still holds true. 
I’m sorry. Clearly we were on different pages and want different things. I didn’t mean to lead you on or for things to go as far as they did, but I can’t do this with you anymore. 
You send it and block his contact, and when the tears come and painful sobs rip their way free, Misuzu holds you tight and murmurs soft reassurances. It’ll pass, all breakups hurt.
A week after your ‘breakup’ you get a notification on your phone that money’s been transferred into your bank account. 
For a moment, you think that maybe it’s an accident, a recurring transaction he’d simply forgotten to cancel (you doubt he’d even notice) until you click into the transaction itself.
It isn’t the sum itself that startles you - twice the usual amount - but the short note attached in the description.
I need to see you. Please.
You transfer the money right back into his account.
Without your weekly supplement from Bo, it doesn’t take long for you to come to the realisation that your current salary just barely covers rent and your bills, and if you want to eat anything other than two minute noodles in the foreseeable future, you’re going to need either more hours, or a second job. 
Thankfully, the timing works out well. When you go to your boss with your most winning smile to try and convince her of your plight, she simply shrugs and agrees, having had to let one of the junior staff go only a few days before. The one catch being that instead of working a mix of morning and afternoon shifts with the occasional closing thrown in, you’re now exclusively on close, five nights a week, Tuesday through Saturday.
Mostly, it doesn’t bother you. The shifts are long and you always leave feeling aching, drained and barely human, but usually it’s quiet enough, and so long as you can get the last few lingering customers out early enough, the actual close runs pretty smoothly between you and the other staff. 
It’s not what you really want to be doing, but you’ve learned to make the best of it. This is adult life, and for the first time since high school, you’re supporting yourself entirely. It might not be the greatest job in the world, and there are absolutely days when you just want to throw in the towel completely, but there is a slight pride to that fact. You don’t need anybody in your life to coddle or support you, you’re figuring this shit out as you go along.
You just wish, sometimes, that you could do that without having to work until the early hours of the morning.
On paper, the kitchen closes at midnight and the last customers are supposed to be out within half an hour of that. Then, between yourself and another server, you can usually get the restaurant tidied up and closed a little after one. 
You knew right from the moment you clocked on that tonight wasn’t going to be one of those nights. The girl who’s supposed to be on close with you called in sick and your boss hasn’t bothered to replace her.
It’s not the first time you’ve had to close by yourself, but it’s still a pain, especially when the last few customers take forever to finish up and leave. 
One of the kitchen staff offers to stay back, his bag slung over his shoulder, hand already on the door handle but you just shake your head with a tired smile. 
“Nah, I can handle it. Thanks, though,”
To his credit, he doesn’t immediately take the offered out. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. See you tomorrow.”
Without any help, it takes almost twice as long for you to finish up, and it’s a little after two when you finally flick off the lights and lock the doors.
Your feet are killing you, and all you can think about is sinking into your bed at home, burrowing into your blankets and sleeping for a week straight-
“Hey, baby.” 
Leaning against the hood of his car, arms folded across his broad chest and eyeing you with an unreadable expression, is Bokuto. 
The tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. 
There's nothing inherently threatening about him being here, but it’s the middle of the night, you haven’t seen him in almost two weeks and you don’t need to glance around to know that the car park’s empty. There’s nobody in sight.
Just you and him, and the few feet of distance separating you. 
“K-kou, what are you… what are you doing here?” 
He smiles at that, the way his name slips from your lips, but only for a fleeting second. It fades, and a cold, uncomfortable feeling settles in the pit of your stomach. 
“I missed you, y’know?” He pushes off the hood and takes a step towards you, “You didn’t call me.”
He’s always been bigger than you, towering over you looking like some Adonis with those rippling, powerful muscles of his. You used to like that strength, squealing in wicked delight when he’d hoist you up with a grin, hands gripping your thighs, squeezing your ass, your back shoved up against the wall so he could drive his cock deeper into ‘his pretty fuckin’ pussy’. 
But that was then. 
You’ve never been scared of his strength. Even that morning in the apartment, he didn’t lash out, didn’t scream or yell, he just… shut down. He wouldn’t hurt you, you know that.
That doesn’t stop you from skittering backwards like a frightened little bunny, your back hitting the wall.
The very moment you do, you watch as his eyes widen in surprise, hurt flashing for a split second-
-before they darken, his face twisting into a scowl, and you can’t escape the feeling you’ve made an awful mistake. 
Dread creeps its way up your spine, tightening like a vice around your chest, making it hard to breathe. Your brain is screaming at you to run, adrenaline surging through your veins, but even as your heart races and your breathing spikes, you can’t seem to move your legs.
It wouldn’t make a difference even if you could - with your back up against the literal wall, Bokuto and his car blocking your only escape route, you’re trapped; a fact that hasn’t escaped either of you.
Paralysed in fear, you can’t so much as twitch as he takes another slow, calculated step forward.
Desperately, you open your mouth - to try and placate him? To apologise? Scream for help? - but all that escapes is his name in a choked, breathless whisper. 
As he stares at you, he almost looks regretful.
Almost, if not for the grim determination resolving like steel in those golden eyes of his. “I love you, and I know you love me, too,” he says, closing the gap between you. “I’m doing this for us, baby.”
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onepieceheadcannons · 3 years
So this wasn't requested but I wanted to give some random Headcanons
Now this post definitely isn't for everyone's taste,
Now I know quite a bit about ABO dynamics and I haven't seen any headcanons on what each strawhat would be. Now if you do not like ABO, do not worry this will be my only post with it that isn't requested and I won't be offended if you skip this.
This definitely isn't the most detailed it can go but it's like 3 am for me and I just want these HC's outta my mind.
The Strawhats
This man is an Alpha, I mean how else could he become Pirate King.
Now I mean no hate to omegas, I think they should be highly respected. But based on what a society in ABO is like, it makes the most sense for Luffy to be an Alpha.
He is protective and strong, plus conquerors Haki is very similar to pheromones. He would do anything for his crew and he wants them safe.
He wouldn't be appealed to have an Omega, it wouldn't be on his agenda and he'd handle a rut very privately.
He would fight his way to the top fairly and wouldn't discriminate against betas and omegas.
I'm also down to hear anyone's different opinions on any of these.
I can see him in many different ways, I can see him as an Alpha but I can see Omega with insecurities about it, but my most confident answer is Beta.
The reason why is because his undying loyalty to Luffy. He would fulfill the role as a Beta quite well. He would be able to avoid the hormones of others and be quite unbothered by all of it. He would work slightly harder to be the greatest swordsman especially if Mihawk is an Alpha. He wouldn't of presented before his best friend died but if she began showing signs of an Alpha, he would probably feel the extra competitive edge to be better.
He wouldn't care if someone is an Alpha or Omega, why should that shit matter to him.
And he wouldn't really care about what his partner was.
If he was an Omega, he would use suppressants and be damned if anyone knew. He would probably beat himself up over it and would build a high tolerance to pheromones. He would NEVER let someone help through a heat unless a long term relationship. And he would never be caught in an Mpreg situation.
And if he was an Alpha, he would accept Luffy as overall Alpha. He wouldn't feel like fighting it and he has the serious demeanor. He would protect any omegas but refuse to participate in a heat. He would fight himself a shit ton and never let his guard down.
Beta man, there's no way he'd be an Alpha. I mean he would always feel sad about it most likely, wanting to be brave and strong. He would probably have some lingering thoughts about the system, he wouldn't see Omegas as less than but he would probably assume that Omegas and Alphas are meant together and he has to find a Beta.
Until his crush on Kaya, the caring Omega. He would fight himself internally over it but she wouldn't care if he was a Beta. She probably was told she had to find a nice Alpha but that wouldn't affect her, she really cares about Usopp. She even goes to medical school to fix him up.
He would be disturbed by Ruts and Heats, he would get flustered and stay away from whoever was having one at the time.
Just like Zoro I can see any of them,
But I'm leaning Beta/Omega. No offense if you are like 😡 I want an Alpha Sanji don't disrespect my man's like that
Reason why I can see Omega, he is quite loving and I think he'd make a great dad. He loves ladies so much and being an Omega wouldn't stop him. I mean hey, look how much he likes fiesty women. He definitely wouldn't be against a female alpha, as long as he doesn't know about the extra appendage during a rut.
His family storyline would play into this, his dad would've been pissed if all Sanjis siblings are an Alpha but Sanji was a "weak" omega son. He would definitely be an angry and powerful Omega, training his tolerance to pheromones. And oh my god he'd be so angry if Zoro is a Beta/Alpha.
He would avoid Alpha men, I don't see him ever wanting to date one. I think he may be a little fruity but it's so internalized he would never be okay dating any male. He would probably hope for any female, but preferring an Omega/Beta.
If Sanji is a Beta, he'd be right up there with being a supporter of Luffy. He would definitely offer to help Omegas through a heat (and promptly get turned down) . He would be frustrated anytime an Alpha was in a rut and avoid being near them at all costs. It would piss him off especially if they wanted one of the crew.
His preferences would stay the same as if he were an omega.
And as an Alpha, oh my this man would be the most respectful ever. He would be damned before he let himself with an Omega without consent said before the heat was even close. He would protect his Omega at all costs. And he would let them bite his neck back. And he would defend any omegas in a vulnerable position. He definitely has a savior complex about it though. But he definitely would believe he could only have an Omega.
He is a skeleton, this wouldn't even affect him.
As a human tho, I could see an Omega with his love of the arts and his love for Laboon and his crew. But I don't have much of detailed one for him. Beta, possibly but that's the easiest to presume someone as.
He is a damn reindeer. I just wanted to include my besties name but yeah he is a reindeer no way in hell would this affect him and he'd just make suppressants for everyone. Even with the human human fruit, that wouldn't add abo to his form.
Now there's a chance that now as a cyborg this doesn't affect him. But pre cyborg or if it did, I see him as an Omega.
This man cries his heart out (which I love dearly about him) and he is such a big bro/dad figure.
He wouldn't care what anyone was but as a kid he may have had some trouble with the concept until Tom taught him better. Esp with Ice for Brains, who I could see as an Alpha/Beta so Franky may have felt less than.
Alpha or Beta, but she isn't an Omega.
She holds herself up with an air of stoic and dark humor/themes. She would be quite a helpful Beta and she'd protect any Omega friends. She would feel very strongly about Omegas being seen as the same as everyone else. And she would feel very insecure if she was made to submit to anyone unwillingly.
I can see Alpha tho, (esp Frobin <3), she lets Franky let his tears out and she is such a good friend. She would struggle to let her feelings out which would make her line in Enies lobby even more important. She would be experienced and she would probably offer to help an omega she was very close to but she wouldn't settle down unless you are Franky or a very solid partner to her. She wouldn't care if you were another Alpha or Beta though, she'd love you for you.
Now I don't know if Fish people/men would even be affected but if they were.. he would be...
Alpha, but in a very nonchalant way. He was a warlord, and not just anyone would get that. He wouldn't ever make someone submit and he would fight for rights for everyone esp Omegas in his community. If he did settle down, it wouldn't matter to him. Just as long as he can share his feelings in a safe place.
But beta would work as well, he is quite devoted to his crews and is a loyal person in general and shows alot of care to Luffy during the timeskip.
I also haven't finished Fish man Island yet so I have little to work with.
I did save her for last, this is probably the most biased one. I mean as you guys will learn, she's my girlfriend/wife, so I may see her slightly different than someone else would.
Now I feel like as many of the others, she can fit in all three. I mean everyone is going to show traits to each kind which is why I try to explain myself for each.
Alpha, i can see this. She's very fiesty and she sure as hell wouldn't want to submit to anyone. She would be a little embarrassed during a Rut and she would use suppressants. She would be fine with not being top dog but she definitely wants her respect, she's the entire reason they get anywhere.
She isn't looking for romance but she'd be fine with anyone as long as they were worth it. I think an Alpha male would be her least likely pair though, that person would have to be quite honorable and prove themselves to her as good enough.
If she's an Omega, she would be quite angry about it. She wouldn't want to be perceived as weak and sure as hell would use suppressants and she'd be damned if an alpha helped her through a heat. The only way she would, would be after a super solid relationship where there's extreme trust. She would slap the crap out of Sanji if he tried anything or suggested anything, she wouldn't have any patience especially after she had to deal with the bullshit she heard her entire time with Arlong and other crews stealing treasure.
If she was a beta, she'd probably go after another Beta. Keep thing simple. She would eyeroll at any alphas and she would be over the whole alpha/omega bullshit.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞 (𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞!𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠) 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎! 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚎𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚐× 𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎! 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝙹𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚘 (𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣)× 𝚂𝚙𝚢! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎)
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙰𝚞
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝙹𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚎𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚢 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐....𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟻.𝟻𝙺
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙾𝚛𝚊𝚕 (𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐), 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝*𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚞𝚗𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗), 𝚌𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢.
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires
The lieutenant ran his fingers across his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh as he paced back and forth around the desk. His eyes would sometimes look back at the young woman sitting in the chair across the desk, arms crossed, leg draped over the other and a stoic facial expression that had been plastered on since the moment they caught her.
It wasn't an easy task. She nearly slipped out of their hands like most of her colleagues did, but not this time. This time they were finally able to catch one of their enemies and they were going to make use of it through interrogation.
The problem?
There was nothing that would make her budge. The other sergeants and officers already put her through the grueling process of locking her up in solitary confinement, used menacing intimidation and even threatened to kill her on the spot, which did result in finally getting a reaction out of her, an amused smirk on her lips.
"You're not going to kill me. You need me, no matter what way you look at it. If you finish me off, you won't be any closer to finding out what we're planning. But please, feel free to pull the trigger if you wish."
She was smart, too smart, too loyal and to stubborn to say anything other than mock teasing and sarcastic comments to all members of the police force. The chief of police was so tired and irked by her uncooperative attitude and the ineptitude of his subordinates that he delegated the task of breaking her to the two men whom he knew would definitely get the job done:
Captain Kang and Lieutenant Choi.
They both knew they were up against a hard headed individual, but even she was testing their patience. The lieutenant was already tired and ready to punch that pretty face of hers, while the captain was still sitting on the couch next to her, silently observing her every move and facial expression, or lack of one, to see anything that might give something away. But even he admitted to himself that he was quite impressed by her devotion to her gang.
He was broken out of his trance when he heard the lieutenant punch the wood desk in front of him.
"That's it! I'm sick and tired of you little vixen being so stubborn! I'll get the answers out of you one way or another!"
When he began marching over to her, the captain immediately got up and held him back.
"Jongho! Stop. We're not supposed to lay any hands on a suspect." Yeosang calmly reminded him.
"I don't give a fuck right now Yeosang! Hongjoong told us to get the job done by any means necessary and I'm honestly not above beating the crap out of a cold blooded killer like her."
The killer in question let out a scoff and rolled her eyes.
"You call us cold blooded killers, but how many times have your subordinates shot people right on the spot before even confirming it was the right target?"
Both of the men looked over at her, their faces looking somewhat ashamed.
"Exactly what I thought." She concluded her point.
Jongho was going to say something, but Yeosang hushed him.
"Let me handle this for a moment."
Jongho shook his head and went to go slump down on the couch, exhausted from dealing with the suspect after 4 long hours. Yeosang calmly went to stand right in front of her. As opposed to sitting on the chair behind the desk, he casually hopped on top of it and let his legs swing on the air.
"Y/N, is it?" He tilted his head.
"So the folder says right?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Pretty name nonetheless."
His smile caught her off guard. He, like her, had a usually cool and collected expression, so to see him suddenly show emotion kinda startled her. Yeosang folded his hands across his lap.
"Now then my dear Y/N, you've been here for nearly 2 weeks now. I'm sure you, like most of my men here, are exhausted and utterly tired from all these....negotiations."
She held back from saying anything. She wouldn't necessarily call it negotiations if it was all very ine sided and they just seemed to throw threats at her left and right.
"So...tell me, what is it going to take for you to talk? Hmm?"
Yeosang batted his eyelashes at her, looking at her with such an intense gaze that burned a hole in her skin. She felt herself flush. He was remarkably good looking, and that formal attire wasn't helping. Noticing that he was indeed affecting her, Yeosang smirked and got off the desk.
"Tell me....is there something you want in exchange?"
His hands were placed behind his back as he rounded up behind her, eyes bearing down on her, catching sight of the cleavage peeking out from the beige trench coat she was wearing. Unconsciously, he licked his lips as a dangerous yet thrilling idea popped into his head. Placing his hands on her shoulders and rubbing them gently, Yeosang bent his head down to whisper in her ear.
"Come on doll, everyone cracks at one point or another.......so what's it going to be for you to put that pretty mouth of yours to work?"
She involuntarily shivered at his deep voice, which he purposefully lowered to produce a bigger effect on her. Dragging his lips down the side of her neck, his fingers began undoing the belt across her coat. The suspect looked down and panicked as she remembered that she wasn't wearing any actual clothes under it, only a black lingerie set consisting of a bra, panties and fishnet thigh thighs with a garter belt, a naughty little secret that Yeosang soon found out about it.
"Oh god, you kinky little girl." He chuckled as he placed hot, open mouth kisses on her shoulder.
"Ummm....Yeosang? We're not supposed to-...."
Jongho's tense voice reminded them both that they weren't alone.
"I know, not supposed to lay a finger on a suspects. But as you said, Hongjoong gave us permission to get her talking by any means necessary..."
Yeosang looked back at his partner as he began to turn Y/N's chair so he could get a glimpse of her.
"Now look at this pretty little doll and tell me you don't want to put your hands on her."
Jongho's eyes widened when he saw her undergarments on display, a tent immediately growing on his pants that made him feel embarrassed.
"Bloody hell..." Jongho bit his lips.
Agreeing with him, Yeosang turned his attention back to the young woman in the chair.
"Now babydoll, I'm going to say this once again: are you going to start talking or should my partner and I break you?"
The spy let out a dry laugh.
"You'll never break me."
Both Yeosang and Jongho glanced at each other, smirking at her answer.
"Is that a challenge? Fine. Have it your way."
Not knowing how he did, Y/N soon found herself on top of the desk in the blink of an eye, coat dropped to the floor, legs spread with Yeosang in between them. His delicate fingers held her chin up as he kissed her roughly. He slapped the bare skin of her thigh when she tried to push him away, eliciting a sharp whine from her. Moving his fingers to harshly squeeze her cheeks, Yeosang growled as he bit down on her lip.
"Open your mouth." He commanded her.
When she yet again refused, he slapped her once again on the same spot he had hit previously, this time with more force. Taking advantage of her parted lips, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, one hand going to the back of her head and pulling her hair back so he could explore her mouth even deeper.
Meanwhile Jongho was squirming in his seat, hand restlessly palming in between his legs.
"Hyung....can't I at least see?" He complained as the older male's body prevented him from seeing the scantily clad woman.
"You'll get your turn eventually Jongho. I'm simply warming up our suspect first."
Yeosang dragged his mouth down her neck, suckling at her soft skin til he was sure to leave bruises plastered for the days to come. Y/N gasped when he suddenly slipped a hand inside her panties, hand palming at her folds, feeling all the arousal she had already produced.
"You're being very cooperative so far doll." Yeosang pecked her lips and chuckled darkly.
"Even if I did have to get a little rough."
Moving aside so Jongho could get a clear view, Yeosang began to strip off the remaining clothing off her til she sat there naked in front of the two men who were still in their uniforms. Feeling shy at being exposed in front of the two authority figures, she quickly clenched her thighs shut and wrapped her arms around her chest. Frowning at her actions, Yeosang pulled her arms away.
"Hey, baby, no. We're having none of that. Don't make me get the handcuffs."
She let out a shameless moan, her tight hole clenching around nothing as she pictured them bending her over the desk and binding her arms behind her.
"Hyung, I think she'd like that." Jongho didn't miss the way she reacted, a snort coming out of his nose.
"As much as I'd like that, I wanna see her be a good girl for us, cause she can be. Right doll? You can be a good girl for us right?"
Y/N wanted to do the exact opposite, disobey them and be the bad girl she knew she was. She looked over at Yeosang with a defiant look that seemed to ask 'try me', which he noticed. When she was about to speak, he quickly shushed her when he cupped her soaked heat, thumb circling her clit, causing her to let out a choked gasp.
"There now, you see you can be a good girl."
With his thumb not leaving her clit, 2 fingers began probing at her entrance, testing the waters before pushing them inside her. Y/N threw her head back and hummed erotically at the way Yeosang worked his fingers inside her, curling the tips to brush against her sweet spot.
"God Jongho she's so wet and tight."
Jongho let out a moan, the hand that was wrapped around the base of his thick and girthy cock pumping faster, thumb playing with his slit.
"Fuck. I can't wait to be inside her, I bet she'll hug our cocks very nicely." He groaned.
Yeosang sped up his movements, fingers circling in and out of her.
"I can't wait to taste her. Shit."
Y/N squeaked loudly when Yeosang dropped to his knees and attached his lips to her clit, slurping and sucking at it, tongue toying around with it as he pleased. He alternated between giving it kitten licks before covering it entirely with his mouth, tongue lapping at her bud as if it was his last meal. It is too much for her, having his long fingers pumping in and out of her at an incredible speed while his mouth was focused on playing around with her clit.
"Hyung I think she's going to cum." Jongho pointed out, fascinated by the scene taking place in front of him.
Humming into her mound, Yeosang smirked before stuffing a third finger in, effectively sending her over the edge as she began cumming on his face and fingers. He let out an accomplished sigh as he pulled his fingers out of her and spread her folds apart to place his mouth on her dripping hole, collecting every last bit of her juices.
Although she was worn out, she had no time to rest as Yeosang picked her up and began carrying her over to the couch, placing her on Jongho's lap.
"She's all yours for now Lieutenant. I suggest you behave darling, he's known for getting a little rough." Yeosang winked at her.
Y/N looked down at the dark haired male, his deep brown eyes staring at her with intense lust and want. Her eyes took in his arms, the sleeves of his white dress shirt were rolled up past his elbows, but even underneath the fabric, she could see his muscles poking out, threatening to tear through the shirt. He was big, and it made her wonder how it would feel to have those strong arms hoist her up into the wall and fuck the living daylights out of her. Before she could even finish that fantasy, her gaze traveled further down and noticed how ridiculously thick his thighs were....
And she was straddling them right at that moment.
Noticing where she was looking at, Jongho let out an amused laugh.
"You like them baby?"
She nodded immediately, hand reaching down to grip one of them. His muscles were no joke and when he flexed his thigh, she felt herself get heated once more. Understanding what the situation was, Jongho leaned in and ran his thumb across her bottom lip.
"Wanna ride my thigh babygirl?"
Seeing her eyes sparkle at his suggestion, Jongho couldn't help but mutter to himself how cute she was. Setting her down next to him, he quickly pulled his pants down, leaving himself only in his boxer briefs. Y/N was practically drooling at the sight of his thighs. They were even better than she imagined. Jongho patted them.
"Take your pick love."
Y/N scrambled to sit up and hoist one leg over the thigh nearest to her. Jongho's large hands gripped her hips, eyes looking up at her.
"Go ahead. Fuck yourself on my thigh babygirl."
Jongho watched in amazement as she began grinding her hips down onto him, the slick of her previous orgasm coating his skin. He couldn't keep his hands to himself as they went from her hips down to cup her ass, squeezing her cheeks apart and then harshly pinching them. One hand even came up then came back down to slap her thigh harshly, making Y/N yelp.
"I said fuck yourself on my thigh. Can't even do that? Is that too much for a dumb slut like you?" He mocked her.
Her hands held onto his shoulders as she began to rut herself faster on his thigh, desperate to chase the high was fast approaching her once more. Jongho's hand slapped her ass once more.
"That's it. Just like that. Fuck yourself on my thigh like the horny little bitch you are."
He slapped her 3 more times before he opened his mouth and took one of her breasts inside it. His tongue swirled around her nipple before sucking on it. Feeling a little more sadistic, he actually placed much of her breasts in his mouth before sinking his teeth down, causing her to let out more than a couple shrieks at his rough treatment.
"Oh shut up you know you like it you whore." He said as he slapped her chest with full force, her breasts bouncing from the hit.
She never thought she'd ever get turned on by such disrespect but here she was, fucking herself on a detective's thigh as his hands were either slapping her ass or tits and his mouth left bites across her chest, slurping away at her succulent nipples.
"You gonna cum you little bitch? Cum again like the slut you are? I bet you are."
Jongho flexed his thigh as he felt her speed up her movements. His hands grabbed both of her tits and pressed them together. Dipping his head low, he sucked both of them into his mouth, unashamedly letting out loud suckling sounds as he worked her towards her second high. With her head thrown back, Y/N quivered on top of Jongho. With a loud popping sound, he released his hold on her boobs to grip her thighs and keep her from falling onto the floor. He kept pushing his thigh up into her, fucking her through her high, tears spilling out from how sensitive she was.
"You wanted to cum and making sure you cum as much as you can. Make a mess on my thigh."
Jongho watched as a thin trail of slick rolled off his thigh and onto the carpet under his feet. His hands still bounced the girl on top of him until her breathing calmed down.
"That's a good little bitch." He giggled softly, staring proudly at his work in front of him.
Turning back towards the desk, Jongho looked at Yeosang who by this time had already stripped himself completely of his attire.
"What do we do with her now?" Jongho waited for instructions.
With a mischievous grin, Yeosang beckoned both of them over with his finger.
"Bring her over here. It's our turn to have a little fun."
Getting the hint, Jongho effortlessly picked her up as if she weighed nothing. He delicately carried her over to the desk, peppering butterfly kisses on her face, getting her guard down for the moment. When she was relaxed, he immediately slammed her down onto the desk, her body jolting up from how hard she fell back. Yeosang looked back at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Jongho, she's still a material witness. Try not to break our only piece of evidence please."
Jongho scoffed.
"We're literally about to make a mess all over her body and then fuck her dumb, I doubt there's no way we can't not break her. Besides....."
He looked down at her flustered figure, hand caressing her cheek.
"The kitten here likes it rough. Why do you think her claws haven't retracted yet?"
Giving her cheek a little pat, Jongho began untying his tie, loosening it up before throwing it across the room, his shirt soon following in the similar fashion. Y/N's eyes shot wide when she saw his buff, toned body, his arms were huge and could probably crush her without breaking so much as a sweat. Her gaze was ripped away when she felt Yeosang crawl up her body, his thighs straddling her chest as his long member slapped in between the valley of her breasts.
"Let me give you a run down of how this is going to work doll. I'm going to fuck these pretty tits of yours while you make sure to suck Jongho off real good. Got it?"
Y/N obediently nodded, more than willing to let the two men use her like a mere fuck toy. Her hand gripped Yeosang's cock, spreading a bit of precum around before lightly stroking him, working him up before he fucked her tits.
"Spit on it."
Following his orders, she spat on his cock, using it as lubricant to spread all over him. Her thumb played with the head, circling around it and toying around with the slit. They were so immersed in their little world, the man next to them fuming at being forgotten. He caught her attention once again when he hit her face with his thick cock. Y/N's mouth dropped open immediately when she saw it. It was so big, bigger than anything she'd seen let alone put inside any of her holes. He teased her by sliding the tip across her face, her tongue darting out to have a little taste but he pulled back, making her whine.
"Tsk. I knew she was a hungry little cockslut." Jongho said in mock pity.
"Don't tell me you're actually going to turn down her offer of sucking you off." Yeosang knew better.
"Fuck no. But she's not just going to suck me off. I'm going to fuck that little face of hers until her lips are red and swollen. Gonna make a mess all over that pretty face of hers." He grinned evilly.
Removing her hand from his cock, Yeosang instead guided her to cup her breasts, squeezing them together before he slipped his cock in between them. Y/N kept her eyes glued on the sinful image, enjoying seeing his head poke out from her tits. As if it couldn't get better, Jongho placed his hand on her chin, guiding her face to look up and take his cock inside her mouth, barely fitting half of it inside.
"It's so warm." Jongho held back from immediately fucking her mouth.
"Makes you wonder how her pussy feels doesn't it?" Yeosang chuckled.
Looking back down at her stuffed face and chest, the men lightly cooed at her, moving some hair away from her face.
"If you want us to stop or it gets too much, just tap on Jongho's thigh 3 times ok?"
She held up a thumbs up at their words. Once she gave them the green light, they didn't hesitate to start moving, one sliding his cock back and forth between her boobs while the other pulled in and out of her mouth. Y/N worked hard to concentrate on sucking Jongho off while keeping her breasts pressed around Yeosang's cock. She felt so dirty committing all these sinful acts with these men of power, what would her gang say if they found out she got involved so intimately with the enemy? She didn't care. She was too stuffed with 2 large cocks to give 2 damns at the moment.
"Fuck- just like that baby- Oh god yes! You're doing such a good job." Jongho hissed as he pushed deeper into her mouth, grunting when he heard her gag around his length.
Unlike his more vocal partner, Yeosang was more on the quiet side, mostly letting out blissful sighs and heavy breathing, although occasionally he let out a loud groan when he rubbed against her squishy skin in a certain way. His hands moved to keep her breasts pressed against his dick, letting her take a break and steady herself on the desk underneath her for what was going to come.
Jongho was the first one to get rough. His hands held her face in place as he began furiously fucking her mouth. Y/N hollowed out her cheeks as much as she could, saliva pouring down her cheek and chin from how hard Jongho was going. She began releasing a series of whimpers which were occasionally choked out when he forced her to deep throat his entire length, her nose touching and inhaling his large balls.
Yeosang soon followed suit, his thrusts becoming more sloppy, voice now becoming louder as he felt himself cumming any minute now.
"Fuck! Oh my-"
Yeosang dug his nails into her skin from how tightly he was gripping her tits together, he began gasping as he tried to fuck himself over the edge. Jongho noticed and couldn't stop the shit eating grin on his face from appearing.
"If only you could see Hyung's face right now kitten. He looks so pathetic, whining like a little brat trying to cum all over your tits."
"Sh-shut up!" Yeosang stuttered, eyes clenched as he felt himself on the brink of his high.
"You ready to have your tits all covered in his cum? Hmm? I bet you are, Hyung is just dying to paint all over them."
No longer able to hold back, Yeosang released his hold on her breasts, one hand coming up to finish jerking himself off as his cum spurted all over her chest, some of it hitting her chin. Y/N moaned erotically when she felt his hot and sticky liquid coat her boobs. Pulling Jongho's length out of her mouth, she began to pump him to get him to spill himself as well.
"Cum on my face Lieutenant, please. Make a mess on my pretty little face."
Unable to resist her begging nor her mouth opening wide, tongue sticking out to catch his semen once it did come out, Jongho cursed loudly. His hips stuttered and Y/N closed her eyes when his cum began to shoot at her face. Her hand didn't cease to pump him until she made sure she had milked him out of all his cum. Swirling her tongue around her lips to collect more of his cum in her mouth, her hands went to her breasts, groping them and spreading more Yeosang's cum across her body. The men were left speechless at her actions.
"Holy shit." Yeosang stared in shock while Jongho snickered.
"Told you she was a dirty little slut."
Y/N couldn't help but giggle at his words.
"Guilty as charged."
Struggling to sit up, Yeosang kindly helped her out, his arms wrapping around her waist as he stared at her with loving eyes.
"You know, even with all that cum on your face, you're still very beautiful." He complimented her, giving her nose a tiny peck.
"Don't fall for her yet romeo, we still need to get her to talk and frankly...I'm not done with her yet."
Yeosang looked back at Jongho.
"Ok, so you wanna go first in pounding her sweet pussy?"
Having another idea, Jongho had a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"Actually.....I was thinking about stuffing my cock inside her ass."
Y/N whipped her head back at the strong male, Yeosang also looking at him with an incredulous look, but Jongho simply shrugged.
"What? You got a thing for tits and I have a thing for ass. Who are you judging? Now if you're not going to do anything else, hand her over to me and I'll handle her."
Yeosang thought about it for a few seconds. Still holding Y/N, he picked her up and moved her to the couch, whispering something in her ear. She blushed at his suggestion, making Yeosang giggle.
"If you don't want to, that's ok." He assured her, lips kissing across her temples.
Y/N looked at Jongho, who was waiting impatiently for an answer. Cupping Yeosang's face, she kissed him softly before pulling back and nodding. Feeling content with her answer, Yeosang pointed to the spot next to them on the couch.
Although he was taken aback by the sudden order, Jongho nonetheless went over and sat next to the rather lovey dovey couple. Yeosang carefully lifted Y/N up and placed her on Jongho's lap.
"Be extremely gentle when entering her behind ok? It doesn't work the same as the other hole."
Jongho furrowed his eyebrows.
"Are you seriously about to give me a sex ed class right now? I know what I'm doing man."
Wetting one of his fingers, Jongho circled around Y/N's rim, gently testing at first. Slipping his finger in, he payed attention to her body movements and breathing, stopping whenever she squirmed too much or when she inhaled too sharply. Once his finger was in, he stilled in there for a few seconds before proceeding to stretch her hole out. It was a foreign sensation to her, and although it ached for a fat minute, Y/N soon found herself loving the feeling. And soon Jongho's finger wasn't enough and she craved more. Her hand reached back to grip his arm.
"Please.....more.." She pleaded with him.
Slipping his finger out, Jongho quickly positioned his thick cock at her ass, slowly sinking her down onto it. Y/N lost her voice, the noises that were supposed to come out of her mouth becoming mute as she felt overwhelmed by Jongho's cock ripping through her virgin ass.
"Easy there. Give her time to adjust." Yeosang reminded him, his hands going to her hair to caress her scalp in a tender way.
Y/N took deep and steady breaths, letting her body become adjusted to the intrusion of Jongho's cock. She lifted herself up and sank back down, experimenting for a moment to check if she was ok. Twisting her neck, she caught sight of Jongho's eyes which were silently asking her if it was all right to proceed. She nodded and with that, his hands lifted her up and sunk her back down onto his length.
"Jesus. She's so tight." He rasped out, wanting to bounce her as he liked but held back until he felt she was ready.
Y/N soon got adjusted to having him hit her from the back, but she felt like something was missing. Her hand reached down to play with her clit, but even that didn't prove to be as effective. Turning to Yeosang, she looked up at him with glossy eyes.
"Yeosang can you-?"
He looked towards where she pointed at. Getting the hint, he guided her to lean back against Jongho so it'd be easier for him to push inside of her. Locking eyes with her, he slammed his length fully in her with one swift roll of his hips, making both of them moan at that.
"H-hyung! Even I felt that!" Jongho blurted out, his hips snapping up and making Y/N bounce on his cock.
"Good. I want you both to feel as I fuck and claim this little pussy."
Draping her arms around his shoulders, Yeosang began a rather fast pace as his cock stroked deep inside of her. The room was filled with nothing but the lewd sounds of their skin slapping against one another, squealching noises from their previous spurt of liquids and the harsh breaths and pants coming out of their mouths. Jongho had his head thrown back against the wall, hands digging into the sides of Y/N's waist, swears coming out of his mouth so many times it'd put sailors to shame. Yeosang either kept his eyes glued towards where he and Y/N were connected or back up at her face, watching her face contort with pleasure as she was being fucked past her limit. Kissing her once again, he muffled both hers and his grunts, hand reaching down to rub at her clit. Y/N whimpered uncontrollably as she felt her third orgasm for the night wash over her, body shaking and quivering wildly. If she wasn't being held up by both men, she would have surely collapsed on the floor. Her walls tightened around Yeosang's length, inching him closer to his second orgasm.
"Is it ok if I cum inside you doll? Will you let me do that? Please?"
Through tears in her eyes, she quickly nodded nearly combusting for another time when Yeosang coated her inner walls with his cum, a chant of her name coming out of his mouth as he continued to thrust inside her until he came down from his high. Jongho was not far behind. Feeling her thrash on top of him and seeing Yeosang cum served to push him over the edge as well. He slammed up against Y/N as he fucked his cum up her ass, some of it leaking out and spilling onto his thighs.
"Oh god oh God Oh god!" He cried out, hips stilling when he finally stopped cumming, his body desperately gasping for air.
They all stayed quiet for a moment. Yeosang was the first to recover. Pulling out of Y/N, he then lifted her off Jongho. She grimaced at the dull sting she felt after having both of her holes used and at ached at the empty feeling afterwards. Yeosang carefully laid her on the couch while Jongho went to go get some wet tissues and hand towels they kept in the room to clean themselves and her up. After making sure she was wiped down thoroughly, Yeosang grabbed one of his coats that were hanging in the room and covered her in it. His hand lightly patted her head, fingers delicately running through her hair, a fond smile was plastered on his face. Knowing that look too well, Jongho shook his head.
"Hyung, don't get any ideas. She's still a suspect and we still have a job to do."
Getting brought back to reality, Yeosang let out a defeated sigh.
"I doubt she'll still want to talk though."
Opening her eyes, Y/N finally admitted something.
"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm scared."
Both men looked at her with concern.
"If I open my mouth, I know they'll come hunt me down and do god knows what for opening my mouth." She explained.
Finally understanding what she meant, both men sat down beside her.
"Y/N, you don't have to be afraid. I give you my word, not only as captain of the police force, but as me, Kang Yeosang, I promise that I won't let anything happen to you should you choose to cooperate with us. I won't let anyone hurt you."
Lifting her hand up, he placed a tender kiss on the top of it.
"I'll make sure to keep surveillance on and around you at all times and you can stay with one of us until we bring the criminals down." Jongho added as well.
Looking into their eyes, she felt comforted and safe enough to trust them. Sitting up, she clutched Yeosang's hand tightly and gave them both a dry laugh.
"Guess you guys really did break me huh?"
Both men laughed along with her.
"What can we say? We're just too good at our job."
They both sent each other a mischievous wink and smirk, before returning their gaze back to the female on the couch, ready to start listening to her story.
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bitch-out · 4 years
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OKAY i know you didn’t ask for a full length fic but... i couldnt help myself. here it is: 
Four times Alex saw signs that the world was changing to become more accepting of people like him, and the one time he actually realized it.
After finishing practice for the night, the band walked into Julie’s house. Luke immediately walked into the kitchen, wanting to see what meal her dad was whipping up. His obsession with watching lifers eat was starting to get a little concerning. Reggie followed after him, wanting to hang out with Julie’s dad. That was also a little concerning.
Julie plopped down on the couch next to her little brother, Carlos, who was watching a TV show that she didn’t recognize. Alex hopped over the couch and took a seat next to her, looking at the screen intently.
“What is he watching?” Alex asked, reclining into the couch.
Julie shrugged in response. “I’m not sure…”
Carlos looked over to her with a questioning expression. “Huh?” Oh crap. She needed to stop talking to the boys while other people were around. It made her look absolutely bonkers.  
“…what you’re watching! I’m not sure what you’re watching.” She said quickly, trying to avoid any awkwardness. “What is it?”
He seemed to buy it, letting her weirdness go. “Oh, I’m watching this new show. I forget what it’s called. It’s about this girl who accidentally gets musical superpowers after getting stuck by lightning.”
“Cool,” she answered, settling into the couch. She and Alex watched for a few minutes before looking at each other in confusion. They had absolutely no idea what was going on in the show. They looked at the screen as the main character sighed dramatically, slamming her door while running out of her house. “I’m lost. What’s happening? Why is she so mad?” Julie asked.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “She’s in a fight with her dads right now because they won’t let her go to this big party. Now shhh! It’s getting juicy!”
Luke’s eyes went wide as the scene switched to the main characters dads, who were sharing a tender moment while discussing their child. Two dads? On television? Without it being played off as a joke? He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen.
Julie looked at him inquisitively, noticing his surprised expression. She raised an eyebrow.
“I see.” A soft smile settled on his face. “Cool.” He bit his lip and leaned back.
“Cool.” She agreed. She almost said something, but then decided it would be better for her to wait for him to tell her.
“People watching in 2020 is way better than people watching in the 90’s.” Reggie stated as they walked through downtown LA. They were killing time while Julie was at school. They passed a man in a superhero costume who was taking pictures with tourists.
“I know right?” Luke agreed. “I love looking over people’s shoulder and watching what they’re doing on those… high tech cellphone things.”
“Smartphones,” Alex offered.
“Smartphones, right.”
Reggie ran over to a middle aged guy in a suit sitting on a bench who was looking intently at his phone. “Look at this guy! He’s looking at an article called ‘How to tell if you have foot fungus’.” He wrinkled his nose. “Gross. You might wanna get that checked out, buddy,” patting his shoulder, his hand passing right through.
Luke looked around for someone else to observe. “Okay see the one over there in the blue striped shirt eating a chili dog?” He pointed over to his left to a man walking away from a hot dog stand.  
The man went to take a bite out of his chili dog but dripped it all down the front of his shirt. “Oooooh…. Missed his mouth on that one,” Luke said, cringing.
“That’s nasty,” Alex chimed in.
A guy who looked to be around their age speed walked past them, looking down. He brushed his shaggy blonde hair out of his face as he grinned down at his phone. He was obviously walking with a purpose.
“This guy is hustling! Cmon!” Reggie grinned, jogging after him. Luke and Alex ran over to catch up, all three of them following in pursuit. They all looked over his shoulder to read his text messages. He was texting someone he had named “babe <3” in his contacts.
Can’t wait to see u, his text read, im right around the corner
Reggie whistled. “His girlfriend’s probably a complete hottie if he’s that excited to see her-”
As they turned the corner, the blonde stranger they were following put his phone away as he caught sight of someone. He broke into a run and bear hugged the person, wrapping his arms around them and lifting them off the ground. As he pulled away, it was revealed that the person he was hugging was a brunette guy around the same age as them.
The brunette murmured something, his lips quirking into a smirk. The blonde teen let out a laugh, then pulled him into a kiss.
Alex nearly gasped in surprise, looking around to notice that… not a singular person was looking over. Everyone was just going about their day as normal. No glares, no sneers, not even a scoff.
It felt like the breath was sucked out of his lungs. Was this… normal? The couple broke apart and joined hands, continuing down the street. Alex couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. No one had even batted an eyelash at the public display of affection.
To him, it hadn’t been that long ago since 1995. When even looking at someone for too long would get you called a slur. When his own father would call him a-
“Alex? You good?” He was broken out of his thoughts by Luke looking over at him concernedly.
Alex opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by someone else.
“There you guys are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
They turned around in tandem to see Julie standing there, her eyes sparkling. And they continued with their day, moment forgotten.
Alex found himself once again alone with Julie, hanging out with her in her room. He was the only member of the band she would let hang out with her in here, which filled him with an odd sort of pride.
They were currently listening to one of her Spotify playlists. Julie was doing homework on her bed and Alex was tapping his drumsticks on his knee, following the beat of the song they were listening to. He was getting into the groove of the song “This song has a good beat!” he exclaimed. “What is this?”
She grinned at him. “It’s called ‘Girls like Girls’ by Hayley Kiyoko!” She stood up on her bed, dropping her homework and singing into an imaginary microphone as the chorus hit. She belted at the top of her lungs, “Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new~” She laughed as she flopped back onto her bed.
He gaped at her, surprised that she was treating it with such nonchalance. In the 90’s, this would have been music you listened to at 2 am when your parents were asleep. “Is this a… popular song?” he asked.
“Yeah, I mean it’s from like 2015 so it’s basically ancient but it’s still pretty popular.” She turned back to her homework and picked up her pen. “I think the music video has like over 100 million hits on YouTube or something like that.”
His jaw dropped even further “100 million?”
The timer on her phone went off. The words BAND PRACTICE blared across the screen with the chime of her ringtone. “I’ll show it to you later! But we have to go to rehearsal right now.”
He shook his head and followed her out of the room.
As both his friends were pulled away by girls saucily dancing in feathered blue outfits, Alex stood awkwardly like a fish out of water. Covington slid up to him with a sly smirk on his face. “Come now. You can’t be the only one not dancing.”
“No, I… I know.” Alex sputtered. “I’m just…” Not into dancing with girls? No, he couldn’t just say that. He didn’t want to cause a scene. He pointed over his shoulder. “I’m looking for Willie,” he finished lamely.
Covington seemed to read him like an open book. He smiled and gestured with open palms. “Dante! Fuego!” Two handsome men slid up to either side of him. “Meet Alex.” The linked arms with him.
Alex looked at them, surprised. How did he know? Is this like a theater thing? Or… “You’re welcome,” Covington smirked, ducking down. Is this normal here…?
His thoughts were cut off as he was lifted up over Covington’s head and pulled into a fast-paced dance.
“Slow down Willie!” Alex shouted, running after his brunette friend as he skated through lifers and tore down the street.
Willie laughed and hopped off his board, picking it up off the ground. He waited for Alex to catch up with him “Relax, we’re almost here…”
Alex was too busy catching his breath to realize they were in the middle of a giant crowd. Lifers walked through them every few seconds like it was nothing “Wh-What is this?” Alex asked, looking around. Everyone was wearing colorful clothing and most were wearing some kind of glitter.
The skater laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the street. “We’re skating the floats, dude.” He pointed at the bright floats that were parading down the street.
Was this some kind of festival or something? Alex wondered. “Why is everything so… colorful?”
Willie looked at him like he was missing something obvious. “It’s June. Pride month.” Alex didn’t know what that was. He looked around, trying to figure it out. “You’ve never seen a pride parade before?” Willie questioned. Then, he realized. “Right. Right, you’re a 90’s ghost. I keep forgetting about that.” He slapped his forehead.
Then, he realized what this was. Alex turned to his right and saw two women kissing. A couple of guys his age were holding hands right next to him. Signs as far as the eye could see read ‘here and queer’ and ‘all you need is love’ and ‘love is love’ and countless other sayings. His breath stuttered in his chest “This is…”
“I know. Pretty cool, right?” Willie asked, sounding pretty nonchalant. He was scouting out the floats, focused on his task.
“And this is all for…” Alex hesitated, “For gay people?”
“All LGBTQ+ people, technically, but yeah dude.” Willie clarified. He grinned, his eyes set on a float just down the road. He found the perfect route.
“So it really is different now, huh?” Alex asked, his voice cracking slightly. Willie looked back in alarm, not realizing how much this was impacting the drummer beside him. A tear rolled down his cheek, but his smile could not be bigger. Alex continued, “Like I had hoped it was, and there’s been some signs, but this is…” He covered his mouth to hide a sob.
Willie walked over to his side, dropping his skateboard and taking his hand gently. “Yeah, Alex. It’s different. Better. Not perfect, but... a lot better.” He squeezed his hand.
“It’s amazing.” Alex said, wiping the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and grinning. He let out a laugh as a drag queen passed by and waved at the crowd, blowing kisses.
The skater couldn’t take his eyes off of Alex. He was absolutely glowing, basking in the atmosphere of the parade. “You know what? Let’s forget the skating.” Willie decided, taking his skateboard from the side of the street and tucking it in an alley.
“Huh?” Alex was confused. Willie wanted to... not go skating?
“It’s time to get your pride on, Alex.”
Together, they spent the rest of the day exploring every area of pride, ducking through crowds and sneaking onto floats. There was even one point where they ran through a huge glitter cannon, getting absolutely covered in glitter.
After it was all done, Willie teleported back to Julie’s house with him to drop him off.
“That was the most fun I’ve ever had.” Alex admitted, his smile seemed to be permanently glued to his face.
“Me too. I’ve been to tons of pride parades, but none of them were as fun as this one.” Willie admitted.
“Really? What was different about this one? Was it the glitter cannon? It was probably the glitter cannon-”
“It was you, Alex.” The skater said quietly, brushing a couple stray pieces of glitter off of the taller boy’s cheek.
“Oh,” Alex breathed, looking down at Willie. His heart was racing a mile a minute. He hadn’t realized they were standing so close together.
Willie hesitated for a moment. Was this the moment? He didn’t want to rush Alex. He was probably overwhelmed enough after experiencing his first pride. He smiled up at the blonde and patted him on the shoulder. “Goodnight, Alex.” He stepped away and turned to leave.
He was just about to teleport when he heard “Wait!”
Willie turned around Alex kissed him.
He stiffened at first, surprised. Before he could respond, Alex pulled away and looked at him in panic.
“I’m so sorry, I thought-”
Willie grabbed him by the lapels and dragged him down, kissing him heatedly. Alex responded with enthusiasm, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“ABOUT TIME!” someone hollered from behind him.
They broke away to see Luke and Reggie beaming. They both ran over and hugged them both in a group hug. “We thought you two would never figure it out.” Luke said, causing Reggie to laugh. 
“Happy pride, Alex”. Willie murmured, squished up against his side. And Alex couldn’t have been happier.
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rhenuvee · 4 years
The Heart in You pt2 (Fred Weasley x reader)
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Request: Could you do something along these lines? Love you soo much <3 your imagines make me happier. It would mean the world to me if you could do this!! Request: Could you write a Fred Weasley imagine where the reader is Fred's best friend but they never really show affection, they insult each other all the time and occasionally Fred flirts, teasingly. But Fred gets all nervous and goes soft when y/n is visiting their home since its so small and you know.. they're poor and stuff... thanks <3
Link to pt1: Here
You were peacefully walking through the corridors, ready to spend a cozy Sunday afternoon being warm from the cold with your friends. It was quite surprising how little disturbance there was, as if you were in a scene in a movie. 
That is, until you heard the sudden roars of laughter, clapping, and awe. You gritted your teeth- you knew that the peace was too good to be true. You decided to change your direction, hoping that this path would bring an end to this once and for all. 
This was something you’ve been dealing with for the past week, and it’s been pissing you off. You found the source of the crowd of noise, seeing that it was coming from out in the courtyard. It was just as you expected. 
“-and then there I was, cornered! Like a poor gazelle standing out in the open!” narrated a voice you knew too well. You stood watching from a distance with your arms folded, seeing as a specific redhead told a story you almost knew by heart by now.
Just as rehearsed for the past seven days a week, you saw the same dramatic gestures by none other than Fred Weasley. His stupid chocolate brown eyes which you couldn’t bother to look at, his stupid smile which you swore he had on 24/7- Although you had to admit, something even more stupid was the first and second years genuinely interested and believing in his anecdote. 
“I almost died, but I stayed strong!” you facepalmed as he scrunched up his face way too dramatically. “She- the lion, sneaking up, ready to jump out and-”
“WEASLEY!” you yelled interrupting him, hearing enough of his crap. It seemed to scare some of the first and second years as they jumped and turned to see you.
“It’s the lion! Run!” shouted Fred. The kids yelled their lungs out and ran in all different directions all to get away from ‘the lion’. You marched your way to Fred, trudging your way towards him. You didn’t care about your shoes getting wet from the snow, all you cared about was slapping that smirk off his face.
“Yes?” he said rather casually from his spot, leaning against the wall.
“Yes? That’s all you have to say to the ferocious lion?” you asked incredulously. He chuckled.
“Actually, I do have something to say, though we may need a spell to translate between your roaring.” You scoffed at his terrible joke.
“I hate you.” 
“We know that’s a lie, love.” You rolled your eyes. You knew that the reason the story started in the first place was because of that day you asked him to the yule ball. He tricked you, and his ego was just getting bigger. 
“And what makes you think that?” you retorted.
“You’re the one who asked me to the ball, love.” he said scoffing. You mentally slapped yourself for having a question with an obvious answer. The term of endearment definitely didn’t help in trying to hide your embarrassment. 
“I was drunk.” you replied quickly. Fred in turn laughed at your quick statement, causing you to laugh a little.
“Really? Then you should get drunk more often.” 
“I think you’re drunk, gazelle.” you said poking his chest then turning to leave. Though, this didn’t stop him from hopping from his place and catching up with you.
“Am I now?” he asked pressing further.
“Yes Fred, bye.” you said as you were about to leave him and turn a corner.
“Alright, don’t miss me too much darling!” 
“Hey (y/n)!” called someone from behind you. You stopped and turned to see George who was slowing down to stop near your spot. 
“Hey George. What’s going on?”
“Are you doing anything this holiday?” he asked.
“Hm, probably just gonna go home for the break, same as every year... why?” 
“I was wondering if you’d like to come to ours for Christmas.�� Your eyes widened at his offer. You had never been to the burrow before.
“You don’t have to, but I know it would make a certain gazelle really happy.” he teased. You rolled your eyes.
“If it would make him happy, why couldn’t he ask me himself?” 
“Well riddle me this, would a gazelle purposely perch itself out in the open where any predator- ow!” You playfully punched George in the arm, seeing as the story was starting to rub on him.
“Sorry- what I meant to say was, it would also make myself, Ginny and Ron really happy. You’re our best friend (y/n)... also, mum’s been asking for you as well.” 
“Your mum? Asking about me?” you said shocked.
“You’ve been mentioned here and there.” he said casually. You bit your lip, trying to supress a smile. You were invited to the burrow, which you’ve heard only good things from Harry and Hermione. 
“Alright, I’ll send an owl to my parents and ask them.” you said. He nodded with a grin, knowing his twin would be ecstatic to hear this. 
Your parents were a little surprised that you were going to spend the holidays at the burrow. They’ve never met the twins, just like how Arthur and Molly only heard a few things about you. Nonetheless, they were glad to see you so happy to be with your friends. On another note, you were very very nervous. Maybe it was because of seeing the rest of the Weasley family, but also for very stupid reasons. 
“Oh (y/n), it’s so good to finally meet you dear! Come inside now!” You were welcomed by Molly herself, engulfing you in a tight and warm hug.  You smiled, instantly relieved that Molly liked you enough to hug you.
“I’ve heard so many things about you.” she said maintaining a bright smile. 
“And I’ve heard that you heard many things, all good I hope.” you said.
“Only the best.” she said swiping your cheek then turning to lead you deeper into the house. You walked in, and your eyes couldn’t help put to move left and right. 
“(Y/n)!” You then saw Ginny appear, running as fast as she could down the stairs, then jumping and hugging you just like her mother did. You both squealed in excitement. 
“Hey idiots! Your favourite person is here!” Ginny yelled calling for the twins. 
“Ginny!” scolded Molly with her arms crossed. You giggled. You watched as the two tall figures stepped down to where you were.
“Well look who it is.” George said smirking and leaning in for a hug. Once you pulled away, you saw Fred, but you couldn’t help but notice something was weird about him.
“Hi.” he said curtly, but with a small smile. 
“Hey...?” you greeted, letting your confusion be slightly present. He also went in for a hug, though it was a lot lighter than the ones you’ve received so far.
“Do you want any food?” asked Fred. 
“Um sure.” you shrugged. You thought it was a little strange that Fred was being so ‘nice’ to you. I mean, like George said, would a gazelle let itself stand in the open and offer food for a predator? But you decided to brush the thought off, besides, you really ought to get that dumb story out of your head.
The first evening with the Weasley’s went well. You were able to meet the rest of the family as well as Harry and Hermione which you realized later that they were here. Molly’s cooking was delicious, and you were glad to be apart of the holiday gathering. You were glad that everyone was willing to welcome you, despite being new to the burrow. 
It wasn’t until a couple hours after dinner, when it was late and you spotted Fred and George sitting on the couch, fiddling with what you expected was some of their future joke shop products.
“Hey.” you said heading over to sit with them. George smiled, then quickly jumped up to leave.
“I gotta go to the bathroom. See ya!” he said a bit too joyfully. I mean- tis the season, but one could not be that excited to go to the bathroom. You then scooched closer to Fred, and he noticed with a small grin. 
“Hey you.” he said bringing his lanky arm to wrap around you and bring you even closer. You blushed at the extremely close proximity between you two, but if you were being honest, you didn’t mind one bit. This was secretly what you wanted, right?
You remembered the day you asked Fred to the yule ball quite clearly. After that incident, he was a huge ball of chaos and energy. You remember him skipping down halls, and how you had to chase him to shut up when he started the gazelle story.
And when the night of the ball finally arrived, you were a big bundle of nerves- and Fred was being a cocky little shit as usual... but aside from that, there were things he did that made you have the most fun you’ve ever had in your life. You didn’t forget how much he made you laugh and smile that night. 
And now, you let the thought of his silence creep over again. He spoke and cracked jokes during dinner, but he was still quieter than you’ve experienced. You sat in the same silence as he seemed to be fixing a product.
“Fred...?” you said looking at him, a little surprised that your faces were closer than you expected. 
“Uh, are you okay?” you asked. You tried to ask it in the most subtle way possible. He only looked at you with an unreadable expression. The weirdest thing being that he had no witty comeback, or any line to start your typical banter. 
“Yeah.” he said giving a closed mouthed smile again, then looking back at the joke products. Jeez, why did boys have to be so hard to read? To you at least. 
“I just, ‘m surprised you accepted when George invited you here.” he muttered, but you heard it loud and clear. 
“And why would you be surprised?” You didn’t know what to feel. His head pointed downwards- suddenly this moment felt really familiar. You were a bit skeptical if you were being truthful. After a long pause, he suddenly chuckled awkwardly to himself and sat up, leaned back until his head was tilted back on the top edge of the couch.
“I’m mad for you.” he said shifting himself so that his head was still tilted back but facing you. All your jumbling thoughts couldn’t force itself out of your mouth. You just sat there, your eyes bulging out of your head, and mouth in an o shape.
“W-what?” you managed to say. Now you were very very skeptical of what was to happen. You do not want to be tricked by him again, and leave you a blushing mess. 
“I’m mad for you- do you need me to spell it out?” he asked. With the dim lighting you couldn’t see the slight flush of red on his cheeks. He brought his hand to cover his eyes, still showing his lips which were curved up in a flustered smile. 
“I- are you being serious?” you asked in confirmation. 
“Am I- yes I am (y/n), I’m mad for you. I said it three times, now you gotta believe me.” he said taking away the hand covering his face. You didn’t even try to hide the pink tinting your face. You shook your head, not knowing what to say.
“You still don’t believe me do you.” he deadpanned. You didn’t answer to that. He chuckled, already knowing your answer. In one swift motion, he cupped your cheek with his hand and brought you in closer for a kiss. You closed your eyes as his lips pressed against and moved in sync with yours. 
You moved so that you were able to put both your hands on his shoulders to bring him closer. You could feel the hum from his lips when he heard you let out a little noise. Both of you were speechless blushing messes once you pulled away with the ‘smooch’ sound.
“Believe me now?” he said in almost a whisper. You nodded frantically, earning a smirk from Fred, as well as a beckoning gesture to ask you to cuddle next to him. You followed, snuggling up to his side, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I always knew you had a heart in you.” 
“Excuse me?” 
You tried burying your head further inwards, as you attempted to stifle your giggles about to erupt. Yes, you really did just pull that card on Fred Weasley.
“What did you just say?” asked Fred ducking his head to your level, trying to get a glimpse of what he hoped did not just come out of your mouth. 
“You did not say nothing, princess.” he said trying to pry your hands clutching your face as you finally gave in and let out your laughter. You made the split second decision to bolt out of the living room and into the dining room to run away. Fred of course had no problem running after you. 
You were both giggly as heck as you both circled the dining table, which happened to be the only thing protecting you.
“Take it back!’
And once you said that, he made a dash for the tight corner and was able to capture you from behind. You squirmed with your legs kicking out as he held you tightly and swung you in a circle.
“Take it back!” he said in your ear.
“I won’t! This is what you get Weasley.” 
“What I get? For what?”
“For...-” You realized then that if you said the reason, he would know that he was the reason you got flustered in the first place.
“What? Am I too handsome for you?” he asked as he placed you down, but still pinned you to the counter. 
“In your dreams!”
“And in real life too.” 
“Ugh, you’re so annoying.” you huffed crossing your arms. However, your attempt at trying not to smile failed horribly when you turned your head away from him.
“That means I won, princess.” he said smirking and tilting your head back to face him.
“Oh shut up Fred, you-”
“Make me shut up-”
“Whoa whoa whoa!” You and Fred both jumped when you saw George and Ginny intrude. And worse, when you were both getting riled up at each other. 
“There will be no ‘make me shut up’ in this house.” said George mockingly as Ginny stood next to him laughing. You deadpanned at Ginny clearly not helping the situation.
“You’re not going to encourage them? It’s about time.” said Ginny.
“Gin, if you knew me, you’d know that I’m not even surprised.” replied George sarcastically.
“Oh sod off, both of you. Bein’ two creeps.” said Fred shooing them away. George and Ginny gave each other a knowing look and did as told. Fred then immediately turned back to focusing on you.
“So, what were you thinking on making me shut up?”
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
[Whitty x Boyfriend]
Chapter 5 - Let's just chill!
Boyfriend awoke with a bit of an issue in the.. south region..
He groaned, putting a hand on his head before sitting up. It hurt too. He was about to handle it when he felt a presence to the side of him.
Whitty was just standing there..
The blue haired male screamed and threw himself off the other side of the bed, which only made Whitty blink and lean over to look. "Sorry I startled you." He called to him. Boyfriend could only see the swirls in his vision. He eventually got up, pulling himself back onto his bed, also bringing his comforter back up as well. "Whitty, how long have you been standing there?"
"Mmh... Most of the night."
Boyfriend threw his hands up in exasperation. "Did you SLEEP??" In response to his question, Whitty shook his head. "I told you I don't really need to." Boyfriend grimaced in his direction, making a small sound of discomfort to himself, then sighed heavily. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I thought you were having a nightmare." Whitty admitted softly. Boyfriend's cheeks began to heat up as he spoke. "It sounded like you were calling my name.. Was I.. doing something bad to you?" Whitty seemed hesitant to ask, gently pulling on the large shirt he was given.
"No no no! You didn't do anything bad! I uh.. It was uh.." Boyfriend bit his knuckle. Well he certainly couldn't say what was actually happening, but he was such a bad liar. "It was a recap of our day out.. yesterday!" He blurted out. Whitty blinked. He did something bad yesterday. Bee says it wasn't directed towards him, but he was still weary of him thinking about it. "How about you go wait in the living room? I'll make us some breakfast, yeah?" Boyfriend offered, and Whitty nodded, turning around to leave the room, of course, obliviously leaving the door open. Boyfriend let out a gentle sigh and got up to close it, then deal with his issue. Shouldn't take too long..
Whitty sat down on the couch, nervously fiddling with his fingers as he stared at the blank tv. He couldn't have left a bad impression right? Of course not, if he didn't like him, he certainly wouldn't invite him over, and cuddle with him. Cuddling.. was nice. It would be nice to do that right now. He decided to figure out the tv, picking up the remote and mashing a random button. He pressed damn there  every button on the device before actually getting to the power button, and he couldn't help but jump when he heard the tv turn on.
He wasn't sure if he was ready to meet Dearest's daughter today. At least it was only her, and from what he knew, she knew nothing about him other than when they first met. Does she even know she's meeting the same guy? She looked pretty scared of him. Whitty squirmed in discomfort at the thought. What if she knew about him and her dad? What if she didn't like him? What if she rats him out? His head swirled with worst case scenarios, and he couldn't help but stress about it. Boyfriend exited his room about five minutes later. Whitty could hear the bare feet slap against the wooden hallway floor. "Whitty? Whitty, what's wrong?" The blue haired male rushed to the couch. Whitty hadn't realized he had started crying, clutching his head in his hands like he felt a pain too great to bare.
Boyfriend hopped onto the furniture beside him, gently hugging his head against his chest. "I'm sorry, did I upset you? I promise you didn't do anything bad." He mumbled softly. Whitty shook his head. "I'm just.. nervous." Boyfriend parted a bit, looking down at the bomb with a slightly confused expression. "Nervous? About what?"
"Meeting her."
Boyfriend understood. She did talk about how scary and dangerous he seemed. He didn't exactly specify that it was Whitty he was talking to. There is a chance she could freak out when she sees him. Maybe Boyfriend hadn't thought this all the way through..
"How about we eat breakfast? It's hard to think on an empty stomach." He hugged onto Whitty again, gently rubbing his back. Whitty quickly began to relax. No one had ever done this with him before, and it was really affective. He really liked it. "Can we do that thing first? The cuddle?" Whitty asked softly, and Boyfriend grinned. "Of course we can, Whits." He got down, then climbed into Whitty's lap, but he faced him this time, wiping away his tears, just like he did under the tree. Whitty couldn't help but smile a little, wrapping his arms around Boyfriend in a slightly tighter squeeze than the first time. He felt warm..
Boyfriend had decided to make waffles, oatmeal, grits, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, anything he could honestly find in his kitchen to make a big enough meal for someone who eats so much so fast. He himself was contempt with eating two waffles and some eggs, while Whitty, of course, ate everything else. "Dude, where does it all go?" Bee then asked, receiving a simple "hm?" from Whitty across from him. "Like.. You eat so much, but it's like it literally melts right off of you." Whitty shrugged. "It kinda does.. I digest food faster than normal humans." He explained softly. He picked up his dirty dishes and put them in the sink, with instruction, and did the same with Boyfriend's dishware. "Aww you don't have to clean up after us every time." Boyfriend laughed, sitting up and stretching before standing out of his seat. "I like to. I like to think it shows.. my appreciation for you feeding me." Whitty responded in a soft tone. Of course he didn't really know how to DO dishes, just put them in the sink. Boyfriend would deal with that pile later.
"Come on, let's get ready to go. I have a whole day planned for us." Boyfriend bounced on his toes before rushing back to his room to change. Whitty sighed softly. He didn't know how to use the dryer..
Boyfriend was quick to throw on his usual baggy jeans, white shirt, and his cap. He could barely contain his excitement, he was running back and forth in the hall, of course grabbing his mic and pocketing it for good measure. Whitty had crouched down in front of the dryer, staring intensely at it. "My clothes are trapped." He whined softly. Boyfriend came out from behind him, and couldn't help but laugh. "This is the handle to pull it open." He pulled it, and Whitty let out a sound of relief. His clothes were free!!
"I'm gonna miss this carpet."
"We're gonna come back dummy."
Whitty blinked. He hadn't thought of returning to his house, he thought he was only letting him stay one night..
Boyfriend was sneaky in managing to get him to stay. He secretly applauded himself. He then smiled up at Whitty, gently grabbing his hand. "Let's get going!"
He decided to take Whitty to all his favorite spots. There was a burger joint he and Pico occasionally hung out at, and Whitty was totally down to eat again, so they went.
"Yeah, all the good stuff happens at night, so that's when we go see Gigi." Boyfriend explained with his mouth full, and Whitty nodded to show he was listening. "Oh crap, I forgot! I'm battling her mom tonight! I don't really know where though, they were gonna come pick me up." Boyfriend put a hand on his head and threw it back in distress. "Does this mean I won't meet.. Gigi?" Whitty questioned him. Boyfriend shook his head. "I guess we'll just have to wait until after. Her mom is sneaky as hell, who knows where she is at any time." He shuddered. That lady genuinely scares him.
Next up was the mall.
Whitty was hesitant to go into such a crowded area, but Boyfriend led him through the door in the back way. There were way less people coming through there, so he wouldn't have to worry about being spotted. As they entered, though, Whitty got this weird feeling.. Like they were being watched. He looked around the clothing section they were in. It was quiet back there too, save for the gentle music playing from the speakers in the ceiling. "Ooh! We should shop clothes for you!" Boyfriend then suggested. "But.. I won't be able to carry them with me everywhere.." Whitty objected, holding his hands up nervously. "You won't carry them everywhere. They'll be at my place." Boyfriend pointed his thumb at his own chest proudly.
He really did trick him into moving in, didn't he?
"The only money I get is from the collabs I've been doing so far, so until I get rich and famous, you can get one more outfit and a pair of shoes." Whitty hummed uncomfortably. Now he was taking more money from him, great. "Hey, I'm offering. Now go pick out what you like." Boyfriend smacked Whitty's leg at the knee cap gently, and Whitty quickly held  it, puffing his cheeks. "Fineeee, I'll go pick out something.." He huffed reluctantly, but proceeded to look at some shirts and pants and such.
The two walked out of the mall with one bag, and Boyfriend was holding a box, which had his new shoes in it. "Thanks.. for getting me new clothes. I'm sorry to spend your money." Whitty mumbled shamefully, and Boyfriend huffed at him. "I told you, I don't mind. I want you to be comfortable since it's obvious you've never relaxed a day in your life." Bee grunted in response, nudging his leg as they walked. Whitty laughed nervously, looking behind them. He swore up and down he felt like someone was following them..
"Where to next?" Boyfriend thought out loud, mostly to himself. It was already one in the afternoon, they only had about three hours left until they were coming to pick him up. They decided to go back to the house. Whitty felt uncomfortable being out in the open for so long. "You're sure you didn't tell anyone you were talking to me?" The bomb asked, taking his shoes off inside the house. "Yes, Whitty. I haven't mentioned your name to anyone. If anything I addressed you as 'the guy I battled last week' to Pico. Why?" Whitty shook his head, stepping onto the carpet, then relaxing all over again. It was just so soft-
"Whitty?" Boyfriend turned to look at him. Whitty sighed under his breath, then sat up. "I.. felt like someone was following us. All day. It just feels ironic that I'm supposedly meeting someone-a friend of yours-today." He muttered. Boyfriend stared at him for a moment. "You don't think.. You're not thinking I set you up, are you?" He asked hesitantly, putting a hand to his own chest. Whitty didn't answer right away. He curled up into a ball in his spot, the possibilities beginning to race through his mind all over again. Suddenly he didn't feel as safe as he wanted to. Suddenly he couldn't trust Boyfriend as much as he wanted to. Bee could see him breaking down into an anxious wreck, staring intently at one spot on the floor.
He was a little hurt, yes, but this guy had so many people out for him, it wasn't even funny. He couldn't be mad at him for being cautious. That's why he's still alive today. "Whitty.." Boyfriend approached him, and his heart broke when he saw how Whitty coiled away a bit. He didn't stop though. He crouched down, putting a hand on his head. Whitty slowly looked up at him, his black, inky tears trailing down his cheeks once again today. "When I told you I would be there for you, I meant it." He told him. "I wouldn't throw you in the gutter. Remember that? I would never set up my friend. If you don't feel safe going outside, you can stay in here, okay?" Boyfriend gently leaned forward, placing a kiss on his forehead.
Whitty had no idea what that was, but he liked how it felt. It was like his worries melted away with the feeling. Like he was.. safe. He took a breath, then nodded at Boyfriend's words. "Wait.. do that again?" Whitty's eyes held a less somber expression, and he gently held onto Boyfriend's head. This caused him to blush heavily. Whitty could feel his face heating in his hands. "W-What? A-A kiss?" Boyfriend was a little surprised as Whitty nodded. He tried to calm his heart beat. He could feel it beating out of his chest, so hard he would have thought he was having a heart attack. He leaned down and gave Whitty another peck on the forehead, and the taller couldn't help but close his eyes at the warmth it gave him.
"Thank you, BB." Whitty responded softly, letting his face go, then standing back up. "Y-Y-Yeah! N-No p-problem!" Boyfriend's hands were shaking, and he was laughing awkwardly. His face was so red, and Whitty remembered what that meant. He smiled, then picked Boyfriend up, a high pitched "beep!" coming from him. "Whitty!!" He exclaimed nervously, hiding his face in his hands. Whitty tilted his head. That must be an even more positive reaction! He sat down on the couch, still holding Bee in his arms. He was determined they would cuddle until Girlfriend came to get him.
Boyfriend jolted awake to Whitty staring down at him. Again. He yelped out, but quickly exhaled, putting a hand on his own chest. "You don't wanna be late for your battle." Whitty noted softly. He was still holding Boyfriend. No wonder he fell asleep so fast. He sat up, and Whitty allowed him to, setting him on the floor in front of the couch. Boyfriend stretched his arms up, groaning at the good stretch. "Thanks Whits.." He mumbled softly, his face quickly beginning to redden again just by looking at him. "I'll protect the house while you're gone, don't worry." Whitty told him, and Bee laughed. "I'm sure you will." He made his way over to the door, slipping his shoes back on. "You sure you'll be okay?" He turned around, and watched as Whitty curled up on the couch. He nodded in response, turning the tv on. Bee smiled, then made his way out.
Whitty really wanted to see Boyfriend's little rap battle, to of course be emotional support, but he couldn't be seen. It sucked. He felt lonely all over again, sitting in the living room, sitting on a small couch in front of a tv playing something he wasn't interested in, and he had no knowledge of how to change the channel. He hugged his knees to his chest, puffing one of his cheeks in thought. Boyfriend seemed to genuinely care for him. He.. really did care for him.. Hopefully his friends are similar to that. Even if they weren't, Boyfriend was enough for him. He was all he needed..
Whitty looked away from the cats on the screen about an hour later to the sound of the front door opening. His insides fluttered, like.. weirdly. He put a hand on his chest as the door opened, and Boyfriend walked in, talking to someone and laughing. He turned to look at Whitty, then winked. "Gigi, here's the guy I wanted you to meet!" Girlfriend walked past him, and looked directly into Whitty's eyes. They stared at each other for a moment, and Whitty began to sweat nervously. "H.. Hi-"
"I'm very sorry!"
Whitty's eyes widened, and his cheeks began to glow orange. "I also participated in pushing you to that point, and I wanted to apologise for doing that." She took her shoes off, making her way into the living room. Whitty and Boyfriend let out a breath of relief, the latter quickly following after her. "I-It's okay.. really.. it happens.." Whitty stammered awkwardly, shrinking against the couch as she smiled up at him.
"I'm Girlfriend, but just call me Gigi. I hope we can get to know each other better. And don't worry, I'll keep you a secret from my parents." Whitty's eyes brightened as she spoke those words. She seemed kind already. "See!! I told you it would go well!" Boyfriend hugged Girlfriend from behind, making her giggle. "Yeah.." Whitty mumbled to himself.
Maybe it won't be that bad making friends..
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
We’re All Just Guys
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Well it took the entire fucking season, but I FINALLY get the purpose for Henry Fondle: Sex Robot. And while the entire episode (and season, honestly) has been tremendous, that this ridiculous fucking punchline was the vehicle to deliver the overarching point with a solid knockout punch of meaning AND pathos? Absolutely floored. That BoJack Horseman can be (and often is) brilliant isn’t a surprise, but the ways is keeps proving it often are.
So “The Stopped Show”, a tale of accountability and responsibility and how we’re all just guys.
Each of our main characters closes out this season alone (sort of), in assorted stages of realizing the main themes, or completely failing to. I find Diane’s arc the hardest for me to make a decision on, which isn’t surprising, as I think in many ways, Diane’s the most complicated character in the show. She delivers, directly and succinctly, one of the major points of not just this season but the entire show, but how does it relate to her? I’M NOT COMPLETELY SURE. I think part of the problem with (and for) Diane is that she knows better. She’s the most insightful character, she has a fantastic head on her shoulders, but only for everyone else. She’s this fucked up little disaster prophet, her vision clear and her message concise, unable to ever apply her gifts to fix herself.
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Diane is just as trapped as BoJack, but in a fun twist, is now lagging behind him in trying to do something about it. Nearly every single scene with Diane this season has been in this sad little room of her sad little apartment with all her sad little unpacked boxes, and no matter how much truth and wisdom she spits out, HERE SHE STILL IS, failing to correctly assemble IKEA furniture with names like Bȧcksleid. She already feels like shit for sleeping with Mr. Peanutbutter, so what does she do? THE SAME FUCKING THING. To which I groan and roll my eyes, while simultaneously being proud of her for directly and immediately setting him straight about not getting back together. Diane rides this constant line where she gets it but also doesn’t, which is so interesting to me in the level of additional frustration this makes me feel. BoJack is so self-absorbed you don’t really expect any better of him, which has the flip side of your expectations being so low that even the whiff of progress feels exceptional. Diane doesn’t come with any of that though, she knows better, you KNOW she knows better, and the consequence of this for the audience is that she winds up being more unlikeable than the guy who literally last episode nearly strangled his girlfriend and co-star in the middle of a paranoid drug-induced frenzy.
Which is fucked up! It’s intensely fucked up! And also, I think, the point! We expect more of Diane, and so feel more disappointed when she doesn’t deliver. Is that fair of us?
But there’s more here, as we pivot to the accountability portion of this episode/season. From the beginning of the show, it’s been incredibly upfront about how everything is unfair. We come back to this time and again. Privilege rules the day in the world of Hollywoo. Fame, money, charisma, gender, power. BoJack has been an asshole from pretty much the moment he set foot in the spotlight (possibly before?), and the only thing ever even attempting to hold him back has been the moments his guilt manages to scream loud enough to be heard over his internal narrative. Whatever he does, however he fucks up, he always stumbles back to his feet, and NEVER with any (broad scale) consequences. Meanwhile, here’s Diane, in her sad shitty apartment. Consequences haunt Diane, even if she’s the one doing the haunting. The crap things she’s done and the shitty choices she’s made cling to her.
There’s no fairness in that either, no justice. But Hollywoo (and the entire world around it) (and our world too oh yes) has that privilege carved into its bones, and Diane bears none of its marks. Her situation is very different from but parallel to Gina, who is just so fucked over, it keeps legitimately making me angry for her.
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Gina, of course, brought none of this on herself. She made the mistake of caring about BoJack and trying to help him. OOPS YOU WERE A GENEROUS PERSON WITH AN OPEN HEART FUCK YOU LADY. For her trouble, Gina has been assaulted and traumatized, AND she is in very real danger of her career being over when it’s only just finally beginning. And she KNOWS THIS. That’s the part that I keep coming back to. All this should be an aberration, an anomaly, and while that may be true of the specifics, conceptually, it’s so commonplace that Gina already knows how it’s going to play. She’ll stop being Gina and become The Woman Nearly Strangled To Death By BoJack Horseman. Even if she’s able to keep working, this is what she’ll be asked about in every interview forever. Even if she convinced people to genuinely listen to her, BoJack would, at worst, get a slap on the wrist as he stumbles back to his feet. We know that, WE ALL KNOW THAT, because it happens all. the. fucking. time. Gina did nothing wrong, but this would still define her for the rest of her life, while for BoJack, it would maybe become a footnote on his Wikipedia page.
Nothing about that is FAIR. Nothing about it is JUST. Gina’s choices shouldn’t have to be “this becomes my entire life” or “swallow this down and pretend it never happened”. But it is, as it has been in perpetuity for the victims of the privileged.
So then what can we do about it? Well that’s really the question, isn’t it? This episode answers it in an assortment of ways (I think the entire SHOW is very much about this, really, but this episode is for sure coming with guns blazing), while also showing us why none of those answers can work. It’s funny and sad and awful and true, but also, ultimately, the most hopeful answer because it’s the only one you can actually affect: It’s you. It’s me. It’s each and every one of us, individually, making a choice to be better.
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And believe it or not, we embody this with Henry Fondle: Sex Robot.
I thought the whole thing was so unbelievably stupid. Half the season, we’ve had this goddamn multi-dildo’d juvenile frat boy joke running around with its stupid ass Speak-and-Say voice, doing the same shtick over and over, and I’m like, “okay this is just the shit I have to put up with to get the clever stuff, I guess.” BUT THAT’S EXACTLY THE POINT I’M SITTING THERE LIVING THE ENTIRE GODDAMN POINT AND MISSING IT. Henry Fondle: Sex Robot is seventeen shades of overt horribleness, AND WE ALL JUST GIVE IT A PASS. It’s just the way it is, the way the world works, the price of doing business. When the whole time -- THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME -- all it took was one person to say no. One person who could see the game we all are playing and was willing to give up everything to stop it.
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Hilariously, Henry Fondle IS a metaphor, sort of, but of the saddest kind. He is literally a robot, he can’t possibly change. What’s more, media fervor will never affect him, fallout will never touch him, and the powerful will always rally around themselves to retain their power. It takes Todd, the head of the company, the creator of Henry Fondle, and the one person who would benefit most from the unending efforts of the rest of the world bending over backwards to avoid the truth, to put a stop to it. In doing so, he immediately returns to his old, homeless, destitute self, but doesn’t once hesitate or look back.
It’s Todd, and only Todd, that stops that madness, because while individual people are a problem, the world at large is too. Stefani makes a great point that Diane holds herself and everyone else to impossible standards and a little forgiveness and grace wouldn’t go amiss, but when Diane suggests they apply that philosophy to their clickbait gossipy shit on their website, it’s just
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Which again, is beautifully cynical and depressing, but not untrue. Fostering a more forgiving culture isn’t in stopping websites from posting clickbaity takedown articles, it’s each person deciding not to take the clickbait. We can absolutely have a conversation about the people creating their world or the world creating its people, but when you boil it down, only one of those things can you yourself absolutely and directly change, and it’s not the entire world.
I can’t take myself away from this Diane thing, I know, but only because she’s the fucking CORE of each and every one of us struggling with this idea. She’s the simplicity of it and the complication all in one. Not BoJack, which is NOT where I thought we’d be when we started this journey. BoJack is more an action on the people around him at this point in the story, he IS the world you cannot change. He’s pointed to rehab, and off he goes -- or doesn’t! I don’t think it’s coincidence that we stay with Diane and watch her watching him.
Oh, Diane, indeed. As she tells her story of her friend Abby, who threw her over for the cool kids, who turned every confidence into a scar. Who Diane still helped anyway, because Abby needed her. Did Abby learn from that, did she get better? We don’t know; we stay with Diane and watch her watching Abby. Diane, who can so completely understand about personal responsibility while failing to recognize her own enabling for the shitty things that keep happening to her.
You can control yourself. That’s it. That’s the only playground with a guarantee.
Will BoJack go off to learn that? Will Diane stay and figure it out?
Something I was toying with including in this, but ultimately decided against for a variety of reasons, was the contrast between BoJack’s take on personal responsibility independent of external response, and The Good Place’s argument that people need external support for personal growth. An idea I may not have even considered contrasting save that Doc’s talked before about these two Jewish creators with what are clearly very different philosophies, and basically, if she were ever able to manage a discussion between them on this, I’d love to be in the room. I’ll be very quiet and not get in the way, I promise.
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 6: Year - A Warriors Body
The (half)lifestyle Danny (half)lived was bound to affect him in many ways; some more visible than others. He was a fighter after all, and with enough time a fighter is gonna look like one.
Tucker pats Danny as they begin walking to school, “man it’s gonna be so weird being back huh?”. Making Danny chuckle, “tell me about it”, sighing and rubbing his neck, “and what with the lack of classes there’s been so much more time for hunting ‘n stuff. I’m gonna be so jittery just sitting in pointless classes for hours on end”.
Tucker laughs and grins like an idiot, knowing that was an understatement. You’d think the kid would take it easy when given a break, but no. Instead he basically fell face-first into fighting everything. And if there weren’t any fights then he went off training. “You just don’t know how to relax anymore I think”.
“Eh, you might have a point there. Jazz says I’m becoming an adrenaline junkie”.
Tucker gives him another pat and deadpans, “she’s right”.
“Fuck you”.
Tucker just laughs at that before poking Danny’s bicep, “though all your fighting sure has done you some favours”, attempting at flexing himself but just looking kinda ridiculous, “now if only I could pack on muscle that fast! Then the ladies would be all over me!”.
Danny rolls his eyes with a small smile, “you would if you actually did literally any physical activity outside of when you absolutely had to. Plus, you know my body’s more manipulatable”. Which was a blessing and a curse... and also the reason he was going to wear exclusively baggy clothing for the foreseeable future. He’d rather not have the fact that he rather looked like he low-key lived at the gym be on display. After all, he was supposed to be the weak little loser that blended into the background and slacked off; there was no logical reason to an outsider for him to pack on muscle, especially as much as he had. But hey, at least he hadn’t hit a growth spurt on top of it; though that would probably happen sometime in the future. Ugh.
Tucker rolls his eyes and puts his hands behind his head, “still man. You probably look way better naked than me”.
Danny actually pauses on the sidewalk at that and stares at Tucker, “Ancients, you’re such a pervert”. Tucker just looks back and winks at him, making Danny shake his head and start walking again. Smacking Tucker’s stomach as he catches up, “maybe you should focus less on how big your arms are and more on how big your stomach is, Mr. Eats Five Burgers In One Sitting. You’re gonna wind up like my dad... just shorter”.
“Ouch, low blow. But what can I say? All that tasty juicy meat is just begging to be devoured. How can a guy say no to that?”. Tucker digs in his pocket and flips out his PDA, “oh and Sam's still not gonna be back today”.
Danny groans, “great, so first day is gonna be even more shit. Wonderful. And don’t we have gym first block? Zone, the Universe just hates us, huh?”.
Tucker grins, pocketing the device, “like that’s anything new. But hey, at least you probably won’t die this year”, pointing at him, “and you’ve got some bully protection now too”.
Danny quirks a very confused eyebrow, “huh?”. Making Tucker roll his eyes disbelievingly, “dude seriously? There is literally no way you fit in a locker now. Sure your horrible clothing choices-”, tugging on the mustard yellow sweater with a little green puppy pin on the bottom, “-makes you seem small, but Dash isn’t that stupid”, laughing and tilting his head, “sure is close though. As soon as he picks you up he’s gonna notice something’s off, even I know muscle weighs a lot”.
Danny blinks at him, pausing his walking again, “Tuck pal, just how heavy do you think I am? I’m barely a-hundred pounds”. Tucker pokes his arm, “bullshit. I think you need a new scale”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “dude, most of my muscle and stuff is ectoplasm-based. Just my built-up ectoplasm storing itself overtop of my bones and fleshy muscle. And ecto’s weightless, remember? Heck, it can be anti-weight or whatever; me having more ecto muscle makes me weigh less not more”. Tucker blinks, “huh, didn’t think of it like that”, and decides what the heck and promptly wraps his arms around Danny to lift him up. Easily noting that yeah, Danny really doesn’t weigh much. A-hundred might even be being generous.
Danny shoves him off as Tucker puts him back on the ground, “so ha, no Dash won’t notice”, looking at the ground a little worriedly, “though yeah, I probably won’t fit in a locker anymore. Maybe I could...”, glancing at his arm before shaking his head, “hmmmm yeah no, that’d just make me look fat”.
Tucker chuckles, “what? Trying to redistribute the ecto? Hate to break it to ya, but you’ve got way too much to be a skinny twig again”.
Tucker points over his shoulder at the school, “it’s true and you know it. And it’s not like I was any better”, both of them chuckle at that before Tucker continues, “anyway, welcome back to Hell I guess. Ready for another year of suffering and Highschool inequality”.
Danny snorts, “and suitably started off by the worst class of all, which will probably involve both of us getting rubber balls to the face”. Tucker just snorts right back as they climb the steps to the doors that both of them kinda wanted to never see again. Especially Danny, not like he was ever going to actually need or make use of the crap the teachers shoved down their throats here. If he was more of a delinquent then he’d just drop out here and now.
But hey, at least the whole quartets lockers -yes, even Valerie’s- were all together this year. Small miracles.
Danny groans as the two boys push in the gymnasium doors, making a be-line for the locker room and hoping to continue successfully avoiding the entirety of the football team. At least in the locker room they wouldn’t be total jackasses, since they had some weird level of respect for the ‘sacredness’ of the locker room. Probably some weird sports guy thing.
Pushing? Fine. Ass slapping? For some reason, fine. Hiding someone’s clothes? Sometimes fine. But actually shoving someone into lockers, or giving someone a swirly in the locker room bathroom, or actually wrecking the gym clothes? Off-limits; and messing with the showers was only cool if someone was taking waaaaaay too long. It was weird but hey, at least it made the locker room something of a semi-safe zone. So long as you were cool getting mocked for changing in the showers or out in front of everyone. Chance to show off for the jocks, chance to get mocked for everyone else.
Tucker chills against the wall, waiting on Danny who always took stupid long to change. Dude had bandaging and scars to cover after all. Whistling and inspecting his nails, being the only one still actually in here besides Danny; as per usual. It was kinda weird, felt like they had just finished freshman year days ago and yet here they were again. Back in the same routine. Danny’s voice breaks through his thoughts, “uh, I think we -or more so I- might have a slight problem”.
Tucker sighs, at least Danny’s tone wasn’t serious which meant less ‘danger/ghost fight incoming’ and more ‘mild inconvenience or some general halfa weirdness’, “what?”.
Danny gives a very awkward chuckle, stepping out and holding his arms out to the side before looking down at his shirt, “I may have updated my wardrobe, but I think I may have forgotten something”.
Tucker blinks before sputtering and laughing, bending over a bit to wheeze, “dude, haha, that so doesn’t fit you anymore!”. Tucker absolutely forgot that Mrs. Testlauf was super serious about wearing fitting clothes, pretty sure Danny had too. She always went off about how it ‘showed the value and worth of a person and their progress’ course she’d always add on ‘and shows who the weak pipsqueaks are’. Laughing some more, “how did you even get that on? I get that the underaumour is, like, super-duper stretchy, but the shirt? Looks like it’s gonna burst apart at the seams!”.
Danny huffs, “again, more manipulatable. I’m ‘squishy’ remember?”, and crosses his arms. Both of them still and stare at the air at the sound of ripping; proving Tucker right.
Tucker falls on his ass laughing after a beat, “guess you have to ask for a new one now! Ha! Testlauf’s gonna be pissed”.
“Fuck you man”, Danny starts laughing himself though and glances around before just phasing off the shirt; yeah, he wrecked the sleeves. Stupid Testlauf and her stupid ‘wear your proper sizes or it’ll be detention for the rest of your life’ rule. Least the shorts were supposed to be a bit loose, not that they currently were.
Both boys’ jump a little at hearing a rather masculine female voice shout, “where the Zone is Fenton and Foley! Those two slackers better get their butts out here! Or they’ll be running laps all class!”. Danny and Tucker both panic a little at that, and justifiably so because talk about harsh. Promptly bolting out of the locker room, Danny with his ruined shirt in hand.
Unfortunately, though obviously, everyone is pretty much staring at them as they run out. Most looking to be partway through rolling their eyes but stop. Dash -because of course Danny would get stuck having gym with Dash- is the one to actually point shit out though, “Fenton? What the Hell happened to you?!?”.
Danny quirks an eyebrow, “huh?”, while walking over to Testlauf and speaking rather awkwardly, “I, uh, need a new gym shirt”.
Testlauf blinks, “like Hell you do”, and snatches the shirt. Holding it up and looking from it to the boy, clearly seeing that it’s torn and stretched out. Then giving Danny an almost happy appraising look, “well I’ll be, Fenton, so you do”, and gives him a clap on the arm that is absolutely a pleased one.
Danny blinks, confused, and looks to Tucker, who also looks confused, “what the Zone is happening here?”.
Todd blurts out, “what do you think? You have a bloody six-pack and the arms of an ox. Did you take steroids or something?”.
Danny and Tucker blink, then look to Danny’s chest. Danny instantly blushing a bit and attempting to cover up, belatedly remembering that Testlauf actually took the shirt, “uhhhh. No?”. Tucker has to turn away from everyone to laugh at Danny’s expense. Danny shoves him over for that; Tucker just lays on the ground laughing, not bothering to get up.
Testlauf tosses a larger shirt at him, “get that on and let’s see what you can do with those new muscles. Glad to see you ain’t no bloody wimp anymore”, huffing to herself as she walks off to get the balls, “to see youths shaping up, nothing makes me prouder. I couldn’t give a damn how he did it, kid’s not the type to go to unhealthy measures”. Danny, actually being able to hear her, blushes a little.
In the meantime, all Danny’s fellow classmates rush up and start trying to poke at him. He, of course, bats them off erratically; Tucker springing up to also try shooing people off from his best friend. The fact that Danny’s shirt is still practically skin-tight honestly doesn’t help; less so than the underarmour at least.
Dash scowls at Danny, while aggressively snatching up a ball, “seriously, the goddamn Zone Fenton. Weaklings ain’t supposed to bulk up”.
Danny glances from side to side before steeling his expression and meeting the bully's eyes, effectively deciding screw it, “not my fault you were too busy stuffing me into things to notice things were changing”.
Jesse blinks at him while joining the side Danny’s on, “so wait, you’ve been working out or some shit for a while and straight up no one noticed?”.
Danny shrugs, “it’s also not my fault no one cares to really pay attention to me and besides, I like being left alone”.
Testlauf blows her whistle, which of course results in Dash instantaneously whipping a ball straight at Danny. Which again, makes Danny decide fuck it, and just catches the ball nonchalantly. Dash scowls as Danny smirks, Dash walking off to the side.
Everyone on Dash’s side pauses for a second and glance at each other, before all silently agreeing to bombard the boy. Todd speaking while whipping a ball at him just like everyone else, “so this is why you always wear such baggy clothes huh? Can’t say I understand why or how though!”.
Danny just choosing to dodge with a sidestep this time, “because you people are dicks honestly. And my mom’s a black belt and knows more fighting styles than I can shake a stick at. How the Zone do you think?!?”. More than a couple nod to themselves while running around throwing and dodging.
Mikey, who just so happens to be trying to hide behind him, readjusts his glasses, “and don’t they want you to be a hunter like them? That’s a pretty physical job”. Emily shouting, “and Jack has totally tossed an RV through a wall before! So packing on muscle easily must be in your DNA!”. Danny isn’t about to argue against that, that might actually have something to do with it after all. Even if it was more his ghost halfs fault.
The rest of the game devolves from there, becoming more wild throwing and teenage shrieking than pestering Danny. Which Danny’s perfectly content with, though that results in someone getting practically thrown into him after getting blown back by a ball to the stomach. Which then results in Danny getting flipped over and throwing his ball way harder than he meant to. The entire gym pauses at the ball hitting the back wall and actually cracking the fake brick a bit.
Tucker bends over wheezing with laughter from the sidelines, looks like someone might have gotten a little too used to chucking round -though usually glowing- balls at beings that could handle being rammed by semi’s. Least he didn’t hit anyone and break their arm!
Danny blinks at the wall, “heh heh, whoops”. The few people still remaining on the other side honestly just look impressed rather than the more reasonable reaction, which would be fear and concern for their own safety; but Amity Park and CasperHigh were crazy like that though.
Mrs. Testlauf blows her whistle, “at that I think it’s a good time to wrap this up, before Fenton murders someone”, Danny rubs his neck at that while she points at him and continues, “learn self-control boy, these walls see enough damage as it is”. Which gets quite a few people to start snickering at his expense; Danny just nods awkwardly and blushes a bit. Learning self-control was generally pretty high on Danny’s priority list as it was.
Tucker snickers at him as everyone goes to clean up, “guess someones gotta relearn they’re surrounded by meek little regular old humans huh”, with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. Danny smashes his face into the wall, not hard enough to do actual damage though, “shut up, Tuck”; making a few people around chuckle.
Tucker grumbles a fake, “ow”, as he pulls his face off the wall after Danny let’s go of his head. Then turning to him and smirking meanly, pulling out his PDA. Danny eyes it and Tucker’s grin, “oh don’t you dare”.
“You started it”, and jabs him with the device, giving him a mild electrical shock.
A couple other teens blink and watch the two boys pretty much beat each other up slightly. Emily muttering, “I think I don’t actually want to know what the Zone the defect quartet gets up to in their spare time”.
Todd snorts, “you’re just weak”. She glares back at him, “I don’t hear you asking”. He waves her off, “now why would I waste my precious energy on that”, earning a few snorts from the rest of the class just as the bell goes off.
Jesse runs up to Danny as everyone’s walking to leave, pulling at the ugly yellow sweater, “what I don’t get, is why you dress like such shit if you've got it going on under there”. Danny shrugs, “just don’t care”, he did care, he cared that people didn’t notice literally any of his weirdness. But obviously that wasn’t working out here. Especially with Dash giving him a weird look and clearly choosing to not go and bug Danny. But maybe, judging by how no one really seemed to care beyond being impressed and he had had fun, maybe that didn’t matter.
After all, it had been a year since he died. Since he started fighting day and night practically every other waking moment. Since he started Highschool. Things had changed. He had. And try as he might, people were going to notice that. He wasn’t that same kid anymore. The little living weak wallflower Danny Fenton didn’t exist anymore, and there really was no point in trying to pretend that he did.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch19: Unfair Comparison
Chapter Summary: Fliss is not a happy bunny when she realises Frank hasn’t dumped the card.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, NO UNDER 18s!)
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 18
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  “What an ass hole." Greg shook his head, tossing the card onto the coffee table. "Tell me about it." Frank sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and leaned back heavily against the cushions of Greg's sofa. "I just..." "I know pal." Greg soothed him, "Technically you’re right, he has breached his parole. So Fliss would be perfectly within her tights to call the police. However, he’s gonna deny it, there’ll be an investigation…you’re back into statements possibly court again...all it needs is one member of a jury, if it even goes that far to doubt he sent it and..." "So I'm just supposed to sit back and let it lie?" Frank looked at Greg, almost pleading with the man to give him some kind of advice he could use. "In a word yes." Greg shrugged "and not least because that's what Fliss asked you to."
“I’m worried Greg.” Frank shook his head “Yes, it’s just a card but it proves he knows where she is…” “Not hard, her business has a website.” “Yes, I know that…” Frank started but Greg cut him off. “Frank, he can’t come out of Massachusetts. He cannot physically set foot outside of that state without his GPS tag tipping the police off.”
 Frank bit the inside of his cheek, his jaw twitching.
 “Look, buddy, I get it.” Greg continued, his tone soft “I really do…it’s shit. But for now the best thing for you to do is listen to Fliss.”
 “This is bullshit.”
“Tell you what. I’ll keep the card. If she gets any more stuff from him then we can build a portfolio and send it to the police. It’s more likely to come to something if we have more incidents.”
“So basically, we just have to wait until he sends her more crap and then we might, or might not be able to do anything?” “I’m sorry pal.” Greg shrugged.
“It’s not your fault.” Frank sighed, shrugging. “Sorry I snapped. I appreciate the advice.”
 “I wish I could be a little more positive.”
 “Don’t we all?” Frank said, slapping his thighs with his hands “I best get off, got stuff to do this afternoon.” Greg eyed him for a moment as he stood up, before he rose from his seat to see Frank out of the villa.
 “Just be there for Fliss ok?” he said as they walked to the door “Frank, if she’s asking you to do something, unless it’s really dumb then do it. Give her the control, yeah?” Frank merely nodded and then climbed into his truck, still as pissed off as he had been when he had arrived. He reached for his shades, slipped them on and headed down to the marina. He spent the afternoon cleaning the boat. And whilst it didn’t take him long as they hadn’t taken an awful lot with them, he decided to give the entire thing a good wash down and polish inside, more to keep him occupied. Paul arrived at just gone 3 pm, and was over the moon with the fact his boat had come back to him in a better condition than it had gone out in…making a quip that Frank could borrow it whenever the hell he wanted if it meant service like that.
He was just heading back to his truck when Fliss called him.
 “How are my girls?” he asked and she chuckled slightly. 
“Good, we’re done now so be heading home soon. What do you fancy for dinner? Anything in particular?” “I’ll swing by the store, pick up a few steaks and we can grill.” Frank said, climbing into the truck “And a bottle of Rioja?” “Perfect. Did you get rid of that card?” Frank hesitated for a second. “I took care of it.”
 “Frank?”  her voice had grew a little sterner. “What does that mean? What did you do?” “I took it to Greg.” he grimaced as she made an angry noise on the other side of the phone.
 “Damnit Frank, I asked you to get rid of it…” “I just wanted some advice. Thought I’d see what Greg made of it and-“
“You had no right to do that…” her voice was angry “That wasn’t your decision to make…” “Lissy…” he sighed “Look, let’s not do this on the phone. We can discuss it at home ok?”
 And then the familiar tone hit his ear, signalling she’d hung up.
 With a groan he banged his forehead against the steering wheel in frustration. He wasn’t looking forward one bit to that conversation.
He walked into the store a few blocks from their home, and for a second debated taking his time, just to stall but he knew he would simply be delaying the inevitable. It didn’t matter how long he left it, there was going to be an argument. He grabbed what they needed for dinner, and a few packets of snacks before he headed back out to his truck. 5 minutes or so later he was home, and walked up the steps, letting himself in. Fliss and Mary were both in the kitchen, Mary sat on the counter with a juice box, Fliss clutching a beer.
 “Hey…” he said, a little tentatively. Fliss gave him a tight smile and turned her head so that his kiss landed on her cheek. 
Yeah, he was in for it. Big time.
“You had a good day?” he asked, placing the bag on the side and looked at Mary.
 She nodded eagerly “I cantered today, off the lead line,” “Did you?” He smiled at her “Nice work Stack.” “Fliss got a video. Can we show Frank?” “Sure.” Fliss smiled at her, and pulled out her phone. She swiped at the screen and passed it to Mary who took it, and Frank moved so he could watch the footage over her shoulder.
 “My balance is still a little bit crappy…” Mary shrugged “But I didn’t fall.” “Your balance is fine.” Fliss said gently “You just need to keep your lower leg still but that will come in time. You’re doing great.” Mary beamed and handed Fliss her phone back.
“Why don’t you go get showered?” Frank looked at Mary “I need to speak to Fliss for a moment ok?”
 “Can I go on my computer once I’m washed up?” “Sure.” Frank nodded. She hopped down from the counter and wandered out of the room. Frank watched her go for a moment before he turned to see Fliss was stood looking at him. “So what did Greg say?” she asked, folding her arms
 “Nothing different to what you said.” Frank looked at her.
 “Right, and if he had said something different, like told you to go to the police, would you have done that behind my back too?” “No, of course not!” Frank shook his head as he leaned back against the kitchen counter, both hands either side of his body on the edge of the worktop, “That’s not what I-“ he took a deep breath “Honey, I just want to make sure that we do everything right. Greg’s gonna keep the card on file, says if you get anything else then he’ll keep that too, build a case.”
 Fliss looked at him for a moment before she shrugged “Whatever” “Whatever?” Frank frowned “That’s all you can say, whatever?” “Well what else am I supposed to say?” she looked back at him “You clearly know best…” “Fliss…” he sighed, “Don’t be like that…” “I’m not being like anything.” she shook her head “You’re the one that went behind my back, ignored what I asked you to do.”
 “With good reason…” “You know, I thought I might be at a point in my life where I get to make the decisions about things that directly affect or concern me but clearly, I was wrong…” “Woah, woah, woah, now hang on…” Frank pushed away from the unit he was leaning against, holding his hand up “Are you seriously comparing what I did to him….” “No, of course not.” she snapped. “Well that kinda sounds like what you were doing…” his hands fell to his hips.
 “Oh don’t be a dick, Frank.” she glared at him. “That’s not what I meant.” “Well what did you mean?”
 “I already said exactly what I mean!” she said, her voice rising in volume “You had no right to do that, no right at all to go behind my back like you did. I couldn’t do anything about him getting released, but the one thing I can control is how I react to this entire situation…and you took that away from me!” “You’re completely overreacting…” “Overreacting?” “Yes…” he strepped towards her “Liss, I didn’t do it to take control…nothing of the sort…” “How would you feel if you told me not to do something with Mary, something that meant a lot to you, and I still went and did it anyway?” “That’s…” he shook his head “That’s completely different.” “No, it isn’t!” she yelled back “It would be a complete disregard for your wishes, it’s exactly the same…” Frank looked at her, his eyes locking onto hers as she simply snorted and shook her head “You don’t even see what you did wrong do you?” “No, and I’m not apologising either.” he shook his head
“Of course you’re not.” she snorted “This is getting us nowhere.”
 With that she turned and called for Thor.
 “Where are you going?” he frowned, following her into the hall as she slipped on her sneakers.
“Where?” he asked, when she didn’t reply he pressed again “Lissy.” “Piss off Frank.” she shot back, and with that she stormed out of the front door, slamming it behind her.
 Frank stood still, his hands on his hips before he dropped his head with a sigh.
 “Nice job…” he heard Mary say from behind him.
 “Shut up.” he snapped, a little harshly as he turned to face her. She glared at him and then rolled her eyes.
 “I’m going back to my room.” she said simply, stalking off down the corridor, laptop under her arm.
 Frank watched her go before he shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Way to go Adler, you fucking idiot.
**** Fliss angrily stomped across the lawn and took a right, Thor trotting at her heels. She walked down the path that led to the Marina, took a left and dropped down the stone steps onto the beach, pausing to remove her sneakers. She dug her toes into the sand, rolled up her riding britches as much as she could before she headed to the waters edge, allowing the water to splash over her legs, Thor giving an excited bark as he gambolled in and out of the waves.
She was angry. Angrier than she had been in a long time. But it was more than that, she felt betrayed in a way. She had asked Frank to do something, something she felt she was perfectly within her rights to request and he had deliberately ignored her.
 She wasn’t sure how long she had been stood there, simply looking out over at the horizon but she was jolted from her thoughts by her phone ringing. She debated ignoring it for a while, but eventually she pulled it from her pocket and took a breath as she realised it was her Dad.
 “Hey Pops.” she greeted him. “You ok?” “Yeah fine Titch.” he said, “Just noticed I had a missed call…” “Oh, yeah…” she said, for a moment she had forgotten she had called. She had been planning to tell him about the card but as she stood there, she wasn’t sure she wanted to anymore “It wasn’t important.” “Charming…” she heard her mother and Fliss let out a chuckle.
“You got me on speaker?”
 “Bluetooth.” Bill replied “We’ve been to the store.” “Stocking up for tomorrow.” Verity said “Can’t have a roast dinner with no potatoes…Mary would have a fit.”
 “Yeah…yeah she will.” Fliss said with a sigh.
 There was a pause before Bill spoke again “Lissy, you ok?” “Not really no…” she said, her eyes brimming with tears. “Me and Frank, we had an argument…a pretty big one…” “What about?” Bill asked.
“So, this morning I had a card arrive at the yard…and it was from John…” Bill made an angry noise as Verity let out an exclamation.
“That’s…he’s broken his parole…” “I know, but they’re not gonna launch an investigation over a card…so I asked Frank to get rid of it. But he took it to Greg behind my back and…” She trailed off, rubbing at her temple.
“So I’m guessing you discussed your disappointment with him in a calm and collected manner…” Bill said sarcastically.
 “If by calm you mean calling him a dick and storming out then yeah.” Fliss replied.
There was another moment of silence and Verity spoke again. “Honey, look…I’m sure he did what he thought was right…” “That’s not the point!” Fliss groaned “the point is I asked him not to. And he did it anyway. The one thing I can control in all of this is how I deal with it. And he completely disregarded that.” “Look, Liss, I love you to pieces, we both do” Bill spoke “But so does Frank, and him taking that card to Greg won’t have been about going behind your back. Have you considered how he feels in all of this?” “How he feels?” “Yeah, this is…this is something he will never have dealt with before. Seeing some other man basically trying to terrorise his girlfriend…he’s going to want to hit back, try and see if there’s something he can do. This isn’t about control. It’s about keeping you safe.”
Verity picked up the conversation at that point.
“I see your point sweetheart, and yes, he should have discussed it first but...” “So you both think I’m in the wrong?” Fliss asked gently, as she looked at her feet, Thor returning to her side and flopping down on the damp sand. “No…that’s not what either of are saying, is it V?”
 “No, not at all. He had no right to go behind your back, I get that honey I do, but…well, this can’t be easy for Frank either. And maybe…” “Maybe you should cut him some slack.” Bill finished “He’s a good man Fliss, and heaven knows you waited long enough for one to come along.”
 “I know.” Fliss said quietly, the tears trickling down her face. “I know…” “I can hear the ocean…so go home.” Bill said gently. “Talk to him. Calmly. Don’t let that asshole get in the middle of what you two have Titch, you both deserve more than that.”
 She nodded to herself, wiping her face and then bidding her parents good-bye she placed the phone back in her pocket.  Mulling their words over she turned and headed back across the sand, the sun setting behind them as she made her way over to the food truck parked by the side of the boardwalk.
 By the time Frank had convinced Mary to speak to him so he could apologise for snapping, it was getting dark out. Fliss had been gone for a good hour and a half, and Frank was getting a little concerned. He was just about to call Roberta to watch Mary whilst he went out looking, when the door opened and Thor padded into the living room.
 Frank stood up and turned to see Fliss in the doorway. Her eyes locked onto his and he gave her a small smile.
 “I was getting kinda worried.” Frank said softly “Wasn’t sure you were coming home.”
 “Neither was I.” she replied honestly and Frank swallowed slightly as she looked at him and sighed “I’m going for a shower then to bed. I’m tired.” “Ok.” he nodded “Do you want something to eat or…” “I grabbed a burger when I was out.” she shrugged, “I’m fine, thanks.” There was a moment of silence during which Frank simply nodded and then Fliss turned and headed down the corridor, popping her head into Mary’s room to say goodnight. Once he watched her open the door to the bathroom and shut it behind her, he set about quickly tidying the kitchen up, tossing the empty beer bottles into the recycling box under the sink before he loaded the dishwasher and set it going.  He moved around the living room, tidying a few things away before he turned the lights off and made his way into the bedroom.
Fliss was led on the bed, remote to the TV held in her hand as she glanced up at him for a second, her eyes flicking back to the screen on the wall. 
“You still mad at me?” he asked tentatively as he pulled off his t-shirt. She looked at him for a second and sighed.
 “Dad told me I was being an idiot.” “Right.” he said, sitting down on the bed next to her, extending his legs down the bed “That’s not answering my question sweetheart.” “I don’t know anymore” she shrugged “Yes, I’m still mad you did it…but I understand why. The fact you had the right intentions doesn’t make going behind my back any better.” “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that, and yeah, ok, I should have asked you first, talked it over.” Frank conceded nodding “I’m sorry.”
“And I’m sorry if you thought before that I was saying you’re anything like him because you’re not…and I know that…because I can get mad at you and…well, that makes it impossible to stay mad at you for long…”
“What?” Frank looked at her, smiling, his eyebrow raised. “What does that even mean?” Fliss looked at him, a faint smile on her face as she sighed “It means that I can get mad at you, and shout, and leave in a temper tantrum for a walk or whatever, without worrying that when I come back you’re gonna hurt me.” Frank looked at her for a moment, as her words sunk in. Something so simple as having an argument was such a huge thing for her, and the fact she even saw having an argument as a measurement of how much she could trust him because she felt comfortable enough to call him out on the things he did that she didn’t like or agree with, was utterly fucked up. But in a strange way, made total sense.
 She could argue with him because she felt safe…
 Frank moved so he was led on his side, propped up on his elbow facing her, his hand gently reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked down at him where she was led, shoulders leaning against the bottom of the head board of the bed. He could see she was getting upset now, her brown eyes were watering and with a sigh he gestured with his head and opened his arms and she shuffled down further, allowing him to pull her into his chest, gently kissing her head.
 “I love you.” he said softly “So much. I only went to Greg because I was worried. I’d do anything to keep you and Mary safe, you know that.”
 “I know…” she said quietly as he slid his finger under her chin, lifting her head so that she was looking at him. Lowering his head, he kissed her softly, his hand cupping her cheek as his lips gently worked against hers. She relaxed into him, allowing him to deepen the kiss, his hand tangling in her hair as her fingers softly skated through his short beard. Frank let out a smile against her mouth and she pulled back to look at him, her soft, brown eyes searching his.
“What?” she asked.
“Nothing…” he smiled, “I just like it when you do that…” “What? This?” she asked, her nails scratching slightly against his whiskers and he let out a sigh of satisfaction, giving a nod. Fliss watched him for a second as his eyelids flickered shut, those ridiculously long lashes resting against his cheeks as she continued to gently run her hands through his beard, before she shuffled closer and pressed her lips to his.
 “I like it when you do that too…” he chuckled and she smiled against his mouth. They continued trading soft, tender kisses before Frank slowly moved so that Fliss was led under him, caging her with his arms as she gently ran her hands through his hair, pulling his head back down to kiss her again. His lips gently trailed along her jaw line to that spot on her neck just below her ear where he gave a soft nip causing Fliss to let out a soft moan. Her hips bucked upwards slightly, drawing a soft growl from Frank’s throat at the feeling as she pushed against him, all the time his mouth continuing its path downwards, tracing the line of her throat as his hands reached down and gently tugged at the hem of her vest top. She sat up slightly allowing him to remove it and he fell back over her, his lips latching back onto her neck, drawing another soft groan from Fliss at the feeling of his beard scratching against her skin and the contrast of his soft lips. His tongue circled the swell of her breast before he gently took a nipple into his mouth, listening to her keens as he teased her, his other hand sliding down over the curve of her hip, fingers brushing the hem of her sleep shorts before he slid his hand beneath the material, parting her folds as he began to tease her with his fingers, coaxing more and more wetness from her as he went. He glanced up to see her head was thrown back against her pillow, eyes shut in utter bliss as she bit her lip.
 “Look at me.” he said softly, moving so that his face was hovering over hers again, fingers still working. She opened those deep brown eyes he felt he could drown in and her pupils were blown with desire. His fingers picked up their pace and he slid one, then two inside her, curling against her spot over and over again.
 “Frankie…” she panted as her back arched, “I..”  her words stopped as she found herself unable to form them any longer, instead issuing a low gasp which turned into a groan as her eyes fluttered shut and she convulsed underneath him, tighten around his fingers. Eventually she relaxed and her breathing evened out slightly and she looked up at him, a soft smile on her face before her hand slid up into his hair, as he slanted his mouth over hers.
 Then it was a fast scramble to get both of them out of the last remaining, thin barriers of clothing before Frank nestled into the v of her legs, mouth nipping at her collar bone.
 “Want you…” she purred into his ear and fuck, did he want her too. Her hand reached down between them, and she gently lined him up, pressing her lips to his.
“Don’t keep me waiting Sailor.”
 And Frank, not one to refuse his girl what she wanted did as she asked, worked into her with a steady, gentle movement which made him shudder, dropping to his elbows over her as she gave a soft moan. Her hands gently gripped at his broad shoulders as he began to move, his thrusts slow and gentle at first, hips rocking against hers. Their mouths crashed together in a sloppy kiss as she raked her nails down his back, the sting on his skin caused desire to lance through him even more and he gave a groan, picking up the pace slightly, her body moving with his from each steady thrust, skin sliding against skin, the soft sounds of sex and groans and whimpers filled the air and half the time Frank was at a loss as to who exactly was making them. 
 “More…” she begged softly, and he hooked his hand under her knee, wrapping her leg up round his waist allowing him to drive deeper. She gave a loud mewl underneath him as her nails dug further into his shoulders as he moved faster, reading the signs she was giving him, his hips now snapping back and forth with a needy desire, the carnal want he had for this woman consumed him and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.
 “Come on baby…” his breath was ragged on her ear as he gently sucked at that spot again, feeling her writhing underneath him. “I got you, let go…”
 His breath caught slightly as she tipped her head to press her lips to his, the kiss heated and he swallowed the loud groan she made before her head fell back her hands gripping to his back as if her life depended on it.
 “Frankie…I’m…gonna…” she managed to stutter before her mouth once more slackened and her sultry lament made Frank shudder as her body shook underneath him, her leg twitching as he held it tight round his waist. Her heat gripped him, pulsing again and again and he felt the burning deep in the pit of his stomach, the surge of his own orgasm felt like it was rising from his very toes as he drove into her once more.
 “Fuck, Lissy…” he mumbled and a guttural rumble erupted from his throat as his hips stuttered slightly before he made another few shallow thrusts before he collapsed forward, burying his head in her neck as the afterglow consumed him.
 He had no idea how long passed before he managed to muster enough about himself to raise his head. She still had her eyes closed but there was a satisfied smile playing on her lips, one he couldn’t help but mirror. As he watched her face, the tip of his nose gently resting against hers, her eyelids flickered open and he smiled down at her, gently pressing their foreheads together.
 “Yeah…” her voice was raspy and she swallowed “That was more than ok…” He chuckled as he met her lips in a soft kiss, before he gently rolled off her, laying on his back and reaching down for the duvet which was tangled around their legs. After a short wrestle with it and a bit more giggling they both settled down, Fliss’ head on his chest as he lay on his back, his hand softly carding through her hair.
***** The next few weeks skipped by fairly uneventfully, bar the almost meltdown Mary had when it was revealed to her that she wouldn’t be going back into Bonnie’s class when September rolled around. Frank tried to explain to her that wasn’t how school worked but she was besides herself, declaring she wasn’t going back to school if that was the case, leaving Frank groaning about the possibility of repeat of the scene they had the previous year.
 In the end, it was the twins that managed to explain it to her. Steve and his family came over to visit again for 2 weeks in the middle of August and the boys Charlie and Joel spent a lot of time at Fliss and Frank’s for sleepovers, Fliss loved having her nephews to stay and the boys thought Frank was the best person ever when he took them out on a boat he borrowed from work, allowing them each to take a go at sailing. Or being Pirates as they excitedly exclaimed.
One night when they were all sat in the lounge getting ready to settle in for a movie, Frank overheard Charlie telling Mary all about how he was looking forward to moving into the bigger classroom and learning cool news stuff. He could see the cogs whirring in her head and Fliss had smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek, whispering that she’d told him it would all work out in the end. And, thankfully, she was right.
One person who was NOT looking forward to the return of the school year was Bonnie. One Thursday night she called Fliss begging her got on a girl’s night out as she needed to blow off some end of holiday blues. Fliss agreed and arranged to meet up with her on Saturday evening. The weekend rolled round fairly quickly and Fliss was in a good mood when she arrived at work, a few lessons to do before she could head home and start getting ready. She was just heading out to the first one when her phone rang. The number was withheld but that wasn’t uncommon as a lot of people called about lessons in such a way.
 “Fliss Gallagher…” she answered. No one spoke in response. “Hello?”
 With a shrug she cut the call and replaced it back into her pocket, making her way over to the paddock, when the phone went again. She repeated the process and there was still no one talking on the other side. 
“You ok?” Joanne looked at her, as Fliss frowned.
“Yeah, I just had 2 silent calls…” Fliss shrugged
 “Probably someone ass-dialling”
 “Yeah, maybe…” Fliss said, not voicing where her mind had instantly gone, straight to John.  She stuck the phone in her pocket once more and strode into the paddock, greeting her client.
 There were no more calls that day, which made Fliss comfortable enough that it wasn’t her ex. If it was and he was playing some stupid game he wouldn’t have stopped. So by the time Mary appeared to do her stable chores and ride Monty she was in fairly good spirits. Fliss decided that they were going to do something a little different on Mary’s lesson today, and she placed a few poles on the floor and had Mary walk Monty over them first, then do them in trot. It wasn’t hard for the pony, and he knew his job but it was different for Mary, making her concentrate fully on where she was going. Frank leaned on the paddock fence watching the pair of them as Fliss walked along side Mary, chatting away to her before she stepped back and allowed Mary to try it on her own. The smile on Mary’s face was all Frank needed to see and he nodded to her as she looked over to him, his hand falling to Thor’s head as the dog had jumped up, leaning his paws on the top of the fence.
“Alright buddy?” he asked, scratching his ears as Thor panted in response, giving a sharp bark at Fliss who turned to look at them, grinning.
 One the horses were fed they all made their way home and after dinner Fliss grabbed a glass of wine and headed for a shower and then to get ready. 40 minutes or so later she emerged dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a white off the shoulder top that had large pineapples printed on it and on her feet she wore a pair of gold sandals. To finish the beach-chic look, her auburn hair was pulled back into a messy bun at the nape of her neck and she was wearing a pair of gold hooped earrings along with her Pandora bracelet.
“You look lovely.” Frank smiled at her, and she grinned back. “Ready to go?” “Yeah…” she nodded “Can we pick Bonnie up on our way?”
 “Sure.” Frank nodded, turning to Mary “Come on Stack. We’ll swing by for ice cream on our way home.” “Yesss….” Mary gave him a hi-five as they all headed for the door.
 It took them about 15 minutes to get to Bonnie’s and Fliss hopped out of the jeep heading up the steps to the small villa. Frank watched her go, quite happy to appreciate her ass in the shorts she was wearing, and smiled as she turned round, Bonnie following her down the steps.
“Hi…” She greeted Frank who nodded to her as she climbed in the back of the jeep. “Hi Mary.” “Hi Miss Stevenson…” “You can call me Bonnie out of school.” The dark-haired woman chuckled.
“I know.” Mary shrugged.
 Bonnie hesitated for a moment as Frank and Fliss exchanged a look, the pair of them grinning at Mary’s blasé tone before Frank shook his head.
“Mary…” he chastised her gently.
 “What?” she looked at him.
 “Just…oh, I dunno, whatever.” he mumbled, setting the car going again. Fliss and Bonnie struck up a gentle conversation about where they were going, Frank not particularly listening to be honest. His right hand absentmindedly dropped to Fliss’ bare thigh, his thumb gently rubbing at her skin and she dropped her left hand on top of his, gently intertwining their fingers.
 He was almost disappointed when he pulled up outside Rio’s that she had to let go.
 “Have a good time.” he said as she leaned over to give him a quick kiss.
“Will do.” she smiled “See you later Mary.”
 “Yeah bye!” Mary said, hopping out of the backseat to take up the vacant front one.
 “Ice cream or hot dogs?” Frank looked at her, tearing his eyes away from Fliss as her and Bonnie headed into the bar, already knowing full well what Mary’s answer would be.
 “Dur…” she looked at him “I got me a hankering for some Cookies and Cream.” Frank snorted and with a final look at the bar set off towards The Shack.
“Did he just…” Fliss looked at Bonnie, her eyes flicking from the young man in front of her to Bonnie, then back again. They’d had a few drinks at Rio’s, then headed up to another bar a few doors down and had wandered over to see what was going on round a pool table, soon finding themselves watching three younger guys as they were racking the balls up, ready to start a game of killer. By this point they’d had a fair amount of beer and shots, so Bonnie, clearly emboldened by alcohol, had cheekily quipped to the boys that Fliss would kick their arses and one of them, a tall guy with floppy sandy hair had responded with an equally cheeky little smirk and invited the “Grandma” to join them.
 “Yeah, he so did…”
“Fucking Grandma…” Fliss glared at him, snatching up a pool cue.  “I’ll have you know, kid, I’m 34…not that old…” “You got 13 years on me.” he looked at her.
 “Experience…” Bonnie nodded sagely “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” “You offering?” the lad looked at Bonnie who burst out laughing
“Sorry, we’re both taken…” “With each other…” Fliss said, causing Bonnie to snort again into her drink “We’re lesbians.” “Awesome!” the guy grinned, looking Fliss up and down before he arched an eyebrow at her. “I’m Joe by the way.” “Oh, I’m Felicia and this is Linda.” Fliss said, this time causing Bonnie to choke on her gin.
 “Nice to meet you…now…”  Joe clapped his hands and then everyone around the table looked at him as he began to write their names on the blackboard adding 3 lines after each. The game was simple, you took your shot, if you potted you kept a life, if you missed you lost one. The last person standing was the winner.
 “Money in and…”
 “Oh, hang on…” Fliss looked around “I didn’t know we were competing for money…”
“You chicken?” One of the lads looked at her.
“No, I just…you know what?” She shrugged, pulling a ten note out of her purse. “Fuck it.”
 “You can break.” One of the lads said and she shrugged. Taking up position she hit the ball, deliberately hitting the group of colours in the wrong place ensuring she didn’t pot one.  The lads all took a turn each and on her next turn she sank a ball into the pocket, then on her next go she missed again, deliberately.
 “Ok,ok…” she said, as the guys started to tease her. “You’re all so confident double up…double the money…” “Whatever…” Joe snorted, pulling another $10 note out of his pocket. Bonnie, grinned and started to play along.
 “Felicia,…is that…” “Shut up Linda I got this…” She lined up and took another shot, smashing a ball at the top straight into a pocket.  The lads all exchanged a look, shrugging and continued, the game. Fliss continued to nail shot after shot and eventually it came down to her and Joe on the last ball.
 “So if I manage this…I win?”
“Yeah…” “Ok, top right…” Joe let out a groan as the ball dropped into the pocket. Fliss straightened up, leaning on the cue smirk on her face as she turned to the boys who were all laughing and shaking their heads.
 “Here’s a tip…” she smirked, taking the money “Don’t call people grandma…pleasure doing business boys…”
 Bonnie laughed, sliding her phone back into her pocket, as Fliss looped an arm round her shoulders and steered her back to the bar.
 “Yes…” An hour later they were multiple shots down and half way through a crucial game of Fuck, Marry or Kill. 
“Ok…” Bonnie looked at Fliss “Fuck, Marry or Kill. All the Chrises…Evans, Hemsworth or Pratt…” “Oh man…” Fliss groaned “I mean…I’d probably kill Pratt. No offence but I couldn’t murder Thor or Cap…I just…no, not possible”
“So…which ones getting the one night treatment and which one is here to stay…”
“If I marry him does that mean I’m fucking him as well?” Bonnie paused “Yeah, I would assume so.”
“Ok, in that case I’d fuck Hemsworth, marry Evans.” Fliss said, shrugging. “Do you not think Frank as a bit of a look of him…in the face?”
 “I’ve not thought about it…” Bonnie shrugged, before she grinned “I think you just have a thing for guys from Boston…”
 Fliss frowned as Bonnie looked at her, her face dropping. “Shit, Fliss, sorry, I mean Frank…” Fliss couldn’t keep her face straight before she burst out laughing “I know…”
 “Bitch!” Bonnie nudged her on the arm and Fliss smirked, picking up another shot. 
Frank was sprawled on the sofa, channel surfing when he heard his phone go. It was a WhatsApp message from Fliss and he opened it, giving a loud laugh as he saw her holding a shot of tequila, her face screwed up in a huge fake crying gesture.
“Bonnie is making me do shots…”
“Course she is…” he replied “And did Bonnie make you hustle those boys at pool too?” “How do you know about that?” “It’s on Facebook sweetheart, Bonnie uploaded the photo of you winning. Those poor kids stood no chance” “In my defence they called me grandma…cheeky bastards.”
Frank laughed out loud as he could just see her indignant expression. “Well that’s just fucking rude. How much did you sting em for?” “Sixty…we’ve nearly spent it all
“Sixty bucks…” he mumbled to himself with a snort as he tapped his response “That’s my girl.” “Always…” she replied back, with a winking emoji and he smiled again before dropping the phone back on the coffee table as he stood up to go and grab himself another beer. Simon had already called him to say he would pick them up, which was a relief to Frank as he knew he couldn’t drag Mary out of bed at whatever time they were ready to come back, and he also wasn’t one hundred percent happy about her cabbing back alone. Stupid, he knew that, she was a grown ass woman but still. Thankfully, Simon had been on the same wavelength. With a fresh beer in his hand, he flopped back onto the sofa and resumed his channel hopping, grinning when he found that American Pie was just starting on one of the movie channels. Tossing the remote down he settled back against the cushions to watch the film, Thor jumping up besides him, his head resting against Frank’s thigh.
He had seen this film countless times, but it still reduced him to tears, and Fliss for that matter. He watched, laughing along and the end credits had just started to roll when his phone buzzed again.
“On my way to collect the girls and just a warning, Bonnie sounds smashed.” With a snort he replied “I didn’t expect anything else. Thanks Si.” He stood up and threw his empty beer bottle into the recycling, debating whether or not he wanted another. Deciding he would leave it he started to clear away the remnants of the nachos and popcorn he’d been munching on, gently re-arranged the damned scatter cushions that Fliss had made him buy, which he grudgingly had to admit were actually pretty comfy and then grabbed the recycling box and headed out to toss it into the containers, Thor hot on his heels. Just as he had finished he looked up to see Simon’s Audi pulling up at the road and he made his way over.
 “Hiiiii!” Fliss grinned at him as she got out, Thor stopping by her legs and she gave him a quick pet.
 “Hey…you have a good time?” Frank asked, as she gave a giggle and nodded.
 “Bonnie’s fallen asleep. She can’t handle her alcohol.” she snorted and Frank looked round her to see that Bonnie was, indeed, passed out in the passenger seat.
He shook his head and leaned down to speak to Simon “Thanks pal…”
“No problem.” Simon smiled, before he cast a look at Bonnie and then back to Frank “She said she was tired, not drunk…” “And I’m the Queen of England…” Frank snorted as Simon let out a huff of a laugh.
“Well hello your majesty…” Fliss hiccupped and Frank looked at her, grinning as she winked at him, her eyes glazed.
Simon shook his head and Frank rapped the top of his car twice as he pulled off and headed back up the road.
 “Frankie…” Fliss looked at him as he dropped his arm round her shoulder.
“Yes baby?” “I’m hungry.” “Are you gonna stay awake long enough if I throw a pizza in the oven?” “Hey, I’m not like Bonnie, I can handle my tequila…” “Yeah, you say that now.” he grinned “Bet you won’t be tomorrow.”
 “It’s Sunday…I can die on the sofa.” she shrugged, heading up the steps into the house. “But now I really need food.” Frank snorted, “Ok, I’ll throw one in. Go get changed.”
 “Can you undo the button at the back of my top?” Fliss asked, spinning around. Frank obliged, gently sliding the silver pin shaped tab through the hole at the back of the collar, his hands gently rubbing her bare shoulders as she dropped a kiss to her neck. “Hey, Bonnie made a good point before…” she spun back to face him, he hands smoothing over his chest.
 “And what was that?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Both of us, as in me and her, have seen you naked.” she grinned, arms connecting round the back of his neck.
“Jesus Christ.” he groaned, his hands falling to her hips.
 “And you’ve seen both of us naked…but we’ve never seen each other naked…” Frank looked at her for a moment, “What?” “Me and Bonnie I mean… don’t you think that’s unfair.”
 Frank looked at her for a moment, stumped for words before he gave a snort of laughter at her face. She was grinning wickedly at him, mischief shining out of her eyes. “Yeah.” he nodded, seriously, fighting to keep his face straight.  “Really unfair. In fact, I think it’s so unfair you should do something about it.” “You’re a pervert.” she narrowed her eyes at him as he laughed and shrugged.
 “You started it…” “Technically you did when you fucked her.”
“Ouch…” Frank raised an eyebrow at her as she smirked up at him “Low blow sweetheart”
 “I’ll give you a low blow later.”she winked and Frank’s eyebrow arched further up as she pulled his head down to kiss him softly “But first I need proper food…” “Well let go o’me and I’ll make you that pizza.” he reasoned.
With a final smile she kissed him again “Love you sailor.”
“Back at ya cowgirl.” he grinned, watching as she made her way to the bedroom, reasonably steadily as well all things considered, Thor padding along behind her. With a final snort and shake of his head, knowing full well she was going to be hungover to shit the next day, he turned and headed back towards the kitchen to make her something to eat.
**** Chapter 20
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Ep15
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I forgot this guy’s name, Yao or something? Honestly, I don’t care enough to research this, like, at all. I hate this guy. My friend and I now refer to him as the Hype Man, so I might just call him that from now on. But I wanted to say that I didn’t realize he was in it so early, so when I saw him, I was like, “That fucking guy!!” And I also totally missed that the point of Jiang Fengmian leaving was to take this worthless piece of trash somewhere. I wish he’d died haha. But then I guess there’d be less reason to hate him, and I enjoy hating him.
I can’t believe this is the first paragraph that people are going to see. If you’re reading this now, you’re like, why do I want to read this crap? And y’know what, I can’t blame you. The next few episodes are gonna be rough. I don’t even know if there will be much to say on my end. My friend, after watching these few episodes commented something like, “Huh, that really dragged.” I could only agree, pulling my hair out from the headache these few episodes were giving me.
Okay, but seriously, Yao is so pathetic here! Talking about how he never thought they’d end up like this, and, “Oh, we were just a small clan, woe is me!” It’s amazing that he turns into the biggest prick, always right there hyping up the scapegoat-blame game rhetoric. Sorry, I hate this fucker.
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A rare nice moment from Madam Yu. It was sweet having her show a caring side, packing medicine for her husband, snacks for her daughter. But of course, it was because Jiang Yanli had come to say goodbye to her earlier. Jiang Cheng is really like his mother—they can’t do anything for kindness’s sake, there’s always an obligation to the kindness.
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I hate Wang Lingjiao, but I love her, and I love hating her. I’m conflicted. She’s just such a fun, evil character, more fun than Xue Yang in my opinion, probably because she actual interacts with the main characters in the story. It will forever annoy me that Xue Yang gets so much attention for appearing in a long-ass flashback (via empathy) and what should have been a flashback (Chang Clan) but wasn’t because they wanted it to be padding, I guess.
Anyway, Wang Lingjiao. She’s fun, she goes completely nuts—what’s not to love about her? She’s also someone who is so similar to Madam Yu, but because she also is ambitious and wants to take over Lotus Pier, Madam Yu wants her dead. Haha!
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While Madam Yu is, objectively, a horrible person, I actually really like how her bodyguards aren’t treated like servants. I like that there’s mutual respect there, as there should be when you’re talking about protecting someone. Unfortunately, I think Madam Yu treats them better than her own family in most cases. It’s cool that the Jiang Clan doesn’t rely on servants to get food and tea and whatnot. These are things that the disciples and leaders must do for themselves. By contrast, the Jins have so many servants—it’s almost obscene by comparison.
Also I want to point out how hot-headed Jiang Cheng gets here, while his mother is just cool as a cucumber. It really shows you how unready he is to actually lead (which she points out). He’s so emotional, quick to anger, yet he has none of the foundations to really lead a group of people. Even when the disciples are explaining to them what happened to the kid and the kite, it’s Wei Wuxian who is keeping everyone calm and asking the questions.
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I love that his first reaction here is to insult Wang Lingjiao’s intelligence. We’re basically getting a parallel to how he reacts to Wen Chao, which is fun because you can see how his behavior hasn’t changed at all. He uses his wit in both situations and is easily able to outwit both Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao. What’s kind of interesting is that Jiang Cheng will speak up now when he wouldn’t before. And I wonder is it because he is guilty for being silent earlier with Wen Chao, or is it something else? I think ultimately Jiang Cheng blames Jin Xizuan, Lan Wangji, and Wei Wuxian for what happens to his parents and to Lotus Pier. Even though, logically, it would have been destroyed anyway, he still wants to place the blame on someone who he can reach. All this is to say, I don’t think Jiang Cheng regrets not speaking up at the Wen Indoctrination. So I think he feels superiority over Wang Lingjiao really because he thinks she’s a stupid woman. And duh, she is not that clever. But she is smart enough to be able to use what talents she has to get ahead. She apparently is favored over Wen Chao’s own wife (who knew he was even married—not me lol), and you have to be ambitious and have some smarts to get that far. That’s not to say that Jiang Cheng wouldn’t treat a man this way too—I think he would. I think he picks and chooses who he’ll stand up to. He’s on his own turf, she’s an invader, she’s a woman—she only brought a few henchmen, right? He’s also been charged with watching over Lotus Pier in his father’s absence. Maybe he just wants to look big for once. Just a thought. Take it or leave it.
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So, I think Madam Yu is enjoying this. She’s getting two things she wants: the Wens are going to leave and she gets to beat the shit out of Wei Wuxian. She doesn’t even have to be prodded to punish him, right? She barely waits until Wang Lingjiao has finished speaking. This has something she’s wanted to do for a long time. I think she’s hit him before, yes? But she can go all out right now, since Jiang Fengmian, his only real protector, is gone.
Also Jiang Cheng! Man, he’s torn apart! He hates to see this happening to Wei Wuxian—yes, he blames him for all that shit, but he doesn’t want to see this happen to him. It’s actually harder to watch Jiang Cheng in all of this than Wei Wuxian, who mostly remains as stoic as he could possibly be while she’s whipping the shit out of him. And again here, we get Wei Wuxian telling Jiang Cheng not to interfere, because the last thing he wants is for Jiang Cheng to be penalized too. He’s fine receiving this punishment because it’s a “better me than him” kind of a thing. It’s harder to watch someone else suffer than to suffer ourselves, right? I’m like that, idk if you readers are, but I think a lot of people are like that. I mean, I’ve always been that way, but it’s been amplified since I became a parent. And not only is he accepting of being whipped by Zidian, he’s ready to lose his fucking right hand. The hand that he wields a sword with. His dominant hand. He is ready to lose it with absolutely no fuss. That’s how much Wei Wuxian cares about Lotus Pier. His response is, “I’ll have to learn how to use my left hand.” It’s a passing line, a line when you can’t even see his face—but do you get how big that is? Jiang Cheng is up there losing his mind, completely emotional, crying, yelling at his mother to stop—Wei Wuxian is just silently gritting his teeth and taking it. They’re both brave (I would not want to stand up to Madam Yu), but different kinds of brave, y’know?
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I do love this part. I’m not gonna lie. Seeing Madam Yu slap Wang Lingjiao around is something that’s deeply, deeply satisfying. I guess it’s just nice to see Madam Yu’s anger turned towards an actual villain, since up until this point, it’s been directly mainly at Wei Wuxian and her own husband. I think this part is forever tainted if you know how the story goes, because Madam Yu is just on fire! But if you’ve seen this series before, which hopefully you have (otherwise spoilers abound), you know it doesn’t end well for her. I like this plot device here, making you think that the good guys are going to come out on top, and then reversing it so quickly as soon as the Core-Melting Hand shows up. One minute, you’re cheering, the next, you’re…not.
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I also want to point out how quickly things reverse here as well. Jiang Cheng is trying to protect and comfort Wei Wuxian throughout this whole scene, which is something we’re definitely not used to seeing. This has always (and I mean always) been more of Lan Wangji’s thing. But in kind of a nice twist of fate, we actually see Jiang Cheng caring for Wei Wuxian. But then, boy, do things change! We see a complete reversal of this behavior—first Wei Wuxian has to be there for Jiang Cheng’s emotional state, and then his physical one. And the man does not complain about it at all.
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I want to say that I didn’t cry in my first watch of CQL until episode 50. That is 100% the truth, so help me God. However, when I watched this scene in the donghua, I cried like a little bitch. Cried probably isn’t the right word—how about sobbed. I sobbed. I think because I knew it was coming when I watched CQL, it didn’t really affect me (plus my husband was right there, not paying attention, but still on the couch with me, so I tend to not cry as much when he’s around. I like to cry on my own, okay?). Having said that, the second time I saw this scene, I fucking cried, and I really didn’t stop until after they told Jiang Yanli, because that sweetheart crying makes me cry, okay? I have a really hard time watching things about children and parents, because I always think about my own parents and my own kid, so it just makes me really emotional. The idea of never seeing your parents again, especially in such a traumatic situation, at the age of what—17? That’s something I can’t even begin to imagine. In a word, horrific. Traumatic isn’t even a strong enough word to describe the emotional and mental turmoil that a teenager would be going through. But I can probably ramble about that later.
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And my heart breaks for Wei Wuxian here too. Even though she hated him, even though she treated him so poorly, I’m sure he still thought of her as something akin to a mother. She was the only mother figure he had in his life who was still living, so there was definitely an attachment there (and this is proven later). Even being acknowledged by her here must mean something to him. She may hate him, but she trusts him to keep her children safe and to protect them. It’s honestly so sad.
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Ugh, this is hard to watch. As a mother, the idea of sending your kid adrift when you know you’ll probably never see them again is so heartbreaking. The connection you have with your children is something that no other relationship can match, whether you physically bore your children or not. They are a part of you. Like, let’s be real, raising children is difficult—they can test your patience, make you angry, make you sad and hurt (toddlers don’t care about you, yeah, I said it)—but you love them in spite of it all. And for me, I can never really hate Madam Yu. I can find her attitude and treatment of certain individuals deplorable, but at the end of the day, she loved her children. Was she a good mom? No, probably not. But I don’t think Jiang Fengmian was a good dad either (although I think he tried a bit harder). But I think she loved A-Cheng and A-Li, and I think she trusted Wei Wuxian to protect them. I think she gave him that shred of respect at the end.
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In case you’re wondering, I fucking cried through to the end of this episode. I mean, Jesus, Yanli just gets immediately thrown into another boat and tied up with her brothers, after finding out that her mother might be dead already, and then her dad abandons them too. I just can’t.
I’m sorry this was short (maybe I’m not sorry, depending on how much you like the episode). I’m going to try and knock out more than one episode per week because I just don’t have a lot to say. These are mainly getting through the plot episodes, if you know what I mean.
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
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mrs-theirin · 3 years
so uh this originally started as “hating rebecca hours”, then it was loving nate hours, and then suddenly at the last second it became.......mutually respecting adam hours??? so here we are. @magebastard this one’s for you <3
calliope langford x nate sewell / calliope & adam du mortain, 2585 words. mommy issues paired with getting to know your stuffy leader better (also on ao3 <3)
The apartment is quiet. 
Mind-numbingly quiet, actually.
“Stay home and enjoy yourself,” Tina had said, practically pushing Calliope out the door, a wide smile plastered on her face that said if you don’t go home right now I will end you. Even Verda came out from the lab to say goodbye, his gentle eyes hardened in a way that let her know there was no fighting him. 
She needs something to do. The apartment just isn’t the same without Farah’s laughter, Adam’s groans of distaste, the irritating clouds of Morgan’s smoke—which still lingers on everything she owns. Honestly, she’s going to take Morgan’s cigarettes and shove them somewhere unpleasant—and Nate’s warm, calming presence. She debates sending him a text, maybe asking him for coffee, but the idea leaves as quickly as it came. 
He’s probably busy. She’s sure he has more important things to do than—
Im bad at this texting thing. Coffee
Calliope laughs. Before she can respond, another text from Nate comes in.
That was supposed to be a question. I cant find the apostrophe or question mark. I would like to have coffee with you. 
Another text, separate from the last.
Now, if you can. I heard you were sent home from work and I know how much you like the pastries there.
Her heart races at the thought of Nate frantically typing away at his phone, confused but determined to send her a text. She must admit, it’s a hilarious image, and she laughs as she sends her response.
relax and look for the “123” on the left of the keyboard. you’ll find all your punctuation needs there. and yes, i’d love to go get coffee. meet me there?
Ah! Found it. Thank you. And no, I’m outside your apartment. 
Calliope straightens, deigning to push aside the curtain and peek out at the sidewalk. Sure enough, Nate stands awkwardly outside, staring down at his phone. His gaze flickers up as her hand makes the curtain dance, and he waves politely. She waves back. She mouths “be right there” and pulls away, cursing herself for looking outside in the first place. Did he just run here? Was he just outside her apartment when he sent the original text? Did he just assume she would say yes? 
She rushes to her bedroom, ripping the nicest—and hopefully subtle—thing she owns out of her closet and throws it on, stopping in front of the mirror to undo the messy bun she has her bright orange hair in and tussle it into something appropriate. She glances at the panicked look in her eyes, and tries to calm down. What is she freaking out for? It’s just Nate. 
I would fight through any form of technology if I knew you were on the other end.
Nate, who can make her face flush with just a few words. Nate, who towers over her, his warm brown eyes staring into her soul. Nate, who is patiently standing outside waiting to take her to coffee. She tries not to hold out too much hope that it’s a date.
“Hey!” she says when she finally makes it outside, unconsciously taking too large of a step and standing uncomfortably close to him, which she quickly rectifies by inching backwards. They both laugh nervously. “Did you—”
“I was in the neighborhood,” Nate rushes out, his face flushing. “It’s a beautiful day out.”
She accepts the obvious lie with a face full of heat. “Let’s go then.”
She loves the way he laughs. 
At Haley’s, he relaxes; his shoulders slouching, his gaze softening. He is no longer scanning every person on the street, trying to gauge if they’re a threat. He is talking and he is joking and he is smiling and he is laughing. And every time he throws his head back to laugh at some stupid sarcastic joke she makes, she melts. 
He sighs dreamily, then faces her with soft, kind eyes. “I really missed you, Calliope.”
Her heart thumps in her chest. “I missed you too. You could’ve called, you know.”
His smile fades. “I wasn’t allowed to. The Agency thought it was better if we just...left you alone for a while.”
“So I could recover?”
Nate turns away, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah. That’s it.”
Before she can ask him to elaborate, she hears a familiar clack of heels behind her. Her body tenses. “Calliope,” her mother’s voice says, clear and professional, though surprised. She wasn’t expecting her daughter to be here. 
Calliope doesn’t even turn. Her hand clenches around her coffee and she clears her throat. “Rebecca.”
Something in her dies when she sees Rebecca take the seat next to her. It is crushed to ash as she turns to Nate, who is smiling kindly at Rebecca, ordering another pastry for her, inviting her to stay longer than Calliope prefers. Her mother hums gently. “Coffee date?” she asks, though there is something else in her voice. Something resentful. Something...cautious.
“And what if it was?” Calliope mumbles into her coffee, as Nate replies, “Oh no, just catching up.”
“You should be careful about how much time you spend in the open, Agent Sewell,” Rebecca offers, and it’s obvious why she’s saying it. Calliope begins to shake, as she always does around her mother, and washes her resentment down with her coffee. The warm liquid contrasts the coldness of her bitterness. 
It wasn’t always this way with Rebecca; there was a time where they laughed and smiled and shot each other with water guns. But eventually laughter dies out, smiles fade away, and water guns change to Glock 22s. Love changes to resentment. Dads die. 
She understands why secrets were kept. She hates that Rebecca doesn’t understand why she would be upset by the secrets that were kept. The way Rebecca’s eye twitches when Nate leans into Calliope is sign enough on its own. Can’t even be happy with the circumstances she has, apparently. 
“Of course,” Nate says, professional as always. “Understood.”
“Let the man...or, vamp, live,” Calliope retorts. “We’re just having coffee.”
Rebecca presses her lips together tightly. “Calliope. Do I need to remind you why you’ve been wearing turtlenecks for months?”
She chokes on her coffee, slamming the cup down on the counter, the paper crunching in her hand. Typical of her mother to remind her of trauma, trauma that deeply affects her, as if it’s just a statement she can throw out at any given moment, like a quick anecdote or conversation starter. How can one look at their daughter having her neck torn out by a killer vampire and think, “This will be good for future scoldings”? And her scoldings, well, of course they aren’t scoldings, they’re concerns. Worries from a concerned mother. A mother who was so concerned about her daughter that she left for years with no contact, leaving the local librarians to raise Calliope. 
Calliope tenses as she feels a hand on her shoulder, but deflates when she realizes what side the hand is on. Nate squeezes her shoulder affectionately, and she cannot thank him enough for being a rock. If Rebecca is the storm—cold, predictable, unrelenting—then Nate is the hearth; warm, welcoming, reassuring. He smiles softly at her. 
“Of course you don’t,” she finally speaks, subconsciously scratching at the scars. “But considering I’ll be working with the Agency again soon, getting coffee won’t matter much, will it? Or are you trying to say that I can only put myself at risk if I’m not having fun?”
Rebecca’s eyebrow twitches as she sighs. “I’m only trying to look out for you—”
“No, you aren’t.” Her voice is stern, but quiet. Don’t want to draw too much attention. That’s the way it’s always been, right?. “You’re looking out for yourself and your reputation as a ‘good mother’, but it’s all crap anyway. If you wanted to preserve that, you wouldn’t be begging me every 5 seconds to tell you you’re doing a good job.” 
“Calliope,” Nate gently warns, and she slowly shrugs his hand off of her shoulder. Now is not the time for another one of those sad, soulful looks he gives her when she argues with Rebecca. She doesn’t have the effort. 
Rebecca’s lips are thinned again, in that disappointed scowl Calliope’s seen so much of since this whole Agency business started. “Sweetheart,” she starts, and Calliope is already cringing away, already preparing herself for whatever pandering crap Rebecca is about to spew. “I want you to be safe.”
“But not happy, clearly.”
“Calliope Langford.” Rebecca’s voice is harsh, but it only manages to enrage Calliope more. Her mother isn’t stern often, usually grabbing for the ‘soft and meek’ route, but on the occasion she does show annoyance, it’s never a pleasant feeling. Not because it upsets Calliope, but because she knows it’s a ruse. If she holds out, her mother will give in, because they both know she can’t stand being the bad guy (despite making herself the bad guy in every single conversation they have). “This is dangerous business. I don’t want to see you hurt. I do love you, whether you believe me or not.”
Calliope stands abruptly, slapping a $20 bill on the counter. “Why don’t you concern yourself less with whether I believe you, and more with whether you believe yourself. Come on, Nate.”
She starts to walk away, but hesitates when Nate doesn’t immediately follow, out of his seat but hunched over, like a kicked, obedient puppy. A twinge of betrayal tugs at Calliope’s chest, but she waves it off, instead holding up her hand, exasperated. She leaves without another word. 
The phone rings.
Three times. 
Calliope sighs in exasperation, about to hit the red ‘end call’ button, when the phone finally clicks, a stern, professional voice coming through as clear as day: “Special Agent Adam du Mortain. Is this something important?”
She rolls her eyes, unable to keep the smile off of her face. “It’s just me, Adam. You don’t have to answer the phone like that.”
“Is this something important,” he repeats, though this time it’s less of a question. 
She gives in. “I was wondering if you wanted to spar. You said you were...less than impressed with my combat skills, so why don’t you teach me?”
The line is silent for a moment, before Adam lets out a small huff. “Where?” 
She blinks. She hadn’t thought of that. “...Here?” she offers, uncertain.
He sighs heavily. “Open the door.” 
The call ends and she is rooted in place for a moment before she springs up from her couch, opening the door and peeking out. Adam is standing on her stairs, looming over her, and he raises a single eyebrow, making the action of entering her apartment. She steps aside and watches him analyze the living room. “Move the table,” he says.
“You’re the one with the super strength,” she jokes, closing the door behind her. “Can’t you do it?”
He glares at her. “Are you serious about training with me?”
She straightens under his gaze, nodding sharply. “Yes,” she responds, though it comes out like a nervous question.
“Then move the table. And slide the couch away too. We need plenty of room.”
She salutes him, tying her hair back into a high ponytail. “Can do!”
He groans. 
“Why didn’t you call one of the others?” Adam asks, crossing his arms and staring down at the panting, sweating Calliope, who is holding onto her knees for dear life.
“Oh, you know—” she says between heavy breaths. “You’re starting to grow on me.”
“Your form is poor.”
“Oh, I know!” she wheezes. “You actually told me that, a bunch of times, like two seconds ago.”
If she didn’t know any better, she can swear she sees a ghost of a smile threatening to appear on Adam’s lips, then it’s gone as quickly as it came. He regards her with complete and utter disappointment. “They would’ve been nicer.”
“Ah, but nice isn’t what I need. I need to learn how to fight.”
This time Adam does actually smile, though it’s still not quite a full smile, more like pride over seeing a lesson learned. He cocks his head to the side. “It could also be that you’re fighting with Nate.”
She hesitates for a moment before scoffing. “I’m not fighting with Nate. Fighting would require words, of which there were none.”
Her two seconds of hesitation were enough for Adam, because he nods his head sharply, and scowls. “Figure it out. I don’t want you two at odds next time we’re all together.”
“Why?” Calliope drags the table back to its original spot, collapsing on the couch with a heave. “I thought I was a distraction.”
He joins her on the couch, his posture as formal as ever, the distance an obvious sign of something. “You are a distraction. But you’re more of a distraction when Nate is running through his mind trying to make up a list of ways he can make it up to you.”
“Make what up to me?”
“You’d have to tell me that.”
The two stare at each other before Calliope sighs, smiling. “Thank you for coming over. You didn’t have to.”
“I don’t have to do anything I don’t wish to,” he simply says, and she rolls her eyes.
“Loosen up a little sometime, huh? I think it would do you good.”
“Then you and I will have to have differing opinions.”
A knock sounds at the door, and Calliope starts to stand, but Adam takes the lead instead, gesturing for her to stay put. She doesn’t put up a fight, after all, her body is aching and all she really wants is a nap right now, maybe a 3 day slumber. When the door opens, she strains her ears to hear the soft mumbles of whoever is at the door. Adam’s voice is strong, and overshadows the meeker, much quieter voice of the person—no, woman, that’s a woman’s voice—standing at the door. A few more minutes pass until Calliope finally hears Adam say, “I think you should leave,” and shuts the door. When he returns, she gives him a curious smile. 
“Who was that?” she asks, and he shakes his head. 
“No one important. It’s late, I should leave. Goodnight, Detective Langford.”
She stops him before he can zip out. “Adam, honestly. You can call me Calliope. I promise you won’t implode.”
He hesitates, gears in his head clearly turning, then gives in, his shoulders visibly relaxing. “Goodnight, Calliope. You did well.”
“You’re lying to me!” she calls after him, and he says nothing as the door shuts behind him. She lets out a soft, incredulous laugh. Well, at least one good thing happened today. 
She heads to the light switch, peeking out of the window just for a second to try to catch a glimpse of the woman Adam had sent away. Her heart drops into her feet as she sees the car she knows too well. Rebecca sits in her car, taking a deep breath, and eventually starts it up and drives away, shaking her head. Calliope is frozen at the window. 
It was Rebecca at the door. Rebecca, who Adam...turned away? Told to leave?
She takes a moment to suck in a deep breath, letting out a loud sigh. Huh, she thinks, turning off the light and heading to her shower, eager to wash off the grime and sweat of training. Maybe he’s not so bad after all.
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fizzychocolatemilk · 3 years
Totally Normal...You Know Until (Part 1)
A little late, but now it’s here! Enjoy and leave comments (if you’re comfortable)! Part two will be out here tomorrow...or you can read the whole fic on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33074071.
The day had been relatively normal. Katsuki had been put on patrol with Deku, since they had begun branding themselves together in anticipation for their upcoming graduation. To be honest, despite how far he and the shitty nerd had come in the three years since they started at UA, he still wondered what he did to get a (technically future) hero partner as good as Deku. Of course if the nerd heard that line of thought, Deku’d surely smack him and call him an idiot, then say that stupid “Kacchan sugoi!” crap that made Katsuki’s face get hot and his palms sweat more than usual.
He was secure enough at this point of his life to admit that he had more than platonic feelings for Deku, and if it were anyone else Katsuki would surely act on those feelings, ask the nerd out on a date, maybe to that pre-quirk era hero museum that opened recently near UA. However, because it’s Deku, Katsuki planned to take all those left unsaid feelings with him to the grave. He wasn’t going to be the jackass that ruined everything he and Deku had worked for years to get back, but really, it all comes back to the point that Deku deserves way better than what Katsuki can give him. Deku asked to be his hero partner, so Katsuki was going to be the best damn hero partner the shit nerd could ask for, which meant he wasn’t going to get greedy and ask for more than the stupid, self-sacrificing nerd could (or wanted to) give.
So the patrol was relatively normal. Deku was being his smiley, chatty self and talking Katuki’s ear off about some rookie hero that had debuted in the past week. Katsuki was trying to not get distracted by how cute the nerd was when he got into his shitty rambles when the kid ran into him.
“Momma! Can’t find my momma!” the child wailed. Large, watery green eyes with slitted pupils looked up at him. The child had several reptilian features, so Katsuki couldn’t really tell whether the child was male or female.
But that didn’t really matter. “Hey! Watch where you’re going kid,” he led with (because even if the kid was scared, you can’t go running around like that on busy streets). “Can you tell me your name?”
Katsuki was pretty good with little kids. They usually thought his rough temperament was funny and they weren’t annoying or clingy in the way he’s found reporters and older fans to be.
“Don’t worry. I’m a hero. Deku and I can help you find your momma.”
The kid sniffled a little bit. “M’name’s Kyo. ‘don’t remember where I last saw momma.”
That made things a little more difficult, but he was Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight dammit! He and Deku could definitely get this kid back to their mom. “Alright, Kyo. Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll look around nearby for your momma, but if we can’t find her we’ll take you to the police station and they can call your mom there. That sound good to you?”
Kyo nodded, so Katuski held out his hand for Kyo to take.
As they continued down the street, Katsuki asked Kyo about his day, to which he enthusiastically responded with a long story that included a bad day at school followed by a fun afternoon out with his mother. During which Deku walked, awkward and silent, next to Katuski while he kept an eye out for a distraught mother.
Soon they had made it to the end of the street, and as they rounded the corner Kyo’s eyes lit up.
A bright flash erupted from Kyo and Katsuki’s clasped hands before Kyo tore away towards their mom. Katsuki would have ran after him, but he was hit with a painful headache, one that made him clutch his head in both hands and curl into himself. He distantly heard Deku screaming his name, but it didn’t register as his ears began ringing and the world swirled before his eyes. Then everything went black.
When Katsuki awoke, he was on the ground with an upset Kyo hovering over his face. “Uhhhh….W-w-what..? W-what happened?” He said with a humiliating stutter. What was wrong with him?
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Hero!” Kyo cried. “I didn’t mean to use it! I was just so happy to see momma! I’m sorry.”
Katsuki sat up as he processed the words. “I’m sorry. Ummm...what are you t-t-talking about kiddo?”
“Hi. I’m Kyo’s mother. I’m really sorry, sir, but he used his quirk on you,” a lady with a strong build, freckles that looked like sky blue scales, and a navy blue bob cut extended her hand to him. Assumably for him to take. He shook his head no, mumbled a barely discernible “thank you,” and stood up without the help. He felt like he was forgetting something for a moment. What was it?
“Deku!” It hit him like a freight train. He forgot about Deku. How embarrassing. Katsuki could feel his face heating up without his consent, and he slapped his hands over his cheeks to hide the growing flush. Then he looked over to see Deku sitting up on the ground with his head clutched in one hand.
“What the fuck happened?”
That was Deku. Katsuki’s brain rebooted. “Deku?! Are you okay?! You can’t say stuff like that in front of a kid! Even I censor myself!” Katsuki berated Deku as he checked him for injuries frantically.
Deku batted his hands away half-heartedly. “I’m fucking fine, stupid Kacchan! Answer me! What the fuck happened?”
Katsuki huffed at Deku and his cheeks involuntarily puffed out, making him look like a chipmunk, when the woman interjected. “I’m sorry, sirs. Again, my child used their quirk on you. So you’ll have swapped personalities for 12-48 hours. Your feelings and choices won’t be affected, you’ll just show your feelings and enact your will a bit differently. You’ll both get the bad headaches again when the quirk wears off. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for returning my child to me. It is deeply appreciated.” The woman smiled at the end and sent a fond look towards Kyo.
Katsuki opened his mouth to ask for her name, but Deku interrupted him. “Listen up, lady. We appreciate your concern, but we’re gonna need your name and number. We’re third year hero students at UA, so we need to hand that information to our homeroom teacher for reference. Just in case the quirk doesn’t wear off when you say it does or has any extraneous effects,” Deku gruffed at the woman, a scowl on his face and eyebrows downturned in slight annoyance. Then he turned his head to the side and grumbled, “We’re just doing our fucking job. You don’t need to thank us.”
The woman smiled, making it obvious she heard Deku’s final sentences. She then pulled a pen and a small notepad out of her purse, scribbled something on it, then ripped the page out and handed it to Katsuki, who was standing slightly closer to her. “Well then, thank you for your work. It is definitely appreciated.”
Deku scoffed at the woman, but Katsuki noticed that Deku’s ears were slowly flushing. This in turn made Katsuki himself blush because...those were his mannerisms. So he knew Deku was feeling pleased and embarrassed, even if he still looked standoffish. How could Deku still be a cute dumbass even with his own mannerisms?! It didn’t make sense to Katsuki, but his own flush was dying down now thankfully. Katsuki turned to the woman and held out his right hand for a shake. “Thank you for your compliance and continued support. It is appreciated.” As much as Katsuki didn’t especially like most adults, he appreciated the reasonable ones.
As Katsuki and Deku walked back to UA after stopping in at the agency, Katsuki thought about what had happened so far. Deku’s personality was noticeably different from his own, but Katsuki didn’t hate it. It made it easier to express what he was feeling in a healthy way. From his interactions with the woman and Kyo, he definitely seemed nicer. He was just doing what he would usually do, just in the way Deku would do it, but he felt like a completely different person. It was weird. But… “What the hell are you mumbling about, Bakacchan?!” Katsuki jolted as he was startled out of his thoughts.
”Oh...ummm...I guess I was just thinking about the effects of the quirk,” he responded, but Katsuki could once again feel his face flushing. Again with the stupid blush?!
Deku scoffs again and turns his head slightly away from Katsuki before replying. “Yeah. It’s pretty fucking annoying. I’m feeling the same shit I usually feel, but I just can’t express it the way I usually fucking do. Shit’s dumb as fuck.” Katsuki snorted at Deku’s language. To which Deku responded, “Hah?! You’re just gonna laugh at me, dumb Kacchan?!” Then muttered, “Dumb Bakagou.”
Katsuki devolved into full on laughter. “Deku! You...you...hahahahaha...you’re the one bad at expressing your emotions now!”
”HAAAAH?! Say that to my face, shitty nerd!” Katsuki started running down the sidewalk as Deku chased him. The streets filled with their combined laughter and shouting as they ran all the way back to UA.
Aizawa stared intently at them as Katsuki sat on a sofa in the teachers lounge next to Deku. Katsuki stared back at him, eyes wider than normal and face not in his usual scowl, while Deku was slouched next to him, dangerous green eyes flashing a glare at their homeroom teacher. Aizawa’s eyes narrowed and flashed red for a second before he rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.
”Can’t you two problem children go a day without some sort of incident?”
Katsuki’s cheeks pinkened with embarrassment at the truth of that statement. While they didn’t often get into quirk accidents specifically, he and Deku could definitely be referred to as partners-in-crime. They’ve destroyed furniture during playful fights, accidentally hurt some of their classmates during a paired fighting exercise, and broken curfew together. And those are only the incidents from the past week! He was starting to realize how much more he got into trouble with Deku around, when said person nudged his arm and grumbled about him mumbling again.
Aizawa sighed again, heavier this time, and continued speaking. “Well, since this isn’t really impairing your judgement or ability to function, and since the quirk will wear off relatively quickly, you’re going to stay at UA for the duration of the effects. Your parents have been notified and have agreed to allow you to stay, but both your mothers requested that you call tonight and after the quirk wears off,” he ran a slightly annoyed hand through his hair, then continued, “This might be a lot to ask, but try not to cause too much commotion? I’ll see you both in class on Monday.” They took the dismissal and both stood to leave, but not without a grunt from Deku and a short “Thank you, sensei,” from Katsuki himself.
Deku pulled out his phone in the hallway, presumably to call his mother, when Katsuki placed a gentle hand on his arm to stop him. “Why don’t we both text our moms and do a group video chat?” Deku grunted in response, but his fingers began moving across his phone’s keyboard to text his mother the plan.
Katsuki pulled out his phone to text his mother, but then he heard Deku say, “Good plan, Kacchan,” in a low voice.
He fumbled his phone for a minute as his face flushed bright red. “Y-y-y-yeah...I-I-I just f-f-figured we could avoid a-a-a lot of the dramatics...and you know...they could see that we were f-f-fine for the-themselves,” he stuttered out. His hands involuntarily came up to cover his heavily flushed face, but the burden of his phone in his hand caused him to wrap his arms around his head and look away from Deku.
Deku scoffed, but grumbled out a “whatever,” and continued walking towards the dorms, but he now had a thoughtful expression on his face.
Katsuki panicked for a second. What was Deku thinking about?! Katsuki couldn’t help but worry that Deku would figure out his feelings if he kept being so obvious with his embarrassment. Deku was somewhat easier to read with their personalities swapped because he was using Katsuki’s mannerisms, so Katsuki could only assume that it worked both ways. Katsuki had just exhibited one of Deku’s flustered tendencies. One of his extremely obvious flustered tendencies. If he kept up this behavior, Katsuki could kiss the new, perfect normal that he had achieved with Deku (the perfect, partners-in-crime, ride-or-die, visit each other at 3am to talk about anything normal) goodbye. He couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t...
Katsuki looked up to see Deku down the hallway. Waiting for him. Katsuki blushed (again), and ran to catch up. He looked over at Deku and gave a small smile. Deku scowled and turned his head away. His ears were flushed again. They walked side-by-side silently as they made their way toward the dorms.
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Happy B-day Ginny Potter!
shruggingGinny usually woke up before the kids, it was a constant habit that lasted even after they left for Hogwarts, she got up early and did her things without worrying whether it was six in the morning or nine, in the end, she ended up being able to come home early and doing other things faster, and if she was very lucky, she would stop by to visit Harry at work.
But that morning it was different, there were bodies on top of her and many kisses were made on her face.
‘Wake up, Mum!’ Her daughter's sweet voice sounded loud, as she gave her an awkward hug
‘Someone is getting older,’ James sang, ruffling her hair and laughing at something. ‘I can already see the white hair.’ Ginny had to stay firmly on the mattress to keep from laughing, forcing herself to keep her eyes closed. It wasn't always that her teenage son showed such affection (not that he didn't, just now less often).
‘Don't talk like that James!’ Albus scolded. ‘Get up mom, we are hungry.’ He gave her some kisses that tickled her, and forced her to open one eye.
‘I can’t even sleep anymore?’ Ginny asked. Harry was still there, lying beside her, but he was laughing nasally and looking curiously at the kids.
‘Happy birthday to you..’ The three sang loudly, clapping and poking each other.
‘Dad said we had to make a surprise.’ James shrugged.
‘Oh.. yeah?’ Harry looked at her in love, kissing her quickly while their children imitated vomiting noises.
‘Happy birthday.’ Ginny felt like the most loved person, as she usually did when Harry planned something like this. He was always very attentive. ‘I don't remember you being so sick when you were the one who was kissing James.’ 
As if they were small, the three pushed Ginny and Harry aside and pushed each other, until they fit in the middle of them. Lily had to keep her head on her dad's chest and her legs on top of Albus, who was squeezed between her and James, who in turn, smiled big at his mum and laid his head on her shoulder.
‘But seeing you two is ew.’ He messed up his hair. ‘How does it feel to be 39 years old, mom? Already thinking about retirement?’ Ginny slapped him on the chest, laughing and denying.
‘Stop it, before I get mad.’ Ginny said, even though she was smiling.
‘Mum, we could go to eat at that restaurant near the Prophet!’ Lily perked up.
‘I said we were going out today.’ Harry said, shrugging
‘Where’s Teddy?.. And where's my coffee in bed?’ Before they could say anything else, a snap occurred on the first floor of the house, and since they had a security system, it could only be one person. In less than a minute, the door opened and a blue-haired man threw himself on the bed, hugging Ginny and crushing James, who complained vehemently about it.  
‘Gin-Gin! You’re getting old.. I love you with all my heart, but please, do not be grouchy like Harry.’ Teddy kissed her on the cheeks as she used to do with him when he was a child, and lay down on everyone's legs, too big into that space, feet falling out.
‘Grouchy ? When you need my help, I'll remember that.’ Harry said, pretended to be angry.
‘Does that mean we're all here.. now can we go out?’ Albus asked, his big green eyes looked at her hopefully. ‘Where are we going? I was thinking-’
‘No, you always think crap-’
‘Language, James!’
The noise of conversations rang throughout the room, beastly discussions and pleasant laughter to hear. The children still squeezed and tried to make themselves all in bed, discussed where they were going and what flavor her cake would be. 
Having everyone there, it made her feel very good, every birthday they made a point of lying in bed, singing happy birthday and staying there before one - usually Albus - got angry and jumped out, saying he was getting hungry.  
She was getting older, she was 39 now, and when she thought of everything she had been through, the scared and lonely 11-year-old girl (the same age as her youngest daughter, for Merlin's sake!) She felt she had finally won.
They had won.
Harry was there, alive, by her side, making jokes with Teddy and Albus, playing and smiling. It was the same boy she had been in love with in her childhood, now no longer being hunted to death, which was really a relief. When the green eyes looked for her and found her, the husband blinked as if he thought so too. 
Birthdays were always a reminder that everything had gone well. 
‘How do you feel?’ He asked, over the noise.
‘In the same way as yesterday. But a little happier.’ Ginny smiled.
‘We're getting old,’ she denied vehemently, listening to the boys laughing as Teddy turned into something else, Lily complaining about something they ignored, but seemed to enjoy themselves too. All large and taking up a lot of space on the bed, no longer fitting in the middle of them without climbing on top of each other. 
Teddy was 22,  hadn't it been yesterday that they were celebrating his two years?
‘You are. I feel incredibly young.’ She straightened her red hair, feeling ready to get up.
‘And that white hair, mom?’ Lily asked. A wave of laughter took over the room when Ginny denied, faking a serious face; but she couldn't be happier.
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