#oh man theres so many asks in my inbox-
intotheelliwoods · 4 months
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Yeah aha 👍This week along with last week were midterms too, which was fine up until my car decided to break down on me Sunday! Still recovering from all... that atm, so sorry for the lack of art from me! I promise I am still here and alive and well :)
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But you see, poptart is sprouts braincell... and sprout is poptarts braincell.... do you see the cycle? the dependence??? DID YOU TAKE POPTART? WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HIM.
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@domsakromsa08 WAA thANK YOU!!!!! I AM STILL IN SHOCK OVER ALL TEH FANART I GOT LAST UPDATE HAHA thank you for the addition! <3 <3
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Today I learned about the musical Into The Woods....
Haha theres so many interpretations for my username....
My username 'elliwoods' is just a play on the name Elwood, yknow like the blues brother! 'intotheelliwoods' I will admit.... I forget most of its origin but I think I was slightly inspired from the streamer inthelittlewood even though I dont even watch him pfft-
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@justletmereadmycomics @cavern-of-shenanigans aaaaah I am so so happy people liked that last update :) I have been planning it for ages! And sorry, no, I will not be paying for anyones therapy.....
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I am too biased for this question.....
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theplottdump · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you
(p.s. I've been scouring simblr, and I've noticed people don't like how picky SQOTD feels, so please! Share around SQOTD asks, anon or not, I'm only one person and can't find and ask every person on simblr ~ 💛)
First off- Bless you anon for spreading so much love. You're seriously a joy and I can't believe you're getting flack for that. I'll see if I can slip some more of these into some more inboxes for you.
Secondly- AHH like A LOT OF STUFF wehh I'll stick it below a cut cause its dumb, specific and I'm not going to be normal about it and also old spoilers for past arcs!
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Leanne's lil transition from- 'there's a man watching you' to 'oh you know him' 😏😏😏
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Throughout their first confrontation I slowly had the boys get closer and closer together as they spoke.
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I converted, cleaned up and retextured this pistol for this arc and I have used it incessantly since as my main spy pistol. I wanted a vintage WW2 pistol similar to the one Lupin the Third uses.
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LOL at tiny background Val and Leanne being dramatic creeps
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Leanne jumpscare that scared the pants off me in real life taking these pictures. She had an action queued up to talk to Chad so whenever he wasn't in the middle of an action she'd get steadily closer like a FNAF animatronic
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but from her perspective ^
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this sequence is actually a giant dumb animation I made, the first one I ever tried! I wanted to do a soft lil yearning scar touch.
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I had to handpaint every shot this ring appears in at the beginning cause the accessory I had in was sooooo thin and shitty (before and after ^)
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Chad mentions Poppy needs to stop telegraphing her moves so clearly after they have a conversation about UNIT always getting the leg up on them.
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I liked this final shot as a transition into the main story as well as a way to highlight the principal cast for the arc! (Also like, so many hand placed pins. AND Chad and Poppy's sexy calendar (which should be set to feburary but the feb swatch has her mother on it sakjdkajd))
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Shots with both sets of characters in them my beloved. ( I never ended up using that last one tho rip )
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When Poppy mentions she has some errands to run you can see the UNIT building in the background of the shot.
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Val mentions thinking he's losing his mind because he swore he smelled Chad's cologne the day before the party- because they were in the same elevator minutes apart!
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Not only is the Starlight drop dead gorgeous and a whole chunk of @doctorsimcraft's soul, I also made a custom animated sign, portraits, ceiling lightbulbs and room numbers for it.
Oh god I ran out of picture space. I'll probably do a part 2 then ahh- theres still some fun stuff. SEE I TOLD YOU I WASN'T GONNA BE NORMAL ABOUT IT
PART 2 👈
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
OH MY GAWD U RESPONDED SO QUICKLY! i thought i was hallucinating LOLOL
omg but author dearest i love your writing <333 I LOVE UR BLOG!! and a lot of people will, im sure of it!! im just waiting for people to come flooding into ur inbox <3333 youre going to be so popular regardless of how many followers you get everyone will love you <33 your content appeals to a very specific genre of reader and people eat this shit up! aka ME !! also sorry but im still brainrotting over that drabble you wrote!! proof of ur power >>>>
imagine if sensitive yandere’s little shenanigans are so extreme to the point where they just. buy out the whole aisle of those instant noodles LOL (seriously, where are they getting this money?) and by some act of god, you come stumbling into the aisle only to find all of your favorite instant noodle brand in the same strangers cart. youre all like ‘aw man theres no more (i thought they said they would be in stock today!)’ and turn to leave. in that moment… sensitive yanderes gotta make a choice! because this silly little grocery store has, yet again, brought the two of you together, and youre about to leave. leave them. also the thought of making you indirectly disappointed in them by buying up your favorite comfort food is possibly worse than reaching out to you to give you a packet.
hmmmm… what to do, what to do….
thank you, thank you! i usually respond very quickly because i am, as the kids would say, "chronically online" (i don't think im using that term correctly) and i guess my specialty is catering towards hyper specific readers! <3
the sensitive yandere would have a couple of choices here. reach out and offer you some (but they'd embarrass themselves, they aren't ready yet and you'd also have to pay for it!), buy it all really really fast and race to give all of it to you (doesn't matter if they end up starving, they can feed off your love!), or maybe they could break in again? no no, that'd be too much, they don't wanna scare you!
but i think what we're forgetting here is that the sensitive yandere is a chronic over thinker by nature. the poor thing just can't help it! it's the reason why they just get so nervous and anxious around you, why they feel like their body is about to explode with love! one touch could lead to a billion, sharing the same air as you is one step closer to sharing a home with you, one moment in your presence is one step closer to always being there for you. always. so! being an over thinker, they've already thought through this scenario. not this exact one, but similar.
you hear a quiet voice behind you and you were just going to ignore it, assuming someone was mumbling to themselves but there was just this weird feeling of intensity radiating behind you that you couldn't let go of, your gut just screaming at you that something was wrong. so, you turned around and faced a stranger with their face primarily covered with a nearly completely drawstringed shut hoodie.
"uh. yeah?" you ask, putting on a polite smile. the person in front of you was wracked with shivers, even with their hands in their pocket you could see how their body shaked and quivered.
"do you.. need something?"
the stranger let out a few pants before finally answering you. "um. i uh. grabbed the last.. of the- of the noodles. did you need some?" they mumbled, barely making their way through the sentence. you could see one of their eyes, just barely, staring directly at the floor, unblinking and wide as a dinner plate and either their eyes were black or their pupils were insanely big.
"oh n-.." you were going to refuse but.. well, you were hungry and really craving these so maybe just taking a few wouldn't hurt! besides, you'd only need enough to tide you over until they restocked next time. "uh, yea! yes please, that'd be amazing, thank you so much!" you grin wide at the stranger, your gut still telling you something was wrong but maybe it was just a false alarm. you were a naturally anxious person and you really shouldn't judge people by their looks.
the stranger seemed to have a hard time properly holding the cup of noodles, holding it very weirdly, (who picks things up by the very edge?) so you took it upon yourself to gently take it from them, ever so slightly letting your thumbnail brush against the side of their hand. they completely froze up, allowing you to take the item from their stiff grasp, not even moving as you slowly took four more packages from their cart, staring at them and wondering what the fuck was wrong with them. (ew, why was the one that they were holding wet?)
"um. thank you..?"
they didn't move. were they breathing? you couldn't really see their face well so you had no idea but they were still standing so you had to assume something was fine.
"thaaaaanks..." you say again, slowly moving away. don't question it. ask stupid questions, win stupid prizes.
meanwhile, the sensitive yandere has tears spilling rapidly out of their tear ducts as it finally sinks in just how long it had been since someone had touched them. they swore, they could feel your warmth burning their flesh, even thought you only lightly grazed them with your thumbnail. they needed to work harder on their exposure therapy and now, they didn't know how much longer they could take being away from you... maybe they'd leave some more presents and good night kisses for you.
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7ndipity · 7 months
Hey Sara!!! ✨💞 I came back! Hahaha i had a pretty busy weekend 😵‍💫 but that only means I have a lot to catch on your blog <3 but before I forget!
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY 🍰✨🎉!!!! I hope you had an amazing day honey and full of joy and good treats, I hope your new year will be full of happiness, success and health <3 and omggg you’re a scorpio bby!!🤭 what a funny coincidence because my rising sign is Scorpio too hahaha I send you a big hug and many kisses from yoongi too👀💞✨
Now, I’m still have a few updates to catch on but! The kitty one? THAT WAS LOVELY, I read it with a smile on my face because that’s a very real scenario of him with a calico kitty🥹 I love your surprises and ofc you’re right, that was very Jimin coded, and the ending line about the kids???? THAT’S SO HIM, our natural teaser libra boy<3 I saw that someone already ask you for. a Yoongi one ! Oh that’s gonna be chef kiss!😙
Now, going on with our kitty chat omgggg your boy seems to be very special 🥹🥹✨and with those eyes!! I bet he’s beautiful!!! And it’s soo good to hear that your family makes stray kitties life easier <3 and now your dad! Being a Kpop gg man! I love that ❤️‍🔥! Hahaha well he surely did not mention anything about the explicit version to you hahaha he would be like 👁️👄👁️ this man wants to f*ck my daughter seven days a week? In the rightest way?? Jdjsjsjsjs I’m now thinking on a scenario with any member with that plot hahahahhahaa I’m sorry I’m just on a silly mood today 🤭😂 but! If your ever decide to write something like that , I think JK, or anyone of the rap line would be accurate 😂
But , going back to the original point, jsjsjsjsjs yeah!! There’s something with jk and taehyung voices and parents , they always end up getting them!! And for the right reasons!
Love you Sara! I do have a smutty request because girlll, that Yoongi one?? I do have to say that the use of the color system and how you write it… like I think that was my Roman Empire for the week ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥👁️👁️ because …. Of course I’ve seen it on different works BUT, here I could imagine him doing his thing and saying that like … I don’t event want to think about anymore!!!! It was HOT AF, I’m loving this side of you <3 anddddd now I’ll write my request on another box hahahaha 💞💞big message today!!
I legit squealed when I saw your name in my inbox, like I missed you this week, Hon!😚😚Omg, putting the rest of this under the cut bc theres so much to catch up on, lol!
My birthday was good, went shopping with my fam and made lemon bars instead of a cake for myself!(ya girl finally got Tae's & Jk's albums as gifts, so now the Ot7 solo album collection is complete!👏👏) Also yay Scorpio buddies! Now I'm kinda curious what your sun sign is for comparison, lol(my rising sign is Cancer btw)!
I'm so glad you liked the Jimim blurb, I had a lot of fun writing it! I'm looking forward to writing the Yoongi one as well, cause we need more cat dad Yoongi on this site.😊 And yeah, not to brag on my boy, but he is so beautiful I love him sm, even tho he's a chaos noodle! (I might share a pic sometime if anyone wants?)
Also, omg not that Jungkook scenario, I can't breathe!🤣 It would be soo funny but soo awkward, like Jk slipping up and saying smth like "y/n's been a big inspiration for my music" like just trying to be nice, and then remembering what his lyrics are and just😱 NOOO TAKE IT BACK, PLEASE UN-HEAR THAT!!🤣😭I may have write this bc just yes, lol!
Also ROMAN EMPIRE?! Thank you?! I really liked the color system thing too, it just seems like a very Yoongi thing to me, just casually checking in to make sure you're okay, regardless of the scenario.🥺
I've also really been having a lot of fun exploring the smuttier concepts, so by all means send the ideas! I'm gonna respond more on your other message, bc just from a quick glance do I have some thoughts!😳
Love you sm!💜💜💜
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
Hi! For ao3 wrapped I’d love if you answered 5, 12, and 30 😊
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
this SHOULDN'T have surprised me, but bangable was my first outright smut piece for aftg, and i laughed when i woke up the next morning and my inbox was POPPIN. i feel like aftg fandom is usually p quiet in the comment section (or im just spoiled by the richness of simon snow fandom), but people were SO READY to talk about this blowjob hahahha.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
oh man LOL. theres a short answer and a long answer and im gonna go for long bc maybe talking abt it all will hold me accountable for finishing stuff.
ok so like technically i have 1 million wips. jk. technically technically i have 41 aftg wips (and ENDLESS more simon snow wips), but most of those google docs are resting in peace in my "wip graveyard" folder. they may be resurrected one day but who knows.
so more accurately i am currently sitting on four wips! all aftg.
my hs au We Can Live Forever... which i actually completed the next chapter for! but i dont want to post it until i finish the one after bc i kind of leave it off on a mean note. i might post it anyway so that people get mad at me and motivate me to keep writing though...
what i have dubbed "slut au," in which our favorite resident ace neil explores sex. its sitting at 20k rn, about halfway thru the plot. very messy atm. about 60% smut.
my secret aftg winter exchange fic
my (NEW AS OF A FEW HOURS AGO) secret aftg mixtape exchange fic
im also p much always playing w flash fics, AAAAND i have been thinking abt revisiting this old au i was working on last spring where neil works at a froyo shop. i actually wrote an entire first draft for that -- i think its sitting at like 12k but its a complete mess. i think of her tho... the found family vibes were v good...
OH and i am seriously considering doing a magnum opus andrew POV fic. i need to move into my own apartment in order to accomplish this because i want to like. really go ham analyzing the books and scaffolding that plot bc if i do it im going to tell the same story but with a very different structure i think. and i cannot do this in my current living situation. so that would probs be my Fic of 2023 if true.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
cheesy. but more than anything i think i've come to know myself as a fiction writer this year. ive always written fiction in bits and pieces, and ive done a shit ton of professional nonfiction writing. writing snowbaz last year felt good in that i was finally writing regularly, but switching fandoms upped my confidence because thats when i could finally prove to myself that i wasn't just copying rainbow rowell hahaha. WHICH LIKE she definitely continues to influence my writing but i think ive developed my style in a way where its more my own now -- i don't lean on the style of aftg the way i did for simon snow fics. and while andrew is undeniably NOT my character, ive done a lot of work around the way i write his POV that im proud of. and this makes me think that if i wanted to write original stories i could... even tho i havent rly come up with a story i want to tell on my own just yet!
from this ask meme!
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m-jelly · 2 years
May I request a fic idea?.
I know your a fan of fluff so,
Erwin is a painter and so is levi, theres an art gallery convention going on and levi is walking around looking through and he finds Erwin’s painting. U were his muse for it and he’s enamoured. He thinks u look ethereal and when Erwin tells him your real and u came to the convention he’s in shock.
Almost a love at first sight kinda thing but yeah.
I hope ur doing well!! , ur fics are amazing and so r u, we love how u share ur talent with us:)).
Of course, you can, my lovely! This is such a beautiful idea <3 I'm in love! This could for sure have a part 2 in the future if people want it. I am well, thank you for asking! I've been busy, but now my event is over I can catch up on my inbox.
Muse of my heart.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, artists, muse, falling in love, love at first sight, lovesick Levi, cute Levi, fluff.
Concept: Levi's at an art gallery convention with his dear friend and fellow artists Erwin. While looking around Levi sees the most beautiful paintings of a woman. Levi falls for the woman and asks his friend where he came up with her image, only for Erwin to reveal you're real and at the convention. Levi is desperate to meet you and finally meets you, and you're better in person. Levi spends the evening with you, then swaps information. You go to an invitation to be Levi's muse for his work and find yourself being whisked away by the wonderful man.
Levi stood in front of a painting filled with whites, golds and light yellows. He stared at the woman captured in it. She was sitting sideways on and looking down a little. She was wrapped in golden fabric and seemed to be dripping in beauty.
Erwin stood next to his friend. "What do you think?"
"She's ethereal." He looked at his friend. "How the fuck did you come up with her?"
Erwin smiled with pride. "I didn't make her up. She's real."
"Fuck off."
"I'm not lying." Erwin walked Levi to follow him. "I've worked with her for a while." He stopped in front of another painting of the woman lying on her back with her head hanging off the sofa. She was wearing a flowing light dress and seemed to be surrounded by flowers. Erwin had yet again used light and delicate colours for her. "She's as sweet as anything and didn't think she should be a muse because she didn't think she was pretty, but she cried at seeing these and loved them."
"Magnificent." He smiled a little. "She's something else."
Erwin pushed Levi along. "She's here." He said your name and pointed at you as you walked around with a blush on your cheeks. "There."
Levi gulped hard as he took you all in. He felt like the world slowed down around him and everything blurred except for you. The lights sparkled and highlighted you. He saw nothing but your ethereal beauty. He felt the pull to be near you, to be with you.
Erwin gave him a little push. "Come on, let me introduce you." He pulled Levi along to you, then called your name. "I'm so glad you could make it."
You hugged him. "Thank you for inviting me. I'm a little embarrassed, but excited. So many people here."
"Yes, and they love the work you're in. I told you that you're beautiful."
You cupped your face. "Thank you, but I don't know about the beauty part." You looked at a painting of you. "You are amazing with your work."
"Thank you." He smiled. "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine and a fellow artist." He referred to Levi. "This is Levi Ackerman."
You gazed at Levi and felt your heart soar. "H-Hello." You took Levi's hand. "Pleasure to meet you."
Levi kissed the back of your hand. "The pleasure is all mine."
You giggled a little. "What a charmer."
Erwin sighed. "It's new."
You frowned a little. "Sorry?"
"Nothing." He grinned. "Levi! You should show her around and your paintings."
You gasped. "Oh, please do."
Levi blushed, then offered his arm for you. "Tch, come on brat."
You hugged his arm and walked with him. "What's it like being an artist?"
"It's relaxing. I get to work in my own time." He stopped by a painting. "Tch, it's not pretty like Erwin's."
You looked up and admired the melancholy painting of someone kneeling in the rain with their back to the viewer. The image was dark, so you could barely see the large figure dead. Around the survivor was some blood as well. "It's so..."
"Dramatic? Dark? Depressing?"
"Moving and beautiful." You smiled at it. "I'm not very good with words like you artists are, but this is perfection. I love it."
Levi's heart fluttered. "Really? Thank you."
You turned to him and hummed a laugh. "You're incredible."
He blushed hard. "I'm not, but I appreciate the love."
You hummed. "I wish I was talented like this."
"I'm sure you have a great talent. Someone as beautiful and sweet as you has got to be."
You blushed at Levi's sweet words. "You...I...thank you." You hummed a laugh. "You're really nice."
Levi reached out and lightly touched your cheek. "You're even more lovely in person."
You leaned into his touch. "You're too kind."
He blushed, then pulled away. "Shall we keep going?"
You nodded and walked with him. You both talked about yourself and found yourself connecting more and more. You laughed at all his dirty jokes and did a bit of flirting back at him. You forgot all about the paintings around you and just enjoyed each other's company. You both eventually found a bench to sit on and chat together until the place was closing.
You sighed and looked at your watch. "I should head home. Erwin probably wants me to model again too, so I have to get some good rest so I don't get bags under my eyes."
Levi took your hand. "I think you're beautiful no matter what."
"Thank you."
Levi took the plunge. "Can I have your number?"
You blushed. "My number?"
He panicked. "Y-yes, so I can umm...I want to use you as a model."
"Oh...sure." You took a pen out of your bag, then wrote it on Levi's hand. "There. I'm looking forward to working with you."
"Me too."
You walked away from him, then waved back and smiled. "Bye Levi."
Levi smiled like a lovesick puppy. "Bye." He let out a long sigh, then snapped out of his love daze.
Levi went home and couldn't focus on his work, because he just wanted you here and to paint you. He gave it two days so he didn't seem desperate, then he called you and arranged for you to come to his private studio. He made sure the place was perfect for you and he got all the things out that he wanted you to wear and do.
He greeted you at the door with a cup of tea for you and a rose. "Welcome."
You took the rose and tea. "Oh, well this is...thank you."
He closed the door behind you, then led you into his large studio room. "I have a few ideas, but we'll do whatever makes you feel comfortable. I do sad things, not happy, but I want to start doing happy undertones. So, I was thinking that umm, well."
"Name it." You sat down on the bed in the room and smiled. "I'm happy to do anything but sex and nudity."
He nodded. "I would never make you do those." He grabbed a shirt of his, then handed it over. "Could you wear this?"
You nodded, then put your tea and rose down. You went behind a screen, then changed into the shirt. "Done." You walked out with a blush. "How do I look?"
Levi felt his hot blood rush through him as something deep inside him sparked. You were stunning. "You...you...great."
You hummed a laugh and looked down at your bare legs. "So, now what?"
He pulled back the bed covers. "Could you lie in bed and look at the other side as if your lover is not home, not dead, but just not home."
"Sure." You slipped in then lay on your side and reached over to the empty side of the bed. "This is nice."
Levi fixed your hair a little, then stepped back as his heart pulled him to you. He wanted to lie in bed with you and hold you. "Perfection. I'll take a picture, then I'll start painting."
You let him snap the photo and put on the best longing look you could. Once he was done, you watched him start sketching on his canvas. You were mesmerised by how he worked, he was so smooth, elegant, and swift. He was filled with so much passion and love for what he was doing that it came across to you and made you feel comfortable.
After a while, you wiggled your hips. "S-Sorry, my hip went a bit numb."
Levi put his things down, then hurried over to you. "Let me help." He rolled you onto your back and started massaging your hip. "It is an awkward position to hold for hours, sorry."
You shook your head. "Don't be sorry. I love it."
Levi smiled a little. "I'm glad."
You blushed and nibbled your lip as you felt your feelings bubble up. You covered your mouth with your hand and looked away in embarrassment. "Sorry."
"What for?" He looked at your face and fell even harder for you. "That, that's it."
You whined. "What is?"
He ran and grabbed his camera, then took a picture. "So cute and sexy. It's so exciting. I love it."
You sat up on your thighs. "Love it?" You gulped. "Did you really invite me here to be your muse?"
Levi panicked. "I ah...umm..."
"Levi?" You moved closer causing your wonderful scent and warmth to wrap around him and pull him close. "Tell me the truth."
He shook his head. "No and yes. I wanted you as my muse, but I also wanted you."
"Well, it's a good job I want both as well." You lightly cupped his cheek, then you kissed him with a sweet moan. You felt your world fade away at kissing him and he felt fireworks and his life make sense. You pulled back and smiled. "Well, well, now that's a masterpiece."
He tapped his forehead against yours. "I think I might change my paintings to be love-filled ones."
You giggled a little. "I can't wait to help you make them."
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poptod · 2 years
Hi, I hope ur having a great day! I’m rly enjoying ur writing and wanted to make a request! Could u write like a (kinda reverse) Cinderella inspired oneshot where Larry has allowed some of the human exhibits to go outside at night (with normal civilian clothes to blend in) just as long as they make it back before light. Ahkmenrah meets the reader and immediately catches feelings for them so he always goes to see them every other night but the reader gets suspicious when he’s always like “oh no it’s almost dawn I gotta leave!” then runs off dramatically (like Cinderella). But one night when he runs off they try chasing after him (like “hey wait I thought we were hitting it off🥺”) but loses him in the crowd but finds that he dropped his cool Egyptian bracelet or something else. Then the next night they’re asking everywhere if they knew who or where the bracelet belonged to and one person said it looked like it belonged in the museum so they go there and it’s like a whole Cinderella moment where Ahkmenrah comes down the steps in his whole gold Pharaoh getup. The reader is totally SHOOK but asks him if the bracelet belonged to him and ofc he’s like “yeah :)” And it’s just a fluffy ending. Hopefully that wasn’t too long and complicated of a request😅
notes: this has been in my inbox for... a year maybe? i'd apologize but i feel like that's inappropriate now for some reason. here it is lmao edit: no wait I do have to apologize, this isn't exactly the prompt because I didnt read it correctly (somehow, despite having it in my inbox for, again, a year) so theres a small change. sorry! hope you dont mind. they arent major changes.
also if ur worried abt the long request... this is a longer fic too lmao WC: 3.1k
On evenings and weekends Times Square was filled with people; native New Yorkers, tourists, shops, sellers, food carts, and pretty much every other sign of life, not limited to the occasional rat or raccoon. Sometimes that made it hard for you to commute, since Times Square stood at the direct intersection between your workplace and your apartment.
Tonight, Times Square itself was fighting against you, and packed humans like sardines within the free confines of the bright, commercial skyscrapers. Even going in a circle round the square would take forever, so the best solution––you decided––was to just walk straight through the crowd.
In the dark of the evening, giant, glowing billboards lit your way, acting as beacons telling you which direction to face. Passing conversation and bustling bodies tried their best to distract you, with their pushing hands and foreign words, but you kept your eye on the biggest screen; it was always to your left. Noodles and a rabbit awaited you at home, alongside the next episode of your show, and with that pleasant reminder you charged on.
"Wir mussen die anderen –"
"Quand reviendrons-nou –"
"But mom, she doesn't even –"
"Disini banyak sampah."
"Bakmak! şu elbiseye –"
So many voices.
Part of you wanted to know what languages they were speaking, but before you could really think about it––or center down on one of the languages––you knocked headfirst into another person walking the opposite direction, sending you both down to the floor in your previous haste. Your hand whipped up to your head as a jolt of pain rippled through your skull upon impact. You hissed out a sharp breath, pointedly feeling your tailbone against the cold cement and the carelessly shifting bodies of the crowd around you.
Looking up, you found a young man around your age sitting across from you, having ended up in the same position as you; legs splayed out on the ground, hand grasping the head. He was staring at you though, his eyes wide and shadowed by the figures around you. He tried to stammer out something as he stood, but before words could come out, he helped you to your feet, still clutching his head.
"I – I – I'm sorry, I didn't – I didn't see you there," he breathed out with a weak chuckle, his brow twisted in worry. He didn't move his hand from yours when you stood.
"Don't worry about it," you chuckled. "I didn't see you, either. Did I hurt you?"
"No more than I've accidentally hurt myself before," he said, earning a small laugh from you.
In return, a shy smile reached his face, and you got to watch as his eyes turned into a blue warmth in the billboard lights, framed perfectly above dark, freckled cheeks and soft lips.
"My name's (Y/N)," you managed to say, staring unblinking at the perfect man before you.
"I am..." he paused for far longer than you'd ever heard someone pause when telling their name, "... Teddy."
He didn't look like he was quite sure.
"Are you sure you're alright?" You asked, raising a brow.
"Yes, I just.. it's... been a long time," he said in a quieter voice, "since I've seen someone.. like you."
You paused. Was he commenting on your skin tone or something? Your confusion––or perhaps your sudden discomfort––must've been obvious, because he quickly backpedalled to explain himself better.
"I mean – someone as beautiful as you," he sighed, scanning your expression as it lightened into pleasant surprise.
This man was a blessing in a dirty grey sweatshirt and jeans. It had been a while for you, too––a while since you'd met anyone new, since you'd had a genuine interaction and connection with someone. Excitement thrummed through you at the thought of the possible realities that could stem from this moment.
Alas, too good to be true. Someone yelled something above the crowd, and the young man's eyes darted up and away from you.
"Shit," he hissed, his gaze flickering from you to someone in the distance. "I have to – I have to go."
But he hesitated to leave. Only for a moment, but a hesitation nonetheless, letting his hand linger in yours for longer than strictly necessary. Again his eyes settled on you.
"I will never be sorry enough for this, but you are so beautiful," he blurted out in sincerity, his cool gaze drowned in a deep sorrow before he darted off into the crowd.
You tried your best to hold on, but all you caught was the thick bracelet round his wrist, and that pulled easily off as he disappeared. A sudden and sinking disappointment fell like an anvil in your chest. No one but a rabbit awaited you at home and you would never see that man again. You would never be sorry enough. He was so beautiful. 8 million people in New York City, thousands upon thousands crowded into 1,000 square feet, and you would never see him again.
It was then, staring off into the crowd, that you remembered something heavy was in your hand. His bracelet remained with you, and in a split second you had a new mission. This wasn't personal anymore––it was manners. Clearly he needed this bracelet back no matter what, so you needed to find him. You didn't stop to scan the bracelet or anything––nor deduce that it was made of pure gold and carved with hieroglyphs––before you decided upon your new mission. Clearly this bracelet meant the world to him, and it was your duty as a good citizen to give it back. Clearly.
Not an excuse to see him again, at all.
You tried to run back through the crowd in the direction you came, but by the time you made it to the other side, he was gone. Different streets led in different directions and different blocks and it would be impossible to say which direction he'd taken.
Your search wouldn't end there, oh no; you would continue this.
After you got home and finally had dinner at 11 in the evening.
In the morning, in the half hour you had to yourself before work, you scanned the bracelet as you ate breakfast. Your sleepy mind could identify the Egyptian style and the genuine feel of the material, but you weren't sure what to make of it. Perhaps the man was a collector, or perhaps it was a family heirloom, or perhaps even a stolen artifact.
You bit into your lip, toying with it as you contemplated what in the hell you could do.
Maybe the internet might know something, but what if you ended up in the possession of a stolen artifact? If you posted a picture, would the police––no, wait the FBI––find out and arrest you with no evidence?
No, you decided. Most certainly not. Regardless you decided to keep it to yourself for a little while and do some quieter sleuthing.
To your immense delight, you managed to get off work early, and soon headed back home down your usual route. Again you crossed Times Square, and you found yourself helpless to the hope of seeing the man again. Your eyes scanned the crowd to no avail.
Somehow, your failure only propelled you further to continue your search. Your first idea was to check stores online; maybe he was just interested in Egyptian history and bought something for the novelty, but nothing online matched the design. Museum archives offered little until you ventured to wonder if the Natural History museum had an Egyptian exhibit. The Metropolitan Museum was your first guess, since they had an extensive archive of Egyptian artifacts, and the Natural Museum your last, since the last time you went there were no mentions of Egypt or the Middle East.
Yet here you were, staring at the newly re-released exhibit of the Museum of Natural History, and finding the exact image of the bracelet in your hand. A pair of them glowed on the screen.
Was it too late in the evening to try and return it now? The museum closed pretty early, these days, though you supposed they'd probably make an exception for a possibly stolen object.
The tiny clock on your screen glowed a faint white, displaying a time of 19:40. Not too late to go out, you decided, especially since you didn't have work tomorrow.
Pulling on gloves, a scarf, and a thick jacket, you left your home and headed on your way to the museum. It was a short train-ride away, but the whole time you were clutching onto the bracelet hidden in your pocket, terrified of being discovered and terrified of losing it. In every stranger's face you found a suspect, as well as the tingling hope of happening to see the man again.
He seemed like he'd be a good hugger, when you first saw him. His grey sweatshirt was a little large on him, and he had a hint of chub, which would make him a wonderful, soft pillow.
You shut your eyes and tried to erase the image from your mind.
Despite the lights glowing from within the tall museum windows, the front doors were locked, and shades were drawn that prevented you from looking inside. You sighed, the breath shaking through your empty chest. You had been expecting this, but you hadn't thought of what to do after it happened––once the doors were locked, how could you talk to anyone if they were all inside or at home for the night?
Well, the lights were still on, which meant it was likely someone was still there. You reasoned that if someone was inside, it would be illegal to lock them inside in case of an emergency, so there had to be an open door somewhere.
There were a few alternative exits and entrances scattered throughout the complex, but none worked until you found the delivery entrance. Here, giant trucks would back into the museum, bringing and taking new exhibits. Fresh footprints imprinted themselves in the mud surrounding the driveway.
God... damn it, you thought, your brain fighting turmoil at the idea of committing a crime. Was it really a crime? Would you be caught if it was? Would you be condemned even if it wasn't? What were you hoping to find here?
Some sort of answer. Part of you realized this wasn't just about the mysterious man anymore––it was about stolen artifacts and ancient things. In a way, you were doing your duty in returning something that might've been valuable to historians and archaeologists.
What you found instead––or heard, rather––was music distantly playing in one of the many rooms of the museum. You very nearly got lost several times, but eventually made your way to the museum entrance you first tried to enter.
The first thing you noticed wasn't the music genre, nor the volume, nor the bright, warm lights––what you saw were people both inhuman and uncannily alive, and animals ranging from the Cenozoic era and into the Paleogene and occupying environments all over the world. You could hardly believe what was in front of you, and for several minutes you stared with wide eyes, convinced you'd been slipped something in your latest drink.
Standing and gawking in the corridor eventually gained the attention of a nightguard, who jogged over once he spotted you.
"Hey," he said, slowing down as he approached through the crowd. His voice was somewhat familiar, but you couldn't place it at the time. "What are you doing here? Museum's closed, you're not supposed to be here."
"What... the fuck," you whispered, still staring past his shoulder to an ostrich trying to play soccer with... was that Christopher Columbus in bronze?
"Hey!" He raised his voice and snapped his fingers in front of your face, finally catching your attention. "What's up? Why are you here?"
"I, uh.." your sweaty hands clutched your bag, "I met a.. I met someone, and they – they dropped this."
You fumbled to grab the bracelet, pulling it out and presenting it with a firm grip to the nightguard. His brow furrowed.
"I couldn't find any information about it online, but it looked kinda similar to one of your exhibits here."
"Yeah, I..." He stared at the bracelet in your hand. "I think I know where that belongs."
How this nightguard managed to remain calm in the chaos surrounding you was astounding in itself, but you quickly and correctly surmised that he was used to this. The sudden appearance of magic in your life was alarming, to say the least, but somehow it paled in comparison to what happened next.
"How did you say you got this again?" The nightguard tried to ask, but lights reflecting into your eye drew your gaze away and towards whatever chandelier was glinting at you.
You squinted through the glamour, and at long last you finally found the mysterious man.
You never thought you'd find ancient Egyptian fashion attractive, but here you were, comparing his ratty sweatshirt to a cape and collar of gold, a serpent crown that shone bright in the museum lights, and finding you liked this version more. There was a regality he'd tossed aside when you first met him––now it held his shoulders up, gave his jaw and eyes a keenness you could see from across the room. His tanned hand reached out to the stair's railing, revealing a bare wrist that didn't match the other hand's bracelet.
In the crowd at Times Square and the crowd in the museum he could find you easily. His eyes zipped across the room and immediately you filled his mind; a recollection of memories, a remembrance of fantasies, and a reminder of his wishes to see you again.
He smiled. You saw none of the tumultuous thoughts and only received a wide but friendly smile, growing as you both wound around the exhibits to reach each other.
When you came face to face with him, though, you were at a loss of words, and stared at him for a good moment before you could speak.
"I think I have something of yours," you said quietly.
"Yes," he said with a nod, "you have my heart and I'd like it back."
Your eyes widened, and a burning blush instantaneously filled your cheeks.
"I meant your bracelet, sugar," you mumbled red-faced, shaking your head and hiding your face in one hand while the other presented the bracelet.
"I know," he chuckled softly, and pushed the bracelet aside in favor of taking your hands, pulling you closer to him.
"I gather your name isn't Teddy?" You asked.
"No. Name of a friend," he said, gesturing behind you with his eyes.
You checked and found the wax statue of Theodore Roosevelt you first saw as a child, only this time he was talking. To the nightguard. Of course. When your gaze returned to the man before you, he answered the question you didn't ask.
"My real name is Ahkmenrah. I was once Pharaoh presiding over all of Egypt. Now, I am a common man. I hope..." he watched intently as he intertwined his fingers with yours, reluctant to meet your eye, "... that seeing both these sides of me.. has not tarnished your image of me."
"Things like that don't matter to me," you chuckled. "But why did you run?"
He scoffed softly, rolling his eyes.
"Larry keeps a short leash on us all when he lets us outside the museum. He thinks we ought to interact with modern people as little as possible," he grumbled, glancing to the nightguard behind you. His tone grew softer as he spoke again. "I'm glad I ran into you. Even if it was a little painful."
You giggled as you remembered the headache you got from the impact.
"So am I."
"And... I meant what I said."
You gave him a questioning look, to which he replied with, "I'm sorry I left you there with no truth about me, no answer. And you are truly beautiful."
A deep yearning emanated from his gaze, heavy with the words he wouldn't yet say, and the anticipation to hear your reply. You didn't really understand why he found you attractive to this degree––he was a Pharaoh, and you imagined he was used to a level of beauty that could reign over countries of old.
You weren't like that.
"I'm not so sure about that," you chuckled sheepishly, "but thank you."
You always answered compliments so quietly; it annoyed your mother, but Ahkmenrah didn't seem to mind past assuring that you knew he meant it.
For the rest of the evening he danced with you to the music that lived within the museum's entrance, and reintroduced you to many of the exhibits, including his own. Seeing distant childhood memories and fantasies brought to fruition had its effect on you; not dissimilar to wine, intoxicating and thrilling to its core. Or maybe it was his hand in yours, thousands of years old and with it the accompanying wisdom, with which he chose you out of millions. He showered you in affections and twirled you any chance the music would give, just to watch you grin and giggle. It was as though he was trying to win you over, as though you weren't already enchanted, as if you weren't hanging on to his every word.
Eventually you got his explanation––a reason behind the magic, and why he couldn't leave in the daytime. And, eventually, the morning came, bringing the light of the sun just barely peeking over the skyscrapers.
"Come see me tomorrow night," Ahkmenrah asked, holding your hands as you stood by the door, your jacket and bag on your shoulders. "Please?"
"I don't know if I can," you said, already wringing your heart at the words. The feeling only worsened when you saw how his expression fell. "I have a lot of work to do for the next few days and I can't just go without sleep."
"I understand," he said quietly. "Please just.. come when you can."
"Of course."
When you arrived back at home, your apartment seemed more empty than it had ever been, despite the fact that nothing changed. Your rabbit was still waiting for you and there were still noodles in your fridge to be eaten.
As you dropped your bag, you heard a distinct clunking that sounded unfamiliar. It made you pause, and as you knelt to dig through your bag, you found the same Egyptian bracelet you tried to return to Ahk. Alongside it was a note.
Just a little insurance. Want to make sure I see you again.
You snorted. As if you could last more than a week without seeing him next.
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matchamabs · 3 years
I know you didn’t ask for it but- BOTW MONSTERS: RANKED BY HOW HOT THEY ARE,,,,
i do fuck all in the days lemme tell ya
ill admit i havent done EVERY enemy but like. i do enjoy making these posts so who knows, i might actually rank everything sooner or later 🤷‍♀️
,,,,, and if u want a specific ranking of botw/aoc stuff lmk 👀
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ahh the ol reliable. the classic bokoblin. he is just a little lad! unfortunately they’re genuinely kind of ugly??? and the idk the singular horn in the middle aint a good look. i see cute comics abt these guys being domestic and thats adorable but also giving them so much leeway bc they’re really Not that cute. not sure what the loincloth is hiding and im not sure i wanna know anyway. 3/10 really kind of. not good. 
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slightly bigger loincloth only means slightly bigger things to hide :( i rlly hate these guys noses and whatever the fuck toenails they have why do they have toenails?????? s’bad. the thing is tho they have the proportions of a potentially attractive gerudo which is probably what takes the edge off the general vibes of... u know... being an abomination. its also only JUST occured to me as im writing that these guys r just evolved bokoblins so. glow up i guess. 6/10 what that tongue do
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ok bypassing whatever the fuck rule 34 has done to these guys, i actually dig them. i find the huge fat ones way cuter than the lil bug eyed ones. in their case theres rlly no, like... hotness about them. its just cute. i think they’re cute. any monster that is cute and also doubles up as a bed gets my vote 7/10 get urself a fella as flexible as these guys 
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u know what, im gonna say it, these guys r actually kinda hot. proportions arent super bad, the face aint bad and generally they have good vibes. aside from, u know, when they’re tryna shank u. id say one of the most bearable monsters to have to look at. 8/10 im not a scalie
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??????????? idk what to say. u could tie these little shits to like swingball poles and beat them with rackets thatd b good. aside from that these guys have like no redeeming qualities. they’re a pain in the ass and not in a good way. 3/10 cute but like. is it worth it?
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i mean,,,,,,,, someones probably into it. i dont like these guys for a lot of reason and surprisingly the thing that gets me is the fucking hair why does it have that hair its like he-man just went straight over the top with an electric razor its not a good look!!! stop trying to make it work! it wont! and again with the loincloth??? im not into it. the only thing i like abt these guys is the lil waistcoats. they have some amount of decency (but the implications it makes are Not Good). uh. 2/10. barely.
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,,,,,9/10. but if you see a lynel up close like that chances are you died about half a minute ago
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again. ??? i dont rlly like. i mean. im digging the top heavy proportions? its got the same body type as kass so like. 4/10. bit plain around the features but what can u do. i dont understand how but the igneo taluses are like. sexier 
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UGHGHHH I FUCKING HATE THESE THINGS okay okay okay like these motherfuckers lure u in by being quite cute and dancin around and then u get a look at their faces and its like fucking JESUS and its even WORSE when you see under their cloak and they have no necks????? and like????? they do that gay little fucking dance that pisses me off???? they’re wearing hoods that give the ILLUSION that they have necks and im im fumin ok i HATE it i hate it i have been betrayed and i will NEVER FORGET ABOUT IT UGHGHGHG I HATE THESE CUNTS -10000000000000000000000000000000000/10 die
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hhhhh i just dont like em. theyre too annoying to be cute now. and whats gonna happen if i squeeze one? is like. water gonna come out? r they just gonna deflate? 4/10 tentacles are not hyrules forte it seems ://
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trust kohga to send the twinks out on the front line. seriously. they’re not bad tho? kinda small and underwhelming :((( tho i give extra points for the good crazy laugh we love a good manic cackle 6/10 they dont really count as monsters but ah well where else am i gonna put em
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now THATS what im talkin about babeyyyyy we love the muscles,,,,, the posture,,, the stride,,, we love it when u fuck up stealth and a torrential downpour of these motherfuckers come down to beat ur ass,,,,, 9/10 its raining men 😎
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u know. u dont rlly like. get a good view of these guys when ur balls deep in a battle with them, but the more i get like closer looks at them the more i go ???? like idk. everything about them looks backwards and wrong. but as far as backwards and wrong goes its not a bad look and the boss theme is a banger so 4/10 maybe dont jump on my ass every time i step one foot onto the desert :/
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i just. i dont dig it. idk why. aside from the fact they’re a monumental pain in my ass, and now everytime i hear a beep even slightly resembling a guardian i shit my pants, but. idk??? as far as robots go its not like. terrible. they’re like the milfs of robots. the milves, if u will. a rilf. except i wouldnt. so its more like riwlf. but even that leaves too much up to interpretation so im just gonna call em a cunt and go. 4/10 leg game strong
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here we are,,, the big boys,,,, waterblight isnt too bad i will admit, but the spear hand is both annoying and mildly inconvenient. its got a rlly big chest but rlly thin arms?? also not sure how i feel abt the strap on beard but oh well its not like ganons got taste. 5/10 kind of average for a blight i think
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a hefty motherfucker. a chunk of a lad. big large. the fact this is like one of the easiest blights makes it more forgiveable to me but like whatever its got going on with the 80s hair needs 2 be sorted out. i like its moves but it doesnt hang upside down like waterblight :((( 5/10 calm down kate bush
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ok who doesnt like gun arms. and a gun back. this things like fuckin megatron. the whole face plate thing doesnt look bad either. honestly its kind of a look? but its dickheadery in aoc makes me wanna set shit on fire so :// 6/10 hot but will not leave u alone 😔
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ok this one is by FAR the sexiest of all the blights. i just cant explain it. i like guys with bad posture. i had an easy time beating it but apparently its given other people a lot of grief and that makes it 10x more sexy to me lmaooo. also it can clone itself which is like. thats a win. 8/10 ganon spilt all the sexy juice into this one
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ok i didnt realise how many arms this motherfucker has and the whole hairline behind the ears thing is not a great look. especially w the beard. in fact the longer i look at it the less sexy it becomes tbh. 3/10 they tried to make arachnophobia sexy and it didnt work
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10/10 i will be taking questions in my inbox but i wont be taking constructive criticism and you cant make me 
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frienderbender · 3 years
hello, i’m so sorry to rudely stumble into your inbox, BUT omg i would love to hear your Twinkletits thoughts (and your Melmord & Twinkletits thoughts..)
OH MAN........
well first of all dont apologize because i absolutely adore your work so like. this makes me so happy ahaha
gonna put a readmore here bc i feel like its gonna get a little bit long
ok so like. twinkletits is a character where im like. there is SO MUCH to unpack here. hes in the very interesting and specific position where he personally gets to see and talk to each character at their absolute most vulnerable, and i feel like that in and of itself isnt talked about nearly as much as it should be. like, look at practically the whole cast. theyre all in varying degrees of refusing to be vulnerable or to talk about their feelings in any way, but HE is the one exception to that rule for them?? and this is further implied by him still being employed by dethklok??? so like. they all obviously still go to the guy fairly regularly. what are his one-on-one sessions like with everyone?? what have they told him????? and i think its especially interesting just from his own perspective, having to actually hear and absorb and process all this awful shit that theyve been through and still try to help them through it because 1) its his job and 2) i think he does genuinely want to help in some way even if his therapy is questionable at best.
but theres another part to this because...he is just as wild as the rest of them??? he killed his whole band??? so i think that just presents a whole new layer to it all. and, sidenote, i often wonder what actually led him to doing that in the first place? was it out of frustration, anger? does he feel the need to try and solve other peoples problems while also not really trying to solve his own?
and now bringing melmord into all of this. this fucking guy. i just fucking love this dynamic. i love the smug guy who clearly needs help (and WANTS it) thinking hes kinda above this stuff. he hides his vulnerability behind confidence and as much as he genuinely does want help processing everything hes been through (assuming hes brought back and now working for dethklok), he cant express it properly. at least not sober. you spend so long acting like youre beyond help that when you need it most you cant ask for it because you dont know how. bring in twinkletits, who is so fucking stubborn and is like "im going to fix him" and i feel like you just have the perfect recipe for SUCH a fun dynamic. also, melmord is a smart guy. during their first sessions, i wouldnt put it past him to smugly bring up some stuff about twinkletits because, again, he projects the idea that hes a little above therapy. but then thats like the best part is that eventually he DOES lower his defenses. *chefs kiss* like when they finally make a fucking breakthrough and then start getting somewhere and finally twinkletits feels like theyre making progress. man. good stuff.
anyways this is just me rambling off the top of my head and im sure i could make a more cohesive post eventually but i think overall the appeal for me personally is that there is so much POTENTIAL and so many QUESTIONS and im just like. i desperately need to know it all!!
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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coffeebeannate · 4 years
nateee, natteeeeee, your pirate!joe fic has DEVASTATED me with endless possibilities floating around through my lil gremlin brain so i feel it's only fair to subject you to them: first concept: pirate joe, mermaid nicky. do i need to say more??? do i?? second concept: prince/royalty joe and pirate nicky. the forbidden LOVERS of it all. im picturing a scene where nicky perhaps rescues joe (not that joe isn't perfectly capable on his own) and nicky says "i'm a pirate, not a monster" AHHHhhhH???HHH
I need you all to witness the absolute glory that Abby here has been leaving in my inbox. Under a cut because it’s long but trust me folks, this is worth every second. 
Abby, this is a delight and I thank you so much for sharing it with me. My inbox has been a happy place the last couple days!
Behold, All, Abby’s excellent brain tinkerings:
im not done!!! im not done!! theres still Thoughts jumbling around like marbles in a jar in the hands of a very energetic toddler! this is kinda going off the idea of prince/royalty joe and pirate nicky but its set in canonverse and they're undercover and they have to keep up the appearances of who they're supposed to be (and not liking the other) but them having secret rendezvous and finding the whole situation... amusing. also maybe trying to get the other to break character for funsies idk im having perhaps... TOO MANY IDEA? okay okay okay okay runaway prince turned pirate joe. i dont know what nicky's vibe is in this au but one thought is - mermaid? (im perhaps.. too much of a fan of mermaid nicky concept idk) i guess nicky could also be a prince in this situation? or a pirate? idk im just thinking about runaway prince turned pirate joe. like with no one knowing that pirate joe is actually prince yusuf and vice versa. wait wai twai ti wajit i have idea  (runaway prince joe turned pirate) maybe nicky is like... sent to find prince yusuf? and in his journeys he stumbles across pirate joe. maybe there's rumors that Pirate!Joe killed prince yusuf? maybe nicky confronts joe and joe just tilts his head and gives nicky a coy smile saying 'oh, the prince isn't dead... but i can promise you won't find him if you kill me.' okay so just to draw it out a bit of a picture. nicky has his sword at joe's throat at this point, like the sword tip just under joe's chin y'know the whole gay holding ur enemy at swordpoint shebang. but joe is unfazed by this, he speaks the whole 'prince yusuf isn't dead' bit and theres a smirk on his lips and confidence in his eyes. maybe nicky demands that he tell him where the prince is. maybe its at this point that joe says 'i can promise if you kill me you'll never find him' okay hold on let me just: Nicky has Joe at swordpoint, a surprise attack perhaps. Joe: "While this isn't my first encounter with a devilishly handsome man holding me at swordpoint, i must say this is the first time i don't know /why/" Nicky narrows his eyes, "You killed Prince Yusuf. I was sent to seek justice for his death." "Oh... well, while I'm honored, truly, but I'm afraid there is not justice to seek. Prince Yusuf isn't dead." Nicolò (i know i used nicky previously but i like the vibe of nicolò so im using that now) manages to narrow his eyes at Joe even more, of course all logic is telling him not to believe this pirate, but there is this (extremely repressed) part of him that /believes/ Joe. And that's when Joe, maybe sensing or seeing the hesitation in Nicolò's eyes, tilts his head and speaks again, "Kill me if you wish, but I can promise if you do so, you will never find the justice you seek, you will /never/ find your Prince- and it will be /you/ who is as good as his killer." Nicolò stands there silently for a bit, his expression blank, and finally he speaks, his voice quiet, "And if I don't kill you?" And Joe's grin widens almost instantaneously. (thats all i've like thought out exact scene wise but maybe joe says smth like "you'll just have to find out" okay so like i said i dont have exact thoughts but like, basically, joe ends up taking nicolò on a wild goose chase to find the prince. maybe he has a plan, or more likely, he's winging it with his quick wit and charm alone. i know he certainly doesn't /plan/ to reveal to nicolò that /he/ is in fact the prince (as nicolò's new goal/plan has become "rescuing" the prince and returning him to his home) but well... lets just say things dont really follow... Any Plans in the end so they go on a wild goose chase together, and slowly, slowly they fall. and idk what really happens but im just picturing there being situations where joe could... so easily ditch nicolò, but he finds himself stalling in those situations. maybe joe slowly teaches nicolò pirate-y things. maybe nicolò secretly begins hoping they /never/ find the prince. if it means he gets to stay with joe. idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk. Additional Points:
okay okay so one thought i haven't been able to stop thinking about in this prince turned pirate au is andy and quynh. now my frist thought was like mermaid quynh but i think thats just gonna be another au im gonna have to think about but i think the concept i really like for this au is pirate andy & quynh, they are the ones who helped joe get to where he is as a pirate (and perhaps they are the only people who know the truth about joe?) and yeah, co-pirates andy & quynh i'm just really picturing andy and quynh running into joe and nicky when joe is "leading nicky to the prince" and them just,,, raising their eyebrows at joe like "to the Prince? the PRINCE?" and at this point joe and nicky have fallen for each other but refuse to admit it or anything and andy & quynh See RIGHT through joe but joe INSISTS he has everything under control and he Has A Plan so they ultimately leave him alone in the end but they KNOW... they KNOW Some Gems Abby Included: “Hold on I gotta eat” (There was a pause in asks here) “Okay, I’ve put on pirate music LETS GO” (After part 8) “Okay this is the last part.” (Sends two more parts) Abby, from the absolute bottom of my heart thank you for this. I’d be happy to expand it into a thing of some sort (a fic) down the road, and take these incredible notes with me. You made me laugh out loud multiple times and the little notes you put in just made it better. I encourage this entirely and thank you so much. This is absolutely fantastic. I’m honoured to have been the one you’ve shared this with.
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bioodorange · 4 years
|| Zalgo HeadCanons ||
please excuse my shit layout, I dont have the slighest idea of how to use tumblr on my laptop. I dropped my phone in the shower, But dont worry I’ll have a new one by Sunday!
oh and Im gonna do an ask spree so send em in if you have em ones in my inbox should be popping up soon :)
oh and credits( we had a big ol chat about this): @creepypasta-midnight-cos @ask-femboy-woods @gravitygrenade
Zalgo requires his proxies to wear red, white and black, while also being upkept and professional
Type of thing, hair tied back and maintained, more formal clothes etc.
Most of Zalgo’s proxies are his because of deals- wether it was their soul for soemthing or anothers life, in exchange they must work for him
If your deal was not sealing your soul, you have a chance of working it off for a few thousand years
Most of his proxies die rather quickly, not because of him direcetly but because of everyone coming after him
A few of his proxies are demons, or undead spirits who serve him because of family ties or a place to stay- they are treated much better then the humans
Zalgo is a very childish person, you must be willing to entertain him yet comply to a certain extent
He’s like a switch- either likes you or doesn’t
Unlike Slenders proxies who are marked with a visible symbol (and are destinguishable only because dudes has the same ones for like 20 dam years)
Zalgo marks his proxies with a sigil, it will take place of a faint scar, usually on the back or stomach, that not only is visible to demonic creatures, those who can’t see it feel disoriented near an individual whos marked if they don’t have one themselves
In human form, even partially Zalgo is rather short standing around 5′8, this is average height but not in the pasta world (THERES SO MANY GOD DAMN PEOPLE OVER 6 FEET-)
Slenders proxies are lovingly refered to lapdogs and Zalgos are minions
If you cross this man he won’t be afraid to show some extra fine print in your contract, allowing him some leeway in how he treats you
But some days he’ll have Michael Scott energy from the office, but don’t expect him to care about your feelings
The closest person becomes his new stressball if anything happens- if they live through he’ll probably take their job away anyway
His pettiness is through the roof, the rivalry between him and Slender sprouted from land, actually
Somewhere inthe woods is a portal to the underworld, well hidden by Slender’s magic
The two fight over land, if he was ever granted access to the overworld directly, many things would change
Thats why he has human proxies- easy access
If you’re not his favorite, your body may be used as a shell for some demon- a ride to the top
Don’t worry the burning of your internal organs will stop after a few hours, then you’ll rot until some animal comes to scarf you down
Prolonged life has its ups and downs
Though he may live in a castle most of the rooms are unfinished, hallways have uneven walls and dimlights, bedrooms and of courese, his throne, are the nicest in the house
Yes this bitch made himself a throne room
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malereaderoneshots · 4 years
Tutor ; Kang Yeosang
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Requested?: No, theres not to many male reader stuff for my boy Yeosang and as I already did Yunho in a Hogwarts universe I thought why not do the rest of the boys in different scenarios at Hogwarts? All of them will eventually be done, I don't know when but it will happen. Pairing: Kang Yeosang x male reader  Word count: 1078 A/N: Sorry I’ve been away awhile, I’m not sure how often I’ll post due to college being the worst and the fact that I’m terrible at time management and dealing with stress, but remember by inbox is always open so feel free to leave a suggestion, or just to chat.
O.W.Ls were just around the corner for 5th years, as McGonagall kindly reminded all of her classes, one student in particular was finding it hard as stress began to consume him. “Mr L/N for the last time, will you pay attention?” Y/Ns desk mate, Wooyoung, a lively Hufflepuff jammed his elbow in the boy’s ribs. Y/N let out a hiss of pain while Wooyoung gestured to the front of the room. “Sorry Professor Filtwick” Y/N said sheepishly sliding down in his chair in embarrassment, “See me after class Mr L/N” Y/N sighed before putting his head on the desk and covering his face. “Professor, I’m so sorry it’s just I was up late going over my potion notes. I promise I won’t-“ Professor Flitwick raised a small had to silence the rambling boy, he smiled kindly before saying “I’ve asked my top student if he would be able to fit tutoring you in his schedule and he said he’s happy to, what do you say?” Y/N stood with his mouth agape, opening and closing like a fish out of water. Y/N collected himself before asking “Who is it?”
Yeosang sat in the library nervously fidgeting with his fingers, notes and books splayed everywhere. Y/N cautiously made his way over, he knew the Slytherin boy didn’t speak to anyone but his immediate friends, so it was odd that he offered to tutor Y/N, still the boy thought nothing of it and sat opposite him. “So,” Y/N started, “what are we starting with?” But Yeosang didn’t look up from his notes, instead he placed a book in front of Y/N and tapped the page with his quill. 
Y/N nodded and looked around hoping to spot one of his friends so he could escape but instead he saw a Cheshire smile coming from the one and only San. Y/N hated exams, but he hated playing against Slytherin even more, San had a good swing which ended with someone from Y/Ns team ending up in the hospital wing. San continued to smirk and hide behind the bookcase. “Um, Yeosang?” Y/N tried to get his attention, “are you supposed to be doing something with your friends?” Yeosang finally looked up and light tinge of pink on his cheeks, he furrowed his eyebrows “no? Why do you say?” He slightly tilted his head which caused Y/N to smile lightly. Yeosang continued to stare and he raised his eyebrow at Y/N silence “Oh right, sorry! Um San is watching us from the bookcase.” The Slytherin boy snapped his head in the direction Y/N pointed in. Yeosang got up and stalked towards San. “Oh Shit. He’s coming!” Was all that San said before he bolted for the doors with Mingi, Wooyoung and Yunho in tow. Yeosang came back and closed his book, face beet red, “give me five minutes I’m sorry.” He ran out the library heading in the direction of his friends. Days had passed and Yeosang hadn’t spoken to Y/N to arrange another tutor session, the boy was starting to worry especially with their exams looming over them like a plague. He was in the library once again hunched over scribbles of notes when an owl swooped in and landed on his desk. “Hello, do you have a message for me?” Y/N untied the note from the owl’s leg and let it fly off. Dear Y/N, I’m sorry if this is weird but I can’t do anymore tutor sessions with you, my friends will lurk and ruin everything and I don’t want to be a distraction to your O.W.Ls and I don’t want you to distract me either. The letter was understandable, and Y/N appreciated the honesty but in his eyes,  it wasn’t a good enough reason so he set off to find Yeosang and talk it out in person. “Hey Seonghwa! Have you seen Yeosang?” “Yeosang? Um last time I saw he was heading for the great hall with San.” “Alright thanks, see you in charms!” Y/N made his way to the loud great hall. “You are an absolute idiot Kang Yeosang!” “I’d say he’s more of a coward.” “Well if you four idiots didn’t crash everything maybe I would have been more confident.” “Well from where we were standing Y/N looked like he was about to run away because you weren’t talking.” Y/N perked up at his name. Why would they be talking about him? He wondered. As he rounded the corner his question was answered. “KANG!” Y/N yelled in fake annoyance, “what the hell man are you just going to let me fail? I ought to hex you.” Y/N smirked at how pale San went, hopefully that should teach them to talk about people behind their backs. “Um...um. I- hhh.” Yeosang stuttered looking like a deer in headlights, his face becoming redder the longer the boys stood around them and stared. San cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Um Y/N you see our little Yeosangie has a tiny whiny-“ “No, shut up.” Yeosang pushed the taller boy away sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. Y/Ns confusion to the whole situation was clear on his face, Yeosang anxiously played with his fingers before Y/N broke the silence. “I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say you never wanted to be my tutor, but you did want to talk to me?” Yeosang nodded hanging his head in shame, Y/N rubbed the other boys’ arm in comfort, “well why don’t you tell me why now? I’m not going to judge you if that’s what you’re afraid of.” the Slytherin boy shook his head, “that’s not what I’m afraid of.” he whispered. Y/N thought for a moment before taking a deep breath and placing his forefinger under his chin and tilting Yeosangs head up, “are you afraid I’ll reject you?” Yeosang gasped face warming up and burning brighter than Y/N had seen before. Y/N smiled and leaned in slightly waiting for Yeosang to pull away or to let him carry on. Yeosang took in a shaky breath before closing his eyes and closing the gap. Both boys smiled into the soft sweet kiss. They pulled apart and lightly laughed, pressing their foreheads together. “Would you like to be my boyfriend?” Yeosang asked a hint of nervousness in his voice as he worriedly bit his lip. Y/N gently swiped his thumb over his lip, “I would like nothing more.” They smiled once again and shared another kiss. “FINALLY!” “Shut up San!”
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Yes, sir - Background
so this is an informational post about my...multichapter fic! i’m starting this story in a few days and this is the background information about the story. it’s going to be a multichapter (im thinking 10 parts) of todoroki shouto x reader with a side of momojirou, because they’re gay, karen.
anywho, this is just what I need you guys to know about it before the story just as world building!!! let me know what you guys think in comments or in my inbox please :) i’m also tagging this as momojirou, but only this teaser because its not as focused in the storyline but just in case theres any momojirou fans who also love self insert todoroki fics.
Yes, sir maid!au an inside look of the most elite and powerful family of japan:
— you’re a struggling individual living paycheck to paycheck. you had wanted to do something with the arts, but realized that cleaning and organizing are things that make you happy so you drop out of college while nearly being done two years earlier than you should have been.
— the world is not a forgiving place to people who aren’t actively pursuing an actual white collar job, so your family shunned you. it’s okay because you lived with roommates anyways.
— you had tried the entire “maid cafe” in tokyo and absolutely hated it. it was humiliating and full of weird kinky and horny boys from japan and other foreign countries. they always waited until you were off your shift to approach you! it was your fault though. you had no idea what it was exactly, your dumb friend and roommate mina had convinced you that it was a cleaning company. you were dumb and believed her.
— so you had taken a grueling task of being a janitor for a local company. it still wasn’t exactly what you wanted. they had very specific things you were allowed to do, and it was only cleaning. no organizing. at this point you were ready to become a secretary. as a secretary you’d be able to clean up a bit and mostly organize.
— going back to the job center, you sit down with the man who had been helping you out with finding jobs, kirishima. he looks up anything suitable to your needs. (you’ve been here so many times he doesn’t even ask)
— it must be some miracle because there’s a maid request at some rich mansion over in the Aichi prefecture. meaning a 30 minute commute to work. the paycheck is HUGE and they’re desperate. it seems that no one lasts around for longer than three days.
— “do you want the job, y/l/n?”
— you send in your resume to this family, and within ten minutes of kirishima telling you how to follow up, you get an email. they’ve selected to hire you.
— “well good luck, it’s the todoroki family!” kirishima laughs as he reads the profile for the job selection and you feel yourself go breathless.
— the TODOROKI’s??? you feel your breathing increase as you stare at the grinning man in front of you 
– Todoroki Shouto and Yaoyorozu-Todoroki Momo were richer than rich. they were both from families of old wealth and new wealth. the nation cried and watched them get married three years ago when they turned 22.
— they are the royalty of japan aside from the royal family themselves. you were only 20 at the time of this event, but damn, even you had teared up slightly as the worlds hottest man married the tall gorgeous woman next to him.
— they’re heroes as well, well not literally.
— momo is a philanthropist, scientist, and the occasional model and designer. she’s a creator, an artist.
— shouto is the CEO of the Todoroki Company, a company that did literally everything. they’ve been in business since the beginning of time, and they have never had a single true competitor since the Yaoyorozu family! but it seems that the heirs of both companies fell in love, forming the ultimate company. but in terms of his heroic deeds he volunteers a lot at hospitals, a focus to burn and frostbite victims and pays off medical bills. a philanthropist. has modeled.
— you nearly collapse as you read through their profiles again as you head back home.
— mina greets you at the door, your three other roommates chilling in the living room.
— ashido mina is a chemist, but despite being financially secure now, loves to live with the everyone and won’t leave no matter how much she could leave your little 6 room, 2 bath apartment.
— uraraka ochako is a construction worker. she works for her family and she’s their mascot, so they’ve had a booming business! she’s independent from them, but definitely can’t afford her own place! when mina suggested they room together she said yes.
— hagakure toru is an instamodel. her income comes in from promotions. she has the weird genetic thing that makes her super super pale. she’s not albino, but she just as well might be. she’s super cute and always down to help people with their instas. she’s the reason why your guys feeds are cute.
— asumi tsuyu is a herpetologist with a focus on frogs. she’s super smart, the mom friend of the group. she was bullied when growing up so she loves this group of you girls, main reason why, like mina, she hasn’t moved out on her own.
— the five of you girls are basically sisters and they supported your decision to go and do this job. of course mina and toru were jealous it was for the todoroki’s but they were all there to help you get ready for the first day.
— makeup done, hair did, best work clothes on, you’re now own your way to work
— so there you stand in front of the mansion, your jaw dropped at the sheer size of it. your arm reaches out to press the doorbell/intercom?
— “Todoroki Residence, how may I help you?”
— “Hi, I’m Y/l/n Y/n! I was just hired for the maid position?” you squeak, suddenly feeling powerless at the thought of just what was really happening. there’s a long period of silence that further eats at your nerves.
— the gates open and you suddenly feel your heartbeat in your throat as you make the first few steps forward, unknowingly entering the chaotic and secretive livelihood of this famous and rich family.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
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Blogging the new hs^2 bonus side material!  I’ll be as light as possible on partial-screenshots and quotes from this except where it’s potentially plot-important, as you’re supposed to be a Patreon contributor to see it.
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Thousands gather in the cold of the planet's capital for the most important event in Earth C's political history. JANE CROCKER is due to be sworn in as president.
Ahh, so some of the Bonus material is covering what’s happening in Meat Earth C--
One of the world's biggest celebrities sits behind the swearing-in, drunk as a skunk. The masses don't know this, but the two of them represent the only Creators left on their planet, abandoned by its makers to Crockerian rule.
--while the others are out on their trip?  Hot damn!
Does this mean ALL the human players left to chase down Prince Dirk except for Jake and Jane???
I knew Kanaya and Jade were part of the chase party, but didn’t know they brought Dave.  Did Karkat go, too?  Calliope???  It only says Creators, and if taken literally that only means the human ones?
This is all especially important because it means ROXY WENT ON THE TRIP YAAAAY MORE ROXY!!!  I will always take as much Roxy of any gender that we can get.  That and, you know, awake goddamn Jade.  WAKE THE FUCK UP JADE.
--Oh, also this means that the trip pals don’t plan on time traveling back to the point where they left, if/when they get back here.
Man, it hurt to type that “if”.
> ==>
Huh... Jake doesn’t SOUND that drunk.
Wait, is that Jake’s hair’s silhouette?  I thought it said he sits “behind” the swearing in, not in the crowd in front?
DIRK: (Hey. Is this seat taken?)
God damnit.  Brain Ghost Dirk can’t keep his fingers out from even THIS OTHER Jake’s day??
> ==>
--That old troll makes me feel uncomfortable somehow.  Not sure why.
> ==>
JAKE: (Surprised you didn't questionably jet off with your brain ghost daughter, too.) DIRK: (I don't think I have one of those.)
Oh huh.  I guess everyone is in the loop on what Prince Dirk did, though not necessarily the full import of it beyond the skeeviness.
> ==>
That troll smile is fucking uncomfortable.  And, yeah, Jake’s depicted as drunk here imageways, too.
Have I mentioned how much having these PANELS and all this soft art goes to soothing the impact of the horrible stuff that continues to happen?  Because it really does.  It really felt MUCH, much worse when it was all in serif text and nothing else to soften just how anguished everyone was looking and feeling.  Damn those epilogues...
JAKE: (Thats how you can tell youre not the real mccoy. Youre bothering to ask what i think.) DIRK: (I think you're very drunk. I'm not even real and I can smell the whiskey from here.)
Yeah, he’d have a hard time standing up to you this easily sober, you jackass.
> ==>
JAKE: (Im sure shes doing great. Shes got some good ideas you know.) JANE: I want to address this issue. JANE: I have no tolerance whatsoever for xenophobia. JANE: BUT, JAKE: (Oh goddammit i think i really messed up.)
Ppfpfffff. That’s pretty funny. ...How does Jake get SMARTER when he’s intoxicated??
(EDIT: sonntam points out, since I was too lazy to think about it: "you know how it is with Jake: deep inside he understands everything, but then willfully conceils that knowledge from himself because it means confronting uncomfortable truths. but when drunk the filters go away.")
JAKE: (I just hope theres some way to undo this damned mess that the you that doesnt live in my head got all of us into.)
Hmm... we might get some glimpses into BGD’s motivations, here.  Assuming this BGD and the other one aren’t two separate splinters with limited ability to share thought.
(Someone asked in my inbox why Brain Ghost Dirk shouldn’t be exactly the same as Prince Dirk if Prince Dirk is “all of himself”.  Think of a Venn Diagram that instead of two intersecting circles, is a tiny circle completely inside a giant circle:  Prince Dirk is accessing just about all of his “essence of self” across creation, but that goes mostly one way unless his other selves allow it, like the one who committed suicide in Candy to grant his other self more relevance did because he’d been onboard with the same plan from before the branching point.  Prince Dirk can pull from the rest of himself as an Ultimate Self, but Brain Ghost Dirk is still just a splinter.  Still a discrete self not necessarily sharing the mind of the rest of the whole.  Just like how we’ve had other “Ultimate Selves” who have gained access to their entire Heart, like RoboDave/Rose or Jasprosesprite^2, but their wills haven’t bled into their other separate selves and iterations. )
> ==>
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Speaking of... Jasprose^2 I’m assuming, interrupting the ceremonies??  From the title and the colors involved here.  (This was the panel I glimpsed while I was browsing tumblr earlier, before I started read/blogging this bonus.)
Wait, if this is their doing-- hm.  Let me wait to confirm before going on that ramble:
> ==>
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Pffff.  This newspaper... I’m not going to cap it all for those of you who haven’t paid into the bonus tier but there are so many gems.  The “Barack Obama Memorial White House” jesus christ Dave I KNOW that was your doing and it is BRILLIANT.
Hm, so that creepy asshole troll was the Vice Pres.  And he HAS to be an asshole since he was willing to run with the Xenophobe to give her a better license to power.  He’ll probably do some shit in her absence that Jake or other neglected non-Creator characters have to do some sideplot stuff to remedy.
And-- Oh!
That’s the last page so far.
Well.  There’s no confirmation that this for-sure WAS Jasprose’s doing, but if it WAS her...
Well, keep in mind that said Jasprose -- while capricious -- also has the knowledge and feelings of Rose Lalonde’s entire timeline-spanning essence and Heart... without Prince Dirk being at all close enough to delude or manipulate her mind the way he’s been doing to the PROPER Ultimate Rose.
Meaning Jasprose may very well know just how fucking hoodwinked her other self is, and has the power to REALLY fuck with Prince Dirk’s plans for Earth C in his absence.  Or at least make Jane’s presidency a little less catastrophic than Dirk was recklessly going to let it be.  Suck it, Dirk!
I’m predicting Jane will be put through some serious hijinks and tomfoolery.  With a boundary-less sprite uncomfortably flirting with her all the way.  Let’s hope this bonus story is planned to give us a bit more hope for the state of the Earth whoever survives this Dirkchase is going to, hopefully, come back to. As much hope as we want to have... in Candy, and here, Jake is right there to help solve the problem, but on the trip chasing Prince Dirk? They kind of left Hope behind...
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The one that Nougat made: “Give someone a 🌙 in their inbox and they'll give you a random headcanon about their ship, F/O, or insert.” If you don’t mind me being specific, tell me about you and Diego bls. Also don’t feel bad, there are only so many emojis so makes sense there would be overlap and confusion :3c have a nice week, jeri!
Diego Hargreeves (2) x Jerico (14) x Klaus (4)
Both started on the wrong foot to say the least.
Jericos necklace went loose in a mission and fell off of her while she was running.
Diego found it and kept it before the police arrived,and so he started to track her down.
That pendant who was given to 14 by her deseaced mother ment a lot to her as you'd expect.
They have a fight that goes along like this.
" my mom slapped your dad across the face, plenty of times"
"Im sure he deserved it....but you have something that I need...and ill get it "
"Dont try me boy..."
And uh....she wins,though she incapacitates Him since she didnt want to actually hurt him, and drives away with the necklace and the pendant.
The Next day as Diego tries to dig up stuff abt her, klaus Ran into jeri ,and as he is klaus he asked her for a ride, wich she glaflu accepted.
And actually had a pretty good chat that convinced him to really try and stay sober for a while longer
Diego the Next day ran into some hot shit,and got badly injured.
Jeri thanks to klaus telling that his brother needed help went to rescue Him, and took good care of Diego with a pretty sobre klaus helping her.
As he sleeps jerico and klaus sit and talk softly in order to not awaken the other Man there.
"Klaus , klaus look at me"
"Theres so Many of them....oh god no!"
She grabs his hands and squeezes them,telling Him to focus on her, and she gives him a big ol' bear hug.
" calm down klaus, breathe...breathe...there we go"
Further down the line klaus conjures up jericos mom, as a way to say thanks.
Its really emotional and shes super happy to see that her friend has finally controlled his power.
With Diego she takes good care of him as he heals, and actually they get to know eachother.
"Youre pretty you know that?" ' I do, the question is , do you know it too?'
Diego is silent as a graveyard.
"Dont do that..." 'do what?' "Dont make me fall in love..I dont want to loose someone else..." 'Diego you Will not loose me, ill be fine and with you always'
And so they kiss.
And they get interrupted by klaus who was just a bit jealous (I hc klaus as being pansexual)
And klaus gets a kiss too
Ty for the ask!!!!
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