#oh man... i've opened the flood gate
collinnmckinley · 1 year
I have blocked so many people in the 141 character tags. So over the disturbingly aggressive daddy kink and general OOC nonsense. Even with fics that are well-written and not as...gross, I still find myself really not liking the characterization or content. Makes me feel like we're not all playing the same game lol.
this is why i don't go into the tags anymore, and i certainly keep my dash clean by not following this type of heathens.
i am sure that, like, 90% of the fanfics written for cod characters on tumblr are all ooc, and i am with you on that point where even if it's not gross its all pretty ooc. and you said it yourself, its as if we didn't play the same game. such a turn off for me when they make price say something what basically an american man would say, price would never say cause he's fuckin british, like did we witness the same price? if im being honest most of the time idk how his mind works when he talks cause he is a sophisticated character when it comes to speaking... you cant just make him say something an american man would say. it's not only price btw, its with gaz and soap, especially soap.
i always wondered, how is it so hard to grasp a character's personality? like they played the game themself, and they've seen how its played out, so why would they twist and turn the character like that so you can fit the narrative you have in your mind? if anything they should twist their narrative to fit these characters in the writing! and if it's hard to grasp their personality, google is there to help, cod wiki is there to help, the gameplay for the original games are on youtube to help, literally you have the whole internet in your grasps to do research, makes no sense tbh.
sorry for the long one lol, but you're so right to think that way. and for me making a character super ooc like that is a huge pet peeve of mine and a massive turn off.
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
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han jisung x reader | end of the world au
genre: angst, humour(?), fluff
content warnings: swearing, suggestive jokes, natural disaster, death
word count: 5.8k
summary: their fate lies in the hands of a prophecy that could save their lives.
"Welcome back to the 1 o'clock news. We wish we had a more hopeful message today today but the waters are rising, electricity is compromised and people are already dying. We ask you to remain vigilant, take care of yourselves and stay close to your loved ones. The record high tidal waves are en route to South Korea and our beautiful city Seoul and people are saying we could be living in what will be the new Atlantis. It is estimated we have 10 hours left but-"
"Too depressing," Y/N sighed as she flicked through channels. She already knew they didn't have much time left, so waiting and hoping for a news report to tell them the opposite was only hurting her soul even more. There was no time to say goodbye to loved ones, having to prioritise using their remaining electricity towards kitchen appliances to make sure they could eat, their mobiles having already run out of charge and they didn't have a landline.
Oh yeah, they.
Y/N lived with her best friend Jisung in an apartment for the last couple of years, and those years held some of her favourite moments and memories and to think those could all be washed away in the events of the end of the world... it wasn't a nice feeling, not at all. She constantly felt sick to her stomach knowing the impending doom they'd have to face.
"There is a prophecy! It could be one or two of you out there that could save the world!" a whimsical looking man with thick lens glasses perched upon his nose spoke into the camera.
"Oh they're talking nonsense!" Y/N exclaimed, sitting up to grab the TV control again and switch the channel just as Jisung ran in with a bowl of cereal.
"No, no, no, leave it on!" he spoke through a mouthful of cornflakes as he jumped onto the sofa next to her, some milk spilling over but neither of them cared. Trivial issues like that didn't matter anymore.
"Ji, there's no point now anyways, the picture is staticy and the audio is all-" Y/N rolled her eyes before Jisung muffled her mouth with his hand to shut her up, and they both listened to the crazy man on the TV.
"One thing will unlock survival. The key is in a place where many people have come and gone. It lies in a enclosed area that only the bravest can enter. Only those who are worthy can wield it's power and open the gate that knows all, that all know."
"A key?! What could that mean?" Jisung sat forwards intrigued, finally removing his hand from Y/N's mouth who shoved him away from her.
"The prophecy didn't say that we specifically had to find it..." Y/N stood up, taking Jisung's finished bowl of cereal into the kitchen and placing it in the sink.
"Come on, if we can really do something to help, we've got to try," Jisung followed her into the kitchen, tugging her away from the sink to make sure her attention was on him. He bent ever so slightly to make sure she was looking right at him.
"Ji, I don't know about this..." Y/N's seemingly bored and nonchalant manner had quickly reverted to her nervous side.
"And if I'm gonna do this with anyone I'd want it to be you!" Jisung grabbed her arms now, hoping she'd brush away her worries for just once and do this with him, for him, for them.
"Aw Jisung... I can already feel my heart melting," Y/N in fact did brush away her worries, at face value at least, and grinned sarcastically at her best friend. She skipped away from him, gliding gracefully with her hand on her heart before jumping and flopping onto the sofa.
"Gosh, I've melted the Ice Caps! That's the last thing we need with the world flooding..." Jisung dramatically gasped, grabbing a piece of paper with a pen and whacking it on Y/N's head as he sat next to her. She of course, did retaliate with slap on the leg.
"Jisung, shut up."
It almost felt like an endless cycle. Hope, worry, denial, repeat. Y/N hated broadcasts like the one they had just listened to. Anyone would be a fool to actually listen to the words of a so called prophecy and even think of attempting to save the world.
"Right we need to think... enclosed area, only the bravest can enter?" Jisung hummed, tapping the pen against his chin before scribbling down the jist of what had been said on TV.
And that was her fool right there. She loved him for it though.
"Jisung, come on," Y/N sighed, going to grab the notebook away from him but he held it tightly to his chest, wiggling in his seat to face her and sit closer.
"No you come on, work with me here, think, please," Jisung stood his ground firmly, brows furrowed in what could only be described as a pleading, Puss-in-Boots-like expression.
"Fine, fine... It's probably that club down town, what's it called? HooBAEs? No one would dare enter there, awful place, wouldn't mind if it got completely flooded," Y/N thought out loud stretching out and resting her legs on Jisung's lap, who didn't react apart from resting his notes on her calves without batting an eyelid.
"Yeah yeah! That place is horrible, probably is at least halfway ruined by now," he nodded in thought, scribbling down the name of the club.
"Halfway? It was dreadful from the start, remember that time someone pissed onto the floor in the middle of the night," Y/N reminded Jisung of the unfortunate time thet decided to go out on a Saturday night. Never again. They both felt like they much preferred a night in anyways watching crappy movies and making fun of the storylines.
"Oh yeah that was grim..." Jisung nodded, wrinkling his nose just thinking of it.
"Yeah horrible..." Y/N trailed off.
"Y/Nnie you've driven us off topic again."
"No I haven't!"
"What, you think we should try HooBAEs? We'll probably get a disease I don't wanna even think about if we go there..." Jisung shuddered, wishing his best friend never suggested the idea. The end of the world couldn't rely on a key being hidden in such a dodgy establishment, could it?
"Remember the prophecy, Ji, only brave people would go there. As much as I hate to say it, we should go there. We've ventured there before, why not now?" Y/N lifted herself up from the sofa and grabbed the keys to her apartment, stuffing it into the pocket of her hoodie.
"Not the worst idea... might need to put our wellies on though, the water is filling up," Jisung waved her over to stand beside him and observe the outside. She didn't even notice him move towards the tall glass windows of the apartment, but it was the smart thing to do, considering how high the water had already risen.
"Actually, we might need a boat," Y/N breathed out in sudden realisation as she joined his side. The water had risen to around half the height of your average door, from what she tell by squinting at the buildings across the road.
"Shit, you're right," Jisung groaned, hitting his head against her shoulder. Y/N patted his head sympathetically as they both prepared themselves, physically and mentally, to try and save the world.
The pair of courageous best friends were quite the sight to see. As luck would have it, there was a leisure equipment shop across the road, having all sorts of things they could steal because no one was going to work their job when the building was half flooded and when they knew it would soon be the end for everyone. Fortunately, the canoes were quite near the front of the shop, and they, well, Y/N, hauled it off of the rack that was still standing somehow. Jisung was too distracted by the idea of getting an inflatable pool.
"Jisung we don't need a pool! Just jump out this canoe if you want to swim!" you had huffed as you dragged the canoe towards the door as you waded through the water.
"I didn't wanna swim! I wanted to just float around," Jisung moped, doing a weird awkward jog through the murky water trying to catch up to you. The one where the force of the water weighs your legs down so you have to almost jump out slightly each time you take a step.
Once you both made it out of the shop you both clambered into the boat, Jisung taking the back and you sitting at the front. There were of course a few failed attempts of rowing down the road, neither of them having used an oar before. Did it tip over? Yes, it did. But that was because they both started rowing on the same side.
Eventually they did arrive along the top of the street of the notoriously grim club, HooBAEs.
"How do we park a canoe, shit," Y/N wobbled as she stood up, confronted with an odd dilemma she never thought she would be.
"Girl... never mind," Jisung side eyed her in pure disbelief before grabbing her to sit down, it was like she was trying to be a gondolier.
Jisung achieved their goal of not losing their transport, and helped Y/N out after he caught his own balance. He couldn't control the blood from rushing to his cheeks when she didn't let go of his hand, and she even readjusted the grip she held on his hand as they walked inside the club venue.
"Why would there even be a key here? A special key in a prophecy here? Plus it's not exactly an enclosed area..." Jisung gagged at the stench of the place. Bar stools were floating around, turned onto their backs like many people were the last time they both went on a night out here. Guess the pros are of the world ending is that the slippery floor means nothing now that the water is up to just underneath their waists. Wood from the pillars and bar had rotted, splinters of the material floating around in what now looked like a grotty swamp of cheap furniture. And that wasn't the only thing that was floating around.
"Is that a condom?" Y/N shrieked at the plastic floating towards them both, tugging Jisung back, her feet colliding with old music equipment that had long ago blown it's fuse.
"Focus on the issue at hand, Y/N!" Jisung chastised her, yet still allowing her to pull him back with her, not wanting to let go of her hand. Oh, he was so whipped. It was something about the way she matched his energy perfectly, his twin flame, you could say. She never failed to put a smile on his face, those plump lips that he wish he could just-
"Ew it's a used one! Quick, go! Move, Ji!" Y/N squealed in disgust and tugged his hand harder, essentially breaking him out of his thoughts. And with that they left the decrepid place, relieved at the same time.
Being the gentleman he was, Jisung helped her back into the canoe first, and as they rowed away, he gasped in excitement and suddenly started rocking the boat.
"Dude stop this isn't the time for messing around! I don't wanna fall in again," Y/N exclaimed, letting out small murmurs of discomfort and annoyance as she tried to stay sat down.
"Y/Nnie I know it! I know where it could be!" Jisung shouted feeling elated, having his lightbulb moment.
"Enlighten me, oof-" Y/N's voice wobbled as her body did too, before she ended up falling backwards into his lap, the boy automatically latching onto her shoulders to try and stabilise her but they were both already red as tomatoes.
"Umm sorry I-" Jisung stuttered, not knowing whether to let go of Y/N because realistically he wished that such an interaction would never be awkward between them and that he had confessed how he truly felt a long time ago.
"It's fine just umm tell me where you're thinking so we can steer this ship!" Y/N cringed as she spoke through a strained smile, taking her original spot once again. She tried to forget that just happened, because she never thought it would. She never imagined that her heart would race at the sight of his smile, blush from his teasing words or that her nights would be filled with thoughts of what would happen if they ever were a 'thing'. But here they were.
"Please don't say that again."
"Yeah you're right, it was ummm... yeah."
"I mean, I saw where you were going with it but it just didn't really hit-"
"Ok fine! Just tell me where you think the key is! I'm very embarrassed now!" Y/N stammered, staring straight ahead as her hands gripped the sides of the 'ship' as she wished she could rewind and never say what she did. If her thoughts were gonna take her down the route of a 'thing' ever blossoming between them, she could watch that sapling die right in front of her very eyes.
"That big house, on the outskirts of town..." Jisung trailed off, not quite remembering the name of the mansion he was imagining.
"Oddinary House?" Y/N offered weakly, now feeling composed enough to turn back around. As she did so she made sure the oars were resting in place.
"Yes that's the place! All you hear about that place are horror stories!" Jisung nodded enthusiastically when Y/N's words sparked his memory.
"And you think you're brave enough to go there?" she laughed, looking off to the side.
"Hey, this is for the prophecy! We could save this place! This city! Our friends!" Jisung insisted, desperation apparent as he shifted to look right into Y/N's eyes, the jostling causing water to ripple around them.
"Ji... Is it worth it for the prophecy?" Y/N sighed, her minds going off in all different directions, wondering if it was worth it.
"Yes! A chance at life! We need to do this, Y/Nnie," Jisung did his best to convince her, feeling her turmoil and lessening hope as the moments went by, especially when she turned back around to avoid him from seeing the tears that blurred her vision.
"Isn't it all pointless anyways..." she mumbled.
"It's not when I'm with you," Jisung hugged her from behind for a moment, and oddly it felt natural, far less awkward than before. "Now, come on, let's go, or shall I say-"
"If you say let's row then I am tipping over this boat," Y/N chuckled as she sniffed, wiping away her tears.
"Noted. I will not speak in fear of drowning," Jisung spoke robotically, the two of them laughing once more afterwards as they grabbed the oars once more.
It was a treacherous journey you could say, venturing to the outskirts of the city, but it wasn't hard to see the old worn-down mansion which practically had a storm cloud hovering above it. Oddinary House, in all it's glory.
"What a glorious shithole," Jisung whistled out, eyes trialing across the rotting wood that was barely keeping the place together. It was a surprise his voice was even normal, considering the volumes that the impromptu karaoke session reached between the two of them.
"I know right," Y/N nodded along, squinting when she thought she saw someone floating in the water. They both rowed closer to the entrance of the house, gaining a closer look at the body. "Oh my god!" she gasped, "they're dead!"
"Damn, this place is fucked," Jisung's jaw hung open, even further when the body spoke back to him.
"Isn't it just?"
Jisung and Y/N both yelled out in shock at the person/creature that they thought was dead, suddenly speaking to them with an enticing melodic voice. They should have realised sooner than the swishing back and forth as they floated in the water couldn't have been achieved by a dead person.
"Wait... Oh my... it's the sexy scary siren! The stories were right!" Y/N put two and two together, remembering all the stories she had been told about who lived at the abandoned mansion and she figured out that this was the siren that many had spoken about. His alluring puppy dog eyes and gorgeous smile were just added bonuses to his hypnotising voice.
Jisung and the siren met eyes as they both spoke aloud at the same time, one of them sounding jealous and the other quite smug.
"Umm, right... Do you have a key?" Jisung abruptly asked, not wanting to waste any time.
"Don't just ask him!" Y/N turned away from the siren and whacked Jisung on the arm, scolding him.
"Well what am I supposed to do?!"
"I don't know introduce ourselves?!"
The siren chuckled as he watched the two humans in the canoe bicker. The back and forth instantly made him think of an old married couple playfully arguing yet they also had this radiant aura around them that could only be seen when they're together.
"Ummm, I'm Y/N and this is my best friend Jisung, please don't kill us, haha," Y/N falsely grinned feeling nervous even though her brain felt comfortable enough to blurt out earlier that she thought the siren in front of her was sexy.
"I'm Seungmin," the siren purred out, pausing in his floating to swim up to the canoe and rest his head against the edge of it. "Now, what's this about a key?" he inquired curiously.
"Did you not see the news?" Jisung huffed, not wanting to go through the prophecy anymore times than Y/N had already made him repeat it, just so that she could 'engrave it into her brain'.
"You really think we get signal out here? And in this climate? Bless your heart," Seungmin patronised Jisung, flicking water up in his face and making the boy squeeze his nose as some droplets has arrived up his nostrils. Incredibly salty water. That made it sting more.
Just then, a beautiful voice broke out, but no, it did not belong to the siren that was right in front of them, no. This voice, was female, and it was coming from above. Looking up at the stained windows of the second floor, and not in a pretty vibrant and colourful way, a figure almost glided down the corridor. They moved slowly, almost allowing for their voice to break out, becoming louder especially when they saw Jisung and Y/N.
"Oh gosh, you really had to set her off... We just got her to keep quiet!" Seungmin exclaims annoyed, a frown taking over his face as he pushes away from the canoe.
"Oh shit is that a banshee?" Y/N gasped, thinking about the newer rumours that had recently come of Oddinary House.
"No she must be the sexy siren you were saying about bestie," Jisung tried craning his neck to get a better look at who was catching his eye.
"No we already established that was me, obviously," Seungmin shouts back at them, before heading round to the other side of the mansion, swimming his way gracefully to the back garden.
"Ugh, Ji, you're getting distracted again," Y/N huffs as she whacks him.
"Hey that was you before!" Jisung folds his arms.
"Blah blah blah, come in, let's head inside," Y/N directs him as they row their boat inside the front doors, arriving into what looked like a reception room. Haggard, is what this place was.
"Hey! Umm, we're looking for a key!" Han dumbly called out.
"Dude ssshh, they could eat us or something," Y/N said feeling paranoid, wrapping her arms around one of Jisung's.
"Nothing will eat us," Jisung rolled his eyes fondly, letting her cling onto him still.
"I could eat you."
Shit. How accurate were these stories? How accurate were they to know that there was also a werewolf living at this mansion?! In fact, said werewolf was currently sat on the staircase, distastefully flicking water out of his fur.
"Please don't," Y/N gasped.
"Please do," Jisung gasped.
Everyone froze, looking back and forth between each other with confusion. You couldn't make this up, what was happening, it was just that bizarre.
"Ji, that's literally a werewolf," Y/N reminded him, pulling away from him as she stared up the creature who was smirking right back at them, one leg folded over the other, a certain smugness about him with his sharp features illuminated by a yellow light.
"Yeah but he's kindaaaa..." Jisung trailed off, scanning the figure.
"Hmm, yeah, I can see it to be fair," Y/N agreed after a few moments.
The werewolf cleared his throat after a few more starry eyes gazes were directed towards him, "if you're looking for a key, you need to find a gate to open."
"Duh! That's why we're looking for a key? Why is bro so cryptic," Han sighed in disappointment, could have been the perfect companion if it wasn't for his obvious remarks.
"Shut up he's helping us," Y/N reprimanded her best friend before trying to read the true thoughts and emotions behind the eyes of the being sat before them. "A gate... hold on, hold on, you know where this key is, don't you! You're gonna send us on a wild goose chase when we could be saving the world?!"
"Oh, haha, aw, how sweet, you think you can save the world? Well in that case... Head upstairs, might wanna avoid the banshee she's been a bit umm, stressed recently you could say... And then find the cyborg, his name is CB97. We used to have him downstairs but you know, water and electrics don't really-"
"Right thanks!" Han rushes past Minho and cuts him off, wading through the water and going up the other set of stairs. "Come on Y/N!"
Y/N really wished she taught him some manners. She had heard from some of his friends that he was a bit of a dick during his younger teen years but when she first met him he was sweet as pie. Well, until they got comfortable with each other and with roasting each other.
"Sorry about him, he's a bit... excitable," Y/N sheepishly walks past the werewolf, doing a weird wave and not turning her back in fear he'd suddenly turn and eat her up.
The pair were wary as they walked the floors upstairs, flinching at every sound until a door opening on its own terrified them.
"Stop screaming!!!"
"You stop screaming!!"
"Ji, shut up, look he's there, the cyborg," Y/N points to the hunched figure in the corner of the dimly lit room. He was hooked up to some generators, but more importantly, there was a clear box as part of his make, where a human's abs would normally be. And what was inside of that clear box? A golden, shiny key.
"Yes! We found it!!! Oh my gosh we're gonna save the world!" Y/N cheered as she and Jisung jumped up and down in each others arms, hugging tightly and pulling away to stare into each others eyes for a moment.
Jisung was the first to pull away
"Hey umm, Mr Cyborg, Mr CB... my 97 bro... Umm, where do we need to unlock this key?" Jisung waves his hand in front of the barely glowing blue eyes of the machine. After composing herself, Y/N stepped up next to him, also trying to get the cyborg to respond to them.
But it was no luck. The generators sparked as drops of water fell from the ceiling and caused a fuse, making CB97 the cyborg fully shut down, head hanging forwards.
"No, no, shit!" Y/N swore, tapping on the back of the cyborg with such vigor it was like someone was trying to fix an old television.
"Great that was real helpful... Now what are we going to do?!" Jisung stomped his foot, pacing back and forth with his hands on his head.
"Wait, give me a sec," Y/N rolled up her sleeves, ready to bust open the small door on the cyborg's body to retrieve the key. She slowly grabbed it, focusing all her strength on it til it opened all too easy and she went flying backwards and hit the floor with a loud groan.
"Shit, you ok Y/Nnie?" Jisung helped her up, rubbing her head gently and she responded with a nod.
"I'm fine, more than fine actually, I'm great. Look, the key, it's there Jisung!" Y/N dragged him back over to the shut down robot and grabbed the key, sliding it into her pocket and zipping it securely.
"We're actually going to do this... we're going to save the world!" Jisung gasped in disbelief.
They headed back down the corridors, walking down one flight of stairs and passing by a man with fangs peeking out from underneath his upper lip.
"Oh, by the way, your robot man friend went all sleepy mode on us," Y/N casually said, continuing to walk down the stairs alongside he best friend.
"What?!" the man yelled incredulously before morphing into a bat and zooming off upstairs, not before bumping into an old bear statue.
"Eh, not our problem," Jisung rested his hand on Y/N's back as he steered them outside, back to where their canoe was.
Oh how both of them wished that they'd be successful in saving the world, so they could tell the stories of entering the mansion to future generations, to their own kids- wait scrap that last idea, it's not like they'd ever end up together anyways.
Now it was time to trek back into the city. The sun was setting, casting a peachy glow across the faces of the pair. It seemed so scenic, only for it to smell horrendous. Jisung has convinced them to take a 'detour' because he 'knew a shortcut'. He didn't know a shortcut. And because of the route change they were both now forced to deal with the stench of the contents of the city's sewers flooding into the water around them. The putrid eggy smell consumed their lungs, and Y/N was sure she'd never breathe again.
"Smells like you after taco night-" Y/N plugged her nose with one hand as she laughed.
"Oi, Trouble, shut it!" Jisung kicked her bum lightly, trying not to laugh too.
Y/N loved being able to push his buttons, thus gaining her the nickname 'Trouble'. Jisung didn't use it all the time, but on the occasions he did it made her heart swoon. She knew she was getting under his skin and there was something so gratifying about him recognising that when he did use the nickname.
"You shouldn't have made them so spicy," Han pouted after a moment, mind still stuck there whilst Y/N had drifted to her nightly routine, despite it being closer to 6pm.
"I just can't think of where this gate is meant to be," Y/N groaned, looking up at the sky. Her arms were beginning to ache from rowing so Jisung insisted he'd take over to let her rest a bit.
"What did it say again?" Jisung stopped rowing, letting the canoe float.
"Oh come on! You told me I was silly for wanting to remember it off by heart!" Y/N knocked her head against Jisung's leg in protest, causing him to hold her head still as he looked down at her form laying down in the canoe.
"Y/Nnie, just tell me, yeah?" Jisung smiled through gritted teeth.
"Ugh fine, remember, it said a gate that knows all, that all know," Y/N reminded him.
"I just don't get how we're meant to figure that out, out of all the gates in the city how-"
"Jisung we're idiots," Y/N cut him off.
"Speak for yourself!" he huffed. The light in the day would soon be gone and there would be less chance of them completing their goal.
"Nope we're in this together. We're idiots. The city hall? That literally has a big gate and plus no one would really dare to enter there!! The place that knows all, that we all know! It's got to be that right?! All the official governing bodies go there, us common people could never just waltz in." Y/N scrambles up, rambling excitedly as her guess made more and more sense. Jisung had to help her to adjust her balance, and not just because of clumsy self trying to stand in the boat, but because of the waves seemed to be getting harder to handle. Only this morning it had been calmer and as the day went on the ripples turned to smaller waves that would rock the boat. And now they were straight up aggressive.
"But now we can," Jisung dangled the key in his hands.
"Hell yeah!" Y/N cheered with a newfound energy and she grabbed her set of oars.
It wasn't long until they made their way round to the city hall, going round the back of the historic building and finding the tall golden gates guarding an endless flight of stairs. It was said to have led down to an old pipe system that ran underneath the hall and the whole city.
"I wish I thought of this earlier, should have paid more attention in geography," Jisung shook his head regretfully.
"Right, who's going to swim down? Because I'll do this Jisung, I don't mind," Y/N turned to her best friend, gripping his hands tightly with promises exchanged between. The water had now risen further on their journey and if it rose anymore their boat would simply tip over the gates.
"No, I can't just let you do that!" Jisung exclaimed, frowning at the thought of the girl he loved going to do this on her own. It wouldn't feel fair.
"We need someone up here to keep watch of things!" Y/N tried to grab her hands out of Jisung's hold, who was now holding on tighter than ever not wanting to spend a moment without her.
"Watch what? Our city drown even more?!" Jisung cried out exasperatedly.
"No way," Y/N's heart dropped.
"Umm yes way, it's been like that forever!" Jisung grumbled, searching through Y/N's gaze to try and figure out what had really made her feel taken aback.
"No, look!" Y/N's eyes welled up in fear, pure utter fear.
There was a colossal tidal wave heading towards the city, already plummeting through several buildings in the distance and driving them down into the ground, destruction it's friend. Flocks of birds flew high in the sky, squawking as they retreated in fear. If only they were birds who could leave so easily. There only chance was this prophecy, it had to work.
"Oh shit," Y/N was frozen as she shouted loudly.
"Look, we've not got time, we do this together ok, I don't care what happens," Jisung grabbed Y/N's face between his hands, thumbs stroking over the tops.of her cheekbones as he tried to get her to focus.
"What if it doesn't work? This stupid prophecy?! We've got a key but what do we even-" Y/N trembled in Jisung's arms.
"No, no, no, sshh it's ok, Y/N. I got you, yeah? Come on, we need to do this now, ok?" Jisung stood up shakily on the canoe, pulling Y/N up with him.
"Together?" Y/N's voice cracked.
"Yes, we go down, now, at least we've tried," Jisung rested his forehead against hers, before they both jump into the murky waters with an all mighty splash.
It was lucky Jisung had a tight grip on the key as the pair of them rose above the water, took in a deep breath, and with one look to each other they nodded and swam down to the keyhole of the gate together. With all luck, this prophecy would be right. Maybe they'd be able to unlock the gates, allowed the water to flood down into the city's old pipes system and drain it all, so that they'd have at least one chance of survival.
Y/N helped Jisung stay down in the water to try and unlock the gate, as there was nothing to cling onto. He lodged the key into the hole and twisted it to the left, once, twice, thrice. He pushed the gates forwards and they shared a look of success, before it soon turned to dread.
They were expecting an empty staircase, for the water to flood down, but to their horror the pipes system itself has already been overwhelmed with flooding.
In that moment the huge tidal wave that had been hurtling towards the city hit where they were, and they were sucked down into the pipes system from the sheer force of the wave hitting on impact. The current hit them ferociously, dragging the two of them further and further down. There was nowhere to turn to, nowhere to run.
Jisung and Y/N we're freaking out, flailing in the water and trying to swim upwards for air but it was no use. The place was filled to the brim with water and by the time they tried swimming back up the endless amount of stairs, water would start to enter their lungs.
In fact, it already was.
The two heroes gripped onto each other as bubbles appeared in the water in front of them and the oxygen left their body. They were running out of time, something that seemed so precious until their world was doomed. Doomed from the very start. The prophecy lied.
Jisung grabbed Y/N's hands startling her out of her freak out and he rested both of them against his heart. She cried, adding her salty tears to the water they were submerged in, wishing this wasn't how it had to end. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't they have more time to confess? Why couldn't they have had more time to tell each other how they truly felt?!
He moved his hands to her face, holding her so delicately once more, and she, him. More bubbles were appearing but if they were going to share their last breath, they knew how they'd want to lose it. Jisung pressed his lips against Y/N's, something he should have done a long time ago. Their eyes closed when their lips met, and when they pulled away, they held onto each other tightly, love and despair in both of their longing stares saying 'we tried'.
And they did try. They tried so hard to save a world that was dying, leading to their own fated departures from the Earth. The world was destined to end but they were destined to be together, no matter what was thrown at them.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist
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mara-xx217 · 4 months
Hii, same person from ao3! I would be very happy if you could make a part 2 for that Pocketcat fic <3
This was in reference to this ask~
There's a hint of Daan/Olivia here solely for the interactions they have together and Pocketcat's dialogue at the museum on the third night.
Warnings: Obsession/Delusions, Stalking, False Memory Implantation, Effects of Moonscorching, Drugging
The third night of the third day...
This was it. You knew it. The handful of remaining survivors knew it. The Trickster god and his servants knew it... It was as though the gates of the Sulfur Pit were about to open here, in Prehevil, at any moment. The sky was a sickly green, too bright for a black night but far too dark for a midday sun. You could see Rher in the sky, watching you with his many eyes as he judged you, sneering down at you and the last remnants of your companions that haven't either died or succumbed to his influence.
There was no where that was safe from the Moon god's influence. You wandered through the streets, feeling sick, feeling lost, feeling as though there was something itching inside of you and begging for release. You don't even know where you are, having nearly been blinded by that goddamned itching that shook you to your core. Are you turning into them, the Moonscorched? It wasn't until you heard a heavy door being thrown open that you realized that you weren't alone.
"O' ho? What do we have here?~"
You recognized that voice. God, it was him, the one that has been following you around since the train first stopped in Prehevil... You've had so many dreams about him, so many fleeting thoughts and things almost akin to memories flooding into your mind that's left you feeling confused and disoriented. Your body reacted violently, a wave of nausea crashing over you as you took a step back from the mask wearing gentleman and the conspicuously empty wheelchair that he was pushing in front of him.
"Why hello there, my favourite friend!~ How I've missed you in the last precious few hours of the night!" The purple mask-wearing man giggled to himself as he halted midstep. He released the wheelchair and seemed to notice just how ill you looked.
"Dear oh dear! My friend, you appear ghastly! If you don't mind me saying, of course! Why not take a seat so the two of us can enjoy the rest of the night together, hmm? There is a fabulous bash going on, as you can see, and it would be a shame of you couldn't partake, even if to enjoy the atmosphere." He gestured over his shoulder and you could only stand there, almost too weak to move , as he stepped around the wheelchair and began to approch you.
"D-Don't- h-ha.... D-Don't... p-please..." Your eyes fell on his trousers and your brows furrow as their pattern looks hauntingly familiar to you.
"W-Wha...? W-Where- ugh- i-is Daan a-and Olivia...?"
Your voice was almost too soft to be heard. Were you losing your mind? You tried to pull away as he gentle took you by the arm but you had literally no energy to spare. Sitting down wasn't the balm that you were hoping it to be. Every bone in your body ached and you could taste blood in your mouth.
"Oh, don't worry about either of them. Daan has taken Olivia to dance not so long ago. If I remember correctly, she is still dancing, even after he's left her." Even though it hurts, your heart skips a beat.
What the hell was he saying...?
Olivia can't walk... she can't even stand with assistance.
W-What the-?
The rumble inside of the museum was agony on your ears and teeth. Every vibration made your vision blur and you were sure that you were about to die at any moment.
Maybe Tanaka and Pav were the lucky ones...
Maybe you should have given up from the very beginning...
"Oh, love... You look positively green!" The masked man tutted, the sound muffled to the point you couldn't even hear it.
"Here, I know something that will help with the pain."
You blink, exhausted as you feel your hair shift from your shoulder. Several locks of your hair fall from your head, though if he notices, he says nothing. A burning sting pricks your neck but the feeling is instantly replaced by a sickening heat that swiftly envelopes your entire body in the blink of an eye.
"There! It's that much better?~ It's thanks to the kind doctor that I have what is necessary to bring you comfort in this last moment of discomfort." The little strength that you had left totally failed you, leaving you slumping in Olivia's chair.
The sight pleased the masked gentleman. You were suffering greatly, thanks to his master's influence. While he couldn't interfere with the greater plan of things, he was by no means disallowed to ease the pain that you felt.
After all, this was a festival, and he was just as allowed to partake in it as the other contestants were...
"Would you have this last dance with me, my love?" He didn't wait for you to answer, merely picking you out of Olivia's wheelchair and forcing you on your feet. He had one arm around your waist and the other around your neck, pressing you flush against his chest as he leaned down and placed his cheek on the top of your head.
"Don't mind all the eyes watching us, turtle dove~ They are in their own little worlds, apart from our own... During this last hour, it will only be you and me... You and me..."
He hummed along to the music that played in the museum, gently swaying to and fro with you in his arms. Your head rolls and lolls, and you can't think of anything other than the desperate need to shed your skin and free yourself from this tortuous existence as something you no longer were....
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @cherrysodalite, @thanksatt, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather @horny-3
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dragon-kazansky · 11 months
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
Blackbeard rules the sea. Despite wanting his captain back, Izzy realises his mistake. Protecting the crew is his concern. Protecting you is his life mission. Stede's return brings hope, but there's a lot of work to be done before this crew becomes a family.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Spoilers. The ending he deserved. WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY.
Chapter Seventeen - The unicorn and his sparrow
It was funny. In a way. This whole thing had started with you in Stede's brig and now you were locked up with his crew. So much had happened since then.
The fucking Navy. Not even just that. Richard Banes.
Zheng had intended to use the Navy, but the prince as used that against her. He had given each ship a gift, a grandfather clock, as a sign of "peace." Only they were full of explosives and he had used them to destroy her fleet.
Now the Republic of Pirates was flooded with the English.
You were sat in the cell below Jackie's bar with the rest of the crew. Izzy hadn't left your side the entire time. When the bar got flooded with Navy men, Izzy had pushed you behind him. When you were caught and being manhandled, Izzy swore more than you had ever heard before. It was a constant "get your hands off them." He did not like seeing you being pushed around.
As soon as the cell was locked behind you, Izzy gathered you in his arms and held you to his chest. You had to reassure him you were okay.
Prince Richard decided to come pay you all a visit. "Hello, friends."
You reach for Izzy's hand. He squeezes yours back.
"This is bittersweet. I mean, here we all are at the end of piracy and you'll all be hung in the next few minutes and all your stories will be lost for the ages. Which is a shame because I do love a good pirates' tale. But don't you worry. Because I will not be hanging you by the thumbs like that deranged Captain Kidd." The prince rattles on.
"That's not what he did, you twat," Izzy says from the back of the cell. His hand was still holding yours.
"Oh, my. The great Izzy Hands," the prince claps.
"And you're... Pinocchio?" Izzy asks, mocking the man. You laugh with the others.
"A new one. Bring him upstairs."
You stop laughing.
"Sir, aren't we going to hang them?" The man beside the prince asks.
"Oh, yes. But they're not going anywhere." Richard smiles. "So I have time for a drink with a legend."
As the prince walks away, Izzy is summoned closer to the gate. You squeeze his hand, silently asking him not to go. Izzy turns to you. You look at him with leading eyes, shaking your head softly.
"Don't." The word falls from your lips in a soft whisper.
"I'll be alright. I'm coming back for you," he says softly. Your expression doesn't change and it hurts Izzy's heart to see you look so worried for him.
Izzy let's go of your hand and exits the cell. He turns to you once more before going upstairs.
You sink against the ball.
"Can't believe I have an audience with the great Israel Hands. That's absolutely astounding." Richard is in awe.
Izzy just focuses on the candles on the table.
"I've always thought you were underrated. I mean, it's absurd, isn't it? Isn't it? That Blackbeard, he gets all this praise, when you are quite clearly the brains of this operation?"
"Ya don't know the first thing about piracy, do ya?" Izzy asks him, looking up from the candle.
"Don't I?"
"It's not about glory. It's not about gettin' what you want. Its about belonging to something when the world bad told you you're nothin'. It's about finding the family to kill for when yours are long dead. It's about letting go of ego for something larger." You and the crew cross his mind. "The crew."
"Oh, my goodness. You've just grown so tedious." Richard chuckles dryly.
Archie and Fang are trying to help pry the bars open enough for someone to slip through. You're sat on the cold ground of the cell staring at your dirty old boots.
What was this prince fuck talking about with Izzy? Why did he have to take him upstairs? Was Izzy okay?
Frenchie sits down beside you. "You doin' okay?" He asks.
"They'll bring him back. Izzy won't go down without a fight."
You sighs softly. "I know..."
"And he's not going to leave you here. Izzy cares for you more than he does for anyone. He's not gonna let you down."
You smile. "He could never do that."
Frenchie nudges your arm lightly.
"I worry about him. Like, all the time. I've sailed with Izzy Hands for years. I've known him deeper than anyone else ever has. He's let me see sides to him you would otherwise think didn't exist. I love him so damn much and now we're trapped here surrounded by the fucking Navy... And that prick has Izzy up there. I swear to god if that dick touches my Izzy, I will drive my sword through his eyes."
Frenchie grimaces. He gets the picture.
"Don't be. I get it," he says, smiling.
You chuckle softly.
"I destroyed the Republic of Pirates and that makes me the ultimate pirate," Ricky said to Izzy.
Izzy is amused. "You're not a pirate, lad. You're a spoiled, entitled bunch of twats dressed in puffy, blue nighties."
"Shame, I was going to let you live."
"Kill me." Izzy smiles. "Kill us all. Our spirit will last throughout your entire fuckin' empire because... we're good." Izzy states, full of emotion. "And you... are a rancid, syphilitic cunt."
The sound of vast footsteps entering the bar has everyone turning their heads that way. Stede has entered with Zheng and Ed behind him.
"There's a lot of them," Stede says, looking around the room.
Within second of the Navy drawing their swords, they all keel over. Poison.
"Is that us doing that?" Stede asks.
Roach and Pete look around the room in confusion. Jackie laughs from behind them.
"What the hell was in that brandy?" Roach asks.
"Nothin' you want to fuck with." Jackie grins.
While Jackie assures the Swede he will be fine, Zheng walks over to Ricky and grabs him by the coat. "This is for Auntie."
Zheng looks up to see Auntie there. She's fine. The rest of the crew flood into the bar. Auntie hits Ricky over the head and the crew greet their captain.
You waste no time making your way over to Izzy and checking him over. He smiles at your fussing.
"I'm fine," he assures you.
You take his face in your hands and look at him, sighing softly. "I was worried about you."
"I know," he smiles.
He brings one of your hands to his lips and kisses it gently. His eyes don't stay from yours.
Zheng and Auntie hug.
Everyone is together again.
"So we should probably make a plan here," Stede says, looking around.
"Still surrounded by English Soldiers."
"I think a royal hostage could prove valuable," Stede states.
Everyone gathers to hear the plan. It's completely diabolical. Probably the most insane plan you had ever heard. So dangerous and risky, anyone with sense would never go through with it.
"So, that is the plan." Stede says proudly. "We all live to fight another day."
"Or it's a complete suicide mission," Ed says.
The crew agree with that. You and Izzy glance at each other. Once again his hand is nestled in yours.
"It's only suicide if we die."
You shrug on the blue coat, a size too big for you. You pick up one of the hats from the floor and place it on your head. The crew do the same. Stripping down the soldiers and taking their gear.
A disguise.
Izzy stares at the coat he is holding in his hand. You look at him softly. He doesn't react as you come over to him and slowly take the coat from him. He lets you take it from his hands and lets you help him put it on. You will the coat around him and smile.
"Very handsome."
"I'm not wearing the fucking hat."
You chuckle. "Course not. But I like the coat. Maybe we should get you a nice long coat."
Izzy rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smile. "Don't be daft."
Once everyone was dressed, Ricky was trusted to you and Izzy, and everyone left the bar. Including Jackie and the Swede. Everyone was going to get off that island.
You were all going to take down as many English as you could. Groups of them were littered around the island.
The crew just needed to reach the shore.
Izzy handles Ricky. You follow him, staying close. The others follow.
"Hello," Ricky greets the group of soldiers. "The operation is over now, so we're just gonna head back to the ships, please."
It could have gone so smoothly.
You hadn't seen Ricky gesture down where he parted his legs enough for Izzy's wooden one to be seen. In a split second Ricky drew a gun and shot it.
"They're pirates!" He yells.
You hear Izzy groan, having been close enough to beside him. Your head snaps to him to see him holding his side. Blood is oozing out.
The crew fight the soldiers as you push Izzy to the side. You try to get a good look at the wound, but he refuses to move his hand.
"Come on," he grunts. He marches past you and onward. The crew follow. You hurry to catch up to him.
Izzy has been shot! That fucking prick.
The prince gets away.
The path down to the shore is clear. It's a straight run down. The crew will just have to watch behind them.
Izzy is falling behind. You refuse to go on ahead. You come over to his side and hold him where he hasn't been shot.
"Just... fuck off." He says it softly, no malice behind his words. He's hurting. When Izzy is in pain, you hurt too.
The crew are being shot at from behind. You hold onto Izzy as best as you can. Ed slows and hurries over, taking Izzy on the other side. You both get him to the boats.
Once everyone is on the ship Ed lays Izzy down. You remove the coat you're wearing to make a cushion for his head. Roach left immediately to get medical supplies.
Izzy looks up at you. There's a lot of blood and everything hurts, but still he sees you clearly. You're keeping pressure on the wound and giving out orders.
He smiles. He likes it when you're bossy.
You look down at him, tears welling up in your eyes. "Look at me, okay? Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them."
Izzy just smiles up at you.
"Why are you smiling?" You ask.
"Because you're beautiful," he says.
"Shut up. You're literally bleeding out," you say, but can't help but smile.
"I'm a lucky man."
You look at him, not sure what to say, but at least he was talking to you. You should keep him talking.
"Any man would kill to have a partner like you by their side. Especially in our line of work."
"You're getting sentimental..."
"I have that right, don't I? As a dying man."
"You're not going to die. I won't let you." You frown at him.
He continues to smile.
Roach returns with the stuff. You instruct him on exactly what to do. Izzy lays there and looks at you. His beautiful sparrow.
Eventually he passes out.
Izzy wakes up feeling a horrid ache in his side. He inhales sharply, trying to get himself together before he opens his eyes properly. His mind is a little confused.
Something warm slips into his hand.
Izzy smiles.
His eyes open slowly and he turns his head to look at you. You're watching him closely. You lean forward when you see him wake. His smile brightens.
"Hello, love." His voice is hoarse.
You smile and let out a sigh. "You moron."
"You alright?" He asks.
"Me? I should be asking you that! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? You passed out on me. I thought... I thought I lost you."
His smile fades as he gazes at you.
"I promised ya, didn't I? I'm never leavin' you again."
You lean over the bed and wrap your arms around him tight. You're careful of his wound. Izzy moves his arm so it wraps around you. He gives you a gentle squeeze.
"I'm sorry, love."
"I was so scared." You look up at him. "What would I do without you?"
He offers you a gentle smile, caressing your cheek gently with his finger. "I don't know. But I do know I'm one lucky man."
You laugh softly. "You already said that."
"I've been shot twice. Both times I've had you nurse me back to health. I'm very lucky." His gaze on you is full of fondness.
"I love you."
He pulls you closer and kisses you. It's slightly desperate, well needed.
"I love you too."
Lucius and Pete just got married. Despite needing as much rest as he could get, Izzy insisted on being there to watch. It was lovely.
The crew cheer as they kiss.
You smile and look at Izzy. He smiles at you. "Maybe we should try that," he says.
"Try what?" You ask.
He shrugs lightly. "Marrying."
Your expression softens. "Is that a joke?" You ask, not entirely certain.
He shrugs again.
"You thought about it?" You ask.
"It's crossed my mind."
You smile softly. "Guess we'll see what the future holds."
His hand finds yours.
Ed and Stede stood on the shore. On the horizon The Revenge sails away. The two watch their friends go, leaving them behind. Behind them was a run down building. They hoped to turn it into an inn.
The crew of The Revenge promised they'd be back someday, but they had a mission of their own.
The Revenge was under new command.
Captain Izzy Hands. His first mate, you.
There was a prince that needed hunting down. The Revenge would live up to it's name.
A calm came over the ocean. Like everything was how it should be.
Edward Teach knew deep down everything would be okay. The ship was in good hands and the crew would thrive.
Izzy Hands would thrive. He would live. He has everything to live for. He has you to live for. Just like how Ed had Stede.
Good luck to anyone who tried to mess with the unicorn and his sparrow. They were not people you should trifle with.
Izzy Hands is happy. Happy and in love
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 - @the-chocoholic-writer - @bugbugboy - @callmemana - @the-shenny-of-azkaban - @cool-ontherun-world - @outer-space-beech - @ahewi24 - @grace585 - @innertimemachinegirl - @dmitrytherat - @emilynissangtr - @fruitymoonbeams-blog -
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oceanwrath · 5 months
OH! i was peeking back since i'd been away from tumblr for a hot second and i saw that ask from march.
i am intrigued by the change for corosa, and i'm very curious what else has changed among the cycle of shades cast in the last few years 👀 (if you're up to sharing)
OMG hi..... thanks for opening the gates on oceanwrath oc hours :3 I've probably changed pretty much everything from how the story was back then bc I'm eternally indecisive on what to do with this story but I am feeling good about the current iteration!
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Corosa's a woman now but otherwise the same stonefaced bastard she's always been. A few years back a massive civilization-ending grade flood destroyed the northern coast and swept her home city away, leaving no known survivors until Corosa and her crew suddenly appear in farway inland Kharta  
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Corosa herself is a widowed ex-mariner turned mercenary fisherman leading a band of insane freaks fishermen. Her party consists of Satero (last of Ankhar's berserkers, also an artist which is what he prefers leading with. and a fisherman), Retha (ex-priestess of an apocalyptic cult proven right. also a fisherman), Catsovi (Retha's extremely off-putting bodyguard, also ex-cult, also fisherman), and a Khartan guy I haven't named yet LOL but he was driven out of Kharta years back for his violent unpleasant manner (and for being too good at. fishing). They are all Fucked Up in some ominous manner that none of them will speak of really good at fishing.
They're looking for a contact of theirs named Khista, a contentiously beloved saint of a contentiously revered sect. He's particularly contentious right now because he's been calling for a full break from / challenging the legitimacy of the major city temples. He is also mega dead. He has recently suffered a terminal case of murder. He suffers it the morning of Corosa arriving in town
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Khista's teenage son Komini arrives shortly afterwards to head up the investigation of his father's murder. Komini is a just and fair-minded young man who is going to carry out a full proper investigation and gather the facts, but even he is pretty certain that Suspect Number One is Bariyan, Komini's estranged uncle and Khista's extra-estranged younger brother. This is on account of two things:
A decade back Bariyan attempted a ritual of ascension, which was both very ambitious and 100% forbidden. The rite failed, ended in grievous bodily harm to Bariyan and the disappearance/presumed death of his accomplice Masarak. As soon as Bariyan woke up and had his injuries stabilized, Khista viciously disowned and excommunicated him from their family + faith in one fell swoop
Also ever since then Kharta has been increasingly haunted by horrible eldritch creepy-crawlies. Everyone blames Bariyan for that too. Including himself lol
Bariyan remains a free man for now but is effectively in hiding while he figures out how to unfuck his life and atone for his mistakes. He's shacked up with a bunch of priests who have been voted Kharta's Number One Shadiest Temple 30 Years Running and are totally not a front for a criminal syndicate
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This includes Mukhari (shadyass doctor whose older brother was part of Corosa's crew before he up and vanished the same way he also up and vanished from Mukhari's childhood. hi ghost. bye ghost), Mukhari's cousin Samin (even more shadyass doctor), Soothe (the evilest little street urchin they could find), and their leader, Sahikar (another guy with major beef against Khista. He was also once part of Khista/Bariyan/Komini's sect but voluntarily left. I don't know what he looks like yet)
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Finally the last guy who shows up is Our Boy Masarak, Bariyan's best friend and accomplice in his failed ascension who has been presumed dead this whole time. Sike he's alive and apparently just didn't bother to come home or like, tell anyone until now. When asked where he's been he's just like "[vague handwave] around"
But now that Bariyan's the center of increasingly hostile sentiment he's returned home to kick the shit out of anyone who gets too close to his boyfriend bff. Also Bariyan is going to kick the shit out of him for just letting everyone think he's been dead for ten years
So the question now is who among all these guys killed Khista and why was it 100% definitely totally Bariyan he did it he totally did it bye
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elly99 · 1 year
Hanni's Playlist
Same challenge as before: including lyrics from each of the songs in Hanni's playlist in a story.
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You wake up from a nap to your phone ringing. It was pampam 🐰💕.
"Heeeyyy! I'm on the way home from the airport. How are you?"
"Hey, honey! I'm good! Been missing you a lot, though. How was your flight? And how was Spain?"
"Ugh, I missed you so much, too! Like a lot a lot. Spain was amazing and I had so much fun! But I'm glad to be home now. Can't wait to see you."
She hears you yawning.
"Oh, were you sleeping, baby? Did I wake you up?"
"I'm sorryyy! I should've texted you first or something."
You can't help but smile. She was being a sweetheart as always.
"It's no problem, babe. What is a problem, though, here I am waking up, but you're not here. Still can't sleep on your side."
"I know!" You can practically hear her pouting through the phone. "But I'm coming! I'll be there soon." Then with her voice lowered she says, "And I'm gonna need a cuddle buddy to get over this jet lag tonight."
Your smile widens just thinking about it. And it breaks into laughter when you hear the other four crying, "Ewww," through the phone in unison. You can hear her just laughing, too.
"Hey, Hanni?"
"I just want to let you know I'm proud and I admire what you do. You guys are amazing! I see posts about you everywhere, I hear your voice in the streets and the TV stations. It's crazy! I see you working hard and you're always such an inspiration to me!"
"Aww, man, you're too sweet! Thank you, baby! That means a lot to hear."
"I'll see you tonight, then? Tell me all about your trip?"
"It's a date."
"I love you, pampam."
"I love you, too! Actually, wait. Amor eres tú."
"What's that mean?"
"It means, 'you are love.' Cuz you're my love! Just some Spanish I learned for you while I was over there. Anyway, see you later!"
She puts down the phone before you can catch the others making a fuss again about her cheesiness. In the silence that follows you're left with her lasting warmth, but a hint of regret. In truth you'd been napping to escape your thoughts. There'd been something on your mind the entire week she was gone and you wish you'd brought it up. But then again, maybe it was better to leave it for when you could talk to her in person.
The doorbell rings once. Twice. Three times. You rush to open the door and before you can even register that she's in front of you she practically tackles you to give you the best hug you could remember.
"Oh my god, I missed you so much!" she growls into your chest. "My baby! Ugh, I love you! How have you been?"
You pull away and look into her eyes. "I've missed you, too. Been feeling kinda down without you. I love you so much, it hurts."
"Aww, but I'm here now, babe! Your pampam's home," she says with the smile that's melted the hearts of millions. But right now it was all just for you. What chance did your singular heart stand against that?
You talk on the sofa for hours, chatting about her trip and the filming of her music videos, getting lost in her eyes and the honey that was her voice. You almost forgot there was something you had to get off your chest.
"You know how I said I've been feeling kinda down?"
Immediately worry flashes across her face. "Yeah?"
"Well, it's cuz while you were away, apart from missing you, I kept thinking about us. About you and how I... Ugh, I don't know how to say this right."
She takes your hand in hers, making sure you knew she was listening. The front of reassurance in her eyes barely masking her concern. "Take your time, angel."
"When we started dating..." In your mind the flood gates open, bursting with the thoughts you'd been keeping to yourself for so long. The dam breaks and tears start to form in your eyes.
She comes even closer, wipes the tears from your cheeks, and whispers, "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
You nod weakly and try to form coherent thoughts.
"When we started dating I knew it would be hard. Like, I know you were way too bright for me. You're a star. So obviously I knew our relationship would have to be..."
"Yeah, like, there's always that fear of people finding out. We kinda have to live a lie and that really hurts. And it's also terrifying."
"I know..."
"But there's something about your love, Hanni. You really are an angel and you're the sweetest person I know and you make everything better. But sometimes it feels like you're an angel with a gun in your hand. Cuz whenever you leave it hurts. It hurts missing you all the time. And it hurts pretending. Lying to everyone about us. I feel like... I die every night with you, just knowing that the next day you'll leave and it'll be like we don't exist. So sometimes I'd like to make myself believe that Planet Earth turns slowly just so I have more time with you. That sounds super dramatic but..."
"Hey, I get it," she says before kissing you softly. "Whenever I leave or whenever we're apart I try not too think too much about it but I can't." She sighs deeply and looks at the ground. "Cuz I love you so much. And love is when you try to place it out your mind but you can't think of anyone else. So I always end up thinking of you... and, like you said, how it hurts to have to hide. And it scares me, too."
She takes another breath as if deep in thought, then she looks back at you with a distinct look of determination in her eyes.
"So let's just stop. Let's stop running from love. Let's stop running from us. I'll die every night with you, too. At least we'll be together."
"Hanni, no, we can't do that..."
"Baby, you know I'll be on your side. No matter what. We in this for love. We in this for life. So it doesn't matter what they say if they find out."
Though tempting, you had to remain rational. You knew she was just being impulsive to try and cheer you up.
"Babe, we shouldn't. Maybe in a few years. We can keep it secret until then."
She sighs again. "Ugh, you're right. But you know I'm always here for you, right? You'll always have my shoulder to cry on. You'll always have my arms to fall into."
But before you can even fall into them, she wraps them around you. And before you can even cry, she whispers "No matter what the future holds, it's you my heart beats for."
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helluva-hazbins · 2 months
@lettherebemonsters asked:
" Was anything in Eden real between us? Or did you just use me like everyone else did?" (Adam being real for once o.o)
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Oh, Abbadon's endless dismal pit. There was nothing to save him from seeing to this one on one this time. Usually there was some distraction or task the wiley Devil could use to deflect or steer the topic away from this. He really didn't want to have to even try opening up to this.
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"...Adam... I... I... I..." it draws out a bit as he stammers and searches for words he's uncertain he has at this time, feeling put on the spot with no easy recourse to slither his way out. Not that he didn't want to be more transparent with the fella, they'd been working through a lot lately but this topic had it's long time barricades surrounding it in place for hundreds of thousands of years!
And although he's mocked and made light of so much of what had gone on in Eden to get the first man's goat and bait him during the battle, he knew just as much as Adam that deep down it was a vulnerable spot, one that despite either of them remained opened like a gaping wound that shouldn't still feel as fresh as it does.
Could be why he'd rather keep it surface level. Left to childish jokes and antics, as to avoid dealing with the unhealed part of it that still causes anguish and guilt.
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A few deep inhales and exhales later and his throat is tight, dry, he thinks of pushing past and emotions stir each time, theres an ache twisting and his voice comes out coarse, and his eyes shut tightly, "I..I've said it before, it was real, once." A pause as overwhelming emotions flow past the flood gates and he musters up what he can to continue to push his voice through, "If you felt I used you... Hell, if I did use you...I don't know and well, I've got to make amends for that... I had no intention of leaving you feeling that way. I only saw my own goals back then, I didn't realize the full effects and consequences...well how could I? It was the key to all enlightenment and free will. Someone says hey, here's how to turn on the lights, right? And it seemed so simple, Adam. It seemed so simple." For Satan's sake his heart is racing and sinking to unknown pits he can hardly cope with it as the prickling at his eyes signals streams of uncontrolled tears. Did he feel bad for the consequences? Of course he did. It's a weight that's never left him.
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knoxise · 4 months
the way shades linger -- a indie/folk playlist for hades game patroclus + achilles (patrochilles)
tracklist and matching lyrics under the cut (playlist icon by wolfythewitch); will be perpetually updated and adjusted
Memory - Aristos the Musical (I wish I had a secret; I wish I had a thousand; just so I could tell him every single one)
You Woke, I Waited - PigPen Theatre Co. (When we are older, we'll hear our bodies say; Oh; We'd find the mountain, survive)
A Long Way Past the Past - Fleet Foxes (I'll know that it's true; that rebirth won't work like it used to be; and oh, man, was it that much better then?)
Ghost's Fingers - Lambs & Wolves (We'll meet where this body ends; Have you ever met a ghost hiding his hands?)
Another Involved - Cold Weather Company (There's another involved, there's a pain in these walls)
Wait It Out - Imogen Heap (Everybody says that time heals everything; But what of the wretched hollow? The endless in between?)
Can You Stay - The Family Crest (Can you stay; Cause you have my heart; Cause you've been mine for all of time)
Open Water Reckless Fishes - Squalloscope (Left all the good ones behind; Not because I wanted to, but because it was time)
Will Tomorrow Ever Come - Cold Weather Company (If time is our debt, what do we owe? Will I see you soon?)
You, Anything For - The Soil & The Sun (You could be the one who I would bleed for; Salt in my wound and seethe for)
Meet You At The Gate - Jayne Trimble (I will meet you at the gate; I don't mind if I've to wait; Cause, oh, it takes a little time to taste the fruit of the vine; show me the way to your heart)
Fair - The Amazing Devil (And clinging to the moment, "Where have you been?" She'll whisper, "I've waited, oh, so long for you to come")
Two Shadows - Benjamin Verdoes (You wanted to unravel, you wanted to escape; Here's the last place we kissed; But we're not trying to speak)
O Icarus - Aristos the Musical (This moment seems like memory; I'm grieving breathing, and the grief is air)
I Design Disasters - Robert Hallow and The Holy Men (And when I am alone; I trace your shape in the air beside me; Give it time love, I know you're wanting more)
Ribcage - Ash the Ghost (There's a ghost of who we were living in my spine; Maybe if we run away we can bring it back to life; Let it sink into our lines and edges)
Calling It Love - Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Am I another home you lost in the flood; and are you the only living thing that I will ever touch?)
A Better Time to Meet - Adrianne Lenker & Buck Meek (I never feel more found than when I'm wandering; But to hear that quiet voice, I'd give up everything; To follow the soft sighing of the sea)
Always Gold - Radical Face (Yeah, everything goes away; But I am gonna be here until forever, so just call when you're around)
Everybody Here Is A Cloud - Cloud Cult (There's so much more to see in our darkest places; Have you found where your place is?)
The Moon/Awake - The Dear Hunter (How'd we lose our place? Who decided out fate? I'd bare you my heart if I knew that it was still there; I'm too nervous to look)
Rule #33 - Pyre - Fish in a Birdcage (When I looked in your eyes, I said I know you'll be fine; Trust yourself and live it your way)
You and I - Domimi Foster (You and I always were waiting; For the inevitable fall; Can we have one hour longer than this?)
My Love Goes To The Grave - Jayne Trimble (I can't go back, I've done you wrong; This is where I belong, where I'm going you cannot come)
Empty Hall Sing Along - Woodpigeon (Since you came, I don’t know what way is up and where I stand; or where I can; words take on a different plan)
True Love - Emily Brown (True love, tell me what's in your soul; Right when you're most at peace, that's when you lose control)
Shadow Boy - Little Moon (I whisper out your name, knowing you can hear; And you are here; I am here)
The Night We Met - Lord Huron (I don't know what I'm supposed to do; Haunted by the ghost of you)
You Are - Mother Falcon (What is dear to me? You are what is dear to me)
Let's Go Home - Cold Weather Company (Though you know I'll always turn back to you; And wonder what a little more time could prove; I just can't keep being like this)
Resurrection Fern - Iron & Wine (In our days we will live, like our ghosts will live; like stubborn boys with big green eyes, we'll see everything)
Sleeping World - Vancouver Sleep Clinic (I'm a wandering soul, lost in a city of homes; I don't see anything else, cause I'm just learning to hold you above a sleeping world)
Death with Dignity - Sufjan Stevens (Spirit of my silence, I can hear you; but I'm afraid to be near you, and I don't know where to begin)
You Are the Moon - The Hush Sound (Darkness, darkness, everywhere, do you feel all alone?; You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear)
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cyborg00-why · 3 months
If you had an original villain for Cyborg 009 what would they be like and what would their backstory be?
Oh my goodness, this is a flood gate opening sort of question! To be honest I have a few OC villains I've made fan art of but they are... maybe too long winded to get into. If I ever get around to doing like mini character sheets I will share them though.
Though I do have an idea for a villain that is a character we see very briefly. It's a bit long so I'll spare folks and have it under the cut.
Somewhere in my fic burn pile is a concept for Hilda later returning as a villain, she would have also been taken after the accident with Albert as well as the lion. Due to the severity of her injuries she would be spliced together with the lion, and have an altered form for battle in the same vein as Mary (Merry?). She would have been a final "mock up" before Black Ghost moved on to the "prototype" cyborgs. Something looking more like the prototype series but being maybe more comparable in quality to the cyborg men. Like a proof of concept for cyborg without need for life support tubes.
There would have been some melodramatic elements like a memory loss subplot later revealed to be feature of her cybernetics, not a bug. Because she was made to be a proof of concept she wouldn't have been made durably or for practical application. Instead once the prototypes were approved she was going to be a final "field test" to impress investors to garner funding to continue making cyborgs 005+. Because of this, and Black Ghosts assumptions of an intimate relationship between her and 004 one of them had to have their memories erased so they would fight without reservation. This would also tie in to the internal lab debate of cyborgs being better or worse with their humanity removed, so she would have also be a test for that.
However, because of cybernetic difficulties with 002, 003, and 004 they would never have the chance to meet. Instead being shelved in cryogenics until science and funding caught up and filled the gap between man and machine. Once it had though, Black Ghost already received funding and resources to continue on the series without their little rigged demonstration. So once again Hilda would be kept in cryogenic storage, likely having been forgotten over the decades.
The catalyst to her being rediscovered would have been the prototype cyborgs initial escape off the island lab, as Black Ghost was trying to evacuate goods and machinery. As the series progressed and the other newer models of cyborgs were sent after 009 and friends, we would have eventual been introduced to Hilda.
I would have introduced her in place of Joe's old friends. Albert would have had a moment of rare domesticity and would have spotted a woman in town who looked "identical" to his wife. He would have been shocked and gone somewhere else to collect himself, only to have her "organically" run into him and make small talk. A morbid, if not traumatic curiosity would come over him and he would leave awkwardly. She would tail him thanks to stereotypical catlike sense of smell (corny ik). And it would escalate from there in a similar way to Joe with his old friends. Though the melodrama of Albert having long since come to terms with her loss, only to realize she was in fact alive, to then be confused and upset with survivors guilt (if he would consider his condition as that idk) while having to fight her, and ALSO the sheer rage I think he would have for what Black Ghost had done to her... it started to feel maybe a bit too much lmao.
The biggest issues for never going through with this beyond a long set of bullet plot points were:
We already have Lion Man in the pantheon of Mythos Cyborgs, previously mentioned Mary (though while feline never defined as a lioness I think), and in the 1968 series we also deal with that weird gold lion. It would not surprise me if there were other lions I was forgetting in the series. Lots of lions, perhaps even too many lions. Kimba's influence was great it would seem.
Remember how I said it was a bit too much? When I really sat and thought about an outcome that matched the flow of the plot it felt very depressing. The timing of this in the CS continuity would be the Yomi arc, so what was going to happen there? End game would have been one of Helena's sisters? Would I have to write her out? Or redirect the romance subplot? Would it be a melodramatic venture into a shitty mid 30's love triangle? Would Albert even believably be involved in a love triangle? It felt cheap at best, but overall unfair to everyone.
When I did have a solution to the depressing ending, it wasn't a happy ending either. That felt very forced, at least with what flowed well with the themes the story was going to focus on. It would have been open ended with there being enough room for healthy speculation for the reader to decide on their own how things went. However, that also came at the cost of writing a very long fic and I don't think I am capable of that for at least the foreseeable future... so it was scrapped! Though like my OCs I have doodles of her design concepts somewhere
Thank you for asking! This was a very fun question to answer. In turn I would love to hear about other folks Cyborg Villain ideas if they would like to share!
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fizzycherrycola · 7 months
Malaysia/Singapore, 1921
On a dark, rainy night, Singapore finds himself in desperate need of a warm meal and a bright smile. Luckily, he has someone who cares for him very much.
Originally intended to be part of a Hetalia fan anthology, however I missed the deadline long ago. You can find it at @hwsrazzledazzle . This is my first time writing Malaysia and Singapore, so I hope I've done them justice. Please enjoy! If anyone notices inconsistencies or cultural mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them right away.
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December Rain 
Singapore; 16 December 1921 
“Governor, is there really no other way? We are in peacetime, so surely-”
“Unfortunately, this is the way it must be. Perhaps if relations between London and Tokyo improve, then these restrictions may be lifted. But from what I understand, it is unlikely that either of us will witness such a thing happen in the near future.” 
“...I see.”
“I know this is all rather irregular, but even so, I trust you will follow these new regulations once they come into effect. Won’t you, Singapore?”
“Yes, Governor Guillemard, of course.”
“Good. Very good! I had the sense when we first met that we would get along well. That you were an honourable, hard-working young man – or colony, I should say – and that you would cause no trouble. I’m delighted to see that is still the case.”
A torrent of water falls from the heavens in rippling sheets. People dart about, some on bicycle and some on foot. They splash through the wide puddles of the civic district, anxious to be home before the dark night sets in. The lucky ones squeeze onboard the bustling electric tram with their elbows and umbrellas poking through the open windows. Unfortunately, Singapore was not one of those lucky ones today. 
Clasping his cold hands together, Singapore rubs his knuckles. He huddles in the seat of his hired rickshaw, grimacing at his situation. The spats covering his shoes are terribly soggy and the rain has soaked his grey trousers up to the thigh. He leans back in his seat, sheltering beneath the rickshaw’s canopy, hopelessly trying to stay as dry as possible. Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but tonight... Malaya is visiting for dinner. It’s the first date they’ve had in months.  
There is a tightness behind his ribs and Singapore takes a steadying breath. He needs to dispel the stress of the business day and the terrible news he was given.
None of that matters at the moment. Even though his disheartening meeting with the Governor went on for much longer than expected, he should still make it home before Malaya arrives, because that silly oyen is often late himself. And to the rickshaw puller’s credit, they are speeding down the muddy streets. 
Eventually, Singapore’s abode reveals itself wedged amongst a long row of shophouses. The vehicle’s rickety wheels slow to a halt and the rickshaw man glances back expectantly. Quickly, Singapore tosses a few coins his way. Then, he hops out of his seat, over the gate, and dashes through the five-foot way. 
He pushes open the wooden door to his house and pauses, holding his breath. The darkened front hall is quiet and none of the oil lamps appear lit. Thank goodness. Tension floods from his shoulders and he releases a sigh. 
He slips off his shoes and carries them inside, hoping to wipe the leather dry and preserve his valuable Oxfords. His bare feet tap terracotta tiles as he pads through the front office, then the smell of firewood hits him, mingled with the aroma of red chili and garlic. Peeking into the hallway, he sees dim light and steam emanating from the kitchen in the back. 
His hairs stand on end and a second later he’s bursting into the warm room. 
“Why are you here so early?!” Singapore demands. 
Malaya flinches and glances up from the stove. “Oh, you’re here!” A bright smile blooms across his face, putting his crooked fang tooth on full display. “Welcome back!” 
“You’re never early! How did…?”
“Ah? I thought I was late. You said we would meet in the afternoon.”
“No, we said it would be in the evening.”
“Oh, that makes sense,” Malaya chuckles. “I thought it was strange when I walked in and nobody was home.” 
“Wait, what are you doing?” 
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m making dinner!” 
“But I was going to....” Singapore’s words fail him as he gawks at his kitchen. The mortar is smudged with trace remains of crimson spices and his stove is lit with the smoky haze of burning charcoal. Malaya tosses peppers into the wok and effortlessly works the sizzling heat like he was born for it. Singapore sighs. “Never mind. Let me take over from here.” 
Malaya laughs incredulously. “But I’m almost finished!”  
“It doesn’t matter. This is your first time in my new home! You’re my guest.” 
Malaya quirks an eyebrow and gestures to Singapore with the backend of his chuan. “Singa, you’re dripping wet. You’ll get rainwater in our food.” 
Baulking, Singapore looks himself over. His suit is darkened and heavy, leaking droplets onto the floor. 
Grimacing, he deflates. “...I’m sorry.”  
“Ah? You don’t need to apologise.” 
“No, I should have arrived earlier. I had plans for our dinner together; I wanted it to be special.” 
Smiling wider, Malaya seems to melt on the spot. “Sayang….”
“I can take over after I’ve changed.”
“No. This is my cooking now.”
“It’s fine. You work too hard!” Malaya steps away from the wok and nudges Singapore out of the room. “Quick! Go change out of those clothes before the food is ready.” 
Reluctantly, Singapore trudges upstairs to his bedroom, glancing back at the kitchen as he goes. 
Once upstairs, he takes a moment to tend to his Oxfords, the higher priority, before his own comfort. When he’s satisfied that the leather is dry enough, he peels off his wet business attire, shivering despite the humidity, and then towels his damp skin. Throwing on something clean, he pauses in front of a small mirror to tame his dark hair before returning downstairs.  
The dining area is bathed in warmth and an array of dishes decorate the table. Dinner is set out before him: tomato rice with ayam masak merah, a mix of chicken and dried chilies sambal. The saucy red soup glistens in the lamplight and Singapore’s belly rumbles. Malaya snickers, placing the finishing touches on the table and telling him to dig in. 
With a flush rising to his cheeks, Singapore thanks his companion and relents. He takes a bite of the chicken, and a burst of rich, creamy, spice hits his tongue. It’s so delicious that he sighs, the flavour bringing back memories of other rainy Decembers, long past. When it was just the two of them, huddled beneath a small, thatched roof.
“Abang, it’s so good,” Singapore says. “Thank you.”
“Anytime!” A wide grin graces Malaya’s face as he produces a gorgeous bottle of tapai rice wine and pours both of them a healthy glass. Then he sits as well, going for his tomato rice, and talking unabashedly between massive mouthfuls of food. “You know, I think your last house was better.” 
Singapore pouts. “Don’t say that, lah. I was hoping you would like it here.” 
“Well, ah… it’s not what I was expecting.”
“I was able to get this because my markets have been paying well. Would you prefer it if I returned to a timber attap house? Go back to my old kampong?”
Malaya sheepishly raises his hands in mock surrender. “No! It’s just very… different?”
“It’s closer to the city centre. And it’s modern.”
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry.” Malaya leans in and gives Singapore a quick kiss on the cheek – an apology. He leaves behind a few sticky grains of rice, and Singapore rolls his eyes before brushing them off. “You worked very hard for this, so I’ll admit, for a city house, it is really spacious and fancy.”
Singapore swallows a few more bites of food while considering his companion’s sentiment.
Indeed, the new dwelling takes some getting used to. Bought last July, Singapore’s abode stands three stories tall and has an elaborate, ornamental façade. Decorated with colourful tiles and plasterwork, it is more stylish than his previous place. If only the floors were worn in, and the rooms smelled of the forest, perhaps then this mass-produced building would feel more like a home. 
It’s no matter, though. He will adjust. As if reading his mind, Malaya pokes his elbow and gestures to the open courtyard. “Plant a garden in the spring; that will help.”
Singapore glances at the bare space and imagines it filled with kang kong, lemongrass, and chili plants. It warms his heart.
“That would be nice.”
Malaya polishes off his rice and sets the bowl down. “So, you meet with Guillemard today?”
“Ah… that’s right.”
“Mm! I’m meeting with him in a few days, too. What did he say?” 
Singapore ducks, suddenly very interested in the wood grain of his table. “I’ll tell you after dinner.”
“Come on, tell me. Is it good news?”
Weight settles on Singapore’s shoulders and bears down on his neck. “No, it’s bad.”
“Now I have to know!”
Singapore sighs. The locks in the back of his mind slowly release, allowing a bitter slurry of unease and gloom to trickle forth. He’s been holding onto this all day and he was never good at hiding things from his dearest.
“You’re not going to like it.”
Malaya downs a swig of rice wine. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
Singapore follows his lead, taking a sip from his own cup and allowing the burn to roll down his throat. He swallows, and means to slam the cup down, but it settles with a skittering series of taps. Is he nervous, or just upset?
“Guillemard said… beginning next week, we cannot have any contact with Taiwan, Korea, or any other kingdoms under Japan’s control.” 
The statement falls wet out of his heart to splatter ruin onto his new, tile floor. Malaya blinks, silent for a while, his eyes going wide.
“No, that can’t be right.” 
“Personal contact lah,” Singapore clarifies. “We can’t send them letters, telegrams, or schedule any visits.”
“Not even letters?”
Malaya gapes. “Why would he say that? Did he have a reason?” 
“I couldn’t get all the details.” The morning and afternoon were like a whirlwind. Questions flew around the rooms of the Governor’s estate, from not just himself, but even the groundskeepers who he caught whispering in the halls. “I heard there was a conference,” Singapore continues, “and a treaty was signed. Somehow, this new treaty ended the alliance between England and Japan, but it was more than that. Apparently, there has been tension between them for a long time, maybe years. So, it is possible… perhaps a combination of different things ....” 
“Wait, wait!” Malaya cries, jolting Singapore out of his recollection. “Tahun Baru Cina!”
It takes Singapore a moment to understand. “What about it?”
“Taiwan invited us to celebrate with her. You remember; we were meant to visit her in that city... what are we calling it these days?” 
“That’s it!” 
“I’m guessing that will be cancelled.” 
Malaya releases a puff of air. “They can’t just cancel the New Year!” He slumps, staring forlornly at his empty rice bowl. He looks like a cat, longing for more food, as though that would be enough to fix all the problems of the world.
“Someone else might host,” Singapore suggests. 
“This is terrible,” Malaya mutters.
Singapore frowns at his wine, cloudy and glistening in the lamplight. He imagines it reflecting a sea of red lanterns as they ripple in the night air, a dream of years past. If he concentrates, he can recall the clamour of jubilant voices, the thrum of drums, and the crackle of firecrackers.
Gathering under one roof to welcome the New Year was a tradition they shared. Who started it and when, Singapore does not know, but every house he visited would be brilliantly decorated in a rainbow of colours, and every table would be packed to the edge with food. Different people would host and attend each year; a variety of familiar faces that came and went. Philippines, Vietnam, Siam, Manchuria, Korea, of course China, and more. Sometimes there were so many of them, there were not enough seats to go around! 
Occasionally, the turnout was smaller due to war, famine, or sickness, but it was always a pity when it happened. It’s still a pity now. Singapore sighs, again. “I’m sorry for ruining the evening with depressing news. This date was meant to be special.” 
Malaya blinks, returning to life, and shushes him. “You know, if you keep stressing out, your hair will turn white.” 
Something in Singapore's face must be betraying his feelings, because Malaya’s smile falls almost as quickly as it appears. He shuffles closer and secures a steady arm around his lover’s shoulders.
Rain pitter-patters on the courtyard stone. The distant sounds of city life grow quieter as night falls. Is it raining in Taihoku as well? Is there a little girl on the other side of the sea mulling over the same sad news? Poor Taiwan. She’s still just a child; she won’t understand.
A knot has lodged itself in Singapore’s throat. Times like these serve as a potent reminder: it is the spiderwebs of alliances that shape their uncertain destinies. Of course, he is not a revolutionist. Order, harmony, and life are too precious to him. All he must do is keep his head down, work hard, and if he does that, he can get by. But sometimes… sometimes….
Without prompting, Malaya whispers, “I know,” and hugs him, lean muscle cradling Singapore’s thin frame. And Singapore doesn’t realise he is clenching his jaw until Malaya strokes his cheek and it slackens. Heat radiates through his ribs like an antidote. A rattling breath escapes his chest and his eyes fall shut. Their bodies slope together. 
They stay that way for long minutes. The weariness of the day begins to levy its toll on Singapore’s consciousness and his head droops. Safe in his companion’s arms, sleep tempts him. He almost doesn’t hear when Malaya whispers: “When do these rules start?”
“Next week,” Singapore murmurs.
Malaya’s lips press gently to his temple. “Then we will send Taiwan and the others some letters. We will wish them an early Happy New Year, before these awful new rules take effect.”
Shifting, Singapore meets his brilliant golden eyes. Dark umber bangs brush the tips of his eyelashes and a firecracker lights in his heart. His oyen is so handsome. They kiss and Malaya’s inviting mouth tastes faintly of chilies.
“Can I stay with you for more than a few days?” Malaya whispers.
“Of course,” Singapore says. “But is that okay? Won’t you get in trouble with the sultans?”
With a wave of his hand, Malaya dismisses the notion. “I’ll just keep begging my bosses until I manage to annoy them into letting me stay. Besides, my sayang is worth it.” A smile dawns on Singapore’s features and they entwine their fingers. Malaya nuzzles his hair. “And after I go, I'll come back in the spring to help you build your garden. We can plant some red hibiscus together.”
“...That would be nice.”
Suddenly, Malaya squeezes him tight and peppers his face with kisses until he’s laughing. And the spark in his heart becomes a booming firework display, so bright and colourful that it threatens to burst from his soul. 
Eventually, Singapore has to push him away, before things get heated and they make a mess of both their clothes and the dining table. He suspects there are red chili smears decorating his face. Malaya relents only after leaving a suggestive bite to his neck, practically purring with delight.
They gather up the dishes from the table, and as Singapore follows his companion back to the kitchen, he finds he is able to stand straighter. Malaya has a kind of resilience, a living strength that courses along the lines of his shoulders and blooms in the curve of his toothy smile. And Singapore has always found it captivating. Despite their misfortune and the struggle of navigating life, his oyen thrives and endures. How lucky he is to share delicious dinners and squander time with this special person. 
Singapore’s thoughts drift to the feathery bed that beckons them both and suppresses a shiver of excitement. Hurriedly, he plunges a bowl into the water basin and scrubs it clean, eager to indulge in the rest of their evening and the precious days ahead.
As long as he has Malaya, everything will be okay.
End / Fin
Author’s Notes 
Laurence Guillemard was the British-appointed “Governor of the Straits Settlements” and “High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States” from 1920 – 1927. 
“Abang” and “sayang” are Malay terms of endearment. 
Malaya/Malaysia’s national animal is a tiger, which is why Singapore calls him “oyen,” meaning: orange cat.
The first Singaporean shophouses were built starting in the 1840s, under the original ordinances laid down by Sir Stamford Raffles. Over the years, architecture styles changed but the houses remained popular until the 1960s. They are now considered important heritage pieces and are valued as historic examples of architecture.
An attap house is a traditional dwelling made with attap palms, which provide wattle for the walls and leaves for their thatched roofs. They are often found in kampongs (traditional villages) throughout South East Asia.
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance was a pact between the British and Japanese that was signed in 1902. Both parties benefited in various ways, including defensive strategies, trade, and cultural exchanges. However, over the following decades, the relationship would slowly deteriorate. It was viewed as an obstacle at the Paris Peace Conference following WW1, and then battered further by the 1921 Imperial Conference. It finally dissolved on 13 December 1921, when the Four-Power Treaty was signed in Washington DC.
Lunar New Year! In Malaysia, the holiday’s official name is “Tahun Baru Cina”. 
Taihoku was the name given to Taipei while it was under Japanese rule.
“...your hair will turn white.” It’s my personal headcanon that Singapore got his trademark streak of white hair from overworking himself in the 20th century.
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hihi!! how are you??? i see that you've started a bleach blog! may i ask ab your fave bleach charas?? 🩷
My favourite bleach characters!! (some of them at least)
Omg hai /// unfortunately the flood-gates have immediately opened…. My views on the characters might be a little skewed because i have so many random headcanons but!! I am always excited to share my Thoughts…
I've always been a sucker for the ‘sleazy/ lousy older man’ stereotype in anime, especially when its revealed later on that they are super strong (kisuke is another one of my faves go figure) and Shunsui is That to a T
He seems really silly and carefree on the outside but melancholic on the inside which is such a nice contrast that works so well in his favour!! Especially paired next to Ukitake like the two literally fit together like puzzle pieces in both fighting style and personality
I am also a big theater nerd so when I was reading and found that his bankai was essentially a play come to life! I was sold like a cold drink during summer
His entire kit and how he uses it is really cool too; whenever a zanpakuto has multiple forms/ attacks it’s always a huge plus! Children’s games are such a neat idea and unexpectedly tie so well with his character (he does seem to represent alot of traditional Japanese sentiments with his character overall)
But mostly his morals and outlook of the world are really impactful. I think he serves as a great way to show the transition that the gotei 13 are going through after the passage of time- he is more accepting of newer ideologies and is much more flexible than yamamoto was/ but still cares deeply about the soul society just as much! His reluctance to battle is ironically also admirable, even if he does preface by saying that he’d just ‘rather not’ or wanting to drink instead. While the other characters fight for their beliefs, or to bring down a ‘bad guy’, Shunsui sees situations with more sobriety (haha) from an unbiased perspective. That the moment you enter battle everyone is evil, regardless of their intention from the beginning.
You see other characters next to Shunsui and would think that (for example: Byakuya or even Yamamoto) they would be more intelligent or insightful than he is, but would be pleasantly surprised! I can always appreciate a character with that kind of unpredictability,
Also I like pink and he wears pink. Like my first point I am weak for sleazy old farts so I have to admit when I was young reading bleach as it came out; all I could think was “man very pretty… me likey…”
It really helps that he is objectively one of the most unapologetically Cool characters in the series
But for me the main selling point is because the main thing he cares about is battle, he would be an entirely chill person otherwise. The fact that he always allowed his officers to basically do whatever, and puts ‘fun’ (read: brawling for your life) in front of everything? I do feel bad for Yumichika because i do think he’s the one doing all the admin work but oh well 
There is just something just so beautiful about this big chunk of man tearing through hoards of opponents just to go back to his barracks and loaf about for the rest of the day 
I also love how he’s wayyy more intelligent than you would first assume; he’s smart enough to devise little strategies like putting in the eyepatch, putting the bells in his hair etc. Even if they are just to hinder him you gotta give him props! 
This is a personal headcanon but I do think that he would be an excellent listener (especially with gossip) like he would not retain any of the information at all an hour from a conversation, and he would give the most rudimentary answers but a good listener all the same
He does not wear pink BUT Yachiru comes along with him like an accessory to his barbie set and she’s pink so it counts
First and foremost. I am a woman lover
Bleach, out of all the shounens i’ve digested in my life, probably has some of my favourite female characters! I yo-yo between having rangiku, isane, riruka and soi fon as my faves 
But rangiku. Oh How I Love Her. I always love a sneaky gal who is not afraid to use her looks to get what she wants. A party gal and someone who just has a lust for life and wants to have fun! 
She also does seem like she would be terrifyingly real with you as a friend and never say shit just to make you feel better- like I need that in a friend. Tough love! 
Like the advice she gives to Orihime when she feels down about Ichigo (even if she did it butt ass naked) just shows that even if she presents as self-centered she is also aware of other’s feelings and knows when to cut the shit and give it to you like it is
When she’s most needed she is also incredibly loyal to her captain and peers, and puts her whole titty into the battle when it's necessary. It’s a pity that her zanpakuto isn’t more explored; either she hasn’t developed her methods well or hasn’t been shown to its full powers yet. It think of all the problems in bleach that might be its biggest issue (that there are so many characters that it's impossible to showcase them all)
She also wears pink and I like pink 
Shinji technically isn’t my favorite character but he is my number one enemy forever
I am currently going through some strange enemies to lovers (sans the lovers) with him and im not sure how to feel about it? 
Sort of like Shunsui he has that thing where on the outside he looks devastatingly goofy and greasy but is really experienced with lots of valuable insight 
Also I am a big voice person. Even though I am a manga reader I’ve watched most of the anime and his voice… the accent… God I hate him so much 
He also reminds me of a really naughty cat that will do little things to frustrate you but still jump onto your bed at night to snuggle with you and that’s the nicest thing I can say about him 
His music slaps violently hard.
This accidentally became way too long oops i will stop here but other characters that I am very madly deeply in love with with Many Thoughts about include;
Ukitake (my beloved),
Byakuya (because i do think that every bleach fan has a crush on him regardless of their orientation)
and yumchika!!
Also even if i know nothing about miss yaya i would die for her.
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mochiwrites · 1 year
Life series Grian is cruel because everyone in the life series is cruel. There’s killings and betrayals and thefts. Everyone in the life series is kind, including Grian. There’s jokes and alliances and trades.
(also I feel like I should preface that like. I'm not claiming to be c!grian expert and my own interpretation may not even be fully accurate to his character??? aka if anything seems out of character I am Sorry fjgfhgf)
ANYWAYS -- right so when I say the word “cruel” I’m talking about it in an,,,, emotional sense??? like, he doesn't go out of his way to target people and bully them emotionally, I guess??? he isn't cruel with their emotions???? I have no idea if that makes any sense. I'm not gonna go out my way and claim that grian is a "perfect uwu innocent boy" because he's not. no one in the life series is (and that's not even grian's character outside of traffic LMAO). the entire purpose of the game is to be the last man standing, and that means killing. that means betrayal.
but there is a fine line between being cruel to survive and being a villain.
and traffic!grian is not a villain.
traffic!grian is kind, and loyal. he feels guilt for his actions. grian plays to survive, but if you have his loyalty, you have it for the entire game.
I've seen so many people look at grian's actions in the previous session (where he laughs off joel's death and joins up with pearl and bigb) and say that grian was evil for it. but let's actually look at what grian was doing leading up to joel's death, shall we?
he didn't look for other teammates until he was certain that joel wasn't going to survive. they had already lost jimmy, so he knew he was going to be alone. he offered joel an hour. he kept telling joel to take his life so joel could survive just a little longer. he straight up tells pearl and bigb that he has to go check on joel, that he has to say goodbye or else he was going to regret not getting the chance. everything grian did in that final episode was to keep jimmy and joel alive for as long as possible. and when he finally lost joel? there was silence. he stood there and stared. "I didn't even see it." he sounded so remorseful as he said it.
did he laugh off their deaths? yes. but come on people! grian's entire character is downplaying his emotions! he laughs things off and hides his emotions! he gave us, the viewers, plenty of clues to his true feelings! he has to say goodbye to joel or he'll regret it. he makes graves for jimmy and joel. he was more than willing to give them some of his time to keep them alive. he laughs off their deaths but that's just a wall he's putting up between himself and everyone else. when looking at traffic!grian, you can't just look at his words. you need to look at his actions as well.
he makes a joke about keeping joel alive but you need to look deeper than that. you need to look at the "I couldn't do anything more to help him." that's hidden in there. with grian you need to read between the lines!
and if you STILL think that traffic!grian is a villain, don't worry, I have more examples.
let's take a look at the most obvious depiction of grian's tragic character.
third life.
whether you ship them or view them as friends, grian's story with scar is still a tragedy! he spends the entire series following scar around because of his debt, and ends up sticking around after his debt is cleared because he wants to see scar win. he wants to help scar still. he's chaotic and a menace and full of bloodlust, but that doesn't make him a villain. he's playing the game. the same game that everyone else is playing.
look at the final scene of the third life finale. grian wanted to win with scar. he wanted them to win together. they planned to die together. and then the cactus ring happens and grian wins. look me dead in the eyes as grian says "Oh I don't feel so good." before jumping to his death and tell me that grian is a villain. that's one of the cases where grian's guilt is the most clear.
let's also not forget all of the deals he makes in every series? the promises he tries to keep? returning scar's things to him in last life even though he didn't have to? giving skizz a totem? setting an ender porter with him so if skizz needs him he can come help? because he wanted skizz to stay alive for as long as possible?
grian is kind. and he cares about people. neither of these things are the qualities of a villain!
he's playing in a death game, just like everyone else, and he's playing to survive. of course he's going to betray certain people (not his allies though. never his allies), he's going to steal and kill. he's going to laugh as he pulls off a successful kill because yes he may not be a villain but he's chaotic and bloodthirsty just like everyone else.
grian is not cruel because he laughed off jimmy and joel's deaths. he is not evil because he joined pearl and bigb after he lost the bad boys.
this is just a personal frustration but too many people in this fandom are quick to jump on calling grian a villain in the traffic series when every other character is doing the same thing as he is. but yet no one else gets called evil for it??? some people are so quick to make grian out to be an asshole when he's not. can he act like an ass? yes, absolutely. but that doesn't make one. I've seen some absolutely wild characterizations on grian, and some of them are just.... Yikes
some people are so quick to make grian out to be the bad guy that they don't consider the actions that lead up to that moment.
THAT BEING ASIDE.... tldr, grian isn't a villain, he's playing in a death game and the aim is to survive. he's a loyal teammate and is more than willing to fight for his allies. please stop calling him a villain thank you
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expirydateofficial · 25 days
Expiry Date(Chikn Nuggut Infection AU Fanfic Narrated by Slushi)
Chapter 2 - Shapes
Read Chapter 1 here
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Read Chapter 3 (Part 1/2) here
[Image ID: (Note : The original dialogue was coloured so y'know who was speaking, but that's kinda impossible here so I've added a few more sentences here and there, that way, you'll get to know who's talking!)
The gate screeched and heaved with pain.
For my friends. For Sody.
Streetlights kept the flooding darkness at bay, their lights sung melancholically alone. Gaps of alleyway toyed with us. It was torture. I felt my heart pressing against my chest for every sound, every change. I can't hear any birds, any wind.
What if I'm too late? What if I am responsible for them turning into those... zombies? They might have been looking for me, and.. Sody. He- he must have been so terrified. What if- when I return home, I would see.. I would see... something else.
Because of me.
His final moments.
I felt my paws glued to my rifle.
"Hey, um, yeah.." C'mon, Slushi. Think of something to say stupid.
"Yeah?" Milkshek asked.
"Y'know... I guess I had just noticed but, why was the door unlocked?" I squeezed a question out.
"Oh that." Milkshek responded. "I was waiting for the mailman to arrive." She turned to Old Pea. "My man bought me this silllyyyyyy plushie of Evil Cannibal Guy. But I guess...
...it's not arriving now."
Old Pea caressed her hand tightly.
It almost seemed like everything was normal for a while there.
"I.. remember Evil Cannibal Guy, haha. That was such a cheesy movie." I dragged.
We turn the corner. Pitch black. But this was the way I went. I heaved and stepped first.
"Hold on, Old Pea has flashlights." Milkshek said.
Turning on flashlights felt like screaming to everything that hungers, that we were here. I tried to glimpse beyond the shouts, into the void beyond.
I heard everything, sighs and swallows and the force in my chest, the crunching of dried leaves and grass beneath our feet.
Occasionally, a vague shape in the distance would arise only to reveal themselves as something not scary at all.
A flowerpot.
Electrical box.
It moved.
I instantly primed myself. I felt my paws glued by sweat. A light moved to it.
"Slushi. You saw that thing move, right?" Milkshek whispered shakily.
I smelt it, a faint sweet scent in the air, like that disgusting liquid medicine for kids.
"It's ok." I replied, trying to sound reassuring. "I won't let anyone be hurt."
I waved my flashlight wildly.
Nothing but tufts of grass between concrete and white walls.
The noxious stench of flowers, diarrhoea and rust grew and grew. It was approaching.
I opened my arms to contain Old Pea and Milkshek. I need to be brave for their sakes.
"I see it." Old Pea declared.
He shone the light on a shape close to us.
Clothing bloated and writhing within, dark fluids stabbed their way through the fabric. Strands of skin overstretched over large dark bubbles growing popping and growing again. Froth seeped from the tearing seams of flesh and towering, flowing, weaving into each other and into the abyss.
Looking at it makes my head hurt.
Old Pea raised his hand to motion us to pause. I understood why.
"If we shoot too close, the goo will splash." I translated.
Old Pea nodded.
The sting in my throat rose again, I tried not to puke as hard as I can. That... thing. It was advancing at such a soft pace that it was almost like a statue.
Dead silent. That thing was dead silent.
"I'll make sure the thing behinds us stays behind us." I turned to face it.
We paced back hurriedly, my back rubbed against them a couple of times from walking too fast.
Suddenly, I crashed into them. They had stopped.
I turned around.
White concrete wall.
Dead end.
I heard Milkshek's voice.
"Up there?"
I turned around, Old Pea was pointing towards a window on the wall.
"I'll help you two up there." Old Pea replied.
The scent grew and grew. I turned. A shape in the distance.
It was already here.
End ID]
Read Chapter 3 (Part 1/2) here
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m-u-n-c-h-y · 2 years
Preston/Gage is a really interesting dynamic - It's hard not to notice that they have a LOT in common, but stand on completely opposing sides especially when it comes to morality. Seeing as you're the only person I can find who actually ships these two, I just wanted your thoughts on how those two might work in more than just a hatefuck/bad-time situation? Especially considering Preston's history and trauma relating to raiders. Even if it's not a romantic/sexual way, just both working for Sole and not tearing each other apart?
Oh you sweet summer child, you have opened the flood gates lmao
In all seriousness, the similarities are by design. My friend and I (we're like the only two people that actively ship them), noticed a while ago that Gage and Preston are written to be narrative foils. They're very similar in their over arching goals, wants, motives, backstories, etc. But they're complete opposites when it comes to their morals and personalities. And that's on purpose. They're differences contrast each other to highlight them, and make them easier to spot and see, usually for the main character. In this case it's us, the player.
Basically, my friend and I often say that they both believe that community is the best at surviving. But for Preston it's about working together and helping to rebuild and defend, while for Gage it's about power and taking what you need (survival of the fittest, but community style).
In terms of working together? Oh boy, I've got a lot of thoughts.
Particularly, I have a bunch of AUs where Preston is forced by Gage to become the Overboss, and AUs where Gage is forced to work under the Sole Survivor. A lot of the time, their working together is due out of pure necessity. Mostly because Gage is threatening innocent people either outright or just by his presence alone (plot related stuff).
It's always very tense and usually there's a major threat if one lets the other die, forcing them both to behave. Preston and Gage in terms of actually fighting and working together is interesting. Preston is used to a more long ranged, structured, and defensive style, while Gage is more close quarters, chaotic, and aggressive (which is actually reflected a little in their companion perks). And both of them seem to prefer planning strategies and working with teams. So, they actually compliment each other. When they're not arguing over everything that is.
But in terms of... expressing themselves, actually talking to each other? It's a bit of a toss up. A lot of the time, when they aren't arguing or insulting each other, both like to slap down truth bombs every once in a while. Making the other see a new perspective, even if they don't want to. Preston pointing out Gage's unwillingness to trust anyone, while Gage points out that trusting no one got him this far in the first place. Gage being the first in line to criticize setters for always needing help, making them weak and unable to defend themselves. Preston in turn, criticizes raiders for their overzealous belief in taking rather than building, growing, stabilizing, which just makes them just as weak. Both not realizing that the other is working towards trying to change that. Trying to get their respective factions to grow strong enough to be self sufficient.
I also think, weirdly, they would be willing to defend the other when it comes to people criticizing their work ethics. They're both hard working, they both get shit done, they're competent. And to question that of either man, sets the other off. They may hate each other, but both of them have a willingness to put work in, to (excuse the language here) pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get shit done. It's a weird respect they both share.
In terms of trauma... it's hard. So damn hard. They were both betrayed, horribly so, basically left to die. Gage took away the idea that he can't trust anyone, but also still looking for people to just listen to him. While Preston was left with so many feelings of worthlessness and bitterness, yet he still wants to find a way to help.
In many of my AUs, I like to imagine a scenario where both of them, being forced to work together, have to confront Clint. And it always ends with Gage taking Preston's side. Not because most of my aus involve them being in some kind of fucked up relationship, but because Gage would HATE Clint. On principal. Which, I think says a lot about Gage's character.
I could go on and on, but that's just my present thoughts atm. I'm thinking of making a general Fallout discord server that focuses more on lore and fandom, so if anyone would be interested in more of my ramblings about my specific AUs and weird little ships, I'll definitely be posting an invite link soon. In the mean time, feel free to just poke my brain about Preston/Gage (or Preston/Maxson cause I ship that too lmaoooo), or any of my AUs. I've got a lot of them.
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ferinehuntress · 9 months
Positivity for @shimmerbeasts ?
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 ◈  ⇢  @elisethetraveller  ⋯  Send me a URL .      ❝ Send me a URL and I’ll share some positivity about them ❞
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 Oh man, you just opened up a flood gate wolfy XDD
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 Okay, so I met Miss T (@shimmerbeasts) within a week of starting my first blog. That was back in June, about the beginning of June can I binge watched Arcane and then a second time before going 'damn, I'm making Caitlyn thanks!' So I kind of went on a search for people who play Vi. Not because I wanted a ship, but because that is probably one of the easiest people to write with Caitlyn was Vi due to the team-up/partnership, etc...
 I was just a nervous little cat, I was like 'pleease, I love your writing follow me'. Yeah, the moment they followed, it was just instant YEEEESSSSHHH and now we are here and still spazzing about arcane and characters and all the wild shenanigans we can come up with.
 Miss T has been through thick and thin with me, and honestly, I don't think I would still be writing if she hadn't been there. I think I would have packed up my bags and given up on writing again cause sometimes, things are extremely difficult to deal with. But she's been the best thing to happen to me in this fandom, and someone I refuse to ever let go of. She's one of my best friends, and I never get tired of talking with her. Whether we are talking about arcane, or real life, venting about matters when need to get off our chest or just helping to process, I've never had someone understand me in such a way as Miss T. I swear it's like finding a 'long lost sister' and not even realizing I was missing one.
 I know I express it all the time, and I will not stop, at just how amazing and sweet Miss T is and how I love her blogs but also, the fact that as a person, she is incredible. I love her so much and I will never regret joining the arcane fandom because she is the best thing that has come from it.
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kvvvnjamz · 11 months
One last text post.
I want to do drugs so bad, I had to quit smoking weed for a job that doesn't make me want to end it all during and after every shift. I can sneak it in every once in a while, and I do then just hope that I don't get that random within the week. I'm desperate for that feeling of MDMA, but I know nobody who has it and have not for a long time. I could probably get some mushrooms but it's not the same. It's been forever since I've done mushrooms like a whole 7 years I think. I did molly right before the pandemic, some really good stuff too. I did coke right at the start but coke is washed these days and isn't that great anyways, nothing really transformative happens but the act is fun I guess if I knew it was safe I'd toot some nose beers. I've been thinking about drinking a lot more lately, but I know deep down that's a bad idea to open that specific flood gate and reset the progress I have made. Coming up on 3 years roughly in march or April, idk the exact date I had my last drink. I didn't suffer from crippling alcoholism or anything but I would just have a drink and when I drank I just wanted to keep drinking but it did not have the level of control over me that I see with other people, not drinking wasn't a big deal I didn't NEED it but I enjoyed it. Main reason I no longer drink is because my partner has a much more dependent relationship with alcohol, so if she can also refrain from drinking so can I. That all being said, man I just wanna feel something outside of myself. I really would like to feel a stimulant, shit I'd settle for a line of meth at this point if I could get my hands on it but I would prefer a million things over that. I'm just tired of feeling how I feel all the time, I'd like a little vacation from it, not as a constant but just as a brief little taste of chemicals my brain just isn't really creating for me. I have a pretty healthy relationships with substances, only one that I struggle with is Kratom because I have a physical addiction to it due to the fact that early on it was gloated about as this great thing that had absolutely 0 negatives. So I do kick that can down the road, and I didn't step into using it with the same guard up as I would with any other substance which was dumb on my part but they used to swear it was not addictive so I took that information at face value. Compare that to the couple times I did H dog, I approached that with the knowledge that I should not re-dose or use with any sort of consistency hence why I am not a heroin addict. Same with the times I have used meth, I accepted there was gonna be a comedown and that was the price I paid for the time I spent high and again did not re-dose.
So anyways what I am trying to say is I wanna get high off something with a little kick, just cuz I am so tired of feeling meh. Is that so much to ask? Why can that not be a more normalized thing, what kinda change would we need in the US at least to make this a reality people can do safely and responsibly. Idk but if you know somebody with some molly send em my way plz and thx.
Oh and don't do drugs.
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