#oh maybe instead they should be duck and goose?
pride-of-storm · 2 years
v excited for new dnd character. they are a fighter with a -2 strength modifier!
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kawaiisakura143 · 7 months
What if I was working with the Ghostbusters? (PT. 2?)
(I had fun making these...plus I haven't posted in a while, cause of life & my birthday...so enjoy^-^)
[In the events of Ghostbusters 2 after the power outage]
Ray: We have a court date tomorrow & we have no lawyer...
Peter: I think I know who can help us.
(Both stare at Egon)
Egon: Nooo
Peter: Oh yeah
Egon: No Venkman
[At Sakura's law firm]
Sakura: You guys are idiots.
Peter: Very happy to see you too.
Peter: I thought Ray was a bad driver, but next time we should let Winston drive.
Sakura: Come on it wasn't that bad.
Egon: Darling you ran into a mail box!
Winston: You ran 5 red lights?!
Ray: You put a dent on the Ectomobile!?!
Sakura: But did you guys die?
Winston: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple...
Egon: I really care about your feelings!
Sakura: I really care about YOUR feelings!
(Winston, turning their head): ...& then there's the disaster couple...
Egon: Is something burning?
Sakura: Just my love for you.
Egon: Sakura, the toaster is on fire.
[On a bust with the gang]
(Ghost flying towards Ray.) Winston: RAY, DUCK!!
Ray: GOOSE?!
Sakura (Blasts the ghost with her proton pistols & pulls it into the trap): No Ray, he told you to duck.
(Another ghost comes flying towards Ray & Sakura blasts it without looking immediately flinging in the trap.)
Winston: Wow she's good
Egon (Starts falling in love all over again)
Peter (Nudging Egon): I can hear the church bells in the distance, aye Spengy~
Sakura: I’m not so sure you’re stakeout material.
Egon: I’m a chronic insomniac, I was born for this.
(The guys are gathered in the living room for a meeting)
Sakura (Walks in and sits on Egon’s lap)
The guys: …
Peter: Why are you sitting there?
Sakura: There’s no free seats!
Peter: But we made sure there was enough room for-
Egon (Hugs Sakura tightly): There are no free seats.
Sakura (Yawns)
Egon: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Sakura: Then you must be exhuasted.
Peter: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Ray: So Egon, what did you give Sakura for her 29th birthday.
Egon: A laccaria amethystina mushroom, they remind me of her.
Peter: Sakura reminds you of a mushroom?
Winston (A little hesitant): How about a nice bouquet of flowers.
Ray: Maybe her favorite book.
Peter: Lingerie?...what?
Egon: Come on, she'll love it.
[Sakura's surprise party]
Sakura: Awww Egon...its beautiful, you shouldn’t have.
(Ray, Peter & Winston surprised that she loves the fungus gift)
Sakura: What are you in the mood for?
Egon: World domination.
Sakura: That's a bit ambitious.
Egon: You are my world.
Sakura: Aww
Sakura: OH.
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wretchedbirdthing · 9 months
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Assorted birds of helsinki for you
oh!!! those are some really good ones.
very pretty hooded crow!! hooded crows are funny little crows, their hood is very cute.
barnacle goose.. geese are scary.. but my only experience with them are canada geese so that might be why.
did you know that geese and ducks don't feed their babies? instead they bring their young to the food! that's why you always see the goslings following the parent! (tho the barnacle goose is especially brutal about it, the young have to jump off the cliffs they nest in and they can't fly just yet!)
i can't quite make out the last one, a kind of lark maybe? though you shouldn't take pictures of others when they're at the table.. that's a little rude... you should ask first!
thanks for sending! they're very nice.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
hey so i just remembered another insane soulmate au that isn’t as niche as the soulmate goose of enforcement but has the same potential for chaos 😂 so you and your soulmate have the same hair color, and when one of you dyes it then it turns the other’s hair that color too. i can’t get the thought of javi showing up to the embassy one day with neon pink hair and the desire to fight anyone that dares point it out 😂💀 do with this batshit idea what you will, hon
jj is here for the chaos and apparently so am I
wordcount: heck if I know this is more of a drabble sorryyy
warnings: strong language
Javier Peña called in late and wouldnt explain why. He knew his voice was panicked, intense, borderline unhinged, and he hoped to god they wouldnt send anyone to check up on him.
The time he normally wouldve used to get ready for work was wasted staring at himself in the mirror. Because Agent Peña, a detective of the DEA and notorious cassanova, woke up with hair pinker than a fruity drink of a girl with a fake ID at the bar.
He had been panicked, completely short-circuiting, and angry, wondering if it was some sort of stupid prank. His hands twitched for his gun or something to throw, before he remembered, and the anger drained out of his body faster than air from a tire.
His soulmate had done this. Warmth filled him, flamingo hair to toe. Did this mean... you were looking for him? Thinking of him? Would he find you soon?
Actually, he wasn't sure how he felt about that. It unsettled him in a different way, and he shook himself, trying not to think too hard about it. Instead, he turned his attention back to the mirror and... honestly, he was kind of feeling himself. He always did, to some degree, a thick layer of pride to disguise anything untouched and unpleasant underneath, but this was new. It wasnt his normal style, didnt match any of the clothes he'd had for all those years, but... he kind of thought he looked good. Younger almost, more confident.
The rest of his unexpected morning off was spent pacing in and out of his bathroom. It was cool, he was cool. Nope this was ridiculous, he was a joke and so were you. Oh, you, his soulmate, walking around somewhere with pink hair. Bah. Pink hair.
By the time it came for him to go into work, he hadn't settled even a little bit, and it was wonderful and terrible, but he was out of options. He walked into the embassy, didn't pause and let the eyes follow him, trying to wear his confidence like a shield.
Let them judge. Let them be jealous. Let them swoon. Let them - no actually, he wanted them to leave him the fuck alone.
His glare was well practiced, if normally saved for drug-dealing lowlifes or scummy politicians. He was rewarded with swallowed smirks and ducked heads, and he knew it was far from over, but for now, he could live with that. He could live with this, especially if you were out there, looking for him.
The neon pink had faded into a dappled cotton candy, and his normal brown should logically be poking out the roots, but the whole phenomenon really defied logic. For the most part the jokes were played out, with his tormentors either skipping out of reach, cackling, or withering under his glare, their eyes well aware of the clench in his hands.
Anyone who dared ask why he didnt just dye it back himself, learned quickly not to. And eventually, it became old news, other than the occasional comment that his soulmate must really be something.
And you must be, because Javier hadnt found you yet, an additional annoyance to the whole situation. It's not that he was looking he just... well he wasnt excited to find you that would be stupid, he was just...
Murphy wouldn't stop teasing him for the time he'd caught him trying to enhance a flash of pink in the background of a surveillance photo. He was the only one who could get away with it, the only one who was sort of right, about Javi already being chest deep in his adoration for a person he'd never met.
It was stupid, how much he wanted you, how excited he was at the prospect of finding you. He never thought he needed a soulmate, but now that he had definite proof he had one somewhere, he wanted you now. And he had no way to make that happen, except to wait.
He thought he saw you once, the most breathtaking flash of face from across a crowded street. It made him freeze, the warmth in his gut, but then he cursed himself, shoving people out of the way in hot pursuit of you. Surely the pink of you would be easy to find, surely the pink of him would draw you to him? He was frantic, but you were gone. And the image of you burned itself into both his nightmares and his dreams.
Looking back on the memory, he wondered if you were wearing a wig or a hat or something. But why would you do that? Didn't you do it because you wanted him to find you? And a fear settled into his heart. Maybe... you did it without knowing about it. Maybe you were just being independent... maybe you didnt want him, as he wanted you.
It was unthinkable. Javier laid awake at night, sometimes, wondering if he would be weak for begging the universe for something, anything. His Intel hookups stuttered to a stop.
Long nights were wasted pouring over unhelpful soulmate websites.
And then, as he stared at a box of cheap brown hair dye in the store, you walked into his life.
"What are you thinking?" It was a curious question, honest, as if you werent sure about him yet. Something a friendly person would ask a stranger, asking if they were contemplating pushing their soulmate away. Something someone kind would care about.
He looked at you, and dropped the box.
That same face, the one that he'd dreamed of losing, of kissing, of finding was right in front of him, half smiling like you were nervous. There was nothing he could do or say. Javier was waiting any longer. His hand slid over that beautiful, honey-pink hair of yours and pulled your mouth into his.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge
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thepixelelf · 3 years
oooh, the tittle ask seems cool, let me try, the tittle is "Shakespeare's words"
Title: Shakespeare's Words
Genres: comedy, university au
Jihoon's had to study Julius Caesar once, MacBeth twice, and Hamlet three goddamn times since he was fourteen. He knows his stuff by now, even if he forced himself to forget each play every time he handed in his final essay. Point is...
In the words of Shakespeare: oh, fuck.
Okay, maybe no one's recorded Shakespeare saying that, but Jihoon is sure old Will had his fair share of oh fuck situations. And what's happening to Jihoon right now? Definitely deserving of an oh fuck.
It's one thing to make enemies with the campus's most violent goose. It's another to keep walking through the goose's "claimed territory" just to spite it even though everyone else who's scrapped with the foul waterfowl avoids that part of the quad completely. It's a whole other thing to start getting chased by said asshole goose, totally miss the stranger innocently walking through the quad, run straight into them next to the central fountain, and topple the both of you into the shallow water, Jihoon's hands and knees holding him up while your head fully submerges beneath the surface.
You thrash around in the water for a few seconds before your arms sink to your side to hold you up, your head popping up with an astonished expression on your face. For a moment, you just choke and sputter, but then one hand comes up to wipe the fountain water out of your eyes.
"What the fuck?! you shout up at him. He realizes too late that he's directly over you, hands on either side of your head. "Why the fuck did you--?"
The sentence doesn't seem to come to completion, instead breaking up into fractured semi-words, probably because -- like Jihoon thinks about himself -- this is the most impossible situation to ever happen to you.
And, of course, Jihoon immediately tries to get up, but as impossible and embarrassing situations go, they just get even more impossible and even more embarrassing. The goose apparently isn't done its vicious attack, and it honks loudly, flapping its stupid wings as it swoops in at Jihoon's head. Instinctively, Jihoon ducks out of the way. Unfortunately, that means he bonks his forehead straight into yours, surprised grunts eliciting from both of you at the impact.
Half of your head dips back into the water, and you rub your forehead in pain as you wince.
"The fuck?! You pissed off Hector?!"
Despite what he should say first -- something along the lines of an apology -- Jihoon holds one arm up to fend off the goose (Hector???), and gives you an exasperated look.
"You named the asshole goose Hector?!"
He has to shout because the goose's honks are stupid and loud, but he kind of feels bad raising his voice at you.
"They're only an asshole to assholes, asshole!" You glare at him. "God, you're lucky you're cute."
Now, yes, Jihoon is currently being attacked by a goose. And, yes, this is probably the most embarrassing situation he's been in since eighth grade. But Jihoon has eyes, and they like what they see.
"I'm Jihoon," he tells you.
"Great," you snark. That makes him smile for some reason. "Jihoon the anti-goose whisperer, you are getting us out of this, and you're coming with me to tell my professor why I'm late to class."
Jihoon doesn't know if Hector was Cupid or something in their past life, but they back off for some reason when Jihoon's heartbeat picks up in a non-adrenaline-induced way.
He raises an eyebrow. "And then?"
"And then..." You smirk up at him, reaching for your bag and lifting it slightly. "You're paying for my damaged textbooks."
In the words of Shakespeare, (translated into modern English as published in the TOIKE OIKE, the art and literary newspaper of the University of Toronto Engineering Society) Hamlet, I, i, line 4,
"O fuck."
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willow-tree-writes · 4 years
❀Bet {1}❀
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: You were always the good girl that didn’t do anything outside your parents’ wishes. Including dating bad boys. Out of the blue, the baddest of boys comes and asks you on a date. The catch? You don’t know quite yet...
Request: N/A
Author’s Note: This idea is kind of based off 10 Thing I Hate About You. Great movies, if you haven’t watched it, please go watch it.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Cursing
!I don’t own this gif!
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“He’s a bad boy, Di.” You didn't look up from your notebook as you finished your poem for English.
Dina, who sat next to you at the library table, huffed. “But he’s so your type - blond hair, blue eyes, built like a God. He’s the whole fucking package.” 
You rolled your eyes, closing the notebook and turning to her. “Who drinks, smokes, and has sex with anything that breathes with a vagina. I want someone a little more stable.”
She groans, throwing her head back. “You’re a 16 year old virgin, Y/N. Stability is a middle-aged person thing.”
You laugh a little and shake your head. “One, it’s not. Two, even if I was interested in him, there’s no way in hell he’d ever notice me.”
She smirks, hearing your second point as you possibly being interested in the boy. “I can think of a way for you to get his attention…”
“No.” You frantically shake your head. “Hell no.”
“Come on! You never go!” 
You laughed. “Yeah, cause I don’t feel like getting drunk around a bunch of fake people.”
She pouted. “Come on…” She whined. “Just one! I promise I won’t leave your side for a second, or get drunk.”
You sigh, shaking your head. You were about to say no when you looked at your best friend. She displayed a puppy dog face. You sigh again, closing your eyes. “Just this one time.” She never did the puppy dog face unless she really wanted something.
She squealed, jumping up from her seat. “Yes!” 
The librarian, who was a good distance from you two, looked in your direction at Dina’s outburst. “Shh!”
She giggled out an apology before suffocating you in a hug.
You were so going to regret this.
JJ plopped down in his seat at the cafeteria table. “Yo, John B, watch this.” He hit his friend lightly on the arm as he grabbed a french fry. 
Kie rolled her eyes from where she sat. “Do you always have to do this?”
He ignored her as he tossed the french fry up in the air, catching it in his mouth long ways.
John B chuckled. “How long did it take you to do that?” 
He shrugged, chewing the fry. “Fucking long enough to be appreciated.”
Everyone at the table snorted at JJ’s comment. Their laughs died quickly when a few Kooks came over and sat at their table around them.
“You guys lost or something?” 
The one that seemed to be the leader of the pack, Gavin they thought his name was, spoke. “I was actually looking for a favor.”
“Look elsewhere.” John B answered, sitting back a little.
JJ looks at the fake watch on his wrist. “Come back when we’re working. Oh, wait, that’s never.”
Gavin rolled his eyes a little. “We both know I can pay. So humor me.”
JJ crossed his arms. “You humor us.”
“I need one of you to trick a girl for me.” He looked at the boys, but specifically John B and JJ. 
They all laugh a little. “Sorry, but that’s not our thing.”
One of the Kook goons patted his friend on the back. “You didn’t let him finish.”
JJ rolled his eyes and signaled for Gavin to continue.
“She’s right over there.” He points across the cafeteria to a H/C girl sitting with a brunette. “Her best friend is a total babe. But she won’t date anyone unless the both of them are getting some.”
John B shook his head. “And I’m guessing that’s where we come in?”
JJ speaks up before Gavin can say anything more. “Why can’t you get one of your ‘friends’ to do your dirty work?”
“This girl has specific tastes. And one of them is she prefers anyone but Kooks.” Gavin looks away from the two girls and back at the two boys. “So, what do you say? Will one of you take the offer?”
The table was silent for a moment. Kie was disgusted with the premise of using a girl just to get into another girl’s pants. Pope was glad he didn't get rope into this. John B knew sure as hell he wasn’t going to do this. But JJ, he was actually considering it.
“Alright, bet.” JJ says after a while, shoving a french fry in his mouth. “I’ll do it.”
Gavin smiles and pats him on the back. “That’s what I’m talking about, man. Her name is Y/N.”
“Now that’s what I’m talking about, girl!” Di squeals as she looks you up and down.
You were in a pair of black ripped jean shorts that kept riding up on your thighs. Your F/C crop top barely covered any part of your stomach, also riding up every now and then. You didn’t do much with your hair, not wanting to seem like you got really ready for a Kegger Party.
Di drags you to where most people are. “Thank my mom. I was going to come in tights and a t-shirt.” You mumbled.
She rolls her eyes playfully as she shoves a red solo cup in your hand. “Of course you were.”
“What’s in this?” Sloshing the liquid inside, it looked like a cheap substitute for red wine mixed with hard beer.
She shrugged and grabbed your arm, pulling you where more people were. “Who cares! Let loose for once and have some fun!”
You laugh a little and look back at the contents of your cup. Maybe a couple sips wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
Boy was that a bad idea.
The alcohol tasted cheap and went down like a child scared of a waterslide. It also hit you like a truck on an icy road.
You didn’t realize this until you were babbling on about the horrible quality of the education system to some poor Touron from Maine. Di, who had had way more to drink than you, was right behind you, laughing every once in a while at what you said. 
“I mean, who the hell cares about proofs? I shouldn’t have to prove shit!” It’s not like you even drank a lot. You had, at most, four sips.
The Touron was a mix between an uncaring tipsy and a concerned sober. “I need to get another drink.” He got up and, without waiting for you to respond, rushed off away from the kegger.
Not processing he was ditching you, you waited nice and patiently for him to return. You waited five minutes. Which turned to ten minutes. Then twenty. Then thirty. Then Di had to come over and correct your thinking.
“Girlie,” she slurred, almost tripping on you. She did seem to have sober up a little bit. “He’s gone gone. Like so gone.”
You sighed, helping her stand up properly. In the back of your mind you knew you overstepped, but you couldn’t say it.
After you were sure she could stand up on her own, you said, “I think I’m gonna-”
You had started to turn around and head towards the kegger when the sudden appearance of a body set you landing down right on your ass.
“Mother of all ducks and gooses…” You mutter, rubbing the part of your butt that wasn’t completely in the sand.
A hand popped in front of your face. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
The voice was one you didn’t really recall. But the face… If the blow to your ass didn’t sober you up, the thought of talking to this boy would have.
His smile was goofy, but presented itself like he knew how he made girls feel. Which he did. “Y/N, right?”
How the hell did JJ Maybank know your name? There was no way he should have known your name. It was impossible.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder and glanced back to see Di trying to contain her excitement and failing. Looking back forward, you slowly take his hand and let him help you stand back up.
“Great.” He didn’t let go of your hand once you were standing. Instead, he started to pull you over to a group you recognized as his friends.
You might have been a little too quick to stop him. “Wait, wait.” You pulled back on your hand. It didn’t get him to let go; only to slow down. “What - Who - Why?” You weren’t completely sober, so complete sentences and comprehensive thought wasn’t a friend.
He laughed, enjoying the effect he had on you. “Go on a date with me.”
That wasn’t a question. And the bluntness of it made you want to take a couple steps back. JJ Maybank, head Pogue boy or whatever, was asking a low profile Kook on a date. Something wasn’t right there.
Before you could open your mouth to answer, Di came and leaned over your shoulder. “Yes! Of course she’s gonna go on a date with you.” The smell of alcohol was a little too much for you.
He let go of your hand, which left a cold spot, and flashed you a charming smile. “Great. Meet me here on Friday. 3:30.” With that, he just walked back to his friends.
You were left sober with a drunk best friend to deal with and one question on your mind - What the fuck just happened?
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ceilingfan5 · 3 years
34 or 44 for taakitz?? 👀 for the writing prompts
34--spin the bottle
“I’ve literally never seen or heard of someone playing spin the bottle in real life, Merle. It fuckin’ sounds like something from a Mono prevention commercial or an after school special. Are you serious?” Taako sips at his drink and makes a face.
“Fuck yeah I’m serious!” Merle laughs. “Spin the Bottle is a tradition! It’s like, like Seven Minutes in Heaven!”
“Also fakety fake teenage bullshit, go on.”
“You’re just bitter because you’ve never gotten kissed at a party.” 
“I, listen, I don’t know why I’m defending myself here, but I super, super have? You’re just constructing intricate rituals to-”
“I’m offering you the chance to join my intricate rituals and decide where in the circle to sit,” Merle says, winking unsubtly. Taako would protest further, but who should descend into the unfinished basement hell they’ve taken over like a swarm of collegiate parasites but Kravitz fucking McAllister, object of Taako’s affections. Merle elbows him in the side. Taako wishes he was drunker. 
“Fine,” his mouth says without him. He slams back his drink and goes to get another one. “Get it started. But I am not, Merle. Merle. Listen to me, Merle. I am not sitting across from you.” 
“Coward!” Merle calls, laughing. Taako knows he’s at least sixty percent aware of what all is going on here, and he isn’t quite sure how far to trust him. But if they are going to sit on the sticky cement floor like they’re playing duck duck goose, Taako’s going to get something out of it, or die trying. Considering how shitty the beer is, maybe dying is more on the table than anyone ought to sneeze at. 
Maybe duck duck goose would be easier. 
Somehow, god knows how, Merle gets at least a dozen idiots into the game, including, to Taako’s absolute disbelief, Kravitz himself. He’s beautiful as ever, wearing something entirely too formal for a basement drinking party, and Taako aches to look at him. 
“Hey,” he calls across the circle, trying to be sneaky about sitting directly opposite of him. “Haven’t seen you at the tutoring center this semester. You pass that class?”
“With your help,” Kravitz says, smiling. “I didn’t think it was possible. Actually, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.”
“What can I say,” Taako crows, preening a little. “I do my job once in a while.” Too fucking good, apparently. Is he ever going to have an excuse to see Kravitz again? 
The game gets going as the music thrums from upstairs. The bottle spins and Sloane has to kiss Hurley, which involves a whole lot of giggling. Taako rolls his eyes. He wishes they would hurry up and just date each other. Then he goes back to making googoo eyes at Kravitz. 
Magnus realizes what kind of game it is and dips. Avi argues about the rules with Merle, and tries to wheedle that the person who spins it gets to kiss whoever it lands on, not the person across from them, which Carey, who ended up across from him when Magnus split, is quick to jump in on. Merle grumps and holds his ground, because he’s incredibly invested in this stupid game, and Taako gets bored and starts trying to blow jingle bells on his nearly-empty beer bottle. 
The bottle spins again. Carey and Avi switched places, so Avi gets to kiss Johann, which is wild to watch. Taako didn’t even realize Johann was at the party. The bottle spins again while Taako’s trying to think of another song with only one note, and suddenly everyone is looking at him. 
“What,” he says. 
“Err,” Kravitz starts. “I believe the bottle is pointing at you and me.” 
Taako loses all the air in his cheeks. His bottle makes a very pathetic sound. “Oh.”
Kravitz hesitantly stands. Taako follows suit, and he crosses the circle, definitely kicking the stupid bottle on his way. This dumb game has served its purpose now. 
“Maybe, uh, maybe just a quick peck?” Kravitz tries. He rubs his hands on his pants, looking sweaty in his nice outfit. 
“Sure,” Taako says lazily, like he isn’t fucking dying to suck on this dude’s tongue. “You start.”
“Keep hesitating and you’re gonna have to-” 
“Merle, I will kill you with my laser beams.” 
Kravitz smiles slightly. And he leans in. He glances around at the others, looking even more nervous as the clock ticks on.
“Are you sure-”
Taako kisses him. He simply doesn’t have the patience to waffle any longer. And sure, he tastes like the shitty cheap party beer just like Taako does, but kissing him is absolutely incredible. Taako never really got the whole fireworks thing before now, but now he’s ready to start a fuckin’ forest fire up in here. He pulls Kravitz closer, and Kravitz looks a little startled, but instead of pulling away, he kisses him deeper, and Killian wolf-whistles. Taako flips her off, and closes his eyes and leans into the sensation of getting his breath stolen away by the hottest guy he knows. 
His lungs are full of stars, and they’re all going supernova in his chest. 
He finally pulls away to breathe, and opens his eyes, and Kravitz looks so stunned and heart-eyed that Taako has to laugh. 
“You, uh, you good?” 
“Super,” Kravitz manages. “Do- do you want to keep playing, or, or, or-”
“Or what?”
“Find a different place to be?”
“Yeah, fuck this duck circle, I’m out. If I haven’t changed my relationship status by the time this party’s over-”
“I hope you’re too busy to be on your phone.” Kravitz smiles at him. Taako blushes hard, he can’t help it. 
“You’re fucking welcome,” Merle calls after them as they head upstairs, hand in hand. “Now, who wants to play duck duck goose?”   
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magicjoint · 2 years
Duck, Duck, Go Goose!
A certain mageless human fails to go undetected by Abigail’s radar. Clawed toes slam down at the back of Yuu’s head; the goose lets out a blood-curdling war cry in the form of a monstrous honk. Its beak snatches a lock of Yuu’s head before the goose jerks backwards, determined to make its victim fall onto the ground. As it does so, its head turns momentarily to direct a glower at Grim, as if to say: You’re next. 
Unbeknownst to the duo, a certain aspiring witch blends into a nearby crowd. He raises his crystalline pen and lets a silent incantation fall from his lips. A shimmer of sparkles shoots out from his pen and hits Abigail. In a blink of an eye, Abigail Goose is now three times her original size! Azul titters and then slinks back into the depths of the crowd, exiting the scene. 
for a brief, very brief moment, the duo thought they might actually be okay. the ... feathered foe seemed more focused on those with magic abilities and while it was definitely a bad way to continue the party, yuu couldn't help but think of how ridiculous this was at the same time. to think a goose could cause so much chaos ... and then they felt the said goose on the back of their head suddenly.
a yelp got out of them, hands immediately reaching up to try and yank the bird off. unfortunately, the goose seemed to have the same idea so this only made yuu struggle more and their scalp a lot more irritated. oh, but don't think grim wasn't watching from nearby, growling at the goose when it turned its head to look at him. as if he'd be intimidated by a mere bird! but if they continued the way they were, yuu would only get exhausted and eventually hit the floor. and, well, that'd just be the beginning of the end.
so they decided to go along with the goose. for a moment. right before they would lose their balance, their stance steeled and instead of falling backwards, leant all the way forward. yuu's hands from earlier helped to push the goose off their head as it honked in ... whatever geese feel. and it was a good thing yuu got the goose off when they did.
because now the goose was a whole lot bigger. magic, yuu noted, but they didn't quite see where or who it had come from.
" you can't be serious right now! " an exhausted, angered tone came out of them. geese at their normal size was bad enough, but a goose that was taller than grim? now that's just too much! speaking of the feline ... seemed as if he finally got the severity of the situation, or maybe he just recognised that he might actually lose his henchman if they tried to take on this goose. either way, the party was about to get a lot more hot.
with flames.
perhaps a bad decision, but now grim was casting and aiming fireballs at the poor goose. not quite close enough to actually harm it, but close enough to conceive enough threat. now the hall was filled with panicked goose honks, the goose running around trying to dodge the flames for a minute while grim only laughed at the display. "how's that for a threat! you stay away from my henchman! shoo! shoo!!" seeing grim as more of a threat, along with the fact that he was right beside yuu again, the goose finally decided to tuck its tail and run off to harrass someone else. someone that wouldn't try to roast it for dinner.
taking shallow breaths, the duo turned to look at each other ... stared ... and burst out into laughter, yuu picking grim up and rubbing at his head. " i thought i told you not to do that again! " said yuu as grim only whined at the force against his head. "hey, you'd be goose food right now if i didn't save you! you should be thanking me for being so quick to action!"
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oligbia · 3 years
Yoosung KimXReader
SFW, Fluff
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A/N: this was originally a request piece, but for some reason, I can't find the ask? I probably should make a habit of screenshotting requests but you live and learn. Anyways, I hope they still see it because it was fun to write.
Days like this were incredibly rare for the two of you. His schedule was always busy these days, animals always needed saving and their owners needed someone full of sunshine to care for them. But, when you both did have a day alone, he was absolutely determined to make the most of it. His days of playing video games were far behind him- it had been months since he had logged into LOLOL as it was. He now used his free days to soak up the perfection that was you.
You were nothing but supportive of your dearest Yoosung. The many mornings you woke up without him, went to bed without him, ate dinner alone- none of those mattered when it meant you got to spend days like this one with him. You were so proud, watching him grow into one of the best vets in the area. He wasn’t the distracted and naive boy he was when you had first met him, he was now a man full of purpose and sensibility. But, while he had grown, he was still the radiate and golden boy you loved, still full of that youthful spirit.
It was an understatement to say that the two of you were absolutely and incandescently smitten. The way the two of you felt was something beyond words, it was something beautifully passionate and full of grace.
The sun warmed the world around you, the world seeming brighter when you were together. It was nearly spring, the earth slowly taking bloom around you. Trees and flowers alike were slowly coming back to life after a winter sleep. It was the kind of day where it wasn’t too warm but you didn’t feel a chill, the wind was gentle and soft. It was the ideal day to be outside, especially on a day off.
Yoosung walked alongside you, hand enclosed in yours, fingers intertwined. He looked at you as you walked alongside him, basking in your beauty. You were unlike anything he had known before. You were beyond something he could put in words, something so magnificent to him he could never understand why it was him you chose. You tell him all the time that he was just perfect to you, perfect for you, but he would never believe it. Even as someone in his late twenties now, he still thought you are way out of his league, you always have been.
“Yoosung, look!”
His mind shifted from his thoughts, now focused on what you were pointing at in the distance. Near a pond in the middle of the park was a group of geese and ducks. He smiled at your excitement, taking in the way your eyes sparkled and your mouth pulled into a smile. God, he loved your smile.
“Want to go over there?
You nodded, squeezing his hand softly as you dragged him behind you. He laughed softly as he followed hopelessly behind you. He was practically wrapped around your finger, his heart on his sleeve for only you to see.
You pulled him over to a nearby bench, sitting you both down. You sat flesh against his side, your bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. Yoosung pulled his hand out from yours, choosing to instead wrap it around your shoulders, watching how you smiled at the ducks in front of you.
“I think we should get a pet.” You looked up at Yoosung.
A small blush took over the tops of his ears. “A pet?”
“Yea, I think I want a pet, maybe a cat.”
Yoosung cleared his throat, “I think I would want a living thing with you, maybe not kids, well, I want kids with you, but not now-”
You pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I know what you mean.”
He relaxed, grinning at your affection. He looked down at you, smiling, taking your face in his hands. He brought his face to you, placing his forehead to yours.
“I love you, so much.”
He kissed you softly and sweetly, but full of passion. His smile was apparent in the kiss, even as he pulled away, his grin was large. He peppered your face with kisses, ending on the bridge of your nose. You giggled, hands resting gently on his chest.
Yoosung was about to go in for a second kiss, your eyelids fluttering when you were interrupted by a large honk.
Yoosung blinked, pulling his face from yours to look at the goose who was standing in front of you both. You held back a few giggles, noticing how defeated Yoosung looked. You gave in, laughing. Yoosung watched you, joining in your laughing.
“Well, hello there.” Yoosung reached his hand out to the duck, trying to pet it gently. The goose honked at him again, letting Yoosung gently pet its head. You watched him and the duck, smiling. You had only seen him work with animals a few times, just when you came across dogs on days like this. You weren’t able to see him at work often, if you could it was when he wasn’t busy. There was something in the way he was so at ease with animals that left you weak, your heart full.
The duck, content, wandered off to join his friends. Yoosung chuckled as it walked off, turning back to you. “It’s going to start getting dark soon, do you want to go get dinner?”
You nodded, “Can we go to the place with the really good dumplings? The one by Zen’s place?”
Yoosung stood up, offering a hand to you. “We can go anywhere you want, sweetheart.”
You took his hand, standing him and intertwining your fingers. You both started the walk back to his car, swinging your arms ever so slightly. You felt a strange presence- like someone was following you. You turned your head around, seeing a trail of ducks and geese following behind Yoosung.
“Honey, I think you have multiple shadows.”
Yoosung looked behind him, puzzled. “Multiple? That’s not possible-oh no.”
The animals started honking, picking up pace. Yoosung looked at you, his panic not matching your laughing. “Run.”
He took off in a rub, hand still holding yours. You chased behind him, giggling all the way.
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happyandticklish · 4 years
Not So Easy
Notes: For the ask by @tickles-tea, who requested a follow-up on Endurance Training, only this time with feathers. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: When Shinra discovers a new tool to implement in their sessions, Izaya is faced with a challenge that he can’t refuse. 
“A feather?”
The unimpressed drawl came from the mouth of none other than Izaya Orihara, perched on the edge of Shinra’s bed. Currently, the scientist was twirling the fluffy tool expectantly between his fingers after pulling it from a box on his bedside table. Inside the box, Izaya could see a variety of other feathers, all of them different shapes, sizes, and colors.
When Shinra had first grabbed him that day after school, excited to show him something that would take their “training” to a new level, Izaya had been apprehensive. Despite his protests otherwise, he was finding these tests to be much more difficult than he had anticipated, and the addition of some new element was harrowing. He had been expecting torture machines, brushes, maybe some new form of bondage to test out. Instead, Shinra had presented him with a simple goose feather, the edges soft but ultimately non-threatening.
“It’s a lot more difficult to withstand than you might think,” Shinra promised, taking a seat besides him. Izaya had previously been stretched out on the bed, supported by his elbows, but at the scientist’s sudden proximity he straightened up into a more protective position. He frowned at the involuntary action, wondering if maybe Shinra was getting to him after all.
“There’s just no way that I’m going to give in to something as stupid as a feather,” Izaya scoffed, making up for his earlier unease with a bluster he didn’t feel. “It’s impossible.”
“Impossible?” Shinra repeated, a strange glint entering his eyes.
“That’s what I said—”
“So you wouldn’t mind a challenge, would you?”
Izaya stiffened at the word, competitive spirit ignited. “A challenge? Of what sort?”
“You allow me to tickle you for ten minutes with this—” he gestured to the feather—“without giving up, saying the safe word, or moving to block me.”
“And what do I get if I win?” Izaya asked, crossing his arms skeptically.
Shinra thought about it for a moment. “You get to tickle me back wherever and however you want for five minutes.”
“Ten minutes,” Izaya amended immediately. “It’s only fair, right?”
“No,” Shinra corrected firmly. “Five minutes—you said it was an easy win, after all; it wouldn’t make sense to give you so much retribution for something that should come easily to you. Five minutes, final offer.”
Though technically he could launch revenge anytime he wanted, Shinra usually got him back tenfold afterwards, something Izaya found vastly unfair as he knew for a fact that the future scientist enjoyed it. This would give him a chance to finally get him back without fear of retribution. “Alright. Fine. And what happens if I lose?”
“You get tickled for five minutes on your worst spot and you’re not allowed to block me.”
“What?” Izaya exclaimed, shudders shooting down his spine at the idea. “No way. Not fair.”
“Hey, if you don’t think you can do it…” Shinra shrugged, leaning back and waiting for the other boy’s answer.
Izaya tugged at his lip, considering. On one hand, there was no way he could stand his thighs being tickled for that long without anyway to stop it. On the other hand, the idea of finally wrecking Shinra was incredibly appealing.
Not to mention, it was just a feather. What was the worst that could happen?
“Alright,” Izaya said, holding out his hand. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
Currently, Izaya lay stripped down to his shorts on Shinra’s bed, his arms held above his head and anticipation wreaking havoc on his nerves. At first he had protested the exposed state, but Shinra pointed out that the feather would only be effective if it could get to bare skin. Izaya squeezed his hands together, taking in a shuddering breath. “You got the timer?”
“Yes. Get ready to have your mind blown, Orihara.” 
Shinra started the timer just as Izaya was rolling his eyes at him, and that was when he felt the first brush of the feather against his side.
Izaya stifled an involuntary squeak, blaming the embarrassing action on shock. The feather was soft and as it brushed up and down his side it created an almost pleasant sensation that sent goosebumps prickling along his skin. It was strange; Izaya found himself torn between laughing and sighing in pleasure. It was impossible to sit through, but at the same time he almost didn’t want it to stop. He shifted on the bed, wishing Shinra would at least move on from that one spot which only seemed to get more sensitive with the continued caresses of the feather.
“T-This is easy,” Izaya bluffed, cursing the slight stammer in his voice. “I could do this all d-day.”
“Good to know.” Shinra grinned, sweeping the feather up so that it was swirling around his stomach. Izaya jumped, a hand shooting down to cover his face and a smile tugging at his lips. “Oh? Good spot?”
Izaya shook his head, afraid to speak. His stomach trembled under the light touch of the feather and a blush crept unwanted along his features. Despite his tough exterior, Izaya himself was not all that strong and this was evidenced in the softness of his skin, smooth and vulnerable with no muscle to protect itself. This gave the feather direct access to his nerves, and as its attack continued unhindered Izaya felt the first, lone giggle slip out of his mouth, followed by several more broken-up ones.
“Not as easy as you thought, huh?” Shinra asked, arching an eyebrow.
Izaya shakily raised his hand to flip him off, a gesture contrary to the sweet giggles spilling from his lips. “F-Fuhuck you.”
“Oh, ho, ho, is that how you want to play it?” Shinra smirked, sweeping the feather up towards his underarms suddenly. Izaya shrieked, arms flailing a bit as he tried to figure out how to react, finally settling on gripping the headboard with white knuckles. “I knew this would get you. Willing to give up yet.”
It shouldn’t have tickled that much. There was no way that one, singular feather could be having the effect it was having on Izaya. Yet it seemed that he had made a large miscalculation in underestimating the sensitivity of his underarms. He writhed under the gentle touch, face scrunched up in a determined grin as he fought back squeaks and giggles.
“T-Thihihis ihihis s-stuhuhupid!” he protested, shrinking under the soft plumage. “Ihihi—ahaha, nohohohoho!”
Shinra’s heart stuttered in his chest. It took a lot to break Izaya Orihara, and even when he did it was never in this gentle way where the torment was soft, unending touches that wrung such sweet noises from his mouth. He found himself enraptured by the sight. The trembling of his skin, twitching and arching on his bedsheets, the flushed pallor to his cheeks, laughter, pleasant and uncontrolled to his ears. He decided then and there that he needed to see more of this side of him in as many different ways as possible.
He lifted the feather, giving his friend a momentary reprieve, before tracing the tip delicately along his collarbone and under his chin. Izaya honest-to-god snorted, ducking his head into his shoulders. Amused by the reaction, Shinra kept it up and swept the feather along any available skin of his neck. Izaya was helpless to protect it, unable to cover all of his neck at once, and he twisted his head from side to side in an attempt to catch the damned thing.
“I didn’t realize your neck was so ticklish!” Shinra exclaimed in delight, managing to somehow slip the feather under his head and across the nape of his neck. Izaya shrieked, praying to any deity out there that might be listening that the feather would evaporate before it could do anymore damage.
“Neheheither d-did Ihihi!” Izaya’s laughter was becoming more bubbly by the minute, the sheer ridiculousness of the situation taking over. He had let go of the headboard by now, and his hands hovered around his neck and shoulders, close enough that he felt like he had some sort of control over the situation, but not actually stopping the torment and allowing himself to lose the challenge. “J-Juhuhust g-go sohomewhere ehelse!”
“Why?” Shinra teased, unable to help himself. Anytime he had Izaya in a position like this he had to exploit it for all it was worth. “Does it tickle too much?”
“Yehehes—nohohohoho—Ihihi dohohon’t—” It was clear that Izaya’s sense of coherency was quickly fading and Shinra decided to give him a break if only because he didn’t want the challenge to be over so quickly; he wasn’t done with him just yet. 
“Alright, I suppose I’ll be nice for now.” Shinra backed off and Izaya slumped back onto the bed, taking a hand and not-so-subtly rubbing away the remaining sensations on his neck.
Shinra pursed his lips, trying to figure out where to go next. He could go for his thighs, but he knew the second he touched him there with that feather Izaya would cave and he wanted this to be interesting. That didn’t mean he was going to leave his lower half entirely alone, of course. He would just have to be strategic about it.
He scooched down on the bed, picking up Izaya’s leg and hooking it around one shoulder. Izaya frowned indignantly, opening his mouth to question the strange action, but before he could Shinra teased the feather along the backs of his knees, tracing the sensitive skin contained there.
Izaya’s eyes widened and he shot up on the bed, slamming his hands down on either side of him. “No! Wait--E-ehehe, whahahait, nohoho!”
Izaya’s leg trembled violently as Shinra dragged the feather up and around in tiny circles, pulling the cutest noises from his mouth as he did so. Izaya fell back on the bed, hiccupping around squeaky giggles as he fisted his hands in the bedsheets, occasionally slamming his fists down whenever it got too much.
This was only the beginning of Shinra’s plan, however. He continued to torment that spot for another minute before dragging it along his calf, a spot that made Izaya momentarily screw up his face in ticklish agony, before landing finally on the sole of his foot.
Though his reactions were less desperate now, Izaya burst into cackling laughter, covering his face once more in his hands. It was possible that Shinra had simply broken down his resistance, but there was definitely something more defeated in his friend’s countenance now, an undiluted joy that expressed itself in the form of helpless laughter. Shinra found himself laughing too, drawn in by the infectious nature of it all.
Eventually it was twisting the feather between his toes that finally broke him. Shinra had only been tickling him there for about twenty seconds before Izaya reached forward and batted his hands away.
“Stohohohop!” he choked out, kicking his leg out in an attempt to free himself. “N-No mohore.”
As soon as Shinra let go of him he snatched the feather out of his hand, crumpling it and throwing it on the ground.
“Ah,” Shinra pouted. “I liked that feather.”
“I didn’t,” Izaya grumbled, curling up on the bed in an exhausted heap. “That feather was evil.”
Despite his protests, Izaya felt an involuntary smile curl at his lips, not just from the tickling, either. It was nice to be able to just smile and laugh uninhibited without worrying about what others would think. It had been so long since he had allowed himself to do so, though Shinra, he was quickly finding, was an exception to a lot of things in his life.
The tickling itself wasn’t so bad either, not that he would ever admit it.
As he lay there, panting and trying to regain his breath, he felt a shadow looming over him and turned over to find Shinra hovering behind him. “What are you—?”
“Don’t you remember what your punishment was?”
Izaya’s eyes widened. “Shinra no.”
“Where was your worst spot again?” Shinra asked, tapping a finger against his chin in a mock impression of confusion. “Was it possibly right... here!”
“No, no, nohohohohoho!”
The moment Shinra latched onto his thighs, Izaya was lost once more to helpless laughter. Through his cackling and squirming, Izaya found himself thanking the world that he had found a friend like Shinra. 
Truly, he couldn’t have asked for anyone better. 
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somersetmummy · 3 years
(A/N) This is a TNA one shot, taking place immediately following book 1 chapter 12 (the gala balcony scene). Characters, some storyline and some dialogue property of Pixelberry.
Story told from point of view of MC Katie Hide. Internal character thoughts are written in italics.
I tried to think about how they would get through the rest of the gala after their little extra curricular activities on the balcony….so here it is!
Original characters: Katie Hide (MC), Sam Dalton, Vivienne Dalton, Mason Sr Dalton, Carter
New characters: Laney, Ryan
Content warning: Some light adult language
Summary: Nanny Katie Hide and her boss Sam Dalton finally take their relationship to the next step on the night of the gala, but just when they should be feeling elated, things spiral quickly. Can they get through the rest of the evening together now that things have changed for good?
Word count: 3462 (I’m out of control!)
- Bonus social edits at the end -
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Alone on the balcony, looking out over the city's twinkling lights, she should've been basking in the afterglow of the best sex of her life but instead she feels empty. Her resolve held strong in front of Sam as he skulked off seemingly full of regret but now, her mind races through every minute detail of what had just happened.
Instead of taking the time to carefully ingrain every delicious detail of their time together into her memory, she painfully second guessed every move, every touch, every whispered promise. Once her exhausted mind began to fray she decided to sweep the whole thing under the carpet determined to save face, for now. Collecting herself, she absentmindedly ran her fingers up and down her arms, goose bumps standing proud, finally giving in to the cold night air.
On her way back towards the ballroom, while wondering how the hell she was going to get through the rest of the evening, she prolongs her return to reality by ducking into one of the lavish bathrooms to freshen up.  The room is quiet, an older lady leaves as she enters, another younger girl, probably around her age, is refreshing her makeup by one of the opulent vanity's. She sits down on the plush velvet ottoman in the middle of the vanity area with a sigh, not really sure what to do next.
"Well you look like you've been through the ringer!"
Turning towards the kind voice, the girl who was doing her makeup, a warm glow pours out to her as the stranger looks her up and down with genuine concern. Her face is one of those which feels familiar, like someone she could’ve known her whole life. It is enough to encourage her to open up a little and feels like a relief to have someone to talk to after feeling so alone out on that balcony.
"I'm sort of having the best night of my life as well as the worst. And to top it all off I've left my purse in the main room..." She gestures towards her untidy hair and slightly smudged makeup by way of an explanation.
The stranger offers a knowing look in reply.
“So are you here with someone? Your dress is divine by the way."
Smoothing the front of her dress, Katie replies absentmindedly, "Oh no, I'm just here with my boss, filling in an empty seat at the last minute." Hesitant to share more with someone she'd just met, she kept the more intimate details to herself.
"Me too, well sort of. I'm a stylist, one of my clients insisted I join them to make sure they look perfect all night long, god forbid her dress creases when she sits down for dinner!" She waves Katie over to the vanity and the open make up case. "Here, use whatever you need." She continues watching as Katie gratefully grabs a brush and some powder. "I'm really just starting out but figure these sorts of events are great publicity if I can dress the right people. I mean they're all living on another planet of course but they love to be in the spotlight and gush about their outfits, which is great for me!"
The pair chat easily together for a while before Katie glances at the time on her phone screen realising she'd been gone much longer than anticipated. She’d enjoyed having an ally and getting her mind off the car crash of a moment with Sam, truth be told, she’d much rather stay here in the safety of her mirrored cave and the kindness of a stranger than plaster a smile on her face and return to the Dalton’s table. With a wistful smile she turns to the stranger.
"I suppose I should be getting back, although I can't say I'm looking forward to it."
"I'm Laney by the way." She holds her hand out to Katie and they share a gentle shake.
"I'm Katie. I've really enjoyed hiding out in here with you, thanks for everything." Leaving Laney to pack up the overly large purse full of beauty treasures, Katie heads back towards the bustling ballroom. Barely making it into the room, Laney breathlessly catches up to her holding out a business card.
"Hey, I thought maybe we could meet up for a coffee sometime, you know if you want to have someone in the real world to spend time with!" She points over to someone across the room and continues animatedly, "You said you went to NYIT right? I'm sure my friend Ryan would love to meet you too, he did his Grad course there and always loves a trip down memory lane!"
Taking the card, Katie’s eyes are drawn to Sam over Laney's shoulder. He looks just as he did before the balcony, the ever professional businessman, as if nothing had ever happened. He gives a slight tip of his head in Katie’s direction, motioning for her to join him back at the table.
The new friends share a quick hug promising to catch up soon and she makes her way over to Sam who won't quite meet her eye. Despite the frostiness between them, he's a gentleman at heart and doesn't think twice about pulling out her chair, tucking it in gently as she sits. As the bustle of dinner being served continues around them, the thorny silence between them grows thick with unspoken feelings.
After a whirlwind of Sam and his parents catching up over the exploits of various family friends and tales of the boys, Vivienne turns to smile at Katie.
"Now dear, we're being rude talking around you as though you're not here. Sam tells me you're quite the budding scientist yourself?"
She looks to Sam to see him offering a helpless smile and shrug of the shoulders and can’t help but wonder whether he’d shared anything about his previous employees with his mother, or if she was the first. As Katie pulls her eyes away from Sam’s, she pushes down all the feelings which bubbled up inside her and plasters on her most professional smile.
"Yes, Mrs Dalton, I have a Masters in Chemistry and up until recently was managing projects for Panacea Labs."
Being the expert that she is at reading people, Katie astutely notices how Mr Dalton’s ears prick, he clearly didn't know that there was more to her than being 'just a nanny', whatever that means.
"Please dear, you're practically family, call me Vivienne."
A warm glow fills her body at the thought of being accepted into the fold of the Dalton family. Smiling back at Vivienne, she continues to share stories of her experiences in the industry, her passion for science and her love for exploring through the twins eyes.
"Mickey and Mason are such a brilliant example of how a love of science can be developed at a young age. They're so curious and passionate about exploring, it's such a pleasure to be a part of."
Next to her, barely able to disguise the pride he feels for her, Sam tries his best to remain outwardly impassive while watching the rest of the table listen attentively, completely captivated by her storytelling. He'd meant it earlier on the balcony when he'd agreed that she was meant to be by his side, a partner not a secret he had to hide his feelings for. He just didn't know how to make it a reality, trapped within his own life. But in this moment, his feelings bubble to the surface and it takes everything he has not to take her in his arms in front of everyone and let them come flooding out for all to see.
After all, it wasn’t Katie’s fault that his true feelings for her hit him like a tonne of bricks earlier that evening while he watched her effortlessly talk Selene into keeping her shares. In front of his parents no less. Right there, everything he loves about her shone out for everyone to see and he realised he was deeply and helplessly in love. It just wasn’t with his fiancée. Hell that's the reason he took Katie out to the balcony in the first place, to steal a moment to share how he really feels but as always he was too much of a coward to do anything about it in fear or letting everyone else down and jeopardising his sons future.
He knows that the only way to try to push through it all is to detach himself from Katie as much as possible, even if it means becoming the bad guy. In his mind, she deserves better, she deserves the damn fairytale and that's just not something he's able to give.
As they move through the plentiful courses of dinner, Mason Sr continues to interrogate Katie on her knowledge and opinions of various scientific and business theories, although his directness falters as the meal goes on and they both seem to enjoy the lively debates. Vivienne occasionally interjects with questions of her own about Katie’s family, her life back in England and whether it's difficult to be far from home. To Katie, it almost feels like she’s on a 'meet the parents' date which in her mind could be going a lot worse.
When coffee is finally offered, Mason Sr stands abruptly, eyes focussed on Sam.
“Ladies, while this evening's discussions have been...interesting, I think it's time we get down to some business." He nods curtly at Sam before gesturing towards a quieter bar area off the back of the room.
Sam stands to follow him but not before turning to Katie and instinctively placing a hand on her shoulder. She involuntarily shudders at his touch as her mind races back to the last time they touched on the balcony.
"This shouldn't take too long, will you be ok here?"
"Of course she will darling, I'm not going to bite her!" Vivienne cuts in before she can reply. Sam nods in approval towards her and lingers for a moment before walking away to meet his father. Katie's shoulder still tingling at the memory of his touch.
Katie looks across the ballroom taking in the general splendour and jovial atmosphere while Vivienne takes the opportunity to really look at her, contemplating how much to share with her. After taking a few sips of coffee, she turns herself to fully face Katie and offers a warm smile.
"I can see why the boys are so taken with you...all of them."
The honesty of her comment takes Katie by surprise. Unsure how to respond, she slowly turns to meet Vivienne’s eye, raising her eyebrow slightly in question.
"You're all the things Sam said you were. He was right when he told me we'd get on well."
The intensity of Vivienne’s gaze is so strong Katie daren't look away.
"I want to thank you for everything you've done for them all. They've come alive again since having you in their life. Poor Sara was taken from him far too soon, from us all really...it was all so hard on Sam and the boys." She trails off clearly lost in memory. "I know he cares for you and wants you to feel part of the family."
“Shit” she thinks to herself. Feeling like a rabbit caught in headlights, Katie's mind races. Does she know? How can she, they've only met once before, surely that's not enough to make her suspicious?
"I think Sam's just taken pity on me because I'm so far from home and he knows I don't have any family around. He and the boys have been so gracious in making me feel welcome."
Hoping she sounds convincing she takes a sip of coffee, relishing the opportunity to hide her blushing cheeks behind the cup. Vivienne suddenly looks up with Katie follow her gaze over her shoulder. Behind her, Laney is standing with a cowboy-next-door handsome man in tow, a welcome interruption. His dirty blonde hair is slightly unkempt, his frame more lean than Sam's but he still carries an athletic look, he smiles charmingly at Katie.
“Excuse me" Laney directs to Vivienne before turning to speak to Katie. “This is my friend Ryan who I was telling you about earlier."
Katie reaches out to shake his hand which he is already holding out towards her.
"I hear you're a fellow NYIT grad? You look far too respectable to have hung out in the sort of dives I used to find myself in!"
"Try me..." she challenges with a twinkle in her eye.
Laney rolls her eyes with boredom and escapes, business card in hand, to fawn over an awkwardly dressed woman at another table.
"Would you like to dance? I promise not to break out the old NYIT match day chant moves!"
She can't help but laugh at his natural charm. After looking to Vivienne, who waves her hand in approval, she lets Ryan lead her out to the dance floor where they sway together at ease in each other's company reminiscing. It’s a far cry from the intimate dance with Sam earlier that evening, instead Katie could relax into it knowing that she wasn’t trying to hide anything, and it felt freeing.
As Sam's discussion, or more accurately argument, with his father comes to an end he heads back to the table where he notices his mother is sitting alone.
“Where's Katie?" He asks forgetting to hide the panic in his voice, worried for the second time that evening, after she had disappeared to the bathroom for half an hour, that Katie had thought better of compromising herself for him and fled the gala.
Vivienne nods towards the dance floor, Sam's eyes follow and a bolt of jealousy hits him right in the heart as he sees her in the arms of another man.
With a steely glare he starts towards her but is stopped by Vivienne's hand firmly holding him back by his arm.
“Leave her be, she's enjoying herself."
Letting out an almost inaudible sigh he sits down next to his mother but can't pull his eyes away, so enthralled that his mother's voice is almost a whisper in the background.
"She really is wonderful darling, I know even your father is impressed, of course he'll never say it." Her arm still resting on his, she studies Sam's face before continuing, "What a shame you’d not met her sooner.”
Allowing himself for a moment to hope that his mother's glowing reference suggests she is in approval of his relationship with Katie becoming something more, Sam smiles and leans forward ready to gush even more. He catches himself just in time as the ever repeating voices in his head remind him of his responsibility and everyone else's expectations of him, instead he brings it back to the boys.
"Yes she's brilliant with Mason and Mickey, they're lucky to have her."
Dancing and talking together with Ryan, Katie had almost forgotten about Sam and their earlier tryst on the balcony, grateful for the distraction and if she was being honest the attention. It's not every day that she goes to the effort of dressing up at the last minute and schmoozes the un-scmoozable to help her sort-of-boyfriend look good, it's nice to have someone sweep her off her feet and put her first for once.
"Your boyfriend doesn't seem too happy about us dancing together" Ryan nods towards Sam who is trying to get their attention, his parents behind him appear to be getting ready to leave.
"He's not my boyfriend."
Ryan's eyes widen sensing an opportunity. “Well I guess that's good news for me...can I call you sometime, take you out for dinner?"
She drops her gaze, shaking her head slightly.
“I'm sorry, I don't think it's a good idea..." trailing off, he gently lifts her chin to look up at him.
"But you're single...?"
"No, I...it's...it's complicated" she stutters while looking over his shoulder at Sam, who looks less than thrilled.
"Well, if you change your mind, Laney has my number." With that, he kisses her hand and watches the silk of her gown cling to her hips as she walks away.
Returning to the table, Mason Sr takes Katie’s hand and shakes it almost warmly.
“Pleasure to see you again Katie. Excellent damage control with Selene earlier...very impressive."
He moves to Sam, impassively shaking his hand as Vivienne envelopes her in a hug, kissing each cheek.
"Wonderful to see you again dear, give those grandsons of mine one of these from me!"
Katie smiles tenderly back at her, nodding in agreement.
After the Dalton's leave, Katie and Sam remain at the table, sipping their drinks in awkward silence, steadily interrupted by acquaintances of Sam's wanting to talk business. Finally, noticing Katie’s arm propping up her tired head, Sam stands.
“I think that's enough shop talk for one night, let's get you home."
Waiting for the limo to pull to the front of the building Sam notices her shiver in the cold night air. He takes off his jacket and wraps it around her shoulders, the most contact they’ve had all evening since being intertwined on the balcony together. His gaze lingers on hers, neither able to look away. She tries to read his thoughts as she looks deep into his eyes but all she sees is a muddle of pain, confusion and longing. It doesn't make her feel any better.
"Mr Dalton..." the driver says with a small cough as he stands by the open limo door.
Sam pulls away and walks her over to the limo with his hand hovering behind the small of her back, not daring to touch. Once settled in their seats it doesn't take long for the gentle motion of the car to send Katie to sleep, her head lulling and dropping onto Sam's shoulder.
It takes everything he has for him not to wrap his arms around her, his mind conflicted thinking of the nights events. The incredible connection they shared on the balcony, the fire within him burning hotter and brighter than ever before, his mother's glowing review, hell even his father had been impressed and suggested during their conversation in the bar that Katie’s role within the Dalton empire might be wasted as just a nanny. But none of these thoughts could quite suppress his feelings of guilt at falling for another woman, his responsibility to his sons, the business and their legacies. At least not in his mind.
Back in the penthouse, Sam makes his way into the open plan living area to find, thinking him for his help with the boys. Katie hangs back, not wanting to make small talk in front of Carter, who is incredibly astute and would no doubt piece together that things were not as they seemed.
"Miss Hide, you're a vision!"
Walking towards the elevator, Carter beams at her like a proud dad seeing his daughter on her wedding day.
“I didn't get the chance to see you before you left, my my..."
"Thank you Carter. And thank you for watching the boys, I hope they weren't too much trouble?!"
He taps his nose, keeping secret whatever mischief they got up to that evening. She smiles back at him knowingly as he steps into the elevator and the doors close.
As she turns back towards the living room she is halted by Sam standing right in front of her, so close, she almost crashes into him. Sheepishly she hands him his jacket as he offers a bottle of water in exchange.
‘You should never go to bed dehydrated" he blurts out, trying to fill the gaping silence.
"Goodnight Katie, thank you for your help this evening, I appreciate you coming."
Unable to muster up enough energy to argue push any further, Katie drops her gaze to the floor as she shakes her head disappointedly. She walks away without a word, her heart aching more than she thought possible.
TAG List: @shewillreadyou @chemist-ana @txemrn @silma-words @thefrenchiemama @secretaryunpaid @sfb123
- Bonus - photo posted by Katie the morning after followed by a conversation with Jenny (before Sam drops the Italy bombshell and she was supposed to have the day off!)
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Like a Heart Needs a Beat, chapter 1.
Hello, everyone. This is part one of two of an Abby x Lacie story. The first chapter is pretty much just going to be pure fluff, and next chapter the ink-related angst will kick in.
This story, and the next two two-part shipping stories I write, will be “canon” to my version of events.
It wouldn’t have been the first time that Bertrum had dragged Lacie to one of the parties he hosted, but that didn’t mean that she had to like it. She got it, she really did- Bertrum thought she deserved to experience the finer things in life (some of which, to be fair, Lacie did enjoy), and didn’t get that no amount of exposure would make her enjoy this. Still, as she was now, forced into a suit once owned by Bertrum’s son and listening to Bertrum trade compliments that were really insults (or whatever they were. They had a strange way of communicating with each other that Lacie didn’t think she wanted to understand) with his client while dozens of men were flirting with each others’ trophy wives in the background, she felt out of place and a little irritated at Bertrum for insisting she come. It was as Joey and Bertrum were getting especially petty that Lacie just had to look away, and across the room, Lacie saw a woman who looked twice as miserable as she was and only slightly more in-her-element.
Lacie approached her. It was a pretty girl, despite looking like she was completely done with this party. She was wearing a grey suit, clearly tailored for her, and had short, curly hair, dark eyes, clear, dark skin. Her body was pretty nice, too. Yeah, Lacie was going to do this.
“Hey,” Lacie said, “You look like you could use some air. Want me to show you a place where we can get away from the party for a while?”
The woman slowly turned her head to look at her. “Sure. Why not?” she replied without changing expression. Lacie would have to hope that would change and that the woman wasn’t just a natural sourpuss.
Lacie smiled. “Come with me.”
Bertrum was a nice man. He allowed Lacie to step out of parties when she needed to, and even gave her one heck of a place to go when she did: Bertrum’s bird room.
Bertrum loved birds. Bertrum raised birds. It was his favourite hobby. The bird room contained two cages of small, pet-store birds, a larger cage for his doves, and a number of nests for his other birds- three chickens, two ducks, a goose, a swan, and (out of place as they looked amongst the farm fowl) two peafowl. It was easy to keep so many pets when you could pay people to look after them. The bird room opened up to an outdoor enclosure, but this time of day they were all in their nests.
“Pretty cool, right?” Lacie said. “Wanna feed em’? I’m the host’s plus-one. Don’t worry, he won’t mind.”
The woman seemed pretty impressed. “Sure,” she replied.
Lacie showed her to the plastic barrel of dried corn in the corner. The birds crowded them, eager, which made them laugh.
After they’d spent a while feeding the birds, the woman had cheered up significantly, and so Lacie tried to make conversation.
“So. My name’s Lacie. And you know why I’m here. What’s your name, and why are you here? And why don't you want to be here? Because it's obvious you don't.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Abby Lambert. Nice to meet you, Lacie. I’m here because Joey Drew begged me to be his plus one so he wouldn’t have to come alone. And... instead of telling people that I was his friend or his coworker, or lying and telling people I was his girlfriend, he made up this lie that I’d won a contest to get to go with him. That I was his biggest fan. I’ll be honest- that pissed me off. He didn’t think it was right for his image, I guess."
“Oof, that sucks. You know, I’m just one of Bertrum’s engineers, and I don’t know an eighth of the high society stuff he does, but he would still never do that.”
“Thanks. And thanks for taking me out for some air.”
“No problem.”
It was a few more minutes of feeding birds before Lacie decided to throw her shot. “If Joey wants to be a jerk he can stay here on his own. Wanna get out of here?”
Abby looked Lacie up and down, and suddenly Lacie wished she were wearing something a little more revealing than this ill-fitting suit- especially since Abby’s was accentuating every curve of her body. But Abby clearly liked what she saw.
“Yeah. Yeah, that would be nice.”
The two took a cab to Abby’s apartment, where they spent the night.
After the one-night stand, Abby had left Lacie her number. If one night was good, why not make it several? And then, Lacie had surprised her by asking her out. To an art museum.
“You like art, right? It’s not just a job? I mean, I wouldn’t want you taking me to a construction site.”
God, she was a dork. A muscular, handsome dork. Abby had to roll her eyes at herself for being so caught up on a woman, but she eventually broke down and asked Joey a few pointed questions during their lunch break a few days before the date. “So, Mr. Romantic- can you give me some tips about how to sweep a woman off her feet? I’m meeting someone tonight.”
Joey had smiled teasingly at her. “Oh, my. The ever-serious Abby Lambert is lovestruck!”
“You’re gross. It was good sex. That’s all.”
“Right. That’s why you came to me for advice. Well, I’d say just be natural. Be friendly, make jokes, find common interests, all that common-sense stuff. And then at the end of the night invite her over for some wine and radio, read her signs, and that’s when you start getting physical.” Joey suddenly went from smiling and talking with his hands to being much more serious. “Oh, and... I’m sorry about the other night. You know how it is... I respect you, the art department respects you, but I can’t trust random people to do so, and I can’t avoid interacting with people who won’t.”
He didn’t even have to say that it was because she was a black woman. It was the same reason why Joey had promoted someone else ahead of her as head of the art department- he hadn’t trusted that the others would accept her authority. But, after she’d handled the art department while her ex-superior was on vacation and there hadn’t been any problems, Joey had snatched the promotion right out of his hands and put it in Abby’s. Not fair to the ex-head of the art department, but Joey rarely was. Even if he wasn’t perfect, though, he was still one of the few in this day and age who would hand a high position to her under any circumstance, and one of the few she could discuss her relationships with.
“Maybe we should just not talk about that. See you soon, Joey.” Why think about that when Abby had more cheerful things to think about?
When Lacie showed up to the art museum, she was wearing a leather jacket, scuffed jeans, and heavy boots. She’d definitely stand out in a dainty place like this.
“So, do you know anything about art?” Abby asked as they went to the first section, which featured a number of surrealist paintings.
“Not a thing!” Lacie admitted, not at all ashamed. “Are you the type who likes to teach, or the type who just wants me to shut up and enjoy it on the level I’m at?”
“I... guess I wouldn’t mind explaining some things.”
“Okay. So, this one,” Lacie gestured at a painting of half-melted clocks hanging off of tree branches and the like. “It must represent something real deep, right?”
“Well, there’s more to art than symbolism, and surrealist stuff doesn’t have to have a deeper meaning. But... maybe it means that time just melts away when you’re having fun.”
It was midnight before Abby was back in her apartment. The museum had closed before they’d felt like any time had passed, and so they’d gone for a walk together in the city and stopped at whatever shops caught their eyes. It had been fun.
Abby’s apartment was the apartment of a chronically single woman in her thirties who had made it. It was clean and organized, but not too clean and organized. It had a large window overlooking the city in the living room, and near it, an eisel had been set up, with a half-done painting on it of a sunset over a city skyline. There was a rack of oft-used wine glasses in the kitchen, lesser-used exercise equipment in the laundry room. Abby’s bedroom contained her collection of houseplants, two floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, and a closet full of suits her mom had tailored for her at a reduced cost.
Joey had always said that he never wanted to get married because he didn’t want to share space with anyone else. Abby had rolled her eyes and punched his arm for that. Joey was always coming up with reasons why he didn’t want a relationship, and none of them were true. Abby, on the other hand, had just assumed and accepted that it just wouldn’t happen. The chances were against it unless she made it a priority in her life, and she was focused on career and art. Could it really happen with this hooligan? It was hard to imagine letting her into this apartment- this apartment of a woman who had made it- on a permanent basis. But, maybe. Only time would tell.
Things went from there. They continued to date for over a year. Abby taught Lacie how to draw, and Lacie taught Abby how to fight. They started spending more nights than not over at each other’s places. Joey still didn’t know about it, because Abby knew how jealous Joey got when it came to relationships. Shawn on the other hand definitely knew, and teased the hell out of Lacie for it and later came to Lacie for help with his own relationship once he got into one.
Christmas that year, Shawn had scrapped together enough funds to visit Ireland. This was a problem, because Shawn and Lacie usually spent their Christmases together. As per usual, Lacie didn’t have the means to visit her home state of Alpaccia, so it looked like it would be a lonely Christmas for her.
“You want to come visit my family?” Abby offered as Lacie had been complaining about it.
“Yeah. I’d love that,” Lacie admitted. She hadn’t had a Christmas with a real family in... well, a long time, at any rate.
Abby’s family consisted of her mother and her two-years older brother, who had brought a wife and two kids. The father had died in the war while Abby was a child. They had a traditional Christmas together- old Christmas records, decorating a tree, staying up late to play cards and chat once Abby’s niece and nephew were in bed until they could barely keep their eyes open, and then watching the kids open their presents in the morning.
It kind of hurt Lacie to see such a beautiful family, but it was nice, too. It hurt because she remembered having to go off to her friends’ houses when her parents were too high to remember to feed her. She remembered having to make her own doctor’s appointments at the age of nine, and running off to live with her big sister at fourteen. But it was still nice to be there, just because it was.
As they were packing up in the guest bedroom, Lacie started crying, and Abby took notice. She’d never seen her cry before.
“What’s wrong?
“Nothing,” she said, and thankfully Abby had left her alone about it.
It was a week later, after Lacie had had some time to think, that she made her offer. “Abby, I want to start a family with you. I know we can’t get married in the traditional sense, but we can get a place together, find some man to give us a kid, and stay together for the rest of our lives. I could even buy you a ring if you want. Do you wanna do this?”
Abby was awestruck. “Lacie... oh my God, yes. Let’s do it.”
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The last meet-cute I asked you for was so good and I saw this prompt on someone else’s blog so if it sparks anything: “We’re both hiding in the garden furniture section of IKEA”
do you ever see a prompt and just have a full fucking fic pop into your head? just me? ok. 
here’s some fluffy-trope-y-nonsense! also saw you just had lasik sorry if reading this unedited nonsense makes you go blind again xoxo
When it came to IKEA, Eddie was typically a messy person. Normally, he relied on one of two things if he needed to stay focused; a thorough, detailed list, or Christopher, who had absolutely no patience for Eddie wandering through a literal warehouse of crap, designing for a home he didn’t buy.
Which was rough, considering his current mission—buy some new furniture for Chris’s room for his birthday. Which meant he had no list, no sense of direction, and no Christopher to keep him on track. That would normally spell a recipe for a distracted disaster—but he was so focused, so determined to get this right, that he was confident in his shopping abilities for once. He had to be, he only had two hours until Carla brought Chris home, and two hours wasn’t enough for an IKEA visit on a normal day. So he had to be focused.
He’s so focused, in fact, that as he passes by the Poäng’s and the Fjällbo’s, he almost doesn’t notice the man in the plants.
And no, that isn’t something that he can clarify. 
There is a man. In. The plants. 
He tries to walk away, but the image of a tallish, blondish, beefyish, honestly pretty cuteish if Eddie is being honest, fully grown adult hiding in the plastic bamboo is a bit too much for him to ignore.
“You know, those plants are fake. If you’re trying to check the soil, they’re definitely not gonna need water any time soon.”
He tries not to laugh as Plant Man immediately stumbles, nearly knocking over a Smycka, a Fejka, and a whole case of hanging planters as he turns around. It’s cute. Kinda sad, but cute.
“Oh! Uh, yeah, I kind of figured. I mean, they’re realistic looking, but definitely fake. No, I’m—I’m hiding.”
Hiding? This was an IKEA, a place where you could get lost without even trying. 
“You’re hiding.”
“Yeah. My ex is here.”
Oooooohh. That, Eddie could understand. 
It was easy enough to spot who he thought was the culprit, if the harrowed look on her face and half empty yellow bag was anything to go by. 
“Shorter, redhead, kind of sloppy smokey eye, looks like she would stab someone with a high heel?”
Plant Guy laughed, but the sound didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, that’s Taylor.”
Eddie pretended to be engrossed in his phone as he looked over to the stranger again, tilting his head to the side. 
“Well, I’ll tell you what. If you agree to help me load what I buy into my truck, and get me a plate of meatballs before we leave—the full size plate, by the way, I’m not settling for less than ten meatballs—I’ll help you get rid of her for good. I’m Eddie, by the way.”
“I’m Buck.” Plant guy—Buck—looked like Eddie had just handed him a goose that laid golden eggs. “For good? No, way. You can really do that?”
“I can.” Eddie said seriously, extending a hand to Buck. “But you have to trust me. My methods may be extreme, but I can almost guarantee results.”
A bit dramatic, maybe, but he still found himself smiling as Buck easily took his hand, taking a moment to savor the warmth. A sharp tug was all he needed to pull Buck up and out of the plants, making a sort of yelping noise, stumbling over a row of Boysenbär pots as Eddie put a hand on his hip, helping him steady. 
The effect was instantaneous—while the noise wasn’t loud, it was just enough to draw the attention of anyone who happened to be searching through the warehouse already. 
Eddie could feel the redhead’s eyes laser lock onto him as he steadied Buck’s hips, his opposite hand coming to cup Buck’s cheek. 
“Sweetheart, you okay?” He plastered what he hoped was a look of concern on his face as Buck turned bright red, something that thankfully could be attributed to his stumbling, and not the fact that a near stranger was calling him ‘sweetheart’. He was mercifully quick on the uptake, at least, a smile blooming over his face as he chuckled, ducking his head, pressing into Eddie’s hand a bit more, and oh, wow, that was fucking adorable.
“Yeah, I’m good, sorry, I just… thanks, baby.”
Eddie chuckled as he dropped the hand from Buck’s face, the hand on his hip lacing with Buck’s instead, tugging him along. “C’mon, I want to look at a new lamp for the living room. We need something brighter, and as much as your smile lights up a room, I’m tired of stubbing my toe in the morning.” Eddie said, pulling that story directly out of his ass, hoping that he was selling the ‘teasing boyfriend’ aspect as he pulled Buck along.
It was purely coincidence that the route to the lighting section of the warehouse was only a row away from the redhead that was currently glaring daggers into Eddie’s back. 
Once they turned the corner, Eddie let his hand slide out of Buck’s easily, the air a little cooler than he was expecting after being so close to someone so hot something so warm. 
“Holy shit, that was amazing.” Buck blurted out, looking at Eddie like he hung the moon, and yeah, Eddie could admit, he preened a little under the admiring gaze.
“There you go. You’ve just earned yourself a harassment free shopping experience.” Eddie said proudly, winking as he took a few steps back, snatching up a yellow bag and tossing it over his shoulder easily. Buck still looked a little flustered, and honestly, it was cuter than anything Eddie could have hoped for—but the tick of his watch brought him back to his mission. “Hey, I hate to scare off an ex and run, but I gotta make some quick choices, so...”
“Oh! Oh, uh, for sure. Thanks again, Eddie.”
“No problem. Good luck, Buck.” Eddie winked for good measure as he turned around, feeling warmth pool in his stomach. He hadn’t had that much fun flirting since before he was married, and while he worried occasionally that he lost his touch, the blush on Buck’s face begged to differ.
Eddie was making good time. He had narrowed it down to two potential presents—it was either a Vitval bunkbed / loft, complete with a desk and a physical-therapist-approved ladder, and Eddie knew that Chris had been dying for a bunkbed for forever, but... on the other hand, there was the Phal workspace, with plenty of drawers, shelves, and surfaces for Chris to completely drown with his pictures, Legos, arts and crafts. 
He had been stuck between the two—literally, standing between both display models—when he felt a hand slide into his own, blinking in surprise, a low voice in his ear before he could turn. 
“Sorry, uh, she followed me out of textiles. I’m so sorry, this is super weird, I just can’t shake her off, and—”
“Phal or Vitval?” Eddie asked, cutting him off, raising a brow as Buck just blinked.
“Uh, gesundheit?”
“Very funny.” Eddie said, squeezing Buck’s hand, tilting his head between the two. “I’ve been stuck here for like twenty minutes, and you’ve been no help, leaving me just so you could get your...” A quick peek into Buck’s bag told him everything he needed to know. “...artwork and lightbulbs. Which should we go with? Phal or Vitval?”
Buck blanched at that and Eddie let himself chuckle, shaking his head as Buck groaned. “Come on, Eddie, you know I’m no good at making decisions. I don’t even remember which toothpaste I like, I rely on you for things like that.” he said, and Eddie had to admit, he was impressed with the little tidbits of information Buck was throwing into their faux-relationship so easily. If this Taylor chick was still in earshot, Eddie would have bet that she was just plain pissed by now.
“I know, I know. You really are hopeless, aren’t you?” Eddie said with an exaggerated sigh, bringing their linked hands up to his cheek, pressing Buck’s knuckles against the corner of his mouth. It wasn’t intimate enough to be a kiss, not really, but to the casual bystander it would have looked like a simple show of affection, kissing his boyfriends knuckles in the middle of an IKEA. 
As he pulled the hand back, he did a quick scan around them—no redheads in sight. “I think your coast is clear—is she still hanging around?”
Snapping himself out of what looked like a trance, Buck blushed again—Eddie could get really used to that—and looked around, shaking his head. “No, I think she’s gone, um. Thanks again. And sorry. Again.” he said, their hands falling free again. Buck was the one to retreat this time, pointing a thumb over his shoulder. “I should, uh, probably go back and grab the dish set I had to ditch, but If you want my opinion, you should definitely go with the Flem.”
“Buck,” Eddie started, trying and failing to keep the smile off of his face and the laughter out of his voice as Buck turned away. “That was not an option!”
“Sorry, can’t hear you! Go with the Flem!”
In the end, Eddie had wound up buying both—Chris was turning ten, damn it, Eddie was allowed to treat him—and finished up ahead of schedule, swinging by the restaurant to make sure he had everything before he started the trek out to the parking garage. He was double checking his receipt when a tray clunked down across from him, two plates of meatballs sliding his way as his brows rose up into his hairline. 
Buck sat down shortly after, looking incredibly too apologetic as he handed Eddie a fork. “Sorry, she kind of followed me away from the register, and I saw you here, and... I did promise you meatballs, right?” he offered, and Eddie actually laughed, resting his head in his hand as he took the fork Buck offered, raising a meatball to Buck’s lips to help keep up posterity—and immediately stealing one from Buck’s plate for himself afterward. “So, Buck. What do you do when you’re not hiding in fake bamboo?”
It was incredibly easy to talk to Buck, Eddie found, dangerously easy. They had a fair amount in common, turned out—both had older sisters, Buck with one while Eddie had three, both spent a good amount of time at the gym when they weren’t at home, and Buck had spent some time with the SEALs while Eddie was in the Army.
They even worked together, in a sense—Buck was a firefighter with the 118 while Eddie was a paramedic with Station 6.
“...though I promise, I did not come to IKEA to enlist the help of a handsome paramedic in avoiding an ex girlfriend that literally might be Satan in disguise. I just needed some art to cover a drill hole in my wall before my landlord kills me.”
Eddie almost swallowed his fork, feeling a certain thrill build up inside of him—Buck was flirting. Flirting with Eddie! Eddie hadn’t been flirted with in an age and a half, but as much as he wanted it to continue, he knew that it would be unfair for him to let it continue without addressing the childs-bunk-bed-sized elephant in the room. “Well, much as I hate to admit it, I didn’t come to IKEA today to help a firefighter run away from Satan either. I’m here today buying some furniture for my kid. It’s his birthday next week.”
Eddie squared his jaw, watching Buck process the information, ready for the easy let down. “You have a son?”
Here it comes. Oh, well it was nice meeting you. Oh, well thanks again. Oh, enjoy your day, Oh—
“Do, um. Do you have pictures of him? I love kids.”
... oh. 
Any hesitation Eddie might have felt melted way as he brought his phone back up, easily scrolling through endless pictures of Chris, paying painful attention to the way Buck’s eyes grew wider than his smile.
Oh, no. 
Buck wasn’t just hot, he was cute.
Eddie had to admit; after Buck helped him load the furniture into the bed of his truck, true to his word, and Eddie had scribbled his number out on Buck’s hand with a hot pink marker (the hazards of sharing a vehicle with a kid), he wasn’t sure what he should be expecting. What he definitely wasn’t expecting was a message to be waiting on his phone as soon as he started his truck.
Unknown Number, 11:01 AM: so maybe i have a confession to make
Sent, 11:03 AM: Maybe?
Eddie couldn’t deny the spike of curiosity he felt with that, taking a moment to save Buck’s number in his phone as the three dots appeared again.
Buck, 11:05 AM: yes, maybe. taylor maybe actually left when you pulled me out of the plants
i didn’t see her again for the rest of the day
i was just kind of... being self indulgent after that
wow this sounds way creepier than i thought i am so sorry
Literally laughing out loud in his car, Eddie let himself reread the message twice, a smile growing on his face as he typed out a response.
Sent, 11:09 AM: Tell you what. You help me build these monstrosities, maybe bring over a beer, maybe let me kiss you goodnight, and I promise I won’t hold your awkward flirting against you.
He felt another thrill race through his stomach as he sent the message, putting his truck in gear, not trusting himself to look down as his phone buzzed again until he was safely at a stop light.
Buck, 11:11 AM: it’s a date :) :) :) :)
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Chapter 1- I saw Emma Kissing Santa Claus!
Hi all! If anybody is still there/ I’m caught up in this song. It’s given me the idea for like seven chapter- here is the first. MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁! The rest will be late, like those gifts that trickle in when the glow of the holidays is getting hazy. We need Christmas cheer to linger after this year, so I’m gonna publish as I write! Enjoy! And share!
They talked about it later, years after their lives had taken off into space in opposite directions, the moment they knew.
Well, the moment he knew.
"Wait, what?" Emma asked, looking up from the hollow she'd found between his arm and chest when the December air found the crevices in the windows and chilled their skin. She'd get goose flesh and he'd run his hands up and down her limbs to warm her, then pull the flannel up and over them, no matter how warm he was from doing all the work near their end. "We kissed? When we were TEENAGERS?"
"Well, I was technically a teenager the first time we slept together too."
"We didn't sleep."
Harry wiggled his eyebrows at her and smirked, "Oh, I know."
"Oh my god, I really don't remember this!" She turned all the Christmas parties she'd attended at his mum's house over in her head. Emma figured she'd been at the annual event every year since she was 15 or 16, the age he says he was when they kissed. She has almost three years on him. Maybe she was 14 at the first one. That one she recalls well, She's pretty she still had braces. Nobody kissed her. If her math is good, it's her last Christmas before moving. "No wonder you were so ballsy last year!" She slapped at his chest and he grabbed her hand and kissed her fingertips.
"Nah, that was more to do with last year. I was just flush and nobody had turned me down in so long I didn't think anybody ever would again."
"I did!" She at least pretended she wasn't captivated.
"You did. At first!" He reminded her and bit her fingertips before sucking them into his mouth. "Made myself irresistible evidently." He wiggled his eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes thinking back at his dogged flirting. He'd found multiple reasons to be near her and had found her close enough to the mistletoe and was charming enough that she accepted the kiss he negotiated out of her as inevitable. Negotiated, that was laughable, he laid one on her and it overwhelmed her reason. Emma thought she played it cool enough, though she remembers they held hands for the the 10 minutes after, at least.
She accepted the other things he was offering on the strength of that kiss, and the fact that since he'd slipped his tongue into her mouth so seamlessly, convincingly, all she could think about for the hours intervening was what else his mouth could do.
While she replayed the memory of that first kiss, the one that counted for her, another blurry memory flashed in her mind.
"Oh! Was it underneath the mistletoe, too?"
Harry rolled his eyes, and her beneath him in the same breath. "You were under the mistletoe the second time!"
"I was mistletoe adjacent, at best." She sighed, she meant to jest, but his long lean body pressed along the length of her clouded her mind and convinced her she wasn't tired anymore or too tipsy off champagne.
"The first time, was me under the mistletoe."
"I kissed you?"
"You did." He confirmed with another kiss.
"How'd I kiss you? Like full on?" She was a little mortified she'd kissed little Harry.
Gemma would have killed her. Would still! That was why she and Harry always just flirted at the party and met up at the inn when the wine had everybody off their head. Nobody knew, it was their Christmas surprise. The secret she looked forward to all year.
"Well, you weren't brave enough to slip me the tongue." He stuck his tongue into the corner of his mouth; that was too attractive by half.
"Hmph." Was all Emma could come up to answer with. "Did I say anything?" She smoothed her hands up his back.
His face got dreamy, and he seemed to be reliving something. "Yeah, you told me 'you're getting cute little Styles.' I always hated that nickname, but I felt a little taller that night."
Harry was descriptive, which was funny considering he could be so quiet at times, but he was quick and he knew a lot of words, more than her. He was working on his third language. He would basically narrate while they fucked and it drove her crazy when he'd describe how she looked and felt and what it was doing to him.
"What do you want to ask?" He pressed his nose to the place her collarbones met and she could fill him growing between her legs.
"How'd you know I want to ask something?" He was too observant.
He reached up and pulled the lip she didn't realize was between her teeth free. Ahh.
"Ask." He kissed the lip still imprinted with her teeth marks.
"Tell me about it. Describe it, like you do for me when you're inside me."
He blew out a breath, "Should be easy, I obsessed over it for ages after, before even."
"Yeah, I have had a crush on you since you were 12 and started coming round with Gem." He revealed.
"No, I don't believe it!"
"I loved that you already had your whole life planned out and you were sooo smart and then the next year you had boobs."
"That started out so well." She almost protested, she had boobs at 12!
"I was very impressed by the boobs, you wore this sweater—" she clapped a hand over his mouth.
"No more talking unless it's about that party."
He smiled at her and his eyes went soft at their corners, his dimples were suggestions of a deep feeling. "I think you had this idea, like this was your last Christmas here, in Holmes Chapel—"
She had had that idea. She'd intended to leave for a summer term in Sweden that spring and wasn't sure she'd be coming back. And she'd always loved that party, and Gemma's family. Even Gemma's goofy weird brother who was getting cuter and more confident. "Why do you say that?"
"Dunno," he tilted his head and his mouth flattened out and his eyes went somewhere else, he was looking at her but not the version in front of him. "I think you reminded me of my cousins' when they could first drink. Seemed like you were just throwing caution to the wind, letting it fly. Like you had nothing to lose, cuz this place was about to be a memory."
Emma could only find the energy to stare, she thought she nodded. He was spot on, but she wasn't even sure she could have articulated those feelings then. And she hadn't been that reckless ever before or after that day.
"I'd been watching you, and like I said, had a crush for years, um, and like, you were wearing that shiny top, like liquid silver and your long brown hair was all curled up and your cheeks were red with your merry making and I'd always loved your laugh. You're usually so calculated—"
"That's not a nice word."
"I don't mean it like a bad thing, like maybe a better word would be careful. Like all your moves were preparation for the grand future you were working towards. But when you laugh, it all falls away. Tears leak from the corners of your eyes and you bend at the waist and just lose it. That night you did it a lot." He kissed her knuckles. "Did you notice I was kind of shadowing you that night?"
"Honestly, not really, I was kinda out of it, or maybe really in it instead of 5 years ahead." She always was at least a week ahead in her mind. In the actual moment, she was usually just ticking that day's checklist off to get to the next thing.
"Yeah. I could see it, you were really in your body, and it made me want you more." He laughed. "The only other time I ever see you like that is...ah..."
"Go on!" She jostled his shoulder.
He bit his lip like the imp he was and said, "When we fuck, it's like when you laugh, there's no tomorrow, or next semester, or internship you have lined up, just the next orgasm on the horizon."
She knew she was blushing but she ducked her chin and shrugged. She couldn't deny it. She could feel that when he moved inside her, when they moved together, it was like when she really lost her head and laughed at something. Better, more. Emma definitely did not tell him it was never like that with anybody else.
Not her college boyfriend, or the Danish guys she'd enjoyed over their version of freshers, and certainly not the completely nice guy she'd been dating for two months back in Amsterdam. Not one of them made her get out of her head the way Harry could. They'd be following every direction she gave them from tongue placement to tempo and she'd be observing the feelings as opposed to experiencing them. But even remembering her first kiss with Harry was a sensory experience. She gave him direction because that's who she is, but she's fairly certain even if she didn't, he'd be able to get her off just by watching her.
She wondered if it was the same as her. He was more cerebral than anybody gave him credit for. Maybe if he talked more about the kiss she'd find out.
He caught her chin, "Where'd you go?" He asked with dopey green eyes.
"I'm just trying to remember." Emma lied. "Tell me more, maybe it will come back to me."
"Oh, from my memory of the proof of your breath you may never remember." Emma could feel her cheeks heat. She had really tied one on, she was absolutely rough the next day. Utterly useless.
"Yeah, I wasn't sure I'd ever be here again."
"In Holmes Chapel? Really? You thought you'd never come back?"
"I always wanted to leave so bad, I genuinely thought I wouldn't miss it."
"But you did? You do?"
She nodded. She didn't want to explain that the first time she was way more homesick than she expected and this year, well, this year she wanted him for Christmas again.
He gave her this face then and a kiss that made her think he really was a mind reader, his crystal ball in the shape of her body.
"Not everyday." Take that Mr. Intuitive.
He gave her a smile that looked like a wink and started talking, "Like I said, I'd always just found you so impressive and you were always so pretty. But you came back from Amsterdam different."
"It was all the bike riding," she deflected and ran her hands down his arms to his lower back.
"Nah, it wasn't your body. That's always been nice. You just seemed like you were so happy and it was coming out of your pores."
"With the mulled wine?"
"Yeah! Definitely the mulled wine." He kissed her one then pressed his mouth to hers," Might have been your legs."
She snorted, "See it was the biking."
"You also had them out!" He defended. She had worn a daring skirt. "And maybe the biking." He laughed with her. "You also did that snort laugh I'd only heard through the walls during sleep overs and I was kinda tracking you."
"Stalker." He made a face. "Sorry probably not a joke to you." They didn't really talk about the peculiarities of his job. He was just Hometown Harry to her. Gemma's little brother. Her Christmas gift wrapped in deliciousness the last two years.
"I didn't really mean to, honestly. Was just like water to it's path."
"That's poetic." She teased.
"Hey, I'm a songwriter."
"I'd like to see evidence of that." Emma raised an eyebrow.
"You will." She wanted to ask but he just kept going. "Wanna know the funny thing? I never really had to look hard to find you." He went on. "You always seemed to be in the corners of my eye, like a dream I was trying to remember.
"I kind of remember that." She rolled her eyes and summoned some courage, "You looked different, and I tried to ignore it, but the more wine I had, the more I found myself comparing you to the boy I remembered from two years before."
"Hadn't been that long. I was with Gem when she told you goodbye."
She cringed. "I don't think I really looked at you that day."
"Oof, good thing I have crowds of people to stroke the old ego." At least the laugh seemed genuine though his eyes were a little dull.
"I was really remembering you in your red jumper from two parties before."
"Tell me about that party- we got off track talking about the last one." Last year she remembered In technicolor.
"Where were you the year after?"
"Studying, of course."
"Yeah makes sense." He pinched his lip, then bit hers.
"I remember thinking your jumper suited you so well and—"
"Matched your eyes."
"Yeah." She could feel the wonder of his eyes.
"But by midnight I saw that guy Spencer with his arm around your waist. Went to get a drink and was sulking with my own wine when you passed me. You had this look."
"Mischievous." He raised his eyebrows and bit his lip, "And then you pointed to the mistletoe."
"And said, 'caught you.'"
"You do remember!" He accused with a still annoyingly attractive chicken neck.
"I didn't, but I'm having a sense memory now." She widened her hips so he fit in like a piece of ikea hardware.
"Care to relive it?" He was trying to sound nonchalant, but she could see the hopeful blush.
She answered him by fitting her lips between his perfect ones and giving a lighter pressure than she had for two Christmases, waiting for his direction of how her bold move had turned out. He moaned and she sucked just a bit like she suddenly recalled. She really thought that was a wine fueled daydream, she swears. And then her mouth opened on a gasp and she slid her tongue against his and licked into his mouth before sliding her nose to the other side of his. The kiss depended until it was all over them and they would have wound up naked if they hadn't been already.
"This is different."
"We can re-enact it a little bit more faithfully later. It can be your Christmas present." Emma whispered between kisses.
"Nah." He was actually blushing, all the way down. "You're my gift."
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glazelilyy · 3 years
Aw, a baby cat, stumbling along behind Albedo? How cute! Unfortunately, being so small would mean a higher chance of the reader getting hurt (no doubt they would have some close calls of getting either kicked or stomped on, and not all the dogs around town are friendly to the felines), so our dear alchemist here would eventually have to carry you around if he didn't want any harm to fall on you. There's a high chance that he either keeps you in his pocket or his shoulder, but know that if it's the latter you could totally snuggle up to his neck and start purring. And if he asks? You can blame it on the potion when you turn back to normal.
Ah, to be a duckling, nestled in Kaeya's soft blue fur accessory... Held and hugged by Klee... sitting contentedly upon Lisa's large hat as she sorts books in the library... the reader will miss their time as a duckling once they turn human again, I'm sure. Maybe they get tempted to become a small animal again, if only to be well-taken care of?
And Zhongli? Finally growing old?? He'd be fascinated with gaining more wrinkles I'm sure. The possible back pains? The possible slow deterioration of his memory? Or sight? Or hearing? Perhaps not as much. But in any case, I'm sure the reader would have to have quite the talk with him to understand the choice he made was not at all one he regrets making 😔
A duck setting Scara's house on fire with an equally as scalding tongue... I must admit, that's very impressive for something that has no ability to hold a lighter. And the goose? Already making moves to have two harbingers at each other's throats? My oh my--should we be watching out for any other avians, then? Perhaps I should've chosen to become a 🦢 anon instead, if only to join in on the fun. A shame there isn't an emoji for ravens or other corvids. They're such beautifully smart birds...
Oh, but on a much light hearted note, welcome back Xiao anon! I hope your time has been well and you enjoy the madness that has evolved. Zhongli is now friends with another harbinger, Hu Tao has prepared some coffins, and Childe has just finished putting out the fires from one(1) duck. Yanfei seems to have appeared now, too--possibly to settle some of the more legal disputes between everyone. I'm sure there's a lot more that happened, but even I am not up to speed I'm afraid. I didn't miss anything, did I, Luce?
i think you got everything! sometimes my inbox gets so wild, there's three different timelines happening and two of them are with some anons screaming at each other while the other timeline is requests and very nice asks HAHA
i feel so sorry for the poor newcomers who have to deal with the out-of-context scaramouche, childe, and duck banter and the occasional offer from hu tao for coffins :P
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dreamlover31 · 4 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 8
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After six weeks of being placed on bed rest while at the same time, receiving the royal treatment from her soft hearted boyfriend, in which there were daily foot and back rubs, sensuous sponge baths and his long, slender fingers stimulating her inner core; Alexa was given the all clear to return to work. As soon as she walked through the door, she was welcomed by an entourage of all the staff members, as well as the people who sought help there, they all clapped and cheered at the sight of her.
At one point, some of the children came up to her and presented her with drawings they had worked on while she was in the hospital, a smile beamed across her face as she looked at the various works of art. Out of everyone that showed up, the one person she wanted to see the most was Nicole, Alexa found out through Olivia that she tried to visit her in the hospital, but the overwhelming guilt she felt caused her to flee before anyone saw her.
Alexa searched the crowd of people with a hope that she’d come back after everything that had happened, she was about to turn away towards the small table that had a large cake on top of it that read ‘Welcome Back Alexa’ when she heard a small voice:
As she slowly turned towards the sound, her eyes went wide at the person that stood before her.
The two women stared at each other as if they were old friends who had not seen one another in a long time, Alexa stepped forward and placed both of her hands on Nicole’s shoulder, fearing that she might tear off and run away again. Instead, Nicole leapt forward towards Alexa and wrapped her arms around her, Alexa gently soothed her back as she began to cry.
“I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault”
“No it’s not, don’t you ever think that”
“If I hadn’t left him then none of this would have happened”
Alexa slowly released Nicole from her embrace then cupped her face as she looked straight into her eyes and said:
“If you had stayed with that…monster, then you would be dead…listen to me, no one blames you for what happened to me or to Edwin, this is all on him and he can’t hurt you anymore. You’re finally free.”
Nicole nodded as she wiped the tears streaming down her face, then came another round of applause from everyone in the crowd, this time to celebrate Nicole for surviving such a horrific ordeal and to making peace with Alexa. The day of celebration continued with the consumption of the delicious chocolate decadence cake that was Alexa’s favorite and the cool refreshing taste of fruit punch, she watched with joy as the children played various games such as duck, duck, goose and pin the tail on the donkey while the adults danced hilariously badly to one of Katy Perry’s old songs being played on the radio. She was even more thrilled to see Nicole laughing and socializing with the other women, this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life and Alexa was proud to have played a part in it.
As the party was winding down, Alexa could see that the day’s activities were taking its toll on the children, so she suggested that the mothers take them back to their rooms to let them sleep, she watched as one by one the small bodies were being carried off; she would give a small wave to the ones that had their eyes open for a little bit. After most of the people had left, Alexa started to clean up some of the mess that was left behind until she felt a hand on her shoulder, when she looked behind her, she saw that it was Gladys.
“Hey don’t worry about that, I’ve got this”
“No it’s ok, I don’t mind the work”
“Lex, you’re the guest of honor and it’s considered rude to have them clean up afterward”
“Alright…I’ll just head into my office and catch up on some paperwork”
“Honey, you’ve been though a traumatic ordeal. You need some time away from all this, why don’t you and that boyfriend of yours get of town for a while, recharge your batteries and then you can bury yourself in your work”
“Gladys I appreciate your concern, but I’ve spent the last six weeks in bed so I’m ready to get back in the saddle”
“Lex you haven’t taken a vacation in what…four years, it’s time you focused on yourself instead of everyone else”
Alexa paused for a moment as she thought about Gladys’ suggestion, maybe she has a point, I haven’t really been taking care of myself…I’ve been so busy with making sure that everyone else’s needs were taken care of that I really haven’t considered my own.
“Alright, I’ll do it”
“Oh great, I thought I was going to have to deadbolt the locks on every door just to keep you out”
The two women laughed whole heartedly as Alexa pulled out her cell phone from her purse, she scrolled through her list of contacts and found Rafael’s number, she typed away at her keypad as she relayed a text message telling him to come over to her place for dinner tonight; that she had something important to tell him. As soon as the message was sent, she looked up at Gladys who gazed at her with a smirk; Alexa returned with a grin of her own.
“So not that you’ve got me out of here for a while, you have any suggestions as to where I should go on my vacation”
“My cousin has a house on the beach in the Rockaways, she and her husband are out of town visiting relatives so you can stay there and enjoy the scenery”
“And they’re going to be ok with two strangers in their house”
“They know you but it might take a little sweet talking with regards to your boyfriend. Anyway, I’ll call and make the arrangements and I’ll drop the key off at your place when everything’s sorted out”
“Alright, thanks Gladys”
They embraced themselves in a hug as Alexa wrapped up a little to go plate for her and Rafael, she waved good bye to Gladys as she headed out the door. When she arrived back at her apartment, she could see that Rafael wasn’t home yet, she checked her phone earlier but had not received a response to her text. She pulled off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack and then sat her purse on the couch as she made her way towards the bedroom, she quickly changed into a pair of black leggings and a grey shirt as she walked back into the living room where she stretched out on the couch. With the remote in her hand, she began to flip through the channels as she wrapped the blanket that laid across the couch around her, it was then that she heard a beep coming from her purse.
With her phone in hand, she looked at the screen and saw that it was a text from Rafael, in his message he apologized for not getting back to her sooner and that he maybe a couple hours late coming over there. Alexa responded by telling him that it was not a problem for her and that she understood, she also told him that she was going to have dinner ready for him when he got there. After the message was sent, Alexa lifted herself off from the couch and made her way into the kitchen where she took out the necessary tools and ingredients she needed for the meal she was preparing.
Several hours passed after she had sent Rafael that text, she placed his dinner in the microwave and was now back on the couch reading a book, Alexa became deterred from the entrancing storyline by the sound of a key turning the lock to her door. She showed a small smile as she saw the person whom she had been waiting for come strolling through the door, after he put his briefcase by the coat rack, Rafael looked up and winced at Alexa. As he stood in front of her, he gave her a small peck on her forehead and then pressed his against hers.
“How was your day?”
“It was great, everyone at the shelter threw me a welcome back party”
“Oh that was nice of them”
“Yeah I’ll tell you about it, but first you should eat something, I left your dinner in the microwave”
“Thank you”
Rafael kissed her forehead again and then entered the kitchen, after re-heating his meal, he grabbed a dish towel from the counter as well as a fork and a knife then joined Alexa on the couch. Once his plate was cleared with nothing but a few crumbs in its wake, Rafael closed his eyes as he leaned backward on the couch, he felt Alexa snuggle up to him as he let out a soft sigh; the scent of her cherry blossom perfume filled his nostrils while she gently rubbed his belly.
“You worked up quite an appetite huh?”
“Well unfortunately my diet consists of nothing but caffeine”
Alexa lightly giggled as she continued to stroke his midsection and burrowed herself further into him.
“Did you have fun at the party?”
“Yeah it was a blast, the kids there drew me all kinds of pictures…one of them was of me wearing a cape and punching out a bad guy”
Rafael smirked as his thumb gently circled Alexa’s upper left arm.
“But that wasn’t the best part…the best part was seeing Nicole there, she felt so guilty about what happened that she was afraid to visit me in the hospital, she thought that I’d blame her or that everyone else would”
“But it wasn’t her fault”
“I know and that’s what I told her…I’ll tell you Rafi just seeing her smile and laugh and enjoy herself just makes me even more determined to continue my work there”
“I know and that’s what I love about you…so what was it that you wanted to tell me”
“Oh Gladys insisted I take some time off to get my mind right before I officially return to work”
“I think that’s a great idea”
“Yeah I think so too, so she’s going to talk to her cousin and her husband to see if we can use their house in the Rockaways while they’re away, unless you already have other plans”
“I think I can clear my schedule for a weekend getaway with you”
Alexa looked up at Rafael and the two of them shared matching smiles before pressing their lips against each other to signify the level of happiness they shared at the thought of going away together; no court dates, no jilted partners, no worries.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @tropes-and-tales @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @southern-magnolia @madamsnape921 @karens-imagined-world @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @glimmerglittergirl
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