#wait No duck and SWAN
pride-of-storm · 2 years
v excited for new dnd character. they are a fighter with a -2 strength modifier!
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Agamemnon and Odysseus are protective of Menelaus in different ways.
Agamemnon is the overprotective brother who is constantly looking out for Menelaus and will "set himself on fire to keep his brother warm" and will reprimand anyone who is mean to Menelaus and demand an apology.
Odysseus is protective in the "Menelaus is my favorite of favorite guys. He's the only other leader I genuinely LIKE and we have scheduled sleepovers in which we go cuddle and cry about how much we miss our families in a blanket fort. If you are mean to him, I'll show you just how fucking mean I can be. How DARE you make fun of his seal onesie?😡"
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quill-n · 2 years
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A play by play on how my brain functions
(Also dw I credited you in my bio for the pfp ❤️)
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
A retelling of The Ugly Duckling, where instead of a swan raised by ducks, it's a peacock egg that ended up being hatched by a chicken, called The Most Annoying Rooster, where instead of being sad about being an ugly outcast, the little peacock goes around like Excuse Me Are You Not Aware Of How Fucking Fabulous I am? And everyone except his mom finds him supremely annoying. The hen who hatched him is just like "no fuck you, my huge fabulous son can beat the shit out of all of your sons, you're just jealous."
Then the farmer whose chickens those are notices that wait shit that Fancy Chicken is in the wrong place, and as he tries to remove the peacock from the chicken coop, he refuses to leave without the hen who hatched him. So being moved to a more appropriate place for a peacock, the hen comes with him. And for the rest of his life The Most Annoying Rooster lives happily ever after as an Only Moderately Annoying Peacock, and if any bigger bird tries to do anything to the little hen, he will peck its fucking eyes out, because that's his momma who was always there for him, so he's always there for her.
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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I volunteered to help the florist with her Mother's Day deliveries today, it was fun! My favourite parts of the experience:
early this morning I delivered flowers to women who were busy with morning farm chores, usually out in the barn; some had forgotten it was Mother's Day and were pleasantly surprised to see me show up holding a bunch of flowers above my head (so it wouldn't get eaten by barn animals on the way)
speaking of: one woman let a cow smell the flowers, then said "they're probably treated with chemicals—better not have a taste" with an apologetic look (at her cow)
a little boy opened the door at one point and I said, flowers for your mum! and he called her and while waiting for her to come downstairs, he said, "I learnt a Mother's Day poem at school", so I said, let's hear it! And apparently he hadn't expected that, and he lit up upon realising he would get higher returns on his poem investment than expected. He thought he'd recited it once and it was over but here was a fresh new audience!
a woman whom I found at the back of her garden hanging out with ducks deplored the fact that she didn't have a coin in her pocket for a tip, then said "Do you want to see my baby pigeons?" Yes of course I want to see your baby pigeons. That's a good tip
I delivered a bouquet to someone and a woman next door, who was in her garden, turned to the open window of her house and said, "[Neighbour's name] got flowers! For MOTHER'S DAY."
I later had to return to that street after a last-minute order was placed to this woman's address. Whomever she was talking to inside the house got the message loud and clear :)
at one point I entered a barn that seemed empty (except for cows), said "Is anyone here?" and a goat SPRUNG UP out of nowhere and poked me with her hoof and gave me a heart attack
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I returned to the shop and the florist let me pick a couple of plants as thanks, and we had the usual conversation—"Would this cheerful yellow plant thrive in my house?" "No. Your house is under 10°C. Try this one instead." Me: "This one isn't yellow :( It's more austere" Her: "So is your house" (She entered my non-heated kitchen in December once, and ever since I've been trying to convince her that it's not always like that) (just six months per year)
as I sat in the shop waiting for more bouquets to deliver, a man came in to buy roses and the florist started wrapping a ribbon around the bunch and the man asked, could you put a ribbon around each rose? I said aw they're for several mums? :) And he said yeah—that he was going to visit his mum at the retirement home and he wanted to get something "for all her friends too, why not!" It made everyone smile
admiring the florist's skill as she quickly put together a bouquet for a new order, I said something like "at least AI won't steal your job" and she said "with quantum computing, you don't know... not sure what it is but I read an article and it sounded scary." I said, I heard it's still impractical because the quantum computer particles need to be kept in very cold environments, like close to absolute zero, and she said "Quantum plants would thrive in your house."
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Florist: "I'll accompany you for this delivery because the person who filled the form gave a 'turn left after the third mossy rock'-type of address"
I was invited at her house for lunch, and I asked warily "Does your husband still have swans?" She said "No, we only kept the geese. We have just 3. They're evil too but not as bad as the swans"
one of my favourite interactions was when I delivered flowers in a hamlet that could fit in my pocket, and a young girl who came to the door asked me in what village I lived, and I said, it's not a village, just a lone house in the woods, and she sighed "I wish I could live away from civilisation." I looked around us. Asked, how many people live in this village? She said, "Sixty." I said, "That's too many?" She said, "Yeah."
Final stats for today: I was offered a coffee 4 times, Mother's Day chocolates 2 times, and 1 meeting with baby pigeons; was startled by 1 goat and terrorised by 3 geese; petted 2 windowsill cats, and was asked if Pampérigouste was currently in her pasture 4 times.
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peachesofteal · 10 months
Light On - single mom/neighbors fic Simon Riley/female reader
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“Are you sure it’s not too cold?” 
“It’s fine.” You glance down at Emmaline in the stroller, wrapped up in a blanket over her little winter jacket, fuzzy wool hat pulled down around her ears. “It’s not nearly chilly enough to be concerned. She’s probably overdressed, to be honest. In Norway, they leave babies outside to sleep in much colder temperatures.” 
“Why?” He keeps pace beside you, strolling along the park’s walking path leisurely, trying to keep his heart rate normal every time your hip bumps his thigh, or you nudge him with your elbow. 
“It helps their immune system, I think. Exposes them to the germs in their environment, allows them to build resistance, or something. Plus, the climate there is naturally cold? So, I think it helps acclimatize them. Pretty sure some people say they sleep better.” 
“That’s… brave of them.” He doesn’t know what else to say, he can’t imagine trusting the world enough to leave a baby, leave Emma, outside to sleep. 
“It’s different, I guess, when you have a ‘village’,” you use air quotes around the word village, and regret flashes across your eyes. “when you trust your community. Rely on them.” He doesn’t expect the longing that rings in your voice, the doleful, twisted tone of loss, a mournful sentiment that has him nearly pulling up short, slowing to a stop to tilt his head in consideration, his eyes above the mask zeroed in on yours until you’re giving him a meek smile and shrug. “Anyway,”
“I feel like we’re always talking about me or Emma. How about you? How was your week?” You pause, something occurring to you, pushing your lips forward with curiosity. “I know you said you travel for work, but I don’t think you ever told me what you did?” Shit. He’s not ready for this. He tries to recall how he practiced it with Johnny, the words that they agreed upon, the approach he would take. 
“Ye gotta make it sound at least somewhat normal, LT. Make her feel safe about it.”
“’m not goin’ lie to her.” 
“It’s not lyin’. Just, use the official language. The propaganda stuff, y’know.” 
He knows what he’s supposed to say, the lengthy spiel about ‘managing global conflict’ and ‘identifying and neutralizing domestic and global threats’, the words Johnny had suggested, but instead, what comes out is; “I’m uh, in the military. In a multi-national spec ops task force that focuses on counter terrorism. We operate from of a base just outside the city.” The park bustles around the three of you, runners and walkers circumventing where you’ve slowed to a crawl on the crushed gravel path, families tugging at one another, boys and girls hopping with excitement over promises from their parents. 
“That’s… interesting.” You say the words slowly, like you’re mulling them over, considering them. “Is it dangerous?” 
“Only sometimes.” You raise an eyebrow like you don’t believe him, skepticism plain as day, and he concedes. “It’s not a desk job, but I’m very good at it.” He wants to reassure you, desperate to keep the hope alive that’s been building in his heart for you, needs you to feel safe with him. The water is in sight now, ducks and swans floating on top of the glass like surface, waiting for their offerings that come from so many that frequent their little lake, every day. You motion to an empty bench, turning the stroller in it’s direction, his breath still caught in his chest, lack oxygen starting to make him feel woozy. Say something. Say anything. 
“Emmaline’s dad had a dangerous job too.” You unbuckle her from the stroller, cradling her in your lap as you nestle into one end of the bench, eyes fixed on the group of ducks closest to the shore. “And he was good at it.” 
“Is that how you lost him?” He concludes softly, the question as gentle as he can voice it. You don’t look at him, but he can see the change in your face, tears welling at the corners of your eyes, posture curling over your baby. 
You only nod, but it’s enough. Enough for him to slide a little closer, pressing the outside of his leg to yours. Enough that your free hand wanders, fingers brushing against the fabric of his jeans, your face lifting from the water to his with a question. 
“Can you hold her? While I get the biscuits?”
“Of course.” You shift her into his arms, and he straightens her so that she’s sitting up against his chest, crook of his arm supporting her head, other hand flush with her belly. You rummage inside the bag that’s shoved under the stroller, Emma’s backpack, and she coos at you from Simon’s arms. “Is that your mum?” He murmurs, and she gurgles something in response, a happy string of sounds that has his heart warming inside his chest. “Yeah, that’s her huh?” You straighten, bag in your hand, watching him and Emma, sad expression turning beatific, bittersweet smile pulling at your lips. 
“Come on.” You don’t reach for the baby, instead motioning for Simon to follow you, trusting him to carry her down behind you, to hold her as you as break up the little pieces of biscuit. “I promised her some ducks.” 
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Duck on a String II
Jessie Fleming x Child!Reader
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Summary: Uncle Magda gets you a duck
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When Mama is busy doing things for the Blue Team, you get to hang out with your auntie and uncle.
Auntie Pernille and Uncle Magda always take you to the park to feed the ducks, even when it's raining like it is now.
Auntie Pernille pulls up your duck coat and Uncle Magda flips up your hood so you can look like a real life duck.
"Uncle Magda!" You squeal as she pulls the hood down to cover your eyes.
"Huh? Did someone say something? I thought I heard something."
"Uncle Magda!" You say again but she keeps looking around in confusion.
"I could have sworn I heard someone say my name. But I'm auntie Magda so I must have misheard."
You puff out your cheeks in annoyance. Uncle Magda is silly sometimes. She thinks she's an auntie like Pernille is an auntie but that's not true. Niamh once told you that Magda gives off dad vibes so you're pretty sure that makes her your uncle.
It's silly for her to think otherwise.
It hardly matters though because auntie Pernille rescues you from her teasing by picking you up so you can finally leave the house.
There's a lake at the park near the house with lots of ducks and swans. You don't quite like swans as much as ducks but they're still cool and you still feed them.
Auntie Pernille holds your hand as you throw duck feed off the jetty towards the waiting ducks.
Uncle Magda would usually stand on your other side but she slipped on the lake bank and fell into the bushes earlier so she's trying to dry off further away.
"Auntie Pernille," You giggle when you've run out of duck food," Uncle Magda's all wet!"
"She is," Pernille laughs too," She's a bit silly, isn't she?"
"And wet!"
"And wet."
Uncle Magda looks a bit depressed as she waits for you both, wringing out the bottom of her shirt. "It's not funny," She says," I'm going to catch a cold."
"It's your fault," Pernille says," You're the one who fell!"
"A duck tripped me! It was an accident."
"Ducks aren't mean, Uncle Magda," You tell her," You tripped yourself."
She gasps in mock outrage. "Well, just for that, Duckie, I won't give you the duck egg I found."
You freeze. "Duck egg?"
She nods, bringing the egg out of her pocket. "It was all by itself. I reckon it needs a mummy."
You cradle it in your hands.
"Magda," Pernille says reproachfully.
"Pernille," Magda replies," It's probably not even fertilised. It was abandoned. There's no harm in giving her a dead egg."
You don't know it's dead though and when you get home, you make your Mama set it up in a little straw box with a lamp over the top.
Jessie's happy to oblige your little pet project, mainly because you're taking such good care of it. She isn't quite sure why she hadn't given you an egg to look after before.
You're being so good with it, so nice and helpful.
Her whole world comes screeching to a halt though when one evening your little feet go pitter-patter, pitter-patter towards her.
You aren't much of a runner, preferring to toddle along with your string of ducks. Running means something has happened.
Jessie shoves her seat back and looks away from her laptop, already turning to comfort you.
But you're smiling and your little hands clutch a baby duck.
Jessie's mouth hangs open.
"My Quackers! Finally hatched!"
"Need to keep him warm, Mama!"
"And give him cuddles!"
Jessie's not quite sure what else she can say but your name as she stares in shock at the little duck. She was certain that Magda told her it was a dead egg.
If she'd known any different then she'd have been prepared for having two little ducks in the house.
Briefly, she wonders if she can send it away to a shelter but you've already named it. You're already saying sweet things to it and it's already looking at you with what Jessie can only describe as awe.
You're attached to each other and Jessie can't separate you now.
Two little ducks for her to take care of now.
She sighs, unable to keep the smile off of her face. "Come here, duckie," She says," Lets order stuff so Quackers can be comfortable."
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
❝I never asked you to, you bumbling oaf.❞
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[ Between advices and jealous-fraught fights, nestles your heart in red satin and ivory touch. Or, your marriage so far with the firstborn son of the King. ]
[ +18 MDNI ] [ 3,901 ] | Aegon Targaryen II x Wife!Reader
contains— fluff & smutty - nsfw: oral (f receiving), p & v sex, creampie, breeding kink(?), - soft shit if aegon got to at least have a bit more agency lmao - jealousy - sorta angsty in the beginning but eh - your house is unnamed but you're a bad bitch - no use of y/n - no kings, no martyrs, no betas.
a/n— it wasn't going to be a full smut, but aegon happened so here we are. comment, reblog & like at will, mwa!
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Fraught might be a marriage arranged— cost and effect, weighed by titles and expectations of such matches made, emotion of either future spouse the least they weigh when they make their decisions — but you had grown to adore your husband.
You had been warned, of course. Gossip and small-minded chatter followed the firstborn son of the King. That despite the regality of Targaryen roots and colouring, he was a whoremonger, an addled-drunk, a monstrous caveat shrouded in dark green silk and iron.
You were called a victim, a damsel in distress meant to be saved before you had even met him. And yet not a single one of them batted an eye, much less offered a hand to rescue you from such turmoil. More than prepared to send you off. Others, of course, wishing for a prince to be married to their house, spit their scorn and irony.
The day you met him was a hot day. The sun basked the Crownlands with an almost venomous hatred, and it did not help your anticipation. Nor the long and arduous travel that turned the carriage into a hotbox meant to cook.
Your rear had ached in pain, almost as painful as your pinched cheeks that your grandmother had twisted unto your skin before you got out to meet the Queen, the Hand, and your betrothed, reminding you that a Princess Consort must always look her best, must appeal to her husband at all times "but must not be whorish! And sit straight, by the Seven, girl! Remember to exit gracefully! Like a swan, not a duck! Yes, there is a difference! Scamper your sarcasm!"— your gown was heavy, cinched tight and thick in beautiful fabric and small pearls and sapphires.
You had smiled prettily, bowed perfectly, and when you finally faced your betrothed, he was barely able to stand, pale as a sheet, and suffering from his cups the night before, sweat weeping on his brow.
It had sent a strike down your spine, irritation and anger spinning beneath pearly teeth. You bite down any word before they escape, forcing you to a perfect posture and a sharpened edge to your smile.
Aegon Targaryen, Second of his Name, had taken a step back, almost subconsciously, as fear flashed in his darling blue eyes.
Your good brother, having found out of this first interaction, had not stopped teasing your husband for the next few moons. Your good sister, you were told much later, had hummed wistfully, fingers dancing between rings as if she knew much more than anyone else, a small smile playing on the corners of her lips.
The memory makes you laugh now, warming your cold fingers against your first winter storm in Kings Landing. Snow torrents in whirlwinds and spikes, filling the Godswood in flurries and icicles.
Your Lady In Waiting, Emma Redwyne with her pretty Tully red hair and curled lashes that you had always found envy in, bows in greeting. You don't acknowledge her, which you recognise as nothing but pettiness, but you can't bring yourself to stop. You continue to stare forward, hand outstretched in the flurry of snow, when she awkwardly speaks.
"The prince is in your bedchambers, my princess."
You hum in acknowledgement, but no more. She shifts.
"He says he will not leave lest it is you who tells him so."
You turn to her, churlish in your expression of irritation and she winces, tucking her chin once more in false reverence before you sigh. The Lady Redwyne had been a friend once, an acquaintance really. Your grandmother had warned you that though you should have a good relationship with your ladies, it was best to keep them at an arm's length.
"Vipers and greed make stock in the centrefold of power, my dearest," she murmured, gnarled hands twinning your hair, a colour close to her own when she had been your age. You had been told you looked just like her, a gem in her era, her hand sought after by lords and princes alike before your grandsire made a weighty proposal to her house. "No matter what friendship you can build, all of it is but fat clouds and sandcastles. Pretty as they are, easily destructible by the next gust of wind."
"But they would be my ladies." The idea that the women closest to you should be kept with a good eye brought a weight to your chest. Trust is a hard thing to grasp in this place, you were fast learning.
You grandmother tutted, her hands cupping your chin, tilting upward until the same eyes met. One aged and knowing, another young and soon will understand the weight of life. Of the coat she bore with her husband's house in front of the Sept.
"Just watch and see, my sweet. Your future husband is a prince. They will try their damnedest. But you should not lose, for you are his wedded consort."
Now, your eyes linger on the cut of Lady Redwyne's gown. Far too revealing for the coldest touch of the year. The rogue in her cheeks, in her lips. There is a new necklace nestled on her bosom, no doubt an insistent gift from her father.
You wonder if your husband had stirred at the sight of her full visage. That if you had not been upset with him as it it, and have not abandoned your marriage quarters for three moons now, his fingers would have danced across her pale collarbones, fingering the dropped ruby at the centre of her throat. Pressing a light kiss on the gem.
The fornicated memory brings nausea and anger, but you are not new to your role, much less the greed of others, even those closest to you, so you strangled it with will.
If Aegon had dared to mock you anew while you were both in cold waters, he has been too aware now of your anger and what it means for him.
You look back at the peek of red leaves still attached to the tree, almost a stubborn refusal to move with the order of the gods, and you smile despite yourself.
"... My princess?"
Your annoyance spikes.
"And if I tell you to tell him that I will sleep in another chamber, mayhaps upturn a chamber meant for guests, will he then rot forever in my bedchamber?" You turn to her, eyebrow arched. "Will he not be accosted for leaving his duties undone? Must I treat him as a babe throwing a tantrum? Soothe him?" You step toward her. She flinches, a bird wanting to take flight but knows better than to move without her mistress' orders. "Or have you already tried so, to soothe the prince, and have been told to scram, to fetch me, for you are not his wife?"
Her eyes flutter, chest heaving. "My Princess, please—"
"Enough," you say primly, gathering your skirts. "Come to my chambers before dinner but no earlier. The only reason I haven't sent you back to the Reach is by grace and no more."
"My princess." She bows again and you don't miss the clenched jaw as you leave in a flutter of your bloodred gown and arched chin.
You have only just turned a corner when you hear a voice, soft and silky, familiar for many moons now.
"That was harsh of you, good sister."
You pause and spin, letting out a small laugh at the appearance of your good brother. Tall and princely in visage, he inclines his head in greeting while you bow.
"You are mistaken, my prince."
You smirk. "That was kindness on my part."
He hums, fighting off a smile. Or what you think is a smile. Prince Aemond is still a mystery to you, but he is polite and you find yourself in good ease with your good brother. Unlike your husband, he wears his duty like armour and wield it like a sword. More than once, you are made to imagine what it would be like to have been married to him instead of your husband, and you blanche at the thought.
Though there is complications and evergreen misunderstanding with your husband at most turns, you cannot find yourself happy to the idea of being married to the One-Eyed Prince. There is nothing to say of his scarred appearance— as it does nothing but exemplify his gifted wielding of the sword, but being so honour and duty bound as you, it would be a cool, crisp marriage wheeled on routine and silent understandings.
A monotonous life might be a mercy to most, a dream to some even, but it brings hives to your skin at the mere idea.
Silent dinners and polite conversations are one thing. A marriage built on everything but... it would unsettle and madden your soul.
He offers his arm. "May I escort you to your chambers and my sad sack of a brother?"
You temper your giggle, taking his elbow. "I would be delighted."
Quiet pinches both of your measured footsteps, but you revel in its serenity. Maegor's Holdfast is stone and steel in the winters, fewer bodies lingering in corridors and corners to stave off into rooms with heat, but the rest that do are about, bow at your persons.
"I see you are adjusting well," he finally says. You turn, eyebrow arched. "As a princess consort of the realm."
"Was I so unprepared in my earlier moons?"
"In a way. Helaena says you are still comely and kind, despite being married to my brother."
"I am satisfied in my marriage, Prince Aemond," you say, unable to stop your raised hackles and need to defend your husband. "My duty to the realm is not strained in the least, and I... care for him."
He gives you a long look but you refuse his stare. He hums again, and whatever topic is breached is dropped. The quiet follows up until the doors of your chambers where he stops.
"Thank you for escorting me, my prince. I know your duties occupy your time."
"A duty of mine is to ensure my good sister is in safe hands." He gives a beckoning bow, notching an eyebrow at the door. "And I wish you ever happiness with your marriage to my brother, the Seven knows your duty is harder than mine."
Before you can retort, he is gone, and you are left with a sigh before you push through.
Though a prince, there is nothing princely of Aegon's sprawl on your bed. His gold, silver spun hair like a halo akimbo his face. Warmth emanates from the fire while he plays with his fingers atop his stomach.
"I thought you will ignore me once more, my wife," he speaks to the air, face still straight to the ceiling.
As you close the doors, a nod to your sworn shield, your straightened shoulders hunch as you relax. An unladylike snort breaking through the quiet. You don't see it, but Aegon smiles at the sound, a pang hitting his chest at the sound of comfort that he misses so.
"These are my chambers, husband," you say. "Unless you are meaning to kick me out of the Keep in total, I think my appearance in my own is not a totally shocking thought."
You sit beside him but do not lay down, giving him a good look as he stares up at you with a vacant expression. He is sober, in a way that there is a glassy sheen to his mullish blue eyes the colour of lightning and thunderstorms. His pallour is pale and his clothes are rumpled, but there is no near stench of wine or woman.
In fact he smells like Aegon on his good days; dragon and grime at the edges, soot and wind.
"I have not been to the Silk Street since we have been married," he says as if reading your thoughts. "I have not, and will refuse, to stray from our marital chambers." He gives you a poke. Like a child. "Unlike you."
You know he is telling the truth. He made the vow to you on your marriage bed, hands intertwined, fresh purple blooms appearing on your throat as he bore crescent shaped moons on his back.
You had to wear high-necked collars for two weeks. In the summers. It was impossibly awful, but the memory of your first night is one you cherish. What you go back to when tempers flare and sadness beckons in corners.
He had spent that first night worshipping you, ensuring you are more than sated before he had taken his own pleasure.
"But women who want you need not be whores to tempt you to their beds," you finish softly, unable to stop yourself as you take one of his hands to your lap, spinning the silver ring he keeps on his last finger.
"My wife, dearest to my heart." Your eyes flutter close at the endearments. It was a running joke to both of you, a joke that evolved with sincerity and... well, you hoped was love.
"I had tea with your grandmother, wife."
You looked up from your lunch, lips thinning at the joke and excitement nestled in giggles he was holding back. "Oh no. I knew I should have sent her back home the minute our vows were over."
He laughed then, taking the unoccupied seat across from you as he pressed his lips to your head. It made your heart flutter, even more so as he plucked a berry from your tart and offered it to your lips. He looked with insistence so you ate it. He pressed a thumb to your bottom lip before pressing a soft kiss to his own lips. You tried not to furiously blush.
"What has she told you?"
"Many a topic." He laughed again at your groan. Aegon had found himself enamoured with you as days past. Learning how you act less primly and more comfortable in his presence had brought him a good sense of happiness. Something he thought he lost forever. And he found, the happier he made you, the stronger the happiness in himself grew. It was an addicting feeling.
"But the prime idea were endearments."
"That a husband and wife with a pretty marriage such as ours, as we are royals, must show hope and perpetual peace for the people."
You frowned. "And... endearments give perpetual peace to the people how?"
"A show of the stability of our marriage. Of fondness. So now, I shall call you my dearly beloved heart."
You made a strange, strangling sound that had your husband giggling in surprise. "Pardon me, my prince. I—"
"Your precious honey bee."
"... Excuse me?"
"Are you ill?"
"The darling of your eye, then."
You blinked. "Pardon?"
"What you call me," he teased.
"I refuse."
"You refuse?"
"Yes." You fought your own smile. "You are not the darling of my eye, and calling you thus, will make me a liar."
The pinched expression of jealousy made you bite your lip. "And who is, pray tell, the darling of your eye?"
"My grandmother."
You pressed your lips together. Aegon blinked in shocked. Then the both of you burst out in hard laughters, holding your chests and stomachs.
"We shall find an endearment for your beloved husband then," he announced after he had gasped for breath, dabbing the tears collected from his eyes. His smile enchanted you, wide and beautiful, upturned with a gaze as if he was beheld by the most darling of creatures. The urge to skip over him, drape yourself on his lap, and kiss him silly was an urge you pushed down.
"The... babe to my wondrous bosom?"
"So in counsel? That is not a definite no."
"My love?" he calls now, bringing your shared hands to his lips. "Lay down with me."
Before you can retort, he pulls you down to him until your warmth is shared, burning in a single flame. A sigh leaves your mouth, and the sound urges him to pull you impossibly closer.
"Women may find themselves in our bed, but unless they are you, they are nothing," he says after a minute. You tense up and he rubs your back. "I have made a vow."
"I will not hate you if you do. Anger is sordid, but I know my role. I know that is common practice for husbands, and as Princess Consort—"
He pulls you to him, your chest pressed against his as he held your face in his hands. His eyes are sad but his gaze is firm. "Your role as my wife does not mean you stay silent in your anger. Fight me. Make as much ruckus as you want. Tell Sunfyre to burn me to a crisp. You know as much High Valyiran as I at this point."
You laugh, forehead falling on his chest as you feel the burn in your eyes as tears escaped you. "I am no dragonrider."
A laughter rumbles his chest. "Could have fooled me," he teased.
When you look up, he is smirking. "You've ridden me before."
He noses your jaw, kissing the edge of your chin. "The lemon of your tart, you mean."
"No, I do not." A sigh leaves you as his kisses turn into suckles, his hands holding you steady, rubbing circles against your skin.
"I think... I am fully forgiven now? For you have slept far away from me—" You yelp as he bites your ear, "— for too long a time. And for spending more time with my brother than you have of me in a while. Truly unfair punishment."
"He has only escorted me."
He flips you both, unlacing the front of your bodice with adept fingers while he leaves a trail of bites at every exposed skin. "While I wait by your chambers like a lovesick fool?"
"I never asked you too, you bumbling oaf."
He huffs a laugh, ripping down the front of your dress as you shriek, eyes meeting your own with a dark glint, before his hot mouth envelops your pert nipple. You keen.
"I am still a-angry with you," you sigh, running your fingers through his silver locks. When your body adjusts, seeking to pleasure the warmth between your thighs, he moves lower as if he can read your mind, read your wants, and when you make a roll of your hips right against his tenting manhood, his groan vibrates against your breast to your ribcages.
"I understand." He leans back on his hunches, smile sweet, before he shuffles around and underneath your dress, past your small clothes, and takes a slow swipe of his finger against your warm, wet folds. Your hips buck, a gasp leaving your throat, and he breathlessly laughs.
"Your beloved honey bee would like to taste the nectar between your thighs that you have so graciously held against me for so long."
You groan, suppressing a shiver as he holds your thighs steady with his own laughter. "The urge to kick you is strong, my husband. Enough to risk the Lord Hand's ire. And your mother's."
He groans, stilling in the midst of pushing your skirts up, he pops his head back toward you. "Please, owner my beating heart. The fire to my dragon. The lemon cake to my tea—
"— that one is your least creative one so far —"
"— Let us not speak of my mother, gods forbid, my grandsire, while I am between your legs. For the good of the realm."
"The good of the realm?" You scoff. Then yelp as he bites your thigh, soothing it with a lap of his tongue.
"Yes, my sweet, the good of the realm." He pops back to you, hair askew, eyes devilish, as he grins. "It is common knowledge that heirs are for the good of the realm. And I cannot bring you pleasure if you keep mentioning people I'd rather not imagine while doing so. And your pleasure, from what your grandmother had told me from our many afternoon teas, my sweetest, golden love, is important for my heirs."
Your giggles turn breathless when he disappears beneath your skirts once more. "I surrender then... apple of my tarts."
The sound of his giggles underneath your skirts soon grow muted against the sound of your pleasure. The thing about Aegon, is that pleasure is meant to be savoured. So as he slowly tears through your own clothes while he makes you reach your peak once, twice, thrice— your skin drenched in sweat, rose blush bloomed your face and neck, arms weakened and thighs unable to hold steady — you turn to your husband, the haze of your orgasm clouding any rational thought as you beheld him, still fully clothed with your juices on his face, a proud smirk twisted on his lips.
"Are you okay, beloved?" He rests a hand on your face and you nuzzle against him. "Shall I call for a bath now?"
"Later," you pronounce breathlessly. "If you do not find yourself inside me in the next second, I shall curse you for evermore."
He laughs, giving you a languid kiss before he steps back and strips.
He does not make a show of it, as harried and hard for you (no catching of his pleasure against the bed could ever compare to thrusting inside of you), and you watch his weeping cock with an unbashed hunger of your own, as he pumps it a few times, eyes staring at your visage as you widen your legs, holding your thighs to give him a sweet view.
He groans. "What Silken Street whore could be compared to my wife so willing? What lady would be enough?"
"I swear to the Seven, if you do not end your blasted soliloquy—"
His laughter rings, body covering your own before he slides in your warm, wet cunny. Blasphemy spills his tongue as a softened sigh leaves you. Though he is not lengthy, his girth stretches, thrilling the nerves up to your throat. The ease is given by your wetness, but he is slow, making sure you felt every ridge and vein until you cry softly at your abused pearl rubbing against his body.
"I will not last," he half spits, jaw clenched. "I will have to- I'm sorry but—"
"Do it," you whisper, locking your ankles on his ass as much strength as your legs can allow. "Pound me into the matress."
"Fuck," is the last thing he says before he follows your orders, each hit against your cervix building your own peak. "Pretty wife, darling pearl, the sexiest— fucking—" spills and spits between groans and cries, chasing his high brings your own.
"A-aeg, I—"
He kisses your mouth, effectively shutting you up as he slides a hand between your sweaty bodies, finding your pearl and circling hard. As soon as you're cumming to the high heavens, tightening and twitching, a garbled scream out of your throat— he slams once, twice, as his own high entangles your own, a punctuated moan breaking out of his throat.
His seed spurts, floods, before his cock turns flaccid inside you, and you feel warm and full underneath him.
He presses his forehead against your collarbone. "Maybe we should fight more oft, nectar of my obsession."
"Sure," you say. "I will spend more time with Aemond then."
He punctures a groan as you giggle.
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esotericpluto · 1 year
messages from your future spouse
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings.
these are intuitively channeled messages. I also channeled a book and looked at the quotes until I found the one that I intuitively matches your story better.
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pile 1
sunshines, rainbows, picnics, lakes, swans, ducks and bunnies is the energy this pile is giving me. It feels like your future spouse is looking forward to taking you to such dates and it seems like they cannot wait until this becomes a reality as you will be their sunshine.
"It is you and me against the world. You are everything for me, my flower, my castle, my sun, my moon, my world. Never leave me and I'll make you the happiest person in the world. We are in this together and I'll never abandon you. I'll be your lighthouse and guide you and you will be my candle in every unknown path of life. We are one and I can't wait until we marry and have children. I am sure they will have your beautiful eyes. We will me meeting soon, just trust your heart and let go of fear"
"She began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her. His understanding and temper, though unlike her own, would have answered all her wishes. It was an union that must have been to the advantage of both: by her ease and liveliness, his mind might have been softened, his manners improved; and from his judgement, information, and knowledge of the world, she must have received benefit of greater importance.” – Pride & Prejudice
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pile 2
I feel like your future husband has tendency to act rough and strong, even in moments where they just want to break down and hold onto softness. Strength and resillience become weary and too much of a weight to endure and carry after so long, especially after years of going through so many hardships, difficulties and even traumas. Your future spouse struggles with opening up, with letting someone in, with showing vulnerabity or even some form of weakness.
However, they are telling me, and this is the message for you, that you make them feel like they are safe and taken care of. You are the warmth in their coldest days, you make them feel secure and like they can finally lean on someone, like they don't have to go through everything alone. With you they will learn how to trust, how to break down their barriers, their fears, their deepest worries. They want to give you the world and will defend you and protect you from everything they want. They are definitely the type to be very bold and strong towards other, but a full sweetheart towards you and this is something that will greatly enrich your heart.
I feel like they are telling me that you will also be scared at first as you will feel as if they are going to break your heart. They can assure you they would not, they would rather the whole world ending than your love going away and they will stick to their words and promises. Trust your intuition always.
"The first symptom of true love in a man is timidity, in a young woman, boldness" – Les Miserables
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pile 3
"If we have had many ups and downs, many struggles, many back and forths. I thought I would lose you for real, that I had truly messed up, yet we are here again. You are in front of me, in this altar, in this sanctuary of love, exchanging vows. You made me the happiest person in the world and I can only thank you for that. I am sorry for failing you like I did, I am sorry you had to see the worst parts of myself the way you did and if I could give you the universe to compensate you, I would.
I am glad we could meet again, be together again. I knew our hearts would always find our way back to each other. I saw you in my dreams, I remember you from past lives. Our love was destined and nothing that could have happened could have separated us or changed that. You are my angel, my salvation, my inspiration to become better everyday. You have a shine in your eyes that lights up my smile. Thank you for giving me another chance".
I do not think this is an ex (although, for a minority of you, it is possible). It feels more like someone who you will still meet, have a separation with and find your way back to each other eventually. They seem to have really learnt from their mistakes and will do everything in their power to show that to you.
"Good-bye, till we meet then—I embrace you warmly, warmly, with many kisses. Yours till death." – Crime and Punishment
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Part 5: Baki Hanma Pt2
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Yandere various Baki x Afab reader
I have finally had the inspo to finish this part. Sorry for the wait. I haven’t really played around much with Baki’s character so I decided to make him goofy and a little awkward. Just like a little brother 💕
Part 4
“My name is (your name).” (Your name) took Baki’s hand in hers to give it a shake. His calloused hand was incredibly warm and a little sweaty.
Baki marveled at how soft her skin was compared to his. His brown eyes sparkled in awe. “You have some really soft hands… wait! I didn’t mean to sound weird!”
(Your name) laughed when Baki quickly pulled away his hand in embarrassment. The fighter’s cheeks slightly pink as he turned his head off to the side. Baki felt shy under her gaze.
(Your name) grabbed Baki’s hand and gave his knuckles a reassuring rub.
“It’s okay. I know you’re not a weirdo, sweetie.” (Your name) gave Baki a gentle smile, his eyes shined in awe at the pet name. This guy was just like a little kid…
“T-thank you.” Baki whispered before clearing his throat. His brown eyes stared at her hand that was around his. It’s been awhile since he’s held hands with someone like this… he liked it. “Let’s head off to our date, okay?”
Baki lead her over to the pond and over to the dock that held an assortment of swan peddle boats. She’s never peddled a swan boat before… so this would be a first for her.
Baki paid for the boat and held out his hand to her with a big smile.
“Watch your step!” Baki helped her into he seat before climbing in next to her. “If you get tired, I can do all the peddling.”
“But wouldn’t you get tired?” She asked him with a quirked brow but Baki only gave her a smile. The young man patting his muscular legs.
“I have a lot of endurance with these meaty thighs.“ (Your name) had to cover her mouth before she snorted. She didn’t think he’d be goofy.
Baki’s ears turned pink in embarrassment. He hadn’t meant to be so embarrassing to be around. (Your name) quickly noticed his change in mood.
“You’re fine, sweetie. I thought your joke was cute.” (Your name) reassured the younger man with a smile. How did a guy like him have such low self esteem? He was adorable! “You’re too hard on yourself.”
Baki gulped and shook his head before indecent thoughts slipped into his brain. The red head nodded and began to peddle to boat out into the pond. “I only ever had one long term girlfriend but that blew up in flames…”
(Your name) frowned. It seemed Baki might have a lot of baggage he needed to deal with before he got back into the dating scene again. “You can share with me if you’d like. I won’t judge you, sweetie.”
Baki felt his palms sweat when she placed a hand on his arm. (Your name) was so motherly towards him. It was so strange to finally be around such a nurturing energy when he’s never really had a familiar member care for him before. But Baki didn’t oppose it, he welcomed it.
Baki sucked in a deep breath before he shook his head.
“It’s a long story and we barely know each other.” Baki blushed. He turned his attention to the various water fowl in the pond and other people on swan boats. “There’s so many ducks…”
“I think they’re cute.” (Your name) smiled. “They just waddle around and quack. Life would be pretty simple as a duck.”
“Until someone wants to eat you.” Baki mumbled, which caused (your name) to giggle.
“Baki, you’re a simple guy.” (Your name) smiled at the young man. “Never change.”
Baki and (your name) began to share small talk. The younger man was a bit awkward, but he was slowly warming up to her.
For the first time since his break up, Baki felt comfortable around a woman.
The date with Baki went without a hitch. He’d get so flustered whenever her fingers brushed against his or their shoulders touched, but he wasn’t a bad guy at all. Just a little awkward.
Baki was enchanted by her. She patiently listened to everything he had to say and always smiled at him. He was so happy to finally have someone pay attention his emotional needs.
“Thanks for coming.” Baki smiled at her, the young man fiddled with his hands in nervousness. “I had a lot of fun today…”
“I did too.” (Your name) warmly smiled at him. He was such a sweet guy. “Time sure does fly.”
Baki and (your name) walked off the dock, a souvenir shop around the corner caught Baki’s eye. A lightbulb went off in his head.
“One minute!” Baki then dashed into the shop before she could say a word. Yes… definitely like a little brother.
It took less than five minutes for Baki to come back, a small swan plush in his hands. The plush looked so small in his buff arms but it gave Baki a sort of childlike wonder to him. He was adorable… like a little brother.
“I thought you would like this.” Baki smiles warmly, he reached his hands forward to offer her the swan plush. “Do you like it? I just thought it’d be nice to keep to remember today.”
(Your name) smiled warmly. “I love it… thank you, Baki.”
Baki froze when she gave him a small peck on the cheek. His cheeks turned a bright red when their finger tips brushed against each other.
“A-anytime…” Baki scratched the back of his head, his foot rocked back and forth in nervousness. Why was he so nervous around this pretty girl? He was the one paying her for company and yet it felt like he was the one being taken out on a date.
“It was really nice spending time with you.” She gave him a soft look, her eyes glanced over at the bashful young man. Baki was practically putty in her hands already. “Would you care to walk me back to the train station?”
Baki nodded his head and offered her his arm. “Of course! Let’s go.”
Baki really enjoyed his time with (your name), he really wished this was a real date and not a rental. He’d love to get to know her more… perhaps he’ll book her another time and go from there?
𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟓𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝟑𝟎% 𝐭𝐢𝐩. 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨!
(Your name) smiled at the pastel pink screen of her phone. The young woman finally had the chance to go through her phone.
Lately, Katsumi has been blowing up her phone but it was mostly funny memes and the occasional message. She wondered if he had ADHD…
A knock at her door drew her out of her musings. Who could be at her door? She hasn’t ordered anything online recently…
(Your name) looked out of her peephole but no one was there. She slowly opened the door, a large bouquet of red roses on her step.
Who on earth could have given her roses… she hasn’t told anyone her address…
(Your name) scooped up the roses in her arms, the heady floral scent overpowered her sense. These must have cost a fortune and they were even dethorned for her…
A card was on the bouquet and she flipped the black note over to read the elegant gold writing on the back of it.
“Delicate flowers for my delicate lady…” she read aloud. Delicate? There was nothing delicate about her since she only let her dates know the surface of her.
There was only one man who knew the real her and he was locked up in the Arizona State Prison… she missed that suave man sometimes. Usually in the late hours of the night when she was half asleep.
(Your name) shook her head from her thoughts. Now was not the time to think about her old flame, she had an admirer now.
(Your name) glanced around but didn’t see anyone so she accepted the roses and shut her front door.
Meanwhile, Kaoru sat across the street in the back of his limousine. A lit Cuban cigar in his hand, a smile graced his face. He was happy she loved his gift. It was one of many to come.
Kaoru wanted her… and he would have her. What the boss wanted, the boss got.
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sexydoffyman · 7 days
genre: fluff
characters: König
A/N: This part sucks ass but I’m tired.
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You walked alongside him and chatted with him for a bit. His voice was calming. He looked at you with admiration in his eyes. You didn’t understand why he acted the way he did, but you shook it off. Maybe he was lonely.
And yes you were right, he was very lonely. He needed someone in his life badly. But whenever an option came up he declined it. His heart belonged to you. He has been waiting for you for 20 years and now he finally found you. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to muster up the strength to tell you. To tell you who he really is. To tell you how he felt back then and how he feels now. To tell you he’s sorry.
He thinks that you’d think he is a freak. Who would wait for someone for such a long time? Right?
The lake was shining and the ducks were quacking. A swan couple could be seen, playing around in the distance. König grabbed some seeds that he kept in his pocket and sat down on the ground. He threw the seeds on the ground and the ducks hurriedly swam towards him.
You watched in silence as the birds felt completely safe to turn their backs on him. “You must be a really good guy.” You said looking into the small wooded area. He only chuckled as he kept feeding the birds.
You managed to get him to talk a bit more. He invited you to a coffee shop for a small dinner and you excitedly agreed.
He was intensely staring at you. You were getting a bit worried, but whenever you asked something about the topic or pretended you forgot a friend's name he knew the answer. He might’ve looked zoned out, but he for sure was listening. He was taking in every detail of your life.
He wanted more than just to talk to you. He needed more.
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lieslab · 1 year
Main Masterlist
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Finally putting this out there so everything is in one spot. All of my stories are written with a gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified. There's probably eventually going to be smaller lists created and added to this, but here's everything as of currently:
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Stray Kids X reader:
Falling in love with Skz [fluff]
Skz finds out you're not eating [hurt/comfort with some angst]
Skz finds you struggling with self harm [hurt/comfort with some angst]
Skz finds you battling suicide [hurt/comfort with some angst]
A flicker of hope [hurt/comfort]
Star lost [comfort/hurt]
Behind the light [comfort with some angst]
Cover me [comfort/hurt]
Comflex [comfort/hurt]
Love is a spider [comfort/hurt]
Youtiful [comfort/hurt]
Idle town [fluff]
It comes and goes in waves [comfort/hurt]
Not strong enough [comfort/hurt with fluff]
Don't let me go [fluff]
And I'll never go home again [comfort/hurt with angst]
_ _ _
Chan X reader:
Room Temperature Noodles [fluff & comfort/hurt]
Happiness is a butterfly [angst without a happy ending]
I love you, I love you, I love you [fluff & comfort/hurt]
Experience [comfort/hurt]
Teacher's pet [angst with comfort/hurt]
Daddy issues [angst with comfort/hurt]
Kill this love [angst without a happy ending]
Will you have me or watch me fall? [mafia AU]
Are you with me? [comfort/hurt]
_ _ _
Lee Know x reader:
Five, six, seven, eight [fluff with a touch of angst]
Fifty-fifty [comfort/hurt with fluff]
The art of being human [angst with comfort/hurt]
You're somebody else [angst with no happy ending]
To be alone with you [fluff]
Nothing new [comfort/hurt]
_ _ _
Changbin x reader:
A pickle for your thoughts? [fluff]
Truce? [comfort/hurt]
Swan dive [comfort/hurt]
Northern attitude [comfort/hurt]
I miss you, I'm sorry [angst with no happy ending]
_ _ _
Hyunjin x reader:
Possibility [angst with no happy ending]
My muse [fluff]
Stupid bird [fluff]
To Saturn and back [angst with no happy ending]
Straight shooter [mafia AU]
The cut that always bleeds [comfort/hurt]
Oranges to orange juice [comfort/hurt with angst]
Love, dad [comfort/hurt]
_ _ _
Han x reader:
Honey bun [fluff]
Novocaine [fluff]
Enamored Remedy [fluff]
Gone away [angst with no happy ending]
Look after you [comfort/hurt]
Tetris [fluff]
_ _ _
Felix x reader:
Sweet cheeks [fluff]
Cookie monster [fluff]
Cuddle bug [fluff]
Corroded love [angst with no happy ending]
The depths between [ Siren AU mini-series]
Devil's advocate [Mafia AU]
_ _ _
Seungmin x reader:
Passionate kisser, unlimited trickster [fluff]
Time, love, effort, and cooties [fluff & comfort/hurt]
This is me trying [comfort/hurt]
Ice, ice, baby [fluff]
Waiting for us [comfort/hurt]
Mess is mine [comfort/hurt]
Birds of a feather [fluff]
Somewhere only we know [fluff]
_ _ _
I.N x reader:
My baby [fluff]
We'll keep this love in a photograph [right person, wrong time angst]
Duck, duck, goose [angst & comfort]
Already gone [comfort/hurt]
Drowning [comfort/hurt with angst]
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Full length fanfics on Wattpad/Ao3:
Taste | Changbin | Slow burn enemies to lovers
N0 B0DY, N0 CRIM3 | Chan | Mafia/crime AU with a slow burn forbidden romance
Forget-me-not | Seungmin | Memory loss trope with a slow-building romance
He's got the whole world in his hands | Jeongin | Priest psychological horror AU with demonic possession and some forbidden romance
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
A ring of bright light: Chapter 1. ‘It’s happening again.’
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Eloise Bridgerton x Female OC.
Description: Eloise Bridgeton is to marry Lord Brennan this upcoming season, following a residency at her familiar home Aubery House. Their betrothal is to be announced in two months. If all goes to plan…
Warnings: None?
Word count: 1k (just an opener don’t panic loves.)
Next Chapter
Eloise tightened her gloved hands on the balcony wall, partially to resist the temptation to leap ahead and greet those who waited on the other side and partially to wake herself from the nightmare to come.
Winter air cools against her skin, the long gown doing little against the harsh country noir exterior that was Aubrey House at night. Buried deeply into the evergreen stitch of her corset, her heartbeat ragged against the confinement. If birds were not built for cages, surely the same logic would be applied to herself? Bare feet making a swift sloshing sound aggravating the gravel below, debris digging into the pads of flesh deeper than any weapon she had known before.
The gardens seemed alive with light as every inch of ground bubbled with people and for a fleeting moment, as more carriages approached the castle. A warmth raised within her chest as undeniable anxiety, familiarity. Turning her back to the on coming guests, the small of her back pressed deadly against the barrier. Shadows filtered through the historic windows, as the dust licked walls still seemed to cling onto the fleeting light of Friday as though an old friend they had yet to have finished talking to. A shaking breath escaped the mouth, caught in a brief moment of admiration towards the dripping sun - for out of all the fires she had seen this hideously biblical form was one she had grown fond of; or rather the flashes of red from within its last moments as through snippets of the passing day mere memories now. Only the future night was imminent.
She was running unusually late, she could tell by the main entrance to the building growing peacefully desolate; as the other inhibitors congregated within the ballroom. Her eyes squeezed shut, desperately clinging to those final moments of silence.
“You’re not considering jumping are you?” A voice asked the approaching footsteps drew closer, heart edging to her throat.
“What would that help? Death has no use for me yet, although I do wish he would.”
“What makes you so sure death is a man?” The voice asked again, their body finding rest beside Eloise.
“Surely only a man could be so cruel, as to hover such a fate in my peripherals.”
“I see.” The voice hummed as though mulling the conversation, “And clearly you see so much with your eyes practically melted closed.” Eloise’s laughter was a welcome sight to her visitor, the brunette's eyes finally opening as her head found rest against the woman’s shoulder. Her mother – Violet. A buoyant woman; complimented heavily by her Angelically crow-like features - coils of ash tamed in a formal updo so different to the style had grown accustomed to as she usually pottered away her hours within the castle greenhouse. Fingers never without the soil beneath them, a relationship with a ghastly old nail brush that lay upon the kitchen sink heavily established. She'd always lecture upon the importance of soil, on how each particle of the earth somehow held its own story and origins - for soil had seen more love, more pain than any human. As she'd place lumps of the material within their hands "Rub it in then the memories never leave you".
It was reminiscent of her father, of his death. Violet hadn’t allowed anyone to tend to the lilacs since.
“Is everyone here?” Eloise asked after a moment, basking in the comfort of her material figure.
“All the ducks are in rows my dear, now they await a leader.”
“You’re their leader.” mumbled the familiar scent of gardenia flowing past her, upon the open air.
“Now for long my little swan.” Violet sighed, a perfectly delicate hand raising to card its way through the princess’ hair.
“Is he here?”
“Your suitor? Yes dear unfortunately for you he has shown” The queen laughed hoping to lighten her daughters mood.
"We have a nasty habit involving men in this family" her mother would often say whilst winking at her father Edmund across the room. He had passed on almost ten years ago; he'd been the best hug giver and secret magician, never failing to pull a coin from an awaiting child's ear. A sometimes overbearingly traditional yet progressive man, his head still surprisingly full of hair till the day of his early demise. Collins is seemingly thinning already.
His passing had wrecked the family. His wife, all the more scornful and ironically loving; the clone of her mothers, and the replica of herself - Lady Violet was no elementary being, her voice like bathwater, every syllable effortless and wise. She played the piano as though it were second nature to breathe air; embraced few but loved many under the guise of something to be feared. Eloise’s most loved and favoured person in the entire world… unless you asked Benedict.
Then there was Eloise, Lou and 'Flower' on the not too rare occasion, for as her mother was prone to say and the people continued, was the "one of the most precious examples of life to ever grow within these gardens.” with her uncontrollable ripples of dark hair, ill radiance and sea filled eyes, the procurement of two fine specimens to create the most poorly formed swan the world was ever to behold.
“I wish he were here.” Eloise mumbled gently, Violet’s lips falling to kiss the crown of her head.
“I know my dear, as do I.”
Father had died in these very Gardens during her seventh year. Leaving behind Anthony as the elder brother to ascend the house.
“Come now. Best to hit the ground running, keeping your guests waiting is a terrible introduction.” Violet stated, stepping towards the balcony doors.
The set of grand doors that almost shook with vigour with the level of presence behind it, the noise and voice of many locked behind it. Eloise came to her mother’s side – she could not run from this, this was her home.
The doors were opened with one swift movement of the awaiting footmen, revealing a ballroom, many familiar inhibitors of the neighbouring families huddled around in festivities, laughing. Drinks not far from hand, and children in clear scheming mode begging their respective guardians to stay up late; while others could be seen playing games in each corner, the low light shining on each face – new and old.
“Introducing The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton and Miss Eloise Bridgerton.”
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wheels-of-despair · 3 months
Corroded Coffin v. Slip 'n Slide Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie and Evil Woman find an old Slip 'n Slide at a yard sale, and Corroded Coffin is super excited to try it out. Contains: Summer fun, Eddie getting to live out a childhood fantasy, Evil Woman being surrounded by morons. Words: 1k
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"Always wanted to play on one of these."
You put down the ceramic figurine you're inspecting for chips and look at the box Eddie's holding. Another yard sale in the next town over, so big it was advertised in the paper; the only thing that'll get Eddie out of bed before noon on a Saturday.
"You've never been on a Slip 'n Slide?" you ask.
"Nope. Rich kid thing. When it got hot, Wayne would sit on the porch with the hose, whoever was around would run through it."
"That sounds more fun than this thing, actually."
"You've been on one?"
"Once. Hated it."
Eddie hums in acknowledgment and stares at the box that's been sitting in someone's attic for twenty years with a sort of longing.
"How much?" you ask.
"It was just a thought," Eddie shrugs, putting the box back on the table. A little orange sticker reads 50¢. You reach over and snatch it before someone else can.
"We're getting it," you say with finality.
You tuck the box under your arm and keep browsing. Eddie ducks his head and grins, following you along the rows of packed tables.
You end up spending close to $10, acquiring a decent amount of records and 8-track tapes for your shared collection, but the crown jewel is Eddie's Slip n' Slide. He's so excited about it, you even set it up while Corroded Coffin practices that afternoon, so they can strip their shirts and cool off afterwards.
You'd angled it down the hill, to give the boys a little extra zoom. You brought the hose out and put it in position. You set up a lawn chair in the shade near the bottom and brought out a magazine, an icy drink, and your camera. For when the boys ended up skidding across the grass. Because every single one of them would ride it down the hill, one after the other, and think they were going to be the one to stop before the slide did. Morons.
The heat is reaching the unbearable point by the time they wrap up practice. You put your magazine down when the music stops. They file out of the garage, already stripped down to their boxers.
The boys stand at the top of the hill and cross their arms, staring at the twenty-five foot long yellow strip in the grass.
"Turn the hose on first, dummies," you call, readying your camera. Gareth scampers to the spigot and turns it on, then runs back to the slide and sprays the hose around until he's sure it's wet enough. They play rock-paper-scissors to determine who goes first. Grant wins. The boys clear the runway, and he takes a runner's stance. He takes off and makes a glorious swan dive…
and skids to a painful stop on his stomach, about three feet in.
"Fuuuuuck!" he groans, rolling over to reveal a red chest and stomach.
A collective "ohhh" comes from the trio.
"It didn't do this last time," Grant whines.
"When was last time?" Jeff asks.
"I don't know, it was some kid's birthday party," Grant grunts as he picks himself up off the yellow plastic.
"You're heavier now," Jeff observes. "It's for kids. We're bigger than kids. We just need more slip so we can slide."
"Like soap?" Gareth asks.
"Baby oil?" Grant suggests.
"Wait!" Eddie yells, running toward the van.
Jeff and Gareth lean in to inspect the red on Grant's chest. It looks painful.
Eddie returns to the group, slathering something across his chest. He squirts some in the other boys' hands, and they all coat their chests, arms, and legs. Oh, boy. They're gonna end up in the neighbor's yard.
Grant takes his position again, and takes off running. This time, his swan dive turns into a graceful slide. He laughs as he zooms down the yellow plastic. When he hits the grass, he goes sideways and rolls down the hill. You, of course, get what you're sure is an amazing photo of it.
"Fuck yeah!" he yells, standing up and raising his arms triumphantly.
Jeff goes next, sliding down the hill with a whoop and landing in a heap in the grass. They high-five and wait for Gareth, who slides down with a "yeeeeeah!" before going sideways and rolling with such force, he knocks down Grant and Jeff. You cackle and snap away, wishing you'd brought a backup roll of film with you.
They help each other up, laughing the whole time, and turn their focus back to Eddie. He looks a little nervous.
"C'mon, man!" Gareth yells.
"You got this, babe!" you encourage him.
He grins and takes off, jumping a little weird and landing a little off-center, but Eddie Munson gets to ride the entirety of the twenty-five foot slide. He pops up in the grass with a loud yell, and your heart bursts with pride. Eddie Munson finally got to ride a Slip n' Slide.
"That was awesome!" he grins, glistening in the sun.
"Let's go again!" Jeff yells.
"Should we reapply the magical slippy slidey stuff?" Grant asks.
"What was that, anyway?" Gareth rubs his hand over his shiny chest, testing to see if it's still slippery.
"Uh…" Eddie looks at you with mischief on his face.
Oh no.
"Yeah, man, that was perfect!" Grant chimes in. "We need a tub of it!"
Oh no.
"What was it?" Jeff asks, looking between you and Eddie suspiciously.
"Lube," Eddie answers.
"What?" all three boys ask.
"Luuube," Eddie repeats, his face twisting into the evilest of grins.
"OH MY GOD!" the three of them shriek at the same time, running up the hill to the hose. They fight over it, trying to wash the remnants off themselves. You take a few more photos from your lawn chair, and Eddie plops down next to you.
"Must you horrify the children, dear?" you ask sweetly.
"Duh," he answers.
You snap a photo of the wicked grin still on his face.
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moonbaby26 · 4 months
Title: Black Swans
(Chapter 10 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader, Aokiji/Kuzan x Reader (implied), Smoker x Reader (implied)
Chapter Warnings: language, violence, blood, unprotected vaginal sex, physical abuse, obsessive/toxic relationship
Chapter Synopsis: As Big News Morgans’ spin on you and Doflamingo’s new relationship hits the front pages worldwide, enemies and allies react. The past is also reflected in the present as Doflamingo’s need for you remains a danger for you both.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,   5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10, 11
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It was barely dawn, the perfect time to be going through her morning stretches as Tashigi swung her sword gently. Moving slowly from one stance to another, extending her body and holding her balance in each position as she did so.
Being on deck this early gave her more room, and less snickering from some of the other crew. But still being one of the youngest aboard, she had been working on getting a thicker skin about that kind of teasing. So many of her fellow sailors still only treated her like a little sister at best. 
But, that wasn’t wholly unwarranted either as her glasses slid down her nose and she did nearly fall, ducking as a large bird swooped right past her head abruptly.
And then another, and yet another as she straightened up in surprise while the watchman in the crow’s nest above called down to her. One bird had landed by the swordswoman, but many more were still passing overhead as they were spreading out to the other ships dotting the horizon this close to the island they were patrolling past. 
“Grab it, Tashigi! What’s got the news coos so riled up this morning?” The watchman yelled.
“I’m trying!” She had to push her glasses back up to even see the bird clearly. And it spread its wings a bit impatiently as she did reach and take one of the many papers from its leather pouch before it flew again for its next delivery.
“Well!? Who did what, sword girl!?” The watchman still was calling out loudly.
“Hold on!” She was now fighting to get the paper unfolded in the sea breeze to view the front page as she started to read the headlines first.
“Princess Nefertari Vivi was almost kidnapped!” Tashigi yelled back. “Um, she wasn’t though. And then Warlord Doflamingo got engaged…to her? Huh!?”
“What!?” Some other deckhands shouted in unison from the railings above.
“No, wait my glasses are dirty! That can’t be right…” Tashigi was getting flustered, realizing some of the salt spray of the waves had gotten onto her lenses again.
“Someone take the paper from her!” The watchman shouted back to the other deckhands.
“Why are you all goddamn screaming!?” Smoker barked back at them all then, now coming up the stairs from the galley. 
He had his cigars already in his mouth. A mug of hot coffee still steaming as he carried it in one hand.
“Smoker, sir!” They saluted. “Captain on deck!”
But he was scowling, seeing Tashigi nearly lose the paper to the wind as she’d been trying to clean her glasses against her shirt.
“Just give me that already!” He chided her, snatching the newspaper away with his other hand.
More crew had wandered back to deck at the commotion and were clearly waiting as their captain’s eyes went to that front page.
But everything went silent. Silence except for the wind fluttering against the sails and rigging above. At least until Tashigi abruptly yelped. The young woman having to quickly move her feet away from that splash of scalding hot coffee as Smoker’s cup fell to the deck.
“Smoker-san!?” The others called out in surprise.
Both his hands were gripping the paper now as he quickly turned the pages, glaring eyes slightly widening in disbelief the more he read and saw the pictures that accompanied it. 
“Get me the long distance snail, now!” He yelled back to the crew members still hovering in the doorways.
“They are not engaged, Garp. Goddammit quit making this worse!” The Fleet Admiral snapped back at his friend, speaking loudly over the cacophony of snails still ringing throughout the office.
“In our day, if you took a girl’s hand and made a picture like that, that’s an engagement! The little shit knew damn well what he was doing!” Vice Admiral Garp insisted just as stubbornly. “And that’s not the worst. The worst is coming for you. Tsuru tells you to watch out for that girl and now you won’t even let Momonga intervene? You’re just going to have that pink jackass carry her off without a fight!? Tsuru’s going to skin you alive! As she should!”
“Listen to me for once in your wretched life, you idiot! I was specifically ordered to stand by! You think I want to sit here and do nothing!?” Sengoku still argued back, their competing voices more than echoing down the hall at this point. Even before the door had swung open and in come Kizaru and Aokiji to join in on the already chaotic scene.
“Sir, that pirate doesn’t have the authority to do any of this! King of Dressrosa or not.” Aokiji spoke immediately, uncharacteristically awake and even riled this early in the morning as he came to stand before the desk.
That contrast of Aokiji’s strong reaction was all the more stark in comparison to Kizaru’s who merely strode over to the couch against the wall. Taking a comfortable seat there instead as he spoke easily. “Just send me, Fleet Admiral. I’d be in and out in no time to pick her up if Momonga is too worried about the optics of it. They wouldn’t even see me long enough for a photo. Just say she had another assignment that came up is all…simple.”
Sengoku’s currently harsh gaze moved from Aokiji, then to Kizaru before he started to speak in return.
But yet another voice cut through before he could. The last of his three admirals now filling that open doorway, large arms crossed like a wall across his chest. “This mess is what Momonga deserves for letting that woman board his ship in the first place.”
Kizaru only raised a curious eyebrow at those new harsh words, but Aokiji fully pivoted to turn in an instant and face Akainu as they stared one another down.
“Oh, get over it.” Akainu answered in response to that new look of insult on Aokiji’s face. “Every thing that girl touches ends up this way, doesn’t it? Think with your real brain for once, Kuzan. The best thing you ever did for your career was to let that one go.”
Kizaru whistled in reaction to that genuine barb, the very slightest smirk on his face before multiple things happened all at once.
Steam shot to the ceiling as Akainu had raised his forearm to block the incoming ice. The ice which had hit his magma skin then sending scorching heat in all directions as Kizaru disappeared with a yellow flash from the couch.
Aokiji was thrown immediately down before he could even attempt another blast however, Vice Admiral Garp grabbing his former student by the back of the collar and taking him to the floor in one decisive shot like a misbehaving child.
As Aokiji’s chest had slammed to the ground, Kizaru only appeared again at the other side of the room. The yellow suited admiral now holding the bleating pet goat that had previously been in the damage radius of all that steam.
Sengoku sighed loudly as Kizaru walked the unharmed animal back over to him, its little bell ringing while it kicked its legs helplessly before it could be set back down near its master.
Aokiji shifted then, pinned to the ground on his stomach still, and too surprised to properly resist really as Garp’s other hand had twisted the ice admiral’s arm so easily behind his back to further hold him there. 
“Bet you didn’t think this old man could still move that fast, did ya, kid!?” Garp laughed loudly. Not even putting in that much effort to achieve such an iron grip before he did let Aokiji up again once Akainu had reverted back from his magma state.
All this transpiring just before a large part of the now heat damaged ceiling collapsed into a haze of dust and cracked plaster right down onto Sengoku’s new carpet.
The Fleet Admiral’s teeth were fully grit as he pushed his glasses back up his nose while that dust cloud spread. His blood pressure rising with it as his new voice left zero room for further disagreement.
“Here is what we will NOT be doing any further this morning! We are the pride of the goddamn navy! And we will not be instigated into infighting all because of one, spoiled brat of a pirate!”
Garp scoffed, unimpressed and prompting a brief glare of death from Sengoku, who only continued unabated.
“And going forward, none of you three are allowed to engage Doflamingo without my explicit approval!” His eyes locked directly onto Aokiji’s in that moment as well. 
Intel had of course gotten back to Sengoku by now of Kuzan’s unsanctioned trip to the warlord’s residence on Sabaody. Sengoku hadn’t known the extent of things then. But Doflamingo’s new behavior in addition to Aokiji’s reaction to it were now more than enough to make this picture of jealousy clear. “And if these orders are disregarded, strongest disciplinary measures will absolutely follow!”
And all three admirals gave varying signals of surprise to those words. At least seeming to agree on one thing, that the choice of inaction was never the preferred path when faced with a pirate’s clear disrespect of the uniform.
And Sengoku’s voice did lower again even as he still seethed. His hands were far more tied than they could ever understand. Not until one of them finally sat in this chair one day.
“This comes straight from Mariejois as well. The government is intending to milk this fiasco as a public distraction I’m sure.” It was already being framed as some goddamn fairytale thing. A king publicly falling for a soldier, or more specifically a sailor in your case. 
But Big News Morgans had to go above and beyond even that interpretation as always. 
In Morgans’ version, you were actually the knight out there saving your princesses. A subversion of the normal children’s archetypes. And King Doflamingo had taken notice, now choosing you the knight instead of said princesses. 
The only thing Sengoku truly couldn’t tell his men was that a warning of this very thing had already happened, years ago. And that both himself and Tsuru had clearly misjudged the longevity of that danger.
She was going to be furious, just as Garp had said. But more at herself than anyone.
Because Rosinante had insisted to them many times that tragedy would be the result if they didn’t keep you far enough from his brother’s influence. 
You were only one of many topics that had come fast and desperate in those shorter and shorter phone calls before the end. But one that the marines would now be forced to face as their own failure once more. 
You could walk again at last. But with that return of feeling also came terrible pain. Your thigh ached all the way to the bone, skin pulling against those makeshift, string sutures with every step. It was all you could do not to visibly limp as you’d walked past all those leering pirates on either side of you while you boarded Doflamingo’s ship.
Your head was still held high, rope dart weapon wrapped on one shoulder, and your long marine coat moving behind you in the last of that Scyllian breeze.
The characters on the back of your coat read boldly as “justice” in stark contrast to the struck through, smiling jolly roger now being hoisted above you to shadow the deck below.
The Donquixote pirates had concealed their ship’s true ownership when arriving. But there was now no further need for discretion, especially in the spectacle that this morning had already become.
No, you knew full well that Doflamingo wanted those reporters on the dock to document his victory while his banner flew proudly above your head. Every additional photo from their flashing cameras having to be something you chose to ignore as you did your best not to falter before so much public scrutiny.
But even you didn’t have the mental endurance right now to stay above deck for long after. As soon as you felt you’d put on enough of a show of indifference, and that the camera lenses were too far at last to reach you, you’d disappeared down the first set of stairs you’d found.
Down into the tight wooden hallways of someone else’s ship as you put your back to the wall and finally trembled. 
Whether from mostly anger, or exhaustion, or still just plain shock, you couldn’t separate the emotions trying to overcome you anymore.
The pirates did keep their distance from you then at least. You suspected that they’d been strictly ordered to. No one following you into that dimly lit hallway but their captain himself. 
The small space feeling all the more claustrophobic then as you looked up into those reflective red sunglasses while his large palm splayed on the wall above your head.
Pink feathers brushed against you in that closeness. His scent so apparent again as you tried not to stare at his bared chest from beneath the now open coat and shirt.
He was back in full form now, body heat radiating as he bent in enough to speak against your ear. 
“You did well…I’m proud of you. But it’s enough now. No one’s going to hurt you here.” And yet even as he said that, his other hand was feeling up across your injured thigh. 
You did wince without being able to help it at even that light pressure, and you heard Doflamingo’s resulting smile in those words which stayed contrastingly soft beside your ear. “My wounded little bird…come rest those wings with me. You have no reason to fly anymore.”
And you knew what he was going to do before he did it. He’d done this last night as well when helping you out of the ballroom when you still couldn’t walk.  
You heard him chuckle too as your arms went around his neck instinctively this time. Making it easier on yourself to not be jostled as much while one of his arms went behind your knees and the other behind your back as he lifted you up to carry you the rest of the way down the hall.
All the way to the captain’s quarters as his strings had pulled the door handle down. His knee easily nudged the door open before he carried you across the threshold into his bedroom.
You heard the door shut and lock behind you almost immediately. Likely his strings doing it all now even as he kept carrying you straight to that oversized bed.
He clearly preferred these luxuries, even at sea as your back was finding his plush mattress soon after.
And he was still smiling, reveling in this really while you watched him push his sunglasses up as you now laid beneath him. He let those glasses rest in his blond hair, exposing his then prideful eyes so soon to you again before he leaned back down to kiss you.
You were absolutely done by then. You’d never slept last night. You’d never had a chance. Awake the entire time, arguing and then eventually pleading to Vice Admiral Momonga. You didn’t understand why nothing could be done. You knew Momonga had called Sengoku. That they had argued too. But nothing had changed.
All your things had still ended up offloaded from Momonga’s ship and handed over to actual pirates instead with the simple report that you were indeed being assigned to Dressrosa for now. Effective immediately and with Doflamingo gloating all the while as he had never left your side last night. He hadn’t slept either, just having his servants pack back up the villa that you’d only briefly gone back to to clean yourself and change before this walk of shame to port this morning.
And now here you were. In a bed with him all over again as he kissed and stroked you. But with a rare gentleness that you were sure was only temporary and brought on solely from his current high of success.
You’d let him slide that coiled rope dart right off your shoulder. Your weapon placed onto the nightstand before he’d untied and slid your boots off for you as well. Then kicking those curved black shoes off his own feet before he pulled his legs back up to further ensnare your body as you lay together.
With his arms holding you too, you disappeared a bit into all those soft feathers of his coat. But he kept his face against yours in the open air above all that pink. Still smiling even as he let his eyes already start to close.
“Sleep for now, love… We won. And we’ll be home soon.” The demon promised. 
“Hey, what’s he doing now? He was the one telling us last night that we’d have to hurry before we’d miss the tide this morning!” The boy with the orca shaped hat exclaimed.
“I don’t know, he’s been staring at that stupid paper since we left him here earlier.” The other boy with the penguin hat answered.
They were fussing amongst themselves, struggling to carry all the supplies they’d purchased in town as they made their way back to the cove.
Their equally young, teenage captain was currently sitting on a rock near the water’s edge. The crew’s yellow submarine listing gently as high tide began to recede around it. This morning’s news coo paper still in his hands.
“Um, Captain?” The polar bear mink that had been walking beside the other two boys asked almost timidly next, sitting his own supplies he’d been carrying down into the sand before he moved forward. 
Law’s eyes shifted, coldly glancing to the side at his friend as the bear approached.
Bepo squirmed immediately under that stare, but didn’t give up yet. “The tide’s going out…we won’t be able to clear the rocks if we wait…”
“I know that. It’ll be another twelve hours until the water’s deep enough again.” Law sighed at last, that stiffness in his shoulders breaking somewhat.
“Sooo…are we’re staying here then?” Penguin questioned with a head tilt.
“No, get in the damn submarine!” Law stood from off of the rock, the newspaper now rolled in his hand as if he might smack them with it.
“What are you so moody for!? We’re getting in the sub!” Penguin whined, nearly running into Shachi as they both clamored to get back onto the deck of the Polar Tang in such a rush now.
But Bepo held back, fidgeting a little as Law still stood there in the sand.
While the others loaded the vessel, the mink noticed how his captain had already unrolled that paper again. At least enough that even Bepo could now see the tall blond man in one of the main headline photos. That man’s eyes concealed by a red mask, but his smile entirely unsettling. At least to someone like Bepo as that man also held a woman’s hand who was so close to him in the photo.
“She looks afraid.” Bepo said before he could help himself. Noticing that detail too, even where someone else may not have. It looked like a nice, even loving picture of a couple otherwise. Except for the man’s off putting smile and the woman’s concerned eyes.
Law’s chest rose and fell, he looked to the ground a moment before staring back to the bear. “He’s the pirate I used to work for, Bepo. He’ll do anything to get what he wants. I’ve seen him do it.” Law’s voice actually even wavered there, just for a moment at least before that emotion was buried again.
Bepo’s dark eyes widened though, picking up on that too before a warm paw went onto his captain’s shoulder then.
For once, Law did allow that attempt at comfort too. Only bristling slightly, but not pulling away as he revealed even more. It was so rare for him to talk about his last pirate crew. Yet when he did, these negative feeling always tried to force their way out of him.
“I thought she looked familiar.” Law said. “But I saw her name and then it finally clicked. Corazon…the guy I told you about. He tried to help her too once. To keep her away from him. But Doflamingo always wins. Even after this long. Just like he got Dressrosa. Just like he got immunity with the government.” 
Law sneered then as well, almost in a mirror to that strange smile from the photo in the paper in that moment. “What kind of karma is that, Bepo!? Why can someone like him just keep getting his way every time!? While people like Cora…they just disappear. They just get erased and forgotten!”
“But you didn’t forget Cora.” Bepo answered so sincerely then. Bravely really, and with no hesitation as Law stared at the mink in return.
Law scowled as his bottom lip shifted just a single time before he pulled away. As if it had wanted to quiver. “Yeah. I didn’t. But we’ve got a long way to go before I can do a thing about it.” 
And he’d stormed off at that to help the others finish loading the submarine before the tide would leave them. Bepo then hurrying faithfully behind him as they regathered the stack of supplies now falling over into the sand.
But later that same day, after the supplies had all been packed away and the course to the next town fully set, Law had still slipped back away from the other boys. Further into the submarine under just the excuse of sitting to practice his powers again.
They hadn’t even left the North Blue yet. They didn’t even have a real crew yet. Not in his critical mind at least. They were still just kids sailing around in this submarine that Wolf had gifted them.
Everything right now was just the very first building blocks to the dream Law had had…or the nightmare rather. The things he wanted to accomplish one day with this second life that Cora had given to him.
But he hadn’t been ready to feel these emotions again so soon, nor had he realized how raw it all still was for him. Not until the very moment he’d seen Doflamingo’s hungry grin on that newspaper this morning, 
A monster that was still feeding on others even now, still taking, never sated as he only ruined one additional life after another. It was the same kind of destruction that Cora had given everything to spare Law from.
And as the boy sat there alone, making small rooms atop the table with the movements of his hand, that newspaper and its triggering images still lay before him.
There was finally a shine of wetness in Law’s eyes then, no one else to see it now before another flick of his fingers had that paper levitating before him. Just for a moment before he jerked those same fingers to have one of his pencils shooting right into the newspaper. It stabbed a hole straight through the throat of that man he still hated this intensely. 
It was like being there all over again though. Law remembered exactly who you were now. It’s not that he particularly cared about you as an individual of course, you were just another victim in a sea of the same. But the difference to him, was how clearly your capture showcased Doflamingo’s true tenacity. That devil’s willingness to play the long game every time.
Because it’d been so long since Corazon had spoken of you. All that time that Doflamingo could have fully moved on to literally any other obsession with anyone else. But true insanity didn’t work that way. And Corazon had understood, and thereby feared that part of his brother more than anyone.
It had been several years ago. The Donquixote crew celebrating as they always did whenever narrowly escaping Vice Admiral Tsuru’s warship. Partaking in their usual routine once returning safely to their hideout in the North Blue.
But that night had still been different. Doflamingo had been different. The change even noticeable to Law. The young boy, pale and tired sitting on a torn blanket on the floor as he dismantled and cleaned each of the many guns one by one that the older crew members had handed off to him. His assigned task that Buffalo was supposed to assist him with, but somehow never did.
Baby 5 had been giggling, also skirting her normal post mission responsibilities, playing instead in one of the treasure boxes. One of the heavy chests that Senor Pink and Gladius had just dropped on the middle of the floor before they went back outside for more.
Law knew that Buffalo and Baby 5 often got additional leniency in exchange for the usefulness of their powers in battle. But Law had nothing like that. Just his brain and his aching hands, the amber lead spots larger on his skin every passing year as he still cleaned the guns dutifully.
Doflamingo himself was sitting in the leather armchair nearby. One glass of red wine after another downed. Not participating in any of that tedious manual labor of course, but smirking at Baby 5 all the same as she’d run over to him with a gold crown she’d found in all the loot even that quickly.
“Young master! This is for you!” She beamed, with some oversized, jeweled necklaces already hanging down her dress nearly to her knees as well while she offered the headpiece only to him.
That was when Law had first realized the odd mood the Donquixote leader was really in as he’d leaned down all the way, having to bend at his waist to bow his head enough for Baby 5 to crown him, her arms fully outstretched and on her tip toes as she did.
And once that crown was on his head, he cocked it slightly to the side intentionally, straightening back up with a grin as Baby 5 curtsied before him. “Your majesty!” She giggled again, then running back to the additional treasure boxes as Senor Pink and Gladius had returned with yet another one behind it.
Buffalo grew interested in all that gleaming gold too of course. The larger boy and Baby 5 starting to then bicker over some stupid antique coins they’d found, before they’d dropped them all and some went rolling.
Law was still most intent on their leader though, too used to the other children’s immaturity already. He had seen Doflamingo look over to Corazon next who was seated on the couch beside the master’s chair having a smoke.
“What do you think, little brother? Too much or not enough?” Doflamingo was outright fishing for compliments then, wine glass still sloshing in his other hand as he motioned to the crown. 
But cigarette smoke was all that came out from the other Donquixote in a silent puff as usual, Corazon shrugging before stretching out his lanky legs across the floor without much opinion.
The pirate captain only looked somewhat disappointed at that lack of reaction, before an interruption of annoying laughter had both brothers looking back to the doorway anyway.
“Behehe! It really suits you, Doffy!” Trebol barged in then, with Diamante close enough behind him through the door. Something white was folded in Diamante’s hands. “But we’ve finished unloading the ship now, and we have one more surprise for you!” Trebol declared.
Of course Doflamingo’s eyes could not be seen beneath those red glasses. But Law had noticed the way Corazon’s eyes had instantly widened, if ever so briefly as that white fabric was unfurled from Diamante’s grip.
Doflamingo too had straightened up in his seat at the reveal however, cruel smile reforming across his face so instantaneously. “Oh? And who exactly did that get ripped away from?”
It was a marine coat. The standard issue, long and white. At least formerly white, with small blood stained holes and rips now marring it here and there. Particularly where one sleeve had partially separated at the shoulder.
“Well, Doffy, you’d told us you’d seen that girl again this morning. But only through the spyglass when she was with Tsuru.” Diamante now spoke, wearing a wide smile of his own from almost ear to ear. “And this afternoon while you were indeed occupied with Tsuru, we found the girl again on our own. They were trying to sneak up on us from behind. Between Trebol and a I, we were able to separate her from her colleagues.” At that, Diamante tossed the coat across the room in one smooth movement.
Doflamingo caught it easily, but still watching his officers. 
“My apologies though.” Diamante added. “I did have her by the back. But she still slipped right out of it. She’s quite fast. We knew you’d still appreciate the trophy regardless though. But I assure you we won’t miss such an opportunity again.”
And even still being that much younger then, Law remembered the way his stomach had oddly turned as Doflamingo’s long fingers had probed through one of the bloody holes in that fabric, finger curling alongside his ever darkening smile. As the Donquixote captain’s head had tilted, he’d pumped his fingers briefly through that blood stained tear as well, as if in test. “So this is really hers?”
“It is.” Trebol assured, voice also different then  in a way that had made Law completely forget the gun oil still in his hands.
Law almost spilled the bottle of that oil actually as Doflamingo had suddenly pressed that collar and the shoulders of the dirty coat to his face, taking an audible inhale of whatever scent may still remain from its owner.
Law had never seen a person actually do such a thing. And Corazon was staring as well as Doflamingo began to laugh, one fist still clutched into that coat as his white teeth gleamed in real pleasure.
His laugh was loud and shaking up from within that deep place those most intense ones came from. Enough so that even Baby 5 and Buffalo had finally stopped their bickering, silencing as they looked to the young master.
“Well done. All of you.” Doflamingo finally managed. And he’d spread his legs as he leaned back in the chair, yet another glass of wine soon down his throat as he let that coat lay across his lap. 
His cheeks were actually slightly flushed by then, whether from the intense laughter or all the alcohol. He was not himself.
At least not the Doflamingo that Law had long learned to both respect and fear as Corazon had also seemed uncomfortable, watching his brother as well. 
Staring enough that Doflamingo had finally looked back to Corazon. Those red lenses reflecting the light, some other king’s crown still  caught in his spiked blond hair.
“Don’t be so judgmental, Corazon…don’t you want your brother to be happy?” And there was still an edge to those words, almost a challenge.
And suddenly Doflamingo had stood. He grabbed the wine bottle itself as he did. Not the glass. He turned that entire bottle up, his adam’s apple moving up and down with the sound of the remaining liquid leaving the bottle as he drank every last drop. 
He left the empty bottle as it fell. Just the coat was still in his hand as he walked, but his other hand grabbing Corazon by the back of the neck as Doflamingo had passed behind the couch.
Corazon did nothing to fight back, nor did he react with any surprise. Still smoking his cigarette as he tilted his head back for them to then look at one another as Doflamingo loomed over him.
“Tsuru thinks I won’t have that girl…but I will. And you two can both be wrong together then.” He was smiling wide again, before he leaned down. That cruel mouth nearly against his younger brother’s ear before he whispered something else into it.
Law could only watch as Corazon’s breathing stilled at whatever those words were, an unreadable look in the Donquixote officer’s red eyes before that moment had passed just as quickly.
Doflamingo then shoved Corazon abruptly by the neck as he rose back to his full height. Seemingly just taunting his little brother all the more. But rough enough as Corazon, clumsy as he was anyway, nearly fell forward off of the couch. Embers dropped from his cigarette to sear little spots into the top of his pants.
And Doflamingo just watched as his only blood family tried to sit back up and brush off those hot embers simultaneously before they could burn him. 
“I’m going to bed.” The captain did announce to everyone though, pulling at his pants a little as he did, like they were bothering him. His face still seemed somewhat flushed. “You all do whatever the fuck you want.” 
“But it’s only nine.” Buffalo said somewhat stupidly. Normally all their drinking and eating after successful missions went well into the night.
“He didn’t say he was going to sleep.” Diamante grinned.
None of the kids understood this part of it then.
But Doflamingo only chuckled, truly a little drunk by then and fully unashamed as he carried that coat with the marine girl’s blood and scent on it into his bedroom and slammed the door.
Corazon had stood up not long after as well, looking somewhat stricken still and flashing a piece of paper to the room that said he was going out for a walk.
Law had ended up following him too. Not immediately of course, but long enough after. When the other adults were too drunk to give a damn where anyone else might disappear off to.
Things had already started to change between himself and Corazon by then. Corazon knew about the D. in his name. And Law knew that Corazon could actually speak.
So when he did find the younger Donquixote, far from the hideout and sitting on a pile of scrap metal in the moonlight, Law hadn’t wasted any time.
“What the hell is going on with the captain? He was being weird all day.” The boy fussed abruptly.
And Corazon had immediately startled, nearly dropping his cigarette as he glared back to Law. 
But he also saw Corazon look around. Very carefully in fact before suddenly the ocean waves in the distance could no longer be heard.
“Is everybody else passed out already then?” Corazon still spoke low, even while using his devil fruit power.
“Well yeah, I’m not stupid.” Law retorted, the chip on his own shoulder still so big at that time in his life.
“Strongly disagree.” Corazon deadpanned anyway, taking another drag on his cigarette. “You wouldn’t be out here otherwise, kid.”
And of course Law snapped right back, more of that young petulance front and center. “Well you’re out here! So you’re as dumb as anyone!”
And that painted smile had spread a little there. Corazon looking down at him again. This time, not hardly as cold. “Heh. You don’t know the half of it.” But he did flick his cigarette, letting some of the ash fall before he put that bad habit right back up to his lips.
He mustn’t have felt like arguing right now though. He’d looked more tired than normal even for Corazon. “And as I know you won’t damn go to bed until you’re satisfied…fine. Let’s talk. The answer is that my big bro is having a rough day today. He’s got marriage on his mind.”
“What!?” Law had stammered immediately.
Loud and abrupt enough that Corazon had almost dropped his cigarette again. “Stop doing that!”
“Then stop saying stupid things! Our captain’s not going to marry anybody! Did you fall and hit your head again, Corazon!?”
“Well…maybe. But calm the hell down! Trust me, that word has an entirely different meaning for Doffy. It’s not a nice thing.”
And Corazon sighed. “Look, do you swear you’ll go back inside and go to bed if I tell you this? You need to quit damn worshipping him anyway. Maybe you’ll start to believe me for once.”
“Okay, I swear.” Law had just said without hesitation.
“Quit holding your fingers behind your back you little jerk.”
“I wasn’t!” Law lied.
Corazon rolled his eyes. “You’re too young to understand anyway. But my brother doesn’t just like things. He owns them. He controls them. And if he really likes something, then hell…it’s over.”
“See! You are just a dumb kid!”
“I am not! It’s not my fault you can’t explain anything for crap!”
And Corazon groaned. “Okay. I’ll give you an example. Your parents were both doctors right? So you know how bodies work? ….But have you ever held a bird? Especially a really small one? Did you know they don’t have a diaphragm?”
Law’s eyebrows had lowered in more confusion. But yes…he actually did know that from old biology lessons. But he was shocked that Corazon would. And he still didn’t understand how it had anything to do with the topic at hand.
“Well what happens to something without a diaphragm if you put pressure on its chest?” Corazon asked next.
And Law did have to think about it, just still completely caught off guard in the random turns of this conversation. He knew exactly what the muscle of the diaphragm did. It was used for expansion and contraction of the chest, allowing the lungs to inhale and exhale.
But birds used a combination of air sacs with rib movements to achieve similar if he remembered right. But without the strength of a diaphragm, the force they had available to expand their own chest would be much less. So he quickly reasoned that a strong enough external pressure would stop that movement completely. They’d be helpless.
“It…wouldn’t be able to breathe?” Law answered, still unsure if these were the pieces he was supposed to connect.
And Corazon did blink. “Yeah…I guess you’re not so dumb after all.”
But before Law could fully react to that additional teasing, Corazon had looked far more serious.
It was an expression that actually made Law nervous again. Because both of the Donquixote brothers had a similar way their facial muscles stilled when they were really considering something.
And it was intimidating. Even on someone like Corazon.
But the man had already seemed to make up his mind to say even more though as he eventually kept on. “Well, we weren’t always pirates you know. When we were just kids, we did have some pets. I guess that wasn’t too weird compared to everything else. But Doffy had a favorite. See…our mother had these birds, swans actually. And then those birds had babies. But only one liked Doffy. This little black one that never bit him.”
And Corazon sighed then, fully putting out what was left of his cigarette as he shoved the butt into the dirt beneath the scrap metal pile. His broad shoulders had sank somewhat. “So can you guess what happened to that little bird, kid?”
Law just stared for a moment, but finally nodded. Corazon’s somber body language making it all too clear as Law watched the man stand then.
But somehow Law still felt like he had to say it out loud. Because this was the lesson that Corazon had wanted him to understand. The only reason all of this was being confessed at all.
“He held it too hard…he killed it.” Law spoke into the darkness.
And Corazon’s eyes were pained. Proving that this conversation was also about far more than a child’s one time mistake. “And he’s never learned since.” The lanky man replied before he had started to walk, Law still following behind him as he did.
It wasn’t really a conscious thing yet to want to stay together. Neither of them fully realizing that shift in allegiance already beginning in the boy.
“Hey, Corazon…” Law did look back up at him after a while too.
“What did your brother whisper to you back there to make you run off? You looked really weird when you heard it.”
And Corazon scoffed. “I already told you. He’s got the future on his mind. He thinks he needs to check some certain boxes once we’re in the New World. And she’s one of those boxes. You really don’t want to know what the rest was about though. Let’s just say it must be flamingo breeding season whenever she’s around and leave it at that.”
“Ew! That’s gross! You’re not supposed to tell me that!” Even then Law was pretty sure you weren’t that much older than him. And he did know how reproduction actually occurred. He knew in the context of old medical textbooks at least.
“Well then don’t ask! That’s your wonderful leader, kid.”
The now former leader who was still smiling this many years later, so disconcerting in that newspaper as Law continued to glower down at his pierced photo in the present day. 
And the more Law stared at that image of you and Doflamingo, the more he realized that the black feathers in the mask you wore were the same as a little bird’s who had stopped moving within a child’s hand once. 
The same black feathers that had been stained with so much blood in the snow as Corazon had also taken his last breath.
Doflamingo was now on his third black swan.
Something was tickling your cheek as you finally opened your eyes and lifted your head slightly within the feathers. 
The haze of sleep was slow to recede as you tried to get your bearings.
A heavy arm was over your back. Those pink feathers encircling you as you tried to silently blow away the loose one that had landed on your face.
It all carried his scent. Those expensive colognes you hated to admit you were already becoming used to. He didn’t always wear the same one. But you could pick any of them out immediately by now.
And you assumed you’d see those bicolored eyes of his watching you hungrily as always when you’d finally glanced up from your place against his warm chest. 
But you did pause at the view that met you instead this time.
Doflamingo’s eyes were closed, lean face relaxed. His lips were parted as he breathed audibly, deep and steady. The red sunglasses were still barely hanging on in his hair where he’d left them, completely skewed now and almost endearing in that lack of care.
He was absolutely out.
And you could not stop staring, a bit in awe at how truly different he looked this way.
One of your hands was still on his chest as you realized in this new stillness that you could even feel his heartbeat beneath your splayed palm.
You bit your lip slightly in your further odd reaction, the responding warmth and tightness in your own chest making little sense.
Of course he had a heart to move his blood around. Of course he couldn’t hold those face muscles into a look of cruelty even in his sleep. 
But he looked younger like this. He looked like a man that would have had real friends. A man that would have woken with a real smile for you, and never would have hurt you.
An extremely pretty lie once more.
Gently, you removed those sunglasses from his hair regardless, sitting them quietly on the nightstand before they would fall to the mattress. You sat those infamous glasses on top of your weapon there beside the bed. Not missing the significance of those barriers both being set aside willfully now.
And you laid back down as gently as you could afterward. His bare chest still your unexpected refuge while his rhythmic breathing never changed. 
It should have made you even angrier, that he could do so much to you and still sleep this soundly. No guilt to be had in him at all.
But it was far more complicated than just this. He was both the cause and the relief to so much pain as your eyes had soon closed again. 
The transponder snails in his quarters must have all been put on do not disturb that morning. Because you and that warlord did sleep half the day together like that. 
The first thing you’d remembered next was him finally stretching. That warm torso you were still pressed against tensing and then relaxing again as you felt large hands starting to roam over you. It felt like he was checking how much clothing you were still wearing actually.
Which was all of it. Both of you had only taken off your shoes before passing out here. And you did contemplate feigning like you were still asleep to see how much longer he would leave you alone.
But it was quickly pointless. A hand was then beneath your marine coat and starting to tug your skirt down from your hip already as you grabbed his wrist in response. 
Your injured thigh was still so sensitive of course. You were trying to protect it as your sudden movement did earn a chuckle from him. “Relax. I’m not going to open up your wound…though you wouldn’t be in this situation if you’d quit trying to save every brat you come across.” He both greeted and chided you simultaneously as you’d awoken.
“They were going to kill her.” You argued, albeit without much bite to it yet as you were still not fully awake.
“Maybe…probably.” He smiled at your lingering sleepy tone. “But it happens every day, love. Much easier just to focus on your own family going forward and leave it at that.”
And you felt your skirt being pushed up then instead. Him changing the tactic slightly, but still clear on his intent to get that fabric out of his way. “I still think you’d like one of your own.” He said next though. Voice just as taunting while his fingers were now playing with the sides of your underwear.
“I already have a family,” you said plainly, but still not really looking at him.
“I don’t mean our crews and you know it.” His tone darkened some at that, his grin back all at once as his hands grabbed you by the arms.
And before you could fully process, he had pulled you even closer to bury his face into the collar of your white marine coat. Fully into the fabric while you heard him breathe you in. 
The sound was like an animal, catching onto a scent it so desperately wanted more of. And he stilled for that moment, only breathing in your body and warmth. Like your coat itself was triggering him as much as anything. Stirring up something even older as his voice finally came out again, albeit far more stressed. “Have I told you how very many times I’ve wanted to rip this uniform right off of you…”
You cursed though as he bit your fucking coat without warning after, right over your chest. That switch in him had flipped again. Something you had yet to learn to fully predict.
The pressure from his jaw still badly pinched your soft breast even underneath the layers of fabric. His saliva coming off that long tongue as he only released the bite long enough to move your coat further open. 
And when it was, he then had that wet maw back on just your shirt instead. He was sucking your breast even through the thin fabric. Bra also be damned as one of his hands did reach under your shirt to roughly push those cups up and out of the way before he bit down yet again.
“No.” He said, short and harsh then. Lifting his mouth just enough to scold you as you’d tried to of course push his face back away at the pain. “This is what I need….I’ve thought of the day I could really bring you home. I’ve wanted it so much…”
And you couldn’t possibly understand. 
But that already growing bulge was tightening behind the bright capris pants as he pushed his still clothed erection between your legs next.
Your shirt was now sticking, wet over your breast as he started gradually thrusting as well. Almost fucking you without actually fucking you as your hands gripped into his hair in the growing pain.
If he thought this was somehow less rough than the real thing, he was fully wrong. All that pressure on top of your wounded leg, and against the bruises from bullets that had never pierced your skin. It was almost intolerable.
But he was spiraling quickly into his own problems, his own memories regardless. With his tongue then fully hanging out, he’d now jerked your underwear down your legs.
Your skirt was already bunched up around your waist. While the tented front of his pants ground against your then exposed slit as he groaned, tongue only briefly receding with his additional words. 
“Why do you always do this to me…” He questioned, real irritation forming in that odd tone as his fingers started to claw at the drawstrings of his waistband all the same. Like he just wanted to shred them too in his growing impatience. “Fucking making me so hard it hurts…then goddamn running away all those times. I hated it so much.”
And he had risen back up, your hands falling away from him as he used both his own to pull his pants down. Open and loose around his ass then as his already precum smeared cock moved out into the air.
You made a pitiful sound of course as that wide head of it was immediately being drug between your folds instead. He had his hand around his shaft as he pressed the tip of himself against your clit and started so roughly rubbing the two against one another.
“You know how often I had to pump this goddamn cock for you?” He still asked, sounding angrier all the while. Even as he was edging your entrance and stroking his own shaft simultaneously. “I wanted you…but you started fucking marines instead. So I had to go fuck so many nobodies and a goddamned prick who still backstabs me every chance he gets.”
And you were starting to pant, hurting so badly as he was no longer paying any attention to his weight on your wounds while he straddled and berated you with this escalating nonsense. 
“I didn’t even know you then!” You finally yelled back at him.
“And whose fault was that!? I was waiting for you!” He just snapped in return, just as he did push inside of you, making you cry out as always as you stretched.
But he still laughed even on top of that, starting to pump his hips as his hands grabbed tightly to your body beneath him. His fingernails dug in for purchase as he started fucking you harder and harder.
“Regardless…we’ve still got to make up for lost time…Scylla was just the beginning. You owe me so much more.” He hissed, the bed shaking in rhythm with his pounding into you. 
That pink feather coat was still over his shoulders. Enveloping the two of you on either side as his animalistic drive showed no hint of slowing.
You were outright gasping in pain, and it was only encouraging him. 
But the thing that finally put you over the edge was when you felt a new wetness beneath your leg. Warm and red as those string stitches gave up at last.
He had broken his word and done exactly what he’d said he would not do. Too rough, too needy, too much all at once.
The blood was pooling to stain your white coat still beneath you as your body then reacted on its own accord. His mind was too far gone in this current tangent, seemingly needing to torture you for crimes you couldn’t even know.  
So you snapped on him in return.
Your fist slammed into Doflamingo’s bare abdomen so incredibly hard. Compressing it violently, with haki crackling out even the other side of his back as he hadn’t had a single defense ready for you.
The gasp that came out of him was full of spit and even bile from his stomach as he crumpled forward.
His cock was still inside you as time seemed to stop. But the way his body reflexively pulled in on itself, and the way his arms came up defensively with his head ducked beneath them was still something you’d never seen from him before.
Because his mind hadn’t known he was in danger, he’d had no warlord level fight response ready. By surprising him that fully, you’d seen almost a cowering posture if for just that single instant in that man.
A body language you knew immediately as you’d experienced it in the past yourself. In that moment, you actually saw the muscle memory from someone who’d been beaten before. An abuse survivor who’d grown into an abuser themselves.
That final thought weighed heavy in your mind before time restarted.
Strings jerked your arms viciously, holding them away so hard that your joints burned. Burned and stretched so that you could not possibly block before his own armament infused strike came down across the side of your face in return. The sound of the crack echoing through the room as you spit blood over the pillowcase.
You swallowed reflexively, moving nothing else but your eyes as you stared back up at him then panting above you with his fist still clenched.
Spit and the smallest bit of vomit was on his chin, his eyes wide and staring down at you.
But then he’d seen it at last. The red growing beneath you both on the bed.
Doflamingo was still in shock, mind trying to catch up when he realized how wet his leg really felt. For the briefest moment he’d thought you’d somehow stabbed him as well. He truly didn’t understand. 
Arousal and adrenaline and confusion were all one big knot in his mind as he still felt like he needed to puke from the force of that surprise uppercut straight into his guts.
And by comparison, you were calm. Lying motionless beneath him even after all of this. As hard as he’d hit you in return, your eyes were still clear and sharp. You were waiting for him to catch up on the situation. One animal watching another.
And finally he did have that higher moment of clarity.
“Goddammit,” he breathed at last, wiping the mess from his own chin with the back of his hand. That adrenaline which had been burning through his chest then changing to a more complicated feeling once again when he realized what he had done. 
He’d misjudged his strings’ longevity on another person’s body was what it came down to. The makeshift sutures’ hold was apparently not as good when on anyone else but the String-String user themselves.
It wasn’t like he ever did this for others to really know any better though. His strings were for cutting down foes, not for mending his treasure.
And all he could do right now was replace them. Fresh strings as he ran his fingers over your wound yet again, smearing that new blood as he laced you back together. He’d just have to keep changing them until reaching Dressrosa now. He didn’t have a good enough doctor on board to handle this otherwise
Not one that he’d trust you to anyway.
And only when the blood flow had stopped again did he finally look back to your face. You still watched him quietly with blood staining down your chin. Some had even run to drip onto your throat now. 
He hadn’t held back when he’d hit you. 
And the composure you maintained, even with his strings glistening tight against your arms and all that blood remaining across your leg and down your chin made it impossible for him to lose his erection. He hadn’t even pulled fully out.
“I didn’t keep my word.” Doflamingo finally admitted however, still hard as anything between his legs as he watched you below him.
But his desire couldn’t be overstated. Every memory, every need, and all the times he’d laid awake fucking his own hand or whatever remnants he could find of you while just thinking of tearing you down one day. That had stayed with him so much more than even he had realized.
You were a fantasy become real. He didn’t know what else to do.
“I felt it ripping open…I just reacted.” Was what you said at last though. Not emotional, not accusing, just telling him why you’d done what you did.
And he did smirk at your straight forward approach. Oh, you were absolutely still a wounded little bird to him. But you now had so violently just reminded him that this little bird would still bite.
You were so unlike the random, pretty strangers that normally passed through his bed and cowered all the while. But also different than the indefinite danger of conquests like Crocodile who may “bite” him the entire encounter unless properly muzzled.
You were a blend somewhere in between those two extremes. Soft enough that he would still trust sleeping beside you and offering you his blind side. Because somehow he did know that you didn’t actually loathe him by now. And you had that core code of honor as well still dictating your every life choice. 
But you were also hard enough that there was still a line there somewhere that he would have to keep exploring. A boundary in you that when crossed, his little bird would absolutely turn and try to take a piece out of him.
Yes, everything happening now was actually only cementing his belief in having made the correct choice to take you with him at last. 
And as that heat pulled back into his chest, he moved his hand again. Releasing you from his strings that he knew you’d still been using haki to not be cut by.
You must be in a lot of pain right now.
“I can finish without pressing down on you…” He assured again.
His stomach still hurt as well as he slowly began to pump in and out of you once more, albeit actually controlling himself this time even as he smiled through the pain. His thighs he spread wide enough so that they were not against you any longer as he held his weight off of your body as well. Only his cock was still sliding in and out of you in a near gentle rhythm.
“We’re both going to cum, lover…and then we’re going to have a warm bath together.” He said as his newest promise. One he could actually keep this time as his thumb moved affectionately back over your clit. 
He knew you wouldn’t be able to stand up long in the shower right now. So drawing a bath after this was the very inviting alternative. His quarters had both options.
And he didn’t fucking care if sitting too deep in the bathwater would make him feel weak by the curse of his devil fruit. He still wanted the privilege of doing it with you. He wanted to be the one to wipe away that blood that he’d made you spill, and almost tenderly clean his mate for the spotlight that would surely now be awaiting you both in Dressrosa.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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iveleftitwithyou · 5 months
adjustment | edward cullen x reader
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hey besties!!! this is me finally (partially) fulfilling the request for reader visiting Bella from Arizona and becoming Edward's mate! i really tried to keep this in one part but it's definitely going to end up being two or three because i write too much. writing Edward is difficult when you're not a 108-year-old brooding man, so i hope i did him justice. anyways, hope you enjoy!
warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
it was a dreary day in Forks, like it almost always is. the patter of raindrops on the windows, the whir of the espresso makers, and the quiet chatter of the baristas and other patrons made the small coffee shop a popular place when the skies decided to open up on the small town.
Edward was sat at a small two-person table in the back corner of the shop, back to the wall as he alternated between reading his copy of Pride and Prejudice for the thousandth time and people-watching. it was all so interesting to him - the way the humans gossiped about their least favorite coworker or vented about their relationship issues. he wasn’t necessarily interested in the actual stories they told, but in the gravity of them. these issues were so small, so easily solvable, and he chuckled internally as he wished that Jennifer from accounting not leaving him alone in the break room was his biggest problem.
a soft chime rang through the small shop as the door opened and a figure ducked in quickly, obviously trying to find solace from the rain in the warm structure - Isabella Swan. he knew her from school - she was part of Mike Newton’s pack. pretty, but unremarkable, like all of her peers. the other girls in the pack, Jessica and Angela, evoked the same feeling as Isabella (and the rest of the school, for that matter) did: disinterest. he didn’t care to read her thoughts as she began to decide her order.
Edward often considered his sibling’s relationships; Rosalie and Emmett were a perfect match, the stereotypical beauty queen and jock. and Alice and Jasper were perfect for each other (of course, Alice knew that from the beginning). but he was all alone. it periodically crossed his mind that he should feel sad about this, but he never did - not until the coffee shop door opened again and she walked in.
she couldn’t have gone to school with him - he was sure he would have noticed her. the girl slowly closed the coffee shop door, looking relieved when her eyes found Isabella standing near the counter.
it was at that moment that Edward realized there was a complete lack of thoughts coming from her. he watched as she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, staring at the chalkboard menu posted above the register. it was apparent the girl was having thoughts, he just couldn’t hear them. Edward tried his best to focus solely on the girl, to hear anything from her, but he continued to come up short. how could this be?
he observed as the girl ordered, smiling at the cashier and handing him a stack of one-dollar bills. he handed her the change, and she dropped it all in the tip jar below. she and Isabella retreated to a small table to wait for their drinks, chatting about people with names Edward didn’t recognize.
“did you hear that Chelsea Kennedy is pregnant?” the unfamiliar girl gossipped, leaning in as she spoke.
“what? who’s kid is it? Tyler Fisher’s?”
“that’s the thing - it’s actually his brother Zach’s!” the sound of the girls’ laughter filled his ears as he eavesdropped. it was hard to do when you have stronger hearing than most.
he still couldn’t get a read on her. Isabella’s mind was alive with visions of the three protagonists of their conversation, picturing the pregnant girl and who he assumed was the brother holding hands in the hallways of what seemed to be her old high school. still, nothing from the other girl.
maybe he just needed to be closer to her. he’d never needed proximity before, but he was more willing to hold onto hope that that would be the solution than admit that his gift didn’t work on this one girl.
before he knew it, he was up from his chair, approaching the table. “Isabella? i’m sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if i could ask you a question about the Romeo and Juliet essay for Mr. Banner’s class?”
“it’s just Bella, but, um, sure- yeah, what’s up?” she was stunned that he was speaking to her. she was well aware that he rarely initiated conversation with anyone. why is he talking to me? does he think i’m cute? oh god, my hair is probably so messed up from the rain. i hope he doesn’t think-
he cut her thoughts off, patience wearing thin as he still heard nothing from the girl across the table. “i was just wondering if you thought symbolism was a strong enough literary device for me to discuss in my essay. i’ve been going back and forth between that and foreshadowing.” he put on his best human-pleasing voice and smile, maintaining eye contact with Isabella. of course, he knew there was plenty of symbolism in the play, and he would have no problem writing about it for the essay.
“there’s a lot of symbolism in the play. i think you should go with that.” she replied simply, thoughts still reeling as Edward tried to ignore them. finally, he thought, he was able to turn his attention to the other girl.
“i’m sorry, let me introduce myself, i didn’t mean to be rude. my name is Edward Cullen. i haven’t seen you around here before. what is your name?” the same human-pleasing demeanor was on full display now.
the girl blushed in - embarrassment? shame? nervousness? he didn’t know, and it was killing him. “my name is y/n. it’s nice to meet you.”
“ah, y/n. that’s a beautiful name. how do you know Bella?” he remembered to call her the right name this time. of course, he had already figured out the pair likely went to school together before Isabella moved to Forks, but he figured he should let her tell him that.
“we went to high school together in Phoenix. my parents are moving to Japan for a year for my dad’s work, so i’m staying with her and Charlie until they get back.”
“you didn’t want to go with them?” he didn’t mean to pry, but he couldn’t help wanting to know more about her. he couldn’t gather anything from her head, so he had to verbalize his curiosities, which was mildly infuriating.
“no, i like it in america. plus i missed Bella.” she didn’t make eye contact, fidgeting with the corner of her paperback copy of The Great Gatsby.
“i see. that’s a great choice in book, by the way,” he smiled insincerely, deep in thought as he excused himself from the conversation. “well, i have to get going, but it was great to meet you. i guess i’ll see you around.”
with that, he returned to his corner table, packing up his things hastily and exiting the shop.
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