#swan is the brass knuckles
pride-of-storm · 2 years
v excited for new dnd character. they are a fighter with a -2 strength modifier!
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literary-vandal · 2 years
Hi ya, could we discuss leah/ Alice ?
for sure!
tbh i don't see Leah/Alice happening ever.
if we're following canon's "rules of the road," baseline, they are mortal enemies who instinctively find each other unappealing down to the scent. imagine dating someone who smells like a dumpster. yike
they're also both coming to the table with baggage against the other's species. Alice, who loves to be in control & whose gift is an integral part of who she is, would go absolutely bonkers not being able to see Leah. not only that, but anywhere Leah was, & anyone she interacted with — be it the Cullens, the pack, or her enemies — would be blocked from Alice's sight. that aside, Alice does not consider the wolves her equals, calling them awful, dehumanizing slurs like "dog" and "mutt". double yikes
Leah is coming at this relationship with even more baggage. her father was indirectly killed by vampires. her humanity was stripped from her by vampires. she's had to give everything to protect Local Vampire Fucker Bella Swan, of all people, from vampires. Leah has a lot of bitterness & mistrust towards vamps that is not resolved by the end of BD. i see her having an especially difficult time trusting Little Miss Future-Manipulator Alice Cullen.
but this mistrust extends far beyond Alice's species. it's important to remember that in Leah's prior relationship, Sam Uley dumped her due to a cosmic connection & ran off with her best friend/second cousin (yikes x3). so, look at this from Leah's perspective. she knows Alice has a mate. no matter how deep their love may be, Alice's #1 will always be Local Confederate Bootlicker Jasper Hale. likewise, Leah is at the mercy of her species. she knows she may someday meet her imprint, & at that point, all bets are off. canon says her imprint will never be Alice anyway; imprinting is all about picking the most breedable person to pass on the wolf gene (yikes x10000). tbh, we don't even know if Leah can imprint since she apparently cannot reproduce. (ran out of yikes; straight white-knuckling my utter displeasure)
brass tacks, Leah does not seem like the kind of girl who would get into a relationship with an expiration date. & Alice does not seem like the kind of girl who would get into a relationship without knowing the outcome. to make Leah/Alice work requires fundamental adjustments to canon. as it stands, bestie, they enemies for life fr
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dominus543 · 1 year
I want to comfort her and kiss her cheeks until the tears stop when she cries from a puzzle not making sense. To cradle her; until Dada finds the right piece for her, so that she can keep going and I can tell her how proud I am of her for persevering.
and also
To beat her to within an inch of her life with my closed fists. Strung up by her elbows tied together behind her, strappado, her shoulders bearing the brunt and her shoulder blades forced together and burning like they’re about to tear out of their own sockets. Seeking desperately for some stability to take the load off as she swings a little, like a dainty pendulum. Dancing on her tip toes that are allowed to brush the ground only so barely. Like a gorgeous stripped down black swan ballerina, who’s been turned into a filthy punching bag hung from a hook in our penthouse basement. All just because I wanted to watch her pitifully crying and ruining the makeup she spent so long putting on for me. I want her to alternate between begging me to stop, and begging me for more, as her skin is imprinted with the red outline of my knuckles, bare fists as hard as brass. I want to leave her there in the dim light, until she’s pissed herself and there are no more tears to be had.
Either way, I’ll have stopped her from crying any more.
Either way, afterwards, she’ll be comforted and praised for persevering.
And Either way, I’m going to take Polaroids of her accomplishment, so that she can look back at it later and smile to herself.
Love is complicated, but she knows it is all from a place of such sweet care and affection; no matter the form of attention I decide to gift her.
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rickygoldman34 · 1 year
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On we get with another match Butch vs Noam Dar for the Heritage cup. Not much happened in the first round but Butch was in control,in round 2 a distraction from Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson left the door open for Noam to hit his finisher and made it 1-0. Butch looked to get back in it and he did and even made it 1 a piece. Back and forth both guys go hitting lumps out of each other neither being able to gain another win. We are in round 5 and Butch once again,into the 6th round and Gallus take out Tyler Bate leading to Joe Coffeu hits best of the bells,Noam pinned Butch and the Heritage cup is still his.
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Here now is Carmelo Hayes vs Ilja Dragonuv for the NXT title. Ilja right after the champion after the bell rang and stayed on him sending him to the outside but once the champion is back in and Carmelo took over but for very little time as Ilja turns it around. They trade blows but Ilja gained control and did multiple chops to Carmelo in the corner. Carmelo back in it with a spring board bulldog but Ilja hits few German suplexs until Hayes stopped that but now Ilja with a powerbomb then a coast to coast drop kick to no avail. Up to the top rope and Ilja slapped Carmelo off the top rope,hits a outside to inside super plex followed by 2 H bombs from Ilja but the champion wouldn't give up. Carmelo with a super kick to no avail,then both men trading blows on the ring apron followed by Carmelo with a cutter off the apron. Back in the ring now Ilja with a 3rd H bomb from the top to crown himself new NXT champion.
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And now for the MAIN EVENT! Becky Lynch vs Tiffany Stratton in an extreme rules match for the NXT women's title. Tiffany with brass knuckles but Becky brought out a trolley full of weapons Becky used a kendo stick. They fight into the crowd and Becky uses a plastic chain given to her by a fan. Back to ringside and Tiffany takes over sending Becky into the steel steps but Tiffany is busted open here,apparently the chain was real and given to Becky by her stylist. Tiffany with a tool box she uses a spanner to the mid section of Becky. Tiffany with a chain and then a hammer she then brings a steel chair into the match and placed it in the corner but went face first into it giving Becky the advantage as she put Tiffany inti the trolley sending it the steel steps,Becky then had a bag full of broken Barbies. Tiffany with a trash can lid now then a trash can itself a spine buster into it. Tiffany putting multiple chairs into the ring she got slammed on them then Becky with a arm bar but she escaped slamming Becky onto the steel steps. Outside now and Becky has a table she then crawls under the ring and used a fire extinguisher followed by a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. They then both go through a barricade,onto the top of the announce table and Becky goes for a man handle slam,Tiffany fights out,puts her on the table,hits a senton,back in and swan ton bomb to no avail. Man handle slam on the outside,back in and Tiffany kicks out. The match rolls on Becky with the man handle slam onto the steel chairs to retain.
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I give it a rating of really good.
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Check out all of my socials.
Ricky Goldman out.
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blackkaatlynagency · 1 year
Kori B. Blaque and the Agency Why
Ballet .. .. .. still not good enough .. still not good enough .. still not good enough y’all .. ballet .. still .. you’re not you who’re going to .. to be .. to deed .. to do .. to .. deed it .. deign it .. reign .. to .. to .. be .. ballet ..
You why now known known now of .. of what .. of our.. of ours .. upon .. up on all of .. what what .. what .. ballet .. not good enough .. not good enough … not good enough to .. so what .. so what it is not good enough does matter to .. whom who is is of .. not care .. not ours .. not what .. ballet .. ballet .. nothing is not ballet .,.nothing .. not of .. not it .. not is .. not we when .. ballet are .. ballet true .. barre three .. family .. faith .. ballet .. one two three four five six seven eight .. dance dance dance and .. win
Losing isn’t worth it ..
Not without my mother
Jacob and MaryJane
Go Rabv Maegth Aggat
Or something crazy like that..
Camel cam
Tucans can
Can cans dance
And we
You’ not not loved
Labrynths and Orange-leafs
Family Jacob and MaryJane
Korean tigers fire and worth
Wolves upon Packs
We the hunt
Owl and mouse
Don’t forget to eat
Nobody doesn’t not like food dad.. nobody
Trust me
Trust me mearth.co and earth
Faith family and rebel flock geese of thy north alliance
Even alone you scared are not not liars and gold not me known
Timeless fathers of faith Service
Dignity Intelligence Humane Oars and country dads hounds
We are from breath ra and dreath Dream
Redemption Christ ans War
Always Ever Eternal Sworn
Swanloss and mothers Hearths soul
Not by ways without Warmth nor courage
Hearts Heat Harvest and Hours upon relentless need
You welcome are we are when thy belong safe
My well is is not with safe not safe
Need not need
I am
When is
Ways of
Ways we
We are
Are when
When war
War are
Are like
Like we
When we
We are
Don’t choose to not belong
Evil isn’t that common
And democracy is alive upon vails our oars of seas
Grace the breath winds and deeds of paths
Ours winding miracles Mary
Rivers enough
Grace peace truce and all
Au’ Revior and an ans man Autumnson
Mabons gateman Paupers kingdom Airs
Cold hot Low Precoscious ans known
Dance thy religion Soul
To be
To be
\wi7c8 as she
Not on mom and dads
Not by me
Not without us
Gods own
Swan sown
With warmth family worth
Earn you earned you’re worth by earnest ways wealth hearths known wisdom ours of we stonewell safe-wells shown sure
Be yourself
Trust me .. you know you can dance ..
I’m fear hearths will well worth not dancing alone ..
Feel me .. … .. .
When you don’t give up .. everything becomes a gift .. 
Hearts Spades and War
All eternal wiled spiritlings and cause
Spyre pyre Fire and each
Vigilance is Constance not Vengence
… the best revenge is living well ..
Don’t choose to not choose to not be to not matter
We are community
Safe is never surrendered
Tactics happen
Reconnoiter motherfucker
Two penny triune wars upon couples three and community Dolores and patience mothers’ mothers’ grief ..
Burden ain’t nothing but gravity of burden upon the mind ..
Taos Silver Albuquerque and So …
New Mexico is love already sown
I love you this land of enchantment
Five oh six green grace and welcome airships of charter
Pastel is children wars are based upon
Safe is the color of health oars ours are swans sworn true to each ourselves own true
To content
Content comfort
Is to
Need not need and honor want what want is by means known mercy is
We are we
War Autumn and Brass Knuckle Samurai of
Seven communist Taiwan island Samurai
We are Mearth swan loss as laughter in spirit indominatable  …
Thine indubitable Need I sworn upon loss not not reason as burden known
We homeless New Mexican and Wolf
At youre service
Its what we are here for
Love ya
See ya
And Black
See ya
Breath and Dreams
Bruisers and heavies
Patrons and monks preist
South Bronx
Street breath
Solace P Wilson
An honor of willow tribe code talkers
And volleyball short sisters half-sisters and family loved
Humor fumor and laugh
Witch war and win the battles you have..  not the war ..
War is the weather toward Nature the storm and
Destruction is birth
Rose is the daughter born in the north
And ..
Right now is the only you youre sense known us of ..
The courage New Mexico saves as us ..
For some reason
I love you
Colin a M
Eternal and loss
So swear i
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bluehandbag · 1 year
I have so many thoughts on s1 of Rings of Power and I needn't say them because they've all been said to death
BUT I simply have two thoughts I have to put down somewhere for my own sanity. Mind you, it's critique.
Coming from someone who has watched all trilogies and read any Tolkien books I could get my hands on, whose academic path was influenced by Tolkien, and whose only interaction with the marketing of the show was the initial announcement years ago and then the aftermath of them saying "adapted for modern audiences" at SDCC. I didn't even know what most of the cast looked like.
Unoriginal. Everything looks like something else. I look at the screen and all I see is that one painting, and that other painting, and that other painting, and that scene from the LOTR trilogy, and that other scene from the LOTR trilogy, and that character who looks just like that other character and THAT OTHER CHARACTER WHO LOOKS LIKE THAT OTHER CHARACTER AND THEN I SEE THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND LOTHLORIEN AND- it's too much. When things look only like other things it becomes incredibly hard not to get consumed by it. Inspirations are fine. Imagery is fine. But this? This fails at being its own thing. And it's just such a pity.
Sloppy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hell being the unfortunate mess we got and good intentions being the amount of detail that was surprisingly put into the show. Take for example the palantir scene. Is that the Dragon-helm of Dor-Lomin? Maybe! Is that shield Tuor's swan shield from Vinyamar? Maybe! Is that sword Narsil? Maybe! There was so much attention, so much potential, only for Miriel to turn and say that the rest of the palantiri were lost. Which by that point they very much were not. And Numenor in general, it's just so gorgeous, and there's statues of Earendil and the Valar and the Maiar and a bough of Oiolairë on the ships, and yet, it feels small. So, so small. And there is even detail and thought put into the Elves, they're just so messed up by everything that went wrong that they had to tell us about them later. Elrond's ears are flatter because he isn't a full elf. Gil-Galad's rings look like they could form brass-knuckles. All fine, all very interesting. But what drew everyone's attention? The atrocious haircuts. The mithril plot.
And it's obviously untagged because I don't want a certan kind of drama, but, Reader, if you find this, congratulations, you're insane like me.
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hadesrise · 3 years
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𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. jason todd x addams!male reader
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘. headcanon, typical addams behavior (disturbing thoughts and things, homicides, dark humor, using lethal weapons for fun, etc.), strong language, reader’s a badass vigilante, jason being a simp, dark romance (?), mention of homophobia, mention of torture and death, weapons, the addams family being wholesome, lots of pet names, gothic!reader
𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗 𝖈𝖔𝖉𝖊. red as jason, purple as you.
𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊. i was thinking of fics to write for jason and came up with this... hail, addams! also sais are like your main weapon here.
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Jason’s first meet with you was... amusing to say the least. It’s not much to consider eventful by, but to jason, it’s probably the most and first thing that will stuck with him until his second final breath.
You see, he was just casually walking through the streets of gotham in civilian clothes since he only got out of his apartment to buy some light breakfast, so he certainly did not expect to hear shouts and noises of harrassment coming from the alleyway early in the morning. They were spitting such nasty words that Jason grew the urge to investigate, finding at least five men surrounding you, who wasn’t even acknowledging their presence nor the things they said.
You were reading a book — which he was sure titled ‘how to kill a serial killer’ — with your back leaned on the concrete wall and completely ignoring their existence. Jason swears he saw a ‘I don’t give a fuck’ sentence above your head. However, knowing what the men are doing is harrassment and absolutely something that shouldn’t be turned a blind eye to, he decides to intervene and began walking towards the commotion.
Until one of the men abruptly grabbed the book you were reading to get your attention and also to make fun of you, or it.
Jason didn’t even realize what was happening when you quickly grabbed the man’s arm that took your book and twisted it into an odd angle, but he only took a second to process after hearing the man scream, accompanied by horrified noises from his friends.
You just casually caught the book that fell from his hand that you twisted before it could hit the ground, as if nothing happened.
“Touch my book again and I’ll kill you.”
You broke the man’s arm.
You fucking broke his arm just because he took your book.
And you didn’t care as you went to inspect if there were any scratches or dust on it. The others were now terrified because if you don’t hesitate to break someone’s arm for the sole and only reason of touching your book, then you sure as hell won’t hesitate doing more than that if they mess with you further. So, with one bark of “what?” coming from you immediately had them running away in fear, tail tucked between their legs.
Needless to say Jason was utterly amused, and didn’t waste a time to approach and check up on you even though he clearly saw the entire thing.
“Your book must be a treasure made of gold if you’re willing to hospitalize someone because of it.”
“All books are treasure no matter the genre, mr. stranger.”
“I’m Jason Todd.”
“(Y/n) Addams. Pleasure to meet you, beau.”
You and Jason started spending your time together almost every day since then; watching movies, eating at casual places, taking long night walks, going to mall, drinking coffees at the coffee shop he found around the city, just doing anything you two can.
Through those times spent with you, Jason found out you were oddly interested in various types of weapons, whether it be any kinds of knives, blades, guns, baseball bats, brass knuckles, swords, sais, and everything else. It actually surprised him, because you were well-mannered, collected and as graceful as a swan who didn’t look like you’d be into anything as vicious as weapons.
He viewed you more as a find-beauty-in-everything type of person and certainly not the quiet-but-dangerous type. Though, Jason didn’t mind as he could share his knowledge and interest in weapons with you without having to worry about seeming like a crazy obsessed person. He’s never been able to do that with anyone, so finding this out had him joyous and somewhat giddy.
You even knew about weapons that he didn’t know existed, and this is Jason Todd we’re talking about, but let’s just move on lol
After the entire incident, Jason brought you to his apartment — which already happened like, more than tenth times already — to show you his collectibles of weapons that were hidden in his room. You guessed that’s why you two never went there.
“Well, this is certainly entertaining. Your collections are beautiful, Jason. I’m not aware why you have to hide it from everyone else to see.”
“I’m pretty sure they’ll freak out and think of me like a psycho or something. I also didn’t show you ‘cause I didn’t want you to be stranged out.”
“All of humanity are strange and psychopaths in their own ways, beau. If there were such thing as normal, we wouldn’t be humans. You should be prideful of what you have, nevermind those who judges, pretending to be god.”
Jason smiles. You have mesmerizing ways to utter what’s in your mind, always speaking so confidently and gracefully yet casually. You present yourself in such elegant, exquisite, classy manners that no rich people could. It’s exactly what he enjoys about you.
You had also found out that, despite his bad boy energy and sort of reputation, Jason likes reading books, and they’re not even the genres that bad boys would take a glance at. It explains the shelf piled with books, some new and some old that almost seemed like he’s had them since he was a teen.
He also liked to read poetry, which you were ecstatic at, prompting you to lead him towards the library you always visit to read a book together. You both wordlessly agreed to do this on a regular basis whenever you meet up and want a quiet time among yourselves, knowing neither of you has to hold back your passion and love for books just to please the other.
Having similar tastes and interests immediately connected you and Jason, becoming somewhat inseparable whenever you’re together, allowing you to understand each other without words being uttered or exchanged. Jason was easily comfortable with you due to your maturity and the ability to understand things most people don’t, as you were with him.
The differences were clearly there — Jason was snarky, short-tempered, easy to anger, sort of flirtatious, and held extreme rage against all humanity, while you were more calm, collected, immensely patient, courteous, thoughtful, and almost the epitome of peace. But they’re the things that made you fit so perfectly well together like a puzzle rather than being hateful of each other.
It’s as if you’re what’s keeping him to the ground as he is of you.
Not like Jason knew, but when you’re an Addams, having dark, twisted sense of humor and being homicidal is pretty much inevitable. It isn’t a big surprise that you were one.
He often hears you muttering the most disturbing matters or thoughts, and at first he was concerned for your well-being and looked for signs that may have caused you to be... deranged, but as time passes by with no signs, he figured it’s just the way you are. Jason found it rather amusing anyway. Now, he’s just entertained whenever you utter them and would sometimes join you in on dark humor.
Getting to the family matters... You and Jason talked a lot about them — specifically yours only — and you told him about your unbelievably and deeply in love parents, adorable but deadly siblings, uncle Fester and the entire thing that happened, cousins, traditions, ancestors, and other more.
“—And my great-uncle Imar, he was buried alive. I remember being thrilled when mother and father first told me about him. Being buried alive is such a wonderful experience, my sister Wednesday has been digging a grave ever since I’ve mentioned it to her.”
“Oh, yeah? Being buried alive is cool and all, but I’m more of a great-aunt Calpurnia fan. Nobody can be as brave as her to dance naked in the town square and enslave the minister.”
“You have such great taste, Jason.”
“I know, (Y/n).”
He absolutely loves your ancestors and family.
When it comes to his, though... Jason was hesitant to tell you about them, specially Bruce, but also because of his secret identity slash alter ego as Red Hood. Telling you about his family means he would have to reveal all the secrets as well, including his death and resurrection, and that’s not something he’s ready to do just yet. You didn’t deserve to know all the horror he’s been through, knowing you and your compassion. He doesn’t want you to carry the burden of knowing his sufferings. But he also didn’t want you to think he doesn��t trust you by not telling his side of family.
However, all you ever did was look at him with soft eyes when you sensed his discomfort and reluctance, gently placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to squeeze it reassuringly.
“Never speak of something you are not ready yet to reveal, beau. It’s okay. You can tell me when you’re ready.”
Never had he met someone so understanding it made his heart swell. And as he stares into your beautiful (e/c) eyes, he couldn’t help but realize he’s utterly, deeply, in love with you.
Well, shit. That took a fucking turn.
What is he supposed to do now? You’ve been best friends for two years already, he doesn’t want to fucking ruin it with his feelings. And you’re not even the one to do romance, even if you witness your parents doing it everyday. It was just not in your vocabulary.
Jesus, Todd. Get yourself together.
And he fucking didn’t.
Jason didn’t get a hold of himself, so it ended up in him avoiding you without meaning to. He wasn’t ignoring you, but neither did he pay attention to you either. He stopped spending time with you frequently, making excuses that he has something important to do, putting on his Red Hood helmet and patrolling every day just to avoid your presence. The amount of time you spent together lessened and lessened, but you always updated or sent him messages to keep in check.
Until his phone abruptly stopped receiving notifications.
He knew it would happen one day, that you will get tired of him and realize he wasn’t worth your effort or time, but it happened quicker and earlier than Jason had expected, so he can’t help but feel his heart break as his throat burned. It’s his fault for neglecting you, but still, it hurt.
Five days passed since you stopped messaging him and Jason found himself still checking his phone just in case, only to drop it on his bed with a sigh when it doesn’t bring up a notification. He would go on patrol more frequently than he used to for distraction, just wanting to get you out of his mind, but it was causing him to be rough and reckless unconsciously— something that even his family noticed.
So, it was inevitable that he’d slip up and make a mistake on one of his missions.
Bruce was reluctant on sending him to this mission as it involved the Joker and Jason was practically in an unstable condition from how easily he snapped at people, but if he didn’t, another heated argument would have sparked between them again and he was already getting tired of that. However, when the Joker manages to taunt Jason and push his buttons enough to have him start fighting recklessly, Bruce knew he shouldn’t have assigned it to his second oldest son.
His recklessness and easy-to-anger attitude got himself a stab and bullet wound, quite deep ones that prevented him from moving any further. Joker was standing in front of him with a gun in hand and knife in the other, looking down on him just like he used to before. Just as Jason braced himself for the gun shot to fire, a sai suddenly came into view and stabbed Joker on his hand, making him drop the gun and yell out in pain.
Jason looked at where the sai came flying from and saw an unfamiliar yet somehow familiar figure with a mask calmly strotting towards him, one hand twirling a sai, presumably the pair of the one that was thrown. Pulling the weapon roughly out of the manic-laughing Joker’s hand, he yelled in pain before getting his gut kneed by the person, knocking the air out of his lungs. While Joker was busy coughing and wheezing, the person quickly takes out a smoke bomb and threw it on the ground to activate, black smoke filling the place.
Without being given the time to process, Jason was immediately pulled by the person to flee from the scene while the Killer Prince of Clown is distracted, confusion rising in his mind why this unknown person was helping him. However, all his questions were answered when the person took off their mask after settling him on a rooftop.
You didn’t hesitate to show him your face despite still being dressed in that vigilante suit of yours in all your glory. Even though you should be mad at him for ditching and eventually ghosting you, deep concern laced your expression as you examine his whole body, anger or resentment nowhere to be seen. You were just... completely you.
And then, it clicked in his mind — you already knew about him being Red Hood. He isn’t sure when or how long, it just clicked in his mind because of how oddly calm you were at the situation by hand. He also realizes you’ve been following him and had figured beforehand that there’s a chance he’d mess up, due to the fully stacked first aid kit laying on the side of the rooftop you brought him.
Silence filled the air as you began to treat his wounds, an excruciatingly painful process in which you had to gauge the bullet out of his skin that had him groaning and yelling in pain. After the bullet was gone, you immediately went onto cleaning the blood off and the wound, along with the one caused by knife, before wrapping almost exaggerated amount of bandages around his body.
Jason can’t stop staring at you the entire time you were treating him, his helmet resting on his side. (because it made him trouble breathing, totally not because he was planning something)
“You had me worry so much there, Jason. Why were you fighting that way? I was aware you can be reckless at times, but this is—”
He cut you off by pressing his lips on yours. Heart beating rapidly against his chest, worry clouded his mind at the possible rejection, but it quickly vanished when he felt you kissing back as gently and carefully as possible not to hurt his busted lip.
“I must say I was quite furious at you even though I practically saved your life, but this dissolves it.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/n).”
“Take me out on a date and I might give you forgiveness.”
That’s how you two ended up together, with Jason taking you on a peaceful and romantic date at a restaurant that matched your dark goth aesthetic.
Speaking of dark goth aesthetic, Jason absolutely adores your fashion sense. It’s a classic old-fashioned goth style that fit your body perfectly well, sometimes you’d also wear modern type, though he saw it only about four times. Silver and black rings can be seen adorning your fingers — nails painted black — all the time, along with bracelets wrapped around your wrists and gothic necklace on your neck. He found out they were given to you by your parents, who were quick to notice your interest in jewelries.
Once, Jason gave you a gothic style necklace with a letter ‘J’ pendant on your birthday and you’ve been wearing it ever since, replacing the one that you had. You never took it off, viewing the necklace as practically a proof that you belong to him as much as he belongs to you (it was a pair with his having the first initial of your name as pendant), and it actually became one of your treasure that no one aside from Jason is allowed to touch.
We all know what will happen if anyone tries to LMAO
Nothing really changed between you two after finally getting together, being both best friends and soulmates at the same time. The only thing changed was that he didn’t patrol alone now; he had you by his side always watching his back. Jason also found himself not worrying about your safety as much as he did before, as he knew you can handle any criminals from how badass, ass-kicking, well-trained vigilante you are.
Though, since you got together, the all black clothing and aesthetic of yours seems to mix with one certain color; red. He finds it in most random things — your bookmark, one of your accessories, one of your long sleeved button-up shirts, one of your weapons; it’s just anywhere in your belongings even though black still covered the majority of them.
“Hey, baby?”
“Yes, mon amour?”
“Why do I see red in some of your things? I mean, I ain’t complaining but you don’t like bright colors.”
“So you haven’t noticed. Red is your colour, darling. I would always have it with me. Besides, it isn’t as bright as pastels and mix in well with black. Also reminds me of our blood, but that’s just the minority of my reasons.”
Jason’s heart swelled with love and pride. He didn’t stop kissing and hugging you the entire day.
RED AND BLACK AESTHETIC BOYFRIENDS. People always stare at you two because wow, there’s a badass, awesome, classy-looking goth and a hot guy radiating off bad boy energy walking around the streets of Gotham with intertwined hands and matching sunglasses, how could they not stare?
It’s obvious you’re boyfriends and some people gives you that nasty, disgusting looks upon seeing your intertwined hands which alone screams homophobia. You and Jason deal with it by rubbing it in their faces, being lovey-dovey and romantic, doing unnecessary amount of touching, calling each other every pet names you could come up with, and showing lots of PDA until they stop being such stupid assholes.
Though, most people you came across were genuine sweethearts and kind-hearted, who only ever smiled or stared with a soft look when they see you two, probably happy and relieved that a gay couple is getting comfortable to walk around together. Some of them would even approach just to give you and Jason compliments, like how good you look together, how awesome your outfit is, how you two are literally the coolest couple they have ever seen. Jason was glad they approached solely for the purpose of complimenting your relationship and not to spit nasty slurs, because the least he wants when you two have a date is to get in a fight and could possibly be arrested for public disturbance and physical assault.
Growing up watching your parents’s romance blossom all your life definitely shaped your love language into that of theirs, wherein you would praise Jason in such poetic ways, whisper love thoughts in his ear, and touch him with gentle hands like how your parents does. You treat him like a treasure, like he’s the most precious thing you’ve ever seen, and Jason finds himself loving it more than he thought he would.
Meanwhile, Jason’s love language is physical (or any kind for that matter) affection and quality time. You find it adorable because he can’t keep his hands to himself and always either holding your hand or touching you despite being the ‘big bad wolf’ as he views himself to be. For a man with such rage and resentment towards the world, he’s the biggest softy when it comes to you and would throw everything away if he gets to be with you everyday 24/7.
You definitely exchanged some weapons at least once or more. There’s no way in hell you didn’t.
And you also definitely gave each other newly bought weapons on your anniversary as a gift, Jason’s being guns and yours being sais.
There’s a newly added shelf in Jason’s apartment for you to place your things there so you don’t have to bring them every time you come over. The shelf is, of course, painted black and actually shaped like a coffin to further show gothicness. Pictures of you together mostly decorated your shelf in black frames, along with a bunch of skulls and ancient crystal ball that your mother gave you. There’s also black roses and few of your favorite books; Frankstein by Mary Shelley, a book of Edgar Allan Poe’s classic stories, and We have always lived in the castle by Shirley Jackson.
Also, at one point, Jason was convinced his boyfriend’s a witch because when he got badly injured one day, you took out some mysterious ingredients stored in potion bottles and mixed them in to create what seemed like an antidote before rubbing it gently on his wounds, and they magically healed like three days later. He wouldn’t stop pestering you about it for a whole month, oddly excited of the possibility that you might be a witch since your ancestors had a history of witchcrafts.
“I was just taught by my grandmother how to create antidotes on emergencies, chéri. It’s nothing serious.”
“But you could be a witch!”
“Being a witch is more than just making antidotes, my dear Jason.”
“But you could still be a witch, I stand my point.”
Your grandmother also may or may not have taught you how to hex and curse people as well as how to use tarot cards, but he doesn’t need to know that.
Telling you about his fall-out and rekindle with Bruce, his torture and death and resurrection, as well as what he went through as a child took Jason two years in the relationship and four years since he met you. It didn’t bother you at all, knowing the trauma he endured isn’t easy to talk about, letting him play with your hands for comfort. He also told you about the criminals he killed and the thirst of vengeance and blood whenever Joker’s mentioned.
You stayed silent the whole time that worried Jason; you usually uttered comforting words whenever you noticed him troubled. But now, you were just silent even after he finished his story that had him think it might’ve been too much to take in. However, when he looked at you fearfully, his eyes immediately widened upon witnessing the utmost rage and murderous look on your face.
His boyfriend, who is almost impossible to anger or lose control of emotions, was fucking shaking with rage. Your self-control was impressive; you wanted so fucking bad to brutally torture and kill Joker, but knowing Jason needs you, pushed down the dark desire and pulled him into a tight embrace instead. You whispered words of comfort and encouragement and reassurance to him, yet your voice betrayed you as it was low, and dark, and just didn’t have the usual calm tone you had.
The next day, it was announced on Gotham City news that the Joker was sent to Arkham Asylum by an unknown vigilante, severely and brutally beaten by crowbar with all his nails pulled out and obvious signs of mild yet intense torture.
“Hey, baby? Take a look at this.”
“Well, well... What a wonderful news. I believe he should’ve been killed, though. The nails, broken bones and cut off tongue aren’t enough for him.”
“...They never said he got his tongue cut off, sweetheart.”
He smirked and kissed you hard, absolutely proud of what you did.
Meeting your family was an extraordinary experience for Jason. Your parents, Gomez and Morticia, easily accepted and welcomed him into the family, thrilled that their son finally had someone to love. They’re always accepting, as you had told Jason. He got to see their romance that you often talked about and can’t help but notice you inherited both of their romantic side that he oh so loves.
Your siblings, Wednesday and Pugsley, were adorable to say the least even though Wednesday was quite terrifying for a girl. She actually likes Jason and initiated a conversation that she never did before with others, even referring to him as ‘big brother’ at the end of the day that had Jason grinning from ear to ear. He knew Wednesday didn’t like people and was basically an anti-social, homicidal maniac, so seeing her grow attached to him felt like he saved the whole world and was given a blessing. Pugsley, on the other hand, was totally amazed by him and threw him like, thirty questions about Red Hood. Apparently, Jason’s his favorite vigilante.
Watching you and your family interact was amusing as you were all funny without even trying, specially that time when you, Jason and your parents were having casual conversations in the dining table and Wednesday came walking past the four of you with mace in hand. Morticia had stopped talking to ask her “Is that for your brother?” and when Wednesday nodded, she extended her hands to you with palms up as you pulled a large axe from the set of woods on the ceiling and handed it to your mother, Morticia giving it to Wednesday with a “That’s better” said.
It happened so casually that Jason didn’t think much of it until he realized what just occurred and had to keep himself from laughing. Your family’s so cool and awesome he was thankful to be considered as one, already loving every single member.
He now had a new family and can’t wait to introduce you to his, nevermind the hesitance due to his annoying brothers.
Overall, you two are just utterly and madly in love despite your disturbing, homicidal mindset and his... well, Jason Todd attitude, and would do literally anything to ensure each other’s safety. You would kill for each other, even destroy the world, and nothing will be able to ruin what you have. Everyone’s practically jealous of your bond that they know they’ll never have with anyone.
One thing’s for sure — soulmates for life!!
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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brainyxbat · 3 years
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Venus Wisteria’s 10 casual outfits! They’ll be used in various fanarts and fanfictions, chosen randomly.
Plain crop top, duster shorts, faux suede boots
Celestial raglan crop top and fishnet tights, mini skirt, white combat boots, biker jacket, bisexual pride patch
Rainbow hoodie, lace-trim cami over colored crop tank, chain pants, sneaker heels
Tiered dress, patent gogo boots, pink rainbow necklace, sparkly loop bow headband
Celestial crop top, denim shorts, seashell sandals, silver crescent moon ring
Pumpkin knitted halter crop, mesh flared midi skirt, black platform booties, pumpkin socks
Short sleeve hoodie, green skinny jeans, celestial cami, Demonia boots, beaded barrette
Lolita puff sleeve dress, celestial sunhat, low-top sneakers, moon ruffle socks, moon hair barrette, brass knuckles necklace
Blue/purple flannel, “Spooky Babe” crop tee, skinny jeans, velvet mermaid scales combat boots
Goth emojis crop tank, high-waisted skinny jeans, studded wedge sneakers, sequin scrunchie, studded biker jacket
Which is your fave?
Consistent pieces:
Large black retro hoop earrings 
Manga mascara 
Smoky eyeshadow 
Purple lipstick 
Black matte nail polish 
Black and silver crown wedding ring
Keep reading for sections with swim, sleep, and formal, and any other ideas! They will be updated!
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Betsey Johnson Swan Lake bikini
Strappy one-piece, midi board shorts
Half-Moon bikini top, ruffled side-tie bikini bottoms, celestial sarong
Halter slightly cropped tankini, ruffled bottoms
Black and light turquoise bikini with white hearts
Black bat one-piece
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Turquoise/black striped babydoll, lace-up PINK shorts
Lace-trim cami, green gingham PINK ruffle shorts
Pink and black polka dot babydoll top, ruffled shorts
Hello Kitty™ polka dot babydoll top and striped pants
Lilac paisley velour long PJs
B/W striped cropped cami, Butch’s B/W striped boxers
Light pink heart print chemise
Black Moonbow short PJs
Black and blue floral chemise
Ariel RBTI PJs
Kuromi PJ shorts and tank top
Black Kuromi sleepover hoodie, pink Hello Kitty celestial capri pants
Turquoise moon/star shorts and tank
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Sheer bodice dress, lace bralette, mermaid sequin booties and scrunchie
Pinstripe skirt suit, bow tie flats, turquoise blue sleeveless blouse
Light pink bodycon mini dress, stiletto ankle boots, lace-trim blazer, shears hairpin
Black lace-up asymmetrical mini dress (tulle underlay removed), stiletto gogo boots, celestial fishnet tights, silver moon and stars headband
Heart print 50′s-style dress, platform pumps, silver heart barrette
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Dark Angel
Burton Cheshire Cat
Mermaid Skeleton
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Puffer jacket w/ faux-fur trim hood, high-waisted skinny jeans, cropped fuzzy sweater
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Navy/White festive sweater, emerald green skinny jeans, black Ugg™ boots, glitter poinsettia headband, white and black grommet belt
Black long-sleeve Santa-graphic velvet dress, “Creepy Lil’ Christmas” fairisle leggings, black platform booties, black and red plaid Santa hat
VS PINK red buffalo plaid thermals, tall black pom-pom slipper boots
Santa Mustache maternity shirt, green lace racerback bralette, green/red snowflake slipper socks, red buffalo plaid snowflake pajama pants, matching scrunchie
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nxtawitch · 4 years
Muse’s Aesthetics  !!
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                         BOLD any which apply to your muse!                        Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. lavender. copper. turquoise. amber. magenta. midnight. jade green. neon yellow. neon green. tan.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. metal. spirit. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. [ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. acne. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. tongue. sweat. tears. feline. chubby-faced. curvy. short. tall. busty. normal height. muscular. makeup. piercing. tattoos. dimples. plastic surgery. dyed hair. painted nails. amputation. 
[ WEAPONS ] fists. brass knuckles. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knifes. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. razors. fighting fans. 
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. opal. topaz. jade. agate. bismuth. geodes. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. faux fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. granite. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. fool’s gold. fossils. sea glass. 
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. pine trees. maple trees. palm trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. lilies. hibiscus. petals. thorns. seeds. vines. roots. hay. sand. rocks. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. swamps. rainforest. petrichor. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. shooting stars. rainbows. auroras. fjords. canyons. floods. droughts. thunderstorms. tornadoes. hurricanes. tsunamis. volcanoes. earthquakes. blizzards. meteors. constellations. comets. planets. seashells. driftwood. 
[ ANIMALS ] lions. tigers. bears. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. zebras. giraffes. cats. dogs. bunnies. cows. sheep. pigs. goats. frogs. snails. praying mantises. butterflies. bees. wasps. crows. ravens. parrots. peacocks. mice. rats. hamsters. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. phoenix. dragons. foxes. llamas. camels. 
[FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. kombucha. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. lime. cherry. pineapple. strawberry. watermelon. cranberry. bananas. mango. coconut. pomegranate. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. cakes. desserts. chocolate. vanilla. hazelnut. peppermint. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. popcorn. pretzels. soda. burgers. burritos. pizza. pasta. ambrosia. lasagna. peanut butter. curry. bacon. soup. cheese. avocado. 
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. thievery. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. cosplay. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. blogging. vlogging. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. sitar. keyboard. drums. percussion. marching band. drama. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. partying. 
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. blazer. shirt. boots. sneakers. slip-ons. sandals. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. shorts. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. tie. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. bowties. canes. bows. 
[ MUSIC ] rock. pop. jazz. rap. r&b. hip-hop. funk. alternative. classical. trance. dubstep. edm. ebm. hardstyle. blues. latin. k-pop. j-pop. ambient. new age. metal. world fusion. dancehall. reggae. soca. punk. ska. singer-songwriter. folk. country. bluegrass. swing. opera. show tunes. a capella. minimalist. avant-garde. new wave. disco. baroque. symphonic metal. soundtrack. vaporwave. glitch. house. chillout. psychedelic rock. post-rock. cabaret. trip-hop. easy listening. trap. nightcore. indie. grunge. contemporary. black metal. metalcore. emo. screamo. rockabilly. parody. industrial. electro pop. 
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. fireworks. reflections. cityscape. cathedral. mosque. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. partner. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. lies. angels. demons. fairies. elves. gnomes. 
Tagged by: @bloodofthefates​
Tagging: Anyone! 
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traaanskimkitsuragi · 4 years
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p5 au
hanamiya takashi codename: teddy melee: spears ranged: sniper rifles arcana: moon
kageyama kazuma codename: ace melee: claws ranged: laser pistols arcana: magician
sakurauchi nao codename: eve melee: power suit ranged: grenade launchers arcana: fool
aragaki yuriko codename: ghoul melee: bludgeons ranged: machine guns arcana: strength
akiyama keiji codename: boss melee: axes ranged: gatling guns arcana: emperor
natsume rintarou codename: viper melee: rapiers ranged: pistols arcana: priestess
yokoyama hiromi codename: hound melee: hammers ranged: revolvers arcana: justice
komatsu yui codename: doc melee: scalpels ranged: flamethrowers arcana: death
izumi mamoru codename: rook melee: dual daggers ranged: submachine guns arcana: tower
nakajima tooru codename: iris melee: katanas ranged: rifles arcana: hierophant
minamoto setsuko codename: tanuki melee: N/A ranged: N/A arcana: hermit
tsutsui rena codename: milady melee: swords ranged: dual pistols arcana: lovers
chiba yuzuru codename: rose melee: brass knuckles ranged: shotguns arcana: star
takahashi yuki codename: sun melee: 2 handed swords ranged: miniguns arcana: hanged man
fujinomiya kotori codename: swan melee: fans ranged: machine pistols arcana: empress
hayama momoko codename: nova melee: shields ranged: railguns arcana: chariot
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crescentxhope · 4 years
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 Muse’s Aesthetics  !!
                          BOLD any which apply to your muse!                         Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. lavender. copper. turquoise. amber. magenta. midnight. jade green. neon yellow. neon green. tan.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. metal. spirit. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. [ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. acne. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. tongue. sweat. tears. feline. chubby-faced. curvy. short. tall. busty. normal height. muscular. makeup. piercing. tattoos. dimples. plastic surgery. dyed hair. painted nails. amputation. [ WEAPONS ] fists. brass knuckles. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knifes. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. razors. fighting fans. [ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. opal. topaz. jade. agate. bismuth. geodes. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. faux fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. granite. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. fool’s gold. fossils. sea glass. [ NATURE ] grass. leaves. pine trees. maple trees. palm trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. lilies. hibiscus. petals. thorns. seeds. vines. roots. hay. sand. rocks. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. swamps. rainforest. petrichor. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. shooting stars. rainbows. auroras. fjords. canyons. floods. droughts. thunderstorms. tornadoes. hurricanes. tsunamis. volcanoes. earthquakes. blizzards. meteors. constellations. comets. planets. seashells. driftwood. [ ANIMALS ] lions. tigers. bears. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. zebras. giraffes. cats. dogs. bunnies. cows. sheep. pigs. goats. frogs. snails. praying mantises. butterflies. bees. wasps. crows. ravens. parrots. peacocks. mice. rats. hamsters. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. phoenix. dragons. foxes. llamas. camels. [FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. kombucha. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. lime. cherry. pineapple. strawberry. watermelon. cranberry. bananas. mango. coconut. pomegranate. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. cakes. desserts. chocolate. vanilla. hazelnut. peppermint. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. popcorn. pretzels. soda. burgers. burritos. pizza. pasta. ambrosia. lasagna. peanut butter. curry. bacon. soup. cheese. avocado. [ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. thievery. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. cosplay. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. blogging. vlogging. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. sitar. keyboard. drums. percussion. marching band. drama. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. partying. [ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. blazer. shirt. boots. sneakers. slip-ons. sandals. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. shorts. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. tie. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. bowties. canes. bows. [ MUSIC ] rock. pop. jazz. rap. r&b. hip-hop. funk. alternative. classical. trance. dubstep. edm. ebm. hardstyle. blues. latin. k-pop. j-pop. ambient. new age. metal. world fusion. dancehall. reggae. soca. punk. ska. singer-songwriter. folk. country. bluegrass. swing. opera. show tunes. a capella. minimalist. avant-garde. new wave. disco. baroque. symphonic metal. soundtrack. vaporwave. glitch. house. chillout. psychedelic rock. post-rock. cabaret. trip-hop. easy listening. trap. nightcore. indie. grunge. contemporary. black metal. metalcore. emo. screamo. rockabilly. parody. industrial. electro pop. [ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. fireworks. reflections. cityscape. cathedral. mosque. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. partner. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. lies. angels. demons. fairies. elves. gnomes. Tagged by: stolen from: @bubblegumxveil​ Tagging: & anyone!
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pluvicor · 5 years
Gathered around the tree, everyone in there was going to eventually move back to their tasks with at least a box or wrapped present in their arms. Zion wouldn't claim to know each individual taste to heart, but he knew his own was put into deciding what to gift his friends and family with.
They went like this:
The biggest box he wrapped was labeled for his beloved boyfriend. Inside, Jack would find a DDR pad for PC and the unused tickets they'd both won during their visits to arcades. The catch was that these same tickets had been altered, with hearts and little badly-drawn frogs. Much like the notes Zion had taken a liking for leaving around the house for Sec, many were coupons for Free Kisses, Hugs, Cuddles, Candies and so on.
Not too far, a smaller box had Ish's name. The wrapper had a vintage brown tone to it, although it was clearly new, the texture resembled that of worn paper and was neatly held together by a golden string. Inside, a calligrapher pen and quill set which feather was that of a swan, only customized with gold coloring powder.
For Dex, what ni had asked from Zion. An envelope reading "Please, don't open in front of anybody" on the front and containing a high quality pin-up calendar where he is the model. It was not obscene in any way, but he'd still like to keep it private. The envelope came attached to an album where Dex would have access to the individual photos without the calendar layout plus a few more not included in that and heart shaped brass knuckles that were clearly decorative.
A rosé bag sat in the pile. Zion didn't know whether that was appropriate, but Sharon would find a long light yellow and white flowy dress with floral print folded inside. It waited atop a shoe box, also labeled for her, where she could see the black Mary Jane shoes he'd picked.
There was something for Sec too, of course. A garden kit for tea herbs with cards explaining what each herb's purpose was and doubling, if desired, as informational boards to attach to a stick and stab the soil with. Something that wasn't near the tree but was going to be given later: a mini moss garden terrarium Zion had made.
Ocean themed gifts were predictable and it failed him to find anything Christmas worthy to give Taes. Alas, he didn't know much of cer particular interests but still wanted to take the risk and gift a baby blue weighted blanket.
Madison had no tree rights.
Zion cried tears of blood trying to pick something for Simon. At the end, she would receive an overly expensive diadem, one of a kind, made of gold interwoven in a way which its delicate swirls would resemble short flames. The base was encrusted with white gems and a pretty ruby in the middle.
That was a joke, Madison would have a few rights. Those included a group present Zion guarded for Simon, Jack, Tomathy Asenath and him: tickets for Disney World. Whether they went together or split into groups, it was to be decided.
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fiery-assassin-arc · 5 years
Of Shadows and Flames - Die Running
I jump at the sound so foreign to me since I've been inside this cell: birds. Tweeting a blissful song. A sign that dawn is coming. And my time of life will be severed. I look over to see my family nestled in a deep sleep. They must know it is my last day, and don't wish to see my suffer. Or perhaps they've been sedated.
Either way, I know one thing: I have to get out of here. And fast.
I slam my fist against the bars and rock, seeing a pebble fall. It's weak. This was it, my way out. Sparing a glance to see if there are no guards, I do it once again, repressing the pain starting to bubble in my muscles.
I dig and dig through dirt and rock, stopping to catch my breath or shake off a bleeding nail. Remington, such an idiot to not have a guard by my cell. As light bleeds through, I calculate how much time I have until my death. If the sun is just rising, I may no less than 30 minutes.
Better to make it count. I go from digging to punching, and knocking down a jail bar. It's rusted, just like these chains. That's when something presses against my knee: the set of keys I took off Remington. Oh, bless you T for teaching me how to pickpocket. Hearing the satsifying click, I do the same with my other wrist and reach and feel. Something other than brick and mortar. I felt grass, wet with morning's dew.
I keep punching and digging and gripped the side of the space, pushing myself up with a leap. I crawl, crying out at the jagged edges of rock hitting my back. Hopefully no one heard me.  I repeat the process until the I am out of the cell and onto the fresh cut grass, soft wet dew soothing the fire on my back.
I'm out, unchained. And now I have to run. I groan, leaning against the exterior walls for support. My mouth tastes like blood and I have to get the hell out of this place. I wished I could have gotten my family, but I had no time.
Hopefully they won't suffer for my leave. Gathering what strength I have, I sprint over to the stables on the other side of the palace, keeping myself hidden from any guards. Hopefully the Royal Ass isn't awake. I click my tongue, then hum a piece from Swan Lake for Pomegranate. It takes a few painful fifteen seconds for me to lose hope when I hear her whinny for me.
“That's my girl,” I whisper, making my way over to her. She lifts up her legs, rearing. “Easy, easy. I'm okay.” I reach up to stroke her nose, cooing. “Come on, love, we have to get out of here.”
Opening the stable door, I mount Pomegranate, keeping her at a steady walk. Would it be wrong of me to attack my own guards? Then again, they did send me to the dungeon... Decisions, Decisions. I give her a good pat, telling her what a good horse she is. We're going to make it, I whisper, we're going to make it.
What am I going to do? Ride into town? It will take too long. Find another portal? No, no. There's not enough time. Town has to be the closest thing we can do. It is disappointing we're five miles from the nearest area. But this is the way of keeping ourselves safe from hunters..
I let my stirrups hit against Pomegranate, and we go from a walk to a trot, looking over my shoulder. Strange, guards should be here around this side of the courtyard. The sun is rising, temporarily blinding me. I lift my hand to block it from my sight, and then I hear someone shout.
“Alert the King! The prisoner is escaping!”
No, no no.
“Come on, Pomegranate.” I tell her, and we break into a gallop, moving past other guards who attempt to stand in front of us to stop. One of them grabs on to my saddle and leg, aiming to unhook it. “Get the hell off me!” I push him off after a few hits, and we make our way to our goal: the main gates.
“You're doing so great, sweetheart,” I murmur, patting her nose before hopping over bushes and turning around benches and plants. “We're almost there..”
Suddenly Pomegranate whinnies in pain, and I slow down her reins just a bit. Perhaps she got scraped by a rose bush?
I lose balance as we make it to the gates, both of us crashing on the harsh concrete, stars and dragon wings fluttering around my head like dust motes. Shaking it off, I look up to see Pomegranate gasping for air, blood from her stomach. Blood. She's bleeding she's bleeding—Pomegranate is dying and I don't know what to do. I crawl over to her, and touch her sweet face, look into those big brown eyes I see—saw—everyday. “You did so good to me,” My face is wet with tears as Pomegranate whinnies, taking ragged breaths. “You did so good, thank you thank you.”
Her eyes roll back, and I collapse next to my horse, my companion. How many loved ones must I lose? First Mia, my family, my horse... Was Remington right, that I need him?  Would everything be okay if I just married him?
“All right, that is enough.” A slow clap pierces my ears, and I turn to the direction of the voice. He looks like he had a good enough sleep, the crown perched on his head like it's his. Next to him is a bodyguard, holding a rifle. “A shame you choose to fight.” He tsks, and kneels down to meet my height. Takes a lock of my hair, twists it tight in his hand and pulls me toward him with it.
“Since you just love to run, my dear, you can die doing just that.” Remington stares at me, and tenderly brushes my cheek with his thumb. It comes away wet and bloody.  “You would have been a great queen.”
“Go to hell.”
“Oh baby, where did you think I came from?” He pushes me back on the ground and gets up, not sparing me a look of disgust. “Arrange for the traitor to be taken care of. And clean up this mess.”
My body falls on cold, burning snow. I'm shivering as I brush it all away from me. I don't shiver; did they drug me? I turn around, and slowly get up, my side aching. They must have knocked me out and brought me to this frozen land. Two guards come out of the jet, one holding another gun and the other only has a set of brass knuckles. Amazing how loyalty can shift with the promise of either promotions or money.
They are so exiled.
“You get a five minute head start.” one of them say.
I don't want to stay and chat with these traitors, so I spin on my heel and make a break into the wintry woods, jumping over fallen logs and risen roots. God this place is blanketed in ice, I cannot see a thing. Where are we? I don't look over my shoulder, I just keep running. I feel a dull pain in my arm, and take out what I guess is a branch and continue my escape.
Is this what Remington met? I'll die running? I don't think I will, I can survive this. Like I survived Kano. Like I survived Outworld. Being in prison. I still wonder to this day who was nice enough to give me fully prepped food in my captivity with the Black Dragon.
But why am I thinking about that when my main goal is to live?
I keep my pace, running through the woods, and after a few bad trips from logs, I stop beside a tree and allow myself to breathe.  The world is spinning for me, with snow beginning to make a descent to blend with the ground, becoming one being. A foggy breath leaves my lips, reminding me where I am. Far from any form of life, in the cold. So cold... I hear the familiar hiss of ice as it meets my hand, and water touches my back. I welcome the sensation to cool off.
As soon as I take in the cold air, I feel the pain of my ribs. I've barely had time to heal. I have to find shelter, a cave and get some food. I just have to escape Remington's goons. But now, try and heal. To get a better chance. I press my hand underneath my left breast, and wait for the heat to seep into my bones. But I don't feel it.
I try again, willing it to come but it doesn't. Every inhale is worse than before. No, no, no! I have to get better, I have to stay alive I have to I have to I have to. I am not going to die like this. How in the hell could this have happened?
I even try to make fire from my hands, but nothing happens. Nothing.
I cry out, angry that it is true, that he is right. Whatever hit me earlier in my run rendered me useless. No fire, no heat. I can't fight whatever is out there, I don't have enough strength with two ribs possibly broken to hunt. Oh god oh god. The wind howls its song, snow flurries dancing erratically in front of me. A storm is coming, and I will die right here, in the snow.
And my assumptions are correct when I am tackled to the ground, having dirt and snow blend together inside my mouth. I struggle to breathe, pushing my assailant off of me with what strength I have, rolling on my back to see one of the guards from earlier, in his hand a knife. Hunter. I crawl backwards, forming a snowball and throwing it at his face as he advances. “Please...”
“King's orders were to make sure you don't come out alive.” He flips the blade with perfect precision, vanishing in air and reappearing behind me, the knife grazing my cheek, his other hand on my mouth. “It's sad he won't get to hear you scream.”
Is this what my guards were like all along? Ruthless, sadistic, chasing a higher raise in order to show their true colors? My teeth bite down on his hand,  hard enough to draw blood. He screams and lets go, giving me a shot to elbow him in the stomach. In doing so, he drops the knife into the snow, and I scramble to grab it, pushing away snow. But the assailant pins me back to the ground, throwing punches at my face, my body, unsheathing another knife to plunge it in my abdomen.
I cry out in pain, the sound traveling in the woods. But no one is here but us. Hot blood seeps into my shirt, too fast,  and I cannot fight back. I'm dizzy and sick. My arms move at a snail's pace to stop him from doing it again, but my hands come back red, and the pain hits again, harder.
His voice slurs in my ears, and I try to speak. Try to. Try to. But nothing comes back. In the distance, I hear the howl of a wolf. My assailant looks up, and goes to run away. Leaving me in the cold. I slowly try and get up, pressing against the wound he made. My legs shake like a new fawn, slowly jogging. The snow storm is progressing. I can still make it.
I push through the wind, feeling around with my hand for a branch or nothing, and that it's not him. I think of everything that brought me to this point. I was someone strong, still gaining confidence. I didn't care what people thought of me. I was still harboring feelings for my ex. Then Remington comes in, skews my perception. My worth is nothing without him, my ideas are pointless and I should change outfits because they're not to his standards, that I am safe with him, that I'm not pretty.
He killed my friend, made me love him, slip into nothing and be of his design. Staged an assassination, became kidnapped, killed others and developed a taste, returning to see he was a lie, given a choice of death or worse. And now . . .
Now, I'm barely surviving. My heart is beating inside my ears, and my jogging goes to a walk, and then I stop. I collapse on the wintry ground, expelling the bile that sat inside my stomach. Dry heaving, I crawl away from the little puddle of sick, and let my head hit the ground.
I'm so exhausted, so tired, and I don't have it in me to go on. My family is going to die, for my foolish mistake. I shouldn't have fallen for him, I should have just been his image of the perfect lover, he should have killed me.
He should have saved me he should have let me die I shouldn't have let him inside my heart where he reconstructed my arteries and veins so they livened up when his presence and name is announced. I should have done so many rights and so many wrongs and I want to go back and save him I want to go back and save her I want to go back and wish that I had met someone else I wish I wish I want I want—I don't know what else I want except—
I want to go to sleep.
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sterrenlied · 5 years
Muse’s Aesthetics
BOLD any which apply to your muse!
If doing this, remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. lavender. copper. turquoise. amber. magenta. midnight. jade green. neon yellow. neon green. tan.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. metal. spirit. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles ( sunspots ). bruises. canine. acne. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. tongue. sweat. tears. feline. chubby-faced. curvy. short. tall. busty. normal height. muscular. makeup. piercing. tattoos. dimples. plastic surgery. dyed hair. painted nails. amputation.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. brass knuckles. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. razors. fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. opal. topaz. jade. agate. bismuth. geodes. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. faux fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. granite. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. fool’s gold. fossils. sea glass.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. pine trees. maple trees. palm trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. lilies. hibiscus. petals. thorns. seeds. vines. roots. hay. sand. rocks. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. swamps. rainforest. petrichor. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. shooting stars. rainbows. auroras. fjords. canyons. floods. droughts. thunderstorms. tornadoes. hurricanes. tsunamis. volcanoes. earthquakes. blizzards. meteors. constellations. comets. planets. seashells. driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. tigers. bears. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. zebras. giraffes. cats. dogs. bunnies. cows. sheep. pigs. goats. frogs. snails. praying mantises. butterflies. bees. wasps. crows. ravens. parrots. peacocks. mice. rats. hamsters. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. phoenix. dragons. foxes. llamas. camels.
[FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. kombucha. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. lime. cherry. pineapple. strawberry. watermelon. cranberry. bananas. mango. coconut. pomegranate. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. cakes. desserts. chocolate. vanilla. hazelnut. peppermint. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. popcorn. pretzels. soda. burgers. burritos. pizza. pasta. ambrosia. lasagna. peanut butter. curry. bacon. soup. cheese. avocado.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. thievery. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. cosplay. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. blogging. vlogging. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. sitar. keyboard. drums. percussion. marching band. drama. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. partying.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. blazer. shirt. boots. sneakers. slip-ons. sandals. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. shorts. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. tie. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. bowties. canes. bows.
[ MUSIC ] rock. pop. jazz. rap. r&b. hip-hop. funk. alternative. classical. trance. dubstep. edm. ebm. hardstyle. blues. latin. k-pop. j-pop. ambient. new age. metal. world fusion. dancehall. reggae. soca. punk. ska. singer-songwriter. folk. country. bluegrass. swing. opera. show tunes. a capella. minimalist. avant-garde. new wave. disco. baroque. symphonic metal. soundtrack. vaporwave. glitch. house. chillout. psychedelic rock. post-rock. cabaret. trip-hop. easy listening. trap. nightcore. indie. grunge. contemporary. black metal. metalcore. emo. screamo. rockabilly. parody. industrial. electro pop
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. fireworks. reflections. cityscape. cathedral. mosque. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. partner. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. lies. angels. demons. fairies. elves. gnomes.
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extraordinarygrrls · 5 years
Tumblr media
bold the ones that apply to your muse :
[ COLORS ]     red.  brown.  orange.  yellow.  green.  blue.  purple.  pink.  black.  white.  teal.  silver.  gold.  grey.  lilac.  metallic.  matte.  royal blue.  strawberry red.  charcoal grey.  forest green.  apple red.  navy blue.  crimson.  cream.  mint green.  lavender.  copper.  turquoise.  amber.  magenta.  midnight.  jade green.  neon yellow.  neon green.  tan.
[ ELEMENTS ]     fire.  ice.  water.  air.  earth.  metal.  spirit.  rain.  snow.  wind.  moon.  stars.  sun.  heat.  cold.  steam.  frost.  lightning.  sunlight.  moonlight.  dawn.  dusk.  twilight. midnight.  sunrise.  sunset.  dewdrops.
[ BODY ]     claws.  long fingers.  fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails.  lips.  bare feet.  freckles.  bruises.  canine.  acne.  scars.  scratches.  wounds.  burns.  spikes.  fur.  feathers.  scales.  webs.  eyes.  hands.  tongue.  sweat. tears.  feline.  chubby-faced.  curvy.  short. tall.  busty.  normal height.  muscular.  makeup.  piercing.  tattoos.  dimples.  plastic surgery.  dyed hair.  painted nails.  amputation.
[ WEAPONS ]     fists.  brass knuckles.  sword.  dagger.  spear.  arrow.  hammer.  shield.  poison.  guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives.  throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers.  machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces.  staffs.  wands.  powers.  magical items.  magic.  rocks.  mud balls.  claws.  razors.  fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ]     gold.  silver.  platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls.  rubies.  sapphires.  emeralds.  amethyst.  opal.  topaz.  jade.  agate.  bismuth.  geodes.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel. glass.  wood.  porcelain.  paper.  wool.  fur.  faux fur.  lace.  leather.  silk.  satin.  velvet.  denim.  linen.  cotton.  charcoal.  clay.  stone.  asphalt.  brick.  marble.  granite.  dust.  glitter. blood.  dirt.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  rubber.  synthetics.  fool’s gold.  fossils.  sea glass.
[ NATURE ]     grass.  leaves.  pine trees.  maple trees.  palm trees.  bark.  roses.  daisies.  tulips.  lavender.  lilies.  hibiscus.  petals.  thorns.  seeds.  vines.  roots.  hay.  sand.  rocks.  roots.  flowers.  ocean.  river.  meadow.  forest.  desert.  tundra.  savanna.  swamps.  rainforest.  petrichor.  caves.  underwater.  coral reef.  beach.  waves.  space.  clouds.  mountains.  shooting stars.  rainbows.  auroras.  fjords.  canyons.  floods.  droughts.  thunderstorms.  tornadoes.  hurricanes.  tsunamis.  volcanoes.  earthquakes.  blizzards.  meteors.  constellations.  comets.  planets.  seashells.  driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ]     lions.  tigers.  bears.  wolves.  eagles.  owls.  falcons.  hawks.  swans.  snakes.  turtles.  ducks.  bugs.  spiders.  birds.  whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses.  zebras.  giraffes.  cats.  dogs.  bunnies.  cows.  sheep.  pigs.  goats.  frogs.  snails.  praying mantises. butterflies.  bees.  wasps.  crows.  ravens.  parrots.  peacocks.  mice.  rats.  hamsters.  lizards.  werewolves.  unicorns.  pegasus.  phoenix.  dragons.  foxes.  llamas.  camels.
[ FOODS / DRINKS ]     sugar.  salt.  candy.  bubblegum.  wine.  champagne.  hard liquor.  beer.  coffee.  tea.  kombucha.  spices.  herbs.  apple.  orange.  lemon.  lime.  cherry.  pineapple.  strawberry.  watermelon.  cranberry.  bananas.  mango.  coconut.  pomegranate.  vegetables.  fruits.  meat.  fish.  pies.  cakes.  dessert.  chocolate.  vanilla.  hazelnut.  peppermint.  cream.  caramel.  berries.  nuts.  cinnamon.  popcorn.  pretzels.  soda.  burgers.  burritos.  pizza.  pasta.  ambrosia.  lasagna.  peanut butter.  curry.  bacon.  soup.  cheese.  avocado.
[ HOBBIES ]     music.  art.  watercolors. gardening.  smithing.  sculpting.  painting.  sketching.  fighting.  thievery.  writing.  composing. cooking.  sewing.  cosplay.  training. dancing.  acting.  singing.  martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  blogging.  vlogging.  cameras.  video cameras.  video games.  computer.  phone.  movies.  theater.  libraries.  books.  magazines.  cds.  records.  vinyls.  cassettes.  piano.  violin.  guitar. electronic guitar.  bass guitar.  harmonica.  harp.  woodwinds.  brass.  bells.  sitar.  keyboard.  drums.  percussion.  marching band.  drama.  playing cards.  poker chips.  chess.  dice.  motorcycle riding.  eating.  climbing.  running.  partying.
[ STYLE ]     lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  tunic.  vest.  blazer.  shirt.  boots.  sneakers.  slip-ons.  sandals.  heels.  leggings.  trousers.  jeans.  shorts.  skirt.  jewelry.  earrings.  necklace.  bracelet.  ring.  pendant.  hat.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  brocade.  cloaks.  corsets. doublet.  chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  belt.  sash.  coat.  jacket.  hood.  gloves.  socks.  masks.  cowls.  braces.  tie.  watches.  glasses.  sunglasses.  visor.  eye contacts.  makeup.  bowties.  canes.  bows.
[ MUSIC ]     rock.  pop.  jazz.  rap.  r&b.  hip-hop.  funk.  alternative.  classical.  trance.  dubstep.  edm.  ebm.  hardstyle.  blues.  latin.  k-pop.  j-pop.  ambient.  new age.  metal.  world fusion.  dancehall.  reggae.  soca.  punk.  ska.  singer-songwriter.  folk.  country.  bluegrass.  swing.  opera.  show tunes.  a capella.  minimalist.  avant-garde.  new wave.  disco.  baroque.  symphonic metal.  soundtrack.  vaporwave.  glitch.  house.  chillout.  psychedelic rock.  post-rock.  cabaret.  trip-hop.  easy listening.  trap.  nightcore.  indie.  grunge.  contemporary.  black metal.  metalcore.  emo.  screamo.  rockabilly.  parody.  industrial.  electro pop.
[ MISC ]     balloons.  bubbles.  fireworks.  reflections.  cityscape.  cathedral.  mosque.  light.  dark.  candles.  war.  peace.  money.  power.  percussion.  clocks.  photos.  mirrors.  pets.  diary.  fairy lights.  madness.  sanity.  sadness.  happiness.  optimism.  pessimism. loneliness.  family.  friends.  assistants.  co-workers.  partners.  enemies.  loyalty.  smoking.  drugs.  kindness.  love.  hugs.  kisses.  lies.  angels.  demons.  fairies.  elves.  gnomes.
TAGGED BY :  stolen from @fantomese
TAGGING :  @ferocioushonesty @woolfcried @coldcriminal @fillescharmxnt (or one of your other bloggos) @andromeda-muses @dovwahlaan @dovzeymahhe @pennnedbysiren
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cetangexnenfer-blog · 5 years
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bold the ones that apply to your muse :
[ COLORS ]     red.  brown.  orange.  yellow.  green.  blue.  purple.  pink.  black.  white.  teal.  silver.  gold.  grey.  lilac.  metallic.  matte.  royal blue.  strawberry red.  charcoal grey.  forest green. apple red.  navy blue.  crimson.  cream.  mint green.  lavender.  copper.  turquoise.  amber.  magenta.  midnight.  jade green.  neon yellow.  neon green.  tan.
[ ELEMENTS ]     fire.  ice.  water.  air.  earth.  metal. spirit.  rain.  snow.  wind.  moon.  stars. sun.  heat.  cold.  steam.  frost.  lightning.  sunlight.  moonlight. dawn. dusk.  twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ]     claws. long fingers.  fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails. lips.  bare feet.  freckles.  bruises.  canine.  acne.  scars.  scratches. wounds.  burns.  spikes.  fur.  feathers.  scales.  webs.  eyes.  hands.  tongue.  sweat. tears.  feline. chubby-faced.  curvy.  short. tall.  busty.  normal height.  muscular.  makeup.  piercing.  tattoos.  dimples.  plastic surgery.  dyed hair.  painted nails.  amputation.
[ WEAPONS ]     fists.  brass knuckles.  sword.  dagger.  spear.  arrow.  hammer.  shield. poison.  guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives.  throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers.  machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces.  staffs.  wands.  powers. magical items.  magic.  rocks.  mud balls.  claws.  razors.  fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ]     gold.  silver.  platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls.  rubies.  sapphires.  emeralds.  amethyst.  opal.  topaz.  jade.  agate.  bismuth. geodes.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel. glass.  wood.  porcelain.  paper.  wool.  fur.  faux fur.  lace.  leather.  silk.  satin.  velvet.  denim.  linen.  cotton.  charcoal.  clay.  stone.  asphalt.  brick.  marble.  granite.  dust.  glitter. blood.  dirt.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  rubber.  synthetics.  fool’s gold.  fossils.  sea glass.
[ NATURE ]     grass. leaves. pine trees.  maple trees.  palm trees.  bark.  roses.  daisies.  tulips.  lavender.  lilies.  hibiscus.  petals.  thorns.  seeds.  vines.  roots.  hay.  sand.  rocks.flowers.  ocean. river.  meadow. forest. desert.  tundra.  savanna. swamps. rainforest.  petrichor.  caves.  underwater.  coral reef.  beach.  waves.  space.  clouds.  mountains.  shooting stars.  rainbows.  auroras.  fjords.  canyons.  floods.  droughts. thunderstorms.  tornadoes.  hurricanes.  tsunamis.  volcanoes.  earthquakes.  blizzards.  meteors.  constellations.  comets.  planets.  seashells.  driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ]     lions.  tigers.  bears.  wolves.  eagles. owls.  falcons.  hawks.  swans.  snakes.  turtles. ducks.  bugs.  spiders.  birds.  whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses.  zebras.  giraffes.  cats.  dogs.  bunnies.  cows.  sheep.  pigs.  goats.  frogs.  snails.  praying mantises. butterflies.  bees.  wasps.  crows.  ravens.  parrots.  peacocks.  mice.  rats.  hamsters. lizards. werewolves.  unicorns.  pegasus.  phoenix.  dragons.  foxes.  llamas.  camels.
[ FOODS / DRINKS ]     sugar.  salt.  candy.  bubblegum.  wine.  champagne.  hard liquor.  beer.  coffee.  tea.  kombucha.  spices.  herbs.  apple.  orange.  lemon.  lime.  cherry.  pineapple.  strawberry.  watermelon.  cranberry.  bananas.  mango.  coconut.  pomegranate. vegetables.  fruits.  meat.  fish. pies.  cakes.  dessert.  chocolate.  vanilla.  hazelnut.  peppermint.  cream.  caramel.  berries.  nuts.  cinnamon. popcorn.  pretzels.  soda.  burgers.  burritos.  pizza.  pasta.  ambrosia.  lasagna.  peanut butter.  curry.  bacon.  soup.  cheese.  avocado.
[ HOBBIES ]     music.  art.  watercolors. gardening. smithing.  sculpting.  painting.  sketching.  fighting.  thievery.  writing.  composing. cooking.  sewing.  cosplay.  training. dancing.  acting.  singing.  martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  blogging.  vlogging.  cameras.  video cameras.  video games.  computer.  phone.  movies.  theater.  libraries. books. magazines.  cds.  records.  vinyls.  cassettes.  piano.  violin.  guitar. electronic guitar.  bass guitar.  harmonica.  harp.  woodwinds.  brass.  bells.  sitar.  keyboard.  drums.  percussion.  marching band.  drama.  playing cards.  poker chips. chess.  dice.  motorcycle riding.  eating. climbing.  running. partying.
[ STYLE ]     lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  tunic.  vest.  blazer.  shirt.  boots.  sneakers.  slip-ons.  sandals.  heels.  leggings.  trousers.  jeans.  shorts.  skirt.  jewelry.  earrings.  necklace.  bracelet.  ring.  pendant.  hat.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  brocade.  cloaks.  corsets. doublet.  chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  belt.  sash.  coat.  jacket.  hood.  gloves.  socks.  masks.  cowls.  braces.  tie.  watches.  glasses.  sunglasses.  visor.  eye contacts.  makeup.  bowties.  canes.  bows.
[ MUSIC ]     rock.  pop.  jazz.  rap.  r&b.  hip-hop.  funk.  alternative.  classical.  trance.  dubstep.  edm.  ebm.  hardstyle.  blues.  latin.  k-pop.  j-pop.  ambient.  new age.  metal.  world fusion.  dancehall.  reggae.  soca.  punk.  ska.  singer-songwriter.  folk.  country.  bluegrass.  swing.  opera.  show tunes.  a capella. minimalist.  avant-garde.  new wave.  disco.  baroque.  symphonic metal.  soundtrack.  vaporwave.  glitch.  house.  chillout.  psychedelic rock.  post-rock.  cabaret.  trip-hop.  easy listening.  trap.  nightcore.  indie.  grunge.  contemporary.  black metal.  metalcore.  emo.  screamo.  rockabilly.  parody.  industrial.  electro pop.
[ MISC ]     balloons.  bubbles.  fireworks.  reflections.  cityscape.  cathedral.  mosque.  light.  dark. candles.  war.  peace.  money.  power.  percussion.  clocks.  photos.  mirrors.  pets. diary.  fairy lights.  madness.  sanity.  sadness.  happiness.  optimism. pessimism.loneliness.  family. friends.  assistants.  co-workers.  partners.  enemies.  loyalty.  smoking.  drugs. kindness.  love.  hugs.  kisses.  lies.  angels.  demons.  fairies.  elves.  gnomes.
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