#oh my god they were WEREPIRES!!
gracelesstars · 4 months
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seriously this is like a third marriage between two Supernatural actors, what love potion was in the water of that set 🤔
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kruinka · 1 year
hiya!!!! :3 omg kruinka imagine alpha werewolf kaiser where he bites the reader and then she turns into a werepire(shes a Vampire) and then they both run away to live in a magical castle where they only eat French fries (they don’t eat humans cuz they aren’t meanies >:( )) omg I would love if you were to draw this!! 😚😚😚
OH MY GOD actually stfu get ur french fries and werepires away from me before i send u a punch
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caslovesbug · 3 years
Every day. It truly is every day. I wake up and I go to my silly job or to my silly classes and I finish my silly tasks and then I come home and think wow holy shit. He was just a guy and then he died and he went to hell and then an angel. An ANGEL. AN ANGEL. Gripped his soul tight (he was lost the moment he laid a hand on him in hell) and raised him from perdition. He fought he rebelled, he gave up everything for him (has anyone but his closest kin ever done more for him?). There was betrayal, there was bruises and blood, there was Dean on his knees in that crypt (I forgive you. I love you.) (before that, where’s the angel? We‘re gonna get you through the eye of that needle, if it kills all three of us). You can‘t stay. I can’t let you do this. Don’t lose it over one man. You just gave up an army for one guy. He’s in love - with humanity. I miss him. This mission is everything. Diner dates. Everyone you know, everyone you love will be long gone. Everyone except for me. Next time I won‘t miss. You think my car is shitty? Eye of the beholder. Maybe it is your so-called werepire. Follow your heart. If there‘s one thing I’ve learned on the road, it’s when somebody‘s pining for somebody else (not Amara. Textually textually textually NOT Amara. In the Text. In the script. In the show. I‘ll say it again. Textually. Not Amara.) He‘s not an it, Sam. It’s Cas. (-slapped during sex wearing a Zorro mask? Why is your mind going there while talking about Cas.. anyway). I could go with you. The hugs. THE HUGS. It‘s okay - he‘s a friend. (‚good friend‘). This is Castiel. (The tone the face oh my god. This is Castiel. This is Castiel.) oh he speaks (the bickering, the BICKERING!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!) he gave him a zeppelin mixtape. (textually the band his parents fell in love to .) the widower arc. You‘re gonna bring him back. Maybe you can forget about that but I CAN‘T. The immediate forgiveness to Jack when Cas is back. The COWBOY HATS. They watch cowboy movies together. They had a child. You asked ‚what about all of this is real?‘. We are. They had a DIVORCE. Every since the mark made Cas go crazy, ever since I had to bury him in a Ma’lak Box, ever since then? I forgive you, of course I forgive you. Here‘s to being right (in their Little nook .. smiling at each other … toasting each other … ohhh the all of it …). You know what every other version of you did after gripping him tight and raising him from perdition? They did what they were told. But not you. I‘ll go with you, Dean. She‘s gonna kill you, and then she‘s gonna kill me. When Jack was dying I made a deal. To save him. (You what?????) the Price was my life. When I experienced a moment of true happiness - you are the most selfless loving human being, I will ever know. Knowing you has changed me. I cared about the whole world because of you. Why does this sound like a goodbye. Because it is. I love you. Don’t do this, Cas. Goodbye, Dean. And he sat on the floor of that dungeon. HE SAT THERE AND HE CRIED. AND IT‘S EVERY DAY. EVERY FUCKING DAY.
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boykisserbuckley · 4 years
let the wolves come crashing through
this was gonna be a joke but i wrote 2k by accident. oops. anyway this is the werepire fic based off of that anon i got a while ago
“Buck,” Eddie says, “Halloween isn’t until next month.”
“Eddie,” Buck parrots, “I’m aware of that fact, thanks.”
They're at the station, settling down after a call. The crew is spread over the couches, taking whatever rest they can before the alarm rings again; and, as usual, that means they devolve into ribbing and jokes at the other's expense. Buck had just finished laughing uproariously at Hen's last quip when Eddie had cut in, and honestly, he's not entirely sure whether or not this is the lead up to a joke.
"Right," Eddie says. He lifts an eyebrow. "So what's with the teeth?" 
Buck blinks at him. "...the teeth?" 
"Yeah," Eddie insists, narrowing his eyes. "It looks like you're wearing fake fangs, or something."
Buck just looks even more confused. He opens his mouth to respond, and Eddie catches another flash of those sharp canines—unnaturally sharp. Like he's wearing some knock-off party store vampire teeth.
Buck gapes for a second, and then intelligently says, "Huh?"
"The teeth, man," Eddie repeats. "Why are they so sharp? What the hell are you wearing them for?" 
Eddie glances at Hen and Chim, and they're both just staring at him. Did they not see it? Why aren't they saying anything? 
"Eddie," Buck says slowly. He still looks so openly, adorably baffled. "...these are just my teeth." 
Eddie stares at him. He stares back. Neither of them blink. 
"I'm so confused," Eddie says finally. "Is this a prank or something?" 
Buck shares a look with Hen and Chim, tilts his head. Eddie looks back and forth between them. And then, suddenly, Buck sits up.
"Oh," he says, like he's just had a realization. "Oh my god, did I not tell you?" 
"Tell me what?" 
Hen snorts, and Buck shoots her a glare. Eddie has no idea what's happening.
"I thought you knew," Buck groans. "This is going to take so much explaining—" 
He cuts himself off and pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks up helplessly at Chim, then at Hen, but they both shrug. 
"You're on your own for this one, Buckaroo," Chim says. Buck sighs.
"Okay, okay," Buck says, and hops to his feet. "Come on."
He grabs Eddie by the wrist and practically drags him from the room, heading for the stairs. Hen and Chimney's laughter follows them from the loft, all the way to the bay doors, and Eddie is still hopelessly lost.
"Let me get this straight," Eddie says twenty minutes later, leaning back against his seat. "You're...a what?"
They're holed up in the back of the firetruck, for privacy, which is really mostly for Eddie's benefit—Buck knows most people don't react well when informed that their best friend is a so-called "creature of the night" and they didn't notice. It had taken a little demonstration to get Eddie to believe him, believe he wasn't just pranking, and now the poor guy is looking a little shell-shocked. 
"Werewolf-vampire hybrid," Buck explains again, smiling hesitantly. "Uh, the scientific classification is homo lycanthropus vampiris. Or something. Technically." 
"And you've always been that," Eddie says. 
"Yeah," Buck agrees. 
"And you're not just fucking with me," Eddie says again. He still looks unsure of the whole thing. 
"Definitely not just fucking with you," Buck agrees again. 
"Show me again," Eddie demands. Buck does. 
"Okay," Eddie says. He's still staring at Buck like it hasn't quite clicked, like he doesn't understand, but he's nodding. "Okay. I'm, uh—I'm gonna need a minute, I think." 
"Right, yeah," Buck says. "You want me to just…?" 
He gestures at the half-open door of the truck, already climbing out of his seat to head for it before Eddie can even agree. He hops out and shoots a look at Hen and Chimney, who are peeking over the railing of the loft to look down at him. Hen raises an eyebrow, and Buck just shrugs. He glanced back at Eddie, who's staring at his hands with a confused furrow to his brow, then backs away. The guy needs a minute. That's understandable. He needs to process.
And then the alarm rings. 
Buck hoists himself back into the truck on instinct, sliding in next to Eddie like usual. He cringes at the look on Eddie's face and offers, "Sorry." 
Then the others climb in across from them and they're off. They still have jobs to do—processing will have to wait. 
A few tense calls later, the crew piles back into the station for the end of their shift. Eddie had been quiet since his talk with Buck, and the others had let him be for a time—but now, as they're stripping their gear in the locker room and packing up to head home, he's looking at Buck like he wants to start asking questions.
"So you're like, half vampire, half werewolf, right?" Eddie asks, as the locker room empties out. Buck straightens up with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. 
"I guess?" Buck shrugs. He's not usually comfortable with all the questions, so he's a little on edge. But this is Eddie, so he'll deal. 
"Does that mean your dad was a werewolf, your mom was a vampire, or something?" 
"Other way around, but yeah." 
"So you were like...a werewolf vampire baby." 
"Yeah?" Eddie zips up his own bag and slings it over his shoulder, heading for the door. Buck follows. 
"I bet you had a crazy biting phase as a kid," Eddie says, flashing a grin. Buck lets out a startled laugh, because that's definitely not the direction he thought this was going to go. 
"Wait, is Maddie—" Eddie starts, and his eyes go wide again. 
"Yes," Buck says before he can finish, "We both are. Did you seriously just not notice?" 
"I'm not exactly the most observant," Eddie grumbles. He unlocks his truck and grabs Buck's bag from him, slinging it into the back seat alongside his own. 
Buck hops into the passenger seat, and it's quiet for another moment as they pull out of the parking lot and onto the road. He fiddles with the radio for a moment, trying to find a good station, but he can see Eddie fidgeting out of the corner of his eye, so he gives up and flips it off again.
"Alright, spit 'em out," Buck sighs, shooting Eddie an unimpressed look. "I know you've got more questions, and your fidgeting is annoying. What do you want to know?" 
"Uh, well," Eddie pauses, then starts again, "They're probably stupid." 
"They usually are," Buck deadpans. Eddie glares at him. "Ask them anyway."
"Fine, but if you laugh at me, you're walking the rest of the way." 
"No I'm not," Buck says, grinning when Eddie lifts a disparaging eyebrow at him, "but continue." 
"Okay, first of all, do you drink blood?" Eddie asks. Buck fights back a smile at the earnest and mildly concerned curiosity in his voice. 
"Sometimes," he answers honestly. "Not always. Bobby's cooking tastes better anyway." 
"Can you turn into a wolf?" Eddie asks, and it seems that now he's started, he can't stop—the questions keep coming. "If you can turn into a wolf, are you like, a vampire wolf? Do you drink wolf blood? Or do you still drink human blood as a wolf? Is it like a video game buff, where you stop being a vampire when you're a wolf? Or are they stackable, so you're both at once? Or—"
"Oh my god, Eddie," Buck cuts him off, unable to stifle his laugh this time. "Did you just compare my life to a video game?"
He was expecting shock, disbelief, maybe even anger, because those would be logical reactions to discovering the supernatural. But really, this response is just so Eddie. 
"Hey! I told you not to laugh," Eddie gripes half-heartedly. "Don't make me stop this car." 
"I'm sorry," Buck gasps out between bouts of laughter. "That's just—you're so ridiculous, I'm sorry—"
He dissolves into laughter again, and Eddie just makes a grumbled noise of indignation. They drive for another block before Buck gets a handle on himself again, enough to actually answer Eddie's questions.
"Okay, okay, I'm good, I'm done," Buck says, shifting in his seat and trying to compose himself. He sits up and holds his hand up, counting on his fingers as he answers. 
"Yes, I can turn into a wolf. No, I don't drink wolf blood. I mean, I guess I could? But I don't have to. I don't even know how that would work," he pauses and considers for a second, before shaking his head and continuing, "anyway, no, I don't drink human blood as a wolf either, but I guess I could do that too. If I wanted. And no, it's not like a video game buff, that's so—"
He snorts again, quickly covering his mouth to stifle another chuckle. "Sorry, sorry, I'm not gonna laugh again, I swear." 
"You can turn into a wolf," Eddie repeats. He's still looking at the road, but his voice is awestruck. 
"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Buck admits, "I'll show you sometime, maybe." 
Eddie goes quiet for a moment, and they're just pulling into his driveway when Buck speaks again. 
"And I'm not 'both at once' or whatever," he explains, "I'm a hybrid. It's like, a third option. An entirely seperate thing." 
"So you're..." Eddie thinks for a moment, "...a vampwolf."
Buck stares at him, face twisted into a mildly offended grimace. "Absolutely not." 
"A vampirewolf," Eddie says, turning to climb out of the truck. 
"No," Buck says. He follows him out, grabbing their bags from the back on his way. 
"Werevampire?" Eddie tries. He pays his pockets for his house key. Buck raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him.
"No," Buck says, pulling the key out of Eddie's back pocket and handing it to him. Eddie smiles gratefully at him and moves to unlock the door.
"Wampire," Eddie says, and Buck just looks vaguely disgusted.
"What are you doing?" 
"Well I can't just call you a hybrid," Eddie tells him, "that sounds too clinical. It's weird. What am I supposed to call you?" 
"Just call me Buck, man." 
"Terrible idea. How about a...vaere-volf," Eddie puts on an over-the-top fake accent, sounding like a character out of an old Dracula movie.
"I hate you," Buck says, and steps inside. "Can we order a pizza?" 
"Yeah, I was thinking of trying that new sauce," Eddie agrees, "with the garlic and chicken? It looked good." 
"Sounds alright," Buck says. "You know I'll eat pretty much anything."
He flops onto the couch and grabs Eddie's laptop, pulling it towards him and flipping it open to make the order. He's just clicking onto the pizza place's website when Eddie suddenly looks up and says, "Hold on." 
"What?" Buck looks up at him. 
"Can you even eat garlic?" Eddie asks. He looks worried, suddenly. "I thought vampires couldn't have garlic? Dogs can't have garlic. Does that apply to werewolves too? Was I about to feed you something you're allergic to?" 
"Slow down, dude," Buck says, trying not to laugh again. "The garlic thing, about vampires, is a myth. I love garlic. I want so much garlic on this pizza. It's fine." 
The honest concern on Eddie's face is a little endearing, if Buck is being honest. He knows Eddie is just asking all the questions so that he can understand, and that's fine. It's nice, even.
"Okay, okay. As long as we're not ordering anything potentially dangerous for…" Eddie pauses, thinking, and then grins cheekily at Buck. "...a were-pire."
Buck just groans. "No."
Later, as they're finishing up the last slices of pizza and watching the end credits of a Marvel movie scroll across the screen, Eddie turns to look at Buck again.
"Just one more time," he says, "remind me this is really happening." 
"Definitely happening," Buck says.
"Remind me you're not just fucking with me," Eddie says.
"Definitely not just fucking with you," Buck assures him again.
"Okay," Eddie says, and seems to finally settle into the idea. "Can I see the teeth again?" 
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This is the Impala episode, isn't it?
I've heard so much about it
Dean's wearing shots AND THEY'RE NOT SHOWING US???
that's just MEAN
they washed the car so, of course, it's raining
a case! werewolf?
wtf is Sam drinking
a green brownish smoothie? dude!
"What's a Netflix?"
awww Cas wants to help
poor dude
Time heals all wounds, especially good times 😏 😂
wow, where's Sam tho?
mistakes were made? 😂 Sam has a girl over
Dean checking out the girl smh
Oh my God I'm in love with this sideway shot of Dean lipsinging
awwww brothers on the road together
Okay I really missed that
and it's making me miss the road so much
Is everything a Bob Seger song to you? 😂
One night wonders!
Brothers being brothers and discussing finding happiness
Okay we really needed this episode, to reconcile with them
Wow wtf
baby John, too
the fuck
he's got a point though, when has Death ever stopped a Winchester?
a message: The Darkness is coming
Ah, truth time
the visions, the message, the prayer, being infected
God, their dad, dreams, family
- Good night, jerk
- Night, bitch
missed you two ❤️
A werewolf/vampire hybrid?
A werepire!
Dean and naming things 😂
Dean and letting people touch Baby 😂😂
Is this girl just STEALING Baby?? 😂😂😂
they're having fun! 😂
She's gonna get fired for sure hahaha
Dean's checking around all stressed
Cas watching Orange is the new Black 😂
"A werepire, you might say. Come on, I know you wanna say it."
"In the lore, it's referred to as a Whisper."
"That's lame."
Sorry Dean
wow thanks Cas for the continued information, but Dean definitely isn't listening
"Dean, what is that? Dean?!" Cas is so worried!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
omg it's still going! Cas is still talking alone 😂😂😂
this man IS an angel!
so they're still driving with a window covered in blood
Cas! again ❤️
Nachzehrer wow, had to rewind the subtitles to spell that one
ghoulpire !
Charon's obol, mhm
copper coin
Nerdiness is Sam's second middle name
Sam Research™ Nerdiness Winchester
Oh this woman's bad news
This is so sus
she's gonna kill them, isn't she
oh well she's definitely trying
man this car sees a lot
Sam's running after the car and shooting 😂
and now she's singing, mhm
cool 🙄
He needs an army to fight the darkness, mhm
I mean, we're on the same team there bud
turning people into monsters isn't gonna help tho
wow, all the windows, broken again
and the front's probably fucked up too
and fully covered in blood
I hope they desinfect the inside of the car sometimes, because there's body fluids of all kinds in there 😬😫
Ah, there we go Baby, thanks for still working ❤️
Awww Sam
you know what, this is Home ❤️
the Impala
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easypeasybreezy · 5 years
These Days Are Ours
IT’S STILL THE 31ST!! I am the master at meeting deadlines XD. Anyways, this was written for @idabbleincrazy‘s song challenge. My prompt was Happy Days. Also fills the square Hurt!Sam/Protective!Gabriel for @gabriel-spn-bingo :)
~1400 words, Sabriel, rated T, canon typical violence. Also, this is a song fic fffff.
Summary- Sam and Gabriel are stuck on a case and run into some trouble.
Sam stabbed at his salad as the sounds of the Cunninghams working through whatever problem they had this episode blared on from the TV in the middle of the diner. Gabriel sat across from him at the table, eating his dinner without a care. This was their seventh day working this case, and their seventh meal at this nearly empty diner that always seemed to have Happy Days playing on loop. One week of not getting anywhere on this case, and one week of alone time with Gabriel.
At first Sam was thrilled to be on a case with Gabriel while Dean, Cas, and Jack were doing their own thing. But being in his constant presence was starting to wear him thin, even with the amazing nights they had in the hotel room. Plus, neither he nor Gabriel could figure out what they were hunting, and that was worrying. The stupid diner with its classic television wasn’t helping matters either.
“I swear, if I have to listen to one more episode of Happy Days, I might go insane,” said Sam, unable to keep quiet about it anymore.
Gabriel looked up from his pasta. “Hmm, you don’t like it? But the Fonz!” he exclaimed, then he started to hum the theme song.
“I don’t care,” Sam answered, abandoning his fork on the plate. “It’s just, we’ve gotten nowhere on this case for a whole week, and this diner that we have to eat at cause it quote, ‘has the only edible food in town’ seems only capable of playing Happy Days on the extra loud TV.”
“Well, it is the best food,” Gabriel said with a grin, taking another bite and continuing to hum the song.
“And you, it’s like- like you don’t even care!” Sam felt a headache coming on from his incessant humming. “Stop! Just, stop,” he snapped.
Stopping mid-hum, Gabriel looked at Sam with a frown. “Why don’t you tell me how you really feel,” he muttered, pushing the noodles around with his fork.
Sam sighed, feeling bad about lashing out. “Sorry Gabe. I love you, but I still need some alone time. Being together twenty-four seven is tiring.” 
Gabriel froze, his mouth hanging open, fork centimeters from his face. He slowly set it down, then regained his composure. “You do?”
“I do what?” Sam questioned, annoyance melting into confusion. Gabriel didn’t offer any hints, so Sam thought back to what he had said. Then it hit him. “Oh my god. Did I just-?”
“Mhm,” Gabriel nodded at him. 
“Wow, um okay, I’m just gonna, uh, go to the bathroom real quick.” Sam quickly pushed his chair back and stood up, bumping the table as he left. The glasses shook but nothing fell, so he made his exit without a look back. 
Did he really just say he loved Gabriel? They were technically dating- but actually, were they? Maybe it was more a friends with benefits thing. They never really talked about labels, or feelings, or anything like that. For that matter, did he love Gabriel? Sam thought about his trademark grin, the way his eyes would glint when he told a joke, him standing on the bunker staircase wings spread out behind him, and was almost shocked when he realized that yeah, he did.
He turned into the hallway leading to the bathroom with a groan. Whatever their situation was, there was no way Gabriel could actually love him. Leaving the table was the right decision- he couldn’t face Gabriel’s reaction.
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days,
And great, now the next episode was starting, and he had to hear the theme song. Hopefully the sound wouldn’t reach the bathroom.
“Sam Winchester.”
Spinning around to see who said that, Sam felt a burning hot pain across his side and stomach. He fell to his knees with a gasp, hand moving to his body to find blood spilling out. 
“I was getting bored waiting for you and your angel to find me,” the voice continued. 
Sam could now see the man in front of him, seemingly normal in his tan jacket and jeans, but with bloody claws protruding from his fingers. 
These days are ours
Happy and free. 
“Sam!” Gabriel ran in from around the corner. He looked momentarily stunned by the sight in front of him, but then his face grew serious. “You get away from him.”
The monster smiled, and Sam was surprised to see fangs grow in his mouth. Was he an actual werepire? Sam almost felt bad that Dean wasn’t there. 
“Or what? You couldn’t even find me,” he jeered, brandishing his claws
Feels so right it can’t be wrong,
Rockin’ and rollin’ all week long.
Gabriel moved in front of Sam, blade appearing in his hand. “You’re nothing to me,” he spat out, anger seeping through his calm demeanor. 
Growling, the monster rushed towards Gabriel who deftly stepped aside, dodging the attack. The fight ended in a flash as after mere seconds Gabriel stabbed the monster through the chest.
“You will never hurt Sam or anyone again.” Gabriel pulled his blade out with a grunt, then swung it around. The monster’s head landed on the ground with a thump.
Saturday, what a day
Groovin’ all week with you
Maybe it was the lack of blood getting to him, but Sam couldn’t take his eyes off of Gabriel, finding the scene incredibly attractive. But then he felt his strength leaving him and fell back against the wall. Gabriel ran to his side, kneeling on the ground next to him. He moved his arm out of the way to inspect the wound, grimacing. Then Gabriel positioned his hands over it, and Sam realized what he was doing.
“You can’t- your grace is still too low,” Sam protested.
“Shut up,” Gabriel shot back. His hands started to faintly glow.
These Happy Days are yours and mine (oh Happy Days)
These Happy Days are yours and mine, Happy Days.
Somehow through the haze, Sam realized that the song was over. Finally. At least that wouldn’t be the last thing he heard. Sam refocused on Gabriel, his breath growing labored and vision narrowing. “I’m sorry,” he managed to get out.
Gabriel let out a frustrated groan. “I love you too, okay?”
Sam gasped as the wound slowly started closing. He could feel Gabriel’s grace coursing through him, his strength returning. Gabriel’s hands started to shake, but then all the pain was gone. He was completely healed. Removing his hands from over Sam, Gabriel smiled, then fell back next to his legs.
“Gabriel!” Sam scrambled up on his knees next to him. 
“I’m okay,” he groaned, pushing himself up and sitting. “Just need a breather, whew.” Gabriel wiped sweat off his forehead, his hand shaking. 
Only then did Sam realize what Gabriel had just confessed to him. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he decided to grab Gabriel’s face and pull him in for a kiss. Thankfully he was well enough to kiss back, though maybe with enthusiasm than he’d usually have. Sam pulled away after a few moments. “Thank you,” he murmured, then chuckled breathlessly, removing his hands. 
“What is it?” Gabriel asked, a small smile on his face. 
“Nothing, it’s just I- I guess we are dating.”
Gabriel let out a disbelieving bark of laughter. “Yeah Sam, we are. I suppose the declarations of love helped you with that one. You know, after all the sex we had.”
Sam felt a little dumb, and couldn’t help the flush that spread across his face.
“Now let’s get out of here. I did just chop the head off some guy.”
“Uh, yeah of course.” Sam had almost forgotten the headless corpse a few feet away from them as he was so caught up in the moment. He helped a still unsteady Gabriel off the ground and supported him as they made their way to a side door. “Maybe, should we- the body?” Sam asked as they were halfway out the door.
“Just leave it,” said Gabriel, waving a hand in dismissal. “Their food actually wasn’t that good.” 
“Yeah,” Sam chuckled, then let the door shut behind them and headed towards the car. 
When they got inside, Gabriel spoke up. “You were right, Sam. I wasn’t being serious enough with the case.” Then he paused and frowned before continuing. “Also, Happy Days does suck, and I’m fine with never hearing that song again.”
Laughing, Sam pulled the car out of the parking lot and sped away from the diner. “I couldn’t agree more.”
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Stanuary ‘19 - Week Two: Travel
I haven’t had my laptop for over two weeks, so I couldn’t really write for Week One (which is all right, since I didn’t really have any ideas for that anyways).  But I sat down and wrote up something for Week Two today, ending my writing hiatus.  It takes place in my Werepire AU, where Stan is a vampire and, while living out of his car, picks up a werewolf girlfriend.  It’s great, in my humble opinion.  So here, have an encounter from the sitcom I really want to see, of a vampire and werewolf on a cross-country trip.
              “Country roads, take me home, to the place I-”  Stan reached over and changed the radio station.
              “Hey!” Angie protested, looking up from the National Geographic she had grabbed at the last gas station.
              “I don’t listen to that crap,” Stan said calmly.
              “John Denver is not ‘crap’.”
              “Fine.  I don’t listen to country.  Better?”
              “Marginally.”  Angie changed the station again.
              “Cut it out!”  Stan turned the dial back to his preferred classics station, shooting a glare at Angie as he did so.  “Even if I did like country, the driver picks the music.”
              “Nuh-uh.  Shotgun picks the music.”
              “What universe are you from, where shotgun picks the music?”
              “If I l knew, I’d tell ya,” Angie said.  Stan glanced away.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Angie go for the dial.  He grabbed her wrist.
              “You really wanna do that again, toots?” he asked, flashing his vampiric fangs at her.  Angie bared her teeth, showing off her own enlarged canines.
              “Ya really want to call me ‘toots’ again?” she retorted.  Stan chuckled and let go of her wrist.
              “You give as good as you get, you know that?”
              “Yes, you’ve told me that before.”
              “I appreciate a chick with a mouth on her,” Stan continued.  Angie rolled her eyes.
              “Where are we?” she asked, looking out the window.  Stan shrugged.
              “Dunno.  After we got away from those vampire killers, I just took off without a plan.”
              “Pretty sure that’s been what’s goin’ on the entirety of our cross-country trip.”
              “Less of a plan than usual.”
              “So, a negative amount of plan, then.”
              “Shut up,” Stan muttered.  Angie snickered.  “I’ve just been following this…I dunno, gut feeling.”
              “Gut feeling?”
              “Like wherever we’re headed is wherever we’re supposed to be.”  Angie nodded silently, still staring at the trees outside. “That sounded dumb.”
              “Gut feelings often do.  But that don’t mean yer not supposed to trust ‘em.”  Angie smiled sweetly at him.  Stan smiled back.  There was a loud ding.  Stan looked at the dashboard.
              “Shit, we’re low on gas,” he muttered.
              “We passed a sign a while back sayin’ there’s an exit comin’ up.”  Angie squinted outside.  “Yeah, I see somethin’.”
              “I see it, too.”  Stan took the exit.  The turn led them directly into a small town.  Angie watched the buildings with a small smile.  “Some Podunk town, looks like.”
              “Yeah.”  Angie leaned against the window.  “I like it. Feels familiar.”
              “Why?” Stan asked.  Angie shrugged.
              “Don’t know.”  They drove in silence for a few moments before Stan spotted a gas station and pulled up next to a pump.  Stan and Angie got out of the car.  Angie stretched languidly.  “Good timing. I was gettin’ antsy.”
              “It’s the wolf in you,” Stan said.  Angie snorted.
              “Nah, I’ve always been like this.  I’m goin’ to go get a snack.  Want anything?”
              “If they’ve got it, O positive,” Stan said dryly.  Angie kissed him on the cheek.
              “AB positive all right?”
              “Eh.  I guess.”
              “Yer cute.”  Angie headed into the gas station.  Stan leaned against the car to watch the pump.  After a few minutes, he glanced at the gas station.
              What’s taking her so long?  A shot rang out.  Stan froze.  What the- was that-  There was another shot.  Shit!  He took off, bursting through the doors of the gas station.
              “I’ll be with you shortly, sir,” an employee said politely.  “Just got to take out the trash first.”  The employee, who was aiming a shotgun directly at Angie’s chest, cocked the gun in an overly casual manner.  “Stay still, she-wolf.  If I’m off by even an inch, you won’t die instantly.  You’ll suffer.”
              “I-” Angie started.
              “Shut up.”
              “Hey!” Stan barked.  The employee looked at him.  “What the hell are you doing, man?”
              “Look, you’re not from around here, so you don’t know about our werewolf problem, but I can’t pass up the opportunity to take down a bitch.”
              “Say that about my girlfriend again, you piece of shit,” Stan snarled. The employee lowered his gun.
              “She’s your girlfriend?” he asked.  Stan nodded.  The employee sighed tiredly.  “Great. Now I gotta dispose of two bodies after my shift today.”
              “You’re not gonna dispose of squat.”  Stan ripped the shotgun out of the employee’s hands.  Stripped free of his weapon, the employee swallowed nervously. “Beat it, while you’ve still got a pulse.”  The employee ran out of the gas station.  Stan looked at Angie.  “What happened?”  Angie tugged on her hair anxiously.
              “I don’t know!  I- I was just- I found a bag of beef jerky, I went to buy it, and next thing I knew, there was a barrel in my face.  I ducked out of the way of the first two shots, but then I couldn’t avoid it and-”
              “All right,” Stan said, cutting off her rambling.  “Just get a buncha snacks and we’ll bounce.  We need to get away from this batshit town as soon as possible. We’ll figure out what exactly happened once we’re outta here.”  Angie nodded. Stan hovered by the door, glancing outside every now and then while Angie grabbed various bags of chips and beef jerky.  Once her arms were full, Stan opened the door.  She rushed outside, closely followed by Stan.
              “How did he know I was a werewolf, though?” Angie hissed at Stan.  Stan shook his head.  He unlocked the car.
              “Beats me.  You really didn’t do anything…werewolf-y?”
              “No!  I didn’t even say anything!”  Angie tossed the snacks into the backseat.  “I-” She whipped her head around and stared off into the distance.  “Do you hear that?”
              “Hear what?”
              “That!”  A faint howl echoed.
              “Oh.  That. Well, the guy did say that they have a werewolf pro-”  Without warning, Angie threw back her head and howled.  “Angie!  What the fuck?”  Angie’s eyes widened.  She clamped her hands over her mouth.
              “I- I don’t know why, I just- I had to-” she whispered.  Her eyes widened further.  “We’ve got company.”  Stan turned around.
              “Sometimes it takes more than one person to take out the trash,” the employee from earlier said. He gestured at the small crowd of people gathered behind him. “Sometimes it takes a-”
              “Mob?” Stan interrupted.  The employee scowled.
              “You have a real big mouth, he-wolf.”
              “He-wolf.  Really?” Stan shook his head.  “I’m not a werewolf, just so you know, but I’m still a offended for them.”  A tall man frowned at the gas station employee.
              “He’s right, Randy.  That man’s not a werewolf.”
              “Exactly!” Stan said.  “And neither is my girl, you dick.  Werewolves don’t exist.”
              “That was a lie,” the tall man said.  He glared at Angie.  “She’s a werewolf.”  Stan shuffled over to stand in front of her.
              “Werewolves don’t exist,” he repeated.  The gas station employee – Randy – marched over, a smug look on his face.
              “Yeah, they do, mister.  And your ‘girl’ is one.”
              “Really?”  Stan turned to look at Angie.  “Ang, why didn’t you-”  He spun around, grabbed Randy roughly, and sunk his fangs into the employee’s neck. The mob Randy had gathered let out various shouts of disgust and shock.  Once satiated, Stan let go of Randy, who collapsed onto the ground.  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand in an exaggerated manner.
              “Good god,” the tall man said in a hushed voice.  Stan bared his fangs.  The mob as a whole backed away.
              “You guys came prepared for a werewolf, not a vampire,” Stan said.  He grinned viciously.  “I suggest you get going, before our backup shows up.”
              “Backup?” someone in the mob queried.
              “Yeah.  When my girl howled earlier?  She was calling the rest of her pack,” Stan lied.  He nudged Randy’s prone body with his foot.  “Her pack…and my coven.”  A howl carried through the night air.  Stan chuckled darkly.  “That’s them. They’re coming.”  He kicked Randy closer to the mob.  “Take your garbage and get outta here!”  The mob dispersed.  A few people hurriedly picked Randy up before scattering.
              “You didn’t kill the guy, did ya?” Angie asked once they were alone at the gas station.  Stan sighed.
              “Not like last time.”
              “Not like last time.  It was tempting, though.  That dick tried to kill you.”
              “That’s why I wondered if ya killed him.”
              “Too many people saw our faces.”
              “Ah.”  Angie stood on her tiptoes to kiss Stan’s temple.  “Thanks fer savin’ my life.”
              “Eh.  Think of it as payback for you saving my bacon with those vampire hunters,” Stan said with a shrug.  Angie chuckled.
              “Ya have to pretend to be all tough and have no feelin’s, don’t ya?”
              “Pretty much.”  Stan opened the car door.  “Let’s blow this popsicle stand, already.”
              When they were on the road again, Angie reached for the radio knob.
              “Ang…” Stan started.  Angie silently turned the radio off.
              “Where are we headed?” she asked quietly.  Stan eyed her.
              “That whole thing shook you up, huh?”
              “They knew I was a werewolf somehow.  Even though I didn’t do anything to indicate it.  Yes, I’m unnerved.”  Angie looked out the window.  “So.  Where are we headed?”
              “Still followin’ yer gut?”
              “Yep,” Stan grunted.  Angie nodded. “Unless you had a different idea.”
              “No.  Honestly…” Angie sighed.  “I’ve got that gut feeling, too.  We’re goin’ to the place we need to go to.”  She looked out the window.  A sign flashed by.  “Huh.”
              “Looks like the place we’re supposed to go to is called Gravity Falls.”
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theriverscribe · 7 years
Sam- how would you feel about a prank war between everybody within the bunker?
 “Oh, God!!”
Sam clamps a hand over his mouth, realizing how loud he’d been.  His eyes dart toward the door, half expecting to see a cluster of bodies listening in.  The hallway appears empty–he doesn’t trust it.
“You can’t use those words around here,” he continues in an angry whisper.  “That kind of war will only lead to tears and destruction.  And that’s only if Dean’s involved!  You know he put Nair in my shampoo once, right?  That shit didn’t just make my hair dissolve–it burned my scalp!  And you can’t use burn cream and a hat at the same time.”
He runs a hand through his curls, as though to reassure himself that it’s all still there.
“Dean and I get out of control with pranks way too easily.  Now, you want to add Gabriel?  Gabriel, who lived as a Trickster god for centuries?!  Are you trying to kill me?”
“Who’s trying to kill you, Sammoose?” Gabriel asks, flying in behind the boy.
Sam twirls around, hand still in his hair, and barely contains a scream.  “No one!  Go away!!”
Gabriel stares at him, eyes narrowing in suspicion.  “Uh huh, wanna try that again?”
“No one!  Go away!!” Sam repeats in Enochian.
Gabriel laughs.  “Nice try, you little shit.  Extra points for effort and sass, though.  I’d credit to my own influence, but I’ve known you too long.  Now,” he puts on a serious face, “why are you freaking out in the kitchen and who do you think is trying to kill you?”
“Just…the usual, you know.  Demons, werepires…”
“Werepires?  What the hell’s a werepire?” Gabriel interrupts.
Sam continues like he doesn’t hear him, suddenly speaking too rapid and low for normal ears to follow, “You-and-Dean-in-a-prank-war…”
“Oh, Sammy.”  Gabriel’s eyes light up gold as a mischievous grin slowly curls his lips.  “Never fear, my young apprentice.  If a prank war were to break out, I’d definitely claim you for my team–and I always win.”
Send your Character Asks to @spn-bythegraceofgod​!
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goober826 · 7 years
What I used to think spn was like before watching it
-they usually die once an episode -Sam and Dean were like??? Half-demons who liked to kill people??? -lots of pentagrams?? ? -Dean has an angel boyfriend named Destiel ?????????? -it's REALLY confusing and shitposty and has almost no plot, mostly just people getting killed for no reason and stupid humor -Destiel REALLY likes bees? -Destiel is also a pure innocent boy who just follows Dean around sometimes? People on tumblr get mad when he's not on an episode -does god get mad that Destiel has a demon boy boyfriend??? Probably ??? Is that why people say he fell outta the sky????? -Destiel dragged Dean out of hell?? He's a demon so shouldn't he stay there????? Maybe they kill demons bc they're trying to bring him back -once I saw a gif on tumblr where that werepire got his head cut off while Cas was on the phone and I still had a gore phobia back then so I scrolled down quickly, but how I interpreted it was that the werepire was actually Dean, and Sam was in the background like just casually doing whatever and Cas was on the phone watching Netflix. I realize I wasn't too far off in a sense of how that kinda summarizes the show. -Sam just has REALLY long hair -Dean loves pie and squirrels?? And Destiel?????
-Dean is VIOLENTLY bisexual -they do NOT like eyeballs in their soup -Demons don't like salt, I guess? -Hunting demons is their equivalent to building snowmen -Once my friend tried to tell me about Mystery Spot(which I thought was about Dean having to die at least once a day for like a year, he would remember it too) and she told me about how once Dean choked on a sausage and how another time Dean slipped in the shower but I misheard her and mixed it up so basically I thought Dean was eating a sausage while in the shower and then slipped and choked on it, dying. I have to say I was really disappointed when I actually saw the episode. -there's this one scruffy redneck everyone likes??? Anyways he thinks kids are supposed to eat your food and break your heart -Dean wants to make out with his car and will screech in attempts to obliterate anyone who threatens it -their mom just burned on the ceiling lol -oh also I thought John died in that fire too -I also thought Dean was like 10 -I also also thought Dean raised Sammy alone in a shack from then on. Literally don't ask, I don't have the answers. -in spn the demons are chill and angels suck apparently -except Cas -Cas likes to suck something else -speaking of something else I also thought Lucifer once sexually tortured Sam. I don't know either. -everybody's gay and edgy
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