#oh wait im not im just saying that for kay lol
kimetsu-chan · 2 months
I don’t think I should be allowed to move out lol
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rapilne · 16 days
Anime Club Membership | Soobin Au
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#pairing: soobin x f!reader.
#genre: fluff | #w.c: ~4000+
#synopsis: soobin is in love but has an anime club membership and is convinced this is a problem
#notes: I started this a while ago and it was dying on my notes until I woke up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep. it's kind of long a not a lot happens but I thought it was cute and it was fun writing it cause im in my soobin feelings era. tbh wanted to make it smutty but I tried once and I realized im horrible at it so it won't happen again. happy reading if you read it :p
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Kai is currently struggling to figure out the ramyeon machine at this fancy new convenience store. It's way bigger and flashier than the usual spots they frequent, and the selection is overwhelming—thirty flavors of ramyeon, some he's never even heard of.
“Why are there so many buttons?” Kai whines, exaggeratedly pouting. “Making ramyeon shouldn’t be this complicated. Seriously, there are like a hundred different liquids you can get from this thing. Do you think this one’s for hot water? It’s got a steam drawing on it.”
“You’re the one making it complicated,” Beomgyu says lazily, reaching over and pressing a button. “You can always just push it and find out.”
Turns out the steam drawing stands for chai, actually.
Kai’s eyes widen in shock as he watches his ramyeon turn into a chai latte. Beomgyu bursts into laughter, unable to contain himself as he glances at Kai’s horrified expression. “Oh man, I’m so—”
“Tell him something, Soobin!” Kai pleads, desperate for backup.
Soobin, wide-eyed as he stares at the cup in Kai’s hand, opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, the cashier lady shushes them from behind the counter. Kai’s cheeks turn bright red with embarrassment.
“Sorry,” Kai apologizes sheepishly, flashing a lopsided grin that usually works like a charm on the ahjummas in his sister’s apartment building. But this time, he’s met with a blank stare.
Beomgyu struggles not to laugh again, covering his mouth, and Kai briefly considers finally punching him. Instead, he glares at Beomgyu and turns back to Soobin, whispering, “Hyuuung! Do something!”
“What’s he gonna do, exactly?” Beomgyu chuckles, taking the ramyeon cup from Kai’s hands. He sniffs it, scrunching his nose at the smell. It reminds him of that old Play-Doh his cousin dared him to eat when he was eleven. “He literally can’t take me in a fight,” he adds, casually tossing the cup into the trash.
Soobin scoffs, visibly offended, forgetting the ramyeon situation instantly. “I can so take you in a fight.”
“Nu-uh,” Beomgyu replies, sing-songing his words.
“I actually—”
“You know you still have to pay for that, right?” A sudden chilly voice behind them interrupts. They all jump, turning around to face the scary cashier lady. Beomgyu might have squealed a little.
“Yes, ma’am,” the three say in unison.
The lady throws them one last unimpressed look before turning back to the counter, mumbling something that makes Kai’s cheeks flush again.
“This is your fault, Beomgyu. You’re paying for it. After I beat you up,” Soobin says, trying to sound firm.
“Beat m—” Beomgyu laughs out loud, placing a hand on Soobin’s shoulder. “You mean just like how you beat me in LoL? Oh, wait—that never happened.”
“Uh, hear that? It’s the sound of the crowd disagreeing,” Beomgyu interrupts, hand behind his ear, a mocking smirk on his face.
“Actually,” Kai lifts his index finger and then adjusts his imaginary glasses, “I’m the crowd, and I’m on Soobin’s side.” He swiftly interjects on the elder’s behalf, secretly he has his doubts, but he’s also defending his own cause. “Soobin, fight him.”
Soobin watches as Beomgyu lazily plops down onto a nearby chair, already looking bored. Leaning back, Beomgyu rests his head on his interlocked fingers, raising his eyebrows. With a cocky smirk and his tongue poking his cheek, he taunts, “Yeah, Soobie-boobie. Fight me.”
You’d think with Beomgyu sitting down and Soobin standing over him, the younger might feel a bit intimidated, but it’s Soobin who squirms, eyeing Beomgyu’s almost lazy expression. There’s something positively deranged about his look, Soobin thinks.
“Uh, well,” Soobin chuckles nervously, “You know what? I thought about it, and I’m not up for any fighting today. I, uh, recently joined this club where we discuss important stuff. You know, like social issues and, uh, philosophical debates.” He turns to Kai. “The morality of using force on weaker people is something we discussed, so…”
Beomgyu decides to ignore his last jab and straightens up. “Important stuff, huh?” he teases, unable to contain his amusement. “Sounds like code for ‘anime marathon with your nerd friends’ to me.”
It’s been almost a month since Jihoon, his former TA, discovered they share a passion for anime and manga. He invited Soobin to a ‘gathering’ where they discuss their favorite shows, debate the best characters, and organize screenings of new episodes. Beomgyu likes to call it the “ultimate hangout spot for anime nerds.”
“Well, I mean, we do discuss important themes in anime,” Soobin admits with a pout.
Kai chuckles, forgetting his ramyeon mishap. “Hey, nothing wrong with that,” he says, offering a supportive smile. “I also think anime is about important stuff.”
“Thank you, Kai,” Soobin says, dimples showing. “Seriously, it’s all really cool. Beomgyu wouldn’t understand the appeal. It’s not like he’s capable of thinking about anything serious for more than two seconds.”
Beomgyu feigns offense, standing up and placing a hand over his heart dramatically. “Hey now, I’ll have you know I’m a very serious person,” he protests, lips in a full pout, his tone dripping with mock seriousness. “I also understand it’s all very cool. So cool, in fact, that it’s the perfect topic to impress Y/N with, right?”
Soobin’s cheeks go red. He’s always been quick to blush, but this time it’s because Beomgyu’s words hit a nerve.
Ever since he first laid eyes on you in the introductory course, captivated by your pretty smile and blushed cheeks as you introduced yourself to the class, Soobin knew he was a goner. He’s never been one for crushes, not even in high school, so it’s as if fate saved all his affection for you. Looking back, Soobin realizes he’s never appreciated Beomgyu’s loud, extroverted personality more than when his friend boldly approached you to introduce himself—and Soobin too. (Did he already say thank you?) From that moment on, you became friends, and with each passing day, Soobin’s admiration for you only grew stronger.
“Yeah, right,” Soobin mumbles, trying to brush off Beomgyu’s teasing with a weak smile. “Guess that’s really gonna make her swoon.”
The memory of your comments some nights before he heard you exchange with one of your mutual friends about who you find especially attractive, plays in his mind, fueling his insecurities. “Dance majors I guess? Like Yeonjun. You guys are friends, right?” you had said.
Beomgyu sighs, sensing Soobin’s mood shift. “Ah, come on, Soob,” he says, bumping his shoulder gently, his tone softer now, realizing he might have gone too far. “You know I didn’t mean it. It’s not like Y/N’s going to judge you based on your anime club memberships.”
“It’s just one club,” he mumbles in a small voice when Kai chimes in. “He’s right, hyung!” Kai says, smiling brightly as he puts both hands on Soobin’s shoulders. “Besides, who knows? Maybe she didn’t really mean anything by it! Like, I think Soyeon is really hot, right? But I have no interest in actually going for it. She’s scary. So, maybe what Y/N’s really into is people like you!”
Soobin can’t help but let out a nervous laugh at his friend’s attempt to reassure him. “Right, Kai.”
Beomgyu then claps loudly, making Soobin jump. “That’s it, then! No more pouting from you, Mr. Naruto Pokémon,” he says with a grin, making Soobin scoff. “And Kai, I’m sorry about your food. I promise we’ll come back with Taehyun tomorrow to figure this bad boy out. Now let’s get you some tteokbokki from Mr. Kim’s shop,” he adds with a reassuring nod, dragging his friends out of the fancy convenience store.
As the three of them strut out, with Beomgyu complaining nonstop about paying for something he didn’t even eat, Soobin can’t help but overthink—it’s what he does best, after all. People like him, Kai said. No one has ever called him hot. Cute, sure. Sweet, even. And yeah, he knows he’s good-looking—people have told him as much—but he’s also convinced that people like him can’t compete with the Yeonjuns of the world, with their style, dance skills, and effortless coolness. Can he ever be like that?
Deep down, he knows his friends are right. He knows you’re not the type to judge someone for liking anime or joining clubs. But the weight of his feelings for you, combined with the pressure he puts on himself, makes him doubt his worth every time. He’s got to figure out how to be okay with who he is and hope that’s enough for you to notice him—really notice him.
With loud thoughts in his head he kicks a tiny rock, chis foot catches on a crack in the pavement. He trips, and for a split second, he sees the ground rushing toward him.
He looks around and sighs realizing no one notice, but walking along the sidewalk, as he watches kai animatedly explain demon slayer’s plot to a bored looking beomgyu, the nagging doubt keeps lingering in the back of his mind telling him that the gap between friendship to something more is as big as… well, as big as the difference between Tanjiro and a low-level demon, he supposes.
The surge of excitement pulses through you as you finally find yourself at the Seventeen concert, a dream come true made possible by Soobin’s miraculous ticket acquisition. You shoot him a grateful look, your smile stretching wider than ever, and Soobin mirrors it, glowing with the same enthusiasm. “I can’t believe we made it!” you shout over the music. “You’re seriously the best ever, Soobin!”
Your entire being radiates with happiness as you look at the stage with wide eyes, hands reaching up and a grin that refuses to fade as you scream the lyrics to a song he vaguely remembers hearing once. He’s always been more of a girl group stan.
Then, as if drawn back to reality, your attention returns to Soobin. “Oh my god, I still can’t wrap my head around how you got these tickets! They were gone in seconds!” you shout to be heard over the music, but Soobin hears you just fine.
“Well, you know how it goes,” Soobin leans closer with a tiny smirk. “The perks of being multi-talented, well-connected, universally adored…” he quips, though the reality of getting those tickets was far less glamorous. His older sister works for a big-shot media company and managed to snag these tickets. He owes her a thousand favors. But for you, it’s worth it, he thinks.
You chuckle. “Always humble, I see.”
“No, seriously,” your tone shifts, “this means the world to me. Thank you, Binnie.” Your sparkling eyes focused on him, and your sincere words send a hint of color to Soobin’s cheeks, subtle and noticeable to only him.
“Enough with that,” Soobin whispers, trying to keep the moment light. “You’ve already thanked me like a hundred times over. You know I would do anything for you.”
Did he—did he really just say that? Was that too intense? Do you now think he’s too intense?
Before he can start overthinking, your radiant smile washes over him once more, and he feels a weight lift from his shoulders. 
“What you need to do now is enjoy the concert,” he says, trying to change the topic. “Or you’ll blink, and it’ll be over.”
“YOU’RE THE BEST!” you yell once again, jumping in place before pointing at the stage. “Look, look! The performance team! I’d miss my own wedding before I miss this. Have you seen Hoshi tonight? He’s so hot, I swear to god…”
He’s well aware of your fondness for the K-pop group’s performance team, particularly Hoshi. You’ve made it clear enough, and Soobin has never given it much thought.
As the concert pulses around him and he watches you scream your lungs out for the dancers in front of you, Soobin’s mind begins to wander, connecting dots he never realized were there. Taemin, Kai, Momo, —your list of biases reads like a who’s who of dancers. He remembers your comments about dance majors like that kid Hyunjin and his own friend Yeonjun. And now, here you are, gushing about Hoshi and the entire performance team with stars in your eyes. He’s never, ever seen you like this.
As the gears in his mind whirl, he reaches for his phone, opening a familiar chat without hesitation.
The concert ended about two hours ago, and Soobin is currently looking down at his phone in the stall of the bathroom at the only Thai place opened at this hour. He’s having the best time of his life with you, and it suddenly came to him that he must do everything in his power to get you. Hence why he scrolls until he finds the familiar name. He’s positive he’s never pressed a button faster.
And he is a fast button presser, if you ask him.
“Hey Soob, sorry I didn’t call, just saw your text and—” the line answers after a few rings.
“Teach me how to dance,” he urges as soon as he hears Yeonjun’s voice.
“Hey Yeonjun, how are you? Just peachy, thank you! What about you, my good friend? I’m pretty great too, actually, just happy to say hi to—”
“Hyung!” Soobin interrupts with a yell. “This is a life-or-death situation! No time for this!”
“No time to even say hello? After everything we’ve been through?” Yeonjun’s joke echoes a bit. “By the way, I just put you on speaker, and Tae’s here.”
“I don’t—”
“Why did you just do that?” Taehyun’s voice interrupts Soobin’s from his own side of the phone.
“Did wha—?” Soobin starts, but gets cut off once again. He realizes he’s not talking to him at all as he hears a conversation between his two friends on the other line.
“Why did I do what, Tae?” He hears Yeonjun ask.
“You just let him know I’m on speaker as if you’re warning him.”
“What? What I would warn him about?”
“Exactly!” Soobin hears his friends bicker. “I don’t know what you two don’t want to talk about while I’m here.”
“Are you serious? Taehyunnie, is this what I’m thinking? Because jealousy is not a cute look on you.” Yeonjun laughs. “Well, you know what? It might be—”
“STOP!” Soobin yells into the phone. “If someone needs to be warned about something, it’s me about your flirting.”
“We are not flirting!” Taehyun yells on the line. “Actually, you should be the one who’s flirting. Aren’t you on a date with Y/N right now? Why are you on the phone?”
“It is not a—well, I never specifically said the word date when I asked her to—you know what? It doesn’t matter! What matters is that there’s an emergency!”
“An emergency?” Yeonjun’s voice now sounds closer. “Hyung, what’s going on? Are you okay?” Taehyun continues.
“Yes! An emergency! That’s literally the first thing I said!”
“You never—”
“And no! I’m not okay! I’m the protagonist of a tragedy, and the plot twist? I’m not just ‘not okay’—I’m the complete opposite, like if ‘okay’ ran away and left me stranded in a dumpster fire of chaos.”
“Uh-huh,” Taehyun hums, catching on to Soobin’s melodrama. “If I recall, the very first thing you said was rudely demanding Yeonjun dance lessons. Honestly, Hyung, I don’t know why we keep falling for this kid’s theatrics.” Soobin groans as hears Yeonjun’s light laugh in response, followed by a quiet, ‘you’re right.’ “And seriously, why do you even want to learn to dance? Didn’t you have a strict ‘no dancing’ policy?”
“Well, that is why it’s an emergency. Like I said, a life-or-death situation. I need to revoke this policy and become the best dancer there is.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I don’t know how else to tell you how serious I am. Life or death, Yeonjun!”
“Stop saying that! You’re not dying. Well talk about it later, JUST GET BACK TO HER”
Soobin’s mind races as he walks you back to your place after the dinner. He’s hyper-aware of every step, every word that comes out of his mouth. It’s like his brain is stuck replaying moments from the concert, analyzing every little thing you said or did. 
“I still can’t believe how close we were to the stage,” you say, your voice tingling with leftover concert adrenaline. “Did you see the way they moved? Hoshi is unreal!”
There it is again. Hoshi. The name has become a ghost haunting Soobin’s thoughts, a reminder that he’s no dancer. He’s no Hoshi. But then you look at him with that smile, the one that makes his heart do a weird flip, and he almost convinces himself that you might feel the same way. Almost.
“Yeah, he’s pretty good,” Soobin replies, trying to sound casual, but his voice comes out a little too high-pitched, a little too forced.
You glance at him, eyebrows raised in amusement. “Pretty good? Soob, he’s like, one of the best dancers out there!”
He completely understands you’re being a fan and freaking out about seeing your favorite artists — just one week earlier he was crying at the mere sight of KARA performing in front of him (he tells everyone he’s a casual listener. Soobin has never been casual about a single thing in his life.)— but he can’t help but run his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah, I mean… sure. He’s great,” Soobin stammers, “But, you know, dancing isn’t everything.”
You stop walking and turn to face him, your expression shifting to something more serious. Soobin’s heart sinks and he’s two second from permanently loosing it, really.
Why did he say that? What did it have to do with anything? You’re going to think he’s crazy, worse, you’re going to tell him that you wish he were more like Hoshi, more like Yeonjun, that you need someone who can dance and—
“No, you’re right. Dancing isn’t everything,” you say softly, taking a step closer to him. “Soobin.. I..I just wanted to tell you that didn’t come to the concert just for Hoshi or the performance team or the group. I came because I wanted to be there with you.”
His heart skips a beat, and for a moment, hope flares up inside him. But then the little annoying-world ruiner- voice in his head creeps back in. Do you know? Oh my god, you must know he likes you and the stupid ass voice keeps whispering that maybe you’re just being polite, just trying not to hurt his feelings. He’s Soobin, your cute, sweet old friend who’s always there, but never the one you’re actually interested in. 
You chuckle, a light, airy sound that sends a shiver down his spine. “I mean, sure, I appreciate good dancing. But you’re right, you know?”
He thinks that if he opens his mouth nothing good will come out of it, so he just nods and hs mind runs back on his earlier conversation with Yeonjun and Taehyun. The dance lessons. That is it— when learns to dance, he can finally be the kind of guy you’d notice, the kind of guy you’d actually want.
You continue walking, and he falls into step beside you, his body catching up before his brain.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, wondering why he seems so distant all of a sudden. 
“Soob,” you start, trying to break through whatever wall he’s put up, “did you have fun tonight?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah! Definitely. It was awesome,” he replies, but even he sounds weird to his own ears. He’s trying hard not to ruin a perfect night more than he already did but at this point he’ll hold a grudge against himself for the rest of his life.
You stop again, this time taking his hand in yours to make him look at you. The warmth brings him back to reality, and he stares at you, wide-eyed and confused.
“Are you sure?” you ask, searching his face for any sign of what’s bothering him.
He opens his mouth to say something, but the words get stuck in his throat. You’re so so close, so so beautiful and all he can think about is how much he wants to kiss you, but he’s convinced you don’t feel the same way. So, instead, he just nods, giving you a small, strained smile. 
You sigh, dropping his hand, and for a split second, he wonders if he really did ruined everything. He might as well just dig a whole and crawl inside it, but you start walking again and he follows.
“Okay, but if something’s bothering you, you know you can tell me, right?” you say, trying to keep your tone light, even though you’re a little frustrated that he won’t open up.
“Yeah, I know,” Soobin mumbles. Once again kicking himself mentally for not being able to just say what’s on his mind and be a normal person.
The rest of the walk is filled with a comfortable silence, but it’s the kind that makes Soobin’s thoughts race even faster. He’s so wrapped up in his own head that he doesn’t notice the way you keep glancing at him, trying to figure out what’s going on.
When you finally reach your door, you turn to him, your heart pounding in your chest. It looks like you want to say something and he hopes is not a revelation that you actually hate him for ruining a perfect night, but all that comes out is a soft, “Goodnight, Soobin. Thank you for everything. It was the best night ever.” 
“Goodnight, Y/N, im really glad” he replies, his voice barely above a whisper.
You hesitate for a moment, then lean in to kiss his cheek. 
“Sweet dreams,” you say with a smile, before disappearing inside.
Soobin stands there, staring at the closed door, mind all fuzzy. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down, but it’s no use. His critical thinking skills went away with you so he doesn’t know what to think other than to become the best dancer you’ve ever seen. Because he’s that dumb and because maybe, just maybe, if he does, you’ll look at him the way you looked at Hoshi tonight.
Somehow Soobin didn’t make you not want to see him ever again so, the next day, you two are back at your place, ready to binge-watch this new drama Soobin’s been waiting to start since Beomgyu said it was the best thing he ever saw, but he’s having real trouble focusing on the screen. Every laugh, every breath, every time you shift closer, sends his heart racing.
You, on the other hand, are trying your best to get his attention. The way Soobin’s been acting lately is nothing less than confusing. One moment he's making dad jokes and making you laugh till your sides hurt, the next, he's lost in thought, as if he’s not even there. 
Halfway through the episode, you stretch your arms above your head, letting out a dramatic yawn as you lean into Soobin’s side, your body brushing against his making his pulse quicken.
Soobin freezes, his eyes widening. "You okay?"
"Yeah," you murmur, nuzzling closer, "Just comfy. Is that alright?"
His heart pounds in his chest. "YEah! Comfy is… good."
A tense silence comes between you two and you can faintly feel the TV in the background, but neither of you really hears it. You’re so close now that Soobin can feel your breath on his neck and he feel to himself that he needs to stop acting like a fourteen year old being alone with a girl for the first time now. He’s convinced this is the moment where you’ll feel how fast his heart’s beating and realize how hopelessly in love he is with you and then you’ll freak out and it’ll all be over and-
“You’ve been acting weird lately,” you say, “Is everything alright?”
Soobin nearly chokes on his own tongue. “Me? Weird? Nope not at all! I’m—uh—totally normal. Just…normal Soobin... behavior.” He clears his throat, trying to play it cool, making you scoff a little.
You raise an eyebrow. “Normal, huh?” You shift even closer, your hand brushing his thigh. Soobin tenses, heat rushing to his face. “Because you’ve been acting like there’s something's going on. Something you’re not telling me.”
“I—” Soobin starts, but you cut him off by placing your hand over his, your fingers lacing together. The simple gesture makes him shiver all over, and suddenly, word vomit is coming out out of his mouth before he can stop them. “You’ve been talking a lot about dancers lately.”
“Dancers?” you repeat, genuinely puzzled.
“Yeah, like Hoshi, and Taemin, and—and Yeonjun,” he says, the last name coming out quieter, almost like he’s embarrassed. But he already started and he’s not sure he can come back from that and from the confused look on your face, he’s sure he can’t sink any lower. So he goes for it… as much as he can, anyway. 
“I just thought—well, I thought maybe you liked them. Like, really liked them. And I’m not, you know, a dancer. So I thought…maybe I should.. that you don’t…”
Your eyes widen in surprise, and then you burst out laughing. Not the reaction Soobin was expecting. “You think I don’t like you because you’re not a dancer?” you manage to say between giggles. “Soobin, that’s-- no! That's ridiculous!”
Soobin’s face turns bright red, and he pulls his hand away turning towards you completely “It’s not ridiculous,” he mutters, pouting slightly. “And it’s not just that, it’s about the whole vibe I bring to the function! I just… I’m trying to be someone you’d actually like.”
You scoot closer, closing the gap he just created. “Soobin, I already like you. A lot. And not because of some dumb reason like dancing. I like you, Soobin.”
Soobin blinks, completely caught off guard. “You…like me? Despite… everything?”
“No, Soobin. I don’t like you despite everything you are, I do exactly because of it. I like pretty much everything about you.”
“Rea…lly? Even the fact that I… have an… anime club membership?”
You roll your eyes playfully, your hand finding its way back to his thigh, your fingers trailing up his inner leg. “Yes, Soobin, I like that too. Honestly, I’ve been trying to get you to notice for weeks now, but you’ve been so oblivious! I was starting to think I’d have to spell it out for you.”
“Well, you kinda do,” he says, still processing your words. “Because I’m clearly not the brightest when it comes to this stuff.”
You grin, your eyes glinting with mischief. “Well, then. How about I show you instead?” You lean in, your lips brushing against his ear as you whisper, “Would that help you understand?”
Soobin’s breath hitches, and he nods slowly. He thinks he might explode any second now. Is this really how he wants to die?
You move to straddle his lap, your hands resting on his shoulders as you look down at him with a playful smile, and the answer is yes.
He stares up at you, his hands hesitating at your waist, not quite believing this is real. “Are you…are you sure?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Positive,” you murmur, your lips inching closer to his. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
And just like that, you kiss Soobin.
He melts right into it and his brain registers it so, so slowly, and once it hits him that you are kissing him, — that he is kissing you,— his arms wrapping around you as he finally lets himself believe that this is real.
As the kiss deepens, you pull back slightly, your forehead resting against his as you both catch your breath. “So,” you whisper, your fingers tracing small circles on his chest, “are you finally convinced?”
Soobin grins, his dimples on full display and his mind full of you. “Yeah,” he says, his voice filled with awe. “I think I am.”
You smile back, leaning in for another kiss, but this time, Soobin surprises you by pulling you even closer, his lips moving against yours with a newfound confidence. The kiss turns more intense, your hands tangling in his hair as his grip on your waist tightens.
When you finally break apart, both of you are breathless, faces flushed with excitement. Soobin looks up at you, “I can’t believe this is finally happening.”
“Believe it,” you say, brushing a strand of hair away from his forehead. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”
Soobin’s breath is intense, his body reacting  to your proximity and your voice.His hands roam up to your back, fingers pressing into your skin as he pulls you even closer, the heat between you growing almost unbearable.
You slide your body against his, your hips grinding slowly, deliberately, as your lips meet his once more in a passionate, fervent kiss. Soobin’s hands grip your hips, guiding you against him with a need that matches your own.
And as for the dance lessons? Well, Soobin might still take Yeonjun up on that offer—if only to keep up with your pace.
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sunohws · 8 months
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no rules - kang taehyun
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pairing: fwb!taehyun x m!reader
synopsis: you and Taehyun are fwb and in order to not spoil their friendship, Taehyun imposes some rules on the relationship . . . (there's actually no other way to describe this.)
word count: 0.8k
a/n: ssfw :3 . . . this is also very VERY cringey... beware. also this has been in my drafts for over 2 weeks. um.. i may or may not have forgetten about it when i was revamping my profile. LOL!
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Taehyun had four set rules when they first started out: first, no sex while they were on a busy schedule, i.e. at the time of performances, promotions, or tours; second, avoid unnecessary caresses; third, no kissing on the mouth; last but not least, no sleeping together, especially after sex.
These were four simple rules, but y/n hated them with all his heart. He knew that he could not break them, nor could he complain to have them eliminated, and finally he understood that Taehyun had them set for a reason. The Korean man had talked about something to do with the chemistry of human emotions and how not respecting them would cause a romantic attachment on the part of them, which would inevitably end their friendships.
Maybe Taehyun had exaggerated or been dramatic? you couldn’t tell, it was better not to risk it. And it’s not that you didn’t believe that, in fact, you didn’t care. Considering that you were already in love with Taehyun, nothing could make it worse. But you couldn’t tell his friend, or it might not only shake their friendship, but also with the group dynamic, more than the casual sex they had.
Which you thought was too little, considering everyone was busy with performances and touring for the last few months, a situation mentioned in Taehyun’s rules that left you with calluses on your hands, if you know what I mean.
You understood this, of course it was necessary to focus on work, to avoid distractions. However, in your humble opinion and perspective, even during work, they need to relax a little, even take some risks… And that is why you were in Taehyun’s room, lying half-naked on his bed, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom.
Originally, Huening Kai was supposed to be sharing the room with Taehyun, but fortunately, with your wit and persuasion – and a bit of bribery - you managed to swap places with the maknae. When Taehyun finally emerged from the bathroom, his gaze wandered in surprise and confusion to see your figure on his bed. And to your delight, Taehyun’s gaze also showed interest.
“No.” he said seriously, interrupting you before you could even say anything, causing your smile to crumble. “We’ve talked about this, not during concerts and promotions.” He said slowly, making sure that the other understood. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh come on.” You huffed, standing up and approaching Taehyun, wrapping your arms around his larger body. You smiled when your realize, Taehyun didn’t pull away. “You’re so tense…”
You just nibbled Taehyun’s ear in response, fiddling and messing up his hair and, damn, Taehyun was so hot. You already felt as hard as a stone to have him in his arms, clean and smelling good, wearing only a robe, since knowing him well, he probably wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“Are you an animal or what?” Taehyun gasped, failing to maintain a serious posture in front of the elder man, exposing his neck and giving you more room to act. You, who is no fool (ur super smart), immediately took advantage of this, leaving a trail of kisses on his skin as he ran his hands alonf the others body. A stronf and tasy body, just the way you likedit.
To be honest you still found it surreal the situation you were in, having a beneficial friendship relationship (im sorry wtf) with none other than Kang Taehyun, his crush…
“Y/N, seriously, we’re not even home…”
“But we are alone. And the reason why you don’t like to have sex with me when we are on tour or performing is because you’re afraid that you wont be able to dance the next day, but we don’t have a performance tomorrow.” You insisted, as you untied Taehyun’s robe a bit. And well, he didn’t stop you.
“pfft, I can’t believe you said that.” Taehyun laughed and patted your chest. You weren’t lying. “And look at you, as excited as I am.” You smiled, opening your robe. Taehyun narrowed his eyes and looked at you with an expression that should have been threatening but failed miserably.
“Well, just this once.” Agreed Taehyun.
You didn’t need anything else, you grabbed the boy by the thighs and lifted him while Taehyun whined and laughed. The tasty echoing laugh that made your heart warm up and squeeze. “Oh Y/N, you’re like an animal in heat, all impatient.” He scoffed, and you just smiled broadly as he threw him onto the bed, crawled over him and opened his robe.
“When it comes to you yes. And don’t pretend to be any less perverted than I am.” You added, whole nibbling and teasing one of his nipples. Sure, you would love to kiss Taehyun now, but you were already breaking a rule and maybe it was better to not push your luck… You didn’t want or need to think about that right now.
At that moment, it was just sex between friends with benefits. And while you were not so good at playing that role, you were certainly good at fucking Taehyun and making him forget everything.
And that’s what you did.
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im throwing up in a good way kind of. why is this so cringe. lord! um um yeah um yeah mhm, i think yep sorry for how cringey this was.
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warmsol · 2 months
im curious why elia allows kai to get away with disrespecting her relationship so much? i understand her assuming the best for people but his hatred for makoa and his constant ignoring of manners ((Like if they were alone koa was touching elia like he was Kai would lose his mind)) is conflicting meee not a hater i promise this drama is so juicy im just curious to know whats going thru her mind!!!
nooo you’re not a hater, i totally get what you’re saying! we are going to see what’s happening in her head once we move forward so i don’t want to reveal too much. but we can dive into it a bit!
it’s clearly evident elia has a difficult time with setting boundaries, especially if it involves someone she deeply cares about. she’s a people pleaser and extremely passive until she reaches a breaking point. (which has been her biggest downfall as we’ve seen in lune) that being said, off screen her and kai have had a platonic relationship that’s been pretty healthy and respectful. they’ve become close friends and have learned to avoid certain topics (makoa, lol) which has helped them maintain said friendship. aside from kai’s little jokes/digs about makoa here and there, which she shuts down, elia hasn’t experienced behavior that would make her angry. and i want to emphasize, makoa is aware of their friendship. while it can annoy him at times, he understands she cares for kai. he trusts elia, and he doesn’t view kai as competition anymore, more so a pest. (and obviously as of now he isn’t aware of what kai has said or done upon his arrival, so that is subject to change of course.)
now considering their friendship has been long distance, and is maintained via phone.. it’s been easier to avoid any awkward or uncomfortable encounters. they haven’t been around each other physically in a while. they haven’t learned what it’s like to be friends in a shared space. when they were around each other this much in the past, it was while they were romantic. so now, the lines between friends and ex lovers are feeling a bit blurred. being around elia, kai feels heavily drawn to her, the subtle touches feel reflexive and normal for him. as for elia, i’d say it’s a mix of, “oh.. why does this feel normal?” and “wait. what the fuck.” she hasn’t fully processed what is happening, or how to navigate it.
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coleszzzworld · 1 year
Yandere College jock! x reader (she/her pronouns)
Authors note-(hey besties 🫶🏼tbh i don’t know if this will post but I was reading yan jock stories and I wanted too make one lol🧍🏽‍♀️anyways lmk if y’all like this I’ll definitely make a part 2 if y’all do!)
Y/n (your name )
Kai Martinez -(jock)
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Football games are supposed too be fun.
That’s what everyone says . But here I am sitting in the front row outside watching our school team lose. I was dragged here by my friends with promises of a good time . Instead our school team is losing by a few points. “Yeah we’re gonna lose “ I say sitting down on the cold metal seats , as my friends cheer our team on , “cmon y/nnn at least show a little school pride ! “ my friend says as she chirps with joy , “nah I’m good .” I say responding nonchalantly, “cmonnn you don’t even have too scream or anything ,at least stand cause nobody else is sitting! “ she says still clapping for our team, I agree and stand up . The golden boy , the superstar of the team … Kai martinez he makes eye contact with me for a good 4 seconds , I stare at him with a confused look on my face , that look when someone’s staring at you and you don’t know why .
We are still down on our luck. We are 3 points away from winning. Eventually both sides take a break . And my friends ask that I get snacks for the final game I agree . I walk down from the stand, making my way too the concession not paying attention too where I was going. I eventually make contact with a hard chest , eventually knocking me on my butt . “I’m sorry I wasn’t looking!!” I said looking at the floor then up . My eyes meets beautiful gray eyes . “Oh! I- I apologize I wasn’t looking where I was going either!” Wait a minute I know that voice anywhere , i break eye contact. Kai Martinez. Like I said the superstar. Everyone knows him .we have chemistry together but I don’t really talk to him and when I did it was only questions about whatever thing we were doing in class. He holds out his hand I eventually take it getting up , “oh! Y/n I apologize! “ , “it’s fine don’t worry about it Kai “ I say as I wipe my hands on my pants cause their was a little dirt on them , “well I never expected you too be here y/n , I’m surprised you came ! “ he says with a slight smile . If he was a dog he would be a golden retriever for real. “Your saying that like I came here for you .” I say looking at him . “I- I didn’t mean it like that ! I apologize!” He says his cheeks getting red a little, “I’m just fucking with you Martinez! “ I say joking with him ,”well I gotta go Martinez , you better win! Do it for the school, or do it for me what ever you like !” I say still joking with him , I walk away not even thinking about what I started.
Eventually the game starts back up , and Martinez starts too body the other team which inspire the rest of the team. Eventually we win . Everyone starts too scream and celebrate the game . that victory was sweet . Maybe football games were fun .
After all the celebrating, me and my friends start too leave . Them already walking in front of me then stopping to chat too other people and amongst themselves . And once again I bump into Kai “y/n! Did you see me win? Did ya!?” He says getting all excited, “I did Martinez! , congratulations! Im guessing my little motivation helped?” I say looking up at him smiling, “it did ! Thank you y/n I really appreciate it ! “ he says picking me into a hug , very werid but he’s happy so I’ll let it slide , eventually he puts me down waiting for me too respond “well you are very happy” I say chuckling a little bit “we’ll see ya later Martinez ,and once again congratulations!“ I say as I walk away catching up with my friends. I didn’t even realize the sad look on his face .
“I wish you didn’t have too leave y/n your the reason I won . I did it for you “ he whispers .
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midnight-black2 · 4 months
prompt #8 with kai please 🙏 u can choose whether they're playing spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven
mwah thank you 😚
pairing : kai (voyagers) x reader
synopsis : uhh what the req says
disclaimers : kissing, mentions of sex, pretty mild since it's just spin the bottle lol
note : sorry this took me like three days to post ! i finished it, and lowkey forgot to schedule it for posting like a dumbass bro. anyways, enjoy !
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everyone had gathered in a circle, wearing excited grins and cheeky smirks. zach had told you all about a game named "spin the bottle," which was apparently common back on earth. it was a game that involved kissing, which was enough to persuade the entire crew to play. ever since everyone stopped taking the blue, the idea of any physical contact seemed heavenly.
zach placed an empty glass bottle in the middle, that he managed to snag from the cafeteria. everybody watched the boy move, awaiting his next action.
"the rules of this game are simple. you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on, you have to kiss," zach explained, wearing a smirk as all eyes were on him. it was forbidden, and almost felt sinful to kiss another person, and that's exactly why everyone was so eager to play. it was now their chance to revolt. you, on the other hand, were simply in it for the ride. i mean, you'd be lying if you said the idea of kissing someone turned you off, because it certainly didn't. however, you weren't actively seeking for someone to make out with.
"now who's going first?" asked zach, looking around the circle. eyes flitted around the group, and only one was willing to volunteer.
"i will," kai stated confidently, as his mouth contorted into the same smirk zach wore. everyone turned to him, and he seemed to like the attention. without another word, he got up, and gave the bottle a forceful spin.
it was awhile until the bottle came to a stop, and you weren't paying much attention. you were picking at your nails, oh so confident that the bottle wouldn't land on you. but, when you felt many eyes burning into you, you had finally looked up.
and there everyone was, staring at you.
and there the bottle was, also staring at you. the tip was directly in front of you. there was no mistaking that it landed on you. when you had met eyes with kai, he had this complacent look. you sighed, because you were secretly praying that you wouldn't have to actually end up kissing anyone. unfortunately, your prayers were not heard.
although...there was a fortunate side to this. kai was an attractive man, it was just his attitude that made you want to slap the absolute shit out of him. and now, with everyone staring at you intently, you had finally gotten up. kai followed suit, and you two met in the middle of the circle. everyone was whispering amongst themselves, waiting for one of you to actually do something.
kai was unmoving, there was something holding him back, but his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. so that left you, and without another thought, you attached your lips to his. he kissed you back with a sort of fervor you couldn't miss. he let out a very very small noise, that nobody else but you heard. it was a high-pitched hum, which made you kiss him even harder.
your hand flew to the back of his head, forcing him closer to you, as his hands rested at either side of your face. almost subconsciously, you had slipped your tongue into his mouth, and he invited it. you could feel his smirk against your lips, but at that point you didn't even care. it was insatiable, and you hadn't noticed just how long you two had been at it until someone had cleared their throat in the circle.
you pulled away, and the both of you were breathless. it was awkward, but i suppose all things after everyone stopped taking the blue were. there was kissing, and hickeys, and even sex. it was so animalistic, and at the end of the day, you were all just teenagers. no one knew what they were really doing.
"surprised you guys didn't just fuck then and there," zach said, and everybody erupted into chuckles and soft laughter. you felt a twinge of embarrassment pool in the pit of your stomach, but you didn't let it show. as you went to sit back down, kai did the same. eventually, the night progressed, and it became less and less weird. the game was almost...entertaining.
the entire rest of the game, kai couldn't take his eyes off of you. he was checking you out, and not so subtly. god, this was exactly what you didn't need.
and it was then that you knew, your relations with kai would not end at just kissing...
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐩𝐭.𝟐 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭? 🌚
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
Ninjago Tickle Headcanons!
A/N: I cannot hold back anymore the brainrot is too STRONG- I’m rewatching the entire series rn and I literally missed my boys so much and being able to scream about it with my friend has only made me even more obsessed LOL so here we are with some headcanons about my SONS!!! In my original watch of ninjago I only made it to the first episode of rebooted, and I’m currently on the third season so i’m almost to where I left off! I love these little dudes so much so pls no spoilers for later seasons but MAN I just needed to yell about them a tad hehehe
MY BABY BOY OH GOODNESS i love him and he’s so tickly it’s not even fair for him
he’s ticklish pretty much... everywhere. but he’s extra tickly on his tummy and ribs
the other ninja will tickle him a LOT especially in inconvenient situations because Lloyd is so ticklish he just crumples
they found out he was ticklish when he was still little and trying to reach something on a high shelf and kai held him up to help him and he shrieked
he got tickled to bits after that and i don’t think a single day passes by where he’s not tickled at least once
HE ALSO REALLY ENJOYS IT sorry not sorry but he does
he didn’t get a lot of affection growing up so whenever his bros tickle him he loves it and they all know it
when he first became an adult one of the first things they tested was making sure he was still ticklish LMFAO it was actually so funny because Kai was like “wait is Lloyd still ticklish??” and they immediately tested it
of course, he still was, because when you’re that ticklish there’s almost no way to grow out of it
he has almost no ler bones in his body poor boy
he can sometimes get Jay and Kai (if Kai lets him LOL) but he has absolutely no chance against Zane and Cole especially
Sometimes when they’re training they tickle Lloyd and claim that its to test his reflexes but really they just wanna hear his little squeaks
he’s a little squeaky toy bro... poke him and he jumps and squeaks and then his giggles are really squeaky too
when he was younger they started tricking him into tickles like “Lloyd, can you get the laundry basket?” then immediately tickling his ribs so he ends up dropping it LOL
he still falls for it when he’s older. there is no helping this poor boy
Sensei Wu also tickles him sometimes, but he’s more subtle about it to the point where Lloyd can never tell if he’s doing it on purpose (spoiler alert: he always is)
Kai is nicer with his tickles but he can be a bit silly sometimes and will tickle him to bits
He tickles him sometimes without thinking about it because Lloyd is just so tickly and because Kai is just naturally very physical in how he shows his bros he cares about them I SOB
Jay is evil and will tease Lloyd like “I thought you were the destined Green Ninja!” and Lloyd is just in stitches by the end
Jay always gets wrecked by Kai or Cole afterwards tho
Zane is a methodical tickler but he doesn’t tickle Lloyd as often as the other ninja
He waits until it’s a good moment (he doesn’t catch him by surprise or tickle him while he’s doing something) and then just quickly tickles his ribs
Cole is absolutely evil with Lloyd because he’ll give him a big bear hug from behind and then tickle the snot out of him LMAO
Sometimes he’ll just hold Lloyd up while the other bros tickle him and he’s just a mess by the end
Lloyd sometimes tickles Kai and is probably the only one besides Zane who knows about the spot behind his knees hehe and he uses it to his advantage when they’re training
Lloyd also can get back at Jay because Jay is the only one who comes close to Lloyd in terms of ticklishness
also sorry i forgot to mention it when i was reading back over these but. wiggling ur fingers at him? he is a puddle. THERE IS SOME WONDERFUL FANART HERE OF EXACTLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT everyone say thank you for the wonderful food sleepy!!!!
basically i am a firm believer in lee Lloyd and I think he should be tickled to bits
please tell me i wasn’t the only one with a crush on kai.... please
OKAY UHH ANYWAY he’s also very tickly not nearly as much as Lloyd but MAN he can get got good if you know where to get him
He’s especially ticklish behind his knees, but his feet, hips, and sides are really ticklish too
Only Lloyd and Zane know about the spot behind his knees but he isn’t safe forever with that LMAO and if Cole and Jay find out he’s done for
He cackles bro and it’s so funny because he’s just being dramatic for the most part
Cole one time got his feet in an armlock and just obliterated him and Kai almost lost his voice because he was hollering so much PLS
Kai got his revenge later but he was so tired he literally could not move from that spot for a hot minute
Kai used to tickle Nya a lot when they were younger and before he joined the ninja, but he’s not really used to being tickled as much as he gets tickled now
(this is probably why he’s so dramatic lolol)
tickling is very common among the ninjas and they are often in tickle fights and whatnot which Kai was not expecting when he first decided to join
i like to think that him getting tickled to bits was what officially “initiated” him into the group
I think he’s probably the best gamer of the group, so the only way to actually beat him is to catch him off guard and tickle him LOL
Zane one time was sitting out of the video game everyone else was playing and he sat behind Kai and immediately went after his hips and Kai lost his mind lol
He lost that game miserably and then Cole and Jay and Lloyd insisted that the loser should get tickled and he’s like “But Zane was just tickling me! That’s not fair!”
He got tickled even more after that game lol
Lloyd will tickle Kai in tickle fights and when everyone else is ganging up on him because it’s one of the only times he has a chance lolol
Kai doesn’t mind when his bros tickle him as long as he can tickle back, but sometimes he just needs to take it
Lloyd one time managed to pin him during a sparring match and Kai was like “okay okay you win now get off” but Lloyd tickled him behind his knees until Kai was screeching lolol
Cole and Kai butt heads sometimes and used to settle things through arm wrestling before they decided that wasn’t fair at all considering how physically strong Cole was, but once when they were arm wrestling, Kai bribed Jay to tickle Cole so he could win
Cole ended up tickling both of them to bits poor dudes
Jay would get tickled by Kai a LOT when he first found out that Jay had a crush on Nya because hes like “bro you CANNOT get with my sister that’s bro code!!”
He doesn’t mind now because he knows Nya likes him too, but he still tickles Jay jokingly about it
Kai is naturally very warm, so when it’s colder out, the ninja will pile up on top of him in search of warmth
Cole joked and said that tickling him might make him even warmer and Kai couldn’t fight back as they decided to test that
Zane was like “He came up by 0.89 degrees!” and then they were like “Okay now whenever we’re cold we tickle Kai!”
He is doomed to be the ticklish human heater from now on
our favorite nindroid!!!!
he’s probably the least tickly out of the other ninja but that’s only because he has a little slider switch thingy where he can turn his ticklishness off and change how ticklish he is
it used to be turned off before he found out he was a robot, so when they found out he turned it on and set it on low
he hasn’t told the others how to make it any higher, but sometimes he sets it a little bit higher because he sees his bros laughing and hes like “that looks so fun”
(he’s left it at medium now and he thinks thats good enough but it might change in the future)
He’s very tickly under his arms and on his ribs!!
He’s very very giggly when you tickle him, but sometimes if you catch him by surprise or get a really good spot he’ll gasp and then get more giggly hes so cuteee
He’s very alert and knows when people creep up behind him so it’s really fun when one of the bros manages to catch him off guard
Sometimes Cole will scoop him up under his arms and hold him up so everyone else can gang up on him LOL all he can do then is kick a bit and laugh
Zane wasn’t tickled much before he met the other ninja, but he still enjoys it because he likes being closer to his bros which he feels like tickling does
since Zane is very methodical about everything and always calculating things in his head, he’s practically memorized every tickle spot between all the ninja and he definitely uses it to his advantage
He knows about Cole’s shoulders and Kai’s knees and then Jay and Lloyd are open books LMAO there is no hiding tickle spots on those two
He’s also kind of like an opposite Kai! Kai is the human heater, but Zane is the... well, AC Unit
They all pile on top of him when it’s really hot out and of course that makes it really easy to tickle him so they take advantage of that
There are also times where he gets stuck in his own ice (like his foot gets stuck or he accidentally freezes his arm to the wall LOL) and then his bros also take advantage of that bc it’s just a perfect opportunity
Cole tickles Zane most often, but thats because Cole is just an absolute tickle monster
Zane prefers to be tickling his bros rather than being tickled, mostly because he feels like he’s going to shortcircuit sometimes
He thinks tickling Jay is fun because Jay will just curl up and take it because he’s so tickly lolol
Zane is so freaking funny when he’s tickling his bros because. he doesn’t tease. but he will absolutely analyze them and point stuff out to embarrass them
“Why aren’t you trying to get away? Do you like this?” “You seem more ticklish here than on your belly, is that true?” “Why aren’t you fighting back? Too ticklish?”
He doesn’t even mean to point stuff out that’s just how he is but his bros are constantly embarrassed
He’s just a tickle menace basically!
i love this idiot so much ohmygod i wanted to squeeze him but if I squeezed him he would scream. he is too tickly
he is unfortunately ticklish everywhere! But he’s especially ticklish on his hips and his tummy!
The spot where his thighs and hips meet is a KILLER for him too, like if he gets got there he’s going to be hollering in like. seconds
Before Lloyd joined the gang, Jay was basically the tickle equivalent of a punching bag LMAOOO poor guy got tickled nonstop
He’s also a tickle menace tho! He can get his bros really good if he wants to
The only problem is that if someone starts to tickle him while he’s tickling them, he’s absolutely done for
He just curls up or crumples and then he’s free real estate for being tickled
One thing he’s mean about is sometimes he shocks people a little bit with itty bitty zaps and makes them shriek
They aren’t painful zaps they are just so tickly and they leave a lot of tingles there and the bros are mad that he’s able to do that because they can’t really use their stuff for any of that (except Lloyd but he’s too shy)
Speaking of, when Lloyd showed up, Jay was very quick to start tickling the snot out of him just because it was so easy to just. poke him
Jay is really mean with teases, but not in like a mean mean way! he is just silly and knows how to tease all his bros
He knows how to tease Cole and Kai especially well (comes back to bite him quite often! poor dude) and Lloyd you just need to wiggle your fingers at him and he’s already giggling LOL but Zane is a bit more difficult to tease
Jay has made it his mission to figure out exactly what makes Zane extra giggly because no one else has cracked that case
Jay is really easy to gang up on so he is tickled quite often
He doesn’t mind being tickled, but he prefers when he’s either tickling someone else or when he’s just watching from afar
If Nya tickles him (which she does occasionally) he absolutely malfunctions
Zane joked one time that he had a shortcircuit and asked if Jay was secretly a nindroid as well, which made Jay pout for the rest of the day LOL
Kai would tickle him a bunch when he first found out about Jay’s crush on Nya, and Jay has ever since declared that he would get Kai back for all those times
Lloyd one time heard Jay say that he still hadn’t got Kai back and Lloyd was like “well i know his secret spot” and Jay immediately tried to get it out of Lloyd, which ended with Lloyd getting tickled to bits
He didn’t spill the beans because Kai managed to save him (and himself!) but if he hadn’t shown up then Kai might’ve been a goner later on lolol
Now Jay is trying to figure it out himself (he might eventually! look out Kai!)
i’m still laughing about tickle punching bag. pls help me come up with a better name for that
Cole is my big bro and i love him so much he’s amazing
He’s not super ticklish, but he’s still got a few spots that have him reeling
he’s got really ticklish shoulders! Cannot take shoulder massages there it’s so cute bro but almost no one knows
He’s also ticklish on his ribs and his sides!
He’s seen as the tickle monster of the group, mostly because he’s strong but also because he isn’t as tickly
He’ll bear hug and then tickle anyone within a 10-foot radius, and sometimes he just holds someone up to be tickled by anyone else who happens to be in that 10-foot radius lolol
Cole is kind of evil because whenever he wrestles with one of his bros he tickles them even after he’s clearly won and makes them admit that he won (mostly bc Kai, Jay, and Lloyd can get a bit salty about losing wrestling matches lol)
Zane has learned to immediately declare that Cole won to avoid being tickled, but then Cole decided to take it a step further with Zane. so now he makes Zane say that Cole is the coolest ninja which Zane doesn’t always say lol
I think that even though Cole is very strong he’s also very soft (SOBS) and loves to dote on his bros
this 100% involves tickling them
he’s not as good with words as he is with physical things, so if one of his bros is feeling down or upset, he’ll sit with them and talk a bit then try to cheer them up with a few tickles
he also will tickle his bros or give them noogies or just overall be super sweet when he’s really excited for them!!
he is just!!! the best!!
He doesn’t really like being tickled himself, but he doesn’t mind as much when it’s his bros
when Lloyd was younger, Cole would literally act like a tickle monster and chase him around before tickling him (he still does this tbh!)
sometimes he likes to fake mad to trick someone into tickles which works very often he is so silly
like he’ll lose at a video game and cross his arms and pout until Kai comes over and is like “sorry bro, I - DO NOT TICKLE ME NOO” its so freaking funny!!!
Cole thinks its hilarious how easy it is (especially with Kai and Lloyd) and he thinks its fun when he just drags them down and tickles the snot out of them and they’re like BETRAYAL!
so yeah. tickle monster Cole real!
I WANT TO WRITE MORE FOR THESE GUYS.... EXPECT FICS IN THE FUTURE.... also please if you also like ninjago talk to me about it I am in NEED of fellow ninjago likers
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radioisnotdead · 4 months
(Alastor hasn't suffered enough I think despite being traumatised by ao3 lol)
Hey Alastor you cashed in on your totally not strong armed deal you made with Charlie!?
(yes I am gremlin for drama 😈)
ahaha what
dad its fine chill out
I'm chill! I'm calm! I'm totally chill!! Just wondering why and how a mass murderer cannibal manipulated my daughter into making a deal with him!! And lived!!!!!!!
Quite the overreaction, I'm sure. Don't you trust me?
Not in the absolute fucking slightest you asshole.
Entirely fair, on second thought. I have some business to attend to, if you'll ex-
oh would you look at that I gotta help vaggie with something bye then
wait huh
WHAT. ??????????
Eugh, as if I would ever say that genuinely. How naive.
oh thank fuck I mean oh noooo he tricked youuuu oh nooooooooo hes winning what a shame rip luci
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celestie0 · 6 months
you putting “message in a bottle” in the kickoff playlist is so spot on bc i was listening to that exact song after i finished chapter 1 LOL. and “gold rush”??? one of the most gojo-coded songs ever.
i just wanted to say how much fun it’s been binge-reading this series. you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
i love that you made their vulnerabilities feel real too. a lot of times characters like gojo who are heavily flawed tend to lack understanding from the audience because we can’t fathom why we should feel sympathy for a character like him, but the way you wrote his backstory made total sense as to why he is the way he is (like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”).
the digimon convo made me laugh LOL IT WAS SO CUTE. idk why but seeing guys be obsessed with a show or movie they loved since childhood is so precious to me 🥹
i cannot wait for the grovelling to continue. as much as i love gojo, he’s gonna have to do the most to show that he’s serious about the reader after everything thats happened 😤 and thE WAY I WAS SCREAMING AT THE RECENT CHAPTER OMG. i was begging the reader to leave and she did better by smacking tf out of that asshole, like YES thank you for having a backbone 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
i hope the reader becomes a super successful director and makes a movie that wins all the awards!!!(bc she does NOT need those gross men who kept belittling her) and thank you for writing, it’s been such a pleasure to read 🫶
my loooove thank you sososo much for this ask omg!! 😭💕 your comments on the series have me cryinnggg it means a lot to me :””) sm serotonin rn aaaaaa im so happy you’re enjoying the series!!!
YES message in a bottle is so glitter pen feel good happy song n i listened to it sm when i started writing kickoff (to me it fits the vibe of the sunny utoykyo practice field scenes where gojo walks her out to the field n stuff lol)
you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
thank you SO much for saying this 😭 i do indeed think a lot about their characteristics LOL more than i do ab writing style or plot or anything else so to hear that it’s coming across to readers makes me so happy :”) BAHHA omg ranting about their actions is so real tbh i take breaks writing to do the same sometimes LOL
like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”
PLS i only realized after i published ch7 how weird it must be for readers who are binging to go from ch6 to ch7 😭 it goes from like horny & angry to just depressing JSKDJDHD but i’m glad it wasnt too much whiplash haha n that you enjoyed the characterization of his backstory :”) tbh that chap was almost gonna be in reader’s pov (w/out gojo backstory) n so when lovely readers like u mention that you appreciated the chap the way it is i really feel as though i made the right decision :””) ty for that
HAHAH i lovedd including the digimon scene it was so silly n cute n its also canon gojo likes digimon so it was just so much fun. AND YES READER SLAPPING TF OUTTA REN N THROWING ALCOHOL IN KAI’s FACE WAS 10/10 MOST SATISFYING THING TO WRITE I FELT THE CATHARTIC RELEASE OF A HUNDRED SUNS FROM THAT
yess 🙌🏼 reader is gonna slay in the film industry fosho, i’m manifesting for her n by manifesting i mean i will write it into existence LOL i’m excited to write some post-grad content for them once the series is over :”) tysm for this ask bb im sorry my response is kinda long LOL but i just had sm fun responding to your words 😭💕 have a wonderful day!!
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silverpelt3600 · 6 months
Halo 2x8 Spoilers!
It is time. It took me a WEEK to find the time to watch this goddamn finale.
Y’all know the drill, this is just stream of consciousness as I watch the episode. Whether it’s coherent or not, either way I’m losing my mind likely!
- pre-episode recap editing goes CRAZZYYY
- okay first scene who is he talking to I’m lost already
- the microscope view was so confusing for a second LMAO. Also this Jeanine girl is literally losing it.
- ALRIGHT YEAH SHE KILLED SOMEONE LMAO. Crazy virus thing? Also the happy music is killing me lol.
- Kai and her team yay! KAI AND HER TEAM OH GOD. Casual explosion that fucks it all up.
- “Master Chief, I speak for the entire UNSC when I say how happy I am to see you back with us” THIS BITCH.
- fuck I feel so bad for John. Totally torn, and the admiral’s little comment of “there’s nothing anyone can do for them” is just the cherry on top. She pisses me off so much lol
- Cortana my beloved really hoping she’s okay
- Lmao Kai “you ever fire a plasma rifle? You never forget your first”
- “What the hell is that?” THAT MY BOYYYYYYY YEAHHHHHH
- THE SLOMO WALK I’m crushing so hard
- oh god the people frozen in the hallways is so creepy…
- FOR FUCKS SAKE pulling the Halsey card is wild.
- ooh she’s helping him now. AND AGAIN WHO THE HELL IS HE TALKING TO.
- “you wouldn’t understand. She knows me” what if I cried. What if I started sobbing.
- “You don’t know everything” WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING SINCE WHEN COULD HE DO THAT. Is it because of the artifact’s in the ship?
- holy shit he’s on the Halo. And THE MUSIC. AND CORTANA MY BELOVED.
- “so nice to have you back” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
- “do you think it’s been waiting all that time? For you?” Alright y’all are gonna stress me out there’s too much to comprehend.
- Holy shit Kai’s crazy. “How hard could it be” well YEAH but come on. “This is gonna hurt”. NO SHIT. Jesus Christ I can’t handle this much emotional strain.
- Alright SHITS HITTING THE FAN IN COMMAND. Oop but that solves the Admiral problem!
- EUGHH THERES SO MANY. Hold up. Hold the fuck UP. Kwan is having a moment. The “Cohesion” needs to FUCK OFF.
- GIRLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING GODDAMNIT. Ohhh. I see now. Goddamnit.
- OOOH SHIT CRAZY DUEL TIME NOW. Damn John getting his shit rocked before GETTING BACK UP LIKE A BADASS. “We’re not done” DAMN RIGHT!
- oh damn now I feel sad for the covenant homie.
- yooo okay cryofeezing Halsey that’s an idea.
- “that can’t be good” well yeah if I saw several spires shoot out of mountains I’d be pretty worried too.
- Again talking to this guy? And he apparently also talks to Makee? YOO WHAT THE FUCK ITS A LITTLE ROBOT????? And the crack in his visor! I’m so confused now have those conversations been in a different time or in John’s conscience or what??
- And then the episode ends, and with it so goes my sanity.
Alright y’all, end of the season! One hell of an episode fr. Without a doubt season 2 has been a fantastic season, developing so much of this storyline in a profound way. The finale sets up for a lot to be handled in Season 3, so here’s to hoping they get the green light to make it.
John has absolutely become a favorite character of mine, and this season has only reinforced that. So much of my emotions while watching have been in empathy for John, which makes these episodes land so much harder.
And shoutout everyone who’s stuck around just for these little posts I make. I started making them just for fun but I kept up with it since y’all seemed to like it, which is cool because now I have a little catalogue of what I was thinking during the episodes that I can look at in the future. And FOR THE RECORD I’m not gonna disappear until season 3 comes out. I still need to get caught up on the storyline in the games lol.
Alright that about sums everything up I think.
*bows to an applause while a single spotlight shines on me and flowers are thrown onto the stage.*
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girlboypersonthingy · 6 months
Hiiii! I want to say love your writing!! I also saw everyone asking to make sure their request made it through and I wanted to do the same but ill be honest i do not remember what i asked for lol. Ill just hope theyre there and ill get pleasantly surprised if you write them haha
LMAOOOO ANON UR FUNNY 😅 I do the same thing when I request. I actually have the memory of a gold fish. Thank you so much! You guys are really hyping me up, I appreciate it more than you know. I’m so asfknnhk 🥴😮‍💨
I have a looooootttttt of great requests in my inbox, oh my goddddd so good im so excited. But I am now up to 32 reqs. 🫥 I’m drowning in fucking adorable, fluffy, smutty, kinky, angsty, depressing requests and I can’t wait to get to them all. Got a TON of Luci requests and just a fuck ton of Hazbin related requests. Got some Sally Face requests, even a smut request for Larry like O-FUCKIN-KAY SLAY. Got a very angsty request for Pidge VLD like why tf are you trying to hurt me??? I have some hilarious and also delicious reqs for Blitzø and some straight up filthy shit for Velvette. I thought this fandom was thirsty for Luci and while they are, you bitches are absolute whores for Velvette 😈🖤 ALSO ALSO GOT TWO TRANS MASC READER REQUESTS AND AS A PART OF THE TRANS COMMUNITY IM CRYING TEARS OF JOY OVER THIS OH MY FUUUUUU
I’m guessing it’s gonna take me around a week to 10 days to get to each request. Just depends. I’m trying to get one request out at least every day or every other day but I might slow down when I go back to work next week. I’m going in order from when the asks are sent in.
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am-i-sans · 8 months
dnd adventures 40
holy shit we hit 40 thats so pog champ
suzy is going to kill sunnie oh well. tori said nothing permanent lol. dans asks tori if they should stop her. tori sighs and follows suzy, and us following her. suzy asks if anyones gonna stop her. that depends if we need too xD suzy just shrugs. frog tries to get away from inferno but cant lol. tori is picking up suzy noooo. inferno threatens to kill frog and tori glares at him. tori makes a gimme gesture for frog.
now were just looking for an inn and seeing if theres stuff to do. hotel california. dans goes to get undyne. inferno insights the hotel and is spouting lyrics lol. dans finds undyne and catches her up on what happaned and leads back to the hotel. inferno is still being cryptic so dans tells undyne to beat him up lol. frog says no dont lol. tori says no more drama lets just go in. but we wanna beat up inferno! dess cant find margarittaville :(
dans asks whats a margaritta? dess looks so fucking sad oh no. anyway into the hotel! theres some unforgettable california girls inside xD the receptionist says welcome to the hotel california. oh no the session has devolved. help.
dans did an arcana check but it seems normal wtf. i hate this. beach themed bedroom. inferno get off the bed you dont deserve it. dans asks dess again what a margaritta. she says its a gay drink and dans says to show him. "im sorry did you say COCKtail?" dans please. 'wtf is tequilla?' cam has heard of it apparently. cam says its made far south. suzy chucks a pillow at undyne. undyne throws it back.
dans asks tori if she wants to go in the lobby with him to wait in the lobby for sunnie. tori asks cam to watch the kids. thumbs up! suzy yeets a pillow at cam lol. vani tries to hit suzy with a pillow but she just takes it and hoists him up lol. inferno hits her with a pillow. she turns around pissed lol he acts innocent. suzy doesnt buy it lol. undyne went to eeby deeby for a moment oh no. pillow fight! undyne returns!
dans and tori get to the lobby and he gives her some coffee. talking about brothers. dans fucking tells tori that yeah, i know your a warlock. whos your patron? dans says he will help tori. 'i wont make her same mistakes.' 'so you know this person? interesting.' talking about her crazy mom. dans says she can choose to be better, and he will support her anyway he can. dans admits hes a bit jealous she still has sunnie. "worst comes to shove we can get married and move out to the countryside." that throws her for a loop xD dans cuts off the dark convo and asks about cute stories about the kids xD
sunnie messages tori asking to meet at margarittaville wtf. he'll meet us outside to take us lol. dans is gonna go support her. gonna get the kids to remeet him. dess suddenly came downstairs carrying the smalls. suzy says they broke the whole room. dans says they can come for a remeet if they want. and suzy can beat him up if hes rude. dans tells cam to watch undyne and inferno since they left them alone lol. cam wants to go with us tho so i guess dess is in charge lol. cam starts infodumping the books sunnie wrote to dans lol.
sunnie shows up and kinda stands there awkward. dans squeezes tori's hand in reassurance. cam is embarrassed lol. suzy is glaring at him lol. re-introducing the kids! frog is still excited awww. tori glances at suzy to behave. going to margarittaville! inferno went eeby deeby.
ordering at margarittaville suzy wants one xD cam too. tori says suzy cant lol. dans gets them nonalcoholic ones. sunnie asks how the kids happaned. they found tori xD cam says were cursed together. run while you can! so...hows sunnies life been? their both so awkward. no kids or anything. cam says they met them now and winks xD tori fucking glares. sunnie chokes omg. tori sends wind into cams face lol. jesus cam you cant say this in front of the kids. their rolling to seduce i think kay is gonna kill them
tori fucking tries to charm cam but dans counterspells it. dans tells cam what she tried to do. tori cockblocks lol. dans says to keep it in their pants until the meeting is done. dans gets back on track and coughs about teya. awkward. portal business. how do you even respond to that? 'how did she survive in that other world.' welp about that-
tori hugs sunnie cause he started crying. she apologizes for how she told him at the library. meanwhile dess is giving undyne weed lol. shes super hungry so they show up at margarittaville oh no. sunnie finally stops crying and pats frog on the head. dans slides his drink over to cam since cams is almost empty. and here come the high people screaming for food.
dans goes to do damage control and tells tori to uh take care of everyone else. undyne fucking just picks dans up. yes he will get her food. he has to fucking babysit jesus. he tries to keep her satiated with jerky and dess is sad dans went to margarittaville without her lol. dans says hes gonna have to talk to dess later and she instantly gets serious oh no. cam once more shot their shot and left lol. dess fucking drops the bombshell her sister is also dead jesus.
dans is giving her a margaritta oh no. dess is staring off with a scared look oh no dans fucked up. dans says she doesnt have to talk about it if she doesnt wanna and shes a bit relieved. sending undyne to bed. specifically a bathtub lol. cam apparently went to bother shopkeepers. time for dans to get high!
meanwhile frog tries to bond with sunnie over being bards. tori says he used to be better at parenting lol. dess goes to eeby deeby. sunnie is still in shocked of course. he asks what tori has been up to. she spent too long in a cave lol. he asks about dans xD frog gives tori a devious smirk. teasingly says their in love awwww. sunnie says she never explained how they actually met. she was looking for frog and uh cursed. suzy once more was raised by wolves xD
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jaeger-pups · 1 year
Eren sending Zeke selfies when he needs some mild validation attention.
E: which is better?
Z: ?
E: which pic.
E: pick one.
E: my bad if ur at work...
Z: I'll be off soon so it's fine
Z: you look amazing in both though
E: amazing? Lol really?
Z: ofc ;)
E: yea but you always say that. how'm I supposed to believe you? 😅
Z: you never take a bad pic.
E: ur right lol. It's my good genes. From mom.
Z: ur not wrong 😏
E: you really like both tho? :o
Z: yea Eren. Ur pretty.
Z: as if you don't know lol
E: ...guess I just like hearing you say it.
E: or... seeing you type it? 😅
Z: ah. That what it is? ;)
Z: I like what you did w/ your hair. It's different.
E: me too. I finally got it down so I can do it myself.
E: Mikasa or mom used to have to help me.
Z: yea? it looks really good.
E: thank you, big brother ☺️
Z: I need to pick you up after I'm off?
E: Eh? :o what for?
Z: thought you might wanna come over? Aggravate me for a bit? 🙃
E: lol you just wanna hang out w me
E: that's so sweet 💕
Z: unless you have plans, which is fine
E: no no I'm free, heh☺️
E: we can hang out
E: hope work was ok
Z: it was.
Z: 😁better after your selfies tho.
E: 😌stoppit.
Z: im serious lol
Z: no one compares
E: hm. 😇 I have more.
Z: oh?
E: yea...
Z: sfw, or...?
E: not at all sfw actually. 😌
Z: ah. 😏 ok.
Z: so I should definitely come get you once I finish here at work, hm?
E: If I don't send them before then👀
Z: ...I've still got like twenty minutes left here💀
E: plenty of time 😇 I've got some good ones
Z: you could torture me like that w/ no reservations? Im a little disappointed, Eren.
E: you'll get over it 🤭 you love me
Z: I do. But don't think I haven't noticed how you like to use it against me
Z: I know what you're up to, little brother 😏
E: up to?? What an unfair assumption
E: I had no hidden agenda here 😭
Z: sure. Cus its not like you don't have friends you could've messaged w/ the same curiosity (if that's all it was)
E: yea but your responses are more... idk.
E: you tell me the things I wanna hear ig
E: when I need to hear them.
Z: so I'm special, am I? Lol
E: just a little ig...
Z: you're so fucking cute.
E: ✨️😇 hnngh, yea stuff like that~
Z: I mean it.
Z: better hurry w/ those pics. on my way in fifteen
E: hehe ok. I'll send the ones I took last night. They're just for you tho. Kay?
Z: right cus I've only got dozens of friends who I cannot wait to enlighten abt the nature of how close me & my younger brother have gotten 🤔
E: don't be a smartass 🫤
Z: 😅 my apologies, Princess.
Z: big brother would be honored to have a look at your pics.
E: that's better, thank you.
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lilacponds · 2 years
omg charlie q n a
3,4 (guessing animal crossing), 7, 11, 16, 18, 25, 44, 46, 48
3: Zodiac sign?
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win?
Ummm that's hard actually, I don't play ACNH everytime I want to chill.. YOU KNOW WHAT I haven't played this in a HOT minute but it's a good time to say PAPERS, PLEASE !!!! yes i do like getting shit right but the whole process of it is so relaxing and fun for me, i love going on endless mode every once in a while !!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE stuff like that !!!!
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?
YOU !!!!!! AND IM NOT SAYING IT JUST CAUSE YOURE THE ONE ASKING, i love ur writing style so so so much omg . i dont read enough in general atm to have other answers anyways but you'd still be up there if not still first place even if i did !!!!
11: Favourite song?
16: TV show I always recommend?
omg i never recommend shit i dont watch stuff enough uhhh I ACTUALLY HAVE RECOMMENDED BROOKLYN 99 A COUPLE TIMES its so funny i love love love love it
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down?
I DONT HAVE THE ENERGY TO WATCH MOVIES LATELY but im always a slut for pride & prejudice if anyone asked me to watch it at any point in time my answer would always be YES !!!! the one w keira knightley of course
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in?
44: Last book I read?
I reread Hunger Games last but before that, my fully first read through, was probably The Martian !!!!! my friend bought it for me and its SO FUNNY ITS SUCH A GOOD READ
46: Do I play any instruments?
NO I DONTTTT i would love to but im a SCRUB !!!!! i dont have a lot of coordination and i cant do two different things with my hands NOR focus my brain on two things at once properly (IM SHITTY AT HAVING ADHD EVEN LOL) so its hard BUT MAYBE ONE DAY !!! I WANT A KALIMBA
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow?
THATS HARD, I ONLY RECENTLY GOT BACK ON TUMBLR ????? purely on content, then it's u, my friend Crow, my friend Ash, the gbpatch blog bc im a slut for their games, ANDDD the wayhaven chronicles blog i forget the name atm hold ON seraphinitegames i googled it there u go bc im waiting for the 3rd book with BATED BREATH
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slepyicarus · 2 years
Mc!Monday Prompt #4
I am late lol The challenge is by the amazing @obeythedemons (very nice dude and his streams are fun, i recommend)
Prompt: MC accidentally drinks a truth potion around everyone. Seeing the opportunity, Asmodeus asks MC what they think about each and everyone one of them. What does MC say? Tags: Bad english, established relationships, refrence of insecurities, fears, lesson 16 & earlier lessons incidents
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Quite talking is heard outside of the room while Icarus waits with Luke as well as Solomon to be allowed inside the counsil room. “What is taking them so looong! Don’t they just have to interogate the demon that hurt you to get his side, Ru?”, Luke whinned annoyed. Weak to his upset little brother Icarus petted his head with his now bandaged hand “No, my bright angel. They have to get him to confess to hurting me so they can punish him properly. Just have a little more patience. I promise that I will talk to Brother, Lord Lucifer and his Highness that i would be allowed to stay with you three at purgatory if you are truly a bit more patienced. ‘kay?” Smiling Luke nodded and hugged the half-demon. Solomon chuckled “You truly have him wrapped around your finger, huh?” Before either of the hugging boys could answer the door opened giving the view open to the scene that happened. Seeing the blood Icarus quickly covered Lukes eyes with his tail. A few guards from the castle escorted the offender away. “One moment please. “, Barbatos requested while using magic to clean everything away, “Please come in now. “ Luke not slow to respond ran to Simeon and started to talk and scold his guardian for excluding the three of them. Slowly following him Icarus mumbled “ I mean he’s not wrong..im the victim and they are my witnesses..” Solomon put an arm around him and smiled “ I think they excluded you two to spare you the view of torture. “ “And you?” “To watch over you two.” Icarus frowned. He knew he and Luke are looked at as if they are too innocent for the realms. Hell he himself looked at Luke like this too but he is only half demon! Icarus still is a full human adult. Pouting Icarus left Solomons side and went to the food filled serving cart that just stood around. Well, aint that suspicious..oh well. Smells like it was made by Brother and I’m hungry as hell, Icarus thought, taking a jam filled cookie and untouched tea cup. Quickly taking his usual seat near the 7th born he watched the normal chaos taking place while snacking on the cookie and tea. Well until Asmodeus shriecked making Icarus drop both the tea as well as the half eaten cookie. Groaning Icarus frowned at Asmodeus. But before he could even start complaining Beel asked concerned “Rus..did you take that cookie and tea from the cart over there?” Raising a brow he nodded. Faster then he could question Beel about it Mammon was already there and taking his face to roughly rotate it fro one side to the other inspecting him “Ya feelin alrigh? Nothin feelin wierd or hurtin?”, the greed demon questioned the lilanette. “Ow, Mams! Soft hands! My jaw still hurts from the other dude’s left hook! And no, I’m feeling fine except annoyed because im feeling like im being treated like a damn kid!”, Icarus complained truthfully. Quickly feeling confused Icarus stared at his first pacted man. “..What was in the tea and or cookie, Mammon.” “A truth potion. We used it on your attacker to get him to confess. It was Simeons Idea.”, Lucifer answered calmly before asking softer, “Do you truly feel alright?” Again nodding Icarus started feeling a bit light headed. Being under a Truth potion with his brother and the prince in the room would have been fine, but with the brothers and solomon? “Im gonna excuse myself-”, the half-demon tried to escape. But Asmodeus was already behind him pushin him back down onto his chair. “Now now Darling. Why don’t we use this situation to you’re advantage~! You always struggling to voice your feelings, so why don’t you use this to tell us what you feel about us?” Unsure about it he just looked pitifully up to the pretty devilgram influencer. Asmo sighed smiling, petting Icarus’ cheek and made him an offer “Don’t worry, if you are starting to feel overwhelmed i will personally esort you home and help you relax and recharge, yes?” Nodding Icarus took a big breath and held Asmos hand for support “Alright..so..should i just go in order?” Lucifer: -Lord Lucifer, Master of the House of Lamentation, and safe place - Strict but for a reason -Icarus understands that Lucifer is strict to protect his family and spare them the despair of losing another family member. He admires it that Lucifer puts his brother first, even if it worries him at the same time -soft and loving when needed -Icarus is happy knowing Lucifer and being able to say he is close to him -still scares icarus when ever he shifts to his demon form from annoyance/anger Mammon: -Mams, the kindest demon and first man, one of the secret favs under his pacts -big comfort person and best hugger in the house - Mammon is loved by icarus a lot. He sees under all that bravo mammon puts on is a patient, loving and kind person. he may not like Mammons scams but still will always help him and smile while doing so. Icarus is glad that Mammon was his first Pact, his first man and first friend in teh devildom - lovable tsun boy -Hopes to never get on Mammons bad side and remain his best friend for all of their long lives Levi: -Levia, Hot Admiral, cute otaku, besto friendo and another of the secret favs - very good campany and another comfort person - Icarus trust Levi almost the most to keep him safe and grounded or distracted if he needs it. If Mammon is Icarus Sword, Levi would be his shield. Hes glad that Levi let him in his bubble - cutest Otaku to hot admiral that makes Icarus swoon - tight Tail hugs are 1000000000/10 -overwhelms Icarus with too much information sometimes or his expectations that he catches everything Satan: -Tantan, Anger issues buddy and amazing tutor -cat lover buddy no. 1 - best person to go to when he has something he wants to try or make with levi -Satan is Icarus go to person when ever he needs a second opinion or just to vent ideas and maybe figure them out. He loves reading with him and just han out in general -amazing teacher and convo partner -often overwhelms Icarus with his detective fanatic side Asmo: -Asmo, best gossip partner, expert shade thrower and no. 1 advice giver in social/romantic/sexual convos -Most trusted when it comes to icarus insecurities -Tho they had a rough start because of Icarus being wierded out by asmos immediate affectinate and up-close interactions, now he will almost exclusively talk about his most inner fears, worries and insecruities with asmo. -is viewed as a close person -scares Icarus whenever he gets angry/ pressures him to open up Beel: -Beel, best food advicer and inspector -Safe person when scared, can hide/shield icarus the best -At first Icarus was scared of beel, mostly because he was so big in comparison to the short half-demon but also because he looked uncomftable with the shorter -became one of icarus fav napping spots because he makes icarus feel protected and warm -the buzzing of his wings startles icarus Belphie: -belph, cute boy to holy hell in 0.2 secs -lover -icarus hated hiding that he meet belphie in the dreamscape from the others to free him and learning, had a hard time re-learning to trust him and loving him again after the incident -beloved of the lord of stars icarus and blessed by them -still has nightmares of the incident, making icarus avoid touching belphie sometimes while excusing it by itchy sensitive skin
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year
For the ask meme: 16, 18, 22 ?
I love all of these, omg
16. Do you have a favorite "squint and you can see it" ship?
Hmmm…I didn’t really start shipping until JE/LJ and the ships from the main series that i do recall don’t apply (e.g. Baba/Saejima, Kido/Saejima, Daigo/Mine are practically canon lol)
I can’t say Kuwagami because they legit joke about it at least twice that they’re in a relationship…? I don’t care if that ship is a dumpster fire, I will go down with it lmfao. I think it’s gotta be Yagami and Kuroiwa. There is some mad af power-play energy between these two. And maybe if Kuroiwa would let Yagami remove the stick up his ass with a different…stick…them maybe Judgment could have been avoided. omg what did i just write…
whatever, rolling with. All aboard the Yagami/Kuroiwa crack ship; omfg their ship name can be Yugoiwa; new HC is they stay up all night…playing Yu-Gi-Oh. ‘kay, im out; sorry for burning out your retinas
18. Favorite mini game?
I think baseball…but specifically Shinada’s. Which I guess counts as a substory/training/etc. but I never really liked baseball much until this point. I guess I just finally “got” the minigame while going through the training. This one isn’t my favorite by far but does deserve a call-out. Chicken racing…I have never laughed so hard in a minigame. The first time that I saw a chicken exhaust itself…this moment (its at around 4:50):
I was legitimately crying because I was laughing so hard. The sound effect is just a killer for some reason. My other favorite is Kamuro of the Dead because Dead Souls 🥺 I hope they make a second one.
22. Favorite karaoke song?
Fun fact…but I didn’t start getting into karaoke until probably Y5…I don’t think I played it at all in 0 or the Kiwamis and maybe once or twice in Y4
But I’m going to split these a bit. One choice is for karaoke and the other is for interjections.
Interjections is easy: Like a Butterfly (Y6 version; his rap is obscenely good…wait is this one an interjection song? i forget) and Rouge of Love (Saejima, Y5…will never not laugh at the absurdity)
Okay…the actual karaoke is Today is a Diamond. It really messed with me and it was legit the only thing I listened to for about 4 days straight. I think it was the first moment that made me really want to start learning Japanese because I wanted to be able to sing along properly. I’m so happy that there’s a full version of this song. My karaoke songs are very limited…but I think it would have always been this one. I always have a love for songs that sound happy, but are actually horribly sad.
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