#oh well my asks are always open
magicdew · 1 year
My life is rather strange and this blog very much doesnt reflect that lmao. Or maybe its normal, either way i dont let on that thats true very much
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hydrachea · 3 months
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Oh the polycule is so real to me.
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heartual · 1 month
had such a good experience with surgery today i can’t even fully explain
#🍄.txt#i’m so happy that fuck ass doctor referred me to another doctor in the building because he was so nice and attentive#taking the time to explain things to me and make sure i was good#even said oh well if ur really uncomfortable we can always go to the operating room! :)#when the other doctor treated me like a nuisance the whole time and like some dumb child#well if you can’t sit still they’re going to have to put you under elsewhere 🙄#I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT IN THE BUILDING? SHE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS INCONVENIENCING HER THE WHOLE TIME#i was asking a bunch of questions because knowing makes me feel less nervous and he answered everything so clearly even when my mom was#asking questions too#recommending me different medications to keep this from happening again etc etc etc#so fucking bare minimum for a doctor but it was so nice seriously i wish i could thank him again for making it a more#comfortable experience#he put numbing shots on the inside AND outside of my lid just in case we needed to go from the outside this time#and while it hurt obviously it was so much better than the single shot she gave me the first time three weeks ago#she told me this would be a much more extensive surgery and here i am with my eyelid barely swollen 😐#i could barely see with it open three weeks ago immediately after because it hurt too much and was so swollen#what the fuck how do you have such contrasting experiences with two people who literally work together in the same building#anyway bad doctor experiences are always so fucking bad but when you have a really good experience it just feels crazy and insane#like wow thank u for treating me like a person#did i mention i actually left with care instructions this time written out. and the medicine recommendations on a physical piece of paper#i didn’t even get that after surgery with her how is that not below bare minimum#like this actually surprised me. jesus christ
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lucin-kun · 3 months
I decided to create another Poppy Playtime Au (the brainrot is real)(oh shit-)
This au is named "Eclipse Au" and it takes place before the events of my "Smiling Critters Second Chance Au" and will tell about the tales of the Playtime Co Factory before and after The Hour of Joy.
This au is going to be a more personal au for myself so I'm able to put my own ideas and twists from canon while also not ruining said canon stuff.
I will be tagging my previous posts that are lore relevant as "Poppy Playtime Eclipse Au" (and of course future posts duh)
A post with the main characters reference sheet will come, I'm not so sure when tho (just not now, I created to many character reference sheets already give me a break)
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nocentis · 3 months
⚶ ┆ Between his teeth and beneath his nails, an airy fruit light as love is bitten down to the rind. Even with his mouth full of pulp he finds himself desperate for her taste.
A sigh echoed and swallowed, kept locked in his chest like a secret. He held his breath until it burned; savored every hitch and every hum of her sacred song. Each curse spoken like a prayer, like praise; wept like gratitude wrenched raw from the soul — raked clean and spit out like the pit of a cherry. When he's forced to breathe, she is the hallowed riptide, and he would be blessed to drown in her lush.
Ripe as a peach at the crown of her cheeks; soft red flush so sticky sweet. Another of her colors comes to life in his mind. One shade closer to the divine.
⚶ ┆ Woven together like lace under the pale light of a waning moon. He can't be sure where he ends and she begins. She pierces straight through him like he belongs to her, and in some capacity, he knows that he does. There is no room left in his heart for desire of this nature. It has reached its bounds and collapsed inward on itself — a singularity the size of her that takes of these moments and stretches them infinitely, ever deeper, ever denser; inescapable.
Too much would never be enough and yet he counts every falling grain of timesand, tallies them up, and says his Hail Mary's in correspondence. Blessed is he for these hands to hold her, for these eyes to view her, for this mouth to speak her name. Blessed is he for the breath and the bread, the water, the whine.
Under his breath, to no god in particular, he issues his thanks.
"You're still awake." Her voice is strained by the small hours. The calm is sweeping her away and yet she remains afloat, waiting for the rise and fall of his chest to slow before she sinks into sleep. "Your train leaves early. You should rest."
His own voice is gravelly, thick with syrup, when he attempts to quell, "There will be another train. There is always another train."
There is nothing more important than this — her head on his chest and his fingers in her hair, scarlet as the sun's kiss and softer than silk.
She shifts so that she can look at him, and the nightglow catches the honey of her eye. "You should rest," she reiterates, and though she aims to chastise, he can feel her care bleeding through her touch.
"I will," he promises, though he chooses not to specify when. "I'm not ready for tomorrow."
He feels her hum before he hears it. Gentle as a lullaby, it dims his vision, and he finds a brief reprieve inside his eyelids.
"You're ready," she assures, succinct as ever.
"You're right," he concedes through a sigh, "I don't want this to end."
"Then don't end it," she slides her hand into his, weaves their fingers together in an airtight knit, "Water it. Let it grow. Keep it alive while we're apart."
He responds first through a light squeeze, a bit of humor trapped in his chest, and he can't deny that, "There are some things even I can't kill."
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blackhholes · 1 year
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Biblical Imagery in Teen Wolf
genesis 4:8 / genesis 6:7 / 2nd kings 4:30 / psalms 51:5 / luke 23:34 / john 11:44 / john 13:33-34 / john 20:11 / galatians 6:17 / revelations 19:20
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britcision · 9 months
So this is pretty much what it looks like when I’m world building with the partner
Partner: so I want Evil Tony Stark to have this magic painting of a door that opens into a dark little room to keep my boy in when he’s naughty or inconvenient
Me: oh yes very good. And it’s not like the frame is the door, you open the painting of the door into another dimension
Partner: yeah he’s gotta be able to take it away with him so he can have it on command 😈
Me: okay so how I think this works is he paints the room inside it first to make the interdimensional space, and then paints the door closed over it, so he can paint whatever he wants in the room 🤔
Partner: oh yeah that’s cool, so he can put furniture or a happy little tree in 😋
Me, suddenly vibrating: okay but no he actually paints a Happy Little Tree and it’s just a tree in the corner of this completely dark room that just giggles softly all the time 🫠
Partner: …. And we tell the party as a joke the first time about this old cell the boy was in with a happy lil tree 😏
Me: and then we don’t say anything for like 2 years and then one of them gets put in the dark room and they just hear giggling 🤩
Partner: okay so Evil Tony Stark mostly uses constructs and stuff for servants so we’ll put the Robotery in the basement for those 🤖
Me: okay, and when y’all go back to the abandoned mansion do you want there to be one left behind? 🙂
Partner: fuck yeah and the boy knows all of them he loves little creatures (and the house mimics) 🥰
Me: and since the boy was intentionally left behind, this is probably a construct that was doing something related to him so it’s probably reasonably aesthetic, yea? Like feeding him or dressing him up? 😇
(The boy was being kept as a pet by Evil Tony Stark because he glows for Fey Reasons and was pretty literally a living sculpture for 11 years and they did not exactly worry about the “living” part much)
Partner: yeah, if Evil Tony Stark is gonna see it around it’s gotta be aesthetic ✨
Me: so you find this cute sweet little construct friend and then you go a little further into the room and just see hundreds of partially or fully deconstructed bodies of this exact little guy and most of them are just minorly different aesthetics because Evil Tony Stark just trashes them when he wants a new look
Also one is still just barely alive and that’s because it’s one of the ones with a person’s soul bound to it and they’ve just been cuddling in the dark for months since they were abandoned 🥰
This just happens in the winter okay I become Extremely Fucking Ominous for literally no reason and then it’s Horror Time
Most of our world building is him making cool and interesting places and characters and then me sneaking in sideways like “hey what if they’re also super fucked up 👀”
And to be fair he loves it and he always says yes please and helps me fuck them up more
Anyway we laid the groundwork for Lord Meldacio’s mansion today that the party are gonna get to in a couple weeks and I had so much fun this guy is the fucking bomb
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lizardthelizard · 1 year
Every word you wrote about Tamara is just FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!! What I would have given for Grag & Tamara to be so broken because of magic, that they both had plans of revenge. Getting more people involved behind the scenes even. Tragic, yet understandable backstories and a real threat to Storybrooke from the outside world. The fears of some folks in town coming true (the whole E.T. thing Leroy mentioned in the hospital after Greg first showed up). The danger of having magic in a non-magical world.
EXACTLY!!! 'Tragic yet understandable' is the perfect way to phrase it, because OUAT is very good at including antagonists with these kinds of backstories (although, the effectiveness of this varies from character to character) and I'm sad that Tamara didn't get enough attention to receive the same treatment!
Okay, so, I'm gonna lay out some thoughts properly because why not:
(Disclaimer: I'm adding a read more because this got VERY out of hand. But please read on if anyone is interested in headcanoned Tamara backstory!)
(Second disclaimer: I've actually used this general backstory for Tamara in one of my fics before, although I wasn't able to go into quite as much detail at the time)
So, imagine. Tamara is a child (maybe 10 or 11). She has a happy family; parents that love her, a younger brother that she cares about a lot, a pet goldfish, whatever. And then imagine that, one night, 10 year old Tamara hears a noise from her brother's bedroom. She goes to investigate it but, when she opens the door, she finds herself frozen in shock. The window is wide open and her brother is floating in the middle of the room.
There's the faint sparkle of a glowing green dust on him and a dark shadow with bright, hollow eyes floats just beside him. Tamara pinches herself. She thinks she's dreaming. She's not. The shadowy figure spots her and before she can do a thing to stop it, the creature has taken her brother's hand and flown out the window with him. Maybe he cheerfully waves goodbye, maybe he doesn't even notice that she was there at all.
When Tamara finally works up the courage to move, she rushes to the window. Her brother is long gone, but there's a very fine sprinkle of green dust on the windowsill left in his absence.
Of course, she goes to tell her parents and, of course, they panic. Tamara tries to tell them what she saw but they naturally ignore any claims that she saw her brother flying or that the person that kidnapped him was nothing but a shadow with white, glowing eyes.
There was no sign of a break in from anywhere in the apartment. And the investigation team are baffled as to how anyone could have clambered in and out of the window when the room is situated on the third floor of the building. Tamara's brother never comes back and it's eventually considered a cold case.
Tamara has always considered herself honest, logical and responsible. For a long while, she insists that what she saw was true. It's only after she starts getting therapy that she begins to doubt things.
Therapy does little to fix things. Her family is completely broken. A year or so down the line, her parents divorce. Tamara starts to visit her Grandmother more and more often and she develops a very tight bond with her.
Tamara grows up and moves on from it all as best she can. She eventually stumbles into the same conspiracy group that Greg is a part of. They don't connect right away, but, after a couple of meet ups, they discover that they have a lot in common and also come to realise that, perhaps, they're the only two people in this group that have actually seen real magic.
They eventually confide in one another, talking about how 'magic' has ruined their lives. How it's hurt them in ways that no one else in this group that they're a part of will understand. They connect (idk, they can still get together romantically if they want, although I personally didn't see much chemistry between them and the show only really paired them up for shock value let's be honest) and they start talking about fairy tales and Storybrooke.
(Side note, since Greg is kind of aware of Regina being the Evil Queen (right? or is he not aware of that until he reaches Storybrooke again?) maybe he's even able to suggest that it could have been Peter Pan/Peter's Shadow that kidnapped her brother. I like the idea that he's very overly familiar with a lot of fairy tales and stories is more than willing to consider them in the real world ever since his interaction with Regina)
Anyway, I don't know HOW (and forgive me if I'm missing something from canon here, I'm guessing it maybe had something to do with Pan) but I like the idea of Greg in particular managing to track down either August or Neal (since, aside from Emma, those two are the links that lead back to Storybrooke). And, from here, the pair of them start working on plans to get to Storybrooke.
Greg and Tamara are both therefore stuck with these similar backstories, involving someone they loved being taken from them by someone magical. And ALSO similar in the sense that...no one believed them when they tried to tell the truth about this... Not only would this be about getting some kind of revenge (Greg wanting to get closure on his father and then kill Regina when he confirms that she did murder his dad, and Tamara desperate to find some trace of the shadow that took her brother), but it would also be about proving that they were right this entire time. That they weren't lying or 'crazy' or making things up. That magic is real and it's dangerous.
I guess the dilemma for Greg and Tamara is: how? How are they able to prove that magic actually exists, in a world where magic is unseen to those that don't believe in it? (This is a question that I will be pondering on, but not one that I'll be answering here. This ask has already gotten too long, ahahah)
(Still, there's one final thing I'd like to address)
Because, you see, there's something so deliciously tragic about Pan being the one to cause this trauma in the first place. For him to be so heavily responsible for Tamara's tragic childhood and then him continuing to have a chokehold on Tamara years later on. OUGH.
That said? yeah, I absolutely would have preferred if the Pan arc had been kept entirely separate from Greg and Tamara's (aka, they were there exclusively for their own reasons and not just because Pan said so). Greg and Tamara deserved their own arc that had nothing to do with Neverland. No 'home office', no dumb crystal that was triggered to explode the town or whatever (or! DO include those things! but tie them exclusively to John and Michael's story instead!)
I just!!!!!! I have way more feelings about Tamara (and to a lesser extent Greg/Owen) than I know I should and I'm getting a bit weird thinking about her lately!!!!!!
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blujayonthewing · 1 day
I love that justin and I unintentionally built really compatible characters by separately designing around the same core concept: "I want this character to be both willing and eager to stick his nose into dangerous business, sometimes to the point of poor judgement"
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attractthecrows · 9 days
brooo i hate having Dreams That Piss You Off i woke up all pissed off at NOTHIIINNNNNGGGGG
#dreamt that my ex (platonic we were toxic besties) fucking CASED MY HOUSE#i saw him through the fucking WINDOW taking PICTURES of my FUCKING BEDROOM#shoved my hand through the blinds to flip him off and he took off running#i ripped down the blinds and slammed open the window and yelled HOW DID YOU FIND MY HOUSE#he said something like What and i yelled louder HOW DID YOU FIND MY FUCKING HOUSE. MOM FUCKING MIKE IS HERE#she came up to the window and pointed at him and said I HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS#and i climbed out the window and he was like OH MY GOD BITCH CALM DOWN and i yelled HOW DID YOU FIND MY HOUSE#and his backup (of course he had backup) was like oh dude shes pissed and misty (WHY WAS MISTY THERE??) was like PET OMG CALM DOWN#and mike said WELL I HAD TO SNEAK! YOU ALWAYS FUCKING DO THIS YOU JUST VANISH! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRYING THAT IS?!#and i yelled HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!!!!!! YOU PIGFUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!! ANSWER ME#and he yelled I WENT TO THE ARMY!! I DIDNT KNOW WHERE YOU WERE BUT I KNOW YOUR LAST NAAME BITCH and i bluescreened#and he went NO ONE KNEW WHERE YOU WENT!! YOU JUST WENT CRAZY AND LEFT#and i said DON'T FUCKING BLAME THIS (GESTURING BETWEEN US) ON ME YOU FUCKING DUMPED ME#and after some more argument we wound up inside. in like. a dorm common room. me & mike sitting in separate chairs not looking at each other#and he asked how have you been. and i said Fine. How's your mom. (i have known she died for years)#and he went into how she died of cancer that he should have had her check out but he didnt bc he thought it was just her being funny again#and then into how his latest best friend died of alcohol poisoning after mike started a co-binge. and i said im so fucking sorry dude#thats so awful. and he snapped at me Why the fuck are you talking about ME thats all you ever talk about!! youre obsessed!!#and i said What the fuck are you on about and his backup was like Oh please he told us how you're obsessed with him and youre still doing it#and i looked at the backup. and i looked at mike. and i stood up and said Thats all i needed to know. fuck you both. and walked off#turned to misty and said Good to see you again. if you wanna hang out sometime I'm down. WITHOUT (pointing at mike) him.#it was. ph my fucking god. aaauhhjgh FUCK. i hope shared dreams are real i hope he heard the contempt in my voice as i told him to fuck off#and also WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT
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themyscirah · 2 months
Developing more Themysciran/Amazon language headcanons.... this is like drugs to me
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kerorowhump · 1 year
i wish keroro and dororo would have a conversation about how they feel about invasion. that could open up so many doors for them! love your work kerorowhump!
I'm ngl, a lot of what I like about their dynamic and find fascinating IS how dysfunctional it is, because it brings out sides of their characters that we otherwise don't see much, I think personally it would lose a bit of appeal if a discussion like that happened in canon (well, unless it's like the final volume of the manga, in which case that's great bc we get resolution, or unless it's only brought up but doesn't resolve their conflicts, in which case... JUICY), but THAT SAID, I think it's also perfectly reasonable and even a given that they will eventually have some discussion like that... because at its core they do care about each other and love each other, I mean yeah the whole platoon does, but they also keep failing each other in many ways too (I humorously compared them to the always sunny gang or even south park).
AND ANOTHER THING like,, they absolutely should eventually at least mention their "differences" (less different than they think tbh) about invasion but what I really wouldn't want is any sort of apologyfest... like, from either of them, but especially not if it has keroro basically on his knees begging forgiveness (it's fine in ep13 precisely for how dysfunctional it is, but as a proper resolution? not so much...). I actually really love that headcanon floating around that has dororo assign much of his trauma because of Keron and war to what were otherwise mostly benign childhood memories with keroro in which at worst he was being a bit of a dick but mostly careless... In a way, Keroro does carry all of the sins of Keron already, they are literally stored in the star, he's supposed to know them, so the wiki says... maybe another reason to atone? (istg, the way he wants to bridge that gap between keronians and earthlings deep down, it reminds me of steven)
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So there's my grammar teacher who used to be known as the intimidating one but like.. He's always been open to me and my friend about like what he watches and interests and has literally asked to see my writing
Do you know how awkward it is to explain the last thing I wrote was haha flower cough;"#+(@+%
(he liked the concept and deadass said "send it to me that's a command" and now I'm omw to write something entirely new because ain't no way I'm sending MineDai)
#snap chats#i could never be that open with a teacher bro id rather get shot#will be epic to see what you end up cooking up for him tho. in pursuit of Not sending slash fiction lmaoooo#i wish i was able to be close with my teachers- closest i got was my art teacher during I Think my 1st or 2nd year of high school#he was SUCH a cool teacher and he'd always work on commissions during class#he was color blind so he had this really cool system on figuring out what the appropriate colors were for a client's piece#i remember one time we were meant to sketch those like. japanese scroll pieces Yk What I Mean#and while he did have preexisting examples for students who didnt know what to do (or didnt care LMAO)#he was just 'you always know what you're doing so you can freehand it' so that was epic :)#i drew a dragon.... cause im predictable...... but he really liked it so :)#man high school sucked but i also remember my english/comics teacher.. she was a really big fan of mine#she was especially passionate about my doing comics and doing art related things.. i get sad thinking about it sometimes#part of why ive always wanted to make a doujin was for her so i could send it to her and be like#'hey teach i still really like art look :)'. like when i say she was SUPER passionate about me It Was Super Passion#honestly she was my first big fan if im tbh- id never gotten support like that and i wish i valued her enthusiasm more#i was just mad depressed and angry in high school i just wanted to be left alone all the time.. but oh well no point in crying about it now#it'd be better if i could start thinking of a teacher-friendly doujin to make and give her... lmao.....#BUT YEAH NOT TO HIJACK YOUR ASK TO RAMBLE i hope you think of something to give your teach LMAOOO#just change the names full a Fifty Shades it's fine. terrible example but we know what i mean is the worst part
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gibbearish · 1 year
love how literally every other r/offmychest post is someone going "my partner just asked about opening up the relationship, what do i do?" and the comments are "the relationship is dead, this is a horrible betrayal of your trust, break up with them you don't deserve this abuse"
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lisxdumbr · 1 year
I feel so abandoned lately.. it's like I'm a little girl and today is my first day of school and I know no one once again. sigh
#vent in tags?#so aheem. yeah it happens that my friends and i always play together#but when one of us can't make it none of us play because we want to be together yknow#but it happens that today I wasn't going to be able to join. and one of my friends just went-#”oh nevermind. the two of us can join to advance and you can come another day when you're able”#and i just ? idk it kinda freaked me a bit because it's the first time they say that?#but well i agreed because idk. my first thought was that they were very excited to play or something. but it did make me feel a bit. uneasy?#and yeah i tell them that i may be able to join around 11 but they just. ignored my messages#and i waited for them to reply but the reply never came#and i still opened our disc server to see if they're there and yeah. they're talking. they were projecting something a while ago too#and idk it's not that deep but i do feel a bit bad. if it had been any of the other two we would've agreed not to play till another day#but the very first time this happens it had to be with me as the subject#I've always had a rooted social anxiety that i thought i had overcome in the past but i don't think i have#my thoughts are spinning and i feel bad and the recent friendship paranoia i got is not helping#if i was normal i would probably join the vc and ask them directly why they aren't answering my messages but I'm not brave enough#so i guess I'll play alone tonight and tomorrow we'll see#but i feel very sad and lonely right now#:(#vent#rant
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wibbley-wobble · 1 year
I need a new rpg video game to get into I need to relive the euphoria of making up some guy on the spot and choosing their stats with no actual clue about what I’m doing
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