#oh yeah ryusui
caifanes · 1 year
sai’s hot smart older brother swag
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empressgetou · 1 year
boyfriend senku x reader
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hours after both of suika and y/n who went across to shore to the island where senku and the others were supposed to be. luckily for them ryusui managed to throw suika overboard who was cleaning the docks and y/n who was nearby the kid just in time for the petrification by a second.
y/n stayed behind the island to look for senku as suika went back to the ship to check up on the others and just as night the night falls ibarra and kirisame's group came checking up on the ship making the woman worried about the poor girl on her own in the ship.
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"the lab!" echoed through the island.
i recognized that voice anywhere, kohaku! senku and the others must be near. as i look up on the side of the island there they were in a gather with a few people i don't recognized, i was about to ran up to them then i saw kohaku kissing senku...
i was never the type to be the "im jealous" girlfriend, even before the petrification my relationship with senku is actually great than the usual couples around. that's because he never gave me a reason to over something minor. sure, i may or may not have been a little jealous over the whole marriage thing that was set up with ruri back a few months but that was in the past and now i see this? boy you better have an explanation to this too or i might cut your–
i ran fast as i could to catch up, as i can already see the mobile lab who im assuming suika managed to drive through up to the mountains. as soon as the vehicle stopped they too have stopped their tracks and managed to spot me in my place.
"y/n! you're here! you weren't petrified?" gen asked surprisingly and his eyes went to the leek head whom im not naming.
"nahh ryusui managed to throw me into the ocean just in time with suika" i laughed a little remembering a few hours ago how pissed off i was thinking he has even the audacity to throw us like we're a rock or something but im glad ryusui did managed to save us.
"kekeke somehow i had a feeling you survived that thing though i never expected you'd be here on the island" senku already on my side and had a little smirk on. oh how i wanna punch that handsome face so bad right now.
i rolled my eyes, "course i did. m'not really and idiot ya know." i smirked back.
"good job, you two!" praised senku.
we managed to get out of the villagers hair and went to the underwater cave to hide in the meantime while we prepare in infiltrating the harem and well that includes getting kohaku ready for the act.
"the ingredients are simple!"
"honey, lemon and coconut?"
"ahhh you're making a conditioner?"
"that's ten billion points for you, my dearest!" senku pointed at me as if ive won the lottery.
"you mind leaving me some for my hair?"
and then here's amaryllis having the greatest idea i never would've thought i'd come up with. but men dressing as women? specially senku? i never thought i'd see the day.
"yeah, yeah laugh it while you can honey. you don't know what's coming next for ya." he said while having an obvious annoyed face.
gen however pulled it off but his height was a bit much for an average girl. then there's soyuz, yeah i dont even wanna explain how he looks. and then lastly ginro, well he passed, perfection i might add.
"well that's that. obviously we know who is coming to the harem" i said as i was about to go back to the mobile lab, kohaku spoke.
"we're not done yet y/n, you're next!" and managed to pull me to her side.
"waittt! im not–"
"no buts! come on, you're a candidate yourself if i say so myself plus we could totally infiltrate the harem without a problem if both of you and me work together inside."
"ughhh nooo i don't wanna. too much workkk"
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kohaku and amaryllis managed to dress up y/n nicely and while doing so senku's eyes never left her figure and her hair specially. he realized that y/n never actually leave her hair down just like before the petrification maybe because they were always busy working back at the village it would be distracting having her long wavy hair in the way, he only saw her hair down whenever she'd take a bath by the river and whenever she would sleep beside him. amaryllis also put make up on y/n and it definitely just made her even more beautiful and vibrant much to senku's pleasure. he was falling all over again.
"looking good there", he complimented
"thanks. i thought you'd never notice", y/n sarcastically said.
"been a while since i've had make up on too. does it look weird?" she asked worriedly.
"nahh you're good. you're beautiful." he said almost whispering.
"alrightyyy y/n, you're coming with us right?", kohaku asked
"huh? but i'm not really needed there right? hehe", y/n tried to convince her friend.
before y/n and her group went to the harem selection she managed to get inside the mobile lab and talked to senku.
"so i was thinking since ya' know could be a few days or weeks before we'd succeed in the infiltration but i just wanna clarify something." fiddling her hands thinking maybe she just misunderstood what kohaku did to his boyfriend.
"yeah, got something to say before you leave me here all alone?" senku joked still doing his science work.
"i saw kohaku kissed you last night." and went silent, it made y/n think maybe she was stupid to even conclude at that idea.
"ah yeah she did"
"what! why?"
"easy tiger, that was unexpected for me as well, we have to get a distraction from the enemy. gen's fault he included me."
silence again.
"but i guess that made you uncomfortable huh?" she nodded still fiddling her fingers.
he saw this and went to holding her close.
"m'sorry if it made you feel bad, i take full responsibility of how you're feeling right now. tell you what i'll give gen an earful about that and maybe after this whole infiltration thing, we spend time more together after, hmm?" trying to apologize the woman.
"mmm, i see.."
"i understand i just want to know why it had to be done." she said faintly smiling.
"m'sorry if you understood that way. there's nothing going on. m'still yours forever and always" he tried to cheer up.
she then hugged him and he immediately reciprocated. silence engulfing them once again while enjoying the company of each other.
"i love you"
"me to honey. i love you so damn much. i'm yours. okay?" reassuring her and gently pushing his lips into her sweet candy flavored ones.
"mmm, you're mine and i'm yours" she giggled.
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indigosabyss · 9 months
Part 2 of my DCST Time Travel Snippets
"Lemme get this straight. To stop this impending doom, you want us to build a spaceship that will take a small crew just past the Moon. Where they will then negotiate with parasitic alien robots and convince them that humanity is stupid and not worth being frozen into stone." Markus, one of the oldest scientists at NASA, surmised. He sounded incredibly tired.
Everything the people from the future told them was tiring.
"Pretty much." Dr Xeno from the future said, "It's a big ask, I realize. And a lot of lives depend on it."
"Who would we trust with such a mission, though?" Another NASA scientist asked, "There's a lot of factors to take into account. Personality, and training, and there's not enough time to conduct proper astronaut qualification exams for the wider public."
"Good point." Dr Xeno allowed.
"Ah, how about you get your version of the Five Wise Generals to go?" Brody, the future's top mechanic laughed, "They'll all be little babies now, so we'll knock off a couple hundred kilograms from the weight limit."
"I don't think we can have infants piloting a rocket and saving humanity." One of their current day scientists sighed. It was weird to think that a group of people called the Five Wise Generals were currently babies.
"No, no, you misunderstand. They should be fifteen at the youngest. Twenty four at the oldest." Xeno clarified, "And one of them won't exist until thirty seven hundred years, so right now, it's more like the Four Wise Generals. But I agree with Dr. Brody, except for my Stan, there's no one I'd recommend more. Byakuya Ishigami's an option, but I also don't trust him enough to not launch into a passionate speech about all the good humanity has done."
Byakuya Ishigami. He was a newbie astronaut, just inducted into the program. Normally, such love for humankind was admirable but...
"Brief us on these Generals." He decided. Just to have that option.
First was Senku Ishigami, the man who had made the first phonecall to the past. The son of Byakuya Ishigami. So far, they had avoided looking up the kid in the modern world.
Currently, he was fifteen years old, and a high school student. With a criminal record of setting off bombs in public parks.
"Oh, yeah. He likes making rockets." Xeno from current day confirmed blandly, "I had no idea he was setting them off in parks."
He was definitely lying.
"But you'll let me go to space without me having to build my own rocket, right?" A high-pitched voice asked. A boy with the wildest hair was suddenly standing in the control room.
"How'd you get in here?!"
"Xeno and my dad kept me updated on the situation here." He picked at his ear, "I couldn't care a millimeter less about the situation here now that we've figured out the secret behind the stone swallows. I just want to go to space. As soon as possible."
He vibrated slightly as he spoke, clearly excited, but hiding it well.
Second on the list, Asagiri Gen.
Nineteen years old, and a... moderately famous stage magician.
"Doesn't look like he has the muscle for a space trip."
"What good's a mentalist? We can drill anyone into saying things."
And so, Asagiri Gen was overlooked.
Somewhere in the world, a magician with two-toned hair was very offended.
Next was Ryusui Nanami, one of the Nanami Conglomerate's CEO's brood. A bit of a disgraced one, because of a dramatic love affair, but given the same allowance that any of the others got.
At 20 years of age, he had the biggest and most diverse collection of sailboats in the world. The kid was a dedicated adventurer, with all the health that came from it.
They could use that.
"Ryusui Nanami." An escort of suited officials approached him on a beach.
He looked up over the frame of his sunglasses, taking them in. He grinned, "Aw, man, they're really going to assassinate me this time, huh?"
"No, we're from NASA. How would you like to visit the final frontier?"
He snapped his fingers, laughing, "Name your price!"
And lastly...
"Saionji Ukyo, you've been transferred last minute."
"Eh???" He looked at his CO in confusion.
"It's a matter of international security."
Did they think he'd overheard something? Oh God, he'd known his crazy hearing would get him killed one day.
"You'll be working with an American strike team. Full debriefing back at the base. For now, prepare yourself to meet Commander Stanley Snyder."
What was going on???
[put together an avengers intiative recruitment scene lol. i love gen i swear, they just dont understand him yettt TTATT]
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ryusuisloveinterest · 8 months
Hello! How are you my dear?
I came back with a new request! This time with a little mix up of fandom, hopefully that's ok?
I was thinking about the boys receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush for the first time!
Could please write for ryusui (Dr stone) and tecchou ( bungou stray dogs)?
Thank you!
Oh my goodness anon I’m so sorry that I took so long to write back! My life has been so busy and I just blanked out on what I should write! I hope you can forgive me and please enjoy 💖
Ryusui and Tecchou when they receive a kiss from their crush💕
Ryusui: pre petrification 
Ryusui invited you to his home cinema to watch your favorite movie because he’s somehow never seen it before
Everything is set up perfectly: he has your favorite snacks, a cozy blanket for both of you to share, drinks, the best luxury recliners known to man
Today was the day he was finally going to do it, he was going to ask you to be his!
When you arrive he greets you excitedly and escorts you to the theatre 
That’s when everything goes wrong💀
First he spills the popcorn on the floor
Then when he hands you your drink, his hand slips making it fall all over you 
After you got into a new pair of clothes his a/c went out so it was extremely hot in there 
THEN the movie kept acting weird so he had to keep trying to figure out what was wrong with the projector 
But after the whole catastrophe, you both finally sat down and enjoyed the movie 
Your “favorite” movie
“Wow (y/n)! This movie was amazing! No wonder La La Land is your favorite movie!”
“…yeah it is!”
“La La Land isn’t your favorite movie is it?”
He was so devastated!
This whole thing was pointless. He thought he ruined everything! There was no way he could ask you out now!
A small sigh and giggle escape your lip
You kiss his cheek shyly
“I still had a great time Ryusui. Thank you for everything!” You pack up your belongings and head to the door. “Oh and Ryusui?”
“I like you too.”
Maybe this night wasn’t so bad 
Tecchou: before Fukuchi’s whole plan thing 
You worked at the front desk 
You would always greet everyone and of course they would always greet you back but Tecchou was the only one to ever have a conversation with you
And everyone knew why, but of course not you 
Everyday he would talk to you about something different 
“Yeah strawberries with ketchup are the best. Something about how both the reds mixing together is so appealing.” Or “Tell me, is it hard to live without an ability?”
One day you were informed that he’ll be going on a long mission, so you wouldn’t have your daily talks
But that wasn’t your main concern, it was the rank. He was supposed to go into one of Japan’s most dangerous areas, with no way of contact to anyone else.
“I don’t know Tecchou, there has to be another way to carry this mission out, or at least someone can go with you, even if it’s someone as weak as me at least I’ll be there!”
You tear up as he packs his bag 
He’s honestly glad his back is to you or else you would’ve seen him blush
“I’ll be fine (y/n). This is part of being a hunting dog.”
He carries his bag as he walks to you
“Please don’t cry. You’re too beautiful to cry.”
You wipe your tears as an idea strikes you
“At least let me give you something before you leave, but you have to promise to return it to me when you get back!” 
He nods and sticks out his pinky, remembering the time you told him how pinky promises are the most sacred vow 
You wrap your pinky around his, then you stand on your tip toes to kiss his cheek
Both of you are redder than the strawberry ketchup mixture
He smiles and pulls his hat over his face as he walks towards the door
“I promise I’ll return it to you when I get back.”
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joedirtymadre · 7 months
RYUSUI X READER Fluff story. It’s ok. (Taking requests 📲)
“(Y/N) don’t you ever get jealous whenever Ryusui talks about loving and wanting every girl he sees?” Minami asks. “Yeah, it is quite strange for your partner to do that…” Ruri added. “Oh come on, you all know that Ryusui doesn’t mean it like that,” Kohaku said. “Well you never know, maybe (Y/N) does feel jealous, she just doesn’t wanna say,” Minami said, trying to push me to talk. “Uhh… well I don’t know. I don’t really get jealous, because I know he means different types of love or want with people,” I said. “Hmm… well I guess you have a point, but if my man said he wanted every girl in the world I’d leave him. Why put up with that?” Minami scoffed. “I guess that is true. Doesn’t it get annoying?” Kohaku asked. “Not really… well…” I started. “Ooh! Do share!” Minami said with stars in her eyes. I laughed awkwardly, it makes sense that a reporter wants all the details. “Well…” I repeated. I watched as the 3 blondes squeezed in closer to hear clearly. “I just wished that we would go on real dates. Where he doesn’t have Francois tag along, not like there’s anything wrong with Francois!… but I wish that we have normal just us time. Where…” I sighed. “Where he just pays attention to me and nothing else…” I ended and looked up to the speechless group. “Selfish isn’t it?” I asked nervously. “No!” The 3 said and hugged me. “That is not selfish, and even if it is, you have a right to be selfish!” Minami shouted. “She’s right, your partner should treat you with respect! They should show you how much they care about you,” Ruri explained. “Man that dumb pirate! I should knock some sense into him,” Kohaku frowned. “No! No… it’ll be fine I swear! Plus, he’s busy trying to help Senku rebuild the world. So it’s obvious he doesn’t have time… for his girlfriend,” I said the last part softly. “Oh (Y/N)…” Ruri frowned and patted my shoulder. “Trust me you guys, everything is fine,” I smiled. “If you say so…” Minami said. “Hmph, I could still beat a thing or two inside of him,” Kohaku said. I laughed and walked away from the 3 to begin tending the garden.
I finished watering and planting some more vegetables that prosper during this season. “(Y/N)! My beloved!” I heard and quickly turned to see Ryusui… and Francois. “Hi Ryusui, hello Francois,” I smiled and wiped my hands before walking over to the two. “Hello (Y/N), you vegetables look beautiful. I hope to use them in my cooking,” Francois bowed. “Well of course you will, Francois! (Y/N)’s vegetables mixed with your superb cooking will surely make an excellent dish. For the world’s greediest man!” He laughed. I smiled and then remembered the conversation I had earlier. I shook my head and noticed the looks on Ryusui and Francois' faces. “Something wrong my beloved?” He asked. “No… nothing!” I said. “Hmm…” I caught Francois' stare for a bit. “Well, I must excuse myself, as I need to begin dinner,” Francois said, and quickly bowed and turned to walk off. “Huh? Hmm… even Francois is acting strange…” Ryusui said as he began to think. “Who knows?” I shrugged. “Hey, are you sure you’re alright?” He asked again. “Uhh… yeah, I am,” I said. “Hmm… well alright then!” He smiled. “Now I have to go find Senku, he said he needs some last minute ship checking, to ensure that we are able to set sail by the end of the month,” he said. I nodded, “I’ll see you later,” I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek, and we both went our separate ways.
Sun was setting and I decided to head to bed. I slowly walked home, “Hey! (Y/N)!” I heard and turned to see Ryusui running after me. “Oh, hi Ryusui. How are you? Did you finish checking the ship?” I asked. “Yes! But forget about that, are you free right now?” He asked. “Yes?” I said, confused. “Good, follow me!” He said and grabbed my hand, pulling me to wherever he was taking me.
“Where are we going?” I asked. “You’ll see,” he said. Then suddenly he stopped, quickly turning around to face me. “Close your eyes,” he said. “O-Ok,” I stuttered and covered my eyes with my hands. I then felt Ryusui step behind me and place his arm around my lower back. He then guided me to wherever it was he was taking me. A few more steps and Ryusui stopped. “Alright, open your eyes,” he said. I finally uncovered my eyes and stood in shock by the scene in front of me. It was a small picnic! “R-Ryusui did you do this?” I asked in amazement. “I did, as well as these,” he said, and handed me a small bouquet of wildflowers. “Oh, they’re beautiful, thank you!” I said and jumped towards him for a hug. “Of course, but I’m sorry that everything isn’t as top quality as usual,” he said. “Huh?” I asked. “Well… you didn’t look so happy earlier. So I asked Francois ways that may make you happy and they suggested a nice date, so I decided to put something small together,” he said. “Thank you, I love it. Everything is perfect!” I smiled. We sat down and ate the sandwiches Ryusui made. “Ha ha! I guess you could call this date a success!” He said proudly. “Mm-hmm!” I nodded. “Good, then I hope this means you can tell me what was bothering you earlier. I just want you to know that you can tell me anything,” he said softly and placed his hand on top of mine. “Oh, well…” I started. “Ryusui, sometimes when we hangout you usually start talking about other stuff, but sometimes I wish… that you would just pay attention to me. Plus have more dates like this, just the two of us… without Francois,” I said softly. “I see,” he said firmly. “Sorry, I’m being so selfish,” I said. “It’s alright, plus there’s something else isn’t there?” He asked. “Ha ha… I just wish that whenever we have times like this you don’t talk about wanting other people or things,” I said nervously. “That sounds weird now that I said it out loud! I take it-“ I was interrupted by Ryusui suddenly pulling me into a hug. “I’m sorry,” he said. “No it’s fine!” I said. “Stop doing that! Stop acting like it’s no big deal, it’s ok for you to share these feelings with me,” he said firmly. “You’re right! I tend to bring up other people or things that I want too much when we’re together. I didn’t realize how annoying it was for you, especially when you want to just enjoy the little time we have together before I travel out to sea,” he said, tightening his hug. “I just didn’t want to bother you. I know you have your mind on other things, especially when trying to rebuild humanization,” I smiled. Ryusui shook his head, “Yes, but I need to have time and mind set aside for you,” he said. I leaned up and pulled him in for a kiss. “Thank you for understanding, I was nervous you’d get angry or annoyed by my feelings,” I said softly before pulling him in for another kiss. “So tell me beautiful, would you want to spend the night at my place tonight? You’ll have all my attention tonight,” he said as he kissed my hand. “That sounds lovely,” I said and followed him back to his hut.
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fieryjeannearchives · 11 months
🃏: Come to think of it, everyone we have revived so far has been ridiculously skilled in their area, isn’t that azy-cray?
🧪: Huh, I guess that’s true. It’s almost as if we were unlocking special characters in a video game.
🃏: It is! Especially considering they are all young and attractive. It’s the perfect setup for a dating game! Mm, I wonder who Senku-chan would pick in the end~.
🧪, laughing: Should have known you would find a way to make it gross. Who do you think I would pick?
🃏, surprised that 🧪 is actually entertaining the idea: Well… I guess Ryusui-chan would be your best bet. You both understand each other fairly well and he has the financial means for all your crazy science projects.
🧪 : Hm, I guess that’s true, but what about how I feel?
🃏: Aww, look at you, the pure innocent hearted boy~. Then I guess it would be Kohaku-chan.
🧪 : Hah?
🃏: Well, Taiju-chan and Yuzuriha-chan are clearly not an option. Same with Chrome-chan and Ruri-chan. Unless…
🧪 : God, no.
🃏: Then that’s my answer~.
🧪: You’re way too off…
🃏: Luna-chan, then? The story lacks development, but she did save your life…
🧪: Mentalist…
🃏: What-? Oh… right. It was pretty obvious, wasn’t it?
🧪 : Honestly, yeah. How can you miss so badly-?
🃏: Tsukasa-chan, of course! Nothing beats good ol’ enemies to lovers~.
🧪 : … Alright, I’m leaving now.
🃏: But Senku-chan!! It’s not my fault there are so many options!
🧪: A this point I don’t know if you’re seriously that dense or if you’re just messing with me.
🃏: What is that supposed to mean??
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Hiii I love your works and keep up the good work!!!
This is my first time requesting something XD
I wanna request Ryusui from Dr.stone with the prompt "dancing in the rain"? Like- they are wrapped in each other's arms dancing together with no care in the world? ❤️❤️
I would be really pleased if you do this thank youu🫶🫶
Thank you so much! You did great at requesting! it is an honor to write your first one!
I hope you enjoy this one as well my dear! please let me know what you think!
I may or may not have exaggerated a bit. i changed it a bit, just a little bit.
Tsuki's note: i am not a manga reader so this may be coming out of nowhere on the timeline. Also, reader fixes things beacuse yes, imagine you are learning with Kaseki here. i am an engineer and i like to fix things. I projected a bit, just for the sake of plot.
Tsuki's note: i really love ryusui and i feel like i won't make him justice.... *sigh* lets see how it goes...
You were finishing a few touches in the perseus. Usually the one who did this was Kaseki, but he was busy with helping Senku with another insane project, so you took it upon yourself to finish the boat's maintenance.
Anytime you were at it, it wasn't uncommon at all to have Ryusui walking around the boat. You always took it as him being patient with wanting to sail again or just checking on your work - how it was compared to Kaseki, maybe.
But you paid him no mind. At times you would also see Francois, and they usually had something for you - some water, some cookies, something.
This time around, he was actually helping with something - Ryusui was carrying around some supply boxes, it wasn't like Taiju and Tsukasa weren't around, so you guessed he young master just felt like doing something.
The wheater was getting bad very fast. You usually got everything in a dry spot and continued later, but you were so close to being done! just a little bit! You heard Ryusui asking you to collect everything - the sky was turning darker and darker. You asked him for a few minutes, quick stuff.
Just then, it started to rain. A few droplets here and there, no big deal! You can finish this! just gotta be careful. A sigh left your lips when you noticed you needed something that wasn't around you - probably forgot to grab this tool.
So you went back inside the ship, where Kaseki usually kept the tools to fetch the one you needed. You spotted it rather quickly and as you were walking back to last bit of task, you heard a very familiar booming voice from behind you:
Ryusui: Y/N? You are drenched!
You laugh and turned around to see Ryusui staring at you.
Y/N: Well... yeah, its raining a little bit.
Ryusui: C'mon, I will have Francois fetch you some dry clothes.
Y/N: oh, just a moment, i am almost done.
As soon as you said that, you saw a glimpse of a confusion on his face:
Ryusui: But the rain is going to pick up soon, you sho-
Y/N: Yeah, I am not made of sugar, I won't melt! How about you?
You smiled at him and walked away.
You didn't hear Ryusui coming after you, so you just went back to what you were doing. By the time you were finally done, a down pour started. You could barely see in front of you.
You sighed happily - you were done! drenched but done!The rain really muffled most noises, as you didn't hear footsteps approaching you. No, you only felt a hand on your shoulder - a hand with blue marks:
Ryusui: Y/N!
You jumped. You got scared for dear life. You turned around kinda pissed at him for scaring you like that! with a hand on you chest, you felt your heart stop and restart:
Y/N: Don't do that!
Ryusui: Ah... Sorry. I called for you but you didn't answer.
Oh. You probably didn't hear him - thats how strong rain was:
Y/N: Oh... Look at that, you didn't melt!
You could see Ryusui was a bit annoyed by your comment. But he just grinned, that cocky grin that always came with the finger snapping:
Ryusui: Aha! This rain is nothing for a sailor! I was worried about this beautiful person walking alone on this heavy rain!
He motioned his hand towards you. You just blinked. He was so damn ridiculous at times, but you cannot lie you loved it.
Y/N: Ah... Thanks, i guess?
Ryusui: Let's go back inside, Y/N.
He offered his hand to you. You couldn't help but be snarky one last time as you automatically placed your hand in his:
Y/N: For someone used to water you sure run away fast from it.
Ryusui looked at you and smiled. With swift movement, he had you in his arms terribly close to him:
Ryusui: Aha! I am not running!
You felt your face burn. so close. you were feeling a mix between pushing him away and walking off or just try to find a hole then and there.
You ended up choosing to push him away or try to. Because he still had a hold of your hand, and pulled back again. You started to get a little mad and before you could give a light punch to his chest, he spun you around and caught your other hand:
Ryusui: Haha! A little rain doesn't scare me, specially when i am accompanied by such a beautiful person.
You were completely stunned. You felt your face burn even more, no words left your lips. What was he talking about? Why was he so charming?
You felt like this staring moment lasted forever. But while you were in that daze - that was actually really short - Ryusui continued talking to you:
Ryusui: Say, Y/N, what would you-
Another booming voice came from somewhere in the ship, this voice:
Taiju: Y/N! Ryusui! Where are you?
That made you both look in the direction of the voice, but you couldn't really see because of the rain. But you took this chance to push Ryusui, grab his hand and yell back at Taiju:
Y/N: Yeah! We are going back!
Ryusui was a bit surprised, he did not expect you to hold his hand and drag him along. Not when you were picking on him for not staying in the rain.
He couldn't help but smile. You were adorable! He allowed you to drag him back for shelter. Upon getting inside the ship, you were greeted by towels - a courtesy from Francois.
You grabbed your towel and quickly walked away, not daring to look around. You could hear a worried Taiju following asking if you were cold or something, perhaps a fever? your cheeks were colored.
In reality you just wanted to walk away from Ryusui. He can be stupidly charming, meanwhile you were swearing to Taiju were ok, not a fever, not a cold. you were ok.
Ryusui who was left standing with Francois smiled, while watching you walk away:
Francois: Ryusui - sama, did something happen?
The man snapped his fingers before answering:
Ryusui: Just a little waltz on the rain!
Francois smiled slightly and nodded. Ryusui couldn't help but wish he had a little more time with you outside. just a little bit more. After all he loved seeing your embarrassed face, it suited so well this time. He would never deny how much he loved when you got so shy around him, it was so cute!
Perhaps next time, you could actually dance in the rain together?
Thank you for reading!
Let me know what you think!
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hoshinamylove · 1 year
Kidnapper: We have your brother Sai: Ryusui? Kidnapper: Yes, and if you want him back you're going to hav- Sai: Oh so that's where he is!. Umm, I'll come and pick him up in a few hours. Just keep him there for a bit, the house has never been this quiet Kidnapper: Wait what- Sai: Alright, thanks for telling me! Sai: Oh yeah and in the afternoons he doesn't like staying inside so have fun dealing with that
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isekai-crow · 8 months
Cherry Magic / 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni nareru rashii Episode 1
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Overall Score so far: 8/10
Mainly because Kiyoshi Adachi knows he is in a BL, and is very aware of what might happen to him, and the short hand title is fucking hilarious. Cherry Magic. Cherri Maho. Man I love Japanese.
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Also GOOD CROWS ABOVE THIS ANIME IS GENRE-SAVVY. It knows exactly what it's doing, and feels like it's going to deliver what it promises. A wholesome lovey dovey little story.
The whole 1st episode almost feels self contained in a way that will definitely let you know if this show is for you or not. Capybara pointed out that this seems to be a common recent trend with anime for their first episodes. We saw it in Dr. Elise, Frieren, and Dungeon Meshi kind of felt that way too.
My first impression that might not make sense to some people is that this is a toned down Doppo and Hifumi from Matenrou/Hypnosis Mic.
Adachi is being voiced by the lovely deadpan of Kobayashi, Chiaki - His other roles I know being Langa from SK∞, Gabimaru!! (my beloved) from Jigokuraku/Hell's Paradise, and Mash!! from MASHLE, also this season! I haven't seen Vinland Saga yet, but other might know him as Askeladd! Kobayashi-san has a very particular voice that doesn't fluctuate much, but he knows when to show emotion that gives a good impact. Quote from Capybara - "They picked this guy for his dead pan, but can he emote? Oh, he's Langa from sk8, oh yeah, he can emote."
Kurosawa is voiced by Suzuki, Ryouta a super memorable voice! - Ryusui from Dr. Stone, Yuu ishikami from Kaguya Sama, BISCO!!! FROM SABIKU BISCO!!! That is some RANGE right there! Loud and Prideful, Quiet and Dark, and then a Screamy Boy. This is a younger VA who has had some great starting roles, and has already become a memorable and impactful voice, making this a very good match up!
Anyways, nerding out about voice actors aside, Episode 1 spoilers below!
At first it seems like we're going to get the standard tropes that come with the BL(Boys Love)/Yaoi Genre...
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But the show immediately spins those very same tropes on their head! It's great!! It's been so long since I watched a BL, and despite knowing that the genre in manga form has mostly moved away from a lot of the dub-con tropes (unless you're looking for it of course), it's lovely to see something that actually feels like a proper and semi-realistic romance.
Kurosawa seems like a super sweet dude who's ALSO aware this is a BL, but also that gay guys don't just exist everywhere and that the chance of his crush returning his affection is low.
But. There is no way Adachi is straight. He's absolutely either bi, and/or gay + somewhere on the ace-spec (demi?) depending on how things play out from here.
I bet Adachi stumbled into reading a BL manga (or two or three or) at some point in his younger years, and it had more of an impact on his psyche than he remembers, lmao.
His fascination with knowing Kurosawa has a crush on him is adorable, and he's absolute confusion at stumbling across the other man's fantasies is hilarious.
The tension between them is beautiful when Adachi is pretending to sleep, and we all KNOW Kurosawa is thinking of his sleeping face and then playing it off as just grabbing his phone. I repeat, there is NO WAY Adachi is straight, lmao.
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In response to this rhetorical question, No and Yes. If Adachi was the woman, saying yes would imply that she was aware she was being asked to have sex and giving consent (at least by Japanese standards I ASSUME? I've never been in this situation). And if Kurosawa was the woman, that is one very forward and direct lady who is absolutely Down To Fuck (Again, by Japanese standards afaik).
God, then they go out for yakiniku/Korean bbq the next day, and he finds himself enjoying the other man's company and wishing they could be friends, only to brush up again him and remember this man is in love with him. Adachi, you precious child, this is why you're so lovable. The immediate regret for taking the other man's feelings so lightly and not knowing what to do as he runs away is heart wrenching and OF COURSE THE EPISODE ENDS THERE.
It's a running theme that Adachi is worried about other's opinions and doesn't know how to rely on other, which tends to be a negative, but in this case, he's so conscientious of hurting Kurosawa by taking his feelings lightly. Even though he ends up hurting him anyways, I see this as a favorable take on the typical people-pleaser type character.
I'm not really looking to the implied trope of "Best Friend who also has a crush and claims to know him best" in the next episode, but since everything else has been subverted, I'm hoping that will get subverted too? Especially knowing that Best Friend-kun is in the secondary pairing from the PVs.
The HypMic Reference:
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Adachi is a Toned Down Doppo, who is an over worked businessman at a black company who might as well be Canadian for how often he says sorry, but goes into Berserker mode and absolutely destroys his opponents when pushed too far or his partners are hurt, and is Hifumi's emotion support human.
Kurosawa is a super Toned Down Hifumi, who is the #1 host at a club in Shinjuku and has a split personality of the perfect princely boyfriend, and a charai/flashy and "it'll be fine lol" personality, who is basically a housewife for Doppo and is also Doppo's emotional support human.
There aren't THAT many connection points between the two, but still, I like the comparison, aha.
Anyways, My Hopes For This Anime, having NOT read the manga and not wanting spoilers, are that these two get together by half way through the season and then we get the "newly dating" stages of their relationship, and various mishaps that only serve to strengthen their relationship. They seem like a very good couple and it would be a waste for them to not get together.
If they don't get together until episode 12, I will be so blue balled that I will have to drop it if only to get the circulation in my brain back.
Hype for more!
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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hereforthecha0s · 1 year
Thoughts on episode two! (This is so late)
•Still mad they’re blonde in the anime and not a red head
•Weird of them the change “desire is noble” to “greed = justice”
•When Francois was like “you didn’t feed this to anyone right,,,,,,,,,?” and Ryusui just “yeah lol :)”
•I am SO excited for why man’s first appearance oh my god
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narrators-journal · 1 year
Left blowing in the breeze
I just kinda got creative with this one, lol. Not much to say, it’s pretty fun, laid back, and a more relaxed entry into Kinktober this year. Also, god, this might be out of character, but I tried. I also want to clarify, this is after Senku has graduated. He’s implied to be about 18-19
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober masterlist: Here
CW: Bondage, orgasm denial/delay, I’m rusty on dr stone, hints of degredation, nippleplay
The large, expensive home of Ryusui Nanami almost vibrated from the force of the bass and the drunken, energetic crowd bouncing around within its walls. All cares thrown to the wind, furniture sacrificed, and priceless items worth a college’s entire budget forsaken in the name of a good time. It was an invigorating environment for sure, but Gen Asagiri couldn’t help but find it annoying, at the moment. “Excuse me! Pardon me!” The magician yelled, squeezing between writhing bodies and dodging spilled booze as he fought through the mob of people in search of the door. Finally making his way out to the well-manicured, moon-drenched yard. Even if that took him nearly belly-flopping onto the concrete of the patio.
“You good?” A new voice suddenly asked, making the magician jump slightly and look up to see an interesting man, indeed.
Dressed in an almost spitefully plain white t-shirt and dark grey sweatpants, with leek-colored hair that defied all laws of gravity with how it stood up like a pair of overly-starched jeans save for two strands that fell in front of captivating red eyes, was a man Gen hadn’t seen in the chaotic party. A very gorgeous man. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m fine.” He assured, scrambling up to his feet and dusting off his own button-up and jeans. Nothing too flashy, but a little more put together than the pajama-esque outfit of his new companion. “I just needed some air, and a break from all the groping and grinding. What has you out here?”
The odd man shrugged non-committal at his question, “My friends drug me here to try and ‘make friends’. They’re inside, somewhere, and I snuck out here to avoid the noise.” “Ah, that’s very fair.” The magician hummed with a nod, watching the man flick one of the chunks of hair out of his face. “But, aren’t you a celebrity?” The man asked, turning to give Gen a dry look, apparently not a fan, despite recognizing him. Interesting. “Ah! Yes, I am Gen Asagiri! A pretty famous magician! Who might you be?” He chirped, giving the man a sweet smile, but only getting a scoff in return. “Whatever.” That was it. That was all the reaction the raven-haired man got from his friendly attempts to charm the asocial man. So, he tried again with a bit more bite in his voice, “Well, can I at least know your name before you go brushing me off entirely?”
That, got another look from those crimson eyes. The magician seeming to have finally gotten his interest. “I’m Senku Ishigami. I’m a science prodigy who got snatched up by NASA when I graduated.” He offered, scanning the psychology expert for any reaction to his news, which Gen did give him, seeming impressed without letting on recalling the news articles about Senku he’d seen. If he was going to be cold about his achievements, he’d return the favor. “Well, that sounds like quite the achievement! Are you going to college, though?” He asked, getting a nod as the scientist meandered closer to the magician. “Of course, have you been to college? Or did you just get lucky with a few sleight of hand tricks?” Senku asked in return, making Gen snort, “Of course. I went for a degree in psychology to help me with my magic shows. If you can read people, it’s a lot easier to trick them, after all.” Adding with a hum, “And seduce them.” Watching the curiosity grow stronger in those pools of scarlet.
However, neither acknowledge the unspoken offer for a few heartbeats. Only standing on the patio and taking in the gorgeous yard as the music thrummed out of the house behind them. Their silence broken when Senku finally asked with the blunt force of a hammer, “Asagiri, are you coming on to me?” getting a gasp from the magician, “How would you get to that? I’ve only dated women, why would I hit on a man?” He asked, playing up the drama with a hand to his chest and a shocked expression to make the leek laugh slightly. A nice sound. “Well, you were either fishing for a reaction or don’t know how that would come off. Which, I don’t buy considering you just said you had a psychology degree.” The scientist pointed out, thankfully not offended at Gen’s dramatic claim, which made the dark-haired man snort. “You’ve got me~ I’m flirting~” He sang, adding to match the prodigy’s energy, “So? What do you say? We could find a hotel room, see where it goes?” “Sure.” Senku hummed after a moment of thought, smiling slightly at the celebrity, “I might not like magicians, but I won’t turn down the chance to sleep with someone famous.” “aw, what a gentleman~”
With that agreed upon, the pair braved the mob inside once more. Gen making sure to keep hold of his date’s hand as he pulled him through the party to find the front door. His heart thundering in his chest from the anticipation now racing through his blood. Making a beeline from the massive house, to the nearest hotel.
Once finally there, the raven-haired celebrity drug Senku into a heated kiss. Humming into his mouth and easily letting the science prodigy’s hands explore his body. Stripping him of his button-up and pants one by one before he got an idea. “Hey, I’ve got an idea, but I might need your help with it.” He panted, breathless from the mixture of kisses and lust buzzing around his head. A feeling only strengthened when his companion rose an eyebrow at his words, “Depends on what it is…” Senku said, eyeing the magician when he gave an innocent smile. “I was just wondering if you’d maybe tie me up? Just for a little bit of extra fun?” He hummed, watching as the scientist mulled the suggestion over for a long moment. His scarlet eyes getting a hint of mischief to them before he grinned and said in a bit of a lascivious purr, “Sure, I’m down to experiment” Grinning more when the magician shuddered in response. Regardless of the lust, though, the ravenette beamed. His cheeks already dusted a light pink.
So, stepping away from the man, Gen made a show out of ever so dramatically fishing a long, silk ribbon from his pocket. One of those things he’d usually tie together and pull out endlessly as an opening show of his skill, though, this time he only had the slip of silken, yellow fabric on him.
But, it was more than enough for Senku to tie around his wrists securely, and push him to his knees so he could do the same to his ankles. “Y’know, hooking up would be much easier if you were undressed.” Gen teased when his companion came back into view. Giving Senku’s sweatpants a light glare to get his point across, but the scientist snorted and waved it off, “I’ll undress if it gets that far. Be patient, Asagiri.” His order making Gen shudder again, that bonfire in his belly burning a little brighter as the scientist knelt down to kiss him.
He ran his hands along the celebrity’s sides and over his chest to get a few lighter moans until he gave a testing pinch of one of the man’s sensitive nipples. “Senku!” was the responding whine. Gen was suddenly awash with a much stronger dose of pleasure that left him panting and squirming at the feet of the leek-haired NASA prodigy. Pulling more at his restraints from the sparks of pleasure the odd-haired man sent through him with each tweak of his sensitive nubs. “You are surprisingly sensitive here.” Senku snorted, smiling a bit at the way the simple act had the magician red-faced and pulling at the silky scarf simultaneously binding his wrists and ankles behind his back so soon. “Are you gonna cum just from this?” He teased, leaning forward a bit so that their faces were close enough for Gen to feel his mint-scented breath fan out across his cheeks. “N-no.” The magician panted, his dark eyes glazed over with lust while Senku examined his expression for any sign of lying before leaaving his chest alone to instead slide his fingers down to the tent formed in Gen’s dark-blue boxers to press the heel of his hand into his erection.
In response, the magician threw his head back and moaned shamelessly. His blood buzzing with pulses of electricity. “Damn, you’re really riled up.” The leek-haired man snorted, his crimson eyes twinkling with a mischevious curiosity, as if the pink-faced celebrity was one of his science experiment. “I’ve only started touching you, and you’ve gone from respected celebrity, to a whore.” He mocked, his tone doing nothing to dull the barbs in his words, but Gen couldn’t care less.
Senku could’ve spit in his face, and he’d thank him. So long as he could grind his erection into his palm and indulge further in the delicious friction.
At least, until the scientist pulled his hand away, only chuckling at Gen’s mindless whine as he stood up. “Come on, Asagiri. You were so flirty at the party, and you can’t last ten minutes from some grinding and groping?” He jabbed, his degrading reminder making the ebony-haired man rub his thighs together a little harder. “I can last longer,” He argued, blinking a few times until he could meet those vibrant rubies without getting a fresh bolt of lust to the groin. “Really? Because you were just humping my hand like a dog in heat.” The scientist pointed out, bringing a flood of warmth up to Gen’s cheeks, but he just laughed it off, “As if you’d last much longer if the roles were reversed.” He shot back, getting an eyebrow raise from the odd-haired man standing over him, seeing the intrigue light up his eyes once more.
Gen watching as Senku mulled over his implied offer. Purposely drawing it out as long as he could before he shrugged, “You know what? Sure. I’ll take that bet.” Which had Gen’s heart racing with the feral excitement that could only come from the thought of finally being untied, or at least getting some sort of relief from the bubbling stew of need and desire. Only for that thrill to be met with a bucket of ice when Senku added, “But first, I need to step out and make a call. Have to tell Taiju I’ll be out for a while longer.”
A clear lie, Gen could tell the instant the scientist said it. Scowling in response, “Don’t you dare ditch me here, Senku!” He huffed, making the scientist laugh, giving him as charming a smile as he could manage as he headed for the door, “I’ll be right back~” “Senku!”
Despite his annoyance, the leek-haired prodigy stepped out of the hotel room with the key in hand. Leaving the magician on his knees, his ankles and wrists bound by a scarf, needs unmet
This bitch...
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
TickleTober Day #27: Leaves
Sai and Gen (Dr. Stone)
It had been thousands of years since Sai watched the leaves change colors.
He stood looking out over the postmodern world, taking in the reds and oranges and yellows and browns of the autumn season in India, reveling in the peaceful silence of it all.
And the silence was over.
Sai sighed and turned around, not surprised to see Gen trudging up the hill to join him, beaming from ear to ear.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you,” the mentalist said, glancing out at the view Sai had just been taking in. “Ooh, it’s beautiful up here. I see why you come here.”
“What do you want?” Sai asked, trying not to sound impatient. He knew it wasn’t this poor man’s fault that his brother was being so insistent about joining them on their voyage around the world, but it was no less irritating that he kept sending others to try and recruit him on his behalf.
Gen tilted his head innocently. “Why, to make sure you’re all right, of course.”
Sai blinked. “What?”
“You’ve been missing for a while, and we were beginning to worry. I know dear Ryusui can be a bit…much,” the mentalist hedged, “but his intentions are pure, I promise.”
“Don’t bring my brother into this. I’ve had enough of his meddling already.”
Sai turned his back on him and took a few steps in the opposite direction, trying to indicate without words that he didn’t want company.
Gen was, of course, undeterred. “It’s probably been a while since you’ve seen the leaves changing colors.”
“Yeah,” Sai admitted. “It’s beautiful here.”
The mentalist sidled up to him and playfully poked his side. “Is that why you chose to run away here? Because of the pretty colors? Oh?” He poked him again, grinning when he got a wobbly smile for his effort. “Someone’s sensitive.”
“Shush,” Sai muttered, then let out a high-pitched giggle and jerked away when Gen tried digging into his side. “Hehehey!”
“Are your sides your worst spot? That would mean you’re like Senku~”
Sai found his opportunity and leapt on it. “Are you and that guy together? It’s cool if you are – you’re just pretty obvihihihious! Hehehehehey!”
“Why, Sai, since when are you interested in my love life?” Gen teased, grasping his ribs and tickling gently. “I’m flattered that you noticed! Senku is quite handsome, isn’t he?”
“N-No cohohohohomment! Wohohohohould you stohohohohop?!” Sai giggled, unable to help himself. “Whahahahat the hehehehehell? Is thihihihihis how you convihihihihince peheheheheople to join your cahahahahause?!”
Gen giggled himself, keeping up masterfully with Sai’s squirming. “No, but if it makes you happy, I’m not opposed to continuing~”
Sai sputtered and protested, though he was surprised to find himself in much better spirits all of a sudden. “Nohohohohoho!”
“No?” Gen stopped, deciding it was enough for now, and winked playfully. “Well, since you’re so interested in our romantic lives, what if I told you Ryusui has been showing an interest in a certain someone lately?”
Sai’s brother had a crush? “Who?” he asked, unable to help his interest. And just like that, he fell into the mentalist’s trap.
He was on their ship and joining their voyage within the week.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
Oh yeah, they're looking for oil
of which Ryusui demands rights to
capitalism is back in full swing
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shokano19 · 4 years
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they fallin’
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astelren · 2 years
Dr Stone Jealousy HCs
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ೃ⁀➷ TW/CW: Fluff, Jealousy (D'uh), Honestly nothing much, Gender Neutral Reader (one use of they/them pronouns), let me know if I need to add more TW/Tags ♡ Minors please interact with me only by liking or reblogs. ➳ Characters: Ryusui Nanami
⤠ None ⤟ Dr Stone Masterlist (soon!) ⤠ None ⤟
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Anon request: Hello there~ can i request a jealous ryuusui hcs uwu the world needs more ryuusui content~ thankyouu OwO
Is the dr stone fandom still alive? Hello? Anybody there? I miss talking about Ryusui and Stanley honestly... - This is a rewriting of my old work, originally posted on @/severnliliuch.
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You thought that Ryusui, a man with everything, never gets jealous? You are so, so wrong. His jealousy is more because of lack of attention though, since he is pretty secure in himself and your relationship.
What do you expect from the greediest man in the stone world? Once Ryusui gets a little bit of your attention, he wants all of it. And he doesn’t really like to share with others
But this is the stone world, there's a lot of stuff to do, so you don't give him the attention he wants and craves. If this were the modern world, Ryusui would have simply stolen your attention by either something you like, coming to you with a massive smirk on his face ready to show off his ability, or taking you out on a date
However, he can’t do it in the stone world, even if he has you working for him. Ryusui would pout seeing you talking with others, even if it’s Yuzuihira, and he is going to interrupt your conversation or simply hug you from behind
Ryusui it’s also more prone to get jealous if you are spending too much time with his brother, even if he is glad that you two are on good terms! But spending too much time with Sai and Ryusui is pouting so hard. And would constantly try to interfere with your conversation, much to his brother's dismay and terror
Like I said before it’s when you are doing it too much without him, Ryusui does understand that you two can’t be together all the time, you have stuff to do and sometimes it’s nice to be alone. But constantly, or often, ditching your time with him to be with someone else makes him jealous.
His jealousy also makes him show off, even more, just to get your attention or, even better, your compliments. Ryusui will lavish on your compliments like a beautiful calm sea, and it’s a good way to make him less jealous and calm
Another tactic is: demanding you rest. There is a lot of stuff to do, sure, but you wouldn’t want to overdo it would you? Better relax a little bit, Francis is already ready with your favorite food and drink. Ryusui would assure you that it’s okay, no one would bat an eye if they saw you two relaxing
Also… Please imagine Gen using this situation to get more money for ryusui ajsbjs “Oh, but you know! We need their service for the greater world, we don’t want to fall back from sched-“ and ryusui just throws money at him AHHAHA
I also think that, at first, he won’t understand that he is jealous. Ryusui will need either you, or Francois, to actually say it to understand what he is feeling, but then he won’t hide it or be embarrassed at all
"Yeah, I’m jealous. I want to have all your attention, and being the only one in your eyes cutie, you should know by know how greedy I am right?” Ryusui will say it with a huge smirk on his face
You can defiantly tease him about it though, he’ll let you. Smirking and teasing you back probably, holding you by the hips as he so carefully watches you and pulls you for a kiss
As per the “classic” situation of jealousy, Ryusui will simply watch from afar when someone tries to flirt with you. Stone world or modern world everyone would know that you are with him, and like I said before, he trusts you deeply, so unless the person is clearly disrespecting you, or you simply need help, he won’t interfere.
Why go with someone else when he can give you everything you wish for in the world? His endless love, money, status, attention, all you have to do is ask and Ryusui would give it to you no question asked.
You can’t even try to make him jealous on purpose, since Ryusui sees through it way too quickly. He won’t flirt with someone else to make you jealous but will tease you to no end, laughing and kissing all over your face while commenting on how cute you are.
Jealous Ryusui is so needy and clingy, not really leaving your side and wanting your attention all the time. A good way to make his jealousy go away is to cuddle with him before going to sleep, holding him closer to you.
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This work belongs to @/astelren, do not repost, translate, copy, rewrite or share on tiktok without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡
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Dr. Stone Couples and the 'I Want A Baby' Meme
Gen: I want a baby.
Senku: Saw that tweet.
Gen: Dammit.
Tsukasa: I want a baby.
Ryusui: Mine's?
Tsukasa: Yeah, who else's?
Ryusui: Aquaman's.
Amaryllis: I want a baby.
Kohaku: We're lesbians.
Ruri: I want a baby.
Chrome: I'm baby.
Stanley: I want a baby.
Xeno, pulling out the tools and chemicals: Give me a week. What color?
Lillian: I want a baby.
Byakuya, immediately: SENKU, YOU'RE GETTING A NEW SIBLING!!!
*sounds of glass shattering from upstairs*
Connie: I want a baby.
Shamil: Well, this was fun while it lasted.
Darya: I want a baby.
Yakov: I promise after we get back to Earth I will give you baby. I will give you as many babies as you want. I can't wait to get you pregnant. I can't imagine the amount of pure happiness that will overwhelm me. You're the woman of my dreams and you're going to be the best mother to our babies. I love you so much.
Matsukaze: I want a baby.
Ginro: I want new heelies.
Kirisame: I want a baby.
Kinro: Oh? Just to hang out with?
Homura: I want a baby.
Hyoga: Eat shit. I'm not putting a demon inside you.
Chelsea: I want a baby.
Sai: I want a baby but I don't want an actual baby but I would actually like a baby but I just can't have a baby yet, okay?
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