#ohh and also secret santa…
mooneltwo · 11 months
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Cobylu ponyo but they’re the parents
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roundaboutnow · 9 months
today my brother found a CD of Good News for People Who Love Bad News so I finally have one of my favorite albums ever :D
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natashaslesbian · 10 months
Christmas Lies
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Summary: your school friend tells you a devastating secret
Word Count: 1.1k
Parings: (Mom!Natasha x Daughter!Reader) (PeterParker x Reader)
Warnings: none :))
The snow hadn’t quite settled on the grass yet, but a faint white blanket still laid atop the field carrying your favourite playground. Everyday on the way home from school you would beg your mom to take you, just for five minuets. This was Natasha’s next clue that something was wrong. The city had long ago passed and the car was now scraping along the icy cobbled road up to the Avengers compound. After mothering you as mothers do about your coat, even for a 20 second walk, you had finally made it home. Peter, in record time, had also just made it back and was preparing you your afterschool snack. “Hey little spider” he called “look what I’ve got, chocolate pop tarts with extra sprinkles” if not only for the pop tarts, you would usually be ecstatic to see Peter. He was your favourite person, after mama of course. “y/n?” Natasha said “what do you say?” You looked between both avengers, a silent conversation took place “I think someone’s a little tired” your mommy said “well we can’t have a tired y/n now can we, why don’t you go take a nap with mr webs and I’ll save your pop tarts for later?” Peter said. You nodded and reached for him, asking spider man to take you for your nap. It was no surprise to Nat, she knew how much you loved him, and she trusted that Peter would take care of you. “Have a good nap sweetheart” the red head said as Peter lent over with you in his hold, allowing Natasha to peck your cheek “I’ll come and wake you up soon ok”
You didn’t take a nap. Once Peter left you pulled back the duvet and headed to your small desk, pulling gently on the bottom draw. Silently you pulled out a small stack of letters, each one addressed to Santa. The tears started to fall once more as you returned to your plush bed. Downstairs, Natasha was confiding in her best friend. “Something’s wrong with her I know it, ever since she came out of school today I could tell something was off” the assassin said “you just have to ask her Nat” Clint said as he passed over a steaming cup of coffee “she might just have been tired” he said “I know” Natasha continued “but after last time” “this isn’t like last time” the agent cut in “it wasn’t your fault she got sick” the pair sunk into the couch “I should’ve seen the signs, what if something is really wrong again” Clint retook the coffee before Nat even had the chance to sip the hot liquid “go check on your girl” he said.
“Y/n?” Your mom quietly said as she opened your bedroom door “are you awake?” You rolled to face your pink walls, you didn’t want to see her right now. A small crumble under her foot caused Natasha to look down. She saw the remains of scattered letters across the floor “y/n? What are these?” The redhead said as she crouched down to pick a piece up “baby are these your letters to Santa? Why are they all ripped up?” your mama took her uninvited seat on your bed, the wet patch next to your face causing a crack in her heart “y/n, can you look at mommy please?” She begged. You pulled the duvet up above your head, causing Natasha to try a different tactic “ohh y/n” she cooed “I think the… tickle monster is here!” She went straight for your tummy, your weak spot, the spot that would usually have you laughing hysterically. But not today. “Mama stop it” you said beneath the covers “it’s the tickle monster y/n oh no!” Her playful voice had you itching to climb into her arms “No mama! You lie to me!” You yelled as you reappeared with a giant frown, Natasha froze “what do you mean baby?” She asked “you lied to me” you said as you began to cry again “you told me Santa was real but he’s not” you howled. The widow wasn’t prepared for this conversation yet, she thought she still had a few more years to play pretend “who- who told you that?” You wiped your runny nose “Tommy. At school” you said “why did you lie mommy?” You completely broke down and Natasha scooped you into her arms with no hesitation, and with no push back from you.
“I’m sorry I lied to you y/n” your mama said “it was wrong of me and mommy shouldn’t have done it” you grizzled quietly in her arms “I forgive you mama” you whimpered “thank you darling, but hey you listen to me” Natasha said as she shifted you to meet her gaze “just because Santa isn’t real doesn’t mean you can’t believe in him, and it doesn’t mean the magic isn’t real” her soft fingered wiped your tears “the magic is real?” You said “of course it is!” Your mommy beamed “it’s in the snow and the presents and the food, it’s in the music and the lights, and most of all it’s in here” Nat said as she laid her hand across your chest. “I just wanted you to feel it too” you moved your head towards your moms chest and listened to her heartbeat “I feel it mama” you said “you know when I was little, I didn’t have any of the magic, but for a few years I had Santa” Natasha said as she swaddled you up “I waited up for him every Christmas. After the 5th time, I gave up. I stopped believing. I shouldn’t have lied baby girl, but I just wanted you to have the magic that I never did” you returned the favour and wiped one of mamas fallen tears “mommy don’t cry” you said “I believe in the magic” Natasha smiled again “good” she said “because I promise you, there is magic in Christmas”
A little while passed before Natasha spoke again “if you want to sweetheart, we can still believe in Santa, we can be Santa” your little eyes lit up “we can?” Your mama nodded “can Fanny be our Rudolph?” You asked “I’m sure if you ask auntie Yelena she’ll say yes!” You giggled “and we can get everyone stockings and fill them up on Christmas Eve after everyone has gone to sleep!” You beamed “that sounds amazing darling” Natasha said “I guess we’ll even have to eat the cookies won’t we” she whispered, sending you into a fit of laughter. The two of you stayed wrapped up in your room for the rest of the night, and it was safe to say you couldn’t wait for Christmas Eve, you couldn’t wait to bring santas magic to life.
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theworldofotps · 9 months
Secret Santa
Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader Word Count: 1,825 Description: Finn doesn't have a gift for the Secret Santa, so the rest of The Judgment Day help him out.
So excited to write some festive pieces! Thank you so much @new-zealand-chic for helping me create this idea, like you ran the ball with most of it. I truly hope that it's as good as you imagined. --------- Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose​ @99hook @sjwrites22​ @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29​ @itsicantbelievethis666​ @lilred91​ @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie​ @shortyiceheart​ @serpantscorpio8497​ @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart​ @vebner37​ @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars​ @seeingstarks​ @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior​ @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth​ @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin​ @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456  @mcreignsera
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. -------- “Okay here we go guys it’s time to pick your Secret Santa. You have three days to shop because this is a last minute idea.”
Becky smiles as she holds out a bag to the Judgment Day containing slips of papers with the name of coworkers participating in the activity. Rhea gasped sitting up quickly and reached into the bag first pulling out a name and glanced at it. “Ohh this is going to be a fun person to shop for.” She smirked, pocketing the name as the rest of the members grabbed their slips as well. Finn looked down at his paper reading over it and sighing quietly; he hadn’t picked who he was hoping for. Becky watched him closely and smiled innocently as the others chatted excitedly amongst themselves.
“You okay there Fergy?” “Yeah, I was just hoping for someone a bit easier to shop for.” “Nah don’t listen to him he’s pissy because he didn’t get y/n.”
Damian smirked as he walked over patting his friend on the back, the group teasing him as his cheeks flushed red.  “Shut up.”
He shook his head ducking out of the room with a chuckle as they made kiss faces at him. 
“Children, the whole lot of them.” ‘Alright, it’s time to find out who has y/n’s name.”
Walking down the hallway he decided to head for the catering area first, there was bound to be plenty of people in there who were also involved. “Chad hey quick question, I know you wanted to do the secret Santa thing you don’t happen to have y/n do you?”
“I don’t think we’re supposed to reveal who we have.” Chad chuckled looking at him and watched as Finn did his best to remain unbothered. Nearly everyone in the locker rooms knew how bad he had it for her.  “Yes I know but I just was curious.”
“Well actually I did have her but I switched with Kofi because he got himself so he has her name now.”
“Fuck okay thanks man.”
Finn quickly made his way off to find Kofi not noticing Chad sending a text to Kofi letting him know what was going on. When Finn finally spotted Kofi he was disappointed to find out he had also switched with someone else. 
And so began the long task of Finn chasing all the leads that he got of who had Y/n’s name. The next three days he sent out what seemed like a thousand text messages and phone calls, dropping by locker rooms if they weren’t answering. It was driving him crazy going after all these leads. So, when he was told that Natayla had her name, he stopped her as soon as she stepped in the arena for Raw. “Nattie, please I’m begging do you have Y/n’s name for the Secret Santa?” “Oh yes I do, why?” “Would you be willing to trade with me and in exchange you can have Bayley.” “Well I already got her gift so..”
Natayla smiled at him watching as the light practically went out in his eyes she tapped her chin with the paper.
“I suppose I would be willing to trade, Bayley would like this gift better anyway but you have to do something for me first.”
“What? I’ll do anything.”
“You have to do a Christmas Tiktok dance with me and we need to be dressed up.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes I am, I think it would be so much fun and people would enjoy it.”
“What costume?”
“You’ll be dressed up as a gingerbread man and I’ll be dressed up as an elf.”
Finn stared at her and looked at the ceiling groaning as he thought.
“How bad do you want this Finn?”
Natayla waved the paper around in front of his face, she could see he was about to cave in. Finn thought for a moment longer than nodded his head holding his hand out.
“Okay yes deal just tell me when and I’ll be there.”
“Perfect here you go.”
Finn thanks her, taking the paper and rushes towards The Judgment Day locker room. Pushing the door open he grins waving the paper back and forth excitedly.
“I finally got it! I have y/n’s name for Secret Santa!”
He cheered as his friends gathered around and looked at the paper in his hand, Damian chuckled, slapping him on the back.
“Well done mate and all you had to do was harass the entire company rosters to achieve it.”
“I didn’t harass anyone.”
“You literally kept calling Liv at three in the morning yesterday to try and find out if she still had it. She texted me about it a little while ago and you owe her a coffee for her trouble.”
Rhea shrugged as she sat back down on the sofa and looked up at him sipping her bottle of water.
“So what are you giving her?”
“I don’t know yet I have to shop.”
“You better figure it out man, the gift exchange is tonight.”
Dom grinned watching as their friend slowly sank into a chair looking between them all.
“I thought Becky said we had three days.”
“She did, you spent nearly every moment since we got the names looking so you have exactly two hours to figure out what to get her.”
“What the fuck am I going to do?”
“We can help you out, we just need to find a store and fast.”
Rhea smiled, tossing the rental keys to Damian as the group rushed out to the rover and piled in. Finn sat in the passenger seat nervously bouncing his knee as he watched out the window, the group couldn’t help but whisper when he wasn’t paying attention. Damian reached over grabbing Finn’s knee.
“Stop bouncing that damn leg, it’s driving me nuts.”
“Sorry I’m just nervous. I didn't even think of getting a gift while I was waiting for replies.”
“No worries man, we got you.”
The group says as they arrive at the shops then make their way inside, they decide to split up so they weren’t all caught in a large group. 
“Do you have a general idea of what you want to get for her?”
“No, I mean I want to get her something special because I think she’s really special but also I don’t know what she already has.”
Rhea groans and grabs his arm leading him into a shop. It was best to let her lead since she hung out with y/n more than Finn was able to. What Rhea thought was going to be a simple easy time turned out to be frustrating as hell because Finn kept shooting down everything she suggested. 
“Come on mate.” Rhea groaned. “We've been here an hour, the party is in forty minutes!”
“There’s nothing here that works for her.”
“Finn Finn we found it!”
Dom called as he rushed into the shop with Damian trailing behind him a bag in his hand. 
“What did you find?”
“Trust us she’s gonna love it, now come on we need to get back we won’t have much time.”
The group get back in the rental and head off back to the arena with Damian clutching the bag in his hand. Finn was worried that it wouldn’t be something fit enough for Y/n and the whole ride he begged Damian to tell him what it was. 
“Just wait and see.”
He smirked as he drove them the rest of the way and the group made their way inside. Becky met them in the hallway and lead them to the catering area where their coworkers and friends were. 
“Okay everyone, find the person you have the name of and give them their gift, enjoy yourselves!”
Becky smiled as music softly played throughout the room, Finn turned to Damian and shifted on his feet.
“What’s in the bag Damian.”
“My gift for Rhea, that's who I had.”
He says pulling out a leather vest with a rhinestone fire skull and spikes on the back of it. Rhea cheered, grabbing the vest and slipping it on while thanking her friend earnestly.
“You said you found one for y/n!”
“Technically I didn’t say that we just said we found a gift she would like we didn’t say we bought one. However, I have the perfect idea.”
Pulling a large purple bow out of the bag he slaps it on Finn’s chest while Rhea puts a pair of deer antlers on his head. A twig of mistletoe hanging from it, Dom snaps a picture before Rhea shoves Finn into someone. “Woah, hello Finn.” Feeling his face heat up he turns looking into a pair of the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen on a person before. “Hello y/n I'm so sorry for bumping into you.” “That's alright no harm done, so who did you have for Secret Santa?”
“He started out with Bayley.” Rhea said smirking from where she was leaning against the wall, Damian chuckled as they practically threw their friend under the bus. “But he spent so much time trying to get the actual person he wanted that he forgot to buy a gift.” Damian wiggled his eyebrows at his friend who stared at them but also the amused smile on y/n’s face.
“So, y/n, congratulations your Secret Santa gift this year is none other than Finn Balor.” Dom called as the three of them quickly rushed off leaving the pair alone, Finn wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“You’re my present this year? How delightful I was wondering why you had a big purple bow on your shirt. You know what’s funny?”
She asked, stepping closer to him with a smile on her face as Finn couldn’t help but softly smile back.
“I got your name this year, I got a pack of legos as a joke but seeing as there's some mistletoe on your head. I think that we can exchange a much better gift, don't you think?” Finn’s gaze flicked down to where her tongue slipped out to wet her bottom lip, his eyes darkening as he smirked.  
“I definitely think we could love.” With his heart racing Finn cupped her cheeks pulling her close before pressing his lips to hers in a kiss that rocked his world. Ignoring the cheering of their coworkers Y/n smiled into the kiss her eyes closed as the two of them let the noise fade out. When they finally parted goofy grins on both their faces Finn’s eyes searched hers.
“What do you say we go find somewhere and talk maybe over a drink?”
“I say, what are we doing still standing here lets go.”
Hand in hand the two laugh as they quickly leave the room ignoring the hoots and whistles of their friends. 
“Wear protection Finn!”
Was the last thing he heard Rhea shout before the door closed behind them and he pulled her in for another kiss.
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ghoatinaytherealone · 9 months
“Ohh Rue! I’m back, how are the-“
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With permission from the organizers for the Far-Fetched Secret Santa Gift Exchange on the discord, Here’s Rue and Quinn’s devastating christmas atrocity! (they were supposed to be christmas cookies)
Also bonus doodle:
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Clodagh then proceeded to spend the next 1 hour to teach Rue how to properly make christmas cookie dough, with Quinn’s wonderfully gracious presence of course.
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santaswiftie · 2 years
Secret Santaswiftie for @ohh-goddamn ★ I don’t know how to make edits, but I do know how to write a guitar tab! I also know you really want to hear Taylor sing ivy live, so this my interpretation of how she could do it acoustically :) It’s been wonderful getting to know you better, happy holidays! With love, your Swiftie Santa (@itwasminefirst)
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edogawa-division · 9 months
Only an hour and a few minutes were left until Christmas was over. Fortunately, the postal service did its job right and managed to deliver before the day was over. What was the place it was being to sent to, and to whom? The lovely recipient was none other than Kanra Akemi of Edogawa, who was alerted by her mother, Yuriko, while she was being cleaning up the kitchen.
"Ohh, a present!" Kanra exclaimed as she opened it up to see what was inside. Her eyes, along with her mother's grew wide, at the gift.
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It was a longboard snowboard, all ready to use. The coolest part of it was the design which featured a red demon on it; made perfect by the one known as Edogawa's Red Devil.
"Wow!" Kanra exclaimed, holding it up. Attached to the back of it, was a letter, also addressed to Kanra, which read:
'Dear Kanra,
A very Merry Christmas to you! I hope you are doing well since we last met. I was appointed to be your Secret Santa, so I decided to give you something I feel would be good for you to learn and use: a snowboard! I'm sure someone with your talent can learn how to use it in no time! If not, I'll gladly show you how to! Looking forward to seeing you on the snowy mountains!
Kokomi Morozov'
“Alright now I can really have some fun in the snow!” Kanra cheered, excited that she had a board to go snowboarding with. The last time she had gone to Hakodate, she had caught Kokomi shredding it down the mountain, and thought it was the coolest thing in the world.
“Yuriko-san! Can we go to Hakodate soon? I wanna get Kokomi-san to teach me how to snowboard!”
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phantaloon · 2 years
ohhhh i can't believe christmas day is already here, you have no clue how much i enjoyed talking with you during this time, I'd really love for us to keep talking even if there are only a few common interests, two's enough right? :)
but ohh i wish you a very merry christmas, in my country (or maybe just my family lol) we see christmas as a time for blessings and happiness and gratefulness, so I wish you the absolute best, i hope you're showered in blessings and i hope you get to enjoy with your loved ones these happy holidays <3
look lmao about your gift, i totally forgot how much i suck at drawing and painting. i really said oh yeah i got this it's gonna be amazing, and yk the concept sketch was actually kinda cool and it was all going fine right until the moment i started painting it ahdjdkf either way I'll leave it here to you, it's not a great painting (it's not good at all tbh) but it is from the heart <3
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so obviously i meant to crossover csty with your doggie in a christmas sweater but it turns out i suck at painting, feel free to laugh at it lmao so did i (it's still from the heart tho ajdjfkf)
buuut i hated it so damn much that i said yk what i can't just leave this as my christmas gift for my secret santa sooooo i also made you a moodboard :) ngl I'd never done one before, and ik there are some things you like that are not in it but here it is too <3
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so yeah! i really hope you had as much fun as i did, really i wish you the best and i hope we can stay as semi interacting mutuals (bc i suck at keeping in contact for long periods of time)
I'm sending you a big hug and all the love to you and your loved ones
merry christmas!
- phantaloon
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transparentheartz · 2 years
hello sweets!! how was ur day? tell mr about it if u’d like! also hope u’re okay!!💞 i went to the movie theater to watch avatar 2 and i loved it SO MUCH!! omg!!! istg i’m so obsessed with that universe :(( literally wanna write an avatar au now😭 aaand then after this i also finally made the christmas tree with my parents :D
also, i’m glad u had a nice day yesterday!! hopefully u’ll enjoy the next couple of days even more <3 -2 till christmas omg!! r u excited? ^^
ohh and i rlly liked spongebob!! :D i think some of my fav cartoons were fairly oddparents, courage the cowardly dog, winx and many more💞
sending u much love <3
today’s question: if u could live in any fictional universe, which one would it be?💓
today’s quote: “You cannot control everything that happens to you; you can only control the way you respond to what happens. In your response is your power”
— ur secret santa🎅🏻🎄
hii! i worked today :/ but came home and ate. i got my secret santa from work! she got me a harry pin/sticker, a young royals pin, and two books(the offensive charm and a book that’s 100% based of larry lol)
i’ve had a sinus headache the past few days bc of how cold it is :( but other than that i’m okay. how are you??
so happy you enjoyed the movie!
i am excited for christmas! i love fairly odd parents and courage the cowardly dog!
um i think i would live in the fictional book series called truly devious, i could solve murders!! hby??
hope you have an amazing day!!
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💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Ohh thank you for giving me an opportunity to self-promote a little bit!! My favorite published fic is Giving yourself up, piece by piece, an Aiden/Keira/Lambert fic i wrote last December for a secret santa sort of event. It's extremely self-indulgent and crammed full of feelings, bittersweet conversations, communication issues, slow burn, the tiniest bit of angst, but most importantly, Lambert, Keira and Aiden being bi and happy together
I had been wanting for a long time to write about Lambert falling in love with both Aiden and Keira separately then all three of them ending up together and learning a new dynamic. I especially loved writing Lambert torturing himself with self-doubts and Aiden and Keira slowly growing to appreciate then love each other, first through Lambert, then independently from him, if that makes sense? Like, their relationship is a full triangle, not just two arrows pointing at Lambert.
(Also, writing Aiden openly flirting with Keira was very enjoyable for some reason.)
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shadowsxgwynriel · 2 years
I'm loving the new look of your blog. The angel/bat icon is a real treat 😏
We are not done with the secret santa questions...
How many chapters do you think the Acotar gang will be in CC3? Would you prefer that they have a major or a minor role?
Do you think Aelin Whitethorn Ashryver Galathynius and her gang will make an appearance at some point in the next books?
And finally...would you prefer a Friends-to-lovers or Enemies-to-lovers love story??
Hehe I felt that it was time to change my aesthetic up a bit 😁🦇
* Okay so I can kind of seeing SJM having the ACOTAR gang being in a majority of part 1 in the book. Though, I do hope that they don’t over stay their welcome. Like I want to see the gang and everything, but I also don’t want them to overshadow the CC city gang in their last book (at least for now)
* Honestly I kind of hope that they don’t. While I would love to see them again, I don’t want the books to start to feel to much like an Avengers movie (which SJM compared the crossover too). If they came back then I would want it to be within the TOG universe.
* Ohh I’m a sucker for both. But I do think that bickering between Enemies to Lovers is just *chef’s kiss* and when they finally fall in love, especially if it’s guy who falls first? That’s some good stuff 😍
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chequered-career · 2 years
hi again! i'm the anon who was asking about good dsmp g/t creators. i kinda forgot i even made an account on here, but i'm back! i just wanted to say that i scrolled through your art tags and am in love with the way you draw! especially your puzzle lore, i'm lowkey invested! is there a bigger backstory behind that or is it something you and puzzle and ghost came up with? if there's something behind it could you guide me in the right direction? :)
also i see in your blog's description that you occasionally write, is there any writing of yours posted, or just art? either way your content is very cool and i'm happy to have found your blog! i hope you have a lovely day <3
Howdy!! Aww, thanks so much! Gosh I'll need a minute to process that flashback sjshdcj- that was an absolutely incredible time :D The whole puzzle lore thing kinda happened by accident, haha. It started with someone (ghostan0n) who kept sending anon messages in order to rickroll people in the dsmp g/t community. All of their interactions with Puzzle are right here in chronological order! :]]
Ohh gee nobody has ever asked before,, honestly i don't write much but i did post this very old fic from over a year ago as part of a secret santa thing. thanks a bunch!! hope you have a lovely day too <3
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itsdelicate · 2 years
sorry this is late but hiiii!!
YES exactly omg like when i wanted to get into f+tm it took me forever to choose smth to listen to first so i just asked a friend what to listen to. yea ur absolutely right. she did she did and then acted like it isnt one of the most addictive songs on her discography??? when i first heard the bridge i thought she said he looks so pretty like a devil and that did me in but the actual lyric is everything too lmao YES hey taylor just make the longest album all a bunch of 10 mins song thanks babe lol
omg thatd be so fun!! they came to my country and we totally missed it and my mom was so sad ab it like she was all "why didnt you tell me they were coming" lmaodsjk and i wouldve loved to go as well. aww its ur "i thought they were boo-ing me" sorta moment (thats the first thing that came to me lmao). YES which is why im trying to get into other artists cause soon im going to have listened the hell out of all the discographies of my fav artists djskmdlm
HAHAH yea good thing taylor is a master of putting depressing lyrics together w dancey beats akmddsnm i love slow sad songs cause of my mom i think cause she played those slow whitney houston and celine dion songs on repeat when i was younger lol
yea dont fall for the peer pressure to watch them its a lot and not so amazing anyways lol. i mean yea but some of the plot is bit iffy for me like the cultural roots of the whole avatar people and that dash of white saviour stuff in the first movie so its like eh.
OHH okok glad u had fun!! well i went to my grandmas in the weekend and went out w my cousins yesterday which was loads of fun!! def wanna do that again soon. wbu? did anything kinda fun or even pretty lame or really just anything lol
omg im actually a bit in the middle for me! lol like i do like it but its not smth i listen to as much as most of her other songs. it is!! im def never doing a whole ranking lmaokdwk OOH yesyes i love lwymmd since the mv like i thought it was the most iconic thing ever when i watched it and i wasnt even a fan at the time. ooh def closure!! i could not listen to it at first then after a long while i went back to it and tried to listen to it like the first time and LOVED IT!!! now shes everything to me and i will defend her w my life <3
how's ur day been? any little things in it that made u happy?
xxx ur secret santa
ahhh my reply’s late too that’s alright!! i’ve been working on assignments, very upsetting that it’s back to reality now 🥲
oooh that’s a great way to get into music! honestly only one of my friend’s is a big music lover so i never get recs from anyone except her ahsjd omg same i thought that was the lyric as well! no literally like give me a 10 min version of the great war,,,,
oh nooo it would’ve been so fun!! are you a big concert person? shdkf it was Exactly like that i thought they were laughing cause i was bad at singing or something 💀 i always end up switching from whichever album i’ve been playing non-stop! i just saw & juliet the musical last week so for now it’s the soundtrack instead of midnights hehe
sad bops are so good 😌 oooh very fair! what was your very first album you got on your own?
noted 😭 oh oof tbh idk what the avatar movies are about at all except that they’re blue msjfkf
aw that’s lovely!! i saw the life of pi play and & juliet last week and then also went to the zoo which was for my assignment (i study animal welfare) but also a nice day out 🥰
i want to like it more it’s such a fun song but idk why i just shdjf lover is my lowest ranked album although some of its individual songs are my fav! it’ll take the whole of 2023 to do an entire ranking tbh 😭 i think taylor can make a whole album faster than i’d be able to rank all her songs lmao omg yess and the mv whew, ooh yeah!! a lot of people didn’t like the “clanging pots and pans” LOL but it’s great!!
my day’s been good! i tried out a new recipe today and it was really successful so i’m pleased 😌 wbu!!
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mel-loves-kdramas · 2 years
Your Exo-L Secret Santa checking in/replying! I have your gift all queued up although I might add some finishing touches.
Ohh the Xfiles fandom is old school. I've watched a couple seasons always meant to get back to it. Are you still active in those fandoms? I was on tumblr as a high schooler primarily for doctor who, harry potter, star trek. That was quite long ago although I still follow doctor who sometimes.
I have a couple friends who are big BTS fans, and I was super into classic rock at the time and they both sent me the Dynamite mv which IS a great way to hook a 70s fan into kpop. Since then I've gotten into a whole bunch of groups: SHINee was probably first. I'm also big into WayV (veryy excited for their new comeback the teasers look gorgeous!) Pentagon, Day6... Do you follow/listen to any other groups?
I can’t believe you saw SuperM in concert!!! that’s amazing. I have been to one kpop concert (BTS) and it was SO much fun. ugh to see Baekhyun live… but yesss you're right he is almost back! (and we're just not gonna talk about kai and sehun enlisting) Do you think Exo is going to have a comeback soon then?? Trying not to get my hopes up too much haha but I think it's what the world needs.
I really liked Grey Suit too! (Morning Star made it surprisingly high in my spotify wrapped, but Hurdle was the favorite for me). I will definitely check out the live session MVs! I love anything that highlights their vocals (and any time they lean into the superpowers).
Favorite Baekhyun songs are probably Amusement Park, Betcha, Privacy, UN Village. My favorite Exo solo album overall is probably Kyungsoo's though.
When I had covid, I luckily never fell ill, but I tested positive and this was pre-vaccine so there was (understandably!) even more precaution. But no symptoms! I just stayed inside and binge watched tv and tried to learn how to play guitar.
Last optional Q for the present, what are a few of your overall favorite music albums? (doesn't have to be exo/kpop!)
Have a lovely week! <3
Hi Santa,
Yay! I am quite excited to see what you have created for me.
Omg, how lucky you are to have seen BTS in concert! Trying to get tickets are always sooooo crazy! A friend of mine tried to get tickets once and couldn’t.
Besides EXO, I really enjoy TVXQ, NCT and all their subunits.
Maybe us fans can manifest a EXO comeback after Baekhyun comes back from his military service. Crossing fingers!
I am so glad you didn’t have bad symptoms of covid. I also loved Kyungsoo’s solo album, but second to Suho (of course, hahaha) I loved Kai’s first solo album. His 2nd solo album was good, but I really enjoy his first one.
It’s hard for me to choose certain albums for a few of my favs so I hope you don’t mind me going off their greatest hits albums. Some of my fav artists and their greatest hits albums are Bruno Mars, Keith Urban, Maroon 5, and for Taylor Swift her two albums: 1989 and Midnights.
I was very involved in the Arrow/Olicity fandom when the show was on air, but not very much these days. As for The X-Files I still love all the fandom creations (gifs, edits and fanart). They will always be my OTP of fandoms.
Were you excited about the Dr Who’s David Tennant surprise return? I think it might have broken tumblr when it happened. Hahaha! I loved him in BroadChurch.
Have a wonderful week too!
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channieblossoms · 9 months
hiii it’s your stayblr secret santa again! i hope you’re having a great day! ☺️
thanks for answering i nearly forgot about nose stud chan and purple chan those were sooooo good 💜 i was so sad when he said the stud wasn’t real it suited him so well </3 but you’re so right bf vibes chan is top tier! have you seen his instagram lately ? ………… oof 🫠🤧 i hear he’s also a menace on bubble lol
what are some of your favorite friendships within the group, if you have any? they don’t necessarily have to involve chan it can just be in general! also bc i’m curious what are some of your favorite skz songs?
- ❄️
ahh i know, and he seems to rly enjoy wearing it too. ohh yes i keep up with his ig and bubble updates, he is always a menace lol.
i love so many different pairings in skz! chanlix being the main one. i also lovveeee minsung, seungbin, hyunin, and then minbin, hanin…. i could go on forever honestly lol. but the first 4 are my favs.
my fav skz song is time out! i love basically all their music tho so it’s hard to choose other favs, but i rly love hall of fame, venom, circus, waiting for us, lalala, megaverse, connected, wolfgang, topline, charmer…. again, i could go on forever lol. time out is my comfort song tho, it has been since it came out ^-^
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heletsherbejeweled · 10 months
hi! i’m sorry it’s your first holiday season away from home:( i know how hard that can be. i’m here for you and so is the rest of the bitch pack🤍
do you have any favorite christmas/winter movies? i tend to rewatch the christmas episodes from my favorite shows around this time of year.
- bitch pack secret santa ❄️🎄
Ohh i have so many movies i love this time of year!! Christmas vacation is definitely the all time fav, but santa clause and santa clause 2 are close behind. Also home alone is great.
I do love rewatching christmas/holiday episodes too!! I was just rewatching community episodes. Which i forget how good that show is too often
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