#ok revamp done :3
shannaroka · 1 year
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GIRLS  can be heroes too.    a private and highly selective roleplay blog for haruno sakura from the animanga naruto.     PLOT - ORIENTATED.     [mahaa,  she/they,   22]   current carrd here! still under co! but it was made by wren / lostfables!
note : this blog is slow-reply until december! mun is in medical school.
okay hi let's put some basic rules here.
one. please , please do not bug me abut replying. i'm a full time medical student who's also planning her wedding — i will be here when i can. basic dni criteria applies, and please do not involve me with rpc drama. this blog will be low activity.
two. sakura is multiship, multi-verse, etc. i consider myself to be very friendly & open to interacting with all. i am mains with the people listed above, so priority is given to them. i default to sasuke & sakura's relationship a lot but i'll never force that on anyone writing sasuke. i tend to be ship exclusive with crossover ships on my end, but that doesn't have to be mutual. i'm very duplicate friendly & open to any & all ocs. if your oc is related to sakura / implicated in her background, just let me know so we can discus it!
three. please tag mentions of abusive relationships, eye gore, and ooc stalking. all triggers are tagged by me as trigger tw! i ask that if you dislike sakura that you not follow me — i want to keep this a positive space! much love!
four. my graphics were made by chasen & my icon border was made by stuart — my psd is by bunnieresources & my carrd template is by somresources. please do not steal from me it would be very sad.
five. that's really it. i'm just roleplaying myself (girl who pretends to be a ninja while in medical school).
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bonefall · 5 months
a couple of leafstar questions! 1) is the process of selecting her to be new!skyclan’s leader changed at all by the fact that brokenstar is now firestar’s travelling buddy? 2) is billyleaf sticking around as a ship, and how will it change, if at all? 3) is leafstar going to be as… notably dumb in her reactions to everything happening so far in ASC?
The list of SkyClan changes is probably longer than the list of things that are staying the same. Cultural expansions, a very different culture, unique politics, even an alternate Warrior Code. Real fans of SkyClan want them to be completely different <3
Leafstar's not an exception. I HATE canon Leafstar. Every action they've taken with her has felt absolutely awful since Firestar's Quest so I'm just overwriting her completely.
SkyClan's Leadership
The part of Firestar's Quietus where Firestar and Brokenstar actually CHOOSE who the new leader is going to be is a bit up in the air. I have the beginning and end with the rats figured out-- but the middle has been evading me.
I know that Brokenstar prefers Sharpclaw, at first. Probably because Sharpclaw is so aggressive and dedicated to the old ways.
So it makes sense that Firestar prefers Leafdapple. She's making him realize things about his own way of ruling, parts of Clan culture he's come to accept uncritically.
She straight up blows past his thought-terminating cliches;
Firestar: "You see, Leafdapple... you can't live with a paw in both worlds."
Leafdapple: "Pardon? I don't understand what that means?"
Firestar: "It means... um... hmm ._."
In the end, she's probably chosen exactly because she's not committed to bringing back the past. SkyClan has not been the Clan of Skystar for a long time. It's the Clan of Skywatcher.
It is no longer the Clan-in-the-Canopy, it is the Clan-in-the-Stones.
I feel that the first Leader and Deputy were chosen by Firestar and Brokenstar. Though Brokenstar's mind changes over the course of Firestar's Quietus, I think they ultimately still agree that there were two "sides" of SkyClan that should live in balance.
Leafstar, committed to fairness, abides this. Until Sharpclaw ultimately betrays her for The Kin. (Repeat link from above but if your eyes just popped out of your head it explains everything about how PROFOUNDLY differently I'm approaching The Kin lmaoo)
I hadn't planned explicitly for the deputy system to work a bit differently here, BUT it does also feel in line for Leafstar to decide it on a whim after regrouping. Surrounded by the remnants of her Clan, deputy having just turned half of their warriors against them, SkyClan's protector oak ripping itself off the cliffside and destroying their camp, she jumps up on top of a rock like, "Ok team, that sure was a doozy. Let's try to pick a better deputy this time 8)"
It feels better that deputies are popularly "elected," or at the very least nominated by the Clan. Might make for a nice climactic moment in a rework of Hawkwing's Journey.
Is Billyleaf sticking around?
Yes! But it's actually a bit different.
First of all, Leafstar is actually in a constellation with Billystorm and Echosong, the Cleric. Leafstar is mates with Billystorm and a partner of Echosong. Echosong is not romantically involved with Billystorm. SkyClan actually split off from the main Clans before the Cleric's Vow was codified by Larkstripe's strike. They don't have the same taboo against Clerics having mates or raising kittens.
Billystorm is also a massive himbo now lmao, I'm not a huge fan of him in-canon. I'm still reworking stuff here though-- I'm planning to change SkyClan and the Stranger into Sol's Game, a darker story diving into Sol, the Entity, and Harry, the vessel it courts.
But it's been a while and I need to revamp my old drafts, so that's on the backburner for now.
Is Leafstar going to remain an idiot?
absolutely not. christ. I Don't Rewrite Arcs Until They Are Done but if I ever produce something as brainless as "An entire society believes that a child is lying because her accused murderer says he heard her mother snoring evil manipulation plans in her sleep" then explode me to bits with 10000 pounds of nitroglycerin
instead of just having her and everyone else be dumb, it's an easy enough small change to just have Splashstar already be in power and show the beginning of his reign having gone smoothly. Everyone's desperate for RiverClan to have a leader again. Have Leafstar's bias be against ShadowClan specifically, because Heartstar's nephew Juniperclaw mass-poisoned her entire Clan.
Even before then, too. I don't like how the Erins seem to treat Leafstar as this "unreasonable" character who's usually some shade of wrong. I don't like how she just has to accept that Sharpclaw was undermining her for her own good in SkyClan's Destiny. I don't like how Dodge dragged SkyClan into his stupid conflict. Or how she went back to the Gorge after Juniperclaw's poisoning, only to be herded back by the noble Clan cats when a sudden flood makes their old home unsafe for some reason.
I don't like how she only seems to get a "win" when she's accepting or asserting that the Clans have the perfect way of life and she should resemble it more-- see the opening of AVoS, where it's strongly implied that Daylight Warriors being unable to fight to defend the camp at night was how The Kin was able to throw everyone out, and thus the practice has been abolished since then. I think these conflicts are frustrating in the way they're written and presented.
So quite frankly I'm tossing a lot of it. First and foremost, SkyClan's primary conflicts should be trying to keep its unique cultural identity. Secondary conflicts should be based around its political interactions with the other Clans at the lake, particularly ShadowClan and ThunderClan, which it shares borders with.
BB!Leafstar's personality is that she's assertive, fair, and polite. In my head I lovingly imagine her always speaking in the tone of a corporate manager trying to keep control of her team as the office goes up in flames around her. While she always tries to consider all perspectives and stay approachable to all her warriors, she's often misinterpreted as being passive-aggressive or not genuine.
In a nutshell: I am personally making sure she's not the sort of dumb she is in canon. I have a vision for this version of SkyClan.
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hydrxnessa · 23 days
Heeeyyyy Hydra! How ya feelin after floor 2 dropped?
hiii !!!! this is gonna be a long rant
okok after several playthroughs and gave up n just ended up watching kreekcraft beat it, i got a Lot of thoughts
floor 2 is DEFINITELY difficult but there's no surprise there. the only nitpick i have is the stark difference with the hotel - as in, in the hotel there are a lot of rooms to breathe, like take a quick breather between the chaos that can happen throughout the hotel.
in the mines, there's hardly room to breathe - screech constantly spawns which is def annoying and i feel they should balance it a bit more; there's waayyy less safe rooms (i.e. infirmary, curious' room etc.) and it sorta feels like the backdoor in terms of you need to leave every room like quickly.
i definitely love the update !! i like the new entities, though keep in mind i havent gone past door 50 so im not sure about the halfway point/ending. the new mechanics are nice, i just think there's room for balancing since yes the difficulty is insane.
i think the devs really outdid themselves and red talked about them revamping their whole system and engine(?) so future updates shouldn't take as long as this one
anyways few more spoilers down below, including the ending vv
guiding and curious getting new death screens, it really does feel more personal that these otherworldly beings are speaking to us personally rather than just floating text on a rainy texture. hiii guiding hiii curious :3 :3
hide getting a redesign + new mechanic was something i was not expecting - i thought that odd red entity that was leaked a while ago was a new entity but apparently not. the heartbeat minigame was a cool twist, definitely had to readjust to the new mechanic. getting ambush in the early doors was Not it as an introduction to it though, seeing as you can no longer jump in and out (despite guiding telling me to, unless im doing something wrong) and have to do a minigame that gets more and more difficult the longer you stay in. could be that you have to get out before hide spawns to get back in but idk.
i just didnt like the fact that hide spawns Instantly in later rooms, or that it also happens in the hotel. i'd rather keep the timed closet than the minigame in the hotel tbh, and just make it seem like an enraged version of hide in the mines.
i reaallyyy love eyes new mechanic - it teleporting around instead of just staying in one spot? love that. also the sound it makes is so satisfying.you're doing great sweeties
screech is like. Super annoying. like i get that its his whole thing but theres a slight difference between bearable annoying and frustrating annoying. i think screech spawns waaayy too often especially with a screech and eyes combo. definitely should lower the spawn rate if they want screech to constantly be a threat throughout the mines and not like it only spawns in dark rooms in the hotel.
i loovee what they've done with halt's new hallway. the hotel one especially, its fucking sick and probably one of my favourite rooms. the mines' one is alright, i dont like the meanders but i guess its a switch up to the linear one in the previous floor. i love u halt keep doing what ur doing
the new seek chase was absolutely amazing, i cant believe we can Jump now. new music is banger, lsplash drop the spotify release NEOOWW . only nitpick is the rng of having to crouch right before an intersection, so you cant see where guiding is trying to lead you before its too late. probably a skill issue on me, but so far i havent beat seek chase yet.
next ramblings are gonna be based on kreekcraft's playthrough since i never got past door 50.
new environment in a sewer-like area is pretty cool, nice switchup tbh
ok the grumble entity is Hella cool. bigger giggle, could be like the mother of a hivemind. whatever it is its pretty cool. again, haven't played through it so idk how to counter grumble other than Hide. can you maybe lure it away somewhere? idk. tbh its giving that final bendy boss in dark revival
the whole 'locate the transponder(?) and enter a code then come back' is cool but definitely drags on for WAYY too long even for its size. library probably takes a third of the time it takes to beat this one. though i do like how the main transponder points to where it is.
ok the ending is Absolutely insane. another seek chase sure, in the new environment. then once you go in 100 (or rather, 200), he fills up the Whole place. like jesus christ seek what is your problem. the parkour looks like it feels a bit janky but that's probably a roblox thing. seek can be worm. silly worm. would you still love me if i was a w
the ending ENDING. my god. literally my jaw was open the whole time. leaving through a pipe into the outside, seeing a motherfucking CASTLE???? a CASTLE. dude. WHAT. hotel>mines>castle is a crazy pipeline.
and grumble comes out of the path behind you but not until SEEK shows up and practically suffocates him. i actually think screeches are just giggles. i have a theory. i wnot go into it in this post. BUT I HAVE A THEORY. CALL ME MATPAT.
and once the door closes seek stares you DOWN. definitely gives the main antagonist vibes unlike figure. also what happened to figure is he just stuck in the mines. seek's following us ig.
oh i forgot about figure tbh. sometimes its sections are a bit janky but i think? i think its cus im always in the section where gloombats spawn beforehand, and figure does NOT like the gloombats. also alarm clocks in the hotel's library, its so funny seeing figure run to it, stomp on it and scream. you fucking toddler/aff
overall i feel like the main issue with this floor is difficulty and also how every room feels like it drags onn. like waayyy too long. but overall, cool update, will be playing a lot more later. i Need to beat this damn floor. literally less than 800 people have beaten it.
ANYWAYS. if u reached the bottom, thanks ??? thanks for listening to my dumb ramblings LMAO. doors art to come soon ... though remember i Am mainly an oc art blog so . don't expect a lot. but asks are always open <3
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
Ok, I have done some catching up! This mostly fell as I expected. There have been many shows that ended up far better or far worse than indicated by their trailers, so who knows how the final product will land, but here are my first impressions. (QL only, the hets are still boring to me).
Most excited for:
Revamp - pump it right into my veins, baby. The aesthetic still matches the original trailer, Boun looks so fucking hot, and if GMMTV has the sense to let BounPrem do what BounPrem do best, this will be an epic series. Sad about the loss of Boss. Looking forward to both Santa and Mark getting to hopefully break out of their usual innocence pigeonholing.
The Heart Killers - did not expect the FirstKhaotung and JoongDunk pairing, but I am here for it. Even though Joong and Khaotung do not look remotely related. Finally GMMTV has realized Joong should be killing people onscreen and we get sexy pursuing Dunk. First & Khao do feel a bit similar in vibe to Sand & Ray here, but presumably with the series they'll have no problem more fully developing them in a unique way.
The Ex-Morning - I don't always vibe with plotlines like this, but my baby Singto is here, and I like the meta-ness of giving him and Krist a story about former partners coming back together and relighting the spark.
Less excited, reserving judgement:
Us - I'm happy we're getting another GL, and I haven't seen Bonnie or Emi in anything before, but they seemed amazing, and the chemistry is on point. I'm just not a big fan of love triangle stories, especially with siblings. Also I want more of Sing being a bad boy with his tits out, less crying in the rain. But I will probably still watch to show support.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist - I am delighted that Mark is getting his well-deserved lead, and he and Ohm seem great together. I just don't love dentists as romantic leads. I know this is a me thing, the dentist's office is just a very stressful place for me, and having scenes there just brings up past experiences. I had the same issue with My Tooth Your Love. The plot also feels just so-so. But I hope this is just the start of a lot more Mark leading role material!
Thame-Po - similarly, really happy about Est in a lead, he and William have great chemistry. And I do think it's good to have shows pushing back at the public over this idea that idols aren't allowed to have personal lives. But it's also not a very original plotline.
Perfect 10 Liners - *weary sigh* We're going to end up with 40 year olds playing college students, aren't we? That said, I felt the same way about We Are, but I'm really enjoying it. So it could be fun. I'm happy to see Junior and Mark again. And according to online, we will also get AouBoom and MarcPoon (and it might be 3 series in full, good lord!?), so I'm on board with more of them.
Note to GMMTV: posting a slide that says "chemistry on point" before showing Perth & Chimon, does not make us believe in the chemistry! For the love of god, do some heavy duty chemistry workshops, or give Perth a new partner.
Ossan's Love - I haven't seen the original, but gotta admit, not a huge fan of this kind of comedy. I do like that the boss is an older man, represent, but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy this one.
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Happy holidays! First off I want to thank you for your account! I don’t have vitiligo, and I don’t know much about the condition outside of a few interactions with people irl and a couple figures in the media (ie. Michael Jackson, and Winnie Harlow). I still have more research to do; reading/listening to people’s personal vitiligo stories has helped, but your account has also been a really helpful guide!
I was wondering if you’d be willing to give some feedback on a character I’m creating. She’s a Black woman in her late 20s (maybe early 30s?) named Pam (her full name is Patricia Ann Miller, but she likes going by the acronym of her name). Right now, I’m thinking of making her an actress or photographer depending on how her storyline pans out. Here is her design for reference:
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I was watching movies from the Golden Age of Hollywood era when I created her, so her main design inspirations were Dorothy Dandridge, Marilyn Monroe, etc.
For now, my main question is what do you think of her design, especially her pink hair? I ask this bc I saw an ask on a different account where the responding person said it seemed like the asker was trying to make their character appear “extra special” by giving their character two recessive genetics (albinism and heterochromia). Pam’s hair isn’t natural, just dyed, but I know vitiligo can already make a character physically stand out, so I didn’t want my design to come off that way.
I love pink-haired characters and making them, though I’ve never seen a pink-haired character with vitiligo (or many mainstream ones with vitiligo in general, from my experience). I was in the early stages of revamping a character I’d created in childhood, so I decided to use that design. That being said, I wanted her pink hair to be beyond surface-level reasons. Like, I love pink hair, but I think giving her character an actual reason to dye her hair, like expressing her creativity, could remove semblances of superficiality.
I have another inquiry(s) about her in-progress storyline to make her well-rounded (which would give more context to her character and overall design), but I think it may be too long for an ask 😅. If it’s ok with you, I’d be interested in messaging it to you!
Happy holidays to you as well!
My only real comment is "OH MY GOD SHE"S SO CUTE!!!"
Personally I don't see anything wrong with a character with vitiligo dying their hair! I think that since it's an active choice that the character is making as opposed to a thing the designer is doing to make them more "special" it's fine!
You mentioned wanting some beyond surface-level reasons for her hair dyed, and honestly I think it's fine if it's surface level! Sometimes you just want cute hair, personally I LOVE dying mine! But here are some questions/suggestions to think about if you want a deeper meaning: Did she dye it to hide some vitiligo streaks? Was it as a confidence booster? Did she start doing it to try to distract from the vitiligo?
There's nothing wrong with wanting or having a character standout; it really depends on the context/reasoning behind why if that makes sense? Like it's perfectly fine to have a character stand out or be "extra unique" in their appearance by giving them like vitiligo and heterochromia (Which I find to be overdone/a bit stereotypical but I digress), as long as like there's Awareness(tm) and it's not being done as some weird surface level diversity or whatever lmao
Also thank you for taking such care into the representation of your character! <3
Feel free to contact me or send in long or multiple asks! (If I take a while to respond it's 100% on me lmao)
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jonquilyst · 8 months
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Ty all for the makeover suggestions!! I had a lot of fun making my own versions of the townies, which I have never done before.
As you can see their appearance is pretty faithful to their original. I consider my style to be a more realistic and enhanced version of the EA style. While it's not super obvious (aside from Baby Ariel), I did tweak their facial features and bodies a bit since frankly... EA can make their sims look pretty wacky.
Anyway, I hope you like them!! Full-body screenies and explanations for each townie are below the cut.
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Nancy Landgraab (suggested by @plumbobpaparazzi)
I never really liked Nancy's OG look. I feel like she doesn't look classy enough for her status as head of the Landgraab family/company, so my goal for her was to really make her live up her to status. Her hairstyle pays homage to her sims 3 incarnation and frankly, I think she looks better with her hair up than down.
As for her facial features, her eyebrows her tweaked to be less janky-looking but still looking like she could fire you any time. They were also darkened because you cannot for the life of me see them in her OG look. Her nose, lips, and chest were also tweaked to look extra perfect/plump to really emphasize that she's had some procedures done 🤭 I also redid her makeup.
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Maaike Haas (suggested by @micrathene-w)
Maaike is seriously an underrated sim and I wish they did her better. I started off by tweaking her facial features because they looked really janky (esp her eyes, I gave her a new preset entirely), so I softened them up and now she looks so much better (while retaining her overall OG look) I also widened her waist because it looked too narrow for her body shape.
I think EA wanted to go for an academia look for her, but the problem with that back when Get Together released was that there really wasn't a lot of academia-esque clothes. The blazer she wears made her look older and the skirt she had was frankly a little too long, so my goal with Maaike was to really give her that cute academia look. I think she turned out amazing and I like her a lot more because of it! I hope you think so too 💖
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Baby Ariel (suggested by @akitasimblr)
My biggest problem with Baby Ariel is that the sim looks nothing like her, so she got the appearance biggest tweaks out of everyone. I did a total revamp for her so that Baby Ariel could look more like her real life self. Besides that, I updated her look so she could look more like her present self.
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Catarina Lynx (suggested by @chaoticpixls)
I think my goal for our favorite cat-lover here was to make her less... tacky? I still wanted her to be recognizably herself; bouncy and obviously a cat-lover, but cuter and more put-together, if that makes any sense. I also wanted her to appear a bit younger.
I think the biggest sin EA did with the cats/dogs pack is not include a cat/dog beanie. This girl totally rocks it and although that brimmed cap she wore was cute, I think she looks a lot better with a hat that has makeshift cat ears (and not that hair that has the cat headband).
I also made her lipstick a lighter, because her OG shade is just way too dark for her. Sorry.
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Knox Greenburg (suggested by @mustanoita)
Ok, my biggest question about how EA did Knox was why he looks so trashy for someone who is big about climate change, going green, recycling, etc. So my goal for Knox was to make him look less trashy and more outdoorsy. I also wanted to make him look younger because he just... looks really old lol. So I gave him a new eye preset, made his cheeks fuller, and gave him a slightly different hair color. I also gave him a new hairstyle that's similar to his OG to really give him that handsome flair because... honestly, EA did him dirty.
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Penny Pizzazz (suggested by @ashubii)
Penny's OG look is alright by itself, but I don't think it works that well for Penny since she's meant to be a fashionista who knows what's trending. Also her earrings and shoes did not match with that dress at all. So I gave her a cute trendy outfit that still screams "classy." I also changed her hair because I never liked it and I HC her hair texture to be wavy/curly and not straight so I went with a curlier and more voluminous hairstyle with braids because Penny absolutely slays with braids.
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deliveringcandypizza · 4 months
YOU CRAZY FUCK/SILLY OKOK LETS GO sorry for all the tags btw <X3c 1) @strebcr !! I GOT TO SHOUT OUT THE SILLY VAMPIRE OUT Mun Pineapple is super duper sweet and kind and just very fucking nice please check em out 2) @scrrowblue / @getblammed VERY VERY COOL. If you like fnf please check them out! Mun is doing stuff for the week i thinnnkkk???? But legit they are super silly!! 3) @mixed-up-multiverse Haven't interacted except once BUT THEY ARE SUPER COOL- they have kirby muses, cookierun, bonnie from bonnies bakery and other stuff! 4) @mismxtchedmuses (you have so many muse blogs so i just did the multimuse one) Very very very silly and just chill as all hell. She does fnf they do crash bandicoot..they have cartoon muses, anime muses, game muses LIKE ALOT OF MUSES. LEGIT CHECK IT OUTTTTT 5) @rpsuperhighway Mun has multiple roleplay blogs you just gotta check it out! Just remember to look at what they say because some are inactive or a wip!! 6) @blackstardiopside "But di-" NOPE THEY IMPROVED I SEE THE DAMN IMPROVEMENT SO IDGAF!! Mun is pretty sweet and the oc is pretty cute <3 7) @erotoph Have not interacted since they are doing sorta a soft revamp from what i heardddddd??? BUT!! THEIR DEXTER IS SO COOL. i like the silly and when they are done revamping and stuff im totally going to interact with them >:3 8) @hiverphub they own tenochregion/vanillakingdoms/superherosquads/inkwellhive/equestic/auradcns/splatville/hazbinhive and MANY MANY OTHERS!! They seem really cool and nice vnjdfj ok time for some ones i am just secretly eyeballing (not tagging these..<':3 9) @/z0mburger I know nothing of the source.. BUT GOD DAMN IT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH THE GUY IDK WHY. you make me want to watch the source stuff so bad and im so tempted to vfdnjdfj 10) @/spxcemuses mun seems cool and i just...they seem cool vfhjnjds
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snellyfish · 1 year
Obligatory “what did you feel about the new episode” ask 👀💕
HI ive been out travelling and im an old man when it comes to mobile but ill try to gather my thoughts :)
Ace eating disorder represent,,, woo,,,,,, sad party blower sound,, love thst for us,,,, Holds his hand and makes out with him. Also eternally banger voice actor choice for him. Absolutely amazing performance every time he speaks.
Obligatory I love Arei. recently revamped an OC I made 5 years ago and basing a lot of her personality and stuff off of Arei. Just felt like sharing. I love Arei so much I will make her my oc methinks.
THE MOTIVES MADE ME SO FERAL I PAUSED THE VIDEOS SO MANY TIMES AND WAS LIKE AAIOGIGOGOUUGHHHH SO MANY HORRIBLE HORRIBLE FUCKED UP BLORBOS I CANT WAIT TO LEARN EVERYPONY'S SECRETS OM NOM NOM<33 Speaking of which JESUS CHRIST I really feel like the secret motives some ppl held onto, like, REALLY shouldn't have been kept to themselves omg. I'm sure there's been some behind the scenes stuff of characters gaining distaste/distrust/avoiding certain ppl after receiving certain motives;; I'm not entirely sure WHO specifically, but these are like CRAZY things to not warn the rest of the class about. Was David's the one that Arei got? Killed a man with no remorse? Huh? Shoves you pushes you shoves you into locker and swallows the key
The entire time during episode 9 I was trying and failing to open a jar of ice cream so I was a Little out of it, but from what I gather I'm really dumb and not good at mysteries so i have no clue who the hell did it. At one point I asked "alright who killed a man?" but my bestie heard "who killed min?" so I just kept saying that for the rest of the episode and crying of laughter. Guys, be honest, who killed Min- I'm not mad I just wanna know, guys-
Nico continues to piss me off a little. Teruko goes without saying she pisses me off to no end. When everyone started dragging her handwriting I was whooping and cheering and hollering it was so funny GET HER.
I liked how the two main people investigating the corpse were Arturo and Veronika. They really do get a lot of screentime together and it's starting to scare me a little. Is this like subtle ship fanservice or am I about to meet horrors beyond my comprehension as the story and cases develop. I hope one of them kills the other. They're so in love.
I also liked at one point Veronika dragging Ace's ass. They're ALSO in love btw. Yeah I'll ship my top 3 faves together, what else would you expect from me, man
DAVID!!!!!!<3333 I know his ass was lying about history of depression that shit was so funny be honest bro you have unfathomable sins keep it 100% with us. If you turn out to not be fucked up or morally grey ykno I'll be a little disappointed. Just keep it real with us.
The motive that's like "where do I even start, everything about your life is worth killing for" is so funny bc if that was mine I would be like. okay. not my problem. That's so incredibly vague that means NOTHING. I'm also assuming it's Teruko's tbh, it's the only one vague and weird enough for her to be like "imma keep ot real with you chief idfk which of these are mine 🐸"
What else. I'm a little hungover
every time they brought up the fish I was like haha. like snellyfish. I'm an accomplice in Arei's murder and I didn't even know!!
kinda hashtag don't blame Hu for not telling whose motive she got bc it was a little suicide coded and very personal
That's all I'm done I forget what else happened xoxo love you all I love drdt so much--
I lied I just remembered that Eden lesbian (sapphic whatever I don't care) and laughed really hard at the idea of like. Charles opening the motive without reading the name and just thinking like "I'M A LESBIAN?????" real
Eden/Nico could be real if I didn't have a leaning negative opinion of Nico rn. I am still patient and hearing them out for now tho.
Ok Now I'm done.
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infinitedungas · 1 year
ok so i got some thoughts on the witcher season 3, jaskier and radovid, etc
first off, i’ll admit, happy to see that the bard is bi. we all knew this, he has extremely fruity vibes in every possible iteration of himself, but it’s nice to see it written into adapation properly. that is a genuinely nice cool thing that the netflix witcher team are doing.
T H A T    S A I D
i’ve seen claims that season 3 is gonna be the closest to the books so far, but that doesn’t add up for me. the Radovid Situation is bothering me.
radovid, as he exists in the novels, doesn’t have much contact with the main squad but is suggested to be a cruel and unyielding tyrant (something the video games take and run with in a big way, turning him into an unstable, paranoid, genocidal monster). not the sort of person that jaskier/dandelion would go near with a ten foot barge pole, let alone get romantically entangled with. he is also (hilariously) younger than ciri in canon.
it seems like radovid in the show is going to be vizimir’s younger brother instead of son, which-- okay, fine, fixes the age issue, but there’s still the issue of the character himself. to make this romance work they’re gonna have to overhaul radovid (which going by character descriptions we’ve already had, is what they’ve done)
i think to make this work they honestly needed to just admit they were writing a whole new character in for jaskier to fall for instead of just slapping a known name onto a completely revamped character. it wouldn’t have been out of left field for them, they already squeezed dara into the story to give ciri someone to bounce off so it’s not like they’re opposed to writing in new characters for logistical purposes
presumably this is going to have consequences on the whole Spy Subplot so just fkn give us a lil courtier character . i doubt anyone would have minded, most of us have been rooting for the bard to have his hot girl summer for ages now. but as-is, i seriously doubt the radovid thing is going to work. or much of the rest of season 3.
honestly i’m still watching out of a vain hope they’ll finally do the books i love - and the excellent actors who are working so hard with what they’re given - justice.
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kingdom-keyz769 · 7 months
Quadruplets brother au
(My other account got a revamp so I’m kickstarting this account off again with the au that I wanted to post years ago but I was too shy too. Hope I get to brain rot about this again!)(this is obviously almost 3 years old and not at all fleshed out as much as my current au’s are but we had to start somewhere right?😅.)
So this au has been in my head for SO long and I thought I’d share it.
It starts off with their mother and father who one day decided to have a baby. Well, they weren’t expecting 4. They only bought stuff for one baby and didn’t have enough money for the other three. But despite that they continued to try to raise the children anyway. They couldn’t and decided to put all of them up for adoption (because they didn’t want them separated).
All 4 end up in an adoption center ready to be adopted at any time. But, Something happened in the adoption system where the 4 were registered as just themselves and not as quadruplets. So all 4 were adopted around the same time but by different families.
Ventus was adopted by Aqua and Terra (the Way-Finders)
Vanitas was adopted by Xehanort with his sons Ansem, Xemnas and Xehanort Jr who they call junior (he’s just young Xehanort). (The dark family)
Sora was adopted by Aerith and Zach (the fairs)
Roxas was adopted by Cloud and Tifa (the strifes)
They spent about 4 years without each other until kindergarten where a mutual friend (an oc of mine don’t worry bout it rn) of there’s pointed out that they look the same, and even got confused with them (as people who aren’t used to twins, triplets etc do). The teacher notices this and is like “wait a minute-“ and calls for a conference with the parents. They immediately notice the similarities and get in touch with the adoption center. They figure out that the boys were in fact quadruplets and they go off on the center, I kid you not.
They do a lot of government stuff and all the parents become the legal guardians of the boys. I guess you can say that their co-parenting. Since they’re co-parenting, the boys switch houses every month or so.
Ok now time for other characters and their significance to the story.
Xion is their cousin. Her mother and father really wanted to stay in touch with the boys, and even help get the boys in contact with their birth parents (unsuccessfully).
Kairi and Naminé are twins in this au, kairi is sora’s childhood friend and Naminé is Roxas’.
Riku is Sora’s and Kairi’s childhood bestfriend. His parents go abroad often and because they’re so close to Aqua and Terra, Riku stays with them for most of the time.
Xemnas is Xehanort’s son. He started a bakery called “13” and everyone who works there are called the “organization members”.
Ansem is Xehanort’s oldest son,
Junior (young Xehanort) is a second year in college.
Aqua is a dance instructor, she has her own studio in radiant garden (which would be a country?? Ion know I didn’t think that far)
Kairi part times at aerith’s flower shop and Naminé too when she has time.
Vani is really into rock and he’s saving up so one day he will go to one of his favorite band’s concert.
The boys actually have days where they all sit down and talk to get stuff off of their chest or just relax. They do it on Saturday since “Saturday is for the boys”
During their Saturday time they lock themselves in their room (of which ever house they’re in for that Saturday) with a sign on the door that says “keep out” and no one is allowed inside until they’re done.
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🍁 and 💫 - tell me more about Mel :D
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
For Mel, the ‘totally not a front” electronics shop winds up being a very comfortable place for her. She genuinely enjoys a bit of tinkering/coaxing things to work again, and if she can get into the work she takes pleasure in a job well done. Busy hands, quiet to work in, she’s happy enough.
She’s not really a ‘comfort corner’ sort of person, she needs a way to work out restlessness.
Outdoors, I think she doesn’t really have a ‘spot’, but she might have a collection of walking routes.
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
Ok so I did a bunch of drawings but didn’t. Actually give a fact.
So here’s a fact
My personal ‘absolute tell Mel is a re-gene’ is that she has really mechanical/neat handwriting. It’s like a weird font. She may or may not even know it’s strange.
Now what I actually wrote…
She’s in my top 3 of ‘characters with many AU variations’, I played Rebirth, did a truly appalling scribble of her, and have been revamping her in any setting which will have her ever since.
Also: canonically she has a collection of scars and piercings. I don’t remember to draw the scars in human form, but I do in various animal forms. Oops.
Here’s. Some of them
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Ok I'm literally vibrating with excitement over this piece of news so I'm gonna talk about it here (sorry long post)
So, if you're a thrill ride/amusement park enthusiast and/or are from Ohio (particularly the Sandusky area), you've probably heard a couple years ago when Cedar Point had a malfunction with their tallest roller coaster, Top Thrill Dragster, and had to shut it down for the season. The next season it did not reopen, and the park announced the ride as we know it would not be opening again. Since then (which I believe was the 2022 season), there's been a lot of construction around the site of the coaster, and lots of speculation done by fans as to what would happen to the ride. The only info we were given was that they were working on coming up with "a new formula for thrills" for the 2024 season
Some background info, Top Thrill is the first of its kind, known as a strata coaster, or a full circuit roller coaster with a max height (or drop) between 400-499 feet. Top Thrill has one huge hill that measures in at 420 feet tall (very intimidating to look at lol, but also very iconic). So Top Thrill, along with several other coasters at the park (such as Maverick, or Millennium Force) were designed by the Swiss manufacturer Intamin. Intiman's rides (at least at CP) are known for being really popular, but a bit problematic, either slow moving lines, or they face a lot of down time and maintenance issues. Eventually Cedar Fair as a company (the ones who own Cedar Point, Kings Island, and many other parks in North America) stopped working with Intamin entirely, particularly after a failed water ride was put in at Cedar Point (this was Shoot the Rapids, which operated from 2010-2015). Anyway, since the park is no longer working with Top Thrill's original manufacturer, they decided to turn to a new one for revamping the ride, and are now working with Zamperla
So like I said, a lot of enthusiasts have been speculating on what the park has planned for this beloved coaster. The general consensus based on what we can see construction-wise at the park and by satellite view, is that they would be adding a large vertical spike to the ride, and making it a multi-launch ride
(For reference, that'd look something like this)
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Nothing had been confirmed by the park or the manufacturer, but a couple weeks ago, Cedar Point posted on their official Instagram that they would be officially announcing what they were doing with the ride on August 1st. However, today (July 31st), Zamperla jumped the gun and made a blog post about the ride (though they've since deleted it, a lot of enthusiasts saw it already). And the plan is in fact to add a 420-foot-tall vertical spike, doing a 3-launch system (first forward, then back, the forward and over the top-hat)
Personally, I was hoping they may have done something different, as those sort of launches intimidate me lolol, but I'm excited to see the finished product and hopefully get a chance to ride when they unveil it next season!
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niceinchnails · 2 years
tell me about your project plans so far my friend......
ok i revamped it from two earlier stories there are 3 stages to the production of this project with possibly many more to come. i think this infos like necessary to understand how much this projects like in limbo. and ill tell you all about it
the joke story. in this stage the title was "the chlilds wish" (typo included. during 7th grade inside joke me and my friends (theres 4 of us) bullshitted in a messy google docs and tried to make as funny as possible (it wasnt btw But its charming and nostalgic in its own way i guess) and from there came the characters sprinkles nugget and candy jade and tree x and a bunch others. The story basically involved a lot of shitty inside jokes and also some silly self inserts we made U get the deal we were in middle school making friendships. Pictured below is nugget (green) candy (pink) and sprinkles (blue)
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2. 7-8th grade things start to get srs around this point. the title for the story @ this stage is "hazelquest". Me and my friends (3 of us now, the 4th one moved to a different class wah) are starting to come up with elaborate plots and arcs for them and we came up with a plot about the main character sprinkles and his siblings (candy + nugget) living in tihs library/house hybrid. and sprinkles on his somethingteenth birthday made a magic wish for a special quest (ALSO around this time we came up with the last name hazelquest) to prove himself and he got one somehow. and his quest was to like find the missing gemstones for this huge magic tree cause the world was like...corrupted or something and bringing the gemstones back would uncorrupt it or something. the main antagonist was the void and the antihero or villain i forgor was my bestie's oc theo. i forgot most of the plot LOL but here were some cover ideas i had
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as you can see it was a lot more fantasy based before with like magic and spells and stuff it was more urban fantasyish than it is now lol. also heres nugget candy and tree x in my very fandomy artstyle
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heres theo + the old design for the void #swell #marvelous
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around 9th grade we started getting bored of the story and we realized we were never gonna finish it so we just slowly quit LOL. Until
3. da revampening
this is the BIGGEST change by far its borderline unrecognizable when you compare it to story 1. so basically i listened to a song around 9th gradeish and i had such a moment i was like wait. i rememebr this story. so i ask my friends if they would let me take the story for my own since theyre not interested in working on it anymore and they said YES!!!!!!!!! and one of my friends pulled their characters from the story which was fine by me + my bestie gave me full rights to do whatever i want w his oc theo. So here we are rn. eventually SPRINKLES turned into MILO, CANDY turned into "soon to be renamed", NUGGET turned to my silly fucking rabbit valentine. jade turned into jaiden (whos nickname is jade and thats almost all they ever called her so theres little change there) and tree x became TRIXIE! valentine and trixie pictured below im sure youve seen them before probablu. also i dont have a name for this one yet
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and the history lessons done now #evolution so ill tell you the actual current things i have in mind so far. Literally all of this is subject to change i could be lying about any of this OR it could be the finalized ideas . Neither of us could ever know
theres gonna be space Theres gonna be so much stars and planets and galaxy you have no idear . Im kind of lessening the magic and spells and stuff 4 this new story purely cause im just not into that kinda stuff anumore but IDK if theres gonna be minimal magic. like there might be runes and stuff but in a more astral stars galazy kind of way rather than an ancient wizards and staffs and spells kind of way. i might make it more scientific but put a lottttttt of artistic license into the science so the storys kinda magical but being ambigious abt it.
for the setting, its gonna take place in their universe's equivalent of our solar system probably? like earth and venus and saturn and mars and all of those but earths gonna be like different like the placement of the continents and culture and stuff its also present-day ish also theres some mythology and god involved somewhere. IN THIS UNIVERSE theres like this place AND group of characters called the "astral". so theres the VOID (I havent removed the void from this story because i still like it) and theres the GODHEART which is the heart of the entire universe its so HUGE and fleshy at the same time (which i think is a byproduct of this phase i had when i was 14 where i was obsessed with flesh and meat and stuff i think you were there for it). there MIIIIIIGHT be a huge universe tree in this story jic i wanna revive some of stage 2s plot but in the meantime im still thinkin abt it
i dont kno 😒. i just kno that the voids the main antagonist and theo''s the antihero/villain guy. also theyre gonna find their mom at some point. most of this projects just built on random plot beats and character arcs stitched together
most of the characters are half baked bcus the storys half baked. But in time they will be baked . just you wait
THE WORLDLY: these characters are part of da #normalworld Which means theyre not like Part of the astral or somethink
milo constelle (he/him) - Main character. ambigiously transgender. hes smart and kinda a nerd but also bitchy but bashful and well hes just a bit reserved. hes a weird assortment of things i dont know how to describe him... he loves science and space though. i think his speech patterns like kinda dry But hes funny and sarcastic and passionate abt the things he likes so ya..............Dont know his arc but i know that when i figure out the plot his arc will come right after
valentine "val" constelle (she/they/he) - Shes So many thinsgs shes everything. her dad was a superstar and she wanted to follow in his footsteps n become talented like him (but with acting) but when he died she had a super huge identity crisis cause she based herself a lot on him and she doesnt even know who she is if not "the daughter of a superstar" and her thing with acting went downhill bcus of the state shes in (if she doesnt know WHO she is how could she act like someone shes not? yadda yadda smth like that) and he lives the rest of his life as a washed up nobody but tries not to let it show how fucking MISERABLE he is <- i think thats the most i ever talked about her that isnt Oh pathetic sopping in rain. reminder that literlaly anything im talking abt could be changed at any time though btw LOL. also i dont know how to resolve his arc but we'll get there
candace "candy" constelle (she/her) - idk. Shes super strong and super bubbly and sweet and loves pink and i know more abt her personality than i do milo's but i have got to come up with an arc for her ASAP
trixie (they/them) - theyre a trickster prankster a Little mischevious🤫!!! They are INSANELY clever and creative and resourceful and agile as fuck overall just one of my fave characters to think about. they have autism swag and have these cool little noise cancelling headphones with stickers on them whenever they get overwhelmed. Their sense of identity is rlly strong but their arc involves letting ppl help them and accepting help and talkin abt their feelinz. ive yet to work on their backstory though!
jaiden (she/ze(?)) - IDK ANYTHING ABT ZEM sobs.......
THE MEDIAL: In between the astral and the worldly
theodore "theo" infinity (he/they(?))- ANTIHERO antagonist i cant rlly decide. DURING the beginning of the story he tags along w the crew cause hes cute and silly And kinda the punching bag TBH ....... he starts off the most morally positive + kindest but gradually he builds up a resentment for them for something i forgot but what rlly gave him the push was when he met the void somehow. all of this is insanely vague apologies
flashbang (she/him) - dont know
dont know (he/him) - dont know
esther constelle (she/her) - the constelle siblings mom She got missing or something Wierd...
THE ASTRAL: So ya these are like specil little guys bcus theyre on a whole different plane of existence or something ok?
orion (they/them) - I POSTED ABOUT THEM AND THEIR BACKSTORY I THINK so basifcelly they live at the fvery very BOTTOM of the unvierse just where the universe ends and the void meets. theyre mute aswell + deaf + have this little computer bug thingie that follows them around :) And because theyre at the bottom of the universe, the mythology of the universe involves them planting stars and cultivating them until theyre ripe enough to release them into the heavens above
void (it/she) - I DONT FUCKING KNOW❗❗❗❗❗
godheart (it/its) - this Huge heart that lives in the center of the universe its so huge and big the size of like 99Solersystem man IDK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry this was so vague LOL i might update this from time to time who knos...................
where 2 finf more info: my toyhou.se ill update it more soon and my oc blog @constelle
also this is like a LOT for a first project so ill probably work on way way smaller projecys around this universe before i acually make this story a realitu so :3 ya.
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nadia-zahra · 2 years
Ok so I think I am nearing the end of my month long hiatus. I have three theories I wanna get done. Which should I work on first?
1) Revamp on s4 mike analysis
2) crazy ass argyle/mike theory
3) pt2 of talisman/Will byers theory
Pls tell me I am completely putting this decision into y’all’s hands 💙💛
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katzenklavierr · 2 years
hi there!! i was scavenging around for metal UTAU and related songs- because i'm working on reviving my UTAU of about 15 years, Suzu, and turning her into a metal/pop-hybrid idol of sorts lol (i also understand the risks of creating such a bank lmao- i'll take some tips if you have any, though!)- and i gotta say, Katsu's voice is Amazing. he's so crisp and clear, and his growls are Incredible <3 i am in awe at your voice work and raw talent. the thing is, i've had a hard time coming across any metal USTs, and i'm not the best at making them myself, so i was wondering if i could yoink your "catch me if you can" babymetal UST? i don't plan on uploading anything (she's in the beginnings of her Seventh revamp out of 0.5 complete banks, so i can't confidently say she'll ever be released, let alone any time soon💀) and i plan on using the UST primarily for testing, but if i do make a full cover, i'll absolutely let you know beforehand and give you full credit! it's totally ok if you don't want to share it (or can't, if you happened to have lost the file </3), but i figure i should ask rather than just sitting on my hands haha. tysm in advance!! also sorry abt my wordiness lol- have a great day & keep up the absolutely Astounding work!! <3
p.s. in case you don't feel like tossing your hard work to a complete stranger, do you have any songs+usts you'd recommend? particularly for testing metal singing? i'd love to hear your recommendations <3 p.p.s. fun fact abt suzu is that she would have had a 100% full bank in 2021, were it not for the fact that i started HRT around the same time that i started recording her most recent bank. she only had a few extra sounds that needed to be recorded (breaths and whatnot). then a year and some months passed. needless to say, my voice is currently about an entire octave lower than it was when i started 🥲 lol
First, thank you so much!! I agree there is a severe lack of metal UTAU and metal vocal synth material in general, so I'm always excited to see more of it. I'm currently testing out stuff for an English growl bank but that won't get done until my reclist is finalized lol. Katsu is more rock-oriented because that's just how my voice is, but I think a pop+metal oriented bank would suit itself well to post-hardcore and pop punk songs with harsh vocals.
I've made three USTs for harsh vocals (Catch Me If You Can as you've seen, as well as Vermin and Black Hole Artist by Utsu-P), but it's been awhile since I've looked at any of them so there might be cleanup to be done before I share them. That being said, I don't mind doing it for any you'd be interested in using, if you don't mind waiting a couple weeks (I'm pretty busy with IRL stuff rn). Other than my own stuff, the songs with existing USTs I can think of off the top of my head are Heart Sutra Hardcore and Assault Mirage.
Also I feel that wrt HRT. My voice dropped from being a tenor to a baritone and I had to completely retrain myself on how to sing. I ended up taking like a two year hiatus from working on my own VBs, but I feel like I'm actually a better vocalist now than I was before so it all worked out I suppose.
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hiscrimsonangel · 2 years
(Small update for ‘24…)
Some basics for you about Scarlet ( to hopefully save some time though a lot is above)
My name is Scarlet or Scar to some for short. I am over 21- a Leo- pronouns are she/her (and sometimes the Royal “We” if I feel a little bratty). Simply put, I am just a pansexual metalhead woman with a few kinks, a few tats here and there, and a piercing or 3, that will sometimes carry a D20 for luck and always embraces my beautifully weird self and doesn’t mind flying her nerdy freak flag proudly. It’s what makes me me after all. Oh and I also communicate at times with music- it speaks sometimes when mere words fail. …and yes ADHD is also a factor so sometimes I babble a bit, working on correcting that, personally I think it helps me with my artistic endeavors, the ADHD not the talking a lot.
IMPORTANT! Absolutely NO MINORS ALLOWED! 18+ ONLY - I will block little shits or send them to Mordor depending on the mood I am in. I am not a babysitter- my last name is NOT Harrington.
If you send an ANON ask with no age attached to it I probably won’t answer you just so you know.
Oh and if you follow me and have zero posts and info? Yah- consider yourself blocked. Save us both time, k? Thanks. (Stupid fucking bots)
This is predominantly a ST/EM RP blog so while I may reblog posts and follow some people cuz I like their writing and yah there are quite a few and they are fucking awesome, I will post various things in that sort of RP vein…. My main verse and heart’s song is @emthebanished ( there is magic all around you, Eddie my love …💋 )
In reality, quite honestly, I don’t debate about all the “ship” BS- I absolutely adore Eddie Munson in ALL his glory. There is a reason he struck a chord with so many, and why his fan base is a devoted one. I am here to have fun, relax and celebrate the fanfics, imagines and art that has been done for my favorite show since 2016 and my very favorite character from said show that seemingly was always in the background, but we never got to meet til May 2022. Just watch ST seasons 1-3 and you will see his younger self floating by in the background. I swear it’s him… the curls, dark eyes and denim give him away…
I or my admin will add more or revamp this as I go probably but this is a good start. The Admin who lends a hand is in her late 20’s and if she ever posts anything it will be in // at the front and simply will be referred to as “CrimsonAdmin”. I don’t have time to continuously block bots, she lends a hand… she may answer questions too, but questions to her please use the // -ok?
And feel free to ask questions- but make sure you aren’t afraid of the answers! Ha ha! And again, if you ask ANON with no age, I probably won’t answer as this really is an adults only space, k?
Lastly, Please Remember….
This is Munson’s world- seriously, it is- we simply live in it…. (He’ll get humble about it, on his behalf I won’t tho… “it’s just the facts “ as Erica would say..)
Now then, Thanks for reading all this drivel babble stuff that is kinda important… now please- Carry on…
See y’all! 🤘🏼
Scarlet (Emerson) Munson- Hawkins, Indiana
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