#ok so we agree that he's a dragon right
He who looks down on all that are haughty
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Someday, when they return, their true ordeal shall begin.
— Xbalanque, One Entombed With the Primal Fire
◆ Name: Neuvillette
◆ Title: Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment
◆ Iudex of Fontaine
◆ ???: Hydro
◆ Constellation: ???
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"Given that our previous behind-the-scenes editorial on the Hydro Archon earned us the honorable epithet of 'tabloid journalism' from our dear Monsieur Neuvillette, this time we'll be focusing on the mysterious Iudex himself. We know little indeed of his true character, and sadly our multiple requests for an interview were all turned down. Instead, we have decided to reach out and draw upon the wisdom of the masses. In the pursuit of the truth, all anonymous submissions and attestations of manifestly questionable veracity have been filtered out. We were rather intrigued, however, by the following letter written in a particularly adorable script:
"If the Darknight Hero really does exist, he's probably just someone in disguise. When he gets up in the morning to brush his teeth, it's the real him. Only in the dead of night does he become the Darknight Hero. But not (Monsieur) Neuvillette. The Chief Justice IS the real him. For us Melusines, our ideal of the perfect father — that's also the real him. The only person that isn't really him is the one that goes by the name of Neuvillette."
From this, we can safely surmise... that Neuvillette must be the only male Melusine! Granted, the Melusines actually appeared much later than when Neuvillette took up his post. But in the face of such ironclad evidence, there's bound to be some way of explaining this!"
— Seven Nations Gazette, a notorious tabloid
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bluebugjay · 2 months
A lot of people aren't vibing with Charles and Crystal's romance and honestly i think it's because it's not necessarily supposed to be a full-fledged, endgame romance.
I think it's written to be a fling.
Charles is a flirt; one of the first things he thinks about when Edwin tells him ghosts can't feel is that he would miss kissing, he says himself it's nice to be seen by someone his own age, he calls Crystal fit, etc. Assumably between cases he has a very small social circle of literally just Edwin so it makes sense that this girl who he gets on with and finds attractive immediately becomes a bit of a crush for him.
Then Crystal picks up on his flirting almost immediately, again they get on, etc. She says if he wasn't dead and she wasn't dealing with the aftermath of her toxic relationship with David he would be a good addition to her body count, i.e. just a fling. She doesn't say they'd date or she could fall for him just that they'd probably hook up.
Their first kiss happens when they're both dealing with some heavy stuff, Charles is angry, continuing to push down his trauma with his father and his past, Crystal is annoyed about not being any closer to getting her memories back whilst trying to deal with the trauma her last relationship caused her. They find comfort in each other in that moment. Crystal says she wants something real and the care they have for each other is real, there's no manipulation, no secrets. It's honest and it's innocent.
The song that plays in that scene is called Young Blood (White Sea Remix) by The Naked and Famous and has lyrics such as 'we're only young and naive still' and 'can't help myself but count the flaws, claw my way out of these walls, one temporary escape' and 'we lie beneath the stars at night, our hands gripping each other tight, you keep my secrets hope to die' - It does align with the idea that they're what each other wants in the moment, a distraction, to be able to pretend everything is normal and ok (keep each others secrets)
Crystal in the next episode, the next morning after their kiss, literally calls Charles a 'cute distraction' and says they should be friends. This time both of their issues and trauma are the reason for them not continuing the relationship. Blatantly, Crystal isn't ready for another relationship so soon after David, she wakes up with a nightmare about him and Charles. They bring up Charles fighting the Night Nurse and Charles says that he thought they were on the same page about it and 'at least that's how it seemed last night' which again leans into the fact they were both looking for comfort. Charles and Crystal kissing had nothing explicitly to do with her supporting his actions fighting the Night Nurse and yet that's how he took it because that's what he was searching for comfort from and acceptance on. Which is most likely why he seems to take the rejection harder than Crystal, seemingly agreeing to be friends more out of respect for her choice than the want to call it quits himself.
Charles tells Edwin later on about the kiss (right after Edwin is complaining about having to cancel plans with Monty) and says though he didn't physically feel it, he did feel it 'up here' and points to his head. The mind is generally not the place you feel love, I feel that's a given. (reminds me of the starfish on the beach that Niko says are in love, Edwin points out starfish have no brain and Niko says love doesn't require logic, meaning: love is not stored in the mind.) Charles and Edwin's conversation veers off to being about there own relationship, with Charles saying he wouldn't want to be dead with anyone else - not even the girl you just kissed? No? Ok.
The way that episode goes (The case of the two dead dragons) Crystal and Charles end up arguing about the very reasons they decided to not continue their relationship. Crystal likens Hunter and Brad to David, and Charles defends them saying not everyone is her demon ex-boyfriend which seems like he's projecting and really defending himself. Then Crystal calls him out on his 'rage problem' and what happened with the Night Nurse. So though they comforted each other the night before, their real feelings for each others issues are surfacing and they're not so on the same page. Of course they get over this and apologise soon enough. Though in the end, it's Edwin Charles opens up to and actually talks to about how he's feeling rather than pushing it aside and looking for a distraction. And after that, Charles gives Crystal genuine comfort not just a distraction by listening to her talk about her nightmares/visions about David. (immediately followed by the scene of Edwin and Monty on the swings in which Edwin suggests they don't see each other anymore, then back tracks, they kiss followed by rejection which definitely has... parallels)
After that, Crystal and Charles are still an obvious source of comfort for one another, they talk to each other about their stresses, they stick close together a lot of the time but there's nothing inherently romantic to their actions aside from the fact we know they have kissed which gives their actions a depth that, for example Edwin and Niko's don't, despite them also being affectionate and spending time together alone.
Then in the last episode as Crystal is attempting to leave for London, her and Charles share another kiss. When she tries to say bye to Charles, he says it feels like a 'good-bye good-bye' rather than a 'see you back in London good-bye' and Crystal doesn't correct him, essentially confirming it was supposed to be a forever goodbye. She instead kisses him. It's a good-bye kiss. A (supposed to be) final kiss. A 'we had a good run' type of kiss. Crystal kisses him because she thinks she'll never see him again. It's similar to the first in which the kiss itself is the beginning and end, and it doesn't mean much past that. It's a kiss as a secret again, like their first kiss. A kiss to fill the space left by things they don't want to talk about. She doesn't want to admit she's planning on leaving for good so she kisses him instead, it's a comfort and it's a distraction. (and its consistent)
When Crystal decides to stay in the end, Charles says it'll be great, then specifies that 'solving cases together' will be great, not anything else that could of implied. Which could either be them just being awkward, or a flip in their dynamic that now Crystal is the one more involved in their relationship and Charles is the one setting boundaries.
Overall I think they have a really interesting dynamic. They are exactly what each other needs in moments and then the opposite in the next, they care about each other so much yet are possibly the people that unearth each others insecurities and traumas the most. They're both looking for a new, different kind of relationship and find it within the other but inherently once the novelty fades they fall more into being friends than anything more. I think like most of the relationships in this show, they're supposed to be complicated, they're supposed to be more of a journey than a destination. They learn and grow from their interactions together and I think that's something really beautiful.
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missingexaltation · 2 years
A few years after Vecna, Steve gets invited back to the high school to play in a charity basketball match with (and against) other Hawkins basketball alumni. It's for charity, and he misses the rush of playing (and he kinda wants to see if he's still any good), so he agrees.
He asks Eddie if he'll be there, but although Eddie's somewhat enthusiastic to Steve's face, he whines about it for days to Wayne. He fucking hates sports, why did he have to fall for a fucking jock, of all things. UUUGH! Wayne puts up with it for a while before realising that Eddie's not going to talk himself around, and gives him a blunt, verbal kick in the ass.
"You think your boy enjoys watching your dungeon and dragons shtick, son?" He asks, sipping at his beer.
Eddie's offended, immediately.
"He's never missed a session, course he loves it." he says. "And i know he pays attention because we talk about it afterwards and he's always..."
"And how's that make you feel?" Wayne interrupts.
"Fucking amazing." Eddie grumbles, knowing what's coming, and hating it.
"...and how do you talk about his hobbies?"
Eddie sighs and covers his face. Wayne carries on, knowing he's made his point but hammering it home nonetheless.
"Your boy loves his sports, he's always here just in time to watch the games with me nowadays. And don't think I haven't noticed how bored you are when it's on. I reckon he's noticed too."
Eddie's silent, starting at the ceiling with a dramatic, melancholy pout.
"Ah shit." He sighs. "I'm a bad boyfriend, aren't I?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. But learn from it if you want to be better." Wayne shrugs. "He makes you happy by indulging in your hobbies, maybe you should think about doing the same. Guarantee it'll put a smile on your boy's face, if nothing else."
So next time Steve brings it up, (tentatively, like he knows Eddie will complain) Eddie is much more genuinely enthusiastic. Steve's surprised for a split second (and doesn't that hurt), before he's beaming and looking absolutely delighted. And shit, yeah ok. It does make Eddie feel good to see Steve happy. Course it does.
The game rolls around, and hell yeah, it's boring to watch. Eddie's been reading up on the rules, so he's not entirely confused, but it just seems so pointless. Steve's good though. From what he's seen (and he's totally not biased, thanks) Steve's running rings around the other team, and Eddie's so fucking proud! It helps that Steve's in those shorts, showing off damn near the full length of his legs.
More importantly, he looks so fucking happy while he's playing. He keeps shooting Eddie these big, beaming smiles when they've scored a hoop, or point, or whatever they're called, and Eddie finds himself melting where he sits, face aching from smiling so much in return.
By the end of the game Eddie's fully invested. Sure, he barely understands what's going on, but even he knows enough that getting the ball in the hoop is a good thing, and Steve does it loads. Their team wins, and there's a huge group hug, pats on the back and other sporty, manly things before they all part ways and start making their way out to the parking lot.
Eddie stays put. He knows Steve will come right to him, and he does. They walk back to Steve's car together, and Steve's on some sort of winner's high; all smiles and cocky strutting. It's kinda hot. Screw that, it's totally hot, and suddenly Eddie's glad that Wayne's working tonight and they've got the place to themselves.
"Surprised you lasted the whole game, Eds." Steve says, teasingly, before he just downs a water bottle. "Thought you'd have died of boredom halfway though."
"Pssh." Eddie waves him off, trying not to feel embarrassed. "You know, Stevie, you're pretty amazing at that." He waves his hand vaguely back towards the court. "That shot you made from almost the centre? Chills, baby, full on chills."
Steve doesn't even bother checking to see if anyone's watching. He slams Eddie against the side of his car and kisses him, cradling Eddie's face with his hands, as though he'd die if he didn't have full body contact.
And Eddie knows the feeling. Like when Steve had recounted a particularly awesome moment from his campaign, and all Eddie had wanted to do was drag him right to the bedroom.
Steve pulls away.
"Get in." He said, opening the car door for Eddie like the gentleman he is.
And fuck, if this is the reaction he gets for paying attention, then he's definitely doing it more. If he's honest with himself, he should have been doing it from day one, but yeah sometimes he's a bit dense and needs a push in the right direction.
So basketball's boring as shit usually, but when Steve's playing? Hell yeah. He'll even put up with listening about it (and even football), if it puts that smile on Stevie's face. That's the price for dating a jock, he guesses, but it's miniscule, and it's fucking worth it.
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marvelsmylife · 6 months
Best friends brother
Pairing: Liam Mairi x reader
Plot: you have a crush on your best friend's hot older brother.
A/n I'm still in denial about what happened to our precious boy
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You’ve had a crush on your best friend's brother for as long as you can remember. He was so cute, and unlike other guys around that age, he wasn’t an asshole.
At first, you thought it was just a tiny crush you thought you would get over, but as years passed, your crush grew stronger. Always blushing when he said your name or even looked in your direction.
You were devastated with Sloane when Liam left for Basgiath. You wrote him letters every day. Telling him how much you loved and missed him. Of course, you never sent them. One, because they can’t receive mail their first year, and two, because you didn’t want him to know you had feelings for him.
So you had the letters hidden for months until it was time for you to enroll at Basgiath as well. You burned those letters before you and Sloane left your foster home and made your way to your new home for the next three years.
“We made it ! ! !” you told Sloane once you passed the parapet.
Both of you were shaking once you made it to the other side. Sloane grinned at you before looking over your shoulder. “What are you looking a-” you began to ask while looking over your shoulder and froze.
Liam was running towards you guys. It took you a few seconds to process what was going on before Liam pulled both you and Sloane into a hug. “Gods, I’m glad you two made it !” Liam pulled away and began to examine you and his sister, “I’m assuming you guys met vi.”.
You were going to ask him how he knew until he pointed to your hair. “Yes, we did,” Sloane replied before looping her arm with mine, “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have somewhere else to be,” and dragged you away before you had the chance to utter a word to Liam.
After being assigned to your squad and being startled by Varrish’s dragon, you and Sloane made your way to your rooms, which happened to be across from each other. You were thankful that your rooms were across from each other’s because you wouldn’t have to travel far to get to her room.
Once settled in, you ventured into the dining hall to get something to eat. Not knowing where to sit, you and Sloane sat at an empty table. You were so engrossed in your conversation that you didn't notice Imogene sitting beside you. " Can we help you?" Sloane asked.
"Your brother sent me," Imogene replied as she looked at you and Sloane and said, “He wants me to train you two. He's worried one, if not both of you will die during challenges, and just by looking at you two, I agree with him.” You wanted to be offended by her words, but she was right. You and Sloane didn't know how to fight because you weren't grouped with people who knew how to fight. Nodding along, Imogene continued, “I’ll train you two and anyone else who is having trouble.”
You were terrified at the thought of training with Imogene, but glancing over at Liam’s table, you noticed a reassuring smile on the blonde’s face. “Ok,” you sent Imogene a nervous smile before turning back to Sloane and began talking about something random to change the subject.
You immediately took up Imogene's offer to train after assessment day and began training with her any chance you got. To your surprise, you were becoming one of the best fighters from your year and caught the attention of Liam. He was impressed with how much you improved in such a small time frame.
His gaze was always on you as you skillfully took down opponents twice your size. What he appreciated the most was that you encouraged his sister to train on your days off. She wasn’t improving like Liam had hoped, and he wanted to force his sister to train but knew she wouldn’t listen to him. That’s why he pulled you aside and begged you to get Sloane to practice on her days off.
“Of course I’ll help,” you bit back a smile at Liam’s request, “I want her to succeed as well.”
By the time threshing came around, you were at the top of your year and helped Sloane improve with the extra training sessions on your time off. You also ended up bonding with a green daggertail named Artemis. You were relieved when you bonded with Artemis because you heard only ninety dragons decided to bond this year. Even though you were top of your year, you were still afraid a dragon wouldn’t select you.
After the roll-keeper recorded Artemis’ full name to confirm that you bonded, you spotted Liam walking over to you with a smirk plastered on his face. “How does it feel to be bonded to a dragon?” Liam asked.
“Surreal,” you answered honestly, “I’m just surprised she picked me.”
You shouldn’t be surprised, you are the best of your year. It is my honor to be bonded to you, Artemis spoke to you.
A soft smile appeared on your face at your dragon's words. You were the best of your year, and you intended to keep it that way.
“I’m not,” Liam brought you back to reality, “You’re a fucking beast on the mat and even managed to get Sloane to improve her fighting skills. You should be proud of yourself.” Liam paused for a second before adding, “I am.”
You couldn’t help but grow shy at Liam’s words. Liam noticed and laughed, “It’s good to know I still have an effect on you.”
Your eyes widened at Liam’s words, realizing he knew about your crush on him, “You know?”
“Of course I know,” Liam laughed harder, “You aren’t really subtle.” Your face grew hot. “Sloane also knows. That’s why she forbade me from being around you when we were younger. You’re her best friend, and she didn’t want to risk us getting together.”
Of course, Sloane would threaten him to stay away from you. You remember her telling you that she stopped talking to the majority of your now ex-friends because they were trying to get with Liam. Liam approached you and caressed your cheek, “I know you and Sloane are best friends, but being around you these past few weeks and getting to know you as you, not my sister's friend. I found myself developing feelings towards you.”
Your heart started pounding as you watched Liam leaning in to kiss your lips. You allowed yourself to enjoy the kiss until a familiar voice broke you two apart. “I knew this was going to happen one day, but I’m still disgusted watching it unfold,” Sloane had a sour face while staring at us.
You hid your face against Liam’s chest out of embarrassment. Liam noticed your embarrassment, held you protectively, and responded to his sister, “If you don’t like it, don’t watch.”
Sloane flipped him off before walking up to you and pulling you away from her brother, “Come, let’s celebrate us being bonded riders now.”
Looking over your shoulder, you spotted Liam shaking his head at his sister’s action and sending you a wave. You gave him a small wave before turning your attention to your best friend, who was now setting up rules about your potential relationship with her brother.
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sunshine-scented · 2 years
Helloo again, I wanted to thank you for making my last request, i loved it <33 I don't know if it's still accepting requests, if not it's ok you can just ignore it ^^, but if so, I could make a hcs of wukong, macaque and nezha with your wife s/o dragon (again sorry kk i love dragons) pregnant? I imagine dragons are like rabbits and have lots of children, how would they react if your wife wanted more children after she had already given birth to her first child? having nsfw along, sorry if it's too much can just ignore ;w;
Sora!!!! I love these dragon requests so much oh my gosh I'm obsessed!!! (Also, thanks for adding Nezha, now I can finally brainrot about him hehehehehe~)
❀ Dragon Family ❀
: Dragon s/o wants more babies!! Give the big scary dragon her babies!!!!!
: Sun Wukong, Macaque, Nezha x fem!reader
: Fluff and a generous amount of Smut :))
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Sun Wukong
• would absolutely agree with you, a hundred percent
• he has so many monkey friends so he's used to taking care of multiple things
• and if it makes his wife happy??? It's already an immediate yes from him
• like, you didn't even have to try to convince him
• he's already planning the names of the babies as you speak
• excited to see more children run around the mountain
• suddenly, he's not so lonely anymore
• sobbing
Wukong carefully set you down on the bed, his lips catching yours in a heated kiss as you wrap your arms on his neck. He trails his hands on your waist and softly starts to grind against you.
You tugged on his hair making him groan and bite your lip as he lets go to stare into your eyes "My beautiful wife" he takes one of your hands and places a chaste kiss on your knuckles "My oh so precious wife"
You giggled at his affectionate behavior making him smile, he leaned in towards your ear biting against your skin, gently pulling it with his teeth making you shiver and moan out his name.
"I'm gonna pump you up with my children yeah? Gonna make you look so full of me, and only me~♡"
Six eared Macaque
• he's a little hesitant to agree with you
• he's not used to taking care of something so...fragile
• and yet you want more??
• that's what he tells himself, yet that look on your face as you ask him over and over again made him double take
• the sight of you kneeling down before him, your hands hugging his waist as you look up at him with those pretty eyes of yours
• heavens, save this poor man
• eventually, he agrees to your requests
• with a small price of all your time tonight~
"Ahn~ Macaque.." you whined as he pinned your hands over your head, his tongue licking your neck and biting your delicate skin against his fangs, a low chuckle was heard from him.
"What's wrong? Isn't this what you asked of me, Darling~?" His suave voice made your knees weak as he picked you up and placed you on the kitchen table, squeezing your thighs and capturing your lips in a sloppy, messy kiss.
He groans at your warmth and how willing you are to give all of your being to him, sends shivers down his spine as he pulls out and stares into your half lidded eyes. He smirked and slapped your thigh, erupting a moan from you
"Shh, quiet now. Our little baby is sleeping, we wouldn't want to wake them up from their precious nap now would we~"
• sorry that's my bad
• anyways, he's similar to Macaque
• he has both the map of the samadhi fire and the jade emperor to protect, both of which isn't an easy job to do as it is
• but you're just so irresistible ♡
• and a huge tease
• surely, you would gladly take responsibility of the absolute mess you made him to be, no?
You started to grind you hips onto his lap, making cute little sounds right beside his ear as you felt him take a breath to try and calm himself down, he's just so adorable
He suddenly grabbed your waist in a tight hold making you gasp as he took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside your mouth in a sloppy wet kiss, you hummed his pleasure as you start to trail your hands onto his chest.
You tugged and pulled on his hair near his scalp making his breath hitch as he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths "You're playing a dangerous game, (Name)" he breathlessly whispered to you with a furrowed brow.
Yet you licked your lips and started you caress his thigh and leaned in closer to him "I know, I just want to know if you're strong enough to play with me~" you mocked a baby voice on him as he finally snapped, grabbing a fistfull of your hair and pulled your head facing upwards making you moan as he started biting onto your exposed neck.
"Lucky for you, I love a good challenge~"
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No I don't have favoritism, what are you even going on about silly
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hiiii, I’d love to see Jamie and the reader having to randomly babysit Phoebe - happy for you to decide where the plot goes from there! ❤️
Here it is! A little bit of comedy, a little bit of angst. For reference, Molly is Roy’s sister. I read a fic once that called her that, and it’s been the name that’s stuck. Oh, and this references Phoebe’s dad and he’s a tool, so be aware of that. Thanks for requesting!
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stick together like glitter
Jamie doesn’t have training because Roy has to watch Phoebe, and you don’t have work because of some random furlough day. This means it’s your first real break together in a very long time. All his extra training has meant that you two haven’t spent as much time together as either of you would like, but you two have plans today. 
You had spent the night at Jamie’s last night since he didn’t have to be up at 3, and so you could stay up late and sleep in. You’re both passed out, Jamie’s arm thrown around your waist, when there’s a knock at the door.
You and Jamie jolt up and he lets out a raspy, “What the hell?”
He rolls over to go answer the door.
“Pants!” you call before he reaches the top of the stairs. He backtracks and picks his plaid pajama bottoms off a chair. He thumps bleary-eyed down the stairs to see who’s there.
You hear muffled voices for a few minutes, then the door shuts and Jamie calls, “Babe! Can you come here a minute?”
You grab a pair of Jamie’s sweats out of a drawer and pad down the stairs, where you are met by Jamie and Phoebe of all people. 
“Hey Pheebs!” you say, surprise waking you up a little. “What’re you doing here?”
“Mum’s at work and Uncle Roy was supposed to watch me, but something came up so he brought me here. Jamie said it was ok if I spent the day with you.”
You smile at Phoebe and look up at Jamie. He shrugs sheepishly. “Can’t say no, could I? Look at her.”
He and Phoebe grin at you angelically.
You try to sigh, but it comes out sounding like a laugh. “Alright, come on. Have you had breakfast yet?”
Phoebe shakes her head. “Uncle Roy was just starting the toast when he got the phone call. I don’t mind though, because today does not feel like a toast kind of day.”
“I agree,” Jamie says to Phoebe, “today doesn’t feel like a toast kind of day. Lucky for you, I’ve been told my pancake recipe is better than-” he catches himself, “Well, they’re really fucking good. Won’t take long.”
He holds out his hand for Phoebe to take, and he leads her to the kitchen.
That’s how you ended up in Jamie’s kitchen, still in your pajamas, while Phoebe chatters on about the book Roy is reading her as Jamie flips pancakes and drops chocolate chips to make smiley faces.
It’s weirdly domestic in a way you two have never been before, and you’re not sure how you feel about it. You certainly don’t have negative feelings, that’s for sure.
“What do you want to do today, Phoebe?” you ask. 
She shrugs. “Uncle Roy was going to take me to the library and then to pick up flowers for Keeley, and then we were going to get ice cream. I wanted to play Princesses and Dragons, because I got new dragon claws. They’re in my backpack, want to see?”
“I do!” Jamie says.
You laugh. “I would love to! I think we can still do a lot of that today, ice cream included. None for Jamie though, he hates ice cream.” Phoebe gasps, and Jamie turns from the stove, offended. 
“Babe,” he says in a scandalized tone, “you’d lie to a child? I fucking love ice cream!”
You raise an eyebrow and deadpan, “You do not, you said you’d rather eat that disgusting pureed spinach.”
“Babe,” he replies, “I literally cannot believe you right now.” He turns to Phoebe. “Pheebs, you believe me, yeah? What kind of monster don’t like ice cream?”
Phoebe looks from you to Jamie. You’re doing your absolute best to maintain a straight face, and Jamie’s comedic beseeching look is not helping.
Phoebe squints at you in such a Roy-like manner that you break, dissolving into giggles. She joins in, and Jamie lets out a faux sigh of relief. Today’s going to be fun.
It’s late in the afternoon now, and you, Jamie, and Phoebe have been all over Richmond. Phoebe checked out three large books from the library while Jamie followed you to the murder mystery section. You whispered the plots to him until Phoebe tapped your elbow to let you know she was ready to go. 
You stopped at the flower shop, and Jamie bought one flower for you and one of Phoebe. She loved it, and twirled it as she walked. 
Your last stop was for ice cream, where she explained the pros and cons of each flavor, and why Uncle Roy believes any flavor other than cherry chip should be illegal. 
Now, you’re walking back to Jamie’s house, holding Phoebe’s hands in between you. Her flower is safely poking out of her backpack. 
“Jamie,” she says, “why does Uncle Roy think you’re a prick?”
Jamie chokes on air and you’re doubled over from laughter. That question came out of nowhere
“Well,” Jamie says, trying (and failing) to speak normally, “when I met your Uncle Roy, I was very young and very fit and much, much better than him at football. He didn’t like that so much, and I thought it was fuckin funny, so I just made fun of him for it. And me dad was kind of mean to me a lot, so I s’pose it was just easier to be a prick to everyone. Pretty sure he likes me know though.” Jamie pauses. “I’m less prickish now that this one came along.” He grins at you and winks, and you’re blushing like you’re a teenager. 
Phoebe is digesting all of this, and your footsteps slow as you approach Jamie’s doorstep. Finally she says, “If we play Princesses and Dragons, will you be the princess?”
“Only if I get a sparkly crown,” Jamie replies. 
Phoebe seems satisfied by this answer so she turns to you and asks if you want to be a dragon like her or a knight. 
“Knight,” you reply, no hesitation. 
“Aw, babe, you gonna rescue me?” Jamie asks, pushing open the door for you and Phoebe. 
You playfully pat his cheek as you walk by, not missing the way his eyes wander from yours to your lips. 
“Come on!” Phoebe shouts. She’s already at the door to the backyard. “We have to hurry before Uncle Roy gets back!”
It turns out that there is no need to hurry. Roy texted Jamie with a simple going to be longer than fucking expected, and a sorry to ruin your date night to you. 
Not a problem! you replied. Hope everything’s alright, and let Molly know that we can keep Phoebe overnight if she needs. 
Roy responds with a simple x, which is more than Jamie got, but he doesn’t care because Phoebe’s explaining to him the difference between a crocodile and an alligator in great detail over dinner.
You’re a little worried. Jamie is too, you can tell. His forehead gained a slight crease when he read Roy’s text. Neither Roy nor Phoebe have offered any explanation as to what had come up, and you just hope everything’s all right. You’re relatively certain it has to do with Keeley, especially because she hasn’t texted either of you all day. Phoebe is (you hope) oblivious, although she’s incredibly observant, so she’s probably already pieced together more than you and Jamie have.  
It’s a little past 8pm now, and Phoebe is beginning to yawn in your lap. Jamie’s sitting next to you on the couch, one arm around your shoulders as he hums along to Tangled. Phoebe’s wearing one of your t-shirts, and it’s long enough to be a dress on her. After an especially big yawn, you stand up and carry her to one of the guest rooms, a perk of Jamie’s fucking enormous house.
“Jaim and I will be in that door right over there,” you whisper. “The night light will stay on all night, and we’ll keep on the light in the hall. If you wake up and need anything, you can yell for us. We’ll be awake watching tv for a while, and I’m a light sleeper anyway, so don’t be afraid to shout if you need something.”
Phoebe nods sleepily, and you kiss her on the forehead. You pull the blanket up to her chin as Jamie says softly, “Goodnight, kid.”
“‘Night Jamie,” Phoebe whispers back.
You and Jamie get up and slip out the door, shutting it behind you softly. You pause in the hall, back to the door. Jamie’s close to you, and both of you have concern written on your faces.
You really had a wonderful time with Phoebe today, and you don’t mind the fact that she’s spending the night. Jamie has extra toothbrushes and Phoebe thinks it’s fun to wear your shirt to bed, but this is nowhere near how you thought the day was going to go. It’s just not like Roy or Molly not to call or to be out this late. 
Strike that; it’s not like Roy or Molly to be out this late for a reason that makes you feel especially joyous.
Your brows are knit together so tight that Jamie has to physically smooth them with his thumb.
“I’m worried too, love,” he says softly.
You’re both wide awake in bed, listening for Phoebe (she’s snoring) and checking your respective phones (still nothing). It’s not until 10:30pm that Jamie’s phone lights up with a call from Roy. He’s out of bed and down the stairs in an instant, just in case Phoebe can hear him.  
You’re still in bed picking at your nails, when your phone dings. It’s Molly.
She’s sent a long paragraph but the gist of it is what you’re sure Roy is telling Jamie on the phone:
I had an extra long shift today, which is why Roy was supposed to watch Phoebe. When he showed up to the house, Phoebe’s dad was outside, lurking in his car. I didn’t like it and neither did Roy, so he dropped her off with you to find out why he was coming ‘round. 
You shiver. You haven’t heard a lot about Phoebe’s dad, but you know that she and Jamie have shitty fathers in common. They had been talking about it earlier that afternoon, her expressing frustration and him gently explaining that none of it was her fault.
You go back to Molly’s text.
Turns out the bastard was here to take Phoebe. He got high and decided to just grab her, I guess. He and Roy got into it, so then Keeley had to bail Roy out of jail for assault and it became this whole thing because Roy wanted to make sure that prick was never allowed to be near Phoebe. He’s been pulling strings all day, filling out restraining orders and shit. Phoebe doesn’t know any of this, and I don’t want her to, but it sounds like her dad’s going away for a long time. Roy and Keeley have been at it all day. They know a lot of the right people, between the two of them.
Three bubbles appear, then disappear. You type, You’re more than welcome to come over and spend the night, Molls.
She replies, Only if I can borrow your toothbrush. 
Despite yourself, you smile. You and Molly grew up together and got even closer after Roy was recruited for football, so you both understand that when the other offers something, they mean it. 
She says, Be over in fifteen. Love you, so you send her a heart. You hear footsteps and look up to see Jamie in the doorway. “That was Roy,” he says, face somber.
You lift your phone slightly. “Heard from Molly,” you reply. “She’ll be here in fifteen minutes. She’s spending the night.”
Jamie nods and settles heavily into bed next to you. 
He blows out a breath. “Fuckin hell.”
“Yeah,” you agree.
“Poor Pheebs,” he continues. “I know how she’s gonna feel when she finds out.”
You rest your head on his shoulder. “Do you think that Molly and Roy should handle it differently?”
“Fuck no,” Jamie responds, “wish my mum had a brother like Roy to lock up my piece-of-shit dad. Still, he’s her dad, isn’t he? Doesn’t matter how much of a prick he is, she’s still gonna fucking love him.”
You’re silent for a moment. “Jamie,” you say finally, “d’you think she’ll be alright?”
Jamie turns his head to you. “‘Course she’ll be alright,” he says. “It ain’t easy, but she’s got an amazing mum, plus Roy and Keeley. I fucking made it, and I only had me mum.”
He can tell you’re still not satisfied. “Look, babe- as shitty as Phoebe’s dad is, she’ll be alright. It won’t happen overnight, but she’s a tough kid. She’s got people who fuckin love her and who want to protect her. She’ll make it through.”
You nod. You two sit in silence until there’s a light knock on the door. It’s Molly.
You wrap her in a tight hug, a million unspoken words lingering between you two. You take her to Phoebe’s room and hand her an extra pair of your clean pajamas.
Phoebe says a sleepy, “Mum?” so you sneak out the door and shut it silently.
You head back to Jamie, and now it’s your turn to flop onto the bed. It’s been a long day, and you have a feeling tomorrow is going to be even longer. Jamie pulls you onto his chest in a tight hug, and you finally fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart.
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mythalism · 5 days
what if solas was a spirit of faith?
ok hear me out. i dont 100% prescribe to this theory. most of the evidence we have is in favor of solas being a wisdom spirit, however when i was writing this post i came across something that made me go hm.
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now, not everything david gaider says is automatically canon. in fact, david gaider regularly and loudly says a lot of racist, misogynistic, and generally awful things about his own games and characters, so i actually do not respect his opinion at all.
however he was indeed the lead writer for dragon age: inquisition and had input into solas's writing, so i think for him to say this means it was at least something the developers talked about and agreed upon at that time.
the wiki's citation leads to a forum post by gaider from july 2013:
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"the corruption of faith is pride".
also notable is that david gaider is the writer of cassandra, and i bring this up because solas's banters with cassandra are basically the foundation of this, and why i started thinking about it in the first place.
solas is a lot of things. definitely a pride demon. an judgemental jerk, a lot of the time. a "mirror", as his writer puts it. a staunch atheist as well. extremely critical of anyone who claims godhood. and......... strangely respectful of *checks notes* THE MAKER???????
for someone who spends so much time decrying the corruption of false gods, many people have found solas's banter with cassandra to be out of character. and it is pretty jarring when placed in context with the rest of his statements.
remember that spirits embody a particular single virtue, and will do whatever they can to bring it forth in others:
“Spirits are not complex in the sense that they seize upon a single facet of human experience, and this one idea becomes their identity.[3] They are formed as a reflection of the real world and its passions.[10] A spirit embodies and latches onto a specific purpose and will do all in its power to fulfill that purpose. For instance, a hunger demon will attempt to feed on anything it crosses,[4] and a spirit of justice will stop at nothing to uphold its name”
solas, strangely, speaks of cassandra's faith with great respect and even reverence. he mentions her faith several times in their banter, and rather than criticize it as foolish as you might assume from someone who embodies pride, led a rebellion against false gods, and does not hesitate to hold back his judgement when he disapproves of something, solas actively encourages cassandra's continued faith in both the maker and herself.
he tells her that her position, of a seeker of truth (an arm of the templars which he despises?) and right hand of the divine, is "an honorable one and well-earned" and that her presence is a comfort, because there is no lie in what she is:
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he outright mentions spirit of faith as gentle spirits that cannot afford to be lost to corruption:
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he tells cassandra he is impressed by her faith, after the revelations about the truth of the seekers:
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he praises her templar abilities and the maker?????
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and, most notably....
when cassandra learns the truth about the seeker vigil and her abilities being borne of a ritual involving a spirit of faith, he tells her...
she should be proud
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part of the reason these banters are so confusing and seemingly out of character of solas is due to his comments on the nature of gods, organized religion, and belief at other points throughout the game.
but i believe there is a common thread to them, and that it is not faith that he criticizes, but those who take advantage of it.
some of the best examples of his disgust for one who uses someones faith in them to accrue power are with a low-approval inquisitor. what he hates are those who manipulate faith in others.
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solas hates to see faith corrupted by falsity.
but why would he hate such a thing so much? why does he actively encourage cassandra's faith in the maker, while criticizing an inquisitor who used the people's faith in andraste to amass power? well, because it reminds him of the evanuris, of course. but i think there could be more to it than just that.
whatever kind of spirit solas was, we (pretty much) know that he came into being at the behest of mythal according to cole:
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we also know that solas was deeply devoted to mythal in the time of elvhenan, and even thousands of years later, he staunchly defends her as someone worthy of his faith, admiration and respect.
he approves of completing her rituals in the temple of mythal:
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and greatly disapproves if you do not:
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he cannot stand to let morrigan misrepresent her in dialogue (lol):
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he even actually refers to her as a goddess at one point, despite often asserting that the ancient elvhen gods were not gods:
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and, of course, the way he speaks of her in trespasser is quite literally reverent, as he reveals her murder was the catalyst for his entire rebellion:
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could solas have been borne of mythal's faith? of the people's faith in her? of her faith in her people? of her faith in herself? of the People's faith in each other? how does he still have such faith in her after all of these years?
keeping in mind the way a spirit becomes corrupted,
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combined with solas's answer to cassandra's question about what he truly believes, to which he answers that he believes in people:
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and of course this new mural:
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could solas have originally been a spirit of faith, corrupted into pride by the evanuris's abuse of the virtue he embodied? a spirit of faith, borne of mythal's faith in her people, and turned into pride when her people, her own family, betrayed her? when their gods proved false and the only thing left to have faith in was themselves?
as much as i love this and think it fits, it cant be ignored that there is equal, if not more, that suggests he was a spirit of wisdom first. however this is so clearly intentional and satisfying that i dont think it's a coincidence - they're definitely doing something with this. whether or not solas was always Pride and thus he is just drawn towards the two other sides of his coin, wisdom and faith, or if he was one and corrupted into pride, i dont know, but i think faith and the manipulation of it to evil ends will continue to be integral to his story.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Naruto founders AU
I want either Madara or Izuna as Falin. Thematically I think Izuna would fit best, but I kind of just wanna see chimera Madara more than Izuna. Also like, smthn smthn Madara's falcons smthn smthn bird boy,,,
Very torn between Tobirama being stand in for Marcille or for Thistle. Bc like, dungeon lord Tobirama with his chimera Madara goes so hard
Then again it's not like I have to do a 1 to 1 crossover, so. We can totally just work off of the setting and basic premise of "Oh no one of the party members got got by the dungeon and we have to go back for them" then do our own thing from there
(Note; Ive only watched the anime, so while I have seen a lot of different spoilers for the manga my knowledge plot wise p much ends w season 1)
The party;
Elf Hashirama as healer and plant magic guy
Half elf Tobirama as a heavy hitting mage
Tallman Madara on the physical front as their tank
Tallman Izuna as their secondary physical fighter who plays as a mixed support / dmg depending on the situation and what Madara needs most atm
Touka, undecided on race, similar dmg + support build to Izuna, also dabbles in rogue stuff
Hikaku, also undecided on race, party rogue / jack of all trades and armed with a crossbow
Ok so, Madara gets eaten by a red dragon right as one of the partys magic users (Hashi and Tobi) are using that return spell to go back to the surface
They wake up and Izuna is immediatley like "What the fuck happened to my brother"
Argument ensues! Hashirama and Izuna want to go back for Madara in the very rare case that he may be revivable. Tobirama and Touka thinks he's fucked and they should cut their losses here. Hikaku is somewhere between both parties but his loyalty to Madara wins out and he sides with Hashi and Izuna despite internally agreeing w Tobirama and Touka that it's probably too late.
They go back in and adventures happen!!
The whole time they're going down, Tobirama is grumbling about Madara and how this is doomed and the man is probably dead and blah blah blah. Finally Izuna snaps and yells at him ab why he's even here then, and Tobirama honestly doesn't even know why himself. He just goes dead quiet and has no real response, which satisfies Izuna
Queue internal conflict on Tobirama's part, who largley stops complaining ab their adventure from here on out as he asks himself that same question, then decides to fully commit to the party's goal.
Anyways, continuing on and !!! They find Madara !!! Only oh no he's a pile of fuckin bones!!
Tobirama, again, now fully committed to this shit, is like "I did NOT come this fucking far to turn back now" and breaks out the black magic.
P much everyone is on board with this except maybe Hashirama. Maybe we can have some fun plays with how he's like all about life and nature and ooo leafy elf man or whatever vs Tobirama's blasphemy against life itself necromancy jam
So they bring Madara back with the dragon meet and the power of Tobirama's undying spite, yay !!!
Madara is very confused at all of this, and very out of it. By the time he's started to really come back to himself dinner is over and they're all quietly laying in their bedrolls
I want a quiet confrontation between Madara and Tobirama when everyone's gone to bed. Madara needs some air and finds Tobirama by the seals used to bring him back to life. Madara says that it's not that he's ungrateful, but he is very, very confused at why Tobirama did this. Not only breaking several taboos and laws but doing it for him. Madara didn't even think Tobirama liked him, so why...?
Tobirama scoffs and says not to flatter himself, this was a choice he made for himself, not Madara
They hold very prolonged, silent eye contact surrounded by the blood and bones of the dragon. It's kind of gay.
Izuna appears to break up the staring competition with a well timed "What the fuck are you guys doing" (they'll just have to resume the staring contest later)
They go back to bed fr this time but just like in canon, Madara is woken up by the call of the dungeon master
Enter the mad mage; Mito
Instead of being the brother of the king of the golden kingdom she was instead the wife.
Oh right and the king was a little guy you may know of by the name Ashura. Which brings us a new oh no bc Hashirama is totally that guy's reincarnation and the second Mito lays eyes on him she loses it
But that's not for a little bit. Bc in this first confrontation, Hashirama gets to be conviniently absent till after Mito leaves (and Mito can only recognize him if she sees him in person bc I say so)
So Mito and Tobirama have a super cool mage battle as Izuna tries to shake a non responsive Madara back to himself. Good attempt, doesn't work tho sorry Izuna
Stuff happens, Madara and Mito fuck off, and the party is left back at square 1.
Madaraless :(
So the adventure continues!!
We get Kagami as Izutsumi to be our parties ninja cat boy (Kagami my beloved son,,) which is also extra fun if we wanna play into the parallels of Marcille trying to mom/big sister Izutsumi and Tobirama doing the same to Kagami (Kagami is soaking in the attention he is having a great time rn)
Stuff happens, chimera Madara appears, more adventures happen blah blah blah
Tobirama becomes new dungeon lord and bc I have no idea what goes on from dungeon meshi canon from there I'm just gonna leave that here.
Dungeon lord Tobirama and his pet chimera Madara he's trying to return human tho, that fucks so hard. Even once Madara is human again he still has all those cute feathers like Falin which I think suits him. When he gets all flaily and embaressaed now his feathers can fluff up with his hair too
Anyways, alternative kind of bad end where Izuna was the one who got turned into a chimera and we get definatley not brainwashed guys I promise toxic hashiizumito (Mito is living her best life with her reincarnated Not Kidnapped husband and Not Brainwashed pet chimera)
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myladysapphire · 1 year
His Sapphire Princess (IV)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,327
CW: violence
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his  except for my OC
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Her brothers woke her in a panic, pulling her out of bed and dragging her through the halls of Driftmark, claiming Vhagar had been stolen.
“You can’t steal a dragon” she yawned, wiping at her eyes, confused as to what they meant.
“but she was mine to claim, someone stole my right!” Rhaena whined. of course, cloaking him, she hoped it was Aemond, though she would admit Rhaena should have been able to attempt to claim her, but if it was Aemond that truly claimed her she could find no fault in it.
“dragons aren’t inherited Rhaena, anyone could claim Vhagar, not just you” Visenya spoke, her tone harsher than she meant “I’m going back to bed” she went to turn back but luke jumped in front of her, his best puppy eyes on display
“Senya, please, what if it’s a bad guy, we need your help” Luke begged.
“fine” she sighed in defeat, she had her dagger she supposed if someone had  actually taken Vhagar she could defend them, though she saw no point of this escapade.
Vhagar roared as she landed, her new rider, a beacon of silver in the night sky, climbing down her rope.
“it’s him” spoke Jace.
it was Aemond, just as she hoped. His face was smug, his walk confident. he was like a whole new person. 
“Aemond?” she questioned softly, rubbing up to him, “you claimed her?”  
his eyes glimmered as he looked at her, a true smile gracing his lips. He wasn’t a new person, he was still her Aemond.
“Vhagar is my mother's dragon” Rhaena stated.
“your mothers dead” he replied, scowling. “and Vhagar has a new rider now.”
“Aemond” she chined, elbowing him softly. 
“she was mine to claim” Rhaena declared.
“Vhagar choose her rider, if Aemond weren’t meant to claim her then she wouldn’t have allowed him to claim her” Visneya reasoned, trying to calm the group, though it was all for nought as shouts of protest were heard from the twins.
Aemond moved forward,  placing her behind him “Then you should've claimed her!” he looked at Jace and Luke then back to Rhaena, “ Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride… It would suit you.”
Baela launched herself at Aemond, before being pushed off. “come at me again, and I’ll feed you to Dragon”
The next few moments were filled with yells and screams as her brothers and cousins attacked Aemond.
“stop!” Visenya demanded, moving to pull Baela off of Aemond, only to be elbowed and pushed against a rock. 
“Senya!” Aemond and Jace screamed, the attack coming to a halt. 
“it’s ok,” she tried to reassure, rubbing her head as she sat up “just stop fighting, it will not give Rhaena a dragon, nor will it take Aemonds away from him!” 
“he stole Vhagar, she was mine to claim!” Rhaena once again insisted.
“yeah, yeah we get it ok! just stop this fighting!… please” 
Baela turned to look at her, sighing as if ready to coincide before looking at Aemond. his hand rested behind Visenya's back, his face still smug.
she charged at him again, pushing him away from Visneya and to the ground. Jace followed punching him in the face before shoving them away.
she wasn’t sure what would happend next, her head pushing too hard, liquid filling her ears. the words flame and bastard sounded, her brother Jace in Aemonds hold, a rock to his head.
“no stop!” she screamed, crawling over, unable to find balance, her dagger falling from her pocket as she pulled Jace away. 
Luke grabbed her dagger and dived at Aemond, Visneya despite the fact her blurred vision, she managed to jump in front of Aemond, the dagger driving through his eye and the side of her neck.
After that, it all went black.
The hall was tense as a maester worked with Aemond and Visneya. 
No one dared to speak.
Several maesters cared for Visenya, her neck seeping in blood, her body still unconscious, and her brothers crying beside her. Luke begging for her to be alright. 
Aemond had insisted on being as close to her as possible, refusing to let go of her hand, and only doing so when it became apparent it was interfering with the maesters work. 
“How could you allow such as thing to happen?” Viserys demanded, furious “I will have answers”
“The princes and princess were supposed to be abed, my king” Ser Harold spoke
“Who had to watch” Viserys demanded
“The young prince was attacked by his cousins, your grace, and the princess by her brothers,” Ser Criston remarked
Outraged with these responses Viserys shouted “you swore oaths to protect and defend my blood”
“I’m very sorry, your grace,” Ser Harrold told him
“The king's guard has never had to defend princes from princes, your grace” Ser Criston spoke
The hall was quiet, the fury of the king growing. His granddaughter lay on the table, unconscious as blood seeped out of her neck, the Maesters still trying to locate the bleeding. 
“That is no answer!” Viserys spat
“It will heal, will it not maester?” Alicent asked she knew that the eye would be lost, but she still had hoped the seven would be merciful.
Solemnly the maester replied “the flesh will heal, but the eye is lost, your grace”
Nodding, a tear falling from her eye, she looked towards Visenya “what of the princess maester?”
Giving a small sad smile the lead maester working on Visenya stepped back to look at the king and queen, “we cannot tell yet your grace, we cannot seem to locate the bleeding and until we do, we cannot say”
Letting out an anguished cry Alicent moved to Aegon slapping him “where were you?”
Recoiling away Aegon spoke “me? Ow! What was that for?” he complained, almost ashamed. He had been getting drunk whilst his brother and niece suffered, that was enough to sober him. He worried the sight would make him burst in tears.
Alicent sneered “that was nothing compared to the abuse your brother and niece suffered while you were drowning in your cups” looking down ashamed, all Aegon could do was whisper a small as sorry.
“Where is Rhaenyra, her daughter has suffered a grave injury at the hands of her sons… where is Rhaenyra!” Alicent demanded to the room. The people equally confused as to where the princess was, remained silent.
Lord Corlys and princess Rhaenys entered the hall, demanding what had happened “what is the meaning of this”
Princess Rhaenys quickly went to her granddaughters, before catching sight of Visneay on the table, a small cry leaving her lips “what has happened?” she demanded. “What has happened to my granddaughter” the silence once more filled the room, as no one could answer.
Rhaenyra and Daemon were the last to enter the room, Daemon smug and nonchalant, Rhaenyra confused and guilty. She was quick to tun to her sons, not even bothering to look for her daughter. “what happened? Jace, Luke? Show me, show me!” taking Luke’s face in her hands she asked, “where is your sister?” both boys looked down before pointing to the table surrounded by maesters.
“Oh, my sweet girl” Rhaenyra cried taking Rhaenys place next to her daughter, as Rheanys moved to her Beala and Rheana.
“They attacked us!” Aemond spat, causing the other children to being shouting contrasting statements.
“He attacked Baela”
“He broke Luke’s nose!”
“He stole my mother’s dragon!”
“ENOUGH” Viserys demanded, his confusion only increasing at the children's ranting, 
“He was going to kill Jace!” Luke shouted
“I didn’t do anything! And you’re the one who attacked Visenya!” Aemond shot back, furious, she was defending him from their attack, they were to blame not him. He had lost his eye, his Visenya was wounded and unconscious. 
“Enough!” Viserys demanded, once again. 
Rhaenyra had made her way back to her sons, allowing the Maesters their space to work, as they finally located the bleeding.
“It should be my son telling the tale” Alicent demanded.
Luke whispered what was said to his mother “he called us bastards”
Hitting his cane on the ground Viserys demanded once again “silence” moving to look at Aemond he demanded the truth “Aemond, I will have the truth of what happened, now!”
“What else is there to hear? Your son and granddaughter maimed…Her son is responsible”
“It was a regrettable accident” Rhaenyra spoke, she didn’t want to believe what Luke had done, let alone to his sister. 
“The prince Lucerys brought a blade to an ambush. He meant to kill my son, he might yet have killed your daughter” Alicent spoke viciously, how could Rhaenyra defend her sons after what they did to her daughter, to Aemond?
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves… Vile insults were levied against them” Rhaenyra declared
“What insults?” Viserys asked
Hesitating, knowing it was the unspoken truth, Rhaenyra replied “the legitimacy of my son’s birth was put loudly to the question”
Speaking up, Luke has a tremor in his voice as he casts a look at his sister, guilt filling his body “he called us bastards”
“My sons are in line to inherit the iron throne, your grace. This is the highest of treasons…. Prince Aemond must be Sharpley questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders” Rhaenyra spoke
In disbelief at Rhaenyra’s audacity, Alicent spoke “over an insult? My son has lost an eye! What of your daughter what is your sons’ excuses for her!?” she demanded, looking over to Visenya, the Maesters had finally stopped the bleeding, but she was yet to wake. 
“You tell me boy, where did you hear this lie?” Viserys demanded, he knew the truth, he was not blind, he knew they were not Laenor’s and guilt filled him that he did not give his daughter a husband who could give her more than one child, even that he doubted, that she had to look elsewhere.
Worried, everyone knew it was Alicent who spread the rumours “this insult was training yard bluster, it was nothing”
Ignoring his wife, Viserys asked again “Aemond, I asked you a question!”
Interrupting again Alicent asked “where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The children’s father? Perhaps he might have something to say on the matter.”
“Yes, where is Ser Laenor?”
Rhaenyra admitted, “I do not know, your grace, I could not find sleep, I had gone on a walk.”
Alicent rolled her eyes and muttered “entertaining his young squires, I would venture”
Asking again, Viserys spoke “Aemond, look at me. Your king demands answer. Who spoke these lies to you?”
Aemond shifted his gaze to his mother, “It was Aegon” he answered. He would not sell out his mother, even if they all knew it was really her.
“Me?” Aegon asked confused, he did not care nor ever mention if they were bastards. He was rather fond of Luke and Jace, they often had fun together. He could care less about their parentage.
“And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?” Viserys spat “Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!”
Giving up, with a sigh Aegon spoke “We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them”
“This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show goodwill to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it.” Viserys spoke.
“That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged, permanently, Visenya who knows if she will wake. ‘Good will’ cannot make Aemond whole” Alicent spat
“I know Alicent, but I cannot restore an eye,” Viserys said with a deep sigh, he looked to Visenya. Her face was terribly pale, her neck was being wrapped and her head stitched.
“No, because it’s been taken!” 
“What would you have me do?”
“There is a debt to be paid. I shall have one of her son’s eyes in return” Alicent declared, gasps filling the hall.
“My dear wife-”
Her eyes watered, her son, their sons’ eye had been taken and he does not seem to care “he is your son, Viserys. Your blood”
“Do not allow your temper to guide your judgment” Viserys warned
“If the king will not seek justice, the queen will. Ser Criston… Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.” Alicent ordered.
Luke let out a nervous shout for his mother, moving to hide behind her. 
“he can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son” Alicent spoke, Ser Criston stared down at her, unsure of what to do.
Speaking to Criston Viserys demanded “you will do no such thing… Stay your hand”
“no, you are sworn to me!” she shouted at Ser Criston, as he stood unsurely “As your protector, my queen.”
“This matter is finished, do you understand?” Viserys spoke to Alicent, moving away before declaring “and let it be known, anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons should have it removed!”
“Thank you, father” Rhaenyra spoke, Alicent enraged moved towards Viserys grabbing his dagger and charging at Rhaenyra and her sons.
Shouts filled the hall, trying to get Alicent to stop, but she continued.
“you’ve gone too far” Rhaneyra spoke, grabbing Alicents arm, preventing the dagger from diving into her son's eye.
“i? what have I done but what expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you, please” Alicent spat in reply. “Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? And now you take my son's eye, and to that event, you feel entitled”
“Exhausting, wasn’t it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness” Rhaenyra replied, seeing Alicent face drop and her grip on the blade began to loosen. “But now they see you as you truly are,” she said lowly, the dagger slipped from Alicent’s hand, down Rhaenyra's arm, blood dripping to the ground.
“This proceeding is at an end” Viserys declared.
next chapter
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talaok · 1 year
Since all the nominations for Emmys, I need one fic where reader is either video calling or with Pedro when nominations are announced. Somethig fluffy and full of emotions cuz Pedro deserves all of this 😊
a/n: this ask skipped the line just cause I felt that if I posted this next week it wouldn't have made as much sense, so yeah here it is (also, I’m so happy for him and Bella, like omg man)
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Today was the day.
Pedro was never usually one to care about this stuff, yes he was grateful, and yes he was happy, but no other time had he felt this electricity in the air, this buzz telling him that something was about to happen... something good of course.
He had set up his tablet on the coffee table in front of the couch, waiting for the announcement to start, but he hadn't even managed to sit- he was too nervous, too excited.
A ringing sounded through the room all of a sudden, and after an initial scare, he smiled, glad you finally could call him.
You were on set. In Vancouver. A thousand miles from him.
"Is it on yet?"
Your eagerness spurt through the screen.
And he thought he was exited
"what? How much longer?"
He glanced at the screen, feeling a tiny goosebump traveling up his back at the countdown.
"two minutes"
"Oh my god!" You squeaked, smiling so wide your cheeks almost hurt "how are you feeling?"
"nervous" he chuckled drily
"Oh c'mon, what about? We both know you're gonna crush it"
"I hope so" he sighed "God I don't know why I care so much" he laughed "The only important thing is that Bella and the show get nominated"
"And you, of course" you chirped in
He tried to fight a smile, but it still pulled at his lips "Well if there's room..."
"There you are" you nodded, your smile fading ever so little after a brief moment "god I wish I could be there"
"Me too" he agreed "but at least w-" a noise in the direction of the coffee table caught his attention
"Oh shit, it's starting"
"shit, go go go go" you mumbled, feeling all too powerless in your position.
He sat down in front of the screen as the announcers appeared on it.
"what are they saying?"
"uh- just their names and stuff"
A moment passed 
"what about now?"
He laughed, ever so thankful for your presence "Still that, sweetheart"
"fine, just- tell me when they start telling the categories"
"ok ok here we go" 
"what is it?"
"talk series"
"Bo-ring" you huffed, making him chuckle "I want the good stuff"
"they're doing reality programs now"
"oh my god! it's like they want to torture us"
"Oh shit" 
A pit created itself in Pedro's stomach
"lead actor in a drama series"
"oh my god" you screeched, doing a poor job of trying not to freak out "C'mon baby I know believe in you"
"jeff bridges... Brian cox... Kieran Culkin... Bob Odenkirk..."
come on come on come on
His mouth widened as he let out an incredulous breath.
"baby?" you called, already knowing but wanting a confirmation "baby pl-"
"I got nominated"
"I told you!" You basically screamed, jumping out of your chair "I told you, baby! I'm so happy for you! You deserve all of it babe, all. of. it." 
"I can't believe this" he smiled, his eyes glimmering with that spark in his eyes he only got whenever he was truly happy "This is crazy"
"Well believe it baby, you're an Emmy nominee"
"I just-" he interrupted himself as the next category was announced "shit it's best actresses"
You nodded, trying to cool down while really just mindlessly pacing around your trailer 
"Bella Ramsey!" he laughed "Bella Ramsey! They did it! I knew they fucking would"
"oh my god!" you grinned "What a power couple"
"I know right?" he chuckled "I'll have to call them I-" and once again, the announcers interrupted his train of thought.
His gaze moved from you to the tablet again.
"best drama series?"
He only nodded, clearly all the anxiety coming back.
"Andor... Better call Saul... the crown... House of the Dragon..."
he fell silent as his eyes came back to you, and this time... this time they shined with tears of joy.
"yeah?" you asked, feeling your heart beating out of your chest.
"yeah," nodded.
You felt your heart and chest and body fill with pure joy as you let some tears fall from your eyes.
"you did it baby" you sniffled "I knew you would. You deserve it, all of it" you smiled, wishing with all your heart you were there to hug him and kiss him and whisper in his ear
"How are you feeling?"
He laughed "I don't even know, I just- I think I need time to process this" he smiled, his hands slightly shaking "A-Are you ready to go to the Emmys?"
"are you?" You laughed, quite literally quivering from the excitement
"As ready as I'll ever be"
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raygirlramblings · 10 months
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Welp I guess I’m going to have to go into some detail now XD
So here is a very basic timeline of the key events in this AU and how it fits into the Blood Dragon universe. There’s even a few pictures!
WARNING this is a LONG post and features discussion of scientific abuse and torture so read with care.
The setup starts before Eden takes over with the Rabbid invasion of the US and Rayman being dumped into this universe from Dimension X
The Rabbids are dealt with by the military but Rayman is captured and held as an alien by the government, who don’t really know what to do with him but he seems friendly and hey it’s a free alien they can keep as a science project.
Rayman is not ok with this but he has nowhere else to go and these military guys seem to not want to kill him so ok.
Then Eden takes over. They basically do this through corporate meddling and financial control and managed to do it without needing Rayman as a mascot.
BUT now they have control over the government and all the stuff they have they find Rayman and go ‘oh cool, free test subject’ and start to experiment on him to figure out a) how he works and b) tie this into their plans to create a dimension portal gun.
Rayman is VERY not ok with this but he doesn’t have much choice.
Cue poor Ray getting physically tortured for months as Eden tries to figure out how he works.
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MEANWHILE we cut to Sam Fisher. He’s pretty much the same as he was in the show. Ex us military guy who doesn’t like how Eden is corrupting the youth and destroying the nation etc etc
He lives with his daughter Sarah who is at the age where Eden is trying to corrupt her young mind (but they don’t have the Rayman Kids concept so it’s not quite as effective). Plus Sam is a good dad who is trying to keep his little girl on the right track.
Sam connects with Marcus Holloway and his hacker network in the hopes of getting Sarah out of Eden to stay with a military buddy of his.
Holloway agrees to help him smuggle Sarah out but in return wants the ex military badass to do some recon for him to figure out what the hell Eden is doing with this whole dimensional portals thing.
Sam is like ‘sure if it helps my daughter and messes with Eden a little I’m game’
So Sam uses his super espionage skills to break into one of Eden’s science divisions to get info.
He doesn’t get far before he gets discovered and has to retreat, but not before he ends up finding Rayman locked in Eden’s basement,
Eden has pretty much taken everything they need from poor Ray and left him to rot until they can figure out what to do with him.
Sam being a cool dude takes pity on the limbless guy and invites him to escape with him. Rayman is 100% ok with this plan.
Cue daring escape.
Sam takes Ray home to meet Sarah who is instantly fascinated by the little limbless alien and the two form a sibling like bond. Rayman is just happy to be somewhere safe where he’s not being tortured for science and is reminded that humans are ok actually.
This bond also helps Sarah because the idea that Eden would hurt Rayman helps her not fall for their bullshit propaganda so easily.
The little family spend a few months together to form a bond until Marcus gives Sam the all clear for Sarah to escape Eden
Originally Rayman is supposed to go with Sarah but she asks him to stay with her dad to keep him safe in Eden. Rayman agrees and he and Sam send Sarah out of Eden safely with Marcus’ help.
Almost immediately after this Marcus and his hacker group are raided and captured.
Sam is obviously gung-ho to rescue him in return for what he did for Sarah, so he and Rayman bust into the VR jail to rescue Marcus.
Sam, Rayman and Marcus form their own rebel group to take down Eden and retreat to the desert VR facility as the foundation of their base.
Cue several years of recruiting and fucking with Eden’s propaganda as Eden grows in power.
Sam trains Rayman to help him take part in stealth missions with him and Marcus is the tech guy support. Basically Rayman becomes the Splinter Ray skin from Rayman Legends
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Through this they also make contact with the Assassin organisation that Bullfrog is part of and the teams start working together to wreck Eden.
Sam and Rayman meet Bullfrog. Yay!
More cool training and sharing of skills between Sam, Rayman and Bullfrog.
This leads into Wasteland War as Eden strikes back against the rebels.
During this time Dolph is working for Eden but his story more of less plays out the same with him meeting Alex, ditching the military and going on the run. He’s not really involved with the rebellion at this point.
MEANWHILE Sarah returns to Eden and reunites with Sam.
Because she wasn’t brainwashed as a kid she believes in the strength of the rebellion. She came back to either take her dad somewhere safe or join the team. Obviously she does the latter.
Sam and Rayman are obviously overjoyed to see Sarah again.
In order to locate her dad she had to make contact with someone on the inside of Eden who would be willing to send her updates and info
Jade and Sarah are penpal buddies yay
By this point we pretty much have the whole gang together on the rebel side.
Marcus is like ‘hey guys we should have this badass on our side’
Sam and Rayman are like ‘lol ok’
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They bust him out and ‘encourage’ him to join their rebellion.
Dolph is hesitant until Marcus tells him he can get him info on Alex.
Dolph joins the rebellion strike force because he’s just that easy to convince XD
Everyone is here and as stated above we follow Dolph’s story coming to terms with his new team, learning about their history and how they all work together.
And there we go! Basically all the setup for an alternate take on the Blood Dragon universe. Let’s call it the ‘Splinter Cel Remix’ :D
Obviously there is a lot less death and double crossing in this version and some people might thinks that’s lame but this is only the background for a continuing plot line so anything could happen. Also I’m SURE my timelines are all messed up with character ages and when the Wasteland war was, and even more screwed up with removing Rayman as Eden’s mascot. BUT WHATEVER it’s just a fun little what if.
Thank you for reading this utterly self indulgent nonsense from my tiny brain. I hope the pictures helped!
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Ok. I have an opinion. It is a very unpopular opinion. I am afraid of getting hate for this opinion. If you disagree with this opinion, please just scroll by or block me.
Here goes.
I think that it is impossible to compare the House of the Dragon characters to the Fire and Blood characters, because we can never really know the Fire and Blood characters. Let me explain.
Thanks to the nature of the Dance, the telling of it in Fire and Blood relies on two sources: Mushroom and Septon Eustace. Both are heavily biased and oftentimes tell wildly different versions of the same event. We know the basics of what happened, but thanks to their narration there’s so much we’ll never know. While Show!Lucerys’ death was definitely an accident, we can never truly know if Book!Lucerys’ was as well. What exactly started the rift between Alicent and Rhaenyra? We’ll never know. This, of course, leads to wildly different interpretations among fans.
This is why I say that we can never know the true Fire and Blood characters, because the book itself won’t let us know if our interpretations are correct or not. Here’s an example: in the book, Alicent may or may not have said “mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth” about Rhaenyra. Now imagine you have Person A and Person B. Person A wholeheartedly believes that Alicent said that, while Person B believes that she never would. Because of these perspectives, Person A thinks that Alicent became cold to Rhaenyra once Aegon was born, and that she is to blame for that relationship falling apart. Person B, on the other hand, thinks that Daemon turned Rhaenyra against Alicent, or that Rhaenyra herself grew cold once Alicent kept having sons. Person A thinks that Alicent said “bastard blood shed at war” out of pure spite; Person B thinks she said it after being devastated by the loss of her children and granchildren. Needless to say, Person A and Person B have very different takes about who Book!Alicent is. So when they turn on House of the Dragon, Person A thinks that Alicent’s character has been completely bastardized, that the writers are terrible at their job because they took someone who was clearly a stone-cold villain and tried to make her sympathetic. Person B disagrees; they think Alicent was done well. Where Person B thinks the writers are terrible, however, is that they’ve made Rhaenyra, an entitled monster in the book, into a sympathetic character.
The question is, of course, who is right? Have the writers bastardized Alicent or Rhaenyra?
The answer is that there’s no answer. The question of who has been ruined depends entirely on what parts of Fire and Blood you take as canon and which parts you take as being made up. Who do you think is more reliable, Mushroom or Septon Eustace? In fact, is any of this true? Is anything that has been written down in The Princess and The Queen remotely close to how any of this happened, or is it just bullshit propaganda meant to convince the people of Westeros that the Targaryens are the Best and Most Powerful™️ people ever? There’s only one person who knows what really went down, and somehow I don’t think he’s itching to release Fire and Blood: How it really went down.
This is not me saying that the show writers are perfect or infallible or that I agree with every choice they’ve ever made: I’ve disagreed with and side-eyed a couple. But I do think they get way too much hate for trying to adapt a novel that seems pretty difficult to adapt to me. Because their job is to create an objective version of a deeply subjective story, they’re going to piss someone off no matter what they do. Alicent, Daemon, Rhaenyra and Aegon are always going to be seen as white-washed or villainized to some corner of the fandom, because no one agrees on who these characters actually are.
So anyways that was my rant, I hope you all enjoyed it.
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[It is done]
[mod note: this is temporarily replacing the link to magma (the art drawing thing we have so we can draw together!) as pinned post so heres the link: https://magma.com/d/zzg8vd99i2]
[the reason gangle isnt included is because she went to go get snacks totally not because i forgot to draw her. nope]
[credits to shard anon, @theoneandonlysun, and the mod of zooble's blog for majority help! @eeboshmeebo also contributed to the art!!][if you helped with the art and you wanna be credited, message me please, because i might've missed you? a lot of people swung by i just wanna make sure i credit them all]
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[TA DAH!!! below the read more thing is the list of people featured + pings (sorry yall, i just wanna make sure you see art,,)]
[btw, bonus: @easton-likes-sandwiches my bad i couldn't include you (since easton is kinda. not in digital land.) but here ya go, a bonus!]
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1: @rook-specter [i hope i drew you correctly, i couldn't really find a sona to use]
2: @the-moth-from-elsewhere [btw i know you wanted to add details but imo i think it looks fine like this,,thanks for some of the help and support, though!!]
3: pickle anon [unsure if they have a blog, so i can't @]
4: shard anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog, but they helped alot!! ty ty]
5: @unfunnyaceartist [OK i know you only appeared for a bit but you agreed to move night.,,and your sona looks cool..so..obilgatory appearance in the art!]
6: @sugarcane-soup [I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO COLOR YOUR SONA,,i hope i did well]
7: @zooooble [zoob...]
8 and 9: [@askobjects firey and leafy look so goofy in this image,, i hope you like them]
10: @sign-anon [in the middle of drawing this i did NOT know sign anon died..whoops?]
11: @boldtextanon [bold text anon is fine guys. Hes fine. i swear]
12: @yougotjinx3d [mage anon and vamp anon were drawn by sun if i remember correctly, so erm..ya!! they're silly people]
13: @bloodforvampanon [me when i GET YOU. but fr. silly guy]
14: crownon! [unsure if they have a blog, but erm..crow]
15: eepy anon!! [also unsure if they have a blog..they literally look so silly its crazy]
16: rat [you know who you are /silly]
17: @gummy-axolotl [I HOPE I GOT THE COLORS RIGHT,,HERE YOU GO!!!]
18: @liloblogs [im gonna be fr we got this close to confusing lilo with juko,,,im not very great at oc lore. but lilo is so silly]
19: panic anon! [i think they're also the same blog as lilo? unsure. but yea!! they are goofy and silly and probably terrified of the horror movies]
20: @justadustymoth [MOTh. moth,,,,, moths are so silly. like. fr..]
21: bow anon! [idk if you have a blog but i hope you like the design!!!!]
23: @eeboshmeebo [there was barely any room so i could only include a mask,,but i hope thats okay!! also ty for help on the mask]
25: FISH. ANON.. [you got included last minute HGKDHJSHJSHS but . fish]
26: @lightthepathwithalantern [i hope i drew lantern anon okay,,,they're so cool looking,,,]
28: @ru-bwee [thank you for. the plush images. I will use them to mark important events /silly]
29: @bob-the-cemetery-ghost [Oh no,,,also i hope you dont mind being a bit in the background i didnt know how else to include youuu]
[literal walls of text,,hope yall dont mind all the @]
[erm,,if yall don't mind,,i hate asking but reblogs please ? i wanna see the art around !!!!]
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lillysilvermoon · 2 years
Intuitive message for you
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Pile 1 (water cave) | Pile 2 (girl and sea) | Pile 3 (earth dragon) | Pile 4 (Pink Fae)
Pile 1
Signs: 6666, 4, 44, 333, 3333, 5, 55, good skills involving hands, black hair.
If you choose this Pile probably you are having some kind of problem to trust someone. There is two young guys, one of them isn't very trustworthy so you need to let your eyes opening! The one with black hair is some you can relay on, the other one... I don't think he is bad, but probably have problems with jealousy which can be dangerous if it's too much. In matter of material stuff you can trust him.
Girl you need to see beyond the veil, your illusions about this situation are making you blind, you need to wake up. I'm seriously, has been too long... look, I know it's difficult to look to our shadows, but IT IS NEEDED. You won't go anywhere if you continue pretending everything is fine when clearly is not child. Stop living by illusions and start to see reality. Dreams are awesome! But stop living in your head and begin to make them your reality. You will be very disappointed if you don't start quickly. You have all support you need, we are right here with you. Just ask for help and we will help.
P.S: stop being so rude with others, people own nothing to you and have nothing to do with your problems. You'll end up alone if continue doing this with your friends.
Crystal oracle: Pyrite. Brings you new ideas and to connect you with the opportunities you need.
(Damn... I think someone here are doing something very wrong,,,, whatever it is, your guides love you a lot and they are just worried, I know the message sounds though, but the energy was like they/she/he (I think was more than one) feels anxious like they all know you can do this but you aren't give yourself a real chance and they are all worried) you can do this Pile 1, really. You just have to do the first step.
Pile 2
Signs: pink (I felt pink bubble happy energy lmao and I saw like a pink energy in my minds eye), roses, blond hair, caramel macchiato, Starbucks phineas&Ferb (omg has been SO LONG since I watched this, I used to love as a kid), 444, 555, 333, 1, 66
I think this is my romance Pile but let's see.
She needs to have more patience, relationships take time, to build trust and a solid foundation. This things takes TIME. You can't expect him to just be comfortable with so little time. Besides, are you focus on YOUR stuff??? Your had so many goals but now you are acting like this man it's all your life. Sweet, he likes you a lot, but if you start to make him your only priority the universe you make sure you don't see him for a while (I'm sense some distance like you live in a city and he lives in other. Hmm, I think this is not something to worry about, you look like someone who has many goals and ideas. You just need to go back to balance, it's not to stop likes him or anything just... don't like by this relationship ok?) You need to learn about moderation and balance. Talk to him, go on dates but have your own life. You don't need to talk to him every time neither go out with him every weekend. Even tho if it's the only time you can see him, enjoy your friends too, do your things. It's all about balance.
Also, this message here it's not for the romance group, it's for some of you that are overworking yourselves. Stop doing this, work smarter not more. Doing hours and hours of something it's not productive, it's being stupid (this is not me but I agree) you are just stressing your body and debilitating your health. You will end up burn out or sick. You, like the other person, need to learn about balance, but in your case has nothing to do with relationship, has to do with you thinking doing much is doing better when it is not. You need to create balance between work and have some fun. And stop trying to controlling everything god damn. Learn to follow the flow because you can't control everything and do you even stop to think that, sometimes, you didn't get it not because you are not good enough but because you were TOO GOOD for this and deserved AWAY BETTER?????? Because that's it.
Crystal oracle: blue quartz. Brings you harmony and work your communication. Talk about what/how you feel will help to improve your relationships.
(It's a young woman your guide and I liked her energy a lot lmao I'm laughing here she is too funny)
Pile 3
Signs: dragons, elementals kingdom, green, 6666, 22, 33, 444, green areas, spells, rituals, moon goddess, candle magick and celtic traditions.
Some of you want or are trying to work with dragons and the elemental kingdom (I think maybe you should check out Pile 4) and you need to go inwards. Look, for some maybe you need to have some introspection moment to realize WHY you want to work with them (I feel like for this group is because you motivation isn't right, like, you think you want to work with them for a reason but actually it's not this and you will find out with some introspection) in the other hand the other group here are focusing too much on material stuff (like altar, rituals, offerings etc) which are all important but to work with them you need to meditate, that's the better way to communicate with them. Yeah, is this simply but you don't believe in me so here I am having to give you the message through other person (lmaooooooo I don't know who it is but they are like "why this child just don't listen to me?? I need to say the SAME thing through OTHER PERSON to be heard?? I'm sorry but I'm laughing I got you Pile 2, really🤣).
Well, you have everything you need to talk to them. I feel like this Pile works with a moon goddess, maybe it's her who try's to say this but you don't listen lol, I think this is my witch Pile (high five 🙌💗)
If you are not a witch or are trying to contact the dragons, you are a part of the very small group who chose this because you are needing some time off, you can meditate but it's not what you are being asked, it's literally turn off your phone and go outside, think about the things you need to figure out, having this time off, alone, will help.
Crystal Oracle: aquamarine. Has a very soft energy and help to calm your mind. When you have bad thoughts say to yourself "this thought isn't mine"
Pile 4
Signs: new age spirituality, gold ray, astral fairies (? I don't know if it's exactly this the name but,,,), angel energy (I don't work with them, but I think it's archangel zadkiel because is the name I heard....), 3, 333, 3333 (it's a number of luck, your angel are trying to say to you to maintain hope, this is really your Pile in case you were between 2 piles, is really this one. This number talks about optimism because things are getting better)
It's a HUNDRED PERCENT angel energy, your card has an angel in it (and it's literally the ONLY ONE in my deck which has an angel lmao).
Okay, I'll put EXACTLY what is written in my book of the deck because I feel its needed: "Now is a time of resurrection and awakening, a time when a period of your life comes to an absolute end making away for dynamic new beginnings"
We ask you to tune into higher frequencies, you jumped so many timelines so fast and we know you are tired, but this all will past. There is so much joy and happiness on the horizon (I saw a beach and the ocean color omg looks like Hawaii but maybe can be a place you visited in meditation or astral travel and it's not here on earth). We are always with you, and we know what happened was hard to deal, but you made it and we are very proud. Don't give up now child, you can do this. And we can help, but you need to maintain your energy care, it's not good for you and will do no good if you fall back into your old behaviors, and we know you know. Talk to us, we continue here.
(I think you have so guide/work with a astral fae who looks like the one in the picture). I think it's just this, they want you to know you are not alone and never will be, but when you do whatever you do that low your frequency they can't reach you (and I want you to know that it's okay, you are just human and maintain a high frequency it's had, you have my support and virtual hug. But try your best okay? I believe in you too Pile 4, really y'all have a very good energy, feel lots of joy and I think this is my empath Pile - I feel you🥺💗)
Crystal Oracle: rose quartz. When was the last time you really faced your feelings? Sweep it under the rug block your heart chakra harms your body. This crystal brings you emotional balance and self-care. Your emotions are a reflection of your current state of mind.
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kckt88 · 4 months
The Lost Dragon 2 - Gifted.
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Aemond and Vaelys worry when Vhalarr begins experiencing dragon dreams.
Warnings - Language, Prophecy, Dragon Dreams, Uncle/Niece Incest, Kissing, Lactation Kink, Smut - P in V, Multiple Orgasms, Mild Public Sex, Multiple Rounds.
Word Count: 5392
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
A.N - I used Gaia Mondadori for Sovia & Jarred Blakiston for Daevyn.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @darylandbethfanforever9
"Come on, Jace, say it," Vhalarr encouraged, his young voice filled with enthusiasm as he leaned closer to his uncle. "Say dragon. Dra-gon"
Jacaerys gurgled in response, his tiny hands reaching out to grasp at his stuffed dragon toy as he attempted to mimic Vhalarr’s words.
“Da-ba da-ba“ gurgled Jace as he stuffed the dragon toy in his mouth and began chewing it.
"Almost there-" Vaelys chimed in, her smile radiant as she watched her grandson and son interact.
“He drools a lot, Grandma” muttered Vhalarr.
“He’s got teeth growing-“ replied Vaelys as she wiped Jace’s chin with a small cloth.
“Mama said growing teeth hurts babes” said Vhalarr.
“She’s right it does-which is why your Grandpa slept in late this morning, he was up most of the night with Jace-“
“Grandma-look a butterfly” exclaimed Vhalarr at the butterfly resting on his hand.
“I see” replied Vaelys laughing softy as the butterfly moved and landed on Vhalarr’s nose.
“-I shall name her Gevia-because she’s so beautiful” whispered Vhalarr in awe.
“She is very beautiful and such a wonderful name too”.
“Aww no-Grandma she’s flying away” muttered Vhalarr sadly.
“She needs to fly free issa dōna-how about we see if we can put out some overripe fruits like oranges and bananas-so the butterflies will have plenty to eat”. (My sweet).
“Yes, I would like that -I like butterflies very much, my mama said they are lost loved ones coming back to say hello” replied Vhalarr.
“I’d like to agree with that” said Vaelys softly.
“She reminds me of great Grandma”.
“My mother? But she passed before you were born-” asked Vaelys curiously.
“-I dream of her, she’s so pretty-like you and mama. She was smiling and holding hands with great Grandpa” replied Vhalarr.
“-Oh that sounds lovely” gasped Vaelys.
“Uncle Jace was there too-he talks to me all the time in my dreams”.
“W-What does he say?” asked Vaelys.
“That I need to be a good boy and look after you and he’s sorry for leaving but he didn’t want you to lose Grandpa and be sad-“ said Vhalarr quietly.
“Jace-“ whispered Vaelys as the tears ran down her cheeks.
“I-I didn’t mean to upset you Grandma” said Vhalarr concerned as he took Vaelys’ hand.
“It’s ok sweet boy-they are happy tears. I promise” replied Vaelys.
“I-I don’t like the other man in my dreams” said Vhalarr quietly.
“What other man?” asked Vaelys curiously as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.
“The man with the hole in his neck-he says mean things about Grandpa”.
“Don’t worry about him-he can’t hurt you” urged Vaelys.
“I know-Uncle Jace scares him away-but there is another lady, I don’t know her, she looks a lot like great Grandma but she’s very sad and she has blood on her dress and a hole in her tummy-“
“Aemma” whispered Vaelys.
“Yes, that’s what my daughter will be called-“ muttered Vhalarr is amethyst eyes unfocused as he stared at the sky.
Before Vaelys could answer, Saeryna cheered excitedly "-Look, Grandma, I made one for Grandpa" she exclaimed, holding up the delicate chain of flowers for Vaelys to see.
Vaelys' eyes twinkled with pride as she admired her granddaughter's handiwork. "It's beautiful, Saeryna," she praised, reaching out to take the daisy chain from her. "I'm sure your Grandpa will love it”.
"Dada, dada!" exclaimed Jace, his voice filled with joy as he repeated the word over and over again.
Vaelys turned at the sound of her son's enthusiastic babbling and caught sight of Aemond approaching.
As Aemond settled beside them, Vhalarr and Saeryna erupted into a flurry of excitement, their faces lighting up with sheer delight. They launched themselves at their grandfather, enveloping him in a whirlwind of hugs,
"Grandpa!" Vhalarr exclaimed, his laughter bubbling over as he wrapped his arms tightly around Aemond's neck. "Grandpa, did you see the butterflies?"  he exclaimed his voice filled with wonder as he pointed to the colourful insects flitting through the air.
Saeryna, not to be outdone, clung to Aemond's side, her eyes sparkling with joy as she showered him with affectionate kisses and excited shrieks of glee. “Look, Grandpa, look what I made" she exclaimed, thrusting a crumpled daisy chain into Aemond's hands with a proud grin.
“It’s beautiful-Vaelys is everything ok?” replied Aemond softly, his brow furrowed as he looked at Vaelys who had a strange expression on her face.
“I’ll tell you later-“ replied Vaelys.
Aemond nodded and turned his attention to a still drooling Jace who was also reaching for his father.
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Vaelys' words sent a shiver down Aemond's spine, and he felt a cold knot tighten in the pit of his stomach.
"Jace-speaks to him?" Aemond's voice was barely a whisper.
Vaelys nodded solemnly, her expression mirroring Aemond's concern. "Yes, Vhalarr says he sees Uncle Jace in his dreams. But that’s not what concerns me-there's also the other man. The one with the hole in his neck."
Aemond's breath caught in his throat, and he closed his eye briefly, grappling with the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He knew all too well who Vhalarr was referring to—a phantom of the past that he longed to forget.
"The man with-" Aemond's voice trailed off, his thoughts drifting back to the day he had killed his own brother.
Vaelys reached out, her hand finding Aemond's, offering him silent comfort in the face of his pain. "It's alright, my love," she murmured softly, her eyes reflecting the depth of her understanding.
"Perhaps we should speak to Helaena," he suggested quietly, his eyes meeting Vaelys' with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "She's had experience with dragon dreams before. Maybe she can offer some insight into what Vhalarr is experiencing."
Vaelys nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Yes, that's a good idea," she replied, her voice soft with concern.
Aemond turned to Vaelys with a determined expression. "But first we should tell Sovia and Daevyn about Vhalarr," he said firmly. "They are his parents, after all."
“I agree, they can be there when we speak to-Helaena” exclaimed Vaelys softly as she spotted her good sister standing in the doorway with Sovia and Daevyn.
“I had a feeling you needed to speak to us” said Helaena.
“Y-Yes-it concerns Vhalarr” said Aemond.
“Is he ok?” asked Sovia in a panic.
“He’s fine-he’s with Daeron and the other children” urged Vaelys as she took her daughters hand.
“What’s going on?” asked Daevyn.
“Well-“ said Vaelys as she proceeded to explain what Vhalarr had been saying, about his dreams, with Sovia and Daevyn listening intently. Of course, Sovia herself was no stranger to having certain dreams but she’d long since grown out of it.
Obviously, she must have had the hope that Vhalarr would too, but in this instance that didn’t seem to be the case.
"Vhalarr is a very gifted dragon dreamer, there's no doubt about that," Helaena began, her voice gentle and reassuring. "But at his young age, it's natural for him to struggle with understanding the meaning of his dreams. As he grows older, he'll learn to interpret them more clearly."
Sovia and Daevyn exchanged a glance, a sense of relief washing over them at Helaena's words. "So, we shouldn't worry too much?" Daevyn asked, a note of hope in his voice.
Helaena smiled warmly. "No, not overly so," she replied. "Keep an eye on him, and of course be there to comfort him if he see’s things that distress him, but trust that he'll find his way with time. And if you ever need guidance or advice, you know where to find me."
“I’ll come with you-I need to check on Jacaerys” said Vaelys as she pressed a gentle kiss to Aemond’s cheek.
“Me too-it’s time for Vhalarr and Saeryna to bathe”
As Helaena, Vaelys and Sovia excused themselves and left the room, Daevyn turned to Aemond, his brow furrowed in thought. "Father," he began, "Do you think there's a link with the dragons? I mean, there are more dragons now than there ever have been, not since the days of Old Valyria”.
Aemond pondered the question for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the window where some of the dragons could be seen soaring high above. "It's possible," he admitted “Vhalarr is the youngest Targaryen in our history to ever claim a full grown dragon, not to mention who Caraxes previous rider was-Vaelys always said her father was really into his Valyrian histories, if only Daemon were here now”.
“He might not be-but didn’t mother keep his personal possessions. Maybe there’s something there?” suggested Daevyn.
“Good idea-I’ll speak to Vaelys and let you know” replied Aemond.
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Vhalarr woke with a start, his tiny body trembling as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Cold men with blue eyes-" he whimpered; his voice choked with fear.
Sovia and Daevyn rushed to his side, their voices soft and soothing as they tried to calm him. "It's okay, Vhalarr, it was just a bad dream," Sovia reassured him, gently stroking his hair.
But Vhalarr's sobs only grew louder, and between gasping breaths, he cried out for his Grandpa. Daevyn didn’t need to be told twice and hurried off to fetch Aemond, who quickly came into the room, concern etched on his face.
As soon as Vhalarr saw his Grandpa, he launched himself into Aemond's arms, clinging to him tightly as he continued to cry.
Aemond cradled Vhalarr in his arms, his heart heavy with concern. "Shh, it's alright, little one," he murmured, gently rocking back and forth. "You're safe now,"
But Vhalarr continued to sob, his tiny frame trembling against Aemond's chest. "The cold men with blue eyes," he whimpered, his voice muffled by tears.
Aemond's brow furrowed with worry as he stroked Vhalarr's hair, his own voice soothing yet filled with concern. "Those are just bad dreams, Vhalarr. They can't hurt you; I promise. You're safe here with us."
Vhalarr clung to Aemond even tighter, seeking solace in his grandfather's embrace.
“I-I want to sleep with Grandma-“ muttered Vhalarr.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” asked Sovia.
“U-Uncle Jace-he said if I’m scared that I should hold Grandma’s hand, and she’ll keep me safe”.
“It’s ok sweetheart-you can go stay with Grandma” said Sovia as she pressed a kiss to her sons head.
“Sorry mama-“
“Hey-it’s ok. If that’s what makes you feel safe, then its fine-“ replied Sovia.
“Love you mama-daddy” whispered Vhalarr.
“We love you” said Daevyn as he ruffled his sons silver hair, nodding towards his own father in a silent thank you.
As they made their way to Vaelys and Aemond’s chambers, Vhalarr's hand tightly clasped in Aemond's, the young prince's anxiety began to ease.
When Vaelys opened the door, her expression was filled with concern as she saw Vhalarr's tear-streaked face. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice gentle and soothing.
Vhalarr sniffled, looking up at his grandmother with pleading eyes. "Can I sleep with you, Grandma?" he asked, his voice trembling.
Vaelys' heart melted at the sight of her distressed grandson. "Of course, my love," she replied, opening her arms to him. "Come here."
Vhalarr rushed into Vaelys' embrace, clinging to her tightly as she wrapped him in her arms.
As he nestled into the warmth of her embrace, he felt a sense of security wash over him, knowing that his grandmother would keep him safe from any fear or danger.
Later that night when Vhalarr was fast asleep, Vaelys gently placed him in Aemond’s arms and went to her daughters chambers.
“Mother-what is it? is Vhalarr ok?” asked Sovia as she opened the door slowly, surprised to see her mother, not only her nightclothes but without a guard.
“He’s fine-I wanted to have a word with you actually” replied Vaelys, offering a small smile to Daevyn who appeared bleary eyed at the door.
“Ok, I’ll just grab my robe” muttered Sovia as walked away from the door and then reappeared a few moments later.
“Mother” questioned Daevyn rubbing his eyes.
“Go back to sleep son-this won’t take long” replied Vaelys softly.
Daevyn nodded and shuffled away from the door, no doubt heading back to bed.
“Let’s go to the council chambers, there’s something I need to show you” muttered Vaelys as she took her daughters arm.
Sovia and Vaelys walked through the darkened corridors of the Red Keep in silence, their hands clasped tightly together.
“Mother-your worrying me” whispered Sovia.
“It’s ok tala. Don’t fret-you’ll understand soon enough” replied Vaelys as she pushed open the wooden door to the council chambers (Daughter).
The room was mostly shrouded in darkness, the only source of light was one of the smaller braziers that had remained aflame.
“What I am about to tell you-I need you to have an open mind” said Vaelys.
“It’s important that you know this, I had hoped to wait a few more years but after what Vhalarr said tonight, I realise now more than ever that now is the right time” said Vaelys.
“M-Mother” gasped Sovia.
“Our histories-they tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone and saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not what drove him to conquer. It was a dream”.
“A dream?” questioned Sovia.
“-Just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. It will begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant North. Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. Whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, Sovia-all of Westeros must stand against it- if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne”.
“I don’t understand-“ muttered Sovia.
“A King or Queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream The Song of Ice and Fire. This secret-it’s been passed from King to heir since Aegon’s time. My mother told me, and now I’m telling you, when the time is right you will tell Vhalarr”.
“What about Daevyn?” asked Sovia.
“You may of course share the secret with your future consort King-but remember this you must honour and protect it” said Vaelys.
“Mother-what?” asked Sovia as she watched her mother unsheathe the dagger and hold the blade in the flame.
“This once belonged to Aegon the conqueror, but before that it belonged to Aenar Targaryen-as you know it was his daughter Daenys who foresaw the doom. Who the dagger belonged to before him, we do not know but the blade is a physical representation of the Song of Ice and Fire. Before Aegon's death, the last of the Valyrian pyromancers hid his song in the steel," 
Sovia took hold of the glowing dagger and stared at the High Valyrian glyphs carved into the blade, "From my blood come the Prince that was promised, and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire."
“The word Prince is used loosely, as you know that noun has no gender in high Valyrian” said Vaelys.
“I would say this is a lot to take in but given everything that’s happening with Vhalarr-“
“When your father was in exile, he met a red priestess in Volantis named Melisandre. She also spoke to him of the promised one, Daenerys jelmāzmo hen targārio lentrot” (Daenerys stormborn of House Targaryen).
“We know her name” exclaimed Sovia.
“From our blood, she will come-albeit many years from now” replied Vaelys.
“If the threat comes from the North-has anyone ever tried to investigate?”
“Do you remember the stories of good Queen Alysanne and her royal progress?” asked Vaelys.
“Yes-she attempted on three occasions to fly Silverwing beyond the Wall, but the dragon refused and veered south every time. Alysanne wrote to Jaehaerys that she was troubled by the fact that Silverwing refused to fly over the Wall, despite never refusing her commands previously”.
“There is something beyond the wall-something even the dragons don’t like and as much as it unnerves me to even think what it could be, the only thing we can do is ensure that the future of House Targaryen is secured, give our future descendants a chance” said Vaelys.
“I understand mother-“ said Sovia firmly.
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“This is the fourth night in a row he’s had nightmares-isn’t there anything we can do for him” asked Sovia worriedly as she leaned into Daevyn’s embrace.
“We did initially think that Daemon might had some insights, but we searched through his possessions and found nothing” said Aemond.
“I’m worried-the only way he sleeps is if he’s with mother or Jacaerys” muttered Sovia.
“It’ll be ok, byka grēges. We’ll figure this out, I promise” said Aemond softly (Little bug).
“I know father, it’s just-he’s my son and-” sobbed Sovia, she had been a little on edge ever since her mother had told her of the Song of Ice and Fire and what it meant for the future of House Targaryen and the realm.
To know of something, that she would never bear witness too, was overwhelming, but to know her mother trusted her was to know her mother also believed in her, not just as a daughter but as her heir.
“It’s because he’s so young-he can’t understand, but he will in time” assured Helaena.
“H-How do you manage it?” asked Daevyn.
“I was alone for much of my youth-everyone thought I was mad, most nights I would dream of things that didn’t make sense and it wasn’t until Aemond brought Vaelys to the Red Keep that I finally found some clarity-“ replied Helaena.
“You never told me that” said Aemond quietly.
“At that time in our lives-there were many things going on, and I didn’t want to burden you further. As much as you hate yourself for what you did-bringing Vaelys to the Red Keep saved my children, it saved me, I know Aemond, what would have happened otherwise-Lucerys, the assassins, our house left in ruins“ uttered Helaena.
“Helaena I-“
“I cannot explain it-but there is something about Vaelys, something special-Vhalarr senses it too. It’s why he feels safe around her” said Helaena.
“So, your saying that the way to help Vhalarr is for him to be close to mother?” asked Sovia.
“Yes-at least until he gets older. At the moment he’s confused, he’s seeing future events intermingled with events from the past, he’s also dreaming of lost loved ones. Not to mention he keeps getting glimpses of an alternative life that will never come to pass-“
“It’s a lot for a child to deal with” said Aemond softly.
“Vhalarr will be fine-I’ve seen it. A fine King, sitting on the Iron Throne-his grandfathers crown upon his head, his Queen by his side and Jacaerys-err that’s probably not something I should go in to right now, but what matters most is that he will be ok” urged Helaena.
“Thank you-velma” said Sovia (Aunt).
“Your welcome” replied Helaena smiling as she was pulled to the side by Aemond.
“What was that about Jacaerys?” asked Aemond quietly.
“I’m not so sure I should tell you-as I don’t want you interfering, it’s important and it needs to happen” whispered Helaena.
“Just tell me-if it’s about my son then I need to know“ urged Aemond.
“Promise you’ll keep an open mind”.
“I promise” replied Aemond pursing his lips.
“Fine-“ exclaimed Helaena as she leaned forward and began whispering in Aemond’s ear.
“WHAT?” yelled Aemond.
“You promised-“ snapped Helaena.
“Are you being serious or is this like the time when you told me that you lost one of your spiders and then wouldn’t speak to me for a week because you said I’d accidently eaten it-even though I’m pretty sure I would know if I ate a spider”.
“You did eat Charlotte and that’s not the point-I’m being very serious right now. As I said before there is something special about Vaelys, but there is also something special about Jacaerys, Vhalarr is going to need him when he has children-his first born daughter will inherit the ability to dream,” said Helaena.
“Thats fair enough but the other stuff-I mean really” snarked Aemond.
“Yes really-who are we to judge how other people find their happiness, we should embrace all forms of love-“ replied Helaena.
“And his future wife is going to be ok with it?”
“Of course-sometimes she’ll even join-
“NO-No not listening-lalalalala” said Aemond sticking his fingers in his ears.
“Gods honestly, your nine and thirty stop acting like a child” snapped Helaena folding her arms across her chest.
“Make me” quipped Aemond.
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Aemond leaned against the doorframe, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched the tender scene unfolding before him. Vaelys' voice was a gentle melody, soothing and calming as she sang to their son. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating her features in a soft, ethereal light.
He felt a swell of love and admiration for her, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the woman who had given him so much.
“Drakari pykiros, Tīkummo jemiros, Yn lantyz bartossa, Saelot vāedis” (Fire breather, winged leader, but two heads, to a third sing).
“Perzyro udrȳssi, Ezīmptos laehossi, Hārossa letagon, Aōt vāedan” (With words of flame, with clear eyes, to bind the three, to you I sing).
“Hae mērot gierūli:, Se hāros bartossi, Prūmȳsa sōvīli, Gevī dāerī” (As one we gather, and with three heads, we shall fly as we were destined, beautifully, freely).
Vaelys tenderly lifted Jacaerys from her chest, cradling him in her arms as she moved towards the cradle. With practiced care, she gently lowered him into the soft bedding, ensuring he was nestled comfortably. Tucking the blanket around him snugly, she leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Sleep well, my sweet,"
Vaelys paused, her gaze softening as she looked at Vhalarr, sleeping peacefully in the bed beside Jacaerys' cradle. She couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in her heart at the sight of her grandson, his little chest rising and falling with each gentle breath.
Quietly, she stepped closer to Vhalarr, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. With a tender smile, she whispered, "Sweet dreams, brave little dragon," before turning away, leaving the nursery bathed in the soft glow of moonlight.
As soon as they entered their chambers, Aemond wrapped his arms around Vaelys, his voice a soft whisper in her ear. "Do you know how much I love you?" he murmured, his words filled with sincerity and affection.
Vaelys smiled softly, feeling the warmth of Aemond's embrace. "Perhaps you should remind me," she whispered back, her voice carrying a playful tone as she looked up at him with a glint of mischief in her eyes.
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“I want you” muttered Vaelys as she began undoing the buckles on Aemond’s leather jerkin.
“Are you sure?” asked Aemond.
“Yes. Take me husband. I want to feel you inside me” gasped Vaelys as she quickly pulled off the rest of Aemond’s clothes.
Unable to wait any longer, Aemond hooked his hands under Vaelys’ arms and tossed her on the bed.
Vaelys squealed playfully as she bounced on the opulent mattress.
“You’re entirely overdressed" growled Aemond, pouncing on his wife.
Vaelys squealed again, as Aemond quickly wrestled her out of her clothes.
Aemond then took hold of Vaelys’ wrists and held them up over her head, lying on top of her.
Vaelys arched up into him, pressing against Aemond’s naked body.
“So, you want to play" purred Aemond, before running his tongue along his wife’s neck.
Aemond felt Vaelys shiver beneath him and he smirked.
Aemond then descended on Vaelys’ swollen lips, kissing her, while his hands roamed her soft naked body.
His hands gently caressing his wife’s milk swollen breasts.
Aemond released Vaelys’ mouth and bent down to lick her nipples, he couldn’t contain his excitement as he went back and forth between his wife’s wonderful, enlarged breasts that nourished their son.
“Oh” muttered Vaelys as she flung her arms over her face, as pearly white liquid began to leak from her breasts, running down her body in rivulets.
“Do not feel embarrassed Issa jorrāelagon” whispered Aemond (My love).
Aemond ran his tongue over the milk that had dripped from his wife’s rosy nipples and delighted in the sweetened taste.
“Hmm” moaned Aemond as he continued to lick and suck his wife’s breasts.
“A-Aemond” gasped Vaelys.
“You won’t be feeding our son for much longer. Surely you would not deprive me Issa dōna ābrazȳrys?  Your mother’s milk tastes delicious” muttered Aemond softly (My sweet wife).
Vaelys was arching her back, trying to rub herself against Aemond which he didn't allow.
Playing with her breasts not only made Aemond very happy but was driving Vaelys totally crazy.
After a few minutes, Vaelys was writhing for him and Aemond slid further down her body, spreading her thighs further apart, so he could get a good look at his sought-after prize.
“Such a pretty cunny-" breathed Aemond as he ran the flat of his tongue up Vaelys’ soaked slit, from bottom to the top, tasting her.
“Oh, my god” moaned Vaelys her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“That’s it Issa dōna. Let me hear you” (My sweet).
“YES! It feels so good. Don’t stop. Aemond. Please” begged Vaelys.
"Delicious" purred Aemond as he began lapping at Vaelys, running his tongue along every fold.
"More" panted Vaelys. "Please. I need more”.
Aemond inserted two fingers, sliding them in and out of her slick wet folds.
“Oh, fuck" whimpered Vaelys; her chest heaving.
Vaelys was giving off a slew of loud swear words, moans, and pleas, that anyone passing their chambers would surely hear.
 Aemond’s fingers were soaking wet as they continued to pump in and out of her tight heat.
“I can’t wait to get my cock inside you. I don’t want to wait any longer, come for me” moaned Aemond.
Gods he was so hard, it was almost painful.
Finally, he felt Vaelys’ inner walls start to flutter around his fingers, squeezing them. Vaelys’ back arched taut as a bow and she screamed her release.
Aemond pumped slowly and lapped at his wife whilst she came. Soon her tense body went slack and pliant.
“I need you NOW!!”
Aemond couldn't wait any longer. He surged up and ploughed his hard cock into Vaelys’ soaked cunt.
"AEMOND!" shouted Vaelys, her eyes popping open from her post-orgasm haze.
"You feel so good" rasped Aemond.
"Fuck me, Aemond" urged Vaelys, her tone bordering on desperate as she thrust her hips upward towards his.
Aemond chuckled and bit down lightly on a nipple, making Vaelys moan and squirm.
He started to thrust slowly, trying to prolong the feel of his wife squeezing his cock.
"Faster, Aemond" begged Vaelys.
"Patience, Issa zaldrīzes” chided Aemond as he ran his nose up Vaelys’ neck (My dragon).
“Yes, Aemond, just like that-" panted Vaelys.
Her hands ran over his arms, over his shoulders, and down his back. Her nimble fingers mapped his back muscles and then went down to his arse and gripped him, her nails digging into his flesh - pressing him into her harder.
“Gods, Vaelys" grunted Aemond, speeding up slightly.
"Fuck me, Aemond" whispered Vaelys "Fuck me with that big, cock of yours. You feel so good inside me, filling me up. Give me what I need”.
Aemond knew exactly what Vaelys was doing, but he couldn’t help himself.
Vaelys wanted faster and he was going much faster now. His pace had increased with every filthy word that dropped from his wife’s luscious lips.
Now he was quickly thrusting in and out, shaking the bed, the headboard banging loudly against the wall.
Vaelys was meeting him thrust for thrust.
“Aemond! I’m going to come. Oh, fuck!” screamed Vaelys; not caring if anyone could hear them.
Vaelys always looked amazing when she came. Her head thrown back in pleasure, her amethyst eyes alive with lust, and her pale skin shining with sweat.
Vaelys clamped down around Aemond’s cock so hard he could hardly move. That, combined with how glorious Vaelys looked, pushed Aemond over the edge, the heat shooting across his abdomen.
“God. Vaelys” groaned Aemond as he exploded. His cock throbbing and twitching as he spilled his seed inside his wife’s wet heat.
It took a good while for Aemond to regain his senses.
His wife was laid underneath him completely blissed out; their sweaty bodies pressed together.
Gods how he loved that moment after sex where he was still inside his wife, his face pressed against her chest just listening to her heartbeat.
Then a distinctive knock at the door, broke him out of his reverie.
“Are you fucking kidding me-“ groused Aemond.
"Relax, my love-you may come in Ceci" said Vaelys soothingly, as she gently ran a hand through his messy hair.
As Ceci entered, Vaelys swiftly pulled a loose sheet over the two of them, concealing their naked bodies.
Aemond who remained silent, couldn’t help the flare of arousal that shot through him and the thought of someone else being in the room when he was still cock deep in his wife.
Ceci, the trusted handmaiden, approached with a cup of moontea in hand. She seemed oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation as she addressed Vaelys who quietly gasped as she felt Aemond growing hard inside of her.
"Forgive the interruption, Your Grace," Ceci said respectfully, offering the cup of moontea to Vaelys. "But I thought you might want this before retiring for the night."
"Thank you, Ceci," she replied, her tone warm yet reserved. "You may leave it on the nightstand."
Ceci complied, placing the cup on the nearby nightstand before retreating from the room with a discreet bow.
As the door closed behind her, Aemond withdrew all but the tip of his cock from Vaelys before he surged forward.
"You're incorrigible, you know that?" teased Aemond, his voice a low murmur.
Vaelys met his gaze with a mischievous glint in her eyes, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "You enjoyed it-" she replied, her tone laced with amusement.
“Hmmm” growled Aemond as he started thrusting hard and fast.
Relentless and deep.
Aemond felt Vaelys’ hips moving against his. The both of them in perfect rhythm.
Vaelys wrapped her arms tightly around her husband’s neck as he slammed into her again and again.
Harder. Deeper. Faster.
All of Vaelys’ self-control was long gone. Both husband and wife were completely lost in the moment, gripping onto each other.
Vaelys was soon on the edge as she begged for more. Aemond could feel Vaelys clenching around him.
“That’s it my sweet. Be good for me. I know you can”.
Aemond again removed all but the tip of his penis from inside Vaelys, gently teasing his sweet mewling wife.
Vaelys writhed against him, trying to impale herself on him.
"Please. Aemond. Don’t tease me. I want all of you" whimpered Vaelys.
Aemond surged forward. Slow and deep strokes. All the way in, and all the way out. Slow and steady, every inch sliding deep inside his wife.
Vaelys’ amethyst eyes revealed just how desperate she was for him and Aemond loved it.
He loved watching Vaelys struggle to keep her composure. He wanted to drive her crazy with desire.
Vaelys screamed Aemond’s name as he pounded into her.
Aemond’s eye alight as she fell apart, watching as another peak tore through her.
“I love that I can make you come over and over again. It feels so good”.
Aemond didn't give Vaelys time to recover this time. Instead, he dove into her. Burying himself in Vaelys’ tight wet heat completely.
Again and again, he thrust into her, their sweaty bodies colliding. He slammed himself against Vaelys as she whimpered nonsensically. Lost in the moment.
"Aemond! Oh, Aemond” screamed Vaelys as she felt his cock throbbing inside her.
"YES” groaned Aemond loudly.
With that, he thrust into Vaelys one final time, shoving his cock deep.
Vaelys’ entire body pulsated with euphoria as she clenched tightly around her husband.
Aemond threw his head back and moaned loudly as he exploded deep inside Vaelys.
“A-Aemond” gasped Vaelys.
“You-Your amazing” said Vaelys smiling.
“As are you my love” replied Aemond, his voice slightly muffled, his face buried in his wife’s neck.
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randomized-sims23 · 6 days
Aftermath Of The Attack
(small spoilers for yesterday's SAMS episode, also have a follow up fic to the event (could also be considered a followup to this one))
Sun was at the house playing with Jack, Dazzle and even Molten had joined in with them, when he heard muffled shouting near the door. Looking up he saw Monty and Solar. Monty was carrying something that he quickly realized was Moon.
As he stood he asked Jack, Dazzle and Molten to go up to their room for a bit, the three agreeing and going up as Sun went to open the door.
“Monty? Solar? Moon, what's going-”
“Ask questions later, move.”
Sun stepped back as Solar and Monty rushed inside to the couch, Sun following.
“Guys what's going on?” He stopped and looked down at Moon.
He was curled up tight, the back of his head lightly smoking and his whole body shaking. Sun could feel a faint wave of negative energy coming off of him.
The feeling made him grip the back of the couch as he asked again.
“What happened to him?”
Solar left to get something cold for Moon's head, leaving Monty to answer.
“I don't know entirely but I heard screamin’ from Parts and Service. I went to check it out ‘n found Nexus holdin’ him down. Threatened to shoot ‘im if he didn't step off and he left. I don't know what the bastard did to ‘im but he nearly broke his circuit board in half. I think the bastard tried to kill ‘im.”
That made something tighten in Sun's stomach. This was twice now that Moon had encountered Nexus, but this is the first time he's actually hurt him so badly.
“Is Earth here? Or Lunar?” He heard Monty ask.
He managed to shake his head no, stuck in his thoughts as he stared down at Moon, shaking horribly like he was freezing.
“Luckily we managed to hold ‘im down long enough to saulder the board together again and had to repair a little in the cylinder thing.” Monty said.
“And he kept screaming “I'm sorry, I'm sorry Johnathan. No idea why though.” Solar mentioned as he came back with a cold cloth.
Sun swallowed hard as he sat down next to the couch.
“Johnathan was one of the few kids that wasn't scared of Moon. He took a liking to the kid. He found out things weren't good in his home and one night he snuck out, followed him home to see what the problem was…whatever happened there Johnathan never came back to the daycare. He never left that house alive again…I don't know if Moon killed him, or someone else did. But it's torn him up ever since. Not as bad as it used to but it still bothers him now and then…”
“So that's why…” Solar muttered to himself..
“His system is cooling down a bit…his battery's pretty low too…”
He looked over to Moon, his brother trying to weakly reach for him.
Sun moved to kneel in front of the couch and placed a hand on his shoulder, firm and comforting. He saw now that Moon's eyes were completely dark- had the encounter left him blind too?
Trembling fingers lightly grasped his wrist, the shaking easing a bit when they did.
Then he completely shut down, body relaxing a little as he did.
Sun sighed, staying for a moment before going to get the portable charger.
“Someone…hurt Moon?”
Sun looked to the door of his bedroom, Molten standing at the frame.
“I thought I asked you to stay with Jack and Dazzle.”
“They are…napping. Who hurt him.”
Sun sighed. “Molten, you can't go after him. As much as we'd like to see someone hand his ass to him, if you tried he'd kill you easy. Not to mention the dragon…we aren't entirely sure where he even is anyway so trying to find him right now would be pointless.”
“But Moon will be fine,” Sun said, more to reassure himself than anyone else. “We'll make sure he's OK, Molten. For now just stay with the others. If they ask just…tell them Moon isn't feeling too good right now, ok? Please?”
Molten was quiet. He made a promise to himself to protect his friends, his family.
“Fine…but will you…tell me…if you find…anything?”
“I don't know. Maybe? That might be more for Moon or Solar to decide though. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it though. For now just go on to your room, alright? Moon will be ok, he just needs to rest for a few days is all.”
Sun left the room, coming downstairs again. Solar had already covered Moon with a blanket, while Monty was trying to explain to Earth, in the best way possible, what had happened.
Telling Lunar would be trickier, to try and not let him get too worked up.
Sun hooked Moon up to the charger and sat by the couch again, watching Moon silently as he charged.
“Next time you meet him, I'll be there. Maybe this time I can protect you from him…”
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