#ok whatever anyway i just had to get this outta my system
vampireassistant · 4 months
i hope all scarecrow x riddler fans get blown up forever and ever amen
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aviradasa · 1 month
Hi hi again ! I just wanna say I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the chubby reader x Larry n' Sal hdcns you wrote !! It's very nice and comforting, and really made my night - I can't stop re-reading them :') . THANK YOUUU 👹🖤‼️
Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something similar to the chubby reader hdcns, but with an ADHD!reader ? Just some Larry n' Sal with an adhd having gf hdcns ! Pls & ty, ilyyy <3
(also, if you're not comfortable with writing these, or don't know abt the symptoms of adhd [with depression & anxiety symptoms, bc it's a big struggle for me personally lol], no pressure abt writing these hdcns !! Remember to eat and stay hydrated <333 !!!)
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Heyyy I actually loved writing this as I've struggled for years with depression as well and me and my family have been unsure if it's Adhd or autism since I was a kid lmao So here is
Larry,sal x Adhd!Girlfriend!Reader (separate)
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Sal is really good with you
He's a really calming person to be around, so if you're really struggling that day, he's got you
If you're too hyperfocused and forget to take care of yourself, he will find a way to pull you away without bothering you. Even if it's just for a bit so you can eat or something
But if you have trouble focusing? Well, sals next to you and talking you through whatever you're trying to to.
He will even help you.
One day, you started frantically cleaning your room. Pulling stuff from the drawers pulling the stuff out from under your bed. Unloading your desk.
But then once you saw the amount of stuff, you kinda froze up. not sure where to even start.
You were honestly so overwhelmed you almost had a breakdown, but then sal walked into your guys' room, looking confused as shit asking you what's going on.
He waited patiently as you explained, and then he sat on the ground with you and started helping you organize everything,talking you through the process the entire time to keep you from getting more overwhelmed.
He's a damn angel
And once you guys got done and the room was back in order, you guys put on a movie and just passed out
If it's a day where you can't seem to sit still. He won't try to stop you.
Naw, he's saying ok come on, let's go to the apartments and run around checking on the ghost.
He doesn't try to hold you in place or stop you he tries to encourage you to do what you need to in a healthy way.
Also, if losing or misplacing things is a struggle for you, that's fine, don't worry.
Cause either he knows where it is or he's looking for it with you. And sometimes, when he sees something in an odd place, he will just grab it and put it where it should be.
And then when you need it, you don't have to go on a scavenger hunt.
On days where you can't seem to drag yourself outta bed or you're just not doing good with racing thoughts
He's with you. If you both have class that day, he will coax you out of bed,
and while you guys are driving there you guys will talk about it, and if you can't put it into words, he will just tell you stuff to get your mind off it
If you don't have class, he will lay with you, and you guys will just put on a show and chat, which makes you feel a bit better
He's like your other half at this point, and it's nice to have some calm when things get crazy
Overall, you both have a pretty good system, and if he's having issues, you help him out too, so it's a pretty win-win you
guys are great together
Well, now Larry, I think, has a bit of it to but a little different. He's more on the hyper focus end.
He will get to painting or playing a game, and he's not moving from that spot until it's done, and if you are also hyper focused at the same time it can start off good but then can get a bit unhealthy
It's whoever comes out of it first that will snap the other out of it
But if you're having trouble focusing, he will do his best to help, but let's be honest, you both will probably end up distracted
One day, you were trying to work on a project for one of your classes and you were stuck because you had so much to do and didn't know where to start.
So you tried to put on some music. We'll that didn't work too well because now you're sitting there watching MTV music videos.
By the time Larry got back, you were spaced out at the screen with your project forgotten sitting next to you.
He asked you what it was, and when you told him, he asked if it was done and you ended up explaining that you got stuck.
Well, he sits down with you and takes a look at it and also kinda blanks. Then you guys started talking, and the conversation ventured off, and yall ended up rushing it the night before.
At least he tried lmao.
Now, if it's a hyper day for you guys and you're running around trying to do a bunch of stuff, he will probably roll a joint and give it to you like.
Smoke this.
After you do, it can have one of two reactions
1 you actually slow down and are able to chill for a bit, or 2 it just makes you wanna go on an adventure.
If it's the second you guys end up in a gas station getting snacks and then heading over to sals to bother him and his girl it's cool they don't mind lol.
Now, when it comes to misplaced objects it really fucks with larry. Like I said in my general Larry HCs, he's messy but in an organized way.
So if he's digging around trying to find a certain paintbrush and he ends up finding it in the living room instead of in his art area he it really fucks with him.
But he's not mad he's just more confused and like what the fuck I didn't put that there.
And if he asks you and you don't remember, then you guys jokingly blame the ghosts. You both know it probably wasn't them but it's a Lil inside joke.
Now, for days, you can't get up, he stays with you. He's either in the same boat or he just feels bad and understands. Sometimes, he will lay with you, and you both might smoke and talk to each other. Or he will put on a show or music and paint while you do you.
It's just nice to know he's there and that he cares.
Overall, you guys got a lot going on, but you guys manage it as well as you can and what's important is that you do it together 🖤
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 months
hello everyone I'm having too good of a time with 《禁止存档》 Save Files Forbidden by 年终 so I'm planning to bring everyone else down with me into the death swamp :)))
tag will be "(corrosive) bog days of summer" because it's been 90 degrees for about a week straight now and even I, a 铁打的Californian, am beginning to melt a little
general premise under the cut, but let me just take a moment to say that neither the title nor the summary on jjwxc prepared me for the ultimate genre of this book (workplace comedy between two people who are so aggressively responsible that they've tricked themselves into thinking they're just friends)
ok ok so in chapter 1: your main character is one of the best players in this post-apocalyptic immersive video game, but he’s decided that after ten years, it’s time for him to retire after this one last mission
the video game — corrosion — is famous for 1) not being a PVP video game, but more collaborative (teams work together to help purify a corrupted apocalyptic wasteland), and 2) not allowing save files. If you die in this video game, you’re out of the running for the rest of your life. so the fact that our main character has been in this for ten years is genuinely very impressive
anyway! he’s like. well I’m outta here after this mission, I’m gonna go find my internet friend who I’ve been in love with this entire time and confess to them. I’m prettttttyyy sure that my internet friend is a quiet, logical girl who moonlights as our team strategist via chat, but if they're a guy I’m not opposed to trying it out!
ofc complications in last mission results in him doing a ~ great heroic sacrifice ~ and so he ends up flinging himself into a corrosive death bog, whereupon he's like. ah well, we had a good run! time to go back to the real world and confess to the love of my life
and as he sinks into the corrosive death bog he’s like. hey. hey wait a minute. why isn’t the death sequence loading
anyway he wakes up in chapter 2 like “godDAMMIT I’m still stuck in this stupid game. I’m gonna sue the hell out of this video game company” and goes off to find some NPCs who’ll help him contact customer service
he finds some NPCs. he walks up to them like "hiiiiiiii so I don’t know what bug in the system is preventing me from logging out but I’d really appreciate it if y’all—" and then they open fire on him
TURNS OUT!!! he is now video game monster to everyone. more specifically, he is now a walking death bog (jazz hands)
first of all, he is a man. this is a danmei novel after all
second of all, he is the? (a?) high general of post-apocalyptic human civilization. of course he is, but more importantly this also explains why he’s good at strategy
third of all, he’s talking to his ex-girlfriend (who is a lesbian; they were dating to get both their families off their backs, and now that their families want them to get married they’ve broken up). and high general man is like “hi so something definitely went wrong with the love of my life. I’m gonna go look for him. in the meantime I need you to do some investigation”
and she’s like “I canNOT believe you made me ditch my date for this. fine” and as she walks out the door he stops her and is like “remember. whatever you do. make sure that when you interact with the players, that they don’t realize that their world is the simulation, and the world they think is a video game is actually reality” and she rolls her eyes at him like “yeah yeah don’t die” and walks out
and it keeps going from there :)))))))
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dingusships · 1 year
istg this is us today
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anyway do you think Green sent the truent officer after the gang because he heard Oh. a bunch of green teenagers. one of ems gotta be my kid
BECAUSE LIKE the gang was found by Jack Wednesday at the arcade right they have no clue they live at the dump, the government doesn't anyway, they wouldn't really, I guess know or care to send somebody? ok I'm just saying maybe Green was asking for some favors
Yeah they have no government papers or documentation or anything like that aside from whatever would be leftover & outdated in the foster system files (prob buried in a drawer that hasn’t been touched in 4 years)… EXCEPT for police reports & arrest records. They wrack up a LOT of those. And probably in Wednesday’s case he had new papers made up for them so they could attend school, although I imagine a lot of basic info is missing due to no one having any of their papers on them.
Assuming Mr Green lives in Townsville/relatively close by, I wonder if the first time he heard of/saw Ace would have been on a local news report. They’ve been mentioned on the news in canon at least once for some kind of crime they did WITH their picture shown. Imagine you’re Mr Green sitting down to eat dinner, watching the 6:00 news, gettin all cozy. All of a sudden this kid who looks JUST like you & your ex, who’s the same age your missing kid would be, flashes on the screen because he got arrested for tipping porta potties. Imagine the rollercoaster of “Holy fuck he looks just like my kid….holy fuck that HAS TO BE MY KID! holy fuck my kid is in a GANG? holy fuck my kid is…doing stupid shit oh my god I need to find him” 😭 Being a substitute teacher I’d assume he’d have Wednesday on speed dial (perhaps even for this exact moment) and immediately be like “WEDNESDAY GO FIND THOSE KIDS ONE OF THEM IS MINE. ENROLL THEM I’LL BE THERE ASAP”. Wednesday manages to get info from the cops to Mr Green and is like…I’ll do my best but first you’ll need to sit down for this one bud.
The gang gets in and out of trouble all the time; the trouble is annoying enough for them to wind up in jail but nonviolent enough for the govt to be like “meh whatever let the girls deal with em if they think they need to. we gotta worry more about mojo or HIM etc”. So ur right they don’t seem to seek the gang out and the gang sure as hell keeps their location off the radar just in case
They’re a Very slippery bunch who are difficult to catch and keep in one place for long. The second they’re released from jail they take off. When that old lady Bought Them Bound In Rope they somehow (thankfully) got the hell outta there. And as we know at the end of Schoolhouse Rocked, Wednesday takes the gang away but he’s never seen again & the gang is back to their regular activities in the rest of the episodes 😞 Wednesday prob tried his best to keep them wrangled for Mr Green but I can assume they did their usual & escaped without a trace before Mr Green could meet them. He’s prob crushed bc not only is it like losing his kid all over again, but now he knows there’s a strong chance that his kid IS a horridly suffering teenager with a track record, and he has no way to help him. He has no idea how to find Ace but also feels a lot of anxiety about facing him, because he blames himself for Ace’s suffering :(
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shan-helsing · 1 year
I know it's random, but any wulfric hcs 👀 ?
WEEPS INTO MY HANDS. TYSM FOR ASKING. i'll write some i can think of rn !
▪︎wulfric comes from some random germanic village, not the same as viago but similar, and has a ridiculously insane name. my gf is a huge fan of the name wulfric van schlammstein for him. bc it sounds funny.
▪︎ he travelled to england for research in studies (dawg i do not know, i'm still brainstorming this) n there he met lovely laszlo, mr gorgeous leslie cravensworth. since laz is KIND OF a science guy and I KNOOOW he did all that silly science stuff after he turned but i like to hc that laz in his human years was also studying science, as well as being in that club. as well as being raised in an aristocratic household.
anyways they somehow meet and something sparks. but since laz is consistently busy with his stuff they can only have cute little rendezvous at night in a park or something. they kiss. smoochie even.
▪︎ wulfric was NOOOT aware laz was turned by nadja. when nadja came and bedazzled laz he loves her forever and ever he kinda found wulfric cringe. like cringey dandelion ex bf (they didnt even break up officially) so laz kinda. tried to get wulfric outta his life. I had to think silly about this since its fucking. Wwdits. i have to be silly.
Laz invited wulfric for dinner in the middle of the night. Wulfric took ZERO notice to it being 12am. laszlo ate NOOOOTHING DRANK NOTHING. this bimbo had 0 realisation of any vampiric things. Anyways laz tried to poison wulfric many times that night. He thought he succeeded, but wulfric just got some weird tummy ache afterwards. It was probably expired food LMAOAOAO (im still brainstorming all of this hehehehe)
▪︎ wulfric got turned by a random vampire before he set to seas back home. This wouldve been the last time he saw laz. Loooong long ago. Wulfric was still idk man kinda food poisoned and whatever way he was, the vampire who turned him got stuck in bat form. They are best friends now.
▪︎ wulfric super slumbered for about 150 years. he knows nothing. ZILCH of any of the wars LMAO. he woke up in the 70s and just had the time of his life. sailed to the new world. hes super clueless about anything thats happened so he just takes everything at face value.
▪︎ wulfric also has a familiar !!!!! his name is dorian (i'll link a pic below) dorian was turned just before wulfric super slumbered so he knew that dorian would protect him. dorian is still his familiar. Even as a vampire. Wulfric knows hes cheating the system - he does not care.
▪︎ i like to imagine wulfric comes back into the picture w laz in a super funny way. laszlo installs an electric fence and just so happens to electrocute his silly bimbo ex bf as a bat. What the FUCK. wulfrics allllll over laz and laz just gets so flustered and embarrassed. JUST BUGGER OFF 😭😭😭😭😭 wulfric is not going anywhere.
▪︎ wulfrics kinda the silly cameo like jeff. But except laszlo gets so humiliated everytime. He wants to just be like ok. ten minutes of insane sexual intercourse then youre gone. yea.
▪︎wulfric TOOOOTES calls laz leslie. IT DRIVES HIM INSANE. wulfric EVENTUALLY starts saying laszlo, but at first it was a joke.
▪︎ wulfric is a cute little hondura white bat because they look so fucking silly.
▪︎i cant think of any more rn but i wanna say nadja likes him. calls him a dandelion puff (thank you my pal bee) and mocks him then kindaaaaa gets used to him. this is my husband laszlo and his boyfriend wulfric. new besties.
WOOOOW THAT WAS SO MUCH. SORRY I LIKE. BLUSHES. GET ALL SILLY WHEN PPL WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY GUYS. i love wulfric. I made him about a month ago so im still working on him but hes an immediate favourite for me outta my ocs. hes so perfect. So cutie pie. This guy loves disco. He has a disco ball in his home.
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Hey, can I complain about ppl spreading lies about Macaque and Wukong being brothers in the original JTTW? Yeah? Yeah ok:
I already went over this in my "ranking LMK ships" post, but I really need to get this out of my system because it has been frustrating me to no end. Seeing as I already went over how there's no evidence to support the idea that Macaque and Wukong are related, I'mma just quote what I said in my ship post:
"To all the dumb brains out there spreading misinformation about JTTW, lemme put this misconception to bed now... MACAQUE AND WUKONG WERE NEVER BROTHERS IN JTTW! Buddha stated that they're vaguely a part of the same species, but not brothers. Wukong and Macaque have precisely zero deeper connection to each other in JTTW, Macaque's birth was never even detailed in the book and Wukong doesn't even have parents. I have researched this topic for weeks, I've read parts of the original JTTW, I have even talked with actual Chinese people on this stupid ass issue, and as far as I can tell, this is just a stupid fan theory being passed off as canon by non-Chinese ppl who haven't read or even properly researched the original JTTW. Shut the actual fuck up, I don't want to hear it."
Now I know what some of y'all might be saying, "BUT-BUT I LOOKED IT UP ON GOOGLE AND I SAW A WEBSITE SAYING THEY WERE BROTHERS SO IT MUST BE TRUE!" Yeah...let's go over those sources.
The source ppl have been showing (on tik tok anyways) is this fan theory on Villains Wiki:
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Key word: fan theory. The wiki never actually quotes the book directly and basically assumes that Macaque and Wukong were born the same way and also makes the massive leap in logic that them being born the same way somehow makes them siblings. Tell me, if two baby chicks are both hatched from different eggs, does that automatically make them siblings? No, no it does not.
Regarding Buddha explaining Macaque's background, this is what he actually says from the English translation:
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"The Intelligent Stone Monkey" is obviously referring to Wukong, but wait, why is Wukong the "Stone Monkey"? The title of "Stone Monkey" suggests that being birthed from a stone is something unique to Wukong and the other spiritual primates were born differently. This tracks cuz the spiritual primates are very mysterious beings who have very little lore in the actual JTTW, so them all being born differently wouldn't exactly be strange.
But yes, Buddha never mentions that the four spiritual primates are all related. If they were, he would've mentioned it especially since he's an all-knowing being. He had no reason to keep information like that a secret when asked.
Some have also claimed that they've heard from Chinese people that they are brothers or are "culturally considered brothers", whatever that means. I, once again, cannot find any evidence to support this on the internet and speaking to actual Chinese people I know irl and on Twitter on this matter just confirms the opposite: that most ppl consider them to be unrelated. The only people I've seen claiming this are or seem to be non-Chinese, so I can only assume that they're either A. Cherry picking and/or exaggerating their sources or B. Made it the fuck up.
"BUT SURELY MACAQUE AND WUKONG HAVE A DEEPER CONNECTION CUZ THEY'RE BOTH MYSTIC MONKEYS RIGHT!?!?" Well, you'd think that but...no. Macaque quite literally shows right the fuck up outta no where in JTTW, commits identity theft and then Wukong fucking kills him. That's it, that's literally it. Macaque's only purpose in JTTW is to be a very on-the-nose metaphor for Wukong overcoming his rebellious past, Macaque is just supposed to act in a similar way to Wukong when he was younger. Another thing: a lot of ppl are also claiming that Macaque is a physical manifestation of Wukong's worst impulses or an alter ego of Wukong's. But no, as Buddha says, Macaque is his own separate, unrelated entity from Wukong.
Now, if Wukong was created asexually and Macaque is completely unrelated to Wukong, why do so many ppl believe that they're twins? Because Macaque in the original JTTW is seen as anticlimactic. Yep, that's literally the reason. And I get it: Macaque, this mysterious powerful monkey the same species as the Monkey King, Wukong's equal, out to replace the Great Sage is... just some guy. He exists, and he has no deeper connection to Wukong outside of that. You'd think he would, but no. So I think a lot of ppl just automatically assume that they're brothers because them being completely unrelated just won't click for them.
One obvious reason is that ppl are genuinely being misinformed and don't want to question others because they're afraid of being wrong, which I completely understand and sympathize with.
Another reason could be that well...and this is going to be a bit controversial but- Maybe ppl are just trying to shut down discussions of queer romance or queer relationships? Now I'm by no means saying this is actually true, but this whole situation reminded me of something similar. Have you ever heard about Patroclus and Achilles? The two historically gay power couple who tragically died together? Well, in 2003's "Troy", the movie rewrites the two as cousins so they could write off all that pesky queer romance as "Just a couple of guys being dudes."
Am I saying that this is definitely a reason why ppl are claiming that Wukong and Macaque in LMK and JTTW are brothers? No. Am I saying it's a possibility to look out for? Yes. I absolutely hate this revisionist history of mythology, even when you point out that someone's wrong they just go, "Well, you must be disrespecting the myth's influence on culture! How dare you question my claims about the original story!? Are you saying that you don't care about Chinese culture!?" And it's like, slow your roll there bud. I've grown up on this story and done plenty of goddamn research on it, I like to think I know what I'm talking about. If the text says they aren't brothers, then they aren't brothers. Period.
But see, that's what I love about JTTW: small, insignificant details about characters can be left up entirely to interpretation, but the core message and story are still intact. That's why JTTW is such a popular story and why it's survived throughout the centuries, it's thanks to it's sheer flexibility as a story. You can give Macaque and Wukong any relationship you want, friends, brothers, the same person, it's all up to your imagination!
That's why I find it so annoying that ppl are barging in with their fan theories and claiming it's canon to the original JTTW, because not only is it just ignorant, but it completely undermines the original story.
Anyways, here's a picture that'll piss off the anti-shadowpeach bitches out there:
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch12 Battle Gym Leader Kabu
You had been so, so confused at first when Gloria all of a sudden announced she wanted to use your sobble against Kabu. And to be honest you weren't really too keen on the idea either. Your little cute roll-y poll-y sobble who'd cling to you when scared?? Fighting against the second strongest gym leader in all of Galar??......Yeah. You really, REALLY weren't feeling up for the idea, and had asked her why for goodness sakes!? Her answer was simple.
"The tears ability! Sobble's tears will be my winning strategy against Kabu. I already gotta plan in mind but I can't do it without your pokemon's help since I ain't got a sobble 'o my own! Please Y/n! I'm beggin' ya!"
Well.....You really didn't want to just hand over your sobble even if you trusted Gloria by now, but you also didn't want to make her lose the gym challenge either. After all completing the game was your only shot at making it back home so far. If Gloria couldn't beat Kabu and was snuffed out of the challenge by him then what would you do? So...You agreed. Your sleep didn't come easy to you that night but somehow you managed to fall in a deep dreamless sleep. The next morning literally having to make Gloria push you off the bed in order to wake you up as she shook you. Not on purpose of course, as she had just been trying to get you to wake up but the moment your groggy body fell to the floor with a thud she began apologizing purfusely.
"Y/N!!" Your body rattled more than a maraca as you suddenly began pulling out of the darkness blinking rapidly at the blurry vision of everything shaking before you like an earthquake. "WAKE UP ALREADY!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!"
"WHAT- AH!!" Your world tumbled as you fell from the comfy bed and was met with the hardness of the wooden floor by Gloria's feet. "OW!!"....You groaned as the blanket slowly fluttered down to messily cover you.
Gloria's hands shot to her mouth, making a hissing sound as she watched you experienced pain. "Y/N!! Oh my Arceus! I'm so so sorry!," she quickly apologised.
"...Good morning to you too, Gloria," you mumbled before kicking the sheet off you and pushing yourself off the floor, your hair a mess, and yawning. "What time is it?"
"Um..Seven in the morning I think?" You turned to her tiredly and noticed she was already wearing her white challenger uniform and all ready to go.
"Did you get the others up?," you asked stiffling a yawn as you stood.
"Um..." She chuckled nervously as you stretched your back and rose a brow at her as she held up a hand. "Uh..About that...They're gone." Her face frowned more as you paused...and blinked at her.
"...What do you mean 'They're gone'?"
"They weren't there when I knocked on the door, so I guess they left early! I'm sorry I didn't know!"
"Oh for the love of-..." You sighed and waved her off. "Nevermind." Quickly reaching over, you bent down and pulled the blanket off the floor, throwing it back neatly over the bed before going for your bag. "Are you all ready?" She nodded. "Good. We'll find them later. For right now let's just worry about getting to the stadium and seeing what's up! Ok?"
She had quickly agreed to that and you wasted no time throwing yourself together, tossing your bag over your shoulders, and grabbing your sobble's pokeball. From what she told you last night, you thought it'd be best to put the little critter into it's pokeball and give it to her before her battle to avoid any complications should your sobble start acting up. Which lead to now. The two of you were already in the elevator on your way down to the lobby. Anxious tention in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife as you lightly gripped the pokeball in your hand slightly harder. After a moment or two of silence Gloria went digging through her bag and pulled out something that looked pretty much like the goggles you'd see a diver wear before entering the water.
"Did you eat anything?," you asked glancing at her as she slipped the straps over her head making you give a confused look. "...And what are those for?
She silently shook her head slightly as her head was bent down and you watched in silence as she silently tightened the black straps tightly around her head. When Gloria finally managed to look up at you, the goggles were tightly clamped around her eyes and she shook her head no. "No. I was too busy tryin' too get ready. 'sides I feel pretty queezy. I don' know if food's a good idea right now." She blinked obviously noticing the look you were giving her goggles. "What are you- Oh these?" You nodded and she smiled. "Well last time he cried ya'll didn't stand a chance. But I figured if I covered my eyes real good I won't get affected by whatever's in those sobble's tears that makes ya cry rivers!"
You stared....."That's bloody genius!! Why didn't I think of that!?"
She chuckled. "To be honest it really ain't my idea anyways. I remember Hop telling me the idea back when I got my toxel. I remembered it when I thought of usin' your sobble and stopped by that clothes shoppe in town. They were sellin' swim wear n' stuff since it's summer and picked up these lil babies. Like I said. He's a genius."
Ah! That must've been why it took her a while to get back to the hotel. She really was preparing for her gym battle. As the elevator went you had reluctantly handed over your sobble's pokeball to her and she gently took it. Giving it a look before deeply inhaling and slowly exhaling, most likely psyching herself up before relaxing her posture and slowly slipping the pokeball into her pocket. You watched as she did so with worry and a little bit of guilt eating away at your stomach. You weren't sure if this was really the right thing to do after all, especially without telling your pokemon. This was surely going to be quite the shock for it, and you weren't too sure what the outcome could be. A ding interrupted any of your thoughts as the both of you looked back towards the doors as they opened, and you were lightly surprised to see the girl there. The same girl you had been worriedly thinking over last night. Marnie!
She was standing there in the lobby kneeled down handing her hamster like pokemon some kind of fruit to eat, which it took eagerly, but upon seeing you two blinked and slowly stood to her feet. "Mornin' Gloria. ..Oh. And you too Miss."
"Uh hi!," Gloria greeted a little unsure since she must've looked a bit strange in the swimming goggles. "Are you headin' off to battle Kabu too?"
She shook her head no. "No. We were 'bout to shove off on the next leg of our journey now. That friend of yours already went off to challenge the next gym, tho."
"He did?," you asked and Marnie politely nodded towards you. "...How early did those two wake up?"
"I couldn't say for sure, but by how happy they were it seemed like they had a plan."
"Oh! Well we have a pretty great stragety too!" Gloria smiled proudly. You were glad at least her nerves were seeming to be getting better.
Marnie only nodded. You looked at her for a moment and it didn't seem as if she had any nefarious schemes or malicious intent behind that polite exterior of hers. But still last night's questions swirled in the back of your mind as you narrowed your eyes in thought, raising your brows as she calmly reached into her leather jacket pocket and pulled out a small reddish card before handing it out to Gloria.
The brunette blinked at it for a moment before raising a brow in question. "What's this?"
"Kabu's League Card," she replied calmly, "It's supposed to help against him, but I ended up with a few copies, so I'll give you one." A look of surprise passed on both your faces as you two exchanged looks before looking back to Marnie. "Don't look so chuffed. It's no big deal. 'N I already got two others already."
Gloria stared for a second longer before smiling and taking the card from her. "Wow. Thanks!"
Marnie nodded in reply. "Oh. Here." She reached back into her pocket and pulled out a second card before holding it out towards her. "Take this too. A little somethin' for our battle yesterday. As a thanks for helpin' me out."
"What's this?"
"My own league card. Your friend gave me one of his so I figured you could have one too."
"Whoa! Thanks!" Gloria gladly accepted the other card with a smile. "That's real nice 'o ya!"
Marnie gave the smallest of smiles. "I bet you'll have no trouble beatin' that ''man of fire'' Kabu chap, right? Why don'cha get over to Motostoke stadium and get that gym badge already?"
...Gloria jumped. "OH!! RIGHT!! We need to get to the stadium!" She stuffed the cards into her pocket as fast as she could as Marnie peered up towards you and you blinked at her. ...You opened your mouth to ask her about the Team Yell involvement that's been going on. Not expecting really any answers outta her, but before you could say anything something tightly gripped around your arm and you yelped as Gloria yanked your forward in a run. Almost making you hit the floor for the second time that morning. "THANKS MARNIE!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NEXT STEP!!"
Marnie waved a hand back at your retreating forms. "Good luck out there!"
Gloria yanked you along, nearly tripping down the steps and over your own two feet as she raced ahead putting one arm out to shove the door open in her mad dash to the stadium ahead. Thank goodness the Budew Drop Inn was literally right next to the stadium. You didn't think you could last too long with Gloria's way of yanking you forward in a frenzy without falling over for too long. Cheers and loud noises were clear as day as soon as the two of you stepped out the doors and started running over towards the stadium. How early did these people wake up around here!? Thank goodness at least you two didn't have to worry about bumping or tripping over other people. It was a short distance, but with the adrenaline pumping and worry in your systems it felt as if you two ran a marathon by the time Gloria moved the two of you towards the double doors she had gone through previously during the Entrance Ceremony. Her sudden stomp making you stumble and catch your self clumsily on your knees and free hand as she still gripped your arm tightly, thankfully not smacking into the ground, as she skidded to a stop. Low and behold guess who was already waiting for you two? Victor gave the two of you a raised brow before sighing and reaching up to rub at his temple, as Hop chuckled and crossed his arms at the sight of you two girls.
"Slow moving aren't you, Glory?", Hop teased.
"O-Oh...S-S-Shove...o-off!," she forced out back at him between deep breaths. Letting lose your other arm. You hissed in sourness as you pulled it towards you, reaching up to rub where Gloria had gripped it.
"Where had you two been?," Victor asked frowning, "We spent half an hour knocking on your door before we left."
"I've already gone and earned my fire badge," Hop said in agreement, "The man of fire Kau is just what you'd expect. Nearly got burnt in my battle with him."
"LITERALLY," Victor added, "I'm surprised his pokemon weren't turned to ash when he barely made the second round. .....Was a very lucky close call that made him win."
"Even with my strongest team it was definitely tough- and - go .....but I still won in the end!"
"Just barely. He lost the first round, won the second, and third ended with a tie. Since no one won or lost the third round it counted as a win towards Hop as well and he managed to walk away with a two out of three win victory."
"SERIOUSLY!? How early did ya'll get up!?"
"Nevermind all of that!" Hop interrupted everyone waving a hand. "You need to get a shift on, Gloria. I bet you could beat the man of fire toooo....." He blinked. Staring right at her face seeming to FINALLY notice the swimming goggles on her face. "...Hey. Whatcha wearing those swimming things for? Afraid you'll get fire blasted at ya?"
She blinked as Victor was nice enough to walk over and help pull you up to your feet, pointing to her face. "Y'mean these? It's sobble protection."
he gave her a confused look. "Sobble protection? But Kabu doesn't have a sobble on his team."
"Not for Kabu's pokemon." She gestured to you as you thanked Victor. "I'm borrowing hers. I remembered what you said about using goggles to maybe help block the effects or their tears, so I'm tryin' it out."
Hop gained a look of surprise. Not sure if it was from what Gloria said or the fact she was using Sobble. "You...remembered t-that." He asked shyly. Yep. Def from what Gloria said.
She nodded. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? By the way, how was the challenge?"
"Huh?" He blinked before turning an embarrased pink. "Oh uh r-right. *ahem* It went well. I mean you have to catch t-three pokemon but it's no big de-"
"WHAT!?" He blinked at her shout and watched silently as she quickly patted her pockets. "We have to catch pokemon!? B-But I didn't bring any empty pokeballs!!"
"Gloria, calm down-"
"Calm down!! CALM DOWN!?," she snapped towards her twin shouting with a look of panic, "I don't have any pokeballs on me except the ones that already have pokemon in them! How am I supposed to battle the gym LEADER if I can't make it past the gym CHALLENGE, Vic!?"
"You can borrow some of mine!," he shouted back at her.
Gloria shut up and stared at him blankly for a moment. "......Come again?"
Her brother groaned giving an eye roll before slipping the large (suitcase-) pack off himself. Silently you all watched as he brought it up and opened it before shoving his hand quickly inside for a second before pulling out a trio of pokeballs. Shoving them all at Gloria who barely managed to catch them all fumbling as she did. "Here!" He insisted already starting to close his bag. "Don't worry 'bout paying me back. You can keep 'em. But for crying out loud, Glory!! Become more prepared!"
Her brown eyes glanced between the poke balls and her brother. Looking to be at a loss for words. "I-....Uh....T-Thanks??"
"Don't thank me yet! You still have to get in there and beat him. So get to it, Glor! I know you can pass this challenge like you do every other- AH!!"
"THANK YOOOUUU!!! You're the best brother EVER!!"
Victor groaned as she hugged him before squirming his way free like a worm. "Yeah, yeah. Nevermind that now, you have a battle to win! Remember?"
"YEAH RIGHT!!......Um."
"What now?"
"You might want to stay out here instead of going inside, I uhhhh...Don't know how this might turn out."
"That might be a good idea," you commented. "Especially if those tears are gonna get BIG from Dynamaxing....But would you be able to do it without us there?"
"Yeah!...Wait." She glanced back to Hop with a slightly worried expression, "You'll still watch me from the live footage, r-right?"
Hop nodded without hesitation. "Of course we will!,'' he smiled whipping out his phone, "You don't even have to ask us. As your best rival and friend it's my sworn duty to support you in your journey even if it's from behind the scenes! We'll be here cheering you on all the way!"
"But first she actually has to go inside and do the challenge before Kabu decided you're not coming at all."
"R-Right! Yeah." With a turn of her head Gloria faced the doors before her before with another inhale and exhale, her face steeled and she started forward. "Wish me luck!"
"You don't need it!" "Go get 'em, Glory!" "Good luck!" The three of you shouted at her as the doors opened and she slowly walked her way in.
The worry feeling in your gut increased as you realized you wouldn't be watching your sobble battling within the stadium, but it might be better you all weren't affected by the giant tears if Gloria really was going to be dynamaxing the sobble. Hop pointed over towards a bench nearby where the three of you could sit and watch and you agreed, following the boys over as the cheers from the stadium was ever present. Guess the crowd must've gotten wind of another challenger on their way in to challenge Kabu. Hop had turned his rotom phone on and went to what he said was the Gym League's official website where you could find everything from past Gym leader's biographies, to their pokemon, to even content the Gym Leaders themselves posted. You could even find live footage if they currently battled anyone to watch if you couldn't be at the stadium. How convenient! It didn't take Hop too long to pull up a video turning his phone sideways to full screen as you and Victor huddle around to watch. What was shown on screen was the inside of the stadium, the many people in the stands, and an empty field. Gloria must've still been just starting the challenge presented to her. To which Victor commented it might take a bit to catch all three pokemon. So all the three of you could do was wait it out for the moment, which you did. You sat there for the longest time just staring at the phone screen mind wondering off into space as the boys chatted among themselves next to you glancing at the phone every so often. Would this really work out ok? You were starting to feel like maybe you shouldn't have let Gloria borrow sobble but you also really wanted to get home so if this really was the way she could win you were doing the right thing.....Right?
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!" You jumped at the loud man's voice that shouted out in what sounded like two different directions. And it kinda was, the announcer's voice was loud enough to be heard outside the stadium and came from the live feed being recorded live from Hop's phone as well. "The battle between Gym Challenger Gloria and Gym Leader Kabu shall now commence!!" The three of you quickly snapped to attention at the phone Hop held as the camera recording the live feed zoomed it just close enough where you could watch the battle at it's fullest, but also too far away to see their faces sadly. You hoped Gloria wasn't feeling too anxious. The crowd roared again in cheers as at last both the figures of Gloria and Kabu jogged their way towards the very center of the big field before stopping. Here we go. "Battlers please take your place on opposite field and face one another!!" It looked like they exchanged a few words before turning and walking a decent amount away from one another. " SET!" They faced one another. "Pokemon at the ready!! BATTLE BEGIN!!"
In a flash of bright light, both parties sent forth their pokemon as the crowd cheered. Kabu a fox looking pokemon, Nine tales if you remembered right. And Gloria her Roselia.
"Wha- Why's she using a grass type?," Hop asked confused, "Grass-type pokemon are usually weak against fire-types. Shouldn't she know the type disadvantage? "
You were confused at first too. Why would she be using a ro-...Your eyes widened remembering something from your past encounters. "....Stun spore."
"What?," he asked turning to you.
And you them as you spoke. "I bet you more than anything she's going to use that stun spore move on that thing."
...Hop's eyes widened. "Of course! Stun spore leaves a paralysis effect on it's opponent! She could that to get an edge up on Ninetales if she's able to land the hit!..If she can that is. Ninetales has the time advantage and more speed than any other nine tales I've seen. I couldn't even get passed it."
You said nothing after that and turned back to the screen as a flame thrower type move nearly hit the roselia by a couple inches. OH Crap- The battle must've started while you weren't paying attention! So far Gloria seemed to be doing ok. With a point from her form she must've been giving an order, because that roselia in all it's agility used tackle and ran straight towards the ninetales. ..!? WHAT WAS SHE DOING!? She was gonna get that poor rose pokemon hurt! A tense and cold feeling grabbed a hold of your body as the fox pokemon opened it's large mouth, and filled with the burning  fire as it shot towards the roselia. A collective aw reaction coursed through the crowd and you three as the roselia....slid. That's right. SLID. The grass pokemon suddenly dropping back as it it slipped and fell to it's knees (Or you guess what counted as knees on it) and as if in a rock star pose, leaned all the way back as the fire passed above it literally inches from it's face. No doubt the speed from the tackle added in it's aid of sliding across the grassy field. As if time slowed down, the fire soon left the ninetales's mouth, and it turned it's head down towards the roselia sliding towards it at break-neck speeds. Lifting the roses on it's arms surrounded by burst of electricity, you could've sworn the fox thing gave a look of panic, before there was a flash of light as bright as a camera's flash as the roselia continued it's journey under the ninetales as it was enveloped face first by electricity. Now if you thought the corvinkight's loud cries when you crashed into it's nest was terrifying, it was nothing compared to the high pitched dog like wails that came from this pokemon really made your stomach flip. Through the static shock surrounding it, the ninetales gritted it's fangs and looking as if pain, forced itself to snap towards the roselia who stopped just behind it. And in one swift motion, in a white blur the pokemon turned and swiped at it. HARD. With a cry from the pokemon it went flying across the feild, tumbling head over heels, round and round in summer salts until finally with a thud the poor thing landed with half it's body crossing one of the perimeter lines.
"MATCH!!" The announcer's voice called back through and it honestly made you jumped by how it surprised you, too lost in the battle to notice. "THE GYM CHALLENGER'S POKEMON IS OUT OF BOUNDS!! GYM LEADER WINS FIRST ROUND BATTLE!!"
The crowd roared out again at Kabu's obviously win, and you weren't too surprised since he is supposed to be the second strongest gym leader. So it shouldn't be surprised that the ninetales was still able to move like that after Gloria's stun spore surprise. Tho you were a bit sad at her loss.
"Aw man! She totally got canned out there!," Hop sighed lowering the phone a little disappointed as both battlers returned their pokemon
Victor hummed. "Well, yes. Glory lost first round but it's not a total loss. Stun spore's affects increases the more the recipient of it moves, so it'd be dumb if Kabu forced his ninetales to battle again for the second round. It'd just be giving her a better chance at winning. So she still managed to wittle down them to an equal two pokemon each."
....Hop nodded. "Yeah! You're right. But it doesn't mean the other two won't be just as powerful."
Two more bright lights appeared and the BIGGEST arcanine you had ever seen appeared before you! That thing was huge! Much better than the ones in game. And Gloria had sent out her raboot. A fire type against a fire type. They should be equaled out but you had a feeling the arcanine was the more powerful in terms of strength and skill. Gloria better have had a trick up her sleeve for this one. Kabu was the first one to make a move. As it quickly leaned his head forward just an inch and the raboot jumped a good yard back away in fear.
"That's arcanine's intimidate. Hope that raboot's not too scared."
The arcanine took a step forward the rabbot took another step back. Kabu pointed and in an instant it charged. Flames spewing from it's mouth the moment it opened it's maw and it fell. Well at least you thought it did by how fast it dropped, only to flip using it's back legs to kick off and a envelope itself in fire to perform Flame Wheel- Raboot. Charged! It's feet gaining fire with it's speed when you realized what was going to happen. Was Gloria attempting to use Flame Charge as a way to counter the Flame Wheel like back when she used her Scorbunny's move to deflect Hop's Wooloo's tackle? That may have worked out back then but Arcanine was much bigger and stronger than an ordinary wooloo! There's no way as strong as raboot was they could deflect that flame wheel....Except..Well...That wasn't what they did at all. As soon as that raboot jumped and made contact with that fire hoop of death, it was like a catapult suddenly went off under it's feet. Using the momentum of the moment that crafty little bunny used it's own fire as a shield for it's feet from the flames of it's enemy to leap itself into the air. The three of you watched in awe as the raboot launched itself a decent twenty or so feet in the air above the arcanine who had stopped and then looked up in confusion as it most likely didn't expect that. That's when it struck. With a surprising speed for being in mid air, the raboot shot back back down straight towards the arcanine. The dog pokemon in retaliation growled and opened it's maw WIDE to catch it within it's fangs at the same time as the raboot flipped, and landed a perfect double kick to the upper part of the pokemon's face. The. Arcanine. WAILED OUT!! The jerk it's head gave shoving the rabbit pokemon to the ground with a loud squeak as it hit the dirt but as quick as ever sprung itself back onto it's feet to face it's enemy. The much taller fire type shaking it's head and pawing at it's eyes.
"A Quick Attack and Double Kick combo!! How'd they do that so fast!?"
None of you had time to answer that before Gloria was already pointing at the arcanine and the raboot swiftly followed. The arcanine snarled it the approuching raboot's direction eyes closed and again went to use Bite, but with a quick side leap to the left, it easily delivered another double kick to the side of it's head. Making it recoil. And thus it had begun. Side! Back! Gut! Front Leg! Back Leg! Under Chin! Front Leg again! The raboot as quickly as a real rabbit in your world, was light on it's feet. Using quick attack and double kick over and over again to kick the blinded and confused arcanine in random places jumping over, under, around and sometimes latching onto it's fur to propel itself in a different direction from the jaws or swiping paws as it growled and blindly went after him. One time literally trying to slam it's whole right side onto the smaller pokemon before the rabbot quickly thrust itself forward under and away from the falling body before giving it a tackle to it's exposed middle in retaliation for the body slam. Using it's speed and smaller body to it's full advantage. The blinded pokemon's only saving grace was to suddenly use the order of flame wheel to break away from the small menace. Rolling fast away in a hoop of flames. You nearly choked on your own breath as you all watched in disbelief as the tinier much smaller raboot CHASED. Yes. CHASED after the spinning wheel of death faster than you had seen it run. The flames gathering on it's feet again. Another flame charge?? The arcanine stopped just a few yards away from him, flames still gathered within it's mouth as it turned, presumably to launch a strong flame attack at the smaller beast. And raboot with all it's speed and flaming feet. KICKED!! As fast as a jet streaking through the sky, a flaming rock was launched right at the pokemon's face. And connected. With a yelped and smoke going off from getting straightly hit by it, the arcanine went down.
THE. CROWD. CHEERED!! Ember....That raboot used ember to knock out that arcanine!! You didn't know whether to be impressed or surprised at what just happened but both the boys next to you exchanged a few cheers of their own and high fived. And you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Holy canoli that was tense!! ....But then you froze. Wait...If both first and second rounds were over..that meant only the third was left. And the third round was the dynamax specialty. And Gloria was planning on using... all the worry came rushing back in an instant.
"Oh no-"
"FINAL MATCH DETERMINES WHO WINS AND LOSES!! YOU FOLKS KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!" Oh please don't say- "DYNAMAX ROUND SET!! GET YOUR POKEMON AT THE READY!!" You could all suddenly hear the crowd begin chanting the word 'Dynamax'. Your eyes widened as, as tiny as Gloria's figure was on the camera, you could CLEARLY make out her reaching into her pocket and pull out a pokeball, her other hand coming up to her goggles. In than instant your face paled and your blood ran cold. A heavy feeling of cold settling in as you saw that unmistakable red energy gathering around her wrist band as she held your ball. Your poor baby's ball. "FINAL BATTLE BEGIN!!"
The first to make a move was Kabu as the pokeball in his hands swelled up to the size of a watermelon and with a firey look in his eyes, swiftly turned on his heel and with one arm chucked the giant thing into the air. It sored through the sky until popped open and THE BIGGEST centipede you had ever seen came forward. The ground where you three were sitting shook from the force of the giant pokemon in the stadium in front of you landed on the ground. Sending a wave of wind and rubble from the field flying in it's wake as dark reddish-orange storm clouds darkened itself overhead, making it look even MORE horrifying than it was....OH. SWEET. MOTHER. OF MILTANK!! If that thing was scary to you than it'd be an utterly drop dead terror for your poor sobble! The pokeball in Gloria's hold swelled up to the same size as a watermelon. Using both arms to lift the thing over her head, and tossed it into the air. It soared through the air and all three of you watched like you were watching a trainwreck happening. Too scared for the results but unable to look away feeling as it popped open. And your sobble made it's entrance. The blue pokemon now several times bigger than it's usual cat like hieght. It landed in the same fashion as Kabu's centipede thing did. And instantly a look if confusion graced it's face as with a montrous chirp it started quickly looking around at itself. Although that confusion quickly dashed away as soon as it's eyes laid upon the terror in front of it. It froze. Staring unblinking with that blank stare of his as it laid eyes on the centipede pokemon.
"Oh no-
Now you weren't entirely sure what move it was called that it used, but all of a sudden this giant bug thing decided to play....But this thing moved so fast in air as Kabu leaned back and pointed up at it you nearly had a heart attack then and there. It took the form of a sideways zig zag pose and gathered a great deal of fire within it's coils. The GIANT ball of flames launched in a moment's notice as it sailed out. And hit your sobble directly with an explosion. You cried out, hands coming to clasped at your mouth at the noise the water pokemon made as it connected and tumbled over. The three of you had to grab a hold on the bench as it wobbled, Hop nearly dropping his phone in process as he did. Thank goodness he didn't because you still had your panicked eyes stuck to the screen even as it shook. .......Your now giant sobble with storm clouds gathered over it's head was just laying there for a moment....before it pushed itself onto it's bottom silently, dirt from the field falling off itself as it did. He stared blankly back at the centipede-...thing for a moment....before it's giant mouth quivered. And in a flash the giant sobble threw it's back and began to cry. The loudest cries you ever heard rung out through the sobble's mouth, it sounded like someone took the world's largest bagpipes and cranked it's volume to eleven. But that's not what concerned you. Thousands of shining droplets starting floating down everywhere. And in an instant the centipede thing violently shook it's head. A loud cry of protest coming out of it.
"Holy Arceous..."
Was all any of you could manage to say at the situation as you continued to watch your sobble cry as the centipede thing continued to shake it's head and yell out. Kabu's small form on the screen even shown him using whatever towel he kept around his shoulder to suddenly smush his face against. The centipede thing suddenly dove. A giant crater forming in the field as it attempted to bury it head away from whatever was irritating it. After a moment your sobble stopped. Giving it a look as it twitched and kept it's face in the giant crater it made for itself like an ostrich, eyes watering a bit as it did. It gave a look around again but seemed to be scanning more of the stadium than the field. Most likely looking for a way out. That didn't surprise you in the slightest. What DID surprise you next was what it did next. Your. Sobble. Scowled. In the direction of the centipede thing who still rubbed it's head in the dirt, most likely trying to settle down the burning sensation of the tears it experienced before. You blinked as it gave off a montrous sound of it's own towards the other pokemon. Did....Did your sobble..The one who who dive under your arm or hide behind your head just...growl at the other pokemon?? By the end of the war cry it gave as a shock, it pushed itself forward. Landing it's hands right onto the ground as a wave of energy expelled from it. The force making crackes in the earth around the thing's buried head before blue light seeped through the depths of the earth and a geyer of blue light shook the stadium and the three of you.
"T-T-THAT WAS A SOBBLE'S MAX STRIKE MOVE!!," Hop managed to force out between holding onto the bench as everything shook.
"IT WAS A WHAT!?," You shouted back at him trying to make out the shaking screen in his hands between holding onto the bench yourself.
The centipede things wretched it's head up from the dirt and with a loud cry began shaking it frantically like a panicked snake. That was before it was attacked again of course by your sobble. A torrent of water rushed out from it's mouth the moment it was opened and hit the thrashing fire type straight in the face as it cried out. The fire becoming so bright it turned white...except it wasn't coming from the giant pokemon. The bright light was coming from the other side of the field as your sobble cried out again- The screen shut off with a beep. A flash of 'No Signal' coming over the sudden white screen. The three of you stared at Hop's phone. No one moving. No one saying anything. As the three of you just....stared at the lost signal-
"NO!!" Hop yelped and wretched his arm back in surprise as you snatched the phone from his hands. Frantically bringing it up to your painicked face as your body drawled in quicker breaths. You shook the phone within your hands and furiously tapped the screen in rapid moment before the rotom within it wretched itself from your grip with a scowl to escape your grip. "NO NO NO!!" You snapped back to Hop. "WHAT HAPPEND?!"
"We must've lost the live feed signal," Hop replied back reaching over and grabbing the rotom from mid air and bringing it back to him.
"Can you get it back?!"
"I can try, but I don't know if-"
"GYM MATCH IS OVER!!" All three of you froze to stare in the direction of the voice coming loud and clear from the stadium. ....You slowly stood up. "CENTISKORCH IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!! GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA WINS THE MATCH!!" The crowd cheered...And you leaned forward-
"OOF!!" You were yanked back by your backpack by Hop before you could fall to the ground below and you landed with a thud back onto the bench. "....Thanks.''
Hop nodded before he put the phone quickly away and stood along with Victor. "C'mon. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna see what happened."
You stood up quickly with a scowl. "You bet your pokeballs I'm going to see what happened! Gloria and my sobble is in there!"
There was no questions or doubts about it as the three of you unanimously started towards the inside of the stadium doors in worry for the young trainer and your pokemon. ...Except as soon as the doors opened the trio of you were stopped by some man wearing a gym suit and sunglasses. Surprise, surprise. You and Victor weren't allowed in as unregistered gym challengers. ....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You wanted to yell at this guy and push past him if you bloody had to to see them! And Hop looked as if he was about ready to argue in your favor as well squaring up. The only one who seemed to be thinking clearly in the situation was Victor who had to pull the two of you back to wait outside for her. You wanted to get it!! Who cares if they threw you out kicking and screaming!? You were seeing your pokemon!! Oh the irony when Victor yelled at you two it would only put Gloria's and Hop's places in the challenge in danger if either one of you did anything dumb to threaten their places. Oh....Well when he put it like that, then it did make the two of you seem foolish. But that didn't you liked it standing right outside those giant double doors leading to the inside of the gym pacing, and tapping your foot, staring at the doors in worry, mumbling to yourselves. Poor Victor standing deadpanned in the wake of your two's worried mess with a sigh. You all nearly jumped as the door opened and the slightly dirt covered girl of the hour finally came out-
"GLORIA!!" The brunette yelped as she was all of a sudden encased in a tight hug by her worried friend. "OH GOSH!! WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!! I figured if anyone could do it you and raboot would be the ones....But STILL!! That match had me right at the edge of my seat! I thought for sure you would've been crushed-"
"Hop! Geez! I'm perfectly ok! See?" She pried herself away from the clinging boy to make some space between them both. "I'm as fine as a deep fried curry! And I walked away with more than just my safety!" She beamed brightly as she spoke. "I got my bloody fire badge!"
His eyes widened. "WHAT!? No way! That's incredible!"
As the four of you were a little busy focusing on Gloria and worrying, none of you noticed the blue thing walking past her legs and up to you.
"WAIT WAIT!!" Hop nearly stumbled as you dove and Gloria blinked in surprise as you grabbed her shoulders in worry. There wasn't any signs of a sobble around her so it must've meant she put him back in his pokeball!!...Or at least you hoped she did. "Where is he!?" You asked in a worried tone. "Where's my sobble, Gloria?!"
......She blinked. "Oh...Ummm. Yeah about that." She gave an almost cringe as she said the next few words. "He's uh....Not exactly a sobble anymore." The three of you stared at her....A pit dropping in your stomach strong enough to make you feel like hurling.
"No no no! He's fine I swear!," she insisted holding her hands up to your scared face. "It's just that-"
"ACK!?" Gloria blinked as you were suddenly whipped back by something heavy latching onto your backpack. It felt like someone had dropped the weight of a toddler on your shoulders all of a sudden. The three looked on in confusion as you stumbled back in panic waving your arms wildly for balance before throwing yourself forward to right yourself and grabbed your knees in a leaned over position. "What in the actual-" You paused. Something shifted on your back and grabbed your shoudler. In an instant you whipped over your shoulder to look at the thing pulling itself up onto you. And what you were met with was a face to face encounter with a frowning blue head who gave a small thrum sound at you. ............You blinked. "What the heck!?"
"Uh...That's what I was trying to tell you about," Gloria said pointing to it.
Without breaking eye contact with the thing that was half sitting on your pack half slumped over against your shoulder, you slowly stood up and pointed at it. "What the world is this thing?" To which it gave a indignified chirp and grabbed your nose. "Hey!"
"Oh hey! It's a drizzilie!"
...You looked at Hop for answers brow raised. "It's a what?"
"A drizzilie," he repeated pointing at the thing slumped over your shoulder. "They're considered highly intelligent pokemon but also really lazy ones." Another pouty chirp was thrown in Hop's direction. " I think I read somewhere that they're good at making traps."
"This still doesn't tell me where my sobble is!"
"Y/n, drizzilie is the evolved form of a sobble!," Gloria pointed again, "Sobble evolved near the end of the match! He's literally right there on your shoulder!"
You paused...whipping back to the drizzile who only moved his eyes from where it's head laid upon your shoulder. ....THIS was your adorable tiny little sweet innocent baby sobble!? It reminded you of a moody preteen. You two continued to stare at each other a bit regarding each other silently...before you asked a question. "You want food?" It immediately lifted it's head up and gave a deeper chirp noise in approval and you laughed. " Ok...It's definitly him alright. But how come he evolved?"
"Because...it's what pokemon do?? They're always evolving and growing as they go, there's no stopping it."
"....Fair enough."
"Hey." Gloria blinked as her brother gently grabbed her shoulder with a concerned look. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"Of course I am. It'll take more than a dynamax battle to stop me."
Hop laughed. "With all the badges we've earned ourselves, I reckon we should be alright even against the fierce pokemon you find deep in the Wild Area. Let's go find out for ourselves-"
"NO!!," both you and Victor screamed at once making Hop blink...And Gloria snorted.
Surprisingly you did not want to stay there any longer in fear of what else might happen to you all, so after a bit of convincing on Victor's side to Hop who was eager to go straight to the Wild Area for the rest of the day to battle and catch wild pokemon, you five just went back to your hotel. You felt entire exhausted, and not because of the extra added weight to your load now thanks to your sobble's new and maybe not so improved form. But mentally from the exhausting experience you had been put through. It...was a day you'd have to get used to but in the end Gloria won her third badge and your sobble...uh..Drizzlie was perfectly fine even if he changed a bit. So at the end of the day it was in fact a win win situation for everyone. You had felt relief when you got back to your hotel room and slid off your bag, plopping yourself on the bed with a sigh. Your new drizzile standing there for a moment before flopping itself onto you with a small 'Oof' escaping you....Yeah. You guessed you'd have to train him out of just jumping on you anymore now that he was the size of a six year old child.
"Hey, Y/n? Are you going to sleep right now?", Gloria asked curiously.
"....I dunno. Maybe,'' you answered muffled by the pillow. "Why?"
"We're getting lunch. Want me to grab you a curry?"
"......Yeah. As long as it doesn't have any eggs or tails on it. Grab me one-" Your drizzilie patted your shoulder and you sighed. "Make that two. Something tells me he's going to be more hungry from now on." Gloria laughed again and you sighed.
The rest of the day went by rather quickly in your eyes. You all ate lunch and you ended up falling asleep way earlier than usual with your drizzilie watching the three teens curiously as they ate and ended up chatting and showing off their league card collection card collection thus far before you ended up closing your eyes. By the time you woke up again Gloria and Drizzile was already up and ready to go eating what must've been the room service breakfast, but she was also kind enough to order a small stack of waffles for your hungry self. Perfect! It wasn't long for the both of you to get packed and meet up with the boys outside the inn waiting for you two by that weird mechanical elevator.
"Hurry it up, Gloria!," Hop called over waving an arm.
"We're coming! Boy how early do you all wake up?"
You were a bit cranky. Still a bit groggy so early in the morning and having to lug around extra weight on your back as your drizzilie had insisted on jumping onto your back and took residence inside your back pack. Most of his body was inside the backpack amongst your other belongings but his head and arms were thrown over your shoulders as he refused to start walking chirping in protest when you tried to reason with him and wouldn't let you put him in the pokeball so you had to get creative with a compramise. Moving all the food you carried into the secondary pocket leaving just your clothes in the main space of your pack and leaving enough room for it to find acceptable. You wondered if the reason Drizzilie didn't want to go back into it's pokeball was in fear something like what happened yesterday would happen again, being used to getting carried by now, or if this was just because of the lazy behavior Hop mentioned before?..Or maybe a combination of the three? The boys gave a couple chuckles at the sight of your new situation but stopped when you tossed them a look and changed the subject by making the elevator go.
"So. Have you two decided where you want to go next?," you asked walking up to the exit of Motostoke that lead out to the Wild Area.
Both nodded.
"Yeah. I wanna stay here for a few more days and catch some pokemon," Hop answered.
Gloria blinked at him. "Wha- But I wanted to stop by Hammerlocke."
Hop stopped walking immediately just outside of the giant exit. Making Gloria stop and blink at the bewildered expression on her friend's face. "Hammerlocke? Why would you go there? You know Raihan doesn't battle anyone unless they have seven badges."
"Yeah. I know, but it's on the way to Stow-on-side." She explained with a smile. "Bea sounds like a good challenge for me to tackle next being the fighting type gym leader. Hammerlocke just happens to be on the way there."
"Eeehhhh. I dunno Glor. I really had my mind set on taking on some wild pokemon. With a stronger team comes a stronger trainer right?"
"I...guess so..."
"'kay. How 'bout this? If you're all that dead set on going to Hammerlocke, you can go and we'll we'll meet up with you there!"
Gloria seemed not too keen on that idea for a moment but sighed and nodded. "Alright. But how are you planning on getting there?"
Hop went to answer, but paused. Gold eyes blinking widely before leaning over to the right to look behind you all. "Huh? Hey. Is that who I think it is coming this way?"
Brown and f/c color eyes followed the path of Hop's gold ones to look behind you and the three of you paused at seeing who exactly was jogging towards you all. Coming towards you in all his firey glory was the 'Man Of Fire' Kabu himself. What was he doing here? ...Oh no! Were you all in trouble with what happened yesterday!?Was he angry from your sobble-..Er..Drizzilie's tears?! Were you all going to be billed or something!? You all couldn't pay any medical bills! None of you had enough money! The gym leader jogged right up to the four of you as you all exchanged confused or worried looks before stopping in front of you all.
"Thank goodness I managed to catch the lot of you before leaving Motostoke," he stated. It..didn't sound like he was angry.
"You're the gym leader, but you still came all the way to see us off?," Hop questioned, "...Oh! I bet you can already tell that I'm the one who'll become the next champion, yeah?"
To your surprise the older man chuckled and gave a smile. "There are many trainers who never manage to gather three or more gym battles, and they just give up on the gym challenge all together. So I make a point to see off any trainers who are able to defeat me. So allow me to send you off with a proper, sporty chant." He cleared his voice as you raised a hand to say he didn't have to- "Hustle, hustle, hustle Hop! You can do it, you can do it, Gloria!" ...Gloria gave off a few giggles and you lightly kicked her foot to get her to stop. "The Gym Leaders you will face ahead are all tough opponents. But I believe you will prevail! Believe in your pokemon and keep pushing on!"
"Thanks y'all! We're gonna keep winning!," Hop confirmed with a smile and thumbs up towards the older man, "We've got too if we want a face-off in the Champion Cup after all! C'mon, Everyone!" He spun on his heels and pointed towards the exit. "Let's head for Hammerlocke!" And ran off.
Victor groaned turning to walk after him. "Not again."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You wish you had that much energy. "Gloria correct?" You blinked and turned your head over to Kabu who was looking at Gloria. "That was a most unexpected battle the other day. As I already said, I'll have to learn from it. But I don't suppose you'd mind telling me how you thought of such strageties?"
She beamed. "Of course! Your league card listed your pokemon and their main abilites like everyone else! So I used that info. Your ninetales was pretty fast on it's feet, so it made sense to use a move that wouldn't let it use that speed. But arcanine are built bulkier and have more muscle than a ninetales. They may be fast on their feet too, but no where near the speed of raboot or ninetales. So speed and agility would've been the way to go. And as for your centiskorch, I didn't have a lot of pokemon that could withstand it's fire power, so I had to find a way around that. A sobble's tears seemed like the greatest force to fight it."
He hummed before nodded once again. "I see. Well then I must train my pokemon to overcome your sobble's tear attack before another trainer gets the same bright idea as you did."
"Oh it wasn't my sobble." She pointed at you and he looked at you. .....Then to the Drizzile's face lazily staring back from your shoulder. "It was hers."
"I see...Well then, Miss. I'll have to congratulate you on raising such a strong water type. I have no doubt that it'll make a mighty Inteleon one day."
You smiled as your drizzile patted your shoulder. "Thanks! I think he's a good boy too. Ain't that right?" Embarrassed your pokemon tutted and looked away making the old man chuckle.
"We'll then. I shall leave you. I must be off to start training up before the next gym challenger comes knocking at my door."
"We outta get going too. I have a feeling we're in for a long trip ahead of us." .....Hey. Now that you thought about it...Your eyes widened. Wasn't there some kind of character development or a tragic event that happened to one of the characters after the player received their third gym badge??..."Yeah. We better catch up to the other two."
You managed to pull Gloria away bidding good bye to the jogging gym leader and pulled her out of Motostoke at last. Onto the dirt path leading out of Motostoke and splitting in three directions to chose from. You spotted the two boys somewhere up ahead as the two of you approuched. Hop throwing his hands up into the air pumped.
"Hello again, Wild Area, my old friend!," he shouted to the sky, "I've come back to you even stronger than before!"
"Hop you don't need to shout." Victor adjusted his pack on his back with a roll and stretch of his shoulders. "If anything you might scare away any good potential pokemon with that racket."
....He hummed. "Well I guess you have a point about that, Vic." ..He turned his head more towards the two of you girls approuching before he smiled and twisted around fast to face the both of you. "Gloria! Hammerlocke is up that way." He pointed towards where the road split off towards the left. "Got it? Over Motostoke bridge and straight on down the road a ways. And yeah, you could certainly rush there without a single detour....But now that you and I have a few gym badges, we should be able to catch stronger pokemon! So I know what I'm doing!"
" And what's that mate?" Gloria asked in a tease.
"I'll be catching myself some amazing pokemon to fill in the next page in the tale of my legend!" You chuckled at his enthusiasm.
All of a sudden your Drizzilie turned to look behind you as footsteps approuched. "Don't waste your efforts." The rest of you followed suit to stare at the figure just now leaving Motostoke as well. And your eyes widened slightly. "It's not like either of you would ever make it through the gym challenge anyway." The one who approuched the two of you was none other than Bede. The poor gave that smug smirk he always did and placed a hand on his hip staring at the lot of you. "The Champion really must have been off his rocker to endorse likes of you."
"WHAT DID YA SAY YOU LAVENDER SOAKED EYED COTTONEE FOR BRAINS!?" "DON'T YOU INSULT MY BRO LEE LIKE THAT!!"  Gloria shouted and made a move to step forward but you grabbed onto her back pack to pull her back effectively also blocking Hop with your other arm as the two shouted with glares at him.
"Whoa there you two." You gave him a glare and he slowly looked up towards you the smug grin turning into somewhat of a frown. "I thought you left after collecting those Wishing Stars from the mines. Did you stay behind just to insult them? That's a pretty petty thing for you to be doing with your free time."
He didn't answer right away which made you raise a brow until he tutted and turned his head away. "I was going to leave after a day's rest here, but after hearing these two were going to battle Kabu I decided to stick around and watch the pitiful efforts of my enemies. I mean, Hop here can't even throw a poke ball properly."
You saw Hop flinch. Oh no..You remembered somewhat of him saying he practiced throwing the ball sometime during your first meeting with Leon. "Rubbish! More like you don't know enough to recognize greatness when you see it! My throws are the greatest and my bro is the finest champion the world has ever seen! I'm not gonna listen to you insult him!"
"How tiresome," Bede mutter again running a hand over his hair. "Fine. I'll battle you over there." He pointed a hand towards some trees. "Maybe that will help you finally understand just how weak you are."
Hop growled and your brows rose in shock at his sudden anger. You didn't think the ever chipper Hop could've gotten so mad. "You're on then. I know you challenged Gloria in Galar Mine Number Two and lost to her there." Your eyes widened more glancing between the two of them as Bede frowned more....So THAT'S what Bede meant by them causing him trouble. "And I'm her greatest rival. In other words there's no way you're beating me."
"All this prattle about Gloria and the Champion and whatnot. Do you not have anything of your own to show?"
"YOU BET YOUR SORRY PINK TUTU BUTT HE DOES COTTON FOR BRAINS!!," Gloria shouted giving  another tug against your grip on her as she leaned forward, angry glare that could put a dynamaxed pokemon to shame, hands balled into fists at her sides. Her sudden spout of anger caught Bede off guard enough to take a few steps back from the red faced girl spitting her scottish accent at him. "I'll have you know Hop's one of the smartest, most kindest people I know! He's a bloody genius who knows all kinds of pokemon skills! 'E's like a walking dictionary of smarts that's how skilled he is! He knows more than you and me put together so badger off with your sorry excuses!! I don't see you doing anything but complain about everyone else and praise the chairman like he's Arceous 'imself!" Victor grabbed onto his sister's other arm pulling her back with you at this point. "Yet ya complain 'bout us talkin' 'bout how amazin' Lee is!? When are ye gonna step up from being a walkin' billbourd for the Chairman n' his bloody secratary and show me somethin' huh!? HUH!? How 'bout you take ya own advice!?"
"GLORIA THAT'S ENOUGH!!," Victor shouted in his own scottish accent at her pushing her back by a wide eyed Hop as she continued to glare angrily at Bede who remained silent and wide eyed at her. "CALM DOWN!! Ok!?...I'm pretty sure he's gotten the point by now."
"Oh he better!"
"Hey! That's enough now!," you agreed giving her your own frown, keeping your grip on her back pack in case she tried anything. "I think you're scaring him." Gloria paused enough to give you her own stare, as you turned to look at Bede who continued to stand and stare....before he blinked, quickly whirled on his heel and sped walked away with his hands forced into his pink coat's pockets.
"I-I'll wait for you over there! Don't keep me waiting!"
Gloria huffed, jerking her body from her brother's grip as she glared at his leaving form. "Yeah? Well he started it by causin' all of us trouble n' insulting us for no reason. The bloody cottonee born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Ey Hop?".....She rose a brow when her friend didn't answer and turned to the silent boy staring wide eyed at her. "....Hop? Are you ok?"
".....I-..." He coughed reaching a hand up to rub at his neck as he looked off. "I mean uh....That was some roasting you gave h-him back there. Heh."
"Well it's true!," she insisted pointing at him, "You were the smartest kid in school! And y'know so much about science, and history, and you can calculate math in your head faster than a calculator could. You know so much about pokemon that I know you'd be a great Champion. That's why I got so angry at him."
Hop stared at her again mouth opening a little..before sputtering on his words. "I- You- R-Really?"
She crossed her arms and nodded with a huff. "'Sides, I wasn't about to let the Mareep Head get away with smack talkin' my best friend and his brother. If he's going to bring a fire then he better expect someone to roast him back!"
He stared at her a moment longer before an unmistakable red washed over his face as he quickly looked away. "R-Right! T-T-That's what friends do after all! D-Don't worry. I'll show this wally my skills in battle! S-So..." With that he quickly turned and began jogging off from the three of you. "See you later, Glory! L-Let's meet up in Hammerlocke when I'm through with him!"
Well whaddya know!? You smiled watching as Hop scampered off in a knowing way as Victor sighed before turning to his twin. "DONT DO THAT!!"
"Do what?"
"Try to fist fight another gym challenger like yer in a wrestlin' ring! Ya cook! What would've happened if that guy told ye off to the Chairman especially after you had dinner with him in Hulbury?! You'd get yourself kicked out by him or worse both yaself and Hop since you were defendin' 'is honor like in the bloody stone ages!?" You had started to notice a pattern that the accent would become more prominent in their voices when they were angry.
"Like I would've actually tried to punch to punch him! I know better then ta throw hands and risk somethin' like that now."
Victor groaned reaching his hands up to rub at his face. "I love ya but you drive me crazy!"
"I could say the same for you too."
.....Still rubbing his temples Victor turned. "I have to catch up with Hop before they start fightin' again. Make sure she stays out o' trouble."
"I can-"
"I was talkin' to Y/n!" He shouted back making Gloria pause as he walked off....And it was finally your turn to chuckle.
With a huff she placed her hands on her hips with a glare. "Well that's just a bunch of flamin' Rapidash crap if I ever heard it!"
You nodded reaching up to rub your face, finally letting go of her backpack as you did. "He has a point tho. If you and your opponents want to have a battle then that's fine, but you guys shouldn't get into fights like that." She hummed but didn't say anything else to that. "Come on. Let's get going to Hammerlocke. I'm curious about this place."
"Oh. Then if we're lucky we might meet the selfie guy himself hangin' 'round his gym!"
"Oh boy. Can't wait to see what the big bad strongest gym leader has to show."
"I think you'll like 'em. Lee said he's one of the kindest people he's met in the industry...But there is one thing I should warn ya 'bout."
"He's a playful teaser so he'll probably try to flirt with ya when he sees ya."
"........He's going to what?"
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 50
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Luna had to admit, this was kinda embarrassing for her, even if it wasn't her like...actual mom. But it had to be done, she was just going to have to talk to her face to face. Honestly it even seemed to be a relief for the queen, who wanted any excuse not to deal with her own mom right now, even if it meant seeing a criminal.
Though she had to admit, this was...unexpected.
Being called over for luna to confess to her in such a way was...odd.
In fact she was sure the girl didn't even have the ability to cry up until this point.
"And look, i never meant to cause so much harm...i really do want to help, so if there's anything you need me to do, i'll do it...i won't get into any more trouble if i can prevent it. I'm sorry i wasn't truthful about my intentions and broke into your stuff constantly, and i'm sorry you had to send my own other mom out there to go and find me when i ran away".
Star was a little...speechless, to say the least.
Eclipsa on the other hand, she seemed to find this whole thing VERY entertaining, which only made things more humiliating for luna. But luna needed her here just as much, especially since eclipsa had pretty much seen everything in her head up to this point. Luna had to do everything in her power to not back out of this and keep herself going, spilling everything out to them.
"Look, i...am no longer going to keeping avoiding you and i'm going to do my best to...improve, and work with you...despite how much i've been avoiding it. I've already spilled everything to marco, judas and sky...and they all know well that i'm...not good at working with people. So...i'm going to change that, and...i'll...make things up to everyone...".
"You sick or something?", eclipsa teased, "This doesn't seem like you much at all, what happened to being so independent and not wanting to worth with us adults?".
"Look, i'm not saying i'm happy about it...but it's clear my methods aren't getting me anywhere right now, and...everyone hates me. I hate to even admit it, but...i don't...like being alone like this. The girls and guys weren't exactly...great, i hate issues with them...but...they...care about me. And all i've done is treat them like dirt and push them away...and i...i feel bad". Luna had never really properly admitted something like this before, in fact it made her feel like a different person, she must have been so defeated, more then every before.
Eclipsa frowned, luna actually seemed...genuinely sad and it was...hard for her to process.
"I felt bad when i left judas behind because he was one of the only people who liked me and had any trust in me...and i know why i did it and why i felt i had to do it...but i didn't feel good about it either because i know he wanted me there with you all. I've never really had much as far as friends, even back home and now that i actually felt i had one...it feels worse that i might've lost them...i hate to admit when i'm wrong...but...i...i did screw up this time. I was thinking so strategic that i never planned...for something like this...".
Star shifted in her seat, her gut retching as she mumbled out what she wanted to ask most of all.
"Am i... really that bad of a mom in your world?".
Luna didn't seem to know exactly how to answer that, actually wait, she did.
"Yeah, i'd say so".
She was still luna after all, even if she was having a change of heart for her actions that didn't mean she was going to be a entirely...nicer person.
Eclipsa snorted in laugher as Star gave her kinda daughter a face of frustration. Luna glaring at her back with an equally frustrated face on her end, guess it was clear where she got it from.
"Look, don't take it too personally, you're technically not exactly the same person anyway. But i needed to get this out of my system and you're technically my mom so...i'm getting it out of my system...even if i'm not supposed to be telling you so much about other universes...i'm just trying to get you to trust me...and i'm not sure how else then to...not do things my way...".
"So...you instead choose to confront me...who has nothing to do with your stuff back home?"
"Look, my mom isn't here, i can't talk to her here, but i need to get it off my chest and...you're what i have...you're the person i need to confront properly. Eclipsa is here because she can tell you if i'm being honest or not. I've never ever properly talked about this stuff with my own mom back there and i thought this might help me cope with...everything".
She huffed and pulled on her locks, sighing and feeling...like she wanted to curl up.
"Look...and this is hard to say...i miss her...i miss my moms...i've never really said it here but...i miss them, i miss them annoying me and causing me pain and trying to take care of me and get me outta war and...i've been pushing it back to focus on the mission and ignore all of it...but i know that's the truth...that i wish i had them here...that they were still here".
"Luna dear...".
"No, i needed to get this out, i've been piling up since i got here, i've barely talked about anything in my life and how i feel about stuff, and it...didn't help. Sky and Judas saw for a bit, they saw me start to break down at the changes and i forced myself to maintain and relax...but i just...i wanna go home, i want to stop feeling so stressed and i want them to like me again...surprisingly. I thought i didn't care but...i think i do, i never felt so...hurt...knowing sky...actually cares about me...it's...strange".
"Well, admitting that is a good step".
She looked up at eclipsa, "I know i'm a mess, everyone knows i'm a mess...i just...need things to go right...and...if that means changing things up. I'll do it, even if it kills me, back home i'm just very used to making all the choices. I tell everyone what to do and they do it, no question, and if they don't do it i go in there and do their jobs for them, it's me and it's how i opperate...and...it doesn't work here".
"Well here you're not in charge, even as much as you'd like to be", eclipsa looked over to star, "Besides, you can boss them around all day, but i think it's clear things are more effective without all of that, trust and care tends to always work out better...because at least if you fail...you still have someone you care about in the end. Not much can be said if they're terrified of you...i would know".
"Alright, you've made your point, i suck...now i just want to see if there's anything i can do to...well...help with that, i want to work with all of you and...fix this with you, but no one really seems to want me to help and...i feel so useless in here.", she was trapped, she couldn't go out and take action even if she wanted to, her owns actions leading herself up to this.
"I...put myself in this position, if i had been more cautious and hadn't tried to go for on my own i wouldn't have been a perfect target for something like this to happen...i was foolish to have even let this happen to me, it's so unlike me...i'm just...i must be falling apart. I'm not as strong as i thought i was...i've never been so...weak then i have been when i got here", she pulled out her wand to show the women, star looking at it curiously.
"But i can't give up, i've never given up in my life...so...for once, i'm listening...whatever it is you need me to do, i'll do. I know i have not done much to make myself seem trustworthy to you and everyone else...but...i need them to trust me, they can't protect me if they can't trust me...so if there's anything i can do...to gain your trust in this situation...", she got down on one need and bowed like a knight.
"I'll do it...".
Star got up out of her seat and made luna stand up, placing her hands on her shoulders, "Hey...i...wasn't crazy involved in whatever happened between you and sky and judas but i could tell it really bothered them, so...i appreciate it that...well...you wanna do right by them. I mean whether that works out is well...up in the air but it's the effort that counts".
"I'm guessing that meeting sky had with you recently got you thinking huh?", eclipsa winked at luna and she grumbled.
"Look, don't tell them how much i care or anything, just help me help with everything...", but eclipsa was swooning, "Aww luna, it's sweet you really care about them so much despite everything...seeing you change because you do want them around is precious.". Luna was slightly red faced as she sat back in her seat and away from her mother who backed off from her.
"Yeah yeah...moving on...i'd...rather not spend too much time thinking about how mad they are with me right now", she quickly looked over to star intently, "I know they have a plan, i've heard mentions on occasion, and i can help...my entire like back home relied heavily on strategy...especially when it came to catching criminals...i may not be able to do much...but...i have skills outside of magic".
"Luna, you know it might come off...the wrong way if someone finds out we're working with you...when you're currently a criminal right? As nice as all of this is and as nice as it is you want to work with everyone and do better, the people of mewni are resting because they think we solved the case and found our culprit, and if they get wind not only are they still out there...but we're working with the top suspect".
"Oh star c'mon that's simple, just say luna has given us some new leads or something to check out if they ask questions. If they think she's the masked lady then ok, but they have no reason to protest about us running around on her orders if it's to help in some way, not all criminals send people around for the wrong reasons. Really just make sure no one knows about where she's from and that she has a wand...don't need another sky incident".
"Oh...right, sky's wand...broke, right?", she clearly hated hearing how a precious family heirloom like that had been smashed in the way it was, only some powerful magic could do something so henious. "Y'know, you could always bring the wand to me and i could take a look at it, i...wanted a better look at it before and never really had the chance, and well something about it-".
"The gemstone right?".
Eclipsa glanced at star, nervously pressing her hands together, "I've had a good look at it too, i know what she's getting at here, that there's something off about it compared to any other wand gemstone we've seen. It's unique to say the least, though i get the impression sky was worried you'd see it and assume the worst of her, which...i can't blame her".
"And she...was probably right, i might've assumed she wasn't being honest with me. Though granted i've seen sky do magic and it would be assuming a lot of her to guess she did that and fooled me this entire time...". That wasn't exactly meant as an insult but it did slightly sound like one as luna did a double take and went back, "I'm just saying, based on what i know...sky...wouldn't do all of this".
"So if you don't think she really is at fault, where do you lie exactly luna?".
She had been thinking about that for awhile, and while there were many ideas to consider, the truth right now was harder. "I...have no idea, the person doing it has so many...unusual things we know about them but i don't know where it leads to. I hate being at a loss but i am, i'm not sure who really is behind it...not that it matters...we can figure it out when we arrest them".
"Well luna, for your sake i hope we find them soon, we can't keep you in here forever and you know how mewmans are when they don't get what they want. Things will get nasty fast, so if want in on the plan then just be sure you know what you're getting into", luna seemed to understand just fine, and star stood up. 'Then I'll allow you a further look at the wand later, in the meantime i suggest...well...dealing with your issues".
It was meant to be a joke, but it was advice as well.
She had a long way to go before she started handling her relationships with people in the ways she should, and it was just going to take baby steps. But she had to admit, talking about this with her mom was actually nice regardless of the context. "Well, thanks for...talking with me...it...means a lot to me that both of you showed up and spoke with me...about everything".
"Well it certainly seems like you needed it...holding that in for so long is bound to have caused problems, now i suggest you get some rest and take it easy...we'll get in contact with you when we can". Luna seemed more put at ease, actually, this had been the best conversation she had relating to getting help in awhile, less tension, less weight on her shoulders...it was...nice.
Eclipsa had to get moving, she needed to get back to her work before she got too distracted again, but star stayed a little longer. This had been the first time she really had the proper time to really think about luna being her kid to an extent, and she couldn't help but feel some form of pity. If this was the result of her own actions in another world, who knows how bad hers now were.
She really needed to do better with sky, she didn't want to see sky end up like this.
"Hey...sky never had many friends growing up, especially female ones, judas has been loyal to her throughout their entire friendship...so...it means a lot to me...and well...i know it would to her, that you wanna do better for her sake. You've...clearly ticked some buttons but...maybe with some time, things can change and maybe you can have a proper friendship with her".
"Maybe...i guess i never realized how lonely i was till i was...alone...even back home i...still had...you".
She looked at star tearfully, "I...i miss you...and mom...your badgering and frustrating actions and constant ogling over me...i want it back, i really think i do...i miss my home.". She felt like pulling out her hair cause she'd never act like this back home, but she couldn't help it, she felt like she needed to get it out, like being strong for so long had finally collapsed on her.
"Well, i can imagine after being here for so long, yeah...you would, but...we'll make sure you girls get home...it won't be forever...even if we do have to get omni involved...which...i know why you all refuse to do and frankly...i prefer none of them find out this happened either if i can help it...but i'm sure your mom...well...me...misses you very much and can't wait to see you again".
"They probably think i was kidnapped...war and everything. My home might be in utter chaos right now without me there.", luna was not easy to kidnapp so they might not assume that at first, but no one would assume luna would go missing for this long without foul play. It was hard for her to not think about her absence causing issues back home, it had been on her mind the moment she even got here but her unwillingness to share info about her home forced her to not speak of it.
For all she knew her home was lost and by the time she got back everyone could be dead.
The other girls at the very least, didn't seem to have that fear.
They could expect someone, anyone, to be home waiting for their return but luna could not in a time of conflict. There was no telling who would be there anymore and if they would even want to wait for her anymore after her behavior, just like sky had said. It made it hard to want to go home even though she had to and wanted to, she feared what she might find.
"You don't know that, perhaps things have gone better then you think, i'm sure someone will be there waiting for you".
"You're just saying that to make me feel better about all of this, sky was right, people don't like me and they're not going to wait for me...i can make repairs here but i can't back home...". She held her head in her heads, slumping, "I'm far too late to fix those things...i know it, you wouldn't fully get it but i've done...some things i'm not proud of but i had to do".
"Such as?".
Luna hesitated, but she did promise to tell.
"Well i may of...mind wiped...a few people...hostages actually".
Whatever star had been expecting her to say, it wasn't that for sure. Not that that seemed like something luna wouldn't do, it did, but she certainly didn't want to think she'd gotten herself into doing stuff like that. But luna had more to say on the matter, scratching her head, "I had to...you did it plenty of times as well, it was kinda a big deal...wouldn't have met ash or cole without it...".
"I'm sorry...who?".
"That's not that relevant, but it did land them in my castle...though i did...well...sorta arrest them and keep them in the dungeons...it wasn't a great first meeting basically.". Well that was an understatement for sure but it did make star more curious, what had she gotten into in other universes to lead to such a mess. She could never see herself mindwiping anyone like that, much less for war or hostage purposes.
"You shouldn't have had to go through any of that luna...been raised to have to do any of that, that's no place for a kid to grow up in...i can't imagine what it's done to you...and what it's put you through". She bit her lips and reached out to touch luna's shoulder, "Look, maybe back home things might be harder to repair...but...don't give up, it's never too late to start fresh if need be".
"But hey, if i know anything about me, the me back where you come from would do anything to see you again, i can promise you that at least...even if i've done some...questionable things. So cheer up, nothing's all lost for now...and hopefully you can sleep better tonight getting that out of your system, we'll talk more in the morning...after a meeting with...my mom".
She didn't seem eager about that, but it had to be done.
"Well if you need any advice...i have...well...been through my own fair share of meetings i don't like being in...so, no i'm not saying to mind erase...we already have enough problems without involving that", star smiled, heading on her way out. "Sounds good, just let the guards know if you want anything and I'll be right here, just try and rest of the time being, you sound like you need it".
"I tend not to trust easily, so...please don't spread all of this around...it would mean a lot to me", she knew she hadn't fully gained their trust but it couldn't hurt at ask at the very least, but star nodded. "Well, if you're willing to improve, then there's no reason for me to act like that towards you, trust goes both ways. So i'll keep this to myself, i'll see you later luna...and thank you".
She carefully closed the door behind her, leaving luna once again in darkness and by herself.
But she did feel a little better then she did before at the very least.
She laid back in her head, twirling the wand between her fingers, a headache growing in her mind from all the conflicting emotions going on in her head. She needed sleep, this was not something that would be handled in a night after all. She needed to relax and rest for once, let others take over an her a backseat to it all. Something she hated but had to deal with until she got updates.
She'd never really taken much of a day off before, she had her moments of breaks but...they were few and far between.
Now she was given time to...breathe.
She sunk back into her bed and closed her eyes, her wand going back into hiding.
Finally having the best sleep she had in months.
"But dad, i wanna see landon!", mason whined, protesting as tom tried to calm him down. The boy had been crying excessively and the demon was trying his hardest to help him feel better, with not as much luck as he'd like. Mason was an emotional child, he got really upset when things like this happened and especially when he was at fault, he missed his garden, his comforts, his brothers.
All of this was making it hard for him to be a happy kid and grow up like a happy kid.
How was he supposed to relax when his brother probably hated him? He promised to help him and look what happened! There was no way landon could want his help now, he was just making things worse. He felt like hiding in his wings and never coming out, even if his dad was telling him there's no way landon would hate him forever for any of this.
Was it too much for him to ask to do a good job? For him to not make things worse for everyone at every turn?
"Mason...please...it's ok, it was an accident and i'm sure landon knows it. You're not at fault...things happen sometimes and it's no use hurting yourself over it...", but mason didn't wanna hear it, even if it wasn't on purpose he still felt guilty. Tom noticed he wasn't helping and quickly changed gears, "Sorry sorry, it's ok to be upset...i know why you are...i just don't want you to hurt yourself over it because it's not your fault".
"Feels like it's my fault...i wasn't careful enough...i made him upset again".
Tom carefully removed the boy's hat and ran his fingers through his hair, sighing, "Hey, you're a kid, you're young...you're going to make mistakes like this. I know i made a lot of mistakes when i was around your age. You're not a bad kid mason, you clearly love your brother and you want to make him feel better...you never meant to do anything to hurt him".
"I just keep getting in the way, every time i try to help or want to help things go wrong...i was better off with my plans, by my self", he sniffed some more and tom continued to sooth him , "C'mon...little bat, you know that's not true, you're the life of the family...you always are here to lover everyone and you do everything in your power to help all the time, that's not a bad thing".
"Things went wrong, i know...things have kinda gone wrong for me too, multiple times, but that doesn't erase all the good you've done...think about all the helpful things you've done", the small demon thinking back to helping with the potion, and the interrogation, and of course working things out with fae. Not to mention his plant knowledge being helpful for cures and medicines.
See...good", tom could notice the smile on the little boy's face, "You can't win them all, sometimes they don't work out, but it's ok. You've just had a few missteps...but eventually they'll move on and you'll get chances to improve and help out without breaking anything or having anything go wrong. You're a good kid mason, and we all want you around".
"You really think landon will forgive me for this? I mean...y'know, he really liked this guy and it meant a lot to him to confess naturally and he got so upset when he backed out last time and now he gets his chance and he screwed it up! I mean i was...i was telling him he needed to tell him because bernard thought he was acting funny but i didn't want...i didn't want to make it worse".
"Well hey, you can make it up to your brother later, after he gets a little space, this is his emotions and he needs the time to sort it out. Later, when things have cooled down you can go over to him and tell him you're sorry. Better you clam down first then try and say sorry while you're crying so much. But considering this whole thing was not on purpose i don't think he can completely pull the blame on you for it happening".
"But i pressed the buttons".
"Yes, but your hand slipped right?"
Mason nodded and tom smiled gently, "Then it's ok mason, it's not your fault...it was an accident, and I'm sure when landon is ready he'll forgive you." The small boy gently nodded his head and tom handed him a popsicle. "Here, have a treat...you've been helping out and doing a good job, you should have something special...just eat it fast...it'll melt quickly with our warm bodies...".
Mason sniffled and accepted the treat quickly, munching it down and making his tongue orange.
"You're a kid mason, a very smart kid, but still a kid...even adults make mistakes like this...it's nothing to feel bad about. We don't love you any less for the stuff you do, because you clearly care about all of us in your own mason way. I think...it was brave of you to push landon to confess, not many people would do that, but...i think if things had been different, he would've confessed because of you".
"You think so?".
"You're better with people then your brothers are, i mean...not perfect of course...we really should've helped get you more friends outside of your plants but...still, you're always so willing to make new friends and greet people. You're always so happy and sweet, you're a good kid, not a perfect kid but that's why we love you...don't try to grow up too fast...ok?".
Mason seemed sweetened by the words, but a little down.
Tom thinking about what else he could do to help.
"Hey if it makes you feel any better, me and your mom's confession of love was pretty embarrassing too, we started dating and i decided to tell them i was in love with them...and well. It was meant to be romantic, at a concert to our favorite band and everything, but it turns out the cameras were on us at the time during the big number and my confession was shown to EVERYONE...it was...not what i wanted to go for".
Mason snickered, his eyes lighting up again, "Everyone?".
"Well at the time it sure felt like everyone, i guess i wanted it to be a slightly more intimate moment but i guess a concert wasn't the place for that. Dumb mistake on my part but marco got over it, they thought it was sweet...so i guess it did work out even if it was super awkward and not exactly the best way to confess to being in love with someone".
The story seemed to cheer mason up, his tears dried and a little bounce back in his step.
"I know it's not fully comparable, but if i can survive that...i think landon can handle this...he's a strong kid...we'll handle the situation as things move forward.", then he paused before taking a deep breath and a toothy grin, "And well, maybe after this we can take a trip back into your garden...properly, i know it's been awhile since you got to go in there just to go in there".
The mere mention of his garden suddenly got mason very excited, like a fresh child all over again. His garden always cheered him up, he could spend hours in there, he quickly hugged his father, tugging him tightly as tom hugged him back, "Thank you". Tom let his son go so he could stretch his wings and they both stood up, "Just because this all is happening doesn't mean i don't get to be a parent, c'mon, let's take a break".
He felt the small boy cling to him and hold his hand, "Can we go to the garden right away? I wanna see how my death bulbs are growing...and pick some flowers...for landon, as an apology...it would mean a lot to me...". The king of demons led the way, holding onto his son tight, "Yeah of course, but ehhhh maybe we outta be more careful in the future of what you plant there...so you no longer sneak seeds it".
"Didn't you have a torture wheel in your bedroom when you were a kid".
"AND WE'RE LEAVING-", tom said loudly, the guards chasing behind them as they went faster.
Honestly landon was happy he had such a good relationship with his mom, he really needed their help when stuff like this happened. Someone to support him and keep him from falling apart, a comforting support system. It made what happened with bernard a lot easier to deal with not feel so bad about, because at least he had someone to help him keep his mind straight when talking about it.
Marco had themselves...well...their own interesting love life, so it at least made landon feel a little more normal knowing he wasn't alone in his insecurities and poor love life. He couldn't bring himself to mess with his contact right now but marco was at least helping him ease up so he could use it and set up a meeting between him and bernard. Because he couldn't put it off forever, bernard would get worried and he didn't want that either.
He didn't want their friendship ruined, no matter what.
"Yeah, i confessed to jackie in a really awkward way too...way back when we were teens. So don't feel too bad, but you ripped off the bandage...so now it's best to talk about it so things between you guys can patch up or maybe get uh...deeper?". Landon rubbed his reddened face, huffing, "It's going to be so embarrassing though, even thought i know i have to".
"All confessions are embarrassing, but you have to do them...especially if you want a chance with your crush".
"It's been a few days now, you think it's really a good time?".
"Landon, you're only asking him to talk, it's about as low brow as you can get with this whole thing...it's better to do it in person then doing it on the compact...so just ask him to talk and we'll figure it out as we go...but you need to say something soon. The more time you take the more time he has to think something's wrong and he at least deserves to know you're ok and want to speak to him still".
"What if i embarrass myself?".
"I've embarrassed myself multiple times in front of jackie when we were getting together, nothing you can do can be any worse then that...so i think you'll be just fine. As long as you keep yourself together and be honest with him, like we said before if he doesn't want you around anymore...that's on him. And if you need any help, i'm always here for you ok?", marco patted landon's shoulder gently and the demon nodded.
"Ok...going in".
Who knew sending a text could make you so stressful?
Landon had to pull up the conversation texts, nearly bringing back the flood of emotions he had all over again, but he needed to remained focused. Thankfully bernard hadn't said much about the video directly. No all of his texts were mostly asking for landon and if he was ok. Landon's absence must've really worried him and he was probably freaking out since landon talked to him so often.
All of their talks going to nothing was like whiplash, and it made both of them feel sorta empty on the inside.
Landon: Hey, can we talk?
It was short, but sweet, he just hoped bernard didn't well...get into the whole deal right away. He wanted bernard to just agree to meet up and not address what had happened until then, otherwise he might start freaking out again. He didn't even know when bernard might get the text, and the anticipation was going to kill him in the mean-
Quickly a response was texted out.
Had bernard been waiting near his phone for a response?
Bernard: Yes
Landon gulped, thankful he didn't mention..."It", marco looking over his shoulder and nodding to him.
Landon: I'll come to you, tomorrow, k?
God he must sound so much like an idiot but if bernard thought so he didn't say it.
Bernard: Ok
He felt a sigh of relief, ok, he got that part of the whole thing taken care of. Now they just had to meet up, and talk about landon's confession, and hopefully avoid making things more awkward between them. Something that was easier siad then done and made his stomach churn just thinking about it. But marco seemed impressed so far, hugging landon gently and prepping him up.
"See, that wasn't so bad?", they were being as encouraging and supportive as possible but they weren't at the worst part yet. Landon was going to have this conversation alone, one on one, so marco couldn't be there to tell him what to do or say. He was just going to have to go in there and do his best, and social skills weren't exactly something he was well known for.
"I'm gonna make a fool outta myself...aren't I?".
Marco chuckled and shook their head, "Have more faith in yourself landon, it'll be ok, just do your best...you can prep for tomorrow. In the meantime, we can take a break from this and you can help me with something real quick". Honestly a break away from this sounded like more then a good idea right now, landon following marco as they made it into marco's redecorated office.
Having the castle back in order was great, and a great excuse to change up some things.
Though why marco needed landon here was unclear until marco pulled out some papers, "Alright so the thing is we're going to try sky's plan and spy a little on the bar you hanged out at...wait no, it was a coffee ship right?". Landon's face annoyed, did he look like someone who spent his time sneaking into bars? Marco laughing it off as they continued.
"Anyway, you know it better then anyone and we were hoping you could help".
"Like...with what? I just hung out in the box all the time, i'm not much useful for anything but that, the place isn't very big you won't get lost or-".
"No no", the human continued, "We want you to play, and be in on the undercover thing".
Landon stumbled for a minute, trying to process what his mom just asked of him. "Wait, you really want me to be involved in this plan stuff? You don't even really know if it'll help, we might just waste our time in there, it's not like the criminal will just waltz into another food spot and hide inside...like...what are the chances?". Marco agreed of course, but it was more then that.
"Landon, we know, we just also know this place you went to gathered some strange characters as well, so it's a good place to get some gossip...hearing from citizens might help, and it might be better to just keep ourselves hidden just in case of hidden enemies...you have to at least admit it might be good to hear from people outside of just us...and if it makes you feel any better...it's not just there, this is just the underworld spy crew".
Landon raised an eyebrow, "Wait, you got more?".
"We do, this is just the only one that involves disguises sky made...we're not fools landon, the more info we get the better...we can then figure out more information...maybe even where they're hiding. Your coffee shop is just perfect because all kinds of people go there, but it's so small we might not draw too much of a crowd who will know who we are".
"I dunno if you want me...i'm not good at these mission things, every time i go on a mission with any of you things go horribly wrong...", by marco insisted, "I'm coming with to keep you all safe...we want you because not only do you know the place, you're also a musician, you're perfect to tag along with the girls in disguise because you can perform in the back and access places we can't".
"Are you sure it's good to bring me though? I...i don't want to risk getting hurt...one of the last times i was in there...i almost got into a fight".
Marco's tune suddenly changed, quickly back to comforting the demon, "Wait...you almost got into a fight in there? Landon...i had no idea, how come you never brought this up?". The boy shrugging, "I never wanted you to know i was sneaking over there and hanging out in the royal booth place...for privacy...admitting that happened meaned admitting my place and...i might lose it".
"It's great you want to trust us more and are getting me involved, but i'm dead weight".
"Well, i can't make you if you don't want to, so if you can't it's ok i'll just find someone else or handle it on our own. I'm glad you're not hurt...i had no idea that place could really get so...dangerous...maybe i should consider getting better protection if we're taking the girls into this...we spread out so many of our guards to spy at this point we're getting low on people we can use".
"Is that why there's not as many guards around?", landon hadn't been paying that much attention but he could tell the place wasn't as swarming with guards as it used to be, not since they sent the underworld works back home. "Well, we had no choice, though we would prefer to keep as many here as possible we need people out there to help us find this person...so it's just something we had to go...so we're going to be protecting our own place mainly...".
Something about that seemed to make landon more uneasy.
"Actually, i'll go".
Marco raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure, what changed your mind?".
"Well, i feel safer around you guys then well...being here without you actually...", he was biting his lips rather nervously, "I wasn't here when they attacked but well...judging by how terrfied angel and sky were of it...i might prefer to not be the next person kidnapped like that so...and i guess it would help me perform in front of people".
"You can back out if you want-".
"No, i'll go, you helped me i'll help you, even if i think the idea might not go anywhere...but...if you ask me, your best chance of getting anything...is by going to the performing arts showcase...lotta people show up there. I mean anyone can just ask to perform there for the evening but the busiest i see the place is during performing arts nights where many people show up to see many different professionals perform...would draw a large crowd".
Marco smiled.
"And you thought you were dead weight, c'mon landon,".
Landon blushed profusely, "I guess i know some things since i've been outside the castle more then judas or mason, even if i'm not that skilled with magic and fighting and everything you guys are skilled with. But don't expect me to know everything, i've just been there long enough to know what the best food is and whose the best performers and whose regulars there and all of that.".
"Well, you think that's useless, but i think that might be rather handy...not every hero needs to be a powerful fighter landon, sometimes the best heroes are the ones who are observant, know what to avoid and what not, one thing about you i don't think enough people notice is you're good at observing, you can tell when someone seems trustworthy or not and you notice things others don't".
"I mean, i guess you're not wrong about that-".
He never really noticed this about himself before now, never even considered it.
"You're not useless landon, you're more handy then you know, we all have our skills".
He thought for a moment, before fiddling his hands together, "Hey mom...i know your keeping the wand away from me for now but...my markings and everything...i really do want to learn". Marco understood, arm wrapped around them as they headed out of the office, "I know you do, and i'll help you...but not now...it's not a good time with everything else...there will be time when things die down".
"But i could help...i've seen you do powerful magic".
"Yeah but i'm trained, you're not, and right now we just have bigger things to worry about...it's going to have to wait...i'm really happy to see you're excited about these new powers but they're dangerous for you to learn without help and help isn't ready yet". God, he would be so grounded when his mom found out he had been trying to do magic without any help.
"Eclipsa is willing to teach me...", he mumbled, grumpily, stopping marco in their tracks.
"Wait...she said that? I'm not sure she has to time to be dealing with that, she no longer can even teach angel and sky anymore! As nice as that offer is, she doesn't even fully know how our magic is...sure it has many similarities to butterfly magic but not completely. What we have is unique to us landon, and it took both star and tom to help me get a grasp on it...eclipsa can only go so far".
"But this is important to me, why is this any different then helping me with bernard and taking time into that?", he didn't meant to come off so rude when he said that but it kinda just came out that way and marco's face quickly grew upset. "Landon, helping you with your personal relationships is one thing, helping you learn magic is another, the least i can do at this time is help you deal with your crush, and deal with your emotions...but learning magic takes months...years...time we do not have".
"I just...mom, i never feel like anyone pays much attention to me...you guys always focus so much on judas and landon and...now something crazy just happened to me and none of you want to even help me with it or anything...i'm not trying to take up your time but like...", oh great, now he was getting emotional again, but at least marco hadn't left or anything.
"Oh landon, we're never trying to isolate you...your older brother is cursed and your younger brother is still growing...we had to give them extra attention to help them, we never meant to hurt you like that ." Landon was silent, mumbling as marco continued their speak, "I'm sorry we haven't given you the time we should, we're busy so often...and i guess time gets ahead of us...we should've taken more time for your specifically".
"I...know you never meant anything by it..."
He limply shrugged his shoulders, "I know you and dad don't hate me or want to hurt me...or love me less, i just feel...so alone sometimes...like i don't matter or my interests don't matter...like i want...my issues to be at the center at some point. I guess it's selfish to want that but...sometimes i feel so alone in our family...like i don't matter as much".
Marco touched landon's face gently, thumbs tracing his cheeks and wiping some fresh tears, "Landon, we love you so much, you matter a lot to us, we should've done better for you as parents, that's entirely on us and you have nothing to be ashamed about. I wish you told us this sooner, but i promise we'll do better from now on when it comes to you especially".
Landon believed his mom, but-.
"You're still not going to teach me magic though...i can tell".
"Not now, but...i will, i promise", marco quickly kissed the boy's cheek and sighed, "I'm glad we talked about this, i felt neglected a lot too when i was a kid, and at the time i didn't even have siblings yet, my parents were just busy with each other to pay me much attention. The last thing i need is to repeat the same problems with my own kids if i can help it, i know all the issues that came with that weren't really...great".
"We...have a lot more in common then i thought", the teen mumbled, "I guess it's no wonder we get along and everything, super weird though". Marco smirked, "You're just a little me, my baby boy. I think it's cute, glad tom didn't hog all the genes for you three...and i must admit, it's nice having someone who can understand what i dealt with...when it came to having magic...i got so confused...and scared even". Landon wiped away his embarrassment to change the subject before his mom could come up with more cute nicknames for him.
"Did you ever hurt anyone?".
Marco eyed their son like they thought they were being accused of something and landon quickly changed their tune before they hit a nerve.
"Look, magic is super dangerous, i just wanted to know if things ever went crazy when you tried to use it...like with sky and her mom sometimes.", it was also to make him feel better about how his magic had been going so far but marco didn't need to know anything about that aspect. The human shyly nodding, "Yeah...a few times, but it's all part of the learning process.".
"And it didn't scare you off?".
"Landon, you've known me, you know i don't get scared that easily. I've fought things bigger then our castle, learning magic is just like learning any new dangerous skill. It starts off scary and freaking you out but surely and slowly you get things together and suddenly you can handle it better. Every queen has had their fair share of mistakes, you're bound to make some".
"How bad did it get?".
"Well i did once send your father to a new dimension, but he came back in one piece", the laughed at the memory, "We got pretty crazy back then, but we always had each other, i never would've known what i was doing without them". Landon felt himself welt up, he really was trying to learn without any help, sky didn't even want to really help him, worried he was up to something.
Which he was, but still.
"Mom, do you worry about what'll happen when i'm able to do magic like you do?", the queen eyeing him curiously before snickering, "Landon, you've gotten into a lot of trouble recently but no, i'm not worried, you and your brothers are very sweet young men and i trust you'll be careful. I mean you might get into danger a few times but i think in the end you'll do the right thing".
Great, more stuff to make landon's insides jump around like crazy, exactly what he needed right about now.
"Hey...with jude's curse, if he's really been controlling it the entire time...does that mean we're not in danger anymore? Like...it's not alive and everything so...things should be fine now right?", though marco looked like they wanted to say yes, they shook their head. "It's emotion based...it reacts based on stress and anxiety, and...if judas doesn't know what he's doing...it can act up".
"So you're saying judas can still kill us in his sleep if unchecked...?".
Marco gritted their teeth, attempting to smile through them, "Yeahhhhh, but we should be fine, we can sort it out". That did not ease landon's mind at all, not even a little bit, "Well then i hope for our sakes he's in control of his own mind enough to make sure his mind doesn't make a giant scary monster appendage kill us off without him being able to handle it", he huffed under his breath.
"Well as long as he keeps that charm on, at the very least his mind will be free of intrusion. He's been going to bed with it on, i don't think he'll be taking it off anytime soon".
They headed on their way to inform sky of landon's recent indoctrination into their team , landon following behind with a lot of stuff currently on his mind. Mostly about whether he should admit to what he was doing to his mom. His mom was his most trusted person ever, he should say something about this to them. But if he did he would be in more trouble and sky might find out what he was doing.
And if she knew, everyone else would know too.
And she just so happened to be the person who knew landon wanted to magically attack the creature in the mask, which would just make him look even worst then he already did.
"Landon? You're being quiet, anything else on your mind?", their voice suddenly made landon jump, guess he had been lost in his thoughts for the moment. His mother seemed actually rather suspicious, landon going back to silence. "Landon, look, you've gotten yourself into a lot of trouble lately by trying to do things alone, and i know you don't want to do things alone, you want help...right?".
"Yeah", landon said, without hesitation.
"Honesty is important landon, especially in a team, no more going behind people's backs...you need to start telling people things, Every time you've done so it's made things rough...with everyone, you know that right?". They were starting to sound a little stern and that's when landon really knew he was in trouble, "I know you've had a hard time, especially with people...but...it'll be harder to work together if you're not open with them...".
They finally made it to sky's bedroom and marco sighed at their son's silence, "Landon, i won't force you to talk if you choose not to, but if you're keeping more secrets from us...i just want you to know...be careful ok?". Landon swallowed the spit in his throat as marco knocked on the door, he could always tell when his mother was disappointed in him.
The guilt welting up inside him.
Sure, the magic thing wasn't a huge deal but at the same time...maybe it was a big deal, especially to everyone around him. His mother had just helped him deal with his crush and now he was ending that off keeping his mouth shut about trying magic alone. He didn't know why he was like this, why he both wanted company and pushed everyone away at the same time.
He felt like such an idiot.
"Sky, we're here, and landon said he's going to help!", sky opened the door, sunny and lexi already inside and inviting them in. "Good, cause this is going to be annoying enough as is, i've never in my life had to memorize a script and try and get it somewhat perfect...at least having another face there might make this whole thing a tad less awkward then it already will be".
"Oh sky, it won't be so bad...at worst, i'll take over for you...plus, we get to see sunny perform and that's never a bad thing".
"Yeah but...it's just for the night right? I'm pretty sure if we go there TOO much we might freak people out, i doubt no one is gonna notice who we are eventually...especially you and me, you run the literally underworld this is taking place in...". Marco smirking, "Well, that's probably why I'm attending as myself then trying to play a character, at least you girls get masks".
"They do?", the demon boy perked up, "Can i have one?".
Last thing he wanted was for everyone to see his face right about now, or...anytime really.
"Considering i'm helping design you all masquerade outfits for jude's party, yeah, you can have an extra i got lying around".
"That's a lot of work sky, maybe you should take a break, we could always get some designers to help you out", marco noticed how sleep deprived sky was starting to look, having to go back and forth between so many people in the last few days. She had to see judas, and angel and his family, check up on nora, meet with her mom, even meet with meteora or jackie under some circumstances.
And that wasn't even all of them.
She had to see luna, go over what eclipsa was finding, and of course help sunny with these outfits which also took hours of time.
She had to be exhausted.
"But-", she yawned, only proving marco's point.
"You're still a kid sky, this is starting to become too much, we'll spread these responsibilities around some more...so you don't have to do so much...get you some help if you wanna do the costumes". That's when sunny headed up, holding sky's sketchbook, "She's made some REALLY cool designs! her art is so pretty you guys gotta check these out!".
Sky blushing furiously as sunny scrolled through the book for the lucitors.
Even landon seemed impressed, momentarily distracted from his guilt.
"You make stuff like crazy...how did you design this many outfits?", sky pointing to her compact, "Me and mel talk a lot more these days, she's crazy about that kinda stuff, she sent me like...a million refs for me to use...so thank her on that one...she even wanted to come herself even though i said it was a bad idea. But knowing her, she'll make her own outfit and join anyway".
She yawned again, "Anyways, how'd the crush thing go? You uh...get that whole deal handled?". Landon blushing red before crossing his arms, "Yeah, by tomorrow we'll have it figured out...i hope.". Marco looked over their script and back to sunny, "Ok, so landon has a few more details about the place we're going to, so he can get your all updated for this sneak session".
"You sure anyone of importance will even show up?".
"Worth a shot".
"It better be worth it for me to lose so much sleep over it and have to perform in front of tons or people i don't know, i've had to fight some seriously messed up stuff and yet...this is still some of the worst stuff i've had to do", she still hadn't forgotten the last time she had to perform and nearly killed her mom, she was sure something like that would happen again if she didn't break her wand.
"Sky it'll be fun, think of it like...practicing with angel and stuff!", sunny's words waking sky up from ehr tiredness, before she rapidly started grabbing stuff.
"Shoot shoot, today was the day and and angel planned to hang out for his...make up thing".
"Wait, you're still doing that? At this point i figured you guys wouldn't even bother with the whole thing".
Sky quickly grabbed her stuff, "Yeah we decided to do it today since i made a little free time and he was comfortable with his mom being safe for a bit, not that we're going anywhere, just meeting up in the garden to eat and stuff...i can't be late for that, he's been freaking out so much when it comes to trying to make things up to me for so long and-".
"Sky, hold up, we haven't gone too into-".
"Just talk to sunny, i'll see you later, bye!", and she left quickly before anyone got a chance to stop her, marco looking at sunny, who shrugged and giggled at sky leaving in such a rush, "It's ok, this is important to her too, she and angel had a lot of tension so i think she's happy for them to finally move on from it and have a nice moment together".
"Well, she could've said something a bit earlier, but alright, we'll just handle things together right now"., marco took a seat on sky's bed, stepping over the messy floor that made them tense up. They were always so clean themselves and seeing this...really got to them, though it was barely much different then tom's and their room on certain occasions.
Figures star would let this slide tho.
"Ok sunny, update us".
"Well, lexi has been really shining, she has some great ideas for a proper trap we can set up, we're thinking we could bring back sky's bubble charm and encase the culprit with it, they wouldn't be able to move so it's perfect to catch them without anything bad happening! We're thinking maybe we can bug a fake wand with the charm or something, as soon as they touch it...BAM!".
She motioned a big bubble.
Landon actually seemed impressed with the idea, it could actually work, that was the kinda creative thinking he wanted to do when it came to magic. "Huh, that's a decent idea...but like...just in case, you guys have like...a backup plan? At this point i'm just expecting things not to go well because they never go well...so i'm just gonna hope you guys are prepared".
Sunny looked over to galexia, "Well, kinda...but it's not as safe, mostly because it requires putting the entire room possible to sleep and with them wearing a full mask it's hard to say how much that would work...i guess they do breath under that thing though". Landon and both marco's faces were in full agreement, that that was a very poor backup plan if things went bad.
"Uh...sunny, maybe we outta avoid sleep spells...last thing we need is to put anyone in serious harm and sleeping will make way too many of us incapacitated unless we're all wearing masks...and not the masquerade kind either", the demon girl smiling sheepishy, "Yeahhhh i guess you're right, we haven't been sure what to do...it's too risky to attack".
"Well here's an idea...maybe we could paralyze her?".
Marco looked over to landon questionably, "Look, angel can...vemon bite people right? Makes them freeze up? Either that or sky tazes her, clearly that's worked out pretty well at stopping people". He was mostly rambling but marco actually quickly seemed to be taking it seriously, "Y'know what landon? That's not a bad idea, that would actually work".
The contemplated a little before ushering them together as a group for a huddle, "Ok, here's an idea-".
"Sorry i'm a bit late-".
"We can reschedule if you-".
Sky plopped herself down on the blanket, nearly all out of breath as she looked to angel with an embarrassed expression. "You put a lot of work into this, i won't make you push it forward even more then you have...". She dumped out her bag to reveal the treats she brought, "Can't forget the rolls, though i did bring some other treats from the kitchen too".
Angel then noticed the snacks engrained with insects, food from his own kingdom and his gaze turned soft. "You asked the chefs to make food from my home? That's...really nice of you...thanks sky". Sky shrugged before grabbing a sandwich from a nearby platter, "It's good, i know this whole thing isn't much, but it's a good start...i'm happy having an excuse to have a break".
Angel eyed her over, taking a roll instantly, "You look tired...more tired then you looked before...are you ok?". Sky sighed, taking another bite, "No, i am pretty tired...taking over for judas really showed me how much he carries the team...not that this is all him, i'm the only one who can make all these good outfits anyway...and meet with my mom so much".
"I'll help if you need...", the prince said without hesitation, "You don't have to do all this by yourself, you can just ask and we'll help you out with all of this, you shouldn't have to do everything". But sky was quick to shut him down, "Angel we're already asking a lot of you to make you bait, not to mention everything with your mom right now, i can't ask of you to do this stuff too".
"Sky, you need to care about you too? Right?".
"Well, yeah...but...you all need me right now...i can't...get lazy", she sunk her shoulders, "I've slacked off before, and this isn't the time to do it, not after what happened, i don't want to be the reason things go horribly wrong all over again, i want things to go well and be handled well so i never have to worry about you all again like i did before now".
Angel hesitated before patting the girl's shoulder, "I don't...think that makes you lazy...i think it just means you need time to yourself to make sure you handle everything else even better, right? You can't protect us if you're falling asleep". She mulled over his words, shifting in her seat, "I've just been...seen as such a weak queen for so long and i want to prove myself...now i have a real chance and...it's a lot...i have to admit".
"Yeah, i can see that...but queens also need help right? We said we'd help each other...so...lets continue to do that, remember...you don't have to prove yourself to anyone, we already know how cool you are". Sky snickered, "Reminding me of my own lessons, thanks, i needed to hear all of that...i get too caught up in all of this pressure sometimes...".
"Well it's not being helped with...all of this".
She laughed, "No you're right about that, but i guess in a way it sorta did me some good, i've never felt more...in charge before. Judas usually was the leader in most cases and now...i am...i get to make the calls for once and get out of my comfort zone...so i guess in the end it isn't all bad...even if it does leave me super tired all the time and overworked."
"We can end the evening early if you want to sleep more or something-".
She quickly put a hand over his mouth, "I'm spending this time with you, i'll sleep later...when i get the chance, besides...it's not like i can canc-". Then she looked over to see him texting on the compact he was gifted, curiously looking up at him, "Uh...what's up?". Angel looking back at her like he'd been caught doing something bad, "I...just cleared your schedule, found someone to take up all your other occupations today so you can rest".
"Wait...what?", the princess quickly tried to process what angel said, baffled.
"You now have the rest of the day off, you're free today".
Sky was stunned, "How'd you do that so quickly?".
"Sky, you have a lot of people who can help with some of these tasks...i just asked if they wanted to handle them themselves and they said yes. So now you have katrina checking on luna, nora is going to help sunny, and your other mom is helping eclipsa". He said that like it was so easy, did they all have nothing else to do but help? Of were they helping because she was sky?
Angel blushed as sky kept looking at him, "Look, i uh...i've been trying to get more social...with other people, so well...i have a lot of their numbers now, and well...so yeah i'm going to take advantage of it to help. You need more rest, and time to chill, so i'm giving you time to chill if you want. Otherwise you might pass out from just sitting here and that wouldn't exactly be any real fun for me".
"I'm...impressed, you got them to help...easily".
Angel rubbed at his arms, red faced, "They just...really care about you...and well...i've gotten better at...talking to people". He actually kinda thought sky might be mad at him for taking away her plans for the day, but she actually didn't seem mad at all. She patted him on the shoulder, "Well, hey...if we get more time to hang out today and do some crazy stuff, i can't complain too much".
"You...really wanna hang out with me for the rest of the day?".
"Well, i kinda have to now don't i?".
She was teasing him, and he felt his ears flicker.
"Thanks angel...i guess you're right...i need a little more time off to breath...things are just...getting a little ahead of me And well...i'm worried...", she went a little silent, "If things go poorly, you might get hurt...you more then anyone else. I just want things to go smoothly, i'm tired of watching you all get hurt...and if things go wrong we might not get another chance".
"I know what you mean...but i think i'll be ok, if you're protecting me".
"Angel, you know we're not that strong at magic, i don't even have my wand anymore! I want to protect you, and i said i would, but i'm worried i won't be able to...i've...never done magic without my wand. That's something your species has over ours, you don't need a wand, i do...for now...i can't do what you do without more time to practice".
"Well, maybe it's a good time to start...practicing...i could...teach you what i know? And well, you've heard of the dipping down thing right? We have something similar...so maybe...we could work on it...together?", he was making it sound more awkward then it needed to be. But they did make a great team when it came to learning magic together, "Maybe it's too much, but if you want-".
"Actually, i like that idea...until my wand gets fixed".
She sent him a nice smile and a hair ruffle, "In fact, we got extra time now, let's start after this...". She nodded to the open garden, the perfect place for them to practice their magic attacks, Angel staring at his hands. He hadn't done magic in a little while and he still remembered when he went beast mode a little too well but...they needed anything they could get now to protect themselves.
"Sure, couldn't hurt".
She noticed him staring at his hands before grabbing one of them, trying to relax him.
"Hey...thank you, for...everything. Really...you're...you're a great prince angel".
Angel's ears pressing against his face, "Hey, thanks for well...giving me a chance...i know i don't deserve one...but...it means a lot to me".
"Bug sandwich?", sky said, picking up one before handing angel one.
He raised to it the air, asking sky for a toast.
"To the plan?".
She snickered, bumping the foods together.
"To the plan, and no more of us in danger ever again".
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Bokuto, Tsukishima, and Iwaizumi in Bad Day Surprises
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OMG LOVE. THIS IS SO BIG-BRAIN, I LOVE THIS. I hope you enjoy this @scrappydaisies​ 😘 
Word count: ~1.7k
⭐ It was one of those days where everything that could go wrong, went wrong
⭐ You woke up late, missing breakfast as you ran to work, awkwardly putting on your jacket as you sprinted
⭐ When you got to work, you hadn’t printed your proposal and notes, so you ran late for the meeting because of it
⭐ To top it off, you forgot you had a meeting with your supervisor to discuss a potential raise
⭐ (Yikes)
⭐ Of course, you not only forgot your lunch, you’d forgotten your wallet so you couldn’t even buy food!
⭐ Just a whole-ass series of unfortunate events 😔
⭐ Normally, you’d go bother Akaashi - one of your coworkers’ & the reason you had met Bokuto - but he was out with the flu so you didn’t want to bother him
⭐ You also would have texted Bokuto an SOS, BUT of course, he was out traveling for a match so there was no help there
⭐ So, you found yourself fuming at your desk, asking yourself and all possible deities out there on why you had such bad karma, angrily vent-texting Bokuto
⭐ Though he was preoccupied and not reading/responding to your texts, you felt a bit better getting it out of your system
⭐ One of your other coworkers noticed the predicament that you were in, and ended up buying you food
⭐ As you made your way home, you pull out your phone again to see that Bokuto had left you on read 
⭐ Well okay then
⭐ It’s not like that hurt or anything
⭐ (it 100% did but what else could go wrong, y’know?)
⭐ Bokuto wasn’t supposed to be back for a few days because work
⭐ But that didn’t stop you from opening the door and calling “I’m home!” to an empty house
⭐ Leading to you laughing at yourself...which eventually became hysterical...and soon enough, you were standing in the hallway sobbing
⭐ “Babe?”
⭐ Your brain short-circuits
⭐ “K-kou?!” you sniff
⭐ You were a complete wreck by now. Like, your entire face was hot, the tears would not stop, you were snotty as heck
⭐ Your boyfriend appears in the doorway, his eyes wide at your face before he rushes at you
⭐ “What’s wrong pretty one?” he asks, “is it because of your day?”
⭐ (ngl imagining Bokuto calling you ‘pretty one’ made my heart skip a beat)
⭐ “Kou!” you sob, burying your face into his chest. “Today was honestly the worst day of my life”
⭐ He just rubs your back soothingly, murmuring soft declarations of love and comfort
⭐ You pull back, wiping your nose on your sleeve 
⭐ “Wait, what are you doing here?”
⭐ “Oh right! C’mere”
⭐ Bokuto takes your hand gently, leading you towards the living room
⭐ He had taken the time to construct a massive blanket fort there, golden fairy lights everywhere. The TV was already on with your favorite movie queued, and bags of your favorite takeout were there
⭐ Bokuto scratched at the back of his neck. “I knew you were having a really rough day, and I got back early so I figured you’d like this surprise”
⭐ Of course, you start crying again and Bokuto’s freaking out like OML WHAT DO I EVEN DO
⭐ He thought he broke you, the poor bby
⭐ You’re just shaking your head, crying and you’re just like “I just love you so much, why the heck are you so thoughtful”
⭐ He panics and is like, “why don’t we get you outta this and we can start watching some movies, yeah?’
⭐ And you’re like nodding (you’re still crying lmao) as you drag your feet to the bathroom to freshen up, change, and rejoin your mans in the living room
⭐ “You’re literally the best, you know that?” you sniffle as you re-enter
⭐ Bokuto flashes you a grin, opening his arms as he waits for you to crawl into them
⭐ “I’m so lucky to have you” you mutter, burying your face once more
⭐ “Oh baby, I think I’m lucky to have you” he says as he chuckles, rubbing your back and peppering kisses onto your face
⭐ But in general, Bokuto will randomly surprise you with food, snacks, spontaneous things whenever you’re having a bad day because spontaneity is fun as heck! 
⭐ You and Tsukki met when you guys were in the same class
⭐ Your teacher had separated him from Yams because they kept talking (SMACK)
⭐ Little did he know that by moving Tsukishima to sit behind you, you’d end up dating!
⭐ It started when you were jamming out to music and straight vibing
⭐ He was kinda intrigued, the boy thought you were cute but he didn’t want to vocalise it because he’s such a kuudere istg
⭐ It was Yams who started talking to you, which encouraged Tsukki to do so as well!
⭐ Anyways, y’all start dating and all that jazz
⭐ One day, you come into school lookin like a wreck. A complete mess
⭐ You had pulled an all-nighter in order to finish a paper you were really struggling with
⭐ Like, you had been working on it all. week. and you STILL needed that extra 8 hours to work on it
⭐ And as you were leaving the house this morning, your parents were yelling at you for grades or something, so in general you were in a bad mood
⭐ To top it all off, your headphones had decided to die while you were walking to class, so you didn’t even have the comfort of music to help you
⭐ You were ranting the entirety of lunch, with Yams interjecting with some words of comfort as Tsukishima just silently listened and provided you soft touches to let you know that he was there
⭐ He really wasn’t the type to talk much, especially in public. BUT he was definitely very expressive behind closed doors
⭐ So, once school ends, you head home and just collapse onto your bed - dead to the world
⭐ You woke up because your phone started ringing
⭐ In your haste to fall asleep, it somehow ended up stuck to your face LOL
⭐ You pick it up, groggy as heck
⭐ “Hullo?”
⭐ “Can you open the door?”
⭐ “Kei?!” 
⭐ You stand up suddenly, falling onto the floor as the sudden blood-rush made you lighte-headed
⭐ “Did you just fall?” he asked, snickering slightly
⭐ “Shut up” you scowl as you slowly get your bearings and make your way to the door, hanging up in the process
⭐ “What are you doing here?” you ask, rubbing your eye with your knuckles as you stare up at your boyfriend
⭐ “Am I not allowed to visit you?” he quipped back, a pink flush on his cheeks. “I have something for you”
⭐ You step back, letting him into the house. “You didn’t have to, I’m sure you’re tired after practice”
⭐ “Shut up, I wanted to”
⭐ You guys make your way to your room
⭐ Tsukishima sits at your desk, unzipping his volleyball bag and pulling out a box. “Here.” he says, passing it to you
⭐ Your eyes widen. “Kei! You really didn’t have to”
⭐ He had gotten you some fancy, noise-cancelling headphones 
⭐ (Personally, they’d be AirPods but y’know, it’s whatever y’all prefer!)
⭐ “I know you were having a rough day, and music always makes it better for you so just take it,” he scowled, hiding the red roses on his cheeks
⭐ You grin, putting it down gently before you throw yourself onto him. “Thank you, thank you so much”
⭐ “You’re welcome.” He coughs awkwardly
⭐ Pulling back, you eye his face as he fiddles with his hands.
⭐ “Do you...maybe wanna cuddle or something?” you smirk
⭐ “Shut up..maybe”
⭐ “C’mon then”
⭐ Anyways, if it wasn’t obvious, Tsukki is the type that will hold you and listen to you rant 
⭐ Ugh, college-life woes
⭐ You and Iwa lived together in an apartment. Y’all have been dating for a cool min now
⭐ But the problem of adult life!!
⭐ Y’all just don’t have time for one another
⭐ Or, not as much as you’d like
⭐ Iwa’s busy with his classes and internship
⭐ (Not to mention working out because c’mon this man never stops the grind)
⭐ Like this man is working HARD for his future!!!
⭐ You’re busy finishing up your own final projects and working too
⭐ Y’all basically only see each other for a few minutes every night when you’re laying in bed, updating each other about your day’s before you KO
⭐ SO, when you come home after a really stressful week of late-nights, little sleep, one-meal a day type of situation, you were pleasantly surprised to find your boo at home
⭐ Not to mention, there were candles out, a bottle of wine on the table, and plates of your favorite meal
⭐ “What is this?”
⭐ He looks up, grinning. “Well, I know that someone hasn’t been able to take care of themselves this week, so I decided to take the night off and spend time with them”
⭐ Iwaizumi comes around you, guiding you to the table by the small of your back
⭐ Pulling out the chair, letting you sit before he pushes it in
⭐ “You’re spoiling me Haji” you muse as he pours you a glass of wine
⭐ “Well if you won’t do it, then I will” he shrugs. “Cheers baby” he lifts his own glass, waiting for you to tap yours against his
⭐ If you thought that was the surprise, YOU WERE MISTAKEN
⭐ He decided to go ALL-OUT with the romance
⭐ After you guys finish dinner, he leads you up to the bathroom where there were unlit candles, and a BATH BOMB
⭐ TBH, I’m imagining LUSH’s Sex Bomb bath-bomb, but it’s whatever you prefer!
⭐ Just know that he added extra petals into the bath just for you
⭐ (you always complain that there weren’t enough lmao)
⭐ He draws the bath and lights the candles as you strip and get ready to shower
⭐ This man is out here washing your hair, soaping you up
⭐ All that wholesome goodness 💘
⭐ He even carries you into the bath!!
⭐ After you’re situated, he brings you the wine glasses and a tablet so y’all can watch a movie or catch up to whatever anime y’all are watching together as he slips into the bath behind you
⭐ All in all, he goes ALL OUT when it comes to spoiling you (he’s a romantic at heart) and honestly, you just need to cuff this man A.S.A.P. 
general taglist: @scrappydaisies​ @newfriendjen​  @kyomihann
Please contact me if you would like to be a part of my general taglist! 💞 Check out this link for information about my taglists.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 12.11.20 lb
well………….. let’s get this the fuck over with. isske baad pls god let this show go back to their random tuchchi saazishein. mere se itna action jhela nahi jaata.
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ok back to dead inside vansh who is analyzing every single interaction with riddhima and musing about DHOKAAAAAAA DHOKAAAAAAAA DHOKAAAAAAAA
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lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo kabir is like “itne saalon se tum mere liye itneeee bade sardard the, but finally ab khel khatam.” dude i love this caviler fucker.
but tell me these caps don’t look like kabir expressing a whole other sentiment:
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damnnnnn, dat chemistry. seriously, 10x what riddhima has with vansh. i am so mad that we’re not getting these two as endgame.
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aaaaaand the handcuffs are out. mmmhmmmm. kinky!
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mummy be like ARRE AISE KAISE TUM DONO HI SAARE OSCARS LOOTOGE KYA, MERE KO BHI CHAHIYE I AM ALSO PERFORMERR and throwing herself in front of vansh and giving passionate defense.
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this one also like chalo my turn nowwwwww.
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human angry bird is like NOT ON MY WATCH YOU FUCK.
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asljdaslkjdlaskjdlaskjdlaskjldkj kabirrrrrrrrrrrr’s internal monologue: “haath mein hathkadi lag gayi, phir bhi tashan nahi gaya tumhara” hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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unf the way kabir pushed vansh towards the van. big Top energy.
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oh yeah in between that mummy was doing some more mother india acting, ki iski sazaa mujhe de dijiye and all, but HONESTLY WHO CAN PAY ATTN TO THAT MESS WHEN THERE’S BHAAARI SEX EYES GOING ON HERE???????
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ok now that they’ve driven away, i’ll focus on her. yes, very cool acting. iss saal ka manikchand gutka jio fiama di wills colors golden petal stardust whatever the fuck award aapke hi liye.
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riddhima also managed to medal in the marathon, and reach justttttttt as they pull outta the gates.
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back to the Sexy Van™
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ohhhhhhhhhhh boyyyyyyy, kabir instructing mishra to go off the path.
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“vansh raisinghania, apne life ke sabse bade adventure ke liye taiyaar ho jao.”
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lmao vansh is like don’t write checks you can’t cash, don’t be promising orgasms you won’t be giving, “dhamki toh dhang ki dete.”
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“vansh tumhe andaaza nahi ki kitni shiddat ke saath maine aaj ke din ka intezaar kiya hai. aaj meri zindagi ka sabse bada din hai!”
well damn, me too. i didn’t know that this was the pairing i was gonna end up shipping SO HARD but here we are!
ok mummy has seen riddhima and she tries to shoot her but riddhima drove the fuck away. good for her.
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they have reached that random maidaan where every outdoor sequence on tellywood happens.
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mishra can you gtfooooooooo from in between the hot boy sandwich??????
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this dude is hottest when his eyes squinty.
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kabir freeing him, which nooooooooooooo, i wanted to see some hot handcuff actionnnnnn. vansh is as disappointed as i am.
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anyway some searing indictments of our country’s legal system by kabir, about no matter how much proof he collects, rich ppl anyway get away with whatever. and so will vansh. sooooooo, he’s like i just needed to arrest you and break your ego, blah blah. which, yeah right. like anyone with one working brain cell doesn’t know you’re gonna shoot him down in an encounter for trying to flee police custody.
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some more flirty banter. and then……..
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damn, those some cat-like reflexes.
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vansh like, i knew your bitch ass would pull some shit like this.
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fuck fuck fuck fuck so much sexy him walking up to the gun like that.
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ofc there have to be some BE A MAN type dumbass dhamkis. you know what real men do??? KISS THEIR RIVALS WHOM THEY HAVE THIS MUCH HOMOEROTIC TENSION WITHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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aaaaaand that pause was enough for vansh to start beating the fuck outta him. yeah i don’t care. the only thing i wanna see you two wrestle is TONGUES.
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mmmmmmhmmmmm just a lil closer, come onnnnn you stupid fucks.
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ok they’re back to pounding on each other IN THE NON FUN WAY so fwding.
aaaaaaaaand riddhima is following her special Vansh Tracker App. I REALLY DON’T CARE.
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told y’all K had Big Top Energy. oh yeahhhhhhhhhh, choke him, daddy!
ok they back to hitting each other.
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ooooh nice callback to that firstttt fight they had where kabir threw sand in vansh’s eyes and then vansh fought blindfolded.
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back to sexy banter.
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“dil, dimaag, aur taaqat. teeno hi tumse kayiiii zyaada hai mujh mein.” LIFE MEIN CONFIDENCE CHAHIYE, TOH OF AN RICH, UPPER CASTE, MALE PSYCHOPATH ON TELLYWOOD.
he’s walking backwards to the edge of the cliff as he keeps talking. sigh.
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“dushman mein woh dum kahan ke mera kuch bigaad sake. woh toh apne the jo dagaa de gaye, sazza de gaye.” waaaaaah waaaaaah!!!! THE PSYCHOPATH WAS A POET AND WE DIDN’T KNOW IT!
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walking back some more.
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“main aaj bhi vansh raisinghania hi hoon. meri maut bhi mujhse pooch ke mere paas aati hai.” this fucker nicolas flamel or what, with the philosopher’s stone????
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“kissi tuchche insaan ki gun se chali goli ko ijaazat nahi ke meri jaan le sake. maine apni zindagi khud banaayi hai, kabir; aur iske aage kya hoga naa tum decide karoge, na tumhare haath mein yeh pistol. the choice is mine.”
anyway kabir is like, cool, your funeral. as vansh continues to walk backwards. it’s hilarious kabir thinks he has anyyyy control in this scene anymore.
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le. aa gayi. dhaaansu scene kharaab karne.
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vansh having ALL TEH FLASHBACKS. poor sad eyed puppy.
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“tum log kya kar rahe ho?!!?!?” BITCH THEY WERE ABOUT TO GET IT ON, BUT NOW NO THANKS TO YOU……………….
blah blah usual ishq nahi aasaan aag ka dariya hai doob ke jaana hai blah blah from piya psychopath
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“aaj apne dhoke ke aag ki dariya mein dubo hi diya na tumne mujhe, riddhima?”
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i’m sure this is some kasautiii kinda metaphor, ki they’re working together, or like….. he actually does trust her… or some such shit, but i can’t be arsed to analyse anything with this dumbass show. it doesn’t deserve it.
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kabir watching this whole angst ridden scene with such horny eyes, i can’t even…………………
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obligatory placement of show naam. tashan mein usko lete lete, JAI MATA DIIIIIIIIIIIII, LET’S ROCK.
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if this isn’t the Biggest Mood for 2020, idk what is. vansh finally being relatable to the rest of us normals.
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yeah whatever. i really don’t care about you. i’m more devastated ki when will i get such a KaValicious sexual tension filled episode next??!?!?!?!!? probably next fucking year now. ugh. bloody waste show, forcing us to watch this het bullshit.
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let’s end this with a nice pic of this face. i think we’ve all earned it.
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Otome Thursday
Y’all, you have no idea how excited I was for this route/series to start. I wasn’t a big fan of Ravi.
Bram Route
Episode 1 (The free one 😉)
-I really dig the beginning of the route.
-Like a land hidden from even the Elves? Nice
-Also also, I like that this series, Love and Legends, AND Reigning Passions all take place in the same universe and it makes sense. Unlike the more modern series where the crew just sticks characters in the stories to say “Hey, look, notice these characters”
-Sorry. I’m ranting
-Focusing now
-I named my MC Mari Rya
-She’s beautiful
-She’s got a little, sprite/fairy/thing named Ness
-I love them
-I only know the name of the new land because I played the Ravi short but it’s called Tallav
-Mari’s got a reputation as a researcher.
-But this is also a lifelong dream of hers.
-Ness doesn’t speak (what I’m going to call) English, but Mari understands her anyway
-Ness uses They/Them pronouns. RESPECT IT
-Magic time!
-Ness magic time!
-Mari can feel all the living things. I feel like that’s not a human thing.
-But I will reserve judgement
-She’s had a rune stone since she was a baby. Yeah, she’s def not human.
-Holy shit a bear!
-…with a shield and a spear on it’s back.
-The way these sprites move are fucking hilarious
-Mari said “Nope not today”
-Can’t out run a bear. What does this bitch do?
-Drop down to play dead. Cause that’s totally gonna stop a bear from chewing on your spleen
-the “bear” is able to turn her over to her back (duh)
-it turns into a man and…oh what a man
-this CG is so fucking cute!
-he’s like “Is she alive?”
-She’s like “the fuck is he doing?”
-I’m like “Squeeeee they’re both so stupid rn”
-Oh those eyes…
-I haven’t been this in love since Razi. Or Renzei.
-Oh no! headbutt. Gives me a headache just reading it.
-Fuck look at those abs.
-LVS really knows what they’re doing with these character designs
-And Mari’s being thirsty too. It’s not just me
-Whew chile, the way she describes this man. Girl,
-Thank you, Ness, someone has their head on properly
-Never mind. They’re just as thirsty
-I still wanna know how Mari can talk to them
-He knows she’s a human cause she’s wearing clothes. Good lord this series is gonna be a riot in the first couple seasons
-Oh Mari…you’re sounding very Colonizerish
-I don’t like that
-Though it is kinda cute how she nerds out
-I can see her doing this with any thing she comes across.
-Thank you, Ness. Time and Place Mari!
-Invasive is one word for it
-Not much to write.
-She’s gushing. He’s listening. They’re both hot
-oh no, not an eyebrow lift!
-from both of them!
-I can’t do this.
-This bitch just walks away from a question ‘cause she got caught staring!
-I can’t! This is me. Running away from all my problems
-Bram follows cause, y’know, stranger in the woods
-Bram likes Ness. It’s adorable
-Anthropologist=Skald? Maybe.
-Apparently rune reading is impossible, so is befriending a Puck (Ness)
-Mari is def not a human. At least not fully
-See, I feel like if she showed Bram the rune stone she carried with her, that would help bridge this gap.
-But y’know. Whatever.
-Oh they are two bull-headed people
-He’s got (understandable) prejudices against humans/bipeds
-She’s like “MY RESEARCH”
-I’m like “Girl, they’re living people. Respect their boundaries. And Dude, Learn a little”
- She’s very forceful with the fact that she ‘needs to do her research’
-It’s very Colonizerish and I don’t approve.
-Mari, You can’t prove that the Duke who hired you only wanted you to do pure research.
-Ha, Bram called her pretty
-Ohhh Mahuwin Villiage
-Cue Victor from Underworld: “YOU MUST BE JUDGED!!”
-damn he called her insidious
-Mari…honey. Going to a village, you’ll get to see how they live and see how the justice system works. Calm down.
-Of course, no one’s ever been so unwelcoming. You’ve been dealing with other humans and elves.
-I’m judging you so hard rn
-Whew chile that took a lot outta me
Episode 2
-Awww I do feel bad for Ness tho
-They’re scared too
-Bruh, Bram JUST said he doesn’t know what an anthropologist is. You barely related it to a Skald. Showing him your notes means nothing.
-Bram, dude, I get you’re supposed to protect but you’re seeing enemies in the wrong people. Though I get why you’d suspect her.
-The Dinae have no secrets between their tribes (I’m assuming) so there’d be no need for an anthropologist to go looking for old history.
-Also he called her cute (again)
-Ohkay. I draw the line at you accusing Mari of torturing Ness.
-Only a heartless monster would lay hands on Ness.
-I need you to think baby: WHYY WOULD NESS STAY? If Pucks are magical creatures, surely you don’t think that Ness would be foolish enough to stay with a powerless human.
-Oh. Don’t make me insult your intelligence
-Oh don’t make me
-Mari. Don’t do anything stupid. Please. He’s actually being nice. In a weird way. Taking you to be judged. Someone else would’ve just killed you
-Mari…you can’t do your job in someone else’s country without permission. To get permission, you need to go to a village.
-I’m starting to question your intelligence
-Oh good. The bull-headedness is back
-No shit it’s more than just a job! I think you would have gathered that from the fact that to enter Tallav you had to pass a BEAR statue
-Oh no not the sad face
-I know LVS is gonna use that face to get money out of me in future scenes
-Mari, you’re both stubborn. And if I had it my way, you’d’ve gone with him already
- Not the type of roleplay I thought I’d be reading in this story but sure. Have some hearts
-I wanna smack her so bad and the first season’s not over yet.
-Usually the urge to smack doesn’t kick in until at least season 2.
-She’s a record setter
-Uh oh Bram, you called her an interrogator.
-And he STILL doesn’t fix it!
-They’re both so rude
-Ok, so he gets the why.
-We’re making progress
-This woman can’t let her thirst rest for five minutes.
-I mean same but come on
-Ah! Progress on both sides!
-Still don’t like how forceful Mari is about her job. How would she feel if her job put people in danger?
-You kinda did Mari. You kinda did say “I’m going to do what I want anyway”
-Not in those exact words but enough
-My point!
Bram: You ever think that if we wanted to be bothered by any kingdoms, we would have officially contacted them
That’s my point
At the same time, Bram and his fellow Dinae have their fellow prejudice against bipeds. As I said, mostly justified but they act that they can’t adapt or change
-Mari, interest isn’t always flattering…we aren’t in high school
-Now she’s running away. From a guy that can turn into a bear
-I’m very much questioning her intelligence now.
-Cause she dumb dumb.
-And thus begins an infuriating game of human and bear
-Oh yeah Mari, cause you can totally break the hold of a guy WHO CAN TURN INTO A BEAR
-As Mari is kicking and screaming, Bram: Am I hurting you?
-Awww Ness trying to help.
-Bitch. He puts you down and you climb a tree. Like bears don’t climb trees?
-Thank you Ness for talking some sense into this stupid girl
-Why is she so defensive?!
-Why can’t they just give me the option of “Fine.” FOR ONCE
-Seriously Mari? If you had stumbled upon a village during your wandering that really HATED humans, the chances of them killing you are SUPER fucking high. Doing it this way is arguably a lot safer
-That looked like a swamp deer  monster from It Lives Beneath
-Why is run never an option when we are clearly outmatched?
-Oh god why does it have to look at the screen!!!
-I don’t like that
-and ewwwww they did detail on the muscles
-Yeah no shit it’s targeting Mari, Bram!
-I think that’s pretty obvious!
-Thank again Ness for saving One Stupid Bitch
-We…we get to RIDE Bram?
-I can (and will) make so many jokes about that
-I’ve already restrained myself from making Bear jokes. So, you’ll deal with that
Episode 3
-We rode him
-Hopefully this won’t be last time
-and the next time won’t be in bear form
-Ohkay. I’m back. The chapter’s loaded
-Wait one more
-And we can use that rope for something else too
-Idk how to do the lenny face so……just imagine it
-Ok. NOW I’m done.
-Finally, a decent option. THANK YOU, BRAM
-Yeah Mari get that through your thick fucking skull. He’s a defender. He defends.
-Awwww Bram isn’t comfortable with praise. I’m gonna take every opportunity to do it now
-Mari, this is why we don’t talk shit up.
-Hehe still riding him
-Ewww that thing is back.
-Plus side?
-Oh nooooo Bram’s hurt
-Thank you, Ness! I swear they’re the only character I haven’t been pissed at
-Mari begins to nerd out over plants. Honestly same
-The stuff of nightmares was an Abberation. I like my name better so it and all its freaky brethren will be called The Stuff of Nightmares
-And Bram’s back to being suspicious. Sigh. And we were having such a nice time
-The Dinae don’t have pets and that’s the saddest thing I’ve read all day.
-Mari just realized that Bram’s been naked this entire time.
-Oh so, if Bram trusted Mari, he’d happily tell her everything she wanted to know.
-I certainly can’t say no to that face. So neither can you Mari. Here. Have some hearts
-See, they say fur covered thigh, all I hear is, cuddling for the winter.
-Mari stahp being so thirsty. There’s a stream next to you. Go dunk your head.
-Ness is adorable and I want a plushie of them
-Oh NOQOOOWW she has a problem with riding him
-…Ok, I mean…her explanation makes sense.
-See, every Dinae does it!
-Bram is so tired of her. It’s so funny
-….is one’s name Logan?
-I’ll leave now
-I’m so glad they’re starting to understand each other more. Cause I was ready to jump through my phone screen.
-Things are still tense, of course.
-Wait a fucking minute. Going through a patch of brambles saved you a fucking DAY of travel? WTF
-I’m very interested in seeing how this plays out as opposed to Ravi’s route.
-Let’s meet Chieftain Mael!!
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winterbites · 4 years
Quicko thing I've seen about Yashahime
So, as a recent commenter and the general fanbase of InuYasha have said, the mother of Towa and Setsuna is theorized to be Rin. She's an obviously popular choice to be Sesshomaru's lover/baby mama. Honestly, I would be ELATED if she's confirmed canon as the mother but there are a few complications that need to be checked in order to reasonably explain the theory of her being the mother. Keep in mind, I'm not a guru of InuYasha and I'm going to be referencing mainly the anime canon for this. So, in the case that I get something wrong or miss something, don't mob my house and crucify me amongst my mint garden. With that being said, let's get into it!
So, right outta the gate is the obvious one: Rin's age as she's 11 years old at the end of InuYasha. The seasons never seem to change in the Feudal Era but we know it was spring when Kagome graduated high school and transported back to the Feudal Era. So, as we know that time in the Feudal Era moves at the same rate as the Modern Era due to the 3 year time skip, we can safely say it's fall during the Since Then chapter/episode. I'm not an expert in the Japanese school system but a quick Google search says Japanese high school begins in April and ends in March, so I'm just gonna assume I'm close enough. Anyway, we don't know Rin's birthday but, just for a best case scenario for the theory, we'll say Rin turned 12 during this time. The synopsis of Yashahime is that it begins "a few years after" Since Then and then time is skipped ahead by 10 years. The girls are 14 years old - 10 years + 9 months of pregnancy = they were 3-4 years old during "a few years after". If they were 3, then we'll just say they recently turned 14 as we're only counting the years and not the months or days. Now, in ye olde days girls were generally married off when they got their first period, and that usually happened when the young ladies turned 13-14 years old (due to changes in nutrients in the modern world's food, puberty and, thus, periods actually start earlier so that's why 13-14 years old might seem a bit old for it to start). With that in mind, I'm going to add a year to this Rin is the mother theory so that she can be 13 and become eligible for childbirth. Kinda weird to show a 13 year old as a mother but Miroku did have a 14 y/o girl beg to be his wife (Kagome commented on this as well) so it's obviously a line that Rumiko isn't afraid of crossing. Also, given that Miroku and Sango's twin daughters are 2-3 years old and Sango was a 16 y/o during InuYasha, Sango and Miroku were clearly married and got busy while she was still 16. This is Rumiko telling us that modern expectations don't mean shit in the Feudal Era; what we consider underage is overage in the Feudal Era.
Whew! I think that's the biggest one out of the way, so let's move on to genetics - phenotypes in particular (remember, genotypes have to do with genetic appearance and phenotypes have to do with physical appearance). Typically, children in the InuYasha universe look very similar to their parents. Sesshomaru is the spitting image of his parents: white hair, face markings (Sess takes after his mother in that category along with her pale skin) and golden eyes. InuYasha also takes after both his parents: Toga's tanned skin, golden eyes, white hair and (in his human form) Izayoi's black hair and eyes. We don't know what Kagome's father looked like but she does share many similarities to her mother in pretty much all phenotype categories. The only real difference between the two is that her mother's hair seems to be on the curly side while Kagome's (and Sota's) hair is more straightened, presumably a trait from their father. For an example from Yashahime itself, look no further than Moroha: brown eyes from Kagome, InuYasha's tanned skin, Kagome's (and technically InuYasha's) black hair - hell, she even got InuYasha's doglike behaviors (even if it was meant for comedy relief at most times). Setsuna and Towa though? They don't look a lot like Sesshomaru to begin with, let alone Rin. Assuming Rin is the mother, Setsuna has Rin's hair, Towa has Sesshomaru's hair, and both have Sesshomaru's pale skin; however, both girls have red segments in their hair and both have differently colored eyes, neither of which match their parents. Now, Setsuna and Towa are half-demons and, although we don't see a lot of half-demons in InuYasha, we DO know they don't always look like their parents. Case in point: Jeninji. Jeninji is...well, physically-wise, the general definition of a monster despite his father being godly in appearance along with a very pretty mother. The only other (canon) half-demon we've seen is Shiori, and the only things she got from her mother was her gender. So Towa and Setsuna, two confirmed half-demons, having physical features that match only one or neither of their parents? Fairly plausible.
Lastly is Rin and Sesshomaru's relationship and Sesshomaru's general relationship to the general human race. Sesshomaru fuckin hates humans, no ifs, ands or buts about that one; HOWEVER, there are a few humans that meet his exceptions. I'm fairly positive he only puts up with Kagome (she called him big brother at the end of InuYasha and no shit it looked like he wanted to kill her) because InuYasha loves her and I'm a firm believer that Sesshomaru cares for InuYasha more than he lets on. As I said in a previous post, Kohaku is on Sesshomaru's good list due to his efforts to protect Rin; I think the only reason Sesshomaru seemed to be harsher to Kohaku was because he was a boy and was expected to take care of himself (for example, Sesshomaru expressed annoyance at having to defend Kohaku and threatened to leave him to die but didn't follow through with it). Last human on Sesshomaru's 'this person is ok, I guess' list is, obviously, Rin. He loves her, no ifs, ands or buts about that either but we don't know what kind of love it is and we don't know where it could extend to as she grows older. When Rin died the second time, Sesshomaru cradled her body and probably would've cried if he was normal in literally any kind of way. When his mother (y'all ever realized that Sess's mother doesn't have a canon name?) revived Rin, Sesshomaru crowded her and caressed her cheek. As one of my dad's favorite songs goes, if that ain't love then I don't know what love is. The way Sesshomaru views Rin is never stated, whether explicitly or implicitly, and, in my opinion, Rin is too young to understand whatever type of admiration she has for him. Rin has stated that she wants to be with Sesshomaru for forever and Sesshomaru, who seemed to feel the same way, had obvious plans to retrieve her once she spent more time with other humans - but only if Rin wanted to come along. Also, lets keep in mind that Sesshomaru was reluctant to separate from her to begin with and he still visits her very often plus brings her gifts on each visit.
With half-demon daughters and his general hate for anything human, Rin is by far the strongest candidate to be the mother but we don't know what Sesshomaru is up to during his travels. For all we know, he could've bonded with some other human woman in the time between InuYasha and Yashahime. On a sidenote, and I know this is pretty stereotypical, but clothes (the type of gift he seems to leave her more often than not) is among the top 3 things you give to your boo to woo them (I especially say this 'cause even I enjoy clothes shopping) but that kinda depends on the person.
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heywoodvirgin · 3 years
Borró Cassette ( Chapter 2)
Guys, writing is really not my thing, but I love Jackie so much not to try to ^^ 
Chapter 1 here ^^ 
Modern!Jackie Welles / Original Female Character 
Rated : Teens and up 
angst and fluff ahead ! 
- Medium plier.
It was the first thing he said in ten minutes or so.
Jack was under his cruiser’s wheels, hands focused on oiling some pieces of his machine’s brakes when she stepped into the garage.
For the first two weeks following their… argument, Mey avoided taking that route, instead opting for a detour that made her waste a solid thirty minutes every morning and evening. She thought avoiding places they used to share was a temporary solution, she was wrong. Every step she took in the opposite direction made her think about him longer, recalling all the hours he so generously spent teaching a slow learner like her how to ride a moto, how he’d always secured her helmet himself every time he took her for a ride, and those were many times, so many she couldn’t count anymore.
So when Mey finally decided to stop whatever childish game she was playing -not replying to his texts and calls, among others- and test her luck, she found herself standing gracelessly in the middle of his garage, blocking the last rays of sun he was using to work.
For long minutes, she stayed planted there, like a stupid scarecrow, marinating her anxiety, unable to say the word that mattered most. He noticed her, of course he did, and said nothing, just a flash of surprise in his eyes, and he was under his moto gain. It wasn’t like Jackie to act cold like that. Resentful wasn’t in the list of words to describe Jackie Welles, not even in the bottom line. He never ignored her. It felt so wrong to be in the receiving end of his spite or whatever this was. She missed the warmth of her friend; it was almost shocking now, as she realized it.  It was just one small “sorry”, but she still didn’t feel it in her, she still didn’t feel like she was the one that should say sorry. He fucked up, he should know, by now. But also, she knew that his apologies should go to the person his wrongs were directed to, not to her, if she would take her time and think.  But now, all she wanted, was a heart-to-heart talk, something she played in her mind over and over, every day during two weeks and five days and twelve hours, and here she was standing, mind blank, not even capable of uttering a simple hello.
When she finally found the guts to move and sit carefully on the sofa, and when he still didn’t react, she felt the panic, acid prickling at her skin. The sun had completely set down, last rays licking the far away mega buildings of the city, the garage lights flickered on. It was a quiet summer evening, one of few they had in the crazy city, but her neighborhood was one of the quietest, she had to admit. She liked it most of the time, but today wasn’t one of those days, it felt like the entire world went silent on her. That till he spoke.
- Medium plier.
She blinked a few times before she registered his request, moving to fetch the tool from its box, still memorizing perfectly the space around.
- Screwdriver, 4.
And it went like that for an hour or so, them moving about and working together. She was glad he offered her that physical occupation, even if it was mainly her handing him his tools and watching him sweat under his machine.  For a minute, her mind was just on the craft and she was relieved he still sounded pretty himself as soon as he opened his mouth, even if them occupying their hands didn’t prevent her mind to go racing about everything, and his too, she could tell in the way they couldn’t look each other in the eye, yet.
It was until he threw at her a wet rag to wipe her hands and she creased her nose because of the reeking petrol smell that they exchanged an amused look.
- Hey, never get used to the smell huh?
She shrugged, briefly smiling.
- So how have you been? He looked at the floor, discarding the wet rag near an old stool.
- Fine, she nodded to the floor, fighting a sudden rush of tears, trying to contain them in, in vain.
- Ven aqui.
He didn’t need to say more and she was in his arms. She didn’t remember him giving her hugs like that before, she shut her eyes, crushed against him, fisting his shirt, and he seemed to reciprocate, folding his bulk around her. He smelled like gas and sweat, but she only buried her head further in his chest. After some time like that she could feel the breath knocked off her chest and she started laughing
- Eres un idiota, you know that, she mumbled in a huff, a big idiot.
- I really shouldn’t teach you this one, but I know right, sorry hermana, I really mean it.
- Well, sorry too, she shrugged, as they let go of each other's embrace.
- Hey, no more tears, ok? Drink with me tonight?
- Sure, but just a lil', ok? She sniffed.
- Pft, aguafiestas, he grumbled, picked up two bottles of tequila and passed her one.
- So to what are we drinking tonight?
-  A la reunión! Amiga!
- A la reunión, then!
- Opening one of your expensive ones, just for me? she winced after one little gulp.
- Solo pa’ti, hermana, even if I know you’d rather go for one of your exotic stuff, tomatoes juice or something like that…
- Shut up, since when is tomatoes juice exotic, she internally face palmed.
- It is if I say so. Come on now, let’s sit, I’m beat, and starvin’.
- When aren’t you. She teased as he put his arm around her shoulder, leading her to the couch.
They sat comfortably in silence for some time.  When she finished her bottle, he was already at his third or fourth.
-You, Mimi, you won’t close the door on me anymore, huh, any door…
She could tell the alcohol started to work its way to his head. He was starting to tell her things that she could misunderstand, like only him could…
- Hey, hey, no more tequila tonight, please? She gently took the bottle from his hands. His usually warm palms were clammy and cold, shaking slightly.
- It’s a bad day, not a bad year, and even if it is, it certainly won’t be a bad life, remember, these are your own words you used to tell me.
- Si, recuerdo. He chuckled sadly.
- How can we regret something we don’t want, Huh.
- Do you, Jack? Mey’s throat was oppressed; she kept her voice low, as if afraid to hear her friend’s answers. She felt powerless, the weight of his grief falling on her chest. She knew that whatever she would say now, it wouldn’t be enough.
- What if I do Mimi, it’s done you know… it’s gone… I killed it.
- Shut, shut no, Jackie, no. If it’s someone’s fault, it should be mine, too. She softly scratched his scalp, a failed attempt to soothe him. His body was stiff with unshed tears, tension threatening to break at any moment, and she wished he would at last, cry. Let it seep out of his system. She wished he could do it with her, as tears pickled at the corners of her eyes, stinging, fat drops of salty water, falling free.
- How’s that your fault too, Mey? He turned with questioning eyes, and she found her courage failing her, as his eyes searched her face and her hand fell on his forehead. It was still hard to look him in the eyes.
- I should’ve been there for you, I should’ve been there when you were alone facing this decision I-
- You being there wouldn’t change my decision, hermana. It was already settled, and for some time now. Me and Lin, wasn’t working anyway.  
- Because you didn’t want it to work. She didn’t want to accuse him in any way, it was a statement that she and he both knew was true.
- Because I didn’t want it to work.
- Why? she asked in a little voice.
- Eh, the boxer and the super model, you believed it too?
- I- thought it was perfect, Jack, I really did.
At least for some time.
- You’re a romantic.
- Look who’s talking, she let out a teary laugh.
- But that’s not what I was talking about… I meant…
- I know what you meant, and there too, it wouldn’t have changed a thing.
The silence that followed was the heaviest Mey had ever felt between them.
- How… How did she take it?
- Surprisingly well. She’s a smart girl, Mimi. Bet that’s why she wanted us to be engaged, can’t blame her for not trying.
- She is a good woman, Jack.
- Lo sé, lo sé. Jackie said quiet, tears wetting the fabric of her dress. It was good, she thought. He still trusted her enough, enough to let her see his most vulnerable side, even after almost a month of absence, of total silence.
It was such a relief, if she let herself be honest. To find him again, broken, but still her friend who would call her hermana, offer to make dinner and end up dozing off, head in her lap.
It felt good to touch him again, too. Now in the quiet hours of the night, she could hear the cold neon lights purring, electricity running through the garage’s old wires, the tunes of whatever music he left on, that was almost muted, reached her from the furthest corner of his hideout. It smelt like motor oil and alcohol and old leather, a bit of him too, and before the knots in her stomach started to twist again, she talked herself to go and let him rest.
-Don’t you think it’s time to go and get some sleep in that fancy bed of yours? She prompted, trying to sound as light as she intended.
-Nah. Like it here more, reminds me of where I came from. ‘sides, it’s comfortable.
-Might be comfy for you, big head, but my legs are starting to get numb, so… She tried to shake his head off her lap, playfully pushing at his shoulders.
- Don’t even try, weak ass.
- That’s abuse of power!
- La niña learned to talk, too. Not bad.
- Fuck off.
- What about you going home now, huh, I’m just gonna crash here tonight. Couch’s enough comfort for my ass, for now.  He straightened up, rubbed his eyes, dusted his jeans, offered a hand for her to take.
- Or you can crash on mine. She shrugged, taking his offered hand and fighting a blush. Or not- she started when the response took a bit long to come.
- Let’s get the fuck outta here, then. And he gave her a real smile, this time.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
this is an outta nowhere question but what are your thoughts on Joker in Smash about a year since he was added? I've heard some folks say the reason the Persona fandom got so toxic is bc Smash got involved and I wanted to know what you thought since you've been in it way longer than P5 and Joker in Smash
Short answer: Yes AND No. 
Long answer (it’s me of course it’s gonna be under the cut due to length 8U):
I’mma be honest, there’s always toxic fans. I know Smash Fans (and Nintendo fans in general) haven’t exactly been peaches, esp when it comes to Twitter (which I think is also an issue atm). But there were toxic fans before than and there’ll be toxic fans later. It’s just life tbh. (dunno where to put this but I’ll put it here: Twitter nowadays is like 2012-2015ish Tumblr, different being Tumblr was a bit more hiveminded and if you disagreed with a popular fandom opinion you.....were kinda bullied let’s be honest so no one could really say their opinions. While Twitter now it’s not a hivemind but instead two sided extremist that you need to choose. Both toxic and similar but just a taaaaad bit different, I’d probs take the two extremist sides over the hivemind if I had to chose tho...even tho Tumblr had better content during that era than Twitter right now imo but that’s in general and not Persona only. 8U Tumblr’s REALLY calmed down since the porn ban I’m not gonna lie, and ironically that’s roughly around the time that Twitter started getting shitty. So like....kinda saying there’s a correlation, I think a lot of toxic tumblr people probably migrated to twitter, and while there’s toxic fans everywhere it feels like a lot gather on Twitter so it really highlights the fandom there sadly). 
From my experience (which is from P4 PS2 era onward, I missed the pre-P4 P3 PS2 era stuff but apparently there were waifu wars which from what I’ve found I probs would’ve just classified as “shipping war” stuff rather than waifu wars....and it seemed liked standard shipping war stuff from back then), the bigger a fandom grows the more fans it obviously attracts, but that also means more toxic fans too. And that’s why I say yes and no for the smash community, yes because they did attract more fans (and their community seems to be a bit toxic atm, like I get expressing your wants to a company and I support that! but the INSTANT you don’t get a specific character announced for the fighter pass and instead of just being like “oh golly darn :(” but instead “***** this place ***** Nintendo you all suck ****** *slur* *slur*” yeah no that’s a little....you gotta take a step back buddy, so yeah I’m sure there’s a bit more toxic fans in that fandom atm but they are also a BIG ASS FANDOM so I’m not surprised), but it’s also just the cause and effect of the fandom getting bigger in general.
It happened when P4 got it’s anime (btw anime fans ya still valid and are a Persona fan, just keep in mind if you wanna talk lore just know you did watch a very abridged version of the game so be aware you might have somethings wrong cause of that.....cause I’ve seen it happen.....DX btw let’s play watchers are also real Persona fans and I’d say even people who just like Joker in Smash are at least Joker fans and that’s ok too enough gate keeping guys DX), it happened when we started getting spinoffs, kinda with the P3 movies (only really cause FeMC fans were salty or P3 fans upset what was cut/changed, but it wasn’t on any toxic level tbh just normal complaints, I think the fact it was a movie instead of an anime bypassed newer fans than with P4/5 animes), it happened when P5 solidified it into the mainstream gaming market (I’ll stand by P4 helped break Persona into it via all the other avenues of mainstream, with P5 finally latching the main series into mainstream games.....I say mainstream cause spinoffs are looking the same as pre mainstream which.....>.> *shrugs* could be better imo), it happened with P5′s anime, and it happened with Smash Bros. And tbh I’m sure it happened or will happen with the Steam community (and Switch/Xbox if it ever goes there too) and P4G (P4 fans go through the same cycle of BS constantly, most of which I believe originated with the anime generation, that it’s hard to tell if there was an uptick or not). And it’ll probs get an uptick again with P6, and then P6′s anime. And maybe manga cause maybe P6 fans like the P5 fans and won’t listen when people say “don’t get attached to the manga name it’s probs not gonna be used so hold off till the anime” but hey let’s have drama for no reason cause we need it. 8U (obvie you can still like the manga name, it’s more for people complaining about name changes or not getting why Atlus just didn’t keep the manga name even tho an explanation is probs within arm’s reach and they were warned beforehand)
*sighs* Sorry back on topic, each time the fandom grows so will toxic fans. Tbh I feel like the phrase “toxic fans” are thrown around a lot. And it’s esp used for only....”haters” it feels like and I don’t think that’s right (cause it can be fans too), it just feels like ANY negativity (even constructive and kept reigned in by certain users) is viewed as that. Like take me, I’m sure I’m probs labeled as a “toxic fan” due to be being a Megaten/Persona fan but disliking P5 and talking shit/calling it out. But I try my damnedest to do that in the appropriate places (ie my personal blog, maybe a confessions place, or a thread/board that’s expressing negatives only OR it’s explaining/expressing pros and cons type of stuff, I find that to be the best because it keeps people who want to vent away from people who want to gush so no war happens, not saying I am perfect or you HAVE to follow this or you are toxic, it’s what I decided to ascribe to and find it works well and good enough and it gives me a better fandom experience). Aka, I don’t go on twitter to someone’s fanart of Yukari or Makoto and trash the character because I’m not a freaking asshole (or in this case a ~toxic fan~). But this also applies to the “fans” as well who will talk about something they like (character/game) but the ONLY  way they can raise it up is by tearing down something else (other character/game), it’s really rude and also toxic as well. Negativity is not inherently bad all the time, and Positivity is not inherently good all the time (with positivity it’s more of giving yourself a break from it rather than saying something positive can be bad at times, tho I’m sure there are times that-that has happened but it’s 2:30 am and I don’t want to think of an example for that). It’s how it’s used/expressed. I see the Twitter community trying to combat the “negativity” by trying to only spread “positivity” and I’m afraid 1) any negative expression, even constructive, will be scorned (I guess I’m afraid of us going back to a hivemind mentality again), but most importantly 2) the people trying to head it are going to be burned out and it’ll hurt them mentally (I do not want it to happen obvie, but I know personally it can wear you down which is why I’m concerned). Don’t get me wrong I love what they are doing/trying to do, but I think we’re generalizing the word “negativity” and “positivity” a bit too much and it’s just raising a few red flags for me (I’m just hoping I’m being paranoid/overanalyzing in this case). 
Uhhh there was one last thing I wanted to address.....Oh yeah gate keeping. I know you asked about Smash but this stuff is kinda related and hey think of it as a history lesson for the Persona fandom (or at least Nusona cause I didn’t have a game system in the 90s ;_; plus wee little me wouldn’t have been able to find P1/2 fandoms back then due to me not really using the internet like I do nowadays till around P3 was probs released). Plus you know how long winded I am so this is kinda what you sign up for, 3 am ramblings of overexplaining~! But gdi I will try to cover all the bases and get my point across in....some fashion. 8U
But yeah, Gatekeeping in relation to the Smash fans, cause I see Persona fans shit on new fans that got into Persona through Smash (I know above I said Joker fans are valid Joker fans rather than Persona fans, but I’m assuming they’ve yet to play/watch Persona and are just aware of Joker and are a fan of him vs the fans who saw Joker and then watch/played the games to get into the fandom. One set is a fan of a character vs the other set got into a franchise because of said character. Like I wouldn’t say I’m a FE fan cause I liked Marth/Roy in SSBM, which is why I have that distinction myself BUT if you wanna call yourself a Persona fan that’s valid, you’re valid, it’s whatever, I don’t really care about the details that much, I just have two categories for convenience). Anyway I don’t think it’s fair to shit on them. Same as I don’t think it’s fair to shit on anime only or manga only fans. Or if they got into the fandom through Nusona (Oldsona is P1/2, Nusona is P3-5 atm). Or Oldsona. Or another Megaten game. 
Maybe it’s cause I came from P4, where it got shit on cause it wasn’t (”dark”) like P3, it wasn’t (”dark”) like Oldsona, it wasn’t “dark” like other Megaten games, it got shit on every way to Sunday for daring to try to have a more lightened mood at times (3 murders happen, we see 3 dead bodies, a 6 yo dies onscreen, we have characters going through intense existential crises, we deal with characters mourning through death as well as other relatable struggles, basically shows our teammates die one by one in the final boss, having a chance to hear Naoto’s death scream on the phone if you don’t stop Adachi, just the “you didn’t save the person” phone calls in general, talks about society’s toxic gender roles and how it can negatively effect a person both to an extreme extent and minor, god forbid they eat an animal cracker to lighten the mood, and this isn’t counting the dark shit that happens in the spinoffs). As if P1/2/3 don’t have comedy, or any other Megaten game, all the demons are freaking weird of course there is comedy. Oh and it also got shit on for going mainstream first, and not even counting that it got shit on for spinoffs (which P3 was included but no P3 gets a pass for some reason), and the fact that it was shit on for not being P5 (before and a little while after P5 came out) because it wasn’t “dark” like P5 (fdksjafajkfljafj P5 has it’s moments, esp with Shiho, tho P4D did it first and went through with it, but seriously each game has it’s own light and dark moments and one isn’t better than the other only cause they have more of one than the other). And....*sigh* let’s just say thank god that I was able to buy other Megaten games right before the flood gates of shit came in, cause I dunno if I would’ve wanted to give it a chance if I had to hear my fav game shit on constantly. I say I dunno cause tbh I was craving more after P4 so badly I still would’ve probs gotten into it regardless of the fandom, I wanted more from the franchise even if it wasn’t 100% like P4. 
But tbh I don’t blame P5 fans, anime fans, or Smash fans for maybe not wanting to get into the rest of the series. I get old fans of whatever feeling like they are...I dunno being invaded? By new people in the fandom. Or their afraid of new fans not fully understanding the franchise (hey guys that’s where you teach people instead of try to passive aggressively try to get them to leave the fandom I dunno maybe make posts to educate instead of trying to push away??? 030). And change is hard and yeah. And maybe you don’t like the new game (keep in mind there’s a diff between saying “*insert* Sux” and “I don’t like *insert* because...” one’s shitting on something and the other is constructive), but hey shitting on the game they like is probs not gonna win them over to your fav game sflkdjafkjafja Educate and be helpful, don’t gatekeep and drive people away. That’s a sure fire way for us to lose this franchise (remember we almost lost Atlus all together, but it was able to get a 2nd life thanks to P4 saving it....tbh probably wouldn’t have ever gotten P5 nor SMTV nor any spinoffs if not for P4′s success with its game and anime, this is both a history lesson and a word of warning since it already almost happened once). 
Tldr; Smash didn’t help but it’s really just the fact the fandom got bigger and bigger fandom means we also end up getting more toxic fans mixed in. Twitter now is basically 2012-2015!Tumblr (diff is Tumblr’s was a hivemind vs Twitter’s now extremist two sides only thing), and Tumblr’s porn ban probably migrated a lot of their toxic fans to Twitter which probs hasn’t helped any fandoms on there. Negativity in general isn’t an issue, it’s if you’re being an outright asshole where it’s an issue. Don’t be an asshole in general, if you need to vent then vent where you need to, if you wanna gush then gush were you need to and without bringing anyone/anything down obvie. You are a Persona fan, regardless of where/how you started. Don’t gatekeep for the love of god, or so help me Jack Frost will sneak into your house and smack you in the face with a snowball (and if he doesn’t then I will.....jk...half jk 8U). Also *sprinkles of (allusions to? I dunno I tried it’s 3 am and my 2nd try on answering this and the first one was just as long) Silly’s Persona fandom history lessons throughout the post*
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 70
From: BJLCubbins
To: HCDeRobiano
Subject: Re: re: Silence is not golden
This was never a game for me, never! I'm a little too old to be playing games, when will you finally believe me? I don't know how or if I'm ever gonna win your trust back, but I'm not giving up, no way!
Charles isn't exactly the right man to be talking to, you should be right here talking to me! I don't want to torment you, I somehow needed to put some distance between us, because in spite of what you're thinking, I too am grieving and suffering. I've lost the woman I love so much by my own doing and that is killing me. One part of me is thinking: Harper deserves better, but the other part is saying: no, I'm the right man for her and she is the right woman for me. Making sense? Probably not, I don't know anything anymore, all I know is that I'm as miserable as can be.
Scratch 'maybe' out of your sentence 'maybe I should keep in touch with you', you need to stay in touch with me, life is even harder without your e-mails, no matter how unfiltered and angry they are.
Your exhibition will be amazing, the torment has got nothing to do with that, you're the future of art and that's a fact! When is it?
About the trust issues, it's ripping my heart out that you put me on the same line as your father and Sean, I can understand about them as they always used you and never loved you, but I did..I've loved and still love you Harper. I'll always remember the day I actually met you..it was instant love..
This mail is not like me, it's not eloquent, it's got no rhythm..I'm just hurting so bad, sorry!
Woww, what? So you're the victim now? Classic! Just fucking classic!
From: HCDeRobiano
To: BJLCubbins
Subject: Re: re: re: Silence is not golden
Really? You're gonna be the victim now? The great George Michael once sang: 'guilty feet have got no rhythm', it's the same with feet as with your e-mails then, I guess!
The day you met me? Another fine example to prove my point that you can't commit to one woman! Let me refresh your memory..at the moment we first met, I was flown in as your lightdesigner and I got so much attention from you at the time, while you were constantly flirting with the other me by e-mail. That's when I should have known that you can never be true to one woman, even though I was one and the same but you didn't know that at the time.
Tell me, Jared, who did you really fall in love with, Coco or Harper?
Just..whatever, Jay!
No ‘Harper’, no ‘Coco’, just ‘HC’, just some initials like this was a goddamn business transaction, it's too late, it's too bloody late! I'm done with this arguing, close the chapter for good, lick your wounds and then move on. He swiped her mail away, he couldn't go on, a wave of infinite sadness overwhelmed him and he let himself fall back on the bed and unabashedly cried his eyes out. On the other side of the country, Harper nervously wiped a tear away, don't cry, not here anyway, besides you've done too much of that already, forget what you lost, just gather what you still have even if it's just your pride and walk away, enough fighting, enough damage done on both sides. She switched off her phone, there, the world will still keep turning without me for a few days and if Charles needs me, he knows where I live.
Days later and Jared was just about to go on stage when he got a call from Charles “Jay, have you heard from her?” his friend's worried voice had the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “Heard from who?” he knew who he meant but couldn't bring himself to say her name, “Harper! I've been calling, texting, e-mailing her, I even drove to her apartment a couple of times and she seems to have vanished from the face of the earth, I needed the rest of her work yesterday” Charles sounded desperate. “No, I've got her last e-mail over a week ago and to be honest she's no longer my concern” Jared breathed into his phone while microphone wires were attached to him “I've gotta go Charles, I'm about to go on stage” he didn't wait for Charles' reply and handed the phone to Shayla who disconnected the call. Just like he said, not his concern anymore, so what if she was missing? He had banned her out of his thoughts and had gotten through the week more or less ok,  surrounding himself with friends and family, and being the center of every party of every day this week and no he had not slept in his own bed for one night but he was a free man right? He didn't need to explain anything to anyone, not anymore. He walked up the small steps of the stage, a wave of heat surrounded him, blinding stroboscopic lights, the box lifted with the pulsating, hypnotic beat of 'Monolith' and the familiar roar of the crowd tugged at every fibre of his body, his eyes connecting with a couple of blue eyes in the frontstage, the eyes of last night's nameless conquest he had fucked. Guilty feet have got no rhythm? Just fuck off De Robiano, you don't know anything about me, you were just a warm and soft cushion for the pushing, nothing more, go ahead and fuck that stupid, sissyboy Nathan, lock yourself up with him and pretend he's the chosen one, the one who understands how that lunatic mind of yours works because I don't give a fuck about you anymore.
There was an urgent knock on the door that pulled her out of her concentration, huh? She jumped off her scaffolding and walked to the door, ohhh her back ached from being in the same position for far too long. “Djeezes fuckin' Christ!” in front of her stood a swearing and cursing Charles “what do you have a fuckin' phone for? I was this close to report you missing! Do you still want that exhibition or do I give your spot to the next big thing I've been putting on hold for a long time now!” he pushed past her, she looked completely clueless, her big brown eyes had big dark circles underneath, she clearly hadn't slept in god knew how long. “Charles..I..” she nervously wiped her hands on her blouse and looked for her phone to tell her the date and the time, “don't you fucking dare to 'Charles' me, I should have had your last pieces two days ago! I've been blowing up your phone and I'm so sick of that voicemail of yours, I've even been round here and you never answer the door” he yelled at her. He stomped around the apartment, the steam was really coming out of his ears when he saw the cord of the door videophone unplugged “how much do you want this, Harper? How fucking much? Because if you're not interested in your future then you tell me right now and I walk! I've got much better things to do with my time and my money than to invest it in some careless, egotistical little wannabe artist”. Harper let herself sink down on a barstool completely gobsmacked, the last couple of days had been about painting day and night to get it all finished, without any distraction and now she had missed her window?
All the yelling he was doing hit her like a brick wall and only intensified her low self esteem of the last couple of days where she had constantly thought that she was a loser and every single one of her paintings was a joke. “I'm sorry..I am..really sorry..” she stuttered and nervously wrang her hands, biting on her lip she tried to keep the frustrated and exhausted tears at bay “I didn't mean to..”. Charles' eyes were still shooting daggers at her “are you actually going to form a coherent sentence? Oh forget it, I'm outta here” he spat and then spun on his heels and stomped over to the door. That's when she completely broke down, silent tears started rolling down her cheeks as she buried her face in her hands, he stopped when he opened the door and in the corner of his eye he saw how silent sobs ripped through her body and it broke his heart. Taking a deep breath, he turned around again and put his hand on her back “don't cry, I didn't mean all that, it was just the adrenalin talking after a crazy couple of days, but I guess the days have been as crazy for you as they were for me..I was so worried..I even called Jared thinking you were with him”. The mention of his name made her lift her head but she didn't say anything, “which was a ridiculous idea..you're obviously painting him out of your system” he whistled between his teeth as he looked around the studio and saw the paintings, one of them was a heartwrenching, hyperrealistic painting of a semi-naked Jared looking right at the spectator with an expression in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat. “And he's singing you out of his system..”.
Hours later in the middle of a sleepless night, Jared took his phone from the bedside table and started scrolling, the reflection of the light made the anonymous lover for the night stir, so he got up and tried to find his way around this girl's house, where was the frikkin' kitchen in this place?. “Charles, it's me..did you find her?” he breathed into his phone as he pulled open the fridge in search of a drink, “I did..” Charles' reply was short and stern, “is she ok?” he had to know, he had felt bad all through the show having cut him off like he had done. “I'm not trying to be rude or anything, Jared, but why do you want to know? you said yourself she is no longer your concern” he breathed into the phone, “I know what I said..I was trying to protect myself..of course I still..” he hesitated before the world 'love' fell from his lips “care..about her”. Charles heard him struggling and pinched the bridge of his nose “I'm gonna be honest here..I worry about her..it's not uncommon for an artist to lock himself away from the world and she needed the time alone to finish everything, but my god Jared, you should see what she has made..it's the strongest, yet most heartbreaking, gutwrenching series of paintings..you have to see it to believe it, it's impossible to describe. It's phenomenal and it's gonna shoot her to the top of the art world but..aside from all that she's just not ok, she's desperately trying to be but that's one damaged cookie”. Shivers ran up and down Jared's spine, Harper..god, Harper..you stupid, harsh, tough, wonderful, gorgeous, amazing creature, I am trying so desperately to forget you and push you away, but you're always there in the pit of my heart and right behind my eyes no matter how much I try to fuck you out of my system. “Can you put me on the guestlist?” he blurted it out before he could change his mind, “Jared, I don't think..” Charles bit his lip, was confrontation what she needed or even wanted? Hell no! “..ok, I'll tell them to add your name to the list even though I'm probably gonna regret this for the rest of my life, just for the love of everything that's dear to me, don't you dare start a frikking World War III down here, she'll hate me more than enough already knowing you're there”. Jared exhaled like he had been holding his breath for too long “I won't, I promise, I'm not coming down to confront her, besides she won't even have to know I'm there, I'll hide somewhere so she won't have to see me, I just want to see her work”.
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zugzwangz · 4 years
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I haven’t been here for a minute and that’s not how it should be. This blog started out as a semi daily journal. The problem with that is that people (including myself) only tend to journal when things are bad. That’s when we talk about our insecurities and our fears and shit. It's because we are uncertain of what's next and sharing how we feel is a good coping mechanism.
Before we go on let me say that this is not gonna be a depression post. Everything is fine, everyone is well and I’m VERY crossed.
I mean it hasn’t all been peaches and cream, the start of this year really put me in a situation I’ve never been in before. I’m sure ya’ll can relate. I was stripped of all the fat in my personality and I was just left with myself. Unfortunately I didn’t like myself at the time so for a while there I was a drag.  
In California the start of the madness happened in the middle of March and we didn’t go full lockdown till the beginning of April.  I still had a job at this point and I wasn’t afraid. I was never alone really. I had friends around me 24/7 and frequent female company. Things were ok. But then you know April comes around and not even one week in, I begin to lose it a lil bit.
For one the girl I was seeing at the time was crazy immature and excommunicated me out of the group I established. Which was super weird because we didn't even sleep together or really date that long, so she really had no justification to play the victim of any kind. But yeah anyway this sucked because no I was just alone with no one to talk too really.
THEN my funding got cut for both my job and my research project, so I was left with no work or nothing to preoccupy my time and personality with. So now I’m in the red both socially and financially.
Right around this one beacon of light hit me, and she was really alright. She was naturally pretty and a straight bro. Honestly she was this very strange mixture of hick, leftist, and gamer. It was really entertaining. She was very intelligent and called me out so many times. We had good conversations. But she was forsure not over her Ex and I was not myself while around her which eventually pushed her away. Which is a nonchalant way to say she blocked me outta nowhere. Did I deserve it ? Idk really. I was being weird forsure. Boundaries between the two of us were not set properly and she saw me at my lowest. And my guy you don’t wanna see that. Like I get why she left. Her story Arch was tiny. But I’ll always remember her as that tiny girl I met during Covid.
So after losing my job, my research project, my friends, the girl, and then also my hair (don’t ask). I was honestly in the strangest zone in my life. I spent so many days in bed. Forcing my eyes to stay closed to make the day move faster. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror because I didn’t like the person looking back and dude I couldn’t afford the things I had grown accustomed to.  
You can’t do that forever though. Like you can’t just live in this state of self pity. I mean I can’t. And I didn’t.
So post the girl leaving, we had Four new roommates move in one ima air out right now and the other who I misjudged. Actually I misjudged both. Shocker right? Byrice, Pavel, Ted, and Uncle. When I met Pavel he was this stinky dude with like no possessions on him. He was constantly buying weed from me and to put it simply he was a mess. Then there was that fuck head white entitled motherfucker Byrice. OMG he was the worst person. The dude was ripped out of his mind but he was a sociopath, he was such a strange dude. He was super disrespectful and only stayed around for a month. So right after he left we got Ted. Ted is great. He is this older dude but he has had the worst life. He is trying to make it in the weed world and that's about as much as I can tell you.  
So, right after Ted moved in Pavel began to restructure his life and began to talk to me as a friend and mentor. I learned how similar we were and honestly he is like a brother now. He is the funniest dude. We put structure into each other’s lives while talking through all our issues. Everyday we told each other 3 things we wanted to accomplish in the day. No matter how simple it was. Overtime the goals got more ambitious. And by June I was me again. Covid actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I’m playing Door Dash. Playing the UI system, all the while getting ready to apply for the big tech job that will change things entirely in January.  
So Finally we get to the most current chapter in my life; Uncle. Uncle is not my real Uncle. He is Pavel’s Half brother. And the Dude is fucking wild man. In fact we are gonna need another PH just to talk about it.
So Uncle is this Active military Assassin dude who is like IRL Extraction. He goes to different countries on some black ops shit and kills whatever threat the government assigns him too. He came into our lives because he was brought down by the only power in this world that can dismantle a man of his almost fictional status. No not al qaeda. No not PTSD. Divorce LMAO.  
He came to our place about a week ago. I can’t accurately write about him because of how ridiculously wild this dude is. I’ve never encountered anyone this powerful and well connected since my oneitus’s dad. I think I’m going to stop here because i want more drink and need to finish some more work before we hit midnight. Anyway things are ok. Im 24 now. I’m dating again. I have a plan and structure. I have excellent role models and the future is so bright I need sunglasses my dude.  
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