#okay fine I’ll finally make a queue tag
onewithblankets · 1 year
I love being places but I hate driving. I live closer to a highway than to any kind of store. Do you see the problem
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noxemma · 6 months
(Not) Too Sweet for Me
Word Count: 2,376
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Fluff, Just all the fluff, Inspired by a Hozier Song, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Scheming Sam Winchester, Idiots in Love, silly and sweet, Sam Winchester is a mastermind, Sam Winchester is So Done with Castiel/Dean Winchester, Domestic Fluff, Established Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Self-indulgent fluff, No Beta, my only excuse is that this started as an incoherent and semi-delirious text message
Summary: “Dude! How come Cas gets to pick the music?”
“Well, Sammy, he actually helped with dinner, so he gets a say and I happen to like a little Taylor every once in a while.” Dean retorts but he can’t quite meet his brother’s glare.
Dean and Cas are listening to Taylor Swift as they make dinner. Sam complains and is subjected to even more Taylor Swift so he makes them listen to Too Sweet as revenge, although it doesn't have the results he thinks it will (or does it?).
“We’re back!” Sam shouts as he and Eileen make their way toward the bunker kitchen.
“You’re just in time, the burgers are almost done. Hunt went okay? No issues or anything?” Dean raises his voice to be heard over the music playing through the speaker on the counter.
“Yeah, it was just a vengeful spirit. An easy salt and burn cleared it right up.” Eileen answers while Sam rolls his eyes and throws a megawatt bitch face at Dean.
“Taylor Swift? Really, Dean?” Sam groans.
“Hey! The cook is like the driver, which means that I get to pick the music and you get to sit down and shut your cakehole,” Dean waves the knife he’s using to cut tomato menacingly across the metal counter. “Or you can make your own food and I can dump your southwest bean burgers in the trash where they belong.”
Sam turns an indignant face toward Eileen, but she just laughs.
“Sorry, Sam. I actually agree with Dean here. Plus, I like her songs too.” Dean gives her a wink and signs thank you while Sam huffs in frustration and slumps into a seat at the table across from Cas.
“I’m sorry, Sam. I’m the one who requested Taylor Swift. Jack and Claire have been listening to her a lot recently in preparation for the concert. I didn’t like it at first, but I must admit that some of the songs are very catchy and pleasing to listen to.”
“Dude! How come Cas gets to pick the music?”
“Well, Sammy, he actually helped with dinner, so he gets a say and I happen to like a little Taylor every once in a while.” Dean retorts but he can’t quite meet his brother’s glare.
Sam narrows his eyes, looking between Dean, clearly hard at work in the kitchen, and Cas, clearly just sitting at the table. “Oh yeah? How exactly did Cas help with dinner, ‘cause it looks like he’s just sitting around like the rest of us.”
“Dean, it’s okay. He’s right, I haven't really done anything to help.” Cas gets up and plucks Dean’s phone off the counter to switch the music. Before he can even get in the numbers of Dean’s passcode (222967) the phone is plucked from his hands and deposited into Dean’s pocket.
“He’s my emotional support since you two decided you wanted to go on a hunting date and didn’t invite us.” Dean emphasizes his point by sticking out his tongue. “So, we’re at least going to finish the songs Cas queued or I’ll purposely burn your bean patties, capiche?”
Cas shuffles awkwardly back to his seat.
"Ughhhhh, fine,” Sam groans, dropping his head to the table in resignation.
“Don’t let him fool you. He listens to Taylor Swift with me, and he enjoys it,” Eileen mouths to Dean.
“Oh, I know.” Dean mouths back with a grin and a wink.
After a few more songs, Dean finally tells Sam he can join the jam session and add songs to the queue. Sam thinks for a minute before he starts grinning and typing furiously.
“Hey, hey! Don’t make me revoke your privileges.”
“What? I haven’t done anything.” Sam blinks back at him, the picture of innocence, but Dean can practically hear the yet that Sam didn’t say.
“Uh, huh. Sure. Just for that: Cas you have another request?”
“Oh, uh,” Cas’ eyes dart toward Sam.
“Don’t worry about him, in fact, don't even look at him," Dean tells Cas over exasperated moose noises, "What do you want?”
“Would you mind listening to Shake It Off again?” Cas asks softly and Dean feels his heart melt a little. Cas has already queued that one several times today, but Dean finds that the repetition doesn’t bug him like it normally would, especially not when Cas begins dancing without realizing it.
“Not at all. I like that one too.” Dean knows his words come out too soft; he tries to recover before anyone else can notice, "You feel free to add stuff too, Eileen.”
“Thanks, but I’m actually enjoying your and Cas’ playlist,” Eileen admits, sticking her tongue out at Sam when he lets out a groan.
Sam’s pick begins playing as Dean preps the buns for when the patties get done. It starts out low and slow and folky and he’s sure he’s never heard it before but the singer sounds familiar. Dean sees Eileen and Sam signing back and forth but it’s too fast and beyond his limited ASL knowledge, so he just shrugs it off. He might have skipped the song if he’d known that Eileen was telling his brother You're the worst. You really shouldn’t push them or Sam’s reply It’s for their own good.
“Who sings this?”
“Hozier. It’s new.” Sam answers, giving him a strange look.
“Oh, I didn’t even realize he’d released new stuff.” Dean finds himself thinking it sounds more like Eileen’s taste in music than Sam’s, but it’s not bad. “What’s it called?”
“Too Sweet,” Sam replies casually. Dean’s too busy typing it in to notice the conspiratorial look that Eileen gives Sam.
Then the chorus hits and Dean stills for a moment.
I take my whiskey neat,
My coffee black and my bed …
Dean lets out a huff of laughter when he sees Cas whip his head toward Dean and raise his brow with amusement.
“Ha, same! Do-” Dean starts to jokingly ask Sam if he thinks the song was written about him but the next lyrics steal the words.
You’re too sweet for me,
You’re too sweet for me ...
Dean’s eyes immediately seek out Cas, who is looking right back at him with longing that he quickly tries to hide. Dean’s cheeks heat up and he can’t bring himself to look away even when Cas does.
“Dean! Careful the burgers are gonna burn!”
Sam's shout startles Dean into action and he flips them just in time. He quickly decides to focus entirely on serving up the food and avoiding blue eyes, which works until the middle of the second verse.  
You know you’re bright as the morning,
As soft as the rain,
Pretty as a vine,
As sweet as a grape
Once again, he’s compelled to lock eyes with his angel. His mouth opens to try and make a joke of it, but nothing comes out.
Sam and Eileen share a knowing look and begin signing again; Cas and Dean are too lost in each other’s eyes to notice.
The song ends and the room feels far too heavy for the upbeat sound of Shake It Off.
“So? How’d you like it? I thought it was kind of spot on for you, Dean.” Sam breaks the silence, an odd tone in his voice. He winces as Eileen shoots him a warning look and kicks him under the table. “Only about the whiskey and the coffee though, of course.”
“It, it was … good and the whiskey and coffee part are very me but uh,” Dean takes a shaky breath and stares directly at Cas with a shy smile, “I definitely like things that are probably too sweet for me.” 
Cas’ eyes go wide before dropping to his hands. 
Eileen’s mouth falls open as she looks between Dean and Cas before asking Sam, in sign, if this is actually happening.
Sam, looking equally surprised that his impromptu plot appears to have succeeded, just shrugs at her. No one says anything and another Taylor Swift song begins to play.
Eventually, Sam takes it upon himself to break the silence again. “Well, um, I think Eileen and I are going to work on some ... lore research. We’ll just take our plates to my room ‘cause it's pretty dry stuff and we don’t want to bore you.”
Eileen rolls her eyes at the lame excuse to give Cas and Dean some privacy but goes along anyway and grabs two of the bean burgers Dean has finished assembling.
Dean thinks he hears Eileen call Sam a coward as they exit into the hallway but he’s too hyperaware of Cas still avoiding his gaze to really care all that much. He silently begs the angel to look at him, to give him some glimpse of what is going on in his head. Dean needs something to reassure him that Cas isn’t avoiding looking at him because he is horrified by Dean’s attempt at flirting.
“Whelp I guess it’s just us for dinner then. Typical Sammy to bitch about the music then ditch.” Dean tries to break the tension and pretend he didn’t just flirt with his friend in front of his family. He sets their beef burgers down at the table.
“Thank you. It looks delicious, Dean.” Perpetually chapped lips curve into a small, lovely smile and blue eyes shine up at him. His heart starts pattering in a series of impossible acrobatics like it's going for a gold medal. His breath catches and he knows his face is a few seconds from telegraphing his feelings in bright pink. He quickly retreats back to the fridge to take some deep breaths. “Anyway, uh, you want a beer?”
“Hmm? Oh, sure. That would be nice. Are you ... are you going to have whiskey?” Cas tries to tease, but the words come out gentle. Dean turns and sees the smile falter as Cas mistakes his hope for confusion. Before he can get out even a fake laugh, Cas is shoving his burger into his mouth and averting his gaze.
Dean brings Cas his bottle of beer and sits down next to him. Cas may have started eating the burger as a distraction, but it now looks like he’s genuinely enjoying it. He’s making ridiculous happy little noises and Dean can’t bring himself to say anything that might ruin the moment. He’s about to take a bite of his own burger when Cas finally comes up for air after nearly inhaling three quarters of his burger. Dean's hands stop, his mouth hangs open, and he can’t do anything but stare at where Cas is trying to lick a bit of runaway ketchup off his chin as he reaches for the beer.
Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you,
Been here all along so why can’t you see,
You belong with me
“You know, I think I really am in the mood for something sweet,” Dean finds himself saying; the words spilling out without his permission.
“Oh, um, I don’t know if we have anything...” Cas’ brow furrows as he tries to think if there are any sweets that might be hidden in the bunker’s pantry or fridge.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to ...” Dean trails off as he leans forward and plants a quick kiss at the corner of Cas’ mouth before he can chicken out. He sits back and begins to quietly panic when Cas simply stares back at him with surprise. When he can’t handle it anymore, Dean tears his gaze away and starts fiddling with a hole in his jeans. Discouraged and embarrassed he begins mentally cursing himself and Hozier and Taylor for giving him stupid ideas.
“Uh, sorry. You still had ketchup on your face and all these dumb songs… I thought it would be funny but it was stupid and rude and I’m sorry. If you want, we can just ... We can forget it ever happened,” Dean tells the table. He doesn’t notice that Cas’ fingers have crept up to rest on the side of his lips, like if he keeps them there, he might be able hold on to the sensation of Dean’s kiss.
At Cas’ lack of response, Dean starts eating his burger again, even if it tastes like ash and gets stuck in his throat.
Kiss me once ‘cause you know I had a long night
Cas tries to speak, tries to find the right way to tell Dean that it wasn’t stupid at all, to tell him that the last thing he wants to do is forget this happened. He desperately wants another kiss but he doesn’t how to ask and the words all get jumbled and scatter as soon as they form. So, he gives up on trying to think and just dips his finger into the ketchup still overflowing from his burger and wipes the red condiment on his bottom lip.
Kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright
Dean’s head shoots up at the breathless call.
Three times ‘cause I waited my whole life,
One, two, one, two three, four!
Once his gaze to breaks free from studying the soft hope in Cas’ eyes it drifts down to the ketchup smeared on his beautiful lips. 
I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings, uh-huh
"You missed a spot.”
That’s right, darlin’, you’re the one I want
It’s all the invitation Dean needs. His hand goes to the back of Cas’ neck, thumb gently caressing his cheek as he slowly leans in again. Cas’ eyes flutter closed and his lips part slightly, breath coming out quick in anticipation as Dean’s lips hover over his. A gasp slips out when Dean’s tongue clears away the ketchup before delving deeper.
They kiss each other in a haze, eager exploration building into desperate passion. They come up for air not quite knowing how Cas ended up straddling Dean or when they’d given each other matching hickeys but not really caring either.
“We should probably move this to my room before Sam or Eileen bring their dishes out.” Dean murmurs, not really paying attention to his own words as he finds a spot on Cas’ jaw that he’s sure he hasn't kissed yet.
“That’s, mmmh, probably a good idea,” Cas replies, not making a single move to disentangle himself from Dean’s lap. After a few more slow kisses, Dean takes it upon himself to lift Cas up and carry him to his bed.
Neither one remembers to grab Dean’s phone or turn off the speaker and Taylor’s voice follows them down the hall.
Call my bluff, call you “Babe,”
Have my back, yeah, every day,
Feels like home, stay in bed,
The whole weekend,
It’s nice to have a friend,
It’s nice to have a friend,
It’s nice to have a friend.
“Do you think they’re getting suspicious?” Sam asks Eileen as he queues Love Story next.
“Of the fact that you’re still in the jam session and playing all of Taylor’s love songs or that you’re actually a closet Swifty?” Elieen quips before dissolving into laughter as she dodges the pillow and bitch face that Sam half-heartedly throws at her.
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eddieandbird · 2 years
Hawkins Haunt
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Summary: You’re going to a “haunted house” on Halloween and Eddie tries to be brave.
Warnings/Tags: fluff|short blurb|fake blood|cursing
“I don’t know why you asked to go to this, Munson. You’re so easily startled,” You scoff. The both of you stood in the queue for the annual Hawkins Haunt.
“What? Am not!” Eddie folds his arms and mumbles.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw an actor dressed up like a bloody clown approaching Eddie from behind. You did your best to not make any sudden facial expressions as you waited for Eddie to get what was coming to him.
“HAPPY HALLOWEEN!” The actor screamed, nudging Eddie.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” He screamed back in response. You saw him lifting up a fist, and you quickly caught it before Eddie assaulted the clown.
“Now, now Edward,” You giggled. You knew how much he hated being called that so it only made him more worked up. “Just tell me why you wanted to come here, and I promise I’ll tell all your friends you went through it like the big, strong man you are. I’ll even drive us home this time,” You reached over to pinch his cheek.
“Harrington dared me to do it, okay? He said I wouldn’t even last two seconds in it, which is ridiculous cuz’ this shit’s made by babies for babies,” He sighed.
“Who cares what Steve thinks? He has to leave the room if Robin even mentions her period,” You laughed.
“You’re right, I just want to prove him wrong so badly. I got Dustin and Mike looking up to me now, I can’t tell them the leader of Hellfire is a wuss…” He pouted. You weren’t thrilled about getting yelled at by a bunch of teens in fake blood, but you knew you wanted to help Eddie conquer his fear.
“Okay, fine we’ll stay,” You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance. Finally you were next in line and you felt Eddie’s warm body pressed behind yours.
“Will you go first, please?” He said with his eyes wide. You grab a hold of his hand before stepping inside of the haunted house.
“You’ll be fine, c’mon,” You said, trying to be supportive.
The room was almost pitch black when you stepped in, except for a few lights on the floor, illuminating the fog machines. You could feel Eddie’s hand trembling in yours.
“Ow!” You cried as you felt Eddie step on the heel of your foot.
“Sorry!” He gasped.
“Eddie, are your eyes even open? Watch where you’re going!” You spat.
“I said I’m sorry! God,” He whined.
As you two went on walking, you felt Eddie flinch at fake spiders falling from the ceiling. Every time an actor would come out to scream, he sank deeper into your back, completely hiding his face in your hair.
“You doing alright, back there Munson?” You asked. You were far too worried about Eddie to even pay attention to anything that was in front of you. His arms were now around your waist, making it difficult to walk. You blushed as you felt his grip grow tighter.
“Yup, doin great,” He said sarcastically.
“I think we’re almost at the end, so-“ You were interrupted by Eddie grabbing your arm and dragging you all the way outside, your legs struggling to keep up with his running.
“Fuck yeah! I did it! In your face, Harrington!” Eddie yelled, catching his breath.
“Congrats, Munson. You’re a big boy now,” You were tempted to point his attention to the children who were giggling as they exited the haunted house, but Eddie’s pride was too adorable to ruin.
“Hey you’re my witness okay? You gotta tell everyone for me,” He begged, quickly pulling you into a hug. Your cheeks were burning red as he looked at you with that goofy smirk of his.
“I promise, Eddie. I’ll even tell them you protected me from the bad guys,” You tucked his hair behind his ear and gave him a kiss on the cheek, secretly leaving behind a red lipstick stain.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Everything Between Us | Chapter 5
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: They left you without a goodbye, they broke your heart. You didn’t get your happily ever after. But now they’re back and they’re searching for you to make things right. Could you take them back into your life and let them back into your heart?
They keep appearing individually. You’re trying to hold on past your breaking point. But there is only so much you can take. 
Chapter warning(s): Violent scene at the end with mentions of blood, fighting, use of weapon. 
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You couldn’t sleep the whole night, you were now at a stage of paranoia where you were afraid of turning the corner and seeing them. But you knew you couldn’t let them plague your thoughts.
“Take a deep breath.” You finally placed your hand on your door knob and twisted it to leave your apartment. Maybe you could just blame the copious amounts of caffeine you had pumped into your system to try and make yourself stay awake for the rest of the work shift.
“Good morning.” You bowed your head to your neighbour before exiting the lift and leaving your apartment building. You decided to take the bus today since your car was at the workshop and you didn’t want to pay for a cab.
In the bus, you thought about it; you had ‘encountered’ 3 out of 7 of them already, you hoped that you would never have to see the other 4 at all.
“Good morning, sunbae.” The juniors stood up and greeted you the moment you walked into the doctors’ office.
“Hey, good morning. Jaehyun, I read and reviewed your files.” You took out the two folders and handed it over to the specific male.
“Thank you, sunbae.” He bowed deeply.
“I wrote my comments in red. Good job.” You tapped the top of the folder before going into the locker room to put your bag in and only grab your necessities. You checked your schedule on your phone, you were not subbing in for anyone at the clinic today, you were doing a full-day shift at the emergency room.
“Is anyone scheduled at emergency today?” You asked the group of juniors. A few raised their hands and you nodded over to the door, making them stand up and follow you out.
“I’ll be pairing you up with the other doctors there. This is a learning opportunity but at the same time, you know how busy it gets there. Help out where you can, follow instructions and you’ll be fine.” You told them in the lift. 
“Yes, sunbae.” They nodded. 
“Good morning.” You and the rest of the staff greeted one another when you stepped in. 
“Tag team. Thanks for working through the night, have a nice rest.” You hi fived the doctors that worked the entire night. They yawned, blinking tiredly while you all laughed. They waved lazily and headed out. 
“Okay, start pairing up, grab a chart and shorten the queue. You guys are on ambulance resuscitation, you guys on walk ins.” You ordered them as you went to the computer. The first thing you did was check the patient queue, it was relatively short since it was the start of the morning. 
“The patient I saw the other day had gastrointestinal bleeding. His doctor was pumping him with high amounts of aspirin without proper prevention and follow ups.” You told the nurse with a shake of the head. 
“Poor thing. The patient is now warded in gastro, I think.” She said. 
“But what is new, right?” You sighed as you continued to update some other patient stats and read notes from other doctors. 
“There was a kid with febrile seizures?” 
“Came in early this morning. Little boy with his mother. But his mother was a little weird... you know, like... I’m not sure how to explain it.” She tapped her chin to try and find the correct words. 
“Like she knew what was best for her child and that was to stay warded in hospitals?” You raised an eyebrow and she nodded her head. 
“Yeah. Dr Jung wanted to send her home but she insisted on her child being warded under observation. We didn’t really want to but her child apparently has been here to paediatrics with febrile seizures before so we just warded him and handed the case to paediatrics.” She explained. You nodded slowly, turning back to the screen. 
“Things are slow now, do you mind if I pop by to see the patient?” You asked her. 
“You’re the leader of the team here. I’m just a triage nurse.” She chuckled. You rolled your eyes and patted her shoulder before leaving temporarily. You went upstairs to the paediatric wards. 
“Good morning, there was a child warded early this morning for febrile seizures? I just wanted to see how he is to update the case file.” You told the nurse.
“O-Oh! Ward 10.” He smiled, pointing to the door. 
“Thanks.” You headed to the room. You knocked on the door before entering. The child was sitting on his bed alone, reading his book. He only looked to be Jisung’s age and that made your heart melt. You smiled and headed over to him, making him look up. 
“Hello there. I’m (y/n). What’s your name?” You greeted with a friendly smile. 
“Hi. I’m Dongmin. Are you a doctor?” He asked shyly. You nodded your head, pointing to the tag that dangled on your coat pocket with your name, face and doctor ID. 
“I just wanted to see how you were doing, Dongmin. I heard you came to the emergency room last night with your omma.” You explained. 
“Yes, I got sick.” He informed. 
“I can see that. But how are you feeling now?” You asked. 
“I’m feeling better. I didn’t see you last night at the emergency room with omma though. Are you my doctor here?” He blinked in confusion. He was so cute, you wanted to pinch his cheeks. 
“Not really. I am actually the leader of the team of doctors that took care of you when you first came in last night. So when I read your file, I just wanted to come and check on you. I’m glad you’re feeling better though.” You reached out to pat his head. Someone called Dongmin’s name and you turned to see a lady standing at the door with a frown on her face. 
“Can I help you?” She spoke coldly, coming over to almost act as a barrier between you and her son. 
“I’m Dr (y/l/n), leader of the emergency team. I was just doing a follow up check since Dongmin was brought in last night.” You explained coolly, you were honestly not intimidated by her. 
“I’m his mother, shouldn’t you be asking me that?” 
“Doesn’t the most accurate information come from the source of truth itself? Words tend to get more twisted the more it gets passed along.” You smiled.
“What are you trying to say?” She glared. You shrugged, holding your hands up in defence. 
“I already told you why I’m here, just a check in on the patient. I need to update the file on our side and give a reason as to why Dongmin was warded even after medication for his fever and febrile seizure was given.” You raised an eyebrow. The mother pursed her lips into a thin line. 
“Dongmin is always sick and being warded in the hospital is best for him. I pay the bills, I don’t see why I have to explain myself to you. You’re not his doctor.” She crossed her arms. 
“I’ll come another time. Bye, Dongmin. Get well soon!” You smiled and waved to the little boy before leaving. 
“Is the mother crazy?” The nurse from before asked as you walked past. 
“Not crazy, protective. She can’t help that her child is always sick with no cure. To her, this is the next best thing.” You looked at the closed door before walking back to the emergency ward downstairs. 
“Back so soon?” 
“Probably got kicked out.” Your colleagues laughed at you. 
“I didn’t get kicked out. I left voluntarily.” You scoffed, going to the queue. Seeing more people come in, you decided to take a file and start helping the walk in queues. There were a lot of people in the waiting room, most of them looking unhappy for having to wait so long but every emergency room at every hospital is the same. 
“1396! Patient 1396!” You heard the nurse call out before going to your room. A few seconds later, there were knocks on your door and the nurse came in with the patient. 
“Hi, what can I do for you today?” You smiled. 
“I’m not feeling well. But I’m fine! I just need you to write an excuse letter for me from school.” This high school student appeared jumpy and nervous. 
“Well, I can’t just write you an excuse letter without knowing what’s actually wrong with you. Where in particular are you not feeling well or discomfort?” You asked him, sharing a subtle knowing look with your nurse. 
“Umm...My throat hurts?” There it was, the shifty eyes. 
“Are you asking me or telling me?” You tilted your head with a raised eyebrow. 
“T-Telling.” He said. You nodded and got a tongue depressor, moving closer to him and shining a light down his throat. 
“Hmm...”  You hummed, not giving too much away. Obviously, you have had your fair share of patients coming in, faking an illness to get out of doing something else. You pulled away and tossed the tongue depressor, moving to press his lymph nodes. 
“Well?” He asked when you pulled away. You were honestly surprised that the triage nurse even let him in to see you but she probably gave him the benefit of the doubt. 
“You’re not sick. Don’t waste my time.” You turned back to your computer. 
“What? I think I would know when I’m sick and I’m telling you that I am! Unless you’re not a good doctor and can’t see that.” He challenged. 
“Funny you think that challenging my skill as a doctor is going to make me give in to you. How many times has that worked, huh?” You chuckled, obviously not threatened by him. 
“Don’t waste my time. Someone else could really be sick and be in your position now, someone that actually needs medical help. Not someone like you. A life could have been saved in the time you’ve wasted here.” You said. 
“You’re just trying to scare me, you don’t know that. ” He glared. 
“But neither do you. We’ll never know will we? Now leave before I call security.” You stood up. 
“You’ll pay for this. You better watch your back.” He threatened before slinging his bag over his shoulder and leaving in a huff. You let out a long sigh and shook your head, that was a MAJOR waste of time. You typed a note into his digital file to warn other medical personnel in the event he tries to come back before asking the nurse to send in the next patient. 
“Lunch time!” You pushed yourself to stand up from your desk the moment your last patient walked out. The nurse giggled and bowed her head, you bowed back too. 
“Good work, have a nice break!” You wished before bringing all the files to the nurses’ station to sign off. 
“I’m going for lunch.” You decided to go to the cafeteria to get a packed lunch to eat in the doctors’ lounge that was usually empty. 
“(y/n).” Someone called and you stopped. You stiffened, unable to move or say anything. Your breathing quickened and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to be strong, turn and face him. 
“Can we talk?” He requested slowly. 
“I thought I made it clear to Hoseok sshi, I didn’t want to speak to any of you.” You let out a shaky sigh. He still spoke to the back of your head though. 
“I just want to talk.” He said softly. 
“You... None of you... have the right to ask or request anything of me. If any of you show up here again, I will be asking security to escort you out. You know I’m serious. I have nothing to say to any of you, I don’t wish to see you, hear you or speak to you.” You said and walked away quickly. 
You decided not to buy lunch. You entered the small room, locking the door behind you. The only thing you did was buy an iced coffee from the vending machine and sat at the window sill. 
After that thing at lunch, you tried to act okay and normal to at least get through the rest of your shift. But you couldn’t help but get distracted from time to time. 
“Doc!” Someone shook you.
“Huh?” You blinked, turning to look at your nurse. 
“I was talking to you and you just spaced out. You’ve been doing that since you came back from lunch, is everything okay? Did something happen?” She asked with a frown of concern. You just gave her an assuring smile. 
“Everything is okay. I guess I’m just a little tired today but I’m fine.” You lied. You weren’t gonna tell her that your 7 exes, who you desperately want to forget, are now coming back to find you and just can’t seem to leave you alone. It wasn’t healthy but you were trying your best to just suppress everything, hoping it’ll all just go away. 
“Well, luckily you get off soon then.” She giggled before stacking the patient files together. You faked a smile and continued updating patient files. 
“Where are the charts for the patient in room 32?” You asked.
“Radiology was stacked today. We won’t get it until tomorrow morning.” She informed with an apologetic smile.
“Then just send it up to respiratory directly, the case will be moved out of my hands tomorrow anyway. I have some morning audits at surgery tomorrow with my mother so I’ll be here late.” You informed. 
“Sure. It’s not easy working with family, is it?” 
“It’s never been. But at least it’s one parent and not both. If my dad was working in the psychiatric ward here, then I may relocate elsewhere.” You laughed as you submitted all your updated files into the system. Then you moved to signing papers. 
“Are these all prescriptions?” 
“These are prescriptions. These are discharge release forms. Then these are the papers to move patients to another department for further checks tomorrow.” She separated the stack for you. 
“Thanks.” You began to sign the papers one by one and separate them into their 3 respective stacks. 
“Done!” You pushed yourself away from the desk with a cheer. 
“Have a nice night, doc.” The nurse wished. You grinned and stood up, ready to head home for the night. You grabbed your things from the doctors’ office and left the hospital. 
“It’s cold.” You rubbed your arms as you walked. The streets were rather quiet, most citizens having gone home after work already. You just made your way to the bus stop. You heard footsteps behind you, someone was following you. Thinking it was one of them, you turned around angrily, only to see a group of younger boys. One of them looked familiar.
“I told you, watch your back.” He smirked. It was that student from earlier today that tried to fake being sick for an excuse letter. 
“I’m leaving.” You turned but your path was blocked once again by other boys. You frowned, these could turn into a very dangerous situation for you. You were one woman against 6 boys. 
“All this for a doctor’s letter? Really? Talk about petty.” You scoffed. 
“You think you’re all that.” He sneered. They started walking towards you, making you back away slowly until you were cornered into an alley. 
“This is a crime. Don’t ruin your lives with an arrest record in your files.” You glared at them but deep down, you were panicking. They all burst out laughing, obviously not threatened by you. 
“Get her.” They all advanced to you. You tried to shield yourself but the impact never came. You peeked an eye up and saw someone standing above you, getting all the hits himself. Meeting eyes with him, he grunted but maintained his boxy smile. 
“T-T...” You couldn’t speak. 
“I’m okay.” He whispered before pushing off the wall and turning to the 6 boys, picking his bat up from the ground. 
“Is it my turn?” He smirked. You could only watch in horror as he began swinging the bat, hitting anyone that came at him. You were so stunned, your legs gave out. 
“T-Taehyung. Stop...” You called out weakly but he couldn’t hear you. He bashed one the guys head in, expertly kicking someone that tried to get him from behind. You knew if you didn’t stop him, he would kill them. 
“Taehyung...” You pushed yourself to stand up. 
“Taehyung... Please... Stop...” Your voice pulled him out of his anger trance. He turned around to face you. Hot tears cascaded down your face. 
“Please, stop.” Your voice could only come out in desperate whispers. The bat dropped onto the ground loudly as he gathered you into his arms. You didn’t hug him back but you didn’t struggle to move away either. It just hurt, everything hurt. There was only so much you could take and this was your breaking point. 
“I’m sorry.” His hand caressed your cheek gently, not caring if a little bit of blood smeared against your cheek. 
“Please...” You begged. What were you begging for? You didn’t know. You just wanted all this to stop. You were finally okay again and they just showed up, it’s not fair. 
“I’m sorry.” He repeatedly chanted. 
Your broken voice, your sobs, it reminded him... of himself. The way he used to cry out to his father to stop beating his sister, only for it to fall onto deaf ears. But at the same time, it reminded him of his sister, telling him to stop stabbing his father. 
“I’ll take you home.” Taehyung said softly. As much as he wanted to talk to you, he knew now was just not the right time to do it. You shook your head, you didn’t want him finding out where you lived. 
“At least let me get you out of here.” He helped you get up and walk out of the alley. But the moment you stepped out, you mustered the courage to push him away. 
“I cannot do this. I cannot put myself through this again.” You whispered coldly before wrapping your arms around him and walking away quickly. 
“(y/n)...” Taehyung raised his hand to reach out to you but you were gone. He had a sports car, he could race after you and catch you. But he couldn’t afford to hurt you more, to make you cry more. He took his phone out. 
“Taehyung! Where are you?!” 
“H-Hyung... I-I can’t…” Taehyung finally let out the choked sob as he pressed the device to his ear.​
Series Masterlist
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@veronawrites @diamonddia-mond @georgie-me-myself-i @nlost21 @aqueenieme @nello-rie @ireallylikeyourwriting @kimahnjung98 @imascreamerbabymakemeamute @kimmieloveswho @aianloveseven @pb-n-juju @myggummy @baby-noodles @bt21chim @cait-with-luv @limiworld @rosietae @321clockworkangels @greezenini @min-tata @writingdust @bbgniecyy @dreamingofonceuponatime @black-rose-29 @wordsaremyswords @shmaptainbonky  @ifellinluvwithdorks @rae-sparda​ @yeontanismypresident @loisje123 @bordxrcarnival @mamemimoimoi @skyys-universe @carolinexkpop @vishakhas-world @tinyoonsblog @f3rsispot @biofain @lvpersona
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@rosquilleta @daydreambrliever @buckybearlewis @imtoanonymousforyou @yukiehyukie @socoldasice @shittyaria @hoebii @abcdefjklmno123 @musicismyoxygen @yooniekook @dougiesgirl93
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heyjude19-writing · 3 years
Find the Word tag
Thanks @skiitter this was fun! My words were Habit, Winter, Absence, and Persistent.
Habit: A Safe, Devoted Darkness (wip)
Malfoy had one final knee-buckling statement to deliver as she pulled her hand out of her knickers.
“You’re such a good girl, but I think we can break that habit if you’re willing.”
He pushed back from the shelves and looked her up and down in self-satisfied triumph as she stood shaking and panting.
He’d ruined her without laying a finger on her, without letting her lay a finger on him.
Winter: Remain Nameless
The soft, swirling snow trickled down around them in that singular way winter snow tended to deaden all earthly sounds in a thick blanket of silence. The natural stillness of a dark January night surrounded them in the sort of lush quietude that could convince you that nothing else existed but for that which lay in the immediate vicinity. The reflected couple cut a fine picture of magic, draped in full robes and cloaks they appeared ethereal; belonging to another world entirely, but always belonging together.
Absence: Strange Birds
Draco’s never experienced heartache before. He’s had illusions shattered and dreams dashed, sure. This is a new knife in his chest.
He has zero intention of showing up to Potter’s party, but he sends some barrels of mulled wine from the Manor’s elves. It’s a half-measure to make up for his absence and a polite gesture à la his mother’s etiquette lessons.
Draco’s parents always allowed him a small glass on Christmas. A thrilling little taste of adulthood and generally preferable to the more gruesome aspects of growing up he’s had thrust upon him.
Persistent: Bells on a Hill
“We have a special announcement from a very… persistent wizard to a witch in the queue of the Department of Magical Transportation.”
Hermione raised an eyebrow and glanced around. This system was generally reserved for emergencies only or for courtroom summons, hardly a place for “missed connections” type of broadcasts.
“And since we pretty much let Harry Potter do whatever he wants, here’s his friend currently brandishing a wand in my direction.”
Harry?  Hermione sat up straight and almost pulled out her wand in alarm. Before she could move, another voice commandeered the speaker and she froze.
“I… I… ouch, bugger, is this thing mobile? I need to take it with me so… I’ll just… cheers, Potter… Right, okay.”
Hermione’s heartbeat stopped at the sound of his voice.
Tagging: @niffizzle and @malpal132 and your words are: Stranger, Easy, Liar, and Defeated.
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
tangled up
request: from nonnie! “love those sharing a bed tropes... not saying you should do it but you should definitely do it”
pairing: fred x fem!gryffindor!reader
word count: 2.3k
A/N: ummmmmm love this request, i'm in suuuucch a fred mood lately
warning(s): brief mention of war, ~implied sexual content~ i suppose
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @cottageoflove @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @keoghans @dreamer821 @wtfweasleyy @62442-am @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hollands-weasley @andromedaa-tonks @bbstrawberry0421 @princessof-theuniverse @cappsikle @mytreec @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyingserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu @annasofiaearlobe @starlightweasley @alwaysasadaesthetic @thisismysketchbook @izzytheninja @imboredandneedalife @hemmoporro | message me to be added loves!
The cool October air had a bit of a bite to it -- it seemed as though Bill and Fleur’s wedding was ages ago. You wrapped a blanket around your shoulders to reduce the chill in your bones.
Suddenly two redheaded figures appeared with a pop! onto the field outside of your home. By what you could see, they’d apparated just before the line of protective enchantments -- a type of advanced magic only a very intelligent wizard could do.
“Bloody hell -- you’re a life saver, you know that?” George exclaimed as he finally reached you, wrapping you in a warm embrace. “I couldn’t be there for one more moment.”
Fred rolled his eyes and explained, “He means at Auntie Muriel’s. Being a bit overdramatic, are we, George?”
The elder twin shot his younger brother a look of amusement as George dropped his bag onto the floor and ran a hand through his hair. “Overdramatic? Tell me, Fred, would you like to go back?”
Fred then draped an arm across your shoulder and peered at his brother. “And reject our best mate’s offer to spend time at her lovely home? That would be so rude.” George swore he saw his twin shudder a bit, no doubt at the thought of returning to their Auntie Muriel’s to endure more yelling and criticism. George shot him a very sardonic look, and laughed lightly.
“Glad you two decided to come -- it’ll be nice having someone else in the house. I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep in months,” you waved your wand to pull three teacups from the kitchen cupboard and started the kettle. You felt a sense of ease at having your two closest friends here. “Should be alright out here, at least for a while.”
Fred glimpsed around your tiny little house. It was small, but exceptionally tidy with a very cozy feeling to it. It looked much different than the Burrow, but still emanated that feeling of home. “Lovely place you’ve got.”
“Thanks, Freddie,” you replied, handing him a steaming cup of tea. He gingerly took it out of your hands. “Just one problem.”
The twins chorused together, “What?”
“I’ve only got one extra bed.”
If the room hadn’t gone so eerily still at your comment, you never would have noticed the small jab to the hip George gave his twin. Fred grunted a bit and stifled a cough. “Oh, no worry -- George already said he’ll take the floor.”
Fred earned himself an eye roll and another jab.
You waved them both off and blew on your tea. “Don’t be silly! I’ll take the floor. You two’ve just got to battle it out for who gets the bigger bed.”
As if on queue, George immediately hoisted his bag back over his shoulder. He began walking away and pointed toward your very tiny spare bedroom off of the kitchen. “This one here, yeah? Thanks again, Y/N, really appreciate you letting us escape the wrath of our aunt -- I’m absolutely knackered, hope you two don’t mind if I turn in!” and with a quick wave to you and Fred, George closed the door and you both almost immediately heard very loud snoring. You and Fred exchanged a laugh.
You made sure everything was in order for Fred before leading him to your room. But you noticed he hadn’t brought his stuff with him -- you saw his belongings near your front door. With a wave of your wand, you brought it forward.
“I’m really okay to sleep on the couch,” he told you, pointing back toward the front.
“I’m not going to have you sleep on the couch,” you replied, shaking your head. “Besides -- you’re not staying out there. I might be a bit dramatic, but the couch is too close to the windows and the front door, and though I’ve been safe here for a while..” you voice trailed off a bit, and you swallowed down the nerves bubbling up inside of you. “Just -- we never know where the Death Eaters are. You take the bed, I’ll take the couch.”
You patted Fred’s shoulder, ready to head back out to your front room, when he took your wrist in his hand and whirled you back around to face him. “If I’m not allowed to take the couch, neither are you.”
You crossed your arms and swallowed. “Fine,” you replied with a grin. “Have got tons of extra pillows and a massive blanket here somewhere -- let me go and fetch it. Go on then, make yourself comfortable.”
“Merlin, you are being thick today,” Fred chuckled, and you noticed traces of the young boy you grew to love. He caressed small circles on the back of your hand. “Would you just sleep in your own bed?”
“But --” your breath caught in your throat. You glanced at your own bed, easily big enough for two, maybe even three, and went against your better judgement before you could overthink it. “Just share with me, then. Nobody takes the floor.”
A hint of nervousness flashed across his features before twisting into a cheeky grin. You continued on when he stayed silent, “What’s the matter, Freddie? You’ve been my best mate for the better half of the last twenty years. I mean, I’ve seen you in your bunny slippers, for Merlin’s sake --” Fred flinched uncomfortably at the memory of you catching him, late one evening in Gryffindor tower, in bunny slippers his mum had knitted for him as a child. You had never let him forget it.
His grin deepened alongside the crimson red colour of his cheeks. “Listen, woman, they are soft and keep me nice and toasty, alright?”
“Whatever you say,” you replied before sliding yourself underneath your warm blanket. You patted the other side of the bed in an accidental sensual way and realized how that must’ve come across. You quickly cleared your throat and turned off the light before you could see his reaction. “Erm -- there are extra pillows on the couch if you need.”
You felt his body slide in next to yours, and you could still make out some of his facial features from the faint light of the lightning strikes outside. He was definitely still grinning. “I’m fine, really.”
You figured out quite quickly that neither of you were able to sleep, especially because it was only eleven p.m. and because of the wild wind and rain that were howling outside of your window. The words were spilling out of you before you could help it. “Fred?”
He turned on his side to face you. “Yeah?”
You were laying on your back, looking up at your ceiling in the darkness. “Are you afraid?”
When he didn’t answer right away, you turned your head to face him too. Each time the lightning struck it was bright and vibrant, and highlighted his features in a more intimate way than ever before. He threaded his brows together and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I am.”
It was weirdly comforting hearing him say that he was afraid. The man who didn’t have a serious bone in his body was actually scared. It was strange and unnerving and brought a sense of solace to you all at once.
You sucked in a breath, worried that your normal evening anxiety would show solely through the look in your eyes. You turned away to glance toward the ceiling again when you felt Fred brush his fingers gently against yours under the covers. Your breath hitched at the contact.
“I think it’ll be okay though.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I suppose I can’t..” it was so weird, hearing him speak like this. He shifted again. “I just think.. we’re more prepared than before. Think there’s more of us this time. Besides, we’ve done our studying, and we’re all brilliant wizards.”
A smile tugged at the edges of your mouth. “You are kind of brilliant.”
“Wow,” he breathed, and it was almost a whisper. You noticed the way the edges of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Can I get that in writing?”
“Care to return the compliment first?”
“Hang on,” he replied, placing his hands behind his head in a bit of a relaxed state. “I need to bask in this for a moment.”
“Oh shove off, you git!”
You playfully swatted him before he retaliated. Soon enough you were both sitting upright, thwacking one another with pillows and laughing into the darkness of the night. Fred fell to the floor with a dull thump, and you stifled lots of giggles and shushed him as he slid back into bed next to you. “You’re going to wake up George!”
You weren’t sure how long the two of you were swatting at one another. It could’ve been hours, or perhaps days. But then the storm grew more fierce, and you found yourself scooting closer to him in bed. Fred always had a way of making you forget about everything going on around you. It was always surprising to you how you’d be able to drown out the rest of the world, as long as you listened to him talk, or as long as you watched him work on his inventions with gentle hands. Even in lessons, back in school, when he’d teasingly wink at you from across the classroom, you were pretty much rendered completely useless for the rest of the day. When it was just you and him, the rest of the world might as well not even exist.
He must’ve noticed how you zoned out, because he asked, “What’s on your mind?”
You turned on your side to face him fully this time. “Just reminiscing.”
“Yeah? About what?”
“Remember when we bumped into one another in the corridors during our fourth year -- I was sneaking sweets up from the kitchens, and you were attempting to sneak into one of the classrooms to finish working on inventions?” You smiled at the memory. “And then Filch was roaming around, and we nearly got caught?”
Fred laughed. You were happy that he remembered. “Never sprinted back to the common room so quickly in my life. That ruddy cat of his was clawing at my ankles.”
“Between the fact that I’d hardly gotten any sleep that night and the adrenaline rush, I was bloody exhausted.”
Fred snorted. “Yeah, you fell asleep in the armchair next to the fire almost immediately when we returned and began to snore rather loudly, if my memory serves me correct.”
You grinned, not skipping a beat. “Yeah, my snoring is almost as embarrassing as those slippers of yours.”
You expected him to groan and throw another pillow in your direction, but instead he just deepened his smile and reached out and placed his hand next to yours on the edge of his pillow, your fingers almost touching. “I dunno -- I thought it was cute.”
You really hoped the steady drumbeat sound of your heart was drowned out by the sounds of the thunder outside. You weren’t so sure though. “Yeah?”
He wet his lips and nodded. “I remember having to wake you up because it was nearly four a.m. -- fire had died out and you looked so uncomfortable in that armchair -- I just wanted to carry you upstairs. Except..” Yeah, jinxes by the professors at each respective staircase. Boys weren’t allowed in the girls dorms, and vice versa. You knew exactly what he was getting at.
You felt a swift surge of confidence overtake you, so you gently moved your fingers a few centimeters before you slowly intertwined them with his. He didn’t flinch. Your voice was softer than you expected. “What else do you remember about that night?”
It was an opening -- you didn’t want to be so blatantly obvious about it, but Fred could always read you like a book. You hoped he still could, after all these years. Luckily for the both of you, nothing had changed. He took the opening. “I remember wanting to kiss you.”
You bit your lip, hoping to suppress the nerves that were bubbling up inside of you like fizzy champagne.
Fred laughed cheekily. “Never got a chance, though.”
Before you could think more on it, you nudged his leg with your toes and scooted closer to him. You could see the steady rise and fall of his chest, you were so close. “Then kiss me now.”
His mouth parted slightly in surprise, but nevertheless he inched forward and caught your lips with his. They were soft -- softer than you ever could have imagined, and so was the kiss itself. He tasted faintly of mint, and and you found yourself breathing in deeper when he trailed one solitary finger across your jawline and down your neck. The feel of him against you warmed up your entire body in a way that the common room fire never could.
He sighed against your lips before reluctantly pulling away. “Mmm we should’ve been doing this the entire time,”
You laughed softly and brought your fingers to your lips, hoping to still feel that electricity. “Yeah, we probably should have.”
All thoughts of the war seemed to subside as he leant in to kiss you again. Somehow, being with him, your limbs entangled together -- it was enough to make you forget about the war on the horizon, everything that was about to happen. As far as you were concerned, as long as Fred was beside you, tangled in the covers of your bed, everything would be alright.
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. His voice was rough and sensual and soft all at the same time as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Thanks for inviting me to sleep in your bed.”
You grinned and raked your bottom lip through your teeth. “Yeah, well, like you said -- we should’ve been doing this the entire time. Figured I’d get a jump start on what we’ve missed.”
He laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around your hips. Goosebumps sprouted on your skin as he lazily trailed his fingers up and down your spine and told you, “Knew you were my favorite for a reason.”
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aliwritesss · 3 years
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~ Labyrinth
Pairings: Eric x reader
Genre: fuckboy au!
Warnings: angst, slightly suggestive, slow burn, swearing
Based on this AU! Highly recommended to read it before you start the series, but can be read alone.
1/? Masterlist
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-“… And remember! The deadline for the essay is in three weeks.”- You hear your History teacher’s voice but no one listens to him. The bell just ringed and that meant freedom.
-“ It’s Friday!!! Let’s do something fun.” You hear Kevin’s voice next to you. You thank the heavens and stars to have him in your life, you don’t know what you would have done without him all this time.
-“ What are you thinking?”
-“ Well… You know, everyone’s been on the edge these past months with the exams and all. So Juyeon thought I’d be fun to do a small gathering, only close friends.” He says with the smallest voice and you feel all your body tense up. If you knew one thing is that you couldn’t go to parties, not yet. Not when it’s been so long since you’ve seen him and you’re actually starting to move on. To wake up and not think of him.
-“ It sounds fun! But I think I’m gonna pass this time, I better start working on this assignment.”
-“ Cmon (Y/N), it’s been a month. You gotta go to your old self, I miss you. I miss us having fun.” It pains your heart to hear Kevin, you’d love to have the balls to go to their dorms and be yourself, to dance again till you can’t stand up, to laugh freely but you feel that the spark inside of you has died and you’re afraid that if you go, it won’t light up anymore.
-“ I promise you I’ll go back to my old self. You’ll get back your partner in crime, my little moon.” You say hugging him and exiting the class. -“ Just give me a little bit and you’ll get back your star.”
-“ The world better get ready once the moon and star duo comes back.” He says giving you one of his best smiles and you feel a little bit better. You’ve known him for so long and clicked since then. One day you two were in class and someone said you looked like the team rocket from Pokémon, always together being mischievous. And since then you baptized your friendship as the moon and star duo.
As you walk outside you feel his comment nag you in the back of your head. “Why do I have to feel so bad when he’s doing fine? Was everything a lie? Did he truly love me?” These thoughts have been bugging you lately and you’re starting to get annoyed. You thought you were doing fine but sometimes these dark clouds will come and shake you down. And it seems like today was one of these days.
“ So… Juyeon is doing a gathering huh? Do you realize that it means half of the campus is going, right?”
-“ Yeah… We told him only close people and Changmin said that meant around 50 friends.” He says, rolling his eyes. -“ Thank god we have Sangyeon and Jacob to keep him in check or else It’d be a nightmare.” And that makes you laugh because it’s true, you remember one night you were staying the night in their dorms and suddenly Sunwoo and Chanhee started arguing about the smallest thing. Sangyeon only needed to look at them to make them stop. It was so funny, you don’t want to mess with an angry Sangyeon to be honest.
-“ And… Here we go. I knew it.” You hear Kevin’s annoyed voice. -“ They’re asking me to buy drinks, it seems like more people are coming tonight. I have to go now bubs, but we should do something fun this weekend okay? Just the two of us.” He says while hugging you and you nod. Maybe that’s what you need, to start slowly coming out of your cave.
You start making your way to your dorm thinking about the million things you have to get done in these two weeks and you can feel your anxiety already coming. The pressure you’ve been feeling these past few days it’s getting worse everyday. And the worst of it, it’s that you don’t have anyone to talk about it. Unconsciously, you touch your necklace, feeling a little bit better. You look down to the tiny shiny star and remember the night he gave it to you.
-“ I’ll be your star, ready to guide you even in the darkest times, even when there’s no moon shining.” He said softly in your neck. You smiled at him and looked at the charm. It was a little star filled with crystals. Stunning.
-“ When you feel like giving up, remember that I’ll be here with you. Faintly.” Eric said, touching your necklace.
“Where are you now? Where are you now when I need you the most?” You think for yourself, It’s not like you weren’t starting to move on from him, which you are doing. But you were not forgetting him, and you wish you could.
You wish you could erase all these sweet moments, act like nothing happened. Act like him, cold and unbothered. Why did him have to play you? Was everything a lie? Everything he said, was just a trap to only have fun with you? You couldn’t trust your memories, it seems like you only could remember the good ones.
But what about that night you two had a fight on a party because he was with this girl, laughing and talking the whole night while you were alone? You still remember his words: “ Stop being a pain in the ass, if I wanted to hook up with her dont you think I would have already done it?”. And you being a silly naive girl in love, acted like it didn’t hurt you. Like he didnt had the power to destroy you in matter of seconds if he wanted.
And that was the reason you broke up with him.
Everyone knew you were his girl and god forbid anyone who dared to touch you. But that’s it, you were only that, his girl. He didn’t bother to put a label, you were there for him and that was enough.
-“ Eric what are we doing?”- You asked him the night you two broke up.
-“ What do you mean?”-
-“ What are we doing together? What is this? Are we exclusive? Are we truly in a relationship?”- You asked trembling, you weren’t ready to hear his answer.
-“ Not this again (Y/N). I told you I don’t want to talk about it and you keep bringing this up. I said you are my girl and that should be enough.”-
-“ But it isn’t. It isn’t when there’s a queue of girls waiting for you to get tired of me and drop me like a toy. And I had enough, I need to know what I am to you.” You said sitting in his bed.
-“ You are making me tired with all these questions. I said drop it, (Y/N). You know how I am and still chose to be here with me.”-
-“ I chose you bc you said that you couldn’t do this without me, Eric! You told me that I was special and-.”
-“ So? That gives you the right to be called my girlfriend?”- And that was the last straw. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, it’s like someone snapped you back to reality. Like you just woke up from a beautiful dream and got hit with the true world.
He loved you, but not in the right way.
He cared about you, but not enough.
You got dressed and started to pick yoiur things while crying. You needed to get out as soon as possible, even if it was 3 in the morning.
-“Cmon (Y/N) don’t be like this. I got mad and you know I say things I regret later. Please let’s talk in the morning when we are calm, okay? Babe please-“
-“ Don’t touch me, Eric. I’ve had enough. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep falling in love with you more and more when we are not in the same page. Not even in the same book.”- You said putting on your sweatshirt, well, his sweatshirt now yours.
-“ Are you serious? Are you going to be like this? After all we’ve been through?”-
-“ Exactly, after all we’ve been through you still think I don’t deserve to be your girlfriend. And let me correct you, you’re the one who doesn’t deserve to be my boyfriend. I’m tired of your shit.”
-“ I know you’re angry (Y/N) but I swear if you leave this room that’s it.”- He said staring at you. You gave him one last smile and closed the door. It was so late at night and you decided to bring this topic up… That was a stupid move of you to be honest, but it needed to be done.
You can feel your vision getting blurry with all the tears falling but you don’t care anymore.
-“ Star? Is everything ok?”- you feel Kevin’s sleepy voice coming from the other side of the hallway and you let out a sob. -“ Hey, Hey. What happened bubs? Why are you crying? Where’s Eric?”-
-“ I… I- I think we just broke up.” You said hugging him and starting to sob even harder.
- “ Oh gosh…” He said quietly while stroking your hair.
And after that everything was a blur, you only remember him and Haknyeon taking you to your dorm and sleeping there. Everyone knew what happened because they heard you two arguing but no one could bring the topic up. It was typical of you two to argue, but in a matter of hours everything was cleared. But this time was different and both of you knew it.
This time the damage was done and there was no going back now.
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A/N: So it’s finally here!! The first chapter of this little series. Thanks to all of you for liking so much the AU and for telling me what you preferred to see on this series. It’ll be after the break up, but I thought it’d be nice to have a little context of why did the discussion happen and to see the dynamic of the relationship. Honestly speaking, I love Eric’s fuckboy vibes so much.. But still it pains me to see him acting this way :( I apologise for any typo or mistake! And remember you can ask in the comments or dms to be tagged and that requests are open!!
TAGLIST: @asherbl @fairycob @givememunjang
84 notes · View notes
boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter fourteen
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Chapter fourteen
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: talks of spencers major anxiety, parental death tw (not Diana or bob and Linda), trauma talks, computer hacking and new members joining the family...
word count: 4k
from the beginning <3
Taylors biggest surprise that weekend was what she had planned for Amoreena that night.
She set up a fort in the theatre room, they had every snack imaginable and any movie of her choice to watch. Karaoke in the corner, popcorn being popped in a theatre-style machine, and 3 different, matching child and adult, princess dresses for them to choose from.
It was all an elaborate plan to keep her preoccupied until bedtime, which Taylor offered to handle so that her parents could have a little wedding night date alone.
They’re all ready for a wonderful night when Spencer’s phone started ringing.
“Hello?” Spencer answers, sneaking away from the girls so he could hear better.
“Spencer, I am so sorry to interrupt you this late, but we have a situation… it’s not something that should be discussed over the phone. Do you have someone to watch Amoreena while you and Y/N come into the bureau? As soon as you can?”
His stomach drops, he feels instantly sick. “Not until you tell me who’s dead, who’s dying or who’s trying to kill us.”
“No one is, Spencer, it’s not a case or criminal related, it’s… personal, someone is here to see you,” she sounds serious and Spencer is still just as worried.
“I’ll tell the girls,” he responds before hanging up.
Y/N is standing right behind him, listening with wide eyes as she waits to soothe his panic. They worked like a well-oiled machine, she could physically feel his anxiety and in return, something about her just being there made him physically feel better.
“What’s wrong?” Taylor asks as she appears behind Y/N, Amoreena now off changing into one of the dresses she picked.
“They won't tell me on the phone but they need me and Y/N back at Quantico as soon as possible,” Spencer explained with a pale face, “we can go in the morning.”
“I’m fine watching Amoreena for the night, there’s a hanger down the road with a few of my dad’s planes, I can have someone take you to Virginia within the next hour? It's only 7 pm, I’m sure you can be back before bedtime?” Taylor offered her services for the 100th time that day, “It’s not a problem, really, and they wouldn’t call if it wasn’t serious, they’re the FBI after all.”
With that, they said goodbye to Amoreena and told her they’d be back before she woke up in the morning. If not, she had Y/N’s cellphone for the night to call them before she goes to sleep and when she wakes up, so she won't bother Taylor that early. (Even though Taylor said she wouldn’t mind early morning Amoreena cuddles.)
He was anxious on the drive to the small airport, the old man named Norman, chartering them that night was incredibly kind, they were granted lading access in Quantico and before he could prepare, they were up in the air. He chatted up a storm with Y/N on the headset radio as Spencer overthought the upcoming chat with JJ and stared out at the world below them.
On queue, he jumped from anxious to scared when they land, before getting in the shuttle from the airstrip to the front entrance, but he’s so incredibly terrified when it comes time to actually start the walk to the bullpen.
“Will you come in with me?” His small voice asks as she is pinning a visitors tag on her shirt.
“Of course,” she smiled, taking his hand as they walked into the elevator together.
He grips her hand tighter as the elevator stops, dipping and returning to the right height and making his stomach drop the same way a rollercoaster would. He hated that feeling more than anything, having it alongside the anxiety wasn’t helpful.
He can see JJ and another girl sitting together at his old desk. She’s smiling at whatever JJ says, she looks exactly like Amoreena just with box-dyed black hair that shines purple under the lighting. She’s in all black, she pushes her glasses up her nose with her sweater hiding her hands, Spencer knows she’s a foster kid from just her posture.
“JJ,” Spencer makes their presence clear and the little girl turns to him with a huge smile, running to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. “Hi?”
She’s sobbing ten and he doesn’t know why or even who she is, he lightly holds her with complete shock on his face. He stares at JJ with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as he communicates the confusion and terror with his eyes.
“This is Josephine Elliot, or Jo as she likes to be called, her parents passed away a few months ago and she recently found out her biological father was actually a sperm donor and not her moms husband,” JJ explains a little before sighing and sitting on the edge of the desk.
“She hacked into the sperm bank and found your name, and google led her to the FBI and they stopped her at the second gate, the first only let her in thinking she was your other daughter, Amoreena.”
“I’m so sorry,” the poor girl wipes her tears with her sweater sleeves, “I don’t know why I hugged you when you don’t even know me, ew sorry.”
Spencer pulls her back into a hug, “it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about wanting a hug ever again. You can have whatever you need from me.”
She cries more, holding on to his shirt as he holds her, shushing her softly and rubbing his hand over her back. It’s weird how safe she seems this early in their acquaintance with one another, but he understands it. She’s so desperate for someone related to her to love her again, to replace what she was missing from her parents, that she’s already accepted him as a father without thinking it through. Without even know what he would be like to her.
When she finally calmed down enough, Spencer led her towards the briefing room so they could have a moment alone to talk. He wanted to know her, and she needed to know him before she made another big decision. He let her know who he was, what he used to do and the rundown on his relationship with Y/N and Amoreena.
“So you met her at the park and got married a week later because you both have dead exes and somehow through fate, you made a kid together?” She summed it up in a way that made it sound ridiculous.
“Mutual trauma is a great bonding tool, I’m sure you probably listen to rock music or anything sad and angry because you know someone feels the exact same way you do? I was like that when I was a teenager. We've both lost someone we loved and then made Amoreena out of pure luck,” he combated her snarky summary with his own profile of her.
“I actually like Taylor Swift, Paramore, Evanescence and Olivia Rodrigo when I need to scream about being sad, thank you very much,” she teased him, finding a very easy rhythm as they got to know one another.
“You’re going to lose your mind when you find out who’s with Amoreena right now,” Spencer smiles, somehow everything just fits together.
“What?” She looks so confused, scrunching her face the same way he did to push her glasses up without her hands.
“It’s a long story, but essentially we were at Taylor Swift’s house when JJ called, she’s watching Amoreena still,” Spencer explained, watching her jaw drop.
“Who the fuck are you, dude?” She whispered, and it took Spencer by surprise. “Sorry, I’m so used to swearing in front of adults lately to get my point across. But seriously, you’re so interesting…”
“Understandable,” Spencer laughs lightly at her strange compliment. “I have a lot of connections, and I’ll do anything to see the people I love, smile, that includes you now.”
“You barely know me and you’re just ready to accept that I’m your kid? Didn’t this just happen to you last week?” She laughs at the insanity of it all, “you’re going to have a million kids at this rate, dude.”
Again, she calls him dude and he knows she’s just trying to distance her emotions as they grow fonder and fonder. A coping mechanism so that she doesn’t get hurt anymore, she’s lost too much and she’s not going to love him just to lose him too.
“My dad ran out on me when I was a kid, I basically raised myself when my mom’s schizophrenia got bad, I know what it’s like to feel alone even when you’re with people who are supposed to love you,” he makes sure she knows who he is inside.
“I’m sorry,” she reaches a hand out for him, holding it softly. “I never really liked my dad growing up, he always felt off… I can’t explain it, but he was never the same guy twice he was either angry, miserable or scarily happy," she explains him and all Spencer can think is how he sounds like an unsub.
"I do miss my mom a lot, I didn’t know what else to do when I found out they couldn’t have babies together and she went to a Sperm bank without telling him. I know the names of your other kids too, besides Amoreena, I’m really surprised you found her mom without hacking the system too but, yeah, Dylan is 6 and Alice is 10, they’re both in DC with the same 2 mom’s, so if you didn’t want me, I was going to see if they would cause I’m technically their stepdaughter in a weird way and if I spent one more day in that foster home I would have ended it all,” it's a Reid rant, she's his for sure.
It takes him a minute to absorb it all, “wait, Amoreena is mine for sure?”
She nods like it’s a stupid question, “could you not tell my just looking at her? The 3 of us have the same face.”
“No, they wouldn’t tell us at the clinic,” Spencer is still in shock but more so that she got into the database so easily, “how did you do it?”
“It was easy, I had all the information about the sample my mom used so I just encrypted an email to the secretary of the sperm bank so as soon as she clicked the link to read more I’d have access to her computer, they didn’t even know I was in the system, they probably still don’t know I was there,” she explains it exactly how Penelope would.
“I don’t want you to think I’d ever not want you,” Spencer holds her hand a little tighter, “I’m not sure what the process will be like trying to get the foster agency to agree to me taking you home with us, but I’ll see what I can do. We have a big house and enough room for you in our hearts if this is where you’d like to be. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, you might hate the farm life and the isolation and all the cousins you now have, but you’re a piece of me and I’m not letting you go.”
She uses her free hand to wipe her tears on her sleeve again, “please, I know it’s not going to be the same but I miss having a family so much.”
He wraps her up in his arms, he knows the feeling all too well. One day his mom was there, the next day she was gone and no one prepared him for that. She never had to do this alone, Spencer wasn’t going to let that happen to her.
“Y/N is wonderful, you’ll love her and Amoreena. We live on a huge farm and there’s a lot to do during the day and people to spend time with, believe me, you’re going to feel so surrounded by the love you won’t know what to do with it all,” he shares from personal experience.
“Okay,” she hugged him tighter, pressing her face into his neck as he talked more, feeling the vibrations of his voice on her forehead to know that he was real. That his words were true and she was going to be taken care of.
“Is there anything about yourself that you’d like me to know? Or any questions you have? I’m sure this is going to be an interesting adjustment,” Spencer asked as he pulled away, looking down into her sweet eyes and seeing the hope she was still hanging on to.
“Is Y/N even okay with all of this? It’s her house isn’t it?”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine with it, she knew I had you and the other 2 out there somewhere, we just never expected to meet you so soon,” he’s as honest as possible, talking to her the same way he would with Henry, she seemed even more mature than him.
“Can she come in here too? I’d like to get to know her as well, see if she’s really as lovely as you say she is,” she smiled, coping with her trauma the same way he and Y/N did, with humour.
Almost like Y/N could feel him thinking about her, she knocked on the door before opening it a crack, “sorry, I have some updates,” she smiled.
Josephine smiled at her, “come in.”
Y/N sat down close to her and placed her hand on her shoulder, “my sister is a foster parent, she called her caseworker and they were able to rush the emergency next of kin paperwork, you can stay with us for as long as you would like to.”
“You’re serious? You barely know me?” She kept repeating that as if she convinced herself earlier in the day that they wouldn’t want to know her.
Y/N wrapped her up in a soft hug and Spencer saw all the tension leave Josephines body as she settled against her. It had been a long time since a mother held her, she didn’t realize how much she needed it until she was in her arms.
“You’re half Spencer, so by default you have a portion of my heart now too. I’m not going to love you as an obligation or because I feel like I have to, I love you because you’re part of him and our family,” she whispers into her hair, “I know what it’s like to be alone, you never have to be... unless we’re smothering you then I get it, but you know what I mean.”
She laughed in Y/N’s arms before pulling back. Y/N held her face in her hands and looked at her gently. She ran her fingers through her dyed hair, “you’re going to fit right in with the 4 of us.”
“Four?” She repeats, wondering who else they lived with.
“I’m pregnant,” Y/N smiles as Josephine lights up.
“I’ve always wanted to be a big sister,” she cried a little, “my mom named me after Jo from Little Women, she said she always planned to give me lots of sisters.”
“If this one is a girl she’ll be Eleonora like—“
“Like the poem, Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favourites,” Jo smiled again.
Somehow, without even being there, Amoreena’s mess of glitter glue was able to patch her older sister's broken heart right then and there too.
“I read really fast, my mom said she was going to go bankrupt buying books for me,” she opened up more and more, the hurt of the memories fading as she remembered them with happiness instead of mourning.
Her mom was gone, but the love of a mother filled her space once more. Y/N took her under her wing, keeping her warm and making sure he grew to be as happy healthy and wonderful as all her other babies.
They arrive at Taylor's door once again at 11:30. Amoreena is sound asleep in the spare room, not even able to change out of her princess costume or phone them to say goodnight. Taylor said she had a sugar crash and just asked to go to sleep, reminding Taylor that she had the best day ever before closing her tired little eyes.
Jo was very anxious to meet Taylor too, telling her a similar story to Y/N’s from just a few hours prior. Taylor made sure she was comfortable for the night in another spare room, making her a hot chocolate and some snacks from earlier that day at lunch. She was the best host, a wonderful friend and an even better honorary godparent to these girls of Spencer’s.
“Can I have a hug?” She sheepishly asks before she has to turn down the hall to her bedroom for the night.
Spencer answers by wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to his chest once more, he wasn’t sure how his heart could hold so much love for these girls, and still have room left to make more one day. It was a dream come true to have a family this big, no one was going to believe that he gained 3 kids and a wife in under a month.
He kissed her on the forehead gently, seeing her smile at the contact let him know it was fine. “Goodnight dad,” she whispers, pressing her lips together awkwardly the same way he did before turning down the hall and disappearing into her room.
She had only a backpack of things currently, not expecting everything to go as smoothly as it did. She had enough clothes to sleep in, and Taylor happily provided some old tour perch to her just in case she needed something new to wear. Something to help her ease to sleep that didn’t feel like she was going back to her old life in the morning.
Amoreena was going to have a field day tomorrow when she met her big sister, the beautiful girl who was busy covering her scars with bandaids provided by Spencer, but it would take a lot of time, effort and care to make her feel truly healed again. It was going to be interesting seeing Amoreena adjust to sharing him so early, especially since he knew Jo would need so much more attention to ease her anxiety moving forward.
Spencer sat on the guest bed beside Y/N, noticing all the rose petals and candles on the dresser and night tables, “oh she really had a lot planned for us.”
“She’s the fairy godmother of our dreams,” Y/N agreed with a laugh. “I don’t mind staying up late tonight if you don’t mind leaving on Monday instead?”
“I was going on suggest the same thing,” he smiled at her, leaning in to press their lips together gently for the first time since the wedding that afternoon.
“let's get into our comfy’s and go for a walk on the beach, Taylor left me the keys to lock up when we come back,” she whispered the words against his lips before smiling.
“Can I call Derek before we go? I really need to talk to him,” he’s honest with her as he pulls away, feeling really anxious and shook up at the events of the day. He needed his best friend.
“Yeah, I’ll go check out the rest of the guest house, come find me when you’re done?” She says softly, getting off the bed with a smile and stepping out of the room with a small wave.
He takes his phone out and dials the number, waiting with the phone pressed against his ear as it rings. Again and again, every new hum in his ear making his heart beat faster, “hello?” He’s finally rescued.
“Have you talked to anyone on the team lately?”
“Who died?” It was everyone’s go-to question when they got a phone call like this one.
“No one, quite the opposite actually—“
“She’s pregnant!” Derek shouts, cutting him off and Spencer can hear Savannah asking who from the background.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not why I'm calling,” Spencer replies only to be met with Derek's laughter.
“Penny and I had a bet on how long it would take.”
“She cheated because she knew we were trying,” Spencer takes the fun from him, Penelope always won. “I have another kid.”
“I know man, birth is so cool— well I’m telling him anyway,” Derek is clearly talking to Savannah and him at the same time, “we’re pregnant again too.”
“No, Derek, I’m pregnant and sick as hell while you’re perfectly fine,” she snaps back at him as she takes the phone. “You better be so kind to her Doctor Spencer Reid; rub her feet, make her breakfast, thank every god on earth and the ground she walks on for being willing to make another version of you, do you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am,” Spencer hold back a laugh, wondering when Y/N would have a hormonal switch like that, “but I didn’t mean the one in her stomach, another fully formed human of my creation walked into the BAU looking for me today.”
There’s a rustling through the phone as Derek takes it back from her, “what the fuck did you just say?”
“Her name is Jo, she’s exactly a month younger than Henry and her parents died 7 months ago,” he continues without even repeating the last part, “Derek I have 3 kids now and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Where are you right now?”
“In Taylor Swift's guest house.”
“Spencer, be serious with me, are you doing drugs again?"
“Ask Penelope, she contacted Portia, Rossi’s stepdaughter, who contacted Taylor so I could help Y/N and Amoreena meet her, then JJ called and made us fly all the way to Quantico and now I have 2 children living with me and one on the way. Not to mention, child 1 is extremely jealous about sharing me with people and hasn’t even gotten accustomed to being a big sister, and child 2 is so traumatized she hacked the fucking sperm bank and explained it to me like it was as easy as making a sandwich. I am in over my head here, Derek.”
“Okay, that sounded more like Spencer Reid,” Derek’s calm and happy voice calms him slightly and prompts him to take a deep breath. “If she’s able to hack she’s most likely like Penelope, we can introduce them. She’ll need someone who understands the loss of a parent. Amoreena, on the other hand, you need to spend a day with just her. Take her to the movies, or to see a play or something. Let her know she’s always going to be your little girl no matter how many siblings she gets.”
“Thank you, I needed someone who wasn’t my overly optimistic wife to tell me if I could do it,” he’s overly honest, Derek is his person and will always be his person.
“I get it, thanks for calling me, I’m really glad you’re okay,” he can hear Derek's smile and all he wants is a hug from him. “How was the wedding?”
“Good, we all cried a lot,” he laughs then, “we were supposed to have a big dinner on the beach before we got called into Quantico, so I’m going to go spend time with her now, I love you, Derek,” he rushes the words out so he doesn’t get overly emotional.
“I love you too, Spencer, have a good night,” Derek hands up before they both get too emotional. They always had a knack for making the other cry in times like this.
He lets out a deep sigh before tossing his phone on the bedside table. 3 of his 5 kids were here with him and Y/N now, safe and sound. If anyone else needed him, they could wait.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
93 notes · View notes
phdmama · 3 years
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I posted 5,711 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 13.6 posts.
I added 966 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#not to be like xoomer on main (get it? cuz i’m gen x?) - but do young people today actually think anywhere on the internet is a safe space?
My Top Posts in 2021
Get Ready (Let Me Love You)
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt from July 16 (yeah I know, I’ve been caught up on other things) - “Curious”. Since @the-starryknight proposed this, I’ll say thank you to them as well, as this moment just sort of sprang fully-formed into my head. I’ll also thank @kingsofeverything and @tackytigerfic for the writing tags!! 
“So, I heard something curious,” Harry says, striving for a casual tone that belies the way his heart is pounding. “I heard you like me,”
He’s sat on the ancient, squashy couch in the staff lounge. The other occupant of the lounge is sitting in the hideous, green, corduroy, wingback chair, face hidden behind the Propet from two days ago. They’re the only two in the lounge, which, given that it’s 2:00 in the morning, is not surprising.
The paper rustles a bit and then Harry hears, “Lies, Potter. Calumny and lies.”
“Oh, really?” Harry leans back, lets his head tip back to rest and his eyes close. The switch to nights for the next two weeks is kicking his ass. “That’s not what I heard.”
There’s a long pause. “I don’t like you at all.”
Eyes still closed, Harry grins at the ceiling and says in a sing-song voice. “That’s not what I heard.”
He hears the sigh. “Fine. Do, pray tell, convey to me what you think you’ve heard.”
“Well,” Harry says with a yawn, “Pansy told Ginny that Blaise told Luna that after I left pub night last week, you got drunk and told Ron how much you like me.”
There’s a snort. “Schoolyard gossip, Potter? That seems beneath you.”
Harry snickers and opens his eyes. “Maybe so, but it seems a long way from not liking me at all to crying in your gin about how lovely I am.”
The paper lowers enough that Harry can see that one aristocratic eyebrow is arched in disdain. “Lovely? I think you’ve got delusions of grandeur.” The paper goes back up.
“Oh well,” Harry says cheerfully, “My mistake.” He gets up to head back out to do rounds. “That’s too bad, because if you did somehow like me, I was thinking…”
He’s almost at the door when he hears, “Wait.”
Harry pauses and turns back. “Yes?”
Malfoy has lowered the paper to his knees and he somehow manages to combine defensive and vulnerable into an attractive flush. “It’s just. Perhaps.”
“Perhaps?” Harry says encouragingly and Malfoy rolls his eyes.
“Perhaps I like you a bit. A small and completely reasonable amount.”
“Hmm,” Harry says. “Okay, and?”
Malfoy shrugs disinterestedly. “You just said you were thinking something. It’s a rare event, so of course, I took note.”
“I was thinking,” Harry says, pulling his face into a pensive expression, “that if it were true, perhaps we could have breakfast.”
“Breakfast?” Malfoy looks a bit confused.
“Well, we’re on nights for the next two weeks,” Harry points out, “so breakfast works better with our schedules.”
Their eyes meet and hold, and Harry holds his breath. They’ve been dancing around each other for months now, and Harry knows all of their friends are sick of it, and, he’s finally acknowledged, Malfoy’s never going to make the first move, so if something’s going to happen, it’s up to Harry.
Malfoy presses his lips together and then nods. “I like breakfast.”
“After shift?” Harry asks, not wanting to push too hard, but damnit, he’s been waiting for so long. “Today?”
The paper snaps back up into place and Malfoy says, “Fine. We can go to the place with the muffins.”
Harry gives a quick fist pump of victory. “Great. I’ll meet you in the Atrium after handover.”
“Fine,” Malfoy says, sounding profoundly blasé, as if he hasn’t just shaken Harry’s world to the core with the hope that maybe, finally, they’ll move through this impasse. “Just so you know, Potter, I don’t put out on the first date.”
“Pity,” Harry says as he turns to leave, “Because I do.”
181 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 22:07:39 GMT
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The train grinds to a halt and Harry leans forward in his eagerness to take it all in. It’s a gorgeous Spring day, the sky the same intense blue that he knows from home, which comforts him. There’s much here that looks almost familiar, but then so much that is new and strange to his eyes. The bustling station platform and winding streets beyond paved in cobblestones look much like home. There are vehicles ranging from small to very large, some with strange and unusual shapes of which he can only guess the purpose. But most surprising are the people. There is a crowd gathered, filled with men and women, some in what looks to be a military uniform, some in what must be the street clothes in this Land.
There are no robes. And not a single one of them is veiled.
Larry, 60034 Words, Mature
Written for the @onedirectionbigbang Round Four by phdmama Art by @londonfoginacup
Read it HERE on AO3
181 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 12:00:39 GMT
(will be cross-posted to AO3)
It starts during the war.
Draco learns that he can just… disappear. Stop being there, even if it’s only in his mind. He learns to disconnect, to shut it all down and go away. He’s not sure where he goes,exactly, but then again, it doesn’t matter. Anywhere is better than home.
The problem is, it becomes a habit, and then a reflex. Even once he’s safe, back at Hogwarts, he can’t make it stop. And no one seems to notice, Draco realizes. No one notices that most of the time, he’s just gone.
He still manages to make it to his classes on-time, and sometimes studying can shut down the buzzing in his head. He eats his meals with the few friends he has left and endures the long nights alone. Sometimes he jerks off in the shower at 2 am. Sometimes he wanders the castle.
He endures. He doesn’t really live, but it’s easier this way.
The first time he encounters Potter, it’s close to dawn, the sky coming to life in incremental shades of grey. Draco’s at the top of the Astronomy Tower, watching the way the world wakes up.
He hears the sound of someone on the stairs, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing does, when he’s like this.
The footsteps stop and there’s a quick intake of breath. Draco doesn’t bother turning to see who it is, and on some level, he already knows. Who else could it be?
“Malfoy,” Potter says quietly, and Draco doesn’t look at him, just makes a little shrugging motion to indicate he’s aware there’s another person here.
Potter slides down the wall, sitting closer than etiquette allows, but the heat of him pressed up against Draco’s side is nice.
“What are you looking at?” Potter asks, gazing up into the sky as if he still has questions he hasn’t gotten the answers to.
Draco shrugs again and finally turns his head. Potter is right there, and now he’s looking at Draco, like he’s real. Like he can see Draco. Like Draco’s a person, not a ghost.
All of a sudden it’s as if the curtain’s been drawn back, and now there’s nothing separating Draco from the world. He can feel the damp in the air as he inhales, the rough stone of the wall at his back, and he takes him in, larger than life, Potter. Potter with his stupid hair and his stupid scar and his stupid green eyes that see far too much.
Potter frowns, and then hesitantly reaches up, places one warm hand on Draco’s cheek, cold and damp under the gentle touch. Draco’s arm moves of its own volition, his hand lifting to cover Potter’s.
“Are you okay?” Potter whispers.
Draco shakes his head, and then lets himself slide in, lets himself lean for just one moment on that strong shoulder. Even if he hasn’t earned it, he thinks. Even if he doesn’t deserve it.
“No,” he whispers back, eyes closed against the confession.
Draco thinks of fire and smoke, snakes and screaming. Ash on his tongue. He thinks of a boy, raised alone and unknown, thrown into a war when he was still a child. He thinks of loss and grief, of crumbling foundations and despair.
“Are you?” Draco asks, and he feels Harry’s hand tighten on his face for a moment, and then it relaxes.
“No,” Harry says finally. “I’m not.”
184 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 16:14:32 GMT
I want to read a fic exacly like my most beloved favorite fics but also NEW and DIFFERENT. but also the same. 
464 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 01:19:43 GMT
You seem like a reasonably smart person. What do you think about top and bottom discourse?
Well, I’ll say: 
I personally do not have a preference. 
I personally do not tag that in my own writing, which is a very deliberate choice and I have my reasons. 
I personally don’t use that as criteria for reading or not reading a fic.  
I personally find a lot of the “top/bottom” discourse really heteronormative, misogynistic, and woefully misinformed about the beautiful complexity of human nature and sexuality.
Reasonable people do have preferences. Reasonable people do not go to authors’ inboxes or fics to harass, abuse, or threaten authors for writing a character in a way that they don’t like.
So, if someone is doing that? I personally believe you should fucking reconsider your life choices.
507 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 20:50:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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onewithblankets · 1 year
listening to artists discography for the first time and hearing a bit of song you know from meme mashups is fucking wild got me pointing like them wojack boys
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tlcwrites · 3 years
By A Nose
Submission for Writer Wednesday 5/12
Summary: If you're going to talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk. Or, proof Poe Dameron is a terrible loser.
Word Count: 1528
Tags/Warnings: Poe Dameron x Reader, Modern AU. Implied smut but mostly in passing. Some bad words. Poorly edited because as usual I finished this at like 11 and my kids get up at 5 so I need to go to sleep.
Okay, so I cannot be the only one who saw the photo for this week's Writer Wednesday (thank you once more for hosting, @autumnleaves1991-blog!) and went the direction I did. If I am the only one, well, just further proof my brain is certifiable. Make sure you comment on when you figure out where this fic takes place.
There will also be an accompanying headcanon coming for this probably tomorrow, because there was SO much material I wanted to use but couldn't make fit. Thank you @paper-n-ashes for brainstorming with me and being the best hype-woman ever.
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“FINN!!” You smack him. “There are small children here!”
But he’s too busy screaming to pay attention.
On the other side of you, Kaydel looks decidedly green. She lets out a pained moan as your vehicle makes a particularly hard turn. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”
You pat her knee as you fly through a kitchy town. “Hang in there, honey. It’s almost over.”
The village elder’s well wishes still ringing in your ears, you pull up next to another idling transport. From the driver’s seat, your boyfriend winks at you.
“You’re going down, Dameron!” you holler at him.
He makes the universal ‘I’m watching you’ gesture. “Eat my dust, losers!”
Finn yells back something that has you smacking him again, shooting an apologetic glance to the second row of Poe’s transport, where Snap and Karé are sitting with their daughter Nora. Snap’s hands fly to cover Nora’s ears while Karé laughs heartily.
Next to Poe, Rey holds her thumb and forefinger up to her forehead in an ‘L’ shape. “Second place is the first to lose!”
Before any more trash talking can occur, you see a flash of red out of the corner of your eye and then both vehicles take off, bursting out of the dark into blinding sunlight.
You both fly over the rusty terrain, neck and neck as you navigate under rocky overpasses and around hairpin turns. From the second row of your car, you can hear Maz lobbing profanities at Chewie in the other ride. He’s yelling back in his native tongue (which you still only understand half of). Beside Maz, Leia and Han are both laughing like kids.
A shriek of joy erupts from you as you fly over a series of hills, the momentary weightlessness thrilling. Finn has both hands in the air, while Kaydel grips the safety handle with white knuckles.
Finally, you come out of a turn to see a sharp drop. You look to Poe, who grins back at you, his vehicle slightly ahead of yours. Damnit, you HATE losing to him. He’s the worst winner.
At the last moment, your ride leaps ahead, crossing under the checkered banner by a nose. The passengers of your car cheer and high-five in victory, while Poe’s passengers groan in good-natured defeat.
As you roll through the red-lit cavern, you laugh as you catch sight of Poe’s face. He’s a terrible winner, but he’s an even worse loser. Even if his loss comes at the hands of an algorithm.
Anthropomorphic cars wave you off as both vehicles enter the unloading zone. On the other side of the platform, Chewie is lifting Rey out of the front seat as she pretends to collapse in agonized failure, her laughter completely destroying the illusion. You accept Finn’s hand as he helps you up, both of you turning to support Kaydel as she crawls out of the car.
A ride attendant watches her warily. “Does she need assistance?” he asks Han.
Han waves him off, wrapping an arm around his wife’s shoulders as Maz and Chewie beeline for the ride photos. “She’ll be fine. No protein spills here.” At the cast member’s astonished look, the charming rogue gives his trademark grin. “Ain’t my first rodeo, kid.” As he and Leia stroll past you towards the exit, he catches your eye and winks. “That, and they haven’t changed the lingo since the 70’s.”
Laughing, you rub Kaydel’s back as Rey swaps places with Finn and helps bracket your green-tinged friend. “Let’s get you some water, yeah?”
Kaydel manages a slight nod, and the three of you make your way towards the exit.
Behind you, you can hear Poe and Finn bickering, as they’re wont to do.
“It’s a ride, dude,” Finn is saying, the exasperation clear in his tone.
“It’s physics, dude,” Poe shoots back. “There’s NO way the car on the outside of the turn would be able to finish first.”
Worst. Loser. Ever.
Your rag-tag alliance eventually makes it out of the exit tunnel. Ben’s waiting across the walkway, those ridiculously long arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the guard rail and steadily ignores whatever Armitage is ranting about.
On the bench next to them, Rose perks up, a smirk crossing her pretty face as she sees Poe’s expression. “Well, I don’t need to ask who won.”
“Don’t wanna talk about it,” the most-competitive-pilot-in-the-galaxy grumbles back, adjusting his backpack. You help Kaydel to a bench, where she quickly curls up.
Rey rolls her eyes as she forces her way into the circle of Ben’s arms. “It’s not like any of us could have actually controlled the outcome, you noodle.”
“Not without some kind of magic,” Ben intones dryly, resting his chin on his girlfriend’s head.
“How cool would that be, though?” Rey’s getting her Down-The-Wormhole-We-Go eyes. You and Rose exchange a Look™️ as she starts gesturing wildly with her hands. “Like, imagine if you could just look at something like rocks and, like, make them fly. Or make someone do whatever you wanted them to do. OH!” She looks up at Ben with a slightly manic expression. “Lightning bolts from your fingers!!”
Well-used to these kinds of rambles, Ben gently captures her hands and wraps her into a hug that doubles as a straight jacket. “No more SyFy channel before bed.”
Rose slides her arms around her husband as Finn joins her on the bench. “Did you behave?”
Nora, in all her 6-year-old innocence, giggles. “Mr Finn said a whole lot of swear-jar words.” She casts a critical eye on the young man. “You probably said enough you could buy an Elsa doll.” The ‘for me’ is unsaid, but implied.
Karé rapidly turns her laugh into a cough.
Finn glances down at his wife as Rose smacks him upside the head. “Hey! That tractor thing is terrifying. And Maz said WAY more than I did!”
“Age before beauty, Finnigan,” Maz says haughtily, waving off Finn’s ‘m'name’s not Finnigan, damn it’.
Giggling, you tune out the ridiculousness that is your found family and turn your attention to your still-sulking boy toy. “You know,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his waist, “you make that face for long enough and it’ll stick that way.”
He huffs. “This is just how my face looks.”
“Uh huh.” Considering yourself quite the expert in his face, having spent countless hours studying every crease and line until you could have drawn him blindfolded, you call bullshit, but say nothing further.
“It is,” he insists.
“Okay,” you agree.
The King of Sarcasm narrows his eyes. “You’re doing that thing.”
You widen your eyes innocently. “What thing?”
“That thing where it sounds like you’re agreeing with me but you’re really telling me I’m a dumbass.”
“What?!” You bring your hand to your chest. “Moi?! I would never.”
He huffs again, but you can see the hint of a smirk starting to break though.
“C’mon, First Runner Up,” you tease. “No sulking in Disneyland. Let me buy you a drink at Trader Sam’s, and then we can sneak off to the Haunted Mansion and make out like teenagers in our Doom Buggy.”
He tilts his head, considering it.
“Or-“ You brush an inky curl off his forehead and stand on your toes until your lips are just about caressing his ear and whisper, “-we could get back in line right now and go again.”
Even before you’ve finished speaking, Poe’s grabbing your hand and hauling you back towards the entrance, tossing a “See you jerks later!” as he pulls you under the Radiator Springs Racers sign. Their laughter echos behind you as he leads the way through the mostly empty line (thank goodness for parade lulls).
As you wait in the queue, only a few dozen people stand between Poe and his (re)shot at victory. You see that competitive gleam in his eyes start to come alive again.
“Hey.” You tug on his tee shirt until he looks at you. “If our car doesn’t win, tonight I’ll do That Thing you love.”
“Babe.” The look he gives you is one of pure torture. “You are killing me here.” He really loves to win. But he really, really loves That Thing. “What about when we come in first?”
You shrug demurely. “Then you wear Those Pants™️ tomorrow.”
Hm. Poe’s always been quick to calculate his odds, and this is quickly turning into a win/win situation. If you lose, he gets That Thing. But Those Pants™️ turn you about feral, and when you’re in that kind of mood- let’s just say Poe still has the scars on his shoulders to prove it.
“Are those terms acceptable, Flight Commander Dameron?” You smile sweetly up at him.
His licentious grin says it all. “Hell yeah.”
For the record, your car does lose a second time. And the next morning, Poe hardly has Those Pants over his ass when you’re ripping them back down his legs and shoving him backwards onto the bed.
Oh, yeah, he thinks to himself. This is better than any dumb kid’s ride.
…doesn’t mean he’s not going to ride it as many times as it takes to win.
A/N: I almost titled this “Tell me you have children without saying you have children”. I am so fucking sick of ‘Lining McQueen’. Yay 4-year-olds.
Thank you for reading; likes and reblogs feed my soul.
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buckybabybaby · 4 years
café d'amour
A/n: my entry to @firefly-in-darkness 's challenge. Thank you for letting me enter! I left it to the last minute once again, but! This time it's not late so... fingers crossed next time I'm early xxx
Proof read with a text-speech device.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 3537
Warnings: none! :]
Plot: Maybe covering a friends shift in a city park coffee kiosk won't be too bad if it means running into a certain super soldier.
coffee-shop sort of au, fluff and more fluff.
The machine humming quietly in the corner of the tiny hut seems to be mocking you, a constant reminder of just how out of your depth you are. People who think working in a coffee shop, or in your case, a take-out kiosk, is easy, should try it for a day and see if their opinion changes. This is so far away from your usual job, safe and warm re-shelving books in the colleges library, but a promise is a promise, so you've just got to suck it up for the next few weeks and hope you don't mess anyone’s orders up too badly.
Peter is going to owe you big time after this.
When he'd asked you to cover for him in his small business, you had agreed without properly thinking about what time of year it is, and how cold the wind can be when you're stood still in it for hours on end. Two days in and your hands have aged about ten years from the combination of frequent washing and the icy air, and the layers of thermals you've got on under your uniform fleece and matching joggers are making you look a little rounder than you actually are, you couldn't care less though as long as you are warm. The water heater provides a little warmth, leaking through to your skin if you press up against it, but you've found the best way to escape the freezing gusts is to crouch down below the counter when the queues have diminished.
That's where you are now, half heartedly straightening the packets of treats, getting distracted by the many different types of cookies and brownies, and not keeping an eye out for potential customers.
“Hello? Is this self-serve or what?”
The voice startles you, so close without warning, almost like they crept up on you. Hopping up quickly, you hover your hands under the sanitiser and rub them together as you collect yourself and prepare your speech.
“Hello! Sorry! Hello,” You start again, marginally calmer, “Welcome to-”
That's as far as you get, not even able to ask what they 'fancy today?' before the customer interrupts.
“Just a coffee. Black. No fancy milks or syrups or anything, no cakes or anything extra. Just coffee, okay?”
Finally looking up from your now dry hands, you take in the man who has placed such a blunt order. He's attractive enough, the little you can see underneath his hat, something about him familiar to you, his tone definitely one you've got used to over the past day or so, though he's not anywhere close to the rudest person you've served.
You smile pleasantly, in the disarming way you've learnt. “Okay, just coffee, got it. And a name for the cup?”
He looks around at the lack of other customers. “Is that necessary?”
Laughing self-consciously, you say, “Probably. If it gets busy I'd hate for it to get mixed up. I'm new.”
“Ah.” He tuts. “James.”
“James, cool. That'll be a few minutes.”
As you grab a pen to write his name on the sleeve of a cup, he shuffles off to the side, adjusting his hat as he does, and when his coat slips a bit down his left arm your mind goes blank. He's not paying attention to you so your staring goes unnoticed as you realise why you thought he was familiar earlier, wondering how it didn't click when he said his name, but then again wrapped up in his scarf and gloves it's not surprising. You're guessing he doesn't want to be recognised right now, hence the use of his real, less known name, so before he can catch your mild freak-out you look away and messily scribble on the side of his cup.
Even a simple order can be a struggle for you, and now, slightly flustered from serving the Winter Soldier, you make sure to double check the measurements before you start, concentrating hard to make the greatest cup of coffee he's ever had. There's a reason this kiosk has a reputation for the best hot drinks in the park and you aren't about to ruin it by messing up the order of Captain America's best friend.
Breathing a sigh of relief as you place the lid on top of the perfectly brewed coffee, you tap it against the table to get his attention. “Here you go. The machines ready.”
Pulling his hands out of his pockets, he swipes his card to pay then grabs the cup off the counter, murmurs something that could have been a 'thanks' and takes off along the dim path leading him deeper into the park.
“Well.” Huffing as you lean against the glass front of the booth, you watch his retreating form with a small frown. He wasn't anything like you thought he might. The media has built him up to be some sort of tragic figure, one to be feared and pitied in equal measure, but all you saw was yet another city dweller on a quest for caffeine.
At least now you have a story to tell from your time working in the coffee kiosk, aside from the ones about frozen fingers and half-spilt drinks.
The next day he's back, around the same time in the afternoon, as the daylight is dying and the street lights are flickering into life, about an hour before closing. You're finishing up a complicated order for a group of friends when you notice him standing away from the small crowd, waiting for them to leave before he approaches.
“I want a coffee like yesterday,” He says, adding as though an after thought, “Please.”
“One black coffee?” You confirm.
He nods, watching closely as you locate the pen to write on his cup. Before you can even open the cap, he's butting in. “Why don't you have a name tag?”
You freeze, confused. Meeting his eye, you flush under the intense way he's staring you down. “Why don't I-?”
“You see, I have a very good memory, despite my age. I distinctly remember telling you my name is James, so imagine my surprise seeing my nickname written on my cup when I looked properly.”
His expression is not giving away any clues on how he feels about this invasion of privacy. Heart racing, you search for the right words to apologise, and convince him you're not some crazy stalker.
There's no chance to speak as he's continuing. “So I thought I'd come back today and find out your name, then we'd be even. But you don't have a badge on. Why not?”
“I'm so sorry,” You breathe, unsure what more you can say. “I swear I'm not a weirdo, I just recognised you yesterday and I must have written the wrong name by accident.” A beat of silence, then you propose a way to make it right, “How about free coffee for life?”
He laughs, a glorious sound in the crisp air, and your shoulders relax at the genuinely happy noise. “Aren't you new? Are you allowed to make promises like that?”
Wincing, you admit, “Probably not. But when I explain it to Peter I'm sure he'll understand.”
You start working on his drink as you talk. “He owns this place. And normally works this shift, I'm only covering whilst he's away.”
“Oh.” The hissing of steam drowns out his next sentence, you only catch the last half, “-here how long?”
“Couple of weeks, maybe? Not too long hopefully. You'll have a professional barista back soon, don't worry.”
“I think you're doing fine.”
The words are spoken so softly, such a contrast from how you thought this conversation would end, and the shock has you fumbling with the finished cup of coffee, nearly spilling the scolding liquid all over your fingers.
Taking the cup from you, his hand lingers against yours for a moment too long and you force yourself to stand up straighter and away from his touch. The last thing you want is to become a horrible cliché, falling for a customer after a few sweet lines.
He grabs a few napkins to wipe the cup dry, then looks expectantly at the card machine.
“I meant it, free for life,” You say, determined.
Shaking his head, he roots around in his pockets, pulling out a couple of notes and sliding them across the counter towards you. “Old fashioned money it is then. I didn't mean to come across as angry earlier, or yesterday, thinking about it. Sorry about the whole,” He waves his hand around vaguely, “Murderous vibe I give off, or whatever Sam calls it.”
He rolls his eyes fondly when talking about his team mate, and you giggle as you reassure him. “You didn't look murderous, just a bit like you might sue me.”
“Ugh.” He wrinkles his nose. “Not really my style.”
Your bank balance is thankful. “And to answer your question, I'm Y/N.”
Blowing on to the top of his drink, he takes several steps back, all whilst keeping eye contact. “Well then Y/N, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.”
“I'll be here.”
With that, Bucky waves goodbye with a wide smile, disappearing into the dusk as you wonder just how much trouble he's going to be.
The kind of trouble you don't mind, you find out when you run in to him again the next day, a lot earlier than you imagined. In an attempt to keep yourself warm for the long hours stood in the open, with only a waist high counter between you and the frozen air, you've taken to walking around the park before you are due to start, so the heat generated by the exercise keeps you warm for at least a proportion of your shift.
The sunshine is deceptive this afternoon, doing nothing to raise the temperature as you wander around the edge of the lake. Lost in thought, a sudden shout from behind makes you jump.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait up.”
Turning around, you struggle to place the voice as you scan the few people also on this side of the park. None of them are even looking in your direction, let alone trying to draw your attention, and you're about to continue on your way thinking you must have misheard when a body nearly crashes into yours. This is not an image you ever thought you would see; the Winter Soldier panting to catch his breath after jogging up to you, all because you're on first name terms and not because you've suddenly turned to a life of crime.
At your bemused tone, his face drops. “Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. If you want to be alone, I can go, I just thought-”
“No! No, it's okay. I don't mind a bit of company.”
You share a smile, and he lets you take the lead back along the small track, winding its way between the trees and the water.
He breaks the silence a few meters along. “So, what do you normally do?”
“Me? Err,” You pause, trying to think of how to make yourself sound interesting to someone who spends his life side by side with superheroes and literal gods. Sighing in defeat as you conclude you're always going to be boring in comparison, you mumble, “I work in the library where I'm also a student.”
Bucky doesn't appear to think you're dull. “That's cool!” He says, like he means it. “I miss being in school.”
“So did I, so when I got the chance I went back. I'm a bit older than most of the students-”
He snorts. “I know how that feels.”
“But I'm determined to get my degree this time.”
“I'm sure you will.” He grins at you and you're inexplicably filled with hope that he's right. “And after? Do you know what you want to do once you've graduated?”
You shake your head. “Right now all I'm focused on is passing exams and submitting essays on time. I'll think about the future when it's closer.”
“That's fair. Nothing wrong with waiting to figure things out.” More reassurance from this relative stranger. You didn't know how much you needed it until just now.
“Most people say I need a ten year plan or something.”
“Most people are wrong. But,” He pauses, and you hold your breath as you anticipate his words. “Can I suggest if you go into business, maybe don't start off by offering life time free supplies at the drop of a hat?”
Two minutes in to this 'friendship' and he's already teasing you? What is going on? Turning your face away so he can't see your stupid grin at this turn of events, you really would believe this is some sort of perfect daydream if it wasn't for the all too real frozen mist clinging to your coat and the ends of your hair.
“I'll try to remember that, thanks.”
Dodging a puddle in the middle of the path, you're trying to come up with a witty retort to impress him when your phone buzzes in your pocket.
“If you need to get that-”
“Oh, no. It's only my alarm to remind me not to wander too far from work before I need to start.”
“I'll walk you back, then.”
Not wanting to leave his side quite yet, you let him accompany you back through the trees, but you refuse his offer to carry you across a muddy part of the path where the stream has burst it's banks. Flushing as he laughs at your careful steps, you manage to get across without completely ruining your shoes, informing him you've learnt the hard way that these trails aren't exactly 'white trainer friendly' as the kiosk looms into view.
Relieving the worker from the morning shift, you rearrange the counter back to the way you like it before any customers turn up, watching Bucky hovering nearby until you give him a questioning look.
He clears his throat. “If I came this way the same time tomorrow, would I bump into you then?”
The hopeful look he gives you would be enough for you that, even if this walk wasn't part of your daily routine already, you would have made it so in order to see his again.
“Uh huh. Are you planning too?”
“Whenever I come with Sam, we always end up getting recognised with the way he can't keep his voice down. It's nice not having that sort of attention. So if you don't mind?”
“I don't mind.” A patron approaches and reluctantly you turn away, sending a quiet promise to your new friend. “See you tomorrow, Bucky.”
The days past so fast now they're full of work, both at the kiosk and in the library, trying to study, and, most importantly, walking with Bucky every afternoon. Some days the two of you talk the whole way, conversation flowing so easily you're amazed at how honest you are, like you've never been with anyone before, and other days you walk together in relative quiet, completely comfortable in each others presence.
Falling for him is the quickest and easiest thing you've ever done. Dealing with your feelings, however, might be somewhat harder.
With the lighter evenings comes the message that Peter is finally on his way home and soon you'll be free of your second job. It feels like a bolt from the blue, to be reminded that this is only temporary and in not too long you will no longer have an excuse to see Bucky.
You mention it to him a week before your last shift.
“Isn't that good?”
“I guess.” Your reply is short and unenthusiastic, changing the subject quickly to hide how heartbroken you are.
Time moves too fast, and before you know it you're greeting him on that last day, taken aback as he presents you with a small cardboard box, which when you take it, is much heavier than it looks. “Natasha gave it to me for you. Apparently it's really good for your hands. I thought you could try it? Now you won't have to wash them constantly?”
Scanning the sides reveals that it contains a moisturiser, from some luxury brand you've never even thought to try, too far out of your price range. “Oh, this is too much, I can't take-”
“Yes you can.”
“Let me give you something-”
Gently tugging your hand back out of your bag, he stops you from grabbing your purse by enclosing his gloved fingers around yours. When he doesn't let go, instead pulling you along and down towards your now usual route, you let him, gaping at the back of his head before coming to your senses and squeezing his hand in a kind of thanks.
“This is a very kind present.”
He shrugs it off. “It's nothing. When it's your birthday or something, then I'll get you a proper present. Presents, plural,” He emphasises as your eyes widen at the thought. “Nah, this is just one of the hundreds of products Natasha gets sent in the vain hope she'll provide the companies with some free advertising. Better you have it than it go to waste.”
It still feels like a gift to you. “Well then, thank you for thinking of me.”
“Always.” The implication of that one word would have been entirely missed if it wasn't for the panicked look on Bucky's face as he corrects himself. “I... I mean, of course.”
Stopping in the middle of the path, your joined hands cause him to halt too and the atmosphere grows tense as you stare at each other, unsure where to start. The minutes haven't stopped ticking down until you're due on your last shift, and with the implication that comes with hanging over you like a dark cloud, now seems just as good a time as any to bring it up.
You hesitantly begin. “Bucky, can I say something?”
Mutely, he gestures for you to proceed.
“Right, so you know today's my last day at the kiosk, at least until Peter goes away again, so, that means I won't have a reason to walk around here any more. Or I won't, unless...”
“Unless I do. Unless you still want to come around the park with me, even if it's for no more reason than simply going for a walk?”
“I'd love that.”
The relief that flows though you as he agrees is almost physical, gripping onto his hand in yours just a little tighter.
Feeling brave, you dare to push your luck. “And if it was more than just a walk?”
It takes a moment, but then you see the realisation dawning on his face, a slow smirk appearing as he takes a step into your space. “More?”
You know he knows what you mean, that he's playing with you. That doesn't soothe your doubts though, hoping beyond hope that you're not misinterpreting his teasing.
“Yeah. More.”
Letting go of your hand in order to bring one arm around your waist and pull you closer, your own come to rest against his lapels as he dips his head down.
“I think I'd like more,” He whispers.
You swallow as his gaze slips to your mouth, sinking in his embrace as his lips brush against yours, so soft and brief it barely registers,
Moving back to put a bit of room between the two of you, his thumb brushes over the corner of your mouth as you pout sadly.
“You can have another one once you've finished tonight. Maybe. Or maybe you'll have to wait until after our date tomorrow.”
You frown. “Tomorrow?”
“Yep. If you're free?”
“Always.” Repeating his earlier phrase with a sly smile, you turn around to continue along the track, leaving him speechless for a second before he rushes to fall into step.
His arm slides through yours. “So, is it okay to wait for you tonight?”
“You've just kissed me and you're still asking that?”
“I'm just checking.” When you don't answer he presses, “Is it? I don't want to impose.”
'Too late for my heart', you think but don't say, not wanting to scare him off, instead nodding in reply and leaning into his side as you wind your way through the woodland path. The fear you had felt this morning at potentially having to say goodbye to Bucky feels like a distant memory, and as you watch the sunlight dance across his hair you realise you could never have let today be the last. You started this job reluctantly and now, instead of Peter owing you for the favour, it seems you owe him.
Peter doesn't needs to know just yet, you decide.
That usually particularly muddy part of the path has become even muddier after the overnight rain, and this time you allow him to pick you up in his arms and carry you across, feeling its finally appropriate now your relationship has changed. Setting you down on the other side, he presses a kiss to your forehead almost absent-mindedly, and your tummy does a flip as you take a second or two to admire his profile.
You sigh happily. So much for not becoming a cliché.
Thank you for reading!! Masterlist
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welovediaaxx · 4 years
ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏsᴛ ᴅɪᴀʀʏ / / azula x fem!reader
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 warnings : slight cursing
part four // part five // part six
a/n : you guys already know it takes me a month to write 1500 words but whatever!! enjoy this chapter the next one is gonna be jucier i promise
taglist : @888-rising​ @firelordazulaaaa​ @sighsam​ @theblueslytherin​ @halcyon-arts​ @the-paintedlady​ @sweetcici-123​
send me an ask or message me to be tagged 🤍☁️
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i wake up abruptly by my alarm, quickly snoozing it as i look around, taking in my surroundings. i rub my sleepy eyes as i glance at all the empty containers of the chinese food left on my poor coffee table from the night before. that’sfor sure gonna be a bitch to clean up later. speaking of last night, why am i on the couch? 
my question is quickly answered as i hear a small grunt coming from under the blanket across me. “what time is it?” azula asks as she stretches her arms. i stare at her in awe, how does she look so good mere seconds after waking up? “it’s only nine-thirty, we should go back to sleep” she grunts
my eyes widen at her statement. “nine-thirty? shit, i have class at 10.” now this is when i start panicking “zuko’s supposed to drive me today” 
i check my phone and there it was, 3 missed calls from zuko and approximately 
17 messages. and just on queue, he calls me again.
“hey zuzu, i’m sorry. i fell asleep, i’ll be down in a minute” i say as i start running around my apartment, grabbing along everything i need. i mutter a sorry to azula who just shrugs.
“uh-okay. why is azula’s car parked in front of your building?” he asks me. i can already hear his stupid smirk over the phone. 
“sorry, bad connection. gotta go!” i say as i hang up the phone, making my way over to my bedroom. i put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. i put my laptop in my bookbag and run back to the living room.
“i’m so sorry i have to leave like this,” i say to azula who’s sitting on the couch. she looks up at me “i feel really bad. but i’ll make it up to you. i swear”
“don’t worry about it. i had fun last night” she smiles at me. 
“i had fun too. i’ll leave the keys on the kitchen counter. you can stay here as long as you’d like, just lock up when you leave” i return the smile “also, don’t open the door if mr chung knocks”
I simply had to ward her about mr chung. he’s a single gay man in his fifties who lives next door to me. he’s the main gossip provider of our building. now, don’t get me wrong, i love mr chung and all the hot gossip he offers. but i just wasn’t ready for all my neighbours to begin talking about ‘the new lady in my life’, as mr chung would probably put it
“uh okay, got it. i’ll just get my things and leave then.” azula says as she starts getting up from the couch.
“don’t worry about it” i bid her one last goodbye and grab my coat after i put on my shoes. i sprint down the 5 flights of stairs, deciding against going by elevator. i spot zuko’s car parked next to azulas and get in the passenger seat. i glance at my phone ‘nine-forty five’ 
“we can make it in fifteen minutes, right?” i ask as i glance at zuko
“it’s fine, we have mrs feng, she’s always late anyways,” zuko says as he starts backing out my driveway. “so…” zuko starts “azula’s car in your driveway? what’s that about?” he smirks
“it’s nothing you should worry about salami face,” i say as i return the smirk.
“i told you to stop calling me that! and don’t you even try to avoid the topic y/n” 
“what? are you jealous i chose your sister over you? i knew that you still weren’t over me!” i tease him as i remember our pathetic eight-month relationship our freshman year of college in which we both realised we definitely don’t prefer the opposite gender. it was awkward, to say the least. 
zuko rolls his eyes “no, believe it or not. i’m not jealous. so, she slept over?”
“yeah, we watched a movie and we fell asleep. that’s it.”
“hm… interesting,” he smirks and continues driving.
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zuko and i enthusiastically sprinted across campus in hopes of making it on time. since luck was apparently on our side, we arrived right on time. we took a few breaths before opening the classroom door.
i quickly thank god for making it on time, before huffing and making my way through the mob of students who were chatting together. i plop down on the seat next to suki who had her head on the desk, her hair covering her face.
“hey suki” i say, putting my things on the table
suki groans as she lifts her head “hey y/n, is she here yet?” 
“no, not yet.” i answer as i look around “where did zuko go?” i mutter to myself. of course the fucker escaped.
“here i am, i bought us some coffee,” zuko says as he sits on the chair by suki’s left.
“thanks zu. you’re and angel. i’ll need it too, i hate econ” suki says as she starts sipping on her coffee
“that’s exactly why literally everyone told you not to sign up for it,” zuko reminds her.
“yeah, i specifically remember us begging you not to do it. we knew you were gonna be miserable” i add.
“shut up, you know i needed the points,” suki says while grabbing her head.
“well, i know something that’s gonna cheer you up,” zuko tells her. suki immediately lifts her head, looking between us waiting for somebody to tell her what she missed. i groan and roll my eyes. of course, zuko can’t keep just one thing to himself.
“azula slept over at y/n’s house”
“you slept with azula?! i knew that the date went well, but not that good!” suki yells
“that’s not what he said!” i try to explain to her. just by my luck, mrs feng arrives just before i get a chance to explain myself. during the whole lesson, i could feel suki’s eyes piercing through my shoulder. despite that, i decided to be productive and pay attention. manly to keep my mind off of suki’s groaning and quiet complaining.
after our lesson, we all decided to go to the jasmine dragon and meet up with the rest of the group. suki, zuko and i all got into zuko’s car and drove there. the car ride was surprisingly quiet although i could feel suki’s tension radiating off of her, ready to bombard me with questions.
we made our way to our usual table, which was already occupied by sokka, aang, katara and toph. “hey guys” aang greets us as we all sit down. as soon as we sat down i could feel all eyes land on me. i knew immediately that zuko talked. 
“what?” i say, deciding on playing dumb
“you slept with azula!” toph yells, thank god the whole coffee shop can hear her.
“zuko!” i yell at him. of course he can’t keep his mouth shut at any circumstance.
“hey, don’t look at me! suki texted the group chat, i thought you saw it” zuko defends himself while he lifts his hands up, trying to prove his innocence. after that, muffled arguing took over at the table. everybody voicing their opinion at the same time
“guys!” katara stands up “why don’t we let y/n speak?” she suggests 
“finally!” i huff as everybody goes quiet. “i didn’t sleep with azula, she just slept over at my place” i exclaim to our table.
“yeah, right” toph snickers.
“hey!” i yell at her direction, fighting the smile coming onto my face. “you of all people should know i’m not like that”
“yeah, toph. we all know y/n’s the biggest prude here” sokka mocks
i roll my eyes “you guys are the worst friends ever.”  
we were all in the middle of a heated debate about whether cereal should be considered soup or not (that sokka started, change my mind) when i felt a tap on my shoulder. when i turn around, i notice azula, wearing her usual casual clothes with a bag in her hand. i quickly excuse my self from the table, getting a few winks as i sit up. 
“hey, what are you doing here?” i ask her.
“well, my uncle does own this place.” she raises her sharp eyebrows in amusment.
“right, of course. that was a stupid question” i say as i start playing with my hair. i can already feel my cheeks heating up as i look at the table behind azula for help, only getting a few thumbs up in reply.
“anyway, i brought you the clothes you borrowed me last night. i washed and dried them, don’t worry” she says as she gives me the bag.
“thank you, you didn’t have to go through all the trouble, though” 
“don’t worry about it, i’ll take up any excuse i can get to see you” se says while flashing me a smile
“well, in that case, i should lend you my clothes more often”  i giggled.
“maybe you should” she agreed “my friends are waiting for me, but i’ll see you around, y/n.” she said before turning around and walking back to two girls who were unfamiliar to me. 
“yeah, see you around” i quietly sigh, mentally preparing for the interrogation that will take place back at the table occupied by my friends.
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ohwoopsiescafe · 3 years
Jealousy Time—I Mean Coffee Time
It was a lovely Thursday morning. You and your boyfriend were walking along the college campus heading towards a Starbucks near the centre in order to buy a coffee to get you going and help you pull through your arduous studying session planned for that day. You were wearing a beautiful white dress with daisies on it, a pastel pink cardigan, white sneakers and your hair arranged in two pretty braids. You looked so cute. Yoongi thought the same. He couldn’t stop looking at you and smiling in consequence. You were his everything. He was really cute as well. His outfit consisted of black jeans, a big hoodie and some converse boots. It suited him. It reflected his personality. Calm, tranquil, cozy… everything. He was your everything too.
The weather was perfect. The golden sun rays hit your face softly, giving it a glow. Cherry blossoms were falling from trees making a beautiful petal shower. It was a gorgeous summer day. Both Yoongi and you wanted something cold to refresh yourselves, so when you reached the coffee shop, you played a round of “rock-paper-scissors” to decide which one of you would order. Unfortunately, and like it was most of the time, you lost and had to go lineup in an ever eternal queue that was extending even outside the little shop while Yoongi looked for a place to seat and wait until you returned with your drinks.
You wrote down your boyfriend’s order in your phone’s memos so you didn’t forget it. You swear Yoongi only asks for the most complicated drinks to make you have a hard time. You know damn well he prefers a simple Americano but always ends up with a super long order just to make you suffer. Next time you win that “rock-paper-scissors-thingy” he’ll know what’s good! You frowned like an angry kitten and balled up your fists cutely. Yoongi was watching you from afar and his heart melted at your sight. However, he wasn’t the only one looking. He noticed the barista eyeing you with a flirty smile. How could he not? You were so pretty. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a little upset about it.
It was your turn to order so you approached the counter with a smile.
—Hello, what are you going to have today?
—Mm… I’ll have a tall iced caramel macchiato, please
—What type of milk do you drink?
—Almond’s good.
—Almond? Okay—the chestnut hair boy wrote it down on your cup.
—And… could you put a little more caramel drizzle on it?
—Sure—he gave you a handsome smile—could you help me giving me your name, miss?
—Oh, yeah, sorry—you chuckled a little embarrassed—. My name’s y/n.
—You come here often, don’t you?
—Yes, I do—you tilted your head slightly to the left—how do you know though?
—I’m a psychic—he laughed—I’m kidding. I just noticed how frequently you come and find it a little funny and cute how you always ask for the same thing with an extra drizzle so I wanted to take your order today to know your name.
—Ah haha—you laughed nervously and played with your hair—now you know who is the annoying girl asking for extras. Sorry.
—No, no, it’s fine, y/n… if I can call you that.
—Yeah, I have no problem…—you looked for the barista’s name tag—Taehyung, if I can call you that.
—Go ahead, it sounds good when you say it—he winked.
Yoongi had heard it all and to say he was mad is an understatement. He had half moons in the palm of his hands due to the pressure he was applying. Why was that Taehyung guy flirting with you so shamelessly? And more importantly, why were you allowing it? It always happened, people flirted with you and you never seem to be aware of it. You were nice to everyone, a total cutie. He didn’t even noticed when you walked up to him and bumped his shoulder with the cup of the beverage he ordered.
—You ready, Yoongs?
—Okay! Next stop: the library to study—you interlocked your arm with his and started marching childishly. You stopped abruptly when you noticed your boyfriend wasn’t following along with your little antics and you pouted—. Are you mad, babe?
—No—he lied and turned his head to give his drink a sip.
—Come on, y/n, let’s get to the library.
You didn’t want to push it so you kept in silence for the rest of the walk. When you finally reached your destination, you went to the second floor of the library, where your “secret spot” was. This was in between some large bookshelves at the far left corner of the building, the exact opposite to the stairs. No one ever approached there so it was perfect. You sat on the floor, with your legs crossed in front of you, got your backpack off your shoulders and took out the inhumane amount of books you had to read to prepare for your exam. Yoongi did exactly the same, except that he did it more aggressively and in silence. You were taken aback.
—Yoongi, honey, is something wrong?
—I’ve told you I’m fine, y/n. It’s nothing.
—Babe, if there’s something making you mad, is better that you tell me what it is. We can find a solution together—you placed down your cup on the floor and surrounded his hands with yours.
—It’s just that I saw you with that barista and…
—Taehyung?—Yoongi huffed.
—Awww, babe, it’s fine. Taehyung was just being friendly.
—Extremely flirty, I’d say.
—Oh he was not!
—Of course he was! You should’ve seen how he looked at you! He was totally hitting on you, don’t try to tell me he wasn’t.
—Okay, maybe he was being a little overly chummy. But it is because it’s his job. Almost everyone working at Starbucks is kind and amiable.
—And does their job include winking and smirking to customers?
—He wasn’t flirting with me, Yoongi.
—Whatever. Let’s study—he said dryly, opening his textbook.
—No, hold on, I don’t want to leave it like this. Look at me—you cupped his face in your hands and looked at him warmly in the eyes—. Yoongi, honey, even if Taehyung were flirting with me, I wouldn’t care. You’re my boyfriend and I love you more than you could imagine. There’s no one else. So stop it ‘cause I ain’t looking at no one else. I only have eyes for you. And if you don’t believe it, I’ll smack your head with this thick ass book until it sinks in—you frowned and grabbed your biggest textbook, threatening him. He laughed.
—Oh come here, baby—he took your hands and made you sit in his lap.
He grabbed your chin and kissed you slowly. The kiss was warm and tasted like coffee, you loved it. His hands caressed your cheek and brushed your hair. It was so sweet and mellow.
—If you kiss me like this and tell me such nice things every time I get jealous, I’ll make sure to do it more often—he laughed making his adorable gummy smile visible.
—God, you’re such a dummy—you rolled your eyes and giggled.
—You know I love you and fear losing you, right?
—I do—you ran your hand through his hair and looked at him fondly—. And you know I love you too and will never go away from your side, right?
—I do—his voice was almost a whisper. He kissed you one more time—. Let’s get to study, come on, I don’t want to fail the exam.
—Ugh, do we really have to?—you said putting your head on his shoulder defeated.
—If you don’t want to fail the whole semester, yes.
—Can’t you give me a better motivation?
—Mmm… if you pass your exam, I promise to take you on a date to the new botanical garden that opened last week.
—Ooh are you for real? Start planning it, I’m gonna crush that mother effing exam!—you both laughed and someone shushed you—. I promised I’ll pass it—you remarked whispering.
—Yeah, yeah, start reading, we still need to study a lot.
—But first…—he gave you a quick peck—I needed a little motivation too—he shrugged with a smirk.
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kerikaaria · 4 years
If I Never Met You: Chapter 39
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(??? X Reader) Idol!AU, Manager!Reader - Revealed this chapter!
Genre: (PG13) Fluff
WC: 1.7k
Warnings: None
Series Masterlist
Chapter 38 | Chapter 39 | Chapter 40
A/N -  Sorry for the extended wait on this one. I had more things to do than I expected when it came to arranging things for my shop and had other things I needed to take care of in my personal life. But yeah, the wait is finally over!
Also, apologies that it's a little shorter than my usual chapters. I'll do my best to make the next ones a bit longer, but I really didn't have anything else to add for this one that would flow with it.
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You sat in the living room, Taehyung having helped you out of bed, feeling strangely nervous with the woman smiling at you from across the small table.
“How are you doing, dear?” she asked.
“I-I’m fine, eomeoni,” you replied.
“You’re not hurt or anything?” You could feel her eyes roaming over your body, trying to check for injuries.
“No. Only some minor bruises and scrapes, nothing serious,” you assured her. “They did an x-ray and everything so we know my legs are fine.”
“Good, I’m glad those brats didn’t cause you any extra trouble than they already have,” she said, standing up. “I’m assuming you haven’t eaten yet?”
“Oh. No, I guess I haven’t.”
She walked to your kitchen, opening up one of the bags that she had brought with her. “I brought plenty of side dishes, and I can cook up some rice and meat. Shouldn’t take too long to get some dinner ready.”
“Thank you,” you said with a soft smile.
“How long are you planning on staying?” Taehyung asked.
“Probably about two weeks, if that’s alright with Y/n,” she replied.
“Two weeks?” Tae repeated. “That’s a long time. You sure you don’t need to go back home sooner?”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were unhappy to see me.”
“No, that’s not it,” Tae said. “I am just surprised, is all. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“Because I wanted to surprise you,” she replied. “Is it too much for a mother to expect her son to be happy to see her?”
“I am happy!” Taehyung replied, shuffling quickly into the kitchen to hug his mother. He had her arms restrained in his grip, stopping her from getting out ingredients to cook with while he smothered her. “I missed you,” he singsonged, elongating the last syllable for emphasis. “I love you, eomma!” Tae loudly smacked a kiss to her cheek, making her laugh.
“Okay, okay,” she said, patting his arm in an effort to get him to loosen his grip. “Let me make you food.”
Tae made a whining noise. “You didn’t say it back.”
Mrs. Kim sighed, chuckling. “I love you too, Taehyung. Now can I have my arms back please?”
Tae smiled widely as he let her get back to what she was doing, and walked back into the living room to keep out of the way.
The whole exchange had you smiling, unable to not be endeared by the cute sight. But as she resumed getting ingredients ready you couldn’t help but ask, “Are you sure you want to stay for that long, eomeoni?”
“I’ll only stay that long if it’s okay with you, sweetheart,” she said. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome, but I figured it might be nice for you to have a mother’s touch around here while you’re healing. And of course the company.” She turned to you to smile sweetly.
While you couldn’t help but to feel nervous with the knowledge that the mother of the boy you’d been crushing on for longer than you’d like to admit was going to be staying with you that long, you also couldn’t deny that that did sound nice.
“If you want me to leave sooner, that’s perfectly okay,” Mrs. Kim said when you took a moment to respond. “I won’t be offended.”
“No, it’s fine,” you assured her. “You’re not wrong. It does get a bit lonely sometimes.”
You could practically hear the frown on Tae’s face, it was so deep. “I’m sorry, noona. I wish we could spend more time with you.”
“Stop apologizing,” you said. “You guys have a job to do. Don’t feel bad for something that you can’t help.”
As Mrs. Kim made dinner, which was smelling more and more delicious by the minute, she caught up with Taehyung. She told him stories about his siblings—how well his sister was doing in school, the crazy stories his brother had come up with recently—and other things he’d missed from home since the last time they saw each other.
Despite it not being long at all since the last time you saw your own mother, you couldn’t help but miss your family as you heard them talk. But more than that, you smiled as you listened, Mrs. Kim’s frequent looks in your direction as she talked a queue that she was okay with you being included in the conversation. You knew that Taehyung, as well as the other members, missed their families a lot so it was really nice to see him get to spend some time with his mother.
As if summoned by the presence of food, not one moment after Taehyung’s mother announced that dinner was ready was your door opened and the rest of the boys walked in.
“You said your mom is here?” Jimin asked Taehyung.
“Yup, she just finished making dinner,” he confirmed.
“Eomeoni!” Jin called brightly, walking into the kitchen. “Let me help you with that.” He took one of the plates of food from her to carry back to the table.
“Thank you, Seokjin,” she said. “I was just about to ask Taehyung to call you guys over to eat. Good timing.”
The others all greeted her as they helped set up the table before sitting down to eat.
Dinner was, just as you assumed by the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen, really delicious. Taehyung particularly looked incredibly happy to be eating his mother’s cooking again, and the table was filled with praise from everyone about how amazing it was.
“I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about a mother’s cooking,” Hoseok said as he cleaned the last bits of rice from his bowl. “So delicious.”
“You can say that again,” Namjoon agreed. “I don’t think I’ve felt this satisfied after a meal since the last time noona cooked for us.”
Your brows furrowed, going over the interaction in your head again. “I’m not a mother, though. If that’s the standard you’re talking about, then why my cooking...?”
“We already covered this, noona,” Jungkook said. “You and Sejin-hyung are our parents.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Not to mention, you’re surprisingly good at making Korean food,” Jin added. “Even better than me, really.”
“Well thank you, but I’m sure that you can agree I am absolutely nowhere near this level,” you said. “Thank you so much for dinner, eomeoni. It was really delicious.”
“You’re all very welcome,” Mrs. Kim responded, starting to stack dishes.
“Leave that to me,” Taehyung said, taking them from her hands and taking them into the kitchen. “Those who cook don’t do the dishes.”
“Well, that’s new,” his mom said, sounding surprised. “Thank you, Taehyung.”
After Taehyung and Jimin did the dishes together, you ushered everyone back to their own house. They had a bunch of fan sign events the next few days, so you didn’t want them staying up too late when they needed all the energy they could get.
Before leaving, Namjoon realized Tae’s mother would need to know how to get you in and out of your chair if she were to be helping you, so he helped show her how to do it properly, and someone else had thought to bring some blankets and pillows for her as well while you were busy with that.
Once that was all done and everyone else left, you couldn’t help but feel nervous with the fact that it was just the two of you left in your house. You had yet to be alone with her, and while you weren’t entirely sure why you felt nervous you had an inkling it had something to do with the fact that you had more than platonic feelings toward her son.
She quickly eased those nerves when she broke the silence between you. “I haven’t gotten a chance to thank you yet.”
You looked at her curiously. “Thank me? For what?”
“For what you did for my son,” she clarified. “He’s been telling me so much about you ever since you became their manager, so I already knew you were a good person. But not everyone would have done what you did that day.”
The compliment in that statement left you feeling shy. “It was really nothing,” you said, voice quiet. “Part of my job is to make sure nothing happens to them. That they’re safe.”
Mrs. Kim hummed. “That may be true, but I’m sure that doesn’t usually include jumping in the middle of danger for them. You’re not a security guard. And even then, most people wouldn’t go that far. The natural reaction to something like that is to either freeze from shock, or protect yourself. And there’s no shame in that. But it really speaks volumes about who you are as a person that you only considered his well-being in a split moment like that.”
You had no idea what you could say to that. You understood what she was saying, and it was true that your own personal safety wasn’t even in the smallest corner of your mind until you were already hurt. But how do you take a compliment, a praise, like that casually?
When you stayed silent, she reached out to place her hand on top of where yours rested in your lap. “Taehyung has had nothing but great things to say about you ever since you met. That boy could just look at someone and then suddenly they’re friends. But even then, I can tell who he really considers important, who he is closest to. You’re definitely one of those people for him. And I’m really glad to know that his group has you, seeing the testament to what you’re willing to do for them. But at the same time, I do hope you don’t forget to take care of yourself and your own safety first from now on, too. Okay?”
Still feeling as though your vocal chords suddenly froze up and stopped working, the only thing you could do was nod in response.
Taehyung’s mother smiled brightly—that smile was most definitely genetic—at your confirmation that you’d be more careful, patting your hand before helping you get into bed for the night.
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 38 | Chapter 39 | Chapter 40
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope @misohime @netflix-batman-sleep @smallbaby-cat @leitholdwithlove @ramyagovindraj @rjsmochii @overtherainbow35 @leesalts @whobuiltthemoon
Send me a message or ask if you want tagged! And also feel free to leave comments or send asks to just talk to me!
Also, if you’d like to donate to my Ko-fi, feel free! Absolutely no pressure though :)
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Pairing: Jake Peralta x reader
Summary: A phone call in the middle of the night usually spells trouble, except maybe this time. Inspiration drawn from 3am by queen Halsey.
Word Count: 800+
Warnings: dating probs, some self deprecating thoughts, reader being a bit of a drunken mess
A/N: added this to my queue since I’ll be busy with some funeral stuff all day. hopefully this will keep you happy until I’m back on Sad Sunday! love you all
3:01AM. The first thing Jake's eyes spotted when he cracked them open. The glaring red numbers were coming from an old digital clock of his grandmother's and the annoying sound that shook him from his unconscious state came from his cellphone right beside it. He let out a groan loud enough to shake the bedroom walls as he sloppily threw his hand over to grab it and put it up to his ear without checking the contact name.
"Who is this and why?"
"I was going to say your best friend but you don't sound too happy with me right now." The voice slurred twice as badly as Jake's did.
"You're drunk. You need me to come get you?" He asked instantly, feet already on the floor and headed to his closet for something to wear.
"No, I'm home now. Just wanted to talk."
"At 3 in the morning?!" Jake dropped the sweatpants he was holding and came back to sit on the side of his bed, letting out a deep sigh. "Alright, fine. What's on your mind?"
"Why doesn't anyone love me?"
"What? Y/N, plenty of people love y--"
"I went out tonight and no one flirted with me. It makes me feel fucking ugly. And anytime I find someone on one of those apps, they hate me before the first date is even over, like they meet me in person and suddenly don't know what to do with me. It makes me feel like I don't know what to do with me either."
There was a moment of silence, Jake holding the phone close as he listened and waited until he thought you were done. Just when he started to speak up, you continued.
"I feel like when I finally do find something serious, I'm gonna ruin it."
"How could you possibly ruin it? Anyone would be lucky to have you," he quietly replied into the receiver as he picked up those sweatpants again, this time slipping them on.
"Maybe. But I know I'm gonna be too scared that this person will leave just like everyone else and I'll probably try to sabotage it before they even get the chance to." Another few seconds of silence passed before you spoke up again. "I wish I could have you."
"What?" Jake paused with his hand on the door to the apartment.
"Is that weird to say? I don't know, it just makes so much sense. You're already my best friend, so you know how fucking insane I am and you still put up with it. You understand me more than anyone else and you're a beautiful man, Jacob. But I'll take all this back if it makes you uncomfortable. I'll un-say it."
He let out a chuckle as he walked away from the door and sat on the end of his bed. "You don't have to, I don't mind. You're my best friend and a beautiful man, too." He paused to listen to your drunken giggles, taking a moment to think over what he was about to say next. "Hey, Y/N?"
"Yeah, Jake?"
"Do me a favor?"
"Drink some water and then get some sleep. I'll be over tomorrow with some greasy food and painkillers."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you, too."
He dropped the phone on the bed when you hung up and stood with a sigh, peeling his clothes back off as his mind pondered the thought of actually telling you how he felt. Wondering if you even meant what you said. His thoughts flashed back to a moment between the two of you a few weeks ago.
"What?" You looked up from your phone with a frown.
"Finally! What are you doing?"
"On a dating app." You turned the screen toward him, showing a shirtless guy named Ryan that was currently 2.2 miles away.
"Cute, I guess." Jake shrugged, smirking when you just rolled your eyes and turned the phone back around. "Why do you bother with that anyway? I thought you liked getting to know someone in person better anyway."
"I did but...I don't know. People at least pretend to be interested in me on here, so I've grown to prefer the digital side of things. When it becomes physical is when I end up alone." You shot him a tight-lipped smile before turning your attention back to your phone.
Jake reached over and grabbed your phone, locking it and sliding it in his back pocket. "Well, I want more than that for you. You deserve someone who loves all of you and not just through a screen."
"Yeah, well unless you can find that someone for me, I'm stuck with this." You held out a hand for your phone, which he reluctantly returned to you.
He didn't speak up then or tonight. But tonight is different, because tonight he knows that he at least crossed your mind in that way. Even just for a moment. He knows he could love you completely because he does, drunk and sober. He just hopes that you can do the same.
Tags: @halfofwhatisayismeaningless @gaulty74 @ochrythum @xetherealbeautyx @marie-03 @makapaka11
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