#okay i know it ain't a poem
ayenah-ayenah · 10 months
Saying, "thank you",
Returning them,
And being all polite when getting compliments.
Then, overthinking.
Because the compliments aren't personal.
You respond only to not make them uncomfortable for saying something to you.
You don't know yourself that well, and you're so, so, so sure that neither do they know you. But that's too long, and complicated to say.
So, you settle with, "thank you".
This is a rant hahaha
Someone I know keeps giving backhanded comments about me not shying away from compliments like she does.
The truth is, I used to never believe a single good thing others say to me. But, I grew into accepting that sometimes,
people say things and it's not that deep.
So, even if I don't feel like the compliment fits me, I just say thank you. Because, it's not just about me. The one who talked to me deserves a polite exchange for their genuine and kind expression.
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exo-raskreia · 4 months
Imma rant about Ichigo and Orihime cuz your blog has waken a outrageous fire in me!! And rightfully so! I agree with literally everything you said(btw Karin and hitsugaya are endgame for me too🤭🤭)
Ichihime makes literal sense and it genuinely sucks as a ship and i don't get why the shippers are satisfied with the results. I asked my friend who he wanted to be endgame and answered Ichigo and Orihime cuz they are a better fit. LITERALLY HOW?!! I didn't go psycho on him cuz if Ichigo and Rukia ain't your cup of tea then fine. But why are people answers automatically always Ichihime?? Is it cuz they are canon??? Where the hell was the build-up for it then?! It is nothing compare to ichigo/rukia or orihime with tatsuki/uryu. Idk if Kubo was trying to punk us by pairing them up or not. I feel like he didn't plan our their relationship properly! People say it was obvious from the beginning that ichigo likes her back but i sure as hell didn't see it! Maybe i'm just salty and refused to see the signs cuz Ichiruki is the best ship( and i had a crush on ichigo since forever soooo... 😖😖) ?? I've always been a rukia and ichigo fan rather cuz they actually had the chemistry and insane connection. I'm so mad that they weren't endgame. My girl Rukia was elite why didn't Ichigo went for her and vice versa?? Don't get me started on the poems, the speechs, the way ichigo always and always thinks of rukia. Like the ingredients for the cake was perfect, why the hell would you put gasoline in there💀💀
Some people say that cuz the show is shounen and not a romance, i shouldn't be upset about ichihime ending up together and not be mad of lack of their romance. I'm not expecting ichigo and orihime to have some epic EPIC love story or anything just make it more sense for ME at least. If Ichihime was some side-ship then i wouldn't care as much, but this is the MC of the show i want to see something greater than what we received! If they were to have a love story(ya know a real one) then they should've played it out like in Fruits basket
Ichigo and orihime actually remind me alot of kyo and tohru from fruits basket. And they're all very similar to think about it! Ichigo and Kyo: the grumpy orange haired protecters that have a heart of gold. Orihime and Tohru: the loveable sunshine character that are super traumatized but still manage to keep smiling. The only difference is that Kyo and Tohru actually have the emotional moments and had the chemistry and ya know they actually TALKED and were ACTUAL FRIENDS(as in kyo didn't treat tohru like a acquaintance) before dating. But since Orihime is so much like Ichigo's dead mom, their relationship would've been like Yuki and Tohru. I know the comparison might be dumb to do cuz they are very different anime and different genre but still!! Excuse me for caring so much about that my fav ain't canon. Yes this is a shounen anime but they could've at least squeezed in a bit of the love story of the mc to show they actually care about it. The MC of the show has a better and stronger bond with his bestie than his own wife. Like how is my girl Orihime not bothered by it?! Should've end up Tatsuku i swear. I mean they're literally Nana and Hachi!! 🍓🐶✨
I feel like orihime just exist to be his love interest and that's it! Girl had the potential to be a great character that ain't always there to be the love interest. Her becoming a housewife was insulting cuz what do you mean she ain't a robot destroying a city (i can't remember that scene from the earlier seasons but something in between those lines🤣) I do like Orihime enough but not that much cuz it's Ichigo this and Ichigo that. Like girl i get it. I wanted(and still do) him too but don't settle for being the second choice) HOMEGIRL YOU HAVE OTHER LUCKY DUCKS THAT WANNA BE WITH YOU!!
And another thing: I read somewhere that: just cuz Uryu had a crush Orihime that, that doesn't mean that Orihime should be together with him.... Okay then why can't that also imply to Ichigo and Orihime?? Like why just cuz "She'll fall for him in every lifetime" doesn't mean that he has to do the same too!! Rukia is already the queen of his heart mind you
BUT ANYWAYS!! It's a shounen after all so i shouldn't be expecting the mc to have a well-written love story and not to have high hopes of the MC love interest to be something more than that. But whatever at the end of the day they're CANON and have a kid together so all i can do is cry about it and live in fanfiction.
Ahem, I'm done with my rant thank you 😌 (And yes anti-IchiRuki fans I'll still be salty in my 40s cuz of the ending and I will never shut up about it just cuz they have canonically have kids)
No worries, anon! You've come to the right place! Let it all out~
Not surprised your male friend would choose Ori. Typical. For dudes like him, her appearance, superficial crush on Ichigo, & the word "canon" being slapped on are enough for them, despite there not being any actual chemistry between IH. It is also a common trope in other manga/anime, so they convince themselves that it was meant to happen, but it doesn't mean it makes sense for every story, especially not in Bleach's case; it doesn't make narrative sense if they actually looked into it.
(Canon ≠ good. Just look up what went wrong in 'How I Met Your Mother' or even 'Game Of Thrones' S8).
(While on the subject, since Rukia is a much better written character than Ori, if she had a body like Ori's, & Ori like Rukia's, even less dudes would care about IH 🫢, since they never even have good arguments in favor of it that aren't the 3 things I mentioned already up top).
Ichigo & Rukia had the most chemistry in the entire manga/anime, & it baffles me when people didn't/don't (wanna) see it. I went into Bleach almost blind when I first started watching it & IR really stood out. Their bond is right in your face, playing along the border between platonic & romantic, making you wonder what exactly it is, but knowing they aren't just mere friends. In the manga, I was constantly awed & amused by how borderline romantic it came off as, despite having already watched the anime (which did not do the manga justice in many ways; and then antis claim IR was mostly anime-based, PLEASE 🙄). Kubo really wasn't playing when it came to these 2. What a freakin' troll.
Haven't watched Fruits Basket, but I can see what you mean. Grumpy & Sunshine is a fun trope, however, as you said, IH just didn't have what it takes. If Kubo had wanted to, he could have properly developed IH at some points in the manga, such as the Fullbring arc, & it wouldn't have to be anything big, as Bleach is not a romance. He could have opened the arc with those 2 already going out, like them holding hands as they head to school or something, maybe showing some flashbacks of them talking things out, comforting each other since HM to show how they got together. Instead, in those 17 months since Ichigo lost his powers & contact with Rukia, you're telling me Kubo couldn't make IH bond? Instead, Ori's still pathetically pining after him while Ichigo is still thinking of, longing for, Rukia! How am I supposed to believe IH was meant to be endgame?!
Orihime had more chemistry with other people than the man she ended up with 💀. I personally ship her with 2 other men (Ishida & Ulquiorra). She was different with them. One selflessly cared for her, had her at the forefront of his mind in her own rescue arc (unlike Ichigo), while the other challenged her, found her fascinating & wanted to learn more... Not to mention they both protected her from Ichigo a couple times in the HM arc.
She really did have potential to be a great character but it all kept going down the drain, never achieved her dreams nor goals. She kept regressing as the story went on, especially when it came to Ichigo. She was never able to encourage him nor fully support him & was usually a complete damsel in his presence (he even seemed annoyed by her during the Ywach fight, which mind u, she was only there cuz there was no one else left & Ichigo had no choice?). She was more interesting whenever she wasn't around him. All her best moments were when she wasn't thinking about him. Saving Tatsuki? Bonding with Ishida in SS, standing in front of him to protect him in the Fullbring arc? Bonding with Ulquiorra (the only good thing she did the whole HM arc)? She could've done more in HM but didn't. In TYBW, she didn't do anything special, couldn't even encourage Ichigo & was treated like a ragdoll by Ywach. This is how Kubo wanted us to remember her. She was mostly reduced to fanservice by the end (and she's still not as popular as Matsumoto or Yoruichi in that department 💀). I sometimes think he didn't like her all that much with how he treated her character...
While watching the anime, I seriously had been hoping she'd get over Ichigo in the SS arc when she wistfully said Rukia was a very special person to him who changed his world (oh, boy, was I in for disappointment). Right off the bat, there was nothing interesting/exciting about her interactions with Ichigo (I was shipping her with Ishida by this point). He was just so blasé with her, I almost felt bad for her & it only kept getting worse. I then hoped she'd finally get over him after the traumatic experience at the dome in HM, but her ongoing silly crush made my eyes roll & lose hope in it. LIKE GIRL, HE'S HUNG UP ON ANOTHER GIRL, & U SHOULD'VE STOPPED PUTTING HIM ON A PEDESTAL BY NOW; HE'S NO PRINCE CHARMING & ESPECIALLY NOT FOR U WHEN HE BARELY GAVE U A SECOND THOUGHT IN UR OWN RESCUE ARC & ALMOST GOT U KILLED LIKE 3 TIMES & U HAD TO GET SAVED BY ULQUIORRA & ISHIDA, LIKE-
Orihime doesn't have anything in common with Masaki other than maybe their appearance (which imo, Masaki looks more like short-haired Matsumoto anyway?). Besides the cheerful part, their personalities are very different. Masaki was more like Rukia: brave, strong, selfless, teasing & annoying Isshin/Ichigo, etc... IR has actual dynamic parallels with IsshiMasa in the narrative... Kubo just copied IR moments, especially considering he wrote as he went... So, don't be fooled by those morons who go by appearance alone & even those weird lines in one of the novels (Oedipus complex anyone?) instead of the legitimate parallels between IR & IM shown in the manga, such as these:
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What was going thru Kubo's head if he supposedly "intended" for IH to happen? Ichigo & Ori had more chemistry with other characters than with each other. Kubo went about this all wrong. Bleach not being a romance is no excuse for shoddily pairing up characters in the end. In a few scenes scattered throughout the manga, he could've implied them. Every time they interacted, their relationship should've progressed somehow. And he actually did this with IchiRuki. (In regards to Naruto, for example, Kishimoto at least admitted he didn't put enough effort into his ships by saying romance was not his forte & he's not good at writing female characters, but at least most of the ships made sense & esp NaruHina had actual good moments scattered throughout the manga...).
Sigh, I've said this before, but why can't more battle shounens be like Fairy Tail when it comes to developing the ships throughout the story? There'd be less drama. Even Gintama did a better job at developing the main ships, lol, that if they became canon, hardly anyone would've been surprised (they were somewhat implied if u squint, tho 🤪).
There are theories Kubo wanted to spite Shounen Jump for their treatment over the years so he ended things this way (and maybe to spite the fans too, since his manga sales had been on the decline for years). Ever heard of the "choosing unhappiness" theories? Basically, remember that Ywach said he'd come back at Ichigo's happiest moment? Well, he didn't come back at Ichigo's wedding with Ori, not even at the birth of his son. He came back when Ichigo reunited with RUKIA after 10 years.
So what could this be telling us? That Ichigo chose to be unhappy by not getting with the one person who made him the happiest. Rukia gave him that push by choosing unhappiness first (since she knew Ichigo couldn't make the first attempt to) & married Renji, who in turn, also gave Ichigo that push to go for Ori. IR chose unhappiness to defeat Ywach. Could this actually be what Urahara meant when he said he'd leave everything to "Kurosaki-san & Kuchiki-san" after his defeat in TYBW?! (we deserved the IR tag-team we never got in the final fight, screw Kubo)
One could also say his friends chose unhappiness to help too? Ishida becoming a doctor he'd never expressed interest in & seeming isolated from the friend group (maybe not agreeing with the farce they're all in), Chad becoming a boxer instead of using his fists to protect, Ori marrying a man who doesn't love her & she knows never will, Renji marrying a woman who doesn't love him & never will (and whom I think he doesn't love either? My view on that here)... Isshin is nowhere in sight, could it be he also doesn't wanna be a part of this farce in which his own son chose to marry a woman he doesn't love?
Still, everything about this ending is so wrong, makes no sense, a bunch of retcons too. Heck, remember the rebuilding of Sokyoku Hill in SS? Made Ichigo destroying it meaningless 🙄.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this post to be too long. There's so much to rant about lol. There's also so much to make fun of 👀. As I said in this post, IH was never popular & never will be. Kubo himself can't bring himself to give them content & his affiliates (like Shounen Jump, Studio Pierrot, etc.) can't be bothered either, as IH doesn't sell. Canon for almost 10 years & still no official couple/family arts nor merch 😂. If they end up getting thrown a bone in the future, the fact it took them that long would still be laughable.
In the end, it's best to ignore canon, its fans, & engage with what you like. It also doesn't hurt to sometimes make fun of Bleach's failures~ Kubo has made it so easy, can you blame us? 🤷‍♀️
Also, glad u like HitsuKarin as well 🤭. Would you believe it's my #1 Bleach OTP? I had brainrot for it a few years ago, like I literally scoured almost every bit of content that I could find, & while it's died down, I just know that if Kubo &/or his affiliates were to feed us HK content now, I'd eat it up like a starving dog-
Sorry for the late reply, anon! 😓 Been having brainrot for a different fandom, if u can guess
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lalalian · 1 month
I always think to myself, "I'm out of ideas... I'm out of actually cool, creative ideas, will I have to shut all my shit down? How am I supposed to continue posting if I've got nothing..." but then, the next second I'll come up with something that genuinely could be a whole ass dr
here's a dump of some of the drs I've been wanting to make into filled scripts for awhile now, but I haven't even started designing the scripts for them yet.
Some of them are literally just titles, but idk I just know I can work with it yk?
since I finished some prototyping hw today, I'll put in a little more effort sectioning this post
some of the ideas in question
cloud catcher: steampunk reality based on a cloud city, you've got a job as a cloud catcher, your job is to catch and sell different kinds of clouds, have a cloud shop
inedible edible cafe: inedible things here (in our OR) would be edible in this dr.. Initially I only wanted to include slime as a dish, but now I want to make dishes with different ingredients, like puffy sticker cereal or sum shit
shifting school dr: okay so this actually was a trend on shifttok for a sec, it was called a 'mysterious school' idk why. anyway, this school was supposed to be it's own dr, but I think i may include it in my dreamscape dr
magitech engineer dr: ngl this idea was in the fucking basement of my mind-- ain't nobody gonna wanna shift here besides for someone that actually likes crafting things. idk i just feel like it’s a niche idea
number magic: uh so no, that's not the title for this dr-- I just really wanna make a dr with this kind of system. idk I was just in world lit class and I realized the poem I was reading was repeating the number 5. we were supposed to analyze the poem, but my dumbass just started daydreaming... anyway, next idea
fantasy cosmetic makeup maker dr: so like imagine handmaking make up with like... mermaid pearls or like ground unicorn horns (sourced ethically of course-- unicorns will shed their horns like baby teeth throughout their lifetime. I cannot imagine depriving a unicorn of its horn... imagine doing that... what a psycho😨) you could make like a mermaid line, a sky beauty line, IMAGINE THE PACKAGING. STOP. WAIT. FLOWER KNOWS. AHHH.
guardian flame: I have so little down for this DR lmao 😭😭 essentially like you're some sort of being that's been assigned to protect another, probably someone who isn't as strong as you. the kinda oddball part about your drself in particular is that you have to go to school to train how to be a good protector, but like you've already got a person you need to protect. nobody is assigned to protect anyone until affffftteeerrr graduation, but ur stuck with an idiot
futuristic skater/futuristic biker: self explanatory! I also wanted this to be in a high school setting. this idea stemmed from me just wanting a high school futuristic dr, cuz like yk I was curious about what high school students would need to learn. what would be considered important to learn about? would all students be taught about how to make technology we would find difficult to make today? what about psychology class? what new theories would arise? what would students think about our generation (in our CR) today? would they think we're stupid, crass, or selfish? anyway, initially I just wanted to go to school and walk around... but, I had a dream about living in the future, more abt that in the next idea (this idea is getting long). Instead, I think I wanna deviate a bit from what I would usually do here and in literally every other school dr I have-- I want to experience what it'd be like to be a... deliquient? idk, growing up i kinda just was just that quiet girl that listened to her parents... soooooooo why not do smth different? I'm still not gonna drink or do drugs tho, boooooooo ik so boring 🙄🙄 oh also I was gonna have a group of friends that were also skaters or bikers and compete in definitely legal biker/skater competitions
futuristic entertainment district: anyway more about that dream, essentially everyone was wearing these levitating rocket boots that looked a lot like roller skates (they had those wheels at the bottom of the shoes). the city was like a huge pot hole filled with stores on the side, but like it seemed like parts of the land was broken apart and floating around-- even those had advertisements and people singing and dancing on them. like this pot hole city was filled to the brim with advertisements, shops, stores, entertainment places, literally I remember that there was a huge section of like idol shit. there were a lot of people darting around the place using those levitating boots I was wearing, but there were also futuristic floating cars. imagine cyberpunk but if it was located in a big ass pot hole. yah, that. idk i just wanna explore
dystopian futuristic dr: similar to cyberpunk in the fact that it's a world dominated by companies; I want to join an underground group that wants to overtake the gov and make the world less ass
singles inferno - introvert ver: I actually have all the contestants scripted + designed a script for this DR, but I haven't worked on this script in a whiillleeeee. I wanna be song jia. not literally, but like I want to have her charm, yk? ok so the introvert part-- a lot of the game will take place in a group chat room. you do challenges in-person and in this chatroom to get a date, sometimes it's a random date, but most of the time it's like your choice. very heavily inspired by a game called picka!
a minecraft roleplay dr: I know at least one of yall cringed so hard at this, trust me, I knooowwwww-- but I really want to be like the next aphmau or smth. oh except I don't want to make kid vids, tho I'm sure yall knew that right. I want to recreate aethergarde academy in minecraft (ALSO ALRUNA TOO OMFG) but then I also wanna do other things that aren't dr related. idk I just know that this DR's gonna be sooooo fun. I haven't even decided on a channel name yet 😭😭
uh so I prob got more, but these were just the ones that came to mind
I'll prob make a part two when I'm lazy with posting
if anyone wants to use these ideas, please do credit me! if one of yall see someone using my ideas without credit, plz plz tell me, ty!
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toast-with-jam38 · 3 months
I love my Watchmen playlist that I wrote down every song and why it is on it😭
Why each song on my WATCHMEN playlist is on it:
Unforgettable- Nat King Cole: The ad that plays for Veidt as Dan and Laurie kiss in Chapter 7
Im Your Boogie Man- KC & The Sunshine Band: The song from the riot scene in the movie.
The Comedians- Elvis Costello & The Attractions: The title of chapter 2, Absent Friends.
The Times They Are a Changin’- Bob Dylan: Credit Scene in the movie.
Desolation Row- Bob Dylan: Title of chapter 1, At Midnight All the Agents.
All Along the Watchtower- Bob Dylan: Title of chapter 10, Two Riders Approaching.
All Along the Watchtower- Jimi Hendrix: Title of chapter 10, Two Riders Approaching. 
Sanctus (Sanities)- Music For a New Society- John Cale: Title of chapter 11, A Stronger Loving World.
Please Mr. Kennedy- Elvis Costello, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver: Fits the era. About not wanting to go into outers space/ the space race.
Swamp- Live- Talking Heads: About War, multiple aspects fit.
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood- Elvis Costello: Elvis Costello, could be about multiple of the characters. “I'm just a soul whose intentions are good/ Oh Lord please don't let me be misunderstood” Could have multiple meanings. Rorschach’s vigilantism, and trying to clean up the city while also obviously breaking the law. Could also be about guilt over other things.
You’re My Thrill- Billie Holiday: From Chapter 7.
I’ll Be Seeing You- Billie Holiday: Just another song by Billie Holiday since Daniel loves her. I’ll be seeing you is also a song about missing a loved one, so I chose it because Dan would obviously miss Rorschach and might be reminded of that by listening to the song.
Snow Owl- The Mountain Goats: Dan is Nite Owl, and wears a snow owl costume in chapters 10 and 11. Thats it lol.
99 Luftballons- Nena: Played in the scene where Dan and Laurie get dinner in the Watchmen Movie.
Dance Music- The Mountain Goats: Reminds me of Laurie and her snow globe in chapter 9. The entire song reminds me of Daniel and Laurie.
Die Walkure, Act III: Ride of the Valkyries- Richard Wagner: From the section of under the hood after chapter 1.
Southwood Plantation Road- The Mountain Goats:
Nuts (feat. rainy bear)- Lil Peep, rainy bear: There is a really good watchmen edit to this of Dan and Laurie lol
 Yeh Yeh- They Might Be Giants: I dont really know why I just think it fits the vibe.
I Bet On Losing Dogs- Mitski: Daniel and Rorschach sadness. Rorschach is said losing dog that Daniel bets on.
Once More to See You- Mitski:Daniel and Rorschach sadness part two. Gay.
Heart To Heart- Mac DeMarco: There is a really good watchmen edit to this of Dan and Rorschach.
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle- The Smiths: Reminds me of Daniel and Rorschach. About wanting to protect someone from evilness and harm.
Kryptonite- 3 Doors Down: Besides being about DC comics, the chorus about going insane and still being there to support the person reminds me of Daniel and Rorschach after the Blaire Roche Case.
Ain’t No Sunshine- Bill Withers: The entire section of “Wonder this time where she's gone/ Wonder if she's gone to stay/ Ain't no sunshine when she's gone/ And this house just ain't no home/ Anytime she goes away” Reminds me of Daniel wondering where Rorschach is and if he is okay and if he is going to survive.
Watching The Detective- Elvis Costello: Another Elvis Costello song, also it is about detectives which reminds me of watchmen lol.
I Should Be Allowed To Think- They Might Be Giants: The priest quotes the first section of the chorus to Walter in the Before Watchmen for Nite Owl. Obviously hes quoting the poem and not the song, but the song quotes the poem so yk.
Army Dreamers- Kate Bush: Reminds me of Rorschach. It is talking about the potential everyone had before going to war just to die. Walter/ Rorschach had potential to be something greater. He was very intelligent and hard working, but due to his experiences and traumas from childhood and then soon vigilantism, he never could really be the person he should have turned out to be.
Real Men- Mitski: Reminds me of Rorschach and his judgment of everyone and most likely himself.
Little Dark Age- MGMT: There is a really good Watchmen edit to this song.
Back to the Old House- The Smiths: Could be about literally any single one of the people in watchmen besides The Comedian or Veidt, but even then you could probably twist it to fit in their favor.
This Night Has Opened My Eyes- The Smiths: Also could be about any of the Watchmen characters. The section “You kicked and cried like a bullied child/ A grown man of 25/ Oh, he said he'd cure your ills/ But he didn't and he never will” is like Rorschach (and there is a good edit to this song about him.)  The lyric “This night has opened my eyes And I will never sleep again” fits for all the characters. 
The Comedian: Him learning about Karnak and going to visit Moloch, having basically a mental breakdown.
Rorschach’s mental break over the Blaire Roche case.
Daniel and Laurie after witnessing Karnak.
Doctor Manhattan's death and rebirth in the test chamber. 
With Veidt I think this part relates to Doctor Manhattan talking to him after Karnak and making him question his choices. The talk has opened his eyes and he doesn’t know if he can live with himself after.
I Know It’s Over- The Smiths: Also just about Rorschach
Cold Island- My Singing Monsters: There is a wonderful Doctor Manhattan edit to this song.
She- Elvis Costello: Another Elvis Costello song. DanRor?? LMAO
Wake Up (It’s 1984)- Oingo Boingo: Rorschach. Him trying to preach his beliefs.
Old College Try- The Mountain Goats: This entire song is so DanRor it is so awfully wonderful.
Sun To Me- Zach Bryan: “​​The only bad you've ever done was to see the good in me” ….. danror.
I Don’t Smoke- Mitski: Also Danror, sorry there is ALOT of songs that remind me of danror haha.
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yallemagne · 1 year
Lenore Posting
One of the most influential lines in vampire literature was in a poem that features no vampires: "Denn die Todten reiten schnell" from Lenore by Gottfried August Bürger.
For fun, I must first address that this phrase also appears in what is considered Bram Stoker's first draft of Dracula: Dracula's Guest.
Impelled by some sort of fascination, I approached the sepulchre to see what it was, and why such a thing stood alone in such a place. I walked around it, and read, over the Doric door, in German: COUNTESS DOLINGEN OF GRATZ IN STYRIA SOUGHT AND FOUND DEATH 1801 On the top of the tomb, seemingly driven through the solid marble—for the structure was composed of a few vast blocks of stone—was a great iron spike or stake. On going to the back I saw, graven in great Russian letters: “The dead travel fast.”
Why it is in Russian when the engraving on the tomb is in German and why proto-Jonathan is able to read both languages when his first draft self knew not even a lick of German, I cannot say. What I can say is that Styria is a reference to Carmilla, of course, and we know from the engraving: "sought and found death" that the Countess likely committed suicide, which is often deemed a sin in Christianity that can condemn one to vampirism. Eternal life as punishment for seeking death against God's will. You could take this paired with the quote as a reference to Bürger's Ballad of Lenore, in which a grieving woman curses God for the death of her beloved and is punished with death... but it doesn't fit as well as it should. That bitch Dolingen ain't travelling nowhere.
Okay, okay, right to the book:
The parallels to Bürger's ballad start before the line is spoken. The driver drives dangerously fast, urged on by his other passengers, much to Jonathan's chagrin. How was it that Lenore was led to her death? A man resembling her beloved, Wilhelm, appeared on a horse and bid her to join him to go to their marriage bed. On the way, he rides wildly, distressing her. He inquires:
“What ails my love? the moon shines bright: Bravely the dead men ride through the night. Is my love afraid of the quiet dead?” “Ah! no;—let them sleep in their dusty bed!”
(By the way, here, "Denn die Todten reiten schnell" is translated as "Bravely the dead men ride through the night")
"You are early to-night, my friend." The man stammered in reply:— "The English Herr was in a hurry," to which the stranger replied:— "That is why, I suppose, you wished him to go on to Bukovina. You cannot deceive me, my friend; I know too much, and my horses are swift." As he spoke he smiled, and the lamplight fell on a hard-looking mouth, with very red lips and sharp-looking teeth, as white as ivory. One of my companions whispered to another the line from Burger's "Lenore":— "Denn die Todten reiten schnell" — ("For the dead travel fast.")
Here, the reference is a better fit. Jonathan's fellow passenger makes the comment in reference to the stranger, who we know is the Count, being one of the dead, or rather, Un-Dead. He's travelling. Rather fast. As the dead do.
As the ballad goes on, "Wilhelm" invites a passing funeral procession to drop their mourning and sing him and his bride cheery marriage songs, which they do.
The driver and passengers (who could, in a way, be described as Jonathan's funeral procession), do not follow the Count, instead leaving for Bukovina, lamenting their failure to outpace the dead. But no matter, they are replaced by the wolves, whose singing is praised by the Count:
"Listen to them—the children of the night. What music they make!"
Now, Dracula isn't putting on the familiar face of Jonathan's dear Wilhelmina, but he does still come in disguise. And even when he introduces himself properly as Count Dracula, his hospitality is a façade to trap Jonathan and lead him to his doom.
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ask-nick-carraway · 2 months
Dear Nick,
I wrote you a poem! I hope that's alright with you.
Here goes nothing:
Bong-bong-bong (we good, we good, we good?) Bong-bong-bong-bong-bong (like a drum) Bong-bong-bong-bong-bong-bong-bong (haha, this is fire) Nigga, eat this ass like a plum (plum) This pussy tight like a nun (nun) Better chew it up like it's gum (gum) Then wipe your mouth when you done (okay) I'm hot like Nevada, pussy get popped, Piñata Bitch, I look like money (like money) You could print my face on a dollar Beat it up Beat it up Beat it up Beat it up Okay Five, four, three, two, one, lift off Honey, I'm home, shoes gettin' kicked off (uh) Every time I turn around, a bitch pissed off (ah-ha) Little dusty ass hoes need a lint brush (woo) You gon' settle down, you gon' live with him (what?) I don't even wanna post a pic with him (no) The bag he just bought me was a Goyard (Goyard) That ain't yo' nigga, he is both ours Pussy tight like a nun (nun) Countin' hundreds up with my thumb (thumb) I don't care where you from (from) Better beat this shit like a drum (okurr) Don't be talkin' shit like you know me (woo) I ride dick like a pony Girl, that nigga look like a brokey (Real hot girl shit) Go and fuck with his homie, he a- (ah) This ass sit like a stallion, all these wannabes my lil' ponies These hoes camped out in the comments, always talkin' like they know me (ayy) Thick bitches in a black truck, packed in Eat whoever in my way, Ms. Pacman Hermes, made a real big purchase Purse so big, had to treat it like a person Bad bitch (bad bitch) in real life (in real life) Show me real love, give a fuck about them likes ('bout them likes) Bitch tryna say I ain't fine? Oh, alright They know I'm thick like I'm eatin' beans with the rice Like lean over ice, got the real meat pies I be spillin' like my ass, out these jeans when they tight And the way they watch me, need to be monetized (ah) I'ma need a money bag if I sleep overnight Wait, wait, wait (hold up) Wait, wait (hold up) Hoes pop pills, but I'm the one they can't take (yeah) Hot girl shit, I'ma make somethin' shake I know the stiff hoes can't relate (ah) Shoot your shot like a free throw Just know this pussy ain't free though My BD is a Migo Bitch, your BD is a zero My back shots sound like bongos I ain't scared to admit, I'm a freak ho At least I'm gettin' my money Y'all hoes broke, pussy took more turns than a keyhole It did Like a bum I'ma throw it back like it's Thursday I got cake, I'm lit, it's my birthday (ah) Look I don't ride on my knees, bitch, I ride on my toes Big fat ass, it be eatin' up the thong Gotta garage full of foreign cars that I never drove A bitch couldn't school me with a student loan I'm so sexy, I could Met Gala in a robe I could body every look and I could body every pose (yes) Neck full of diamonds, yeah, I'm forever froze Will Cardi ever fall off? Bitch, we'll never know (whoa) Beat it up Wait Bitch, I'm hot (hot), like Nevada ('vada) Pussy get popped, Piñata (bap) Lookin', like money (cold) You could print my face on a dollar (okay) This pussy, Dominicana This pussy, Americana (ayy) Si tu quiere que te toma toma Bought a couple cribs on my own, I'm a owner Beat it up Real hot girl shit La Cardi (ah) I hope you like it! I worked really hard on it.
Oi arsehole,
I just came to visit Nick for some important work related business and I find him on the bloody floor with this letter at his desk.
Is he? Is he dead?
Right. I kicked him a few times and he made a noise so I think he’s alive.
Still, that was a shite thing to do mate, scaring him like that.
Only I’m allowed do to that.
Bugger off,
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cementcornfield · 2 months
Is there any song/songs that make you think of Joe’marr? I keep thinking about them listening to Troye Sivans album 😊 (I’d also like to thank you for your Joe/Ja’marr/Joe’marr/bengals tags bc I’ve totally fallen in love with the team v v quickly 😅)
Hi! lol i've seen you in my notifs the past few days, i love when i can tell people are going through my tags! so glad you're joining the fandom just in time for all the content to start back up <3
and oh boy, okay, i'm the kind of person where once i get obsessed with a ship or character, EVERY song makes me think of them (even some that really don't work at all, whoops!) but here are some that get me particularly in my feelings about joe'marr
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men And as the world comes to an end I'll be here to hold your hand 'Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart
Aquemini - Outkast Nothin' is for sure, nothin' is for certain, nothin' lasts forever But until they close the curtain (y'all know) It's him and I, Aquemini
1950 - King Princess So cold that your stare's 'bout to kill me I'm surprised when you kiss me So tell me why my gods look like you And tell me why it's wrong
Thinkin' Bout You - Frank Ocean Or do you not think so far ahead? Cause I been thinkin' 'bout forever
Bodyguard - Beyoncé Be your best friend I protect you in the mosh pit And I'll defend you in the gossip You know how people like to start shit and pop shit I don't like the way she's lookin' at you Someone better hold me back
Nineteen - Tegan and Sara I felt you in my life Before I ever thought to I felt the need to lay down Beside you And tell you I feel you in my heart And I don't even know you
Fireproof - The National You're fireproof Nothing breaks your heart You're fireproof It's just the way you are You're fireproof It's what you always say You're fireproof I wish I was that way
Bad Religion - Frank Ocean If it brings me to my knees It's a bad religion This unrequited love To me, it's nothin' but a one-man cult And cyanide in my styrofoam cup I can never make him love me Never make him love me
Earfquake - Tyler the Creator I don't want no confrontation, no You don't want my conversation I just need some confirmation on how you feel, for real You don't want no complication, no
New Magic Wand - Tyler the Creator Can't be in the picture if it got no frame And let the world know 'cause I ain't got no shame Blow the whole spot up, 'cause I ain't— I wanna share last names, I wanna be your number one Not the other one, keep it on the low I'm in my right mind, keep it on a high
Secret Heart - Feist Why so mysterious? Why so sacred, why so serious? Maybe you're just acting tough Maybe you're just not man enough What's wrong?
Somewhere in Between
We Belong Together - Vampire Weekend We belong together Baby, there's no use in being clever Baby, it don't mean we'll stay together Hallelujah, you're still mine All I did was waste your time If there is not some grand design How'd this pair of stars align?
I Want to Know Your Plans - Say Anything I want to know your plans And how involved in them I am [...] I'll look out for you 'til I die, 'til I rot I'll remember you 'til I die, 'til I rot
Never Be Anyone Else But You - Emmylou Harris Cause I hope and pray the day will come when you belong to me Then I'm gonna prove to you how true my love can be There'll never be anyone else but you for me Never ever be, just couldn't be, anyone else but you
Vito's Ordination Song - Sufjan Stevens And when you write a poem I know the words, I know the sounds Before you write it down
Specialist - Interpol You make me lose my buttons oh yeah you make me spit I don't like my clothes anymore You take me to New Orleans where you put me to the test I know what my heart is for
Bedroom Hymns - Florence and the Machine Cause this is his body, this is his love Such selfish prayers and I can't get enough
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hollow-ghost-fire · 5 months
The thing about Bonnie and Clyde is it really shows that Women's dreams are often pushed aside for men's.
A scene later we see Bonnie expressing her dreams. She never wanted this life. And we have this young man Clyde starting off with boyish fantasies. Gradually we see more of him in picture show, his part becomes the focus and soon they're belting together at the end. As if they're competing for their dream to win. Ofcourse Bonnie is more desperate later on in the song when she realises she's got to pull strings to get anywhere.
In "this world will remember me" Clyde charms her with compliments to get what he wants. It's a recurring theme. "Destined to be in movies" gets her on his side in contrast to "it's too late to turn back": "I don't give a damn about Hollywood" where he dismisses her dream completely.
To compliment her character arhe her outfit changed from a girlish pink to an ambitious red to a black dress. She's lost her light as she finds more expensive clothes that only fill the hole.
Ofcourse this is only part of the manipulation. Bribing her into joining his travels in a promise of Hollywood. He knows even if they tread into the next state they'd be prisoners.
In "dying ain't so bad" + it's reprise. We see how Bonnie's priorities have shifted. He's made her dependent of her as he is on her. Her dreams have died and the only option is her death. She even accepts it long before him. He has the childish fantasies and she's grown up. Grown up knowing dreams aren't true.
She drops her poems, the very part of her that she's proudest of. The last part of her dream. The thing that served as her coping for years, discarded along with everything else (her family, friends, security, dreams,) and she chooses him. She chooses a love she was too afraid to step away from and that will drive her to her death.
He's changed her. He's broken every single one of her dreams for his childish fantasies that leave them running forever. She also paid the price.
- second essay:
Another thing to add about dreams being snatched:
Clyde is a criminal painted in blood, the way the system works every person he touches stains with the label, given the basic fact any person who cared would attempt to save a man from torture.
There is another factor of the setting. They dream in a more enlightened age of the 1920's to when they grow up becomes the great depression. Both their dreams suffer in this age.
He turns to crime as many people in poverty do. Stuck under the label and treatment he can't resolve his label. The paradox of the prison system lays out. Each accomplice to aiding him becomes another criminal. This is how they control people.
To ask god's forgiveness is something each person seaks in the musical. Through prison time (buck), through prayer (blanche). They are promised. Yet in "made in America" the preacher retracts his statement with "you can not buy your soul back" god don't make that kind of deal", dissolving his "god's arms are always open" so at the core forgiveness from god is an illusion the prison system made to them to guilt trip each to obey a society they can't survive in in if they do not obey they will be punished). This is how rich people in power seize power
(okay I'm tired now idk why I'm writing this. I could deffo place some maslow, power index theory of this was a psychology essay but the main point I wanted to make was how well the musical portrays the prison system as a tool to obey and comply to corrupt authorities of power. It's a endless lesson.)
Ps. I haven't checked this through so I may have accidentally said something wrong
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marvelmyriad · 1 year
markiplier Resident Evil: Village quotes as ask memes - PART 3:
that hand was already boned, all right
these fingies ain't working too good
remember when this was about zombies?
[__________], found your glass.  you'll want this back, i know you will
you know, this door that… i thought it was uh small is apparently normal size
man i remember when i had a whole kit?  a whole lock picking kit? that was nice
you guys got any bags of flour around here?
oh yeah, that's worth some money. not that i need the money
‘mask the angels blinded gaze, and only then will you be saved’… whatever
don't moan while i'm looking at your shop, it makes it very awkward
oh god what the hell? oh wow, that's horrifying
okay i'm gonna leave now, i gotta go find my baby or something
i'll break your shit!
okay all right i'm serious, hey you're gonna take me seriously
hey i'm not messing around lady, this is serious business
i'm breaking your stuff, you better stop me.
you better come over here and arrest me
i'm being a very bad man
i've never cut open a lady
i want to go home, i don't know what to do
hey this is a cool place
it's like a physics puzzle
i stab the asshole
hang on, i gotta check every single one of these goddamn cells
come at me
try me. you won't. you did
you tried. and failed
you got a big stabber
man that would have been really useful
don't make me stab you. i will do it. i will absolutely do it. i'm going to do it
whoa, nice battle axe
good thing my my arms are very sword-proof
okay so now that i know i'm more than a challenge for these very slow shambling monsters, i feel very confident
i'm not even smiling
am i supposed to leave or something?
well yeah, but you know, you don't feel pain…how can you feel anything else?
okay two can play the stabbing game
then why are you still here?  just leave
damn now i'm thinking i might have goofed it
yeah now i'm thinking i might have been a big old goof
this isn't expanded at all, this isn't even close to expanded
you expanded dick-and-diddly
thank you for your whatever you do
later nerd, i gotta go
i mean it's a lovely courtyard, but uh…why did i come out here?
oh this seems significant
i know that there's no point in running after her and i just look like a fool doing it
so i'm not gonna…even though i am right now running after her
oh my god do not throw that away
ah…what have you done to my daughter?
that's not a very good poem.  sounds very ‘men writing women’ you know
why did i come all this way then?
was there a reason for me going into the room of blood?
was there something else in the room of blood that i could have used?
okay so i have to get in here somehow, which means that i need a key or i need to get around it in some way
okay that's great, good, thank you for the compliment
um i still need to murder you
i'm just going in a circle now, all right
are you poor? are you the poor?
i'm so smart.  oh and you're so dead
i'm just so scared. i'm terrified
whoa, hey bud, hey don't don't get up
hey you are late to the party okay, you don't get to do nothing like that
you're literally drowning in the blood, isn't that what you guys want?
that's what you get for not having an appetite
oh my god you suck. get stabbed
someone's about to get shotgunned
hey you left this unlocked by the way
oh you very special
never mind, i know exactly where to go
that's some respectable power right there
thanks for letting me take a nap i guess
the power, it so respectable
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felixcloud6288 · 7 months
Higurashi: Curse Killing Final Chapter
In the intro poem, Frederica Bernkastel talks about herself and several others being trapped in a maze. Of note, the person who knows they're in a maze but doesn't know there's no exit is referred to as "he". I guess "he" is Keiichi who's been trying for three arcs now to figure out what is causing all these terrible events.
Everyone else just lives their lives oblivious to the maze they're trapped in.
And the story as a whole has escalated from the death of a few friends to the death of several villagers to the death of the entire village.
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On the one hand, shock would probably make it hard for him to process the situation even when he sees the body bags and the corpses packed into the trucks. On the other, I feel like the buildup to everything was longer than it should have been.
Like, it shouldn't have been gentle. We should have seen Mion or Rena's bodies being packed into a body bag. The story should have slapped us in the face and said 'Yes. Everyone is dead!" and then we get the shots of the hundreds of body bags and the news reports about the disaster.
And then Keiichi freaks out when he remembers that he wished for the death of Hinamizawa.
That one line from the personnel with Keiichi as he passed out "It's not okay for life to die", I don't know why, but it resonated with me.
And some things of note in the death list:
Jirou Tomitake is not his real name
Chie and Kameda (The guy from the baseball game) died in an accident in the mountains.
Teppei is still not reported dead
Shion and Kasai (Who we haven't met) died two months later at the hospital
The very last part of the chapter is like something you'd hear on a conspiracy theory true crimes podcast. A bunch of dudes would be talking about Hinamizawa and claiming it was some government conspiracy and the government killed all these people and claimed it was a gas leak cause government gonna government and this was actually to hide the aliens or something.
And then they'd bring up Keiichi and be all "There was one survivor Keiichi Maebara, who died four months later" "Of course, the government wants to keep him silent." "And he never testified about the disaster" "Oh he probably did but the government came in and stopped any testimony from getting out there." "Or so we thought cause in 2003, a tape recording believed to be an interview from November 1983 was found. Here is that recording."
I kinda want to see if it would be possible to trick an actual conspiracy podcast into thinking this was a real thing that happened.
I was going to mention this in the spoiler section until it got brought up in the chapter itself. Yeah, Keiichi should not be alive if Onigafuchi swamp released enough gas to asphyxiate an entire village. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air so it can be trapped in lower areas. And Keiichi was at the bottom of a ravine so the gas should have settled around there first.
And that reporter did not escape Keiichi's curse. It took 12 years but he drowned just as Keiichi said he would.
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At this point those true crime podcasters would be freaking out and be like "Yo, this ain't aliens, it's ghosts! The governments trying to hide that they made contacts with ghosts!"
In chapter 5, Rena asked Keiichi how would he react if the village was destroyed in a volcanic eruption and he was the only survivor. She was trying to make him understand that he should cherish the fun times he has with his friends because those days will end eventually.
It's almost ironic what ended up happening though. An eruption did destroy the village, but it didn't mark the end of Keiichi's happy days. His happy days had already ended so he let the village be destroyed.
Spoiler Discussion
I'm making a lot of conspiracy jokes, but there is definitely one here.
Alongside what the interviewer mentioned in the chapter, I also want to bring up how Keiichi had apparently attempted suicide in August. Do you know what else happened in August? Shion committed suicide.
And isn't it interesting that Chie and Kameda died in an accident trying to evacuate from the disaster? People from the nearby area had to evacuate as well but isn't it quite the coincidence that someone from the village ended up dying in an "accident".
What I'm getting at is everyone connected to the village died. I bet Shion and Keiichi didn't attempt to kill themselves in August. Someone tried to get rid of them, but medical staff found Keiichi before he was killed.
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deldeldel90 · 10 months
OKAY SO!!! the front bottoms songs and how they are so like?? Lance and Blaine?? it's them, you honor.
"when the flood water comes, it ain't gonna be clear, it's gonna look like mud. But I will help you swim. I will help you swim. I'm gonna help you swim." -- Lance's promise to Blaine after everything goes down :(( him still seeing good in his brother. him wanting to help him.
"this is for the snakes and the people they bite, for the friends I've made, for the sleepless nights. for the warning signs I've completely ignored." -- Lance. just,,, Lance. His doubts about his father. his guilt about what happened with Lorena. him realizing everything.
"it's no big surprise you turned out this way [...] When they cut your hair, and sent you away," -- THEM!!! them sharing their childhood of being Leland's sons and being sent to that academy. them.
"I'm sure we could find something for you to do on stage." -- Lance's optimism <33 him wanting to help Blaine!!
"this is for the lake that me and my friends swim in, naked and dumb on a drunken night." -- Lance's academy days,,
"I wanna contribute to the chaos. I don't wanna watch and then complain, 'cause I am through with finding blame. This is the decision I have made." -- BLAINE. this is so Blaine!!?? bro. BRO.
"goodbye future, once so bright," -- post-canon Blaine. he's still not better from everything. his dad's in jail and the fate of the Plaid Kingdom is aksyakshsjsnb
"she looks me dead in the eyes and says, hey Brian, if you still believe in the Lord above, get on your hands and knees and pray for us,,," --- SHE!!! IS!!! MARIA. Maria to Blaine. omg. the Maria and Blaine confrontation.
"I never cried like that before, I thought my eyes would pop out of my head," -- Blaine isn't used to feeling much emotion before, due to just,, suppressing it and focusing on being the Perfect Plaid Prince.
"'Cause I can leave, so what now what, so where do I go?"-- in the end, there is no more Plaid Kingdom for him to return to. there's no more mountains. for the first time in his life, he is free from everything and, for also the first time, he has no idea what to do and no one to tell him where to go.
" 'Cause I can imagine throwing all my clothes inside a suitcase without bothering to fold them," -- Blaine no longer being expected to be perfect. him wanting to run away from it all. gahhha jgssjns
"I got boulders on my shoulders, collarbones begin to crack; there is very little left of me and it's never coming back," -- GRR!!! the high expectations being placed on Blaine!!! him genuinely being raised to have a mask on, so to speak, at all times. him never quite being allowed to grow on his own.
"there are certain things you ask of me, and there's certain things I lack" -- this could be about Blaine's fall from grace in his father's eyes, frantically trying to defend himself OR it could be Lance, who was never the academic. who was good at sports and fighting and that was it, when it came to their father. he was only seen as being 'good' at one thing.
"in the beginning we were winning, and now I'm just making up facts" -- THE PLAID/PASTEL FAMILY FALLOUT!!! Blaine, even when trying to convince Lance otherwise, knowing it's all gone wrong.
"there's no meaning to the words, but we still sing these songs well." -- the plaid family's facade..., (also, having to do with Blaine's musical past!!! he is playing songs on the piano that he doesn't know the meaning of---and they don't matter, not to Father, not to the judges of his latest competition.)
"but you're a killer, and I'm your best friend," -- OKAY SO. Lance,, to Blaine. them being attached to each other. them understanding what it was like to be under Leland's eye. Blaine potentially getting villianized and Lance being let off lighter?? but Lance stands by him no matter what 'cause that's his brother.
"I try to write you poems but the words, they don't make sense." -- okay. this, in my mind, could be Lance just doing shit for fun?? and he does it for Blaine, giving it to him to judge. they aren't perfect, there's made up words in them and repeating phrases, but Blaine keeps them all. he's just tryna have fun :((
"I try to show emotion, but my eyes won't seem to wet." -- BLAINE. Blaine Blaine Blaine.
"I think you're changing; don't worry, you don't gotta stay the same," -- Lance telling Blaine it's like okay to heal and stuff???
OVERALL. these songs have made me lose my mind they're so good and just??? Them!!
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sarah-cam · 3 months
What other songs on TTPD do you think are Bonrad??
okay i’ll do what i did for 1989 so this list goes from 'the entire song fits them so perfectly it hurts' to 'most/some of the song fits but i'm still sobbing' to 'this specific lyric punched me in the face'
most of these are about their break-up era re: conrad’s self-sabotaging and belly’s inability to get over conrad while she’s with someone else… also tbh much of this album is more 🪼 with all of the allusions to cheating and toxic relationships lmao
the alchemy, so high school, fresh out the slammer, guilty as sin, i hate it here, i look in people’s windows, fortnight, the tortured poets department, the albatross, my boy only breaks his favorite toys, the prophecy, down bad, so long london
once again choosing the best lyrics from each
1. the alchemy
This happens once every few lifetimes These chemicals hit me like white wine What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag, worst sleep that I ever end I circled you on a map I haven't come around in so long But I'm making a comeback to where I belong Cause the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
2. so high school
I feel so high school every time I look at you I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you And in a blink of a crinkling eye I'm sinking, our fingers entwined Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me No one's ever had me, not like you You knew what you wanted and boy you got her
3. fresh out the slammer
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time Now pretty baby I'm runnin' back home to you Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to As I said in my letters, now that I know better I will never lose my baby again All those nights you kept me going Swirled you into all of my poems Now we're at the starting line, I did my time Now pretty baby I'm running to the house you still wait up and that porch light gleams To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake Here at the park where we used to sit on children's swings wearing imaginary rings
4. guilty as sin?
What if he's written "mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind One slip and falling back into the hedge maze, oh what a way to die I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss, how I long for our trysts My bedsheets are ablaze, I've screamed his name Building up like waves crashing over my grave Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin? If it's make believe Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow? What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me, religiously
5. i hate it here
All you'll ever be is my eternal consolation prize You see I was a debutant in another life but now I seem to be scared to go outside If comfort is a construct, I don't believe in good luck Now that I know what's what I hate it here (jeremy) so I will go to secret gardens (conrad) in my mind I'm there most of the year 'cause I hate it here I'm lonely but I'm good, I'm bitter but I swear I'm fine I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on purpose This place made me feel worthless Lucid dreams like electricity, the currents flies through me And in my fantasies I rise above it And way up there, I actually love it
6. i look in people’s windows
I had died the tiniest death, I spied the catch in your breath North bound I got carried away as you boarded your train south A feather taken by the wind blowing I'm afflicted by the not knowing You had stopped and tilted your head, I still ponder what it meant now I tried searching faces on streets, what are the chances you'd be downtown? Does it feel alright to not know me? I'm addicted to the "if only" I look in people's windows in case you're at their table What if your eyes looked up and met mine one more time
7. fortnight
And for a fortnight there we were forever Run into you sometime, ask about the weather Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her And for a fortnight there we were together Run into you sometimes, comment on my sweater Now at you're at my mailbox, turned into good neighbors My husband is cheating, I wanna kill him I love you, it's ruining my life I touched you for only a fortnight
8. the tortured poets department
But you're in self-sabotage mode Throwing spikes down on the road But I've seen this episode and still loved the show Who else decodes you? Sometimes I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me So tell me, who else is gonna know me? At dinner, you take my ring off my middle finder And put it on the one people put wedding rings on And that's the closest I've come to my heart exploding
9. the albatross (role-reversal)
They tried to warn him her about her him Cross your thoughtless heart, only liquor anoints you She's He's the albatross, she he is here to destroy you So I crossed my thoughtless heart, spread my wings like a parachute I'm the albatross, I swept in at the rescue The devil that you know looks now more like an angel I'm the life you chose and all this terrible danger
10. my boy only breaks his favorite toys
Oh, here we go again, the voices in his head Called the rain to end our days of wild My boy only breaks his favorite toys I'm queen of sand castle he destroys He saw forever so he smashed it up Just say when, I'd play again He was my best friend, down at the sandlot I felt more when we played pretend than with all the kens Cause he took me out of my box, stole my tortured heart Left all these broken parts Told me I'm better off, but I'm not
11. the prophecy
Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightning in a bottle Oh, but it's gone again And it was written, I got cursed like Eve got bittem Oh, was it punishment? Oh, still dream of him
12. down bad
Show me that this world is bigger than us Then sent me back where I came from For a moment I knew cosmic love Now I'm down bad crying at the gym
13. so long london
I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days
bonus🪼: florida!!! (belly burying herself in her new relationship), i can fix him (no really i can) (spoiler alert no she can’t), the smallest man who ever lived (cheater alert!!), chloe or sam or sophia or marcus (cheater alert!!), the black dog (cheater alert!!)
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yesimtrashforit · 3 months
The Tortured Poets Department - Taylor Swift lyrical analysis + song explanation
Track 7: Fresh Out The Slammer
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
This is certainly about being fresh out of a long term relationship breakup and calling up an old fling.
Another summer, takin' cover
Rollin' thunder, he don't understand me
After a summer of trying to dodge unhappiness and storms. Her newest ex didn't understand her.
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
The breakup happened in winter. They had a lot of silent bitter angry dinners where they didn't talk
He was with her in dreams
He may have cheated on her or gotten close to cheating on her.
Gray and blue and fights in tunnels, handcuffed to the spell I was under
For just one hour of sunshine
Not sure about the first line but the second certainly indicates that she stayed in the relationship just for the very rare happy moments.
Years of labor, locks and ceilings in the shade of how he was feeling
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
The relationship was full of plain gray feelings from him like the shade of locks. She compares it to prison and finally being released from it. She did her time. Now, everything will be okay.
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Now they're celebrating her return. Think of it like a "welcome home" party.
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
She's burning down her old life, getting rid of the ashes of the relationship, something that's been dead and gone for a while.
As I said in my letters, now that I know better, I will never lose my baby again
She used to send letters secretly to him. She's learned her lesson and knows that she won't let him go again.
My friends tried but I wouldn't hear it
Watched me daily disappearing for just one glimpse of his smile
Her friends warned her about going back to this guy. She, while in a long term boring relationship, would try to sneak glances at him, just for something exciting outside of this boring relationship.
All those nights you kept me going
Swirled you into all of my poems
Now, we're at the starting line, I did my time
The hope of being with him again got her through the rough times and now, she's ready to start a new chapter.
Now pretty baby, I'm running to the house where you still wait up and that porch light gleams
She's on her way to him, he's still waiting for her.
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake here
He still loves her despite her mistakes. She won't mess things up with him.
At the park where we used to sit on children's swings, wearing imaginary rings
They've dreamed of this day for years. The imaginary rings are a hope of them being together someday. It's a representation of "this will be real someday."
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fayestales · 1 year
Hiii,, I'm faye.
I write poetry very slowly and short stories not as slowly. I made this tumblr in hopes of one day sharing said poetry, but i don't have the courage for that right now,, soooo until then i'll reblog yours :)
boring but mandatory info:
they/them(i could be a bit more technical about how i don't really care how you address me but we're not gonna get into that right now), asexual, in my 20s(the exact number is subject to change eventually so lets leave it at that for now),
unimportant but more interesting info:
i make spreadsheets for fun about whatever shit i'm interested in, when ...I'm now realising there ain't much interesting about me.... umm when i was a tiny person, mumzy's friend from portugal lived with us and only spoke to me in portuguese, so growing up, up until like 8, i spoke portuguese at which point she died and i had no one to speak the language with, and thats why i can't speak portuguese now in my 20s... not that anyone would know that.
anywaayy,, umm tags, yes tags.
not my poems: OP's poem
original posts: fayestales
if you wanna see if i reblogged any of your poems just search your url, and i will probably queue all my reblogs of poems cause i'm shy about it.
so until i gather the courage to share my own poems, please reblog the ones i shared from others, cause all you poets and artists are amazing and deserve love!!
okay yeah hi again
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invsiblestrings · 2 years
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under the cut, you'll find [104] sentence starters from taylor swift's midnights (3 a.m. edition) album. please like/reblog if you find this helpful!
"my flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"i'm unglued, thanks to you."
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible."
"can this be a real thing? can it?"
"and by the way, i'm going out tonight."
"my flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"i'm unglued, thanks to you."
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible."
"can this be a real thing? can it?"
"and by the way, i'm going out tonight."
"i polish up real nice."
"i miss you, but i miss sparkling."
"some guy said my aura's moonstone just 'cause he was high."
"you can try to change my mind, but you might have to wait in line."
"if it feels like a trap, you're already in one."
"never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
"you don't have to answer just 'cause they asked you."
"you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking."
"did it matter if you got to wash your hands?"
"now that i know, i wish you'd left me wondering."
"if you never saved me from boredom, i could've gone as i was."
"you made me feel important, and then you tried to erase us."
"i regret you all the time."
"i can't let this go, i fight with you in my sleep."
"you did some bad things, but i'm the worst of them."
"i don't start shit, but i can tell you how it ends."
"she needed cold, hard proof so i gave her some."
"don't get sad. get even."
"what if i told you none of it was accidental?"
"if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
"the first night that you saw me, i knew i wanted your body."
"no one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so i've been scheming like a criminal ever since."
"this is the first time i've felt the need to confess."
"i'm only cryptic and machiavellian 'cause i care."
"you knew the entire time."
"turns out it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago."
"i'm so in love that i might stop breathing."
"romance is not dead if you keep it just yours."
"i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever."
"it only hurts this much right now."
"i'll be getting over you my whole life."
"you know how scared i am of elevators."
"oh no, i'm falling in love again."
"you would break your back to make me break a smile."
"you know how much i hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back."
"how'd we end up on the floor anyway?"
"how the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
"ain't that the way shit always ends?"
"i feel you no matter what."
"i wake with your memory over me. that's a real fucking legacy."
"meet me at midnight."
"i've been under scrutiny. you handle it beautifully."
"i'm damned if i do give a damn what people say."
"all they keep asking me is if i'm gonna be your bride."
"they're bringing up my history, but you aren't even listening."
"i didn't know you were keeping count."
"you said i was freeloading."
"i bent the truth too far tonight."
"do you really wanna know where i was april 29th?"
"good money i'd pay if you'd just know me."
"seemed like the right thing at the time."
"you know there are many different ways that you can kill the one you love. the slowest way is never loving them enough."
"do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?"
"i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser."
"i should not be left to my own devices."
"one day i'll watch as you're leaving 'cause you got tired of my scheming."
"i'm the problem. it's me."
"it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti hero."
"i find myself running home to your sweet nothings."
"on the way home, i wrote a poem."
"this happens all the time."
"everyone's up to something."
"to you i can admit, that i'm just too soft for all of it."
"he stayed the same. all of me changed."
"i broke his heart 'cause he was nice."
"sometimes we all get just what we wanted."
"i never think of him except on midnights like this."
"he's gonna notice me. it's okay, we're the best of friends."
"i hear it in your voice. you're smoking with your boys."
"i touch my phone as if it's your face."
"i search the party of better bodies just to learn that you never cared."
"you're on your own kid. you always have been."
"i have my blood, sweat and tears for this."
"my friends from home don't know what to say."
"everything you lose is a step you take."
"you've got no reason to be afraid."
"sucker punching walls, cursed you as i sleep-talked."
"my hand was the one you reached for."
"i vowed not to cry anymore."
"maybe it's the pat that's talking, screaming from the crypt - telling my to punish you for things you never did."
"that was the night i nearly lost you. i really thought i lost you."
"there's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair. and we will never go back."
"i vowed i would always be yours."
"you're talking shit for the hell of it."
"ask me what i learned from all those tears."
"every single thing i touch becomes sick with sadness."
"you were more than just a short time." 
"i've got a lot to pine about about. i've got a lot to live without."
"i'm never gonna meet what could've been, what should've been you."
"did some force take you because i didn't pray?"
"i'll say words i don't believe."
"by the way, i just may like some explanations."
"did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?"
"can i ask you a question?"
"did you leave her house in the middle of the night?"
"do you wish you'd put up more of a fight?"
"do you wish you could still touch her?"
"does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?"
"what's that that i heard? that you're still with her?"
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imjulia-andilikecats · 8 months
Hii Julia
Don't ypu think wild uncharted waters from the Little Mermaid is such a Cal's song?
Okay! First of all, apologies for the LATE response.
Christmas and New Year were tough on me, and I've been zoning out....a lot and sleeping.
Dude, I don't want to lie to you BUT when I first listen to the song. I was not vibing it. The rythme and...singing.
HOWEVER, when I focus on the lyrics. DUDE! It's promising and I was like. I will not listen to this song but I will read it like a poem!
I did and it's SO beautiful!!!
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YES! Wild Uncharted Waters is VERY Cal coded.
To wild uncharted waters
Miles beyond the sea
I was darkness-bound, I had almost drowned
'Til you came around, and you found me
Now I am on the shoreline
But I'm still lost at sea
In these wild uncharted waters
Come find me again
Cal is lost and is dealing with a lit of voices telling him WHAT TO DO or WHO HE SHOULD BE.
Those voices got stronger in King's Cage where he is fibally presented the opportunity to reclaim his birthright. However, Mare does not what another Monarchy, another Silver King, cause that still means that Reds are less than Silvers. Even though they found each other again. Cal still made the decision to reclaim it (again his birthright and preventing a power stuggle with the segmented Silver Houses.)
No matter how reasonable his decision was. How much he tried to keep everything in check. Everyone pushed him from one direction to the other. Anabel, Uncle Julian, Mare, the Scarlet Guard and Monfort. All telling him what to do.
As the pressure of his endless duties, the heartbreak of his and Mare's separation, Maven's forces seemingly growing and needing to make decisions that could turn the tides of the war. Start to build and slowly suffocate him. Cal fought Iris in Harbor Bay, lost and almost drown from the strong waves and his heavy armor. Metaphorically and literally drowning from EVERYTHING.
All I do is wonder
Who you are and where you'll be
In my mind, your melody goes on
Stronger than the undertow
The night you rescued me
Silhouetted by the rising dawn
Dude, just this segnent, it's giving Marecal vibes.
As Cal has described Mare as the anchor ⚓️AND the storm.⛈️ He missed her voice, her SHARPNESS!🥺 How she is constantly a changing puzzle, couldn't see the girl under her many mask.
Alone, just you and me
And I hope you're there in the open air
There's no map or compass to guide me, no
Time may change the shoreline
But time will not change me
If it takes my life
I will finally find you again
In uncharted waters
Come find me again
This bit just reminds me of Mare and Cal after War Storm. They went through a lot and need to heal. Especially Cal, since not only did he lost his title again, but his little brother.
He almost called himself "nothing" infront of Mare.
But they still hoped to see each other again. Mare is not sure when, but if she takes too long, he can move on without her (which....ain't happening). We all know Cal's feelings will never change, no matter how long he had to wait for her.
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And they parted again, hoping to find each other again. 💔💔💔💔😭
Note: Sorry I read into the lyrics too HARD. I'm a bit stuck with Cal going through a lot of stuff and just being called "whiny" for being confused and upset. Like, yeah, he is a tough character and he cal handle a lot of stress but he still needed someone to care for him, even just a little bit.
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