kneipe · 2 years
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marseille 2022
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azulsluver · 6 months
Hi!!! So I noticed that your requests are open, and I'd like to make a request, if you don't mind of course. But first of all, I just wanted to say that I really, REALLY love your writing, especially the hauntedhouseau!twst and bullyau!twst. I THRIVE from the feelings of hurt, angst and despair. Like, call me emotional or sensitive, but one time I literally cried for the reader (and grim, 'cause the grim ask also made me shed a few tears), because I can't help but feel sorry for them for being so helpless in their situation, but at the same time I liked the feeling of sadness and hurt in my chest(???). It really left a good impression on me, so much that your writing would randomly pop up in my head for weeks, for no reason at all.
Sorry, I rambled a bit back there didn't I? I was planning on writing more about the reasons why I fell in love with your writing, but I don't want to make this ask longer than it was supposed to be. I wanted to ask you multiple requests too, but I also don't want to burden you by asking too much, so I'm just gonna ask one that's been on my mind the most. Could I please ask for more about Bullyau!Ruggie? His relationship with the reader in the AU have caught my eye the most. That's all, thank you for all of your efforts in writing fics for us! We greatly appreciate it!
This is so cute no words can express how happy this made me 😭
I try my best to please both, also this was more of me giving a story than headcanons.
Back to your request-
tw. yandere, bullying, dubcon kissing/touching, mentions of suicide and starvation, graphic violence, being sold off at one point.
cw. bathing scene but gentiles are not described.
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He gave you a sandwich.
Mayo and egg mashed up with a single crisp of a lettuce. It dangles in front of you, staring at it with a gulp. Ruggie's head turns to give you a look, noticing how you hadn't reached for the damn thing. His face frowns, making you flinch that you had upset him in some way. He sighs, propping himself down next to you.
Your body screams in pain, blitz of cuts run down your legs and nose. Barely managing to avoid Floyd. Alarmed, his sudden movements has you backing slightly to the wall before he grabbed your hands and roughly placed the egg sandwich between them.
"I couldn't find you in your dorm, Leona told me to feed you something since you've been going on a hunger strike."
Ruggie sounded disappointed. And that made you hallow at some point. Because he's taken the role of caring for you, unwanted yet needed. You'd hate to admit it, but seeing Ruggie makes you a little bit happier.
The mention of starvation has you eyeing the cold sandwich, you weren't allowed to eat. You're not sure if you told yourself that or someone else did, it felt wrong but his glare has you shakily bringing it close to your mouth.
You have started to doze off, eating mindlessly as he dabs your face with a wet cloth to clean the blood oozing from your nose. Hearing him whisper to himself whilst wiping the egg crumbs on your lips. Finishing, you shyly glance up at him, having the urge to tell him you feel like throwing it up. But you don't want to get slapped across the head for such a childish threat, swallowing whenever your throat tightens. Instead, like you were taught, you watch him disinfect your wounds and lastly bandage them.
He gets up, patting his pants down. You bring your knees closer to your chest as he stretches with a bored yawn, telling you to go and hide near Savanaclaw territory as Leona is in a good mood.
He won't hurt you as bad as he did.
You know it was a lie. Yet you nod, lips turning into a frown as he leaves you.
You laid on your back and gazed upon the stars.
Petting Grim who failed to stay up to protect you as he claimed; laying next to your side. Ruggie not too far. With his hands supporting his head and mimicking you. For some reason it's never pitch black at night as it was in your world, there are swirls of purple and blue with stars shining twice as bright.
Breathing softly as the cool air envelops your skin, eyes closed tightly as you lay a hand over your bruised neck. There’s still an adrenaline rush pumping in your lungs, Ruggie’s presence not helping the situation.
“Do you think of killing yourself one day, [Name]?”
Normally, the question would have you stuttering an answer. Yet there wasn’t a reason to lie.
Hoarse. Slowly opening your eyes and turning your head to the side to look at him. He’s thinking the same, propping himself on his side with his hand supporting his cheek this time.
“Yea? What’s stopping you?”
Your nails dig into your palm and a sudden rush of tears swell. Was it the thought of leaving Grim on his own? Or perhaps the fear of where your soul may go and be stuck for eternity with the ghosts? Whatever the cause, you certainly don’t wish to die. And that makes you hysterical.
“I don’t know.”
Covering your face out of embarrassment, too many times have they made you purposefully cry: however it brings you red to even show such vulnerability.
Ruggie blinks at you before sighing deeply to himself. He brings his face closer to yours to lick at your tears, murmuring how you’ve already cried so much today. It’ll make you dehydrated if you keep it up. It’s comforting in a way, like a mother licking her kitten clean with his rough textured tongue.
His body moves on its own with hovering over you, watching you idly as you suck in a breath to control your whimpers and sniffles. He looks angry. Not at you. It can’t be you, you haven’t done anything. If it wasn’t you, then you can fear what the real problem was, that he was conflicted of himself. But the thought wasn’t strong enough for him to detain.
To engulf you by surprise and steal a kiss. More than once, twice, until you give in.
Only four people have seen you bare and soaked in water.
Trey being the first, scrubbing off the dirt and grimes on your skin after Ace and Deuce took you out.
Azul leaving you in his large tub to hide you away from the twins, remembering the annoyed expression he wore as he patted you down with a towel.
Lilia having the honors of a small lecture as he heals you from the cuts given by Sebek, the water was always cold.
And Ruggie, stars, you’d suffocate yourself in this very tub to let him care for you. The memories of being held down as money was thrown at him. How you groveled and beg for him to not let them take you. You shouldn’t expect so much from him, your attachment looking dull as he picks up the fallen goods without looking your way.
All means well. When you’re crawling back to him, scared and in need of help. You still find yourself in a humiliating situation, one you barely plan on changing.
It felt good at least. Drawn a hot bath, almost boiling your skin. His nails are insanely sharp as they dance over the open wounds near your chest. With half lidded eyes, you ponder to yourself as he stitched up the wound with a needle and thread.
His hands were similar to theirs, roughing you by the hair and clumsily carving into your flesh. Comparing it to Ruggie’s was an understatement, he hadn’t touched you like them. Sure he was tough on you and maybe left a mark once in a while.
But his touch was something you’d rather have than what they gave you. So you relax even when the pain eats at your nerve system. Shaking limbs rippling the water.
Comfort is a false statement. But you can always dream.
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joethehoeee · 2 months
Stricklake Month week one: Myth/Technology
I finished it and man, I am exhausted. But here it is:
So it is just a short little animation kind of thing. It shows Barbara reading an old Book about Trolls and Changelings and finding a depicted of Walter...In a different way...
My link to the written Story for it.
It took me SO long to do all of that. Anyways, ig you wanna see a little more of creepy Troll Walt then let me know. I would enjoy writting my thoughts and process to his new form. Well anyways, closeup:
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Yes I did wrote all of that on trollish...until I gave up. Translation:
Page 1: Stricklander + The winged devil
Page 3: Wings, claws, face, spikes, fangs, horns, eyes
Page 4: an evil and vile creature with claws bigger than swords and sharp tusk that rip through any skin with ease.
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da-riya · 9 months
that Touhou Danmaku Tshirt but instead it's Sanae's midboss spellcard
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schalotte · 1 year
gerade genau das gleiche gemacht, stay strong 🫶
tumblrina warriors will not let public transport apps get in the way of an evening powerwalk
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zapracowanyojciec69 · 3 months
Yooo tlumaczą mange houseki no kuni???
Juz myslalam ze nigdy sie nie doczekam
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spiderlegeyelashes · 10 months
ostatnio jakos moj polski taki jakis chujowszy niz zwykle. pisze i mowie jak dziecko co jest
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wqn1sx · 2 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
chcialabym umiec opisac jak bardzo was kocham, nikt mi nie okazal tyle wyrozumialosci i wsparcia, tylko wy mnie rozumiecie, kocham was calym serduszkiem, doceniam kazde serduszko, reblog i kom naprawde bardzo mocno, jestescie wspaniali, mam nadzieje ze uda nam sie osiagnac swoja ugw<3 musi.
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chudego dnia motylki i gasieniczki🦋💞
* ੈ✩‧₊ ˚✧ * ੈ✩‧₊˚✧ ೃ ༄ * ੈ✩ ೃ
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xourpipp · 1 month
już sie czuje cięższa a przed chwilą je brałam. Jak moja waga wieczorem przekroczy tą wage którą mam teraz to serio nic nie jem do piątku. Spierdalajcie z tym wzrostem wagi lekarze.
Chcecie wojne?
Prosze bardzo
jeszcze sie okaze ze to bylo zaplanowane i specjalnie mi dali taki lek ktory ze mnie robi gruba swinie
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juiiannae · 2 months
Dlugo mnie tutaj nie bylo, z powodu przykrych sytuacji z ktorymi ciezko jesr mi sobie poradzic. Niedawno zostalam prawie zgwalcona wraz z moja przyjaciolka na klubach. Ta sytuacja sie na mnie okropnie odbila, nie moglam się kompletnie pozbierać przez pewien czas i wsumie nadal czuje do siebie obrzydzenie. Stracilam rownież moją sympatię, i totalnie nie wiem dlaczego tak wyszlo. Bylo mi dosc ciezko sie z tym pogodzić przez jakis czas poniewaz byl dla mnie dosc wazny, dal mi to czego nigdy nie dostalam od zadnego partnera. Jednakże okazal sie byc taki sam jak wszyscy, czyli odrazu po naszym ostatnim spotkaniu i lekkiej sprzeczce poprostu stchórzył i przestał sie do mnie odzywać XDD, wiec calkiem smiesznie. Ja niestety od pewnego czasu nie glodze sie i codziennie mam okropne wyrzuty sumienia. Calymi dniami siedze i zajadam stres i smutek, co jeszcze bardziej mnie dobija i czuje sie naprawde okropnie. Juz sama nie wiem co mam ze soba zrobuc, nie mam absolutnie zadnej motywacji. Jedyna motywacja ktora na mnje dziala, jest to ze mam swoj obiekt westchnien i poprstu mam mysl z tylu glowy ze pewnie uwaza mnie za grubaske itp. Ale akutalnie zadnej nie posiadam. Ale to wszystko zmieni sie po powrocie do szkoly, wtedy nie bedzie mi sie nudzic i nie bede wpierdalac caly czas jak swinia ulana bo poprostu nie bede mkec na to czasu. I brakuje mi szkoly z tego powodu. Mam juz pewne pomysly ktore bede wdrażać w zycie po powrocie do szkoly, i zastosuje dla siebie nowe kary ktore skutecznie pomogą mi schudnąć.
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skinnyaidaaa · 4 months
Juz jestem na takim etapie, ze nawet jak chce zjesc to fizycznie nie moge, bo zaczynam sie obwiniac i plakac, takze nie wiem jak mi jutro wyjdzie z tym ponownym jedzeniem
Jescze sie okaze ze faktycznie jda mi zie utrzymac fasta przez tydzien
I mam taka nadzieje, tylko ze dzisiaj mam taka ocjote na jedzenie ze juz mi psycha od tego siada, ale moze to urok 4 dnia fasta
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irydaa · 25 days
26.08 🥀
25.08: 1478 kcal
dzisiaj: nie liczę
wczoraj nie miałam siły pisać. całe popołudnie miałam dołek. martwię się o kogos bliskiego, pożarłam się z kolezanką, uslyszałam nieprzyjemne wieści o kimś z rodziny, zjadłam bez wczesniejszego sprawdzenia kalorii obiad na mieście który okazal się mieć niemal 1000 kcal 💀 i po prostu czuję się sama ze sobą źle. trudno się patrzy w lustro. bardzo chciałam się wczoraj n4pić. nie zrobiłam tego, ale bardzo, bardzo chciałam.
dzisiaj bez ograniczeń. wychodzę za chwilę do kolegi. zaplanował pizzę, potem deser w ulubionej kawiarni, następnie noc z harrym potterem i pewnie masą przekąsek. waga pewnie przerazi jutro, ale nie bede zalowac.
swoją drogą, chyba zacznę teraz wstawiać bilanse z jednodniowym opoznieniem. przez glod nie mogę zasnąć ostatnio; myślę, że w ciągu dnia będę się mocno ograniczać, ale przed snem będę jadła dużo objętościowych, niskokalorycznych rzeczy, bo mnie to ulula do spania. zdrowe? może nie. ale czy działa? powinno XD zatem będzie tak, ze w poście opowiem wam jak zwykle co sie u mnie tego dnia dzialo, ale bilans wstawię z dnia wcześniej.
trzymajcie się!
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butterfilet · 8 days
jesli sie okaze ze jest tu ktos kogo znam to moge juz zaczac kopac sobie grob
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podatna · 3 days
Łzy to okaz tego czego nie potrafimy opisać słowami.
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maryyy777 · 11 months
ej probowaliscie kiedy apetiblocker xzy jak to tam? bo chcialabym kupic ale szkoda mi wywalic kase jak okaze sie jakims gownem nie dzialajacym
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itsoptimisticcolors · 3 months
Bilans z wczoraj. Wrzucam go bo wczoraj niby nic sie nie stalo ale wieczorem bylam u obcego typa. Czy okazal sie creppem? Cóż trochę. Ale nie o tym chce napisać.
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Czy mi sie wydaje czy ja naprawdę jem z dnia na dzień coraz mniej. Cóż. To okey.
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