#okok last one for now lmao
cupophrogs · 10 months
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@impishjesters okok but hear me out-
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loudclan-clangen · 3 months
HEY so the last ask reminded me that this is set in Alaska! As someone who used to live there it makes me very happy to see, so just for fun I brainstormed lore ideas/questions for a Clan there n I thought id share :) this is Long lmao i apologize
The terrain for one thing. Growing up I remember all the horror stories of people getting stuck in muskeg and not being able to get out before the tide comes in. so that’s always freaky, but i imagine that if theres any in the area then the cats might try and take advantage of it as safely as they can? for prey and such. on that note whats their water situation like anyways? braided rivers?
any specific ideas for what area of mountains the cats are in? are they in the higher ranges, the ones wrapped up in clouds, the rocky kind like the ones around Denali? the greener ones with all the trees? is their territory frequented by hikers and/or tourists or are they relatively untouched wilderness? I think i remember it being said that LoudClan is somewhere more towards the south, is it intended to be generally vague? :0
Predators!!!! The cats can deal with all sorts of unique stuff in a setting like this, bears n lynxes n wolves… eagles… possibly even wolverines since theyre up in the mountains? i’d be curious to see how a clan would react to a wolf pack passing through the area lol. also ive always just loved the concept of a queen finding an abandoned lynx kitten or smth and unknowingly adopting it and it just keeps… getting bigger… whoops… oh well its the clans weird child now
So many fun lil prey animals too, ground squirrels n ptarmigans n such!! I bet ptarmigans would totally harass cats during breeding season and that could be funny. maybe standard apprentice training is to learn the different ground squirrel alarm calls. maybe they even sometimes encounter dalls or caribou or moose on patrols (perhaps moose have even been known to kill before, so theyre considered dangerous).
Also just….. the day-night cycle??? I’d honestly be pretty interested to see how that ties in, like it’s daylight forever in the summer-early autumn and pretty much perpetually nighttime in the winter-early breakup. do the cats have any thoughts or beliefs towards that? do they like to look up at the northern lights, and listen when theyre so clear that they can hear them?
Okok thats all now sorry. I got way too excited lol i miss AK sm, i left when i was little 💔 if any of this has been discussed already in a lore post then ignore me its been a hot minute and i rattled this off on a whim!!!
Love this! Okay, let me try to hit all of these questions in a way that will hopefully be understandable for everyone so if you're the asker please skip past the definitions/backstory.
A 'muskeg' is like a swamp or a bog. I assume that you're referring to the area outside of Anchorage that we always called the 'Mud-Flats", because that's where I heard stories of people getting stuck. (Specifically there's a very famous urban legend of a soldier stationed in Anchorage who went out with his buddies, got stuck up to his waist, ended up tied to a helicopter, and when they tried to pull him out with the helicopter he uh... separated. And his legs can supposedly still be found in the flats. (I WANT TO CLARIFY THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE. THERE WAS A SOLDIER, HE GOT STUCK, HE DROWNED, THE SEPARATION HAPPENED AFTER HE WAS DEAD AND THEY TRIED TO RETRIEVE THE BODY. THEY DID GET HIS LEGS BACK TO MY KNOWLEDGE.)) It's pretty much a long stretch of quicksand (but it's like more mud and silt than sand? idk how to really describe it i haven't been there much cause ya know, hearing stories like that will kinda cure your curiosity as a kid.)
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Anyway, Ghostclan's territory used to be Mud-Flats, but long before the cats moved in twolegs came and installed the Rip Rap (big jagged rocks that are placed on the coastline to keep it from erroding) that make up Freezingclan's territory and that kinda took some of the danger out of it. Since the tide no longer comes up so high, while getting stuck is certainly not a good thing, it's not a death sentence as clanmates have time to gather help and dig you out. Though it does make it hard/near impossible to launch an attack on Ghostclan without an insider to lead you around the wet spots. Larger prey can sometimes be found stuck in the mud, having died from exhaustion, but the wetness causes the meat to rot quickly, and what is left draws the attention of larger predators, while also adding the issue of having to avoid getting stuck as you retrieve it, so it's not really a reliable source of food as much as it is a last resort. Ghostclan also contains the territory's braided river, which the cats call the "Friendly River" because it's three smaller streams that meet up into one large one. (I didn't do the best job rendering this on the map but that is what I was trying to represent. I'm not a landscape person, I'm doing my best.) Because the territory is a narrow valley set right on the coast they don't have a ton of room for the rivers to braid, but the thought was there!
It is intented to be generally vague, because I'm not an expert on geography and I live a couple of hours from this exact area, I didn't want to say "yeah it's here" and then have people correct me with minute little things. Plus if it's entirely made up then I can alter things to my liking. But the territory is inspired by the land along the Seward highway, where on one side it's these big mountains and on the other it's just a short sloping coastline. It looks like this in real life:
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(You can even see the railroad and layer of rip rap that I included in the territory map) I imagine it's a place where the road veers inland so that the clans can have more space to roam. While the railroad runs through the mountain the highway is just on the other side of it. The mountains here are nowhere as tall as Denali, but they aren't anything to scoff at either. I imagine them being something like this, (which I believe is Exit Glacier?):
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The lower areas are densely forested with tall trees and thick shrubs, but the greenery gets thinner and shorter as the elevation rises until you get to the higher ridges and peak which is pretty much just rock. Loudclan camp would be located at the transition point between grass and rock, so that there is no place above them where their enemies might hide and wait to pounce. As for humans, the territory used to belong to a small mining town. They dug the mine, installed the rip rap, built the buildings, and leveled the area of the mountain that Loudclan camp is set on, but over time resources dried up and people left. Now it's nearly untouched save the railroad, which still runs through the mountain regardless of whether there's a stop there anymore. The fact that you have to either cross railroad tracks or mountains to get to it, and its remote nature mean that hikers don't usually put in the energy to venture that way. (My mom grew up in Sutton, a former coal mining town and railway hub that was long past it's glory days by the time she was born and so this fictional town is kind of an omage to that).
The cats absolutely will interact with unique predators! The game has done me the favor of adding in wolverines already (and let me tell you, they cause PROBLEMS), but the cats might also face off against an aggressive little ermine (which are much fiercer than their appearance would have you believe) or even find themselves stumbling upon a blackbear gorging on blueberries early in the fall. They aren't really in the correct area for a wolf pack (and to my knowledge i don't remember writing about any) but who knows what's to come? Okay, now onto Lynx. Up until about 30 seconds ago I was under the impression that domestic cats and lynx could hybridize. Why did I think that? Well because everyone and their mother up her SWEARS that their female cat got out and mated with a lynx at one point or another. That or their big long hair tom cat is part lynx. So who was I to question whether that could even happen? Well apparently it can't but oops, too late, already headcannoned that several characters are part lynx so fuck it. These cats are special. They've speciated. Juneaucliff's dad was a Lynx. What are you gonna do about it? Huh? Regardless, yes, the cats do interact with Lynx, but they speak the same language, so it's a bit of a different situation. It probably won't be mentioned unless people ask about specific characters, but anyone with ear tufts/unusually large stature/big paws may have been descended from a lynx at some point.
The prey animals I think are more dangerous than the predators honestly. So many of them are specifically adapted to the terrain in ways that the cats aren't. Imagine chasing a snowshoe hare across the mountainside, following directly in their tracks only to suddenly feel the snow fall away beneath you, because while their big feet allow them to skid across the crevasse without disturbing the crust of the snow, you're just a little bit too heavy and you sink a bit to far and now you're falling to your death. You're sitting on the edge of the river during a salmon run, watching an eagle dive down to grab a fish. What are the chances it changes it's mind and grabs you? A cat weighs a lot less than a king salmon. And moose would be a danger. 9/10 they won't even glance twice at you but the one time you get unlucky enough to jump down from a tree and land between a cow and her calf? Maybe with no snow a cat could outrun a moose but those long legs mean that there's no feasible escape in the colder months. Even in the warmer months a cat can be trampled by a herd of caribou if they aren't vigilant while walking along the flat lands of the valley. Ptarmagins are easy food, but they're annoying and they spook off every other kind of prey within their designated "territory" and are just generally a nuisance. Some of them are useful, though, Dall sheep wool is is great for insulating nests and shed antlers from moose and caribou can be used to strengthen camp walls and build dens or can be broken into smaller sections to splint broken bones.
The day/night cycle absolutely plays into it! That's why starclan moved into the Black Water Pool. It's the only place where night always exists. In moon 14 Part 2 Twistedtail explains to Wildfirecry that starclan had to move, saying "We couldn't survive there. Not when the sun silenced the stars for seasons at a time". Many cats believe that their ancestors can't see them while the stars are hidden, that the light of the sun blinds them, and therefore are more likely to do devious things in the summer when the sun never leaves the sky in order to avoid punishment. They don't live far north enough to experience perpetual night but even so, only having 6 hours of daylight in the winter does make patrolling and hunting much more difficult. As of right now, the northern lights mean something different to every cat. They each interpret them/were taught to believe something unique about them. Are they the last words of dead cats frozen in the air? Are they the souls of your ancestors dancing across the sky? Maybe they're a sign from starclan, demanding that the lead healer come speak to them at the black water or a sign of good luck for a little born beneath them. No one really knows, except for that they're something important. (I'm not committing to anything cause they could be used in so many interesting ways that i don't wanna limit myself ya know?)
anyway, thank you for the ask, this was so fun to talk about! My apologies for not answering as many asks as I had hoped to over my break, I was on a trip and then had to buckle down on school work and then got sick (just a cold. im fine) but things are looking good for a beginning of July return time still! (Note because I know what tumblr reading comprehension is like: I'm not returned quite yet. I still have to write a paper for school. But soon! Yay!) If you have asked an ask in the past month: I'm so sorry please be patient. There's so many of you. If you were sending me actual, physical mail I would be completely buried in it. I love it, and hope you keep doing it, but... just know it might be a minute... or two... or ten.
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
i usually am a silent watcher , i.e. likes + reblogs ( + bombing my friend's messages w/ your shots ) but i just got thia thought and i have to spill it ! 😭
remember the post about ps!simon taking longer than usual and that's because he's watching mc's videos have been living in my head rent free , and i can't help but think about him receiving a notif about you starting a live , and in his hurry he accidentally ends up using his personal ( i.e. GHOST ) account!
due to your unresponsiveness to his messages , he kinda sticks to being quiet at the beginning, simply jacking his own cock off , but as he watches your lips part and your body bounces on the dildo , he can't help , kissing his teeth and typing with one hand in a flurry , his eyes slightly hooded and focused solely on you! hell , he isn't even looking at the keyboard!
GHOST : you're doing good as always
GHOST : fuck , my favourite girl , can't get off without you
GHOST : i heard you last time , please moan my name again 💦
and these comments would've been lost within the chat unseen as per usual with his other account , others commenting the same things , who would care! but this time? the commenters ?
### : is that THE ghost ?
@@@ : fuck , even ghost is watching Y/N , that's the pussy power
*** : i guess even pornstars have their own favourite pornstars , fuck ghost chose well
the chat is going in an uproar , but the pretty horny you is too busy chasing her high , your eyebrows furrow, your glossed lips let out loud whines and breathy moans , and the noise of the donations coming through only makes you rub your own clit faster till you're seeing white and cumming all over the fake dick , whining lowly "hnghh, g-ghost, please..."
only when you're done twitching and twisting with that aftershock do you look at the screen and your mouth falls agape
WHAT DOES GHOST DO AFTER HE ACCIDENTALLY DID THAT?? WHAT DOES MC DO!?!!;?;?! THE PEOPLE GOING MAD IN THE COMMENTS OF YOUR LIVE, IN THEIR OWN ACCOUNTS, SCREENSHOTS ARE CIRCULATING TWITTER , INSTA , TUMBLR , EVERY OTHER PLATFORM KNOWN TO MAN!?! DOES THE COMPANY TRY TO COVER UP THIS SCANDAL , OR do they use it as a way to recruit mc to simon , perhaps if he got his hands on her he might get back to performing like before ;) (he does. except he only performs with her now)
( i hope it wasn't too long? i usually just pitch a tiny idea and run , but i , uh , idk what came over me- plus , I don't use those sites so i have no idea how that works exactly and i hope they don't "announce" who joined the live like they do in IG , uhhh , okok , this is it , byyyee!! 😭✨✨✨ )
there's no hiding. he'll tell his manager that it really was an honest mistake, but you've been ignoring all of his emails and he's up to his forehead with pent-up sexual frustration. it works though :>
he's got your attention now.
there wouldn't be any recruiting because she doesn't wanna be seen by anyone. it's just her and her phone at home. people are scummy and no one will hold shit over her head. this is where he shows up at her house with sweaty palms and rosy cheeks (he's so desperate to get his hands on reader that his vision's blurring lmao)
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Do you ever think about the fact that like, we know NOTHING about buggy? Yes of course we all know the devil fruit thing and how he was on Rogers crew, but the sheer amount we DONT know? Insane.
1 How the frick did he get on rogers crew?? Did roger kidnap the poor the kid? Did buggy just stowaway or something? Roger wouldnt take on anybody so there has to be a reason.
2 No one else looks like buggy except maybe vivi. Is buggy some long forgotten race? Is he actually royalty but their whole race was wiped out? Is it just a genetic mutation? I NEED ANSWERS ODA
3 WHO ARE HIS FAMILY?! Who are his parents or if he has siblings or cousins??? Did they disown him or did he runaway????
4 This is a personal preference but there is NO WAY buggy is as dumb as he plays. You can’t be that stupid and still be a successful captain/businessman/leader/yonko. Whatchu hiding buggy???
5 Where did the circus act come from? When he was on rogers ship there was no circusy makeup or any mention of things related to the circus, the only thing we have about that is that buggy wore bright clothes, but ROGER wore bright clothes. So did he join a circus after he and shanks broke up?? Is there a backstory there??
6 Last one I promise. Does anyone else think it’s a little strange that there are only two people in the series that wear clown makeup and one of them has nothing to do with the circus? Rosinante and buggy have extremely similar makeup, did they know eachother? Rosinante had no reason to wear clown makeup except maybe as a disguise, what the heck was that about???
7 Okok, last one last one. Did Oda say who he based buggy on? We know that almost every character in one piece is based on someone in real life or a myth. But we don’t know who buggy, an OG of the story, is based on. Little strange don’t you think? Oda?? HMMMM?
Mmm, I agree with you in the fact that we actually lack A LOT of information about Buggy's story (and also Shanks', but that's wayyy more plausible to be told in more detail than Buggy's) and I wish we knew more about where he comes from. But I think I can answer some stuff you mentioned!!!
4. Buggy is not playing dumb in any moment. He is directly not dumb at all and he has been shown countless times being of the most strategic characters in the manga. The one thing that holds him back is not being confident in himself because he still keeps the burden of living under Shanks' shadow on his shoulders so he often acts cowardly and seemingly without any goal at all but to survive. After chapter 1082, though, I think we will see wayyy more of him acting like a boss and following his dream and showing his true abilities. It's not that he's playing dumb, it's that he doesn't let himself be brave and now that he's on the same level as Shanks, he can do whatever he wants (if Mihawk and Crocodile let him lmao). And the reason why so many people follow him despite Buggy constantly saying he doesn't want to be seen this way because he sees himself as a loser who keeps pretending to be great, it's just that he's... Great. He just doesn't see it but he has an inherent effect on people when he gets serious. Being a failguy doesn't make you any less of a genius.
5/6. Actually, I believe we won't really get an answer to that. Perhaps we do if we get another flashback but maybe it's just character design and that's pretty much it. There must be something about wearing clown makeup as a mask of their true personality and yadda yadda yadda but that's for another day.
And about Buggy's past and the theory about him being a Nefertari: It's a pretty good theory and I actually really like it, keeping in mind how much influence both Buggy and Vivi's family are having lately in the manga. But I am not really sure about that being true and I am not even sure either if we we'll get any Buggy flashback at all. So I guess we will just have to wait and see what Oda does!!!
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dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
Hey! I hope its alright im asking anonymous, you're kinda my idol so im a little shy sorry :,)
Anyways my question would be a kinda commonly asked one but i would like to hear your advice on "How to find your artstyle?" Your artsyle is truly AMAZING and unique to me and inspired me a lot so i thought i would ask you this. I'll stop writting now cause its getting long 😅
(One last thing: You're the best and keep doing the amazing work you do cause im obsessed with it and its truly amazing and have a pawsome day/night!!)
It's absolutely ok!! That's why I have anon on after all ;v; (and thank you omg that's flattering 🥹💖)
Okok so here's the things with artstyles; it's literally just doing what ya want!! You don't need to have a specific one!!
So for mines, it's literally just been me picking things up over the years. I got my start through drawing my little pony, and that still shows through how I draw eyes tbh ;^^ and as you can imagine, over the past few years the hellaverse has had a massive impact on how I draw!!
If you like how an artist does something?? Try and analyse how/why they do that; I grew up watching speedpaints on youtube and taking into account just how people did things, for example if they colour picked for their rendering or if they used layer settings etc!!
Having one artstyle can honestly be really restrictive though, which is why I honestly don't believe you should focus on having one specific style if that makes sense??
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These pieces are all by me, but all have different rendering styles!! The first one is significantly more recognisable imo as my style since cell shading is generally what I do, however when I'm feeling particularly art blocked I'll sometimes go for a more paint-like style ✨
A really close friend of mine (who gets referred to as my husband lol) can do so many different styles, yet his art is extremely recognisable on sight to me every time somehow and I'm forever in awe lmao 😭 his art account is @/draconicdeityarts if you want to check out his stuff, cool af
Genuinely my greatest piece of advice? Just have fun and don't be afraid to try new things ;v; trying to put yourself in a box of "it needs to be in this style" will stunt your growth in my experience!! And over time you'll find the things that make your style yours because, generally, they're the part you enjoy doing the most, which can only be found out by experimenting!! My favourite part is rendering and I feel that shows, but the reason I love it so much is because I'm regularly experimenting still with how I do it rather than sticking to one way!!
I hope this helped at all, just remember that art is for fun, and trust me when I say that your art will always have its ways of being recognisable as yours regardless of if you have one style or 20 different ones 💖
For fun, have some of my older art to see The Development lmao; I believe the years in order here would roughly be 2014, 2016 & 2015 (forgive the quality the photo won't properly load), 2019, 2020, 2022, and finally 2023 ✨
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
hello!! 💕💕 first of all, I'd like to say CONGRATS ON THE 1K FOLLOWERS!! honestly your work is so amazing you totally deserve it - reading your work is such a pleasure and such an inspiration, keep up the amazing work, Lui!! 💕💕
okok so now for my request:
may I humbly ask for the love of my life Blade with angst dialogue 10... (please be easy on my heart 💔)
anyways, have a lovely day!! I can't wait to see what you write for this event!! :)
❀ ˎˊ- prompt: "I didn't know where else to go." ❀ ˎˊ- 1k followers event ❀ ˎˊ- character: blade ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: angst ofc !! but not too heavy lmao, mentions of blood and injuries, brief mentions of blade's real name ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: AHHHH TY EL !!! UR SO SWEET I KEEP SAYING THIS BUT GRIPS U
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Blade muttered a silent curse to himself, clutching at his bleeding arm as he hauled himself through the Xianzhou. Normally, he would've welcomed the injury, but this one didn't seem to be healing anytime soon.
The streets were uncharacteristically silent - something Blade found himself thankful for. It wouldn't do him any good if a civilian, or worse, a Cloud Knight, had found an injured Stellaron Hunter out in the streets.
He hardly paid attention to where his feet were taking him; he didn't care. Anywhere was fine, as long as it was away from the enemy.
Before he knew it, he was standing in front of a familiar doorstep. Blade blinked, before cursing himself for his carelessness. He needed to get out of here, quick, before you figured out he was here.
He attempted to walk away, but instantly, his arm flared with pain. Blade hissed, glaring at his arm as if it had done something wrong. His arm did not reply.
He heaved a sigh. He'd love to just leave and treat his wound himself. But where to would he leave? Here, he was on enemy territory. No one would welcome him.
Lost in his turmoil, Blade failed to register the sound of your approaching footsteps. It was when you finally opened the door, and the light of your home cascaded onto him that he stiffened like a deer in headlights.
You looked as young as he remembered you - or rather, as much as he could remember you. Such was the fate of a long-lived species, he mused. Your eyes were wide with surprise, shock, and even fear.
"Yingxing?" you managed out in disbelief.
You took a step back, taking a defensive position. Somewhere, in the depths of Blade's guarded heart, something tightened painfully.
"What are you doing here?"
You tried to sound assertive, but the tremble in your voice gave you away. You were scared, and Blade knew it. He didn't blame you. He was a Stellaron Hunter, after all. Creating fear was part of his job - Kafka was particularly good at it.
Usually, he liked fear. He loved seeing it in the eyes of his enemies, their ego dropping to absolute terror when faced with an opponent far beyond their league.
But with you, something about it made his gut twist, as though something was wrong.
As Blade merely stared at you, conflicting emotions swirling in his eyes, you noticed his arm. His black coat was ripped, revealing the gaping slash wound.
"You're hurt," you stated the obvious. Blade cringed, but nodded.
"I..." he took a deep breath. For a moment, the criminal wanted by the IPC looked nervous, vulnerable. "I didn't know where else to go."
Your gaze dropped. It'd been centuries since you'd last seen Yingxing, or Blade. When you last saw him, he was the blacksmith of the High Cloud Quintet, a hero to the Xianzhou. Now, he was one of its most hated criminals.
If you let him into your home and were caught, you'd surely be arrested for treason.
Blade noticed your conflicted gaze. Despite expecting this result, he couldn't help a pit of disappointment from forming in his stomach. He straightened, hardening his gaze.
"Never mind," he said quietly, turning his back. "I apologize for bothering you."
Your voice stopped him in his tracks. You crossed your arms, wondering to yourself if you were insane, delusional, or perhaps just plain stupid.
"Come in," you sighed, quite honestly disappointed in yourself. "You'll get it infected at this rate."
Very reluctantly and confusedly, Blade followed you into your home. You pointed him to the couch, which he wordlessly sat himself on while you disappeared into another room, presumably to retrieve medical supplies.
His memory is foggy, but there's a sense of familiarity here. He briefly remembered the paintings that are hung up, the ones that you won in a bidding. He recognized the table at which you'd drink tea and discuss your day with him.
Flashes of memory flicker in his mind, but Blade immediately squashed them. He knew that delving into the past would only serve to irritate the mara lying dormant within him.
It wasn't long before you returned, holding a first aid kit and sitting down next to him.
"Can you take off your coat?" you asked. "It'll make things easier."
Blade followed suit, slowly unbuttoning his coat and letting it fall to the couch around him. Bandages were wrapped around his entire torso, while scars of many lives littered his skin like burned reminders.
You reached out a hand - but what for, you didn't know. To console him? To touch his scars, to give him even the slightest of comfort?
But you didn't. No, the relationship you two once had was no more. You no longer had the right to do so.
And so, you opted for bandaging him, cleansing the wound, applying ointment, and wrapping it. You stubbornly kept your eyes on the gash, no matter how much you hated the sight of blood, refusing to look up and meet Blade's burning gaze.
"You can stay the night."
Your mouth moved before your brain did. You almost didn't believe your own words, and immediately you wanted to take them back. Even Blade was shocked by your offer, staring at you as though you've grown a second head.
"But," you quickly added, "you need to be gone by tomorrow morning. I refuse to be arrested because you're found in my home."
Your words stung, but were understandable. Blade closed his eyes, and nodded. You stood up.
"There's an extra blanket and pillows in the closet," you said, packing up the first aid kit. "Goodnight, Yingxing."
"Blade," he corrected quietly. "I lost my right to that name a long time ago."
You were silent for a moment.
"Very well," you finally said. "Goodnight, Blade."
And as you left for your bedroom, leaving the criminal in your living room, you could barely hear the faintest of whispers from your old friend.
"Goodnight, [Name]."
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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cas-skz · 2 years
Stress Relief
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Hongjoong x Fem!reader
| non idol au | friends with benefits to lovers |
He’s been your best friend and fuck buddy for over a year now, but what happens when a box of letters is found.
18+!!! MDNI plz&thnx
Warnings: Alcohol, intoxication, smoking weed bruh, mention of death, petnames (baby girl, sweet boy, good girl, brat, BDSM (dom & little duo, nipple play, spanking, sex toy, pinning), oral (m & f), possessive partners, unprotected sex, creampie, overstimulation, squirting
Requests are open :]
writers note: sometimes I like to challenge myself and see how many rounds and finishes I can work into one story. Idk what my record is but this might be it. Okok lmao byeeee
cas xx
“Do you only visit me when you’re mad?” Hongjoong asked, leaning on the side of the doorframe. His head tilted as he eyed you, hair thrown in a messy bun and a bottle of tequila in hand.
He motioned for you to come in, closing the door behind you as you kicked off your shoes and plopped yourself on his large sofa.
“You’re good for stress relief,” you mumble, twisting the cap from the tequila before taking a long swing.
Hongjoong plopped down next to you, one arm wrapping around your shoulder as he grabbed the bottle, taking a drink himself. “Talk to me Vegas girl.”
You smacked his chest, a smile creeping onto your lips. It was his nickname for you, after having met at his bar’s Halloween party a year before.
“Just stupid work shit. My boss says all my designs suck and I can’t think of anything new, so she’s basically breathing down my neck all day.”
You grabbed the bottle, taking another drink. “Any my mother. I don’t understand why that woman is so eager for me to settle down and have kids.”
“I can help you have a kid”
You hit his chest again, “shut up” you laughed.
Working in the fashion industry was extremely time consuming, which left no time for real dating. Hongjoong just happened to stick around, growing closer over time. You caught feelings a while ago, but we’re to scared to admit it.
“Why do you think the creative block is happening?”
You sighed heavily, “I have no idea. The last good thing I came up with was after we spent Christmas together.”
A smirk took over Hongjoong’s face, his fingers playing with your hair. “That was a good Christmas.”
One thing you had in common was your hatred for the holiday. So rather than the present giving and fancy food, you two had ordered a bunch of junk, gotten a ton of weed and alcohol. Then spent hours fucking.
The tequila bottle was empty sooner than you wanted it to be, not realizing you had been chatting and venting about life for the past hour.
“Can you walk a straight line?” He teased, heading to his home bar and grabbing a few joints. He motioned for you to follow him to the balcony.
He watched as you tiptoed on a line in the wood, poking your nose with each pointer finger as you did. You were quite tipsy, but always had good balance.
“Yes I can, sir.” You smirk, brushing past him, squealing as he slapped your ass.
Your lungs filled with smoke as your eyes scanned over the city. The lights and sounds echoed, beautiful in its own way.
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around you, his head resting on your shoulder as you brought the joint to his lips.
You stayed like that for a while, silently smoking, relaxing into his arms.
His hand eventually started to sneak up the front of your shirt, his fingers sliding along the trim of your lace bralette before dipping inside. A soft moan escaped your lips as he started to twist and flick your nipple gently.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” He asked, his breath hot against your ear.
His free hand slapped down on your ass, stinging the skin under the thing fabric of your leggings. “Cute.”
You rolled your hips into his, feeling his hardening cock through his pants. Giving your was a little wiggle, you hum happily
Hongjoong’s hand left your breast and quickly went to your neck, wrapping easily around it as he pulled your head back to look at him. “Don’t start that.”
“Or what?” You pushed into his crotch again.
You were definitely feeling the effects of the weed and tequila, it brought out your bratty side.
His grip tightened around your throat the smallest bit, “You know the punishment.”
You trailed your finger nails along his arm, watching as goosebumps followed in their path. “Punishment for what? Making your crumble under my touch?”
Hongjoong’s hand slid down your body, resting both his hands on your hips as he pulled your core into his, “Is that what you think?”
You spun in his grasp, placing a hand on his chest, “I don’t think. I know.” You leaned up on your tip toes, placing wet kisses along his jaw line.
Your opposite hand snuck into his pants, grasping his thick cock head, your thumb rubbing gently over the top, using his pre cum as lube.
Hongjoong moaned softly, his body tensed under your touch. You pushed his pants down a bit to expose his firm length, your hand giving him a few pumps before firming your grip a bit. You pulled him along by his cock back into the house.
You freed your grasp and pointed towards the couch, Hongjoong slapped your ass as you walked away and sat himself on the couch. He pulled his pants down a bit more, hand wrapping around his cock as he watched you.
You walked to the stereo system, putting on one of the playlists you made together.
“Oh, my sweet boy.” You smirked, eyeing his hand slowly pumping his length. You slowly took your shirt off, followed by your leggings before crawling onto the coffee table. “Eager aren’t you.”
“Says the one who’s already naked.”
You stopped midway on the table, leaning up and trailing your fingers across the lace strap of the bralette. “I still have this on. Why don’t you get rid of your clothes?”
He quickly stripped off his clothes as you propped yourself on the table, placing both your hands on your thighs as you eyed him.
Hongjoong grabbed you by the back of your head, not hard enough to hurt. He pulled you up to him, a soft whine escaping your lips as he roughly kissed you. “Are you gonna be a good girl now?”
You didn’t answer, instead gave him a little snarky look. He moved you with one hand, bending you over on the couch, your head on the cushion and ass in the air. You looked behind you as Hongjoong stroked his cock a few times before pushing deeply inside you.
He bottomed out and held himself there, his hand slapping down on your ass. You could feel yourself already leaking, walls clenching at the smallest amount of arousal.
You tried to move your hips but his hand slapped down, holding you in place. “You fucking brat.”
“What are you gonna do about it?” You contracted your walls around him, moaning softly. You looked at him with puppy dog eyes, biting your lip, “You can fuck me now or hold your load until my punishment is over.”
Hongjoong’s hips started to move the tiniest bit, his cock poking at your g-spot. His eyes locked with yours, “You want me to fuck your little pussy numb?” He pulled his cock mostly out before slamming it back in, repeating his actions. “Is that what you want baby girl?”
“Please, my sweet boy, please fuck me.”
His hips started to thrust, soft moans joining yours. You watched as his dark expression turned soft, his cock flowing in and out of your entrance. “Hongie…”’ You moaned, your release dripping down your legs.
Hongjoong pulled out quickly, his mouth clapping over your pussy, his tongue lapping and sucking at your clit. He slapped your ass again, making it sting red from the repeated smacks. “Come here.” He pulled you up into a kiss, his hands tangling into your hair.
You moaned into each other as Hongjoong sat on the couch, pulling you into his lap. You quickly lined his cock up with your entrance and slid down, starting to ride him, “You feel so fucking good.” You moaned, hips starting to pick up speed.
His hands reached up to grab your neck again, pulling your head to his as he gave you a sloppy kiss. “You like riding your sweet boys cock, don’t you?” He said against your lips, “That’s your fucking cock isn’t it?”
You smirked, kissing down his chin, up his jawline and sucking gently on his neck. “You’re all mine.” You whispered in his ear, your second climax quickly approaching. His cock firmed, hinting he was close to.
Hongjoong’s arms wrapped around you as your body picked up speed, his hips thrusting with yours. You brought your face back to his, pressing your foreheads together as your body started to shake. “Who’s your favorite little brat?”
Your bodies came to a stop as his cock started to twitch, filling you with his warm cum. “You know you are baby girl.” He kissed your lips softly, sweet tender kisses that made you tingle. “You belong to me.” He said quietly.
His words made you smile. You were both so possessive over each other, yet had no plans or even talked about committing. Things just worked out smoothly without labels. But fuck, you secretly wanted more.
You smiled down at Hongjoong, lifting your self off him, your combined releases dripping under you. “I like the sound of that, but now I have Taylor Swift suck in my head.” You laughed, skipping off to the bathroom.
He followed, using the bathroom after you before you both headed to his bedroom. You climbed onto his large bed, stopping when you spotted a wooden box on the nightstand. “What’s that?” You ask with a tilt of the head.
Hongjoong walked quickly to the other side of the bed and grabbed the box, his face flushing a deep red. “Hongie.” You shot him a ‘seriously’ look, since you two rarely kept secrets from one another.
“Seriously it’s nothing. Just a box.” He was trying to find a place to stash it, you were getting more and more curious.
“You’re being weird. What is it?” You laugh, crawling to the end of the bed where he was, you poked his side. “What are you hiding.”
Hongjoong held it a bit above his head, a small smile pulling at his lips from your tickling. “Stop, it’s stupid. You don’t want to know.” You kept poking and tickling, he backed into the dresser, causing the box to fall to the ground next to him.
You leaned over the bed, starting towards the flipped box.
“No, seriously Y/N, you don’t want to see that.”
When you flipped the box, there was a pile of letters and pictures of the two of you. Hongjoong sighed and sat on the bed, his head hung as you picked up the pile and scooted back.
“What…what is this?” You asked quietly, flipping through the pictures you had taken together over the past year. There were letters, with dates on them.
Hongjoong turned to you, looking shyly through his shaggy hair. “Everything I’ve wanted to say, but couldn’t.”
You flicked through the letters, just reading the dates. There were 12 in total, starting from the Halloween night you met. You swallowed hard, not knowing what to say.
“You can read them if you want.” His voice was shaky with nerves.
You moved to sit next to him, your heart racing as you looked at him. “Do you want me to?” You asked softly
He was quiet for a long moment before answering, “Yeah, I do.”
"Can you read them to me?"
You and Hongjoong went to the top of the bed, resting against the headboard.
He started the first letter.
“I didn’t expect to meet anyone after Haley died, especially someone who could make me smile like an idiot after an hour of knowing them. Dressed like a Vegas show girl, but with eyes that told a million stories. The most captivating smile. It hasn’t been this easy to talk in a long time, but they opened that side up again.”
He handed you the letter, along with a picture the bar photographer had taken of the two of you.
“You have me smiling like a fucking idiot. One night stands aren’t supposed to hang out until the early evening, at least from what I know. Your comfortable, your ora is calming. I feel guilty. Guilty for feeling happy. I don’t want to lose you, so friends will have to do for now.”
He handed you the second letter, you confirmed the date was the end of November, when you first hooked up with him.
Hongjoong spent a few more minutes carefully reading his letters and passing them to you. They all described his feelings towards you, how they grew, how he didn’t want to lose you. It made your heart do flips.
The last letter was from a few weeks ago, New Year’s Eve. He passed it directly to you, since it only had a few words on it.
“Tell her you fucking love her.”
You stared at the paper for a long moment, heart rate starting to increase again. Everything you had been to scared to admit to yourself, he had written on paper. It still scared you, those words. The thought of losing him. But what’s life without taking any risks.
“Look..I get it, if you don’t feel the same way.”
You quickly moved your body to straddle his, pressing your lips deeply into his as tears started to flow down your face. You didn’t want to stop kissing him, the sweet taste of his lips mixing with salty tears.
“Why are you crying?” He asked quietly, barely pulling away from your lips.
You looked into his eyes, “because I love you.” You paused, sniffing as he kissed away your tears. “And it scares the shit out of me.”
Hongjoong wrapped you in a hug, one that you returned happily. You held each other for a while, his hand slowly rubbing your back.
“I love you. I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He said, leaning back against the headboard, brushing some hair behind your ear.
“I’m not going anywhere either.” You smiled, kissing his lips again. “You’re not gonna go all mushy on me now, are you?”
He laughed, holding onto you as he flipped you on your back. “The letters are as mushy as I can get. For now.”
Hongjoong dipped his head down to gently kiss your lips, trailing soft kissed down your body as he pushed your legs apart. His lips kissed your thighs before his tongue started to work at your clit, lapping and sucking at your sensitive bud.
Maybe it was the emotional confession, but you swore everything felt more erotic than any other time.
You ball your hand in his hair, cursing quietly as his tongue worked quickly causing your body to twitch and tremble.
Hongjoong’s arms held your body down as you rode out another high, his eyes meeting with yours as he worked his way back up your body, lips crashing into yours.
His eyes went dark again, a smirk crossing his lips as he unexpected shoved his cock in your swollen entrance. His hand wrapped around your neck again, “You make me so happy baby girl.”
You squirmed a bit under him, his pelvis pushed down to hold your core in place. “My sweet boy, this is torture.” You whimpered, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Exactly.” Hongjoong quickly leaned over to his bedside table, grabbing a small metallic bullet vibrator.
You whined quietly as the small toy started up, his hand slipped from your neck as he used it to lift himself a bit. He moved the toy slowly down your chest to your left nipple, pinching it between a finger and the toy. He repeated his actions with the right nipple.
Hongjoong continued to hold you down as he moved the vibrator down your body, sliding it between your folds and tucking it against your clit.
“Hongie…” you moaned, your breathing becoming more and more erratic as pressure built in your core. Hongjoong moved your arms above your head, hiding his head in your neck as he kept himself still inside you.
He whispered sweet nothings into your ear, nipping at your earlobe. Every little thing was pushing you closer to climax. He brought his lips to yours finally, kissing you sweetly as he laced your fingers together.
“You’re making me cum baby girl.” He moaned against your lips, his cock starting to empty another load inside you.
You could barely contain yourself, body shaking under his as the sound of your own juices mixed with the sound of the vibrator. “Baby….” You squeezed his hands with all your strength, his hips finally letting up a little as yours started to buck.
The vibrator slipped out and you started to grind your hips down quickly, juices leaking as you started to peak again.
“Please fuck me, my sweet boy. I need you to fuck me.”
Hongjoong let go of one of your hands to hold your hip as you arched off the bed, he slammed his cock deep in you as you released, screaming and cursing uncontrollably. His lips found yours again and you started to ride your high.
“Holy shit.” Hongjoong hissed, his own body reacting to your orgasm and joining in. He lifted you, holding you tight against his body as he slowly kissed your lips. You were barely able to hold yourself up, Hongjoong’s arms were the only thing hold you in place.
You weakly wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling dizzy and fulfilled more than ever. “Th-that was so good, my swe-sweet boy.” Your words were stuttered as you rested your head against his chest, trying to bring yourself out of the sex coma he had you in.
“Should I just carry you to the shower like this?
You nod, whining a bit as he climbed off the bed with you still attached. You wrapped your legs around him, moaning quietly at the sensation of his cock inside you, how wet and warm it felt.
“Fuck me again.” You said after finally catching your breath a bit, Hongjoong pulled back a bit, raising an eyebrow at you. “What? 3 loads in you isn’t enough?” He smirked, pecking your lips.
You giggled quietly, a shiver creeping up your spine as you felt his cock grow firm again. He pushed you against the wall, barely thrusting his hips.
“Oh, my sweet boy.” You placed a soft, but deep kiss on his lips. “I’m just starting to feel inspired.”
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[5] James Takes Liam to School
Summary: The month following your birthday sees you and Liam growing closer with James outside of school, and when you're stressed and in a rush, James offers to help.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam). Last one was really long and this one is kinda just regular length, sorry :/
A/N (26/7/2024): ok I made a small change since I first posted this ... just figured a little Tonks cameo would be fun lol so now Tonks watches Liam before school :)
Previous Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER Series Masterlist here
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Okok first lemme explain something really quick
Your apartment building has a lobby sort of thing on the first floor right as you walk in
And this lobby doesn’t really have a ceiling if you know what I mean? Like the building is hollow above the lobby area, and there are like balcony/hallway things inside the building for each floor where you can enter the apartments
(idk if that makes sense but please just bear with me on this one pls)
So you and Liam’s apartment is on the second floor of the building, right above the post boxes for the building
And you, Liam, and James have figured out that James’ apartment is the one right above yours
You’re not 100% sure how you feel about this yet … but so far it’s only brought good things (read: cookies for your birthday and seeing James get his mail every day while you’re on your way out the door for work)
James, on the other hand, is lowkey super thrilled
Bc he loves (LOVES) to see you in your scrubs early every morning
The two of you have made a habit of making light conversation for a couple minutes in the morning
(Or sometimes James just waves at you with the sweetest, prettiest, kindest smile if you’re in a rush)
It’s the highlight of James’ day tbh
Maybe tied with seeing Liam at school
You and James have actually become pretty good friends through these small interactions
Over the month or so since your birthday, James has learned, little by little, what constitutes a regular day in you and Liam’s household
Mornings are rather chaotic since you usually work 12-hour shifts from 7 to 7, so you pay one of the high school girls that lives in the building to watch Liam for an hour and drive him to school
You leave at 6:30-ish, which is right around the time James gets his mail (fucking morning person)
(He's started putting an alarm on his phone for 6:20 to remember to see you get the mail every morning)
Tonks is the girl who watches Liam in the morning (she insists you call her that and who are you to say no), and she also picks him up from school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and drops him off at Ms. Hope’s house across the street for a few hours before you can pick him up from there and take him home (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Ms. Hope can pick Liam up herself)
It’s a couple evenings a week that James crosses paths with you and Liam as you’re walking across the street back from Ms. Hope’s house
He always takes fifteen minutes or so (as long as you and Liam have the time) to talk with Liam about his day, what he enjoyed at school, if he had trouble on any homework (which is rare), and what he and Ms. Hope got up to after school
(Secretly, James hopes you’ll be impressed with how good he is with kids even though it’s literally his job lmao he knows it’s backwards thinking but he’s just so smitten)
But James knows better than to ask the same boring “what are you doing today” during your daily morning chats
Every morning, he asks you a random question about yourself
The second morning you and James talked (he hadn’t thought to ask you much more than “what are you doing up so early” the first time around), he’d asked about your favorite color
Then it was whether you prefer cats or dogs
James knows a bunch of random trivia about you now, like your favorite food and how you hate working in the med-surg unit and the name of your favorite stuffed animal from your childhood
And every morning, James tells you his own answer to the question of the day
His favorite color is red (which you think fits him, but he specified that he likes a dark wine color or a maraschino cherry best), he likes cats but prefers dogs (he laughed to himself when he told you like he was making an inside joke, but you didn’t ask questions), his favorite food is his mom’s recipe for biryani (you noted that he used the past tense when speaking of her), he loves bringing his kids to the library because one of his best friends is the librarian (James mentioned Remus, and you nodded because he’s Ms. Hope’s son), and his favorite stuffed animal is a plush rabbit named Miss Beatrice, who he still has in his apartment (you bullied him into admitting that he still sleeps with her on occasion, but it's so sweet you can't really laugh)
It’s become almost a sort of game, and you’ve come to know each other quite a bit more in these little five- or ten-minute interactions
It’s fun :)
And it’s normal and regular and consistent, and you and James like it that way
So James is rather alarmed when you come rushing down the stairs and into the lobby at 6:40 one morning, Liam running along with you with his school bag, trying to keep pace
You heave a sigh as you come to stand James’ side, checking your own mailbox (which you usually don’t do in the morning, and it makes James all the more concerned)
James can tell you’re trying not to brush him off but it’s obvious you’re in a rush
You’re halfway through explaining to him that Tonks came down with bronchitis and can’t watch Liam, and on top of that, your alarm didn’t go off this morning because you’d turned it off yesterday for your day off and forgot to turn it back on so you’re already running late, and you hate asking Ms. Hope to watch Liam at the asscrack of dawn—
James doesn’t really think about the words he says before they’re coming out of his mouth
He just offers to take Liam to school
It’s not like he’d be going out of the way for it anyway, I mean he and Liam are going to the exact same place and Liam has already been in James’ apartment before and knows it relatively well, so what’s the harm?
And you kinda … freeze … for a second
And at this point, James knows you pretty well, you know?
He knows you’re gonna refuse, say you can’t ask that of him, so he reassures you that it won’t be a problem at all and says he and Liam will have fun and get to school on time and everything
Just for added effect, he winks at Liam, who giggles and tugs on the sleeve of the shirt under your scrubs and asks with the sweetest, widest eyes if he can stay with Mr. Potter for the morning
And ever the thoughtful little boy, Liam reasons that then you won’t have to be stressed about bothering Ms. Hope or about where Liam might be for an hour in the morning
You’re considering the options, looking between James’ and Liam’s wide, excited eyes, until you finally sigh quietly
Just to be sure, you ask James if he’s sure he doesn’t mind
And of course, James doesn’t
(It took a while for James to convince you to stop calling him Mr. Potter and he’s always seen how you hesitate for a moment before calling him James, but he surprises himself with just how hot he feels under the collar when you don’t hesitate to call him by his first name this time)
You look down at Liam again and nod lightly, and your son is just all smiles and buzzing with excitement immediately
He gives you a hug around one of your legs, which you reciprocate as best as you can, and you exchange ‘I love you’s before you’re thanking James profusely on your way out the door
James watches you get in your car and drive away through the glass front doors of the building
And he must have an awfully fond look on his face
Because Liam just looks up at him with the cutest scrutinizing eyes you’ll ever see and asks “Do you like-like my mom?”
James just about chokes on his spit lmaooo
But Liam isn’t letting James off the hook without an answer, so James tries to be as tactful (and evasive) as he can be and says
“Your mom is very sweet, Liam. I can see where you get it from.”
Your chaotic morning was truly a warning for the rest of the day, because work really sucked
And by the end of your shift, you realize you didn’t tell James where Liam should go after school due to the unforeseen circumstances of the morning, so you’re hoping you won’t find your son sitting on the welcome mat outside of your apartment
But you figure you’ll go to Ms. Hope’s in case James kept to the usual schedule
But when you arrive, Ms. Hope says that James had actually called and told her he’d be taking Liam to his apartment and to tell you that’s where your son would be when you got home
So ofc that’s where you go next
You sort of hesitate to knock on the door at first, just because you’ve never been in or even around James’ apartment and it makes you strangely nervous
(Which is weird because you assisted with surgery on a man who’d been in a motorcycle accident earlier that day, and you’d come out on the other side of that alive and mostly mentally intact)
But your fist kinda just acts for you and knocks on James’ front door
There’s silence, then a high-pitched giggle (Liam) and a sweet chuckle (presumably James) before the door is yanked open and your son is flying into your arms
Well, more like into your legs bc he’s six and short lmao
But you pick him up and rest him on your hip like he’s a lot lighter than he is
And he’s immediately babbling away at you about all the fun things they did at school and how he wants to hang out with Mr. Potter every morning and afternoon and he missed you and look what he made for you during art class today!
You’re already feeling better from your shit day at work, and when you finally get the chance to look towards the doorway again, James is there with the softest, most … ugh he's just the sweetest
Because he looks so in love
And you sort of hate that you can see it in the way he looks at you and Liam
James is truly the kindest, most compassionate man you’ve ever met, and you know that at the end of the day, even when he looks at you and your son like that, you’re already counting the obstacles in your head
Because first and foremost, you’re a mother, always, and your son will always come first no matter what
And James is literally Liam’s kindergarten teacher, and there’s no way you’d even entertain the idea of putting your child’s education anywhere near your own entanglements
And even if that wasn’t a problem, and as much as James makes lovie eyes at you, you haven’t dated since Liam’s father
It would be an enormous change, both for you and Liam
And again, you don’t want your son to get hurt
You hope you’re not as transparent as you feel and that your thoughts aren’t being projected onto your forehead, but the way James reacts to you looking at him makes you think that maybe they were
But … maybe not, because you give him a tight-lipped, sort-of-melancholy smile, and all James does is smile back, and there’s a sort of understanding that passes between you as your son babbles in your arms about his class’ dioramas of the jurassic period
Not now, but … Maybe.
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Next Part: You Get A Visitor in the ER
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
Okok so I’ve been thinking about some ak jay stuff and just had to share!! So we know that joker wanted to make Jason his partner instead of Batman’s, and while a lot of the training for that was teaching jay to be submissive to him, I bet that he also would have to teach Jason to love being cruel, to love hurting people, right??? So imagine, one day, after Jason was tortured, joker comes in with a gift for him!! Some girl that had already been worn down and taught to submit. Jays own little pet. Joker would force Jason to torture her, and then would leave them both in the (now shared) cell. Ugh imagine Jason just being so soft and apologetic afterwards when they’re alone because he didn’t want to hurt her, but the joker would have hurt both of them if he didn’t!! And just her having such contrasting feelings about Jason because like, yeah he really hurt her but also he’s a sweetheart who was scared and didn’t have a choice!!! Omg and joker using her against him, hurting her to hurt him, because it’s all part of teaching him to love hurting people. Ugh i seriously need to just turn my brain off lmao
Please don't turn off your brain b/c I NEED you to send me more of these!!!
So I've been trying to come up with a good next request for you (since I'm still not over the last one 🤤)...... can this be my next request??? Because I'm in love with this idea!!
Jays own little pet.
Joker giving Jay a collar to give to her, a collar that matches the red leather collar with the gold J tag that Joker forces Jay to wear 👀
Also, Jay refusing to hurt her, and her having to watch Joker brutally torture Jay... being torn between fearing for her own life, and hating to see him in such pain 😭
(and it's canon that Joker trained Jay to be cruel according to AK: Genesis #4!)
I need to read this YESTERDAY AHHHH 💖😍
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nyoomerr · 8 months
How do you always pop out banger fics? I feel like everyone and their mothers in the fandom adore your fics and not one of your stuff has ever been a flop! Seriously, what's your secret??
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djkhfg but more seriously, there have definitely been fics i've posted that i personally wasn't happy with at the time i posted them, or that i was really proud of but have indeed "flopped" when i posted them**
**recognizing that all success is relative, and considering a "flop" to be a lack in response compared to my other svsss fics from a similar time period
overall though, i have indeed been extremely lucky with how kindly this fandom has treated me and how much support my work gets... but mostly i do think that really is just luck 😅
if you just meant for this to be a very sweet compliment about how you like my stuff a lot, thank you so much, and feel free to stop reading here!! if you were genuine in asking "seriously, what's your secret," though, i do have some tips for fic writing!
first thing is for me to say that it is 100% the most important for you to personally be the #1 fan of your own stuff.
it's super fun that so many people like my fics! but it's mostly fun because it feels like i'm holding up a rock and screaming and everyone screams along with me - it would be a lot less exciting if i was holding up a rock and watching in silent indifference as everyone screamed at it, lol. writing stuff just because it's interesting to you will also help you avoid writing + fandom burnout, and people who read it will always be able to tell when you love what you're writing about.
i also personally think it's really important to see the things you like to completion, which includes either posting it somewhere or saving it alongside your finished works, whatever you personally do to metaphorically put a finished piece "on the fridge."
it is a wildly common experience for creatives to begin disliking their own work partway through the creative process, or to dislike it after it's done. but if you're creating something because you're personally excited about some aspect of it, then you theoretically enjoyed something about that work at some point in time. and, with enough time and distance from it, you'll probably end up liking it again in the future!
if you've made sure to put that work "on the fridge" somewhere it's safe and marked as 'done' in your own mind, then you'll get the chance to create that time and distance. it's not sitting in some guilt-ridden folder of abandoned wips, or discarded because you were never able to write or edit it to your satisfaction - it's just 'done.' i can't count how many times i've come back to a piece i disliked at the time of finishing it and, months later, decided it was actually pretty good.
so - put your work on the fridge, even if you're not satisfied with it! and when your brain is able to let it go, reread it. find the parts that made you write it in the first place, the stuff that got you really excited, and let them excite you again, and inspire you to write even more!!
okok so that's a) write what you like and b) don't give up on your hard work. now i'll address the last bit that touches on fandom reception of your work... 💦💦
... i really do think it's mostly luck 😅
the very first fic i posted on this ao3 account is, without doubt, still my most popular one. i could talk about how i feel about that for a whole separate essay post lmao, but it is a good example of how fic "popularity" often works.
i was still on twitter at the time that i made it, which was where most of the mxtx fans were at. a promo post i made got retweeted by a handful of people with big followings, and that combined with the fact that there were way less binggeyuan fics at the time meant that it kinda hit it big. and since so many people sort by kudos or bookmarks, fics that are already popular just end up more popular...
i think a lot of popular fics are like this to some degree. they use the right tags and post at the right time to get seen by just the right audience, or there's a promo tweet/post somewhere that lands on just the right number of dashes, and their popularity snowballs. of course, these popular fics are also often absolutely fucking incredible and worthy of their popularity, but i've also read fics with very very little "popularity" that are just as good or better than some of the top kudosed or bookmarked fics in the tag.
the only thing i have ever (personally) noticed as something you can control that affects popularity is fic length - from what i've seen in both my fics and those others write, multichaptered fics that update semi regularly and stretch on for multiple months have a tendency to drum up more excitement the longer they go. people start to get more excited for each update + they talk about that on socmed, and that combined with consistently bumping the fic to the top of the tag when sorted by recently updated gives it more and more chances for it to hit that lucky combo of "seen by the right people."
so, that's all to say, actually my advice for this section is also "just write what you like," because you can't control whether or not the people who will also like it will see it when you post it, so make sure there's at least one reader enjoying the ride (you).
...and then of course for more generic "how do you write """well""" advice, just keep practicing, and take note of the things you like in other people's writing and how they accomplish it!
sorry if that was like. way more than what you were really expecting as an answer for this 🙈🙈 i really am truly very grateful for all the super kind feedback i get on my work, but i'm really out here just writing whatever i want in whatever ways i want and then throwing it up "on the fridge" before i can chicken out dkfjh
i hope you (or whoever else bothered to read this far) can also be really satisfied and excited about what you're making, and my fingers are crossed for your luck in the "everyone in the fandom likes this thing" lottery 🤞🤞
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gothsuguru · 1 month
okok but i bring news of my tengen adventures................. first of all that twitter artist you told me about............................................. i died. ARE YOU KIDDING MEEE WHY IS HE SO FUCKING HOT THAT FUCKING ARTIST NEEDS TO CHILL OUT HELLO i genuinely almost spit out my water when i opened their account that was crazy... SO THANK YOU FOR THATT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL🙏🙏🙏 oh and!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna finish the third season today btw hehehe I AM LIKING IT A LOTTTTTT it's super fun (and i really am just in love with tengen i can't even lie he's insane<3) i haven't read the manga though i literally only happened upon demon slayer bc of lily tbh lmao so i am very new to it all!!!!!!!!!!! but i am very excited abt it bc again.. i really really like it<3333333333333 HAVE YOU SEEN IT ALL??? WHO ARE YOUR FAVOURITES??????? THIS IS ALSO SMTH I NEED TO KNOW OR I'LL DIEEEEE IT'S IMPORTANT KAIROOOOOO>:33333 ANYWAYYY I LOVE YOUUU AND I HOPE THAT YOU'RE DOING SO SO GOOD MWAH MWAH MWAH SENDING YOU A MILLION BILLION KISSES RN PLEASE CATCH THEM ALL!!!!!!!!! - @teddybeartoji
MICKEY MY MICKEY 😋😋😋 I LOVE YOU BABY HOW ARE YOU I MISSED YOUUUUUUUUUUUU <333 omg lately i’ve been reading manga: the elusive samurai and sakamoto days!!!! (YOU WOULD LOVE SAKAMOTO DAYS BTW THAT’S A MANGA I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO YOU SPECIFICALLY…) look at my husband nagumo he’s so toji & yuuta coded :3 hehe ((you’d love the manga it’s all bad bitch assassins and silliness coupled w insane fights!!!!! I LOVE IT SM))
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AND RAHHHHHHHHHHH UMIKOCHANNART MY BELOVED!!!!!! did you see these??? this one of tengen is so gorgeous and then this one of tengen and her husbands (hinatsuru is so geto coded & makio w the blonde dyed hair… omfg op makes the husbands look so insanely sexy they have the sexiest art…) and this one of toji makes me bark 🤭🤭🤭
OMGGGGGGG THE THIRD SEASON!!!!!! HEHEHE HOW ARE YOU LIKING IT SO FAR??? i love demon slayer so much it was the second manga i ever read hehe :3 AND LILY HAS SUCH SUPERIOR TASTE LIKE TENGEN AND TOJI AND SUKUNA LIKE BESTIE KNOWS WHAT’S UP! and omg i also HIGHLY recommend the manga since it’s done! i’m so excited for the movies too the last arc is literally so insane i’m so HYPED!!!!!! 😵‍💫🙂‍↕️
AND MY FAV CHARACTERS AHHHHHHH tengen obviously like that’s Husband… <333 and i love all my babies like tanjiro and inosuke and zenitsu and nezuko are literally my children sniffles i love them so much……. same w muichiro! that’s my SON! i love giyuu & rengoku too! & OBVIOUSLY I LOVE YORIICHI TOO!!! AND UBUYASHIKI!! i love all the characters in the show i think they’re so well-developed and different from each other! demon slayer is soooooooo good i remember BINGING the manga until like 3 am bc i needed to know what was gonna happen like… WOW it’s so well written IMO <3
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they mean the world to me……. sniffles………. <333
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
I got love in my tummy and a tiny little pain
okok hi darling.
can you write Dieter in TLOU universe? I think that would be hilarious.
love u
gin, my darling, i feel the need to apologize for this ficlet lmao the thoughts won and i couldn't not write it like this :))) pls forgive me
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Big Fan (Tommy's Version)
no pairing - just Tommy and Ellie stumbling on someone very familiar to Tommy :)
warnings | 18+ canon-typical violence
“Wait a minute, wait a minute, that guy looks familiar.”
“What, you mean the one that’s got mushrooms growing out of his head?” Tommy grumbles at Ellie’s snide question, glancing at her over the barrel of his rifle. When she had called his bluff on being able to shoot infected from miles away, he had invited her along on his next patrol, a chance to prove his claim to his smart-ass niece. 
“You see anyone else around, kid? I swear I know him from somewhere, even looking like that, he’s so– wait, holy shit.” Tommy lets out a quiet laugh, still keeping his voice low to not give away their spot tucked behind the crest of a hill. Ellie, meanwhile, looks at him like he’s gone mad. 
“Curtis and Viper.” He says it like she should know what he means, but all he gets from her is a blank look, and then he realizes that this kid is, in fact, a kid, who wasn’t around before. 
“It’s a movie, kid. Curtis and Viper. I’m surprised Joel didn’t tell you about that one, it’s his fucking favorite. That guy down there? He was Curtis, I swear. Shit, I’d recognize him anywhere, even all fucked up like he is. What was his name? Dee– something, Bravo. That was his last name, totally fake, but man, we thought he was the cool–”
“Are you gonna get him or not? I was kinda promised a show here, man.” Ellie motions over the hill with a huff, cutting Tommy off mid-rant. He sighs, only a little annoyed that she’s clearly not as excited as he is, though his pride compels him to set his sights back into the crosshairs of his rifle. Getting a better look at the infected, there’s no doubt in his mind now exactly who it is he’s looking at.
“Sorry about this, hollywood. Was a big fan of yours.”
When they get back to town that evening, Tommy makes a bee-line for his brother down at the bar.
“You’re full of shit.” 
“I am not. It was him, Joel, I swear it. Ellie was there, she can vouch for it.” Joel grunts at Tommy’s exclamation, leaning back in his seat.
“Oh yeah, you mean the kid that’s only seen four movies in her entire life? I’ll be sure to take her word for it.” No matter how much coaxing, how much convincing he tries to do, Joel still won’t buy what Tommy tells him, eventually brushing him off and heading home. Tommy huffs at his brother’s retreating figure. He eyes the last swig in his glass, holding it up high with a little tilt.
“Cheers to you, Bravo. You made damn good movies and you died a sorry son of a bitch.”
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thatsnotbuddies · 1 year
g’s hrpf recs
okok this blog exists bc one day I clicked on a tknp fic in some random person’s bookmarks just because it seemed interesting and the rest is history
so it’s only right i make a list of my fave fics I’ve read since then
here goes
⭐ = ultimate faves
I’ve got about . 200 hrpf bookmarks on ao3 but these are the ones that I think about a lot/have re-read more than twice. there’s soo much more I could rec, if you want a list for a specific pairing lmk??
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colours i can't see (with anyone else) - (E, 7,357 words) ⭐
Travis gets the call about two weeks before he stands before the team, helmet dangling from his fingertips and heart beating against his chest like it wants to crack through his ribs.
“I’m moving to Toronto.”
The silence that washes through the locker room is deafening. No one says anything for a long 30 seconds. The only sound is that of skate guards squeaking against the floor.
Nolan is the one who breaks the silence. “What the fuck? They can’t trade you.”  And Travis winces and Nolan widens his eyes like a deer caught in headlights and someone to his left sighs. “Oh.”
Notes: The conversation in the second to last scene gets me Every Time 😭
vision trick - (E, 21,528 words)
Pat’s new house is haunted.
Notes: I’m an Interstellar (2014), Contact (1997), love-transcending-all-dimensions-including-time girlie so this is. everything. to me.
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letters from allentown (T, 4,539 words) ⭐
“Hahahah the flyers are shit,” Morgan tweets, sometime in early November of 2013. He's probably not expecting a pissy pre-teen from Cicero, New York to slide into his DMs and start up a four year argument over whether or not the Flyers suck, right up until Morgan turns eighteen and gets drafted by the Flyers himself.
Notes: This is THEE quintessential joel/morgan fic to me
in my defense, spring - (T, 2,764 words, Magical Realism) ⭐
Morgan gets called up a month into the season. He arrives in Philly with three suits, two duffle bags full of gear, and a very large potted basil plant.
Notes: I went on a magical realism bender for a bit and this is one of the faves. Frosty as a spring witch born into a winter witch family :’) Taking care of all his plants :’)
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The Next Next One (M, 71,275 words) ⭐
No, Dylan has not picked up a copy of the book, nor does he plan to anytime soon. No, he has not talked to Connor about it. He hasn’t talked to Connor about anything in a long time, but the media does not need to know that.
Notes: This is number one all time fave. It turns me inside out every time I read it. So well written down to the fake book snippets!!!! You could take this and make a movie adaptation of it and it would kill at the box office.
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how lovely are thy branches (M, 5271 words) (also Tim Stutzle/Brady Tkachuk)
“What is it about my family that makes us so damn irresistible to you Germans?”
Notes: This is just such a laugh, I love it
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JOEL FARABEE/CARTER HART (you know when you’re not that invested in a pairing but some of the writing for it is just so good? this is me with this)
pour some sugar on him and blame it on the rain - (T, 5,719 words, Magical Realism)
Carter is a witch working the convenience store night shift. Joel is a regular customer who just can’t seem to stop getting cursed. Morgan is mostly along for the ride.
Notes: Fun! Shenanigans!
You look so sweet in the heat of the summer (E, 5,319 words)
Carter's fed up with feeling like he’s wasting his summer, out of sync with his friends, watching the days dwindle down with nothing to show for it.
He’s not sure what he expects Joel to be able to do about that feeling, but at least he’s a promised distraction.
Notes: This is so great at capturing a Very Specific summer vibe. End notes changed my whole opinion on ‘Tis The Damn Season, lmao. I cry now.
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paging-possum · 5 months
so. my last dnd character :0 We never actually finished this dnd campaign since our dnd group seems to have a curse of imposters syndrome and can only do prewritten campaigns at the moment (we’re playing curse of strahd at the moment yipee :]]) BUT!!
Caryln Folkor my beloved <33 I want to play her again so bad you have noo idea- She was a halfling warlock with her brother’s spirit being her patron! Her whole backstory was that she grew up in her family’s butcher business and worked there when she was old enough (just realised she’s probably got muscle so good for her)! But then she realised in her late teens that her family was commiting cannabalism (or cutting up any other fantasy race for their butcher business so no cow,pig,chicken etc etc) and she tried to run away when she found that out but then got trapped in her own home and was forced to work in the actual preparing of the meat (since before she’d just worked at the counter)- and one time she went to dinner and had meat ofc and her brother wasn’t at the dinner table!
She realised afterwards that the meat she’d eaten that night had been from her brothers corpse (eidgdkevdkdgsks) and now is haunted by said brother’s ghost. She ended up being able to escape and now she’s 28 and working at a bakery and thats where the actual campaign’s plot starts ajdhsk- i realised how fucked up her backstory is oh noo also not sharing the campaign plot here since idk if you’re intrested in that(if you are i will happily blab about it lmao) and that would also make this ask wayyy to long
OKOK anywaysss yeah :0
YIPPEEE tragic that the campaign never finished but curse of strahd sounds so fun!! someday she will return to u, I will manifest for you 🙏🙏 AND THE WAY MY JAW DROPPED AT HER BROTHER NOT BEING AT HER DINNER TABLE IS SO??? SLKDFS ?????? Is there any reason they killed her brother or not??? thats so awful for her, but thank goodness she got out! I AM very curious as to the campaign plot now!! what happened to her and her brother? also realizing that you make a lot of characters haunted by ghosts 😳 which is pretty cool, being literally haunted by your past....
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girlbob-boypants · 5 months
Climbs inside your inbox. And what if I want to hear about azure and rahas dynamic :3?
LMAO okok yeah fair I should've expected this.
Under the cut. This is a ramble.
So in the start of the Crystal Tower arc, Azure considers Graha to be something of a...petulant brat. Often reminding him of a child who thinks being given a job means they're a grownup now. Of course, this was back when Azure was MUCH quieter, so he said nothing. Just judged with his mean gay stare.
As their time in the Tower continues, Azure does warm up *slightly* to Raha. Since Azure is newer to studying magic than...literally everyone around him in this scenario, the two end up talking a lot. Especially since Azure has a crash course in Allagan magic that no one else has had access to yet (Ymhitra is still writing the research paper).
Raha is a giant dork so obviously he's enamored with the WoL the entire time (loser). Doesn't pick up on the fact that Azure doesn't particularly like him and that stubborn drive to be friendly is what gets Azure to warm up.
When Raha decides to give up his life to the tower to preserve it, Azure is...frankly offended. The Allagans deserve no such sacrifice, in his opinion, and for it to be done by someone with such a zest for life and a hard childhood infuriates him. He openly says "fuck their wishes." and calls them monsters/warmongers who have no right to make demands of anyone.
The last thing Raha heard from Azure was "You are a fool and an imbecile and I wash my hands of this." before the au ra stormed off.
Their dynamic at the start of SHB is JUST as one sided as it is in CT if not moreso. Because G'raha Tia is a fool and an imbecile and Azure wishes he could wash his hands of all this.
In truth, I think Raha would think Azure hates him and would hate him more if Azure knew the truth. And that's part of why the Exarch keeps his identity a secret.
Azure is so skilled at being cold and making a person feel judged. And the Exarch has been kidnapping his friends' souls and seemed to genuinely think approaching Azure like a friend would be fine.
But Raha can't help being enamored with how kind Azure is to other people. Particularly the twins. He's sweet and supportive and quick to protect people. A storybook hero, truly. And easy to romanticize.
It makes what Raha is asking Azure to do twist the knife in his gut that much more.
This will now get less thoughtful cause eepy and I've been rambling.
Their relationship picks up towards the end. They enjoy an old man/disabled moment sitting together. What with all that Crystal and Azure fucking. Dying. Raha has all sorts of feelings about Azure saying "I've always wondered what it'd be like to go on an adventure just for fun."
Post reveal and Emet defeat, the two actually start to talk. Azure apologizes. Graha apologizes. Azure tells Graha to keep apologizing, reminding him the list is quite long.
The Scions note how quickly the two seem to get along once Azure gets over his frustrations. They just...click well together.
Feelings turn romantic quickly, but nothing comes of it. The two share lingering touches.
Raha wishes Azure wasn't so...comfortable being in revealing clothes now.
Things become *actually* romantic at some point post return to the Source. Come sit in Azure's lap babygirl.
I'm skipping EW for now but Raha has to accept the fact that his new boyfriend comes with two teenage adopted children. Insert Yshtola laughing at the little family in front of her when Alisaie, Raha, and Azure are all reading with the first two falling asleep.
Ok enjoyyyyyyyyyy.
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baahsu · 1 year
hellooo baah :))) ive yet again come here to ask your opinion on smthn vs(cest) related bc i love your takes :]. so, how d'you feel about the vs sibs having a system (and kinda a kink ig? idk them and their possessive asses prolly find it hot lmao) where whenever a person one of them likes wears their color, that means that person has been 'claimed' by whomever's color they decided to wear?
^ that was a shitty ass explanation so let me give you a somewhat less shitty example: reiju wants to hit up some hot maid girl in the castle and said hot maid girl in the castle realizes this and chooses to wear pink accents in her outfit the next day. this means she 'belongs' to reiju bc shes sporting her color. ya feel me?
now, does this *stop* the other siblings from hitting on a claimed person? oh no not at all lmao- not if the sibling finds the person attractive and wants to fuck them. the color system's basically just a warning to the others that if you hit on the claimed person and the sibling who 'owns' them isn't comfortable with sharing they get a free pass to rag on your ass lmao
BUT. thats just the system for ppl who the sibs wanna fuck. but when the sibs wanna fuck *EACH OTHER…*
imagine ichiji sitting at the breakfast table one morning with subtle green accents to his outfit- a detail everyone but his siblings (and maybe ceaser bc the vs sibs sex life is his favorite soap opera lmao) would miss, signifying that he wants to be dicked down by yonji sometime during the day. or reiju coming last to train because her nails are now a nice shade of blue as she looks at niji with a subtle flirtatious smile (hes getting pegged later :]). or sanji picking up on the system during wci and choosing to wear just *slightly* visible red lingerie under his dress shirt to signifying to ichiji that he needs to be the one ripping it off later
okok do you SEE my vision? yes? no? maybe? well either way my whole ass reason for writing this was:
just. thinking about niji abusing the fuck out of this system and becoming the whore he's always deserved to be. like he'd choose a different color every day- his normal fit being subtly paired with something else. maybe its red cufflinks, pink-accented headphones, combat boots that shine green in the sun, midnight black goggles (dont ask how sanji would be around to pick up on this after wci its a smut ask it doesnt need to make sense igsiagigwigw), or even a mix. whoevers attention he was wanting that day, he'd subtly send them a message, and make sure they see it.
this all climaxing when all of 0134 are done with his "disloyal" (they drc they just wanna excuse to fuck that twink) ass and decide to momentarily team up, ignoring him for an entire day but making sure he sees the way they're all hitting on *each other", leaving niji horny, pissed and alone and struggling to go to bed...
..until 0134 all bust down nijis door at like midnight and fuck him to tears. yonji fucking him until his thighs and legs are numb, ichiji making him practically choke to death on his cock, sanji riding his dick till hes screaming n crying, and reiju sitting on/riding his face so hard he cant breathe. theyre all saying shit like "if youre really *that* desperate for all of our attention then just say it, whore" and nijis trying to be snarky and talk back but hes too busy drooling and begging for more to even formulate a sentence
this ends with one of them (coughichijicough) saying something like "if you don't want this embarrassment to happen to you again then pick a damn color, you slut." before they all leave him sweaty and reeking of sex..
he wears the most abhorntly mismatched outfit ever of red, green, pink, and black the next day btw :3cc
AND SCENE LMAO. sending my weekly ask and making it niji related bc i dont write abt him enough <3<3
You say you like my takes but I feel like yours are always so much better and so muchore thought out 🫣💜
Like, when you mentioned the color system my mind immediately went to niji practically wearing a rainbow outfit
At first he just wanted to mess with everyone, get them all on edge and feel like he has some control over them, like he's interested in all of them, but who does he want first? He's not gonna tell 🤭 they need to find out and fight for his time and attention 🤭
He didn't count on them not getting caught in his little trap tho and the result was exactly as you said
He learned his lesson and from then onwards decided to keep wearing his ridiculous rainbow outfits, a slut like him needs to be constantly put in his place and he'll make sure his siblings are doing their job on that 😌
(ok but I just have to say that the dynamics you wrote between niji and the four are everything I could've asked for?? Like, are you reading my mind bc from him choking on ichiji's dick to reiju riding his face and sanji riding him and yonji fucking him to next week??? I'm??? Perfectly curated to my very specific tastes, it felt like a five course meal 😋)
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