#old isn't bad if it still works
lruff685 · 2 months
I'm currently standing in front of my stove and went down a bit of a rabbit hole because I've always assumed it's older than me, but wasn't sure. It is. It was made in February of 1976. My mom and dad 'officially' started dating that year. I complain about it sometimes because it has three small burners and only one large one, is missing an oven rack, and needs the rarer kind of drip plates.
But it hasn't failed; it still serves its purpose and shows no sign of stopping, and that's truly impressive.
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nono-uwu · 8 months
I really dig the new designs, so orng blorbos + (rui)kasa doing whatever that is (just them bc motivation ran out to do more)
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Unblurred Kasa + og screenshot utc
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jetantifa · 3 months
I don't accept that the Fire Nation should be allowed to keep their monarchy and maybe Zuko tries and tries to cling onto power because he's convinced he can change things in the Fire Nation from the inside out. It's ill thought out, he's naive but he's desperate to try and the Avatar lets him, just as misguided.
Zuko talks the right talk when he's suggesting they need to pull back from the Earth Kingdom, but when an advisor points out that the quarry only exists because the firebenders made it possible to mine, that if they're pulling troops back then Earthbenders will lose their jobs, and what else will they find to do? Will they go backwards without people to guide them? He sounds troubled as he says it, it reminds Zuko of Iroh and something in him twists.
Zuko doesn't recognise it for what it is he's done until the military stationed there are drowned out, like rats, and the advisor begins to let spite bleed into his words, when he calls the Earth kingdom leeches who don't even know what's good for them because they aren't accepting that hand the fire nation offered them, and Zuko can't find a reason to disagree, he knows they can't govern themselves
It keeps happening, nobility stopping him from doing a smooth, clean break, a unit gets maimed, and Zuko doesn't know how to navigate it, he doesn't even know who could be involved. It's tied to the Earth kingdom but that just draws suspicion, after all, wasn't Zuko in Ba Sing Se for a while? Who's to say he wasn't murdering them in cold blood to stir some terror, to make his advisors push back, Ozai liked to do this then cut down anyone too unwilling to fall into line quickly.
The way it looks to the people, he's attempting to snatch away power from the nobility who usually back him, his family? Zuko can't get rid of them, because he knows too much change could set up a coup, so he's moving slowly, but in doing so, he's not removing fire nation bases, or pearing down his army, he's stagnant. When people start talking about Ozai again, in whispers, he doesn't understand, he thought if the head of the snake was removed, the rest would follow along so he could rebirth the fire nation into a new era.
But the imperialistic fire nation was always more than one man, it's systematic, it's a disease and Zuko only realises it when the walls are closing in and he's abdicating under threat of being usurped, he's stuck trying to figure out what's happening and anyway, I just think Zuko finding the freedom fighters, with Jet alive and making sense of what the fire nation represents, that the advisors and nobility obviously don't want to let go of their power because war is profitable, so ofc they dress it up as benevolent rather than controlling
I just think class traitor Zuko finally joining the freedom fighters could be so fun because the Palace was always stifling but he's only realising it when he's in the trees again, when the blue spirit comes alive again because you can't wash away 100 years of imperialism when it's embedded in the structure itself and they should start getting along in their shared ideal of wanting to resist. For Zuko it's to remove the rot, the corruption from the Fire Nation, for Jet and his people, to get the Fire Nation army to stop oppressing them, to leave them to govern themselves.
That it's Fire Nation propaganda that they (the Earth kingdom) can't function without the Fire Nation, it's nothing more than a way for the Fire Nation bourgeoisie to line their pockets because war is far more profitable than demilitarising like Zuko wanted so ofc they'd be at odd ends with him
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 months
There is an ocean of difference between institutional/systemic poverty and situational poverty, and I never ever want to conflate the two. But I am gonna say it- situational poverty still sucks and the financial exploitation of graduate students needs to end. It should not be an expectation that you'll be living in functional poverty for several years to get an advanced degree. But it is. It absolutely is, ask anyone who's been through it- people treat it like some rite of passage. But no one ever seems to question it. We do so much work and receive so little compensation for it, if any at all, and especially with the economy being what it is right now? It's fucking criminal.
Graduate students should receive a stipend that covers the average cost of living in the area of their school and that should be the bare fucking minimum.
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pennielane · 1 year
in my brief absence from here i’ve managed to fall in love with a man 11 years older than me
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giftedpoison · 26 days
thinking about how the other day I felt happiness for the first time in a long time (like happiness about where I am at in life and joy for my future plans. Like I was working 8-4:30 and I was thinking about how I was going to do a few ubereats runs until 6ish after and then come home and get to write and crack open my kung fu binder again that I've been working with to prove to myself I'm ready to go back)
usually I just feel content at like a 5 sometimes if I go to a concert or whatever it can get up to 6,7,8. but that's it
and I have that persistent depression disorder. that i never remember how to spell.
So you can imagine my surprise when i genuinely just felt happy and at peace? And i had mania by fob album stuck in my head. life was good.
I then got sucker punched by my physical health symptoms that were really bad and almost collapsed and could not hold myself up so I was leaning on a cart not moving when it hit 4:30. And did not do anything that I planned to after work because of it.
the key is i felt happiness for the first time in forever.
#and the thing is I think it was because I finally decided it might be time for me to go back to kung fu after taking a year and a half off#because I quit because I couldn't get myself to go to lessons and then I also couldn't get myself to practice outside of class#PLUS at the time I had just started medication for my panic attacks had recently developed a tic disorder#and was working at a job that was slowly killing me#and I was really just trying to figure my shit out#(the last day I was really able to meaningfully attend was for my belt test that I passed but I had a massive panic midway through because#I had also started zoloft that day and it didn't occur to me taking a kung fu test designed to mimic a fight and breed endurance in a fight#aka get my heartrate up would be a bad idea with starting zoloft designed to slow my heart rate)#but the thing about kung fu is it was always something that brought so much joy and happiness#if I was struggling to get there I'd come home and be so energized and excited and happy#and I think I'm finally in a place where I can have it back? (idk juries still out on the health issues)#because I spent all of 2023 working on myself and my mental health and I quit my old job this past september#and I have a new job#plus a direction in life??? like I'm stage managering for some bands at a fest#and then later stage managering for a renn faire#while I'm working part time at target#and finally retail isn't my main gig (i used to be full time) but the side gig to take me where I want to go#And like recently I ran into someone from kung fu while I was working and they were so excited to see me#and I want to go back so bad because it's nice to know that she and a couple other people (she mentioned I was brought up recently) still#remember me and wonder where I went even a year and a half later
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For once I would like to work at a place where me calling off doesn't result in a guilt trip. Sorry I'm the only responsible employee there but I was literally hyperventilating at the idea of letting my manager down bc I woke up and instantly started bawling about everything and could not face work. And my stomach has been murdering me from all the anxiety I've been dealing with so I literally can barely function anyway.
#like it is not my fault our newest employee can't remember anything. i trained her for over a month honestly. she still can't remember where#half the buttons on the screen are or what they do. I'm half convinced she has dementia bc she's asked me multiple times what year it is#when she was doing her paperwork. like even at my first job i was left alone more than my boss will let this woman. she refuses to let her#close alone. and like i know it'll go bad. but it is not my responsibility to babysit a 65 year old. i trained her and i know i trained her#well bc the other 2 people i trained did not have this amount of issues. i am not an assistant. your shitty company will not give me that#position even though i asked. i am the same rank as everyone else working there and i cannot have anymore stress right now or i will fucking#quit. the other girl that works here just got her wisdom teeth out and she'll be down for the count. not like she was much use anyways. but#i do not understand why my manager is making it all my problem when i taught our new employee everything. i was working by myself here for#entire shifts by the time i was here a month. the store might burn down if she does but Jesus Christ not everything is my responsibility#when my manager isn't there. I'm not the fucking assistant. I'm a fucking cashier. like I'm about to stop doing all the things i was doing#to try to get them to promote me to assistant. cause it obviously didn't fucking work. not gonna go around and make a list of everything#expiring this month. not gonna obsessively organize and stock the cooler. I'm tired of being the only one that does it and does it right#anyway. it's so fucking exhausting. like last week i was so anxious and upset i was throwing up. i couldn't have gone to work if i tried.#now I'm just over being the useful one bc it never got me fucking anywhere.
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rivilu · 2 years
While we all know about Hawke's character-assasination in inquisition, I personally remain.. preplexed? a morbid kind of impressed? with how that game also managed to butcher my Warden with only about 5 lines of dialogue referring to him and a letter.
#dragon age#dai critical#mostly everything leliana says#because look. they were friends in origins. But it was doomed from the get-go#and that's kind of the beauty of it in origins isn't it? The setting of war makes a lot of room for relationships that would in any other-#place in time- any other scenario be impossible- to happen!#for Orion this applies to Sten and Morrigan too.#The whole thing of- one day you will walk out of Denerim and into a life that will entirely contrast my every value;#Stealing Dalish artifacts. Becoming Arishok. Working as left hand of the Divine.#Next time we see eachother chances are we will no longer be on the same side#we both know this but tonight we still gather around the campfire. we still sing. we still laugh; exchange gifts and talk about the world.#it's bittersweet yes but it's the type of tragedy that feels like everyone involved already knows and is at peace about it#So when inquisition comes around and Leliana tells me Orion is still a close friend of hers? It feels like it cheapens the whole thing#Yes the devs can't possibly account for every possible way either installment can be played just for those small moments#But that is WHY they should either be bringing the old protagonists back as playable or simply not include them at all#The warden I made would not even leave room to question that he and leli are now on hostile terms#and he CERTAINLY would not send a polite little letter to a force whose purpose is to restore the chantry to power#And then you have the throne room chatter. which i straight up hate im not going to be poetic about it#the fucking da keep remains horrendous#oh we desperately need to have shithead npcs shittalk the hof . what? your hof did NOTHING that would warrant that? haha too bad#you simply can't pick what you actually DID in those quests#You found Bevin didnt take the sword and just gave them 5 gold out of the goodness of your heart? No you didnt#You just persuaded the random mercenaries in the gnawed noble tavern to leave? No you killed them#it infuriates me
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
One of the biggest reasons I try to recruit all the characters in Three Houses isn’t just because I don’t want to kill them, but because if I do, I still have to go back to the monastery afterward. I still have to pass by their dorm rooms full of their belongings and know that’s where they spent their alone time and where they slept. I still have to pass by the spots they frequented the most. It’s not just the sad dialogue of characters reacting to the deaths, but passing by the spots I vividly remembered them hanging out at.
I realized this most in my first playthrough when I didn’t have the chance to recruit everyone and I accidently killed Raphael at Gronder. I didn’t have the enemy attack range turned on so I didn’t realize he was in range of attacking.
During an exploration, I was looking for Ignatz who was, unfortunately, in his dorm room... and I walked into the wrong room and into Raphael’s after he was killed and man that fuckin’ sucked! Feels bad but like, multiplied with big numbers, u kno??? ???
#DCB Comments#I also didn't get to recruit Ferdie in my first playthrough which is what I mean about#characters mentioning others dying. like Dorothea saying ''we killed Ferdie'' didn't hit nearly as hard as#walking into now dead Raphael's room and seeing all his stuff still lying around the way it was left when everyone had to flee#AND THE WORST PART? it's not like I MEANT to go into his room and stew on it. I completely accidentally walked into it#because I was trying to find/talk to Ignatz who was in his own room. MIND YOU after that I made it a point to NOT#walk into Ferdie's room and have that same thought process! because like. Raphael isn't one of my faves#and it was a huge Feels BAD Man moment walking into HIS room#forget if I walked into the room of someone I loved!!! I did try to recruit him but it just didn't work fast enough#I BARELY got Caspar in that run bc it was the final month which is only two weeks and I think I actually#didn't even get him the first week. I'm pretty sure I got him on the absolute last week so literally on#the absolute last possible exploration for recruiting. I had Linhardt already so I was hellbent on getting Caspar#bc I didn't want them to have to be enemies. basically I'd watched the game online already before playing#bc I didn't own the game or a Switch for a while after the game was out. I knew the spot you fight them at#and that they're both in the same chapter as enemies if not recruited which meant that if I only got Linhardt#that Caspar would be alone as my enemy and he wouldn't even have his best buddy there AND they'd be enemies#also tho Raphael just hit hard because I may not consider him a fave at all but he was still a nice dude you know??? ??? ???#like he's just a regular nice guy vibing and like... realizing that gentle nice man was killed in war#and walking into his old room was SADS. very big sads#DCB Three Houses Stuff
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miraclemaya · 11 months
hmmm.... ideas in my head
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jewishcissiekj · 5 months
as much as I like Cavan Scott and Dooku: Jedi Lost I can not wrap my head around Ky Narec willingly staying on Rattatak with A FORCE-SENSITIVE CHILD HE SHOULD'VE TAKEN TO THE TEMPLE for like about 20 years because he thinks he should be in exile??? I might have misunderstood it but that's such an insane concept. What would make him do that.
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
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prismatoxic · 10 months
loving the timeline i got to witness of:
-yahtzee reviews a game on zero punctuation -in the course of the script he finds a reason to bring up ayn rand/atlus shrugged, mostly as a joke -brings up ayn rand again as the closing punchline -final credits message is "bioshock was a good game wasn't it" -one day later the escapist uploads a new extra punctuation about why bioshock's opening is amazing
did you get bioshock on the brain by any chance, mr. croshaw?
idk what his schedule of making ZP/EP looks like, though i do suspect that EP might possibly be visually edited by someone else? i'm like 99% sure yahtz still does ZP by himself except to pass it by matt the editor for notes on where he should maybe swear less, but EP is kind of visually different (despite using yahtzee's art still) so maybe he just reads his script and lets matt do the visuals? idk. the man's busy he puts out 2 videos like every week, i wouldn't blame him
regardless, my point is that idk where in the process he decided to make an EP on bioshock, but the idea of him writing the sea of stars script, thinking about ayn rand a little too hard, and getting on a bioshock kick because of it is pretty damn funny
if he addresses this in the bioshock video i'm going to feel very silly but i was just taking a food + youtube break so i only watched the sea of stars review for now
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wachi-delectrico · 1 year
Tbh i don't know what to think of AI art anymore. I don't find any utility, personally, in centring the discussion on law and copyright; there are far more interesting things to discuss on the topic beyond its use as a replacement for human artists/workforce by the upper class
#rambling#i am not saying i think using AI image generation to replace human artists and leave them jobless is a good thing - i do think that is bad#there are real concern on the ethics of its use and creation of image generation models#but i think focusing only on things like how ''off'' or ''inhuman'' it looks or how ''soulless'' it is are not only surface level complaint#but also call to question again the age old debate of what is art and what isn't and why some art is and why some isn't#and also the regard of painting and other forms of visual art production as somehow above photography in the general conscience#i would love to really talk about these things with people but talking about ai art and image generation is a gamble between talking to#an insufferable techbro who only sees profits and an artist who shuts the whole idea off without nuisance#i have seen wonderful projects by human artists using ai image generation software in creative ways for example#are those projects not art? if they are are they only art because they were made by someone already regarded as an artist?#there are also cool ai-generated images by random people who don't regard themselves as artists. are they art? why or why not?#the way AI image generation works - using vast arrays of image samples to create a new image with - has been cited#as a reason why ai-generated images aren't ''real art''. but is that not just a computer-generated collage? is it not real because it was#made by an algorithm?#if i - a human artist - get a bunch of old magazines and show them to an algorithm to generate new things from them#or to suggest ways in which new things could be made#and then i took those suggestions and cut the magazines and made the collage by hand. is that still art? did it at some point become art#or cease to be art?#i think these things are far more intriguing and important to get to the root of ethical AI usage in the 21st century than focusing on laws
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jupitersflytrap · 8 months
just finished watching flux. christ that was fucking boring.
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
argh you just know there’s something a little shady under that whole retirement situation :))))
#sorry i have an unhealthy parasocial attachement to that old man but#like#either he unfollowed them bc retiring bc of health concerns is probably not fun and having the whole travel log rubs salt on the wound#which is the charitable explanation but still depressing#or he might've been forced into retirement or smth and there's bad blood :)))))#right when nikki talks about making new material#mick ''unclear status in the band as so far a touring retirement was retirement from all meaningful activities of the band'' mars#unfollows their social media#like he WAS kinda sweeped under the rug following retirement but it's not necessarily out of character for him#at least whether he likes it or not that's how he's handled it since he's been in motley#but like. is it that crazy to think it COULD have happened that he's being excluded from this hypothetical new music#and isn't taking it well#like i'm not trying to say the others are horrible evil assholes like just the geographical distance will cause exclusion#and while that would be painful to everyone to be excluded in such a way it's not necessarily ethically wrong or whatever#we don't know what they discuss or not and what kind of internal agreement they have#BUT THEY DO HAVE A HISTORY OF BEING PETTY BITCHES#AND IT WOULDN'T BE TOO FAR FETCHED TO SAY THEY MIGHT'VE WENT AND BEEN DICKS TO EACH OTHER AGAIN#WOULDN'T BE THE FIRST TIME#like idk if say. i was in mick's shoes. and i. say. learned from social media that the band i'm supposed to work with is making new music#without me#after 40 years#and didn't warn me or didn't discuss this with me or something#i'd be pretty pissed#now of course i'm not saying this is what happened#i'm just saying it might have happened#and the entire basis of this anyway is that i'm very sad my parasocially beloved old man might be upset#and the status quo of general peace and happiness my parasocially beloved band might be disturbed#and i need to talk it out#so yeah#broadcasting my misery
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