#old tmi tuesday ask
flashmod · 10 months
TMI Tuesday: What are your favorite moments from when you were active in Scouting?
I have a lot of favorite moments when I was active in scouting.
One of them was being able to see the full night sky for the first time, with no light pollution, a clear sky, AND no moon light.
I tell yah, my neck was hurting a lot with how much I was looking up.
If you guys want more boy scout stories, don't be afraid to ask.
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ineffabildaddy · 4 months
TMI Tuesday asks: pls share a snippet from "i'm on fire"??
Also, word search prompts in any WIP: pink, firm ;)
oops, i just realised i never posted this😭
i answered the first Q here👀
pink (you can guess what fic this is from ehe):
Reclining serenely in the armchair was.... well, it was Aziraphale, there was no doubt about that, and yet... he was entirely changed. Subverted, it seemed. His tufty platinum-blond curls had been replaced by looping ringlets, long enough to run one's fingers through for several seconds, with bolts of grey striking through the black sheen of their roots. Aziraphale's customary clean-shaven look had given way to a well-kept salt-and-pepper moustache and beard; the hair comprising its makeup was slightly rough at the ends, but its shaped edges were clearly sculpted meticulously. The beard seemed to emphasise the slope of Aziraphale's cheekbones, which pointed northwards towards dark, groomed eyebrows and southwards towards a pair of lips so lusciously pink that they were positively vulgar to behold. In contrast, his eyes were not so much glowing with their customary shimmer but searing cold as dry ice, the clarified azure hue of their irises igniting crepuscular pupils, which were dilating at an alarming rate.
i do have firm a couple times in a very secret gift exchange project, so you'll see that soon heheehehe
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temper-temper · 1 year
What if you went Super Saiyan 3?
I’d probably be quite swol
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fearandhatred · 4 months
For the tmi tuesday fanfic game, is there the words "window" or "water" in your wips??
HI BESTIE I DO INDEED. not the word window somehow but i do have water! ...a lot actually because. holy water and all that. but here's a snippet with the word water that is not in fact related to holy water.
this is from an unpublished fic you asked about months ago actually but i shall give the premise again for ease: the fic (freudian theory and complex humanity) is post-final fifteen and it's just crowley hanging out with his duck friend that he met at st james's park in 1967 and made immortal—not illegal if no one knows!. the duck is called esther, and it's explained in the first chapter that crowley named her after queen esther (may not be a biased decision stemming from the fact that esther is my favourite book of the bible). the whole fic is just crowley going to meet esther at the park and they talk shit about each others' tragic lives because ducks have struggles too or whatever.
here's one snippet (your ask lmaoo) and another one
the context of this snippet—i'll shut up soon—is right after aziraphale leaves and esther loses one of her children (because she's old as hell), and crowley starts to feel guilty for making her immortal. skipped some parts in the middle because it's very long. and also it's unpolished because this was just written in my planning doc lol
"Do you really want this?" Crowley asks her, his voice just another ghost haunting the heavy air around them. "You'll see all your children die. Your grandchildren. I could reverse it all for you, if you wanted." "No one knows me like you do," she says in reply. "That won't matter when you're gone." "No one knows you like I do," she counters. "That would matter when I'm gone." "And whose fault is that?" Crowley asks bitterly. "It's not your… your duty, your burden, to hold onto the things that matter to me. Surely you can't live just for that." [...] She pushes on. "You said just now that I can't just live to make sure you have things that matter to you. But why not? It's always such a joy to see you. It's such a joy to love and know you are loved." To love. Crowley recalls their meeting, ages ago. That late morning sun and early spring wind, a duck and a demon and an angel. "What are we but the things we love," he murmurs, remembering. Esther hums. "Nothing," she says, just like she had said that day. Crowley inhales unsteadily, squeezing his eyes shut. He thinks of an angel. Esther hops onto his lap, pressing close against him. His tears soak into his jacket and her feathers. She feels sad. For him, and for herself. To her, it all just feels like water.
ask game
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endreal · 1 year
what, and i mean this from the absolute core of me, do i need to do? this can be answered as frivolously or as seriously as your divination sees fit, you've never steered me wrong on matters great, small, or vague.
Drink a dr pepper, get to some place you feel comfy being loud, take some deep breaths, and sing something about it. Make it up or an old favorite - whatever comes to your heart and throat.
I'm thinking a metal lunchbox, a floppy case full of burnt CDs, and the colors that an octopus glows under a black light to you if you need them. 💙🦇
~Send me anons and asks for TMI Tuesday fun and prophet!~
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waitingtobebroken · 2 months
TMI Tuesday!
Yes, @weasleywrinkles tagged me last week and I only saw it last Friday, even though I basically live on this website? So what of it?
These are ALL of my current WIPs! I have been exceptionally good and have actually managed to get them down to a reasonable level 🤭
-Ghost hunters AU, as part of The Ineffable Meet-Cute Series, in which Aziraphale and Crowley host a ghost hunting show. Crowley is skeptical, Aziraphale is smitten and they bicker like an old married couple even though they haven't even kissed! There are ghosts and there is flirting and at some point there is even some Aziraphale carrying Crowley bridal style due to some very unfortunate decisions our demon made!
-Snake AU. Okay, so, fair warning this is actual filth. Like, I have no excuse for this??? While researching snake behaviour for my Vet AU, I found some very interesting things about the way snakes act when they are trying to mate and thus... this fic was born. In it, Crowley is trying to seduce Aziraphale like a snake would but doesn't realise it. Aziraphale, who has read every book about snakes and even written some, DOES realise it and is trying desperately to get laid. A comedy of errors ensues.
-And the last one which is a very tentative thing BUT it's still standing proud in my WIP folder, is another one shot for the Flowers From The Grave Of Our Friendship (the pining while fucking fic). It's from Aziraphale's POV and is set in 3004 A.D., when our angel first realised he had feelings for Crowley. Very soft and just SLIIIIIGHTLY angsty haha!
If any of these sound interesting, send me an ask about them! 🥰🥰
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eldritch-thrumming · 5 months
i have a perhaps tmi question so tw for periods and covid but i’m starting to get kinda worried and idk who is to ask abt this
the wednesday after christmas, i started feeling kinda sick and by friday i had a fever and sore throat/cough. i ended up self-isolating for a whole week but didn’t take a covid test because i was only really sick for the one day and didn’t have any tests on hand. i only had a fever for one day though on that friday. the following monday i got my period as scheduled and i usually get my period for abt a week, so monday-monday of prime bleeding hours (it tapers off usually by the last three days, but i still bleed enough to wear tampons/pads during the day). monday it seemed like i’d stopped bleeding as normal so i stopped wearing them, but tuesday i was spotting just a little.
but by wednesday i was bleeding heavily enough that i stained a pair of my jeans and i began wearing a tampon just in case and i’ve been bleeding since then, enough that i need to wear a tampon during the day (i don’t wear anything to sleep).
has this happened to anyone else??? if i’m still bleeding by wednesday im gonna go to the student health center regardless but like how worried should i be?? it started out as like brown old blood looking (like normal spotting/end of period stuff) but now it’s red. i’ve heard covid fucks with your hormones and i had much lighter periods for the year after i was vaccinated but nothing like this has ever happened to me in the six years i’ve been off birth control (i’m not sexually active either and haven’t been for five years).
ok so how worried should i be? no other period symptoms, no cramps, no soreness, just bleeding.
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flashmod · 9 months
TMI Tuesday: What do you feel when some stores start playing Christmas songs in November?
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Mod: I try and be patient with it.
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eirian-houpe · 3 months
Monday... Menu?
Hi all.
The astute among you will have noticed I've mostly been away. Well... now I'm back, and I want to try and do things a little differently around here. This is, I guess the TL:DR version of what I'm about to write, some of which will be under a cut I suspect, because it's kind of long.
Be patient with me though.
At the end of August in 2023, the new school year started, and as a Special Education teacher, it's aways a bit of an insane time. I work at a very large high school, and out department should have had seven teachers. We had four. We were understaffed, scrambling to cover the classes for the missing teachers, and basically drowning in the new referrals - even MORE students showing up with special educational needs.
Add in to that mix my own neurodiversity, mental health needs, and a very busy home life, and something had to give. I was coming home stressed, exhausted, totally triggered almost 100% of the time. I literally didn't have the spoons to created content - especially not as it was all largely ignored anyway, only adding to my sense, rightly or wrongly, of failure.
No, I'm not being bitter or calling anyone out, just telling it like it is, and the result of all that was I didn't have the time or energy to be fully present here like I wanted. I pottered, I reblogged, but rare was the occasion when I actually wrote anything of worth.
But I miss my communities, and I miss being here, and now we're coming to the last quarter of a nutso school year, I'm feeling I might have a little more time and energy to jump back in.
However, some things have changed, and I want to reflect the new/old me in a way that is more authentic. so here are some of the things I came up with this afternoon that you might see appearing on this blog in the coming days and weeks.
Monday: The Monday Menu: what it says on the box. A plan for the week Monday Mmmm: There won’t always be one of these, just when something troubling or interesting crosses my path. Mental Health Monday: Post related to mental health Monday Meditation: A link to a meditation or guided meditation - maybe even sometimes by me. Morrigan's Monday: The Morrigan is my Matron Goddess, and I might sometimes share insights She gives to me.
Tuesday: TMI Tuesday: Ask me anything, it can be about fic, life, spirituality, whatever you'd like. Teaser Tuesday: Where I share something I've been working on Teaching (Tales) Tuesday: A story that teaches something that has crossed my path. Tolkien Tuesday: where I share something Tolkien related.
Wednesday: WIP Wednesday: News about by Works in Progress - fic and non fic alike. Whacky Wednesday: Something weird, funny or otherwise strange. Warrior Wednesday: Something fierce, powerful, not necessarily feminist but definitely a self advocacy thing. Wellness Wednesday: Where I share something related to physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health.
Thursday: Three Things Thursday: Where I share three things about a fic of anyone's choice, just send me an ask. Thoughts on Thursday: Random thoughts or rabbit holes I may or may not have fallen down.
Friday: Final Line Friday: Where I share things, and a final line of something I've written that week. Fandom Friday: Sharing something about one of my fandoms From Gwydion's Vault: Gwydion is my Patron God. In these posts I'll share some kind of wisdom or message I have received from Him.
Saturday: Saturday Secret: Where I share something from backstory, or some kind of secret about one of my WIPs Spiritual Saturday: A post based in spirituality - mine is Wicca.
Sunday: Seven Sentence Sunday: Where I share seven sentences from something I have written that week. Shifting Shape: Something transformative, either that I've written or that I've read, or otherwise come across in my journey that week.
Not everything will happen every week. Just this is a way to keep things fresh and interesting, to encourage me to write and share something each day.
Let me know in comments or reblogs if there's anything else you'd like to see me post.
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veronicaleighauthor · 3 months
WIP Tag Game!
I stole this from @thescholarlystrumpet.
Instead of regular TMI Tuesday, I thought I'd mix things up ;)
If you’re tagged, make a new post and share 1-2 sentences from your most recent unposted/unpublished WIP(s) with zero context- Let your followers guess!
Here were go! (Just a quick note to say none of the following has been edited.)
She burst into the waiting room, withdrew her weapon and disregarding the pain in her palm, she followed the sound of low chatter emanating from Ruth’s room. When she reached the doorway, she lowered her weapon and felt she could breathe normally again.
She sniffed, but not too deeply, lest the dreaded Spanish Influenza seep through her mask. A bit of cloth fashioned out of a cast-off apron; it was the only protection she had against it.
“Who’s that?” You asked, holding up an old, tattered sepia-toned photograph.
I took it and squinted; my heart clenched painfully. “I don't know, sweetie.” I fibbed, and slipped it into my apron pocket when you weren't looking.
Tagging: @rarepairheathen, @mollywog, @leni-ba, @batrachised, @heatherfield, @theswiftandjonesmysteries, @galactic-pirates, @ishtarelisheba
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asklostcelestia · 1 year
TMI Tuesday 2/21/23 Masterpost
Thank you everyone for sending in asks on yesterday’s TMI Tuesday! I compiled all the answers and will delete all the individual posts to tidy up the blog. I also included the original description and transcribed the images!
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asktwilighteclipse: To mod how are you doing?
Good! I had an easy day at work so it went by fast. And my boyfriend of 5 years and I are officially getting married this year in April!
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flashtheponyofwind: What inspired you to do art?
As a kid I loved drawing, even more than the usual kid! Watching cartoons, playing pretend with my sister, and reading made me want to make my own stories and characters. It wasn’t until I started applying to college that I decided I would do art for a living!
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splungecoyote: Do you like your sandwiches cut diagonally or horizontally?
Diagonal all the way!! (Unless I am making a half sandwich of course)
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jdeck306: and to the mod: How long have you been drawing? And how did you design Sky and Fleet’s crew?
Originally, Fleet’s team were 3  white stallion pegasii  named after cloud types. Stratus, Cumulous, and Cirrus. Generic henchmen. When it was time to introduce them, though, I ended up going all out! Then I fell in love with them! This is how I imagined them to look.
Sky was going to appear on another, abandoned ask blog of mine. His very first design was so ugly, haha, he’s changed a lot! He was actually always meant to have Fleet Folly as a rival! So mad I lost Fleet’s original concept art.
The abandoned as blog is @ask-pencil-pusher​
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foodielovethealicorn: What do you fear?
Sometimes I worry my emotions aren’t real. Like I don’t feel them enough, or I am only telling myself I feel them. How do you even prove you really love or hate or feel sad about something? Also spiders.
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Yes, when I was a kid, but not in a while. I loved the early seasons. Favorite episodes are the one with “The Best Day Ever”, the one about Pearl’s birthday, and the one where Sponge and Pat paint inside Mr.Krabs’ house.
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foodielovethealicorn: Favorite G4 MLP episode? Favorite Song?
“Shadow Play” for making me ship TwiBurst. “It Ain’t Easy Being Breezie” for being good. “Keep Calm and Flutter On” because of Discord and also being a great episodes! Favorite songs are “Bats” and “Art of the Dress”.
Can't choose just one! Also assumed the songs referred to songs from the show, hah
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sm0lcatfish: to the mod! what inspired you to make ur sona a kirin(?) and whatnot? or was it just vibes alone
At the start of the year I redesigned my sona to be a bat! So I changed Page Turner to look similar. She’s not exactly a kirin, just a bat unicorn pony thing!
My sona (Mayor)'s new design was decided because I like bats/cats and because I like this shade of blue a lot. Her old design was fine, but was a bit too plain for my tastes, plus I had changed so much since I first designed her!
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flashtheponyofwind: Congrats on getting engaged! Soon you’ll be joining the “is married club”! We got cool jackets.
Anonyous: holy fuck congratulations on the marries!!!!
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an-immortal: How well can you handle spicy food?
I love salsa verde on tacos and spicey chicken curry!
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Anonymous: this is completely random but. thought on pizza tower if that’s a thing you know about?
All I know about it is what I get from one of the blogs I follow who thirsts over the chef dude.
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ember-rose-and-duskie: Do you have a favorite character design?
Don’t ask Kazz about Courtney, worst mistake of my life.
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Anonymous: What are your pronouns?
She/Her! My pony sona is named Page Turner, but you can call me Kazz!
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Anonymous: How do you stay motivated?
I’ve been told I have crazy work ethic before, and I love art so much, It’s what I spend most of my free time doing. I love to tell stories and see myself improve. I do it for me. You guys encourage me to continue, but that’s just a bonus.
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sm0lcatfish: what was the inspiration behind lost celestia? was she always intended to be a part of the sky warden+fleet folly sorta universe or did that come later?
In 2017 I sketched a drawing that looked kinda like this. I got the idea for a Celestia ask blog called “Tower Princess” where she would have amnesia, break out of a tower, and look wide eyes and emotionless. I didn’t follow through because I didn’t think I could accomplish it. So instead I started Ask Wizard Sunburst c:
Ask King Sombra was also inspiration for me finally starting this blog, as it showed me a story-driven ask blog could both be successful and include OCs in the main cast! As for Sky Warden, I very self indulgently included him so Celestia wouldn't just look around confusedly at everything without any dialogue or exposition. Lastly, Fleet was always a part of Sky's story, but him getting his own blog was an accident driven by me being Way Too Into My Own Characters hahah.
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Teashle: Your art is wonderful! It reminds me a lot of moonstuck. And congrats on marriage! Anyways: what are your inspirations?
Thank you! That’s the second time someone has mentioned moonstuck and I’m still not sure what it is! Most of my inspiration is from artists in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fandom on DA but I also am inspired by stuff like Avatar: TLA, The Underland Chronicles, Game of Thrones, Teen Titans.... It’s a wide variety of things!
From the comments:  It's a wonderful Tumblr comic about Princess Luna's time on the moon! https://at.tumblr.com/woonastuck/new-readers-read-this-first-sorry-if-this/2273esatacvv
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flashtheponyofwind: You like pokemon mystery dungeon too?! Which one is your favorite?!
I admit I haven’t played all the PMD games... BUT I have completed Blue Rescue Team dozens of times. I have been way into the comic/RPG groups on DeviantArt, though. I’ve also been working on my own PMD comic too.
PMD Ancient Revival is on ComicFury and DeviantArt
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TMI Tuesday! What lead you to Christ?
OOOO! I really like this one! It can be a simple answer and a complicated one depending on how I say it...
I grew up in a mostly Christian household and was witness to some miracles throughout my life. The list of what I've personally experienced can go on (and to be honest, some reading this may find it pretty stupid or illogical), and while I can't possibly list every single thing I've experienced supernaturally or through faith, I can list a few things! Get ready, cuz I'm gonna get into story-mode!
When I was about 4 years old, I lived in a house that was nearby a wooded area, but was separated by a big, dry weed field. It was wildfire season, and the wooded area had caught on fire and was headed to the field and our house. I remember the firefighters coming to take care of it, and my mom rushing me to my bedroom so I wouldn't see all the drama. But as I was headed there, I stopped by the windowsill and peeked my nose over the edge to look outside in the backyard, where the fire was happening a ways off. There, standing in the field, I saw a VERY tall individual dressed in pure white, glowing white, standing straight up, with a large sword in each hand by their side. They had this stern and serious look on their face. They turned their head towards our house, and towards the fire. That was an angel. And he was sent to protect us. And then my mom rushed me into my room, none the wiser of what I saw, until years later when I remembered and told her.
When I was in my early or mid 20s, a few years ago, I got to experience an angel (or the Holy Spirit) hugging me from behind in a church I didn't normally visit, but had made myself build up the courage to go to after not having gone to church at all for years due to severe social anxiety. They had a guest speaker that day, and I don't remember who he was, but he had somehow said something that allowed the Holy Spirit to make Himself known in the building. I was sitting at a pew, by myself. The one behind me was completely empty. As soon as that guest speaker asked the Holy Spirit to come over the church, I felt these two large, strong arms hug me from behind, like they belonged to someone who was very tall and was crouching down to hug me while I sat. It wasn't exactly physical, but it felt physical, but also in a spiritual sense. It's not something I can easily explain. But when I felt that embrace, I cried... It told me that God still saw me as someone worth loving and having a relationship with, no matter my past or present. I just needed to be open to Him... To be hugged by an angel...or perhaps the Holy Spirit... That is something I genuinely want EVERYONE to feel, because it is the most amazing experience.
Then there's my husband. <3 Ever since I was little, I felt it in my soul that I was supposed to marry someday. But, seeing so much divorce and heartache throughout life, as well as a cycle of self-hatred, can make receiving a lifelong best friend/significant other feel next to impossible. This story can be...the LONGEST one I'll EVER share if I go into every single little detail. I SWEAR, if I could write down EXACTLY EVERYTHING that lead to this miracle I now have with my beloved that God so graciously gave to me, I would probably be able to fill up a novel or more. The important thing to know is...there is absolutely NO WAY I would be living the life I do now, with the man that I love, had he and I not leaned on the Lord the whole way through. GOD made this marriage possible when we believed it to be impossible and, quite frankly, couldn't even begin to comprehend it. @fractiouslemonofficial, my husband, is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. And I love him so dearly. God has literally given me a miracle husband. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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kelyon · 6 months
TMI Tuesday!
Happy Boxing Day, Tumblr!
After a few weeks of things being more than a little hectic, both in my personal life and at work, I had an absolutely MARVELOUS Christmas weekend. It was simultaneously relaxing and productive. It was very chill, very calm. There was no talk of politics or social troubles. I wrote an entire chapter of Courtship over the course of two days.
You may have noticed that my long-promised winter solstice fic didn't get posted on the Solstice. We're just gonna have to live with that. Between this and Live Wire, I've learned that just because I have an idea for a long, that really isn't an indication of its potential as a good story. I do intend to finish Solstice and post it... at some point. The story is a sweet moment, but it didn't come with a hard deadline like my RSS fic, or a compelling plot like Courtship.
Speaking of which, Courtship is going to start posting on Friday January 5. I'm gonna try a weekly schedule for this one, instead of bi-weekly. I can't wait to show you guys how Lacey French became Mrs. Gold.
On Saturday, I posted my Rumbelle Secret Santa fic, Wrapping Up Her Christmas Gift. It's a loose sequel to my old fic Begging on His Bended Knees, another session with the same characters. This is two chapters of cross-dressing, pegging and pining. Kinky emotions, that's my jam.
I have been having lots of fun reading the RSS fics that my fellow Rumbellers have posted. I love this event, especially nowadays, because it seems to get people to come out of the woodwork. New authors have an excuse to get started, new readers have something to read, old writers and readers can both get back into the game. It's a magical time of the year.
In addition to being open to questions about my new fic, I am also going to post a list of "year in review" kind of questions. I don't know how much I'm going to get to them today. There are still parties and things to do between Christmas and New Year's. This might end up being a TMI week. Feel free to ask me anything, and have a fabulous day!
Wrapping Up Her Christmas Gift is here
My Inbox is here
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
Totally random TMI Tuesday question with absolutely no agenda attached: Off the top of your head, do you happen to know about how big Welsh corgis are when they're, say, nine weeks old? Asking for a friend.
HUGE. ENORMOUS. GARGANTUAN. This isn’t Reddit, so I don’t have a banana for scale, but I’ll do my best.
So as we all know, the Beast is really damn tall. I’d put him at, what, seven, eight feet?
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Look at that hand. It’s as big as her head.
Well, a nine week old corgi is even bigger than that. Observe:
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See how she towers over him? She must be at least ten feet tall and twenty feet long. This is rapidly becoming a Clifford situation.
They’re also completely vicious. It took a pack of wolves to bring the Beast down, and here she is attacking on her own. What a monster.
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TERRIFYING. Send help; I fear for my life.
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endreal · 2 years
morning! how do you take your waffles? and the what do you put on them? 🧇🧇🧇
I am a simple creacher. The best way to have a waffle is with just a bit of butter, and spread with your favo(u)rite jelly or jam. One time like 8 years ago at the old apartment a scoop of strawberry ice cream was briefly legally reclassified as jam.
~Send me anons and asks for TMI Tuesday fun and prophet!~
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I miss old tumblr with ask games and tmi Tuesday’s and sleepover Saturday’s so much.
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