#oldest dog living
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When Rita Kimball found Spike in the parking lot of a grocery store in Camden, Ohio, USA, she had no idea the little chihuahua would still be her pet over 13 years later - let alone become the oldest dog living. 
The record holding su-paw-star, who was 23 years and 43 days old as of 7 December 2022, stands at 9 inches (22.86 cm) tall and weighs just 12.9 pounds (5.85 kg).
Impressively, he was already 10 years old when Rita and her family found him.
“He had been shaved up his back, had blood stains around his neck from a chain or rope, and looked pretty rough,” said Rita. 
“The clerk in the grocery told us he had been there for three days, and they were feeding him scraps.”
Not knowing who Spike belonged to, Rita decided to take the pup home to join the rest of the herd on her small farm. 
“When we left the store and entered the parking lot, he followed,” recalled Rita. 
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Inspired by a cartoon dog that was known for its size and aggressive disposition, Rita named her new four-legged friend Spike. 
“My dog seemed to be the opposite; he was small and friendly, so I thought it just seemed to fit him,” said Rita.
“Spike was a name for a large dog. My guy was small, but he had the attitude of a big dog.”
In fact, the only time Spike ever bears his infamous chihuahua personality is when he’s pet by a stranger. 
“He is friendly but since he’s almost blind and hard of hearing, he gets testy at times and just wants to be left alone,” said Rita. 
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But what does it take for a canine to reach a staggering 23 years of age? 
Well, for one, a solid routine. 
Spike starts his day between 7:00 am and 7:30 am. Sometimes he’ll eat breakfast right away or at times he’ll fast for a bit. 
On summer weekends, he takes walks with his beloved Rita in their rural hometown. 
“He visits with the animals in the barn: cows, horses, and barn cats,” said Rita. 
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But those larger than Spike are no longer intimidated by his antics. 
“When he was younger, he tried intimidating the cows and horses by barking and trying to chase them,” said Rita.
“Now they just stare at him and don’t even move.”
After his morning stroll, Spike heads back to the house where he naps on the porch and prepares for the day ahead while Rita fixes herself a cup of coffee. 
“There’s always something to do on a farm; we cut wood, clean out fence rows, bale hay and harvest crops,” said Rita. 
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After a long week of farm work, Spike will usually relish in Saturday evening baths.
Occasionally, he has braunschweiger with cheese for dinner and sometimes indulges in his favourite chips. 
"In his early years, he loved Doritos,” recalled Rita. 
“He liked them crunched up and would eat the cheese Doritos every time we had them.”
Some of Spike’s other favourite pastimes are napping, playing cat and mouse with the housecat Foxxy, and hiding his toy fox around the house.
It was during an episode of Jimmy Fallon one evening where Rita heard the news of former oldest dog living Pebbles and realised that Spike was actually older. 
“Most of our family knew that Spike was old but didn’t know he had a shot at being the oldest in the world,” said Rita. 
“Now that he is a record holder, they see him as a celebrity.”
Rita advises those with fuzzy friends to give their pet a healthy diet, room to roam, daily exercise, and unlimited love and attention.
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beastranpo · 1 month
Oddity Trio Omake
Years ago, a friend of mine asked me to translate an Oddity Trio omake. I forget for what volume it is though since it's been years rip.
The original posting for this translation is here! (This was done so long ago I had a different url, though it's not much different from my current one on twitter lol.)
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chronicowboy · 1 year
every time i remember that my friend named her dog after one of my characters i am filled with so much joy.
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rahabs · 6 months
I have given up entirely on my birthday this year after today.
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the-farmers-rabbit · 1 year
Yesterday, I got back home after a month abroad with my family. Today, I have work at 4. And tonight, when I come home, there will be a piece missing. Today, I will leave the house for work at 3:47 pm, a little too warm because of my uniform. And I will come home at 10:13 pm. And there will be an empty dog crate. There will be no graying, brown and white boxer, snoring away, and startling slightly when I walk past. There will be no scratching at my bedroom door in the morning, to wake me a bit too early. There will be no more puppy-eyed-stares while I cook, or fuzzy heads resting on my lap while I eat dinner. Today, when I get home from work, my dog of 14 years will be gone, and there will be a hole left where she once was, and that hole, I don’t think, will ever be filled.
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fluffykitteninabox · 1 year
my aunt's friend (girlfriend?) sent us a photo of their cat, Ginger:
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I feel I have to share with my url being what it is
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hissterical-nyaan · 1 year
I'm so fucking tired but my mind just won't stop running
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froody · 2 months
The oldest living dog is currently 24 years old, if you’re younger than 24, there are dogs that are older than you. The oldest living cat is currently 28 years old, if you’re younger than 28, there are cats that are older than you. The oldest living horse is 51 (possibly), if you’re younger than 51, there are horses that are older than you.
The point of this post? I don’t know. I find it comforting. If you’ve only lived a dog or cat or goldfish or horse lifespan then don’t compare yourself to the achievements of others who have lived a human lifespan.
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Visiting my parents and all the cats (mine and my brothers’) are using me as a wall. They all want to sit with me but one of them is an asshole to the younger two and between those three it’s on sight. They all still want my attention though (little attention whores) because suddenly the cat lady (and her cat) are back and those two pay attention to all of us!!!
Of course the cranky old cat who is only friends with my (also old) cat can’t sit with the younger twins who hate him because he was a bully when they were smaller, so if I move I’ll be leaving them one foot apart without the human wall in between and start a Cold War between the three
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Mama Bat pt3 progress Post
Part 3 Progress
Batcount: Stephanie, Dick
“Danny Fenton, parents declared him dead and claimed they buried him,” Dick said, spinning around in the batcomputer batchair. Anxious, unhappy, too much energy because there's nothing to fight here. “He has an older sister, I think she knows he's in Gotham and she's covering for him. She'll be coming to Gotham University next semester, despite having accepted a better offer from Harvard last year.” 
Steph let out a low, long whistle. “Whatever's going on at home must be bad,” she commented. “No other contacts?”
Dick pulled up a grainy class photo. “He's part of a small friend group, but neither of them have made any unusual moves. If Sam Manson or Tucker Foley get a plane ticket we'll know, but for now?” He shrugged, eyes distant. “Seems like he ran off alone. But probably for really good reasons.” He switched tabs back to the unhinged Fenton works website. He all but vibrated: wanna go, want to run, look, see.
Steph squinted for a few moments, reading. “...We’re going to go see what crimes against nature they're committing, aren't we?” She sounded resigned to it.
Dick shrugged. “It's not ideal,” he said unhappily. “The town is too small for how we normally do our night work. But face out is a big risk.” 
“Maybe we should lean on a friend?” Stephanie suggested. “Someone who has a public role that wouldn't be a problem?” 
“We’ll have to ask Mama Bat.” 
They both turned to look at Cass, who was sitting on a desk. She arched an eyebrow at them. “We ask Danny,” she said pointedly. “He knows best.” 
Stephanie made a face that said she disagreed. 
Cass huffed. “He knows,” she reiterated. He had lived there. He knew the people. “We could make a mess.” She mimed sweeping the stack of Bruce papers off the desk surface and then an expression of exaggerated batdad horror.
Stephanie untensed enough to laugh. 
Cass considered that good enough. She jumped down and patted Dick as she passed. He let out an exaggerated sigh but he powered down the computer and followed her up. “I'm excited to get to meet the little guy,” he said. The lights turned off. All three of them hit the stairs and jogged up. Dick chattered away, tweet tweet tweet. “It's so sweet that Dami latched onto him like this. When I asked what Danny would like as a welcome home gift, he told me that I was a cretin and should not corrupt the baby.” He laughed, high and joyous. It was contagious. Cass found herself laughing with him.
Stephanie squinted at the back of Dick's head as the oldest brother bounded up the stairs. “Damian… likes him?” She confirmed. 
Cass beamed. Of course he did. Danny was a good baby. He and Damian were out now walking dogs at the animal shelter while Alfie did the big weekly shop. 
Dick shrugged. “He gets to be the mentor,” he pointed out. “He’s not the Babiest Bat anymore.” 
“Danny is older than Damian,” Stephanie protested. Cass glared at her. 
“He's baby,” she said firmly. End of conversation. 
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Bobi (11 May 1992 – 21 October 2023) was a male purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo dog cared for by Leonel Costa of Conqueiros, Leiria, Portugal.
On 2 February 2023, Bobi was confirmed as the first dog on record to live to the age of 30, along with being the oldest dog on record to ever live.
On 11 May 2023, Bobi turned 31.
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tibli · 1 year
In light of that little "sharks are older than the north star" post, here's some other little fun facts i keep in my brain for such an occasion:
-mammals are older than flowers
-fungi are more closely related to animals than plants
-the t-rex existed in a closer period of time to humans than it did to stegosaurus.
-hyenas are closer in relation to cats than dogs
-the mitochondria in a human cell was originally a kind of bacteria that later evolved into the organelle we all know and love
-Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Iphone's debut than to the construction of the pyramids
-Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire, and the modern English language (which i'm including Middle English in, as well, just for the record.)
-if you laid the blood vessels in a single human body end to end, it would be over 60,000 miles long, or, long enough to wrap around the earth twice.
-the oldest company in the world still in operation is kongo gumi, which was founded in the year 578
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Portugal dog Bobi breaks record for oldest dog ever : NPR
how do i sign up for 30 years of my dog, please
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fandomxo00 · 17 days
Ok but imagine this: having four kids with logan au
Overhearing Logan helping your son when he's struggling
note: I think this will be a continuous imagine with just little situations with the family it will have the 'having four kids with logan au' tag
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Theo, was your oldest son, he was now 15, he looked a lot like Logan, though he had your eyes and you couldn't believe that your baby not your baby anymore. He'd been extra emotional lately, taking his anger out on you, Logan, and his younger siblings.
Logan knew he had to prepare for this if he had children, his anger issues would most likely pass on. But he also knew that the anger was misdirected, that there was something wrong and he was asking for help. So, when Theo marched into the house, throwing his bag down, heading downstairs to his room and slamming the door shut. His younger brother, Parker, sighed looking over at his brother before going into a kitchen for his afternoon snack. You went after him, going down and knocking on his door.
"Leave me alone!"
"Baby-." You tried.
"I don't want to talk to you." Theo spat.
"Well I'm here if you do, alright?" You didn't hear anything from the other side, your heart breaking a bit as you turned to see your youngest, Sophie, she was three and she moved over to you. She had the biggest heart, and she was really close with Theo.
"Is Teo sad?" She asked, pointing at the door from the top of the stairs.
"He just needs some alone time, baby."
You brought Sophie to the living room, setting her up at her dollhouse and a snack, she knew to keep her snack at the top of her doll house so your dog, Charlie, wouldn't be able to reach it.
Your middle child, Valley, would be getting picked up by Logan on his way home from work. She always stayed after school to spend time with her friends, or going home to play with them. Some days you picked her up to bring her friend's home or if she had low energy. But she was the most social child, but you also understood her on a different level as she struggled with social cues or 'saying the right thing'. She found her group though; she always did and you'd always be there to guide her through it. Hopefully she can do the same for Sophie, though you would always be there for her too.
She rushed through the door and Logan stepped in after her, taking off his boots before following behind her. "Hey baby." He grinned, coming over to and wrapping an arm around you to pull you and kiss your lips.
"Hey, can you go check on Theo?" You pressed, your eyes scanning his, he understood the look in your eyes, leaning in to kiss your cheek. He goes over to Sophie, before crouching as she talked him about the doll in her hand, he kisses her head before standing up. As he started towards Theo's room, Parker skidded in front of his dad and started going on about soccer practice tonight. Logan volunteered to coach for his team.
"Hey, bud, we can talk about this on the way to soccer alright?" Logan started as Parker went on to talk, a look of defeat came over your son's face. Then Logan clapped him on the shoulder and looked down into his eyes, "Maybe we'll practice your drill, tonight."
"Really?" Parker's eyes lit up, as he smiled over at his dad. Your chest ached a bit as you knew Logan never wanted any of his kids to feel left out or less loved than another. You knew you had the same worry, it's the reason why you decide four kids rather than five. Logan didn't want more than three and Sophie was a very wanted oops. It just seemed like the missing piece of the puzzle. So even though your fantasies were filled with more children, now you couldn't imagine having any more.
Parker came into the living room, getting his video games set up as he rested on the couch. You went downstairs to start on laundry and also overhear little parts of the conversation Logan and Theo were having. You knew that Logan would fill you in later but your worry sadly outweighed privacy. It wasn't something you were proud of, and you were working on it.
"Theo, you're our baby, you are the one who truly started this family, I love you with all of my heart, you are strong, and you're going to live a happy long life. You kids are everything to me and your mom, something I'll never know how to truly express. I know you don't wanna upset mom but she'd understand what your going through."
"I-I just don't know why I feel this way." Theo cried.
"Your mom and I have always struggled with mental illness, and we aren't here for a lack of trying. All you have to do is try, alright?"
"How about we go for a walk in the morning?"
"That sounds good." Theo murmured, before their voices faded, as you started the dryer before grabbing a laundry basket and walking up the stairs just as Theo's door opened and Logan walked out. As you turned your head, his eyebrow quirked up as a small smile came over his face as he shook his head. He definitely knew you were eavesdropping.
"I'll look up some therapists, tonight." You said, softly as Logan got to the top of the stairs as you leant down to put the basket on the floor. His arms wrapped around you, and he pulled you tightly, his head in the dip of your neck.
"Are you upset?" He asked, his voice calm and soft.
"No, I'm just glad he opened up to you." You breathed, rubbing at his forearm as he started swaying the two of you back and forth.
"Mom! Sharlie got my crackers!" Sophie yelped from the living room, as Logan chuckled as you sighed, he kissed your cheek before letting you go. As you started towards the living room, you turned to see Logan grab the laundry basket before heading towards your room down the hall.
"Coming baby!"
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dogposts · 2 years
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“Spike,” a Chihuahua, is 23 and currently the oldest living dog in the world. 
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ltwilliammowett · 9 months
Rooms in a Lighthouse
Although the buildings of lighthouses differ depending on their location and purpose, they generally have common components. However, a distinction must also be made between a lighthouse station consisting of the lighthouse and all the outbuildings such as the lighthouse keeper's house, the fuel house, the boathouse and the building for fog signalling, i.e. a land station, and an inhabited lighthouse as it was found at sea.
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Sections of Bell Rock and Skerryvore Lighthouses, date 1884
Skerryvore is a remote reef that lies off the west coast of Scotland, 12 miles (19 kilometres) south-west of the island of Tiree. Skerryvore is best known as the name given to the lighthouse on the skerry, built with some difficulty between 1838 and 1844 by Alan Stevenson.
The Bell Rock Lighthouse, off the coast of Angus, Scotland, is the world's oldest surviving sea-washed lighthouse. It was built between 1807 and 1810 by Robert Stevenson on the Bell Rock (also known as Inchcape) in the North Sea, 11 miles (18 km) east of the Firth of Tay. Standing 35 metres (115 ft) tall, its light is visible from 35 statute miles (56 km) inland.
If you are only dealing with an inhabited tower, you usually have the following rooms in it. Please note that, apart from the lantern room, there is no standardised scheme and the rooms were often arranged differently.
The lantern room is the glazed housing at the top of the lighthouse that contains the lamp and the lens. The glass panes are held in place by vertical or diagonal metal rungs. A lightning conductor and an earthing system, which are connected to the metal roof of the dome, ensure that any lightning strikes are safely discharged.
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Sections of the Eddystone Lighthouse of 1759 and 1884
Immediately below the lantern room is usually a guard room where fuel and other supplies were stored and where the keeper prepared the lanterns for the night and often kept watch. The clockwork (for turning the lenses) was also located there. On a lighthouse there is often an open platform, the gallery, outside the watchroom (main gallery) or the lantern room (lantern gallery). It was mainly used to clean the outside of the lantern room windows. Below this was a living room, bedroom, possibly a separate kitchen, if not a cooking area was accommodated in the living room. In addition, there were often several storage rooms, an oil room (where the oil for the lantern were storaged) and a coal room. And if you're wondering where the bathroom was - well there wasn't one, there was a wash bowl, possibly a wooden tub for an occasional bath, but rarely, and chamber pots in the bedroom.
Life in a lighthouse at sea was not easy and managed to bring many an old sea dog to his knees. The lighthouse keepers on land had it much easier.
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