#ole gan
thewordisbond · 2 years
Maleek Berry Gets Bodies Moving In "Ole Gan" (Single)
Posted on https://www.thewordisbond.com/maleek-berry-gets-bodies-moving-in-ole-gan-single/
Maleek Berry Gets Bodies Moving In "Ole Gan" (Single)
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A triple threat of singer, producer and Afro-R&B pioneer Maleek Berry gives listeners something to smile about and move to in the single “Ole Gan.” From a game-changing producer to an international artist, the South London music phenom delivers warm vocals about a woman he’s crazed for. Hi
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ganondoodle · 1 year
hey! hey hey!! hey lads if i did a mini "fake screenshot" series of a rewritten totk (mainly without time travel and zonau) … would you like that? (and is it worth the risk of pissing half the fandom off)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Ganondorf sighed as he walked the halls of the castle. The structure of this place alone nearly rivaled the fortress that housed the majority of his people. To think such prosperity could be his shortly…
That was a goal soon to be realized. This king was far easier to ingratiate himself to than the one from his own timeline. This one simply needed his ego stroked - King Ozen was the second son in a line of uncertainty, a male heir with no magic and the younger brother to another male heir who barely had any blessing from his divine bloodline. Ozen had spent his entire rule trying to prove his legitimacy, and it seemed the only way he’d succeeded was in having a daughter who was occasionally seen but never heard. Hyrule knew Princess Zelda had the gifts of Hylia and that had been enough for the common folk, though Ozen desperately continued his quest to gain respect. All Ganondorf had to do was lean into this insecurity and he would become a trusted advisor in no time.
Then he could learn the location of the Triforce.
His plans were falling into place, and in a far better way than he could have ever imagined. When he had started this venture years ago in his own time, he’d been alone. Yes, Twinrova and the Gerudo thieves had backed his mission, but…
It wasn’t the same. He was married now. He had children. And he would do anything to ensure their future.
Speaking of children, his current dilemma in this moment was that his daughter had agreed to meeting him in one of the great halls of the castle and she had not shown up. Ganondorf had a suspicion he knew why, having met the girl’s fixation a week ago.
Ganondorf still didn’t quite know how to feel about that situation. He’d seen it developing for months now - he’d assigned Hemisi to infiltrate the castle’s defenses while he and his son curried favor with the king. Merovar needed to learn how to manipulate and Hemisi was far more a warrior and strategist, so it made sense, but the Gerudo king hadn’t banked on his daughter falling for one of the Sheikah guards.
Hemisi had known Orik for months now, and the two spent so much time together that Ganondorf would be surprised if his daughter hadn’t memorized all the patrol routes just by wandering around with the kid. At least she was still doing her mission while getting distracted. After finally meeting the kid when she’d brought him home…
He just didn’t know. He wasn’t balking quite as much as he’d been the day he’d met him. But still. He didn’t trust anyone from Hyrule, especially someone who was part of a tribe that had sworn fealty to the royal family. But the kid was only half Sheikah, and perhaps that would benefit him.
He was certainly an impressive fighter. Ganondorf could respect that. He treated Hemisi with the utmost respect and clearly loved her as she loved him, and Ganondorf could respect that almost more so.
He sighed. Perhaps if they keep this up long enough the boy would… well. He doubted Orik would fight against Hyrule. But for his daughter’s sake it was a nice thought to entertain.
The real issue was ensuring Orik didn’t distract Hemisi from her goal, which he was clearly doing since she hadn’t met her father where she was supposed to.
Ganondorf heard hushed words ahead, recognizing the sound of his daughter’s worried voice, and picked up his pace. When he rounded the corner, he saw Hemisi sitting on the ground beside Orik, who was leaning against the wall in an awkward position and looking very unwell.
“What’s going on?” he demanded.
Hemisi jumped, startled, and turned to him. “Father! It’s L—Orik’s sick but he’s being stupid and refusing to leave his post!”
Orik’s gaze snapped up to the Gerudo king and he took a shaky breath, trying to rise out of respect. Ganondorf waved him off. “Stay down, boy.”
“He just threw up in that plant, so uh, don’t walk too close to it,” his daughter added, pointing to a nearby potted plant. Ganondorf scrunched his nose in distaste.
“Are you expecting an attack? Why are you insistent on remaining when you’re incapable of your duty?” He asked the teenager.
Orik blinked, clearly struggling to put words together. “N-no, sir. But I—my patrol is—I s-still have a f-few hours—”
“All you will be doing is sitting here being useless,” Ganondorf pointed out.
“I… just n-need a… a minute…”
Ganondorf watched the idiot dully. He glanced at Hemisi, wondering if she would have an answer to this question and dreading the fact that she probably would. “Where’s his quarters?”
Hemisi easily and immediately gave him directions. Ganondorf raised an eyebrow at her, and she snapped, “N-nothing’s happened, Father!”
Orik, whose face was already flushed with fever, grew even redder. Ganondorf looked between the two with scrutiny, and the Sheikah boy nearly melted into the stone floor.
“I trust not,” he muttered somewhat threateningly. Hemisi was strong and could take care of herself, and the boy seemed honorable enough, but they were both teenagers. Shaking his head, he addressed his daughter. “Inform his superiors that he’s ill and is going to bed.”
Orik perked up a bit, apologetic but stubborn. “Lord Ganondorf, p-please—with… with all d-due respect… L-Lady Impa…”
Ganondorf watched the boy struggle for words and then groan, squeezing his eyes shut. He let the boy fester in the misery for a moment and then knelt down to be at eye level with him. “This Lady Impa will recognize you’re incapable of fulfilling your duty. If she doesn’t, she’s as foolish as you’re being.”
Orik’s gaze sharpened a hair, clearly offended for his commander’s sake, but was respectful enough to say nothing.
“It would be wise of you to listen to me,” Ganondorf noted. “If you’re going to be my son-in-law someday, I will expect obedience.”
The fight immediately drained out of the boy, who blushed so brightly his cheeks practically matched his red eyes. Hemisi snorted into her hand behind him. Ganondorf glanced at his daughter once more. “Once you inform Lady Impa, meet me where you were supposed to. Your brother is waiting.”
“Yes, Father,” she replied with a nod, though she didn’t budge, watching Orik hesitantly.
Ganondorf rolled his eyes at it. Children, honestly. He reached forward, grasping the boy’s wrist and pulling him to stand. “Go, daughter. I’ll take care of him.”
Hemisi dipped in for a quick hug, but Ganondorf pushed her back—“He’s sick, you’re not getting sick too”—and she huffed, leaving.
Orik nearly face planted the instant she was gone.
The Gerudo king caught the boy, somewhat startled, and helped him stand again. “Get yourself together, boy.”
The teenager nodded, stumbling ahead, and it became very apparent that his dizziness and weakness were going to be a problem.
Ganondorf sighed heavily. This was becoming tiresome. He stepped forward and scooped the boy into his arms in one fluid motion—the kid barely weighed anything—and started heading for his quarters.
“Be silent,” he ordered, and then added on, “If you throw up on me you will no longer be able to date my daughter.”
Orik sucked in his lips like he’d tasted a lemon, and he hesitantly settled into the hold.
When they reached the boy’s room, Ganondorf was grateful to find it empty. He figured as a soldier the boy had shared barracks, which seemed to be the case given the number of beds, but everyone else apparently was on patrol elsewhere. He plopped the boy on the nearest bed and moved to stoke the dying fire - it was raining outside, filling the castle with a cold dampness, and that was the last thing the kid needed.
Orik hesitantly moved to get up, and Ganondorf glared at him, making him freeze. “F-forgive me, Lord Ganondorf… this isn’t my bed…”
Exaspersted, the Gerudo said, “Tonight it is. Now get under the covers.”
Orik obeyed, finally getting some sense, and Ganondorf threw more wood on the fire. He then grabbed a nearby bucket that contained some extra firewood, dumped out the wood, and put the bucket by the bed. “In case you get sick again. You have water in here?”
When he got no answer, he looked back at the kid to see that he had fallen asleep.
Ganondorf sighed again, though he was less exasperated than before. He didn’t have time or concern to dote over the kid much more, but…
Seeing him sleeping like that reminded him of his own son.
He closed his eyes and looked away. Orik was still an enemy. Until he pledged himself to Hemisi and, through her, to Ganondorf himself, the boy was not his own.
But, perhaps, Ganondorf was less reluctant for him to become one of his own.
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allaazz2024 · 6 months
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Adam söýýäninden başga synag edip bolarmy ?!
Lossitgiler bilen jebir çekdim we aýratynlyklarymda erbet günleriň yzyny galdyran eziz janymy ýitirdim. Ejem ikimiz aýrylyşmadyk, ýöne durmuş bizi aýyrdy we mundan beýläk görüşmeris. Ejemden gözlerimden gan akýan we olary ýakýan her bir höwes üçin ejemden ötünç soraýaryn, şonuň üçin Hudaý tarapyndan bu ýitgi bu ýerde hemme zatdan beter agyrýar. Bir gyzjagazyň özüne ýapyşanyny görenimde ýüregim agyrýar. ejesiniň eli, beýlekisi bolsa onuň bilen degişýär. Men özüme seredýärin, ýöne ol ýeke, ýeke we şol gözler agyry gözýaşlaryny dökýär.
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st-hedge · 1 year
Totk gan's only narrative strength is that rather than being simply shallow, he's like a big ol empty bucket, leaving Ganon fans a nice, clean, hollow shell to project something interesting into
Leave it to us, we have expertise with empty buckets
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ballpitbee · 3 months
Hello there! I JUST found you via Dynasty Warriors search here on Tumblr and, MY GOD, I simply have to tell you how MUCH I love and adore your style and coloring skills! It's super pretty and cute with little "Disney touch", kind of (sorry, hard to explain!).
Your DW arts have make me laugh, warm my heart and make me simply just so so happy! The way how you draw Lu Bu and expressions to him - I salute you, ahah! :D
Cheers from huge Gan Ning fan (from Finland) :D
Hi hi!! :D I'm so glad to hear that!
Dynasty warriors is one of my fav game series it's so fun- and there's so much that can be done with the characters X3 makes me mega happy you like my style too! Thank you muchly!
Cheers back from a Chen Gong fan from the UK :3!
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queerwelsh · 3 months
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Bywyd Cwiar Cranogwen
Ganed ‘Cranogwen’ (9 Ionawr 1839 – 27 Mehefin 1916), neu Sarah Jane Rees, yn Llangrannog, i Frances Rees a’r morwr John Rees. Yn anarferol am y cyfnod, addysgwyd Cranogwen yn yr ysgol leol ynghyd â’i brodyr hyd at bymtheg oed. Mae’n hefyd yn aml yn cael ei ystyried yn anarferol oedd Cranogwen yn morwr yn ymuno â’i thad ar y môr yn masnachu ar hyd yr arfordir ac weithiau i Ewrop. Fodd bynnag, nid oedd yn anghyffredin i ferched fynd gydag aelodau gwrywaidd o'u teulu i weithio. Roedd gwragedd a phlant y morwyr yn mynd gyda nhw, er na chaniatawyd hyn ar longau’r Llynges Frenhinol ar ôl 1869. Mae rhai morwyr benywaidd eraill yn cael eu hystyried yn cwiar heddiw, a rhai morwyr hefyd yn cael eu hystyried yn ddynion traws. Dychwelodd Cranogwen i addysg ar ôl tair blynedd ar y môr, i ysgolion mordwyo yn y Cei Newydd a Llundain, ac yn 1859 sefydlodd un ei hun yn Llangrannog. Er bod tystiolaeth o feirniadaeth ar ferched yn rhedeg ysgolion mordwyo, o eglwysi a’r ‘Llyfrau Gleision’, nid oes cofnod o feirniadaeth o’r fath tuag at Cranogwen.
Ym 1865 enillodd Cranogwen yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Aberystwyth gyda ‘Y Fodrwy Briodasol’, yn mynegi beirniadaeth o’r disgwyliad ar ferched i briodi, trwy safbwyntiau pedair priodferch, gan gynnwys un yn dioddef o gam-drin domestig. Curodd hi feirdd gwrywaidd enwog fel Islwyn. Yr oedd ei henw barddol yn cynnwys yr enwau Sant Caranog, yr enwyd Llangrannog ar ei gyfer, a'r afon Hawen gerllaw. Gyda llwyddiant parhaus mewn Eisteddfodau, cyhoeddwyd Caniadau Cranogwen yn 1870 a bu Cranogwen yn siarad ledled Cymru, a theithio fel pregethwr lleyg Methodistaidd, gan gynnwys dwy daith Americanaidd.
Ym 1874, bu farw Fanny Rees o Langrannog o'r diciâu ym mreichiau Cranogwen, ar ol symud i fyw yn ei chartref teuluol. Disgrifir galar Cranogwen ar ddiwedd trasig ei pherthynas mewn ysgrifeniadau hunangofiannol. Yn ogystal, ystyrir ei barddoniaeth i fel ei hysgrifennu mwyaf angerddol, megis ‘Fy Ffrynd’. (Ceir cerdd angerddol iddi hefyd gan Buddug, sy’n disgrifio sut y bu bron iddi addoli ac edmygu Cranogwen ‘anfarwol’.) Wrth i Cranogwen barhau i fyw gyda’i rhieni, roedd Jane Thomas yn byw yn agos, fel ei phartner cefnogol ac ymroddedig. Pan fu farw rhieni Cranogwen, gwerthodd y tŷ a bu’n byw gyda Jane am ugain mlynedd olaf ei bywyd.
Ym 1878, daeth Cranogwen yn olygydd 'Y Frythones' - nid y cylchgrawn cyntaf i ferched Cymru ond y cyntaf a olygwyd gan fenyw - a oedd â mwy o negeseuon proto-ffeministaidd a hyd yn oed cwiar na'i ragflaenydd, er yn dal i gynnwys gwersi ar fod yn merched a menywod dosbarth canol parchus a chrefyddol. Ond o fewn y gwersi hyn, roedd Cranogwen yn hyrwyddo ysgrifennu merched Cymru, gan sicrhau bod 'Y Frythones' yn cael ei ysgrifennu ar gyfer merched gan ferched, wrth ddweud i'w darllenwyr nad oedd angen iddynt i gyd briodi, fel ‘merch fan yma ar ein pwys’ (Jane Thomas) a byddai’n rhoi atebion, yn y golofn 'Cwestiynau ac Atebion', y gellir bellach eu dadansoddi fel queer. Ym 1887, pan ysgrifennodd darllenydd wrth gwestiynu steiliau gwallt byr bob ar ferched, gan ddweud na allai ddweud ai merched neu fechgyn oedd y rhai â'r steiliau gwallt hyn, atebodd Cranogwen: “Yn gyntaf peth gan hyny, felly, gofynnwch i'r person pa un fydd, ai bachgen ai merch? Yna ewch yn mlaen a'ch neges." Pan holodd darllenwyr am ferched yn dod yn bregethwyr, fel Cranogwen ei hun, daeth hi i’r casgliad, “Nid yw gwahaniaeth rhyw yn ddim byd yn y byd.”
Roedd Cranogwen yn forwr, athrawes, bardd, llenor, golygydd, ymgyrchydd dirwest a llawer mwy. Etifeddiaeth ffeministaidd yw ei hetifeddiaeth – sefydlwyd ‘Llety Cranogwen’, lloches i ferched a menywod digartref yn y Rhondda gan Undeb Dirwestol De Cymru. Mae hi’n parhau i fod yn ysbrydoliaeth, i’r grŵp Cymraeg ‘Cywion Cranogwen’ ac i gylchgronau Cymraeg modern gan ac ar gyfer merched Cymru, fel ‘Codi Pais.’ Mae ei hetifeddiaeth hefyd yn un cwiar, yn ysbrydoli merched a phobl cwiar, ac oedd Cranogwen yn agored am ei pherthynasau yn ei hoes ei hun (er fel 'cyfeillgarwch rhamantus' pryd hynny), sydd bellach yn cael eu dileu yn rhy aml yn hanes y fenyw 'anfarwol' hon. Dylai Fanny Rees a Jane Thomas, a oedd yn caru ac yn cefnogi Cranogwen, a’r themâu cwiar mewn barddoniaeth gan ac i Cranogwen, bellach gael eu cynnwys yn barhaol yn ei hanes. Ni ddylid dileu eu hanes nac arwyddocâd etifeddiaeth Cranogwen i bobl LHDTC+, ac yn enwedig menywod cwiar Cymru.
Ers 2023, mae cerflun o Cranogwen yn ei phentref, Llangrannog.
Ffynonellau a Darllen Pellach:
Caniadau Cranogwen
Jane Aaron, ‘Gender Difference is Nothing,’ Queer Wales, gol. Huw Osborne & ‘Developing Women’s Welsh-language Print Culture’ Nineteenth Century Women’s Writing in Wales.
Katie Gramich & Catherine Brennan gol. Welsh Women’s Poetry, 1460-2001: An Anthology.
Norena Shopland, Forbidden Lives: LGBT Stories of Wales.
Sian Rhiannon Williams, ‘Y Frythones: Portread Cyfnodolion Merched y Bedwared Ganrif ar Bymtheg o Gymraeg yr Oes,’ Llafur, IV, 1 (1984).
Jane Aaron, Cranogwen, 2023
Llun o Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru.
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shannonsketches · 11 months
Did you know that Cadence of Hyrule has smol Gan?
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Jus look at this baby boy
Aww, thanks for sharing!! That's another one I haven't played.
Look at him with his big ol' organ, good for him!!
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ocrpfinder · 2 days
itching for a good ol' omegaverse rp lately😩🥀 EST, 20+ writer searching for anyone 18+ interested in MxM, FxM, FxF (open to trying out trans and nonbinary ones too but i will warn i've never actually roleplayed against those characters) pairings!
i'm looking to play the omega role in any of those ships really. i don't play my characters completely submissive, they actually have backbones because i find anything else boring. let them fight and makeout and be silly with angst and comfort.
some basic rules/info: i work and go to school so PLEASE be patient with me. i can't be on 24/7 but i do try to reply ooc as much as i can. that being said i LOVE ooc chatting, sending headcanons, music, everything. i write a lot of details in my rp messages so that may also add to how long i take. at minimum i ask for 4+ paragraphs to keep things interesting
there are a few basic plot ideas i have in mind but none of these are set in stone, i'm open to expanding on these ideas and am even welcome to other ideas you bring in too! single parent(s)😍. small town romance. maybe one leaves, comes back. post apocalypse (i'm thinking the last of us vibes or the 100 because i love those shows😝), lovers separated at the beginning of the apocalypse, finding each other laters, or strangers forced to work together. a professor x student, dad's best friend. age gaps😍. mafia and gans and assassins, etc. opposites attract. second chances. modern or fantasy or medieval type royalty. forbidden/secret relationships. enemies to lovers. hurt to comfort.
again these are just some very basic ideas to build off of so be ready to plot together! i'd love to rp on discord because a server makes things so much easier. will get back to every like asap!🥀
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 months
Naming Systems #3
Gnomes and Halflings
Because there's so little on them one may as well simply put them together and save time and space.
Gnomes and Hin both maintain given names and surnames coming from their clan, the latter of which may be translated into common, as is the trend amongst all demihumans.
Due to large and sprawling family trees, gnomes define themselves by their closest kin and will add their family hometown onto the end as well: 'Wysdor Sandminer; of the Sandminers of Arabel,' for example, lest one be confused with the distant cousins that are the Sandminers of Suzail or something.
Halflings on the other hand set themselves apart as individuals and collect nicknames. Furthermore, halflings quite freely change their first names and leave out or entirely drop their clan name and tack on or replace them with a list of nicknames. Diminutives and pet names, adventures, skills, achievements, habits, physical attributes and just plain making shit up may all eventually bury their birth name in a 'maze of pseudonyms and false backgrounds.'
Anyway onto the moving slightly away from canon into breaking down names for new name building bit. As usual take a starting syllable and tack an ending on. Or just pick a vowel and put in front of an ending: Mac, Linden, Tiira, Chanar, Urgand | Pumkarti, Colee, Clandmarr, Halig, Bassa. Favik...
(The svirfneblin dialect certainly likes 'k's and 'ck's. At least while Salvatore is penning 'em. Also there's a severe shortage of gnome women to mine for names.)
Surface: Burg, Colm, Col, Bur, Dorg, Dor, Fal, Hal, Cal, Cland, Er, Iy, Jar, Liss, Baer, Bar, Flan, Fland, Call, Dur, Neb, Gar, Wys
Svirfneblin: Schnick, Frick, Firb, Mark, Markt, Bel, Krieg, Brick, Pumk, Seld, Suntun, Mik, Fort, Henk, Kassa
Masculine: -gell, -ell, -marr, -arr, -gan, -an, -rinn, -amm, -dell, -ell, -ig, -van, -avar, -lar, -ran, -dal, -al, -tick, -le, -tarn, -arn, -war, -er, -ger, -ers, -ato, -avik, -wick, -jan, -dor
Feminine: -ra, -dra, -iss, -ree, -ee, -a, -issa, -narti, -arti, -ti, -assa, -ala
Clan names:
Surface: Blackrock, Blimth, Greatorm, Rivenstone, Tavartarr, Uvarkk, Whitehorn, Sandminer
Svirfneblin: Dissengulp, Quarrensonn, Mycophile, Shadowsong, Plickenstint
Blaz, Cork, Dalab, Haland, Hal, Om, Rob, Thir, Wili, Wilim, Alon, Calath, Cal, Deld, Melind, Melin, Mel, Ol, Olp, Rosind, Rosin, Tar, Wen, Des, Arv, Yon, Cyr, Ur, Urg, Shee, Brand
Masculine: -anar, -aury, -rac, -andar, -dar, -bert, -erc, -mac, -ac, -and, -len, -olen, -een, -baris, -aris
Feminine: -iira, -athra, -inden, -den, -ara, -para, -inda, -va, -lee, -lalee, -alla, -la
Example surnames: Aumble, Bramblefoot, Dardragon, Hardingdale, Merrymar, Starhap
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yiga-hellhole · 1 year
FINE ill be the one to ask you for ghirazant. midzelink. kohga/sooga. AND HMM king daphnes and gan
tumblr is HOMOPHOBIC and CRASHED IN THE MIDDLE OF ME WRITING THIS. well LET'S TRY AGAIN! shoutout TC for daring to ask the obvious and enabling this tirade. HERE WE GOOO
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predictably a BINGO!!! there is so much to be said about ghirahim and zant. they're interesting to me in that they're polar opposites in a kind of ice-and-fire situation, but also have enough in common. such as, devoting themselves to buff dilves like they're gods, and throwing 24 dead 156 injured catastrophe level tantrums when mildly inconvenienced.
i think they're both deeply lonely people at the end of the day, in that they're isolated in their cause in their respective games, preceded by years of loneliness before the events of said games. sure, they'd piss each other off tremendously at the start, but once they warm up a touch, that kind of penchant for devotion could easily evolve into an obsessive love. once they stop clawing each others' throats out, that is. there's so much more i can say about them but i've probably already said it before in my GHIRAZANT PROPAGANDA tag or, wel... my 50k+ word fanfic LOL
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the "fucking the same guy" box is killing me because. yeah, lol, link
despite midzelink being one of my favorite ships, this is a surprisingly barren bingo. it's just because i see them as young adults goofing about being silly and having a healthy relationship. there's no obsession there's no hatred and there's no tension. just a good time!! moreso i imagine it as midna having two hands - she had a deep bond with zelda since childhood, and grew to cherish link during the events of twilight princess. zelda and link, despite being tied by soul, meanwhile... have no chemistry whatsoever. they're perfect strangers. zelda in this game is strict and a little cold, while link remains a goodball, he's not the brand that knows how to crack through that surface. midna is dating both of these nerds while they're basically just roommates. it's hilarious to me.
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yiga husbands are so dear to me. i should have ticked the "theres no way this will end well" box but i'm in denial. unfortunately also kind of a barren bingo. kohga is just endlessly fond of his right-hand man and best lackey, and appreciates the ol' guy's huge muscles, but sooga... he's got some stuff going on. he's obsessed. he's devoted. he's not normal about that old man. the second he gets over his complex where he feels like he needs to treat kohga as his superior, rather than a boyfriend/husband, they'd be unstoppably married. make that old freak understand how you truly love him, and stop putting up walls!!!!
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they have far more married energies than rauru and ganondorf. they might have even forgotten to get divorced way back in the day, the paperwork is still under the way but then the whole world got drowned. the difference is that rauru and ganondorf, it's too obvious they went straight to tussling. with daphnes and nando there's this air of having spent days in negotiation chambers trying to intimidate each other into giving up their terms. do you see it? do you see it?? delicious. i love old man yaoi
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ganondoodle · 2 years
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dusty ol gan
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ly0nstea · 1 year
I'm translating some fics into irish to get over some writers block and that had me translating the poem ozymandias so i though i'd give it to the world cuz i sure couldn't find smth like this online
I wouldn't call it good, but hey, I tried, right? Any feedback on where and how I definetly fucked up are welcome (I only did OL LC be kind)
“Bhuail mé leis an teastalaí le ó an ciantír
Dúirt sé: Dhá ollmhór agus gan stoc de cloch
seas ar na fásaigh, gar dó, ar na gaineamh,
Leath bánn, na cuntanós spíonta ag bím, cé grainc,
Agus rocach beola, agus tarcainse de fuar ceannas,
Léirionn é na dealbhóir a léigh na díograis go mhaith
Cé acu a maireadh, ghrean é ar na rudaí marbh
Na lámh ag magadh fúthú agus na chroí a cothú
Agus ar na seastán, an focal seo:
“Is mise Ozymandias, rí na rí;
Féach ó mo obair, na Tréin, agus caoin!”
Níl aon rud eile ach fágtha. Timpeall ar meathlú
le na obair ollmhór, gan teorainn agus lom
an aonarach agus cothrom gaineamh sín go mór agus go fada.
— Percy Shelley, Ozymandias”
The english version too
“I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
— Percy Shelley's, Ozymandias”
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moodooivy · 7 months
Ranking Sanscest ships
To celebrate the fact that it's almost Valentine's Day I have decided I wanted to rank all Sanscest ships (I won't be including ships like Erosion x Ceno, Paperjam x Fresh, Fallacy x Encre, Mad Sci ships, Passive ships, Shattered ships, Empireverse ships, etc. I'll also leave out genderbends because then there would be way too much). I'll try not to be bias and just put every Swap Sans ship at the top, but if I like it and think it's good, it's going near the top... Or well. Bottom... Keep in mind this is all my opinion, which is constantly changing. This might not be in the best order but I tried. Also, when I say bad I just mean I dislike it. I don't think any ship is necessarily "bad". All ships are good... Except for the first five. I do think they're pretty bad... Anyway! (Ok not anyway. Real quick I jut wanna warn you that I dislike a lot of popular ships. Please don't yell at me if your favorite is near the top. Or at least not at the bottom)
111: And the worst ship in my opinion is.......; Dussic/Classic x Dust! Dussic is just bad. Very bad. It's boring, it's weird, it doesn't make sense, it's gross, and that's all I'mma say. I wont give an explanation to every ship but if I have something to say I'll say it.
110: Classic x Nightmare Lazymare is bad. You're going to see a lot of Classic ships, Dream ships, and Ink ships near the bottom. This ship definitely stems from Classic harems. Aka the worst part of this fandom (To me. Ship whatever you want. Just keep all your harems away from me unless it's a Blue harem or Fluttershy harem. We'll talk with a Dust harem).
109: Classic x Horror
108: Classic x Error Ah yes. Lazyglitch. Error in love with the original anomaly. The most generic cookie cutter Sans out there. He's a real catch. I mean I guess it would make sense Error wouldn't want to destroy his AU since it's the original but. Still.
107: Cross x Dream Cream. One of, if not THE most popular ship in the family. Also one of the worst. Why? Because it's generic and bland. People try too hard to make it look cute. It looks cute but it really isn't.
106: Classic x Ink
105: Dream x Dust Drust is boring. I don't like it when people ship Dream with the Bad Sanses if you couldn't tell. I know a lot of people who do this with him, I'm not gonna name names, I don't want to shame anyone because they can do what they want, but it's still annoying.
104: Fell x Ink
103: Dream x Horror
102: Fresh x Nightmare
101: Fresh x Dream Dreamfresh. I dunno. Maybe Dream can make Fresh feel something?
100: Dream x Fell
99: Alter x Gans
98: Black x Blue
97: Blue x Razz
96: Fell x Razz
95: Dream x Nightmare People often forget that Dream and corrupted Nightmare are not related. This isn't incest. That being said this still isn't good.
94: Dust x Reaper
93: Error x Reaper
92: Error x Outer
91: Error x Horror This ship is absolutely adorable. I see Horror as being the only Bad Sans (Besides maybe Nightmare) Error will stand and allow to touch him because he likes to cuddle with the big ol' teddy bear mass that is Horror. It's only so low because it's not that good.
90: Hate x Nightmare
89: Cross x Epic
88: Color x Delta
87: Blue x Delta
86: Bill x Blue
85: 404 x Bill
84: Alter x Blue
83: Color x Killer
82: Killer x Outer
81: Outer x Science
80: Lust x Nightmare
79: Fell x Science
78: Fresh x Horror
77: Error x Lust
76: Blue x Hate
75: Melon x Sugar
74: Fell x Fresh
73: Nightmare x Reaper
72: Cross x Ink
71: Dream x Ink I really don't ship Dream with anyone. I just can't see him falling in love with anyone. But if he were to love anyone I think it would be Ink because they're both kinda guardians (But then he'd loose interest when he finds out Ink's intent). I list more Dream ships below but they're only there because I like them more.
70: Dream x Geno I ship the CQ bros with the Stars.
69: Ink x Reaper Well well well...
68: Geno x Ink
67: Geno x Nightmare
66: Fresh x Science
65: Dream x Error
64: Dream x Killer ZeFanatic. I blame you for why I like this and think it's kinda hot.
63: Killer x Nightmare This ship is so annoying... But there's so much hilarious potential! Squee! It's kinda good! (I'm honestly hooked on the idea of a fem Killer singing Poisonous Love from Rio 2)
62: Dream x Outer
61: Fell x Nightmare
60: Classic x Lust
59: Fresh x Lust I once saw this adorable comic of these two and ever since I did I fell in love with this ship.
58: Horror x Lust Horrorlust is too overrated for me to enjoy it. I also just don't think it's that good.
57: Cross x Error They would fight over literally. Everything.
56: Ccino x Dream
55: Dance x Lust They'll probably dance together. I think this is the best ship with Lust because Dance is a realistic and healthy partner for him in my opinion.
54: Classic x Fell
53: Geno x Reaper Before anyone threatens my family for putting Afterdeath so low in this ranking, I just don't like the tsundere dynamic. When it comes to tsunderes there is a very fine line before it's clear said tsundere is not a tsundere and is just not into the other person. There is only one ship in my opinion that nails the "Tsundere x Flirt" dynamic.
52: Ccino x Hate
51: Cross x Killer Just like Afterdeath, too many tsundere stuff. But at least it's not all just 'Tsundere. Thas it.'.
50: Ink x Lust
49: Farm x Horror Same situation as Horrorlust.
48: Epic x Fresh
47: Fatal x Lavender
46: Ink x Killer Killer simps for Nightmare. Ink simps for Dream. You get it~
45: Error x Fresh I used to hate this ship. But I've decided to open my mind and have decided it's not that bad actually.
44: Squid x Octopus- I mean Ink x Nightmare
43: Nightmare x Science Bookworms lol.
42: Blue x Science
41: Error x Ink I keep going back and forth on whether I think this ship is good or not. I think "hey it's kinda cute", but than I look at an Errink pic and want to throw up. I have finally decided on my opinion. It's good. As long as people don't take it seriously. It's not 'good good' so don't try to make it dramatic but it's cute so make some silly art. Even better if it's a poly with Fresh or Blue.
40: Blue x Melon
39: Blue x Classic
38: Blue x Outer
37: Blue x Gans
36: Blue x Farm
35: Blue x Lavender
34: Dust x Lust
33: Cross x Dust
32: Blue x Fresh
31: 404 x Blue
30: Dust x Razz
29: Horror x Nightmare They so silly and cute.
28: Blue x Geno
27: Lust x Science This ships makes me think of Rarijack but if it was actually good.
26: Error x Fell
25: Dust x Fell
24: Horror x Killer They'd get into so much shenanigans. I like to imagine Horror would want to eat Killer becaus he's small but not too small.
23: Error x Nightmare
22: Ccino x Nightmare
21: Dust x Horror
20: Dust x Nightmare
19: Fell x Lust
18: Ccino x Killer Cat lovers. Lol.
17: Blue x Ink As long as you don't make Ink shorter this is adorable.
16: Asylum x Blue
15: Blue x Fell
14: Cross x Nightmare Better than Cream. So much drama potential.
13: Blue x Dream
12: Blue x Reaper
11: Blue x Lust Lust would give Blue so many cute nicknames. He would be so sweet to his baby Blue.
10: Blue x Ccino This is definitely the most wholesome ship of all time.
9: Blue x Dust Probably the most popular ship that I enjoy. So many '"I Can make him better""I can make him worse"' vibes. Also I just ship Blue with the Bad Sanses so hard.
8: Blue x Killer Lol Killer such a flirt and would tease Blue so much.
7: Blue x Horror Horrorberry is very cute. Blue would make Horror so many tacos.
6: Fresh x Ink Paperfresh this, Errink that. When are people gon wake up and realize the truly perfect artsy couple. They so silly! It's kind of like Horrorkiller where I can imagine them getting into different high jinks. I especially love the idea of them bothering Error together. Ink gets scary dog privilege because Fresh lol.
5: Blue x Fatal Fatalberry is very good. Enough said.
4: Dust x Killer I LOVE KILLERDUST SO DAMN MUCH SQUEEEE!!! Dust is such a tsundere and Kills is such a flirt. I know I criticized other ships for this dynamic but... Hush. This is the only one that makes it really work. There's so much potential for this pair. This is the highest non Swap pair lol.
3: Blue x Cross Crossberry will always be the cutest ship ever. Cuter than the below pairs even. I love their dynamic so much. Blue would so fangirl over Cross's hotness constantly. He such a bottom lol.
2: Blue x Nightmare Nightberry. I. Love. This. SHIP!!! SO MUCH!!! It's so cuuute! And kinda hot honestly-
1: And the best ship in my opinion is...; Blue x Error Errorberry is and will always be my favorite ship. They are beauty and the beast, opposites attract, they were made for each other. I love this ship (Except when people make Error shorter than Blue. Don't like that. Bleh. Blue must be the shortest).
Feel free to disagree with me and tell me your opinions. I'd be very interested to hear what you guys think. There's way too many ships for me to tag so I won't even bother.
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weddylwashc · 1 year
Ma Cymru’n glad a ran o dyrnas unetic. Ta Chymru ymyl ta Llôcyr yn y Dwyrân, y Mor Iwerddon i ydd Ogledd a Gorllewin, y Mor Celtic i y De-Orllewin, ag y Mor Afren i y De. Ganto pobolgâth yn dwy fil un ar ucan (2021), o tri miliwn, cant sîth mil, pump cant, (3,107,500) a ganto artal ucan mil, sîth cant sîth deg now cilometer ti sgwâru ( 20,779 km). Ta Chymru mwy na mil wech cant ŵs deg milltir (1,680m) o glan y mor, a bod yn mynyddic ta mwya, ta i fanna uchal yn ydd artala gogledd a chanol, diddeori ydd Wyddfa, i brif ban a. 
Ma y glad yn gosod i miwn y barth tymarus ydd Ogledd, a ganto tywiddâth newidatw a morol. Ma y prifddinas a dinas fwya’n Cârdydd.
Fe rows unaniâth cenedlâthol câl i eni i miwn y pobol Brythonic Celtic ar ol y gadael y Rufîniâd o Pyrdan yn y pumed (5ed) ganrif, a Chymru ti câl i greu wel tyrnas gan Gruffydd ap Llywelyn yn mil pump deg pump (1055). 
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wweassets · 1 year
Costume Contest anon here. Just in time for SummerSlam… It’s time for the Fantasy Summer Playgirl spread! HBK was able to re-connect with his contacts at Playgirl.com to organize a charity photoshoot, and he even personally invited a few AEW guys to participate. Let’s flip through the pages and check out the centerfolds…
BR*N BRE*KKER is at the Mat Gala after-party at night, climbing out the pool after skinny dipping. He’s flexing his triceps as he lifts himself up, with his wet muscular ass shining in the moonlight. He’s looking at the camera with intensity in his eyes, water dripping down his body and his silver necklace hanging from his neck. On the ground beside him is the black mesh bodysuit he peeled off earlier.
W*RDLOW is doing a tribute to his new brief-cut singlet. He’s standing under an outdoor shower at the beach and wearing just a wet black tank-top clinging to his upper body, with his huge ass cheeks sticking out underneath.
L*GAN PAUL is on the beach and walking out of the water wearing a black scuba suit. He’s unzipping it down to the base of his penis, with his round ass sticking out on both sides, even visible from the front-facing view.
M*TT R*DDLE is re-creating his photo with Reese Rideout in a pool in Vegas, except they are both fully nude this time. Riddle’s long erect penis is resting on top of the water, with his arm around Reese.
R*CKY STARKS is re-creating his photoshoot in the waterfall, except he’s taken his swimsuit off. He’s giving a sideways pose and walking through the water, with his fat ass resting on top of the shallow water.
C*RMELO H*YES is sitting in a white VIP cabana at a pool party, wearing nothing but a white floral button down shirt, unbuttoned. He’s holding a glass of champagne, with this huge erect dick pointed upwards and to the right across his muscular abs. A few feet away from him is TR*CK W*LLIAMS, fully nude and laying stomach-down on a lawn chair, raising a champagne glass to the camera and his huge ass sticking into the air.
S*TH ROLLINS is paying tribute to America’s favorite sport - baseball! He’s squatting over the catcher’s mound with his back to the camera, wearing nothing but a backwards retro WWF hat and a catcher’s glove. His muscular cheeks spread apart as he squats, showing his slightly hairy hole. He’s turning his head to the side to reveal a big smile as he laughs maniacally.
PR*TTY DE*DLY are naked mermen, perched up on a giant rock in the sea, with their tails forming right below their fat asses, and their long wet hair waving in the breeze.
LA KN*GHT is in the driveway of his home washing his red Ferrari. He’s wearing nothing but a white tank top, which he’s spraying with his hose making it wet and see-through, and making his erection pointed upwards visible through the shirt.
JD McD*NAUGH and S*M GRADWELL are re-creating their famous nude balcony pic, only they are fully nude and dripping wet, with their speedos draped over the glass railing. They’re both pointing their fat asses toward the camera, and grinning devilishly.
ANG*L G*ARZA is re-creating his waterfall shot in the pool, only this time, he’s fully nude. He’s facing the waterfall this time, with the water falling onto his fat ass and splashing everywhere.
MJF and AD*M C*OLE are on the beach - Max is nude laying stomach-down on the sand, as Adam has begun to build a small sandcastle on top of Max’s huge mountain ass cheeks. Adam is fully nude and oiled up, with his erection resting on this thigh. Both are laughing hysterically, enjoying their summer bromance.
C*DY RH*DES is just… KEN! He’s fully nude, standing still like a doll in the pink box, with his erection pressed up and laid across the plastic case.
Which 3 pin-up’s are you hanging on your wall?
OH SLAAAAAAAAY 🙏🙏🙏🙏thank you thank you thank you!!! you have delivered AGAIN wowowowoowow these are all SO fucking hot :///
seth… he’s always gonna be in top, and the vision of him showing of his ass like that… yeah
cody… i’m just horny for ken and cody doing THAT? yup yup
angel… simple, so simple, but so effective… that fat ass just takes it
honourable mentions to pretty deadly and bron!
how about everyone else?
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