#oliver from ni no kuni wrath of the white witch
honeyhueym · 10 months
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The road to me is something I’m always watching
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ar0rin · 1 year
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annual ni no kuni post
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nenukoone · 2 years
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my first secret santa dispite this event being hosted for four years now haha w hoops
anyways this is for @vexel-of-sunbloom i really liked doing the bg and not much else but shhhh its okay
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Different ways to find Swaine in a crowd.
Way 1:
*Everyone loses Swaine in a crowd.*
Oliver, looking around: Where did he go?
Esther: Great, we lost a thief.
Marcassin: I got this. *Calls out* GASCON!
Swaine: *From a bit away* DON'T CALL ME THAT!
Marcassin: Found him. :)
Way 2:
*Everyone lost Swaine in a crowd...again.*
Esther: Can he quit doing that?
Oliver: He was a thief at one point...
Marcassin: He was a what?! *Cries in a corner.*
Swaine: *From far away.* WHO MADE HIM CRY?!
Esther: Found him! :)
Oliver: *Runs away from a furious Swaine.*
Way 3:
*Everyone loses Swaine...yet again.*
Drippy: Not again...
Oliver: Now what?
Marcassin: Hold that thought. *Shouts.* HELP GASCON, I’M BEING KIDNAPPED! 😰
Marcassin: Done. :)
Swaine: *Running around trying to find Marcassin.*
0 notes
sweetpea-sprite · 1 year
magical classism/fantasy politics: the megapost
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[ID: a screenshot of cassiopeia casting the manna in ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch. overlaid on top of the image is impact font text which reads “this will affect the / engineering industry i think”. end ID]
good evening everyone. i’m ruby sweetpea-sprite. i’m so fucking normal about ni no kuni’s fake politics. i refuse to be the only one so here i am creating a megapost about every little piece of lore about it so that others can join me. if you’re new here: um. welcome. kublai was a diversity hire. more on that later!
for a summary: non-magical people have been oppressed since nazcaa fell, due to sages being in power and refusing to let them develop their own technology, as they “believe it to be against the gods” (and want to keep their societal power). this, ultimately, culminated into a large reason why lucien became shadar and banned magic. the goal of this post is to compile evidence for these events like some kind of fictional history lesson. it is a long fucking post.
this post will be in sections because it’s a long fucking post. recommended reading before we start, though i will be including quotes so you don’t gotta (though tbh you should read the tales of wonder anyway. for fun): the tenth tale of wonder, the flying machine.
have fun!
part one: the wizard’s companion
this first section is going to be the longest section because there’s so much shit in this fucking book dude. okay. don’t expect all of these sections to be this long the wizard’s companion is just fucked up
if you’ve just come back from reading that tale of wonder. hi! how was it. do you believe me yet
if you did not read the tale of wonder: just so you know, the wizard’s companion is bigoted.
i want to preface this section with this is not horace’s fault i promise. almost certainly, the wizard’s companion has been updated over the ten thousand years since it was written, and nazcaa has various attributes that mean there is no way anyone from there wrote this stuff (more on this later) - even excluding the fact that, you know. we actually have a timeframe for the tenth tale of wonder taking place (as the drawings the man sees are implied to be leonardo da vinci’s flying machine sketches) and it is decidedly not nazcaan times.
whoever the sages were who updated the wizard’s companion, however. well they weren’t great. to summarise: they wanted to keep their place in society and keep it WELL, by suppressing all knowledge of technology ever.
let’s start with the tale of wonder. the tenth tale of wonder, the flying machine, is about a man who goes to ichi no kuni (oliver’s world, for those who don’t know) and discovers sketches of a flying machine done by a painter. he then traces those sketches and brings them back to build the contraption - however, he is stopped by a sage. the entire tale is like this, understand, which is why i recommend reading it, but here are some choice quotes, from pages 300-302 of the companion:
“Using a machine to achieve something that should only be achieved using magic is akin to poisoning this world. “Poison!? Why is it like poison?” “Magic may only be used by those who possess a pure heart and who have undergone the proper training. Wizards borrow some of nature’s power and use it to humans’ benefit. Only those with a pure heart, one uncorrupted by evil, are able to do this. Using machines to triumph over nature is not the behavior of the pure-hearted.” Now, what the sage meant was that anyone could use a machine to manipulate nature--even the untrained and the evil. Machines gave ordinary humans powers that only gods and wizards should have.
“Esteemed Sage, wasn’t magic originally intended to make our lives easier? If machines achieve the same effect, why shouldn’t we use them?” “Because machines can be used by the wrong people, for the wrong reasons,” replied the sage impatiently. But the young wizard was undeterred. “I have been to the other world, and I know how things work there. They have people called ‘scientists’--they are the ones who make the machines--and they work miracles! They are capable of mixing iron with other rare metals to create things called ‘alloys’ which are strong enough to plough even the rockiest of soil. You cannot deny that farmers’ lives are much easier as a result! “Surely you do not believe that all ‘scientists’ seek to improve people’s lives?” the sage snapped back. “Do you not think, perhaps, that some of them wish to use their machines to control people--to bend them to their will?” The young wizard was speechless for a moment, but he soon found his tongue again. “Couldn’t the same be said for magic? Aren’t there some people who seek to use magic to increase their own influence?”
so you can see where i’m coming from.
the comparisons to poison. putting wizards on the same level as gods. stating that only those with a pure heart are able to use magic (blatantly untrue). magic as a sacred thing that cannot be defiled. “Do you not think, perhaps, that some of them wish to use their machines to control people--to bend them to their will?” the sage says, while clearly controlling what non-wizards do with their resources. this tale is directly written on the side of the sage; at the end, when the young man finally builds a cloud sweeper, the final paragraphs say this:
Indeed, he was too captivated by the scenery to spare a thought for the effect his new magical machine would have on the world. Had he known what impact it would have, you can be sure he would not have been quite so elated!
what impact?? there’s no impact i can find. cloud sweepers just exist. they help non-wizards travel. the only impact it could possibly be referencing is perhaps the start of people making more technology, inspired by this guy’s cloud sweepers. which, yeah. i guess the wizard’s companion would be upset about that.
technology, and wizards shunning it, is a large part of the wizard’s companion. this tale is the most egregious example, but there are more areas if you know where to look. we’ll come back to the tale of wonder in a moment, but for now, on the topic of cloud sweepers and how much the sages hate them, take a look at the first means of transportation section - page 129.
Non-wizards have long been forced to rely on vehicles to carry them to their destinations. This section aims to introduce some of the more common modes of transportation currently in use. All wizards are advised to read the information contained herein, for one cannot predict when circumstance--nixing, dismemberment, or wand loss, to name but three--might necessitate the use of such infernal contraptions as those here described.
note the PHRASING. non-wizards are forced to rely on vehicles. dismemberment as one of the circumstances, like you’d have to lose an arm to even consider this. and the most damning - “infernal” contraptions. they fucking hate these things
after that introductory paragraph, it does not get better: it goes on to describe cloud sweepers, in a rather bitter tone:
Wizards, of course, do not require magical assistance to fly through the air. Indeed, in times gone by, wizards would not have countenanced travel by any means other than broom. Alas, the age has changed, and now young wizards insist on using half-magical, half-mechanical contraptions known as “Cloud Sweepers.” Cloud Sweepers require only the merest dash of magic to get them off the ground, meaning that inexperienced magic users--and even non-wizards!--are able to ride them with gay abandon.
and even non-wizards! it says, with shock and horror. dear god... who let the non-wizards travel quickly and safely. this is going against the laws of nature
outside of cloud sweepers, in the second means of transportation section, this continues. with... boats. BOATS. THEY MAKE FUN OF NON-WIZARDS USING BOATS!!! PAGE 147:
Non-wizards rely upon ships to carry them across the world’s oceans. Indeed, many dream of owning their own vessels, imagining the “freedom” this would offer them.
freedom is IN QUOTES. THEY’RE MAKING FUN OF YOU FOR YOUR LITTLE BOAT RIDES!!! in all seriousness, these authors genuinely view non-wizards as inferior. they believe they will never have true freedom; always confined to the vehicles they’re allowed to make, the restrictions on which are defined BY THE SAGES. it’s kind of ridiculous.
obviously, all of this is awful. in the tale of wonder quotes i showed earlier, you can see a sage demanding that a non-wizard get rid of all of his sketches of technology. we can likely assume this was common practice back then, that sages simply had the power to do such a thing - or maybe this man was more dedicated than the rest (he had to be to actually build a da vinci flying machine when da vinci was still alive...) and they decided they had to put an end to it.
however, this kept happening. the tale continues on to say that other people, too, went to ichi no kuni and came back with stories of machines they saw there. how did they go, you might ask me. non-wizards can’t cast gateway.
there was a tunnel between worlds.
PAGE 302:
The sages realized that something must be done, because technology from the other world was threatening to ruin the balance of their own. They decided to seal the tunnel to the other world, to ensure that the place of magic within society was never threatened again. Now, visiting the other world was not completely forbidden--why, powerful wizards could still cast the spell known as “Gateway” and travel to the other world any time they pleased!
seriously they sealed the tunnel between worlds, knowing that only they would be able to access ichi no kuni. this is a fake world with fake politics and i’m pissed off about this. they wanted non-wizards to have as little power as possible.
this is, unfortunately, not the end of this section. there is one more very large thing about the wizard’s companion and this topic, that i’ve been consciously leaving out:
the sages hate technology. every section on technology is written in a bitter tone... except when they are talking about military, or already existing militarised things.
page 129 (means of transportation part one, cloud sweepers):
To give credit where it is due, certain enterprising engineers have gone so far as to attach guns to the front of their Cloud Sweepers, allowing them to attack enemies while in mid-air--a recognised limitation of the traditional wizard’s broom.
page 130 (rare weapons and armor - yes this is the page right after the one where they insult cloud sweepers):
Such items include pistols that allow one to open locks from a distance, and harps that attack one’s enemies when plucked. Should you be fortunate enough to come across such rare items, do not be afraid to use them on the field of battle. A wizard has nothing to fear from material objects.
page 147 (means of transportation part two, porco grosso):
The latest rumors emanating from the factories of Hamelin surround a battle tank known as the Porco Grosso. This leaked image--depicting the tank’s designers, the Porco twins, standing next to their creation--is the only evidence of its existence. The Porco Grosso is believed to be capable of scaling vertical walls and attacking an entire battalion of enemy troops with a single volley.
page 329 (regions of the world, hamelin):
The citizens of Hamelin are united both by their inquisitive natures and their desire to support and protect their empire. As a result, large-scale magi-scientific military projects are quite normal. Such projects are always kept top-secret, of course, butt rumors suggest that Hamelin’s latest development, the Porco Grosso tank, is several leagues ahead of any weapon in the other nations’ respective arsenals.
A wizard has nothing to fear from material objects. lol. lmao
all of these quotes are entirely neutral or positive about these developments. this edition of the wizard’s companion was published at the very start of shadar’s reign, likely before he began properly enforcing the magic ban. on hamelin’s page, the only technology talked about is that of military value; it’s likely safe to assume any other technology was forbidden.
...more on this later... haha...
part two: the implications
“the implications” of course being various things in game, and how they affect the characters. now that you know the general situation regarding non-wizards, you might ask me. ruby. how in god’s name did this start?
...well, we don’t know for sure. and it could very easily be as simple as “wizards have power and it developed from there”. but i have a theory.
nazcaa, as it happens, was very magi-scientific. we know this because have you ever been attacked by a magimech. i have. it’s fucking terrifying. those bitches were these people’s FAMILIARS!!! nazcaa was around during the age of sages, also known as the sagely stone age, when people were experimenting with stones, discovering the power behind them (maybe i should make a lore post on rocks)! no one was restricted! magi-science was HAPPENING. the wizard king was well known for being equal, to the point of choosing his stone guardians to represent humans, animals, and creatures.
and then, of course, he was assassinated.
and then, of course, his daughter cast the forbidden spell, and doomed nazcaa entirely.
my theory is that nazcaa was somewhat of a trailblazer for this stuff (the MAGIMECHS) and that when it was destroyed, people saw their technology as the thing that cursed them. the wizard’s companion describes nazcaa as a legend; how did the destruction of a kingdom that large not make it into history books? easy: no one knows what happened. but they can guess - and my guess is that they thought their technology went against the laws of nature, and therefore the gods. over thousands of years, this translates into nazcaa being forgotten, but the idea of that still lingering. obviously, this is a theory, and isn’t actually confirmed. but it would make a lot of sense, right?
that’s nazcaa; let’s talk about more modern-day things. for example, khulan and kublai.
even without dotdd confirming it, we can assume xanadu was pretty magical. it was run by a great sage and it fucking floated. it was magical. when kublai was hired, it was a highly magical palace of a highly magical kingdom; he is non-magical, to the point where in dotdd, he uses cloud sweepers, in a clear showing of his divide from wizardry. his position in the xanadu army was... i mean i already said it at the top of this essay: he was a diversity hire.
this is why khulan and kublai’s relationship was such a well-guarded secret. have you ever wondered why in god’s name they were so secretive about it? it’s THIS. are you kidding? the implications of a great sage and a non-wizard sky pirate...
while on the topic of kublai: in dotdd, there’s a little secret cave, called the “sky pirate’s hideout” (different to the one in wotww; kublai’s hideout in dotdd is called dragon’s den) in which you find ghosts of a long lost magic pirate crew from hundreds of years ago. most of it isn’t relevant to this post, but the ghost at the entrance directly scoffs at kublai’s pirate crew for not being able to use magic:
“Using magic to move a huge ship, we were a great pirate crew that controlled the seas around the world!“ [Drippy] “Never saw you lot. Though there is a Pirate King [Kublai] who flies the sky.” “Hmph. The pirates here are small fry compared to the olden days. I guess it’s because they’ve lost their ability to use magic. How pitiful they’ve become.”
it’s a neat little insight into how wizards from before shadar’s reign viewed non-magical people - and a neat little insight into how kublai was likely viewed when hired by the xanaduvian palace.
now that that’s done. here’s the big one:
gascon as well, in a moment. but for now let’s talk about hamelin as a city. now that we know all this, we can pretty easily make some assumptions about hamelin: before shadar’s reign, they were making military weapons and military weapons only (supported by the fact the wizard’s companion still describes hamelin as a “seat of scientific and magical learning”). during shadar’s reign, they may have gone a little too crazy; now that the sages are no longer in power, they’re experiencing an industrial revolution on such a large and fast scale because now they can actually make machines that aren’t. guns or tanks. and they already have the knowledge to do so because they’ve already been making guns and tanks. hamelin is on top of large mining deposits - clear by the mines and quarries everywhere on the pig iron plain - and they’ve already been making the aforementioned guns and tanks, so their tech evolves first.
(xanadu was on an island right next to autumnia; i wouldn’t be surprised if the iron wyvern came out of hamelin.)
they build a roof over the city. we know from dotdd that the primary reason for this is to protect them (likely from shadar, who is right next door), but it may have also been to keep the rain out of their engines. they don’t think about the consequences - they don’t KNOW about the consequences until they have to name a chest disease hamelin heart, a name, again, from dotdd (love that game), because the smog clouds the city.
(according to dotdd, hamelin was the smallest of the cities on autumnia before shadar took over. now it’s the only one standing.)
now. gascon. gascon is the most obvious piece of evidence for this entire thing, considering his lack of magic is a large plotpoint. it seems like even though hamelin as a city has been largely letting go of all of this, in favour of technology, the noble class has other ideas - they want to keep magical superiority alive, so much so that they refuse to have a non-wizard on the throne. even though gascon is good with machines - he gives you a blueprint for a gun he designed! - and would currently be a better fit for the throne than a great sage with no mechanical knowledge, he’s unable to ascend the throne because he can’t do magic. hamelin is a mechanical empire, no one is allowed to use magic ANYWAY, and gascon isn’t allowed to ascend the throne.
genuinely i wish marcassin’s brokenhearted plotline focused more on his ability to run the kingdom; the person who was meant to and was better fit for the job left him on account of the pressure from the sages, after all. he’s doing his best. he really is. but considering he IS a great sage, and most of marcassin’s education likely revolved around that instead of anything his kingdom is known for (seriously. isn’t it crazy that hamelin is the only one of the three kingdoms run by a great sage? that it has a law on it? ...more on this later)... he is not the best for the job is he. yet even if gascon didn’t run, from what we can tell from what swaine says about the situation, marcassin would have become emperor in his place anyway.
this shit runs DEEP.
part three: lucien
this is the big one. why did lucien, as shadar, ban magic? well i hope that now that you’ve read the rest of this post you can infer why, but the answer is easy: he wanted to stop the oppression of non-wizards, by taking away the power the sages wielded. but it’s actually a lot more personal than that. a lot of this section will be going into one of dotdd’s dlc quests, in which this is essentially spelled out for you.
because, according to this dlc quest: lucien did not grow up practicing magic.
in this quest (really series of quests. there’s three of them), you meet three of lucien’s friends from when he was in the army. they’re ghosts, of course, but they’re unable to move on because they feel guilt for not standing with lucien when he turned traitor. they say, very directly:
“A long time ago, Shadar wasn’t even able to use magic.” [Esther] “Seriously? Shadar. The Dark Djinn. One of the most powerful wizards ever, and you’re saying he wasn’t always able to use magic?” [Swaine] “But... If he couldn’t use magic, how was he able to join the battle mages?” “He didn’t want to join the battle mages. He thought that he would be just a normal soldier, given that he was a young man from Halcyon. But, even though he couldn’t use magic, he was made the attendant of a battle mage magimech.” [Oliver] “Magimech?” “He was a soldier whose job was to make synthetic stones. He knew how to hit the enemy hard, but he broke himself in the process of making our weapons. He was a support worker for those who were on the front lines. Lucien was right in the middle of all that, and I think that’s where he became interested in magic.”
so just to be clear. lucien was originally not a soldier in this war. he was an engineer who made weapons (because he wasn’t allowed to make anything else) who then began fighting after he became interested in magic. not only that, he was an apprentice of some kind to a MAGIMECH. are you kidding.
(speaking of. this is very similar to a certain someone in motorville.)
later on in this quest, you find lucien’s diary - kept safe by the magimech he attended - which details his contempt for living in a magic-driven world:
Magic is to blame, if anything... I won’t ever forgive anyone who uses magic spells to harm another person. If there were no magic in this world in the first place... then we wouldn’t have such horrifying wars, either. There is no place for me in this terrifying world. Even if my existence was suddenly extinguished, I don’t think that even my friends would miss me... or notice. But, the innocence of all the people caught up in this world of magic keeps eating away at me. I want to devote myself to protecting innocence. And I want to leave this diary for my friends to read, one day. I will hide it away somewhere no sane person would ever look for it, and I will entrust it to the custody of a guardian. If ever there is a person who reads this diary... I hope that they are a person who holds the same convictions and hopes for the future of the world that I do.
we all know lucien’s motivations for becoming the dark djinn: he wanted to put an end to the wars that seemed to run rampant throughout the world (hell. if you look at some of the dialogue from king tom and cowlipha lowlah, there’s still animosity between the three kingdoms.) so he became the sole target. and i mean. crazy fucking plan but it worked! the world is a lot more peaceful now than in lucien’s age! i don’t condone the murders but he did kind of fucking do it is the thing!
but why did he ban magic specifically? why were there wars in the first place? here’s my second theory of this post: the wars were between sages.
they’re using magic to fight. they’re using armies to attack each other. why ARE military inventions praised so highly by sages, when they have magic that can do much of the same? because their armies can use them. the target in rubicon when lucien betrayed his army was a sage - alicia’s parent. If there were no magic in this world in the first place... then we wouldn’t have such horrifying wars, either.
the sages like the invention of weapons that non-wizards can use so that those non-wizards can fight their wars for them. hamelin’s law that only a great sage can run the kingdom makes a lot more sense when you consider it’s not only for a class boundary, but for control.
the, now rather obvious, reason lucien banned magic was to get rid of the power imbalance; he took down all of the sages who were oppressing non-wizards, he stopped the wars they caused, he forced them to adapt without magic because they couldn’t defeat him. and. again it worked! hamelin is expanding, the al mamoon army uses cloud sweepers now, khulan and kublai are together... things are better! despite the horrors! the world of ni no kuni, as it is in game, is in a very specific position - where shadar has now managed to achieve his aim - tipping the scales so that non-wizards are no longer oppressed. clearly, there’s still some way to go, but it’s a good damn start.
but his job is done; there’s no need for him anymore. the wars are over, the world is almost peaceful again - the last thread tying it to that time is shadar himself. and i mean he did murder and break the hearts of a lot of people also. for the world to be truly peaceful, he needs to be defeated.
and isn’t it poetic that the pure-hearted one, he who will drive out the darkness. is a kid from motor city who likes building cars and didn’t know magic existed until he was thirteen.
Using machines to triumph over nature is not the behavior of the pure-hearted.
imagine how pissed off these sages would be. they come out of hiding after shadar has been defeated like finally! the place of magic within society has been restored! we will now start banning technology again and the pure-hearted one is sitting there like why would you do that :( they’re so cool :(
THEY WOULD BE SO ANGRYYYY it would be so funny. they can’t even fucking say anything. he’s a great sage’s son. he’s from detroit. they’ve been waiting for this powerful wizard to show up to defeat shadar so they can get their world back and he turns out to be a Mechanic. from Another World. full of CARS. AND HE’S THE SECOND COMING OF THE WIZARD KING. IMAGINE.
part four: conclusion
this is where i leave you. with the knowledge that oliver’s existence is driving magical bigots batshit. good for him
thank you for reading this 4500 WORD JESUS CHRIST???? essay. if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them in my askbox. i fucking love politics that aren’t real in any shape or form and i also love other things about ni no kuni too so you can ask me anything about it.
i hope you get it now.
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Summary: Magic likes Oliver. Oliver likes magic.
Author: @sweetpea-sprite
Note from submitter: clawing at the walls of my enclosure rn i love this fic so much. i need to hold oliver and tell him everything will be ok
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aberooski · 1 year
video game ask, 4!
4. Choose a piece at random and share it!
Ah! Thank you, Chazz!!! 😄
I was gonna be a bad girl and just shuffle my Final Fantasy playlist, but I play other games than FF so that would be cheating!
So the actual randomized song we'll be receiving isssssssss.....!
"In Loving Memory of Allie" from Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
This was actually the first song that popped into my head. Ni No Kuni is one of my favorite games ever made. It's beautiful, it's whimsical, it's fun, it's heartbreaking, it's just pure heart and emotion and adventure, and the music is nothing short of spectacular!
Also if you love Studio Ghibli the visuals of the game are based on that style and they even did the animation for some of the cutscenes in the game which is awesome!
This piece has made me cry several times, honestly this game has made me cry more than any non FF game ever has. It touches my heart in such a profound way I can't even articulate how it makes me feel. This piece is about our main character Oliver's mother, and is essentially her theme as he journey's across this magical parallel world to try and resurrect her after her death which is the inciting incident of the opening of the game.
This piece and this game will be burned into my heart forever. 💕
And as a bonus for fun, I shuffled my FF playlist and the first song that appeared was!
"Memories of Happier Days" from Final Fantasy XIII
This is actually one of my favorite songs in FF and probably my favorite song from 13.
It's another arrangement of Vanille's theme, and she's my favorite character in the game so immediately was entranced by it as a kid. And just like the previous piece, it's beautiful and emotional, uplifting, yet heartbreaking all the same. Bittersweet is the perfect word for it I think. 🙂
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quietlycreative · 9 months
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch had been on my to play list for some time before I finally pulled the trigger and clicked play. I had originally picked it up due to being a very big fan of Studio Ghibli, though overall I was a bit hesitant going into the game because - Studio Ghibli being what it is- my expectations were naturally pretty high in terms of the story that I expected. With a bit over 2.5k steam reviews putting the game at “Very Positive”, I knew that there was a high chance I’d enjoy the game but wasn’t very sure if the story would leave the same overall impact that most of the Studio Ghibli movies I love had left on me throughout my childhood and adult life.
Diving into the game I ended up clocking around 65 total hours in the game between streaming the story and doing errands or bounties privately in my free time. Which is a pretty high timeframe compared to the average on How Long To Beat, which says that the story is about 44 hours with another 13 or so added on for side quests. Coming from a background of MMOs this doesn’t seem like much however, playing it bits at a time Live on stream did stretch my playthrough longer than I had expected.
Since this review is meant to be spoiler free, I can’t go into my full thoughts on the story here. However, I will say that the story was adorable with a few twists I didn’t quite see coming and characters that all have their own personalities and motivations. I can’t say that the overall story had the same impact as some of my favorite Ghibli movies, but it was enough to see the Ghibli influence in terms of a story that has some darker themes with a bittersweet ending that leaves you feeling fulfilled. Not to mention some of the absolutely beautiful cutscenes done in the Ghibli style art - I’m talking about you Hamelin. Following Oliver and Crew on their journey to save Ouer World was a very wonderful experience for me overall.
Those who enjoy a hero-overcomes-all story that doesn’t mind themes of depression, heartbreak, and loss would like this game. Though I will warn folks getting into it that the combat style does have a slow ramp up. It feels very awkward at the start until you get a boss or two in and the combat takes off with the ability to tame or capture different familiars. Kind of like pokemon, where specific familiar types boost well with certain handlers. From there the boss fights become more and more creative as the difficulty increases. Don’t worry though, the game features two modes. A normal mode and one meant for those simply looking to experience the story. As a side note, several of my friends and viewers commented that the overall style of the combat wasn’t quite something they were interested in when looking at games, though they enjoyed watching me play through it. So keep that in mind if you’re looking to pick it up.
Overall, would I recommend this game though?
Yes, I would for the story alone because of the journey it takes you through. With the beautiful world, gorgeous music, and dazzling boss fights added in its a truly loveable game. If you do decide to pick it up, please leave your thoughts and comments below.
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doberbutts · 2 years
Your taste in videogames goes off so hard, I think it every time you mention what games you like, I also love how nuanced you are about the games you play, a lot of people either think a game has zero issues if they love it or if it happens to not be for them they have to pretend like no one should, I really respect your ability to go 'I like this but it has flaws' and 'I dislike this because it's not for me but I see why others would like it', also I fucking love assassin's creed and pokemon so I'm biased
Ha! Thank you! Mostly I like jrpgs but I'll throw mostly a little bit of everything in there.
Just for you, anon, my list of switch games I've played this year according to my switch are:
Pokemon Violet
Okami (replaying- played a long time ago on the WiiU)
Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch (replaying- attempted on ps3 and couldn't get into it)
Trials of Mana (abandoned, really hate some character choices they made, really the older I get the more harshly I judge lolis and pedobait)
Neo: The World Ends With You
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Rune Factory 5 (abandoned, tried very hard to like it and didn't)
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond (abandoned nearly instantly for PLA whoops)
Cadence of Hyrule (replayed because I remembered how fun it was the first time around)
Collection of Mana (abandoned, not remembering why)
Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town (abandoned due to pretty much the same problems as RF5)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (mostly abandoned until I remember to go back to my island again whoops)
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (replayed because it was fun the first time around on WiiU)
Immortals Fenyx Rising (abandoned, fun premise boring execution, may return to it later)
Enter the Gungeon (replayed, struggled with it on keyboard on Steam, vastly preferred on switch)
Transistor (replayed, same as Gungeon it's not fun to play on a keyboard and way better with a controller)
As for the rest! I try to consider everything that way. I don't always succeed but I do try. And because there are various things that don't chase me away from a title if everything else is strong.
For instance I think the first Witcher is a bad game that definitely deserved its $1 cost I bought it at on Steam. Between bugs and crashes and bad voice acting and really awful UI choices it's a miracle honestly that I stuck around long enough to play the next two. But... at the same time... I stuck around because I liked the characters, the world-building, the story, the concept enough that I was willing to forgive these things moving forward. And I'm glad I did, because I do like the Witcher series as a whole whether games, books, or now the Netflix show. But I think the first two games were, um, not good, and it takes a lot for me to consider returning to them to replay them. Though supposedly they're remaking them to be more like Wild Hunt which, god I hope so, because Wild Hunt fixed almost everything I had a problem with in the initial two.
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tavs-kin-korner · 1 year
hullo! this is annnnnn… odd source, but i’m oliver from ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch!
you don’t need to know a whole lot, just the general themes… i loved my cloak and my wand and i think about adventures and lanterns and traveling a lot.
so, anyway, surprise me with anything! it’ll be easier that way since you likely aren’t too familiar.
thank you :D
[Ooh, sure thing! This sounds like an interesting source!]
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clinketyclank · 2 years
here are my wotww playlists 💪
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drindrak-art · 4 years
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This just in: Local Bastard Man Accidentally Adopts Two (2) Children
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zomboatswain · 5 years
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Ni No Kuni + My (wildly out of context) Tweets
I did this on my Bully/Can,is Ca,n,em Edit blog a while ago and ppl responded well. Apparently I’m funny out of context.
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nenukoone · 4 years
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some like refs idk
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So ummm... I really like this scene:
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Because Two things... 
It cements that Swaine is a man of his word... he’s just the world’s worst procrastinator.
This kid’s face right here: 
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Like, kid. Wake the frack up. 
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one of my friends!
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hi everyone! its oliver again! i thought it’d be neat to show you guys one of my friends first! this is tengri! he’s a dragon i helped, he was brokenhearted and a nightmare had infected his soulmate! but its all okay now! he helps us reach places we can’t reach by boat, hes amazing! #bestdragonfriend
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