#olivia bd
collinnmckinley · 8 months
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"Be stealthful as the night..." Happy Birthday Olivia!! @moonspktr
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impact-quickly · 25 days
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femdom-universe871 · 7 months
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f-yeahbendaniels · 1 year
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My Top Five Favorite Ben Daniels Characters (Cast): 3. The Crown (2019).
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Wildcard 17
Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot x Reader
S/O to @momlifebehard for giving me some inspiration and helping me through my writer's block. I appreciate it. ☺️
The next morning you woke up confused by your surroundings. Looking around it dawned on you where you were. Last night you cried yourself to sleep in the guest bedroom. Gently lifting yourself up you winced at the pain coming from your backside. Unfortunately, you didn’t have any clothes in the guest bedroom so you would have to walk out naked to reach the bathroom.
Peeking your head outside the door you checked to see if the coast was clear. Listening for a few minutes you confirmed that Alex nor Olivia were awake yet. Walking down the hall to the guest bathroom you carefully closed the door behind you. Once inside you looked in the mirror. Your face was red and swollen from crying and your bottom lip had a nice bruise from you bitting down on it to conceal your cries.
Looking around the bathroom you finally found some soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Getting the shower ready you gathered the materials steeping into the shower. You cried out as the hot water meets your backside. You knew wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for a while.
Once you were done with your shower you wrapped yourself in a towel and headed to the bedroom. As much as you didn’t want to go into the master suite you needed clothes and that’s where they were. Silently you peeked through the door looking inside to see Olivia and Alex were still asleep. Carefully opening the door enough to get in you walked quietly to the closet in search of your clothes. Opting for a t-shirt and loose sweat pants you begin to dry off your body. Looking back in the full-length mirror you gasped at the sight. Your ass and thighs sported shades of deep red and purple. Some spots looked worse than others but you could tell you would bruise.
-Fuck I should really apply some ointment.-
You sigh when you realized that it was located in the master bathroom. Wrapping yourself back up in a towel you headed to your destination.
Quickly trying to get the cream as quietly as possible you run back out of the bathroom and straight into Olivia. You gasped looking up at her. Suddenly it dawned on you that Olivia didn’t tell you that applying ointment was okay.
Great, yet another rule broken! My ass can't take another spanking.
Olivia must have noticed your internal battle as she reached out grabbing your hands to gain your attention.
“It’s okay. You can use the cream.” She whispered.
“Thank you.” You mumbled walking back to the closet.
Olivia follows behind you standing in the doorway.
“Is it okay if I help? I know it’s hard for you to reach sometimes.” She offered.
Quietly you stood there thinking about how you should answer. At the moment you didn’t want Olivia touching you but you weren’t going to ask Alex and it would be hard to apply on your own. Finally, you sighed nodding your head as you handed the cream to her. She gives you a small smile taking the cream as she lowers herself to her knees behind you.
“You have to drop the towel baby.” She says softly.
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes as you dropped the towel. You hear a loud gasp behind you and then feel soft fingertips run across your ass. As hard as you tried you couldn’t help but whimper when she touched a sensitive area. Looking over at the mirror you see Olivia looking up at you with tears in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry.” She cried carefully applying the cream to your bottom.
She cried the whole time. You tried your hardest to hold back your tears waiting for her to finish. Once she was done she rises to her feet. Taking that as a sign you grabbed your pants carefully stepping into them. You winced when the pants made contact with your ass. Reaching for your shirt you put it over your head slipping your arms through the holes. Olivia watches as she cleans her hands off on the towel. Once you were dressed Olivia stepped forward.
“Y/n I’m so sorry. I never meant to lose control like that.”
“It’s fine. I deserved it.” You mumbled keeping your eyes on the ground.
Olivia shakes her head “No you didn’t.”
You continued to look down at the floor not knowing how to respond.
“I lost my temper.” She cries lifting your chin as her finger strokes your bruised lip.
“It was my fault. I made you lose your temper. I broke the rules and I was punished. End of story.” You whispered moving your chin out of her hand.
Olivia cries shaking her head. “What is happening? We’ve never been like this. What did I do? How did we get here?” She asked.
You breathed deeply chucking back a sob as you answered
“A kid died on my watch at the school. A boy. His name was Ian.”
“When?” Olivia asked.
“Monday. I came home that night to tell you but when I got here Alex was upset. I wanted comfort and I needed you. But Alex needed you more. I was already in a weird place after the meeting I had with the school board. I’ve been placed on suspension while they investigate.” You explained.
“Why? How can they blame you for what happened?”
“It happened on my watch Olivia in my school. I didn’t take his issues seriously enough, I didn’t pay attention enough. And because of that a fourteen-year-old boy brought a gun to school and killed himself in front of half the staff and student body. Because of my negligence, a student is dead and others are traumatized.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“When was I supposed to tell you Liv? Before or after you dealt with Alex?” you snapped.
“I asked you the next day what was wrong. You could have told me then.”
“Your right I could have but have you ever stopped and asked yourself why I didn’t?”
Olivia shakes her head.
You sighed shaking your head as fresh tears fall heavily.
“Liv I love you. I really do. And for the most part, I have been fine with this arrangement but since we added Alex you treat me differently. You have taken the role of a master to another level. Everything in this relationship has become about Alex. Everything. And the one thing that wasn’t about her was my role which she took over as well. Your right I should have talked to you before it got to this point. But I didn’t. I let my stubbornness and insecurities take over and that’s on me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Honestly?” You asked. The brunette nods her head.
“Because I thought you would pick her over me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? You have prioritized her over everything else. And just so we're clear this isn't me being hateful or jealous of Alex. I like Alex, I'm happy with her. It's you! You're the one that promised me that our connection wouldn't change. That you would still make time for me, that you would still be the Master and lover you were in the beginning. We're equals, first and foremost. Whatever happens here is out of love and even if you feel you have no power all you have to do is say the word. What happened to that Olivia?”
The brunette sobbed as she listened to your words. “I'm sorry.” she cries.
“That's not enough this time Liv”
“What do you mean?”
You sighed holding back your tears. “I'm going out. I’ll see you later,” you tell her walking out of the bedroom. Olivia cries as she watches you walk away.
Olivia’s POV:
It's been hours since I last saw you. I've called I've texted. Alex has called and sent messages and all we receive is radio silence. I've yelled, I've cried, I've asked why. Alex has been here the whole time watching over me. Trying to keep me from going over the edge.
A knock on the door alerts us both as we head towards it praying it's you. Opening the door I'm met with Delana and Casey.
“Casey?” I question.
The redhead gives me a small smile as she enters our home.
“Liv. Alex,” she says waving towards the blonde standing behind me in the entryway.
“What can we do for you?” I asked.
Casey sighs “Liv I hate to do this but we're here to get some of Y/N’s things.”
“W..what?” I stutter feeling my heart break in half.
Delana chuckles as she rolls her eyes “Don't act so surprised. I mean you had to know it was coming right?”
“Delana,” Casey warns.
“No, I'm sorry you can punish me later if you want to but this is bullshit,” she says focusing her hard gaze back on me.
“My best friend came to me this morning heart broken and bruised. She would have done anything for you! Hell, she already did!” she shouts gesturing towards Alex.
“All you do is take and take until there is nothing left. She loved you with everything that she has and you used it against her. You hurt her physically and emotionally. You know they're talking about firing her right? She could lose her job! A job that she loves and is great at. And all she ever asked from you was love, support, and comfort. You know what good masters no... no...I'm sorry what good partners do. You're lucky I don't beat the fuck out of you. But I won't because she would never forgive me. See Olivia that's how you act when you're not a selfish bitch.” she says storming off upstairs to gather your things.
Casey sighs as she watches Delana walk off.
“I didn't know about her job...” I whispered.
“I imagine not considering your head has been so far up Alex’s ass! I'm surprised you're aware of anything these days,” Casey says.
“Casey,” I warn.
“Whatever you two should have known better. But I'll spare you my lecture. Y/n wanted me to give these to you.” she says handing me a letter and then one to Alex as well.
“Not that either of you deserves it she said she's sorry. And for what it's worth she's struggling with this decision.” Casey says with a sad smile.
“I'll go upstairs and help Delana.” the redhead smiles softly before joining her pet.
Alex and I break off both leaving the other to read their letter privately. I sit at the table holding your letter. With trembling hands, I rip open the envelope looking inside. Pulling out the letter I let out a tiny sob as I see the promise ring fall out of the envelope. The ring I gave to you years ago as I promise of my love for you.
Gathering myself I blink my blurry eyes as I try to read your letter.
“My dearest Olivia,
There are not enough words that I could write to describe the love I have for you. We met during a time when we both needed someone and saved each other from the darkness. I adore you I always have. I adore everything that you have worked for and how amazing you're at your job. I thought that you would be my one and only for the rest of my life. I just knew the day I met you I would no longer have to search for love. However, we both know that has changed. And because of this, I think it's best that we take some time apart to figure out what we truly want. I know you love me but I don't think that's enough anymore. If we're being honest you have been fighting an inner battle with yourself ever since Alex came back to life. I noticed the shift, the conflict brewing inside of you for a long time ago but I chose to ignore it. That's on me. I would never say that I am not at some fault for how this has ended and I know that I need time to work on myself. So I'm hoping that during this time we can both find ourselves and what we want in this life. No matter what happens I want you to know that I love you deeply and harder than I've ever loved anyone before. You were my everything and in some ways you still are. I wish you nothing but happiness Liv. And I wish I could be a part of that but I know that this is what I need to do. I'm sorry I couldn't face you myself but I knew if I walked through that door I wouldn't leave. Because I can't say no to you Olivia. I never could. I'm sorry and I hope that one day we will find each other again.
I love you and I will always love you.
Y/n “
I sobbed loudly as I finish your letter clinging to the ring. My heart breaks as I read your words over and over again. This wasn't supposed to happen. It was never meant to be like this.
(Alex’s POV:)
I hear Olivia's sobs ring throughout the apartment and I know that means that you're gone. I cruse myself for ever becoming involved. I knew better! I knew you loved Olivia and would do whatever she wanted. I knew that you weren't okay. This is all my fault. I should have stopped this a long time ago. But I was selfish and I wanted to be with Olivia. And during that time I grew to love you as well. And now I could be losing you both. I sigh as I look at the envelope in my hands. Bracing myself I rip the seal releasing the paper.
Looking down I cry as I read your words.
Dear Alex,
I want you to know how sorry I am for all of this mess. I'm sorry for how I've treated you throughout this relationship. It's nothing new that I wasn't comfortable with adding a third but I did it anyway for Olivia. However, I know I'm at fault as well. I should have listened to you that day you came by my office but here we are. As much as I tried not to like you you've made it extremely difficult. I know you meant well in everything you did and I know you were always looking out for me. I'm sorry about how I treated you in your time of need. I understand that my actions may have caused you to see me in a different light. And for that, I'm truly sorry. I want you to know that whatever happens between Olivia and me I wish you nothing but happiness and love. Maybe in another life, we could have been friends or lovers even. Because in a weird way I do love you, Alex. I wish nothing but good things for you. However, I need time to be alone. I need time to think about my relationship with Olivia. I wish I could let it go and just go back to the way things were but I think we both know that I will never be enough for Olivia. I love you Alex and I'm sorry. Thank you for everything you've done for me, thank you for the laughter, love, and support you've given me. Thank you for being there for me even in times when I didn't deserve it. You will always be the wildcard, the person I never thought I could grow to love. You're forever my Princess Alexandra.
All my love,
I can't help but chuckle as I cry reading over your words. In a weird way, we both never thought we could share this type of love for one another. I wish it could have been at a different time. A time where we could both be blissfully happy and enjoy our life together. However, I know that you love Olivia and I was just the added person. I wish things could have been different.
Hearing Delana and Casey coming back down the stairs I wipe my eyes quickly. Casey gives me a small smile as she and Delana walk out with your things. Making my way toward the kitchen I take a seat next to Olivia. Her head rests on her arms as she cries. Reaching out I rub her shoulder softly. She looks up at me and my heart breaks even more.
“She’s gone, Alex. She's gone.” she cries. I nod my head holding back my cries “I know baby.”
Olivia finally breaks as she falls into my arms sobbing.
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reiraseju · 9 months
Chapters: 19/22 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Tyzula - Fandom, azula - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar) Characters: Azula (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee's Sisters (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar) Additional Tags: tyzula - Freeform, Lesbian Azula (Avatar), Lesbian Ty Lee (Avatar), Protective Azula (Avatar), Happy Azula (Avatar), Crazy Azula (Avatar), POV Azula (Avatar), Child Azula (Avatar), Firelord Azula (Avatar), Bisexual Ty Lee (Avatar), Airbender Ty Lee (Avatar), Minor Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar), Pansexual Ty Lee (Avatar), Tyzula Week 2020 (Avatar), Tyzula Week (Avatar), Fire Nation Royal Family, Fire Nation (Avatar), Yuri, Girls Kissing, girlslove, girlxgirl, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Bad Parent Ozai (Avatar), Mentioned Ursa (Avatar), Sex, Lesbian Sex, Eventual Smut, Healing, Healing Sex, Redemption Summary:
𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 火 𝐓𝐲𝐳𝐮𝐥𝐚 - 𝑃𝑠𝑦𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑎, 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝐸𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑐 - ❤️🔥
Azula and Ty lee had been best friends since they were kids, but after they graduated from the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, Ty Lee left the Fire Nation capital to join the circus and they stopped seeing each other for years. It wasn't until Azula paid her a visit one day, asking her to join her elite team with the objective of capturing the Avatar. So many years had passed that maybe they had forgotten how deep their connection really was...
A story of love and healing.
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svu-barisi · 1 year
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ortegasm · 1 month
my blog (what i post)
ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི my teacher crush(s) ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི jenna ortega ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི fics (rarely)
me 💕 ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི my name is olivia ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི i’m 41 🔄 ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི im bi (preferably men) ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི im irish ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀ i love jenna ortega, lana, and lolita ྀིྀིྀ im a writer and i make playlists (send ideas/requests pls!!)
my tcs💕
mr c
ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he’s in his 30s ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he has a wife and three kids (☹️) ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he’s a history teacher but he doesn’t teach me (☹️)
mr w
ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he’s in his 50s.. ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he has a wife but isn’t happy with her ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he’s my science teacher ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he chose my seat at the top of the class at the start of the year and still hasn’t moved me! ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི he always tells jokes and looks at me while smiling… 🙈 ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི i’m his favourite student even though im not that good at science…
k1nk list! ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི (light) bd/sm ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི d3gradati0n ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི older men ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི daddy k1nk ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི cr3ampi3s ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི bl0wj0bs 😍
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Onstage, Concert for Bangladesh, August 1, 1971. Photographer unnamed.
“I think his voice is great, I love that sort of madness. And as a person he’s somebody who — well, as he said, ‘Time will tell who has fell and who’s been left behind.’ Bob is still out there and whether you like him or not he’s Bob. I’ve always listened to his music. I’m thankful there’s people like that.” - George Harrison, Musician, March 1990 “I’m a huge Bob Dylan fan and I’ve got all his records and I’ve always liked him and I’ll like him and go on liking him regardless.” - George Harrison, Wanted Man: In Search of Bob Dylan (1998) “I mean, you tell me one person other than Bob Dylan who has a moral message in a tune that’s improved upon Bob’s words in his song ‘Every Grain of Sand’: ‘Don’t have the inclination to look back on any mistakes/Like Cain I now behold this chain of events that I must break/In the fury of the moment I can see the Masters hand/In every leaf that trembles/In every grain of sand/Oh the flowers of indulgence and the weeds of yester-year/Like criminals they have choked the breath of conscience and good cheer/…I gaze into the doorway of temptations angry flame/And every time I pass that way/I always hear my name/Then onward in my journey/I come to understand/That every grain is numbered/Like every grain of sand.’” - George Harrison, Billboard, June 19, 1999 “They had a soul connection.” - Olivia Harrison, Rolling Stone, September 15, 2011 Q: “Tell me about George Harrison.” Bob Dylan: “George got stuck with being the Beatle that had to fight to get songs on records because of Lennon and McCartney. Well, who wouldn’t get stuck? If George had had his own group and was writing his own songs back then, he’d have been probably just as big as anybody. George had an uncanny ability to just play chords that didn’t seem to be connected in any kind of way and come up with a melody and a song. I don’t know anybody else who could do that, either. What can I tell you? He was from that old line of playing where every note was a note to be counted.” Q: “You were very close, right?” BD: “Yeah.” - Rolling Stone, 3-17 May 2007 “He was a giant, a great, great soul, with all the humanity, all the wit and humor, all the wisdom, the spirituality, the common sense of a man and compassion for people. He inspired love and had the strength of a hundred men. He was like the sun, the flowers and the moon, and we will miss him enormously. The world is a profoundly emptier place without him.” - Bob Dylan, Rolling Stone, January 17, 2002
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castlesrp · 3 months
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Face Claim List
Below the cut, you will find our list of face claims featured on our canon list. Enjoy this sneak peak at what is coming your way when the canon lists start being released this week!
FC List:
Abigail Cowen Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Amita Suman Amy Adams Ana de Armas André De Shields Andrew Garfield Angela Bassett Anna Kendrick Anne Hathaway Anthony Anderson Anthony Mackie Anya Chalotra Anya Taylor Joy Aja Naomi King Avan Jogia Avantika Audra McDonald Austin Butler Beanie Feldstein Ben Barnes Beyoncé BD Wong Bette Midler Caleb McLaughlin Camila Mendes Catherine O'Hara Charles Melton Chiwetel Ejiofor Chloe Bennet Chloe Bailey Christina Hendricks Christina Nadin Chrissy Metz Cody Christian Constance Wu Courtney Eaton Dakota Johnson Danai Gurira Daniel Ezra Daniel Wu Danny Trejo David Harbour Deepika Padukone Denzel Washington Dev Patel Diana Silvers Diane Keaton Dianna Agron Dove Cameron Dylan O'Brien Eddie Redmayne Eiza González Emily Alyn Lind Eva Longoria Ewan McGregor Fan Bingbing Felix Mallard Florence Pugh Froy Gutierrez Gabrielle Union Gemma Chan George Takei Gillian Anderson Gina Rodriguez Gina Torres Hailee Steinfeld Halle Bailey Harrison Ford Harry Shum JR Harry Styles Henry Cavill Hero Fiennes Tiffin Hunter Schafer Hugh Jackman Idris Elba J. Cameron-Smith Jacob Artist Jacob Elordi Jameela Jamil James McAvoy Jamie Chung Jamie Lee Curtis Jasmin Savoy Brown Jason Momoa Jason Sudekis Jean Smart Jeff Goldblum Jeffrey Wright Jenna Ortega Jensen Ackles Jesse Williams Jessica Chastain JK Simmons Joe Locke John Boyega John Cho John Krasinski Jon Hamm Jonathan Bailey Jordan Connor Jordan Peele Julianne Moore Justice Smith Kate Winslet Kathryn Hahn Kathryn Newton Keanu Reeves Keith Powers Keke Palmer Kerry Washington Kit Connor [1] Kit Connor [2] KJ Apa Kristen Bell Kumail Nanjiani Lana Condor Laura Harrier Lauren Ridloff Leonardo DiCaprio Letita Wright Lili Reinhart Liv Hewson Logan Browning Logan Lerman Loretta Devine Lupita Nyong'o Mädchen Amick Madelyn Cline Madison Bailey Mahershala Ali Manny Jacinto Manny Montana Margot Robbie Mark Consuelos Mark Hamill Mario Lopez Mason Gooding Maude Apatow Megan thee Stallion Melanie Lynskey Melissa Barrera Michael Cimino Michael Evans Behling Michael Fassbender Michael Peña Michael Shannon Michelle Yeoh Morgan Freeman Naomi Scott Natalia Dyer Natasha Liu Bordizzo Nina Dobrev Noah Centineo Normani Octavia Spencer Olivia Coleman Olivia Rodrigo Oscar Isaac Paul Rudd Pedro Pascal Phoebe Deynover Phoebe Tonkin Phylicia Rashad Priyanka Chopra Rachel Weisz Rachel Zegler Rahul Kohli Reese Witherspoon Regé-Jean Page Renee Rapp [1] Renee Rapp [2] Riz Ahmed Robert Pattinson Robert Downey JR Rome Flynn Rosamund Pike Rose Byrne Rudy Pankow Ryan Gosling Ryan Guzman Ryan Reynolds Sadie Sink Sam Claflin Samantha Logan Samara Weaving Sandra Bullock Sandra Oh Sara Ramirez Sarah Jeffrey Sarah Paulson Sebastian Stan Selena Gomez Sigourney Weaver Simu Liu Shawn Mendes Skeet Ulrich Sophia Ali Sophia Bush Sophie Turner Sonam Kapoor Sophie Thatcher Sterling K. Brown Steve Martin Steven Yeun Storm Reid Sydney Sweeney [1] Sydney Sweeney [2] Taika Waititi Tati Gabrielle Taraji P. Henson Taron Egerton Taye Diggs Taylor Zakhar Perez Ted Danson Timothée Chalamet Thomas Doherty Tom Blyth Tom Ellis Tom Hardy Tom Holland Tony Goldwyn Tyler James Williams Tyler Posey Uzo Adubo Victoria Pedretti Viola Davis Whoopi Goldberg Wolfgang Novogratz Will Smith Willem Dafoe William Jackson Harper Winona Ryder Winston Duke Yasmin Finney Zayn Malik Zendaya Zoey Deutch
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Wildcard 15
Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot x Reader
Rated M
Walking into the apartment you sighed to yourself as you dropped your bags and coat at the door. Today has been hell and all you wanted was Olivia. After several meetings with parents, the school board, the police, and everyone else you were drained physically emotionally, and mentally.
After the events of today, you were told you were on suspension until further notice. Somehow Warren and the school board were able to spin it as if this was your fault. And hell maybe it was. Maybe you didn't try hard enough or do enough. All you know is that today a student died on your watch right in front of you.
Walking further into the house you spot the brunette on the couch with Alex in her lap and her face tucked away in Olivia’s neck.
“What's going on?” you asked.
Olivia looks up at you giving you a small smile.
“Alex isn't feeling well. She's had a rough day.”
“Oh,” you mumbled taking a seat on the other side of the couch.
Alex stays tucked away but you can tell she is crying, by the way, her back is moving. You sighed closing your eyes for a moment. As much as you felt bad for Alex you needed comfort as well and unfortunately, Alex is already occupying your source of comfort.
“Maybe we should just head to bed?” you suggested.
The brunette nods “I think that's best.” she agrees moving to rise off the couch.
“No.” Alex cries holding her tighter.
“Lex I can hold you in bed. Let's go to sleep.” Olivia tells her.
The blonde shifts in her spot looking up at Olivia.
“I don't want to sleep,” she mumbles.
“Well, what do you want?” Olivia asked.
You watch the blonde hesitate for a moment before she answers.
“I want you.”
Olivia looks at her in shock.
“You want me to..”
The blonde nods “Take charge. I need it Liv. Just for tonight.”
You sat in your seat stunned Alex has never outright asked Olivia to take charge of her. She's always been a second master to you and a right-hand man to Olivia. You should have been concerned by the fact that she's asking for it. However, all you felt was jealousy and anger.
Olivia nods grabbing her hand to lead the blonde to the bedroom. You followed behind in shock. “Get undressed and wait for me,” Olivia tells her. Alex does as she's told stripping down bare before climbing to the middle of the bed. Laying her head back against the pillows she releases another round of tears.
Following Olivia to the walk-in closet, you watched as the stripped out of her clothes stepped into the harness, and attached the strap.
“Does this mean I'm the second master tonight?” you questioned.
Olivia sighs “No baby. I think it's best if you sit and watch. Alex is sensitive tonight and she's only ever asked for this one other time.”
“Y/n. Listen to me. Whatever is going on with her is serious enough she's asking for me to take charge. You and I both know that doesn't happen. If it was any other night I would be happy to teach you but not tonight.”
“So what you want me to sit in the corner and just watch?”
You looked at her in shock. You wanted to scream, to curse and cry at her for even suggesting it. But all that comes out is okay and apparently, that was enough for her.
Olivia smiles giving you a quick kiss as she walks out of the closet. Holding back your tears you take a couple of deep breaths before walking back out. Olivia set up a chair for you by the bed and was now hovering over Alex. You quietly took your seat and waited.
Olivia hovers over Alex staring down at her as her hands stroke up and down her thighs. “How do you want it, baby girl?”
Alex cries looking up at her. Olivia dips down kissing her lips softly. Holding herself up with one as the other brushes back the blonde's long hair.
“Lexie baby. How do you want it?” she asked softly?
“Rough.” the blonde whispered.
Olivia nods her head “Safeword?”
“Good girl.” she praises.
While Olivia retrieves the lube and takes her time to make sure Alex is ready as you sit in your chair sulking. You've never seen Olivia be so tender with someone other than you. But even with Alex, it was a different kind of emotion. One that you hadn't witnessed before and it pissed you off. Of course, you had conflicting feelings about it. Alex clearly had something going on and needed this type of comfort and even though you wished her no harm you couldn't get over this feeling.
Focusing your attention back on the bed you see Olivia lining up her tip with Alex’s entrance. The blonde gasped as Olivia enters her slowly. Olivia keeps a slow place barely moving in and out of her waiting for her to adjust. Finally, she pulls back leaving just the tip as she roughly lunged forward filling the blonde. Alex arched as she cried out at the feeling. Olivia smiles repeating the motion a couple of times. Alex looks up at her with a whine.
“You ready baby?” Olivia asked.
Alex whimpers nodding her head “Yes ma’am.”
Olivia nods driving her hips forward as she roughly fucks her.
Alex moans and cries beneath her as tears filled her eyes once more. Olivia reaches forward lifting Alex’s hands above her head as she pounds into her.
“You like that baby girl? You like how my cock fills you?” she vocalizes thrusting her hips deeper into the blonde.
Alex moans loudly nodding her head.
“Tell me. Tell me how much you like baby. How badly you need it.” Olivia orders.
“I love it! I need your cock so bad. Please. Please fuck me!”
Olivia chuckles slowing her pace as she rolls her hips upwards causing Alex to cry out.
“You like that? You do don't you? You like being my needy little slut? Don't you?!”
“Yes, what?!”
“Yes ma’am!!”
Olivia growls pulling out quickly as she flips the blonde over on her stomach. Lifting her hips so her ass is in the air she enters her roughly from behind. Alex cries arching her back towards Olivia. The brunette leans forward lacing her fingers at the roots of the blonde hair pulling her back as she countries to pound into her mercilessly.
“Who does this pussy belong to?”
“Y...you.” Alex stutters.
Olivia smacks her ass hard with her other hand. “Who?”
“You. It's yours! Take it please!” she cries out. Olivia smiles pulling her hair harder lifting her up on her knees so that Alex's back is now flush against her front. Alex screams at the change of position. Olivia's tips angled right at her spot hitting in restlessly. Olivia drives her hips up moving her hand down the blonde's body to rub her clit.
“That's it, baby. Take it! Take it like the slut you are.” Olivia growls in her ear.
Alex whines dropping her head against Olivia’s shoulder. Olivia continues her thrusts as her fingers pick up speed on her burning clit.
“What would people say if they knew that ADA Alexandra Cabot was a fucking whore for my cock? Huh?! What if they saw you like this? Whimpering and begging for a release as you cream down my cock?”
Alex looks back at Olivia with a strangled cry. “Please.” she pants.
Olivia smiles kissing her hard as she increased her movements. Angling her hips a little she finds her goal roughly poinding her hips.
“Come for me baby,” she orders looking at the blonde.
Alex’s eyes roll into the back of her head as her mouth hangs open. For a second it sounds like she searching for air until a series of screams escape from the back of her throat. Falling forward Alex lays face down on the bed as Olivia follows suit releasing as well. Olivia lays on top of her for a moment as the two of them breathe heavily. Finally, Olivia is the first to move gently pulling out of Alex. She rolls the blonde over kissing her softly. Alex cries into the kiss. “Thank you,” she whispered. Olivia smiles “Anytime baby. You did well.” she praised.
The two of them lay there for a moment allowing their bodies to rest completely oblivious to the war going on in your brain. Olivia kisses her once more before getting out of bed.
“Do you need help?” she asked. The blonde shakes her head. “No. I'm going to the bathroom I just need a minute,” she explains rising from the bed.
Olivia nods pulling her into her arms and kissing her cheek.
“Go clean up and then we're going to bed.”
The blonde nods walking toward the bathroom. Looking over at you Olivia walks towards you. “Can I get up now?” you asked.
“Yeah, baby.”
You shot up trying to escape but Olivia catches you just before you exited. “Where are you going?” she asked.
“Guest bathroom.”
“Okay,” she says letting you go.
Taking off to the second bathroom you closed the door locking it behind you. Hovering over the sink you held the sides as you quietly sobbed. Your knuckles turning white from the pressure of trying to keep your body upright.
Looking into the mirror, you shake your head as another sob escapes your body. Taking a moment you washed your face hoping it would help the red splotches and swollen eyes. Once you calmed down you left the bathroom and headed back to the bedroom.
Arriving in the room you stopped in your tracks seeing the blonde snuggled up against Olivia fast asleep.
Olivia looks at you with a confused look as you stand beside the bed.
“She’s in my spot.”
Olivia sighed looking down at the blonde. “She's fast asleep. She needed some cuddles after that.” Olivia explains.
You sighed rolling your eyes as walked over to the other side of the bed. Moving the covers back you climb in.
“I can move us over so you can sleep on the other side of me.” Olivia offers.
“Don't bother,” you mumbled reaching up to cut off the lamp.
“Goodnight baby,” Olivia whispers in the dark.
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tutuprincesse · 11 months
What I think p21 bd results could be
Mini top 20
Nyla & Madelyn
Junior top 20
Reagan, Diana & Cali
Junior top 10/3
Isabella & Esme
Teen top 20
Anya, Kendyl, Lexi & Katie
Teen top 10
Maya, Kami & Avery
Teen top 3
Senior top 20/10
Sammi, Zuzu & Elle
I think Richie & Davyd will be top 10 with Davyd maybe being top 3. Others I think place top 20 are Olivia, Berkeley, Bristyn, Sara, Makeila, Rylee & Stella.
The competition is very tough and we should all be happy with whatever placements the kids get!
Yea, this makes sense and seems pretty likely
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theehorsepusssy · 2 years
Re: Law & Order SVU.
The absolute best episode has Chad Lowe as a guy who goes around sticking ladies with… Hat Pins. I mean, even in early 00’s there weren’t that many Victorian Ladies around so where the fuck did he get “Hat Pins”?! In all likelihood they were just BBQ skewers. There is an amazing scene where he basically jizzes himself while being interrogated - totally was going for a Primetime Emmy. I think this was filmed while he was married to that one with the giant teeth from Boys Don’t Cry but getting his guts reupholstered by BBC tricks from rent.com
Margo Kidder plays his mother and she is amazing. Low-rise middle aged boobs, mouth full of oversized dentures; that voice. Lots of shots of her being hoitie toitie in post-menopausal fashions.
Olivia what’s Herface has the nastiest Chola eyebrows and frosted wig. Elliott was in his spray painted scalp era, but you would still hit it. It’s the first episode with BD Wong, and kicks off his neurosis of the week routine.
I 100% watch it with far too much regularity.
Omg. I remember that. Or how about the affluent brother sister twins who did street graffiti but were really brothers but the doctor accidentally cut off the one boys peepee during circumcision so they made him a pussy and told him he was a girl. Lol. Omg BD Wong and his once an episode "well akwchewally" talk.
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olderfcs · 2 years
hi again, wonderful people! thank you so much for your help before! i'm trying to full out fancasts for a family. olivia liang is the younger of two daughters and olivia colman is her stepmom. i'm looking for bio parents for liang's character, both of whom are in a relation with colman's character.
given that olivia is chinese, i could see li bingbing (49), michelle yeoh (60), joan chen (61), lucy liu (53) or ming na wen (58) working as the mother and for the father i could see daniel wu (48), benedict wong (51), donnie yen (59), tony leung (60), tzi ma (60), or bd wong (62) working ! i hope these help you out !
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ballplayersxo · 2 years
No guys, Lana or friends never said her BD is a Nets player. Those messy YouTubers didn’t say it either, they said he’s rich etc. She said she was seeing this Net player which was KD but she could’ve messed with Blake too. Her BD is a NBA player who’s biracial. Ben is not above fucking her, he would never wife her but fucking? he would. Maybe Olivia introduced them, maybe that’s why her and Lana fell out last year. That baby looked like Blake but it looks like Ben now too. The mental breakdown last year makes sense. The pap after they got engaged could be due to that too. I don’t want it to be Ben’s as public opinion affects him, he thought it was bad last year? it’ll be 10000x if it turns out Lana is his bm. To save his mental health let’s hope he’s not the father but he could be welp. Ben and his team aka weird brother def got her to sign something but I bet you she’ll break that NDA.
it’s getting spooky
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