#ollie has mail
lover-cook · 1 month
🌟 idk much about one piece but uuhh luffy? he looks silly
OOOOUGHHH LUFFY!!! Luffy Luffy Luffy my darling my captain my carrds url sake etc etc The many things I can say about him!!
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I'm not alone, both in canon and in real life, in saying that this ball of sunshine put into a pirates body actively sparked my zest for life and made things so much more bright. One Piece is a new special interest for me and I think I forgot what it felt like to have something new and exciting like that and it's all thanks to this guy!! He just has this ability to light up any room he's in and make you just as passionate about things as he is. Despite everything he genuinely care SO deeply and is willing to fight for anything as long as he believes in it. His unbridled enthusiasm knows no bounds and it might as well be contagious! They say their's nothing more contagious than laughter after all! He's not only my brother but my captain and I'd follow him anywhere!
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radiant-cowgirl · 3 months
i saw a bunch of other people doing this so
random redacted headcanons!
- vincent can’t handle spicy food very well, even post-turning
- ivan hates fishing
- david loves egg salad sandwiches with hot sauce (it’s his favorite comfort food)
- caelum has never had cotton candy and freelancer is pretty sure if he ever did, he would implode
- gavin doesn’t like snow
- lasko on the other hand LOVES spicy food and testing his tolerance to certain things
- damien doesn’t drink coffee or tea or energy drinks, this man is just out here raw-dogging life
- kody still tries to look at all the damn crew’s socials, even though they all have him blocked
- huxley (opposite of damien) gets his caffeine anyway he can but his favorite are the caffeine pouches (similar to zyns (these are also my favorite))
- asher loves watching mma fights and tries (gently) to recreate the moves on babe (“i could have dropped you just then! you gotta keep your guard up!”)
- james “i’m exploding you with my mind” redacted
- marcus begged his mom for a mohawk in middle school but he didn’t have the right texture hair for it and she refused to buy him all the hair gel necessary to make it a real mohawk so they just had to shave his head (kids thought he had lice)
- anton loves sending and receiving physical mail. he knows it’s impractical in comparison to texting or calling, but he loves it
- ollie has a favorite blanket, pillow, and set of sheets. he’s very particular about his bedtime routine
- elliot however could drop anywhere at anytime. and that’s nothing to do with him being a dreamwalker. he’s just a fantastic sleeper
- brachium has never had candy, but he’s curious about it
- avior really really likes classical music and it’s brought him to tears multiple times (especially jupiter comp. by gustav holst iykyk)
- milo holds the door open for everyone whenever he can. sweetheart once thought he was following them for like fifteen minutes but he was still stuck at the door
- cam loves fresh produce and is a frequenter of any local farmers market
- blake had a phase in middle school and early high school where he was super patriotic and right-wing leaning and he hates when people bring it up
- aaron actually knows most of the shaw pack boys. he tried to hire them for an event before realizing they were an empowered company. david thought he knew
- sam showed pigs and sheep when he was younger. he kinda misses it but he doesn’t have the room for livestock anymore
- vega in all his years of existing both in aria and on earth has never been truly hugged
- before falling, regulus lived on earth with his charge. they had two cats
- xavier used to travel ridiculous amounts of miles to go to food festivals around the country. he took the team with him once or twice
- geordi never deleted any pictures of him and cutie. he’s still hopeful that things will work out and he doesn’t want to get rid of older memories with them
- guy was friends with a lot of the unempowered boys in school, but lost touch with them in college
- morgan is very into hair-care. his shower looks like an apothecary shop full of mystery vials and oils. he knows what everything is and how to use it though.
- porter loves classic literature and translating latin to english. it’s one of the few hobbies he allows himself to have
- hush once traipsed into doc’s apartment, mud up to his knees and all over his face and hands, holding a bull frog. he only came to ask what it was.
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 months
Hi sorry to bother you or bug you but can you please write a fanfic or maybe a short post about how would the mail Justice League members would react to female superhero reader while she's on her period apparently I'm on the starting stage of having my period cramps are the worst and I need comfort you can make this however you want it's up to you I understand if you don't want to that's fine but if you do want to do this thank you so much you're an awesome person and an amazing writer and also I think you're writing is awesome never stop loving yourself and never stop treating yourself also don't forget to have a self care day 😇
 Hey! You’re not bothering me at all! 
You know what I don’t normally take requests (refer to my pinned post), but screw it. I’m having a shitty time with my own uterus so why not? Nothing makes me feel better than reading and/or writing fluff when I feel bad and hopefully this’ll make you and other people feel better as well 💜
I’ve already done a post similar to this featuring Bruce (you can find that here) so for this I’m just going to be doing Arthur, Clark and Ollie* since I know them better than I do the rest of the League. I hope that’s okay! 
And thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad that you like my writing! I hope that you enjoy 💜
*And a bonus w/ Diana since the idea came to me while I was writing the boys and I could not resist and just had to include her.
Warnings - F!Reader. Established Relationship. Period mentions (Obviously). Comfort. Fluff!
Clark keeps track of your cycle so that he can always make sure you’re stocked up on the things that you need. Chocolates, sweets, sanitary products, pain medicines, his mom’s special homemade cookies. You name it, he’s already stocked the cupboards and fridge with it. 
Definitely a bit of a mother hen. Likes to dote on you and make sure that you’re fed and hydrated, but isn’t overbearing or condescending in any way. He knows that you are more than capable of taking care of yourself. He also knows that there are times where you just want to be taken care of and cuddled in bed until you’re feeling better, he’s more than happy to do so. He’s also a walking furnace so no more waiting for a hot water bottle or heat pad to warm up when you’ve got Clark right there instead.
Arthur is a lot of like Clark. Keeps track of your cycle, makes sure you have everything you could possible need. You don’t even need to lift a finger as he will have the palace staff bring it straight to you. 
Obviously, as king of Atlantis, he has duties he must attend to, but the ones that he can pass off to others he does so that he can be there for you while you need him. When he is with you be ready for lots of kissing and cuddling as he makes it up to you and does his best to make you feel better. 
Oliver can be… a little bit forgetful. He doesn’t keep track of your cycle like Clark and Arthur, at least he doesn’t in the very beginning of your relationship. Definitely makes the wrong joke at the wrong time and the glare that you give him is more than enough for him to realise he’s messed up and badly. He’s quick to start making amends though!
Waits on you hand and foot. Anything that you want he will run and get it for you. To the point that it’s like he’s trying to compete with the Flash for the title of fastest man alive. Still makes jokes, but now they’re so ridiculously corny it’s hard to not laugh at them when you’re still trying your very best to be mad at him. Is more than happy to snuggle with you (once you have forgiven him and will actually let him).
Diana, of course, knows just how much periods can hurt. She sympathises with you greatly when she finds you curled upon the couch and she hates to see you in such pain and discomfort. She makes sure that you have eaten, drunk something and had some pills before she is pulling you to lay on top of her, strong muscular arms wrapping around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. She won’t be leaving your side until you’re feeling better so if there is anything that you need she will order it in for you instead.
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taocc-updates · 4 months
”Oh, you like Taocc? Name every character.”
edit: I added the vague number of total characters listed. We’re at about 270, and I’m still adding characters.
(*By technicality
**formerly/no longer active/no longer acknowledged by the narrative as existing
***exist as of like ten seconds ago
I will only be including characters recognized as part of Taocc by more than one person. Characters will be vaguely grouped together however the frick I feel like and with only the vague suggestion of transitions. A character must have a tangible role that still has effects at the time of posting to be counted. I’m not counting all the deactivated characters from OG Taocc, for example. I am referencing the updates blog list as well as my following for this, because the challenge is to name them all, not to name them all by memory. Animals barely count sometimes when I feel like it.)
Gangle, Ragatha**, Pomni**, Kinger**, Zooble**, Caine*, Bubble**, S-Gangle, Shadow, Kaufmo, Sproingle, Unnamed Abtractions*, Easton West, Northa West, Lonn Gitud, Lattia Tudor, Felicia, Caleb, Zachariah Woods, Zombie anon, Simon Mallory/Silhouette/Aleksander, Isaac Brennan/Mix, Elida Doyle, Alice Mallory, Nikolai Harrison/Carbine, Artemis/Kepler, Calamity/Cassandra, Remnant, Sami Harrison, Yelena, Daniel, Artem, Charles/Plague Doctor Anon, Dialtone/Drias, Ilas/Amalgam, Trevor***, Archie***, Abigail***, Stella***, Paisley***, Espresso the Cat, Edward/Pharaoh, Abayomi, Clown Anon, Colorbine, Helpful Anon, Waffle Anon, Sparkler Anon, Kumo, Kopi, Violet, Stitch, Chance, Nightmare, Arthur Pendragon, Verie Pendragon, Mercutio, Juliet/Assassin Anon, Aokigahara, Dunite, Rocky, Rusty, Ryan, Dunite’s Parents, Deedee, Usagi/Usa, Icia/Ice anon, Fred, Odette/Odysseys, Samuel, Mytha, Celio, Basso, Vaga, Nova, Hexe, Slynn, Yume, Yume’s Mother and Father, the Protector, Ramona/Rae, Mirobelle, Ramiro, Achilles, Dime, Aklatan, Latte, Alexander (kingdom edition), Mocha, Switchboard, Ace Zeppelin, Damsel, Levi, Nathan, Myau, Nya, Mynou, Dusk, Jessy, Amelia, Jessy’s mother, Fynn, Joy, Ciana, Apollo, Virgo, Aster, Lance, Raina, Flare, Citrina, Citrina’s sisters (the only named one is “Jade”), Nymn, Nymn’s ex, Fae anon, Clara, Chip, Alpen, Unnamed Zodiac Angels, Kade, Feris, Pixel, Vanessa, Unnamed Arcade Worker 2/Mike, Conny, Shairo (deceased permanently), Hans, “John Smith”, Gun Pirate (lol), Unnamed Drunk Pirate, Unnamed Jar Lady, Unnamed third pirate with a gun, Dalia, Mikey, Anderson, Toga, Abstraction Anon, Quin, Blaze (Squiffer edition)/Zephyr, Skeleton anon, Mage Anon/Tanya, Camara, Avian, Sign Anon/Steven, Origami Anon/Octavia, Tea Anon/Kitsune/Katrina, Simon (Bookend), Seer anon/Sarah, Umbra, Arrows anon, Bow Anon, (Other) Bow Anon, Hex, Sun, Moon*, Sigil, Insanity, Dusty, Lantern/Eternal Flame, Eternity, Darkis, Infinity, Entity, Ember, Unknown, Juko, Lilo, Bob, Hammer, Mallet, Fox anon, Teleporting anon, Nuffle, Pyxel, Thanatos, Tiger, Siam, Sabrina (Sun’s daughter), Taika, Sisu, Quest, Tip, Stranger, Radio, Shelly, Astrion, Gaia, Aella, Electricity anon, Conspiracy anon, Bap Anon, Eve.chr, Phoenix*, The Dragon of Abyss, The Dragoness of Sky, Lemonade/Lewis, Reverie/Guidance anon, Unnamed Autumn Season, Unnamed Winter Season, Neb, Cardlan, Minimi, Entity (Backrooms edition), Casper, Manna, Pamela, Eden*, Grif, Trudy, Pen, Paper, Sophronius, Acacius, Milo, Drunk anon (deceased), Scissors anon, Thief Anon, Void anon, Cupcake anon, Chaos Enjoyer Anon, Thyme, Angst anon, villain anon, “Lucy”, Simp anon, Comax, Pickle gifter anon, pickle stealer anon, fish anon, deus ex machinanon, mail anon, foundation anon, lost anon, dropkick anon, Bug anon, Paranoia Anon, Rocket launcher anon, Kyubey, Mimic, Rodger, Ludvic, sunshine anon, anger anon, Frazzle, Wade, Loyal anon, Loyal Servant anon, the cookie run cookies lol, Felicia (top hat edition), Tophat, Greenie, Red(?), The Polygon Bees (TM), Eepy anon, Ethan, Dark, Void/Ollie, DJ, Star, Mercury/Marcus, Elysia/Evangeline Elizabeth Ambrosia, Blaze (Planetquest edition)/Brandon, Jasper, Callista/Leilani, Ursula, Ari, Lumiel/Lark, uhhh…I think that’s it
did I do it do I freaking win
Someone please count how many characters there are (there should be one comma per character if that helps)
Edit: Nevermind, I did it for you.
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This is a vague number, the actual number is higher than this, maybe about 270-300
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
The year is 1889. Hob Gadling is a realtor in London who because of the death of his wife has drunk himself into a small amount of debt. One day a letter held closed by a wax seal picturing a raven in flight.
The letter explains that a Transylvanian Count named Dream is hoping to purchase Hobs most expensive estate for double the price. The only caveat is that Hob will have to make the journey to the Count’s castle to help him with the paperwork. While the Count gives many good reasons why he himself can’t come to London or simply have Hob mail the documents to him, Hobs gut reaction is to simply burn the parchment and carry on with his day. But the fare has already been paid for by his potential client and his coffers are nearly empty. So off he heads for the back country of Transylvania.
After a montage of travel shenanigans including: meeting an American cowboy named Ollie (who absolutely blows his back out), the inn keepers wife giving him a rosary, and a blond carriage driver with darkened glasses who seems quite comfortable with the pack of wolves that run along side the buggy, he finds himself stepping into the gloomy castle.
And on the steps of the grand staircase holding a tarnished candelabra stands a willowy figure, dressed in fine black clothing covering skin as white as a pearl, staring at him with eyes the same shade as the ruby jewel hanging around his neck.
The regal man speaks after a moment “I am Dream.”
“Oh” breathes Hob taking off his hat, his gazing transfixed on the ethereal creature before him “It- it’s really good to see you.”
“I bid you welcome.”
A sexually tense week later finds them sat in the parlor celebrating with cigars and wine for completing the paperwork, Hob begins to tell the Count his life’s story, why he became a realtor after being a soldier in the queens army, and how after the death of his entire family and then his wife his greatest wish was that he never had to die.
Suddenly Dream leans in close, lips mere inches away from Hobs own. “What if I told you I could grant you that wish?” Dreams nails begin to trace along the veins in Hobs neck “All ask is for you to stay by my side, fear me, love me, obey me, and I will be your slave.”
Enraptured by Dreams eyes Hob can do little else but nod. The next thing he knows Dream is biting into his neck, yet somehow with every mouthful of blood Dream takes from him he feels more and more pleasure consuming him. Just as he is about to die from blood loss Dream slices the palm of his hand and allows the black blood to trickle into Hobs mouth. That night, they consummate their unholy matrimony both covered in blood with Hob tied to the bedposts being made to come on Dreams cock over and over and over again.
Hob returns to London, having left a barely middle class man he now attends parties only available for the highest of society, dressed in full silk and satin white dress, arm and arm with a handsome gothic benefactor.
No one dares to question the litter of bite marks and scars that cover Hobs neck and shoulders after seeing how sharp the Counts teeth are. Anyone who tries shame or insult Hob about his choice in fashion are found dead in some dirty alleyway the next morning. And the one man who dared to try and flirt with Hob was found strung across London bridge with the words mine carved into his chest.
Dream couldn’t stop fucking Hob to reinstate his claim for a whole two nights after that incident, filling Hob with his seed and shoving a crystal plug in to make sure none of it could leak out during the opera they are to attend.
Hob is just happy to have found his calling as Dreams eternally devoted and throughly fucked spouse.
I gotta say, I ADORE the way you've written this! Who doesn't love a Dracula AU! I love how you've stuck close to the book, it really does work!
I love the image of Hob is his beautiful white dress, enjoying the fanciest parties. Wearing long white gloves and glittering with diamonds. He never lets go of Dream’s arm for a minute, and Dream really does take care of him with the most devoted care.
At one of those parties, they happen to come across Ollie - no longer in his cowboy gear but dressed in his finest and making his way as a society artist. Although Dream usually hates it when any man pays Hob an ounce of attention, he seems quite taken with Ollie's southern charms. He even asks Ollie to paint him and Hob as a celebration of their anniversary.
It's the first time Dream allows anyone to get involved in the action of their bedchamber. Turns out, Ollie isn't quite as human as he might appear (if vampires exist, Hob realises, it only makes sense that there are other creatures of the night. I'm imagining Ollie as a werewolf, but he could be something else). He watches in rapture as Dream feeds Hob on blood and cum, fucking him so hard that Hob’s legs tremble when he tries to stand up afterwards. Ollie gets a chance to eat him out and lick the cool, delicious seed from inside Hob’s raw, sloppy hole.
But in the end, it's Dream who owns Hob’s newly immortal heart. They live in debauched luxury, feeding mainly from the criminals that lurk in the shadows of London. Hob likes to think that he's keeping the streets clean and doing the locals a favour. Dream frankly doesn't care - as long as Hob is his, nothing else matters.
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coldblooded-angel · 6 months
OH IM SO SORRY FRIEND 😭😭 its currently on hold cuz I’m writing monster hunter! felix au (and godamn the au list is LENGTHY) BUT I CAN GIVE MORE BRAINROT MMMHMM
Oliver comes from a conservative traditional family and hes their “black sheep” but only in secret cuz im placing this au in the 80s wheb rock n roll was THE DEVILS MUSIC
He escapes out the window and dresses in the sluttiest leather fits and mesh he can find. He mostly gets inspo from the other girl groupies, the ones that get pulled backstage
Also hes got secret piercings (on his nipples) definitely and a tramp stamp (think trashy im ur baby type shit)
He is just as obsessive so he has to sometimes hide from security cuz he has been caught a few times sneaking into the tour van/bus and their hotel rooms
He’s got the most disgusting collection of Felix things. Im talking cigarette butts, gum, condoms, guitar picks, underwear, a sweet towel. Mfer has drunk that mans backwash out of a bottle he is nasty 🫶
He also deals drugs (it’s how he gets close enough to Ven and Farls) uses it to steal hotel cards or to snoop of their phones for shit about Felix
He sends the most. Freaky. Graphic. Disturbing fan mails and i mean CRAZY SHIT the usual delusions of him being Felix’s soulmate and how Felix will fall for him and then also lists down all of his own qualities that Felix would love. Drops a couple of nude polas so Felix knows what he’s working with and a splash of his cologne (which is the compliment to the one Felix wears cuz duh of course he knows that)
Oliver is delusional as fuck he will physically fight any bitch that says she is Felix’s wife cuz um no hoe THAT IS ME. And he has also definitely been kicked out of venues for these fights
He box bleaches his hair blonde like crispy fry cuz Felix daid in an interview that his ideal type is blue eyes and blonde hair. Oliver’s mother has a heart attack and makes him pray the gay away
OKAY I might go on forever if I don’t stop here but groupie! Ollie is my babygirl fanboy he is #1 Felix shooter that man will fight ANYONE for him. (I hope this was good enough for now🫶🫶)
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 months
Inspired by the latest Reductive Audio Pt. 2!!
I realized as I was posting that I missed like… half the channel. I didn’t include the ones I just don’t care for or I’m not interested in. So sorry if that includes ur fave 🙏. If you want me cover anybody else or want another lol headcanon for anybody I’ve covered so far, feel free to send an ask!! You can find part one here! With no further ado;
Mike’s Hard Lemonade enjoyer. He’s a simple man. What he wants from alcohol is a lil tasty treat that gets him drunk. Mike’s Hard does that. His fav flavor is the strawberry lemonade one.
Babe (Ollie’s listener)
Neat whiskey kind of person. They don’t believe in mixed drinks and are terribly embarrassed when they have to buy Ollie’s Mike’s Hards. They do like it when they order drinks at a bar and the bartender assumes the daiquiri is for them. The look on most faces when Ollie starts slurping that thing down is delicious.
Can’t keep his desktop organized for the life of him. Aaron is a Virgo to the max, he has like… five placements of it in his chart. He is incredibly organized. He folds his underwear and puts them into little stacks in his drawer. He has a little velvet lined case where he keeps all of his cuff links and tie pins. His shoes all go in the exact same spot on the rack every single day. But he can’t organize his folders for the life of him. Everything is just saved wherever there’s room for it. It’s incredibly frustrating for him to try and find anything.
They are So Good at grocery shopping. Aaron hates grocery stores. The lights and noise and amount of people stress him out. So they make a list together and Smartass gets shit done. They have a system. They group their list by aisle and start at the back of the store, and make their way up to the front, wearing through the aisles. In total, it takes them about 30 mins to shop for two weeks worth of stuff. They time themself. Their record is 23 mins.
He wants a cat really badly. His and Sunshine’s current lease agreement doesn’t allow pets, so they’re waiting until they can move. He volunteers at a local cat cafe and is in love with a little calico baby there. He’s determined to adopt her as soon as he can.
He wishes that he could try strawberries. Sunshine loves them, but he isn’t able to experience them through anything but their memories. When he feels resentful of his situation, the small thing he gets caught up on is the fact that he’ll never get to try strawberries.
Hasn’t been behind the wheel of a car since their accident. They’ll ride in one if they have to, but they haven’t been able to drive since. Elliot is more than willing to drive them wherever they need to go, and they have a bike they use when he’s busy.
As a form of short hand when asking his partner if he can be in their brain for a while, he telepathically goes “Knock Knock.” He has to stop himself from using it with other people.
James’ spouse
Uses snail mail with James. Of course they text and email and call, but they love to write out a letter, put pictures in, pressed flowers. They make beautiful, decorated papers with their gorgeous handwriting. James has chicken scratch, but he still replies to every one. He just has to send an accompanying email with the translation so they can read it.
Writes poetry in his free time. He’s a scientist, but he believes that science and art are not so different from each other. When he’s stuck on a problem having to do with his work, he’ll write a poem about it. He writes a lot of poems to his partner. He never sends any of them.
Loves Animal Crossing New Horizons. He’ll never admit it, but it’s his absolute favorite pass time. His favorite villager is Lucky and he bought an amibo card to get him. His island is beautiful and has a sort of cityscape theme. He changes up certain areas for the seasons and does custom builds. He doesn’t believe in treasure islands and does everything for himself. He’s completed the Happy Home Island DLC and is a minor celebrity in ACNH spaces for his customs. If this ever gets out he’ll be ruined.
The Asset
Gets songs stuck in their head. It’s a weird, human thing that they just happen to have. Brian was startled when he heard them humming a Mitski song under their breath. It seemed to disturb him that they were capable of it.
He thinks he’s a good script writer, but he’s actually most talented in writing fiction. He would absolutely slay as a novelist, but he’s stuck on the idea of being a screenwriter. That’s why his script hasn’t gone anywhere in the last few years.
When they were a kid and people asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, they always said “bus driver.” They just thought it would be fun to drive those big ol things around.
Still stalks the entire D.A.M.N. crew’s social media. He has a few alt accounts he uses to drop nasty comments on everybody’s posts. The crew pretty much knows it’s Kody, but every time they block an account a new one pops up. He seems to delight in messing with Lasko the most, since every time he gets a Kody comment, Lasko won’t post for a few weeks. Kody thinks it’s because he’s scared, but actually Lasko is afraid he’ll violate terms of service with the things he’s likely to reply.
Avid consumer of reality tv. He will never admit it, of course. It feels non-intellectual. But he has watched every season of both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and has incredibly strong feelings about it. He runs a semi-popular twitter account where he live tweets every new episode. He’s deeply, deeply ashamed.
Early riser. They’re up before the sun is. It’s somewhat comforting to them to know that they’re the only person up, and there’s nobody who can be thinking about them and them not know it.
Thinks that Drake won the Kendrick beef. He won’t even listen to “Not Like Us.” He’s been an avid Drake fan for years and refuses to accept that he lost.
Does tarot readings, funnily enough. They like the idea of being able to look ahead to the future. On the day that Blake died, all their deck would let them draw was The Ten of Swords.
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i believe deep in my very soul that Ollie and Prince Leon are pen pals.
Like after everything settled in Edison Kingdom and everyone was socializing on the ship they for sure bonded over being kinda sorta technically but not really kidnapped/abducted by the Riptide Pirates, and then Leon mentioned that he'd only heard of pirates in his books and Ollie was quick to regale him with stories from a real pirate ship and they decided to keep in touch as two kids who didn't have too many friends their own age.
I think by the time they get back to Zero, Ollie and Leon are definitely besties and write to each other every week and Ollie very excitedly tells Leon that he finally made it home to his mom and tells him the whole story of the Riptide Pirates claiming Zero and everything and Leon writes back about how things are going in Edison kingdom and how he's relieved he's not going to have to explain to his brother why he's recieving letters from a pirate ship anymore, but that he's a bit sad that he wont be hearing of any more pirate adventures for a while.
And I think Ollie brags that he's best friends with the prince of Edison Kingdom and the other kids in Zero don't believe him and think he's making shit up to sound cooler, and then he receives a letter in the mail with the official seal of the Edison royal family and Ollie's smug as all hell brandishing it at everyone who told him he was full of shit.
And then this is incredibly self indulgent but I think years in the future Ollie becomes the captain of his own ship and Leon decides he's tired of reading about the world - he wants to see it. And his brother has had children by now, so he's no longer next in line for the throne, so it's unlikely that he'll really be needed in the kingdom. So Captain Ollie sets a course for Edison Kingdom and Leon sneaks down to the docks and together they start up their own crew and become just as infamous as the Riptide Pirates.
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What are your plans for Ollie?
I’ll turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea.
Then I’ll put that flea into a box, then I’ll put that box into a bigger box.
Then I’ll mail that box to myself and when it arrives…
Ah HA!
I’ll SMASH it with a Hammer!!!!
(Or alternatively, I have plans, I’m making a timeskip page with notes for the Mollycule and Darryl and June. I’m almost done with them and I’ll post it when it’s done)
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chussyracing · 5 months
what has been happening in the world of motorsports lately?
(i am super late with all the news, so i'm putting the massive amount of text under the cut)
DRIVER (and engineer) MARKET
Adrian Newey leaving RBR (there are a lot of question marks like if he will get 12 months of gardening leave since the day he hands in his resignation or if he is hired by the team on external contract as they tried to avoid putting him under budget cap; how much it's linked to the tensions in RBR concerning Horner staying in the lead of the team despite being under investigation - that could mean other team members leaving; there is a rumour that Horner also refused to get paddock tickets for Adrian Newey's partner Amanda last year and the relationship has been broken ever since; he could go to Ferrari and there are reports he was offered 100 million pounds with an ambassador role; Toto Wolff is also interested in him and in Max, he is set to meet with his side and with Ola Kallenius from Merc and Jim Ratcliffe from Ineos after Miami about rumoured 150 million Euros contract; there are also questions about exit clauses for Max, Adrian and Helmut Marko; there are other questions like whether he wants to stay in the UK - although Daily Mail says Amanda is already looking at houses in Italy - and whether he would like to retire from F1 altogether; and final note to this point: Craig Slater said he spoke to Aston Martin insiders and found out Newey declined AM's lucrative offer and they think he is heading to Ferrari)
Nico Hulkenberg is set to leave Haas at the end of the year and joing Sauber on multi-year contract (German media reports it is 3-years contract), it's preparation for the Audi move
Ollie Bearman is rumoured to join Haas instead
Sam Bird injured himself in practice for Monaco Eprix which allowed Taylor Barnard to jump into the car
Kimi Antonelli is still linked to Mercedes and William's seat, he just finished W12 testing in Austria at Red Bull Ring (although his test was hindered by the weather, if you live close you know our weather went from 30 degrees Celsius to snowing and below zero) and today he tested W13 in Imola as well
Horner is still pushing for Ricciardo to the second RBR seat but highlighted to achieve that, he would need to improve his form drastically, he also suggested that Liam Lawson doesn't have a seat guaranteed if he even gets into F1 to which Helmut Marko remarked that Liam Lawson has an exit clause if Red Bull doesn't find a seat for him for next year in F1
at the start of the month, journalist Joe Saward reported that Logan could get replaced by Kimi Antonelli after Miami (I won't go into detail but there is multiple reasons why this is highly unlikely)
F1 Academy's first champion Marta Garcia tested with ERT during Formula E rookie test in Berlin
there are rumours about Mick Schumacher being in talks with Prema's Indycar seat
Guenther Steiner is rumoured to buy a team (or shares in a team) in F1, because reportedly the main reason he was let go of by Haas was him founding a huge sponsor for the team and offering it to Gene Haas in exchange for shareholding in the team - now he wants to take the money elsewhere
Jessica Edgar in F1 Academy scored American Express sponsorship, so she will be changing race suit into their dark blue color - and possibly also her livery
Marko Helmut hinted they want to extend Checo Perez's contract but they aren't ready to give him 3 years long extension he is asking for
David Croft said that Gasly is in talks with Williams for 2025 seat, Sainz to Audi is probable but the talks are postponed to mid-May (and Yuki and Esteban are also in talks with them) and that he thinks Guanyu will be left without a seat for 2025
McLaren's Indycar team dropped David Malukas after his hand injury (which relates closely to what I previous said about Callum Illot and Theo Pourchaire jumping in for him, I expect Theo to be named their full time driver)
Lawrence Stroll was looking to sell AM to a big name (so probably Aramco) but his condition was to keep Lance and they didn't agree so the deal fell under the table, on the other hand Honda who is set to join them in 2026 and said to immediately target the title are happy with Lance
Ferrari introduced HP as their new title sponsor making them Scuderia Ferrari HP (the contract is rumouredly between 80 to 100 mil per year which is bigger than ORACLE) 🤢 - the sponsorship is for F1 Academy and Ferrari Esports teams as well
Hockenheim scored new investors who came with 250 mil Euros injection for the circuit for repairs and changes which could help it reclaim its place at F1's calendar (Thailand and South Korea are also looking to get a place on the calendar)
Lawrence Stroll is rumouredly looking to sell 25% shares in AM
Guanyu became ambassador for Beef Burger McDonald's China
this is actually month old news by SportsRush who reported that Dutch media posted it was Helmut Marko who advised Ford to pull out of the RBR sponsorship deal
Mastercard is in talks with 4 F1 teams for a title sponsor deal and apparently McLaren is the strongest candidate at this point
Ferrari are bringing blue livery, helmets, suits, merch and GT cars to Miami as US heritage of Ferrari (they are two different shades of blue and it could also be a marketing move in preparation for the HP sponsorship that was announced a day later)
trophies by Miami GP were made by Tiffany and they were inspired by the architecture of Hard Rock Stadium
multiple teams are bringing (mostly smaller) upgrades for Miami: RB, McLaren, Mercedes, Williams
Miami GP organizers banned Trump presidental fundaraiser from the paddock
Alex will have Albon Athletics even this Wednesday in Miami in Legends Miami sneaker store
Williams is also opening a Fan Zone with drivers present
multiple teams are are bringing new merch collections: besides Ferrari, it's also McLaren, Red Bull, Williams or official F1 merch
Andretti continues hiring in all areas and are set to meet with F1 Management to discuss their F1 entry in Miami
multiple drivers already showed their special helmets with more probably to follow: Ferrari drivers, Max for all US races and Oscar
Niki Lauda's 1976 helmet from the infamous incident is going into auction in Miami
team principals will meet to discuss jump starts and how they should be judged in Miami
Mitch Evans won the Monaco Eprix and the team achieved 1-2 with Nick in p2
Formula E also launched GEN3 Evo before the Eprix
6 hours of Imola in WEC was won by Nyck de Vries' team although it was Ferrari 1-2-3 during quali (then Ferrari strategy strategied)
F1 Academy in Zadvoort and F2 in Barcelona finished their in-season testing (Abbi Pulling was fastest in F1 Academy and Isack Hadjar was fastes in F2)
the first Autonomous Racing League race = AI took place in Yas Marina (and you need to read it for yourself because my report wouldn't do it justice)
F1 is discussing revised point system where two more people could score (so points from p1 to p12), but the introduction was delayed and they will report on this more towards the end of the year after they collect more data
F1 commision agreed on introducing rear facing cameras from Spain onwards
Aston Martin exposed a grey area in rules when they protested Carlos stopping on track in China and FIA is exposed to clear it up to probably set a time limit when the driver has to restart the car, otherwise they won't be able to continue in the session
Domenicali told FormulaPassion that if drivers are complaining about the number of races and sprints, they are not mandatory to race (it was also a response to reports that he wants to add more sprints to the calendar)
F1 introduced new free streaming station in the US which should allowed viewers to follow F1 and junior series as well as some exclusive content
F1 reduced its carbon footprint by 13% since 2018 as per their 2023 impact report and they want to continue towards zero emissions promise by 2030
Irish Sun says that the victim of Horner's inappropriate behaviour hired a new legal team, she has been questioned a lot for the appeal these days, but she could get peace soon as it should get sorted by the middle of May
Grill the Grid team posted a new F1 video "Anything but F1"
Max was named one of the 100 most influential people of 2024
EA Sports released F1 24 and F1 24 Champions covers
Vogue Italy's new issue features a photoshoot including Irina Shyak and Ferrari drivers and engineers
Mercedes became the first F1 team to reach over 500m pounds turnover
Imola will be remembering Senna and Ratzenberger this week for their 30th anniversary
Valtteri the chaotic king he is, qualified for a cycling championship
Lando was apparently celebrating King's Day in Neatherlands so hard that he cut his noce on a broken glass
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“I’m not calling for El.”
Jonathan, just drawing breath to shout El’s name, pauses. Puts the receiver back to his ear with his brow furrowed.
“You’re not?” he asks.
“Nope,” Max says on the other end. There’s movement where she is, rustling and footsteps, and her television is playing what sounds like a car commercial. She lowers the volume before he can catch for which car. “I wanna talk to you. Will said you have a skateboard?”
“I do.”
“Do you know how to use it?”
Jonathan puts the pile of mail, and the butter knife he was opening it with, on the table and slouches against the wall. He does know how to use it, or at least he did. It’s been years since last. Once he started working, there’s wasn’t any time to squeeze in skating for fun between homework and chores. Once he got his driving license, there wasn’t any point in using it for transportation either. But before that, the skateboard saw more wear than the soles of his shoes did.
“Yeah, I do,” he says, because though it’s been years he still knows how, right? It’s like swimming or riding a bike. Once you know, you know.
“Great. Then I have a favor to ask.” She breathes deeply over the line. “Mom doesn't want me out on my own. Because of my eyes and my legs. So, could you, like, help me out?”
––  –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– ––
The area by the Mayfield trailer isn’t great for skating, with the cracked pavement and the seemingly permanent layer of gravel, and every other area that isn’t actually designated for skating but so used anyway is bound to have other people there. It’s because of that, he guesses, Max tells him to meet her by a little cul-de-sac south of the park. He arrives thirty minutes early to test the road and his rusty skills. Perhaps simply skating there would have been enough to refresh his muscle memory, but why take the chance?
It’s a nice area. The asphalt is even and the lawns are mowed. A few houses have fruit trees in their yards, and every window has the kind of curtain retirees like. A dog, small by the sound of it, yaps from inside one of the houses at one point, but calms quickly. After that, the only noise is the wind and his squeaky wheels.
He was right – it is just like riding a bike. It’s not as smooth as once upon a time, and he can’t go as fast, but he never eats shit. He even nails a kickturn and a tic tac on his first try, and a basic ollie on his second. By the time the Beemer turns up, he’s back to 100% confident in his abilities.
Max jumps out of the car, and for a moment it’s like nothing happened. Her spine is straight and her head is level. Her bright hair is loose and she’s wearing a yellow T-shirt.
Then she looks toward him, and her eyes are just a little unfocused. She walks and her movements are a tad too stiff. It’s impossible to forget the fact that she turned her back on death twice.
While she retrieves her skateboard and crutches from the backseat, Steve rolls down his window and beckons for Jonathan to come closer. He doesn’t have much to say apart from “Hey, man” and “I’ll be back in two hours” and, after leaning in close to whisper, “she won’t admit it, but she gets tired after standing for twenty minutes, so make sure she takes breaks”.
Jonathan promises with a nod and then the BMW drives off.
The first thing she asks is if he brought his board. He replies “yes”. Then she wants to know if he still remembers how to skate. “Yes” again. She nods, pushes a long tress out of her face, and drops her own board onto the road. The crutches, just a precaution according to her, are left lying on the sidewalk as she steps on the board.
When he asks how she wants to do this, she admits she hasn’t ridden in months – only balanced in her room, by her bed – and needs to figure out the basics again. So they start with pushing and stopping. 
He leaves his board behind for it, opting to run next to her as she rides. It’s slow-moving at first, with lots of stops and starts. She wobbles but never falls, the one close-call when she veers too close to the curb and almost crashes aborted by Jonathan grabbing and steadying her. After thanking him she points out it might be a good thing for her to fall, and that he should let her.
He says he’ll consider it if she wears a helmet. She rolls her eyes and makes sure to ride farther from the curb on her next try.
Twenty minutes in he suggests a break, which she manages to delay for an additional five minutes before sitting down to drink some water and eat a banana. Above, the sky turns a shade grayer. She’s unconcerned when he lets her know, instead throwing herself back on the board. The uncertainty from before has all but evaporated off her.
She attempts tricks. Riding switch is easy for her, as is the kickturn and manual. The nose stall is harder since she can’t see when it’s time to shift her weight and balance. They solve the issue by having Jonathan stand on the curb and talk, letting her hear how far away she is. A few dozen or so tries in, she’s memorized the distance and succeeds without him. Cackling, she raises her hand for a high-five; he obliges.
By their second break, Max is almost smiling too wide to drink from her water bottle. Buzzing with excitement, she wants to continue immediately, but he puts his foot down because, happy or not, she’s exhausted. The corners of her eyes droop and despite the high temperature she shivers, goosebumps erupting across her bare arms. She still waves him off when he offers her his jacket.
At least until it starts to rain.
It’s nothing major, just a late summer drizzle. But it might become more, so he’s grateful when she huddles underneath the dark denim, resting it on top of her head to keep her arms free. And then they simply listen.
The clouds keep rolling in, the sky growing darker each second. Both it and the wet pavement are slate gray now, but the leaves are vivid green and the air smells like warmth and earth. Max’s head drifts back and forth, seeking the sounds, zeroing in on the heaviest droplets as they hit the asphalt. His too-big jacket hangs like a curtain around her, shielding her from rain and darkness alike. 
Actually, no. Just the rain. She wards off the darkness on her own. Her sunshine-yellow shirt, her flame-orange hair, her smoke-white skin, so pale it’s almost translucent, the veins running fluorescent on the insides of her wrists. 
She’s glowing like a candle.
“Thanks,” she says. “For being my eyes today.”
“No problem. Thanks for making me finally use this again.” He kicks at his board, the wheels spinning slowly.
“I want to skate at the park or the lot later. When I’m ready.”
“Sure. I’ll be there.”
Max nods, a small smile on her face. Untangling her crossed legs, she pulls them to her chest to rest her chin on her knees.
“Have you heard what Dustin’s been researching?”
“No, what?”
“Well. He has a theory,” she says, and Jonathan actually snorts at her imitation, both expression and cadence a perfect copy of Dustin’s, “on human echolocation.”
Jonathan draws a breath. “Human… echolocation.”
“He thinks that, by studying echoes or whatever, I can learn where things are by snapping my fingers, or doing this,” she says and clicks her tongue. “So, I guess that’s a backup in case that doctor won’t make it work with the surgery.”
“How’s it going with that?”
“I dunno. They’re ‘figuring it out’.” Max makes a face that tells exactly what she thinks of that. “Guess, right now, Dustin Henderson is my best bet.”
She shrugs, her lips curving into a smile’s likeness. The lines around her mouth and shadows by her eyes make her appear both impossibly old and unbearably young. She sniffles, which might be due to the cold, might be something else.
Jonathan says, “His success-to-failure ratio is in your favor.”
“Yeah, I guess,” she says, now smiling for real again.
Anything else they might have to say is cut short by the appearance of Steve’s BMW. It hasn’t been two hours yet, not even one and a half, but the rain is starting to come down harder, so they stow away the items in the trunk to make space for Jonathan and drive off.
The Beemer smells like pine and expensive leather. Steve has the heat on high and the stereo low, and together with the rain smattering on the windows, it creates an ambiance one could fall asleep to. Jonathan sinks into the backseat, draping his jacket over his legs for the sake of the seats, although he’s pretty sure they’ve been through worse things than rainwater. In the front, Max’s pointer finger squeaks against the misted-over window, and as Freddie Mercury sings about losing his way in the darkness, she draws perfect flowers and suns despite not being able to see them.
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f1 · 2 years
Toto Wolff confirms Mercedes DID try to sign Daniel Ricciardo for 2023
Toto Wolff confirms Mercedes DID try to sign Daniel Ricciardo for 2023 as team boss concedes that the lure of 'coming home' to Red Bull saw him miss out on capturing the Australian By Ollie Lewis For Daily Mail Australia Published: 11:58 GMT, 6 December 2022 | Updated: 11:58 GMT, 6 December 2022 Toto Wolff has revealed that Mercedes were in the race to sign Daniel Ricciardo for 2023, but the lure of 'coming home' to Red Bull saw the Silver Arrows miss out on the Australian. Sportsmail reported earlier this year that Mercedes had earmarked Ricciardo as a possible successor to Lewis Hamilton after the Australian's contract with McLaren was torn up a year early amid a poor 2022 campaign.  However, Red Bull won the race to sign the 33-year-old and announced him as their 'third driver' for the 2023 season late last month. Toto Wolff has admitted that Mercedes tried to sign Daniel Ricciardo for the 2023 season 'Yeah, there were discussions,' Wolff confirmed via GP Fans. 'He is a super guy. There is nothing to say. It's a shame that he is not in a cockpit because Daniel Ricciardo needs to be in a race car. 'But it didn't happen. Nobody understands why the years in McLaren didn't work out like all the previous years did. I remember Daniel from the junior series and he was always there.' Ricciardo stamped himself as a star in the making during his time in the junior ranks with Red Bull, and Wolff has conceded that the Australian's fond memories at Red Bull played against them. 'Basically, we just needed time to figure out what we wanted to do and Red Bull was his home for a long time,' added Wolff. 'He knows the people and he hopefully has a good deal there.' Ricciardo was a man in demand after his early exit from McLaren following a poor season But Wolff says Mercedes could not compete with Red Bull's offer of 'coming home' next year After his return to Red Bull was confirmed, Ricciardo said: 'The smile says it all, I'm truly excited to be coming back home to Oracle Red Bull Racing as their Third Driver in 2023. 'I already have so many fond memories of my time here, but the welcome from Christian, Dr Marko and the entire team is something I'm sincerely appreciative of. 'For me personally, the ability to contribute to and be surrounded by the best team in F1 is hugely appealing, whilst also giving me some time to recharge and refocus.  'I can't wait to be with the team and support with simulator work, testing sessions and commercial activities. Let's go!'  Share or comment on this article: Toto Wolff confirms Mercedes DID try to sign Daniel Ricciardo for 2023 via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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rosewoodconch · 3 days
RWCH Readathon: Day 21
Princess in Practice - Chapter 12
I adore ollie. This va in the audiobook is so perfect too
I love that hes just like mhmm but research is fine right
Even ollie seeing her as a real princess in that moment is sweet
But still, him recognising lottie has a normal person same as him is refreshing, theres no pressure because hes seen her through everything
Then the sad loneliness sinking in... ouch
I like the subtle detail of his mum calling him, it just really reinforces the idea of family, and how lottie feels like family to him
Him just spamming everythign into google is so so funny to me. Hes just like us fr
The two dark figures in the background. Remidn anyone else of the bodyguards and partizans from book 1?
I really like that despite everything he goes back to "what would lottie do?"
Im furiously printing out the pictures is so funny to me because is his plan to send them to lottie by mail?
Again we see the theme of family, in that hes so relaxed and comforted by his mum
"What could be so scary about a picture anyway?"
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razberrypuck · 1 year
"the journey begins, for the 100th time" "you bet your tiddies it does" JWJFJEJTJH
ohh they're having a good time something's gonna go horribly wrong
earl bbeg real
wetma gills
"words hard. me tired. me drunk." jay I love you jsjfjejf
enza gonna help jay make a new body for alphonze 👀
drey disconnected w/the group?
"the longer you're down there, the more it twists you" ohh that's not good. instantly worried about arlin.
"if arlin's still down there, it's because it couldn't." "that man had a big ol' heart, even that giant body couldn't fit it." DREYYYYYY
"Sometimes I think I should dive in there alone. But I know I'm not strong enough without them" CHIP. CHIP YOURE GONNA KILL ME.
chip and drey are gonna KILL me augh
"we're gonna go down there, and we're gonna bust him out. whatever happens happens. we'll survive. we always do." RRGHHDHHDG
"sometimes its good to be bad jay give me the word" LMAOOOOO
"happy birdday! you can nae nae, but now you can... ;)" JSJFJDJG GILL
" 'Well, for you...' he gets lost in your eyes for a second" JWJFJSJGJEJJTJ
"EVERYONE now has cannons and healing potions except for ME!!!!!!!!" gill in his spoiled brat arc
"We are so, so unbelievably wanted" "they WANT us"
ohh I love enza
forgot abt cliff hangar
"To know the books, you need to have read the books, where the FUCK are the books, Jay???????"
"A world that's turned it's back / it's seas be turned to black / the black sea is all that's left / history be put to rest / the survivors will rewrite it / fight on, fight on until united / hope our wrongs be righted / flee the black sea at last / free from it at last
why are gill and chip so down to flirt with people today jsjfjsjd
the island of frozen roses ooh
ohhhh he just wrote about their journeys. ik its like obvious but that means so much to be actually.
"even when you are old and decrepit, you will always be our small boy, who we keep on the ship, and in our hearts" thank you gill
chip don't grill her about this now godddd.
bellamy. oh bellamy. im so sorry.
captain shadowbeard was the last pirate lord that went missing ohhh my god. it was a year ago. and when ollie went missing months later. oh my god this poor woman.
"You guys are gonna get attacked tonight" grizz ik you're joking but I don't fucking trust you at all
Gillion what are you planning 👀
"jay who did you see" "oh just my father and kira you know" "oh"
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gillion less clutch than expected.........
alphonze is gonna die again bro they JUST got him back! AND the boat!
Gillion absorb elements pog
thank you alphonze we love you alphonze <3
jayson I hate you smile
"You could be found innocent, by the way" "not for what I'm about to do :)"
"DAMN looks like you're as good a shot as you are a PARENT" "your quips only seal your fate" "damn, were you already burning?" gillion tidestrider I love you
"If they miss, I will roll to hit gillion"
gets harpooned in the ass and stabbed further in the chest sjfjeh
gill is so fucking funny engaging w/jayson lmao
"she's a BIRD are you PROUD OF HER YET? she has WINGS and they're COOLER THAN YOURS and they generate more LIFT" gill hyping up jay to her dad my beloved
makes eye contact with a fucking wizard. drops disguise and said "aight you handle these monkeys I got shit to do"
isn't the whole crew on the ship? or does grizz just mean on top deck
gryffon I love you
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"I can deal with that later. But right now, you're attacking my friends. And I can tell you have no intention to spare them. So I'll give you the same treatment back. So you're gonna attack me, or...I'm gonna take you down." JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAYYYYYY
"I thought you said next time you saw me, I wouldn't be your daughter anymore." "Now that I've seen how much you've changed, I mean it" go fuck yourself jayson <3
"if Jay's still fighting, I am too."
"Nice try, but Ollie's mom was way more pissed 😎"
lizzie??? did you??? did you actually kill ava or are you surprised???
"It's okay I can dodge it!" the mentality of the episode
I fully believe lizzie didn't kill ava actually. don't believe jayson at all fuck this guy
If Gryffon is dead. If Gryffon is dead.
gillion: just let me know where you need me. And I'll be there.
jay: right now you're right where you need to be. thank you.
gillion: aye aye, captain.
john and gill immediately going bro mode jsjfjsj
don't make me feel bad for jayson. I won't do it. piece of shit.
"You keep saying that people took me away from you. No one took me away from you, dad. You haven't had me for a long time. You lost me. You lost me in the lies, the training, your obsession with your work, it was all you cared about. Things change, dad. After ava died, you weren't there. You weren't there for me or for mom. And when I tell you we hurt, we struggled, I say we hurt and struggled so goddamn much. And I'm sure you did too, but you made it so goddamn clear where your priorities lied with the family. And in my grieving, you were the only one who wasn't there. Jayson Ferin, you are someone I've known my entire life. You've known me longer than I can remember, and maybe I've made decisions that you don't agree with, but they are my decisions, and I would've hoped that in the years you've known me, that you would give me even a modicum of trust, a modicum of what I saw in you my entire goddamn childhood. And now, you stand here in front of me again, you're making the same mistakes... You don't get to just take me back, you need to earn it. And the way it stands, you're on a fast track to lose both me, and your wife. You are the strongest man I've ever known but you are a fucking pathetic father. So come on. Go ahead, finish it, do your fucking job, if that's where your priorities still lay, as they always have."
persuasion with advantage and dm inspiration. so deserved holy shit jay. i am. speechless.
"For the first time in my life, since I became a pirate, I was able to feel free."
get the fuck OUT of here jayson go AWAY
jayson I'd ask why you don't fucking ask may yourself but I don't want you anywhere near her :)
thank fucking god hes gone.
"that's my boy right there, that's my BOY, I'm on your ass, I'm like glue on something that glues on" "this is the beginning of something, this is the beginning of a whirlwind of whoopass on kira I'm telling you now" bizly has the right idea get the panda man back
gill still didn't get the whalebone sword back ✌️😔
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"We didn't fucking cause this. We're his legacy." That entire speech from Ashton had big Caduceus vibes.
The necklace that Fearne found was one that Laudna's father gave to her mother on one of their anniversaries. He saved up for it, and got it with three stones to represent the three of them.
Laudna's name was Matilda Bradbury. She "kind of forgot who [she] was" after a while of running from town to town, and used to sing to herself.
oh god I had forgotten about Pate
Laudna's eldritch blast looks like the flame in her chest we saw in the dream realm. When she casts it, she feels what she's always felt — the magic coming from with in her, in her blood and bones, from the weave of arcana within herself. And she proceeds to bonk Ashton in the head with one of them.
"I was born with magic... that's why they [her parents] were so eager to push me out the door, to the castle."
Holy shit, that's one hell of a testament to Matt's character voices being distinct. The cast remembered Ollie's voice after months. The Green Seekers were sent by Shishadri to escort the Bells Hells to Eshteross' estate.
Chetney opens the letter from Eshteross to Shishadri against Orym's direct objection without hearing Orym out at all. I'm sure this will have no consequences in the future
The letter speaks on a couple of his last jobs as a mercenary, recalling the work he's done for her and the good will they have. At the very bottom, it states information about what the Hells are doing, what they've discovered, elements of the Grim Verity and the dangers of the solstice, and essentially says to stay out of their way.
Laudna casts mending on the wax seal Chetney broke. Marisha Ray has committed mail fraud on graph paper in two campaigns in a row
Mistress Shishadri called in someone to cast speak with dead on Eshteross. She has pale, pearlescent skin, powder-white. The hair is long and silver-gray, no eyebrows, with almost elven features but no sign of elvish ears. "Human, but more so — mystical, but like a creepy doll in energy and visage." Her voice is a lot like the eisfurra from the All-Minds-Burn. She wears a pendant of a golden, beaked skull — a symbol of the Matron of Ravens.
"This is the Grave Mystic Weva Vudol. She is a very useful talent when it comes to dealing with the unexpected demise of important individuals."
Her eyes roll back when she casts the spell and the face almost looks like a porcelain mask. There's a weird, sickly sweet joy to her voice as she asks the questions, and when she moves Eshteross' body, it's like moving a puppet.
"When did you die?" Not but a day before. "How did you die?" I was killed by the Legend. "And who was this legend responsible for your death?" The Legend of the Peaks, Otohan Thull. "Were they [the Bells Hells] responsible or involved in your demise?" No. "Do you have any final requests?" To be interred next to Mistress Prudaj, in the Lucid Memorial Mausoleum.
Shishadri asks the Hells to hunt down Otohan (after the Green Seekers turn it down), and offers them a contract, which they accept.
Otohan got that title during the Apex War because of her involvement with the Taloned Highlands and the Apex city Sruwargas, home of the Stratos Throne. The mountains where it resides are known as the Coven Peaks. For the people of the Throne, she was a hero, and for those opposing her, she was a nightmare.
The Stratos Throne holds rulership of the Taloned Highlands, including Imogen's hometown. She vaguely remembers having to hide, fields being burned, strongholds and military installments on the pathways along the mountains.
The death of the previous sovereign brought the Apex War to a ceasefire, alongside the mutual economic destruction that was happening.
Jovahn, Imogen's hometown, is a place where many warriors and soldiers passed through; there were many inns, homesteads, and barracks built for them that have since been repurposed. Otohan could have passed through or stayed here.
Shishadri takes all of Eshteross' letters, and will arrange the Silver Sun for pickup by the morning.
Weva's HP, AC, and levels are all much higher than Orym's. She works throughout the city and the Oderan Wilds, but works for Shishadri. Chetney smells no fey, fiend, or undead essence on her, but her skin is sort of sparkly and opalescent, sort of like that aasimar who was with Kotho back in C2.
She's flirting with Laudna.
She can..... see souls? She says Laudna's "a little dark around the edges... ooh, welcome back."
Keyleth had theories that the attack on Zephrah was a test, a way to test the abilities of Zephrah's defenses, but there was never a second attack.
She would sometimes talk to the deRolos about the leylines, and Orym thinks that that could be related to why Otohan wanted her dead.
FCG tries to identify the toxin residue on Eshteross' weapon. With a 26 medicine check, they recall "poisons, liquids, alchemical concoctions... and you feel with certainty that you have never seen something like this." There is no magic to it, but it's nothing FCG has encountered in the natural world.
This is the second or third time Matt has described something unidentifiable to FCG in this way — he makes a point to say how strange it is that FCG has never encountered it before or can't remember what it is, like it isn't the item itself that's strange but rather their inability to recognize it. So is this a situation where FCG's memory was wiped? Like they used to know about it but can't anymore because their "memory banks" are damaged or altered?
FCG also identifies the blade itself. It acts as a magical club when wielded as a cane, but when the command word is spoken, the ball on top of the cane becomes a scythe blade. It acts as a greatsword.
To the skyship!
But first, some shopping.
They got diamonds for revivify, and FCG got a 25gp commemorative coin. This is likely for divination, which has a material component of a 25gp "sacrificial offering."
To Yios!
It's a little less than an 1100 mile journey, and it'll take 7-8 days since they're going across the Hellcatch Valley again.
Day 1: No issues
Day 2: No issues
Day 3: Sandstorm! Chetney, Fearne, Imogen, and Orym all rolled below a 5 to stay on the ship, but everyone's tied in one way or another to the rails or the masts. No one actually fell off, but they lose a day of travel.
Day 4: No issues.
Ruidus is flaring. The date would be 30 Sydenstar 843,
Imogen is dreaming of her and Laudna baking in a cabin. "The candlelight goes from orange to a deep, deep red. The door is open, and outside the hut, you see a red cloud swirling. The storm is around you, you can hear the impact of it, the hut creaking and breaking apart. You can just barely see a shape walking into the storm, away from the hut, away from you — the darkened clothed shape of what looks like Laudna, walking away from you. Laudna? No response, just keeps walking. You will yourself to move faster, and your feet leave the ground as you glide until you are right at the back of the figure. You touch it, and it spins around, and instead, it is a darkened ruffled cloak. What you thought was Laudna's hair is tattered shreds of a funeral shroud. You see this scraggly hair in a lavender-like color, and that memory that unlocked, you recognize your mother. 'You need to run.'"
"While that's happening, Chetney. Roll a Wisdom saving throw. 6. You've concentrated on this in the past, the curse that you hold. It is tethered to the history of Catha, and the transformations have always been pulled by that massive white-silver glow in the sky. Ruidus didn't seem to have much of an impact. But as you've been more conscious of these flares, there's been this itch in your belly. Simple. But this time the itch gets stronger. And stronger. Until you can't help but try and scratch for it. You scratch and scratch, and you pull, and you tear. Fearne and Orym, you see Chetney begin to double over and clutch his stomach. Chet? Can you talk to me? You have to pull, you have to be free, you have to scratch, it has to be free. From behind, he tears the flesh away from his torso, and as you watch the skin and hair of the gnomish form flop away, the wolven body emerges with an aggressive howl, the eyes emanating a red glow. Who do you go after first? Orym."
Fearne casts daylight on Chetney, which gives him another saving throw against Ruidus' influence. He rolls 16. It has some kind of effect, but it doesn't knock Chetney out of it. (Meaning that 16 is still a fail against the influence.)
"As far as your consciousness goes, you just have to scratch the itch. This is primal impulse and instinct. You've been here a few times, but this is an odd timing."
Liam playing a battle master is so good. the battle master fighter is easily the most complex full-melee class (and is definitely more complex than many casters), and it's so nice to see the class played with such... poise? ease? skill.
Rolling another 16 save gets Chetney out of the influence and the itch goes away, but he's under half health, so he has to make another save against bloodlust, which he fails. Fearne's daylight spell knocks him out of that.
The flare fades away, and the ruddy moon is left dull in the sky.
But before that, back in Imogen land—
"As you see into the face of your mother, she steps back, and the wind whips her away like she was just strips of cloth. You glance up, and you can see through the cloud, the bright, flaring moon of Ruidus. What do you want? No response. Otohan? Are you here? Nobody seems to be present. Just the sound of strong, dangerous wind. [I reach out and lightning strike the hut.] As you reach out your arm, all the designs on your body, the extended tendrils of energy completely fill your arm and the bolt arcs across the outside of the hut. It burns and darkens, and as it burns up, the wind carries it away like the cloak but a moment before. [I fly up into the air.] The dust around you subsides slightly. You can see the darkness, the stars, beginning to come closer. You concentrate on the moon, and a few moments later, the bright light of the flare dulls, and in that moment, your ascension slows, then stops, and you begin to fall. Faster and faster. Faster and faster, you plummet. You spin and see the ground come towards you — and you wake up."
Sending to Liliana Temult: "Are you there?" "...Imogen?"
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lindyloosims · 5 months
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One last night together before we become elders, although I'm hoping that this doesn't stop just because we're old and grey! I am still in awe of how beautiful Kacey is, and that won't change either! I'm such a lucky man!
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I've already blown out my candles and I'm looking a bit greyer than before, well a lot! Now it's my beloved Kacey's turn!
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We're growing old together, it's yet to be determined whether we do it gracefully or not, the main thing is we've got each other!
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That spark we've had since day one has never gone out! I love her even more today than I did when we first properly talked right here on this deck! She's my soulmate, my ride or die, my everything!
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KACEY: What do you want to do now?
ZAC: You know! *wink*
KACEY: We're not as young as we once were, and your hypertension hasn't gotten any better with age!
ZAC: Well if it kills us then at least we'll go together! That's all I want!
KACEY: For it to kill us?
ZAC: Don't twist my words woman, to the bedroom with you, pronto!
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We may be elders now, but we still have a toddler that likes to do the most outrageous things! This really is not sanitary Olly, I mean...come on!
OLLY: Blish-blish!
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But no matter how old I get, nothing gets me excited like a coupon in the mail, praise the watcher!
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