#omega gender confusion au
onlythebravest · 1 year
hii ash! and thank you!!
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
I really want to share what I wrote in my latest hrpf, but I also have this pretty funny larry snippet, so I’ll go with that. I shared it in the server ages ago, you probably weren’t even in the server when I shared it so… you won’t have read it at least 😂 it’s from my omega gender confusion au that’s pretty much been placed on the shelf indefinitely, but I do occasionally think about it atill
“I just want to start off by saying that I love it when you call me alpha. It makes me feel so good, always.”
“That’s good.”
“But sometimes, I kind of just want to be this stereotypical submissive omega.”
Louis glanced at Harry and saw that his brows were furrowed. “Y’know like how I can be during my heats sometimes,” he tried to explain. “Or you know, just in general. When I’m very submissive.”
Harry was silent for several seconds before he hesitantly said, “I’m sorry but, if that’s what you mean with submissive, you’re not very submissive, Lou.”
Louis rolled his eyes. “Not in comparison to you, no.” He shook his head. “Not everyone’s as obedient as a narc dog, you know.”
Harry’s mouth fell open and his eyes widened as he stared at Louis in disbelief. He let out a chuckle as he said, “I’m sorry, what? What did you just call me?” Louis started laughing. “Narc dog? Where did that come from?”
Harry shook his head, his expression a mixture between disbelief, shock and confusion.
“I don’t know? It just… sorta came to me?”
“I’m not a narc dog.”
Chuckling, Louis said, “You kinda are, babe.”
Harry shook his head slowly, almost absentmindedly. “I don’t… I don’t think narc dogs are very submissive, Lou.”
“To their owner they are.”
“Owner? Are you… You don’t own me.” Louis smirked as he shrugged. “I’m not a pet!” Harry was all but shrieking. “I’m not some puppy you can own.”
Louis continued to smirk. “Might as well be, don’t you think?” He held up one hand as he said, “Omega,” and the other was he said, “puppy.” He shrugged. “Same, same, don’t you think?”
Harry was shaking his head, disbelief still painting his every move, and he opened and closed his mouth several times. Finally, he said, “I thought we were gonna have a serious conversation here, not compare me to a fucking narc dog.”
Louis tilted his back and started laughing more freely, louder.
“Stop laughing!” Harry whined, swatting Louis’ arm, but when Louis looked at him, he was chuckling too, so Louis just reached out and grabbed his neck, pulling him in for a hug. “It’s not funny. I’m not a narc dog.”
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
honestly, I just thought of this scene this very moment but I’m now very excited about it. Trevor collapsing due to his not sufficiently treated touch starvation on the ice. a big dramatic reveal which would be right I’ll his alley if it weren’t for the fact that this is something he’s been trying to hide from his team. doing it on the ice feels just so trevor for some reason. and as a bonus, we will have easy access for Jamie to sweep in and save the day 😂 it’s perfect! I really want to write this like immediately. I’m so excited!!!! like so so excited even though I know you don’t care avoht this bc it’s an entire different fandom 😂 and you might not even know who these two boys are, but trust me I’m so excited
send me WIP qs please
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andypantsx3 · 9 months
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SUMMARY: Todoroki Shouto is so unsettlingly beautiful, you’re certain he has to be an omega. That is, until a chance encounter with a pushy alpha reveals you were incredibly mistaken—and the surprises don’t stop there. Shouto's suddenly mystifying behavior adds another layer of complexity to an already confusing inter-agency investigation. It would be so much easier to figure things out—and suppress your growing feelings—if only Shouto would stop being so strangely attentive to you... TAGS/WARNINGS: pro hero au, fem + afab reader, omegaverse, alpha shouto, beta reader, misunderstandings, courting behavior, slightly case fic-y, undertones of sexual violence (not between main pairing), aged-up characters, eventual smut, 18+ minors please dni! LENGTH: 4.6k, 1st of 7 chapters
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Tetsutetsu’s apartment was exploding with people by the time you made it in from the cold.
Even from outside, you could hear the chatter of dozens of voices, the thumping bass of a distant party playlist. The front door was practically wedged shut by all the bodies blocking it, and you had to suck in a breath as you squeezed yourself through, slithering through what seemed to be every single employee of the Pink Riot agency—a plethora of bulky pro heroes stuffed in among lanky support techs and sleepy-eyed case analysts.
Inside, it stank of warm beer with a slightly sweeter, sharper liquor undertone. Your nose wrinkled. You could only imagine what the scent was like to your alpha and omega coworkers, grateful you had a beta’s dulled sense of smell, and no innate reaction to the physical proximity of other secondary genders. The space was already almost overwhelming as it was, the press of people nearly claustrophobic, although no one else looked like they minded much.
You shoved yourself through the crowd, squeezing through people, somewhat regretting how late you’d gotten here. You hoped there was still something good to drink.
In your defense, you’d gotten bogged down with a bombshell of a new case at the agency, something Mina had pulled you aside to talk about on your way out to the party. She’d meant for you to pick it up Monday, as you couldn’t take any action until a supervising hero had been assigned to you. But it was so unlike any other case you’d been handed in your years at Pink Riot that you’d immediately yanked your coat back off and holed yourself up at your desk, poring over the information in shock.
The case file told you that there was a rogue pro hero harassing and assaulting the omegas in Bunkyo ward—the very ward the Pink Riot agency operated in.
What was more, local authorities suspected someone from the agencies within Bunkyo itself, considering the attacks were exclusively confined to the ward and had so far never deviated. The police had been alerted to the fact that a hero might be involved when one of the omegas who had been attacked last night had escaped, shaken but untouched, and reported their aggressor attempting to strap quirk suppressors on them—tech that was almost exclusively a tool of the heroics trade.
And so all Bunkyo-based agencies had been asked to internally investigate their heroes, with mandatory out-of-agency supervising heroes to be assigned to the cases as well, to ensure everything was above board and no cover ups were being staged. And you, as Mina’s personal friend and therefore the case analyst she trusted most with a sensitive file like this, had been assigned the task.
And it was already almost too mind-boggling for you to bear.
You plowed your way towards the kitchen, eager to chase away the idea of any of your hero coworkers as the perpetrator. You liked and trusted all of the heroes Pink Riot had on call, and hoped so desperately that another agency was at fault here. You couldn’t imagine a single one of them being responsible for something like this. You couldn’t imagine the harasser themself attending this very party.
Once in the kitchen, you discovered that Tetsutetsu had invited more than just the Pink Riot agency itself—he had also apparently invited a plethora of heroes from his former UA days. Sero Hanta and Uraraka Ochako were propped up in the kitchen with Mina and Kirishima, smiling and chatting, while Iida Tenya stood next to them, looking, as usual, like he was on the verge of a hernia. Monoma Neita was skulking in a corner, along with a couple of lower-level heroes you recognized as Tetsu’s Class B friends.
Mina perked up immediately when she caught sight of you, hopping off the counter at Kirishima’s side, beckoning you closer with a hot pink nail.
“You have to taste this disgusting thing Tetsu made,” she told you gleefully, gesturing at something vaguely gelatinous on the stove. You recoiled reflexively, even as Mina ladled a generous portion into a plastic cup for you, passing it over.
You did not like the weight of it in your hand—and the smell of it, even to your duller senses, was not exactly appetizing, more nail polish remover in profile than anything.
“Wow, this looks almost as lovely as the new case file. How generous of you,” you intoned, taking a small, investigative sip. The taste zipped down your spine all the way to your toes, so alcoholic you could almost taste an emergency room visit.
But it figured. Pro heroes in general were a hard bunch to get drunk, their metabolisms fast and their bodies honed to withstand limits a normal person could never. You imagined this was Tetsu’s own invention based on years of personal research.
Mina sloshed her own cup at you, bright-eyed as she normally was, but otherwise looking unruffled. “Tetsu and Eiji already have a bet going which of them can put back more of this, but my bet is on me,” she grinned. “They’re behind a cup already.”
You winced. “Such responsible agency heads I have.”
Mina practically cackled. “You love it.”
You couldn’t help the fond smile that pulled at your mouth, listening to her bright laughter. “I do.”
And it was true, after years at the Pink Riot agency you were spoiled for anywhere else.
Your caseload was broad and interesting, Mina and Kirishima the perfect amount of invested but trusting, always caring about the results you brought in for the safety they brought Bunkyo ward, but never micromanaging you or demanding the impossible. The agency was a little bit smaller than other agencies founded by members of their former class—a mid-sized, fairly-closely knit operation that prioritized action and minimized bureaucracy.
And it was a sort of family operation. Mina was an omega, small and bright and totally beautiful the way so many omegas were, the warmness of her personality like a magnet. And Kirishima was her bonded alpha—fairly friendly and easy-going for one, you thought—but strong, firm in his resolve, and deeply committed.
You liked them, liked their relationship, and liked how their traits translated to their management of their joint agency. You liked how the agency had basically sprung up around them, filled to the brim with good people. And so yeah, Mina was right. You did love it.
“Make sure you unwind,” Mina ordered you, flashing a pink nail in your face. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that it’s been like two hours since I saw you disappear with that case file.”
Your cheeks heated. “Did you know some agency heads like it when their employees do their jobs?”
Mina grinned wickedly, then made a sort of clucking noise. “Did you know that some agency heads are no funsies? I like when my employees do their jobs and still have time for a social life.”
A smile tugged at your mouth. Your social calendar had never been so full as when you started working at Pink Riot, their rosters absolutely packed with outgoing heroes. Someone or other was always throwing a party, organizing a celebratory dinner when an especially big case was closed, or dashing across the floor yelling “drinks on me!” after nailing a particularly notorious villain.
Between the agency and your own friends you thought you were kept rather busy. But the sudden, shifting look of undue interest on Mina’s face told you she thought otherwise.
“When was the last time you went on a date, hmm?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows. “I never catch you smelling like anyone. Looking for anyone here?”
“And who told you you could smell me?” you demanded.
Mina cackled. “It’s not like I can turn my nose off. Plus you smell nice and comforting. Very beta. I wouldn’t stop smelling you even if I could.”
Your ears went hot. Alphas and omegas were always so nosy and inquisitive, a byproduct of being able to smell way too much for your comfort, a fact you and your circle of beta friends never missed a chance to bemoan.
And this was not the first time you’d been told as much, most betas apparently smelling some level of chill and less intrusive than the insistent scents of alphas and omegas. You didn’t exactly understand how something could smell chill, but enough people had said it that you accepted it.
“Well then it’s good I’m not polluting that with other smells,” you said. “Now mind your business.”
Mina’s grin was sharp as she reached over to ladle more of Tetsu’s concoction into your cup, a small revenge. “Fine but keep your options open tonight! I know plenty of nice beta boys I can set you up with—there’s a couple of analysts from Ingenium’s crowd here tonight.”
You nodded, affecting sincerity, although you had absolutely no plan to follow through. You were going to find your agency friends, go ham on some apps, and then head back home just as soon as Mina and Kirishima ended the night the way they usually did—locked mouth to mouth after drinking a little too much, causing a scene.
You waved Mina away, poking your head back out the kitchen door and surveying the rest of the party. Over near the couch, you caught a flash of a couple of your fellow case analysts in conversation with Asui Tsuyu, a beta hero at your agency who you got on well with. Your people exactly.
However, no sooner had you started to push back into the crowd than something slammed into your shoulder, sending you stumbling back into the wall. Your drink splashed right up over your shoulder, cold and biting. You let out a strangled noise, turning your head on impulse and catching a mouthful of hair.
“Oh my god, I am sooo sorry,” a soft voice said. You realized you’d collided with an omega analyst from another Bunkyo agency—a girl you vaguely remembered from a joint case a few years ago. She was small, petite, and delicately pretty in the way of most omegas. And she had also managed to empty nearly the entirety of your cup onto you.
“Shit, shit—I got your shirt wet!” she said, yanking herself back from you. She looked a little glassy-eyed, but genuinely apologetic, and she wiped at your shoulder with her bare hand. Definitely a bit drunk.
“No—it’s fine,” you told her, attempting to duck her hand. “I also didn’t see you!”
The omega girl didn’t look reassured however. She frowned, pausing over you—then suddenly slithered right out of her cardigan, throwing it over your shoulders.
“We’ll hide it like that. Please take it,” she said, her delicate fingers flitting back and forth over your now-covered shoulder, like she still itched to fix something. The cardigan was soft and warm, and even you could tell it smelled good—a soft, powdery, classically omegan scent.
“It’s really fine—” you insisted, immediately shrugging the cardigan back off, though you appreciated the gesture. You glanced down at your shoulder, surveying the damp patch that was slowly soaking closer to your boob. “It’s clear—it will dry in a couple of minutes and no one will be any the wiser. It already stinks like alcohol in here anyway.”
The omega girl hesitated as you handed her sweater back to her. She leaned in to sniff you tentatively. “Are you sure? I really am so sorry. Your mate is going to be so mad, now you can’t really smell you over the vodka unless you get in close—”
You held up a hand, sending her a reassuring smile. “I don’t have a mate, so there’s no problem. I promise.”
You did not add that as a beta, your pool of potential mates was limited to other betas, and that no beta’s sense of smell was enough to get worked up over this. Alphas and omegas tended to forget that not everyone was as sensitive as they were.
She bit her lip, the gesture pretty, but looked somewhat mollified. “You’re sure?” she ventured one last time.
You nodded. “Totally sure. I appreciate the gesture though.”
She nodded, still looking hesitant, and you decided there was only one way to put an end to this.
“Nice to see you, though. Maybe I will catch you around later!” you said, waving her off firmly. You quickly abandoned your now empty cup on a nearby table and turned to head back into the living room. You spotted Tsuyu’s head of dark green hair through the crowd of shoulders, a homing beacon in the dim.
As you charted an unsteady path through the crush of people, you noted several more heroes and analysts from other agencies, including Kaminari Denki and a beaming Midoriya Izuku, crammed into a corner and chatting animatedly to—oh.
Your cheeks flushed. Pro hero Shouto was here.
The other hero stood tall and solemnly handsome across from Midoriya, just as maddeningly gorgeous as always. You, like every other person with working eyeballs, had long nursed a tiny bit of a celebrity crush on him, as he was literally the most beautiful person on earth—a fact evidenced by his now six-year running sweep of Tokyo Beat magazine’s cutest hero award.
In your time at Pink Riot, you’d worked a couple of joint cases with Shouto’s agency and met him a few times in passing. You’d always found him to be a little bit intense, but kind, thoughtful, straightforward, and diligent. He was every bit the reassuring hero the media made him out to be, and even more striking in person. He also always wore scent patches flush at the sides of his neck, concealing what his secondary gender was from prying noses, although you’d always sort of suspected he had to be an omega.
He was tall and solid and strong in the way of most pro heroes. But his features were so finely-wrought, so strangely graceful and elegant for a man, that you would have put significant amounts of money down on his omega status.
Not that it mattered. Betas really only dated betas, and alphas really only omegas, so Shouto’s status wasn’t much to you, regardless of what it was.
You slipped past, averting your eyes, wondering absently if an omega like Todoroki Shouto ever encountered harassment like the victims in your newest case file. Maybe his scent blockers were for this very purpose—hiding his omega status so he didn’t run the risk. You imagined with a face like his, he would be sure to garner migraine-inducing levels of undue interest.
This thought was suddenly arrested, however, when a hand pressed to your chest, shoving you back into the wall you were sidling past.
Your breath wooshed out of your lungs as a strangled “fwuuh” noise escaped you. Your gaze jerked up to find an alpha you somewhat recognized was holding you against the wall, grinning in an incredibly unsettling way.
Fuzzily, you matched his face to one of the techs from the support department, someone you occasionally saw at work functions but never worked directly with. Support interfaced mainly with the heroes, mending their tech, inventing new items, and—if Mina’s complaints were to be believed—running up quite the bill for the agency with their experimentation.
“Can I—help you?” you garbled out, staring the alpha down.
He leaned in, leery, slurring, “What’sa pretty li’l thing like you doin’ here, huh?”
He smelled strongly of Tetsutestu’s horrid concoction, like the alcohol was literally seeping from his pores. You frowned, shifting uncomfortably under his hand. It was large, and too-warm against your shoulder, and the desire to turn and bite it welled up in your mouth.
“Can you get off me?” you asked, grabbing the alpha by the wrist. A support tech though he was, his hold on you was firm, and your grip didn’t dislodge him. He clung to your sweater, his gaze glassy but intense.
He closed his eyes, nose twitching like he was-–ew—like he was scenting you. “Aww come on baby. A li’l omega like you? There’s no need to pr’tend you don’t want this.”
Your brows furrowed, confusion bubbling up inside you. A little omega like you? What the fuck was he talking about? Was he that blasted?
“You have three seconds before I bite you,” you said, certain that would be clear enough, even if he was too drunk to tell you were a beta.
But his hand didn’t move. Instead he laughed, hot and humid and smelling strongly of liquor, and he fumbled with something at his belt.
A hot wave of fear suddenly washed over you, a stab of panic lancing your heart. He wasn’t going to expose himself right here, was he? You pushed back against the wall, feeling entrapped, yanking at his wrist harder to get him off of you.
“I’m not an omega,” you said loudly. “And I’m not interested, now get—”
The alpha’s hand was gone. You blinked, suddenly finding his face missing too, your vision gone entirely gray and strangely…knitted?
“Do not touch her,” a deep voice intoned, and you realized you were staring at a broad back, clad in a handsome gray sweater. You tipped your head back, your gaze fixing on a suspiciously familiar mop of scarlet and white hair.
Shouto. Pro hero Shouto had put himself in between you and the asshole alpha.
A thrill raced down your spine.
“The fuck I won’t,” a snort issued over one of Shouto’s strong shoulders.
There was a small, silent moment where you watched Shouto’s head tilt just the tiniest bit. He didn’t say anything in return—but a sudden, creeping unease slithered over your senses, raising the hair on the back of your neck. An audible hush fell over the people nearest you, though you couldn’t see what exactly was happening, caged between Shouto’s back and the wall.
You could just make out Shouto’s scent patches, perfectly even against his neck like always, and wondered whether they would help—-if the alpha couldn’t smell Shouto was an omega, maybe he thought he would respect his boundaries more?
“Dude—” someone hissed, from somewhere near the alpha, just as Shouto spoke once more.
“You will leave,” he intoned in that deep tone again. His voice was soft, placid—but the feeling of unease grew within you, a strange itch under your skin. You had the sudden urge to flee, but one of Shouto’s hands closed over your wrist, as a cerulean eye caught yours over his shoulder. “You…please stay.”
You could do nothing but nod, your feet practically freezing in place, the desire to obey subsuming your entire brain. What the hell was happening?
As Shouto turned back to face the alpha again, that hunted feeling grew stronger, like there was something in the apartment that you should be very, very wary of. Your throat started to close up, and your breath came a little short.
The room was so suddenly silent that you could hear the nervous shift of the people beyond Shouto, and you caught the sound of the alpha suddenly stumbling back.
“You’re—are you fucking Ordering me?” The alpha asked, but you could hear that he was still backing away.
The question crawled right under your skin along with the unsettled feeling.
An Order. As in, an Alpha Order. From Shouto? Pretty, kind, patient, careful Shouto? Classic omega material Shouto?
Was…using an Order on an alpha, and it was working?
Your head spun with the mismatch between Shouto’s face and the latent command in his tone. It was almost too strange to be contemplated, and yet here it was playing out in front of you.
Shouto, for his part, didn’t bother answering the question. “I believe I asked you to leave,” he said firmly. His voice carried an inflection that sliced through the air like a knife.
“Sorry, Todoroki, he’s super fucking drunk—I’ll get him out of here,” another voice said, one you recognized as a different support tech.
It sounded like he didn’t need to expend the effort, however, as the alpha’s footsteps were already beating a hasty retreat. The other support tech’s footsteps followed, his pace clipped on the hardwood.
As soon as they were out of view, the suffocating feeling all but evaporated. You could almost feel the sigh of relief around the room, and the line of Shouto’s shoulders untensed.
He turned to you slowly, drawing in a deep breath. His normally blank expression had been exchanged for something troubled, his perfect eyebrows knitted in concern, his full mouth pursed up like he’d just let it drop from a snarl.
He blinked down at you for a second, those distinct heterochromatic eyes flicking over you, before you found yourself suddenly crowded back into the corner, your back bumping the wall. Shouto leaned down and gave a delicate sniff at your temple, as if checking your condition.
“Are you alright?” he asked. His voice was still strange, rough with something you couldn’t name.
He was warm where he lingered over you, his shoulders broad enough that they blocked the light and cast falling shadows into the meager space between you. He was near enough that the dip of his sweater collar rasped over your shoulder, sending a swarm of tingles over your skin. You drew in a careful breath, trying to figure out just what the right answer was, coming up with nothing.
Shouto frowned over your lack of a response. His nose pressed right into your hair, and he crowded even closer, like he was trying to find the source of your discomfort—even though he’d just chased that source right through the front door.
“Your scent is difficult to find,” he murmured, his chest expanding and contracting. “It is covered by many things…” He trailed off as he seemed to find it—and then something strange happened—even stranger than the scene with the support tech alpha.
Shouto froze in place, going so unearthly still he might have been transmuted into marble. You heard his breath catch and hold in his lungs, and his fingers came up to grasp your sleeve, clutching you tightly.
You opened your mouth to ask what was wrong when a shudder swept down him, from head to toe. His grip on your wrist tightened for a moment, and a groan bubbled up from somewhere low in his throat.
“Your scent—” he rasped, then cut himself off.
He huffed out a harsh breath instead, stirring your hair, before his face dropped into the cradle of your shoulder. He breathed in, slow, measured, his mouth just barely touching the skin of your throat. You could feel his long, pretty eyelashes flutter against your skin, and the sensation sent shivers down your spine.
Something under your skin shifted in response, then.
To your utter shock, you could feel yourself tilting your head to the side, baring your neck. A strange feeling of malleability settled over you, like your bones had jellified and your muscles had atrophied.
“Shouto—?” you garbled out, unable to articulate any question beyond what the fuck was happening? You knew it had something to do with the way Shouto was most definitely not an omega after all. The thought made your brain fuzz with static.
Pretty, gentle, elegant Todoroki Shouto was an alpha. Kind, placid, beautiful Todoroki Shouto was even some kind of…distressingly strong alpha.
It crossed all the wires in your brain to think of that face possessing that kind of strength. But there was clearly something there. And you were being so weird and embarrassing about it, but you couldn’t have moved, even if you wanted to.
It felt like a short eternity, the time Shouto stood over you like that, his face pressed into your throat, your own throat bared to him. Your heartbeat pounded in your chest, simultaneously hammering a zillion miles a minute, and yet feeling slow, syrupy.
Distantly, you registered the hum of voices in the background, Tetsutetsu trying to rekindle the happy atmosphere. But Shouto was so warm over you, breathing slow and shallow, a tall, strong anchor weighing you against the wall.
It could have been minutes or hours before he finally stepped away. He looked calmer, but a little dazed. You felt the same way, mystified by what had just occurred between you.
His gaze picked over you in some kind of assessment. “You’re well?” he asked carefully. His voice was pitched low.
“Yeah,” you managed, your throat weirdly dry. “Yeah. I—thank you, Shouto.”
Shouto inclined his head in a nod. “You, as well. I don’t usually…I try not to rise to anger. But when alphas try to use their power to—” he cut himself off. His throat bobbed with some emotion you couldn’t name.
“Your scent is….calming to me.”
You nodded. The beta chill thing again, like Mina had said.
“Your friendly neighborhood beta, at your service,” you saluted him, trying to ignore the strange, lingering shiver in your limbs.
A tiny smile quirked the corner of Shouto’s mouth, but his gaze remained fixed on you, almost inhumanly intense.
“That is not quite what I mean,” he said, but did not elaborate. There was something in his voice, in the way he was looking at you that you didn’t understand, but you didn’t know him well enough to try to dig into it.
Instead you just gave him another smile, your face heating as you noticed several people around you were still watching you.
You figured it was probably time to make an escape after that little scene you had just caused, for Shouto’s reputation as well as yours. You didn’t need people thinking Shouto had been scenting you for any reason other than your apparent beta chill pill scent, especially now that people at the party would know he was an alpha.
God, he was an alpha, even with a face like that.
You waved at him, garbling out another, “Well, thanks for the save! I, um, have to be going, but I’ll see you around!” before throwing yourself back through the crowd, your head spinning.
Mina had come out of the kitchen and tried to flag you down as you passed. You waved back at her like you’d misunderstood, quickly fighting your way back to Tetsu’s front door. You felt the weight of dozens of eyes on your back, and the prick of two heterochromatic ones, somehow more certain and weightier than the others. But you didn’t turn around, eager to get out of the crowd, still reeling from what had happened.
You didn’t know how you had been mistaken for an omega by that drunk alpha, and understood even less what had possessed Shouto to sniff you all over like that, embarrassed by how much you had liked it. It most probably had something to do with how inherently non-aggressive beta scents were supposed to be, maybe helping Shouto down from how keyed up he’d been about that other alpha.
But it had still been so embarrassing and strange, the way your head had tipped right back for him, the way your limbs had gone to jelly in his hold. You hoped he’d had a little to drink too or he’d probably realize how weird you were, reacting like that.
Finally, you spilled out of Tetsu’s and into the night, the evening air cool on your heated skin. The phantom touch of Shouto’s mouth still lingered on your throat, warm and disconcerting.
You beelined for home, your head swimming. You wondered just how long it would take you to forget how very strange this evening had been.
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spirit-lanterns · 19 days
Sparkle can change her appearance, no? So in omegaverse we can assume that she not only can change her appearance but her secondary gender too! Sparkle going from alpha to omega to beta just to confuse people for shit and giggles. Her mate would be treated so right by her lamo. Want rough alpha handling? Sure. Some soft cuddling? Lemme just omegafiy myself. Too much stink? Beta.
Aha looking at THEIR fools and going ykno what? Have some gender juice.
Wait genderfluid Omegaverse AU Sparkle hits so hard 🫢
Sparkle truly does have one of the coolest abilities in this AU. No matter who her mate is, she can satisfy all their needs by switching to an alpha, beta, or omega on a whim. Want to be bred silly and dominated out of your mind? Sparkle is already shifting to an alpha! Want to bend her over and make her your bratty little princess? Her scent is already growing soft due to omega pheromones. You just want a day where Sparkle doesn’t feel overly possessive or clingy over you? Beta it is then! Sparkle truly is the ideal Omegaverse mate for anyone!
Omg, imagine her scent changes when she shifts into them too…? Perhaps as an alpha she smells more spicy and smoky, but as an omega she smells more floral and perfumey. If you don’t want to smell either, she can switch to a beta to have a more muted, casual smell that’s easy to tolerate. Your sensitive nose can have a break from the overwhelming pheromones of alphas and omegas <3
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
Ari, if you feel like it, I desperately need you to elaborate on Alpha!Nanami....
referencing this post
gender neutral reader, no curses au.
cw for dubcon bonding (bc of heat)
jaskdksdj im not like. a nanami girl but i think the idea of average salary worker nanami who is an alpha is super funny and very in line especially because i think he really goes out of his way to hide it.
like. he really doesn't enjoy anything about it contrary to popular belief. the ruts exhaust him and he doesn't like being treated different as a result of his secondary sex so at his job, i think he hides his status and lives as a beta for the most part.
in my head - he ends up meeting you at his work. you don't work like... for his department. you're in like IT or some similarly isolated position at his workplace and he just. KNOWS. right away. it's so bothersome for him KDSJF
not only does he not like the idea of having a fated pair (guy who believes love is a choice etc etc) but he also finds you being his co-worker sooooo awful. he just finds the whole thing troublesome.
for an omega, you have an extremely blase and frank personality. nanami brings his work computer to you and you're new to the department or something. and as you both come to the realization that you're each others fated pairs - you barely react. nanami is in distress and you're just like 'oh? you're my pair huh?' AND THEN GO BACK TO YOUR WORK WITHOUT A SINGLE COMMENT.
and like. nanami is so confused he ends up going back to his desk. but like. that's definitely something you should talk about right? he barely knows your name and number so he goes back determined to at least find out your name. once he gets over the shock of having a fated pair he like rlly takes a second to notice you
AND IT STRESSES HIM OUT!! he invites you to lunch and asks you to tell him about yourself since he's a super responsible guy and you talk a sloths pace and you're entirely too nonchalant about everything. you don't wear scent patches as an omega, you're not really on any medications either, your heat is irregular, you don't think of yourself as an omega at all, you skip meals. every detail stresses him out more and more.
a lot of people mistake nanami for being the kind of person who like. really willingly wants certain dynamics and i dont view that as true. for him, encountering you as the disaster you are is the first time in his life he feels like he is an alpha and he means that in the worst way possible KDJSFJKS. like you stress him out so much he's like FUCK. i need to get their shit together or IM gonna get stressed out.
so nanami ends up spending a lot of time with you mostly just trying to sort your life out for you but he finds that.... you're very? relaxing to be around? nanami at one point feels like he lives to work and doesn't work to live imo.
but you're not like that. nothing seems to really bother you. you're like... an adorable unconcerned sloth. and sure you could be a little more conscious but it really relaxes him to hear you talk because you view everything very simply and don't worry about whats not in your control if you don't have too. and you're weirdly, crazy endearing when you show expressions other than sleepiness or boredom.
you like. weirdly melt his stress away. he finds you so soothing to be with and it's his first time really feeling like he's acting on instinct because he gets rlly gradually possessive as he realizes how attractive you are an omega. there are probably a lot of other alphas who would kill to be with someone as comfortable by as you
he becomes soooo fond of you its genuinely very scary for him. like as you get closer in your relationship and the distance closes - you end up snuggling him on his couch and he's so content and he ends up scenting you like some kind of overexcited teenager because you are so STUPIDLY cute like that. you sometimes even tease him about it and that is sooo bad for his heart.
he kind of loses control around you dkjskj. when he bites your nape for the first time, its because you've gone into heat and he loses his mind because fuck you smell so good and you are so cute when you are begging for his fucking knot that he ends up fucking you with your arms pulled back and digging his teeth into your nape until you're all cozy again.
once your heat passes he literally prostrates himself in front of you after the fact. ITS SO FUNNY DFKJS. he drops his head down to the floor bc its sooo out of character for him. in very you fashion though, you sort of shrug and tell him "im glad you're my fated pair, nanami-san. you're a good alpha," and he just. implodes internally. he's thinking about how to get married like days after and he's so seriously in love with you even though he's still kinda stoic
to him you're like. the only good thing that comes out of him being an alpha LOL
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zorosbeau33 · 8 months
Courting Gifts~ One Piece Omegaverse Headcanon Part 1!
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Starring: Ace and Luffy! x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, sfw AU: Omegaverse, Omega Reader Wc: 1180 TW: Mentions of battle Masterlist~ Part 2~ Is ready! Thank you everyone for all your support! All characters involved in this fic are legal age or older in my au hope you enjoy!
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This Goofy goofball knows exactly how to court. He gives me soft alpha/strong beta vibes. And he learned from Makino the ways to court long ago.
HOWEVER that being said, he also likes making you laugh. Courting gifts when it was just a crush were often goofy and maybe small inside jokes, or even mini pranks. 
Like a cupcake with sour flavored icing, still good but not at all what you were expecting. Boy did he giggle and laugh when your face puckered up with confusion.
Once he realizes these feelings are here to stay, or if you take initiative and heavily hint or gift him something. Then he gets sincere and downright smitten and soft
I hope you like the color orange, because he thinks you look so cute in the fuzzy luxury fur blanket with orange silk lining. Yes the fur has been dyed orange to match as well and you stick out like a sore thumb on this winter island but you're warm!
He is much more of a simple gift kinda guy, first sign is him not just sharing his food with you but getting a plate and filling it for you before looking after himself. 
He long ago memorized your favorite food 
He uses his devil fruit as a gift for you as well…yes in his mind warm hugs or warm handed deep tissue massages count as courting gifts. They're a promise from him to you he will take care of you forever if you allow him.
He has never understood collecting shiny rocks, seashells, and the like…until now. Something about courting makes every exceptional seashell and rock extra special now and if he thinks theyre pretty he will pocket them to give to you later.
“The way it shined reminded me of your eyes/smile”
He's much more of a physical show rather than buying gifts. So his presents may not be noticed immediately.
Giving you rides in his flame boat (he has to carry you so his flames dont set you on fire and boy does he love carrying you now)
Insisting on being the one to be paired up with you for anything and everything. From crew game night, to exploration parties, to mission assignments, even to his previously hated cleaning duties. 
Soft touches, on your waist, your hand. To help you get across a large gap (if he doesn't just pick you up). To reassure you if you’re expressing a moment of doubt/trouble. When he thinks your smile is especially bright and he just needs to touch your cheek to ensure you’re real.
 Or to push you behind him in times of danger or conflict, yes you can take care of yourself BUT he wants to be your support and fighter. He is first to cheer you on in a fight, but if he can prevent a needless dangerous encounter he will put himself in front so any animosity is directed at him not you.
When he realizes you might want clothes, or scented items he goes to Marco.
He understands the process, he gets how to scent something. However he wants his brother figure and the very honest bestie to help him judge which ones are best. He doesn’t want to over scent something and have it be oppressive. And he knows he’s rough on clothes so he’s making sure the things he’s giving you are good quality still so they’ll last as long as you want to keep them.
He also gives you a nickname, you’ve always had one but it was more of a teasing best friend kind of thing. Suddenly you have a much more dignified and polite nickname…its also a very classic 50’s romance sort of nickname like Doll, or Pumpkin, or Kitten…or Angel
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Okay he’s alpha, if that wasn’t evident from his emperors haki and being captain etc 
Unlike his brother he is dumb…very dumb. Has never cared about courting a day before in his life. Used to say “EW” and stick out his tongue (even at 16)
He doesn’t even realize at first that the things he is doing is courting when he first starts. Probably because he doesn’t realize at first that he has feelings for you.
Robin did from day one, Zoro did maybe the first week, Sanji had suspicions too after a month or so, and the others later feel like they should have seen it coming since he constantly talked about how mouth-watering you smelled and loved to cling around you and just burrow in your neck to snuffle you. He learned not to nip when Nami yelled at him for it the first day he met you. Like I said the others feel they should have seen this sooner.
Giving you bits of his food, scenting you, constantly asking to hold your hand, and giving you every single cool thing he sees for you to “keep safe” but if you try to give them back he’d “no thanks you keep them!” then laugh and bounce off
Unlike what anyone would have expected Luffy figures out his emotions for you very quickly. It didn’t take Robins hints to him, he knew after you all finally got in a large altercation together against the world government or some pirates. He was always protective of his nakama, but before the enemy could land the devastating blow to your back in the battle. Luffy was screaming in rage. Bounding across the battlefield to you to protect HIS friend. His…ohhh…
He talked to Robin and Nami, they advised him on courting and how to make you his. He only grasped 30% but he’s trying
He would make the ship go broke in order to buy you every cool thing, or every soft nesting thing, or all the food you could eat. 
The king of bringing you random plucked wildflowers (several have been confiscated by Chopper as they were poisonous plants, Luffys eye for weird things haven gotten the best of him)
They're messy but he learns to make flower crowns for you both to wear. Talks about making them for your future kids
He didn’t used to own much clothing, but now he is expanding his wardrobe just so he can have more things that smell like him to wrap you up in.
You have exclusive hat permission, don’t abuse it but if you ever ask him, he does not mind putting it on your head for a while
He thinks you look so good in it too, makes him puff up his chest and yell to the world how awesome you are.
He has bought you one very nice present, one he had to work his butt off to get. Literally, Nami made him get a job on an island to pay for it and he was actually sincere while working there (sorry Baratie). 
It's a unisex gold bangle bracelet with a red ruby with your and his initials engraved in the gold along with the date you joined his crew (because yes he remembers the date perfectly)
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staylovesmiley · 1 month
Going Dumb~ Chapter 7
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Kim Seungmin x Fem!reader, Stray kids x Fem!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; It had been over a decade since you had last seen each other, having met in choir when Seungmin was living with his grandparents in LA and you with your Aunt. Now that you are both presented adults, how will he handle a change to the reality of you he had made in his mind in your absence over the years?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Due to Alphas and Omegas experiencing rut and heat, some jobs are restrictive as to what sub genders they will hire, specifically singling out omegas as heat suppressants are harder to obtain than rut suppressants. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, beta!kim seungmin, almost all alpha!straykids, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, mentions of sexual harassment/assault and discrimination, smut, enemies to lovers, Kim seungmin is kind of an ass I’m so sorry dandy boy, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous seungmin, I have only ever wrote one abo story before but it is one of my favorite genres so I hope I can do this justice~
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You were correct about your life becoming more chaotic, that was for sure.
In the short month since you had become stray kids assistant you had been going nonstop. Sometimes you would be with them all together, sometimes only one or a few members as they went to solo schedules. You had been with them to interviews, variety shows, behind the scenes when they filmed skz codes and even in some of their skz talker videos briefly.
Typically editors would blur out the staffs faces but the kids had insisted they leave you in as you were already formally introduced and as long as you didn’t mind they thought it was okay with the mostly positive feedback from fans even going as far as to ask to see more of you in the stray kids content as they had come to enjoy seeing how the members interacted with you even though it was usually for only a short moment.
It took some getting used to but over all it was very exciting and you couldn’t help but enjoy it even though you were still a bit shy around the camera.
Whenever they would tease you playfully you’d tease back, bantering with the members lightly and stay were eating it up and enjoying the dynamic between the nine of you.
It helped that you had begun sharing more of the boys, with their permission of course, on your own personal instagram stories that stays had found and were appreciative of getting more content of the group they loved so much.
Now, it was Christmas Day and you were with them at Gayo Daejeon watching them perform from back stage as you were on standby with other staff for when they finished their performance. You stood against the wall just out of view of the audience but able to watch from afar as the kids performed, absolutely mesmerized by their stage presence. Somewhere towards the end of their second song your face fell as you heard the audio begin to play for another groups song overtop of their own.
The boys looked a mix of furious and confused but it seemed to only fuel them harder as the next song had such an intense energy you didn’t notice a presence next to you that seemed to demand your attention. Your eyes were locked on your boys, as you had affectionately come to know them, until you heard the person beside you clear their throat making you jump as they startled you.
Turning to address whoever it was staring you down so intensely at your side you were met with an individual you had seen interacting countless times with the boys backstage at events earlier in the month. “Oh! Uh, Hi- can I help you?”
The alpha smirked, leaning against the wall beside you. “Maybe- you’re stray kids assistant, yeah? I’ve seen you around them a lot lately.” The tall man gives you a look up and down that causes a light pink to dust your cheeks as you feel yourself fluster easily under his gaze. “That I am. you can call me-“
“Bunny!” You flinch a bit at the loud sound, and suddenly you feel arms wrap around you from behind.
Minho rested his chin on your shoulder, looking at the taller alpha with a smirk as the other looked a bit thrown off and awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck as he moved to stand up straight once again as opposed to the relaxed demeanor he held leaning against the wall. “Leeknow hyung, hi! You guys performance was incredible as always.”
The alpha currently draping himself over you put on a friendly smile and nodded to the other. “Thank you, Yunho. It’s nice to see you again. I see you were getting acquainted with our bunny here.” The taller alpha, Yunho, nodded bashfully as his face heated up. “Yeah I wanted to come and introduce myself on behalf of the rest of Ateez. I’m sure we’ll see more of each other around so it seemed polite to say hi-“
Something told you there was more to his motives for coming to speak with you but his soft puppy like demeanor now caused you to take his word and offer out your hand to him with a bright smile. “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you.” You could feel the arms around you tense slightly as you shook Yunho’s hand, the other blushing even deeper. “Pleasure is all mine, really. Well- I should get going but it was nice to see you again hyung, and nice to meet you Bunny.” And with that he left to rejoin his group where you could see several members teasing him for the interaction they had evidently been watching from afar.
A soft growl rumbling behind you caught your attention and caused you to swat at the alphas hands lightly. “Quit that, he’s your friend. Why are you acting like that?” As he pulled away and saw the frown of disappointment on your face Minho whined, the other members coming up now from where they finished getting their mic packs off and Chan gave the second eldest a look that showed he wasn’t too pleased either. “You shouldn’t have run off like that, Minho. Staff was trying to get your pack off and you completely ignored them. Go back over there so they can help get it off properly.”
At the light scolding from their leader, the alpha whined even more and left with a huff. You sighed, shaking your head as Han followed off after the older alpha and Seungmin came up to your side. “What was all that about…” You huffed, looking to the others with confusion. “I thought you guys were friends with them, why did Min look like he wanted to bite that guys head off?”
The beta scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took the bottle of water you held out to him. “You seriously are so oblivious right? Yunho hyung is clearly interested in you.” Your hands froze where they were now passing a bottle of water to Hyunjin and you most likely would have dropped it if it wasn’t for the alpha grabbing it first. “What?”
Hyunjin laughed, shaking his freshly dyed garnet red hair out of his eyes as he opened his bottle and took a sip. “Oh bunny, you can’t be that oblivious. He was totally eye fucking you.” You looked back over to where ateez were standing and felt your cheeks heat up as you saw the alpha was in fact still watching you from across the room. “Oh- yeah I guess I really didn’t notice…”
That statement caused the beta beside you to relax and take a swig from his water. He looked over his shoulder at where the other puppy idol still watched over you with a longing that set him a bit on edge. Instinctively he wrapped an arm around your waist causing you to look up at him with a soft smile.
The two of you had grown closer, so much so that now those feelings of friendship you had when you were younger didn’t feel so much like a scam. There were many times since becoming their assistant and moving into the dorm full time with the pack that the beta would seek you out for company. You would sit in his or Felix room with them while they gamed, laying on the bed scrolling on your phone as you listened to their loud banter or shouts of victory.
Sometimes if he came back from a particularly difficult lesson or long schedule and was in search of comfort he would lay with his head in your lap on the couch and let you card your fingers through his hair gently as the tv volume was set low as to not cause further damage to his aching head and you would pump out more of your scent to soothe him until he fell asleep like that until someone called for dinner or you gently shook him awake and lead him to his room so he could return to his slumber.
A soft blush covered his cheeks and he looked away though his arm around your waist tightened. You giggled lightly at his shyness and poked his side before handing the last water bottles to Minho and Han as they finally rejoined the group. He took in the sight of the two of you before a teasing smile crossed his features and he gave you a wink along with whispers of thanks for the water.
You nodded, fiddling with the straps of the harnesses Seungmin wore before being lead by the beta towards their area backstage so they could rest before going back out for the rest of the show.
Seungmin managed to get you sat beside him on one of the chairs there, he leaned his head on your shoulder and brought your hand up to place them on his head. You laughed a bit and shook your head, moving your hands and giving his knee a gentle pat. “Sorry Minnie, no pets right now.” You teased, watching a pout form on his lips. “Later- yeah? Can’t mess your hair up when you still have to go back out there.”
Relenting, the beta nodded in understanding yet he kept leaning against you while everyone else relaxed or left to mingle with other idols in the halls.
The rest of the evening went by without issue, though you could still feel Yunho’s gaze on you anytime you happened to cross paths with the other pack. It seemed to keep the boys on edge as not only Minho and Seungmin began clinging to you without a care who was around to see or what cameras were there to pic up their behavior.
At one point you swore you saw Chan off to the side talking with the leader of Ateez Hongjoong, just before he approached the tall dancer and hit the back of his head lightly before scolding him under his breath. The alpha leaders seemed to have a lot in common and it made you giggle lightly as Chan rejoined you at your side and followed where you we’re looking to his fellow leader now getting onto another member, Wooyoung, for teasing Yunho for being scolded by their pack alpha.
You gave the oldest a look, eyebrow raised before he shook his head dismissing any unanswered questions. “Let’s get ready to go home, yeah? It’s been a long day and we still have more schedules coming up.” You nodded in agreement, helping him gather the rest of the pack along with everyone’s belongings and into the cars to take everyone back to the dorms.
The next month was no different than that previous. You were always by their side to help with whatever they needed even if it was something simple like grabbing them a snack during long photoshoots or taking pictures of them before or after a performance for them to post to Instagram or bubble later on.
As January turned to February and they were set to travel once more for a few set schedules, you were all thrown off when the day before you were set to depart Jisung woke up with body aches and cold symptoms starting to show.
“Hannie please try and eat something, yeah? I know you don’t have much appetite right now but it’ll get your energy up.” You tried to reason with the alpha, sitting beside him on the floor in front of the tv. There was a bowl of broth sitting on the coffee table in front of him and one of his favorite dramas on the screen while you held the spoon up in an attempt to get him to eat something so you could give him the medicine prescribed by his doctor earlier that morning when you and Chan had brought him for a check up.
The alpha whined but eventually gave in, eating about half of the bowl before the leader came in to pull you away for a small meeting. You made Han promise to finish the bowl and drink some of his water bottle before you returned to give him his medicine since the instructions said to take on a full stomach.
Sat in Chan’s room you felt a sense of deja vu to the time months ago when you were first asked to be their assistant. “I want you to stay here with Han and make sure he’s taken care of while we go ahead with the schedules.” Chan spoke softly, but his tone was stern. You nodded your head, knowing he and the others wouldn’t be leaving without the two of you if it wasn’t necessary, especially not without Jisung.
“Yeah- I don’t trust him to take his medicine on his own if I’m honest.” You said lightheartedly as you looked behind you at the door as if you could see through it and into the living room where the sick alpha still sat waiting for you to return.
Bangchan nodded with a smile, pulling you in for a hug once you stood from your spot on his bed. “Thank you. I honestly don’t know what we would do without you at this point- you…you’re one of us now.” The words caused your chest to tighten but you didn’t allow yourself to think too deeply into his statement as you nodded and hid your face in his strong chest. “I should be thanking you for helping me so much…with everything.”
Dismissing your thanks he gave the top of your head a quick kiss before shooing you out of the room. “I’m gonna go wrangle up the kids and get them out of here before anyone can catch what Hanji has- we’ll stay in a hotel tonight before flying out tomorrow.”
Laughing, you made your way to leave before he stopped you once more. “Oh and you two will be alone for a while…we all have some free time after our schedules so I’m gonna be going home to see my family and I think everyone else has plans as well.” You nodded in understanding, giving him a reassuring smile. “I’ll hold down the fort and make sure Han gets better, you can count on me.”
Upon hearing the news of Jisung’s illness as well as both of your absence from the upcoming trip the rest of the members were in different levels of sulking though undoubtedly the most distressed by the lack of your presence was Seungmin and Minho as they worried about not only their members health but how that could affect you while taking care of him.
Oh how right they were to worry.
It had been a little over two weeks when the three youngest members returned to the dorm, pushing the door open and all scrambling in with suitcases in hand. “Hannie!! Bunny!!! We’re hooommmee~~” Felix called out with a giggle as he set his bags down and began searching around for the pair.
Over the course of the last week no one had been able to get a hold of either you or Jisung and it had worried Bangchan enough to ask that whoever arrived home first give him an update, hoping that you hadn’t caught whatever bug it was that Han had.
As Seungmin entered the dorm he couldn’t tell what it was at first but something felt off. The beta began taking off his coat and as he went to hang it up it hit him, looking at where their youngest alpha’s eyes were starting to dilate rapidly while he sniffed at the air. At Jeongin’s reaction the beta also began sniffing at the air, his eyes widening at the intense aroma of freshly ground coffee and candied orange peels filled his senses. “Felix, Jeongin- we have to go.”
The alphas both let out a low growl but Seungmin didn’t seem to care as he began shoving the both of them out the front door while pulling out his phone to make a frantic call to their leader. He almost lost his balance when a loud moan that sounded eerily like you cane from the direction of Jisung’s room and caused the two alphas to almost trample over him to get to the sound.
“Seung? Hello?” Chan’s voice over the phone seemed to snap the two alphas out of whatever spell they seemed to be under if only for a second and Seungmin was quick to push them out into the hall in front of their dorm and slam the door shut before locking the three of them out. “Yeah, Hyung- we have a problem…like- a big problem.” He ignored the pang in his chest as what was happening deep within the form settled into his mind causing an ugly green monster called jealousy to begin crawling its way out from deep inside him.
“A problem how?” The alpha on the other end sounded calm but the three youngest members could tell he was concerned. It was Felix who spoke up as Seungmin continued to push them away from the front door and down to the garage so they could be as far from the scent and sounds coming from the two of you as possible. “Bunny’s in heat.”
It was a few hours later and everyone was gathered at the company in their practice room, some members sat on the couch or on the floor with their backs pressed up against it while listening to Seungmin explain what had happened when they returned home.
Chan started to beat himself up mentally, if only he had been there or had called to check up more while they were all away maybe he would have caught it before and they could have separated you and Jisung before any of this had happened. Minho also seemed to be taking things hard, sitting silently as he rapidly sent text message after text message to both of you in hopes that the younger pack mates were wrong and misunderstood something.
Still, neither you nor Han answered any texts or calls from any of the pack members.
Seungmin was beside himself, choosing to sit with distance between him and the others after he was done explaining what had happened. He felt nauseous, unable to forget the combined smell of the two of you or the sounds of pleasure that rang throughout the dorm as they left. He was also unable to forget how they made his chest clench and his stomach drop, how every fiber of his being screamed for him to barge in and take you for himself and he hated that.
He wasn’t sure where those thoughts or feelings were coming from and it made him sick, hugging his knees to his chest as he curled in on him and shook his head to try and rid himself of the imaginary plaguing him.
Chan’s eyes were on him, silently asking if he was okay and when the younger caught his gaze he shook his head dismissively and gave a weak smile.
The leader sighed, running a hand through his hair as he began pacing. “Okay- so none of us can go back to the dorm for now. It’s unfortunate and I wish we could go in and get Han out as well but it’s probably too late now based on what the maknaes witnessed.” Felix and Jeongin let out whines of embarrassment, not wanting their feral states to be mentioned again.
Just as everyone was trying to come up with a game plan as to what to do with the situation at hand Minho’s phone began ringing and everyone’s attention was suddenly on the buzzing device in the second oldest’s hands. His eyes widened when he recognized Han’s contact name on the screen and frantically he answered, almost dropping the device in his haste. “Han-ah oh thank god we have been worried sick- the maknaes got home early and they said it smelled like an omega in heat and-“ the older alpha was cut off by the younger’s embarrassed chuckles. “Yeah Hyung- about that…”
Silence fell over the room as everyone stared at the phone now placed on speaker. Minho took a deep breath before answering again. “What about that, Han Jisung?” He all but growled, suddenly feeling a sense of protectiveness wash over him. “What happened?”
Suddenly your voice came over the phone, a little hoarse and laced with exhaustion but still loud enough for everyone to hear. “It should be safe for you to come back….pretty sure it’s over now.” There was small traces of embarrassment in your tone but Seungmin shot up at the sound of your voice. “Bunny are you okay?” He called out to you a little panicked before he could think to calm down before he spoke.
You giggled a little at how frantic he sounded, mind still a bit clouded and not fully understanding the weight of the situation in that moment, or not having the energy to be able to care whichever it was. “We’ll um…we’ll explain when everyone is here, yeah? Gotta clean up now if you guys are coming back-“
Everyone just stared at the phone at that before Chan cleared his throat and spoke up. “We will be back in thirty minutes with food, and you have a lot of explaining to do. Open the windows too, will you? Last thing we need is to all walk into a dorm hotboxed with omega heat pheromones.”
Both you and Han spoke words of understanding and quickly hung up to get started cleaning up each other and the dorm for everyone’s arrival back.
Just as Chan had said they arrived back at the dorm about a half hour later with take out in hand to see the two of you sat on the couch so close that your thighs were touching. Han was dressed in a pair of sweats and a loose fitting tshirt while you were wearing a pair of shorts and one of the alpha’s large hoodies, both of your hair was slightly damp showing that you had both showered and there was a slight chill in the air from where the both of you had opened all the windows in an attempt to air out your combined scent from the apartment to not set one of the other alphas off.
The food was sat on the coffee table and the leader gave everyone a look to stave off any questions until after everyone had eaten but especially the two of you. Knowing how heats could be and how none of you were expecting it there was no telling when the last time you had a full meal was in the two weeks they were gone.
It wasn’t until the food was finished and left over put away that Chan set the two of you with a look that told you it was time to spill the details of what exactly happened while the pack was away. “Okay, so you’re mad-“ Han spoke anxiously and you instinctively intertwined your fingers with his and pushed out your scent to calm him down.
“It wasn’t Han’s fault, Chan. Please just hear me out first.” The alpha leader raised an eyebrow at you curiously. “Okay, go on then.” He motioned for you to continue and you took a deep breath. “It started almost a week into you guys all being gone-“
It was late, and you were snuggled up on the couch with the alpha watching whatever drama he was currently invested in as you played with his new fluffy curls absentmindedly. His fever seemed to have broken the day prior and besides a mild stuffy nose his symptoms had disappeared over night.
Still a bit lethargic, you agreed to yet another cuddle session as the two of you had become accustomed to over the course of his cold. It was something you used as a reward to get the alpha to keep up with taking his medicine, and you’re sure it was what helped him recover so quickly.
The smell of fresh coffee grounds had long since seeped into your skin as did the scent of orange blossoms into his own, and as he drifted in and out of sleep laying against your chest on the couch he found himself nuzzling against your body with a little groan as there was still a slight ache in his bones. “Hanji? Feeling okay?” You spoke softly, still carding your fingers through soft brown curls.
Han nodded shortly, wiggling a bit to get more comfortable against you and you let out a laugh. “Careful there you almost elbowed me in the ribcage, Ji.” He looked up with wide, apologetic eyes and you simply gave a kiss to the top of his head as an acceptance of his silent apology.
The days spent alone with him were mostly blissful, besides the few times you had to fight him to eat so he could take his medicine, or struggling to get him into the shower when his fever was too strong and you needed to cool him down under the icy spray clad in nothing but his boxers.
You had grown closer to the alpha and had a way of understanding each other that you didn’t have with the others, even Seungmin or Minho. The timer on your phone went off, signaling it time for his next round of medicine. “Come on, Hanji time to let me up.”
With a pout, he reluctantly moved to let you up. The alpha watched as you got up and made your way to the kitchen to get his medicine and a snack to take it with. Opting to make him some toast with nutella, one of the only things you had been able to get him to stomach, you placed two sliced of bread into the toaster and reached up into the cabinet for the chocolate spread.
As you reached up your back arched slightly and the sight caused something to stir in the alpha, mouth watering slightly and head beginning to cloud over. “Bun-“ he said softly, barely audible so you couldn’t hear him over the soft sounds of the tv and the toaster popping up. You continued on, making his snack before you began pouring the medicine into the little cup provided.
You hadn’t been paying attention, not realizing that the alpha had gotten up and crossed the room, arms caging you in against the counter. You felt his presence and slowly turned around to face him, toast and medicine forgotten on the counter behind you. “Hannie?” His pupils were blown, normally soft brown eyes almost black as he stared down at you with a low growl rumbling in his chest. “You smell so sweet…” he said, leaning down to nose at your scent gland causing you to gasp. “Han Jisung- are you…oh god you’re in-“
With both hands placed flat against his chest you pushed him back, taking him by surprise and causing him to stumble back and come to his senses slightly. “Fuck, I’m sorry Bunny- I need to go.” He stuttered out, moving frantically to his room and slamming the door behind him.
You were left standing in the kitchen, blinking at the space he once stood as you tried to think of what to do. You couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the tv still playing the show you were both watching, but the scent of roast coffee began to fill the dorm so heavily you almost felt dizzy.
While you could still think clearly, you made your way to his room and knocked on the door loud enough you’re sure he could hear. “Go away-“ came the rapper’s voice from deep in the room. “Han, please let me in….I-“ you took a deep breath, nodding to yourself that this was something you wanted to do. “I can help you, if you want…”
Time seemed to pass in slow motion as you waited for a response. After a while you felt the door move slightly as if someone were leaning all of their weight against it from the opposite side. “A-Are you sure? That’s….I wouldn’t ask that much of you if you weren’t sure-“ A soft smile fell on your face as the fondness you felt for the alpha rapper warmed your heart and you nodded until you realized he couldn’t see you. “Yes, I’m sure. Let me in, please?”
Without hesitation, the door opened and you were pulled inside with a little yelp of surprise that soon turned into a low moan as you felt Jisung’s lips against your own.
“It didn’t take long for him to trigger my heat once we uh- got started….” The pack all stated at you with varying levels of shock or amusement, though Chan held a blank stare at the two of you as he was deep in thought.
Hyunjin was the one who spoke up next, head tilted to the side as he observed you. “Must’ve been some rut to trigger your heat through your suppressants.”
You looked down at your lap, mumbling something that caused the leader to speak up. “Sorry, don’t think I quite caught that.”
“I haven’t been able to get suppressants since I moved here but I didn’t want to worry you guys with that-“
The leader let out a deep sigh and shook his head, eyes closed tight before looking to where you and Han still sat side by side on the couch. “You should have called me.” You let out a little scoff, turning away from him. “I hate to break it to you, Christopher, but we are grown adults.”
Chan glared, stepping closer as you stood from your spot and met him halfway. “I’m the leader and it’s my job to keep you both safe. What if something went wrong and no one else was here, hm? You weren’t thinking.” You shot him a glare of your own, not believing he was acting like this. “Packs help each other with ruts and heats all the time, it’s not that big of a deal.”
The leader growled, anger bubbling in his chest as he stood impossibly close and you swore his eyes shown red instead of their normal brown. “Yeah well you aren’t pack, are you?” His words stung, causing you to deflate visibly and take a step away from the alpha.
Immediately he regretted his words, his mind scrambling for a way to take them back. “Oh.” Was all you said, the smell of rotten citrus permeating the area and causing Minho to come to your side from where he had been sitting on the other side of the room. “Chan didn’t mean that, Bunny. He’s just upset- right, hyung?” Before the oldest could answer you were shaking your head and backing away towards your room. “No, he’s right. I’m not- I’m not part of your pack.” And with that you retreated into the room and locked yourself inside.
Now it was Han’s turn to get defensive, rising from the couch and stepping up to the leader. “What the actual fuck, Chan?! You always preach at us to keep our temper under control and then you go and pull a stunt like that?” A low growl erupted from the younger alpha’s chest as he gestured wildly. “I get it, we fucked up- there was a better way we could have gone about things but that’s over and done with now but you just have to go and make it all worse huh? Geez give her a fucking break, give us a break! It’s not like we planned this!”
With a glare thrown the leader’s way, Han began storming off after you. Minho went to follow and the younger simply shook his head. “Not now, Min.” With a gentle knock on the door it opened just enough for the alpha to enter before shutting again and the sound of the lock clicking back into place could be heard.
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author’s note: well- that happened hehe UUMM pls don’t hate me?? This fic is still Seungmin x Reader I promise but like I said about the last chapter maybe possibly this is starting to become 2Minsung x reader?? Idk if I should change the header or the info or anything up top but I will be adding those tags to future chapters because it’s only gonna get worse (or better lol) from here~ as always I live for feedback pls pls pls let me know your thoughts especially because I have two ways this story can go from here and I’m not 100% sold on either so your feedback on this chapter will help me decide which way I wanna go with this~~
taglist; (pink users I was unable to tag) @coastinglove @skzswife @maisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @doitforbangchan @chartrucewhore @sebastianswhore13 @finnydraws @bahablastplz @0325tiny
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livrere-green · 5 months
ATLA x Omegaverse AU
Part 1 | Part 2
I've been thinking about an omegaverse atla au a lot recently, so I'm gonna vent about it cuz it's getting tiring just to have it spiralling in my head ngl
So, the only thing that I need to mention now it's that the standard age at which someone presents is around 13 to 14 years old. Knowing that, lets talk about the main characters.
Aang (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. Also, I don't believe that being the avatar makes him an alpha perse. I mean, there's a possibility he presents as one (but he could also be a beta), and it wouldn't have anything to do with his avatar status (historically there could be a higher rate of avatars being alphas/betas, but there are some important exceptions... iykwim). Well, I think he'd present at age 13 almost 14.
Katara (14) is one of the characters that confuses me the most in this aspect, but just to add fuel to her fury and her personality, I'll make her an omega, not the kind that rejects her nature but the kind that embraces it and doesn't see it as something that makes her inferior or helpless. Katara would fight against the life society wants to impose on her in the same way she does in canon, maybe even more. She would resent the people who doesn't respect her because of her gender and at some point, she'd get frustrated about it, but she would think that hating herself would mean letting her oppressors win. About her presentation, there's two option: 1. She presented some months before they found Aang, 2. She presented during the first months they were traveling to the NWT (in this case, I think the ideal place would've been Kyoshi Island, because there's people able to take care of her there).
Sokka (15) would be an alpha, he probably presented after Hakoda left (14), he fits the type and the stereotypical personality at the beginning of the show. But I think he would get over it sooner rather than later, because the why he acts has to do more with his perception of himself and the expectations set upon his shoulders than with unshakeable beliefs about the ability of betas and omegas. He would learnt to respect and don't underestimate them quickly. Also, I think that Sokka would scent the Gaang to protect them and particularly to cover Katara's scent as they travel or run away from trouble.
Toph (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. She'd present as an alpha some time after the end of the war (13). There's not a lot to explain here (talking about her at that age, except for the fact that even during her time with the Gaang, she probably hated Sokka's essence, just as an early hint about her gender). I consider that there's a lot to discuss about her as an adult and how she managed her relationships, but that's a discussion for another time.
Zuko (16) would be an omega, and also a late bloomer, probably presented a couple of years after his banishment (15).. Zuko would be determined to hide his true nature under any circumstances, letting only his Uncle know about it. Ozai would've been informed that his son is a beta, which was already a disappointment for the Royal Family (historically alphas), but it wasn't nearly as negative as being reduced to be treated as an omega. Zuko would end up causing himself a lot of damage in order to disguise as a beta, either by using too many suppressants or other medications, or even hurting himself. He would stop hiding after joining the Gaang but It'll be complicated, since he'd be distressed all the time and even Aang and Toph would be able to notice (their senses are not totally develop, so it'll be kinda alarming).
Suki (15) would be a beta, presented at 14. In her case, the characteristics of its gender would be especially helpful to mediate conflict or get out of it. The scent of a beta has calming effects in both alphas and omegas, so she would use it with her friends, or even in battle, to make her opponents lose focus, particularly if they are driven by rage. The fans are particularly helpful for that.
Azula (14) would present early as an alpha (12/13). At that age, one of the traits she would manifest the most is assuming the position of head of the pact with her friends, she'd probably scent them with the intention of establishing superiority and control over them. In this context, Mai would be a beta and Ty Lee an omega or a beta as well.
That's all for now, I still have some things in mind for this, but I'll share that later, and if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer!
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solar-wing · 6 months
☀️ Omegaverse: Alpha & Omega Biology ☀️
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Hi guys!
I wanted to make this post because I expected that I would need to explain this topic and my reasoning behind it at some point. Many of you have read my Omegaverse fics and have probably guessed correctly that it's my favorite AU or trope to write about.
But, I'm sure many of you have been slightly put off or dissuaded by my tendency to describe the Omega Male Reader with a cunt, wet heat or core, and their Alpha sucking on a 'nub' or playing with a cocklette. I totally get it.
I am a male author who writes for male readers, cis and trans alike. But, I am also someone who in my years has grown to detest labels and gender roles and the silent rules they put on us.
This is why I set up my version of Omegaverse and A/B/O Dynamics on the basis that Omegas have vaginal genitals and Alphas have phallus genitals, regardless of gender. In my eyes, it helps to create a more imaginable and realistic explanation of male pregnancy and pregnancy between two women, which I hope gives inspiration to wlw authors, even though I already know I'm not the first person to use this idea. Not even close.
Also, I just like the chaoticness of it all.
But, I know it can be jarring or off-putting for male readers who may not want to think of their themselves as the readers having a cunt or a pleasure nub. Which, also let me explain that.
Since I write for male readers, and I'm sure some may have an aversion to the terms vagina, pussy, folds, clit, etc., I do my best to steer away from using those words as much as possible. I know 'cunt' is probably not the next best thing but if anyone has suggestions, I'm more than open to hearing them!
But, I also detail the use of cocklettes and twats which may be a little confusing (and weird) to imagine or think about, but it's fiction. We all have weird fantasies, thoughts, ideas, etc.
The cocklette is the male omega's version of a penis. This tiny and often defective organ typically serves no purpose but as a bundle of nerves/pleasure spot for Omegas. A male equivalent of a clit.
Let me be clear; I am a cis-gendered male author. But, as I said, I write for male readers, ALL male readers. Cis, trans, and those are non-binary alike. This is why I typically don't put non-binary or trans in my tags because I'm keeping the reader as a character as ambiguous and open as possible.
The most I put in the tags regarding identity or label is gay so that it reaches more of the audience I want it to reach. That's it.
Also, I'm sure it doesn't help that I mainly write from a submissive point of view. I'm biased toward bottom/sub-male readers, I admit it. And I know there's a growing demand for top/dominant male reader content, but I'm sorry, that is just not my cup of tea.
But, if you don't want to read about yourself having vaginal parts and a cocklette, that is more than okay. That's why I always put a disclaimer in the warnings section of my author's notes if a fic is Omegaverse and include a link to my headcanons. I'm letting you know from jump what's in the fic you're about to read and giving you more than enough opportunity to turn away.
I do write smut that's not Omegaverse as well, plus I have many fics with no smut at all that keep things clean and open for my male readers to imagine themselves in.
This is not shade or me throwing shots at anyone who felt uncomfortable or surprised by it. It's completely valid, and I understand. But, I give plenty of warning and opportunity so there isn't any confusion.
You will likely never see me write an explicit trans male character since that's not part of my identity and I'd rather give that opportunity and shine to the authors who are of that identity. I just write what I like to write, or better yet, what I myself like to read.
The only thing that doesn't change is that my characters, reader or original, are and will always be MALE characters. Even if my Omegaverse characters have vaginal parts and their nipples leak more milk than a pregnant cow, they are MALE characters. Not female. They are boys, men, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, nephews, boyfriends, husbands, misters, kings, princes, dukes, barons, cowboys, bachelors, fucking dudes, and every other word related in the dictionary. Again, no shade to any female reader I have, but yall know what it is to.
I hope this doesn't discourage anyone and that everyone receives it as I intended it. If you like my fics, please engage more with them and tell me the things you like and want to see more of! If you want more regular smut and less Omegaverse smut, I'm more than happy to comply, just please check my rules first!
Thank you!
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daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 36
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none :)
Words: 3949
A/N: Hi everyone! So sorry for such a long, unannounced break. I needed to take some time off. The updates will probably be less frequent, but I'll try my best to post.
Also, if there are any mistakes regarding the story line not lining up, please let me know! I might have forgotten about something and not realised! :( (Cupcake reveal is coming soon dw!)
How are you? I hope you well and care.
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
Jungkook nor Yoongi could help but gush and coo over you. Not only were their protective and alpha headspaces triggered by your still-dropped form, but just seeing you tightly cuddle up to the packalpha made their hearts flutter.
The youngest alpha held you close, gently fretting over you. Sure, you have cried yourself to sleep, but he couldn't help himself.
You were their courted omega, hopefully one day their own truly, and it really upsets them whenever you would cry or drop in their presence.
Frankly, it broke their hearts, shattered even, knowing that they were meant to be there to calm you down and make sure you were okay.
They didn't have as much experience with omegas as they might have thought they did before they got to meet you and start the courting—gosh, they were so wrong.
Of course, Jungkook's friend Juwon had an omega in his pack, but the youngest alpha never really got around to truly talk to him that often.
When the pack would hold meet and greets and see their fans up close, they got to meet all of the different second genders at once, so they have seen many omegas to be truthful, it was quite usual.
Only when a different K-pop group, not as well known as BTS but having a pretty large fan base, promoted and held their own meet and greet, and a terrible accident happened, did the whole industry shaken.
While crowds were known to unsettle and frighten omegas, as well as the loud noises, many fans just wanted to see the idols and would take the risk.
And it got especially risky when the price of the entrance was too high for the whole pack to get, ending with sometimes just the omega by themselves.
When the meet and greet of the K-pop group happened, it was quite a few years ago. Back then, one of the band members has suffered an injury, making them unable to participate.
Though, as the group felt bad for the short notice, they didn't want to leave any of their fans in dissapointment, and so the injured member came over to quickly wave at everyone and chat for a short while before they were ushered away again—or so was the plan.
As the leader of the group came over to see their sweet fans, the overpacked room was filled with loud shouts of excitement and joy, though quickly turning into cries of distress and worry.
The mass of fans moved over quickly, and so many of the naturally smaller or shorter ones started to get pushed around and would stumble, eventually ending in many of them tripping and falling over.
The giant group of fans of all different scents, which just confused everyone in general, alphas, betas, and omegas all included, was too much for anyone to be able to truly notice the source of fans distress.
The chaos and panic only continued as the idols tried to calm everyone down. The leader, though injured, stayed behind to try and help, but the room was far too full, and there was soon just a mess.
The K-pop group disbanded soon after, ending their contracts after the terrible news of the two fans who were suffocated and stepped over until they had to be taken to a hospital.
Their identities haven't been revealed to protect them, though after a long while, the constant questions and worries regarding their well-being ended with a final message.
While one was on a good path to recovery, the other, a young omega boy, has ended up in a coma and seems not to be about to wake up any time soon. The pack that the omega was with took it the worst, for sure.
And so, after the terrible incident, which ended with many unsettled cries and shouts, a death, and many things to worry about, most of the meet and greets of all groups have been postponed.
Eventually, all that has purchased or won a ticket in some way has been refunded, until about a year or so forward since the accident, when the first meet and greet in the entire industry was held again.
This time, though, the rules applied were so much more strict and harsh, as only about half of the people who usually got to go were allowed, much less tickets sold.
And the biggest difference of all was that the event was only for betas and alphas.
Truthfully, no alpha in the right mind would dare let their omega go to such an event after the terrible news, too worried it could happen to their own too.
Nowadays, events where the idols interact the most with their fans are still usually held for alphas and betas only. A separate event is then held for omegas, but it is required to go with the packalpha of their pack.
The rules have become stricter in order to keep everyone safe.
Jungkook knew very well that he would have to always look out for you and take care of everything for you, but the alpha realised that was, honestly, something he found so fulfilling and rewarding.
And so, the young alpha held you to his chest, his own scent gland carefully close to your nose as he rested your face against the crook of his neck, cradling you close.
Yoongi wasn't much better, constantly combing his fingers through your hair gently, with little soothing pecks left on your forehead and your head.
The older alpha held your palm in his, his thumb softly rubbing over your knuckles in hopes of calming you and keeping you reminded of his presence, even if you weren't too aware at the moment.
Soon, Jungkook sighed out. After you truly smelled like all three of them, he stood up with you in his arms.
„Let's go home, Hyung; I want to take babybun home.” The youngest didn't look over to the packalpha, too caught up with watching over you.
Namjoon sighed. Truly, there wasn't anything more he wished for more than to have you safe and sound in their packhouse right now.
The packalpha wished they would have the den to have you nest and calm down in, but they didn't, and so they would have to deal with it.
Sharing quick goodbyes with Yuki and Moonsik, which both understood well and promised to not be bothered or upset, the three alphas went on to leave.
They made quick work, shuffling through the lightly busy mall, both Namjoon and Yoongi watchful and protective over you in Jungkook's arms.
Whoever seemed to just glance over for a second too long received a harsh glare back or a sudden release of very agitated pheromones, scaring them off.
And so, the pack went up the small stairs to the underground parking lot, with Yoongi's car in view soon enough when the oldest alpha led them over.
He wanted to keep you in his arms for a while longer, but seeing how the youngest quickly shuffled to the backseat the moment he unlocked the Hyundai, he would just have to wait.
Since Namjoon didn't drive, Yoongi would, and so he sighed again, turning on the engine as he waited for everyone to buckle in.
„Kook, you can't sit with your pup on your lap. That's not safe for either of you."
The packalpha said, his voice gentle and calm. Joon understood the youngest very well and knew he was in a headspace that was too hard for him to leave for now.
Jungkook needed to keep you close; he needed to feel you against his chest, your heartbeat, your scent—to know you were safe and sound.
And so he let a light growl leave him the moment the packalpha turned around to try and pry off his strong hold onto you. The youngest didn't realise it was his hyung, and even that wouldn't matter that much now.
„Yah! Jungkook, stop this.” A much rougher Yoongi called out, just wanting to leave. He wanted you to be in their packhouse now, safe, with only them around, not all of these strangers in the mall to oogle at.
„No, we really need to go now. 'Mega will be next to you the whole drive.” And so Namjoon gently took you from the youngest arms, sliding you over so you would sit next to the alpha, your thighs touching.
As he buckled you in, he tugged on your seatbelt carefully, knowing you would be safe this way.
Namjoon closed the doors again, and as he took a seat at the front once more, he could see your head now resting against the alpha's shoulder, the youngest watchful eyes set on your form.
And so, the small group left the mall and started driving the short way to their packhouse.
The soft, omega headspace playlist was turned on, the alphas hoping you might calm down further even when you were asleep, your cheeks rosy and a bit puffy from crying your eyes out earlier.
"...what happened, Namjoon?” Yoongi asked calmly, his eyes set on the road. The snow was still around and pretty to look at. The alpha wished you would look at yourself and smile at how nice it was...
The packalpha wasn't sure himself, and so he only shook his head lightly, lost in thought. Surely, you would have to talk to them about everything later; this was important.
„...Have you called the others yet?” He asked his elder, and the said alpha was shaking his head likewise. „No, we rushed here...but we should probably call ahead."
And so Namjoon made quick work with the touchscreen, calling the eldest alpha of their pack, whom he hoped stayed home.
„Hyung, we are on our way home now.”
The packalpha said, unsure as to how to really describe what went down without the eldest freaking out fully.
„Y/N dropped, could you maybe set some stuff up?"
And so Namjoon ripped off the bandage, hoping Seokjin would understand—he knew he would.
„I- What? Is she okay? What happened?” With each question, the urgency in his voice doubled, and in the background of the call, there could be some shuffling heard.
„I don't know Hyung. She is with us now; we will be home soon.” Namjoon said calmly, rethinking every single step he and you took earlier.
You seemed so joyful too, telling him about this and that as you skipped along with him, happy and seemingly carefree.
The packalpha took a short look behind himself, seeing Jungkook carefully caress your hair and leave soft pecks everywhere now and then.
If it weren't for your still distressed scent, you might look peaceful and relaxed, but the alphas knew better.
And so Jin said his goodbyes, telling them to give you a peck for him and to have you stay strong.
They weren't much further from home; the Hyundai was just entering the expensive neighborhood, so it didn't take much longer before they arrived.
The snow crumbled and cracked under the tyres as Yoongi carefully parked, very watchful since he was driving the most precious cargo of his.
As soon as the engine turned off, the alphas went to shuffle out—not before the front doors of their packhouse were thrown open, though, with the rest of the alphas rushing over.
„Babycheeks?” The second youngest called out his eyes wide in worry as he came over. Jungkook was just about to climb out with you tightly held to his chest.
„Oh my gosh, princess-!” The other alpha gasped, seeing your still puffy cheeks and the pout you sported even during your sleep.
The youngest reluctantly let the oldest take you into his arms instead, Seokjins eyes roaming over your figure to see any possible damage, but to find none.
„Aigoo, babycub, come to alpha...” He whispered softly, pulling you even closer if that was possible.
With you safely tucked away in his arms, the alpha was quick to start the short walk back inside, with the rest of the men following trying to get at least a bit of their scent onto you.
Yea, you had them wrapped around your little finger, but they didn't put up a fight.
The moment Jimin and Jin started to untie your shoelaces, you stirred, your vision slightly blurry. Your head pounded, and a soft sniffle left you.
Immediately, both of the alphas and all the others which were currently discarding their own coats and jackets looked over, worry and care swimming in everyone's eyes.
Jimin was the quickest out of his daze, putting the pretty snow boot they got for you away, going from crouching before your sitting position to standing up a bit taller.
The alpha took you into his arms, picking you up to hold to his chest, his chin tucking your head away into the crook of his neck.
„Sh-sh-shhh princess, alpha is here now...” He whispered softly, your arms wrapped around his shoulders as Jin helped put away the other boot.
The packmembers stayed mostly quiet, watchful and worried, sad eyes set on you. They knew more than well, that something was wrong, but they could feel that this was not the right time to ask about it.
„How about a nap little pup?” The packalpha said gently, coming over to brush some of your hair behind your ear, his motions gentle and calm.
It wasn't truly a question, more of an advice he, and all of the rest, hoped you would follow. The tiny nod you gave in answer, before your cheek rested against Jimin's collarbone was more than enough.
And so, the young alpha trotted over to the living room, where in a quick haste Jin and Hobi brought over blankets and pillows of all kind, the two scent plushies and even a few of each hoodies.
To be truthful, the large couch was covered in all of their scents and so when Jimin gently placed you down in middle of the blankets, he was slightly surprised that you wouldn't let go.
His scent was quite literally all around you, he has scented you well too, just a short while earlier, so what was it?
„...stay, oppa...” You whispered, your voice laced with sadness and timidness, having the alpha immediately do whatever you wished for with no such worry.
And so, he crawled in behind you, his back against the backrest with you tightly pulled to his warm chest.
The rest of the packmembers eventually all walked over, each of the alphas making sure to give you as many sweet pecks as they saw fit, their eyes sweet and careful.
„Rest for a little while sunny-bub, alpha will be in his studio okay?” Hoseok whispered sweetly, his nose rubbing up against yours in a cute bunny-like kiss.
Truly, he was worried about you, deeply. Whatever set you off today was surely a bigger issue they would have to go over eventually, but for now, you just needed to have a nice rest of the day.
The alpha didn't feel comfortable having you out of sight for after your sudden drop, but he felt a bit better with Jimin staying with you. He would keep you safe.
And so, he left a soft peck on your forehead, hoping that your still bleary eyes would soon shut and you would enter a calmer dreamland.
Jungkook planned to go work out this afternoon, together with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin, but the plans seemed to have changed, and for a great reason.
The youngest couldn't help but worry for you so much, like possibly never before, constantly smothering and cooing over your tightly cuddled up form.
Somehow, he couldn't leave you right now, the moment he wanted to get up from the crouched up form, he felt a pang right against his heart and could swear he heard just the tiniest whine come from your direction - and he was right back down next to you to scent you.
„Rest with them for a while Kook, you'll feel better.” Namjoon said knowingly, patting the young alpha's shoulder in understanding.
The packalpha wasn't much better, as he took a seat to the side of you, making sure you were safely tucked away underneath the blankets with both of those scent lambs in your arms.
And so, Jungkook layed down next to you, making sure your ear would rest right against his heartbeat in hopes of it to settle you down better.
Whenever anyone would come closer, the youngest alpha was wide awake, his arms tightly wrapped around you as you napped with Jimin too asleep behind you.
It was Jin this time, the eldest coming over with two coffee mugs in hand, handing one to the packalpha who thanked him quietly.
The oldest alpha took a seat next to Namjoon who was currently typing away on his notebook, though while Jungkook believed it was work related, turned out to be a scent-keychain website.
„Oh, that one is really cute, how about it?” Seokjin mused softly, careful so that his voice wouldn't wake you up. You needed to rest, for at least a little while.
The alpha pointed to the screen where a little teddy bear keychain with a cute, pink tie-up snow hat showed. Surely you would like one like this one?
Namjoon hummed softly, clicking onto the listing to see a specific description.
Introducing our luxurious Scent Plushie Keychain, the perfect accessory for omegas in search of a comforting connection to their pack members. Crafted from an incredibly soft and comfortable luxury material, this keychain is designed to provide a sensory experience unlike any other.
Measuring at approximately 10 cm in size, our Scent Plushie Keychain is small enough to be conveniently carried with you wherever you go. Whether it's attached to your keys, backpack, or stored in your pocket, this keychain ensures that you'll always have a piece of your pack member's scent close at hand.
Created specifically for omegas, the Scent Plushie Keychain allows you to hold onto not just one, but up to five different scents. This means you can carry the comforting aromas of multiple pack members, strengthening the bond between you and your pack.
Each of these scents is carefully preserved, allowing you to experience a rush of familiar emotions whenever you need it most. Whether you're feeling anxious, lonely, or simply need a moment of comfort, a quick sniff of your Scent Plushie Keychain can transport you back to a place of safety and security.
With its exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail, this Scent Plushie Keychain is designed to be a cherished item, passed down through generations. It not only serves as a physical reminder of your pack members but also as an emblem of your unique place within your pack.
So why wait? Indulge yourself in the ultimate luxury for omegas with our Scent Plushie Keychain. Carry the scents of your pack members with you at all times, and let their comforting aroma surround you, even when they're physically far away. Experience the power of scent as you immerse yourself in the warmth and love of your pack, no matter where life takes you.
„That sounds perfect.” Jin whispered satisfied, it sounded really nice. It looked cute and surely you would like it. All that was left for them to choose their own ones to carry and you would be much safer in the future.
„Yea but look...” The packalpha said softly, opening a cleverly designed to conceal link, which unrolled another further information.
Product Warning:
Before purchasing our Plushie Keychain, we want to ensure that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision. While our Plushie Keychain is designed with the intention of providing comfort and connection to omegas, it's important to exercise caution and consider the specific needs of your omega partner or self.
This Plushie Keychain has the capacity to hold up to five scents, allowing you to incorporate the comforting aromas of your pack members. However, it is crucial to first consult with your omega to determine if this is the right approach for them. Each omega has unique needs and preferences when it comes to emotional support, and the use of scents may not be suitable or effective for everyone.
We recommend engaging in open and honest communication with your omega partner to understand their specific desires and boundaries. Discussing their comfort level with scent-based items is essential before incorporating our Plushie Keychain into your dynamic.
While our Plushie Keychain can be a wonderful tool for fostering a sense of connection and comfort, it is crucial to respect the boundaries and preferences of your omega. If your omega expresses any discomfort or hesitation regarding the use of scents or this product specifically, we encourage you to explore alternative methods of support that align with their needs.
Remember, the well-being and emotional health of your omega should always be prioritized. Understanding and respecting their preferences is key to maintaining a healthy and thriving bond within the omegaverse.
Please exercise caution, engage in open dialogue, and ensure that the use of our Plushie Keychain aligns with the needs and desires of your omega partner or self. Together, you can navigate the omegaverse and nurture a strong and fulfilling connection.
„See? It only holds 5 scents, we need more...but everything else checks the list.” He said, slight dissapointment lacing his voice. Jin frowned, watching Namjoon exit the tab again, going back to the photo listings.
The eldest alpha stayed by for a while longer, the two together narrowing down the search using the filter to show only the 7+ scents options.
Much less options showed then, but still, the alphas eventually agreed on a MIFFY keychain, the packalpha adding it to the cart.
Soon after, Namjoon chose his own keychain he would keep around in case you would need to help get settled. Jin chose one himself, but they waited for the others to make their choice.
Just as the eldest went to ask Yoongi and Hoseok with Taehyung to take a look, the second oldest and youngest preparing spring rolls, you stirred.
Your eyes fluttered open, a soft yawn leaving you. You went to rub your eye with a loosely closed fist, only to have the packalpha lean over immediately.
„Sh-sh-shh, go back to sleep little pup, alpha is right here. I'm not going anywhere sweetheart...”
He said gently, placing your hand back beside the scent-toy, noticing Jungkook's half asleep eyes set on your form.
You whined softly, having the youngest lean over the right very moment, his nose and chin rubbing vigorously over your cheeks and face.
„It's okay babybun, oppa is here...” He whispered, his sweet eyes set on your form.
„B-But oppa...” You whispered, your voice a bit shallow and raspy from all the sobs and crying you did earlier.
At the sound of your voice, all the attention was onto you, Namjoon stopped the carefully tucking of the many blankets around you, his eyes gentle on your form.
„How about alpha reads for you for a bit then, hm? Come here my littlest pup, alpha will keep you safe...” He said softly, caressing your hair.
You whined out but still, nodded in agreement, letting the packalpha gently lift up your head to set onto his lap as he got comfortable.
With a pillow underneath you he so carefully set up for you, Namjoon sighed in content, relief clouding his mind. You were talking and you told them what you needed, even when not fully and completely.
You would be okay.
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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onlythebravest · 2 years
WIP word search game
I love this tag game, it’s so fun going through my WIPs looking for specific words! I was tagged by @neondiamond this time and the words I’m looking for are never, first, love and hand.
The first two words (first & love) come from my omega gender confusion au 
“Of course I’ll still love you, Lou. You’re still you, still Louis. [...] You’re Louis first, and everything else is secondary. It doesn’t matter if you’re an omega, a beta or an alpha. You’re still the same to me, still my partner, still the love of my life.”
The other two (hand & never) come from my enemies au 
Louis tugged his hand free of Harry’s grip and started walking to the door. “Barely.”
“Yeah. I said that even if you were to marry one of them, you’d end up cheating on them with me because they could never satisfy you.”
I’m going to tag @beelou, @larrysballetslippers, @alwaysxlarrie, @justanothershadeofblue, @brightgolden and @huggieshalo. Your words are barely, strong, wet and fun.
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 2007
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnabobingo -Arranged Matings
A/N: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
*This is combined/edited together with part VII
A/N II: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Part VI
John walks down the hallway and is met by his eldest's concerned expression, “Dad, what’s wrong? You were gone for a long time.” Looking at the young, almost grown men he’d raised affirms his gut-wrenching decision was correct. “Nothing but the usual bureaucratic BS that needed sorting. Grab the O, we’re leaving.”
John’s nostrils flared at Sam’s ‘they’re not going to let us go yet’ response. “And why n..?” His sharp inquiry was interrupted by the sound of wheels squeaking down the hallway and they all turned to see a male Beta pushing a cart with various metal implements lying on top. “Hi, I’m here to do your O’s branding.” John appeared confused, and Sam piped up again.
“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you. This state mandates to prove ownership bought O’s have a brand burned into them like livestock.” John looks at Dean, demanding an explanation, and repeats what the register told him. 
John turns his attention back to the brander and asks how he would do it. Nervously, he details creating a mark out of the aluminum and applying it on the O. “If you’re not sure what you want, I can sketch an idea. Most people like to incorporate the first letter of their surname.” 
The brander quickly works. “Ignore my freehand. The brand will be clean.” John barely glanced as he held it up and nodded in acquiescence.
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“Great. Let me administer the numbing agent; it needs a few minutes to kick in.” He picked up a vial of clear liquid, drew it up and walked towards the O when a deep growl reverberated off the walls making him freeze. Sam, instinctively flanked by Dean, placed themselves between the brander and the unconscious O. “Dean, take your brother out of this building now!” John commands in his Alpha voice, making Dean flinch.
Dean’s instincts tell him to follow Sam’s lead and stay with the O, but his designation forces his wolf to submit to follow their Alphas’ orders and wrestles his agitated brother outside.
“I apologize for my youngest; he’s recently presented and hasn’t yet learned to control his wolf.” The brander accepts, and John watches as the O’s rolled onto her side and injected the numbing agent into several places to deaden the area. Then, with deft precision, he bent the aluminum into shape and lit a propane torch, heating it before asking John, “Could you lay across its thighs? Sometimes, they still feel this. Don't want it moving and messing up the brand.” 
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Sam was chewing on his thumb cuticle, the tell-tale sign of his wolf's nervousness getting to him, when it yelped, spotting John emerging through the clinic door carrying the O. Handing her back to Dean, they resumed their previous positions in the car as John drove back to the rental. 
Sam followed Dean down the hallway when their Alpha ordered, “Dean, take her to my room, set up an O sleeping mat, then move your stuff in. I’ll take the couch.” The brothers shared a look before Sam asked why, and John said, “I saw your reaction to her back at the warehouse.” Sam’s eyes flashed and John growled, “Right there is why. That O is here for your brother's use, not yours.  So, until its suppressant implant kicks in, you’re staying well away from it. I have an errand to run,” John picked up his truck's keys and walked towards the door. “Don’t forget to resalt the door.”
Sam spit out, “What’s so damn important you have to go back out at this hour?” John didn’t acknowledge his youngest sass, “Dean, I expect you to ensure your brother doesn’t go near that O.”
“Nothing changes. Heading to the nearest bar to get loaded as usual.” Sam snarled after John left and Dean gave him a look. “Can you stow the attitude for one night?” Sam peered at his brother with chagrin. “Sorry. I’ll leave that bedding for her by the door and pack your bag.” He proceeded towards their bedroom when Dean called out…
“Don’t touch my porn, you freak!”
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John parked his truck in the darkest shadow he could find, flipped open a burner phone he’d bought, and dialed the number he’d gotten from Bobby. 
“I’m here.” The voice on the other end instructed him he'd have five minutes to accomplish his task. When he got the all-clear, John got out and began counting down as he entered the building's back door. 
Reaching the doctor's office, he sat at a computer and, following the voice’s instructions, found the pertinent file and opened it. In a blink, the previous information was deleted and replaced. John then clicked print, and as the new pages printed, he found the original physical file and began swapping them. 
Pocketing the originals, he stuck the file back in place and walked out. The voice instructed him to go out to the middle of nowhere, drive over the phone until it was in smithereens, burn it along with paper paperwork, and then hung up.
John destroyed the phone and was ready to flick his Zippo to incinerate the papers, but something told him not to. Instead, he opened his weapons catch and retrieved an unfinished curse box.
The sun had barely risen when John let himself into the rental carrying coffee and donuts. He found his sons already up: Dean was cooking breakfast while Sam sat at the kitchen table, slumped over open schoolbooks, catching up on his homework. 
“That smells good,” John says, placing the items on the counter. Dean pulls out a couple of the to-go cups, sipping on one, and hands the other to Sam, who immediately pops the lid off, adds milk and sugar, and asks suspiciously, “You take care of that errand?”
“Yes, I did. I’m going to grab a shower, and then we’re,” John paused, staring directly at Sam, “Going to discuss the ground rules concerning that O.”
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Sam poked his head out of his doorway and, hearing his Alpha’s snoring, snuck down the hallway and let himself into Dean's room to find him kneeling next to the seated O. “Sam! What the hell? If Dad catches you…”
“He’s still passed out,” Sam frowned when the O cringed as Dean smeared the healing agent swapped from the clinic onto her brand. “Almost done, sweetheart,” Dean reassured her; she continued flinching until he finished. “Done. Okay, let’s get you dressed.” 
Dean slid his most worn flannel on her, and the O hissed when the super-soft material touched her raw skin, eliciting a viscous-sounding growl from Sam, causing Dean to shoot a look that said shut up or get out. Chastised, Sam comments, “Jeezus Dean, your clothes swamp her,” instantly regretting the thoughtless remark as a brief flash of shame crosses Dean's features. “Had those jail fines, and what was left barely fueled up my car.” Sam commented back, “My spare jeans should fit better since I’m closer to her size.” Dean rolled his eyes, “Sammy, remember what dad told us. The pamphlet clearly states that we shouldn’t confuse her by mixing-up our scents.”
“Oh, for fucks sake! We practically live on top of each other! She’s been exposed to our mixed-up scents for nearly two days! And who’s the one she’s skittering around? Dad!” Sam pointed towards the door, “He needs to stop trying to brainwash you into believing the bullshit in that pamphlet the clinic gave you. It's ridiculous nonsense! She’s not some dumb animal. You’ve seen it yourself!”
“Sam, just because she knows how to blink once for yes-two for no doesn’t mean she comprehends things like we do!” 
“Wow, could you sound any more like Dad?” Sam shot back loudly when a grunt echoed through the thin walls and they all froze. Dean slowly cracked the bedroom open, whispering, “Shit, that woke Dad up.” He exhaled and relaxed, “Good, he’s going to the kitchen. I’ll distract him ‘cause you need to get ready for school, I gotta drop you off early. Gonna meet with the lawyer before my hearing this morning.” 
“You need to make a good impression on the judge today.” Sam reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out some folded bills. “It’s not much, but it should be enough to get you something more presentable from Goodwill.”
“Thanks, Sammy, but I can’t take that. It’s not your responsibility to take care of me or her; that’s my job, always has been.” Dean reopened the door and almost stumbled upon hearing his brother's words.
“Dean, you’re not taking care of her. You own her.” 
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Deans Hearing 
The judge slammed their gavel down. “John Winchester, if you do not control yourself, I’ll have the bailiff not only put you in restraints but also gag you!” The Alpha ignored the judge and continued arguing with the prosecuting attorney. “What the hell is this about Dean having to claim her?” 
“Your honor, I request a fifteen-minute recess to confer..,” The judge interrupted the public defender. “Councilor, you have five minutes to remind your client’s Alpha that he accepted this plea agreement. And make sure he also understands the consequences of outbursts in my court!” 
John was still fuming when the lawyer slammed the conference room door shut. “Your stupid, domineering Alpha crap is what got Dean into this situation!” Taking several deep breaths, the lawyer began explaining. 
“It’s the standard procedure in this state to include the claiming statute in cases like Deans. However, in ninety-nine percent, the presiding judge will not enforce it and instead accept the branding as the claim. If the prosecutor had pressed for it, I was prepared to show precedent that it wasn’t applicable since you're not a state resident.” They pointed a finger in John’s face, “If the judge doesn’t kick it, you have only yourself to thank!”
John quickly strategized. “What if I do a mea culpa? Say my wolf has been under extreme duress, and I reacted badly to the possibility of being unable to choose Dean's mate?” The lawyer shrugged, “It’s worth a shot because there’s nothing I can do now since you agreed to the plea deal without consulting me first for the record.”
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“The court accepts your apology, Alpha Winchester.” The judge sat back. “As per the rules of the claiming statute, I have to consider the factors that led to your son ending up before this court. I have reviewed your family history obtained during the investigation of this case and, to be honest found your parenting skills atrocious.” The judge began reading a file out loud.
“Since the death of your mate, you’ve denied your sons a stable home life, constantly moving; the only paper trail of their existence is from the numerous state schools they’ve attended. Then there’s a multitude of notifications to CYF of suspected abuse, neglect, and exposure to unsavory elements in our society that, unfortunately, has led your eldest sitting before me, awaiting my decision on his future.” The judge stared at both Winchesters briefly before gesturing to Dean to stand. “This court finds that Subordinate Alpha Dean Winchester has complied with all but one of the requirements of his plea agreement within the time frame stated.”
“Because of the previously cited circumstances and, being unmated Alpha going into a rut, resulted in the death of another, I am obligated, per the state of North Dakota law, to ensure the defendant is not in a situation to commit such a heinous act again. Therefore, I order the claiming statute to be carried out immediately.” They bang their gavel and left.
Dean stood there in shock, half listening as John conversed with the lawyer about the logistics(?) of what this forced mating entails. The bailiff gripped his arm and led him out the prisoner entrance, down the short hallway, stopping in front of a door painted with an A/O symbol. When the bailiff opened the door, what Dean saw returned him to reality, and yelled...
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Part VII
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
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dteamomegaverse · 24 days
Day 2: Unconventional Relationship Dynamics
Welcome back to prompt explainers, where we give you a more literal description of the prompt, as well as inspiration and examples!
You can find the original post with all of the prompts here. Today our topic will be unconventional relationship dynamics.
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"Unconventional Relationship Dynamics" is a confusing mouthful. However, what we mean is that this prompt is meant to highlight relationships that aren't alpha/omega!
This isn't to say that you can only do alpha/omega for the other days, just that we want to focus on relationships that don't have this dynamic!
Most omegaverse fics are alpha/omega, since they're "opposing" secondary genders that have more animalistic characteristics. In fact, it's very often in omegaverse canon that alphas are meant to only be with omegas, enforced with laws, societal norms, and/or biological processes such as claiming or triggered cycles (which will be explained in the cycles prompt explainer). If this sounds familiar to you, congrats! You've realized that omegaverse politics tends to boil down to repackaged misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia.
Of course, humans in real life are not so one dimensional, so it stands to reason that people in omegaverse aus are more than their second gender. Alpha/alpha, omega/omega, beta/alpha, etc etc etc... They're rarer omegaverse relationships that we want to highlight!
Each relationship can have a lot of different dynamics. For example, alphas (and sometimes omegas) are often very territorial, so an alpha/alpha bond may run the risk of the couple trying to bite each other's throats out! Omegas can be put in situations where they're essentially unable to take care of themselves, so while omega/omega relationships can be softer they also can run the risk of being in danger and be unable to do anything about it! Betas are often shoved to the side in omegaverse romances, so betas may feel inferior and unable to provide for their alpha/omega partner!
There's plenty of interpretations you can use with this prompt. You can even change how each secondary gender tends to work to play with the dynamics! It's a free-for-all!
With the definition out of the way, here are some examples of fic ideas about these unusual dynamics! Some of the prompts will combine the sub-prompts in the idea.
Alpha/alpha where the couple learns how to coexist without letting their instincts get in the way
Omega/omega where the couple appreciate their time together despite stranger alphas leering at them
Beta/omega where the beta feels guilty for "not being able to provide what the omega needs like an alpha" and their lover making them realize that it doesn't matter
Alpha/beta where the couple meets in a college library and feel an unusual yet deep bond immediately
Fem! alpha/alpha where they confess to each other and try to make their relationship work despite peers hating them for being an alpha/alpha relationship
Still need some help? We have an inspiration board on Pinterest for each prompt! Find the one for unconventional relationship dynamics here.
We hope this helps you understand the prompt and think of some wonderful ideas! We can't wait to see what you post on October 14th!
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Dance Me To The End of Love
Posting September 23, 2024
Fic by blackhorsedances
Art by TwinOne
Rating: Explicit
So what if Dean Winchester is a male Omega? He’s as big as most Alphas, as fast as most Alphas, and he’s a seasoned fighter. He can take his Alpha friend Benny in four out of five practice matches. But the stupid UWFC (Ultimate Were Fighting Championship) rules state that fighters have to compete not only in their weight class, but also within their primary and subgender.
That’s just genderist, Dean says to anyone who will listen, and Benny mostly agrees.
And Dean works hard Monday through Friday as a teacher at a progressive Charter School, the Zevon Academy, helping young weres of all designations to understand not only English and Literature, but also were biology and Healthy Were Sexuality.
He’s got a great life. He’s got friends. He’s got the occasional Omega or Beta hook-up or heck, even the occasional Alpha female. Dean doesn’t date Alpha males. But life is good, right?
Why can’t an Alpha male be a ballet dancer and a musician? Yes, Cas is not as big or tall as a lot of Alphas, and he’s certainly not aggressive. He had enough of that growing up, thank you, and decided he’s above that.
It’s just a terrible shame that a freak accident and questionable medical treatment ended his career, and then accusations of sexual harassment of an Omega male ended his second career.
But thanks to Gabe, he has a brand new job as a teacher in the Performing Arts track at a school called the Zevon Academy, teaching dance. There are sure to be some Beta males at the school that he can befriend, or date. After all, Omegas are out of the question. But his life is good, right?
Tags: Castiel Novak/Dean Winchester; mention of Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters and Gabriel Novak/Kali; AU. Omegaverse; a/b/o; Mention of barbaric treatment of male Omega patients by male Alpha Doctors; Martial Artist Dean Winchester; Ballet Dancer Castiel Novak; Alpha Castiel, Omega Dean; Non-Traditional Alpha Castiel; Gentle Alpha Castiel; Gay Castiel; Intersex Omega Dean; Unusual subtype Omega (Dean Winchester is an Omega with fully functioning female as well as male genitalia including knot); Bisexual Dean Winchester. Mention of Dean’s previous sexual encounters with Alpha Females; Intersex Alpha Females; Unfounded accusations of sexual harassment by Castiel towards a male Omega; Explicit consensual sex; Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester; Penetrative Sex; Oral Sex; Anal Fingering; No MPREG; safer sex practices; fluff and smut; fluff; miscommunication; injured Castiel; injured Dean Winchester; Dean Winchester has PTSD; John Winchester’s A+ parenting; Dean Winchester and Castiel really need to use their words; angst; hurt/comfort; Sam Winchester emotionally abused Dean, but regrets it and is working to do better; Naomi Novak is a horrible person; Lucifer and Michael are horrible. Happy Ending!
Excerpt below the cut
That leaves Dean and Milton. Dean holds out his hand because he’s trying to be a Team player, he really is. Milton looks at it as though he’s never seen a hand before, but takes it in a brief, warm clasp that shoots an electric spark up Dean’s arm. Also, damn. Dean can’t smell any pheromones coming from the other man, so he can’t tell the dude’s secondary gender. He doesn’t know if Milton is using blockers, but it doesn’t matter. His posture is suddenly rigid with tension. Did he have the same electric zap?
Then the guy opens his mouth, and the moment dissolves. “Did the principal say Dr. Winchester?” Milton tilts his head to the side like a confused bird.
“Yeah, Dr. Winchester. Why?”
Milton turns his cobalt blue eyes on Dean. He scans them over Dean’s heavily-muscled shoulders and arms that are covered in a worn band t-shirt, his trim hips and bowed legs wrapped in faded blue jeans, and nods. “Physical Education.”
Dean blinks. “What? What part of the phrase Liberal Arts Team Lead makes you think Physical Education?” Electricity be damned, this guy’s just weird.
Milton’s eyes widen. “Oh, uhm, well, it’s not an uncommon degree for an Alpha, after all. I’m not sure why you’re so–”
Dean holds up a hand. “One, that’s an incredibly intrusive, genderist assumption. And B, Liberal Arts, buddy. Now, if you’re done making assumptions, follow me. I need to get my ID badge and lock my classroom.”
Milton just stares, and says nothing. Dean turns, and walks down the long hall from the conference room to his wing of the school, and hears steady footfalls behind him.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Slowly rotating combining my cryptid omegaverse Gotham (where they can swap and switch between secondary sexes and if you stay in Gotham long enough your scent starts to disappear as well) and my Dragon Curse Gotham (Originally a DP crossover but probably wouldn't for the main AU) prompts. Into its own Au.
Where Gotham can change into dragons, and it's like the One thing they all keep secret from Outsiders. Everyone has three forms depending on the secondary sex they are at the time, while children have a form similar to a parent just, more stone-colored for camouflage. If that makes sense.
So normally I'd make world-building from scratch but I'm not drawing dragons from scratch for this. Like three for each character ever? Ehhh, sorry not happening lol. So I'll probably use Flight Rising or something similar to come up with things to base their dragon forms off of.
Anyway if you're here, hope you don't mind ramblings lol.
Everyone in the world is either Alpha/Beta/Omega/Delta but Gotham is cryptid-like in that they can change their secondary sex at will
The longer ones family has been in Gotham the quicker while newcomers might take months for a single shift 
Newcomers’ scents will also begin to disappear like a delta’s but continue to have a 2nd sex
Secondary sexes are a mixture of body parts, scents, and aura, almost akin to psychic bubbles around someone that shows mood and other information 
Most second-sex puberties come in around the age of twelve, though the semi-sexual half doesn’t come in until the age of seventeen on average 
It’s a well-kept secret of Gotham having a more benevolent curse of people becoming dragons
The form is influenced by whatever secondary gender they are at the time
Unless they are children in which case their form is similar to whatever their parents’ might be, but a solid gray-black color that camouflages with the Gotham streets 
Gotham also has several animals & plants similarly mutated well, everything
Reality warping is also canonically an issue with an entire street disappearing every week & gravity around certain places being odd on certain days
So if You're a Gothamite you get to have a third dragon puberty where you start getting your adult forms and colors and all that stuff
Secondary sexes are a mixture of body parts, scents, and aura, almost akin to psychic bubbles around someone that shows mood and other information
The longer ones family has been in Gotham the quicker they can shift between genders while newcomers might take months for a single shift
Deltas are: People with no secondary sex, usually due to a medical condition that is usually hereditary, but can also happen from large damage to glands as a young child before presentation Unless you are a Gothamite, as every person who stays there for extended periods of time becomes scentless or a combination of scents/auras even if they’re another sex Children are sometimes wrongly referred to as Deltas even though the proper term is Unpresented 
So in other words, Gotham is Really Fucking Weird to the rest of the world. Some people might and probably would use it to transition though, also helped by the fact that there's so many scholarships in Gotham. I mean, look at how many of the rogues have PHDs.
Now the Delta thing is semi-important because for example Clark, as an alien, doesn't have a scent. Which mean he's very much Noticed the first time he's sent by Perry to Gotham. He's kind of confused as to why he's so welcomed compared to all the other Daily Planet reporters, but he's not complaining. And it gives him an excuse for his scent, as it is known that Gotham is in fact Like That when it comes to scent disappearing and other such things.
I would continue rambling but I need sleep at some point lmao Will definitely add more later tho
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blackwood4stucky · 4 months
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hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page
author: aspen blackwood
james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers | mcu
masterpost | 🅴 | 🔞 | fic word count: 4935 | complete
tags: alpha x alpha, drugged, forced sex, non con body bod, non traditional omegaverse, triggered mating, secondary gender modification, dark elements
The asset knows it is imperative to appear as compliant as possible. This isn’t a difficult task. Its handlers modified its operating levels to unfamiliar settings. It can feel the heat rising beneath its skin. It can feel the strange wetness pooling between its thighs as it lies on a bed of metal. As far as the asset is concerned, that has never happened before. - Order through pain is all the asset knows.
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bingo fills + event prompts
@anyfandomangstbingo | handcuffs
@anyfandomdarkbingo | chained to a bed
@anyfandomgoesbingo | mating cycles
@anyfandomkinkbingo | fucking like rabbits
@afgomegaversebingo | rough sex
@augustwritingchallenge: april showers brings m-au flowers | loss
@badthingshappenbingo | incapable of disobeying
@buckybarnesevents: babb2023 | come as lube [jan]
@character-a-character-b: may bingo | 64: sensual creatures
@fandombingo: rpf card | loyalty kink
flight edition | overstimulation + alt: refusing to fight back maritime may | omegaverse au valentine edition | sex pollen wild edition | malaise world book night edition | no remorse + alt: struggling to break free
@ficwip: level up | 3rd pov - present tense
@julybreakbingo: pre july 24 | exophilia
@kinky-things-happen | fuck or die
the conflict | omega’s first heat the reeling | forced helping hand the solution | can’t stop
@marvel-smash-bingo | multiple orgasms
fear bingo | fear of ice new year’s resolution | public sex + rough sex + sex pollen
@sebastianstanbingo | multiple orgasms
@stuckybingo | kink: biting [nsfw may adoptable]
@stuckygeekevents: stucky geek bingo | confusion
stucky smut menu
trope | sex pollen character version | possessive!steve kink | public sex
@sweetspicybingo: hurt/comfort bingo | held captive
@taintedsoulsdiscord: spring cleaning soot sprites | playroom: monsterfucking
@ultimatechrisbingo | right person, wrong time
@yearoftheotpevent | september: hurt/comfort
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ch 2: why does it taste so bitter (when you’re the sugar that touches my lips)
read: ao3 | ffn | sqwa
ch 1
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staylovesmiley · 2 months
Going Dumb~ Chapter 6
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Kim Seungmin x Fem!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; It had been over a decade since you had last seen each other, having met in choir when Seungmin was living with his grandparents in LA and you with your Aunt. Now that you are both presented adults, how will he handle a change to the reality of you he had made in his mind in your absence over the years?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Due to Alphas and Omegas experiencing rut and heat, some jobs are restrictive as to what sub genders they will hire, specifically singling out omegas as heat suppressants are harder to obtain than rut suppressants. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, beta!kim seungmin, almost all alpha!straykids, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, mentions of sexual harassment/assault and discrimination, smut, enemies to lovers, Kim seungmin is kind of an ass I’m so sorry dandy boy, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous seungmin, I have only ever wrote one abo story before but it is one of my favorite genres so I hope I can do this justice~
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You weren’t sure how long you had been asleep for. Your body ached as if you had been asleep for days, or hit by a bus, you thought to yourself as you rubbed the palms of your hands against your eyes with a groan before stretching out your tired muscles with a little sound of pain at the tension in them releasing slightly with the movement.
After Seungmin had left you alone in his room to change next door inside Felix room, you sat for a few moments as you blinked in confusion at the slight smile he had left with. What had that meant? Why was he smiling after you had chewed him out for trying to get you to stop apologizing, for belittling all he was doing to help you and passing it off as if it wasn’t that big of a deal all the effort he seemed to be putting in to make you comfortable after what had happened.
You had changed into the clothes he had given you and once you were dressed and sitting on the bed the exhaustion of the day had fully caught back up and with the beta’s comforting scent surrounding you like a security blanket you couldn’t help but feel your eyelids getting heavy. You barely registered someone coming in and pulling the comforter over you as you drifted off, mind going into a completely dreamless state as you fell into one of the heaviest and deepest sleeps you had since probably your early childhood.
You didn’t know what you expected when you finally sat up on the bed and took in your surroundings, but it was not the sight that awaited you.
Curled up on the floor with a spare pillow and quilt from the bedroom down the hall, slept the beta whose room you were currently in. Somehow you had expected him to stay in one of the others rooms, or maybe the spare room itself. Instead he was there on the floor, soft snores slipping from him as he was a bit sprawled out on his back with the blankets tangled around his limbs.
A soft giggle escaped your lips at the sight, and slowly you slipped out of bed and kneeled on the floor beside his sleeping form. With a glance at the clock on the beside table you saw that it was still relatively early in the morning but with you haven’t fallen asleep in the early evening the day before it didn’t surprise you that you woke up earlier than you normally would.
Carefully, you pulled the comforter around Seungmin so that he was a bit more covered from the AC causing the room to be a bit chilly. You made your way out into the hall, heading for the kitchen to find something to eat as you had slept through what would have been dinner the night before and you could feel your stomach ache slightly from the missed meal.
Sat at the kitchen table, almost as if sensing you had woken up and now lay waiting like a predator waiting patiently for his prey, Lee Minho sipped calmly at the warm cup of coffee in his hands. “Bunny, good morning. Sit.” He motioned for you to take the seat at the other end of the table facing him, and you took a deep shaky breath before doing as he had instructed.
His normally calming aura only seemed to set you on edge as you knew he was probably wanting to discuss something having to do with the events the day previous. Once sat, the alpha rose and busied himself in the kitchen for a moment before returning and setting a steaming bowl of some soup with rice noodles on the place mat in front of you. You blinked a few times while looking between the bowl and the older man, only receiving a warm smile and a kiss to the top of your head before he moved to reclaim his seat at the other end of the table.
You stared at him for a bit, whispering a quiet thank you before beginning to eat whatever it was he had prepared for you. “Once you’re finished eating I want you to go get dressed and come with the maknaes and me to the police station.” He said, finishing his coffee and setting the empty mug in the sink before passing you on his way out of the room. Fuck. You should have known that was coming.
True to his word, Minho had woken up both Seungmin and Jeongin and told them the same as he had told you. While the members ate their own breakfast you looked through your suitcases which were once again in the spare bedroom though the thought of having to take off the clothes that smelled so comforting to you made your stomach turn so you settled for just adding on a sports bra under the baggy tshirt of Seungmin’s you wore before picking one of your own oversized hoodies and pulling it on over to keep yourself warm against the chilly winter morning air.
By the time you had rejoined the three of them in the kitchen they were finished eating and already waiting for you to return. You looked at them blankly, unsure how to feel as Minho have you a soft look that showed he knew this was hard for you but necessary so that a report could be made and hopefully no one else would encounter the same brutality you had at the hands of your attackers. You gave him a small, forced smile that made his heart ache before he reached out and pulled you to him in a gentle embrace.
The warm smell of caramel you had come to be familiar with surrounded you as the alpha lightly scented you before you left the apartment. Your scent glands were still extremely sensitive and so blockers were out of the question, so this was his solution to the unspoken problem and it made a genuine smile fall upon your features as he pulled away. “Thanks, Min….” You said just above a whisper and he nodded in return. “Let’s get going then, yeah?”
With that, the four of you went down to the garage and piled into the older alpha’s car to head to the police station and file a formal report against the individuals who had attacked you.
Filing the report was more exhausting than you originally had dreaded. For hours you went between waiting in the halls with the boys to begin separated into different interview rooms so they could get each of your stories about what had happened. A female officer came in at one point and photographed all injuries your two colleagues had left during the attack, and even though you had already showered they urged you to go to the hospital so if there was any evidence it could be collected as well as any medications needed to fight against infections could be administered.
By the time you were sat in the hospital bed with Jeongin and Seungmin sat in the chairs against the wall of the room, Minho talking with the nurse at the front desk about how much longer this process would take as you had already been put through so much and it was now approaching noon even though you had started this whole process in the early hours of the morning. It was almost 24 hours since the attack and an unsettling numbness had settled over you that put the young alpha and beta in the room with you on edge.
Just as Minho walked back in the room, all eyes but yours turned to look at him questioningly. “We can leave within the hour, they said they just need to make sure you don’t have any negative reactions to the medication they gave you and we can go home.” The news that you’d be able to rest soon caused relief to wash over you in such a strong wave tears began spill down your cheeks and a soft sob escaped your lips.
The sounds of your cries caused the two youngest members to shoot up from their seats and come to the edge of the bed yet they were unsure what to do. At their mild panic you laughed a bit, shaking your head. “I’m okay I’m fine….just happy this is almost over.”
Minho smiled at that and came over to place a soft kiss on your temple as he smoothed over your hair gently. “Mhm, almost over and then I’ll make you all some lunch when we get back. It’s already been a long day and you all did good. I’m proud of all of you.” His words caused another sob to escape your lips and the two boys on the other end of the bed began tearing up as well but quickly pulled themselves together as the nurses returned to take out your IVs and prepare you for discharge.
Back at the dorm, Jeongin pulled you to sit with him on the couch while Minho got started on making the lunch he had promised you all.
Seungmin went back to his room for a bit and reemerge with the comforters both off of the floor from the spare room that he had been using as well as the one from his bed and he sat on the couch with the two of you before piling the blankets on top of all of you.
You smiled softly, snuggling up to the youngest and mouthing a thanks to Seungmin where he sat on the opposite side of the alpha. Something random was put on the tv and before you knew it you had fallen asleep with your head resting on the youngest’s shoulder.
Jeongin looked from you to Seungmin before smiling softly. “You know I usually don’t like this kinda thing but….after everything we just got through with this feels very nice.” The beta nodded, using the opportunity to cuddle up to the alpha as well. “Yeah I know what you mean….I can only imagine how she’s feeling if I feel this drained-“
The two made a silent agreement to let you rest, watching whatever had been put on the tv while you slept against the youngest and Minho continued to make them all lunch in the kitchen behind them.
After the events of yesterday, Chan had made several calls and got them all the day off to make sure that you were okay as well as to give them time to go report everything to the police. Unbeknownst to you, the leader was keeping up to date with everything through constant messaging with the second oldest. The alpha smiled when he went to go and retrieve the three of you for lunch, taking a quick photo of you all snuggled up on the couch and sending it to Bangchan before gently rubbing your arm causing you to jolt awake.
“Morning, cutie. Come and eat something, yeah? Then you can go back to sleep I promise.” You nodded to the alpha and slowly made your way to the kitchen table where he had laid out the food he had made for the four of you. It was only you, Minho, and the youngest two members as Changbin had slept in before going to the gym, and the 00 liners minus Seungmin had decided to go out for lunch to give you some time to relax after everything.
As you began digging into whatever it was the older had put together for you, another noodle dish though this one wasn’t in a soup, Chan arrived back from the company and gave a warm greeting to the lot of you before taking the empty seat beside Jeongin where Minho placed yet another plate of food. “Thanks Min, didn’t get a chance to grab something to eat before coming back.”
The alpha nodded back before taking his seat across from where you and Seungmin sat and began eating his own food. The meal was mostly enjoyed in silence, the now five of you choosing to stuff your faces over creating small talk.
Once everyone had finished up the two youngest began cleaning up and as you moved to join them, Chan reached out and placed a hand on your forearm. “Actually Bunny, I need to talk with you about something kind of important if you don’t mind joining me in my room?” Your eyes widened a bit, curiosity flooding your mind as you wondered what exactly he would want to talk with you about out of earshot of the others.
Minho gave the oldest a look, confusion laced in his expression but the leader only shook his head at him as if to tell him it wasn’t to be discussed at that time with him. You took a deep breath before nodded and rising up from your seat. “Yeah sure…” Chan gave you a warm smile to let you know that all was well, gently taking hold of your hand before leading you out of the dining room and down the hall to his room.
Once inside the smell of the ocean crashed over you and you felt like you had just stepped foot on the beach on a warm summers day, minus the sand of course. The alpha motioned for you to take a seat on the bed and you did so, starting to feel nerves bubbling in your stomach with the anticipation of what he had to talk with you about.
Chan closed the door behind him and pulled the chair from his desk over to sit in front of where you were on the bed. “So- I’m just gonna cut to the chase and say that you aren’t going back to that school. Ever.” You blinked a few times, brows furrowing a bit as you contemplated arguing that he wasn’t allowed to tell you what you could and could not do. He wasn’t your alpha and this wasn’t your pack. But after a moment you realized you didn’t even want to go back to that place after everything so you only let out a soft huff and crossed your arms over your chest.
“You say that as if I was planning to. Though I don’t really have another job lined up at the moment-“ before you could finish she alpha perked up and he cut you off. “Actually that’s what I really wanted to talk to you about. The thing about you not going there was kinda a given I was just trying to lead into the news but-“ it was your turn to cut him off as confusion was etched onto your face. “News? What news?”
Bangchan beamed, scooting the chair closer to take both of your hands into his. “I have a job for you. I was at the company today in a meeting I had called specifically to make sure this was okay so everything could be set to go for you….if you want it.” You stared at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly ajar as you thought of what to say. “Chan you didn’t have to do that- I can find a job on my own you don’t have to bend over backwards for me.” Guilt washed over you as you thought of all the trouble he must have gone through and how much of a burden it must have been. Your brain tried to tell you this is exactly what Seungmin was afraid of and that he was right but the older could see this and shook his head.
“Bunny- stop thinking so hard, okay? It’s nothing, really….it’s a job. You’d be working, helping. I didn’t have to do any bending over backwards.” The alpha gave your hands a light squeeze. “Besides I don’t think the Mins would let you out of their sight any time soon to go to another job especially at another school.” You huffed out a laugh at that, finding the term he used for Minho and Seungmin silly but somewhat endearing. You stared into his eyes, searching for something to tell you that he was just being polite but you saw nothing but sincerity there.
“What’s…um- what’s the job?” Bangchan smirked slightly, raising an eyebrow at you. “Does this mean you accept?” You shook your head, rolling your eyes at him playfully. “Just wanna know what I would be getting myself into before I give you an answer.” You teased him and caused the alpha to let out a laugh. “I want you to be our assistant. The pay would be decent, probably more than you made teaching, and I’d want you to live here with us full time.” It wasn’t as if he was going to insist you still live with them even if you turned the job down but it was worth mentioning as part of the job requirements.
You thought for a bit, head tilting to the side. “Your assistant…what would that even mean in the way of a job description? What would my responsibilities be?” Chan smiled, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. “Kind of like a manager, but more hands on. You’d need to be with us at our schedules and the company, just helping us with small tasks like our managers usually do but this would free them up to actually manage our schedules. You can also help me with translating for the members when we are at events overseas.”
The job sounded simple enough, though in the short time you knew them you knew things could get chaotic sometimes. After some thinking, the alpha sitting there eagerly awaiting your reply as he still held your hands in his. “Okay. I’ll accept- partly because I do need a job sooner rather than later but also because I trust you.”
Chan nodded, unable to hide his joy that you had accepted his offer. He had been preparing you to turn it down, and what he would need to say to try and convince you to stay there with them anyways for the sake of his and the member’s sanity as after recent events they were a bit on edge about your safety and the best way to ensure that was to be with you as much as possible.
After talking over some more details with the alpha the two of you left his room, seeing that the other members had returned home and were lounging in the living room either scrolling on their phones or watching some drama Han had put on the tv. All eyes fell on the pair of you expectantly, some just curious about why you had gone to speak with their leader and others because they knew what it was you had gone to discuss.
“Kids, say hello to our new assistant!” Bangchan said cheerfully as he gave you a gentle push forward. With a little wave, you looked around at the faces staring back at you nervously. “Guess I’m gonna be around a lot more than before…I hope that’s okay-“ you found Seungmin’s eyes and gave an apologetic look but the beta simply stood up and made his way over to you. “You don’t have to ask that, of course it’s okay…I know what I said before when you first got here but I was wrong.”
You opened your mouth to speak but he shook his head. “I’m glad you’re here. Things will be a lot easier with you helping us. Plus, there is way too much alpha energy in this group it’ll be nice to have more balance.” He said with a teasing smile causing you to laugh lightly. “Don’t I also have this supposed alpha energy according to you?”
Seungmin looked down at his feet shyly before scratching at his head. “Well yes but- it’s different, okay? Just trust me- I’m glad you said yes to Chan hyung’s job offer.” You smiled, shaking your head at his shyness. “Me too, Minnie.”
The rest of the evening went by quickly, the pack and you lazing around watching different movies after someone wrestled the controller from Jisung through protests that his show was good and no one was giving it a fair chance. You were sat snugly between him and Minho, taking the younger alpha’s hand in yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze as you leaned over to whisper in his ear. “I promise I’ll watch it with you sometime this week, yeah? Let’s just watch something everyone can agree with for now, yeah?”
His face heated up slightly but he nodded in agreement and moved closer while hiding his face in the crook of your neck so the others wouldn’t see his blush. “Okay- I’m holding you to that.” He said with a squeeze to your hand in return. Minho watched the two of you interacting with a smirk on his face, moving his arm around the back of the couch to play with Jisung’s hair where his head still rested on your shoulder even after removing his face from your neck.
After about three different marvel movies Felix got the idea that they needed snacks and so that’s how you ended up baking cookies with the alpha in the kitchen, though mostly you sat at the island stealing bits of the dough when he wasn’t looking.
Meanwhile, neither of you were aware that Seungmin was watching the two of you from his spot on one of the couches.
He had been reading messages from fans on bubble when he noticed most of them were asking about you. The company has yet to release a statement about the hand holding incident at inkigayo, a meeting having been set with him for later in the week to discuss the best course of action but he didn’t really like the thought of that as he looked between the flood of questions from fans and where you stood in the kitchen with the blonde alpha laughing with him about whatever it was the two of you had been conversing about as he baked.
Without giving it much more thought, the beta raised his phone and snapped a picture of you as you snuck yet another bite of the cookie dough from the bowl sat on the counter. He sent the picture, followed by a string of messages.
“A thief caught in the act”
“Oh, this is the girl from the other day by the way.”
“Her name is Bunny 🐰”
“She’s my childhood friend so please treat her kindly.”
“She is part of staff now too so she will be around a lot, thought it was good to introduce her to stay.”
A few of the member’s phones buzzed with the notifications. Felix looked at his phone after placing another tray of cookies into the oven to bake and his eyes widened. “Kim Seungmin what the fuck-“ came Minho’s voice as he sat up and looked at the beta with a shocked expression. As other members started to speak up and say their thoughts about the younger member’s impulsiveness you just stared on in confusion. “Wait what is going on?” You spoke up, looking between them all and waiting for someone to give you an answer.
Felix held his phone out to you, and you took it to see what they had all been berating the second youngest over. “Oh-“ was all you could see, staring at the messages like a deer caught in the headlights. “You should have waited until you spoke with the company. Seriously, this could end up with a lot of backlash for the both of you.” Chan said, scolding the beta. “Do you not trust stay? Look, most of the replies are really positive. I think they like her a lot already-“ Seungmin held his phone out for the leader to see and he sighed, rubbing at his temples. “Okay…okay. But next time at least talk to me about it before you plan to post stuff like that, yeah?”
Nodding in understanding, your childhood friend gave you a smile and a shrug, holding the phone out to you. “Wanna see what they are saying?”
You made your way over to him, leaning over the back of the couch to read the messages on his phone. Some were congratulating you on getting to work with the boys, others were talking about you sneaking the cookie dough and how funny or cute it was, and others were completely unintelligible as they varied in level of freaking out over getting such personal details from the singer thus feeding into the delusion that they were close with him to a degree. Sure, there were some negative comments, but overall the responses seemed to be positive and for that you were grateful.
Well, things were definitely about to change you thought to yourself. You thought you knew what you were getting into at least to a degree by accepting the offer to be their assistant. However, you were so unaware of how chaotic your life was about to get.
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author’s note: finished this a little later than originally planned- I just want to say regarding the content in this chapter that if you have been a victim of sa and you didn’t make a report about it I am in no way shaming you I myself as well as people I know have unfortunately gone through that and didn’t report it’s a very lengthy and invasive process that can also sometimes lead to feeling blame put on you by the hospital or authorities so it’s understandable that for some people especially having just gone through something traumatic wouldn’t want to put themselves through all of that. Just felt like I needed to clarify that after I had wrote those parts into the story- ᕱᕱ₊˚⊹♡
taglist; (pink users mean I wasn’t able to tag) @coastinglove @skzswife @maisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @doitforbangchan @chartrucewhore @sebastianswhore13 @finnydraws @bahablastplz
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