#omg i got so carried away its not funny
esorydoolb · 8 months
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day 3 /friendship
starfield drawtober
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
i do think its kinda funny when i see someone in the year of our lord 2024 talk about vocal synth music like its all gone downhill since like 2010 because like dont get me wrong i love a good niconicodouga-ass 2008 ass vocaloid joint BUT also like. the past couple years have had the most fascinatingly creative and expressive uses of vocal synthesizers ive ever heard in my life DJFSKHJDFS dont write it all off just yet!!
#usually i only see that from people who havent actually listened to any vsynth music from the past 15 years so i understand why they got to#that conclusion. and also usually theyre people who didnt listen to much vsynth music in the first place LOL they just dont know#but it is still a little funny. brother there are things beyond your wildest dreams if u just look#like some personal highlights: the stuff by rinri - particularly their use of the meika girlies#dont carry our memories away is LIFECHANGING the whispers. the spoken parts. the BELTS#plus the haunting and unrelenting instrumentation. fantastic song#and naisho no pierced's propose + birthday + gift sort of trilogy of songs. gift especially has been unreal#again the dynamics of soft intimate whispers to belts but also those fuller high notes with edges of growlyness.#plus the songs just generally rock. and those LYRICS. absolutely intense like physically painful and frightening like#yearning and codependency and possession. and the tuning and production just amps it up more#OH and slave.v.v.r has been doing crazy things for even longer but i only started getting into his stuff recently and holy shit#love eater is like. the scariest vocaloid song ive ever heard not because of the lyrics. but because of the tuning#im like. scared. i cant stop listening to it. the heavy synthesized breathy main vocals and whispered harmonies plus the VOCAL FRY#i didnt realized vocaloid5? i think? has a vocal fry option built in i heard? thats crazy#but specifically in love eater the fry and growl is amped up so deep and loud and clear compared to everything else it like#emphasizes the artificiality of the voice while also amping up the expressiveness#its awesome. and on the older slave.v.v.r songs i heard i will hit you 8759632145 times with this piano. also so fucking cool#addicted to that song. 1) its a great jazzy rocky piano tune with this piano flourish at the end of each phrase that sounds fantastic#but also 2) the lyrics are insane. using kanji to write english??????#people are doing wild ass things with vocal synths rn you guys#this isnt even getting into some of the really unique synths themselves too. adachi rei is awesome i love that shes just like#the perfect inbetween of sample based and reconstruction based vocals. shes a sample based synth#but her samples were drawn by hand LOL shes like dectalks granddaughter to me.....#a really good use of adachi rei is iyowa's heat abnormal/heat anomaly/whatever its called ITS AWESOME thats what it is hjrkfdgfd#i think the fact that vocal synths can be so realistic and clean and noiseless out the gate now has made people really stop worrying#about like. realism all together and looking more into expressiveness. omg vocal synth modernist movement
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ellecdc · 3 months
Hiii, so i got really excited about all the new ships and i wondering if i could request a poly!prongsfoot x female reader where maybe the reader completely matches their energy and its like a college au and the boys bring reader to meet all their friends for the first time and everybody is like… woah… now theres 3 of them. Just some super energetic cutesy fluff if you dont mind, thank you for considering this i really appreciate it!!! Hope your doing amazing🫶🏻
omg so I saw a post the other day and there's another ship name for Sirius x James = starbucks!! How cute? Thanks for your request and your patience - it took me some time to flush this out (I think any new ships likely will take me longer!)
poly!prongsfoot x fem!reader who's just like them
Remus doesn’t think he’s ever seen his two best friends as excited as they currently were, sitting and waiting (rather impatiently) for your arrival. 
Peter, Mary, and Lily were sitting on the booth against the wall, with Remus and Regulus sat together to the right of them, with Sirius and James to their right.
Sirius and James had been talking about this ‘perfect girl’ they met in their psych 101 class last semester, likely since the very day they met you if Remus assumed correctly. 
“She’s so pretty, Moons! I’ve never seen eyes as beautiful as hers.”
“She’s so funny! You should have heard her snarking the frat boys behind us in yesterday’s lecture.”
“She’s brilliant! She helped us study and I got 88% on our last exam!”
And now, a whole semester and a half later, they’d finally convinced you to meet their friends.
Lord knows how two of the most hyperactive and mischievous people Remus has ever had the pleasure of knowing managed to trick another person to put up with them voluntarily, but he did really like seeing them so happy and excited in life; both so deserving for different reasons. 
James deserved all the love that he so openly and willingly shared with others, and Sirius had worked so hard to become the man he is and deserved to be celebrated for it.
So, if what made them happy was a cute girl from their intro to psychology course? Well, Remus couldn’t argue with them. 
“I can’t wait until she gets here; you’re all going to love her.” James declared, shifting closer to Sirius in his excitement who quickly threw his arm over his boyfriend’s shoulders. 
“So, don’t embarrass us, alright? We want to keep her around.” Sirius added, placing a chaste kiss to James' shoulder as James practically vibrated in his seat.
“I assure you, Sirius, you do not need our help embarrassing you.” Regulus drawled, not bothering to look up from the drink’s menu in his hand.
“Oi! You take that back!” Sirius barked as he flicked the menu up into Regulus’ face. 
Remus had to quickly grip his boyfriend’s shoulder to hold him in his seat as he looked like he was about to crawl over the table to strangle his brother.
“Easy, babe.” Remus commented teasingly, “I doubt Pete, Lily, or Mary will bother calling 999 if you kill him, but their new girl may not be as understanding.”
Sirius harrumphed earning him a conciliatory kiss from James as Pete and the girls just snickered. 
Regulus’ muttering was interrupted by a commotion at the door as a group sitting near the entrance cheered at a new arrival.
“Yay! Are you finally joining us for a pub night, Y/N?!” someone shouted, causing both James and Sirius’ head to snap to attention; Remus was sure if they were dogs, their tails would be wagging and their ears would have perked up. 
“God no! I wouldn’t dream of it!” You called back teasingly, pulling away from someone who had stood to give you a hug. 
“Foul!” The person called back as their friend group laughed.
“Next time!” You promised as you moved through the crowd, face lighting up somehow even brighter when you spotted James and Sirius.
James was up on his feet the second you made eye contact with him and he all but carried you over to the group.
“Hi angel! I’m so glad you could make it!” He cheered at you as he kissed your cheek. 
“Of course, Jamie. I was looking forward to it.” You responded as you beamed at Sirius who stood as well to give you a proper hug.
“Hiya, dollface! How was your day?” Sirius asked as he held you to his chest.
“Good! Good, I’m looking forward to a drink, though.” You laughed, shucking your jacket off which James was quick to take from you to hang it on the hook attached to the booth. 
“Everyone; this is Y/N! Y/N, that there is our best mate Remus, that’s his boyfriend and less importantly my brother Regulus,” Sirius introduced, causing Regulus to scowl and Remus to chuckle as he consolingly squeezed Regulus’ knee. “And that there is our other best mate Peter, and these beauties here are Lily and Mary.”
You enthusiastically exchanged handshakes with those you could reach and no less enthusiastic waves with those who you couldn’t.
“It’s so nice to meet you all! I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Which is concerning, considering you guys met in class?” Regulus commented, earning him a booming laugh from you.
“I was doing too well in that class anyways; it’s good to keep your GPA well rounded.” You responded in jest, gently nudging a furiously blushing James with your elbow as Sirius beamed at the two of you from your other side. 
As the group of you spoke, Remus noticed a number of people coming up to clap James or Sirius on the shoulders who knew them from their classes or various extracurriculars., though that wasn’t all that unusual when attending a pub night near campus. What Remus found to be quite phenomenal was how many people happened to come up to you to do the same.
Remus supposed it made sense for his two social and quite popular friends to find a kindred spirit, but he couldn’t believe that there were three of you who appeared to be so universally liked.
Well, Remus was sure some of Sirius’ notoriety was less from his likeability and more for his flirty nature. 
Mary had a lot of fun talking to you about her Instagram feed and your TikTok, which was full of videos of you, Sirius, and James doing trendy dances to various degrees of success. 
You were eager to discuss your latest reads with Remus, Regulus, and Lily, and you all laughed at the furious blush that took over Regulus’ face when the three of you started discussing the erotic books you’d enjoyed recently. 
“I mean, really; is that appropriate to be discussing in such a public setting?” Regulus had muttered as he looked over his shoulder to ensure other patrons hadn’t heard the scandalous books the three of you had read.
“Oh, don’t be such a prude, Reggie. I’ve seen the love bites you’ve left on my mate; you’re no saint.” Sirius had drawled, causing the blush to migrate all the way down Regulus’ neck.
You even joined in with some of Peter's quick-witted jests at the boys' expense.
In the end, it was the way you fell easily into the friendly banter with the group as if you’d been part of it all along that really won Remus over, had his friends’ lovesick smiles not already thoroughly convinced him of your worth. 
“I really like Y/N.” He commented to Regulus as he finished flossing his teeth that night. Regulus scoffed without lifting his head from the book he’d been reading already comfortable in bed.
“You would.”
Remus furrowed his brow as he turned the bathroom light off and climbed into bed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“She’s exactly your type.”
Remus barked a laugh and pulled Regulus (quite rudely, if you’d asked Regulus) into his side, forcing him to lay the book flat on the bed lest he lose his place for good.
“I’d argue that’s not the case, seeing as you’re my type.” He murmured into his boyfriend’s neck.
Regulus rolled his eyes though his face betrayed the fondness he felt for Remus. “That’s not what I meant, tosser.”
“What’d you mean then?” He asked, trailing kisses along Regulus’ collarbone.
“I mean she’s bubbly, she’s bold and outgoing, she’s mischievous, and she seemed to put up with the lot of you quite well.”
Remus lifted his head to look at Regulus bemusedly.
“She’s a carbon copy of two of your best friends, she’s basically Sirius and James.” Regulus clarified, looking smug as Remus’ face fell in understand.
“Oh my God...” Remus whispered in horror. “There’s three of them.” 
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irisintheafterglow · 8 months
Hiii!! I’m absolutely in love with the way you write kiyoomi :) he’s literally perfect. If you have time, I would love a scenario where his partner meets the black jackals for the first time!! Whether it’s accidental or on purpose is up to you :)
but he was so much fun (and he had such weird friends!)
cw/tags: gn!reader, swearing, mentions of cooking and eating, domestic omi crumbs, established relationship and pet names (love, baby), pure jackals crack
note: hi love!!! this prompt is so funny omg i'm obsessed. hope you like it!!! i got extremely carried away
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :)
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"i'm-" he starts, huffing out an irritated breath and setting his knife on the cutting board, gripping the edges of the countertop. you turn to look at him from your spot at the stove, tapping the wooden spoon against the edge of the pot and placing it in the spoon rest. you check the vegetable prep over his shoulder and find neat piles of cut carrots, cauliflower, and potatoes. it didn't seem like anything was wrong with his knife skills, so it perplexed you why he was suddenly having trouble expressing his thoughts. "i'm having..."
"you're having?" you wipe your hands on a kitchen towel and gently turn him to face you, snaking your arms around his neck while his hands find their natural place on your hips. your thumb absentmindedly brushes over his moles, right above his furrowed eyebrows of annoyance.
"doubts," he says uncertainly, glancing at the dining table set for four more than its usual two occupants. the corner of his mouth juts to the side in obvious discontent, even though he was trying not to dampen your excitement for formally meeting his friends. not that he would ever call them that, at least not in this lifetime.
"how so, baby?"
"they can be a little...hard to handle," he mutters. "you know them. you've seen it," he says, voice strained and it makes you chuckle at the memory of the first time you actually met his friends.
kiyoomi wishes that it didn't happen that way at least twice a day. it was partially your fault, overestimating your ability to find him in the back halls of the msby gym facilities after only a few months of dating. after turning yourself around about four different times and unable to retrace your steps, you settled for walking in the direction of a nearby conversation. you ended up, however, steering a wrong turn into the men's locker room, yelping in surprise when you were met with three bare chests, none of which belonged to your boyfriend. apologizing profusely and briskly walking away, you were fleeing too quickly to hear the three players equally as alarmed.
it was like a scene from a cartoon; you could vaguely make out the sound of things being thrown like shirts, water bottles, and flailing limbs. there were hushed whispers of holy shit, someone just walked in here and they're so pretty and put some fucking clothes on, shoyo, that's indecency. you make the executive decision to just wait for him outside, but before you leave, your boyfriend's voice rings loud and clear from around the corner.
"what the hell are you guys freaking out about?"
"omi, dude. you just missed them."
"missed who?"
"there was this really pretty person that walked in! they were wearing the same zip-up that you were wearing yesterday, isn't that neat?" your attention darts down to the jacket that was very much kiyoomi's and definitely not yours, your face warming from pure embarrassment. "maybe you could ask them if they shop there frequently; i think they'd be your type."
"since when did sakusa have a type?"
"hey, wait! where are you going?" is the last question you hear before your boyfriend comes barreling around the corner in nothing but shower shoes and sweatpants and looking just as bewildered as you and the three guys in the locker room. after a palpable moment of shocked silence, you both word-vomit at the same time.
"you're wearing my jacket."
"why are you shirtless?!"
"you're wearing my jacket." his voice drops in volume to a yelled whisper, his hand pulling you further down the hallway and away from the locker room despite his lack of clothes. a few of the gym staff eye you in confusion and you give them a weak smile, fighting the urge to stare at the muscle rippling across kiyoomi's body. "you're wearing my jacket," he repeats for the third time, as if it was taking several tries for his brain to compute the information in front of him.
"that's your main concern?!"
"no, shit, no," he shakes his head, regaining his composure after his mind short-circuited. "my main concern is you running into the three stupidest members of my team without me there-"
"and while they were shirtless," you add and his nose scrunches in pure distaste. "wait, why don't you want me to meet them without you there?"
"because they're stupid and-and i love you and they're-and they're stupid," he stammers, visibly flustered in a way that you'd never seen him before. it sets your face on fire, hearing how easily he said he loved you when you'd never said it to each other up until that point. the same realization must hit him at the same time and he pinches the bridge of his nose in defeat, sighing through his nose. "i just said i love you."
"you just said you love me," you echo, a delirious smile widening on your mouth as you peel his fingers away from his face and lace them into yours. "you just said you love me."
"he just said he loves them!" a very eavesdropping-sounding whisper comes from behind the wall and you both flinch. like a straw breaking a camel's back, kiyoomi's face contorted into a vengeful scowl. he composed himself for a moment, promising you he'd be right back, and then stomping around the corner where you heard receding screams of terror.
that was five months ago, and you finally convinced kiyoomi to let you meet his friends formally, along with atsumu's brother who was bringing more food to help you feed four pro athletes.
"i've seen a lot more than just them being stupid," you remind him, giggling when his face turns a light shade of pink. "and, i think it's endearing how much they care for you. i know you won't admit it, but i know you care about them, too." he gazes at you so softly that it makes you melt a little. i'm gonna marry you, one day, he thinks. "now, i promise i won't be deterred by their idiocy, so let me get back to cooking, okay?"
"okay," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "i love you. a lot."
"i love you even more, omi."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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shuniverse · 1 year
distraction ,, b.c , s.cb , h.hj , h.js , l.f
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🧷 so for my first genuine post on this acc I decided I’d do my skz ‘biases’ (why r they called that?) for a lil thing :)
read pt. 2 here!
📁 you’re doing your guy’s favorite thing together and it starts to get a lil frisky <3 (it’s dif for each member, like Felix would be baking, hyunjin would be drawing/painting, etc etc)
🎐 suggestive talk/descriptions ;; mostly cute fluff (except for Changbins + Jisungs I got carried away 😭) ;; fem reader! (fem terms, she/her pronouns are used) ;; reader draws and does art in Hyunjin’s 👍 (totally not self indulgent on my part definitely not what are you talking about) ;;
bang chan ;;
chan’s giggles make you smile while he does Chan’s Room. must be some funny comments, Stay being silly or asking embarrassing questions.
Chan had invited you to join his VLive, and you happily agreed, putting on a comfortable hoodie you had, that just so happened to be a hoodie that he got you. Stay was surprised when they’d realized Chan was dating you- you weren’t an idol (at least not professionally, Chan saw you as his own personal idol <3) and you’d never really been in anything big. But Chan loved you nonetheless.
Stay began flooding the comments when he’d introduced you
I thought I was ur gf 🥺
wow she’s pretty
That particular last comment had you blush a bit, surprising you that someone would say that. Chan just giggled again. “Yep, that’s my y/n. She may not be famous but you guys will totally see more of her, I swear.” He looks at you for confirmation after saying that, to which you nod your head, and he smiles in return.
After a while of him playing songs at Stays request (and some random time when Han comes in to bug him about stuff, being silly) you get bored. And so, you get an idea.
You move to sit on Chan’s lap, making it seem innocent enough, just trying to be close to your boyfriend, but you have other plans. Situating yourself nearly right on his crotch, you squirm, making it seem like you’re getting comfortable.
Chan takes notice fast, his cheeks and ears heating up. He doesn’t say anything, just looking for whatever song Stay recommends, but you know it’s all an act. Chan can never resist you, but he has to stay strong for a little longer.
After a particularly aggressive wiggle of your hips 10 minutes later, Chan picks you up and sits you on his couch, smirking, then looks to the camera. “Well, that’s it for today guys, I’m gonna go. I hope you had fun!” He gets up. “Alright, big hug.”
He does his usual hug, and says goodbye to Stays with a little peace sign, then turns off the livestream. He turns to you in his swivel chair, grinning. “Baby, you’re in for it.”
You can’t help but simultaneously giggle and whimper as he climbs on top of you.
seo changbin ;;
Workouts between you and Changbin were fun, though exhausting. You weren’t as used to it as Bin was, and though you enjoyed it, you always ended up sore.
He knew this, and always made sure he could help you, whether that be by helping you lift your weights, build up your stamina by jogging alongside you and letting you know when it’s ok to take breaks.
Though, you decided to take your break while he was doing reps, pushing the weighted bar up and down where he laid. Getting bored, you decide to go sit on his lap. Nothing new for you, he’s used to you sitting on his lap while he does his reps, so all he does is give you a small smile, before continuing.
With a small shift of your hips, you catch him off guard by swiveling them to get comfortable, right on his crotch. His thick arms stutter for a second, almost going unnoticed by you, but he continues his reps, seeming distracted. You smirk, and shift around more, now knowing what you’re doing but playing it off as trying to get comfortable.
He sighs, before putting the bar on its holders and sitting up. “Baby, what do you think you’re doing?”
You shrug. “I dunno, just getting comfortable.” You grin, trying to make it seem like you have no clue what you’re doing.
He cocks an eyebrow, smirking. “Oh, really?” He brings his hands down to your ass, squeezing it. “C’mon, since you’re just so desperate, let’s go home.”
You get off of him, giggling, and you walk out of the gym to your car. You don’t make it all the way home due to one of his hands gripping the inside of your thighs.
hwang hyunjin ;;
“Honey, wanna draw with me?” You look at your boyfriend, waiting for his response.
His response was nothing less than enthusiastic. He thoroughly enjoyed doing art with you, drawing, painting, pottery, anything. He smiles, and walks over to you.
“Of course I do, baby.” He sits down on the bed from where he was working on his own painting. He’s almost always willing to drop a small project to help you or do things with you. “So, what are you drawing?”
You smile, and turn back to your sketchbook. “I’m trying to get better at anatomy, so I’m working on drawing women in different poses.”
He nods in acknowledgement, and looks at the detailed drawings. “You’re really good, honey.”
You giggle. “Not as good as you, Jinnie.” He grins, kissing your temple. “You flatter me, princess.”
“Can I sit on your lap while I draw, Jinnie?” He nods, smiling happily, and gets comfy so he pulls you into his lap. You grab your pencil and start sketching more, making sure to draw the lines and anatomy right.
You hear Hyunjin sigh behind you, and one of his hands moves to your hips, his chin resting on your shoulder. After a bit more time passes, you feel his plush lips press to the nape of your neck, and his thumbs rubbing little circles into your hips. You sigh out contentedly, leaning back into him, and this gives him the incentive to press deeper kisses into your neck, gently nibbling, making you whimper.
He brings his lips to your ear, lowering his voice to a husky whisper. “I think you should put those pretty hands somewhere else, princess.”
han jisung ;;
Jisung decided to take the day to work on a project, since he had a song idea berating the forefront of his brain and he just had to get it out.
You decided to join him, keep him company while he works, putting beautiful vocals and his own raps into the song, composing pretty tracks and music. You’re always in awe at how he works, and it makes you giggle when he finishes singing a particularly high note or a hefty rap verse and looks over to see you with a loving gaze in your eyes, causing a pretty shade of pink to dust his cute cheeks.
Jisung loved you for being next to him, with him, on top of him, underneath him, any position really. And with the way you were sat comfortably on his lap while he put the vocals and music together on the computer, he felt so comfortable in your presence.
You lean your head back against his shoulder, and you turn your head to kiss the base of his throat. “How’s the song coming along, Sungie?” You hadn’t been paying attention, half asleep with your eyes closed, comfortable and sleepy in his warm embrace with the light tapping and clicking of his keyboard and mouse.
Jisung smiles. “It’s going well, baby.” Looking down at your sleepy figure, he placed a gentle kiss on your bare shoulder, the loose jacket you had on slipping down your arm, the thin strap of your tank top slipping with it. “What about you? You seem tired.” He chuckles.
You shift yourself around, spreading your thighs across his lap as you face him, smiling sleepily. “I am just fine, Sungie. But I could be better..” You slip your hand slowly down his abdomen, to his crotch, pressing down. “I could be fuller.”
Jisung blushes, but then grins, holding your hips. “Oh?”
You nod, biting your lip, and you lean forward to whisper in his ear. “Need your cock, Sungie..”
With that, he’s picking you up and placing you on the couch, looming over you. “Your wish is my command, baby.”
lee felix ;;
Felix was in the kitchen working on making a batch of brownies, when you walk in, still a little drowsy from your nap.
He smiled at you when you walked into the kitchen, and put the bowl of batter he was stirring down. “Hey, sweetheart. You sleep good?” He wrapped his arms around you as you wrapped your own around his waist.
“I’m alright, Lixie..” You snuggled your face into his chest, him rocking back and forth gently. Felix presses a light kiss to your head, smiling.
“Well, I’m making some brownies, wanna help me?”
You looked up at him, and the sleepiness in your eyes made him smile. You nodded, and he lets go, holding your hand and walking with you to the bowl of batter. You rolled up your hoodie sleeves, and rubbed your eyes.
“You okay, sweetie?” He looked over at you, an expression that was a mix of concern and amusement on his freckled face.
You nodded, smiling and kissing Felix’s cheek. “Yeah, I’m okay, Lixie. But let’s get back to your brownies!”
He smiled, and started stirring the batter with you.
It’s all happy and dandy til you said you were tired, using that as an excuse to come behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist, leaning your head against his back. He didn’t have a clue as to your true intentions, only nodding and continuing to stir, so naturally, he was caught of guard when you run your hands down his abdomen to his crotch.
Felix let out a small gasp, and whined as you rubbed your hand up and down, which made you grin.
“Baby-“ he whimpered out, “we- mh- we should go into the bedroom if you want to do this.”
You smirked, his normally deeper voice a bit in the higher range as he whimpered.
“Well, let’s go then.” You grinned as he blushed, your hands leaving the now more prominent bulge in his sweats. You grabbed his hand, dragging him away from the batter to your shared bedroom. When he walked in, you lightly pushed him onto the bed, and you lock the door behind you, a small smirk on your face as you see him get more squirmy.
“C’mon honey, no more teasing.”
ty to whoever read this, and I hope you enjoyed my little drabble lol
feel free to reblog, just make sure to credit me!
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overtaken-stream · 4 months
Loved every bit of the newest fic, it was written wonderfully, and I keep finding myself coming back to it and re-reading it. The part where they're just basking in each other's presence and he's so in awe and disbelief of her wings and making sure they're real and tangible...pure cinema I daresay... (I have a female Lunarian oc so this whole fic was like candy for me).
Also, the bit about King just swooping in for a mini date with reader is literally so funny like the thought of this 20 ft bird man nonchalantly diving towards the sunny for a rendezvous on a Tuesday afternoon
Reader: *voice getting lower as they're being carried away* haha its ok guys he's with me!!
Luffy and Zoro: He's WHAT
I had to be so careful writing that scene, literally tiptoeing around with their feeling making sure I didn't cross the line.
We never actually got to see King outside of the battlefield just being in (what I call) One Piece Funzies, so imagining his awkwardness before committing the act, like getting ready to dive with a straight face, is funny to me.
Omg I can't find that sound effect on TikTok, where a guy is going fast with a loud 'wneeeww' but it's perfect for Kings dive😭
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markdelonge · 2 years
best friends with Johnny Knoxville...
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not my gif
note: im so pissed why is this so short :/
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request?: yes
contains: profanity, pretty sure thats it
• probably the most reckless duo on earth
• people get scared whenever the two of you are in a room together
the two of you are ALWAYS up to something. rather it be pranking each other or the crew, or having stupid ideas and going thru with them without thought. you guys are unpredictable.
• matching shoes omg
• or lil friendship necklaces (like the ones with half and half of a heart)
you guys have multiple friendships bracelets, necklaces, rings, ect, but, they break hella easy so you both have a bunch of half heart charms that read "best friends forever" laying around your houses
• get mistaken for a couple A LOT
once a rumor first started going around, you and Johnny were quick to shut it down. you both saw each other as siblings almost, so seeing rumors about the two of you dating kinda grossed both of you out
• probably end up hosting a show together
or a radio show. it was one of those 3 am ideas that the both of you took a lil too seriously.
• he brings you on set all the time
• but he won't let you do any of the stunts.
even when a stunt is in progress, he'd make sure that you were far away enough so you weren't in harms way. he says that "no one wants to watch a girl get hurt" because its "not funny".
• literal fights because of it
• having hotel room sleepovers
annoying the room service workers to death, prank calling people, leaving the room every other minute to go get ice (having an excuse to run down the halls), accidentally getting locked out, having to bother the room service workers even more.
• constantly calling each other names
like "bitch, whore, dumbass, idiot, stupid, moron" literally any insulting name you guys can think of, thats just the way you two talk to each other
• yelling at each other
yelling at each other so much that it sounds like an argument to everyone else around you, but to the both of you it sounds like you're having a regular every day conversation
• "talking shit" behind each other's backs (as jokes, you guys love each other to death)
"Ugh, Knox is so fuckin' annoying, I wish he'd leave me alone"
"Then stop hanging out with him"
"No, he's my best friend, I'd never"
• taking his sunglasses
sometimes you take it without asking, sometimes he gives them to you because you complain about the sun being in your eyes, sometimes he gives them to you to hold while he does stunts. you two practically share sunglasses.
• late nights at corner stores
omg, going to get slushies, snacks, milkshakes. literally mini grocery shopping trips. once, you two got a little too carried away and ended up spending over 100 dollars on snacks. the workers hate you guys.
• him cutting your hair while you're sleeping
a bit thingy for jackass, instead of buzzing your hair, he took a pair of scissors and "gave you a trim". he left before you could wake up. so when you did wake up, you got out of bed to see a chunk of your hair and a pair of scissors on the nightstand.
• being menaces at hotels omg
running down the halls, ding dong ditch, prank calling other rooms, actually getting the police called once or twice, having races (one person takes the elevator and one person takes the steps to see who would get to the next floor first)
• if you guys sit next to each other, theres no way the two of you are gonna be quiet.
you guys are always joking about something, even if you aren't talking, you're doing something that makes the other person laugh, you guys got yelled at for doing it during an important meeting. now you're not allowed to sit next to each other during business meetings.
• secret handshakes
• like multiple
every other month, the two of you make up a new hand shake that'll only last about a week. you guys forget about them all the time 😭
• having a playlist of songs that the two of you constantly listen to
its always
"Hey, listen to this new song i like."
and it becomes both of your favorite songs.
so you're practically sharing a music taste.
• ight thats all i got :)
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What I think class 1b were like as toddlers because I cant stop thinking about it <3
Awase - definitely got in trouble a lot for welding shit together, he would welding his toys together to make these big as sculptures to give to his dad and it would be so cute but such a pain in the ass at the same time. He tries to be helpful with his quirk though <3 one time he was holding the light for his dad (universal experience) and welded the light to his forehead only to blind his dad when they looked at eachother.
Sen - he was a good kid for the most part but I think he would test peoples patience and pick fights with litterally everyone. Like some kid down the street looked at him wrong so now hes chasing him down the street screaming with a handfull of water balloons. Has 100% threatened to drill people with his quirk <3 took pictures of anything and everything with his moms phone.
Kamakiri - spent 100% of his time outside catching bugs or frogs or something. His mom would constantly get onto him for bringing bugs and shit into the house so he would go outside with a little grass hopper in his hands and sulk on the porch </3
Kuroiro - he would mostly keep to himself and just draw or play alone simply because he preferred it that way but the one game he always loved playing with others was hide and seek, only because he was a GOD at that game. 100% made a babysitter almost cry before because they thought he ran away or something when he was just hiding in the shadows (quite litterally)
Kendo - pure angel. Nice to everyone and everything and helped with anything she could help with <3 she seems like the type of kid that would hold your hand or something if you were sad or do something for you that makes her happy and omg I love her sm <3
Kodai - quiet kid. She did 100% use her quirk oh her toys though. Like she would take a small dino figure and size it up to take up her entire room to be more accurate to the game shes playing. Mostly kept to herself and was akward around others but definitely liked helping <3
Komori - problem child. She grew mushrooms everywhere and would pretend to make mushroom soup with the mushrooms she grew <3 definitely had to go to the hospital before because 'pretty mushrooms cant be poisonous' (the pretty mushroom was in fact poisonous)
Ibara - had one of those pocket bibles that she carried with her all the time. Stereotypical christian kid <3 not much I can say tbh exsept I feel like her vine hair would get caught on stuff a lot
Shishida - such a big kid for his age but shy asf. Hid behind his moms leg when he met new people. People constantly thought he was a short teen for how hairy he is when hes like 5. Idk why but he gives me 'doesent like loud noises' vibes. Asked his mom for shades to look cool and they stayed with him ever since
Shoda - shy kid that hides behind his moms leg 2.0. Idk why but I feel like he was a leash kid. Not because he was a problem child but because he would just wander off and no one would notice. Almost got cps called on him mom like 12 times for child neglect because he just walks away lmao
Pony - she the kid that walks up to strangers at pools and stuff and says shit like "my mommy says that her sister is a narcissistic bitch that deserves to rot in hell, watch me do this, its really cool!" Then she just jumps in the pool while whoever shes talking too goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Tsubaraba - problem child. Definitely was one of those kids that made up jokes that dont make sense (He thinks theyre funny plz laugh) also a very talkative kid. Not in the pony way but he would walk up to you and tell you everything he knows about dinos <3 ran out of breath quickly when he was a kid (cuz his quirk) so he had a little inhaler on him all the time
Tetsutetsu - outgoing popular kid that everyone likes. Everyone wants him on their dodge ball team <3. Knew different cuss words but not what they ment so he would say shit like 'son of a fuck you bitchin butt fart' or shit like that. Almost bit his tongue off before because he was talking while eating. (I wanna say he learned his lesson but he did it again a week later.)
Tokage - really liked legos as a kid. Her entire bedroom was just legos and her pet lizard named after some character from a movie she liked or smthn. She would confidently shout the wrong awnser in class (thinking shes right) and get hella confused when the teacher says shes wrong. Pony type talkative <3
Manga - his parents fridge never had enough room for his drawings. The only trouble he would cause is drawing on the walls or his bed sheet and stuff like that. He was pretty good at controlling his quirk but he was still really careful to not say certain things that would lead to house fires or his family being crushed lmao
Honenuki - adorable kid. He would constantly go up to strangers and compliment them <3 he would steal his dads ties and stuff and walk around with them on to feel like an adult and it was always so cute. Definitely the type of kid thay would take his moms phone to take pictures of random flowers and shit.
Bondo - taller and bigger than the rest of the kids his age. He preferred playing with bugs and other small animals than the other kids. One day he came home from school and his mom saw that he had a rabbit? For some reason? Next thing ya know they have a pet rabbit called carrot stick and it was his best friend <3
Monoma - he was cannonly teased and made fun of a lot as a kid for his quirk so I think he had some hannah montana type double life. Like at school he was being bullied and kept to himself and just kinda sit there and take it but at home he would be talking about how he rulled the school and was treated like a king there because of how awesome he is </3
Reiko - watched a lot of horror movies as a kid. Like her babysitter would be like 'you cant watch that its too scary' but then the babysitter is the one that ends up scared while reiko is drawing a little doodle of whatever movie monster is in front of her <3
Rin - angel child. Definitely shy but will talk your ear off if you ask him about dragons <3 his mom has the entire 'how to train your dragon' movie franchise memorized because of how often rin would watch it. He would pick flowers (or weeds that look like flowers) on his way home from school and give them to his family.
They were all so sweet im gonna cry </3
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rzyraffek · 2 years
hello again jiji (walks on all fours and leaves his order) a reaction from the slashers (the ones you want) to a y/n that draws nsfw of them (again, I love the other one) KISSES AND THANK YOU SO MUCH♡
Omg its u again🙄/j As always thanks for reuqest!! Sorry it took few days to write I was sick😔pronouns she/her Requests open
Slashers reacting to y/n nsfw drawings of them
Asa emory
He just came back, he is rarley home so he assumed she will be out or sleeping
He went into house and streight into bedroom(bug men needs sleep too😴)
He saw the drawing just vibing on desk near bed, he really looks at Her stuff but he choose violence today
"Uhhhhh🧍‍♂️" "wha, oh ur home😊 nice to-Asa what are you looking at?😨" "Uhhhhhh🧍"
Asa did expect her to miss him (due to him being all busy and away from home most of time) but like?? Gurl? U down bad pls??? She could say so? "Aww poor loney thing, you know you could just text me~" "🤯NO😳Asa its 4am😩🤨"
I mean Asa is very very creative men im sure He will figure something out, how to make it up to her.
"I always thought you prefered bugs tbh" "I- You mean like in bed??🤨" "yea😔" "wtf🧍"
Man just came back from lovley killing spree he had, he was ready to tell her all about stupid people he encoutered today
"Im back honey! Ooh- she left little gift for me awww*sees the drawing* 😳😍oh myy i didint know you had those ideas"
Btw she in fact did not leave it there on purpose and she did not want him to see it
"What what u screaming about *sees it* ohgodno i can explain really I-"
If he will try to tease her, she should just shmack him really🔨, he stops or gets bullied by his gf
Once per few weeks he will radomly remind her of sins that she commited, she will exprience flashbacks
Heelshie Brahms
Man was watching her draw for good 30minutes, of course she had no clue, he was in walls
He didnt really know what she was drawing but she seemed really blushy and into it. And we all know that Brahms is curious creature ofcourse he will look at stuff she drew
Bro got into the room while she was out doing chores. He took the paper, and looked at it for good few mintues until "oh I forgot my towel-BRAHMS WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN- NNOO DONT LOOK" "Bloody hell what am I looking at🤨"
He wasnt flustered or anything He just kinda 🤨💀
"I mean if you have any Dreams you could ju-" "NO NO I DONT IM GOING BACK TO AMERCIA"
She in fact didnt go back to amercia, and he stole the drawing btw
Ah😍 he came back from hunt, ready to give y/n a lovley gift!
Oh mate im back from hunt! I- what- what is that- what is the meaning! I- Mate explain!!"
Alien man got confused
He will carry it all the way to place where shes vibing rn (bonus points if they leave with other humans/yautjas cuz He wasnt covering any of it) "WHAT what, what you mean mate??? I- I do not understand :( "
Guys pls be patient the big guy does not understand :(
Its even worse because not only she has to wittnes her lover being all 😨😔😍 but in addition she has to explain it to him?? Duble boom
"If you crave anything mate, you could just tell me🙄"
This is post made by asexual gang. Shout out to all asexual gang members. Remeber to like and subscibe to join asexual gang
Not the best fics, i would rate it 6/10 in funny scale.
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spectralsleuth · 9 months
Saw you were lookin’ for some asks dont mind if I do 👀
To start off, I’m such a big fan of your writing! I genuinely look forward to every single update of yours and find myself rereading a lot of work in the downtime. You are such a good writer!! My never ending praises aside, here are some asks!
-You incorporate OC’s into your fics so seamlessly! They feel so natural in your fics that I legit get excited anytime they show up (srsly can’t wait for Lou Jitsu vs Hidden City, Sal’s my boy) lol how do you find the right balance when introducing and maintaining OC’s in your fics? I feel like that’s a particularly difficult balance beam to tread but you absolutely crush it.
-A previous ask you answered about Cass and Raph in LSoW got me thinking; how do the brothers handle humans crushing on them? Would they be receptive or dismissive? Do they develop crushes on humans- and if so, how is that perceived (by family or the general public)? The drama 👀
Last ask, I promise:
-I absolutely loved your crossover with Empathy is Learned! Got anymore crossovers planned in the future? Oooor if you could do a crossover with any other fic, which one(s) would it/they be??
Thanks for taking the time to even look at this! I hope these are some fun asks for ya :) I hope you have a lovely day!!
Omg thanks so much... I'm so happy people enjoy my writing it's crazy to me. I've written before, but it's always been just for myself so I never really know if it was good or not. (Years of text based DnD is to thank lol.) (Okay I got carried away answering this so sorry in advance.)
On OC's:
I got a lot of comments on LSoW from people who say "generally I don't like OC's BUT-" which is so funny and flattering. Because I am absolutely one of those people who don't care for OC's in fic.
Let me be clear: I LOVE that people write self indulgent self-insert of OC based fic, where they make the craziest off the wall story etc. Every time a fifteen year old writes a story about the cringiest Mary-sue/stu self insert, or non canon character, an angel gets its wings and I mean that one hundred percent. It makes me so happy I literally grin when I see it. I HOWEVER generally filter out the OC tags on AO3 when I'm looking for something to read myself.
So when I started posting LSoW I was expecting to get maybe like, 100 kudos MAX, maybe one comment or so. Which is great! I love writing niche fic just for me, and one other person who I assume I must be drift compatible with. I just could not figure out a way to write the story I wanted without a few OC's- Rise didn't have a big enough character catalog for me to draw from!
When I went to write the OC's, I knew that they had to have a very simple backstory, that was also very fleshed out. (Xander and Sal have full family, Dr. Heo and Carter have full jobs and history together, etc.) For another contradiction I wanted them to be interesting enough that someone reading wouldn't just be skipping ahead to when they weren't present, or just simply plowing through to get past the part where they were doing exposition. They had to be enjoyable! While also forwarding the story!
They also had to be distinct. Anyone who's ever watched a Whedon show or movie (Buffy, Firefly, Avengers-) knows what I'm talking about. It drives me nuts when the characters in a show are constantly the funniest person in the room, with the same personality traits, and the same girl boss/badass tendencies.
(Fandom challenge Impossible: Give a female fan favorite character another trait besides 'girlboss/mom/lesbian'. I'm dead serious.)
(Also a disclaimer: I LOVE making jokes and doing bits. I FANCY that I'm pretty funny, and I love making people laugh. But you can do that without making it a character personality trait. For example: Xander doesn't really crack any jokes in LSoW! He's just funny because we the reader know more about the situation and his thoughts than he does.)
But the BIGGEST THING I kept telling myself while writing the story, was DO NOT TAKE AWAY FROM THE TURTLES. Because the whole point of the story is the turtles! And Yoshi! The OC's are there to facilitate that. It's a hard balance to hit. I have all sorts of touchstones I keep in mind while I'm writing, and that's a big one.
(A SUPER good example of this done super well is @faiakishi 's Bella from Dawning of the Hour. She's a great OC that's super interesting, and a super important narrative element, but she never detracts from the main story. Big Bella fan here lmao. There's also the rest of the OC's/interpretations of franchise characters (TIGERCLAW), but Bella stands out as truly original.)
On the Turtles dating Humans:
(CW: CSA mention, SA mention, non graphic talk of minors dating etc.)
I actually talked a lot about this to @/tangledinink in feverish discord chats lmao.
When the boys were growing up they got a very detailed talk from both Yoshi, and their Doctors. ONE: Because nobody will know better than themselves if something was medically wrong with their bodies, TWO: The boys are all intersex (minus Mikey) and they had to understand that there was nothing wrong with them on TOP of the turtle thing, and THREE: Because Yoshi knew the boys would be getting a lot of attention, and you never know what kind of attention that form will take.
THE BEST WAY to protect children (any child) from being sexually assaulted or abused, is making sure they know what that abuse LOOKS LIKE. You don't have to make them terrified of being sexually assaulted, but them knowing how their body works, and also how to say NO and set boundaries, will combine to help make them safer.
Yoshi didn't know what would happen in the future and in a perfect world the boys would never leave his line of sight, but that's not always how things happen. (In a Short Season, Xander parroted Yoshi's instructions before going out to make sure the boys knew what to do if someone grabbed them (in any way) and it was to bite and be loud.) So the boys grew up knowing their bodies, knowing how to say 'no', and knowing that there was probably going to be people out there who would treat them as a novelty, and who wouldn't be appropriate to them as celebrities OR non-humans.
(Remember Emma Watson having to deal with that countdown to her turning 18? Or any other amount of child stars who had to deal with adults being predatory to them.)
But ALSO THIS IS HAMATO YOSHI. His sons are HANDSOME and HEARTBREAKERS! Leo has dated a lot but never anything seriously, and his inability to be intimate with anyone but family kind of puts a damper on any more permanent relationship. (He is gay.) He's the number one turtle people ask out because he's the most approachable. Because he made himself that way!
Donnie is in a sort of relationship with Kendra. (THIS WILL BE A FIC I'm working up to it lmao.) I have a head canon that Yokai and other empyrean based creatures are capable of having rivalry based relationships. IE Yoshi and Draxum in the canon show, the unhealthy dynamic between Yoshi and Big Mama, etc. (Caliginous relationship) Donnie is in a puppy love version of that with Kendra, while also lacking the context of yokai society to understand why he wants to punch her very badly, but also if anything happened to her he would die. They hate each others guts and also she was his first kiss. She is not a nice person I am not a Kendra apologist she's terrible I love her. (Donnie is bi!)
I know a lot of people head canon Mikey as ace, but he is a thirteen year old child you don't have to be head canoning him as anything. it is the very rare 13 year old who knows their orientation, and even if they DO I bet you donuts to dollars it will change eventually. This is normal and healthy. Mikey in LSoW has had puppy crushes on boys, girls, teachers, Violet, the mailman, Adam, and Rupert Swaggert. (Eugh eugh eugh.)
Raph is absolutely irresistible to the entire student body and is completely unaware of it. He's not stupid but he's face blind and bad at picking up subtext in conversations. He's gone to multiple people's houses and spent the whole day with them, without realizing they were trying to make it a date. (Raph is bi.)
All the boys have considered identifying as girls since their Dad is the martial arts equivalent of David Bowie and Fine With That, but have settled (for now) on being boys (age 10 the last time they considered this) because quote 'Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim are boys and they're awesome' unquote.
They don't get any fucking privacy for their relationships, and Leo in particular had a very bad experience that closed him off from dating big time. (Stamps 'THIS WILL BE A FIC' on this as well.) But also, as of the LSoW canon they are like, 12-14 and not doing a lot of dating ANYWAY. They are BABIES.
(Enter Casey Jones)
I have one crossover with my white whale of authors (you know who you are) I have pecked at with them that I think everyone will go fucking nuts for and love, but I won't mention it in case we can't get it off the ground! (A completely okay and normal thing to happen lmao.) I think that one will end up happening though because I am too excited about it, even if it's not any time soon.
I am super open to crossovers and cowriting, especially since writing with Li because I learned SO MUCH it was like speed running improvement.
The thing is it has to fit! There's some crossovers that wouldn't have a lot of substance because there's not really a lot to cover. When it came to EiL for example, there was PLENTY to cover and do, it was so fun! But other fics might not have a lot we could do for each other. (At least, not until I get some more world building done.)
That being said I do love talking crossovers with other creators it's so fun...
If you guys ever want to use my OC's feel free, just ask me in advance! I don't mind pings.
THESE ASKS ARE FUN THANKS FOR SENDING THEM I feel like you just threw a steak into my zoo exhibit. I am recharged and rejuvenated my crops are watered my skin is clear. This felt very pretentious to write I am mortified.
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
7:15am, ransom and bitty, haus kitchen, “honeybee” by anju
OMG new song obsession for real. its so sweet and lovely and like perfect sunday morning vibes - thank you for the introduction! i hope you like your ficlet!!! 💜🦗
want your own ficlet? followers can submit prompts using these guidelines through Jan 31 2024 (only 4 days left oh gosh!) all ficlets submitted by the deadline will get written!
7:15am, haus kitchen
No shade to Holster and an exquisitely co-planned kegster, but there’s nothing more perfect than early Tuesday mornings in the kitchen of the Haus. There’s no practice until the afternoon, the rest of the Haus either asleep or have already left to begin their day like the robot they claim not to be. It’s just Ransom, alone in the kitchen, watching the street wake up with the sun over his cup of coffee. It’s a nice moment of stillness before the eight AM class that kicks off his busiest day. Just him and the other poor fools with early classes.
Ransom does a double take when he sees Bitty of all people running back to the Haus, waving goodbye to Jack as he carries on for another loop of campus. He would have bet his share of Bitty’s pies for the rest of the year that Bitty would rather die than get up this side of eight on a day when he doesn’t have class until ten. 
Bitty practically dances through the front door and into the kitchen, the very picture of cloud nine, only catching sight of Ransom staring at him in shock when he twirls around toward the fridge for creamer.
“Oh! Mornin’, Rans. Didn’t know you’d be up this early!”
“I could say the same to you, Bits.”
Bitty’s cheeks go pink at that, his eyes flicking to the window. “Well, Jack offered to start checking practice again, after that last game, and the way practice has been going…” He trails off for a moment, lost in memories and Ransom doesn’t push, doesn’t want to remind Bitty even more of the hit from last season. Doesn’t want to think about how still Bitty was, just lying there on the ice, helmet thrown feet away from him.
“Anyhow,” Bitty says with determined cheer. “The only open slot was real early before the figure skaters so Jack—”
“He didn’t,” Ransom chimes in with mock horror.
“He did. Five o’clock in the morning. Well, actually quarter t’five so that we had time to walk over. Before the sun was even thinkin’ ‘bout peekin’ over the horizon.” He’s shaking his head ruefully but his eyes go soft, glancing outside once again, and Ransom feels a funny swoop in his chest. “It was real pretty in Faber though, seein’ all those pretty colors through the windows.”
Ransom can picture it in his mind’s eye, Bitty’s blonde hair etched in early morning rays like a halo, lit from all sides where the sun reflects off the ice like some sort of deity.
“I’ll bet,” Ransom manages to say before taking a hasty swig of his coffee.
“What are you doin’ up this early anyways?” Bitty asks, rummaging in the fridge.
“Got class at eight.”
“It ain’t even seven yet!”
That’s stretching it a bit, he can see the microwave clock blinking 6:59 over Bitty’s shoulder, but Ransom just shrugs. “I’ve got a packed day, five classes, plus practice after. So I started getting up earlier to have a moment to center myself before the madness.”
“Oh! D’you want me to leave? This can all wait.”
“No!” Ransom clears his throat before dropping his voice back to a reasonable volume. “I mean no, you’re fine to stay. I’d like you to, if you want.”
Bitty watches his face for a long moment before the furrow in his brow clears and he takes Ransom at his words with a wide smile. “Well then, sugar, you’ll have to taste test this french toast recipe I found the other day while studying for that food history class Jack and I are taking.”
“However will I survive?” Ransom deadpans, pleased when Bitty dissolves into giggles.
“I’m sure you’ll muddle through somehow,” he says solemnly, teasing Ransom right back.
Ransom sits back and watches Bitty flit around the kitchen cooking up a storm, lets his torrent words wash over him and fade to a pleasant buzz, and soaks up the honey-sweetness of Bitty’s presence, ignoring the clock for now. 
He’s got plenty of time.
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luimagines · 1 year
Omg random thought but its too cute/funny (to me) not to share
Context: Time is married to s/o, who he’s known since like the beginning of his adventures. His s/o took the role of a rebellion leader during the seven years he was asleep and is just a badass.
Imagine for some reason, the chain encounters a younger version of Time (like late teens/early 20’s) who is a slightly more childish and playful. They end up naming him Mask due to the hoard of masks he carries. The group thought it would be best if Mask wasnt aware his relation to the old man, a secret surprisingly hard to keep! One night before the boys went to bed the topic of love interests got brought up. (No clue how, probably Sky talking about his Zelda or Wild reminiscing about the few memories he has with Mipha)
During most of the conversation, both Mask and Time stayed quiet. The latter for obvious reasons but the former not so much. Suddenly a loud groan is emitted from the younger man, who in tandem, throws himself back onto the grass in a dramatic gesture. When asked if he’s alright by one of the boys, they are met with another groan. The camp falls silent for a moment before Mask sits up once again and moans about how he wishes he could confess to the intimidating leader that has won over his heart.
He continues to rant about how stunning and majestic they are. How inspiring and strong they’ve become. How they could -and would-beat him in any fight. Yet he sorrowfully proclaims how even though he’s the hero of his hyrule, they would never share the same feelings. “ How could they? They could win the hand of anyone of their choosing with just a glance.
While this is happening all the boys are TRYING SO HARD NOT TO SAY ANYTHING. Sky and Wind are trying to reassure Mask that he absolutely has a chance. Warriors and Legend have to step away as to not bust out laughing at the dramatic scene. Wild and Hyrule distract themselves with what remains of their dinner (but their also this 🤏 close to losing it). Four is side eyeing Time HARD (like “this was you? Cmon man”) and poor Twilight looks so like he’s about to give away the whole secret.
“But where’s Time?” you ask. At the beginning, Time had to lower his head to block the view of the mass cringe on his face. But once Mask had quieted down slightly, he cant help the gentle smile as he caresses his wedding band. Mask might not know his story but Time does, and he’d do it all again for those moments you’ve shared together.
anyways, love your stuff! Take care of yourself 🥰
(thank you 🥰🥰)
Twilight also cringing just as hard. "There's no way we can be related. I was never like that. I have to get it from my other side. It's drowned out. Replaced. There's no way there's any similarities."
Wild: My god, you're his spitting image.
Wind is holding back giggles as he pats Mask on the back. "Maybe you'll just grow old and never confess-"
"Wind please." Sky smacks his hand.
"And then you can adopt a nice bird or puppy and you'll have the train them with tricks and treats and get a new friend every twenty years-"
"You are not helping!"
Mask just groans louder. "Nevermind. I'm going to die alone. Leave me to my misery."
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Omg!! Thank you for taking your time in writing prompts. I would like to request Levihan 26. 'The diamond in your engagement ring is fake' (not sure if this the correct name haha) thank you little sunshine 🌞
Drunk Drabbles 26: “The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.” This has got to be the silliest and most un-canon thing I've ever written. I also totally got carried away with the word count. Hope you enjoy it, Anon! Thanks for the ask and calling me Sunshine 🥰 You're too cute. Anyway, this one's for you. Offer Your Hearts (But, Seriously, Keep Your Secrets) Characters: Levi x Hange, Erwin  Word Count: 1425 words Erurihan x Friends Crossover
There was something inviting about the parlour despite the meagre light cast from the small open fire. A single candelabra had been lit and placed upon the low table, around which Erwin and Levi had gathered. The Scout’s Commander was sipping red wine from a long-stemmed glass whilst his companion held a china teacup by its rim. However, the calm which had settled over the room was not to last. In the corridor beyond, there came a thud followed by the frantic rattle of the door handle. Before either of the men could utter an exclamation, Hange had flung themself into the room, barely managing to pant out an apology.
“We’ve only just started!” Erwin assured them cheerily, lifting an almost-full bottle of merlot. “I got you a glass.”
“Ohh… no, no, no.” Hange waved their hands. “Not after the last time. I haven’t been able to touch red wine since!”
“Probably… for the best.” Erwin glanced at Levi who promptly averted his eyes. As Hange sat down beside him, they could not help but notice the way Levi’s mouth twitched. Their head turned towards Erwin who was pressing his lips to his glass, his shoulders shaking. A nasty, lurking feeling had settled upon Hange. It was as the men’s barely-suppressed tittering became unendurable, that realisation suddenly dawned.
“No… no way… you told him?”
At this, the two men dissolved into laughter. Hange leapt to their feet, the belt from their dressing gown whipping the air.
“Look, I wasn’t drunk!” Hange gestured at them violently, even as Erwin howled and Levi covered his face with his palm. “Erwin’s the one who insisted that I visit a merchant in the city. He was a potential sponsor for the Scouts so I had to make a good impression. It wasn’t my choice to go! The wine was disgusting - far too rich! Give me that flat, pisswater beer they serve at The Hole in the Wall in town anyday!” Hange dropped their arms as the volume of their mirth increased.
“It’s not like I chose to throw up in his coat closet!” they tried helplessly, “I wasn’t thinking ‘oh, this’ll make the evening go faster!’”
Still, the two men rocked with laughter. 
“Fine!” Hange stammered, “maybe I should even the score then!” Whirling round to face Levi, they raised their finger triumphantly. “Did you know that Erwin gets his eyebrows threaded at a salon in town?”
“Doesn’t surprise me.” Levi lifted his cup to his mouth.
“Yeah? And he gets his hair bleached?”
Levi choked on a mouthful of tea.
“Well, if that’s how you want to play it, Hange!” Erwin set down his wine glass upon the table. “I wonder if Levi knows that you once gave Sawney a foot massage?”
Hange chanced a look at Levi. He was regarding her with an expression of abject disgust; eyes narrowed and mouth hanging open.
“To think I let you touch me with those hands, Four Eyes…” 
“Erwin owns a copy of ‘Love in the Time of Titans’ and I know for a fact that he’s read it at least twice!” Hange exploded.
Levi gave a husky little laugh. Even as he leaned forward for his cup, the smile still lingered upon his face.
“Oh, think that’s funny do you Levi?” There was a dangerous glint in Erwin’s eye. “Let’s tell some of your secrets, shall we?”
All at once Levi’s features turned to stone. “Hange and I are getting married. We already know everything there is to know about each other.” His eyes flicked from Hange to Erwin. “You’d best keep quiet if you know what’s good for you.”
“Levi couldn’t tell the time until he was twenty eight!” Erwin announced, his stare with Levi unbroken.
“Wha-” Levi gestured fruitlessly. “It… It’s hard for some people!” He glanced again at Hange, this time for reassurance. His fiancée nodded with visible confidence. 
“See?” As Levi took another sip of his tea, Hange widened their eyes in unspoken shock.
“After Marie started dating Nile, Erwin grew a goatee!” Levi snarled in retaliation. Erwin inched so far forward that he almost slid from the sofa onto the floor.
“Once, Levi was ordered to redo his cleaning chores by his first Scout Leader so he stole the guy’s face mask, used it to wipe down the bathrooms, then put it back in the guy’s room.”
“One time, Hange wore my underwear to work!” Levi cried.
“Sorry!” Levi clapped a hand to his forehead, “I just couldn’t think of any more for Erwin.”
“When he was living in the Underground, Levi slept with an elderly fortune teller just so she would give him a discount off tea leaves!” Erwin declared.
“Holy shitwalls!” Hange gripped their sides, wheezing noisily. “I can’t! I’m laughing so hard…”
“...so hard you need to find another closet to throw up in?” Levi lashed back at them. Hange snapped upright, their back pressed against the sofa as though rearing for an offensive move.
“Levi entered a singing contest at The Hole in the Wall and won.”
“Hange came in third and broke a bar stool!” Levi returned the serve.
Erwin collapsed into renewed laughter, his face his hands. Hange clucked their tongue, shaking their head slowly and deliberately.
“You go on and laugh Erwin… I’m still picturing you with a moustache!”
Erwin readied himself, as though considering whether or not to seize the bait. Finally, he snapped. “Be my guest, Hange. I bet you don’t know that Levi told me that the diamond in your engagement ring is a fake!”
Hange’s wheezing laughter drew to a sudden halt. They shared a bewildered glance with Levi. Then Hange stretched their arms above their head.
“You know, Erwin, I just don’t think diamonds suit me!” They yawned and cocked their head to one side. “Besides, I spend half my time looking down a microscope, so surely I would have noticed?”
“Now that doesn’t surprise me.” Erwin’s voice carried a tinge of pride. To his left, Levi shifted uncomfortably. 
“It’s not a diamond. It’s a piece of crystalised wall-” He stopped, eyes widening as Erwin swept out a hand.
“Don’t tell me! Because… Hange discovered the crystallisation process and you wanted to commemorate their success as well as your love.” He brought his fist to his mouth and shook his head. 
“Oi…” Levi sighed, “you sound like you’ve read ‘Love in the Time of Titans’ all over again.”
“You haven’t read it!” Erwin’s voice struggled and broke as he waved his free hand. “You don’t know real fluff and angst!” …
Beyond the window the night was black and still, only broken by distant patches of streetlight. Erwin’s wine bottle had emptied without Levi or Hange’s help. Dying embers glowed in the metal grate. Two empty teacups stood upon the low table. Behind, three exhausted figures had sunk into the sofa’s backrest.
“In my defence… it was winter so the goatee had its practical use.” Erwin punctuated his point by placing his wine glass down a little harder than he meant to.
“And in my defence, the fortune teller came onto me.” The shadows thrown from the low flames flickered over Levi’s pale face. “Thirsty bitch.”
“Sounds like you were the thirsty bitch.” Hange chuckled. “Thirsty for tea anyway… I don’t suppose you still have trouble telling the time now right?”
Levi was glaring towards the opposite wall when Hange thrust their pocket watch in his face. With a quick flick of their thumb, the catch clicked open.
“Quick - what time is it?”
“I don’t know, time to rub some titan feet?”
Hange lowered their arm.
“You know… just because we’re getting married, it doesn’t mean we have to tell each other every little thing.” They regarded him imploringly, eyes rounded in the gloom of the parlour. “Some secrets are best kept that way. Right… Levi?”
Levi’s thin smile returned.
“Then we should keep all the secrets we've shared here this evening.” Erwin stood, smoothing down the creases in his slacks. He leaned down to pick up the empty wine bottle and glass. “In that case, I’ll plan to avoid the company of anyone who knows that I have my hair coloured.”
Levi reclined so that his arm rested against the back of the sofa. “I would avoid Miche then.”
“...and anyone in the pub at this time of evening,” Hange added, craning their neck around to regard Erwin. The military commander briefly looked as though he was about to answer before he stormed from the room. ... Step right up! Step right up! New Drunk Drabble Prompts! 👈
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sadesluvr · 1 year
Once again, this is for fun💀 Don’t come at me if you disagree, unless it’s done respectfully. This may be a long, rambly post but I’ll be as coherent as possible🤣
1. In love with Mike now, IDK. The teaser didn’t give me much to work with, but he’s so cute and babyfaced yet rugged and dark😋 His relationship to Abby is giving me horny thoughts™️, like Ineedhimtobreedme… He seems to have dry humour which is totally how I imagine and write him to be!!
2. Why did Henry get jumped by Bonnie omg💀 Anyway, he’s looking like a total dad ™️ , love the long hair and mature look…Definitely how I imagine him to be!! He looks like a wrestler named Mick Foley (also a good guy) which I find funny lol
3. SO HAPPY CORYXKENSHIN GOT A CAMEO! I was going to be quite annoyed if he got left out over all the white FNAF youtubers, he’s just as deserving.
4. Pizzeria layout looks interesting!
THE BAD (loose term)
1. The animatronics and aesthetics look too clean…IDK
2. I also don’t know if this is going to be as dark as people hope? I didn’t get the vibe from the trailer, but it could always surprise me. Also, (genuine question, enlighten me) from what I know, Peacock is known for not liking unnecessarily violent content (ref: It hosts WWE and censors mature/violent content at times) so how comes its being released to the platform? Or is it because it’s a movie so it doesn’t matter?
- Where Mike and Abby live is interesting to me, because it seems like a house? But he clearly lives away from their mom, as he surely would’ve left Abby with her if they were close? I guess they’re estranged or have a really loose relationship - She could even be dead and might just appear in flashbacks only💀
- STEVE! (Jokes aside, I feel like this is a Mike centric film)
- UMMM so towards the end of the trailer there’s a kid holding a toy gun being carried at the back of a car whilst Mike screams - I THINK THIS IS EVAN?? All the siblings have the same hair colour, and if he was one of the missing 5 he would’ve been in the circle in the forest? I even think the woman driving him is their Mom…
EDIT: Or it could be Michael too! I wonder why he’s running after him, and why he looks so sad though?
- I feel like the forest stuff is out of place, but now that I’ve thought about it I think it’s just dream sequences…Weird setting though
- So, Vanessa might not meet Mike at the mall after all - Still don’t know what to think about her but she’s obviously shady asf. On the subject of her, I’m holding onto the theory that they’re siblings (source: i made it up). Something could happen in the hospital where he has to sign for her, and he’ll see the ‘Afton’ name (If she’s still Vanessa A Ness). Once/If they show William’s hair colour I’m doing a genealogy tree😭
- William always in his damn office staring at the camera…Get ur fucking ass up and WORK!
Anyway, share your thoughts too! I wanna hear them :) You can DM me too 🙈 <3
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lillwhy-is-ded · 5 months
i stilldont like the taste of beer and i barely care for being drunk i poured half a pacifico in the bushes half in my coffee cup and tried to sip on it throughout the movie but i coulddnt and so when i got home i poured diet root beer in there and plugged my nose to drink some in the kitchen
and i noticed something yesterday i hate walking with girls that act like homeless men are the threat no they are usually just trying to get by or theyre passed out on the ground and like barking is stupif i hate when people say to bark at random men on the street that you find threatening like potentially if they actually approach you but at a certain point youre the one harrassing homeless people and like idk its obnoxious also like some people think barking is funny but theres places you cant do that bc youll get shot and like i barely know anything but i know enough not to go around barking like yea carry pepper spray and all that and know your surroundings know your exits clock peoples movements and what theyre carrying but. like idk its normal to look out for ourselves and eachother as girls but if youre walking in a hoard and no one is paying you any attention its kinda rude to be like run away from this man thats sleeping and squeal and bark like okay pbviously theree so much nuance to this and ive never drank by myself before so maybe thats why im talkative but this is thinking back to a couple days ago
i also dont like when people sit right behind me anywhere or when they fill every silence with talking or layghter or a omg i just thought of something or take apicture with flash this is my review of the theatre by the ways
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hancydrewfan · 11 months
Reasons I Love SequinSmile-x, For Her Birthday
I occasionally can write a lil fic, but only when inspiration hits at exactly the right moment. So I have no gift fic for my bestie @sequinsmile-x. Instead, I offer a list of reasons I love her with my whole heart including several of my favourite fics of hers. (below the cut, because I got a lil carried away in her honour)
When Tomorrow Begins, the tragic and beautiful EPIC SAGA of one incredible AU with impeccable flashbacks. Vic had just posted chapter eight of the sequel, If Tomorrow Starts Without Me, when I discovered this series I think two years ago. It remains a favourite that I am always thinking about all the time, especially since its gutwrenching, tearjerking, perfect conclusion last year, and I have reread it at least twice.
Martha, the most perfect beautiful angel of a cat. I do not have a cat, but I have a collection of my friends’ cats that I consider my babies and I will one day meet Martha in person and officially give her all the pets she absolutely deserves.
Tequila Confessions, which I guess I accidentally gave some ideas for and then she kindly gifted it to me (the first of many, including two of three follow-ups to TC!). This fic never fails to make me laugh and cry from laughing and I cherish it for starting a long tradition of me being a doofus and Vic running with my doofusness to create magic. (Again, I apologize for Invasion. I was runnin’ my mouth, that’s on me.)
A shared love of Tim Hortons, despite us being located in different continents. I have had many text conversations with her while walking home from therapy with an iced cap or a french vanilla in my hands and Midnights playing in my ears. A truly comforting friend even though there are many thousands of miles between us. Also because she’s British she uses the beautiful U in favourite and colour and honour and it makes me SO HAPPY. (this entry is about Canada-UK relations lol)
Love You In The Dark, another iNcReDiBLe AU fic where our intrepid heroes find each other in 1963. I know she worked so hard to get the setting right, and it can be a challenge to nail the voice and actions of characters in an era so unlike their own, but she friggin’ nailed it with this one. And it was also completely terrorizing when chapters ended on horrific cliffhangers you absolute freak. Also the way she incorporates canon details in AU fics makes me weep every time!! AND when she makes little easter egg connections to her previous fics, omg. I love puzzles and consider myself to be the human embodiment of Nancy Drew, so these kind of connections and secrets thrill me to no end.
HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CREATIVE THIS GAL IS??????? Friggin. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve screamed at her for sending a header she’s designed for an upcoming fic. And the fake insta posts???? Like wtf. The way she captures their voices in FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA. Stop being so good at everything (please don’t stop you are my lifeblood).
The Way Home, which actually I can’t even speak about because I’m still upset about the last chapter, you evil little pillbug.
She is so fun and so funny and so kind and so giving to this little fandom! We have a rich collection of hotchniss reads thanks to an incredible amount of talented writers, but sorry this post is about Vic and she posts new chapters and one shots multiple times a week, totalling well over a million words on ao3, despite having like a job and friends and a life outside of the internet. I am in awe, always.
okay sorry i’ll stop embarrassing you. love you vic and happy birthday!!!!!!
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