#on one hand I’m glad i took the week off teaching
thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
Tressym can be Fickle
WORDS: 692 RATING: G PAIRING: Gale x Tav SUMMARY: based on a very real arguement between my husband & I on who our cat likes more.
It had been a long, arduous, grueling day at the academy.
Though Gale loved his new role as a professor and educator, teaching the young minds of witches & wizards all across Faerun to harness their magic, induction week was the worst. He felt his life was in less peril fighting the Elder Brain or any of their other enemies & cohorts along the Sword Coast than he was now. Testing the new inductees to file them accordingly to their skill. ‘Skill’ being a very loose word tossed around this week.
He returned home that evening with a heavy sigh through the door, an even heavier thud of his satchel filled with books, and a desperate need to be tended to by his spouse. The whole day had been about soothing the egos, feelings, and on occasion literal wounds of new students that Gale thought he deserved some tending to now.
“Tav?” He called out as he put his cloak away. Usually, they greeted him at the door. Or at least acknowledged him when he came home. Curious, Gale walked through the house to try and find them. His search not long as he came upon Tav in the living room. On the couch by a low fire, with Tara on their lap. “Well….don’t you two look cozy.”
“Hmm, we rather are Mr. Dekarios.” Tara agreed. “Or at least we were, until someone started shouting.”
“Apologies for shouting in my own house.” Gale snipped at Tara. Taking his own plush armchair across from them. “Since when did you become a lap cat? And, before you get too ruffled under the feathers, it’s a figure of speech.”
Tara hummed. Seeming to debate about not letting it go but was perhaps indeed to comfortable to make a fuss. “Very recently I suppose. I never had an interest until now.” The tressym purred with her eyes closed as she tilted her head up towards Tav and her head scratches.
“You never took an interest with me.” Gale said with a deep frown.
“You do not have nails, Mr. Dekarios.”
The wizard growled and stood up. Unable to watch his dearest friend and lover betray him like this in front of his own eyes. It was still early for dinner but he stalked off towards the kitchen to focus his frustrations on what to eat.
A few moments later, Tav came in. Looking confused on why he was so upset. “Sorry.” He apologized quickly. “It’s just been a long day. And I am glad that you and Tara are getting along now. Guess I’m being….overly sensitive at being shut out. Tressym can be fickle, but I’ve never known Tara to change her mind about anyone. Again, not that I’m not pleased you two are getting along. I just never thought I would suddenly be second in her estimation.”
“Suddenly second? Please Mr. Dekarios.” The couple turned to see Tara trot in. Seeming interested in their conversation. “I wouldn’t say that you were suddenly second. Not given my high esteem of your mother. A better estimate is which one of you is second on the day, and who is third.”
“Really Tara? Kick a man while he’s down??”
“But, I’m a reasonable creature. Perhaps my estimations can be over swayed. Perhaps with a bit of chicken? Fried pigeons if you have any?”
“So a creature of reason but not honor, eh?” Gale stated, with a wave of his hand as if he wish to brush away this whole conversation.
Before he could leave, Tav wrapped their arms around his waist. Pulling him close. The smell of their hair in his nose. Something like ‘you’ll always be number 1 to me’ muffled into his chest, which causes him to smile and hold them back.
They tell Gale to go upstairs and relax. Take a bath if he liked, while they made dinner. That sounded heavenly, so he did just that.
When he came back down, he was not amused by the roast chicken on his plate. Nor the grinning little tressym in the corner, licking her chops like she’d just swallowed a canary. Or, perhaps, her bribery chicken.
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janeyseymour · 9 months
this is my first time ever sending a request so lmk if i’m doing this right :)
was wondering if you could make a melissa x fem stoner reader. melissa isn’t aware of the habit and has no reason to be suspicious or bring things up. one day melissa comes unexpectedly comes home to find fem reader lighting up in the kitchen sparking a very interesting conversation
i love your writing and i hope this makes sense thank you :))
Hi! I think I deviated from the path a little... but I hope it still makes you smile!
*This has also been in the works for a week and I've just been so busy with teaching and the holidays... oh LAWD, so it's entirely unedited... my b, my b*
WC: 3.3k
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“Babe, are you sure you don’t want to come?” Melissa asks you one final time. She’s all but rolling her bag out to the car.
“I told you, Mel,” you chuckle. “You and Barb deserve to go have a nice relaxing weekend- just the two of you.”
“Barb wouldn’t mind,” the redhead tells you. “She loves you, and you know it.”
“I know,” you smile and take her hand gently. “But you two deserve to go have a nice weekend without the partners where you can talk shit all you want whenever you want.”
“Like I would ever talk shit on you,” she rolls her eyes.
“Go, baby,” you tell her gently. “I’ll be just fine on my own. I’ll probably catch up on sleep and grade some papers.”
“Okay,” she sighs. “But if anything happens, please call me, and I’ll come home.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. “I’m a fully grown adult, Mel. I lived on my own before I moved in with you,” you remind her.
“I know, I know,” she says quietly. “I just worry about you- especially with your migraines being worse around this time of year.”
“I have the medicine,” you tell her. “I’ll be just fine. Go.”
She kisses you gently. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you mumble against her lips. You pull back. “I expect to see lots of pictures- especially of you at the pool.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” your girlfriend laughs. “Okay, I have to go, but I’ll see you on Sunday night.”
“I’ll see you on Sunday night,” you reply. “Please let me know when you get there safely.”
“I will,” she promises and kisses you once more.
Your Friday night is nearly perfect. You’re able to do some laundry, you get the reading tests graded, you’re able to drink a few glasses of wine and curl up to watch a movie while you eat Chinese takeout. The only thing that could make it perfect would be if Melissa were next to you. Your girlfriend sends you a picture of her and her work wife together at the pool, drinks in hand.
You look amazing. Have fun, babe, you send.
We will, she replies quickly. You’re doing okay?
I did our laundry, graded my reading tests, ordered Chinese food, and I’m curled up drinking a glass of wine and watching Bruce Almighty- the sister in that movie looks a lot like you!
I’m glad you’re enjoying your Friday night, she texts. I’ll talk to you later, I love you.
I love you too Mel. Enjoy your time, and tell Barb I said hello.
You end up dozing on the couch, and when you wake up around midnight, the television is playing softly, you’re still all cozy up under your blankets, and your phone is laying next to you with a few unread messages.
Melissa sent you a picture of her drinking another glass of wine, her cleavage on full display.
No response?
I guess you fell asleep watching your movie like you usually do.
Barb and I are turning in for the night. I love you.
You save the image to your phone before responding, Sorry. Dozed off on the couch. I love you too.
Your head hurts slightly, and not just in the way that one glass of wine would give you a minor headache. Nope. The spot behind your temple starts to throb, and you clench your jaw. A migraine was coming on. You drag yourself off of the couch and into your bedroom where you blindly reach for the bottle of pills you keep in your nightstand. You take one and lay down, hoping that you took your medication soon enough that you’ll just be able to sleep through it and not have to deal with it tomorrow.
When you wake up again, you’re fine. There’s a trace of a headache, but you chalk that up to the fact that you had a few glasses of wine last night. You make yourself a cup of coffee, you heat up some of the breakfast casserole that Melissa left you, and you get comfortable on the couch with a blanket and the book that you’ve been trying to get through since before you and Melissa started dating- you just never have the time anymore. You’re either busy teaching, planning for your classes, prepping materials for the kids, grading papers, or you’re out doing something with your girlfriend. 
You send her a picture of your set up: the blanket, the book, your coffee, and on the television you have a fireplace video with soft music going. Taking the day to relax after this insane week with the kids.
It’s early, earlier than the two of you usually wake up on a weekend, so you set your phone down and open your book. You get through approximately twenty pages before you’re asleep again.
When you wake up, you feel absolutely terrible. Your head is aching, and you’re not sure if you can even stand without wanting to simply shrivel up. So that headache this morning wasn’t the remnants of a hangover- no. It was a migraine starting, and you once again made a foolish choice. 
You cry out as the sound of the youtube video you have up on the television pauses and a rather loud ad comes on. You turn it off in an instant. You know there has to be at least one other migraine pill in the house.
But when you get upstairs and pull open your drawer of the nightstand, your pill bottle is empty. You burst into tears at that- the last of your medication is with Melissa… in the Poconos. You slam the drawer shut in frustration before you can even think about it, and you instantly regret your choice. It bangs shut, and you flinch as it closes.
You’re just going to have to get through this migraine without any medication. It’s going to suck, and you know you’re going to be all but paralyzed when it fully hits.
You’re not going to call Melissa and tell her- she would drive back home to take care of you, even though you would be sleeping. You groan as you walk downstairs and turn off your phone entirely so you aren’t even tempted with the idea of texting her. 
Then you think… you haven’t smoked in a while- since you and Melissa started going out, really. It’s been over a year.You have your dab pen in the nightstand drawer, and getting high always helped when you had bad headaches. It took your pain away.
Despite the absolute killer pain behind your eyes, you drag yourself upstairs and dig around in the drawer for your pen. You take a hit, and then another. That should do the trick- you just have to let it hit you. You head back downstairs, collapsing onto the couch and closing your eyes.
You’re beyond high not fifteen minutes later. It’s been almost two years since you’ve smoked, and it’s clear your tolerance for the drug went down. You giggle, thankful that your searing headache seems to have magically cleared up. You turn the television on, finding a brainless show to watch while you aren’t sober. 
It starts to wear off after an hour, and so your migraine pains start up again. Your jaw clenches as a shiver runs up your back, only causing more pain to your already tense head. You trudge back up the steps, and you bring your pen down with you after ripping it a few times. You settle on the couch, a glass of water and a bag of chips in hand while you continue to watch your show. 
Melissa and Barbara are sitting in a restaurant when the older teacher’s phone starts to ring. Taylor’s contact picture lights up her phone, and she shoots the redhead an apologetic look before picking up.
“Hello?” Barbara’s face shifts from confused, to concerned. “Okay, sweet girl… Is Daddy with you? …You hang tight. I’m on my way. I’m coming, don’t you worry… I’m in the Poconos so it might be a little, but Momma’s coming.”
“I gotta- Taylor got into an accident. She’s okay, but she’s in the hospital,” the kindergarten teacher tells her friend quickly. She throws down her credit card. “I got lunch. Just give me my card on Monday.” She leaves the restaurant quickly.
Melissa glances at the card before throwing it in her bag. She’ll handle lunch. She finishes her meal, scrolling through her phone before texting you as she goes back up to her room to pack up her things. 
Coming home early. Will explain when I get home, but just so you know. I love you.
Of course, you don’t see it.
You’ve just taken a few more rips from your dab pen, trying to stay as inebriated as possible to ride out this migraine- once it’s gone, you’ll put it away. It’s not like Melissa will be home before tomorrow anyway. She told you she would be back Sunday night, and it’s Saturday at two in the after-
“Hey hon?” Melissa’s voice floats through the front room. Your eyes are closed, so you’re fairly certain that you just miss your girlfriend so much that you’re imagining this. Your eyes stay closed.
“Y/N?” your girlfriend calls again. You still don’t respond. She only needs to catch half a glimpse at you to know something is up. You’re sprawled out on the couch, face down. You have the chip bag on the floor next to you and open- something you never do. The redhead only has to take a step into the room to see that you haven’t finished your coffee from this morning, and she knows you practically inhale any cup of caffeine you can get your hands on.
“Babe,” she says softly as she kneels down in front of you.
You’re so high. “Lissa?” you mumble, and your eyes just barely peel open. You know you’re imagining that she’s here. She’s not due to be here for another day. But you miss her so much.
“Y/N,” Melissa brushes a few rogue hairs out of your face. You giggle. Then she sees how red your eyes are. She spots your pen sticking out of your sweatpants pocket. “Are you… high?”
You shrug and attempt to sit up, only to realize that you’re on your stomach and not on your back. When you try to turn over, you nearly fall off the couch. If not for your girlfriend, you would be on the floor. You burst into laughter at that. The imaginary person just saved you from falling off the couch! 
“Oh my god,” the redhead mumbles as she helps to situate you on the couch. “Honey, how high are you?”
“Really,” you drawl out. “But shh… don’t tell Lissa- she’ll come home to help, but she needs this weekend.”
Melissa shakes her head as she inspects your pen. “When was the last time you hit this?”
“Dunno,” you shake your head from side to side slowly. “Will wear off soon… gonna have to take another.”
“And why would you have to?” Your girlfriend questions.
“Helps with the migraine,” you let slip.
“You didn’t take your medication?”
“None left. Only with Mel, but… she’s away, ’n’ I don’ wanna bother her."
Melissa bites her lip. She knows she has a few pills in the car for you, but with how inebriated you are, she doesn’t know if that would be a good choice or not. “Why don’t we get you cozy in bed and we can sleep this off, yeah?”
“Bed sounds nice,” you mumble, eyes starting to close again. “Can’t feel m’legs. G’night.” 
Melissa sighs a heavy sigh. She hoists your limp body into her arms and carries you up the stairs. She gently lays you in bed before crawling in behind you and spooning you. You’re asleep before she can even wrap her arms around you. 
When you wake up, it’s dark. Your migraine is gone. You’re not even close to high anymore. How much time has passed? How did you get into bed? Whose arms are you- Melissa really is home. You roll over to look at the alarm clock: 7:20 pm staring back at you.
“Good morning sleepyhead,” your girlfriend whispers. “How are you feeling? Migraine gone?”
“I’m okay,” you whisper. “Why are you home though? Please tell me I didn’t text-”
“You didn’t. Taylor was in a minor car accident, and-”
“Oh god,” you gasp quietly. “Is she okay?”
“She’s just fine, but she wanted Barb, so we left early. I got home around two, and you were on the couch… high?”
You turn about as red as Melissa’s hair. “Y-yeah.”
“Babe, I didn’t know you did that stuff,” she sighs softly. She almost sounds disappointed in you.
“I- I usually don’t,” you mumble as you hide your face in her chest. You don’t want to see the look she’s giving you right now. “I haven’t since we started dating.”
“We started dating almost two years ago,” she points out.
“I know. I think I smoked once the second week we were seeing each other, but since then… I haven’t.”
“Why don’t we get some food into your stomach so your migraine doesn’t come back and a headache doesn’t start, and we can talk?” Melissa suggests. “I want to know more.”
“But while we cook, you tell me about your trip,” you try to barter. You don’t want her to just be grilling you for the entire night. 
“While I cook, but sure,” she laughs softly as she rolls you off of her and sits up. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”
She tells you about her car drive up and how she wished that you were with her to keep her company. She tells you about the crazy traffic she had to sit in because there was an accident by the one tunnel, and how happy she was to have finally gotten to the resort that they were to meet at. She tells you about how beautiful the rooms they had gotten were, and how Barb’s husband let them use his points, and her cousin Gino was able to hook her up with some of the perks and a free mini bar. She talks to you about how the pool had a fountain and that it was so nice to be away from the screaming children and just talk with Barb. And then she’s plating the food and sliding the plate down to where you’re sitting at the island.
“So, are we gonna talk about this?” she asks as she sits too.
You almost feel like a student again when they’re being reprimanded for talking in class. You nod, cheeks tinting red again. “What do you want to know?”
“Why didn’t you have any of your pills, and why didn’t you call me?”
“I had a migraine last night and took the last pill last night,” you mumble through a mouthful of pasta.
“And why didn’t you call me?”
“Because I knew you’d come running home, and you deserved to have this weekend away- especially after this week with your kids.”
“So you got high instead?” You nod. “Where did you even get this? Is it safe?”
You don’t want to rat yourself out, so you just nod. 
“Where did you get it from?”
You purse your lips. “Can we not?”
“Why not? What’s in it? Just weed, right?” you nod. “So then what’s the big deal.”
“I used to be a stoner,” you mutter. “Like, a big fucking stoner.”
“Like, I used to come home from my old school and just stay high until the I fell asleep because it helped with the pain and anxiety from that place.”
“You worked at a place worse than Abbott?”
“I told you when I showed up that Abbott was a walk in the park for me, and I meant it,” you tell your girlfriend seriously.
“So where’d you get it?"
“It’s all medicinal,” you promise her. “I just don’t like the smell of it all, and I have weird reactions to edibles, so… dab pens were the next choice.”
“If this helps your migraines, why haven’t you smoked around me before?”
“Because I have the medication… Because we’re teachers… it’s unprofessional,” you tell her. Then you mumble, “Because I didn’t want to lose you because of some stupid habit, so I quit. Just like I quit cigs when I started at Abbott and saw you.”
“You used to smoke cigs?”
“Oh god, yeah,” you chuckle. “But I found a new addiction… you.”
Your girlfriend rolls those striking green eyes of her. “You’re ridiculous.”
“It’s true,” you shrug. “So… are you mad?”
Melissa sighs. “I wish you would’ve called me so I could’ve come and helped you through that,” she admits. “But I’m not mad about the pen. I used to smoke too, and don’t act like that shocks you.”
Relief washes over you. She isn’t mad. 
“So… you got high off of a pen that you haven’t used in almost two years?” your girlfriend asks.
“Yeah,” you chuckle. “But I’m not worried. My friend Darcy put her cart in there like a month ago when we went out for dinner and forgot to take it out. She told me to just hold onto it until the next time.”
“You had your pen on you?”
“She was actually going to buy it off of me but decided against it. I guess it’s a good thing I had it this weekend,” you laugh. “I kinda missed that feeling.”
“I mean… if you wanted to,” she laughs. “We have nowhere to be tomorrow?”
“It’s okay,” you promise her. “I don’t want to be ridiculously high if you’re going to be sober and have to deal with me.”
“What if I said I want to try it with you?” the redhead suggests with a smirk. “It’s been… oh twenty years.”
“Really?” you can’t help but giggle.
And that’s how you find yourself and your girlfriend up in bed an hour later, getting ready to get high again. You have a bag of chips, a sleeve of cookies, a couple bottles of water, and a bucket in case Melissa greens out.
“You’re sure?” you give her one more chance to back out.
“I’ve been high before.”
“This shit is real strong.”
“How strong?”
“Like… I would take one small hit and see how it affects you in thirty minutes before you think about another.”
“Okay,” your girlfriend laughs. She brings the pen up to her mouth and inhales. You hit it twice after her.
“Mel, I know my limit. We don’t know yours yet.”
“Well, I want it to be fair,” she tells you as she plucks the pen out of your hand and draws another hit.
When you wake up the next morning to a flood of texts from Janine asking why you left her a seven minute voicemail about dinosaur chicken nuggets, and Melissa has a message from Ava saying that she appreciated the call out from work for today but unfortunately you don’t work on Sundays, the two of you snort with laughter until you’re red in the face and she has tears streaming down her cheeks.
“We should get high together again,” you laugh as you sit up.
“I know,” she smiles as she continues to lay there. “That was fun.”
“I’ll buy a cart for us tomorrow on the way home from work,” you tell her.
“Don’t. I know a guy,” she shrugs as she throws the blankets off of her.
“Mel, I don’t want street weed. I’m not trying to die,” you roll your eyes.
“Who said anything about street weed? I know some guys in the field who won’t charge me a thing… as long as I make ‘em some raviolis.” 
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lxdyred · 2 years
Among snakes I shall dance, ch.2: It felt like love.
Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Targaryen!Fem!Reader
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Summary: Rhaenyra's firstborn finds herself surrounded by the greens and, to her misfortune, betrothed to one of them. So she begins to plan how to take them down, one by one, from the inside.
Word count: 6.6k
Warning: Allusions to incestuous relationship, use of obscene language, mentions of sexual assault and graphic death. some characters might be a bit out of character.
A/N: Italics are flashbacks!
A/N: AYOOOOOO GUYS!!!! 1792 NOTES SO FAR IN THE FIRST PART???¿? +300 FOLLOWERS IN 5 DAYS???!¡¿ THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYSSS I’M LITERALLY CRYING FFR!! You just made my week, honestly!! I really hope you enjoy how this story is going! This is for you ❤️🫡
Feedback is always appreciated ❤️
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She had to get the message to her mother, somehow. So she prayed that the time would come where he could escape to send a message by raven.
‘From the inside I will finish them off. Whatever happens, don't bend the knee. We will resist, mother.’
She read the message for the tenth time and snorted, putting her hands on her head and closing her beautiful eyes. "
She cursed that she had missed the opportunity her mother had given her to come home with them. But of course, seeing that her grandmother was going to be alone in Driftmark, taking care of her grandfather, who was still on the verge of death from the ambush he suffered, her honor weighed more heavily in the balance. She did not want to turn her back on them at such a delicate time.
The sun had not yet risen when her prayers were answered.
"Ser Erryk." whispered as she saw the knight, opening the door to the room.
"Princess, we are leaving." The knight said, passing her a cloak to cover herself with. "I do not agree with anything that is happening, with this sick treachery. It is an atrocity, just like your betrothal."
"And my grandmother?" The young woman asked as she covered herself with the cloak.
"We will go to get her now. I will take you both to a ship that will take you back home." The knight, who was a twin to Ser Arryk, spoke before resting a hand on the princess's shoulder. "I promise I will do my best to get you both out of here."
Then she took the note from the table and clutched it in her own fist. She also took the ring her parents gave her with the emblems of House Targaryen and Velaryon, and the small pouch in which she always stuffed a few coins. After that they left the chambers and went for Princess Rhaenys, stealthily and swiftly. Whenever Ser Erryk saw guards, he told the princess to hide, so far they had had good luck.
"Lady Grandmother." Said the young woman taking her grandmother's hands, once they were reunited.
"My sweet girl." Rhaenys said, before kissing her granddaughter's cheek. "I heard what they wanted to do to you. Are you all right? They did not do anything to you, did they?"
"No, I am just fine, glad you are as well, really."
"Princesses, we must leave now." Spoke the kingsguard who was trying to help them escape from the Red Keep.
"And Meleys and Scarlex? We can not leave them behind."
"It is not safe to go to Dragonpit now, Princess. I am afraid we could not make it. Going by boat is the best, safest option." Ser Erryk explained before they reached the exit through which they would leave the Keep.
"Wait." The princess stopped before they could continue. "I need you to take this with you, Grandmother." She whispered handing the note she had written for her mother to her grandmother. "I need you to be the one to give it to my mother in case we get separated."
"That is not going to happen." Said the queen that never was, looking down at the small roll she now held in her hand.
"Better to be cautious, do not you think? That is something you made a sure of teaching me." Said the silver-haired girl looking at the note in her grandmother's hand.
"Sometimes you remind me of your father, my child." Spoke the older woman hiding the message.
Only if you knew.
"Aemond!" Called the Velaryon girl as she ran across the training yard. "Aemond!" The young girl ran with a huge smile on her face, as she looked for her uncle, who was currently alone training.
"Niece." Said the young boy, stopping shielding the sword, when he saw his niece and best friend come to where he was. "Has something happened?"
The young lady rested her hands on her knees and gestured for him to give her a moment, to catch her breath after all the running around the fortress, trying to find him. She looked up and gave the prince a huge smile. "It's a boy." The silver-haired girl said with difficulty, still struggling to normalise her breathing.
The young Targaryen arched an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" The boy said, abandoning his sword and looking for a place where they could both sit and talk.
"My mother, the princess, has given birth to a boy. Another brother, Joffrey is his given name." Said the girl with tears of happiness. "He is a healthy boy. But very wrinkled and- he will not stop crying, gods." She told Aemond with a crystallized look in her eyes because of the joyful emotion she felt. After saying that, she took a seat next to the Targaryen Prince.
"Congratulations are in order, then." Aemond smiled at her and placed his hand on hers, who gladly took it and squeezed it before letting out a laugh. "Another nephew, hm? I was expecting for a girl this time.”
"Me too, if I am being honest." She admitted, looking up at him. As she watched her lifelong friend look at her intently, she felt herself blush, for some strange reason she didn't understand. "It is a hot day, it is not?." She commented in a whisper, lowering her gaze and looking down at the ground, as if it was something very interesting.
"You came running, that is why you must feel like that." Aemond stared at the girl, intently, for the first time in as long as he could remember he was staring at her like that. She was changing, and he had not noticed, not until now. His feelings of friendship, unable to help it, were doing so as well.
Realising that what he was feeling for her was something new and more mature, the boy pulled away from her and released her hand, causing the princess to look up and look at him with concern.
"Are you alright, Aemond?" His blue gaze met hers after hearing the question. "You are quite red." The young girl observed.
He was even redder now.
"Yes. I am just fine." Lied the young prince. "I forgot I have your nameday gift here. I wanted to give it to you when we were alone."
"Why would you have it here?" she asked curiously.
A smile formed on his face. "In case I found you later." Lied the Targaryen boy again.
He carried it with him all the time, but could never find the time to give it to his dearest friend and niece.
"Close your eyes, do not look, hm?"
"Never." She whispered.
The young prince stepped around her friend, and once behind her, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold necklace, simple and unobtrusive, with a medallion. It was a simple medallion with a three-headed dragon. The emblem of House Targaryen.
"A three-headed dragon, of House Targaryen." The young woman commented as she looked at the gift that her uncle and friend had given her. "It is beautiful, my prince. Thank you very much, but..."
"But?" the silver-haired boy asked, terrified that deep down she didn't like the gift.
"I am a… Velaryon. Not Targaryen, my mother is but-"
"But you could be one, officially, in the future, in some years, when you shall to be wed.”
"Grandmother, no! No! No! Grandmother!" shouted the young Velaryon as she was separated from her grandmother and Ser Erryk, due to the hordes of people being led towards Dragonpit, where the coronation was to take place. "Fuck!" She screamed out of desperation, as she tried to backtrack and turn back. A desperate attempt to get back to the only two people she trusted in the city.
She cast her gaze back and could see them slowly drifting further apart. Rheanys' face showed her desperation to be reunited with her, she tried to look for her granddaughter with her eyes, but at one point she lost her in the tide of people. She should have tried harder not to lose her grip, she thought.
Amidst pushing and shoving, the young princess managed to make herself climb up a small brick wall. Once she stood up on it, she tried to look around for the knight and the princess, but no luck. She only hoped that at least her grandmother could escape from the death trap, which was the fucking capital.
"Seven hells, what am I supposed to do now?" She mumbled, still looking from the top of the wall for an exit, where there were almost no people, let alone guards and soldiers.
"Girl. Get down from there now." Someone spoke to her, she looked out of the corner of her eye at the person who had addressed her, she tried to cover her face as much as possible with her cloak, so that she wouldn't be recognised. "If you do not come down on your own, I will take you down by force."
She really was very unlucky at that moment, when the man who had addressed her, was exactly Rickard Thorne, a fucking Kingsguard loyal to the green snakes. A fucking traitor.
"Apologies, Ser. I was just looking for my companions, with whom I was to attend the coronation." She said, trying to change her tone of voice and not looking at him. "No need to worry about me, I will get down." She tried to be as agile as possible to get down, so she could run as far away from the guard as possible.
The last thing she wanted was to be recognised.
As she was about to get down, she almost tripped, stepping on her own dress. The knight had very good reflexes and caught her before she could fall.
The young princess had a lot of bad luck at that moment.
"Be more careful, woman."
"Thank you." She whispered as she hurried away from the spot, clutched the cloak even tighter as she covered herself with it. That had been a close call.
At least she had already gotten rid of the guard, who was part of the Kingsguard, no less. Surely they had noticed her and her Lady Grandmother's escape by now.
"Hey, girl, you left this behind," said Rickard, looking at the bag of coins he had just picked up from the floor. "What are you doing with so much gold? Who did you steal from?"
"You can keep it, as compensation." She said as she tried to pick up her pace, she wanted to run but it was practically impossible.
"Get back here!" Thorne said as he headed towards her, pushing people out of his way.
Double fuck.
Now was when it was her turn to run, even if it was impossible.
As the young princess tried to flee the scene, she was pushing people out of the way and into the Kingsguard who was practically on her heels. She looked around desperately, she needed a way out.
She was so desperate.
Luckily, she could see a way out by her right, where there were not so many people. She started to run there, and saw a small, dark and smelly alley. She ran as if there was no tomorrow.
As she ran up the street, she was bumping into people going in the opposite direction, she could also hear Rickard shouting at her, telling her to stop or ordering the people near her to catch her. But no one seemed to be in the mood, thanks to the seven.
Until an elderly man tried to catch her. He grabbed her by the arms and took a small dagger he carried with him, placing it on the young woman's neck, who instinctively stomped on his foot with all her might, and then bit him on the wrist that held the dagger. The man dropped it, bringing his other hand to the bloody wound. She picked up the dagger, but not before kicking the man in the balls, who now lay on the ground doubled over in pain.
She kept running as fast as she could, Thorne much closer than before, because of the time she had lost facing the passer-by.
"You have no escape, thief." Said the Kingsguard, once he had the young woman at the end of the alley. "Surrender or the punishment will be worse."
Flight or fight.
"Bullshit, you traitor." She said as she stopped and turned around, pointing him with the dagger she had just seized of.
"Princess." He said in surprise when he saw the princess's face, but quickly a smirk of superiority formed on his face. "You don't know what a commotion it has caused in the Keep to see that neither you, nor Princess Rhaenys were in your chambers."
"A pity I didn't get to see the faces of the incompetents in that place."
"Come on, Princess, put the dagger down." The knight requested.
"Not without using it first."
"You think you can beat me? A knight of the Kingsguard?" the man in front of her laughed, one hand on the pommel of his sword. "Do you think a woman stands a chance against a knight?"
"No, of course I do not." The silver-haired girl feigned confusion. "But at least I can amuse myself for a while while I play with your patience."
"That's not very ladylike of you, princess."
"Did anyone say I care in the least about that?"
Ser Rickard clutched at the sword dagger, truly the young woman was playing with his patience like no woman had ever done before.
"Oh, come now, Ser Rickard. Will you not at least give me the pleasure of putting into practice everything my stepfather has taught me these past few years?"
"Believe me, Princess, I would gladly do so, but both the Kingsguard Commander and the Queen would prefer that you return to the Red Keep unharmed." Thorne explained as he took a step towards her.
"Oh, how sweet of you..." father.
“Put the dagger down, now."
"Or what? You'll kill me?" The princess made a false grimace of sadness, then smiled at the knight. "I just wanted to play swords with you, well daggers, rather." She dropped the dagger to the ground, only for the knight to take her arm firmly and set off on the way back.
"Are we going to the coronation?"
"No." No doubt the man was running out of patience, and it amused the young Velaryon, who even though she was being led back to the Keep had a triumphant smile on her face.
"Good, because if I would wanted to see a jesters’ show I would have stayed in the Red Keep.”
"You could have your tongues cut out for talking like that."
The young woman let out a loud laugh. "Not long ago someone told me exactly the same thing you did, Ser."
"You are leaving now, so I hear from father." Aemond spoke with a sad expression, then watched as his friend played with the necklace he had given her a couple of days ago.
The Velaryon girl nodded, then wiped away her tears with one hand. There was a knot forming in her stomach and throat, every time she tried to talk to her best friend the tears threatened to spill out. "Mhm." She nodded, avoiding the young prince with her eyes.
"And you are not going to say anything before you leave? Just 'mhm'?"
"It is just that- I know that... I- if I try to tell you anything I know I will cry even more, I will not be able to stop." The young princess's lower lip trembled.
"I would rather you do that and try to comfort you than leave without crossing any words." The young boy admitted.
"Thank you for being my friend, Aemond. I know we are family, but your friendship means a lot to me." Confessed the girl from the house Velaryon, then burst into tears and put her hands to her face, trying to hide her face from her friend.
"Thank you for being the only one who understands me, Princess." The young Targaryen whispered as he grabbed the young girl’s shoulders, then pulled her to him and gave her a hug. She hugged him back.
"For being the only person in the family besides you without a dragon?"
"And for everything else."
"I am going to miss you." She whispered, with immense sadness.
He hated the huge emptiness he felt in his chest at the thought of not seeing her every day.
"And I you." He said likewise, as he ran a hand through her hair, trying to memorise how it felt to his touch.
They stood for a few moments in silence, pondering whether or not to say more. Neither had the courage to tell the other how they felt, and in a way, they were too young to even be thinking about it, since those feelings only came when you were older, supposedly. Or maybe not?
"You should leave now. Your Lady Mother will be waiting for your return," Aemond spoke, regretfully.
"You are right." The girl murmured as she broke the embrace, then grabbed her friend's hands in an attempt to get his attention. "I will try to write to you as often as possible."
"I will try the same."
"I will see you soon, I hope."
"Y-Yes. Soon..." neither knew exactly what to say to say goodbye, let alone not knowing how long they wouldn't see each other for.
Then something happened that caught Aemond Targaryen by surprise. His friend and niece, the princess, with both hands cupped his face and placed a brief, nervous peck on his lips, leaving him breathless and wide-eyed.
"Goodbye, my prince." Said the silver-haired girl nervously before running out of the place in search of her family.
Aemond, still wide-eyed, and in apparent shock at what had just happened, slowly turned around and stared in the direction she had disappeared.
He held up a hand as if in farewell. "Goodbye, I suppose."
He spent the rest of the day without saying a word to anyone. He didn't know whether or not to believe what had happened in that little encounter with his friend. But when he went to sleep that night, he did so with a small smile on his face.
The rest of the day passed in a blur for her, after Ser Rickard Thorne had taken her back to the castle, to be met by none other than the Kingsguard commander himself, Ser Criston Cole, her beloved father - gods, the joy it gave her to see the torment in his eyes after discovering his paternity - who escorted her back to her chambers, where Alicent, now Queen Mother, awaited her.
"What you did today was stupid." Was the first thing Alicent said to her as she saw her enter her room and heard the door being closed by Ser Criston. "Something could have happened to you."
"Something worse than what is about to happen this very night, my queen?" the young woman asked as she approached the centre of the room.
"If you had met someone dangerous your life could have been in danger. Imagine if they had come to kidnap you or assaulted you, taking your virtue." Alicent spoke as she approached the young woman, who in the next few hours was to become his daughter-in-law.
The young woman laughed wryly at the last words of the mother of the new usurper king. "There is no need to pretend you care about me, your highness. There is no one here but us."
"You were lucky you did not suffer a worse fate today, princess. You could have gotten yourself killed."
"That would have been a more merciful fate than the one I am living right now, locked up here and surrounded by traitors!" Exploded the young woman, as she made her way to the small table on which she kept the wine. She picked up two glasses and poured the liquid into both of them. "Any fate is better than this. I would rather be dead right now, than here being used as a pawn in your evil plan." She offered a glass to Alicent, who took it and took a sip.
"I do not think being married to the king's brother, who in your childhood was your best friend, is a cruel fate."
Now it was the young Velaryon's turn to take a sip from her cup, this one being longer than the one the queen took. "Yes, when the love you once felt for him has turned to immeasurable hatred." She blurted out, accompanied by a small smile.
The next few hours were spent wandering around her room and drinking wine, occasionally standing by the window to watch the people pass by, nothing interesting. But once the time came, she was led to the throne room, where the ceremony would take place. Thank the gods it looked like it would be an intimate ceremony.
The ceremony began when Aegon, the great son of a bitch and usurper who now warmed the throne with his ass, walked her to the altar, where Aemond, with his head held high and no expression on his face, stood waiting for her. His fucking handsome face, made her sick.
She clicked her tongue as she realised the intrusive thought that had just crossed her mind. "Pathetic." She mumbled before she reached where her future husband was waiting for her.
Huge was the relief she felt as she slipped from Aegon's grasp. The disgust she felt for this man, sadly her uncle, was inhuman. How she wished she could cut off his head and give it to her dear mother. She thought as she gave him a look of disgust, after he had left her at the isle.
She looked up at Aemond, who was watching her from top to bottom. She raised her head defiantly, to which he let out an arrogant little chuckle, shaking his head. She looked at him again, in detail. She looked at his face, it seemed to show serenity and determination, there was still a small smile on his stupid face. It seemed that nothing that was about to happen caused any kind of reaction in him. She, on the other hand, felt a knot in the pit of her stomach and her breathing was agitated, no matter how well she hid it, her nerves were killing her.
Before she could even process anything, they were already deep into the ceremony. The Septon asked Aemond to place the cloak over the young Velaryon, to protect her from the eyes of the people and the gods.
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." Then came the sermon. "We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever."
It was now that they both held hands. Her hands trembled, but not his. The Targaryen prince really wasn't the least bit shaken by what was happening. He took her hand firmly, and with his thumb, he drew circular patterns on the back of it. It made her look at him and let out a hitched breath. That gesture was something they both used to do when they were children, as a signal to focus… and trust.
Was he trying to help her calm down?
A ribbon was literally tied around their hands, symbolising their union. "Let it be known that these two people are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."
So she, herself would be cursed if she tried?
The young man who wore the patch looked at the one who was to be his wife from now on, watched as tears formed in her eyes, and as her lower lip trembled briefly, only to be stopped by her biting it. He knew there was an inner conflict gnawing at her. He couldn't help but clench his jaw as he watched the scene.
"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words." They both faced each other and a few seconds later, after a brief silence in which they stood looking at each other, they proceeded to say their vows.
Aemond took up the gesture he had made earlier, and began to make circular patterns on the back of her hand. The reaction it caused in her was new. It was like a fluttering inside her, as if she had an army of dragons inside her, flying all over her. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger... I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," he recited.
At the same time she said hers. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger... I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."
Oh, seven gods. The moment had come.
"With this kiss, I pledge my love." The silver-haired man took her chin between his index finger and thumb, and with a gentleness she herself believed he lacked, he brought his face close to hers and placed a soft kiss upon her lips.
The act lasted only a few seconds, but she could not help but feel a certain familiarity in the kiss that had just sealed their fate. He felt it that way too.
"You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!" King Viserys shouted angrily, as he shot a glare at Ser Criston.
"It will heal, will it not, Maester?" Alicent asked in anguish to the Maester tending Aemond's wound, who had just lost an eye in a fight with his nephews not long ago.
"Flesh will heal, but the eye is lost, Your Grace." replied the Master to the boy's mother. That answer caused Rhaenyra's eldest daughter to look across the room at the young prince.
The young Velaryon was not present when her two younger brothers and her cousin Baela, got into a fight with Aemond, her best friend, who called her brothers bastards. While this was going on, she was suffering something cruel and disgusting that she wished on no one. Once she was able to extricate herself from her situation, that was the scene she saw, everyone full of wounds and cuts, along with a broken nose for her younger brother and a lost eye for her best friend. Or rather, the one who once was.
She sat against the wall of the Driftmark's great hall, deep in thought, saying nothing, until she heard Alicent say. "Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Targaryen." She stood up with a speed she had never seen in her before, which made her quickly dart into the crowd of people in the middle of the room, where the whole feud was taking place, and stood in front of her grandfather Corlys Velaryon, who was protecting Luke with his own body. Unarmed, she held out her arms, trying to prevent anyone or anything from harming her little brother. She would never allow it.
"You will not do such thing.” She heard her mother say in defence of her youngest son.
"I will bite you hard, Ser Criston." Threatened the long silver-haired girl, trying to sound intimidating.
And after that the discussion became more personal and intense between Rhaenyra and Alicent, once the King stopped Ser Criston from taking Luke's eye and made it clear that anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the princess's children would lose his tongue. Once silence reigned over the place, as the tussle between the two women ended with her mother getting a nasty, bloody cut on her arm, it was the firstborn heir to the throne who spoke first.
"You are all monsters." Were the words that echoed through the great hall, most of those present looked at her. She was resting her gaze on Aegon, and lastly Aemond, at whom she stared with a serious face but also with a frown. She was trying to tell him something. "Real and disgusting monsters." She repeated again but in a whisper, as she put a hand to her neck and tore off the medallion Aemond gave her, then threw it at his feet. He looked at the ground and then back at her.
The boy who, less than an hour ago, had been her best friend all her life, looked at her in the same way, but now his one eye reflected sadness. "Do not mourn me mother, it was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon." After saying those words dedicated to his mother, he looked at her again.
At that moment they both knew that their friendship was completely broken, that the damage was irreparable, and that this was how it was meant to be.
His quarters were clearly much more spacious than hers. It looked as if from now on this was where they were both going to live, to lead a marital life together. She surveyed her surroundings, since the last time she had been there things hadn't changed much. What was most striking now was some pitchers of different alcoholic beverages on a small table in one corner of the room. Also striking was the large number of swords, it was certainly curious that Aemond collected the swords of opponents he had beaten.
"I do not know what your drink of choice is, but here you go." Said her now husband, setting a wine glass down in front of her, who was seated in one of the chairs surrounding the round table. "Dornish wine."
She looked at the glass and took it silently, then took a sip. "I hope you have no expectations of tonight, husband."
He took a seat across from her. "Who said I did, dear wife?"
"You know, the bedding ceremony." She said dryly. "People will want to make sure you fuck your new wife, that our marriage is consummated. I'm sure your brother wants to be a witness and watch you brand me anyway."
He let out a small chuckle and then sighed. "There will be no bedding ceremony." Aemond rested his head on his hand, leaning fully against one of the chair's armrests. "It is not my style to degrade my partner in such a manner."
"What is your style then?"
"Private. Keep it between me and her, at least most of the time."
"Hm, good to know."
"And yours. What is your style?" The husband of the young Velaryon, now Targaryen, asked curiously. She looked at him silently in reply.
"You assume I have lost my virtue, by any chance?"
"Have you not?" the Targaryen prince was curious. "I think it's natural to want to explore when you're young, and lose your virtue."
"Yes. I have- I was- Aemond, yes, I have... done it before." She answered him truthfully.
"With someone I know?"
"Perhaps." With that the girl finished what was left of her drink.
"Ser Criston is out of the question, for starters." At those words she looked at him curiously, he drew a crooked smile on his face. "He is your father, apparently."
"I see you're into eavesdropping."
"Let's just say I prefer to keep up with everything that concerns my wife."
She gave a cynical laugh. "And how does it feel to know that your family has forced you to marry a bastard? Unbeknownst to them.” She asked, narrowing her eyes, expectant for his response.
"I don't care at all." He admitted with a shrug.
"I have a present for you." He said.
"Let me guess. It's a necklace with a medallion with the emblem of House Targaryen?"
He reached into his pocket and pulled that exact thing out of it. That necklace that he had once, six years ago, given to his friend.
"I know you do not trust me, and you never will, probably. But I want you to have this."
"Why would I accept it this time?"
"Because of what it symbolizes, clearly."
"House Targaryen?"
"No. The friendship we once had." The prince with the patched eye said as he rose from his seat. "That even if you do not trust me, I am willing to place my trust in you, and that even if you do not believe it, you will always have my protection."
"You seem to have feelings for me." She commented.
"Did I say I did not?" He admitted in the form of a question. "May I?" he asked for permission to put the necklace on his wife.
She looked at his outstretched hand, which had the necklace on it. She nodded slowly and brushed her long hair away from her neck. Her husband circled her, as he had done the first time he had put the same necklace on her, but now he noticed a slight difference.
A scar. A rather long one on the right side of her neck. It was as if someone had tried to slit her throat once.
Still staring at his wife's scar, Aemond finished placing the necklace around her neck. "I've never seen it on you before."
"I've never liked to show it." She whispered, reaching up to the decanter of wine to put more in the glass. "This is the reason for the name I was given. The Red Mermaid." She sighed as she said her nickname, and as she remembered the reason she was given it. "You would not know its story."
"I have always heard different versions. It is hard to know the real reason behind the name you were given."
"You want me to tell you what really happened, husband?"
"That is your decision to make."
"Make yourself comfortable, it is time for me to tell you a story." She said before taking a long sip of her drink, she was about to finish it and pour herself a third glass.
Aemond took note of this and took the decanter away from her. She had already had too much to drink throughout the day. "Enough for today. Please proceed to tell your tale."
"It all happened four years ago, when I was going through a very dark time." The young woman began to narrate. "I thought of taking my own life. So that night, after dinner, I escaped from my room and went to the beach, the one where most of the ships disembark. I thought, water extinguishes fire, there is no more poetic death for a dragon-blooded Velaryon than drowning. They say it is an agonising death, but in the end, when you stop fighting, a great peace comes over you."
The silver-haired young bastard fiddled with her glass, as she glanced at the fire she had lit in the room's chimney. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, trying to find the strength to continue the story.
"I had already stopped fighting when someone pulled me out of the water, when someone decided to save me. I couldn't have been more wrong. The person who tried to save me had been watching the whole scene, without me noticing." The young woman gave a sad smile to her husband. "After pulling me out of the water and leaving me on the sand, that man tried to rape me. I do not remember where it came out of me to fight, I don't know when my animal instinct came out of me. One moment I was about to drown and the next I'm lying on the floor of the beach, under the stars of that night, fighting for that not to happen to me again".
"What? You've been assaulted like that before?" Aemond jumped to his feet at that statement from the woman. His knuckles turned white from how hard he clenched his fists.
She continued with her story, not answering his question. "I guess it was my animal instinct and fear of going through the same thing that ended up with me throwing myself at that man's neck. I bit him so hard on the neck, that when he struggled with me… he cut me with his knife on my neck... it wasn't a deep wound, in case you were wondering." She finished her drink again.
She had never told anyone what really happened that night. She didn't know why the first person she told was him, her husband. Her enemy. But honestly, it felt good to be able to share it for the first time with someone. She felt lighter now.
"Did he get to do to you what he tried to do?"
"No." She answered him, tears starting to form in her eyes, but she quickly brushed them away. "I dug my teeth even deeper into him, to the point where I practically tore his tissues away... and he bled to death right there next to me. I lost consciousness soon after, and it wasn't until the next morning that some guards found me lying on the sand next to that man's corpse, still wet and full of blood from both of us." She sighed, and inevitably a tear rolled down her cheek. She rested her head on her hands and let out a small sob.
Aemond approached her carefully and knelt down in front of her. He took her hands and met her gaze with his. "Honestly, I expected nothing less from you." He admitted, giving his niece-now-wife a small smile, trying to comfort her.
She closed her eyes again and let herself get caught up in the moment. She leaned her forehead against his, who was taken by surprise by this gesture, but did not pull away.
Was honesty the only thing needed to mend the friendship they once had?
"I need you to be honest with me. Has that really happened to you before? Have you ever been… raped before?" He asked looking at her.
She nodded, and with a frown of anger and helplessness at the memory of what had happened, she began to sob. Aemond, unsure of what to do, took a deep breath, and slowly pulled the girl to the floor so that she could sit next to him and then he could embrace her. He tried to comfort her in the same way that, in what seemed to have been a past life, he used to do.
"When? Who?" He asked still clinging to her, with one hand on her lower back and another resting on the nape of her neck.
"At the funeral of my aunt, Lady Laena." She murmured into his neck.
"Who? Please tell me who?" He asked. "Do I know him?"
"Yes." His young wife replied in the affirmative, as she turned her face away from the prince's neck and looked up at him with red, still tear-filled eyes. "Your brother."
"Aegon?" he asked in confusion.
She nodded. "He was the one who raped me. He was who ruined my life."
"You are all monsters. Real and disgusting monsters."
That's when it all made sense.
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junethestudent · 10 months
Hello, lovely! Hope that you're doing well. Would it be alright to request another gp! Bada fic? Maybe a continuation to the other fic? Maybe reader does end up pregnant and Bada gets protective and jealous when someone tries to flirt with reader? So she decides to remind reader who she belongs to?
June Note: Hello beautiful anon! I was wondering if I should continue that story, so I’m glad you asked!
Screwup (PT. 2)
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G!P Bada Lee x F! Reader
TW: Swearing, aggressive behaviors, unprotected sex, breeding, degrading, and pregnancy.
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It had been weeks since you and Bada had become intimate with each other. Just as it had started it seemed to have stopped there as well.
Not only that you had been experiencing cravings and some fatigue, it made you wonder if Bada could have possibly gotten you pregnant.
To be safe you took a test, two lines. As you realized it, your heart raced and your body felt numb. How could you even tell her such a thing with how cold she was?
The next day during your private dance classes she was as cold as ever, her face showing no emotion as usual. You slowly inched towards her and grabbed her arm gently. She turned her head quick and frowned down at you, her head tilted slightly.
“What is it? Your dancing is lacking and now you want to stop?” She stared at you expectantly but her face morphed into a look of worry at the tears flooding from your eyes. She gripped your shoulder and bent down until you were facing her.
“Tell me. Tell me what it is,” this time her voice was soft and gentle and she brushed your hair out of your face.
“I’m pregnant. You got me pregnant,” your voice trembled slightly.
She didn’t respond. She just stood and paced before leaving the room. You wanted to run after her but guilt just washed over your weakened body. With the class being over as she left the room, you began to collect your things in silence.
The sounds of songs playing from other practice rooms echoed into yours, different mixes of songs bouncing off the walls. A familiar one played, Smoke, Bada choreographed that one. It hurt to remember it at this point.
You stood up and opened the door, letting it hit the wall with a thud behind you. Your eyes shifted upward only to find a man in front of you. He smiled, it wasn’t pretty but it wasn’t ugly either. “You dance here? First time?”
“I’ve been taking private classes,” your response was with a slight annoyed tone.
He looked at the room number and smiled again. “Ah, with Bada then? She’s alright but I’m better. I could teach you if you want?” His hand found its way to your hip. You were feeling vulnerable, as if almost anyone, any man, could fill that empty hole that Bada just left.
Before you could react you felt a heavy hand yank you to the side and grip at your neck. “She’s doing just fine in my class,” her jaw hardened at the sight of that creature trying to feel you up. Her hand reached towards your stomach, she rubbed softly in slow circles. Bada was a very territorial woman. She stared at the man, her face nose to nose with his.
“Get,” was all she had to say for him to scurry off to another room down the hall. As she turned to you her grunted. She palmed your chest causing you to fall back into the room. Her body was so muscular and slick with sweat as she stretched and shut the door behind the both of you.
“You want to flirt with others while you’re pregnant with my child?” She spoke gently but you could tell you were in for it this time.
She took a deep breath and turned to lock the door. She stood still for some time, her back facing you. “You’re always showing out like the whore you are. That’s hardly fair to me,” she abruptly faced you.
Bada drops to her knees and spreads your legs open. She bit her lip and tugged at your sweatpants and threw them off to the side.
“I’m sorry Bada, but you shouldn’t have just left like that!” Your voice reverberated throughout the room.
She grit her teeth. “Keep it down. I’m not going to pay the price for your bitching,” she rubbed her forehead in a frustrated manner before holding you hostage in a kiss. Her tongue flicked around your mouth and locked against your own tongue. You could feel her sweet taste flooding your mouth, and as you continued to kiss, her fingers pressed against your core. You gripped her shoulder and pulled her in closer, your lips crammed into hers.
She moved her thumb over your swollen clit and pressed down with much force. You whimpered and tried to pull from the kiss but she held you in place, her other hand behind your neck. After what felt like ever she pulled away and pointed to the bulge in her pants. “Be a good girl and suck me off..,” without hesitation you dropped to your knees and pulled her sweats down.
There was a strong scent of lotion mixed with sweat as loosened her fly. Her cock sprung out and bounced a few times before protruding straight out towards you. Before tasting her hard cock you pushed your hand in between the hole of her boxers and fished out her balls. They were large and definitely full of the thick load that was about to be splattered onto your pretty face.
She took both of her hands and forced your head towards her crotch. You pressed your lips against her tip and teased like before, Bada didn’t enjoy being teased at all. So she thrusted until her cock was lodged deep into your throat. You gagged at the raw taste of her penis being repeatedly shoved into your mouth. Your nose was pressed against her pelvis and her balls smacked into your chin as she deepthroated you, her moans becoming out of control and wild.
Anyone outside in the halls could definitely hear her animalistic groans. “I’m fucking close,” she muttered as she bent herself over you. She quickly pulled out and dropped her load all over your face. Bada kept her two of her fingers in your mouth so she could spill the rest of her seed deep in your throat.
Her body tensed as she pulled back and stared down at you. “Take off your panties for me, take off your panties for me like a good girl,” she grinned as you stripped your lower half of all clothing.
Bada slapped the tip of her penis against your thigh, leaving a wet splotch of your own drool against your skin. She positioned her tip in between your slit and rubbed it up and down and over your folds. Suddenly she thrusted in and moaned out as you took her full length inside of you.
“I’m pregnant,” you cried out but she ignored your whines and pounded into you, the sound of your skin slapping against hers. Your nails dug into her back leaving red marks all over her soft pale skin. Her huffs became louder as she buried herself inside of you, calling out your name like a whiny dog.
“Fuck you feel so good, tell me when you’re close,” she whispered into your ear, her body heating yours up as she moved against you. A few more thrusts and you felt as if you were in heaven, her tip moving in all the right spots of your sensitive cunt. She dropped her head into you and let out a low guttural groan before releasing her semen deep into you, but she didn’t stop. She continued to plow into you, her back arching to better reach your best spots. It felt warm and as you continuously wrapped around her cock with much tightness she couldn’t seem to help herself.
“I’m close.. I’m gonna,” your eyes rolled back and you wailed, your words becoming fumbled and making no sense. She chuckled as you wrapped your legs around her hips and finished coming on her slick-covered cock.
She brushed your hair out of your face and whispered softly again, “Now I’m sure you have my baby.”
Her joke made you cringe but you smiled as she kissed your forehead and held you close.
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June Note: I’ve been quite busy at the office so I apologize if it seems rushed, I do hope you all like it though!
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idontplaytrack · 1 month
You think so?
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, some mentions to injury
In which reader decides to teach herself how to skateboard, and surprise AJ
Requested? Yes / No
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AJ was an amazing athlete, you’ve always admired her for that. And was envious of her capabilities. At times. As predictable as it was, you were more of an artist. So, you stayed away from sports since you were…clumsy. But one day, you felt like doing something. Trying something new. And that’d be teaching yourself to skateboard. Not sure how that would go, but you were excited to learn. Now that it was summer, she had more time on her hands to get back into skateboarding. Well, that meant you had a lot of time to kill as well. It was the last summer before college began in the fall and that wasn’t something you were particularly keen on thinking about right now. The idea of college freaked you out, even though you didn’t have much to worry about seeing that you had already been accepted and offered a full ride.
Since she was out with Gabi for the day, you decided now was a good time to start. Going over to the designated cupboards, you took out one of AJ’s skateboards and a set of protective gear then headed out to the back porch. You put on the helmet, elbow and knee pads then sat down to think it over, suddenly hesitant. You looked up some videos and all, but eventually the only thing you managed to do was get both feet on the board. You were steady though. Getting on and off a few times, you finally decided to push yourself a little and move. Luckily, that ended well and you thought that was enough work for the day on skateboarding so you didn’t want to push your luck and get yourself injured during your very first attempt.
That took you a good half hour or so. After putting everything back from where you took them, you decided to get back to reading the book you were halfway through. Lighting a nice candle, you were now curled up in the armchair with a blanket, a cup of your favourite tea and the book.
You nodded off after some time, only stirring awake when you heard the front door unlock and someone walking in. Wait, not just one person. Gabi lived here too, so obviously they got home together. The three of you shared this ground floor apartment.
You slowly opened your eyes and saw AJ looking at you. “Hey.” She smiled.
You returned the smile, replying, “Hey, you’re back. Hi, Gabs.”
“How was your day-in?” Gabi asked.
“Pretty good.” You answer, “Had a nice nap.”
The taller sister chuckled while AJ smooches you on the cheek, “We brought home dinner. I’m glad you got some rest, you were so stressed this week.”
“I’ll go take a shower first, you guys.” Gabi said.
“Okay.” You and AJ answered in unison. As Gabi disappeared into the hallway, AJ pulls you onto her lap.
“What?” You ask her with a laugh.
“Nothing.” She tells you while wrapping her arms securely around you. You knew that’s all that was, you loved being in her arms. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. AJ loved holding you too, no matter what. She was big on physical touch and you loved that.
“What were you up to today?”
You gulped, “Nothing much. Did some reading instead of writing for once. Then I fell asleep.”
She couldn’t help but laugh endearingly.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
She rests her chin on your shoulder, not saying anything.
“Well, how was your day?”
“It was good, it’s always nice to hang out with Gabs.” AJ answered, “Missed you though.”
“It was only a few hours.” You chuckled. Her fingers combed through your hair, massaging your scalp, which you greatly enjoyed and appreciated. You had been feeling a bit of a headache coming on over the last several hours.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Mm.” You mumbled, “Head hurts a little but I’m okay.”
“Alright, if you’re sure.” She plants a kiss on your shoulder.
“Baby, I cannot believe you did that!” AJ said through giggles, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Hey, I didn’t fall. I made it through the whole thing.” You pointed out.
“You nearly—”
“Ah.” You stopped her, tackling her with a hug from behind, “But I didn’t. I’m perfectly fine. At least I think so.”
“You think so?” Dylan nearly snorted trying not to laugh.
“Can we go home now?” You tugged on AJ’s arm.
“Right now?” She narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously, “I thought you wanted to go to that—”
You hooked your arm together with hers, practically clinging onto her while you leaned closer.
“We’re still on for tomorrow, right?” Stacy asks.
AJ nodded, “Of course!”
“She’s being very clingy.” Stacy bites back a laugh, “Girl, you better not be sick or something.”
“I’m not.” You promised.
You and AJ said bye to Stacy and Dylan. Gabi had a dinner date with Chantal. But anyway, you two were on your way home. “You better be okay.”
You sulked, “I swear I’m fine.”
Silence lapsed between you and her for the rest of the ride, but you were just sitting there, not bothered by it. This wasn’t unusual. You could feel her looking at you every now and then, though. Not a single word was exchanged until you both entered the apartment and settled down. She adjusts the thermostat, sits down on the couch, and turns the TV on. Gesturing for you to sit yourself on her lap, you quickly obliged and made yourself comfortable. “You wanna talk about it?”
“AJ, it’s just some bruises I got from teaching myself how to skateboard.”
“Some bruises?” She gulped.
“My shins. And my shoulder.” You gave her a sheepish smile.
“Your shoulder?” Her eyes went wide, her finger went underneath the thin fabric of your t-shirt, lifting it to assess your said injury. She cringed internally, “Oh my God, baby.”
“I’ll manage.” You mumbled, now clinging onto her like a koala, head nuzzled in the crook of her neck.
“And you’re doing that, how? By holding onto me like a baby?”
“I’m fine, but they still hurt.” You whined, “Let me have this, okay?”
AJ chuckles, hand stroking your head, “Of course, honey. As long as you’re happy. I’ve got you.”
You smiled, eyes fluttering shut due to the soothing motions of her hand that was now rubbing your back. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Dunno.” You mumbled, breathing out heavily.
“Can I get up to go see what I can make for dinner in a bit?” She asks quietly. You nodded. But until then, you gladly stayed put in this state, letting yourself relax and soak in the attention she was giving you.
About thirty minutes afterwards, you were curled up on the couch while AJ was in the kitchen preparing dinner. You didn’t know what she was cooking— she didn’t tell you yet, but it smelled delicious.
“Hm?” You glance at her for a second.
“Why’d you decide to teach yourself how to skate?”
“I wanted us to be able to have something we could do together. Well, something new.”
“That’s sweet.” She beamed, “Hearts aching a little bit that you got those bruises, but I love that you can skate now.”
You let a chuckle slip, “Me too. But just for fun though.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Wanted to finish up this lil fic before I went to bed but not my best work. Anyway, enjoy☺️
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 2
This is the truly large part that I couldn’t find a safe place to stop without making it too short.
Eddie talks to his band about Steve and we meet Miranda, Jeff’s girlfriend. In fact Jeff and Miranda’s relationship is based on a couple friends of mine. They really do be like that.
Part 1
Three hours later and Steve was done, pulling off the latex gloves. He sat back with a satisfied grin. “Go on, go take a look.” He jutted his chin toward the three way mirror in the room.
Eddie hopped to his feet, grateful to be able to move again. Sitting still was the hardest part of the tattoo process. But Steve had kept his mind and body occupied by catching up with him. They chatted the full three hours without ceasing or awkward pauses.
He stood in front of the mirror in shock, letting out a small gasp. “Holy shit, Stevie. It’s beautiful.” And it was, too. It looked like his picture brought to life but with the chain swirling around like it had fallen on to Eddie’s chest to rest there. And it seemed to glow with an unearthly light.
“I’m glad,” Steve said with fond smile. He picked up the camera and took a picture of the tattoo.
Then he hopped up off the stool and went to a small side table where there was a stack of business cards. He picked one up and grabbed a pen, writing on the back.
He walked over to Eddie and handed it to him. “Call the front number if you want me to do the bat wings, call the one on the back if you just want to hang out.”
Eddie looked down at the card with a grin. “You’ve got it, big boy!”
“Do you want me to cover it with a gauze so you can put your shirt back on?” Steve asked, nervously.
Eddie frowned in confusion, but Steve nodded at his chest. He looked down at his tattoo. “Oh! Right! Yes, please!”
Steve bandaged it up and handed Eddie back his shirt. Which was good because Steve kept looking at him and while it didn’t make him feel uncomfortable or anything, it just seemed to see him and that was something he had never felt before.
They shook hands and Eddie wandered back to the front to pay. He tapped the card against his palm thoughtfully.
He held up the card and stuck out his tongue and Robin stuck out hers in return.
After she rang him up she handed him a small black gift bag with their logo on it. “For all our first time clients. It comes with instructions on how to take care of the tattoo for first few weeks. Not that you’d need that, but it’s there anyway. It also comes with clean bandages and our own special lotion. Most hand lotions will work, but ours is formulated for tattoo care.”
Eddie blinked at her in shock. This didn’t sound like a rote spiel, this was something they were passionate about. He pulled out the instruction booklet. It was beautifully illustrated with step-by-step directions on how to take care of the tattoo not just for the first couple of days but how to prevent the colors from fading too quickly over time.
“This is really well done,” he said with a low whistle.
Robin beamed. “Another one of Stevie’s nuggets. Will the Wise. He’s a pretty good graphic artist. He did the illustrations, too.”
Eddie nodded appreciatively. “I didn’t meet that one. Something about having to move to California for his freshman year...”
Robin nodded. “His mom got accepted at a college out there to get her associates in fine art, then came back to get her teacher’s license out here so she could teach in Indiana.”
“Must have been hard on the kids,” Eddie said, putting the pamphlet back into the bag.
Robin nodded. She leaned forward on her forearms. “You going to call or am I going to be subjected to the worst pining outside the worst rom-coms?”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “I don’t even know what that means.”
“Steve doesn’t do full back tattoos,” Robin explained. “Or large pieces of any kind. He had a bad experience once where he did one and the guy got super pissed, threatened to sue even.” She straightened up. “Not that he would tell you that. He’d probably say some bullshit about that he gets bored too easy or whatever.
“Excuse me, what?” he asked, confusion settling in.
“Steve doesn’t like doing big tattoos, but wants to do yours, ergo he likes you and wants an excuse to spend several hours over several weeks with you,” she explained slowly as if she was talking to a small child.
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “Oh.” He looked down at his chest. “I’d like to set up an appointment for the first session.”
Robin grinned. She pulled up the schedule and get it situated. “All done.”
Eddie grinned back and tapped the card on the counter thoughtfully. Then he leaned far into her space. “And I’m going to call him, too.”
Her eyes went wide as he turned on his heel and walked away.
He licked his lips and bit down on the lower one. Looks like he wasn’t going to kill Jeff after all. He might have to send flowers. The bastard.
Eddie strolled into the garage his band practiced in with a huge shit-eating grin. Brian looked up at him and grinned back.
“Someone is super happy,” he said. “I take you liked your tattoo...”
Jeff snorted. “And how was the tattoo artist?”
Eddie grin managed to get even bigger. “About that Jeffie...is there something you forgot to tell me?”
Jeff laughed. “I wasn’t going to tell you shit, man. I knew you wouldn’t go if you knew who it was.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side and then nodded. “Yeah, I guess. But fuck, man. He’s so good.”
Gareth jutted his chin out. “So come on, let’s see.”
Eddie pulled up his shirt and carefully peeled away the bandage to show them.
“Wicked!” Brian said, bobbing his head.
“You try the lotion yet?” Jeff asked. “Holy shit, that stuff is so good.”
Eddie shook his head. “Not yet. But I can’t wait to. I can’t stand the scented stuff and even non-scented stuff is scented.”
Jeff nodded. “I think you’ll really like theirs.”
Eddie shrugged. “Buckley is a bit intimidating as a receptionist, though...”
Jeff threw back his head and laughed. “She is that. But I think she just gets defensive because it’s ‘not a proper tattoo parlor’ or whatever,” he said, using air quotes.
Eddie nodded and carefully put away his tattoo, pulling down the shirt. “I never really got the dingy backdoor aesthetic, if I’m honest. Maybe that’s why there are so many tattoo ‘regerts’.”
They all burst out laughing.
“Could be,” Jeff conceded.
Eddie chewed on his lip and then blurted out, “I’m letting him do the bat wings!”
The room got so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
“No fucking way,” Gareth breathed, almost afraid to break the silence.
Eddie nodded. “You’ve seen what he can do with Jeff’s idea and with mine. Think of what he could do given carte blanche...”
“It’s going to take forever,” Brian cautioned.
“And it’s going to hurt like a bitch,” was Gareth’s warning.
Jeff leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “Do you really trust him to do this for you? Because we aren’t talking about some little tattoo because you felt like it. This is your tribute to finally getting out of Hawkins and making something of your self. If he fucks it up, you two wouldn’t survive the ensuing fallout.”
Eddie frowned. “Why would it matter to him if I don’t like–” he cut himself off as he remembered what Buckley said about being threatened with a lawsuit. “It would destroy his career, wouldn’t it?”
“He sure as hell wouldn’t want to tattoo anymore,” Jeff agreed. “So tread carefully. Talk to him about every step. Every choice. Because if this goes right, it’s going to be the most awesome collaboration ever. But if it goes south, man, it’s going to hit rock bottom.”
Eddie nodded. “I know, I know.” He threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair. “But there is something about the way he does his tattoos, man, that just has this passion and spark to them. I liked Max. I still do. But her style is more abstract or impressionist or whatever. It’s not this photo realistic style that Stevie has that just makes the tattoo pop.” He buried his head in his hands.
He ran his fingers down his face. “Am I fucked up for wanting that?”
The rest of the band looked at each other, then shook their heads.
“No, Ed,” Gareth said. “Of course not. We just want you to think about this before diving into it, face first.”
Eddie sighed. “Look you guys all know who I had the biggest crush on while we were in school. You know. So tell me this isn’t some weird self-actualization shit or something.”
Brian came over and sat down next to him on the two-seater. “There might be some truth to that. He was different from how he was in high school. Even Jeff’s said as much. He’s a good tattoo artist. No one is saying otherwise. And maybe that brought up old feelings again. So it’s going to up to you to decide if that’s why you’re going back.”
Gareth started waving his hands. “Not that that’s a shit reason for going back. Because as far as reasons to get a tattoo, being in love is one of the oldest there is.”
Jeff scoffed, “Pretty sure it was war or some shit like that.”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “Modern tattooing you fucker.”
Jeff grinned back at his friend. “Love you, Gare!”
“Fuck off,” Gareth teased back, he turned back to Eddie. “Just acknowledge that’s why.”
Eddie sighed. “Yeah, okay. I want to Steve Harrington to tattoo my back because he’s the best artist for the job, his work is incredible, and because I’ve always been half in love with the guy.”
He pulled out the business card and held it up between two fingers. “And because he gave me his personal cell number.”
The guys burst out laughing.
“Dude!” Brian said bumping their shoulders together. “Boy still got game.”
Eddie ducked his head and hid his blush with his hair. “Yeah, all right.”
Jeff leaned back and shook his head. “You gonna call the dude or do we have to do it for you?”
Eddie squeaked and waved his hands around dramatically. “No, no. I’ve got this. But I told him I would call after band practice. So if we could get on that, yeah?”
They all pulled out their instruments while Gareth sat behind his kit. He pulled out two drumsticks and tapped out the first few beats of their new song for the others to tune in.
Soon they were rocking out. They went through the songs a few times, repeating parts that were rougher than others. In no time at all they done, tired, covered in sweat, and absolutely satisfied with a job well done.
“Good job, guys,” Jeff said as they packed up. “We’re ready for tomorrow. Anyone need a lift tomorrow? I’ve the car this weekend.” Jeff lived with his girlfriend Miranda Winters and they only had the one beat up four door sedan between them.
“I’ll need a ride,” Brian said. “Mine’s in the shop. That damn radiator cap leaked again.”
Jeff winced. “I think you just junk the damn thing and get something else, man. You’re pumping more money into that piece of shit then it’s worth.”
Brian nodded. “I’ve almost got enough saved up for a newer model. That clunker just has to last that long.”
“You gonna need a ride home tonight, too?” Jeff asked as he zipped up his soft guitar case.
Brian shook his head. “Cecil’s coming to get me.” Cecil was Brian’s roommate. “He dropped me off tonight, he just works tomorrow night.”
They all nodded.
Jeff turned to Gareth. “You got a ride?”
Gareth nodded. “Yeah, man. Gethin is visiting this weekend and wants to see us play. So I’ve got a ride to both Friday and Saturday’s shows.”
“How about you Ed,” Jeff asked. “Your clunker gonna make this weekend?”
Eddie scoffed. “Dude, my clunker as you call my noble steed is in better shape than yours and Brian’s combined. She’ll be fine.”
Jeff chuckled. “Whatever you say, man. That thing is a four-wheeled death trap and you know it.”
Eddie put his hand over his heart, mock-wounded. “Forsooth! You dare disparage the mighty Snowmane!”
Gareth eyed sidelong. “You’re just procrastinating calling Steve. So hop to it, boy! We want to see you call him.”
Eddie sighed, but pulled out his phone. He typed in the number on the back of the card, knee bouncing up and down as he waited.
“Hey, Stevie!” Eddie greeted. “It’s Eddie. I said I’d call after practice and here I am.”
“No it was good,” Eddie said. “Yeah. We are so ready for this weekend.”
“Yup,” he said, avoiding looking at his friends. “Hey, you and Robin should come out either tomorrow or Saturday.”
“Saturday it is,” he said with a grin. “The Nightmare Holes bar at 8pm.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, holding his hair in front of his face to hide his deepening blush. “I’ll talk to guys and get back to you on that. But it sounds like fun.”
“Of course,” he said softly. “Yeah. It was good to see you again, too.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you then. Bye.”
He looked up to see his friends staring at him in varying degrees of shock.
“Holy shit, dude,” Gareth said, standing up from behind his kit. “You really do have it bad.”
Just then the door opened and Miranda walked in. She was tall and thin, having done ballet for years. When she stood, her body automatically fell into pointe. Her dark brown hair was in a French braid that went down to the small of her back. Her eyes were an all too knowing grey, and when she walked in, she a mischievous grin on her pretty face.
“Who’s got what bad?” she asked, coming up to Jeff to give him a kiss.
“Our Eddie boy’s got a crush on his new tattoo artist,” Brian said gleefully, rubbing his hands together.
Eddie glared at him. “I swear to god if you say anything else I will smash your base by going eighty miles an hour on the freeway and tossing it out the fucking window.”
Brian held up his hands in surrender.
“Technically, it’s a old crush,” Gareth said with a shit-eating grin, “but it checks out.”
Miranda turned to Eddie clapping her hands and jumping up and down. “Steve Harrington is your new tattoo artist? That must blow your fucking mind!”
Eddie blushed. “Come on, guys!”
“All right,” Jeff said stepping forward. “Leave the man alone. He just had his world view tilted on its axis, give him time to get through that first.”
Eddie smiled up at him. “Thanks, man.”
“And then tease the shit out of him,” Jeff continued.
Eddie huffed and threw himself back on the two-seater and glowered. “Fuck all you guys.”
“Hey, Brian,” Miranda said, “Cecil is out in the parking lot waiting for you.”
Brian nodded and said his goodbyes, heading out to meet his roommate.
Miranda turned to Gareth and Jeff. “If you guys are ready, go ahead and go out to the car. I need to have a word with Eddie real quick.”
Jeff and Gareth nodded and waved goodbye to Eddie. Leaving the two of them alone.
She sat down next to him and sighed. “Teasing aside, are you okay?”
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded. “It’s just such a shock. He has his own tattoo parlor. He pays his best friend to receptionist for him. And fuck if he isn’t talented to boot.” He lifted up his shirt and showed her the new tattoo.
“Holy fuckballs!” she said reaching out her hands to touch it, but stopping just in time. “It looks so real.”
Eddie covered it back up and put his shirt back down. “I’m going to have him do my wings.”
Miranda nodded. “Just tell him that if he fucks up with you, Miranda Winter will be coming for his ass.”
Eddie chuckled. “I’ll be sure and tell him, but he’s coming to the concert on Saturday if you wanted to meet him.”
“Sure thing, darlin’,” she said. “I’ve got to get back out their before they completely change all my radio programs to metal again.”
Eddie laughed. “Well maybe if you listened to good music, they wouldn’t have to.”
“Shut your whore mouth, pretty boy,” Miranda teased back. “I happen to like alt rock.”
Eddie just grinned as he watched her leave.
He frown slid off his face. Oh fuck. What if Steve didn’t like metal? No. Then he would have turned Eddie down, because he new it was a metal band. But what if he forgot. But he remembered a lot about him. So he wouldn’t just forget in a couple of hours. Fuck.
There was nothing for it he was going to have to call Uncle Wayne.
Part 3 Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18   Part 19  Part 20  Part 21 Part 22  Part 23  Part 24 Part 25 Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @archermightbegay 
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shinsorokiri · 2 years
The Rockstar and The Farmer
Sam x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: language, spoilers for Jodi’s heart event, mutual pining, Sam being chaotically smooth
A/N: Yes I’m aware I said I’d hopefully have part two up by the end of the week, yes I am aware it is like three weeks later, everybody makes mistakes and I make big ones frequently. Part 3 will be out eventually, I promise. That being said, enjoy this very late posting of part 2! :)
part [1] 2 [3?]
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“Seb, Abigail, and I are gonna unload our gear, so I’ll see you in like… an hour? Or so?” You nod. “Yeah, see you then,” you say, getting up and off the bus. 
You walk back to your farm, being welcomed by your animals almost immediately. You go check up on them and make sure they’re all happy and okay before going inside your house to grab the fish you put on ice for Jodi. You check the clock and see that it took you a decent amount of time to check your animals and decide to start walking over now. You take your time, taking the scenic route and waving to Leah as you pass by her home. You check your watch, making sure
You knock on the door before letting yourself in. “Jodi?” you call out, and she dashes out from the kitchen. “Ah, I’m so glad you came, (Y/n)! And you brought the fish! Wonderful,” she exclaims, and you hurry over to her, handing her the fish. You begin to take it out of the cooler you brought it in while Jodi turns slightly towards the hallway that leads to her two sons’ rooms. “Sam! Could you come in here and help clean this fish?” You hear a pause before Sam’s voice responds, quieter than usual but loud enough for his mom to hear, though you don’t know if she picks up on the subtle annoyance in his tone. “Yes, ma’am.” You hear footsteps and the familiar creak of his bedroom door opening while you take the fish out of the cooler and hold it in your hands, presenting it to Jodi. “Wow, it looks wonderful… and it smells so fresh!” she takes it out of your hands and into hers before smiling at you, “Thanks so much for doing this, (Y/n).”
“No problem, I can help you with cleaning the fish, too, if you’d like,” you offer, and Sam’s eyes light up. “Yes!”
“No!” Jodi and Sam look at each other, and she sighs. “Sam… (Y/n) is our guest, we can’t make them help clean the food they came here to eat.” Sam frowns, disappointed that he’s going to have to gut and clean this fish with his mom instead of his crush best friend. You feel a tinge of disappointment as well, and before you even process, you’re speaking, you blurt out, “Oh no it’s fine! You were kind enough to invite me tonight so the least I can do is help you prepare the meal! Besides, I’ve gotten pretty good at gutting fish, I bet I could teach Sam here a thing or two.” Sam raises his eyebrow at you, obviously amused. “Who said I need someone to teach me?”
“Me, Sam. I know you, and you always need someone to teach you,” you tease, and he rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face gives him away. Jodi watches, her own smile spreading when she seemingly changes her mind. “Oh, fine. You two clean the fish, and I’ll get some sides and all the other ingredients ready, okay?”
“Okay, Jodi,” you say, as Sam takes this fish from his mom, and you follow him into the kitchen. “I have been gutting fish ever since we moved here, farmer, let me show you a thing or two,” he brags and you giggle, rolling your eyes. “Please, Sam. Show me everything I already know.”
“Hey now, did you know that you can do this?” Sam begins to cut into the fish when the knife slips and falls to the floor. You both jump out of the way, and Sam quickly wraps his arms around you, pulling you back to make sure you’d stay safe. You ignore the fuzzy feeling that spreads through your chest and giggle. “No, Sam, I actually didn’t know I could gut the floor while simultaneously gutting a fish,” you joke, and his face turns bright red. “My hands got all slimy from the fish!”
“Yeah. Mhm, okay,” you laugh, bending over to pick up the knife and walking over to the sink to wash it off. “I’m being serious I am so good at gutting these guys,” he whines as you walk over to him and the fish, drying the knife off. You grin at him. “I believe you, but… maybe I should hold the knife,” you tease, standing in front of the fish and getting ready to cut into it. He sighs. “Fine, but I can still show you my tips and tricks… here,” he says, wrapping his arms around you from the back and holding onto your hand with his. You’re grateful that you’re facing the opposite way from him so he can’t see your dopy grin, but Jodi sees it. You and Sam interacting had always put a smile on her face, but especially now. She was excited to see what might come from all this subtle flirting going on between the two of you. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find herself encouraging this subtle flirting. She never thought she’d enjoy watching her son gut a fish this much.
With your help, you and Sam managed to gut the largemouth bass in record time, and Jodi shooed the two of you out of the kitchen so she could cook. “Come on, I have a new song idea and want you to hear it, we should have enough time until the casserole is ready,” Sam says, grabbing your hand and pulling you to his room. You feel your face heat up as Sam’s hand effortlessly intertwines with yours, and smile because you’re about to hear a new Sam original. “Can’t wait to hear Goblin Destroyer perform this one at their next show, you grin, and he chuckles a bit. He let’s go of your hand and scratches his neck. “Well, actually, this is more of a song for me…” he lets you know, quickly turning around and inaudibly mumbling, “and someone else…” You take your seat on his bed, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your face on your knees. You grin at him as he picks up his guitar and turns to you. He begins to strum his guitar and opens his mouth, getting ready to sing, when suddenly there’s a knock at his door. A tiny little knock. You and Sam glance at each other and he smiles apologetically. “Looks like I’ll have to show you the song after dinner, then,” he places the guitar back on it’s stand and opens the door. “(Y/N)!” Vince yells, running in and hopping up onto Sam’s bed and giving you a hug. You laugh and hug him back. “Hi, Vince!”
Sam stands by his door, leaning against the wall, observing the way you interact with his younger brother. He grins softly. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t warm his heart to know that Vincent loved you almost as much as him. Almost. He realizes that his eyes go from focusing on you and Vince to just you. He’d been trying to make more subtle moves to hint at his interest in you recently, and he’s really hoping that you’ve been picking up on it. But for some reason, it’s getting increasingly harder for him to not just straight up confess to you. In fact, he has a letter telling you to meet him at 8 in front of his house all written up and in his jeans pocket right now. Of course, he’s nervous about how you’ll react, but he really just wants to be able to wrap his arms around you all the time and keep you close to him. He wants to be able to refer to you as his partner with Sam and Abigail and actually mean it. He wants the rest of the people in Pelican Town to know that the farmer who moved here is a part of the community just as much as he is. He just wants you—
“Why are you staring at us like that?” Vince's little voice pulls Sam out of his trance and his eyes widen. “I wasn’t staring.”
“Yes, you were.”
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“Was no—”
“OKAY! DINNER’S READY EVERYONE!” Jodi yells, cutting the brothers off. You chuckle, watching Vince immediately run out to get food. You look over at Sam, whose face is still red, by the way, and get up off his bed. You walk over to him and tug on the sleeve of his jean jacket. “Come on, rockstar. Let’s go eat.” He grins slightly and follows you out to eh kitchen, sitting next to you. Dinner tastes great, you immediately start asking Jodi a ton of questions about the recipe, which she happily answers and agrees to write it down for you. You already have your mind swimming with ideas to add ingredients that might add more flavor or give the dish a new spin. You almost feel like a part of the family. It ends too soon, though, and before you know it, you’re yawning up a storm. “Oh, (Y/n), you must be tired. You did a lot of running around today,” Jodi mentions, and you wave your hand, shaking your head. “I’m fine, I promise, but it is about time I should head out. I need to go make sure all the animals are all snug and safe,” you say, standing up. “Let me help you clean the table first,” you say, starting to grab your plates. “No, don’t be silly! I can handle that. Sam, why don’t you walk (Y/n) home?” Jodi suggests and Vince jumps up. “Can I go?!”
“No, Vinny, you’re staying here. It’s nearly your bedtime,” Jodi says, and Vince whines. You give him a goodbye hug and make your way to the front door, putting your shoes on. “I’ll see you tomorrow! Thank you so much for the delicious meal!” you yell as you walk out of the house, Sam closing the door behind the two of you. Although it’s summer, it’s a very chilly night. And silly you, you left our jacket at your farm. You shiver slightly, and Sam notices. “Here,” he shrugs his jean jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders. “Oh, no, Sam I’ll be fine—”
“No, no, no, you’re cold, you’re wearing it,” he insists, and you smile softly to yourself. “Thanks.”
“No problem, (Y/n/n).” The two of you walk past Marnie’s ranch, and you watch as fireflies light up the night. “Today was fun,” you say, and Sam nods. “So fun. Thanks again for coming to my show… and for coming to dinner… and helping me gut that fish and not my foot,” he says, causing you to giggle. “Of course. You know I’ll always be at your gigs. Oh! Speaking of you didn’t play me that song!” you exclaim, halting and turning to him. He lets out a small laugh. “That’s okay. I’ll show you another time. You wake up at like 5 in the morning and it’s almost 10:30. I’d rather get you home and in bed,” he says, grabbing your arm and pulling you to walk again. “Aw, so thoughtful,” you tease, before yawning again. “Mhm, and you said you weren’t tired.”
“I’m just used to being tired, comes with the farm.”
“Maybe you should sleep in a little later? Take a nap during the day?”
“Can’t,” you shake your head, “if I’m not caring for the animals, I’m planting crops, and if I’m not planting crops, I’m in the mines, and if I’m not in the mines, I’m fishing, and if I’m not fishing—”
“You’re taking care of the animals… I know. I guess I just worry about you sometimes. You do a lot, you deserve a break,” he shrugs, and you sheepishly grin, looking down at your feet. He’s right, you do overexert yourself. But you have to fix up the Community Center before that idiot Lewis sells it to Joja. You know you have to move quick. “Well once I have the best farm in Pelican Town, I’ll rest,” you say, and Sam rolls his eyes. “(Y/n/n), you already have the best farm in Pelican Town. You’re the farm of Pelican Town,” he says, and you shrug. “Can always be better.”
“I swear one of these days I’m gonna force you to lay down and do nothing all day long. Mark my words.”
“Words marked. I’d like to see you try though,” you say, and he scoffs. “Oh, I won’t just try, I will succeed.” You giggle as you walk onto your land, passing by the little pond by your coop. “Mr. Quackers, if you don’t get inside the coop and stop swimming around so help me Yoba, I will only let you swim in a bucket,” you shout out to your duck, who quacks at you, but seemingly understands the threat. Sam laughs as he waddles into the coop, and you close the door that lets the birds out. None of your babies are getting eaten by anything tonight. Or ever, for that matter. “Mr. Quackers?”
“Yeah. He also responds shockingly well to just Quack. He knows I’m serious when I call him his legal name though,” you grin, and Sam shakes his head. “I can’t believe he actually listened to you.”
“I just have a way with my animals,” you brag, shutting the open barn door after seeing all your animals are safe and sound inside. You glance to where your stable is and see your horse asleep with your dog asleep next to her. “Well, looks like all my animals are accounted for. Thank you for walking me home, Sam,” you grin at him as you get to the front door of your little farmhouse. He grins back. “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, for sure… oh wait! Your jacket!” you start to shrug it off as he begins walking away. “Nah, it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow anyway. ‘Sides, it looks better on you,” he says, turning around and shooting a wink at you. You feel butterflies erupt in your stomach, and heat start spreading through your face all the way up to your ears. “I’ll get it to you tomorrow!”
“Or you can hold onto it for a bit, really, I don’t mind,” he insists, and you shake your head. But there’s no hiding the smile that breaks out across your face. “G’night, farmer!”
“Goodnight, rockstar,” you say, waving at him as he turns and begins walking home. You walk inside your home, your dog rushing past you when he hears the creaking of your door. You grin and lock your door for the night, slipping your shoes off. You’re about to take Sam’s jacket off when you stop. Maybe you’ll wear this to sleep in tonight. Just because you might as well get as much use out of it before returning it to him. Obviously. That’s a good reason to sleep in it. You change into your pajamas, before slipping the jacket back on and getting under your covers. You breathe in Sam’s cologne, noticing it’s more comforting than it usually is right now, and start drifting off. You don’t even hear your mailbox opening or notice your pup staring at the window for a moment before lying his head back down and falling asleep curled next to you. You fall asleep, with only one thought in your head. 
‘See you tomorrow, rockstar.’
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sapphiewritesstuff · 2 years
Dude I need a hardcore yandere Namor x reader!
Where your Riri’s friend and specialize in chemistry and biology so you know how to make different materials for her and even make money off the side with selling your stuff to the government. And Namor definitely wants to kill you like the scientist but after finally seeing you in person has a change of heart, his mind convincing him it’ll be a waste on someone so intelligent to die, especially someone so beautiful- Namor then rizzes you up enough to manipulate you into staying with him after the war
(Extra points for tension and possessive)
love your work please drink more water 💧❤️❤️❤️
Hi!! Thank you for the request and I’m really really glad you like my work, thank you for supporting me <33 I will try my best with this ask, as I usually don’t write hardcore Yandere, so if it’s not what you expect I’m sorry, but I am a soft girl at heart and Namor is my bby girl <33
Warnings: GN! Reader, Yandere, Violence, manipulation, kidnapping, Namor is dark but not darker than he is in the movie, isolation, punishments, murder, not proofread.
-You were kidnapped along with Shuri and Riri, knocked unconscious by Namora and taken to Talokan.
-Namor takes an almost immediate interest in you, wanting to talk to you and learn more about you. At first, he tries to excuse it as trying to get closer to the enemy, even though he doesn’t treat Riri the same way, but later learns to accept that he thinks that you’re beautiful.
-He accepts the fact that you're a genius, your inventions and experiments are like none other, and it intrigues him. Talokan could use someone like you, it would be a waste to kill you.
-The more time he spends with you, the more infatuated he becomes. Everything about you is perfect, from your brain to the way you act to the way you look, he needs you as his own.
-You plead with him to let Riri and Shuri go, but never beg for your own freedom, and Namor respects how selfless you are.
-Nakia soon comes to rescue the three of you, but as Namor started keeping you in his private hut, she was unable to take you back to the surface.
-You told yourself that they would come back for you, that they were just planning their next move, but days turned into weeks, and nobody ever came.
-Namor took pity on you, he hated seeing such a beautiful person be ruined by the surface dwellers, but he knew that he could use this to his advantage.
-One day, he sat down beside you, taking your face into his hands, and very firmly, yet gently, told you words that you'll never forget.
-"They're not coming for you, my love."
-He 'takes care' of the Wakandans soon after. (Interpret that as you will, if Wakanda and Talokan become allies he convinces them that you're in Talokan willingly, you're too afraid to say differently.)
-Life with Namor isn't spent as a captive, if you can overlook not being allowed to leave Talokan, he treats you like royalty (which you are, he has already made you the other ruler of Talokan through marriage). His touches are soft, and he feeds you only the freshest of fruits.
-Namor has a temper, there is no denying that, many poor servants have been subject to his yelling and wrath after disrespecting him or you.
-Despite this, he never lays a finger on you.
-Punishments? He doesn't like hurting you, his little scientist, but he knows that if he doesn't teach you, you'll stray away.
-He isolates you. You have been down in Talokan for god knows how long, with Namor being your only interaction, as much as you hate to admit it, it's nice having someone to keep you sane. Namor knows this, and uses it to his advantage. Whenever you act up or break one of his rules, he'll ignore you until you're begging for him to look at you again.
-He also makes you watch as he guts some innocent who 'wronged' you in his eyes. Sometimes it's an act of love ('look at what I would do for you!'), other times it's a punishment ('this is what happens to people you get too close to, it's your fault, stay by my side and nobody will have to suffer')
-You'll never see the surface again, he knows that the government will just come after you, he must keep you here to protect you and his kingdom. He's doing this for you!
-If you ever try to escape, god help you.
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rowretro · 7 months
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WARNINGS: none i know of
✧tag list✧:@chlorinecake @nikisdubblchococake @enhypensccstarlight @strwberrydinosaur @sunghoonsbeautymark @strawbsj  @who-tf-soddhi @addictedtohobi (pls tell me if i'm missing any tags) @lovrqis
Y/n frowned at Riki “What do you mean street fighting? I get karate or jiu jitsu, but why Street Fighting?!!” the girl asked as Riki sighed “he’s 5, we have enemies lurking, I need him to know how to fight off anyone who goes to attack him!” Riki exclaimed as the girl flicked his forehead “Then let him learn self defense. You have experience in that don’t you?” the girl asked as Riki went silent, thinking for a moment then nodded 
“Yeah I guess that makes more sense- I can start teaching him next week-” he said as he pecked y/n’s lips, baby Yeseol, whined as she smacked his nose. “I- mommy’s girl” he pouted at the baby, while the baby just babbled, resting her head on y/n’s chest. Riki then gets a call “one sec babe… it’s the new dealer we appointed.” He said as he answered the call walking off. The girl sighed, rolling her eyes at him.
After what felt like an hour, Riki was done with his phone call, kicking a football with Kyle “who ever scores the next goal gets a hundred million points!” the little boy explained as Riki grinned “you’re on tiny.” he said, playfully narrowing his eyes at him. Before Riki could even kick the ball into the goal, Kyle tackled him, and kicked the ball into the goal himself “HAHA U LOSED!!!!” he screamed as Riki frowned.
The male walked in smiling as he saw y/n gently rock the baby, smiling as she baby talked to the little girl. “Any plans for her first birthday sweetheart?” Riki asked as The girl continued to rock the baby. “I don’t have much in mind, but I say we invite family and friends, no one more.” Y/n said as she looked up at Riki. “Babe-” “Riki. Don’t turn your daughter’s very first birthday into a drug deal meeting.” y/n warned as the male rolled his eyes “Fine… I’ll move the meeting to tonight.” Riki simply said as y/n stared at him in shock.
“Tonight?! Babe you promised to take me out on a date tonight! Heeseung even agreed to look after our kids! You promised you won’t let anything get in the way, especially business.” y/n said, upset as the man groaned. “Fucksake babe, we have 2 kids, we’re married, we see eachother on a daily basis, heck we share the same bed! What more do you want from me?!!!” he asked almost yelling at her. 
“I just want you to be here Riki… not just physically, mentally. I don’t want this drug empire and all this money getting to your head” She admitted, looking down at the baby who cooed “don’t you want daddy to be here too?” she asked in a baby voice as Riki just stared at them. It’s true. He hasn’t taken her on a date for almost 2 years now, he was barely there while she was pregnant, heck he wasn’t even there when she gave birth. He’s completely left out his duty as a husband but she still stuck by his side making sure he was happy.
“Babe, stop checking your phone, Heeseung is looking after them? He's looked after Kyle before, I’m sure he’ll be able to look after Yeseol '' Riki reassured as he took your hands in his. The man took her to a nice restaurant, the 2 beautifully dressed as they sat at a pretty table, decorated with roses. It was very romantic, she couldn’t deny it. “I’m so glad we’re having a night out” she said with a smile, as he kissed her hand. “Please… you’ve done so much for me sweetheart, I should be spoiling you like this more often” Riki said with a smile.
Not even 15 minutes later, mid-kiss, a bullet interrupted the two. Now half an hour had passed and they were under the table, y/n’s glare being the first thing to hit him instead of a bullet. “Babe, I didn't think they’d find us here… I have a gun on me just stay down ok? I love you” Riki said, kissing her forehead as he left the table, pulling out his guns and shooting all those attackers in one go. “Now… where were we?” Riki asked as the girl sighed, her hair a mess “we were going home.” she simply said, walking out of the restaurant as Riki sighed.
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hangmansgbaby · 2 years
Friends Don’t | J.Seresin
Summary: Y/n L/n and Jake "Hangman" Seresin have been best friends since birth (their parents are life long friends and they were born exactly a month apart. They visited on and off for years after Jake left for the Naval Academy and Y/n went to UCSD. Late night calls, random week long vacations to cross off bucket list items, and even staying together if Jake was ever in San Diego. When Jake returns to San Diego for the Uranium mission, everyone points out the little things about Jake and Y/n’s relationship that are definitely something friends don't.
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
Warnings: oblivious childhood friends to lovers, mentions of possible death, reader loses it, uranium mission (Let me know if I should add any)
Note: This is my submission for @roosterforme ‘s #love is in the air TGM challenge. When I tell you it took me a month to wrote this! I’m so glad it’s finally out! Enjoy!
Word count: 2.9k
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The morning after graduation, y/n l/n met her childhood best friend Jake Seresin out front of their neighboring houses. His truck is parked in front of the houses on their family’s shared ranch, his suitcase and duffel bag sat in the back seat. She watched as his mother hugged him with tears and her eyes along with his sisters. His father simply shook his hand and wished him luck. Y/n leaned against the front of his truck as he walked up to her.
“So….” He trails off, stopping before his best friend.
“I guess this is good…” Jake doesn’t even get to finish the sentence before y/n is jumping into a bear hug, holding her best friend close. It takes a moment for Jake to realize what's happening before he’s returning the hug, holding y/n impossibly closer. 
“I’m gonna miss you, Jakey.” Y/n cries softly into his chest.
“I’m gonna miss you too, sweets.”
“Don’t forget about me?”
“I could never forget about my best friend.” Jake chuckles, pulling back from the hug. They stood there for a few moments silent, Jake's keys in his hand swaying slightly. “So….”
“I love you.” Jake has to pause and think out what y/n just blurted out. It sounded different than the thousands of times they’ve said it but there's no way she meant it like that.
“I love you too.” He replies, he really means it.
“You should–” Y/n pauses, smiling softly as she steps away from Jake and his truck. “You should probably get on the road.”
Jake nods. He wishes she’d ask him to stay, he has an acceptance to UCSD too. If she asked, he’d give up the Navy in a heartbeat.
Y/n watches as Jake climbs up in his truck. She wants him to drag her with him. Take her all the way across the country and be with her but he’d never jeopardize her dreams, the same way she’d never ask him to give up his.
She holds back her tears as Jake drives down the long road away from the ranch. As soon as she knows he can’t see her, the tears fall. Jake’s mom comes up behind the girl to hold her.
“It's okay sweetheart, he’ll be back for you.” Adeline whispers as she rubs her hand up and down Y/n’s back. “He’d never leave you too far behind.”
15 years later……
“Miss l/n! Can you tell us about the planes again?” One of y/n’s students pleads as they come in from their afternoon recess.
“Didn’t we just talk about the planes this morning?” Y/n laughs as she guides the last couple of fourth graders onto the room.
“Come on Miss l/n!”
“Pretty please Miss l/n?”
Y/n chuckles at the pleads of her students. Teaching at a school close to a Naval Air Station leads to kids constantly seeing fighter jets flying over the playground and lots of questions. Fortunately for y/n, being best friends with a Naval Aviator means she knows way too much about a career she has nothing to do with. 
“I think I can take a few more questions before we go home.” Y/n answers walking towards her stool at the front of class.
“And maybe someone who actually flies the planes can answer a few too?” Y/n looks towards the door to see someone she did not expect.
“It's Mr. Jake!”
“You came back!”
The students crowd around the aviator who stands just inside the classroom door, cheering at the return of the only aviator most of the kids know.
“Alright back to your seats, let's go!” Y/n directs as Jake makes his way to the front of the classroom.
When Jake was in San Diego for their birthday weekend this year, y/n convinced him to come assist with a science lesson pertaining to planes. The students loved getting a visit from Jake when he’s in the area, and being stationed in Lemoore means Jake visited at least once a month. But what confused y/n more was she didn’t plan for this visit, nor did she know that Jake was even in town.
The kids asked every question under the sun and when the final bell rang no one really wanted to leave. Y/n had to practically force the kids out with the promise that Jake would come visit soon.
“Bye! Have a good weekend!”
“Bye Miss l/n! Bye Mr. Jake!”
When the last kid leaves, Y/n turns to her best friend. “What are you doing here?” Y/n questions.
“Wow, good to see you too, sweets.” Jake laughs, standing from y/n’s office chair.
“Don’t get me wrong, Jakey, I love seeing you, but I just saw you last week for your birthday. Why are you here, and dropping by my work unannounced?”
“It's Navy stuff, sweets.” Jake sighs. “Top Gun called me back. I’ll be here for a few weeks.”
“Seriously?!” Y/n’s eyes light up. They have never spent more than a 3 day period once a year together in the last 10 years. “Do you have a place to stay? I just moved into that new house by the base with a spare bedroom. You won't have to crash on my couch anymore.” Y/n laughs softly.
“I’d stay with you even if I had to sleep in the backyard.” Jake smiles, picking up y/n’s purse as she packs up her cart with work for the weekend. “Missed my best girl.” Jake throws his arm over y/n’s shoulders as they walk to y/n’s car. “Speaking of missing you, few of the pilots are meeting at the Hard Deck, wanna come with?”
“I guess I could use a bit of a break.” Y/n answers as Jake opens the passenger door for her, loading her things into the back before climbing in the driver seat.
“Well look what we have here!”
“Hey Javy.” Y/n laughs, hugging him.
“How's the new place treating you?”
“Wonderfully! Thanks again for helping me move.”
“Hey Coyote. How have you been?” 
“Hangman. I’ve been around, man.” 
“I’m gonna get a drink, Jake. You want a beer? Javy, beer?”
“Yea, thanks y/n.”
“Thanks sweets.” Jake smiles, pulling his card out for her to open a tab.
“You know I can pay for drinks right?” Y/n tries to push the card away. 
“What kind of best friend and gentleman would I be if I let a lady buy her own drinks?” Jake pushes the card towards her again. “Besides, you know our parents would have my head if I let you pay for me.”
“I need to stop letting you use the parent excuse. I know it's bullshit.” Y/n laughs as she makes her way to the bar counter, Jake’s credit card in hand. “Hey Penny can I get 2 beers and a…” y/n trails off. “You know what? Make me an old fashioned, I'm sure Jake’s gonna steal my drink anyways.” Y/n laughs.
“Oh? That pilot of yours back already?” Penny gives y/n a knowing look. There were one too many drunken nights that y/n sat at Penny’s bar complaining about an aviator she liked but didn’t like her back.
“He’s stationed nearby for a bit.” Y/n nods, handing Penny the credit card.
“Jacob Seresin? Y/n, don’t tell me you just handed me a stolen credit card.” Penny chuckles.
“You know me Pen, schools don’t pay enough.” Y/n laughs. “No, it's my best friend’s. He refuses to let me pay everywhere we go.”
“Sounds like a boyfriend thing.” Penny suggests the idea. She’s been watching the two all night and even on the many other occasions the two were around. “I’m just saying Y/n, I think he likes you more than a friend.” Penny points over to the pilot whose eyes are locked on the girl. Y/n turns around just as Jake turns away.
“He’s just looking out for me.” Y/n defends as Penny turns with the drinks.
“Whatever you say but I know that look and that boy is 100% in love with you.”
“Thanks Penny.” Y/n smiles as she walks back over to the boys. “Your beers, gentlemen.” Y/n sets the two bottles down as she takes a sip of her drink.
“Oh lemme see that!” Jake snatches the old fashioned from her hands. 
“How did I know?” Y/n laughs as she grabs the second beer, taking a sip as Jake downs the glass.
“Honey I’m home!” Jake calls as he walks into y/n’s house.
“I'm upstairs!” Y/n laughs at his antics
“Hey! The team wants to know if we can have a barbeque the night before the mission here.” Jake asks jogging upstairs.
“Yea that's okay. It’d be Thanksgiving right?” She asks, walking out of the bathroom, a half folded towel in her hand.
“Actually, it's gonna be this saturday, they moved up the mission date.”
Y/n dropped the towel in her hands. “No.” She looks at her best friend with tears in her eyes. “A week early?”
“They told us today.”
“How long are you guys gonna be gone?”
“Three days.”
“Where?” Y/n questions. She’s been through this before but it never gets easier.
“You know I can’t tell you that.”
“Can you tell me anything?” Y/n walks up to Jake with tears in her eyes.
“I brought the file…”
“No. Jake, no.” Y/n stumbles back, the tears streaming now.
“No. We're not doing that.” She knew exactly where he was going with it. The first time Jake went on a life or death mission y/n helped him put together a file of everything that whoever needed to know in case something happened.
“Y/n, it's the reality of my job.” Jake tries to comfort her but she backs away.
“Then don’t go!” She shouts, crying. “Stay here, where it's safe! Where I can’t lose my best friend!” Where I can’t lose the love of my life.
“You know I would if I could.” Jake says softly. 
“I… I…” Before y/n could get a word out she’s bolting to her bedroom, locking the door behind her. 
“Sweets?” Jake is hot on her heels. “Sweetheart, come on.” Jake knocks on her door. “Y/n?”
Y/n doesn’t know what time Jake went to bed but she didn’t leave her room until she knew he wasn’t in the hallway anymore and she dodged him like the plague leading up to the barbeque.
By the time Saturday rolled around Jake and Y/n still weren’t on speaking terms. And the team noticed.
“What's up with you and Hangman?” Phoenix was the first to question y/n.
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” Y/n walks past her with a couple bowls of chips to the dining room table.
“Y/n, he’s giving you puppy eyes and has been slacking at work all week. We’re worried about him and you!”
“Nothing happened, Nix.” Y/n sighs.
“It's about the mission isn’t it?” Bob asks, seeming to appear out of nowhere.
“Dude you’ve been moping for almost a week. What's up with you and Y/n?” Coyote questions.
“She freaked out on me the other day.” Jake sighs. “I told her the mission was moved up when we were talking about today.”
“Don’t tell me you brought the damn file.” Jake just looks down. “Jake, you know how she is about that.”
“You heard Mav and the admirals. We may not come back. I can’t leave her hanging.”
“Have you tried talking to her?” Coyote questions.
“She’s been avoiding me.” Jake sighs looking over to where y/n walks towards the table with Phoenix following her. 
“You better do it tonight.”
“I know.”
“Thanks for letting us hang out here tonight.”
“Of course! You guys are welcome here anytime.” Y/n hugs each aviator as they exit the house. “Be careful tomorrow, okay?” Everyone nods as they leave and y/n immediately starts to clean up.
“Hey sweets?” Y/n ignores Jake as she walks past him to the kitchen. “Sweetheart, will you please talk to me?’
“There’s nothing to talk about Hangman.” 
“Y/n, you’ve been ignoring me for days, please just talk to me!”
“What do you want me to say?!” Y/n shouts, turning to face him. “You can’t stay! You wanna hand me that fucking file and go off to your death and I’m just supposed to be okay with that?!”
“You could at least talk to me knowing I might not come back!” Jake shouts. “I don’t want to leave knowing my best friend can’t stand me because of my job.”
“I don’t hate you.” She says softly. “I just don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t lose me sweets,” Jake takes a cautious step towards her. “I will do everything in my power to come home to you.”
“I’m gonna go to bed. I’ll clean this tomorrow.” She sighs, moving past Jake to go to her upstairs bedroom.
Jake, sighing, quietly cleans up everything before grabbing his duffle bag and loading up in his truck sending y/n a quick text.
I’m going to stay on base tonight so I don’t wake you up when I leave in the morning. I love you, sweets. J
That's what y/n woke up to the next morning when her 3AM alarm went off. That and a clean downstairs. She had set her alarm so she could drive Jake to his 4AM departure time but she must have missed the text while she was crying herself to sleep last night.
She could just send him a text. Wish him luck and go back to bed, but the manilla folder on the coffee table catches her attention and holds it. 3:30 rolls around and she can’t sit there anymore.
This was her best friend. The guy she grew up with. That she’d seriously been in love with since she was in high school but something about the last two weeks really set that thought in. 
Jumping from the couch, she quickly changes and throws on shoes before running out the door to her car. She had exactly 15 minutes before she may very well miss her only chance to tell him the truth. She didn’t even bother correctly parking when she reached the docks. She recognized a few of Jake’s fellow aviators as she ran through the crowd.
“Where’s Jake?” She practically breathed, out of breath from how quickly she ran.
“I think he’s with Coyote by the ramp.” Bob barely gets out before y/n is running again. She scans the crowd as quickly as she can, hoping to catch even a glimpse of her best friend's blonde hair.
“Y/n?” Phoenix questions, seeing the girl run by.
“Jake?!” Y/n shouts when she finally sees him, walking towards the ramp. “Jake!”
Jake turns at the call of his name, when he doesn't recognise anyone he turns to continue his walk before he hears it again.
“Jake!” Looking down he sees y/n breaking through a group of people. Swiftly moving down the ramp, Jake meets y/n halfway, neither moving closer or further from the other. “Hey.” Y/n says softly.
“Hey, sweets.”
It was silent between the two. Neither knew how long they stood there before they were surging forward into a tight hug. Y/n cried into her best friend's neck as his arms held her close, wrapped around her waist. 
“I love you, Jakey.” She mutters.
“I love you too, sweets.”
“No, Jake.” She pulls back to look into Jake’s eyes. “I… I keep telling myself this might be nothing, but one look in your eyes and God there's something.We can continuously lie and go around in circles but I love you, Jake Seresin. I’m in love with you and if you don’t come home from this mission I’ll kill you myself.”
“I love you too, sweets, so goddamn much.”
“Seresin! Time to go!”
Jake pulls away from y/n and picks up his abandoned duffle. He makes it 2 steps on the ramp before he’s dropping his bag and running back over to y/n.
“Jake, what…” 
“Can’t leave without a proper goodbye.” Jake says before pulling y/n into a searing kiss.
The kiss was only interrupted by the cheers of the dagger squad. 
“Took you guys long enough!”
“Hangman, enough smooching! Let's go.” Mav shouts, pushing the rest of the team on.
“I gotta go.” Jake practically whispers as he moves a piece of y/n’s hair away from her face.
“I love you.” She says again. Jake smiles at the softness in her voice. 
“I love you too.” He presses another kiss to your lips before a final kiss is planted on her forehead. Jake stumbles backwards smiling at his long time best friend. The feeling of the ramp railing on his hip is what breaks their eye contact. He only pauses on the ramp when he hears her call out.
“Lieutenant!” Looking down, Jake sees her small smile and bright eyes looking up at him. “Come home safe!” She shouts. “That's an order!”
“Yes ma’am!”
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digenerate-trash · 7 months
(I keep thinking about yandere Bailey vs the teachers. Probably OOC because neither yan Bailey nor yan Sirris would be this straightforward, but I won’t get better at writing subterfuge if I don’t try writing subterfuge.)
Sirris opened the door to the science classroom and waved Bailey inside. “Good evening, Bailey. Would you remind me which of the orphans in your care you called this conference about?” He sat down at his desk and offered the opposite chair to Bailey.
Bailey sat down on the opposite side of Sirris’s desk. “You have a kid of your own. An initiate at the temple, right?”
To his credit, Sirris didn’t flinch, “I thought we were here to talk about one of your charges, not mine. What are you implying?”
“It would be a shame if the little one learned the truth about you. You covered your tracks well, but not well enough. People who are willing to talk,” Bailey placed a sheet of paper with names and photos on the desk.
Sirris looked at it and smiled, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. But it certainly would be easy to pay someone to say whatever nonsense you want with all of the money you take each week.”
Bailey knew that Sirris was bluffing. He saw Sirris’s shoulder tense when Sirris looked at that paper. But Bailey didn’t want to put time into this when he had a much easier way to break Sirris. He’d been polite and Sirris hadn’t yielded. It was time to go for the jugular. “From Danube Street to Wolf Street. Stays at the temple from 6 am to 7 am. Then Wolf Street to Oxford Street. School from 7 am to 4:40 pm. Oxford Street back to the temple on Wolf Street. Stays there from 4:40 pm to 11 pm, except on Fridays, then it’s Oxford Street to Elk Street from 4 pm to 8 pm and Elk Street to the temple on Wolf Street from 8 pm to 11 pm.”
”What?” Oh, Bailey loved how Sirris’s face blanched further with every word out of Bailey’s mouth.
“Why, I would have thought that you could recognize your own child’s schedule. Especially since it’s shockingly consistent,” Bailey said with fake politeness. Truly it had been ridiculously easy for his henchmen to learn Sydney’s schedule. The temple initiate even took the same route each day. “Why, it would be so easy for someone to memorize the routine and just take ‘em off the street. Maybe someone wouldn’t even need to take. That idiot would probably walk right into a van if asked. Did you never teach your only child about stranger danger? Honestly you’re incredibly lucky that nothing has happened. Robbery. Kidnapping. Assault. Murder. I’ve heard that those chastity devices the temple hands out-”
“Enough!” Sirris cut Bailey off, “What the hell do you want?”
“I want you keep your filthy hands off of what’s mine. They don’t even need to transfer to another class. Just never lay a finger on them again. You don’t touch mine and I won’t touch yours.”
“Deal, Sirris spat out.
“I’m glad we could come to an agreement,” Bailey stood back up and walked to the door. Before closing the door, he added one last threat, “And Sirris, if go back on your word, I will know.”
(Much thanks to the dol wiki on miraheze for Sydney’s schedule. Sydney didn’t fall asleep at the temple at all while being monitored by Bailey’s goons. Good job, Sydney.)
I'm bursting with love over this???? You liked my yan series so much your writing your own stuff for it?????
I love this I'm absoloutly cryin
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Please God. I love this stuff so much. Still feel free to give me yan suggestions and all that kinda stuff. I love you anon!!
22 notes · View notes
Romantic Roller Skating (50th Fic!)
Request: Maybe something with Natasha x reader on the romantic way? Btw, I love your posts ❤️‍🔥
Note: Thank you so much for this request! I really enjoyed writing this one, and I'm glad you like my fics! Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy this fic! Also, thank you to everyone who has been supporting my blog and fics throughout! I truly appreciate all of you 💗
Warnings: This fic is NSFW. There is tickling with different tools, fingering, and some curse words. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read
Word Count: 3405
You pulled up into the driveway of the house you lived in with Natasha. After a long week of work, you were ready to rest this weekend and catch up on your favorite show. You put the emergency brake in place, shut off the engine, and gathered your belongings while heading inside.
“Honey, I’m home!” You called out, looking around a bit puzzled as most of the lights were off in the house. You knew Natasha was home because her car was also on the driveway.
“Hello? Is anyone home?” You asked, starting to worry.
You entered your shared bedroom, as the lights were off, and the only thing lighting the room were four fancy candles. You walked over to the candles slowly, seeing that there was a small envelope in the middle of the square of candles.
You reached in carefully and grabbed the small white envelope with a red heart sticker sealing it closed. You look around, wondering if Natasha was secretly watching you from somewhere. 
“Miss me?” A voice rang out, which you recognized right away from the low sultry tone to it.
You turned to face her, not expecting what you saw. Your mouth dropped open as your eyes took in her perfection. The redhead stood there in front of you wearing black lingerie with her hair flowing freely with light waves. 
“Are you gonna pick your jaw up off the floor?” Natasha teased, gently tilting your chin upwards.
You blushed and turned away, too stunned to speak. Natasha knew you were panicking inside, so she slowly guided you along.
“Go ahead and open it,” the redhead gently said, while lightly tickling your side to get you to relax.
You yelped and jumped away before carefully opening the envelope, pulling out a sturdy piece of small paper. 
Be ready at 6. Don’t forget your skates ;)
P.S. If you’re a good teacher, you’ll get a special treat ;)
You looked at the redhead, asking her what she meant.
“I’m taking you on a roller skating date,” Natasha said.
“But you don’t know how to roller skate,” you said, wondering why she’d take you on a date she couldn’t participate in.
“That’s why I included the last part, silly,” Natasha said, as you reread the part about being a good teacher.
You blushed knowing exactly what she meant by a “special treat.” 
“Now come on my little bunny, let’s go,” Natasha said, grabbing your hand.
“Aren’t you gonna put on something else?” You asked.
Natasha looked down and realized she was still in her lingerie only. She giggled in embarrassment, as you reminded her that she was only for your eyes.
The two of you headed to the roller skating rink. Luckily tonight was a special for couples only, which meant no little kids running into you. 
The two of you rented your skates and headed out to the rink with the other couples. 
“Alright Mrs. Romanoff, I’ll teach you how to skate,” you said confidently.
“Basically, all you do is push off one foot at a time. You want to glide with your skates, and it’s sort of like slowly walking. You won’t take as many ‘steps’ since you’ll be gliding in between. Here, I’ll show you,” you said, pushing off your right foot and gliding a bit before pushing off your left foot.
Natasha tried to do the same, which much to your amusement, did not turn out well. The redhead slipped and fell onto the rink, as you quickly skated over towards her.
“Are you okay?” You asked, now a bit worried.
“I’m fine, I’ll get the hang of it,” the Black Widow responded. 
“Here, hold on to me while I skate with you so you can balance,” you said, offering her your arm.
The two of you started off slow, only going in straight lines first. The black widow was a fast learner and was able to skate on straightaways in no time.
“You’re doing great! Let’s try a turn now,” you suggested.
“Stand behind me and hold on to me so you can get a feel for how much you have to lean in order to turn,” you told the redhead.
“Hmm, I may get an extra feel for something else,” Natasha said with a smirk. You were thankful that the rink was pretty dimly lit besides the neon lights. In broad daylight, anybody would be able to see your face as red as a tomato. Just for that comment, you decided to be a little mischievous. Before Natasha could properly hold on, you took off, quickly skating away from her while giggling. You knew Natasha couldn’t turn that well, but you still had to be quick because she was hot on your heels.
“Y/N, get back here you little brat!” Natasha called out playfully. You turned around and immediately entered a fit of giggles. Unfortunately for you, that one glance back caused you to not see the couple slowly skating in front of you. You swerved quickly, able to avoid the couple, but were unable to keep your balance. You tipped over, sliding across the middle of the rink. You silently cursed to yourself, knowing this was enough for Natasha to catch you.
You saw Natasha skating quickly towards you, wobbling on the turns much to your amusement. You scrambled to get up quickly, but not quite fast enough. As soon as you got up, you couldn’t propel anywhere, as Natasha grabbed your hands and held them behind your back.
“And just where do you think you’re going missy?” Natasha asked, holding your wrists in one hand. 
“I was trying to avoid aging,” you said, giggling at what you thought was a clever joke. 
“Oh really? You want to call me old now huh?” Natasha asked, using her other hand to claw at your stomach, causing you to double over in a fit of laughter.
You didn’t want to make a scene in public, so you bent over and tried to keep it to just a few snorts and giggles. However, Natasha knew you wouldn’t last long, as she snuck her finger into your belly button, causing you to shriek and scream.
“NAHAHAHAT STAHAHAHAP,” you screamed, trying to find a way to escape.
“C’mon you can skate away can’t you?” The redhead teased, slipping her hand slightly under your shirt to get your sides.
You cackled with laughter, unable to hold it in, twisting out of her grip and falling on the ground. You quickly turned over, ready to defend yourself. Natasha was too quick, slipping both her hands in your armpits, as you squealed and clamped both of your arms down. However, you were still a mess because the redhead kept wiggling her fingers at lightning speed.
“You have to lift your arms in order for me to get my hands out,” Natasha teased.
You barely mustered the strength to lift your arms, which just led to you falling for another one of her traps, as she tickled you even more mercilessly there.
“Just like you tricked me into teaching me how to do turns?” Natasha replied, as you writhed mercilessly under her fingers. Natasha saw you were running low on air and eventually let you up. Much to your embarrassment, people were watching and chuckling at your state. 
You gave Natasha a playful punch, as she offered you a hand to get up.
“You were like a flopping fish,” Natasha teased, much to your embarrassment.
“I can’t control how I react when tickled,” you grumbled softly. 
“Oh I know, it’s adorable,” Natasha replied, giving you a light squeeze on the back of your neck to prove her point, as you scrunched your shoulders up and entered another giggle fit.
The two of you skated a little longer, until it was time for dinner. Natasha had reserved a place at a fancy restaurant downtown, so you guys cleaned up and headed out together. 
The place was filled with fancy chandeliers and even had a golden staircase at the entrance. 
“Right this way,” the waiter said, opening a fancy gate to the seating area. After you two were seated you each ordered your entree and drinks. Natasha got a root beer along with chicken parmesan. You got a strawberry lemonade and a chicken fettuccine alfredo. 
The two of you talked over dinner, playful banter and serious topics all mixed in. You guys even split an ice cream sundae for dessert. After you guys properly digested, you two headed home. 
You two headed for the bedroom to watch TV when you guys got back. Or so you thought. 
Natasha stopped in the room and gave you a look. 
“What?” You asked.
“Your dress.” Natasha responded.
“What about it?”
“It needs to be off,” Natasha said, as you knew this wasn’t an opinion. It was a command.
As much as you loved being dominated by Natasha, you couldn’t help but always have a little fun with her beforehand. 
“Says who?” You asked with a cocky smirk.
“Me.” She said, pulling out a set of restraints.
Your eyes widened, as you quickly tried to escape the room. Natasha grabbed you with one arm and threw you onto the bed. The two of you then had an all out wrestling match, which of course, no one could win against the black widow. She managed to take your dress off, leaving you in only your underwear and bra. 
She finally was able to pin one of your arms down and fit your wrist into the restraint above your head. You, being the stubborn brat you were, reached over with your other hand to try to unstrap the restraint.
“Uh uh uh, little one, you’re not going anywhere,” Natasha said, tickling your left side, causing you to shriek and jerk your arm down and away from the restraint. As a last resort you reached out to tickle her, which much to your surprise, earned a few giggles and you could tell she was fighting it. 
“Y/N stahahap I mean ihit,” she huffed, as you giggled in glee. However, that glee didn’t last long as your other wrist and both your ankles were now tied down, leaving you in an eagle spread position. 
“This is my treat, right?” You asked with a wry grin. You knew you had been a brat, and she wasn’t gonna let you off the hook for it.
“Not just yet you little tease. I may have punished you for the roller skating thing, but I still have to punish you for many other things,” the redhead said, slowly placing a strange box on the bed.
“What? Why? I didn’t do anything! I’m innocent!” You cried.
“Hmm, let’s see. How about all the times you called me old? Or all the whoopie cushions you put and I sat on? Or maybe even just a few minutes ago when you tried to tickle me?” Natasha listed off.
“That’s not fair! You tickle me all the time!” You said, now getting squirmy.
“You’re damn right I do. This time, I’ll make sure to make it even more enjoyable,” Natasha said, slowly undressing herself to reveal the lingerie from earlier. She did it nice and slow just to tease  you, knowing you could only look but not touch. Next she slowly opened the box, looking inside. 
“I’ll start off with something nice and simple. Not too much, not too overwhelming,” the redhead said, as she pulled out a soft thick feather. Your eyes widened while you shook your head frantically. 
“Natasha NO! Please! I’m sorry, I’ll do anything!” You pleaded, as Natasha just smirked at you while shaking her head. With that she took the feather and sawed it between your toes, sending you into hysterical laughter. 
“NATAHAHASHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES,” you cried out, unable to scrunch up your toes as she held them back.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Natasha asked teasingly.
“NOHOHO IHIHI AHAHAM NOHOHOHOT,” you shouted, wriggling around as much as you could.
“But you’re laughing and smiling, right? You look like you’re having fun,” Natasha continued teasing. 
She gave you a small break, gently dragging the feather up and down your soft soles to keep you giggling. You knew you were in for a long night. 
Natasha took the feather and lightly dragged it over your shins and up to your thighs. You jumped when the feather touched your inner thigh, as you held in your yelp.
“Sensitive are we?” Natasha said teasingly, dragging the feather closer to the outline of your underwear.
“Mmmph nohoho not at ahahahall,” you struggled to get out.
“Uh huh. We’ll get back to that later,” Natasha assured with a wink.
She then took the feather over your sides, tummy, and ribs, making you jerk and wiggle while giggling hysterically. When the feather reached your armpit, you jumped and tried to jerk away.
“No no no not there! You know that’s my weakness!” You pleaded, unable to do much.
“You’re right. Thanks for reminding me! I should take it up a notch huh?” Natasha said, reaching into her box. She pulled out a bottle of massage oil, as you shook your head frantically.
“Oh FUCK NO. You can’t do that!!” You screamed, as Natasha ignored your pleads and began rubbing the oil on your smooth underarms. 
You giggled in anticipation, the sheer thought of her touching your armpits and able to begin tickling you at any time drove you crazy. Just when you thought you got used to her rubbing motions, you felt her fingers curl and her nails touch your sensitive pits. You lost any control of sanity at that point.
“BAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO OHOHO MY GOHOHOD STAHAHAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEHEASE MEHERCY,” you laughed hysterically, twisting as much as you could away from her. The oil made you a thousand times more sensitive than you already were. You shook your head and squirmed back and forth while shouting and begging for her to stop.
“This is what you get for being a brat. And don’t even lie, we both know you’re enjoying this,” Natasha said, smirking while continuing to rake her nails. She let you have a short breather, while she applied oil to the rest of your upper body.
Then she picked out her next tool from the box. One that could work on almost every single spot. Your eyes widened again, cursing out loud as she chuckled at you.
“Ready?” Natasha asked.
“No.” You said back flatly. Natasha knew you were just being cheeky, so she took both of her electric toothbrushes and held them against your sides, moving up and down and over your rib bones as well.
“PFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIHIHIS IHIHIS MEHEHEHEHEAN,” you squealed, kicking and thrashing as much as you could.
“You love it,” Natasha said, taking in your cute laughter and sweet smile. 
She moved the toothbrush back up into your armpits, causing you to lose it all over again. Occasionally she would place the toothbrushes on your neck, causing you to squeal like a baby. 
“YOU AHAHAHRE EHEHEHVIHIL IHIHI HAHAHAHATE YOHOHOU,” you shouted, knowing you didn’t mean it.
“Oh really? You want to see evil?” Natasha asked, as she put the electric toothbrush in your belly button.
“It’s too late now to be sorry,” Natasha said, drilling it deeper in your belly button, causing you to wiggle and scream for mercy.
After another break, Natasha straddled you, now squeezing your hips and using her nails over your sides and inner thighs, leaving you a mess of laughter. 
“Shall we check how wet you are?” Natasha said, smirking at your blush.
She reached inside your underwear, feeling around for your clit.
“Oh my, you are so wet,” Natasha said, teasingly circling around your clit.
You let a moan escape, desperate to be finished at this point.
“What’s that? What did you say?” Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You shook your head stubbornly. 
“I agree. I should make you even hornier,” Natasha said with an evil grin.
She began applying the oil to your feet, which you dreaded most. After thoroughly heightening your sensitivity, Natasha took out a hairbrush.
“NO DONT YOU DARE I SWEAR AHAHAHAHAHAHA NAT NOHOHOH PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP ALREHEHEHEADY IHIHI CAHAHANT TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIT,” you screamed, as she used the brush up and down your sole, occasionally switching off and using the electric toothbrush on your feet and toes.
You were a mess of laughter now, and you could feel the pulse down there.
“Are you ready for it?” Natasha asked, and you knew what she meant.
“Finish me already you jerk,” you said, once again challenging her.
The redhead just smirked, bringing the feather and toothbrushes with her, as she spread your legs wider and sat between them.
“You are such a brat, you know that?” Natasha asked, as she traced the feather around your sensitive areas. 
“Ihihihihim nohohohot,” you giggled, before snorting with laughter as she used the electric toothbrushes around the hem of your underwear. The worst part was you couldn’t close your legs to protect yourself from the tickles.
Natasha gently tugged your underwear down, giving her full access to your pleasure spot. 
“Fuck me already dammit,” you said desperately. 
“No cursing,” she teased, running the feather over your clit, causing you to jolt and bite back a moan.
She continued to torture you, gently running the feather on and around your clit, causing you to buck and yelp at the sensation. She hit a particularly good spot, causing you to let out an obvious whimper.
“You gonna be a good girl for me?” Natasha asked, her tone now low and seductive.
“Yes…” you said, a slight quiver of excitement tracing your voice. 
“Moan for me,” Natasha commanded, now taking her finger over your clit.
“Ohh mmmph,” you moaned out, arching your back with the sensation. You knew you were close and wouldn’t last long.
“That’s a good little girl,” Natasha cooed, continuing to finger you at a steady pace. You continued to arch your back at the sensation, and she knew you were trying to orgasm as fast as you could. Just as you had messed with her, she was gonna do the same.
“So close…Yet so far,” Natasha said, removing her fingers from your clit and instead using the electric toothbrush on your inner thighs and belly button.
“GAHAHAH IHIHI HAHAHATE YOU,” you shouted, forced laughter spilling out of you. Natasha knew you were frustrated out of your mind right now, but she couldn’t resist playing with you. 
“Say please and I’ll finish you,” Natasha said.
“Please…fuck me,” you said breathlessly.
“Cum for me and moan for me,” Natasha demanded, returning her fingers to your clit, which was even more wet now.
The redhead knew you were close as you began to shake more and moan, so she sped up her fingers. You were close and you could feel you were borderline right before an orgasm. Natasha sensed this and gave one last burst of speed to her fingers, causing you to lose any control you had left, as you let out a cry of pleasure, cumming all over her fingers.
“Ohhh yesss keep it there, mmmmm,” you moaned, riding out your orgasm, finally relieving the sexual tension you had pent up inside of you. You continued to ride out the orgasm, as Natasha kept up her speed. This ultimately led to another orgasm, and all you could do was buck and ride it out while moaning, as your hands were above you.
You finally finished cumming, as Natasha went to wash her hands before untying you. You collapsed into her arms from the energy that had left you, as she cuddled you and rubbed your back.
“You sure are a loud moaner,” Natasha teased after a bit.
“It wasn’t even that loud, you huffed in annoyance, flicking her ear.
“You did so well for me,” Natasha whispered in your ear, making you blush yet again.
“Careful, you might make me wet again,” you teased.
Natasha responded by kissing your lips passionately, as you guys made out on the bed. What followed the make out session was the best sleep you both had in a while. You smiled to yourself, knowing you had the best partner in the world.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Dangerous Romance Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, this show continued to baffle me by converting completely to a tropes generation machine. Sailom now apparently lives with Kanghan’s family during the week, and Saifah’s foot issues are completely gone. Sailom, Kanghan, and Pimfah went to an open house at a university, where Kanghan continued to take Ls. Sailom decided to leave the only good shirt he and his brother have somewhere on that campus so he could wear the same tacky shirt as Kanghan. The show set up some sort of false dichotomy where Sailom has to choose himself and his future by studying with an older student, or sacrificing his future to tutor Kanghan. Also, there’s a new teacher, and Pimfah has a crush on Sailom.
Love that Pimfah is the only person able to state their romantic desires with clarity and conviction.
Kanghan, you can’t just toss Sailom away as your tutor when his financial and physical security is riding on tutoring you.
If these kids don’t stop openly shipping…
I’d love to go back to my old school as a teacher and revive my old team.
Now Sailom is expected to teach Kanghan the cheerleading routine as well? Will this boy’s list of responsibilities ever come to an end?
Kanghan, I really don’t think you should have taken Pimfah’s confession from her. That’s not cool, and your list of offenses grows.
I respect Pimfah. She took her shot and accepted Sailom’s answer. Still, we spend so much time on what other people want from Sailom. It’s tiresome.
Now, as much as I like big moments in the rain, why are they arguing in the rain about Pimfah? Why is Kanghan so mad that Sailom rejected Pimfah, and why would Sailom confess his feelings under these circumstances? He’s got way too much riding on this arrangement.
We let a BL boy get wet in the rain. Sailom could die.
Sailom is at school with a fever? That’s bad form. Thank you for acknowledging that he should have stayed home, School Nurse.
If debt collectors are coming through to torture him on the regular, why would Sailom ever leave his front door unlocked?
Sponge baths, my beloathed. I think feverish Sailom is the first time we’ve gotten much of what’s going on with him internally in over a month.
I’m glad at least one of Sailom’s friends went to check on him properly.
Why do we only get interior thoughts and memories from Sailom when it’s about his crush on Kanghan? He started off so compelling, and he’s just a romantic interest now.
I suppose it’s Kanghan’s turn to get sick in the rain?
Damn, they straight up snubbed Kanghan on water, too.
Here we go with the heavy-handed windmill analogy after they just snubbed Kanghan.
I’m just not feeling this jealousy bit from Kanghan. He told Sailom he has no feelings for him. Guy is his friend. This is stupid.
Oh, I don’t like this kiss. How we got here does not support any tension present in the restraint nor does it justify all these flashbacks.
How dare they try to bait me back next week with a pinky touch.
Well, that sucked for me. I really thought Sailom was going to be our protagonist but I was wrong. This show continues to not take him or his reality seriously. I don’t like that this show signaled that it would take poverty and class seriously just for it to be this. I hope the folks who enjoy the actor chemistry and visuals are at least having fun with the haphazard deployment of tropes. I cannot believe the same directors are also doing Love in Translation right now. This is belemptious.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 months
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Chapter 12 has arrived!
T.K. has never been more excited to get off a shift in his life. His skin is still buzzing with the heat of last night. The thought of Carlos, alone in his bed, T.K.’s name on his lips…He’d promised to be professional at work and he was. But god damn is he horny now.
They have a breakfast date scheduled for this morning and then T.K. is taking Carlos to his new favorite boba place after they eat because apparently Carlos, amazing human that he is, has a singular flaw in that he has never tried boba. T.K. can’t wait to watch him suck down some little snot balls. 
And then they’re going to go back to Carlos’ and T.K. is going to take him apart for hours. 
The thought of it makes him even hornier.
He pulls out his phone to call for an Uber as he grabs his backpack and heads for the parking lot. But he only makes it a few steps outside the bay before he spots a familiar head of curls. “Hey,” he says in surprise.
“Hey.” Carlos is leaning up against the firehouse’s facade, a wry smile on his lips. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” T.K. says. “I thought we were going to meet at the restaurant.”
“We were,” Carlos says, pushing off the wall and taking a few steps toward him. “I just didn’t want to wait that long to see you. Not after last night.”
T.K. bites his lip and grins. “You had a good time huh?”
Carlos looks down a little shyly. “Yeah I’ve um, I’ve never done that before. Not like that. It was…it was fun.”
“Yeah?” T.K. feels a bloom of pleasure in his chest. “Good. Sorry I couldn’t join you in person.”
“Me too,” Carlos says, taking another step forward. “It was really nice. But I’d much prefer to have you in bed with me.”
“Soon,” T.K. promises. “But first, you owe me breakfast. And boba.”
“Oh I owe you?”
“Hey, my phone sex services don’t come cheap,” T.K. says, grinning up at him. “I expect payment in full.”
“I think I can make that happen,” Carlos says. He glances around. “Can I kiss you here? Or would you rather wait until we’re somewhere more private?”
T.K.’s immediate reaction is to balk. Kissing at work seems like something boyfriends do. Not casual hookups.
But…he really, really wants to.
“Yeah, you can kiss me,” he says.
Carlos closes the distance, capturing his mouth. He tastes like coffee and a hint of cinnamon and T.K. forgets that they’re standing outside the fire station, fisting his hands into the front of Carlos’ shirt and opening his mouth to invite him in. God why does kissing him feel like being thrown into a whirlwind of color? How can one person make him feel like this?
Alex never did. Neither did his other New York hookups. No one has ever picked him up after work just because they missed him. No one has ever asked to kiss him. The others always took; Carlos always gives. 
It’s such a startling realization that he breaks the kiss and looks up at Carlos’ face. “I’m really glad you texted the wrong number,” he says.
“Me too,” Carlos replies, smiling. “Now, take me to your boba shop and teach me your ways.”
They get breakfast burritos from a place Carlos likes and then they chat outside in the sunshine sipping on boba, their feet brushing together under the table in a way that feels like they’ve been doing this for years instead of just a week or so. 
“So tell me more about your family,” T.K. says, slurping down another tapioca ball. “You have two sisters?”
“Yeah, Ana and Luisa,” Carlos says. “Ana is married, they’ve got two kids. And Luisa has been dating her boyfriend for like…I don’t know two years I think? They’ll probably get engaged soon.”
“And your parents?”
“Still live in the house I grew up in,” Carlos says. “My mom does a lot of volunteer work through their church. My dad is a Texas Ranger, I think I told you that.”
T.K. nods. “Is that something you’d want to do? Are you following in his footsteps?”
Carlos pulls a face. “Not really.”
“Why’d you become a cop then?”
There’s a moment of silence as Carlos considers his drink and T.K. wonders if he accidentally stepped into something. “You don’t have to—“
“No, I can talk about it,” Carlos says. “My dad um…we have kind of a weird relationship. It’s not like you and your dad. We’re not close. I think I became a cop to kind of prove to him that I could. That I’m not soft. I mean, also to help people. That’s the part of the job I really like. But deep down, I guess I wanted to prove to him and to me that I could.” He shrugs uncomfortably. “That sounds bad.”
“No it doesn’t,” T.K. says. “I get it. My dad’s entire world in New York was his firehouse. After 9/11 he went there and it was kind of like he never came home again. They were his family and if I wanted time with him, I had to become a part of it.”
“That must have been really hard,” Carlos says softly.
“God I know, what a cliché to have daddy issues,” T.K. says with a smile. “Like pick a more interesting reason to need therapy.”
Carlos sort of hums in response. 
“We’re good now though,” T.K. says. “Most of the time. We’re working on it. Not sure if living together helps or hurts, but things feel better now that we’re here.”
“And your mom?”
“I miss her,” T.K. says honestly. “I wish all the time that she was here. But she knew I needed to leave New York, and she didn’t let her own feelings get in the way of that. That’s love, you know?”
“Definitely,” Carlos agrees. “Although my mom would cry her eyes out every day if I moved across the country from her. Actually, she’d probably move with me,” he chuckles. “She’d house hop between mine and my sisters’.”
“Well I hope you’re not planning on moving anytime soon,” T.K. says. “That would really put a damper on what we’re doing here.”
“Nope,” Carlos says. “I’m here for the long haul.”
“Good,” T.K. says, that feeling of colorful hope spiking in his chest again. “Do you want to get out of here?”
“Yeah. My place?”
“Actually, my dad is out at Judd’s ranch this afternoon. So my house is empty. If you want to?” T.K. asks, a little tentative for reasons he can’t quite put into words.
Carlos’ eyes light up. “I’d love to see your place.”
T.K. directs him through the traffic to his dad’s house. He’s nervous, even though he’s sort of been thinking about this since yesterday. Carlos hasn’t said anything about it being weird that he lives with his dad, but he knows it’s a little strange that after over a year he still hasn’t found a place to call his own.
He’s not even really sure what he’s waiting for.
“Oh,” T.K. says when they get to the front door. “I forgot. You don’t have a problem with dogs, right?”
“No.” Carlos shakes his head.
“Okay good. Buttercup is here. And he will probably attack you with love.”
He pushes open the door and sure enough Buttercup immediately appears, tail wagging, tongue slobbering as T.K. bends over and gives him some pets. “Buttercup, this is Carlos. Carlos, Buttercup,” he says.
“Hi Buttercup,” Carlos says, squatting down so that Buttercup has better access to him.
Buttercup gives him an experimental sniff and deems him good (Buttercup has never deemed a human bad in his entire life) and then proceeds to nearly push him on his ass in an aggressive bid for more pets. Carlos chuckles and takes it in stride, rubbing his ears and scratching under his chin, much to the fluffy dog’s delight.
T.K. lets Buttercup out the back door to wander around the yard for a bit after being cooped up inside all night, then turns back to Carlos. “So this is the kitchen,” he says. “It’s…a kitchen.”
Carlos laughs. “It is. A very nice kitchen.”
“Do you want something to drink? We have water, I think there’s some organic juice in here somewhere,” T.K. says, opening the fridge.
“I’m still good after that boba,” Carlos tells him. 
“Okay then I’ll take you on the rest of the tour.” He takes a few steps back. “This is the living room. We live in here.”
“Great,” Carlos says in amusement. 
“The bathroom is over here.” He opens the door to reveal the toilet and vanity. “And I think that’s about it.”
“Oh that’s it huh?” Carlos asks.
“Oh!” T.K. says. “My dad’s bedroom. Of course you want to see that.”
Carlos takes a step toward him. “Not really the bedroom I’m most interested in.”
“Oh did you, did you want to see my bedroom?” He starts walking backward toward the staircase a coy smile on his face.
“Yeah, I think that might be nice,” Carlos says following him. 
“Mmm, come on then officer.”
He leads Carlos up the staircase and down the hall, pausing outside the first door. “You’re sure you don’t care about my dad’s bedroom?”
“Very,” Carlos confirms, a magical light sparkling in those brown eyes. T.K. has quickly learned that sparkle means some very delightfully bad things are about to happen to him. 
“Well then I guess…” he walks a few more feet and pushes open the door to his room, “we’ll just have to go in here instead.”
He’s barely through the door before Carlos is tackling him to the bed, cradling his body so the landing is soft. “Wow. You don’t even want to take a second to look at my decor choices?” T.K. teases.
“I’ll look later,” Carlos says, already working on the button of T.K.’s jeans. “Right now we are going to do every. single. thing you texted me about last night.”
“I was hoping we would.”
Carlos makes good on that promise and throws in a couple bonuses, much to T.K.’s delight. It’s ridiculous how much T.K. already craves the feeling of Carlos’ hands on his body, how he can’t get enough of his lips, the feel of his fingers, the softness of his mouth. He doesn’t think about anything else when they’re together, completely consumed by how good Carlos makes him feel. It’s overwhelming and a little scary, but somehow safe all at the same time.
When they’re both sated they redress and go downstairs to take Buttercup for a walk, then put on a movie while waiting for Chinese takeout to arrive. They talk and laugh as they sit on the couch with T.K.’s legs thrown over Carlos’, his hand resting comfortably on T.K.’s thigh and it feels like…it feels like home. 
“Nothing?!” T.K. asks incredulously when Carlos reveals he’s never watched a single Bravo TV show in his entire life. “Shahs of Sunset? Millionaire Matchmaker? Below Deck?!”
“No,” Carlos says dryly.
“Not even Real Housewives?!”
“I don’t get the hype. It’s just people with too much money behaving badly.”
“Babe! That’s why it’s fun!” T.K. cries. “No! No, we’re fixing this right now.”
He grabs the remote to scroll through the TV Guide as the front door opens. “Hello?” his dad’s voice calls out. “I’m home. Everybody decent?”
T.K. doesn’t miss the way Carlos immediately stiffens, something like panic crossing his face as he meets T.K.’s eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t think he’d be home for another hour,” T.K. says. 
“I can go,” Carlos says, shifting so that he and T.K. are no longer touching. 
“No, no, stay,” T.K. says. “He’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Hey, there you are,” Owen says as he rounds the corner and spots them. “Hi, you must be Carlos.”
Carlos stands up, almost too fast, and holds out a hand. “Captain Strand. Nice to meet you,” he says, his voice so formal that T.K. almost snorts. He’s so adorably professional.
“Oh please,” his dad scoffs. “You’re sitting on my couch in your socks. You can call me Owen.”
“Yes sir,” Carlos says and T.K. can tell from the look on his face that that won’t be happening anytime soon.
“We just ordered food, we’ll have extra if you want it,” T.K. says.
“No, no I won’t interrupt.” His dad waves a hand. “Judd had me on a horse most of the afternoon. I am in desperate need of a shower before I do anything else.” He looks at Carlos. “Are you planning to stay the night?”
“No,” Carlos says quickly, his eyes flitting nervously to T.K.’s. “No sir. Just for dinner.”
“Well don’t leave on my account. The walls in this house are thin but I just invested in a great pair of headphones.” 
He claps a hand on Carlos’ shoulder, a jovial, winning smile on his face. It’s meant to be friendly and reassuring, but Carlos looks terrified. 
“Enjoy your dinner!” his dad says as he heads for the stairs and then he pokes his head back around the corner. “Oh, T.K. I restocked the prophylactics yesterday. All sizes. Help yourselves!”
Carlos looks like he’s going to melt into the floor.
“Thanks Dad,” T.K. says, barely holding onto the hysterical laughter that’s bubbling up inside him.
His dad disappears for real this time and Carlos turns to him woodenly. “I think I should go.”
“No, no, no,” T.K. says, finally letting his laughter loose and grabbing for Carlos’ hand, pulling him back down onto the couch. “It’s fine. He doesn’t care. He knows I’m an adult. It’s not weird, I promise. We’re very open about sex in this house.”
Carlos still looks stiff and uncertain so T.K. tugs his hand to bring him closer. “Come here. Just relax.”
“I can’t relax,” Carlos grinds out, his eyes darting to the staircase. “Your dad is up there thinking we need prophylactics.”
“Well…we kind of do,” T.K. says with a grin. 
Carlos glares at him and T.K. rubs a hand soothingly up and down his arm. “Take a breath. Let the dulcet tones of the New York Housewives soothe your spirit.”
“Fine,” Carlos says. “But I am not having sex with you while your dad is in this house.”
“Fair,” T.K. says, even as he secretly vows to get Carlos to break that promise. 
Their dinner arrives and they enjoy it with only a few interruptions from his dad. Owen sneaks down the stairs to grab a water, then comes down again later to take Buttercup for his evening walk. He’s not as invasive as he could be, but it makes T.K. feel a little like a teenager hanging out with his boyfriend on a school night. In the future they will definitely only stay here when he’s absolutely sure that his dad won’t be around. 
All too soon Carlos is putting his shoes back on. “I don’t want you to go,” T.K. admits. 
“Well next time let’s do this at my place and you can stay over,” Carlos says as he finishes tying his laces. “I don’t have an entire drawer dedicated to condoms, but I’m sure we can figure it out.”
“You’re never going to let this go huh?” T.K. asks.
“Mmm, no,” Carlos says, his eyes bright with humor after having several hours to move past his embarrassment. He reaches for T.K.’s hand and rubs his thumb back and forth. “You um, you called me babe earlier.”
T.K. thinks back and feels a little thrill as he remembers the endearment coming out of his mouth. He hadn’t even thought about it, it had just happened. It felt right. It still feels right.“Oh yeah, I did,” he says. “Is that…okay?”
“Yeah,” Carlos says, his eyes all soft and warm. “I liked it.”
“Cool,” T.K. says, aware that he’s got a stupidly giddy smile on his face. What is it about Carlos that brings out this mushy side of him? 
“Should I pick a nickname for you?” Carlos asks, looking up at him through his lashes with those fakely innocent eyes he puts on when he wants to play. 
“T.K. already is a nickname,” he says in amusement.
“But that’s what everybody else calls you. I want something just for me.” He pretends to think. “Sweetheart? Babydoll? Darlin’?” He stretches the last one out in an exaggerated Texas drawl that he most certainly doesn’t have.
T.K. laughs. “Those are terrible.”
“Mi querido? Ooh, I know, mi cielo?” His voice drops low and he leans into T.K.’s neck, nipping at him with his teeth as he says it.
“Shut up,” T.K. chuckles, pushing him away. “You’re so gross.”
“You love it,” Carlos says with a grin, going in for a real kiss this time. “Tell your dad I said goodnight.”
“Should I ask him to restock the XL condoms for next time too?”
Now Carlos shoves him playfully. “Only if you never want to have sex with me again.”
“Message received.”  T.K. swallows hard and then grabs onto the bold courage that has been growing inside of him. “So if we’re hanging out at each other’s places and giving each other nicknames…some people would call that a relationship.”
“Would they now?” Carlos looks a little surprised, but not unhappy. “What would you call it?”
“I would…I would like to try calling it a relationship,” T.K. says, even though the words terrify him. Even though he’d sworn never again. “If that’s…something you’d be interested in.”
“A relationship. Like you’d be my boyfriend?” 
“Well I wouldn’t be your girlfriend,” T.K. says in a weak attempt at hiding his nerves.
“T.K. Strand. The hotshot firefighter from New York. My boyfriend.” Carlos gives a fake casual shrug. “That would be fine.”
T.K. rolls his eyes even as a smile blooms on his face. “Oh that would be fine?”
“Yeah that would be fine.” Carlos pulls him into a kiss that is not sweet and not chaste and definitely full of joy. T.K. expects swirls of bursting color, but when he pulls back and opens his eyes the color is just…there. Steady. Permanent. Like it’s here to stay.
“You know boyfriends usually stay over at each other’s places,” T.K. says.
“So I’ve heard,” Carlos says. His eyes flick to the staircase. “Do you want me to?”
T.K.’s heart melts. Two hours ago Carlos was about to bolt from this house in fear of his father and now he’s offering to stay over in spite of his discomfort.
“You know, I think it might be better if we go somewhere else,” T.K. says. “We’re very open about sex in this house but I’m not sure my dad needs to know everything we’re up to.”
“So…you’re coming home with me then?” Carlos asks, delight on his face.
“Yeah,” T.K. says. “I’m going home with you.”
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deluxewhump · 2 years
The Scry: Chapter III- First Scry
Wednesday- 9:45 AM EST
CW: human trafficking, forced labor, whumpee with powers, (using the powers make him sick.) Emeto, headache, shivering, fever. Hurt/comfort
Max pulled an extra desk chair from a conference room and cleared space on the far left side of his desk. Carlo sat on the other side of it, facing him, elbows on the wood. The yellow bruising on his face faded a little bit every day.
He’d let Max wrap some gauze around his chafed wrists just to protect them from rubbing against his clothes while they healed from the handcuffs. Ingrid had watched, her hand going to her mouth in sympathy when Carlo had flinched and then apologized for flinching.
This morning he watched Max with big, expectant eyes. There was a flinching quickness to the way he responded to questions and direct requests that made Max feel guilty. He’d already told the boy he wasn’t going to hurt him, and he felt like a broken record. All he could do now was make good on that promise, and let Carlo grow used to him in his own time.
Alex Clair called him yesterday about the precogs. Max could hear him opening his car door, hear the chiming of the vehicle until he closed it.
“So, get this. I sent my precog down to the little bunker thing they made for them last night. Coz I thought it’d be weird as fuck to take him home, I don’t know.”
“Big mistake. They don’t have shit for them. The heats not working. Beds are… deflated air mattresses on a cement floor. A wet cement floor. It looks like a dungeon. Oh and there’s one bathroom, just a toilet and a sink that doesn’t work, no shower or anything. It’s literally the old janitors closet down there they stopped using in 2009, I swear to God.”
“Spent all that money on them, didn’t even build them a decent set of bunk beds. There’s only five of them, too.” He was glad he hadn’t sent his Carlo down there. “The heat really isn’t working?”
“No, dude. I could see my breath. Zee— my Precog, that’s what we’re calling him— half froze to death. They’re already cold all the time. Or, he is anyway.”
“Mine too, yeah. I noticed that.”
“Right! Don’t even consider it if you haven’t already. Just take ‘em home. Do I get a tax credit for this? Is he a dependent?”
Max had laughed dryly. “Have you tried to work with him yet?”
“Nah, I felt so bad about last night I took PTO and took him home. I just went to the store for some soup.”
“I’m going to try and ease into it tomorrow morning with mine.”
Alex sighed heavily. “Let me know how it goes. I’m gonna give Zee another day.”
When they hung up, he had wondered if Blake and Elle’s assignments were as lucky as Alex’s.
“So like I said, I don’t know how any of this works,” Max prefaced.
“You’re gonna be teaching me as much as I’m teaching you. Cissy said we’re going to have some training for how to help you do your best work, but it’s not til next week.”
Carlo nodded. He was wearing a jacket over a hoodie even in the office, always so cold. Before they left the house, Max gave him a thick pair of socks, corduroy pants with a belt to keep them on his underfed frame.
“Rather than jump right into it, how about we practice with something easy?”
He swallowed, squirming a little in his chair. “Okay. Like what?”
“I’m holding a pen cap in my fist. It’s a certain color and you’re gonna tell me what you think that color it is. Is that okay?”
The precog seemed to relax. It wasn’t a trick. It was truly something easy. He seemed almost excited. “Okay.”
“So how can I help you? What would tip you off to the color pen cap I’m holding?”
“Do you know the color of the pen cap?”
“I do.”
Carlo looked from Max’s eyes to his closed fist on the desk.
“It’s orange,” he said, lying his chin down on the edge of the desk and grinning up at him.
Max laughed. “You're that confident?”
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
Max opened his fist to reveal an orange pen cap. “Way too easy for you, huh?”
The precog was eager to please him. Pleased that he’d outsmarted him so easily. This was child’s play for him.
“How about something harder? I’m going to give you some email threads to read. I’ll also pull up a few images of the people in those emails. One is me, obviously, but I’ll show you the rest of them.”
“What are you trying to find out?”
Max sipped his coffee. “It’s kind of convoluted. Because I’m not sure. I want to determine anything I can about what these people are going to do regarding our account with them. I have a bad feeling they’re working with another organization, or at least talking about it. It’s a big account for me. If I know what they’re going to do before they do it… maybe I can keep them.”
Carlo’s eyes drifted Max’s computer screen.“Ok. Sometimes… uhm…”
“Go ahead. Sometimes what?”
“Well. Sometimes I can get little things wrong. Not a lot,” he hurried, like Max would be angry. “But little details sometimes. I — I might mix up a number, or a name. Or a date. I can usually tell if something’s a hundred percent. But I just wanted you to… to know that.”
“Okay. Thank you. You can just tell me how sure you are. I don’t want you to feel pressured, or afraid. There’s no…”
The boy watched him carefully as he chose his words.
“…There’s no repercussions for getting something wrong. Who can say their work is an exact science? Very few. Certainly not this line of work. I make mistakes all the time. I want you to remember I’m not going to hurt you. Or be angry with you. No matter what.”
Carlo’s chest rose and fell a little faster. He seemed to be carefully considering what this meant for him.
“Do you like to work alone, or does it matter?”
“No, I—you should stay here. I might say something important and forget.”
“Are you ready?”
Carlo read the emails twice, several long threads back and forth between Max and the execs of the account he serviced.
“Okay,” he said when he was done. Max pulled up a minimized tab on another monitor, website and LinkedIn photos of two of the people from the threads.
He looked at them in turn, reading the names underneath to know who was who.
“Uhm…” he winced as if pained by a sudden headache. “Can I…”
“What do you need?”
“Could I hear her voice?” he pointed to one of the pictures.
“Sure. I’ll probably catch her voicemail but if not I’ll just make some shit up about why I called.”
He pulled her number up on his cellphone, hit speakerphone. Carlo leaned closer to him. Three rings and voicemail.
Carlo closed his eyes to listen. He gripped the edge of the desk, as if to steady himself. After a moment, his eyes seemed to roll back in his head before he went very still and pale.
Max didn’t know if he should touch him. “You okay?” he asked with no response.
The precog stayed that way for a full ten seconds, closing his eyes. Suddenly the stiffness went out of his spine and he began to choke and cough violently.
Max laid a hand on his back. “You alright?”
He managed to get the coughing under control only to begin shaking all over. He looked like he might be sick. Max leaned over the desk to touch him but hesitated. “Can I touch you?”
The precog nodded. Max felt his forehead, his bruised cheek. He was clammy.
“Can you talk to me?”
Carlo fumbled for a pen and a pad of yellow sticky notes. Max let him go, and he scribbled a shaky Alias—150k.
Max read it upside down. “Okay…good. That’s good. You okay, sweetheart?”
Finally, Carlo nodded. He was shaking too hard to speak. He lunged for the trash can, grabbing it in both hands just in time to retch violently into it. Max almost out a hand on his back but left him alone.
His retching got weaker and subsided. He spit into the trash can, coughing weakly.
“Is this normal?”
He nodded again, eyes fluttering closed. “Sorry.” He sank down against the wall to the floor, holding his hands over his forehead and squinting like he had a terrible migraine. “... I’m sorry.” His voice wavered.
“Shh, you’re good. What do you need? Here…” he went to his mini fridge in the corner and pulled out a sugary pink lemonade bottle. He twisted off the cap and held it to Carlos' mouth for him.
“Can you sip for me?”
He did, spilling a little with his shaking. He mopped it up quickly with the sleeve of the hoodie Max had given him.
“I didn’t know it was gonna do this to you. You’re shaking.”
Carlo took another sip of lemonade. “M’ok,” he said, but winced and screwed his eyes shit against some pain.
“It’s your head?”
He whimpered. He started shaking his right leg, taping his toe against the gray office carpet to manage the pain.
Max ran a hand through his hair, turning to look outside at the drizzly morning traffic below without really seeing it. You did this to him. He was fine. You asked him to do this.
He turned back, watching as Carlo set his head back against the wall and breathed very carefully, as if moving too much would bring back the pain in his head. He shuddered, shivering.
Max draped his coat over the boys legs. “Does it do this to you every time?”
“Sometimes I… sometimes I pass out. But that’s when I get the best stuff.”
His office phone rang. He ignored it.
“And they expect us to do this every day? Knowing it’s going to do this to you? Jus to help our fucking… B2B sales?”
“It was worse with the stocks,” Carlo offered as if he was the one who should make Max feel better, and not the other way around. He was pale, and his face had broken out in a sweat.
Max tilted his head, inviting further explanation. This was the first confirmation Carlo had given about his past.
“I would transpose numbers a lot. Not-not a lot. Sometimes. And it makes a really big difference. Or, I would get a percentage right but mess up whether it was plus or minus that percentage. That could be a huge mistake.”
“And what happened when you made a mistake?”
“Just depends on how bad I messed up,” he said softly.
Max tried to imagine backhanding this eager, timid precog for an honest mistake. He couldn’t.
“What do you think Alias 150 means?”
Max sighed, turning to the sticky note. “Alias is the name of a competitor of ours. They’re not as big as us but they’re hungry. I think you just told me who is bidding to take over my account and what annual rate they pitched. 150 thousand.”
Carlo’s eyes brightened in his pale, sweaty face. “Can you do anything with that?”
Max couldn't help it— he reached out and squeezed the precog’s bony knee. “Yeah, I can offer to do it for 130.”
The boy beamed, looking a bit fevered. “You called me something earlier. A minute ago.”
“…I did?”
He picked at the label on the plastic lemonade bottle. He could go from eager to shy to distrusting, back to shy. “Something nice.”
“Oh. Sweetheart? I guess I did. You scared me with the coughing fit. It just… slipped. I’m sorry.”
“No, I…”
Max busied himself with his email inbox, scrolling through what he’d missed in the last half hour. “You what?”
“Nothing,” he whispered. “It was nice.”
“Oh. He took his glasses out of their case to clean them on his shirt. “Okay.”
The Scry Taglist:
@whumpsday @distinctlywhumpthing @pumpkin-spice-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @tidalwhump
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 24
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Series masterlist
Part 23 🍂 Part 25
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Pairing: Syverson x ofc
Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?"
Chapter warnings: Sy's big-ass family.
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: @keanureevesisbae, as promised, I bring thee: Ch 24. I'm making y'all wait for 25 until I have 27 written. Sorry ❤️
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @omgkatinka @summersong69 @beck07990 @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn
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Jules started her little speech by thanking everyone for showing up at her engagement party, and thanking you – and Sy – for letting her use your house, which subjected you to the scorn of your mother-in-law again. Alright; subjected Sy to the scorn of his mother again. You were largely unaffected by the aforementioned scorn.
“As you may know,” Jules continued, “Pat hates being the center of attention for the whole night, and I’m a sucker for planning surprises for people.” You felt Sy tense up next to you as she said that.
“And it just so happens that someone very important to all of us…” Jules was laying the praise on thick, which Sy didn’t seem to appreciate. It took you far too long to realize where she was even going with this. “… turns thirty next week.”
Sy looked at Julie as if he wanted to shoot her straight to hell, and you sighed, as there was now officially no way you could make yourself scarce. There was singing, then another round of singing, specifically because Sy had begged everyone to stop singing, and following that had to be an attempt at the World Record for ‘most consecutive times a single person could hear the word ‘congratulations’ before going batshit crazy.’
You surprised Sy’s family with a sudden outburst of Dutchness when you congratulated Sy’s parents with Sy’s birthday, and were then forced to explain that it was a thing the Dutch did, without being able to give any kind of even half-decent reason as to why. Finding out you were Dutch also meant that a small army of kids now forced you to teach them some Dutch words, which started out cute, but soon turned into the inevitable ‘translate this swearword for me’-fiasco anyone with any braincells would have seen coming from the beginning. All in all, it took a while for things to settle down a bit again, and you were glad when the kids had disappeared back into the crowd.
“Love kids, but thirteen of them is a lot.” You said to Sy when he helped you find a place to sit down for a minute.
“I’d ask if you’re feeling any better yet, but I don’t think that whole circus really helped,” he said as he stroked a few curls out of your face and tucked them behind your ear, where they immediately escaped again, making Sy laugh. “Let me get you a drink.”
“Thanks, Sy,” you said, grabbing his hand as he got up to head to the kitchen.
While Sy was gone, you closed your eyes, and tried to ignore everyone around you, which became impossible when Mary Beth joined you on the couch.
“Lara, sweetheart, would I be a whole lot of trouble if I asked you to hold Lainey for a minute?”
“No, of course not!” You hadn’t even finished your sentence, or the little girl was in your arms.
“Thanks, honey,” Mary Beth said softly, “I love her to bits, but my arms are gettin’ sore.”
“I can imagine,” you said. Lainey was adorable. Nine months old with enormous blue eyes, and little hands and feet and… Her mom was gone. Probably off to the bathroom, but still, you prayed she’d get back just in case Lainey decided to start crying…
“Hey, how’s my favorite niece?” Sy sat down next to you and wrapped one arm around you as he tickled Lainey with the other.
“I thought I was your favorite niece, uncle Sy?” One of the other girls had heard what he said and jumped into his lap.
“Y’are,” Sy said, “and so are the twins.”
“That’s not fair,” one of the boys yelled. Suddenly, you were being ganged up on by children. It was scarier than you would have imagined.
“You’re not my niece, Johnny,” Sy answered with a smile, and the kids laughed at their uncle’s terrible joke before disappearing again.
“You said somethin’bout this lookin’ good on me, Sugar,” Sy said softly as he pressed his lips to your temple, “but I gotta admit, it looks pretty damn fine on you, too.”
You allowed yourself to get lost in that feeling for a bit. It was like a little glimpse into your future; sitting on that couch with Sy, holding a baby…
“Dammit, Sy, I want one,” you heard yourself say, although you were sure you’d never made the conscious decision to actually speak the words. In fact, you’d never thought you’d hear yourself utter a sentence like that at all. Ever. The look on Sy’s face said it all, but he doubled down on it with words.
“As many as you want, Sugar,” he said before kissing you. The loving and intimate energy of the moment was skillfully destroyed by half a dozen children yelling “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew” the moment Sy’s lips touched yours.
“Good Lord, you’d think it would traumatize them forever,” Mary Beth said after shooing the kids away. Now that her spot on the couch was taken, she sat down in the chair next to you. “I’ll take her again, if you want.” She held out her arms, but you really didn’t want to let go of Lainey just yet.
“It’s alright, she’s asleep, anyway,” you said. Mary Beth seemed more than grateful to have her hands free for a bit longer, and you didn’t mind that you got to cuddle with this cutie a little more. Besides, your stomach finally seemed to settle a little, but you still hoped that holding a sleeping baby would keep people away from you for a bit.
It all went on like that for quite some time, and by the time people started leaving, you’d been praying they would for at least three hours. Sy was merciless in kicking his brothers – who were now fairly drunk – out of the house, and with them gone, peace was restored. Wait, no. Scratch that: quiet was restored. Peace, to you, was a house that didn’t look like a miniature tornado had ripped through it.
“Take a shower and go to bed, Sugar,” Sy said. He could clearly tell you still weren’t feeling very well – and he was one hundred per cent right about that, it’s just that you’d much rather he join you for both of those activities. “I’m gonna help Jules clean up this mess.” Jules didn’t look too thrilled that she was being roped into cleaning duty – something she had surely hoped to avoid by not hosting this party herself, but you knew she wasn’t so stupid as to actually expect she’d be let go just like that. Even with Sy’s mom doing you the courtesy of stacking the dishwasher before she left, there was still plenty to be done.
“Since when does your family leave deviled eggs uneaten?” Jules asked while she carried a plate with two sad-looking eggs back to the kitchen. “Lara, want one?” As soon as she held the plate out to you, you stepped back. Julie made a whole scene out of pointing out you loved deviled eggs – as if you’d forget that – but with your stomach as upset as it was right now, they just made you feel sick.
“Let her go upstairs, Jules,” Sy said. There was definitely some irritation in his voice, and you were one hundred percent sure he wanted Jules and Pat out of the house as soon as humanly possible, so he could get to bed, too. “She’s not feeling well. Just… help me clean up my damn house.”
Jules followed his orders immediately, which was a very un-Jules thing to do, and you made your way upstairs. First stop: bathroom. The thought of a hot shower was almost excruciatingly appealing to you right now.
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