#on question 25 so hopefully you don't follow us both
dabistits · 1 year
19, 21, 25 for the ask meme!
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
mad that i actually kind of like geten for this one!!!👇
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this was so funny. he made a point and i hope he unlearns his family's fucked up bullshit. the himura reveal and discussion about their family values actually makes a lot of sense as far as why he was the only MLA leader who explicitly denigrated people with weak/unsuitable quirks (not that the others didn't, geten was just the most blunt about it). be better please, you can do it.🙏
i've also kind of come around to AFO—not that he's a well-written or morally good character or anything, but he's just kind of funny. in an arc where everyone's grimdark serious his plan is just "yes i'll blow up my minion and then have her leak a false location to the heroes and when they get there i'll blow up that location." that's one of the funniest ways to go about it, thanks dude
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
the whole storyline about the students saving the villains is massively overhyped. it's just not well-written. i don't think there's any textual evidence that any of the students have anything more than a superficial or vague notion of why the villains chose their paths, these are virtually strangers whose hearts the students intend to save.
and while no, i don't think you need to know anyone deeply in order to reach out to them, and in fact you should help strangers! but to argue that somehow you can understand them enough to know what they want "deep down" is paternalistic bullshit.
also in this case "saving," also means stopping, also means sticking them in prison, so uh. how are you saving them, buddy. if you want to stop them and put them in prison then at least be honest about it, don't dress this shit up in the language of kindness. the hypocrisy and lack of time spent actually developing a bond between heroes and villains makes the whole "saving" plot feel hollow.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i am the fandom complaining blog, imagine being tired of complaints...
ok but a couple years ago there was so much drama around caleb cook's translations for the manga and people often blamed him for things that may have been pushed by the publisher (as a standard for all translations they do, ex: translating yakitori as chicken skewer instead of just using 'yakitori') to more 'major' things that people argued were mistranslated or tonally too soft/too strong, among a myriad of other issues. (he only has as much information as we do, folks, translators don't have a direct line to the mangaka, so sometimes translators just have to make their own judgment call on a specific line.)
yes, sometimes the translations sound weird or janky, you might even be able to argue that some don't get the correct meaning across, but there was so much responsibility pushed onto caleb as though he was the one directing the overall progression of the manga. is it caleb cook or horikoshi's fault that the LOV don't openly declare their deep feelings towards each other?🤔
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ygobigbang · 7 months
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Everyone, thank you very much for the responses! We’ll go over our plans for what to do next, and what you should keep an eye out for!
Firstly, thank you for all your patience for the new mod team! You can find us and our experience listed HERE as well as our names on our Tumblr page (desktop mode). We hope you continue to give us your support as we settle into our new roles.
Second, for all the Misawas and number lovers out there, we'll go over the IC numbers after the end of this announcement.
And third and most important of all, we’re announcing our first project as a SPRING SEASON MINI-BANG. We’ll be releasing more details over the coming week, and hopefully have sign-ups ready by the end of the month. This will be a much smaller event, with 1k minimums, so that everyone can get used to working together and getting warmed up before the main event!
Once again, thank you for your interest, and we’ll see you soon!
And now, from Mod Pan, this:
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First off, "Do you want to participate in a General/All Series Bang?"
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That's 62,7% yes, 37,3% maybe, and no "No"s! Love to see how people interested in talking about it want to participate, should circumstances allow.
Next is "If yes, what role?"
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At 40,3% writers take the lead, but 32,8% artists and 26,9% as a combo of both means people of all artistic tendencies are well-distributed!
So we've got the peeps, so when do we start? That's the next question!
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The two leaders were a (North) Summer Start at 67,2%, followed by a (North) Spring Start at 25%. The other results were one vote each, for 'either', 'both', 'anytime', 'not sure', and a shout-out to whoever asked if these seasons were North or Southern Hemisphere- They're all North, for the record, due to that being where the majority of the mods are located. It was a good heads-up, though, and I'll try to mention specific months next time alongside seasonal names.
Last two multiple-choice questions!
For writers, what minimum word count are you comfortable with?
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The clear winner here was 10k words, at 48,3%, with 15k next at 13,3%. A full 26% were just artists clicking the "I'm an Artist" button, and the other options (5k, 25k, and 'anything from 10-20k depending on concept") got a single vote each, except 20k words, which came in around 8% instead. I like this excitement!
And for the artists: What fic length are you most comfortable working with?
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Everyone continues having 10k as their sweet spot number, as the 36,7% votes show, and this has definitely been taken into account. Next is 15k at 25%, and every subsequent 5k increment loses another 5% votes. And to the two who don't really know and are just gonna go with the flow, and are willing to read all the way up to 50k as long as the concept interests you, we'll do our best at matchmaking so it won't feel like a sacrifice, no matter how excited the writers get!
And that's it for math time! The non-multiple choice answers won't be discussed here, since even without names attached those were private responses, but do be sure the mod team has read all of them and will be keeping all of them in mind going forward.
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See y'all next time!
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Something inspired by this beautiful golden hour artwork
His back is aching and his stomach hurts and there's still half an hour to go until he can go home. With Robin gearing up for finals Steve has had to take on more solo shifts and it's been a strain on his ability to survive a work day without Robin. They joke that they can't do anything without each other but Steve really is convinced that she has both halves of their combined brain while he has their coordination. Case in point; his stomach makes an unholy noise in retribution for Steve forgetting his lunch /again/. The gnawing feeling subsides as he pats his belly, eyes flicking back to the clock; 25 minutes now. Pulling back his shoulders and straightening his back he grabs a rag and surface cleaner hoping that nobody comes in looking for a movie so he can hopefully get out the door on time. If he switches the door sign to 'closed' as he cleans the glass? Well Keith doesn't have to know.
By the good graces of the universe the traffic is minimal and Steve is pulling up to Eddie's while the sun is still up, but in a way that's giving everything a golden glow. He pulls himself out of his car and tosses his keys between his hands as he makes his way up to the trailer, already feeling the tension in his back melt away knowing Eddie is inside. He's barely in the door before a pair of shorts are thrown at him 'it's after five harrington, this is a no jeans zone. get those offensive bastards off your legs right now'
Eddie is smiling at him from the kitchen, over the top ogling as Steve takes his jeans off and pulls the shorts up, grateful already for the elasticated waistband on his hips rather than the stiff material from before. Steve starts to make his way to Eddie, planning on inspecting whatever mess he'd clearly been making in there but Eddie stops him with one hand on his chest and another holding a bowl of steaming food.
'Ah ah Stevie, come on. Couch.' It should sound like an order but with the gentle tone its more of a question, Eddie asking Steve to just follow him, so he does. Simple and easy.
Guided to the living room, Steve settles down on the couch with Eddie making space for himself between Steve's thighs. Steve in turn, pulls him close, feeling content when Eddie's back hits his chest and places a kiss to the back of his head. It's not quiet, not with the tv on but Steve can't bring himself to raise his voice 'missed you' he murmurs into the space as he takes Eddie's hand in his own and delights at the feeling of pressing skin against skin as Eddie's equally short clad legs sit between Steve's.
'missed you too,' Eddie take's their joined hands to his lips, kisses Steve's knuckles 'and uh I know its not what you are used to but I made dinner? Just saw you forgot your lunch again and I don't know man, if you hate it don't tell me, don't think my fragile and tender ego could take it' Eddie laughs as he finishes but the truth sits evident in his words, he wanted to do something nice for Steve, wanted to show him he cares.
Steve couldn't care if it was a slice of toast and a glass of milk, the fact it Eddie looks after him in ways that sends Steve's heart into the stratosphere. He also knows that Eddie wants to give Steve more, everything, wants to give what he thinks Steve gave up when he abandoned his reputation. The thing is, right here, in this moment, thinking about the friends and family and life he has now? It's more than he can comprehend, so much more that what he had when he had a high flying social status and it's perfect.
He doesn't have the words to convey it, not right now with his mind liquified from work. So, he leans forward and grabs the bowl Eddie placed on the coffee table, reluctantly lets go of Eddie's hand and takes it bite. Humming around the mouthful Steve leans back, pulling his boyfriend back with him with one arm and keeping the food upright with the other 'it's perfect Eds, thank you'
Eddie wriggles into a comfortable position and takes the bowl from him 'hey sharing is caring harrington!' It's said with a smile and open mouth as Eddie chews. Steve can't help himself but laugh at the ridiculousness that is Eddie Munson. Leaning down to kiss the other boy's cheek 'love you eds' Eddie turns slightly, pressing a quick kiss to the side of Steve's mouth 'love you too. now shh Tom Selleck is on the tv and he needs my full undivided attention'
The night continues with Eddie feeding alternative bites to Steve and himself. Short conversations fill the space and Steve feels at ease as the comfort of the evening fills his bones.
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blueper-saiyan · 6 months
Okay so I just want to say about your Vegeta caring about Krillin and Gohan post, that you're kind of overlooking some very important reasons about why Vegeta was looking out for them. The first time he runs into them, he discovers that they had some dragon balls, and threatens to kill krillin over it. When he then finds gohan, he mock's the kid's father, hits him, and then spells out that he's only sparing gohan due to believing he's only minutes away from immortality. he was actually on his way TO KILL gohan and krillin when he found out gohan denied him his wish, only stopping bc he sensed guru powering up gohan. he then only teams up with krillin and gohan bc he knows how dangerous the ginyu force is. to spell it out: once they got all the dragon balls, not only does krillin and gohan betray him, but vegeta also internally thinks to himself how they're fools and he's gonna wish for immortality and be done with them.
when he finds out that they screwed him over AGAIN, he's clearly going to follow through his intention to try and kill them until krillin agrees to get dende to make him immortal. while vegeta is (somewhat hypocritically) astonished with the beat down frieza is giving gohan, he STILL tries to leave them both to die once frieza's far more powerful in his second form than he expected. Not take them both with him, but leave them to die while he escapes. Given Krillin and Gohan were both boosted, he thought of them as useful tools to survive and beat frieza, which was why he told krillin not to help gohan to instead give HIM a zenkai boost.
tldr; Vegeta was being very pragmatic, but the actual level of care is minimal- and therefore more consistent with how he treats raditz and nappa.
Sorry to just dump this in your inbox. but i just disagree with vegeta's intentions are woobified by so many fans, in namek and saiyan saga he was the same level of ruthless, just more pragmatic in namek by necessity. while there could be implied care for gohan, krillin and vegeta aren't at all friends, especially considering all the times krillin has admitted he thought vegeta should die (in the saiyan saga, vs zarbon, and after cell becomes perfect)
like vegeta is a BAD person. he's selfish and would've killed more people had he gotten the chance during those two arcs, and it bothers me when people think him not being a dick at EVERY opportunity equates to him being kind or caring.
Don't worry, I'm aware that Vegeta wanted to backstab Krillin and Gohan. Honestly, when I wrote the post I thought I was giving Vegeta a little too much sympathy and I did consider adding the times he thought about killing Krillin and Gohan to make it fair, but I decided that bogged down the post when the actual question was “why did Vegeta expend more effort on preserving Krillin and Gohan's lives than Raditz and Nappa's when he’d known the former for 1 month and the latter for 25 years?”
Honestly, I think that parkergeorg has a solid explanation of it. Hopefully that has logic that works better for you, since it comes down to it being situational and a result of Vegeta actually being concerned enough about Freeza to realize he needs allies rather than taking allies for granted/using them as a demonstration of how strong he is.
I will say that although you're right about most of Vegeta being shitty to Krillin and Gohan (trying to kill them before the team up, plotting to kill them after they'd teamed up, going to go kill them once they'd taken the dragon balls), this part:
"he STILL tries to leave them both to die once frieza's far more powerful in his second form than he expected. Not take them both with him, but leave them to die while he escapes."
is anime filler, and I'm not even sure if it made it into Kai? It's definitely not in the manga; Vegeta doesn't try and leave the fight. He definitely did do all of those other terrible things though.
"tldr; Vegeta was being very pragmatic, but the actual level of care is minimal- and therefore more consistent with how he treats raditz and nappa."
I'm cool with that explanation. I still think that he put more effort into keeping Gohan alive than Raditz or Nappa, because there was genuinely no reason to save Gohan from fourth form Freeza, or alert them to where Freeza was, but I'd accept that Vegeta's willingness to backstab them both balances it out. I should have been more explicit in the original post that "there wasn't a difference in how he treated them" was a valid response. I do think there's a recognizable difference, but that doesn't mean you have to agree with me.
"Sorry to just dump this in your inbox. but i just disagree with vegeta's intentions are woobified by so many fans, in namek and saiyan saga he was the same level of ruthless, just more pragmatic in namek by necessity."
I don't mind, don't worry. I have seen what you mean about woobifying him, I find it annoying even though I occasionally do it myself (probably inevitable for a favorite character), and that wasn't what the intent of the post was. I did try and propose the purely pragmatic explanations of Vegeta's behavior, but I guess I didn't give it as much focus. I will say that I still think he's lying when he says he doesn't care/that he saved them to show off/whatever, but as parkersgeorg pointed out, the lie doesn't have to be to cover for caring for them in a way that involves actual concern for others. He could just as easily be avoiding admitting that he might need help later because that's humiliating and he's supposed to need no one.
"like vegeta is a BAD person. he's selfish and would've killed more people had he gotten the chance during those two arcs, and it bothers me when people think him not being a dick at EVERY opportunity equates to him being kind or caring."
I know he's awful, it's a solid part of what makes him compelling as a character. It makes the times where he chooses not to be awful more interesting by contrast, which is why I made the original post, along with the comparison to how he treated his other allies. However, you're right that there's a reasonable enough pragmatic explanation for trying to keep Gohan and Krillin alive, barring the final save with Gohan, and that could still be argued as preserving an ally in case he needs him later. I certainly wouldn't call his actions kind or caring even if he did save them out of respect instead of pragmatism though. When I say care, I mean it also in the sense that I care when my favorite tools break, but it's certainly not the way I care about a person. It covers a wide range of emotional investment, that he could be at any level of.
There's another post around somewhere that points out that because we expect Vegeta to be the worst all the time, when he doesn't live all the way down to those expectations it's a pleasant surprise, so it feels like he's done way better than less than the bare minimum. That's what causes the phenomena you've noticed. However, I'm still curious about when/why he is a dick and when/why he isn't a dick, as well as wtf is going on with his worldview, so I made the post, and I got some interesting explanations out of it. I think your perspective on it is worthwhile too so I'll post this.
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problematicfactive · 1 year
New intro Post
New intro post! How exciting! This is my celebration for reaching 25 followers so fast! Thank you all for your overwhelming support in this journey, it really has been a lot.
If you're new here, my boyfriend and I are both introjected from extremely problematic medias revolving around a very bad person that lived in real life. We are both from fictional medias, bit the person of which we introjected is very much real, and We've gotten a LOT of shit for it.
Spaces that claim to be safe spaces for systems-- or God forbid, safe spaces for *problematic* introjects and alters, tend to be rude or spiteful towards individuals who are factives from problematic sources.
I firmly believe this hateful stance comes from a place of not understanding, so I've created this blog to give people who don't understand a chance to talk and speak to us without losing their cool as we also stay anonymous on this blog. They're always nice until they find out who you are /hj . Since it's creation, the blog has since turned into a big place for problematic factives to just feel safe and seen. I'm beyond happy about this, and glad my blog can serve both purposes. More under the cut!
We post a lot of everything!
We answer asks from people who have questions about us or about being problematic factives, we make positivity posts for problematic factives, problematic factive culture is... posts, and lots of other things you could think of. Feel free to vent in our askbox or message us for a chat! We'd love to have a friend.
Some things off the top of my head that I can't do on this blog (but if you end up making a blog for these things and need a mod, totally hmu!)
Stimboards/Moodboards etc. - I would literally love to do these but the problem is I know like nothing about anyone. Of you were to ask me for a Donald Trump moodboard I honestly do not know what I would do my mind would just blank. That being said, in decently good at making them so if there were a person I knew well enough to do a stimboard on, I definitely could
Icon edits - This is somthing I'm capable of doing, but it isn't something where I would want this entire blog to just turn into requests. If you're making a blog specifically for these creative requests things totally hmu
Art - I cannot draw but my hope is that that changes in the future.
Meet us!
My last intro post didn't really have any information on us as people let's try and fix that.
I can't tell you my name, but you can call me Anxiety. I'm the main mod and significantly less source connected/more source ashamed. I go by he/Anxiety with Anxiety being able to work in place of either a name or a pronoun. Unless the host is helping out with something, anything that isn't labeled comes from me. I'm the only one out of the two of us with the physical ability to type so when he posts something, it's a little special occasion and deserves a label.
My boyfriend doesn't have a name option other than a source one. On the blog he has only been referred to as my boyfriend, but if you need a name for him, call him NPC. He uses he/him pronouns and will sign off any post that he thinks up all on his own with -NPC and tagged with # npc posts
Here is some of the tagging we use on this blog
# problematic factive culture = Problematic factive culture is.. posts
# kindness and positivity = Kind and Positive asks we've received
# good thoughtful questions = Good questions we received as asks
# positivity post = Positivity posts
# problematicfactive blog things = things that ate moreso related to one of the mods or running the blog than they are about problematic factives
# rainy day drafts = drafts that could be super old because I made them and them left them in the drafts so I could post when I don't have anything else to post
# queued because I am asleep 😊 / queued because hopefully I'm sleeping = posts that I queue to be 5-ish hours away from the last post. I often post somthing at 12 am Eastern Time regardless of the last something was posted, so those early morning positivity posts tend to also be queued with the tag
If you come across us and like what we do, consider boosting or realigning this post! I'd love for as many people to find out we exist as possible
# askers experience = Asks sent in where an asker tells me about their life
# npc posts = posts my npc wrote as a mod on this blog (does not apply to posts where "my boyfriend's answer" is me paraphrasing or trying to speak for him)
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wyvern-flames · 1 year
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𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 - 𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑒, 𝑊𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑛
Semi-Selective, Spoiler Heavy but tagged, 25 y/o mun, Under Construction
♞ Important Notes below for Mobile! ♞
I. hello there! my name is kuroki! i am 25 years old and have been roleplaying around tumblr for quite a while. i have many blogs around and cannot seem to stop making more. hopefully, you can enjoy your stay here for as logn as it lasts!
II. i am semi-selective, oc, duplicates, canon and crossover friendly! i am also more than happy to receive interactions/asks/requests from personal blogs, as long as you respect the other roleplayer's privacy during interactions. chances are, if you follow me, i will be following you back (unless your rules are too complex for me to follow.)
III. though i do not know how to edit or make icons (and whenever i do, it is catastrophic,) i will be trying my best to make some for clive. if you find that the posts are iconless, i probably gave up trying. aside from that, i am only recently starting to rp/write smut, i usually try to avoid it unless i am suddenly comfortable to try it (or unless the other person doesn't mind me not being experienced writing it.) normally, i prefer to keep things sfw unless really needed so as to not embarrass myself. even so, you can be flirty or suggestive, that’s totally fine. if we somehow end up requiring nsfw down the road, we could discuss it and work it out. as you may have expected, this blog will have dark themes, that includes potential triggering content (will try to tag but may forget sometimes,) so please tread carefully.
IV. very important to note that my portrayal of clive rosfield might be slightly different from others, especially with the tone and usage of words as i follow (and play) the latin spanish dub of the game (it's so excellent, i could not ignore it) and have noticed a few changes on what the characters say (for example: slight location name changes, though those i will look up and follow the english translation to avoid confusion. other than that, some flavor text that i am sure i have already adopted.) i will understand if you refuse to interact because of it, just make sure to softblock or hardblock if i followed you and you do not wish to interact so i don't accidentally either re-follow you or try to interact with you.
V. feel free to send me a message or follow back if you want to roleplay or just ask anything if you’re curious about clive or my portrayal of him. i also accept anonymous questions, random memes, and random starters!
VI. my face-claim is Ritsu Namine and i can roleplay in both English and Latin Spanish. the icons used are made with poohsources's aquila psd and the screenshots were provided by capsource.
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misfits-den · 1 year
This poll got better response that I expected please keep voting, so for that 1 person so far who voted for more details.
The point is to get all the posts tagged with at least one of the tracked tags and reblog them to single blog.
Here's more or less how it will work (I'm open for suggestions)
Get all the posts from all tracked tags in given timeframe
Get unique posts - so posts with both tracked_tag_1 and tracked_tag_2 will be reblogged only once
Add archival date tags - right now the format would be [date], so for example for post made on 2023-02-31 > [2023], [2023-02], [2023-02-31]; that will allow to browse posts made on specific day, specific month, and specific year.
Copy the tags from original post - in effort to preserve extra content/warning tags, like mermaid!AU, or dragons, or flashing lights, etc. Those won't get the [].
How often will it be run?
Everyday, but it will collect posts older than a week - or more, definitely not less. This is to encourage people to keep using the /tagged or /search options on Tumblr, because, as I've mentioned, Tumblr API DOES NOT return all the posts visible on web.
As in, when I've checked #trigunbookclub, API was missing like first 5 posts. And it's like that by design. The difference is due to Tumblr not actually using the API to display posts. I'm looking into alternatives, one looks good so far, hopefully it won't annoy Tumblr just as much as Tumblr annoys me, I don't want to get banned (again, suggestions are welcome).
It's also to give users time to modify/delete their post. And if you end up following the archival blog, you'll get to see the posts again.
Which tags will be tracked?
So far the list is: #trigun, #trigun maximum, #trigun stampede, #trimax, #tristamp, #trigunbookclub
I'll keep the list on pinned post on archival blog (together with most of what I've written here).
If you have any suggestions, go ahead and send me an ask/DM.
What if I don't want my posts reblogged?
Bot will ignore posts with tags: #delete later, #private, #do not reblog.
It can also be set up to ignore specific blogs.
If a post was already reblogged, let me know and I'll delete it.
Will you also filter out nasty tags like plantce-
I want my posts reblogged, but they're often skipped
Let me know, we will see about getting them straight from your blog instead.
Will you start archiving from the newest posts or from the oldest?
Honestly I want to start from oldest, to try and keep the order of posting since you can't filter by multiple tags, so if someone wants to filter all #trimax posts, they will still get them in some chronological order, but I'm probably going to do a poll for that too. But-
For example, #trigun stampede has 4400 pages as of today, let's count 10 posts per page (there's less). I can reblog 250 posts per day (if I'm not mistaken), that's 25 pages. That's 176 days to get up to date just with #trigun stampede.
Yeah, poll it is.
When will it start?
I need to cleanup the code, and add some tests, but I should be able to start next week, IF I don't get any votes against.
What if I have more questions?
Hit me up, my askbox and DMs are open.
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Hello, hello! I was wondering what your ideas are on Dewdrop turning into Ember? As in how he changes from water ghoul into fire? I know that in irl it’s just part of the motifs they had with the guy going from bass to lead guitar but I was more wondering how you’d think it work in the story/lore? I’ve seen some write it as him undergoing a ritual to change his element and body. And I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone write them as separate ghouls yet. I feel like I’m starting to ramble so I’ll leave you with a “have a good day!” :D
this is going to be one of those... longer answers because I ramble way too fucking much
I know the basics of what happened irl. I didn't dig too deep because... it's not really any of my business. whatever happened between the musicians happened between them. I dip into the irl side a little bit because, obviously, we did lose Alpha and then got Ifrit, and then we lost Ifrit and got Sodo and Rain. I know we also lost Omega and got Aether, but we're not gonna look at them for this.
before I get into my variation of everything, I just want to put up this reminder: everyone is gonna be different. that's just the beauty of all of this. like I've said in the past, there is no right or wrong way to do any of this. what one person says, another person might not. and that is A-OK. you do whatever you like and whatever fits you. I just always wanna add this in because no matter what I do or say for my fics, I don't want people to think that it's like... what you need to follow. I want everyone to remember that they have freedom with all of this and they should have fun. because that's what this is all about.
now, onto my bullshit and how I go about the whole Dewdrop/Ember thing.
so I have it that every Papa summons their own ghouls. these ghouls will match their energy/personality, normally with one of them matching them to a T. with Terzo, I had seen there was a... I guess description Tobias had given about him during an interview: "He represents this frustrated old guy who hates everyone, especially himself." It does also touch on the more happier side Terzo lets out, but I focus on this part because I use this as... it's why we ended up getting new ghouls. I have it that there was a falling out between Terzo and a few of his ghouls, leading to him having to summon more ghouls to take their place. and because of this, we're eventually introduced to Dewdrop.
I take it as Dewdrop (who I call Sodo) is both a fire and water ghoul, though his fire side dominates the most. I hc he's maybe... 25% water ghoul. and it's why in one of my requests, I say that his fire only burns red/orange and not blue or white like the other fire ghouls. his fire isn't as hot because of this quarter water ghoul in him.
so when Terzo summoned him, Dewdrop was... in a way, a "mistake" from Terzo not being 100% all there emotionally and, possibly, mentally. Dewdrop could play bass, yes, but he also liked to show that he could play the guitar, as referenced here. I like to think that, while he also played bass in the practice room, he could mainly be found playing a guitar. and in the beginning, Terzo was surprised and confused. but he also picked up the hints. Dewdrop (also introduced as Water in the video) would've preferred being a guitarist. so when Ifrit's contract ran out and he decided to retire, Dewdrop was appointed new lead guitar and it just worked for him. and, after this, Rain is summoned to take Dewdrop's old place as bassist
TLDR: basically I keep it that Dewdrop doesn't really change much. he's just a mixture of a fire and water ghoul, so when Ifrit left, Dewdrop took his place as lead guitarist
I sincerely hoped this answered your question. my brain is still pretty fried, so hopefully my tangent made some sort of sense <33
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clock-corpse · 2 years
How does one get into TouHou enough to rp? I love the designs I just dk where to start
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Okay so, this is going to be a long answer. I would like to say that it's a simple one, but it really isn't given just how old the Touhou series is and how much media there is surrounding it both official and fanmade. So hopefully I can help walk you through things.
More under the readmore.
So, you say that you like the character designs. Which one? I think this is an important question to ask first. Which character is it that draws your attention? Because if you can figure that out, then it'll become easier to get into the series.
Touhou is a 25 year old series with 20+ games under its belt, not to mention the manga, novels, and independent music soundtracks. While this sounds incredibly daunting, I promise you that getting into the series isn't that bad if you start small. And there's absolutely no rush to learn everything about the official lore before you start RP'ing.
See, Touhou is very much kept afloat by its fanbase that creates numerous types of fanworks ranging from doujinshi manga, games, fanfics, fanart, and just about anything else you can think of. Due to the vagueness of the writing in Touhou, this usually leads to the fans filling in those holes with their own headcanons which the creator ZUN, is 100% supportive of as long as you follow his guidelines.
(The guidelines are real simple. Just don't post video game endings, or create fanworks that depict stuff that could be considered illegal in a real life situation.)
Anyway, because a lot of fanmade Touhou content runs on fanon, it's perfectly fine if you can't get the character down to canon in your first RP experience. Touhou fans are usually laid back about that kind of stuff, and if they're not, ignore them. Explore Touhou in your own time and use your own judgement when creating your character.
So, now that I've told you all this I want to go back to my original question. Is there a character you like? Because if there is, then my best advice would be to hop on over to the Touhou Wiki to look them up and see what official sources they appear in.
Of course it never hurts to also look at fanworks for inspiration, but I must warn you. If you're new to the Touhou fandom and are coming from another Western fandom then you may be a bit shocked. Some people can be into some... things you may not like.
It's an unfortunate fact of being a Touhou fan that you're going to run into unfavorable stuff when searching for fanworks on image boards and the like. It may take some time to learn how to avoid them but it's really easy to figure it out and curate your own space.
The main thing to remember when you run into something that you think might be gross or uncomfortable is to stop, don't freak out, and click off the page.
In the end, Touhou is about creativity freedom and that pretty much extends to everyone who's interested in the series. So don't stress too much about trying to get the character 100% right on your first try. For the most part you can meet people will be supportive of your portrayal and continue to be as you improve.
I hope any or all of this helps! Happy RP'ing! o/
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camellia-thea · 2 years
7 and 25 for the OC asks :)
hi hello! i assumed this was for taralin so here you are! thank you for the ask
these... are not narrative answers, i'm so sorry.
7 - Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Of course, the scar had stayed.
It took several days to get a mirror, after their transformation. Feathers and fur.
The scar is a sign of idiocy. A sign of failure.
An attack on the party, leading to everyone but Kadana going down... and even she ran off, rather than staying, rather than helping. It had been sheer luck that they'd woken, and peeled themself out of the ice. Even luckier was the fact that they'd not used their healing, and could wake Kit. Kit had healed the others, but Taralin had been left with a cold burn up their face. It... infuriated them. That they were the only one marked with the- the shame of the incident.
And it lingered with their transformation. Because, of course it did. It marked up their shoulder, up their face. Their skin was an odd grey, under the feathers. They still grew, but sparsely, and the feathers were pale and discoloured.
Just another reason to learn True Glamour.
25 - If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
they're soulmates
the town whispers it. everyone expects them to get together, they mesh together so well.
aiden and taralin, taralin and aiden. they're a pair, two for one.
it's no surprise when they start courting; aiden painting them in his spare time, taralin delivering little baked morsels. it doesn't change much, but it changes, and soon enough whispers begin of a marriage.
and aiden proposes.
they say yes, of course. why wouldn't they? they love him, they're going to spend the rest of their life with him
the wedding is in spring, bright and crisp and clear, they're smiling and happy, so happy.
it's beautiful. there are flowers, and amaurëa is taking them down the isle, and there's dancing later, and khaj pulls aiden around on the dancefloor for a turn and he's adorably awkward.
marriage suits them, apparently. the pair leave the village soon after, not really telling anyone they're going. khaj and amaurëa know, of course, but even they're told late.
they're both so young -- only eighteen when they leave
and then aiden goes missing. taralin's knife flashes. he's dead, he's dead, and they killed him. they had to, he asked, there was no other way.
but he's dead, and they're lost in the faewild, being hunted.
taralin flinches, the first time a passerby tosses the word out.
news of the betrothal spread quickly, and work on the wedding happened fast. the word is on the wind, and people whisper when they pass
ester questions it later, and their one word answer makes her eyes soften.
it happens a few times in the following weeks. the pair are never open with affection, but they wander together, from time to time.
the next is 'beauty and the beast'. that one makes ester glare, but it forces a chuckle from taralin's lungs.
it's grazsha who asks, who pushes with all the grace of a child, and taralin isn't angry. they don't flinch, shout, give anything away.
i don't believe in soulmates, they answer, but i love her, and that's enough
what good was being soulmates to aiden? it wasn't enough.
hopefully their love will be.
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corysmiles · 3 years
Could you believe I actually am back with some Runnaway Experiment WRITING??? :D
This takes place very early on in the story, and gives some more insight into Tommy's life before they escaped (in the comics). Enjoy :D
The experiment was growing years after years, to everyone’s delight. It seemed the first laboratorial human had a decent enough lifespan so that it could be studied in the long run. And so, 14 years, it has been since T0M saw the light of day, and it acted in a similar fashion a 14 year old human would. .
Of course, the many researchers failed to take in consideration an alteration of the most cumbersome. T0M looked human, could understand the english language, followed orders and didn’t complain, asked some questions but the specimen…. was big.
Too big to fit in a human bed.
Too big to fit comfortably in a room.
It went in spurts, which was terrifying the first time. It kept on growing and growing, as scientists hoped it wouldn't take long for it to stop, otherwise, it might lead to a lot of problems. But for the past 2 years, no noticeable change really occurred, which was a relief when the thing was already 25 ft tall. It never seemed to be challenging personality wise, which was a relief, but they still needed to keep him in line.
Hopefully, the Doctor Soot, as well as Doctor Puff took part in daily check ups and made sure he didn’t rebel.
So, every 2 day, they took turns to visit T0M in the room accustomed to its needs.
And both’s reports were excellent! T0M learned more while being as obedient and compliant as ever. Phil couldn’t be more happy with those results.
However, as time went on…. Wilbur failed to mention another kind of teaching he had going on with the subject for the past months.
“And this is called ‘Sadness’.” He held an A3 size paper with a moody smiley drawn on it, the word being written below. “It’s that feeling when our sessions are over and I have to go and you say ‘oh noooo’ in that voice.”
T0M was sitting on his knees in front of him, paying the utmost attention to what Wilbur was showing and saying.
“I hate that one.” He pouted.
“I know,” Wilbur chuckled. “No one likes to feel sad. But it’s a part of life.”
A single hum. Wilbur’s smile turned more sympathetic.
“Do you remember the other ones?” He stood up from his place and put the sheet in one of the dark grey metallic drawers.
T0M nodded, excitedly. He took his hand and poked his fingers as he counted. “ there’s “Happiness”, it’s the good one. And “Disgust”, it’s when I have to eat the weird green stuff.”
“That. And then there’s excitement, it’s when I smile real big because you come early.”
Wilbur clapped “Wonderful!” T0M’s eyes were shining stars at every approval from Doctor Soot. Even though T0M’s enjoyment was very appreciated and contagious, but it could be a bit… much, to handle at times.
“Since you understand the basics, I think it’s time for us to start a whole new lesson.” He clapped.
T0M gasped and cheered from the top of his lungs “YEAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!”, throwing his arms in the air and effectively making the room shake from the sheer volume of his voice. When he looked back at the scientist, his eyebrows were pinched and the brunette was covering his ears and curled up, almost in pain.
“...Doctor?” He brought his head close to the man who, after making eye contact, scrambled back until he hit the same drawer he put the papers in earlier. T0M looked at him confused, face still too big in Wilbur’s peripheral.
“I… Tom, I appreciate your enthusiasm when we do our lessons, but if you could prevent yourself from screaming, it would be nice.” He tried in the most gentle voice he could muster without it shaking.
“What’s screaming?” T0M asked, crouched so his face was almost on the ground at eye level with him. He brought a hand closer to the doctor who was still breathing heavily. When his head shot to look at the hand, his body on alert, he froze before saying.
“... Is it a moment when I can’t touch you?”
Wilbur’s eyes were locked on the now frozen hand for a good second before returning to T0M, nodding. “Uh, yeah.”
“... Okay.”
The hand retracted in the following seconds, and soon, he was back in his initial position.
The doctor thanked before regaining his composure. He looked back at T0M, and his expression held remorse. A guilt twisted Wilbur's guts at the view. Thing is, as T0M grew up, people quickly realised he was the equivalent of clingy. He would constantly grab people into hugs and had a hard time keeping his voice down which resulted in a large noise blocker investment. And so they had a rule. T0M couldn’t make any sort of physical contact with anyone without being given explicit permission first. Obviously, most workers considered T0M as a test subject and therefore, wouldn’t give him that pleasure.
Wilbur, though, was not in the same vein. Once he realised how empathic and emotional and human T0M was, he started teaching him things a human teen should need, and started giving him a sort of affection a human teen should have. Which included some sort of physical affection.
When T0M was sad, he would sit next to him or pat his back. It quickly evolved as Wilbur accepted being held by the boy and brought to eye level as long as he was careful when doing so, and ever later, they would hug and wilbur would try to brush his hair at times.
Still, that didn’t make him immune to any of T0M’s carelessness which’s consequences were amplified ten fold due to his scale.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked pitifully.
“I- no, it’s not your fault. It can just be a bit overwhelming is all.” Wilbur explained.
“... what does that mean?”
“It means… when something is ‘too much’. Like when you want to bring Techno very close, but he keeps reminding you about the rule.”
“Oh.” T0M let his head fall. “... I don’t like that.” Wilbur scratched his head. “I want to be so close and show that I’m very happy and it’s all inside and I can’t let it out.”
“Well, here, it’s a bit more of the opposite. When outside, there is a lot and you’re incapable of letting it in.”
“... I’m sorry Wilbur” he mumbled.
“It’s okay, I’m not angry.” reassured the brunette. “I just have sensitive ears.”
“...Everyone has sensitive ears.”
“Well, when you’re a small guy like me, you’re sensitive on pretty much all fronts.”
“... It’s not fair.”
“What’s that?” Wilbur perked.
“When I stop getting big and strong, I want to hug you with all of my will. Like you do with me. It feels nice. I want you to feel nice just like that. I want you to be overwhelmed with happiness. I want to hug you so, so bad but I can't and it's shit. I don't want to be strong, I hurt you if I’m strong. I want to hug you."
Tommy vented, more to himself, and when he looked at Wilbur, his eyes shined, not with joy.
"Oh Tommy…."
It ached. It ached Wilbur to his core that something as simple as a hug was something he craved and still couldn't get. Because he knew. He knew all of the things T0M was missing out on. All the life he could have lived if he was granted freedom. How much he could live and appreciate. It kept him awake at night.
But he was here. Trapped. In a room barely tall enough to contain him, treated like a circus monster. And the worst thing was, T0M wasn't aware of it. Of all the life he wasn't living. How his life was no life and how he thinks this absence of everything is what life should be.
Plato would probably laugh in his grave.
"I promise you. One day, you will be able to do that. I promise you that I'll find a way for you to hug me just like you are a small man too. I promise you that I'll make you discover all of those joys of life, Tom. I Promise you. I will help you. And I'm sorry for not being able to provide it sooner. And I'll apologize for all the years it took for me to get it."
They stared at each other, and Tommy nodded, throat tight and eyes wet.
"And a promise makes sure that it's gonna happen." T0M croaked.
"Exactly, tom." Wilbur smiled. "You are going to live many more things."
The bell rang, and both faces fell a bit.
"I'll see you in 4 days, Tom. We're gonna have a little recap over the emotions you learned and then I'll teach you about relationships."
"Oohh, that sounds nice! What is it?"
As Wilbur packed his little bag, he looked at T0M and simply replied "it's all around you. But I'm not gonna spoil the next session. On that note, I wish you a nice week, Tom."
"Have a nice week, Wilbur! " T0M waved with a smile. "It's nice talking to you."
"It is my absolute pleasure, Tom."
And thus, they parted. As Wilbur walked down the immense corridor (just tall enough Tom could run through them.) He wore a satisfied smile. His small steps resonated, the only sound in the room, yet peaceful enough for his ears to listen to them as carefully as silence. Halfway through, the sound was doubled.
"Oh, hey techno! How are you?"
"Doing fine. You seem very happy."
"I am. I made some good progress with T-he subject. I feel like he's learning well. The next tests should have fabulous results."
"Ahh, wonderful. Let's make sure it doesn't learn too much though." He joked.
And at that, Wilbur chuckled, his hand on the man's shoulder. "Oh don't you worry about that, my friend. I can assure you that'll never happen"
"Amazing" techno replied, deadpan. Both nodded their conversation away and walked the rest of their ways.
As he got further away, the doctor's smile turned to an amused grin. His steps resonated, so much smaller than what could be, in a corridor in which the boy just next door should walk through.
"Don't you worry about a single thing."
Poor Tommy but at least Wilbur is helping him :”]
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fivour · 4 years
1/2/3/4/5/11/12/13/15/16/24/25 i don't think i will ever stop asking you things about your writing hehe (=^・ェ・^=)
youre keeping this blog alive bro keep askin’
answered 4 in a previous ask.
1. was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when you were older? or is it just a hobby?
I never thought about being a writer as a kid, it was always something like an artist/teacher/musician aka rock star. I think it’s just a hobby for now although I would like to begin freelancing/commission work at some point. With my career plans, I’ll more than likely have to publish a research book at some point, though, but that’s many years off.
2. overall, would you say you are more driven by plot or characters in writing? (what makes you more excited about an idea?)
Characters 100%. If they are little toy soldiers, then I am the nine year old boy’s shithead cat that knocks them into the register vents. I wanna play with them and mess ‘em up.
Plots do not interest me in the slightest and I do not like making them. It’s part of why I don’t usually write longfic, only oneshots and short multi-chapter work.
3. give an overview/description of some of your past stories. (only if you are willing, of course!)
Here’s a... fun story: One of my first fanfictions was a story about Percy Jackson family feud. I was sick at home a lot, so I had daytime television brainrot. Anyways, I got multiple reviews telling me I spelled "feud" wrong, some constructive some not. However, I was a spoiled brat and I couldn’t handle not being the smartest person in the room, so I doubled down on "Family Fued.”
I am now an honors English kid and still cannot spell feud, field, or chief without autocorrect. It is my punishment for being an asshole on the internet in 2014.
5. do you have an idea for a story you don’t feel you can write at this current time? (whether it be because life is busy right now, you need to do more research, etc.)
Yes. I have a concept and outline for a long DioNilla fic inspired primarily by The Guilty by David Baldacci and this one podcast episode about partners in crime. At this point, there’s two different versions of it and I don’t know which I like more (one hit wonder for revenge or a totally romantic murder spree?). Both would have drastically different legal outcomes, but I’m not law-fluent enough to write either and the courtroom is an unavoidable scene I can’t just gloss over.
I also have an AU inspired by a movie that I’m not sure if I will ever write.
11. share a passage from one of your works and tell us why you liked it so much.
This is difficult because I have no recollection of anything I have ever written before yesterday. So I’ll just pick a recent one.
“His shoes are not thick enough to stop his leg from feeling jarred and his toes from feeling smashed, but the pain is enough to distract from the anger bubbling in the pit of his stomach. His heart races, pounding furiously against his rib cage, as if it were a prisoner beating at cell bars. It feels as if it’ll explode right from his chest, and his stomach quickly follows suit, churning with the pure agony that his newfound fury is putting his nerves through.
Fugo is miserable.
Fugo is miserable of mind and body and he wants to hurt something.”
Mabye I cheated a little. But I really like how this fic turned out in general (props to you for requesting it). This passage especially, because I used my own issues with and response to anger as a basis for Fugo’s reaction.
I think this is the most accurately I have ever described how it feels to be enraged and full of adrenaline. Not necessarily wanting to harm something or even yourself; you just need to get rid of the excess of energy that’s exploded inside of you all of a sudden. It’s an itch for action in a situation where it isn’t appropriate.
12. what is the worst writing advice in your opinion?
I’ve seen people totally against pantsing/not plotting a work (like, you-aren’t-a-real-writer against it), but I think the only thing I have to do to describe how foolish it is to discredit that method is point towards Stephen King.
An especially bad piece of advice that I’ve seen is to not write things that are not your lived experience. EX: if you are not a cis woman, don’t write a character that is. It defeats the entire purpose of writing and is ass backwards if you want any diversity within a work. Also... research is a thing that most authors do? And it teaches you to be more understanding of that lived experience???
There’s a lot I could say about it, but that sums up my biggest issues with it.
13. what is the best writing advice?
Again with Stephen King but... In a Q&A, he says something along the lines of not writing a character, by letting them write themselves. This comment was in reference to a question about Pet Sematary, I believe, which I would call the best and most alarming descent into madness I have ever read, so you bet your sweet cheeks that advice is always on my mind.
As for more general advice, creating/filling out a character sheet (x) is a really good way to figure out who your character is. I used them while writing Art & Pain and it made me realize a few holes I had to patch.
15. do you tell friends/family about your writing, or do you keep it a secret?
IRLs: they know I write. All but one or two of them do not know my handles nor that I write fanfiction.
I write original pieces which I don’t exactly hide, but no one knows those handles either.
16. what are some of your favorite words to use in writing?
24. best compliment someone has given you about your writing.
One of the best ones I’ve ever gotten was on a fic under a separate handle, so I won’t share it lol. But it was about how I write emotion and that means a lot to me because emotion is very difficult for me to articulate.
It kind of blows my mind that people actually binge read my work, too... even if it’s just a longfic that would take maximum two hours to read, it’s really flattering that they like my writing that much. Repeat commenters/readers are also one of the best things ever and I love them.
25. five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
God, I don’t know. I’ll hopefully be in college by then, so I have no idea what my life will look five years from now (other than the fact I will definitely be worked to the bone). I’d like to think I’ll keep doing it as a hobby, at least.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Drunk last night (7/?)
Summary: The gang celebrates a very Belated birthday for Ellie. A little alcohol makes some secrets come out. And ellie drops a bomb on one of the guys.
Pairing: Ellie x Logan, Ellie x Colt
Rating: Mature
Catch up here.. and as always if you would like added to the tags.. lemme know
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Song inspiration:
Over the next couple weeks Ellie and Luca spent A lot of time with both colt and Logan together and separate. Each forming a Bond with her. She knew both men wanted to have some kind of role in her life, as dad or an uncle. They decided to schedule the Paternity test, all 3 ready to know. Luca had a month left before school started, Ellie was adamant about showing here around parts of California, places that meant something to her growing up there. Logan planned for them to a race, see the track and meet the drivers. Colt planned a barbecue at his house for them, and so that Luca could meet Toby and ximena. And all 4 of them were going to the san diego zoo.
It was a Wednesday night, Ellie and Riya had their reoccurring girls night with Luca, while Darius kept Marcus.  They would have dinner, paint nails and once Luca went to bed talk about everything they couldn't in front of the kids. On this particular night Riya was acting odd, constantly looking out the windows checking her phone. Ellie started to have a panic attack,  the feeling took her back to running from the brotherhood. The doorbell rang, making her damn near jump out of her skin.
She walked over to the door with a shaky hand she turned the knob to see a girl standing there. “Stacie? Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Ellie threw her arms around the girl “I just moved here about two weeks ago and Riya invited me over. Ellie eyed her best friend “What are you up to?” Riya shrugged “Oh nothing. Ok don't get mad.” Ellie threw her hands up in the air “Oh god, what did you do now?”
“Don't get mad at me,” Stacie interrupted “I was talking to Riya about your birthday,  and how you haven't celebrated one in 6 years.”
Riya stepped in “So we want to go out and celebrate your birthday a few months late. This Friday night.” Ellie grinned “You guys really?” she hugged them both “But I can't. I have Luca.” Riya shook her head “Nope. Already taken care of. Your dad is keeping Luca. My parents are in, they are keeping Marcus for Dare and I.”
This would be the first birthday that she got to celebrate since she turned 18. Back when the path of her life took a sharp left. They spent the rest of their night chatting before the two women headed home.
That Friday night Ellie, Stacie, Riya and Marcus walked into the hopping club, they were lead back to a private area where Logan stood a broad smile on his face. “Happy birthday, Troublemaker.” He pulled her into a huge, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.  “Logan, you know its not really my birthday.”
“I know. But, we're making up for lost time. Just go with it.”
“Logan, you already know Darius and riya,” they said their hellos. “This is my friend Stacie from Langston.” stacie reached her hand out, Logan shook it “So you must be the notorious Logan I've heard so much about.” Logan cocked his brow at Ellie. “Hopefully all good things.”  he smirked.
Ellie watched the interaction between the two, a hint of jealousy twinged in her chest.
Her eyes locked with a set of Dark ones standing at the VIP entrance. “Colt?”
“Dont look so surprised, Riya invited us.” She gave him a confused look just as Ximena and Toby came in. “You guys all came?” She grinned, she was excited to hang out with them and then she spotted someone standing off to the side.  “Mona? Is that mona?” Colt shook his head. “Oh my God what are you doing here?” she wrapped her in a hug. “Good to see you too.” she could see a small smile threaten to break through her tough girl demeanor.
They all sat around the huge plush couches, a waitress bringing their drinks over. She found out Mona had gotten out of jail after spending 2 years in there. She headed east, but couldn't find a crew to settle in with. She came back to California and Colt gave her a job. After a few drinks ellie was feeling pretty giggly. She never drank more then a ritual cup of wine or two after a long week,  or a particularly rough day. Colt looked over at her as she downed another shot. “You should probably slow down, you're gonna end up getting sick.” she rolled her eyes. “I'm fine thanks.”
Riya and Darius were off on the dance floor, Toby and colt were talking by the bar.“Is that bothering you?” Mona motioned to where Logan was talking to stacie. “No. Yes. I don't know.” Ellie sighed. “Feels like the old day, huh X.” Mona let out a loud chuckle. “How so?” Ellie furrowed her brow. “Oh sweetie, you're staring at Logan while Colt cant take his eyes off of you.” Ximena placed a comforting hand on her. “Colts not starting. Hes talking to Toby.”
She motioned to the two seemingly deep in conversation.  “He may be talking. but his focus is on you.”
Ellie flicked her eyes up momentarily, sure enough locking with his deep browns. She could feel the heat filling her cheeks. “I need another drink.” she motioned for the waitress.  
After a few drinks she decided to walk up to the bar where Colt had seemingly taken up residency. “So what, you just gonna ignore me all night?” her words came out with much more  attitude than anticipated. Colt arched his brow “I'm not ignoring you.” Ellie slid up next to him, her side pressed against his. She placed her hands on the bar as if she were holding herself up and cocked her head to the sidez a mischievous smirk spread across her face. “What are you up to?” Colt cocked his brow at her.  “Noooothing.” She giggled as she bit her lower lip. “ What do you say we sneak off to the bathroom and, you know.” She gently rubbed his arm. “Ellie..”
“Is something wrong? You don't. You don't want me?” her bottom lip began to quiver.  “God No. No. Its not that. Its,” He ran his hand down his face “Jesus I cant believe im about to say this but.  Ellie you're pretty drunk. And as much as I would love nothing to make you moan my name. I don't want to do that in some nasty ass bar bathroom.” He squeezed her hand. She pulled away, angry. “Whatever Colt. You could have just told me you thought I was gross.” She sneered walking away, disappearing into the crowd.
She found a corner away from everyone,  she watched the people dancing on the floor, lost in thought.
“Enjoying yourself?” the deep voice pulling her from her drunken zone out. “Logan, Hi. Soooo kind of you to come talk to me.” she rolled her eyes. “Ok? Hey how about a dance?” He held his hand out for her. She took it stumbling as she stepped forward, breaking out in a cackle. “you alright?”
“Yuuup. Lets do this.” she followed him to the dance floor, wrapping her arms around him grinding her body against his. “Do you miss this?” She purred in his ear. “I'll always miss you ellie. But you're here now.”
She caught glimpse of Colt standing on the balcony, she could see his white knuckle grip on the railing from across the room. A thrill Rising inside of her.
She was still mad at him for leaving her behind all those years ago.  She understood Logan's reasoning but colt? He could have went with her or he could have taken her with him. They were married, you don't just leave your wife behind. And she was even more pissed he turned her down.  In her drunken state she could really care less for being mature about it.
Colts gaze was setting her on fire, a smirk played on her lips.  She turned around, her back side pressed against Logan's chest, she laid her head against it. Letting the rhythm of the music fuel her movements as Logans hands gripped her sides. “We shouldn't do this El. God you feel so good though.” Logan's voice hoarse in her ear. She continued to grind against him, she locked eyes on Colt who looked as if he was going to rip the railing right off.
She shrugged him off, she was a grown woman who made her own choices. She didnt have to answer to anyone, especially not Colt Kaneko. She turned to face Logan, now completely in the moment. His hands crept up and down her sides, sending a pleasant warmth throughout her.  It had been far to long since she had felt the strong hands of a man. “Kiss me colt.” she breathed out just inches from Logans lips. “Colt?” He pulled back, just as Colt pulled at her wrist. “Thats enough Ellie.”
She looked between the two, her head spinning. Did she really just call Logan Colt?
“We need to talk Ellie, alone.” Logan stared at her “She's not going anywhere with you. I think its time to go Ellie.” Colt snapped. “You dont have a claim on her Kaneko, who the hell do you think you are?” Logan stood his full height against him, colt easily matching him. “See pretty boy thats where you're wrong,” Colts lips twisted in a devilish smirk.  “I think its time my wife went home.” Logans eyes went wide. “You're fucking lying.” He turned to Ellie, desperately searching her eyes “Hes lying right? Tell me hes lying Ellie.” Colts wicked smirk grew wider “Go on Mrs Kaneko. Tell him.”
Ellie looked between the two, her stomach churning, panic set in. “I. I. I think im gonna..” she leaned down puking all over Colts feet.
Logan let out a wild laugh “Well, I'll let you handle that.” Colt rolled his eyes as he walked away.  “Come on El. Let's get you home.” Ellie started to walk losing her balance, colt grabbed ahold of her steadying her. He picked her up bridal style walking towards the exit. “Whats going on?” ximena question, and then looked down noticing the puke all over his legs and shoes. “Can you take ellie to her house? I'll follow you.” Ximena nodded. Colt laid ellie down in the back seat of Ximenas suv. “where are we going?” She moaned, her stomach churing. “were taking you home.” Ellie tried to sit up, panic written all over her face. “NO. My dad will kill me.” colt shook his head and chuckled “You're 25 years old Ellie,  pretty sure he wont.”
They pulled up to her house, colt grabbing her from the car carrying her to the door. He rang the doorbell, nervously awaiting her father to answer. He had never formally met him, and he wasn't sure just how he would act but he  wouldn't worry about that now. His only concern was getting Ellie home safely and into her own bed.
A few minutes later her father answered the door. His eyes widened at the sight “What happened?” he moved aside letting colt in. “She drank to much. I just wanted to.make sure she got home safe.”
“Hiiii Daddy.” Ellie groaned softly.
Her dad pointed him to her room, Colt got her inside laying her on the bed where Ellie started pulling off her dress. “wheres your pajamas.” He asked heading towards her dresser. “Hey! You'll see my underwear.” Ellie giggled.
“I've seen your underwear before, and you're in them right now.” He snorted as he rifled through her drawers. He found a tshirt and pulled it over her head. “Now. get some sleep.” He turned to walk away, Ellie already sound asleep. He walked out into the living room where her father stood. “Well, shes alseep. Sorry for bringing her home in that condition, I tried to tell her to slow down but, you know how she gets when she sets her mind to something.” Ellies dad chuckled  “Yeah. I do.” he looked down at Colts legs, seeing the colorful stain of Ellies vomit.
“She ah. Puked on me.” he gave a nervous chuckle. “I figured that. Why dont we get your shoes cleaned up. I got a pair of sweat you can change into. We can wash your clothes, but its probably best you stay over.” Colt tried to argue but his words fell short. Her dad came back and handed him a pair of sweats and pointed him towards the bathroom. He gave him a blanket and pillow and Colt laid down, his mind going a mile a minute.  
Just 6 years ago her father was investigating his father and the crew, and now he was laying in his house while ellie and Luca slept upstairs.
He woke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee filling the air. He sat up from the couch looking towards the kitchen. “Morning Colt. Come get some coffee.” Colt stood, wiping the sleep from his eyes, he grabbed a mug and poured a cup, sitting at the table with her dad. “Thanks Mr Martin.”
“You're welcome, but its Frank. Call me Frank.” Colt nodded, the sides of his lips slightly pulling up. “So Colt, Can I ask you. what are your intentions with my daughter and granddaughter if you are her father?” Frank cut right to the chase catching him off guard.  
“Well Frank, I do not have a doubt in my mind that Luca is mine. And as far as Ellie,” He collected his thoughts “As far as Ellie,I still love her. And if she would have me, I would like nothing more then to spend the rest of my life taking care of them both.”  Frank sipped his coffee, nodding his head. “You know, I believe you. But what makes you so sure that Luca is yours?” colt sat his coffee cup down “Call it intuition. I just have a feeling and usually my feelings are right.”
They were interrupted by the sounds off footsteps coming down the stairs. “Morning sunshine.” Frank smirked Ellie groaned as she mindlessly made her way to the coffe pot, pouring a cup of coffee. She sat down at the table her eyes instantly locking with Colts. “what are you doing here so early?”
“I'll give you two a minute.” Frank got up and went up to his room.
“Your dad let me stay over. I wanted to make sure you were ok.” He smirked. Ellies eyes snapped shut remembering the nights events. “Oh god. I puked on you.”
“You did. But your dad tossed my stuff in the wash. It's all good.”
“Colt. You told Logan. Why did you do that?”
“I can't stand how he walks around so smug all the time. Like he's better because he is a semi famous race car driver now.” He scoffed.
“Colt. He isn't better than you.  You aren't better than him. You guys have got to stop this pissing contest, its been 6 years. Thats a long ass piss.” she giggled, causing colt to chuckle. “Yeah, maybe you're right.”
“We do need to talk about it though.  I was under the impression that you got the annulment Colt. Why,” She took a deep breath “Why didnt you?”
“Because When I asked you to marry me, it wasnt because we were under the stress of the what ifs.”
“Dont. I don't need to hear it.”
“We were just so young. And were practically strangers now, its just. I think its better if we.”
“If we what?” He cocked his brow
“I think it's best if we get a divorce.” the words came out so rushed she barely understood them herself. But the look of absolute hurt on his face told her that he understood every word.
“You never gave us a chance. And now you're back, with my daughter and you want a divorce? Ellie we could be a family. You won't even try?”
“Colt. im sorry. Im not saying that nothing could ever happen with us. But if it does,  I want to start fresh.” She didn't try to correct him about being Ellie's father, he was hell bent on it and it would just add insult to injury.
Colt stood up Grabbing his eyes from the coffee table. “You night now believe it yet Ellie, but I'm going to prove to you that we belong together. Do what you gotta do." he walked to the door, pausing for a minute. "You know they say a drunk persons actions are a sober persons thoughts. And last night, told me alot.kore then you're letting on." He closed the door behind him. She heard his motorcycle start up and take off down the street.
She knew he was sort of right. She never did fully get over either of them. But she couldnt throw herself into a relationship with one of them, not right away. She had Luca to think about afterall.
She pulled out her phone finding Logans number.  She sent him a text, telling him she was sorry. A few minutes later she received a text back saying “I need some time. I will call u when im ready to talk.”
She had only been back a short time, but oh what a tangled web she had weaved.
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Hihi! What about a Stangie DnD verse type AU? Or, if you don't play DND a ton, an AU where the Stans are dragons and the Gucks are human farmers in a medieval style setting. In both of those, first meeting type scenarios.
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
So, I don’t play D&D a ton, mostly because I’ve been struggling to find a group to play with, as well as the time to do a campaign.  But I have played D&D in the past, and have spent enough time obsessing over the lore and creating character that I feel like I was able to fill this order sufficiently.  So here, have wood elf ranger Angie meeting half-elf rogue Stan.  Enjoy.
Word count: 1457
              Stan crouched down, trying to makeout the magic trace he’d been following. He straightened up with a soft swear.
              Can’t see it anymore.  If I everreally saw it to begin with.  Neverlearned how to track, never learned how to do magic shit.  Stan sighed. Well, I’m boned.  And so is Ford.  Something pricked the back of his neck.  He froze.
              “Turn,” a voice commanded.  Stan turned around slowly, his hands held inthe air, his mind racing as he tried to decide how he’d talk himself out ofthis one.  Those thoughts went away atthe sight of the woman pointing an arrow directly into his face.  He grinned.
              I always forget how damn hot elf ladies are.  No wonder Pops went after Mom.  The elf woman stared him down, her hazel eyesfierce.  A few strands of blonde hairstrayed from her braid, dangling in her face, standing out starkly against hercopper skin.  She was also a full headshorter than him, something that amused him greatly.
              “You’re a bit short for an elf,aren’t you?” he asked, slipping into Elvish. The elf blinked, clearly surprised by the language change.  Then the scowl returned.
              “Yer a bit mouthy fer someonewith an arrow in their face,” she retorted, switching from Common to Elvish.  Stan bit back a laugh.  Most elves spoke with prim, clipped grammarand pronunciation.  But the way shebutchered the Elvish language was more like the way his mom would slur after afew too many glasses of mead.
              “I’ve been told that before,”Stan said with a shrug.  “So, are yougonna shoot me or what?”  The elfhesitated, clearly trying to decide what to do. After a moment, she aimed down at the ground and shot her arrow into thedirt.
              “Who are you?” the elfasked.  “And what are ya doin’ in thesewoods?”
              “The name’s Stan.  Stan Pines. I’ve been tracking my brother, but, ah, I’m sorta shit at it.”  Stan eyed the elf curiously.  “Hang on. You’re a ranger, right?”
              “Think you could help me trackhim?  I mean, rangers are supposed to begood at tracking, I think.”
              “I am excellent at tracking,” the elf said.  She shook her head.  “But I can’t help you.  I’ve been trackin’ my own brother.  Can’t help other folks with theirs until mineis home safe.”
              “…Fair enough,” Stan said after amoment.  He shoved his hands in hispockets.  “So, you protect these woods?”
              “With my siblin’s, yes.”  Stan raised an eyebrow in surprise.  “My fam’ly don’t adhere to convention much.”
              “Judging by how you apparentlyhave multiple siblings and speakElvish like a drunk, yeah, I’d say so.”
              “Watch it,” the elf snarled.  “I’m not exactly a fan of humans.  They’ve caused too much trouble here.”
              “I don’t doubt that,” Stansaid.  “But I’m not a human.”  He pulled his long hair back into a ponytail,revealing his pointed ears.  The elf’smouth fell open in a small ‘O’.  “I takeafter my pops more than my mom, but I’m only half-human.”
              “Huh.”  The elf seemed genuinely intrigued.  “Don’t meet many half-breeds ‘round here.”  Stan grimaced.  “Sorry, that term was uncalled for.”
              “Nothin’ I haven’t heard before,”Stan mumbled.  The elf cleared herthroat.
              “So, yer trackin’ yer brother.”
              “Hmm.”  The elf chewed her lip thoughtfully.  “I- I s’ppose it wouldn’t hurt to at least sendya in the right direction.”
              “Really?  You find out I’m half-elf and suddenly you’reup for helping me?”
              “No!” the elf saiddefensively.  She nudged a clump of dirtwith her toe.  “Yer quite thesmooth-talker, that’s all.  I wasconsiderin’ helpin’ ya before ya mentioned you weren’t full human.”
              “Oh.  Yeah, that checks out.”  Stan winked exaggeratedly.  “I do have a way with the ladies.”  The elf blushed fiercely; her cheeks turnedgreen, rather than pink.  She coughed.
              “Don’t press yer luck…Stan, wasit?”  Stan nodded.  “Don’t press yer luck, Stan.”  She looked down at the ground.  “By the way, my name’s Angie.”
              “Angie?  Really?”
              “It’s a nickname.  My full first name is rather unwieldy.”
              “My mom’s is like that.  She started going by Gigi when she opened upher shop, just so that people could pronounce her name.”  The elf began to go through a small bag tiedon a loop to her belt.
              “What kind of shop?” Angie askedpolitely.
              “Uh, fortune-telling.  She’s a diviner.”
              “Huh.  Came across an elf diviner’s trailearlier.  Maybe it was her.”
              “No, she’s in the city.”  Stan stared at Angie.  “But my brother’s a diviner, too.”  Angie froze. Slowly, she looked back at him.
              “Why is yer brother missin’?” sheasked.
              “I’m- I’m not one hundred percentsure.  I think it might have something todo with this person he’s been working with, to expand his field of vision orwhatever.  My brother- he’s never beensatisfied with how much he can see with his magic stuff.  I guess he got a hold of some guy who said hecould boost his abilities, and things went south.”
              “What do you know about theperson that claimed he could help yer brother’s abilities?”
              “Uh, not much.  His name’s Bill.  And I don’t- I kept hearing Ford using some weirdlanguage to talk to him.”  Angie swore loudly.  “What?”
              “Yer brother’s name is Ford?”
              “Yeah.  Why?”
              “My missin’ brother was workin’ witha diviner named Ford.  I don’t knowexactly what was goin’ on.  I stay out ofwizard stuff when I can.  I’ve got plentyto do as it is, protectin’ the woods from fiends.”
              “There’s a lot of ‘em ‘roundhere.  Guess the fabric between planes isthin or somethin’.  I ain’t quite surewhy they keep showin’ up, just that they do.” Angie huffed irritably.  “And theykeep tryin’ to mess with the good folk, lead ‘em astray.  They’re enough of a problem that they’re sortof my specialty.”
              “Makes sense.”
              “But anyways, like I said, mymissin’ brother was workin’ with someone named Ford, who was a diviner.  Shortly ‘fore he went missin’, he got a holdof me.  Asked me some questions aboutfiends, since I’m the expert.  I askedhim why he was curious all of a sudden.  Hegot this real nervous look and said that he wanted some information before hemade a decision about what he would do. And no one’s heard from him since.” Angie eyed Stan carefully.  “This…Bill.  Think he could be a fiend?”
              “I mean, maybe.”
              “If he is, and yer brother’smissin’ ‘cause he got mixed up with Bill, I can track him easy.  Like I said, it’s my specialty.”
              “That would be great.  I’ve been trying to track him myself, but Idon’t know what I’m doing.”
              “Clearly.  The only thing yer doin’ right is bein’quiet.  Everything else yer doin’ wrong.”  Angie grinned.  “I’ve been followin’ ya fer a while.”
              “Well, when you break into housesfor a living, you get pretty good at being quiet,” Stan said offhandedly.  Angie laughed.
              “I s’ppose it would,” she said.  Stan frowned. “Surprised I’m not put off by ya bein’ a criminal?”
              “A bit.”
              “Eh.  I’ve worked for and with shadier people.  Ya meet a lot of iffy folks in the deeperparts of the forest, where the wild magic runs thick.”  Angie got a faraway look in her eyes.  “It’s really somethin’ else.”
              “Uh, okay.  So, about that tracking?”
              “Oh!  Right.” Angie stuck her bow in her quiver. “Where’d ya last find yer brother’s trail?”
              “I lost it around here,” Stansaid, looking at the ground.  Angie strodeto his side and crouched down, inspecting the dirt and leaf litter with acareful eye.  She grimaced.
              “Yep.  I can see yer brother’s trail, all right.”  She stood again.  “I can definitely see somethin’ fishy goin’on with it, too.  Demon might’ve taken him.”  Stan sighed.
              “Somehow, I’m not surprised thatmy brother got mixed up with a demon.”
              “Hopefully we’ll find him andsend that sucker what took him back wherever he came from.”  Angie looked off into the woods.  “And hopefully my brother will be there, too.  I- I’ve been havin’ a rough time findin’ histrail.  It keeps goin’ cold, and I haveto retrace my steps.  But if yer brotherworked with mine, then I think that’s my best bet at findin’ him.”
              “Sounds like a plan to me.”  Stan paused. “Wait, I don’t have to pay you or something, do I?”
              “Nah.  I’m doin’ my job.  Rescuin’ folks from demons.  Not to mention, I’m gettin’ somethin’ out of it,too.”
              “The trail heads east.”
              “…Which way’s east?”
              “That way,” Angie said, pointing.  Stan took a breath.
              “All right.  Lead the way.”
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dxmedstudent · 7 years
interesting I was wondering what you thought of this; my moms is a huge advocate for women getting their education and not entirely depending on a man. however she is worried with the rise of female doctors, because where I'm from even though it's sort of sexist but pople send their daughter into medical fields (doctors, pharmacist, dentist or nurse) because it is known that job has the most job security and people don't trust men to have their daughter financially depended on ->
-> so if women do actually go into medical school or pharmacy or dentistry, they still graduate fairly young 23/25 and get married (hopefully to another doctor they met in college), majority of them never specialize even (or even work) and the ones who do specialize in family medicine because it’s short and easy. so you see even though people want a job thats good for their daughter, they don’t want them to go the whole mile in order to take care of the kids.That’s an interesting discussion, so I’d like to thank you for bringing it up. It’s a hard question, with no easy or definite answer. On a wider level, medicine is a vocational degree. And whilst there are no rules or laws in place about who should study medicine, we could argue that people have an ethical duty to at least consider if they want to do it. Because if too many people who don’t want to actually be doctors take up all the places, you’ll end up with no actual doctors, and lots of people disappearing off with their state-funded education. Now, in reality, people have all sorts of different reasons for studying medicine then not staying in it. Some were kind of forced into it by their parents, or pressured into it by their school, and it took them a while to realise that clinical medicine is just not for them. Sometimes even people who went into it with their eyes open, genuinely feeling they want to do medicine can realise halfway through that it’s just not for them. And a small number do the degree because they can, and they know it’s a good qualification, and they hope to go into banking afterwards or earn their Mrs degree or something else entirely. Now, I personally believe it’s ethically better if you only start studying medicine if you actually have some interest in it. You may not guarantee that you will stay in medicine, but there’s absolutely no point in going in knowing it’s not what you want to do. Because medicine is stressful, and hard, and you’ll get so much more out of university if you pick something you really want to do. And if you want to go into banking or consulting etc, you can do just as well going to a prestigious university and studying a subject you actually like, as if you did medicine. The reason why things are complicated, is because in my experience, many people who genuinely passionately wanted to do medicine also drop out. And from the outside, you’d never be able to tell. And going back to the people who are pressured by their parents; I don’t think it’s fair to be harsh on them, either, given how big an impact your parent’s views and approval can have on your life when you are 17. I can completely understand why some of my peers  went that way. I’m happy to report that when hese people get a bit older, they have more independence and a chance to work out what works for them. And when they find themselves a stable, decent job in the field they actually love it’s much easier for their parents to accept they don’t want to be doctors. Because I think that a lot of the traditional parents are coming from a place of love when they advise their children about their future. Most want their children to have more stable lives, and less hardships than they did. Most parents hope their children will find stable, well paying work which will allow them financial security and independence (and protect them against hardship), and medicine being a job with that reputation, (and a decent amount of social cachet) is desirable to many people for that reason. Unfortunately, medicine is also stressful, involves moving around, way too many exams, being sued, and generally has lots of bad points that the public don’t really consider enough, because they focus on the ‘good side’.I can see why your mum is concerned; although there are more women (which is good), there’s also a culture surrounding female education that means that it’s important, but only until you can get married and have kids, after which you’re expected to focus only on this. And your mum (and others) worry that there may be lots of women in med school, but if most of them end up leaving medicine, then what’s the point? And what do you do if you end up with fewer doctors because they all leave? And I can see that concern, and I think it mirrors some of the concerns people have here (though here the concern is usually about women doctors working part-time, or all genders leaving).You cleverly mention what the parents want for the girls who study medicine. But the exciting thing is, those girls will have opinions of their own about what they want to do. And with each generation, they will get bolder, more determined, and have more opportunities and choice, because of the efforts of those that went before them. I remember one of my female lecturers talking about her mother, who was a female consultant in a time when that was more unusual, and some of the difficulties she faced. She shared this in an ancient lecture theatre, which now contains more women than men; something its founders would likely never have imagined! Progress happens, it just works differently in different places.Even of those girls whose parents advise leaving medicine, some of them will still stay in medicine. And if they are supported, that number will be higher. Some need more support; from their partner, from their community, and from their family. It’s tough, because what that situation needs is much slower and harder to achieve: a cultural shift that goes beyond valuing women’s education because it grants them the opportunity to get a husband, but recognising that it grants her even more: independence, satisfaction in her life, the chance to make a difference. And when that follows, society can work on the next step, which is understanding that women and men, everyone needs a manageable work-life balance. And that by allowing workers to be more flexible we will lose less of them to child-rearing or illness etc. Now, I think most countries still have far to go on this front; even those countries that are good at giving lip-service to women working in respected or traditionally male fields, often don’t take enough steps to make sure women coming back after maternity leave, looking after kids, or looking after a sick relative are supported enough. And many sysyems don’t do enough to support people who need to go part time, whether for their health, or family reasons. On the other hand, I can see why people want to spend time with their kids; that’s something that happens here, too. And it’s not just women, either. Our male peers also want to be more involved in their childrens’ lives. Our generation is more likely to take advantage of shared parental leave so that dads can spend time with their babies, too. Some of my male colleagues have also complained that they feel they spend more time with other people’s kids than their own. I’ve seen plenty of my male peers stress over work-life balance and seeing enough of their children. Medicine is time consuming,  and many of us wonder if we are getting the balance right. So I can see why the parents you describe would want their kids to take the easy route; nobody wants to see their kid go through more difficulty than they have to. Even though it’s rather presumptive of parents to decide what’s best for their grown-up children, it can still be hard for parents to realise where the boundaries are, particularly if you’re in a culture where the older generation is meant to be consulted as an authority. My culture is similar, and my relatives give their opinions so freely, I imagine it would horrify my English friends! Nevertheless, the younger generation have to choose what is best for them, as much as they can.Even here in the UK, we are getting more doctors working part time (both male and female, but often female), in order to spend more time with their kids. It was always expected (according to my middle aged medical family friends) that if doctors got married, one of them would go part time or go into GP so that the other could focus on their career whilst the first partner was more stable in their children’s lives. And you’ll find it easy to guess which gender that role usually fell to! Women. Because even until recently (and arguably even now), it’s still seen as wrong for a woman to be quite as committed to her career as a man is expected to be. And if the family unit have to sacrifice career progression for the sake of family, it’s still expected for the woman to be the one doing it. Part of it is direct pressure from family, friends and work, but much of it is cultural; if we’re surrounded by these ideas then as we grow up, we teach boys that their career is paramount, whilst we teach girls that family should be the only thing that matters. But things are changing; many of my male colleagues spend almost as much time as my female colleagues talking about their plans for family, and how they plan to balance things. And many of my female colleagues have set themselves high career goals regardless of where they stand on having kids. But, even if we get to the point where men and women are equally likely to stay home with the kids or go part time, we will still have to adapt our workforce around the fact that people will want a better work-life balance; we can’t just pretend we are still in the ‘good old days’ when women stayed home, and men worked silly shifts at work, and could afford to because their wives basically did everything else for them. People rarely live like this now; both men and women (and everyone in between) have a lot more on their plate than they used to. And you know what? The ‘good old days’ were never that good; many of our peers are the kids of medics who worked under unforgiving rotas. Ask a doctor’s kid from those days how much they saw their dads or mums, and many will tell you hat they hope to do parenting very differently. If I had to summarise it, It’d be this: I don’t think girls should be pressured into going to med school for a Mrs degree, (or that boys should be pressured into being doctors, either), but the factors surrounding why parents value educaiton but value their daughters looking after the children far more, are complex and rooted in culture. Cultures can and do change, but it takes time, and it takes people trying new things for others to see that it’s not so bad after all.
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alukaforyou · 7 years
sooo I'd love to talk to you (new follower, I dig your Naruto content) but I'm too shy so anon mode for now, but for the Naruto questions: ALL OF THEM!!? only if you don't mind....
IM SCREAMING LMAO OMGGG!!!! okok im gonna put it under the cut cuz its long!! ㅇㄷㅇ;;; BUT TY IM GONNA HAVE SM FUN DOING IT💕 btw i am a chill egg pls do not be afraid to chat~
1) favorite villagetbh idk a whole lot about the other villages so konoha💦 it also seems the most? temperate climate / topography wise….
2) favorite kageDAN WTF THIS IS HARD UM gaara, hashi, or darui lol eeny meeny miny moe cuz i cant decide
3) which villain would you most like to fightlike fakkin none of them wtf that sounds horrible / scary af???? 😂😂😂 ok but if im gonna die anyways then mads cuz at least i’d be looking @ his cute face as i go LMFAO RIPPERONI
4) favorite chunin exam fightgaara & rock lee, duh. naruto & neji a close second cuz i got so EMO!!
5) how would you have cheated during the chunin examsreal talk IM TOO SCURRED TO DO THAT KINDA SHIT IRL, NARUTO AU, OR OTHERWISE!!!! 😭😭😭 i’ll be like naruto and hopefully pass w.o answering a single question😂 
6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegansharingan cuz it looks the prettiest imo (also idek really, what the rinnegan DOES, exactly lmfao)
7) which battle was your favoriteyikes i can’t even begin to remember all of them uh maybe shippuden sasuke vs itachi cuz i remember them looking rly good in those eps. orrrrr obito vs kakashi in the kamui dimension, that had some bomb animation! the final sasuke vs naruto was so good too ahh
8) favorite female ninja’s outfitshippuden sakura or part 1 temari when shes wearing the red sash and the navy skirt!
9) favorite male ninja’s outfituchiha robes r p hot sai maybe looool i lov the crop top😂
10) favorite ninja’s hairduck butt sasuke 
11) how would you wear your headbandnot on my forehead lol probs like sakura because it’s the only alternative i’d think up
12) what would your ninjutsu be???????? no idea my dude this is y i dont make ocs lmfao
13) what ninjas would you want as your teammatesnardo & rock lee :^)
14) which opening is your favoriteso many it’s impossible to pick
15) which closing is your favoriteagain, there are too many good ones!!!😭😭😭
16) how long have you been into narutolike 10+ years its my first anime lol
17) do you mostly watch or read narutoboth?
18) favorite charactersakura chan :3c
19) least favorite characterdanzo is p high up there :^/
20) do you own any naruto merchno figs but the artbooks and some manga? charms, pins, headband, the usual stuff
21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails burgundy or eggplant
22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsuki itachi cuz hes the most chill but i would be SO intimidated cuz hes so hot rip
23) have you ever played any of the naruto video gamesno i dont play games
24) weapon of choicethat sword sasuke has in shippuden but baby pink perhaps?
25) favorite clanwho am i kidding the uchihas
26) favorite uchihasakura mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmads
27) what animal would you summoncats so i could cuddle them anywhere, anytime B^)
28) favorite filler episodei honestly cant remember i know there were some i liked but my memory is??? probs anything with the uchihas lol
29) favorite arcOOH THIS IS HARD chunin exams or sasuke recovery👀
30) otpsasusaku
31) brotpi dont think i have? this is like a no homo situation and lol.. everything is gay sweaty
32) favorite non-human characterPAKKUN❤ i wanna feel those paws!!
33) favorite bijuukurama cuz he uses washi and that makes him sound like an ojisan/// 
34) favorite jinchurikibesides like naruto, gaara, and killer b, who were all kinda main chara-ish, fu cuz shes so cute and cheerful!
35) what ninja occupation would you choosebackground ninja lmao or like.. academy teacher😂😂😂
OMG this took me forever to do but THANKS FOR THE ASK AYYY B^)
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