#on season 4 of my rewatch rn 😭
gallapiech · 4 months
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Manic State of Mind
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skythealmighty · 5 days
gang ngl i miss object universe. i should rewatch it again and get way too emotionally attached to Ice Cream and Map
#rocket talk #i made fanart of them with a steven universe song once i'm unwell
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🪟 im-not-electric Follow
why does gamey get to be on ii TWICE. who gave him permission
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
thanks for the suggestion @cabtube-truther
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📟 knockoff-gameboy Follow
You don't hear PBSB complaining about this...
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
well they're in a show that's super popular
📟 knockoff-gameboy Follow
Yeah, and you're in one that got cancelled
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
shut up you didnt even finish season one
#just one more cameo mephone4 thats all i ask
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anonymous asked: not sure you're gonna want a cameo rn mephone is going Through it
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
hold on im not actually caught up lemme see
🪟 im-not-electric Follow
holy shit
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anonymous asked: omg fan pleaaaase marru me ill do anythinggg ❤❤❤🥵🥵🥵
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
hey @test-tubular just checking was i ever this weird
🧪 test-tubular Follow
Weird? Always. This weird? No.
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
COOL just checking anyway
no please stop sending me these
#fans fantastic asks #this is the least weird anon ask from i think this specific anon #ive blocked them but oh my god #NO!!!
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💥🔃 fans-fantastic-features Follow reblogged 4️⃣ four-therecord
2️⃣ hey-two Follow
Hello everyone!! 👋 Since I've gotten many an ask about my cheesecake recipe from previous TPOT episodes, I've decided to make a longpost and put it here for you all to use!! Feel free to use without credit but credit is still appreciated 😊
Keep reading
4️⃣ four-therecord Follow
i hate you
#so they ARE on here #followed both immediately #how did i not come across them earlier...
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💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Recovery across different universes, a scientific theory
(Full post below the cut)
((Thank you to @not-tally-hall for the testimony regarding the S*n!))
Keep reading
😎 the-chad-one Follow
boring 👎👎👎👎
💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Get off my post
⛳ bossy-bot Follow
This is incredibly fascinating and an enjoyable read! There are some points of debate I've brought up in DMs, but otherwise this is a very solid theory. Good job!
💊 the-cringe-one Follow
Thank you, that means a lot!!
#I follow your papers closely so hearing that coming from you is an honor #anyway back to my regularly scheduled nonsense
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🟧 julian-waiting Follow
Bonjour! J'ai découvert ce cite grâce à des vidéos amusantes
Je suis encore en train de m'habiteur à la société et je pense que c'est une bonne façon de me faire des amis! Enchanté de vous recontrer tous 😃
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
bienvenue sur le site de l'enfer ! la plupart des gens ici ne parlent qu'anglais, vous pouvez donc m'envoyer un message si vous voulez parler à quelqu'un en français. je peux également vous montrer des endroits en ligne pour apprendre l'anglais
🟧 julian-waiting Follow
Cela signifierait beaucoup pour moi, merci
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
bien sûr!
🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
Baguette we all know you're not actually French you don't need to keep pretending 😒...
🥖 shut-up-about-boto Follow
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anonymous asked: your iconic quote from episode 10 has unfortunately become a vocal stim for me. please help, i'm suffering
🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
Hey? This is the funniest ask anyone's ever sent me. Can we make out behind a Denny's
#my condolences though oh my god 😭
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⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
Guys, this site is easy! Just watch
⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
Based ball? Based on what?
⚾️ take-me-out-to-theballgame Follow
#hey. are you doing okay
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🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
Finally watched II! Good show. I want that twink OJ dead why is he like that
☝ i-date-iconic-posts Follow
Date of origin: November 2nd, 2020
🍐 betterthanpearaib Follow
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🎒 liam-plecak Follow
Thanks everyone for the help so far! I'm not too much of a science nerd, unfortunately, @bossy-bot, so I didn't understand everything in the papers you sent me- but they still helped a ton! Especially the coding help. I was a telemarketer, not an IT person...
Now that I know what I'm doing, I have some free time. With some recommendations from @fans-fantastic-features:
If you have any other recommendations, just leave them in the comments. And please go and send help to @fire-cartoon-schtick while you're at it!
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nipuni · 11 months
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"The end of time" was the most incredible ending I could have asked for!!! We finished watching it all at 3am last night and we spent all of today yelling about it, I can't believe just how good this was!!! I'm so glad we've never watched this show before while this was airing so that we get to watch it all fresh for the first time because we are having the time of our lives now
It was completely devastating and so so inspiring, just exactly how I was hoping for it to be, I already want to rewatch S1 to S4 all over again 😭 the sheer comfort I get from the character of the doctor is insane, I've never rooted for a character so hard and wholeheartedly in my life, he really is the most wonderful being in the universe I'm in tears I'm Wilfred rn what the fuck man I'll never recover from this!!! I feel like a ten year old kid with a new superhero GOD IT WAS ALL SO GOOD I CAN'T ARTICULATE I'd yell about each scene but I'm aware that pretty much everyone has watched this ages ago so you know and I still wouldn't want to spoil anyone that hasn't just in case because going into this unspoiled and knowing nothing about it has been the most satisfying experience ever and I hope more people get to have it too!!! please if you haven't watched this before go do that!! and if you have and it's been a while do it again!!! the acting?? INSANE!! the writing!! incredible!! I have only good things to say!!! I only wish we had 1000 more seasons with RTD and David Tennant I really love this man, I'm so sad to see him go!!! and so happy to get him back for the 60 special!!
When we got to the last episodes of season 4 I was expecting pain and instead I got an unexpected fix-it device that was rather strange but cute so I was somewhat relieved and confused, then the holidays specials were pretty standard and lighthearted AND THEN THE WATERS OF MARS? INSANE EPISODE, I loved it so much, that whole part at the end FANTASTIC they went there and I LOVE them for it!! another favourite episode for sure, and THEN THE END OF TIME?? by this point Nicolas and I were twisted into a single pretzel on the couch bracing ourselves, it went from extremely intense to SO FUNNY to heartbreaking and just...amazing!!! AAAAAA anyway!! I had to get all that out of my system, now onwards to S5!!! I'm curious to meet Matt Smith's doctor 😊
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veeviiuu · 9 days
Rewatching The Umbrella Academy Season 4, there's so many things they could've added if they had 10 episodes and it saddens me they only had 6 😭. Like the five and lila thing. If they really wanted to do that, it would've been better in 10 episodes because they tried squeezing it in. I liked season 4 but there things about some of the characters that they could've added, or they just forgot they had. Like diegos stutter, when confronting lila and five, they could've added it there to complete his character because he's been struggling with it and when it comes to things like that, he stutters often. And I saw a post about five seeing the apocalypse when they went to the subways and he had basically no emotion at all, AND I AGREE. In season 1 even just seeing childern caused him to look back at his past, seeing how fucked up it was because of what he went through, and then when he ACTUALLY goes to the apocalypse again, he doesn't have any emotion. And Allison.. I'm sorry but was it just me who thought what she said before she started a fight was cringe?? 😭 everytime she was about to use her new powers she would say the most cringe line known to man. And diego never got to say a proper goodbye to his kids, before getting erased out of existence. Luther was personally my favourite this season, even though they were dying, he had such a good vibe and made sure klaus was okay. He was so funny and I laughed at every moment. The acting was good though, especially how aidan was 13-14 the first seasons he went from nrdd to umbrella academy. He's a good actor. (Trying hard not to glaze him rn LMAO) but yeah that's just how I felt about the season I guess 😭.
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paopaupaus · 2 months
Buddie Developmet: Rant and series analysis of the progress of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz’s relationship.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
hi everyone! i’ve started my rewatch for 911 because we finally have bi!buck and i am trying to find queercoding as far as the first season, now i know some people say that the queercoding didn’t start until S2 with Eddie, but rn i’m on Full Moon (Creepy AF) and here’s my take
S1:E7 Full Moon (Creepy AF)
In this episode towards the end Buck and Bobby are on a call for a man who feels something inside him, as they are going to the hospital in the ambulance they discover that he has a tapeworm and it’s coming out 💀 in the ambulance ride Buck, Bobby, the guy and his boyfriend/husband. Now as Buck is the one designated to slowly pull the worm out, he quotes Elton John, granted it’s the circle of life and that could just have been about the Lion King, but the husband points out that Elton wasn’t referring to that and i guess i think it’s too much of a coincidence for the writers to mention it around Buck. I actually had to google that Elton wrote that song (i’m as bad at pop culture references as the Buckleys sorry 😭) but Buck didn’t question it or look confused (as i did).
😂 ok i might be trippin but whatever, i’m going to keep looking out for this and possibly making it a thread.
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yoghurtknight · 2 years
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unfortunately this project was cancelled but I'm still kinda proud of my piece (it's one year ago..jesus). It only happens once a year (if at all lol) that I am still satisfied with my work after so long...so, I'm glad I feel like this towards a Hannibal artwork cause I rly rly adore this show, it is my absolute favorite thing to watch! (and I am also rewatching all seasons rn /cough)
Hannibal season 4 pls....when...😭😭
Cant believe I did something complex like this in Photoshop back then 😂
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bexfangirlforlife · 1 month
911 episode 60 (4×14) first watch notes:
Okay, so I had a few minutes to breath while posting my ep thoughts on tumblr. But let's get into that season finale ep
I either am not gonna say much about this. Or I'll pause a lot. We'll see
Oh boy Buck screaming for Eddie while crawling under the fire truck
Buck's glassy wide eyes avdhrhhfjdjeu4hudisj
"Are you hurt?" Sbbedjeiqiajwheheudjdsk
(rewind. Need to immediately rewatch scene)
Buck repeating "we got you" while basically doing everything by himself
"I got you" yeah that's right. You got him
"I need you to hang in" wcecjsjakejkr
"You okay Buckley?" ... uh NO! How would he be ok after this????? Bswvhssjjsbajefbdbkdiskrbrvfjdbfntkrifk4uffb3udbrurbr7rbr7jrfuv4ur
"No" 😭 the urge to say 'I know baby I know' is so strong rn
Someone take care of Buck please. Someone hug that boy. His boyfriend got shut right in front of him
Buck's shaking hands 😭
I don't even care that she usually annoys me. Please take care of him 🥺
Just in shock... chimney... that boy needs to be coddled in a blanket and get so much more therapy stat
Uhm quick question: how do you guys know the sniper is a he?
Buck's eyes look so read when he went into Chris' room
Awww Buck crying 🥺
Chris consoling a crying Buck 🥺😭🥹
Yes. You go Athena figuring out stuff
Aw cute Athena and Bobby scene
So we just had a talk with Bobby saying "there is that thing 'I couldn't imagine my life without you'." And now we have Buck bringing up that it's weird without Eddie out there... 👀
Oh it's time for a classic Buck...
Aw the Bobby and Buck talk
Aaaand Buck comes running to Eddie being awake 🥰
Eddie's shut your stupid mouth kinda look when Buck said it would have been better if he would have gotten shot
How did I not know about Bobby getting shot too?
Yeees Chimney taking charge
Ethan looks familiar somehow
(looked it up: oh he was in Big Sky)
Aw Chimney and Maddie are so cute together too
Everybody is so cute in this ep
Aww this scene with Nia's mom is so sweet too.
Oh boy another Buddie scene. Can I even stomach more cute?
Oh he Evan'ed him
When they turned to look at each other at the same time... ahvshejwkdkdifbrvrudbrbf
My heart. And the squeal I could barely hold in
This could easily been a great build up for a kiss. Just sayin
Is that a Demi Lovato song?
Ohhh Albert becoming a firefighter??? I did not see that coming
Hoooh boy what an amazing episode!!!
I think this one ties with the tsunami ep(s) for me
Ahhh I'm done with season 4
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sisterofficerlucychen · 5 months
Hi there again 👋🏼 just wanting to vent my feelings again.
This whole break up has me going trough all stages of grief all at once. First I was in complete denial and then just really sad. Now I'M ANGRY. Not to the show or cast, ANGRY AT TIM. As if he had broke up with me and not Lucy.
Been rewatching the show and I just saw the DOD episode and him being all worried about her and I was just screaming at my PC YOUUUU TIM BRADFORD PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1 DONT GET TO ACT WORRIED AND HER HERO AND THEN DUMP HER 4 SEASONS LATERRRR
I know i might sound crazy but just went from sad about them to being angry at him in a split of a second with NO REASON AND being COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE
Anyways just looking somewhere to pour my heart and feelings. And a reminder that we all can feel different about this but none of that makes it right to throw hate and say mean things to Eric Melissa or anyone. I m just mad at Tim a fictional man that doesn't exist and not for that im going to say something horrible to Eric (actually if they are making us feel this so much is because they are good ay their jobs)
not hate just peace
hello ♡ pls, go ahead! always here to listen!
no but for real, i feel that in my soul lol. i think this is a place a lot of us currently are — all at different stages and feeling multiple of them at once. but lakfjsdklf mood. i’m starting to wonder if the 3 week hiatus is actually a good thing bc i think we’re all gonna need that time to get to a better place because it really does feel so personal??? 
i commend you for being able to do that 😂 i’ve gotten as far as rewatching 6x06 but there’s something about comfort watching my favorite episodes that i can’t right now, the wound’s too fresh lol. alkfsjdlfa not public enemy number one 😭 i love that you were screaming at your computer though 😂
for what it’s worth, i definitely don’t think so, it sounds very reasonable. i think your reaction rn is so valid like you’re still processing. i know i had a moment where i’ve kind of reached acceptance (i guess?) and saw a really sweet chenford tiktok and fell right back down to denial because i’m still so shocked by it. i also think you’re going about it in a pretty healthy way? like you said you’re upset at the character not the actor which is how it should be, you know what that boundary is.
love the reminder, thanks! and 100%. cast and crew are actual human beings who do not deserve hate thrown their way for doing their jobs and telling a story. it’s okay to be upset, it’s okay to feel everything you need to feel, but taking all of it out on the actual people never will be. you can be critical without being disrespectful. yes on them being good at their jobs! SO GOOD!!!! this is me speaking from personal experience but one of the most gratifying things about performing is getting a response/emotion from your audience bc you’re making them feel something whether it's positive or negative like you know you did something right haha.
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itslittlegiggle · 1 year
omg ,, u can ignore this if you want dw but do you have any bsd hcs :eyes emoji:
(i’ve been hoarding this for the past 2 days) DO I EVER BABE
i’m rewatching BSD right now bc it’s been so long that i knew i’d forget what was going on lol so season 4 characters aren’t here but here are some of my favsss
- BABY babybabybabyba
- squeaky. high-pitched giggles. big blush, BIG PINK BLUSHER
- his waist and tumby are his worst spots, Will Squeal
- but he’s ticklish everywhere and will be babbling and stuttering before he’s even touched lmao just wiggle ur fingers at him. a turtle-upper for sure
- dazai tickles him a lot bc he’s a Menace and atsushi is Cute and sometimes kunikida has to rescue him
- also akutagawa and their tickle fights are so cute bc they’re both just like uncoordinated when tickled and it’s so funny (i feel like i still don’t get aku’s character enough to have more for him ahhhh)
- idk man i feel like he’s a ticklish ribs kinda dude
- like just grab at his ribs and he shrieks and it’s hilarious
- also ticklish everywhere. toes are really good too!!
- again, when dazai is feeling silly goofy mood he will tickle tanizaki and the poor boy just screamy screams and cackly cackles
- just goes kinda limp when tickled and like. twitches lmao
- SWEATER PAWS he covers his face with his sweater paws PLEASE 😭😭😭 he gets so shy
- rn i’m going through atsushi and tanizaki Brainrot so just think about them rolling around and squealing and shrieking when one of them gets the other in a good spot
- LOVES TICKLES!!! will unashamedly shout it to the rooftops
- just thinks it’s all great fun!!!!
- hmmmm i feel like he is a tumby and sides kind of guy
- super responsive when tickled and squirms and cackles so loud and people love tickling him bc it’s fun hahaha also bc he’s one of the youngest so he’s the Baby Brother everyone likes bugging
- will tickle anyone and everyone. will grab tanizaki’s ribs to make him yelp and poke atsushi to hear him giggle
- like swiping a finger down his back makes him shudder and yelp so obvs dazai uses it against him
- clawing at his back? SHRIEKS like he will literally scream-laugh and he gets mad embarrassed lol
- hips. and like the crease where his hips meet his thigh. squeeze there and he is goneeee lmao
- dazai loves to tickle him
- ummmm yeah that’s all i can think of right now sorry lol
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love-is-a-pearl · 6 months
i finished diamond and pearl a few weels ago and once i started black and white it just felt so weird without dawn😭 like i didnt mind BW but i really didn't care for it too much at first bc of how iris treated ash, and how team rocket wasn't in like 4 episodes in a row and they weren't as goofy when working for Giovanni. im like midway through season 14 rn and ive grown on it a little but i just miss dawn lmao (i just wanna get to S15 just to see her😭)
that's why my rule for my pokeani rewatches is to always end in DP no matter what
but yeah same. baby me was so angry at no dawn that i dropped the anime in gen5 and ignored pokemon altogether during gen6 (and then alola came and taught me love again)
nowadays i can watch BW and appreciate it for what it is. Is a nice season where the writers were trying new stuff and its not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. it just had the bad luck of coming after DP and not taking advantage of the good writing from the base games.
like, just accept what it is and try to enjoy the silliness and what it was trying to do.
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startersword · 3 months
Rules are to answer and tag some people you want to get know better and/or catch up with! I was tagged by @dwarfdyke :3
Trying to fink...In advance for this little game thingy...i tag...ummm :3c @furmeet @violentrevolution @launitaspeciale @volfoss @gaymaninred @kanenites OK SORRY FOR THE TAGS TEEHEE onto the game *cartoon running SFX*
Favorite color: Red! But I also like pink and warm shades of yellow, bordering on orange...
Last song: According to spotify the last song I listened to was this song from the Touken Ranbu Hanamaru soundtrack 💀
Currently watching: Rewatching Golden Kamuy with my friends since my besteh Ori is trying to finish it up! We're on season 4 right now
Currently reading: Erm. Nuffing. Kicks a rock. Does roleplaying count in a way 😭 OH but I hopefully plan to use internet archive to re-read this manga my sister had when I was a kid! It's called Nightmares & Fairy Tales, the one in specific that I'm looking for had a sapphic retelling of Beauty and The Beast, if I'm not mistaken! I have another issue of it lying somewhere...I'll have to find it 😭
Currently craving: Hmm...I just woke up so as of rn nothing really...but last night I was craving cheese 🫡
Coffee or tea: Both! Even if coffee hates me and makes me feel like I'm going to actually die if I drink too much of it 😭
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fairyhaos · 4 months
i missed you!! i have my finals rn so im trynna live with an average of 3 hours of sleep so woohoo!
and idk why but is it just me who always starts binge watching in exam season? like i wont watch any shows at all and then my exams start and i binge watch like hell. its been maybe a week since my exams started and ive watched king the land, 2521 (i cried), queen of tears (i cried), strong woman do bongsoon, jatp, twikling watermelon, about 4 eps of whats wrong w secretary kim (before i realised i hate it), 2 eps of true beauty (idk why but true beauty is not my thing), a perfect pairing, purple hearts, 3 eps of en o'clock, 2 eps of zbtv, 2 eps of whatdoor, Hybe game caterers, Svt game caterers, a lot of gose and tws club, like 3 new skz code eps, 4 wanteez eps and 3 eps of lsfm day off.
I told my friend this and she asked me where i found the time and i honestly didn't know at all until we both came to the conclusion that in exams my last priority is sleep so-
how are you! how'd the finals go?
also random question
rate your #1 bg and gg from each gen
i still have finals rn so ill probably stay dead a while
HI SPROUT ANON!!!! sorry for answering late bub everything is on delay due to exams 😭😭 but i miss u too aww and honestly why are you and i LITERALLY in the same boat with this HAHAHHA we can do this and make it thru exams 🔥🔥🔥
why do i get you so bad too ?? i didn't get the kdrama binge urge ahah but i Did end up wanting to rewatch every early 2000s white girl film ever so i currently have a list in my notes app of the things i wanna binge once exams are up 😭 and the way you and i have such similar tastes in dramas tho like !!! crazyy pls and ive been wanting to watch twinkling watermelon for so long but then summer strike hit me and i binged thru that a couple of months ago instead </33
my exams are going well, thanku for asking! they're not quite over yet but we're getting there and im hoping that im alive by the end of it lmao
also rating #1 bg and gg from each gen feels kinda controversial so im afraid i can't do it 😭 also bc i don't actually think id be able to make a fully informed decision bc i don't know that many grps or their capabilities so it'd probably be a popularity ranking ??? but i do wanna hear ur thoughts on it so lmk! <3
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mirohtron · 5 months
Watched / read anything good recently?
was watching dungeon meshi but then that gay ahh bath scene came on and my moms in the room w me so like 💀💀💀💀 reading 1984 rn bcs assignment, im ten pages in bcs i keep fawking playing honkai star rail 😭😭😭 omg, but i was in the midst of watching dil se before i realised i was getting distracted too easily and it was keeping me from enjoying it properly. was only watching it bcs i couldnt find bombay (1995, not the city 💀💀) anywhere. probs bcs nobody gaf abt archiving desi movies 😭😭😭😭 its tough out here, but like for dil se honestly i rlly liked the screenplay and the way it was directed even tho like . i literally only got to the first song of the film 💀💀 even then. also oh my god srk has not a SINGLE dancing bone in his body like ive bitched abt it before but oml hrithik roshan and tiger shroff are actually carrying the reputation of bollywood's male actor's dancing abilities on their back....now if only theyd stop FAWKING taking up propaganda films 😭😭😭
i actually kinda need to leave a separate paragraph for how bad srk dances like its not just when he was young...in chaiyya chaiyya literally EVERYBODY is on beat except him....and it KEELS me because ure telling me u cant keep tempo ??? brother 😭😭😭😭😭 but ok even in the present like, he stays on beat (barely) but hes SO STIFF?? i like saw some clip of him dancing with an actress, it mightve been deepika padukone in happy new year ??? oh my god it was SO bad. he was SO stiff. it KILLED me. bollywood actress go through HELL but sanjay dutt srk and a bunch of other male actors get away with not being able to dance well 😭😭😭😭 my queen kareena kapoor took dance classes before filming k3g yet srk and amitabh bacchan got away w shava shava....Sick and Twisted world we live in like....anyway i actually dk if thalapthy vijay is a bhakt but this is y he solos even tho i have verithanam trauma....sings n dances well etc, this is y bollywood flops consistently actually
pls take that paragraph lightheartedly if ure desi 💔 ok anyway
the god of small things by arundhati roy is good....i only read like 20 pages tho but ik plot 💀💀💀💀 i think the seven moons of maali almeida might also b good, its by shehan karunatilaka
ok last unfinished thing im gna recommend....Hot Tkae but....i liked saltburn...i still have the 2nd half of the movie to finish (stopped some time after the reveal) but again, ik the plot 😭 i still have some problems w it tho but its not rlly abt the hypersexuality. cinematography fucked. 4:3 aspect ratio choice? ATE. SO BADD. but ill also need to finish the film. but tbh its obsessed boy x rich boy trope wasnt rlly handled well in my opinion, micah nemerever's these violent delights solos in that area. and i think the story is flawed
ok NOW. i liked fleabag. actually i LOVED fleabag. think its a masterpiece. both seasons but esp the 2nd one (felt more refined but compared to other shows, s1 SOLOS). the boys s4 is dropping!! invincible s2 was alr i bet the animation studio suffered hard tho bcs wtf was that style change mid season 😭😭😭. and i don't rlly think the direction in which Nolan's character arc is gna go to will turn out that great? also, i loved gerta gerwig's ladybug! its actually crazy how she made ladybug and barbie both . one is amazing. the other is well uhm.
oh also i liked inglourious basterds and pulp fiction . quentin tarantino kinda looks like a walking talking serial killer mugshot tho i saw an interview where he was asked why kill bill had so much violence and was honestly surprised by how girlypop he was. not forgetting him choking diane kruger on set tho !
watched batman begins. it was aight 😭 rewatched matt reeves' batman right after. liked it betterr. i LOVEDDD heartbreak high, s1 and s2 !! usually with shows i only like s1 best, but w heartbreak high i literally ADOREDDD s2, the finale was so good !!! im also watching the gentlemen (the show) rn, and i rllyyy like it hehe. tried watching tick tick boom again bcs I'd actually dropped it midway when it had first released bcs that one scene where she was like "you're thinking of a song rn aren't you" was so stress inducing that I had 2 click away 💀💀 n then i forgot abt it. picked it up again and omg it's actually so good how did I miss it the first time 😭😭😭
oh yeah I also liked the fall of the house of usher . also ! another incompleted thing but im also in the midst of watching the three of us (film). its so good !! i loved the atmosphere and cast performances can't wait 2 see how it turns out :))
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storybookprincesss · 9 months
new intro cause i’m back and not planning to go back to twitter anytime soon!
hii i’m julia but you can call me lia, juli, jules, etc if you want
my current fandoms/ things i like or are hyper fixated on (not in any particular order) are gilmore girls (currently finishing watching rn, im on season 4) greys anatomy (im rewatching starting season 1 until the new season comes out then i’ll just be watching that) kpop (specifically gidle, red velvet, yena, blackpink, and ive) my favorite kpop girls are yena and minnie, taylor swift, i also love collecting things from my childhood such as monster high and ever after high dolls, care bears, and even newer dolls like rainbow high
im a girly girl at heart and im also 17 btw but any age can interact as long as you’re not ✨weird✨esp bc im asexual but also romantically attracted to women
i also love reading my book goal next year is 50 books
also i’m gonna repost this as soon as i post this and delete this cause i figured out how to make colored text halfway through and i didn’t wanna rewrite it all over again 😭
well i literally can’t edit it all in pink without rewriting cause i can’t copy paste im gonna cry
well anyways please follow me i beg you
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ahalvedheart · 11 months
nine people you’d like to get to know better !! tagged by @ronanlynchbf ty for the tag, this was so fun !! 🥰🥰
1. three ships: okay so percabeth for sure, esp since chalice of the gods just came out AND pjo tv is coming out soon…it’s their time to shine. also pynch ever since my trc reread back in march, i’ve been stuck on them. and third i’m gonna say jurdan bc they’ve been on my mind SO much and i’m probably gonna reread tfota soon
2. first ship: was also probably percabeth since i read pjo in elementary school lmao
3. last song: i have unfortunately regressed to 2015 and i’ve been listening to the entire american beauty/american psycho album by fall out boy on repeat for the last like week, it goes so hard tho
4. last movie: twitches!! essential october watch
5. currently reading: i actually just finished yellowface by rf kuang which was amazing i loved reading it
6. currently watching: i’m 6 seasons into a degrassi rewatch lmaoo and before that i was rewatching gilmore girls, i haven’t really watched anything new lately 😭
7. currently consuming: maggi noodles 😋
8. currently craving: always craving some kind of noodle, i’m literally eating noodles rn but i’d kill for some lo mein
i don’t have nine lol but i’m gonna tag @chronicpcssimist @catras-smoothie @aberfaeth @exy101 and anyone else that wants to as well! no pressure at all if you don’t want to!! ☺️
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angelfully · 9 months
helloooou anaya i come to you on this mid day, asking for ur hand in marriage and wondering how are u doing lately, how is exam season treating u (might be rhetoric al question). also i rewatched the first 3 season of haikyuu with my brother and when i tell u im out here screaming at these 2d boys like they're my sons, the power of motherly love and volleyball is getting me through exams 💖💖💖💖💖💖
NINA!! MY BELOVED <333 i hope exams are treating u kindly!! 💖💖💖 i’m in exam hell rn currently trying to teach myself this entire computer science course in one day after skipping class all semester 😭 buuuuut the haikyuu rewatch has been saving me as well 🤭 been on a season 4 rewatch binge bc aran, kita, and the twins are so special to me <333
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