#on the other hand everyone at our offices is trying to get stuff wrapped up before the holidays so we both have to do some work
woolandcoffee · 6 months
We've reached the part of the family vacation where my sister and I are both sitting at our work laptops swearing under our breath at work emails.
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reiderwriter · 11 months
The Lightbulb Moment
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Genre: Fluff but a little bit suggestive at the end.
Summary: You want Spencer all to yourself for the first few months of your relationship and he's only too happy to comply. Unfortunately, you're two dumbasses who can't keep their hands off one another.
Word Count: 4.8k (I love idiots in love...)
Warnings: secret relationship, mentions of hickeys, kissing and heavy petting but no actual smut (a little suggestive and fade to black). Minor character is a misogynist prick and gets his nose broken, though.
A/N: I need everyone to know that this is absolutely inspired by the very first episode of OHSHC. I don't think I will elaborate further. This is also my first fluff, so if you want to see more like this my requests are open!~
My Masterlist✨
Walking into the BAU’s Quantico offices was a simple part of your daily schedule. You usually drove your car from your house to the parking complex, took the elevator up to your floor, put your bag down on your desk and moved immediately to the office kitchen to make yourself an appropriately large mug of coffee. Today, however, you drove your car from Spencer’s apartment, after quite the pleasant night together. The two of you had agreed weeks before to keep your relationship as private as you could.
Which meant that you were now in the office, trying your best to hide both your hickeys and your micro-expressions in a room that was about to fill up with extremely observant FBI profilers.
The turtle-neck sweater was a classic but effective aid, and when paired with the piping hot mug of coffee you were making yourself, you were hoping to feign an oncoming cold of some kind to escape any scrutiny. Spencer had left an hour earlier than you, knowing that it took him longer to commute alone on the metro than it took you in your car, which was probably the best thing for the two of you right now, as after last night, you wanted the whole undivided attention of his hands and his mouth on you.
Taking one last deep breath you walked into the office, and were greeted by the sight of two more new arrivals, your beautiful boyfriend and SSA Derek Morgan. Thankfully, the marks you’d left on Spencer's back the night before were easy to hide under his usual sweater-vest-shirt combo, as he'd probably have a harder time explaining those away. You wrapped your work blazer a little tighter around you and made your way to your desk.
“That’s a big cup of coffee you got there, angel. You have a long night?” Morgan says as you sit down in your seat, trying your best to look at anything but Spencer.
“A long night with a bottle of nyquil and three layers of blankets, if that’s what you mean, yeah.” You shoot back, praying he takes the bait.
“Aww, that sucks sweet-pea. If you need anything, let our resident Doctor know, I’m sure he’ll do his best to make sure you're in peak physical condition once again.” Morgan mocks the younger male, before walking off to his desk.
You happen a glance over at Spencer, and he’s sporting the cutest little blush you’ve ever seen, not needing to hide his embarrassment at the insinuations of his friend.
The two of you share a quick glance, but don’t have to say much else when Hotch walks out of his office announcing there’s another case.
“Meeting room in ten, wheels up immediately after, we've got a serial in Washington State that requires our attention.”
You sigh in relief knowing that a case will be a great way to distract you from somehow messing this up and you grab your stuff and head to the meeting room. Before you can get there though, Rossi cuts you off at the door.
“A word of advice, if I may,” he says, letting your other team members pass in front of him on their way into the briefing before grabbing your attention.
“Sure, why not?” You reply, curious about what the man has to say.
“I’ve never heard of a cold that causes bruising behind your ear. I’d suggest you take yourself and your make-up bag to the bathroom to cover that up.”
You feel yourself grow hot. You’d thought you’d got them all covered with the turtleneck but you had a limited range of vision. Cursing under your breath, you tried to explain to your senior coworker but again he cut off before you could.
“No, I’m not gonna say anything else. Just tell the kid to keep it classy next time, if your gonna wine and dine a lady, you don’t need to make her neck dessert.” You blanched now, all of your previous redness running out of your body.
“You know?”
“I’m very good at my job. However, whatever this is is none of my business, so please, don’t make it my business again any time soon, okay?”
“Yes, thank you. I’ll just go down now. Could you-” you gestured vaguely to the meeting room where all your close coworkers were taking their seats, and the older man smiled back at you.
“Consider it done.” You thanked your lucky stars that it was Rossi who had spotted it first, and made a mental note to send Spencer a quick message before you got on the jet.
Y/N: Busted by Rossi. Next time, don’t go full vampire on me. Okay Doc? That was like getting the talk from my dad, but somehow worse.
After a week in Washington, you wrapped up your case fairly quickly. The flight was long, so you were very much looking forward to finishing the documentation for the case and heading back to your apartment for some much needed alone time with Reid.
The entire week you’d been in the field interviewing witnesses and suspects, and he’d been stuck inside making geographical profiles and aiding Garcia with undigitized file information. It hadn’t helped things that you’d ended up stuck sharing rooms, you with Emily and JJ in one room and him sharing with Hotch, of all people, so you couldn't even sneak out at night to meet each other without arousing suspicion.
It had taken all of your strength not to climb onto the long bench next to him on the Jet and just melt into him, letting the long journey ahead lull you into some much needed sleep. You forced yourself to the other end of the jet, picking up a blanket you’d stored there previously and forcing yourself to shut your eyes.
When you landed, you practically launched yourself off the plane, so eager to get back to your car and drive all the way to your house. But fate had other ideas.
“Everyone, take the rest of the day off, but I want to see you bright and early monday morning working on the required paperwork. Reid, Y/L/N, can you stick around for an extra ten minutes? I just have some supplementary questions I need to ask you.” Hotch announced to the team and you felt your freedom escaping from you once again.
You made it calmly to Hotch’s office, following both your boss and your boyfriend, unsure of where this conversation was going to go.
You sat down on the sofa, and watched as Hotch pulled out two sets of documents.
“I’m not asking questions, and frankly I don’t want to know. But this is standard for all workplace relationships, so I need you to fill out these forms and submit them back to me ASAP.” He said the words calmly, but you felt the panic rise in your chest.
“Did Rossi say something to you?” Spencer managed to recover quicker than you could, neither confirming nor denying your entanglement to your boss.
“No, actually…” Hotch seemed to hesitate for a moment, unsure of whether to continue or not. “You talk in your sleep, Reid. You talk quite loudly in your sleep.”
Your head snapped up to your boyfriend and you came face to face with a look of mortification. You heard him mumble a curse under his breath, before he grabbed the papers from Hotch, handing you one quickly.
You filled them out in silence as quickly as possible, trying to not let the blush on your face deepen, and entirely grateful that Hotch was busy ignoring that the conversation had ever happened now, back at his desk filling out his own paperwork.
Spencer grabbed your papers from you when you were finished, put them together with his silently on the older man’s desk, grabbed your hand and swiftly walked you out of the office.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry Y/N, I’m used to sharing the room with Morgan and you know he sleeps like the dead.” He apologised, but the look on his face was so cute, you couldn’t help but tease him.
“I’ll forgive you on one condition,” you smirk up at him. “You have got to tell me exactly what that dream was about. I'm very curious”
After both Rossi and Hotchner had guessed at the nature of your relationship within the space of a week, you were a bit on edge around the office. But a month of busy cases (and thankfully no more room sharing incidents) had restored your confidence in your lying capabilities. You almost felt guilty now, hiding the best part of your life from some of the most important people in your life. But you chose to keep being selfish, knowing that the side of Spencer that you were witnessing now was yours and yours alone.
Basically, you grew over-confident, and when you grew over-confident, you grew sloppy.
After coming back from a particularly rewarding case, a stalking case that you managed to solve before the unsub could turn from attempted murderer to murderer, you went out to celebrate with the team. Hotch and Rossi had begged off again, and Morgan had excused himself because he was giving a self-defence talk the next day at Quantico and didn’t want to show up still suffering from the night before.
So, at the behest of Emily and Garcia, you found Reid was swiftly uninvited, and the team celebration turned into a Girls’ Night Out. It had been a while since you’d been able to let loose, having spent practically every weekend between yours and Reid’s apartments, so you were determined to make the most of the night.
You blame Garcia really. JJ had survived two rounds, but had retreated back to her husband and child when she saw the drinking getting out of hand. Emily had been on virgin drinks the entire night, because she’d drawn the short straw and ended up the designated driver.
Which left you and the wonderful Penelope Garcia going toe-to-toe, or more realistically, tequila-to-tequila as you not so healthily egged each other on. By 1am, Emily had to make the executive decision to put Garcia in a taxi, knowing she would at least be able to function on her own, whilst you were sat like a little mess in the other woman’s arms.
“Emillleeeee!” You giggled as the brunette helped you into her car. “You’re sooooo strong, Emileeeeeeeeee. I love you, y'know.”
“Yeah, Y/N. I gathered that the last time you told me.” She laughed back at you, knowing that she was going to absolutely let you know everything that was said and done that night in the morning.
“Wanna know whoz also realllllllly strong?” You giggled and slapped your hands over your mouth like a schoolgirl talking about her crush.
“Oh, yeah? Go ahead and tell me.”
“Ssspencer,” you said his name and your entire face flushed, “Spencie is really strong.”
Emily rolled her eyes at you, assuming for the time being that you were too drunk to understand what you were saying.
But her reaction obviously didn’t satisfy your drunk self enough, because you pouted a little and then continued.
“Sss true! He’s so strong when he lifts me up and holds me against the wall, it’s so fuckin gooood, Emilleeeeee.”
“Y/N! You're talking about Reid here, I doubt the boy could even hold a girl's hand without breaking a sweat. Let's go get you to bed." She shot back in disbelief.
“You don’t believe me? He is strong, look I can show you the bruises he left on my hips the last time we-”
“OH MY GOD, please stop talking.” Emily cut you off before she heard something she really didn’t want to hear. Still half in disbelief, thinking you were just so far into your cups you’d reached the horny level of alcoholism, she pulled into your apartment complex and quickly helped you out of the car.
“Emilleeeee, don’t leave me!!” You giggled out as she practically frog-marched you to your front door, having commandeered your keys earlier. Before she had the chance to use them however, the door was swinging open, and there was Spencer, in the door, realising he’d just made a huge mistake.
"Would you believe me if I said I were explicitly for work purposes?" He stuttered hopefully, seeing the shell-shocked look on his coworkers face.
“Oh god, she wasn’t lying, was she?” Emily managed to eke out in horror, the thought of the man who was practically her little brother doing anything sexual with anyone sending shivers down her spine.
He didn’t have to reply, however, because you chose that exact moment to launch yourself at your boyfriend wrapping your legs around his waist as he did his best not to tumble over, as your mouth started working its way down his throat.
“Shit,” he grunted out, still unsure about how to handle the situation. “Emily, let’s just pretend you never saw this, deal?”
“Yeah, okay, I think I can do that.” She turned away swiftly, but turned back to add on one final statement, looking almost impressed.
“You know I really didn’t think you were strong enough to do all of that. Huh, wonders abound.”
Your devastating hangover the next day saved you from the embarrassment of reliving the more scandalous details of your Girls’ Night adventures, but on the parts that Reid filled you in on, you were mortified to say the least.
“I fucked up so bad,” you groaned in pain the next morning in bed with Spencer.
“It wasn’t that bad,” he did his best to reassure you, but you silenced him with one look. “Okay maybe it was that bad, but Emily isn’t going to say anything. So we just continue as usual, right?”
You groaned again, but said no more and burrowed your face further into your partner's chest, hoping that the painkillers he’d bought you earlier that morning would take you out of your misery soon.
But there is no rest for the wicked and not even an hour later you find yourself in an FBI vehicle heading to a police station.
Your sour mood is noted by every single one of your coworkers, but evidently not some of the locals that you’re working with on the case in question. You notice them gawking at the female members of your team almost immediately as you walk into the precinct, and once again you wish you were back in bed away from these creeps. Can a girl not get some peace and quiet on a Saturday morning?
One of them in particular seems hellbent on making his harassment of the three of you a full time fucking job. He gives up on JJ quickly when she mentions her son (“asshole,” you think to yourself), and when he realises that Emily is a bit too dominant for him, he quickly loses interest in her too (“coward”). Which leaves him with all the time in the world to dedicate his energy to you.
“Hey, sweetcheeks, anything you need a big strong man to help you with?” The officer smiles down at you, practically begging you to punch him in the face.
Luckily, his sleeziness doesn’t go unnoticed by both Reid and Morgan, and they make sure to keep you within earshot the entire day, the three of you reading up on the victims' backgrounds whilst your other coworkers head to the crime scene.
“Sorry, chump, if I needed the help of a strong man, there's about five people I’d call before you - and two of them are women.” You shoot back, unwilling to stomach the bullshit of a uniform when you’re trying to do your job.
“Easy now, pretty lady, very high tension today, aren’t we?” He smirks down at you, hand on your chair, almost the perfect distance away for you to headbutt, but you choose to ignore him looking back down at your work. He backs off slightly before trying again.
“Come on now, I’m sure I could do something about that. Maybe fuck that tension right out of you?" And that’s your last straw.
Morgan almost prides himself on having the foresight to grab you before you can launch yourself at the man, ready to scratch his eyes out if he takes it even one step further. What he didn’t see coming at all was Reid throwing the punch first, connecting directly with the chauvinistic officer's nose and flooring him.
“Son of a bitch, I'm not sure I know any woman who'd want to touch you with a ten-foot pole, much less my fucking girlfriend." He seethes out, and Morgan is almost too stunned to speak. He releases you from his grip, and you run to Reid, making note of the way you instantly slot into Reid’s arms, like you were meant to be there.
“Damn pretty boy, nice hit,” is all he can get out, still a little shocked that the two of you had managed to hide this from him for so long.
“You bwoke my noise…” the officer rolled on the floor in pain.
“You’re lucky it was me and not her. And for the record, she's only 'high-tension' because we got interrupted this morning to come and help your sorry ass with a case,” Spencer seethed at the man, only now noticing that his knuckles weren’t faring too well either.
“As entertaining as this is, that's enough, Reid. You take your man and clean him up, Y/L/N, I got this one here, okay?” Morgan swiftly gave you orders, and you let out a sigh of gratitude, knowing that Morgan was going to make sure you got minimal reprimands for this.
“Oh and by the way you two,” he smirked at you a little as you made your way out. “Congratulations.”
In the name of keeping your relationship to yourself, the two of you had, so far, nearly gotten suspended, filled Emily in on some of the raunchier parts of your sex life, and accidentally shared some of those same details with your Unit Chief to boot. Your only saving grace was that, because you’d sworn everyone to secrecy, and they all seemed to pride themselves on smuggly keeping the information to themselves, they hadn’t started using you as an office-wide conversation started just yet.
All-in-all though you’d needed some time out of the office to relax for a bit, so when JJ came to you at the last minute with a plea for help asking for you to possibly babysit Henry the next night, you’d gladly accepted. Babysitting may seem like a lot of work, but seeing that little angel's face only brought you peace of mind, despite his mother’s protestations that he was only that well behaved for other people.
You were honestly looking forward to spending the night playing with the kid, and you decided it was about time you showed him some classic kids movies, as you packed both Toy Story and The Lion King ready for a fort film night! You were so excited, in fact, that you forgot your previous arrangement with Reid.
“Hey, Y/N, about ready to go? Thanks again for agreeing to carpool out with me tonight, you know how crowded the metro gets on friday nights.” He winks at you, using your regular cover for your biweekly date night, as your stomach drops.
“Oh god, Spencer I totally forgot. I told JJ I’d watch Henry for her tonight, so I’m heading there straight after work so I can watch him whilst she gets ready for dinner with Will.” You guiltily look up at the man whose face has fallen into the most adorable pout you’ve ever seen.
“Oh, hey, no problem, it’s okay, tell Henry I said hello.”
Overhearing this, and seeing her friend's obvious disappointment, JJ jumped into the conversation quickly.
“Hey, why don’t you come over as well, Spence? Henry’s been saying he missed his Uncle Spencer, and I was going to order a pizza for Y/N anyways, if you want that?” She suggested, looking between the two of you.
“I bought movies as well?” You added, hoping desperately that he’d say yes, even if you weren’t acting the most subtle about your feelings for him.
“Sure, thanks for that JJ. Let me just grab my jacket.”
Four hours later and the two of you were all played out. You’d entertained incessantly for the first hour, Henry desperately excited to show both of you each and every toy he’d acquired since you’d last been at his house. When the doorbell rang and the pizza arrived, he hadn’t lost steam, and it took you putting on the first of your movies of the night to get him to drop his toys and focus on the pizza and the plot.
And of course, you’d gone and promised him two movies at the beginning of the night, so after wrestling him into pyjamas and making him brush his teeth, you were finally resting again on the sofa. Reid sat at one end, you at the other, with Henry’s sleeping head in your lap, you stroking the little guy's hair.
“I think, and don’t quote me on this, that he’s asleep now, Y/N.” Spencer whispered to you over the movie.
“I know, he just looks so comfortable I don’t want to move him.” You pout at him, looking down at the sleeping angel in your arms.
“Hey, it’s not fair he’s getting all of your attention.”
“Spencer Reid, are you telling me you're jealous of a child right now?” You asked him in a mockingly shocked tone as he stood up from his side of the couch and came closer to you, placing one hand on the arm rest beside you and the other on the couch cushion behind you, effectively boxing you in.
“If I say yes, will you stroke my hair like that?” He smiled down at you, closing the distance between the two of you and giving you the softest sweetest kiss you could have asked for.
When he pulls back you find your lips following his, wanting more, but he just laughs at you and pulls Henry out of your arms, cradling him softly as he carries him upstairs to bed as you think to yourself that you’d do anything to see that scene every night of your life.
On Monday morning, JJ pulls you aside to thank you again, bringing you some of the chocolates she knows you like to show you her appreciation.
“He was a little angel, JJ. A bit energetic and excited but he was so sweet and sat with me the entire way through the movie before he fell asleep.” You gushed about the baby, happily holding your gift.
“You know that little angel did ask me something pretty interesting at breakfast the next morning.” JJ smiles at you, and you encourage her to keep going.
“He asked me if mommy and daddy kiss because they love each other, and so of course we said yes, that we love each other very much, and you know what he said after that?” She laughed a little, and you could feel your cheeks getting hot as you knew you’d been busted once again.
“He said that he was happy because that meant Uncle Spencer and Auntie Y/N must love each other a lot, too.”
You covered your blushing cheeks, not even trying to stammer out a response, knowing that JJ had probably interrogated little Henry about what he’d seen when feigning sleep the weekend before.
“Relax, Y/N, no harm done. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re good for him. He seems a lot,” she paused to think of the right word before continuing, “a lot more like himself than I’ve seen him in a long time.”
You try to hold in the tears that threaten to spill from the touching words, as you stammer out a small thank you.
Another team member knew now, but that had to have been the most successful way you'd revealed your relationship to date.
This had to have been the worst way you’d revealed your relationship to date.
It was a slow day of office work in the BAU with no consultation case coming up just yet. And with the majority of your paperwork done, you really were just trying your best to stay entertained around the office before you could clock out and go home.
So when you received a message from Spencer that read “copy room down the hall, five minutes,” your interest was piqued enough to make you run there immediately, not even waiting for the appointed time.
You opened the door slightly and a hand shot out and pulled you in so quickly that you almost lost your balance, your hands pushing up against Spencer’s chest as he slammed the door shut as quietly as possible.
“And what are we doing here, Doctor Reid?” You smirked up at him as you felt his arms tighten around your waist, his hands trailing up and down your back before coming to rest a little lower than before.
“Thought you could use a midday pick me up.” He smirked back leaning down to connect your lips, slowly at first, but gaining a feverish speed.
You were only so happy to give back just as you gave, your hands finding their way up to his hair, pushing your chest forward and up against his own, needing to feel closer to him than you had all day.
He gave your ass a swift slap and used your resulting gasp to force his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. His mouth not leaving yours for even one second, he walked you backwards until your back hit the makeshift file shelving in the small storage closet. Lifting your leg around his waist he pressed closer into you, and finally removed his mouth from yours before swiftly returning it to your neck to continue his ministrations. He removed one hand from your ass, and worked his way underneath your top to your chest beginning to massage you there as he made to push your bra away from your now aching nipples.
Before he could do so however, the door swung open:
“Reid are you in here- oh holy mother of god.” As soon as the door opened to show the figure of Penelope Garcia standing in the door the two of you jumped away from each other like randy school kids just caught clumsily making out on school grounds. Which you supposed you technically were.
“Are you and your lady friend decent, Doctor, can I remove my hand from my eyes now and live a long and healthy life?” She squeaked out, in surprise, her hands firmly blocking everything from view.
She hadn’t seen you just yet, but there was no getting around this.
“Yes, Penny, you can open your eyes,” you almost winced after you straightened your clothes quickly.
“Y/N!?! With Reid?!” She quickly squeaked out, gaining the notice of a nearby Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss who came rushing in as soon as they heard the frantic tone of their favourite tech analyst's voice.
“I can explain, Pen, please let’s just get out of this closet,” you tried to reason but she was still so shocked she wouldn’t listen.
“Derek, Y/N and Reid!” She motioned vaguely between the two of you.
“I know baby girl, I know.” He tried to reassure her but he couldn’t quite keep the amused look off of his face.
“You KNEW? That Y/N and Reid are getting all hot and heavy in the supply closets now? Emily, are you hearing the words coming from this beautiful man's mouth because I think I have walked into an alternate dimension and I need someone to please bring me back to my real one.” She gasped out.
“Actually, Penelope, I knew too. I think we all did actually.” Emily softly explained.
“You traitors!” she spun around to face the two of you again, and now that she’d calmed down a little, you’d found yourself gravitating towards Reid a little until he’d pulled you into a shy side hug.
“Look at them! They’re canoodling all happily in one of my supply closets, and they didn’t think to share the happy news with me!” She groaned out in faux anger. “Why did you tell Mister Action Man and Little Miss Faked Her Death here before me! Come on, I'm not that untrustworthy!”
“Actually, we didn’t technically tell anyone.” Reid managed to finally get out between Penelope’s moans of anguish, that stupid little smirk you loved so much playing on his face.
“Yeah,” you agreed, turning back to face your three coworkers. “I guess they all just had light bulb moments, and realised themselves, right?”
“God, stop being so cute and in love, it’s making me want to forgive you too easily.” Penelope joked, and you all let out a quiet laugh before deciding to remove yourself from the situation.
“Okay, I’m fine with being the last to know about this, but you better make Aunty Penelope the first in line to hear about any future Baby Geniuses, do you hear me?”
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lunajay33 · 1 month
Summary: You craved your gym teacher, you’ve always wanted more with him than just your favorite teacher and he knew it
Pairing: Coach Negan x f!reader student(18)
Warning: 18+
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Song suggestion: As Soon as the Good Times Roll- Scorpions
I loved gym not because of the easy grade or anything, more because the teacher was drop dead gorgeous and everything I craved, he’d go around with these basketball short and baseball hat and tight black shirt and it just made my body tingle, he’s my favorite teacher I go to him whenever I have problems and he’s always there to help but along the way I wanted more than just teacher student I want him to just throw me over his desk and take me but there’s one probably, well other than him being my teacher…..I’m a virgin, reminding me today in gym when it was sex Ed, our annual class that was taught for a day instead of usual gym activities
“Okay class settle down, it’s sex Ed today” everyone groans and some laugh mostly the girls and boys that flaunt their sex lives out in the open like everyone should know
“I know nobody wants to talk about this with there teacher but it’s the rules” the class went on like usual telling us to use protection to be safe, the risks and everything and now it’s question time
“Any questions?”
“Sir does it hurt” I ask then everyone erupts in laughter, I feel the blood rush to my face
“Oh my god, you’re a virgin what a loser” one of the preppy girls says and I can feel my lip tremble trying to keep the tears at bay
“That’s enough, Ashley detention, everyone else class is dismissed” everyone filters to the change rooms and I take more time being the last one in there, I sigh sitting down on the bench after changing, this was going to be the talk of the school, like I didn’t have enough stress with school anyways, I leave the change room when Mr. Smith stops me
“Hey kid come to my office” I follow him anxiously sitting in the chair across from his desk he closes the door and locks it then sitting behind his desk
“You okay?” He asks looking me up and down
“I shouldn’t have asked that I’m sorry”
“Ain’t got nothing to be sorry about it was a normal question”
“I was just curious and now I’m completely embarrassed, everyone thinks I’m a loser for being a virgin”
“Nothing to be ashamed of darlin, but since we’re alone do you have any other questions?” He asks leaning against his desk
“Umm….im not sure I really don’t know anything about this stuff, I’ve never done anything so I don’t know what it feels like”
“Oh I think you know a thing or two, when you look at someone and your eyes wonder lower, your body gets hot and you clench your legs together to ease the ache” his voice gets deeper and my eyes are blown wide with shock
“Mr.Smith what’re you talking about” I feel on fire right now but he wasn’t completely wrong about what he said, it’s hard to keep my eyes off him in gym
“I think we’re well past Mr.Smith, Negan is fine love, I’ve seen you look at me in class, your eyes drift lower until you’re starring right at my dick” he states walking around the desk leaning back on it infront of me
“W..what no of course not you’re my teacher”
“Come on baby, don’t lie we both know you can’t lie to me” he smirks kneeling infront of me placing his hands on my thighs, i sigh knowing he was right he’s always been able to get the truth out of me
“Fine, was it that obvious?” Now I’m embarrassed for a different reason
“Only to me, I’ve had my eye on you, always such a good girl”
“Negan can you…..can you show me how it feels?” Holding my breath until he answered
“You sure that’s what you want Angel?”
“Please I can’t wait any longer I need you” I say as I clench my legs together
“Good girl” he picked me up with ease laying me back down on the desk knocking over pencils and pens, he wrapped my legs around his waist his bulge pushing against my pussy
His fingers playing with the hem of my pants
“You ready?” I nodded frantically
He undid the button pulling my pants and panties off in one pull, my pussy now bare to him, I covered myself with my hand feeling insecure, no one’s ever seen me like this let alone a drop dead gorgeous man
He grabbed my hand pushing it back onto the desk just admiring me, it feels like his eyes are burning fire through me
“Look at this pretty pussy, so wet just for me” I feel his fingers push through my folds circling around my clit making me gasp at a sudden shock running through me
Pulling his shorts down letting his dick free, slapping it against my clit
“Negan please I need it” I whined feeling the pressure of him pushing in finally feeling it pop, that painful but pleasuring feeling coursed through me making me grind down on him just wanting more
“Fuck baby so tight, you alright?” He asked gripping my hips harder
“Yes god please more” I reach up holding his bicep for leverage as he slides in more until he’s flush against me leaning down so our lips are brushing against eachother, sitting in the feeling for a moment of him completely sheathed inside me
“God you do things to me sweetheart, imma show you how a real man fucks” he started off slowly until his thrusts were deep and hard hitting that sweet spot over and over my vision going spotty
“Oh Negan right there!” I dig my nails into his arm not knowing what to do with all this pleasure it was almost too much but god was he good
“You like that baby, you take me so well, so tight around my dick” his words pushed me over the edge about to scream when his hand clamps over my mouth as my body is racked with white hot pleasure feeling liquid drip down my legs
“Fuck fuck” I hear him groan when he pulls out and cums all over my pussy mixing with my release
“Look at you, so pretty and just for me hot damn” his thumb drags through my folds mixing his cum against my sensitive clit making me shake, leaning up on my arms to watch him do it
“How was that for your first time baby?”
“I……I think I wanna do it again” all he does is smirk
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that we’ll be doing this a lot more often now that you’re mine”
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cocteaucherry · 2 months
what to expect when you’re expecting
dad!nanami x f!reader
cws- pregnancy, 18+, talk of sexual situations, Nanami worrying, overall fluff, this is during Nanami’s office era, mood swings, talk of morning sickness
a/n- (in the mood for fluffy jjk dad stuff prepare yourselves these next few weeks
once you and nanami found out you were pregnant you couldn’t fully describe the joy in his tired eyes.
Tears streamed down both your cheeks as he held your stomach delicately with pure love.
The first month was pure study and nanami clinging to you as much as he could before being whisked away to his shitty office job,
When nights came, Nanami sat up with you reading from the cliche book ‘what to expect when you’re expecting’ his glasses perched upon his nose.”
“Ken, how many of these books are you planning to buy?” A giggle came from your throat as Nanami bent the page corner, placing the book down to wrap his arms around your soft belly, “As many as we need for our family.”
month three came and you were sure your baby hated you, you’d wake up with a severe headache and a need to vomit rushing to the bathroom to throw up everywhere in the toilet. It wasn’t too horrid though as your husband rubbed your back holding your hair gently in his free hand,
You felt like sobbing when he found you like this every other morning but he reassured you with soft words and kisses, “Angel, Y’know I’ve seen every part of you? You vomiting is really nothing bad.” He’d hum gripping your hand softly.
Although Nanami kissed the ground you walked on, your mood swings seem to cause a challenge for both you and his love driven mind for you.
You’d cry and lash out at him in seemingly ten seconds, apologizing with more tears thereafter. He vaguely remembered when you broke down in his arms because you forgot yeast for the homemade bread you were making for him that night.
“I ruined everything!” You’d sob into his chest and Nanami stood frigid just softly patting your back, “y/n it’s okay really I’ve been meaning to lay off the bread-“
“Oh, so you wouldn’t have liked it anyway!” Your voice would raise as he cleared his throat, “y/n I didn’t mean it like that-“
month five came and you were showing even more, your shirts becoming involuntarily cropped as you sighed staring at yourself in the mirror. “Ken! Do you think Yaga would be mad at this outfit?” You hummed, rubbing your hand softly over your exposed belly.
“Yaga maybe, I know Gojo would try to make a spectacle.”’
You grinned, “Like, how come she’s allowed to wear crop tops but when I do it?” You said trying your best to impersonate his voice which made Nanami smile softly.
month six came and it seemed everyone around you was pestering you about whether your baby was a boy or a girl, and when it came to you and nanami you never really cared.
“Kennn,” you said in a sing-songy voice as you took a break from painting the nursery wall, Nanami sat trying to build the way to a difficult crib, “yes my love?” He asked.
“How would you feel if we did a private gender reveal? I don’t really feel like making this a whole deal.”
“‘Course, we’ll do whatever you like baby.”
Later that week nanami and you found out through a pink filled cake you’d be having a girl.
And best believe you and nanami were ecstatic, you strolled down the girl’s aisle looking at the arrays of pastel colors.
You picked up a few items showing them to your husband with a smile, “Kennn! What about this?” You said but you were met with no answer your husband spaced out.
“Ken you okay?” You reached for his hand gripping it lightly until he was snapped out of his trance.
“Sorry love,” he smiled, lifting your palm to his lips to plant a kiss on your knuckles, “we’re just getting closer and closer and I’m worrying more, thinking about raising our girl, the birth and my shitty ass job not letting me take off-“
“Hey, Ken it’s okay,” you hummed leaning up to place a kiss on his jaw, “Everything will work out accordingly, your job I’m not sure about though.” You giggled leaning into his palm.
“You’re right, I’m sorry for worrying you.” Nanami chuckled, reaching for the small outfit you chose, “Do we have a name yet?”
“I think we’ll know when we see her definitely!”
Eight months in and you were slowly reaching your due date, Nanami stayed home caring for you (much to the dislike of his boss). Your pregnancy had been a bit of a breeze the few months but it seemed your baby girl wanted an entrance on her way out.
“Shit- Ken I swear she’s trying to rearrange my organs,” you groaned in discomfort laying on the couch, your rounded stomach on display as you rubbed your belly gently, “Just making more space in there love.” He said jokingly squirting lotion into the palm of his hand, a small hiss leaving your lips as the cold lotion made contact with your stomach.
“I’m in painnn, everything fucking hurts.” You hummed feeling his strong hands rub the lotion around the sides of your stomach, “why’d you have to knock me upp,” you said jokingly and your husband eyed you.
“If I can recall I'm sure it was you who begged me to give you a baby.”
“Mmm.. shut up.” You flicked his arm and he smirked, “Either way, I’m sure our baby will be happy with her strong willed, handsome, and smart father.”
“And I’m sure she’ll love her beautiful, intelligent and compassionate mother as well.”
Days later your body was suspiciously calm and non-achey which you thought was weird but you paid no mind to it, you decided to call up Shoko to hang out in the city for a few hours.
“I mean are you sure you’re okay to walk? I mean you go a day without pain and you think you’re an almighty being and shit.” Shoko’s eyebrow twitched as you sat down at the table of a random restaurant
“Correction, I am, and second I can be due any day now let’s just have some fun before she possibly destroys me.” A grunt came from your lips which caused Shoko to stare at you concerningly.
“I’m fine! I’m fine!” You waved her off picking up a menu, “let’s just enjoy the day,”
“Sheesh okay mama, I guess I should get something for Satoru too he’ll be up my ass.”
“Oh please doesn’t he pawn off a mission or two to see you anyway?”
“Barely! He just hangs out with his students.” Shoko scoffed putting her menu down, “I’ll get something for-“
She was cut off by the abrupt look on your face, a small silence filling the air.
“Not to sound dramatic or anything but I think the baby is coming.” You looked down to see the entirety of the long flower skirt you were wearing was drenched.
“I’ll call Nanami!” Shoko said quickly standing up.
3:08 pm
Nanami rushed down the halls of the sterile hospital with bags in tow, he had gotten the call from Shoko saying your water broke and never did he rush as quickly as he did.
You had pre planned hospital bags packed last week for an emergency and Nanami made sure to get those before coming to the hospital, he panted to come to your room number to be met with an open door and your glowing face in a hospital gown.
“Ken! Oh you’re so sweaty!” You grinned while walking to wrap your arms around him as his hands immediately dropped the bags, “Well I rushed because a certain someone is giving birth to my daughter.”
“Wonder who that is.”
“Me too, we should both prepare ourselves.. I’m sure gojo is coming pretty soon.”
“Yeah shoko mentioned calling him, I’m surprised you two still have a good relationship.”
Kento groaned rolling his eyes, “good is a word, I can respect and tolerate him.”
10:07 PM
“Fuckkk! Why!” You bit down on your tongue, dried tears streaming down your face as you gripped onto your husband’s hand for dear life.
“You’re doing great sweetheart just a little more okay?” He whispered to you, placing a kiss on your sweat stained forehead.
After about fifteen minutes of groaning and yelling and cursing Nanami for doing this to you, a loud cry came and your baby girl was born.
“Sooo.. we have a name?” You grinned feeling Nanami’s nose press against your scalp, his large finger entrapped in the small grip of his daughter’s.
“Let’s figure that out later..”
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gweninred · 5 months
melissa schemmenti
comfort? idk
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"Okay, which one of y'all ordered this big stack of social studies books?" Ava asked, walking into the teacher's offices, dropping a box on one of the tables. Melissa and I are trying to get the printer to work. Everyone immediately ran over to the principal. "Oh my goodness! They're only a few years old." Janine picked up one of the books. "Oh my God! They have Brexit! And the Flint water crisis. And Hamilton." She read, looking into one of the cameras. "These aren't for Abbott Elementary. They're for Addington Elementary." Your wife reads from the box, her red reading glasses sitting on her nose. "Oh, the school down the street?" Asked Jacob. "New books. One of the perks of turning into a charter school." Answerd Barbara. "They went charter and went up. From 2012 Khloe K to 2022 Khloe K like that." Ava snipped her fingers. "Unreconizable." I picked up one of the books and looked at it. "I heard they got a lot of good stuff over there." I said, leaning against Melissa's shoulder, and she wrapped her arm around you.
"Well, that building was made by the same World War II architect as this one, so it can't be that great." Janine smiled once again into the camera, trying to see the positive side. "Why don't we walk over there and find out for ourselves during lunch?" Barbara requested. "Well, Melissa and I actually planned on lunching somewhere today, so I don't think—" I couldn't finish; Melissa was cutting in. "No, we're going, hon." I gave her a glare. "What? I want to see inside." She put her glasses back on her head. "Sure, let's do it!." Janine said.
Later that day, we walked into Addington Elementary with Janine carrying the box with books. "Did you all feel that?" Barbara asked. "That is some good AC." A young man walked past our group of teachers. "They even got a young Mr. Johnson." Gregory waved at him. "Do you smell that?" I gripped Melissa's hand, my love language being physical touch. "I don't smell anything." The redhead said. "Exactly!" Then Janine cut in: "You know what? No. It's not that great here. I mean look, the ceilings are smooth. Isn't that what floors are for?" She tried to cheer the group up.
"Hey!" We heard a voice. "Tina!" The old Abbott teacher walked up to us. "Look the crying bitch." Melissa whisperd. "That's Ms. Schwartz, the teacher you replaced." Jacob whispered to Gregory. "The one who kicked a student?" He asked, shocked. "Oh, I don't do that anymore." She laughed. "Because of therapy and anger management, also, at a charter school, there's a lot less oversight in the hiring process, so it's been pretty sweet." Tina was proud. "Well, sweetheart, it's nice to see you, and the school is wonderful." Melissa chuckled at that. I knew from Melissa that Barbara didn't like Tina. "Yeah. Are those my books?' She pointed at the box in Janine's hands. "Oh yeah!" She handed them over. "You guys want a little tour?" The group laughed. "Yeah!" they said. "So, this is the language lab." The teacher led them to the closest class room. "The kids are currently learning French. Bonjour!" She greeted the class, and the class greeted her happily. I heard Melissa say, "Awh." Tina continued. "Over there are our restrooms. which are awesome because the banos don't attack you here." Janine cut her off. "Oh, I fixed that toilet, so..." Tina laughed awkwardly.
Then there came a kid running down the hall, followed by a blonde-haired teacher. I recognized the woman immediately, and so did Melissa. It was her sister, Kirsten Marie. Melissa let go of my hand, gripped her bag tighter, and straightened her posture. "Hey, Kya, you gagootz, keep it movin'!" Kirsten yelled at the running kid. She stopped in front of Melissa, glaring at her. I placed my hand on the small of my wife's back to comfort her a little. Since the fight with her sister, they hadn't spoken to each other. Kirsten scoffed at her sister. "Okay, come on." The redhead said. The group of teachers looked at the two women before the blonde started to walk away. "Let's get out of here. Come on." Melissa walked, grabbing my wrist and dragging me with her. "Melissa, that's like your charter school doppelganger." Jacob looked back at the other woman. "It is because they are sisters!" I whispered to the group, but Melissa heard anyway. "I said, Let's go!"
Now you were walking outside, and Melissa was walking at a pace the group could barely keep up with. "She's your sister? You have the same mom?" Janine almost yelled at the other teacher. "Yeah, yeah, good. You know what sisters mean. Glad you're making good use of that Penn education." She was mad. "Melissa!" I hissed. "What did I tell you about being so rude?" I squeezed her hand, like giving her a warning. "I'm not saying another word about this." I looked back at the group and held my shoulders up. "Can we at least walk at a slower pace? I think we're far enough now." Jacob said, but Melissa was not having it. "Okay, we will see you at school." Me and Melissa continued walking.
"Baby, don't let her ruin your day now." The redhead groaned. "And I understand you're upset, but that doesn't mean you have to be so rude to Janine or to anyone." Melissa didn't answer, but I knew she would come around. We've arrived back at school. "And I didn't bring any lunch." Melissa sat down at our regular table, grabbing her bag to pull out a few dollars. "Get something from the vending machine." She mumbles. "Great." I sighed. "What do you want?" My wife sat with her arms crossed on the table, her head leaning on her arms. "I want to go home." She groaned. “I didn’t mean that, you know that, Melis.” I got noodles for both of us and some boiled water. I walked up to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, slightly massaging. I parted her red locks around her neck and placed a kiss on her exposed skin. "Don't stay mad now." I moved my hands to her front and hugged her, placing kisses on the back of her head. We were the only ones in the teachers lounge since everyone decided to eat out. Melissa sat up, placing her hands over yours. "I’m sorry." She mumbled, turning her head to kiss me on the lips. The position was quite awkward. “Don't say sorry to me, you should apologize to Janine." I whispered against her lips. She closed the gap, pressing her red-painted lips against mine. In a few moments, I pulled away. "Noodles." I reminded myself and turned around to finish up the food.
Pouring the boiling water into the cup of noodles, you felt two arms wrap around your waist, Melissa hugging you from behind. Normally we aren't so touchy at work, but Melissa turns more clingey when she feels bad. I finished up the noodles and told Melissa to sit on the couch instead of at the table. She sat down next to me, her thighs touching mine. We ate in silence, and when we were done, she snuggled up to me.
Around 20 minutes later, the door busted open, and teachers slowly came inside. I noticed the redhead falling asleep, her head resting on my shoulder, and her mouth hanging open. "She asleep?" Barbara asked, and I nodded. "I guess seeing 'stupid' family members is exhausting." I giggled and slightly stroked the side of her face. "Well, I'm going to head out of here before the dragon wakes up." Jacob rushed out of the room before I could say anything. I gasped at what he had called my wife. "I don't think she means it. Everyone says things they might regret later when they’re mad." Janine held up her books before leaving. The bell rang, waking Melissa up. She rubbed her eyes and straightened her posture. "Shit, I didn't mean to fall asleep." I smiled, kissing the side of her face. "You probably needed it. But come on, we're already late. I forgot the time too."
Later that day, Melissa apologized to Janine. "You have her wrapped around your finger, y\n." Barbara said to me, looking at the interaction between Melissa and Janine.
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kylianswifey · 1 year
Sneaky Meetings - Kylian Mbappe x Reader
The reader works for PSG and has been secretly dating Kylian for a while. They tend to have sneaky bathroom or office meetings a lot. Warning: smut.
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I arrived at work in the most horrible state ever. I was thirty minutes late since I didn't hear my alarm this morning. Kylian had texted and called me many times, still not waking me up. I approach the coach and apologize to him for being late, he seemed to understand since I rarely show up late. I followed the coach to the field and met with the players. Being an assistant coach has a lot of responsibilities and I try my best to keep up with everything. I see Kylian looking at me smiling, I smile back and wave him. Me and Kylian have been dating for almost six months now. We started dating one year after I joined the team. We've been successfully able to keep our relationship a secret from everyone except Kylian's best friend on the team. I was the first one who came up with this since it's very important for me to come off as a very professional person on a men's team and I was afraid our relationship will be seen as me taking advantage of it. "Hi, Kylian. How are we today?" I ask him and smirk. He winks at me and smiles. "I'm doing okay, Y/N. How about you?" "I'm doing okay, I ran a bit late today, I couldn't hear my alarm." To the others, this just seemed like a normal conversation, in fact, I was trying to let my boyfriend know why I'm late and not worry him. I sit on the bench with the coach and watch the players train. I began daydreaming out of nowhere. Kylian was all sweaty and had taken his shirt off. He didn't notice me drooling over him because he was concentrated on the training, but once he took a look at me, he smirked. I got shy and I looked down, he could tell what I was thinking. I got lost in my thoughts I had to excuse myself and leave the pitch. I went to my office and sat on my chair. I went through some papers and stuff to try and distract myself, but It wasn't working. I heard my door crack slowly and Kylian peaked his head inside. He looked behind him for a second and got in and closed the door, he also locked it. The second I heard the lock turn, I ran to him and crashed my lips into him. He deepend the kiss and wrapped his hand around my waist. He grabbed my hand and sat on the office chair and I sat on his lap with my legs to his sides, cowgirl position. "A little impatient I see, hmm?" he asked me knowing damn well he's killing me right now. I avoided his question and began kissing his neck, sucking on his sensitive spot. He slipped his hand under my underwear and squeezed my butt. I stood up to remove my pants and he pushed down his shorts. I went back to my position and now I took him inside of me, I held my head back in pleasure. I began to grind myself on him slowly, picking up my pace each passing second. I couldn't contain myself and I let a small moan, moaning his name. "Kylian.." "Shhh.. quiet, baby." he smirked at me and placed his finger inside my mouth, trying to keep me quiet. I was having so much pleasure, I completely forgot we were in my office. Kylian's size is very big, I get weak on my knees just when I think about it. He wanted to spank me so bad, but only squeezed my butt because we didn't want to make any noise. I kept grinding on him and he kept thrusting harder and harder, I was about to cum. "Kylia- I'm so c-" "Shh, cum for me, baby." I released myself and shut my eyes in pleasure I could see stars. Kylian picked my up and bent me over the table and got inside me once again from behind. I felt him pull out and release himself on me. I wiped myself and got dressed, he did the same. We shared a kissing moment before it was time for him to leave. "I have to go now, baby. You're amazing, you know that?" "You're amazing, Ky. I love you" "I love you too, honey."
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I'm In Control Part 7 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I bare you your crack for the weekend. Snort your serotonin slowly please lol <3
Warnings: Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie and all that that implies (I regret nothing). She really pushes them this time so some degrading from the guys, slapping, and a bit of the rough stuff. All three talk about their traumas. Y/N talks about her religious trauma a bit more. May be triggering if you grew up in a household or town like that. My bio mom liked to pretend she did she I heard a lot of this same stuff myself.
Word Count: 3276
Went to work. 
See you later :) 
“Should we be worried?”, you place your head in your hands as you look at TJ who’s casually lounging on one of your couches.
“I don’t think so but it’s something to be cautious of. You may want to call your clients down here and just bring them up to speed.”
“Well, I told them I was going to see them at their shoot tonight but if I know them, they are probably on their way down here anyway.”
“I haven’t seen bullshit like this since the early nineties—” 
A small knock on your door interrupts him as it slowly opens. “Hey, sorry. We aren’t interrupting anything, are we?”, Steve cautiously pokes his head through. 
You smirk at your boss who chuckles. “You’re amazing. No boys. I actually wanted to speak with you. Come in.”
“Why do you sit on top of your desk like that when you have a thousand chairs?”, Eddie asks as he leans against the edge of it next to you.
“Makes me feel tall. Also Mr. Munson, I’m not sure if you saw but the sign on the door says it’s my office so I can do whatever I want.” He scrunches his nose at your playful tone. 
Steve steals your desk chair, gliding closer to you and TJ. “What’s going on?”
“Apparently, the cops raided a set the other night.”, TJ sighs as you press play on your tv. He gestures towards it as he continues. “Our wonderful city officials are trying to look good so they are cracking down ‘drugs’ and ‘prostitution’.” 
“But…none of that is happening.”, Eddie folds his arms as he watches the screen. 
“Not with any of my people and sets I work with. You guys know if you see any of that kind of shit, you let me or Y/N know.”
Steve lets out a heavy sigh as he leans back in his chair. You reach for the stress ball on your desk and throw it at his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.”, you flash him a comforting smile. 
“We just want you guys to be aware. It really shouldn’t be a problem especially on Luke’s set. His studio is so big I don’t think they would even dare try it.” He glances at the three of you before clearing his throat. 
“Since everyone is here…”
“My other client isn’t here.”, you interject.
“Yeah, but I know where he is. I keep losing you three.” TJ stands, trying to make himself more authoritative. “Where were you guys yesterday?”
He turned to face you. “All day? Really?”
“Oh. I’m sorry. Auditionsssss.” You make sure to put obnoxious emphasis on the S. 
Your boss narrows his eyes at you as both men try to contain their smiles. 
“You, young lady, are lucky I like you.”, he points his finger sternly. “From now on if I call you answer. If we have an event or party EVERYONE must remain there until I dismiss you. Understood?”
You faux salute him. “Yes, sir.”
“Gentlemen?” They affirm with mumbled yeahs. “Good. Now that all that is out of the way, I’m going to go back to my office and eat my delicious lunch in peace. Don’t bother me.”
He grins, jokingly pushing your shoulder as he leaves you office. 
Your eyes shift between them, Eddie’s head was down towards his sneakers as Steve was still looking at the TV.
“Wow. Well, don’t get shy on me now.”
“Are you ok?”, Eddie was the first to speak. “I…I didn’t hurt you or anything, right?”
“Steve was right. We weren’t in the right frame of mind. I definitely wasn’t.”
“Eddie, it’s okay. I’m ok.” You wrap your arm around his shoulder, pulling him in front of you so you could hug him from behind. “You didn’t hurt me. Not physically anyway…” His chest rose and fell as he sighed. 
Your eyes flicked to Steve who was watching you both. “I’m sorry I smacked you.”
His nose scrunched as he shrugged. “I deserved it.”
“Oh, okay. Well, fuck you then.” You and Steve smirked at each other. 
“I’m sorry for being an asshole.” He slides his chair closer to the both of you. 
“I know we said we would talk later but I feel like I should at least get this out now. I’m not sorry for what I said in the parking lot…or back at the house. I’m still extremely angry you didn’t talk to me. I understand why you didn’t, agent and client and all that but… it just hurts that you guys don’t trust me.”
“We trust you.”
“Daddy and Sir, trust me. Steve and Eddie don’t.”
“Cut! Steve! Do we have a problem?”
“No! No… no fucking problem.”
“Ok, well, you can’t do anything with it soft, son.”
You and Eddie look at each other from your spot behind the camera as you sigh and reassuringly pat his arm. 
“Mr. Harrington!”, you beckon him gently with your finger. 
“Y/N, get his mind right or else—”
“Or else what?”, you cut the director off as you grab Steve’s hand. “Jason, if you want him to use his dick you need to get off his and relax, okay? We’re a bit overamped with everything going on.”
You tug the man into a corner behind the set where no one else could hear or see you. 
“Talk to me, babe.”
“I don’t know…I just…can’t focus.”, he sighs as he runs his fingers frustratingly through his hair. 
“Steve, look at me.” You slide your hand down his chest to the outside of the boxers they had him wearing, rubbing your hand below his waist. “When you go back out there, don’t focus on the cameras or the director. Don’t focus on yesterday…”
His shoulders deflated as he exhaled. “Hey no. Focus on me, Daddy.” Steve’s eyebrow raised coyly as he softly smiled. You felt his cock gradually begin to harden against your palm. “If it helps just pretend she’s me.”
“Mmm… but she’s not you.”
“I know. That’s the magic of acting.”, you giggle as he grins, running his tongue his lips. You lean closer to his chest as his head falls on to your shoulder. “Everything’s going to be alright, Steve. I promise.”
His lips find yours for a moment before you pull away. “You ready?”
He nods, going around you with a more determined stride as he heads back to the set. 
Eddie throws their keys on the counter as the three of you head into their house.
Your eyes scan their exhausted looking frames. “Do you guys want to crash and we can talk tomorrow?”
“No. We should get this out of the way now.”
“Wow. Thanks Steve. That makes me feel special.”, you scowl at him.
“Honestly, I… I don’t know why we are doing this. We can’t have a romantic relationship. It would be hidden and only we would know about.”
“Okay. So why does the whole world have to fucking know?”
“Because you would be ours.”, Eddie interjects as he leans his back against their couch. 
“Ohhhh, I see. So you don’t trust me enough to tell other men to fuck off so you need to parade me around so they KNOW to stay away.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“That is seriously hilarious to me. You know that you two literally fuck people every single day and it doesn’t bother me?”
Steve slyly chuckles under his breath. “Yeah, but what if we were at a club or event and some random girl just climbed on my lap or started making out with Munson here. How would that make you feel?”
“In that scenario that would piss me off but I would…I would hope if we were in a relationship, you would tell that girl to respect your boundaries and get off your lap. I would trust you. God, Steve, why are you like this?”
When he doesn’t answer, you sigh in frustration as you step away. “Okay…” You bite your lip as you pace between them with your hands on your hips. “Okay. I have an idea. I want to talk to Daddy and Sir.”
They glance at each other, completely confused. “They trust me. Maybe they can help you say what you need to say.”
You pout your lips, allowing your body to slowly push you into that headspace to get them where they need to be. “Please, Daddy.”
Steve’s face twitches slightly at your tone. “I said no.” 
You saunter back over to him, untangling his arms in front of his chest as you glide your hands up his body. “Pleeeeeease. Steven is afraid to open up to me and I need to know why.”
When his eyes met yours, you knew he was there. Daddy was ready to play. 
Steve reached for your throat, gripping it tightly in his huge hand. “I told you not to call me that AND I said no. Geez, Eddie. She never listens.”
He released his hold on you, shoving you backwards into a broad chest. “Probably never been disciplined properly.” You quickly turn around to see Eddie glaring down at you with his beautiful brown eyes. Since you three had begun your dynamic, you had learned little details about their body language and tone. Eddie’s voice told you that Sir hadn’t completely come out yet. 
“Oh, but Mr. Munson. I have.”, your hands reach up to cup his cheeks. “I came from an aggressive religious upbringing, remember? They were way more strict than you could ever be especially since you can’t seem to take charge without Daddy’s help.”
His strong hands shot up, gripping your wrists, and aggressively pulling them off his face. “I don’t need his help or permission to handle brats like you.” There he is.
“I don’t think I’m the one that needs handling.”
Eddie pushes himself off the couch, staring down at you as he bumps you with his chest. “I know you do.”
“How do you know that, Eddie?” You try to maintain your confident tone but it shakes as he bumps you again, walking you backward towards the bedroom. 
“Well, for one, you can’t seem to remember who you’re talking to.” He turns to Steve who has been steadily following behind. “Stupid little girl wants to know more but can’t even follow simple instructions.” His hand grabs you jaw, holding you still.
“Who am I?”
Eddie shoves you back hard against the doorframe, making you wince. “Louder.”
“Good girl. Hopefully you’ll remember it this time.” You stumble onto the floor as he pushes you into the room. They both come in and sit on the edge of the bed, stepping over you as they do. 
“Why…don’t you…trust me?”
Steve grins as he beckons you over with his finger. You obey, crawling to his lap on your knees. His fingers gently trace along your cheek down to your lips. 
“Because you are a whore.”
Your chest caves in as you exhale, searching his eyes for an explanation.
“Aw, Eddie. I don’t think that was the answer she was expecting.”, he says with a voice dripping with mocking. “You think you’re the first woman we’ve done this with? Where are they now, honey? They aren’t here. They. Leave. They always do.”
You saw pain flash quickly through his eyes and disappear just as fast. 
“Girls like you use us and then when you’re done, you’re gone.”
“You…haven’t known me for…for very long. Why do you think I would hurt you like that?”
“Like he said,” Eddie looked down at you with contempt. “You all do. Everyone in our lives leave. Anytime my mom fucked up in some way, she would blame it on me and my dad would beat my ass. When he got arrested…it’s like she saw no further use for me. There was no one to shield her from so she dumped me on my uncle’s doorstep and ran.”
Your heart ached for him as he hung his head. Your hand started to reach for his knee but you stopped, allowing it to hover. “Can I touch you?” Eddie didn’t verbally answer, instead placing his palm over yours and guiding it to his leg. 
You glanced back at Steve who was now glaring into the void. “Daddy?” He subtly shakes his head. “Talk to me, baby. Please. Help me understand.”
“Haven’t I given you enough?!”, he snaps. Your nose scrunches as you glare at him. 
You chuckle sarcastically as a light bulb suddenly goes off in your head. “Oh, I get it. Is that why you prefer Daddy? Was Mr. Harrington not so nice to Steven?”
Both sets of eyes abruptly look at you as you rise to your feet. You can tell just by Eddie’s look alone you’re very close to the target. Steve slowly stands well, his eyes penetrating yours. 
“Color, Princess?” Your eyes never left Steve’s but you could see in your peripherals and by the sound of his voice that Eddie knew the real game was about to get started. 
“Green, Sir.”
“You remember what you have to say for us to stop, right?”
“Yes, Sir.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Steve’s hand connected with your face causing you to take a few steps backwards. 
“Why do you keep pushing, little girl?”
“Because I want to understand!”
He slapped you again, this time a bit harder than before. “Why?!”
“Why do you fight it so hard, Steve?!”
As he went to hit you, you ducked down and shoved his chest. Eddie intervened, grabbing your upper arms and holding them behind your back. Steve slid off his belt and handed it to the boy behind you who used it to tie your wrists together. 
He tossed you to the bed on your stomach, pulling your pants and panties down your legs. You heard clothes being removed behind you before Steve climbed on top of you. You yelped as he smacked your ass, pressing your face into the mattress as he sheathed himself inside of you. 
He gave you no warning or time to adjust as he began roughly thrusting into you. The man laid his full weight on top of you, pushing himself deeper into you as he continued his assault on your pussy. 
“Got nothing to say now huh, little one? Had plenty to say earlier when you were mouthing off. You still seem to think you have some control over us but you don’t, you fucking slut. You never will so stop making demands and stop pushing.”
“Then why do you have feelings for me?”
“Because I’m a fucking idiot.”
“Is that what he told you?” You whimpered as he thrust into your harder. “Your—mmm—you’re not an idiot—mmm-- for caring. You deserve to…fuck… to be cared for the way you do for other people.”
Steve pulled out of you and flipped you around, lifting your legs around his waist as he entered you again. 
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“How did you know you could trust Eddie?”
His brown eyes shifted towards his friend before looking back at you. You craned your neck to kiss his lips and he allowed it. His head fell beside yours as he pumped his hips harder against yours. 
“I care about you to, Daddy. I like you a lot. Both of you.” You gently kissed the shell of his ear as his hips sputtered and he came inside of you, his body trembling above you. 
“Fuck. Baby…I…”
“It’s ok, Daddy. It’s ok.”
“I can take care of her, buddy. Come here, sweetheart.” Steve rolled out of the way as Eddie lifted you onto his lap and leaned his back against the headboard. He reaches behind you untying the belt and tossing it to the floor.
You straddle his waist, taking his cock in your hand and gradually began sliding yourself down onto him. You both groan at the feeling as your head falls to his forehead. Eddie notices that your hands remain on your thighs as you start grinding and bouncing your hips. 
His own palms glide down your arms, grabbing your wrists and placing your arms over his shoulders. He leans in to kiss your lips.
“You can touch me, pretty girl. It’s alright.”
Eddie giving you more control drove you wild as your pussy tightened around him. 
“Fucking hell. Come on, baby. Make yourself cum.” His fingers dug into your waist as he guided you, moving you faster against him. 
“Can I…please, Sir…” When he nodded his head, you completely let go; tossing your head back as you came.
His arms wrapped around you as he lifted himself up onto his knees, thrusting into you as you clung your yourself to him. Eddie loved the way your body fit perfectly against him. If he had his way, he would never let you go. He grunted into your neck and you both moaned when you felt him cum inside you. 
He expected you to let him go but when you didn’t, he sat back down on the mattress, running his hands through your hair and down your back. 
“My dad was never around. Actually, neither of my parents were.” You climbed off the metalhead’s lap to turn and look at Steve who was staring into the void again. “My father was a cheating dick head who always made sure to remind me I was never good enough.”
You watched him as he got up, disappearing into the bathroom and coming back with a rag. Eddie motioned for you to sit in front of him and you did, opening your legs so the other boy could take care of you. 
“I know that feeling.” When Steve’s eyes meet yours, you deliver him a tender smile. “Religious family, remember. My brother and I were always reminded how terrible we were and not just from our parents but the church and the town. My mom and dad didn’t even see me off when I moved here. They said California is a state of sin.” You roll your eyes as you sigh. 
“I imagine they don’t know what you do?”, Steve asked as he threw the rag haphazardly into the bathroom doorway. 
“Pfft, God no. They’d lose their minds. Kidnap me and probably take me back home.”, you laugh. 
“We wouldn’t let that happen.”, Eddie grinned as he rested his head on your shoulder.
“Do you really think I’m a whore?” You felt the arms around you stiffen. 
“No.” Steve’s voice was so low you could barely hear him. 
“Um, louder, Daddy. I can’t hear you.” You playfully tilt your ear towards him and a smile spread across his face. 
“I said no, beautiful.” You grin as you lean back against Eddie’s chest. “I think, like Eds said yesterday, we’re jaded. It’s…easier to lump you in with the other girls we’ve been with because—”
“We like you so much it will hurt less when you leave.”, the other man finishes. 
“When I leave… Gentlemen, I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon. I get it though. I really do. You’ve been hurt by so many people… but I promise not just as your agent or your friend or… you’re safe with me. There’s no rush. We don’t even have to put a label on it. Let’s just see what happens.”
“I can do that.” Eddie tenderly kisses your shoulder.
“Me to.” Steve reaches out to move a strand of hair out of your face. 
“Good. Now, can we eat because I’m fucking starving.”
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719
@hugdealer @mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch
@miarosso @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint
@arianafreckles @sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream
@sugar-haus @manda-panda-monium @wroteclassicaly
@gracieluvthemoon @erinsingalong @ imogen-m-h
@playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn @cinnamapup
@bimbobaggins69 @justmeandmymeanderingthoughts
@skyesthebomb @sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi
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starlightandfairies · 2 years
Can I request one where reader and billy makeout together and billy tells reader he loves her, but PLOT TWIST! Reader is apart of the group who knows about the upside down and has been apart of all the craziness, so when hopper sees them he’s pissed bc he thinks of reader as a daughter? And ending it with billy kind of being like love you babe like hopper doesn’t bother him? I’m sorry if it goes against your rules if so please delete this!!!
Description: The reader gets told by Billy that he loves her and Hopper gets fatherly protective about the situation.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff,
*I'm sorry for how short it is, been all over the place lately. *
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 771
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The least I can say is that this I as far as Billy and I got in our relationship. He respected it, and never pushed me to go further than I was comfortable with, which made me feel loved and cared for. Knowing that he wouldn't push me made me happy and he never got cranky if I wanted to stop mid-make-out session which is honestly what I think everyone deserves. Someone who wouldn't get angry if you wanted to stop. Billy and I had been going strong for the last little while, maybe to his dismay we only started getting touchy-feely around seven months of dating. We made out every now and again, usually when no one else was home or in the back of his car parked somewhere that gave us some peace from everyone else.
"Babe, where'd you go?" Billy whispered into my ear, I jumped slightly and smiled softly at him, whispering a quick apology for wandering off while we were being intimate. 
"Just thinking of us, how much I value our relationship," I whispered, he chuckled and kissed my lips before caressing my cheek.
"Well, I'm glad you do, do you want to continue?" I nodded, smiling softly and kissed his lips. Smiling against the kiss as he wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me closer as he cupped my face with his other hand. I hummed gently as he kissed my lips, holding me with a loving hold. 
"I love you." I heard him whisper, I blushed shyly at the words, knowing he's not the type who opens up easily. I smiled happily at him, he chuckled and held me closer after I jumped at the aggressive tapping on the window. I glanced to see who it was, gulping slightly as I saw Hopper. He was like a father figure to me and so I felt like I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar as a little kid. 
"Out. NOW!" Billy gently pushed me out of the car, following me out, he kept a hand on the small of my back, and his attitude changed slightly as he looked at the man. 
"Can I help you, officer?" Billy asked with a slightly smug tone, I blushed slightly as Billy kissed my cheek, he smiled softly and I shot him a shy look that was also a little stern. 
"Hop, what's going on?" I questioned, rolling my eyes slightly as he pointed at Billy and walked him away. Billy didn't know about the upside-down, I've been trying to keep that away from him in the fear of him thinking I'm crazy. Also in fear of him being hurt. Last year I got pretty injured during the first battle of Hawkins Labs, so Hopper did the fatherly thing and put me on babysitter duty most of the time. I didn't mind looking after them all, but it sucked when he didn't fuss over Nancy or the others. Billy waited for Hopper as he walked over to me, I still felt like I had been caught doing something wrong and felt like I was about to be scolded. 
"Have you told him?" 
"Come with me." I walked over to Billy, smiling nervously at the boy and shifted nervously on my feet as Hopper began explaining all the stuff to Billy, he looked at me several times as if internally asking if it were real or not. I just gave a nod and whispered quietly to him. 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was scared." I apologised, he kissed my forehead and then turned to Hopper. 
"Don't worry, I can help out, I'll stick by Y/N's side, you've got nothing to worry about. And as for the other thing-" Billy turned to face me, he crouched down slightly and smiled with a cheeky grin. 
"Hey, darling, I love you. You're all that I need. I love you." He whispered, pulling me in for a hug. I'm assuming Hopper gave him the gold old 'do not hurt her' threat. This was probably just Billy's way of saying that he wouldn't or also an "I don't care what you say" I pecked his lips slightly and was taken back by the slight deepening of the kiss.
"Okay, okay, okay- break it up." Hopper pulled us apart, just like he did with Eleven and Mike. Billy winked at me slightly, his smugness coming out as he respectively tried to push Hopper's buttons. 
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skzimagines · 1 year
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Part 8
Characters: Hyunjin x female reader | All of Skz | y/n’s friend |
Genre: Obsessive!Hyunjin | Camping!Skz |
Warnings: 18+ extreme smut | Swearing |
Summary: After Hyunjin and y/n make up, the last day together comes. But little does everyone know, Chan has some tricks up his sleeve. Coming up with a surprise that no one saw coming.
After swimming last night, everyone was pretty wore out and we all decided to hit the sheets.
“Baby..” “hey, we have to get up. We have to be out of here in an hour.” I hear hyunjin whisper, shaking me awake. I groan and rub my eyes, throwing the blanket off of me and sitting up. “I don’t want to leave.” I whine, letting out a huff. “I know baby, we’ll do it again soon.” He says, throwing random things into his bag, not caring for organizing it. “Soon…” I sigh. “A year isn’t very soon.” I say, standing up and stretching. Hyunjin walks over and wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me into his chest. “Yeah.. it just soothes the heart saying soon.” He chuckles. We stand there holding each other for a while, before packing up the rest of our stuff together.
We pack our things into the back of Hyunjin’s car, and head back to take down our tent. “Hey guys!” Chan yells, calling us over to the picnic table, where everyone else is sat at. “What’s going on?” I ask, sitting down next to Ash. Hyunjin stands behind me, rubbing my shoulders. “So.. I figured, since everyone has an extra week off of work.” Chan starts saying, everyone paying close attention, waiting for him to finish. He picks up his phone, going to his photos, showing us all this cute cozy cabin. “What the hell are you trying to say man? It feels like we’ve been waiting for three hours.” Han says, throwing his head back. Causing everyone to laugh. “I rented us a cabin for the week!” Chan says excitedly. As soon as the words leave his mouth, everyone gets excited. “So we have to be out of here in about an hour, to check in at the main office.” Chan says, standing up. “So let’s get our tents packed up and get the hell out of here.”
Everyone takes down their tents, putting them in their bags and packing them away into our cars. “Do we have everything?” I ask Jeongin, while we walk around the campsite making sure we grabbed everything. “I think so! Let’s get outta here!” He says excitedly, throwing his arm over my shoulders as we walk to the cars. “Y/n! You riding with us?” Ash yells from Chans car. I look over at Hyunjin, who’s watching me from the drivers seat of his car. I know that look, and I can’t tell if it’s because of jeongin’s arm around my shoulder, or because he wants me to ride with him. Either way, I move jeongin’s arm and tell Ash I’m riding with Hyunjin. Everyone finds a car to ride in. Hyunjin and I upfront. Seungmin, Jeongin and Changbin in the back. Chan, Ash, Felix, Seungmin and jisung in the other.
We wait as Chan backs up so we can go after him. I look over at hyunjin and see his gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles are white. He’s upset, but with everyone in the car with us, there’s not much I can do at the moment. Chan backs up and goes forward, slowing down so we can follow behind him. Hyunjin throws the car in reverse and backs up.
We drive for about an hour, wondering where the hell this cabin is. The guys in the back are passed out, curled up against each other. Hyunjin hasn’t said a word the entire drive. I take this as a perfect opportunity to bring it up. “Hyunjin..” I say softly. Placing my hand on his hand that’s laying against the shifter. He hums in response, not taking his eyes off the road. “What’s going on?” I ask. Rubbing my thumb across the top of his hand. Trying my best to calm the situation. “Nothing, I just don’t like the fact that the guys think they can touch you whenever they feel like it.” He says, gripping the steering wheel again. I sigh, knowing that I knew what pissed him off. “Hyunjin, he’s like my little brother. That’s disgusting.” I say, giving him a disgusted look. He shakes his head and sighs. “That’s not the point.” He says. “Then what is the point hyunjin? Because clearly, I am missing it.” The car goes silent, Hyunjins phone starts ringing. It’s Chan. Hyunjin answers. “Hello?” “Okay. Sounds good” he hangs up and sets his phone down. I look at him with a questioning look. “We have to stop, Chan needs gas.” He says.
We pull up to the gas station, both of our cars stopped at the gas pumps. Everyone rushes out of the back seat to stretch out and run inside to grab snacks. I stay put, not in the mood for anything but my water. Hyunjin gets back into the car after pumping the gas. He turns towards be unexpectedly, grabbing my face with his hands and kisses me. “I love you.” He whispers, close to my face. “I love you too hyunjin, but you seriously need to work on the jealousy thing.” I say with a small smile. He sighs. “I know baby, I’m sorry. I’m trying, I really am. I just go so crazy when it comes to you, you don’t understand.” He says quietly. “ I know Hyunjin, but we need to have trust. If we don’t have trust, we have nothing.” I say, running my thumb over his bottom lip.
Everyone comes out of the gas station with bags of snacks and drinks. Pilling in to the back once again. Chan informs us that the cabin is right down the road.
We finally arrive to the cabin after Chan stops at the office and pays the family that’s renting it out. Everyone piles out of the cars at the same time. Awes leaving everyone’s mouth as they take in the view of the place. “Chan, this is beautiful!” Ash gasps. “I don’t think I’ll ever leave this place.” I say, taking in the scenery. I take my phone out of my back pocket, taking a picture. I don’t ever want to forget about this place.
“I call dibs on the biggest room!” Changbin yells, grabbing his bags from the car and running towards the house. Seungmin, jeongin and Minho run after him. Shouting at him that he’s most certainly not going to get the biggest room without them. “I thought you already made room arrangements?” Ash asks Chan. We all look over at Chan like he’s crazy. “I did.” Chan says. “Well who’s sharing a room with who?” Hyunjin asks from behind me. “I paired Ash with Jeongin and Felix. Seungmin, y/n and Minho are in one room. Then me, you jisung and Changbin in the big room.” Chan says in an excited tone while grabbing his bags and walking up to the cabin.
My heart sinks when I hear that I’m not paired with Hyunjin. “You’re not sleeping in that fucking room.” I hear him say behind me. “You really think everyone’s going to listen to the stupid room pairing?” I say, turning around to face him. “You’re sleeping with me.” He says, grabbing his last bag out of the trunk before slamming it shut. He walks away, heading up toward the cabin. “What shit was floating in his cereal this morning?” Ash asks with a chuckle. “I wish I knew.” I say, picking my bags up off the ground and swinging them over my back. “Let’s go.” I say. And we make our way into the cabin.
We make our way into the cabin and it is absolutely beautiful inside. All wood, a big fireplace in the living room. It was like walking into a fairies house. Ash and I make our way through the rest of the house when we hear Chan yelling from the other side of the house. “What the hell is going on?” Ash asks Seungmin, who is sitting on the couch in the living room with everyone else, in complete silence trying to listen to what Chan is saying. “Hyunjins making a big deal out of y/n not staying in the same room as him.
“Why the fuck isn’t she sleeping with me?” Hyunjin asks Chan, walking into the room Chans sleeping in and slamming the door. “What do you mean?” Chan asks. “You know what I mean, why on earth would you put her in a room with him?” He yells. “In a room with who exactly hyunjin?” Chan asks, getting annoyed with him by the second. “With Minho!” “I didn’t think it would be a fucking problem.” Chan bites back. “No fucking problem? No problem? He tried making out with my girl Chan! How the hell wouldn’t you see a problem?” He asks. “I thought you forgave him? He was black out fucking drunk like the rest of us.” Chan implies. “She’s sleeping with me.” Hyunjin demands. “She’s sleeping in the room she was told to hyunjin, that’s how this is working.” Chan says, giving up arguing with him. Beginning to unpack his bags. “Then I guess her and I are leaving.” Hyunjin says, leaving the room, slamming the door behind him.
Hyunjin makes his way downstairs to find you. He notices no one’s inside. Hearing your screams outside, he rushes to the back door slamming the door open, only to find you running from Ash as she chases you with a frog. “Get that thing the fuck away from me.” I yell, laughing. “Y/n!” I look up and see hyunjin calling me from the back door. “Wait.. wait stop, hold on.” I say between laughs, telling Ash to stop. I walk up to the back door, meeting hyunjin. “What’s up?” I ask with a smile. “Grab your stuff, we’re leaving.” He says, walking back into the house. “What do you mean we’re leaving?” I ask, following him through the kitchen. “Just listen to me, please.” He says. Grabbing his bags and heading towards the front door. I stay put. I’m not leaving, I’m not putting up with this any longer. This has got to stop, ever since we’ve admitted feelings, his jealousy and obsessive behavior has grown by the day. “I’m not leaving hyunjin.” I say. He stops dead in his tracks and looks at me. “Y/n, I’m not dealing with this right now, let’s go.” He demands. “No hyunjin, I’m not going. This place is beautiful, Chan payed a lot of money for us to stay here.” I say, crossing my arms. “Y/n, I’m warning you. Grab your shit and get in my car right now.” He says, dropping his bag on the floor. “No, hyunjin.”
He chuckles at my answer, walking over to me and wrapping his hand gently around my neck. Bringing his face close to mine. “You’re mine, do you understand me? You’re not staying in the same room as him. It’s not happening. So grab your stuff and get your little ass in the car.” He whispers. I can tell by the look in his eye that my attitude is only turning him on. “And if I don’t?” I whisper back. He lets out a deep sigh. Letting go of my neck. “You’re in so much shit later.” He whispers, pointing his finger in my face. I quickly grab his hand, and slip his pointer finger into my mouth, sucking on in slowly before letting it go with a pop. “Good, can’t wait.” I say, biting my bottom lip, turning around to walk away.
Hyunjin grabs me by my waist, throwing me up against the counter. “Where do you think you’re going? Hmm.” He asks. “I- I was going outside, I told Ash-” he cuts me off by covering my mouth with his hand. “You’re staying right here baby. With me, like you should be.” He pulls his hand away from my mouth. “Get down.” He demands, gesturing for me to get on my knees. I obey him, I always do. He has control of every part of my fucking brain, and I can’t stop it. I palm him through his jeans, feeling his hardens member through them, as if the jeans weren’t even there. “Use that pretty mouth baby.” He groans.
I unzip his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers. His cock springs free, after fighting against the restraints of his pants. I quickly wrap my mouth around his tip. Then take the entire member into my mouth, moaning and sucking around him. Drool dripping down my chin as he begins to thrust into my mouth, not having the patience for me to do all of the work. I feel him twitch in my mouth, telling me he is close. “That’s right baby, keep going.” He moans.
I continue sucking, this time running my tongue around his tip. I feel his body stiffen and his cock twitches one more time before releasing his entire load down my throat. “Open.” He says, pulling his cock out of my mouth. “Fucking show me who you belong to.” He says, grabbing my chin, forcing me to open my mouth. I stick my tongue out and show him his cum pooled on my tongue. “Swallow it.” He demands. Still holding my chin. I stick my tongue back in, swallowing his cum with a gulp. “Good girl.” He says, giving my cheek a light tap, before standing up and tucking his cock back in his jeans and zipping them.
I stand up and wipe my mouth clean, rubbing the tears from under my eyes. He grabs my shirt in a ball and pulls me to him, slamming his lips against mine. Shoving his tongue deep into my mouth before pulling away. “We’ll stay, but you’re not sleeping in that room.” “Now you can go outside.” He says, walking over to his bags and taking them upstairs to his room. Leaving me there in the kitchen, with my wetness seeping through my panties and down my leg.
Tag list: @mimihwang248 @armystay89 @berryberrytan
To be continued…
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arlecchno · 1 year
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
twenty-six | mission... accomplished?
prev masterlist next
the truth.
warnings: lots of physical fighting and swearing, injuries, blood, use of childe's real name, kidnapping, holding people hostage, guns, lots of shouting and yelling, death mentions, threats, use of pocket knife, all the violent stuff
a/n: and the explanation chapter where everything unfolds is finally here! can't believe we only have around 2 chapters left before ma ends. this is 6k+ words so it's like 90% proofread but i'm already sleep-deprived so i'll edit out any mistakes when i wake up
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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the second you hung up the call, scaramouche let out a string of curses, every vulgar word imaginable spilling out of his mouth.
he quickly clicked on your name once again to call you, but it went straight to voicemail, leaving scaramouche to rake a hand through his hair as he yet again cursed out another set of words.
archons, why is it so hard for you to just wait?
scaramouche wondered why you were so adamant on wanting to save yun jin immediately. sure, saving people from danger is one of the main responsibilities of a police officer, but you're, for one, unarmed.
anything could happen to you in the blink of an eye, and you could end up getting hurt.
worst thing of all, archons forbid, you could wind up dead.
who knows what lies behind that cabin? what secrets may unfold? what would happen to you?
scaramouche groaned, hand gripping on the phone tight as he called signora.
the wait went on for a few seconds, before it was finally answered. the call was silent for a few seconds, only the sound of rummaging filling up her line.
“...hello there, scaramouche. what made you call?” signora started, putting away for what scaramouche assumed were case files. “i'm kind of in the middle of packing up my things, our shift just ended.”
the ravenette threw his phone on the passenger seat after he pressed the speaker button, already driving out of the parking lot of his dorm building.
“head for the cabin, now. y/n's in danger.”
the background noise in signora's line stopped, as the woman slowly registered his words. “what… what cabin?” she asked, still in disbelief. “and what do you mean y/n's in danger? did viktor do something to her?” she continued.
signora shouted in the background, telling everyone about the current situation.
“just– just track my car! i don't have time to talk, i need to get there as soon as possible.” scaramouche had just exited campus, the car slowly speeding up its acceleration.
“balladeer, you're unarmed. i know you want to get there quick, but at least wait for the others here. we're getting our gear.”
scaramouche groaned as he was stopped at a traffic light, the heater of his car making him sweat instead of warming him up from the cold. he had just about the right mind to cut the traffic light and speed up to the cabin, even if it meant getting a speed ticket.
signora was still ordering around on her line of the call, the busy precint turning into chaos. the woman came back to her phone, panting due to running around. “i'll get your gear too. don't do stupid shit until i get there.��� she demanded, voice cold.
scaramouche paid no mind to her words as he continued driving after the light turned green, building up the speed once again.
like hell he'd wait for her and the others.
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you stood there in shock, not believing the sight you're seeing right now.
why is he the one tied up to the chair?
where's yun jin?
the brunette looked up at you, mouth covered with a cloth. he made noises, quickly trying to get out of the restraints, but to no avail.
you didn't untie him.
“no, wait. i don't understand.” you stepped back, further away from viktor. “why are you tied up? where the hell is yun jin!?”
viktor tried talking, but was muffled by the cloth that was tightly wrapped around his mouth, refraining him from making any loud noise.
you were still skeptical on untying him, so you only helped getting the cloth off of his mouth so that he'd start talking. walking over back to him, you pried off the cloth until it was hanging loose around his neck.
viktor panted the second you removed the cloth, catching his breath. you, however, swiftly grabbed his jaw to make him look up to you, eyes staring daggers.
“tell me where yun jin is. now.”
the man beneath you stared at you with wide eyes, quivering. he seemed... scared, as if there's someone else who's way above him.
you were about to question why he was trembling when the sound of claps resonated around the room.
“my, i thought the ever almighty detective l/n would have figured everything out by now. it seemed like i was awfully wrong.”
you let go of viktor's face, snapping your head to the familiar voice.
the sight of yun jin standing in the corner of the room left you in shock.
eyes wide, you glanced at her up and down, still in incredulity. “yu…yun jin?” you trailed off as yun jin stepped forward from the dark, the single light bulb in the cabin illuminating her figure once she's merely a few steps away from you.
“hm? you really haven't pieced the puzzles together?” she asked, expression confused, as though she was having a normal conversation with you.
you furrowed your brows, pondering on her words. what did she mean by piecing the puzzles together…? isn't viktor the serial killer?
you were certain, no, you were dead positive that viktor was behind all of this, so why would he be the one tied up, and yun jin the one to walk around freely…
as the cogs in your brain started working, you finally widened your eyes once again at the realisation, clenching your fists.
“you're not saying you're…”
yun jin cackled, making you purse your lips. it continued on for the next couple of seconds, until her laugh slowly came to a stop as she exhaled heavily.
she stepped closer towards you, causing you to instinctively step a couple of steps back. yun jin halted in her tracks, crossing her arms. “took you long enough, no?” she questioned, raising a brow. “you know, y/n, i really thought you'd suspect me the second i appeared, but you still had eyes on viktor. it makes me sad you'd only see him as the target.” she said, sighing.
“then this went on for the next few months, which i honestly grew tired of. which finally led to today, where i decided to just face you off myself.”
you narrowed your eyes. “yun jin… you're the serial killer all along?” you slowly glanced at viktor, who was still shaking. “what… what about him?”
“oh?” yun jin inquired. “well, he's just viktor stepanov, the normal kind, but i'll let you on a little secret i have. i was also viktor stepanov too.” she explained, causing you to freeze up.
you shook your head, still trying to wrap the information around your head. what did she mean by that?
did she use him as a pawn?
did she only use him as a cover up in case anything happens?
“so… you're saying that you're— the viktor stepanov i've always known?”
yun jin smiled mischievously, clapping once again. “splendid! you answered correctly!” she chirped, eyes closed. she opened them once again, and the same cynical expression is back. “knew you were an excellent detective.” she muttered, and you slightly shivered from the tone of her voice.
“during the nights where i kill off my victims, i am viktor stepanov.” she announced, and you gritted your teeth.
at first, you were damn sure it was all viktor's doing, but now, it seemed like a whole new different story.
yun jin shrugged, tapping her foot on the wooden floor. “i disguise myself as my dear boyfriend, and continue on with my hobby.” you scoffed when she had called killing people her hobby.
what a monstrous human being.
“though, i wouldn't say he's that innocent either.” yun jin pointed out to viktor, causing him to jump in his seat. “isn't that right, sweetheart?”
“y– yes, yes!” he stammered, eyes as wide as saucers. yun jin grinned, looking back at you. “wanna know what he did?” she asked you.
gulping, you slowly nod, unable to form the words yourself. if anything, yun jin has you in a chokehold right now.
yun jin stepped a little closer to you, and you were unable to step back, given how you were quite frozen up from the missile of information you were currently receiving.
“he did you a favor and killed off that guy you were so traumatized about.”
you furrowed your brows. “...what… guy?”
if you could recall, there's no other people that'd fit the criteria, other than…
eyes wide, you opened your mouth to speak, but was stopped when yun jin jabbed a finger to your shoulder, right at the spot that took the biggest toll on your life.
“you know, the guy that gave you this?” she poked at the spot multiple times, as if to further prove her statement. on instinct, you slapped yun jin's hand away, harshly. “don't touch me, you dipshit.” yun jin raised a brow once again as you mumbled out those words, rubbing the hand that you had just slapped away.
her expression turned cold, and next thing you knew, your head was swiftly turned sideways, the stinging sensation still tingling on your cheek as yun jin had just slapped you.
fuck, you thought to yourself, it stings.
she huffed, rubbing her hand to soothe it once again. “you really ought to watch your language, detective.” yun jin pouted. “saying such vulgar words towards a normal citizen for no reason, you'd get a punishment from the department, no?”
“you're not a normal citizen, you're a fucking psychopath.”
yun jin glared at you, and you stood your ground, ignoring how your cheek was stinging really bad. “how did you even figure out i was an undercover cop?” you looked up to her.
“frankly speaking, you're quite the popular one, y/n. your face was all over the news the day after you were shot.” she said, turning on her heel to walk away from you. “i'm surprised everyone here in campus forgot about it, well, except for me of course.” yun jin stopped in front of viktor.
the brunette jolted, looking sideways to avoid her piercing gaze. “i actually do have accomplices other than my dearest, and they just so happened to be acquainted with you.”
you froze. “what do you mean by that?”
“your co-workers that go by the codename of the knave and childe, i'm sure you're pretty familiar with those two, right?” she asked, staring down at viktor as he trembled beneath her.
snapping your head to yun jin, you spoke. “what?”
ajax and arlecchino?
“well, i really wouldn't say they were my accomplice per se.” yun jin explained, hands making gestures. “just gave them a small threat if they wouldn't oblige is all.”
“what... what the hell did you do to them?”
she smiled down at viktor, before glancing up to you. “i told them during their fill-in when you were at your trial that if word got out, that i'm the one you were supposed to look for all along, their loved ones would be my next victims.” she sighed, crossing her arms. “especially that… childe guy. he was practically begging on his knees to not lay a finger on his family.” she continued, and you clenched your jaw upon hearing her words.
she dared threaten his family's life, his siblings' life over… over some measly cover?
if that's not the worst thing a human could possibly ever do to someone, then you don't know what is.
“but of course they'd still continue on with their lives normally, just the exception that i have eyes on their every movement.” she stepped back, heading back to the corner she had just appeared from a moment ago. “funny thing is, they're actually here right now.” she stopped, holding two huge empty sacks in her hands before pulling them off to reveal your colleagues, childe and arlecchino.
you widened your eyes as you tore your gaze away from yun jin's figure to look at your friends, who were both tied up and had their mouths covered. childe tried wiggling out from the huge rope that tied his legs and hands, and arlecchino helplessly tried shouting through the gag in her mouth.
you hurriedly walked over to their direction to help them, but stopped in your tracks when yun jin spoke her next words.
“one step closer, and these dear friends of yours won't ever see daylight again.”
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“what the hell do you mean arlecchino and childe are not there? did they take their leave early?” scaramouche gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly, cursing out as he was stopped, once again, by a red light.
damn these stupid traffic lights.
signora sighed on the other line. “i'm… i don't know how to explain this.” she said as she got in her police van, all armored up. starting the engine, she waited for the others to step in her vehicle. “they didn't show up to work today. i'm guessing they took the day off.”
“how are you not sure? can't you ask the captain about that? you're a sergeant, for archon's sake! what's even the use of your damn title!?”
“you do know i'm here, don't you, balladeer?”
scaramouche stopped for a moment as he heard the tsaritsa's voice. “what… what the hell are you doing inside signora's van? don't you have pierro to drive you around!?” he asked, and the tsaritsa scoffed on the other line.
“pierro's dealing with his other detectives, i wouldn't bother prying.” she explained from the passenger seat. scaramouche heard the sound of signora's van door opening, he assumed a squad of police workers were entering from the back of the van.
signora talked with them in the background, in which scaramouche ignored as he continued speeding after the traffic light turned green, stepping on the gas pedal a little too hard.
“balladeer, slow down with the driving, will you?” the tsaritsa spoke, causing scaramouche to scoff as he ignored her comment.
he made a turn to the left. “why should i listen to you? y/n is in danger, i have to get to her as soon as possible.”
“and what do you plan on doing when you do get there?”
scaramouche froze, the acceleration of his car slowing down. the tsaritsa's question left him baffled for a moment.
what am i going to do when i get there? he repeated the question to himself.
“i…” he trailed off, unable to form the right words. “i– i don't know! but i'm not gonna let y/n deal whatever is going on there by herself!” he exclaimed, continuing on focusing on the road.
“why? isn't y/n capable of taking down criminals by herself? why is it so important for you to get there quickly?”
scaramouche bit his lip as the tsaritsa never stopped with her never ending questions. the ravenette felt like he was a criminal being interrogated in the interrogation room.
“she's a pretty good detective, so she's really independent–”
“because i love her, damn it!” scaramouche blurted before he could even stop himself, as he was once again stopped at a traffic light. he wasn't sure he was cursing due to being stuck at a red light once again, or the thought of possibly losing you was filling up in his head.
scaramouche raked a hand through his hair in frustration. “i can't afford to lose her, definitely not again.”
the tsaritsa smiled on the other line, which went unperceived by scaramouche. someone coughed in the background, making scaramouche tilt his head to look at his phone on the passenger seat of his car.
“you know.” a familiar voice said, which made scaramouche widened his eyes. “most of your colleagues are here.”
scaramouche picked up his phone. “pantalone. why the fuck are you with signora? you're supposed to be with pierro!” he screamed through the phone.
“well, there's kinda been a change of plans. signora's subordinates are with pierro…” another voice said, belonging to sandrone.
the ravenette hovered his finger over the red button on his phone screen. “if this gets out, i will kill each and every one of you in that fucking van.”
scaramouche ended the call.
he couldn't decide which was worst, the fact that he had quite literally professed his love for you in front of his co-workers, or the fact that he had just spit out that said four letter word from his mouth.
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gritting your teeth, you clenched your fists in frustration, staring at her back. yun jin turned around, ignoring the whines and whimpers of the two people tied up together on the floor.
“why do you do this, yun jin? what do you even gain from all of this?”
yun jin chuckled, walking back to you. “i just enjoy the thrill of messing with people's lives.” she shrugged. “also, the faces and expressions they make, they're all amusing to look at.”
the filthy words she said made you gag, and you just had the urge to jump at her and end this, once and for all. but interrogating her can stall you some time, and you could gather more evidence, in case things gets twisted around.
this conversation will be of great use later, as the phone in your pocket was recording everything.
yun jin may be smart, but she could never deceive a genius detective like you.
“what about choosing criminology? and your dream of becoming a police officer?”
she was laughing now, hands over her stomach. “you– you're so funny! you really think that i wanted to choose that stupid course solely because i wanted to become a cop?” she continued on laughing as you stared at her. “i simply chose criminology to understand better on how to become the perfect criminal. by learning this field, i could improve on things, and avoid making such mistakes like these other lousy criminals did.” she explained, causing you to furrow your brows.
right, you have to calm down. don't let her words get to you.
you inhaled deeply before speaking. “but why waste your skills by dragging everyone here? you do know that i could arrest you any time now.”
“ah, did i not tell you?” she asked, to which no one in the cabin answered. yun jin walked closer to you until her face was mere inches away from yours. “no one here is coming out alive.”
you faked a smile, crossing your arms. “you wouldn't even dare to point a knife at me.” you muttered, breath fanning hers. yun jin grinned, pulling herself away from you. “i know! that's why i'm gonna assign this job to someone else.” she beamed, walking over to viktor.
snapping your head to her figure, you took a moment to read the situation.
is she really going to make viktor kill you?
sure, viktor isn't exactly innocent, given how he had killed james, the guy who tried to end your life over a year ago. but is she seriously going to make him stain his hands again with someone else's blood?
yun jin really is a psychopath.
“viktor, viktor.” she sighed, crouching down, just enough to look to his eye level. “would you do your beloved girlfriend a favor?”
the brunette hesitated on answering, making yun jin kick his shins harshly. viktor jumped in his seat, hands making movements from behind the chair from the action. “y–yes! i'll do anything for you, love.” his words made the young woman smile softly, reaching her hand to the back of her pocket to pull out something.
yun jin crouched down fully, cutting off the rope that was restraining his legs and hands with the pocket knife she had just pulled out.
she handed the pocket knife to him as he was freed. “have fun with y/n.” she mumbled.
you can't be serious, you thought to yourself as you stepped back, scanning your eyes to your surroundings to see if there was anything you could use to defend yourself, but it served no use as the cabin was almost empty.
huffing, you braced yourself as you focused on the current situation instead. “you're making a wrong mistake here, viktor.” the tall man slowly walked closer to you, hand gripping onto the pocket knife tightly. “you can't get away with this once you lay your hands on me.”
“s–sorry, luna—” viktor shrieked when yun jin kicked his legs from behind. “i–i mean– y/n! i've got to do this!”
you frowned, clenching your hands into a fist before releasing. “i can help you, viktor. don't do this, i can get you out of this if you trust me.” you stopped backing away once you've hit a wall.
“i–i can't.” he stammered as he got closer. yun jin smiled mischievously from behind, arms crossed as she witnessed the scene in front of her.
though, when you stared right at viktor, he mouthed something, taking this opportunity as he had his back to yun jin.
help me, please.
you widened your eyes as you read the silent words from his mouth.
get me out of here.
lightly nodding, you hoped yun jin didn't see your signal.
and you hoped viktor would forgive you for what you were about to do.
you suddenly charged at him, bringing him down to the floor. to say that yun jin was shocked would be an understatement.
snatching the pocket knife from him, you quickly stabbed it on the wooden floor, just right beside his head. you looked up to yun jin. “i told you, you wouldn't dare to lay a finger on me.”
yun jin merely scoffed. arlecchino and childe silently sat in the corner as they watched you in awe, as if their lives weren't quite literally hanging on by a thread.
you brushed off the imaginary dust on your shoulder, standing up whilst viktor was still beneath you, lying helplessly on the floor.
“so.” you changed the subject, hoping that she'd entertain you with more details. “what were your reasons behind each victim?”
yun jin glared at you. “what, you're interrogating me or something?”
“just needed to know some things before, well, you know, i die by the hands of you. i'm not gonna lay peacefully in my grave if this case remains unsolved.”
yun jin perked her head up in interest the moment you said you'd die.
if anything, it boosted her ego even more.
“...fine. i'll tell you.” she sighed, bringing up her hand in the air. “they were all my friends. i have a guess you went into my room at some point while i was gone, so you'd probably know who those people are by now.”
you raised a brow, confused. “what?” you asked.
did she mean the pictures of people on her corkboard?
“you heard me right.” yun jin shrugged, tapping her foot to the wooden floor once again. “i befriend my victims before i kill them all off one by one. i need to remember each and every one of them, so i put up all of their pictures on my corkboard. kind of like a memoir, you know?”
you paused. now that's why you were familiar with those faces.
they were the victims.
wait, but anastasia wasn't there, if you could recall.
“what about the chancellor of the university? i don't think i saw her there.”
yun jin chuckled. “if you looked close enough, her picture is there. it just so happens that the picture was too small, so i had to slip it in the corner.” she said, amused. you however, were not, not even in the slightest. “anywho, yes, i did kill her myself. but not because i was her friend, no.” yun jin continued.
“i only killed her because she happened to be one of the victim's mother, and she had suspicions of me. we were out one night, had lots of fun, but after that, she tried filing a lawsuit against me.”
“so i did what i had to do— kill her off.” she explained.
“isn't that gonna backfire on you?”
she grinned even more at your question. “indeed, this thing would backfire immediately, very terribly even. but i wouldn't be the one to be blamed, if you still remember, i am viktor stepanov when i'm in action. so technically i won't be charged for murder, as much as the higher ups hate to admit.”
“you're a horrible person.”
“i know.”
“what do you even plan on doing after all of this?” you asked.
yun jin hummed. “i'll graduate, and move back to my hometown. continue on the legacy of my yun-han opera maybe, and probably design clothes as a side income. those are all a part of my plan.” she said as she approached you. viktor was abruptly ignored on the floor.
“i think that's enough explaining on my part. i'm sure you get the gist of it, no?”
“what about this cabin?” you questioned further, ignoring the way yun jin clicked her tongue as you continued throwing out questions. “why make the move to buy it under your name at the last minute?”
yun jin raised a brow. “i just thought it'd give you some clues since this has been going far too slow for my liking, but it seemed like you still hadn't suspected me as your prime suspect at all, at least not until now. i thought i'd give you the benefit of the doubt since you were a great detective, but i suppose i was wrong after all.”
“i am a great detective, i just never expected you, out of everyone, to betray me like this.”
she chuckled. “betray you? oh how naive you are, y/n. no wonder ivan, no, scaramouche, hated you.” she concluded, stepping closer. you flinched when she sputtered those words. “oh? does he still hate you?” she continued, amusement lacing her voice.
“that's none of your business.”
“i'll take that as a yes.”
yun jin stopped just right in front of you. she leaned her face closer to yours, just like she did a few minutes ago. “you know, y/n. from the moment i approached you, the moment we started being friends–”
“we are not friends–”
“can't you shut up for just one second?”
you glared at her, mouth closed. “as i was saying.” yun jin continued. “i knew you were the perfect nemesis for me. but i won't deny that i enjoy every single moment we spent together, especially during times when you were the most vulnerable. i do feel kind of bad for letting that spotlight take a hit on you though.”
“huh? what do you mean?”
yun jin slightly widened her eyes, before going back to her normal expression. “oh, i haven't told you, have i?” she asked, more to herself, you figured. “i was the one behind the grad ball incident. you know, loose screws on the spotlight, power went out, all of that stuff.” she pulled herself back from your face, facing you normally.
what the actual fuck, you thought to yourself. she was the one behind that?
not only that, if it weren't for that incident, you would still have a blossoming relationship with scaramouche.
if it weren't for that incident, you wouldn't have the worst fight with scaramouche.
and if it weren't for that incident, you wouldn't have ruined everything you had with scaramouche.
she was the main reason for your destroyed relationship.
she was the one who ruined everything between you and scaramouche.
she was responsible for everything.
in the heat of the moment, you suddenly strode forward, causing yun jin to stumble back a bit. cracking your knuckles, you went to do the one thing you always wanted to do ever since you found out about the truth.
you punched her, hard.
yun jin fell down to the floor from the impact, right next to viktor, who was too afraid to even move from your last act on him. you towered over yun jin, staring down on her with the most terrifying face known to mankind.
at this point, yun jin's nose was bleeding from the punch, her hand covering her nostrils as she winced in pain, blood trickling down.
childe and arlecchino couldn't help but look at you in awe from the corner, momentarily forgetting that they were all tied and gagged up.
hell, even viktor was astonished by the scene he was witnessing right now.
“i could really care less if you're gonna badmouth whoever the fuck you want. i could care less if you are gonna kill me tonight. i could care even less if you're gonna stand here and insult my detective skills.” you hissed, crouching down to her.
you grabbed onto her collar, making her look up to you. “but fucking up my perfectly healthy relationship with the person i care for the most just because you were petty? that's where i draw the fucking line.”
“do you actually think he cares for you?” her sudden question made you stop, your grip on her collar loosening. “you should really stop caring for people who don't care about you, y/n. if he does care about you, you wouldn't be here all alone. he would've been busting down that door, but he's not, right?” her words got you tongue-tied, unable to reply.
“he– he does care about me. he said– he told me he would be here.”
yun jin laughed. “hah! you're still trying to convince yourself he doesn't hate you. y/n, you two have been enemies for the last five years. do you really think it'd only take a four month ongoing case for him to even stand your presence?”
at this, you completely loosened your grip on her.
no… it can't be true.
after all this time, after everything that's happened between you two, there was no way they were all fake.
the trial. there was no way he'd ever defend you if he hated you.
that one night you spent with him. there was no way he didn't enjoy staying up with you and looking through all the pictures and memories you've had over the last couple of years.
the home-cooked meals he always made. there was no way he'd ever cook you food if he hated your guts.
taking care of you while you were sick.
revealing everything about himself to only you.
comforting you when you needed it the most.
showing the most subtle affections towards you.
there was no way he'd ever do any of that stuff if he couldn't stand you.
no, that'd be impossible.
as you were too busy trying to wrap your head around the fact that scaramouche might still hate you, yun jin took the opportunity to charge at you, knocking you down to the floor.
both of your positions have changed now, and you were trying your best to sit up, if it weren't for yun jin holding you down by wrapping a hand around your throat, restricting you from breathing.
you grabbed her hand, attempting to pry it off your neck. yun jin merely scoffed as she looked down to you, as you helplessly tried to survive from the chokehold she had on you (literally).
“you're always so distracted just by the mention of his name, it really reminds me how madly in love you are with him.”
“i–i'm not—”
yun jin arched a brow. “despite being at your possible last breath, you're still trying to deny your feelings, huh?” her words were ignored as you struggled wriggling your way out of this.
you really couldn't fucking breathe.
“i intended on saving you for last because i thought i'd have some little more fun with you.” yun jin sighed, hand tightening around your neck. “but it looks like you'll have to go first, poor you.” she mocked pity, eyeing the pocket knife that was stabbed to the wooden floor beside viktor's head before quickly grabbing ahold of it, pulling it out from the floor.
she pointed the sharp knife towards you. “say goodbye, dear.” she said, bringing the knife upwards before aiming for your chest, her hand moving as quick as lightning.
but your movements were far quicker than hers.
you kicked her stomach using your foot, the action causing yun jin to fall down on her back, lurching in pain. catching your breath, you panted as you hurriedly scrambled to get the pocket knife from her.
yun jin quickly regained composure just before you got to snatch the knife away, pointing it towards you more firmly.
“get closer, and i am stabbing you until you're battered to death.”
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scaramouche was getting closer now, just around five minutes and he'd be there, saving you from whatever the hell was going on in that cabin.
the ravenette was already anxious and scared for your safety, and the fact that you haven't picked up your phone to answer his call made everything worse.
he knew that using his phone while driving is something he should not do, but he could really care less at the moment.
after his third attempt, however, you still didn't answer.
“stop fucking with me, y/n. he mumbled out, hitting on the gas pedal as he continued speeding to his destination.
“just tell me you're safe, or whatever, just anything, please.” his voice was cracking now, his foot on the gas pedal never stopping. after calling you for the fourth time, it still remained the same.
scaramouche gritted his teeth as he threw his phone back on the passenger seat in frustration.
it's okay, he thought to himself. calm down, y/n's capable of dealing with the situation by herself.
but what if she couldn't?
what if the same thing from a year ago happens again?
what if he actually loses you this time?
no, he can't even bear the thought of you not being by his side anymore.
he can't afford to lose you.
definitely not right now.
scaramouche continued speeding, not caring if it'd get him a speeding ticket.
what's important is that he'd get to you as soon as possible.
before it's too late.
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your ministrations of battling with yun jin went on for the past few minutes, and before you knew it, both you and yun jin were injured, cuts and bruises forming on both of your skins.
for the most part, you were the one that was mostly injured, compared to yun jin, who only had a couple of scratches.
you had no doubt you'd end up with more injuries, considering that she had a weapon to attack you with, and all you could do is defend yourself with the defensive stunts you had learned back in the academy.
at one point though, you managed to snatch the pocket knife away from her. out of instinct, instead of attacking her with the weapon, you instead turned the knife back to its original condition and shoved it across the floor until it reached viktor.
“viktor— use that to get them out of those restraints!” you referred to childe and arlecchino, who were tied up in the corner, and viktor slowly scrambled to his feet at your command. “after that— get out of this cabin and get to safety, now!” viktor profusely nodded, slightly trembling as he stumbled his way to childe and arlecchino, but stopped when yun jin spoke next.
“dearest, you really wouldn't betray your sweet girl, won't you?” yun jin's words made you curse under your breath, kicking her down so that she won't get in viktor's way.
you snapped your head back to the brunette. “i'll–i'll try to lift off your charges! and you won't have to deal with this stupid woman anymore!”
viktor was flickering his eyes between you and yun jin, as if contemplating whether he should be siding with you, or the woman beneath you.
shaking his head, he turned back to saunter over to childe and arlecchino, freeing them using the pocket knife you've given him.
yun jin grumbled, forcefully kicking you in the legs, causing you to fall down to the floor. at this opportunity, yun jin tried standing up and charge at viktor, before you stopped her by the wrist, pulling her down harshly.
“stop–stop telling my boyfriend what to do!” she yelped, slapping you across your face with her free hand.
you held in the pain as you continued on holding her down, not letting her get her hands on viktor, nor your friends.
“s–stop! he's– he's the only one i have left! don't make him leave!” yun jin pleaded, causing you to freeze.
is she really begging for him to come back right now?
even after everything she's caused?
viktor quickly cut off the rope that were bound to their hands and legs, and removed the cloth that was gagging their mouths. childe and arlecchino breathed heavily, regaining composure. the tall brunette helped them up, and they hesitantly accepted his hand.
as soon as they had stood up, childe shouted from the corner. “i–i'm coming for you, y/n!” arlecchino nodded a couple of times, agreeing with the man beside her. “y–yeah! we're gonna kick her ass!”
you clicked your tongue. “get out of here! it's not safe for you!” you replied, which made childe and arlecchino glare at you.
“there's no way we're leaving you here!” childe and arlecchino tried stomping their way towards you, but stopped abruptly when you spoke.
“get the fuck out of here, right. now.” you snapped, making both of your friends flinch from the tone of your voice.
they reluctantly obliged, running to the door with viktor as yun jin continued begging for him to come back.
you hurriedly stood up, and so did yun jin.
“i'm going to kill you for what you've done!” yun jin spat, heading over to the kitchen.
you were about to question her as to why she was walking towards the kitchen, before she stopped in front of a counter and pulled out something from the kitchen drawer.
yun jin turned back to look at you, an expression way different from what she usually looked like. her eyes were wide, smiling until the corners of her mouth reached to her cheeks, exactly like what a psychopath would look like.
and it was no better that she was holding a gun in her hand.
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scaramouche was only a minute away from the cabin, he could practically see it in the distance by now.
and scaramouche slowly came to a stop, parking a few meters away from the cabin so as to not startle anyone from inside it.
he quickly leaned over to the passenger seat to open up his glove compartment. he rummaged through the pile of stuff in there before finally grabbing the one thing he needed at the moment.
scaramouche checked his spare gun properly, making sure it's loaded and wasn't empty. he wasn't exactly supposed to bring a gun for undercover cases, but he figured that it wouldn't hurt to save an extra, in case a situation like this would happen.
he slammed his glove compartment shut, and when he shot his eyes back to the cabin, the sight of childe, arlecchino and viktor getting out greeted him.
scaramouche hurriedly turned off his car lights and engine, getting out from his car. the chilly wind of snezhnaya nipped at his skin, and he slightly shivered from the cold.
he was so worried of you that he had forgotten to bring his own jacket, leaving it hanging at your shared dorm.
his indigo eyes narrowed at the three people in the distance, holding his gun as he slowly approached them.
childe perked his head up at the sound of branches breaking from scaramouche's direction, and he smiled, heading towards the shorter male.
“stay where you are.” scaramouche commanded, causing childe to frown, arlecchino and viktor standing at either side of him. he wanted to ask why his two other colleagues were here at the cabin, but it was probably best to save it for later.
“but we–”
“why the fuck is viktor with you two?” scaramouche cut him off, gun already pointing at viktor.
viktor yelped at his actions, hiding behind childe to shield himself.
childe furrowed his brows, confusion plastered on his face. “he's innocent! yun jin's the one behind all of this!”
at his words, scaramouche slowly lowered his gun as he looked at childe, trying to see if he was lying. after a few seconds, he sighed.
scaramouche had an inkling it was her ever since he found out about the cabin, yet it didn't serve much of an evidence that could circulate to her as the prime suspect, unlike viktor, who had every single lead pointed back at him.
“y/n's in there!” arlecchino broke the awkward silence, causing scaramouche to snap his head back up. “she's– she's with yun jin! we tried helping her– but she cussed us off. you're probably the only one who could help her!” she continued.
scaramouche cursed under his breath, speed-walking towards their direction. they stumbled back at his sudden movement, but scaramouche's next words got them scrambling back to his car.
“get inside my car, or i'll end the three of you here right this second.”
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you raised your hands up in defense, stepping backwards.
“yun jin.” you started, looking at her.
in a state like this, it was best for you to stay calm, avoiding yourself from triggering her, and also the gun in her hand.
you've learned that being cocky won't help you from getting out of a situation like this, turning it into a lesson for the mistakes you did when you went through the same thing over a year ago.
yun jin giggled, much like a crazy drunkard you always see in the streets of snezhnaya. “heh, what? this thing scares you?” she inquired, waving off the gun in the air, causing you to slightly duck as you continued on backing away.
“i carry that ‘thing’ on a daily basis, i wouldn't be afraid of such a lousy gun.” you partially lied.
it was true that you're not scared of guns, especially when you have one yourself by your duty belt every day at your job, but it didn't mean that it doesn't scare you when it's in the hands of someone else.
the incident from last year played back in your mind, and you shut your eyes to let go of those negative thoughts.
no, calm down, y/n. this is nothing, you're gonna live.
you repeated the same thing in your head multiple times, yet it was no use.
you had a feeling that the opposite would happen instead.
as you opened your eyes, yun jin was suddenly right in front of you, gun pointing towards your figure.
“y/n.” she called out to you, eyes wide. “what have you done...? you– you've ruined everything for me. you ruined my– you ruined my plan, you even– you drove my boyfriend away from me! how could you?” you chose to not reply to her, when the answer was already obvious enough.
“you're such a– you're a bitch! you should've just died last year so that i wouldn't have to deal with you! all you do is cause trouble for me!” her words caused a pang in your chest, but you decided to ignore it. now's not the time.
“do you have anything to say for yourself before you die?”
you saw a subtle of light from the only window in the cabin, for what you assumed were a car pulling up. it's either him or the squad, you thought to yourself.
either way, they won't be quick enough.
averting your attention back to yun jin, you put up a small smile at the sudden realisation that had dawned on you.
yun jin tilted her head slightly, confused at your expression right now. “what are you smiling about?” she asked, skeptical.
“nothing.” you were still smiling. “i just had deja vu, is all.”
she was still confused, but cocked the gun nonetheless.
“well, i guess this is goodbye.” she shrugged, pointing the gun to your head.
“enjoy your life.”
“i certainly will after i kill you.”
the door to the cabin suddenly slammed open, causing yun jin to jump in shock.
she fired the gun in her hand in panic.
you were sure you heard two gunshots.
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guys i'm sorry for making yun jin the bad guy i know she's like, the greenest of flags in the game but i just had to do it for the sake of the plot okay </3
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hx4x4enthusiast · 1 year
Two sparks and a drumming heart
Part 1 (3233 words)
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/jorico/721903257373605888/chapter-2-1560-words-warmth-covered-my-sore-body?source=share
Ship: Optimus x gender-neutral reader x Ratchet 
Fic category: hurt/comfort 
Trigger Warning: Self-Harm, Depression, mention of past suicide attempt,
-Commlink conversation-
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It was a calm Friday at the base, the kids finally got the permission from their parents, Fowler and Optimus to have a sleepover all weekend long. Difference all the kids sleep with their guardians, and I will sleep n the main area.
 You see everyone has a guardian, a protector of sorts, they pick you up from school protect you from the Decepticons spent time with you while you teach them about earth and humans. For example, Arcee is Jacks Guardian, Bulkhead protects Miko meanwhile Raf has Bumblebee as his Guardian and I well, I can take care of myself, always has always will and that is fine. Believe me I can understand Optimus is the leader of the Autobots he already knows all about Earth and humans a top of that he has the burden of an entire planet and war on his shoulder, meanwhile Ratchet constantly works from trying to help with scientific advancements to give constant medical services.
 Ratchet is a medic to be more precise the medical officer of the Autobots, and probably the person that loathes me the most. And I tried to befriend him, or at least be on civil speaking terms (like June), with him but every time I try, it seems the opposite happens. Some people just don’t get along with others. And I would stay out his way believe me I can take a hint. My other half guardian would be Optimus he is the leader. He is civil with everyone, and kind of the only bot Ratchet is willing to listen to. He is nice we, on the rare occasion he has time, talk about books. But well Optimus is the Autobot leader and a Prime he doesn’t have time for a small human like me, which is absolutely understandable, I mean he carries the weight of the fate of our planet and the future of his planet on his shoulder. While simultaneously being a strong leader for his team and fighting in a war. Problem they are my guardians, well half guardians, they sometimes just drive me home or well bridges me there. But seeing the other kids with their guardians does make me miss something I wish I had, but that’s just me being silly. And I have my ways to deal with these thoughts and feelings.
 Shaking myself out of those thoughts I look at the time and realize the kids are not going to be back soon. Jack and Arcee were on Patrol, Raf and Bumblebee were out as well probably racing and finally, Miko and Bulkhead are out dune bashing. Realizing I have the bathroom to myself I grab my bag and move into the direction of the shower.
 We all had bags in the base with back up clothes, sleeping bags and basic hygiene products after one-to-many incidence that ended in us needing a change of clothes or having a spontaneously sleepover. And I was in desperate need of a shower.
 Infront of the bathroom we put an old locker where we could put our stuff, the locks were Jacks idea to make the locker Miko-proof. After I took my clothes and shower out of my locker, I checked the floor to check for anyone in the hallway. Knowing it was empty I rummaged through my bag to get to a small cardboard box buried under my clothes. Having the little box in my hands I pull out one of the wrapped articles an put the box back into its hiding spot. Having the utensil concealed underneath my clothes I give one last look into the hallway before stepping into the the room with the showers and putting my clothes into the designated spot. I start to strip out of my clothes, and leave them on the floor, they are a problem for future me. Taking my shampoo, bodywash, towel and the still wrapped object I proceed into the actual shower. The warm water on my skin feels like heaven and I release a shaky breath.
 There are several reasons in my opinion why showers are great. But the biggest is probably that a shower washes everything away like stress, exhaustion, tears, and blood. Though I suppose for most people they are just a way to get clean. In the background of my brain my thoughts are continuing their philosophy about humans and shower time. While I watch fascinated, with the occasional sharp sting on my lower arm, as red mixes with the clear water and goes down the drain. I glance to my arm and see my dominate hand holding the now unwrapped blade while continuously slitting red lines into my skin. The little red drops don’t even have time to form as they are immediately washed away. It has been some time since I last did this. When did I last cut myself, it was probably a few weeks before I met the Autobots. Right, I wanted to kill myself on the day I met the Autobots but couldn’t go through with it because The Decepticons attacked me before I could begin. And since then, I didn’t find the time. Oh, right I should go back before someone tries to find me. No one should see me this way.
 Quickly washing my hair and body, while being careful around my wound, I turned off the shower and dried myself up, carefully dipping around the wound, it was a good decision to buy black towels.  After throwing on a hoodie and a pair of short sweatpants I clean up after me and leave the shower, stuffing the wrapping paper and blade into my hoodie, to dispose of them later. After gripping my bag and putting it back into my locker, I slowly start to trot back to the others.
 The main room came into view, mentally preparing myself for the social flood I take a deep breath and step into the room. Only to find nothing, or more like no one, the room is empty. The human area is missing Jack, Miko as well as Raph and even Arcee, Bumblebee along with Bulkhead are missing. Only Ratchet and Optimus are on the computers no doubt calculating and strategizing the future of the Autobots. Having just taken a few steps into the room both of them suddenly freeze which is concerning. After they scan the room for whatever it is that unsettles both their optics land nearly contemporaneous on me.
 “Uhm are you okay should, should I leave, I can go no Problem I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Do you know where the menaces are I wou-.”
“You are injured.”
“You are injured.”
  I blinked my mind trying to process onto what is happening. While Ratchets observation is not wrong, how did he know? Does Optimus know? He looks just as shocked as Ratchet. Wait do they know? Know what I did? No, they can’t that’s not possible. But they are aliens, with high tech and Ratchet is essential a doctor. My body erupts into goosebumps, and I have a full body shiver. Which tears me out of my thoughts. Just in time to see Ratchets green arm scanner disappearing and him looking at the apparent scan results. Looking up it’s like some turned a switch around and he is in doctor mode.
 “You have multiple incisions on your underarm. The next steps are to clean the wound and wrap it up to keep the wounds from getting infected and help with the healing process. Now follow me to the med bay so that I can ensure the appropriate treatment of the wounds and check if there are incisions that need stitching.”
 I look shell shocked between Optimus and Rachet. Unable to react.
 “Well, what are you waiting for the faster you receive medical treatment the lesser the chance of infection.”
 One thought crosses my thought. -If Ratchet takes me to the med bay he will see the wound, if he sees the wounds, he wants to know how they came to be. Then I must explain, then they will now that I am a useless wreck, and they should abandon me. - Scared of the reaction that will follow the reveal of the reasons behind my scars I do the only thing, sensible to me at that moment. I turn tail and bolt out of the room into maze which are the corridors of the old missile silo. Followed by an angry shout.
 “You better come back here right this nanocycle, or so help you, Primus!”
 The floor feels like it is vibrating and the muffled sound of something solid hitting the ground repeatedly, changes to fast approaching vehicles. A Blur of red and white speeds past me, I collied with solid metal. A Ambulance is parked right in front of me. The ambulance belongs to a medic, a medic which patient just went AWOL and not only tried to escape treatment but also him. Doing a 180 is met with yet another collision, this time though the metal adorns a red-blue colour scheme and the vehicle changes from an ambulance to a semi-truck. Both ways blocked by vehicles and surrounded by thick concrete walls that are enclosing rapidly.
 “What is wrong with you? What happened back there?”
 “Little Archivist?”
 A high-pitched tone goes through my ears and my hands instinctively cover them, only for my chest to feel like someone laid multiple rocks on my lungs. Rapidly trying to take deep breath to get oxygen in my lungs doesn’t seem to work and my vision starts to blur. The feeling of a calm deep baritone voice starts to slowly blend the high-pitched noise out. while the feeling of warmth and something smooth encircles me. Drawing small patterns onto the metallic looking appendage start to pacify the wind whirl in my thoughts.
 “You are safe our little archivist, everything’s going to be alright, we are here.”
“Can I come closer? Is it okay if I touch you?”
 Looking up I am met with the concerned optics of Ratchet. I nod and slowly the feeling of something warm and smooth encircles me. And I find myself sitting in a metal servo with a cybertronian equivalent of a thumb gently draped over my legs Drawing small patterns onto the metal appendage furthers the process to pacify the wind whirl in my thoughts. And I feel a light draft from being slowly lifted, as Ratchet starts to slowly right himself to his full hight. Optimus slowly makes his way over to us with careful steps, like one would do when faced with a scared animal.
 “Little Archivist, are you back with us?”
 Looking up to Optimus I nod, his faceplate shows the same feelings as Ratchet. Confusion, Concern and behind the two one could see fear.
 “We won’t discuss or ask about what transpired if you don’t feel ready for that conversation.”
“But I do need to take of your wounds. I won’t ask any question related to how you got them, in exchange you will go with us to the med bay and let me take care of the injury.”
“And after the medbay you will stay within both see and hearing distance of either me or Ratchet, which includes recharge which we will do once Ratchet has checked you, over. Do you agree to our condition?”
 I nod unsure and confused on what else I could do. Ratchet carefully curls his servo around me and we move into the direction of the medbay. No one saying a thing.
  As Ratchet walks through the doors of the medbay Optimus directly behind us closes the doors and moves to the side of the berth Ratchet carefully put me on. A series of clicks later two mass-displaced cybertronians are sitting next to me. As Ratchet makes a move to inspect my arm, I get startled out of my vegetive state and recoil back. Right into Optimus. Gently he lifts me up like I weigh nothing and deposit me into his lap. One servo circles around my midsection and remains there light enough to not make me feel trapped but still secure enough to give comfort and be grounding. All the while laying his other servo on my head and tenderly guiding my head to his chest plate right above his spark.  The sound of his spark giving me something to focus on, as I lean against him.
 “Your safe little archivist, we are here, we want to help you.”
The deep rumble of Optimus voice and the warmth of his chassis made me snuggle closer to him.  
 “He is right little spark, would it be ok if I touch you? I want to take a closer look at your wounds.”
 Looking up at Ratchet I saw the gentle look upon his faceplate, being reassured by his words and voice.  I slowly uncurled my arm and hold it out for Ratchet, my scars on full display for both cybertronians to see. Both silent as Ratchet inspects the scars and starts getting the supplies, he needs to clean the incisions, from his human med bag that I only notice now.
 “I am going to disinfect the wound now, little spark. This may sting a little.”
 Hissing as the alcohol-soaked cotton ball hit my wounds was the only thing I could really do, with the firm grip Optimus and Ratchet had. I couldn’t escape or really move my limbs, though I weirdly didn’t feel trapped, it felt comfortable, it felt safe. After cleaning up the wounds, Ratchet put some ointment onto aid in the healing process and started wrapping up the arm, while continuing to hold my arm in the strong hold. Ratchet took a deep vent, a human custom he adopted. And raised his helm util his optics met my eyes.
 “These incisions are very clean, like they were created with a sharp object under the intension to cause harm.”
“A sharp object like a knife or a razor blade.”
 That sentenced from Optimus made me look up, only to see his gaze on a small metal object in his left servo that had previously held my head. I paled and try to escape only to realize Optimus had tighten his grip around my mid-section and Ratchet held my arm the same way Optimus held my mid-riff. Atop my legs were trapped between Ratchets thigh guards. It was clear that they both did this before and had no intension of letting me run away again.
 “No no, let me go. Please I won’t do it again I swear. Just please.”
 In hindsight I also could have tried to move a brick wall and would have been more successful. But in that moment my flight reflex complex was in full motion. Ratchet took that moment to ask the dreaded question.
 “Little Spark did you do it? We are not mad or disappointed, we won’t scream or judge you.”
“But we need to know if you hurt yourself, little archivist. We want to help but we can only do so if you let us.”
“You are important to us, we don’t…can’t lose you. Please talk to us.”
 Hearing their concern, I hesitantly looked up to see their optics on me. Fear and sadness edged onto both of their faceplates. Seeing the always confident leader of the Autobots and the consistently guarded medic be this vulnerable for me. They cared for me, the one always over, the third wheel made, the back-up friend, made me break. For the first time in a long time, I opened up to someone, let someone see my heart, see me. Not the carefully crafted persona made to please everyone. No, I showed them the real me the shattered person that fixed themselves with all-purpose glues and duct-tape. I always was pretty ugly when I cried.
As my crying ebbed down into silent little sobs and I realize my surroundings. I find myself in a hug, surrounded by warmth and seeing parts of an orange-white shoulder pad. Slowly the shoulder pad moved back to reveal a chassis with a helm and a face plate with a look of love, care and relief.
 “Now little spark, I say you need a good recharge, doctors’ orders.”
 I heard Optimus chuckle, at Ratchets attempt to hide his as he calls it “soft side”, as he lifts me up and into his arms. Causing me to yelp and latch onto Optimus due to the sudden movement. Causing another chuckle from Optimus and a small smirk from Ratchet.
 “I agree with him you need rest, little archivist. Besides I don’t think it is wise to go against a medic’s orders. Especially Ratchets”
“Can I get that in writing.”
 I couldn’t help myself and smiled, it was small and a little shaky, but it was real, the first one in a long time, that wasn’t forced. Turning back to his original size ratchet took Optimus with me in his arms into his servo and moved out of the medbay.
 “Where are we headed?”
“To our hab suite little spark. Because besides you there is another bot that hasn’t recharged in a few decacycles and desperately needs to shut down.
 Said bot kept quiet and didn’t acknowledge the hint Ratchet gave. Continuing the journey to the bot’s quarters while surrounded by Optimus warmth and with the gentle movement of Ratchet, my eyes felt heavy, and I couldn’t contain my yawning. The Adrenalin is probably leaving my body. Fighting against the exhaustion seemed useless as I grew more tired from minute to minute. Until sleep claimed me and I fell asleep in the arms of Optimus.
Feeling a sudden weigh on his shoulder the Prime carefully moved his helm to see their little human deep in recharge on in his arms. Feeling a small smile make his way onto his faceplate as he carefully readjusted his grip on the small human.
 -Ratchet it seems our little sparkmate, didn’t make it to our berth to fall into recharge. -
Ratchets gaze fell upon his Counjux to see the little human, in his arms, indeed had felt into recharge.
 -Well, are you surprised, after everything that happened today. I am just disappointed we didn’t notice it earlier. Then they wouldn’t have to suffer today. Who knows how long they already had to deal with this on their own. –
 Feeling the blame Ratchet put on himself through their spark bond. Optimus looked up to his Conjux.
 -Not you or I are to blame for not this. Though the situation my be dire it is good we have found out now before worse could happen. Now we are able to help, able to stand beside them to fight of their inner demons. –
-Always the poet, Optimus. But enough of the sentimental their will be more than enough time for that in the future. For now it’s time for recharge, both of you desperately need it. –
 Seeing they arrived at their shared hab suite. They end their commlink conversation, as Ratchet carefully deposits them on the berth. Optimus carefully lays the sleeping human in his arms down, before changing back to his original size and laying himself next to his conjux. Taking their little human between them. They share a little kiss before powering down to the sound of two sparks and a drumming heart.
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woolandcoffee · 6 months
We've reached the part of the family vacation where my sister and I are both sitting at our work laptops swearing under our breath at work emails.
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ohhappyday123 · 7 days
Office Dynamics - Part 9: Boredom and Bonding
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The next day, the office was abuzz with the usual morning chatter as everyone settled in for a new day. You were at your desk, catching up on emails, when Michael's voice came over the intercom.
"Everyone, conference room! We've got a special presentation today. Let's move it, people!"
You exchanged a knowing glance with Jim, who was already rolling his eyes. "Another one of Michael’s 'special' presentations, huh?" he muttered.
You chuckled, grabbing your notepad and pen. "Looks like it. Let’s see what he has in store for us this time."
As everyone filed into the conference room, you noticed Tori, the new intern, setting up a PowerPoint presentation. She looked eager and a little nervous, which wasn’t surprising given the somewhat chaotic environment of Dunder Mifflin.
You and Jim found seats next to each other near the back, ready to endure whatever Michael had planned. Pam gave you a sympathetic smile as she took her seat across the room, while Dwight sat front and center, poised and ready to take notes.
Michael clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. "Okay, everyone, settle down. Today, Tori is going to give a presentation on improving office efficiency. I expect everyone to listen carefully and take notes. This is important stuff."
Tori started her presentation with a nervous smile. "Good morning, everyone. Today, I'll be talking about strategies to improve our office efficiency, focusing on time management, organization, and workflow optimization."
As she droned on about time management techniques and color-coded filing systems, you felt your attention slipping. You glanced over at Jim, who was doodling in his notebook. He caught your eye and leaned over, whispering, "Who knew there were so many ways to organize paper clips?"
You stifled a giggle, whispering back, "I think we might need an efficiency plan just to get through this presentation."
Jim snorted quietly, causing Pam to glance over and smile knowingly. Just then, Michael shot you both a stern look. "Hey, keep it professional back there. This is serious business."
You and Jim straightened up, trying to look attentive. Tori continued, oblivious to the minor disruption. "Now, let’s talk about the benefits of a clean desk policy. A clutter-free workspace can significantly increase productivity..."
As Tori’s voice became a monotonous drone, you felt your eyelids growing heavy. You fought to stay awake, but the combination of the warm room and Tori's soothing, albeit dull, voice was too much. Before you knew it, you had leaned over, resting your head on Jim's shoulder, and drifted off to sleep.
Interview with Y/N: “I didn’t mean to fall asleep during Tori’s presentation. It was just... really boring. And Jim’s shoulder was surprisingly comfortable.”
Jim glanced down at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. He shifted slightly to make sure you were comfortable without waking you up. Pam noticed and shot Jim an amused look, mouthing, "So cute."
Jim rolled his eyes good-naturedly but couldn’t hide the warmth in his expression. He gently took your notepad and started doodling little cartoons on the margins, glancing occasionally at Tori’s presentation to make sure he wasn’t missing anything crucial.
Interview with Jim: “Y/N fell asleep on my shoulder during the meeting. It was adorable. And honestly, it made the presentation a lot more bearable.”
After what felt like an eternity, Tori finally wrapped up her presentation. "And that concludes my talk on improving office efficiency. Thank you for your attention."
Michael clapped enthusiastically, trying to rally the room. "Great job, Tori! That was very informative. Let’s all give her a round of applause."
The rest of the office joined in half-heartedly, relieved that the presentation was over. You stirred at the sound of applause, realizing where you were and quickly sitting up, embarrassed.
"Sorry, did I miss anything important?" you whispered to Jim, who was grinning.
"Just the thrilling conclusion about the benefits of a clean desk policy," he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You groaned softly, rubbing your eyes. "I owe you one for not letting me sleep through the whole thing."
Jim shrugged, his smile widening. "Anytime. You looked like you needed it."
Interview with Pam: “Y/N falling asleep on Jim's shoulder was the highlight of the meeting. They’re just so comfortable with each other. It’s really sweet to see.”
As everyone filed out of the conference room, Michael approached you and Jim, looking slightly concerned. "Y/N, you seemed a little out of it during the presentation. Everything okay?"
You nodded, still a bit groggy. "Yeah, Michael. Just didn’t get much sleep last night. Sorry about that."
Michael softened, patting you on the shoulder. "No worries. Just try to get some rest. We need you at your best."
You smiled, grateful for his understanding. "Thanks, Michael. I will."
The rest of the day passed in a blur of typical office activities, but there was a lingering sense of camaraderie and light-heartedness from the morning’s events. Pam and you found a moment to chat at her desk, still giggling about the meeting.
"So, you and Jim are getting pretty close," Pam teased, her eyes sparkling.
You blushed, shrugging. "Yeah, I guess we are. It’s nice."
Pam nodded, her smile widening. "You two make a great team. Both in and out of the conference room."
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you. "Thanks, Pam. That means a lot."
Interview with Y/N: “Today was a bit embarrassing, but it also reminded me how great it is to have supportive friends like Jim and Pam. Even in the most boring meetings, we manage to find a way to make it fun.”
As the day drew to a close, Jim walked you to your car, his hand brushing yours in a familiar and comforting gesture. "So, dinner tonight? My treat. Consider it a reward for surviving Tori's presentation."
You smiled, feeling a flutter of excitement. "Sounds perfect. But only if I can stay awake this time."
Jim laughed, opening your car door for you. "Deal."
Interview with Jim: “Days like today remind me how much I enjoy spending time with Y/N. Even the most mundane parts of the job are better with her around.”
As you drove away, you felt a sense of contentment and anticipation for the evening ahead. Life at Dunder Mifflin was full of surprises, but with Jim by your side and the support of your friends, you were ready for whatever came next.
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neodreamzenie · 1 year
Mafia Member j.jh SERIES
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Mafia Member pt. 13
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Wc: 1.1k Warnings: Relationship pain, mention of killing Genre: Fluff, angst
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Jaehyun P.O.V
I was sitting in my room looking at the necklace, I gave Y/n, the whole time. She threw it at me before leaving my room. When suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I knew for sure that it was Rosé. "Leave my room Rosè. I don't want to see you here." "Well, sorry, but I'm not Rosé." I heard Taeyong say. "Why would you cheat on Y/n?" He continued. "How do you know about that?" "The Dreamies." "Well, it all started when you guys were on the mission. I couldn't come along because I was in bed because of the injury, right? So I was just laying there and didn't do anything until Rosé came i my room. She came over to my bed and just kissed me all of a suden. I of course tried to push her away but since both my arms are injured I had no choice but to give up and at that moment Y/n came in and yelled at us." "So she thinks you cheated on her, but you didn't?" "Exactly. I wanted to explain it to her, but she doesn't want to hear it."
"Well, the Dreamies just let me know that the Rosé is planning on killing us, which is probably the reason for why she's here. She wants to start with you, so you better look out." "Okay. But can't we just take her out of the group?" "I'll think about it. If I can't decide, I'll call everyone for a meeting." "Okay, but could you help me with Y/n, maybe?" "I'll tell Chenle about it, since she probably won't listen to me either." I gave him a hug and started crying again. He wrapped his arms around me, tightly and calmed me down a bit. "Everything will be fine, I'll help you, but I have to go now."
Chenle P.O.V
Taeyong had called me out to the office through our speakers, wich were connected to the mic on his desk and spread all around the house. We had about 30 of them. So I went to his office and now I waited for him to start speaking. "So I just talked to Jaehyun, he told me he didn't cheat on Y/N." "How do you know that's true?" "Chenle, I've lived with him since we were little. I know when he's lying and when he's not. Especially since he's really not good at lying." "I know just as well that my sister wouldn't lie." He told me everything from Jaehyun's point of view and my eyes widened at the words he spoke. "Okay, now I really don't want her in the group anymore. For fuck's sake, she can't do anything right, now can she?" "Good luck teaching her that." Taeyong said, before I nodded and quickly left his office.
Jaehyun P.O.V
Chenle and the Dreamies came into my room and knocked. Jaemin: "We want to help you out about Y/n." Taeyong always knew damn well how to do his job. After what's been a good two hours, Taeyong came into the room and asked us how things were going. "Oh god, that's a lot of stuff. I really wonder how much you guys plan to spend on the proposal…" He stated.
"Hey guys! What are you doing?" Rosé asked us, while we were already preparing everything downstairs in the livingroom. Jaehyun and the Dreamies skillfully ignored her while the others were too busy getting things ready for Y/n.
It was now three PM and the Dreamies were still getting ready while one of them went, to buy some more snacks. After he came back, he helped the others, so it got done pretty quickly. "I hope she will like it..."
Y/n P.O.V
You were in the room as always, until the Dreamies stormed in. They told you to come with them, but instead of you following them, they rather dragged you across the floor through the house. "No matter what comes next, don't go away, just try, okay?" Chenle said, as Jaehyun came towards you with a bouquet of roses. Your favorite ones, black ones. "You remember my favorite flowers?" "Of course. But now please follow me." He led you outside, behind the house. There was a small, white, yet see through tent set up with a path of rose petals and lit candles leading the way to it. "Did you do all that?" "Well, I had seven helping hands." "But why?" "What happened the day you broke up, it was all a misunderstanding."
As he explained what really had happened, tears slowly made their way down your cheeks, leaving little burning spots on them, here and there, as well as a salty taste on your lips. "I'm sorry, Jaehyun. I'm sorry I didn't let you explain what happened, I was being selfish and pathtic." "You shouldn't be sorry. I'm the culprit since I gave up pushing on pushing her away." The two of you went back inside after a while and the boys seemed to be eyeing you. But especially, they looked at your hands, which you had intertwined by now. "So you've cleared it up?" You simply nodded ignoring any further questions from the boys and just walked back to your room.
After Jaehyun and Taeyong have had a lot of talks on this in the past four days, they finally decided on having a team meeting, to vote about Rosé.
"I'll make it quick, because I'm freally not in the mood for a big discussion. I just need your opinions on whether Rosé should stay in the group or not." Taeyong introduced the reason behind the meeting to everyone roughly. "What?! That was you Y/n, wasn't it?!" "Even if it was me, you don't have a use in the group anyways. You're just a hurdle for us." "What?!" After taht,Renjun countered, "Are you deaf or can you just not hear facts?" "You too?! Did she brainwash you or what?" "Whoa just shut your goddamn shut up. The Dreamis and me, as well as Jaehyun and Y/n vote her out." Jeno shut her up. "Okay, anyone else?" "Well, she really was a bit useless on the team, she can't even do her solo missions by herself. How many times has she put us in danger by now?"
The others agreed with Doyoung and that made our decision. Rosé ran out of the room to pack her things. So after she had packed everything, she left the house and we were finally rid of her. "She's finally gone." Renjun said, but didn't think of the fact, Jeo reminded all of us about. "Just don't forget, she wants to kill us all." "Well, then we have to be prepared for everything in the near future. So I ask you to always have your weapons with you from now on. Have them attached to yourself all the time."
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unsc-offical · 9 months
Straight into hell
Chapter 2 part 3
Liam and the captain walked forward into the cafeteria
"my name's Reynolds. Cpt Reynolds. We started here with 29 people in this cafeteria. Most of them died during the securing of the surrounding halls hours ago. We payed for how fast we moved. You won't find a single person in this room to be very willing to strike up a conversation right now, so it's probably best to be quick. We have 2 civilian cooks in the kitchen you can see everyone else left in front of you. I'm going go back with Raymond and Amelia and take them back. Go make some friends. You'll need them."
Reynolds began walking away but then stopped before the door; "oh, once you've familialized yourself with the marines. Take Mable on a supply run to a nearby armoury. She needs to learn how to handle her weapon."
"who's Mable?" asked Liam
"the combat Engineer." Answered Reynolds.
"She looks like she's been in the core since I was born?" Liam confusedly stated
"nah, new recruit as of 12 hours ago. Anyway, Got to go." Reynolds said as he started jogging back to Raymond and Amelia.
Chapter 2 part 4
Liam approached the very shaky man first. Being back at their base seemed to do nothing to calm him.
"hey there. How are you, you seem understandably stressed, is there anything I can do to help?" Liam asked calmly, he had been around a lot of traumatized soldiers back when he was a medic piloting a medevac Pelican, and knew the guy probably needed someone to comfort him, so he sat down next to the marine to hear what he had to say.
The Marine broke into tears and Liam put an hand on his shoulder
"so many of them are gone" the marine said shakily through tears
"... we left Jess behind *sob* and he was my friend *sob* and now he's gone *sob* everyone I knew is gone *sob*"
The marine who was named Don cried into Liam's armor until Liam wrapped a blanket around him and got him to go to his bunk.
Liam went to go check on the medic and the very bandaged up marine.
"hey y'all. How are we feeling?" Liam asked
"besides the constant death close by and my very cut up body, pretty good. I try to be optimistic about our chances. And I've been injured worse many times before." Said the marine
"'names mark. You can call me mark, if you'd like. I'm the demolitions guy. And I accidentally demolished myself as well as a horde of the undead."
"nice to meet you. You should probably rest up soon after she finishes up here."
Liam looked over to the medic. "By the way, what's your nam-"
"I am Medical officer Orellios. Please leave my patient alone. He is good in my care."
"alright sorry I was just checking on our injured coworkers, I'll be on my way now."
Liam walked to the kitchen and two men stepped out. One looked like a stereotypical Italian New Yorker from the 2450's and the other looked like he had been serving on the ship for 50 years
"what can I get for ya?" The older one asked. "We got all the worst mre flavors. The red curry and pad Thai that is not at all red, spinach feta quiche that is not at all quiche shaped or feta tasting, we also have some taco pizza and breadsticks left but I'm saving those so we can have something good as our collective last meals. Hey Remy, do we got any pork ribs and cornbread left? I wouldn't feed the cornbread to a starving kitten let alone a mostly nurished guy with options but the pork ribs are better than the other options. That stuff may be supposed to be cornbread but I don't think it's anything like it. Anyway here's the pork ribs, fresh off the flame. Enjoy. Oh the name's rawb by the way. Been working as a cook here most of my life."
"rawb? What happened? You look like you've been through 8 tours in what, a week since I last saw you? It's Liam by the way." He said as he took off his helmet.
"good to see ya alive Liam. We'll talk more soon. Go eat up. I heard you're going on a supply run right after."
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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May 28, 1922 Abie the Agent by Harry Hershfield
TOP PANEL [ID: Abe sits at a long banquet table in the middle of a long line of guests. Every other guest is a uniformed police officer, and everyone sat between them (other than Abe) is a nervous-looking tough fellow. The cops look aloof. Abe looks overjoyed. /end]
MAIN COMIC [ID: Abe turns around in his swivel chair away from his rolltop desk to speak to his friend Bill. Bill sits opposite him in a wooden chair, holding out a ticket. Abe lights a cigarette. /end] Bill: ...and the boys of our Pastime Club is giving a swell blowout and you got to be there, Abe. I'm the big cheese. The president! Abe: Sure, Bill. I'll positivel attend.
[ID: Bill leaves and Abe turns back to his desk, puffing out smoke rings. /end] Abe: Noo, I'm trapped into it!!! I hate to get gemixed in with them tough affairs, but I got to stand in good with Bill. He's a rough feller, but big and honest! I'm good safe with him!!
[ID: Abe walks nervously into the Pastime Club, his hat and ticket in his hands. Everyone else in attendance is much taller and rather rough-looking with square jaws, facial scars and large blue ribbons pinned to their suit jackets. /end] Abe: A good evening, everybody!
[ID: Abe finds a quiet area of the party and turns around to consider the guests. A poster behind him reads, "Don't forget the 23rd. Dance and entertainment! PRIZES. Ladies, 20¢ - Gents, 10¢. /end] Abe: Oy, what a flock of guerrillas what is attending this banquet. I'm a nothing in their hands!!!
[ID: Bill approaches Abe and bends over, trying to soothe Abe's nerves. /end] Bill: Now don't worry, Abe. There'll be no crooked work while I'm on the job! Abe: I got heavy confidence in you, Bill!
[ID: Abe sits, his eyes turning away from his nose, between soused tough guys who start belting old drinking tunes off-key. /end] Soused Singer #1: 𝄞♫ Me mudder was a lady-y-y-y ♫ Soused Singer #2: 𝄞♫ East side, West side. ♫
[ID: Abe happily passes a heaping bowl of grapes across the table. While he's distracted, the man sitting next to him pickpockets his pocket watch. /end] Diner: Pass the grapes, cul! Abe: Sure. You want something else, maybe? Soused Singer #2: 𝄞♫ It's always fair wedder, when good fellers get togedder. ♫
[ID: Abe walks out of the dining room, furiously searching the pockets of his suit vest. Bill rushes up, concerned. /end] Abe: Gone!!! My watch is gone!!!!!! Bill: What's wrong, Abe???
Abe: Yes, Bill, I'm pretty sure it was the feller next to me, on mine left! Bill: The dirty crook. He can't pull no rough stuff like that and get away with it. So he copped your watch, eh? I'll get it back for you!!!!
[ID: Abe stands by a column wrapped with a festive garland, a boxing poster on the wall behind him. He nervously watches Bill go to work in the dining room. /end] Abe: He's a big, rough diamond, this Bill. He's different from the other toughers here! I hope he don't kill that crook on my account!!!!
[ID: Bill happily struts back up to Abe, holding out his pocket watch. /end] Bill: Well, here's your watch! Abe: What did he say?
Bill: Sh-h-h. Not so loud. He don't know I got it! [ID: Abe glares at Bill, unpleasantly stunned. /end]
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